[e-gold-list] Re: OSGold

2001-03-21 Thread LaMarr Dell

I found the OSGold site refreshingly simple, and easy to use.  I guess it
appeals to me because I don't like my life cluttered up with legal mumbo
jumbo as I try to brush my teeth (or perform any other mundane tasks) ...
I don't NEED to know all of the details of WHY or HOW my car radio works

Perhaps YOUR life is driven by these things but it seems that the OSGOld
folks did a little market research before opening THEIR site.

I also found that they have a RESPONSIVE "support" department.  I emailed
the addy (that is posted on their site) and just asked, "Is there REALLY a
live person at the other end of this link?" ... E-gold would consider my
email question a "prank", I'm sure (and they don't respond even if it IS a
dire matter).

I got an autoresponder acknowledgement within a couple of minutes and
WITHIN TWO HOURS actually got an email from a LIVE support person ...

Here is the response to my question, QUOTE *


We sure do have a Customer Support staff !! Thank you for checking and we
hope you will enjoy OSGold. Remember, we are still in the process of 
completing our site. Much more information regarding our company and
it coming this week :)

Sandi Cross
OSGold Customer Care


Thanks, Sandi.

Now, on to other matters.  

It seems that some of the users of E-gold (and the management of E-gold)
have NOT been too receptive to "common" folk using this service for
playing "games".  We have been blasted time and time again by some of the
posters here.  Our game accounts have been frozen and government action
has been initiated against some of the sites ... and, we just don't care
for that.

I put out a regular "game" newsletter and in it I have suggested that ALL
of us take our business over to OSGold.  I know that most of you will be
VERY happy to hear that ... we aim to please.

"Aiming to please" seems to be what OSGold is all about, also.  They
intend to offer HY stuff from their site (at least that's what I
understand).  I'm looking forward to doing a LOT of business with OSGold,
since they seem interested in catering to my desires and addressing my

"Bugs" in the OSGold system ?  It seems to me that E-gold has NO ROOM to
talk about "bugs" in ANYone elses system ... E-gold has been around for
YEARS and STILL has a couple laying about.  Cease and desist.

See you at OSGold :))

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Game Pieces

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[e-gold-list] Re: Gary vs. Eric

2001-03-17 Thread LaMarr Dell

Today we have seen some interesting statements, back and forth, between
these two fine folks ... It has pretty much died down now, and HAS gone
far enough.

I would like to COPY here, for everyones enjoyment, a CURRENT report on
how some folks lives are here in the "good 'ol U.S. of A.".  This report
is NOT about me, nor does it INVOLVE me .. but it does reflect, quite
clearly, that EVERYone in this country does NOT have the benefits of "the
land of the free" ... it COULD happen to any one of us.

You may get a good laugh at the end but, be forewarned, I did NOT post
this for its HUMOR ... it is to make QUITE clear that all is NOT quite
right ... and it is NOT the PROTESTORS that are causing the trouble.

read on:

from http://www.williamcooper.com/


The Attack of the Teenage Ninja Owls 
by William Cooper

Veritas News Service - Exclusive, March 14, 2001 -- Ever have an
experience that defies description? A happening that is a story you know
will be with you for the rest of your life? Something that is beyond
funny, that is absolutely histerically hilarious. I'm talking way down
deep so gut funny that it really hurts bad, but you just can't stop
laughing? I had one of those... last night.

Before I can tell you what happened you need a little background. It all
started in 1988 when I discovered that there is no law passed by Congress
requiring me to file or pay the income tax. I couldn't believe it. I
called the IRS and asked them to quote me the law passed by Congress that
required me to file and pay the income tax. Imagine my surprise when the
IRS couldn't do it.

I did a lot of research in law libraries in southern California but could
not find any law requiring me to file or pay income tax. I asked a couple
of CPA's who specialized in income tax for their clients but they couldn't
tell me either. I called my Senator's and Representative's offices but
they couldn't tell me. I talked to lawyers, judges, and even made a few
more calls to the IRS... no one knew the answer, or at least if they did
they sure were not going to tell me.

I made up my mind that unless the government could show me a law that
required me to file and pay the income tax I wasn't going to do it. My
stand was, and still is, solidly upon the law. If there is a law that
requires me to do it why can't anyone produce it? Over the years I have
found that the answer is very simple... there is no such law.

I am not a tax protestor, and I have never made any attempt to cheat on
any tax that I am Constitutionally and lawfully required to pay. I have
never run, never hid, never ever made any secret about what I am doing. I
have challenged the IRS in letters, on the phone, and over the airwaves to
simply produce the proof that I am required to file and pay the income
tax. I have submitted reams of FOIA requests in an attempt to force them
to produce any documentation that would, or could, legitimize their

I began broadcasting the results of the FOIA's on my international radio
broadcast, The Hour Of The Time, in conjunction with other research that
proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that the federal government has gone
way beyond its limitations and, indeed, has become despotic. Ruby Ridge,
Waco, and the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building added a lot of fuel to this fire.

Our investigation into the OKC bombing which resulted in Michele Marie
Moore's encyclopedic work, entitled Oklahoma City: Day One, proved that
the government not only knew in advance the bombing was going to take
place, but at least two agencies were implicated as accomplices. It became
clear that Timothy McVeigh was a patsy just like Lee Harvey Oswald, and I
told the world.

It wasn't long before the Hour Of The Time became the most listened-to
international shortwave broadcast on earth, maybe even in history. When I
began to unravel the cover-up surrounding the OKC bombing a lot of people
in Washington DC got really scared. I identified the man the FBI claimed
did not exist as Michael Brescia, a government informant known to you as
John Doe #2 who is currently serving a prison term for bank robbery.

The White House leaked a memo to Rush Limbaugh who read it on the air
during his radio show. In the memo President Clinton named me, William
Cooper, as the, "...most dangerous radio host in America." After that
Radio Shack couldn't keep a shortwave radio on the shelf for 5 minutes. My
phone didn't stop ringing for months.

I discovered that my FBI file was included in those in possession of the
White House comprising the scandal known as "filegate". I also discovered
that I had been targeted. President Clinton had directed every agency of
government to investigate me with the intent to shut me up. People began
to call and ask me why the FBI, Secret Service, BATF, and IRS had been to
their homes asking questions about me. Long time friends disassociated
themselves proving that most Americans are miserable cowards. 

[e-gold-list] RE: Electric Money

2001-02-24 Thread LaMarr Dell

Since we have had a couple of books recommended .. I would like to
recommend another to you.

Cryptonomicon, authored by Neal Stephenson, Avon Books Inc., 1999

It is "science fiction" but when you look at the bio of the author and see
when he wrote the story and then READ it you will have an enormous respect
for the writers ability to "see" the future .. the subject of the book is

If you would like a VERY comprehensive (both subjective and objective)
look at "currency" and the "future" of it then this book (@ 910 pages) is
a MUST read.

Sure, the plot and characters are fiction but the truth of real life is
hit "dead on" in several areas.  The entire work soon starts you wondering
just how much "real" inside information the author was able to dig up in
his research on this project.

It really does not matter where your interest lies in real life, this book
WILL have something for *you*.  Hackers, cryptologists, investors,
guerillas, war mongers, peaceniks, on and on and on. It turns out that the
"future" is NOW ..

There has been a lot of complaining (on this list) about how "e-gold" is,
seemingly, only of benefit to the "scammers" and other various "UNsavory"
types ... even THIS phenominon is explained in the story. It explains
that, in the beginning, the "wild west" was mainly gun slingers and
gamblers and prostitutes .. but, eventually, "good folks" came to town and
the churches started going up.

I found that the author has a VERY good sense of "flow" to how things in
*REAL* life really do flow, whereas most folks THINK things should be
different and actually try to BREAK the laws of "progress".

I was fortunate to be in on the "revitalization" of the Peachtree area of
downtown Atlanta, Georgia (many years back) and found that the "flow" of
rehabilitating that area followed a pattern found in other blighted
downtown areas that had been "saved".

Upon going to Jacksonville, Florida I found that they had a blighted
downtown area named "Spingfield" that was, according to all indications,
about to follow the pattern set up in Atlanta, and many other downtown
areas ... but it didn't materialize.

Yes, the "rehab" money DID come to town but Springfield had established
laws to try and circumvent the "process" and go straight from "blighted
area" to "high-rent district" ***without*** the middle process.  It just
does NOT work that way.  Springfield is STILL a blighted area, permanently
restricted from improvment by legislation that **prevents** the middle
part of the process.

The lesson, of course, is that the gamblers and prostitutes are a
necessary part of the process and that to prevent their activity is to
STOP  the "growth" process and, perhaps, even kill it.

I hope that "e-gold.com" **gets** the message.

Try this read .. it is really insightful and comprehensive .. thank you,
Mr. Stephenson.

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Inquiring Minds

2001-02-19 Thread LaMarr Dell

I am much more willing to believe Omnipay than Costa Gold during this "No,
you didn't" - "Yes, I did" escapade. Omnipay has stuck by their user
agreement and I have seen nothing to say otherwise. 
end quote

Be truthful, "Viking", you haven't seen diddely from OmniPay about this
farce of "justice".  Please, if I'm wrong, tell me the date and time on
the last post from OmniPay (to this list or ANY other) where OmniPay
states THEIR side of this story, along with the legal justification for
holding onto 1.1 MILLION of someone ELSEs egold .

The godly owners and operators are still in their ivory towers
contemplating their compounded fees, or something, I guess ... are YOU
privy to something that WE should know ? .. give it up, dude.

From what I have seen, Costa Gold quickly underwent a transformation from
a "offshore investment opportunity" to a "offshore game" when questioned.
They went from promising very high yield returns to saying it was a game
and to not count on receiving anything.
end quote

"Viking", why even bring this into the conversation? Is it just a juvenile
effort to try and sling some mud? .. From what I've seen the REAL issue is
OWNERSHIP of the funds .. NOT whether e-god(r)etal  APPROVES of the
BUSINESS that Costa REALLY is ... or, is it?

Perhaps you are giving us some insight on what e-god/OmniPay is REALLY
doing ?  Is e-god/OmniPay REALLY making a statement that IT DISapproves of
the type of business some foreign "Ltd" is running ?  Should we now EXPECT
that the e-god/OmniPay will pass judgement on our CHOICE of business on
the internet ?

Will we now start seeing additions, to the Holy Agreement, listing
APPROVED types of ventures in which e-gold may be used ?  Perhaps they
SHOULD do this so that we come to KNOW where they all REALLY stand in this
issue .. I think that, perhaps, we are getting to the REAL heart of the
issue here .. thanks, for getting me started, "Viking".

 and thus providing negative publicity, that e-gold is a only
a tool for scammers
end quote*

"Viking", you are rambling again ... keep to the issue ... you keep trying
to SWITCH the issue over to something else.

Why? Why should e-gold thank the entities who bring in users who aren't
willing to learn what e-gold is really about? Once the marks realize
they've been had, many of them scream to high heaven that it is e-gold's
fault. Few are willing to learn what e-gold is really about.
end quote

What IS e-gold REALLY about if NOT using it to get goods and services ?
Should we just convert our bux to gold and then just LOOK at it ?  We
(gamers) put our bux into gold and then try to KEEP IT SPENT into "games"
! !

We DON'T want it to sit idle, gathering dust .. I thought all of you folks
were looking, recently, at how FAST the gold was being TURNED OVER .. and
it made you EXCITED that, someone, was actually finding a USE for this

Does YOUR statement mean that all of US are WRONG ?  should we NOT USE IT

But, I digress.

The REAL issue is about ownership .. Costa owns it, wants it back, and
OmniPay/Escrow/E-Gold/Brothers/Sisters/Whoever .. WON'T give it up ... and
it does NOT appear that the Holy Agreement SUPPORTS that move on their

All of us "USERS" are now wondering how safe ANY of our funds are in the
"gold" system .. AND, since "E-gold.com" is the ROOT of all of the gold
"stuff" then questions also arise as to the TRUSTWORTHYNESS of ALL
SERVICES BASED ON E-gold.com .  "E-gold" OWNES the ball, the game could
STOP, anytime.

If OmniPay is the ONLY culprit here then I, respectfully, submit that ALL
"service providers" help to clear up this STIGMA on "providers".

If Costa is the culprit here then I, respectfully, subit that ALL the
"service providers" help COSTA clear up this stigma on "providers". (and
let Costa retain its foreign RIGHT TO PRIVACY)

If the government of the U.S. is involved in e-gold/OmniPay business, in
order to make a statement against "Costa"-types of business on the
internet, then there is NO hope for ANY of this. The TRUTH WILL prevail,

The OmniPay folks AND their escrow folks should NOT trample on the rights
to privacy of "foreign individuals" .. this issue impacts the privacy
rights of ALL of us ... you too, "Viking".

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Joes Tatoos .. Identifying Marks Covered Up

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[e-gold-list] RE: Inquiring Minds

2001-02-19 Thread LaMarr Dell

Okay, "jammer99" here's a question for YOU ... 

Do YOU think that "scam" sites, "ponzi" sites, and other versions of
"game" sites are the ONLY sites that have problems with
egold/OmniPay/escrowgods ?

you stated:
What are Ponzi schemes, a good or a service? (I'm guessing "service," but
only in the barn-yard sense of the word.)
end quote**

How about a site that sells information on setting up foreign IBCs,
trusts, bank accounts and helps folks to line up their passports and
citizenships ?  Is this a service or do they sell goods?

There is a site at http://permanenttourist.com that has most of its
products behind a "members only" script .  In this section they have a
report available called "The Dark Side", which gives out priviledged
information about sites that have been know to give poor, to non-existant,

In that report e-gold is mentioned in its own little section.

e-gold. They froze our account without court order, kept it frozen for
almost two months, and then unfroze it. We didn't receive any
clarification from them while the account was frozen. When they unfroze
it, they claimed that one of our clients had paid us with e-gold which he
had obtained fraudulently. Of course, they didn't say which client it was
or how exactly he had obtained the e-gold... so we were unable to cancel
the client's order or even verify the truth of this claim! Be careful with
these guys! As of November 2000 we keep receiving reports about e-gold
delaying out-exchanges and ignoring (or lying to) customers. This smacks
either of growing pains - or of serious liquidity problems! In addition to
this, the SEC is currently investigating e-gold... which could result in
account seizures in the not too distant future. In either case, e-gold is
definitely not a place to keep substantial amounts of money.
end quote***

Now, it is MY contention that there are a LOT of LEGAL ( in YOUR sense of
the word ) companies out there that HAVE had bad dealings with
e-god/OmniPay and DON'T mention their cases because they FEAR futher
action from the e-gods 

Most folks are trained to utter only socially correct statements and, on
this list, it looks like it would be "socially correct" to only PRAISE the
e-god facility ... bs 

If this service wants to EVER get off the ground, permanently, it needs to
make some CHANGES ... we (some) the "users" are all NOT happy ...

I am trying to highlight a problem that needs addressing in a more
courteous and informative manner.  CUSTOMER SERVICE ... with BOTH e-gold
AND OmniPay is atrocious ... the penalty for this is, loss of business
and, perhaps, death of the concept.

So far YOU have supported e-golds LACK of customer service .

and now you, and others, want to start dictating WHICH companies CAN use
e-gold ... but you want us to pass a "agreement" exam first ... do you use
anything MS ? could you pass the MS agreement test, Symantec test,
etc,etc,etc ..  BS . these "agreements" are for the lawyers
benefits, not guidance for users ... if I started trying to give
"opinions" about the "agreement" then someone would accuse me of
practicing law without a license  translate mine, give me a "users"

Omnipay says it follows US laws
end quote***

"Follows" (as in obeys) I can understand ... ENFORCING is NOT the same ..
especially when the enforcement is assigned to duely appointed folks (of
which e-gold/OmniPay is NOT one) and those folks even get PAID for the
enforcement. "Enforcers" we got plenty of.  I don't think that there is
ANY clause in the Holy Agreement which says that e-gold/OmniPay SHOULD (or
CAN) TRY to be an "enforcer" branch of the U.S. gov.

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.

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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-17 Thread LaMarr Dell

Hi, would some one please MAKE SURE that the person who uses the pseudonym
"Viking Coder" takes a look at this web url, below ?

This "Coder" person (who won't reveal identity) makes quick judgements as
to whether (or not) a site is "legal" .. or, in "its" (don't know if "he"
or "she") opinion is a SCAM ... here's what "Viking" said:

Game sites are different than scam sites. I am fully supportive of
gambling sites, as long as they sell it as gambling. Once they begin to
call it HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) or any form of "investment
opportunity", it becomes a scam. It is a scam because they claim to
guarantee the payouts. Have you ever been to a legitimate casino that
guarantees a significant payout on every bet made?
end quote

Now, just to set the record straight, please, ALL of you (but especially
"Viking Coder") go to this url and check out the CLAIM as to what is
offered .

And, next time (before you drag out the hangman for a midnight stint)
check out YOUR facts before YOU go ranting and raving about who YOU don't
want using your precious e-gold.



I find that "Costa" is VERY "up front" with information about how THEY
work and what one may expect from them .. the fact that I don't know the
owners by name doesn't bother me one bit.  I don't know the owners of even
one tenth of the stores that I "shop" here in town.

Most folks, these days, don't bother to do a lot of research into things
so it's easy to fall into the trap of repeating the last witty sound that
we heard.  THAT is the reason that I'm posting the Costa site url .. so
that ALL of you can take just TWO MINUTES and see, for yourself, the truth
as to WHAT "Costa" is all about ...

All of us are different. Different tastes in food and different tastes in
"entertainment".  Some of you surf the porn sites for "entertainment",
some of you surf the "chat rooms" for entertainment .. some of us play the
"game" sites.  Perhaps YOU would NOT put YOUR money into "Costa" .. but,
just because YOU don't like it, should I be cut off from it also?

Where does it all end?  Who gets the FINAL say about WHICH sites stay on
the inet and which get tossed out? In the end, doing it THIS way, the inet
will have a handful of sites for you to go to and they MAY not touch on
YOUR interests at all ... personally, I DO NOT like the "hangman" justice
of "Viking Coder" and hope that "it" NEVER gets in a position to have ANY
say over who "goes" and who "stays".

Personally, I've got several thousand tied up in this "frozen asset" GOD
play of OMNIPAY/EGOLD/G$SR, whoever, .. and MY payout is being held up by
"them", whoever .. yes, I'm a "winner", but "they" have MY PAYDAY funds.

I have seen the documents (posted on the Costa site) that Costa sent to
e-gold as "proof of identity" .. and I'M satisfied ... If egold would
release the funds to the LAWYER that presented those documents I could get
paid ..

Who, really NEEDS "satisfaction" at this point?  Costa, is an agent/owner.
 E-gold, is an agent.  The "escrow" folks, are agents.  Isn't it the
Ltd./players of the Costa game ?

We had some postings here as to why e-gold uses an offshore IBC (to
seperate the "real people" from the "business"), doesn't this apply to
Costa just as well ?  Why can't the lawyer for the COMPANY get the funds?
E-gold, whoever, wants the PEOPLE also, WHY ?

 We (the players) were satisfied with our agent, Costa, enough to buy
tickets to the game .. and we TRUST OUR AGENT, Costa, to make the payouts.
 Once distribution of the funds is completed we will find that MOST of it
goes to the "players", but some of it stays with Costa it's right
there on the site folks, the WHOLE explaination is there.

Now, again, back to WHOMEVER is making this decision to HOLD the funds
that belong to others, what is your TRUE agenda? WHY aren't YOU satisfied
when the rightful owner is ?  How much do you plan to KEEP FOR YOURSELF in
"FEES" ?  Do you see this as an OPPORTUNITY FOR INCOME for YOURSELF ? Do
you feel that you can do this, over and over, and have ANOTHER SOURCE OF
INCOME for the e-gold/GSR/OP kitty ?  Doesn't your collective conscience
bother you, even a LITTLE bit, for the THOUSANDS of Costa winners that are
being made to wait for their "paydays" ?  Do you feel that you can "KILL"
Costa by holding these funds and making the players mad at COSTA (why
would we get mad at THEM for something YOU are doing)? Do you feel that by
stopping the flow at Costa the players will feel that something is "wrong"
with the game and NOT go back to it (should they start up again) ?

Truthfully, e-gold, aren't you REALLY trying to "kill" the Costa game ..?
Don't you have enough backbone to come out from behind YOUR veil of
secrecy and make a statement about your TRUE intentions or are you going
to CONTINUE your SNEAKY, BACK ALLEY type of political justice?  Playing
GOD over OTHER folks 

[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell

E-god is U.S. based .. but it doesn't feel safe tucking the gold away on
IT'S shores, it sent it away to Nevis .. have you ever wondered "why" ?

E-god is NOT a "foreign individual" (IBC, Ltd, etc) it is a U.S.
Corporation .. so WHY the Nevis move ?  Would that move put the gold OUT
of the reach of the SEC, IRS and other self appointed collection agencies
should something go dreadfully wrong with the management of E-god ?

Exactly WHICH law enforcement agency (DDU) does EGOLD have to answer to ?
And to WHICH court would we need to plead our case should EGOLD go astray

In addition to these thought provoking questions there is MORE evidence
that E-god does NOT respect the rights of the "foreign individual" .. they
have YOUR money (in gold) and really don't give a damn WHAT your rights
are .. yet they keep YOUR gold OFFshore (probably to give an "edge" to
THEIR "rights" ?) ...

The U.S. gov has a favorite way of answering all of the questions one
might ask of it about LOST "rights" .. they say, "We're doing it to
protect YOU, .. it's for YOUR benefit".  And the people lose one "right"
after another.  I would BET that E-god gives the SAME answer for the Nevis
move as the U.S. gives .. but, really, what's the bottom line impact of
that move for the MANAGEMENT/OWNERSHIP of E-god ?  Now, WHERE do YOU fit
in when you want YOUR gold BACK ?

Is is possible that E-god could just thumb it's collective nose at you and
walk away with YOUR gold ?  You betcha ! ... CAN do  ANYtime they feel
like it 

btw .. here's the latest from the "Costa" fiasco .. ask Costa THEIR

***CostaGold Update***
Thursday, February 15, 2001

Hello Members,
This is a short update to inform you that a copy of a letter sent to
e-gold today is posted on the Costagold site for everyone to view.  In
essence, it states that the request made by e-gold and the divulgence of
the information they are requesting Costagold to provide is an unlawful
act under both the laws of Nevis where e-gold has said they are
incorporated and Dominica where K.F.T.J.Ltd has proven its incorporation. 
It then goes on to request the immediate release of the funds to

Thank you for your patience as we resolve this matter.  Your faith in our
efforts is appreciated.

Jon  Robert

end quote

and if you took your case to court (in the U.S.) and WON then which U.S.
agency has the empowerment to go to Nevis and COLLECT the gold that you
won the right to in court ?  NONE   and ALL you have done is "win" a
case ... no enforcement.

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Exchange your "rights" for gold .. E-gold.com

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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell

All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against GSR. Of course, they
would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think
they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of
limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this.

end quote

something for ALL of you service providers and promoters of egold to think
about is the "reputation" that E-god is building.

Right now this "Costa" thing has been going on for weeks (and, according
to Craig, it MAY go on for YEARS) .. does it look like Costa is going to
just walk away ? There is OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS US IN GOLD on the

Think about WHERE that gold came from ... 

E-god account holders .. NO one else ... thousands of them .. and they are
ALL talking about what E-god is doing to THEM .. the ACCOUNT HOLDERS are
the ones paying the price for E-gold.coms "requirements" ... BAD PUBLIC
RELATIONS are the result.

Now, what about a situation where some OTHER corporation is thinking about
putting THEIR payroll into gold .. and payday rolls around, and E-god
decides they "need to know" who the owners REALLY are (and those owners
are "foreign individuals") ... payroll WON'T go out, and UNhappy employees
are the result.

Now, tell that OFFshore corporation what a good thing egold is ... 

It is my understanding that the Kennedy family (and many other super
wealthy families) are REALLY paupers .. ALL of their "wealth" belongs to
trusts and IBCs .. do you think any of THEM is going to step forward to
show proof of "ownership" should E-god demand it ? Under the international
laws governing HOW THEIR BUSINESS IS SET UP they should not need to.

Even U.S. corporations should recognize that others have RIGHTS also. 

E-gold need only observe what minimum is required for "due diligence" and
then RELEASE the funds .. stop this farce about IDENTIFYING THE "TRUE
OWNERS" ... Lawyers are contacting you, e-gold, get serious ... what is
YOUR true agenda ? Where is the legal requirement that says you have to
drag this out ANY more ?

WE are satisfied that you have performed "due diligence" and WE are
satisfied that "Costa" has provided ENOUGH identification and WE would
like you to release OUR gold ... but WE aren't running the show, are WE ?

Do WE have any say in how far YOUR "e-gold" idea will get on the internet
?  You betcha :))  WE have "rights" also 

Has everyone heard about "Internet Dollars" ?  

Here is a little email I received from the folks there .. Oh, I believe
ANY of the service providers CAN switch your gold into I$ REAL easy .. I$
are a LOT more flexible also ..

LaMarr shalom,

I$ is a code based system. Thus has no way to know the owners of its

It is like (if) the US authorities will come to the US Central Bank and
ask the bank officials to tell them who has 100$ with this note number.

I suggest you use it, thus understand its stength.


Arik Schenkler - CEO
Internet Dollar is the money of the Internet - http://internetdollar.com

end quote***


LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Swap "gold" for "I$"  KEEP your identity PRIVATE

p.s. would any of you service providers like to acknowledge that YOU can
help "swap" our funds ? or should we just go to the site to do it ?

p.p.s.  I suggest that ALL unhappy COSTA players cast your VOTE by kissing
"e-gold" good-by.  Costa, switch your payroll system.

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[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell

they made IMHO a very
smart decision. Omnipay/GSR, NOT e-gold ltd., put the $1 million worth of
e-gold into an escrow account
end quote**

e-gold, OmniPay, GSR .. same thing .. "egold" for short. We ALL know, at
least by now we all SHOULD know, that they are ALL the same people ..

a trusted group of lawyers/escrow agents is in control of
the money.
end quote**

"trusted" by whom ?  Costa has done what it LEGALLY should do to REclaim
THEIR funds but the "trusted" folks won't give it up ... THEY (the escrow
folks) aren't happy .  Part of those funds are MINE and I DON'T trust 'em
.. how much are they eating up in "fees" while they are playing their GOD
game ?  and as it sits it loses value .. how much will FINALLY go back
to Costa ? someone is making a tidy sum just sitting there LOOKING at it.

e-gold is not U.S. based. They are a Nevis based corporation
end quote*

Last time I looked at it I found that ALL of the "holy Trinity" (egod,
OmniPay and GSR) ARE located in the U.S. ... residents, citizens and
offices ... the fact that THEY went offshore to set up THEIR corporation
says that they would RATHER be under the laws of some OTHER country ..
why's that ?  Maybe for the SAME reason that "Costa" is ? yet they (AND
YOU) **FAULT**  "Costa" for that kind of move, h.. double standard?

So here is my suggestion to Costa Gold. Find some other way to scam
people for 10 years that doesn't involve e-gold and then raise a ruckus
and sue for receipt of the funds.
end quote***

so then, as the spokesperson for egold/OP/GSR YOU are saying that YOU are
the one to decide who is "honest" and who is NOT ? you DON'T need a court
of law or jury or evidence or ANY of that other stuff that usually gets in
the way of the hangman?

AND, all of these so called "game sites" should NOT use e-gold for ANY of
their activities ?  the Players should pull out their gold and use some
OTHER currency format ?  is that YOUR desire ?

Please! Tell this to all the other scammers out there as well. Leave
e-gold alone! We do not need scammers or the mass herds of sheep, who wish
to place blame on anybody but themself, that they bring with them. They
are the ones giving the bad reputation to e-gold, e-gold ltd., 
end quote*

yep! ! that is EXACTLY what YOUR decision is .. there it is in PLAIN sight
for ALL to see.  Okay game OPERATORS AND PLAYERS, the word is in (or

btw, "Viking"?, should YOU turn in all of your national currency ? because
drug dealers use it, gambling houses use it, houses of prostitution use
it, beer halls use it, covert activities use it, . what currency do
YOU use ?  you don't want currency with ANY stigma attached to it in YOUR
pocket, do you ? good luck in trying to find it..

Do you want "clean money" ? you ONLY get that after "money laundering",
and I think some "big boys" are offened at that "game" also.

LaMarr, why do keep referring to e-gold as "e-god"?
I have never, nor I am currently, nor will I ever, fall to my knees and
worship the Jackson brothers (Reid  Doug); or even James Ray.
end quote***

well, since you DON'T get it, I'll explain (I think MOST folks already see
the inference) .. e-gold has set its **SELF** up to play "GOD" over other
folks financial matters.

The rules they are laying down (and making up as they go) are NOT to make
some government happy (so they SAY) .. they just want to be "God" figures
over your financial future .. and they would like for this power to extend

Get it now ?

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
E-Gold .. Changing the world of "currency" .. to meet THEIR needs.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-13 Thread LaMarr Dell

Let me see if I understand this correctly ...

"e-gold" WANTs to become an INTERNATIONAL "money" ... right ?

"e-gold" WELCOMES international CORPORATIONS to do business using their
services ... right ?

"e-gold" requires the foreign corporation to GIVE UP its "rights" in order
to CONTINUE to use e-gold once their account is set up ... right ?

in other words, ALL offshore businesses and individuals MUST comply with
U.S. law in order to use e-gold ... right ? "international law" takes a
BACK seat ... right ?

Next in this train of thought, logically, then would be that ALL e-gold
users must also pay TAX to the U.S. ... right ?

Now, IF I got a "NO" answer to any of the above then how would YOU (the
"NO"er) justify the actions of the e-gold DDU ?

I think it's just a matter of time until ALL e-gold users get their notice
from the IRS about their upcoming audits ... some folks get real upset if
they don't get a piece out of EVERYones pie ...

btw .. here's the Costa "latest" .

***CostaGold Update***
Monday, February 12, 2001

Hello Members,

We continue to wait for a response from e-gold.  We did not expect a reply
from them over the weekend, but did expect one today and did not get it.

We have had so many members email us and request that we open our doors to
spends again. We are being cautious at this time.  We need e-gold to
acknowledge that they accept us as a corporate entity so we know they will
not do this again.  They have closed down operations in companies **they**
(emphasis MINE,lmd) did not deem legitimate and who were not backed by a
corporation such as the one that is our parent company. We must be sure
that they accept us as a legitimate business.  We know that they will do
so, but we must not move forward until this is clearly resolved.

Members are also asking about the documents on our site and what they
mean.  The first document is a notarized certificate that was placed on
file Feb. 5th . It states that KFTJ Ltd is a company in good standing as
of Feb 5, 2001.  It is dated that date because that is when the attorney
notarized it. This document is proof that our parent company is currently
doing business.

The second is a Certificate of Incorporation for our Parent Company, KFTJ
Ltd. It was incorporated in May of 1997 and is dated as such. Of course
e-gold must ascertain that the company they are dealing with is actually
incorporated and is legitimate. This document is proof of that fact.

The third is a page from the letter sent to e-gold.  To break it down, it
simply states that CostaGold is owned by KFTJ Ltd. and there is evidence
in the letter including notarized minutes of a KFTJ meeting where the
creation of CostaGold took place. Is finishes with a request to have the
funds released. It represents clear and official contact with e-gold. This
alone should be enough legal notarized evidence to prove that the funds
belong to our members and they should be released.

We understand that e-gold needs to meet the requirements of due diligence
and to verify the legitimacy of these documents.  Apparently, that may
take a few days. We will hope that requests they made of us last week
after receiving these documents were made in haste and they will give due
consideration to the evidence they have before them.   We will give e-gold
reasonable time to respond before we take further action. As emotional as
we may be on this issue, we must remain professional and calm.

We want to thank members for taking it upon themselves to organize the
membership at large.  We had not anticipated that there would such an
overwhelming response and several of or members wrote letters to e-gold
expressing their feeling in a very professional way.

We are now in the same position as our members as we anxiously await a
positive response from e-gold. We will follow up with continued updates as
soon as we have a response from e-gold.

Jon  Robert

end quote .

p.s. as one who has already experienced the heavy hand of the DDU I can
state that DDU will NOT contact you IF they release your funds .. you will
just DISCOVER (for yourself, if you try) one day that they are free .. and
DDU NEVER says, "thank you" for your efforts (and expense) to get YOUR
mess cleaned up either ...

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
E-Gold, a GOOD idea ... ? ?.

btw ... some of you feel compelled to tell the rest of us that YOUR
decision is that "COSTA IS A SCAM"  but that is NOT the issue here,
folks ... read it again.  The FACT is that "Costa" is an IBC and, as such,
has certain "international rights" ... that the U.S. does NOT recognize.

The U.S. wants to ELIMINATE ALL LAWS that are in conflict with theirs ..
they recognize NO RIGHTS except those THEY approve of .. and e-gold seems
to back up those feelings. C'mon, egod, quit flying TWO flags .. pick ONE
and "go" with it.

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[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-11 Thread LaMarr Dell

 I can think of no better way of reaching them than an advert ON THE 

Yes, you have identified the absolutely perfect, premier advertising
medium for reaching e-gold users.  It ought to command premium prices
if they would only sell it like capitalists.

end quote

Oh heck yes,  let's DO add some twinkly little ads on ALL the egold pages!
!   maybe some "rotators" and some "sliding banners" (those are always
good for a little slow down) .

And after we get all of this good advertising spread out on all of the
pages (ESPECIALLY the most IMPORTANT one, the "spend" page) let's ask some
big customer company to TRY and actually USE egold for their business ..
that ought to get a LOT of folks interested in egold ... or NOT !??

Do you remember how slow eslug was back when EEbiz was trying to use this
system ?  Did you see the dent that made in the page display time ? Now,
add in a few (or even ONE) STATIC banner and see what happens ... gee,
"banner ads" ... what a GREAT idea, to REALLY slow down egold ... maybe
even make it TOTALLY useless when the NEXT "hot" game/"scam" comes down
the pike .. the gifs eslug puts on the pages now don't slow things down
enough so, c'mon guys and gals, send in those twinkly ads ! ! ! Let's do
THIS up brown ! ! ! Load up that spend page . after all doesn't ALL
the SCIs go straight to it ?

How about a new slogan ?  "Exercise4 your patience to the MAX, use E-gold"

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Euro!

2001-02-10 Thread LaMarr Dell

 Most of the "players" on the e-gold team would LIKE to see egold used
more extensively throughout our world. Many of you wish that major
corporations would start using e-gold, perhaps, even, for payroll

But, the corporations see e-gold, perhaps, as "too risky".  How so? Well,
how would YOU feel if you had decided to use e-gold as YOUR corporations
payroll service and, after depositing 1.1 MILLION dollars into an e-gold
account, found that you could NOT pay ANY out .. because of e-gold red
tape ?

And if you COMPLY with e-gold then they just change the rules on you to
delay even FURTHER your attempt to "make payroll" to your folks ... would
YOU recommend e-gold to OTHER corporations as a "good idea"?

Following these thoughts, of mine, is an exact copy of an email that I
just received from the operators of Costa Gold.  Costa has kept its
members informed about the ongoing problems with e-gold and I felt that,
perhaps, a few of you WORLD LEADERS, who may be considering entrusting
e-gold with YOUR payroll, might be interested in what problems YOU may
encounter trying to get YOUR funds out at some future point in time...

here 'tis :***Costagold Update***
Friday, February 9, 2001

Hello Members,

This update will set the record straight about CostaGold. We will provide
you with accurate information regarding our efforts to resurrect CostaGold
over the last three weeks.  There are many rumours and misinformation as a
result of people going into chat rooms pretending to be from e-gold. It is
likely that the hacker is responsible for some of this or it may just be
people eager to see our business fail. As always, we have found the best
response to this libel is the truth.

We will not accept failure.  We will continue to work for our members to
ensure they get the funds that are rightfully theirs. We know we have
everyone#8217;s support on this.  We are now in a very important stage in
our negotiations with e-gold and membership support has never been more
crucial. Several members have already contacted e-gold at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and expressed their concern that e-gold is not
responding to CostaGold#8217;s urgent request to have the accounts
reactivated. E-gold does not seem to appreciate your dire need to have
these funds restored.

E-gold#8217;s terms for releasing the funds have changed daily. When we
fulfilled the requirements, their response has been to change the
requirements. E-gold is currently asking for documents that were never in
the original agreement and that will compromise our offshore status.

It has never been our intention to have e-gold as an adversary, but they
have put us in a position where our only choice may be to take legal
action. We have been in business offshore since 1997.  We have some very
strong connections in the offshore community, both in the banking industry
and in offshore legal practice. We have been gathering information about
e-gold and its workings and are ready to legally force the issue in order
to get the funds back.

First, let us prove we have been honest with our members and we have been
keeping you up-to-date with everything we are doing. People have told us
that e-gold has been claiming that we have not contacted them. We assure
you that our attorneys are doing exactly as we have stated.  In fact, we
have contacted e-gold multiple times. Starting tomorrow, you will find
evidence of this on our website as it is released by our attorneys.

In all of our many years in business, we have never had to deal with a
company that is so blatantly stalling in their business dealings as e-gold
is doing right now. One would think that any bank#8217;s primary concern
would to provide timely and professional service to its clients. This is
not the response we are getting from e-gold.

We have provided all of the documents they legally require to return the
funds belonging to CostaGold and the parent company. We used the best
offshore legal help in preparing our documents and took special care to
ensure that we had everything required by e-gold before we went to them
with our evidence. We will show you the very letters and documents we have
had our attorneys prepare and send to e-gold.  We have emailed them and
both faxed and sent documents via FedEx to them. They have had these
documents in their possession since early this week.

Even after sending them every document that they legally require, they
still have not released the funds to us. As we have already mentioned,
these documents will be posted on our site over the next few days so all
of our members can see the truth about CostaGold and what we have worked
so hard to put together.  These will be exact copies of the documents sent
to e-gold in compliance with the all of the specifications on their site.

The CostaGold site is up and running tonight and throughout the next few
days we will be posting evidence of all our dealings with e-gold. The site
will have a special link called #8220;CostaGold, The Real 

[e-gold-list] Re: Siamese Twins

2001-01-29 Thread LaMarr Dell

Egold is a VERY good idea .. an "international currency" .. really
fantastic ! !

It's NOT hard to have an account, not TOO difficult to fund and
transactions are instant (if the egold site is "up").

Now there is even a debit card available (to access your egold) and we
have DigiGold .. BUT .. there IS a drawback ..

The whole "egold thing" is controlled by (dare I say "monopolized"?) the
SAME, UNcoperative, UNresponsive and secretive group of people. It's run
like a little U.S. Government Agency operation.

They let ANYONE open an account by entering ANY kind of "account
ownership" information that you chose. BUT, if you start getting a lot of
transactions going into your account they "cap" your account and hold it
ransom until you provide them with NOTARIZED PROOF OF IDENTITY.

And it is NOT a polite, business-like process .. it comes SUDDEN, like a
storm trooper/swat team action .. NO warnings or polite requests .. like a
little U.S. Government Agency operation.

And if you try to get some sort of "customer service", during this shut
down, you will find that ALL of the contact points, email and phones, go
to dead ends or recordings ..like a little U.S. Government Agency

And they even named and called this attack branch of the company an
ominous name, denoting its eliteist status, DDU (Due Diligence Unit) ...
DUE? due to our USING the account ? DILIGENCE? do you mean as in "account
tap"? .. UNIT? do you mean like in "squad"? like a little U.S.Government
Agency operation.

And when you PASS their roadblock do they even say "thanks" for you going
to all of the trouble and expense of making THEM happy ?  are you kidding?
NO .. like a little U.S. Government Agency operation.

If they REALLY want to know who ALL of us are then why spend bux on a
"special unit" and special unit equipment ?  Why not just REQUIRE ALL who
want an egold account to prove who the are UP FRONT ? like a bank does ..
but that is NOT how you set up a little U.S. Government Agency operation.

And then we have the APPLICATION of the Holy Agreement (in times of
conflict of interest) .. it "applies" here, but "doesn't" there ..
according to the whims of the highest court available, the little U.S.
Government Agency.

And don't we see proof that the value of gold is being manipulated by HIGH
government and banking ? Is not gold the MOST basic of values, and has it
not ALWAYS been so down thru history ? SHOULD we expect a "regular private
citizen" able to set up and run an INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY, based on gold,
and NOT have the blessing of some little U.S. Government Agency ?

Not only "set up and run" but a MONOPOLY .. ALL of the various forms of
gold fall under the reign of GSR ... but, shouldn't we EXPECT THAT ?

There have been some valid complaints (posted on this list) about how
egold is operated .. and many suggestions have been put forth about how
the service COULD be improved .. and it all seems to fall on deaf ears.
Isn't that what we should EXPECT .. if the control of egold is REALLY a

In light of the history of e-gold, and the ongoing operation of same, I
think it is about time that we "users" wake up and face reality.  We are
dealing with a NEW fiat here.  It fits in with "one world government",
doesn't it ? Gee, kind of a "radical" thought, eh? ..

What makes MORE sense, tho?  CAN a "business" as UNresponsive and UNcaring
last THIS long "normally" ? Could it be that there is a hidden "power
source" to egold ?  Why don't a bunch of you (who DON'T agree with my
idea) pool your bux and TRY to open up a "business" to go into COMPETITION
with egold and see what happens .. we WOULD go for a "business" with
better "customer SERVICE" .. we WOULD want to divide our assets up into
TWO service providers (that spreads out our risk) .. so, c'mon, prove me

I can provide 10,000 written orders (from all around the world) for new
accounts if you just ASK me for them .. you would have them WITHIN one
week .. and I promise over 50,000 MORE within the next 30 DAYS ... TRY ME
.. DON'T call me a "liar" until you PROVE me wrong ...

 ..now, the ball is in YOUR court ...  I WILL stand up for public ridicule
if I'M wrong .. how about YOU ?

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.



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[e-gold-list] Costa and the price of gold

2001-01-28 Thread LaMarr Dell

It seems that some of the posters to this list have a very narrow view
about "questionable activities".  While you are looking at the other
fellow and judging HIM, someone may be judging YOU .. by your words.

We must all remember that this world encompasses many nations .. egold can
be used in ALL of them.  These "many nations" have many different beliefs.

YOUR country may say "THIS" thing is "illegal". But our fellow egold user
may live in a part of the world where that exact same thing is "legal" ...
are WE so narrow minded that WE canNOT allow our fellow world inhabitant
DO that thing that is LEGAL where he lives ?

If he should offer HIS thing to us, and we find it to be ILLegal where we
are and , IF we find that we DON'T like his offer (for whatever reason)..
would not the PROPER thing to do just be to pass up his offer ? MUST we
attemp to degrade him/her in the process ? MUST we make fun of what is
legal in his life ?

Can't we just live and "let live" ?

And, about the price of gold .. "past and present".  Why even consider it?

It doesn't matter WHAT you use for "currency" wherever you live and/or
work, that currency goes UP and DOWN in value.

ALL nations currencies gain value and lose value .. why single out egold
for a discussion of what gold was worth last month or last year ? We live
and transact business NOW .

Should I feel bad if the fiat currency I earned a year ago is now worth
LESS ? If I had put it under my bed should I WAIT, until the value goes
back UP, before I take it out and spend it ?

If you are a "floor trader" on one of the world exchanges then your
purchase price will DEFINATELY be a concern to you from minute to minute.
You have put your money out as an INVESTMENT, and you would LIKE to make a

But, egold is a repository ... they are NOT holding the gold WE
inexchanged for (or received in the course of our business), as an
"investment".  I do NOT think that the price WE paid, back when WE
purchased that gold, has anything to do with whether, or not, egold.com
SHOULD make an outexchange, should WE order it so.

A business that offers a SERVICE just follows orders .. supposedly. They
should be concerned about whether their CUSTOMER is satisfied, or not ...
especially if there is a dispute over 1.1 MILLION DOLLARS in gold, that
the CUSTOMER ownes. Service ?  Please ! !

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.


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[e-gold-list] re: Costagold

2001-01-28 Thread LaMarr Dell

I am not trying to be a wise acre. Since you are unhappy with things, I am
asking how YOU would set them up differently. How do you separate
customers that make you money form the ones that cost you money? Is this
separation fair, ethical, legal, profitable?? How do you deal with each
type and everything in-between?  These need to be defined.
end quote.

EVERYONE who has an egold account is a CUSTOMER of egold.com.  Egold.com
makes money CONTINUALLY on ALL accounts, that have a positive balance.

Egold.com makes MORE money EVERY time an account holder MOVES some of
their balance. NO ONE GROUP of egold account holders moves MORE egold than
the folks who "play the games".  If I am wrong in this statement then,
please, show me the proof.

A good example is CostaGold.  This is considered a "game" to a lot of
folks.  The "legality" of the "game" is a moot point.  The FACT is that
"players" moved 1.1 MILLION in egold in a TWO WEEK period to the CostaGold
account.  Figure out, for yourself, how much money that made egold.com.
Costa is only ONE of the "games" available at ANY given time of day or

It seems clear, to ME (excuse my presumptuousness) that "gamers" give
egold.com the BULK of their income.

When it comes to telling some sort of person or site that they can NOT use
egold (as a transactional currency) because *YOU* DON'T like their product
(or service) then "YOU" had better be wearing a badge .. or YOU are in the

In this world "MONEY" is used for a lot of things, some of those things
are "illegal" products and/or services .. BUT ... this world has APPOINTED
persons to correct, or stop, those activities.  VIGILANTE correctional
activities are frowned on, in most parts of this world.

IF ANY activity (using egold)is "illegal" in THEIR region of the world
then there IS a LEGAL method for correcting that problem ... and egold.com
is NOT the agent appointed.

Nor should egold.com be elected to be the REPORTING agent for some,
presumed "illegal", activity (which uses it's service). There are ALREADY
those appointed to LOOK FOR "illegal" activities.  Do we want to make
THEIR J.O.B.s obsolete ?

We cannot even look at the power weilded by a BANK and say that the
banking industry has set the pace, in enforcement, because egold.com is
NOT a bank.

Why don't we QUIT slurring other folks business sectors and just let
enforcement "do IT'S thing"?  MUST we get involved? IS there anything that
compells us to "get involved"? How many other "crimes" do you report every
week of the year ?

Why does ANYone, *here*, feel that something needs defining?  Have you
checked ALL the law books of ALL the countries that use egold.com?  Are
you SURE that you have a "new" thing here, that NEEDS addressing .. in
THIS forum ?  Is THIS a law enforcement forum, or an appointed committee ?

Some seem to have some kind of feeling that *WE MUST* correct the ills of
the world .. so, let's discuss this worldwide "food shortage" topic and
see if *we* can come up with a solution.  Also there is the "sickness"
issue  and th .

LaMarr M. Dell Sr. 

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