Re: [slim] Sqeeezebox Classic and controller?

2010-12-30 Thread snarlydwarf

hebegenz;598423 Wrote: 
> I think I may already have the answer for this. No as the SB3 is wired
> only i.e. not Wifi

The SB3 came as both wired and wifi units,

But it's irrelevant as the SBController would talk to the server not
the SB3,  So you need a wireless network for the SBController.


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Re: [slim] Sqeeezebox Classic and controller?

2010-12-30 Thread snarlydwarf

hebegenz;598421 Wrote: 
> Hi there
> Can you use the duet type controller with a SB Classic?

Yes.  (You will need a wireless network of course.)

> Or 3rd party devices e.g. Android or Iphone apps

Yes.  3rd party apps/SBController talk to the server not the SB.

> Just one more, does the classic have coax digital out



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Re: [slim] The Squeezebox is dead... long live the Squeezebox

2010-12-09 Thread snarlydwarf

usch;593816 Wrote: 
> No. I would even rather buy another SB2 than a Classic. :)

I like the $10 alarm clock look still...  Especially in the bedroom
where my SB2 replaced a $10 alarm clock...


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-12-09 Thread snarlydwarf

toby10;593801 Wrote: 
> Of the four national OTA networks in the US, do you think one or two
> may decide to exit the affiliate (local OTA) business model and go to
> strictly subscription based (cable or sat) broadcasting in the next
> decade?  The networks are paying local stations to broadcast their
> programs while the cable & sat companies are paying the network for the
> same programming.

Your information is dated.  Local doesn't make their money from network

Local pays network and gets X minutes of ads per hour to cover that

(Stupid?  Yes.. the old business model made a ton more sense to me...)

> Approximately 90% of the networks viewers are seeing network programing
> via cable/sat which generates $$$ to the network.
> Whereas approximately 10% of the networks viewers see network
> programming via OTA local affiliates which costs the network $$$. 

Cable/Sat companies now routinely pay local affiliates (yes, again, I
think that's dumb .. and right now it's renegotiation time, where
everyone tries to get cable/satellite companies to pay them more...).  
Again, network doesn't pay local any more... the tables on that have
turned in the last 10 years or so.

Cable/Dish have their own problems as people find it harder and harder
to justify spending $50 or more for service given the economy (and that
HDTV is easier to get ota...).

I don't think Comcast would be thrilled if everyone cancelled their TV
service and streamed video on Comcast internet service... their pricing
model would then change...


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-12-09 Thread snarlydwarf

exile;593793 Wrote: 
> with all due respect snarlydwarf, I think you're wrong. 

You can think what you want... people want local news and information. 
You're not going to see that from Hulu or Youtube or iTunes.

> i too work in the television business. i'm an editor of tv shows.
> People want easy access to media. The itunes store has proven that. So
> now we are moving from music to video due to technological
> advancements. There's simply no point in trying to fight the
> inevitable. Ease of use dictates what will be the future. 

Ease of use?  I think you're very wrong there.  Content is what people
want, not "I'll watch Desperate Housewives because it's easy."

(And I don't believe ITMS is a good thing: it promotes the Justin
Biebers of the world, not innovation or talent.  Homogenization is
great for keeping milk safe, it is horrible for culture.)

(To be clear, I don't work in the TV business per se... I work for a TV
broadcaster, but I do networking and never touch video unless it's an
m4v in a  element...)

> as soon as someone makes a Hulu type product that allows viewers to
> easily pick what they want to watch when they want to watch it and on
> whatever tv they want to watch it on then it is as good as done.

And as soon as someone convinces content producers that is a good
business model.  Most people do not want to pay 99c to watch an episode
of CSI.  Do the math and for all the complaints about "omg cable costs
so much", well, it would cost a ton more if you paid per show, and you
can bet you will either have to do that, or you will not be allowed to
FFWD through ads.

The content will be paid for somehow or it will simply not exist.

The most bland content will be promoted.  Steve Jobs will tell us all
how he is protecting us from danger by avoiding any controversy, and
the American public (and probably the rest of the world...) will be
happy because they never have to see programming that will make them

> The old model of letting some giant conglomerate tell me when and where
> i can watch my entertainment and at the same time charging me a fortune
> for that dictatorship is nearly dead.

I don't see that as being the current state: you can either watch
broadcast TV, where you do NOT get to choose when a show is aired, but
the content is subsidized by ads, or you can get cable where it is a
mix, or various on demand services from Dish/Comcast/Netflix where you
can choose when things are shown but pay a premium for that

I have no idea what "dictatorship" you are talking about where you are
simultaneously paying for content -and- have no choice about viewing
time unless you're talking about PPV sporting events.

> local programming will survive just like movies survived tv and
> videotape and later dvd's. i could care less if i watch local
> programming on the web or through a cable box or rabbit ears. 

Except if your dollars all go to network... and not to the local
station, then you will not get local programming.

> the core problem is that people are always afraid of change and I think
> sadly for those that work at local tv stations, the old model of local
> tv will have to change radically. i'm kinda shocked that local tv still
> cranks out the amount of programming that it does. I'm in san francisco
> so we have 4 local channels doing at least 3 newscasts a day. talk
> about overkill. 

This is a MUCH smaller market and we have 4 TV stations, 3 of which
have morning, evening and 11pm news, one has just a 10pm news.

> the broadcast model is changing in a revolutionary way and thank god
> for it. bring on freedom of choice.

I think you're wrong about choice.  You will have LESS choice.   Your
choices will be based on "what sells nationally" not what sells

Time to listen to "Won't Be Fooled Again".


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-12-09 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;593776 Wrote: 
> It's so frustrating to read reviews like this when you realize that if
> those broadcasting companies just were interested in taking my money
> and providing me with the service I want, we could get a really nice TV
> experience. In the next second you realize that this is not going to
> happen any time soon, because in the same way as the music and movie
> industry they are so stuck in their old fashion business models that
> they can't see the possibilities.

Well, since I work for a Broadcast TV station

It's all very complicated and ugly.  What do you do about the local
affiliates... broadcast TV is paid for with advertisers, some are
national, some are local.  If ABC puts something online, then the local
affiliate (and the local advertisers) are cut out of the picture.  And
perhaps I'm odd, but I sometimes like local ads.  (We have a local
hardware store that has absolutely brilliant ads...)

If local TV vanishes because everyone is getting network shows off the
'net, then where does the Local News come from?   Networks aren't going
to care about why one local electric utility has not one, or two, but
THREE rate increases scheduled for the next year...   Or who the new
mayor is, etc.

I'm personally more interested in what is happening locally than
whether some sheik is having wild sex parties or wasting 40 minutes of
60 Minutes gabbing about Facebook changing what profile pages look

The danger I see is the reverse of your fear: Television will become
like Radio: catering to the lowest common denominator.  Why bother with
quality expensive-to-produce shows when you can make more money with the
Justin Bieber Christmas Special and other garbage.  You don't need to
fill out 3 hours of prime time any more: just have a slew of pablum,
and let people watch Bieber 3 times a night.

It may look like freedom to choose what you watch, but the Giant Media
Conglomerates will determine your choices.  Your choice will be "That
Which Is Profitable".  Independence is out the window: if it can't get
a million views it's not worth it.

It will be Radio of the 80's all over again, except marketed as choice.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeBox Radio woke me up two hours early...:-/

2010-12-03 Thread snarlydwarf

steinarb;592553 Wrote: 
> >>>>> Steinar Bang :
> > The SB Radio proudly displayed 06:30 AM,
> Is there a way to make the SqueezeBox Radio display a 24h clock?

For the Radio, this is set on the Radio itself.  (It's smarter than the
SB's and actually knows the time... the older players have no clue what
they're displaying, so the server had to format it right for them.)

Settings -> Screen -> Date & Time -> Time Format -> 24 hours


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Re: [slim] Radio battery dead on arrival from logitech

2010-12-02 Thread snarlydwarf

buurin;592363 Wrote: 
> Very odd.

Maybe I'm paranoid... but wonder if TSA decided to ensure the batteries
were batteries and ripped it apart to check.

I mean it is now illegal to ship printer cartridges via air
transport  so who knows.


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Re: [slim] "MAC not set!" error on Boom

2010-11-27 Thread snarlydwarf

dcote;591216 Wrote: 
> thanks ghostrider!
> your seggestion also pointed me to the "factory reset" option - which i
> decided to try first. and it worked!
> set up networking again and everything (!) is back to the way it was.
> :-)
> on a side note: how could a boom "forget" its original MAC address?

The MAC address on the ip3k devices is in software. What happens is
something corrupts memory and writes over the MAC.  There is at least
one rare bug that does this but no on has figured out how to reproduce


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Re: [slim] Various Artists

2010-11-12 Thread snarlydwarf

lordgibbness;589016 Wrote: 
> Hmm.. I'm not sure your example makes sense as the second rule from the
> fb2k article is
> "tag should only exist if an album contains various artists. It should
> NOT be created when an album does not contain various artists. "
> So you'd only add ALBUM ARTIST tag when it is actually a compilation
> album - and not when the artists is called Various Artists.  If the
> artist was called Various Artists that would go in the 'ARTIST' tag.
> Edit to add: You can make SBS put compilation albums under any heading
> you like.

If you set the Album Artist in your tag to the string 'Various

And you set an Artist tag in your library to the string 'Various
Artists' for their album titled 'Solo Album'

How will SBS know that the first is a compilation and the second is the
name of a band?

It seems to me that an actual compilation would NOT be by the string
'Various Artists', but would rather be a virtual ID that happens to be
displayed as Various Artists.

If you had the cited album in your library, how would it sort?  (Hint:
it would sort with every other album you tagged with the same artist
name...  ie, it would be tossed in with every compilation, even though
it is NOT a compilation.)

'Soundtrack' is not an artist name either: it's perhaps a genre or
classifaction.. but it's not an artist name and should not be tossed
into a field for artist names...


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Re: [slim] Various Artists

2010-11-12 Thread snarlydwarf

lordgibbness;589009 Wrote: 
> I just thought I should make clear that I am using the 'ALBUM ARTIST'
> tag to hold the string Compilation or Soundtrack as per the foobar2000
> standards for 'Various Artists' fields.
> Is it possible for SBS to use this tag rather than the 'COMPILATION'
> tag?

That would be problematic for me: what is to differentiate a
compilation album from a legit release by the artist named 'Various

there is a difference between "an album by the group named 'Various
Artists' and an album by various artists'".

Setting the Album Artist to Various Artists would make it in the first

Leaving AA -blank- on such things would kick in the compilation-check
and make it in the second group.


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Re: [slim] Wonder why I can't connect remotely

2010-11-11 Thread snarlydwarf

Muele;588722 Wrote: 
> Any ideas what can be wrong?

It should work fine... my Radio streams from home.


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Re: [slim] Various Artists

2010-11-11 Thread snarlydwarf

Phil Leigh;588711 Wrote: 
> If you set ALBUMARTIST to anything, SBS will not treat this as a
> compilation... unless you also set the COMPILATION tag to 1.
> There aren't any other choices.

And a clarification as to why this is the case: if you have a tribute
album that is composed of a dozen artists all playing Dylan songs, you
may wish to set the Album Artist to Dylan in order to file it
"correctly" (ie, as a record store would usually file it -- just
because Bono sings one track on it, that doesn't make it a U2 album,
and the VA bin at the record store would be a mess if it was filled
with every tribute album).

So Album Artist overrides any sort of compilation check: you've said,
"Yes, I know this looks like a dozen artists, but please file it over

Unless you override that override with COMPILATION to say "yeah, yeah,
go put it into VA anyway".


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2010-11-10 Thread snarlydwarf

morthan;588539 Wrote: 
> Just got my first android phone yesterday (SE xperia mini) and the first
> thing I did was intsall Squeeze commander. I'm blown away. Its just
> fantastic. Well done flatterman. Just a questionit looks like you
> will be regulary updating the software. Do you have to purchase each
> new version or do you get the updates free?

Not flatterman but updates are free.

And, yes, SqueezeCommander is slick enough I use it despite somewhat
shady wifi in places at home.


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Re: [slim] Extend Duet to get Internet Radio in bedroom

2010-11-08 Thread snarlydwarf

MorrisMinah;588020 Wrote: 
> Thanks everyone.
> I've decided to go with the Squeezebox Radio as it is the cheapest
> solution and is also the smallest. I was tempted by the Boom but put
> off by the higher price (than the radio).
> I note your comments on the use of I keep SBS running
> all the time on an old spare PC so never use

Well the Boom has twice the speakers of a Radio... But then it takes
more bedside table space... and the Boom is Stereo, but then if it's on
your bedside table, your stereo imaging is going to suck anyway...

ie, either one works fine... choose the one that fits your need.  My
Radio gets the most use of any SB of mine, but then it sits next to me
at work.


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Re: [slim] Anyone up for a fun little survey?

2010-11-07 Thread snarlydwarf

Squeezebox introduced me to my wife (i think that means I win... :P)


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2010-11-04 Thread snarlydwarf

dave77;585766 Wrote: 
> Finally got an Android phone and got SC. Tried the free ones on the
> girlfriends phone last week, they're good but SC is much neater.

Okay, I broke down and despite my current wireless issues in the
bedroom, installed SqueezeCommander.  Very nicely done.  Miles ahead of
the free ones, for sure.  Nice work.


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Re: [slim] Bizarre random play bug with large playlist

2010-11-01 Thread snarlydwarf

jmpage2;586369 Wrote: 
> Okay I think I finally figured it out, this is related to changing the
> maximum playlist size in Squeezebox 7.5 to 500 entries.
> How irritating.
> But, fortunately it can be fixed.

You may also find using plugins for this will help immensely.  SBS gets
grumpy with very large playlists, and the method of "grab a dozen or so
tracks, keep adding to the end and dropping off the start as we play"
works a lot better.

Using Erland's plugins, you can make "dynamic playlists" that are
comprised of parts of your collection, like "All tracks tagged
'Classical' or 'Everything except tracks tagged Explicit or Christmas',

Then you get the pleasure of hearing tracks you didn't think of playing
(the appeal behind random) without the long load times of an actual list
of all your tracks.

(And, of course, as you add music, it will automatically add it to the
playlists that it qualifies for... not to mention you get playlists
like "Not recently played" and such when you're wanting something new
but don't know what.)


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Re: [slim] Canadian - help?!

2010-10-26 Thread snarlydwarf

sellars;585223 Wrote: 
> I don't care about any of the other products. 
> Since Logitech bought Slimdevices, things have gone downhill. I was
> able to buy the Duet from the States in March 2008 - why can't I just
> do that anymore? You don't want my money?
> As much as I have recommended the Slimdevices products to my friends
> (some of whom actually bought some Booms), as much I do despise them
> now. I would not recommend them to anyone anymore!
> /rant
> or
> help!

Best thing would be to contact Logitech Canada sales and tell them how
you feel.  No one here can do anything about it (even the developers
etc that read here have no control!).

Logitech runs each country as a separate business unit, and each is
"free" to determine their own product lineup.  It seems that Logitech
Canada is more, well, confused than many others.  Despite a ton of
demand expressed here they haven't added some things to their lineups.

(Though to be honest, I've seen similar complaints about other
companies behavior in Canada.. I don't understand it any more than you
do...  But I make no attempt to understand business any more...)

Logitech Canadian Sales
2355 Skymark Avenue, Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4Y6
+1 905-273-4571
Monday-Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm EST


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Re: [slim] WiFi radio recommendations

2010-10-25 Thread snarlydwarf

quietdragon;584990 Wrote: 
> Will the SB3 (or SB classic) work with in a standalone
> radio mode too?

Yes, everything from the SB2 onward can use either a local server or

(And though the SB2/3/Classic doesn't have the specific alarm problems
that the Radio does, it's still not best to rely on a remote site for
alarms... If your router crashes or your ISP sucks at the alarm time,
you'll have no alarm.)


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Re: [slim] Hail Mary time for Logitech with its Google TV?

2010-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;584455 Wrote: 
> Removing the cable box integration means that they remove everything
> that makes it unique as a video device compared to the competition.
> MySB integration might be of interest but probably in the $300 Revue
> version to make it look better compared to similar products. 

This is especially true in the US: most people lease their cable boxes
from the Cable providers here -- it really is not worth it to buy one
in most cases.  (Actually in many cases 'lease' isn't even the right
word: if you eschew the DVR option, the first box is usually included
with service and you don't need a cable box for 'basic' things in most
markets.  If what the people in Engineering tell me downstairs is
accurate, they -must- provide local TV stations unscrambled, so just
need a tuner.)

Add in the "cable card" chaos, and I really don't see a reason to get
an alternative cable box... keeping the price down is crucial.  Why pay
$300 for what I can get for free from Comcast?  I don't want to see
Facebook on a 42" screen.  Comcast's "On Demand" works well enough.

[And, yes, my dayjob is for a TV broadcaster that also happens to own a
cable company and at one point was one of the largest cable companies in
the US before selling out most of their operations to TCI...  I still
don't watch much TV.]


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Re: [slim] Near Total Squeezebox Meltdown

2010-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Mark White;584443 Wrote: 
> I'll post my results in taking your several reset suggestions. It's
> heartening to hear that there's hope.

Plenty of hope.. sometimes (very rarely for me.. I think 3 times in the
5 years I've been watching my SB's breed) the Xilinx gets confused. 
Since it does all the decoding and grunt work, when it gets confused,
the rest of the player THINKS it is playing but nothing comes out.

The power plug can be a tight fit, as well: there have been several
cases of "it reboots all by itself" that were simply the power plug not
being seated all the way.. it gets a bit tight and feels snug when it
isn't.  Don't hammer it in, of course, but press it a bit more firmly
and it should seat fully.  Also not much of an issue in reality since
most people aren't unplugging/replugging their SB's all that often.


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Re: [slim] Near Total Squeezebox Meltdown

2010-10-22 Thread snarlydwarf

Mark White;584383 Wrote: 
> --Whenever I unplug or "jiggle" the RCA cords at the ports, the device
> powered off

In addition to resetting the Xilinx as others posted, the above is
usually as simple as pressing the power plug in all the way.


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Re: [slim] Defining custom labels/category for songs?

2010-10-15 Thread snarlydwarf

wildgoose;583148 Wrote: 
> Yes I tried it. However it doesn't work with songs with non-english
> artist/filenames (shows up garbled). The song did show up correctly in
> regular SC web interface..

Hrrm.. it works for me and I have plenty of non-English

I split my music and my wife's music with MultiLibrary (based on path

I subdivide my stuff with multiple tags in the Genre field. 
(Technically not all of them are Genres, I'm using them more like
keywords, mixing proper genres with tags like 'live', or specific
instrumentation like 'solo piano'...)

> It will be nice if rating/category is an integral part of SB.

Yes, Erland filed a wishlist on that long ago... The bad thing is that
Erland's plugins are perhaps too good in that respect -- adding
something to the API to make his life easier would probably benefit no
one but Erland since no one has gone anywhere near the complexity of
his plugins.   (Sorry, Erland, but you know that's true... it is a
compliment though: your work is so good no one else needs an API since
no one will come close to your contribution...)


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Re: [slim] Classic/Boom Discontinued - Why?

2010-10-05 Thread snarlydwarf

rajm;580938 Wrote: 
> (Boom) hmmm - can't remember where I read it.  Maybe was just a rumor? 
> I figured it must be true b/c both the boom and classic are selling at
> hefty discounts.
> Didn't realize about the VFD -- that makes sense.
> I'll never understand why the boom didn't take off.  I think its been 1
> year and half since I got mine.  At that time it was featured in a
> variety of stores (J&R, Best Buy, Tiger Direct) then slowly
> disappeared.   I was sure it was going to be the next big thing...

The Boom sold very well when it first came out: the Radio perhaps a bit
better (since it came out a couple months before Christmas rush and at
least in the US BestBuy and Amazon seemed to be in some pricewar about
it with great discounts).

Boom sold a HUGE number of units at Circuit City as they were
liquidating all their inventory for bankruptcy... there are people who
bought several of the things.

As for now: BestBuy is evil: they charge vendors to place things on
their shelves.   Even when they were pushing the Radio like mad last
winter, they tended to bury them in back or just plain out-of-stock
them despite newspaper ads with the prices.  Logitech apparently wasn't
paying them enough to get them actually on the shelves.   I'll stick
with retailers who want to make money selling me things instead of
taking kickbacks.

Circuit City may have sucked, but at least they had some influence in
making BestBuy pretend to care about customers...  so I'll just buy
from Amazon or direct from Logitech, but, yeah getting things in stores
would be useful for them, but I can understand not wanting to pay for
shelf space and pay more for "good" shelf space, and still more for
"prime" shelf space.


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Re: [slim] Classic/Boom Discontinued - Why?

2010-10-05 Thread snarlydwarf

rajm;580932 Wrote: 
> Few days ago picked up a Squeeze Classic off Amazon ($197).  I knew
> before buying that it and the boom were getting discontinued,  my
> question is why?

The Boom is discontinued?  It seems available at

The Classic was discontinued a year ago: the VFD is no longer made.

Whether you think that's a loss or not, Logitech simply can not make
them without that VFD.


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Re: [slim] Your members are VERY positive but...

2010-10-01 Thread snarlydwarf

BodgeIT;580191 Wrote: 
> I wasn't even talking to you!  I'm talking directly to Logitech.

And as I said, you're at the wrong place.  This is NOT a logitech
support channel.  Ranting at people here is NOT "talking directly to

> And who said anything about blame...only the guilty hear blame.

How witty.  How is this: Insane people talk to the walls while
believing they are talking directly to God.


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Re: [slim] Your members are VERY positive but...

2010-10-01 Thread snarlydwarf

BodgeIT;580172 Wrote: 
> maybe what you need is some straight talking.
> Your product is getting worse not better.
> I've been using squeezebox since 6.5, and not as long as some but now
> on version 7.2

So you're on an ancient version of SBS, yet predicting trends on where
it is going?

> I can't even expect this product to play my music, over ethernet, from
> a dell xeon powered server without it dropping off. I have gigabit
> network and none of my squeeze devices are using wifi, I don't have a
> lot of addons added. I have quality set to 6.

Quality?  Are you transcoding for some reason?

Have you tried it with those plugins turned off?  Quantity of plugins
means less than quality.

Have you bothered to look at the logs to see what is happening?

> Secondly can you get 2 devices to sync? It appears not.

I can.. I do it all the time...

> I feel I've been pretty patient for the last 3 years or so but now I'm
> just a dissapointed user.

Perhaps you should state your problems in a coherent manner instead of
a rant.  Perhaps you should true current code... 7.2 is almost 2 years


Replying to a troll because I am bored.

> Do you know why SONOS is continuously No1...because their stuff JUST
> WORKS. Yours doesn't.
> Anyway rant over. Choose to listen or don't I don't care anymore.

Nor do I.  You do realize this is a community board, Not An Official
Logitech Support Channel, right?

You may as well go to a local car club and rant about how GM and the
unions are destroying the world.  You'd get much more useful responses
if you actually explained your problem and asked your peers for help
instead of blaming people who have nothing to do with your problems.


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Re: [slim] Logitech

2010-08-29 Thread snarlydwarf

IRJ;573025 Wrote: 
> have had an SB since the original and have added a receiver and a Boom
> and a duet over the years.
> After I changed PCs and started updating stuff I noticed that these
> forums are now "peer to peer" and other stuff has moved over to
> Logitech sites.

These forums have always been "not an official support channel" -- they
have always been under 'community' on the menu at the top of the page,
not 'support'.

> I can't find the 3rd Party Apps page anymore. It looks as though
> "Logitech" interest isn't 100%.

The plugins?  They are on the wiki as always but with the
self-installing plugins available for the last year or so, the web page
is really sort of deprecated -- it is 100 times easier to install
plugins from within SBS than it is to download and unpack it in the
right place yourself.

> For such great products who at Logitech is in charge of slimdevices
> equipment these days? Just looks like they are out to lunch. Or is it
> just me? If Logitech wants to rival people like Sonos a more integrated
> approach is BADLY needed, IMHO.

Or perhaps users that don't see slights in every thing?

This forum has NEVER been an official support forum,  You know what
changed?  They ADDED an official support forum on the logitech site.

I don't understand why you think that is bad.


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Re: [slim] which product?

2010-08-28 Thread snarlydwarf

drb46;572818 Wrote: 
> I want to use one of the squeezebox products as a clock radio, but not
> to play radio, rather mp3 files on my computer.  I've read that people
> have had problems with the alarm clock on both the boombox and the
> radio.  Which product would you recommend, that would work best as an
> alarm clock.  I have an old sb1 or sb2 that I'm using with slim server,
> which I want to keep seperate from the alarm clock.  Thanks

I believe the alarm issues with the radio are only when using MySB.


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Re: [slim] VortexBox reviewed in Hi-Fi Choice magazine

2010-08-25 Thread snarlydwarf

agillis;572151 Wrote: 
> He has since retracted that article because of the negative reaction.
> The author of the article is an audiophile but it not that computer
> savvy (as shown by the SATA cable article). He is very selective in the
> technology that he uses much of it is very expensive. The fact that he
> is not particularly computer savvy and he still have no problems making
> the VortexBox Appliance work to his satisfaction shows that VortexBox is
> very easy to use.

I wouldn't call that a retraction.

"I retract what I said earlier, but I am right and I talked to people
who said I am right" is not much of a retraction.

And it is all ones and zeros.  Yes it may be sort of analog in the
middle: life is that way.  But it's one's and zero's at both ends, and
has crc's to ensure the ones and zeros are the same on both ends
despite the technically analog middle.

But good work on Vortetbox anyway.  By all accounts it's a great
product and the appliances are cute.


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Re: [slim] Start on one Squeezebox; continue on another

2010-08-24 Thread snarlydwarf

Skinny;571783 Wrote: 
> The Boom, being of the old generation, cannot control other players,
> except for those that are already synced to it. You can manage sync
> from the WebUI on a computer, or the Radio (or SB Controller or
> Touch).

Though you could use the OtherPlayers plugin to 'send' or 'fetch' a
playlist from one player to another, or even remotely control the
volume on one.

I use the 'send playlist' reasonably often when moving from room to


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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay is

2010-08-19 Thread snarlydwarf

MelonMonkey;570344 Wrote: 
> While they're at it, they might consider making a decent web page so
> people can actually find out about the Squeezebox family - the current
> Logitech page is losing them a lot of sales. 

Hey, I have an idea.. how about bringing back the old SlimDevices

That at least was functional.. the Logitech page is not only ugly, it
doesn't even work right.  ('overflow: hidden;' is very useful when
doing jquery scroller boxes...)

A 'catalog' page is really not the same as a site, and google liked the
old site much better.

/stating the obvious...


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Re: [slim] Touch - exclusive to Logitech website?

2010-08-16 Thread snarlydwarf

bwaldron;569588 Wrote: 
> Didn't stop me from buying, and there was no price difference involved,
> but I still find that a bit odd (for a Logitech consumer product) and
> slightly discomforting.

Perhaps, but then I've always bought 'direct' anyway.  The old
Slimdevices store had the same prices as Amazon and often lower. 
(Until the War of the Radios over Christmas season last year anyway,
where BestBuy and Amazon seemed to be trying to outdo the other one...
of course, BestBuy usually had no stock in the store anyway... but they
at least listed it in the newspaper ads..)

Sadly I bought my radio before that price war, but then, I got a couple
months of pleasure from it before the price war so it's all good.


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Re: [slim] squeezebox constantly rebuffers when playing flac

2010-08-10 Thread snarlydwarf

djfake;568101 Wrote: 
> Did more than once. 
> Using iStumbler, there are no other wifis on my broadcast channel.

They don't have to be on your channel.

When the channels for Wifi were figured out, they were made to

Channel 6, for example, makes a nice curve and puts noise in channels
4,5,7 and 8 as well as 6.  (This was because if you're sloppy in the
transmissions, parts don't need to be as precise, and you can be sloppy
in the receiver portions too.)

Likewise, 1 uses 1,2 and 3, and 11 users 9, 10 and 11 (they also use
frequencies above/below but those aren't channels).

So if you're on 6 and a neighbor is on 5, you will have cross traffic.

And, of course, things like Baby Monitors, Cordless Phones, TV
extenders, Microwave ovens, Burglar Alarms, RC toys, etc, don't
recognize wifi channels at all and like spitting where ever they wish
in the 2.5Ghz range.


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2010-08-04 Thread snarlydwarf

Metazargo;566670 Wrote: 
> OK, I gave up my DAB+ kitchen radio against a Squeezebox Radio.

Now to see how long before it breeds.

Squeezeboxes are Tribbles.


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Re: [slim] UPS recommendations for my Vortexbox Appliance

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

garym;566442 Wrote: 
> Thanks JJZolx. Yep, that's what I was asking about. The simple case of
> the vortexbox appliance being the equivalent of "unplugged" without
> going through a normal shutdown. To be clear, I'm simply trying to
> avoid any hassles of: the power went off, and now I have to connect a
> monitor and keyboard to the appliance and enter some command lines to
> restart SbS, mount drives, give out permissions, and all the other
> stuff I currently know little about.  If the vortexbox appliance blows
> up, I really don't care about that (as long as the house doesn't burn
> down). I have lots of safe backups in 3 different cities! It's the
> "minor" hassle and the "wife factor" (I'm out of town and she says, "we
> had a power outage and now I can't play music. How do I fix it?"). I can
> tell her what do do with a windows machine (just reboot!). But the linux
> stuff (I'm assuming) is not so straightforward. Again, I'm speaking from
> ignorance on this issue.

Again don't expect power events to be 'clean'.  They won't be.

Despite claims to the contrary, a decent UPS will protect you from most
events: they switch to battery at both low and high voltage within
milliseconds.  They do work: they typically even include insurance on
machines plugged into them.

It's usually not a big deal on Linux, but may be difficult to step your
wife through "e3fsck found errors, please log in as root and run e3fsck
manually".but then, change 'e3fsck' to 'chkdsk' and its the same
basic thing.

Like Windows, most of the time Linux will be fine from an expected
shutdown.  There will always be a risk with any hardware that a power
cycle will be mistimed and catch you mid disk write.

> I fully understand that power spikes, lightning strikes, etc. are an
> entirely different issue. I do have things running through one of the
> "brickwall" price wheeler surge protectors to help in this regard, but
> nothing stops a direct hit I suspect. And that's not my current concern
> in any case. Thanks again.

again, you will get spikes/dropouts when a car or tree or wind hits a
power line, or a squirrel plays in a substation, etc.

In almost all cases a UPS will protect you.  It may even act like a
giant fuse and protect you that way.

Many 'surge suppressors' suck: they are a simple MOV across the line
and the MOV has a limited lifetime and will give no warning when it has
used up its useful life.  It will just cease to protect you... a decent
UPS will include a proper surge suppressor not a fifty cent MOV.


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Re: [slim] Let's make the Squeezebox to the ultimate music discovery device!

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> I've been thinking a bit and it really feels like it's time to try to
> move the Squeezebox products to the next level. I'd like to get some
> more focus on features that's related to finding music both in your own
> library and also new music which you currently don't have in your
> library. It's getting painfully clear to me that it's not the primary
> focus area for Logitech, at least not during the last year or two. At
> the moment with the smaller team, they seems to be mostly focused on
> fixing bugs, doing some technical enhancements and doing small
> enhancements to the core functions, but nothing revolutionary related
> to the music discovery. I should say that the Logitech developers are
> doing a great job with the amount of resources they have access to, so
> this isn't any critique on them.

You're probably the ideal person to spearhead this: anyone who has used
your plugins knows how well they work to make a library manageable.

> However, if we want something to happen it feels we need to take this
> into our own hands. I'm not sure about exactly how to do this yet and
> I'm also not sure how much time I'm personally prepared to commit on it
> but I like to at least start a discussion about what's missing to make
> the Squeezebox the best music discovery device out there. If I decide
> I'm not prepared to do this myself this discussion might at least
> result in some good ideas which Logitech can use. Hopefully more people
> in the community are willing to help with various parts if something
> good comes out of this discussion, I'm definitely not going to do
> anything if I'm alone. However, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the
> only one interested in this kind of functionality.

You're not. :)

My music buying has slowed down lately and that's not good!

> How do you find music in your own library ? 

I tend to just wander: I do use Dynamic Playlists for my morning alarm
clock, and for my "I don't know what to listen to" things

>From my 'Random SQL' one (which is pretty much a normal random
playlist, but I exclude 'Explicit' and 'Comedy' and such genres, as
well as things less than a minute long or more than 15m... this is my
usual 'work mix'), I sometimes hear a song and think, "Oooh, let me
play something else by them."

Being able to insert something (track or album) into a playing playlist
would be nice.  I think I can do that in Fishbone with an option, but
never remember to turn that on.  For the "I just heard this, now want
to take a diversion, but don't want to remember to turn Dynamic
Playlist back on when that album ends" sorts of cases.

I do have mostly complete album art and do sometimes choose from Albums
when I don't know what I want.  I usually just choose a random page and
look at cover art to see what tickles my fancy at that point.

> How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently don't
> have in your library ? and Emusic, the wife uses Pandora.  When -really- bored, Amazon
to see what they tell me to listen to.  Emusic and Amazon unfortunately
have to be done from a browser.

I do often play a song and wonder what is similar use that as a key to
start a 'similar artist' station.  That works well right now.

> I realize there are many questions to answer and that this is a huge
> functional area, so feel free to answer in several posts if the forum
> post max length feels too limited. :-)

What about if my brain just overloads and I have to take a break? :)

As I said, most of my personal library discover comes from Dynamic
Playlists of some variety... I am curious how to expand that to "not in
my library". and Pandora type services seem to be good for
that, but they're sadly limited in areas they can legally serve.


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Re: [slim] UPS recommendations for my Vortexbox Appliance

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

westom;566361 Wrote: 
> When someone posts that nasty, that dumb, that uneducated, and
> incessantly, then being polite to  an asshole is useless.

Exactly.  PLONK.


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Re: [slim] UPS recommendations for my Vortexbox Appliance

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

JJZolx;566358 Wrote: 
> These are problems due to the spikes involved in the typical power
> event, not the fact that the system has shut down unexpectedly.

Yes, and despite the claim of westom, these are very real and even if
there is no activity at the time, WILL damage hardware.

Case in point from today:

A severe enough outage that it damaged electrical meters.

If you're planning for an "uncontrolled power event" a UPS will do a
fine job of protecting your hardware in almost all nasty conditions (if
it blows up the meter on the house, well, then, it may kill your UPS
too.. but then you have a $50 fuse that would likely save your


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Re: [slim] UPS recommendations for my Vortexbox Appliance

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

westom;566338 Wrote: 
> When a car hits a pole, all unsaved data is lost.  Everything else is
> intact. 

Wrong: the AC input to your device goes all over the place.

The 12v output of your P/S is NOT regulated to the point that providing
random input to the power supply will always produce 12V.  It will drop
to 0 and back to 12 over and over as the 120VAC comes and goes.

That is VERY bad for mechanical devices like hard drives.

> Wrong in spades are the most naive who *know* only using observation.
> Also called junk science reasoning.  A naive observer will be quick to
> blame power loss when his own technical ignorance was a most common
> reason for failure.

Back this up with proof.

Your "experience" is meaningless.

> When does a disk drive learn that computer power is going off?  When
> the 5 and 12 volts suddenly starts dropping.   Again, those who do not
> first learn the science - who know only from observation - would not
> know that.  A disk drive is never warned that power is being removed. 
> All power offs ( shutdown, yank the power cord, car hitting a pole,
> entire state blackout) appear as the same power off to all disk drives.
> A reality that was true even when heads were moved by motor oil.  Those
> educated only from hearsay - who only know from observation - would
> never know that.  Those educated by observation immediately know
> unexpected power off causes damage.  Amazing how observation alone
> becomes knowledge.  All power offs are same to every disk drive -
> despite obervations that *know* otherwise.

Wrong.  They do NOT appear the same as a power off unless you include
"power off includes the state where the power may come on and off
dozens of times in a second, and provide both under and over voltage
conditions").  Drives see that when a car hits a pole, when a tree limb
falls across a power line, when too many a/c's turning on at once cause
brownouts, etc etc.

> Linux is just as robust as Windows – as are all other computers
> today. Linux has the same Windows features that make all power offs
> irrelevant.

You're wrong.  MILLIONS of hard drives beg to differ with your

Hardware damage occurs with voltage over/under conditions.  I have no
clue what the hell you're talking about operating systems for.

Applying the wrong or inconsistent voltage to a drive will damage it,
regardless of OS: and power outages are typically not "clean" -- you
get tons of spikes and drops both as the power drops out and when it
comes back on.

Hint: the "regulated 12v" from your power supply is not all that
regulated.  It is based on certain presumptions of the quality of the
input power.   That quality goes to hell when the power drops.


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Re: [slim] UPS recommendations for my Vortexbox Appliance

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

garym;566328 Wrote: 
> That's what I assumed (basic UPS). Thanks. I don't worry about this for
> my windows machines as it's never been an issue and I'm good at
> diagnosing any windows systems issues should any arise (and I have
> plenty of data backups off the grid!), but I'm such a newbie at linux
> that the mounting, unmounting, etc. etc. is all a mystery to me (thus
> far) and I wanted a little extra insurance on screwups

The main thing would be trashing the drive or the power supply --
motherboards are usually safe, the P/S gets to act like a giant fuse in
such cases.  But power nasties can be painful on drives.  The power
supply won't really isolate them -- too much mechanical stuff that
reacts badly to power cycling.

I'd still keep a backup, of course...  I have too much time spent in
ripping and tagging to want to lose my music.

I don't worry about the Windows machine: it's been dead for ages
anyway...  :)


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Re: [slim] UPS recommendations for my Vortexbox Appliance

2010-08-03 Thread snarlydwarf

westom;566325 Wrote: 
> All computers have done that since Windows NT.  Only machines that could
> lose data due to an unexpected power off were Windows 95/ME vintage
> machines.  Today, power off must never damage saved software.  And
> unexpected power off - even 50 years ago - must never damage electronic
> hardware.
> UPS serves only one function - to provide temporary power so that you
> can save unsaved data.   So that you need not be interrupted by the
> power loss.

Wrong: I've seen machines fail to come back due to power loss.

When a car runs into a telephone pole, you do not get a clean shutdown
at the OS level (has everything been written to disk at that instant? 
On a busy machine, the answer is likely 'no').  Worse, the power
fluctuates in such instances: providing the same effect as plugging and
unplugging the power at the wall plate repeatedly.  Drives spin up/down,
and surges trash data and possibly do severe hardware damage.  I've lost
3 drives at home due to power failures, and 2 power supplies at work (on
a building UPS -- those orange outlets).

Heck, I've even seen huge building-wide UPS's damage machines when
someone turned the dial from 'Online' to 'Bypass' and accidentally went
too far and hit 'Off', then correcting and turning to bypass.  This
creates nasty powerdrops followed by a spike as several hundred
machines come back online.

A UPS is a good investment.

For a VortexBox appliance, probably any old cheap UPS will do you fine:
the current draw is not much at all, so you don't need a huge UPS. 
Stick with a brandname, but a cheap APC should be fine.


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Re: [slim] SBv3 cause ARP invalid

2010-08-02 Thread snarlydwarf

Turn off bridging.


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Re: [slim] A Very Simple Question on Music Folder

2010-07-27 Thread snarlydwarf

Phil Leigh;564718 Wrote: 
> You must have some shortcuts.
> do a search for *.lnk files...

Or perhaps playlists that refer to files outside of that area.


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Re: [slim] 1000000 people for static IP support!

2010-07-22 Thread snarlydwarf

pski;563710 Wrote: 
> \
> In reality, you can use any address you want for your "internal"
> network since it is never seen by the "outside world."
> Change your DHCP router parameters to whatever you want. So long as
> your "Gateway" address points to your DSL/cable modem.

Unless you happen to choose a network that happens to be in use on the
real Internet especially if you have reason to connect to it.

There are many many reserved networks to choose from: use one of the 16
million /24's hiding in net-10.  do not just make up network numbers or
you will find that at the worst possible moment you won't be able to
visit some site.


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Re: [slim] Streaming vs direct file access

2010-07-20 Thread snarlydwarf

audio1;563029 Wrote: 
> OK, that's the kind of information I want to know about.  Can you
> elaborate, please?  I'm happy to learn.

Pushing 'next' on my radio generates the following:

POST /cometd HTTP/1.1..User-Agent: SqueezePlay-baby/7.6.0-r8934
(armv5tejl)..Content-Length: 142..Host: :9000..Content-Type:


ie, "user pressed 'jump_fwd' button"

Server responds two ways:
Direct response to the POST:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Server: Squeezebox Server (7.6.0 -
30967)..Cache-Control: no-cache..Pragma: no-cache..Content-Length:
72..Content-Type: application/json..Expires: -1..X-Time-To-Serve:

And SlimProto:
/stream.mp3?player=00:04:20:xx:xx:xx HTTP/1.0  

Which is basically "Please dump the existing buffered stream, and go
get this stream"

Player responds by executing the GET the server told it to do:
GET /stream.mp3?player=00:04:20:xx:xx:xx HTTP/1.0

Not very complicated.  I am probably missing some stuff, I am at work,
and it is spammy
to sniff my home network from here.  (And, yes, my radio is next to me
at work, but on a different
network where bandwidth is cheaper and since that is on a cable modem,
as is my home system,
the latency is virtually nothing.)

If I was syncing, there would be more complexity keeping track of where
players were in the output stream, but I'm not at the moment.

The newer players 'mostly' use HTTP with some low level stuff passed
back as slimproto,
(which is documented in the server docs).  The stream, however, was
your question, and that is
just HTTP.


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Re: [slim] Streaming vs direct file access

2010-07-19 Thread snarlydwarf

audio1;562943 Wrote: 
> Thanks for your comments snarlydwarf and funkstar,
> As I look towards updating my music playback system in the near future,
> I want to thoroughly understand the fundamental configuration options.
> It appears to me that central to the choice of
> hardware/software/configuration is whether you want a single player or
> multiple players.

Yes, a multiple player setup, by nature, requires some sort of
'client/server' protocol.  NFS and SMB are going to require a lot more
work on the client side: neither addresses the database itself.  I see
no benefit to such a process other than moving some work from userspace
to kernel space.. but the code to serve files is actually HTTP: which is
well understood and easy to implement... so whether a file is moved via
nfsd or an http socket really makes no difference.

And, again, using just NFS/SMB, you have no shared database.

> Yes, the major Linux audio player applications do create their own
> databases.  Amarok2 uses MySQL for example, while Banshee uses SQLite,
> and Exaile uses a unique database format.  A shortcoming of this is
> that the databases are not dynamic; they must be refreshed manually.

SBS 7.6 (the current dev snapshot) uses inotify on Linux.. no need to
rescan to find things.  The kernel sends it an inotify event and SBS
knows where to look for the additions/changes.

> I'm not interested in multiple players, but if I was, it's possible to
> configure multiple players (assuming they're all the same type) to
> share a common database/configuration directory on the network, making
> the database common to all players.

Which is what SBS does (and more, but more on that later).

As for not being interested in multiple players: I am sure most people
in this forunm said that at one time, and now have several
squeezeboxes.  I lasted a couple months before I had to get another.

> But this is slightly off-topic to my original question, which related
> to the delivery mechanism of the media file to playback device.

No, it's not.  there is more to things than delivery mechanism.  If
that is truly all you care about: the Squeezeboxes make HTTP requests
for files that are sent via HTTP.

HTTP is a better protocol for "can I have this file?" than either SMB
or NFS which are MUCH more complicated and contain code that is
entirely irrelevant to simply sending a file.

> Yes, I take your point that it's somewhat overcomplicated to have a
> single player access its music store over a network.
> The reason I mention network connectivity within a single-player
> environment is that I envisage using a "lightweight" computer for
> playback duty in the lounge room - maybe a small Atom machine, or ARM
> embedded device, or even Android tablet,
> but I envisage using a conventional personal computer in the study or
> bedroom as the ripping/acquisition machine.  Obviously one of these
> devices would have the music storage drive connected locally, and the
> other would access this drive over the network.
> Wait ... there's a third scenario - a separate NAS which is accessed by
> both the ripping computer and playback computer.
> In the 2 scenarios where my (single) playback computer is NOT connected
> directly to the music storage drive, I continue to wonder about the
> technical merit of generating an audio stream.

If you have s single player and think you can find an off the shelf ARM
embedded machine with decent sound output, then go for it.

If, however, you ever add a second player.. your method would not
scale,  It would not allow syncronizing the players, you would have to
hobble together your own UI (or have to use a netbook as a remote...)

Squeezeboxes don't have that scaling problem.  They scale very well,
they can be synchronized or not.


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Re: [slim] Streaming vs direct file access

2010-07-18 Thread snarlydwarf

audio1;562564 Wrote: 
> Hello.  A technical question, please: can someone comment on the
> technical/practical differences between the "streaming" network audio
> model, as used by Squeezebox and many other commercial devices,
> compared to a conventional music playback application (such as
> XMMS/Rhythmbox/Amarok/Aqualung) which accesses music files over a
> network via NFS or SMB protocol?
> The latter seems more technically straightforward to me.
> Is the prevalence and popularity of streaming only because of the
> ability to have multiple clients, and multiple outputs?

Reading files via NFS/SMB and even UPNP type protocols does not give
you the indexing that a proper server would.  Ie, there is no NFS or
SMB API for "please show me all the tracks with genre 'Foo'".  Likewise
there is no API for  tracking playcounts, ratings, etc.

If you use simply one player, then I guess that doesn't matter: if the
player is sufficiently fat, it could make its own index by scanning
files. but if you have more than one player, why have more than one
index?  How would you synchronize ratings etc.

heck, if you only have one client, why even bother with NFS: just
attach the hard drive directly to the "player".  Adding NFS or SMB
seems to just complicate things more with a single player.


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Re: [slim] Pandora Upgrade still plays at 128K through Squeezebox Server

2010-07-15 Thread snarlydwarf

fingers;562017 Wrote: 
> I just upgraded my Pandora account to a paid account and selected the
> higher audio quality of 192KB however Squeezebox Server is showing the
> stream is playing still at 128KB.

Pandora only supports 192k streams with their web player or desktop


> High Quality 192Kbps audio, one of the highest-quality streaming music
> bitrates available, for each and every song in our collection, when you
> listen to:
> Pandora on your computer via our website and the Mini Tuner, or via
> the
> Pandora One Desktop Application. 
> Pandora mobile apps and in-home devices currently do not support High
> Quality 192Kbps streams, although we're very interested in expanding
> High Quality audio options at some point in the future.

Yes, many people have asked for it, but until Pandora makes it
available, nothing Logitech can do about it.  Contact Pandora.


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Re: [slim] Need Help

2010-07-14 Thread snarlydwarf

iPhone;561684 Wrote: 
> Hey I have not checked this: Does anybody know if you do a Factory Reset
> if it restores the menus to the default? I would think it would since it
> is a "Factory" reset. If nobody knows for sure, I'll take my last menu
> item off and do one. Easy enough to put just one back, but again I am
> thinking FacReset would restore all menus to default.

Except on the Boom, all the menus are on the server... you'd have to
delete the player from the server.


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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay is

2010-07-02 Thread snarlydwarf

pski;559329 Wrote: 
> Where?
> How do I get the "current"  (not nightly version?)

Squeezeplay only exists in nightly versions, it's still (and may always
be) betaware.

The only 'release' versions are those builds for SqueezeOS (Touch,
Radio and Controller).


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Re: [slim] Slim Pickings

2010-06-29 Thread snarlydwarf

trikisan;558782 Wrote: 
> When I choose "Slim Picks",I get  "failed to parse..."
> Is slim picks now folded into SHOUTcast? I find my favorite SomaFM
> streams there now.
> I'm still a version 6.5 user.
> maybe those in the know can point out some threads here. Search found
> this thread very little else or I have fat fingers today. Thanks.

"Slim Picks" was long ago retired and replaced with 'Staff Picks'.

Since it was just a bunch of bookmarks, it's not all that critical, but
if you want something similar back, you'll need to upgrade SBS to get
the Staff Picks lists.


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Re: [slim] Previous Release Avalaible?

2010-06-25 Thread snarlydwarf


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Re: [slim] SB2 fails to connect to server

2010-06-22 Thread snarlydwarf

tloden;557216 Wrote: 
> I have tried virtually every permutation of installing, re-installing,
> rebooting, upgrading the SB server, downgrading the SB server (I'm now
> on 7.5.1), rebooting my SB2, rebooting my wifi router, rebooting my
> wifi repeater, unplugging my wifi repeater and STILL my SB2 cannot
> connect.
> I'm running W2K.
> Why can't I just specific the IP address of the SB2 to the server?

Because the server does not initiate connections to clients: the
clients initiate a connection to the server.

You can, if you want, specify the settings of the SB2 (ie, IP, netmask,
gateway, and the IP of the srever) by holding the left arrow until you
get to the network setup screen.

> I do see an ARP request from my SB2 for the "Who has ..." for the IP of
> my server. 

if the server never answers that, then that is your problem: have some
sort of firewall installed like ZoneAlarm?  is your server on a vpn?

If your server hides from the SB2, then, well, the sb2 even with the
correct ip will not be able to connect to your server.


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Re: [slim] Ignore function in forum, how does it work

2010-06-20 Thread snarlydwarf

Mnyb;556423 Wrote: 
> I put some tiresome whiners in the list, but i can still see their
> posts ?
> Are they not supposed to dissapear into oblivion in my own pow ?

they don't totally vanish: you'll still see the header of the message
and something like "soandso is on your ignore list, click here to see
this post" instead of the message.

And, yes, ignoring some people is great for your sanity.


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Re: [slim] Logitech 30 Day Trial - Any Way to Get Them to Honour It?

2010-06-19 Thread snarlydwarf

rbz5416;556026 Wrote: 
> Amusingly, they wanted to know why I wanted to return it. I explained
> that the main reason for buying it was for local USB playback without
> SBS & that this was flawed. I was advised that the Touch will not work
> without SBS...

well, technically that is true: but 'SBS' includes 'tinysbs' or
whataver you want to call it (as well as mysb).

I don't think anyone has made a secret of that.


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Re: [slim] Where has the Wiki and Plugins gone?

2010-06-18 Thread snarlydwarf

Rick B.;555835 Wrote: 
> I can access the Forum fine as always, but the Community tab does not
> work, so I can't access the Wiki or plugins. Have they moved?
> Thanks.

Under Community, I have 'Forums' and 'Wiki', so that would be where the
wiki is...

Plugins are on the Wiki, no idea why they're not in the menu, though
with 'modern' versions of SBS you should be using the plugin installer,
it makes life so much simpler. is the
boring old plugin list, again, the plugin installer is much more


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Re: [slim] Firmware 15

2010-06-16 Thread snarlydwarf

The only way it would even potentially be better:

You have a SB2 that was modded and the mod 'corrected' the polarity on
output, which was due to a software bug in versions <= 15 of the SB2.

Even then, it's dubious whether it is meaningful or not.

Ie, VERY old versions of firmware (<=15) had a bug.

Some modder decided to fix it in hardware.

The bug was fixed in software at v16 and later.

So, all you would be doing is (in theory) making things worse, assuming
you believe polarity is discernable.

Do you have a modded SB2?


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Re: [slim] Firmware 15

2010-06-16 Thread snarlydwarf

In short, it's nonsense.


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Re: [slim] Voice Command for Squeezebox? Still Not Much Interest?

2010-06-16 Thread snarlydwarf


SB: Now Playing 'Silence' by John Cage

Me: shut up

SB: Now Playing 'Shut Up' by The Monks.

SB (on hearing the above): Now Playing 'Shut up! Shut up!' by The

etc etc..

Voice command would be problematic in situations where the music is
sufficiently loud to enjoy.


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Re: [slim] Kgo

2010-06-10 Thread snarlydwarf says...

And it works for me.


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Re: [slim] Syncing Problems -

2010-06-08 Thread snarlydwarf

shane732;553547 Wrote: 
> I only really use the multiroom function when I'm having a party so it
> shouldn't be too much of a problem to wire the server to the router in
> such circumstances. 

If you can, keep it wired.

> Does the router itself make any difference? I have to routers one dual
> band Netgear (top of the range router) and a netopia cheap router. The
> netopia seems to get better internet speed so I use it.

Yes, especially in antenna design.

> Should I change to the dual band router?

Only if you have other devices that support it.  Squeezeboxes will stay
in the 2.4G range but if you have a laptop, it could use the 5Ghz are
and not collide... the catch is that a laptop usage is not at all like
a streaming player most of the time: you load a web page and its
graphics, and stop for a while to read it, then load another one... so
it's spikey in usage instead of a constant demand.

> If I wire the server and then access the server from a difference
> laptop it won't cause any problems will it?

Nope, it will all be on the same network still.

> Also what if I used powerline network extenders would they be any
> better than using the built in wi-fi?

Some people swear by them: I've never used them myself, and don't know
how well they work in the US when the typical home has a three-phase
240V incoming connection which is split into two sides of 120V each. 
Old X10 type things had issues "Crossing" between the two sides.  I
would think powerline stuff would have similar issues, but I don't

Have you tried simply changing channels on your router to 1 or 11 and
see if that moves you away from any neighbor noise?


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Re: [slim] Syncing Problems -

2010-06-07 Thread snarlydwarf

shane732;553439 Wrote: 
> I currently have a squeezebox classic and a squeezebox radio. Currently
> both of them are working over a wifi network (i.e. neither of them are
> directly wired to the router).
> When I try to sync the two of them it's awful. The songs stop playing
> every few seconds to allow the classic and the radio to sync. 
> What's the problem with them or is this just the way it is when syncing
> them?
> Should I wire one of them to the router?


Your wireless router will say something about how cool it is that it
can stream 54Mbps or some such, which is way more than you need...

But it leaves out important details: as part of the connection process,
both sides monitor the link and adjust according to what they see as
noise.  And, if there is noise, data gets dropped and has to
retransmit... which makes for rebuffering issues.

Wireless is a nice idea, and works "mostly" but is subject to sharing
the same channels as everyone else (your neighbor's wireless, baby
monitors, intercoms, alarm systems, microwave ovens, "tv extenders" and
all the other junk lives in the same area).

There are a couple things you can do: wire as much as you can. 
Especially make sure the link between your server and the router is
wired. Just wiring this one link will cut your usage of the wifi range
by 50%.  If you can wire the other devices, go for it.

You may also want to change your wireless channel on the router: most
routers come defaulted to channel 6.  Which means most of your
neighbors probably left it there and they are on channel 6, too... Try
1 or 11, as far from them as possible so you won't get their data which
will seem like just noise to you.


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Re: [slim] Firewall setup for internet radio

2010-06-07 Thread snarlydwarf

A bit paranoid?

There's no predicting what port someone will run a music stream on. 
Often it's just a plain old http url, but sometimes they will run
several ports to increase session count or provide multiple different

It would be easiest to allow the SB's to initiate anything they wanted
to the outside world: it's not like the older models have enough memory
to even think about running spamming software (not to mention it would
be tricky to get it on there) and opening sessions started from an
'inside' machine are nowhere near as dangerous as allowing outsiders
in... restricting inside machines completel is nigh impossible if they
need to be usable: darned near anything can be tunnelled over https,
for example, and blocking 443 would cripple most PC usage.

Is whatever you're using for a router able to distinguish between
'established' connections?

In psuedofirewallese:
allow from internal -> external
allow from external -> internal established
deny all


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Re: [slim] Wrong folder numbering

2010-06-06 Thread snarlydwarf

vdorta;553264 Wrote: 
> Thanks, but I don't know if we're on the same page here. I am talking
> about folder, not file naming. I thought this kind of error wouldn't
> appear by now in computing. Evidently, for Squeezebox Server "100"
> comes before "94" because number 1 comes before number 9, and so on.
> Weird.

Not weird at all, that's how sorting works unless you go to great pains
trying to be clever and spotting numbers within a string... nothing I
know of does that.  (ie, not "dir" or "ls" or Windows Explorer or SQL
'order by' clauses or file selection dialogue boxes on your PC...)


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Re: [slim] Wrong folder numbering

2010-06-06 Thread snarlydwarf

vdorta;553252 Wrote: 
> I created individual folders for a Haydn London Symphonies boxed set
> (Symphonies 93 to 104). In the Music Folder, Squeezebox Server shows
> them like this:
> Symphony No. 100
> Symphony No. 101
> - / -
> Symphony 93
> Symphony 94
> etc.

That's odd: numbers should sort before letters.  (ie, '9' in 93 should
sort before 'N' in 'No.')

Or did you fudge the names a bit?

"93" will sort -after- "101" because 9 is greater than 1 in sorting.

Best way to do that would be either to have a leading 0 ("093") of if
that is too geeky, " 93"..  See, a space will sort before numbers, so "
93" will show up before "101".


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Re: [slim] Sound quality

2010-05-26 Thread snarlydwarf

ROBBIE BURNS;550732 Wrote: 
> I have recently hooked up my pc/squeezebox classic to an aduio note dac
> (via coxial cable) which in turn is hooked into my amp and speakers. I
> am ripping cds to flac via media monkey but have noticed a degredation
> in the sound quality compared to using my existing hi fi cd transport
> and dac combination, my question is simple is the dac in the squeezbox
> being bypassed as i have my own dac connected to the sbclassic or iam i
> doing or have i missed something out help please!!!

If you're using the coax out (which looks exactly like the White/Red
left/right analog outputs... I don't recall the color of digital outs),
then yes, you are not using the analog portion of the SB at all.

Note that you -should- set the volume of the SB to 100% (there is a
setting option on the web interface to lock it there) and use the
analog volume on your preamp to adjust volume.

This will ensure the digital stream from the SB is exactly as intended:
it is "bit perfect"... anything else will be (at least slightly)
altered.  You should also turn off 'replay gain' type changes... they
will alter the digital signal (in order to change volume they need to
do that).


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Re: [slim] SB3 display dead. Logitech won't repair it... Even for a fee...

2010-05-25 Thread snarlydwarf

Ford Freak;550566 Wrote: 
> The display on my SB3 cracked. I found this out after I noticed it
> wouldn't come on. I took it apart since my warranty expired long ago
> anyway. I called support to see if they would be able to fix it. They
> said no because it isn't under warranty anymore. WTF!!! Has anybody
> else had this problem? The only thing he could do was offer 50% off a
> new product. I like my V3 so I want to keep it. Even if that means
> fixing it myself. 
> I own a Logitech keyboard and mouse. I really like them. I think it was
> a bad idea for them to take over Slim Devices though. I'm not sure I'd
> want to buy another Logitech device again if they don't offer repairs
> after the warranty expires.

The displays used for the SB3/Classic are no longer made.

I'm sure there are boxes of them in Logitech warehouses, but they no
doubt alloted them all to warranty service parts.

If they had spare displays, they would have used them to extend the
production of the Classic -- the lack of displays left that slot in
their product line ("component item with builtin display") empty for

As has been pointed out here before, that empty slot in the product
line would have killed Slim Devices.  Logitech has much deeper pockets
and can weather out a product shortage much better.


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Re: [slim] Where to post questions for old devices?

2010-05-24 Thread snarlydwarf

lbj2010;550252 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I've got the "original" sqeezebox from Slim devices. It's been working
> perfectly until recently when it no longer will return from standby. I
> suspect it due to the newest firmware update. 
> Where do I post support questions for the "good old" squeezebox? 
> I only find headings for the never Logitech versions.
> Thank you!

Here is fine.


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Re: [slim] squeezebox server help

2010-05-21 Thread snarlydwarf

snix;549659 Wrote: 
> now, first of all apologies if i put this question in the wrong place.
> i have recently upgraded the firmware to squeezebox server 7.5.0 on my
> qnap nas. 
> now my squeezebox duet (both on the duet and the web based interface)
> has messed up how my library is presented. The artists are listed as
> ignoring any small words at the front. i have deleted the ignore words
> from the settings and rescanned, but 'the' is ignored, as is 'kid' (kid
> 606 is under '6' as opposed to 'k')as are most other three letter words
> also '...and you will know them by the trail of dead' and '!!!' have
> both dissapered from my artists completely.
> i've messed around with all the settings and rescanned but nothing
> works
> thanks!

Look closely at your tags.

There are a variety of 'sort' tags ("ARTISTSORTORDER", "TSOP", etc)
that define sorting, which is useful to override server guesses on what
words to eliminate.  (Ie, the classic "The The" from the 80's...).


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Re: [slim] Can I vent?

2010-05-19 Thread snarlydwarf

m1abrams;548915 Wrote: 
> My only real complaint is the Alarm interface on the Radio could be
> better, particularly with how it handles snooze.  It should not be easy
> to mix snooze and alarm off, in fact alarm OFF should be a difficult
> thing to hit.

that's why my SB is across the room: I have to find and use the remote
to shut the thing off.

Someone makes a clock radio that rolls around (off the table and under
the bed) when the alarm goes off for the same reason.  And I recall
someone had one with a game of 'Simon' on the top ... you had to
complete a round before it would shut up.

> FYI - I have an ~8000 track FLAC collection and even use wireless for
> the radio and duet.

My radio is at work, connected to a cheap wireless router, which goes
to a cable modem and connects back to my house for music.

Since it's all Comcast, its actually not bad at all for latency since
it never leaves their network.

I get sad when I take the radio away for a weekend and forget to bring
it back on Monday.


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Re: [slim] Where does the transcoding happen?

2010-05-18 Thread snarlydwarf

Phil Leigh;548665 Wrote: 
> Whoah - rebuffering on a WIRED connection? - packet collision?... or
> something else on the network eating the bandwidth?
> What version of SBS are you running?

Or bad cabling job.

In my former office, well, okay, so that was 12 years ago... the phone
guy did the wiring..  It wasn't even Cat3: he twisted the pairs wrong. 
Instead of TX+/TX- and RX+/RX-, making balanced pairs, his wiring was
TX- and RX-, TX+ and RX+  ... instead of a balanced pair that is
designed to reduce interference, he actually created interference.  It
-mostly- worked until there was enough utilization to make the packet
loss/retransmit noticable and the network would die a nasty death.


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Re: [slim] Where does the transcoding happen?

2010-05-17 Thread snarlydwarf

rfrost;548387 Wrote: 
> I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question, as I've been an SB user for
> >3 years now, but here goes...
> I'm finding that on my SB3, when playing .flac and .m4a (Apple
> lossless?) files, I get stalling on the SB3, as it'll stall, and say,
> "RebufferingÂ… XX%" Where actually is the stall happening, on my slimbox
> or on the server? My server is a fairly robust Intel Pentium fellow
> ("Prescott" CPU) running a well-hacked and very stable version of OSX.
> I also have a SB Touch (and LOVE it!), but I've not noticed if that
> stalls as well.
> So where's the rub, and how might I remedy it?
> Thanks in advance.

Flac isn't transcoded normally (there are exceptions, like if you
deliberately force it to do so, or are using a SliMP3 or SB1 which
doesn't support FLAC natively).

It sounds more like your problem is between SBS (which doesn't do a
whole lot of work to send a FLAC, no more than it does for mp3), and
your SB: ie, your network.

Is this wireless?  Is the server itself wireless, too?  That will use
twice as much available bandwidth as just one wireless hop, and if your
usable bandwidth is low due to noise, a flac could push it over the
edge.  (m4a's are transcoded on the server, and sent as flac, but since
flac itself is being jerky, I don't think your problem is transcoding,
but transmission.)


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Re: [slim] Is the boom being discontinued?

2010-05-14 Thread snarlydwarf

FredFredrickson;547428 Wrote: 
>  It seems Logitech has failed to bring forward these types of news
> items.


In Tonights news, Aliens Didn't Land in Washington, Elvis is Still
Dead, and Logitech has not announced any discontinued productes.

Just what news items are they failing "to bring forward"?


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Re: [slim] Is the boom being discontinued?

2010-05-13 Thread snarlydwarf

kdf;547227 Wrote: 
> They just need to follow the link posted in the original post of that
> thread.  There is a big difference between no further developement and
> discontinued.  Essentially, there is no longer any internal resource
> time
> that will be allocated to developing the older player UI or firmware. 
> The
> limited resources available are clearly going to focus on
> squeezeplay-based devices like the Touch, Radio and Controller.
> Not scary, and not difficult to grasp.

Add in that even if they tossed a million hours into development time,
they are really against the bar on features they can add in the limited
resources of the Boom and other ip3k devices.  Just not enough
memory/flash/cpu to do much more.


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Re: [slim] forums -- now limited to 50 private messages??

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

peterw;546976 Wrote: 
> When did the private message limit shrink?
> "You have 182 messages stored, of a total 50 allowed."
> I could've sworn the old limit was around 500, and it's been less than
> a month since I received my last PM. Anybody know what's up? Matt?
> Michael?


  You have 78 messages stored, of a total 500 allowed.

You must have misbehaved more than I do.

(No clue why it would change for you but you're not totally
delusional remembering it at 500.  For whatever reason, mine's still


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox randomly drops station

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

MrSinatra;545598 Wrote: 
> well, like i said earlier, its interesting to me that all the focus was
> being put on the sonicwall, when you can listen to the same stream on
> winamp just fine.

I suggest you read the thread: the OP brought up the Sonicwall -- it
worked fine at his location, not at the clients, and the clients are
behind a SonicWall.

If you've had the displeasure of using a SonicWall, you would know why
I abhor them.

A sample setup:
client PC's behind a sonic wall
web server outside the sonic (NOT in the 'dmz', the port labelled DMZ
is not a DMZ according to SonicWall support.  "Box no do that" is the
direct quote.)

Very simple.

HTTP Posts for me (outside the sonicwall to the web server): I uploaded
20M flv files in a second or two.

HTTP post for people behind the sonic wall of the same files: 2

Not exaggerating.

In order to make their life better, we used a second ethernet port on
the web server with a net-10 address so that they could actually post
in a reasonable time by bypassing the Sonic.  Of course, that totally
destroys the point of having a fireall when a public facing and highly
visible web server has an ethernet port on the 'secured' network.

Amazingly bad crap.

It was switched out for a Linux box running shorewall, and the
complaints about speed went away.  Not only did their access to their
own web server speed up, so did their access to everything on the

do you have contradictory experience with SonicWall?

> some people tend to focus on shifting blame from all things slim, no
> matter what.  thats unfortunate, since it doesn't help improve slim.

Again, read the first post.  I didn't bring up SonicWall: the OP did,
and I expressed my experience with it.  We had three of the things,
they all got written off and given away.

What is your experience with SonicWalls?

Now back to the killfile you go.


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Re: [slim] What product you'd like to see next

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

garym;545307 Wrote: 
> I'm no fan of DRM, but if you have a DRM song on itunes, you can synch
> this to 1,000 ipods if you have that many. The restriction is how many
> different COMPUTERS (running itunes) can be authorized to use that DRM
> song. I think the number is 5, but this may have changed.

Not quite that simple: an iPod can only contain music from 5 iTunes
accounts.  But yeah, seems there is no restriction on the number of
iPods.  (not like I'd ever buy an ipod...)

It's still silly, and still nothing Logitech can do about it.

(Nor, really, can those who sell DRM -- they have contracts in place
that list the terms of playback, and would have to define exactly how a
Squeezebox fits into the scheme of limits... which is hard to do when
you already have signed contracts in place.  No one wants to


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Re: [slim] What product you'd like to see next

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

Muele;545270 Wrote: 
> +DRM. If my server has the rights to play a track, it should be able to
> stream it through SBS.

That is almost certainly out of the hands of Logitech.

It comes down to "you are licensed to play this on X registered

In this case, it isn't your PC that is playing it, rather a SB, which
isn't a registered device, nor is it easy to extend the usual DRM t&c
to squeezeboxes (ie, what if you have multiple SBs?  what if they're
synced?  or what if they're each playing different DRM'd material?)

If you have DRM'd itunes content, for example: can you play it on every
iPod you own, or only on a limited number of devices, including

Just say no to DRM: the restrictions on DRM'd content are far too
random to work well at all when multiple devices are involved.  Not
just for technical reasons (someone would have to get a copy of the drm
decoder that was possible to use within SBS), but also for legal reasons
on deciding what devices can play content.

It sucks, yes, but, then, DRM isn't there to make your life better,
rather it is specifically designed to limit your playback options.


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Re: [slim] rreeee buffering!!!

2010-05-12 Thread snarlydwarf

You appear to have some problem between the SBReceiver and the file on
the disk.  That could be one of three likely things (in no particular

a) Server overloaded (virus scans, etc, will slow down a server and
may even make it painful to use).
b) Network overloaded, especially if using wireless.
c) Network has high error rate (which will also make it overloaded),
again, especially using wireless.

I would assume it's not a) since you don't complain of the server
itself being painful to use.

b) and c) depend on your situation: you want as little wireless as

Your wireless router is like a hub: all packets go through it.  If the
server needs to send data to the player, it has to send it to the
router, which sends it to the player.

So, if you do that, you are using twice the bandwidth to move data. 
Avoid that, especially if you have network problems already.  Try to
wire the server to the router.

Most routers, at least in the US, come preset to channel 6.  Unless you
changed it, yours is probably there, too.  So is your neighbors.  Try
channel 1 or 11.  (The channels are like oldschool TV channels:
remember ghosting, when you'd watch channel 5 and see ghosts from
channel 4?  Same thing applies to WiFi and then some: the ghost data
appears on the two channels above and two channels below your actual
channel.  So keep nice spacing between where you are and where your
neighbors are to reduce that: it will only appear as noise to you.. and
will reduce your usable bandwidth.)


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Re: [slim] Hmnnn..any reason why my box might have been resealed at the factory??

2010-05-02 Thread snarlydwarf

Gazjam;542685 Wrote: 
> Im serious...
> anyone any clues?
> This is just before I contact Logitech directly and make a "case" about
> this...
> Thanks.

You do know this is not only not an official logitech support channel,
it is NOT the shipping department for Logitech so it's unlikely anyone
here has a clue or cares about this.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox randomly drops station

2010-04-29 Thread snarlydwarf

hellbringer616;541649 Wrote: 
> Where might that be located? the sonicwall has a pretty big web
> interface..

It should be under 'TCP Settings'


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox randomly drops station

2010-04-29 Thread snarlydwarf

hellbringer616;541649 Wrote: 
> Where might that be located? the sonicwall has a pretty big web
> interface..

It should be under 'TCP Settings'


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox randomly drops station

2010-04-28 Thread snarlydwarf

One thing to check on the SonicWalls: when I had a web server behind
them, my ssh connections would drop if I idled "too long".  They (like
many NAT boxes) try to limit their table sizes by deciding connections
have expired.

There is a "Default Connection Timeout" setting that is, by default set
to 5 minutes.

It may be that the connection to MySB is idle enough that the SonicWall
is closing that connection, which may do bad things like drop the other
connection eventually.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox randomly drops station

2010-04-27 Thread snarlydwarf

hellbringer616;541149 Wrote: 
> on you can add "favorites" i added my dyndns connected
> to the media server to it. and it picked up perfectly.

Ah, well then you're using SBS (well, the customized-version that is
MySB...)  That makes more sense.

> From what you say though it is indeed the sonicwall then, As on my
> 10mbps home internet it would connect and stay connected perfectly.
> (hence why i thought maybe it was the fractional T1)

They don't perform well at all under load, which is pretty sad.  It's
like they insist on doing connection tracking and then fall over when
their connection tables fill.

Bizarre and makes no sense at all to me, because as best I could tell,
the Sonicwalls are simply Linux or BSD boxes with some icky custom
software.  There is no reason they shouldn't be able to move around a
TON more packets.  But.. they don't.

Maybe massively simplifying rules could help, but when they started
having bonus deletions (as in click to delete one rule with the horrid
web interface, and watch it delete a couple others for no reason...)
they became a "don't touch this or it will all explode" sort of thing.

> I sadly can't touch some of the features in the sonicwall as thats
> something only the head admin can do. I'll bring it up to him.
> Any settings that i could change that may work?

Not that I know of: as I said, ours got "retired".


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox randomly drops station

2010-04-27 Thread snarlydwarf

hellbringer616;541132 Wrote: 
> Or their business class router (i believe it's called a sonicwall, But
> i'd have to check)

Ugh, you do NOT want to know the words I would use to describe my
experiences with SonicWall.  Firewalls that drop packets under load are
Very Bad, especially when the load is really around 15Mpbs or so.  It
was so overloaded the web administration pages would barely load.

Deleting a rule on the SonicWalls would "sometimes" delete other rules.
There is no "save my config to a tftp server" or "dump the config in
text so I can look at it.."  You need to use their horrid web interface
for everything, and repeated 'print this page' to print out the config.

If I said what I thought about SonicWalls, I would be booted from the
forum forever.

That said, the SonicWalls at work have been replaced with a Linux box.

> Called logitech and all they did was whine that i'm not using their
> squeeze server software..

Then I'm not surprised things drop.  Squeezeboxes are not smart: they
need to talk to a server for 'command and control'.  The server can
tell them "go get a stream from this URL" but... you need a server to
do that much.

How are you telling the SB to connect to a URL without SBS?


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Re: [slim] Spotify on Squeezebox now possible?

2010-04-26 Thread snarlydwarf

dnm;540718 Wrote: 
> I am assuming you are referring to the facilitate "stream ripping"
> clause? Could be solved through license by agreement and sending
> scrambled audio (in such a way that spotify agrees too). Nothing
> magical about it.

Right, and put that into an open source server, so the 'scrambling'
would be documented?

> Hopefully not every time you add a channel to network broadcasting you
> would throw out the TV?

No, I would demand that when they added color to NTSC, or opened up
UHF, or switched to ATSC, that the TV maker supply me with a new tv or
retrofit my existing one to make it just work.

The Squeezebox line has been excellent in adding services, the feature
set of old products keeps growing.. but when someone uses Yet Another
Simulated DRM method for no real reason, it's just silly.  There is a
limit to the number of codecs that can be supported, especially on ip3k
platforms.  And when DRM is involved, that code can't simply be moved to
the server.


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Re: [slim] Spotify on Squeezebox now possible?

2010-04-26 Thread snarlydwarf

dnm;540687 Wrote: 
> I bought the Logitech SqueezeBox Duet *this* year (2010). And you are
> not supporting it?
> Great. Just great. Excellent customer experience.
> I am sure with those parameters you are targeting the most of your user
> base.
> Seriously? You can do better.

Who says they're not supporting it?

Your Duet did not come with Spotify support.

If Spotify's license does not allow SBS to retrieve a stream, and send
it onto another device, well, then, how would you magically make the
Duet handle it?

You think Logitech should dispatch an upgrade crew to your home and
replace your hardware?

You know, when we got DTV, I remember how the big Sony truck pulled up
to my house, and took out the old NTSC set and replaced it with a 42"
flat panel.  They did the same thing years before when UHF channels
first appeared, and before that when TV started adding color

"I want it to work!" is not about to shoehorn software into places it
can't fit.


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Re: [slim] Still using Slimserver 6.2.1 - What am i missing?

2010-04-26 Thread snarlydwarf

plugins like Erland's...

(I think those date to around 6.5 or so.)


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Re: [slim] What If Logitech Partnered with VortexBox?

2010-04-22 Thread snarlydwarf

I think it would be a support nightmare.

Adding KDE/Gnome/WINE would raise the support level needed.

There isn't a license issue with redistributing WINE.  It's GPL.


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Re: [slim] Non current loads

2010-04-21 Thread snarlydwarf


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Alarm Sycronization

2010-04-21 Thread snarlydwarf

calenb2;538475 Wrote: 
> My next step is to figure out how to setup a "Master." I'll look for the
> setting tonight, any tips?

It's not a setting.  It's whichever player you sync to.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Alarm Sycronization

2010-04-20 Thread snarlydwarf

calenb2;538210 Wrote: 
> Do any of you know if it is possible to syncronize Alrams across several
> Squeezebox Booms?
> I know you can change them on, but they have to be
> done individually.

If you sync them, and then schedule an alarm on the 'master', they will
all wake up and play in sync.

(Having done this accidentally where the bedroom/livingroom players
were synced and both alarmed in the morning... I hit 'off' on the
bedroom player and the living room kept playing)


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Re: [slim] Battery Door for Squeezebox 3 remote?

2010-04-19 Thread snarlydwarf

pski;537779 Wrote: 
> OK but does it work on a SB3?



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Re: [slim] Upgrade to 7.5, then Player Not Found

2010-04-16 Thread snarlydwarf

Oppala;536345 Wrote: 
> SB3 and WinXP. Had the upgrade nag for a few weeks, finally relented on
> Wed. SB3 hasn't worked since, Player Not Found.
> I've checked diag in Control Panel, all seems ok. I've changed Security
> in SBS Advanced\Network to address 198.127.1.* and I've rebooted
> everything. I've checked the Ports, these seem to be ok, tho assume
> diag would highlight this if it was a problem.

192.127.1.* would be a network at Lawrence Berkeley Lab... I don't
think that's correct.

It would be best to NOT use that unless your server happens to be on
the real internet instead of behind a router.

That may very well be your problem, since your players will most likely
be 192.168 something, and is the local machine.


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Re: [slim] Serious question about current quality

2010-04-16 Thread snarlydwarf

herbman;536135 Wrote: 
> I'm detecting a small note of hostility in some of these responses. I'm
> really just asking some questions and expressing some concerns; there's
> no need to jump on me for it. I was an early supporter and will likely
> be a future supporter, I'm just trying to get a grasp on the best
> timing for what will work for me.

I don't think any hostility was intended.

But your problem reminds me of an ex..  She took a photography class
three years or so ago, and the instructor insisted everyone use film,
not digital cameras.  The logic was 'digital cameras are outdated as
soon as you buy them, so you should invest in film'.

Total nonsense: unless you pay a small fortune for a top of the line
slr and lenses and film, film is outdated already.   Yes, there will
always be "something better" coming in the future.. but you deprive
yourself of the present for that.

(Not to mention, especially for students, digital is a gift: feel free
to waste as many shots as you learn, it substantially lowers the cost
of experimentation.)

So, yeah, some year there will be a Boom2 (or would it be Radio++?). 
There will be a SuperTouch or whatever.  But why deprive yourself of
present and near-term (for some definition of that... who knows if it
will be a year or 4?) in hopes of that future product, which will also
be superceded at some point...

If you have the money, choose the player that suits your needs, it's
silly to wait for future technology.


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Re: [slim] Serious question about current quality

2010-04-16 Thread snarlydwarf

herbman;536092 Wrote: 
> I know back in the day (slimp3, sb1(no g, g), etc.) that many people
> would have issues with the server responses, etc.. but as an
> experienced user/sysadmin-type I could always work with whatever. With
> the motion towards the player-side thicker logic, it seems that the
> general quality level is a bit more challenged these days.

hrm, I don't think so.. certainly there is more complexity and
complexity causes problems.. but I'd say the vast majority of problems
are "cross platform" (ie, wireless, mysql, some SBS services, etc).

> My question: For slim-experienced and generally technically capable
> folks, are the new devices production-stable enough for daily use?
> Which is best? I'd be inclined to think the boom just from its legacy
> design sw-wise. Do people feel that the boom will be on its way out
> soon to be replaced by a similar squeezeplay-based device? I don't want
> to get a boom and then have it feel like a stepchild in 1-2 releases,
> but I'd prefer it over radio for the sound quality.

The boom is rock solid, but the 'best' would depend on the

> Since I already have the slimp3 in the living room, this next one would
> be more likely a bedroom or kitchen purchase.

Sounds like Boom or Radio.  Which would be ideal depends on the form
factor you need, and perhaps portability.  (The Boom wins for
better/louder sound, but, then the radio can run off batteries... when
the sun comes out here I wonder if I should bring my Radio back home to
take outside... or keep using the boom for that...)

Considering current SBS still supports slimp3's (just not on the touch
since the 'slimmer' clients take more server work), I wouldn't worry
about "stepchild" products.

Now if only other Consumer Electronic products had such a great


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Re: [slim] Do not upgrade to 7.5

2010-04-15 Thread snarlydwarf

GoCubs72;535420 Wrote: 
> Guys, let's be constructive.  Some of the responses completely
> contradict the guys at slimdevices on their own bug tracker (see
> below).  I won't go through the line items, but it'll be pretty obvious
> when you look at their feedback.
> So - back to constructiveIF you are having issues with 7.5 and the
> stream stops playing, please take 2 min, sign up and vote here.  This
> was the first time I have done so and have been some immediate
> responses from the (legacy) slimdevices team.  This is the only
> visibility they have to the challenges:  

How does that relate to your Boom?

The cited bug is filed against the radio.


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Re: [slim] Do not upgrade to 7.5

2010-04-14 Thread snarlydwarf

GoCubs72;534788 Wrote: 
> Alfista, incorrect.  All of my SBs, including the Boom, requested
> update.  This is a wide spread well known issue that has rendered many
> SBs to be bricks.  

Oh, please.

"Slacker plays one song then stops" is hardly a brick.

(In fact it may very well have NOTHING to do with firmware on your
players but more likely changes at MySB.COM and/or slacker   Your
overstatements of the problem only detract for making a proper


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