Desbloqueo del router ADSL

2000-10-28 Thread David \(e-solucions\)
Hola, alguien me puede enviar a [EMAIL PROTECTED] el mail de como se
desbloqueaba el router ADSL?

Re: Reducir fichero.jpg

2000-10-28 Thread Roberto Diaz
 He escaneado una foto mia en color para colocarla en mi portal internet.
 Resulta que ha salido grande. Existe algun programa en linux que sirva
 para reducirla? Como se hace?

Por ejemplo...

Si tienes imageMagick instalado:

mogrify -format jpeg -geometry 640x480 imagen.jpg

man mogrify... para más ayuda.



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run in a Microsoft free environment.

/dev/audio: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado (Failed to open sound device)

2000-10-28 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, hasta hace poco el sonido me funcionaba perfectamente. Sin embargo, desde
hace unos días ya no me funciona (supongo que a consecuencia de algun upgrade
con apt).

Si intento usar algun player me dice que no puede abrir el dispositivo:

$ splay fichero.mpg
splay: Failed to open sound device.

Si intento acceder directamente al device me dice que el dispositivo está

$ cat  /dev/audio
/dev/audio: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado

¿Alguien tiene alguna idea?

Un saludo,


Re: Era: Pregunta facil sobre procmail (exec progs)

2000-10-28 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Cuando:   viernes, 27 de octubre del 2000, a las 09:54, 
  Qué:  Era: Pregunta facil sobre procmail (exec progs) 

 Querría aprovechar el tirón del procmail para preguntar:
 ¿Puedo hacer, con el procmail, que cuando se reciba un correo, ejecute algo
 (un selescrí por ejemplo)?
 Me interesaría bastante, ya que quiero que cuando alguien recibe un emilio,
 se ejecute un programilla el Perl que estoy haciendo.
 Gracias por todo.

== Un ejemplo:

#Para aquellos que me pidan mi clave GPG, esto:
* ^Subject.*PGP
* ^Subject.*GPG
* ^Subject.*pgp
* ^Subject.*gpg
| (formail -r ; cat $HOME/.gnupg/claves/correcam.txt.asc) | sendmail -t

== Segundo ejemplo:

# Mensaje gerérico para todo correo entrante
| (formail -r; cat $HOME/vacaciones.txt) | sendmail -t

Con estos dos ejemplos, creo que tienes solucionado el tema ;)

Post: Salvo que de verdad estemos de vacaciones, mejor dejar el segundo
ejemplo comentado }:-)


Mi frase del dia:

La tierra es la cuna de la razón, pero no se puede vivir siempre en la cuna.
-- Konstantin Tsiolkovski. 

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Re: apache y logs

2000-10-28 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jaume Sabater 
  Cuando:   viernes, 27 de octubre del 2000, a las 11:44, 
  Qué:  apache y logs 

 A ver:
 Me interesa que los logs del apache no roten, pues necesito hacer
 estadísticas de ellos. Afecta esto en la velocidad del apache? Tarda más en
 escribir al log si este es muy grande?
 Merci por adelantado

Mi opinión al respecto es la siguiente: Entre las mejores
herramientas para realizar estadisticas están las hojas de
cálculo y las Bases de Datos...

Yo que tú, no tocaba los log's y lo que hacía era meter TODAS
las visitas en un base de datos. Luego, mostrar resultados a
través de la base de datos será MUY sencillo, pudiendo utilizar
multitud de herramientas para ello. 

Como el movimiento se demuestra andando, ahí van mis apuntes al 

#--- Fichero /etc/apache/access.conf -
# Con esto, mandamos los log's a PostgreSQL. 
# Como comentario, decir que o tuve que quitar, porque se pasaba consumiendo 
# espacio. Es elección de cada uno dejarlo o no ;)
# Hay que crear una base de datos para los log's. 

TransferLog '| su -c sed \s/, - );$/, -1 );/\ | /usr/bin/psql  www_log 

Ahora, el sql para insertar en postgresql

#--- Accesos-web.sql -
-- SQL para controlar los accesos en PostgreSQL
-- Esta tabla es la que utiliza PostgreSQL para llevar el control de todos los
-- visitantes de la web
-- Elegir un usuario con derechos en postgres y crear una base de datos, 
-- por ejemplo 'www_log'. Una vez creada la base de datos, insertar esta
-- tabla:

-- Descomentar si estamos en pruebas
-- DROP TABLE accesos;

CREATE TABLE accesos (
ident   char(200),
accdate datetime,
ttime   int2,
status  int2,
bytes   int4);
archive = none;

GRANT ALL ON accesos TO www-data;

-- Luego hacer unas 30 peticiones para empezar a ver el resultado.

Por supuesto, para que todo esto funcione, hace falta cargar un
módulo en el apache. En concreto, basta con descomentar la
siguiente línea en el /etc/apache/httpd.conf:

LoadModule pgsql_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

Bueno, hasta aquí estas anotaciones. Espero que con estas
indicaciones puedan instalalrlo sin problemas :)

Suerte ...

Post: la verdad es que no recuerdo de donde saqué esta información, pero
creo recordar que fué en freshmeat, en algún programilla para estas

Mi frase del dia:

Los conceptos y principios fundamentales de la ciencia son invenciones libres 
del espíritu humano.
-- Albert Einstein. (1879-1955) Físico alemán. 

___   _
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Re: Foro Debian en Hispalinux

2000-10-28 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Virgilio Gómez Rubio 
  Cuando:   viernes, 27 de octubre del 2000, a las 03:18, 
  Qué:  Re: Foro Debian en Hispalinux 

 Por supuesto, es un foro abierto a todo el mundo... mientras haya espacio
 en la sala :-D


Reserveme una, por favor!!!



Mi frase del dia:

Las mujeres como la electricidad, si las tocas te sacuden ...

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
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Re: Foro Debian en Hispalinux

2000-10-28 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a 
  Cuando:   viernes, 27 de octubre del 2000, a las 08:04, 
  Qué:  Re: Foro Debian en Hispalinux 

 On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:49:53AM +0200, David Charro Ripa wrote:
  El foro debian en Hispalinux,
  ¿hay algún moderador?
  ¿de qué hablaremos?
   Yo iré. Siendo como será un BOF supongo que se hablará de lo que la
 gente quiere que se hable, para charlas técnicas ya habrá ponencias (una
 sobre como hacer paquetes) y filosóficas (¿qué es Debian? ¿qué es La
 Espilra?) más apropiadas.
   Pero si quereis, para que los desarrolladore vayamos preparados :)
 podríais plantear inquietudes aquí...

Me apunto...

Ahí va una ...:

Una de las cosas que más me 'requeman' por dentro, en cuanto a
los desarrollos globales, como es el caso de Debian, es la
obligada utilización del inglés como lenguaje de facto dentro de
la comunidad. Personalmente este es el motivo de que no me haya
metido a desarrollador/mantenedor en Debian...

Viendo el desarrollo de iniciativas 'locales', citando como
ejemplos a La Espiral o al ejemplo de los japoneses, mis preguntas
* ¿Para cuando admitirá Debian desarrolladores 'locales'?
* Los paquetes 'locales', ¿necesitan de conocimientos de otras
  lenguas ..?
* Puestos a elegir, ¿porque no fomentar el 'esperanto' dentro de
  la comunidad, facilitando asi un esfuerzo similar a todos los
  desarrolladores ..?
* Si un anglosajón tuviera que aprender castellano, ¿no
  plantearía estas cuestiones en términos parecidos a los mios ..?

Bueno, venga, la cuestión ya está planteada. Si alguien tiene
ganas, la discutimos en la lista, si no, lo dejamos para el BOF

Un saludote y nos vemos en el Congreso ;)


Mi frase del dia:

Aburrirse en el momento apropiado es signo de inteligencia.

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
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Crear el Packages.gz

2000-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Me he bajado los archivos del kde 2.0 pero
  ¿Cómo se crea el fichero 'Packages.gz'?

# Powered by: Debian 2.2 Potato (kernel 2.2.17)

Re: Crear el Packages.gz

2000-10-28 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Cuando:   sábado, 28 de octubre del 2000, a las 05:27, 
  Qué:  Crear el Packages.gz 

   Me he bajado los archivos del kde 2.0 pero
   ¿Cómo se crea el fichero 'Packages.gz'?

Con algo parecido a esto:

dpkg-scanpackages -m 'Debian GNU/Linux binary-i386' debian debian  Packages

Mirate el man, como siempre ;)


Mi frase del dia:

Mediante el recuerdo podemos disfrutar y renovar una felicidad más dulce que la 
gozada en la realidad con los sentidos embotados.
-- Robert Hamerling. (1830-1889) Escritor austríaco. 

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
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RE: Bug en doc-linux-es

2000-10-28 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
Para: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Lista Debian
Fecha: jueves 26 de octubre de 2000 20:04
Asunto: Re: Bug en doc-linux-es

Ricardo El paquete doc-linux-es de potato no se puede desinstalar
Ricardo (creo que le falta un fi en el script prerm).

He comprobado que (sin desinstalarme el paquete) los ficheros
 prerm relacionados con el paquete doc-linux-es tienen la sentencia
 fi para terminar la condición inicial.

Le falta otro fi.
Yo no sé casi nada de programación de scripts pero casi por intuición le
puse un fi donde creía que le faltaba y pude desinstalarlo, así que
supongo que será eso.

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Foro Debian en Hispalinux

2000-10-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, oct 28, 2000 at 01:46:30 +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
   * Si un anglosajón tuviera que aprender castellano, ¿no
 plantearía estas cuestiones en términos parecidos a los mios ..?

EMHO ni lo intentaría, se dedicaría a otra cosa, son muy cerrados en
términos generales en lo que respecta a su idioma, están acostumbrados a que
la gente haga el esfuerzo para comunicarse con ellos no viceversa.

   Bueno, venga, la cuestión ya está planteada. Si alguien tiene
   ganas, la discutimos en la lista, si no, lo dejamos para el BOF

O ambas ;-)

   Un saludote y nos vemos en el Congreso ;)

Otro, ya falta menos.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Crear el Packages.gz

2000-10-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, oct 28, 2000 at 05:27:24 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Me he bajado los archivos del kde 2.0 pero
   ¿Cómo se crea el fichero 'Packages.gz'?

Como te dice Luis pero además necesitarás algún paquete más de Woody. Yo no
he conseguido hacer un install task-kde con éxito mediante el mirror mio si
lo consigues dime cómo, gracias.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Mis chuletas y una posible Guia practica de uso de Debian Potato

2000-10-28 Thread Manel Marin

On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:12:10AM +0200, Quique wrote:
 hay ya una Guía Práctica de Debian 2.2 (Potato) para nuevos usuarios,
 que cubre fundamentalmente los aspectos de instalación y personalización
 Está en su versión 0.2. Así que yo sugeriría tomar ésta como punto de

La he leido (pero no recordaba el nombre), y la verdad no pensaba que era una
criatura en evolución...

A la guia le falta orientar un objetivo concreto, por ejemplo Para casa o
enfocar la instalación para distintos usos como estoy intentando en mis
chuletas: cliente Linux, en casa, servidor, por dentro, pero entoces no
sería una guia básica...

Yo prefiero un enfoque rápido, como mis chuletas
De hecho mis chuletas son una respuesta a una necesidad, pruebo las cosas en
casa y cuando veo que van perfectas las instalo en el trabajo, donde tengo poco
tiempo para perder y tengo que ir al grano... Así que tengo que seguir
haciendolas... ;-)

Y ahora tengo Debian en casa, en el PC que uso (cliente) en el trabajo y en el
servidor y soy consciente que instalo y configuro diferentes cosas y de
diferentes maneras

Quizas podemos dejar la Guia práctica en un nivel básico y preparar unas
guias rápidas específicas... (en un futuro a partir de mis chuletas)

Guia rápida específica de Debian Potato para uso en casa
... como servidor de intranet
... como cliente de intranet
Debian Potato por dentro

¿Que os parece?

Dejar las chuletas como están, cada una es un capitulo, no se como coordinar
esto con el DTD XML de La espiral... Hasta ahora escribo mis chuletas en ASCII
con el mc y últimamente las reviso en ortografía con el ispell

 Gracias a ti por tu esfuerzo, somos muchos a los que nos viene bien
 tener una guía rápida de como implementar algo.

De nada, fruto de una necesidad, que comparto con espiritu GNU GPL :-)


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: alojar varios dominios.

2000-10-28 Thread eloy
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Alberto Rodríguez wrote:

 Me imagino que alojar otros dominio es tan simple como añadir zonas en
 el dns, dar de alta el dominio con un contratador a nivel mundial ,por
 ejemplo network solutions, y por supuesto buscar quien me haga de dns
 secundario. El problema radica en como le digo a apache que cuando la
 petición se haga hacia el dominio2 en vez de al dominio1, éste muestre
 la página en cuestión.
DocumentRoot /home/httpd/html/dominio2 


Espero poder ayudar. Yo en mi httpd.conf sirvo varios dominios
virtuales basados en nombres, no basados en IP. Es decir, mi máquina tiene
una única IP pero responde a nombres diferentes, algunos en dominios
distintos. Para acabar de liarlo, mi máquina sirve algunos dominios y
otros no.

Cerca del final del httpd.conf tengo algo como:

NameVirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx
# xx.xx.xx.xx es la IP de mi máquina
Virtualhost xx.xx.xx.xx
DocumentRoot esto/lootro

Virtualhost xx.xx.xx.xx
DocumentRoot aquello/otracosa

Como ves es necesario en NameVirtualHost y luego una sección para
cada dominio virtual. La IP del inicio de la sección es siempre la misma.

Otra cosa es las cuestión de las DNS. La segunda, como ves, está
servida por el servicio de DNS dinámica ODS. La primera sí la sirve mi
máquina (el el dominio del grupo de investigación al que pertenezco). Yo
lo del alias lo haría así: si el nuevo dominio que te piden es
'', y vas a servir la zona tú mismo, yo pondría algo como los
siguientes RRs (ojo: supongo que sirves DNS y WWW desde la misma máquina,
llamémosla tux, con IP por ejemplo): SOA (
tux IN A  IN NS tux  IN NS ; ;-)
www IN CNAME tux

Ese servidor secundario tal vez no sea el correcto, pero tú me

En fin. No sé si te he ayudado o no. La razón de tanto párrafo
contando cosas que seguro que ya sabes es que precisamente esto es lo que
les estoy explicando estos días a mis alumnos, con lo que cualquier
ocasión hace que me dispare :-).

Mucha suerte.

-- Eloy
 Eloy Rafael Sanz Tapia -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-- --
--- GPG ID: 190169A0 / finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Córdoba _ España ___ Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux 2.2.16 rabinf50

Re: Crear el Packages.gz

2000-10-28 Thread Chafar
Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
Me he bajado los archivos del kde 2.0 pero
¿Cómo se crea el fichero 'Packages.gz'?
 Con algo parecido a esto:
 dpkg-scanpackages -m 'Debian GNU/Linux binary-i386' debian debian  Packages

 Mirate el man, como siempre ;)

Pues mas dejao pasmao, porque mi man dpkg-scanpackages no muestra una
opción -m. Precisamente lo tenía impreso, ante la vista, cuando he leído
tu mensaje. ¿Alguna explicación? Uso potato.

Por cierto, y ya que estamos con la cosa. Tengo hecho un guión para
hacer un Packages a partir de un mirror que mantengo de woody con unos
cuantos paquetes que me interesan.

En el guión no se utiliza para nada el fichero overrides pero mi man me
lo da como argumento obligado. Sin embargo, mis Packages son válidos,
porque apt-get update me funciona perfectamente.

¿Alguien me puede decir algo sobre el asunto?

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Mis chuletas y una posible Guia practica de uso de Debian Potato

2000-10-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, oct 28, 2000 at 06:45:24 +0200, Manel Marin wrote:
 La he leido (pero no recordaba el nombre), y la verdad no pensaba que era una
 criatura en evolución...

Lo es.

 A la guia le falta orientar un objetivo concreto, por ejemplo Para casa o
 enfocar la instalación para distintos usos como estoy intentando en mis
 chuletas: cliente Linux, en casa, servidor, por dentro, pero entoces no
 sería una guia básica...

Me parece fenomenal, perfecto.

 Yo prefiero un enfoque rápido, como mis chuletas
 De hecho mis chuletas son una respuesta a una necesidad, pruebo las cosas en
 casa y cuando veo que van perfectas las instalo en el trabajo, donde tengo 
 tiempo para perder y tengo que ir al grano... Así que tengo que seguir
 haciendolas... ;-)

Yo no prefiero ni esto ni lo otros, yo prefiero *todo*, me explico: si se
pueden tener tus chuletas y las de otros como recurso en constante
renovación, mejora y ampliación a modo de nanoCOMOs sería algo estupendo y
muy indicado para muchos en bastantes circunstancias pero la existencia de
una guía más general que le de una visión de conjunto y un paso a paso del
proceso de instalación/configuración básica al usuario EMHO es también
necesaria y totalmente complementaria a tu enfoque, de hecho creo que
*necesariamente complementaria*.

 IDEA 1)
 Quizas podemos dejar la Guia práctica en un nivel básico y preparar unas
 guias rápidas específicas... (en un futuro a partir de mis chuletas)
 Guia rápida específica de Debian Potato para uso en casa
 ... como servidor de intranet
 ... como cliente de intranet
 Debian Potato por dentro
 ¿Que os parece?

Estupendo, te nombro coordinador del Equipo de nanoCOMOs Debian de La
Espiral (el nombre puede ser el que tu gustes obviamente :-D).

¿Te suscribes a [EMAIL PROTECTED] (correo con subscribe típico en en el
campo asunto a la dirección [EMAIL PROTECTED]) y propones la
iniciativa?, creo que es una idea muy muy interesante.

 Dejar las chuletas como están, cada una es un capitulo, no se como coordinar
 esto con el DTD XML de La espiral... Hasta ahora escribo mis chuletas en ASCII
 con el mc y últimamente las reviso en ortografía con el ispell

Déjame que lo piense y el lunes o martes te doy una respuesta, seguro que te
sorprendes de lo fácil que es :)

 De nada, fruto de una necesidad, que comparto con espiritu GNU GPL :-)


Saludos y gracias otra vez.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Crear el Packages.gz

2000-10-28 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Cuando:   sábado, 28 de octubre del 2000, a las 08:46, 
  Qué:  Re: Crear el Packages.gz 

 Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
 Me he bajado los archivos del kde 2.0 pero
 ¿Cómo se crea el fichero 'Packages.gz'?
  Con algo parecido a esto:
  dpkg-scanpackages -m 'Debian GNU/Linux binary-i386' debian debian  Packages
  Mirate el man, como siempre ;)
 Pues mas dejao pasmao, porque mi man dpkg-scanpackages no muestra una
 opción -m. Precisamente lo tenía impreso, ante la vista, cuando he leído
 tu mensaje. ¿Alguna explicación? Uso potato.

Pues lo mismo te digo: La línea de arriba la corte y pegué de un
script que me hice allá por 'Hamm'. Al mirar ahora me doy cuenta
de que no aparece en la man del dpkg-scanpackages. No tengo
explicación que darte, al contrario, a mi tambien me gustaría
que alguien me recordase que significaba esta opción ...



Igualmente ;)


Mi frase del dia:

Yo no soy esquizofrénico. Ni yo tampoco.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Crear el Packages.gz

2000-10-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, oct 28, 2000 at 08:46:44 +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
   explicación que darte, al contrario, a mi tambien me gustaría
   que alguien me recordase que significaba esta opción ...

Simplemente, desde Potato:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] dpkg-scanpackages
Usage: dpkg-scanpackages [-m medium] binarypath overridefile pathprefix 
e.g. dpkg-scanpackages -m 'Debian GNU/Linux binary-i386' \
binary-i386 /pub/debian/indices/override.hamm.gz \
dists/stable/  binary-i386/Packages

Sobran palabras ¿no? :)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: partition-magic

2000-10-28 Thread Daniel Cabezas
 JORGE wrote:
 hola,, tengo algo de tiempo buscando el partition - magic en
 cualquiera de sus versiones, te agradeceria mucho que me pudieras
 decir en donde puedo obtener alguna version de este programa
 Jorge Alberto Samano Aranda

Jorge, Partition Magic es un programa comercial, y no hay ninguna vesión
realmente funcional gratuita de este producto. Como opción alternativa
en software libre, existe el GNU-Parted, un editor y modificador de
particiones no destructivo para Linux. Tiene todo lo que buscas en el
Partition Magic y algunas opciones más. Eso sí olvidate de los wizards y
la interfaz amigable: es en modo texto. Eso sí, existen frontends para X
y consola: GtkPart para Gnome y CGParted para framebuffer, svgalib y X
(si quieres ejcutarlo en X, mandame un mail, la configuracion necesaria
no es trivial y tengo que hacer un txt explicandolo). Url's:

GtkParted: No la encuentro, alguien mas enterado que yo, por favor que
me/nos la pase


2000-10-28 Thread peter karlsson

Jag har satt en brandmur mellan kabeltevemodemet och mitt interna
nätverk, men jag vill komma åt vissa tjänster utifrån. Nu har jag satt
upp rinetd för att göra det, men jag tänkte att det väl borde gå att
göra med ipchains så att jag får se den externa adressen på intranätet,
men jag vet inte hur.

Så, vad skall jag skriva för att brandmuren (vars externa ip-adress på
eth0 ändras via dhcp), automatiskt skall skicka vidare alla anrop på
port X till en maskin på det interna nätverket?

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:


2000-10-28 Thread Thiago Volpi Ramos
Tenho dois computadores em casa. Um deles está com o Debian 2.1 e o
outro com Red Hat 6.2. Comprei o CD da Debian 2.2 que veio junto com a
revista Arquivo Linux ( só o CD principal ).
Instalar no com o Debian 2.1 foi fácil. O com o Red Hat está dividido em
cinco partições, uma de cinco giga dedicada ao Windows e outras 4 com o
Linux. Se instalar direto, sem apagar nada do Red Hat, a instalação Debian
fará isso por mim?
Também gostaria de saber onde posso encontrar uma lista com todos os
pacotes da Debian, para saber quais que estão nos Cds 2 e 3 que eu posso
Por fim, estou pensando em fazer um curso de Linux, tipo os da
Conectiva, mas quero alguma coisa mais voltada ao Debian. Alguém poderia me
dar uma dica de algum tipo de curso desse tipo em são paulo?

Thiago Volpi Ramos.

Para tradutores

2000-10-28 Thread Hilton Fernandes

como esta lista fatalmente contem pessoas preocupada
com traducao, nao e' fora do escopo dizer de uma
pagina da Academia Brasileira de Letras que oferece
uma forma de se saber se uma palavra existe ou nao em
portugues e sua classificacao: adjetivo, verbo etc.

A pagina e'


Hilton Fernandes

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: Para tradutores

2000-10-28 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan

Hilton, perfeito este link, até porque enterrou a discussão anterior
da lista definitivamente ..

esultado da pesquisa por palavra:

 desenvolvedor (ô) adj. s.m.


Já foi pros meus bookmarks.


On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 03:34:34AM -0700, Hilton Fernandes wrote:
 como esta lista fatalmente contem pessoas preocupada
 com traducao, nao e' fora do escopo dizer de uma
 pagina da Academia Brasileira de Letras que oferece
 uma forma de se saber se uma palavra existe ou nao em
 portugues e sua classificacao: adjetivo, verbo etc.
 A pagina e'
 Hilton Fernandes
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalação 2

2000-10-28 Thread juliano
Thiago Volpi Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Fiquei de madrugada em casa a instalação do Debian 2.2 ( obtive o CD da
 revista Arquivo Linux, trata-se somente do CD principal, e não dos três ) em
 cima de uma versão 6.2 do Red Hat que tinha em meu computador (Pentium III
 Já tenho em casa um computador com a Debian 2.1 (um Pentium 166). Na
 época em que instalei o Debian no Pentium 166, tentei instala-lo também no
 Pentium III, mas, na hora de formatar o disco ( que eu dividi em duas
 partições de aproximadamente 5 GB com o FIPS ) hda ele encontrava um erro na
 tábua de partições e dizia que podia continuar mas que eu perderia todos
 meus dados nesse disco. Como tenho o Windows 98 na primeira partição eu
 cancelei a instalação.
 Consegui instalar o Red Hat nele sem problemas, dividindo a partição
 destinada ao Linux em 4:
  /dev/hda2   /
 /dev/hda6 (acho que é essa)swap128MB.
 Tudo isso totaliza 4628 MB. Eu deveria ter livre nessa partição 4753 MB,
 mas a instalação da Red Hat não me deixou preencher todos os 4753 megas em
 uma divisão que eu havia feito antes. Como passei diretamente para essa que
 coloquei acima não sei se ela aceitaria 4700 megas por exemplo.
 Hoje então tentei instalar a Debian sobre essa Red Hat (Debian
 definitivamente é minha escolha). O pentium III permite inicialização a
 partir do CD e então foi fácil começar a instalação. Configurei meu teclado
 e então o programa da Debian passou direto para inicializar uma partição
 swap, já que ele reconheceu as partições já existentes. Desejo mudar a
 divisão que eu havia feito antes para outra:
 Isso totaliza 4628 MB, como o que eu usei na instalação da Red Hat. Para
 fazer essa mudança passei para um item prévio do programa de instalação, o
 Particionar o Disco Rígido. Ele me perguntou se eu queria particionar o
 disco hda e eu confirmei.
 Em seguida ele me disse que ocorreu um erro na minha tábua de partições,
 algo parecido com o que aconteceu quando tentei instalar o Debian 2.1 (aqui
 ele não especificava a partição 6). Aqui vai a transcrição do que apareceu
 em minha tela.
 FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions
 Press any key to exit cfdisk
 Apertei então a tecla de espaço. Outra tela surgiu:
 cfdisk has failed while trying to repartition your disk. That may mean
 your disk's partition table is corrupt, or your disk is 'factory clean'.
 It often helps to wipe out your disk current partition table and run
 cfdisk again.
 WARNING: You will lose any data currently on that disk. Are you sure you
 want me to do this?
 Escolhi a resposta não e cancelei a instalação novamente, como já fizera
 quando tentei instalar o Debian 2.1.
 Por favor me ajudem, não sei o que está acontecendo e estou ansioso para
 instalar o Debian, até porque terça feira eu estarei instalando a linha
 Speed da telefônica no Pentium III e eles falaram que se o Linux já estiver
 instalado eles o configuram para acessar a Internet pela Speed (atualmente
 estou usando a Internet com o Pentium 166).
 Também gostaria de saber aonde ficam as partições como /var e /tmp caso
 eu não as coloque na hora de particionar. Onde ficam localizados os dados
 variáveis e os temporários nesse caso?
 Sei que minhas perguntas são um básicas mas tentei resolvê-las com a
 documentação que achei ( manual de instalação da Debian, o 2.1 e o 2.2, o
 User Guide Instalation de Matt Welsh (iniciado por ele pelo menos) da página
 Linux Documentatin Project, os manuais fdisk.txt e o cfdisk.txt e vários
 sobre FIPS e particionamento que encontrei ). Agradeceria qualquer ajuda,
 seja uma resposta a meus problemas ou a indicação de um documento que eu
 possa pesquisar.
 Até por isso perguntei no outro email que mandei para a lista se existe
 algum curso voltado a distribuição Debian aqui em São Paulo.
 Obrigado e desculpe pela extensão da mensagem,
 Thiago Volpi Ramos.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
Caro colega , tive esse problema com o slink2.1 quando tentei instalar num hd 
de 13 Gb , depois descobrí que o dono tinha usado o software original da hd , 
acho que é DM qualquer coisa  
A solução foi apagra todas as partições com o linux, recria-las e depois 
instalar o Ruindows e linux !! 
 Também precisei usar o tipo de partição fat32 LBA senão o ruindows não 
reconhecia !!! 

E mais uma coisa use 2 partições primárias no linux e uma pro Ruindows , esse 
negócio de particionar muito o hd com os 2 OS é complicado pois o Ruindows 
tenta acessar as partições extendidas do linux e 

Arquivo LinuX

2000-10-28 Thread Lalo Martins
On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 06:26:34AM -0200, Thiago Volpi Ramos wrote:
 Fiquei de madrugada em casa a instalação do Debian 2.2 ( obtive o CD da
 revista Arquivo Linux, trata-se somente do CD principal, e não dos três ) em
 cima de uma versão 6.2 do Red Hat que tinha em meu computador (Pentium III

Aí gente, nós aqui compramos, é o Potato disco 1 (o único que a
maioria dos mortais precisa) e um monte de manuais impressos,
principalmente o de instalação. Eu recomendo pra quem tá
pensando em comprar o Debian, afinal é 10 reau e tem em toda
banca, e o manual impresso é uma mão na roda.

  Hack and Roll  ( )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key:

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)---

Upgrade de Modem USRobotcis!!!

2000-10-28 Thread Diorgenes B. de Mello
 Dá para fazer upgrade  nos moden da usr sem ser pelo site da usr???
Galera, Mil desculpas pelo off topic, mas eu estou precisando
fazer upgrade em 3 modens da usrobotics e eu lembro que aqui na lista
a um tempo atraz rolou um link sobre isto, eu procurei no histórico
mas não achei nada.

Diorgenes B. de Mello
ICQ: 45102991

Re: (linux-br) listas

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro

 concordo plenamenteo que acha, eu acho que consigo um servidor
 para ser o servidor de mail, o que acha
 e o dominio poderia ser algo assim
 Que tal

Acho que já existem listas demais.  Tem a da conectiva para isto.  Eu
participo de uma no (linux-server) e tráfego é *bem* baixo
(infelizmente o nível das perguntas também).


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Para tradutores

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 como esta lista fatalmente contem pessoas preocupada
 com traducao, nao e' fora do escopo dizer de uma
 pagina da Academia Brasileira de Letras que oferece
 uma forma de se saber se uma palavra existe ou nao em
 portugues e sua classificacao: adjetivo, verbo etc.
 A pagina e'

A SBC também tem uma parte dedicada a somente resolver problemas de
taxonomia (é este o nome em português para os problemas de
traduação).  Infelizmente eu não sei onde fica a página.  Vou dar uma
procurada e assim que a encontrar, envio a URL para lista.


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Projeto Debian-br (documentação)

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro

Para não deixar a discussão sobre documentação morrer, estou preparando
um guia sobre firewall (ipchains).  Como ainda não existe página
definida para centralizarmos as informações, vou deixar em
Espero que a sugestões não fiquem apenas no campo das idéias: o negócio
é meter a mão na massa.  Depois que eu terminar este sobre firewall, vou
preparar outro sobre ipv4 (modelo internet e rm-osi) e ainda outro sobre
mascaramento e sub-redes (que estou embaçando para escrever desde o
começo do ano).  Vou deixar tudo disponível (com pseudo GPL - mas
destinado à documentação) nos formatos html, ps, pdf e TeX.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: (linux-br) Upgrade de Modem USRobotcis!!!

2000-10-28 Thread Lucas Zinato Carraro
Galera que quer o modem vai no seguinte endereco
Lá procura por atualizacao dos modems USRobotics . ( infelizmente isto e
para Windows mas ele atualiza a memoria FLASH ou seja depois disto um de
33.6 vira de 56 mesmo no Linux )

Mas reparem um pequeno detalhe quando voces executarem o programa  vai falar
que a data ja expirou
que já venceu o prazo para atualizar para conseguir liberar isto é facilimo
abra o relógio do Windows
volte ao ano e mes do drive. ( Para saber o mes e o ano cliquem com o
direito e pecam as propriedades do arquivo )

Pronto  ta feito

ATENCAO: nao me reponsabilizo por nenhum problema com o UPDATE so lembro que
ele e perigoso ja que mexe diretamente com a memoria flash dos chipsets do

Aqui nos meus modems funcionaran sem problema

- Original Message -

 Dá para fazer upgrade  nos moden da usr sem ser pelo site da usr???
 Galera, Mil desculpas pelo off topic, mas eu estou precisando
 fazer upgrade em 3 modens da usrobotics e eu lembro que aqui na lista
 a um tempo atraz rolou um link sobre isto, eu procurei no histórico
 mas não achei nada.

Problema com o Debian 2.2

2000-10-28 Thread Gustavo Bertoli


Eu fiz a atualização inteira do Debian atraves do 
apt-get(upgrade) depois que acabou eu vou entrar no debian e quando aparece 
aquele modo grafico aonde tem que por o login e a senha, ele esta tudo torto 
aparecendo somente a metade do local aonde digita o login e senha, e depois de 
se logar ele entra no IceWM onde nao tem + a barra de navegação que tinha igual 
a do windows, depois eu pego e vou para o WindowMaker onde esta tudo torto que o 
lado direito nao aparece e a tela esta parecendo a do windows quando configurada 
para 250 cores, queria pedir se vcs tem a configuraçao certa para ele e o 
arquivo que deve ser modificado para ele voltar ao normal!!

Ate +

Gustavo Bertoli

Re: Problema com o Debian 2.2

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Eu fiz a atualização inteira do Debian atraves do apt-get(upgrade)
 depois que acabou eu vou entrar no debian e quando aparece aquele modo
 grafico aonde tem que por o login e a senha, ele esta tudo torto
 aparecendo somente a metade do local aonde digita o login e senha, e
 depois de se logar ele entra no IceWM onde nao tem + a barra de
 navegação que tinha igual a do windows, depois eu pego e vou para o
 WindowMaker onde esta tudo torto que o lado direito nao aparece e a
 tela esta parecendo a do windows quando configurada para 250 cores,
 queria pedir se vcs tem a configuraçao certa para ele e o arquivo que
 deve ser modificado para ele voltar ao normal!!

Reconfigure seu ambiente gráfico, ou através do XF86Setup ou
editando diretamente o arquivo /etc/X11/XF86Config.  Aparentemente o seu
problema é em relação às freqüências do monitor.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Sites de espelho do Debian???

2000-10-28 Thread Diorgenes B. de Mello
Quais são os sites de espelho do debian no Brasil
nenhum dos que estão indicados na instalação estão funcionando

Diorgenes B. de Mello
ICQ: 45102991

Re: Sites de espelho do Debian???

2000-10-28 Thread Cesar Cardoso
 Quais são os sites de espelho do debian no Brasil apontava pro, como o linusp esta' meio
barro meio tijolo... realmente esta' fora do ar faz tempo...

tem, mas la' so' tem o potato... Alo povo, vamos
colocar woody!!!

 ||  Cesar Cardoso - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ 32237133
 ||  Visite   - AIM MightyNobody
// || \\ Banda larga para quem nao usa Windows
The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation!
- Pierre Trudeau, Canadian statesmen (1919-2000)

Re: Sites de espelho do Debian???

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Quais são os sites de espelho do debian no Brasil
 nenhum dos que estão indicados na instalação estão funcionando

tanto http quanto ftp (nfs também).

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Sites de espelho do Debian???

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro apontava pro, como o linusp esta' meio
 barro meio tijolo... realmente esta' fora do ar faz tempo...
 tem, mas la' so' tem o potato... Alo povo, vamos
 colocar woody!!!

Eu até gostaria (já me pediram isto), mas... falta HD...  Nenhuma
empresa aí quer fazer a caridade de doar um disco de 10 GB IDE?

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Sites de espelho do Debian???

2000-10-28 Thread Cesar Cardoso
  Quais são os sites de espelho do debian no Brasil
  nenhum dos que estão indicados na instalação estão funcionando
 tanto http quanto ftp (nfs também).

na minha experiencia (eu usava antes de usar o o lcmi me parecia muito lento, enquanto o
unioeste-foz era bem rapido...

 ||  Cesar Cardoso - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ 32237133
 ||  Visite   - AIM MightyNobody
// || \\ Banda larga para quem nao usa Windows
The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation!
- Pierre Trudeau, Canadian statesmen (1919-2000)

Re: Sites de espelho do Debian???

2000-10-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
  tanto http quanto ftp (nfs também).
 na minha experiencia (eu usava antes de usar o o lcmi me parecia muito lento, enquanto o
 unioeste-foz era bem rapido...

Como está ligado à RNP, com certeza é lento,

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

switching virtual terminals

2000-10-28 Thread Dale Morris
There's a package that I need to install that allows switching virtual
terminals by hitting [Ctrl Alt 'left or right arrow']. Anyone happen to
remember what the name of that package is?

mount permissions

2000-10-28 Thread Mr. Strockbine
when my FAT32 file systems are mounted at
boot time the owner and group are root.
As a regular user I can read files but not
write them.

I have the user option in my /etc/fstab file
like so:
/dev/hdc6  /matrox/mx6 vfat defaults,user 0 2

so I can `umount' and then `remount' as a regular
user and then I'm the owner and group and I have
read write permission.

so what's the point of having this file system
automatically mounted at boot time?  Or is there
another way around this?

- greg s.

password protect a directory?

2000-10-28 Thread Mr. Strockbine
is there a way to password protect a directory?
for instance there is a single ftp account on
a machine (one user-id/password combo) and its
shared amoung several users.  Is it possible for
one user to password protect a directory so the
other users cannot view the contents?

- greg s.

Re: mount permissions

2000-10-28 Thread Russ Pitman
Use 'noauto' as an option in your fstab entry-- see man fstab .

On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:06:16PM -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:
 when my FAT32 file systems are mounted at
 boot time the owner and group are root.
 As a regular user I can read files but not
 write them.
 I have the user option in my /etc/fstab file
 like so:
 /dev/hdc6  /matrox/mx6 vfat defaults,user 0 2
 so I can `umount' and then `remount' as a regular
 user and then I'm the owner and group and I have
 read write permission.
 so what's the point of having this file system
 automatically mounted at boot time?  Or is there
 another way around this?
 - greg s.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


XFree86 - Fatal Server Error: could not open default font 'fixed'

2000-10-28 Thread Jan Pfeifer

since I upgraded to the X3.3.6-11 version X started complaining about this
and won't run!! Any idea about what could be causing this ? 

thanks very much for any help



ps.: I tried 'mkfontdir' again in all font directories, I checked permissions,
I'm using exactly the same configuration as for the last version (336-10). But 
nohing helped ...

Re: switching virtual terminals

2000-10-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 09:50:03PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
 There's a package that I need to install that allows switching virtual
 terminals by hitting [Ctrl Alt 'left or right arrow']. Anyone happen to
 remember what the name of that package is?

uh... alt left|right arrow already changes virtual terminals on my
systems...  control alt does not but do you really need it to be
control+alt or will just alt do?

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: mount permissions

2000-10-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:06:16PM -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:
 when my FAT32 file systems are mounted at
 boot time the owner and group are root.
 As a regular user I can read files but not
 write them.
 I have the user option in my /etc/fstab file
 like so:
 /dev/hdc6  /matrox/mx6 vfat defaults,user 0 2
 so I can `umount' and then `remount' as a regular
 user and then I'm the owner and group and I have
 read write permission.
 so what's the point of having this file system
 automatically mounted at boot time?  Or is there
 another way around this?

do you really need to be able to mount/umount the filesystem as you?
i am guessing not, so i would change your fstab entry to:

/dev/hdc6  /matrox/mx6 vfat rw,noexec,uid=1000,umask=022 0 2

change uid= to your uid (run id -u as yourself to find this) if you
don't want other users to be able to see files on this filesystem
change umask to 077 instead of 022.  if you want a group to be able to
access it add gid= with the appropriate group id (numerical) and set
the umask appropriatly.  (027, 007, and 002 are all common candidates.)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: password protect a directory?

2000-10-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:12:27PM -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:
 is there a way to password protect a directory?
 for instance there is a single ftp account on
 a machine (one user-id/password combo) and its
 shared amoung several users.  Is it possible for
 one user to password protect a directory so the
 other users cannot view the contents?

something like this *might* be possible with tcfs [0] or something
like that but i doubt it would work over ftp. 

shared accounts really are not a good idea, there is no accountability
or responsibility for what its used for.  and it created problems like
what you have.

the correct solution is to create an individual account for all the
users and use groups to share access.  then what you want is easy:
chmod 700 dir.

[0] tcfs is Transparent Cryptographic FileSystem, i don't think its
all that well maintained anymore but i could be wrong.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

svgatextmode funnies

2000-10-28 Thread Robert Norris
I rebooted my box today to clear out a kernel module that got itself
stuck somehow and wouldn't unload. When the machine came back up the
screen went blank upon SVGATextMode running.

I logged in remotely and messed with it for a bit, to no avail. My last
ditch solution was to purge svgatextmode and the console-tools
packages, and reinstall them.

With its default configuration SVGATextMode now works, but when I
change the chipset from 'VGA' to 'Riva128' (which fits my card -
a Diamond Viper 330E), I get nothing on the screen. Trying
different modes, I found that screen shows nothing when 8-pixel
wide fonts are used, and when modes with 9-pixel wide fonts are used
I get strange 'double width' fonts (think mode 2 on the old BBCs).
When this happens every second letter on the screen is displayed
twice, but the others aren't (hmm, bad explanation ..) .. for example,
my login prompt looks like this:

DDbbaa  NN//iiuu  oodd  bbuuiinnttyy

oottssaa ooii::

rather than the normal:

Debian GNU/Linux woody obtusian tty1

obtusian login:

(All this in the freaky double-width font).

Clues? Its got me stumped.

(FWIW, I tried swapping the card for another of the same type, same


Description: PGP signature

Re: wget can't find remote directory [SOLVED]

2000-10-28 Thread Andre Berger
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vee-Eye) writes:

  Very short: There is a Gesamttext zum Herunterladen, in the case you
  missed it.
  I think it's a normal directory, where you are not allowed to cd to.
 read: to list the contents ...
  Another solution would be a shell for-loop with wget, because it seems, 
  that the
  links are simply numbered buelow1.htm - buelowXX.htm ...

There's a clever trick...

wget -m -np

The -np option is not documented in the wget man page, only in


Q: Diff Netscape 3, 4 1 Mozilla?

2000-10-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

Any comments on the most stable, fastest of the browsers? Any other options
other than Opera?



Re: svgatextmode funnies

2000-10-28 Thread Robert Norris
Never mind. Bug #72818 had the answer. Should check the bug database
before carrying on *sheepish grin* :)


Description: PGP signature

apt-get wants toupgrade my kernel package to debian kernel package

2000-10-28 Thread Erik Steffl
  I downloaded debian kernel source package (+ source for alsa modules
and 3dfx module).

  I used make-kpkg to build the kernel (and later on alsa and 3dfx
modules). I specified jojda.1 as my kernel revision.

  the resulting *.deb (kernel + modules) were succesfully installed, so
now I have:

ih kernel-image-2.2.17   jojda.1   1:2.2.17-1
 ^^^   ^^
 current   new

  and aptitude wants to replace current by new... how to make it NOT
replace my local packages?

  for the time beingI have put these on hold, but I would like it not to
even try (I might nt catch it, sometime it updates lot of packages)

  the same goes for alsa-modules-2.2.17:

ih alsa-modules-2.2.17   0.5.9d-1+j1:0.5.9d-1

   (there is only 'j' visible out of the jojda.1 string), how is
0.5.9d-1 newer then 0.5.9d-1+jojda.1 ?



Re: Q: Diff Netscape 3, 4 1 Mozilla?

2000-10-28 Thread Alec Smith
Netscape 3 - Very much outdated now. Netscape 3 really isn't worth much
consideration anymore.

Netscape 4.75 - Useable... I haven't had any major problems with Netscape
4. On the downside, sometimes it seems to render pages differently than
the Windows or MacOS versions.

Mozilla - I've used it on Windows machines without much of a problem. Skip
the Netscape 'Preview' releases and go for the Milestones.

I'd suggest using Mozilla as your primary browser. Keep Netscape 4.75
acound for the times Mozilla shows its rough edges.

On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Jonathan Gift wrote:

 Any comments on the most stable, fastest of the browsers? Any other options
 other than Opera?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: dpkg -b (how to build own packages)

2000-10-28 Thread Irger Armin
Colin Watson wrote:

 Irger Armin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: Re: dpkg -b (how to build own packages)

 Don't use dpkg -b manually.

 how to use the following files ?
 How can i compile this to generate .deb packages ?

 * 'apt-get install libc6-dev gcc g++ make dpkg-dev' (these are the
   build-essential packages);
 * Also 'apt-get install fakeroot' so that you don't have to build the
   package as root;
 * dpkg-source -x qt2.2_2.2.1-4.potato.2.dsc;
 * cd qt2.2-2.2.1-4.potato.2;
 * Install all packages listed in Build-Depends: and Build-Depends-Indep:
   lines in debian/control (if there are no such lines, then it may be an
   old package without build dependencies and you'll need to guess based
   on what the packages in the Debian archive depend on);
 * dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot (or, if you install the devscripts
   package, you can just type 'debuild').

 Hope that helps,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


ok it work's, but where can i found the package ?
Not in the source-tree !

cu armin irger

Strange apt-get behaviour

2000-10-28 Thread Mark Phillips
I was recently trying to download the latest Evolution from helix
gnome using apt-get, and had some problems.

I have the sources.list line:

deb ./

When I did apt-get update it happily did so, but doing apt-get
dist-upgrade would not update evolution_0.5.1 into evolution_0.6.  I
had a look at the Package file (in /var/state/apt/lists) and
discovered that the Package file only mentioned version 0.5.1.  But
when I visited the above directory using Netscape, I found plenty of
0.6 files there, and downloading the Package.gz file manually using
netscape and looking at it, it seems that it was a different Package
file (with version 0.6 of evolution mentioned) to the one obtained by
apt-get.  Very strange.

As far as I am aware, my ISP is not using a http proxy, but it is
possible that it is --- I've heard that it's possible to do
transparent proxying.  Perhaps then apt-get was getting a cached
version of Packages, and hence an old version.  But the funny thing
then is, why did Netscape download the right thing, but not apt-get?
They both used the same http protocol I presume!

I deleted apt-get's versions of the package file (in
/var/state/apt/lists), thus forcing apt-get to redownload it, but it
still got the old one.  So it does sound very much like a proxy thing.
Also, I connected using a different ISP and this time it worked

So I would go with the transparent proxy and cache as being the cause.
Except for the fact that Netscape downloaded it correctly.

Any thoughts,



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: dpkg -b (how to build own packages)

2000-10-28 Thread Colin Watson
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 at 10:54:07 +0200, Irger Armin wrote:
 Colin Watson wrote:
  * dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot (or, if you install the devscripts
package, you can just type 'debuild').
 ok it work's, but where can i found the package ?
 Not in the source-tree !

If it worked, the built packages will be in the parent directory of the
source tree.



ISDN info (for UK)

2000-10-28 Thread Robin Collins
Giving up on ever seeing ADSL (too far away from the exchange, screw you
BT!) I'm installing ISDN as my best hope this side of the next millenium.  I
know a lot about modems and nothing about ISDN so I'd appreciate some advice
on what ISDN card to insall for use in England.

These are issues (using that word the way God intended, not the way
Microsoft perverted!) which I can see I need to resolve:

1) compatiblity between modems is always a problem - I have two modems which
work fine with one ISP each and abysmally if I swap them over.  I doubt this
is an issue with ISDN cards or is it?

2) Linux hardware support - clearly the Howto is going to be the bible but
is there a recommended brand of ISDN card for Linux?

3) Linux software - does pppd still apply (I use wvdial) or does one have to
use something else?

4) channel bonding - anything I should know?

5) anything other consideration I haven't listed?

I'd be grateful for any thoughts before I get myself hopelessly confused ;)

Robin Collins

Re: apt-get wants toupgrade my kernel package to debian kernel package

2000-10-28 Thread Colin Watson
Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I downloaded debian kernel source package (+ source for alsa modules
and 3dfx module).

  I used make-kpkg to build the kernel (and later on alsa and 3dfx
modules). I specified jojda.1 as my kernel revision.

  the resulting *.deb (kernel + modules) were succesfully installed, so
now I have:

ih kernel-image-2.2.17   jojda.1   1:2.2.17-1
 ^^^   ^^
 current   new

The 1: is an epoch, which means that 1:anything is greater than any
version number without an epoch, 2:anything is greater than 1:anything,
etc. Try 10:jojda.1, or some similarly high epoch, if you don't want it
to be replaced by Debian packages.

  the same goes for alsa-modules-2.2.17:

ih alsa-modules-2.2.17   0.5.9d-1+j1:0.5.9d-1

   (there is only 'j' visible out of the jojda.1 string), how is
0.5.9d-1 newer then 0.5.9d-1+jojda.1 ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ if dpkg --compare-versions 0.5.9d-1+jojda.1 lt 
1:0.5.9d-1; \   
 then echo hello; fi


Re: password protect a directory?

2000-10-28 Thread kmself
on Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:41:10PM -0800, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:12:27PM -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:
  is there a way to password protect a directory?  for instance there
  is a single ftp account on a machine (one user-id/password combo)
  and its shared amoung several users.  Is it possible for one user to
  password protect a directory so the other users cannot view the

 shared accounts really are not a good idea, there is no accountability
 or responsibility for what its used for.  and it created problems like
 what you have.


 the correct solution is to create an individual account for all the
 users and use groups to share access.  then what you want is easy:
 chmod 700 dir.


Where n  0 people need modification access to the same data, a version
control system should be implemented.  RCS and CVS are available on
Debian and their use is fairly transparent.  For more complex
organizations, BitKeeper is a strongly recommended choice.

A version control system allows multiple people to work on shared
material in their own sandbox.  Changes are checked back into a
central repository.  Publication (release) of data is managed from the
central repository.

That said, virtually all mechanisms and systems for shared work
environments suck in some way.  Most require a step for updating or
committing changes.  That said, used, well and wisely, they resolve a
great many issues.  Version control is suitable for activities far
beyond software development, which many people fail to realize.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

KDE2 source build sequence

2000-10-28 Thread Robin Collins
Can someone tell me the order in which the KDE2 source packages should be
built?  With Gnome there's a page on their web site listing the package
order and using this I fired up Gnome with only one minor glitch.  With KDE2
though I can find no such list, meaning a massive trial-and-error excercise
discovering which libs any package depends on (and I'm getting _very_ bored
trying to build packages only to find they have dependencies I haven't built
yet sigh).

Robin Collins

No spool file found

2000-10-28 Thread Tino Ionescu
Good morning,
I used printtool to configure my Deskjet560C printer , but when I try to print
nothing works and I get the message No spool file found.
lptest/dev/lp0 prints one line. ps -ef|grep lpd shows that lpd is working.

Please advise ,
Thank you.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

cdburner on hd

2000-10-28 Thread guran
This is a letter I sent to cooker - Mandrake.

This night I did a rsync of mandrake-iso/7.1beta/i586. In the morning I
used a floppy with a hd.img to install it from my harddrive.

In the / of hdb6 i have three directories /cooker, /iso and /mandrake
with images of the trees respectively. When asked what partition to use
for the base I gave: hdb6 and /iso/odyssey-rc-inst.iso - then I tab'ed
to iso-image - and the whole installation was launched.

A swing of magic from the stick of Mandrake - fantastic.

I could upgrade to whatever I wanted from /tmp/hdimage/ where the whole
of my hdb6 was reachable.

Thank you very much for this facility - I wounder if it is possible to
get this program as a 'standalone' utility, so any cdrom image could be
played this way

This could be the easiest way to reform debian, any newcomer could be
given the opportunity to install through apt-get and part of the three
iso images. The difficulties and enormous choices with dselect could be
left for the more advanced users.

Personally I would like as a newbie that programs like Netscape with
spellchecking included could be downloaded through one choice.


Re: how to fix this broken system?

2000-10-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* chris == chris edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

chris I can't remember the exact error, but something involving gmc
chris caused my system to become unusable.

This is nothing about gmc, but about you upgrading libc6 to unstable.

chris When i boot linux up now, i get this error message:

chris init: unable to load shared library: /usr/lib/,
chris undefined symbol GLIBC_2.0

Uuuuh, bad.

Well, you can bypass init on startup by passing init=/bin/sh on the
lilo prompt.

Mail about this problem.


Re: xcdroast + woody

2000-10-28 Thread Mike
Hans Gubitz wrote:
 bash-2.04$ xcdroast 
 xcdroast: error while loading shared libraries:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Is there any chance to get xcdroast to work again?

I ran into this, I think it was last week.  I even tried grabbing the source
package and compiling - still no joy.  My solution was to install gtoaster
instead.  So far I'm liking gtoaster much better than xcdroast.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

potato install

2000-10-28 Thread ralbright5
Have installed deb2.2 twice trying to correct the following error:
VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd
This is after the base2.2.gz is loaded and being installed. Have tried
using install from cd 
and install from floppys


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Re: KDE2 source build sequence

2000-10-28 Thread Thomas J. Hamman
On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 10:27:52AM +0100, Robin Collins wrote:
 Can someone tell me the order in which the KDE2 source packages should be
 built?  With Gnome there's a page on their web site listing the package
 order and using this I fired up Gnome with only one minor glitch.  With KDE2
 though I can find no such list, meaning a massive trial-and-error excercise
 discovering which libs any package depends on (and I'm getting _very_ bored
 trying to build packages only to find they have dependencies I haven't built
 yet sigh).

Unless I'm forgetting something:

1. QT
2. kdelibs
3. kdebase

Those are all you really need... after that you can install whatever
other KDE packages you want without worrying about the order.

Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known.

ssh and no controlling tty

2000-10-28 Thread Timo Benk

I'm building a two disk boot/root disk set. My Problem is that ssh and ftp
are not working.
If I try 'ssh' I got the message: no controlling tty.
If i try 'ssh -i /root/.ssh/identity' I got the message:
wrong passphrase
permission denied
permission denied
without ever beeing prompted for my passphrase.
When I try ftp I am prompted for the username, but not for the
password and only got the message wrong password.

I think it has something to do with libreadline. Any Ideas?


   .'o oOOOo`.  | Timo Benk 
  ;~~~-.oOo   o`.   | Germany
   `. \ ~-.  oOOo.  | Fon:  +49511468347
 `.; / ~.  OO:  | Fax/Voicemail:+49891488214215
 .'  ;-- `.o.'  | 
,' ; ~~--'~ |
;  ;| [ASCII stolen from Mescalito Ted] 

Re: potato install

2000-10-28 Thread Moritz Schulte

 VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd

Known problem of linux 2.2.16 and some 2.2.17pre's.
Update linux to 2.2.17 or even 2.2.18pre.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: KDE2 source build sequence

2000-10-28 Thread Matthias Rosenkranz
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

 From: Thomas J. Hamman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 08:01:08 -0400
 Subject: Re: KDE2 source build sequence
 On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 10:27:52AM +0100, Robin Collins wrote:
  Can someone tell me the order in which the KDE2 source packages should be
  built?  With Gnome there's a page on their web site listing the package
  order and using this I fired up Gnome with only one minor glitch.  With KDE2
  though I can find no such list, meaning a massive trial-and-error excercise
  discovering which libs any package depends on (and I'm getting _very_ bored
  trying to build packages only to find they have dependencies I haven't built
  yet sigh).
 Unless I'm forgetting something:
 1. QT
 2. kdelibs
 3. kdebase
 Those are all you really need... after that you can install whatever
 other KDE packages you want without worrying about the order.

The KDE FAQ says kdesupport is *recommended*, unless you have all
3rd-party libraries it contains. I compiled it right after QT.


Matthias Rosenkranz
wytech GbR

Re: switching virtual terminals

2000-10-28 Thread Dale Morris
alt left|right arrow is fine, guess I'm confused. Not unusual. Thanks..

Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 09:50:03PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
  There's a package that I need to install that allows switching virtual
  terminals by hitting [Ctrl Alt 'left or right arrow']. Anyone happen to
  remember what the name of that package is?
 uh... alt left|right arrow already changes virtual terminals on my
 systems...  control alt does not but do you really need it to be
 control+alt or will just alt do?
 Ethan Benson


The major advances in civilization are processes that all but wreck
the societies in which they occur.
--Albert North Whitehead

En snabb fråga...

2000-10-28 Thread V.Micic

Var kan jag ladda hem den senaste versionen av 
Debian i ISO format,jag har letat men inte hittat...
Tack i Förhand

Re: password protect a directory?

2000-10-28 Thread Andrew Hagen
On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 22:12:27 -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:

is there a way to password protect a directory? [ ... ]

The UNIX security model hasn't traditionally worked like this. The other 
replies have
some good ideas on how to implement the same things along traditional UNIX 

This raises the important point of access control lists (ACL's). On some 
network operating
systems, like NT or NetWare, access to directories and files can be limited to
a predefined set of users.  UNIX/Linux accomplishes the same thing, but in a 
way. For some of us, using ACL's is actually more convenient, though.

ACL's already exist on some commercial UNIXes. The TrustedBSD project is trying 
add ACL's to FreeBSD. More to the point, Linux ACL's are under development. 
have a chance of inclusion in the 2.5 kernel. See this related announcement:

On the other hand, you might be asking about assigning a unique password to one 
This sometimes is implemented in the DOS/Windows world as a TSR or a special 
that intercepts any call to open the directory, and only allowing access upon 
entering of the
password. To say the least, that is a very weak security model. 

I'd advise you to use the UNIX security permissions, as other posters have 
suggested, the
experimental Linux ACL's, encryption, or removable media.

good luck,

Andrew Hagen

Re: switching virtual terminals

2000-10-28 Thread USM Bish
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 09:50:03PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
 There's a package that I need to install that allows switching virtual
 terminals by hitting [Ctrl Alt 'left or right arrow']. Anyone happen to
 remember what the name of that package is?

Is it konsole that you are thinking of ?

Just reconfirm  this [Ctrl-Alt-Arrow keys] aspect,
because I think konsole uses [Shift - Arrow Keys] 
for VT switching.

USM Bish

Re: ISDN info (for UK)

2000-10-28 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 10:24:09AM +0100, Robin Collins wrote: 

 1) compatiblity between modems is always a problem - I have two modems which
 work fine with one ISP each and abysmally if I swap them over.  I doubt this
 is an issue with ISDN cards or is it?

Never heard of.
 2) Linux hardware support - clearly the Howto is going to be the bible but
 is there a recommended brand of ISDN card for Linux?

Since I live in Germany I can just tell you about the brands that are
available here. The ISDN-cards of AVM work perfectly, if you are able
to buy one - get it. A pretty good list of all supported ISDN-cards is
available at:
 3) Linux software - does pppd still apply (I use wvdial) or does one have to
 use something else?

 4) channel bonding - anything I should know?

Never tried...
 5) anything other consideration I haven't listed?

You need to recompile Kernel with ISDN-Support

How to download a free Linux?

2000-10-28 Thread tim456

From: Timur Kenzhebaev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 22:11:20 -0700 (MST)

Re: XFree86 - Fatal Server Error: could not open default font 'fixed'

2000-10-28 Thread Anthony Fox
 since I upgraded to the X3.3.6-11 version X started complaining about this
 and won't run!! Any idea about what could be causing this ? 

Just download the fonts file and unpack it in the fonts directory.  I
think the font that you need should be in the misc directory.

I had this problem two days ago when I installed kde2.  The install seemed
to remove all fonts in the misc directory, and I had to reinstall them.


ipchains and netfilter on 2.4.0-test9

2000-10-28 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
dear all,

i'm compiling portsentry on my system which has a 2.4.0-test9 kernel.

when i compiled the kernel, i didn't see an ipchains options; it seems to
have been replaced by something called netfilter.

just to make sure -- did i simply not see ipchains or was it really replaced
by netfilter?

i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a particular host -- is
there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't see anything on LDP.


Re: ipchains and netfilter on 2.4.0-test9

2000-10-28 Thread Bob Bernstein
 PJS == Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PJS just to make sure -- did i simply not see ipchains or was it
PJS really replaced by netfilter?


PJS i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a
PJS particular host -- is there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't
PJS see anything on LDP.

Have you checked the kernel docs?

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA

Re: ipchains and netfilter on 2.4.0-test9

2000-10-28 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
On 28 Oct 2000, Bob Bernstein wrote:

  PJS == Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 PJS just to make sure -- did i simply not see ipchains or was it
 PJS really replaced by netfilter?
i assume the yes was to the 2nd part of the or.  :)

 PJS i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a
 PJS particular host -- is there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't
 PJS see anything on LDP.
 Have you checked the kernel docs?

DOH!  sorry.  it's only 9am...


Re: No spool file found

2000-10-28 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 02:43:11AM -0700, Tino Ionescu wrote:
 Good morning,
 I used printtool to configure my Deskjet560C printer , but when I try to print
 nothing works and I get the message No spool file found.
 lptest/dev/lp0 prints one line. ps -ef|grep lpd shows that lpd is working.

Lets see your /etc/printcap.


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: password protect a directory?

2000-10-28 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 10:12:27PM -0700, Mr. Strockbine wrote:
 is there a way to password protect a directory?
 for instance there is a single ftp account on
 a machine (one user-id/password combo) and its
 shared amoung several users.  Is it possible for
 one user to password protect a directory so the
 other users cannot view the contents?

Maybe a PAM? Not sure. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key:

Description: PGP signature


2000-10-28 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Danny Heap [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is (otp) for generating one-time passwords.  Is there a debian
 package for implementing OTP?

A quick `apt-cache search password | grep -i time' gives three hits,
between them otp - Generator for One Time Passwords, so it would be
sufficient to do a `apt-get install otp.

`apt-cache show otp' would give you more information.

(Maybe this could be woody only, you have to check yourself.)


GeForce2 GTS X 4.0.1c

2000-10-28 Thread Jonathan Wheelhouse
Recently I installed Branden's debs for X 4.0.1c (deb woody/$(ARCH)/) because, frankly,
vga16 @ 640 x 480 sucks with a GeForce2 GTS card.

So, now, woohoo, the desktop looks great and I don't spend much time
in the console.

But my question is - I thought that I had to grab the Linux drivers
from the NVIDIA site to make things work; it seems I don't.

/var/log/gdm says the NV driver supports the GeForce2 GTS.

So, is it that for 3d I need the NVIDIA drivers?

And what are some good apps for checking frame rates and also showing
off the power of the card?


RE: ipchains and netfilter on 2.4.0-test9

2000-10-28 Thread Pollywog

On 28-Oct-2000 Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
 dear all,
 i'm compiling portsentry on my system which has a 2.4.0-test9 kernel.
 when i compiled the kernel, i didn't see an ipchains options; it seems to
 have been replaced by something called netfilter.
 just to make sure -- did i simply not see ipchains or was it really replaced
 by netfilter?

It is possible to keep using ipchains by compiling the appropriate kernel
module.  I was using it until I got iptables working.

 i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a particular host -- is
 there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't see anything on LDP.

There is one on Debiandiary (or a link to one) and there are some ready-made
iptables scripts.


Re: dpkg won't install (Internal Error)

2000-10-28 Thread Paul D. Smith
I found something about this problem by searching old debian-devel
archives; I fixed it by force-installing debconf with dpkg, then
force-installing libc6 with dpkg, then using apt-get -f install to let
it fix the rest.  Seems to have worked.

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Help: Look won't work...

2000-10-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

I use look and ge the folowing message: /usr/share/dict/words: No such file
or directory
That's with ispell ad the us dict loaded. But I did a locate and couldn't
find no dict directory.
Any help appreciated.



RE: ipchains and netfilter on 2.4.0-test9

2000-10-28 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Pollywog wrote:

  just to make sure -- did i simply not see ipchains or was it really replaced
  by netfilter?
 It is possible to keep using ipchains by compiling the appropriate kernel
 module.  I was using it until I got iptables working.
cool - i'd like to do this until i get a chance to sit down and learn
netfilter.  i assume i can simply cd into /usr/src/linux-2.2.17/wherever and
do a modprobe -a ipchains.o?

what is the appropriate module?

  i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a particular host -- is
  there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't see anything on LDP.
 There is one on Debiandiary (or a link to one) and there are some ready-made
 iptables scripts.
sorry, i'm pretty new to debian.  what is debiandiary?


Q: Best printer-HP LaserJet II, III, IIIP

2000-10-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

Which is the best for working with Linux and existing drivers and is the
IIIP postscript? These are all old, but good machines and I have a chance at



Re: KDE2 source build sequence

2000-10-28 Thread Alvin Smith
I get a syntax error before '('  when I try to compile Qt2.  Anybody else 

Matthias Rosenkranz wrote:

 On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

  From: Thomas J. Hamman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 08:01:08 -0400
  Subject: Re: KDE2 source build sequence
  On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 10:27:52AM +0100, Robin Collins wrote:
   Can someone tell me the order in which the KDE2 source packages should be
   built?  With Gnome there's a page on their web site listing the package
   order and using this I fired up Gnome with only one minor glitch.  With 
   though I can find no such list, meaning a massive trial-and-error 
   discovering which libs any package depends on (and I'm getting _very_ 
   trying to build packages only to find they have dependencies I haven't 
   yet sigh).
  Unless I'm forgetting something:
  1. QT
  2. kdelibs
  3. kdebase
  Those are all you really need... after that you can install whatever
  other KDE packages you want without worrying about the order.

 The KDE FAQ says kdesupport is *recommended*, unless you have all
 3rd-party libraries it contains. I compiled it right after QT.


 Matthias Rosenkranz
 wytech GbR

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: switching virtual terminals

2000-10-28 Thread Dale Morris
thanks. I can't remember the exact key sequence, I just remember
apt-getting the package on a different install. And.. I seem to have it
now with [Alt-Arrow keys] 

 On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 09:50:03PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
  There's a package that I need to install that allows switching virtual
  terminals by hitting [Ctrl Alt 'left or right arrow']. Anyone happen to
  remember what the name of that package is?
 Is it konsole that you are thinking of ?
 Just reconfirm  this [Ctrl-Alt-Arrow keys] aspect,
 because I think konsole uses [Shift - Arrow Keys] 
 for VT switching.

Re: Getting gnome helix running on potato

2000-10-28 Thread Stephan Kulka

Is there a mirror of helixcode in Europe with the possibility to downlaod
the stuff with apt? Very often the speed is very slow and besides it is a
waste of bandwidth downloading from Austria.


Re: En snabb fråga...

2000-10-28 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On lördag 28 oktober 2000 16:23, V.Micic [EMAIL PROTECTED] chirped

 Var kan jag ladda hem den senaste versionen av Debian i ISO
 format,jag har letat men inte hittat...
 Tack i Förhand

Jan Erik Moström mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Elektron

Boot Problem

2000-10-28 Thread Janos Kramar
After installing Debian without any apparent problems and rebooting the
computer without the boot disk, it says:

L 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 ... and so forth.
It works fine with the boot disk. I have an hda unused approx. 5GB hard
drive, a hdb dvd-rom, and hdc cd-rom, and an hdd 30GB hard-drive with an
approx. 5GB ext2 partition and swap with Debian on it. What can I do to
get it working properly?

TAR Syntaxe

2000-10-28 Thread Pierre GAILLY
What is the syntax of the exclude option with tar
tar czvf /folder/file.tar / --exclude=/proc:/share this expression
doesn't exclude /proc from the source.

org:Alpha CSP;DSI
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title:Administrateur réseaux
adr;quoted-printable:;;Espace Media - Technoparc=0D=0A3, rue Gustave Eiffel;POISSY;;78300;FRANCE
fn:Pierre GAILLY

Thanks Mozilla commens-Q: Customize with .XdefaULTS?

2000-10-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

There's no man pages on Mozilla and was wondering if I can customize the
look through the .Xdefaults like my other apps? And would the commands be:

Mozilla*foreground: DarkBlue




Second post about: Warning: Ron = 43, Rloop = 10, Roff = 46

2000-10-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

I get this on exiting from an X session, it's clearly there from entering.
Any idea on what it is? I have a good X setup and everything is within



security questions

2000-10-28 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
i just installed a host security checker, tiger (TARA?) which is more or
less along the lines of what i remember from dan farmer's COPS (a lng
time ago!)

it had a number of complaints about accounts which were disabled but had
valid shells.  like this one:


why, exactly, is this a security risk?  is tiger expecting something along
the lines of:


what is the hangup here?

also, i noticed that some accounts which are disabled are given a shell of


tiger seemed to hate this too.  i tried playing around with /bin/false.
can't seem to figure out what it is.  whatever it is, it's tiny.  only 4 kb


Re: ipchains and netfilter on 2.4.0-test9

2000-10-28 Thread Vee-Eye
 cool - i'd like to do this until i get a chance to sit down and learn
 netfilter.  i assume i can simply cd into /usr/src/linux-2.2.17/wherever and
 do a modprobe -a ipchains.o?
 what is the appropriate module?
If you want to stay with iptables you have to compile a module for your new
kernel, but iptables + nat isn't that different, see below...
   i'd like to learn how to drop packets coming from a particular host -- is
   there a netfilter howto yet?  i didn't see anything on LDP.
  There is one on Debiandiary (or a link to one) and there are some ready-made
  iptables scripts.

I changed to a 2.4-kernel 3 weeks ago. It wasn't too hard to change my
ipchains-script to iptables  (3-4 hours to rewrite it and get the idea of
what is possible now; concerning my more geriatric than vetust brain ...)


(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518

Description: PGP signature

Re: ISDN info (for UK)

2000-10-28 Thread Shaul Karl
 Giving up on ever seeing ADSL (too far away from the exchange, screw you
 BT!) I'm installing ISDN as my best hope this side of the next millenium.  I
 know a lot about modems and nothing about ISDN so I'd appreciate some advice
 on what ISDN card to insall for use in England.
 These are issues (using that word the way God intended, not the way
 Microsoft perverted!) which I can see I need to resolve:
 1) compatiblity between modems is always a problem - I have two modems which
 work fine with one ISP each and abysmally if I swap them over.  I doubt this
 is an issue with ISDN cards or is it?

I believe it is not an issue since the ISDN is, as far as I know, a more tight 
spec. But why not check this with your ISP?

 2) Linux hardware support - clearly the Howto is going to be the bible but
 is there a recommended brand of ISDN card for Linux?

I do not know about any recommended one. You might check the isdnutils for the 
supported cards. I believe the passive cards that are supported by the Hisax 
module are the cheaper and thus more popular.

 3) Linux software - does pppd still apply (I use wvdial) or does one have to
 use something else?

Probably not because it is quite evil to use ppp over ISDN. Yet there is 
something similar, at least for the user: ipppd. As for wvdial, the isdnutils 
provides similar functions.

 4) channel bonding - anything I should know?
 5) anything other consideration I haven't listed?
 I'd be grateful for any thoughts before I get myself hopelessly confused ;)
 Robin Collins
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Recovering net connection. (kinda long)

2000-10-28 Thread Steve Juranich
Every once in a while, @home has a service outage (a little more frequently
in my case since I live out in the sticks).  Of course, when the net
connection is down, I can't ping my router, or gateway, or anything other
than my local box.

The problem is that it seems that after @home has their end back up and
running, the only way that I can get my net connection back is to reboot my
machine.  There _has_ to be another way to do this.

Recently, @home dropped my connection.  After I was assurred that everything
was up and running on their end, I tried pinging the gateway and got
nothing.  I did a tcpdump -i eth0 and found that my box was making a bunch
of arp request for the owner of the gateway address.  But I also saw that
the arp requests were saying to send a response to  The problem is, @home doesn't know who chester
is, they think I'm cxx-a (I forget the number right now, but it's not
important).  So, thinking that I'm clever, I changed my /etc/hostname to
what @home said it should be.  I still couldn't ping my router, and I
goofed up X and syslog as well (I'm really clever that way).

Since syslog was really being a booger and not starting up like it should
(obviously becase of the hostname issue), I decided to reboot into single
user mode and fix the problem.  Well, I goofed that up too, and went into
normal startup, but my box had already fixed the hostname issue and
everything started up fine, including networking.

So, I know that one way to fix this problem is to reboot my box, but I don't
want to have to do that every time @home drops my connection.

Any suggestions?

Sorry for the long post.  Thanks for the help.

Stephen W. Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical Engineering
University of Washington


2000-10-28 Thread Stephan Kulka

  Also, could anyone tell me how to activate the locatedb so I can use locate?
 don't turn your computer off at night.
 (the locatedb is rebuilt in a daily cron job run at 06:25)
I am getting am mail every night at this time and I never knew what it was
for. What is locatedb or locate? Where should I start reading?


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