Re: [ja-discuss] 日本語 ネイテ ィブ ランゲージ プロジェ クト の リーダー

2007-06-21 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz

I have seen and read your words you posted here:
I am shocked, and very much hurt by your message. You should not write
or say such things to one of your colleagues. This is mean, this is evil.

I suggest that you leave the project and the Japanese
project of for the time being.
When time will have passed and if you behave in a more appropriate
attitude, you may be be able to return.

Charles-H. Schulz,
Lead of the Native-Language
Confederation, .

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Re: [ja-discuss] 日本語 ネイテ ィブ ランゲージ プロジェ クト の リーダー

2007-06-17 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
トする。 JA NL のプロジェクトは古く、動的、強いそのような関係問題をあな
たのコミュニティの中で起こることを見るように の重要な要素
らある。私はそのような率先の掲示の彼の行為について考えるためにTora を頂
く。 より早いNakata サンはTora の権利そしてpriviledges を取り消した。こ
の種類の決定は急速で決して取られるべきでない。Tora のpriviledges そして
しかし私はNakata Maho 及び私の賞賛及び感謝の誠実な感じに私の信頼を表現す
ることを望む。Nakata Maho はちょうど大きい開発者でないし、
への主貢献者、彼はよく立派な人またである。 これ私はTora の発言またでき
た。Tora もまたよい人およびすばらしい開発者である。それはハーモニーのそ
苦しめる。私はあなたの好意にこうして1 つのより多くのチャンスを与える。プ
ない他ではプロジェクトは失敗する。 Nakata サンはよいリーダー帰宅してい

Charles-H. Schulz.

English version below

Dear Friends,

the last messages on this mailing lists have decided me to speak to you.

The JA NL project is an old, dynamic, strong and important element of
It pains me to see such relational problems occuring inside your community.

I shall help settling these problems quickly. I have not hinted, advised
nor supported the idea of replacing the Japanese leader. It is out of
question. I would like Tora to think about his action of posting such an

Earlier Nakata-San had canceled the rights and priviledges of Tora. This
kind of decision should never be taken in a hurry. The priviledges and
rights of Tora were later restored or, if they were not, they should be
restored now.

But I would like to express my trust in Nakata Maho and my sincere
feelings of admiration and gratitude. Nakata Maho is not just a great
developer and a key contributor to, he is also a good
honorable man.

This I could also say of Tora. Tora is a good man, and a great developer
as well. It pains me that such a lack of harmony and bad feelings create
problems inside this project.

I will thus give one more chance to your good will. A project only
stands by its members, and the members have to cooperate together,
otherwise the project will fail. Nakata-San is a good leader. A project
benefits from the input of each of its members. But ultimately, the
leader is the bridge, the gate who takes the input, and makes it into an
useful realization.

I hope you will understand my words.

Thank you,

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[ja-discuss] Congratulations to the Japanese Project!

2007-04-24 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Dear all,

Although I am subscribed to this list, I don't post here very often, and
unfortunately, I cannot speak Japanese. I just wanted to congratulate
all of you both as a project and as a people for this wonderful
achievement of going over 800 JCA signatories. It is not only the sign
that the Japanese project is doing better and becoming stronger, it is
also a testimony to this project that has been so far a wonderful
success.I thought I would blog a few sentences on this:

Kudos to all of you!

Charles-H. Schulz,
Lead of the Native-Language
Confederation, .

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[ja-discuss] Congratulations to the Japanese Project!

2007-04-24 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Dear all,

Although I am subscribed to this list, I don't post here very often, and
unfortunately, I cannot speak Japanese. I just wanted to congratulate
all of you both as a project and as a people for this wonderful
achievement of going over 800 JCA signatories. It is not only the sign
that the Japanese project is doing better and becoming stronger, it is
also a testimony to this project that has been so far a wonderful
success.I thought I would blog a few sentences on this:

Kudos to all of you!

Charles-H. Schulz,
Lead of the Native-Language
Confederation, .

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Re: [ja-discuss] CeBIT conference details

2005-04-11 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Kohei-San, Akimitsu-San,

Kohei Yoshida wrote:


I hope you catch this post before you leave. -Kohei

As I said, I'm still here. But I should soon go to the airport :-) ...


Translation begins ---

This is Akimitsu Watanabe again.
It's a shame that there is no pictures [from the OO.o day in France].

I didn't know that we already had reports from worldwide conferences posted on 
the main website.  I should have reseached it more.

I took a quick glance at the CEBIT report.  It looks like it was a fun event.  
It also thought it was cool because it looked like a corporate presentation 

Usually events held in Japan, most participants are native Japanese speakers 
[and information exhange occurs only in Japanese].  But after seeing a 
summary report from J. Rahemipour, I realize that Europe is much more 
different [than us in that they use a foreign language (English) for 
exchanging information], and that they are more accustomed to people speaking 
different languages and naturally using English for information exchange.  
This is something we don't experience too often since we live in an island 
nation.  I have learned one great lesson.

Thank you very much for sharing with us about CeBIT.

Thank you for your post. Well, this is something that is very European:
being used to meet and work with people who don't speak your language.
Today the language is english. Yesterday, it was French. And even
before, it was latin, the language of Romans... It's the same all around
the Native-Language Confederation.
But as much as we enjoy working with people from other countries, we
should never forget where we come from. It's very important to always
keep in mind your traditions. If you have forgotten where you are from,
then how could you know where you're heading? :-)



Translation ends ---

Translation by Kohei



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Re: [ja-discuss] some questions

2005-04-11 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Kohei-San,
Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Quoting charles-h.schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I hope you're all having a good week-end.
It's going to be a week I am among you and I didn't see the
time passing by! Thanks to the translators and the community
to make this tour a real pleasure!

It was my pleasure to serve you as a translator as well. :-)

Yes, thank you a lot, and thank you  also to Hirano-San !

-How can OOo as a community and as a product improve?

Ok.  This is a big question, but let me give you what I feel about the 
OO.o in general (both as a community and as a product), and this is 
from *my point of view* only.  Also, my view does not represent the ja
community's view.

First, I personally believe that OO.o as a product is improving at a
reasonably rapid pace.  Some may believe the rate of improvement is 
not as fast
as they hope because their favorite XYZ feature is not being included 
or their
most annoying bug is not being fixed.  But to me it is satisfactory.  
I like
what I see in 2.0 Beta, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes 

Unfortunately, these product improvements are mostly as a result of 
the effort
made by the Sun engineers, and community participations are still rare 
of porting and localization.  I strongly believe this needs to change.

I do believe this too, and we're not the only ones, believe me.
From the Sun development side, there should be some effort to clarify the
process required to contribute a feature/enhancement into the main 
tree.  I
have in the past submitted some patches to enhance Calc's 
functionality, but I
also observed some confusion within Sun as to how to deal with my 
patches (it
was obviously because I didn't follow the right steps).  Since then, I 
learned a great deal about the development process for introducing a new
feature/enhancement, but unfortunately most of it is still 
undocumented or
unknown among the community participants (the specs project is a good

Yes, the OOo development process is one of the major drawbacks for new 
contributors and potential developpers.

From the community side, we must break the myth that for whatever 
feature we
want in OO.o, we must rely on Sun to implement it.  Some features are
technically easier to implement (good starter project for a community 
while others require an intimate knowledge of the internals thus are 
best left
for a Sun developer.  Sometimes, it is a good idea to dive into an issue,
submit a patch and lobby for its inclusion, than complaining loudly until
somebody notices three years later.

But the key, I think, is more and more communication and collaboration 
Sun and the community participants, and it requires willingness from both
sides.  Working together also improves trust between the two parties, 
and in
the end OO.o as a whole will benefit.  But both sides must make the 

I totally agree with you.
I understand this is not specific to the ja community or the NLC, but 
I just
felt that I needed to share it with you since you asked that question.

Many people feel your way. What I can say is that there is progress on 
that front. Things change slowly here, but they do change. Remember: OOo 
is 7.5million lines of code and 150 000 people have already registered 
to it. That gives you a perception on how large and complex we are...

-How do you feel about forming an Asian CJK native-lang group?
This group would be composed of three projects (ja, ko, zh)
each of them keeping its strucure but sharing ressources on
technological and marketing aspects.

I admit I am not very active in the native-lang front, but I for one 
this idea.

It's been a great pleasure to be here. I will never forget my trip and 
I will register to the Ja project.
Now, Hirano-San and I have to fly to Korea. We have work to do there.
Thanks and Sayonara everybody!


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[ja-discuss] some questions

2005-04-09 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz

I hope you're all having a good week-end.
It's going to be a week I am among you and I didn't see the
time passing by! Thanks to the translators and the community
to make this tour a real pleasure!

I have a few questions for you before I leave:
-Do you wish to design a logo for the japanese OOo community?
Your artwork is truly amazing, and Shu Minari's artwork is
known all over OOo...

-How can OOo as a community and as a product improve?

-How do you feel about forming an Asian CJK native-lang group?
This group would be composed of three projects (ja, ko, zh)
each of them keeping its strucure but sharing ressources on
technological and marketing aspects.

I know these are big questions, but I think it's important to
ask them now.



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Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-08 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz
Takashi-San, Kohei-San, Nakata-San,

There seems to have been a small misunderstanding. Nakata-San is right when he speaks about the fact that I can't submit developments. I can't do that more than anybody else. Besides, a macro is not part of the product itself but can be integrated if the core development engineers like it or have been required to integrate it.

But since it is a macro, what Takashi-San can do very easily, is topost amessage explaining his work on [EMAIL PROTECTED], and he will sure meet some people who will be interested in localizing its macro. What can be done, if the Japanese leads see this as useful, is uploading this macro on the web site for all to try and use. 



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[ja-discuss] CeBIT conference details

2005-04-07 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz

you had asked me if I had pictures of the OOo Day in France.
Well, I don't have them, but I have some details on the CEBIT
in Germany and how the German Native-Lang community performed.

Quoted from a mail of J. Rahemipour:
   Hi *,

here are the monthly news from germanophone project.

At first I would like to give a summary of the CeBIT last
month, where
we presented OOo and the de-project. As expected, it was a
great event
and the feedback we got was mostly positive. We had a really
nice time
and had many contacts, espacially to people who would like to
join the
project for testing and several business contacts.

Very interesting was the fact, that we met many people from other
countries, which were interested in using OOo in other
languages. We
tried to satisfy them to contact the several native-lang
projects. Maybe
some of you got mail from one of them. :-)

For receiving an impression of the event see my summary (german):

or english version (many thanks to Siegfried Schilling for the

If you want to have a look at our team, see several photos here:



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Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-07 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz

 Hi I am 'matsu-yo', a Japanese OOo user and engages in
localization project.
 ??? 'matsu-yo'??

Nice to meet you, Matsu-Yo!

 Beyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea
about the
 migrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?
 (OSC2005??)?OOo ?Linux???

 Accourding to the data googled by Takamichi Akiyama,
   1  Microsoft Windows97.34%
   2  Apple Macintosh   1.49%
   3  Linux 0.51%

Thanks for these figures. How accurate can they be? For
example, how do we include people who have Linux and Windows
on the same machine?

 Almost all Windows user as wel as many Apple user might use
 because almost all Windows-preinstalled PC are also
preinstall MSOffice
 (Word and Excel. Usually, Powerpoint and Access are not
 in Japan. I have tried some MSOffice user to migrate, but
 many  replied 'I have MSOffice. That's enough.'
 In Europe, many large-scale migration cases proceed
 like French police, Munich Vienna and Netherlands.
 So I would like you to ask if you have any idea about the
migrations to
 OOo or Linux.

Difficult question. You can roughly sum up factors driving a
migration in this way:

-driving the costs down
-avoiding vendor-lock-in
-poor quality of MS products
-national independence
-nurturing the local IT industry
-anti-US resentment
-sustaining a reliable alternative to MS
-will to try something new
-a combination of the above

In Europe, the reasons for migrations were roughly based on
the urge of driving down the IT costs, national independence,
nurturing the local IT industry and anti-US resentment.
There are many tangible and intangible factors for a migration
anyway. If you meet customers who say, I have MS products all
bundled and installed, I don't want to bother with something
else, show them that they're not happy, that they have
problems as a MS user. If you talk to administrations and
government, tell them about the costs, tell them about using
something else than US technology. Make them prefer made-in
Japan technology.
I think it's always a long process and a long sales pitch but
in the end it should work.

Hope this helps,



 Sincerely yours


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Re: [ja-discuss] introduction

2005-04-04 スレッド表示 Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Makoto-San (sorry, are you a woman?)
(BmAkotoOno wrote:
(BBonsoir, Good evening, Konbanwa(in Japanese),
(BMy name is Makoto Ono, I'm just a user of
(BTo tell the truth, I have no question to you now because I'm satisfied
(Bwith OOo and great works of Native-Lang Project members.
(BI just felt that I should tell my thanks to lead of the NLC.
(BAlthough I'm deeply moved by your thanks, I have played but a very small
(Bpart in our success. You see, I don't code, I sometimes do some
(Bmarketing-related stuff but most of the time I do politics :-) . I am a
(Bbit like "Koffee Annan", the head of the UN... ;-)
(Bhow are you doing? :-)
(BI'm writing add-on program for OOo Calc.
(BThat is interesting. What is it exactly?
(BHow is the Japanese community doing?
(BWe enjoy to grow OOo. We are charmed with OOo deeply.
(BThank you very much.
(BBest Regards,
(BCharles-H. Schulz.
(B in Japanese  $B!J$3$&[EMAIL PROTECTED](B 
(B$B;d$NL>A0$O>[EMAIL PROTECTED]( $B$N0l%f!<%6$G$9!#(B

Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz


your figures and numbers are indeed impressive. 
You were mentionning Microsoft Japan in your report. 
What are your relationship, if you have any, with Microsoft? 
Did they make any mistake recently?

As an example, here in France, where I live, our "Gendarmerie Nationale" (some kind of State troopers or Civil Guard) migrated to and left Microsoft Office aside. The official comment of Microsoft was that it was "sad to see these customers go, but given their specific needs, they could have as well use WordPad..." 
This comment was of course very badly taken, and it put once again Microsoft in a weaker position in terms of Public Relations.



 Translation begins ---
 Thank you Nakamoto-san and Watanabe-san.
 Both Nakamoto-san and Watanabe-san contributed to this conference to a great 
 degree. Nakamoto-san explained, in his seminar, the details of the OO.o 
 source code. Watanabe-san demonstrated in his seminar how to use OO.o as a 
 database report creation tool. Watanabe-san's seminar was, in fact, the 
 monst popular seminar in the conference.
 This conference was held as part of the OpenSource Conference 2005/Tokyo. 
 Over 30 open-source communities participated in this event. The opening 
 speech was given by, guest what!, Kusunoki-san of Microsoft! The speech was 
 about the current situation surrounding Windows from Unix user's perspective 
 (as a matter of fact, Kusunoki-san himself is a heavy Unix user).
 The conference participants consisted of roughly 50% Linux users and 50% 
 Windows users. Approximately 1000 people gathered in this 2-day event.
 Translation ends ---
 (translation by Kohei)
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Re: [ja-discuss] Re: NLP Tour by NLC Lead

2005-04-03 スレッド表示 charles-h\.schulz

Hello Akimitsu-San,

 On Saturday 02 April 2005 10:33 pm, Akimitsu Watanabe wrote:
 Hello Charles,
 I'm Akimitsu Watanabe, a member of the Japanese Native-Language project.
 As Nakamoto-san has already pointed out earlier, the conference was a great 
 success. The popularity of the seminars, in particular, was among the top 
 within the OSC2005 (Open Source Conference 2005).
 This has made me realize how popular OO.o is as a software, and how much 
 people are paying attention to it.
 Now, I have a question for you, Charles.
 Do other Native-Language projects hold a conference like this? If you know of 
 any, please let us know.

Yes, several native-lang projects have hold similar conferences, but I wonder if they got the same impressive numbers.
Actually I can speak of several recent or or soon to come conferences:
-France, Paris, the OOo Day at the Linux Solutions, Paris. It was a huge success.
-Germany, Chemnitz
-North American Regicon for OOo (Part of the Desktop Linux Conference)

Several others I don't remember. In general, I have seen that they all score pretty high. I have been the master of ceremony together with Sophie Gautier, FR lead, at the OOo Day, and it was a really strong moment. 

Beyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea about the migrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?


 Best regards,
 Translation ends 
 (translation by Kohei)
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