Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-11 Thread JimC

mik63;268247 Wrote: 
> I have had the same situation for months and no serious attempt from
> Logitech to troubleshoot it.

Have you reported this to our Technical Support group, either by phone
or email?  If you have, please provide me with the number(s) for your
support ticket and I'll have someone look into it for you.  

If you haven't worked with our Technical Support group, please do. 
This forum isn't used for official technical support, though the
community does a great job as well.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-11 Thread slwiser

radish;268251 Wrote: 
> If you are getting stuttering when the buffer is at 100% it's nothing to
> do with the network, wireless or otherwise. You have another problem,
> and to be honest it's not one I've ever seen before. Do you get the
> stutters at the same point on tracks?  The only thing I can possibly
> think of is file corruption. 
> I'll repeat (again) what many others have said on this thread and
> others - wireless networking is a messy, messy thing. It's a miracle it
> works at all! The first troubleshooting with any wireless device should
> always be to try it with a cable. Then, depending on the results,
> troubleshooting can continue in the right direction.

I have gotten what I would call stuttering on startup at times for
between 15 to 30 seconds then it clears up.  No this is more random
than any particular track.

Right now I am going fine after doing the fixed IP noted a couple of
posts above.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-11 Thread lhmperth

mik63;268247 Wrote: 
> There is no reason why a wireless SB3 that is 20ft. from the server in
> the same room, away from any microwave or wireless phone, on a wireless
> channel that no other Wifi are using in or around your house, while
> nobody else is using the wireless but the SB3, with the buffer 100%
> full and 90% wireless signal should have ANY stuttering problems!! And
> yet it does.

And that is the wonderful world of wireless!  The wireless on my laptop
will drop out at random even when I'm sitting a few metres from the

As a number of people have suggested, do the very simple test of moving
your SB3 next to your router, connect it by wire and see if you still
have a problem.  This should have been your first test.  If the problem
goes away, we know it is a wireless problem and can attempt to fix it. 
If you still have a problem, you can stop wasting your time on finding
a wireless fix, as the problem lies elsewhere.

A number of people of suggested this very simple step.  You seem to be
ignoring this repeatedly.  I don't know why you won't listen to those
people who are genuinely trying to help you.

I suspect this is the first thing support told you too and they
probably would give up if you don't follow their requests.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-12 Thread slwiser

So far since last nights setting the IP as FIXED may have taken care of
most of my real issues.

I will continue to update this thread if anything more occurs to
undermine this fix.

Thanks for all your help..


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-13 Thread spooky

slwiser;268634 Wrote: 
> So far since last nights setting the IP as FIXED may have taken care of
> most of my real issues.
> I will continue to update this thread if anything more occurs to
> undermine this fix.
> Thanks for all your help..


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-13 Thread slwiser

This morning when I got up after letting it play all night it was locked
up again.  This afternoon I had to do the audio chip reset to get it
working.  From the SqueezeCenter it appeared to go up about 3 seconds
from where it was locked and return to that time point on the track. 
The SB3 was lock up tight and I could not get access to anything at
that time.  

It sure would be nice if they had an easier method to reboot and reset
without having to plug in with one hand while holding the remote with
the other hand in the proper manner. 

Maybe I can get an RMA and return this unit and get another one since
no one else has ever had any problems before.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

hi slwiser!

interesting issue you are describing here. i have two SB3s and they
also both suffer from random stops while playing. i am curious if we
have similar problems and maybe we can find commonalities?

first, a description of my setup:
-> WLAN g
-> slimserver 6.5.5 (waiting for SC7 release)
-> PIII, 700MHz, 1GB RAM
-> virusscanner active (not norton)
-> both SBs have at least 60% sig. strength
-> network/bandwidth test checks out to max with no problems
-> all other wlan devices (2 laptops, 1 PDA, 1 DVD player via
e-net/wlan bridge) work with no problems whatsoever
-> around 9.000 tracks in library

my symptoms:
-> SB3 will simply stop playing for no apparent reason. no specific
track/audioformat/track sequence seems to be reproduceable. the only
thing which is reproduceable, is that is occurs WAY more often when the
SBs are synched. altho it does happen when not synched, too.
-> the other day, i *finally* got an error message (of sorts): "out of
decoder RAM" (or was it memory?). the message was strangely garbled on
the display as if there were pixel-errors. i think this is the first
time i actually saw the message, because i happened to be watching the
SB when it happened.
-> after that, SB will react to the remote, but it will not produce
sound. (seems like the DSP/DAC crashed, but the rest is still ok) only
unplugging the unit will reset it.
-> it only seems to happen when i play mixed audio formats, in my case:
vorbis + mp3.
-> when the crash occurs, the SBs display is not showing what is being
played - it is one or two tracks ahead (!?) of the the track that was
being played. as if slimservr and SB have lost synch at some point...
-> when synched, the stops will occur between every 5 minutes (track to
track) or sometimes play for hours before crashing. when unsynched, it
usually takes some hours to happen. almost as if two synched players
cause it to happen double as often as one!

what i have tried so far (with no results to speak of):
-> re-played the same playlist again, to see if SB will crash on the
same track.
-> used huge playlists (~700 tracks) vs. small ones (~30 tracks). as a
matter of fact, the small playlists will play once or even twice, only
to crash the player on the third time round.
-> stopped just about all the other software running on my server
-> exempted slimserver from my virusscanner.
-> fixed IP

my suspicion:
-> i have seen that error message before (out of decoder RAM), in
context with the vorbis decoder crashing on certain internet radio
since i use vorbis a *lot*, this seems related.

@slwiser (or anyone else ;-): how much of this sounds familiar to you?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread leuzi

dcote;269222 Wrote: 
> my suspicion:
> -> i have seen that error message before (out of decoder RAM), in
> context with the vorbis decoder crashing on certain internet radio
> stations:
> since i use vorbis a *lot*, this seems related.

I have seen the out of memory error, too, but _only_ when playing a
certain Ogg Vorbis radio stream. I have most of my files encoded in Ogg
Vorbis, but I have never seen said error when playing tracks from my
local SqueezeCenter.



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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

hi leuzi!

me neither, until a few days ago.

would you mind decribing a bit more of your setup?
-> wired? wireless?
-> common vorbis bitrates/q-levels and encoders you use?
-> mixed playlists? (mp3/vorbis/flac) how large are they typically?
-> do you use saved playlists or create them as needed manually?
-> do you let your SB play for hours at a time from a huge playlist or
manually keep changing the music?

btw. - i am currently trying the SBs wired and synched. (was a P.I.T.A.
to un-install them from their audio setups!) just a couple of minutes
ago, they stopped at the end of a song. display said "now playing" but
they weren't. at least they didnt freeze this time (odd, that) - i
pressed play on the remote and they started up again. re-playing the
same tracks was flawless, however...


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

just stopped again... :-( same as before.

but this time, the SBs went into zombie mode.

here is more info though:

-> from the corner of my eye, i was watching the screen. buffer
fullness went from ~10% (was approaching end of song) immediately to
100% *before* the new song was supposed to start (there still were
about 10sec. left to play for the old song)

-> the "now playing" screen is still showing on both SBs and the
spectrum analyzer has frozen. i can still scroll through menus, but
play will not commence.

-> SB and SS skipped a track completely for no apparent reason, too.

-> when i do press play (on remote or web-interface), i can see the
buffer re-filling back to 100% and the "now playing" screen shows the
correct track again - but no sound and the now playing progress
indicator does not move. so SS is still receiving and responding to
commands and even filling the SBs buffers properly.

conclusion so far:
-> i do not have a WLAN problem, this is about something else. the fact
that both SBs crash so badly that only a power-down can revive them
indicates to me something wrong with the SBs firmware, not with SS, the
SB hardware, my network or anything else. i suspect the DSP/DAC

ps. sorry slwiser if i hijacked your thread! please let me/us know how
much of this is familiar! ;-)


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread Mark Lanctot


I remember reading the SB's firmware ogg decoder was a tricky one to
make - perhaps there are unresolved issues.

Could you try in Server Settings - File Types to transcode to another
format and see if the problem goes away?  Make sure the ogg -> ogg
(built in) checkbox is UNchecked.

Mark Lanctot

Ben Klass: "I won't even eat a pre-7.0 meal.  Well, unless it involves

SB2, Transporter, beta SBR, beta SBC, production SBC

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

yeah, i remember reading that, too. that is why i am slightly suspicious
of it. ;-)

but maybe unrightly so, because somthing occurred to me: while i
understand how a bug in the decoder would cause a stop+crash, it
wouldnt explain why the SB *and* SS skip a track every time this
happens, would it?

i will try transcoding as soon as i have one more crash - i want to
collect more info. will post back.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread superpin

Almost scary to read dcote's story, I have the exact same experience
with my two SB3's. Next time it happens I will do some more serious
research and post the results here (or if there is a bugreport filed?).


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

superpin, apart from this bug:

i was not able to find a similar bug in bugzilla. not surprising tho,
because diagnosing a sporadic and non-reproduceable problem like this
is a PITA. ;-) i work in IT, and i run as fast as i can whenever i come
across problems like these.

today i have some time in the homeoffice tho, so i can do some serious

here is what i will try next:
-> as mark suggested, i will transcode vorbis to mp3 and see if the
problm goes away.
if it doesnt -> not a vorbis problem, more likely a problem with the
ogg container format not being handled properly by SS, no?
if it does:
-> i will try homogeneous playlists consisting entirely of vorbis or
mp3 tracks.

ps. as i am typing this, it happened again. :-( SB just changed the
"now playing" screen to another track (new track is displaying in now
playing, but the old one is still playing). and sure enough, at the end
of the current track, the SBs stop.

new data:
-> rebooted the SBs, resumed playing at the track before the stop.
played no problem this time.
-> the progress indicator behaved strangely. it displayed the total
time of the track in "now playing", but it stopped at the precise total
time of the track that was previously playing. complicated - let me try
to explain:

now playing: (40 of 765) (**__)-3:46
8. the night before - Dessous - gamat 3000

alternating to played time gives me:
now playing: (40 of 765) (**__)4:21
8. the night before - Dessous - gamat 3000

alternating to buffer fullness gives me:
now playing: (40 of 765) ()100%
8. the night before - Dessous - gamat 3000

it stopped at precisely the total runtime of the *previous* track being
played, which was:
Il Cherchio Rosso - Nicola Conte - Bossa Per Due with 4.21 mins playing

weird: this time, they didnt skip a track, but just went on to the next
one in the playlist.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread dcote

got some results faster than i thought...

i am transcoding vorbis to flac now - still problems, but slightly

after about 10 tracks, "now playing" skipped ahead again as before. but
this time the SB's progress indicator has frozen at max:
now playing (51 of 765) (***)04:52
6. On the rails

progress bar is full and time is not moving, BUT it IS playing!

ok, now next song: display "now playing" skipped ahead to next track
way too early (about 30 sec.).
getting the same symptoms:
now playing (51 of 765) (***)05:00
4. Extensions Of Life 

progress bar is full and time is not moving, BUT it IS playing!

ok, next song: display skipped ahead again way too early. and so on and
so forth...

it seems as if the vorbis tracks are somehow throwing the SBs and SS
out of step. even with transcoding, something goes seriously wrong at
some point. frankly speaking, i am starting to think it may not be SBs
fault after all, but what SS is feeding it. maybe something wrong with
the way SS deals with the ogg-container...?

btw. statistics so far are: 4 stops in ~54 tracks. that is too much and
not sporadic anymore. :-(


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread Mark Lanctot

What ogg encoder are you using?

There are so many out there and so many loose interpretations of the
standard that not all encoders work properly with the SB decoder or the
program doing the transcoding.

Mark Lanctot

Ben Klass: "I won't even eat a pre-7.0 meal.  Well, unless it involves

SB2, Transporter, beta SBR, beta SBC, production SBC

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread Phil Leigh

The only time my SB has ever displayed this sort of behaviour it turned
out to be that one of my audio fles was corrupt - might be worth

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-14 Thread slwiser

No I have not had similar experience with error messages that you have. 

My problems are very just stops, sometimes soft, sometimes
hard and sometimes very hard.  Soft just required me to click the next
track.  Hard requires and audio chip reset.  And very hard requires a
complete factory reset.

I upgraded to SqueezeCenter 7.0 and fireware version 86 hoping this
would fix it and it has not. 

I also did the fixed IP without any real success but it does appear not
to stop as quickly now.

Remember one behavior that I noted before is that while it is locked on
the computer SqueezeCenter is attempting to send info only to be in a
groundhog day loop of about 3-4 seconds at the point of lock-up on
whatever track it happened to be at the time.  This is not always but
something that I have observed.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-15 Thread dcote

hi phil, hi mark!

i have various different vorbis encoders in my library: xiph libvorbis
0.x + 1.x, aotuvb4+5, and gtune3b1+2. just as i have mp3s from various
encoders, as well. none of them cause problems on any other playback
device, be it software on PC or embedded such as an iriver mp3 player
with iriver or rockbox firmware or even my networked DVD player.

gentlemen, while i understand the general principle of only supporting
the "official" libvorbis codec, that is not very realistic. after all,
slimdevices does support LAME and other "non-standard" mp3 codecs too,
right? by that reasoning, we should stop supporting any LAME-encoded
mp3 and revert to fraunhofer / thomson encoded mp3 only. ;-)

to eliminate a potential source of trouble (the vorbis decoder in the
SB), i have followed marks suggestion of transcoding to flac. but
problems still persist:
-> SB display corrupts after a short time: it is out of synch with what
is actually playing track and the progress indicator freezes.
re-starting playback will fix that for another 10-20 tracks or so, then
it happens again. at least, the SB does not "zombie" on me anymore.
-> i left the SBs playing over night, just to see what happens.
actually, slimserver utterly crashed. so badly, that i had to reboot my
server. the SBs were fine, tho...

in regards to ogg file integrity:
-> all offical xiph tools can decode the files with no problem and
other players dont report problems, either. not a single tool has
reported a problem with any of my oggs yet, ever.
-> when i replay a file which supposedly caused the crash, or even an
entire playlist, it works just fine. there is no indication whatsoever
that a specific file or part of a file is causing this. a corrupt file
should cause the crash at the same spot every time, shouldnt it?

so far, i think i have to revise my hypothesis:
-> slimserver is having trouble with something in my music repository.
this can cause it to send junk to my SBs, which may crash the DSP/DAC.
it seems to have something to do with vorbis files, because transcoding
them changes the symptoms markedly, but does not make the problem go

my next steps:
-> i will test homogeneous playlists of mp3 or vorbis to see what
-> then i will try SC 7 beta.

thanks for your thoughts on this guys, it is driving me nuts. i really
appreciate your help!


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-15 Thread Phil Leigh

rather than transcoding, try converting them to flac or wav or mp3 and
see if the symptoms persist

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-15 Thread DanH

I have had my Squeezebox for about a year. It is connected to my router
via wi-fi and I am running Slimserver 6.5.4. I have ripped my CD
collection as flac format files. For the past month or two it will make
a loud pop and freeze at random intervals when playing. I can press play
on the remote and it will restart playing the track from the beginning
just fine. I have my pc set up to dual boot Windows XP Home or Xandros,
which is based on Debian Linux. The only thing I am sure of is this has
never happened when running Slimserver under Linux. While it happens
about every other day when running under Windows. I wonder if Microsoft
has made a change in their many patches that may affect Slimserver


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-16 Thread Phil Leigh

Could I ask a silly question...why are you using ogg-vorbis?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-16 Thread dcote

hey phil, of course you can! :-)

why do i use vorbis?
1. because i can. the main reason i bought the squeezeboxes is because
the feature list says they play vorbis natively.
2. i am too lazy to encode my songs twice - lossless for at home and
lossy for on the road. maintaining every track twice is a PITA.
3. some friends of mine and i have ABXed the vorbis files i use
(preferrably gtune3b2 encoded @ q6) vs. wav/flac. we could not reliably
find differences. as a matter of fact, when we tried to find the version
that subjectively sounded best (not which was the original!), the gtune
encoded vorbis came out ahead! no joke. we were astounded ourselves.
4. mp3 needs a lot more bits to sound as good, which we also found by
ABXing. i would need some HQ LAME @ 256 kbit VBR to compete with vorbis
@ q6, which is still ~30% smaller.
5. vorbis is patent-free. i resent the fact that some corporation could
nail me for encoding my music in their proprietary format.
6. my portable player supports vorbis, too. so does my GF's ipod, after
we installed rockbox on it.
7. my server is completely full of hard disks with no further expansion
room. flac would instantly increase my library's size from ~35GB to
8. i use my WLAN for other things sich as mpeg4 playback as well - i
need the bandwidth.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-16 Thread dcote

DanH: sounds like a very plausible explanation to me. i am pretty sure i
didnt have this problem in the beginning, either.

Phil: hmmm... i am not sure if that will yield results that are
different from simply using regular mp3 files i already have. besides,
i wouldnt even know which vorbis files to convert, since i have no
conclusive evidence which specific ones are causing this.

new experimental results:

-> playing a purely vorbis playlist *will* cause the stops to occur.
sometimes as early as after the 10th song, sometimes as late as after
the 40th. re-starting the same playlist from the start never has
reproduced the stops at the same position, they occur at seemingly
random tracks and positions.

-> the stop is *always* preceeded by a sudden jump or skip one or two
tracks ahead in the "now playing" display. slimserver's web-interface
skips ahead too!

-> a purely mp3 playlist has been playing for some hours now with no

-> i tried playing purely vorbis UN-synched on one player last night,
to see if the problem is connected to the synch function or not.
unfortunately, the SB stopped after 11 tracks sometime in the night.

the summary so far:
1. it seems only vorbis files decoded natively will cause the stops.
2. the "now playing" display *always" jumps/skips one or two tracks
ahead and freezes the progress bar. this applies to the web-interface
and the SBs VFD. this happens when natively playing vorbis as well as
transcoding to flac.
3. even though it also occurs when un-synched, it does not seem as
4. transcoding vorbis to flac/mp3 will not crash the SB anymore, but
will still cause the "now playing" display to corrupt and has caused an
utter and total slimserver crash.
5. playing native mp3 or flac does not seem to cause problems.

my newest hypothesis: there is something wrong with the ogg container
file handling on the slimserver, since eliminating the SB as a problem
source through transcoding did not solve the problem. since the "now
playing" display is controlled by slimserver, its corruption also
points in that direction. the SB's DSP+DAC crashing may only be a
symptom, not the root cause.

i guess there is only one more thing for me to do: try SC7... :-(


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-16 Thread Phil Leigh

dcote;270081 Wrote: 
> hey phil, of course you can! :-)
> why do i use vorbis?
> 1. because i can. the main reason i bought the squeezeboxes is because
> the feature list says they play vorbis natively.
> 2. i am too lazy to encode my songs twice - lossless for at home and
> lossy for on the road. maintaining every track twice is a PITA.
> 3. some friends of mine and i have ABXed the vorbis files i use
> (preferrably gtune3b2 encoded @ q6) vs. wav/flac. we could not reliably
> find differences. as a matter of fact, when we tried to find the version
> that subjectively sounded best (not which was the original!), the gtune
> encoded vorbis came out ahead! no joke. we were astounded ourselves.
> 4. mp3 needs a lot more bits to sound as good, which we also found by
> ABXing. i would need some HQ LAME @ 256 kbit VBR to compete with vorbis
> @ q6, which is still ~30% smaller.
> 5. vorbis is patent-free. i resent the fact that some corporation could
> nail me for encoding my music in their proprietary format.
> 6. my portable player supports vorbis, too. so does my GF's ipod, after
> we installed rockbox on it.
> 7. my server is completely full of hard disks with no further expansion
> room. flac would instantly increase my library's size from ~35GB to
> ~200GB.
> 8. i use my WLAN for other things sich as mpeg4 playback as well - i
> need the bandwidth.

Ah - I see. All perfectly reasonable. It does seem like you (or rather
the SB/SS setup) has an issue with this format that doesn't affect the
other formats. Sorry I can't be of any help.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-19 Thread dcote

ok, no amount of twiddling and tweaking with SS 6.5.5 solved the
problem. even unsynched, i was getting stops+crashes when playing

so i took the plunge and installed SC 7 in the feb. 18th build.

firstly, let me say that i am impressed with the improvements. my first
brush with SC7 was in dec. 07 and it was a bad one, because the scan
wouldnt complete (i waited over two hours) and it seemed *slow*.

this time, it installed perfectly, started up perfectly, scanned
perfectly and even seems faster than my old SS 6. :-)

i have been playing ogg/vorbis with SC7 over night now (104 tracks so
far) and NO stops or crashes yet! :-D that is a good sign, since SS 6
usually would have produced at least one stop by now.

the only thing i need to do now is get my old amp switches running, but
i am trying to get that problem fixed in a different thread:

once that is running, i think i am fixed and happy. if SC7 didnt fix
the problem after all, i'll be back. ;-)


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-19 Thread OzarkSB3

At risk of being another 'me too' post - I was having erratic behavior
with my sb3 also running 6.5.4, fw 81 and was told to check the signal

I was having long delays with the remote and it would just shut right
off if I tried to SN.  I did the re-install fw by holding down the
brightness key and everything worked just fine.



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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-28 Thread eurale

My SB, bought in Germany, worked flawlessly for a couple of years. One
day it started to stop in the middle of a song, reboot ... and start
the song from the beginning. Just as many other people are talking
about. All my IPs are static, I'm using a cable, etc. I didn't try the
factory reset that was mentioned in this thread before ... I'll give it
a go. I basically haven't used it for 1.5 years because of this problem.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-02-28 Thread eurale

in the seconds after I pushed "post" ... it just stopped, rebooted ...
here we go. I'm running v7 with the latest firmware as of 28th Feb (9pm
Aust eastern daylight time).


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-05 Thread dcote

hi eurale!

sorry to see my fix (uprading to SC7) didnt fix you. since i did - my
problem has gone away. :-)

BUT: i do have a track or two, which are (were) corrupted and would
repeatedly and reproduceably cause my SB3 to stop and/or crash at the
same track and position. i have located and removed or recoded those
"offending" tracks. this has happened with both vorbis and mp3 and has
nothing to do with my original problem: vorbis causing crashes while

can you please share some more information about the symptoms?
1. which formats are you playing? (mp3, vorbis, flac, aac, etc)
2. do you have another SB to verify this against?
3. are you getting any error-messages (even briefly)
4. is it reproduceable? (same track, same position, same ripper, same
encoder, same playing time, same etc...)
5. does it still happen when you only loop one and the same song over
and over?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-11 Thread SoundBoy

Hi Everybody - my SB3 (two of them) have the same freeze behavoir since
a few month. It got worse when using SC7. It was minimal with 6.3.1. My
both boxes are wired to my WRT54G and a IMac. So it's not a wireless
issue here. It happens to me when listening to radio streams via SC or
Squeeznetwork (not a computer/firewall issue). However with SC7 it now
happens when listening to my music library - it freezes all 30-60
seconds and renders the SB3s useless. I assign dynamic IP addresses. 

any help most appreciated... cheers ... and yes I checked in with SD
techs and helpdesk.. no luch yet.

eurale;273548 Wrote: 
> in the seconds after I pushed "post" ... it just stopped, rebooted ...
> here we go. I'm running v7 with the latest firmware as of 28th Feb (9pm
> Aust eastern daylight time).


Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-11 Thread SoundBoy

OK - all superusers reading this.. is there a logfile on the SB3 I can
pull down for inspections why I have these zapping freezes?


eurale;273548 Wrote: 
> in the seconds after I pushed "post" ... it just stopped, rebooted ...
> here we go. I'm running v7 with the latest firmware as of 28th Feb (9pm
> Aust eastern daylight time).


Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-12 Thread conradbain

problem:  mid-song from my mostly-FLAC (some MP3) music library drops
out for 10 seconds.  stutters a bit.  then resumes playing.  doesn't
happen reliably (i.e. not at the same point in a given song.  not when
it's an all FLAC playlist.  etc.)  but does happen every third song
(give or take).  doesn't happen when listening to internet radio over

my set-up:  SC7.  firmware 86.  music library on wired NAS device. 
everything else is now wired too (see below).  SC7 is playing on a new
dual-core Vista machine.

first solution was to wire the player and SqueezeCenter.  did that. 
still stutters mid-song.

next was to set static IPs for player, SC and NAS.  still stutters.

finally, try turning off McAffee.  still stutters.

conclusions i've reached (maybe wrong, but based on my limited
experience) - it's not a wireless issue since i'm now fully wired. 
it's not the firewall.  it's not the library itself.  what is it!?

this wasn't an issue when my set-up was wireless with 6.5.4 on my old
XP machine.  got a new computer and, well, here we are.  i'm at a loss.
thoughts / help is appreciated!


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-13 Thread SoundBoy

It's not just with FLAC files - the same happens to me with MP3
downloads from Amazon music store (256 quality). Apple encoded files
are playing fine. I have the same setup as you do, but use a mac as the
computer for the SS7. It was not an issue with 6.3-6.5 but with SS7.
Seems to be a buggy alpha version that got pushed down on the end user

conradbain;278955 Wrote: 
> problem:  mid-song from my mostly-FLAC (some MP3) music library drops
> out for 10 seconds.  stutters a bit.  then resumes playing.  doesn't
> happen reliably (i.e. not at the same point in a given song.  not when
> it's an all FLAC playlist.  etc.)  but does happen every third song
> (give or take).  doesn't happen when listening to internet radio over
> SqueezeNetwork
> my set-up:  SC7.  firmware 86.  music library on wired NAS device. 
> everything else is now wired too (see below).  SC7 is playing on a new
> dual-core Vista machine.
> first solution was to wire the player and SqueezeCenter.  did that. 
> still stutters mid-song.
> next was to set static IPs for player, SC and NAS.  still stutters.
> finally, try turning off McAffee.  still stutters.
> conclusions i've reached (maybe wrong, but based on my limited
> experience) - it's not a wireless issue since i'm now fully wired. 
> it's not the firewall.  it's not the library itself.  what is it!?
> this wasn't an issue when my set-up was wireless with 6.5.4 on my old
> XP machine.  got a new computer and, well, here we are.  i'm at a loss.
> thoughts / help is appreciated!


Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-13 Thread conradbain

it's either SC7 or it's the player firmware (ver 86) - based on all the
other variables that i think i've controlled (going wired, static IP
and disabling the firewall) this is what i've "isolated."

i'd really rather not revert to 6.5.4 - i LOVE the look and feel of

does anyone have ideas on what might be causing this and what else i
could try?  i'd read somewhere (and i'm way out of my league here - i
don't even know what this means) that there was a RAM leak in SC7. 
could that be it?  are there diagnostics i can / should run to help
people smarter than me isolate this problem?  has anyone else had a
similar issue?  

again - it's brief (10 seconds) dropouts where a song will stutter and
then start right back up where it left off.  it's not catastrophic,
just really annoying.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-13 Thread Phil Leigh

conradbain;279164 Wrote: 
> it's either SC7 or it's the player firmware (ver 86) - based on all the
> other variables that i think i've controlled (going wired, static IP
> and disabling the firewall) this is what i've "isolated."
> i'd really rather not revert to 6.5.4 - i LOVE the look and feel of
> SC7.
> does anyone have ideas on what might be causing this and what else i
> could try?  i'd read somewhere (and i'm way out of my league here - i
> don't even know what this means) that there was a RAM leak in SC7. 
> could that be it?  are there diagnostics i can / should run to help
> people smarter than me isolate this problem?  has anyone else had a
> similar issue?  
> again - it's brief (10 seconds) dropouts where a song will stutter and
> then start right back up where it left off.  it's not catastrophic,
> just really annoying.

What OS are you using?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-13 Thread conradbain

using Vista


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-14 Thread bernt

I had almost all issues described in this thread. On a bad day i could
not get 100% on the 64kbps network test even if no other wireless
computer was on.

I replaced my Netgear DG834G with a Linksys WAG325N, placed it on the
exact same spot and now I get 100% on the 5000kbps test all day long
even with 4 wireless computers connected, surfing, streaming and

Of course this won't help if the SB are wired.

Tips for wireless SB.
1. The server should be wired and have a fixed ip outside the dhcp
2. Set a fixed ip on the SB. Make shure it's outside the dhcp scoop.
All kind of strange things could happen if you have a ip conflict.
3. Upgrade your switch\router.
4. Move around the AP to find the best spot.
5. Wire the SB just to se if it still problems.

Tips for wired SB.
1. See above.
2. See above.
3. Install Softsqueeze on a wired PC and test if that works.
4. Uninstall antivirus and disable FW (just for the moment) on the
5. Try another cable.
6. Change port om the switch.
7. Upgrade your switch\router.
8. Install SC on another PC. The nic could be broken.

Or, just put your favorite cd in the slot and sit down and have a few


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly

2008-03-16 Thread conradbain

thanks everyone, i think my situation was unique.  fortunately, i really
bolstered my system by doing everything i did - wiring, static IPs, etc.
(even though it all proved to be an exercise in futility).

what finally fixed it?  updated the firmware on my NAS.  i've got a
Lacie Ethernet Disk Mini, so if anyone if experiencing these problems,
i suggest doing a firmware update -- the download can be found at


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[slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

I have done everything I can think of to get my SB working so that it
does not stop randomly on the wireless end.  All I want is a simple
feed that is reliable and the SB3 is not.  A simple stable feed that
where I can listen without having to keep it working by doing resets of
the audio chip, resets to factory settings and reboots.  Apparently this
is just to much to ask from the unit as designed.

I have deleted almost every plug-in. 

They are no other wireless signals going on right now in my area so
there is no interference.  I am up early and no one in the house or
neighborhood is the reason for the unit stopping. Therefore, it must be
the unit or the fault in the design of the music streamer called
Squeezebox. Interferences is not the issue. I get full network feed up
to 4000 when tested.  Signals levels jump between 60 and 85% so this
should be no problem.

Squeezebox support does not have a clue as to my problem. They just
keep sending me emails asking me that if I don't respond then they will
assume my issue is fixed.  I just keep on saying it is broken and we are
into an infinite loop on the support. So Logitech support is of not
help.  So I come here again. 

I unplug the unit to reboot before I start a session only to have it
stop before the end of the first album.  

This is the worst problem.

Another problem is the buffering where when I first start the unit is
couch's a bit before is stabilizes.

Is the Squeezebox ideal just a pipe dream or is there another vendor's
music streamer that works?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread smc2911

Do you have the same problems if you connect the SB to your router with
an ether net cable? Wifi is a remarkably troublesome protocol, with a
lot of variation in performance/behaviour across different makes of
router (and SB has to try an accommodate as many of these as possible).
Is your router in this list: 

Are you using WEP or WPA?

I know I'm just posing questions not providing answers, but when I
first got my SB a couple of years ago, I had wireless problems, changed
my router an it's been smooth sailing ever since.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

For heavens sake calm down.
We are trying to help. The SB is almost certainly NOT the problem.
Have you run the network test? What bandwidth are you getting?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread bpa

> Why is transcoding needed when I use native format for the SB3?
You never said what you were using - so all we can do is guess what may
be a problem. For examp[le although WMA is supported it is only the
lossy version, if you are using WMA lossless then transcoding is

How about giving some information about your system (OS, Slimserv
version), file formats and network topology (e.g. wireless between
router and server), and some suggestions may be made.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

Phil Leigh;267644 Wrote: 
> For heavens sake calm down.
> We are trying to help. The SB is almost certainly NOT the problem.
> Have you run the network test? What bandwidth are you getting? 

4000 at 100% then it starts down below 100%.

Signal strength between 85 an 60%.

20 feet away from an upgraded antenna.

FLAC files.

I have a Lynksys WRT45GS working with version 4.70.6 firmware. I have
upgraded the SB3 firmware to 86. I am using the new SqueezeCenter
server..this is one of my attempts to fix this. Nothing else has issues
with the wireless feed from this unit. WPA TRIP is being used.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread bpa

Connection with a wire is only a test to isolate the problem - it is not
the long term solution.

Some servers (i.e. NAS) are underpowered when user have formats that
need transcoding and so you get a stop/start playing.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

smc2911;267632 Wrote: 
> Do you have the same problems if you connect the SB to your router with
> an ether net cable? Wifi is a remarkably troublesome protocol, with a
> lot of variation in performance/behaviour across different makes of
> router (and SB has to try an accommodate as many of these as possible).
> Is your router in this list:
> Are you using WEP or WPA?
> I know I'm just posing questions not providing answers, but when I
> first got my SB a couple of years ago, I had wireless problems, changed
> my router an it's been smooth sailing ever since.

Pardon me for giving you such a frustrated response to telling me to
wire my wireless device up to get it working. BUT: This is a stupid
response and one I have heard before to have to connect a wireless
device wired to make it work.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread bpa

Did you test with a wired connection to confirm the problem is with the
wifi and not the server ?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

bpa;267640 Wrote: 
> Connection with a wire is only a test to isolate the problem - it is not
> the long term solution.
> Some servers (i.e. NAS) are underpowered when user have formats that
> need transcoding and so you get a stop/start playing.

I did not understand this post. What is NAS?  Why is transcoding needed
when I use native format for the SB3? I am feeding directly off my
computer into my network to be feed wirelessly.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Mnyb

I had problems for months with 6.5.4 it never ran stable on my WIN XP

I realy tried everything regards network.

The support is parroting the "it is your network mantra for about 4
weeks before you get anywhere"

My remedy in the end was:

In order of importance

SC7.0 (uppgrade to latest if yours is a couple of weeks old)

Do not use Norton (uninstall that crap)

To compare my wifi is set upp like this (this was not a problembut
maybe usefull info):

Fixed IP (no dhcp)

WPA2-PSK [AES] option in the netgear router.

channel 6 in the netgear router.

g only option in the netgear router.

"Disable Advanced 108Mbps Features"
"Disable eXtended Range(XR) Feature"
"Dsiable SSID Broadcast"
I also filtered the Wifi to only accept my SB3's MAC adress

Only SPI firewall running in router, no content filtering

furthermore give the following applications unrestricted access trough
your firewall (maybe only trough specific ports, but it's easier this


Some Firewall ned settings to aviod scanning the MySQL files (search
the forum, for details)


PS can we have an officiall note in the wiki that Norton is not to be
used with SS & SC it is clearly the case ? Just say soo and avoid a lot
off user frustration.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread mapatton

slwiser;267648 Wrote: 
> 4000 at 100% then it starts down below 100%.
> Signal strength between 85 an 60%.
> 20 feet away from router.
> FLAC files.
> I have a Lynksys WRT45GS working with version 4.70.6 firmware. I have
> upgraded the SB3 firmware to 86. I am using the new SqueezeCenter
> server..this is one of my attempts to fix this. Nothing else has issues
> with the wireless feed from this unit. 
> WPA TRIP is being used. 
> Wired between computer server and router.

This most likely will not be a SB3 issue, but something else, most
likely in your wireless network.

I suggest this as there are many here that do not have dropouts on

You have received some good things to look at so far.

I can say my furthest SB3 is pretty much always at 70-85% wireless
strength and I have yet to experience a dropout; so I do not think that
is the cause of your issues alone.

Curious, is the computer running your server software dedicated, or
also functioning as your normal computer? It might be good to see what
may be taking up some cycles on it. Also, what else may be on your
wireless at the same time?

I have had up to 5 items (2 SB3s and 3 computers) on wireless at the
same time, and didn't have any issues. Now streaming over the internet
was a different story. With 2 softsservers going at work, if my
daughter is serving up things on a sharesite, I have issues then due to
upload bandwidth. Put a stop to that :)



Sony XBR5 / Pioneer Elite VSX-94THX / Panasonic DMP-BD30 / Toshiba
HD-35A / Pioneer Elite DV-48AV / SqueezeBox 3 / SA 8300HD / all with a
Pronto TSU7000

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

Actually, before we go any further you need to eliminate the wi-fi
completely from being the problem. Bear in mind that wi-fi is about as
flaky as technology gets right now!

Can you wire the SB directly to the server and see if it works fine -
just as a test. If this works then the wi-fi (or router)  IS the
problem. If it doesn't, then we need to look at the server PC or the
overall TCP IP network config. Can you check the MAC address of the SB
(the one it thinks it has now - NOT the one printed on the SB itself)
and make sure it is not the same as anything else on your network?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

Phil Leigh;267651 Wrote: 
> OK good. Sounds like the network is basically OK.
> What about the server PC? any sign of CPU spikes?

Intel duo-core running 2.4 gHz with 4 gigs of main memory where only
3.2 is usable. Dell XPS 210 computer. 500 GB internal hard drive where
files are located.  No indication of spikes on the core.  I keep task
manager open for monitoring my system operation.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

autopilot;267659 Wrote: 
> Personally, i dont know why people bother to help people that would
> write a title like that and respond to peoples offer of help in such a
> manor. The 'most people have no problems, but i do so therefore the
> product sucks' attitude and just flipping on people that try and help
> does not endear people to help you solve your problem - you would
> probably have twice as many people help by now. most problems reported
> on here turn out to not be directly related to the SB3, but poor
> routers etc. If you can get over the fact that the SB3 must be flawed,
> you will move more quickly in the direction of a solution. Otherwise,
> put it on eBay.

It is just that the solution is always someone else's problem and not
what is not workingthis is frustration at work for my part for
sure.  This has been going on for a long time.  I got my unit back in
Nov and have yet to have a stable SB.  

The almost mythical working SB is my seems like "everyone"
has no problems apparently.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

OK good. Sounds like the network is basically OK.
What about the server PC? any sign of CPU spikes?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

Summary so far is that I have a whole lot more to look at than the
support ever attempted to suggest.  It seems that most of the things
that I have done are in line with what has been suggested.  I just need
to go through them more closely to see if anything else is in these post
to check on that I have not done.

Thanks and if anyone has anymore ideals please post them.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread autopilot

Delete me.


X 2 
[B]Clients:* 1 Squeezebox 3 + Softsqueeze + Squeezebox Receiver.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread bpa

You can set a fixed IP address and if it outside the range of your DHCP
server, then it will not affect the other wireless devices.

Personally, I think you should try the wired SB test first to isolate
the problem to wifi or not.  All you need to do is carry SB3 to the
router, wire it in and use earphones in the headphone socket (or look
at Analyser display) to see if the stream is still playing.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

What devices do you have apart from the SB, Router and Server PC?
is ANYTHING else connected to your network?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread bobkoure

slwiser;267662 Wrote: 
> Answer me this:  Is it possible to setup a fixed IP for SB and let
> everything else float?
-Assuming- your W45G is your DHCP server, just look at that box to see
what range the server is assigning to DHCP clients.
Also assuming a "class C" network (192.168.1.NNN) for instance, be sure
to avoid NNN.NNN.NNN.1 (probably used by the router itself) and
NNN.NNN.NNN.255 (broadcast).

An alternate way to assign a fixed address is to set the DHCP server to
"reserve" an address for a particular address (the DHCP server would use
the MAC address for this).

I basically do this for everything that's regularly on any network I
work on as it makes some other things I do lots easier, which,
hopefully, aren't relevant here.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

slwiser;267662 Wrote: 
> It is just that the solution is always someone else's problem and not
> what is not workingthis is frustration at work for my part for
> sure.  This has been going on for a long time.  I got my unit back in
> Nov and have yet to have a stable SB.  
> The almost mythical working SB is my seems like "everyone"
> has no problems apparently.
> Answer me this:  Is it possible to setup a fixed IP for SB and let
> everything else float? Or does this mean that I have to reconfigure all
> my wireless devices to be fixed it I go this way?

yes that is what I do - fixed ip for the sb and the server, DHCP for
everything else. I find this avoids some problems.

Your router will let you set the DHCP range - just set the sb and
server outside of the DHCP range. You shopuld do this before we go any

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Peter
slwiser wrote:
> Is the Squeezebox ideal just a pipe dream or is there another vendor's
> music streamer that works?

I wish some of the forum users would stop using immature inflammatory 
topic titles...


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

Peter;267683 Wrote: 
> slwiser wrote:
> > Is the Squeezebox ideal just a pipe dream or is there another
> vendor's
> > music streamer that works?
> >   
> I wish some of the forum users would stop using immature inflammatory 
> topic titles...
> Regards,
> Peter

Moderator just remove the last part of that title if this is

I am going to have to figure out how to mix the fix and floating IPs...


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

Phil Leigh;267671 Wrote: 
> just set the sb and server outside of the DHCP range.

Yes, my DHCP server has a range reserved already and it would be easy
to select something outside that range BUT:

How is this done? setting the SB IP address. 

I checked in SqueezeCenter and found no place for this option.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread MuckleEck

Phil Leigh;267671 Wrote: 
> yes that is what I do - fixed ip for the sb and the server, DHCP for
> everything else. I find this avoids some problems.
> Your router will let you set the DHCP range - just set the sb and
> server outside of the DHCP range. You shopuld do this before we go any
> further.

I run DHCP without any issues but MAC lock the IP addresses in my
router (I use a Draytek one so don't knhow whether MAC locking is
available) this is similar to using fixed IP but slightly easier to



3 SB3s - Linn  - Acoustat - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R - 
Mordaunt Short

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Phil Leigh

slwiser;267695 Wrote: 
> Yes, my DHCP server has a range reserved already and it would be easy to
> select something outside that range BUT:
> How is this done? setting the SB IP address. 
> I checked in SqueezeCenter and found no place for this option.

It's not in it on the player settings via the remote

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber & Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread Craig

Why bother reconfiguring the whole network?, just do the cable test as
others have suggested then people will be able to help you get it



MC2Slim - Windows Shell and J River Media Center Integration for

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread bobkoure

I'm pretty sure you're talking about DHCP reservations.

Go into your W45 with your browser - just put the address of the W in
your browser address bar. It's -probably- or
You will be asked for a password. Being a Linksys, the default is
-probably- admin/admin or sometimes leave the user name blank and
"admin" for a password.
Often, you cannot make administrative changes unless you are
"hardwired" to the router (i.e. no changes over wireless)
Go through the various menus, looking for DHCP. You -should- be able to
see all the current assigned addresses (AKA "leases"). Very likely in
that same area is some section that will let you "assign" or "reserve"
an address.

Beware any section that says "MAC lock" or even "lock" as, in the
Linksys world (and in the other firewalls/routers I'm familiar with)
this typically is a way of locking a machine with a particular MAC
address -out-.

If you get stuck, follow up or email me bob at koure dot org.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread jsprag

slwiser;267629 Wrote: 
> They are no other wireless signals going on right now in my area so
> there is no interference.  I am up early and no one in the house or
> neighborhood this is not the reason for the unit stopping. Therefore,
> it must be the unit or the fault in the design of the music streamer
> called Squeezebox. Interferences is not the issue. I get full network
> feed up to 4000 when tested.  Signals levels jump between 60 and 85% so
> this should be no problem.

Wireless network interference can come from more than just other
wireless networks.  Microwaves and cordless phones are particularly

I would also recommend first trying to connect using the ethernet cable
to determine if the problem is in your connection.  If it is, then add
changing the wireless channel to your troubleshooting plan.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread gbruzzo

"Poorly implemented pipe dream" is a little extreme...


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread jsprag

Peter;267683 Wrote: 
> I wish some of the forum users would stop using immature inflammatory 
> topic titles...
> Regards,
> Peter

Now *that's* a pipe dream


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread mapatton

slwiser;267662 Wrote: 
> It is just that the solution is always someone else's problem and not
> what is not workingthis is frustration at work for my part for
> sure.  This has been going on for a long time.  I got my unit back in
> Nov and have yet to have a stable SB.  
> The almost mythical working SB is my seems like "everyone"
> has no problems apparently.
> Answer me this:  Is it possible to setup a fixed IP for SB and let
> everything else float? Or does this mean that I have to reconfigure all
> my wireless devices to be fixed it I go this way?

I would presume yes, but also how about your server? I had to assign a
specific IP to my server so DYNDNS would always to it for streaming
over the internet.



Sony XBR5 / Pioneer Elite VSX-94THX / Panasonic DMP-BD30 / Toshiba
HD-35A / Pioneer Elite DV-48AV / SqueezeBox 3 / SA 8300HD / all with a
Pronto TSU7000

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread slwiser

Phil Leigh;267706 Wrote: 
> It's not in it on the player settings via the remote

Will the router automatically find the SQ with the new IP this way?  I
thought the router controlled access not the device itself?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-10 Thread radish

slwiser;267892 Wrote: 
> Will the router automatically find the SQ with the new IP this way?  I
> thought the router controlled access not the device itself?

On a local network the router isn't doing anything, the devices are
responsible for knowing their own IP addresses and communicating with
each other. You could set all the IPs manually and not even have a
router, just a dumb switch, and it would all work fine (and that's how
we used to do it!). DHCP makes things easier to manage by allowing a
central device (in this case your router, but it doesn't have to be) to
dish out IP addresses to anything that needs one. When it comes to
actual communication it doesn't matter where the IP came from, just
that it's unique.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread mik63

I have had the same situation for months and no serious attempt from
Logitech to troubleshoot it.

There is no reason why a wireless SB3 that is 20ft. from the server in
the same room, away from any microwave or wireless phone, on a wireless
channel that no other Wifi are using in or around your house, while
nobody else is using the wireless but the SB3, with the buffer 100%
full and 90% wireless signal should have ANY stuttering problems!! And
yet it does.

In addition to this, mine reboots randomly out of nowhere, in the
middle of a song.

My impression at this point is that some network packets have something
inside that make the SB3 network stack go crazy...
I am not an expert, but if there are some unique differences between
wireless and wired network packets, this would explain why we only see
this using wireless.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread slwiser

spooky;268120 Wrote: 
> In my unexperienced opinion 
> most all the posters are giving good advice
> especially giving the unit a fixed ip
> and the initiator of the thread is also correct
> these units are buggy!!
> If you haven't tried it yet; do a "hard" reset:
> unplug the unit and press the plus(+) button on the remote
> while plugging it back in
> This works for me whenever the unit gets buggy 
> usually after a firmware upgrade

I have performed this reset many times to reset the audio chip.  I also
have preformed the factory reset at least once.  Now I start a session
from the start with a fully rebooted SB. Rebooting by unplugging and
re-inserting the power cable.

I am going to have to do the IP thing I think. I have not done that
yet. Thats I probably have a particular unit that is a bit more
frustrating than others.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread m1abrams

How has your (OP) hunt for a solution come.  Have you tried connecting
the SB3 via wired yet?

I understand your frustration with people immediately blaming something
else.  However this is a complex system and many things can cause it
issues and all anyone here is trying to do is isolate where the problem
is coming from.  The first and easiest thing to do is see if it is a
wireless issue.  And also in most of our experiences it is the wireless
so it is best to eliminate that first.  If have no issues once the SB3
is connected via wire then we know the issue is in the wireless and can
then work to assist solving the wireless issue so that you can use your
device the way you want.  If it still has issues when connected via
wire then most will say to look into an issue on the server side.

You have a number of people here trying to help you even though you
started off in a very poor manner, that should give you some idea of
the level of satisfaction that many users have with this device.  Note
these are mostly if not all USERS not employees of Slimdevices.   I
have been a satisfied customer for over 5 years, however I know it can
be a little tricky getting everything needed to play nice so would love
to assist you.


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread radish

slwiser;268249 Wrote: 
> I am going to have to do the IP thing I think. I have not done that
> yet. 

I may have missed your post, in which case I apologise. But have you
tried it with a cable?


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread spooky

In my unexperienced opinion 
most all the posters are giving good advice
especially giving the unit a fixed ip
and the initiator of the thread is also correct
these units are buggy!!
If you haven't tried it yet; do a "hard" reset:
unplug the unit and press the plus(+) button on the remote
while plugging it back in
This works for me whenever the unit gets buggy 
usually after a firmware upgrade


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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread Pat Farrell
mik63 wrote:
> There is no reason why a wireless SB3 that is 20ft. from the server in
> the same room, away from any microwave or wireless phone, on a wireless
> channel that no other Wifi are using in or around your house

Have you run kismet on your network? Grantd, I'd just hook up an 
ethernet cable as a first test.

Kismet or other WiFi sniffers will tell you what is really in the air.
I can see ten WiFi networks from my living room, several are hundreds of 
yards away. (I live in a single family house in an area of 1/4 acre lots).

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] SB3 stops randomly ---WHY? Is Squeezebox only poorly implemented pipe dream?

2008-02-11 Thread radish

mik63;268247 Wrote: 
> There is no reason why a wireless SB3 that is 20ft. from the server in
> the same room, away from any microwave or wireless phone, on a wireless
> channel that no other Wifi are using in or around your house, while
> nobody else is using the wireless but the SB3, with the buffer 100%
> full and 90% wireless signal should have ANY stuttering problems!! And
> yet it does.

If you are getting stuttering when the buffer is at 100% it's nothing
to do with the network, wireless or otherwise. You have another
problem, and to be honest it's not one I've ever seen before. Do you
get the stutters at the same point on tracks?  The only thing I can
possibly think of is file corruption. 

I'll repeat (again) what many others have said on this thread and
others - wireless networking is a messy, messy thing. It's a miracle it
works at all! The first troubleshooting with any wireless device should
always be to try it with a cable. Then, depending on the results,
troubleshooting can continue in the right direction.


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