[e-gold-list] voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

Bob wrote:
 David Hillary wrote:
  Bob wrote:
   Hey hey hey! What's the matter with plain 'ol voluntary taxation? grin
  Well I don't think it would be paid, hell I wouldn't pay! grin
  Taxation should be on land value and at the local level in my view, with
  the rent of land being a good proxy for the benefits provided by
 In the US, state government monopolized gambling is an example of
 voluntary taxation. In Massachusetts, for an extra USD 20.00 you can
 get a whale's tail, or a light house or a stick figure of a child on
 your license plate for your car. Tariffs on imports. If they increase
 tariffs too much, people will buy more domestic products. A market
 mechanism for limiting the size of government. Voluntary taxation is
 not new. It's been done before. But it's probably conveniently
 forgotten to be taught in US Universities now that almost all depend
 to some extent on taxpayers property. It's not nice to bite the hand
 that feeds you.

The govt can get revenue from gaming because it regulates and
monopolises and taxes the industry, and believe me gaming taxes are not
voluntary! Regulation and monopolisation of gaming is an intervention
also. Personalised number plates and similar have value based on the
fact that the number plates are compulsory for vehicles, i.e. its based
on government intervention and in a pure free market for transport
infrastructure and transport it would be private revenue, as any rentals
of short telephones is now the revenue of private telecommunications
companies that control the numbering system. E-gold or similar acount
numbers are also private revenue for currency/account providers. Tariffs
on imports (or exports) are distortionary in the extreme, and compulsory
and a government intervention. 

The only public revenue that is truly just and justified is that which
is associated with and derived from the government's proper role in
creating and allocating property rights in natural resources, including
land. The ground rent of natural resources arises from its inelastic
natural supply and its human demand resulting in above zero prices. The
sovereign's public policy in a geographic area makes that area
hospitable or inhospitable for human use, and in demand. Thus the public
policies, and public expenditure of the sovereign are responsible for
the demand for land and thus ground rents. Adam Smith makes this very
point in his 'Wealth of Nations' (Book 5, ch 2):
"Ground-rents, so far as they exceed the ordinary rent of land, are
altogether owing to the good government of the sovereign, which, by
protecting the industry either of the whole people, or of the
inhabitants of some particular place, enables them to pay so much more
than its real value for the ground which they build their houses upon;
or to make to its owner so much more than compensation for the loss
which he might sustain by this use of it."

Public revenue derived from the ground rent of land and natural
resources, such as from Land Value Tax, is just because there is no
injustice or violation of individual liberty or the free market in
collecting it. It is also far more adequate than 'voluntary' taxation
because is can raise about 7% of GDP (The value of all land in
Australia, according to the 1998/9 National Accounts/National Balance
Sheet is was $861 billion when Australian GDP was $591 billion -- a 5%
annual rate of return would equate to 7.3% of GDP, and almost all of
this could be collected as public revenue by a land value tax of 20%
p.a. (land value would be disinflated to about five years rent according
to my economic modeling). Fishing quota rents, electromagnetic spectrum
rents, and similar natural resource rents could obviously add
significantly to public revenue if collected appropriately.

By contrast national/state lotteries, personalised and special number
plates, seinorarge revenues and similar 'non-tax' revenues are trivial
by comparison, and inadequate to fund a defence force (commonly 1-4% of
GDP), a police force (0.5% GDP), jails (0.5% GDP), core government
services (1% GDP), conservation and similar functions. 

 "Elizabeth IQueen of England (reigned 1558 - 1603).
 When she ascended to the throne, Elizabeth inherited numerous debts.
 Her genius was in the method she chose to raise revenue to pay those
 debts, which was unique in tax policy: she made taxation voluntary!
 Her words: "To tax and to be loved is not given to man. I will end
 as I began with my subjects, with love." Within 15 years she had a
 surplus, and was loved deeply."
 -   from Victor Sperandeo's dedication of his book
 'Trader Vic II - Principles of Professional Speculation'

nice quote of someone's opinion, but a poor argument.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-11 Thread jpm


How right you are.

 on top of all that, magically the adverts WOULD BE INCOME for e-gold
 corp, and well deserved, too

Furthermore, it would probably be their first serious income that
does not derive from the silly scams.  I hope they take your bid!
Or at least someone's higher bid!

However, speaking of the silly scams...  Why is it that they are
the virtually the only use of e-gold?

Tell us!!...

  I'll answer my own
question: because they are the only use that has a way to reach
potential customers.

Absolutely correct!!!

Not only that, but they are probably not so much reaching present
e-gold users as being the engine that has fueled the growth of
e-gold accounts by recruiting new account openers.  They constantly
require new suckers as the old ones either wise up and/or loose all
their money.

And consider this:

All these new e-gold users are coming into the system (they are 
coming for shit reasons, but put that aside) AND THE EGOLD COMMERCE 

I can think of no better way of reaching them than an advert ON THE 

Imagine: some of them might start using banana (good for me), or TGC 
(good for those guys), or find out about a market maker and use them.

Consider all the people currently sitting around with egold commerce 
ideas: (dating services, paid email, shops, whatever).all those 
entities would be thinking "Isn't it GREAT that all these new people 
are comign to e-gold, and we can reach them so easily with an ad 
banner perfectly positioned"

Instead, currently they are thinking "so many people are starting 
using e-gold...pity it's utterly useless as we can't reach them".

Can anyone offer more than 200g?  Maybe two or more market makers can 
get togheter and split the cost of a months advertising, and share 
it, and outbid my 200g offer.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-11 Thread CCS


 I can think of no better way of reaching them than an advert ON THE 

Yes, you have identified the absolutely perfect, premier advertising
medium for reaching e-gold users.  It ought to command premium prices
if they would only sell it like capitalists.


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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-11 Thread LaMarr Dell

 I can think of no better way of reaching them than an advert ON THE 

Yes, you have identified the absolutely perfect, premier advertising
medium for reaching e-gold users.  It ought to command premium prices
if they would only sell it like capitalists.

end quote

Oh heck yes,  let's DO add some twinkly little ads on ALL the egold pages!
!   maybe some "rotators" and some "sliding banners" (those are always
good for a little slow down) .

And after we get all of this good advertising spread out on all of the
pages (ESPECIALLY the most IMPORTANT one, the "spend" page) let's ask some
big customer company to TRY and actually USE egold for their business ..
that ought to get a LOT of folks interested in egold ... or NOT !??

Do you remember how slow eslug was back when EEbiz was trying to use this
system ?  Did you see the dent that made in the page display time ? Now,
add in a few (or even ONE) STATIC banner and see what happens ... gee,
"banner ads" ... what a GREAT idea, to REALLY slow down egold ... maybe
even make it TOTALLY useless when the NEXT "hot" game/"scam" comes down
the pike .. the gifs eslug puts on the pages now don't slow things down
enough so, c'mon guys and gals, send in those twinkly ads ! ! ! Let's do
THIS up brown ! ! ! Load up that spend page . after all doesn't ALL
the SCIs go straight to it ?

How about a new slogan ?  "Exercise4 your patience to the MAX, use E-gold"

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-11 Thread SnowDog

 Oh heck yes,  let's DO add some twinkly little ads on ALL the egold pages!
 !   maybe some "rotators" and some "sliding banners" (those are always
 good for a little slow down) .

As I understand the delays associated with the e-gold servers, it isn't the
web-servers which slow down the system, but rather the database server. The
banners would be on the web-servers, which could be load-balanced and
adjusted for an increasingly larger client base. The database server,
however, cannot be duplicated at this time, and this is the bottleneck.


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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

CCS wrote:
 Good serious thinking.
  The only public revenue that is truly just and justified is that which
  is associated with and derived from the government's proper role in
  creating and allocating property rights in natural resources,
 But I would argue that the government does not "create" property
 rights.  Such rights preceed and are independent of government and
 originate in production.  Even the right to the use of raw land is
 created by those individuals who made it humanly useful.  Government
 may, by protecting those rights, make them more valuable.

The right to exclude other's from nature's benefits is a government
granted right and it has economic value. Land titles are government
created legal rights to the exclusive use of natural resources. Land and
natural resources are prior to human employment and use and to economic
production. The human community uses nature as a source of raw materials
and a sink for the holding and/or absorbing and breaking down waste and
byproducts of production. When nature's supply of raw materials
(including geographic area of land) is limited, often human demand for
these resources cannot be met at a zero price, so unrestricted
exploitation of the resource results in a shortage. The allocation of
natural resources in these circumstances is characterised by
inefficiency and imprudent use (e.g. a fishery will by inefficiently
over-harvested if many fishers can access it without restriction). In
order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply of natural
resources efficiently, normally it requires government to establish
exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government created
property rights. Examples include fishing quota and land titles. The
economic value these exclusive rights confer on their holders is called
economic rent or ground rent. Holders of these exclusive rights
generally also engage in economic production, so that the value of their
economic production consists of two parts: 1. the value added by the use
of the natural resource and 2. the additional value added by the use of
labour, capital and risk-bearing. The suppliers of labour, capital and
risk-bearing should keep the full wages, interest and profit they earn
by their supply, the government can take the economic rent of the
natural resources for public revenue. The fact of adding some value to
the production process, and employing natural resources to add the
balance of value, does not create a property right, either legally or
morally, to the balance of the value added. Nature supples an inelastic
natural resource, human communities are the demand only. The market
clearing price is determined by the intersection of the supply and
demand curves. In the absence of demand the value of natural resources
is zero. Thus the human community is the source of ground rent. The
governments of human communities have sovereignty over the natural
resources in a defined geographic area, and their policies for the
allocation of natural resources, and for human interaction generally in
their community, determine the demand for natural resources and
therefore the rent. The more hospitible are public policies to human
production and welfare, the greater the demand and therefore the greater
the rent. Public expenditures, if they add value in net terms, create
their own funding in the increases in the rent of land (in an open
economy where there is a common world interest rate and wage rate).   


  The sovereign's public policy in a geographic area makes that area
  hospitable or inhospitable for human use, and in demand. Thus the public
  policies, and public expenditure of the sovereign are responsible for
  the demand for land and thus ground rents.
 It is responsible for SOME of the demand and SOME of the ground
 rents.  But the same is true for all other productive activity.  By
 protecting other types of property rights derived from production,
 the government also makes them more valuable than they otherwise
 would be.  Land and ground rents are not unique in this regard.  In
 all cases, the only way to measure how much of the value is due to
 government protection of rights is by the marketplace.

Human demand is responsible for all economic/ground rent, as the supply
of land is inelastic. Government could theoretically make its
jurisdiction a wasteland and all its land sub-marginal, by adopting
policies to make land inhospitable to labour and capital, no ground rent
would arise because the demand for land would be less than the supply at
a price of zero. Any improvement in government of the area could result
in an increase in demand so that it exceeded supply at a price of zero.
There is no baseline of government activity that can be used to measure
what rent is due to an improvement of government over the baseline and
what rent is baseline rent. Every jurisdiction and government is unique. 

The only way to accurately measure rent is the marketplace. This is 

[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread Bob

David Hillary wrote:

 The govt can get revenue from gaming because it regulates and
 monopolises and taxes the industry, and believe me gaming taxes are not

Well, there's still these book makers in town doing a *big* business.
There's The Gold Casino on line. There are gambling options besides
the government of Massachusetts' games. Plus some take a week off
from work to go to Las Vegas. I've talked to some of them. It's
a choice they make knowing they are voluntarily supporting the 
government that's giving them a royal screwing. They don't care as
they don't have *hope of getting* ahead, the cost of government
being so high in the US. They play government games,
private games *and* go to Las Vegas. Russia and the other countries
that made up the former USSR are a great example. They're still
great examples.

No body is being threatened with violence for not playing a 
government game. Same goes for whale tails on your license 
plate. Same goes for importing. The government would not be
threatening somebody for not importing. Importing would be
a voluntary act.

 By contrast national/state lotteries, personalised and special number
 plates, seinorarge revenues and similar 'non-tax' revenues are trivial
 by comparison, and inadequate to fund a defence force (commonly 1-4% of
 GDP), a police force (0.5% GDP), jails (0.5% GDP), core government
 services (1% GDP), conservation and similar functions.

Mostly *real* crime (immoral acts, not illegal acts which mostly
are a joke) is an economic event. If the world was mostly a highly
free market you could cut the above percentages down a lot. A 
government does very little that the private sector can't do, 
including police. Private police forces in the US is a growth 
industry. Governmet police can not be sued for *not* protecting 
your life and property because that's not their legal abligation 
in the US. Some large percentage of national defense in the US
is private interprise already. On top of that, some huge amount
of US military activity has nothing to do with national defense.

  "Elizabeth IQueen of England (reigned 1558 - 1603).
  When she ascended to the throne, Elizabeth inherited numerous debts.
  Her genius was in the method she chose to raise revenue to pay those
  debts, which was unique in tax policy: she made taxation voluntary!
  Her words: "To tax and to be loved is not given to man. I will end
  as I began with my subjects, with love." Within 15 years she had a
  surplus, and was loved deeply."
  -   from Victor Sperandeo's dedication of his book
  'Trader Vic II - Principles of Professional Speculation'
 nice quote of someone's opinion, but a poor argument.

I'll go so far as to say that it's not even an argument.
Just a statement of fact. What I have to do now is find
out just how Elizabeth did it.

Good arguments, David.


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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore!

2001-02-11 Thread Bob


 Can anyone offer more than 200g?  Maybe two or more market makers can
 get togheter and split the cost of a months advertising, and share
 it, and outbid my 200g offer.

Let's keep in mind that this advertising would also increase e-gold's
business, too. Currently all they have to do, if they go for this,
is set a rate and see what the demand is at that rate. I doubt all
the theoretical 8-9 day periods would be bought right away. How
many non-scam profitable e-gold accepting businesses (with extra
cash to spend on advertizing) are there? I do see the pressure to
advertise on e-gold's site though, extra cash or not. But unlike
government, we just can't easily print the stuff. And I know I'm
in no position to mine the stuff. We're subject to real life 


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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

Bob wrote:
 David Hillary wrote:
  The govt can get revenue from gaming because it regulates and
  monopolises and taxes the industry, and believe me gaming taxes are not
 Well, there's still these book makers in town doing a *big* business.
 There's The Gold Casino on line. There are gambling options besides
 the government of Massachusetts' games. Plus some take a week off
 from work to go to Las Vegas. I've talked to some of them. It's
 a choice they make knowing they are voluntarily supporting the
 government that's giving them a royal screwing. They don't care as
 they don't have *hope of getting* ahead, the cost of government
 being so high in the US. They play government games,
 private games *and* go to Las Vegas. Russia and the other countries
 that made up the former USSR are a great example. They're still
 great examples.

[of course gambling is not popular in the world's most free market, Hong
Kong, is it Bob? BTW The state of New South Wales (where I live in
Sydney), which has Australia's lowest unemployment rate (around 5.5%),
happens to have 50% of the world's poker machines!]

 No body is being threatened with violence for not playing a
 government game. Same goes for whale tails on your license
 plate. Same goes for importing. The government would not be
 threatening somebody for not importing. Importing would be
 a voluntary act.

Taxation of exchange between persons is involuntary even though all
exchange is (should be) voluntary. Similarly regulation of exchange
between persons is involuntary and an intervention even though choise to
participate in a regulated sector is voluntary.

The difference between taxation of exchange between persons and taxation
of the rent of natural resources is that it is the government that
issues the rights to use natural resources exclusively and so it is the
government's perogative to charge for this benefit. Holders of land
titles are dealing with the government itself, importers are dealing
with foreign persons. The latter is none of the government's business,
unless the two come to the government seeking resoultion of a dispute.

  By contrast national/state lotteries, personalised and special number
  plates, seinorarge revenues and similar 'non-tax' revenues are trivial
  by comparison, and inadequate to fund a defence force (commonly 1-4% of
  GDP), a police force (0.5% GDP), jails (0.5% GDP), core government
  services (1% GDP), conservation and similar functions.
 Mostly *real* crime (immoral acts, not illegal acts which mostly
 are a joke) is an economic event. If the world was mostly a highly
 free market you could cut the above percentages down a lot. A
 government does very little that the private sector can't do,
 including police. Private police forces in the US is a growth
 industry. Governmet police can not be sued for *not* protecting
 your life and property because that's not their legal abligation
 in the US. Some large percentage of national defense in the US
 is private interprise already. On top of that, some huge amount
 of US military activity has nothing to do with national defense.

I fully agree that that private sector and private individuals can do
almost all that the government does now without taxation or government
involvement. Including police, courts, jails and security. However,
economic public goods are quite a delema without the insights provided
by analysis of land rent and the geographic distribution of their
benefits. This would have to include national defence, foreign
relations, many core governent services, conservation and environmental
public goods, local access roads and footpaths and streetlights, suburb
security, public health (meaning contagious disease control, not heart
operations), statistics, and many more. Analysis of land rent and public
goods leads me to believe that large scale competing and co-operating
proprietary communities can provide/procure almost all public goods
efficiently, because most public good benefits are excludable over the
area of a suburb or community, thus allowing suppliers to charge
communities if communities are prepared to pay. And the benefits of
publc goods become capitalised into the immobile factor of production,
i.e. land, which communities can use as a fund for public goods, without
taxing human production. A federal government may still be needed, but
its citizens and taxpayers and voters would be communities rather than

David Hillary

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[e-gold-list] PayPal to charge 2%

2001-02-11 Thread Standard Reserve


In an article in today's Atlanta Journal Constitution they report 
that PayPal will be charging  an average 2% of payments received 
for business accounts.

This was in addition to other formerly free services who are now 
charging, i.e., eBay, Yahoo, Amazon etc.

Details at...


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread Craig Spencer

 Well, there's still these book makers in town doing a *big* business.
 There's The Gold Casino on line. There are gambling options besides
 the government of Massachusetts' games. 

Yes, but Massachusetts excludes competition IN Massachusetts for the
type of gambling it offers.  This is a coercive monopoly.
 No body is being threatened with violence for not playing a
 government game.

People are threatened with violence if they complete with the
government games by offering the same kind of game in the same 

 Same goes for whale tails on your license plate. 

People are forced to have the plates.  And other people are threatened
with violence if they make and sell license plates (whether or not
they have whale tails on them).

 Same goes for importing. The government would not be
 threatening somebody for not importing. Importing would be
 a voluntary act.

People are threatened with violence if they do what they have a 
right to do (import) and don't pay the duties.  You might as well
say that the income tax is voluntary because the government does
not force people to earn an income.

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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation (fishing)

2001-02-11 Thread Bob

David Hillary wrote:

 The allocation of
 natural resources in these circumstances is characterised by
 inefficiency and imprudent use (e.g. a fishery will by inefficiently
 over-harvested if many fishers can access it without restriction). In
 order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply of natural
 resources efficiently, normally it requires government to establish
 exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government created
 property rights. Examples include fishing quota and land titles. 

This presupposes that government employees that don't fish know more
about the fish than the fisherman that fish. That ain't never going
to happen. Necessary government quotas are a myth promoted by 
government, and tree huggers that are making a killing off of 
federal and state tax revenues. You'd be amazed at the number of 
non-profits in the US getting federal and state tax dollars. Talk
about a growth industry in the US. High Tech, move over. A number
of years ago, IBD did an article about the number of and growth rates
of .org offices opening (and moving existing offices to) in DC to be
closer to where the money is.

There's a sword fisher that runs out of New Bedford. To stay 
profitable it has to spread it's fishing over a large area. It runs
down to the Canaries off of the NW corner of Africa, then west to
the Dominican Republic, then north and home. About a month and a

Try sending out a USD 2,000,000 hunk of steel to the Grand Banks
and meet it's fixed operating costs and it's mortgage. Remember, 
the owners labor costs are zeroe if it comes back with an empty 
hole. Despite that, a round trip is very very expensive. If it comes 
back 1/2 full the owner has to decide if it is the fish or the 
skipper. He gives the skipper a second chance. It comes back 1/2 
full again. Now the owner is sweating bullets. By this time if it's
the fish he'll have a good sense for that. He now has to sell it or
spend a lot of money (if he has it to spend) to re-rig it for 
for other fishing or other use. It's a high risk, tough business
to consistently make money in. Boat ownership turnover is high.
You have to have some cowboy in you to play. Tree huggers and
government employees are clueless. The reason they don't go away
is that they can *afford* to remain clueless.

A free market will conserve the fish just fine.

Now *government* subsidized fishing boats is another whole story
that doesn't get told.

When, when one looks close enough, is government *not* the problem?


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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread Bob

David Hillary wrote:

[of course gambling is not popular in the world's most free market, Hong Kong, is it 

Good point David. I didn't think that one out. Gambling seems to
be very popular in a lot of places. At least in Hong Kong one
pretty much has the freedom to dig your own grave or become a


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[e-gold-list] e-gold in circ, funded accts question

2001-02-11 Thread peelpee

Someone asked about when e-gold in circulation might reach some
hypothetical amount .AFAICSee, these numbers have been static for a
damned long time.

See my humble e-gold directory page at:


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[e-gold-list] Question about: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread vic

If the Government debt is in the trillions of dollars, what is use as
collateral against that debt? Who is the debt really owed to, and if tax is
not voluntary, why does it say it is in the IRS tax code?

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[e-gold-list] Re: Exchange Rates

2001-02-11 Thread Claude Cormier

On 11 Feb 2001, at 10:52, Dagny Taggart wrote:

 I am wondering why OmniPay does not post OutExchange
 rates on their site?
 Is this an oversight?
 It used to be available.

They do... via e-gold. Omnipay used to have outexchnage rates but 
these were the same as e-gold rates. So now they simply provide a 
link to e-gold rates. Look at the note under the Exchange rate table.



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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread CCS

 The right to exclude other's from nature's benefits is a government
 granted right and it has economic value. Land titles are government
 created legal rights to the exclusive use of natural resources. Land 
 and natural resources are prior to human employment and use and to
 economic production. 

Land and "natural resources" are prior to human employment but they have
no human value prior to human employment.  All value is a consequence of
production; nature by itself has no benefits.  When the value produced 
by one individual is or would be destroyed by the actions of another
then the producer has an inherent right to prevent the destruction.  In
origin this right is prior to government.  

If you were right that "land titles are government created rights" then
Proudon ("property is theft") would be right.  But Proudon is wrong.

The right to "exclusive use of natural resources" derives from the fact 
that sometimes (tho not always) the enjoyment by one individual of what
he has produced requires such exclusive use.  Land titles etc. are not
primary; they are derivative of and originate in production.  In this
way they are not arbitrary and they are not creations of government.

 ... In order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply 
 of natural resources efficiently, normally it requires government to 
 establish exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government 
 created property rights. 

Yes, the market requires property.  But as I have argued above property
is not arbitrary but originates naturally prior to government.  You
don't need a government to make trade possible!

 The economic value these exclusive rights confer on their holders is 
 called economic rent or ground rent. Holders of these exclusive rights
 generally also engage in economic production, so that the value of 
 their economic production consists of two parts: 1. the value added 
 by the use of the natural resource and 2. the additional value added 
 by the use of labour, capital and risk-bearing. 

I would describe this differently.  Producers generally make use of
resources in the process of production and their right to the enjoyment 
of their production thereby excludes others from the use of those

When those resources can be better employed otherwise then other people
will be willing to pay the producer more than the value of his product 
to stop, vacate and allow the better use.  When this happens the 
original productive activity may derive some extra value from the
ingenuity of others.  But in no case do natural resources by themselves
have value.  All value derives from (someone's) production.

 The suppliers of labour, capital and risk-bearing should keep the 
 full wages, interest and profit they earn  by their supply, 

In that we are in agreement.

 the government can take the economic rent of the natural resources 
 for public revenue. 

But I do not agree that this is legitimate.  Even if I granted (which
I do not) that there was an unproduced economic rent there is no 
reason to accept the legitimacy of its expropriation by government.

 The fact of adding some value to the production process, and employing 
 natural resources to add the balance of value, does not create a 
 property right, either legally or morally, to the balance of the value 

I have explained above why I think this is wrong.

 Nature supples an inelastic natural resource, human communities 
 are the demand only. 

The fallacy in this idea is dealt with in detail the a book by Julian
Simon (sorry I can't provide the title right now).  Humans both 
produce and consume all values.

 Thus the human community is the source of ground rent. 

The ingenuity of other specific persons creates better uses for
resources than those of their present users.  Other than these 
interested parties the rest of the "human community" are at best 
just customers or at worst envious thieves.

 The governments of human communities have sovereignty over the natural
 resources in a defined geographic area,

That may be a fact.  But so is the fact that a thief possesses his 
loot.  This confers no moral legitimacy.

 and their policies for the allocation of natural resources, and 
 for human interaction generally in their community, determine the 
 demand for natural resources and therefore the rent. The more 
 hospitible are public policies to human production and welfare, the 
 greater the demand 

There is truth in this.  In the same way that you are better off if
a mugger does not beat you.  But that does not make it legitimate
for the mugger to take your money.

 Public expenditures, if they add value in net terms, 

There is truth to this also.  In the same way that you may derive
some "benefit" if a crook gives you some of his loot.  But that 
doesn't make crime legitimate either.

The *one* legitimate thing that government might do is to prevent crime
by others (which entails enforcing rights to property that 

[e-gold-list] Re: David the radical

2001-02-11 Thread CCS

 A single fiat currency seems better than multiple fiat currencies 
 either floating against each other or fixed against each other.
I emphatically disagree.  Fiat currencies can only be imposed by
depriving people of alternatives.  The larger their scope the more
alternatives can be eliminated.  The logical result of your argument
would be to advocate a single world wide fiat currency which would
completely eliminate all alternatives.  At least with many multiple
fiat currencies they all are somewhat constrained by the competition 
of the others.  

 An international and co-operative (if still public) organisation means 
 that individual nation-states lose their power to inflate and monetize 
 debt and do other monetary policy interventions which can do profound
 harm to capitalist economies. 

Again, the larger the scope the more the "power to inflate and monetize 
debt and do other monetary policy interventions which can do profound 
harm to capitalist economies."  At least with lots of individual nation 
states the mischief any one of them can do is limited, their limitations 
are greater the smaller they are and there is more possibility of being 
able to escape to another better place.  Eliminating variety and choices
makes things worse for everyone except the powermongers.

 The level of transparency is increased and the temptation for 
 irresponsible monetary policy is more effectively resisted. 

Exactly the opposite.  Your faith in the virtuous eurocrat is touching 
but not corroborated by the secretive, coniving and arbitary denizens 
of Brussels.

 The intensity of the workings of the capital and financial
 markets are increased by having a common currency, and this has
 intensified the power of globalisation, which I am convinced is a 
 force of profound good. Transaction costs are reduced and exchange 
 rate uncertianty is reduced. A common interest rate is acheived. 

I agree that globalization (in the sense more free international trade)
is force of profound good.  I do not agree that this is promoted by 
having a common currency or that transaction costs or exchange 
uncertainty (per se) is a significant impediment.  Markets deal with 
such things just fine and should be allowed to decide.  [The real 
problems with exchange rate uncertainty are due to the manipulations
consequent to fiat currencies and would not exist in a capitalist
economy.  These manipulations might not be so immediately apparent in
exchange markets (there being none) if there were only a common currency
but they would still take place and have more deleterious consequences 
for being better hidden.]

 The larger the area of the currency the more worthwhile it is for 
 alternative currencies and payments systems to compete with it, 

I disagree.  The larger the scope of fiat money the more easily the 
alternatives can be supressed.


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[e-gold-list] Re: PayPal to charge 2%

2001-02-11 Thread SnowDog

 In an article in today's Atlanta Journal Constitution they report
 that PayPal will be charging  an average 2% of payments received
 for business accounts.
 Details at...


Curious: this article doesn't even mention PayPal. Could you have seen this
someplace else?


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[e-gold-list] land ho!

2001-02-11 Thread jpm

At 6:04 PM -0500 2/11/01, CCS wrote:
Land and "natural resources" are prior to human employment but they have
no human value prior to human employment.

There is an excellent article in

_Capital, the unknown ideal_

by Ayn Rand dealing with the appropriate way for Government to lot-out Land.

I urge you to read it, and indeed the whole book David!  (If you 
haven't already.)

Buy it at banana! :)

{Also - a thought - in these days "land", real estate is less 
central.  one could imagine a new rational nation - say based on an 
island. So let's imagine we all got together and got 10 billion 
dollars, and with that money we *bought* the "sovereignity" of, say, 
a small island -- say Saba! :)  ie, we paid off every single Sabanian 
to completely 'purchase' the sovereignity of that nation.  So -- 
great, we have the world's first Rational Jurisdiction, it is 
libertarian, low taxes, all the world's software companies move 
there, etc etc.  NOW -- what does the actual LAND question have to do 
with that?  In fact -- nothing.  All of the above could proceed with 
NO INVOLVEMENT with real estate.  (The sabanians, or anyone else, who 
happened to own land on Saba would still own it -- the government is 
uninterested -- it's just another piece of Private Property -- 
"several property", if you will, in Hayek's term -- that the 
government rightfully enforces.  The government no more "owns" all 
the "land" nor is the govervnment particularly involved with all the 
land, than the government is involved with say cars or aeorplanes.) 
I see no special role of "land" in "government".  To make an analogy, 
people used to think there were certain "natural monopolies" like say 
telephone service, or water supply, that were "best left to" the 
government, even if you were a privatization-thinker -- of course 
that's gone out the window now, no-one believes in any 'natural 
monopolies' any more.}

(Of course, everyone knows the origin of the term "real estate" - it 
has nothing to do with the english word "Real" [as in "genuine"'] -- 
it is the Spanish word Real, ie "Royal".  The phrase "real estate" is 
"Royal estate".  The implication being that it ultimately belongs to 
the crown, ie you endlessly pay rent on it [aka land tax] and 
ultimately, one day, the crown will get it back through seniorage one 
way or another.)

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[e-gold-list] Re: PayPal to charge 2%

2001-02-11 Thread Standard Reserve

At 04:56 PM 2/11/2001 -0600, SnowDog wrote:
  In an article in today's Atlanta Journal Constitution they report
  that PayPal will be charging  an average 2% of payments received
  for business accounts.
  Details at...

Curious: this article doesn't even mention PayPal. Could you have seen this
someplace else?

It was in the printed copy.

George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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[e-gold-list] Re: David the radical

2001-02-11 Thread jpm

 The larger the area of the currency the more worthwhile it is for
 alternative currencies and payments systems to compete with it,

I disagree.  The larger the scope of fiat money the more easily the
alternatives can be supressed.


I agree with CCS that fiat currencies are "just wrong".

IE the fact that the government can declare a piece of paper is money 
and can be used to pay all debts public and private, and then the 
gov't can print those pieces of paper -- is fundementally wrong.  It 
is not "real money", it's just fiat money.

Perhaps (?) David's point is that, GIVEN that fiat currencies 
evidently exist, and broadly, it is better -- say, more clarifying -- 
that there is just one fat fiat currency in Euroland, and one fat 
fiat currency in the americas.

{Inasmuch as -- say -- you wanted to start a "real" currency, like 
e-gold, and take on Euros, it would, just as a practical matter, be 
considerably easier to trade and tilt against ONE fiat currency (the 
euro) than dozens (european national currencies).

Example, quite simply, it is now easier for an e-gold market maker to 
operate in Europe, as he needs only deal with one fiat currency.}

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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation (fishing)

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

Bob wrote:
 David Hillary wrote:
  The allocation of
  natural resources in these circumstances is characterised by
  inefficiency and imprudent use (e.g. a fishery will by inefficiently
  over-harvested if many fishers can access it without restriction). In
  order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply of natural
  resources efficiently, normally it requires government to establish
  exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government created
  property rights. Examples include fishing quota and land titles.
 This presupposes that government employees that don't fish know more
 about the fish than the fisherman that fish. That ain't never going
 to happen.

Government need not know more than the fishers, it only needs to know
how to establish property rights in natural resources and auction them
to the highest bidder, leaving the business of fisheing to fishers, and
concerning itself with the development of effective institutions for
natural resources.

Government does harm when it rations natural resources without using the
price mechanism, because the alternative is have a 'beauty contest' or
allocate natural resources to the biggest contributor to campaign
finance. The price mechanism allocates resources efficiently and without
encouraging corruption. A deregulated and unsupported fishing industry
and  rational fisheries policies with an emphasis on using the price
mechanism to ration natural resource scarcity will be efficient. The New
Zealand system of fishing quotas come very close to the ideal of
perfection. The allocation of 20% of fishing quota to Maori by political
rationing, rather than by auction, is the problematic part.

 Necessary government quotas are a myth promoted by
 government, and tree huggers that are making a killing off of
 federal and state tax revenues.

where is the argument here?

 You'd be amazed at the number of
 non-profits in the US getting federal and state tax dollars. Talk
 about a growth industry in the US. High Tech, move over. A number
 of years ago, IBD did an article about the number of and growth rates
 of .org offices opening (and moving existing offices to) in DC to be
 closer to where the money is.

Only in America 

 There's a sword fisher that runs out of New Bedford. To stay
 profitable it has to spread it's fishing over a large area. It runs
 down to the Canaries off of the NW corner of Africa, then west to
 the Dominican Republic, then north and home. About a month and a

point being?

 Try sending out a USD 2,000,000 hunk of steel to the Grand Banks
 and meet it's fixed operating costs and it's mortgage. Remember,
 the owners labor costs are zeroe if it comes back with an empty
 hole. Despite that, a round trip is very very expensive. If it comes
 back 1/2 full the owner has to decide if it is the fish or the
 skipper. He gives the skipper a second chance. It comes back 1/2
 full again. Now the owner is sweating bullets. By this time if it's
 the fish he'll have a good sense for that. He now has to sell it or
 spend a lot of money (if he has it to spend) to re-rig it for
 for other fishing or other use. It's a high risk, tough business
 to consistently make money in. Boat ownership turnover is high.
 You have to have some cowboy in you to play. Tree huggers and
 government employees are clueless. The reason they don't go away
 is that they can *afford* to remain clueless.

Fishing is a competitive industry, its rate of return will not involve
risk adjusted economic profit, and if fish stocks have been over-fished,
so that their rate of growth has been diminished, the industry will be
making economic losses. 

The growth of fish stocks is a function of the size of the fish stocks.
For example the rate of growth of fish stocks might be described by the
function G(S)=-S*(S-a)*(S-b) [NB ba0]. Each period the fish stock
grows by G-H where H is the harvest of fish. If H=G(S) the harvest can
be sustained, if HG the fish stock will fall over time and if HG(S)
the fish stock will grow over time. The maximum sustainable H is
therefore where G(S) is maximised, which is calculated by differenting
and setting the first derivative to zero and the second derivative less
than zero. (This is (2*(a+b) + sqrt((4*(a+b)^2)-12*a*b))/6.) Fish stocks
can be manipulated to this level only if the overall rate of harvesting
is controlled so that the stock can be grown or depleated by
under-harvesting or excess harvesting respectively. However this point
may not be the optimal use of the resource because the cost of
harvesting per unit may vary with the size of the stock and the economic
resources allocated to building the stock (a form of savings or capital
accumulation) must also be accounted for. The economic return on the
fishery is equal to the quantity of fish produced (G(S)), multiplied the
the price of fish at the market (P), less the harvesting cost(H*C), less
the opportunity cost of capital(S*i). As a formula the return is

[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

Bob wrote:
 David Hillary wrote:
 Human demand is responsible for all economic/ground rent, as the supply
 of land is inelastic.
 Granted it's inelastic. But there's buko amounts of it. You can give
 all the people in the world a tiny house and fit 'em in the state
 of Texas.
 And, I can have a better job of having my real estate protected
 by private police than I can from depending on the local government's
 "F Troop" or "McHale's Navy".

sure thing there is enough land to support the human population, and
much much more, without conditions becoming crowded. But the rent of
land is a significant fraction of GDP and comes from demand for land in
particular places being more than the supply of land in those particular
places. Much land has only agricultural value, and, not surprisingly, is
in agricultural use. 

and i support private police forces and citizens rights to bear arms and
the means of self defence, and to defend themselves from imminent
threats to their life, liberty and property, with the use of force. If
citizens were to provide for their own security and the security of
their property, crime would be a lot less.

David Hillary

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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation (fishing)

2001-02-11 Thread Bob

David Hillary wrote:
 Bob wrote:
  David Hillary wrote:
   The allocation of
   natural resources in these circumstances is characterised by
   inefficiency and imprudent use (e.g. a fishery will by inefficiently
   over-harvested if many fishers can access it without restriction). In
   order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply of natural
   resources efficiently, normally it requires government to establish
   exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government created
   property rights. Examples include fishing quota and land titles.
  This presupposes that government employees that don't fish know more
  about the fish than the fisherman that fish. That ain't never going
  to happen.
 Government need not know more than the fishers, it only needs to know
 how to establish property rights in natural resources and auction them
 to the highest bidder, 

Establishing property rights in a fishery goes like this:
You go and get some fish.
When you have them on board and off the decks (so you can't easily 
loose them), they are now your property. No government required here.

The government auctioning the right to fish presupposes that the 
government owns the fish in the first place. How can it own the
fish to begin with? By a simple declaration?

Essentially what you are saying is that you think organized crime
should "establish property rights in natural resources and auction them
to the highest bidder"

leaving the business of fisheing to fishers, and
 concerning itself with the development of effective institutions for
 natural resources.

 Government does harm when it rations natural resources without using the
 price mechanism, 

It shouldn't be rationing anything to begin with.

because the alternative is have a 'beauty contest' or
 allocate natural resources to the biggest contributor to campaign

Now you are getting it. Government will change?

The price mechanism allocates resources efficiently and without
 encouraging corruption. A deregulated and unsupported fishing industry
 and  rational fisheries policies with an emphasis on using the price
 mechanism to ration natural resource scarcity will be efficient. 

You can't have "A deregulated and unsupported fishing industry" and
"fisheries policies" that "ration natural resource scarcity". It's
a contradiction.

The New
 Zealand system of fishing quotas come very close to the ideal of
 perfection. The allocation of 20% of fishing quota to Maori by political
 rationing, rather than by auction, is the problematic part.
  Necessary government quotas are a myth promoted by
  government, and tree huggers that are making a killing off of
  federal and state tax revenues.
 where is the argument here?

The quotas are not necessary.

  You'd be amazed at the number of
  non-profits in the US getting federal and state tax dollars. Talk
  about a growth industry in the US. High Tech, move over. A number
  of years ago, IBD did an article about the number of and growth rates
  of .org offices opening (and moving existing offices to) in DC to be
  closer to where the money is.
 Only in America 
  There's a sword fisher that runs out of New Bedford. To stay
  profitable it has to spread it's fishing over a large area. It runs
  down to the Canaries off of the NW corner of Africa, then west to
  the Dominican Republic, then north and home. About a month and a
 point being?

He spreads his fishing affect around, over a large area, the North

  Try sending out a USD 2,000,000 hunk of steel to the Grand Banks
  and meet it's fixed operating costs and it's mortgage. Remember,
  the owners labor costs are zeroe if it comes back with an empty
  hole. Despite that, a round trip is very very expensive. If it comes
  back 1/2 full the owner has to decide if it is the fish or the
  skipper. He gives the skipper a second chance. It comes back 1/2
  full again. Now the owner is sweating bullets. By this time if it's
  the fish he'll have a good sense for that. He now has to sell it or
  spend a lot of money (if he has it to spend) to re-rig it for
  for other fishing or other use. It's a high risk, tough business
  to consistently make money in. Boat ownership turnover is high.
  You have to have some cowboy in you to play. Tree huggers and
  government employees are clueless. The reason they don't go away
  is that they can *afford* to remain clueless.
 Fishing is a competitive industry, its rate of return will not involve
 risk adjusted economic profit, and if fish stocks have been over-fished,
 so that their rate of growth has been diminished, the industry will be
 making economic losses.

If I understand what you are saying, so what if the industry makes
loses. The players can go find work in some other industry if they can't 
afford to keep fishing. 

 The growth of fish stocks is a function of the size of the fish stocks.

Ok. So how do you go about counting the fish so you 

[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

Craig Spencer wrote:
  The right to exclude other's from nature's benefits is a government
  granted right and it has economic value. Land titles are government
  created legal rights to the exclusive use of natural resources. Land and
  natural resources are prior to human employment and use and to economic
 Land and "natural resources' are prior to human employment but they have
 no human value prior to human employment.  All value is a consequence of
 production; nature by itself has no benefits.

Production gives produce which can be exchanged for non-produce, which
is not produced but has value. This is called land in economic terms and
the produce exchanged for the use of it is called rent. Natural supply,
human demand.

 by one individual is or would be destroyed by the actions of another
 then the producer has an inherent right to prevent the destruction.  In
 origin this right is prior to government.

producers have rights to their production, and to what they exchange for
it. The do not have the right to exclude others from natural resources
without payment of compensation.

 If you were right that "land titles are government created rights" then
 Proudon ("property is theft") would be right.  But Proudon is wrong.

Property is land is differennt from property in production. Land is not
produced, produce is. Property rights in land differ from property
rights in produce. 

 The right to "exclusive use of natural resources" derives from the fact
 that sometimes (tho not always) the enjoyment by one individual of what
 he has produced requires such exclusive use.  Land titles etc. are not
 primary; they are derivative of and originate in production.  In this
 way they are not arbitrary and they are not creations of government.

Land rights/titles to not derive from production they derive from
government. Tresspass is a government created crime. a lot of
libertarians seem to want the government to establish new property
rights in natural resources and one does not get the impression these
would be given away, rather than they would be sold. So they seem to
want the government to get one off revenue from the state creation of
property right in natural resources which were previously commons.
Commons is unregulated and non-interventionist in the most individualist
fashion. It seems that the main difference between me and libertarians
is that I favour regular value charging on perpetual property rights in
natural resources, to avoid the creation of unstable high price rent
ratio assets, and to fund government/proprietary communities, and
libertarians favour the creation of perpetual property rights in natural
resources, for one off revenue, without any concern for nature of the
assets created or opportunities for public revenue. 

  ... In order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply
  of natural resources efficiently, normally it requires government to
  establish exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government
  created property rights.
 Yes, the market requires property.  But as I have argued above property
 is not arbitrary but originates naturally prior to government.

"the market" requires "property"? meaning that a civilised capitalist
community of individuals requires property rights in land. Property in
land is exceptionally beneficial for human habitation and use, but it is
still government intervention, granting rights to use force to exclude
others from natural resources. One cannot pretend that the tresspasser
initiates force against the land holder, the land holder threatens state
initiation of force against individuals freedom of movement over 'his'
land. Placing improvements on land does not give the right to exclude
others from placing their improvements there. Rights to land must be
equal, or unequal by governent intervention. Pure libertarianism or
individualism based solely on the non-initiation of force criterion
would mean natural resources would be unmanaged commons. 
  The economic value these exclusive rights confer on their holders is
  called economic rent or ground rent. Holders of these exclusive rights
  generally also engage in economic production, so that the value of their
  economic production consists of two parts: 1. the value added by the use
  of the natural resource and 2. the additional value added by the use of
  labour, capital and risk-bearing.
 I would describe this differently.  Producers generally also make use of
 resources and their right to the enjoyment of their production thereby
 excludes others from the use of those resources.  When those resources
 can be better employed otherwise then other people will be willing to
 pay the producer more than the value of his product to stop, vacate
 and allow the better use.  When this happens the original productive
 activity may derive some extra value from the ingenuity of others.  But
 in no case do natural resources by themselves have value.  All 

[e-gold-list] Re: Question about: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread David Hillary

 If the Government debt is in the trillions of dollars, what is use as
 collateral against that debt? Who is the debt really owed to, and if tax is
 not voluntary, why does it say it is in the IRS tax code?

the main collateral is the government's ability to raise revenue to
repay the debt.

David Hillary

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[e-gold-list] Re: land ho!

2001-02-11 Thread CCS

 ... NOW -- what does the actual LAND question have to do 
 with that?  In fact -- nothing.  All of the above could proceed with 
 NO INVOLVEMENT with real estate.

You are right: the issue of "land" is largely a red herring.  The
problem is not really land but people's minds: a lack of 
understanding of the concept of property.  

Most people today cannot comprehend (let alone justify) the concept 
of property of any sort and conumdrums about land are proxy for 
that lack of understanding.  [See Tom Bethell's book _The Noblest 
Triumph_ which you can get thru Banana.  ;)]  

There is also a small more intellectually serious group who have
a good understanding of economics and property rights generally
but sincerely believe that Real Estate poses a special conceptual 
problem.  They 1) do not understand how there can be any natural
justification for property in land, 2) realize that property in
land (or fisheries or whatever) is nevertheless economically 
necessary and 3) believe, therefore, that a necessary function 
of government is to arbitrarily create real property titles by 
fiat to solve the "problem".  These people (followers of Henry 
George) usually advocate that government be conveniently financed 
by the expropriation of all land rent since they believe that the 
government created the property in the first place.



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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation (fishing)

2001-02-11 Thread SnowDog

 Establishing property rights in a fishery goes like this:
 You go and get some fish.
 When you have them on board and off the decks (so you can't easily
 loose them), they are now your property. No government required here.

 The government auctioning the right to fish presupposes that the
 government owns the fish in the first place. How can it own the
 fish to begin with? By a simple declaration?

Allowing people to fish in the manner you describe could deplete the fish in
the local bays and lead to extinctions.

The purpose of government is not to claim apriori rights, but to allow
homesteaders to claim their rights by protecting these rights from others
who might seek to invade their fishing territories once they are
established. To do this, the government needs to allow claims for fishing
rights in particular areas, for particular fish. Without such an organized
recognition of fishing rights, then no such fishing rights could be claimed
at all.

If we continue to follow this line of reasoning, then what's the point of
allowing people to homestead and own land. If owning land was as simple as
putting a house on it and claiming it as yours, then how would someone
secure 40 acres for farming in the following year? To live one's life
requires the ability to plan ahead; to be able to know with some degree of
certainty that others will respect one's plans and allow him or her to
acquire capital to work the land, sow, and harvest, all of which takes time
to establish.

Ownership doesn't exist solely because you have a house on some land, or a
fish in your boat. It exists because you've made the first claim to an
unclaimed resource, with a plan to use and develop the resource. The
government isn't claiming an apriori right; rather establishing a respect
for the rights that you claim.


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[e-gold-list] Re: David the radical

2001-02-11 Thread Craig Spencer

 A single fiat currency seems better than multiple fiat currencies either
 floating against each other or fixed against each other.
I emphatically disagree.  Fiat currencies can only be imposed by
people of alternatives.  The larger their scope the more alternatives
be eliminated.  The logical result of your argument would be to advocate
a single world wide fiat currency which would completely eliminate all
alternatives.  At least with many multiple fiat currencies they all are
somewhat constrained by the competition of the others.  

 An international and co-operative (if still public) organisation means 
 that individual nation-states lose their power to inflate and monetize 
 debt and do other monetary policy interventions which can do profound harm 
 to capitalist economies. 

Again, the larger the scope the more the "power to inflate and monetize 
debt and do other monetary policy interventions which can do profound 
harm to capitalist economies."  At least with lots of individual nation 
states the mischief any one of them can do is limited, their limitations 
are greater the smaller they are and there is more possibility of being 
able to escape to another better place.  Eliminating variety and choices
makes things worse for everyone except the powermongers.

 The level of transparency is increased and the temptation for 
 irresponsible monetary policy is more effectively resisted. 

Exactly the opposite.  Your faith in the virtuous eurocrat is touching 
but not corroborated by the secretive, coniving and arbitary denizens 
of Brussels.

 The intensity of the workings of the capital and financial
 markets are increased by having a common currency, and this has
 intensified the power of globalisation, which I am convinced is a force
 of profound good. Transaction costs are reduced and exchange rate
 uncertianty is reduced. A common interest rate is acheived. 

I agree that globalization (in the sense more free international trade)
force of profound good.  I do not agree that this is promoted by having
a common currency or that transaction costs or exchange uncertainty (per
se) is a significant impediment.  Markets deal with such things just
fine and should be allowed to decide.  [The real problems with exchange 
rate uncertainty are due to the manipulations consequent to fiat
and would not exist in a capitalist economy.  These manipulations might 
not be so immediately apparent in exchange markets (there being none) if 
there were only a common currency but they would still take place and
more deleterious consequences for being better hidden.]

 The larger the area of the currency the more worthwhile it is for 
 alternative currencies and payments systems to compete with it, 

I disagree.  The larger the scope of fiat money the more easily the 
alternatives can be supressed.


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[e-gold-list] Re: voluntary taxation

2001-02-11 Thread Craig Spencer

 The right to exclude other's from nature's benefits is a government
 granted right and it has economic value. Land titles are government
 created legal rights to the exclusive use of natural resources. Land and
 natural resources are prior to human employment and use and to economic

Land and "natural resources' are prior to human employment but they have
no human value prior to human employment.  All value is a consequence of
production; nature by itself has no benefits.  When the value produced 
by one individual is or would be destroyed by the actions of another
then the producer has an inherent right to prevent the destruction.  In
origin this right is prior to government.  

If you were right that "land titles are government created rights" then
Proudon ("property is theft") would be right.  But Proudon is wrong.

The right to "exclusive use of natural resources" derives from the fact 
that sometimes (tho not always) the enjoyment by one individual of what
he has produced requires such exclusive use.  Land titles etc. are not
primary; they are derivative of and originate in production.  In this
way they are not arbitrary and they are not creations of government.

 ... In order to use the price mechanism to ration the limited supply 
 of natural resources efficiently, normally it requires government to 
 establish exclusive rights in natural resources, which are government 
 created property rights. 

Yes, the market requires property.  But as I have argued above property
is not arbitrary but originates naturally prior to government.

 The economic value these exclusive rights confer on their holders is 
 called economic rent or ground rent. Holders of these exclusive rights
 generally also engage in economic production, so that the value of their
 economic production consists of two parts: 1. the value added by the use
 of the natural resource and 2. the additional value added by the use of
 labour, capital and risk-bearing. 

I would describe this differently.  Producers generally also make use of
resources and their right to the enjoyment of their production thereby 
excludes others from the use of those resources.  When those resources
can be better employed otherwise then other people will be willing to
pay the producer more than the value of his product to stop, vacate
and allow the better use.  When this happens the original productive
activity may derive some extra value from the ingenuity of others.  But
in no case do natural resources by themselves have value.  All value
derives from (someone's) production.

 The suppliers of labour, capital and risk-bearing should keep the 
 full wages, interest and profit they earn  by their supply, 

In that we are in agreement.

 the government can take the economic rent of the natural resources 
 for public revenue. 

But I do not agree that this is legitimate.  Even if I granted (which
I do not) that there was an unproduced economic rent there is no 
reason to accept the legitimacy of its expropriation by government.

 The fact of adding some value to the production process, and employing 
 natural resources to add the balance of value, does not create a 
 property right, either legally or morally, to the balance of the value 

I have explained above why I think this is wrong.

 Nature supples an inelastic natural resource, human communities 
 are the demand only. 

The fallacy in this idea is dealt with in detail the a book by Julian
Simon (sorry I can't provide the title right now).  Humans both 
produce and consume all values.

 Thus the human community is the source of ground rent. 

The ingenuity of other specific persons creates better uses for
resources than those of their present users.  Other than these 
parties the rest of the "human community" are at best just 
customers or at worst envious thieves.

 The governments of human communities have sovereignty over the natural
 resources in a defined geographic area,

That may be a fact.  But so is the fact that a thief possesses his 
loot.  This confers no moral legitimacy.

 and their policies for the allocation of natural resources, and 
 for human interaction generally in their community, determine the 
 demand for natural resources and therefore the rent. The more 
 hospitible are public policies to human production and welfare, the 
 greater the demand 

There is truth in this.  In the same way that you are better off if
a mugger does not beat you.  But that does not make it legitimate
for the mugger to take your money.

 Public expenditures, if they add value in net terms, 

There is truth to this also.  In the same way that you may derive
some "benefit" if a crook gives you some of his loot.  But that 
doesn't make crime legitimate either.

The *one* legitimate thing that government might do is to prevent crime
by others (which entails enforcing rights to property that are prior to
government) and thereby prevent the loss of value consequent to crime.
This would be 

[e-gold-list] [GoldBarter] Contest results

2001-02-11 Thread Tristan Petersen

Hello all,
JPM sure has some great ideas! His idea also created paths we haven't
seen before.
Thus, he wins the contest.

Congratulations JP!

Tristan Petersen

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[e-gold-list] Re: fishing

2001-02-11 Thread peelpee

Recently posted on list:

"The purpose of government is not to claim apriori rights, but to allow
homesteaders to claim their rights by protecting these rights from
others who might seek to invade their fishing territories once they are
established. To do this, the government needs to allow claims for
fishing rights in particular areas, for particular fish. Without such an
organized recognition of fishing rights, then no such fishing rights
could be claimed at all."

forrest remembersWhile working for various fishermen some years ago
in Alaska, I learned effective, non-governmental methods for controlling
fishing territories, etc.. The invasion of an established territory,
i.e. where one's own gear is currently deployed, is colloquially termed

When one's deployed gear is "corked," or egregiously encroached upon,
the usual method of  adjudication is administered with the blade of a
very sharp knife upon the lines of the offending gear (crab pots, in
this instance).

That method failing effectiveness, firearms are generally the next
recourse of choice. Naval vessels do not have a monopoly on bow shots,
or volleys amidships, for that matter!

See related Alaskan Tales at:

Re: the economic heiroglyphics posted here recently (which,
incidentally, spawned hellish nightmares from college daze)...

When asked what he'd do if he ever hit the $10,000,000 super lotto, the
boat owner/skipper replied, "I'd keep on fishing till it was all gone."

View my growing e-gold directory page at:

best,  forrest

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