[CTRL] Human Genome Business

2000-01-31 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Here is a write-up on an org you might want to keep track of or at least know
about...this is from the financial pages of the Net...interesting to me so
many Jewish people control this oneJudith

"HGSI" -- Stock Trading Symbol --

Business Summary

 Human Genome Sciences, Inc. researches and develops novel, proprietary
pharmaceutical and diagnostic products based on the discovery and
understanding of the medical utility of genes. Using automated,
high-throughput gene sequencing technology, the Company has generated a
collection of partial human gene sequences and now possesses one of the
largest proprietary databases of full-length human and microbial genes. The
Company has isolated and characterized several thousand full-length genes and
expressed and purified more than 250 potential therapeutic proteins. The
Company currently is developing two proteins, MPIF-1 and KGF-2, in phase II
clinical studies, evaluating additional therapeutic protein product
candidates in preclinical studies, and is developing a gene therapy treatment
for vascular disease based on VEGF-2 in collaboration with Vascular Genetics,
Inc. The Company increases its resources and capabilities by establishing
collaborations with pharmaceutical companies.

Financial Summary

 HGSI is engaged in research and development of novel proprietary
pharmaceutical and diagnostic products based on the discovery and
understanding of the medical utility of genes. For the nine months ended
9/30/99, revenues fell 13% to $23.7 million. Net loss rose from $10.6 million
to $24.2 million. Revenues reflect lower license fees and milestone payments.
Higher loss reflects higher research and development expenses related to the
start-up of the new production facility.
Officers [Insider Trade Data]

  FY1998 Compensation
 Pay Exer


William Haseltine, Ph.D., 54
Chairman, CEO $591K --
Steven Mayer, 45
Sr. VP and CFO --   --
Craig Rosen, Ph.D., 41
Exec. VP of R&D, Director 417K $119K
James Davis, Ph.D., 48
Sr. VP, Gen. Counsel and Sec. 289K --
Arthur Mandell, 46
Sr. VP, Corp. Devel. 279K --

Dollar amounts are as of 31-Dec-1998 and compensation values are for the
fiscal year ending on that date; "Pay" is salary, bonuses, etc.; "Exer" is
the value of options excercised during the fiscal year.

More from Market Guide: Highlights -Performance - Ratio Comparisons

Statistics at a Glance -- NasdaqNM:HGSI As of 28-Jan-2000
Price and Volume
52-Week Low
on 23-Feb-1999 $28.75
Recent Price $191.125
52-Week High
on 24-Jan-2000 $241.00
Beta 1.23
Daily Volume (3-month avg) 560.6K
Daily Volume (10-day avg) 1.19M
Stock Performance

big chart [1d | 5d | 3mo | 1yr | 2yr | 5yr | max]
52-Week Change +472.7%
52-Week Change
relative to S&P500 +438.9%
Share-Related Items
Market Capitalization $4.42B
Shares Outstanding 23.1M
Float 14.6M
Dividends & Splits
Annual Dividend none
Last Split none
 Per-Share Data
Book Value (mrq) $8.02
Earnings (ttm) -$1.61
Earnings (mrq) -$0.42
Sales (ttm) $1.14
Cash (mrq) $12.18
Valuation Ratios
Price/Book (mrq) 23.84
Price/Earnings N/A
Price/Sales (ttm) 168.03
Income Statements
Sales (ttm) $26.1M
EBITDA (ttm) -$37.7M
Income available to common (ttm) -$36.8M
Profit Margin N/A
Operating Margin N/A
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year Ends Dec 31
Most recent quarter 30-Sep-1999
 Management Effectiveness
Return on Assets (ttm) -13.19%
Return on Equity (ttm) -18.51%
Financial Strength
Current Ratio (mrq) 18.28
Debt/Equity (mrq) 0.69
Total Cash (mrq) $288.6M
Short Interest
As of 8-Dec-1999
Shares Short 1.93M
Percent of Float 13.2%
Shares Short
(Prior Month) 1.63M
Short Ratio 6.34
Daily Volume 304.0K

See Profile Help for a description of each item above;   K = thousands;   M =
millions;   B = billions;   mrq = most-recent quarter;   ttm = trailing
twelve months;   (as of 30-Sep-1999)

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content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These

Re: [CTRL] [MC] Possession and Black Magic

1999-12-29 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


About possession -- I have some thoughts on this.  I feel you may be wrong
Marcel -- the possession may be very voodou-ish.  However, I look at this
thing differently too in ways -- as I am a strong believer in the fact that
"they" (whether voodou cult or other satanic cult or Crowley satanic cult or
good ole boys cult,ie., freemason ilk, ) -- no matter which group may have
targeted and is using the person, they seem to employ the same CIA-early on,
weapons - buddies - psycho-drugs - and usurping of victim's resources as all
usually victims usually relate to.  The reason I say it may be very voodouish
-- is that all the elements really do point to this I know.  And, pardon my
anger, not directed towards Blacks NOT affiliated with the Company (CIA) and
in the pimp realm.  This info comes from my experience knowing an
international paramilitary group ("Arian") for a year -- the paramilitary
group I knew USED black CIA contacts and black front men to stalk, stage
extended victim residence assaults, they used black guys to handle physical
mind control programming sessions, they used black people in hospitals to
harm victims and guard them in the facilities -- they used black nurses and
orderlies to bring in implant stuff and take out body organ material to other
places (unknown).  Blacks were VERY involved in the staging of mind control
victim's assaults -- VERY involved.  They were seen by neighbors outside my
residence stalking it as major chemical violence erupted against me in 1994 -
1995 -- they assaulted me physically IN my residence for a full year -- and
yet, I had a good black friend from the Bronx come to my aide at one point
too -- someone I had trusted 7 years.

But, back to voodou -- a great deal about Haitian and other Caribbean rituals
fits the sort of assaults these victims encounter.  The Caribbean rituals of
Santeria are the overarching rituals which set the stage for mind control
assaults and the CIA was studying these early on in the 40s, I believe
according to G. Thomas.  Santeria has two forms of magic -- white-black or
black-black.  The black-black is the more malign and intensely
chaotic-violent form -- a death format.  Ruthless psychological take-overs of
their beings by outsiders -- is part of the possession stuff.  Of course most
of this possession stuff could be accomplished with drugs.  And a great deal
could be accomplished with implants and remote-feeds into them.

I remember 3 years ago doing this extensive look at Santeria -- realizing
that this stuff fit mind control victim's scenarios and only recently
re-visiting it, believing that it was still very relevant.  Santeria is the
basis of New Orleans voodou cult workings, realize.  And torture is the
underlying precept to the sexual nature of murder.

Some mind control victims are probably linked through implants on telepathy
feeds to creatures of the deep and humans who LIKE the frequency sends OFF Of
the implants -- this may be sexual for them -- so victims may wind up
tortured so that the creatures (human or not) get the good feelings.  This is
the principal behind "snuff videos" -- they use badly implanted victims in
horrendously painful deaths (using chain saws, etc.) on them -- and the
"sends" off of the implants s these victims die is sexual for the person
watching the video.  See Videodrome film.  All of this may well be part of
the Caribbean ritual system  -- the implants (some of which may be organic
and have been used for centuries, others may be of exotic materials) -- and
may have been used in Africa and Europe, as well as throughout N.A. --
brought over by slaves.  Then distributed throughout Caribbean.  Santeria
goes back at least 150 years, past that I am not sure.  While mixed with
elements of Christianity -- it was not originally probably ever originally
connected to this religion, but pagan in origin, as my research says.

--  The CIA, it appears -- founded its horrendously psychotic drug image
-- upon that of black pimps -- who were USING the Santeria cult's secretive
drugs and some of these mind control tactics (later mixed probably with
Chinese brainwashing and Nazi brainwashing tactics) for crowd control and
victim control.  Pimps were probably using implants as ways to own and
control prostitutes they coveted.  But once the CIA saw the clandestine drugs
(NOT narcotics but obcession drugs, control drugs, hallucinogens, and sex
drugs -- like steroids) that cults had access to, and the money people would
pay for this stuff on the outside to set up their lives, the CIA saw a huge,
and consistent income as well as a control network upon which to build their
empire.  In this vein, probably a whole new crime syndicate evolved after
WWII -- maybe much earlier -- even around revolutionary war times -- in U.S.
Blacks may have been enslaved in fact because of their personal "possession"
of the devil, as whites perceived this early on.  And enslaved by white
society because elements in the 

[CTRL] About Ryes

1999-12-31 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


I was glancing through "Catcher in the Rye" -- and looked up the definition
of "rye" -- which is of course about at first the grain known esp. to Jews.
The second definition, however, brings up other possibilities -- "2.  a
gentlemen's gypsy."  I could attempt to open this one up -- but will leave it
as a possibility that the gypsy refers to someone being used in the
wares-implant games for drug payoffs by a pimp -- the sort of pimp which
frequents "good ole' boys" establishments?  My best, Judith

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Best 1999 QUOTES/Bearing Witness

1999-12-31 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


I have two quotes here which I appreciated a great deal about the fall -- and
I may be partly paraphrasing but perhaps you will enjoy these:

FROM RICHIE HAVENS at the REAL Woodstock revival in August, 1999 (Haven's
opened the original Woodstock with that fantastic blues-guitar rendition of
"Freedom"): :

"As I stand here today, it was 30 years ago that we first met for
Woodstock and I remember then we KNEW then that the establishment was wrong
--- here it is 30 years later and the establishment is STILL WRONG..."  RH


(September, 1999):  "Fervant nationalism is a great evil to humanity."

My hope for the millineum is that all these thousands of people who have died
in the satanic wars waging in this country since 1950 will FINALLY come home
to us, we will know that these wars are finally televised (thank you Gil Scot
Heron) and that the martyr memorials are REALLY being built and that we can
finally stop moarning clandestinely, and realize that the federal govt & its
plastic Santy CLaus (i.e. Uncle Sam & The CIA & The FBI) are exposed AT LAST.
 At last, the country will be able to move on to the next plain -- with the
eels and creatures from deep who are strangling humanity from within.

IF we do not unwrest these real horrors, we really will never ever move on
past 1975.  When the country did close down when Nixon took the fall for
Watergate.  We will not regain our dignity, we will not regain our artistry,
we will not regain leaders of any note, we will not have poets, we will not
see generations which have people in them to lead up into a greater human
place.  We will remain immoble, horrendously controlled from the inside out
-- imploding in place.

The millineum will not erase the work which is stil yet to be done and proven
to cleanse mankind.  NO one can tolerate watching the slow torture of others
in their nieghborhoods -- absolutely no one.  The next line of reasoning is
that you are next -- understand IF YOU DON'T BEAR WITNESS.   We desperately
need witnesses -- more and more and more and more and more and more and more
of em.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Twilight Zone Revisited

2000-01-01 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


Three summers ago, just after the 4th of July, I wound up in a CIA dousing of
chemicals which were hallucinogens.  Bad ones.  This probably was a heavy
dosing of LSD or something similar -- I have even considered BZ because I was
so zoned out for so long -- weeks.  Then I was in my mid-40s, I wasn't taking
drugs at all.  I was a professional with a successful career, 9 to 5er.  Out
of a large backlog of memories at this time, stands out one amazing drugged
evening -- about July 8th.  Which was heightened probably by (and I do
believe it even today) satellite feeds as I was accessed by probably some
doufus intelligence agency or the military.

I witnessed amazing scenes during a 5 day driving trip I took throughout the
northeast.  The last night, as I was heading back home from the Ohio area, I
wound up outside the Philly area at midnight, about 50 miles out on a strange
small stretch of backwoods highway as I looked for the turnpike.  I ran out
of gas.  It was midnight.  As I pulled off pretty much alone, there were NO
street lights out there -- the road was empty at first and it was cold,
forests around the highway, no exits in sight.  I waited, waited, waited --
as the traffic began to increase.  And huge semis seemed to come out of
nowhere.  My car shook badly as they sped 90 MPH past me.  Nobody stopped.
Time dragged on.  I got thirsty.  I waited.  By 2 AM I fell asleep.  I awoke
at 3:30 AM, frightened as the semis kept blasting past me.  I felt in danger.
 In the pitch blackness of the night, no moon even, I got out of the car,
began waving my hands at the traffic which was weird as heck to be out there
then.  They honked, but nobody stopped.  I walked.  For 1/2 mile -- I walked
-- getting more and more scared all the time.  Suddenly I began singing The
Stones' "Emotion Rescue."  Drums and all, I just began singing it to beat the
band.  And I called outloud the name of an old boyfriend of mine -- from way
back -- his name, kinda pissed, I said you'd better get help.

Low and behold.  Whoa.  A system suddenly appeared to rally around me.  I
have never seen anything like it to this day.  Amazing grace.  Unreal.  The
TWLIGHT ZONE UNFOLDED.  VOILA.  Unbelieveable.  WAY out on that stretch of
the wrong side of the track.  MAN these people have ears.  Within 1-2 minutes
this tow truck swept into me, this affiable blonde tall bony guy driving it,
picked me up with smiles.  The guy spoke this weird language.  Part English,
part something else (twlight zone-paramilitary talk).  This language is not a
joke.  I heard it spoken with the paramilitary guys I got to know in 1993 --
1994, I heard it spoken with these strange reptile guys who rented an apt
near me, I heard it spoken on rare occasion on the streets of NYC -- NO this
language really does exist -- strange new stuff possibly from the
underground.  Well-- this was one of em.  He asked me some of this language's
questions -- I had no idea, I shook my head and smiled at him.  He took me to
the next exit, where there was this sterile, removed tollbooth with a strange
looking w hostile guy in it.  THe tow truck dropped me off a ways away --
from this guy.  I told him I needed a lift to a filling station.  I noticed
this perfect RED "MOTEL" sign flashing in the distance.  I waited in the
tollbooth bathroom area for the next lift.  Another truck arrived 30 min
later, we went back to car.  The guy gave me gas.  Again he didn't really
speak English -- he was short, dark skinned, quiet guy.  Charged me twice --
got his tip.  But nice guy.  The next thing, I was at this same exit, looking
for a station.  Sure enough, the THIRD underground helper arrived.  OUt s of
the blue, it was nearly sunrise, mind you -- this ONE dark-skinned small guy
was sitting on a stool at this one filling station, waiting for me, as I
drove up -- 4:30 AM -- keep in mind.  The scene was amazing again.  The town
was empty, totally black except for this one dude sitting on the stool, under
a lamp by the gas tank.  Just like Twilight Zone stuff.  Just like ALL of
these men -- and every step was perfectly timedwhoa.  These guys were
turning up out of the blue, perfectly placed, ready to serve.  Amazing pull
this ole boyfriend of mine had -- I will say.  Just amazing.  I was

I got my gas.  Thanked him profusely -- and I noticed his English wasn't that
good either.  What I DID notice about all three of these helper men, was that
they really did have similar qualities which I began to attribute to those
living in the underground. All of them had problem HANDS.  And I saw that
parts of their hands were harmed -- they had lost parts of the bones or

Same thing was true for this ole boyfriend of mine.  He too had seemed to
loose parts of his hands...

My conclusion is two fold -- the people in the underground apparently do hear
telepathy feeds and they can help.  They also DO use an underground language.
 They probably ARE dealing with ergot poi

[CTRL] About MC and Green Cheese

2000-01-09 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


I was just putting together in my mind some details about green chemicals and
conspiracy theories, research.  The following info and connections I was
putting together, towards the theory that Intel agencies are using highly
intelligent forms of rats - mice or gophers to MC people and assault them.
These unusual animals may live, thrive in electro-magnetic fields which
remain somewhat invisible to the naked eye (possibly visible with infra-red
night vision goggles - in use I know by some paramilitary) due to the use of
not only the EMF fields, but the use of specialized green chemicals too.
This is a THEORY mind you.  But the notion came about because of the
following possibilities:

1) GREEN GAS SURROUNDED PHILLY SHIP   The Navy's Philadelphia ship which
disappeared from 1943 - 1983 was reportedly seen last as it disappeared from
the Philly shipyard in a smoke of some "green chemical" -- according to
observers of it then.  The ship's mates reportedly became deranged later.

2) GREEN SUBSTANCE IN MC VICTIMS HOMES  Unknown "green greasy chemicals" have
been seen coming out of my sinks and bathtub basins since I hav endured crime
syndicate assaults since 1993.  Intel agencies may be using a chemical in the
plumbing systems of victim's homes to control or eliminate people's

3) GREEN GAS IN ASIA TIED TO MIND CONTROL   A green gas or substance was
reportedly seen in the upper, northern Korean area of Manchuria -- when
American prisoners of war were marched through the area in the early 50s --
these men reportedly lost their memories, could not remember what happened to
them as they passed through this mist.  This I read reported by John Marks in
his well received, In Search of the Manchurian Candidate.  This area or
region of Asia is cited as the REASON the term "Manchurian Candidate" came
about -- the connection to some phenomena in Asia or that region is how these
victims of Intel agency work came to be called this.  Marks'  account is in a
footnote.  Many victims, BTW, have mentioned to me that there is an Oriental
element in this whole mess -- and I have known MC victims to mention that
Orientals have wound up in their stalking wars (along with human hybrids and
reptilian-sorts of people).

real elements in em.  The moon is made of green cheese -- may have some
element of realism -- perhaps like the wares fishes, which materialize from
the atmosphere -- this green invisible-memory stalling drug may come from
on-high to some degree.  OR from the underground - caves, tunnels, etc.

Any other thoughts about the amazing green chemicals Intel agents may be
using on innocent people, are appreciated

My best, Judith

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] About Northern NJ & MC Victims

2000-01-20 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


By Judith ABR


This article is prompted by a scenario I witnessed occur from 1991 - 1993
in northern New Jersey.  The names used here are real.  The people are real.
The situations I describe here I witnessed first-hand.  None of these victims
however have identified themselves as victims of "mind control"
organizations, cults or crime syndicates, thus what is described here is what
this author witnessed concerning these people's lives and conclusions she has
drawn from these situations.  All of these people, this author now believes,
were brutalized by crime syndicates using the most heinous of weaponry –
implants and electronic frequency weapons and all lived on this one
particular floor of this exclusive apartment building.  This is one account,
among probably many many thousands in the United States, which probably
occurred during this time period and remains unaccounted for in the annals of

Judith ABR

In September of 1990 I moved from a studio apartment in lower Manhattan
to a small, quaint, hip and wealthy New Jersey city not far away.  My salary
had doubled that year, I was a published author and administrator working 9
to5 in a well known national arts institution.  I wanted a much nicer
personal apartment space than the one room apartment I had in Little Italy
and I found one.  This was a super top floor duplex with a small real
fireplace and a nice second floor balcony overlooking a distant view of
Manhattan's skyline.  I was only 30 minutes from Wall Street via subway and
it was pricey.  The apartment building was one of the nicest in the area too
and expensive because it had a 24 hour doorman.  But, as I moved in I also
noticed a lot of apartments being vacated, the place had a large turn-around
rate and it was very big – something like 400 apartments in the huge entire
block building.

What began to occur next was a lot of superficial details.  But later
they added up.  And I later began to realize that this building was haunted
by a crime syndicate which was really doing some bad damage to residents
there.  And among others I too was being used by syndicates.  It wasn't until
I left the apartment building that I realized how much.

MARY  When I first moved into the apartment I met a Jewish single girl
named Mary L.  She was having problems – always agitated, she complained of
all this white powder accumulating for unknown reasons in her apartment
daily.  Mary was having personal problems, so was her small Jewish brother
living in a totally blackened studio apartment in Manhattan.  Mary moved to
another town, moved into a run-down apartment and tried to adopt three kids.
Mary was a bright journalist with a budding career – writing for well know
publications but living on her own.   Mary had constant problems after
leaving this apartment building and wound up giving up the kids I believe.
She bought for a time a house but I believe it never quite worked out.  I
don't know what happened to her.

JEREMY  The residents around me used in these vicious games included a
late 30-something English guy named Jeremy – married to a very beautiful
Phillipino woman a few years his younger.  Jeremy was a highly successful
woman's clothing designer affiliated with a very well known national mail
order catalog.  Jeremy traveled to Europe twice a year for fashion/design
shows and made a salary nearly in the six figures.  At the time this was very
high and he was at the height of his career as one of only two designers with
the firm.  Jeremy came from San Francisco and had somehow run into some
problem there.  He said he had an intestinal condition which would not clear
up, they wound up calling it Crones' disease and he had had an operation or
two prior to coming to NJ for it.  In late 1992, suddenly Jeremy became worse
and had to have another operation for this.  He was embittered, he was angry,
his body too was sort of electric/magnetic.  He didn't seem to like women,
but he was dating a Black girl and this was ending his marriage.  His wife,
meantime, was dating a Black guy, a well known jazz piano player with a known
jazz group which traveled frequently to Europe.

I remember Jeremy taking great interest and pleasure in my antique fine
condition 60s Volvo – it was a pretty car and one which he admired.  Jeremy
warned me to be careful of doctors and "not get into surgery" – "especially
you," he said.  This was just as he was going into surgery.  The surgery
didn't go well – only 38 years old – the guy was deteriorating – and more
electric.  My take now is that he was further getting implanted and being
used in wares games syndicate stories.  The crime elements weren't stopping.
They may have chased him into NJ from CA, but they

Re: [CTRL] [MC] About Northern NJ & MC Victims

2000-01-22 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

About Lynn's points -- they were that 1) Catholics appear to be controlling
political forces in NZ now and that they appear to be a negative force, 2)
Jewish names appear to be people used in these white slavery-drug procurement
exercises which mind control victims seem to be caught in the middle of.  Yes
to both points.  I wrote theory articles a couple of years ago on the name
game with victims -- MOST victims names begin with "C" or "J" or A or S.  I
began to theorize that child designated by cults for use in these human
slavery games are implanted, give names especially like Christine, Kathy,
Judith, Anne, Steve, Stephanie, Jim, Joe, Candy, etc...because cults like
symbolism, their nature, I theorized that the names related to Christian
themes -- Christ, Jesus, Archangel, and Savior.  I also theorized that these
children may be cult-clones -- in part and conceived underground, birthed by
above-ground mommies -- children of deception, adoptees, from the
underground.  They may be blood children, clones of two or more people or of
a designated breeder in the community in which the breeder lives. They may be
clones of family members who are dead.  They may be -- whatever...the cult's
protocols are -- and if it is a satanic cult that owns the victim, then their
protocols wound apply.  Secondly -- these possible clones may also be related
to the Merovigian bloodlines, the supposed Irish bloodlines of Christ.  So
these kids are sought after by people who want bloodlined children.  And a
whole underground world may be operating this reproductive scheme...even as
far back as 1940 and George Viereck's writings (he was the British double spy
working with Intel agencies -- ) he was quoting seemier elements he ran into
as talking at length about "blood babies" -- obviously clonning was going on
pre-1940 anyway.  Nazis may have been pushing their Arian agendas down
people's thoats, using cult's special hormone drugs and health drugs to force
a controlled blonde race.  Jews may have been using clonning going way back
-- too as a method of preserving their race, esp. the Hassidics.  All of this
may have been hush-hush unless you were married and informed.  What about the
brithing the baby in the public toilet routine???  I believe that these may
be either children of incest or are clonned babies that these women may not
want to raise..women may be getting abortions too if they suspect that the
child isn't their own.

But, back to Catholics -- according to M. Rieslings' excellent book on the
history of the CIA and FBI, (hard to get BTW, short edition of this book was
put out) "Wedge" -- 90% of FBI agents ARE Catholic.  The Catholic coven-cults
protect people well, very well, and people stick to em.  But, if you hear
"Catholic," THINK FBI agent.  This could go for your NZ public officials too.
 They may be Intel connected.  Nearly all of Manhattan is Catholic
controlled, Mafia controlled -- 26 families there handling things -- say some
contacts of mine.  And this rings true, a pizza parlor on every single block
-- and an Irish pub on every block.  And Italian restaurants everywhere are
handling this thing -- nearly every Manhattan neighborhood is now Mafia
controlled.  Although the upper west side has a lot of Jews (esp.
psychotherapists...man, thousands of em) and the upper  east side is the
Protestant, Anglo-Saxon groups of huge wealth, still the Italians control,
clandestinely probably all the street activity & wares games going on there,
along with Black pimps working with Intel agencies.

What seems to escape mc victims is the notion that these seemier, satanic
cult guys exist -- and that they really may have hybrid-humans amongst them.
These really may be people-animals who were DNA experimentations or people
who are part ET DNA.  These people do exist I now believe and are living
amongst us.  Most often they are very homely, dressed to look like women but
may be men.  Wrongly categorized as transvestites, they may not be at all,
but are actually new cultures emerging clandestinely because of the
controversial nature of who they really are.  Black cultures have known about
these people for a very long time and worked with em, got involved with em,
began using their technologies and specialized drugs for money.  Then CIA got
involved with em, because there was so much in money to be made, I now
believe.  But we really have to look a lot closer at who we are seeing in
public now -- these new people are all around us.  Warhol's Factory included
ET clones -- and other strange hybrid people in it.  Scorsase is the only
director I know of to actually film this underworld at work -- in VERY brave
films including definitely Good Fellas -- you see how the Mafia is parleying
it's bread story intermingling with the Reptiods...always portrayed as "the
girlfriends"...of.  Reptoids and hybrids have one particular element in
common physically -- they are humans with quite l

[CTRL] About Space Travel

2000-01-23 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


I dug out one of my old HS yearbooks -- it was 1968, I was living in the
western-midwest at the time in a city of about 200,000.  My HS boyfriend,
Paul S., and I had been together nearly 1/12 years steadily.  We were an item
back then, he was a tall thin lanky sandy haired visual artist, later turned
landscape architect.  In the yearbook I have marked" reserved" for his
comments and the last part of this I wanted to share with you -- as another
sort of ET theory about those in control of humanity:

In May 1968 Paul wrote:

"Judy remember -- ' Zadig directed his course by the stars.  The
constellation of Orion and the splendid dogstars, guided his steps toward the
pole of Campia.  He admired those vast globes of light which appear to our
eyes as so many little sparks, while the earth which in reality is only an
imperrceptable point in nature, appear to our fond imaginations as something
so grand and noble.  He then represented to himself the human species, as it
really is, as a parcel of insects devouring one another on a little atom of
clay.'" --- (no attribution..for this quote) PNS


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Astute Letter From Boyfriend

2000-01-23 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Now that I am on a bit of a nostaligic roll -- the HS boyfriend's yearbook
lament I just put on the list aside -- here is a braver statement about what
has been going on in the world from another, man I knew quite well and
romantically, Steve M., a poet at heart who most recently seemed to loose his
heart and possibly soul.  This letter was sent to me from the Sea Islands of
SC in July of 1972, just after he graduated from a college we attended
together, the capitals in this letter were true to his punctuation scheme
[this is another Hippie's rendition of the horrors of the take-over of
humanity from within]:

Front of the envelope says:


Judy B.
 XXth St.
B, XX 8X

"Zoom -- Mail Plane on Fire (drawing of plane headed to earth)"


Postmark dated 20 July 1972

Back of envelope says:

19 B. Rd.
ML, NJ 070XX


"Now Judy - 7/18

"You have earned a diploma and with that award responsibility and ambition go
along like body + soul.  This apparent apathetic sloth of yours toward
civilized endeavor comes, I fear, dangerously close to Blasphemy!  Why I bet
you'll even vote for McGovern!

"Tosh!  Wake up girl - or else bring ruin and shame upon your family.  You
MUST become a legal and functioning unit in our great free society - if
not...My God!...you'd might as well castrate thy father, or rip the telephone
right out of thy Grandmother's hand!  So wake up child!  Why, I bet that at
this very moment IBM would be willing to eagerly caress your future, or
Guiseppe's would settle your life-time agreements, or Eureka!  What an idea -
why not give up your body to the Man who most needs it!  -- Uncle Sam!  Yes!
Wacs and Waves have become obsolete terms because of your pinko-comie
generation - you crazy teenagers have left our armed forces sterile, our
country's defense wombless, Uncle Sam Impotent!  Wake up young Girl.

"Yes, Judy, there is a Santa Claus!

"Anyway -

"I am in South Carolina + received your letter yesterday with 3 different
addresses superimposed upon each other due to my Bohemian existence of late -
Real World is certainly quite strange, and oh, sooo boozy-ridden.  I am in
terrible shape and sit mentally vacant in B.,SC [name of city, state] alone
(Fxxx and other VISTA do-good-bombers were flown to PA to dig out Flood
victims today I arrived) with only Manchester, a little Sid-like doggie to
talk with. $1.45 is whole of my monies + am contemplating whether or not
rusty dog food can top would apply sufficient humor to slice my wrist into
Bologna.  O'slave to hyperbolic expression - heightens intensity of muddy
normalcy.  Actually not all that bad down here -- - is quite soothing -
huge sky with clouds of such height that diversity is never lacking - old
shacks blended into green varieties - so thick that insects don't frighten,
but seem a part of each breath - inlets + ponds and billowing towering
sweeping and jutting and all other types of trees - and all this languidly
draped with Spanish Moss (which by the way does not get one high).  One is
content not to jump here.  HOWEVER - If the intoxicated eye rests Monet-like
for a moment, Vista intrudes with bombs of wrinkled thighs which shatters the
land's sensitive depth and silence into absurb fragments of human Fragility.
"But its good" and everybody nods their heads.  "Good?" - maybe "bbonkers" -
more likely.   Anyway - Write again (use "19 Barton Road" address + it will
be forwarded to wherever I am) + will continue correspondence.  Do come east,
for if nothing else, it is quite wacky and accelerated here.  God I wish
there was music in the air - But the Goddamn Vista phonograph has as much
balls as a can of Downey Fabric Softener - only tunes available Elton John +
Burt Bacharate (sp?) - both of whom I would very much like to see run over by
a truck full of Refrigerators.

"Say hello to all Boulderites!  Yours in Liacosian Spirit.


"P.S. Say hi to that little black dog whose name I do not dare try to spell.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] [MC] database

2000-01-25 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Kathy:  If you can't put out far more usable emails that this, I would like
to see your sick, compromised, sold-out to Intel butt burned on TV.  Get the
shit outta here.  Delgado RAN the implant scenario in the U.S. for some 15
years at least on innocent assaulted humans.  I can not believe what I have
seen YOU delve out to REAL victims on this list since two years ago.  Frankly
I want your ass kicked, front and center for having put me and alot of other
victims through your CIA/.FBI CRAP -- who the hell do you think you are
helping here??  Because my main job as a victim is to bring this fucker OUT,
not harm people's observations, not assault them verbally -- HEY -- Wes, who
is paying her   Get her off the list or silenced some wayno cult is
supporting me nor are Intel agencies -- NO WAY... I am working free form for
the better good of victims and society -- this I pride myself on my
independence  --- FUCK YOU KASDEN -- if you can't do better than assault
victims get off the listsI REPEAT-- FUCK YOU... get your little rec
vehicle OUT of everybody else's lives, Kasden we don't need a sell-out
working for UCLAin our midst...I have heard,  lived with enough of your
shit...amazing that I have to say this to a woman.  Frankly, I am embarrassed
to death and I ain't even Lesbian, guy...take your Intel or cult or
mis-placed hatred someplace else ... there are a few of us who don't
appreciate your juvenile statements...and if you continue this crap a few of
us  may not stop hitting on you.  FUCK OFF>>


In a message dated 1/24/00 11:10:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Subj: RE: Re: [MC]  database
 Date:  1/24/00 11:10:53 AM Eastern Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kasten, Kathy)

 Now that you have presented some of the
 background of your theory, I would like
 to analyze it with an example to refute
 it using one of your latest retrievals.

 One of the names you utilized as a "key word"
 for your search was "delgado."  This is a most
 common name in some parts of Los Angeles, CA.
 The name of the MSO who ran the business office
 of the Dept. of Path. when I first started
 working here was name J. Delgado.  No, not "J"
 for Jose, but "J" for Judy.  Without further
 qualification, if I was to do a search for
 "delgado", I would retrieve everything single
 bit of information with the word "delgado" attached
 to it.  Using the letter "j" I would retrieve
 everybody whose first name began with "j."
 To assume that all the lines of information
 I retrieved from the database had to do with
 Dr. Jose Delgado would be an error on my part.

 Once again, I must ask you, what other
 c >>

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] About Mind Control Evidence

2000-03-09 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


In thinking about evidence I have gathered over the past six years of crime
syndicate problems, it seemed to me to be a good idea to list these
materials.  And I would encourage other victims to consider doing this --
even if evidence was lost or stolen from your residence, what you have
gathered over time tells a story and non-convincingly, of your plight.  If
other people have gathered similar evidence, it may point to new theories
about mind control and satanic cult workings.  One thing many victims are
missing is a sense of the protocols underlying satanic cult work and their
rituals too, and a sense of why these groups are involved in this crap.  SO
-- to that end I offer up a list below -- it is not all the evidence I have
gathered, but it is some of the more obvious elements which point to certain
possibilities about these unanswered questions.  IF you have collaborative
evidence or seen the same occurrences, I would like to hear about them.

1.  Photo documentation of chemical/toxic substance damage to residence,
2.  Lab results showing highly toxic substances used in foods, I ate, and
inside of vehicles, kept in locked parking lots, etc.  (If you do this you
need to find a lab outside of your state -- call university chemical
departments, use phone cards to contact them, do not release your real name
if you want real results and be prepared to wait up to six weeks- two months
for results, they take their time about it, make up a story about having
bought a vacation home, found this stuff in it, family being exposed, need to
know what to clean it up, etc.)
3.  Two videotapes showing perpetrators in residence.  However, first one
showed a tall odd looking dark-skinned guy getting into basement (March
1994), it was taped over two weeks later by perps and never wound up turned
into police, second one showed a black blurr on the tape -- someone following
right behind me in the apartment -- the guy was moving SO fast that the only
thing recorded was this large, dark blurr, no face visible (May 1994).
4.  Exploding toilet.  Nice piece of bizarre-ness.  Toilets repeatedly had
this brown slurry stuff in them, clean 'em, and this brown grunge was coming
back every few days, it was possible that this related to the chemical
assaults in the air in the apt., that some CIA maneuver was being staged to
use plumbing system for the fumigating of the apt. air.  Some high tech
device, keeping drains with stoppers in them helped, as did running HOT
water, chinese water torture stuff constantly down drains helped, esp. to
mediate the electronic accessing.
5.  But, in May 1997 something else occurred, I wound up in bathroom in early
morning -- and the toilet exploded -- the water literally FLEW out of the
toilet, and this brown stuff wound up all over the floor there, dripping all
over the outside of the toilet basin, it was all over my face, it was all
over my clothes, I was dripping wet, and terrified.  When I felt stunned,
hynotized, like put into trance electrically, I recall hearing two people --
both with French accents -- a woman and man.  They discussed the fact I had
possibly seen them and what to do about it.  My first thought was that they
had somehow landed, after a teleported trip, on the top of the water in my
toilet -- that I was witnessing some new methods of travel.  I had had all
this unusual chemical stuff winding up in my residence for some four years
which I had photographed -- brown oily stuff on woodwork, white crystaline
stuff in pools on floors, irridescent sort of gasoline stuff splattered on
floors.  Most of these chemicals made one very very ill, but few of them had
obvious odors to them.  Angered me no end, as I argued with PIs the first
year, that I don't believe arsenic has either an odor or taste to it -- the
MOST toxic materials, these shits were gonna use and yeah, smart chems, no
odors.  This incident in my bathroom lives in infamy in my mind, realize.
Still does and situations preceeded it which were also horrible back then.  I
reasoned this as a theory -- either the plumbing system was being used for
transformation or new high tech travel (even time tunnel stuff may have been
considered) OR possibly creatures from the deep -- like eels or specialy
implanted water worms were stationed in holding tanks underneith floor boards
in my residence. These eels then were living in the plumbing system, and used
by CIA to CAUSE electrical charges into body implants I had, these eels were
causing the brown sludge found in toilets and an eels evidently was coming up
that day to the basin, as I walked into the bathroom -- frightened it, and it
rather exploded the toilet water.  HINT:  MC victims, don't use toilets
directly.  If any of my ideas have truth to them, you can at least reduce
physical damage to yourself and your sex organs by using outside recepticles.
 Also try running a hot stream of water down plumbing system

[CTRL] About Richard Falk, Ph.D.

2000-03-11 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


To my knowledge, and I admit my scope is somewhat limited in terms of current
academia with regards to political science arenas, Richard Falk, Ph.D. --
formerly of Princeton U, is one of the greatest fore-runners of fighters and
exposers of atrosities committed against humanity and at the forefront as a
devoted scholar of human rights, he has also stepped forward to open up WHAT
the New World Order is truly about.  Mind control victims are part and parcel
of what he is writing about in his quite high brow language.  He may be hard
for those not versed in poli sci vocabulary to understand as he is a
political philosopher, but I feel he is a real darling that the mind control
community of victims needs to be much further aware of.  I put an article on
CTRL 2 years ago about Desert Storm, which had controversial discussions of
Israel v. Arabs, and it included Falk's quotes from his literally DOZENS of
anti-NWO books.  I had the fortunate opportunity to speak personally with him
three years ago via phone about EMF weapons and chemical warfare being used
on victims throughout the U.S. -- I asked him if he thought that these were
being used by govt agencies, etc., he said of course, but you can't talk
about it outright.  His work is devoted to opening up the mind control wars
and their ties with international organizations through LARGER world govts as
he believes must happen.  Falk is a visionary and with an international
scope.  Phenomenal amount of writing too -- and very costly books (upwards of
$100 each)-- but from fine academic presses.  SEE below, the list from
Amazon.com of Falk's works -- some in print, others still coming.  I
encourage list masters to see if they can find excerpts from his work to
include on the lists.  He is a gem amongst wolves...who could do damage, in
court, if victims could unite their injustices.  Judith

Your Book Search Results
for: the keywords include "Richard Falk"

Related Areas: Search Auctions and the rest of Amazon.com for "Richard Falk"

Full Results: The first 50 of 61 are shown below. To see more results scroll
down and click the "More" button.
Explorations at the Edge of Time ~ Usually ships in 2-3 days
Richard Falk / Hardcover / Published 1993
Our Price: $54.95

Explorations at the Edge of Time : The Prospects for World Order ~ Usually
ships in 2-3 days
Richard Falk / Paperback / Published 1993
Our Price: $24.95

International Law and World Order : A Problem-Oriented Coursebook (American
Casebook Series)
Burns H. Weston, et al / Hardcover / Published 1997
Our Price: $70.75

On Humane Governance : Toward a New Global Politics : The World Order Models
Project Report of the Global Civilization Initiative ~ Usually ships in 24
Richard A. Falk / Paperback / Published 1995
Our Price: $18.95

Postmodern Politics for a Planet in Crisis : Policy, Process, and
Presidential Vision (Suny Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought) ~
Usually ships in 2-3 days
Richard Falk(Editor), David R. Griffin (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1993
Our Price: $19.95
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Approach to World Order Studies and the World System
Richard A. Falk / Paperback / Published 1982
Our Price: $18.95 (Special Order)

Basic Documents in International Law and World Order (American Casebook
Series) (3rd Ed)
Burns H. Weston, et al / Paperback / Published 1997
Our Price: $39.35 (Special Order)

The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace (Suny Series in Global Conflict
and Peace Education)
Richard A. Falk, et al / Paperback / Published 1993
Our Price: $24.95 (Special Order)
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The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace (Suny Series, Global Conflict
and Peace Education)
Richard A. Falk, et al / Hardcover / Published 1993
Our Price: $74.50 (Special Order)
Read more about this title...

The End of World Order : Essays on Normative International Relations
Richard Falk / Hardcover / Published 1983
Our Price: $49.50 (Special Order)

Future Worlds (Headlind Series, No. 229)
Richard A. Falk / Paperback / Published 1976
Our Price: $4.00 + $2.35 special surcharge (Special Order)

A Global Approach to National Policy
Richard A. Falk / Hardcover / Published 1975
Our Price: $28.00 (Special Order)

Global Shock Waves
Richard Falk / Paperback / Published 2000
Our Price: $16.95 (Not Yet Published)

Global Shock Waves : The Persistence of Terror, Terrorists and Terror-States
Richard Falk / Hardcover / Published 2000
Our Price: $29.96 ~ You Save: $9.99 (25%) (Not Yet Published -- On Order)

Human Rights and State Sovereignty
Richard A. Falk / Paperback / Published 1981
Our Price: $18.50 (Special Order)

Human Rights and State Sovereignty
Richard A. Falk / Hardcover / Published 1981
Our Price: $42.00 (Special Order)

Human Rights Horizons: The Pursuit of Justice in a G

Re: [CTRL] The Real Purpose of The 2nd Amendment

2000-03-11 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Our constitution does not necessarily say we have the right to hunt, but if
you are being STALKED you should have the right of redress and self-defense,
which may including hunting the stalkers.  What is awful is that the courts
have nearly abandoned the right of self-defenseI haven't seen this used
in a successful defense for decades against a criminal.  .Judith

In a message dated 3/11/00 7:12:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
  -Cui Bono?-

 Our Constitution does not say we have the right to hunt.
 It clearly states we have the right to be armed.
 There is a difference.
Regards to All

 "The time has come for us to openly discuss something that
 up to this time we have mainly whispered about.
 The pu >>

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Child's Tale

2000-03-13 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


When I was 20 and in college at a major university I took the printmaking
class called silk screening, I was a fine arts major.  In this class I
illustrated a child's diary story for one of my silk screen's penned by
Salvador Dali at age eight.

I want to suggest that this may eeirly give information about where some of
these implants being used in people may come from.  My suggestion is the
following -- satanic cults may use worms in bodies, eel-like worms which have
a special quality about them.  The eel like worms may be able to live in body
for years -- in a sort of trance-like state.  And these may have inside of
them a special substance -- a rock like item which may have been part of a
meteorite from long ago.  This rock may have special magnetic-like EMF
qualities which the eel then picks up as part of his body.  The substance in
the rock can be used by an outside source for accessing special frequencies
off of a victim who winds up with this device in body.  IF so, possibly Dali
had special knowledge and vision about this thing even at the age of 8 he had
learned how this device worked -- read his brief story below -- and also
consider the possibilities to Sylvia Plath's *The Bell Jar*.  Judith

>From a coffee table art book about S. Dali, published by Harry Abrams, Inc.
in 1970:

"A child is taking a walk with his mother on an evening in June.  It is
raining falling stars.  The child picks one up and carries it in the palm of
his hand.  When he gets home he puts it on his bed table and imprisons it in
a glass.  Next morning when he wakes up, he cried out in horror.  During the
night a worm devoured his star! "

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] About Rabbits, Watches and MC

2000-03-17 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


"So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the
hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making
a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the
daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

"There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that, nor did Alice think it so
VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, "Oh dear! Oh dear!
I shall be late!" (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her
that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite
natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS
WAISTCOAST-POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to
her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a
rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket or a watch to take out of it, and
burning with curiousity, she ran across the field after it, and just in time
to see it pip down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge."  (L. Carroll, Alice
in Wonderland, p. 1).

I have recently realized that in my residence, especially, when I took my
wristwatch off of my wrist, stuck it in my pocket and/or put it elsewhere,
that the beam assaults upon me often stopped or relaxed very noticably.
Subconsciencely, even, I kept taking off my watch and sticking it someplace.
 The watch seems to do better if I have leave it away from me, but is
especially bothersome when on the wrist, of course, this may relate to the
veins in wrist too -- direct connection to my heart.  I seem to have a
slightly elevated heart pumping too with the watch on wrist.

I recall as a college kid in the early 70s, swearing off watches, deciding
that I felt better with it off.  Yeah.  And when living in Manhattan in the
80s, I remember having a hard time sleeping with particular alarm clocks near
my head -- I really felt em, couldn't sleep if I heard them.  Esp. the ones
with digital readouts -- I still can't get very near them.   But my watch now
is a wind-up sort.

I recall one of my relatives long ago making the point that she could never
wear a watch -- they all stopped working on her.  They all died.

I am believing now that all this connects, even Carroll's verse fits what I
am picking up on with the mind control scenes I see now.  I am buying into
two theories at this point -- the first is that 1) Intel agencies and certain
cults are smoozing with some supernatural elements - this is not magic per se
- it is trained animals (including rabbit-like Hobbit things, crawfish &
beasts like gargoyles, even munchkin/elf sorts and possibly even stranger
things which transform), 2) that these elements are well trained in using EMF
shields -- which act like mirrors and hide their presence and that these
elements also have a bag of chemical tricks with 'em -- both good and bad.  I
am believing that most men in contemporary society play sports as kids to
LEARN how to deal with these secretive, hidden beings.  The rabbits may be
used by the men for sex.  It is these hidden beings, I would rather call em,
supernatural elements, which constitute the menagerie worked over and used by
Intel on people they don't like or people who wind up targeted.  Trigger
words may calm down these elements, get em into line, get them to leave you
alone, but most MEN whether they realize it consciencely or not learn a
capacity for picking these animals off of women.  Hence, men predominate in

Women on the other hand, especially white women, because they aren't trained
early on in how to manage these things, either wind up assaulted by these
elements or get married and learn how to deal with them later than

I am considering the notion that IF mc victims can learn to control these
elements around em, they can moderate or eliminate the beam assaults.  These
elements I now am believing, run the shows in residences -- along with mic
pickups, bugs in electrical outlets, and magnetic dust which is used to also
heighten room audio feeds.

NOW -- those doing the mc voicing are probably the midget-munchkins -- and
they are a bit different from midgets because I believe that they are smaller
yet, more like a dwarf.  Again, they hide behind mirror-like magnetic
frequency shields, you won't see them in photos.

I got in a photo what I believe is one of these shields -- last fall.  I
truly believe, because I FELT the thickness and intensity of a strong EMF
field behind me when I took the photo, so strong that my hands shook in the
following frame badly.  This is a thick vertical red-orange, lightening like,
line extending throughout the whole photo with very distinctive set of
stacked squares which you can see through lined up top to bottom in the
photo.  This was not an accidental thing, no because I clearly remember the
sequence of events and what was happening at the tim

[CTRL] About Huxley

2000-03-18 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


If you haven't read A. Huxley's *A Brave New World,* (1932) you may want to
get this one soon, don't know how I missed this thing way back when, in terms
of having read it.  It discusses specializied breeding farms where humans are
designed and mind control programmed into Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, etc.
caste systems -- where everyone has particular biases and proclivities which
are assigned them.  This follows of course C.D. Hammond's MK ultra govt mind
control programming schemes -- using the Greek system to identify these
personalities...Huxley was a a designer baby...extremely handsome
Greek-looking guy.  The book is a big bro delight -- very very very intensive
Golden Dawn, Crowley-influenced futurisitic study of the U.S.

I did not realize the extent to which Huxley did this manuscript, or how well
it pivots into mind control history of U.S.  Every victim of mc problems must
read this book..


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Re: [CTRL] [MC] About Huxley

2000-03-18 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

No, no book by this name appears in the bibliography I have.  BUT what does
appear is close to this title and VERY VERY Golden Dawn-ish/Egyptian stuff --
like "The Genius and Goddess", "Crome Yellow", "Heaven and Hell", "The Devils
of Loudun," "The Olive Tree", "Do What You Will" (like a direct Crowley
quote), "Proper Studies", "Along the Road", (sounds like Keroac), "The
Cicadas" (strange one to me), "The World of Light", "The Art of Seeing" --
and a host of others, these titles are drawn from novels, essays, short
stories, poetry (not much there), and other selected works.  Huxley was a
homosexual is my take -- and one of the earliest to describe specialized govt
eugenics breeding farms which really MAY exist these days, given all the
"pretty" babies in our midst who do not look like parents.  How many gay men
look like they are designer genes and how many pretty model women look like
they are designer gene'd?  A lot, a lot a lot a lot.  So WHO is doing what
here?  Obviously we have specialized baby breeder story being kept VERY
quietly under Uncle Sam's sheets..how many are clones is another question --
because some probably are.  And where Huxley came from is another important
puzzle piece.  You just can't imagine guys like him in 1930s necessarily,
unless you consider FS Fitzgeraldand crewsYEAH, the U.S. has been
dealing in designer babies since Detroit's Ford (i.e. car) dynasty...(1900s).


In a message dated 3/18/00 5:21:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Subj:Re: [MC]  About Huxley
 Date:  3/18/00 5:21:46 PM Eastern Standard Time
 From:  X

 Didn't Huxley also author The Gates of Hell? Someone recommended it to us
but the hope was that you might have some inside information on that
particular book.


 In a message dated 3/18/00 2:46:58 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 << Subj:[MC]  About Huxley
  Date: 3/18/00 2:46:58 PM Central Standard Time


  If you haven't read A. Huxley's *A Brave New World,* (1932) you may want to
  get this one soon, don't know how I missed this thing way back when, in
  of having read it.  It discusses specializied breeding farms where humans
  designed and mind control programmed into Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, etc.
  caste systems -- where everyone has particular biases and proclivities
  are assigned them.  This follows of course C.D. Hammond's MK ultra govt
  control programming schemes -- using the Greek system to identify these
  personalities...Huxley was a a designer baby...extremely handsome
  Greek-looking guy.  The book is a big bro delight -- very very very
  Golden Dawn, Crowley-influenced futurisitic study of the U.S.

  I did not realize the extent to which Huxley did this manuscript, or how
  it pivots into mind control history of U.S.  Every victim of mc problems
  r >>

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] About Huxley

2000-03-18 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Well -- about being naive about this dude -- obviously for decades this book
escaped my grasp actually -- I knew about it, but I thought Orwell pre-dated
this thing.  And Orwell does NOT.  I just categorized this thing into
dated...so never considered it a priority.  But, wow.  What a surprise this
thing was for me and the cover of it really usurped my thinking -- and I
reiterate here -- this and possibly other materials he wrote really need to
be FAR more important in mc victim's thinking...even the titles are so
contemporary I sort of jump at em.  Like "Crome Yellow" -- rather about 30
years prior to contemporary art movements -- Huxley was comin out with stuff
probably major grain WAY back.  All the titles entice me greatly.  And this
book is really takin up my time here now...the mc programmin schemes in it
must draw victims as CD Hammond's The Greenbaum Speech (1992) also must draw
them.  Judith

In a message dated 3/18/00 9:18:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Somebody ought to clue Judith in on the role of Aldous Huxley and his family
 in contemporary scientific and social history. Also, Huxley's explorations
 through "The Doors of Perception," and his experimentation with
 hallucinogenic drugs, which he used as the basis for his depiction of "soma"
 in Brave New World. Huxley's grandpa, pappy and other relatives were major
 figures in "globalist" history and bio-sciences.
 It is astonishing that somebody so deeply involved in considering the
 provinces of the mind and potentials for mind-influences by political
 agencies  would not already be well aware of Huxley and Brave New World. On
 the other hand, maybe not so much.
 - - - - +

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] More About Huxley

2000-03-19 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Below is a small write-up on Huxley's life.  He died on same day as JFK.
This I find an intriguing point -- but I don't exactly know what to make of
it.  Judith


Aldous Huxley
| Archive Contents |

Aldous Huxley was born on 26 July 1894. He came from an extraordinary family
("extraordinary" was one of his favourite words). His grandfather was a
famous biologist. His great-uncle was a poet. His mother was a novelist and
his brother was a great zoologist as well as being the first director of
Unesco. Unfortunately, his mother died when he was 14 and his elder brother
committed suicide a few years later.
When he was still a teenager, Huxley lost almost all his sight. He was very
tall (6ft 4in). He worked as a teacher at Eton and published four books of
poetry before writing his first novel. In 1932 he published his most famous
novel, Brave New World. It was a dark picture of the future and included a
description of something very similar to today's virtual reality.

In 1937 he moved to the United States where he wrote film scripts and became
friends with famous actors, writers and scientists. He experimented with
drugs but did not become an addict. He became a cult figure in the 1960s and
the group The Doors named themselves after the Doors of Perception, his
account of what happened when he took mescaline. The Beatles also said he was
an inspiration for their Sergeant Pepper album. He lost all his books and
papers in a fire at his home after which he called himself "a man without a
past". He died on the same day as John F Kennedy.

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[CTRL] About Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby

2000-03-19 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


In my continuing attempts to open up the CIA & FBI involvement in the "wares
games" (aka "love-jell fish" Intel, crime syndicate games) -- and my concern
that some mind control victims are being used in these vicious implant-drug
scenarios -- I offer up another piece of evidence in popular literature.
"The Catcher in the Rye" poem is by Robert Burns -- in case you didn't know
and you can find this Scots' verse ...secondly, you may want to look into an
amazing URL about Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby -- late 19th c. African folk tales
which may have a bearing upon the origins of Intel's use of this clandestine
drug system -- the URL I found tonight took some time to get to -- and
bookstores do not carry these tales in their original "19th c." format as
this URL DOES -- which is terrific.  IN fact this URL goes so far as to
critially analyze these tales, even with regards to Shakespeare-ian parallels
-- this is very academically analyzed -

However, I haven't gone over this closely yet, I just printed the whole thing
out -- a big undertaking -- took 1/2 of a printer cartridge.  I am guessing,
however, that this system dovetails into Golden Dawn things, clandestine
elements, supernatural elements nicely.  And it may be the Black side to this

Hence, I offer this up -- as a potentially important part of those assaulted
by Intel agencies -- research.  The pimps on list may find this interesting
too -- .


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[CTRL] OPPS - Brer Rabbit URL

2000-03-19 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Opps -- forgot the URL on Brer Rabbit --

It is:  http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/remus/contents.html

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Online Child Porn Debates

2000-02-25 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

U.N. group to combat online child porn
By Paul Festa
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
February 25, 2000, 9:30 a.m. PT
With legislation to protect minors from online sexual predators stalled in
the courts, a United Nations-led Internet child protection effort is
attracting attention from top U.S. technology companies, law enforcement
agencies and educational institutions.

Dubbed "Innocence in Danger," the U.N. initiative is focusing on pedophilia
and child pornography and will proceed under the auspices of a group called
Wired Kids, which also addresses "digital divide" issues of equitable access
and education for children.

Participants include Microsoft, AT&T, America Online, Lycos, the American
Library Association, the National Education Association, the FBI, the
Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission and the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children.

The activity springs from a conference called in Paris in September 1998
following a massive European sting against alleged traffickers in online
child pornography. Innocence in Danger falls under the domain of the United
Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

High among the new group's goals is to provide a clearinghouse for
information related to online child porn and pedophilia that child protection
groups around the world can share. The group's founders envision an "online
virtual think tank."

These efforts have already led to academic research on children's online
behavior. Based on a Net survey of more than 10,000 respondents, three
American UNESCO appointees are preparing to release a study suggesting that
young women and girls are not approaching the Internet with sufficient
caution. Not surprisingly, they conclude that stronger regulations are needed
to improve safety.

The Wired Kids project gets under way amid a roiling international debate
about the role of the Internet in the sexual exploitation of children. In the
United States, the issue has pitted civil liberties groups against children's
rights proponents in a series of high-profile legal skirmishes over the
openness of the Internet.

The issue has most recently been in the spotlight following the mistrial late
last year of former Infoseek executive Patrick Naughton on charges of using
the Internet to seek sex with a minor. Naughton is scheduled for retrial in
March; he has denied wrongdoing.

Children's advocates have recently faced legal setbacks in the United States
on several fronts.

In December, a federal appeals court struck down the Child Pornography
Prevention Act of 1996, finding the law went too far when it outlawed
materials that either "appear to be" or "convey the impression" they are
sexually explicit pictures of children.

In addition, the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), which restricts access
to online material that is deemed "harmful to minors," has been tied up in
the courts for more than a year.

Risky behavior
Throwing a new element into the debate is a broad survey of children's and
teen-agers' behavior suggesting that tougher laws may be needed.

Conducted by two professors at the University of South Florida and an
attorney specializing in children's online safety issues, the study surveyed
10,800 girls between the ages of 12 and 18 who opted to participate through
the Seventeen Online Web site. The researchers set out to document what they
suspected was a lack of caution taken by girls and young women online. Their
suspicions were confirmed.

The study determined that many young women and girls turn to the Internet as
a sexual outlet: 60 percent of the girls surveyed reported having engaged in
some kind of sexual activity while online, phrased by the respondents as

In addition, the survey found that girls frequently meet people in person
whom they have encountered online. Fifteen percent of those online 10 to 12
hours per week said they had met an online acquaintance offline, and 24
percent of those online at least 12 hours per week reported doing so.

The study did not account for what transpired at the offline meetings. But
the authors deemed it an indication that girls were not being careful enough
about their online activities.

The Internet as it stands today poses a risk for "young people who may be
naive regarding the intentions of others," report the authors. "Since
children and youth typically are trusting and curious about online
relationships, they are vulnerable to crime and exploitation."

Related news stories
• Judge overturns Naughton's child porn conviction January 21, 2000
• Judge: Net content law allows for "severe standards" November 5, 1999
• U.N. committee battles child porn September 3, 1998
• Crackdown on Net child porn September 2, 1998

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[CTRL] About Mermaid Brides

2000-02-15 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I am trying to find on the Net a web page which was by someone named
Hemmings, possibly an Ernest Hemmings or something like that, which gave
detailed account of satanic mermaid bridesthis was on Net about 1-2 years
ago.  I have been trying to find it ever since.  If anyone has a copy of this
paper or knows the URL, will you please pass this on to me.

Thanks.  Judith

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Kathy

2000-02-28 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I find this email upsetting for a number of reasons -- you may be
underestimating your enemies here (these enemies probably include Intel
agents and some minority groups -- who adhere to satanic rituals or their
cultures are INVOLVED at levels with satanistic practices, I would refer
people to studies about Santaria in the Caribbean as a start, I will
re-publish my book reviews on list...here).  Secondly, H. Girard stated in
Congressional testimony in Oct 1997 that "homosexuals were obviously not
included" in the victim category as far as unusual weapons go -- so consider
it.  I have known 5-6 cases of single women & men in their beginning 40s who
have ended up with relationships with Black menand not good situation
necessarily, but Black men know these supernatural elements -- so INFO is
good in that direction.  And Santeria cultsm Caribbean/Detroit based, may be
very much involved in running the mind control scenarios in the U.S. and
Canada with the good graces of a Jewish-based sexuality in both
countriesI believe that both the U.S. and Canada are adhereing to the
Jewish agendas with reproduction schemes.  What is AWFUL is that single
people have been left out of this roll -- and subjected to being victimized
by this system of human ownership.  Single, good looking people have
probably, clandestinely been used by these cults as breeders, as prostitutes
-- etc., through cult-implanations.  The victims don't remember this stuff --
and can be repeatedly owned by different groups -- friends and family.

Secondly, my experience is that I have known a lot of homosexual men who seem
to have Wicca cult groups to support 'em.  These cults may be very very
ruthless -- and also sport some interesting medicines/drugs/poisons.  But,
unless you are on the right side of em, you may be targeted by them.  And
they know how to deliver stuff including death.  This whole scenario you all
need to consider in FAR FAR more depth and involvement than it appears you
arethese are REAL hidden elements, controlling the WHOLE American
portrait.  NOW.  And my take is that they are very, very new to this country
-- we have been enduring since 1974, a huge invasion of outside elements --
EVERYWHERE and the murders of the great people in our families and outside of
them on a daily basis -- a really BIG depopulation scheme which only
cemetaries -- can partly account for.  And mourn -- people mourn.  Because we
have lost tremendous people -- everywhere -- millions of them -- overnight --
to covered-up murders...illnesses with poisons which doctors aren't
disclosing, etcwe have instead ruthless Nixonite hybrids, is my take.  We
have lost the great great people.we have genetically-engineered,
animal-humans who are mind controlled in their stead.  We should not be
moving on until this horrendous genocide, sanctioned and ordered by Nixon and
Reagan and others/FBI & CIA & whatever else, is properly disgraced and
fronted into historyNO NO NO --- your perspective need to be far broader
-- this is fascism -- at its core, silently murdering YOUR RELATIVES and
mine.  And it will get you too



In a message dated 2/27/00 5:43:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,


 Prometheus wrote:
 > -Original Message-
 > From: vicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > To: Marcel Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Date: Friday, 25 February 2000 3:07
 > Subject: [MC] Kathy
 > >We're a threat to each other
 > and thats about it.
 > Prom:
 > Pretty much so. I have been studying the methods of provocateurs creating
 > dissent in the ranks of TIs.
 > Us joining together scares them.  That is why
 > they work hard at getting victims to turn
 > on each other, keeping us separated.
 > Prom:
 > Isolation, manipulation, discreditation among others in their MO bag of
 > tricks.
 > The perps are not super human. They make mistakes. Even though they have
 > sophisticated technology.
 > Enlightenment of their techniques severely limits their effectiveness.
 > Prom:
 > I am in the process of studying some of their practices...
 > And defining my own counter measures.
 > There must be some TI think tanks around.
 > ourselves.
 > Prom:
 > I wish more people would talk this way. I find verification of supportive
 > intent pays dividends.
 > Prometheus.
 > __
 > Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] List
info: www.topica.com/lists/mc.
 > _
 > Want to find the best email lists? Check out the Topica 20!
 > http://www.topica.com/topica20
 Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] List

[CTRL] Evil as a Life Principal: Santeria Rituals - Satanism Revisited

2000-02-28 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


By Judith ABR

Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene.  1974. *Santeria, African Magic in Latin America.*
Bronx, NY:  Original Publications., 2486 Webster Avenue, 10658 (212
367-9589).  p.181

As Alex Constantine's cites in a recent paper on the possible
assassinations of many rock n' roll musicians, "In 1967, the CIA conceived
Operation CHAOS in response to the rising popular backlash to the Vietnam
War.  Vern Lyons, a former CIA undercover operative and current director of
the Des Moines Hispanic Ministry, traced the roots of CHAOS to the Eisenhower
administration and the monitoring of emigre organizations on domestic soil.
The Eisenhower sanction transformed the Agency into an internal Security
patrol and made CHAOS -- still secret, since the files remain classified to
the present day (the little that is known originates almost entirely from
former and active spooks),

"The CIA's office of Security was monitoring other groups at this time
and had recruited agents within different emigre organizations.  The CIA
considered this normal extension of its authorized infiltration of dissident
groups abroad even though the activity was taking place within the
U.SThis activity led the CIA to establish proprietary companies, fronts
and covers for its domestic operations.  So widespread did they become that
President Johnson allowed the then CIA Director, John McCone, to create in
1964 a new super-secret branch called the Domestic Operations Division
(DOD)...With the Nixon Administration clearing the way, a clandestine war was
waged against the youth and civil rights movements.  The Army's
counter-Intelligence Analysis Branch collected personality profiles, mug
shots and "black lists," sorted on computer-files and microfilm reels.  The
DODgathered information at demonstrations..."  (1)

And, although Constantine doesn't follow through on the meaning of this
word in CIA directives, it would appear that the CIA and FBI have done a
pretty good job of expanding this vicious war methodology to apply to vast
numbers of innocent, but targeted mind control victims in today's world.  A
great many of CHAOS' victims, Constantine cites, may have been counter
culture leaders, many of whom may have died as the result of questionnable
"accidental" deaths (including Hendrix, Joplin, P. Oches, Morrison's, Lennon,
T. Buckley, C. White (Byrds), M. Jeffrey (Hendrix's manager), Richard Farina,
Otis Redding, etc.). (2)  The government may have well named and designed
this sadistic program of internal annihilation for chaotic social systems it
learned about through research on sadistic voodoo cultures, utilizing evil
and chaos as behavorial modification methods, based in the Caribbean and in
particular areas of the United States.  Research on these cultures began in
earnest with the early division of the CIA, according to J. Marks. (3)

The principle of "chaos" as a war strategy with the practice of rituals
is well known to aggressive indigenous cultures worldwide, notably African
and Latin American groups, as a manner of effectively effecting behavior.  In
the Caribbean, these rituals are called Santeria.   The integration of a
chaotic war philosophy into culture is based upon a certain acceptance of it
as not only a winning technique but it being a normal state of existence,
that is that all life has some evil within it.  From the cultures practicing
Santeria, there are many different types and levels of its rituals.  It is
nothing to fool around with for the beginner as many a practioner will
caution.  As a mind control victim, I learned early on that evil and chaos as
war maneuvers were very probably the perfect tactic and it appears, through
inaction and action, that governmental agencies are involved in perpetuating
this type of peacetime war system throughout the U.S.  Against evil and chaos
there appeared to be a few defenses: 1) hide, 2) ignore or 3) give it back,
if pushed too hard.  But, aside from defenses, Gonzales-Wippler does an
admirable job at describing the complex philosophy behind this little known
and little written about ritual aspect of Caribbean and southern U.S.
cultures.  She starts off by describing its origins in time:

 "Latin American magic, better known in Spanish as Santeria, had its
birth in Nigeria, along the banks of the Niger River.  This is the country of
origin of the Yoruba people, who, among many other African Tribes, were
brought to the New World by slave traders over four centuries ago.  The
Yorubas brought with them the colorful mythology of their religion, known in
Cuba as lucumi and in Brazil as macumba."  (4)

Gonzales-Wippler goes on to explain in great depth and detail the system of
evil (= c

Re: [CTRL] [MC] MORE about the ET Moles/Wares Games

1999-12-10 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

XXX:  Sorry to take so long answering this email.  But, yeah, I will answer
your questions here. I know you are skeptical about the existance of these
love fish.  I am gonna get more graphic about them -- and now I am absolutely
certain that these are key to many mc victim's situations.  These air "fish"-
leeches have a fairly high degree of intelligence.  They don't just come to
anyone and they slither -- away FAST, so it is hard to get things like photos
of them after they land unless they are dying.  They contain three things
people want -- 1) a drug in the form of a pearl-like ball they carry and
which shows when the thing lands, 2) a drug in the form of gases around the
thing before it lands, and which people breathe in in public around victims
of wares games who "carry" these things in tow in the whirlwinds which
surround em in public and in their homes, 3) high vibrations, emfs, which
encourage, can create high love vibes or pleasant vibes around those who are
near wares victims and those who have a love fish in their belongings (like a
purse). These things can "give" someone 1) youthful appearance through drugs,
2) capture a mate through love vibes, 3) create an aura around an individual
which encourages good jobs -- good SENDS around someone.  So someone could
take one of these into a job interview in purse and get the job, etc.

Now to your questions below -- read between the lines here for my comments

In a message dated 11/27/99 2:41:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Subj: Re: [MC] MORE about the ET Moles
 Date:  11/27/99 2:41:15 PM Eastern Standard Time
 From:  XXx

 JUDITH:   Ongoing conversation here...moles (groundhogs and rats) really may
 be the
 conduits through which Intel agents mind control victims in homes.  So
 possibly are specialized creatures of the deep, including possibly
 eels/leeches/others in toilet systems which Intel agents regularly set up
 chemicals to maintain them in victim's homes.  Thus victims wind up with
 consistent break-ins.  This is partly speculation on my part, but bolstered
 by experience and evidence I have seen and heard.

  (a)  wouldn't they get flushed away to the sewers?

J;  No the animals Intel agents and curmudgeon crime syndicates "stage" on
someone's property are probably implanted -- and their implants carry
frequency sends to Intel stations and agents in the local areas for mind
control assaults -- it appears.  The moles are in burrows around property
outside, rats and mice are used inside residences for the transmissions.
These may not be your usual animals either -- but specially trained to carry
on "wares" games stuff around a wares game victim.  Their vibes may
temporarily stun mc victims, so victims don't really see em.  The animals
apparently seem to travel very very fast.  Victims will get help having a cat
-- but stalkers (or vets ) may implant it too.  This is part of the torture.
A small dog may help too to chase em off.  These animals also apparently
don't like smoke -- so smokers get some reprieve.  Also glue traps can catch
em.  But these are increasingly hard to find and pretty vicious ways for
animals to die.

As far as the love-wares fish, these may get flushed away -- daily, but
probably ONLY if residents flush tremendous amounts of water through their
plumbing systems.  And KEEP flushing em.  Clorox may be helpful, but not the
ultimate.  These animals are very sturdy.  And they come only to pimps when
called correctly with commands.  Many of them rapid fire, slither out of
resident's homes -- under doorways, through walls, and out of small openings
under house foundations.  Curmudeon crime stalkers pick them up on the lawns
of victim's.  Victims will find that their walls are loaded with a brown
dust, finely shaved stuff that these animals "come in on" like a tornado
around the victims. The rats and mice/moles stuff help to get the whirlwinds
going around victims, it seems.  They seem to play a part.  Victims rarely
see these animals however.  The dust, debris will remain.  These animals are
very very fast, they seek out "safety" with those that know they exist and
know the commands.  Pimps snap fingers to call em, then use verbal commands
in telepathy to get these things to appear or materialize from the
dust...they DO appear.  I just witnessed a large one of these, which two
women dropped onto the pavement near me at a local grocery store.  Geezus.
This thing -- it was huge -- like 5-6" in diameter, globby - wet black jelly
looking. They have a halo around them, frightening look to them -- one eye in
center, a mouth no so visible, and this pearl-like thing in the middle of
them.  The vibes around them are amazing.   When I saw it I was in a bit of
shock -- backed away from it frightened, it almost calls out to you verbally.
 I am really really sorry I didn't photograph this thing.  REALLY sorry.
When came out about 20 minutes later,

[CTRL] New Wares Game Scene in NE

1999-12-20 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


(NOTE:  "Wares Game" is meant here to refer to the ongoing surveillance and
drug games surrounding the procurement of special animal-like leech-creatures
caught typically by pimps, prostitutes, and Intel agents - CIA & FBI sorts,
throughout the U.S.  The evidence of these creatures is seen in public,
usually outside on sidewalks and parking lots, etc. as their remains stay in
public for extended periods of time.  And these creatures have certain drugs
that come with their appearance which are coveted by Intel agents and crime
syndicates who distribute them and sell them.  These are NOT your normal
narcotics, but drugs which douse the public daily through their pollution of
the air and environmental spaces.  People seem to like a certain amount of
these drugs in their area and they seek out victims of wares games implants
to obtain stronger doses of the drugs – the drugs are thought to be curative
as well as helpful in others ways not known to this author.)

UPDATE: As of about three weeks ago throughout many parts of the northeast a
new phase of the wares creatures/drug scene has been noted.  The heretofore
mentioned tar-like "love fish" or "send fishes" seem to be showing up in a
new form.  Parking lots and sidewalks throughout the area began showing not
the typical black tar-like epoxy remains of these dead fishes any more, but a
whole new phase which is showing in WHITE droplets found now suddenly dotting
parking lots and sidewalks.  Please note and notice in your local areas and
inform me about what you are seeing.

The love fish remains, in the form of tar spots suddenly and overnight seem
to be disappearing from public areas, off of the pavement.  These spots are
very hard to remove and so why they are disappearing is a question.  But, in
place now are new spots of an unknown white substance on the sidewalks.
These dot the entire region here now, with their appearance noticably quickly
and overnight.  While this author has seen the black jell-like love fish in
person several different times since last May (all different sizes, BTW, from
as small as 1/4" in diameter to as large as 5-6" in diameter), she has not
seen this new variety of creature or drug, which appears to be showing up
everywhere in just in the past few weeks.  Some of these white spots are
transparent, some are heavy, thick and opaque, but all appear to be of about
the same relative size – the size of a quarter or dime.

IN THEORY  This author theorizes that Intel agencies, in tandem with pimps
and drug lords throughout the northeast, work to maintain a certain level of
love fish procurements from the atmosphere throughout North America.
Curmudgeon crime syndicates (visible as married couples in communities)
target people for wares implants, to use targeted people (often single
people) for procurement of these unusual animals from the deep.  These
creatures may come from the earth's upper atmosphere, or possibly from the
underground, about their specific origins, this author does not know, except
to say that these creatures apparently exist invisibly until they are
accessed, then they visibly materialize, through the use of victims' implants
by those in the know and with the specialized technologies.  These
specialized curmudgeon syndicates however, handle community matters
clandestinely and operate with the cooperation of many local authorities.

This appears to be a calculated scenario of drug-air-pollution which
governments and these specialized crime syndicates (also the paramilitary)
are handing the public.  It is possible, and this is theoretical, that the
public has been getting doused outside with these poluting drugs, and through
the air, for decades.  It seems, through evidence found outside, that the
more people live in an area, the more of these creatures and their drugs
arrive through the air.  Hence, LA and NYC and Chicago have high
concentrations of these fishes arrivals.  And some entity behind Intel may be
introducing these fish/creatures and their drugs to the population for the
express purpose of maintaining a lucrative, drug-based economy with
minorities, distributing the drug wealth through this secretive economic
system, and using it too to control whole communities through fear and
adherence to privatized clubs or secretive cults, thereby gaining political
control of the community by inflicting upon the public a false sense of
nationalism.  Specialized populations, previously economically depressed,
have experienced heightened senses of community control and greatly expanded
financial bases, as they become entangled in these clandestine CIA

But in the meantime, pimps and overlords, it appears, are controlling the
distribution of these drugs and the catching of these fishes/drugs using
targeted human victims, implanted with specialized receivers, and their
residences (set up with transmitters) as bait.  The electrical connections in
these reside

[CTRL] More About Rat's Nests/Curmudgeons/Christ's Story

1999-12-22 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

Listers:  Here is an email I sent to someone today -- helping to try and
explain a mind control victim's situations in another country.  Perhaps this
will help other victims...Judith


Good to hear from you -- good to get your update. I am still pleased that XXX
is living back in X -- just sounds like the best idea.  At least you are
around for her.  Assuming  is dealing still with a crime assault, you
can't expect that she can handle stuff like school problems, lots of people
in the US now are home schooling kids.  Are her parents still alive?  What
happened to the sister?  Did  get any financial help from parents deaths
at all?  Since my trip to midwest, last August, I really learned a lot about
what this thing appears to be now.  And it is phenomenal how this thing plays
out.  Please give  copies, if you can, of any of my emails, encourage her
to write me, if she needs, wants support.  There is a "good luck" scheme
behind these victims of sort, where contacting a victim can give others
benefits with their lives.  She contacting me might help her, and vica versa.
 And your contacting me may give you good luck, help with life.  I know this,
I have watched this occur for years now around me.  And it has to do partly
with a real phenomena.  This is, I believe the wares games stuff.   LIke
, I believe that some of these implants may be organic -- they may be
small worms in fact, Z.  LIke I said before, they may live, even grow in
body -- like eels they may conduct electrical charges.  Which is why when
they are accessed, the person winds up tortured in body.  But, I also believe
that strong antibiotics may kill them and eventually their waste does go.
But during the time that they are in body they may put out chemicals,
constantly dousing the victim with drugs, which are psychotic to experience.
The implants, and/or creatures in body, may also contain small transmitters
which make the asaults upon the person that much worse.  Doctors may not like
to try to remove them because the worms are hard to kill -- hard to get at,
they move fast when doctors go for them and hide in other parts of the body.
And this is considered really seedy stuff -- satanic-cult stuff. Possibly
Wicca cults too (I am not sure).

What is is probably is a satanic cult's assault upon a person they believe
has gone astray, probably from their mother's "covent" plans, or covenant
chain (hidden-secretive social plans of the cult).  The deal is that most
mothers in the world design plans for kids with local cults for the future of
the child. IF the child doesn't get involved in picking up these plans, the
mother's coven group then goes after the child and assaults it.  OR a sister
or relative too might also use the cult to force, the hard way, a child to
behave as they feel it should.  Then the WHOLE community gets involved
against the kid.  Using chemicals on them, local syndicates can begin
assaulting them, etc.  And these specialized, secretive "curmudgeon" couples,
living in all communities everywhere practically now, control the implanting,
 and druggings of victims like .  The curmudgeons use victims in wares
games -- implanting them with more electric worms and transmission devices --
and then they obtain these wares fish off of the victims in public and
stalking them in their homes.  The wares fishes are seen on the sidewalks,
dead ones, as large black tar spots.  When the fishes are accessed by crime
syndicates and when they get big ones, these are amazing to see arrive or
materialize.  They appear to come through the air, out of nowhere.  The
electrical pull of these worms & transmitters, attracts them, and they appear
as small as a tiny dot or as large as a 5-6" in diameter.  The larger the
better for pimps.  The fishes put off frequency sends which people use to get
favors with--some people carry these things around with them in public in
purses, etc.  The sends attract suitors.  Etc.  Pimps use them with
prostitutes.  And the fishes when they appear have an amazing frequency
charge to them, it is hard to get near them, and they gravitate to people's
hands.  They look like a large lump of black jelly.  They have a halo which
appears at first in the center, a circle of light, and a white pearl in the
center.  They have an eye of sorts and underneath, I think a mouth.  These
are the large ones...which pimps covet.  The pearls give people sends too --
and can get people favors for their lives.  So people pay handsomelyfor them.
 People everywhere have used the system for favors.  They like it because it
had helped them in the past.  And they also appear to liek the tagging system
in this which targets dissidents and so-called "wayward" people in the
community.  Of this last statement, probably nothing could be farther from
the truth.  As I see this as a male game, of assault usually upon women.  And
the women's mothers' cults.  Once someone

Re: [CTRL] SEND FISHES [CTRL] Geraldo on Drug War 26AUG MSNBC

1999-09-01 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


I remain committed to this notion, Geraldo Rivera's show not withstanding as
probably very good -- something ELSE is happening in the so-called "drug war"
-- something totally alien.  DRUGS are most probably a cover-up here.  You
need to consider other possibilities.  What I believe we have is a
frequency-SEND war, and quite literally creatures from the deep in this thing
that emit pleasing or nasty frequency "sends."  People use these SENDS to get
good treatments -- from doctors, dentists, mechanics, etc.  And the people
who need to use these sends are people often involved with Intel.  Because
these people ARE implanted, and they need special security measures around
them and special ways to protect themselves.  Other people (such as the
elderly) may use these send fish and their obcessive frequencies/drugs, to
obtain things like mates.This has got to be true in some measure.  The
world may turn on these clandestine drugs and "send fishes."  Cults know and
use them to create emotional ties with those they are co-opting, Intel knows
and uses 'em, probably mainly for protections.  Drug lords make a LOT Of
money on marketing these things.

These weird send-fishes, creatures, may also have highly unusual drugs --
curative ones even.  But I mean this very very sincerely, and from relevant
personal experience.  We are NOT dealing with a drug war in the conventional
sense, NO.  We are not dealing with prostitution either in the conventional
sense.  We are dealing with frequency SEX, and new drugs -- yes.  This I
believe. But this is not plain and simply a narcotics drug war.  No. It is
not.  NO.   The DRUG WAR is a cover-up for something VERY different indeed.
But, somebody besides me has to speak out and get with this thing in public
-- soon.  I really DID catch 4 of these leech-snail like things -- they do
somewhat materialize in nearly any environment, they may be affiliated with
certain people's implants.  I do know what I am talking about from real
experiences.  They do emit sends which are pleasing.  They are more
intelligent than you would expect -- they seem to respond to people's
emotions.  This is not stupid.  Photographing em?  I believe dead ones are
obviously all around those who live in cities.  Have you ever noticed
thousands of spots of supposedly "used chewing gum" on the streets?  Even
seen these tar spots as big as your fist? These tar spots are NOT chewing
gum.  They are dead send fish.  Gotten off of poor, innocent mind control
victims being used as fish nets for them.  And maybe gotten off of
prostitutes that pimps have set up with "wares" -- which draw in the send
fish.  These evidence of these things is OBVIOUS.  I had a police officer a
week ago fully admit he knew of themwhy isn't this in the newspapers?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mein Kampf Banishment

1999-09-01 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

According to a manager of a book store I spoke to in Manhattan 3 years ago
when I purchased a copy of Mein Kampf -- she loudly proclaimed that Mein
Kampf was the third best selling book of all time in the world, next to the
Bible and -- I forgot what else.  Evidently Mein Kampf has quite a
readership.  If you don't know, probably Mein Kampf was not written much by
Hilter.  And, it isn't really inundated with diatribes against Jews either.
Which is surprising.  Some historic info in about pre-war Vienna is very
interesting -- according to the author, Jews owned the prostitution network
there -- and used Kurds as prostitutes.  I haven't heard this verifiied.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Feminization of the U.S. Military...

1999-09-02 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/28/99 2:58:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My attitude about the demise of the military is totally different than
Phyllis Schlafly's reported here.  And I spent the first 20 years of my life
in the military, stationed, with my family at various AF bases.  What I saw
then and have seen since supports my contention that actually military men
and women may be gettin' smarter.  Typically the society's loose some of
their best people in wars (so say a number of war-college sorts of
documents).  This is because they trust, believe and will fight for human
rights -- often somewhat naively.  Today's soldier, to his/her credit are
apparently using their wits and not falling for living through horrors they
needn't be subjected to in a military without conscience.  AND, I witnessed
what I would call the gov't eliminations of a great many military men -- my
AF father said repeatly and horriifically, "if you are military it is a GIVEN
you will be experimented upon.." -- he had evidently seen this occurr
repeatedly -- and got into trouble, I believe, speaking out inside.  As
conspiracy researcher Taylor Caldwell said, "govt' HATE their publics" -- and
they hate the military men too who "know too much."  Being in the military is
a tightrope.  Working even in civil service work is a tightrope.  The govt
lives only for itself.  Not really for any other entity.  It does NOT like
the public, will not support deep down the public's needs, -- it is a mask
for a far greater society at ill.  BTW, it did not used to be this BAD.
Pre-www15 (i.e. 1974) -- the U.S. was actually a free country for most of its
peoples.  The Gulag slapped into place fast after that time.  And it has NOT
left.  By now the young people born after 1974 have really NO idea or
foundations for remembering other means of ways of existance.  This is not to
their advantage, nor is it a recipe for hope in the future for this country.
I cringe at the thought of what this govt is really planning next year for
this population -- in terms of fears, hidden secretive wars, etc.  Cause the
beast and beats are still gonna keep going -- at least in some measure.

Judith (Bearer of Dire Consequences)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chase the ET Moles AWAY

1999-11-12 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

MC Victims:

Listen up.  Try a few things new to get the "spooks" out of your closets,
mind and rooms.  Get a bunch of Scripto's fire starters -- the long BIC
like-torch instruments which Home Depot is selling.  Get goingand get a
bunch of them at about $2.50 each.  When the whirlwinds pick up in your apt
and around you, light them and float the flames around you physically, under
your feet, etc.  You may be amazed at how this can do damage to the mind
control assaults upon you.  And take the actual ET rats & monkeys OUT of your
apts.  Unreal -- how the past week or two this has changed my life in my apt.

These invisible animals or insects really are living off of your prauna --
and off of your implants.  And these torches appear to scare the crap out of
many of them.  USE candles, as much as possible.

Secondly, use pesticides throughout your residence regularly.  Spray your
clothes even, use Lysol on surfaces.  Some of the "Feddy" tricks (as in FBI
-- Feddies) include using insects as delivery systems.  So USE pesticides --
frequently bomb your apts.  You would be amazed at how these situations help.

I am now pretty much convinced that mind control victims are nearly all being
used in Dorothy-like tornado whirlwinds, revolving partly invisibly around
them -- and that in these winds are mole-rodents, not visible to the naked
eye (because they travel so fast) -- like rats, which really may be creatures
from the deep.  Implanted animals that may be stalking victims, picking up
specialized drugs off of these clandestine tornados.  Their forte and cover
is speed.

Another animal in this horrendous menagere (sp?) are the banana fish and love
fishes, captured from the whirlwinds brought into victim's residences.  These
fishes are extracted from the atmosphere -- off of the in-body implants
through pimps remote controllers (extractors).

I believe that mind control victims are really what pimps call "wares
victims" -- they are carrying these animals around with them and the animals
are not clearly seen with naked eyes.  AT least one of these animals I had a
police officer confirm that they existed and were accessed or obtained
through electonic means...it may be one of the larger secrets to the
underworld...and to CIA/FBI-drug cartel works.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-11-21 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


By Judith ABR


This article is based upon information, belief and fact.  That is to say
that scientific evidence for the phenomenas described herein is not known to
exist.  The phenomenas described herein are real, that is to say they have
been observed by numerous people, however, this information is not available
at this time to the general public through media sources.  It does appear to
be available through secret societies, cults who would rather that this
information not be made public.  Thus, this is a hypothetical, theory article
in part and evidence included here is mainly first-hand observation.  This
author warns readers that she does not consider herself the authority on
these phenomena, but an interested observerer who looks to wares victims and
syndicate spotters to edit and correct facts included herein.  Also this
article should be not be considered the be-all to end all on these described
phenomena, but simply a beginning to assist other researchers and victims
with disseminating what is occurring throughout the so-called free world
concerning the use of these highly illegal, slave-crime situations.  Judith

The use of the term "wares game" is not documented here as the proper
term necessarily for the phenomena described herein.  It is a functional
term, as it describes fairly well these theoretical occurrences but it is not
known to be the term used colloquially to describe these situations by those
integrally involved in them.  Wares refers to the obtaining of
elements/creatures/drugs through the wares procurement process.  These games
are known to be being played mainly by crime syndicates and specialized cult
groups throughout North America. "Once a wares victim, always a wares victim"
is one adage which needs to be elminated from wares perpetrator's idiom

Simply put, it appears that selected sub-groups of people, who are
considered by communities to be "expendable" (probably including government
dissidents, women past child-bearing ages who may have been used by cults as
breeders or who are unmarried, men who have shared too much information with
the "wrong others" about secret societies, and people who have obtained too
many political enemies in jobs or in communities) are likely candidates for
use in the wares games going on throughout the U.S. and Canada at this time.

Once targeted, the victim will first undergo implantations – often brain
implants or implants non-consensually injected or otherwise placed into the
abdomen.  And local crime syndicates can then tell through designated crime
"spotters" in communities that a wares victim is in the local area.  Victims
cars are implanted with tracking devices and when they enter different crime
territories, the spotters are informed through their local surveillance
networks to monitor and assault the victim with rounds of psycho-poison
drugs.  If victims are recognized and tracked into areas, then more harm may
fall them.  Victims are used in rounds of specific drugs – used in
experimental testing – and assaulted on a daily basis.  But what is actually
occurring to some of these victims is something probably far more sinister
and involved, and includes the use of these victims in monitoring and
procuring creatures from the deep (crime underground).  And acceptance of the
wares game as a part of live, ongoing in nearly every community in the U.S.
means that a very hideous selection process is eliminating and torturing a
selected part of the American public and constitutes a clandestine slavery
system which may have been in use on black slaves and may pre-date the
founding of the U.S. Constitution.  Put frankly, there are those that know
and those that don't and are used in these sanctioned games of assault.
Police and medical professionals cover up evidence, rather than expose it,
because the consequences of assisting victims can mean that they are also

These are games of torture, using high tech weapons.  Microwave frequency
and thermal heat weapons, toxic chemical assaults on bodies and property, and
use of monitoring devices including implants and remotes in surveillance
games utilizing telepathy channels and other new communication devices.
Three points appear to be the motives behind perpetrator's staging of these
set-ups – 1) make the victim appear to be deranged or actually drive them
insane for the purpose of discrediting them, 2) use the victims and their
residences in games of new transportation with supernatural elements
(creatures from the deep and others), known to have existed decades and even
centuries ago for payoffs owned by drug lords – and this includes obtaining
through the games specialized drugs, 3) use victims for community gains
including as bre

[CTRL] NSA Embedded in Software? .

1999-09-04 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

New York Time's Article

September 4, 1999

A Mysterious Component Roils Microsoft
AN FRANCISCO -- A cryptographer for a Canadian software firm, dissecting a
piece of Microsoft security software, made an unexpected find: an element in
the Windows operating system labeled "NSAKey."

When his discovery was made known on his company's Web site Friday, it set
off a firestorm of Orwellian visions in Internet discussion groups.

For Programmers, a Link to Spy Agency Seemed Likely
(September 4, 1999)

Was the buried software component, as the cryptographer surmised, a Trojan
horse that gave the National Security Agency a hidden back door into the
world's computers? Or was it merely a Microsoft programmer's remarkably bad
choice of language in a software system designed to protect electronic
communications and commerce?

Microsoft executives insisted that there was no Big Brother feature in the
software. "The big answer is that these charges are completely false," said
Scott Culp, a security product manager at Microsoft.

And the National Security Agency, which gathers electronic signal
intelligence worldwide and is responsible for the security of the
Government's computers, issued a terse three-sentence news release distancing
itself from the controversy, saying, "Questions about specific products
should be addressed to the company."

Microsoft officials acknowledged that the episode was in any case a black eye
for the world's largest software publisher.

"We're going to pay and pay and pay for this," said one of the company's
security experts, who spoke on the grounds that he not be identified.

In recent months Microsoft has become a lightning rod for criticism of its
products' security and has had to deal with several gaffes, including the
discovery last week of a security flaw that exposed the e-mail of users of
its Hotmail service.


Rumors of a door for U.S. access to the world's computers.


The latest uproar was set off by Andrew Fernandes, a mathematician in
Research Triangle Park, N.C., who is chief scientist of the Cryptonym
Corporation, a small Canadian software firm that is developing computer
security products.

Fernandes first presented his findings at a technical meeting last month in
Southern California, but word did not spread more broadly until today, when a
news release was posted on the Cryptonym Web site.

In a telephone interview, Fernandes said he had made his discovery while
exploring and trying to replicate the security software in Microsoft's
Windows and Windows NT operating systems.

The operating systems make use of a key -- a large number -- to authenticate
software components, providing confidence that a component is correctly
identified and has not been tampered with. For example, when new encryption
functions are added for security, the key verifies that they comply with
Government regulations.

Cryptographers had previously noted the existence of a second key whose use
they could not account for. What Fernandes found in the program was an
identifying tag, disguised in earlier versions. And the label was "NSAKey."

The discovery shocked him, Fernandes said, adding, "It doesn't make any sense
why they would put in a second key."

He concluded that the key represented a serious security flaw that would
leave Microsoft's operating system vulnerable to intrusion. "The result is
that it is tremendously easier for the N.S.A. to load unauthorized security
services on all copies of Microsoft Windows, and once these security services
are loaded, they can effectively compromise your entire operating system,"
his news release asserted.

But at Microsoft, Culp said the key labeled NSAKey was a backup permitting
Microsoft to authenticate encryption components if the first key was damaged.
And he said the name was simply unfortunate.

Related Articles
Microsoft Discloses Flaws in Office 2000 Software
(August 20, 1999)

Software Makers Scramble to Address Security Flaw
(August 3, 1999)

Microsoft and Compaq Admit Vulnerability to Security Flaws
(July 31, 1999)

Security Flaw Is Discovered in Several Unix Programs
(July 26, 1999)

Companies That Ignore Online Security Are Risking Customers
(May 3, 1999)


 Because the key insures compliance with Federal export laws, and the
National Security Agency is the authority responsible for reviewing software
and hardware products intended for foreign use, the component has been
referred to colloquially at Microsoft as t

Re: [CTRL] GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC

1999-09-04 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

This article on paramilitary elements in police departments interested me a
great deal -- I wish the author had published it in a credible news source
like a known newspaper.  And I would like to know more about her sources.  As
I ran into -- without initially knowledge about -- a Canadian
(Toronto-London-Detroit) paramilitary unit back in 1992 -- in New England.
This group and its "Arian" members (strange group of men I will say and other
creatures possibly) had "police" and U.S. Washington DC connections
throughout the entire eastern seaboard.  And they traveled frequently from
city to city in the U.S. staging stalking wars with new weapons on
individuals who were targeted.  They wound up targeting me -- as well as at
least one other pretty woman from Manhattan.  Their crime turf was Long
Island, Manhattan, NJ, upper NY state, some of PA and DC.  They also
traveled, in a pack via cars, throughout the SW into Mexico and Central
America -- ostensibly going after "drug" lord people.  They took JOBS, like
hit jobs on people -- usually individuals -- I understood later -- and they
acted like middle men -- between connections to get people.  This way the
trail was harder to prosecute and target them.  Plus, the police everywhere,
appeared to bow to their presence.  These men would laugh about police and
how they covered their tracks.

People so targeted with mind control tactics, implants and surveillance
strategies need to consider that an element which may be actually staging the
assaults is probably paramilitary.  These groups are not a joke.  They are
extremely violent.  And they are probably the main arm of the U.S. govt in
using people in black projects.  And they know how to make money on people
who are targeted by other groups too.

I have accused one of the leaders of this paramilitary group in court of
staging the stalking violence on me.  But, these men have carte blanche in
the U.S. as far as setting these scenarios up on people -- realize.  They
accept gifts for payments often not money.  They can't be easily prosecuted
outside of the U.S. -- so the U.S. citizenry are their prey.  And easy prey
at that.

Last, what the paramilitary guys are actually DOING is another question with
the black projects.  Because it isn't just hit jobs on individuals that they
get away with.  They are tied into some very bizarre projects with the CIA
and probably with pimps - and it is NOT your garden variety situation of drug
selling.  Some very bizarre new technologies, possibly new means of travel,
transportation, and transformation of species may be involved in this thing.
I am convinced that they are using wind tunnel, vortexes -- for transport or
somethin' -- or that the govt is and that mind control victim's residences
are probably part of this scheme.


In a message dated 9/1/99 8:15:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Subj:   [CTRL] GI Cop
>  Date:9/1/99 8:15:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>  From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alamaine Ratliff)
>  Sender:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)
>  Reply-to:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy
Theory Research List)
>   -Caveat Lector-
>  From cato.or/pubs/briefs/bp-050es.html
>  <  get it >>
>  > Briefing Paper No. 50August 26, 1999
>  > 
>  >
>  >
>  > Warrior Cops
>  > The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in
>  > American Police Departments
>  >
>  > by Diane Cecilia Weber
>  >
>  > Diane Cecilia Weber is a Virginia writer on law enforcement and criminal
>  > justice.
>  >
>  > Executive Summary
>  >
>  >
>  > Over the past 20 years Congress has encouraged the U.S. military to
>  > intelligence, equipment, and training to civilian police. That
> encouragement has
>  > spawned a culture of paramilitarism in American law enforcement.
>  >
>  > The 1980s and 1990s have seen marked changes in the number of state and
> local
>  > paramilitary units, in their mission and deployment, and in their
>  > armament. According to a recent academic survey, nearly 90 percent of
> police
>  > departments surveyed in cities with populations over 50,000 had
> paramilitary
>  > units, as did 70 percent of the departments surveyed in communities with
>  > populations under 50,000. The Pentagon has been equipping those units
>  > M-16s, armored personnel carriers, and grenade launchers. The police
>  > paramilitary units also conduct training exercises with active duty Army
> Rangers
>  > and Navy SEALs.
>  >
>  > State and local police departments are increasingly accepting the
> as a
>  > model for their behavior and outlook. The sharing of training and
> technology is
>  > producing a shared mindset. The problem is that the mindset of the
> is
>  > simply not appropriate for the civilian police officer. Police officers
> confront
>  > not an “enemy” but individuals who are protected by the Bill of Rights.
>  > Conf

Re: [CTRL] [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC

1999-09-05 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

I don't know if you feel safe devuldging the details of these operations, but
I for one would very much like to hear more about these two incidents.  What
is lacking on all mind control forums, in my estimation are real-life
situations which people have witnessed.   Putting many of these situations
together will give us a survey of data from which to unravel what
international crime groups are doing to whom -- possibly why too.

I am now convinced that, and I keep saying it to deaf ears it appears, the
"drug" scene is NOT a narcotics story -- much.  No.  It is not.  It IS about
secretive chemcials -- it is about hard to get chemicals -- but not
specifically narcotics.  AND it is about hybrids -- part human/part other
species -- AND it is about some species which do shape shifting -- yes, yes.
It is about the use of a SEND frequency system, with some very interesting
high tech devices, to control large segments of the world's populations.  And
it is about co-opting -- people selling out to cults/quasi-religious
groups/Intel units in neighborhoods -- and about these new curmudgeon crime
groups -- infiltrating all world communities now.  It is about clandestine
eugenics rings, and about staged pregnancies and births using outside ovum -
etc.  All of this I am confident fits into the larger picture of what the
paramilitary are handling in neighborhoods.  The paramilitary succeed in
part, like the CIA, because they target INDIVIDUALS.  It is therefore nearly
impossible for these crime groups to not succeed.  It is one against
hundreds.   These victims are outnumbered unless they coagulate.  Which the
Net is affording them some degree of comfort in accomplishing.

Later -- Judith

In a message dated 9/4/99 10:34:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


>  I have specific knowledge of one very high-profile operation dated 1980,
>  and
>  possibly another dated 1997, which appear to me to have had a "Prove how
>  good we are, to get the contract" motive.
>  Lyn Milnes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-09-06 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


Many people on these lists have witnessed with me continuing and ongoing
mind control abuse of (innocent) individuals throughout the U.S.  -- esp.
those targeted with implants and being used in black projects.  I am seeking
to include in a Board of Trustee's, involved in a non-profit org. -- a group
of victims who want to use a non-profit to bring out, legally and through
other journalistic statements, this story.

If you are interested in becoming a part of a new org., esp. willing to
lend your story of trouble and as much as you can your knowledge of govt
atrosities to a new non-proft org., please contact me.

Perhaps this org. can help everyone so harmed.  If you want more info
about this, please email me personally.

Judith A. Brundin

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC

1999-09-10 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

Ah -- I don't believe I made mention of what I learned (the hard way) was the
difference between the paramilitary and local police.  The paramilitary are
deeply involved in intelligence operations and involved with elements which
include "creatures of the deep" as A. Constantine puts them.  Your everyday
police officer stays out of these more esoteric, secretive, crime
syndicate-sex trade situations.  The paramilitary also take on "hit" jobs on
high govt officials and others so deemed dangerous often because they talk
too much -- people govt's regard as dangerous.  The paramilitary will snuff
these people out with psycho-killer disregard -- and things like untraceable
poisons.  The paramilitary will also stage stalking assaults upon people who
are intentionally implanted -- as a method of eliminating them or co-opted
them and owning them for particular purposes.  This includes using and going
after Manchurian Candidates who are implanted and being badly abused --
paramilitary can go after them to USE them.

The paramilitary, in fact, are probably FAR more horrible, far more involved
with secretive cults and intelligence black projects, using mind control
victims than local police.  Local police are USED BY THE paramilitary -- to
shut up victims and get them discredited with arrests.  But the local police
don't necessarily get involved with staging a stalking assault upon an
individual to the extent which the paramilitary can do this.  NO.  However,
it is possible that local police will join local "curmdugeon" (types of
hybrids) couples in carrying out paramilitary and intelligence operations on
individuals in communities and this can definitely include implanting people
with new devices.  But paramilitary and these new psycho-crime twosomes,
"curmudgeons" are the ones who actually do the assaults locally in
communities. The curmudgeon's are growing everywhere in vast numbers.   Is my
understanding and experience.  They are recognizable -- they are very homely
peoples -- and often not from the local area -- posed as couples.  Intel
agents use em all the time for things like assaultsthis is stated from
personal belief and from having been close to a rather large Canadian
paramilitary group for a full year back in 1993-94 -- in NYC area.

Judith ABR

In a message dated 9/4/99 4:32:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Subj: Re: [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC
 Date:  9/4/99 4:32:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tessa)

 No paramilitary here. these are the real thing, baby
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, September 04, 1999 12:47 PM
 Subject: [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC

 > This article on paramilitary elements in police departments interested me
 > great deal -- I wish the author had published it in a credible news source
 > like a known newspaper.  And I would like to know more about her sources.
 > I ran into -- without initially knowledge about -- a Canadian
 > (Toronto-London-Detroit) paramilitary unit back in 1992 -- in New England.
 > This group and its "Arian" members (strange group of men I will say and
 > creatures possibly) had "police" and U.S. Washington DC connections
 > throughout the entire eastern seaboard.  And they traveled frequently from
 > city to city in the US. staging stalking wars with new weapons on
 > individuals who were targeted.  They wound up targeting me -- as well as
 > l >>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC/Send NETWORK

1999-09-10 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.   I was at the U.S. Open
Tennis Tournament this week -- for two full days -- and I had awful problems
otherwise gettin on the Net -- with new URL, somebody is taking care of my
Net connection.

The story of the use of special drugs/chems (poisons to some, body boosters
to others -- and the use of "pretty chems" -- which are obviously becoming a
big part of world life these days) -- these are not narcotics and they aren't
probably part of any doctor's reperiore.  If you want them, try approaching a
crime syndicate -- or a cult.  And pay for them.  Secondly -- the thing about
shape shifting is that it probably is mainly done through the use of
electronics -- high frequency devices, remotes and IMPLANTS.  Special drugs
may also be used in this.  And it may include some measure of human
transformation  -- even new transportation has been discussed -- like
teleporting.  At the far end of the speculation is the notion that people are
actually being teleported through wind tunnels -- over vast
territories/areas.  And that in the process their faces and bodies  change
shape temporarily.  Or that people's changing shapes are due to the use fo
implants and high tech frequencies on them -- in sayance rituals by satanic
cults.  The last possibility, certainly very speculative is that the shape
shifting is due to the use of drugs -- and that alien beings are actually
shaping people's faces -- temporarily, removing and examining tissues, then
replacing them.  This last notion, I do not really subscribe to.  The use of
implants, drugs, high tech remote control devices, yeah -- this I can
believe.  And this I do believe.

THere is a whole other ritualistic side to the use of implanted people now in
throughout the U.S.  And the U.S. may be experiencing more human
experimenting-research than Europe, which underwent this transformation with
creatures from the deep 40 years earlier.  But, whoa, this this is real.

My take now is that (and this is hypothetical at least somewhat) is that a
certain cut of people -- say 10-20% are being used in a very serious slavery
system -- a sort of sex-ownership slavery system and usually without their
knowledge.  It does include these creatures.  And all their acquaintences and
friends and collegeagues may JOIN in the assaults upon them when the
individual is so targeted.  The targeting IS through mainly implants.  And
the use of the people in a complex "send" system by all others.  Certain
entities need the sends.  And normal people use the sends for sex -- and also
in a drug-way.  Certain implanted people are carrying around with them wind
tunnels -- which contain particular creatures of the deep.  People in "the
know" use remote controllers to access both frequency sends off of the
individual and also some of the creatures themselves.

Thus, targeted mind control victims may be also being used in this
frequency-send system by crime syndicates and Intel agents.  The creatures
literally are following around most people out there now.  Most people don't
realize what this is until later in life.  And the creatures are literally
invisible to most people's naked eye.  Some people I am learning now can
actually see these things or see the evidence of them with a naked eye.  But,
whatever, people are being used (large groups of them) in these payoff
frequency schemes.  And it is for sex -- stuff -- it is for NEW drugs -- it
is for the spreading of prauna -- life energy in the targeted individual to
the creatures.

Some of these creatures are literally, when dead -- tar-like.  They are
like leeches when alive and are quite intelligent.  They are slimy -- cold
things.  And some people "access" these creatures off of these victims.  This
does constitute probably the story behind what govt is doing with the black
projects -- in part.  And what paramilitary guys worldwide are involved with.

Later -- Judith

In a message dated 9/6/99 12:36:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Subj: Re: [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC
 Date:  9/6/99 12:36:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyn Milnes)
 Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyn Milnes)


 I note that you say, the drug thing is not about narcotics, but about
 special chemicals, hybrids including shape-shifting, send frequencies which
 control, co-opting, eugenics matters ...

 I would listen with great respect to anything further you had to comment in
 these matters.

 ... are you able to tell any more?


 Judith said:
 >Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 13:26:12 EDT

 >I am now convinced that, and I keep saying it to deaf ears it appears, the
 >"drug" scene is NOT a narcotics story -- much.  No.  It is not.  It IS
 >secretive chemicals -- it is about hard to get chemicals -- but not
 >specifically narcotics.  AND it is about hybrids -- part human/part oth

Re: [CTRL] [MC] MORE Send/Love Fish Info

1999-09-12 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

About the fish thing -- these may not be actual fishes.  They are more
leeche-worm-eel like -- and when they die they are dark black, like tar.  And
I may have something wrong about the fishing expeditions/systems itself here,
but I think not.  You have heard of men saying to women or pimps saying about
prostitutes -- "selling their wares?"  -- This ain't just sex.  It is these
special animals.  And, I go further -- a portion of the U.S. is set up, esp.
women, with implants that bring in these animals.   These dead send fishes
are all over NYC streets -- and scattered by the hundreds throughout the NYC
subway system's walkways.  This is NOT tar.  There is NO tar in the subway
system areas -- all walks are cement.  There is no tar in the subway tunnels
-- they are wood and dirt and cement.  There is NO tar in the subway cars.
These tar baby things are ALL OVER the sidewalks of Manhattan. All over
them...they are NOT tar.  Try scraping one of them up -- it is not the least
bit like tar. ANd it is not chewing gum.  Which years ago I though it might
be. It simply is not.  Scraping any of them off the street will tell you
this.  I had a police officer confirm that these black things were "love
fish" -- he knew.  I believe, cause I have caught 4 of them -- and have felt
the sends off of these things -- that people literally are using these to get
by and get good jobs done at doctor's offices, etc.  Carrying one of these
around makes life around you much nicer -- cause of the sends they put off.
Where do they come from?  Some people, not everyone, are set-up for the
catching of these.  The implants in body draw in the animals -- and these
people seem ot have, I know it sound weird, but wind-tunnels which are
invisible to naked eye around em.  In these tunnels these animals seem to
live -- almost like glass fish -- see though, until they are caught -- then
they take on color.  I also believe that people have been used in these
stranger-than-life stories for literally centuries -- the implants used for a
long long time.  And the animals fishing stuff is what many prostitutes are
set-up with -- the johns own them.  It is amazing to see these fishes come
alive off the frequency draws too -- amazing.  Because the catching is really
something to behond. The fishes show in a flash -- and with a strange
pancake-like face on them.  This really is a real event -- not imagined.  The
evidence of the fishes' existance is all around you now too -- look at these
tar babies.  I am photographing this stuff in Manhattan now and NJ.  The
pimps know this, that the sex trade actually IS about selling these creatures
from the deep.  Ask a pimp (you know what they look like -- the well dressed,
thick haired men...Italian a lot of them) -- to show you how they catch the
send or love fish.  Ask him if you pay him, if he has any for sale.  Pretend
you know what you are talking about -- if he says yes, ask the price, ask to
see it, and ask him how to care for it.  He won't be able to show you how
they are caught unless he has a mind control implant victim nearby -- to
catch the fish off of.  THis is part of the underground workings -- girl.  It
is considered pretty seedy stuff by many people.  But there is a whole
cottage industry working about the procurement and use of these strange
animals.  And as I said the evidence of these things being real is on the

About eugenics -- there are specialized crime groups -- called curmudgeons --
who often carry out implanting people who may become targeted for various
reasons.  Once implanted, cults they begin working the victims over with mind
control programming -- often in an effort to own the person.  The
curmudgeon's may work for Freemasons in communities who are targeting
particular people for elimination or torture or use in the satanic cult
protocols.  The curmudgeons also handle tracking and following people set-up
as nets for the fishing stories -- and the curmudgeons can make their money
through getting the selling the love fish.  City officials and police may be
making money on these victims and many victims are owned by pimps.  These
curmudgeon couples are recognizable -- rather homely -- often huge eyes --
they may not even be married.  They are tied into the workings of the sex
trade and love fish trade.  They can track and follow mind control implanted
slaves/victims for long periods.

Judith ABR

In a message dated 9/6/99 12:24:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Subj: Re: [MC] Re: GI Cop/Paramilitary/MC
 Date:  9/6/99 12:24:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyn Milnes)

 Thank you for your comments, Judith, but I have nothing further to add.

 A lot of what you say rings true to me, including your current remark about

 I am baffled by the fish thing you mention, though, and I suspect it may
 switch people who read your comments off, because it is SO strange to them

Re: [CTRL] More About Glass Fishese/MC Problems

1999-09-21 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

Answers -- I thought you might be someone I knew as Annie -- your email even
sounds like her and my email address has changed since I last saw her.  Well
anyway -- yeah -- about the "ware game" or system.  I am convinced now,
quite, that this is very real stuff.  And that a certain portion of the U.S.
has been set-up with implants to accommodate this system -- frankly, I feel
it is the most important situation going on around us now -- which is not
publicized in any way, but which the evidence for its production is abundant
in Manhattan.  This really may be the underpinnings to what is occurring with
most mind control victims.  They may get implanted by paid-off doctors (often
Intel agents may be involved in staging this stuff on victims -- which may be
why so many victims were govt employess at one stage or another) -- once
implanted they become "slaves" to the pimp-sex-wares games.  And infants may
be being used in this thing too.  I believe that the use of humans as slaves
in this thing goes WAY back.  Generations, decades, etcand that the
victims are always the ones in the dark the rest of society may be loving
these horrible scenarios because they get kick-backs off of these victims --
literally -- their lives may be come set-up after assaulting these victims.
Thus the victims wind up in a horrible revolving door of abuse by nearly
everyone around them, owned by satanic cults and pimps -- or by Intel
agencies for black projects, etc.

But back the wares game -- idioms men refer to refer to this system -- she is
a "marked woman" (designated by cults as a breeder and usually physical,
sexual mutiliations result) -- and others.  The wares are NOT really sexual
favors as such, as one would initially believe is true.  The wares actually
are two things -- the person is implanted to pick up the elements from the
deep (these glass-love fishes/eels) -- these animals materialize out of thin
air, nearly -- and possibly from wind tunnels invisible to the eye -- which
surround the victims with special implants.  THe implants PULL in the
tunnels, realize.  This all works together.  And pimps can set someone up
with different implants to pull in different things -- thus victims may have
good wares to procure or bad wares to procure.  Men are attracted to
prostitutes because they are implanted with devices which make them
attractive to men.  There are literally sexual-implants which men ejaculate
from.  Women set-up with these implants men easily "come" with and the
women's auras, draw men into them.  Men are instantly attracted to this
"comely" feeling around the prostitute.  Also, women carrying these love
fishes in their purses also use the vibes to get good treatments and may use
these fishes on men too -- to help them come.  Men need to ejaculate
regularly and most loath the notion of masterbation -- really loathe it --
they would rather pay a prostitute often.

About implants -- the evidence of implants is usually obvious to a victim.
If it is near the skin's surface or in the gums, the victim will feel a lump
or bump where implant may be.  The implant may change or alter the person's
auras -- so people may like them or not like them depending.  IF the implant
is deep into an organ -- this can especially happen if someone was in surgery
-- or knocked out with drugs/anestheics by assaulters, then the person will
have consistent pain, infection in that organ or area.  And, when these
impalnts are accessed for the wares games, they definitely put out
frequencies -- so victims are tortured often continually -- with vibration
accesssing from the implant --- victims defintiely know HOW the thing is
operating in their bodies, this is not a question.  They may NOT know how the
pimps get the glass-love fishes however.  Because that is pretty bizarre to
explain.  The way the fishes "materialize" is either out of the wind tunnel
stuff (which is not seeable with naked eyes) -- OR from the air around the
victimsthe pimps use remote controllers -- to PULL in the frequency-vibes
which draw these creatures.  The creatures pass through the in-body implant
FAST, very very fast -- as the implant reaches a bang like -- THUMP -- then
land usually right at the victims feet or under their body (chair say) --
victims FEEL the thump happen.Creatures arrive and slither away very
fast, barely seeable to naked eye.  Pimps SNAP their fingers to get creatures
attentions, even on a busy NYC street, you can hear them snapping their
fingers.  They are picking up these fishes.  Then they use something special
to grab them...hold them.  The creatures can get through nearly anything --
small holes in windows, under doors into hallways in motels, they go to
someone they think they can trust.  These animals are smarter than fish.
When they arrive -- I believe that they are see-through, like glass.  The
pimps use em for sex trade with men and Intel agents who are implant victims
from the past use them for favors from o

[CTRL] Bivens v. FBI

1999-09-27 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

Listers:  I have been researching different court decisions through a great
URL on the Net called Findlaw -- actually most of the U.S. body of law and
decisions (which define the laws in greater depth) are available on the Net
now.  This particular decision may be of interest to mind control victims who
want to attempt litigation in a federal court against the FBI -- or even
other govt agencies.  I put a sample brief, which could be used by victims
(H. Girard's brief from a year ago) on the Net a while back -- but the Bivens
decision is pretty well known.  I am not sure what decisions may have
preceeded this decision -- and may be more important, but victims should know
of this bit of pre-Watergate law.  Now FBI agents are not often "seen"
breaking and entering homes with out sufficient cause or action, they find
OTHER ways to assault victims, and Bivens may be one of the reasons.  See
below -- Judith


 BIVENS ACTIONS Damages remedies for constitutional violations committed by
federal agents were not available until 1971. Althouth the Supreme Court had
long held that federal courts had the power to grant relief not expressly
authorized by statute as well as the power to adjust remedies to grant relief
made necessary by the particular circumstances of the case at hand, it was
not until the Court's decision in Bivens v. 6 unknown named agents of the FBI
403US388, 91SCT1999, 29LE2d 619(1971) that a violation of a specific
constitutional amendment by a federal agent was recognized as giving rise to
a cause of action for money damages.

In Bivens, the plaintiff alleged that federal agents had arrested him and
searched his home without a warrant or probable cause in violation of the 4th
amendment's ban against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The Court upheld the sufficiency of the complaint in the face of a motion to
dismiss for failure to state a cause of action and rejected the argument that
a state tort action provided an adequate and exclusive judicial remedy. Even
though there was no specific authority for such a civil action in the
Constitution, the Bil of Rights, or any federal statute, the Court recognized
a judicial remedy on the basis of the historic power of the federal courts to
redress personal injury through the particular remedial mechanism of money

These judicially created causes of action, known as BIVENS ACTIONS , provided
merely remedies, not substantive rights. Despite the absence of any federal
statutory or constitutional basis for such a cause of action, the historic
use of damages by federal courts as an ordinary remedy for the invasion of
personal liberty interests led the Court to conclude that a plaintiff should
be allowed to redress a violation of the plaintiff's 4th amendment rights by
the federal agents with a monetary award.

Since the very essence of civil liberty consists of the right to protection
of the laws of the federal government, the Court reasoned that the issue is
not whether the availability of money damages is necessary to enforce the 4th

Nor is it enough to rely on state law as aprotection because the interests of
state laws regulating trespass and the invasion of privacy and the interests
protected by; the Forth Amendment may be incosistent or even hostile to one
another. Rather, the Court's concern was the lack of real relief for
constitutional violations. Compounding this concern was the Court's
perception that a federal agent acting unconstitutionally in the name of the
U.S. possesses a far greater capacity for harm than an individual exercising
no more authority than his or her own.

A damages remedy for plaintiffs injured by federal officials and agents thus
became a means to vindicate A plaintiff may establish an actionable Bivens
claim based on conspiracy by showing:

(1) the existence of an express or implied agreement among the defendants to
deprive him of const. rights,

(2) an actual deprivation of those Constitutional rights resulting from the

403 U.S. 388 (1971), 403 U.S. 388
>From FindLaw

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More Bivens

1999-09-27 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

Here is much of the Bivens decision from http://mansue.com/scbivnsa.html

403 U.S. 388 (1971)

403 U.S. 388
No. 301.
Argued January 12, 1971
Decided June 21, 1971

Petitioner's complaint alleged that respondent agents of the Federal Bureau
of Narcotics, acting under color of federal authority, made a warrantless
entry of his apartment, searched the apartment, and arrested him on narcotics
charges. All of the acts were alleged to have been done without probable
cause. Petitioner's suit to recover damages from the agents was dismissed by
the District Court on the alternative grounds (1) that it failed to state a
federal cause of action and (2) that respondents were immune from suit by
virtue of their official position. The Court of Appeals affirmed on the first
ground alone. Held:

1. Petitioner's complaint states a federal cause of action under the Fourth
Amendment for which damages are recoverable upon proof of injuries resulting
from the federal agents' violation of that Amendment. Pp. 390-397.

2. The Court does not reach the immunity question, which was not passed on by
the Court of Appeals. Pp. 397-398.

409 F.2d 718, reversed and remanded.
BRENNAN, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which DOUGLAS, STEWART,
WHITE, and MARSHALL, JJ., joined. HARLAN, J., filed an opinion concurring in
the judgment, post, p. 398. BURGER, C. J., post, p. 411, BLACK, J., post, p.
427, and BLACKMUN, J., post, p. 430, filed dissenting opinions.

Stephen A. Grant argued the cause and filed a brief for petitioner.

Jerome Feit argued the cause for respondents. On the brief were Solicitor
General Griswold, Assistant Attorney General Ruckelshaus, and Robert V. Zener.

Melvin L. Wulf filed a brief for the American Civil Liberties Union as amicus
curiae urging reversal. [403 U.S. 388, 389]

MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN delivered the opinion of the Court.

The Fourth Amendment provides that:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated .
. . ."

In Bell v. Hood, 327 U.S. 678 (1946), we reserved the question whether
violation of that command by a federal agent acting under color of his
authority gives rise to a cause of action for damages consequent upon his
unconstitutional conduct. Today we hold that it does.
This case has its origin in an arrest and search carried out on the morning
of November 26, 1965. Petitioner's complaint alleged that on that day
respondents, agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics acting under claim of
federal authority, entered his apartment and arrested him for alleged
narcotics violations. The agents manacled petitioner in front of his wife and
children, and threatened to arrest the entire family. They searched the
apartment from stem to stern. Thereafter, petitioner was taken to the federal
courthouse in Brooklyn, where he was interrogated, booked, and subjected to a
visual strip search.

On July 7, 1967, petitioner brought suit in Federal District Court. In
addition to the allegations above, his complaint asserted that the arrest and
search were effected without a warrant, and that unreasonable force was
employed in making the arrest; fairly read, it alleges as well that the
arrest was made without probable cause.1 Petitioner claimed to have suffered
great humiliation, [403 U.S. 388, 390] embarrassment, and mental suffering as
a result of the agents' unlawful conduct, and sought $15,000 damages from
each of them. The District Court, on respondents' motion, dismissed the
complaint on the ground, inter alia, that it failed to state a cause of
action.2 276 F. Supp. 12 (EDNY 1967). The Court of Appeals, one judge
concurring specially,3 affirmed on that basis. 409 F.2d 718 (CA2 1969). We
granted certiorari. 399 U.S. 905(1970). We reverse.

Respondents do not argue that petitioner should be entirely without remedy
for an unconstitutional invasion of his rights by federal agents. In
respondents' view, however, the rights that petitioner asserts - primarily
rights of privacy - are creations of state and not of federal law.
Accordingly, they argue, petitioner may obtain money damages to redress
invasion of these rights only by an action in tort, under state law, in the
state courts. In this scheme the Fourth Amendment would serve merely to limit
the extent to which the agents could defend [403 U.S. 388, 391] the state law
tort suit by asserting that their actions were a valid exercise of federal
power: if the agents were shown to have violated the Fourth Amendment, such a
defense would be lost to them and they would stand before the state law
merely as private individuals. Candidly admitting that it is the policy of
the Department of Justice to remove all such suits from the state

[CTRL] Imagine the Possibilities to Bivens as a Messiah Miracle

1999-09-27 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-

Imagine the possibilities for a world miracle to unleash the actual
atrosities committed by satanic cults, creatures of the deep, and govt
officials IF:  1) 1,000 mind control victims in the SAME month, all submitted
pro se briefs into their respective local federal district courts demanding
"damages" (financial) for TORTS (physical claims) allegations.  Imagine the
MONEY the FEDS would have to SPEND on litigating ALL those claims with their
attorneys.  Imagine:  2) using this ploy, these court briefs, to take UP
Federal monies and TIME so that other groups could get other things done,
having the U.S. govt GULAG under some sort of localized busy work, controls
with ALL these court cases.  Imagine staging EVEN bigger Federal govt money
absorbers --- the ABSORPTION WARS by the public.

Imagine that MILLIONS of people filed federal district court claims for
Bivens damages or any other TORTS claims act sort of cases -- and that this
in fact constituted a public REVOLT in the courts -- with each case admitting
into court, parts of other cases -- and the whole group eventually filing a
case into Supreme Court -- pro se.

The Gulag's use right now of horrendous weaponry against humanity -- is
simply not to be denied by most victims.  I recall one of the best pieces of
advise I ever heard going way back from a private detective being "make them
WORK."  -- Yeah.  Making them work ain't a bad defense.   Getting perfect
results isn't the point -- getting your case heard and into some public
record may be the ONLY point here.  As the media is now so fully controlled.
Again, I really mean that victims of mind control work only need to
contribute to an ongoing data base of info -- with their accounts.  They need
to be counted within a relevant survey.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] About Livelihood

1999-10-14 Thread Jabr 333

 -Caveat Lector-


I totally admit that this is off topic, but I began discussing this barely
with you on the Net as a means of survival if you are a mind control victim.
Therefore, I don't feel it is totally off cue.

IF you have been stock trading for survival -- and IF (which is likely) you
feel that the bank has been gyping you -- join my club.  There are ways to
track and trace your capital expenses and profits with an account -- and
special ways to look at it too.  At least I believe so, even with balances
upping and downing and banks claiming they can't straighten things sooner
than 3 days.  OFF the list, if you want my advise and recommendations --
these are short -- write to me privately.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] About Wicca

2000-03-26 Thread Jabr 333

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Does anyone on list have knowledge about Wicca protocols at all?  Can anyone
on list either write me privately or put any URLs on list about 'em?  Any
info would be appreciated.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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