Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-25 Thread James A. Donald
On 23 Oct 2004 at 23:37, Adam wrote:
 You know, the more I read posts by Mr. Donald, the more I
 believe that he is quite possibly the most apt troll I have
 ever encountered.

Why don't you pick one particular factual claim, for example
that Bin Laden was a CIA agent, and defend it, instead of
confidently asserting all this wild baloney, and deffending
past baloney with an endless stream of new baloney, pronounced
with equal confidence? 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-25 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald wrote:
   You guys just keep making up facts.
  There were no branches of the armed services in the towers. 
  You are just spouting bullshit, like the story that Osama 
  Bin Laden was trained by the CIA, that Saddam was installed 
  in a CIA coup, and all those similar lies made up to 
  rationalize terror.

 OK - I'm out of this discussion.  This is either just the 
 worlds most elaborate troll, or Donald's brain is dense 
 enough to used when we finally run out of depleted uranium.

In other words you are not willing to either disown or defend 
any of the claims listed above.  Like Chomsky, you want to 
imply they are obviously true, without quite committing 
yourself to say in so many words that they are true.

Nail your colors to the mast. Pick one of the above and defend

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-25 Thread Eugen Leitl

Can you guys please take it outside? The majority of us just isn't

On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 12:49:52PM -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

 Nail your colors to the mast. Pick one of the above and defend

Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-25 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Hash: SHA1

At 9:56 PM +0200 10/24/04, Eugen Leitl wrote:
Can you guys please take it outside? The majority of us just isn't

Oh, please. TantoWho's this us, white man?/Tanto

Personally, I'm having a lot of fun watching this.

What amazes me the most is that no matter how finely James cuts his
logic, I'm still following him through the changes -- and I end up
agreeing with him to boot. Tim McVeigh made a direct attack on his
own nation-state because he thought it impeded progress and freedom.
Islamist barbarians, and other luddite neo-feudal terrorists, attack
the public in order to weaken their resolve to support their
nation-state so they can impose, well, luddite neo-feudal barbarism.
Fuck that.

The libertarian argument against war is the most ethical one that
exists, as far as ethics goes, but physics causes philosophy, not the
other way around. From where I sit it looks to me that, whether he's
trying to or not, James has been making about the best case for
classic liberalism -- as opposed to recent cryptocommunist
liberalism that can't even use that heisted label anymore -- I've
seen in a very long time, and certainly around here.

Look, guys, the internal and external use of force is just about the
only legitimate act of a state there is anymore, and ethics has
almost nothing to do with it. Force monopolies are an *economic* fact
of life, no matter how much anarcho-capitalists -- like myself --
wish it weren't so.

Call it Coase's revenge, or whatever you want, but transaction costs
are sufficiently high in markets for force that they create local
monopolies. These monopolies tend to gigantism because high-speed --
but still human-mediated -- communication in those markets causes
large information hierarchies and concomitant economies of scale.

Modern geodesic communications have started to reverse that, the
Afghan war is a case in point, heck, the collapse of the Soviet Union
into multiple states, possibly recursively from now on, is a
canonical example.  China's current cohesivity is a perfect exception
to the rule, more a testament to their common 5000-year cultural
heritage and their rapid adoption of market economics than anything
else, the same as America's, for the time being, though for a much
shorter period of time and for entirely different cultural reasons,
freedom vs. feudalism, and all that.

Nonetheless, humanity is probably a long way from completely
*private* markets for force with a collapse to the bottom of
recursively smaller nation-state firms in the meantime.

My point is, you dance with the girl that brung ya. If the only way
to kill barbarians is to kill barbarians in their bed before they
kill you in yours, to pave over nation-states that support them,
starting with the easiest first, it can't happen fast enough, as far
as I'm concerned, and I'll gladly vote my expropriated tax-dollars
for the purpose of draining the swamp that is the Middle East.

Hell, the fact that every middle-class born-again
islamofundamentalist jihadi freedom-fighter in the world is making
a beeline for Fallujah, makes me *happy*. They're doing our work for
us. Concentrate their forces, go in in force, shoot whoever shoots at
you, and let Allah sort 'em out; wait for newbies to fill the bowl
again and flush, um, liberally, until they stop clogging the
porcelain like so much human excrement.

Finally, the more that those expenditures on external force bankrupt
the welfare system, and all the other anticoagulant bribes that
democratic force-monopolies use to keep the tax-catheter from
clotting up, the happier I'll be anyway. That's what Reagan did,
deficits and all, and if it puts second-tier genocides out of
business the way that he did to the first-tier ones, then America,
Fuck Yeah.

Finally,  apropos of every political development on this list since
November 2000, and especially 9/11, doesn't everyone find it
positively apocryphal that all the former Republican libertarians,
anarcho-capitalists, crypto-anarchists, whatever, reverted
instantlyl to Republicans, and the former Democrats doing the same?
Even the lifelong Libertarians are positively transparent in their
underlying politics at times like these.

Binary choices are such a bitch, ¿Si?


Version: PGP 8.0.3


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 James A. Donald
   All of the terrorists came from countries that were
   beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi
   Arabia was certainly not under attack.  If they were
   Palestinians, and they hit the Pentagon but not the two
   towers, then they would be defending themselves.

 John Kelsey
  I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which you
  differentiate hitting the two towers from the Oklaholma City

 The pentagon did not have a branch office in the two towers.
 BATF had an office in the Murrah building.

Bzzzt!  Try again.

There were a number of federales in the towers, INCLUDING atf, all the
various branches of the armed services, and a large number of spook proxy

  So they killed a whole bunch of people, most of whom had
  nothing to do with what they opposed, but surely including
  people who were doing business with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

 Was McViegh targeting people who do business with BATF?

 Besides which the terrorists did not target them for doing
 business with Israel, but for World Trade - globalization and
 all that.

Personal knowledge?


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread James A. Donald
On 22 Oct 2004 at 11:12, Bill Stewart wrote:
 James - Many, perhaps most, of the POWs at Gitmo weren't
 foreigners, they were Afghans.  Many of the POWs at Gitmo
 probably were Al-Qaeda or other organized paramilitary
 groups.  But many of them were described by the US
 propagandists as Taliban fighters - the military arm of the
 local central government who were legitimate to the extent
 that any group of warlords who are the current king of the
 hill are legitimate,

Firstly, much of the Taliban is Pakistani, not Afghan.

Secondly, if the Taliban were legitimate, their enemies may
lock them up for the duration of the war as POWs, Since some
elements of the Taliban have not laid down their arms, Taliban
prisoners may held for the duration, as POWs, even if they
fought in a manner equivalent to fighting in uniform.

The Taliban were illegitimate, not on legal grounds, but
because they were evil.

 If someone was in the Taliban, then those threatened by the
Taliban have a strong case for locking him up, just as we
locked up nazis. Thirdly a government that systematically
depopulates large areas of the territory it supposedly rules is
not as legitimate as warlords with genuine local roots and
traditional authority, who for the most part came to power
through religious or military leadership in a spontaneous
revolution against tyranny.  No one in the Northern alliance
ever controlled territory though ethnic cleansing.

I can easily imagine circumstances where ethnic cleansing is a
legitimate response to an intransigent enemy with strong roots
in the local population - but the fact that the Taliban used
such measures shows they did not have strong roots in the local

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 01:03 PM 10/23/04 -0400, John Kelsey wrote:
Blowing up a building full of random people because a few of them are
associated with some action you really disagree with is just outside
the realm of the sort of moral decision I can figure out.  Just like
flying planes into buildings full of people with almost nothing to do
with what you're really getting at.
--John Kelsey

Osama et al suffer from the belief that Americans chose their leaders
and thus are responsible for their actions.  They also observe that
the only language americans understand is dead civilians inside the
Ergo WTC feedback.

Tim McV may have somewhat analogously assumed that all Feds would
take notice of his feedback.

(In addition, the WTC demolishion got a disproportionate number
of jews, just as Okla did get a few BATF goons.  But the message was
more generally intended.)

Consider: If a crip whacks your homey, you needn't pop *that* crip to
make your
point.  Any crip will do.  Snipe a few tax collectors and all Caesar's
take note.


Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread James A. Donald
John Kelsey
   I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which
   you differentiate hitting the two towers from the
   Oklaholma City bombing.

James A. Donald:
  The pentagon did not have a branch office in the two
  towers. BATF had an office in the Murrah building.

J.A. Terranson
 Bzzzt!  Try again.

 There were a number of federales in the towers, INCLUDING
 atf, all the various branches of the armed services, and a
 large number of spook proxy points.

 You guys just keep making up facts.

There were no branches of the armed services in the towers.
You are just spouting bullshit, like the story that Osama Bin
Laden was trained by the CIA, that Saddam was installed in a
CIA coup, and all those similar lies made up to rationalize
terror.  Just a few posts ago someone posted that old one that
the US started the Korean war by attacking North Korea, in
order to make the US rich by imposing poverty on Koreans,
despite the fact that we now have the records of Stalin
ordering the attack, and despite the obvious and dramatic
difference in wealth everywhere between the two sides of the
line where the iron curtain used to be - and still is in Korea.

The same people spout the new lies in the same breath as they
spout the old lies. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread James A. Donald
On 23 Oct 2004 at 19:25, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 There are all givens to the rest of us - I am trying to fit
 these arguments into Donald's Reality Distortion Field.

Is it also a given to you, as it is to Tyler, that the US
attacked North Korea, and that the reason for this attack was
to make Koreans poor so that Americans could be rich?

Is it also a given to you that the CIA trained Bin Laden?

Is it also a given to you that the CIA installed Saddam?

Is it a given to you, as it is to Tyler, that the countries on
the communist side of the former iron curtain were more
successful economically than their neighbors or countrymen on
the other side?

Is it a given to you that Jews did not turn up for work in the
two towers the day they fell?

Is it a given to you that Arbenz was democratically elected, and that 
the guerrilas in Guatemala were an indigenous popular movement that 
could have won free and fair elections had they been permitted?

Is it a given to you that Alger Hiss was framed?

Perhaps you need to check some of these givens.

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 The Taliban were illegitimate, not on legal grounds, but
 because they were evil.

Using this line of reasoning, Shrub is ripe for that overdue case of
high velocity lead poisoning.

  If someone was in the Taliban, then those threatened by the
 Taliban have a strong case for locking him up, just as we
 locked up nazis. Thirdly a government that systematically
 depopulates large areas of the territory it supposedly rules is
 not as legitimate as warlords with genuine local roots and
 traditional authority, who for the most part came to power
 through religious or military leadership in a spontaneous
 revolution against tyranny.

And if the local warlords are also participating in a vast depopulation,
then what?

  No one in the Northern alliance
 ever controlled territory though ethnic cleansing.

 I can easily imagine circumstances where ethnic cleansing is a
 legitimate response to an intransigent enemy with strong roots
 in the local population - but the fact that the Taliban used
 such measures shows they did not have strong roots in the local

You don't see a circular problem here?


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread Tyler Durden
Let us not forget the more tangible 'value' in bombing the WTC and messing 
up things downtown. First of all, the companies in the WTC were, to say the 
least, impacted (actually, the company I work for lost 11 people and 
relocated to NJ for about a year)hitting them (and their workers) was 
probably not considered collateral damage by Al Qaeda, any more than 
bombing German or japanese urban production centers was considered that for 
the allies in WWII. Next comes the financial district and Wall Street as a 
whole. The third (and as it turned out by far the most impactful) was the 
destruction of the Telecom Central Office in #4 World Trade Center, along 
with bringing off-line the big Verizon CO across the street. These actually 
caused Wall Street to be knocked off line for several days, an impact that 
is hard to underestimate. And while I suspect that Al-Qaeda were probably 
unaware in advance of the impact on Telecom, the rest was certainly a 
conscious decision.

From: J.A. Terranson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Airport insanity
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 15:14:22 -0500 (CDT)
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
 James A. Donald
   All of the terrorists came from countries that were
   beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi
   Arabia was certainly not under attack.  If they were
   Palestinians, and they hit the Pentagon but not the two
   towers, then they would be defending themselves.

 John Kelsey
  I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which you
  differentiate hitting the two towers from the Oklaholma City

 The pentagon did not have a branch office in the two towers.
 BATF had an office in the Murrah building.
Bzzzt!  Try again.
There were a number of federales in the towers, INCLUDING atf, all the
various branches of the armed services, and a large number of spook proxy
  So they killed a whole bunch of people, most of whom had
  nothing to do with what they opposed, but surely including
  people who were doing business with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

 Was McViegh targeting people who do business with BATF?

 Besides which the terrorists did not target them for doing
 business with Israel, but for World Trade - globalization and
 all that.
Personal knowledge?
J.A. Terranson
An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core
	S. Plath, Temper of Time
Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to 
School Guide!

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread Tiarnán Ó Corráin

Steve Furlong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [1] The defensive aspect here is to allow the attackers to attack from 
 distance beyond the reach of the other side's active defenses, thus not 
 risking anything more than a piece of overpriced electronics.

 If some asshole is coming at you with a knife, it's cowardly to shoot
 him before he's in range? Dumbass.

Except that ol' Sodom didn't come for you...

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 11:37:02PM -0400, Adam wrote:

 None-the-less, this has been one of the more inteteresting (and
 infuriating) threads in recent memory of Cypherpunks. I'm glad we're
 going through it with such vigor.

That thread bores me to tears.

I miss technical content. Or, at least, a few pointers of where the action
is. I'm tinkering with Nehemiah's RNG (/dev/hw_random is next to useless
without a patch), and about to start using PadLock patches, once C5P hardware
arrives. I'm also going to look into OpenBSD, once 3.6 is up on mirrors.

What is happening in TCP/IP level traffic remixing? P2P apps? Can someone in
the know provide a boilerplate, or at least a list of raw URLs?

Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  The Taliban were illegitimate, not on legal grounds, but 
  because they were evil.

J.A. Terranson
 Using this line of reasoning, Shrub is ripe for that 
 overdue case of high velocity lead poisoning.

Doubtless he is, but to suggest that he is comparably evil to 
the taliban casts doubt on your sanity.

James A. Donald:
  Thirdly a government that systematically depopulates large 
  areas of the territory it supposedly rules is not as 
  legitimate as warlords with genuine local roots and 
  traditional authority, who for the most part came to power 
  through religious or military leadership in a spontaneous 
  revolution against tyranny.

J.A. Terranson
 And if the local warlords are also participating in a vast 
 depopulation, then what?

But the Warlords are not.  Under the Taliban, huge numbers of 
people fled Afghanistan, under the Northern alliance, they 

 James A. Donald

James may be a dick, but y'all sound like pussies to me...(was Re: Airport insanity)

2004-10-24 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 11:37 PM -0400 10/23/04, Adam wrote:
You know, the more I read posts by Mr. Donald, the more I believe that
he is quite possibly the most apt troll I have ever encountered.

No, that was Tim May. The world champion troll if there ever was one --
among other things. :-).

James is right, of course. He may be a dick, but you guys are starting to
sound an awful lot like assholes. Or maybe just pussies who are full of
shit. :-).

See below for details, and click the link, if you want more gems. Better
yet, go see the movie. I'm still laughing.

BTW, the correct response to my argument, above, the one Tim would take,
anyway, is that Team America is puerile, and so, he might add in passing,
am I for citing it. Don't forget to do Tim May mocking Team America with a
perfectly puerile imitation, or something, while you're at it. Don't forget
to correct their or my grammar, haircuts, etc., either, for that matter...


Memorable Quotes from
Team America: World Police (2004)

Gary Johnston : We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And
the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies
dont like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck
assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think
they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a
asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too
much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them
that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become
assholes themselves. Because pussies are a inch and half away from
assholes. I don't know much about this crazy crazy world, but I do know
this. If you don't let us fuck this asshole we're going to have our dicks
and pussies all covered in shit.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread Adam
You know, the more I read posts by Mr. Donald, the more I believe that
he is quite possibly the most apt troll I have ever encountered. It is
quite apparent from reading his responses that he is obviously an
exceptionally intelligent (academically anyway) individual. I find it
hard to believe that such intelligence could reside in a person with
such critically flawed core beliefs. 

I have a hunch that Mr. Donald is instead playing the role of an
elaborate devil's advocate, furiously defending his stance against
retaliations by our fellow Cypherpunks. Tyler Durden mentioned this
hypothesis many emails ago, and I believe him to be accurate, especially
since Mr. Donald never responded to the charge.

None-the-less, this has been one of the more inteteresting (and
infuriating) threads in recent memory of Cypherpunks. I'm glad we're
going through it with such vigor.


On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 09:39:05 -0700, James A. Donald
 Thomas Shaddack:
 It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who 
 knows when being interested in anon e-cash will become a 
 ground to blacklist *you*.
 James A. Donald:
I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)
 Bill Stewart
  More likely, when anon ecash money-launderers start being 
  accused of funding terrorist activities.
 When e-currency handlers (cambists) are accused of money 
 laundering terrorist's money, the feds steal the money, but 
 they do not obstruct them from travelling, or, surprisingly, 
 even from doing business - well, perhaps not so surprisingly, 
 for if they stopped them from doing business there would be 
 nothing to steal.
 When the state uses repressive measures against those that seek 
 to murder us, there is still a large gap between that and using 
 repressive measures against everyone.
 We are not terrorists, we don't look like terrorists, we don't 
 sound like terrorists. Indeed, the more visible real terrorists 
 are, the less even Tim McViegh looks like a terrorist and the 
 more he looks like a patriot.
 When people are under attack they are going to lash out, to 
 kill and destroy.  Lashing out an external enemy, real or 
 imaginary, is a healthy substitute for lashing out at internal 
 enemies.  We do not have a choice of peace, merely a choice 
 between war against external or internal enemies.   Clearly, 
 war against external enemies is less dangerous to freedom.
 War is dangerous to freedom, but we do not have a choice of 
 peace.  The question is where the war is to be fought - in 
 America, or elsewhere.  War within America will surely destroy 
 What we need to fear is those that talk about the home front 
 and internal security, those who claim that Christians are as 
 big a threat as Muslims - or that black Muslims are as big a
 threat as Middle Eastern Muslims. 
  James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
  All of the terrorists came from countries that were 
  beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi 
  Arabia was certainly not under attack.  If they were 
  Palestinians, and they hit the Pentagon but not the two 
  towers, then they would be defending themselves.

John Kelsey
 I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which you 
 differentiate hitting the two towers from the Oklaholma City 

The pentagon did not have a branch office in the two towers. 
BATF had an office in the Murrah building.

 So they killed a whole bunch of people, most of whom had 
 nothing to do with what they opposed, but surely including 
 people who were doing business with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Was McViegh targeting people who do business with BATF?

Besides which the terrorists did not target them for doing 
business with Israel, but for World Trade - globalization and
all that. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread J.A. Terranson

There are all givens to the rest of us - I am trying to fit these
arguments into Donald's Reality Distortion Field.


On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 19:41:45 -0400
 From: Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Airport insanity

 Let us not forget the more tangible 'value' in bombing the WTC and messing
 up things downtown. First of all, the companies in the WTC were, to say the
 least, impacted (actually, the company I work for lost 11 people and
 relocated to NJ for about a year)hitting them (and their workers) was
 probably not considered collateral damage by Al Qaeda, any more than
 bombing German or japanese urban production centers was considered that for
 the allies in WWII. Next comes the financial district and Wall Street as a
 whole. The third (and as it turned out by far the most impactful) was the
 destruction of the Telecom Central Office in #4 World Trade Center, along
 with bringing off-line the big Verizon CO across the street. These actually
 caused Wall Street to be knocked off line for several days, an impact that
 is hard to underestimate. And while I suspect that Al-Qaeda were probably
 unaware in advance of the impact on Telecom, the rest was certainly a
 conscious decision.


 From: J.A. Terranson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Airport insanity
 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 15:14:22 -0500 (CDT)
 On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
   James A. Donald
 All of the terrorists came from countries that were
 beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi
 Arabia was certainly not under attack.  If they were
 Palestinians, and they hit the Pentagon but not the two
 towers, then they would be defending themselves.
   John Kelsey
I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which you
differentiate hitting the two towers from the Oklaholma City
   The pentagon did not have a branch office in the two towers.
   BATF had an office in the Murrah building.
 Bzzzt!  Try again.
 There were a number of federales in the towers, INCLUDING atf, all the
 various branches of the armed services, and a large number of spook proxy
So they killed a whole bunch of people, most of whom had
nothing to do with what they opposed, but surely including
people who were doing business with Saudi Arabia and Israel.
   Was McViegh targeting people who do business with BATF?
   Besides which the terrorists did not target them for doing
   business with Israel, but for World Trade - globalization and
   all that.
 Personal knowledge?
 J.A. Terranson
  An ill wind is stalking
  while evil stars whir
  and all the gold apples
  go bad to the core
  S. Plath, Temper of Time

 Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to
 School Guide!


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread John Young
There were several USG offices in the Twin Towers, some of
them intelligence. In addition, CIA was located in 7 WTC, along 
with Secret Service and military offices. The military offices
were used as cover for the others. There was far more USG in 
WTC than in Murrah, and the lesson learned in OKC was no doubt 
useful to the attackers: collateral hurt to innocents is magnitudes
more powerful than hitting military targets -- that is what
strategic bombing was invented to demonstrate, not to say 
threatening with WMDs, a practice invented by the US and
which remains its primary defense strategy.

The cause and effect between USG WMD threats and terrorist 
attacks is yet to be fully admitted outside military circles: the
military accepts that innocents will be slaughtered, and the
winner must slaughter the most. 

Terrorism to the military is a nuisance even when a few of its 
troops are picked off.

The losses in Iraq do not even make a blip on expected
casualties of a major war. More military have died in
conventional accidents, murders and suicides around the 
world than have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

But those in the Middle East have greater utility for the military 
to boost its suck for more funds and more our boys and girls
sacrifice and more bawling in congress and the presidential 
campaign about protecting the nation, defense cut-back not
even a dream since ever so convienent 9/11.

Murrah bombing helped the battle against homeland militants,
and WTC got the ball rolling for battle overseas.

Who planned them is yet to be revealed, but the usual suspects
don't mean shit.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

  You guys just keep making up facts.

 There were no branches of the armed services in the towers.
 You are just spouting bullshit, like the story that Osama Bin
 Laden was trained by the CIA, that Saddam was installed in a
 CIA coup, and all those similar lies made up to rationalize

OK - I'm out of this discussion.  This is either just the worlds most
elaborate troll, or Donald's brain is dense enough to used when we finally
run out of depleted uranium.


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread John Kelsey
From: Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 23, 2004 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

Let us not forget the more tangible 'value' in bombing the WTC and messing 
up things downtown. First of all, the companies in the WTC were, to say the 
least, impacted (actually, the company I work for lost 11 people and 
relocated to NJ for about a year)hitting them (and their workers) was 
probably not considered collateral damage by Al Qaeda, any more than 
bombing German or japanese urban production centers was considered that for 
the allies in WWII. 

Right.  I don't visualize OBL  Co sitting up nights trying to decide whether their 
next attack needlessly terrorizes civilians, I think that's a decision they already 
made.  I'm pointing out that once you've started justifying acts of terror by people 
you agree with, it seems to be quite hard to draw any meaningful line between them and 
Al Qaida.  Now, this causes no problem for me--OBL, Tim McVeigh, the Unabomber, they 
all look like remorseless murderers to me, and I see the differences between them 
mainly in terms of how effective and dangerous they are.  

And while I suspect that Al-Qaeda were probably 
unaware in advance of the impact on Telecom, the rest was certainly a 
conscious decision.

I don't know if this was a goal, exactly, but the other thing the 9/11 attacks 
achieved was to scare the hell out of the power elite in the country, especially the 
people at the top of government, media, and finance.  That made all kinds of dumb 
responses (some parts of the Patriot act, Bush's breathtaking claim of the power to 
lock up citizens without trial, his administration's equally breathtaking claim that 
he could ignore laws and treaties against torture on his authority, the invasion of 
Iraq) possible.  



Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-24 Thread Dave Howe
Adam wrote:
You know, the more I read posts by Mr. Donald, the more I believe that
he is quite possibly the most apt troll I have ever encountered. It is
quite apparent from reading his responses that he is obviously an
exceptionally intelligent (academically anyway) individual. I find it
hard to believe that such intelligence could reside in a person with
such critically flawed core beliefs. 
You forget SternFud so easily?

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-23 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 22, 2004 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

All of the terrorists came from countries that were
beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi Arabia
was certainly not under attack.  If they were Palestinians, and
they hit the Pentagon but not the two towers, then they would
be defending themselves.

I'm still trying to understand the moral theory on which you differentiate hitting the 
two towers from the Oklaholma City bombing.  McVeigh (not a branch davidian) wanted to 
strike back at the BATF for the Waco massacre, so he killed a whole bunch of people, a 
few of whom were BATF employees, but not, as far as I know, anyone directly involved 
in the decisions that led to all the deaths in Waco.  The 9/11 hijackers wanted to 
strike at the US for a variety of reasons, probably mostly that we're a big, visible 
target, but presumably also that we're propping up states like Saudi Arabia.  So they 
killed a whole bunch of people, most of whom had nothing to do with what they opposed, 
but surely including people who were doing business with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

If McVeigh had used a sniper rifle to kill the specific BATF agent who called for the 
raid/media event on the Branch Davidians' compound, I'd still think he deserved to 
either die or spend his life in prison, but at least I could somehow fathom the moral 
decision to do what he'd done--like the pro-life terrorists (ah, the irony) who 
assassinate abortionists.  They need to be locked up, but you can at least see what 
they were thinking.  Blowing up a building full of random people because a few of them 
are associated with some action you really disagree with is just outside the realm of 
the sort of moral decision I can figure out.  Just like flying planes into buildings 
full of people with almost nothing to do with what you're really getting at.  

 James A. Donald

--John Kelsey

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-23 Thread Bill Stewart
At 02:20 AM 10/21/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
Doubtless there are some innocents in Gautenamo - but the usual
reason they are there is for being foreigners in Afghanistan in
the middle of a war with no adequate explanation.
At 09:21 AM 10/22/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
 J.A. Terranson
  No.  We are under attack by those DEFENDING THEMSELVES.
 All of the terrorists came from countries that were
 beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.
James - Many, perhaps most, of the POWs at Gitmo weren't foreigners,
they were Afghans.  Many of the POWs at Gitmo probably were Al-Qaeda
or other organized paramilitary groups.  But many of them were
described by the US propagandists as Taliban fighters -
the military arm of the local central government who were
legitimate to the extent that any group of warlords
who are the current king of the hill are legitimate,
and not too many months before the invasion,
the US government was giving those same Taliban $43million
because they were so helpful in our War on Drugs.
And sure, they're a nasty bunch, but so are many of the
anti-communist military juntas the US supported over the years.
It wasn't like the US didn't know the Taliban were
tolerating anti-American terrorist groups at the time -
Clinton's Pentagon had bombed some of the camps in ~97
as well as the Sudan medical factory in response to
bin Laden's bombing of the US embassies in Africa.
Also, perhaps you don't realize this, but many countries
with central governments do allow foreigners to stay there,
whether as immigrants, tourists, guestworkers, businessmen,
students, or attendees of terrorist training camps like the
School of the Americas or the Osama bin Laden gang.
Countries without effective central governments are usually
more flexible about such things, and cultures that are
tribally organized with colonialist-drawn boundaries
are also less likely to be picky about it, though they may
be more picky about whose tribal land you're in.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-22 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 On 21 Oct 2004 at 13:41, Sunder wrote:
  No you imbecile, I'm telling no one anything, other than you
  to get a clue.  Where did I tell people who are under attack
  to suck it up?

 When you tell us it is horrible to lock up in Gautenamo people
 who show every sign of trying to kill us ,

Which is why your great white leader is releasing them?

 and that we deserve
 their past efforts to kill us,

We do.

 efforts that some of them
 promptly resumed on release.  We are under attack, and you are
 telling us to suck it up.

No.  We are under attack by those DEFENDING THEMSELVES.  We shouldn't be
doing anything put putting a bullet into Georgies brain (not that any
projectile is likely to find a target consisting entirely of two
already deficient cells, but...) and minding our own business.  Oh, and
cutting off every single nickel of funding to our partners in the
mass-murderer olympics - Israel.

  James A. Donald


J.A. Terranson

An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core

S. Plath, Temper of Time

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-22 Thread James A. Donald
On 21 Oct 2004 at 13:41, Sunder wrote:
 No you imbecile, I'm telling no one anything, other than you 
 to get a clue.  Where did I tell people who are under attack 
 to suck it up?

When you tell us it is horrible to lock up in Gautenamo people 
who show every sign of trying to kill us , and that we deserve 
their past efforts to kill us, efforts that some of them 
promptly resumed on release.  We are under attack, and you are
telling us to suck it up. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-22 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald wrote:
  We are under attack, and you are telling us to suck it up.

J.A. Terranson
 No.  We are under attack by those DEFENDING THEMSELVES.

All of the terrorists came from countries that were
beneficiaries of an immense amount of US help.  Saudi Arabia
was certainly not under attack.  If they were Palestinians, and
they hit the Pentagon but not the two towers, then they would
be defending themselves.

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-22 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 20, 2004 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

Lots of murderous terrorists have been released from Guatanamo, 
and in the nearly all cases the most serious of their 
complaints make it sound like a beach resort, except for the 
fact that they could not leave.

Maybe I missed that.  All but one of the comments I read about involved a lot of 
complaints about mistreatment, albeit often with the admission that Gitmo was still 
better than being in an Afghan prison.  As a nitpick, though, it's not at all clear 
that most of the people at Gitmo were really terrorists, or even murderers.  None of 
them has had a trial, few have even had hearings, and many were released as not a 
threat to us.  (They may still be a threat to everyone else around them.)  

A few have more serious complaints.  Either they are lying or, 
those who say they were well treated apart from being held 
captive are lying. 

Surely the other alternative is that only some prisoners are subjected to torture, 
e.g., the ones that look to have some serious intelligence value.

 James A. Donald


Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-22 Thread James A. Donald
On 22 Oct 2004 at 0:00, John Kelsey wrote:
 All but one of the comments I read about involved a lot of 
 complaints about mistreatment, albeit often with the 
 admission that Gitmo was still better than being in an Afghan 
 prison. As a nitpick, though, it's not at all clear that most 
 of the people at Gitmo were really terrorists, or even 

Most of them were non Afghans in Afghanistan in the middle of a 
war and no plausible explanation of their presence, which makes 
it fairly certain they had signed up Bin Laden and company.  So 
if they had not personally targeted women and children, they 
had signed up with an organization that they know rapes and 
murders.   Don't give me that moral relativism crap that their 
view of themselves as heroes is as just as valid as our view of 
them as vicious subhuman monsters.

 None of them has had a trial, few have even had hearings, and 
 many were released as not a threat to us.  (They may still be 
 a threat to everyone else around them.)

Different rules apply in war.

Now if the president got away with the principle that an enemy 
combatant captured in time of war is anyone the president 
designates as an enemy combatant, *then* I would be worried 
about the fact that they did not get trials and all that.

In a guerilla war or terrorist war, war rules are even more 
dangerous to liberty than usual since the battlefield is 
everywhere.   However in this case the application of the rules 
of war, rather than peace, is legitimate.  They are for the 
most part foreigners picked up in Afghanistan, where the usual 
wartime rule is that if you cannot give a plausible account of 
yourself, they will skin you.

While we should be very concerned that the chronic war on 
terror may lead to rules of war extending to everyday life, 
rules of war are still necessary to deal with large scale 
enemies with the capability to control territory and exclude 
the forces of justice.  We should not apply rules of war to 
some terrorists snatched in New York - that would be dangerous 
to the freedom of the ordinary New Yorker, but if the 
government snatches terrorists in Afghanistan or near Fallujah, 
rules of war should apply.

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Oct 2004 at 21:27, Sunder wrote:

 I repeat:

 And you were there and kept an eye on each and every guard, 
 interrogator, and prisoner to make sure that the POW's 
 weren't tortured?

We know torture did not occur, because lots of people have been 
released who were and are extremely hostile to the US, and who 
do not claim torture.

 And you were there and witnessed the attrocities that said 
 prisoners committed in order to be placed in Gitmo?

Why do you assert that the US must be guilty unless it can be
proven innocent by extraordinary evidence, but the detainees
must be innocent unless they can be proven guilty by
extraordinary evidence?

Doubtless there are some innocents in Gautenamo - but the usual 
reason they are there is for being foreigners in Afghanistan in 
the middle of a war with no adequate explanation. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-21 Thread Sunder

I made no claims, you did, rather I asked you sarcastically to validate
your claims, after which you further assumed on top of other mistaken
assumptions, that I made claims countering yours, which I did not.

Perhaps you should examine your own words.

IMHO, you are a misguided armchair general who sees yourself as equal to 
those scumbags that have risen in power to lead or enslave nations since 
you seem to constantly say they should have done X, and not Y and are 
constantly seeking to go against with reality with W should be the case, 
not X even though W cannot happen while X does.  Yes, that is my 
unprofessional opinion.  And yet, while impotent to achive your views of 
reality, you insist on sharing it, as if anyone gives a rats ass.

It was entertaining, but it's getting old.

I doubt that it would be long before you'll be sporting a tin foil hat.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 On 20 Oct 2004 at 21:27, Sunder wrote:
  I repeat:
  And you were there and kept an eye on each and every guard, 
  interrogator, and prisoner to make sure that the POW's 
  weren't tortured?
 We know torture did not occur, because lots of people have been 
 released who were and are extremely hostile to the US, and who 
 do not claim torture.
  And you were there and witnessed the attrocities that said 
  prisoners committed in order to be placed in Gitmo?
 Why do you assert that the US must be guilty unless it can be
 proven innocent by extraordinary evidence, but the detainees
 must be innocent unless they can be proven guilty by
 extraordinary evidence?
 Doubtless there are some innocents in Gautenamo - but the usual 
 reason they are there is for being foreigners in Afghanistan in 
 the middle of a war with no adequate explanation. 
  James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 09:43:16AM -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

 When people are under attack, you cannot tell them to suck it 
 up, which is what you are doing.  If we had no government, we 

I'm not under attack. Are you? The Ghengis Khan thing's 
been a while back.

 might well be doing pogroms against american muslims - and a 
 good thing to.

This ways lies much rotting severed heads on stakes, and 
screaming. We've been there before. No need for a repetition.
 War causes governments, and causes governments to gain power, 
 but the US government was not the aggressor in this war.   US 

Your reality model is rather unique. Given that what your alleged
representatives are doing results in massive loss of prestige, you don't want
to associate with defectors. That stink's going to cling for a while.

 government meddling in the middle east was unwise and 
 unnecessary, but it did not provoke, nor does it justify, this 
 The intent of a large minority of muslims was to start a holy 
 war between the west and Islam, and the majority of muslims 

The only war there is was started by ShrubCo, and was tacitly approved by
about half of your countrymen. This isn't Nuremberg, but I color your guilty.

 lack the will or courage to stop them, or even criticize them. 
 That was not the intent of Americans, or the American 
 government.  They started it, they meant to start it. Americans

Ha ha.

 tried to avoid it, some of them are still trying to avoid it. 
 All Americans are still trying to conduct the war on the
 smallest possible scale, against the smallest possible subset
 of Islam, disagreeing only on how small that subset can be. 

Your reality distortion field manages to make bearded fanatics look good.
Quite an accomplishment. Herr Reichspropagandaminister would have been proud.

Eugen* Leitl a href=;leitl/a
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 21 Oct 2004 at 10:26, Sunder wrote:
 IMHO, you are a misguided armchair general who sees yourself 
 as equal to those scumbags that have risen in power to lead 
 or enslave nations since you seem to constantly say they 
 should have done X, and not Y

When people are under attack, you cannot tell them to suck it 
up, which is what you are doing.  If we had no government, we 
might well be doing pogroms against american muslims - and a 
good thing to.

War causes governments, and causes governments to gain power, 
but the US government was not the aggressor in this war.   US 
government meddling in the middle east was unwise and 
unnecessary, but it did not provoke, nor does it justify, this 

The intent of a large minority of muslims was to start a holy 
war between the west and Islam, and the majority of muslims 
lack the will or courage to stop them, or even criticize them. 
That was not the intent of Americans, or the American 
government.  They started it, they meant to start it. Americans
tried to avoid it, some of them are still trying to avoid it. 
All Americans are still trying to conduct the war on the
smallest possible scale, against the smallest possible subset
of Islam, disagreeing only on how small that subset can be. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-21 Thread Sunder
No you imbecile, I'm telling no one anything, other than you to get a 
clue.  Where did I tell people who are under attack to suck it up?

All I did was point out that you weren't there and therefore any comment 
you care to make about it is bound to be flawed.

Please find yourself a clue store and open your wallet - wide.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 On 21 Oct 2004 at 10:26, Sunder wrote:
  IMHO, you are a misguided armchair general who sees yourself 
  as equal to those scumbags that have risen in power to lead 
  or enslave nations since you seem to constantly say they 
  should have done X, and not Y
 When people are under attack, you cannot tell them to suck it 
 up, which is what you are doing.  If we had no government, we 
 might well be doing pogroms against american muslims - and a 
 good thing to.
 War causes governments, and causes governments to gain power, 
 but the US government was not the aggressor in this war.   US 
 government meddling in the middle east was unwise and 
 unnecessary, but it did not provoke, nor does it justify, this 
 The intent of a large minority of muslims was to start a holy 
 war between the west and Islam, and the majority of muslims 
 lack the will or courage to stop them, or even criticize them. 
 That was not the intent of Americans, or the American 
 government.  They started it, they meant to start it. Americans
 tried to avoid it, some of them are still trying to avoid it. 
 All Americans are still trying to conduct the war on the
 smallest possible scale, against the smallest possible subset
 of Islam, disagreeing only on how small that subset can be. 
  James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-20 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald wrote:
  The US government should expose and condemn these 
  objectionable practices, subvert moderately objectionable 
  regimes, and annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The 
  pentagon should deprive moderately objectionable regimes of 
  economic resources, by stealing their oil, destroying their 
  water systems, and cutting off their trade and population 
  movements with the outside world.

Thomas Shaddack
 Meanwhile, the world will get pissed, Arabian Bloc will 
 finally agree on the concept of Monetary Jihad and switch 
 from dollar-per-barrel to euro-per-barrel and later perhaps 
 even to a gold-backed Islamic Dinar.

If the US has Saudi and Iraqi oil reserves, this would not be 
any big problem.

 Arabs have difficulties to agree on something, but give them 
 an enemy and they flock together

Like they flocked together over Israel?  They unite only in 
words, not deeds.  Look at the civil war now going on Iraq. The
Iraqi insurgency has not united, but rather are busy killing
each other.

 Other countries will stop caring about unilateral embargos 
 and will trade with the affected areas anyway, to great 
 dismay of American planners.

I had in mind not paper embargos which no one ever observes 
anyway, least of all those proclaiming them, but rather the
mining of ports, and key roads at the borders, the destruction
of airports, planes, ships, and vehicles travelling on those

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-20 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 The US government should expose and condemn these objectionable 
 practices, subvert moderately objectionable regimes, and 
 annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The pentagon should 
 deprive moderately objectionable regimes of economic resources, 
 by stealing their oil, destroying their water systems, and 
 cutting off their trade and population movements with the 
 outside world.

Meanwhile, the world will get pissed, Arabian Bloc will finally agree on 
the concept of Monetary Jihad and switch from dollar-per-barrel to 
euro-per-barrel and later perhaps even to a gold-backed Islamic Dinar. 
Arabs have difficulties to agree on something, but give them an enemy and 
they flock together (not entirely unlike Americans) and make decisions.

Once the switch is done, there will not be the necessity to keep so high 
dollar reserves anymore. The USD will lose most of its market power and 
gradually becomes Just Another Currency.

Other countries will stop caring about unilateral embargos and will trade 
with the affected areas anyway, to great dismay of American planners. US 
will attempt to retaliate and cut trade with the offenders. However, the 
world is big and patents on embargoed goods aren't usually respected in 
the affected areas. Also don't forget that you foolishly offshored most 
manufacturing years ago, so patents or not, the rest of the world will 
keep buying Taiwan and China and Malaysia and Japan. And Ireland-made 
CPUs. The transnational corporations won't have the incentive to respect 
US-imposed rules, as they will cut into their profit; the ones that didn't 
made it yet will move outside of the influence of US law, with the 
corresponding impact on US tax revenue and the ability to finance further 
military adventures. Hey - even students are already increasingly choosing 
non-US universities and scientists are in process of moving conferences 
elsewhere, in long term influencing your ability of weapon research, 
further weakening you military-wise. Your policies are signing your own 
demise, and your beloved free market will stab your own back.

Meanwhile, the Empire will cut itself off the world, in a failed attempt 
to punish the world for non-compliance.

What will you do then? You can't bomb everyone. The world needs you much 
less than you like to think.

Now, when you see PNAC won't work, what's your revised plan?

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-20 Thread Sunder
I repeat:

And you were there and kept an eye on each and every guard, interrogator, 
and prisoner to make sure that the POW's weren't tortured?

And I add:

And you were there and witnessed the attrocities that said prisoners 
committed in order to be placed in Gitmo?

No? to both questions?  Then your comment is worthless.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 On 20 Oct 2004 at 13:05, Sunder wrote:
  Re: Gitmo
  And you were there and kept an eye on each and every guard, 
  interrogator, and prisoner to make sure that the POW's 
  weren't tortured?
 Lots of murderous terrorists have been released from Guatanamo, 
 and in the nearly all cases the most serious of their 
 complaints make it sound like a beach resort, except for the 
 fact that they could not leave.
 A few have more serious complaints.  Either they are lying or, 
 those who say they were well treated apart from being held 
 captive are lying. It is hard to believe that people like 
 Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane (who after release announced his 
 intention to resume terrorist activities and that he would
 attempt to murder his hosts who lobbied to get him release) are
 lying to cover up torture by the US army.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-20 Thread Sunder

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Here is my prescription for winning the war on terrorism
 We SHOULD rely on shock and awe, administered by men in white 
 coats far from the scene.


 The US government should expose and condemn these objectionable 
 practices, subvert moderately objectionable regimes, and 
 annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The pentagon should 
 deprive moderately objectionable regimes of economic resources, 
 by stealing their oil, destroying their water systems, and 
 cutting off their trade and population movements with the 
 outside world.
 Syria should suffer annihilation, Iran subversion, Sudan some 
 combination of annihilation and subversion, Saudi Arabia and 
 similar less objectionable regimes should suffer confiscation 
 of oil, destruction of water resources, and loss of contact 
 with the outside world. 

I see.  I'm sure that Dubbya has his own agenda filled with Shoulds, as
does Bin Ladin, as did Lenin, as did Hitler, as did Nero, as do you.  
Each saw (or see) their views as the way to Utopia.  Trouble is, which one
of you megalomaniacs is/was right?

Further to the point, reality is, and what clearly should and makes
sense to to you, clearly doesn't to another.  The only difference
between you and the others above is that you lack the power to bend
reality to your whims, and IMHO, that is a very good thing.  It is sad the
the above list contained megalomaniacs who did possess that power and used
it to cause great misery to others, and had to be removed from inflicting
their whims on the world at great expense.  Perhaps in a couple of weeks,
US Citizens will vote one of those out the list as he's already done
plenty of damage in the last four years, and save us another miserable 
four years.

So yes, perhaps, in the fine tradition of what should be instead of what
is, you, sir, should go fuck yourself.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-20 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Oct 2004 at 13:05, Sunder wrote:
 Re: Gitmo

 And you were there and kept an eye on each and every guard, 
 interrogator, and prisoner to make sure that the POW's 
 weren't tortured?

Lots of murderous terrorists have been released from Guatanamo, 
and in the nearly all cases the most serious of their 
complaints make it sound like a beach resort, except for the 
fact that they could not leave.

A few have more serious complaints.  Either they are lying or, 
those who say they were well treated apart from being held 
captive are lying. It is hard to believe that people like 
Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane (who after release announced his 
intention to resume terrorist activities and that he would
attempt to murder his hosts who lobbied to get him release) are
lying to cover up torture by the US army.

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-20 Thread Sunder
Re: Gitmo

And you were there and kept an eye on each and every guard, interrogator, 
and prisoner to make sure that the POW's weren't tortured?

Wow, you are good...  or phrased another way, what brand of crack are you 
smokin' 'cause the rest of us thin it's some really good shit and would 
like to have some too...

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 I expected them to be KEPT in Guantanamo.
 Furthermore, they were not tortured, though they should have

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread Tyler Durden
Bill Stewart wrote...
Unfortunately, the primary algorithm seems to work like this:
- Somebody puts a name on some list because it seems like a
good idea at the time, and there's no due process required.
- Everybody copies lists from everybody else,
with minimal attempt to track where the information comes from.
- Database corruption propagates rapidly, so anybody who's on
any list because of political corruption like Neo-Cointelpro
stays there because of database corruption.
And if we add local intelligence in the form of allowing airport screeners 
to act on their hunches, then there's one more step:

Airport Screener didn't get her child-support check from the ex and as a 
result is saving her crack for lunchtime...frisks well-heeled and arguably 
spolied white-guy with a little 'tude who proceeds to give said screener 
some 'feedback'...Airport screener figures she'll brighten up her own 
morning and prevents said white-guy from flying: Hey, something told me 
this guy was trouble, so fire me and I'll work for Starbucks instead.

One day, I may be willing to subscribe to the commonly held cypherpunk 
belief that any law from a government is basically a bad thing, but AFAIC we 
don't need to get that far yet. When laws boil down the decision-in-a-vacuum 
and whim of the enforcer, Break out the Zombie patriots.

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread John Young

I appreciate your valiant if futile effort to defend honorable
militarism, but you appear not to understand that much of 
current US military doctrine is aimed at terrorizing enemy 
forces, en masse, into submission, not merely courageously 
killing each combatant, mano a mano.

Carpet bombing, bunker-busting, cruise missles, stealth
attacks, artillery barrages, and tactical and strategic attacks
with overwhelming forces in multiples of the opposing force, 
the so-called shock and awe, are intended to demoralize 
and terrify the opposition including civilian supporters. These
attacks require little or no courage to execute, for most are
accomplished with stand-off or remote-controlled platforms,
guided by long-radar, GPS, and satellites, systems operated
by clean-uniformed technicians who don't bear personal
arms, even take showers daily and watch TV of their
carnage for entertainment.

This contrasts with the special forces which do aim at
small scale, precision killing, and which does require courage.
Not much of that goes on, way too cheap for the military-
industrial empire which treasures big iron, gigantic iron,
humongous iron, unbelievably expensive metal, costing
millions of dollars per kill, rather imaginary deaths in the
Cold War manner.

Don't mistake the language and literature of war for
the real thing. You find yourself 100 yards from a bomb
blast, and your organs go into shutdown from the
concussion, yours vision blurs, your limbs won't
function, you shit and piss your britches, then another
bomb falls 50 yards away and blood squirts from ears
eyes and gums due to air compression of your veins
and arties, you flop senselessly out of control and
try to cry for momma, no air in your lungs, skin turning
red from heat, then a third bomb hits 25 yards away
and your body begins to come apart from the blast
or being scythed by shrapnel -- if your head doesn't
leave the carcass, it'll be fried by the metal helmet,
your skin will sizzle, boiling blood will spray out
of all your orifices, but you'll not get to appreciate this
sacrifice for your country, you'll be chatting with
your maker, the bodybag team scraping you memorial
into the barbage bag, heading for the flag-draped

Back in the control room which directed the friendly
fire, the boys and girls are whooping at the bomb
pattern, high-fiving and fist knocking at the perfect
fit of thinking machine and killing machine, no risk 
to the comfy killers manning the mouses, just like 
the gameboys taught.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
Thomas Shaddack:
It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who 
knows when being interested in anon e-cash will become a 
ground to blacklist *you*.

James A. Donald:
   I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
   interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)

Bill Stewart
 More likely, when anon ecash money-launderers start being 
 accused of funding terrorist activities.

When e-currency handlers (cambists) are accused of money 
laundering terrorist's money, the feds steal the money, but 
they do not obstruct them from travelling, or, surprisingly, 
even from doing business - well, perhaps not so surprisingly, 
for if they stopped them from doing business there would be 
nothing to steal.

When the state uses repressive measures against those that seek 
to murder us, there is still a large gap between that and using 
repressive measures against everyone.

We are not terrorists, we don't look like terrorists, we don't 
sound like terrorists. Indeed, the more visible real terrorists 
are, the less even Tim McViegh looks like a terrorist and the 
more he looks like a patriot.

When people are under attack they are going to lash out, to 
kill and destroy.  Lashing out an external enemy, real or 
imaginary, is a healthy substitute for lashing out at internal 
enemies.  We do not have a choice of peace, merely a choice 
between war against external or internal enemies.   Clearly, 
war against external enemies is less dangerous to freedom.

War is dangerous to freedom, but we do not have a choice of 
peace.  The question is where the war is to be fought - in 
America, or elsewhere.  War within America will surely destroy 

What we need to fear is those that talk about the home front 
and internal security, those who claim that Christians are as 
big a threat as Muslims - or that black Muslims are as big a
threat as Middle Eastern Muslims. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread Bill Stewart
At 12:18 PM 10/18/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
: : Despite gaining their freedom by signing pledges to
: : renounce violence, at least seven former prisoners
: : of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have
: : returned to terrorism, at times with deadly
: : consequences.
: :
: : At least two are believed to have died in fighting
: : in Afghanistan, and a third was recaptured during a
: : raid of a suspected training camp in Afghanistan,
: : Lt. Cmdr. Flex Plexico, a Pentagon spokesman, said
: : last week. Others are at large.
: : Additional former detainees have expressed a desire
: : to rejoin the fight, be it against U.N. peacekeepers
: : in Afghanistan, Americans in Iraq or Russian
: : soldiers in Chechnya.
None of those things sound like terrorism to me,
just basic military violence, though certainly the
American and Russian militaries aren't the only ones
engaging in terrorist activities in South Asia
and some of these ~146 people may be among them.
But most of the Warlord-vs-Warlord fighting in Afghanistan
isn't terrorism, and most of the Iraqi Resistance isn't either,
and I'd have expected that a staunch anti-communist like James
wouldn't mind people shooting at Russian soldiers even though
they're no longer Soviets.
At 11:38 AM 10/18/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
Tyler Durden
 Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not
 because we had a few crazy Muslim fundamentalists out there
 that decided they hate our freedoms. The struck us because
 we've been fuckin' over a large swath of the Muslim (not only
 Arab) world for 100 years or so
And the reason they are murdering Iraqi Christians, Filipinos,
Ambionese and Timorese is?
While the ones murdering Iraqi Christians may be doing it out of
religious hatred as well as the perception that the
Americans are running a Christian crusade against the Muslim world,
the Indonesian invasions of their neighbors such as East Timor
are just good old nationalist expansion -
the US has been funding the Indonesian military for ~40 years
because they're our Anti-Communist buddies,
and who cares about their human rights records.
You didn't expect that behaviour to stop just because there
were no longer any Commies around, did you?

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread Bill Stewart

Damian Gerow
 I've had more than one comment about my ID photos that amount
 to basically: You look like you've just left a terrorist
 training camp.
As Erma Bombeck wrote, by the time you look like your
passport photo, it's time to come home from vacation.
An extra couple of red-eye flights don't help, either.
At 11:27 AM 10/16/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you should have
to drive, or use public transport.
James misspoke here - the only public air transport I'm aware of
in the US is run by the military, and or if he meant
that people who look like shaggy-haired Brits with real leather shoes
should be banned from privately-run transportation systems like
airplanes and Greyhound, that pretty much leaves
Amtrack as the only long-distance transport option for civilians,
since city and county busses normally don't go very far.
At 11:27 AM 10/16/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
  Provided the number of people you throw off planes is
  rather small, I don't see the problem.
Depends a lot on how high up the planes are when you throw them off...
There's the concept of due process of law that
the Bush administration isn't very familiar with
that determines when you're Constitutionally permitted
to deprive people of their liberties.
At 11:38 AM 10/18/2004, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 Personally, as a relatively frequent flyer, I worry much more about things
 like cutting corners of fuselage and engine maintenance and quality of
 fuel (and, perhaps even more, the quality of onboard coffee) than about
 bombers on board.
Unfortunately, cutting the quality of the onboard coffee means that
you're more likely to look like a shoe-bomber by the time the
plane arrives.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 19 Oct 2004 at 14:46, John Young wrote:
 you appear not to understand that much of current US military 
 doctrine is aimed at terrorizing enemy forces, en masse, into 
 submission, not merely courageously killing each combatant, 
 mano a mano.

 Carpet bombing, bunker-busting, cruise missles, stealth 
 attacks, artillery barrages, and tactical and strategic 
 attacks with overwhelming forces in multiples of the opposing 
 force, the so-called shock and awe, are intended to 
 demoralize and terrify the opposition including civilian 
 supporters. These attacks require little or no courage to 
 execute, for most are accomplished with stand-off or 
 remote-controlled platforms, guided by long-radar, GPS, and 
 satellites, systems operated by clean-uniformed technicians 
 who don't bear personal arms, even take showers daily and 
 watch TV of their carnage for entertainment.

If only it were true.  That is why I recommend readily 
achievable goals, like stealing the oil, rather than goals that 
require direct involvment mano a mano.

But in reality, the US government is pursuing goals such as 
building democracy that require Americans to walk the streets 
of Baghdad, a daily exercise of tremendous courage.

Here is my prescription for winning the war on terrorism

We SHOULD rely on shock and awe, administered by men in white 
coats far from the scene.

A number of governments are disturbingly tolerant of terror. 
Usually they are only tolerant of terror against their non 
Islamic subjects, and disapprove of external terror committed 
by their subjects against outsiders, but the two cannot readily 
be separated.  One leads to the other.

The US government should expose and condemn these objectionable 
practices, subvert moderately objectionable regimes, and 
annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The pentagon should 
deprive moderately objectionable regimes of economic resources, 
by stealing their oil, destroying their water systems, and 
cutting off their trade and population movements with the 
outside world.

Syria should suffer annihilation, Iran subversion, Sudan some 
combination of annihilation and subversion, Saudi Arabia and 
similar less objectionable regimes should suffer confiscation 
of oil, destruction of water resources, and loss of contact 
with the outside world. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity..Ethnicity is Bullshit

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
Tyler Durden
  Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not 
  because we had a few crazy Muslim fundamentalists out
  there that decided they hate our freedoms. The struck us
  because we've been fuckin' over a large swath of the Muslim
  (not only Arab) world for 100 years or so

James A. Donald:
 And the reason they are murdering Iraqi Christians,
 Filipinos, Ambionese and Timorese is?

And I forgot to mention a hundred thousand or more Sudanese,
not to mention that Al Quaeda murdered far more Afghans than

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
Tyler Durden
 Your statement was that the US took special care in avoiding
 harm to Muslims. In this case we have Muslims tortured at
 Guantanamo and now angry as hell. And you expected...what?

I expected them to be KEPT in Guantanamo.

Furthermore, they were not tortured, though they should have

 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 18 Oct 2004 at 13:35, John Young wrote:
 James is wired to be unempathetic about victims, as was
 McVeigh, as are fearless military and criminal killers, as
 are national leaders of a yellow stripe who never taste the
 bitter end of their exculpatory spin.

 What makes the wire work is that they do not believe that
 what they do unto others will be done to them.

So you think our enemies should try to be even more savage and
cruel than they already are?

That would be difficult.

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 18 Oct 2004 at 15:31, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Aside from that, your posts are completely saturated with the 
 They're more evil than we are therefore it's OK for us to be 
 fuckin them over logic.

They are more evil that we are, as demonstrated by their 
propensity to kill all sorts of people, including each other, 
and including us. This forces us to do something violent. 
Imposing democracy on Iraq at gunpoint was probably a bad idea, 
but it was selected as the option that would raise the least 
objection.  Any more effectual measure is going to piss you lot 
off even more.  A more effectual measure and considerably less 
costly measure would have been to confiscate Iraq's and Saudi 
Arabia's oil reserves, and ethnically cleanse all male muslims 
above the age of puberty from the oil bearing areas.  This 
democracy stuff did not work in Haiti and things look 
considerably more difficult, and more expensive, in Iraq. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-19 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  Sadre protected himself with Iraqi women and young children
  as human shields, showing that he expected the Pentagon to
  show more concern for Iraqi lives than he did.

Thomas Shaddack
 Pentagon protects their people by distance - being it by
 bombing from high altitude, or by using cruise missiles.

 Everybody uses the technology available to them. What's bad
 on it?

 Invariably, the side that uses the defensive measure - being
 it smart weapons[1] or human shields - classifies it as
 tactical, while the other side considers it cowardly.

But no one would ever use human shields as a protection against

 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 16, 2004 7:01 PM
Subject: RE: Airport insanity

On 15 Oct 2004 at 16:32, Tyler Durden wrote:

 He might have looked odd from the photo you saw circulated in
 the press, but I'd bet a lot of money no one would have
 picked him as looking like a terrorist.

But the people sitting beside him did pick him as looking like
a terrorist.

What's the false positive rate?  It's one thing if you see some guy lighting a fuse 
sticking out of his shoe, and quite another if you say You look kinda terroristy; I'm 
sending you off the plane.  This works as a reasonable strategy only if:

a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the overwhelming majority of people 
you throw off planes are innocent.  (They almost certainly will, just because 
terrorists are so rare.)

b.  The terrorists can't figure out how to make themselves look less threatening.  

 James A. Donald


RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
Thomas Shaddack:
   a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the 
   overwhelming majority of people you throw off planes are 

James A. Donald:
  Provided the number of people you throw off planes is 
  rather small, I don't see the problem.

Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows 
 when being interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to 
 blacklist *you*.

I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)

People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to 
kill people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us 
off those planes where most of the passengers are people like 
us.  This really is not rocket science. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Steve Furlong
On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 15:17, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 Pentagon protects their people by distance - being it by bombing from high 
 altitude, or by using cruise missiles.
 Everybody uses the technology available to them. What's bad on it?
 Invariably, the side that uses the defensive measure - being it smart 
 weapons[1] or human shields - classifies it as tactical, while the other 
 side considers it cowardly.
 A nice example of symmetry in asymmetry.
 [1] The defensive aspect here is to allow the attackers to attack from 
 distance beyond the reach of the other side's active defenses, thus not 
 risking anything more than a piece of overpriced electronics.

If some asshole is coming at you with a knife, it's cowardly to shoot
him before he's in range? Dumbass.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
  People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to kill
  people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us off those
  planes where most of the passengers are people like us.

Thomas Shaddack 
 Define us?

Easier to define them

Us is those people who do not much resemble them.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 12:07 PM -0700 10/18/04, James A. Donald wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:
  People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to kill
  people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us off those
  planes where most of the passengers are people like us.

Thomas Shaddack
 Define us?

Easier to define them

Us is those people who do not much resemble them.

Here's *my* current definition of us:

A great book. The world's greatest business plan.


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Tyler Durden
A very large number of muslims, particularly arab muslims- a
small minority in the US, a large minority or substantial
majority in many muslim countries, continually seek to confront
the infidel in a wide variety of ways, and interpret our
politeness and care to avoid harming muslims as weakness and
I would bet that statements that sound very, very close to this were uttered 
prior to Iraq II.

Care to Avoid harming Muslims?
You are either trolling with better skill than even I, the Great Tyler 
Durden could muster, or else you are completely and totally ignorant of 
world history.

Go read some history books and you will understand the reason we (the US) 
has been targeted in particular. You'll quickly find that their hatred of us 
in not accidental.

As for your looks like a mad bomber ideas, are you suggesting that, the 
day after a militant Indonesian muslim commits an act of terrorism, we 
should then exclude all asians from our airplanes, buses and subways?

I don't think you've thought this out very well.

From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Airport insanity
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:27:38 -0700
James A. Donald:
  If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you
  should have to drive.
  Thomas Shaddack
   Ever tried to drive to Europe? Or to Hawaii?
James A. Donald:
  Hard biscuit
Thomas Shaddack
 Do I interpret this statement correctly as the endorsement of
 ethnicity-based travel restrictions?
No.  You can take a boat, if they will have you, drive to
Mexico to fly with people less likely to be the target of mad
bombers who look like you, hire a private plane, or take a long
   Why airplanes don't count as a form of public transport?
  They do.
 I am afraid either I don't understand you correctly, or you
 are contradicting yourself.
I was unclear.  To clarify:  So far the terrorists have not
struck at buses outside Israel.  When they do start striking at
buses, then people who look like mad bombers should not be
allowed on buses.  Until then, they should be allowed on buses.
  The proposition that we need to walk delicately for fear of
  disturbing the tender sensibilities of arabs seems
 Being told I can't use some quite common resource, in this
 case an important means of transportation, because of so
 irrelevant factor as ethnicity, isn't exactly delicate.
A very large number of muslims, particularly arab muslims- a
small minority in the US, a large minority or substantial
majority in many muslim countries, continually seek to confront
the infidel in a wide variety of ways, and interpret our
politeness and care to avoid harming muslims as weakness and
 James A. Donald
Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
On 16 Oct 2004 at 19:42, Adam wrote:
 First of all, there were 19 children killed in the OKC 
 bombing. Were these children guilty of some crime worthy of 
 being killed by a truck bomb?

He was not targeting children.

 Second of all, you make it sound like McVeigh was just your 
 average-Joe American. How could a non-fundamentalist 
 knowingly kill 168 people?

Osama Bin Laden is not a fundamentalist, yet he killed three 
thousand people.  His religion is more like the Muslim
equivalent of liberation theology, which is as far from
fundamentalism as you can get.

 Third, does not being a suicide bomber make your cause more 

Not being a suicide bomber means there is no need to screen you 
from flying on planes.

 Curious why you seem to think McVeigh was justified in his 


 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 04:01 PM 10/16/04 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
Tim McVeigh did not target innocents, nor was he a suicide

Neither did M. Atta et al. target innocents, he targeted those who
elected the Caesars.  And they were not pursuing suicide (a
Moslem sin), since they are enjoying a comfy afterlife for
their martyrdom.

Nor, incidentally, was he a fundamentalist or a racist.

Neither is Osama et al.; only infidels call him a fundie, and
the Jihadists have no problem with lighter or asian folks who subscribe.

In fact, they can be quite useful, as they don't fit the rascist
that the TSA goons practice...

Re: Airport insanity..Ethnicity is Bullshit

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
Tyler Durden
 Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not
 because we had a few crazy Muslim fundamentalists out there
 that decided they hate our freedoms. The struck us because
 we've been fuckin' over a large swath of the Muslim (not only
 Arab) world for 100 years or so

And the reason they are murdering Iraqi Christians, Filipinos,
Ambionese and Timorese is?

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Sunder

There is still of course the matter of the unexploded bombs in that 
building that were dug out, and that the ATF received a Don't come in to 
work page on their beepers, and the seize and classification of all 
surveilance video tapes from things like ATM's across the street.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a plane 
 full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one guilty man on 
 board, there is no way in hell he himself would be on that 

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a 
  plane full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one 
  guilty man on board, there is no way in hell he himself 
  would be on that plane.

John Kelsey
 Well, he targeted a building full of innocents, so he could 
 get some BATF people in one part of the building, right?  I 
 guess I'm missing the part where he took especial care not to 
 blow up people who had no connection with the Waco disaster. 
 How would you differentiate his target selection from that of 
 the 9/11 attackers who hit the Pentagon?

If the 9/11 attackers had *only* targeted the pentagon, that 
would have been fine by me.  I am one of those who cheered in 
the movie theater when the aliens blow up Washington in the 
movie Independence day

 Though you're right, he didn't do the suicide bomber thing. 
 Does that constitute a guarantee that no white terrorist ever 
 will do so?

It is a good indication that sufficiently few will ever do so 
that it is not worth while checking shoes during boarding 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Let's examine your little clip here.

Tyler Durden
 Care to Avoid harming Muslims?
Your statement was that the US took special care in avoiding harm to 
Muslims. In this case we have Muslims tortured at Guantanamo and now angry 
as hell. And you expected...what?
: : Despite gaining their freedom by signing pledges to
: : renounce violence, at least seven former prisoners
: : of the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have
: : returned to terrorism, at times with deadly
: : consequences.
Wow! Tortured prisoners signed statements and then went back on their 
promises? The nerve!

Note the incredible linguistic bias. Returned to terrorism?...That's a 
laughable statement for people who returned to their own country to fight an 
invader. And the word Despite it's arguable even more hilarious.

And of course, your quote of this piece in this context points to your 
ever-present logic of They're more evil than we are therefore it's OK if we 
fuck them over.

: : Additional former detainees have expressed a desire
: : to rejoin the fight, be it against U.N. peacekeepers
: : in Afghanistan, Americans in Iraq or Russian
: : soldiers in Chechnya.
Hum. Muislims helping Muslims to push the US or Russians out of their 
occupied countries. I've seen worse uses for religion.

But more importantly, are you seeing where this is headed? Let's forget 
differing ideologies and get really, really practical here. If you or I were 
grabbed in our own country and brought 7000 miles away, and then tortured 
for 2 years, wouldn't you most likely become convinced that the torturing 
nation was a great evil that had to be stopped? Even more, what if your life 
sucked in your own country and you didn't have a lot to live for anyway?

The violence sown by Western powers will continue to result in further 
Septemeber 11ths. Simply increasing the scope or intensity (a la Iraq II) 
isn't going to make things better.


 James A. Donald
Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® 

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 16, 2004 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

 Oh, and every white American (recall numerous references to 
 Mr. McVeigh)

Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a plane 
full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one guilty man on 
board, there is no way in hell he himself would be on that 

Well, he targeted a building full of innocents, so he could get some BATF people in 
one part of the building, right?  I guess I'm missing the part where he took especial 
care not to blow up people who had no connection with the Waco disaster.  How would 
you differentiate his target selection from that of the 9/11 attackers who hit the 

Though you're right, he didn't do the suicide bomber thing.  Does that constitute a 
guarantee that no white terrorist ever will do so?  (After all, an awful lot of Arab 
terrorists also plan on living to fight another day.)  

 James A. Donald


Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Kelsey
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 16, 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Airport insanity

 For whatever reason, pictures of me always come out looking 
 like some crazed religious fanatic.  But that doesn't mean 
 that I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure hope that I'm 
 not going to be detained or denied entry because of how I 
 *look*, alone.

If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you should have 
to drive, or use public transport.

 James A. Donald

Surely this is a matter best left to the private companies offering transportation, 
subject only to restrictions to prevent future 9/11 attacks.  


RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Sunder
I think you need to read this remake of the First they came for the 
commies poem.  Short translation - whenever anyone's rights are being 
trampled upon, whether it affects you or not, you should protest.

Goes along with one of the unsaid credos about cypherpunks: I absolutely 
disagree with what she said, but I'll defend to the death her right to say 
it. which along with Cypherpunks write code fell quite short of its 

Here I'll save you the trouble.

- - -

They came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up...

By Stephen Rohde
(Author's Note:  The USA Patriot Act became law a little over one year 
First they came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a  
Then they came for the immigrants, detaining them indefinitely solely on 
the certification of the attorney general, and I didn't speak up because I  
wasn't an immigrant.
Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys, 
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a suspect.
Then they came to prosecute noncitizens before secret military 
commissions, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a noncitizen.
Then they came to enter homes and offices for unannounced sneak and peak  
searches, and I didn't speak up because I had nothing to hide.
Then they came to reinstate Cointelpro and resume the infiltration and  
surveillance of domestic religious and political groups, and I didn't 
speak up because I no longer participated in any groups.
Then they came to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinitely  
without any charges and without access to lawyers, and I didn't speak up 
because I would never be arrested.
Then they came to institute TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention  
System) recruiting citizens to spy on other citizens and I didn't speak up 
because I was afraid.
Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because it 
only aided the terrorists and gave ammunition to America's enemies, and I 
didn't  speak up ... because I didn't speak up.
Then they came for me, and by that time, no one was left to speak up.

Forum Column (from the Daily Journal, 11/20/02). Stephen Rohde is an 
attorney. He edited American Words of Freedom and was was president of the 
American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.

Does Rohde's text seem familiar? It should. He based it on one of the 
web's most widely-circulated texts about silence in the face of evil:

In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn't 
speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I 
didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade 
unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then 
they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a 
protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left 
to speak for me.

 + ^ + :Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
--*--:and our people, and neither do we. -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
 interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)
 People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to 
 kill people like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us 
 off those planes where most of the passengers are people like 
 us.  This really is not rocket science. 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 07:42 PM 10/16/04 -0400, Adam wrote:
First of all, there were 19 children killed in the OKC bombing. Were
these children guilty of some crime worthy of being killed by a truck

They were being used as human shields by the fedcriminals in the
building.  They were collateral damage, in the modern parlance.
Ask the Iraqis to explain it to you.

Second of all, you make it sound like McVeigh was just your average-Joe

American. How could a non-fundamentalist knowingly kill 168 people?

He was a retired US soldier, carrying out his mission to protect the

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread John Young
James is wired to be unempathetic about victims, as was McVeigh,
as are fearless military and criminal killers, as are national leaders 
of a yellow stripe who never taste the bitter end of their exculpatory

What makes the wire work is that they do not believe that what 
they do unto others will be done to them. This is their faith, blind, 
cross-eyedly focussed vision which sees a right safe path down 
the thinnest of righteous tunnels of imagined invulnerability.

Call it the armor of cowards. 

Call it fundamentalism, or patriotism, or pinheads up their tiny 

Been there: saw the vision, sniffed the odor, licked the sides
of the honey-dripping tunnel, gagged, muttered what the shit is 
this stuff I've been preached is myrhh out of the backdoors
of virgins, yelled, hey, sarge, get me out of my hole. Sarge was 
long gone, preaching and laughing like the devil.

AIDS of the mind is hard to cure.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

  a.  The probability ratios don't work out so that the 
  overwhelming majority of people you throw off planes are 
 Provided the number of people you throw off planes is rather 
 small, I don't see the problem.

It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows when being 
interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to blacklist *you*.

Do you propose a way to appeal the decision? Will the flight (and 
associated losses, eg. lost contract due to a missed meeting, etc.) 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Thomas Shaddack wrote:
  It isn't a problem for you until it happens to you. Who knows 
  when being interested in anon e-cash will become a ground to 
  blacklist *you*.
 I know when it will happen.  It will happen when people 
 interested in anon ecash go on suicide missions.   :-)

Never underestimate the power of the combination of the People With 
Agendas with Classified Computerized Profiling Algorithms. :)

Be vigilant.

 People who are, for the most part, not like us are trying to kill people 
 like us. Let us chuck all those people not-like-us off those planes 
 where most of the passengers are people like us.

Define us?

 This really is not rocket science. 

Personally, as a relatively frequent flyer, I worry much more about things 
like cutting corners of fuselage and engine maintenance and quality of 
fuel (and, perhaps even more, the quality of onboard coffee) than about 
bombers on board. (On the other hand, local states grew out of their 
imperial-lust phase couple decades/centuries ago, which makes their people 
less disliked. Somehow lesser tendency to trigger-happy gung-ho a-ramboin' 
seems to be helpful too.)

Seeing things in perspective sometimes helps.

Re: Airport insanity..Ethnicity is Bullshit

2004-10-18 Thread Tyler Durden

  You also seem to forget there is another potential factor -
  not only the visible one (ethnicity), but also one that isn't
  obvious to visual evaluation - religion. There is a
  significant black minority that inclines to Islam, some of
  them potentially radical. Do you want to suggest banning
  blacks from flying too?

 Seen any black suicide bombers?
OK, let's just say it outright. In this case Ethnicity is just pure 
camaflauge for People who don't agree with my right-wing American Century 
politics. Just to remind us of the basics:

Afghans and Iranians are not Arabs.
Sub-saharan Africa has tens of millions of fully black Muslims.
Arabs are Semites.

 Black Muslim radicalism tends to express itself by mugging Jews and
 stealing television sets. Strapping dynamite to one's chest just does
 not seem to be a black thing.
Uh...what? If you're talking about the Nation of Islam (in the US), you 
almost NEVER find members in good standing mugging Jews or stealing TV 
sets here in New York, and any other location is going to be a statistical 

Let's also remember that we don't have US-backed/paid-for tanks rolling 
through black neighborhoods every day. If we did I suspect Black Muslims 
might start fighting back.

Let's just state the obvious: September 11th occurred not because we had a 
few crazy Muslim fundamentalists out there that decided they hate our 
freedoms. The struck us because we've been fuckin' over a large swath of 
the Muslim (not only Arab) world for 100 years or so now. They're tired of 
us being there and muckin' around in their politics, and they want it to 
stop. The fundamentalist part is sort of a 'strengthener', let's's people who know they're probably going to have to kill large 
numbers of civilians to get their point across, so how can they justify 
this? Well, a nicely-tuned Wahabism will do just nicely thank you. Seems 
fairly predictable, really.

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Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 Sadre protected himself with Iraqi women and young children as
 human shields, showing that he expected the Pentagon to show
 more concern for Iraqi lives than he did. 

Pentagon protects their people by distance - being it by bombing from high 
altitude, or by using cruise missiles.

Everybody uses the technology available to them. What's bad on it?

Invariably, the side that uses the defensive measure - being it smart 
weapons[1] or human shields - classifies it as tactical, while the other 
side considers it cowardly.

A nice example of symmetry in asymmetry.

[1] The defensive aspect here is to allow the attackers to attack from 
distance beyond the reach of the other side's active defenses, thus not 
risking anything more than a piece of overpriced electronics.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-18 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

 James A. Donald:
 If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you 
 should have to drive, or use public transport.
 Thomas Shaddack
  Ever tried to drive to Europe? Or to Hawaii?
 Hard biscuit

Do I interpret this statement correctly as the endorsement of 
ethnicity-based travel restrictions?

Didn't domething like this been here already, in the form of Jim Crow 
laws, and later found unconstitutional?

  Why airplanes don't count as a form of public transport?
 They do.

I am afraid either I don't understand you correctly, or you are 
contradicting yourself. The ...or use public transport from your earlier 
statement seems to mean that you said something along the lines if they 
can't fly, they should use public transportation, which includes 

  This is a measure good for pissing off (which is often the 
  first step to radicalizing) the quite secularized majority of 
  American Arabs.
 The proposition that we need to walk delicately for fear of 
 disturbing the tender sensibilities of arabs seems laughable. 

Being told I can't use some quite common resource, in this case an 
important means of transportation, because of so irrelevant factor as 
ethnicity, isn't exactly delicate. What would you do if you'd be in the 
receiving end of such policy? Add more such restrictions and some 
percolating time - would you just bow and obey? How long it would take to 
get you pissed and eventually revolting?

 Are the arabs walking delicately to avoid offending our 

Vast majority of them yes. But you don't perceive them because they don't 
offend you and don't make the news.

  You also seem to forget there is another potential factor - 
  not only the visible one (ethnicity), but also one that isn't 
  obvious to visual evaluation - religion. There is a 
  significant black minority that inclines to Islam, some of 
  them potentially radical. Do you want to suggest banning 
  blacks from flying too?
 Seen any black suicide bombers?

Not yet. But maybe I just didn't look deep enough through the mass-medial 
fog of the terrorism war.

 Black Muslim radicalism tends to express itself by mugging Jews and 
 stealing television sets. Strapping dynamite to one's chest just does 
 not seem to be a black thing.

With the proper leadership, everything is possible. Don't forget the 
WW2 kamikaze pilots, who weren't quite Arabs.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 12:14 PM 10/15/04 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
 My profile is radically different from all those who killed
 nearly 3,000 of my countrymen on September 11, 2001. My
 holy book of choice is the Bible. My race is Caucasian. I
 am a loyal, taxpaying, patriotic, evil-hating,
 English-as-first-language, natural-born American.

As was Timmy McV, Zeus rest his soul.


RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread James A. Donald

My profile is radically different from all those who 
killed nearly 3,000 of my countrymen on September 11, 
2001. My holy book of choice is the Bible. My race is 
Caucasian. I am a loyal, taxpaying, patriotic, 
evil-hating, English-as-first-language, natural-born 

On 15 Oct 2004 at 21:43, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 As was Timmy McV, Zeus rest his soul.

Tim McVeigh did not target innocents, nor was he a suicide 

Nor, incidentally, was he a fundamentalist or a racist. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sat, 2004-10-16 at 00:43, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 At 12:14 PM 10/15/04 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
  My profile is radically different from all those who killed
  nearly 3,000 of my countrymen on September 11, 2001. My
  holy book of choice is the Bible. My race is Caucasian. I
  am a loyal, taxpaying, patriotic, evil-hating,
  English-as-first-language, natural-born American.
 As was Timmy McV, Zeus rest his soul.

The unidentified John Doe #2 looked awfully Arabic, though.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  Just don't let anyone who looks like the shoe bomber fly. 
  Problem solved.

On 15 Oct 2004 at 16:32, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Huh? The one flaw in this logic is that this only works if
 you can send this particular definition of suspicious looks
 backwards in time. The shoe-bomber is a particularly
 interesting case, as I believe the dude was ethnically

The passengers who jumped him, however, were looking forwards
in time.

Suicide bombers seldom look, or act, like normal people.  You
might think a suicide bomber is the ultimate guided missile,
but the Palestinian experience is that they are more like
unguided missiles, or dumb bombs.  The handler accompanies the
suicide as close to the target as he dares, then activates the
suicide's control, hoping they do not explode on the spot.

 He might have looked odd from the photo you saw circulated in
 the press, but I'd bet a lot of money no one would have
 picked him as looking like a terrorist.

But the people sitting beside him did pick him as looking like
a terrorist.

 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Adam
First of all, there were 19 children killed in the OKC bombing. Were
these children guilty of some crime worthy of being killed by a truck

Second of all, you make it sound like McVeigh was just your average-Joe
American. How could a non-fundamentalist knowingly kill 168 people? 

Third, does not being a suicide bomber make your cause more noble?

Curious why you seem to think McVeigh was justified in his actions. 


On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:01:47 -0700, James A. Donald
 Tim McVeigh did not target innocents, nor was he a suicide 
 Nor, incidentally, was he a fundamentalist or a racist. 
  James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  Has anyone who does not look a terrorist done a suicide 
  mission outside Israel or Russia? Recall the shoe bomber. 
  You just had to look at him. You would think the airport 
  screeners would need to be half brain dead to let him on 
  the plane.  Come to think of it, they are half brain dead, 
  but laws that require them to pretend to be stupider than 
  they actually are do not help.

Damian Gerow
 I've had more than one comment about my ID photos that amount 
 to basically: You look like you've just left a terrorist 
 training camp.

Nonetheless you can probably start fiddling with your shoes on 
a plane without the passengers seated near you jumping you.

 For whatever reason, pictures of me always come out looking 
 like some crazed religious fanatic.  But that doesn't mean 
 that I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure hope that I'm 
 not going to be detained or denied entry because of how I 
 *look*, alone.

If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you should have 
to drive, or use public transport.

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread James A. Donald
Damian Gerow
   I've had more than one comment about my ID photos that 
   amount to basically: You look like you've just left a 
   terrorist training camp.

James A. Donald:
  Nonetheless you can probably start fiddling with your shoes 
  on a plane without the passengers seated near you jumping 

Damian Gerow
 Perhaps, I don't know.  But we're not talking about the other 
 passengers, we're talking about screening based on looks, no?

When the other passengers jumped the shoe bomber, they were 
screening based on looks.

 So by that rationale, every Arab should have to drive?

Every young male Arab past puberty, with a few exceptions for 
special cases.

 Oh, and every white American (recall numerous references to 
 Mr. McVeigh)

Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a plane 
full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one guilty man on 
board, there is no way in hell he himself would be on that 

 James A. Donald

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Damian Gerow
Thus spake James A. Donald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [16/10/04 14:33]:
:  I've had more than one comment about my ID photos that amount 
:  to basically: You look like you've just left a terrorist 
:  training camp.
: Nonetheless you can probably start fiddling with your shoes on 
: a plane without the passengers seated near you jumping you.

Perhaps, I don't know.  But we're not talking about the other passengers,
we're talking about screening based on looks, no?

:  For whatever reason, pictures of me always come out looking 
:  like some crazed religious fanatic.  But that doesn't mean 
:  that I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure hope that I'm 
:  not going to be detained or denied entry because of how I 
:  *look*, alone.
: If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you should have 
: to drive, or use public transport.

So by that rationale, every Arab should have to drive or use public
transport?  Oh, and every white American (recall numerous references to Mr.
McVeigh), too.  Shit, by that rationale, the only people allowed left to fly
will be cats and dogs.

Just not pit bulls.

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- John Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Most of the Boston Red Sox team look as if they have
 come from a terrorist training camp for blind,
 handless barbers, 
 decked-out in ill-fitting sports gear, staring
 wild-eyed at 
 RPGs being fired at their heads and nuts, swinging
 clubs futilely 
 at the inerrant missiles, their ass-wipe paws
 swollen into giant 
 shit-covered patties, muttering homicidal jihads
 against devil-bred 

Our Maple Leafs' hockey team might look similarly if
it weren't for the lockout.  As it is, all of our
players are well-fed and well-rested (if a little
restless, ha ha ha).  I imagine they have no trouble
whatsoever convincing airport security of their
benignity when they flit about on their vactions.

We might as well face it.  Whether one is designated
as  resembling a terrorist or not, according to
security screeners, is really a matter of random
happenstance in many cases.  Did you purchase a 12ga
Remington Defender  sometime in the last twenty years?
 No?  Well then please step onboard.  Yes?  Oh, well
you're going to have to wait while we send your thong
to the lab for analysis, Mr. Alleged, just to check
for accelerant or explosives residue.

Net result?  Just one more obstacle on the highway of
life.  Ho hum.



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Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- Damian Gerow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Thus spake James A. Donald ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 [15/10/04 15:19]:
[laws making stupidity mandatory for gov't
 I've had more than one comment about my ID photos
that amount to basically: You look like you've just
left a terrorist training camp.  For whatever reason,
pictures of me always come out looking like some
crazed religious  fanatic.  But that doesn't mean that
I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure hope that I'm
not going to be detained or denied entry because of
how I *look*, alone.

Way back when phrenology was all the rage they did not
have terrorists.  Since it is evidently vital to the
security of the state for its officials to have the
capability of committing arbitrary civil rights
violations, I can see a need for the resurrection of
phrenology, suitably updated, as a screening tool. 
The shape of your head; the cadence of your gait; the
way your eyes shift according to carefully structured
stimulae, and of course your spending patterns -- all
these things will help the cause of profiling.

Remember: petty inconveniences that make travel on
average less pleasant and more onerous are not at all
intended to facilitate tightened centralised control
of civilian life.  That it may actually do so is an
unintended side-effect.

As for me, I have resigned myself to the current
lamentable state of world affairs.  Until the world's
policeman finishes flushing the terrorists out into
the open for the purpose of apprehension, we will all
have to make sacrifices for the greater good.



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Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Dave Howe
Damian Gerow wrote:
I've had more than one comment about my ID photos that amount to basically:
You look like you've just left a terrorist training camp.  For whatever
reason, pictures of me always come out looking like some crazed religious
fanatic.  But that doesn't mean that I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure
hope that I'm not going to be detained or denied entry because of how I
*look*, alone.
No, of course not. even if you had a turban, carried a koran and your 
briefcase made a suspicious ticking noise, that would be *profiling* and 
therefore bad.

Now, if your name happened to sound like someone who doesn't look like 
you, but a FBI agent had once misheard in passing... that would get you 

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-16 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

   If you really look like the shoe bomber, then you should have to 
   drive, or use public transport.

Ever tried to drive to Europe? Or to Hawaii?
Why airplanes don't count as a form of public transport?

  So by that rationale, every Arab should have to drive?
 Every young male Arab past puberty, with a few exceptions for 
 special cases.

This is a measure good for pissing off (which is often the first step to 
radicalizing) the quite secularized majority of American Arabs.

You also seem to forget there is another potential factor - not only the 
visible one (ethnicity), but also one that isn't obvious to visual 
evaluation - religion. There is a significant black minority that inclines 
to Islam, some of them potentially radical. Do you want to suggest banning 
blacks from flying too? If so, what reaction are you expecting to get?

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread Tyler Durden
First of all, the guy is a major dumbass...
My profile is radically different from all those who killed nearly 3,000 of
my countrymen on September 11, 2001. My holy book of choice is the Bible.
My race is Caucasian. I am a loyal, taxpaying, patriotic, evil-hating,
English-as-first-language, natural-born American. If profiling were
allowed, I wouldn't be the one filling out government forms to prove I'm
not a terrorist. The other guys would.
I'm thinking that the state-of-the-art on Cypherpunks is such that no real 
comment here is necessary.

The arbitrariness of all of this makes me think the security system isn't
very secure and that it is all a sham created by politicians to fool the
public into believing they are protecting us. Meanwhile, millions cross our
borders illegally, including untold numbers from countries that hate us.
This is precisely why Al-Qaeda sent 19 (or probably more) true-believers. 
Even if TSA lowers the odds, all you have to do is roll the dice many more 
times, and a few of the faithful will definitely get through the checkpoint. 
Security measures might stop a lone crazy, but the odds don't stand up if 
they send dozens of people into airports all around the country. And Iraq II 
is promising us a bumper crop of new 'terrorists'.

Seems to me it's going to be much easier for the US to stop fucking around 
over there. Oh wait, we can't do that because then the terrorists have 
won. Waitaminute...doesn't Algeria prove that terrorism wins, eventually?


From: R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Airport insanity
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:08:59 -0400
Airport insanity
Cal Thomas (back to web version) | Send
October 13, 2004
Ted Kennedy and I have something in common. We are both on airline lists as
potential terror suspects.
Kennedy was recently denied access to a US Airways flight out of
Washington, one he has taken for 40 years.
I am on a US Airways list of some type that apparently requires airline
employees to take my driver's license behind closed doors, have a
conference and then stamp my ticket with a code that mandates my person and
my carry-on bag be searched. Every time I fly, which is sometimes several
times a week. I especially appreciate the crotch grab to make sure I'm not
hiding any weapons of mass destruction. How would you like to be the
trainer for this procedure?
The idiocy virus is now spreading to other airlines. It seems someone who
shares my name is wanted by authorities. I hope he is getting some of my
hate mail. Logic should dictate that once I prove I am not the guy they are
looking for, they would take me off the suspect list. But, no, our misnamed
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is anything but logical.
US Airways gives me a TSA phone number to call. I am not surprised when a
machine answers. The machine promises a prompt response. I leave a
message. There is no response. A few days later, I call again. Same
recording, same message, same non-response. I send an e-mail to TSA. This
time I receive an automated reply, assuring me of a prompt response. Two
days later, I receive another e-mail informing me I will have to fill out a
form to prove I am not a terrorist. This is an interesting twist on the
innocent until proven guilty standard in law.
The confusion plot thickens. Two weeks ago, TSA approved my application for
registered traveler status as part of an experimental program at some
airports for frequent travelers. I recorded my eye print and fingerprint,
and now a machine can identify me and allow me to go to the head of the
security line, but only at the airport where I applied.
Other participating airports require applications to be made at each of
those airports, even though the paperwork presumably goes to TSA
headquarters. Why can't TSA look at that one application that has been
approved and take me off their watch list, or whatever they call it? Is
logic not in government dictionaries?
Things have become so ridiculous on the road that a TSA screener in Duluth,
Minn., last week required me to open my computer bag, whereupon she used
one of those devices that resemble a deodorant pad and wiped every
electrical cord. When I asked why, she responded, The downed Russian
airliners. When I noted that Duluth was the only airport in the country
where my electrical cords had been wiped, she replied, Everyone is
supposed to.
The arbitrariness of all of this makes me think the security system isn't
very secure and that it is all a sham created by politicians to fool the
public into believing they are protecting us. Meanwhile, millions cross our
borders illegally, including untold numbers from countries that hate us.
Why isn't the Bush administration doing something about illegal immigration
instead of pretending these people are coming here solely to do manual
labor we native Americans don't want to do? Wouldn't we 

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread Damian Gerow
Thus spake James A. Donald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [15/10/04 15:19]:
: Has anyone who does not look a terrorist done a suicide mission 
: outside Israel or Russia? Recall the shoe bomber.   You just
: had to look at him. You would think the airport screeners would
: need to be half brain dead to let him on the plane.  Come to
: think of it, they are half brain dead, but laws that require
: them to pretend to be stupider than they actually are do not
: help.

I've had more than one comment about my ID photos that amount to basically:
You look like you've just left a terrorist training camp.  For whatever
reason, pictures of me always come out looking like some crazed religious
fanatic.  But that doesn't mean that I'm going to bomb anything.  And I sure
hope that I'm not going to be detained or denied entry because of how I
*look*, alone.

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread James A. Donald
 My profile is radically different from all those who killed 
 nearly 3,000 of my countrymen on September 11, 2001. My 
 holy book of choice is the Bible. My race is Caucasian. I 
 am a loyal, taxpaying, patriotic, evil-hating, 
 English-as-first-language, natural-born American. If 
 profiling were allowed, I wouldn't be the one filling out 
 government forms to prove I'm not a terrorist. The other 
 guys would.

On 15 Oct 2004 at 10:02, Tyler Durden wrote:
 I'm thinking that the state-of-the-art on Cypherpunks is such 
 that no real comment here is necessary.

Has anyone who does not look a terrorist done a suicide mission 
outside Israel or Russia? Recall the shoe bomber.   You just
had to look at him. You would think the airport screeners would
need to be half brain dead to let him on the plane.  Come to
think of it, they are half brain dead, but laws that require
them to pretend to be stupider than they actually are do not

 This is precisely why Al-Qaeda sent 19 (or probably more) 
 true-believers. Even if TSA lowers the odds, all you have to 
 do is roll the dice many more times, and a few of the 
 faithful will definitely get through the checkpoint.

Just don't let anyone who looks like the shoe bomber fly. 
Problem solved.  A restaurant should be able to turn away those 
whose looks they do not like, and an airline likewise.

There are probably a few innocents in Guantenamo, but they 
released at least one Al Quaeda terrorist who promptly got back 
in business murdering large numbers of people, and was caught 
doing it - so presumably they have released lots of others who 
have committed lots of murders, and not been caught doing it.

Anyone who was non Afghan and in Afghanistan in the middle of 
the war without a good explanation should have been executed by 
the Northern Alliance or imprisoned permanently in Guatenamo.

Yes, I do support internment, as wartime measure, during real 
war, against an ethnically based enemy. Similarly I support 
shelling enemies who surround themselves with captive women and 
children, as Sadr did in Najaf.   That hostage crisis was ended 
by negotiation, but because the administration were reluctant 
to shell the mosque, the deal was settled on very unfavorable 

 James A. Donald

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread Tyler Durden
OK, Mr're shittin' me, right?
Has anyone who does not look a terrorist done a suicide mission
outside Israel or Russia?
If you define a suicide mission a priori as the act of a terrorist (I guess 
I do), then by definition anyone who performs such an act is a terrorist. 
Therefore, anyone who performs a suicide mission looks like a terrorist. 
Guess it's simple, then eh?

Recall the shoe bomber.   You just
had to look at him.
Yer trollin me, I just know it! YAAGH but I can't help myself...I gotta 
respond! I guess it's OK then if we don't allow strange looking people on 
the planes. Come to think of it, I think YOU look like a terrorist...

You would think the airport screeners would
need to be half brain dead to let him on the plane.  Come to
think of it, they are half brain dead, but laws that require
them to pretend to be stupider than they actually are do not
OK, so you not only want to stop anybody odd looking from getting on an 
airplane, you want near-welfare, minimum-wage HS dropouts be responsible for 
determining what odd means?

Just don't let anyone who looks like the shoe bomber fly.
Problem solved.
Huh? The one flaw in this logic is that this only works if you can send this 
particular definition of suspicious looks backwards in time. The 
shoe-bomber is a particularly interesting case, as I believe the dude was 
ethnically British. He might have looked odd from the photo you saw 
circulated in the press, but I'd bet a lot of money no one would have picked 
him as looking like a terrorist. However, since we now know about what the 
shoe-bomber looks like, it should be relatively easy to stop his genetic 
clones or identical twins from boarding planes in the future. Problem 
Solved indeed. However, this might not work against people that DON'T look 
like the shoe-bomber.

There are probably a few innocents in Guantenamo, but they
released at least one Al Quaeda terrorist who promptly got back
in business murdering large numbers of people, and was caught
doing it - so presumably they have released lots of others who
have committed lots of murders, and not been caught doing it.
Hum. An interesting, Stalinist logic. Well, Stalin was on a certain level 
immensely practical. I say we build a big electrified fence around Cobble 
Hill Brooklyn and fuck 'em...SOMEONE in there is definitely Al-Qaeda, 
therefore let's assume everyone in there's guilty until proven innocent.

Anyone who was non Afghan and in Afghanistan in the middle of
the war without a good explanation should have been executed by
the Northern Alliance or imprisoned permanently in Guatenamo.
So likewise would you agree that if any non-citizen US soldiers (there are 
10s of thousands non-citizen soldiers in the US) are captured in the 
numerous future wars, then they captors have the right to execute them on 
the spot? Geneva convention or anything? What the hell, it's a 
free-for-all anyway!

Yes, I do support internment, as wartime measure, during real
war, against an ethnically based enemy.
Wow. Since Iranians are Indo-European (ie, white), then in the event of war 
with Iran would you advocate rounding up all Americans of Indo-European 
ancestry? Does this have to be pure, or should we grab the African 
Americans too (which have large % of Indo-European genes)?

Oh wait, most of the Afghans are Indo-Europeans too. So if you're arrested 
then you'll certainly understand that we're really just protecting the US 
from your possible collusion with your relatives in Afghanistan...

What seems to be clear to me is that you believe that your opinions 
originate from some self-consistent logical framework that is unpopular in 
some quarters. What also seems clear to me that it's really an inconsistent 
hodgepodge thrown up around the real goal, American domination at all costs, 
damn the logic and damn the consequences.


 James A. Donald
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Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 3:55 PM -0700 10/15/04, John Young wrote:
Most of the Boston Red Sox team look as if they have just
come from a terrorist training camp for blind, handless barbers,
decked-out in ill-fitting sports gear, staring wild-eyed at
RPGs being fired at their heads and nuts, swinging clubs futilely
at the inerrant missiles, their ass-wipe paws swollen into giant
shit-covered patties, muttering homicidal jihads against devil-bred

Yeah, but just wait until next year...



R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread John Young
Most of the Boston Red Sox team look as if they have just
come from a terrorist training camp for blind, handless barbers, 
decked-out in ill-fitting sports gear, staring wild-eyed at 
RPGs being fired at their heads and nuts, swinging clubs futilely 
at the inerrant missiles, their ass-wipe paws swollen into giant 
shit-covered patties, muttering homicidal jihads against devil-bred 

RE: Airport insanity

2004-10-15 Thread John Kelsey
From: Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 15, 2004 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: Airport insanity

First of all, the guy is a major dumbass...

My profile is radically different from all those who killed nearly 3,000 of
my countrymen on September 11, 2001. My holy book of choice is the Bible.
My race is Caucasian. I am a loyal, taxpaying, patriotic, evil-hating,
English-as-first-language, natural-born American. If profiling were
allowed, I wouldn't be the one filling out government forms to prove I'm
not a terrorist. The other guys would.

I'm thinking that the state-of-the-art on Cypherpunks is such that no real 
comment here is necessary.

Ahh, thanks for flying, Mr McVeigh.  You're in seat 1A, just behind the cockpit.  We 
like to put patriotic Americans there to make sure there's no risk of in-flight 

This is precisely why Al-Qaeda sent 19 (or probably more) true-believers. 
Even if TSA lowers the odds, all you have to do is roll the dice many more 
times, and a few of the faithful will definitely get through the checkpoint. 
Security measures might stop a lone crazy, but the odds don't stand up if 
they send dozens of people into airports all around the country. And Iraq II 
is promising us a bumper crop of new 'terrorists'.

Yep.  It gives you a warm feeling all over to know that we're spending billions of 
dollars on running a nation-sized terrorist training camp.  Ah, but not to worry.  
*These* terrorists won't get WMDs.  We know, because apparently there's not a gram of 
WMD anywhere in Iraq.  And besides, A.G. Khan has been brought to justice, and is now 
requiring proof of identity and a major credit card before shipping you the Nuclear 
Weapons Program in a Box set, and North Korea is too busy stockpiling nukes and 
missiles for an upcoming negotiated settlement to certain border questions to sell 
any of them to any (other) crazies.  Why the only other place where there's a risk of 
nuclear proliferation is in the old Soviet Union--and we all know *they* don't have 
any Islamic fundamentalist terrorists running about.  So we can clearly rest easy.  

It's a good thing we've got an administration in the White House who cares about 
security and the war on terror.  Otherwise, I'd be a mite worried about now


--John Kelsey