Re: [dev] Build problem with --enable-cairo

2007-09-23 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Is it possible to build 2.3 with --enable-cairo in configure?

I think that on Linux one is supposed to use the "system" cairo, not one built 
as part of OOo. --enable-cairo works on Windows, though.


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Re: [dev] Proposed Thread / Process Lifecycle

2007-09-28 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> . AFAIK, the static destructors of objects in shared libraries are 
> called by atexit functions, arent they ? 

The semantics of functions registered with atexit() when dynamically loaded 
shared libraries are involved is completely system-dependent and a big mess. 
atexit() is close to unusable because what it actually does, exactly, is so 
underspecified. Im my not so humble opinion atexit() should be banned. I 
seriously doubt any C++ implementation directly uses the C atexit() function to 
handle destruction of static objects.


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Re: [dev] Re: UNOPKG and extension deployment

2007-10-11 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> :

Hmm, so could I have an example of how to specify a dependency on a feature 
present only in some FooBar version of OOo?

Btw, do I read the referred-to section of the specification correctly, that 
"" is both an element and and an optional 
attribute of each child element of ?

Would the below example be the correct way to specify a requirement for a 
specific build of OOo that recognizes and implements certain version-specific 
dependencies? Let's ssume this "Foo" version of OOo contains code so that it 
knows that it implements the foo:HavePatch dependency for some foo:PatchName 
attribute values, and the foo:Platform dependency with its attributes. Would a 
non-Foo build of OOo then correctly reject this extension with some message 
like "This extension requires the following features not present in this 
version: 'The xyzzy.diff patch present in the Foo build of OOo', 'Windows XP'" ?";

(Do I understand the specification correctly, it is possible to specify 
platform requirements only for UNO native components (shared libraries), not 
for extensions in general that do not contain UNO components? Or *should* all 
extensions contain even just a minimal dummy UNO component shared library?)


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Re: [dev] Re: UNOPKG and extension deployment

2007-10-11 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Apparently my previous message in this thread on 2007-10-04 was too complicated 
and asked too many questions as nobody followed up on it, so I'll ask just one 
specific question at a time then...

Do I understand the specification correctly, it is possible to specify platform 
requirements only for UNO native components (shared libraries) in an extension, 
not for all of an extension in general, that might not even contain any UNO 

Or is it a (so far not enforced) requirement that extensions must contain a UNO 
component shared library? (Even just a mimimal dummy one...)


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Re: [dev] svx/intro building leads to error on Windows

2007-10-13 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Error: cannot create short name of OxygenOffice Professional Team

This is just a wild guess, but have you perhaps turned off short file name
generation for the NTFS volume in question? 


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Re: [dev] openoffice dmake fails to build

2007-12-25 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> make[2]: Entering directory 
> `/home/Manusha/dev/openoffice/SRC680_m240/dmake/tests'

My first guess here would be that you didn't notice the place in the 
instructions where it is specifically said that when building OOo one should 
not use Cygwin mounts (like /home), but "explicit" Cygwin paths starting with 
/cygdrive/ . Personally I would avoid paths with spaces in them, too, even if I 
don't recall if there is anything about that in the instructions. For instance, 
create a top-level folder on the C: drive called "ooo" and do your OOo work in 
suitably named subfolders there, and refer to this in Cygwin as 
/cygdrive/c/ooo. Yes, it's a bit longer to type, but it works.

(It should be fine to use some other drive than C:. Personally I nowadays never 
use drive lettters for hard disk volumes (except C:) even if I have a dozen of 
them on some machine, but mount the volumes (using the Windows mount concept).) 


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Re: [dev] Probable GPL violations - Butler Office Pro

2008-01-21 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Even so, they could not claim ownership of code developed by individuals who 
> were not compensated.  

"Compensation" has little or no relevance here. Only code submitted by 
contributors who has signed the Joint Copyright Assignment contract is accepted 
into the upstream codebase. See .


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Re: [dev] Running without installing

2008-01-31 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> You'll get a full Office installation directly located at 
> instsetoo_native/wnt/OpenOffice/installed/install/

Unfortunately some of the pathnames under that install folder are so extremely 
verbose and redundant, that for a very reasonable build tree root 
c:\ooo\svn\trunk\build\ooh680-m5, the pathname to the .xcu files come out as 
for instance... (drum roll):


(Three instances of "openoffice", plus one "office", plus "". So 
there definitely should be no risk of confusion what product that directory 
hierarchy refers too! Three instances of "registry". Redundancy is Good.)

That  is 260 characters and thus over the Windows limit of 256 (or 255, or 254, 
this is a bit unclear).

Of course, it would be too easy if OOo simply just told you "too long 
pathname". Instead it throws you lovely dialogs that shows the long pathnames 
and asks a question "Do you want to continue startup without the corrupted 
configuration data? [yes] [no]"

Consider that question. If one clicks yes, does that mean one doesn't want to 
continue startup at all, or just that one wants to continue startup but without 
the corrupted configuration data? If one clicks no, does that mean one doesn't 
want to continue startup at all, or that one wants to continue even with 
corrupted configuration data? Fun.

Anyway, luckily it turns out that one can just move the subtree starting from 
the "en-US" folder somewhere closer to the root, and the problem goes away.


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Re: [dev] Running without installing

2008-01-31 Thread Tor Lillqvist
>  If one clicks yes, does that mean one doesn't want to continue startup at all

Sorry, that doesn't make sense, I now notice. Must be too late... The "yes" 
answer isn't ambiguous at all I would say.


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Re: [dev] developing with Windows

2008-03-28 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> with the UNO C++ API you can "Write Once, Build Anywhere"

Assuming you have access to a (cross-) toolchain for that elusive Anywhere 
architecture that your potential customer uses, of course.

And, assuming you managed to keep your C++ clean enough that the Anywhere 
compiler accepts it, that you used no C++ libraries available on your own 
platform but not on Anywhere, etc.


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Re: [dev] developing with Windows

2008-03-28 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Also I am using dev-c++(gcc.)

Don't. I have never heard of any serious developer using dev-c++. Plain 
makefiles, a separate editor, possibly GNU autotools etc, yes. (But no auto* 
are involved in the OOo context.)

Unfortunately, for Windows, the only  supported compiler one can use for OOo 
work is Microsoft's. I *think* it should be possible to use the gratis 
"Express" edition, though. There has been work to support also gcc, I don't 
know how far that has come. That will rule, especially if it eventually means 
one can cross-build from Linux (or Solaris, or whatever).


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Re: [dev] developing with Windows

2008-03-28 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> and you can compile using the SDK environment anywhere the SDK is ported and 
> working.

Assuming you have access to such a machine, that is. That was my main point. 
With Java, Python or (I assume) Basic the extension you produce doesn't need to 
be rebuilt for each client platform.

> once again, assuming Cristian does not want to hack OOo source code, 
> just use the API, the MS Visual C++ Express 2005 works fine with OOo, 

Sorry, yes, I was confusing issues here.


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Re: [dev] Portable + PE + unattended version for OpenOffice

2008-04-25 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) 
> bootable Windows 
> CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 
> installation/setup CD, 
> very suitable for PC maintenance tasks.

I hope people who do this also have the appropriate licenses to compile (and 
redistribute within their company or whatever?) such bootable CDs or DVDs that 
contain all kinds of proprietary software?

Don't confuse Free Software advocates with people who don't care about license 
terms. On the contrary, to Free Software proponents, copyright and licenses are 
extremely important, as it is copyright and licenses that keep the software 

I am very much opposed to clouding the concepts and making it seem that the 
people who are in favour of Free and Open Source software are mostly the same 
as the people who disregard intellectual property rights. Putting on some bootable CDs containing also proprietary software of 
dubious legality doesn't sound like something I would want to support.


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Re: [dev] Integrate latest of xmlfilter in openoffice 2.4.x

2008-06-17 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I'm currently using the Novell odf converter 1.1 but it's slow and not 
> working well.

You presumably mean odf-converter. It is not "Novell's" in any real sense. 
Novell provides it (as an RPM package tio be used with OO.o on our SUSE Linux, 
and as an a .oxt OO.o extension for our Windows build of OO.o), but the code is 
developed by some Microsoft contractors, at 
Anybody else could provide it in a similar way for their branded OO.o.

(Note that it requires a small patch to OO.o for pre- and postprocessing that 
has not been yet integrated,
 , although comments in the corresponding issue says that it should be 
possible to achieve this functionality also without any patch.)


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Re: [dev] building and using cairo

2008-07-07 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> The new external module cairo recently included in OOo source tree. I wanted 
> to build 
> and use it in Windows .NET 2008 Express environment as a referece for MinGW 
> porting.

Using cairo on Windows is more or less pointless now in my opinion, as the 
DirectX canvas is included and built by default. They should be closely 
equivalent qualitywise. The DirectX canvas uses much less CPU as it takes 
advantage of hardware acceleration. I did some tests back when we used to have 
the cairo canvas built also on Windows, and for a particular presentation some 
effects took 100% of one CPU when using the cairo canvas, and only some 10% 
when using the DirectX one.


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Re: [dev] customizing oo 2.4.1 ... - disable automatic update / skip registration/ ...

2008-07-07 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> is there a way to customize oo 2.4.1, so

Yes. It is called


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Re: [dev] eight common crash issues in OOo2.4.1 framework(writer simpress spreadsheet )

2008-08-03 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Is it really useful to mail lists of one's pet issues to this mailing list?


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Re: [dev] eight common crash issues in OOo2.4.1framework(writer simpress spreadsheet )

2008-08-04 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> IMHO,the list can make it easy to found the issues . 

But when new issues are submitted, as far as I know, mail is automatically sent 
to an appropriate mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and to the initial assignee 
of the issue. And they are periodically posted on And there 
is a search function in issuezilla. Surely finding issues is not an issue (pun 
intended). If everybody who files an issue starts sending mail here, too, that 
would be pretty pointless. Or do you imply that your issues are more important 
than others and need to be specially pointed out?

So yeah, I am in my grumpy Monday mood.


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Re: [dev] how to disable copy permission

2008-08-08 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I have to disable copy option in open office document when user
> doesn't has copy permission. and it is apply to specified document only.

That is utterly pointless. Surely only the most naïve of users would be stopped 
by such a measure. If somebody can read
a document that is a normal file, they can copy it (using operating system 
functionality to make a copy, unzipping the
ODF file, or whatever). In fact, most users will probably take such a "copy 
prevention" only as a challenge encouraging
them to figure out how to do it anyway.


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Re: [dev] scp2 PATCH flags for OOo 3.0.1

2008-08-25 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Well, if that is acceptable, then why not use
> makepatchrpm/makedeltarpm on *nix?

Isn't that what Linux distros do already (at least, those who have some delta 
RPM -style mechanism) when they release slightly updated packages of some 
specific version of OOo?

Is this PATCH keyword relevant only for Windows (MacOS? Solaris? Other Unixes?) 
builds, if Linux distros already have their own ways to distribute binary diffs 
to already-installed packages?


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Re: [dev] OOo 3 new features and performance speedup

2008-08-28 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> IMHO, checking DNS or connecting to Internet at start is not a good thing to 
> do.
> Users can do that later for they want to check for version update, cliparts
> or something.

I think the DNS lookups occur because it (unintentionally?) looks up the 
machine's name from DNS, or something like that. Wasn't that what the Mandriva 
bug report earlier linked to from this thread talked about? If the machine's 
name service APIs then don't recognize its own name without DNS lookups, you 
might get delays.


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Re: [dev] Debug & Step Through Source Code of OpenOffice 3.0.0 viaVisual Studio C++ 2003 / 2005

2008-09-01 Thread Tor Lillqvist
>> Is it possible to Debug and step through the source code of OpenOffice 3.0.0
>> (BEB300_m3) , using Visual Studio C++ 2003 /2005 ?
> yes, please have a look here:
Except that one is supposed to use the compiler from Visual Studio 2008 
(possibly the Express version) to build current OOo versions for Windows, no? 
And thus also to debug.

Re: [dev] Stderr in OOo Windows?

2008-11-04 Thread Tor Lillqvist
One can run soffice.exe from the Command Prompt like this:

\...\soffice.exe 2>&1 | more

and see all kinds of debugging output (well, at least if parts of OOo have been 
built with debug=true). Yes, that Unix-like syntax actually does work in 
cmd.exe, too.

The stdout and stderr can also be redirected to a file like this:

\...\soffice.exe >foo.log 2>&1


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Re: [dev] Stderr in OOo Windows?

2008-11-04 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> You've got definitely too many dots here. 

The "..." was supposed to be just a placeholder for the actual path;) Sorry for 
not making it clearer...


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Re: [dev] Who can closes an issue[ was: Fwd: [l10n-dev] Spanish version : issue in OLH

2008-11-26 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Sorry for duplicate myself but what do you think about this proposal?
> * trac to IssueZilla!

Not likely to happen, even if it would bring benefits, which I am not at all 
sure of.


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Re: [dev] How to debug in Visual C++ 2008?

2008-12-19 Thread Tor Lillqvist
This is what I do. Other people might have different style of working.

The instructions you quote seem to miss this point (or maybe you just didn't 
quote it, but I will mention it anyway):

0) source the file in the top-level build directory. I.e. cd 
there and give the command:

. ./

in your Bourne-style shell in Cygwin. You must do this before "build 
debug=true" as the "build" command is an alias defined in that 

> "copy the built libraries": What do I need to copy?

The DLL files in that were rebult by your build debug=true 
command. Just check the timestamps.

> "into your OOo installation": Which directory? 

Well, you need to install the OOo you just had built on the machine where you 
are going to run it for debugging. (This need not necessarily be the same 
machine as where you did the build and/or where you are going to run the Visual 
Studio debugger, you can also use remote debugging.) 

Depending on what module you built with debug=true, the DLLs that got built 
correspond to those installed in one of three locations. 

As I myself use an ooo-build -based build, I don't recall exactly the pathnames 
in an upstream build, but look for two folders like "" and 
" 3", if I recall correctly, under "Program Files" (well, 
typically, unless you specifically chose another location). In them you should 
find subfolders "program", "Basis\program" and "URE\bin". Copy the freshly 
built DLLs on top of those that the installer had installed. Pay attention that 
that you copy them in the right folder. For most stuff, it will be the first, 
just "program", but some more low-level ones are in the two others.
> -"start the debugger with soffice.bin": How should I do it ? I find 
> soffice.bin under several directories such as 'desktop\\bin'; 
> 'solver\300\\bin'; 
> 'instsetoo_native\\OpenOffice\msi\patchsoname_file\en-US\00'.

This means the soffice.bin that got installed by the installer, in "program". 
Don't try to run OOo from the build tree. Unless you specifically need to debug 
the startup sequences, I think it's easiest to just start OOo from the Start 
Menu, by double-clicking on a document associated with it, etc. Then start 
Visual Studio and attach to the soffice.bin process, open one of the source 
files that contain the code you want to debug, set breakpoints, and do whatever 
is needed in OOo to make it hit that breakpoint.


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Re: [dev] Detailed build deps

2009-02-12 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> This kind of information enables system developers/integrators to make
> more informed choices.

Are you a system developer/integrator yourself? For some entirely new Linux 
distro with an entirely new package format, or other platform for which there 
exist no OOo build earlier?

If no, then just start by looking at what dependencies the official build for 
your platform uses. Check the spec file in the source rpm or whatever 
corresponding file it is that your platform uses to direct builds starting from 
upstream OOo sources and dependencies. That should help get you started.

If yes, then I still recommend you check how OOo is built for some version of 
some Linux distro that most closely resembles your platform.


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Re: [dev] Sections and appending documents

2009-03-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
>>> On 2009-03-05 at 02:15,  wrote:
> "file:///" + tempDoc

That is very wrong. Use whatever proper API that I am sure Java provides to 
construct  a file: URI from a file name.


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Re: [dev] Please fix these security flaws that could be considered bugs ...

2009-04-20 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> When I let other people use my computer, I rarely make a separate account
> for them (this is not a bad idea, though).  I usually let them use my
> computer from my own "administrator" account... 

You probably don't realize that you just lost all credibility, do you?


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Re: [dev] Someone is charging a FEE to download your FREE software

2009-05-11 Thread Tor Lillqvist
You are confusing two meanings of the word "free".


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Re: [dev] Document file lock system could be enhanced

2009-06-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> What we can learn from the scenario above:

That the company in question doesn't have a proper document management process 


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Re: [dev] Re: Consolidating build instructions for the community

2009-07-16 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> 2. Is OOo completely buildable on Visual Studio 2008 or do we still need 
> this note?

It sounds as if you might be confusing Visual Studio the IDE with Visual Studio 
the product (which includes a C and C++ compiler and an IDE, and various other 
stuff, depending on edition) here.

OOo is not and will never be (as far as I know) buildable in the Visual Studio 
IDE. (It is *debuggable* in it very nicely though.)

OOo is buildable with the VS compiler (in fact, as far as I know so far it is 
the only compiler that it is fully buildable with on Windows), either the 
"Express Edition" which costs nothing, or one of the editions that cost money. 
And for current OOo, it's the 2008 version that needs to be used.


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Re: [dev] Re: Consolidating build instructions for the community

2009-07-17 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I like to learn more about debugging OOo with the VS IDE. Can you point 
> me to a guide or provide a guide in the Wiki?

I don't know if there is a guide. I figured it out myself, it isn't really that 

- build the parts of OOo you are interested in debugging with debug=true, and 
copy the resulting DLLs into their place in the OOo installation

- start OOo from Explorer, just as when using it normally

- run the Visual Studio IDE. Attach the soffice.bin process. Open one of the 
source files that contains code you want to debug. Set breakpoints.

- do whatever is needed in OOo to get the breakpoint to fire. Debug.

If you want to debug the startup mechanism it obviously is a bit more complex, 
I can't give any simple instruction for that.

Debugging works fine also if OOo is running on another machine (for instance a 
virtual machine) than the MSVS IDE. Just have the MSVS debugging monitor (look 
for msvsmon in your VS installlation, and copy that (small) folder to the 
machine where OOo is running, start msvsmon, and set it to allow remote 
debugging. (The first time you do this it will give detailled instructions if 
you need to open a "hole" in the Windows Firewall.) Then in the MSVS IDE, 
preferrably running on the machine where you built OOo (so that source files 
are found), attach to the process using the "Remote (Native only with no 
authentication)" transport, and as qualifierthe name or IP address of where 
msvsmon is running. 


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Re: [dev] build verbosity

2009-10-23 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> you'recertainly quicker with "dmake verbose=true"
> than with "export VERBOSE=TRUE ; dmake ; export VERBOSE=".

However,  "VERBOSE=TRUE dmake"  is as quick;)


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Re: [dev] How can I build source code using VS 2008

2009-12-03 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> this is a very good entry point:

And if the original poster wanted to build "inside" Visual Studio (in its IDE), 
that is not possible. (It works fine to debug in the VS IDE, though.)


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Re: [dev] OpenOffice IDE

2010-01-10 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> what IDE can be used to open OpenOffice sources as a single
> project (is this generally possible?)

Well, I guess anything is possible with enough resources thrown at it, but I am 
fairly certain nobody is doing that. In fact, I don't think anybody uses an IDE 
to manage even a small part of the build of OOo.

> and to manage source code (for example
> debugging or including/excluding some files/resources, etc)? 

People use whatever text editor they prefer to edit the source code files, the files in the various source directories, and the files they 
include. Also relevant are the "d.lst" and "build.lst" files in the "prj" 
folders. And then there is the configure script (constructed from the file), etc. No IDE at all involved.

The only aspect where an IDE is often used is debugging. At least on the 
Windows platform one typically uses Visual Studio's IDE to debug. Debugging in 
Visual Studio does not require that you would have built in it.

> I studied this issue on Internet

Despite what many people think, random Internet searches is not usually the 
best way to learn about something, when there is an official site dedicated to 
the very subject you want to learn about, maintained by the very people who 
create and maintain it. Simply start from , click on "I want 
to participate in", then "Programming", then "how to build" and then you are in the OOo wiki and can start browsing around.

 > Where project files which contain structure
> of whole solution are located  (in what folder of OO)


> and how they can be used by IDE?

They can't.


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Re: [dev] Build fails with Cygwin 1.7.1

2010-01-11 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Or maybe someone already has a solution for this?

This helped me:
 , and its log

I don't run a bleeding edge Cygwin, though, but basically what was bleeding 
edge back in September when I re-constructed my build environment, so it might 
be that less or more changes are needed now.


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Re: [dev] why not add neural network to openoffice

2010-03-22 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> i have a project,that's based on 
> mnetlib(,tha'ts a good libraryto use  
> this  library predict for any thing, for example:finacial, forest  Pests, 
> earthquick , and so on,

Sounds interesting. Please give us some examples of its predictions!


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Re: [dev] Debug the Calc Source Code

2010-04-06 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I am using Cygwin on Windows to compile

Yeah, but the actual compiler you are using is Microsoft's "Visual Studio 2008" 
surely. If you didn't know this, I am a bit surprised that you managed to build 

 (Don't be mislead by the "Visual Studio" name; that is the name of the whole 
product, which contains both the underlying command-line tools and an IDE, 
confusingly also called "Visual Studio". When building on 
Windows, the build uses the command-line tools from Visual Studio. The C and 
C++ compiler command is cl.exe for instance, and the linker is link.exe.)

> and build the code. Are "gdb" and "C++ Builder" good options ?

No. As you use Microsoft's compiler, you must use Microsoft's debugger. The 
Visual Studio IDE can be used just fine to debug code on 
Windows. You need to build the parts you want to debug for debugging, though. 
Typically you would start OOo and then attach the running soffice.bin process 
from the Visual Studio IDE. See the wiki for details. (At least, I hope there 
are details in the wiki...)

> Would it involve loading all the files into the debugger or just the exe
> file (scalc.exe for the sc project) ?

You apparently are missing that scalc.exe (and swriter.exe, and soffice.exe, 
etc) is just a small helper executable that runs the actual 
executable, which is called soffice.bin. (Yeah, the ".bin" suffix is a bit 
strange. That's the way OOo is...) The same soffice.bin is used for all the 
"aspects" of OOo: Writer, Calc, Impress etc. Only one soffice.bin process is 
running at a time.


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[dev] RE: Passwords

2010-04-12 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I cannot remember or find the password I used to secure my documents.

Even if there was a solution, how could we know that it is *your* documents 
that you are trying to open?


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Re: [dev] Not so free version of Openoffice

2010-04-14 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Is somebody trying to earn money by distributing Openoffice without the 
> consentment of SunMicrosystems?

Nothing in the license prohibits that, as far as I know.

Sure, it is "unethical".


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Re: [dev] New build system

2010-05-11 Thread Tor Lillqvist
>>> On 2010-05-11 at 11:12,  wrote:
> Also, with Autotools 

Excuse me, but where in mba's mail did you see autotools mentioned? Calm down.


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[dev] Windows Installer patches and upgrades

2006-09-18 Thread Tor Lillqvist

I have been looking into what modifications would be required to be able
to use the Windows Installer ("MSI") patch and upgrade mechanisms for
upgrading OO.o installations. (Either just security or bugfix -type
patches that affect just a few files, or if feasible, why not also
upgrades like 2.0.4->2.1.0 (or whatever the next version will be).)

When the OO.o MSI installation system was designed, did any thought go
into supporting upgrades? It seems to me that there are related code
snippets here and there in the Perl modules that have been commented
out. Was this something that was tried and pondered, but then skipped?
or just random experimentation?

Are there some design documents available that would contain the
rationale why stuff is done as it is currently? Did it turn out to be
way too hard to support Windows Installer -managed upgrades? Or was it
just something that didn't fit in with the upgrade methods used on
Solaris and/or Linuxes?

Here are some thoughts that I wrote up after looking into these issues.
Please discuss... I have attempted to direct follow-ups to but don't know whether that will survive
through the mailing list; if you aren't a member of that and want to
follow-up, you should subscribe.

Windows Installer has a binary patch mechanism. From a high-level point
of view, it seems to provide the features we would need. Unfortunately,
though, the way the OO.o Windows Installer installer is built clashes
with varous requirements for using Windows Installer patching...

The build creates a new ProductCode (a GUUID) each time one builds an
installer, no matter how small (or zero) the change from the previous
build is. This is done despite the source contains a file
(instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/codes.txt) with
predefined GUUIDs to use as ProductCodes for different languge

The code to use the codes.txt file is commented out in
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ If uncommented (and
correspondingly the code to generate a fresh ProductCode is removed),
things do work. There is no explanation why this code has been commented
out. Was it found to cause trouble?

More seriously, the build generates new ComponentIds (also GUUIDs) each
time an installer is built. The word "component" here is used in the
Windows Installer sense, not OO.o sense (Writer, Calc, etc). The OO.o
Windows Installer installer contains around a thousand components, each
component containing from one to some dozen files.)

Again, if one digs into the Perl code that is used to direct the
installer construction, there are remains of code to save the component
IDs generated and reuse them in sequential builds. But effectively that
doesn't happen now. Whether this is just some idea that never got fully
implemented, or something that was originally designed to be used, but
was found not to work, I have no idea. Whether component IDs should be
reused "globally" from an official list kept in the upstream sources, or
just reused by each vendor building MSI OO.o installers, I can't say. 

Probably both the ProductCode and ComponentIds should be per-vendor, not
shared by all who produce OO.o builds for Windows.

When applying an upgrade that contains (binary) patches, Windows
Installer obviously needs to be sure that it is applying the patch to
the correct file, and not one that has been replaced or tampered with
on the end-user machine trough some other mechanism. For files that are
"versioned" (contain version resource blocks, i.e. DLL and EXE files),
Windows Installer trusts that version, and knows whether the patch is
applicable based on the version resource block.

For unversioned files, Widnows Installer either needs to apply the patch
to the file from the installation "source" (i.e. the CD, or a network
share), or it needs to be able to verify that the file indeed is the
correct one corresponding to the patch.

The first alternative, requiring the original installation source, is
obviously not acceptable. The second alternative requires a separate
table, MsiFileHash, in the original MSI database. MsiFileHash contains
128-bit hashes for unversioned files. OK, generating that is no problem,
it is pretty easy to add code that uses the Win32::API Perl module to
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ to calculate the hashes
(using the MsiGetFileHashA() function) and create the MsiFileHash table.

But then we come across yet another problem: The versions of the files
in the File table. Currently the OO.o MSI database uses the same version
number for all files. In ood680-m2 the version is, where the
first three numbers correspond to the product version, 8.0.4 meaning
OO.o 2.0.4. The "8" apparently comes from the StarOffice version
numbering. The "9064" is the upstream "build number" (not to be confused
with some numbering of actual builds by a vendor, or a developer on a
certain machine), and corresponds to a milestone. 9064 corre

Re: [dev] Announcement: Premium 2.0.3 has released

2006-09-22 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> > But map of the country India is not proper. It shows part of kashmir
> > cutoff from India.

Hmm, and if this is "fixed", then we will have people from Pakistan
screaming that OO.o is illegal because part of their country is cut off
the map? See . There simply is no
way to draw a map of this area (and others that are similar) that would
satisfy all involved chauvinists, er, patriots. 

/me suggests avoiding maps with state borders made with line art
completely. Instead use fuzziness, use partial transparency (alpha) for
areas that are disputed ;)


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Re: [dev] Announcement: Premium 2.0.3 has released

2006-09-22 Thread Tor Lillqvist
fr 2006-09-22 klockan 12:13 +0300 skrev srinivasa rao gantenapalli:

> Any country's map if included will be the one recognized by its
> government.

So you promise won't mind if the map of Pakistan then ends up
overlapping that of India?


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Re: [dev] Port for Visual Studio 2005 Express (free compiler) available

2006-09-26 Thread Tor Lillqvist
ti 2006-09-26 klockan 00:56 -0400 skrev Volker Quetschke:

> You have to use
>   --disable-activex
> or the build will fail at one point.

Is that the --disable-activex from CWS tml04 (which I have largely been
ignoring working on, it needs to be resynced to a current milestone etc)
(the same stuff as in ooo-build patch "win32-activex-disable.diff") or
does some other CWS, or the master code, nowadays already have such a


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Re: [dev] Port for Visual Studio 2005 Express (free compiler) available

2006-09-26 Thread Tor Lillqvist
ti 2006-09-26 klockan 09:31 -0400 skrev Volker Quetschke:

> Quite a few things would have to be changed in that CWS (read my comment 
> there)

Yes, thanks.

> If that switch is not enough to solve your tml04 problem we should add
> another --disable-someOle or so to disable the missing pieces.

Well, unless the --disable-activex thingie now in HEAD also removes the
ActiveX-related registry entries, it doesn't do all that tml04 does,
does it?


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Re: [dev] Port for Visual Studio 2005 Express (free compiler) available

2006-09-26 Thread Tor Lillqvist
ti 2006-09-26 klockan 10:17 +0200 skrev Oliver Bolte:

> I've reused the NETTOOLKIT environment variable (in the past it was used 
> for .NET Toolkit 2003 which wasn't usable for OOo). I've removed this 
> variable from other makefiles and with m186 it controls activex only. 

Isn't that kinda confusing, i.e. disabling ActiveX might be desireable
for other reasons than that you have the VS2005E compiler. And why reuse
a name for a completely different purpose?

In win32-activex-disable.diff a.k.a. tml04, when one does
--disable-activex, that also ifndefs out the ActiveX -related registry
entries from scp2/source/calc/registryitem_*.scp .

> You can find it at:
> scp2/util/

Ah, is the winexplorerext stuff also useless without ActiveX?


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Re: [dev] The QuickStarter Spec.

2006-11-01 Thread Tor Lillqvist
on 2006-11-01 klockan 07:50 -0500 skrev G. Roderick Singleton:
> I think that you should read system as session. [...] This would mean
> that system is the wrong word but its use is likely harmless as *NIX
> users will not likely care and windows users are already familiar with
> the nomenclature.

Nah, I don't think so. It's just plain misleading and wrong to talk
about "system" when you mean "session". This should be changed. I
bothered to open an issue for it some time ago, 70789.


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Re: [dev] Keyboard shortcuts for common diacritics

2006-11-14 Thread Tor Lillqvist
ti 2006-11-14 klockan 10:38 +0100 skrev Thomas Lavergne:

> I am Thomas and use OpenOffice at home and at my work place with a 
> classic, 104-key PC US Keyboard. I sometimes write documents in French 
> (my native language) and it is a pain in the neck to use accents because 
> I need to open the "Insert/Special Character" menu and select my é from 
> the array. 

Can't you just pretend to your desktop environment (GNOME, Windows, etc)
that you have a French keyboard? At least on Windows it's easy to add
keyboard layouts, and keyboard layouts are program-specific, so you can
in one open Writer window use a French keyboard layout, and still use
the US layout in all your other windows. You might want to write the
French key symbols, where different, with some suitable marker on your
keyboard if you can't remember them by heart ;)


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Re: [dev] issue about special characters in file name

2007-03-23 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Pathnames in Windows are in Unicode (UTF-16). Command line
> arguments are byte strings.

Actually, in NT-based Windows, all the internal stuff goes on in
UTF-16. The (multi-)byte string ("ANSI", i.e. system codepage) APIs
are just wrappers around the wide-char (UTF-16) string APIs. Also,
note that command line *arguments* (with which I assume you mean the C
argv things) are visible only by C (and C++) applications. The Windows
API manipulates only whole command lines (which is an idiotic design
decision, but I digress). It's the C and C++ startup code which splits
command lines into an Unixish argv.

If one uses the right compiler flags (if necessary) and makes a C or
C++ app have a wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv) instead of the normal
main(int argc, char **argv), it will get command line arguments as
wide-char strings (as constructed from the wide-char command line by
the C runtime library startup code).

>  So, Explorer has to translate the UTF-16 pathname into a byte string.

Umm, no. As far as I know Explorer uses the wide-character API. So as
long as the application started uses the wide-character API to
retrieve its command line, it can retrieve it without loss even if it
contains characters not representable in the system codepage.

> Two things can go wrong: 1 The text encoding used by Explorer to
> translate the UTF-16 pathname into a byte string does not support
> all the characters in the pathname.

I don't think this can go wrong, if Explorer uses the wide-character
API. As far as I know, it does, as file names with random Unicode
characters work just fine in Explorer, and get passed to applications
like WordPad or MS Office just fine.

> 2 The text encoding guessed by OOo does not match the text encoding
> used by Explorer.

I doubt this is a question of guesswork, but the issue is that the
command line contains characters not representable in the system
codepage, and OOo fetches the command line using the "ANSI" API. I am
surprised, though, I am relatively sure I have seen that OOo does use
wide-char APIs in the low-level Win32 code. I haven't looked at the
OOo code involved in retrieving the command line lately, though.


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Re: [dev] Latest compiling win32 build

2007-03-26 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I'd like to build under win32, I successfully got a build going a couple 
> of years ago, but I haven't touched it since then, now I'd like to get 
> back on it, so if anyone knows what's the number of a build that anyone 
> has managed to successfully build,

All milestones build on Win32 as far as I know. (I don't personally build them 
all, but others do, and it might even be
automated. Win32 is a 100% supported platform, so why wouldn't they?)

> also any tips, 
> hints and patches needed would be greatly appreciated.

Check the wiki at . Read and 
understand anything related to Win32
mentioned there. What do you mean with "pathces"? Patches for what purpose? 
Sure, ooo-build
( ) has hundreds of patches, 
but you have to decide for yourself
whether going that route is something you want or not.


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Re: [dev] portable OOo

2007-03-29 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I am wondering if the portable Openoffice delongs to OOo community. and does 
> it have multiple language versions
available now?

With "portable", I assume you mean the build of 
for Windows that is downloadable from (Because if you meant in general, I doubt you 
would feel the need to qualify it as
"portable" as it is by definition;) )

I would assume the people build that themselves. Why don't you 
ask them?

You should know that the term "portable" for software has a quite different 
traditional meaning than what uses. Traditionally, "portable" software means software that 
can be built on several platforms
(different operating systems, different compilers). obviously is 
very portable. But
presumably would call even a Windows-only application "portable" if it can be 
run from a USB memory stick, CD, etc.

> It is a free software, and where can I down the code, and learn from it?

Of course it is free software, the license requires that. The has a link to their
source code for from the page if you look


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Re: [dev] Build error in helpcontent2 (Lucene)

2010-06-24 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Microsoft Patch 

More like Windows Installer ("MSI") Patch, but yeah, means the same thing 
basically anyway.

> As no one else is building them it's basically a Sun-only problem 

We (Novell) have been trying to use MSI patching, with occasional success even, 
for longer than Sun. But it has always been a nightmare.


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[dev] RE: Issues building under windows xp: patch

2010-06-29 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> It looks like I forgot to attach the patch.

No problem, using the patch would be prohibited anyway, it seems:

> Any reproduction of this e-mail 
> by whatsoever means and any transmission or dissemination thereof to other 
> persons is prohibited.

Which to me seems to say that any code distributed in an email message under 
such a license certainly can't be included in OOo.


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[dev] Re: resume build

2010-06-30 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> i don't know much about ntfs, but maybe it has a different concept of
> "permissions" than ordinary unix filesystems?

Of course, completely different, based on arbitrarily long ACLs and not POSIX 
rwxrwxrwx bits.

Mounting a NTFS volume on a Unix machine means these ACLs must then be somehow 
"translated" to give the impression of POSIX protection bits, and as one might 
imagine, such an emulation seldom works 100%, especially not if the code 
expects to be able to change the protection bits of some file and see a result 
as specified by POSIX semantics.


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[dev] Prebuilt Mozilla DLLs on differ from those in the installer

2010-06-30 Thread Tor Lillqvist
I noticed that the prebuilt Mozilla DLLs in the file (linked 
from the page) differ from the 
ones included with the OOo_3.2.1_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe installer.

Especially, the DLLs on the website use msvcr80.dll, while of the ones in the 
installer, some use msvcr90.dll and others (ones not actually used  by OOo, 
perhaps?) use msvcr80.dll. Is this intentional? Is this set of 
msvcr90.dll-using Mozilla DLLs (and then corresponding headers and import 
library) available prebuilt in similar zip files outside Sun? Is this 
intentional product differentiation or just an oversight?

Linking to msvcr90.dll is obviously preferred, as that is what OOo itself uses. 
Using Mozilla DLLs that link to msvcr80.dll means one has to include that 
runtime, too, in one's installer, doesn't it?


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Re: [dev] Prebuilt Mozilla DLLs on differ from those in the installer

2010-07-01 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> So if you say that in an OOo installed from a downloaded installer,
> there are *Mozilla* libs (*not* OOo libs!) which are linked against
> msvcr90.dll, I'd b somewhat surprised. Do you have an example?

Sure. For instance nspr4.dll and nss3.dll in an OOo installed from 
OOo_3.2.1_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe downloaded on June 25.


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Re: [dev] Prebuilt Mozilla DLLs on differ from those in the installer

2010-07-01 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> This is (should be) completely transparent, i.e. if you download the
> prebuilts used from, and use them in your build,
> but also build the nss module (there's a configure switch to disable it,
> IIRC), then the libs from the latter replace the libs from the former.
> So, in an ordinary OOo build, you should also get a nspr4.dll linked
> against msvcr90.dll.

OK. So I guess it is recommended then indeed to not use the 
--disable-nss-module switch, even if one does use --disable-build-mozilla?

I guess our confusion here is caused by thinking that nss and nspr are just 
part of mozilla, and as one is using prebuilt mozilla, one shall not building 
the nss stuff included with OOo either.


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Re: [dev] Does MS Office Binary File Formats Spec. help improve the binary filter?

2010-07-12 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> What I was trying to say is that I recall something very similar to this
> happening a while back and the company cried foul when the open source
> software used their proprietory code and used it as an excuse to lambast
> open source in general.

So basically, just hearsay?


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Re: [dev] Debug output

2010-10-26 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> Windows suppresses stdio in GUI programs. 

You can change that after having built soffice.bin (and soffice.exe):

editbin /subsystem:console \path\to\executable

then you will get a console window always opened for the executable in 
question, and any output written to stdout will be visible there.

(I don't remember now if editbin is confused by soffice.bin not having an .exe 
suffix; you might need to temporarily rename if to foo.exe before running 
editbin on it, and then back.)


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Re: [dev] EducOOo donated code for ARM Linux port

2011-02-19 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> "EducOOo donated code for ARM Linux port" makes it sound you did the port.

Me, I didn't understand if EducOOo is the subject or object here... (And with 
issuezilla being down, I couldn't check the link either.) Was it donated to 
EducOOo, or did EducOOo donate it to somebody else? And what does "donate" 
mean, exactly, in the context of Open Source software? Or is this not Open 


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[dev] DLL rebasing in OOo on Windows

2011-05-12 Thread Tor Lillqvist

Is there any public discussion or documentation on the rebasing done at various 
stages in OOo? When building, in postprocess each DLL is rebased so that they 
have unique base addresses, and don't overlap if loaded at these addresses. But 
then in an installer custom action this is reverted (on non-server OSes) and 
each DLL is rebased back to the default 0x1000. Why? And what is the 
intended use case of the rebaseoo and rebasegui programs?

Thanks in advance for any insight...

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[dev] Re: Problem with building glib on Windows

2011-05-16 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> cd ./wntmsci12/misc/build/glib-2.28.1/ && nmake -f makefile.msc &&

>  /usr/bin/cp glib/glibconfig.h.win32 glib/glibconfig.h

> But 'glib/glibconfig.h.win32' and'glib/glibconfig.h' really exist.

Yeah, but /usr/bin/cp is hardly understandable to nmake.


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