Re: [IxDA Discuss] The state of UI/UX employment.

2010-02-21 Thread Alan Salmoni
To be fair, skill laundry lists are common in lots of fields. For
example in IT, there are some ads with very silly requirements
especially when the final salary is taken into account. 

Part of this may be for recruiters to get more "bang for their
buck", but another part might be a lack of insight into how the
field actually works. Consider the number of ads even here asking for
"interactive designers" when they want "interaction designers"; or
several ads I've come across in my travels asking for X years
experience in a particular toolset when the toolset had not existed
that long.

As a question to this group, did the recruiters that put out these
ads seem clued up about IxD/IA/UXD? Or are did they seem more like
jumping on the latest bandwagon?

Perhaps if we could examine some of these ads ourselves, it might be
useful feedback for recruiters (e.g., "No, you shouldn't expect
that level of effective skill for someone with less than 5 years
experience but you're asking for new graduates"). Comments?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sketching before the Wireframes

2010-02-04 Thread Alan Salmoni
Jeremy: I've had something similar which I guess pointed to a failure
in communication.

"It looks like it was sketched up in 15 minutes!" said the
skeptical DBA.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] iPad.

2010-01-28 Thread Alan Salmoni
This would be great for my 18 month daughter to play with (unless she
dribbles over it - is it splashproof?). I can see it being a big
thing in education

Just out of left field,  this would have been nice if they could have
worked like that 'siftables' thing were iPads in proximity begin to
interact and work together. Siftables are smaller which makes them
easier to manipulate from a tactile sense, but imagine being able to
'join' 9 iPads together to form a single large screen or workspace.
That would be awesome for collaboration. "Can you send me that doc?"
"Sure" [literally flicks it over]

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Could use some eyes on this chart

2010-01-27 Thread Alan Salmoni

What's this graph about? (i.e., where's the title?) I'm probably
being presumptuous but I like graphs to be stand-alone things that
don't need reference to information outside. Is it in the document
that the graph is embedded in? If so apologies.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Age vs Date of Birth in sign up form

2010-01-20 Thread Alan Salmoni
Assuming the business and legal case stands up to accepting either,
you could offer users the option to denote their age status (ie,
above or below 18 years) or enter their date of birth. This would
give you the chance to offer value to customers if they enter their
DoB (eg, "if you want you can tell us your date of birth and we can
remember that for the future"). It also helps to sell the idea that
you're not demanding to know their specific personal details which
is a plus point from my own research.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Google redesign: nothing between me and my search bar

2009-12-01 Thread Alan Salmoni
That blue colour really doesn't work for me (I wonder if that's the
blue they wanted when they tested 41 shades?
Perhaps if they had a drop shadow on a reflective surface too? ;-) Am

The functionality is useful - I've been using it for a while in
Google news where I can filter out all but the most recent stories.
The buttons on the dropdown are needed because the existing buttons
are covered which seems like a real cludge to me - a more elegant way
is to have the buttons on the side like they used to but that limits
the horizontal space for queries - I'm guessing that a large number
of queries must require a lot of space.

Agreed that the icons could be a little better but I disagree with
the author that page counts aren't used because I use them myself as
navigation markers and aides to check on my search strategy. Having
said that, I may be different to most other searchers but haven't
tested that aspect of searching myself so can't say with confidence.

Does it work on IE6?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dustin Curtis, UX Design, and American Airlines

2009-11-23 Thread Alan Salmoni
Sorry Alan:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Functionality appearing below the mythical "fold" - what to do?

2009-11-19 Thread Alan Salmoni
Just a thought (and probably a bad one because it may change your
scheme) is that the menu isn't too dissimilar from the main content
background. If the menu was more distinct, it may offer more of a
clue that it continues below the fold.

>From my own experience, most users are happy with scrolling and use
the scrollbar as a visual cue of the document's length; some
however, still scroll almost as a last resort after reading the
viewport's content. Testing might help out here if possible.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Active/inactive state of physical buttons

2009-11-17 Thread Alan Salmoni
One example that jumps to mind are fruit machines (as known in the UK;
perhaps one-armed bandits elsewhere. I'm referring to the modern ones
rather than the older and simpler ones). They often have little
'diversions' (nudge buttons, or paths to jackpots) outside of the
normal path that are not always available. They indicate availability
by light, often flashing when trying to attract attention to
themselves (and give reward to the user) and work as an example of
availability indicated by light.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Should an e-commerce design agency test the usability of its own designs?

2009-11-10 Thread Alan Salmoni
It sounds a little like an own goal here, but only work done by
someone else would show this up. If their usability testing doesn't
show up defects in their design, then I would be asking what are they
being paid for? (except for being able to tick the relevant box)

I guess it's one of those difficult questions for companies to ask
themselves when considering employing someone: if they are expert
enough in a field, why employ someone else? And if not, how do they
know who are the real experts? 

This explains why a list of previous clients can be the best selling
point though I've known of products and services that have gained a
good client list based upon the strength of their client list ("they
must be good, look at the big names that use them!").

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[IxDA Discuss] Corporate culture and IxD

2009-11-05 Thread Alan Salmoni
A couple of articles to illustrate:

Has anyone here had the same or similar experiences as Mr X?

Briefly, Dustin Curtis came up with a redesign of the American
Airlines website because of his perception of a poor customer
experience. A UX Designer from AA replied discussing the difficulties
of getting good work out of the door because of corporate culture.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Setting up a UX conference in Lisbon - need advice and ideas

2009-10-20 Thread Alan Salmoni
Being able to make good contacts always attracts me. It makes a
difference to be able to 'press the flesh' with people I've only
met electronically before, to renew old acquaintances, and make new
ones. Content is useful but comes after networking for me. The
promise of lively and intelligent discussion and pointers to new
directions that I have not considered before is probably the king of
content for me. I like taking new views at old problems (an example:
getting a good landscape gardener in to talk about their design
principles and processes).

The alternative is to make a conference compelling to employers: if
they're paying for me to attend, then I'll be even happier, but
that may take convincing in some cases. The easier you can show value
to my work, the easier a job I'll have.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Article on Number of Usability Test Participants

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Salmoni
The number of participants you need to achieve statistical power will
depend upon the design of your study - which will be determined (in
large part) by the questions you are trying to answer. This assumes
you want statistical power of course. Many studies don't feel the
need for it.

Sorry it's not much help but statistical questions rarely have
simple answers IMHO.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Unusable things

2009-09-28 Thread Alan Salmoni
As long as we don't the same type of intelligent lifts as in
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - these were given prescience so
they knew where to be and where to go and as a consequence got
depressed and sulked in the basement...

One subject close to my heart (and other parts) is that of airplane
seats. Okay, there is only a small amount of space, but it's one
area where I think a good user experience person could help make
journeys less tiring.

I seem to recall a programme on British TV in which a couple of
engineers/designers reinvented the aircraft seat and actually did
quite well by challenging a lot of assumptions and putting the work
in. Did anyone else see ths fascinating programme?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How trendy is UCD? Are we critical enough about it?

2009-09-13 Thread Alan Salmoni
[apologies for posting in 2 posts - the web form won't allow the
whole lot in one go]

And depth? I mean to what extent should user information be used and
to what degree it should impact upon the product design? Having
worked in lots of different fields (heavyweight industrial through to
quick and dirty), I would say that this depends upon the tasks, users
and what the product is supposed to achieve. To rigidly be for or
against any philosophy doesn't work for me. My job is to take
business and technical requirements, elicit customer requirements,
and merge the lot into a product that meets all of them as best as
can be managed. To do this, I will use any research method out there
that gets valid results and I'm not too fussed about UCD (and this
after being taught by one of the original writers about UCD!). I'm
not sure if UCD prescribes specific practices - could anyone
enlighten me if it does, or am I mistaken here?

btw Andrei - all power to you there mate, but I find that telling
programmers and especially marketeers (given their influence) not to
be lazy usually results in problems in the longer term. Having a
justification based around the quality of the final product always
worked better for me personally particularly if an exec decides that
I'm being obtuse.

I don't think any of us (Thomas aside, if I'm reading you
correctly) seriously believe that information gathered from users is
useless. In the right time and place, and if valid, it has a useful
role in informing design. The real skill is in working out what the
questions are and getting valid data to answer them but that's
another argument and believe me, that one would run on even longer!

Does this make sense?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How trendy is UCD? Are we critical enough about it?

2009-09-13 Thread Alan Salmoni
I've been reading these various UCD-related discussions on and off
with a little bit of bemusement for a while now. I'm just trying
here to clarify what the discussion seems to be about from my
interpretation. Apologies for mistakes.

As far as I can see, the real disagreements are about:

a) semantics
b) depth

Why semantics? Dave Malouf says that UCD means basing all decisions
around user data. Magda seems to be saying that UCD is having users
actually make decisions. Charles says it doesn't mean either of
these but rather means advocating the users concerns along other
product concerns. If my impression correct, perhaps we have
"strong" and "weak" definitions here? There is a difference in
definition of what UCD is and until this is clarified, there won't
be agreement and we will chase each others tails until kingdom come.
Oh yes and Thomas seems to say that user information is damaging.
Given that I've based design decisions around the workflows of
expert users elicited from many hours of patient observation to
success, and seen business-, technical- and marketing-driven
decisions drive products into the ground I would have to disagree
that it is only and always "not really useful".

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Aside from research, what do you do to relate better to users?

2009-09-09 Thread Alan Salmoni
Re-reading old research, particularly the comments and introduction to
the person I made is something I find useful to keep me on top.

When I started my recent job, we started some weekly meetings to
discuss future improvements. At the first meeting, I took everyone
out onto the streets to ask passers by about our field and what they
thought. I guess this is research of a kind, but it removed all the
comfort layers that we had from testing in a lab and put us in the
front line and in touch with customers who didn't necessarily want
to take part in research.

I also like to read about art but it doesn't relate directly to my
job. I guess it's one of those 'what it is to be a human being'
kind of things. Different interpretations on the same piece of art
show how varied we can be.

@Adrian - it's a good one isn't it? I spent an afternoon in the
call centre and we're all planning on visiting local branches soon
(staff as well as customers).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best practise for adding items to comparison tool

2009-09-09 Thread Alan Salmoni
>From my own research, there isn't going to be a single solution that
suits everyone. Among the people I tested, half preferred a top-down
strategy(start with everything then filter out what is not relevant)
and half preferred a bottom-up strategy (begin with a few options and
then add upwards).

This isn't very useful to you but if possible, try some research and
testing to find out how your users respond.

For pagination or scrolling, I guess it depends upon the task and the
number of items. Having several thousand items makes scrolling less
effective; having 11 items over 2 pages with a single item on the
second page is also annoying. It depends upon what you are trying to
achieve for your users.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Which Job Category is Interaction Design part of?

2009-08-13 Thread Alan Salmoni
Milan: I've seen similar things myself. It surprises me when a quick
google will usually show what the field is about.

Ali: it would be quite difficult to lobby government organisations
though I guess it could be possible. Part of the difficulty is that
it's made up of other fields (human factors, human-computer
interaction, usability, graphic design, etc) and people doing IxD
used to be doing these things. I have no doubt that in a few years,
another field will be created with a new name that is pretty much
what IxD is.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Just Because You Can Innovate Doesn\'t Mean You Should

2009-08-12 Thread Alan Salmoni
Trite answer for design: What is best for the user?

Seriously though, the OPs quote is very true. Ideas are very common
and easy to get hold of. The problem is implementing them and getting
them to market. It's similar to the famous quote that "genuis is 1%
inspiration and 99% perspiration".

It seems to reflect a lot of what we do. We might have the occasional
brilliant idea, but most of our work is just not that way (e.g.,
understanding & contributing towards business requirements, testing &
research, fitting in with existing styles etc).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Which Job Category is Interaction Design part of?

2009-08-12 Thread Alan Salmoni

I was in the same position myself recently for immigration reasons
and used 'web developer'. It seemed about the closest fit that I
could find among all the positions. No news yet on my permanent
residence in New Zealand so unfortunately I cannot say if it was
suitable or not.

Hope this helps,


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Time to add some functionality to Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons.

2009-07-27 Thread Alan Salmoni
I seem to remember some Linux window managers doing this. I cannot
recall the commands exactly, but something like CTRL-click on the
expand button would make the window maximise horizontally only, and
ALT-click would maximise it vertically. This might have been KDE. It
was quite a handy function but required recall of the exact commands
and, I would guess, more effort to complete the task than plain
maximisation. Having said that, it was a lot easier than maximising
in only one plane by dragging the window to the required shape.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Writing for Information Scent?

2009-07-14 Thread Alan Salmoni
(Part 2 - the online system wouldn't let me post all of this in one

I also found that it was not a good idea to tailor the
macrostructural elements to the users too much - this often gave
misleading information about the content so people ended up choosing
documents that were less likely to satisfy or satisfice their needs.
Communicating the macrostructure without reference to users'
contexts was important for them to make good judgements about which
documents to read or not which is where I part ways with Google's
way of making a search engine returns page. They prefer to reflect
users' contexts back to them (seeing the keywords embedded in the
summary) which led to more inaccurate judgements that providing
information removed from their context (eg, the document title). This
finding was replicated with different designs so I'm quite confident
of it.

I guess a lot of this depends upon your users. If you are designing
for a bunch of academics, then abstracts are the best things to use
because they are familiar with reading through many. Satisficing the
needs of regular end-users is different again.

My research also found that (contrary to Pirolli & Card's paper)
that negative information scent can exist - this is when something
that is definitely off-track, so for example like when searching for
statistics algorithms and coming across a link to a site selling
various drugs online. From what I recall, they felt that there was a
continuum between positive scent or neutral scent whereas I found
that people were actively repelled by some content.

Hope this helps and doesn't have too many errors - it's been a few
years since I covered this stuff in any detail. Email me if anything
is unclear or incorrect.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Writing for Information Scent?

2009-07-14 Thread Alan Salmoni
I'm not sure if this is what you're after but I did some work on
information scent a while ago. 

The work on information scent on its own is a useful framework but
for practical implementation, work on text comprehension can be a
good complement. The work I relied on most was Kintsch & van Dijk's
text comprehension stuff which described how a person may construct
an understand of an entire document. The model was called the
'construction - integration' model and began with a macrostructure
and works down through microlayers and on to propositions
(statements), and how the whole are combined and aimed at a task.
There are different ways to do this, but a classic example is good
journalistic writing where the headline tries to summarise the story
by placing it into its context (macrostructure). After this, there is
a short introductory paragraph which expands and provides more details
of the overall study (between macrostructure and microlayers depending
upon the style of writing - broadsheets will be more towards
microlayers whereas tabloids might expand a little on the
macrostructure), and then to the details. Sub-headings can aid the
construction of the macrostructure too which is what chapter headings
and the like do - they help readers to construct a framework of a
document while is then integrated with more detailed and lower-level

The macrostructural elements can be used to provide the beginnings of
scent by providing cues as to content, beginning with an overall view
to provide a framework of comprehension, and then working down
through to lower level framework constructions, and then specific
information which can be integrated into this framework. Good
summaries or abstracts expand upon this and help users to make
accurate relevance judgements about the content of a document and
whether it's relevant or not to their needs.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] In 10 words or less, what is software design to you?

2009-07-06 Thread Alan Salmoni
I always thought that software design was more the programming side of
things: from architecture down to the algorithm level; not what we do.
It should (ideally, if humans are to be using it) include work that we
do, but there is a load more that is nothing to do with us, unless
we're specifically designing for programmers that is. For example, a
database API won't usually be used by end-users: programmers will
instead put layers of abstraction over it until it ends up as a nice
and usable human-orientated interface (eg, being able to search
through Flickr for photos of a particular subject). We may design the
interface for Flickr, but the software designer working on the
database API has no need to consider what the end users of Flickr
want or need.

(later): Just checked and it is more of a programming field. I would
like to suggest that because it (probably) already has a
well-established definition that we leave it alone.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] In search of: form design pattern

2009-07-02 Thread Alan Salmoni
Alan - I'm sure you might have encountered this already, but LukeW's
book on forms is worth a read, particularly if you are going to be
designing more in future.

(apologies for this), but I had an idea for handling forms that is a
bit different. I did promise to put a demo up somewhere but the
pressure of work had to take precedence. I'll try again tonight and
post a link so you can all have a look and offer comments.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] References to clients/colleagues/managers/companies in social networking discussions/posting

2009-07-02 Thread Alan Salmoni
Chauncey Wilson: "I'm curious what others think about twittering
during a session? "

I've spoken at quite a few events with an endless background noise
of keyboards tickering away, but it's no problem. As long as people
don't have a conversation, I don't mind. 

In terms of having something like usenet's x-noarchive header field,
it often doesn't work - for example, if someone quotes the message of
someone who chose not to be archived, it has little effect. In
reality, it's not workable and this may give some people a false
sense of security and encourage them to make posts that they later
truly regret. At least with everything being archived, everyone knows
exactly where they stand.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The Essential Characteristics of User Experience (a language of critique)

2009-07-02 Thread Alan Salmoni
Thanks Richard. Just one trivial suggestion: could you put the graphic
up as a link to a larger graphic instead of a pdf - I cannot access
your pdf at work and a graphic would be a quicker way to examine it.

Thanks again.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interviewing sales teams and customer call centers for project research

2009-06-30 Thread Alan Salmoni
Personally, I would start with a question for yourself: what is it
that you want to find out about? That should guide the questions that
you ask of the staff.

If you're not clear what it is that you want to find out, then your
research could be aimless.

Of course, feel free to change mid-stream if some interesting stuff
comes up that you didn't anticipate, but having a framework to guide
things is useful so that you don't get distracted into irrelevant
topics and focus instead upon what is relevant to what you want to

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Music to Design to - What gets your creative juices flowing?

2009-06-16 Thread Alan Salmoni
"Its over a year since the last post like this..." ;-)

My choice depends upon the work. For coding complicated stuff or
really working on interaction, then silence is best for me. Rock
music does the job when I want some ideas (paper prototypes / loose
concepts), classical (esp Bach) for putting things together
(wireframing), stuff like Sylvian or later Talk Talk / Mark Hollis
for artistic stuffs (high fidelity prototypes).

I sense a kind of progression here...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] low cost wireframing/diagramming solution?

2009-06-16 Thread Alan Salmoni
In addition to all the other answers, you can try the
draw application (requires a download of the whole suite, but it
costs nothing). It has a reasonable diagram function which I've used
in the past. There's no reason it couldn't be used for wireframing
too. and

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Generalists & Specialists

2009-05-25 Thread Alan Salmoni
At the risk of sounding trite, the best to be is a specialist with
general skills. Of course, this assumes that no one can specialise
across the entire area. From experience, I've known professionals be
capable of being world-class experts in different areas of the same
field, but then there are so many areas that can be useful to IxD
that a total mastery may be difficult...

I do agree that circumstances will dictate the requirments of a
person, but then circumstances always change. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Testing for Learnability

2009-05-24 Thread Alan Salmoni
Essentially, learnability can be seen with two aspects:

1) How well can a user recall what they did (hence the teach back
protocol suggested by Whitney above)
2) How well can a user recognise something (slightly but not entirely

Using these, memory testing is one way to test learnability. This
doesn't account for when a system is so well learned that it becomes
automatic (like using short-cuts for cut, copy and paste).

Another problem you might face is at what level are you concerned? Do
you want to look at the keystroke level (ie, very micro) or at a
higher workflow level? And another is what kind of time period are
you looking at? Are you interested in whether your users can remember
one hour after? Or perhaps several months after?

Like any research, the fundamental thing to do is to get the right
questions before you do anything else. Once you know these, you can
determine the research method, what data to collect, how to analyse,
etc. Make the questions simple (make each one address a simple thing)
and everything else becomes clear.

All the best!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-18 Thread Alan Salmoni

Positions requiring both sets of skills are either rare (when they
grok design) or common (when they don't and want a developer 'with
an interest' in the design stuff). The first type of position tends
to be well-paid because the complete working skill-set is uncommon. I
guess that is what you are after than a close-to-base level position
churning out interface code.

No leads for you, sorry, but in my position, I am an interaction
designer only and I use my coding skills for hi-fidelity prototyping
and proof-of-concept; plus it gives me a leg-up when talking to
developers. Where I am, I cannot tackle the dev side as the dev
requirements are quite specialised. However, I can talk in tech terms
that we both understand which in turn makes communicating the ideas
easier and the whole process of making something a little smoother.
It's not a full dev job because I'm primarily a designer, but
coding skills aren't a negative point.

As for crappy postings - unfortunately, that is quite common. Some
see IxD as product management (seen postings asking for x years
experience making things), others as graphic design ("must have
design degree"), others as usability ("HCI degree essential"), dev
work ("5  years doing GUIs in C  ") and probably others. Part of the
problem is the field because there are problems in defining its
boundaries (if there are any), and also us ourselves because we
can't agree what we are in terms that work for HR/recruiters. Hence,
they get confused and ask for all sorts, some of which are probably
better described under a different term.

Hope this helps Joshua and best of luck.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples of 'sliding' registration processes

2009-05-13 Thread Alan Salmoni
I was thinking of something like this myself. No files to show just
yet but will upload the demo later.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best Practices in Usability Testing of Search Results Page

2009-05-11 Thread Alan Salmoni
I have done a fair bit of usability research with web search engines
and how people deal with them. Curiously, our participants seemed to
make better relevance decisions using just the page titles alone than
the page titles along with something else. This implied that
abstracting information from the main text content (whether initial
mention, keyword embedded like Google, keyword extraction etc)
actually misleads searchers into thinking that the document is more
relevant than it actually is.

However, people disliked using titles alone more than using some
extra text from the document. Pictures didn't seem to play an
important role unless they were looking for a specific thing /
product / company and this was displayed.

So there seemed to be a balance: decisions of a document's relevance
to an information need were better made with less information, but
users were less happy with dealing with search like this.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Pagination best practices

2009-05-11 Thread Alan Salmoni
I did some research on this a number of years ago - this began before
Google became dominant in search which gives you an idea! Towards the
end though, Google was a clear winner.

I found, quite reliably, that many search engines satisficed and
satisfied most user's needs within the first 10 links so there
wasn't so much need to present many more. This depends upon a) how
good a search engine is at extracting relevant information while
leaving non-relevant information, and b) the information requirements
of the user (is it a single, simple answer to a question like, "what
is the height of mount Everest"; or is it more complex such as,
"what is the history of the Beano comic" for which multiple sources
may be needed for an answer that at least satisfices).

This doesn't really answer your question as more information about
the specific tasks is needed before any kind of practical answer can
be provided.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Feedback on Redesigned BART Ticket Kiosk Interface

2009-05-06 Thread Alan Salmoni
One thing that jumped out at me was when going from the overall map to
the map of a single line: I found the switch from lines going in
various directions onto a single line with a different pattern and
direction confusing - I felt myself having to reorientate and
translate between the two (line A shows this - it initially appears
as a single line going vertically but then goes horizontally when
selected). Not sure how to get around it outside of keeping the same
line pattern, and maybe an animated zooming transition from the
overall map to the line map might help to show users what they are
drilling down onto. It might help orientation but testing would show
if this is a significant user concern.

Also, when displayed horizontally, the direction was the opposite to
what I expected with the destination on the left rather than the
right. Users may differ in what they expect so testing awould be
useful here.

Maybe also some visual connection other than colour between the line
and its button for people with colour blindness (as mentioned by
others before sorry)

And as David M said, some information about changes would be nice
especially if printed out on the ticket itself, and expecting train
times / journey times are extremely handy. Or maybe an arrow "go
this way" to point users in the right direction once they've bought
the ticket? I'm not sure about that - how easy is it to get lost in
those stations? For the London underground, I find it was quite easy
and sometimes walked off in the wrong direction!

Other than that, I quite liked it esp the fade in after choosing a
start point.

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[IxDA Discuss] Inspirations from art

2009-05-04 Thread Alan Salmoni
When it comes to designing, is anyone here greatly influenced by
things outside of what we normally design? By this, I mean primarily
any particular artists or movements (eg, minimalism, abstract,
Picasso etc) If so, how did your design change? Or does music play a
role? We've discussed what music we listen to when working but I
sometimes find that listening to particular types of music influences
the mood of my designs. For example, listening to Mark Hollis' solo
album inspires a stark look, but this gets richer with David Sylvian,
and more 'out there' (rock and roll!) when listening to the

I'd be interested in seeing any examples of things designed by
IxDers with a particular influence behind.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Streamlined sign up flow

2009-04-20 Thread Alan Salmoni
Another source (who visits here) is Joshua Porter who has a site at I saw a talk of his at WebStock here in NZ recently
which was about the sign-up process and presented a very interesting
perspective that was obvious really but so obvious that many people
(myself included) never gave it too much thought before.

See more here:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sixth sense from MIT labs

2009-04-19 Thread Alan Salmoni
Angel: "I'm really more interested into consolidating physical space
and shedding more gadgetry. "

it's a good point Angel. There is a real danger of having too much
information available too often, but then people can always just
switch the device off. Then, the danger would be that if this thing
becomes entirely ubiquitous, people may not be able to function
without it - imagine not being able to buy a bus ticket because
you're fed up with always being bombarded with information and you
want to take a rest? Sometimes, I like to have a coffee and sit back
and just watch the world go by..

I can see that it has very useful applications across all sorts of
areas of life, but like I said in a previous post, security needs to
be paramount or else it could also be a nightmare of spam and id

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sixth sense from MIT labs

2009-04-19 Thread Alan Salmoni
That was very entertaining and there are lots of possibilities for
this. My only concerns are a) having access to authoritative
information (ie, when requesting information about, eg, a product,
not being redirected just towards advertisers) and b) ensuring that
it's proof against spammers / phishers etc, who will relish the idea
of being able to directly access people. Security needs to be built in
from the very first or people are going to be swamped in crap.

Having said that, IxD is going to be even more fun in the future than
it is now!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Great Personalization Examples

2009-04-15 Thread Alan Salmoni
Is Amazon's book / product recommendations the kind of thing you're

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Opportunities with Mozilla Labs and IxDA

2009-04-05 Thread Alan Salmoni
Thanks Pascal. This could b an interesting project for all us IXDers
to contribute towards.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Opportunities with Mozilla Labs and IxDA

2009-04-01 Thread Alan Salmoni
A wider rating system might be biased a) in favour of famous people,
b) against static prototypes whose working needs to be explained in
text (rather: in favour of slick and expensive presentations
regardless of idea quality), or c) ideas that are. How will ideas
that have never been rated (ie, just passed over and not voted on
because no one was interested) be treated? Will they be forgotten or
dragged up again in the future until enough people do vote? 

Sorry if I sound skeptical - I'm not really - but I'm aware that
crowd mentality doesn't always work.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some of the non-software things that interaction designers do

2009-04-01 Thread Alan Salmoni
J Ambrose Little: "I do see some tendency to dismiss or at least
minimalize and marginalize the "scientific" contributors in this
space. Personally, I see value in both approaches to the problem of
designing things to reach the Quality Without a Name. As a designer,
I would prefer to synthesize the good in all these different
approaches. I think a greater respect from all sides is called
for%u2014*including the engineers* who are equally scoffed at by both
the "scientific" and "design" folks. "

I can sense that there is some of this so thanks for making the
point. Like yourself, I have to concur that all approaches bring
value to the table. In my team, we have 3 IxDers and 1 graphic
designer, and we all have different backgrounds (business analysis,
programming, art, research & testing) but the point is that working
together, we have a skill-set that leaves few weaknesses. Even though
we're a new team, we're already producing some great and practical
ideas solutions to very real problems and (I would hope) are stronger
than most single candidates because we bring so many viewpoints to the
process. This helps in reviewing ideas to that when we finish with our
work we can be more certain that it meets all our requirements: those
of the user, those of the business, those of the developers,
sleekness and smoothness etc.

Sadly we can't talk about these things until they've been released
- I wish we had a live lab where we could put up ideas for wider
examination and feedback.

Anyway apologies as this post has turned into another "problems with
IxD" post as opposed to chatting about stuff we do.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] "Help! Is there a Cardiothoracic Surgeon in the room?"

2009-03-31 Thread Alan Salmoni
Andy: "You mean I should drop my PhD? ;-) "

It (sometimes) doesn't help much! 
See the post by Rich Rogan

Back to the initial point: the important thing is that if you are
having a medical emergency, then you want someone with at least a
base medical training to be there - a set of common skills and
understandings about how the body functions and how it can be put
right when it goes wrong.

I guess there are two problems: 1) which skills and knowledge
comprise this field; and 2) how can we get people outside of us to
agree on what skills and knowledge are required so that they don't
start making the main criteria as "must have 5  years C   GUI

I get the impression that the community is quite happy to deal with
skills rather than roles but this often falls over when recruiters
are being dealt with. Quite often, they need a nice single title to
summarise everything because they deal with so many different roles.
Stepping outside of the norm can cause serious problems in getting
jobs if you're not perceived as a guru (just talking from my own
experience here - I sincerely hope other people's is better)

Well, we're supposed to be experts in people's experiences - why
don't we find out how we really are perceived in the wider world so
we can address any discrepancies?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Expandable windows

2009-03-30 Thread Alan Salmoni
Ah just got it - I was using FF with NoScript and flash turned off. I
would call it an expandable frame. I thought about a zooming frame
but it doesn't really zoom, does it? I've just been doing something
like this in Javascript.

Thanks for the help everyone.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line or GUI

2009-03-30 Thread Alan Salmoni
IMHO, it depends upon the frequency of use over a long period of time.
If something is going to be very regularly used and (as Caroline
pointed out) can save work by being scripted, users will often invest
the time needed to learn a CLI. Jobs like system administration can be
made a lot easier with a CLI. As I said in another thread, a former
lecturer of mine mentioned some research she did way back when which
showed sys admins performing more efficiently with a CLI than a GUI.

On the other hand, people will often stick to inefficient strategies
even when a much more efficient one is demonstrated to them. One
colleague of mine tested this and found that there was a trade-off in
terms of mental activity - users were sometimes willing to give up
time to use "think" less. Another (purely anecdotal) example
featured people being shown how to use Excel to add up a list of
numbers and then reverting back to a calculator when asked to do it
again with a slightly altered list. So quite often, users will prefer
a GUI even when there are known advantages to learning a CLI. As
designers, we have to remember that the most efficient design in
(say) terms of the KLM doesn't always meet user's needs.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Expandable windows

2009-03-30 Thread Alan Salmoni
This isn't really related, but I noticed that the menu items differ
from convention. Expandable items have a ' ' to the right whereas
'final' links have a right facing arrow. On Windows at least, it is
the right-facing arrow that indicates that there are more items to see
and final links have nothing or "..." to indicate that a dialog will
be produced. Were these the ones you meant as I can't see an
expandable window (just got into work so I'm still half-asleep and
probably missed it!)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some of the non-software things that interaction designers do

2009-03-29 Thread Alan Salmoni
Patrick: "For most of us, we build things that have an impact on the
bottom line of a company, and that's all (or since when did a web
widget save someone's life?)."

At least I have that boast ;-) (helping towards the design of safer
commercial aircraft cockpits and enabling doctors to learn about skin
cancers, etc) Right now, I am bottom line only and that's all, but
it's still a great job to have, a wonderful career to be building,
and the work is still fascinating.

I guess a lot of the 'other' stuff we work on will depend upon our
background. As I said earlier, I'm a psychologist with training in
human factors and HCI so I got to work on some large juicy projects
with a demonstrable impact on people's lives (perhaps I should say a
'lack of impact' given the subject matter of aircraft cockpits?). 

However when all's said and done, I think most companies would
rather hire someone with a creative background as that is closer to
IxDs perceived nature. Even things like usability testing seem a
million miles away from being a trained researcher when they are just
the same things. I cannot say for certain, but I get the impression
that some companies/recruiters are quite confused when a psychologist
applies for any kind of UX job, especially when they advertise for
candidates with computer science degrees...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Some of the non-software things that interaction designers do

2009-03-29 Thread Alan Salmoni
Currently, some customer research (I'm a psychologist by training so
have a lot of experience measuring various things about people). 

Previously, I also 

* helped to design educational tools (though delivered with software,
the aim was to get general practitioners participating fully on an
e-learning course and interacting with each other), 
* helped design aircraft cockpits to reduce pilot error, some have
done some stuff on commercial branding, 
* process design, 
* paper form design 
* some commercial innovation design. 

This is as well as communicating ideas about research methods to
other people (there are lots of useful methods out there that are
just not widely known about in the practitioner community).

I guess pretty much all my research is non-software really though it
is often applied through that medium eventually. It's quite fun when
you get to build towards something 'real' though.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Five things Interaction Design probably isn't

2009-03-26 Thread Alan Salmoni
Designers who give a shit about how people really think and behave.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] looking for examples of how to best edit large forms

2009-03-25 Thread Alan Salmoni
I came across a document called, "Best practices for form design" by
Luke Wroblewski (senior principal designer at Yahoo!). It might be
available on his website at

Sorry, just checked - it's available as a book from 

I also saw an interesting talk by Joshua Porter at WebStock
(Wellington, NZ recently) - it's more about 'pulling' customers
into your website and encouraging them to be persistent visitors so
it might not be relevant to your context
but he might have his presentation on a site somewhere.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Five things Interaction Design probably isn't

2009-03-24 Thread Alan Salmoni
One problem about not defining the field is that recruiters will do it
for us - and they can make mistakes. For example, there are already
jobs out there that demand a BA or MA in a design related discipline
as part of the qualifications. This means that all the artists, the
engineers, psychologists, people with bags of experience but no
direct qualifications etc, are left out regardless of their
competence. This is no problem for the gurus but for most of us, it
presents a real challenge to even get a foot in the door because the
initial criteria filter us out.

Having said that, it is a hard field to define because it is so
multi-disciplinary. The beings an outstanding issue: many recruiters
don't realise this and assume that IxD is uniquely associated with
one particular approach. So some will say they want an interaction
designer with X years flash experience and a fine arts degree; others
will want business analysis skills; and yet others will want 5  years
of programming GUIs in C  . All of these can be relevant, but they
focus too hard on one approach and don't seem to realise that while
our current jobs are similar, our backgrounds are strikingly

I' m quite lucky. I have a good job now where I was taken on for my
research skills and this should give me the experience I need to grow
and be able to prove it, but I had an awful lot of rejections on the
way without getting past the first stage of recruitment.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] job descriptions

2009-03-24 Thread Alan Salmoni
While six sigma isn't central to my role (though I am comfortable
with statistics because of my previous research experience), some of
the research done in my present work has been useful in highlighting
process problems that can be resolved, in part, by my work. It's a
tool for insight into something, no more and no less, and can help in
some situations. I don't see it as a regular part of my job though.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line vs. menu driven interface

2009-03-23 Thread Alan Salmoni
That's curious Katie. I seem to remember when I did my human factors
component of my psych degree, my lecturer had done research way back
when with systems administrators and found that they accomplished
tasks far more quickly with the command line than a GUI based system.
Sorry but I don't have a reference to hand.

I would imagine that differences between performances on each mode of
interaction will depend in large part upon the competency of the user:
so experienced sys admins will whizz through a CLI and stumble on a
GUI whereas new users need to learn the commands for a CLI but can
explore and figure out menus of even a new application.

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