Re: [slim] Squeezebox switches off

2008-01-28 Thread vrobin

I think I've seen such a thing, but it was after a firmware update,
never in other circumstances.

I think you have a network problem or something else (dhcp lease?
wireless problems? bottlenecked server?)

If you can, try using SB directly in squeezenetwork with an ethernet
cable to the router, if this "blank problem" persists, it could reveal
an hardware problem.


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Re: [slim] Album Artist vs. Band (TPE2) tags

2008-04-10 Thread vrobin

This suggestion may be naïve, but wouldn't it be possible to create some
sort of "tagging scheme" configuration, in the spirit of the format
transcoding configuration?

This "tagging scheme" would permit to create tag mapping on the fly. 

It could be in a dumb way:
For every type of file (flac, mp3, m4a), or type of tag format (id3v1,
id3v2.x, vorbis comment) the user could map every given tag (standard
and evolved... and why not personnal tags) to a given known
SqueezeCenter tag.

Or in a more evolved way:
- Scanner record every tag found in  every file of the user music
library, store them in the database (tag name/type not tag value)
- User is then prompted to map those dynamically found tags type to a
given known SqueezeCenter tag (a multiple "select box" with "found
tags", "squeezecenter tags" and "add" "remove" button could do the

In either case, it would be interesting to create default "tagging
scheme" for the basic user. "Pop/rock tagging scheme", "classical
tagging scheme", "itunes tagging scheme", "windows media player tagging
scheme", "picard tagging scheme". The user could then freely customize a
given pre-made tagging scheme.

I think it's important to keep in mind that there is no such thing as
"the good solution". So, giving the user the power to decide (or to use
multiple predefined settings) is the only way to get everybody happy.

Is this a dream?


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Re: [slim] Album Artist vs. Band (TPE2) tags

2008-04-11 Thread vrobin

The message I wrote earlier about some sort of "tag mapping
customization" seems to have been overwhelmed by
tpe2/band/albumartist/txxx messages.

Is the idea totally broken? or definitely too complicated ? or not user
friendly enough? and doesn't worth talking about it?

To answer MrSinatra, I can code, and I put a lot of free time working
on a metadata handling framework that begins to reveals itself useful
(for me at least... I must admit that is not *yet* a good definition of
"universal" :) ). This work -I aim this goal- would permit to adapt
tagging to any format and any existing software or softwares that are
yet to come (and little after, I plan to rule the world, but that's
another thread;) ).


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Re: [slim] Album Artist vs. Band (TPE2) tags

2008-04-11 Thread vrobin
bum name, tracks name) or in a complex way (It is
designed to be compatible with AMG and Discogs data model... right now
I still have to check if it can also fit Amazon model)
- a Perl library to handle this data model in memory, and
serialize/deserialize it in xml files
- a set of DataSource plugins (to get data from Discogs, Amazon,
FreeDB, cduniverse, etc.) to fill xml
- a set of DataExporter plugins that can tag mp3 files, tag flac files,
print a report, etc.

Right now, I have beta versions of these four components (more a Proof
Of Concept needing perl coding to be used, than a real ready-to-use
tool, but I'm using it), and I'm working on some kind of graphical
interface to make it friendly and accessible before it's released. (you
can have to wait another six months as after having to learn perl again
in the beginning of this project, I now have to learn tk widgets tkx
programming:) ).


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[slim] Duet Software update

2008-04-13 Thread vrobin

I'm experiencing strange behaviour with the controller.

>From time to time (from twice a day to every two day), at boot time,
the controller show the "Software Update" screen demanding me to "Begin
update" saying "Updated software is available for this remote. ("It may
take a few minutes to update to version 7.0.1 r2223").

I've seen in the forums that there is a problem with the advanced
setting menu "check for update", but I never use this function.

I'm running "SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0.1 - TRUNK" updated from svn
less than a week ago.

What's wrong with my controller? Is it loosing last updated firmware
when it runs out of battery? I really don't understand...


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Re: [slim] Duet Software update

2008-04-13 Thread vrobin

Thanks for the information... I'll double check next time, but I'm
pretty certain "software update" demands happen even when I haven't
updated SC via svn. (I've seen a firmware in one of my checkouts, but I
may have been forced to update controller maybe ten times, while I
barely did three svn updates :-/ )

Is it worth filling a bug report if I continue experiencing this
problem without svn updating?


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Re: [slim] Duet Software update

2008-04-13 Thread vrobin

gharris999;290969 Wrote: 
> I would say, yes, if you have the auto update setting set to "don't" and
> if the SBC update prompts happen more then once between SC svn updates. 
> That sounds like a bug to me.

I saw no "auto update" setting in the controller, but I have:
SqueezeCenter->Settings->Advanced->Software Updates set to
"Automatically check for software updates"

According to the popup help, it only displays message when a new
version is available... is this what you were talking about?

Anyway, I'm looking closer as this problem and report it as soon as it
happens again.


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Re: [slim] Duet Software update

2008-04-13 Thread vrobin

Ok, thank you very much! I see things clearer now :).

The "automatically check for updates" does more than the pop-up help

I verified and there is a firmware update in SC cache:
$ ls -l /var/cache/slimserver/jive_7.0.1_r2223.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 slim slim 11433024 2008-04-12 22:28

So this should be the point. I'll take a closer look at version and
dates on firmware downloaded by SC the next time controller asks for an
update. No bug report should be needed.


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Re: [slim] iPeng, iPhone i/iTouch skin - new version

2008-04-15 Thread vrobin

[EMAIL PROTECTED];291646 Wrote: 
> Im a newbie to ipeng and have a question.
> When viewing the playlist that is playing is it possible
> to view the entire list if it has a large number of songs say
> 25-30.The ipod touch cant scroll and only shows maybe first 10-11
> songs.
> This by the way is by far the best plugin Ive ever seen for Slim
> Devices.

At first sight, I would say that it's a SqueezeCenter parameter. There
is options (at least in random mix) to specify how much tracks
(backward and forward) is displayed in the playlist...


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Re: [slim] iPeng, iPhone i/iTouch skin - new version

2008-04-15 Thread vrobin

Looks like I was totally wrong... I'll think twice next time ;)


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Re: [slim] Stats on what I've been playing

2008-04-16 Thread vrobin

There also is a page with a list of song played. It's available without
trackstats, but I don't know if you can access it with the default

I remember having seen it with Fishbone skin. Select "Fishbone" skin,
and look for a menu like "about", "information", "statistics" (can't
check it right now).



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Re: [slim] Duet Software update

2008-04-16 Thread vrobin

Just a word to confirm the facts. There's definitely no bug there. Each
time the duet asks for an upgrade, there's a recent file (two hours old
maximum) in /var/cache.

Is there a Changelog to consult for this new firmwares?


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Re: [slim] Duet Software update

2008-04-16 Thread vrobin

That's enough for me to see what's going on. What can I say... except
Thank you again ;).



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Re: [slim] Duet: Hardware Feedback

2008-04-18 Thread vrobin

If there would have been a poll in this thread... i would alos vote
"yes, the controller wheel needs enhancement"


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN before alarm occurs

2008-04-29 Thread vrobin

With the SB architecture, there's not much you can wait from the SB. But
if I were you, I would look at the tools you can find for your bios

A lot of motherboards have "clock wake up" capability in the bios. And
I know too that tools exists to program this bios parameter from the
computer (linux mostly, but it should exist in windows). So the only
solution I can imagine would be to create a plugin that set the "wake
up clock" of the bios each time it sends the computer to sleep, just
before issuing the sleep or shutdown command.


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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-30 Thread vrobin

Still no access to the old InfoBrowser wiki content?


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[slim] Deleted Alarm, back from the deads ?!

2008-10-05 Thread vrobin


I've seen bug reports for alarms that don't trigger, but this Sunday,
I've met the opposite problem. 

The alarm I had set to wake me up on Saturday morning (it was
programmed for every day of the week) and erased on Saturday evening
woke me up this Sunday!

I first thought that I had forgotten to click the "save button" after
deletion, but when I double checked every player alarms, I just found
my usual working day alarm.

Is there a known bug about this concern? (couldn't find anything
related on bugzilla) I hope this problem won't happen again, because my
girlfriend would be angry against the very new system I've just
installed in the bedroom.. that would be bad ;).


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Re: [slim] Custom artwork for internet streams?

2008-10-19 Thread vrobin

mherger;350541 Wrote: 
> > what i want to know is how to put images in a shoutcast stream...
> I think you need to add "StreamUrl=..." with the url to your icon to
> the  
> stream's metadata.
> Michael

Do you mean that you can assign a picture with each radio stream by
appending a parameter to the original stream url? (doesn't really look
like this, but your answer is very short...


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Re: [slim] Custom artwork for internet streams?

2008-10-19 Thread vrobin

Squonk;284983 Wrote: 
> Hi, all. Forgive me if this has been answered; I couldn't find anything
> by searching. Is there a way to replace the generic radio tower icon
> that is displayed when playing a streaming station? I see in the image
> properties that it might reside somewhere called [server
> ip]/music/102/cover_96x96_p.png, but I can't find that directory or
> file in order to replace it with a custom graphic. 
> Thanks in advance.

Some times ago, I wrote a plugin skeleton that retrieve metadata and
song cover from the internet of each radio I play, there is also a
default icon when the song cover is not available. This could do what
you're looking for, but it's not ready to use and require writing some
code for every stream you want, so it won't help you much if you're
looking for an easy way to do it.

I don't know if SC support specific icon for a given stream, but if it
doesn't, maybe we should open a feature request un bugzilla...


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Re: [slim] Custom artwork for internet streams?

2008-10-20 Thread vrobin

@mherger: Reading this thread, it seems to me that this StreamUrl was
related to shoutcast metadata, but there was a doubt in your message.
No there is no doubt anymore :).

@andyg: Talking about radio paradise, you write: "provide an XML
metadata file that can be queried on each track change". Do you mean
that some sort of event is sent by the server when the track change? If
it's what you mean, is it true for every station? I thought that most
basic old school internet radio was just an endless mp3 streamed
through http with an header at the beginning and data without

Anyway, if you're planning to add support for metadata information for
radio through XML, I'll be glad to here about it with more details. Not
that I have much time to spend on it, but I'll be glad to convert my
quick and dirty "not really a plugin" code to something cleaner.

Many radios (at least all the ones I'm listening to) don't support any
kind of metadata. They just rely on old school web broadcasting company
that record the radio stream and broadcast it through http without any
value added (at least that's how it is in france!). It's just a "web
pipe for the radio".

At the same time, all these radios I'm listening to provide web
interface with song title, album title, artist name, url to album
cover, year of release. Sometimes, this data is not available (at night
for example) and it's interesting to "fallback" cover with the radio

It would be interesting to add some sort of plugin hook for a plugin
that would register a stream url / or an url mask and that would return
a properly set xml data when asked for song/stream information.

There is some web metadata url (very basic informations):


Frequence Jazz:



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Re: [slim] Custom artwork for internet streams?

2008-10-21 Thread vrobin

andyg;351590 Wrote: 
> Please read up on the Icy metadata protocol if you don't understand how
> MP3 streaming works.

There's a nice little introduction to this protocol at this url...
Know, I understand how it works :).

andyg;351590 Wrote: 
> The officially supported version of this will work for stations that
> support it.  WMA stations can also send metadata but there is no
> defined standard for how it should be formatted.  I will be adding at
> least one official metadata module for a set of WMA stations in Italy
> that I have documentation for.
> The code developed for this will include the necessary hooks for your
> plugin to add other, more ugly, screen-scraping types of metadata
> modules.  I think there is already a bug open for that.  Stay tuned.

I don't remember if I filled a feature request in bugzilla for this
(maybe I did). Anyway, I'm tuned! :).

(long live the slimdevices products!)


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Re: [slim] 7.3 when?

2008-11-08 Thread vrobin

Scheduled for first week of december according to this post:


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Re: [slim] Just hooked up my new duet!

2008-11-11 Thread vrobin

The advice I gave several times there, is to try the way you want to go
on 10 to 30 albums (including weird genres like classical and jazz if
you have). Use this sample for one month and then you can decide if
it's the good way to go for 700 albums. (I changed my mind three times
at least).



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[slim] SB3 VFD Luminosity (beloved one can not sleep)

2008-11-20 Thread vrobin

Since I plugged my old SB3 to the little amp and speakers I bought for
the bedroom, I'm discovering happiness of multi-room and synchronized
playback... this is purely marvelous for the music lover I am.

But (in every good story, there is a "but"²) my girlfriend complains
about the SB3 VFD luminosity, even in minimal luminosity she's waked up
by the light.

Is it possible to set minimal luminosity to be darker? (id would be
nice if configuration from 0 to 4 was mapped to a 0-100 value and thus
1 could be mapped to 5% or 10% instead of 25%)

If this isn't possible, could it be possible to change the font for a
thinner one and to display only the clock and not the date in minimal
font size? (maybe with datetime plugin?)

Thanks for the answers you could give.

²: no, there's no letter missing


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Re: [slim] What is the origin or meaning of your user name?

2008-11-21 Thread vrobin

Khuli;362147 Wrote: 
> Strangely I never notice that your avatar is a skunk - it always looks
> like a B1 bomber taking off to me

It's crazy, I always thought it was some sort of geometrical view of a
Concorde plane :) !
I wasn't seeing the skunk as a sort of badger but only to a five spike
leave :)


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Re: [slim] SB3 VFD Luminosity (beloved one can not sleep)

2008-11-21 Thread vrobin

Thank you very much mark for this hint. I knew I've seen something like
this in the past, but looking quickly, I couldn't retrieve it.

I'll try with this setting but I think it will be ok (I just fear I
won't be able to read it in the middle of the night). I didn't
understand your explanation about setting the hour and date separately.
To me, the apparition of the date is only relative to the font type (i
mean that with some font size the date is present, with other, it

I could also try light narrow with a simple date format.

The idea of photo filter has already been studied, but I prefer not
having the clock than being forced to put some plastic sheet on the SB
screen. I already had to put some blu-tack on the bright blue led
indicating the input of the power amp :). (Teac has made a dimmer
function on the remote, but put some bright blue led on the machine...
idiot engineers!)


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Re: [slim] SB3 VFD Luminosity (beloved one can not sleep)

2008-11-22 Thread vrobin

lanierb;362380 Wrote: 
> For the SB3 in my bedroom I just have the display turn off when it's not
> playing music.  That will solve your problem.

Thanks for the hint, I already did this. The problem is that when the
display is turned off... I can't read the time on the SB3 in the middle
of the night :).

MeSue;362389 Wrote: 
> You could try the "Auto Dim Display" plugin. It lets you set certain
> hours of the day when the display should be off. I used it until I
> replaced the SB2 in my bedroom with a Boom.

That's another way to follow. It seems that the font "high" is dark
enough, but it's a little too small for being really usefull. I'll try
to use the plugin and the thin medium font. 

Looking at the answers and the plugin, I'm not the first to meet this
"problem" :).


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Re: [slim] SB3 VFD Luminosity (beloved one can not sleep)

2008-11-24 Thread vrobin

bpa;362490 Wrote: 
> Boom effectively solved the problem with special brightness h/w - IIRC
> during beta users requested dimmer settings than were initially
> provided.
> Another alternative would be to create your own font (e.g. use exisintg
> font and make letters thinner). I believe it's not too hard but tedious.
> I can't remember the process in detail but basically either edit with a
> standard graphics tool or there is a conversion tool from a TrueType
> font.

Maybe one day I'll have a look at the font creation process, but as I
have several more urgent things ongoing, it will surely reported to
whenever :). At worst, I'll stick to HIGH font which seems to be
compatible with the sleep of my girlfriend :).

peter;363010 Wrote: 
> Yeah, I know that problem. I bought a cheap green Ikea alarm clock with
> big LCD digits (which helps cause I'm -4). It has a big button on top 
> which lights the LCD for about 5 seconds. I don't use the alarm 
> function; that's what the SB3 is for.
> Regards,
> Peter

I still have an old radio alarm clock next to the bed, but I'm planning
to dump it soon, so this isn't really an option :).

Mark Lanctot;363084 Wrote: 
> Yes, you're right - if you set a small enough font it won't display the
> date even if you set a date in the formatting section.
> And yes, the High font is very small.  I could use it because it was
> right beside the pillow, but if I was on the far side of the bed I had
> a hard time seeing it...

The SB3 is also beside my pillow, but being sleepy and short-sighted is
too much for the small size of the font. I wonder what makes the date
disappear (could it be tweaked in SC?)... it would be nice to have just
the clock with the upper sized font.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-25 Thread vrobin

Judging by the screenshots, you did an incredible work (in the right
following of iPeng skin). I'm longing to try it tonight.

Thanks for being such a good contributor of the SB community!



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread vrobin

bodajmac;364166 Wrote: 
> hi pippin,
> another query for you (you must be exhausted fielding all these support
> questions!)

Maybe it's time for you to enhance pinguinlovesmusic site with a FAQ
and a bugtracker with "enhancement/wishlist" category ;) (I vote for
random play in the wishlist)



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Re: [slim] Fip Radio - any plugin to display song info?

2009-08-30 Thread vrobin


After a long time without working on this plugin, I'm currently doing
some cleanup in the package and adding a repository xml for auto
install. If you're still interested, I'll post a message there when the
new package is ready.



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Re: [slim] Ran out of decoder PRAM!

2007-07-16 Thread vrobin

I also experienced this kind of error... few seconds of radio stream
play than freeze and unplug/replug necessary. But without the message.

As this wasn't radios I was interested in, I let go. You should open a
bug report in bugzilla.


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Re: [slim] Ran out of decoder PRAM!

2007-07-16 Thread vrobin

bpa;215027 Wrote: 
> If this is an OGG stream then bug #5167 is the same.
> If it is an OGG stream then the workaround is to disable under Server
> Settings/Filetypes OGG (built-in)

If this happen again, I'll give a try to this workaround, even if I'm
not sure at all it was an ogg radio. I'll see when the moment is


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Re: [slim] Partial thumbnail cover lost when "look for new and changed music"

2007-07-26 Thread vrobin

egd;217235 Wrote: 
> You're not alone, this often occurs when doing an update scan and the
> only way I know how to resolve the issue is to clear the library and do
> a full rescan, which is a PITA.  From my experience it seems the
> slimserver version is irrelevant.

Ok, this is a known problem and the known workaround is "full rescan".

Isn't there any other workaround?
Is there a bug for it open in bugzilla?
If this problem is well known, is somebody taking care of it? Or is it
a "no I won't fix your bug" one?


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[slim] Partial thumbnail cover lost when "look for new and changed music"

2007-07-26 Thread vrobin


I'm annoyed from the beginning with a little bug. From now, I was used
to "clear library and rescan everything" but as my song collection is
growing this is becoming more and more annoying.

Here is my problem:
- clear library and rescan everything" always works perfectly wether
the artwork is a song artwork in a flac file, a folder.jpg in my
directory and everything.
- when using "loook for new and changed music", song covers are
displaying in the "now playing"; album covers are displayed well when I
click on the album but some² thumbnails are broken displaying the grey
question mark, but the img name isn't "generic":

Is this a known problem? (I've look around but only found "complete
artwork broken" problems, not partial like this one.
Is there a workaround?
Should I move this problem right now in bugzilla?

²: around 10 broken covers on 150 albums


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Re: [slim] Partial thumbnail cover lost when "look for new and changed music"

2007-07-27 Thread vrobin

I did it. It was already existing in bugzilla since july 10th. The bug I
have filled has been merged with the other and it's been assigned to

Now, wait and see...



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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

At least the question worth be asked. I did it in the past weeks with
the same basic ideas (database constructing on another computer,

What erland says is quite true. Better user-friendlyness really matters
now. And a lot of people don't mind having a computer switched on to
play music... but this only partially right.

The first question everybody's asking when they see my squeezebox is:
"And you can play your music without your computer on? With an usb hard
disk plugged in it?"

They are very disappointed when I must admit there must be a computer
on to use the squeezebox... and they don't even care about my "low
consumption and totally silent EPIA PC", it's too late. They don't want
to have their computer on to listen to music, if it's on, they have
winamp. (it's a little basic approach but the idea is there).

Would't a uPNP/MediaCenter compatibility for the Squeezebox be some
sort of good solution?

If I only have a NAS uPNP compatible (most of them are nowadays) NAS my
SB can work basically with it.
If I dedicate a computer or if my desktop computer is on, I get the
full power of SS. Sounds a good mean solution. 

Would squeezebox hardware able to handle uPNP server streaming and

PS: i don't know much about uPNP, maybe this is a stupid idea


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

Once again I can only agree with what you say.

Maybe SB hardware is just (connectivity, processing power, RAM)
powerful enough to become uPNP compliant. If possible, it would be a
very hard work and the result wouldn't be very thrilling, just
If memory size for codec matters today, this must mean that SB can't be
a the same time "the good old SB" and a "mediocre uPNP Device" at the
same time, just one or another. 

I read somewhere that cpu sharing and hardware/software design is a
delicate piece of work (a thread explaining that the "ethernet" stuff
is done in software by the processor). 

Maybe SB dad could tell us about the real possibilities.

The two devices design you're talking about seems a good compromise.
One "master controller", silent, easy to use and update, able to
connect to external USB/Sata hard drives, to SMB shares, NAS, able to
connect or act as a uPNP server, able to control several SB/TR, able to
act as uPNP server... 
This hardware would be optional and could be replaced by any PC. It
could exist in three priced models, basic, with nice LCD and why not
with LCD + amp.

In reality it would just be some sort of "low consumption PC", well
packaged and plug'n play. The kind of stuff tech enthusiasts (or only
tech capable, as I am) are building as DIY but that are not for mass

Isn't it the approach taken by Sonos? (IMHO the only real concurrent of


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Re: [slim] Welcome Felix, Michael and Ben!

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

Congratulations guys! Enjoy! :)


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Re: [slim] Any reason slimserver doesn't automagically add albumart when browsing new folders?

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

Oh no, it looks like another recently reported bug (5159, 5157). This
problem wasn't much of a problem in the beginning but it's more and
more painful to have to do a full rescan and lost stats every weeks.

I don't see what's the problem with it but I trust the team, if it's
not easily fixable it shouldn't be... but what's the problem? Indeed
it's not really a minor bug.


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

Please, I was only joking... this is turning to baby troll, even if
you're sincere. The post rate, the amount of "yes it's good, i think it
isn't, etc." not going really far inspired me this little critic, please
don't be offended.


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

bonze;218459 Wrote: 
> I think he meant din mounts as in the standard mount within a dashboard
> where the stereo slots in.
> Are there Linux based head units available?

I think what we really need, the definitive thing... is a new orignal
troll subject... and we found it ;).


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

Michael Herger;218495 Wrote: 
> > I can only see two solutions to this:
> > Option 1: Remake the complete SB system and change SB to a fat
> device
> > instead of a thin device. Would be a huge development job.
> > Option 2: Sell two packages:
> Third option: upload your music collection to mp3tunes, switch to
> SqueezeNetwork, shut down your computer. It does work. Even in Europe.
> Michael

Their unlimited 40$/year is interesting, but it's not for flac users,
limited bandwidth users, people that don't want their whole music to
depend upon a storage company. They say it's the future... it could be,
but I fear not for me.


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

erland;218503 Wrote: 
> ===
> Now, saying all this, there is a solution to this problem which I also
> mentioned in my previous post.
> - Leave the SB as a thin device
> - Sell a hardware solution with pre-installed, pre-configured
> SlimServer.
> This way the users in catetory 1 can just buy the SB and use their
> already existing 24/7 server for SlimServer. The users in category 2
> could buy the complete package with both SB and SlimServer hardware.
> The SlimServer hardware solution can be nicely designed so it can be
> docked with the SB, making it look like a single unit for those users
> that want this.
> I'm sure there are hardware companies available that would like to join
> efforts with Logitech, so a third party company could make the
> SlimServer hardware and Logitech could focus on the SB hardware and
> SlimServer software. This way this solution wouldn't require huge
> development cost for Logitech. I don't think we are talking about a NAS
> box for the SlimServer hardware, instead I'm think about something VIA
> EPIA, Mac Mini or something similar. Basically a slower computer that
> is small, silent and less power hungry than a normal computer.

Once again I totally agree with you. The choice could be to choose
between the NAS concept or the Apple TV concept... for sure the second
seems more fashion.

In the end, a great amount of work seems invested in online services
(slimnetwork, mp3tune, etc). I think the three different ways could
happily work together and thas would make Slimdevices products killer

SB+Dedicated PC for the geek
SB+AppleTV like for the consumer market profiting from geek community
SB+Online services for the one who wants to use SB as an evolved
internet radio

PS: must I say that I also agree with what you're saying about mp3tunes
? ;)


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-01 Thread vrobin

I exposed some quick ideas about this in this very same thread a couple
of months ago:

> This said, I continue to think (I can be wrong) that there really is a
> need for a simple and very light slim server software (for NAS or very
> small silent pc) and a more powerfull server software for real
> dedicated PC.
> An interesting design could be to split the server in two.
> (SFS) Small footprint server (stream to SB, browse music, basic data
> handling and optional bulk updates capabilities, small web
> capabilities)
> (FFS) Fullsize footprint server (running on dedicated SS Pc or on a
> users computer, doing the web server hard job, full maintenance
> options, real time DSP streaming, etc)
> Someone could put SFS and FFS on a dedicated server or SFS on a small
> server or NAS and FFS on the user's computer. The SFS and FFS could
> synchronize data with a simple process or share the same database file
> (Berkeley DB database file? they handle lock nicely)
> The whole things sounds rather complicated but -at least on a forum
> post- sounds quite nice...


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-02 Thread vrobin

erland;218578 Wrote: 
> The only reason for a color screen as I see it to be able to browse
> cover art. What I really would like here is some integration with media
> center solutions as I partly mentioned in my previous post. 

That's something I dream of, but rather than a tv with media center (i
don't have a tv:) ), what I dream of if some sort of wired or wireless
Picture frame that would have two roles:
- standing on a table, on the receiver, it would display the cover art
of the "now playing" track or the cover art of the album as I browse
the SB with the SB remote
- when i want to browse cover art, I undock this "wireless picture
frame", bring it with me on the couch and use it as a N800 touch screen

First I was looking at USB picture frame, but now, i'm looking more and
more at the Archos 605 Wifi announced in a previous post. 
I don't know how this device could fit my dreams and I don't know what
slimdevices lua work will give, so I'm still waiting.


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-02 Thread vrobin

mflint;218611 Wrote: 
> I bet there are digital picture frames with ethernet, which can be
> controlled externally. I'm sure some enterprising folks could hack
> together a SlimServer plugin solution to control one of those...

After looking closer to the subject, the only advantage of the picture
frame is its clear bright screen, but it's pricey for the
functionalities offered and can only be used as this "album art

The PSP/N700/N700/Tablet/Archos approach with wifi adds the versatility
of using it as an evolved remote or as album art displayer and it's much
more hackable for a reasonable price:

Archos 605 wifi is 200€ with 4Go static ram, it can browse the network
shares, act as a upnp client, watch movie, listen to music, BROWSE THE
WEB :). I'm about to buy it, I just wait as I wonder what SB/LUA
project will give birth...

I realize that I'm polluting every topics with this idea but it has
became some sort of obsession ;).


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Re: [slim] Logitech being absolutely OTT ?!

2007-08-04 Thread vrobin

It's strange, being a division of logitech, prices should reasonably
drop because logitech already have a big distribution circuit. It's
either an error (I hope) or some sort of "yeah, this device is valued
by stupid audiophiles, let's sell it 50% more". 

I know prices are often calculated like that in this market. Manufactor
make a device, give it to a handful of golden ears asking them: "hey,
how much can I sell this?". I know for sure that in audiophile market
devices are sell for the value buyers would buy it, not for the
production value.


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Re: [slim] Logitech being absolutely OTT ?!

2007-08-06 Thread vrobin

The silence of slimdevices employees on the question is astonishing...
is this holiday time or does that mean something?


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Re: [slim] Logitech being absolutely OTT ?!

2007-08-06 Thread vrobin

Michaelwagner;219290 Wrote: 
> By the way, what is OTT supposed to stand for?

Very good question! I thought it was a mistyping for ODD but not very
convinced by this explanation.


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Re: [slim] Interest in developing a low complixity SS

2007-08-07 Thread vrobin

erland;219430 Wrote: 
> I think some people look at NAS solutions because it's a bit cool and
> other people are tricked into NAS solutions by getting them to think
> that this is the cheapest way to get a small silent SlimServer
> solution, but the thing is that it is neither the cheapest way nor the
> best way.

At first glance, SS on NAS is an attractive solution, but rather
limited and complicated. I look at different NAS providers, forums for
months before I decide to build an epia based dedicated computer. I do
not regret it! 
NAS is in itself too limited and this could last in time.

But Indeed the idea of just plugging a small silent and low consumption
box (a NAS) remain attractive. IMHO most people want to use a squeezebox
with the versatility of a computer w/ itunes (or else) but the
simplicity and small footprint as their CD player. 

Thus the idea of a dividing SS in a small part that could run on a
small power NAS and another more complicated that would do the
complicated stuff that could run on any other computer (be it dedicated
or not). 
A dedicated mini PC or 24/7 computers could host both simple SS
component and complicated SS component in a seamless way.
Further, SD could develop some sort of apple TV branded "logitech" with
enough horsepower to be such a consumer dedicated appliance (and much


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Re: [slim] reversing the album sort

2007-08-07 Thread vrobin

If I were you, I would choose between two options
- hack the code (shouldn't be difficult to do, just difficult to find)
with either a "order by desc/asc" in sql or a custom sort function in
- use CustomBrows with an ALBUMSORT tag filled with something like
(2030-year)-(12-month)-(31-day). The albumsort can be automatically
filled with some mp3tags scripting.

Both methods require a certain level of geekiness though :)


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Re: [slim] Logitech being absolutely OTT ?!

2007-08-10 Thread vrobin

Alea jacta est


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Re: [slim] $100 for a better web-based browsing system?

2007-08-12 Thread vrobin

Hi Adam,

It's fun to read your post as I'm spending all my free time since a
month or more to achieve what you're describing.

By playing with flac tags, CustomScan and CustomBrowse, I manage to get
the browsing system of your dreamss. It may not be as integrated and
beautiful as the Fortuna system, but for sure it's as practical.

Simply by using a complicated set of tags 
each with the corresponding "xxx-SORT" when needed, I can now browse
freely with structures like this:

composer -> opus -> conductor
composer -> work -> conductor
composer -> conductor
conductor -> composer
instrumentist -> genre -> composer
composing-year -> genre -> genre -> composer


The hardest thing in this process isn't the setup of the software but
the way to organize tags. After a lot of tries and errors, I arrive to
a system with some similitudes with Fortuna.

I told earlier that I would put an article on the wiki to summarize
these thoughts and scripts as my process is nearly finalized... I'm
only frightened to be the only crazy guy with the need, desire and will
to do it this way.


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Re: [slim] $100 for a better web-based browsing system?

2007-08-13 Thread vrobin

adamslim;220423 Wrote: 
> Good stuff, I look forward to your wiki!
> Do your browse structures work dynamically?  For me one of the key
> things is that I see a nice list of what fits into my
> currently-selected filters, so I can browse in a random order.
> Adam

My promised wiki entry could come in a while (I change my mind a
little, encounters new problems that I'd like to solve with efficience
- last one is the impossibility to import my clean flac data in Music
Collector my CD Cataloging software), find interesting information in
new online bases (recently I came across cd universe data, there is
interesting stuff there!)

The structure is browsed dynamically and updated at every click but
there is a couple of things that would be needed to improve user
friendliness, like displaying of clicked tags (active filters) in the
breadcrumb, automatic display of albums/tracks/works (be it by
configuration, under a certain threshold of pieces found or both).

I'll be happy one day to help erland with coding (even if my perl
skills are rather rusty) but it won't be before long (as I'm still
loosing time on the tagging question).

In the meantime, maybe I can help with user feedback for small
improvement of the dynamic tag system.

(right now, I dream of an expandable/scriptable visual tool for mixing
online info sources and merge it in flac tags, some sort of visual
interface like sound generator chains in computer music software)


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Re: [slim] $100 for a better web-based browsing system?

2007-08-14 Thread vrobin

adamslim;220660 Wrote: 
> I do think anyone who see this thread and thinks "yeah!" needs therapy
> :)

Yes, that's what I'm saying to myself every night when I go to sleep at
unspeakable hours... (I should add that I do not use to be a total geek
with no life...maybe until I got my SB)


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Re: [slim] So regret to buy SB3

2007-08-15 Thread vrobin

MelonMonkey;220822 Wrote: 
> Just sounds like a frustrated user rather than a troll.  If you read
> carefully, he's right.  Not about the obvious flame-bait comments, but
> rather that Slim is an advanced product for advanced end users.  It is
> not a product for a novice to set up nor to use day to day.  Not yet
> anyway.

I do not agree with you... at least not totally... User friendliness of
Squeezebox have to be improved and right now it could be considered as
an "advanced user" bundle. But in itself, the product has all the
characteristics needed to be an idiot proof product.

If you don't want to go any further than the basic functions (offered
by most products in this category), it's novice friendly. When I first
plug my SB, entered the wpa key, installed the slimserver and tell him
"my music files are there", everything worked at the first try and the
remote behavior is very user friendly (my girlfriend used it the first
couple of hours at least as well as I do).

Bells and whistle could be added to get the slimserver more sexy, and
to put advanced functions in the hands of novice users.. that is true.

MiniPC, NAS, all this stuff is geek only (or nearly) and there could
also be available a PnP NAS or SlimBox (appleTV style) piece of
hardware to offer the power of "SB without a computer".


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Re: [slim] Harmony remote and Squeezebox

2007-09-21 Thread vrobin

It seems to work with a 555.

I did not find the time to play with my new remote and the SB but I 
had in mind such direct access to functions.

As the Harmony subject is popping there, has anybody there managed to
get the harmony remote as speedy/snappy than the original SB remote? (I
find mine to be a bit sluggish).


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Re: [slim] Harmony remote and Squeezebox

2007-09-22 Thread vrobin

The direction buttons of the Harmony 555 is a round hard plastic four
position button and I really miss the soft and snappy sensation of the
original remote. I think the timer values of the "squeezebox device"
could also be improved but I it's not the problem I mainly focus right

As you noticed, I haven't kept my word and didn't write anything about
my classical music tagging experience. In fact, I'm pushing my work
further, stopped experiencing with Mp3Tag to rewrite some sort of
multiple online database aggregator in perl.

I'm keeping all the rules I defined earlier, but pushing them farther.
It's in early development (I can only work on it an hour or two a day
and I had to re-learn perl nearly from scratch) but I'll share the
details with you when it's more mature.

The rules I already defined was to keep in the tags as much detailed
information as you can (be it from online database, editor sites or
manually entered) as structured as possible and use a bunch of scripts
to write the only tags used by your favorite musig manager program
etc.).  This way, you can change your mind, change your program,
enhance the way you manage your music without changing standards tags

There is no need for this tool to be finished before I keep my word, so
I'll try in the week(s?) to come to write about my experience in the

(automatic tasks could be add "SORT" tags from normal tags, extract
opus number from title name, standardize names and accented characters
automatically, create genre tags from composition date, etc.)


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Re: [slim] Select album directly via remote

2007-09-22 Thread vrobin

Bizarroterl;228284 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> Is there a way to select and play an album/CD directly via a remote? 
> I have a TSU7500 and I'd like to be able to play a specific CD in
> addition to playlists.

I never tried it yet, but isn't "favorites" function perfect for this?
Long press on the key "1" launch favorite 1, etc.


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Re: [slim] Harmony remote and Squeezebox

2007-09-23 Thread vrobin

There is an answer to your post in the developer forum under the topic
"Advanced Tag Management, an utopian approach".



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Re: [slim] Select album directly via remote

2007-09-23 Thread vrobin

Bizarroterl;229239 Wrote: 
> I wanted to be able to access every CD by selecting the CD's artwork on
> the remote.  I'm not familiar with favorites but I guess that feature
> isn't designed to be used with all CDs.  350+ favorites?

Nope, it isn't. I was not sure to have understood what you were looking

When I want to play an album, I just press play or "+" when I'm on the
album title and it's working, but I fear I still don't really
understand what you want to do :).

For example, when I browse song, or when I play a song in random song
mix and I want to play the whole album, I press right in the song
information, press up/down to get the album title, than press play or +
to play the whole album...


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Re: [slim] Problems with Multiple albums with same name

2007-10-03 Thread vrobin

moley6knipe;232315 Wrote: 
> The "correct" way to tell SS that an album is a compilation, as I
> understand it, is put all of the tracks into one folder, for
> example...
> ...
> F:\music\compilations\erk dre\best of cumbrian tight throat singing\
> ...then SS doesn't know they're from the same album, even if the tags
> are exactly the same.

I don't have it exactly, but it's much more complicated and subtle than

Several files in different folders with the same album title can be
considered the same album. The "disk number" is also used for
multi-disk album. If someone can explain this in details, we could now
the absolute truth about this ;).


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Re: [slim] Quality of FLAC Audio

2007-10-16 Thread vrobin

The difference is not in the decoder (input), neither in the soundcard
that is the same (output). If there's a difference, it's in the middle
of this two components: Winamp EQ, Software DSP, Soundcard params
varying upon the output method (directsound, windows mixer, kernel
streaming, etc.), default volume, etc.


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Re: [slim] Quality of FLAC Audio

2007-10-16 Thread vrobin

Isn't softsqueeze a java application? It could be related to dullness in
the library used by softsqueeze to output the sound.

Sometimes, sounds vary whether you're using directsound, windows mixer,
direct mixer, etc.


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Re: [slim] Quality of FLAC Audio

2007-10-16 Thread vrobin

Having played somehow with all this audio layers of windows, I get the
best results with foobar, kernel streaming and mega nerd src... but
it's not the good forum to talk about it ;)


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Re: [slim] Quality of FLAC Audio

2007-10-16 Thread vrobin

-- Rather Off Topic (sorry) --
I don't put much confidence in people, I trust my ears a little more
(but not that much to be honest).

This soundcard has a very good vfm ('value for money' if I trust my
recent reading about this acronym on this very same forums). It's a
24/96 DAC and when bypassing all the DSP engines, the DAC/Output is
quite good with an excellent isolation of the output stage. It was
originally sold 300€ and is now found for less than 50€.

Believe me or not, this setup strongly beats the SB3 and can compete
with my 3D lab CD Sonata (as long as a 50€ soundcard can be compared
with a 1500€ cd player)

I love the external usb soundcard: transport signal in digital usb
format, and use an interconnect cable of 75cm. But once again, this is
another story ;).


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Re: [slim] Can I Use Other Catalog Software?

2007-10-23 Thread vrobin

You might need this thing:

Or (as I do), an good usb soundcard with a long usb cable and short
interconnect cable. Personaly, I use this (it's sold as a video
acquisition card but audio part is very clean and gives very nice
results with foobar2k and software SRC):
And this:

But I'm not sure you don't need a squeezebox :). This device is perfect
and there's a lot of mean to get it to work with your music cataloger:
- Plugin that sends "play command" to the squeezebox from the
- Use your data to tag your music files (if they aren't fully tagged
yet) and use thos custom tags to browse your music with SqueezeCenter
(custombrowse+customtag squeezecenter plugins).

And last, I think that there's a plugin that sends the soundcard output
to the squeezebox lying around those forums...


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Re: [slim] help with script to scrape album year data

2007-10-29 Thread vrobin

bklaas;238755 Wrote: 
> Digging my old CDs out for this would take WAY more time then just
> manually searching google for album release year. CDDB is not a good
> solution here, esp. because I don't have DiscIDs saved into the tags
> either. I started ripping music well before I understood why verbose
> tag metadata was a good idea. I'm trying to come up with a solution
> that doesn't involve the physical media.
> I will give Musicbrainz a shot, though my prior experience with that
> service has not been good.
> cheers,
> #!/ben

You can "fuzz search" cddb or musicbrainz with the media files, even if
the result are less exact than with the real disc/discid.

I think I remember musicbrainz and discogs information about release
date are not that bad, they may even include some "original release
date". If your albums are not too rare you could look at wikipedia.

But if I were you, I would a bot to query google with an algorithm like


  search google with "full album name"
  do: fetch Nth result page
  in the Nth page look for  patterns near the album name
  collect all  you found in the page
  while at least XX  date fields are collected
  For each collected list of  analyze statistically (if a date is present 
95% of time keep it silently, 75% keep it with a Notice, 50% with a warning)

This algorithm can be fooled by re-release date, but if you select a
good pattern detection you can get good results...


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Re: [slim] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2007-11-23 Thread vrobin

When you have passed a given level of quality with your audio
components, the difference is always in the details, even in the
smallest details...

I'm sure you won't notice a light fault in decoding when playing a bad
96kbps mp3 in the living room while cooking a thanksgiving turkey in
the kitchen, but... if you have a lot of 256/320kbps mp3 playing in
high end audio components and if you often listen them carefully, this
is the kind of little thing that can make a difference and that can
make you stick to your squeezebox only instead of still using your SACD
on a CD player.

I only have a squeezebox playing flac without an external DAC and
despite its quality, I still do careful listening with my 3D Lab CD
player (waiting for the day I have a Bel Canto e.One Dac3)


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Re: [slim] Squeezecentre

2007-11-25 Thread vrobin

I just tried it yesterday with a softsqueeze and if syncing is very good
(perfect?) after a couple of second, resync on "skip track" or
"play/pause" alway gives some stuttering/weird lack of sound during
synchronisation (0.5 to 3 secs).

The computer running softsqueeze is not a formula one... is this little
imperfection the fault of my computer/softsqueeze or would this be the
same with two hardware squeezebox?


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Re: [slim] Squeezecentre

2007-11-25 Thread vrobin

I'm using the softsqueeze 3.5 (i think) shipped/linked with SC7,
installed by javawebstart. But anyway, I'm using foobar on my computer,
I just tried for the fun of it and to see how synchronization is

Maybe in a couple of month, when I have my new SB/Jive remote and a
pair of Audioengine A5 in my room it will be much better :)


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Re: [slim] Using squeezebox for sound tracks/games?

2007-12-04 Thread vrobin

Maybe this can help you... I've never tried it, but keep it in my
bookmarks for further looking at...


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Re: [slim] Careful now...

2007-12-12 Thread vrobin

This is rather scarying! It seems to be connected to the recent
transporter european prices increasement. I haven't seen any official
answer on this older topic... I fear that SD products prices will
continue to raise to this level...


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Re: [slim] Remote SS Interface on Tablet- or Laptop-PC?

2007-12-15 Thread vrobin

pablolie;249187 Wrote: 
> I was wondering whether anyone else would think it could make sense to
> have a more "complete", user-interface only on a Laptop or Tablet PC.
> As great as the SB remote is, it would be great to browse album art and
> such things on a remote device that has better graphics capabilities.
> The SS software itself resides only on the media server, though - I
> have no interest in carrying that around.
> Any ideas on how such a setup may be achieved?

Have you tried Moose? It's a .Net application and it's a marvelous tool
to control you SB! Would it be possible you missed it?


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Re: [slim] SB4: The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-05 Thread vrobin

I think it's a SB3 without the VFD so it should be the same dac (if
logitech didn't decide to cut off price in this field, but i don't
think so).

I wonder if it will be available at CES, i'll be glad to get back with
one in my suitcase :)


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Re: [slim] Fast forward/Rewind

2007-06-21 Thread vrobin

+1 .


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Re: [slim] SB3 and Wake On Lan?

2007-06-29 Thread vrobin

markab;211482 Wrote: 
> Yup WOL is at bios level not OS, I have never been able to WOL to work
> on any type of nforce board small or large form factor.
> I did manage to get it working on my epia CN1 board the other day,
> I had to enable wake on IRQ15, not sure if the nforce bios lets you
> enable by specific IRQ but its maybe worth checking in the bios.
> Mark

I've a different experience with nforce board. No problem with a very
standard A7N8X-E (with the 10/100 FE nvidia port).

For WOL to work, you must enable it nearly everywhere:
- Bios (often "permit pci device to wake up" option)
- Driver (ethtool on linux or driver properties in windows)
- ACPI (on linux you have to play with /proc/acpi/wakeup file)

Those options depends on the hardware (motherboard, network chip), on
the software (os, driver, etc). Not an easy thing anyway, but rather
reliable indeed.


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Re: [slim] ASUS ZenWifi AX (XT8) firmware upgrade disconnects my squeezeboxes

2021-11-10 Thread vrobin

I've installed an XT8 kit two days ago and had the exact same problem
with a Transporter (transporter connects, obtain an IP address through
DHCP, but can't connect to the server)

As the XT8 kit is working correctly and solves a lot of other problem, I
just kept them and added a mini wireless AP from Mikrotik to the network
to have the transporter to connect to its own 2.4 Ghz old school SSID
(non wifi6, non mesh, non roaming...).


It's a bit blunt but it works.

I'll try investigate a bit more and discuss with Asus support. I took
network capture as seen from LMS server and it's strange...
There are exchanges (DHCP, SLIMP3 discovery frames), but the TCP
connection on port 3483 fails (server receive SYN and answer with its
SYN/ACK, but transporter resent the SYN packet like it never received
the SYN/ACK from the server).

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Re: [slim] Squezzebox Classic V3 Switch off and reboot mid song...again

2021-11-10 Thread vrobin

w3wilkes wrote: 
> And don't forget that you can dump the old SB devices and replace them
> with a piCorePlayer.

I confirm... I had the problem with my two SB3 about a year ago... after
eliminating the wireless card issue, I had to resolve to ditch them and
replace them with piCorePlayer.
It's sad that they died, but hopefully, RasPI + LCD touchscreen +
PiCorePlayer is a geaat alternative!

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