Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 10/15/2012 3:44 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/14/2012 6:08 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
  Ok so we're only supposed to compile with -c when using -m64? I don't
  suppose DMD could automatically invoke the VC linker?

It does automatically invoke the VC linker.

You'll need to set the VCINSTALLDIR environment variable. I set it with
sc.ini as:

VCINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\
WindowsSdkDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\

I guess there should be different environments for each architecture 
specified in sc.ini. Especially the LIB variable will never mix because 
the windows sdk libraries are called the same on both architectures.

A problem with that is the DFLAGS variable: it is read before the 
command line, so you don't know whether -m32 or -m64 is passed (and it 
might even specify the switch itself), so you don't know which 
architecture to use.

A solution might be to have additional environment blocks 
[Environment32] and [Environment64] that are evaluated after the command 
line processing.

Re: ddox documentation generator

2012-10-15 Thread Sönke Ludwig
Little styling update: The module tree is now collapsible and the
default styling has been improved. Also the anchors in std.algorithm
work now (although not optimal, but that's a problem of the docs and not
the generator)

Apart from the non-working links it starts to look quite statisfactory.

(Pressing F5 is necessary again, because the CSS files changed.)

Alex Rønne Petersen joins phobos and druntime

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Hello all,

Please join me in congratulating Alex Rønne Petersen for joining the 
phobos and druntime committers on github.

Alex has been a very active contributor to D, particularly druntime. We 
hope his prolific participation to continue and be enhanced by his new 
role. Good luck!


Re: Alex Rønne Petersen joins phobos and druntime

2012-10-15 Thread Martin
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 18:33:28 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Hello all,

Please join me in congratulating Alex Rønne Petersen for 
joining the phobos and druntime committers on github.

Alex has been a very active contributor to D, particularly 
druntime. We hope his prolific participation to continue and be 
enhanced by his new role. Good luck!


Congratulations! Seems like he's attending the same school as me 

Re: Alex Rønne Petersen joins phobos and druntime

2012-10-15 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2012-10-15, 20:33, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Hello all,

Please join me in congratulating Alex Rønne Petersen for joining the  
phobos and druntime committers on github.

Alex has been a very active contributor to D, particularly druntime. We  
hope his prolific participation to continue and be enhanced by his new  
role. Good luck!

You mean he hasn't been until now? I swear if someone threatened me to
create that list, he'd be on it.



Upcoming YOW conference in Australia

2012-10-15 Thread Walter Bright

I'm giving a workshop on D at the conference. In promoting it, the
organizer (Dave Thomas) asked me if I had any quotes about myself or D
from customers that he could use. Any help on this would be appreciated.

It'll also help promote your company.

Re: ddox documentation generator

2012-10-15 Thread Sönke Ludwig
Okay the more or less final incarnation now includes full text symbol
detection with complete cross linking. I just had to modify some macros
in std.ddoc and algorithm.d to avoid that they produce their own links
and the result is this:

There are still some glitches for various reasons and no links are
generated in code blocks right now. But all this linking requires
absolutely no manual linking or use of macros anymore (except escaping
identifiers that should not be linked with an underscore)

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Michael

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 19:55:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Be the first kid on your block to build a dmd Win64 app!

On Win 2008 R2:

1. Path for VS 11:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 

Simple can be renamed to ..\amd64

2. mspdb110.dll not found:

In cmd:

C:\dmd2\windows\binpath=%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft 
Visual Studio 1



C:\dmd2\windows\bindmd -m64 t64.d
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 11.00.50727.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'
--- errorlevel 1104

If phobos.lib renamed to phobos64.lib

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 11.00.50727.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

.\..\lib\phobos64.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored

t64.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol main ...

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Michael

But in 32 mode with same sc.ini works fine.

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Walter Bright

On 10/15/2012 1:27 PM, Michael wrote:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'
--- errorlevel 1104


Progress on DGE

2012-10-15 Thread BLM768
I haven't posted a progress update on my game engine project, 
DGE, for a while. I've managed to find the source of a major bug 
that was holding back development, and I've been making sporadic 
improvements ever since. It's still very incomplete and a bit 
buggy, but at least it draws stuff now. :)

One of the more interesting developments is an expansion of the 
collision detection system. Barring any serious flaws in my code, 
I think I'm about 3/4 of the way to having a working 
capsule-capsule sweep test, which, as far as I've seen, has been 
implemented only one or two times before. Of course, with my 
knowledge of physics, something's probably wrong, but I haven't 
noticed any major issues in recent trials (except, obviously, for 
cases that I haven't implemented). It still needs a good 
broadphase system, but I haven't figured out what I want to do on 
that front...

Anyway, if anyone wants to take a look at the current state of 
the code, it's at I'll 
probably move it to Github at some point, but I haven't gotten 
around to it.

Also, if anyone has suggestions, enhancement requests, patches, 
etc., I'd be glad to hear them. I'm still not completely sure how 
to design the multi-pass rendering facilities, so suggestions in 
that area would be especially helpful.

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Michael

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 20:39:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/15/2012 1:27 PM, Michael wrote:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'
--- errorlevel 1104


dmd -m64 t64.d

import std.stdio;

void main()
writeln(Win 64!);

.\..\lib\shell32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
.\..\lib\kernel32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
.\..\lib\shell32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
.\..\lib\kernel32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
LIBCMT.lib(a_map.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
__imp_WideCharToMultiByte referenced in function int __cdecl 
__crtLCMapStringA_stat(struct localeinfo_struct *,wchar_t const 
*,unsigned long,char const *,int,char *,int,int,int) 
LIBCMT.lib(a_loc.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_WideCharToMultiByte
LIBCMT.lib(a_env.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
LIBCMT.lib(wctomb.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external 
symbol __imp_WideCharToMultiByte
LIBCMT.lib(write.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol IsDebuggerPresent referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol LocalFree referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol GetCommandLineW referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol CommandLineToArgvW referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(thread_1b9_21c.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_InitializeCriticalSection
phobos64.lib(mutex_335_213.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_InitializeCriticalSection
phobos64.lib(monitor__519_6fd.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_InitializeCriticalSection referenced in 
function _d_monitor_create

and ... ... ...

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Walter Bright
On 10/15/2012 2:21 PM, Michael wrote: On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 20:39:14 
UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

 On 10/15/2012 1:27 PM, Michael wrote:
 LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'
 --- errorlevel 1104


 dmd -m64 t64.d

 import std.stdio;

 void main()
  writeln(Win 64!);

You should be linking with the VC libraries, not the 32 bit dmc ones. Try 
disabling the LIB path in sc.ini.

 .\..\lib\shell32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; library 
 .\..\lib\kernel32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; library 
 .\..\lib\shell32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; library 
 .\..\lib\kernel32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; library 
 LIBCMT.lib(a_map.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 __imp_WideCharToMultiByte referenced in function int __cdecl
 __crtLCMapStringA_stat(struct localeinfo_struct *,wchar_t const *,unsigned
 long,char const *,int,char *,int,int,int)
 LIBCMT.lib(a_loc.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 LIBCMT.lib(a_env.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 LIBCMT.lib(wctomb.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 LIBCMT.lib(write.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 IsDebuggerPresent referenced in function main
 phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 LocalFree referenced in function main
 phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 GetCommandLineW referenced in function main
 phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 CommandLineToArgvW referenced in function main
 phobos64.lib(thread_1b9_21c.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 phobos64.lib(mutex_335_213.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
 phobos64.lib(monitor__519_6fd.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
 __imp_InitializeCriticalSection referenced in function _d_monitor_create

 and ... ... ...

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 05:27:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:14:42AM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:


I checked it out. There is only a dmd.conf. I've included it 


Strange, I have exactly the same copy of dmd.conf, and I didn't 
see a

problem. I copy-n-pasted your code into the same filename, etc..

What version of libc6 do you have? (dpkg -p libc6) Maybe dmd is
incompatible with older versions of libc6?



I was wondering why D doesn't just install everthing in one 
directory (ie; /opt/dlang) and look at an environment variable 
(ie; DLANG_ROOT) to source everything. It seems like it would 
make things a lot simpler. Then the package could be located 
anywhere and multiple versions could be used safely. Quite a few 
other languages have used this approach successfully. Anyway, 
just a thought.


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 05:27:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:14:42AM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:


I checked it out. There is only a dmd.conf. I've included it 


Strange, I have exactly the same copy of dmd.conf, and I didn't 
see a

problem. I copy-n-pasted your code into the same filename, etc..

What version of libc6 do you have? (dpkg -p libc6) Maybe dmd is
incompatible with older versions of libc6?



I was wondering why D doesn't just install everthing in one 
directory (ie; /opt/dlang) and look at an environment variable 
(ie; DLANG_ROOT) to source everything. It seems like it would 
make things a lot simpler. Then the package could be located 
anywhere and multiple versions could be used safely. Quite a few 
other languages have used this approach successfully. Anyway, 
just a thought.


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 10/14/2012 11:09 PM, Gerry Weaver wrote:

 I was wondering why D doesn't just install everthing in one directory
 (ie; /opt/dlang)

The .zip version works that way. (At least it used to.) Just unzip in 
any directory:

 and look at an environment variable (ie; DLANG_ROOT) to
 source everything.

You don't even need to do that. The binary detects where it is started 
from and finds the modules and libraries relative to its path.


D Programming Language Tutorial:

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 08:09:54AM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:
 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 05:27:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:14:42AM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:
 I checked it out. There is only a dmd.conf. I've included it below.
 Strange, I have exactly the same copy of dmd.conf, and I didn't see a
 problem. I copy-n-pasted your code into the same filename, etc..
 What version of libc6 do you have? (dpkg -p libc6) Maybe dmd is
 incompatible with older versions of libc6?

Hmm, apparently you have a *newer* version of libc6 than I do.
Apparently Debian doesn't have 2.15 yet, so I don't have an easy way to
test this further.

 I was wondering why D doesn't just install everthing in one directory
 (ie; /opt/dlang) and look at an environment variable (ie; DLANG_ROOT)
 to source everything. It seems like it would make things a lot
 simpler. Then the package could be located anywhere and multiple
 versions could be used safely. Quite a few other languages have used
 this approach successfully. Anyway, just a thought.

I believe the .deb package is simply following Debian/Ubuntu conventions
by putting things in /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/include, etc.. IIRC, /opt
is intended for manually-installed software (at least, that's what the
docs say).

One improvement that *could* be made, though, is to put things in
/usr/include/d/${version}/*, so that specific versions of dmd can find
the right versions of stuff. This was discussed recently, but I don't
remember if a decision was reached.

In any case, I haven't been able to reproduce the problem you're seeing.
I tried installing the package multiple times, upgrading the system
libraries, etc., and everything still works for me, so I'm not sure what
else to say. Seems like there must be some specific combination of
libraries, system or otherwise, that makes dmd not work. Without being
able to examine your environment, it's really hard to tell.


Without geometry, life would be pointless. -- VS

Re: Making return a const(TypeInfo) was a bad idea

2012-10-15 Thread Rainer Schuetze

On 10/14/2012 12:19 PM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

Because you are now no longer able to do stuff like this:

void log(...)
   auto t = _arguments[0];
   while(some condition)
 t =;

To be actually able to use you will now need the ConstRef
(hack) from phobos. Afaik there is no such thing in druntime which makes
working with within druntime a real pita.

That's the general problem of non-rebindable const references which is a 
real pita. There has been a pull request to implement it 
( but unfortunately 
it never made it into the compiler.

Any suggestions?

You could create a recursive function hoping for 
tail-recursion-optimization and inlining:

void log(...)
   static const(TypeInfo) drillInto(const(TypeInfo) t)
  if(some condition)
return drillInto(;
  return t;
   auto t = drillInto(_arguments[0]);

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:32:30PM -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:
 In any case, I haven't been able to reproduce the problem you're seeing.
 I tried installing the package multiple times, upgrading the system
 libraries, etc., and everything still works for me, so I'm not sure what
 else to say. Seems like there must be some specific combination of
 libraries, system or otherwise, that makes dmd not work. Without being
 able to examine your environment, it's really hard to tell.

Funny, as soon as I said that, I manage to reproduce the same error
messages (though I can't say if it's exactly the problem you're seeing)
by compiling a file that doesn't define main(). In this case, I had a
hello.d with main() renamed to Main():

import std.stdio;

void Main() {

Running `dmd hello.d` produced a whole bunch of errors almost exactly
the same as what you're seeing.  Of course, I'm not sure this is exactly
the problem you have, as your code does have a correctly-spelled main()
(from what I can tell). But this may help find where the problem is.

On that note, here's an enhancement request for dmd: if a program is
missing main() for whatever reason, we really should have a more
user-friendly error message than the reams of encrypted Klingon from the
linker that almost nobody understands.


Only boring people get bored. -- JM

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 06:20:52 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/14/2012 11:09 PM, Gerry Weaver wrote:

 I was wondering why D doesn't just install everthing in one
 (ie; /opt/dlang)

The .zip version works that way. (At least it used to.) Just 
unzip in any directory:

 and look at an environment variable (ie; DLANG_ROOT) to
 source everything.

You don't even need to do that. The binary detects where it is 
started from and finds the modules and libraries relative to 
its path.



I removed the dmd package and downloaded the .zip. I checked for 
any files that were left behind when the package was removed and 
they are gone. I then ran dmd from the zip package, but I get the 
same result. It would seem that dmd does not work on this 
particular distribution.



Re: Making return a const(TypeInfo) was a bad idea

2012-10-15 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Monday, October 15, 2012 02:20:23 Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
 But this is a problem we *must* solve. It is something I also ran into
 often while hacking on druntime.

If we really need Rebindable in druntime, then we can simply move it to an 
appropriate place in druntime and alias std.typecons.Rebindable to it.

core.time exists specifically because druntime needed some of the datetime 
(most particularly the duration stuff). Otherwise, everything in it would be in 
std.datetime (where it was when originally proposed).

We can do the same with other constructs if we really need to. We just don't 
want to be moving them to druntime if we don't actually need to.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Alex Rønne Petersen

On 15-10-2012 08:40, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:32:30PM -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:

In any case, I haven't been able to reproduce the problem you're seeing.
I tried installing the package multiple times, upgrading the system
libraries, etc., and everything still works for me, so I'm not sure what
else to say. Seems like there must be some specific combination of
libraries, system or otherwise, that makes dmd not work. Without being
able to examine your environment, it's really hard to tell.


Funny, as soon as I said that, I manage to reproduce the same error
messages (though I can't say if it's exactly the problem you're seeing)
by compiling a file that doesn't define main(). In this case, I had a
hello.d with main() renamed to Main():

import std.stdio;

void Main() {

Running `dmd hello.d` produced a whole bunch of errors almost exactly
the same as what you're seeing.  Of course, I'm not sure this is exactly
the problem you have, as your code does have a correctly-spelled main()
(from what I can tell). But this may help find where the problem is.

Yep, those errors are always a sign that a proper main function is 
missing. I have no idea why you would get it otherwise, though.

On that note, here's an enhancement request for dmd: if a program is
missing main() for whatever reason, we really should have a more
user-friendly error message than the reams of encrypted Klingon from the
linker that almost nobody understands.


Alex Rønne Petersen

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Sunday, October 14, 2012 23:40:41 H. S. Teoh wrote:
 Funny, as soon as I said that, I manage to reproduce the same error
 messages (though I can't say if it's exactly the problem you're seeing)
 by compiling a file that doesn't define main(). In this case, I had a
 hello.d with main() renamed to Main():

Yes. The error message that he's getting is essentially the one that you get 
when you don't define main, which is weird, because he _is_ defining main. But 
don't know if it's exactly the same or not. A detailed comparison of the error 
messages that he's seeing and those that you get from not defining main on a 
machine that works would be required to see whether it's exactly the same 
message or not.

I'm surprised that you didn't recognize the errors immediately. I guess that 
you haven't missed main very often (I'm used to it primarily from forgetting 
main when throwing together quick test scripts). But I'm totally stumped as to 
why he'd be getting them, since he does appear to be declaring main correctly.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Making return a const(TypeInfo) was a bad idea

2012-10-15 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Monday, October 15, 2012 08:44:51 Mehrdad wrote:

Yes. The problem is that he's trying to do something in druntime, and 
Rebindable is declared in Phobos.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 06:47:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Sunday, October 14, 2012 23:40:41 H. S. Teoh wrote:
Funny, as soon as I said that, I manage to reproduce the same 
messages (though I can't say if it's exactly the problem 
you're seeing)
by compiling a file that doesn't define main(). In this case, 
I had a

hello.d with main() renamed to Main():

Yes. The error message that he's getting is essentially the one 
that you get
when you don't define main, which is weird, because he _is_ 
defining main. But I
don't know if it's exactly the same or not. A detailed 
comparison of the error
messages that he's seeing and those that you get from not 
defining main on a
machine that works would be required to see whether it's 
exactly the same

message or not.

I'm surprised that you didn't recognize the errors immediately. 
I guess that
you haven't missed main very often (I'm used to it primarily 
from forgetting
main when throwing together quick test scripts). But I'm 
totally stumped as to
why he'd be getting them, since he does appear to be declaring 
main correctly.

- Jonathan M Davis


I decided to install the same distribution in a vm. This time 
instead of installing the .deb package, I went with the zip. 
Everything seems to be working! I can compile a non-trivial 
example just fine. I guess I'll definitely be using the zip from 
now on. Anyway, I also tried the zip version on Mac and Windoze. 
They both built the same code successfully. This is great! I can 
finally try out all of those great language features I've been 
reading about.

Thanks to everyone for pushing me down the rabbit hole far enough 
this time to get some payback ;-) It's on now!


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 15 October 2012 04:10, Gerry Weaver wrote:
 Hello All,

 I have been looking at D off and on for several years. Initially I worked
 through a very painful experience to get D compiling on Linux. After that
 experience, I concluded that I should wait for it to become more mature.
 Since then, I do a very simple test. I install the latest package and try to
 build Hello World. I figure that if Hello World builds successfully, I
 will continue further. I have just downloaded the latest .deb package and
 installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Once again it fails this incredibly
 simple test. I've read many discussions about how/why, has/hasn't,
 will/won't D hit the mainstream in programming languages. I think this
 situation may offer at least one data point. I'm struggling to think of any
 other language (and I use several) that won't build code out of the box. D
 seems to have a lot of potential, but this needs to be fixed. I am not
 asking for help on this. I honestly don't care what the solution is. I just
 wanted the D developers to know why at least one developer is not using the
 language. I sincerely hope that the situation will improve. I'm looking
 forward to programming in D.

 Thanks for your time,

 Here is the code:

 import std.stdio;

 void main()
   writeln(Hello, world!);

 Here is the command:

 dmd hello.d

 Here is the output:

 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(dmain2_459_1a5.o): In function
 src/rt/dmain2.d:(.text._D2rt6dmain24mainUiPPaZi7runMainMFZv+0x10): undefined
 reference to `_Dmain'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_18f_1b8.o): In function
 undefined reference to `_tlsend'
 undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_19f_6e4.o): In function
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xb7): undefined reference to
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xbc): undefined reference to
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17d_1b8.o): In function
 undefined reference to `_tlsend'
 undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17e_1b8.o): In function
 undefined reference to `_tlsend'
 undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(deh2_43b_525.o): In function
 undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
 undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
 undefined reference to `_deh_end'
 undefined reference to `_deh_end'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17a_713.o): In function
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x64): undefined reference to
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x6a): undefined reference to
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 --- errorlevel 1

Try and paste the output of the following:

dmd -c hello.d
objdump -d hello.o

Iain Buclaw

*(p  e ? p++ : p) = (c  0x0f) + '0';

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 07:12:03 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On 15 October 2012 04:10, Gerry Weaver 

Hello All,

I have been looking at D off and on for several years. 
Initially I worked
through a very painful experience to get D compiling on Linux. 
After that
experience, I concluded that I should wait for it to become 
more mature.
Since then, I do a very simple test. I install the latest 
package and try to
build Hello World. I figure that if Hello World builds 
successfully, I
will continue further. I have just downloaded the latest .deb 
package and
installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Once again it fails this 
simple test. I've read many discussions about how/why, 
will/won't D hit the mainstream in programming languages. I 
think this
situation may offer at least one data point. I'm struggling to 
think of any
other language (and I use several) that won't build code out 
of the box. D
seems to have a lot of potential, but this needs to be fixed. 
I am not
asking for help on this. I honestly don't care what the 
solution is. I just
wanted the D developers to know why at least one developer is 
not using the
language. I sincerely hope that the situation will improve. 
I'm looking

forward to programming in D.

Thanks for your time,

Here is the code:

import std.stdio;

void main()
  writeln(Hello, world!);

Here is the command:

dmd hello.d

Here is the output:

/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(dmain2_459_1a5.o): In 


reference to `_Dmain'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_18f_1b8.o): In 

undefined reference to `_tlsend'
undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_19f_6e4.o): In 

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xb7): undefined 
reference to

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xbc): undefined 
reference to

/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17d_1b8.o): In 

undefined reference to `_tlsend'
undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17e_1b8.o): In 

undefined reference to `_tlsend'
undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(deh2_43b_525.o): In 

undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
undefined reference to `_deh_end'
undefined reference to `_deh_end'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17a_713.o): In 

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x64): undefined 
reference to

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x6a): undefined 
reference to

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Try and paste the output of the following:

dmd -c hello.d
objdump -d hello.o



Here you go.

hello.o: file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

   0:   b8 10 00 00 00  mov$0x10,%eax
   5:   b9 00 00 00 00  mov$0x0,%ecx
   a:   8b 11   mov(%ecx),%edx
   c:   89 10   mov%edx,(%eax)
   e:   89 01   mov%eax,(%ecx)
  10:   c3  ret


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 07:12:03 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On 15 October 2012 04:10, Gerry Weaver 

Hello All,

I have been looking at D off and on for several years. 
Initially I worked
through a very painful experience to get D compiling on Linux. 
After that
experience, I concluded that I should wait for it to become 
more mature.
Since then, I do a very simple test. I install the latest 
package and try to
build Hello World. I figure that if Hello World builds 
successfully, I
will continue further. I have just downloaded the latest .deb 
package and
installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Once again it fails this 
simple test. I've read many discussions about how/why, 
will/won't D hit the mainstream in programming languages. I 
think this
situation may offer at least one data point. I'm struggling to 
think of any
other language (and I use several) that won't build code out 
of the box. D
seems to have a lot of potential, but this needs to be fixed. 
I am not
asking for help on this. I honestly don't care what the 
solution is. I just
wanted the D developers to know why at least one developer is 
not using the
language. I sincerely hope that the situation will improve. 
I'm looking

forward to programming in D.

Thanks for your time,

Here is the code:

import std.stdio;

void main()
  writeln(Hello, world!);

Here is the command:

dmd hello.d

Here is the output:

/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(dmain2_459_1a5.o): In 


reference to `_Dmain'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_18f_1b8.o): In 

undefined reference to `_tlsend'
undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_19f_6e4.o): In 

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xb7): undefined 
reference to

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xbc): undefined 
reference to

/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17d_1b8.o): In 

undefined reference to `_tlsend'
undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17e_1b8.o): In 

undefined reference to `_tlsend'
undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(deh2_43b_525.o): In 

undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
undefined reference to `_deh_end'
undefined reference to `_deh_end'
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17a_713.o): In 

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x64): undefined 
reference to

src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x6a): undefined 
reference to

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Try and paste the output of the following:

dmd -c hello.d
objdump -d hello.o



Here you go.

hello.o: file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

   0:   b8 10 00 00 00  mov$0x10,%eax
   5:   b9 00 00 00 00  mov$0x0,%ecx
   a:   8b 11   mov(%ecx),%edx
   c:   89 10   mov%edx,(%eax)
   e:   89 01   mov%eax,(%ecx)
  10:   c3  ret


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Aziz K.
On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 08:36:22 +0200, Gerry Weaver  


I removed the dmd package and downloaded the .zip. I checked for any  
files that were left behind when the package was removed and they are  
gone. I then ran dmd from the zip package, but I get the same result. It  
would seem that dmd does not work on this particular distribution.

Maybe you still have an old dmd.conf at $HOME or somewhere else? It could  
be that it overrides the dmd.conf in the zip/deb file.

What do you get when you run $ locate dmd.conf?

Re: Tips for debugging EXC_BAD_ACCESS

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-14 22:58, Michel Fortin wrote:


the way, that line is half-fishy:

 super_struct.super_class = cast(objc.Class) OS.objc_msgSend(id, 

work as long as you have only one level of derived classes, and only as
long as you don't have a class that overrides the superclass method
(which would be weird, I acknowledge). You should be aware of this if
you're creating new object classes, especially the first part (the
second part is only relevant if you wish to implement some kind of proxy

Theoretically, I think it'd be better to use directly functions from the
Objective-C runtime[1], which also avoids the dynamic dispatch overhead
of objc_msgSend:

 super_struct.super_class = class_getSuperclass(object_getClass(id));

Thanks for the pointer. As a first step I'm only porting the Java code 
to D and this is how the Java code looks like. I'm trying to stay as 
close as possible to the Java code, making it easier to port future 
versions of SWT. But I also want the code to be correct.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 08:40, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On that note, here's an enhancement request for dmd: if a program is
missing main() for whatever reason, we really should have a more
user-friendly error message than the reams of encrypted Klingon from the
linker that almost nobody understands.

How should DMD detect if you're building a (dynamic) library? Sure it 
can see that you're not using -lib or -shared but what about separate 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Feature request: enum init shouldn't create a new enumeration

2012-10-15 Thread Tommi

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 19:40:17 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Yes, but it still has to be taken into account in things like 
final switch. You can't just pretend that nothing will ever

have that value, because by making it the init value, you've
*made* it an actual possible value, one that just happens to
indicate uninitialized.

*I* know that named enum variables can have whatever values; it's 
rather *you* and DMD who are pretending that enum variables can 
have only those values which are specifically enumerated.

You say that final switch should take into account an enum init 
value which can be used to represent an invalid value. I say that 
final switch shouldn't consider that (invalid) init value any 
different from all the other values that are invalid for that 
specific enum type, that is: all the values that are not 
speficied explicitly by the enumerations. And the way final 
switch should take all those invalid values into account, is by 
throwing an error when a final switch switches on a value not 
specifically defined by the enumerations.

Dmd also seems blinded into thinking that the specified 
enumerations are all that an enum variable can ever be, while in 
reality, it's very easy to write a bug that makes an enum 
variable have an invalid value. E.g:

enum MyEnum { first, second, third }

auto me = MyEnum.min;

while (me  MyEnum.max)
// do something

switch (me) // this should throw
case MyEnum.first:  break;
case MyEnum.second: break;
case MyEnum.thrird: break;

Re: Feature request: enum init shouldn't create a new enumeration

2012-10-15 Thread Tommi

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 08:25:18 UTC, Tommi wrote:
in reality, it's very easy to write a bug that makes an enum 
variable have an invalid value. E.g:

Writing that bug wasn't as easy as I thought though. Here's the 
code with a bug:

enum MyEnum { first, second, third }

auto me = MyEnum.min;

while (me = MyEnum.max)
// do something

final switch (me) // this should throw
case MyEnum.first:  break;
case MyEnum.second: break;
case MyEnum.third:  break;

Instead, currently this code runs just fine, none of the switch 
cases are taken. So, this bug might manifest itself very far from 
where it actually should have been throwing: on that final switch 
expression. Thus hunting this bug down could be tedious.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 05:10, Gerry Weaver wrote:

Hello All,

I have been looking at D off and on for several years. Initially I
worked through a very painful experience to get D compiling on Linux.
After that experience, I concluded that I should wait for it to become
more mature. Since then, I do a very simple test. I install the latest
package and try to build Hello World. I figure that if Hello World
builds successfully, I will continue further. I have just downloaded the
latest .deb package and installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Once again
it fails this incredibly simple test. I've read many discussions about
how/why, has/hasn't, will/won't D hit the mainstream in programming
languages. I think this situation may offer at least one data point. I'm
struggling to think of any other language (and I use several) that won't
build code out of the box. D seems to have a lot of potential, but this
needs to be fixed. I am not asking for help on this. I honestly don't
care what the solution is. I just wanted the D developers to know why at
least one developer is not using the language. I sincerely hope that the
situation will improve. I'm looking forward to programming in D.

Just use DVM, it's also cross-platform:

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Don Clugston

On 15/10/12 06:42, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, October 14, 2012 21:39:42 H. S. Teoh wrote:

This looks like what happens if you try to use the latest dmd release
with an old version of Phobos, perhaps installed along with gdc.

Whoever's doing the .deb packaging really should add a versioned
Depends: field to debian/control so that it will require installation of
the correct version of Phobos, or, at the very least, refuse to install
if such is not available.

At this point, it's a bad idea to use any version of druntime or Phobos which
doesn't match exactly with the version of dmd that you're using. It's not as
bad as it used to be, but there are still plenty of cases where a language
change (be it a bug fix or added feature or whatever) makes it so that older
versions of Phobos won't compile, or the latest Phobos ends up needing the
latest dmd. I wouldn't advise anyone to use versions of them that don't all

- Jonathan M Davis

I think we should have a version number in druntime which is checked by 
the compiler, and bumped every time an incompatible change is made. That 
way we could reduce the number of messages from frustrated and

bewildered users.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread jerro

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 05:27:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:14:42AM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:


I checked it out. There is only a dmd.conf. I've included it 


Strange, I have exactly the same copy of dmd.conf, and I didn't 
see a

problem. I copy-n-pasted your code into the same filename, etc..

What version of libc6 do you have? (dpkg -p libc6) Maybe dmd is
incompatible with older versions of libc6?


I tried to install DMD 2.060 in 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 (live cd in 
virtual box). I had to do apt-get install -f after installing the 
deb to get the dependencies, but after that, it worked. So I 
don't think this is due to libc6 version.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Don Clugston

On 15/10/12 11:14, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Just use DVM, it's also cross-platform:

I tried that on both Windows and Ubuntu, and couldn't get it to work on 
either of them. I posted a couple of bug reports eight months ago, and 
they still haven't been fixed. Not recommended for anyone who is having 
problems with their installation.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile

Jacob Carlborg:

How should DMD detect if you're building a (dynamic) library? 
Sure it can see that you're not using -lib or -shared but what 
about separate complication?

What about the need to use a compiler switch if you are 
performing a separate compilation?

A related enhancement request that I'm asking for since years is: 
the compiler could define a compile-time constant (like 
is_main_module or something) as true if the module contains the 
main, and false otherwise. This allows to have a main() in each 
module. This is handy to have, it allows to compilerun modules 
both as normal modules to import, or to compile and run them as 
stand alone programs, like when you want a module to show a demo 
of its capabilities, or just run its unittests.


Re: Is flags enum needed in Phobos?

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile

Era Scarecrow:

But more likely it will be merged with another file, likely 
std.bitmanip or something...

A Phobos pull request is OK even if it's meant to be merged with 
std.bitmanip. Pull requests are not just for separate modules.

On GitHub people will be able to comment on single lines of code, 


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:20:26 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Jacob Carlborg:

How should DMD detect if you're building a (dynamic) library? 
Sure it can see that you're not using -lib or -shared but what 
about separate complication?

What about the need to use a compiler switch if you are 
performing a separate compilation?

A related enhancement request that I'm asking for since years 
is: the compiler could define a compile-time constant (like 
is_main_module or something) as true if the module contains the 
main, and false otherwise. This allows to have a main() in each 
module. This is handy to have, it allows to compilerun modules 
both as normal modules to import, or to compile and run them as 
stand alone programs, like when you want a module to show a 
demo of its capabilities, or just run its unittests.


Yes, this is a nice thing Java, .NET and Python have.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Regan Heath
On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 07:43:54 +0100, Alex Rønne Petersen  
Yep, those errors are always a sign that a proper main function is  
missing. I have no idea why you would get it otherwise, though.

So.. is it possible to save the source file in such a way that dmd cannot  
see main?

i.e. not ASCII, UTF-8/16/32 or with a weird BOM, or no BOM or..


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

D interface for C library problems

2012-10-15 Thread Oleg

Hello everyone.

I creating interface for gpgme 
( and have several 

1. Library have variable with D keyword name:
/* The version string of the installed engine.  */
  char *version;

How can I create this variable in D interface?

2. Have an error in static function:
gpgme_err_code_t gpgme_err_code_from_syserror (void);

static inline gpgme_error_t
gpgme_error_from_syserror (void)
  return gpgme_error (gpgme_err_code_from_syserror ());

When I write D code like this:

gpgme_err_code_t gpgme_err_code_from_syserror();

gpgme_error_t gpgme_error_from_syserror() {
   return gpgme_error(gpgme_err_code_from_syserror());

I got error:

In function `gpgme_error_from_syserror':
src/main.d:(.text.gpgme_error_from_syserror+0x5): undefined 
reference to `gpgme_err_code_from_syserror'

--- errorlevel 1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Anyone knows how to fix this?

Thanks and sorry for my English.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 11:58, Don Clugston wrote:

I tried that on both Windows and Ubuntu, and couldn't get it to work on
either of them. I posted a couple of bug reports eight months ago, and
they still haven't been fixed. Not recommended for anyone who is having
problems with their installation.

I know it's not a perfect tool and it contains bugs but most things do 
work. I don't know which issues have been reported by you, but it seems 
there's a problem with the -l flag. Running dvm install 2.060 
usually works. Could you please point out which issues have been 
reported by you.

I have very limited time to work with D, as I understand most people 
here has, and I'm currently working on other projects than DVM since 
basically does what I intended it to do when I started the project.

It seems most D installers are broken in one way or another. But the 
success rate with DVM seems to be quite high anyway.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D interface for C library problems

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 13:37, Oleg wrote:

2. Have an error in static function:
gpgme_err_code_t gpgme_err_code_from_syserror (void);

static inline gpgme_error_t
gpgme_error_from_syserror (void)
   return gpgme_error (gpgme_err_code_from_syserror ());

When I write D code like this:

gpgme_err_code_t gpgme_err_code_from_syserror();

gpgme_error_t gpgme_error_from_syserror() {
return gpgme_error(gpgme_err_code_from_syserror());

I got error:

In function `gpgme_error_from_syserror':
src/main.d:(.text.gpgme_error_from_syserror+0x5): undefined reference to
--- errorlevel 1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Anyone knows how to fix this?

Thanks and sorry for my English.

You need to declare all functions you want to use from C as:

extern (C) gpgme_err_code_t gpgme_err_code_from_syserror();

Then you also need to link with the C library.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D interface for C library problems

2012-10-15 Thread Oleg

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:42:41 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-10-15 13:37, Oleg wrote:

You need to declare all functions you want to use from C as:

extern (C) gpgme_err_code_t gpgme_err_code_from_syserror();

Then you also need to link with the C library.

I have extern wrapper:

extern (C) {

  // code here


Re: D interface for C library problems

2012-10-15 Thread Oleg

There is code

48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
We did a 48hr game jam at work this past weekend.
We decided to do our entry in D, to further prove that D was a viable and
productive solution for real-world game dev.

Here's our entry, for those interested.
It has only been built/tested in Windows using VS2010, but it should
theoretically work on Linux and consoles as well (but the build scripts
aren't setup to do it automatically).
If there is interest, I will create the build scripts, and test on Linux.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile

Regan Heath:

So.. is it possible to save the source file in such a way that 
dmd cannot see main?

This is a dirty solution (a hack). I don't like that.


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Regan Heath
On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:08:42 +0100, bearophile  

Regan Heath:

So.. is it possible to save the source file in such a way that dmd  
cannot see main?

This is a dirty solution (a hack). I don't like that.

Err.. I was suggesting this might be the OP's problem (I hadn't read the  
entire thread to know the actual problem was a bad package).  I wondered  
if perhaps he had accidentally created an invalid D source file.  I  
suspect the compiler complains when it encounters bad source files..


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: core.simd woes

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 02:50, jerro wrote:

 Speaking of test – are they available somewhere? Now that LDC at least
 theoretically supports most of the GCC builtins, I'd like to throw some
 tests at it to see what happens.


 I have a fork of std.simd with LDC support at**
 phobos/tree/std.simd and
 some tests for it at**simd-tests

Awesome. Pull request plz! :)

That said, how did you come up with a lot of these implementations? Some
don't look particularly efficient, and others don't even look right.
xor for instance:
return cast(T) (cast(int4) v1 ^ cast(int4) v2);

This is wrong for float types. x86 has separate instructions for doing this
to floats, which make sure to do the right thing by the flags registers.
Most of the LDC blocks assume that it could be any architecture... I don't
think this will produce good portable code. It needs to be much more
cafully hand-crafted, but it's a nice working start.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 03:10:59 UTC, Gerry Weaver wrote:

 I install the latest package and try to build Hello World.

I've always used the .zip and found it to be the easiest way (and 
btw, don't follow the terrible installation instructions, just 
unzip it and use right out of the box).

$ wget blah/
$ unzip
$ dmd2/src/linux32/bin/dmd hello.d

You can of course also add that to your $PATH or use a wrapper 
script or whatever so you can refer to it easier.

That has consistently worked for me for many years. You can 
install it in /opt or in your own $HOME (my preference, so I 
don't even have to bother with root).

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:20:26 UTC, bearophile wrote:

This allows to have a main() in each module.

You could just version it:

void main() {}

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread deadalnix

Le 15/10/2012 09:08, Gerry Weaver a écrit :

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 06:47:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, October 14, 2012 23:40:41 H. S. Teoh wrote:

Funny, as soon as I said that, I manage to reproduce the same error
messages (though I can't say if it's exactly the problem you're seeing)
by compiling a file that doesn't define main(). In this case, I had a
hello.d with main() renamed to Main():

Yes. The error message that he's getting is essentially the one that
you get
when you don't define main, which is weird, because he _is_ defining
main. But I
don't know if it's exactly the same or not. A detailed comparison of
the error
messages that he's seeing and those that you get from not defining
main on a
machine that works would be required to see whether it's exactly the same
message or not.

I'm surprised that you didn't recognize the errors immediately. I
guess that
you haven't missed main very often (I'm used to it primarily from
main when throwing together quick test scripts). But I'm totally
stumped as to
why he'd be getting them, since he does appear to be declaring main

- Jonathan M Davis


I decided to install the same distribution in a vm. This time instead of
installing the .deb package, I went with the zip. Everything seems to be
working! I can compile a non-trivial example just fine. I guess I'll
definitely be using the zip from now on. Anyway, I also tried the zip
version on Mac and Windoze. They both built the same code successfully.
This is great! I can finally try out all of those great language
features I've been reading about.

Thanks to everyone for pushing me down the rabbit hole far enough this
time to get some payback ;-) It's on now!


I would definitively encourage you to try the .deb on a clean install. 
I'm pretty sure your old install is confused by old half installed D stuffs.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread deadalnix

Le 15/10/2012 14:43, Manu a écrit :

So I'm getting sick of this in my files:

module stache.states.ingamestate;

import fuji.filesystem;
import fuji.render;
import fuji.matrix;
import fuji.material;
import fuji.primitive;
import fuji.system;
import fuji.font;

import std.xml;
import std.string;
import std.conv;
import std.random;
import std.algorithm;

import stache.battlecamera;

import stache.i.statemachine;

import stache.util.eventtypes;

import stache.i.entity;
import stache.entity.combatant;
import stache.entity.paimei;

import stache.thinkers.localplayer;
import stache.thinkers.nullthinker;

import stache.i.collider;

import stache.sound.soundset;

This is obviously silly.
I know this could be improved with some care, more liberal public
imports (dangerous, you risk ending up with EVERYTHING as public import
if it sticks as a standard convention), better maintained
dependencies... but it's not realistic in a production environment. That
sort of maintenance just never happens.

I suggest expanding the selective import mechanism to extend to modules,
not just functions within a module, eg:

module stache.states.ingamestate;

import fuji: filesystem, render, matrix, material, primitive, system, font;
import std: xml, string, conv, random, algorithm;
import stache: game, battlecamera;
import stache.i: statemachine, entity, collider;
import stache.entity: combatant, paimei;
import stache.thinkers: localplayer, nullthinker;
import stache.sound: soundset, music;
import stache.util.eventtypes;

This is much better! Saved ~25 lines of import rubbish, and it also
enforces logical grouping; individual import statements tends to lead to
related submodules being distanced from eachother, this way, they appear
on the same line.

Surely this has been considered before. Any reasons it's not supported?

It make sense.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Peter Alexander

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:43:59 UTC, Manu wrote:
Surely this has been considered before. Any reasons it's not 

Yes, it has been considered before. There is an enhancement from 
ages ago in bugzilla.

The syntax you proposed doesn't work, because it conflicts with 
selective imports:

module std;
void stdio() {}

import std : stdio;

Does that import the stdio function from module std, or the 
module std.stdio?

You could use something like this:

import std.(stdio, xml, algorithm);

Of course, there's many variations (square brackets, curly 
braces, no dot, no commas...) but it's all bikeshedding.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile

Adam D. Ruppe:

You could just version it:

void main() {}

That's not good enough.

What I as talking about is: when the D compilers know a module is
the main module, it defines a _standard_ version boolean flag,
named like is_main_module as true. And it gives a compiler
error if it can't find a main. Otherwise is_main_module is

It's meant to be used as:

module modulea;
int foo() { return 0; }
static if (is_main_module) {
   unittest {}
   void main() { // demo code
 import std.stdio;

module moduleb;
import modulea;
int bar() { return 1; }
static if (is_main_module) {
   unittest {}
   void main() { // demo code
 import std.stdio;

When you compile modulea, defines its is_main_module as true, it
runs its unittests (if you have used -unittest), and its main,
that is a demo for the A module.

If you compile the moduleb (with rdmd or something), it knows
moduleb has to contain the main, it defines is_main_module=true
in moduleb and defines is_main_module=false for modulea. So it
compiles the main of moduleb and ignores the main of modulea. So
it runs the demo code for moduleb only.

Using a non-standard user-defined version as you suggest misses
all this, and it's not good enough. Standardization and
automation is important here.


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 15 October 2012 08:23, Gerry Weaver wrote:
 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 07:12:03 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

 On 15 October 2012 04:10, Gerry Weaver wrote:

 Hello All,

 I have been looking at D off and on for several years. Initially I worked
 through a very painful experience to get D compiling on Linux. After that
 experience, I concluded that I should wait for it to become more mature.
 Since then, I do a very simple test. I install the latest package and try
 build Hello World. I figure that if Hello World builds successfully,
 will continue further. I have just downloaded the latest .deb package and
 installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Once again it fails this incredibly
 simple test. I've read many discussions about how/why, has/hasn't,
 will/won't D hit the mainstream in programming languages. I think this
 situation may offer at least one data point. I'm struggling to think of
 other language (and I use several) that won't build code out of the box.
 seems to have a lot of potential, but this needs to be fixed. I am not
 asking for help on this. I honestly don't care what the solution is. I
 wanted the D developers to know why at least one developer is not using
 language. I sincerely hope that the situation will improve. I'm looking
 forward to programming in D.

 Thanks for your time,

 Here is the code:

 import std.stdio;

 void main()
   writeln(Hello, world!);

 Here is the command:

 dmd hello.d

 Here is the output:

 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(dmain2_459_1a5.o): In function
 reference to `_Dmain'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_18f_1b8.o): In function

 undefined reference to `_tlsend'

 undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_19f_6e4.o): In function
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xb7): undefined reference to
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_attachThis+0xbc): undefined reference to
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17d_1b8.o): In function

 undefined reference to `_tlsend'

 undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17e_1b8.o): In function

 undefined reference to `_tlsend'

 undefined reference to `_tlsstart'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(deh2_43b_525.o): In function

 undefined reference to `_deh_beg'

 undefined reference to `_deh_beg'

 undefined reference to `_deh_end'

 undefined reference to `_deh_end'
 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libphobos2.a(thread_17a_713.o): In function
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x64): undefined reference to
 src/core/thread.d:(.text.thread_entryPoint+0x6a): undefined reference to
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 --- errorlevel 1

 Try and paste the output of the following:

 dmd -c hello.d
 objdump -d hello.o



 Here you go.

 hello.o: file format elf32-i386

 Disassembly of section .text:

0:   b8 10 00 00 00  mov$0x10,%eax
5:   b9 00 00 00 00  mov$0x0,%ecx
a:   8b 11   mov(%ecx),%edx
c:   89 10   mov%edx,(%eax)
e:   89 01   mov%eax,(%ecx)
   10:   c3  ret


That looks to me as if hello.d is an empty file.

Iain Buclaw

*(p  e ? p++ : p) = (c  0x0f) + '0';

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Walter Bright

On 10/14/2012 10:14 PM, Gerry Weaver wrote:
 I checked it out. There is only a dmd.conf. I've included it below.

Try the following:

locate dmd.conf
locate dmd
locate libphobos2.a
locate object.di

and see if there are any extras of these floating around.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Walter Bright

On 10/14/2012 11:43 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
 Yep, those errors are always a sign that a proper main function is missing. I
 have no idea why you would get it otherwise, though.

What happens is when the compiler sees main(), it triggers the compiler to emit 
a bunch of extra declarations into the object file. The missing symbols Gerry is 
seeing are just those declarations.

Re: core.simd woes

2012-10-15 Thread jerro

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:19:47 UTC, Manu wrote:

On 15 October 2012 02:50, jerro wrote:

Speaking of test – are they available somewhere? Now that 
LDC at least
theoretically supports most of the GCC builtins, I'd like to 
throw some

tests at it to see what happens.


I have a fork of std.simd with LDC support at**
phobos/tree/std.simd and
some tests for it at**simd-tests

Awesome. Pull request plz! :)

I did change an API for a few functions like loadUnaligned, 
though. In those cases the signatures needed to be changed 
because the functions used T or T* for scalar parameters and 
return types and Vector!T for the vector parameters and return 
types. This only compiles if T is a static array which I don't 
think makes much sense. I changed those to take the vector type 
as a template parameter. The vector type can not be inferred from 
the scalar type because you can use vector registers of different 
sizes simultaneously (with AVX, for example). Because of that the 
vector type must be passed explicitly for some functions, so I 
made it the first template parameter in those cases, so that Ver 
doesn't always need to be specified.

There is one more issue that I need to solve (and that may be a 
problem in some cases with GDC too) - the pure, @safe and 
@nothrow attributes. Currently gcc builtin declarations in LDC 
have none of those attributes (I have to look into which of those 
can be added and if it can be done automatically). I've just 
commented out the attributes in my std.simd fork for now, but 
this isn't a proper solution.

That said, how did you come up with a lot of these 
implementations? Some
don't look particularly efficient, and others don't even look 

xor for instance:
return cast(T) (cast(int4) v1 ^ cast(int4) v2);

This is wrong for float types. x86 has separate instructions 
for doing this
to floats, which make sure to do the right thing by the flags 
Most of the LDC blocks assume that it could be any 
architecture... I don't
think this will produce good portable code. It needs to be much 

cafully hand-crafted, but it's a nice working start.

The problem is that LLVM doesn't provide intrinsics for those 
operations. The xor function does compile to a single xorps 
instruction when compiling with -O1 or higher, though. I have 
looked at the code generated for many (most, I think, but not for 
all possible types) of those LDC blocks and most of them compile 
to the appropriate single instruction when compiled with -O2 or 
-O3. Even the ones for which the D source code looks horribly 
inefficient like for example loadUnaligned.

By the way, clang does those in a similar way. For example, here 
is what clang emits for a wrapper around _mm_xor_ps when compiled 
with -O1 -emit-llvm:

define 4 x float @foo(4 x float %a, 4 x float %b) nounwind 
uwtable readnone {

  %1 = bitcast 4 x float %a to 4 x i32
  %2 = bitcast 4 x float %b to 4 x i32
  %3 = xor 4 x i32 %1, %2
  %4 = bitcast 4 x i32 %3 to 4 x float
  ret 4 x float %4

AFAICT, the only way to ensure that a certain instruction will be 
used with LDC when there is no LLVM intrinsic for it is to use 
inline assembly expressions. I remember having some problems with 
those in the past, but it could be that I was doing something 
wrong. Maybe we should look into that option too.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 16:02, Peter Alexander peter.alexander...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:43:59 UTC, Manu wrote:

 Surely this has been considered before. Any reasons it's not supported?

 Yes, it has been considered before. There is an enhancement from ages ago
 in bugzilla.**show_bug.cgi?id=3603

 The syntax you proposed doesn't work, because it conflicts with selective

 module std;
 void stdio() {}

 import std : stdio;

 Does that import the stdio function from module std, or the module

 You could use something like this:

 import std.(stdio, xml, algorithm);

 Of course, there's many variations (square brackets, curly braces, no dot,
 no commas...) but it's all bikeshedding.

Awesome. Well, just throwing it out there... any mechanism by which this is
possible will suit me!

Re: core.simd woes

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 16:34, jerro wrote:

 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:19:47 UTC, Manu wrote:

 On 15 October 2012 02:50, jerro wrote:

  Speaking of test – are they available somewhere? Now that LDC at least

 theoretically supports most of the GCC builtins, I'd like to throw some
 tests at it to see what happens.


 I have a fork of std.simd with LDC support at**
 some tests for it at**simd-tests

 Awesome. Pull request plz! :)

 I did change an API for a few functions like loadUnaligned, though. In
 those cases the signatures needed to be changed because the functions used
 T or T* for scalar parameters and return types and Vector!T for the vector
 parameters and return types. This only compiles if T is a static array
 which I don't think makes much sense. I changed those to take the vector
 type as a template parameter. The vector type can not be inferred from the
 scalar type because you can use vector registers of different sizes
 simultaneously (with AVX, for example). Because of that the vector type
 must be passed explicitly for some functions, so I made it the first
 template parameter in those cases, so that Ver doesn't always need to be

 There is one more issue that I need to solve (and that may be a problem in
 some cases with GDC too) - the pure, @safe and @nothrow attributes.
 Currently gcc builtin declarations in LDC have none of those attributes (I
 have to look into which of those can be added and if it can be done
 automatically). I've just commented out the attributes in my std.simd fork
 for now, but this isn't a proper solution.

  That said, how did you come up with a lot of these implementations? Some
 don't look particularly efficient, and others don't even look right.
 xor for instance:
 return cast(T) (cast(int4) v1 ^ cast(int4) v2);

 This is wrong for float types. x86 has separate instructions for doing
 to floats, which make sure to do the right thing by the flags registers.
 Most of the LDC blocks assume that it could be any architecture... I don't
 think this will produce good portable code. It needs to be much more
 cafully hand-crafted, but it's a nice working start.

 The problem is that LLVM doesn't provide intrinsics for those operations.
 The xor function does compile to a single xorps instruction when compiling
 with -O1 or higher, though. I have looked at the code generated for many
 (most, I think, but not for all possible types) of those LDC blocks and
 most of them compile to the appropriate single instruction when compiled
 with -O2 or -O3. Even the ones for which the D source code looks horribly
 inefficient like for example loadUnaligned.

 By the way, clang does those in a similar way. For example, here is what
 clang emits for a wrapper around _mm_xor_ps when compiled with -O1

 define 4 x float @foo(4 x float %a, 4 x float %b) nounwind uwtable
 readnone {
   %1 = bitcast 4 x float %a to 4 x i32
   %2 = bitcast 4 x float %b to 4 x i32
   %3 = xor 4 x i32 %1, %2
   %4 = bitcast 4 x i32 %3 to 4 x float
   ret 4 x float %4

 AFAICT, the only way to ensure that a certain instruction will be used
 with LDC when there is no LLVM intrinsic for it is to use inline assembly
 expressions. I remember having some problems with those in the past, but it
 could be that I was doing something wrong. Maybe we should look into that
 option too.

Inline assembly usually ruins optimising (code reordering around inline asm
blocks is usually considered impossible).
It's interesting that the x86 codegen makes such good sense of those
sequences, but I'm rather more concerned about other platforms. I wonder if
other platforms have a similarly incomplete subset of intrinsics? :/

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread Martin Drasar
On 15.10.2012 13:52, Manu wrote:
 We did a 48hr game jam at work this past weekend.
 We decided to do our entry in D, to further prove that D was a viable
 and productive solution for real-world game dev.
 Here's our entry, for those interested.
 It has only been built/tested in Windows using VS2010, but it should
 theoretically work on Linux and consoles as well (but the build scripts
 aren't setup to do it automatically).
 If there is interest, I will create the build scripts, and test on Linux.

Matt Damon on top of Mt. Fiji and four badass fighters... Sign me in!
But how do you control that thing? The only thing that did something was

I haven't built it myself, just downloaded the zip from github and
dx11_43.dll from somewhere.


Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread deadalnix

Le 15/10/2012 15:02, Peter Alexander a écrit :

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:43:59 UTC, Manu wrote:

Surely this has been considered before. Any reasons it's not supported?

Yes, it has been considered before. There is an enhancement from ages
ago in bugzilla.

The syntax you proposed doesn't work, because it conflicts with
selective imports:

module std;
void stdio() {}

import std : stdio;

Does that import the stdio function from module std, or the module

You could use something like this:

import std.(stdio, xml, algorithm);

Of course, there's many variations (square brackets, curly braces, no
dot, no commas...) but it's all bikeshedding.

I don't think import should make the difference between packages/modules 
and module content.

The example you take is only ambiguous if std is both a package and a 
module which isn't allowed anyway now. It is a point on which people are 
willing to advance already (Andrei have made a proposal about it).

I'm against introducing more new syntax to import. import is already a 
complex beast.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile


I don't think import should make the difference between 
packages/modules and module content.

This is acceptable only if then it imports the module names only. 
It means that later you must write stdio.writeln().

I'm against introducing more new syntax to import. import is 
already a complex beast.

The suggested syntax import std.(stdio, xml, algorithm); is 
probably sub-optimal, and maybe better solutions exist. But in 
most cases more syntax is way better than foggy/messy semantics.


Re: core.simd woes

2012-10-15 Thread jerro

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 13:43:28 UTC, Manu wrote:

On 15 October 2012 16:34, jerro wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:19:47 UTC, Manu wrote:

On 15 October 2012 02:50, jerro wrote:

 Speaking of test – are they available somewhere? Now that 
LDC at least

theoretically supports most of the GCC builtins, I'd like 
to throw some

tests at it to see what happens.


I have a fork of std.simd with LDC support at**

some tests for it at**simd-tests


Awesome. Pull request plz! :)

I did change an API for a few functions like loadUnaligned, 
though. In
those cases the signatures needed to be changed because the 
functions used
T or T* for scalar parameters and return types and Vector!T 
for the vector
parameters and return types. This only compiles if T is a 
static array
which I don't think makes much sense. I changed those to take 
the vector
type as a template parameter. The vector type can not be 
inferred from the
scalar type because you can use vector registers of different 
simultaneously (with AVX, for example). Because of that the 
vector type
must be passed explicitly for some functions, so I made it the 
template parameter in those cases, so that Ver doesn't always 
need to be


There is one more issue that I need to solve (and that may be 
a problem in
some cases with GDC too) - the pure, @safe and @nothrow 
Currently gcc builtin declarations in LDC have none of those 
attributes (I
have to look into which of those can be added and if it can be 
automatically). I've just commented out the attributes in my 
std.simd fork

for now, but this isn't a proper solution.

 That said, how did you come up with a lot of these 
implementations? Some
don't look particularly efficient, and others don't even look 

xor for instance:
return cast(T) (cast(int4) v1 ^ cast(int4) v2);

This is wrong for float types. x86 has separate instructions 
for doing

to floats, which make sure to do the right thing by the flags 
Most of the LDC blocks assume that it could be any 
architecture... I don't
think this will produce good portable code. It needs to be 
much more

cafully hand-crafted, but it's a nice working start.

The problem is that LLVM doesn't provide intrinsics for those 
The xor function does compile to a single xorps instruction 
when compiling
with -O1 or higher, though. I have looked at the code 
generated for many
(most, I think, but not for all possible types) of those LDC 
blocks and
most of them compile to the appropriate single instruction 
when compiled
with -O2 or -O3. Even the ones for which the D source code 
looks horribly

inefficient like for example loadUnaligned.

By the way, clang does those in a similar way. For example, 
here is what
clang emits for a wrapper around _mm_xor_ps when compiled with 


define 4 x float @foo(4 x float %a, 4 x float %b) 
nounwind uwtable

readnone {
  %1 = bitcast 4 x float %a to 4 x i32
  %2 = bitcast 4 x float %b to 4 x i32
  %3 = xor 4 x i32 %1, %2
  %4 = bitcast 4 x i32 %3 to 4 x float
  ret 4 x float %4

AFAICT, the only way to ensure that a certain instruction will 
be used
with LDC when there is no LLVM intrinsic for it is to use 
inline assembly
expressions. I remember having some problems with those in the 
past, but it
could be that I was doing something wrong. Maybe we should 
look into that

option too.

Inline assembly usually ruins optimising (code reordering 
around inline asm

blocks is usually considered impossible).

I don't see a reason why the compiler couldn't reorder code 
around GCC style inline assembly blocks. You are supposed to 
specify which registers are changed in the block. Doesn't that 
give the compiler enough information to reorder code?

It's interesting that the x86 codegen makes such good sense of 
sequences, but I'm rather more concerned about other platforms. 
I wonder if
other platforms have a similarly incomplete subset of 
intrinsics? :/

It looks to me like LLVM does provide intrinsics for those 
operation that can't be expressed in other ways. So my guess is 
that if some intrinsics are absolutely needed for some platform, 
they will probably be there. If an intrinsic is needed, I also 
don't see a reason why they wouldn't accept a patch that ads it.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Peter Alexander

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 13:46:43 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
I don't think import should make the difference between 
packages/modules and module content.

The example you take is only ambiguous if std is both a package 
and a module which isn't allowed anyway now. It is a point on 
which people are willing to advance already (Andrei have made a 
proposal about it).

My example with module std works as of DMD 2.060, and I can't see 
anything in the spec that says it is disallowed, or are you 
saying that it has been agreed that it will be disallowed in the 

I'm against introducing more new syntax to import. import is 
already a complex beast.

I agree, but I also don't like the idea of using the same syntax 
to mean two different things.

import foo : bar, baz;

Is this selectively importing symbols or is it importing two 
modules? This is mildly confusing for the programmer, and 
complicates parsing.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On 2012-43-15 14:10, Manu wrote:

module stache.states.ingamestate;

import fuji: filesystem, render, matrix, material, primitive, system,  

import std: xml, string, conv, random, algorithm;
import stache: game, battlecamera;
import stache.i: statemachine, entity, collider;
import stache.entity: combatant, paimei;
import stache.thinkers: localplayer, nullthinker;
import stache.sound: soundset, music;
import stache.util.eventtypes;

Looks nice. Much better than before, certainly.

Now, i'm wondering, you /do/ know this is possible, right:

import fuji.filesystem, fuji.render, fuji.matrix, fuji.material,  
fuji.primitive, fuji.system, fuji.font;

import std.xml, std.string, std.conv, std.random, std.algorithm;
import, stache.battlecamera;
import stache.i.statemachine, stache.i.entity, stache.i.collider;
import stache.entity.combatant, stache.entity.paimei;
import stache.thinkers.localplayer, stache.thinkers.nullthinker;
import stache.sound.soundset,;
import stache.util.eventtypes;

Not quite as neat, but still a lot better, methinks.


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread foobar

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 13:11:29 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Adam D. Ruppe:

You could just version it:

void main() {}

That's not good enough.

What I as talking about is: when the D compilers know a module 

the main module, it defines a _standard_ version boolean flag,
named like is_main_module as true. And it gives a compiler
error if it can't find a main. Otherwise is_main_module is

It's meant to be used as:

module modulea;
int foo() { return 0; }
static if (is_main_module) {
   unittest {}
   void main() { // demo code
 import std.stdio;

module moduleb;
import modulea;
int bar() { return 1; }
static if (is_main_module) {
   unittest {}
   void main() { // demo code
 import std.stdio;

When you compile modulea, defines its is_main_module as true, it
runs its unittests (if you have used -unittest), and its main,
that is a demo for the A module.

If you compile the moduleb (with rdmd or something), it knows
moduleb has to contain the main, it defines is_main_module=true
in moduleb and defines is_main_module=false for modulea. So it
compiles the main of moduleb and ignores the main of modulea. So
it runs the demo code for moduleb only.

Using a non-standard user-defined version as you suggest misses
all this, and it's not good enough. Standardization and
automation is important here.


I'm sorry to say but that *is* a _horrible_ _hack_. It looks 
almost as awful as it does in python with the underscores.

Java has the correct DRY solution - each class can define a 
static main method but the compiler only uses the one specified 
by a compiler switch.
The above basically asks the programmer to endlessly repeat the 
same trivial implementation boilerplate that should be written 
just once _in_ the compiler.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Daniel Kozák

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 14:20:48 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 13:46:43 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
I don't think import should make the difference between 
packages/modules and module content.

The example you take is only ambiguous if std is both a 
package and a module which isn't allowed anyway now. It is a 
point on which people are willing to advance already (Andrei 
have made a proposal about it).

My example with module std works as of DMD 2.060, and I can't 
see anything in the spec that says it is disallowed, or are you 
saying that it has been agreed that it will be disallowed in 
the future?

I'm against introducing more new syntax to import. import is 
already a complex beast.

I agree, but I also don't like the idea of using the same 
syntax to mean two different things.

import foo : bar, baz;

Is this selectively importing symbols or is it importing two 
modules? This is mildly confusing for the programmer, and 
complicates parsing.

And what about

import foo : bar, .baz;

where .baz is module

Re: core.simd woes

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 17:07, jerro wrote:

 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 13:43:28 UTC, Manu wrote:

 On 15 October 2012 16:34, jerro wrote:

  On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 12:19:47 UTC, Manu wrote:

  On 15 October 2012 02:50, jerro wrote:

  Speaking of test – are they available somewhere? Now that LDC at least

  theoretically supports most of the GCC builtins, I'd like to throw
 tests at it to see what happens.


  I have a fork of std.simd with LDC support at**
 some tests for it at**simd-tests

  Awesome. Pull request plz! :)

 I did change an API for a few functions like loadUnaligned, though. In
 those cases the signatures needed to be changed because the functions
 T or T* for scalar parameters and return types and Vector!T for the
 parameters and return types. This only compiles if T is a static array
 which I don't think makes much sense. I changed those to take the vector
 type as a template parameter. The vector type can not be inferred from
 scalar type because you can use vector registers of different sizes
 simultaneously (with AVX, for example). Because of that the vector type
 must be passed explicitly for some functions, so I made it the first
 template parameter in those cases, so that Ver doesn't always need to be

 There is one more issue that I need to solve (and that may be a problem
 some cases with GDC too) - the pure, @safe and @nothrow attributes.
 Currently gcc builtin declarations in LDC have none of those attributes
 have to look into which of those can be added and if it can be done
 automatically). I've just commented out the attributes in my std.simd
 for now, but this isn't a proper solution.

  That said, how did you come up with a lot of these implementations? Some

 don't look particularly efficient, and others don't even look right.
 xor for instance:
 return cast(T) (cast(int4) v1 ^ cast(int4) v2);

 This is wrong for float types. x86 has separate instructions for doing
 to floats, which make sure to do the right thing by the flags registers.
 Most of the LDC blocks assume that it could be any architecture... I
 think this will produce good portable code. It needs to be much more
 cafully hand-crafted, but it's a nice working start.

 The problem is that LLVM doesn't provide intrinsics for those operations.
 The xor function does compile to a single xorps instruction when
 with -O1 or higher, though. I have looked at the code generated for many
 (most, I think, but not for all possible types) of those LDC blocks and
 most of them compile to the appropriate single instruction when compiled
 with -O2 or -O3. Even the ones for which the D source code looks horribly
 inefficient like for example loadUnaligned.

 By the way, clang does those in a similar way. For example, here is what
 clang emits for a wrapper around _mm_xor_ps when compiled with -O1

 define 4 x float @foo(4 x float %a, 4 x float %b) nounwind uwtable
 readnone {
   %1 = bitcast 4 x float %a to 4 x i32
   %2 = bitcast 4 x float %b to 4 x i32
   %3 = xor 4 x i32 %1, %2
   %4 = bitcast 4 x i32 %3 to 4 x float
   ret 4 x float %4

 AFAICT, the only way to ensure that a certain instruction will be used
 with LDC when there is no LLVM intrinsic for it is to use inline assembly
 expressions. I remember having some problems with those in the past, but
 could be that I was doing something wrong. Maybe we should look into that
 option too.

 Inline assembly usually ruins optimising (code reordering around inline
 blocks is usually considered impossible).

 I don't see a reason why the compiler couldn't reorder code around GCC
 style inline assembly blocks. You are supposed to specify which registers
 are changed in the block. Doesn't that give the compiler enough information
 to reorder code?

Not necessarily. If you affect various flags registers or whatever, or
direct memory access might violate it's assumptions about the state of
I don't think I've come in contact with any compiler's that aren't
super-conservative about this sort of thing.

 It's interesting that the x86 codegen makes such good sense of those
 sequences, but I'm rather more concerned about other platforms. I wonder
 other platforms have a similarly incomplete subset of intrinsics? :/

 It looks to me like LLVM does provide intrinsics for 

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 16:18, Martin Drasar wrote:

 On 15.10.2012 13:52, Manu wrote:
  We did a 48hr game jam at work this past weekend.
  We decided to do our entry in D, to further prove that D was a viable
  and productive solution for real-world game dev.
  Here's our entry, for those interested.
  It has only been built/tested in Windows using VS2010, but it should
  theoretically work on Linux and consoles as well (but the build scripts
  aren't setup to do it automatically).
  If there is interest, I will create the build scripts, and test on Linux.

 Matt Damon on top of Mt. Fiji and four badass fighters... Sign me in!
 But how do you control that thing? The only thing that did something was

 I haven't built it myself, just downloaded the zip from github and
 dx11_43.dll from somewhere.

Ah, nicely spotted, I should stick that DLL in the zip now that you mention

Controls are by gamepads (work in a console dev studio, no shortage of 360
pads! ;)

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 17:02, bearophile wrote:


  We did a 48hr game jam at work this past weekend. We
 decided to do our entry in D, to further prove that D was
 a viable and productive solution for real-world game dev.

 And how did D do?

Well actually.
It was my team-mates first D code. He was interested, read some stuff,
never actually wrote any code.
We actually took quite tangible benefits from using D for this one. We
actually used the class factory (!), I didn't think I'd ever use that ;)
Also used a convenient C# style event system, trivial to implement in D.
But mainly it's all the little things, conveniences that add up and make
the experience more enjoyable.

That said, the code probably isn't particularly idiomatic D code. That's to
be expected from new comers I suppose, bringing the conventions of their
languages to the table, but it's also a great thing in terms of adoption
potential, people can ween themselves in slowly. It's not an all or nothing

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 10/15/12 7:24 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:20:26 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Jacob Carlborg:

How should DMD detect if you're building a (dynamic) library? Sure it
can see that you're not using -lib or -shared but what about separate

What about the need to use a compiler switch if you are performing a
separate compilation?

A related enhancement request that I'm asking for since years is: the
compiler could define a compile-time constant (like is_main_module or
something) as true if the module contains the main, and false
otherwise. This allows to have a main() in each module. This is handy
to have, it allows to compilerun modules both as normal modules to
import, or to compile and run them as stand alone programs, like when
you want a module to show a demo of its capabilities, or just run its


Yes, this is a nice thing Java, .NET and Python have.

Wonder if a simple convention would suffice, e.g. every module that 
wanna defines a moduleMain(string[] args) and then you have one module 
main.d that has:

void main(string[] args) { import wuddever; moduleMain(args); }


Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 10/15/12 8:43 AM, Manu wrote:

So I'm getting sick of this in my files:

[snip litany of imports]

This is obviously silly.


I know this could be improved with some care, more liberal public
imports (dangerous, you risk ending up with EVERYTHING as public import
if it sticks as a standard convention), better maintained
dependencies... but it's not realistic in a production environment. That
sort of maintenance just never happens.

I suggest expanding the selective import mechanism to extend to modules,
not just functions within a module, eg:

module stache.states.ingamestate;

import fuji: filesystem, render, matrix, material, primitive, system, font;
import std: xml, string, conv, random, algorithm;
import stache: game, battlecamera;
import stache.i: statemachine, entity, collider;
import stache.entity: combatant, paimei;
import stache.thinkers: localplayer, nullthinker;
import stache.sound: soundset, music;
import stache.util.eventtypes;

This is much better! Saved ~25 lines of import rubbish, and it also
enforces logical grouping; individual import statements tends to lead to
related submodules being distanced from eachother, this way, they appear
on the same line.

Surely this has been considered before. Any reasons it's not supported?

I don't think imports from a specific package have been considered.

In my personal opinion, imports are a necessary evil and it's sort of a 
bummer that the most accessible place in any source file - the top lines 
- is occupied by the crappy legal disclaimer (which, after having talked 
to a lawyer, I always put at the bottom since being at the top is not a 
requirement), and the litany of imports that the module is using. I'd 
make all imports local or put them at the bottom of the file if it 
weren't too much of a shock to others.

Three remarks on this particular problem.

1. I expect large packages to introduce a module all.di or _.di to 
publicly import everything in the package. That could help some use cases.

2. The import declaration accepts a list of modules, and several may be 
on one line. I think that's a significant positive difference from C, 
C++, or Go, all of which force one imported module per line. I always 
advocate imports from the same package in the same import declaration, 
ordered alphabetically:

import fuji.filesystem, fuji.font, fuji.material, fuji.matrix,
fuji.primitive, fuji.render, fuji.system;
import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.random, std.string, std.xml;

That makes the existing system much more palatable.

3. I think local imports are currently underutilized. It would be 
interesting to see what kind of project dynamics they enable.


Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Manu
On 15 October 2012 17:29, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:

 On 2012-43-15 14:10, Manu wrote:

  module stache.states.ingamestate;

 import fuji: filesystem, render, matrix, material, primitive, system,
 import std: xml, string, conv, random, algorithm;
 import stache: game, battlecamera;
 import stache.i: statemachine, entity, collider;
 import stache.entity: combatant, paimei;
 import stache.thinkers: localplayer, nullthinker;
 import stache.sound: soundset, music;
 import stache.util.eventtypes;

 Looks nice. Much better than before, certainly.

 Now, i'm wondering, you /do/ know this is possible, right:

 import fuji.filesystem, fuji.render, fuji.matrix, fuji.material,
 fuji.primitive, fuji.system, fuji.font;
 import std.xml, std.string, std.conv, std.random, std.algorithm;
 import, stache.battlecamera;
 import stache.i.statemachine, stache.i.entity, stache.i.collider;
 import stache.entity.combatant, stache.entity.paimei;
 import stache.thinkers.localplayer, stache.thinkers.nullthinker;
 import stache.sound.soundset,;
 import stache.util.eventtypes;

I didn't know that was possible _
Cheers for the protip!

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 10/15/12 11:46 AM, Manu wrote:

On 15 October 2012 17:29, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
import fuji.filesystem, fuji.render, fuji.matrix, fuji.material,
fuji.primitive, fuji.system, fuji.font;
import std.xml, std.string, std.conv, std.random, std.algorithm;
import, stache.battlecamera;
import stache.i.statemachine, stache.i.entity, stache.i.collider;
import stache.entity.combatant, stache.entity.paimei;
import stache.thinkers.localplayer, stache.thinkers.nullthinker;
import stache.sound.soundset,;
import stache.util.eventtypes;

I didn't know that was possible _
Cheers for the protip!

I think our documentation examples could be changed to use multiple 
imports systematically.


Re: D interface for C library problems

2012-10-15 Thread denizzzka

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:37:22 UTC, Oleg wrote:

I got error:

In function `gpgme_error_from_syserror':
src/main.d:(.text.gpgme_error_from_syserror+0x5): undefined 
reference to `gpgme_err_code_from_syserror'

--- errorlevel 1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Anyone knows how to fix this?

Thanks and sorry for my English.

I think you missed a library with err codes and functions. You 
should used -L compiler flag or pragma(lib, nameoflib);

Re: What is the case against a struct post-blit default constructor?

2012-10-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 13:23:10 -0400, Jonathan M Davis  

Any situation where the init value is essentially invalid (like it would  
with floating point types) makes it so that you can't have an invariant,  
and in

many of those cases, having a default constructor which was always called
would solve the problem. I'm still in favor of _not_ trying to add  
constructors given all of the issues involved, and I agree that on the  
init is a superior solution (even if it isn't perfect), but there _are_  

where you can't have an invariant because of it.

Isn't it possible to customize when an invariant is called using  

For example:

struct S
   private bool isValid;
   private void _invariant() {assert(isValid);}

   void foo()
   in { _invariant();} out {_invariant();} body
  // whatever

   void opAssign(ref S other)
   out {_invariant();} body
  isValid = other.isValid;


Yeah, It's extra work.  But essentially, isn't this what you want?  The  
thing about disabling invariant checks on some specific function in some  
specific case is that someone else has a valid case for requiring it.

The only sucky part about the above is, _invariant is compiled in even in  
release mode (though it should inline to a noop).


Re: What is the case against a struct post-blit default constructor?

2012-10-15 Thread monarch_dodra
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:56:33 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Isn't it possible to customize when an invariant is called 
using contracts?

For example:

struct S
   private bool isValid;
   private void _invariant() {assert(isValid);}

   void foo()
   in { _invariant();} out {_invariant();} body
  // whatever

   void opAssign(ref S other)
   out {_invariant();} body
  isValid = other.isValid;


Yeah, It's extra work.  But essentially, isn't this what you 
want?  The thing about disabling invariant checks on some 
specific function in some specific case is that someone else 
has a valid case for requiring it.

The only sucky part about the above is, _invariant is compiled 
in even in release mode (though it should inline to a noop).


There is now an assert word for version blocks so you can put 
your code inside that, and it doesn't get compiled in during 

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread Peter Alexander

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:01:27 UTC, Manu wrote:

But mainly it's all the little things, conveniences that add up 
and make

the experience more enjoyable.

I find this as well.

D has a lot of neat and interesting features, but really the big 
advantages over C++ (for me) are:

- No header files
- Closures
- Polymorphic lambdas
- Aliases
- Simple(r) templates

The biggest problem with D at the moment for me is the quality of 
error messages, especially when using templates with constraints. 
The best error you'll get is can't call this function with these 
arguments, and you have to go through and manually expand the 
templates in your head to see what went wrong. Not fun.

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread F i L

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 11:52:49 UTC, Manu wrote:

We did a 48hr game jam at work this past weekend.
We decided to do our entry in D, to further prove that D was a 
viable and

productive solution for real-world game dev.

Here's our entry, for those interested.
It has only been built/tested in Windows using VS2010, but it 
theoretically work on Linux and consoles as well (but the build 

aren't setup to do it automatically).
If there is interest, I will create the build scripts, and test 
on Linux.

Nice! I might not get a chance to download the game in the next 
few days, but I glanced at the source and everything looks cool. 
Any screenshots? About that Linux build script, if you manage to 
make it, let me know :)

ps. I'm surprised I don't see a bunch of 'final ...' throughout 
your code. I thought a big issue of yours in the past was D's 
auto-virtual functions. Has something been changed in that area 
that I missed, or have you just not gotten around to doing it (or 
you don't need it for this project)?

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile

I am asking for a specific way to solve this problem,

Sorry, I am not asking for a specific way to solve this problem, 


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread bearophile


I'm sorry to say but that *is* a _horrible_ _hack_. It looks 
almost as awful as it does in python with the underscores.

Java has the correct DRY solution - each class can define a 
static main method but the compiler only uses the one specified 
by a compiler switch.
The above basically asks the programmer to endlessly repeat the 
same trivial implementation boilerplate that should be written 
just once _in_ the compiler.

What I have suggested is the simplest (requires less stuff to be 
implemented) way to solve the problem, adding just a single 
compile time constant. But I agree there are better ways to solve 
the same problem. I am asking for a specific way to solve this 
problem, but since some years I'd like some good enough way to 
solve it.


Important packages

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

Hello All,

Thanks again for helping me get going with D!

I been looking around a little and noticed that there are 
packages for CMake, Qt, and there is vibe.d. If I would have 
realized the existence of these earlier, D would have been much 
higher on my list of things to check out in depth. Someone should 
make mention of these on the main D language web page. Some type 
of a package showcase with code snippets etc. They represent the 
possibility to build end to end cross-platform solutions with a 
great build tool to boot. I had no idea things had progressed 
this far. It makes a BIG difference. I would think this would go 
a long way to convince the casual browser to dig deeper. I was 
just thinking how interesting it would have been, if Google had 
decided to dedicate their considerable resources to D, instead of 
rolling their own language. Then again, it looks like D is ready 
for some serious development. When I think about the latest C++ 
abomination, the timing couldn't be better. I'm going to be 
dedicating some time to get up to speed. Many thanks to those 
that put in the hard work to get D to this point.


Account on ARM/Debian

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
I've been talking to Iain Buclaw, gdc's leader, and was surprised to 
learn he has a quite workable ARM port available. To make it 
production-ready, we should have some continuous test integration, which 
entails ssh access to an ARM/Debian account.

Is there anyone on this list who'd want to donate such an account?



Re: Important packages

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 10/15/12 12:52 PM, Gerry Weaver wrote:

Hello All,

Thanks again for helping me get going with D!

I been looking around a little and noticed that there are packages for
CMake, Qt, and there is vibe.d. If I would have realized the existence
of these earlier, D would have been much higher on my list of things to
check out in depth. Someone should make mention of these on the main D
language web page. Some type of a package showcase with code snippets
etc. They represent the possibility to build end to end cross-platform
solutions with a great build tool to boot. I had no idea things had
progressed this far. It makes a BIG difference. I would think this would
go a long way to convince the casual browser to dig deeper. I was just
thinking how interesting it would have been, if Google had decided to
dedicate their considerable resources to D, instead of rolling their own
language. Then again, it looks like D is ready for some serious
development. When I think about the latest C++ abomination, the timing
couldn't be better. I'm going to be dedicating some time to get up to
speed. Many thanks to those that put in the hard work to get D to this


Thanks for pursuing the installation issue and for your suggestion. I, 
too, think we should collect a short list of good D projects and feature 
them on If anyone would like to start designing and 
integrating such a page, please make the pull request and let's talk!


Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 06:37:06PM +0200, Peter Alexander wrote:
 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:01:27 UTC, Manu wrote:
 But mainly it's all the little things, conveniences that add up and
 make the experience more enjoyable.
 I find this as well.
 D has a lot of neat and interesting features, but really the big
 advantages over C++ (for me) are:
 - No header files
 - Closures
 - Polymorphic lambdas

Yeah closures are a major necessity in any modern language. Recently
I've had to work with some code that was greatly simplified because I
could simply return closures. Writing the same code in C++ or C would
have required horrendously more code and complexity.

I also found std.algorithm and std.range to be incredibly powerful in
expressing common sequential operations in a concise way, often as
one-liners where in C++ you'd have to manually write a for/while loop
with manually-managed indices, increments, loop termination conditions,

Writing custom structs/classes to conform to the range API also makes it
possible to pass things around to library code that expect ranges,
greatly eliminating lots of boilerplate code that would be needed in C++
to transcribe from one object list to another and back, ad nauseum.

 - Aliases
 - Simple(r) templates

The biggest advantage of D templates is that the syntax is actually
sane!!  When I was coding in C++, my eyes started to glaze over as soon
as templates get nested more than 2 levels deep. Especially when a
compiler error message contained a single template name that spanned 16
lines of output.  Not fun.

 The biggest problem with D at the moment for me is the quality of
 error messages, especially when using templates with constraints.  The
 best error you'll get is can't call this function with these
 arguments, and you have to go through and manually expand the
 templates in your head to see what went wrong. Not fun.

I've asked before for a catch-all template, which is a template that
will be selected only if no other template is matched. This can then be
used in library code to print a nicer error message than the current
situation where the compiler basically talks to you in Klingon.

One alternative I've thought of (and tried before on one occasion) is
that instead of writing:

RetVal MyTemplateFunc(T)(T args...) if (Condition1) {...}
RetVal MyTemplateFunc(T)(T args...) if (Condition2) {...}
RetVal MyTemplateFunc(T)(T args...) if (Condition3) {...}

One could write:

RetVal MyTemplateFunc(T)(T args...)
static if (Condition1) { ... }
else static if (Condition2) { ... }
else static if (Condition3) { ... }
else static assert(0, NiceErrorMsgOnWhyConditionsDidNotMatch);

To be even more helpful, one could expand the static assert into a

... else
pragma(msg, Template conditions failed:);
pragma(msg, Condition1 Clause1 = , Condition1_clause1);
pragma(msg, Condition1 Clause2 = , Condition1_clause2);
pragma(msg, Condition2 = , Condition2);
static assert(0);

Something like this is probably the compiler's job, but one could
present the info in a more human-understandable way, for example:

RetVal MyTemplateFunc(S,T)(S s, T t)
static if (isInputRange!S)
static if (isForwardRange!T)
else static assert(0, t must be forward range when s 
is output range);
else static if (isForwardRange!S)
static if (isOutputRange!T)
else static assert(0, t must be output range when s is 
forward range);
else ...

Of course, effort needs to be invested to write code in this way in the
first place. As a baseline, it's probably still better to have the
compiler print out exactly which conditions failed to match (by
recursively expanding templates for you). The output will be very
verbose, though.


MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash, If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-10-15 14:43, Manu wrote:

This is obviously silly.
I know this could be improved with some care, more liberal public
imports (dangerous, you risk ending up with EVERYTHING as public import
if it sticks as a standard convention), better maintained
dependencies... but it's not realistic in a production environment. That
sort of maintenance just never happens.

I suggest expanding the selective import mechanism to extend to modules,
not just functions within a module, eg:

module stache.states.ingamestate;

import fuji: filesystem, render, matrix, material, primitive, system, font;
import std: xml, string, conv, random, algorithm;
import stache: game, battlecamera;
import stache.i: statemachine, entity, collider;
import stache.entity: combatant, paimei;
import stache.thinkers: localplayer, nullthinker;
import stache.sound: soundset, music;
import stache.util.eventtypes;

This is much better! Saved ~25 lines of import rubbish, and it also
enforces logical grouping; individual import statements tends to lead to
related submodules being distanced from eachother, this way, they appear
on the same line.

Surely this has been considered before. Any reasons it's not supported?

Shouldn't it be possible to create a mixin that does this?

mixin require(std, xml, string);

Something like that. But you would still need to import the require 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread so

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 16:37:08 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

- Simple(r) templates

I keep seeing things like this and probably i am failing to 
understand it.
This is a vast understatement for D templates. Yes, easier to 
use, i agree.
But C++ templates are stone age comparing to D and i don't see 
this mentioned enough where it matters most. It was there in 
recent reddit discussions too. I am reading those comments (some 
posters obviously have some kind of agenda) and seeing no one 
refuting them. They neither know C++ well enough to do 
metaprogramming nor D. Because if they did know, they would never 
bring templates into any discussions which involves C++/D 

Comparing to C++.

* D templates easier to use.
* There are constructs you can't just do templates without. 
(templates without static if is c without if)
* Some things possible (string/float/alias/... arguments) because 
there is no C++ way of doing these.
* Some things possible in practice (there are things you can 
achieve with C++ templates but they are practically impossible)

* You can have all these and able get higher performance.

There are probably more of those i just can't remember now.

Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 16:37:08 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:01:27 UTC, Manu wrote:

But mainly it's all the little things, conveniences that add 
up and make

the experience more enjoyable.

I find this as well.

D has a lot of neat and interesting features, but really the 
big advantages over C++ (for me) are:

- No header files
- Closures
- Polymorphic lambdas
- Aliases
- Simple(r) templates

The biggest problem with D at the moment for me is the quality 
of error messages, especially when using templates with 
constraints. The best error you'll get is can't call this 
function with these arguments, and you have to go through and 
manually expand the templates in your head to see what went 
wrong. Not fun.

For me:

- aliases (Can't believe how Java and C# don't have them)
- templates
- meta-programming
- open source language

Sadly at work it is hard to sneak in D, because we mainly do 
JVM/.NET stuff, with C++ projects considered legacy(!).


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 10/15/2012 06:22 AM, Iain Buclaw wrote:
 On 15 October 2012 08:23, Gerry  wrote:

 Disassembly of section .text:

 0:   b8 10 00 00 00  mov$0x10,%eax
 5:   b9 00 00 00 00  mov$0x0,%ecx
 a:   8b 11   mov(%ecx),%edx
 c:   89 10   mov%edx,(%eax)
 e:   89 01   mov%eax,(%ecx)
10:   c3  ret


 That looks to me as if hello.d is an empty file.

That is the most plausible reason so far: The OP has an empty file in 
the current directory but the hello.d that is being edited in Emacs is 
elsewhere. :)


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread foobar
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:22:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 


Yes, this is a nice thing Java, .NET and Python have.

Wonder if a simple convention would suffice, e.g. every module 
that wanna defines a moduleMain(string[] args) and then you 
have one module main.d that has:

void main(string[] args) { import wuddever; moduleMain(args); }


Great idea! But why add another (redundant) level of indirection?
It should go in the C main in druntime together with a mechanism 
to call the correct D main, by e.g. reading the module name from 
the command line.

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 17:36:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/15/2012 06:22 AM, Iain Buclaw wrote:
 On 15 October 2012 08:23, Gerry

 Disassembly of section .text:

 0:   b8 10 00 00 00  mov$0x10,%eax
 5:   b9 00 00 00 00  mov$0x0,%ecx
 a:   8b 11   mov(%ecx),%edx
 c:   89 10   mov%edx,(%eax)
 e:   89 01   mov%eax,(%ecx)
10:   c3  ret


 That looks to me as if hello.d is an empty file.

That is the most plausible reason so far: The OP has an empty 
file in the current directory but the hello.d that is being 
edited in Emacs is elsewhere. :)



I have been looking into this. I'm afraid it isn't that simple. I 
just created the file with vi in the same directory I was trying 
to compile it in. I can cat it etc., so I know the text is there. 
I have even reproduced the issue on a different partition etc.. 
I'm starting to think that some other package that is installed 
on this particular system may be the source of the problem. I 
can't reproduce the issue on another install of the same OS, 
version, etc.. I went ahead and installed the .deb package on the 
new system and it still works.


Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 10/15/12 1:37 PM, foobar wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:22:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Yes, this is a nice thing Java, .NET and Python have.

Wonder if a simple convention would suffice, e.g. every module that
wanna defines a moduleMain(string[] args) and then you have one module
main.d that has:

void main(string[] args) { import wuddever; moduleMain(args); }


Great idea! But why add another (redundant) level of indirection?
It should go in the C main in druntime together with a mechanism to call
the correct D main, by e.g. reading the module name from the command line.

Well there's a tension here: good language design generally aims at 
providing few general features applicable to many use cases. Encoding 
particular use cases in the language is warranted by either 
disproportionate frequency in use or disproportionate difficulty in 
implementing them within the language. I don't think this particular 
feature scores very highly in either category.


Re: 48 hour game jam

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:19:42PM +0200, so wrote:
 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 16:37:08 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
 - Simple(r) templates
 I keep seeing things like this and probably i am failing to understand
 it.  This is a vast understatement for D templates. Yes, easier to
 use, i agree.  But C++ templates are stone age comparing to D and i
 don't see this mentioned enough where it matters most. [...]

One of the major advances of D templates over C++ is its potent
combination with other D features like aliases/enums, static if,
compile-time introspection, and signature constraints. For example,
consider this:

// This template checks if T satisfies certain properties, like
// having a .NodeType type, parseAtom and parsePrimary methods,
// etc.
template isExprType(T) {
static if (is(T.NodeType) 
is(T.parsePrimary(Lexer.init))  ...)
enum isExprType = true;
enum isExprType = false;

// This template checks that T is a valid node type. That is,
// the previous template uses this one to enforce T.NodeType
// being a type that satisfies certain properties.
template isNodeType(T) {
static if (is(T.precedence : int))
enum isNodeType = true;
enum isNodeType = false;

// By using the above template as a signature constraint, we're
// free to make use of properties we assumed about T, such as
// parametrizing the return type on .NodeType as defined in T
T.NodeType parseExpr(T)(Lexer lex)
if (isExprType!T)
// Or calling functions we verified to exist in T
auto node1 = T.parseAtom(lex);
auto node2 = T.parseAtom(lex);
// Or using properties of T.NodeType that we verified
// exists, even though the template itself is
// independent of how T.NodeType is even defined by T!
if (node1.precedence  node2.precedence)

This is a ducktyping system where any type that satisfies isExprType
will work with parseExpr. This isn't just C++'s conform to conventions
described in the missing accompanying documentation or get 10 pages of
template errors. This is *compile-time* verification that any type T
you instantiate parseExpr with, conforms to the requirements defined by
isExprType. And furthermore, even T.NodeType itself has been checked to
have certain properties -- such as a .precedence property that is
convertible to int (which means it can be an actual int field, or a
@property function that returns an int, or something that returns an
object convertible to int, etc.).

This allows you to implement an expression parser that is completely
independent of the concrete types of the expression being parsed.  AND
this is done without requiring 100 template parameters that specify
every configurable parameter: you just specify them in the type used to
instantiate parseExpr.

Better yet, if you designed the isExprType template correctly, you can
even have a derived class of an expression node that stores a value, and
specifies parsing functions that computes the value on the expression
on-the-fly. So instantiating parseExpr with the base class gives you an
expression tree, and instantiating it with the derived class computes
the value of the expression at parse-time. In the latter case, even the
return type is the correct derived class so you don't even need to
down-cast a base class reference to get at the value. (I actually have
code that does this. You cannot imagine the sense of power when code
like this can be written _cleanly_, without bending over backwards and
running a 100-meter dash with your left leg tied to your neck.)

Now try doing this in C++. It is in all likelihood plain impossible, or
so extremely painful that it's not worth the suffering to implement.


Lottery: tax on the stupid. -- Slashdotter

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:51:59PM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:
 On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 17:36:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
 That is the most plausible reason so far: The OP has an empty file in
 the current directory but the hello.d that is being edited in Emacs
 is elsewhere. :)
 I have been looking into this. I'm afraid it isn't that simple. I
 just created the file with vi in the same directory I was trying to
 compile it in. I can cat it etc., so I know the text is there. I
 have even reproduced the issue on a different partition etc.. I'm
 starting to think that some other package that is installed on this
 particular system may be the source of the problem. I can't
 reproduce the issue on another install of the same OS, version,
 etc.. I went ahead and installed the .deb package on the new system
 and it still works.

Yeah, it seems to be a very system-specific problem. I'd like to get to
bottom of it if I could, as it piques my curiosity (plus it would be
nice to prevent somebody else from running into the same problem in the
future), but then I don't really want to waste your time hunting down an
obscure problem if you already have a working dmd by some other means.


The computer is only a tool. Unfortunately, so is the user. -- Armaphine, K5

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread foobar
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 17:53:15 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 10/15/12 1:37 PM, foobar wrote:
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:22:38 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:


Yes, this is a nice thing Java, .NET and Python have.

Wonder if a simple convention would suffice, e.g. every 
module that
wanna defines a moduleMain(string[] args) and then you have 
one module

main.d that has:

void main(string[] args) { import wuddever; moduleMain(args); 


Great idea! But why add another (redundant) level of 
It should go in the C main in druntime together with a 
mechanism to call
the correct D main, by e.g. reading the module name from the 
command line.

Well there's a tension here: good language design generally 
aims at providing few general features applicable to many use 
cases. Encoding particular use cases in the language is 
warranted by either disproportionate frequency in use or 
disproportionate difficulty in implementing them within the 
language. I don't think this particular feature scores very 
highly in either category.


Well, it isn't so much in the language per se as it's (mostly?) 
in druntime.
We _already_ have code in druntime that calls the user supplied 
main function. All I'm suggesting is a very minor enhancement to 
that mechanism which does add useful convenience.
Seems to me the usefulness of this greatly outweighs the 
implementation cost.

Re: Import improvement

2012-10-15 Thread Chris Nicholson-Sauls
On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 15:37:06 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
I don't think imports from a specific package have been 

In my personal opinion, imports are a necessary evil and it's 
sort of a bummer that the most accessible place in any source 
file - the top lines - is occupied by the crappy legal 
disclaimer (which, after having talked to a lawyer, I always 
put at the bottom since being at the top is not a requirement), 
and the litany of imports that the module is using. I'd make 
all imports local or put them at the bottom of the file if it 
weren't too much of a shock to others.

Three remarks on this particular problem.

1. I expect large packages to introduce a module all.di or 
_.di to publicly import everything in the package. That could 
help some use cases.

It is a common practice (usually all.di) but perhaps it could 
help to establish an official convention.  Nothing in the 
language, just the styleguide.  (I know this has already come up 
and been discussed.)

2. The import declaration accepts a list of modules, and 
several may be on one line. I think that's a significant 
positive difference from C, C++, or Go, all of which force one 
imported module per line. I always advocate imports from the 
same package in the same import declaration, ordered 

import fuji.filesystem, fuji.font, fuji.material, fuji.matrix,
fuji.primitive, fuji.render, fuji.system;
import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.random, std.string, std.xml;

That makes the existing system much more palatable.

I've done this very thing for eons, and yes you are quite right!  
(Although my formatting is different, but I digress.)  That said, 
I think the OP still has a valid, even quite strong point.  
Consider, in comparison to your sample:

import fuji.( filesystem, font, material, matrix, primitive, 
render, system );

import std.( algorithm, conv, random, string, xml );

Certainly less visual noise.  An even *better* level of 
improvement comes if we provide an alternate and similar syntax 
for selective imports, so that they no longer have to be 

import std.( algorithm, conv, random, xml,
stdio:( write, writef, writefln ),
string:( munch, splitLines, xformat, xsformat )

As for implementation, how difficult is it for the compiler to 
internally expand something like this into the traditional litany?

3. I think local imports are currently underutilized. It would 
be interesting to see what kind of project dynamics they enable.

I can agree with this.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

Re: D seems interesting, but...

2012-10-15 Thread Gerry Weaver

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 18:03:10 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 07:51:59PM +0200, Gerry Weaver wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 17:36:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

That is the most plausible reason so far: The OP has an empty 
file in
the current directory but the hello.d that is being edited in 

is elsewhere. :)



I have been looking into this. I'm afraid it isn't that 
simple. I
just created the file with vi in the same directory I was 
trying to
compile it in. I can cat it etc., so I know the text is there. 
have even reproduced the issue on a different partition etc.. 
starting to think that some other package that is installed on 

particular system may be the source of the problem. I can't
reproduce the issue on another install of the same OS, version,
etc.. I went ahead and installed the .deb package on the new 

and it still works.


Yeah, it seems to be a very system-specific problem. I'd like 
to get to
bottom of it if I could, as it piques my curiosity (plus it 
would be
nice to prevent somebody else from running into the same 
problem in the
future), but then I don't really want to waste your time 
hunting down an
obscure problem if you already have a working dmd by some other 



It just occurred to me that I've seen this type of file issue 
before. If memory serves, it was related to the attempt to load a 
64bit lib on a 32bit system. It was an odd problem, because it 
didn't fail in the way one would expect. The process in that case 
was reading garbage from memory. I don't get how it could be 
reading nothing though. Anyway, I'm going to look into this 
possibility. I found some notes that I made during that time and 
it does have a similar feel to it. I'll let y'all know what I 


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