Re: Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: Drop Optical Media Release Criterion

2019-12-13 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 13 Dec 2019, at 15:03, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

On Friday, December 13, 2019 12:53:57 PM MST Chris Murphy wrote:

What? There are only two images that are release blocking for optical
media right now.




I'm suggesting one instead of zero. Whatever image you're saying you
must have is already non-blocking so I don't even understand what
you're complaining about now.

This isn't something that *I* personally need. The only ISO image I  
need is the KDE Spin ISO, so you'd be correct. For end-users,  
there's no need
for the complexity of the Everything image to be present, however.  
If the end
user wants to install the GNOME Spin, they shouldn't have to jump  

hoops and know what they're picking.

I would say that the Everything netinstall image is more useful than  
the Workstation Live image:

*  netinstall is smaller
*  netinstall can be used to install servers
*  netinstall with updates repo enabled yields current system without  
doing the almost inevitable post-install (from non-netinstall image)  


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Re: future of official optical media support in Fedora

2016-12-09 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 8 Dec 2016, at 11:22, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

On miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016 1:56:32 PM CST Mike Pinkerton  

I use the Server netinstall image.  Use cases include loop mounting
the netinstall .iso on boxes with Grub2 -- works on remote boxes
where there is no physical access and can be easier than setting up a
remote PXE solution -- and burning a CD for local boxes without  
There is the pxe iso to use that would  
probably better

suit your purposes.

How does that work on a remote box with no physical access, no DHCP  
and no console access?

Does anyone maintain a up-to-date list of the content differences
between the Server and Everything netinstall discs?  Is there any
difference other than in default preferences?  Is there a way to do a
single disc with a choice of "give me Server defaults" or "give me
Everything defaults"?

The server netinst iso uses the server defaults, partitioning and  
selection. there is no way to do both with a single disk today. it  
require who knows what work, I imagine the work is possible its  
just not an

option today.

Aren't the server defaults just a matter of package selection?

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Re: future of official optical media support in Fedora

2016-12-07 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 6 Dec 2016, at 09:43, Kamil Paral wrote:

Which images to cover, that's the heart of the discussion. If you  
look into our test matrix again, we currently block on 6 of them:

* Workstation Live + netinst
* KDE Live
* Server DVD + netinst
* Everything netinst

What comes first to my mind is Server (DVD + netinst). My guess is  
that people don't install Server from optical media, but rather  
from PXE or USB. I can't imagine installing Server boxes from DVDs.  
But I'd really like to hear from Server users how this is likely or  
not. Also, Server is most probably not given away at events. I  
don't know about sending Server DVDs to the developing world, we  
can make an inquiry about that.

On 6 Dec 2016, at 12:20, Adam Williamson wrote:

So an alternative to kparal's scheme would be to try and consider  

and say we test:

* Workstation live
* Everything netinst
* Server DVD

and consider those to be representative of the broad 'types' of  
ISOs in

terms of the compose process. That way we don't have to test
Workstation or Server netinsts, or the KDE live, on optical media.

On 7 Dec 2016, at 09:13, Matthew Miller wrote:

I think: Workstation x86_64 Live, and at least one netinstall image of
any flavor (from which, in a pinch, anything else can be installed via

I use the Server netinstall image.  Use cases include loop mounting  
the netinstall .iso on boxes with Grub2 -- works on remote boxes  
where there is no physical access and can be easier than setting up a  
remote PXE solution -- and burning a CD for local boxes without Grub2.

I would be fine with dropping the Server DVD.

Does anyone maintain a up-to-date list of the content differences  
between the Server and Everything netinstall discs?  Is there any  
difference other than in default preferences?  Is there a way to do a  
single disc with a choice of "give me Server defaults" or "give me  
Everything defaults"?


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Re: RFC (round 2): Change the default hostname for Fedora 26+

2016-11-15 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 15 Nov 2016, at 11:37, Bastien Nocera wrote:

As mentioned in the fedora-desktop thread about branding, I don't  
like seeing
this sort of randomly generated and nonsensical (and I mean that in  
that a string
of hex characters obviously don't *mean* something) shouldn't be  

Right now, you'd see the hostname on the machine itself in the  
Sharing and
Details panels in GNOME, in bash's prompt, and in quite a few  
remotely accessible

services (the Bluetooth name, shared media, ssh, etc.).

There's nothing stopping us from having a hidden/secondary hostname  
and a randomly generated one would fit perfectly for this sort of  
use case.

Now that would be confusing for users -- a hidden name that bears no  
relation to the exposed name.


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Re: dnssec-trigger + GNOME + NetworkManager integration

2015-07-10 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 10 Jul 2015, at 15:40, Björn Persson wrote:

Michael Catanzaro wrote:

On Fri, 2015-07-03 at 11:21 -0400, Mike Pinkerton wrote:

Isn't the whole point to eliminate the need for third party
certificate authorities entirely?

Well I think you could choose to do that, or you could choose to use
it as an additional security measure on top of traditional  


Just to clarify what you are saying -- if there is a third party
certificate chain which fails, then you would distrust the site.
if there is no third party certificate authority chain, and DANE
succeeds, then you would accept the DANE-provided certificate and
trust the site.

I was thinking to require both to work, instead of just one or the
other. Seems like that would make life hardest for the attacker.


DANE adds a second dimension and we get a matrix of nine possible  

C0D0: not signed by a CA; has no TLSA records
C0D-: not signed by a CA; has TLSA records but verification fails
C0D+: not signed by a CA; has TLSA records and verification succeeds
C-D0: presents a CA signature but verification fails; has no TLSA  
C-D-: presents a CA signature but verification fails; has TLSA  
records but verification fails
C-D+: presents a CA signature but verification fails; has TLSA  
records and verification succeeds

C+D0: signed by a CA and verification succeeds; has no TLSA records
C+D-: signed by a CA and verification succeeds; has TLSA records  
but verification fails
C+D+: signed by a CA and verification succeeds; has TLSA records  
and verification succeeds

When you write require both to work it sounds like you would accept
only case C+D+. That would mean that you would start rejecting C+D0,
denying your users access to all current HTTPS sites that don't use  

yet, so that's probably not what you mean.

All of the C- and D- cases are of course highly suspect and should be
rejected, but both C0D+ and C+D0 should be accepted in my opinion.  
is the case that removes people's excuses for not using HTTPS, and  

to be what certificate usage 3 in RFC 6698 is intended for.

CAs would still serve a purpose. They could continue to provide big
websites with extended validation certificates that allow  
browsers to

assure the user that the website belongs to a particular company or
other entity, whereas DANE only ties the public key to the domain  

Maybe some time in the distant future, when DNSsec is nearly  

browsers can start rejecting case C+D0 to give the last few stragglers
the push they need to start using DANE.

I generally agree, except that I see the CAs eventually becoming a  
legacy artifact, with DANE enabling domains to take control of their  
own security directly without the mediation of third parties.  So I  
see C+D+ as a transitional step between our current largely C+D0  
state and a future C0D+ state.


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Re: dnssec-trigger + GNOME + NetworkManager integration

2015-07-03 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 3 Jul 2015, at 10:44, Michael Catanzaro wrote:

On Fri, 2015-07-03 at 15:43 +0200, Petr Spacek wrote:

For the record, and all this can be solved by DNSSEC + DANE. See RFC

I was planning to use DANE as a second required check in addition to
the normal certificate chain. That is, if either the certificate chain
doesn't check out or DANE fails, then something is spooky and the site
should be inaccessible. Other browsers are throwing around ideas about
using DANE to make the site accessible in the event the certificate
chain fails, which seems like the wrong direction to me. I haven't
really seen any good arguments in favor of one approach or the other,

Isn't the whole point to eliminate the need for third party  
certificate authorities entirely?

Just to clarify what you are saying -- if there is a third party  
certificate chain which fails, then you would distrust the site.  But  
if there is no third party certificate authority chain, and DANE  
succeeds, then you would accept the DANE-provided certificate and  
trust the site.


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Re: F22 Self Contained Change: Disabled Repositories Support

2015-03-18 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 18 Mar 2015, at 08:40, Miroslav Suchý wrote:

On 03/16/2015 06:48 PM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:
If the working group deems the software to be that useful,  
wouldn't it be better to bring its packaging up to the
quality of the official Fedora repo, and make it more easily  
discoverable by all Fedora users, regardless of whether
they choose to use that product or a spin or a non-product  
install of Fedora?

Another example - I have two projects in Copr:
 * spark-cli - command line interface for Spark Core
 * nanoblogger - blog with just static pages generated by bash sript

I have no intention to get them into main Fedora. Mostly because I  
am not willing to fix bugs. I just packaged it for
myself. It works for me and it may work most people. Therefore I  
assume that it may be useful for somebody out there.

We (as Fedora) simply could not package and maintain everything  
with the same quality.

I understand the usefulness of copr for software in development,  
experimental builds, personal projects, work in progress, etc.  I  
even understand making software there discoverable via a web-based  
search page -- which you already have.

What I don't understand is the wisdom of an official Fedora product  
endorsing a copr when either the software or packaging (or both) is  
not of sufficient quality to make it into the official Fedora repo.


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Re: F22 Self Contained Change: Disabled Repositories Support

2015-03-16 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 16 Mar 2015, at 12:57, Josh Boyer wrote:

a) This change impacts users, while these COPRs are not useful to  

There are no COPR repo files that are installed by default today,
which means none of them use this mechanism yet.  Which means there is
literally no change for any user at this time.  As I said, the Change
is informational.

If such repo files are installed by default, it will be at the
discretion of the various Working Groups not the Change proposer.

Why would an official product want to endorse unofficial repos?

If the working group deems the software to be that useful, wouldn't  
it be better to bring its packaging up to the quality of the  
official Fedora repo, and make it more easily discoverable by all  
Fedora users, regardless of whether they choose to use that product  
or a spin or a non-product install of Fedora?

Just asking what the thinking is here ...


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Re: FESCO request to revert password confirmation change in F22

2015-03-10 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 10 Mar 2015, at 07:00, Matěj Cepl wrote:

On 2015-03-10, 10:15 GMT, Björn Persson wrote:

The user surely knows better what a good password is than the
software does. If the user picks a crappy password, there's  
probably a good


There are two possible reasons why you would say that. Either you
haven't even looked at the Ars Technica articles that have been
discussed in this thread, or else you believe that a majority of  
of all sorts of web services think it's all right if all the spies  

script kiddies in the world have full access to their accounts.

I think certainly there should be some protection against
passwords like monkey (why monkey and not kangaroo, for
example?) or iloveyou (as the Pope Francis said our message
should be based on love not hate!), but when it tries to do too
much more it is getting in the way even to the people who
actually know what they are talking about. VM machine used only
for temporary compilation on the old platform just doesn't have
to have 63-random-chars password from

At the risk of complicating someone's life:

Given that pattern-based attacks make meaningful password quality  
checking nigh impossible, why not just drop password quality checks.

Instead, give a simple explanation that a secure password should:

*  be at least xx random characters in length, utilize both lower and  
upper case letters, as well as numerals and special characters, and  
not contain any human recognizable pattern -- and that any pattern  
that one can easily remember is probably insecure; or

*  be generated by a suitably random password generator, such as a 7  
word Diceware password.

Then embed a random password generator, such as /usr/bin/apg, and  
give the user a choice of generating a random password of whatever  
length the user wants, or simply entering whatever insecure password  
the user deems appropriate given the anticipated use of the installed  


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Re: FESCO request to revert password confirmation change in F22

2015-03-08 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 7 Mar 2015, at 20:35, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 7 March 2015 at 15:33, Mike Pinkerton  

On 7 Mar 2015, at 15:52, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 7 March 2015 at 11:53, Mike Pinkerton  

On 7 Mar 2015, at 10:41, Björn Persson wrote:

Mike Pinkerton wrote:
On 6 Mar 2015, at 23:49, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 23:09 +0100, Björn Persson wrote:
I hope be among the inputs to that

I'm fond of noting that pwquality has not yet blacklisted any variant
of correcthorsebatterystaple. I've been using correcthorse as my stock
anaconda testing password, since the strength check has been

It won't stand up to a combinator attack:

It's not entirely clear, but I guess you mean that a two-word
combination like correct horse won't stand up. That appears to be
true. A four-word phrase is an entirely different matter. Each
additional word increases the complexity exponentially, so doubling  

number of words squares the number of possible combinations.

The combinator attack that is described in the Ars Technica  
article that Bruce Schneier quotes in the above link appears to be  
an attack that tries combinations of multiple words from one or  
more of the attacker's word lists.  Certainly adding more words to  
the pass-phrase would make that more difficult.  As I don't know  
the current state of the art in password cracking, I don't know  
whether attackers typically limit their attacks to only two words,  
or extend to three or more words.

They limit it to 1-2 words because it takes a LONG time to crack  
SHA512crypt passwords. You can do on average 32k - 128k hash crypt  
checks per second per password. A two word dictionary of diceware  
would have 2^25.85 passwords in it. A single system is going to  
take 256 seconds on 2 words. Add in 3 words (2^38.775) and it is 24  
days. Add in a 4th word and it is 544 years. Add in a 5th word and  
it is 4.5 million years.

Apparently Diceware's creator is not as confident as you -- he nows  
recommends more than 5 words. 

Perhaps improvements in graphics cards have changed the calculus in  
recent years.

Yes and no.

1) He has always wanted to make sure that an attack was going to  
take billions of years for the US government on. Thus his level of  
threat is the 100 billion dollar cluster... Which yes 6 or 7 words  
would be needed if not 8. Your password of completely random  
characters will also need to be a lot longer.

2) He is also aware that most of the hacks out there have not been  
SHA512crypt but MD5sum/SHAsum/NT password breaches. If you are  
lucky they used md5crypt or the original sha1crypt. Those are  
formats that yes millions of attacks per second can be done in an  
offline attempt.  If you have no control over how the password is  
stored then using 4 or 5 words is not enough.

3) Yes graphic cards improve with more cores but they do not  
increase word size as often because there really isn't much need  
other than cracking large passwords (bitcoin which is the primary  
use for video cards doesn't get faster with a larger word so it  
isn't something people will pay for.) Without a larger word size  
the various code for doing a SHA512crypt gets slow.

Neither of the first two items are things which are going to be  
general users of Linux are needing to deal with. If you are having  
to worry about that sort of attack then you are going to need a lot  
more work than a 100+ bit entropy password.

While writing this up I went and checked that the whole thing is  
outlined point for point in wikipedia

To estimate the time just do the following:

$15,000 computer - 128k/sec = 2^17. Lets assume moore's law comes  
in and we have 2^20 by 2020.

Take the possible entropy and subtract the 2^17 and that will give  
you the worst case. I believe it may be 1/4 of that so make it  
subtract 2^19 currently for one system and 2^29 for a cluster of  
1024 computers (so 15 million dollars).

2 words is going to be (25.85-19) 115 seconds for one system and  
0.1 for big ass cluster.
3 words is going to be (38.78-19) 236 hours ). 1 day for big ass  

4 words is going to be (51.70-19) 221 years).   1 year
5 words is going to be (64.63-19) 1.7 million years)  1700 years.  
(or 1.7 years for a 15 billion dollar investment).

To get equivalent strength from say an all lower case password you  
are going to need 14 [a-z] characters.

Now here is the funny thing. All that speed to get 128k is if the  
password is less than around 12 characters for most cracking  
software due to the way the hardware and algorithms have been  
optimized. If the string is longer

Re: FESCO request to revert password confirmation change in F22

2015-03-07 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 7 Mar 2015, at 10:41, Björn Persson wrote:

Mike Pinkerton wrote:

On 6 Mar 2015, at 23:49, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 23:09 +0100, Björn Persson wrote:

I hope be among the inputs to that

I'm fond of noting that pwquality has not yet blacklisted any  
of correcthorsebatterystaple. I've been using correcthorse as my  

anaconda testing password, since the strength check has been

It won't stand up to a combinator attack:

It's not entirely clear, but I guess you mean that a two-word
combination like correct horse won't stand up. That appears to be
true. A four-word phrase is an entirely different matter. Each
additional word increases the complexity exponentially, so doubling  

number of words squares the number of possible combinations.

The combinator attack that is described in the Ars Technica article  
that Bruce Schneier quotes in the above link appears to be an attack  
that tries combinations of multiple words from one or more of the  
attacker's word lists.  Certainly adding more words to the pass- 
phrase would make that more difficult.  As I don't know the current  
state of the art in password cracking, I don't know whether attackers  
typically limit their attacks to only two words, or extend to three  
or more words.

The catch is that the words must be *randomly* chosen. XKCD doesn't
stress that point much, and humans are notoriously bad at choosing
randomly. I suspect that many people make up some highly nonrandom
four-word passphrase and think they have a correct horse battery
staple-quality passphrase.

I don't think randomness matters at all, only whether the words are  
in the word list(s) used by the attacker.  In the Ars Technica  
article, one attacker was using multiple lists, one of which included  
111 million words.  Another attacker limited himself to a list of 14  
million words -- which were real-world passwords that were exposed in  
an SQL-injection hack several years ago.  Note that these words are  
simply strings -- some might be recognizable as words in a spoken  
or written language, while others are just character strings (e.g.,  
momof3g or 8kids) that the attacker has culled from one source or  


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Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Test-Announce] 2015-03-09 @ ** 15:00 ** UTC - Fedora QA Meeting

2015-03-07 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 7 Mar 2015, at 02:16, Adam Williamson wrote:

for 15:00 UTC. If your clocks go back this weekend, the meeting should
be at the same local time as it was before. If your clocks don't go
back, it will be one hour earlier.

Spring forward, Fall back.


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Re: FESCO request to revert password confirmation change in F22

2015-03-07 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 7 Mar 2015, at 15:52, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 7 March 2015 at 11:53, Mike Pinkerton  

On 7 Mar 2015, at 10:41, Björn Persson wrote:

Mike Pinkerton wrote:
On 6 Mar 2015, at 23:49, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 23:09 +0100, Björn Persson wrote:
I hope be among the inputs to that

I'm fond of noting that pwquality has not yet blacklisted any variant
of correcthorsebatterystaple. I've been using correcthorse as my stock
anaconda testing password, since the strength check has been

It won't stand up to a combinator attack:

It's not entirely clear, but I guess you mean that a two-word
combination like correct horse won't stand up. That appears to be
true. A four-word phrase is an entirely different matter. Each
additional word increases the complexity exponentially, so doubling  

number of words squares the number of possible combinations.

The combinator attack that is described in the Ars Technica  
article that Bruce Schneier quotes in the above link appears to be  
an attack that tries combinations of multiple words from one or  
more of the attacker's word lists.  Certainly adding more words to  
the pass-phrase would make that more difficult.  As I don't know  
the current state of the art in password cracking, I don't know  
whether attackers typically limit their attacks to only two words,  
or extend to three or more words.

They limit it to 1-2 words because it takes a LONG time to crack  
SHA512crypt passwords. You can do on average 32k - 128k hash crypt  
checks per second per password. A two word dictionary of diceware  
would have 2^25.85 passwords in it. A single system is going to  
take 256 seconds on 2 words. Add in 3 words (2^38.775) and it is 24  
days. Add in a 4th word and it is 544 years. Add in a 5th word and  
it is 4.5 million years.

Apparently Diceware's creator is not as confident as you -- he nows  
recommends more than 5 words. 

Perhaps improvements in graphics cards have changed the calculus in  
recent years.

While writing this up I went and checked that the whole thing is  
outlined point for point in wikipedia

To estimate the time just do the following:

$15,000 computer - 128k/sec = 2^17. Lets assume moore's law comes  
in and we have 2^20 by 2020.

Take the possible entropy and subtract the 2^17 and that will give  
you the worst case. I believe it may be 1/4 of that so make it  
subtract 2^19 currently for one system and 2^29 for a cluster of  
1024 computers (so 15 million dollars).

2 words is going to be (25.85-19) 115 seconds for one system and  
0.1 for big ass cluster.
3 words is going to be (38.78-19) 236 hours ). 1 day for big ass  

4 words is going to be (51.70-19) 221 years).   1 year
5 words is going to be (64.63-19) 1.7 million years)  1700 years.  
(or 1.7 years for a 15 billion dollar investment).

To get equivalent strength from say an all lower case password you  
are going to need 14 [a-z] characters.

Now here is the funny thing. All that speed to get 128k is if the  
password is less than around 12 characters for most cracking  
software due to the way the hardware and algorithms have been  
optimized. If the string is longer than that the hardware drops in  
speed by orders of magnitude. So correctstaple is actually going to  
take longer than I said. In fact all the numbers I put for 3+ words  
is probably going to be 10-100 times longer.

All of this assumes that the attacker is trying to brute force the  
entire string -- character by character.  In the Ars Technica article  
I linked to in my previous message, the attackers did not try to  
brute force anything over 6 characters.  Instead, they used other  
strategies, including the combinator strategy that would have broken  

There are 2 caveats.

1) Once again, Adam was being sarcastic. He knows the password  
isn't any good because well he TOLD everyone what it was. He was  
making fun of the fact that libpwquality does not blacklist it..  
which means that correctstaple is the new password of choice (when  
the old one might have been 123456)

I saw your first note that Adam was being sarcastic -- although it  
probably doesn't matter what password he is using for offline testing  
of Anaconda and release candidates.

I was responding to Björn Persson's suggestion that, in discussions  
of password quality, correcthorsebatterystaple would be an example of  
a safe password.  My point is that, if attackers are using strategies  
other than brute forcing, which the Ars Technica article suggests is  
the case, then constructing long passwords out of known words is  
probably not a safe strategy

Re: FESCO request to revert password confirmation change in F22

2015-03-06 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 6 Mar 2015, at 23:49, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 23:09 +0100, Björn Persson wrote:

I hope be among the inputs to that

I'm fond of noting that pwquality has not yet blacklisted any variant
of correcthorsebatterystaple. I've been using correcthorse as my stock
anaconda testing password, since the strength check has been

It won't stand up to a combinator attack:


devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: F22 System Wide Change: Set sshd(8) PermitRootLogin=no

2015-01-14 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 14 Jan 2015, at 12:34, Miloslav Trmač wrote:

I'd request all(those who are opposing) too describe their
requirements in the etherpad page above.

Being able to authenticate as root right after installation would be
the requirement for me.

Let’s be precise here; “able to authenticate as root” is an  
implementation detail; the underlying requirement is something  
else.  “Able to set up IPA”?  “Able to run administrative  
commands in shell?” (e.g. we could just, as a part of firstboot,  
open a root shell without any authentication

It seems that the boxes affected by this proposal are either  
product=server or product=nonproduct.  For servers, immediately  
after installing, I log in as root and run a set-up or configuration  
script which, among other things, sets the box to a non-graphical  
target and prevents firstboot from ever running.  I'm not sure why  
one would run firstboot on a server.

I also do something similar and prevent firstboot from running on  
boxes set up as general desktops for office workers, etc., as I don't  
want the first random user who logs into a box to be able to become  
part of the wheel group and have access to sudo.

As far as I can see, firstboot is only useful on one's personal box.

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: F22 System Wide Change: Set sshd(8) PermitRootLogin=no

2015-01-12 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 12 Jan 2015, at 03:56, P J P wrote:


On Sunday, 11 January 2015 2:27 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:
Earlier in the discussions I was told that this is not really an  
issue: in

production, about every server with remote access also has a KVM.

Often not the case in small business or third party hosted  

Without remote ssh, box is unmanageable.

Even if you want to do key-based authentication rather than  
password, you
still need to use password initially to get the key onto the  
remote box.

If you use cloud-init you can specify an initial public key that it
inserts against, or even auto enrol it in a central auth system like
IPA and hence not ever need a password.

  So, the major issue(or blocker should we say?) is the virtualized  
deployments. If there is no solution in sight, maybe last resort is  
to enable remote root login, possibly in the '%post' install  
section of the kick-start file.

Not just virtualized deployments, but also in remote installs on bare  

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: F22 System Wide Change: Set sshd(8) PermitRootLogin=no

2015-01-12 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 12 Jan 2015, at 12:02, P J P wrote:

On Monday, 12 January 2015 8:47 PM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:
Not just virtualized deployments, but also in remote installs on bare

  Okay and the '%post' install section trick won't help there?

IIUC, it'd depend on which tool/application is used to do such  
remote installations and if they provide means to customise/tweak  
the final install.

Sure, if the tool provides the ability to tweak the install to enable  
password-based root login, then one can log in after installation,  
upload keys, configure sshd, etc.  The question is whether the tool  
that is available has that ability.  Over the years, I have attempted  
many of the remote installation methods described in the Fedora  
Installation Guide.  Not all of them work when you don't control the  
remote network.

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: F22 System Wide Change: Set sshd(8) PermitRootLogin=no

2015-01-09 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 8 Jan 2015, at 13:52, Miloslav Trmač wrote:

The only other approach I could see for the headless
servers would be mandating the enrollment in an identity domain at
installation time (such as to FreeIPA or Active Directory).

And in this scenario we should absolutely disable PermitRootLogin.

So that if you have issues with the connector, you have to reboot the
machine and be physically present to fix anything.

Not really a grand plan IMO.

Earlier in the discussions I was told that this is not really an  
issue: in production, about every server with remote access also  
has a KVM.

Often not the case in small business or third party hosted  
environments.  Without remote ssh, box is unmanageable.

Even if you want to do key-based authentication rather than password,  
you still need to use password initially to get the key onto the  
remote box.

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Abotu setting 'PermitRootLogin=no' in sshd_config

2014-12-24 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 24 Dec 2014, at 09:29, P J P wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 December 2014 3:07 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
At some loss of usability.  To often we hear This is better for
security, therefore we should do it without considering the  


  It'll help if you could define this some loss of usability. If it  
is about remotely installed VM images, it's also discussed

  here - 

Remotely installed on bare metal.

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Other download options

2014-12-10 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 10 Dec 2014, at 11:52, Jerry James wrote:

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 6:27 AM, Maros Zatko  
Yes, there is netinstall in the Server variant, I suppose it's not  
the same as

Workstation one and (as a user) I'm getting pretty confused now :)

I'm getting kind of confused myself.  I want to grab an image to throw
onto an old machine for my kids to use.  I just want a desktop with a
web browser and a mail client.  Workstation isn't suitable; they
aren't developers (yet).  Server and Cloud are definitely right out.
I don't want a Live CD; I want to actually install.  (In the past,
installing from a Live CD left one with different defaults than an
install from DVD, so I've learned to avoid the Live CD.  Perhaps that
reflex is now wrong.)  I guess I could go with one of the spins, but I
don't see a GNOME spin anywhere.  Is there really no DVD image for a
generic GNOME desktop install?  Maybe I should make Kevin happy and
get the KDE spin. :-)

Actually, the KDE, Xfce, LXDE, and Mate spins all seem likely to fit
my use case, but I'm very surprised that there isn't a GNOME
equivalent.  Or is there?  If there is, I can't tell from the
information on  What are we recommending for people who
want to install a generic access the Internet type of environment
for non-techies?  None of the products obviously address that

This issue has been addressed tangentially in the marathon  
Workstation defaults to wide-open firewall thread.

As best I can tell from Matthew Miller's responses there, Fedora has  
abandoned that portion of its previous user base that was using  
Fedora as a general, secure by default, Gnome desktop OS.  Those  
users are no longer supported by any Fedora product.

I also am trying to figure out how I can use Fedora going forward to  
support general desktop requirements for SMB office workers, creative  
types and others who have heretofore been using Fedora as a general,  
secure by default, Gnome desktop OS.  The only ideas I have come up  
with so far are:

•  Install Fedora 20, update it, then fedup to nonproduct variant  
of Fedora 21; or

•  Use the server net install to install a minimal system as a  
nonproduct variant of Fedora 21, and then install a long list of  
packages needed to convert it into a general desktop OS.

I have not yet tested and don't know how practical either of those  
ideas is.

My users are accustomed to Gnome, so I prefer not to change to one of  
the alternative desktop environment spins if there is an easy way  
forward with Gnome.

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Other download options

2014-12-10 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 10 Dec 2014, at 12:52, Ben Cotton wrote:

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:
I also am trying to figure out how I can use Fedora going forward  
to support
general desktop requirements for SMB office workers, creative  
types and

others who have heretofore been using Fedora as a general, secure by
default, Gnome desktop OS.  The only ideas I have come up with so  
far are:

Why not the Workstation product with a firewall configuration more to
your liking? Is there something besides the firewall that causes
Fedora 21 Workstation to not meet your needs?

Primarily the uncertainty of what changes the Workstation WG has  
made, coupled with Matthew Miller's comments that:

Right now, 'desktop system with a security focus for new users'  
isn't a key part of that effort. ... So, if you're not in the target  
of that focus, where do you look? Well, you can certainly pick one of  
our other desktop spins ...  None of those spins is Gnome-based.

For office workers, creative types and similar, there is always a  
mixture of new and old users, a mixture of savvy and not, and always  
a few folks who, unless prevented, would do incredibly stupid things  
that put your whole network at risk.  Security is always a prime  

I would not have known about the firewall issue if Kevin Kofler had  
not kindly flagged it to this list.  If the Workstation WG is willing  
to implement such a basic change with little notice -- and the two  
sentences in the Release Notes don't give adequate notice that Fedora  
has switched from a secure by default to an insecure by default  
firewall configuration -- then I can't trust the Workstation product  
until I can audit all of its configurations to determine where and  
how they differ from those I can support for my users.  I don't have  
the time to do that.

I also don't know whether Workstation updates will pull in other  
similarly bad ideas in the future, and whether I would have to re- 
audit all of the configuration after each update.


devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Workstation Product defaults to wide-open firewall

2014-12-08 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 8 Dec 2014, at 10:33, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 02:31:58PM +, Ian Malone wrote:

There are three products: workstation, server, cloud. Workstation is
the one for desktop use. That leaves server to aim for the  

fedora user base, since cloud is (understandably) a very different
thing. So if you want a desktop system with a security focus where do
you look now?

So, it's important to understand — here on the devel list, certainly —
that these three are part of a marketing strategy, and in order for
such a thing to be effective and not just fluffy talk, it does involve
technical changes to match the plan.

Right now, desktop system with a security focus for new users  
isn't a

key part of that effort. I certainly don't dispute that user security
and education are good goals, and I don't think anyone on the
workstation team does either — it's just a matter of the steps we take
to get there.

It is fine and well to target a new group of users -- developers who  
want developer features.  Remember, though, that Fedora has been  
used, and continues to be used, as a general desktop OS by many folks  
and in many organizations.  Indeed, Fedora's old market positioning  
was primarily as a desktop OS suitable for a range of users.  Do not  
make the oft-repeated and often fatal mistake of burning your old  
market when trying to grow a new one.  From a marketing standpoint,  
that is just crazy.  In a for-profit company, where products are  
connected to revenue streams, it would be a you just bet your  
career move which nine times out of ten you would lose.

Opening up the firewall by default, and omitting the user interface  
to change it, all to satisfy the assumed needs of the user base you  
wish to add -- a user base that is tech savvy enough to customize the  
firewall rules they want -- seems misguided and is certainly hostile  
to your old market which had a very different expectation of the  
firewall defaults.

So, if you're not in the target of that focus, where do you look?  

you can certainly pick one of our other desktop spins, which have
different firewall defaults.

In recent years Fedora has been known primarily as a secure by  
default Gnome desktop OS.  To suggest that anyone interested in a  
secure by default Gnome desktop OS should have to resort to a not-yet- 
existent spin is to admit that you are abandoning your current market  
in search of greener fields elsewhere.

Or, you can do what I do: start with Fedora Workstation and then
configure it in a way that makes sense for my needs, or if you're
deploying for users into a managed environment, use the tools the OS
provides to preconfigure the system for whatever makes sense there.

My take-away is that Fedora next isn't yet ready for wide deployment  
by me.  The Workstation group has made a significant, and unexpected  
by many of us, change in firewall defaults.  It is probably not their  
only decision that will surprise us.  Some of the decisions made by  
the server and cloud teams may also be surprising.  Until all of the  
defaults, and the embedded thinking they represent, are better known,  
the only product I intend to support is product=nonproduct built on  
a minimal install.

Understand that I am not hostile to Fedora next.  As one who has run  
Fedora on servers since FC2, I do applaud the additional thought and  
consideration being given to servers and clouds.  They are truly  
different use cases.  It is good that the needs of server and cloud  
admins are being more fully addressed.

As one who has also supported Fedora on general desktops for a number  
of years, I think you are making a mistake in not tending the user  
base you already have on the desktop.  Whether you can grow a new  
developer-centric user base segment is an open question, but you  
already have a general desktop user base which you can keep and grow  
on -- at least until those who provide support to that user base lose  
confidence in Fedora as a suitable OS for those users out-of-the-box.

Perhaps the Workstation team thought that opening up the firewall  
defaults was the best compromise.  I disagree.  Perhaps a better  
compromise would have been to leave the old defaults in place, and  
add a new pre-configured more open zone for those who want fewer  

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Workstation Product defaults to wide-open firewall

2014-12-08 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 8 Dec 2014, at 17:07, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 03:20:30PM -0500, Mike Pinkerton wrote:

burning your old market when trying to grow a new one.  From a
marketing standpoint, that is just crazy.  In a for-profit company,
where products are connected to revenue streams, it would be a you
just bet your career move which nine times out of ten you would

The classic Innovators Dilemma actually posits that the reverse
situation is _worse_. (For the record, I don't think we're at that
crisis point — but we could be, because the computing world is

The classic Innovator's Dilemma juxtaposes known current requirements  
of your market vs. unknown future requirements.

I'm talking about customers you already have vs. customers that you  
might like to have, but don't yet have and might possibly never  
have.  Ditching existing customers in order to court potential  
customers is rarely a winning strategy, and really isn't necessary.

But also, we get into the even _more_ classic parable of the blind
people and the elephant — and the recent thread about metrics. You  

a strong idea of what the primary classic Fedora userbase is, and I
have a slightly different one, and I think if we ask the room, we'll
get a dozen different answers. We do need better real knowledge of our
user base — both current and future. Any efforts into improving  
that in

a meaningful way are very welcome. (And that includes this
conversation; just because I don't necessarily agree doesn't mean I'm
not listening.)

Sure, knowing the user base is important.  Short of that, we do know  
who Fedora's previous target users were and, assuming even modest  
success, we can assume that some percentage of the user base matches  
that range of target users.  For those of us who have provided  
support for Fedora as a general desktop OS, we also have some idea of  
what our local user base is.

In recent years Fedora has been known primarily as a secure by
default Gnome desktop OS.  To suggest that anyone interested in a
secure by default Gnome desktop OS should have to resort to a
not-yet-existent spin is to admit that you are abandoning your
current market in search of greener fields elsewhere.

I don't actually think we're abandoning anyone, here. In my  

the classic Fedora user is relatively savvy, or else leans on friends
who are. They tend to take the various parts of the project they like
and shape it — and whether something is on or off by default isn't a
huge concern. (I have a whole checklist of items that I like a certain
way on my system that I'm definitely not going to try to make the
default, and that's fine.)

Yep, enthusiasts were one part of Fedora's previous target user base,  
but they weren't all of it.  They certainly aren't part of the user  
base for which I have to provide support, which is mostly SMB office  
users with a smattering of other types.

We could have decided to double-down on growing that enthusiast
segment, but, first, that's not what the people who showed up to do  

work decided; and second, I actually think we continue to serve the
hackers and tinkerers very nicely with the spins and nonproduct  

What we're not doing is expanding

I'm not suggesting that Fedora not expand into a new market segment.   
I'm simply suggesting that you not abandon existing users in order to  
do so.

I also think you're also kind of setting up an argument against
something no-one is for. Secure by default is a not a well-defined

I can't quite parse that, but I think you are intentionally  
misunderstanding what I wrote.  Secure by default might not be a  
detailed specification, but it is certainly understood as a general  
user expectation, one that I think Fedora has heretofore generally met.

I *will* talk to the designers about plans for presenting the zone
information in a different way. I personally am conscientious about
setting my coffeeshop wifi to public — but I know why and where to
dig for it. Making that more discoverable and usable would be a
meaningful improvement.

Perhaps the Workstation team thought that opening up the firewall
defaults was the best compromise.  I disagree.  Perhaps a better
compromise would have been to leave the old defaults in place, and
add a new pre-configured more open zone for those who want fewer

Wait, my last paragraph was a great end to a long message :) but I  
to also add: please take a look at the actual implementation. The  

suggestion is _exactly_ what was done.

But which zone is the out-of-the-box default?

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: How to handle upgrades to Fedora 21

2014-10-04 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 3 Oct 2014, at 19:37, Ray Strode wrote:

I'm not sure it's worth repainting the bikeshed at this point, but
during the alluded-to discussion a few alternative names came up that
would have been better than fedora-release-standard:

1) fedora-release-nonstandard
2) fedora-release-custom
3) fedora-release-diy
4) fedora-release-noncompliant

The nonstandard and noncompliant names seem a bit pejorative.

However, fedora-release-custom and fedora-release-diy (do-it- 
yourself) and fedora-release-pyop (pick-your-own-packageset) and  
fedora-release-byob (bring-your-own-blueprint)  all have similar  
meanings to this US-English speaker, and all seem like reasonable  
choices, although the last three might require a parenthetical  
explanation for some folk.

Yes, Myrtle Green would make a nice color for the bike shed.

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Fedora Base Design Working Group (2014-07-11) meeting minutes and logs

2014-07-25 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 25 Jul 2014, at 07:52, Phil Knirsch wrote:


Mattdm then followed with 2 1/2 additional topics:

1a. Identifying different Fedora products -- fedora-release-*  
contents and /etc/os-release

As I understand it, you are trying to decide where and how to set a  
flag that will signal the product that is either installed or to be  
installed.  There was mention of dropping product specific snippets  
in /usr/lib/os-release.d/ as one solution.

Does it have to be any more complex than the approach used by  
systemd?  If fedora-release were to drop all product specific  
snippets in /usr/lib/os-release.d/, then a system admin could use a  
symbolic link in /etc/os-release.d to flag which product (or no  
product) he wanted installed.  Similar to:

/etc/systemd/system/ - /lib/systemd/system/

a system admin could set a symbolic link:

/etc/os-release.d/product - /usr/lib/os-release.d/workstation.product

Then, if a system admin wanted to change the box to a server, or to a  
non-productized box, he could simply change the symbolic link to:

/etc/os-release.d/product - /usr/lib/os-release.d/server.product


/etc/os-release.d/product - /usr/lib/os-release.d/generic.product

and then run whatever product syncing tool you develop -- perhaps:

dnf product-sync

2. a generic fedora netinstall

I appreciate your continued consideration of this item.  I'm not  
clear on how Anaconda is supposed to work with different products,  
but if it is reading whatever product flag you set in order to  
determine the package list, couldn't a single netinstall CD work for  
all products, as well as a generic, non-productized install, assuming  
that there were a place in the UI to specify which product the user  
wanted installed?

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: fedora-release-$PRODUCT, /etc/issue, /etc/os-release, Per-Product Configs and more!

2014-07-10 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 10 Jul 2014, at 07:04, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 07/09/2014 05:08 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 04:42:23PM -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

I do not know which or if any Spins will be providing the
specific net install CD you're asking about. This will not be an
*official* (read: tested by QA) method of installing Fedora.
However, I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

A few months ago* I remember the server WG talking about providing
a minimal/netinstall image. Has this changed?

* dredges up meeting logs -- 

That's why I said the *specific* netinstall he was asking for. The
Fedora Server netinstall wouldn't be producing a non-productized
result, which is what he asked for: 4.  There would be, at least, a
net install CD to install a traditional non-productized Fedora  

A minimal netinstall would be ok if there is a simple way to replace  
the productized fedora-release package with a plain, non- 
productized fedora-release package.

In saying that, I am making an assumption that, once the fedora- 
release package is switched out, then any product requirements or  
constraints would disappear and the system would be a traditional,  
non-productized Fedora system that could then be configured however  
the system administrator chose.

Is that assumption wrong?


Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: fedora-release-$PRODUCT, /etc/issue, /etc/os-release, Per-Product Configs and more!

2014-07-09 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 7 Jul 2014, at 11:17, Josh Boyer wrote:

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 07/06/2014 03:43 AM, William wrote:

On Thu, 2014-07-03 at 10:05 -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:

That's misleading.  Fedora hasn't been releasing
do-it-yourself releases.  Our previous install images were
composed and tested by QA, including testing fedup upgrades from
the previous release.  With, we don't have an install
image that is an equivalent of = F20.

Perhaps I have missed them, but I've seen no discussion or plans
around testing upgrades to F21 from F20.  Unless the Products
intend to test upgrading from F20, and/or QA intends to somehow
test fedup from F20 to F21 in a non-product manner, we're
essentially changing the semantics of upgrades.  I agree it
should still work, but saying it's a continuation of existing
practice when it isn't is wrong.


It's also misleading given how much focus has been given to the
three new products that will be released: So why now is there a
non-productised version? That's not been advertised much.

I honestly don't know how much more we could have advertised that.
We've been talking about it since the beginning. Particularly about
how the Fedora Products are additive to the classic Fedora and that
spins aren't going away (they're non-productized versions too).

You're talking about additive in the they all use the same repos
sense, but there is no planned install media that will be produced
similar to the F20 release.  There are the 3 products, and there are
the spins.  The product closest to the existing Fedora default is
Workstation, and we're targeting a live media as the primary
deliverable.  There have been 0 plans or discussions around
fedup/upgrades from F20 so far.

While I appreciate that the Fedora project has goals that it wants to  
achieve with the three new products, I had assumed based on the  
explanations that I have read that:

1.  There will not be any change in the repo structure -- no separate  
repos for separate products.

2.  For those of us who are not interested in the new products or  
do not find their minimum package assurances to be important in our  
use cases, there will still be a traditional non-productized Fedora.

3.  There will still be plain non-productized versions of /etc/os- 
release (or wherever the systemd guys are relocating it) and /etc/ 

4.  There would be, at least, a net install CD to install a  
traditional non-productized Fedora system.

5.  A fedup upgrade will be possible from a traditional non- 
productized Fedora 20 system to a traditional non-productized  
Fedora 21 system and, in due time, from traditional non-productized  
Fedora 21 to 22, etc.

Am I mistaken on any or all of this?

Mike Pinkerton

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Software Management call for RFEs

2013-05-23 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 23 May 2013, at 01:27, Björn Persson wrote:

Adam Williamson wrote:

On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 02:20 +0300, Oron Peled wrote:

Thinking about it, the terminology adopted by comps is clearer
and provides a generalization of this -- if someone select something
they get:
 - Mandatory packages (cannot be deselected)
 - Default packages (selected, but the user may deselect)
 - Optional packages (deselected, but the user may select)

Borrowing similar logic for rpm we could have in the spec file:
  Name: acme
  Requires: foo, foo-utils
  InstallDefault: bar, perl-bar, python-bar
  InstallOptional: baz, baz-ldap

Now it would be classic to use --with/--without as command line  

but it's already taken :-(

I'm pretty sure that's precisely the distinction expressed by  

and Recommends, FWIW.

For interactive operations that's how I envision it, yes. When yum
lists the packages it's going to install and asks for confirmation, it
would list recommended packages and their requirements under
Installing because of recommendations, and suggested packages under
Suggested packages not being installed. The user can then choose to
abort the operation and run the command again, adding some suggested
packages to the command line or using --exclude on some of the
recommended ones.

Because this is an interactive operation, rather than aborting, why  
not change (y/N) to (y/N/m).  If the user chooses m for modify,  
then yum could ask whether the user wanted to delete a recommended  
package and, if response is y, show the recommended packages one  
line at a time for a y or n response.  Then yum could ask whether  
the user wanted to add a suggested package and, if response is y,  
show the suggested packages one line at a time for a y or n  
response.  Dealing with the modifications interactively would be less  
annoying than aborting and typing a new yum command full of -- 
excludes or additional package names.


devel mailing list

Re: F19 DVD over size - what to drop?

2013-05-06 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 5 May 2013, at 20:31, Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, Lars Seipel said:

- the checksums for netinstall images are signed with a Fedora key
- the corresponding public key is made available through https
- therefore the integrity of installer images can be verified

That's only verifiable after the fact (when you want to use the
installer) if you burn to CD/DVD (which I believe is less common these
days).  If you put it on a USB stick with something like
livecd-iso-to-disk it gets changed.

That also doesn't protect against malicious updates.img from the  


In any case, I was talking about validation _during_ install, not  
to install.  How many people compare the ISO checksum and the  
on the checksum file?  AFAIK there is not automated tool to do  
that, so

it is a bunch of manual steps.

Sure, the steps are manual:  download iso, download checksum file,  
verify signature on checksum file, verify checksum on iso.  Once I've  
done that, though, I have a reasonable expectation that the iso --  
and anaconda, the keys and rpms on it -- are good.  And I only have  
to do those steps once per release image, not every time I install a  
system.  I know that the images that I stored on my local repo server  
are ones that I have previously checked.

Whether I then put that image on an USB stick, or mount it on a local  
network server, or stick it in a DVD drive, I trust that image and  
its contents as much as I trust anything coming from the Fedora project.

For me, though, the real head scratcher is this:  the keys on that  
iso are the ones that yum will use to verify signatures on updates --  
why are they trustworthy enough for that, but not for verifying  
signatures on rpms downloaded via netinstall or additional repos  
configured in the DVD's installation source spoke?  Makes no sense to  

To bring this back around to the topic of this thread, this is the  
reason that I've continued to use the DVD for installations, and then  
do a yum upgrade afterwards.  It is the only way that I know to  
ensure that all installed rpms are actually verified.


devel mailing list

Re: F19 DVD over size - what to drop?

2013-05-04 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 4 May 2013, at 02:03, Chris Adams wrote:

Creating a complete chain of trust is hard.

Sure, creating a complete chain of trust is hard, but the closest  
thing we have to it today is downloading an iso and verifying its  
checksum -- and trusting that (a) the release team verified the keys  
on the iso image, and (b) the checksum file hasn't been been tampered  

The keys on that iso are the ones that yum will use to check package  
signatures on updates.  Why they are not used to check the signatures  
on packages anaconda installs is beyond me.  It might be imperfect  
security, but it seems much more reasonable than abandoning signature  
checking altogether on a netinstall.

The repo works fine for yum after installation.

Is it a mirror of the Fedora or Everything directory?  I haven't
checked in a bit, but at one point there was some difference  
between the

two related to the comps file (which defines the groups displayed in
anaconda).  yum would work fine without the comps file (except for
groupinstall and such).

We have internal mirrors of Fedora, Everything and Updates.  I tried  
to use Fedora but will experiment with both it and Everything today.

Have you tried doing a netinstall from a specific mirror that you
specified in the source spoke of anaconda rather than using the pre-
configured repo?  Did it work?

Yes.  I operate a mirror server, and then I also have a couple of
private mirrors hanging off of it I use for my stuff (one at the  

and one at home).

The problem I'm going to have in testing the F19 TC is that, for  
bandwidth reasons, our internal repo only mirrors the current version  
and arch that we use -- F18 on x86_64 at the moment.  So I'll just  
have to pick a handful of external mirrors and try them.


devel mailing list

Re: F19 DVD over size - what to drop?

2013-05-03 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 3 May 2013, at 09:45, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:

Why bother with the DVD et all and enter countless debates what  
should and should not be on it.

Why not just make the assumption that administrators will use the  
netinstall and or ks and desktop users will use live spins?

When you download the DVD iso you can verify its checksum.

Does anaconda check package signatures for the netinstall?

Does netinstall even work well?

For F18 I planned to do netinstalls on a dozen or so desktop  
workstations and a couple of new servers, using our internal trusted  
Fedora repo.  After specifying our internal repo as the source,  
netinstall would not allow me to choose the software to install --  
all I got was the yellow triangle on the summary page, and blank  
pages where I should have been able to choose Gnome desktop,  
network server, etc.

If I selected the software first, then chose our internal Fedora repo  
as the source, netinstall would delete the software choice, leaving  
me in the same predicament -- I could choose either the software to  
install or the repo from which to install it, but not both.  Of  
course, anaconda won't start the installation until both are satisfied.

So, in the end, I had to do all the installations with a DVD, then do  
updates from our internal Fedora repo.

I've been meaning to file a bug about this, but haven't found the  
time yet.


devel mailing list

Re: F19 DVD over size - what to drop?

2013-05-03 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 3 May 2013, at 15:07, Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, Mike Pinkerton said:

Does anaconda check package signatures for the netinstall?

I believe so.  Checksums are definately checked (RPM won't install a
corrupt package).

Are you sure that signatures are checked?  If so, why this feature? 

Does netinstall even work well?

Certainly.  I actually haven't installed Fedora (or RHEL/CentOS) any
other way in a long time (probably at least 5 years).  Just about  
all of

the RHEL/CentOS installs, and some of the Fedora installs, were from
kickstart, but most of the Fedora installs were interactive.

For F18 I planned to do netinstalls on a dozen or so desktop
workstations and a couple of new servers, using our internal trusted
Fedora repo.  After specifying our internal repo as the source,
netinstall would not allow me to choose the software to install --
all I got was the yellow triangle on the summary page, and blank
pages where I should have been able to choose Gnome desktop,
network server, etc.

I would say that sounds like there was something wrong with your repo.

The repo works fine for yum after installation.

Have you tried doing a netinstall from a specific mirror that you  
specified in the source spoke of anaconda rather than using the pre- 
configured repo?  Did it work?

I am going to take Rahul's earlier suggestion and try the current F19  
TC this weekend to see if I get any better result.


devel mailing list

Re: Improving the Fedora boot experience

2013-03-13 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 13 Mar 2013, at 10:16, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

Anyway, here is a proposal for an alternative way to deal with the  


There have been a number of suggestions that have taken a Windows 8  
approach to this problem -- auto-detecting error conditions or  
enabling one to reboot into a boot menu.

I can't say that I'm confident of the error detection, or that I'm  
happy about having to boot once into the wrong system just so I can  
reboot into a boot menu that will enable me to boot into the  
right system.  That doesn't seem particularly efficient or user- 

Let me make a case for an Apple approach.  Although the reaction here  
was somewhat dismissive of the various start-up keys that Apple  
enables, the Apple approach does have three great advantages:

1.  In the most frequent case, there is no interruption of the boot  
sequence for the default system.

2.  If one wants to invoke one of the Apple start-up options, the  
normal practice is to hold down the appropriate key, then power on  
the Mac, and continue holding down the key until one hears the start- 
up chime and sees that the system is booting.  There is no short time  
interval that one has to hit just right.  Like big icons on the edge  
of the screen, holding down a key from power on provides the fattest  
target for a user to hit -- sort of Fitts law in a temporal dimension.

3.  The key combinations are well-known.  Decades of using the same  
key combinations have ingrained them in Mac culture.  A new Mac user  
might not know the right key combination, but any mailing list or  
forum will have dozens of Mac users who can quickly recite the key  
combinations for starting from a CD or DVD, clearing the PRAM (a long- 
time voodoo practice among some Mac users), starting target disk  
mode, etc.

In the case of Fedora:

+  If a key were selected -- and I don't think you have to enable all  
of them -- and advertised in all of the user mailing lists, fora,  
Quick Start documentation, Installation Guide, User Guide, etc., then  
within a year or so just about every Fedoran would know and could  
quickly recite to newbies hold down the F (as in Fedora) key to get  
to advanced boot options.

+  If a user could hold the key down from before power on until the  
boot options menu appeared, then Fedora could still do extremely fast  
booting without presenting the user with a short time interval to  
hit.  If grub finds the keyboard, and detects no F key hold down,  
it would continue to boot immediately with no further delay.

I recall there was some objection about BIOS buffer clearing, and  
don't know what problems that would present to this proposal.  On the  
plus side, though, there wouldn't be any need for gnarly auto- 
detection of error conditions.

By the way, in this brave new fast boot world, how is one expected to  
get to the BIOS or firmware set-up programs?


devel mailing list

Re: Improving the Fedora boot experience

2013-03-13 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 13 Mar 2013, at 14:51, Chris Murphy wrote:

By the way, in this brave new fast boot world, how is one expected  
to get to the BIOS or firmware set-up programs?

Firmware specific. F1 and F2 are very common. HP and some Toshibas  
are Esc.

My question was more timing than keystroke -- whatever the keystroke,  
I don't think I can hit it in the 1 second boot scenario.

On 13 Mar 2013, at 13:39, Matthew Garrett wrote:

By the way, in this brave new fast boot world, how is one  
expected to get to the BIOS or firmware set-up programs?

Use UI that sets an EFI variable and then reboot.

If I understand this correctly, I have to log into a working system  
in order to set a flag in the firmware that will allow me to reboot  
into the firmware set-up program.

I'm not yet sold on having to boot into a working system in order to  
get back to the firmware or boot menu on a reboot.  Beyond the  
annoyance of having to boot something I don't want in order to get  
where I want to go, the process seems fragile to me.

Perhaps with age comes patience -- or orneriness, I'm not quite sure  
-- but I'm inclined to think that accepting the addition of 1-2  
seconds to boot time in order to have available a power-on key-hold  
route to a boot menu and firmware set-up program is not a  
particularly bad trade-off.


devel mailing list

Re: Proposed F19 Feature: Fedora Upgrade - using yum

2013-01-27 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 26 Jan 2013, at 15:28, Michael Scherer wrote:

Le samedi 26 janvier 2013 à 15:20 -0500, Mike Pinkerton a écrit :

On 26 Jan 2013, at 13:09, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Jan 26, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:

If you could SSH into fedup during its offline period and get
real time feedback about what it is doing and any errors it
encounters, and perhaps the ability to fix any problems when it
finishes but before it attempts to reboot, then it would be less
scary for remote upgrades.

I haven't tried 'systemctl start sshd' during the upgrade to see
what happens; it's probably not totally benign to do this, since
ssh will be upgraded, but it seems a lot safer, vastly so, than a
live yum update while a server is running.

Would it work for the network and sshd to be run from the initramfs
rather than the file system that is being updated?

Then you need to have the network configuration, etc. This can be  

but for now, the feature is not in dracut, see this bug for a similar
request for encrypted root :

That bug looks like a superset of what would be needed to run the  
network and sshd from the initramfs.

As for network configuration, in the past (I haven't tried it with  
F18's new Anaconda), one could do a VNC-enabled install by passing a  
minimal network configuration (interface and IP address), as well as  
a VNC password, on the kernel line.  Perhaps for a ssh-enabled fedup,  
one could do something similar, passing an interface and IP address  
to fedup, possibly as well as a one-time use ssh password and a  
permitted remote IP address block from which one could connect.   
How those persist across the reboot -- whether fedup writes those to  
the kernel line in grub.conf as one would do with a remote VNC  
install, or they are written into the initramfs -- would be a question.


devel mailing list

Re: Proposed F19 Feature: Fedora Upgrade - using yum

2013-01-26 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 26 Jan 2013, at 12:11, Chris Murphy wrote:

After 1/2 dozen fedup upgrades during testing, on average the  
downtime portion of the upgrade was between 25 and 40 minutes. On a  
five year old laptop, with 4GB of RAM, and WDC Scorpio Blue rust  
drive (the new computer with SSD did the fedup upgrade in less than  
10 minutes).

Meanwhile, a yum upgrade involves a transition from download to  
upgrade without notification, concomitant with the potential for  
arbitrary and untimely implosion that could hose the entire  
upgrade. And this is on a supposedly important computer that can't  
be down for 2 hours? Umm? I really don't understand this thread.

Over the years, I have yum upgraded remote boxes from RHL 7.3 to F16.

On a remote yum upgrade, you can follow yum's progress -- see if it  
hangs, see any failure warnings, etc., fix what you can after it  
finishes -- then hold your breath when you reboot.  If the box isn't  
back online within 2 minutes, you know you have a major problem and  
contact the data center immediately.

If a fedup upgrade can go offline for a lengthy, but uncertain,  
amount of time, then the lack of feedback is worrying.  You can't  
hold your breath for 25 minutes, you don't know when to conclude that  
you have a serious problem that will require help from the data  
center staff, and you don't have any idea where the process went off- 

If you could SSH into fedup during its offline period and get real  
time feedback about what it is doing and any errors it encounters,  
and perhaps the ability to fix any problems when it finishes but  
before it attempts to reboot, then it would be less scary for remote  


devel mailing list

Re: Proposed F19 Feature: Fedora Upgrade - using yum

2013-01-26 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 26 Jan 2013, at 13:09, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Jan 26, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:

If a fedup upgrade can go offline for a lengthy, but uncertain,  
amount of time, then the lack of feedback is worrying.  You can't  
hold your breath for 25 minutes, you don't know when to conclude  
that you have a serious problem that will require help from the  
data center staff, and you don't have any idea where the process  
went off-track.

I think the lack of feedback with fedup is a known weak area that  
needs improvement. I found that by deleting 'quiet rhgb' and adding  
one of the debug options to the fedup kenel at reboot time, I can  
get to a shell during the upgrade, and issue a:

journalcti --follow

And I get live updates throughout the process. I don't recall  
hang without some sort of feedback for more than maybe 5 minutes.  
I forget off hand if top and/or ps are available, I think at least  
one of them is.

I can see how this would help when sitting in front of the box, but  
when you're hundreds or thousands of miles away, it isn't really an  

If you could SSH into fedup during its offline period and get  
real time feedback about what it is doing and any errors it  
encounters, and perhaps the ability to fix any problems when it  
finishes but before it attempts to reboot, then it would be less  
scary for remote upgrades.

I haven't tried 'systemctl start sshd' during the upgrade to see  
what happens; it's probably not totally benign to do this, since  
ssh will be upgraded, but it seems a lot safer, vastly so, than a  
live yum update while a server is running.

Would it work for the network and sshd to be run from the initramfs  
rather than the file system that is being updated?

It would be nice if one could start fedup with a flag that would tell  
it to start the network and sshd upon reboot, and enable feedback to  
a remote user.  That would make the process a lot less worrisome.


devel mailing list

Re: Proposed F19 Feature: Fedora Upgrade - using yum

2013-01-25 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 25 Jan 2013, at 14:23, Simo Sorce wrote:

Ah, so you have to reboot anyway, so where is the difference between
your approach and proper offline updates then? Either way you have to
interrupt your work to reboot the machine. One just takes a slight  

longer for rebooting...

A) One single reboot you do after not upfront.

If you are on a server logged in via ssh you can often keep doing some
work while most of the system is being updated and you can more easily
remote updates.

B) I will *not* trust an update system that cuts me out of my remote
server and make me *hope* it will come up later. If yum freaks out for
*whatever* reason I want to be there with an emergency shell open via
ssh to try to recover the system. Not have to call the colocation and
figure out what happened from possibly missing logs *if the system  

at all*.

I've been saved more than once by a shell open during changes in the
configuration or upgrades, that is non-negotiable to me.

I do the same for the same reasons.

C) Not all updates require immediate reboot.
If I am updating the kernel and some minor package, I can as well  
to reboot at the end of the day, rarely the update is so critical I  

to reboot NOW!

For normal updates, yes.  But I would not start an upgrade from one  
Fedora release to another at an inconvenient time and then wait to  
reboot hours later.

In this discussion of whether yum upgrade would be enhanced  
alongside FedUp, I had assumed that FedUp would only be used for  
upgrading from one Fedora release to the next, not for regular  
software updates.  Is that assumption wrong?


devel mailing list

Re: Usr Move - More, Please

2012-01-30 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 30 Jan 2012, at 00:17, Kevin Kofler wrote:

Mike Pinkerton wrote:

Additionally, app style programs will become more common in
the future, whether on a portable or a desktop.  Those app style
programs are the only way one can create a central marketplace for
small, easily downloaded and installed, distro-agnostic programs.
Such a marketplace will become increasingly important to the vitality
of any computing platform, including Linux.  Keeping apps separate
from managed and locally-compiled programs would be useful.

I don't get how your nonstandard /app is any different from the  

/opt, i.e. why your distinction is needed. You seem to suggest that
/usr/local should be a symlink to /opt, but that's misunderstanding  
how /opt
is expected to work. /opt is supposed to work like your /app, /usr/ 
local is
supposed to work like your /opt. So the distinction you apparently  
already exists, there is no need to come up with new non-FHS  
directories. It
is already common and recommended practice to install to /opt/ 
appname, not

to /opt directly, that's the difference between /opt and /usr/local!
Anything installing directly to /opt (i.e. putting e.g. binaries into
/opt/bin) is abusing /opt and needs to be fixed.

If (1) we mount /usr ro over the network, and (2) we want /usr to be  
reserved for managed software (for a variety of reasons), then /usr/ 
local really doesn't fit anymore.

Because /opt is the only other current directory that makes sense for  
locally-compiled programs, I would symlink /usr/local - /opt.

I understand that the FHS recommends installing to /opt/appname, but  
there is no enforcement of that.  Currently compliance is a matter of  
local policy.

I also don't think that the app model is something we should  
encourage, at
all (package management exists for a reason!), but that is fairly  

for this discussion because the model is already covered well by /opt.

You might not want to encourage the app model, but that boat  
already left the dock.  For Linux distros to be players on portables  
and desktops, they need to recognize that there is an appetite among  
the user base for app type programs that are easy to install (drag- 
and-drop).  By bundling most of their dependencies, app type  
programs become one way to create a cross-distro app marketplace.   
If we end up with separate app marketplaces for Fedora, SUSE,  
Debian, Ubuntu, et alios, they are all going to languish.  On the  
other hand, a single app marketplace for mainstream Linux distros  
might well prosper.

I would keep app type programs separate from locally-compiled  
programs.  With different update and back-up strategies for the two  
types of programs, the separation makes housekeeping a lot easier.   
If you prefer /opt/app and /opt/local, and symlink /usr/local - /opt/ 
local, that would work for me.

I like the general approach that systemd has taken to configuration
-- putting most of its default configuration in /lib/systemd and
allowing host-specific entries in /etc/systemd to override them.  I
would like to see programs (including systemd) adopt a more rigorous
version of that approach -- with all default configuration in /usr.
The result would be that, immediately after installation, /etc would
be empty.

That is not possible without patching all the applications.

FWIW, KDE applications already do this, in fact we have 4 layered
directories of configuration, in increasing order of priority:
* /usr/share/config: upstream defaults, installed by the package  

* /usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/: Fedora
defaults, installed by the kde-settings package
* /etc/kde: machine defaults, put in place by the local system  

* ~/.kde/share/config: per-user settings, made by the individual user

But most applications' configuration systems are not as flexible as  
and therefore cannot support this model without (heavy) patching.  
we have to patch even KConfig to support the 4 layers! But the  
patch is very
small because KConfig already has a concept of resource search  
paths. Most
configuration systems are hardcoded to only look in /etc and/or  
some place
in the user's home directory. And many of those systems are only  
used by one

piece of software, so there would be a lot of code to patch.)

So your non-FHS conf directories just cannot be arbitrarily  
implemented by

a distribution where the upstream code doesn't support the concept.

I understand.  I think the concept of cascading configuration files  
is useful enough, though, that it would be a worthwhile goal.   
Perhaps when he finishes with systemd, Lennart can figure out how to  
interpose a generalized configuration cascader that would ease the  
pain.  And, yes, I appreciate all the good work Lennart has been doing.

Mike Pinkerton
Still drinking the Kool-Aid

devel mailing list

Re: Usr Move - More, Please

2012-01-30 Thread Mike Pinkerton

On 30 Jan 2012, at 10:01, Emanuel Rietveld wrote:

On 01/30/2012 03:38 PM, Mike Pinkerton wrote:

You might not want to encourage the app model, but that boat  
already left the dock.  For Linux distros to be players on  
portables and desktops, they need to recognize that there is an  
appetite among the user base for app type programs that are easy  
to install (drag-and-drop).  By bundling most of their  
dependencies, app type programs become one way to create a cross- 
distro app marketplace.  If we end up with separate app  
marketplaces for Fedora, SUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, et alios, they are  
all going to languish.  On the other hand, a single app  
marketplace for mainstream Linux distros might well prosper.

Unifying package management across distros would a Good Thing (tm).  
Once there's a unified interface to the package management system,  
you can envision things like app marketplaces that simply instruct  
the distribution to install that distribution's package of a  
particular app. Clicking Firefox would do yum install firefox  
on fedora and apt-get install firefox on Ubuntu. Let us do  
everything in our power to make this happen!

If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that a third party  
app marketplace, offering both open source and proprietary apps,  
would maintain multiple repos for apps based on distro, version and  
arch, and then implement the download of the appropriate version by  
utilizing the existing package management system, making apps part of  
the system's managed software.

To make something like that viable, your app marketplace would  
probably also need to provide a packaging infrastructure to app  
developers that would enable them to build packages for all covered  
distros, versions and archs without actually having to learn each of  
the packaging systems.

As for propietary software, there's nothing the open source  
community can do to influence the design decisions of proprietary  
software vendors.

What you can do, however, is recognize that, if given the  
opportunity, your user base will download and install app type  
programs, and that it would be better to provide an appropriate place  
within the file system to place those apps.  My suggestion -- which  
assumed that apps would not be managed by the package management  
system (because users will do what users do) -- was that an  
appropriate place would segregate app type programs from both  
managed software and locally-compiled software.  Segregation would  
make housekeeping easier given the different update and back-up  
strategies that might be appropriate for app type programs.

To return to your suggestion, but modify it a bit, perhaps there  
needs to be an unified interface for downloading, installing and  
launching app type programs that would (1) know where in a  
particular distro's file system they should be installed, and (2)  
provide easy access to app type programs from whichever GUI the  
user employs.

Mike Pinkerton
the Kool-Aid tastes great

devel mailing list

Usr Move - More, Please

2012-01-29 Thread Mike Pinkerton
I am late to the game but wanted to thank Harald and Kay for their  
efforts, and to encourage them to go even further.

History has brought us to a point where there are at least 7 standard  
places to put binaries (not counting ~/bin):


plus a handful more locations for libraries.

I accept your premises that the historical reasons for this division  
of binaries are no longer compelling, that the present variety of  
locations is confusing and works against cross-distro compatibility  
and that simplification is a good thing in itself.  I encourage you  
to simplify things further by merging /usr/sbin into /usr/bin.

While the reasons for the current categorization of binaries are no  
longer compelling, I think there is a case to make for a new division  
of binaries.  Specifically, it is useful to separate those programs  
that are managed by a package management system from those that are  
not.  Additionally, app style programs will become more common in  
the future, whether on a portable or a desktop.  Those app style  
programs are the only way one can create a central marketplace for  
small, easily downloaded and installed, distro-agnostic programs.   
Such a marketplace will become increasingly important to the vitality  
of any computing platform, including Linux.  Keeping apps separate  
from managed and locally-compiled programs would be useful.

I like the general approach that systemd has taken to configuration  
-- putting most of its default configuration in /lib/systemd and  
allowing host-specific entries in /etc/systemd to override them.  I  
would like to see programs (including systemd) adopt a more rigorous  
version of that approach -- with all default configuration in /usr.   
The result would be that, immediately after installation, /etc would  
be empty.

So here is my suggestion:

/app(host specific app style programs -- drag-and-drop  
 programs wholly contained within a single directory  
tree with no
 dependencies outside that tree -- and which include  
defaults that
 can be overriden by configuration in an user's home  

/etc(host specific configuration -- overrides all defaults --
 package manager cannot write to this directory)

/opt(unmanaged software -- both site and host specific)
/conf   (all site or locally-compiled programs would put their  

 configuration files here)

/usr(managed software -- both distro and site packaged)
/distro(distro default configuration files)
/site  (site default configuration -- overrides distro  


With this directory structure, as a site administrator I can package  
my own site-wide configuration files, put them in a local repo, and  
override the distro default configuration.  By limiting /etc to host- 
specific configuration, I maintain a clean separation of:

+  distro-default configuration files, which are never edited,
and which are updated as distro packages are updated,

+  my site-default configuration files, which are never edited,
   and which are updated from my local repo, and

+  host-specific configuration files, which would probably only
   be necessary for a handful of programs per host.

This approach also makes backing up easier.  There is no need to back  
up any part of /usr -- it can be re-installed from repos, if it is  
not being mounted from a remote server.

On a server, one would need to back up unmanaged software from /opt,  
host-specific configuration from a much slimmed-down /etc, and data  
files from /srv and /var.

On a portable or desktop, /opt will probably be empty, /var will be  
expendable, and one would just need to back up /app, a much slimmed- 
down /etc, and /home, which should contain users data files and user- 
specific configuration for apps.

This suggestion creates one new top-level directory, keeps the  
confusing historical names for compatibility purposes, and turns at  
least 5 current directories into symlinks:

/bin-  /usr/bin
/sbin   -  /usr/bin
/lib-  /usr/lib
/usr/local  -  /opt
/usr/sbin   -  /usr/bin

Bottomline, congratulations Harald and Kay on a good first step to  
simplifying and rationalizing the file structure.  Now keep going.

Mike Pinkerton
Kool-Aid Drinker

devel mailing list