[CTRL] (1994) -- 'Schizophrenic' Shoots At White House...

2004-02-02 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

'Mental illness' or MIND CONTROL?

Doctor:  Duran shot at evil mist.
Colorado man was crazy, defense says

Byline  Julia Angwin, States News Service
Newspaper Name  Denver Post
Edition  TUE1 ED
Page Number  P A-02
DY  Tuesday,
Date  March 28, 1995
Section Heading  FRONT PAGE

Dateline  WASHINGTON -

Francisco Duran was shooting at an evil mist hanging over the White House, which he 
thought would invade President Clinton's brain and cause the president to destroy the 
world, a psychiatrist testified yesterday in federal court. As a paranoid 
schizophrenic, Duran believed he had to stop the 1,000-year-old mist, said forensic 
psychiatrist Neil Blumberg.

Defense attorneys say Duran, 26, was crazy when he unloaded the contents of a 
semiautomatic rifle at the presidential mansion last fall. Government prosecutors 
paint Duran as a pagan anarchist who rationally planned to kill the president. If 
Duran is convicted of attempted presidential assassination, he could spend the rest of 
his life behind bars.

In the past few days of the trial, prosecutors presented dozens of witnesses who said 
Duran appeared normal and coherent before the shooting. They also produced notes he 
wrote such as "kill the prez."

But in testimony yesterday, Blumberg said Duran suffers from delusions and 
hallucinations typical of a psychotic. To prove insanity, the defense must show Duran 
was incapable of distinguishing right from wrong. "I've reviewed a number of hit men 
and Frank Duran is not similar to any of them," said Blumberg, who reviewed records 
and interviewed Duran. He added Duran is typical of paranoid schizophrenics, who do 
not exhibit symptoms until their mid-20s.

Duran's psychosis began to show when he was in military prison at Fort Leavenworth, 
Kan., Blumberg said. Duran served 3 1/2 years after drunkenly running his car over a 
woman and fracturing her skull while at an Army base in Hawaii. Duran began as a model 
prisoner, but when he was turned down for early parole he began withdrawing from his 
courses at the community college, and started getting interested in espionage, 
assassinations, serial killers,and out-of-body experiences, Blumberg said.

When Duran returned home to Colorado in September 1993, his friends and family said he 
was unusually "isolated, withdrawn and aloof," Blumberg said. Duran's problems were 
exacerbated by sexual problems with his wife and a marijuana habit, Blumberg said. It 
was February 1994 when Duran had his first psychotic experience: a vision of a 
5-foot-8 inch multi-colored embryonic being that communicated with him telepathically 
and told him about the mind-controlling mist above the White House, Blumberg said. 
Duran began to realize that he was chosen to battle the mist. Those thoughts were 
mixed in with critical ideas about the government Duran heard from radio talk-show 
hosts Rush Limbaugh and Chuck Baker, Blumberg said.

Duran felt validated when a small plane crashed into the White House in September 
1994. "He was happy, almost elated that this confirmed there was a force hovering 
above the White House that was defending itself," Blumberg said. So Duran girded for 
battle: The day after the plane crash, he bought a shotgun and gathered weapons for 
his trip. He loaded up his truck with a semiautomatic rifle, a machete and nerve-gas 
antidote, which he planned to inject into the mist.

Duran took his time going to D.C. "He knew he was going to die and wasn't in a 
particular hurry," Blumberg said. When he arrived, Duran spent two weeks walking near 
the White House looking for the mist. He thought it only would be there when the 
president was inside.

Finally, he allegedly saw it about 3 p.m., Oct. 29. "He saw the mist, while he 
registered what it was, he started firing at it. He thought it was coming at him. He 
was moving back and firing," Blumberg said. "After being tackled, he looked up and the 
mist was gone and he was surprised to be alive."

Prosecutors tried to discredit Blumberg, noting he will get $25,000 for providing 
expert testimony. In cross-examination, prosecutor Eric Dubelier suggested Duran could 
have lied in his psychiatric exams.

Copyright  Copyright (c) 1995 The Denver Post. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Anti-Draft Activist Kills His Wife...

2003-12-21 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. STANLEY STRESS, Defendant and Appellant

No. D005997

Court of Appeal of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division One

205 Cal. App. 3d 1259; 252 Cal. Rptr. 913; 1988 Cal. App. LEXIS 1061

November 15, 1988

SUBSEQUENT HISTORY:  [***1]  A Petition for a Rehearing was Denied December 5, 1988, 
and Respondent's Petition for Review by the Supreme Court was Denied February 23, 1989.


Superior Court of San Diego County, No. CR80044, Richard D. Huffman, Judge.

DISPOSITION: The verdict of murder in the first degree is affirmed; the case is 
remanded for a new hearing on the issue of sanity.



Defendant was convicted of the first degree murder of his wife. (Superior Court of San 
Diego County, No. CR80044, Richard D. Huffman, Judge.)

The Court of Appeal affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded the case to the 
trial court. It held that proof that defendant had an intention to kill was alone 
sufficient to establish the requisite element of malice, and that proof that defendant 
had acted in wanton disregard for human life or from antisocial motivation was not 
required. It also held that the trial court properly chose not to consider defendant's 
purported mental illness in deciding whether the murder was deliberate and 
premeditated. However, it held that the trial court erred prejudicially in finding 
that Pen. Code, § 25, subd. (b) (insanity defense's requirement that defendant be 
incapable of distinguishing right from wrong), referred to legal wrong, and not to a 
violation of society's moral standards. The trial court had repeatedly stated that 
defendant's motivations for the crime were "crazy," but that defendant recognized that 
his acts were illegal; and that it might have found defendant was unable to conform 
his conduct to the legal requirements if that were the applicable test. Although his 
central motivation in committing the crime was to draw attention to his conspiracy 
theories that professional athletes were being prevented from being drafted into 
military service during the Vietnam War, defendant's other statements about the crime 
could be interpreted as his belief that his actions, though illegal, did not violate 
generally accepted moral standards. (Opinion by Benke, J., with Kremer, P. J., and 
Todd, J., concurring.)



Classified to California Digest of Official Reports, 3d Series

(1) Homicide § 10--Murder--Express Malice--Intent to Kill Alone as Sufficient to 
Establish. --In a prosecution of defendant for the murder of hhis wife, the trial 
court properly found that an intention to kill alone was sufficient to establish the 
requisite element of malice. The court in finding such express malice was not also 
required to find that defendant had acted in wanton disregard for human life or from 
antisocial motivation. Defendant had killed his wife to further his goal of gaining a 
forum for espousing his theories that there had been a conspiracy to prevent 
professional athletes from being drafted into military service during the Vietnam War. 
Though this motive was bizarre and delusional, it was sufficient to show that 
defendant intended to kill his wife without lawful justification.

(2) Homicide § 13--First Degree Murder--Deliberation and Premeditation--Mature and 
Meaningful Reflection. -- Pen. Code, § 189 (first degree murrder), was amended in 1981 
to remove from the elements of deliberation and premeditation the requirement that the 
defendant maturely and meaningfully reflect on his or her acts. Those elements now are 
proved when the trier of fact concludes not merely that the defendant harbored an 
intent to kill, but when that intent was the result of forethought and reflection, and 
when careful thought and a weighing of considerations are demonstrated. Those elements 
are not negated by evidence that a defendant's mental condition was abnormal or his or 
her perception of reality delusional unless those conditions resulted in the failure 
to plan or weigh considerations for and against the proposed course of action.

(3a) (3b) (3c) (3d) Homicide § 22--Defenses, Excuse, 
Justification--Insanity--Inability to Distinguish Right From Wrong--Moral as Opposed 
to Legal Wrong. --In  a prosecution of defendant for the first degree murder of his 
wife, the trial court erred prejudicially in finding that Pen. Code, § 25, subd. (b) 
(insanity defense's requirement that defendant be unable to distinguish right from 
wrong), referred to legal wrong, and not to a violation of society's moral standards. 
The error was prejudicial, since the court repeatedly stated that defendant's 
motivations for the crime were "crazy" but not illegal; and that it might have found 
defendant unable to conform his conduct to legal requirements if that test were in 
effect. Although his central motivation in committing the

[CTRL] Injectable Microchips

2003-11-22 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

[Note: I don't believe for a minute that injectable microchips are "new". Federal 
plaintiff Chuck Schlund -- whose case was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court in May 
2001 -- read about the use of this technology more than twenty-fivve years ago].


Bio-chip implant arrives for cashless transactions: Announcement at global security 
confab unveils syringe-injectable ID microchip

Posted: November 21, 2003
7:42 p.m. Eastern
By Sherrie Gossett

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

At a global security conference held today in Paris, an American company announced a 
new syringe-injectable microchip implant for humans, designed to be used as a 
fraud-proof payment method for cash and credit-card transactions.

The chip implant is being presented as an advance over credit cards and smart cards, 
which, absent biometrics and appropriate safeguard technologies, are subject to theft, 
resulting in identity fraud.

Identity fraud costs the banking and financial industry some $48 billion a year, and 
consumers $5 billion, according to 2002 Federal Trade Commission estimates.

In his speech today at the ID World 2003 conference in Paris, France, Scott R. 
Silverman, CEO of Applied Digital Solutions, called the chip a "loss-proof solution" 
and said that the chip's "unique under-the-skin format" could be used for a variety of 
identification applications in the security and financial worlds.

The company will have to compete, though, with organizations using just a fingerprint 
scan for similar applications.

The ID World Conference, held yesterday and today at the Charles de Gaulle Hilton, 
focused on current and future applications of radio frequency identification (RFID) 
technologies, biometrics, smart cards and data collection.

The company's various "VeriChips" are RFID chips, which contain a unique 
identification number and can carry other personal data about the implantee. When 
radio-frequency energy passes from a scanner, it energizes the chip, which is passive 
(not independently powered), and which then emits a radio-frequency signal 
transmitting the chip's information to the reader, which in turn links with a database.

ADS has previously touted its radio frequency identification (RFID) chips for secure 
building access, computer access, storage of medical records, anti-kidnapping 
initiatives and a variety of law-enforcement applications. The company has also 
developed proprietary hand-held readers and portal readers that can scan data when an 
implantee enters a building or room.

The "cashless society" application is not new -- it has been discussed previously by 
Applied Digital. Today's speech, however, represented the first formal public 
announcemment by the company of such a program.

In announcing VeriPay to ID World delegates, Silverman stated the implant has 
"enormous marketplace potential" and invited banking and credit companies to partner 
with VeriChip Corporation (a subsidiary of ADS) in developing specific commercial 
applications beginning with pilot programs and market tests.

Applied Digital's announcement in Paris suggested wireless technologies, RFID 
development, new software solutions, smart-card applications and subdermal implants 
might one day merge as the ultimate solution for a world fraught with identity theft, 
threatened by terrorism, buffeted by cash-strapped governments and law-enforcement 
agencies looking for easy data-collection, and corporations interested in the 
marketing bonanza that cutting-edge identification, payment, and location-based 
technologies can afford.

Cashless payment systems are now part of a larger technology development subset: 
government identification experiments that seek to combine cashless payment 
applications with national ID information on media (such as a "smart" card), which 
contain a whole host of government, personal, employment and commercial data and 
applications on a single, contactless RFID chip.

In some scenarios, government-corporate coalitions are advocating such a chip be used 
by employees also to access entry to their workplace and the company computer network, 
reducing the cost outlay of the corporations for individual ID cards.

Malaysia's "MyKad" national ID "smart" card is the foremost example.

Meanwhile, privacy advocates have expressed concern over RFID technology rollouts, 
citing database concerns and the specter of individuals' RFID chips being read without 
permission by people who have their own hand-held readers.

Several privacy and civil liberties groups have recently called for a voluntary 
moratorium on RFID tagging "until a formal technology assessment process involving all 
stakeholders, including consumers, can take place." Signatories to the petition 
include the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the 
Electronic Pr

[CTRL] Gunman Arrested At Bohemian Grove...

2003-10-08 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. RICHARD WILSON McCASLIN, Defendant and 



2003 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 611

January 17, 2003, Filed

OF RULE 977.

PRIOR HISTORY: Sonoma County Super. Ct. No. SCR31916.

DISPOSITION: Judgment and sentence affirmed.

JUDGES: Marchiano, P.J. We concur: Stein, J., Swager, J.

OPINIONBY: Marchiano

OPINION: Appellant Richard Wilson McCaslin was convicted of arson of property (Pen. 
Code, ?451, subd. (d)); n1 burglary ( ?459); arson of a structure ( ?451, subd. (c)); 
brandishing a firearm at a police officer ( ?417, subd. (c)); and possession of a 
billy club ( ?12020, subd. (a)(1)). He was sentenced to 11 years 8 months in state 
prison. He appeals from the judgment and sentence. His counsel has filed an opening 
brief that raises no issues and asks this court to independently review the record. 
(See People v. Wende (1979) 25 Cal.3d 436, 158 Cal. Rptr. 839, 600 P.2d 1071; see also 
Anders v. California (1967) 386 U.S. 738, 18 L. Ed. 2d 493, 87 S. Ct. 1396.) We have 
done so.  [*2]  We find no meritorious or arguable issues.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Footnotes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

n1 Subsequent statutory references are to the Penal Code.

- - - - - - - - - - - - End Footnotes- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This case arises from a rather bizarre incident on the grounds of the Bohemian Grove, 
a well-known private forest retreat in Sonoma County which is open only to members and 
their guests for camping and the appreciation of the arts and music.

Appellant entered the grounds of the Bohemian Grove on the morning of January 20, 
2002. He was wearing a SWAT uniform, combat boots, a red, white and blue bandana, and 
a skull mask. He was armed with a military-style "long reach" rifle, described as an 
"over/under" with a 12-guage shotgun on top and a .223 caliber rifle, with a banana 
clip, on the bottom. He wore a .45 pistol in a holster at his hip, had a sword slung 
over his shoulder, and carried a backpack containing explosive devices and a home-made 
mortar-style hand-held launcher, capable of launching projectile fireworks. He had two 
knives, two extra banana clips, and two extra clips for the .45. He also had some 70mm 
[*3]  shotgun rounds designed to expand on impact. Appellant was wearing a bulletproof 
vest under his SWAT uniform.

A Bohemian Grove (Grove) staff member saw appellant point his assault rifle at the 
home of the Grove caretaker. Appellant also pointed his rifle at the gate guard. 
Police were summoned, and after a tense face-off with several officers appellant was 
arrested. Police searched his nearby pickup truck and found a collapsible police baton 
classified as a billy club, two crossbows, and arrows.

Grove employees discovered that someone had broke into the kitchen and set three 
separate fires. Several stickers bearing a "Phantom Patriot" logo were scattered about 
the kitchen. Someone had also broken into a cabin on the property. "Phantom Patriot" 
logos were found elsewhere on the Grove grounds, including on a stone stage in front 
of a 30-foot statue of an owl.

Appellant was advised of his Miranda rights and agreed to an interview with a 
sheriff's detective following his arrest. He admitted going to the Grove armed with 
the "over/under" assault rifle, with both components fully loaded; a Glock 
semiautomatic pistol, also fully loaded; several magazines of extra ammunition; a 
samurai [*4]  sword; a launching tube; a pocket knife; and a crossbow. He also 
admitted to wearing the garb described by witnesses and a bulletproof vest. He 
admitted starting the fires to "leave his mark." When he encountered the officers he 
was prepared for a gun fight, to return fire if fired upon.

Appellant told the detective he had been planning the attack for about a year, and had 
moved from Texas to Carson City, Nevada, to use the Silver State's capital as a 
"staging area." He exercised, practiced shooting and martial arts, and abstained from 
relationships with women. He drove from Carson City to California on January 19. He 
did not want to take a plane because he feared his weapons would be detected by the 
post-9/11 security measures.

Appellant told the detective he learned of the Grove from a video documentary made by 
a purported journalist, Alex Jones. Appellant believed the documentary showed rituals 
at the Grove including a "cremation of care," involving Satanic human sacrifices. He 
believed persons high in our government met for the cremation of care ceremony, and 
the Grove needed to be 

[CTRL] Prisoner Tortured By Implant ?

2003-10-08 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Mr. Hicks himself has responded to this court's notice pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 
34(a). He has also written a letter to Judge Cudahy seeking an x-ray of his head, 
which he contends will reveal that the CIA has implanted "some kind of miniaturized 
mind reading, message receiving, pain causing device" in his head as part of a 
scientific experiment to promote national security.

RUDY HICKS, Plaintiff, and MAMIE HICKS, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. G. L. HENMAN, 

No. 89-2514


1991 U.S. App. LEXIS 3542

February 13, 1991, Submitted *

* After preliminary examination of the briefs, the court notified the parties that it 
had tentatively concluded that oral argument would not be helpful to the court in this 
case. The notice provided that any party might file a "Statement as to Need of Oral 
Argument." See Rule 34(a), Fed. R. App. P.; Circuit Rule 34(f). Rudy Hicks, although 
not a party to this appeal, has filed a statement requesting oral argument. Upon 
consideration of that statement, the briefs, and the record, the request for oral 
argument is denied, and the appeal is submitted on the briefs and record.
March 4, 1991

NOTICE:  [*1]


SUBSEQUENT HISTORY: Reported as Table Case at 927 F.2d 607, 1991 U.S. App. LEXIS 7151.


Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, 
East St. Louis Division. No. 87 C 3652; William D. Stiehl, Judge.

JUDGES: Richard A. Posner, Circuit Judge, Joel M. Flaum, Circuit Judge, Michael S. 
Kanne, Circuit Judge.


Rudy Hicks is an inmate at the United States Penitentiary at Marion, Illinois, 
(Marion). Mamie Hicks is Rudy's mother. Mr. Hicks and Mrs. Hicks filed a pro se 
complaint pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1983 in which they alleged that various officials at 
Marion and at the United States Penitentiary at Lompoc, California, (Lompoc), violated 
Mr. Hicks's constitutional rights by putting poisons in his food, by ignoring his 
serious medical and safety needs, by causing unnamed corrections officers to threaten 
his safety in retaliation for an earlier lawsuit, and by disciplining and transferring 
him from Lompoc on a false disciplinary ticket. The complaint did not allege any 
personal injury to Mrs. Hicks. She, however, claimed that her son had been injured 
physically and mentally to the point of incompetency and sought to proceed on his 

The district court [*2]  dismissed Mrs. Hicks as a plaintiff in her own behalf for 
lack of standing since she alleged no personal injury. She remained involved in the 
suit, however, pending a determination of Mr. Hicks's competency. The district court 
ordered that Mr. Hicks be sent to the United States Medical Center for Federal 
Prisoners at Springfield, Missouri, for an evaluation of his competency. Based on the 
report from the medical professionals at Springfield, the district court found that 
Mr. Hicks was physically and mentally capable of pursuing litigation on his own 
behalf. Mr. Hicks then filed a request for a voluntary dismissal pursuant to Fed. R. 
Civ. P. 41(a)(1). In an order of June 9, 1989, the district court concluded that Mr. 
Hicks was competent, and granted his request to dismiss the action. On June 13, 1989, 
the district court entered an order denying Mrs. Hicks's request to be appointed 
guardian ad litem.

Mrs. Hicks timely filed a notice of appeal from this judgment. The notice of appeal 
states that "MAMIE HICKS and RUDY HICKS, plaintiffs-appellants in the above-entitled 
matter, appeals [sic]," but only Mrs. Hicks signed the notice of appeal. Mrs. Hicks 
did not file an appearance form. Mrs.  [*3]  Hicks's signature alone appears on the 
jurisdictional statement and on motions for appointment of counsel and to proceed in 
forma pauperis. Mr. Hicks himself has responded to this court's notice pursuant to 
Fed. R. App. P. 34(a). He has also written a letter to Judge Cudahy seeking an x-ray 
of his head, which he contends will reveal that the CIA has implanted "some kind of 
miniaturized mind reading, message receiving, pain causing device" in his head as part 
of a scientific experiment to promote national security. The response to the Rule 
34(a) notice and letter to Judge Cudahy, however, are insufficient to make Mr. Hicks a 
party to this appeal.

Mrs. Hicks has also filed a brief which only she signed as "Appellant Pro Se on behalf 
of her son RUDY HICKS." Mrs. Hicks argues that (1) the district court abused its 
discretion by failing to appoint counsel to represent her son, or alternatively to 
appoint her as her son's guardian ad litem; and (2) her son was denied his 
constitutional right to have his physical and mental competency determined by an 
impartial and unbiased medical examiner.

Mrs. Hicks is not a lawyer; consequently, she may not represent or appear on beha

[CTRL] Mind Control Court Case -- 2

2003-10-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Bruce Quarry, a senior psychiatric social worker and a member of appellant's treatment 
team, testified that appellant [*2]  is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His 
statements indicate delusions of persecution and grandiosity, which intertwine in a 
"fixed and crystallized delusion" that there are microchips in his body.


In the Matter of: Robert D. Caufman, Jr.



1992 Minn. App. LEXIS 948

August 31, 1992, Decided
September 8, 1992, Filed

NOTICE:  [*1]

STAT. § 480A.08, SUBD. 3 AS AMENDED.

PRIOR HISTORY: Appeal from District Court. Hennepin County. Hon. Kevin S. Burke, Judge.



Michael Saeger, 435 Hamm Building, 408 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, MN 55102, (For 
Appellant Caufman)

Michael O. Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney, John R. Owen, Assistant County Attorney, 
C-2000 Government Center, Minneapolis, MN 55487

JUDGES: Considered and decided by Huspeni, Presiding Judge, Norton, Judge, and Foley, 



FOLEY, Judge

Appellant was committed as mentally ill to the Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center. 
He appeals and we affirm.


Appellant had delusional beliefs that various microchips were implanted in his body, 
and he sought hospitalization so that surgeons could remove them. He was transferred 
to the psychiatric unit at the Hennepin County Medical Center. When confronted with 
the reality that he had a diagnosis of a substantial psychiatric disorder, he became 
very angry and irritable.

Bruce Quarry, a senior psychiatric social worker and a member of appellant's treatment 
team, testified that appellant [*2]  is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. His 
statements indicate delusions of persecution and grandiosity, which intertwine in a 
"fixed and crystallized delusion" that there are microchips in his body. Medical 
records indicated appellant has considered using a knife to remove them himself. 
Appellant believes this is part of a plot to keep him under observation, or to take 
his power and wealth away. Appellant does not believe he suffers from a mental 
illness. He also believes he does not need to be in a hospital or take medication, 
although he did take medication the day before the hearing. The treatment team 
recommended a long-term structured stay at a regional treatment center.

Dr. Carl Schwartz, the court-appointed examiner, diagnosed appellant as suffering from 
chronic psychotic paranoid schizophrenia. He has no insight into his mental illness. 
He does not present a danger to himself or others at the moment. Without intervention, 
he will provide necessities for himself by living in someone else's house and 
receiving general assistance.

Schwartz described appellant as having a very flamboyant, very severe mental illness. 
Inwardly, he is suffering terribly, and he is [*3]  constantly persecuted. At some 
point in his illness, he might, as a result of his disturbed thinking or commands, 
hurt others. While he professes to have no mental illness, Schwartz believes that 
appellant knows he is mentally ill. If he gets tired of it, he may kill himself. 
Schwartz recommended treatment with very high doses of neuroleptics.

Dr. Irving Bernstein, the second court-appointed examiner, also diagnosed appellant 
with paranoid schizophrenia. He saw no evidence appellant would hurt anyone else. 
Instead, he presents a danger to himself. There was some evidence appellant has 
thought of doing away with himself. Appellant has also thought about removing the 
microchips himself on more than one occasion, but has not yet done it. Absent 
intervention, he can obtain food and shelter by living with his girlfriend. He is on 
medical assistance, but will not obtain psychiatric care on his own.

Appellant's girlfriend testified he cooked, cleaned and took care of her two children. 
She and appellant do not fight, he has not struck anyone, and she has no concerns 
about leaving her children with him. He has complained that he has microchips in his 
body and wants them out,  [*4]  but has not threatened to take them out himself. He 
has never threatened to harm himself. If appellant left the hospital, he could stay 
with her.

Appellant testified he had been jumped and drugged by some people. Someone put "stuff" 
in him, and he has had problems which felt like chest pains or needles sticking 
through him. Appellant testified he had asked for x-rays, explaining it was like a 
pacemaker, or a torture device. When told they could not help him, he left, saying he 
would try another hospital. Two security personnel then jumped him, handcuffed him 
very violently, and gave him three shots of something he was allergic to. They drove 
him in handcuffs to the Hennepin County Medical Center.

The trial court committed appellant as mentally ill. Caufman appea

[CTRL] Mind Control Court Case - 1

2003-10-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

"Defendant claimed that he was harassed by voices and law enforcement, that "they" had 
planted a liquidized microchip in his body in 1991, that the implant interfered with 
his thought pattern and began controlling his behavior, that the implant tormented and 
tortured him, and that he heard tormenting sounds when he shot Delaney."


THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent,

GUADALUPE BELTRAN GUERRA, Defendant and Appellant.


2003 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 3207

March 28, 2003, Filed


PRIOR HISTORY: Sacramento. Super.Ct.No. 99F08999.


JUDGES: HULL, J. We concur: DAVIS, Acting P.J., NICHOLSON, J.


OPINION: A jury convicted defendant Guadalupe Beltran Guerra of assault with a firearm 
(Pen. Code, § 245, subd. (a)(2)) -- count one), in which he personally used a firearm 
(Pen. Code, § 12022.5, subd. (a)(1)) and personally inflicted great bodilly injury 
causing paralysis (Pen. Code, § 12022.7, subd. (a)). Defendant was also convicted of 
mayhem (Pen. Code, § 203 - - count two), in which he personally discharged a firearm 
and caused great bodily injury (§ 12022.53, subd. (d)). In a bifurcated proceeding, 
the jury found that defendant was sane at the time of the crimes. The trial court 
found that he had suffered three prior robbery convictions. He was sentenced to state 
prison for 58 years to life.

On appeal, defendant contends the evidence [*2]  of sanity was insufficient. We affirm 
the judgment.


Defendant's contention requires a detailed statement of facts.

Prosecution case-in-chief

On November 5, 1999, William Delaney, then age 44, went to the home of Danny Cole, 
which was next to defendant's trailer in Sacramento County. Delaney had known 
defendant for about four months and had contacts with him on approximately six prior 
occasions during which they discussed the Bible and scripture. Defendant and Delaney 
never argued or disagreed.

At approximately 3:00 p.m., defendant drove Delaney down the street to check on 
Delaney's girlfriend, Cindy Padilla, who was helping a friend move some items. 
Defendant then drove Delaney back to Cole's house. During the 15-minute trip, 
defendant and Delaney talked about "the Lord" and scripture, and said a prayer. There 
was no disagreement during their discussion. Delaney and Padilla left Cole's residence.

At approximately 4:30 p.m., Delaney and Padilla returned to Cole's residence and saw 
defendant, who was standing near the end of his truck that was parked in the driveway 
next to his trailer. Padilla then went to meet her friend.

At approximately 6:00 p.m., Delaney [*3]  and Cole contacted defendant at the end of 
defendant's truck to see if he would give Delaney a ride home. Defendant looked at a 
telephone pole and asked Delaney if he heard a noise near the pole. Delaney responded 
that he did not hear anything and asked defendant if he would give him a ride." 
Defendant said, "Sure, just a minute." Cole left with his sister. At approximately 
7:00 p.m., Delaney asked defendant if he had any of the Orange Crushes he had given to 
Cole a couple of days before. Defendant, who still stood at the end of his truck, 
said, "Yeah, they're right inside the trailer." Delaney walked to the trailer, stuck 
his head inside the doorway, and looked for the sodas but did not see them. He turned 
to ask defendant where the drinks were. Defendant was standing on the other side of 
the trailer door, which was approximately 12 feet away, and was pointing a dark gray 
.380- caliber handgun at him. Delaney extended his left arm and said, "Hey, hey." 
Defendant looked at Delaney and shot him. The bullet severed Delaney's left thumb, 
entered the left side of his chest, and struck his spinal cord, permanently paralyzing 
him. Delaney fell to the ground. Defendant stood two feet from [*4]  Delaney, still 
pointing the gun at him and looking to see if anyone was around. Delaney asked 
defendant to say a prayer and then feigned that he was dead. Defendant got into his 
truck and sped out of the driveway. Delaney yelled for somebody to call 911. Cole's 
sister and other persons did so.

Sheriff's deputies arrived at the scene at 7:12 p.m. Delaney reported that defendant 
had shot him and that he did not know why. A .380-caliber shell casing, which was on 
the ground, was later determined to have been fired from defendant's gun.

At approximately this same time, Sacramento Police Sergeant Schiele was at the police 
substation on Franklin Boulevard. The substation is approximately a five-minute driv

[CTRL] CIA Releases Mind Control Documents

2003-10-02 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-


18,000 Pgs CIA Mind Control Documents Released

The CIA has declassified over 18,000 pages of documents on extensive mind control 
programs carried out since the early 1950s. Through the Freedom of Information Act, 
you can order these documents in the form of four CDs directly from the government for 
only $30. Here is a sample of just two of these documents taken from the excellent 
mind control summary on the informative website www.wanttoknow.info. With this 
revealing information, we now have the opportunity to powerfully work together for a 
brighter future.

A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 describes the experimental creation of 
multiple personality in two 19-year old girls. "These subjects have clearly 
demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] 
controlled state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, 
signal, or words, and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one 
individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by 
experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for 
information purposes." (CIA Mori ID 190684, 1/7/53)

Another declassified document dated 10 Feb 1954 describes an experiment of relevance 
to the creation of unsuspecting assassins: "Miss [whited out] was instructed (having 
previously expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at her 
disposal to awaken Miss [whited out] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she 
would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at Miss [whited out]. She was instructed 
that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to "kill" [whited out] for 
failing to awaken. Miss [whited out] carried out these suggestions to the letter 
including firing the (unloaded) gun at [whited out] and then proceeded to fall into a 
deep sleep. After proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [whited out] 
expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened." (CIA Mori ID 
190691, 2/10/54)

These are just two of the many disturbing experiments which reveal incredible abuse of 
power on unsuspecting citizens for over 50 years now. To order these documents 
directly from the government, go to www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrol10pg#ciadocs. The 
18,000 pages of documents released are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many 
thousands of pages that the CIA refuses to release. There are even more documents that 
were ordered destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms in 1973 when he was tipped off 
that there was going to be a Congressional investigation into the CIA's mind control 

For more on these and other eye-opening facts, go to the two-page mind control summary 
at www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrol. Or even better, go straight to the 
information-packed 10-page summary at www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrol10pg. To 
understand why these facts aren't getting extensive media coverage, and for ideas on 
what we can do about it, go to www.wanttoknow.info. If these facts were reported in 
headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know 
more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here.

The entire wanttoknow.info website is designed both to provide a concise, reliable 
introduction to incredibly important information that is being hidden from us, and to 
inspire us to work together for a better world. You can help create the possibility of 
a brighter future right now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by 
forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. 
As we spread this news across the land, public pressure will eventually force the 
media to cover these vital issues. Then we will begin to see many positive changes to 
prevent these kinds of abuses from ever happening again. Thank you for caring. 
Together we can and will create a better world for ourselves and our children.

The wanttoknow.info team is a group of dedicated researchers from around the world who 
compile and summarize important, verifiable facts and information being hidden from 
the public. You can reach us at


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Implanted Microchip Victim In Texas

2003-10-02 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

San Antonio Express-News (Texas)
September 6, 2002, Friday , STATE
LENGTH: 366 words
HEADLINE: Patient arrested after flare gun scare at hospital
BYLINE: Katherine Leal Unmuth


A man at Audie Murphy VA Hospital shot two staffers with a flare gun, then holed up in 
a second-floor office for more than an hour Thursday before police negotiators talked 
him out.

The man arrived around 11:30 a.m. at the hospital's mental health unit, where he shot 
a social worker and a psychiatrist with an orange plastic flare gun. The two women 
were not seriously injured.

Police arrested a veteran who was being treated at the hospital for schizophrenia. His 
name was not immediately released.

Hospital workers reported that the attacker told them he was upset that they had 
implanted a "microchip" inside him.

"He expressed that he felt that we had implanted something in his body that made him 
hear voices and he wanted it taken out," said Jose Coronado, director of the South 
Texas Veterans Health System. Coronado also said the man had stopped taking his 

The man first entered the office of social worker Yvette Huerta and shot her in her 
left arm and chest, police said.

"We saw sparks coming out of the office and thought a computer was malfunctioning," 
said Iva Timmerman, a psychiatrist and 15-year veteran of the hospital who also was 
injured in the incident. "Then we saw him following her."

As Timmerman and others tried to get to cover, she said, the man shot her from behind. 
She said it felt like a "racquetball bouncing off my shoulder."

"He was firing at people," she added. "He was picking and firing. He chose people."

Police evacuated about 30 people, including patients and employees, from the west wing 
of the building in the 7400 block of Merton Minter. The rest of the hospital remained 
open, Coronado said.

Timmerman said schizophrenics who stop taking their medication may withdraw from 
society or become paranoid. Some can become violent.

"We can't predict violence," she said. "A lot of people threaten violence and never 
carry it out."

Police spokesman Sgt. Gabe Trevino applauded the negotiators for defusing a situation 
that could have developed into a much longer standoff.


Staff Writer Emanuel Gonzales contributed to this report.


San Antonio Express-News (Texas)
September 12, 2002, Thursday , METRO
LENGTH: 806 words
HEADLINE: News Roundup

Squad finds fake pipe bomb

A hoax bomb was found early Wednesday morning in a van that had been parked at Audie 
Murphy VA Hospital for several days.

VA police investigated the 1975 Dodge van in the 7400 block of Merton Minter at about 
1 a.m. because it had been sitting there unattended, said San Antonio Arson Detective 
David Tedford.

The bomb squad disarmed the device, which was found to be an 8- to 10-inch galvanized 
pipe filled with sand, Tedford said.

Evidence in the vehicle was found with the name of Robert Sterling Bobbit - the man 
arrested Sept. 5 for allegedly shooting two staffers with a flare gun at the hospital.

Bobbit, who hospital officials said was being treated for paranoid schizophrenia, was 
charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was still in 
Bexar County Jail on Wednesday in lieu of $100,000 bond.

Klauer in September talked a schizophrenic patient holed up at the Audie Murphy VA 
Hospital into giving himself up after two hospital staffers were shot with a flare 
pistol. Robert Sterling Bobbit complained that the government inserted a microchip in 
him that was driving him crazy.

"With people who are crazed like that, you have to give them time to vent so that you 
can bring them to their senses," Klauer said.

San Antonio Express-News (Texas)
January 11, 2003, Saturday , METRO
LENGTH: 721 words
HEADLINE: School for standoffs ; Annual event helps police hone theirnegotiating 
BYLINE: Manny Gonzales

SAN MARCOS - Jeff Johnson was described as a deadly sexual predator with a penchant 
for pregnant women and little boys.

Earlier this week, Johnson and two cohorts armed with rifles and what seemed like bad 
intentions entered a bank filled with employees, customers and two expectant mothers.

"Johnson" was not really a sex-offending bank robber, though; he was a police officer 
playing a part. And this wasn't a real bank robbery; it was a mock scenario intended 
to train and test negotiators.

As police surrounded the building, negotiators searched for the words that would coax 
the gunmen into giving up.

"If I have to hurt them, I'll hurt them," Johnson yelled to a negotiator over the 
phone. "It won't be the first time I've hurt someone, and it sure ... won't be the 

Police negotiators from across the state converged on Southwest Texas State University 
this week to train and compete against 

[CTRL] Multiple Personality Child Killer

2003-09-29 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
April 30, 1992, Metro Edition
SECTION: News; Pg. 1B
LENGTH: 935 words
HEADLINE: Jolley says he has multiple personalities
BYLINE: Jill Hodges; Staff Writer

John Jolley, accused of killing 8-year-old Margaret Marques, testified Wednesday that 
he suffers from multiple personalities and implied that he may have been acting as 
another personality, known as Jack, during the killing.

In several hours of testimony yesterday in Hennepin County District Court, Jolley, 21, 
admitted kidnapping Marques from the store where he worked in northeast Minneapolis 
and holding her captive in a box for nearly two days, sexually assaulting her twice 
before drowning her in a bathtub.

He admitted to three charges of first-degree murder, bringing the first phase of his 
trial to a conclusion before the jury has been selected. Jolley has pleaded not guilty 
by reason of mental illness, a plea that requires a trial in two phases: the first to 
determine if he has committed the crime, the second to determine if he was sane at the 
time and therefore guilty.

Judge David Duffy said he believes it is the first time a defendant in Minnesota has 
waived the first portion of such a trial. He said yesterday that he plans to accept 
Jolley's admissions, complete jury selection and move on to the trial's second phase.

Jolley is charged with premeditated murder, murder in the course of a sexual assault 
and murder in the course of a kidnapping. Three days after he abducted Marques from 
the Discount 70 store Aug. 31, he admitted to police that he had killed her and led 
investigators to a wooded area of Lakeville where he had dumped her body in plastic 
bag. After confessing, he told police that he needed psychiatric help.

Before he entered his admissions in court yesterday, Assistant County Attorney Fred 
Karasov questioned him at length about his mental state. "I understand you have 
another personality named Jack," Karasov said. "Who's testifying now?"

Jolley said that he, John Jolley, was speaking, but that he could not guarantee that 
he would not experience a personality change. However, he told Karasov that it would 
probably be evident if he did.

"From what I understand, Jack is strikingly different from me, and you'd notice a 
change," he said. He said there would be differences in posture, voice and attitude.

Jolley did not specify how, if at all, the personality of Jack was involved in the 
crimes. That issue will be addressed in the next portion of the trial, Duffy said.

Jolley, his face partly hidden by a long shock of hair, answered questions from his 
lawyer, Timothy Ostroot, and Karasov in a quiet, matter-of-fact manner, occasionally 
grimacing as he tried to recall details.

He gave the following account: Marques arrived with her family at the store at Central 
and Lowry Avs. NE about 3 p.m. Aug. 31.

He followed her into the basement of the store, where she had gone to use the 
bathroom. When she came out, he told her she should not be there, then clamped his 
hand over her mouth so she could not call out. He carried her to a workbench, where he 
struck her on the head with a mallet, trying to knock her unconscious. When that 
failed, he strangled her until she blacked out. He put her in a cardboard box, which 
he hid in the boiler room.

He took the box out to his car, returned to the store to retrieve an incriminating pop 
can and children's book and stopped when he encountered a coworker at the door. He 
said he was going home sick. He drove to the house where he lived with his mother and 
stepfather in the 900 block of 3rd Av. NE.

There, he undressed the girl and showered with her, fondling her. His parents, who 
were at the State Fair, returned several hours later. Before they arrived, he returned 
the dazed girl to the box, where he kept her in the basement until he took her out to 
sleep with him that night.

The next day, a coworker called inquiring about Marques' disappearance, making Jolley 
jittery. He loaded the box into his car and drove to the Har Mar Mall in Roseville, 
where he withdrew some money from an automatic teller, partly to get a receipt that 
could serve as an alibi.

He had intended to see a movie, but decided to leave after a man made some inquiries 
about his car in the parking lot and he began to suffer delusions that the man was an 
undercover police officer.

He took the girl to his brother's apartment in the 5700 block of 34th Av. S. in 
Minneapolis, where he was house-sitting for the weekend. He put the box in the bathtub 
and collapsed in exhaustion.

He woke at about 4 a.m., removed the box from the tub, filled it with water, then got 
in with Marques and drowned her by lying on top of her, submerging her head for about 
three minutes. He fondled her again, he testified.

As Jolley described the drowning, Marques' mother, Elizabeth Marques, left the 
courtroom in tears. She later returned.

The girl's father, Esteban Marques, a

[CTRL] Former CIA Employee Hears 'Voices'...

2003-09-29 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Columbus Dispatch (Ohio)
January 10, 1992, Friday
LENGTH: 324 words
BYLINE: Associated Press

A jury heard different professional opinions yesterday on the sanity of a former CIA 
employee charged with attacking a man with a hatchet and a knife.

Dr. Joseph Trevino, a Vandalia psychiatrist, testified for the defense.

''My opinion is, at the time of the incident, he was without a doubt insane,'' Trevino 
said about Bryan Stockslager, 28. ''He did not know right from wrong and could not 
refrain from the nature of his acts.''

Dr. Edward Praul, a Toledo psychiatrist who testified for the prosecution, said he 
concluded Stockslager ''did know the wrongfulness of his act at the time.''

His diagnosis was that Stockslager ''was exaggerating or lying'' during their 
discussions, Praul said.

Stockslager has pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity to attempted 
murder charges related to an incident July 28, 1991, in which an intruder broke into 
James Couser's home and attacked him.

Stockslager has entered the same pleas to two additional charges of aggravated 
burglary involving the alleged break-in at the Couser home and an incident a short 
time earlier at an apartment.

Trevino said Stockslager suffered from hallucinations and was driven by voices in his 
head, making him a danger to society and himself.

Praul said Stockslager talked to him about hallucinations and fears that he was being 
pursued by a CIA hit man. He said reviews of police and witness reports in the Couser 
incidents and results of other psychological tests he conducted pointed to 
exaggeration and faked paranoia by Stockslager.

The case went to the jury yesterday afternoon. The jury deliberated for three hours 
but failed to reach a verdict and recessed for the day.

In testimony Wednesday, members of Stockslager's family told of changes they had 
witnessed in him beginning in 1990, four years after he moved to Washington to work 
for the CIA.

He resigned from the agency in late 1990 and moved back to Ohio.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Multiple Personality Bank Robber

2003-09-29 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
October 7, 1988, Friday, City Edition
LENGTH: 1647 words
HEADLINE: A crime against herself // Bank heist suspect blames one of her 7 

 CLEARWATER - Only one of Juanita Weston Maxwell's personalities robbed the banks, she 
says. All seven of them are paying the price.

Mrs. Maxwell, who suffers from an unusual personality disorder, is  in the Pinellas 
County Jail on charges that she recently robbed two St. Petersburg banks. She says she 
doesn't remember committing the crimes.

"Wanda Weston," one of her seven personalities, is guilty, Mrs.Maxwell said in an 
interview at the Pinellas County Jail. She said that "Wanda" was trying to get money 
so she could care for Mrs. Maxwell'sthree children in Ohio.

"When Wanda did the robberies, she told me and my counselor thatshe did the 
robberies," Mrs. Maxwell said.

Mrs. Maxwell lost custody of the children after she was chargedwith murdering a 
73-year-old Fort Myers woman in 1979. A circuit judge acquitted her by reason of 
insanity in 1981 and Mrs. Maxwell was sentto a state mental institution, said John 
Dommerich, the assistant stateattorney who prosecuted her. He said Mrs. Maxwell's 
defense attorneyargued that "Wanda," not Mrs. Maxwell, had killed the woman.

Mrs. Maxwell, 32, testified that she did not remember killing thewoman, Dommerich 
said. But during the trial, "Wanda" calmly describedbludgeoning and strangling the 
woman, he said.

Once again, "Wanda" has gotten Mrs. Maxwell in trouble.

Although "Wanda's" intentions may have been good, Mrs. Maxwellsays, she has caused 
a horrible dilemma. If experts decide Mrs. Maxwellis sane, she could be convicted 
and sent to prison. If they say she iscrazy, Mrs. Maxwell could be sent back to a 
mental institution that shesays failed to help. Whatever the outcome, it could be 
a long timebefore Mrs. Maxwell sees her children.

But she doesn't blame "Wanda."

"I was just a basket case because I wanted to see my children sodesperately," Mrs. 
Maxwell said. "She (Wanda) is the closest thing tome. She knows the pain I'm going 

The other Mrs. Maxwells

Mrs. Maxwell's mental health counselor confirmed that she has spokenwith seven 
personalities, including Mrs. Maxwell, who live in the  defendant's mind:

Jennifer, described as "intellectual" and "sophisticated."

Linda, who tends to be a "pragmatist" or a "politician."

Ann, a "middle-aged lady who takes care of children."

Anna, "childlike. Her function is to cry."

 Tricia, who likes to "put on blue jeans. She can do anything a  man can do twice as 

Then there is "Wanda" a "tortured child" who doesn't trust people. The counselor and 
Mrs. Maxwell's friends described Juanita as a  kind, anguished woman who walks, talks 
and cries in her sleep. She may suffer from what psychiatrists call a "dissociative 
disorder," her  counselor said.

"For the person, Juanita, it's almost like going under anesthesia  for surgery," said 
Rita Bruno, Mrs. Maxwell's counselor at the MentalHealth Services/South Pinellas. 
"She slips away and this person comes out. . . . She does not know 'Wanda' is coming."

That's what happened last month, Mrs. Maxwell says.

She was arrested in St. Petersburg and charged with using a shotgun  or rifle to rob 
two branches of First Florida Bank of more than $ 3,000.

The first robbery occurred April 15 at the Madrid Square branch at 2145 34th St. N; 
the second on July 22 at the Pinellas Point branch, 225062nd Ave. S. No money was 

Mrs. Maxwell's boyfriend, Badr El-Amin, wept when he saw pictures of her leaving one 
of the banks. He said he had no idea.

"I just fell out," he said. "I cried my heart out. . . . I love her dearly."

A Pinellas circuit court judge has ordered two mental healthspecialists to 
determine whether Mrs. Maxwell is sane.

"Juanita doesn't remember anything about her case," said James Pierce, the assistant 
public defender representing Mrs. Maxwell.   "It'll be an insanity defense."

Pinellas prosecutor Bruce Pasfield said he will decide how to handle the case when he 
receives a diagnosis from the specialists.

"I don't think I've ever heard of a case where it's insanity because another 
personality did the crime," he said. "She could have multiple personalities. One of 
them apparently is very violent."

Mrs. Maxwell says "Wanda" is impulsive but not insensitive.

"She feels most of my pain," Mrs. Maxwell said. "In her mind, she was helping to get 
me to see the children."

'A tortured child'

Mrs. Maxwell said "Wanda" first appeared when she was a child to help her cope with 
terrible beatings from her mother. "Wanda" was born to help Mrs. Maxwell deal 
physically and emotionally with the pain, said counselor Bruno.

"'Wanda' i

[CTRL] Multiple Personality Serial Killer

2003-09-29 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

"Under hypnosis, Shawcross gave Lewis graphic accounts of sexual abuse inflicted by 
his mother and of an incestuous relationship with his younger sister. He displayed 
multiple personalities, sometimes talking in the voice of his mother, of his sister, 
of a 49-year-old man who introduced him to women, of a man who said he learned to eat 
human flesh in medieval England."


The Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY)
December 12, 1990 Wednesday City Edition
LENGTH: 833 words
BYLINE: Barbara Stith Staff Writer

The jurors in the trail of accused serial killer Arthur J. Shawcross have heard 10 
weeks of testimony, listened to nearly 70 witnesses and viewed more than 300 exhibits, 
but during deliberations they'll focus on a single issue:

Whether Shawcross is, in the words of prosecutor Charles Siragusa, "an insane madman 
or a calculating killer."

Shawcross, a 45-year-old native of Brownville in Jefferson County, killed 8-year-old 
Karen Ann Hill and 10-year-old Jack O. Blake in Watertown in 1972. He was on parole 
after serving 14 1/2 years for manslaughter in Hill's death when the serial killings 
of the Rochester women began.

SHAWCROSS ADMITTED killing 11 women -- most of them prostitutes and drug users -- when 
police arrested him on Jan 3. He still faces trial on one count of murder iin 
neighboring Wayne County. The testimony in the Monroe County trial has revealed tales 
of psychological abuse and sexual torture that Shawcross says he endured, and of 
cannibalism and mutilation that he claims to have inflicted while in delusions.

What jurors must do, defense lawyer David A. Murante said in his closing argument 
Tuesday, is "to kind of climb into his mind."

To do that, the jurors will weigh the stories of two high-profile psychiatrists: Dr. 
Dorothy Lewis, who also testified for the defense in the trial of serial killer Ted 
Bundy, and Dr. Park Dietz, who testified against John Hinckley after an assassination 
attempt on President Ronald Reagan.

LEWIS TESTIFIED Shawcross was driven to kill after suffering horrendous sexual abuse 
and brain damage coupled with trauma in Vietnam.

Dietz believes Shawcross is a fake who modeled himself after the character Norman 
Bates in the movie "Psycho."

Under hypnosis, Shawcross gave Lewis graphic accounts of sexual abuse inflicted by his 
mother and of an incestuous relationship with his younger sister. He displayed 
multiple personalities, sometimes talking in the voice of his mother, of his sister, 
of a 49-year-old man who introduced him to women, of a man who said he learned to eat 
human flesh in medieval England.

The sexual abuse, genetic factors, brain damage and Shawcross' experiences in Vietnam 
"led him to be the type of person he is," Murante said.

But Siragusa reminded the jurors that none of the abuse nor any traumatic experiences 
in Vietnam could be corroborated. He hammered away at the demeanor and credibility of 
Lewis, who once explained her disorganized behavior to jurors by saying she couldn't 
walk and chew gum at the same time.

SIRAGUSA DREW an analogy to Shawcross' love of fishing.

"He went fishing and caught Dorothy Lewis," the prosector said. "She swallowed his 
stories hook, line and sinker."

Murante argued that Dietz was biased toward the defense account of the slayings. He 
also referred to the psychiatrist's assertion that Shawcross modeled himself after the 
"Psycho" character. Dietz had raised the same possibility in the Hinckley trial, he 
said, only suggesting that Hinckley had patterned his life after the movie "Taxi 

Murante called his client a "Jekyll and Hyde."

"If you passed him on the street or sat next to him in a doughnut shop, he'd be a 
regular Joe," Murante said. But he said that several of the victims were cannibalized 
or mutilated, that Shawcross hid the bodies instead of burying them so that he could 
return to them.

"A SICK mind is operating here," Murante said. Shawcross could not have become the 
brutal killer he became without suffering abuse, without suffering from "a lot of 
psychosis," he said.

Siragusa disputed the tales of cannibalism, saying the defense raised them as the 
"ultimate indication of craziness."

Shawcross knew enough to choose victims who were easy prey, Siragusa said. He knew how 
to dispose of their clothing when he needed to, how to slip away from a murder scene 
undetected, he said.

The 10 victims "speak of method, not madness, on the part of the defendant," he said.

It was the Hinckley trial that spurred many states, including New York, to revamp 
their definitions of legal insanity. To prove a defendant is legally insane, the 
defense must prove that the accused, because of a mental defect or illness, didn't 
know what he was doing was wrong, or didn't understand the nature or consequences of 
his action.

Monroe County J

[CTRL] MORE Mind Control Murders?

2003-09-28 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Deseret Morning News (Salt Lake City)
September 11, 2003, Thursday
LENGTH: 545 words
HEADLINE: Man who killed mom with ax sent to state hospital
BYLINE: By Linda Thomson Deseret Morning News


Leonard Preston Gall, who admitted killing his mother with an ax and stealing her car, 
was committed to the Utah State Hospital Wednesday by 3rd District Judge Judith 

As part of a complicated plea bargain that essentially is aimed at getting treatment 
and monitoring for Gall, rather than prison, Gall pleaded guilty and mentally ill to 
the second-degree felonies of manslaughter and theft. He will be sentenced March 15, 

However, Gall pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to first-degree aggravated 
burglary. Nonetheless, based on reports from mental health experts, discussions with 
prosecutors and defense attorneys and other information, the judge ordered Gall 
committed to the state hospital.

The practical effect of the second plea is that it gives the court jurisdiction over 
Gall, potentially for the rest of his life, because he has been deemed a "substantial 
danger" to himself or others, according to prosecutor Kevin Murphy.

There also is a strong likelihood that Atherton will sentence Gall on the other 
criminal charges to the state hospital, although she is not bound to do so.

Defense attorney Stephen McCaughey said the plea was the best for all involved since 
taking the case to trial risked having Gall sent to prison where he would not get 
treatment for his documented mental problems. "That is something we were most 
assuredly trying to avoid," McCaughey said.

Gall's brother, Michael, who discovered their dead mother's body at her home, wept 
often during the hearing. "I still love my brother, but I don't understand why he took 
our mom's life," Michael Gall told the judge tearfully. "I also want to say he's given 
a lot of pain to me and my family, but I forgive him."

Leonard Gall, who was originally charged with first-degree murder, admitted that he 
broke into Susan Gall's home on Dec. 14, 2002, and attacked her with an ax or hatchet, 
killing her with multiple blows to the head and neck. He then fled in her car to Reno, 
Nev., where he was arrested.

Gall has had long-standing mental health problems and a history of not taking his 
medication. He has been diagnosed as having schizophrenia, although he said in court 
that he has bipolar disorder.

McCaughey said later that he discovered new information from a psychiatric interview 
in which Gall said he believed that his mother had turned into a "torture machine" and 
he was destroying the machine. "If you're that delusional, then you're insane," 
McCaughey said.

Taking the case to trial potentially could have produced no conviction, but also posed 
the risk of landing Gall in prison, which was not worth it since Gall would not have 
gotten treatment there, McCaughey said.

"This case from beginning to end has been a tragedy, for the Gall family and the 
community," Atherton said. The loss of Susan Gall and the manner in which she died 
"are as tragic as any we can see in a court."

In response to this case, the state Legislature changed the laws regarding mental 
illness and involuntary commitments to mental hospitals from a court having to find a 
person "an immediate" danger to himself or others to finding the person "a 
substantial" danger, making it somewhat easier to send someone to a mental institution.


Salt Lake Tribune (Utah)

September 11, 2003, Thursday

SECTION: Final; Pg. B2

LENGTH: 542 words

HEADLINE: Deranged killer may avoid prison; Plea deal: He could be held indefinitely 
in a hospital for mom's slaying

BYLINE: Stephen Hunt , The Salt Lake Tribune


When Leonard Preston Gall killed his mother with an ax two years ago, the mentally ill 
man was off his medications and suffering terrible delusions.

Gall told arresting officers he killed Susan Gall to prevent her from being kidnapped 
and tortured by three celebrities -- Michael Jordan, Quentin Tarantino and Adam 

But Gall later told a mental health expert he killed his mother because she had 
"turned into a torture machine."

The 26-year-old man's apparent belief that his mother was not human gave him a toehold 
on Utah's strict insanity statute.

The defense and prosecution fashioned a plea-bargain agreement that may allow Gall to 
avoid hard prison time in favor of long-term commitment to a mental institution.

Charged with murder, Gall on Wednesday pleaded guilty and mentally ill to a lesser 
count of second-degree felony manslaughter. He entered a similar plea to theft for 
stealing his dead mother's car.

Prosecutor Kevin Murphy and defense attorney Stephen McCaughey also stipulated to a 
finding that Gall was not guilty by reason of insanity of first-degree felony 
aggravated burglary.

When 3rd District Judge Judith Atherton entered that verdict, she a

[CTRL] California 'Mind Control Murder'?

2003-09-28 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

"Mental illness" or mind control? only the CIA knows for sure!


Makino said he was persuaded by psychiatric experts that Hearn suffered from 
schizophrenia and believed he had orders from the government to kill dangerous people.

" I just followed what the government said"


Los Angeles Times
September 26, 2003 Friday  Orange County Edition
SECTION: California Metro; Part 2; Page 1; Metro Desk
LENGTH: 592 words

HEADLINE: O.C. Man in Racial Slaying Ruled Insane; White killer of Asian neighbor will 
be sent to mental hospital, not prison, judge decides.

BYLINE: Daniel Yi, Times Staff Writer


A Laguna Hills man who stabbed a 17-year-old Asian neighbor to death in a fit of 
ethnic hatred will not go to prison but will instead receive treatment for mental 
illness, a judge ruled Thursday.

Christopher Hearn, 22, who can neither hear nor speak, was legally insane and could 
not tell right from wrong when he attacked Kenneth Chiu with a kitchen knife June 30, 
2001, Orange County Superior Court Judge Kazuharu Makino said.

Chiu's father and sister were in court Thursday but indicated through a friend that 
they declined to comment.

"This is a major blow to them," said Wilson Wang, who accompanied the Chius to 
Thursday's hearing. Hearn "is guilty of committing the crime, and now there is a 
possibility he might be walking free."

Hearn's attorney and family members could not be reached for comment.

This month, Makino convicted Hearn, who had waived his right to a jury trial, of 
first-degree murder and the special enhancements of lying in wait and targeting his 
victim because of ethnicity. Hearn is white; Chiu's parents were born in Taiwan.

But Hearn, who could have been sentenced to life in prison without parole, had entered 
a plea of not guilty for reason of insanity. Sanity issues are decided after a 
defendant is found to have committed a crime.

"I don't want anyone thinking this is absolving anyone," Makino was quoted by City 
News Service as having told the Santa Ana courtroom. "The question is, was he sane or 
insane based on the legal standards that we use?"

Makino said he was persuaded by psychiatric experts that Hearn suffered from 
schizophrenia and believed he had orders from the government to kill dangerous people.

According to court records, Hearn told police through a sign-language interpreter 
shortly after the stabbing that "Chinese and blacks have weapons."

After the stabbing, "I just left, you know, proud," Hearn said, "that I acted like a 
Marine, like a KKK [Ku Klux Klan] person... It's not my fault. I just followed what 
the government said."

Although Hearn is technically guilty, Thursday's ruling is tantamount to an acquittal 
because he will receive treatment rather than punishment, said Southwestern University 
School of Law professor Robert Pugsley, an expert on insanity pleas. But it is 
unlikely Hearn will be on the streets any time soon, he said.

Those convicted of a crime but found not responsible because they are insane can be 
held in a mental institution until they are deemed no longer a threat, up to the 
duration of the sentence they would have gotten if found sane. In Hearn's case, that 
would be the rest of his life.

The state Department of Mental Health will prepare a report on Hearn in 15 days and 
make a recommendation to Makino.

If Hearn can show he is sane, he could be eligible for supervised release, Pugsley 
said, but early releases are rare in cases involving violent crimes.

The Hearns and Chius had been neighbors for more than a decade. On the night of the 
murder, Hearn lured Chiu to his garage and after sharing a cigarette stabbed the 
teenager 26 times, authorities said. Chiu's father, Christopher Chiu, worried about 
his son's whereabouts and called his cell phone. The father heard the ringing coming 
from his frontyard and found his son in a pool of blood.

Hearn's case stirred legal debate over the reading of Miranda rights to deaf suspects. 
Hearn's attorney had argued that his confession was inadmissible because the sign 
language interpreter was not court-certified. The judge, however, ruled against the 

September 25, 2003, Thursday, BC cycle

SECTION: State and Regional

LENGTH: 375 words

HEADLINE: Judge finds Laguna Hills man insane at time of racial slaying


A deaf man convicted of murder was legally insane when he killed an Asian teenage 
neighbor out of racial hatred, a judge ruled Thursday.

Superior Court Judge Kazuharu Makino found that Christopher Hearn, 22, of Laguna 
Hills, lived in a "distorted world" and could not appreciate the wrongness of his 
actions under the "legal standard that we use."

Hearn was found guilty earlier this month in a non-jury trial of murdering Kenneth 
Chiu, 17, along with the special enhancements of lying in wait and targeting the 
victim because of his ethnicity.

"In my mind this is not an issue of being

[CTRL] Multiple Personality Rapist

2003-09-26 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

The Seattle Times
August 27, 2003, Wednesday Fourth Edition
SECTION: North Zone; The Times of Snohomish County; Pg. H7
LENGTH: 688 words
HEADLINE: Retrial may hinge on insanity plea; Multiple personalities could have played 
a role in a man's attack on his therapist.
BYLINE: Jennifer Sullivan; Times Snohomish County bureau

EVERETT It's been eight years since William Bergen Greene was convicted of tying up 
and sexually assaulting his mental-health therapist.

Greene was sentenced to life in prison, but because the therapist wasn't allowed to 
testify about her belief that one of Greene's multiple personalities was responsible 
for the attack, his conviction was later reversed, prompting a second trial.

That trial is scheduled to get under way today with jury selection in an Everett 
courtroom. The trial is expected to last a month. Deputy Prosecutor Paul Stern said 
Greene, 49, faces life in prison if he is convicted of kidnapping, indecent liberties 
or both. Because a conviction would be Greene's "third strike," state law mandates 
he'll spend the rest of his life behind bars if he is found guilty.

Stern said he expects to hear from the defense that "Tyrone," one of Greene's alleged 
alternate personalities, is responsible for attacking the therapist on April 29, 1994.

Tyrone is a 4-year-old child, according to Greene's former therapist.

"He (Greene) has filed a notice of an insanity defense," Stern said, adding that this 
would give jurors the option to find Greene not guilty by reason of insanity.

Public defender Mary Beth Dingledy said she will present evidence of her client's 
multiple-personality disorder.

Greene's then-therapist diagnosed him with multiple-personality disorder after he was 
convicted of earlier assaults. She and other women who were attacked by Greene are 
expected to testify during the trial.

According to court papers, a Snohomish County Superior Court judge wouldn't allow the 
therapist to testify during the first trial because Greene's disorder was too 
controversial to be included in scientific evidence.

The therapist, who started working with Greene in April 1990, had diagnosed 24 
personalities in him, as well as 15 "fragment personalities," including a dragon named 
Smokey, according to police documents.

Greene's former therapist said three personalities were responsible for attacking her 
when she stopped by his Everett apartment to check on him. He had just been released 
from prison for his second indecent-liberties conviction.

She said that "William" binged on cocaine, loosening Greene's control of the 
personalities, that "Otto" held her down and that "Tyrone" molested her while saying, 
"Mom, please don't hurt me."

Greene was convicted in 1995 and sentenced to life in prison. But six years later a 
U.S. district judge threw out his conviction. In March 2002, a federal appeals court 
agreed with the District Court ruling.

Greene's first conviction for sexually assaulting a woman came in 1984. He was 
sentenced to 21/2 years in prison and paroled in March 1988, according to police 
documents. He assaulted another woman the next month and was convicted of indecent 

In all the cases, Greene knew his victim, got her alone in an apartment, bound and 
gagged her, and forced her to fondle him, according to police reports.

Greene, as part of his therapy, wrote a letter to his 1988 victim in which he said 
female relatives had sexually abused him when he was 4 or 5, according to court papers.

Though Greene's trial will focus on his alleged multiple-personality disorder, 
Snohomish County jurors will not hear about charges filed against Greene a year ago in 
the 1979 strangling of a Seattle woman. King County prosecutors filed a 
first-degree-murder charge against Greene last August.

Recent testing on evidence collected at the scene of the strangulation showed a 
1-in-850 billion chance that Greene's DNA was on 25-year-old Sylvia Durante's body and 
inside her clothes. Durante was found in her Capitol Hill apartment Dec. 14, 1979.

Dan Donohoe, a spokesman for the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, said 
Greene had been scheduled to be arraigned on the murder charge in Durante's death 
today. But because Greene will be in trial here, he probably won't be inside a King 
County courtroom until after the Snohomish County charges are resolved.

Jennifer Sullivan: 425-783-0604 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


ABErnathy, MARtin F. >> Providence, RI >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives 

[CTRL] MORE Texas Satanism...

2003-09-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Title: POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL ,  By: Hollandsworth, Skip, Texas Monthly, 01487736, 
Jul92, Vol. 20, Issue 7
Database: Academic Search Premier

Two mysterious deaths and rumors of satanism have created widespread hysteria in 
Childress, a town that fears it is . ..  POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL

A COUPLE OF MILES NORTH OF CHILDRESS, NEAR A CURVing dirt road that intersects two 
cotton fields, there stands a drooping, wide-limbed horse apple tree with its largest 
branch broken nearly in half It is the hanging one of the most about landmarks in 
town. Yet most residents know of it only by hearsay. "They'd prefer not to go out 
there, if you know what I mean," says David McCoy, the district attorney. "Not that 
they'll tell you the place is haunted. But there's just, well, something about it . . 
." and his voice trails off.

On a summer evening in 1988, a local teenager, Tate Rowland, was found hanging from 
the tree, his body slowly twisting counterclockwise. Though the county sheriff who 
investigated his death would later say that every family member he interviewed 
couldn't imagine Tate wanting to take his own life, an eyewitness said he saw Tate 
hang himself, and the case was officially classified as suicide. The episode was 
regarded as one of those tragic, puzzling mysteries--the act of impulsive youth--until 
May 1991, when Tate's elder sister was found dead, face down on a bed. And then, in 
quiet  little Childress, a town of 5,800 in the southeast corner of the Panhandle, the 
panic hit like a clap of thurden

Terrifying stories that had been quietly passed around Childress since Tate's death 
began to emerge in public. Tate, it was said, had been murdered by a satanic 
cult--devil worshipers living right in the middle of town. According to the grapevine, 
ten, maybe twelve cult members--the editor  of the Childress index had heard it might 
be twenty--were at the hanging tree that night to sacrifice Tate; his sister, 
27-year-old Terrie Trosper, was then killed because she had learned too much about the 
cult. Fear and suspicion spread faster than a prairie fire. Stone altars, mutilated 
animals, defaced tombstones, and black-robed cult members meeting in abandoned houses 
were sighed. More than one person reported seeing a young Childress man eat pages from 
a Bible and then foam at the mouth. Another rumor had the cult searching for a blond 
child to use as a human sacrifice.

Every town has at least one spooky ghost story, but the events in Childress seemed too 
peculiar to dismiss as fiction. There were too many unanswered questions about the 
deaths of Tate and Terrie, too many coincidences, too many bizarre satanic-related 
confessions from people who said they knew about the crimes. The sheriff reopened the 
old cases, and the district attorney convened a grand jury to investigate them. Bodies 
were exhumed from the Childress Cemetery. An expert on satanic cults arrived to give a 
seminar to the townspeople on how to spot a devil worshiper and later helped the 
sheriff sift through evidence. Certain citizens were subpoenaed to tell the grand jury 
what they knew about the cult and the murders; others freely called up the sheriff's 
office and provided names and phone numbers of people they believed were cult members.

For those in town who had heard about the growing international satanic 
conspiracy--composed of secret local cults all bent on a mission of subversion--the 
news about Tate and Terrie served only to confirm thheir suspicions that the devil had 
come to Childress. Satan hunters had long insisted that deadly occult organizations 
were moving into the heartland of America, luring in new youthful recruits with sex 
and drugs, the lyrics of heavy metal music, and fantasy games like Dungeons and 
Dragons. The threat, they said, could not be taken lightly. Indeed, most law 
enforcement agencies in the country were placing on their staff) a specialized "cult 
cop," an officer trained to spot satanic villainy. The Texas Department of Public 
Safety was sending local police departments a handout listing thirty ways to determine 
if someone had been killed as a result of an occult ritual. Cult awareness agencies 
were springing up to remind the public that today's candle-burning teenager might be 
tomorrow's baby killer. Small towns, the experts said, were particularly susceptible 
to cults, which look for remote areas where their activities can be more easily 

It was no surprise, then, that the Satan scare nearly overwhelmed little Childress. 
The investigation into the deaths of Tate Rowland and Terrie Trosper became the focus 
of the entire community. For a few townspeople, however, the cult stories posed a 
different threat entirely. To them, the threat was the power of gossip. They saw 
rational thinking overcome by fright and apprehension and, yes, by the pure pleasure 
that comes from swapping thirdhand information over a cup of coffee. When these people 

[CTRL] Satanic Ritual Abuse In Texas

2003-09-22 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-











No. 99-41297

Appeal from the United States District Court

for the Eastern District of Texas

February 20, 2001

Before KING, Chief Judge, and HIGGINBOTHAM and DUHÉ, Circuit Judges.


This is an appeal from a judgment of the district court granting summary judgment to 
various defendants in a section 1983 lawsuit. This suit arose from an aborted criminal 
investigation of child abuse and murder, presenting claims against arresting officials 
including malicious prosecution and false arrest. We hold that the officer defendants 
were entitled to qualified immunity, and that none was a policymaking official for the 
county defendant. We AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.


In 1990, Ann Goar and Debbie Minshew as employees of the Texas Department of 
Protective and Regulatory Services were assigned to counsel the children of Loretta 
and Wendell Kerr. The Kerr children came into foster care upon allegations of sexual 
abuse leveled against Wendell Kerr. The counseling later expanded to include the 
children of Wanda Geer Hicks, whom Wendell Kerr had started dating. The Kerr and Hicks 
children began to tell of being tortured, molested, and sodomized by their parents, 
grandparents, and various strangers, abuse including satanic rituals involving masks 
and knives. Their stories related the murder, dismemberment, post-mortem rape, and 
cannibalism of babies and children by the abusing adults. Goar and Minshew recruited 
two private occult investigators, Brooks Fleig and Steve Baggs to assist in an 
investigation of these accounts by the children. Roland Scott Lyford was appointed 
prosecutor pro tem after Upshur County's regular district attorney recused himself 
from the case. Lyford participated closely in the investigation, and in 1993 at 
Lyford's recommendation the county hired Fleig and Baggs as criminal investigators.

Child Protective Services criticized the methods of the investigators in interviewing 
the Kerr and Hicks children. CPS particularly criticized the use of a "holding 
technique," in which investigators physically restrained children while they answered 
questions. CPS also objected to the suggestive nature of the questions asked by the 
investigators. Suggestive questions were asked of both the children and the adult 
witnesses. An adult, Wanda Hicks,(1) later recanted, explaining that she developed her 
story out of the questions investigators put to her. Despite a grand jury indictment, 
all charges were ultimately dropped. Wendell Kerr had a corroborated alibi for the 
times of the alleged crimes, and the mishandling of the child witnesses made their 
testimony unreliable.

Yet, evidence also pointed in the opposite direction. Medical examination of the 
children found genital and anal scarring consistent with sexual molestation. An adult, 
Lucas Geer, confessed to police that he participated in ritualistic child abuse and 
child murder, a confession corroborating the stories told by the Kerr and Hicks 
children. A search of the Kerr property found three shallow grave-like depressions in 
the soil, a shovel with blood residue on it, an area matching the children's 
description of where the abuses occurred, two devil masks, a blood-stained mattress 
cover, and four knives said by the children to have been used to murder and dismember 
children. Pursuant to a plea agreement, two of the charged adults identified items 
retrieved from the Kerr household as devices used to restrain and torture children. 
Finally, plastic bags were found buried on the Kerr property, containing bone 
fragments. Before Lyford took his evidence to the grand jury, the Texas Human Skeletal 
Identification Laboratory issued a report stating the remains were most probably 
human. Another report from a different laboratory, filed months after the indictment 
was issued, concluded that the remains were not human.

While the defendants were investigating the Kerr case, Sergeant James Brown was 
investigating the disappearance of Kelly Wilson. Wilson was 17 when she was reported 
missing in Gilmer, Texas. In 1993, one of the Kerr children, identified as "R.S.," 
claimed that Kelly Wilson had been abducted, raped, and murdered by the Kerrs. As a 
result, Brown's investigation began to overlap with the investigation being conducted 
by defendants.

In a conversation between Brown and defendants, Brown said he had separately 
investigated the Kerr and Hicks children's allegations, and observed that Wendell 
Kerr, a key suspect, was not in Texas when Kelly Wilson disappeared. Brown asserts 
that defendants viewed his

[CTRL] Victim Of CIA Mind Control Experiments?

2003-09-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

March 6, 1994, Sunday, City Edition


LENGTH: 1305 words

HEADLINE: Military controls my mind, woman says




When you start dabbling in repressed-memory therapy, there's no telling what  will 
bubble up. Take the case of Frances Fox.

Fox, 45, owner of a prestigious bridal shop here on the Miracle Mile, has  recovered a 
harrowing assortment of memories with help from therapists in  Florida, Texas and 

The first memory - of incest with her father - followed a dream in 1989.  Then she 
remembered being abused by other relatives, dangled upside down over  a cliff, taken 
to satanic rituals where a baby was killed and eaten, and  subjected to mind-control 
experiments by the military and CIA.

Fox's father is dead, but she is suing her uncle based on the memories she  recently 
recovered of incest she says occurred 34 years ago. The uncle,  retired lawyer Juan 
Francisco Bauta of Miami, has vigorously denied the  charges.

The case is on hold until the Florida Supreme Court decides whether a law  that lifts 
the statute of limitations on delayed-memory cases is  constitutional.

In an interview, Fox would not discuss the lawsuit or her uncle, but spoke  for three 
hours about the other memories. She wants the government to admit  its wrongdoing, 
release the results of the so-called Monarch mind-control  project and compensate the 
victims. She isn't interested in naming names or  getting anyone in trouble, she said.

"I'm looking for a negotiated peace settlement with the government," Fox  said. "I am 
looking for . . . the keys to my programing so that I may  complete my therapy and 
healing process."

David French, a CIA spokesman, said Friday he isn't familiar with the  mind-control 
experiment Fox described.

Its existence isn't likely, he said. "I wouldn't deny her her memory of  her 
experience, but I would be very surprised to see the CIA involved in any  way."

Fox said her family considers her "wacko," but she insists she is not.  She points to 
the fact that she has found three other women who have recovered  similar memories.

All are members of a support group run by Hilda Brockman, a therapist and  past 
president of the South Florida Society for the Study of Multiple  Personality and 
Dissociative Disorders. Brockman, who has diagnosed about 30  cases of multiple 
personality disorder, does not question the accuracy of the  satanic-abuse and 
military mind-control memories.

"I don't think these folks are making it up," she said. "They're too  together."

Fox, who has two grown children and is separated from her husband, has  built a 
thriving business and developed a busy social life. She has too much  going on to be 
inventing this kind of fantasy, Brockman said.

Besides, the therapist said, people worldwide describe the same things. It  couldn't 
be a coincidence, she said.

It's not a coincidence, says FBI agent Kenneth Lanning, who has studied  allegations 
of ritual child abuse by satanic cults and others. He said in a  phone interview that 
the Monarch Project is "just kind of a myth or legend  that's being spread by a small 
number of people at a variety of therapy  conferences."

In a 1992 study of satanic ritual abuse, Lanning said people like to hang  misdeeds on 
satanic influences - "the devil made them do it" - and also  enjoy delving into 
conspiracy theories about government coverups.

Just because individuals who never met each other tell the same story  doesn't mean 
it's true, he wrote.

"Absurd urban legends about the corporate logos of Procter and Gamble and  Liz 
Claiborne being satanic symbols persist in spite of all efforts to refute  them with 
reality," he said.

Another person who questions the accuracy of the memories is attorney Roger  
Schindler, who represents Fox's 70-year-old uncle.

"It is extremely unlikely for this woman to have suppressed the  extraordinary events 
she alleges occurred to her in her childhood and  adolescence," Schindler said.

"This is not just Daddy sneaking into the bedroom. This is torture.  Murder."

Schindler blames therapists for creating, or at least perpetuating, "mass  hysteria" 
through the current fad for repressed-memory therapy.

Fox said her father was a Cuban-American who went into the U.S. military  and was 
stationed in Panama, Germany and several U.S. bases, including MacDill  in Tampa. She 
was one of seven children.

In 1959, Fox said, her father left the military and returned to Cuba for  about a 
year, when he was asked by the Cuban government to leave. She regards  this as 
evidence that he was a CIA agent.

Her alleged abuse at the hands of her uncle occurred during that year in  Cuba, 
according to her lawsuit. The accusations include rape, sodomy and  unusual sexual 

The memory of the abuse by her uncle, as well as others, remained beyond

[CTRL] Ritual Abuse - 2

2003-09-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
all my personalities, and now I'm studying to be a minister," she said. She and her 
husband are trying to regain custody of their three children, whom she voluntarily 
took out of her home when she realized she was taking them to cult meetings.

Rachel said she was helped by the "cognitive, very down-to-earth" approach offered by 
counselors at Bethesda Institute. "They helped me understand I'm not dealing with 
demons. Instead, what I'm dealing with are deviant, criminal, psychopathic maniacs."

Rachel said she's currently working with law enforcement authorities who have 
expertise in satanic cults, to bring criminal charges against those who abused her. 
"They [the guilty cultists] don't know I remember and that I'm getting well," she said.


MARtin F. ABErnathy +++ Providence, RI 02903 +++ 09/15/03

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Satanic Ritual Abuse - 1

2003-09-12 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho)
March 30, 1992
SECTION: News; Pg. 9A

BYLINE: Joan Abrams


Satanism with its rituals of human torture and sacrifice exist in rural areas as well 
as cities, and the satanist may be someone you sit next to in church, two 
psychotherapists who work with cult survivors said Sunday.

Paul Kimmell and Susan Schrader of Phoenix Psychological Associates of Atlanta, Ga., 
say they have worked with
more than 200 former members of satanic cults, all of whom suffer from multiple 
personality or post-traumatic stress

They spoke of their work to a group of about 250 people in the opening session of the 
Northwest Sexuality Conference here. The second annual gathering is sponsored by 
Northwest Children's Home of Lewiston. A total of 375 people are expected to 
participate in the four-day event focusing on child sexual abuse.

Kimmell and Schrader said their patients beginning at birth underwent terrors so 
unspeakable they developed numerous personalities as a means of survival.

Multiple personality disorder is associated with severe trauma occurring before age 
12. As therapists, Kimmell and Schrader help patients re-experience traumas they 
couldn't handle as children. The memories of these cult survivors "are the most 
horrific memories you will ever hear," Kimmell said.

Children in cults are forced to participate in the slaughter of their own pets and 
even friends. They are sexually abused, physically tortured and assaulted spiritually 
and emotionally in ways that seem unimaginable.

An example, Kimmell said, is a real eyeball inserted vaginally or anally with a child 
told Satan is always watching them.

The rituals often involve eating body parts, immersion in blood or urine, being buried 
alive with a dead animal, and
other malevolent acts, all intended to degrade.

The goal is to gain complete control of the victim and bring him into the cult by 
turning him against himself, society and God, they said.

Children to be indoctrinated are chosen by bloodline and Schra der said one of her 
clients could trace her family's satanic lineage back centuries.

Children not chosen to be programmed into the cult's beliefs and practices are 
"disposable" and become training material for the ones who survive, Kimmell said.

People have sought their help because they can no longer function. Sometimes the 
patient suspects he or she has been a victim of satanic cult abuse, but often the 
reason for their problem is revealed only during therapy.

Kimmell and Schrader acknowledge there is skepticism by some professionals that 
reports of satanic cult abuse are results of hoaxes or misguided exaggerations.

But they believe satanism is a real threat, organized and widespread, and as society 
becomes more sensitive to child
abuse, more cult survivors will emerge.

Treating victims of satanic abuse isn't an easy job, Schrader said. "Expect basic 
chaos" for the first few months, she warned therapists in the audience.

Survivors are prone to self-mutilation and suicide, somatic symptoms (such as sudden 
bleeding in reaction to prior abuse), and fugue states where they suddenly find 
themselves in a strange situation and not knowing how they got there.

The treatment of these patients is so new there may be no network of support for the 
therapist. But that support is
important for the professional's survival too, Schrader said.


Martin F. Abernathy --- Providence, RI  09/12/03

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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[CTRL] Lawsuit Threatens Bush Presidency --- Media Blackout > Part2

2003-08-28 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

To Contact Charles A. Schlund

Charles A. Schlund
8520 N. 54th Drive
Glendale, AZ   85302

(623) 931-5963
(623) 931-6420
(602) 670-2017


Plaintiff Schlund’s verified complaint is relevant, signed under oath

per Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 11, that he has experienced

the extreme physical and emotional pain and suffering of the torture and

the violation of his Constitutional Rights. That the government’s

activities of using the sophisticated electronic technologies/devices

have hurt, injured and caused him “extreme” pain and suffering both

physically and psychologically (Verified Complaint) including loss of

trust in the United States government which is especially hurtful for

depriving him of serious constitutional rights.

He expresses in detail in his Complaint that the individual officers

have used “improper, excessive, and unjustified force”, violating his

United States and Arizona constitutional rights. He asserts that the

government’s “improper, excessive, and unjustified force” is the “direct

and proximate cause” of his “sustaining intermittent life-threatening


Plaintiff Schlund, in layman terms, has expressed that during the

torture sessions of him, he is able to utilize his innate natural senses

to allow him to feel, smell, see, hear, touch and physically be aware of

when his physical body is being touched and affected by an outside

energy stimulus which has the capabilities to transfer energy, including

sound, which has the severe result of psychological and physiological

deterioration of his mind and body when the Government is torturing him

in that manner.

“The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ clear understanding that the sophisticated

and complex electronic surveillance and other electronic [devices] can be ‘used in

tandem with surveillance technologies’ and ‘other electronic devices’ or ‘other

sophisticated electronic surveillance devices ought not be permitted in a free

society.” (Id. Koyomejian)   Plaintiff Schlund alleges the United States

has not yet become Nazi Germany, but if this is allowed by the Court to

continue, we will be no different than that of Nazi Germany.

Plaintiff Schlund has also detailed that during the torture sessions he suffers

from, included however not limited to, forced sleep deprivation, pain

and suffering throughout his body, headaches, nausea, screaming in his

ears, violent shaking of his body and intra-cranial cavity, his eyes

extremely ache and feel like they’re going to explode, experiences

severe diarrhea, expectorates blood and experiences blood coming from

his anus. His teeth have cracked from the sound and electronic force

vibration and fell apart and he has been blinded and so psychologically

distracted due to intolerable and joint inflictions of the torture and

surveillance distraction that his left thumb was torn off by a machine

he was working on, causing the immediate primitive amputation of his

thumb. This happened after Plaintiff Schlund repeatedly informed the

government that the electronic mode they were using was blinding him

when it was turned on. After arriving at the hospital in Phoenix,

Arizona, the on-staff physician polished up the primitive amputation of

his thumb by the machine, exacerbating the excruciating pain and

suffering experienced by him as well. The aforesaid is irrefutable,

irreparable harm to him. Plaintiff Schlund leaves here to supplement

this motion with his affidavit.

He voices that the extreme nature and degree of the infliction of

torture punishment on him by the government prevents him from handling

his normal business duties and responsibilities. The torture of

Plaintiff Schlund was so heavy on Election Day that Plaintiff was unable

to vote because he was prevented from voting by the use of torture.

Plaintiff is right now being forcibly stopped by the Justice Department from

serving on jury duty. Plaintiff was called for jury duty just the other day and

the torture of plaintiff is forcing plaintiff under torture to not be able to

serve on jury duty.

It has also violated his freedoms of association and privacy and those

associations, including speech, protected under the First Amendment, and

in direct violation of his privileges between his attorney, doctors,

clergy, religion, violation of equal protection under the law, violation

of his freedom of privacy to his personal papers, effects and things

from governmental intrusion, and violation of his rights to political

and commercial free speech, also protected under the Constitution.

The Supreme Court has issued prior decisions which support the issuing

of injunctive relief for Plaintiff Schlund which involve a wide range of

scientific and other electronic force technologies admittedly used not

only by the United States Government, but others as well. See, Central

Intelligence Agency v. John Cary Sims and Sidney M. Wolfe, 471 U.S. 159,

85 L

[CTRL] Lawsuit Threatens Bush Presidency --- Media Blackout > Part1

2003-08-28 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

To Contact Charles A. Schlund

Charles A. Schlund
8520 N. 54th Drive
Glendale, AZ   85302

(623) 931-5963
(623) 931-6420
(602) 670-2017







GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, a sovereign

nation; GEORGE W. BUSH, an individual; DOES 1-10, individuals; DOES

11-20, entities,


No. CV03-1590 PHX VAM





Charles August Schlund, III, (“Plaintiff Schlund”) respectfully moves

the Court for an Order for Injunctive Relief to terminate the continuous

irreparable harm caused by the Defendants, the Government, including

Does 1-10, individuals and Does 1-20, entities, (collectively referred

to as “Government”) use of electronic torture activities of using

various electronic methods to egregiously cause irreparable torture to

Plaintiff and cause injuries and damages to Plaintiff. The electronic

based torture methods and activities result in the use of sound,

vibration, heat, electric and other kinds of or energies and radiations

which effect and interfere with Plaintiff’s normal life activities and

cause extreme pain and suffering (TORTURE) of Plaintiff Schlund.

If the court needs evidence that torture is possible and factual,

Plaintiff is prepared under the court’s rulings in Siderman DeBlake v.

Republic of Argentina, 865 F. 2d 699 (9th Cir. 1992) and Doran v.

McGuinness 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) to demonstrate such methods and

torture. Plaintiff requests the court to order an evidentiary hearing

under Doran v. McGuinness, 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) to demonstrate

precisely how various methods and techniques of remote electronic based

torture and other methods of it are used on Plaintiff Schlund, as a

political witness, his witnesses, family and associates, in violation of

their constitutional rights and international law.

DATED this _ day of August, 2003

By: __

Charles August Schlund, III

Plaintiff in Pro persona


Plaintiff Schlund has properly filed his Complaint on August 15, 2003

and served it on all Defendants on August 18, 2003.


Prefatory Statement.

Plaintiff Schlund incorporates by this reference his Verified Complaint

filed August 15, 2003. No legitimate American Court would refuse to

hear a Motion to Terminate the Torture of an American citizen. Siderman

DeBlake v. Republic of Argentina, 865 F. 2d 699 (9th Cir. 1992) at p.

20, infra.

Plaintiff’s case and related issues of electronic invasion of privacy

and electronic and other forms of torture are NOT of first impression

before the Court, infra. There are similar types of torture, illegal

surveillance and invasion of privacy decisions which are consistent in

the various circuits of the United States, especially the 9th Circuit

Court of Appeal rendering both relief and damages. Plaintiff’s case is

unique, raising the collective issues of torture by electronic force,

and improper installation of electronic devices in Plaintiff’s body,

resulting in life threatening, civil rights violations, personal

injuries, invasion of privacy, sleep deprivation and deprivation of

freedom of speech, right to vote, freedom of religion and other human

and civil rights and international law violations. This includes

violations of the Protection Against Torture Act.

The Government has taken the position that any victim of government

electronic torture who complains of such torture is accused of trying to

evade the Government’s investigation of them by asserting they are being

tortured. Plaintiff Schlund asserts he has not attempted in any manner

whatsoever to avoid any investigation by the government. In fact,

Plaintiff Schlund requests the court to order the following in an effort

to terminate the ongoing fabricated investigation and order a real

investigation subject to the following conditions:

1. Order the amount of $50 million a year to start a new investigation

by the U.S. Government to insure a successful conclusion of the

investigation of Plaintiff Schlund.

2. Order not less than 50 new agents be assigned to the new court

ordered investigation as set forth in No. 1 above.

3. Order Plaintiff Schlund to fully cooperate with the 50 newly

assigned agents and the newly ordered legitimate investigation ordered

by the court. And, Plaintiff agrees to waive any rights that the court

requests of him that the court feels is necessary to successfully find

the truth.

4.The court is to ensure that the agent

[CTRL] A 'Transmitter' In His Mouth?

2003-06-26 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-


The Baltimore Sun
May 31, 2003 Saturday FINAL Edition


HEADLINE: Schizophrenic city man who killed stepfather sent to mental hospital; Judge 
finds 25-year-old not criminally responsible

BYLINE: Lisa Goldberg



A 25-year-old Baltimore man who told investigators he heard voices through a 
transmitter that he believed had been planted in his mouth was found not criminally 
responsible yesterday in the fatal shooting of his stepfather - a shooting he said he 
believed would end his "pain."

Gordon N. Overby's guilty plea to murder and handgun charges yesterday came on the 
heels of a report from state mental health officials, who noted that he suffers from 
paranoid schizophrenia and he told them he "didn't know it was real" when he shot 
Rodry Webb, 56, six times at Webb's Marriottsville home.

Overby's condition made him unable to understand and appreciate that what he was doing 
was criminal, Howard Circuit Judge Diane O. Leasure ruled. Attorneys said that Overby, 
who was being held in the Howard County Detention Center without bond, will be sent 
Monday to Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center, the state's maximum-security psychiatric 
hospital in Jessup.

A graduate of Mount Hebron High School who served in the Air Force, Overby has 
suffered from mental illness for several years and sought treatment at the VA Medical 
Center in Baltimore as recently as a few days before the Dec. 18 shooting, according 
to his lawyer and family.

"Unfortunately, what was provided was not enough," Overby and Webb's family said in a 
statement after the hearing. "This court proceeding today is just one part of a long 
process for us. We hurt for Rodry. We hurt for Gordy. And, we hurt for each other."

Deputy Public Defender Louis P. Willemin, Overby's lawyer, said his client, whose 
birth father also suffers from schizophrenia, was hospitalized for mental illness a 
few times while he was on active duty. But once he was discharged from the Air Force 
in October 2001, there was nothing to ensure that he followed up on his care, Willemin 
told Leasure.

"The result was the tragedy that ensued in this case," he said.

Prosecutors, who did not contest the mental health experts' findings, said yesterday 
that after the shooting, investigators found the .38-caliber revolver used to kill 
Webb and shoes that matched bloody footprints near Webb's body in Overby's apartment 
in the 900 block of Cooks Lane.

Webb's wife, Pattie, who discovered her husband's body on the kitchen floor of their 
house in the 1300 block of Driver Road, told detectives that there had been "recent 
conflict" between her son and her husband, prosecutors said. Overby's erratic behavior 
had also resulted in calls to police in the months before the shooting. He was accused 
of waving a gun and threatening a nightclub bouncer and of banging on doors in his 
apartment building and yelling, prosecutors said.

He told investigators that the day of the killing, he had bought a bottle of rum and 
planned to drive to Florida but couldn't remember anything after he reached Route 100, 
prosecutors said.

Later, Overby told a mental health evaluator that he believed a transmitter had been 
placed secretly in his mouth when his wisdom teeth were taken out and that he blamed 
his stepfather for his "torment," prosecutors said.

He told the evaluator that when Webb opened the door, he shot him - then went home and 
fell asleep.

A medical examiner determined that Webb, a math teacher at Milford Mill Academy in 
Baltimore County, had been hit six times: twice in the head and in the chest, once in 
the neck and once in the side.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-02-03 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
-Caveat Lector-

by Martin F. Abernathy <><><> [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

[The information in this article was provided by Charles Schlund of Glendale, AZ. Much 
of this

information is contained in the affidavit that he wrote when he filed a lawsuit 
against the U.S.


The epidemic of crack cocaine use that began in the mid-1980s did *not* occur 
spontaneously; it was a

covert operation of the Central Intelligence Ageny [CIA]. The crack epidemic caused a 
dramitic increase

in homicides and other violent crimes in cities across the U.S., and this artificially 
created crisis was

used by the government [local,satae and federal] to enact repressive laws which 
deprived American

citizens of their Constitutional rights [the "war on drugs"].

There are many facts about this shameful episode in American history which have never 
before been

made public, among these:

1.) The "crack cocaine" that produced a wave of violent crime across the nation was 
*not* really

cocaine -- it was a form of SYNTHETIC cocaine.

2.) All of this SYNTHETIC cocaine was made in *one* place [Phoenix, AZ], and then 


3.) The plans to create the crack epidemic were made in the late1970s.

4.) When the FBI became aware of fact that the CIA/DEA were responsible for the 
production and

distribution of this synthetic cocaine, [the FBI learned about this in 1991-92, due to 
information that was

provided to them by Charles Schlund], the CIA/DEA were forced to suspend the 
production of this




The following information is quoted directly from the affidavit of Charles A. Schlund 


9th Cir. App. Case No.00-15126
CHARLES AUGUST SCHLUND, III  an individual, et al,

Case No: CIV98-1875PHX ROS, reassigned to RCB





"Before I continue this letter, let's go back to the formation of the DEA in
1973. The following information is from the CIA and DEA files I read in the Don
Bolles Papers. The CIA was domestically in trouble for conducting experiments on
innocent American citizens and other kinds of outrageous conduct that was being
committed against the American People. They had been bugging or monitoring
Congressmen, Senators, Judges and President's phones, mail and everything else
illegally, and conducting break-ins, like Watergate, and had been running the
drugs and doing political assassinations inside the United States. Congress was
about to pull the reins in on the CIA, and the CIA fully knew this.  At that
time, neither the CIA nor the Rockefellers controlled enough people in the
Senate and Congress to protect the CIA. The FBI and the other government
agencies were not under the control of the CIA, but they did have their men in
enough of the positions in these agencies to control them to some extent.

Richard Nixon's brother had been busted running drugs. They needed a new federal
agency that could tap phones, do break-ins, run drugs, conduct political
assassinations, monitor competing corporations that were not under their
control, and collect information to discredit political dissidents and witnesses
like me.  Nelson Rockefeller had concluded that the only way he could monitor
competing corporations and the American population was in drug investigations.
The DEA was directly responsible for many of the hostile takeovers in the United
States during the 1980's, and the information for many of these takeovers was
obtained using warrants to monitor these corporations or people working in these
corporations. We had the direct orders to Richard Nixon from Nelson Rockefeller
to conduct the covert operation of the forming of the DEA. The DEA was formed as
a covert operation of the CIA to conduct its operations under the cover of law
inside the United States.  If the government was really just interested in
fighting a drug war, all they had to do was give the FBI the men they needed.
This is not what they did; they formed a whole new agency.

The Drug War begins, which was really a war against the American People by the
Rockefellers and those under their control like the DEA. With this Drug War they
imported most of the drugs into the United States and other countries. They
formed the drug cartels inside the United States to distribute the drugs and to
set up the political witnesses to justify the surveillance of them and the
torture of them with the new monitoring and torture devices. They then used the
funds from these drugs to finance political elections; churches; advertising to

[CTRL] WARNING! Mind Control Implants Cause Crime!!!!

2002-10-14 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
ink there should 
be a better case to challenge . . . the whole debate over forced medication. But this 
doesn't seem to be the case, because I think he's faking it.

Prosecutors believe Maturana saves his "crazy" behavior for the psychologists, but 
stops acting when conversing with corrections officers. "He's totally oriented to 
time, place, and reality," McMurdie said.

Ryan said records she submitted in Superior Court indicate Maturana has had symptoms 
of mental illness for years.

"There is not one medical expert who disagrees" that Maturana is incompetent, Ryan 
said. McMurdie tried unsuccessfully to force a rehearing on the question of Maturana's 
competency, based on the affidavits of two young corrections officers "who have no 
mental health training at all," Ryan said.

Both corrections officers were prepared to testify they'd had a "normal" conversation 
with Maturana, she said, but the symptoms of schizophrenia can come and go.

Medical experts say people suffering from schizophrenia sometimes experience delusions 
and hallucinations, alteration of the senses, and an inability to sort incoming 
sensations and respond to them appropriately. The delusions can cause people to 
believe they are being plotted against, and about three-fourths of all people with 
schizophrenia will hear voices.

"He thinks the CIA comes to take him to do assassinations," Ryan said of her client. 
"At times he thinks there's some kind of machinery the Department of Corrections has 
implanted in him so he can talk to people."

Maturana's first attorney had questions about Maturana's mental status at the time of 
his trial and arranged for court-ordered psychiatric testing. Based on that 
evaluation, the presiding judge found Maturana competent to stand trial.

But the pretrial competency report prepared by Tucson psychologist Todd Flynn in 1991 
notes that in spite of Maturana's claims even then to hallucinations, hearing voices, 
and apparent suicide attempts, the supervising physician was not ready to believe him.

"I wish I could believe (the) patient's claim of hallucinations, but his thought 
processes are so fluent and clear . . . that it is hard for me to believe it," wrote a 
physician who observed Maturana in the Pima County Jail.

Maturana's mental state at the time the crime was committed is not being challenged.

But in 1986, the Supreme Court used the case of a convicted Florida killer to rule 
that a mentally incompetent inmate cannot be executed, establishing guidelines the 
states must follow in evaluating sanity.

Alvin Bernard Ford was sentenced to death in 1975 for killing a Fort Lauderdale police 
officer during an armed robbery. His attorneys said the stay on death row caused him 
to lose his mind - he claimed to talk to space aliens.

Ford was ultimately ruled competent, after the state of Florida followed the 
guidelines for hearing that issue set out by the Supreme Court. He died in 1991, still 
on Florida's death row, of complications from respiratory problems.

The high court's ruling in the Ford case does not require a prisoner to be completely 
free of mental illness to be eligible for execution.

"But you have to be aware you committed a crime, you have to be aware you've been 
sentenced to death and you have to be aware that when the sentence is imposed you're 
going to die," explained state hospital administrator Silver.

"That's a fairly low standard."

Silver is sympathetic to his staff's objections and says he fully understands the 
dilemma for a medical professional, but thinks there may be a window through which 
someone can treat Maturana to a level of legal competency

"One of the determinations they're going to have to make is whether or not they think 
he has a mental illness and whether he's suffering (as a result of) that mental 
illness," Silver said. The American Medical Association has ruled that a physician has 
a duty to treat an incompetent prisoner if he "is undergoing extreme suffering as a 
result of psychosis or any other illness."

"There are experts in determining whether or not people suffer from mental illness, 
what would be effective, and whether or not that individual is in pain or discomfort," 
Silver said. "I think there can be disagreements, differences of opinions between 
psychiatrists as well."

But Silver said he is not "fishing" for a medical practitioner who is willing to say 
Maturana is suffering.

"I have a responsibility as the director of the hospital to uphold the law, and the 
law says we have a responsibility to provide treatment for this individual," Silver 


MARtin F. ABErnathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- Providence, RI


[CTRL] Implants Are REAL!! Charles Schlund Is Right!!!

2002-10-14 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
alks about transmissions from satellites, implants and missions," Baugh said. "He 
said he had an assignment to terminate her."

Booher's funeral will be at Kubach-Smith Funeral Home, 314 Main St., Norwalk, at 2 
p.m. She will be buried in Clarksfield Cemetery, east of Norwalk.


"Battle, who took the stand in his own defense, claimed prison officials tormented and 
controlled him through implants in his head and forced him to attack Correctional 
Officer D'Antonio Washington."

Fulton County Daily Report
March 13, 1997, Thursday

LENGTH: 343 words

HEADLINE: Prison Inmate Convicted of Murdering Guard


Just five hours after deliberations began Wednesday, a jury convicted federal prison 
inmate Anthony George Battle of the first-degree murder of a prison guard.

Lead defense attorney John R. Martin had asked the jury to find Battle not guilty by 
reason of insanity, contending that psychological tests showed his client is a 
paranoid schizophrenic.

Battle, who took the stand in his own defense, claimed prison officials tormented and 
controlled him through implants in his head and forced him to attack Correctional 
Officer D'Antonio Washington. But lead prosecutor William L. McKinnon Jr. argued that 
Battle had faked his delusions in an attempt to evade responsibility for the crime.

The guilty verdict might not come as a surprise, considering that Battle confessed to 
hitting Washington over the head with a ball peen hammer.

The key question remains whether the jury will agree with prosecutors that Battle 
deserves the death penalty. The Battle case presents the first time a federal jury in 
Georgia will be asked to condemn a defendant. United States v. Battle, No. 
1:95-CR-528-ODE (N.D. Ga. 1995).

Both the defense and the prosecution presented testimony from several mental health 
experts who had evaluated Battle. All agreed he was mentally ill, but came up with 
different diagnoses.

The jury will hear more testimony about Battle's mental condition during the penalty 
phase, which is to begin Thursday morning and is expected to last several days.

"It's time for the real trial to begin," Martin said after the verdict.

Other than Battle's time on the stand, the jury has seen the defendant staring, 
rocking and grimacing during the three-week trial.

Tuesday, Battle shouted out during closing arguments, interrupting Martin. When the 
defender said his client did not agree with the insanity defense, Battle shouted, "Get 
the truth out."

Evans admonished him to remain quiet, but Battle cried out, "They are all lying."

Martin, who was nearly out of time, said he was leaving his argument there.

--Emily Heller

Martin F. Abernathy -- Providence, RI -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] "A Computer In His Head..."

2002-10-11 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
trists he believed that "the bloody body parts of
children intended for satanic rituals" were inside the trunk of
Boatman's car and voices told him to "go take the car" and kill the
occupants. He stabbed Vivian Boatman and then repeatedly stabbed Verl
after pulling him away from his wife.

Prosecutors did not dispute the insanity finding.

"We believe that what he was doing was based on this psychotic
delusion," Cashman said.

Other states vary on how they handle insanity cases: five states
(Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah and Kansas) do not allow insanity pleas,
and about 15 states allow "guilty but insane" verdicts as an alternative
to jurors.

Most defense attorneys and psychiatrists don't like guilty but insane
verdicts because defendants are treated like regular prisoners and sent
to prisons where they may not get mental health help.

The Boatman family believes Peterson should have remained locked up, but
Jones said Thursday she doesn't think her family "can undo what's
already been done"

"We don't want this to happen again," Jones said. Notification laws
"need to be taken seriously."

Peterson said he worked hard to regain his sanity "not so much with the
thought of premature release but with hoping to get better."

"I wish that there was some way (the victim's family) could find comfort
from some source -- God or a minister or a family friend," Peterson
said. "I can't offer them that. I do offer them my regret and sorrow for
bringing this pain into their lives."

E-mail Erin Hallissy at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Spring Valley child killer serving life term dies in prison
Adams had claimed to be Jesus Christ who ‘killed the devil’

October 10, 2002


of the Journal Star

PRINCETON - Just nine years after he began a life sentence for the
murder of his infant son, a 49-year-old Spring Valley man died in a
maximum security prison.

After being stricken in his cell at 7 p.m. Saturday, Lee Adams was
pronounced dead at the Menard Correctional Center medical unit at 7:15,
according to Illinois Department of Corrections spokesman Sergio Molina.

An autopsy revealed congestive heart failure as the cause of death,
Molina said.

Adams was convicted in Princeton in August 1993 of the Feb. 24, 1992,
murder of 9-month-old Justin Adams, who was stabbed in the abdomen at
least 17 times with the 4-inch blade of a large Swiss Army knife.

Adams was arrested outside his home shortly after the 6 a.m. slaying. He
told police he was Jesus Christ and that he had "killed the devil."

Adams interrupted his first court appearance before now-retired Circuit
Judge James Wimbiscus to tell the judge that he (Adams) could attain
"different states of consciousness, from human to divine," and said he
could be addressed as "a human or as Jesus Christ."

Adams’ bizarre behavior continued through multiple motions and fitness
hearings. He insisted he was not Lee Adams but another being who simply
inhabited Adams’ body.

At a May 31, 1993, fitness hearing, Adams refused to answer questions
from his public defenders. He claimed they were representing someone
else and asked now-retired Circuit Judge C. Howard Wampler, "Why should
my person help Lee Adams?"

Wampler snapped, "Because you’re standing trial, and everybody thinks
you’re Lee Adams. And if he’s convicted, you’re going to take the rap!"

Adams, who had been found unfit for trial shortly after the murder of
his son, was ruled fit by Wampler during the same hearing.

David Rumley, then public defender, called five medical experts, all of
whom said Adams was legally insane at the time of the killing.

Rumley said Adams believed his wife, Rachael, to be Ursula the witch,
who had "infected the boy with evil."

Former Bureau County State’s Attorney Marc Bernabei called the insanity
defense a "sham" and told the jury, "He can turn his so-called sanity
and insanity off and on like a faucet."

Bernabei contended that Adams flew into a murderous rage simply because
the baby was crying. "This (the issue of insanity) is all a fraud. This
is a cold-blooded killer." Rachael Adams, along with the couple’s five
surviving children, returned to her family in her native Israel shortly
after her youngest son was killed. During the trial, she testified that
she had given Adams the crying baby and that he locked himself in his

Moments later, she said, she heard screams, and then, "He handed me the
baby, all broken."

Adams was found guilty but mentally ill of first degree murder, but the
jury declined to impose the death penalty sought by Bernabei.

Wampler imposed life with no possibility of parole.

Public Defender Michael Henneberry, who assisted in Adams’ defense, said
Wednesday, "What a sad e

[CTRL] Mind Control -Related Crime Wave?

2002-10-11 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
, childish, emotionally immature, loses control when
he takes illegal drugs and can't form bonds with others, said the
report's author, Dr. Renée Fugère.

On top of that, Dadgar is a paranoid schizophrenic who loses control
during frequent periods when he does not take his medication, the report

His violence is pervasive, not only against women, but family members
and strangers as well.

Before killing his ex-wife, Dadgar had been arrested for assaulting a
member of her family. And before the two married, the man had been found
guilty in 1988 of raping a 22-year-old woman in a car.

Even today, Dadgar minimizes his guilt in that rape, blaming the victim
and his misunderstanding of Canadian customs. He told the victim he
hated women.

The report mentions he has deep feelings against former girlfriends who
cheated on him.

"He completely denies any problem of violence against women," Fugère

For the manslaughter conviction in his wife's death, Dadgar faces
anywhere from probation to a life term in jail. If a judge orders
dangerous-offender status, Dadgar will get a life sentence and could
never be freed unless he convinces a team of psychiatrists he is no
longer dangerous.

The judge in the case is expected on Friday to schedule a hearing to
discuss dangerous-offender status.

Dadgar immigrated to Canada from Iran in 1987, fleeing the war against
Iraq, the psychiatric report said. He suffered from obsessive-compulsive
behaviour in childhood, often alleviating built-up anxiety by going
through complicated rituals where he touched comforting objects.

In Canada he worked as a dishwasher, labourer and finally a taxi-driver.
He also became addicted to cocaine for years before switching to

He got married in 1993, and has always believed his in-laws hated him
and tried to turn his new wife against him.

His psychological problems and drug abuse let to a separation one year
after the marriage.

Dadgar harassed, threatened and intimidated his spouse after that, even
scaring away a man she had started seeing, the report noted. She kept in
contact with Dadgar for their son's sake.

Fugère said Dadgar is a multiple risk because drug-abuse problems are
piled atop personality and psychiatric disorders, making explosions of
violence inevitable and unpredictable.




Posted on Thu, Oct. 10, 2002

Grandma gets life sentence for killing, then freezing tot

The middle-aged woman with wavy gray hair and rimless eyeglasses sat
calmly Wednesday in her green jail suit and told the judge she would
plead guilty to strangling her 19-month-old granddaughter.

Broward Circuit Judge Ronald Rothschild immediately sentenced Christine
Sharrow, 48, to life in prison, sparing her the possibility of the death

''I don't want her to get out and hurt anyone else,'' said Agnes Danko,
54, the child's godmother. ``Nobody's going to change the past, but I
think it's more punishment to sit and think about what you did wrong
every day.''

Sharrow, of Oakland Park, confessed to police on video to strangling
Alexandria Witsky in 1996 with a blue bathrobe sash, then wrapping her
in a rain poncho and a shopping bag, which she placed in a freezer.

She could have gone to trial and pleaded not guilty by reason of
insanity if Rothschild had not offered her a life sentence.

Sharrow's history of substance abuse and mental illness -- including at
least 15 suicide attempts -- weighed heavily in his decision to spare
her life, the judge said. Rothschild said he believed Sharrow loved her
granddaughter, but was swayed by misguided delusions into believing she
was somehow saving the child.

Alexandria's mother, Leah Lyons, said last week she would like to move
on with her life rather than labor through a trial. She left the Fort
Lauderdale courtroom Wednesday before the hearing ended, but Rothschild
read a message to her into the court record anyway.

''This is a tragic, horrible situation,'' Rothschild said from the
bench. ``Families have been torn apart. I thank you for the humanity you
have shown.''

Prosecutor Chuck Morton had argued that Sharrow deserved the death
penalty, citing the the cruelty of the crime and Sharrow's prior
manslaughter conviction. Sharrow served three years in prison for the
1991 stabbing of her then-boyfriend, and was on probation when she
killed her granddaughter.

Morton said Wednesday he was satisfied with Sharrow's plea agreement,
noting that the judge would have had the final say on her sentence even
if the case had gone to a jury.

Sharrow, whose wrist was bandaged from being handcuffed to a chair, said
nothing in court beyond answering a series of yes-or-no questions. Her
attorney, Jeffrey Glass, said she was relieved because she had wanted
the life sen

[CTRL] Joe Arpaio -- CIA Asset : [Schlund]

2002-05-11 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:  Re: More Questions For Chuck
Date:  Thu, 2 May 2002  9:22:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  "chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The government had just tortured me over something I said about a mass murderer from 
the files-- Joe Arpaio. He is retired DEA and is one of the agents that the DEA is 
using to remove me as a witness against them and him. The following is a letter I 
wrote about him years ago.

To:Governor of Arizona  9 March 1999
To:Attorney General of Arizona

To:Maricopa County Attorney

From:Charles A. Schlund
  North XX Drive
 Glendale, Arizona 85XXX   Phone XXX-   XXX-

Subj: My demand to be allowed to file charges against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe 
Arpaio as a witness against Joe Arpaio because of my reading of the files I have 
always called the Don Bolles papers. The following is my statement of Joe Arpaio's 
file in these files and is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and is as 
accurate as  possible while I'm being satanically and hideously tortured by those 
involved in the cover-up of these files and other information I have.

Ref:  My lawsuit Charles August Schlund et al. vs The United States of America et 
al., case number CIV98-1875PHX, ROS and my governmental claim which includes the 
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Charles August Schlund copyright, 1998, all rights 
reserved worldwide.

Lt:My charges are a result of me reading through the truckload of papers and 
files that I have always called the Don Bolles papers. My charges also result from 
other information and beliefs that I have witnessed over the years. I have been 
tortured now for over 20 years in the cover-up of these files and every one around me 
has suffered greatly due to me reading these papers and my refusal to join the 
organized crime network that was responsible for the Don Bolles assassination and the 
cover-up. I am being tortured in the most satanic and hideous ways and this is being 
done under cover of law to obstruct justice and to tamper with me as a witness and is 
being done by corrupt officials of the State of Arizona and the Federal Government. 
Let it be known that I'm in agony as I type this letter and I am being threatened and 
tortured for exposing this information to you. I did for many years call and go to the 
Attorney General's Office, Glendale police, Phoenix Police,Sheriff's Office, Mayor's 
Office, DEA and Newspapers. I have told many police and others of these papers and in 
return they have thrown me out and refused to accept any information.

This organized crime network has murdered people I knew and people that were friends 
of mine and has even murdered people in my house, and the police have refused to even 
allow me to file a murder report on any of these murders. I have gone to the FBI and 
worked with the FBI in the proving of these files; and the State and the DEA and many 
others tried to stop me in every way possible using the cover of law to commit their 
crimes against me.

Joe Arpaio's file was one of the files in these papers and he was a corrupt DEA agent 
at the time of these files. In these files Joe Arpaio was responsible for all drug 
shipments in the Southwestern United States for the CIA. Joe Arpaio was really a CIA 
agent who was attached to the DEA for the running of drugs and the removing of 
political witnesses and assassinations. In Joe Arpaio's file were notes from his 
superiors that said that Joe Arpaio was totally with out conscience or remorse. Joe 
Arpaio was signing many orders for assassinations in these files. When the gangs that 
ran the drugs under Joe Arpaio's protection and direction would supply Joe Arpaio with 
girls for sex, Joe Arpaio knew that these girls would have to be killed after he left 
to protect him [Note: from being exposed]. In his file he never considered anyone's 
pain or suffering and did his job for the CIA and DEA without any compassion and was 
one of the most evil people in the files we had. In these files Joe Arpaio would 
assume a high position in Arizona after he was no longer needed in the DEA and would 
help in the setting up of the political witnesses and the running of the drugs and the 
assassinations from his position in Arizona and would still be under the orders and 
control of the DEA, which was a covert operation of the CIA. (Once CIA always CIA) I 
am charging Joe Arpaio with the cover-up of the assassination of Don Bolles and I'm 
charging Joe Arpaio with the cover-up of George King's murder in my house by John 
Bashum and others (spelling may be incorrect). I'm further charging Joe Arpaio with 
obstruction of Justice and Witness Tampering.

Joe Arpaio should be charged with torture under The Convention against Torture and 
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of June 26 1987. Joe Arpaio should 
also be charged with violations of the Constitution of the United Stat

Re: [CTRL] Messages From Chuck Schlund...

2002-05-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Re: radio imaging surveillance
Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol
View: Complete Thread (14 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2001-04-27 19:49:06 PST

Hi Infiltrate. Just by corresponding with me is bad for your health. I'm for
real and implants are used against millions of American's, Austrian's, German's,
Japanese and so on. The use of these devices is called the New World Order.
These devices are injected under the cover of law in investigations. Drug
Investigations are their favorite means of authorization, drugs are easy to
direct people to or plant as needed to target the person.

My implants were injected by the DEA who is a covert operation of the CIA. My
implants were injected in 1993 while I was working with the FBI against the DEA,
CIA and others. The use of these implants is one of the greatest secrets in the
world. (See Jose Delgado's research and book)

These devices are now used around the world and are the cause of Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, Gulf War Illness, Fibromyalgia and many other illnesses and
conditions. These devices are used in horses to fix the horse races and are used
in dogs to fix the dog races, these devices are used in sports to fix the games
by injecting the players in drug investigations and are also used in the
Olympics to fix the events. These devices are responsible for many 1,000's of
deaths yearly and are responsible for the control of leaders that they do not
own. Heads of state are injected around the world with the devices and they are
widely used in your country by your government to cover up their control over
you as they tell you how free you are.

My lawsuit is now before the Supreme Court of the United States who is one of
the finest courts money can buy. My appeal before the Supreme Court is as
follows. I do not expect justice but I do expect to teach people who these
people really are and that you are really not free. Your freedom depends on who
you vote for and if you do what they have directed you to do. Chuck

In The Supreme Court of the United States




On Petition For A Writ of Certiorari To The United States Supreme Court On
from the Judgment on the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

   Charles August Schlund, III
   Randy D. Lang, Attorney
   Petitioners In Pro Per
   8520 N. 54th Drive
   Glendale, AZ   85302
   (602) 670-2017 (M)



 #1. Whether the joint failure and refusal of the Central District Court and 9th
Circuit Appellate Court to issue, per Petitioner's continuous written requests,
findings of fact and conclusions of law is a gross departure from the normal and
customary course of procedure and substantial violation of Petitioners' due
process rights, thwarting Supreme Court review and eliminating a record for
review by violating mandatory procedure, justifying the Supreme Court's
supervisory review. (See, Appendix 3).

 #2. Whether the District Court and Appellate Court's continuous absolute
refusal to make findings and fact and conclusions of law, despite both
Petitioners continuous written requests, was improper and a gross judicial
retaliation after the court rejected Petitioner Schlund's verified and detailed
factual Motion to Recuse the same judge for bias and prejudice (and Appellate
Court's ratification) violated Petitioners' constitutional rights to a fair,
objective, and impartial tribunal and right to an adequate record for review to
the Supreme Court of the United States, requiring supervisory review by this
 #3. Whether the District and 9th Circuit Appellate Court's continuous joint
failure and refusal to make any findings of fact and conclusions of law, in
direct disregard of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, Rules 43, 52(c), 56
and 65 and Petitioners' repeated written request and Petitioners' request per
Federal Rules of Evidence 201 (to take mandatory judicial notice of such
requests and rules), caused prejudicial error by eliminating Petitioners'
factual and legal basis for review by the Supreme Court under Supreme Court Rule
14(i)(h)(i)(ii) and (vi), justifying its supervisory review.  (See Appendix  3).

 #4. Whether the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals' refusal and failure to issue
findings of fact and conclusions of law on any of Petitioners' appellate motions
on appeal, per their continuous written requests, caused substantial prejudicial
error and violated their constitutional due process and equal protection rights,
leaving them without adequate record for review by the Supreme Court.  (See,
U.S. Sup. Ct. Rule 14 (h)(i)(ii) and (vi) ["...findings of fact and conclusions
of law..."]).
 #5. Whether the District Court's ratification over Petitioners' objection of
the Government's fabrication of unsupported facts, lacking in foundation and
with no 

[CTRL] Messages From Chuck Schlund...

2002-05-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

For many years, Chuck Schlund posted messages to Usenet newsgroups to make people 
aware of his legal case; he ceased posting messages there about 7 months ago. Here are 
a couple of his messages written in the last three years.


From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: CIA Drugs
Newsgroups: alt.politics.greens, alt.politics.media, alt.politics.usa, 
alt.military, alt.news.macedonia, alt.news-media
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format
Date: 1999/06/17

My name is Charles A. Schlund I'm an electrical contractor in
Phoenix Arizona. I'm 52 years old 6 ft 230 lb. I was involved without
my consent in the DEA's operations of manufacturing and distributing
drugs to the inner cities of the US. I worked from the early 1990's with
the FBI against the CIA, DEA and others under their direction or
control. The information I supplied the FBI cost the CIA, DEA and others
billions of dollars in lost drugs profits. I was also able to stop many
of the assassinations under their direction and control.

The DEA obtained a court order under perjury and fabricated or created
evidence to inject two CIA designed torture devices in my neck to
torture me in an act of control and revenge to stop the information I
have. I have filed a federal lawsuit against the DEA for the use of
torture and other things. My case is filed in the District of Arizona
Federal Court Case Number CIV98-1875PHXROS. All federal agencies are
aware of this case and have been before it was filed.

My lawsuit is real and is not a normal complaint or lawsuit. The issues
addressed in this lawsuit may be what you might call unbelievable but
they are also very real and true.

Congress wouldn't allow my testimony. When the CIA did their
investigation they also wouldn't allow my testimony. My testimony is far
too damaging and provable to allow me to testify against them.

The CIA did smuggle drugs into the US and the DEA did protect and
distribute these drugs. Is there anything you are looking for in the way
of information. The information I have is much worse than just this.


From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Electronic Torture
Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol
View: Complete Thread (10 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2000/04/21

My legal help in my lawsuit against the DEA for the use of torture
against me has not been able to do his job correctly for some time and I
would like to replace him with a new lawyer. The timing is real bad and
we are now before the 9th Circuit Court of appeals. I was a witness
against the DEA for murder, drug running and the using of these drug
proceed to fix election in the United States. The DEA had offered me
anything in return for my loyalty to them and my assistance in helping
in the murders and the running of the drugs to the inner cities of the
U. S. I refused and worked with the FBI in destroying their operations.

I have the evidence to prove my case before a jury or I have to become a
drug dealer to obtain relief from the torture by the DEA. I would prefer
to be able to have a trial but I need legal assistance. I have paid my
currant lawyer $140,000.00 over the past three years and I can afford a
great deal more if I'm given relief from the torture. The DEA injected
my lawyer with implants to disable him and these implants have so
disabled him that I have been unable to get the necessary work out of
him no matter how much money I pay him. Is there anyone out there that
can help me in this case. Thanks Charles A. Schlund



DC NO. CV-98-01875-RCB Arizona (Phoenix)


The appellants' motion for leave to file a corrected opening brief
is granted. The opening brief and excerpts of record that were received
by the court on April 7, 2000 shall be filed by the Clerk. The
previously received opening brief shall be discarded. The appellee's
answering brief is due May 8, 2000. The optional reply brief is due 14
days from service of the answering brief. This order was issued prior to

the expiration of time within which a response may be filed. Fed. R.
App. P 27(b).

For the Court: CATHY A. CATTERSON Clerk of the Court

Teresa A. Haugen Deputy Clerk Ninth Cir. R. 27-7/Appendix A, General
Orders for the United States Court of Appeals

From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Real information
Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format
Date: 2000/07/21

I read some of the CIA files in part on the assassination of JFK and
many others in 1977. These files had been removed from the government by
George Bush under orders of Nelson Rockefeller.

The DEA who I have always known as a covert operation of the CIA has
been keeping me up torturing me tonight in retaliation for posting some
information on another site so in retailation I'm posting this here. I'm

[CTRL] Chuck Schlund's Credibility

2002-05-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
ld not even exist 
had it not been for the secession of thirteen independent-minded colonies from England 
in 1776.

The two most influential local independence movements in the United States can be 
found in our two youngest states, Alaska and Hawaii.

'Dedicated to the peaceful and lawful separation of Alaska from the United States,' 
the Alaskan Independence Party has over 18,000 members, roughly eight percent of the 
electorate. The AIP's challenge to Alaskan statehood is based on the claim that the 
1958 statehood election was deliberately manipulated by the U.S. government, which 
wanted to assure an affirmative vote because of Alaska's strategic military importance 
in the Cold War. The AIP questions the legality of granting voting rights to forty-one 
thousand military personnel as well as thirty-six thousand of their dependents, who 
were also eligible to vote in their home states. Many indigenous Americans were 
disqualified from voting because they could not read or write English.

In 1990, the AIP moved from the political sidelines to center stage when Walter J. 
Hickel was elected governor while running under the AIP label. In May 1993 the AIP 
petitioned the United Nations complaining of abuses by the U.S. government towards 
Alaska. The complaint accused the United States of denying the Alaskan people their 
fundamental right to 'political self determination' and their right to 'use and 
exploit' the state's wealth and natural resources. The petition requested that the 
U.N. vote on whether Alaska should remain a state or become an independent nation or 


In summary, the CIA-backed governor who was put into office in Alaska
was Walter J. Hickel, [elected in 1990] who previously served as Secretary
of the Interior under Richard Nixon in 1969-1970.

Chuck Schlund is a HIGHLY credible source


   Martin F. Abernathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

   Providence, Rhode Island

   May 10, 2002

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Hear Chuck Schlund On The Radio - [Sat. 5/11/02]

2002-05-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Radio station to interview implant victims
From: Chuck Schlund [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:  May 09, 2002 20:16 PDT

I received a call yesterday or the day before from a radio station
asking me to talk to them on the air this Saturday about my lawsuit over
the injection of me with implants and the torture of me with those

The Radio Station was 1510 KFNN and they wanted to know if they could
call me this Saturday night at 10:00 PM while they were on the air and
talk to me about what I knew and what has happened to me.

They called on my cell phone and I told them sure I would love to talk
to them and gave them my home phone number. They told me that the show
would be from Chicago and broadcast all across America and that they
would call me this Saturday at 10:00 PM and interview me. I will be here
and waiting to talk to them. I was going to San Francisco this weekend
but I will put that off for another week.

I believe that the government will block my phone lines and not allow
the call to go through. They have done this in the past many times when
I would call the FBI or corruption at the DEA, the Justice Department or
Ted Kennedy's office of other places like Western Union when my ex-wife
tried to frame me as not having paid any child support. The FBI got me
my records of my payments and I proved in court that I had paid all of
the child support and that she had lied. She had been ordered by the DEA
to frame me. (Nothing happened to her because she was protected and
could commit perjury under the protection of the Justice Department.)

The Radio Station may decide from higher ups not to call me to continue
the cover up of the governments crimes. I do not know. The government
likes people to say things that are not really correct but hates people
like me who know the truth.

If they call me as they said they would I will be on the air this
Saturday at 10:00 Phoenix time. Chuck

Subject: RE: Radio station to interview implant victims
From: Wes Thomas
Date:  May 09, 2002 20:42 PDT

Chuck, good move. That would apparently be the Erskine Overnight show
http://www.kfnn.com/programs/erskine.asp, which is syndicated in over 60

We can listen in at: http://www.kfnn.com/listen.asp. The show airs from 11pm
MST Saturday to 4am MST Sunday. List members with similar experiences may
want to call in.

Subject: My daily torture report to the Dept. of Justice.
From: Chuck Schlund [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:  May 09, 2002 23:32 PDT

Today's date is 9 May 2002. The time is 10:18. The Justice Department
continues to allow the torture of me to protect those that I was a
witness against for drug running, murder, the fixing of the elections of
the United States and other crimes.

Today's torture was a typical day. Last night they wouldn't allow me to
go to bed or to sleep until late. They knew that I had to be up early
for the carpet-cleaning guys before I went to work. Anytime I try to
take a nap I'm tortured with horrible pulses of sounds or other modes
that feel like electrical shocks in my left ear and high pitched wines
or other modes in my right ear. This is done to deprive me of rest or
sleep and is only stopped after 12:00 AM. If I try to sleep before then
I'm tortured to limit or deprive me of sleep.

During the night after they allowed me to go to sleep or at least put me
in a mode that appears to be sleep they woke me up as they do most
nights for my nightly torture sessions. As soon as they woke me up by
screaming in my ears with horrible sounds they then increased power and
tortured me with the sounds making it feel like they were breaking my
eardrums. The pulsed horrible sounds are deafening at the levels used
and have damaged my hearing permanently. They then allowed me to return
to sleep and again turned down the sounds and pains.

Lately I'm usually kept in bed until late and not even allowed to wakeup
until 8:00 AM. This morning they woke me up at about 6:00 AM or 6:30 AM
and began my morning torture session. First they started to make sounds
in my ears and steadily increased the power if I would move or even open
my eyes. As they slowly increased the power they also gave me Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome to disable me better. They finally forced me out of bed
under torture. They then turned down the torture, which is unusual for the
morning. They then allowed me to help the carpet guys as they did the house.

My daughter finally showed up and I left for work. On my way to work the
torture was reduced and very light. I worked at Glendale Iron repairing
a machine, an air conditioner and some lights. While I was at Glendale
Iron the torture was reduced to very low power levels for filming to
document that I was not under torture. The torture now days is always
reduced at Glendale Iron and then I'm punished as soon as I leave. It
appears that the government has planted drugs there to frame me as they
have done in the past. The government refuses to remove these drugs

[CTRL] The Break-up Of The U.S.A. --- [Schlund]

2002-05-07 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:Re: More Questions For Chuck
Date:Thu, 2 May 2002  9:05:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:"chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Hi Chuck,
> How are you doing today? If you are able to answer a few questions, I'd really 
>appreciate it.
> Chuck wrote: The United States was to be broken into 5 countries.
> Do you have any details about this plan for 5 new countries?

The first division was to be Alaska. Alaska was rich in natural resources and low in 
population numbers. The resources were so large that they were going to offer the 
people a check each month in exchange for voting to secede from the United States. In 
the files we had were the plans to put the governor into office in Alaska and then use 
him to run the CIA covert operation to split Alaska off of the United States in a 
separatist movement.

Alaska was to be the first state split off the United States in the break up of the 
United States and was to be kept out of the coming war so its resources would remain 
mostly intact to be plundered later after the war. (I stopped this while I was working 
with the FBI).

The remainder of the United States was to be broken up into four pieces. On the West 
coast California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Arizona were to split off the United 
States and become a country. In the East the country was to divided along the 
Mason-Dixon line and the rest of the country was to be the forth country formed by the 
break up of the United States. I do not remember the names of each state that would be 
in each of the countries.

The civil war leading to this breakup would start in the inner cities with the Blacks 
rioting and would spread to the Mexicans and then Whites as the drugs replaced the 
jobs as the corporations closed down and were replaced by the gangs. The banks were to 
fail in 1996. George Bush briefed the people of the United States on national TV that 
the banks were getting ready to fail in 1992 before he lost to Clinton. We had the 
detailed plans for arming the people, and the designing of the diseases  to destroy 
the crops to cause the starvation of the people. We even had the designing  of the 
Hoof and Mouth diseases for the animals and the designing of what became known as Mad 
Cow Disease. I briefed the FBI of what  Mad Cow Disease was as soon as it appeared 
years before the cause was known. I had read the CIA research of some [cannibals] that 
ate their  dead and developed similar symptoms, and how the CIA figured out the cause 
and then experimented and came up with how to do this to the livestock by feeding them 
back their own byproducts.

The CIA under George Bush had decided that this would be the most natural way of 
destroying the animals to create the starvation. We had files on the designing of 
similar diseases to be used to destroy the pets like cats and dogs just before the 
civil war. These diseases were to first break out in other countries, to make it 
appear that it couldn't have been planned [as they spread to the United States].

We had the files on the designing of the incendiary devices to start the fires as the 
rioting spread through the inner cities. These devices were built on the atomic levels 
and would look like nails, screw, rocks and other normal things you would find on a 
roof but their true design would be incendiary devices to start fires at command by 
satellite to burn out the inner cities of America.

As the economy failed the government was to collapse and blame the collapse on the so 
called welfare state when in truth it had nothing to do with what was happening. As 
the economy failed all of the prisoners from the prisons were to be release upon the 
people creating more and more crime as the country broke apart. Starvation and disease 
were to be the main killers and what would drive the civil war.

> Chuck Wrote : The idea of arming all American's with assault rifles was to cause the 
>genocide against the non-whites and convince the remaining populations that they had 
>won the war when they really never even knew who the enemy was.
> If you have additional details, I'd like to hear them.

I was reading how George Bush had made contacts in China as the Ambassador to China 
and that the SKS would be the weapon of choice. It was cheap, simple and dependable 
and anyone could shoot it. We also had the files on the CIA running the NRA, and how 
the NRA would attack and remove anyone trying to stop the shipments of these weapons. 
They almost went bankrupt attacking Clinton and had to put the CIA operative Charlton 
Heston into office as its president to rebuild the funds for the coming political 
battles. We had Charlton Heston's CIA file and he was second in line for the  
president if anything happened to Reagan where he could not play the part of the 
president for the Director of the CIA George Bush. Reagan was showing early signs of 

Re: [CTRL] CIA Made Billions Of $$$$ Selling 'Synthetic' Cocaine

2002-05-04 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Chuck Schlund is an *extremely* reliable source, and would know much more about this 
than Mike Ruppert would. Mike Ruppert is simply wrong/misinformed on this issue...

Mike Ruppert wrote:

"Some bonehead's trying to argue that the CIA went to all the trouble to go through a 
more complicated and expensive process to synthesize when we were swimming in the real 

More complicated and expensive?

> Chuck wrote:
> Carl Altz was their chemist and he had designed the way of making the new synthetic 
>cocaine which became called crack cocaine. It cost $1.28 a lb. to make it.

It only cost $1.28 to make a POUND of it! It wasn't expensive at all!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Plans For Civil War And The Breakup Of The U.S.A. -- [Schlund]

2002-04-27 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:Re: Question For Chuck Schlund --- Civil War ?
Date:   Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:41:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  "chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In the CIA files we had were the briefings for the coming civil war. These briefings 
were not complete but were detailed enough to be able to get a broad picture of what 
they were planning. The plans were to destroy the United States and break it up as a 
nation before the third world war because it would be impossible to break it up after 
the war and after the United States had won. The war would cost us all our cities and 
infrastructure but they believed that it was worth it as long as they could take over 
the rest of the world.

The first move was the forming of the DEA to replace the CIA inside the United States. 
The DEA would then do the bugging and run the drugs to the inner cities of America. 
The DEA would monitor the phone lines and computer transmissions for the CIA and would 
frame all political threats as being involved in the drug trade. The  DEA then took 
the two unknown street gangs the Crips and Bloods and made them into their drug 
distribution network for the destruction of the inner cities of America.

The drugs were being imported into the United States by the DEA and others in ‘sting 
operations’ which were really drug importation operations. The government paid for 
much of these drugs and the funds from their sale was not accounted for and lost from 
the treasury of the United States. The Rockefeller family would close factories in the 
inner cites and the DEA would replace these jobs with the drugs. Carl Altz was their 
and he had designed the way of making the new synthetic cocaine which became called 
crack cocaine. It cost $1.28 a lb. to make it.

The DEA was legalizing Ephedrine which was in prescription sinus pills like Actifed. 
By allowing these pills to become non-prescription they were also allowing the streets 
to be flooded with speed to spread the drugs into the suburbs. Carl Altz had designed 
this process of making synthetic cocaine and speed for Phillip Jordan at the DEA who 
worked under Joe Arpaio who worked under George Bush who at the time worked under 
Nelson Rockefeller. We had the plans to build the largest prison population in the 
industrial world which would be turned loose on the United States as our form of 
government collapsed help sending us into civil war.

The plans were too large for me to detail everything in this short of a letter but I 
will summarize the best I can as the government tortures me trying to limit my ability 
to correctly brief you. (That got the torture increased.).

Ronald Reagan was to be the actor to play the part of the president for the Director 
of the CIA, George Bush, in the systematic overthrow of the United States by the CIA. 
Reagan would do the largest military build-up in history as he did the largest tax 
cuts causing our form of government to collapse and go bankrupt. (Clinton stopped this 
but now Bush is back and the government will soon be borrowing money by the trillions 
of dollars again.)

The CIA was going to break up Canada after the break up of the Soviet Union and was 
going to separate Northern Ireland off of England. This was being done in part to 
convince the American people that it was normal for these countries to break up after 
the cold war. The intent was to make people believe that the cold war had held these 
countries together.

Next the CIA was to split Alaska off the United States in a separatist movement led by 
the governor of Alaska. We had the files on the appointing of the Supreme Court judges 
that would rule this was legal. As the inner cities of the United States went into 
civil war the federal government was to collapse except for the military; the ATF and 
Bush had planned on arming all Americans for the civil war with SKS's from China and 
other weapons. Before I stopped them you could buy an SKS for $99.00 with a case of 
ammo. Before the CIA conducted this covert operation a case of ammo cost more than 

The United States was to be broken into 5 countries. The reason for this was because 
after the war the United States would be powerful enough to take on their New World 
Govern-ment and win so to destroy this threat they decided to break up the remaining 
large countries into small countries.They were to convince the American people that 
our ‘welfare state’ was responsible for the collapse of our form of government. We 
had the detailed plans to starve the American people to force them to accept their new 
form of government. In George Bush's briefing to Nelson Rockefeller he wrote that the 
estimated dead in the United States during the final overthrow of America was 
estimated to be 23 million Americans.

The idea of arming all American's with assault rifles was to cause the genocide 
against the non-whites and convince the remaining populations that they 

[CTRL] Schlund Lawsuit [March 2002] ---- Conclusion

2002-04-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

During the abovesaid time, and continuously thereafter, Kathy Schlund
performed said acts, including but not limited thereto, the repeated
setting up and framing of Plaintiff as aforesaid as a result of her
being threatened by the D.E.A. and various other officials with the
State of Arizona and others influenced by the aforesaid that they would
murder her children if she refused to cooperate. Later, Kathy Schlund
agreed to reveal the methodology and activities of how the D.E.A. set up
Plaintiff and others to discredit them as political witnesses targeted
as a threat to their illegal and corrupt activities. Kathy Schlund and
her children, Holly, Summer, and Mindee, were injected with unique
implants by various agents acting under color of authority as aforesaid
for the purpose of the D.E.A. having the ability to punish and threaten
them by using wireless electronic technology and devices designed for
that purpose.
Plaintiff hereby places the court on notice that he is requesting
(which shall constitute a continuous request not waived) to demonstrate
to the court that, in fact, the wireless electronic technologies
affirmatively exists which can be used to physically and emotionally
punish a human being. Plaintiff requests a date certain be established
by the court for Plaintiff to substantiate said technology pursuant to
Doran v. McGinnis, 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) as required.
Plaintiff in 1996 executed numerous legitimate requests for all D.E.A.,
C.I.A., F.B.I. A.T.F. and other agencies’ records relating and/or
pertaining to Plaintiff pursuant to the then existing Freedom of
Information Act, Privacy Act and other agency/department rules and
6. On or about April 28, 1997, Plaintiff, and pursuant to the F.O.I.A.,
5 U.S.C.A. § ? 552(a) and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §? 552 et seq.,
requested by letter that Defendants produce copies of all records,
documents, and other tangible things contained in Defendant D.O.J.'s
case and other files involving Plaintiff for inspection and copying by
Plaintiff. Plaintiff also offered to pay all search fees and was later
determined by the agency to be allowed a waiver of any copy fees. A
copy of this request is attached as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by
7. By letter dated June 24, 1997, Defendant D.O.J., by its agents Mr.
James Greene, Acting Chief of the Freedom of Information and Records
Management Section, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C.,
20537, partially denied Plaintiff's request for information with respect
to the case files, documents, exhibits, and other tangible information
under its direction, management, supervision, and control involving
Plaintiff in their possession as admitted. A copy of this partial
denial and admission to such documents, records, and other tangible
things is attached as Exhibit “B” and incorporated by this reference.
On June 24, 1997, Defendant, through its agent Mr. James L. Greene,
indicated their refusal to turn over certain documents, evidence,
records, files and other tangible things in their possession on the
grounds “the processing of Plaintiff's request identified certain
materials that will be released to Plaintiff Portions not released are
being withheld pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. §?
552 and/or the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.? § 552(a). Please refer to the
list enclosed with this letter that identifies the authority for
withholding the deleted material, which is indicated by a mark appearing
in the block next to the exemption. An additional enclosure with this
letter explains these exemptions in more detail: [Exemptions] Freedom of
Information Act, 5 U.S.C. §? 552(b)(2) and (b)(7)(D) and under the
Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §? 552(a)(j)(2) renders a total of 22 pages
withheld as exempt, as aforesaid.”
Mr. Greene indicated there were 51 pages of information being maintained
by the D.O.J.-D.E.A., and 22 pages were exempt, as aforesaid.
8. Also, before the above-denoted information would be released by the
D.O.J., Plaintiff was required to submit a Department of Justice “Form
D.O.J.-361, February 95" which was stamped “Form Approved by the OMB
#1103-0016-Certification of Identity,” and notarized, which was
submitted prior to the April 28, 1997 request.
9. Plaintiff sent back a letter on or about June 30, 1997 setting forth
the exemption language and indicated an opinion that the exemption cited
by the D.O.J. was not appropriate. Plaintiff did not receive any
response from the letter. However, the June 24, 1997 Notice of Partial
Exemption (Exhibit “B”) indicated on page 2 that “if Plaintiff wished to
appeal any denial of his request, he may do so within (30) days pursuant
to 28 Code of Federal Regulation Sections 16.8 and 16.48 (“CFR”) and the
appeal should be sent to the Co-Director, Office of Information and
Privacy, Flag Building, Suite 570, Washington, D.C. 20530. On
Plaintiff's information and belief, the exemption response was

[CTRL] Schlund Lawsuit [March 2002] -- Pt.2

2002-04-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The D.E.A. and others would then use these new employees to
unilaterally start-up false and fabricated conversations with
Plaintiff’s wife and others for the purpose to discredit, frame, and
destroy Plaintiff’s reputation as an individual and his business with
the intent to cause Plaintiff to go into bankruptcy personally and
business-wise. All of this was straticized and tactically formulated
and implemented against Plaintiff to destroy him in order to cover up
their illegal and corrupt criminal activities under color of office,
authority, and law. All of this was done intentionally and willfully,
also in direct violation of their oaths of office and in violation of
the Ethics in Government Act, which was strictly binding on each of
It is important for this court to understand that the allegations
herein asserted by Plaintiff against the D.E.A.’s illegal and corrupt
activities have already been adjudicated before the Arizona Federal
District Court in trial before the Honorable Judge Lacey in favor of
Plaintiff. This resulted in the favorable “acquittal” of Plaintiff,
which the D.E.A. appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and lost.
The Appellate Court sustained the verdict of acquittal in favor of
The Honorable Judge Lacey, upon the conclusion of the trial, literally
pounded on his bench desk and screamed loudly at the D.E.A. agents for
committing “perjury” and “fabrication of evidence” and “obstruction of
justice” by them and staunchly demanded they be arrested and charged for
their contemptuous conduct on the above denoted grounds. The judge
powerfully exclaimed the conduct was unacceptable “outrageous conduct of
the United States against Charles Schlund.”
Plaintiff’s lawsuit may very well lead to the connection and disclosure
of Judge Broomfield’s involvement with the illicit sexual relations with
Plaintiff’s wife, Kathy Schlund, who was a high ranking member of the
terrorist organization known as the Aryan Brotherhood. She was also the
sexual mistress of Bruce Babbit many years before, who was also an
associate of the Aryan Brotherhood.
When Plaintiff read the Don Bolles Paper in 1977, all of the corrupt
judges were listed in The Bolles Papers read by Plaintiff. The papers
included the names and annotations of both corrupt and non-corrupt
judges. The corrupt judges were earmarked for appointment to the bench
(state and/or federal positions) after they were each politically
sanitized for such appointments.
Plaintiff alleges that without exception, every time he talks or writes
about Judge Broomfield or Judge Copple to anyone, he is intentionally
tortured and satanically physically and emotionally punished in the most
despicable manner. Plaintiff has also been repeatedly threatened with
death by murder if Plaintiff continues to talk about, write about, or
expose the abovesaid judges through Plaintiff’s litigation against the
government for such acts and conduct, which are continuous and ongoing,
torturously depriving Plaintiff of his human rights.
On information and belief and on those grounds, Plaintiff alleges if
Judge Broomfield or/and Judge Copple have issued any warrants relating
to the continuous investigation(s) of Plaintiff between 1977 through
present, such warrants were based on lies, fabricated evidence,
committed subordination of perjury, and conspired in the aforesaid for
the purpose of using such corrupt acts under color of office, authority,
and law.
Plaintiff has asserted other details of his personal knowledge in a
previous Motion for Recusal of Judge Broomfield filed with the court.
Despite the facts, the judge unilaterally denied the recusal (of him)
motion and, in effect, ordered that he shall determine the case. Then
he aided and abetted the government’s acts of fabricating statements of
facts and then accepted such activity for the intentional purpose of
creating a stage for the termination of the lawsuit on the government’s
skeleton two-page Motion for Summary Judgment on the only known
appellate case judicially created for that specific purpose of
prematurely cutting off the Plaintiff’s right to a jury trial on genuine
issues of substantive material facts. Plaintiff alleges further that
Judge Bloomfield continuously failed and refused to render findings of
fact and conclusions of law under Rules 52 and 56, despite such
continuous requests by Plaintiff were in complete compliance with all
such procedural rules in writing and never waived. The court is
requested to take judicial notice of this fact. (F.R.E. 201).
Plaintiff alleges Judge Broomfield or other officers of relation with
the court, influenced by him, had Plaintiff repeatedly tortured to the
point of near death and deprived of thousands of nights of sleep until
Plaintiff was forced under such circumstances to make untruthful,
outspoken statements for the purpose of reducing the level of torture
activity imposed on him for such purposes. Also,

[CTRL] Chuck Schlund's Latest Lawsuit - [Filed March 2002] --- Pt. 1

2002-04-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Charles August Schlund, III Plaintiff,  v.
United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration



Charles A. Schlund, III (“Plaintiff”) alleges, on information and belief
and on those grounds, as follows:

1. This action is brought pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, as
amended, 5 U.S.C.A. - 552, referred to as “F.O.I.A.” to require public
disclosure of all records, documents, and other tangible things, either
in part or whole, contained in the Department of Justice (“D.O.J.”), and
specifically Drug Enforcement Administration (“D.E.A.”) files involving

2. This Court has jurisdiction of this action pursuant to the Freedom of
Information Act (“F.O.I.A.), as amended, 5 U.S.C.A. - 552(a)(4)(B) and
the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq.; the Administrative
Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C.A. §§ 701 et seq.; and all Writs and Statutes,
28 U.S.C.A. § 1651 and Articles 4, 5, 6, and 14 of the United States

3. Plaintiff is an individual and not a corporation. Plaintiff has also
done business as C.A.S. Electric and previously as H&S Electric from
1980 through 1991, as a sole proprietor.

4. Defendant(s) Department of Justice (“D.O.J.”) and its subdivision
Drug Enforcement Administration (“D.E.A.”) is an administrative agency
of the United States Government, with its principle offices located at
United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration,
Washington D.C., 20537. Defendant D.O.J. and its agents constitute an
“agency” within the meaning of the F.O.I.A., 5 U.S.C.A. §? 552(e) and
the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq. Defendant also
maintains a regional office located at 3010 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix,
Arizona and is conducting business within the Central Judicial District,
State of Arizona.

5. Plaintiff on or about 1978, after being illegally framed and
prosecuted as a drug manufacturer by the D.E.A. and the Arizona Maricopa
County Sheriff’s Department, requested under the F.O.I.A., any and all
files, records, and other tangible items and things relative to
Plaintiff. The D.E.A. completely denied possession, custody, or control
or maintaining records, documents, or other evidence in a tangible
medium of any kind or nature or that any existed relating to Plaintiff,
other than those released of the arrest of Plaintiff.

It was factually determined by the Honorable Judge Lacey of the United
States District Court in Arizona during the trial of Plaintiff that the
D.O.J., D.E.A. and their agents totally fabricated all evidence against
Plaintiff as a drug manufacturer and then blatantly lied under oath
committing perjury in attempting to use the sham evidence in a desperate
hope of convicting him. The weak attempt by the corrupt governmental
agents utterly failed, and Plaintiff was acquitted on all charges. The
Honorable Judge Lacey established from the bench that the abovesaid acts
and conduct by the aforesaid constituted “outrageous conduct of the
Unites States government” and “obstruction of justice and gave
Plaintiff’s attorney a specific case citation supporting the judge’s
aforesaid determination.” The judge was further outraged due to his
determination that the D.E.A. and the Sheriff’s Department directly
threatened to murder the wife and children of Plaintiff’s first key
witness, Robert Snow. Then the D.E.A. and the said Sheriff’s Department
went to Plaintiff’s second key witness and threatened to prosecute him
if he testified to any knowledge of prior crimes of Carl Altz or anyone
else and never asked this witness any questions, and only threatened

Plaintiff was then fully “acquitted” on all charges. The government
appealed the acquittal judgment and lost. The D.E.A. and Sheriff’s
department was adjudicated as committing fabrication of evidence,
perjury, and obstruction of justice.

The next day after the Honorable Judge Lacey acquitted Plaintiff of
all charges, the D.E.A., Sheriff’s department, and others continued to
selectively investigate Plaintiff and targeted him as a political
witness due to his personal knowledge of their murders, drug dealing,
and the fixing of state and federal elections including, however not
limited to the aforesaid. Plaintiff’s knowledge included facts relating
to the state and federal court judges being appointed to cover-up
murder, drug shipments, protect drug dealers, and to user their judicial
powers to target political dissidents and witnesses. Robert C.
Broomfield (Judge Broomfield) at that time was a state judge in
Arizona. Plaintiff had read his [Judge Broomfield’s] C.I.A. file which
contained his records confirming he was a high ranking member of the
terrorist organiz

[CTRL] The Amazing [But TRUE] Story Of Chuck Schlund

2002-04-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Read the TRUE story of Chuck Schlund's fight against our covert government  yes, 
folks, truth really IS stranger than fiction









CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chuck Schlund: Patriot, Dissident And Political Prisoner

2002-04-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

A recent e-mail from Chuck Schlund. To learn more about his case, do a Google search 
of "Schlund Affidavit".


Subj: Re: Questions For Chuck Schlund
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 12:43:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: "chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Hi Chuck,
> If you are able to answer a few questions, I'd like to know:
> 1.) Do you have any information about the CIA's covert operations to destroy the 
>anti-war movement of the 1960s? {That is, any info besides your message about the 
>'Manson Murders').

Yes we had many files on the covert operations to stop the war protest and we had the 
assassinations and imprisoning of many 1,000's of political witnesses and political 
dissidents and anti-war protesters. We had Jane Fonda's CIA file and she was an 
operative of the CIA and had worked for the CIA as her father did before her.

> 2.) Any info about the CIA's covert operations against the civil rights movement of 
>the 1960s?

Yes we had many of the murders in the South and the cover-up of these murders and we 
even had the orders to kill Martin L. King. Ray was set up as the fall guy and had 
nothing to do with the assassination of MLK. We even had the FBI files on the bugging 
of MLK and many other papers on covert operations like the framing of the Black 
Panthers for murder, and the assassination of Malcolm X. We also had the plans for the 
LA riots and the plans for the ethnic cleansing that has not yet happened but will 
under Bush in time after he has set everything up. We even had the designing of the 
incendiary devices that were used to cause the fires in the inner cities and how they 
would be used in the coming civil war. The devices are made to look like rocks, nail, 
screws and other normal forms but if examined under and electron microscope they are 
really incendiary devices to be used to burn down the inner cities after being dropped 
by police or news helicopters. We even had the files on who would be Chief of Police 
of L.A. [Gates] and how he was an AB [Aryan Brother-hood] member working for the Bush 

> 3.) Could you name some American dissidents who have been murdered by the CIA 
>[besides Martin Luther King and the Kennedys].

Sure. Audy Murphy, Steve McQueen, Janis Joplin, Ernest Hemmingway, Bruce Lee, Mama 
Cass, Jim Morrison, Ricky Nelson, John Lennon, Bob Crane. We had many thousands of 
names in the files we had and we had the plans to take out others like Ricky Nelson 
and John Lennon.

The blacklist of enemies of the state was very large and included Elizabeth 
Montgomery, Charlie Chaplin, the Marx Brothers and 1,000's of other good citizens of 
America like Charles Lindbergh and Clark Gable.

>  Did you read anything in the files about the development of AIDS and other 
>biowarfare weapons?

Yes we had the files on Human T-Cell immune virus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the testing 
and development of these diseases and the distribution of these diseases using the 
vaccine in the Third World after banning it in western countries and the plans to 
later use the hepatitis B vaccine in the homosexual communities of America to infect 
the homo-sexuals to show God's distaste with them. The DEA also used crews of men 
injecting people in the night after gassing them to give them the disease and the Red 
Cross was to be ran by Bob Dole's new wife who was working for the CIA and disbursing 
the disease. The earlier test on the American people were done by using the hepatitis 
C virus which was designed for the test. This virus has now also killed many 100's of 
thousands of people and will kill millions more. We had the files and testing of many 
such diseases and condit-ions caused by chemical or biological exposures to know 
viruses or chemicals.

> 5.) Do you have any detailed information about their plans for World War III ?

Yes we had the designing of the MX missile and how it would be used in the massive 
first strike. We had the files on how Time Magazine would show how it would be moved 
from bunker to bunker to hide it from the Soviets when in truth they had no plans of 
building this complex and this was to convince the American people and the Soviets 
that it was a self-defense weapon and not a massive first strike weapon. We had the 
files on the design-ing of the B-2 Bomber and all the detailed plans for the war which 
was to be started in 1999. This was stopped by my work with the FBI and the other 
agencies and the stopping of George Bush and his New World Order. Now that his son is 
now running things for him the war is on again but I do not have all the details and 
the FBI no longer needs me and no longer tells me what is happening and I do not know 
for sure when it will start. I would believe it will start in about 2007. In the files 
we had Star Wars had to be in place before the launching of the weapons. The missiles 
would be launched using the phone lines by facilities ow

[CTRL] How Torture/Control Implants Were Developed

2002-04-23 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Chuck has mentioned that this research was among the information that he
read in the CIA files [aka the Don Bolles Papers] in 1977...

"Science fiction has already imagined men with intracerebral electrodes
engaged in all kinds of mischief under the perverse guidance of radio
waves sent by some evil scientist. "



Toward a Psychocivilized Society
Jose M. R. Delgado, M.D. 1969

Characteristics and Limitations of Brain Control
The possibility of man's controlling the thoughts of other men has
ranked as high in human fantasy as the control over transmutation of
metals, the possession of wings, or the power to take a trip to the
moon. Our generation has witnessed the accomplishment of so many nearly
impossible tasks that today we are ready to accept almost anything. In
the world of science, however, speculation and fantasy cannot replace

There is already abundant evidence that ESB can control a wide range of
functions, including motor activities and mental manifestations, in
animals and in man. We know that by electrical stimulation of specific
cerebral structures we can make a person friendlier or influence his
train of thought. In spite of its spectacular potential, ESB has
practical and theoretical limitations which should be delineated.


When we get into a car and press the starter, the motor will almost
certainly begin to run in a few seconds. The brain, however, does not
have the simplicity of a machine. When electrodes are introduced into a
cerebral structure and stimulation is applied for the first time, we
really cannot predict the quality, localization, or intensity of the
evoked effects. We do not even

know that a response will appear. This is especially true for complex
structures, like the amygdaloid region, which have great functional
multiplicity; but it is also the case in relatively simple areas like
the motor cortex. The anatomical and functional variability of the brain
are factors which hinder prediction of ESB results (53). The importance
of these limiting factors is compounded by alterations in regional
activity related to changes in local, general, and environmental
circumstances. We know that certain functions are represented in
specific cerebral structures, but the precise location of a desired
target requires careful exploration, and implantation of only a few
contacts may be rather disappointing. After repeated explorations of a
selected area in several subjects, predictability of the observed
responses in that area for that species can be assessed with a higher
degree of confidence. Present information about functional mapping in
most cerebral areas is still rather incomplete.

Functional Monotony

Electrical stimulation is a nonspecific stimulus which always activates
a group of neurons in a similar way because there is no coded neural
message or feedback carried to the stimulating source. The responses,
therefore, are repeated in a monotonous way, and any variability is
related to changes in the stimulated subject. This functional monotony
rules out the possibility that an investigator could direct a subject
toward a target or induce him, like a robot, to perform any complex task
under remote-controlled orders.

Science fiction has already imagined men with intracerebral electrodes
engaged in all kinds of mischief under the perverse guidance of radio
waves sent by some evil scientist. The inherent limitations of ESB make
realization of this fantasy very remote. The flexion of a limb can be
radio controlled and an emotional state could also be set remotely, but
the sequences of responses and adaptation to the environment depend on
established intra-cerebral mechanisms whose complexity cannot be
duplicated by ESB. Even if we could stimulate different points of the
brain through twenty or thirty channels, it would be necessary to have
sensory feedback and computerized calculations for the programing of
simple spatiotemporal sequences. Induced performance of more complex
acts would be far beyond available methodology. It should be clarified
that I am talking about directing each phase of a response, and riot
about complex behavior such as lever pressing or fighting, which may be
triggered by ESB but develops according to individual experiential
circumstances which are beyond electrical control.

Skillful Performance

Many of the activities elicited by ESB certainly can be categorized as
skillful. Pressing a lever, climbing a cage wall, and looking for a
fight require good motor coordination and suitable processing of
information. Walking on two feet, which has been repeatedly elicited in
monkeys dorm- stimulation of the red nucleus (Figure 12), is another
example of refined coordination and equilibrium seldom observed in
spontaneous behavior.

These facts demonstrate that ESB may resul

[CTRL] Electrical Stimulation Of The Brain [ESB]

2002-04-23 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


[From: Jose Delgado's "Physical Control of the Mind"]


Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB)
The master control for the whole body resides in the brain, and the new
methodology of implanted electrodes has provided direct access to the
centers which regulate most of the body's activities. The brain also
constitutes the material substratum of mental functions, and by
exploring its working neurons we have the possibility of investigating
experimentally some of the classical problems of mind-brain
correlations. In addition to new answers, implantation of electrodes has
introduced new problems: Is it feasible to induce a robotlike
performance in animals and men by pushing the buttons of a cerebral
radio stimulator? Could drives, desires, and thoughts be placed under
the artificial command of electronics? Can personality be influenced by
ESB? Can the mind be physically controlled?

In scientific literature there is already a substantial amount of
information demonstrating the remarkable effects induced by ESB. The
heart, for instance, can be stopped for a few beats, slowed down, or
accelerated by suitable stimulation of determined cortical and
subcortical structures, illustrating the physiological reality that it
is the brain which controls the heart, and not vice versa. Respiratory
rate and amplitude have been driven by ESB; gastric secretion and
motility have also been modified by brain stimulation; the diameter of
the pupil can be adjusted at will (Figure 7) from maximum constriction
to maximum dilatation, as if it were a photographic camera, simply by
changing the intensity knob of an electric stimulator connected with the
hypothalamic region of the brain (61). Most visceral functions have been
influenced by ESB, as have sensory perceptions, motor activities, and
mental functions. Rather than examine each type of finding in detail, we
have selected a few typical examples to illustrate the main aspects of
electrical control of the brain and its behavioral consequences.


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- 04/23/02

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Medical Experiments Without Informed Consent

2002-04-16 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Tel: 212-595-8974 FAX: 212-595-9086


A bill has been introduced in the California state Assembly, AB 2328,
that would allow human beings to be subjected to medical experiments
without their informed consent.

This is not a prank, if adopted, Californians would be able to earn easy
cash by consigning their aged or infirm relative for medical

A similar assault on the dignity of human beings, not to mention family
values, was foiled in Maryland.

Unless Congress enacts legislation explicitly prohibiting nonconsensual
human experimentation--and spells out penalties to ensure compliance--we
might wake up one morning and find ourselves consigned for experiments
by a feuding sibling, spouse, child, even grand child.



INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Wayne
   (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Aroner)

FEBRUARY 21, 2002

   An act to amend Section 24178 of the Health and Safety Code,
relating to health.


   AB 2328, as introduced, Wayne.  Medical experiments.
   Existing law, the Protection of Human Subjects in Medical
Experimentation Act, prohibits any person from being subjected to any
medical experiment unless the informed consent of the person is

   This bill would authorize certain persons to give surrogate
informed consent for a person to be subjected to a medical experiment
when conducted within an institution that holds an assurance with
the United States Department of Health and Human Services in
accordance with specified regulations, if that person is unable to
give that consent.

   Vote:  majority.  Appropriation:  no.  Fiscal committee:  no.
State-mandated local program:  no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 24178 of the Health and Safety Code is amended
to read:

24178.   (a)  Except for this section and the requirements set forth in
Sections 24172 and 24176, this chapter shall not apply to any person who
is conducting a medical experiment as an investigator within an
institution  which that  holds an assurance with the  United States
Department of Health  and Human Services  pursuant to Part 46 of Title
45b of the Code of Federal Regulations and who obtains informed consent
in the method and manner required by those regulations.

   (b) For purposes of obtaining informed consent required for
medical experiments pursuant to subdivision (a), if a person is
unable to consent and does not express dissent or resistance to
participation, surrogate informed consent may be obtained from a
surrogate decisionmaker, who shall include any of the following

   (1) The person's agent pursuant to an advance health care
   (2) The conservator of the person.
   (3) The spouse of the person.
   (4) The domestic partner of the person.
   (5) An adult son or daughter of the person.
   (6) Either parent of the person.
   (7) Any adult brother or sister of the person.
   (8) Any adult grandchild of the person.

Status of bill: http://www.sen.ca.gov

Visit our website, check a chronolgoy of experimentation:


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- 04/16/02

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Satanic Rapist Due To Be Released From Prison

2002-04-11 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

"...University of Washington memory expert Elizabeth Loftus contend that
Ingram's guilty plea was based on a false memory..."

{Would it be more accurate to describe Elizabeth Loftus
as a cover-up 'expert'?}



Man Accused of Rape in Satanic Rituals Nears Release

Associated Press

The former Thurston County sheriff's deputy who pleaded guilty to raping
his daughters in satanic rituals is nearing release from prison. The
state Corrections Department says Paul Ingram can be released from a
Delaware prison when he has a plan for treatment and counseling.

He pleaded guilty in 1989 in Olympia in a case that that raised
questions about recovered memory allegations.

Sociologist Richard Ofshe and University of Washington memory expert
Elizabeth Loftus contend that Ingram's guilty plea was based on a false
memory. They say he was encouraged by his pastor, a psychologist and
police interrogators. They told him he'd be able to remember what
happened if he confessed.

Sheriff Gary Edwards said he has no doubts about the confession or
qualms about sending Ingram to prison.

(Copyright 2002 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


The Olympian, Trhusday, Dec. 1, 1994, page C1

Ingram seeks pardon from state
By Brad Shannon

Board will recommend:  The state Clemency and pardons Board will listen
to the sheriff deputy convicted of incest on Friday.

A former top Thurston County sheriff's deputy convicted of incest is
seeking a pardon or some other help from Gov.  Mike Lowry.

Advocates for Paul Ingram, who's controversial case is discussed in
several new books, will be given a hearing sometime after 9 a.m. Friday
before the Clemency and Pardons Board.

Because of an outpouring of interest, the meeting has been moved to a
larger room, Hearing Room 4, in the Cherberg Building, which is the
Senate office building, according to Anne Fennessy, the governor's press

The board can reject Ingram's request, ask for more information or make
a recommendation of anything from a partial to full pardon, according to
Fennessy.  The five-member board's rulings are advisory only, although
18 clemency actions have been taken by Washington governors since 1986,
Fennessy said.

But as one of some 22 cases before the pardons board, Ingram supporters
may have little time to make a case.

Ingram, the former top civil sheriff's deputy and head of the Thurston
County Republican Party, pleaded guilty to six counts of child rape in
1989 and is serving a 20-year prison term at Delaware State Prison.

He since has tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his guilty plea, claiming
he was coerced into confessing to acts he did not commit.

But both the state Supreme Court and U.S. District Court have upheld the
validity of Ingram's plea, which also underwent a five-day review in
Thurston County Superior Court.

Gary Tabor, the county's chief criminal deputy prosecutor, says Ingram
implicated himself in statements to police, long before investigators, a
minister or psychologists got involved in the questioning.

However, victims of so-called "recovered memory" are rallying behind
Ingram, creating a defense fund and trying to generate support for his

The advocates suggest Ingram's memories of abuse were manufactured.

Among those advocates is Seattle-based Chuck Noah, a former Lewis County
resident, who says he himself was falsely accused of abuse by his
daughter after a therapist encouraged her to remember events that Noah
claims were fictitious.

Page C2
Ingram conviction heats up debate on recovered memories

By Brad Shannon

Who's the victim?  Some activists say memories of past sex abuse are
often the result of poor therapy.

The Paul Ingram case lies at the center of a national debate over the
value of so-called "recovered memories" of childhood sexual abuse.

Activists rallying behind Ingram, who was convicted of raping his
daughters, say memories of long-forgotten sex abuse are actually the
result of sloppy therapy or implanting, a phenomenon they call false
memory syndrome.

Among the activists is Chuck Noah, a Seattle man who was accused of
abuse by one of his own daughters, a charge Noah heatedly denies.  Noah
believes Ingram similarly was the victim of false accusations.

But Thurston County Sheriff Gary Edwards and Chief Criminal Deputy
Prosecutor Gary Tabor have stood by investigator' handling of the case
in which Ingram, a former top official in the sheriff's office, admitted
his guilt and then tried to take back his guilty plea.

"Before there was any opportunity for anyone to brainwash him, he had
already admitted (the abuse)," Tabor said Wednesday. "The brainwashing

[CTRL] Gunman Thought He Was Killing Nazis...

2002-04-11 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Another 'mind control murder' in which  the killer is [falsely] labelled
as 'mentally ill?



Accused murderer believes he killed Hitler, 6 generals

Copyright © 2002 AP Online
By DENISE LAVOIE, Associated Press

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (April 10, 2002 10:27 p.m. EDT) - A software engineer
who shot seven co-workers to death thinks he actually killed Adolf
Hitler and six German generals, his attorney told the jury Wednesday at
his murder trial.

Michael McDermott, 43, believes St. Michael appeared to him 12 days
before the Dec. 26, 2000, massacre at Edgewater Technology and told him
he could earn a soul if he prevented the Holocaust, attorney Kevin
Reddington said.

McDermott claims he was suffering from schizophrenia and cannot be held
responsible for his actions.

"This man is insane. As he sits here in front of you now, he is insane,"
Reddington said in his opening statement.

"I will put him on that witness stand and I will ask him questions and
you will hear him say that you don't exist, that I don't exist, the
judge doesn't exist and the people in this courtroom don't exist."

Prosecutors said McDermott planned the slayings in retaliation for the
company's plans to withhold his wages to pay off $5,600 in back taxes.
But Reddington disputed claims his client was having financial
difficulties, saying McDermott had at least $50,000 in his retirement
account at the time.

As his lawyer laid out his case for insanity, McDermott, a burly man
with long hair and bushy beard, sat at the defense table reading a
tattered Bible. Reddington said McDermott constantly hears voices and
the reason he wears his hair long and wild is because he believes it
"keeps the voices down."

Reddington said McDermott believes he died in a German police station
sometime after his arrest.

"At this moment he believes he's killed no one but Hitler and those six
German generals," Reddington said. "He doesn't believe he killed his

When police arrived at the Edgewater office in Wakefield moments after
the slayings, they found McDermott with an AK-47 rifle and a 12-gauge
pump-action shotgun on the floor nearby.

"I don't speak German," was all he said as he was arrested, according to
police testimony Wednesday.

McDermott repeated that statement when he was brought to the police


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- 04/11/02

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ritual Abuse (1959)

2002-04-08 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


From: Sherry ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: 38 Years Ago a Child Died...Warning Intense
Newsgroups: alt.support.depression
View this article only
Date: 1997/10/31

 It Seem's Like only yesterday i was a 2 year
 old with a Big Sister Missy who was 3 for
 such little Girl's we had been thru so so
  much pain.

  Missy and me would hold each others hand's
  i seem to remember and try to comfort each
  other after a night of pain and torture
 Missy was the strong one she always helped
  The best she could of someone who was only

  Oct 31 1959 a night of Hell for Me
  we thought it would be like  last
  year a night of screams pain and

   This year Misy is Dressed in White
   my face is White with fear and hers
matches mine for we both know to
  wear the white Gown means Death
  to wear the white Gown means Sacerfice
  to the one they call Master

   The night began's and the Children are raped
   and used by Members of the Shadow of the
   Dark Star.

  Midnight draws closer and closer and Missy
  is Picked up by the Man in the Mask and she
 screams and trys to fight in her 3 year old way
i scream Missy over and over and over till no
   voice comes out as the Man from Hell
   Drops my Sister in the Boiling Water She screams
   and then its silence and all that is left of my Sister
  is her Hair and then my mind splits and splits

 and Many Many Come to help me for a child of
2 could not survive the pain and horror of that
   night of Hell and years of pain to come but with
  the help of all inside young and old im alive 38 years
 later to face the Memories of The Hell of that Horror

   This  Night i will live over and over as the years roll
   by untill someday Missy and Me will be together
  and dance and shout
Oct 31 1997

From: sherry ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Why Christmas Hurts "Warning explict"
Newsgroups: alt.support.depression
View this article only
Date: 1997/12/19

Memories Of My 5th Christmas "Warning Intense"

Oh Santa came and i have all these toy's i say
   so i play with my doll's and all my toy's all day
   long and i think this is the best christmas yet
   my five year old mind say's
forgetting the horror of my life for a little while
then night comes and Daddy come's into my
   bedroom Princess come with daddy and we go
  into his bedroom, Princess all those toys cost
lot's of money but Daddy Santa brought them to
   me i say,well even Santa has to be paid!
   Now Princess their will be someone comming
  in here in just a min so u set on the bed like a good
girl and Daddy walk's out the Door!
  in a little while the door opens and a strange man
 comes in your such a pretty little thing he say's
wheres my Daddy i say, well im here now and you and
me our going to have alot of fun tonight! no i want my
Mommy i cry out! he grab's me puts me over his knees
and spank's me hard i cry and scream as he spanks harder
your bad little one as he hold's me down and un dress's me
their only one thing to do with bad little girl's as he pushes me on
my tummy my tiny body across pillows and starts putting a finger
up my tiny bottom i cry as he stretches me more and more
i feel him press something hard against the tiny hole
 the pain as he forces his self in me
and scream as he goes from back
to front pain so great finally he finshes im on fire as he leaves
and more men come in and take turns all night long
  but then someone joins me and helps take part of the pain
a little girl named Christmas so i go to my Love Boat where im
safe and Christmas stay's in my place
when its all over DR Tony a Sadistic DR comes and repairs
the damage and hurts me again
   my Fifth Christmas i Was Made a Child Prostitute!


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to 

[CTRL] Ritual Abuse (1982): "The Mother Of All Cases"

2002-04-07 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

NOTE: The following articles were writtten by people who seem to view
claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse as the result of "false memories" and
"hysteria"; I suspect that these children WERE ritually abused...

``This was the mother of all these cases,'' says the Kniffens' attorney


4 to appeal molestation convictions
>From the Bakersfield Californian  ---  [7/14/96 ]

By TAMARA KOEHLER ; Californian staff writer

They were what most people would call good parents: Coaching their two
young sons in soccer, taking them to church. They were children
themselves of upstanding, close-knit families. Brenda and Scott Kniffen
were certainly not what most people would think of when conjuring up
pictures of sexual orgies and child pornography. But these seemingly
ordinary, middle-class parents, whose ancestral roots stretch back to
the country's heartland, would soon give birth to a national hysteria.
They and their friends, Alvin and Deborah McCuan, would become
defendants in the first prosecution of a child molestation ring in the
1980s, a case that spawned a decade of similar cases nationwide,
including the notorious McMartin Preschool trial in Los Angeles.

``This was the mother of all these cases,'' says the Kniffens' attorney,
Mike Snedeker, who will be arguing their case again this week in Kern
County Superior Court. The Kniffen-McCuan case is complete with chilling
tales of stolen innocence and sexual torture, stories that horrified
local law enforcement, social workers and ultimately a Kern County jury.
But it also is a tale of questionable interrogation tactics,
controversial medical evidence and children who later recanted their

On Monday, the two couples _ convicted in 1982 of molesting their own
children in freakish orgies _ will appear before Superior Court Judge
Jon E. Stuebbe by order of the 5th District Court of Appeal, which has
overturned several other local molestation ring cases from the 1980s.
Reporters from ABC's news magazine ``Turning Point'' and other national
journalists will document the hearing. Despite the questions raised
about the way the case was handled, the Kern County district attorney
and the courts remain steadfastly in favor of keeping the Kniffens and
McCuans in prison.

Two years ago, a motion for a new hearing in the Kniffen-McCuan case was
denied in a terse, three-page written ruling by Kern County Superior
Court Judge Kenneth Twisselman. Snedeker appealed to the 5th District,
which ordered the Kern County courts to hold a new hearing and allow
attorneys to argue new evidence. That new evidence will include
testimony from national experts blasting the way social workers and the
district attorney's office interviewed the children as well as medical
evidence undermining a doctor's diagnosis of molestation in the case,
Snedeker said. If Snedeker and a team of Bakersfield defense attorneys
are successful in proving the Kniffens and McCuans did not receive a
fair trial in 1982, the judge will overturn their sentences and

Those sentences reflect the feelings of the time. The Kniffens, at ages
30 and 31, were convicted of 70 felonies each and sentenced to 1,000
years in prison _ terms much longer than those given Charles Manson or
Jeffrey Dahmer. That sentence was later reduced to 240 years each. The
McCuans were convicted of 75 felonies each. McCuan, then 30, was
sentenced to 268 years in prison; his wife, then 27, was sentenced to
252 years in prison.

The victims were the couples' own children, according to prosecutors _
the Kniffens' 6- and 9-year-old sons and the McCuans' 5- and 8-year-old
daughters. In gripping detail, the children testified they were hung
from hooks and raped, forced into bestiality, and sold for sex to
strangers at hotels in the small mountain town of Lebec. Brandon and
Brian Kniffen, now 23 and 20, have both recanted their testimony against
their parents. The two girls have not.

Prosecutor Collette Humphrey says she is not concerned about the
appellate court's recent reversals or the Kniffen boys' retractions.
``They've recanted, then unrecanted, then recanted again; what are you
going to believe?'' she said. ``I don't know if they think they're going
to wear us down or what (by bringing the appeals) but we'll fight this
case until doomsday if we have to.'' Today, the Kniffens' sons are
bitter, says Teresa Shipp, a cousin of Brenda Kniffen. They believe
they've been molested by the system, she says. They want their parents

Throughout their 12 years in prison, the Kniffen family has stood by
their imprisoned relatives. Scott Kniffen's parents _ Richard and
Marilyn _ hired a private detective to prove their son and
daughter-in-law were wrongly convicted. They used up their life savings
accrued through Richard Kniffen's successful business as an accountant.
They raised Brian and Brandon. And when they died three years ago, the
elderly couple left their house to S

[CTRL] MORE Rockefeller Family Values...

2002-04-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Deal brings an end to divorce battle: By settling, a Rockefeller heir and his wife 
avoid airing drug abuse and adultery allegations and the content of trusts.

© St. Petersburg Times, published May 13, 2000

An heir to the Rockefeller fortune and the daughter of a Reagan adviser reached a 
settlement late Friday afternoon in their bitterly contested and widely publicized 
divorce proceedings.

Amy and George O'Neill Jr. have been battling for nearly three years over money, 
control and custody of their five children, who range in age from 1 to 8. The 
last-minute agreement saves the couple from a public airing of allegations of 
adultery, drug abuse and, perhaps most important, the contents of several highly 
secretive Rockefeller trusts.

Details of the agreement were not disclosed. Michael R. Walsh, George O'Neill's 
attorney, declined to comment and refused to say whether he would seek to have the 
agreement sealed by the court. Mark Rabinowitz, Amy O'Neill's lawyer, did not return a 
phone call.

Amy is the daughter of Faith Whittlesey, a two-time ambassador to Switzerland under 
President Ronald Reagan and former assistant to the president. George is the 
great-great-grandson of oil baron John D. Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil in the 

George's stake in the family fortune is estimated to be about $200-million. One of the 
four trusts of which George is a beneficiary was set up by his great-grandfather, John 
D. Rockefeller Jr., in 1934. Two years ago that trust was valued at $354-million.

The settlement in the O'Neill case comes after five days of intense mediation. Trial 
in the case had been scheduled to begin May 10, but was delayed because of the 
court-ordered talks.

The O'Neills, who lived in the wealthy enclave of Mountain Lake outside Lake Wales, 
first filed for divorce in Orlando's Orange County Courthouse in July 1997. After a 
failed reconciliation, the couple separated in mid-1998 when Amy moved to her mother's 
home in Delray Beach.

In lengthy depositions and court filings, Amy accused George of having oral sex with 
the wife of a Lake Wales funeral director, as well as affairs with local girls hired 
to help in his children's book publishing business. George, who denied those 
allegations, countered that Amy was crazy. Court records showed that Amy spent nearly 
$13,000 per year on professional help and another $14,400 on medications before the 
divorce filing.

While George was pushing to have Amy's psychiatric records entered at trial, his 
estranged wife was equally determined to make public the assets in at least four 
trusts that name George as beneficiary.

George's attorney had argued that the trusts were not part of the marital assets and, 
therefore, should not be considered in the divorce settlement. George told the court 
his publishing business was losing money and that he was living off trust income and 
gifts from his mother, who reportedly receives $1-million per month from family trusts.

The value of the Rockefeller trusts has been a closely guarded family secret for 
generations. In 1974, during vice presidential confirmation hearings for George's 
uncle, Nelson Rockefeller, many in the family told him they would rather he forgo the 
position than disclose his net worth.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More Mind Control-Related Crimes?

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


In the crazy world of Kelsey Patterson, hell is a very special place. It
is at once his consuming fear and his  overpowering obsession. He
believes, for instance, in "hell law," one feature of which involves a
special book into which people can sign "hell pledges" against him for
the purpose of inflicting pain, misery and even death.  Patterson deals
with this as best he can. Go to hell, he says when talking to judges,
lawyers and prison personnel - anybody who might be in on the conspiracy
against him. Go to hell, he writes in the furiously scribbled letters he
mails daily to court officials, family members, politicians and anybody
else who figures into his delusions.

He usually says it slowly, not as a dismissive insult but a phrase with
precise meaning. By employing it, he may ward off the effect of the hell
pledges, somewhat like repelling vampires with garlic.

Alas, Patterson has no such protection against the electrical implants
that he says were placed in his body many years ago and  which, he
claims, sometimes control his actions. "Inert response motor immerse
response motor implant devices" he calls them, and they are the reason
he now sits on death row.

It was no personal grievance that led him to murder two people one sunny
afternoon, he has told relatives and attorneys. It was not his decision
at all. Rather, the powers that be here in his hometown wanted to get
rid of him because someone had filed a special hell pledge against him
in court. So, by remote control, "they" made him commit the murders.

"They have some type of implant devices that they used on me in the
military, which I receive," Patterson testified at his competency trial.
"Like the device that they put in the inner ear in which they can send
subliminal messages and make a person act beyond their controllability
to know you have taken an action."

This is what Patterson believes. Or used to. He won't talk to lawyers,
journalists or doctors anymore, so nobody is up on the latest wrinkles
in his delusional system. He does not cooperate because he considers
himself to be perfectly sane. As far as he's concerned, the effort to
portray him as mentally ill is one more insidious facet of the greater
conspiracy to destroy him and his family.

How Patterson, 45, got into the mess that may cost him his life is no
mystery. Left half-treated and unsupervised by the state for years
despite a history of psychotically inspired, near-fatal assaults, he
simply fulfilled a longstanding prediction about him when he shot to
death Louis Oates and Kay Harris, a respected businessman and his
secretary, for no obvious reason in 1992.

But how he was considered sane enough to finally merit prosecution and
conviction is puzzling. Patterson was not tried for two previous
attempted murders because of his mental illness, severe paranoid
schizophrenia. Both incidents involved the shooting of people he barely
knew for no explicable reason.

When the charge became murder, however, psychiatrists testified that he
now met the legal threshold of sanity, that he had somehow changed, that
he was only pretending to be ill, even though his delusional beliefs
were the same as they had always been and the killings closely resembled
the earlier assaults.

This change of opinion leads attorneys for and relatives of Patterson,
as well as mental health care advocates, to wonder whether the system is
simply trying to bury one of itsembarrassments.

"It was the darkest moment of my professional life," said Sam Hicks, his
trial attorney, of the day Patterson was sentenced to die. "This is a
case that never should have happened. He should have been
institutionalized a long time ago. The system failed him. But they
don'tindict the system."

An old and sad story

It has become an old and sad story. The virtual abandonment of long-term
psychiatricinstitutionalization and the lack of aggressive community
treatment has helped create apopulation of untreated or undertreated
mentally ill.

Usually poor and often unemployable, they get by as best they can. The
lucky have familysupport. Others live in quiet desperation in halfway
houses or cheap apartments - or on the street. A study released last
year by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill found that fewer than
half of the nation's 2 million schizophrenics receive appropriate care.

Sometimes, in an unmedicated state, the ill end up confronted by police
in encounters thatconclude fatally. Sometimes their psychoses translate
into horrible crimes, at which point the criminal justice system is
charged with resolving their fate.

In Texas, the chance of a satisfactory outcome then is not great.

An inability to convict a defendant because of insanity seldom results
in his long-term placement in a secure, humane facility, or even in
closely supervised outpatient treatment. Almost inevitably, he returns
to the community at some point, where the burden

[CTRL] Rockefeller Family Values

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Rockefeller bad apple sued for divorce : Adultery, cruel perversion and
hardcore pornography blamed for filthy-rich divorce.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Hank Hyena

Dec. 8, 1999

My, my. How the mighty have fallen.

A decadent descendant of an American dynasty is getting his dirty silk
laundry aired out in a Vanity Fair interview with his estranged wife.

John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil and became the richest man in
America. His grandson Nelson was governor of New York from 1959-73 and
vice president from 1974-77. Numerous other Rockefellers have excelled
as senators, governors, businessmen, academics and philanthropists.

There's a rotten apple in the family tree though, an embarrassing black
sheep. Great-grandson George O'Neill is obsessed with female flesh, not
finances or public welfare, claims his wife, Amy, 32, who is suing him
for divorce. She accuses the 49-year-old O'Neill (who will inherit about
$180 million when his mother dies) of incessant carnal crimes.

Gonadal George had an abundance of affairs in their 10-year marriage,
charges the bitter spouse. She discovered him groping the baby-sitters
and receiving fellatio from the wife of a local funeral director. He
also tried to push her into sexual threesomes, she says, and that he's
obsessed with hardcore pornography.

This is only the horny tip of a licentious lifestyle that Amy will
gladly expose in the courtroom if George balks at the monetary demands
that she's making in their current divorce settlement.

If true, these revelations would usher O'Neill into the recent hall of
hypocrite conservatives. George is a right-wing activist and a strong
espouser of "family values" morality; he even campaigned for Pat
Buchanan in 1992.

George and Amy lived dysfunctionally in a dilapidated mansion on a
heavily guarded family estate in central Florida with their five
children. Ensconced in this Gothic nightmare, poor Amy claims she was
forced to haul a notebook around her neck that recorded what she was
doing, plus she had to beg her horrible husband for housekeeping money.

If this meanness actually occurred, Amy's demands on the rich man-boy
will probably be granted: $775,000 for a new house, alimony of $7,500
per month, plus children's education costs, wedding costs for the two
daughters and a new family van every five years.

Amy also divulges humiliating Rockefeller family secrets in the article.
Most amusing is her contention that the old money magnates are quite
depressed about their displacement at the top of the "rich lists."
Computer zillionaires have plummeted the oil barons into comparative
salon.com | Dec. 8, 1999


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Induced Behavior Or Mental Illness?

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Defense psychiatrist: Taylor delusional

By Robert Baird
Wednesday, November 7, 2001

A University of Pittsburgh psychiatry professor testified Tuesday that
Ronald Taylor was legally insane during a shooting spree in Wilkinsburg
in March 2000 in which he killed three men and wounded two others.

Dr. Horacio Fabrega, a psychiatrist from Mt. Lebanon who examined Taylor
for the defense, said Taylor, who is black, was "acting out of a
delusional system" in which he believed whites were racists, conspiring
to demean and undermine blacks.

Fabrega said Taylor, whom he diagnosed as suffering from chronic
paranoid schizophrenia, knew from "a societal point of view" that what
he was doing was wrong, but his pent-up rage went beyond a level he
could control.

Taylor, 41, who has worn a blank expression throughout the trial, seemed
to brighten slightly yesterday morning when he saw his mother, Shirley,
in the courtroom for the first time.

Taylor mouthed the words, "Hi, Mom." His mother wasn't present for the
afternoon session in the courtroom of Allegheny County Common Pleas
Judge Lawrence O'Toole.

On cross-examination by Chief Trial Deputy Edward Borkowski, Fabrega
acknowledged that "most paranoid schizophrenics don't commit criminal

Fabrega said Taylor has "functional amnesia" about the events of March
1, 2000, but Borkowski contended that Taylor has "a selective memory."

The prosecutor said psychiatrists at Mayview State Hospital in South
Fayette Township wrote in his medical records on April 7, 2000, that
Taylor knew what happened the day of the shootings, and later indicated
he "conveniently remembers what he wants to remember."

Defense attorney John Elash, who is seeking a verdict of not guilty by
reason of insanity, rested his case after calling Fabrega, his only
witness. Taylor won't testify in his own behalf in the guilt phase.

When the trial resumes today, Borkowski may call Dr. Michael Welner, a
New York City psychiatrist hired by prosecutors to examine Taylor, in
rebuttal of Fabrega's testimony.

In Pennsylvania, a legal insanity defense must show that a mental
disease prevented a defendant from understanding the quality and nature
of the acts, or that they were wrong.

Fabrega said Taylor understood that what he was doing was wrong and that
he could be shot by pursuing police.

But Taylor was in the "midst of a psychotic storm" that rendered him
unable to recognize his actions as wrong, Fabrega said.

Fabrega said Taylor became frustrated when he couldn't find John DeWitt,
64, a maintenance man with whom he argued at his Wilkinsburg apartment
and accused of being a racist.

The psychiatrist said Taylor was "living in a world he constructed that
was unreasonable," and had views of religion, witchcraft and racism that
therapists had been unable or unwilling to untangle.

Fabrega testified Taylor launched into "a script" he had in his head for
years, setting fire to his apartment and shooting and killing John
Kroll, 55, of Cabot, Butler County, a carpenter who was fixing his door.

Fabrega said Taylor "was becoming a bandit, an outlaw. He believed
(whites) had it coming. They deserved a payback. (He) had to get even."

During eight hours of interviews with Taylor at Mayview, Fabrega said
the defendant said, "I just lost it," and committed the shootings at his
apartment, and at the Burger King and McDonald's restaurants in

Borkowski has said anger, rage, social maladjustment, emotional
instability and uncontrollable impulse cannot serve as the basis of an
insanity defense.

Taylor is charged with killing Joseph Healy, 71, of Wilkinsburg, a
retired Roman Catholic priest; Emil Sanielevici, 20, of Greenfield, a
third-year physics student at the University of Pittsburgh, and Kroll.

He also is charged with aggravated assault for the wounding of Richard
Clinger, 58, of North Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, and
Steven Bostard, 26, of Swissvale, assistant manager at the Wilkinsburg

Fabrega contended Taylor's "psychotic storm" was set off when the
apartment management sent two white men, DeWitt and Kroll, to fix his
door, when he expected a white man and a black man.

Fabrega, who conceded Taylor was selective in picking his victims, said
he was offended by Borkowski's claim that some white people weren't shot
because Taylor "couldn't sneak up" on them as he had the others.

But, as Borkowski went through the details of each shooting, Fabrega
admitted that all the victims were defenseless.

Taylor was treated at a clinic for 15 years and was hospitalized twice
at St. Francis Medical Center in 1990 and 1998 for a total of 14 days.
Borkowski said a 1995 note in his medical records reported Taylor
"exaggerates his symptoms" to get Social Security disability payments.

Robert Baird can be reached at (412) 391-8650.



[CTRL] Reckless Breeding: The Rockefellers

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

They just keep multiplying


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  --  February 17, 2000
PRESS CONTACT: 202-224-6101


WASHINGTON, D.C. —U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and his wife Sharon Percy 
Rockefeller today announced that in the late evening of Wednesday, February 16, Laura 
Chandler Rockefeller was born to John and Emily Rockefeller.

Laura, who weighed 8 lbs, 11 oz, is the Senator's first grandchild. John, who is 30 
years old and the Senator's eldest son, is currently a PhD student in English 
Literature at Johns Hopkins University. His wife Emily is 27 years old and works as a 
teacher in Baltimore. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tagliabue. The couple 
married in June of 1996 and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Rockefeller said, "Sharon and I are absolutely thrilled to welcome Laura into the 
world. She is a beautiful, healthy girl and her mother and father are both doing 
great. The excitement of her birth is certainly increased by the fact that she's our 
first grandchild. Today truly is the start of a new day for our family, and we 
couldn't be any happier. "We would like to thank all of our friends who have passed 
along their best wishes and prayers, and look forward to introducing Laura to West 
Virginia in the near future."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Serial Killer With Multiple Personalities

2002-04-05 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

1984, Vol.  XXXII, No. 2, 102-117



Morro Bay, California

Abstract: The problems involved in diagnosing the multiple
personality syndrome in a rape-murder suspect are illustrated by
the case of Kenneth Bianchi and the Hillside Stranglings.
Hypnotic investigations of his amnesia revealed "Steve," who
admitted guilt for the rape-murders.  "Billy' later emerged,
claiming responsibility for thefts and forgeries.  Attempts to
evaluate Kenneth Bianchi with methods used in therapy yielded an
original opinion that he was a multiple personality and legally
insane.   Later events showed the diagnosis to be in error.  A
new diagnosis was made of atypical dissociative disorder due to
the effects of the examining methods themselves.  Warning is
given that it may be impossible to determine the correct
diagnosis of a dissociating defendant in a death penalty case.

The diagnosis of the multiple personality syndrome is difficult
enough in the case of clinical patients, with their extensive
use of denial, repression, and dissociation.  The difficulty is
greatly compounded when the individual under consideration is
charged with first degree murder and is facing the death
penalty.  Because of the rarity of the occurrence of the
multiple personality syndrome in the general population,
guidelines for diagnosis are based on samples of limited size
(Allison, 1978; Coons, 1980).   When faced with the question,
the forensic psychiatrist has to view these guidelines in the
context of the legal situation, with its many differences from
the clinical setting (Allison, 1981).  All these difficulties
existed in the case of 27-year-old Kenneth Bianchi and the
Hillside Strangler case (Schwarz, 1981).


In the fall and winter of 1977-78, the nude bodies of' 10 women
were found on various hillsides of Los Angeles County.  All bad
been raped and then strangled.  Extensive police investigation
failed to identify the killer or killers.

On January 11, 1979, 22-year-old Karen Mandic and 27-year-old
Dianne Wilder were raped and then strangled in a vacant house in
Bellingham, Washington.  Their clothed bodies were found in the
Mandic car several hours after their friends notified police,
since they had not reported to work on time.  Immediate police
investigation revealed physical evidence

Manuscript submitted August 11, 1982; final revision received
November  29,  1982.

'Reprint requests should be addressed to Ralph B. Allison, M.D.,
3240 Main Street, Morro Bay, CA 93442. which led to the arrest, the
following day, of Bianchi as the sole suspect.   The Los Angeles
Strangler Task Force was notified, and their detectives interviewed
who had lived in the Los Angeles area when the 10 killings occurred in
1977-78.  After their interrogation of him, the detectives did
not consider him a likely suspect.

When first questioned by his defense attorney, Dean Brett,
Bianchi claimed to have been driving his car some distance from
the crime scene when the victims were killed.  When confronted
with facts which made his alibi impossible to believe, he then
claimed be had fabricated the story to fill in the gap in his
memory for the time span in question.  Brett called in the first
forensic psychiatrist, Donald T. Lunde, M.D., from the Stanford
School of Law.  Lunde reported that Bianchi gave a history of
repeated spells of amnesia since childhood and recommended
calling in someone experienced in the use of forensic hypnosis.
John G. Watkins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the
University of Montana, was called in by Brett.  During Watkins's
hypnotic interview, what appeared to be an alter-personality,
"Steve," appeared, claiming responsibility for the 2 local
killings and involvement in 9 of the 10 Los Angeles deaths.

On March 30, 1979, the defense entered a plea of not guilty by
reason of insanity, based on the possibility that Bianchi
suffered from the multiple personality syndrome at the time of
the offenses.  Along with Charles W. Moffett, M.D., a Bellingham
psychiatrist, the present author was appointed by the Court to
examine the defendant, with specific instructions to determine
whether or not he suffered from the multiple personality
syndrome.  Subsequently, the prosecution appointed Martin I
Orne, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
Pennsylvania and Saul J. Faerstein, M.D., of the University of'
Southern California Institute of Psychiatry and the Law, Los


Since I had identified my first multiple personality syndrome
patient in 1972 (Allison, 1974), I had seen 48 other individuals
who appeared to have the multiple personality syndrome, 40
females and 8 males.  My forensic experience included court

[CTRL] Mind Control Induced Crimes?

2002-04-04 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Or are these simply cases of 'mental illness'?



Trial to begin for suspect in S. End shotgun murders
by Jose Martinez
Wednesday, March 28, 2001

The double-murder trial of Eric Brown begins today in Suffolk Superior
Court nearly five years after the 31-year-old - who claims to hear
voices - allegedly shot two men in the face with a shotgun in the South

Brown, who has been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, last week was
found to be competent to stand trial on two counts of first-degree
murder in the June 16, 1996, slayings of Athos Oliveira and Thomas
Meyer. Jury selection begins today.

According to police, Brown had purchased the pump-action shotgun just a
day before he loaded the gun, donned a green Army jacket and headed for
Appleton Street.

About 3:30 a.m., he allegedly killed Oliveira first with two blasts of
the 20-gauge shotgun, then ran down the street and into the path of
Meyer, a San Franciscan in town for a friend's wedding. He allegedly
shot Meyer just once, point-blank in the face.

Two weeks later, Brown was arrested in suburban Lincoln after a routine
traffic stop during which an officer spotted a spent shotgun shell
inside his vehicle. The subsequent search turned up the shotgun that
ballistics tests later showed fired the fatal rounds.

Brown's attorney, Bernard Grossberg, plans to mount an insanity defense
and wants to show jurors a videotape of what his client is like when he
is not taking his medication. The tape was made at Bridgewater State
Hospital, where Brown has been held since 1996.

Suffolk County Assistant District Attorney David Meier and Grossberg
yesterday filed a series of motions asking Judge James D. McDaniel Jr.
to let them quiz potential jurors on issues of race, mental illness and
homosexuality. Brown is black and his victims both were white and

As of yesterday, McDaniel had not ruled on the motions.



May 4, 1999 {University of Delaware news article}
Flagg's fate goes to jury
BY APRIL CAPOCHINO -- [City News Editor]

The capital murder trial of Donald A. Flagg concluded Monday with
closing arguments from both the prosecution and the defense after three
weeks of testimony.

Flagg, a 41-year-old former autoworker, has admitted to breaking into
the home of Anthony and Debra Puglisi in Academy Hills last April,
shooting and killing Anthony and kidnapping his wife for four days.

Flagg's lead attorney J. Brendan O'Neill said in his closing statement
that Flagg is a paranoid schizophrenic who hears voices and blamed the
illness on Flagg's actions. Flagg is pleading insanity.

Prosecutor Mark H. Conner told the jury there was no evidence from the
defense to support its plea of insanity.

"We know [Flagg] went out that day with some rope and a gun," he said.
"It was clear from the defendant's confession that he went out that day
to kidnap and rape."

Flagg is charged with 18 separate counts, including first-degree murder,
six counts of rape along with a charge of second-degree assault.

Conner asked the jury to carefully think about the crime and the law and
to convict Flagg based on these counts.

"He acted intentional and he caused serious injuries," Conner said. "The
facts show the defendant is guilty of all these charges."

He challenged the testimony of Dr. Carol A. Tavani, Flagg's psychiatrist
and the defense's only witness.

"She completely ignores the fact that this defendant, age 41, never told
anyone he hears voices," he said, pointing to Flagg.

"But here he is, charged with murder, rape and kidnap, and he wants
everyone to think he is crazy."

Conner said finding Flagg guilty of insanity was like "trying to hammer
a square peg into a round hole."

"It just doesn't work," he said.

O'Neill, Flagg's lead attorney, agreed with the prosecution that Flagg
committed an inhumane act when he took the life of Anthony, and
kidnapped and raped Debra.

"Mr. and Mrs. Puglisi were completely unconditional victims of horrible,
horrible crimes," O'Neill said. "They don't deserve any of the crimes
that have been thrusted upon them.

"Nothing will bring Mr. Puglisi back and nothing can make Mrs. Puglisi
whole again."

But he urged the jury to consider "the law to guide their decision."

He said because Flagg was raped by his cousin when he was 10 years old
and he had family problems, he was destined to have mental problems.

"What chance did he have to achieve mental health?" O'Neil asked.

"What we have here is a sick man with or without drugs," O'Neill said
about Flagg's crack-cocaine addiction. "And he took drugs."

He told the jury Flagg did hear voices even though Flagg's brother,
Terry, along with Tavani and friend Janet Pagan, testified they never
heard him speak of these voices.

"The voices were there," O'Neill said as Puglisi got up out of her seat
and stormed out 

[CTRL] Mike Ruppert Interviews Mike Vreeland -- 9/11 Conspiracy

2002-04-04 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

From:  "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu Apr 4, 2002  8:33 pm
Subject:  EMERGENCY MESSAGE FROM FTW -- Mike Vreeland Speaks from Canada --
FTW Web Site Hacked in Apparent Attempt to Block This Story

The survival of From The Wilderness may depend upon how quickly this message can be 
distributed throughout the Internet.

What the CIA Doesn’t Want You to Know
by Michael C. Ruppert

[Ed. Note: Just prior to the publication of this article the FTW web site was hacked 
for the second time in a month. This hacking --

accomplished via sophisticated methods -- has been apparently intended to prevent us 
from publishing the following interview. As a

temporary emergency measure ONLY please direct emergency e-mail correspondence to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] FTW will be back up

and running in an even more secure manner in the near future.-- MCR]

April 4, 2002, 1:00 PM PST (FTW) -- If all of its dark alleys were explored, the case 
of Delmart Edward Joseph “Mike” Vreeland is one which is

worthy of a book that would rival “War and Peace.” It is a case that has sparked 
zealous attacks on FTW and me personally, and one which

has seriously disturbed many officials in Washington. These attacks are an indication 
of the threat Vreeland poses to the credibility of the

U.S. government. Only one question of any relevance exists. How was this man able to 
write details that described the events of Sept. 11

while locked in a jail cell, more than a month before the attacks occurred?

It matters little to a housewife in Kansas if Mike Vreeland has a very confusing 
criminal arrest record -- some of it very contradictory and

apparently fabricated -- for a variety of petty criminal offenses including fraud. But 
it may be a matter of the gravest importance for the same

housewife if this man knew accurate information about the attacks, tried to warn both 
the U.S. and Canadian governments about them, and

was ignored. If a crazy man runs up to you on the street and says that a house is on 
fire with children trapped inside, and you smell smoke,

who is the crazy one if you decide not to investigate?

The U.S. Navy says that Vreeland, arrested in Canada on Dec. 4, 2000 and currently 
fighting a U.S. extradition warrant, was discharged for

unsatisfactory performance after only four months of service in 1986. But a growing 
pile of evidence, much of it filed in court records and

undisputed by Canadian or U.S. authorities, establishes clearly that Vreeland was 
exactly what he says he was -- a spy.

In three previous stories, FTW has described how his military records, acknowledged to 
be in excess of 1,200 pages, have been tampered

with. We have described how, in open court on a speakerphone, his lawyers obtained 
direct confirmation from the Pentagon that he was a

Navy officer. We have also reported that, as of March 14, all Canadian charges against 
Vreeland were dismissed. He was released on bail and

also granted temporary refugee status by the Canadian government until his battle to 
beat the U.S. extradition request is settled.

Something that Canadian authorities have never disputed is that Vreeland wrote his 
ominous and hastily scribbled warning a full month

before the attacks, and that the warning was sealed away by his keepers, beyond his 
reach, until Sept. 14, three days after the attacks.

If he loses his extradition fight, both Vreeland and his attorneys believe that his 
assassination will occur within days of his return to U.S.


Mike Vreeland is not a saint. Covert operatives are not made from such material, and 
governments do not recruit or screen candidates for

saintly qualities. By his own admission in Canadian court documents and in several 
conversations with FTW, Vreeland says he has done bad

things. He has been on probation for petty offenses, and he has behaved the way covert 
operatives behave in the real world -- not in


I have been studying, interacting with, and talking to covert operatives for more than 
25 years. It is for that reason that I avoid some of the

questions being raised by dilettantes and neophyte journalists who take all of the 
threads of Vreeland’s stories and run with them into a

wilderness from which no professional journalist could credibly emerge. Yes, I have 
listened to him talk about so-called “red mercury,”

baseball-sized atom bombs, and Star Wars weapons systems. Yes, I have heard him talk 
about a great many things, and I believe that what

he told me was truthful according to his knowledge of events and the documents he 
brought back from Moscow in December 2000.

Even by his own statements, Vreeland, now 35, was a relatively low ranking officer and 
an intelligence field operative.  Never in the history

of covert operations has any government entrusted field operatives with total 
strategic knowledge because the knowledge held by t

[CTRL] Implanted Six Year-Old?

2002-04-04 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Why was Sean Sellers hearing voices in his head at the age of *six*?
How did he become "obsessed with Satanism"?

Wednesday February 3, 1999: 11:27 pm.

They have come for me. Time at last to say Goodbye. I lay this body down
and die. My race is done. I am finished. God must do the rest. Shalom.

Sean Sellers 1969 - 1986 - 1999.

These were the last words Sean Sellers wrote in this life. Half an hour
later he was taken to the execution chamber of Oklahoma State
Penitentiary, strapped to a gurney and despatched on schedule, just
after midnight, by lethal injection.

Sean had spent almost half his 29 years behind bars, under sentence of
death for crimes he committed as a deeply disturbed, paranoid
schizophrenic boy of 16. A withdrawn, damaged child from a fractured
family who had been surrounded by violence all his life, Sean slowly
lost touch with reality. He had been hearing voices in his head from the
age of six and had lately become increasingly paranoid, given to bouts
of suicidal depression and self-mutilation. He became obsessed with
Satanism and took amphetamines to carry out nightly rituals. His dreams
were punctuated by violence and mutilation. One night in March 1986,
reportedly after going without sleep for three days, he finally gave in
to the voices in his head. He fell asleep, woke up, took a gun and shot
his mother and stepfather dead as they slept.

These were not even his first murders. Six months earlier he had gone
with his friend Richard Howard to a Circle K convenience store in
Oklahoma City and shot dead a clerk named Robert Bower. The attack was
desperately random and motiveless. Sean just said that he "wanted to see
what it feels like to kill somebody."

"Even if it's a different me, it's still me, isn't it? And if it's some
other me who does something horrible and evil, isn't it an evil part of
myself that did it? I want to take responsibility for it. I don't want
to rationalize it away, and that's usually what it sounds like whenever
I try to explain it."

Nobody, least of all Sean, disputed the enormity of his crimes. But
ironically it was what Sean did afterwards, as he awaited the
inevitable, that provides one of the most compelling arguments against
the death penalty. Sean grew to manhood on death row and discovered his
own humanity in the most dehumanising of places. First he healed himself
through writing and painting, then he dedicated himself to healing
others; he made videos about the dangers of drugs and Satanism and
entered into lengthy correspondence with similarly tortured souls. He
even saved the life of a fellow inmate who had been taunting and
threatening him. All the while Sean offered unswerving and unconditional
contrition for his crimes.


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-- 04/04/02

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Rockefeller/Bush Plot To Destroy The U.S.A. --- World War III

2002-04-04 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The following is an excerpt from a recent e-mail sent to me by America's foremost 
political prisoner/dissident --- Chuck Schlund.


Date:Mon, 1 Apr 2002  8:27:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:"chuck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In the files we had the CIA worked for the Rockefeller family and the Rockefeller 
family wanted to own the rest of the world and was going to use the United States to 
achieve this through war resulting in the deaths of 5 billion people including the 
destruction of all major America Cities. They also considered the United States a 
threat to their empire, and if they lost control of the United States it could 
threaten their worldwide empire.

The Bush family directly worked for the Rockefeller family.

They increased the torture of me by a 1,000 times for writing this. Chuck


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Manson Family" Murders Were A CIA Covert Operation

2002-03-29 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Charles Manson
From: Chuck Schlund [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:  Mar 28, 2002 21:53 PST

Charles Manson's CIA file.

The following was in the CIA files I read that George Bush removed from the government 
in 1976, because Jimmy Carter had won the presidential elections of the United States. 
The removal of this information was to hide this information from Jimmy Carter and 
those that he would appoint to the different offices of the government. I am under 
heavy torture as I write this and I have never made any claims that this information 
is correct or true just that the information was in the files as I have tried to 
truthfully testify to with the government using torture to try to stop me and cover up 
the information, authorizing this by framing me for crimes I never committed or was 
not involved in and that I will never be tried for.

To explain the Charles Manson story I have to start with the Vietnam War because this 
is why this story was created and directed by the CIA. In the late 1960's the war in 
Vietnam was going very badly for the U.S. government. The Tet offensive of 1968 showed 
that the North Vietnamese still could fight and could continue the war indefinitely. 
The peace movement led by Rock and Roll and pretty flower girls and signs of peace and 
love was destroying the war effort in the United States with the CIA doing everything 
in its power to convince the American people that the war was winnable and just when 
in truth it was not. In these CIA files John F. Kennedy had been killed because he was 
going to stop the war before it got going. During the war the CIA had conducted every 
covert operation possible to convince the American people that the war was just, and 
for freedom and liberty, when in truth it was for the natural resources of South 
Vietnam for the expansion of the corporate empire of the Rockefellers. Uniroyal needed 
the rubber for tires for GM and Mobil needed the offshore oilfields.

The Mekong Delta was the rice basket of the Orient, and the country was rich in 
timber, aluminum, gold, tin, uranium and other needed minerals. The Rockefeller family 
was paying through the nose for chromium, and Vietnam was one of the only deposits 
known that they could acquire that would be very profitable to mine. The war was to 
acquire the natural resources needed for the expansion of the Rockefeller Empire. If 
the United States had invaded the North we would have looked like conquerors instead 
of fighting for liberty and
freedom so the CIA had decided to split the country in half calling the South free and 
the North Communist. They planed on developing the South economically and depressing 
the North giving the illusion that the South was free and better off then the North 
and it would be if you looked at goods for the people to buy and the average income of 
the people as the Rockefeller's developed the country.

The CIA during the war, to direct the American People to accept the war, as just and 
for freedom and liberty conducted many covert operations. Jane Fonda had gone to North 
Vietnam as a CIA operative working for the CIA and the Rockefeller family. Her job in 
this covert operation was to bug the prisoners of war for the coming rescue operation 
and to create propaganda to inspire the American people to fight on and defeat these 
evil yellow people. To do this she carried with her a transmitting device to transmit 
a signal from the prisoners to locate them for the coming rescue operation. She also 
carried with her on a thin piece of film in a capped tooth how to spell torture in 
Morse code and directions of what the pilot was to say in Morse code with his eyes by 
blinking for the camera to later be decoded by the CIA to outrage the American people 
by how our men were being tortured by these evil little yellow men. She had done this 
in case the pilot had forgotten his Morse code. Our people under the control of the 
Vietnamese were being mistreated by our standards.

The Russians detected the transmission from the locating device and moved the 
prisoners, which was why the camps were empty when the United States attempted the 
rescue operation. The transmitter only transmitted a beep every so often as a locator. 
That was all they dared to do or the Russian's would be sure to find the device. Now 
we have established what was happening and what the frame of mind of
the CIA was and how and why the war was being fought. The war was still going poorly 
and the cost in lives and money was great but the Rockefeller family was unwilling to 
pay for any of these natural resources in Vietnam and they always take what they want 
using the
military of the United States to obtain what they need. Human lives and tax money is 
nothing to them. They own us and the treasury of the United States is their personal 
bank account administered by the presidents, congressmen and senators they finance and 
get elected. This includes Democrats as well 

[CTRL] Mind Control Mayhem in The Carolinas?

2002-03-21 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
parents in River Hills,'' Belser said.

''He arrived at 8 o'clock that morning and within 2 hours four people
were dead.'' Authorities said Rimert was hallucinating during the stabbings
and did not have his medication. The murdered couples all had been stabbed
several times with a 14-inch carving knife, and Rimert told police he
killed them, according to arrest warrants.

In late December, psychiatrists at the State Hospital in Columbia
declared that Rimert was insane at the time of the slayings. He was
diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic. Schizophrenia is thought to be
caused by an organic or biological deficiency that can be controlled by

At the request of York-area Solicitor Larry Grant, Rimert has spent the
past 14 months in the State Hospital undergoing psychiatric treatment
and evaluation. He told jurors details about Rimert to bolster the
insanity defense. ''The voices were urging him to kill his grandparents
and their neighbors or burn in hell. And he fought a losing battle with
these voices,'' Belser said.


The State (Columbia, SC) FRIDAY September 2, 1994
by LISA GREENE, Staff Writer
Page number  B3

A jury found a Richland County man guilty but mentally ill Thursday in
the 1992 murder of a 73-year-old man. Brent Hornsby, 39, was sentenced
to two consecutive life terms for murder and first-degree burglary. He
will be eligible for parole in 20 years.

Hornsby stabbed Calvin Henry, 73, in the chest with a 14-inch bayonet
knife in November 1992. Henry had just returned home from choir practice
to care for his invalid wife, who had multiple sclerosis.

Both sides agreed that Hornsby, a paranoid schizophrenic, has mental
problems. But his lawyer said Hornsby should be found not guilty because
he is insane. The prosecutor said Hornsby was guilty but mentally ill.
If Hornsby had been found not guilty by reason of insanity, he would
have gone to the state hospital, spending anywhere from four months to
life there. A court hearing would have been required to release him.
Instead, Hornsby will go a psychiatric unit in the Department of
Corrections, then be imprisoned with other inmates.

Prosecutors believe Hornsby was the first Richland County defendant to
use an insanity defense in a murder case in about 15 years. Hornsby's
lawyer, chief public defender Jeff Bloom, said he was satisfied with the
verdict. He said he achieved his main goal before the trial, when
prosecutors decided not to seek a death sentence against Hornsby.

But Bloom said he still is worried that Hornsby won't get the help he
needs. ''My concern is that mentally ill defendants are not getting the
type of treatment they need in prison,'' he said.

Psychiatrists testified that Hornsby, who has had mental problems since
1973, has hallucinations, sometimes thinks he can communicate with
people telepathically, has irrational fears that others may harm or kill
him, and sometimes thinks that inanimate objects, such as furniture, can
speak to him.


The State (Columbia, SC )-- Monday, September 8, 1997
by MICHELLE R. DAVIS Staff Writer
Page number  B1

Four years ago, police say, Allen Johnson killed his girlfriend's two
children, watched television, then pedaled his bicycle to a convenience
store to report the crimes. But Johnson, who could face the death
penalty, has never come before a jury. Three years ago, evaluators at
the state Department of Mental Health found he was not competent to
stand trial, and he has been hospitalized ever since.

Today, Circuit Judge Gary Clary will hold a hearing in a Richland County
courtroom to determine if Johnson, 29, is well enough to be tried. A
recent evaluation by a different psychiatrist found that Johnson was
able to understand court proceedings and assist in his defense.

Normally, when defendants are found incompetent to stand trial, the
charges pending against them are nullified but can be reinstated later.
In this case, prosecutors with the 5th Circuit solicitor's office, left
the charges - including notification they would seek the death penalty -
pending, Solicitor Barney Giese said.

Johnson is accused of killing the 4-year-old son and 8-month-old
daughter of Sylvia Gilmore on Aug. 22, 1993. Johnson had been living
with Gilmore at her Saxon Homes apartment. Johnson's attorney, Richland
County Chief Public Defender Jeff Bloom, said he questions whether his
client can really help with his case after years of medication.

"Competence is something that can change rapidly," Bloom said. While
Johnson may be found competent today, on the day a trial is scheduled he
may be unable to help in his defense, Bloom said. Johnson has failed at
least six competency evaluations in the last three years.

The reports say Johnson often hears voices telling him 

[CTRL] Michigan Children TORTURED To Death...

2002-03-09 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

in secret CIA-funded 'experiments' during the 1970s. The information
presented is from the affidavit of Charles A. Schlund III in his
lawsuit against the U.S. government. Below are *excerpts* from the
Schlund affidavit.

The following is my affidavit before the courts including the United
States Supreme Court. The courts are bought and paid for for the most
part and I had no chance of them ever hearing my case and my case was
to prove this to those watching like the FBI.

Charles August Schlund, III
 N. XXth Drive
Glendale, AZ   85XXX
(602) XXX-
Plaintiff in Pro Per

Randy D. Lang
X North XX Drive, Suite XXX
Phoenix, Arizona   85XXX
(602) XXX-
Plaintiff in Pro Per



9th Cir. App. Case No.00-15126
an individual, et al,

Case No: CIV98-1875PHX ROS, reassigned to RCB




County of Maricopa , et al.,

Next, I'm going to try to explain to the court what I remember from
the experiments on the designing, testing and use of these devices
against the American People and others. While I was reading these
papers one of the most interesting things in these files and papers
were the files on the experimentation of these and many other kinds of
monitoring and torture devices. These government documents that I was
reading referred to the use of some kinds of these devices and or
implants as a form of mind control.  After Jose Delgado and many of
the others had mapped out the control points in the brain and what
stimuli was needed to control these areas of the brain, it then became
the responsibility of the engineers designing the devices to
incorporate these electronic control mechanisms into the monitoring
devices.  Many new technologies had to be engineered and designed and
tested to achieve their goals. These files detailed the funneling of
many billions of dollars out of the government in the engineering,
designing and testing of these new kinds of electronic devices. This
money was directly funneled out of the government in covert operations
with few of the people involved in the actual funding or experiments
even knowing what the end product would be.

The first devices that were developed in the 1950's and 1960's were
just monitoring devices and the only kind of implant they used during
those years (from my memory) was the kinds they install in the
targeted person's lungs or they could also be installed during
surgical procedures. I do not remember how the devices were installed
in the lungs of targeted people but I do remember that it was being
done during those years. Other devices most likely did exist during
those years but I have no memory of them from my reading the files. As
technology progressed and miniaturization became more possible, many
new kinds of devices were designed for the monitoring of the general
public and others around the world.  In the early 1970's the designing
of the devices that would be widely used against the American people
was to a point where it was for sure that these devices would work and
could be used.  I am uncertain of the year but I believe we are now
talking about 1973 and the devices are ready for the first mass
experiments on the American People.

In these new devices had been incorporated a wide variety of control
and torture modes to torture and control political dissidents,
political prisoners and others inside the United States and around the
world. These new devices were capable of making many horrifying sounds
that were totally unnatural and hideous. The designing of this part of
the devices had originally started with the torture of the Jews with
sound under the direction of the Nazis and these experiments were
continued in the United States after the war and were still on
going at the time of the designing of these and other devices. The CIA
had concluded in these files and papers that sound was a very
effective weapon and could be used to force targeted people to do what
they were trying to force them to do, and was even capable of
disrupting the mind and body functions and could even cause death.
Another part of the devices was used to generate different kinds of
magnetic fields, which were very effective in mind control and

The CIA had known for many years from the illnesses that workers had
suffered from exposure to high strength magnetic fields what the
effects of prolonged exposure would be. A good example of exposure
would be the illness rail yard workers showed from their exposure to
DC magnetic fields, which has been well documented over the years--the
most noticeable symptoms being fatigue, dizziness and diarrhea. The
CIA had also concluded that many kinds of interacting radio
frequencies could also be use

[CTRL] New Jersey 'Homeland Security' Adviser Was An Israeli Citizen

2002-03-08 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Was he connected to the Mossad? Was there a conflict of interest? Is there more to 
this story than meets the eye?


New Jersey's homeland security adviser resigns

By JOHN P. MCALPIN, Associated Press


TRENTON, N.J. (March 7, 2002 9:03 p.m. EST) - New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey said 
Thursday that the state's homeland security adviser has quit amid a furor over his 
lack of law enforcement experience and because his Israeli nationality prohibits him 
from obtaining a security clearance.

Golan Cipel, 33, will be kept on the governor's staff and retain his $110,000 salary, 
with duties assigned on an "as-needed" basis, McGreevey said. Cipel previously held 
jobs in television news and public relations. He has also worked for the state 
Democratic committee and for a major donor to McGreevey and other state Democrats. On 
Wednesday, Republican lawmakers threatened to block all of McGreevey's remaining 
appointments unless Cipel testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his 

The governor said Cipel first asked to quit more than two weeks ago "due to his 
Israeli citizenship status." Security clearances are normally required for all Cabinet 
members and major nominations. Cipel does not head the state's homeland security 
panel. That job belongs to Assistant Attorney General Kathryn Flicker. A former 
Israeli sailor and a published poet, Cipel had worked as a spokesman for the Israeli 
Consulate in New York. Last year he took a job with the state Democratic Committee. 
During the gubernatorial campaign, he was McGreevey's liaison to the Jewish community 
and an informal adviser on security matters. Cipel has also worked for real estate 
developer Charles Kushner, a major supporter of New Jersey Democrats. That job was 
left off the biography of Cipel distributed by McGreevey's office.The governor's staff 
has barred Cipel from interviews or public comment about his background or the state 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MORE CIA/NSA/DoD/Mob Infested Office Complexes?

2002-02-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Are any of these office complexes in Rhode Island "spook" nests that house front 
companies for the CIA/NSA/DoD or organized crime? The following information comes from 
the website of "Ranger Rick" :




"Spooked up" (and sometimes it's just "mobbed up" but they are often both and the 
same, never forget that!) business complexes will always hold a number of particular 
types of businesses which include hypnosis centers, psychological counseling, asset 
management companies, temporary or contract employment agencies, foreign based firms, 
computer related companies, bio technology and advanced technology and cable and 
electronics based companies, hotel or travel industry related companies, companies 
tied to the automotive or transportation industry, security companies, insurance 
companies, and accountancy and law firms. We've noted there are usually Asian and/or 
Pacific Rim companies located within a complex full of fronts. Russian companies are 
showing up. Mama mia, Vito Genovese, come on guys, you falling behind or what, eh? 
These places usually hold, as we've said before, everything and anything a psyopping, 
fraud perpetuating, racketeering, narcotics smuggling, porn peddling, money laundering 
cut out could use or desire or need in order to run their little domestic op. Again, 
having one of these names does NOT always mean they are 'them' - its when they show up 
along with a bunch of others, and/or you've found evidence (as we have) that they are 
linked to military, defense contractors or intelligence agencies.






I did a little investigation in order to try to validate Ranger Rick's claim about 
'code-named' front companies and came up with some interesting results.

Step 1- Use the Axciom phone database [usually available at your local library--on a 
computer] or a similar database listing businesses in the USA [e.g. American B

[CTRL] CIA/NSA/DoD Front Companies In Rhode Island?

2002-02-12 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Are any of these office complexes in Rhode Island
"spook" nests that house front companies for the CIA/NSA/DoD or organized crime? The 
information comes from the website of "Ranger Rick" :





"Spooked up" (and sometimes it's just "mobbed up" but they are often both and the 
same, never forget that!) business complexes will always hold a number of particular 
types of businesses which include hypnosis centers, psychological counseling, asset 
management companies, temporary or contract employment agencies, foreign based firms, 
computer related companies, bio technology and advanced technology and cable and 
electronics based companies, hotel or travel industry related companies, companies 
tied to the automotive or transportation industry, security companies, insurance 
companies, and accountancy and law firms. We've noted there are usually Asian and/or 
Pacific Rim companies located within a complex full of fronts. Russian companies are 
showing up. Mama mia, Vito Genovese, come on guys, you falling behind or what, eh? 
These places usually hold, as we've said before, everything and anything a psyopping, 
fraud perpetuating, racketeering, narcotics smuggling, porn peddling, money laundering 
cut out could use or desire or need in order to run their little domestic op. Again, 
having one of these names does NOT always mean they are 'them' - its when they show up 
along with a bunch of others, and/or you've found evidence (as we have) that they are 
linked to military, defense contractors or intelligence agencies.


















































I did a little investigation in order to try to validate Ranger Rick's claim about

'code-named' front companies and came up with some interesting results.

Step 1- Use the Axciom phone database [usually available at your local

library--on a computer] or a similar database lis


2002-02-12 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Last night, I posted a message in support of Ranger Rick at the Rumor Mill News 
message board. This morning, when I tried to log on to message board to post a 
message, I was told that my password was
'invalid'---the *same* password that I've used since March 2001!!! It seems like this 
is what happens if you dare to voice 'politically incorrect' opinions at Rumor Mill 

MARtin F. ABErnathy --- [aka Wise1]--- 02/12/02

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 17/17

2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Is it legal to perform medical procedures in secret on American citizens in the
middle of the night with out their consent or knowledge? In the Nuremberg trials
performing medical procedures on people against their well was a crime against
humanity. When the Nazi's injected the Jews in the neck and they became ill and
sick from the injection this was ruled a crime against humanity. When the DEA
injected other people and me in the neck and we became ill and sick from the
injections wasn't this also a crime against humanity? I see no difference in
what the Germans did to what the United States government is doing. Doesn't this
also violate human rights treaties that the United States signed? Doesn't this
also violate the DEA agent's oath of office? Doesn't this also violate the
Constitution of the United States? When the President of the United States
ordered the agencies to abide by these human right treaties and the DEA refused
wasn't this a violation of American Law?

Can the DEA or others forcibly inject something into my neck against my will in
secret under the cover and color of law? Can the DEA then torture me with what
they injected?  Can my religious beliefs be violated and the mark of the beast
be forcibly injected or installed in me against my will. I am a Christian and my
government has authorized my torture with these devices against my will and has
refused me my rights over my body and has refused me the right to remove what
the government installed in my body. Can the government play God and punish
people in secret with these and other devices?

Today's date is February 10, 2000. I went to bid and look at a large job today
and I was satanically tortured with the implants to deprive me of money and to
stop me from making a living. The daily torture has been costing me as much as
$25,000.00 a day in lost wages because of the torture. I am a very highly
skilled Electrical Contractor that has specialized in motor control. The DEA and
or others has used these devices to limit my ability to make a living to stop my
lawsuit against the United States of America and limit the damages. In the real
world with out the electronic control over me I would make up to about
$25,000.00 a day doing the kind of work I do. The DEA horribly tortures me every
time I try to do a job with large profits and then when I'm doing a favor where
I make little or nothing they stop much of the torture for photo's to document
what they are trying to portray falsely to the Justice Department, court and

The torture and electronic control over me by the government has cost me many
millions of dollars in lost work. The government can not stop the torture and
allow others to see what I really can do with out the electronic control over
me. Presently it will take me many years to recover from the torture. The DEA
and others fully knows that my income will double about every 30 days when the
torture is stopped. This would make me a greater threat to them and they are
fully aware of this and this is why the DEA can not stop the torture of me to
allow me to return to work. With these added funds I will go after the DEA in
court and they fully know this. The DEA and or others use of torture against me
is to legally obstruct justice under the protection of the courts.

Today's date is February 11, 2000. The DEA and or others have replaced all the
forms of torture they were using against me with torture by pulsed sounds. This
form of torture is far less horrible then the modes they used against me for all
of these years but it is still horrible and it is still torture.

I informed the DEA that I was going to prepare for the United States Supreme
Court and type in this letter who some of the people where that I was supplying
the FBI and others with information on that was from what I had read in their
CIA and other files. Let this court fully know that the DEA increased the
torture to threaten me to protect the corrupt judges that protect the DEA and
other corrupt public officials and authorize the use of torture against
political witnesses like myself under the cover of warrants.

After I had given the FBI some names of Federal Judges the FBI then learned from
this information the names of other judges in higher courts of the United
States. A meeting was then set up with Harold Elston and me to ask me to confirm
what they had learned. I do not know if it is appropriate for me to name these
and other judges that I was supplying the FBI and others with information about
their criminal conduct that was in the files I read in 1977.

I reserve the right to challenge these judges when we appeal to the United States
Supreme Court. I did supply the FBI and others with the names of three present United
States Supreme Court Justices and I supplied the FBI with what I could remember
from their CIA and DEA files and other files. After supplying the FBI with these
names and the contents of their files I was injected with the

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 15/17

2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

I plan on using many witnesses in my trial to prove that anyone that refused to
sell drugs for the Dirty Dozen was hunted by the DEA and others and imprisoned
or murdered. I have known many such people that had refused to sell their drugs
as I have. All of these people were discredited and or imprisoned for refusing
to sell their drugs, some of these people did sell drugs but did refuse to sell
the Dirty Dozen's drugs who was ran by the DEA. The DEA informants that set
these people up and busted them where also people I knew. These informants were
members of the Dirty Dozen and were also drug dealers on a massive scale,
murderers and the scum of the earth.

I believe that one of the reasons that the DEA is so interested in setting up my
daughters is to cover up their crimes against children that the DEA has
committed. My daughters were all injected as very young children with the
implants to cover up and protect the DEA's drug operations and murders. To cover
up this outrageous conduct by the DEA the DEA is currently conducting generated,
fabricated, created and fictitious investigations against my daughters. By doing
this the DEA hopes to make the bugging of my daughters appear to be current drug
investigations. Nothing could be further from the truth. My children were all
injected as toddlers by the DEA and the currant operations of the DEA are
nothing more then the cover up of the DEA's crimes against children and the
family, which is a violation of international law. I do not expect the 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals to address these issues but I hope that courageous and
honest judges of the 9th Circuit will address these and other issues.

At this time I do fully plan on having these and other issues addressed in the World
Court. I do still believe that these issues may be addressed in this court which
would make it not necessary to appeal these and other more serious issues to the
World Court. Senator Hatch wanted to break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
I gave the FBI information on Senator Hatch. I also believe my case is why
Senator Hatch wanted to break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. May I add
that my lawyer or legal console believes that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
is the finest court in the United States and I agree.

I believe that some of the issues that I'm raising before this court are very
serious crimes under national and international law. The President of the United
States Ronald Reagan declared the War on Drugs. If this is a war against the
American people then these acts are the acts of war criminals. This would mean
that these crimes against children and other American citizens are war crimes
under international law. I am referring to the Child Protection Act and the
Family Protection Act and other international treaties that the United States
has ratified or been ordered to honor by the President of the United States.

It is now about 6:24 AM December 24, 1999. The DEA woke me up at about 5:30 AM
for a torture session using the implants against me. They used sonic shock waves
to wake me up with and to torture me with. This is the nicest kind of weapon
system contained in the implants. Sound doesn't sound to horrible but in this
weapons system in very horrible and painful.

By the DEA using the implants they can make it appear that anyone is on drugs or
they can use the implants in a way to allow others to use the people they are
controlling. It is very easy with these implants to knock a young girl out
without her knowledge or consent to allow others to take advantage of her. In
the Don Bolles Papers this was standard practice by the DEA and others using
these devices.

I would like the court to take notice of "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a
Psychocivillized Society" by Jose M. R. Delgado Published by New York Harper
and Row in 1969. This book details some of the early experiments by Jose Delgado
who was conducting these experiments in mind control for the CIA. These experiments
and others in the Don Bolles Papers led to the designing of these devices that
the DEA is currently using against my family and me to destroy our family unit.

These are also the devices used widely in the United  States against all
political witnesses, dissidents and others that are a threat to the Republican
Party, Rockefeller's and those under their protection or control which includes
some Democrats.

The following is some of the information I supply the FBI and others with. In
one of the files we had there was a lady FBI agent that the CIA needed to
control to disable her and stop her from conducting her investigation against
organized crime figures that were under their protection. They being the CIA and
DEA decided it was impractical to inject her and torture her because of her
position in the FBI. To disable her they decided to inject her 1 year-old
daughter with the device and tortured the child during the night to deprive the
mother of any sleep to disable he

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 14/17

2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The torture while I'm typing on this letter tonight is the lightest ever but it
still deprives me of my full freedom of speech by at least 50%.  I would just
like to make a few more points and I will stop so this letter can be submitted
to the court.  First, all conversations that I made that the DEA used against me
were made under torture after I agreed with the DEA to make the conversations in
exchange for relief from torture.  No conversations were real and the DEA always
fully knew this.  Some of these conversations were made in the shower.
The first of these conversations was made after the DEA had horribly tortured me any
time I tried to shower.  Sometimes after they stopped me from showering as they made
me scream, it would take me hours to recover enough to even try again, and again
they would torture me to stop me.  Sometimes they would torture me until I
passed out from the torture and pain. The DEA needed me dirty for their photo
sessions and would make me scream until I could not stand if I tried to take a
shower.  Sometimes I would be throwing up, screaming in pain and the diarrhea
would be so bad that I would be crapping on myself.  After driving me insane
under the torture and repeatedly depriving me of sleep I then would offer them a
fabricated conversation in exchange to allow me to take a shower.  I would then
ask them what they wanted so they could take the conversation or conversations
to the court to use to commit perjury.  The DEA would then turn the torture down
to where I was not screaming but still keep me in a lot of pain.  I then would
give them a list of different conversations I knew they needed to protect their
corrupt officials and they would pick the one they wanted by stopping the
torture when I would say the correct one; this would only take a couple

Then when I was in the shower I would give them what they wanted in
exchange for allowing me to take the shower.  Up until a few weeks ago the
shower was where I was always very heavily tortured.  For some reason this has
now changed. The torture in the shower is now not that bad compared to what it
has been all of these years.

Every conversation that the DEA submitted to the court was obtained this way and
other ways but torture was always the factor that resulted in the conversations
that the DEA submitted to the court.  The DEA always fully knew that they were
obtaining these conversations from me under torture and that these conversations
were not real. There were never any drugs that I sold and I was not a drug
dealer and the DEA always knew this.  The only crime being committed was the DEA
forcing me to make conversations under torture and the DEA then coming in my
house and planting the supporting evidence to justify their Human Rights
Violations.  The DEA always used torture against me to obtain these
conversations and I repeatedly called them and complained of the torture and I
was tortured again for making these calls.  Many of these torture sessions
resulted in me becoming unconscious from the torture or totally insane from the

All files and papers that the DEA has collected and maintains on me are false,
fictitious, fabricated and were obtained under torture, or are presented in a
false light or way.  No DEA files on me are real.  No information the DEA has
about me is real.  All of this was done under the color of authority and the
cover of law to remove me as a witness against the DEA and others. The torture
is ongoing and never ending and will continue for the rest of my life or until
the court stops the DEA and other law enforcement agents from using electronic,
electric and other kinds of technologically advanced torture to violate Human
Rights. No real investigation is conducted on citizens of the United States
while these people are being tortured. These acts are the acts of organized
crime and are criminal acts by corrupt agents of the government.

Today's date is December 17, 1999.  The torture was not too bad during the day
today. The DEA worked on me during the night last night making me somewhat
crippled when I woke up.  I'm still forced to sleep in the back yard in the
cold.  If I try to sleep in my bed the DEA horribly tortures me during the
entire time.  After I got home today I laid down to recover some from the mild
torture during the day. The DEA tortured and harassed me the entire time I was
trying to sleep.  I lost all of the feeling in my hands, arms, feet and legs
from the mode that they were using against me as I tried to sleep.  It also
feels like they dislocated every bone in my body. I just now went outside where
they change the torture and turn the torture down.  As soon as I returned to the
computer the torture was again raised and I am being horrible tortured with
sounds and other modes that are unknown to me. Sounds are a horrible way of
torturing someone and are very effective and painful.

The DEA is upset because I went down and filed the notice o

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The court must understand that in the Don Bolles Papers no one would not agree
to do this under torture.  Not one person in all of the people they framed and
there were many.  In the Don Bolles Papers the CIA and DEA had concluded that no
one could withstand this kind of torture and everyone would break and do what
they wanted them to do without exception.  They had concluded that this form of
torture was far better than any form of physical torture known and much more
painful than any physical torture that a person could live through.

I also do not want the court to forget that it makes no difference if I'm a drug
dealer or not. Torture is still illegal and the damages remain the same. The
court must understand that it would be impossible for me to be a drug dealer
with implants in my neck.  It would also be impossible for the DEA not to catch
me if I was a drug dealer with implants in my neck.  The DEA has no intent on
arresting me; their only intent is to torture me and cause me as much pain and
suffering as possible while still keeping me alive to further torture me.

The only involvement in drugs I had during this entire time was when the DEA
would send its girls into the bar to conduct their covert operations against
me.  Or when the DEA would have the Dirty Dozen supply people around me with
drugs.  I never sold any drug during any of these times to anyone.  One of the
girls that the DEA was using through the Dirty Dozen to set me up with, came in
after these operations were done and apologized to me, and told me they had her
strung out on crack at the time.  The FBI and all of the others were there when
this happened and I'm sure it's on film.

I tape recorded many of the conversations with the DEA when I was calling them
and many other conversations.  I have a large number of these conversations
including John Albano from the DEA in Washington, D.C. admitting the implants
are in my neck.  I also have many more conversations proving that the DEA fully
knew they were torturing me.  It would most likely take thousands of pages to
transcribe all of the tapes for the court.

Adam at the Phoenix office of the FBI also has called my house and said the
implants are CIA implants. I just got up from typing and went out back to get some
relief from the mode they were using against me. Today's date is December 14, 1999
and the time is about 11:30 PM.  When I got up I could barely walk due to the torture
mode the DEA was using on me.  When I went out  into my back yard the torture mode
was immediately changed. The sound was increased in my left ear where they are using
sounds of a pulsed computer program to torture me. This form of torture bothers
me greatly but it not painful in the current mode.  There are other modes that
are painful. They were also using a different mode on me that cripples me and is
painful. This mode was immediately removed when I opened the back door.

I do not understand why this is done but they always remove this mode when I open
the door and go outside.  Within a few minutes I'm able to walk again but I'm still
limping some.  When this mode is turned up, I'm totally crippled. The DEA is now
threatening me for typing this part and is bringing up pain on both sides of my
head. The DEA was just making me scream some for typing this part. The computer
program of sounds has also changed during...right now...now it's back to where
it was.  During this period the right implant was being used to monitor me. The
monitoring mode is not painful but the filter they use to filter out the torture
mode of sounds from the left implant is painful.

Today's date is December 16, 1999 and the time is about 4:45 PM.  I have just
returned home from work. The torture and control of me today by the DEA was much
different than ever before.  I slept in my back yard last night because they
torture me heavy during my sleep if I try to sleep in the house.  In other
words, I have been forced to sleep outside in the cold by using torture against
me to drive me out of my house.  The modes that were used against me last night
and today were far different than ever before but they were still painful,
disorienting and disrupting.  The modes that they used against me today also
left me somewhat disabled and somewhat crippled. These acts are not the acts of
an investigation; they are the criminal acts of torture and control.  An
investigation is when you collect information on someone.  Control and torture
is when you torture and hurt someone and control their actions. There is a
difference between the two.

When I got home and got my mail there was a letter from the court. This letter
was the court's response to our motion to reconsider.  Our motion was denied, as
I was sure it would be. In the court denial of our motion they stated some of
the facts that the court used to refuse me my right to be free from torture.
I'm not a lawyer so I will respond to the court in my words the way I see what
has h

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 12/17

2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

This case is about torture and human rights violations of me under color of
authority by the DEA using implants and other devices they used in my clothing,
bedding and other places.  There is no question if the DEA could monitor me
without torturing me. There is also no question if the DEA could design
monitoring devices to be used to torture.  They can and have. We all know this
is possible and that it's done to people every day.  I have even offered the DEA
many times to allow them to monitor me if they would remove the devices
torturing me and I have even offered to authorize them to replace these devices
with FBI devices at the same time. The DEA could easily monitor FBI devices.

The DEA has refused all of my offers and has demanded it has the right to torture
me under the color of authority.  I have made these offers over the phone and in
writing using certified mail.  Let the court fully understand that there is no
good faith by the DEA and the DEA has proven beyond any doubt that its only
intent is to torture me in the most horrible and satanic ways possible.  When I
offered the FBI my permission to monitor me in any way they desired, they later
replied that I now have friends in high places.  When I offered that to the DEA
in exchange for the removal of the torture devices they satanically tortured me
as a satanic act of revenge for costing them the billions of dollars in drug
proceeds that I did cost them.  There is no investigation of me by the DEA but
there is torture and a cover-up of the information I have.

I will no longer negotiate or try to reason with the DEA.  I have tried for 22
years without success.  Everything will now be done in a court of law through
this court and all the way through the World Court.  There has never been any
good faith towards me by the DEA and there never will be; all actions of the DEA
have been a covert operation to torture me. These acts are acts of State
Sponsored Terrorism against American citizens and myself by the DEA.  Let the
court fully understand that we are prepared to present the statements of many
people about how they were tortured.  These people will openly testify in trial
about how satanic and horrible these forms of torture are.

The time period is now about late 1992.  For the first time in many years I'm
not being controlled or tortured.  I feel like a little kid, I feel great, I
have not experienced such a feeling of joy in many years.  The Depression is
gone, the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is gone, the headaches are gone and all of
the pain and suffering is gone.  The DEA now stands off and monitors everywhere
I go and everything I do, but does not use the devices to torture me with and
the FBI now monitors the DEA.  Other agencies are now starting to monitor what
is happening.  The DEA starts to lose drug shipments that were under their
protection or the protection of State agencies.  I have so damaged the CIA and
DEA drug, murder and political operations that I have altered the outcome of the
Presidential Elections in the United States.  I understand that my statement is
a hard one to swallow but nevertheless, I also believe it to be true but it
would also be hard to prove in trial but I believe I can in part.

I had briefed the FBI on how the crime will start to fall in the United States
before this period of time.  I also told them how the crime will continue to
fall from the monitoring and control of the DEA and those under their protection
and control.  I had also briefed the FBI on how the budget will now be balanced
and on how to use the money to pay the debt down.  I had briefed the FBI on how
death by heart attacks will fall, suicide will fall, automobile deaths will fall
and others.  All of this information was in the files we had.  The FBI now has
most of its men monitoring the people that I had briefed them on and others that
these people have led them to. All major crime in the United States will now
fall and continue to fall to the levels of the 1950's after this organized crime
network is totally destroyed.

I understand that my statements are strong but nevertheless they are also
truthful.  I had briefed the FBI on how funds were being funneled out of the
government and I do know that some of these projects that I briefed the FBI on
were canceled before completion due to the information I supplied.  I also know
that the information I supplied is responsible in part for the fall in crime in
the United States.

The time period is now about 1993.  The DEA is losing huge amounts of money from
the seizure of the drug shipments that were under their protection. They are
also losing money from the monitoring of them by the FBI, which makes it almost
impossible to do assassinations and run drugs inside the United States.  The
President has taken away the authority to run the drugs under the cover of law.

The FBI is now destroying these drug, murder and other organized crime
operations.  The DEA is now starting to

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2001-08-19 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Next, the DEA used the Dirty Dozen and or the Aryan Brotherhood to apply for
jobs at Shell Oil and/or their subcontractors.  These men now started to fill
positions on the job I was working at.  During this time my boss at Shell oil
was the FBI, my helper was a FBI agent, the secretary was a FBI agent, my safety
supervisor worked for the FBI and many of the men I was working with were FBI
agents assigned to protect me.  In other words, the DEA and their men (including
the Dirty Dozen and the Aryan Brotherhood) had walked into a trap set up by the
FBI and me.  Everything was filmed and documented by the FBI.  (The DEA is now
making me scream in pain. They are crushing my skull, shorting my eyes out,
taking the feeling away from my hands and fingers, dislocating my ankles and
making my feet numb and scrambling my brain to threaten me and stop me from
writing this letter to the court.)  The court must understand that no one but
the FBI and DEA knew where I was.  These events could have not happened any
other way than how I'm describing them to the court. The time frame is still in
the first half of 1992.  As the bad guys manned the job to kill me they bragged
about which governor they worked for and told me how they were going to kill me
in an industrial accident.  The FBI then moved everyone on the job to where we
were working on top of each other to monitor and control everything. The FBI was
preparing to bust the DEA's men in the Dirty Dozen and Arian Brotherhood that
had been assigned with the job of killing me.

I had to stop the FBI because they did not yet understand what this was really
about.  I then told my boss that I had to leave and go do something and that I
would not be back.  He told me go do what I had to do and come back and go back
to work.  The court must remember that I was talking directly to the FBI face to
face.  I then told this FBI agent who was my boss that the DEA has always run
all of the drugs and he told me that they knew.  He then told me its
unbelievable but they now know the truth.

Next, I started the set-up of the newspapers.  I called a newspaper in
Washington, D.C. as I had called others before and gave them information of the
assassination of Don Bolles and told them I would be there in three days to talk
to them.  I then left New Orleans and headed to Washington. D.C.  Upon arriving
in Washington, D.C., I asked the FBI if I could check in my guns and the FBI
refused to allow me to do so.  Next I checked into a motel.  The entire motel
filled up around me as soon as I checked in. The motel filled up with FBI, DEA
and others. I then tried to call the newspaper and I got the girl's answering
machine directly. This could not have happened because I had to go through two
operators at the paper to get to the girl's extension. The DEA already had
control of my phone line.

Next, I called the FBI and I got a recorded message that the FBI had moved to
their new building and the phones were not in service yet.  Again the DEA
controlled my phones and impersonated the FBI.  Next, I called the operator and
told her this was an emergency and she put me through to the FBI.  I then, for
the first time, told the FBI what this was really about which was the systematic
overthrow of the United States.  I then told the FBI agent that I needed a phone
line and that the DEA controlled my phone line.  Within minutes a phone company
truck was at the motel and started to switch phone lines.  I then got a call
telling me they had me.  I then called the newspaper back and got the first
operator, then the second operator, and then I got the girl I was calling.  The
phone call went well and proved what I needed to prove even though the girl did
not realize who she really worked for.

During this time they were trying to beat through the motel wall to get at me.
This is the type of activity that continued from this time until about 1997 when
the DEA started to stand off and just torture me at a more reduced rate at a

The time frame is now the summer of 1992.  I now headed for my brother's in New
Jersey.  My next job was to teach the FBI how the witnesses are monitored and
how the monitoring devices cause an autoimmune disease or response.  From
Washington, D.C. to New Jersey I only saw the FBI when I would approach the DEA
on the highway.  When I would be getting close to one of the DEA agents, the FBI
would pull up alongside of me and stay there until I passed the DEA agents, then
they would again drop back again and I would not see them anymore.  If I would
have trouble with my truck the FBI would have the police assist me immediately.

The court must understand that I had given the FBI my total permission to
monitor me in whatever way they desired.  In other words, I had given the FBI my
total permission to monitor and document everything without the need of a
warrant.  I also had many of the people I knew or associated with do the same
thing and I had them also give t

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 10/17

2001-08-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds do not travel well in the air.  In the files I read they could inject
device into your butt and hear every word including whispers. They needed to
the neck for the injections to adequately torture the targeted person and
was no other reason for the injection being done into the neck.

I'm trying to explain to the court how satanic and sadistic the DEA was in the
files we read and still is today.  In these files probes that had been
or were about to be launched into space would transmit back to earth using
one-half watt of power to transmit hundreds of billions of miles.  The power
levels used in these devices are far greater than the power levels these deep
space probes used.  The only reason for the power level to be so high in these
devices is to torture their victims.  In these CIA and DEA files they were
developing a monitoring device that would fit into a human cell. This device
worked on very low power and was to be used where they needed to secretly
monitor people.  Now they have computers that are so small they fit into a
cell.  My point is the only intent of these devices was for the torture of
political victims.  I do not know how much knowledge the court has of a
technical nature.  I also do not know how far we are to go in teaching the
court. The court should understand that a transmitter can be built without
a power supply.  There is enough radio frequency in the air to produce
electricity using a diode to establish a direction of flow of the Radio
Frequency into electrical power to transmit radio signals short distances
no power supply at all.

Let me try to explain to the court what my feelings are concerning the use of
these devices against the American People.  I would also like to give the
my interpretations of how I see the law.  In Nazi Germany during the 2nd World
War, the Germans gave the Jews and others injections in the neck, which
in making them sick, making them vomit and also gave them headaches. This was
done against their will under cover of authority.  During the trials of these
war criminals, the Nuremberg trials called these acts crimes against humanity.
Now let's go to my case. The DEA, who are American Nazis, after framing me as
drug dealer gassed me at about 3:00 AM in the morning and came in my home and
took my body into their custody. The DEA then performed secret medical
procedures on my body against my will under cover of authority.  The DEA
injected devices in my neck, which made me sick, vomit and also gave me
headaches. These injections did far more than this; they satanically tortured
in the most horrible ways possible. I believe this is also a crime against

These warrants to inject these devices were not a warrant for 30 days--it was
warrant for the rest of my life.  In other words, the court authorized a
to the DEA for life without a hearing or trial. The court also made this a
secret warrant.  Let the court fully understand that I read the files and this
was an illegal act in these files.  When the CIA and DEA designed these
it is was not to monitor someone for the period of time the warrant was good
for; it was to monitor these people and their homes for as long as they lived.
When these devices were used in walls of people's dwellings, it was not to
monitor those people.  It was to monitor everyone that would live there for
next 100 years.

The court fully knows that these kinds of warrants are used every day. The
fully knows that millions of Americans and their homes and pets have been
monitored or injected with these and other kinds of devices. These devices are
not used for investigations; they are used for torture and control over the
American public. These devices do not just violate the Nuremberg code.  They
also violate The Torture Protection Act, The Child Protection Act, The Family
Protection Act, The Inner American Treaty, The Geneva Convention and most
Human Rights Treaties that the United States signed or has been ordered by the
President to honor.

It is my belief that these devices also violate the Constitution of the United
States and many other laws.  One of these laws would be the United States
Supreme Court ruling that no punishment may be given without a trial or
conviction first. These devices violate far more than just this; they also
violate my freedom of religion. The government has no right to install the
of the beast in my body.

Let me explain to the court what the DEA has done to me using these and other
devices against me.  They have held me prisoner in an electronic prison for
of the last 22 years while giving everyone the impression that I'm free.  They
have tortured me Mentally, Physically and Psychologically, causing me far
greater pain and suffering then they ever could have done in a mid evil
chamber. They have destroyed much of my ability to function as a human being.

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2001-08-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The following is some more information on this set-up by the DEA.  After the
had the Dirty Dozen frame me for charging many thousands of dollars at AMFac,
next they had Kathy continue to make conversations on the phone to further
generate evidence that this is what had happened. The DEA fully knowing the
entire time that now of these events ever took place.  Next they had Kathy
AMFac a bad check for $8,000.00 to generate more evidence that these events
happened.  All of this was a set-up by the DEA to frame me, discredit me and
then make it look like I had committed suicide.  In other words, their plans
were to murder me.  All of these DEA operations were conducted under orders
Wood who ran the Phoenix Office of the DEA. All of these operations were done
under the protection of a warrant issued from the Federal Court.

After supplying the FBI with the above information, all of the above was
documented and proved by the FBI and many others.  George Griffith who also
been released from prison for his shooting of two police officers has now been
returned to prison.  John Bashem should also be in prison but at this time I
have no information on him. The last information I had on him was when he
where I lived and said he was going to blow my brains out.  I sent the
tape-recording of this to the FBI.  AMFac closed all of their operations down
and the old AMFac Electric Supply is now Arizona Electric Supply.  The bank
used against me was Valley National Bank and it has changed hands because of
this and is now Bank One.

The FBI and the President of the United States William Clinton went to Janet
Reno and tried to destroy the DEA and have it incorporated into the FBI to
control the massive corruption.  Janet Reno blocked the President and the FBI
and the DEA still continues to conduct these illegal covert operations against
innocent Americans. The other agencies then had new laws passed to limit the
abilities of the DEA.  One of these laws was the requiring of two agencies to
obtain a warrant against the corporations.  This was done to stop industrial
espionage.  Next, because of the planting of drugs by the DEA against me to
to frame me, a rule was passed forcing them to keep the drugs locked down and
accounted for.

The Federal court may again say fantastic or surreal.  Let me inform the court
that all of this is very real and provable in trial. The court may also
I went too far in the information I'm supplying the court.  Let the court
understand that I am not releasing the real damaging information at this time.
The court must understand that I'm being satanically tortured as I type this
letter even though the DEA is not making me scream at this time.  My body is
functional to a high degree of about 50%, which is very good under the
The DEA is scrambling my mind badly with the implants and I am in a great deal
of pain as I try to write this letter to the court.  I am about 50% mentally
disabled which is also good compared to normal but I'm also in a lot of pain
from the torture of me by the DEA.  The amount of information required to
understand this case is massive and spans many years and many covert
operations.  It will be hard for this court to even begin to comprehend the
facts in this case while I'm held under the control of the DEA and under
and this is what the DEA is planning on.

If I was given relief from the torture I could make a case against the DEA so
damaging that no one could protect the DEA any longer.  I will do the best I
under the torture, which is designed to fix this case in the favor of the DEA
and give them an unfair advantage over me to cover up their crimes against the
American People and me.  If there is any part of this information that the
does not understand than please inform me and I will try to supply this
of the information to the court. The court must understand that the DEA used
powers and authority to fabricate evidence and or take real evidence and then
submit it to the court under perjury or in a false and misleading way to frame
me as being a drug dealer. The DEA fully knew that I was working with the FBI
a national security investigation and things I said were said as part of this
national security investigation and then the DEA submitted these conversations
to the court in a false light to obstruct this national security investigation
to frame me a being a drug dealer to justify using torture against me to
the FBI's investigation of the truth.  This is my statement under oath and it
truthful and correct and most of the government stands with me before this
and against the DEA.  What my case is really about is: Can the DEA frame me
torture me under the cover of law and be protected by the court because the
claims it is conducting an investigation?  The DEA claims it can and has the
full authority of the court to torture me and destroy my l

[CTRL] The Schlund Affidavit - 8/17

2001-08-18 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The truth on corruption in the DEA, CIA, Federal and State Courts and others
and in the future can never be exposed because of the use of the these and
electronic devices against all the witnesses to torture and control them. In
future, all crimes by the government will be covered up using these and other
electronic devices. No witnesses can survive this torture for any period of
with their mind intact and still be a good component witness and remember all
the facts. Now, and in the future, millions of Americans will be controlled
tortured electronically with these and many other kinds of electronic devices.
Only people in high positions of power in the government that are protected by
corrupt officials will be safe from exposure. (I have been tortured so badly
while I was working on this part that I have to lay down and try to recover.

I am partially blind from the torture, and I was screaming in pain as I typed
for the court. My mind is scrambled, and I am unable to exercise my freedom of
speech and I am being force to stop writing due to the pain and suffering that
the DEA and or other is inflicting on me using torture form the implants that
they injected into both sides of my neck and or other ways).  When the DEA
really releases my files, they will remove all the names and black out
everything to cover up their fabrication of evidence to obstruct justice. When
the DEA set me up and framed me as knowingly receiving my files, they didn't
black out any names or anything else. The DEA wanted it to look like I agreed
with what they had written in these files. The only way to do this was to not
allow me to know what was in the files. Next, to complete the coverup of their
crimes, they will black out what they are trying to hide to cover up the

We will reply by fighting them through every court, including the World Court.
Today's date is December 6, 1999.  I was harassed and tortured during the
for what I typed yesterday.  The torture and harassment was mild compared to
past but it still deprived me of some sleep and caused me pain and suffering.
The torture was increased in the morning and I was threatened while I was on
phone for what I was saying but the torture was below the levels that make me
scream.  During the day today the torture was mild at times and somewhat
at times.  I lost much of the feeling in my feet during the first two hours
after leaving the house and while I was bidding a job the torture was put
into a
mode to make it almost impossible to do my job and I was unable to do the bid.

While driving, the torture mode they were using against me so disabled me that
it is impossible to drive safely during these kinds of torture.  I have
the DEA of this in writing and by phone many times over many years and the DEA
is and has always been fully aware of the fact that they will eventually force
me into an accident while using these and or other devices against me.  If and
when this accident occurs it will be the result of torture and the court and
DEA will have to take full responsibility for any deaths, injuries or property
damage that are a result of the DEA's torture of me.  I will continue this
of the letter in the proper time frame so the court can understand how evil
satanic the torture of me is by the DEA.

I have just returned to typing after setting up the Christmas tree.  Every
Christmas I am satanically tortured to make me irritable and grouchy for the
cameras to make it appear that I am the one spoiling Christmas.  No human
could function as a normal human being under these satanic acts of torture by
the DEA.  I will now be tortured every day until Christmas Day and if I try to
go Christmas shopping the DEA will dramatically increase the torture as they
have every year to stop me.  I am usually tortured out of the stores screaming
in pain as I try to shop.  In the years past the DEA would satanically
the torture and deprive me of sleep night after night until Christmas Day.

The only way the DEA would allow me any relief from the torture is if I would
agree to give them a fabricated conversation to take to the corrupt judge that
authorized the warrants against me.  From now until Christmas I will be
every day after returning home from work in the most horrible ways possible
until I agree to give the DEA a conversation to use against me.  When I agree
give the DEA one of these fabricated conversations I am under torture in a
forced interrogation with the DEA using torture against me. I am usually
approaching my breaking point or have reached my breaking point and am in fear
of my life and the torture is killing me.  Over the years I have repeatedly
called the DEA over 1,000 times protesting about the torture of me.  To the
this is only a joke.  Almost every time I called the DEA I was tortured for my
call after calling.  The DEA would deprive me of sleep 

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2001-08-17 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
Because of my torture by the government I'm mentally disabled during the
and the torture is used against me any time I try to talk or write about my
case. The
heavier torture has been terminated at times like when I'm on the phone.  
can be no justice while one side is using torture against the other side. All
the below letters except the one about Judge Copple and Sheriff Joe Arpaio
mailed to the addressed people using certified mail. (On second thought, I
not release those two letters at this time because I never mailed them.)  

I wrote these letters on the dates on the letters, and I believe these
letters are
truthful and correct. It was not my job to prove all the information contained
in these letters. I would have never released these letters if the government
hadn't used torture to force me to defend my self. My only way of defending my
self was to set up the people and agencies listed in the files and prove what
could to the FBI and others. I was then injected and tortured in the most
satanic ways possible and I still am being tortured horribly. I wrote many of
these letters under threat of death by my government and under torture.

The writing of these letters was my way of fighting back against the corrupt
officials that were listed in the files I read in 1977.  I have mailed out
of copies of letters I have written. I have been writing these letters since
1991. Before 1991 it would have been impossible for me to write letters like
this and live through the process. It first became possible for me to be able
write these letters when the FBI started watching and the DEA had to back off
and stop controlling and torturing me. I hope these letters will help the
understand where I'm coming from. The government has refused to even answer
of the letters. I did receive one reply from civil or human rights, which
informed me that they could not help me. This reply I believe was about four
years ago.

I would like to inform the court of what my wife told me before we were
divorced.  She told me that there was no way that I could win because the DEA
and her had framed me so well that it would be impossible for me to win.  I
totally disagree.  I not only believe I can win but I also believe I can stop
these Human Rights Violations that are occurring under the cover of law and
protect future generations of Americans.  The damage to me is so bad that I
cannot personally win.  The FBI assured me I could win in the beginning but I
told them at that time that they did not understand and that no one had ever
been able to defeat the DEA in the way I was about to try.  I informed the FBI
and others that they could win for me.  They have all been very courageous and
have done great damage to the forces of evil in this battle.  It is slowly
becoming safe to walk down the street in the inner cities of America again.
When I would inform the FBI of corruption in their ranks, they would attack
corruption.  When I would inform the DEA of corruption in their ranks, they
would attack me.

I do not want the court to misunderstand me.  Kathy, my ex-wife, is no longer
directly one of them.  She helped the FBI by talking to me about some things
even warned me when corrupt agents tried to get their people into the
investigation to misdirect and control the investigation to discredit me.  She
is also under torture by the DEA as are most of my witnesses making it
impossible for her or the others to talk, testify freely or even defend
themselves without being tortured.  She is under threat of death by the DEA
has control over the implants in her.  Many of my witnesses are being
and tortured in the cover-up of this case.  All of this is being done under
cover of law and color of authority as an investigation.  All chances of any
real investigation stopped when the DEA tortured my witnesses and me.  

An investigation is the collection of information.  Torture is the infliction
pain and suffering. They are not compatible with each other and any chance of
any real investigation stops when torture begins.  I have taken two lie
tests whether I'm a drug dealer and if the information is correct and I passed
both Lie Detector tests.  I also paid to have Dan Pomeroy take a lie detector
test and he also passed.  All of my witnesses are willing to take lie detector
tests and all of my witnesses will pass.  I have offered the DEA all of the
information thousands of times and they have refused to accept the information
from my witnesses and me.  All of their witnesses are allowed to supply the
with fabricated information and commit perjury in the framing of my witnesses
and me. An investigation is when you accept information and then investigate
that information to find out if it is true.  A cover-up is when you refuse any
information and then attack and torture the people trying to supply you with

There is no real investigation of me b

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2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

In fact, the owner of Fry's died while I was supplying the FBI such
information.  He died in his 40's of a heart attack, which was one of the most
common modes of assassinations in the Don Bolles Papers.  I do agree that I do
not have any first hand knowledge of this natural or unnatural death.  I am just
stating the facts, as I understand them, to the court.  Many people died near
the time I was supplying the FBI with information.  Again, I have no personal
knowledge of most of these deaths.  My personal knowledge comes from me reading
the Don Bolles Papers, which should have been called the Rockefeller files.

Many thousands of assassinations were detailed in these files and these
assassinations appear random to the general population but after reading these
files these assassinations are no longer random.  Political assassinations are
conducted along a wide range of different profiles and for many different
reasons but the result is directed to achieve a single goal, which is the
control and domination of the American people while giving them the illusion of
liberty, freedom and justice. The court must further understand that I grew up
around these people and I had personal knowledge of many assassinations and/or
murders.  I watched the drugs being run under the cover of law.  I watched the
witnesses being hunted, entrapped, prosecuted and imprisoned under the cover of
law and in the name of justice and the DEA was the Federal agency that directed
these operations under the cover of law. The court must further understand that
not all cameras that the DEA and/or others under their direction and/or control
installed are under warrants directed at me.  Many of these cameras may have the
warrants directed at others but I am the real and only target of the DEA in this
fabricated and created investigation. The court must also understand that this
information was obtained by me reading many DEA files and papers.  In these
files and papers this was the way that covert operations were directed at
targeted political witnesses that had information against the DEA and or others
under their protection, like the Dirty Dozen and many others.

I am still in the time frame of 1988.  Bob Owrso was also now suffering from
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from the bugging of him by the DEA. The DEA was now
bugging everyone I came in contact with to protect them from the information I
had against them. They would gas me at night in my home and come in and work on
me anytime I said anything about the Don Bolles Papers. The DEA followed and
filmed or took photos of me everywhere I went and I suffered horribly from
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from the bugging devices the DEA was using against me.
Anytime I was not in sight of the DEA and they were too lazy to look for me,
Kathy would call me on the radio and ask exactly where I was and then the DEA
would reappear in a few minutes.

During this time frame I did many jobs that were covert operations of the CIA,
DEA, Dirty Dozen and Arian Brotherhood and some of these jobs were for the
corporate empire that the Rockefellers controlled or directed.  One of these
jobs was the wiring of a Chemical Plant.  I was escorted daily to this plant by
the DEA and everything I said or did was monitored by the DEA and others.

It wasn't until near the end of this job I realized that I had been set up by Kathy
and the DEA to wire this plant for the production of Crack Cocaine. This plant
did cut and bag or package thousands of pounds of synthetic cocaine daily. This
synthetic cocaine was cut using Freon and then in this process Freon was boiled
off  by the tons daily into the atmosphere. You could say that the hole in the
ozone layer was responsible in part to the boiling off of this Freon into the
atmosphere.  I had known how this process worked because Carl Altz had invented
it and had briefed me on this process back in 1976.  This synthetic cocaine
could be produced for $1.28 lb. at the time Carl Altz briefed me on the process
in 1976.  This is the main reason that Carl Altz was brought into the DEA for
the manufacture of this synthetic cocaine and many other kinds of drugs; this is
why the DEA needed Carl Altz.  Carl Altz ran many drug labs for the DEA over the
years and was responsible for a significant portion of the drugs in the United
States through the DEA. Carl Altz ran and/or directed all of the Dirty Dozens
main production drug labs from 1977 until 1991 when I started to bust this
operation working with the FBI.

This part of the story is very long so I will only detail it briefly and leave
the rest of the information for trial.  My point is I am not the drug dealer but
the people that the court has authorized to hunt me are the people who were
running, producing and protecting the drugs.

Let's add a few things about Carl Altz and the DEA.  Another of the processes
that Carl Altz had designed was the manufacturing of speed using Ephedrine.  In
1976 Ephedrine was used in alle

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2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

During this period of time the DEA would brief Kathy on where I went and
everything I did.  The DEA would also use Kathy to generate conversations to be
used against me to discredit me if anything ever became exposed.  The DEA always
used Kathy to generate conversations to discredit me and make it appear that she
was the good person.  The generation of such conversations is standard practice
by the DEA to discredit targeted individuals and has been used since the
formation of the DEA.  (I got tortured and threatened for the typing of that.)

During this time period I had not sold any drugs to anyone since 1977 or 1978
and I was followed every day everywhere I went and everything I said was
recorded by the DEA in the cover-up of the Don Bolles Papers and other
information I had against the DEA.  I did not sell drugs to anyone and I did not
make or smuggle drugs.  What I am trying to explain to the court is that the DEA
knew there was no chance of me selling drugs so they believed it was necessary
for them to protect themselves and others I knew of, and they believed the only
practical way of protecting these people was to frame me as a drug dealer to
authorize the collection of evidence to discredit me.  The DEA funneled monies
out of the government to cover up criminal activities by them and others under
their protection to conduct a created, fabricated and generated political
investigation to remove me as a witness to their drug dealings, murders and
other corruption's. They then used these funds to monitor me and control me to
cover up their crimes and the crimes of others under their protection. The DEA
also used corrupt State and/or City agents to support their fabricated findings
to justify the continual investigation, torture and control of me. The DEA also
used other individuals in the Dirty Dozen and their associates to create
conversations in support of the DEA position.  This conduct by the Federal and
State governments and others was not done as an investigation but was done to
protect the corrupt Judges, Congressmen, Senators, Federal agents, police
officers and many others that I had read files on in the Don Bolles Papers.

During this period of time my daughter Summer was very ill, and some days was
unable to even walk due to the monitoring devices that were installed in her by
the corrupt DEA agents.  My father was also very sick from the constant exposure
to the devices and was slowly dying from the effects of the devices.  My brother
Tom had developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 1977, like me, and was sick until
I went to his house in 1992 with the FBI and had him also give the FBI
permission to monitor him without the use of a warrant.

During this time frame (1984) Kathy went to the hospital to have her tubes tied.
During this operation, which was done at 24th Street and Roosevelt at Maricopa
County Hospital, Kathy died on the operating table and had to be revived. The
doctor took X-rays to see what had happened.  He told me that it looked like
there were six dimes in Kathy's left lung on the X-rays.  The doctor then went
over the X-rays with me. The doctor wanted to remove these to see what they
were, and I agreed and told the doctor to remove them. The doctor told me he had
never seen anything like this before. The doctor then left the room and started
to walk down the hall, and I saw one of the DEA agents that had been escorting
me at times pull the doctor to the side and talk to him. The doctor then
returned to the room and said "It's OK, I think it's OK, they said it's OK."  I
then was sure that these were the same kind of implants that I had read about in
the DEA files I had read in 1977.  This kind of implant was designed to be
removable in case the DEA was exposed conducting this kind of criminal behavior.

I had long suspected that this was one of the ways that the DEA was monitoring
Kathy and me. Kathy had been complaining to me about me sticking things down her
throat in the middle of the night. I would often wake up with needle holes in my
arms from the IV's, and the DEA on some nights would even leave the bloody
cotton ball on my arm where the IV was installed during the night.  This court
may believe that it's all right for the government to conduct secret medical
procedures in the middle of the night on American citizens under the protection
of a warrant issued by the Federal court, but I'm sure the jury in trial will
disagree in the strongest ways possible.

It's about 10:00 p.m. on November 29, 1999.  The DEA turned the screaming in my
head down very slowly last night as I went to sleep. The mode they were using
was not a very bad mode--it was just loud and impossible to sleep until it was
turned down.  It most likely took the DEA about one and a half hours to turn the
mode down so I could go to sleep. The DEA then only woke me once during the
night for a very small torture session. This morning when I awoke the DEA didn't
torture me much at all and I w

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2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Even third world countries, like Central and South American countries, have
signed a treaty guaranteeing its citizens the right to their own bodies. The
United States has not signed the Inner American Treaty; but because of my work
with the FBI and the torture of me as a result of this work, the President of
the United States has ordered all of the agencies to abide by treaties that may
be ratified in the future. One of these treaties would be the Inner American
Treaty. This order was Presidential Executive Order Number 13107, dated December
10, 1998.  A copy of this Presidential Order is enclosed with this letter (see
Excerpt) for the court.

We also had files and papers on the designing of devices that could be
incorporated into jewelry, buttons, clothing, credit cards, driver licenses,
tooth caps or even glued to the person for up to 90 days.  Some of these
monitoring devices also caused a wide range of illnesses and/or conditions like
Epstien Barr virus, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Yuppie Flu, Gulf War
Illness, Tinnitus, Arthritis, Childhood Leukemia and many others. The cause of
these illnesses in many of the cases was and is these monitoring devices.  It is
true that autoimmune diseases do occur naturally in the population but this is
rare and cannot account for the number of illnesses currently in the American
population. I read in the newspaper recently that 17 million Americans suffer
from Depression.  Depression is one of the leading effects caused by these
devices.  Did the court know that countries that are not under their control,
like Russia or China, have very few cases of these diseases or illnesses in
their populations and these diseases are almost unknown there due to the lack of
use of these kinds of devices?  I scanned the device that the DEA used to give
me Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with in 1990 or 1991, and it operated on a frequency
of 724.56 MHz and when it was close to or in contact with my skin it gave me a
disease known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is an autoimmune response
caused from the exposure to the fields from these devices.  These devices are
one of the most commonly used in the United States and the device was made into
my Levi button.  By removing my Levi button from my clothing the symptoms of the
disease would subside in about 15 minutes and I would almost fully recover in a
couple of hours.

I also read files on the designing of many other kinds of monitoring devices
that were used to monitor the general public without the use of warrants.  One
of these devices was a small microchip that was made into postage stamps and
mailed into people's homes to monitor the general public for short periods of
time.  Another of these devices was a pen that was made to look like a standard
government pen. Whatever the person using this pen wrote would also come up on
their screen. This pen was also made in models for civilian use.

During the CIA and DEA research and experimentation with these devices on the
American people and others, they found out that many of the people were
committing suicide to escape the torture.  After they had established that some
of the targeted people would commit suicide to obtain relief from the torture,
the CIA and DEA then tried to design the devices and the ways the devices were
used to force the targeted people to commit suicide to stop the torture of
them.  The court must understand that these devices are not used against drug
dealers; if they were, there would be no drug dealers. These devices are only
used against people for economic and political reasons. In the first year before
the experiments about 9.4% percent of the people committed suicide to escape
being tortured. This is when the CIA and DEA realized that with these devices it
might not be necessary to assassinate people anymore. They then believed that
they could force these people to kill themselves, which would make their job
much safer and their exposure much more unlikely.  They then improved the
torture programs and devices and the death rate by suicide increased to about
11.5% and then they believed that they could accomplish their goals and force
all the people to commit suicide. They now had perfected the torture modes and
were into the second year of this kind of research.  After the second year when
the death rate was calculated, the figure fell to about 10.6%.  It was at this
time that they realized they could not force everyone to commit suicide with the
devices and they had concluded from this research that only about one-third of
the people would commit suicide.  The others would allow themselves to be
horribly tortured to death rather than commit suicide.  Let the court fully
understand that I would have committed suicide to escape the torture if I had
been one of these people and did not know what the cause of my torture, pain and
suffering was.

Another device that I did read in the files and papers on the designing,
manufacturing an

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2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The first stage of the DEA's plans was to take over the drug cartels and control
the flow of drugs in order to authorize slowly depriving the American People of
their privacy and rights. To get authorization for this war against the American
People they needed not to stop the drugs but to control the drugs in the ways
necessary to create the crime necessary to justify the laws that they needed.
The Democrats, corporations, judges, congressmen, senators, and others they
needed to monitor could now be investigated under total secrecy and the cover of
law in drug investigations. There could never be another Watergate, because
these kinds of operations would now be conducted as drug investigations under
the total protection of the law; and these operations would also be secret where
no one could legally expose them.

In the DEA files I read, no one would be able to get by their judges for a trial
and no one would be able to obtain their real records of how the DEA injected
them with the devices to torture them.  When the DEA would release records they
would delete all of their covert operations from the records like how they had
gassed these people in the middle of the night and how they had preformed these
secret medical procedures on them. By the DEA obtaining these powers it then
also allowed them to proceed with biological medical weapons research on these
innocent American citizens under total secrecy and the cover of law which
resulted in many thousands of deaths.  All of the experiments that the CIA had
been busted conducting, like the experiments with LSD, were now being conducted
secretly under the total protection and cover of the law by the DEA. These
people had no chance of anyone every obtaining their records due to the
protection of the DEA by the Federal courts and the Federal Judges that had been
appointed by the Presidents, which the Rockefellers had financed, and put into
the Presidency of the United States.

In other words, medical research was now called investigations; and by calling
medical experimentation investigations, they were now covered under the law.
Their victims could not testify against them, because they were placed in an
unconscious state after being gassed in the middle of the night by the DEA using
a warrant. These people were framed as being drug dealers, and the DEA would
never allow them the files on how they were gassed. This was the secret
government operating in covert operations as the actor played the role of
freedom and justice. Again, the court will say surreal and fantastic.

There is a very good documentary called "Cover-up: Behind Iran Contra"  This
documentary details how this secret government operated and ran the drugs,
smuggled arms, and violated all the principles that America was founded on, and
it did all of these acts under the cover of authority and the protection of the
government. This is very well documented, provable, and a small piece of my case
along with information I was supplying the FBI and others when the DEA injected
these devices to stop me.

The DEA in these files and papers also took on many other kinds of
responsibilities like the cover-up and misdirecting of the assassinations of
John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin L. King, Mary Jo Kopechne and the
thousands of other assassinations that the CIA, DEA and others had committed in
these files. The DEA also would be responsible for the removal of future threats
to the Rockefeller's empire and their enemies. There were many such covert
operations in the files we had like the framing of Ted Kennedy as being involved
in the drug trade to authorize using the new torture and control devices against
him. We had many such files and plans like the plans to frame Cher Bono to
disable and torture her. Another example would be the girl who had played the
part of the young girl on the TV series Walton's Mountain. They had convinced
her that in order to become an actress and continue her acting career she would
need larger breasts. When she had these breast implants install, the DEA
installed a microchip in the breast implants to monitor, control and direct
her.  She then suffered horribly for the next 20 years from the effects of this
device until the removal of the breast implants and the microchip.

It is very important to disclose to the court how the torture and disabling of
the political witnesses and others is done. First let me quote Jose Delgado.
Jose Delgado worked for the CIA and conducted experiments on the control of
people electronically.  Jose Delgado was Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale
University Medical School. His research was funded covertly by the CIA and it
did lead to the designing of the torture devices in part, that the DEA is
currently using to torture me with under the cover of law. The following is a
quote from Jose Delgado. This quote is in the Congressional Record No. 26, Vol.
118, February 24, 1974:

"We need a program of psychosurgery and politica

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2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

During this time I called Carl Altz, and he was planning to make some speed with
a High Pressure Hydrogen Shaker and he wanted to know if I would lend him some
money so that he could build the apparatus at work. Carl Altz worked in a
machine shop at that time.  As these conversations went on with Carl Altz, he
kept trying to make it sound like this was my idea.  I even asked him on the
phone why he was trying to make it sound like this was my idea.  He then backed
off so he wouldn't scare me away. The DEA cannot have any tapes of me asking
Carl Altz to make speed. I never asked him to make speed. Carl Altz had always
made speed for as long as I knew him. He had also designed the manufacturing
processes for making many other kinds of drugs.  In  fact, he was the person
that had designed for the DEA the new kind of cocaine known as 'crack' for the
destruction of the Blacks in the inner cities. This kind of cocaine was made
synthetically and designed to target blacks by Carl Altz who was working for the

This process was also done in a high-pressure hydrogen shaker. Carl Altz
had worked for the DEA running the Dirty Dozens drug labs for all of these years
now, until I busted the DEA and the Dirty Dozen, starting in 1991 while I was
working with the FBI. I had no idea of how to make speed, and I didn't know
anyone who wanted any. The Dirty Dozen was the organization that made most of
the speed. Carl Altz was the only other person I knew of that also produced
speed. I finally agreed to lend Carl Altz some money so he could finish his
machine. Now, Kathy had decided to return to Phoenix, and so we returned.
The DEA escorted me all of the way back to Phoenix, and even had the Highway
Patrol pull me over for speeding in Riverside, California. I had been stuck in
rush hour traffic for over 45 minutes when I was pulled over, and I hadn't gone
over 25 miles an hour on the freeway during that time.  I told the Highway
Patrolman that I would not pay the ticket, and he told me that he didn't care
and not to return to California. I told him I wouldn't. We then finished our
trip and returned to Phoenix, Arizona. Once I was back in Phoenix, Carl Altz
continued his setup of me for the DEA.

On the day we set out to go to Mike Joyce's house so he could try out his new
high pressure hydrogen shaker, I had no idea that he had a case of
Phynel-2-propinal with him. I did know that he was going to make a small amount
of speed, but I did not have any idea that he had any chemicals for directly
manufacturing speed with him. During the week before we went to Mike Joyce's
house, the Dozen had been over at Mike Joyce's, and had asked him if he wanted
some of the five gallon cans for gas cans that they had in the back of their
truck.  Mike said sure, and they gave him some empty five-gallon cans. These
cans were part of the evidence that the DEA seized during the raid on Mike's
house. The DEA had these cans covertly placed there to make it appear that there
had been enough chemicals to really manufacture speed. There were not enough
chemicals to manufacture speed, and the DEA has always known this.

This entire set-up of me by the DEA and Carl Altz was to cover up the Don Bolles
Papers including the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  The assassination of
John F. Kennedy by the CIA was one of the many assassinations we had in the
files and the DEA was now responsible for the cover-up of this crime.
After I had picked up Carl Altz and headed to Mike Joyce's, Carl Altz kept
trying to make it sound like it was me that wanted to manufacture the speed. I
couldn't make speed if my life depended upon it and I have never made any kind
of drugs nor have I ever bought any chemicals to make speed or any other kinds
of drugs.  I'm just the patsy like Oswald said. The only difference is I have
the entire FBI and most of the other agencies protecting me, so they can't kill
me to do the cover-up like they did Oswald. The good guys like the FBI and the
others are going to make sure I make it to court and that I get my day in
trial.  NOTE:  The DEA and the corrupt judges under them, job is to stop the
trial and make sure there is no chance of me giving the truthful information in
court and proving that the DEA is really a covert operation of the CIA and was
directly responsible for the much of the crime in the United States.

 After we arrived at Mike Joyce's house, Carl Altz handed me the boxes he had
brought and I carried them to the trailer. Carl Altz then began to set up
everything. This was when he showed me the chemicals he had purchased to make
speed with. I asked him where the High Pressure Shaker was and he said he didn't
need it and that he was able to buy the chemicals. This was a shock to me,
because he had always wanted to make a High Pressure Shaker because it didn't
require any chemicals to make speed or other drugs with, such as synthetic
cocaine. This is when it became obvious to me that this was a set-up of me by

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2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

28. Plans for future wars and conflicts and other files on the Cold War.

29. Highly classified information too sensitive to list.

30. Foreign intelligence information of a national security nature.

31. Files on Actors, Singers, Newscasters, Talk Show Hosts, Directors and many
others that they controlled and directed.

32. The files on Magazines, Newspapers, TV Stations and Radio Stations that were
directly controlled and or directed by them.

33. The files on Magazines, Newspapers, TV Stations, and Radio Stations that
covert operations were being conducted against to takeover or control them.

34. Information on missions into outer space and to other worlds likes the Moon
and Mars.

35. Designing and manufacturing information on many future military and civilian
systems like computers, and many other kinds of technologically advanced future

36. The designing, testing and use of new kinds of surveillance intrusion and
monitoring, torture, and control devices.

37. The CIA's plans to monitor all Americans and many others around the world
and the support of covert operations.

38. Files on the running of most of the drugs in the United States and the
laundering of the drug money and the covert operations this drug money was used
to support.

39. Corporate files such as the plans for the break up of AT&T and many other
corporate files that were under their direction and control.

40. The making of many movies, TV shows and TV series.

41. The framing of many political witnesses and others to imprison them and
discredit their stories.

42. The answers to many of the mysteries of  the past 70 years.

43. Files on the monitoring of Judges, Congressmen, Senators, actors, singers
and many others to direct and control them as needed, or to collect information
to be used for blackmail, to discredit or destroy their lives and/or assassinate

44. Briefing from the United States Department of Justice on the legality of the
use of these new kinds of torture and monitoring implants and other electronic

45. Plans to build the Fiber Optics Network.

46. Plans to build the Cable TV Network.

47. Files on the designing of Cellular Phones and the plans to build the
Cellular Phone Network.

48. Corporate files on many major corporations under their direct control and

49. Secret sites of mass graves of people that had been murdered for political
and other reasons around the world including papers on such graves inside the
United States.

50. The plans to take two obscure street gangs known as the Crips and the
Bloods and make them into a national drug distribution network for the
destruction of the inner cities of the United States.

51. Files on the making of most of the child pornography to be used to discredit
and destroy the lives of political targets.

52. Their plans to control religion, including the plans to place their people
in key positions of power in the church and others not under their control for
political reasons.

53. Files on the running of Italian Mob, Jewish Mob, Irish Mob, Dirty Dozen and
many other organized crime networks.

54. Holographic experiments.

55. Computer printouts, files and papers on Global Warming from the increased
CO2 output into the atmosphere during the industrial revolution and the coming
effects of Global Warming due to the continued increase in output of CO2 into
the atmosphere. These CIA papers, printouts and files included world-wide
printouts on future projected climate changes. These papers also had the CIA's
cover-up of what was happening. In the CIA's report in 1975 the CIA had
concluded that the earth was going into an ice age. They made this report fully
knowing that 2/3rds of the sea ice around Antarctica had melted by 1975 due to
the warming of the planet. This report by the CIA was done to protect the
Rockefeller's and their empire, which was based on the burning of fossil fuels,
which was responsible for the increase in CO2 output. We also had all the
projected climate changes and the projections of the fall in oxygen in the
atmosphere, which would stabilize at 19%. This will be a catastrophe in the
short term, but in the long term, it will be of a benefit to mankind due to the
increase in land that will become habitable and be available for cultivation.
The warming of the planet will move the wheat fields north into Canada and into
Siberia, which will allow the existing crop land to be used for other crops.

56. The detailed plans for the break-up and destruction of Rock and Roll music
including the assassinations of many people to achieve their goals. The detailed
plans to replace Rock and Roll music with All-American music called Country
Western. This massive CIA and DEA covert operation was being conducted to stop
political overtones in the Rock and Roll music and to stop foreign influences on
Americans caused by the exposure to foreign music. This operation was conducted
because the Rockefellers had lost the

[CTRL] The Schlund Affadavit - 1/18

2001-08-15 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

[Note: The Schlund Affadavit is a lengthy document (approx. 450Kb).
This document was written by Charles A. Schlund under severe *torture*.
Because of this, there are many errors in grammar and spelling. I have corrected
some of these mistakes, but in order to make this document available to the public
as quickly as possible, I was forced to leave many of the errors in spelling and
grammar uncorrected. This is an EXTREMELY important document!!! Please take
the time to read the *entire* affadavit. Please copy it, download, reproduce it, and
share the information with as many people as possible!

Mr. Schlund has provided this document to me so that I could make it available to
the public (YOU). The  corporate-controlled media REFUSE to discuss this case -- it
is *off-limits* ! Please contact tv/radio stations, newspapers, and elected officials 
demand that  they take action. YOUR *LIFE* AND LIBERTY ARE AT STAKE !]

Martin F. Abernathy  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  8/14/01 - Bronx, NY 10473


The following is my affidavit before the courts including the United States
Supreme Court. The courts are bought and paid for for the most part and I had no
chance of them ever hearing my case and my case was to prove this to those
watching like the FBI.

Charles August Schlund, III
 N. XXth Drive
Glendale, AZ   85XXX
(602) XXX-
Plaintiff in Pro Per

Randy D. Lang
X North XX Drive, Suite XXX
Phoenix, Arizona   85XXX
(602) XXX-
Plaintiff in Pro Per



9th Cir. App. Case No.00-15126
an individual, et al,

Case No: CIV98-1875PHX ROS, reassigned to RCB




County of Maricopa , et al.,

I, Charles Schlund, III, declare: The facts herein are of my own personal
knowledge and belief, and if called to testify concerning such matters, I could
and would do so competently.  As to those facts pled on information and belief,
I believe such matters to be true on such information and believe, as follows:
Charles August Schlund, III ("Appellant"), pursuant to his reservation of
rights, as set forth in  the Motion for Reconsideration and Supplementals
therewith, dated Sept. 14, 1999 (Excerpt No. F), which are incorporated herein
by this reference for further clarification on the issues of fact as set forth


 First of all, I have never pled in my Complaint any assertions whatsoever about
mental telepathy, despite the United States District Court tries to erroneously
compare my case with others strictly involving mental telepathy (i.e. Doran).
Because of this erroneous understanding by the Court of the nature and context
of my allegations in my Complaint, I believe it necessary to set forth the
following to clarify the facts to assist the Honorable 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, who will now review this matter as follows.

I would like to inform the Court of the facts involved in this case.  These
facts are quite unbelievable, but this has nothing to do with their truthfulness
or accuracy. We believe we will be well prepared to prove our case to a jury
when this case comes to trial. I would like to use what U.S. Supreme Court
Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in
1943. "We believe this is a good example of how good men refuse to believe the
truth when the acts of their fellow men are so hideous and outrageous.
"I know that you believe what you are telling me is the truth but I cannot
believe it." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a
eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in 1943.

I'm going to try to explain how the DEA has framed me as a drug dealer to cover
up their covert operations against the American people and me.  This is a very
long story and I'm mostly disabled from the torture and control modes that the
DEA is currently using against me with the electronic implants that the DEA
injected into both sides of my neck in about 1993.

My health is failing slowly from the continual torture by the DEA.  The DEA is
systematically murdering me in the most satanic ways possible with technology,
including but not limited to electronic implants.  These were injected into both
sides of my neck. The injection of these implants was and is a covert operation
by the DEA to cover up their criminal actions by removing me as a witness
against the DEA and others. The injection of these devices into my neck is and
always was an attempt by the DEA to deprive me of my Civil Rights, Human Rights,
Constitutional Rights and God given Rights. These implants were designed by the
CIA to remove political witnesses and other threats against the CIA's and the

[CTRL] Read The ENTIRE Schlund Affadavit Here:

2001-08-13 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

This is a large document [approx. 450Kb]. You can read the entire affadavit at:


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Court Affadavit: Chuck Schlund vs. U.S.A. [Pt. 1]

2001-08-13 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

[The following court affadavit was sent to me by Chuck Schlund. His constant torture
 due to the implanted microchips that were injected into him by the DEA has made it
 extremely difficult for him to write this document; as a result, there are many 
 in spelling and grammar. Although I have corrected *some* of these errors, in 
order to
 make this document available to the public as quickly as possible, I decided not 
to try
 to correct all of the errors -- it simply would have taken to long.

 An abbreviated version of this afadavit was posted to several websites recently.
 This is the first time that the *entire* document is being made available to the

 Martin F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Bronx, NY -- August 13, 2001


 The following is my affidavit before the courts including the United States
 Supreme Court. The courts are bought and paid for for the most part and I had no
 chance of them ever hearing my case and my case was to prove this to those
 watching like the FBI.

 Charles August Schlund, III
  N. XXth Drive
 Glendale, AZ 85XXX
 (602) XXX-
 Plaintiff in Pro Per

 Randy D. Lang
 X North XX Drive, Suite XXX
 Phoenix, Arizona 85XXX
 (602) XXX-
 Plaintiff in Pro Per



 9th Cir. App. Case No.00-15126
 an individual, et al,
 Case No: CIV98-1875PHX ROS, reassigned to RCB



 County of Maricopa et al.,Defendants/Appellees.

 I, Charles Schlund, III, declare: The facts herein are of my own personal
 knowledge and belief, and if called to testify concerning such matters, I could
 and would do so competently. As to those facts pled on information and belief,
 I believe such matters to be true on such information and believe, as follows:
 Charles August Schlund, III ("Appellant"), pursuant to his reservation of
 rights, as set forth in the Motion for Reconsideration and Supplementals
 therewith, dated Sept. 14, 1999 (Excerpt No. F), which are incorporated herein
 by this reference for further clarification on the issues of fact as set forth


 First of all, I have never pled in my Complaint any assertions whatsoever about
 mental telepathy, despite the United States District Court tries to erroneously
 compare my case with others strictly involving mental telepathy (i.e. Doran).
 Because of this erroneous understanding by the Court of the nature and context
 of my allegations in my Complaint, I believe it necessary to set forth the
 following to clarify the facts to assist the Honorable 9th Circuit Court of
 Appeals, who will now review this matter as follows.

 I would like to inform the Court of the facts involved in this case. These
 facts are quite unbelievable, but this has nothing to do with their truthfulness
 or accuracy. We believe we will be well prepared to prove our case to a jury
 when this case comes to trial. I would like to use what U.S. Supreme Court
 Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in
 1943. We believe this is a good example of how good men refuse to believe the
 truth when the acts of their fellow men are so hideous and outrageous.
 "I know that you believe what you are telling me is the truth but I cannot
 believe it.? U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a
 eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in 1943.

 I'm going to try to explain how the DEA has framed me as a drug dealer to cover
 up their covert operations against the American people and me. This is a very
 long story and I'm mostly disabled from the torture and control modes that the
 DEA is currently using against me with the electronic implants that the DEA
 injected into both sides of my neck in about 1993.

 My health is failing slowly from the continual torture by the DEA. The DEA is
 systematically murdering me in the most satanic ways possible with technology,
 including but not limited to electronic implants. These were injected into both
 sides of my neck. The injection of these implants was and is a covert operation
 by the DEA to cover up their criminal actions by removing me as a witness
 against the DEA and others. The injection of these devices into my neck is and
 always was an attempt by the DEA to deprive me of my Civil Rights, Human Rights,
 Constitutional Rights and God given Rights. These implants were designed by the

[CTRL] 'Voices' Of Death -- Part 1

2001-08-03 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Arizona Republic  - THURSDAY April 24, 1986

by VENITA HAWTHORNE JAMES  [Arizona Republic Staff ]

Page number  B7

There's no doubt that John Kenton Perry, distraught over the breakup with his 
common-law wife, put a .44-caliber revolver to the head of his 12-year-old son and 
pulled the trigger. What a jury will be asked to decide, attorneys said Wednesday in 
opening arguments of Perry's first-degree-murder trial, is whether he was insane at 
the time or deliberately killed Gabriel Perry as the first step in a plan to wipe out 
his family and himself.

"Kent was driven to the point where he lost his mind, and his son by his own hand," 
Jeffrey Myer, a deputy Maricopa County public defender, told jurors. Perry, he said, 
heard a voice that told him to kill his son. Tom Simon, a deputy county attorney 
prosecuting Perry, 42, detailed events that he believes show that Perry planned the 
murder and also wanted to kill his wife, Dahna Larsen, and a baby son at a Phoenix 
clinic where the woman was undergoing treatment for drug dependency.
Perry also is charged with four counts of aggravated assault in connection with 
threats made against clinic residents with a gun and in the shooting of another 
resident in a scuffle.

Shortly after Perry was arrested Aug. 7, 1985, at New Arizona Family Inc., 1320 N. 
Second Street, his son was found dead in Perry's pickup truck, which was parked a 
half-block away from the clinic. The family dog also had been shot dead.

Simon told a story of a family in turmoil, of problems that ultimately led to the 
death of Perry's son near Interstate 17 by Happy Valley Road in west Phoenix: Perry 
and Larsen started living together in August 1984 on a ranch outside Prescott. Their 
son, Jess, was born the next April. For weeks, their woodcutting business had been 
plagued with problems.

In addition, Larsen was fighting a drug dependency, while Perry battled with alcohol. 
The relationship became strained, Simon said. In July, Larsen left Perry and checked 
into New Arizona for a long-term drug-treatment program. Perry saw Larsen for the last 
time on Aug. 4, when she came to the ranch to pick up her property. The next day, he 
started drinking, and his son called an uncle in Phoenix, who picked up his nephew and 
took him home with him. On Aug. 7, Perry drove to Phoenix and picked up his son. He 
had a sawed-off shotgun and a .44-caliber revolver in the pickup truck, Simon said. 
Perry "gave Gabriel the shotgun for the purpose of distracting him, took the 
.44-caliber revolver, put it to the back of Gabriel's head and shot him," the 
prosecutor said.

Perry drove to the New Arizona clinic and confronted three residents, demanding to 
know where he could find Larsen. A resident, Gary Prior, grabbed the gun, and other 
residents scuffled with Perry. They managed to disarm him. Myer said questions arise, 
not over whether Perry committed the crimes, but over Perry's state of mind that day. 
He suggested that mounting business and personal difficulties made Perry "snap."

"There was a voice telling him that what he had to do was destroy everything he 
created . . . his son, his dog," Myer said. "He didn't know right from wrong. He was 
doing what the voice in his head told him to do." Sometime during the trial before 
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Stanley Goodfarb, Perry will tell his side of the 
story, Myer said.

Copyright  Copyright 1986 Phoenix Newspapers Inc.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CIA Front Companies Exposed!!

2001-07-30 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Found this info on Usenet:

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Monitoring)
 Newsgroups: sci.bio.technology,alt.conspiracy
 Date: July 30, 2001


Do matrix link analysis, will show you the pattern across the US. Wackenhut is a key. 
With the Grace of God, luck and intuition (and axiom phone database) you will expose 
Aqua Tech's (CIA) deep cover operations running on this soil, dealing in drugs, 
organized crime,porn, money laundering, and cults (Scientology), and ties into Chinese 
Triads, Yakuza, the Italian and Russian mob families. The NSA and CIA scum who have 
sold our country out will be revealed. Our faction will expose them one by one until 
they have no where to hide or run.

Integrity, always; duty, always; honor, always; Our Country and Our Constitution, 
always; morals, values,
courage and faith ALWAYS.


M. Abernathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] - 7/30/01

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Schlund v. USA (DEA)

2001-07-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

This case went all the way up to the Supreme Court, but on Friday, June 29,
 2001 the Supreme Court *dismissed* the case. You won't hear a word about this
 very important case in the controlled media [where REAL news is forbidden].
 You can read the lawsuit at the following URL :



 This case is much too important to allow the media to ignore it. Please
 spread the word!




   and RANDY D. LANG,







 C.A. NO. 00-15-126

 (D.CT. NO. CIV-98-1875-PHX-RCB)


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chappaquiddick - July 1969: Ted Kennedy Was Framed By The CIA!!!

2001-07-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
from his garbage and from his boating
trips and checked these sandwich bags for his fingerprints. In
time they obtained some plastic sandwich bags with Ted
Kennedy's finger prints on the bags. They then proceeded to
clean the inside of these bags and then placed drugs into the
cleaned bags. These plastic bags now filled with drugs were then
given to a drug dealer that the DEA controlled and the bags were
then busted in a drug bust with Ted Kennedy's finger prints on
the bags.

The CIA had also designed a way of removing finger prints using
a special tape that they had developed and then reinstalling these
finger prints on other things as needed to target innocent targeted
people. I believe that this process was also used in the framing
of Ted Kennedy but I do not remember enough of this part of the
files to be 100% certain.

Now there was usable evidence for a real warrant and the DEA
could now takeover the operations from the CIA against Ted
Kennedy and do these covert operations under the cover of a
warrant in an investigation and under the protection of the law.
They then continued to frame Ted Kennedy as being involved in
the drug trade to further authorize the bugging and control of and
over him by the CIA using their covert operation the DEA to gather
the need evidence to frame Ted Kennedy as being involved in the
drug trade.

In the CIA and the DEA files we had where the orders from
George Bush for the bugging of Ted Kennedy using the new CIA
control, torture and monitoring devices. They had determined that it
was impossible to keep Ted Kennedy sick and disabled by just using
the devices in his clothing. He had to many clothes and was always
buying new clothes. The CIA and DEA researched if he wore any
jewelry that he never took off that they could install the devices in or

if there was any other way of controlling and bugging him without
injecting Ted Kennedy with implants.

When I was reading the files George Bush had stated in them that
he was paranoid that if they got caught using implants in Senators
and Congressmen that the American People would no longer trust
them and that the operation may backfire but to the best of my
memory he did approve the use of the implants against Ted
Kennedy which resulted in Ted Kennedy suffering horribly with
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This illness was an auto immune
response from the bugging devices and was designed to so involve
the targeted person in their own suffering and misery that they
would no longer be of a threat to the CIA, DEA or others that
were protected and above all laws.

Ted Kennedy's Chronic fatigue Syndrome went away in 1991 or
1992 because of my work with the FBI against the DEA and CIA.
I am uncertain if Ted Kennedy was injected with electronic implants
or if they used electronic devices in his clothing and jewelry to keep
him sick, disabled and under their control all of those years as they
monitored, tortured and controlled him. My direct information on
Ted Kennedy ended in 1977.

Charles Schlund a political prisoner of the United States


MARtin F. ABErnathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --- 7/10/01

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Supreme Court Dismisses Schlund v. DEA Lawsuit

2001-07-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Charles Schlund gives his opinion on the Supreme Court's refusal to hear his case:

From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Re: The advent of AI is here but not publicized
Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol
Date: 2001-07-04 13:58:30 PST

Chuck Wrote

True but the finest United States Supreme Court Justices money
can buy confirmed on 29 June 2001 in Schlund v The United
States that the technology is impossible and does not exist. When
we offered to prove the technology they refused to allow us to
present any evidence of any kind and when we repeatedly offered
the evidence they refused to allow us to present it or to hear or see it.

You must understand that murders, drug dealers and traitors can
not be protected from prosecution with out first having these
devices to torture and remove the witnesses against them. No new
good leaders are now possible and no one can challenge them in
any why unless it benefits them and they allow it.

America is no longer a free country and never will be again for all
of time and in time every citizen will be willfully or forcibly injected
and forced to do what they want them to do with total disregard to
any laws or human rights.

This is the rise of the Fourth Reich the conquest enslavement and
slaughter of mankind or as you know it the New World Order.

The Rockefeller family and the Nazis that work for them now own
America. This includes your children and their children for the rest
of time. Chuck


Martin F. Abernathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Charles Schlund v. DEA

2001-07-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
f conspiracy, etc. related to the trumped up drug charges
that were created to remove Petitioner Schlund sa a witness against the
DEA.  The Dept. of Justice (“DOJ”) appealed that decision, and the
decision was sustained in favor of Schlund (Appendix No. 5).
 6. NOTE BENE:  Judge Lacey of the United States District Court
aggressively and severely reprimanded and told the governmental
officials and the prosecutor they were “in contempt” and demanded they
be “arrested” for committing “perjury” and “obstructing justice in his
court” and for fabricating evidence against Petitioner Schlund.  The
acquittal was upheld on appeal; and on March 3, 1980 the DOJ and the DEA
were advised by the United States Attorney General, Daniel R. Dray,
there would be no further prosecution on the grounds of lack of
evidence, and presumably because Judge Lacey noted there was “outrageous
prosecutorial misconduct” which included withholding crucial evidence
critical to Petitioner Schlund's defense (Appendix No. 5).
 7. Despite the acquittal, the conspiracy, illegal surveillance, illegal
invasion of privacy, and the electronic torture of Petitioner Schlund
was and is continuous and ongoing to present.  Petitioner Schlund has
asserted in his verified Complaint that the DEA tortures him and
continues to invade his privacy, based on personal knowledge he
possesses relating to documentation he personally analyzed and reviewed
contained in files known as the “Don Boles Papers.”  That he is a
political witness, and the torture etc. is done to discredit him to
protect the corrupt governmental officials who are involved in the
corrupt activity of the Government's covert operations, which include
controlling federal and state judges in the judicial system.  In fact,
Petitioner Schlund filed a Motion to Recuse United States District
Judge, the Honorable Robert C. Broomfield, based on his personal
knowledge as set forth in Petitioner Schlund's Motion for Refusal and
Affidavit in Support of the Motion.  The judge was assigned to his case
after the Honorable Rosalyn Silver recused herself on the grounds she
was an ex-United States Assistant Attorney in the DEA's office for over
ten years  (Appendix Nos. 3, 4, and 5), although this was not disclosed
by her and later discovered by Petitioners.
 8. On December 18, 1998, the Government filed its two page pleading
entitled “Motion to Dismiss” or, alternatively, “Motion for Summary
Judgment,” asserting only (1) no basis in reality existed as set forth
in the verified Complaint and (2) that Petitioner Schlund could not
prove the existence of the nature of the electronic technology used by
the Government with any tangible or scientific evidence (Appendix No.
6).  Further, that because Lang's declaratory relief action was based on
Schlund's facts alleged in the Complaint, it was not a viable cause of
action (Appendix Nos. 5 & 6).  The Motion to Dismiss was denied.  The
Motion for Summary Judgment, oddly enough, was only supported by a ipse
dixit statement asserted in a footnote to the motion (Appendix 6) that
the Government relied exclusively and solely on Plaintiff's detailed
verified Complaint which asserts extensive specific facts supporting
each of the causes of action (Appendix No. 5).  The Government did [not]
submit a single foundational piece of evidence supporting any personal
or other factual knowledge supporting the U.S. attorneys bias,
prejudicial, and self-serving interest “opinion” contrary to the
Verified Complaint - Affidavit.  There literally is and was no factual
basis for the attorney's opinion which is not evidence in any event
sufficient to support a Motion for Summary Judgment (Appendix No. 6).
The Court entered judgment on the motion, despite Petitioners'
objections and requests for findings of fact and conclusions of law
(Appendix No. 7).



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

[CTRL] DEA's Dirty Deeds-Pt. 4

2001-07-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Now let's go to the effects of the devices over extended periods of
 time. This information is directly from the CIA and DEA research I read
 in their files in 1977. From the CIA and DEA research and use of the
 devices, they gathered information and experimented with the devices
 further and learned a great deal more information. By using these
 devices they learned they could cause the targeted person to develop
 diabetes in many of the cases. It is a well-known fact that people and
 other animals' sugar levels dramatically increase under exposure to
 radio frequencies. This was a simple process and all they had to do was
 repeatedly deprive the person of sleep while they tortured them for
 extended periods of time while they used radio frequencies, magnetic
 fields and other forms of energy from the implants and/or other devices
 on them.

 Older people would experience the symptoms of diabetes more
 rapidly than younger targets. All most all the targets would develop
 diabetes if tortured long enough at high enough power levels. The amount
 of time varied depending on the physical structure, age and sex of the
 targeted person.

 Next, they learned that if you tortured someone long enough and kept
 them exposed to the magnetic fields from the devices long enough they
 would, in many of the cases, develop Lymphatic cancer. I am now
 diabetic and the diabetes is getting worse with the torture and my
 diabetes was caused from depriving me of thousands of nights' of sleep
 over the years from the DEA torturing me and from the constant exposure
 to the devices. I most likely will develop Lymphatic cancer in time,
 which will cause my death. The court should understand that I did tell
 the FBI while I was working with them the name of a person that would
 develop Lymphatic cancer from the devices that was in the files I read.

 Years later this person did develop Lymphatic cancer and died from the
 cancer. This person's name would be a national security issue if
 released in this letter or if it ever became public. I also gave the FBI
 the names of others that had died from the effects of the devices, like
 Fan McKelvey, who was a person who covertly worked for them. Supporting
 evidence of the devices causing Lymphatic cancer would be the fact that
 the rate of Lymphatic cancer is increasing currently at a rate of 3% a
 year in the United States. In trial, I will be calling witnesses who
 developed cancer from the devices; but the use of the devices was and is
 still unknown to them at this time. They believed their cancers were
 natural. I read their files and I know otherwise.

 Next, I would like to go to the designing of the devices. I did read
 the designing of the earlier models of the devices that they are using
 against me currently. The basic model that they were producing by the
 millions in 1977 was made of a Titanium capsule that was porcelain
 coated and was designed with a porous covering so it would bond with the
 tissue that it was injected into. This would stop the device from
 moving in the body after injection.

 In these files I was reading about the bimetal power supplies and I
 believe this is the power supply in these devices. This power supply
 would last over 100 years and there are no warrants that were intended
 nor are there any warrants that are legal to last over 100 years. The
 microcomputer that was incorporated into these devices was designed on a
 thin silicon film so it could be folded and or rolled depending on its
 intended use to fit into the capsule or other types of enclosures.

 Between the power supply and the microcomputer was a multi value
 capacitor. The film was very thin that the circuitry was etched
 onto...much thinner than a sheet of newspaper paper and 5V-DC powered the
 device. A filter had been designed and incorporated into the device to
 filter out body noises and background sounds, and this filter was also
 able to be remotely programmed to allow the controller to use it to
 filter out the sounds they were using to torture the targeted person

 By rolling the film, they were able to create large magnetic
 fields to also torture the targeted person with. The film was insulated
 with a fine spray insulation that was only microns thick before it was
 folded or rolled and installed into the implants or others. It was not
 necessary for the monitoring device to be powered by 5V-DC but it was
 necessary to adequately torture the targeted person. Filters are never
 incorporated in legitimate monitoring devices because it is necessary to
 hear all sounds during real investigations. In a legitimate monitoring
 device, the filter is always installed in the receiving 

[CTRL] DEA's Dirty Deeds-Pt. 3

2001-07-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The DEA in these files and papers also took on many other kinds of
 responsibilities like the cover-ups of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy,
 Robert Kennedy, Martin L. King, Mary Jo Kopechne [and misdirecting
 investigations of these] and the thousands of other assassinations
 that the CIA, DEA and others had committed in these files. The DEA also would be
 responsible for the removal of future threats to the Rockefeller's
 empire and their enemies. There were many such covert operations in the
 files we had like the framing of Ted Kennedy as being involved in the
 drug trade to authorize using the new torture and control devices
 against him. We had many such files and plans like the plans to frame
 Cher Bono to disable and torture her. Another example would be the girl
 who had played the part of the young girl on the TV series "The Waltons"
 They had convinced her that in order to become an actress and
 continue her acting career she would need larger breasts. When she had
 these breast implants install, the DEA installed a microchip in the
 breast implants to monitor, control and direct her. She then suffered
 horribly for the next 20 years from the effects of this device until the
 removal of the breast implants and the microchip.

 It is very important to disclose to the court how the torture and
 disabling of the political witnesses and others is done. First let me
 quote Jose Delgado. Jose Delgado worked for the CIA and conducted
 experiments on the control of people electronically. Jose Delgado was
 Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School. His
 research was funded covertly by the CIA and it did lead to the designing
 of the torture devices in part, that the DEA is currently using to
 torture me with under the cover of law. The following is a quote from
 Jose Delgado. This quote is in the Congressional Record No. 26, Vol.
 118, February 24, 1974:

 "We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society.
 The purpose of physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from
 the given norm can be surgically mutilated."

 "...The individual may think that the most important reality is his own
 existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks
 historical perspective."

 "Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of
 liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the
 brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical
 stimulation of the brain."


 Now, the the court should understand who the DEA is and what
 the intent of the Rockefellers, CIA and DEA was in the designing of these
 devices, let's now go to the portion of the documents I read from the United
 States Department of Justice. I read the memos from Nelson Rockefeller
 to the United States Department of Justice asking if he could legally use
 the devices against the American people.

 The United States Department of Justice replied informing Nelson
 Rockefeller that it would be illegal to use these devices except in
 National Security investigations where no laws would pertain. Nelson
 Rockefeller then sent another memo to the United States Department of
 Justice asking for a list of the relevant laws that forbid him from
 using these devices. The reply from the United States Department of
 Justice was a long list of rulings and laws. I do not remember all of
 these laws due to the torture of me and the amount of time since I read
 these files. I do remember some of the laws that would be hard for a
 normal person to forget like the ruling of Roe vs Wade. This ruling was
 not just an abortion ruling according to the United States Department of
 Justice but it also could be interpreted as a Human Rights ruling giving
 the people rights over their own bodies. Another ruling I do remember
 vaguely is the Supreme Court ruling that no punishment may be given to a
 citizen of the United States without a conviction first. The act of
 injecting these devices can be interpreted as an act of punishment in
 itself. There were also many listings in the United States Department
 of Justice reply that referred to violations of the Constitution of the
 United States and many other laws and rulings.
 Nelson Rockefeller then established covert operations through the CIA
 and DEA to justify the overturning in part of these laws. These
 operations were conducted with the intent to make legal the devices they
 wanted to use against the American people.

 While I was reading these papers one of the most interesting things in
 these files and papers were the files on the experimentation of these
 and many other kinds of monitoring and to

[CTRL] DEA's Dirty Deeds-Pt. 2

2001-07-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Testimony Of Charles A. Schlund --
 [Before The Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals]
 Author: Charles Schlund
 Date: Nov 05, 2000 20:42 PST

 Statement before the 9th Circuit :

 The torture of me and sleep deprivation by the DEA is so great that I'm
 about 95% disabled and my freedom of speech is very limited. The
 following is part of my statement to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
 All of the following is now before the 9th Circuit and is truthful to
 the best of my ability and knowledge. At present I'm only allowed about 3
 hours of sleep a night and I spend the rest of the night laying there as
 they torture me. At present they use sound that is pulsed at about 6 to
 16 impacts a second to deprive me of sleep. This is being done by the
 devices they injected into my ears. The sounds can be heard using a
 stethoscope and can be felt by placing your finger in my ear. This
 weapon is low tech, but very effective. The following is only a few
 pages of my statement which was about 175 pages long if my memory is
 correct. Chuck


 I would like to inform the Court of the facts involved in this case.
 These facts are quite unbelievable, but this has nothing to do with
 their truthfulness or accuracy. We believe we will be well prepared to
 prove our case to a jury when this case comes to trial. I would like to
 use U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a
 eyewitness' description of Auschwitz in 1943. We believe this is a good
 example of how good men refuse to believe the truth when the acts of
 their fellow men are so hideous and outrageous:

 "I know that you believe what you are telling me is the truth but I
 cannot believe it." --- (U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply
 to a eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in 1943.)

 I'm going to try to explain how the DEA has framed me as a drug dealer
 to cover up their covert operations against the American people and me.
 This is a very long story and I'm mostly disabled from the torture and
 control modes that the DEA is currently using against me with the
 electronic implants that the DEA injected into both sides of my neck in
 about 1993.

 My health is failing slowly from the continual torture by the DEA. The
 DEA is systematically murdering me in the most satanic ways possible
 with technology, including but not limited to electronic implants.
 These were injected into both sides of my neck. The injection of these
 implants was and is a covert operation by the DEA to cover up their
 criminal actions by removing me as a witness against the DEA and others.
 The injection of these devices into my neck is and always was an attempt
 by the DEA to deprive me of my Civil Rights, Human Rights,
 Constitutional Rights and God given Rights. These implants were designed
 by the CIA to remove political witnesses and other threats against the
 CIA's and the DEA's organized crime network and to also protect those
 under their protection.

 You must understand that I'm very physically and somewhat mentally
 disabled from my torture by the DEA. My mind is gradually being burned
 out using the weapons systems that are integrated in these implants,
 according to the Bolles Papers read by me. I am slowly dying as the DEA
 tortures me in the most hideous ways possible. Pain and suffering are
 invisible to the eye with the use of these devices. These are the most
 technologically advanced torture and mind control systems ever designed
 by mankind, this system is and has been used widely by the DEA for over
 25 years, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of American
 citizens under the protection of the courts and the laws of the United

 [Snip many pages]

 The following is a short list of the kind of papers, files and documents
 contained in the paperwork we read through. I am limiting some of the
 details at this time for security reasons and to make this letter more
 understandable. I have never believed that all of the information
 should be released. The release of this information is only being done
 to defend myself and is an attempt by me to stop my torture by the DEA
 in the cover-up of these papers and files. Some parts of the
 information I'm sure should be released to correct past wrongs by the
 government and to stop future corruption by the government:

 1. Files and papers on the assassinations of two Presidents of the
 United States: Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.

 2. The plans of the Rockefellers, CIA and DEA to covertly direct future
 Presidential elections in the United States and place their people in
 these positions of power.

 3. The framing of pe

[CTRL] The DEA's Dirty Deeds

2001-07-04 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

To date there has been *no* mention of Charles Schlund's lawsuit against the 
government in the 'mainstream', [i.e. corporate-controlled], media. I guess that some 
subjects are just too HOT to handle!

From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: CIA Drugs
Newsgroups: alt.politics.greens, alt.politics.media,
alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.reform, alt.military,
alt.news.macedonia, alt.news-media
Date: 1999/06/17

My name is Charles A. Schlund I'm an electrical contractor in Phoenix Arizona. I'm 52 
years old 6 ft 230 lb. I was involved with out my consent in the DEA's operations of 
manufacturing and distributing drugs to the inner cities of the US. I worked from the 
early 1990's with the FBI against the CIA, DEA and others under their direction or 
control. The information I supplied the FBI cost the CIA, DEA and others
billions of dollars in lost drugs profits. I was also able to stop many of the 
assassinations under their direction and control.

The DEA obtained a court order under perjury and fabricated or created evidence to 
inject two CIA designed torture devices in my neck to torture me in an act of control 
and revenge to stop the information I
have. I have filed a federal lawsuit against the DEA for the use of torture and other 
things. My case is filed in the District of Arizona Federal Court Case Number 
CIV98-1875PHXROS. All federal agencies are
aware of this case and have been before it was filed.

My lawsuit is real and is not a normal complaint or lawsuit. The issues addressed in 
this lawsuit may be what you might call unbelievable but they are also very real and 

Congress wouldn't allow my testimony. When the CIA did their investigation they also 
wouldn't allow my testimony. My testimony is far too damaging and provable to allow me 
to testify against them.

The CIA did smuggle drugs into the US and the DEA did protect and distribute these 
drugs. Is there anything you are looking for in the way of information. The 
information I have is much worse than just this.



Mr. Schlund's lawsuit was recently [May 2001] rejected by the U.S.  Supreme Court. Are 
they trying to sweep the issues of CIA/DEA drug trafficking and the *torture* of 
American dissidents under the rug?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Fritz Springmeier's Response To His Critics

2001-06-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

From:  "James Whisler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sun Jun 10, 2001  9:19 pm
Subject:  Fw: Defamation of Fritz Springmeier





 An answer to John S. Torell’s article “Fritz Springmeier—another 
human tragedy.”
By Fritz Springmeier.

  Christ asked us to submit to defamatory statements, yet at times men of God
such as Paul had to defend themselves, and set the record straight. I’m
relieved that our time period is not as harsh in its punishments of libelous
statements as some. In old Iceland, if a person called someone a coward, they
had the right to legally kill their accuser. However the old Norman approach
might be fun. The Normans made a false accuser stand in the town center and
hold his nose and confess, “I’m a liar, I’m a liar.”  The Word 
of God teaches
that God will eventually judge every idle and malicious word we speak. Christ
warned that calling someone a fool could bring God’s total judgment.

  Recently a slanderous article came out about me by John S. Torell. He quotes a
number of scriptures and encourages the readers to reject me. However, if the
truth about me is known (and I can certainly prove my case) then the
scriptures that Torell quotes actually condemn him for spreading pure
unadulterated slanderous lies. If you are to follow Torell’s advice to shun
someone with bad fruit then you must shun Torell himself, for he has been the
perfect example of what he warns us about.

  I wish I could say I was surprised at John S. Torell’s eighteen pages of
slanderous lies but I am not. I am not the first person to be on the receiving
end of John Torell. I have only met the man one day of my life, and during
that entire day he was throwing a temper tantrum like a 3 year old in front of
hundreds of people who came to a conference with several speakers. I was very
embarrassed that a man who represents himself as a Christian minister would
throw such a childish temper tantrum because he didn’t get to speak in the
room he wanted.

  Before I give a point-by-point rebuttal to the lies Torell is spreading, I
want to hold up the Word of God. I was very pleased that Torell quoted the
Word of God. The Word of God is a two-edged sword and when Torell quotes 1 Tim
6:3-6 about men who carry out “evil surmisings…perverse disputing of men of
corrupt minds and destitute of the truth…”  those scriptures describe 
himself perfectly. Torell quotes a verse about men who “cause divisions and
deceive the hearts of the simple…” Again this is exactly what Torell is 
He calls for us to reject those with pride and have ministers who are “not
being lifted up with pride”.  I have met many ministers in my life, and during
the day I was around Torell, he was obnoxiously full of pride.
Torell gets his information from Ron Patton, my ex-wife, and probably Kurt
Billings, and who knows whom else. There is a saying “garbage in, garbage
out.”  Torell has been fed garbage and because he wanted garbage, he has
digested it, and then spewed this garbage out to the rest of the unsuspecting

  Torell accuses me of adultery. He brings no witnesses to this. He brings no
evidence of this. He just pops off and spews this slander.  While he accuses
me of being a lose cannon, Christian ministers should have evidence before
they begin publicly accusing another Christian, or as far as that goes, before
they accuse anyone. Torell is indeed a loose cannon. There is no evidence of
his accusation, because it is a lie. In fact, within his own article is
information that will help you see the lie. Before I began helping Cisco, I
met with her husband privately and got his permission to work with her. Later,
after my wife divorced me, I moved into their house with her husband’s prior
permission. When he died in June, 1999, I moved out. The entire time I was
with Cisco, I worked with her husband and he never voiced any complaint to me
about me. When people accused me of adultery to his face, he refused to
believe their lies and continued to be my friend.  As he got worse physically,
I was one of the people who cared for him, and took him to the doctor.

  Torell claims that I discourage victims of mind-control so that they give up 
commit suicide or return to their handlers.  There are a number of victims out
there who will testify on my behalf. They can testify that I gave them help as
best as I could, and never charged them a penny. In fact, besides the
thousands of hours I have sacrificed trying to help these people, I have given
gifts to victims of mind-control. I constantly encouraged Cisco, gave her
hope, and protected her. The incredible things that I have gone through to
help victims of mind-control would fill books. I have never intentionally
discouraged anyone, nor has

[CTRL] Injectable Torture Devices : How It's Done -- And Why

2001-05-14 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
ica. These disease are almost unknown in other  countries where the CIA does not 
massively inject implants like Russia and China.

  Jay Rockefeller is in charge of the investigation into the Gulf War Illness. Welcome 
to the New World Order.   Chuck


Bronx, NY 10473 - May 14, 2001

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] The DEA On Trial : Injectable Torture Devices ?

2001-05-14 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

When was the last time you heard anything about this court case on ABC, NBC, 
CNN, CBS,  Fox or Court TV ? Have you sen any stories about this case in the 
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, USA 
Today, or Wall Street Journal [or in your local paper] ? It is never 
mentioned by Time or Newsweek either. I wonder *why* ...

[For the record, while this case has worked its way through the courts over 
the last few years, the DEA has *never* denied that these injectable torture 
devices exist.]



  and RANDY D. LANG,







C.A. NO. 00-15-126

(D.CT. NO. CIV-98-1875-PHX-RCB)


On Petition For A Writ of Certiorari To The United States Supreme Court On
Appeal from the Judgment on the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

   Charles August Schlund, III
   Randy D. Lang, Attorney
   Petitioners In Pro Per
    N. 54th Drive
   Glendale, AZ   853XX
   (602) XXX- (M)



 #1. Whether the joint failure and refusal of the Central District Court and 
Circuit Appellate Court to issue, per Petitioner's continuous written 
findings of fact and conclusions of law is a gross departure from the normal 
customary course of procedure and substantial violation of Petitioners' due
process rights, thwarting Supreme Court review and eliminating a record for
review by violating mandatory procedure, justifying the Supreme Court's
supervisory review. (See, Appendix 3).


 The parties to this proceeding are Petitioners Charles August Schlund, III 
Randy D. Lang, Attorney, and Respondent, the United States Government,
Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency.


 Appellant Charles August Schlund, III and Randy D. Lang, Attorney
("Petitioners") in Pro Per, respectfully petitions for a Writ of Certiorari to
review the Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth 
in this case.

 The opinion of the Court of Appeals (Appendix No. 1) was ordered not for
publication.  The opinions of the District Court (Appendix No. 2) are


 The Court of Appeals entered its decision on December 14, 2000 (Appendix No.
1).  No Petition for Rehearing was filed. The jurisdiction of this court is
invoked under 28 U.S.C. 1254(1).

 Because the text of the citations are too voluminous, Petitioner hereby
complies with Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States ("Rule") Rule
14(f).  References are to U.S. Constitutional Provisions, Federal Statutes,
Executive Issuances and include: the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh,
Ninth, Fourteenth and Seventeenth Amendments to the United States 
Federal Torts Claim Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2671 through 2680; 28 U.S.C. §1346(b); 
U.S.C. §1964; 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983 and 1988; Protection of Human Rights Act; The
Convention Against Torture and Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment of June 26, 1987; Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 43, 52, 
65 and Federal Rules of Evidence 201(b); and the conflicting decisions of (1)
Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317 (1986) [ Summary Judgment]; Doran v.
McGinness, 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) ["mental telepathy mind control"]; and 
De Blak v. Republic of Argentina, 946 F.2d 1450 (9th Cir. 1991) [Torture by
Government officials].

Factual Background

Appellant Schlund, an ex-United States Marine, was solicited by the United
States Drug Enforcement Agency ("DEA") to participate in various activities of
an illegal nature under color of authority.  After receiving information about
the activities, he refused.  He was then set up by the DEA with fabricated
evidence and arrested and charged as being an alleged drug manufacturer in 
Creek, Arizona.  The conspiracy by the DEA to fabricate the evidence was a
planned scheme designed to enable them to create a"pretext" for reasonable
suspicion and probable cause for creating a joint investigation task force to
place Appellant Schlund under surveillance, to violate his privacy and due
process, remove Schlund as a witness to corruption in the DEA, and to violate
other constitutional protection and those of whom he comes in contact with.

Also, to discredit him as a political witness and utilize electronic
surveillance for information gathering concerning all those with whom he comes
in contact, violating other historical and constitutional rights of such
person(s) including, but not limited to, the attorney- client privilege,
physician-patient privilege, spous

[CTRL] Mind Control In Anchorage,AK ? -- Part 4

2001-05-09 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
containing steel shot at Pritchard's right thigh, the complaint said.
Pritchard dropped to the ground, still holding the knife, and the officer
fired again.

Pritchard laughed, and said "strengthen me, Father, to do your own will," the
complaint said. He raised his arms and pointed the knife toward the officers,
until a third shot sent the fillet knife flying out of his left hand, the
complaint said.

Officers piled on Pritchard when he tried to crawl to the knife, and took him
into custody at 8:43 a.m., the complaint said.

It was about 15 minutes after the 911 call.

More than 30 detectives responded Monday, and one located Pritchard's 1992
Subaru parked near the school, police said. About 30 feet from the car, a
detective found a jacket, alarm clock, and shredded piece of paper. The paper
was torn, and the detective pieced it together like a jigsaw puzzle. It was
the car's registration, with a note scrawled on the back, the complaint said.

"Remember Columbine," it said at the top, according to the complaint.

It began, "Young one, please read Revelation 13:8, 9,10." The note said the
Bible passage was a message from God and Jesus Christ to stop spending money,
to "avoid getting the mark of the beast."

"Leave all the churches behind also you can't have anything to do with them
if you want to avoid being destroyed and receive the gift of everlasting
life. Also you must have the faith that killing little children is their only
hope and don't be afraid of wicked people killing you and sending you to meet
God and Jesus," according to the complaint.

Assistant district attorney Jay Fayette said it wasn't clear if Pritchard's
citation to Revelation, chapter 13, had anything to do his actions in
classroom 13.

In the wake of the incident, teachers, officers and paramedics were called

"Everybody did what they were supposed to do," Monegan said.

Even the students handled things well, he said.

After Pritchard's hearing in court Tuesday, the grandparents of the Moy
brothers stood stunned outside the Anchorage courthouse.

"Evidently he's sick," said Keith Leonard, the grandfather.

Keith Leonard who stood behind his shaking wife Wilma, wrapped his arm her
and held her hand.

"I came just to find out. To just get a look at him," Wilma Leonard said.

Their grandchildren were doing well, Keith Leonard said.

Billy had surgery on his voice box, Wilma Leonard said. At one point, doctors
warned he might have lost his voice, she said.

"He called me on the phone and said 'Grandma, I'm talking,' " she said.

He also asked for hash browns.

The slash on Eric's neck came close to his jugular vein, she said.

Keith and Wilma Leonard said the family hadn't talked about the children
returning to school. For now, the family is focused on healing, they said.

Reporter Molly Brown can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 257-4343. Reporters
Lucas Wall and Doug O'Harra contributed to this story.



Bronx,NY 10473   May 9, 2001

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mind Control In Anchorage,AK -- Part 3

2001-05-09 Thread Martin F. Abernathy
 had given to him. She said that Pritchard
talked about God and sex with her son, and had said that "God and Mary didn't
have sex, but they still had a baby" She said that the man asked her son to
go to the store to get a soda and talk about God. She said her son walked
away soon after.

The next day, Pritchard approached her son again, and immediately began to
discuss sex and puberty, and gave her son a Bible. Pritchard contacted the
boy several more times over the following days. He called the family home,
and followed the boy around Homer. On one occasion, Pritchard followed this
boy all the way, despite one bystander telling him to leave the boy alone.
When the boy's mother saw Pritchard following her son home, she came out of
her house, and yelled and screamed at him to leave her son alone.

The boy subsequently told the police that because Pritchard was constantly
following him and speaking about sexual matters, the he was placed in fear
that Pritchard would molest or kill him. Pritchard was subsequently arrested
for Stalking 1_. He was convicted of Stalking 2_ in case #3HO-S98-159 on 24
June 1998.

5 December 1998; APD report #98-67671

Anchorage Rescue Mission staff called APD on 5 December 1998 to report that a
man walked in to the Rescue Mission, at 2823 E. Tudor, threw several thousand
dollars of cash in the air, dropped his duffel bag complete with identifying
information and left. Police eventually collected $4,398 in cash, and the
duffel bag, and logged it all into evidence.

As throwing away one's own cash does not constitute a crime, it appears,
appropriately, that no criminal charges were ever filed as a result of this
incident. While not a crime, one draws the obvious connection between this
episode and the admonition for children to avoid "spending money" in the note
found by Detective Bales in the woods near Mountain View Elementary on the
morning of 7 May 2001.

6 December 1998; APD report #98-67757; court case 3AN-M98-10400

APD officers were dispatched to the Kingdom Hall Church on 6 December 1998
reference a suicidal man. When police arrived, they saw several men
restraining Pritchard. Police interviewed church members, who said that
Pritchard entered the church about halfway through services. Then, he stood
up, and began shouting that "everyone must commit suicide to see God."
Officer Fifer's report. Pritchard continued for about five minutes, and was
asked to leave. When he refused, he was escorted off the property. He
returned, would not leave, and was removed a second time. He returned as
police arrived. Sergeant Webster noted in his report, that, as police
arrived, he was attempting to return to the church a third time.

Pritchard was charged under court case #3AN-M98-10400. Based upon undersigned
counsel's review of the Municipal Prosecutor's Office files, it appears that
the defendant was not actually arraigned in court for many weeks because the
defendant was placed on suicide watch at CIPT and Hiland Mountain. It appears
that the court was told that the defendant was on 'hunger strike' for a
period in December 1998.

Eventually, the defendant was arraigned, and entered a plea. The case appears
to have been the subject of a competency proceeding and ultimately an
extended sentencing hearing at which psychological testimony was presented by
Drs. Maile and Sperbeck. 24 February 1999; Judge Rhoades.

9 March 1999; APD report #99-13027

On 9 March 1999, API staff telephoned APD to report that Pritchard was making
death threats regarding children. API staff members told APD officers that
the defendant, "long had beliefs about killing children". The staff member
told APD that Pritchard "talks about killing children because of 'religious
beliefs', because they are 'innocent', and he has self-castrated himself as
part of his overall beliefs." (In fact, APD Detective Glen actually saw
Pritchard disrobed at ARH on 7 May 2001, and reported that Pritchard's penis
appeared artificially truncated.)

The API staff member told APD officer that Pritchard had spoken of a plan he
had to "escape and go to his brother's residence, steal his guns, and murder
his brother's girlfriend's children." The APD report indicates that the
officers made attempts to warn Pritchard's brother at the last known address
the police had for him.



Dated at Anchorage, Alaska, this 8th day of May, 2001.



James J. Fayette
Assistant District Attorney
Alaska Bar No. 9106035

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 8th day of May, 2001 at Anchorage,

Notary Public in and for Alaska
My commission expires: 08/07/2004



Bronx,NY 10473   May 9, 2001


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