[e-gold-list] e-gold Debit Card

2003-07-13 Thread J. D.
 Anyone could recommend me a good e-gold debit card? I
am looking for something similar with Steve Renner's
cashcard (with faster funding service thou..) I don't
say that cashcards is not a reliable company, and I
think that Steve is a honest man. The only problem is
that it takes 1 or 2 weeks for the card to be funded
wich is a major problem.
 Thank you,


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[e-gold-list] E-Gold game script

2003-08-06 Thread SV Gisp

The original DGCLottery game script is on sale now for a special price of
only $50. Limited copies are available.

Order at http://dgclottery.com


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[e-gold-list] e-gold - paypal exchange

2003-09-04 Thread Yog Yatry
Dear List,

I need $33 in paypal against e-gold or 1mdc.
Is there any incentive available or not to exchange gold for paypal?

Hope, I will find the offer from you.

With Best Regards,

Yog Yatry
Osho Kala Group

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[e-gold-list] e-gold for sale

2003-09-05 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Friends,

Many of you have been enjoying a price rise in gold.
If you haven't gotten the news, there is a good deal
of information going around to the effect that gold
is headed up, probably to around the $410 price, in
the very near future.  The expectations are consistent
for both fundamental and technical reasons.  Experts
like Jim Sinclair have been vigorously advertising the
expectation of higher prices.
So, what better time to have a sale!

EzEz.com is offering e-gold in any amount for a flat
in-exchange fee of $12, up to $40,000 available.  First
come, first served.  That's .03% if you buy the whole
lot.  (Yes, three one-hundredths of one percent!)
We accept bank checks, money orders, and bank wires
on this offer.  E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and mention
this flat-rate offer.
Used to paying 3% for your e-gold?  Great!  Send $412.
Want to pay 1% for your e-gold?  Better!   Send $1212.
Looking to buy e-gold for 0.5%?  Super!Send $2412.
Act now, supplies are limited, and this offer will
expire soon.
You have to e-mail me to get the instructions on how
and where to send your funds.

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[e-gold-list] e-gold to rupees

2003-09-16 Thread Katz Global Media


can anyone on this list exchange e-gold to rupees to be made available in
Mumbai, India for pick up or delivery on an ongoing basis???


Anonymous Hosting(tm) Solutions

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[e-gold-list] e-gold + Health insurance

2003-09-26 Thread The Gold Economy
>I'd like to
>announce that CYFROCA$H is proud to offer what is likely to be the first
>ever Health Insurance Policy that can be paid through CF$ by e-gold.
>Not just any insurance mind you. The Package has been tailored by MNU
>(Multinational Underwriters, USA) and Lloyds (UK), and is meant for PTs,
>Expatriates, Expatriates, Travelling Entrepreneurs, etc.

That is totally cool, Robert!

>One restriction though: It's no good for US nationals living in America
>most of the year.

Bummer, it's off to the Bahamas, then!

- Ken

"Moonshine, , it's all the same thing." - BadBart

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[e-gold-list] e-gold for stocks

2003-10-28 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Robert,

First there is a run on e-gold, 2,000,000.00 dollars' worth.
There are some other misapprehensions about this situation
which I think need elucidating.  You seem to insist that
the people who wish to buy stocks with e-gold are all
people who have no e-gold on hand.  I think that's a
Once the shares are bought and the sellers cash out there
is a 2,000,000 dollar worth of e-gold surplus.
Here you assume that the sellers who receive e-gold for
stock don't have any ability to spend e-gold for things like
programming.  Yet, the Gold Casino has done so.  It also
spends e-gold paying off bets, spends e-gold for domain
registrations, spends e-gold for accounting - it can
spend e-gold on nearly everything it does.
Even if the sellers of stock turn their e-gold back into
cash, they have, at the end of the day, released e-gold
back to exchangers who are then able to sell it.  So, I
don't see why a run on e-gold is expected.
Moreover, I don't see how any of this information amounts
to an inflationary tendency from stock exchanges offering
to accept gold in exchange for shares.

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[e-gold-list] #e-gold on IIP

2003-10-30 Thread zenbiker
There is an IRC e-gold discussion channel, run on the IIP server.  To gain
full-featured access you will need to be a user of IIP, but this is a good
idea at any rate.  IIP (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a program which
works in conjunction with your IRC client to mask your IP and allow for
anonymous IRC communication.  You can learn more about it here:


If you don't want to download it, or are unable to due to workplace or
other issues, you can access #e-gold via a convenient Web interface
located at Metropipe's site:


Just name yourself and click "Connect."  

There are sometimes quite a few users in the room; others you will find
yourself alone and despondent.  But it would be nice to have some members
of the gold economy come chat in real time, especially given some of the
more interesting topics that we cover here on the list from time to time.


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[e-gold-list] e-gold for stocks

2003-10-30 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 02:35 PM, SnowDog wrote:

I wasn't making such a detailed observation. I am simply pointing out 
there are several definitions for 'money', each of which has use. ...

 Likewise, would you ever have a
reason to include only notes redeemable for the gold? Again, the 
answer is
'yes', if you were trying to find total money in circulation, since the
notes circulate as money, too.

Sure, I can see how you might want to measure different things for 
different purposes.  But I think if I wanted to measure the total 
"purchasing power" in the digital gold economy, I might start by 
defining it as follows:  the total  number of gold grams that would be 
spent if everyone suddenly and simultaneously spent every single 
digital gold asset they owned.

So for example, each e-gold, Goldmoney, e-bullion, Pecunix, and 1mdc 
account holder simultaneously spends every single gram in his account 
that he owns.

The first thing to note is that the e-gold grams residing in the 1mdc 
reserve account would NOT be spent in this scenario.  That is because I 
stipulated that each account holder only spends the grams that he 
himself owns.  The individual(s) holding the 1mdc reserve accounts do 
not own the e-gold grams in those accounts, so they do not spend them.

Therefore, the total number of grams spent in the total simultaneous 
spending binge is precisely the total of grams in the e-gold, 
Goldmoney, e-bullion, and Pecunix systems.  The 1mdc grams are not 
included in this total.  Or to look at it another way, the 1mdc grams 
ARE included in the total, but the e-gold grams in the 1mdc reserve are 
NOT.  Same thing because either way you get the same total number of 
grams spent.

Now, to follow Robert's point, you might consider adding in something 
to represent the value in grams of all the TGC shares, on the grounds 
that they too can function as liquid, current money.  TGC shares WOULD 
represent an additional component to the total number of grams traded 
in an all-out spending binge.  That is because both the grams paid for 
those shares, and the shares themselves, can both be spent by their 
respective owners:  TGC itself in the former case, and TGC shareholders 
in the latter case.

Of course, the question of who "owns" the gold grams paid for TGC 
shares is a bit subtle -- certainly TGC management controls those grams 
and can spend them as they see fit, but TGC shares do represent 
shareholder equity in the company, which includes all assets including 
the cash raised in the IPO.

But regardless of any such hair-splitting, both the cash raised in the 
IPO and the TGC shares themselves may simultaneously be spent with no 
violation of contract.  So TGC shares, unlike 1mdc grams, can indeed be 
viewed as an increase in the money supply.

If anyone started a gold fractional reserve lending system, accepting 
for example a deposit of 10 grams and making loans of 100 grams as 
simple bookkeeping entries in accounts, and if people were damn fool 
enough to trade in those account balances as if they were real grams, 
then we would have to count those in our assessment of the "money 
supply" as well.  I mean, if 100 grams of "fractional gold" could be 
spent about as easily and powerfully as 100 grams of e-gold, then I 
guess you'd have to include the fractional gold.

[Editorial comment:  Goodness, how in the heck did anyone ever get 
snookered into this fractional reserve nonsense anyway?!!!  Isn't it 
sort of blatantly ridiculous just on the face of it?  I think it may be 
even more ridiculous (and harmful) than issuing fiat paper tokens 

I seem it as similar to the difference between M1 and M2. M1 is the 
amount of cash circulating in society and M2 includes other types of 
assets like checking account balances, which are directly convertable 
cash. Monitoring the size and growth of each are valuable to 
Not to quibble, SnowDog, but M1 itself includes both the cash AND the 
checking account balances.  To get M2, you have to add in money market, 
small time deposits, and savings deposits.

I guess the idea is that cash and checking account balances are pretty 
much equally liquid, and the extra components in M2 are clearly less 

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] e-gold market share

2003-11-18 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Gordon,

50% e-gold
30% paypal (no comment)
Wow!  That's a lotta PayPal.  I wouldn't want to have that
much at risk, were it me.  I hope you have good procedures
for limiting your exposure to their ill will.
10% evocash (doing better lately)
I agree.

5% stormpay (they scare me and our money is stuck in it
which pisses me off)
I'd heard about BrightPay going under.   I gather that
StormPay is on its last legs?
3% intgold
You should probably steel yourself for the bad results to
come on this one, given what I know.  Seems like an OSGold
in the making.
2% Pecunix - Gold Money - other
Does "other" include e-Bullion?  If so, I'm a bit surprised
they don't represent a larger share of your orders.
The sales numbers do not lie.

However, sales figures are like sewer pipes.  What you get
out of them depends in part on what you put into them. If
users have any perception that you prefer to be paid with
e-gold, they may do so out of a desire to mutual advantage.
There are all kinds of reasons why e-gold sales might be
higher which are not indicated in your sales figures.  For
example, there may be greater regional penetration of e-gold
among your clientele.
Users of certain industries may be extremely shy of, say,
PayPal, which is anti-adult and anti-gun and anti-other
stuff.  So, if you are hosting web sites in these specific
industries, that would explain the preference of users for
 e-gold has even overtaken our paypal sales overall.
That's sorta neat.  It isn't a wonder, though, given
all the terrible practices at PayPal.
How do credit card sales compare?

 Once in a while they battle it out but usually e-gold has the edge.
That is really impressive to me.
And to me, too.

something really unique to offer people
I wonder if there would be a market for videos of
zero gravity sex?


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[e-gold-list] e-gold Server Down

2003-11-24 Thread SnowDog
How long do you anticipate that the e-gold servers will be down?


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[e-gold-list] E-gold Escrow Agent

2001-10-03 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

Earlier this year e-gold moved its gold from Scotia-Mocatta in 
Toronto to other vaults in London, Dubai and Zurich. I thought it 
was no big deal even if I could not find a logical explanation, since 
Scotia is among the best in the world.

But now I see that Central Escrow Agency which use to be e-gold 
escrow agent is no longer there. CEA was managed by the 
Spencers who are very well known in Canada and the US as they 
are managing, among others the famous Central Fund Of Canada, 
a close end gold fund. In other words, these guys wre experts.

Now I see that the new Escrow Agent is a lawyer firm in the US:


This firm appears to have good credibility. However, according to 
their website, they have no expertise in the gold market. 

Can someone from e-gold comment on why CEA and Scotia are no 
longer e-gold business partners. Why moving away from such 
major international credibility ? 

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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] E-gold & Affiliate Programs

2002-01-03 Thread Megastep

I am looking for a directory of companies that are willing to pay their 
affiliates by e-gold instead of check or money order.

Does anyone know if such a directory exists?

Also are their any MMs who would be prepared to receive a business check 
issued from an affiliate program and then spend it to an e-gold account? If 
so who? If so how?


Robert Taylor
Megastep International

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http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html lets you observe the e-gold system's activity now!

[e-gold-list] e-gold list announcement

2002-01-14 Thread Ragnar

Because this e-gold list is for discussions solely about e-gold
related matters, I have taken the liberty of creating a digital
money related open discussion list (such as this one) where we
can discuss all sorts of things without angering the moderator.

Of course, we should all still remain on the e-gold list to
receive announcements, etc., but the digital money list will be
more conducive to discussions.  Please join:


Liberty Impact!

Check out this free, hard-hitting weekly newsletter about privacy, liberty, offshore 
banking, tax avoidance, e-currency, and discussions about how to stop governments from 
tearing down individual liberties.

Follow this link to sign up for free:


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[e-gold-list] e-gold system downtime

2002-03-19 Thread jrw


the e-gold system is currently (1150 GMT) unavailable
while a system problem is worked out. should be back
online shortly.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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[e-gold-list] e-gold to evocash

2002-04-04 Thread eForexGold

We will convert e-gold to evocash at 0% service fee. To place the order please go to 


eForexGold Team

Order new anonymous debit cards funded by e-gold and other e-currencies. Accepted at 
over 850,000 ATM machines around the World. http://www.e-forexgold.com/

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[e-gold-list] E-gold related domains

2002-04-15 Thread PowerClicks


Just a short note as we are selling a couple of e-gold related domains on


We acquired these names thinking of developping a comprehensive directory of
e-gold related sites, but simply had no time/resources to put into this,
which is why I decided to release the names as I am sure someone can put
them to good use.

BTW this is a no-reserve 5-day auction, starts at $20:


Payment via e-gold preferred :-)



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[e-gold-list] e-gold automation software

2002-06-04 Thread Richy727

does anyone know where to purchase a good e-gold automation software thats 
able to send 100's to 1000's of payments automattically and be able to send a 
certain percentage of the spend made (15% of $100) without working all the 
details into a spread sheet...I would like to just download the CSV file, 
tell how much % to pay and let it goto workis there any such 
thing?...please let me know if something like this is out there...please 
respond to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you,
Richard Cross
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[e-gold-list] e-gold for sale

2002-06-04 Thread GoldSpender


We have $68k of excess e-gold.
You can buy e-gold from us at 1.5% above the spot.
We accept wires. Please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[e-gold-list] e-gold for less

2002-06-11 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear Friends,

For a limited time, Cambist.net has a sale on gold.

Yes, you can buy gold at spot plus 2.5% if you buy less
than US$1000.  Buy at spot plus 1.5% if you buy more than
US$1K.  Spot plus 1% applies at US$10K or more.  While
supplies last, we have e-gold, Crowne Gold, GoldMoney,
and e-Bullion.

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit http://cambist.net/
for best results.



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[e-gold-list] e-gold system operational

2002-06-15 Thread Jay W.


the problem related to error message on e-metal spends
noticed by several users this afternoon has been corrected.
jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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[e-gold-list] e-gold for sale

2002-06-28 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear Friends,

I'm told by a very reliable source that Cambist.net has
e-gold for sale at amazingly low-low prices.  Lower than
low.  You should just e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for his
best deals ever.  Really, amazingly low prices.

Gold.  Crowne Gold.  E-gold.  GoldMoney. E-Bullion.

Bullion bars. Gold coins.  Whatever you want, we have it!

We also buy these items.



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[e-gold-list] E-Gold Management integrety

2002-07-08 Thread Matthew Schlegel

Ok, I've seen a couple messages questioning E-Gold's management because they didn't 
know about the fraud at ST and havn't done anything about osgold.  Now it is my 
understanding that E-Gold, or the E-Gold management was simply an investor and 
shareholder in ST.  Shareholders are not generally involved in the day to day running 
of a company.  They simply allow a company to use their money for operations, while 
expecting that when they pull money back out of the company, there will be more of it. 
 It is possible that they could have found out information about the fraud before it 
got too far, but unlikely.  From the stuff I saw about ST, even the remainder of the 
board of directors knew nothing about it.  The perpetrator of the fraud was working 
alone and obviously is not going to be informing the board of directors of their 

Could fraud of this nature be prevented?  Perhaps, but only if everyone that 
potentially has the power to commit those acts of fraud has someone looking over their 
shoulders on everything that is being done.  Highly inefficient and expensive.

All in all, I don't see how it is E-Gold's responsibility to be investigating that 
deeply for fraud.  If the Board of Directors didn't know, there is no way an investor 
would know.  Certainly if e-gold did somehow have knowledge of this fraud in advance 
and had done nothing about it, I would consider them irresponsible, but I have seen no 
evidence to suggest that they did, or could, have such knowledge.

Now personally, I've never met anyone from e-gold's management in person.  Sometime I 
hope to, but for now, I'll rely on the opinions of a few select people to determine 
their trustworthiness.  So far I havn't seen anything to really counter the opinions I 
have seen of E-Gold's management that have been given in the past.

Matthew Schlegel
Gold Builders International

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[e-gold-list] E-Gold to PayPal?

2002-07-10 Thread John A. Buck

Can anyone here facilitate a minor E-Gold to PayPal exchange?
I need to move approx $170. (US)
Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or answer here - I will probably see it. :)
Thanks in advance,

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[e-gold-list] e-gold to Paypal

2002-07-13 Thread Michael Moore

I need to make a purchase from my paypal account so am looking to do a
straight swap  from e-gold to Paypal.

If anyone has 16USD  in their paypal account they would like to swap for
e-gold  please email me


Kind regards,

A Member of the Gaithman Group of Companies
An Accredited Founding Member of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc

'Always check that gold account before you spend.  Go to
www.currencyregistry.com  it's free!'

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[e-gold-list] e-gold site down ?

2002-08-16 Thread PHV

We have been trying to access e-gold site since 7:00 AM GMT with no success

Does anybody know about a problem ?

The Best price for the right service

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[e-gold-list] E-gold site down?

2002-08-16 Thread Matthew Chancey

Is it just me, or is the e-gold site down?


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[e-gold-list] e-gold customer service

2002-09-06 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear Pat Brown,

You should probably check out e-Bullion.com.  I find their
customer service is the best in the industry.  It is way
better than GoldMoney.com, which has generated a bunch of
very bad impressions with me over the last few months.

Among other things that I don't think anyone else in the
industry can match, when I wire money to e-Bullion, my
account is funded within hours.  Not days.  Not tens of
hours.  Three hours is the time to beat, folks.

On the plus side, e-gold has more customers, and more gold
than anyone else in the business.  So, if you want to do
business on the web, chances are better you'll be able to
use e-gold to do it.  Market share is primo.

On the plus side for GoldMoney, they have really excellent
corporate governance features.  I think this makes them one
of the most trustworthy digital gold currencies going. I am
also very pleased about their offshore location and offshore

Pat - please keep sending messages about things you like and
don't like.  The industry cannot improve without feedback 
from our customers.



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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold SALE 4%!

2002-09-10 Thread securitygold


e-gold on sale for 4%!

Visit our site at:


Steve Maes
fast, Secure, CONFIDENTIAL

Get your free encrypted email at https://www.hushmail.com

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold for sell

2002-11-09 Thread efidex

We have $10,000 in e-gold we want to exchange for a wire (USD or any other
major currency).

We ask for 1% minimum premium.

People interested please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sith Walter
Fidex Financial Group

+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more  http://www.gmx.net +++
NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold at 2.25%

2002-12-17 Thread shupperd1

www.fastgold.net has once again reduced rates, our current rate via bank
wire is just 2.25%

We still send out checks for FREE from your E-gold and 1mdc account.

View our completely updated site.

James Shupperd

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold debit cards

2003-01-19 Thread Steve Renner
 Find out the secret that 1,000's of e-gold users already know:

You can transfer your e-gold to your V-Cash account and then to
 your V-Cash anonymous debit card all in a in a matter of minutes.

Then you can withdraw it at any Cirrus/Maestro ATM worldwide
or spend it at any merchant who accepts debit cards, like:
convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, etc.

Contact any of our 1,000's of V-Cash agents, or contact us directly
 and we will refer you to an Agent nearby who will be glad to serve you!

Over 85,000 Members and Growing Strong!!

Yours in Success,

Steve Renner, Managing Director
 International, LLC
Basseterre, St Kitts - West Indies

US Offices:
250 Second Ave S
Suite # 145
Minneapolis, MN 55401

PH: (612) 332-6025
FX: (612) 332-6032


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold debit cards

2003-01-19 Thread Graham Kelly
What's your fee for this service?

Graham Kelly CEO

- Original message -
From: "Steve Renner" 
You can transfer your e-gold to your V-Cash account and then to
 your V-Cash anonymous debit card all in a in a matter of minutes.

Then you can withdraw it at any Cirrus/Maestro ATM worldwide
or spend it at any merchant who accepts debit cards, like:
convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, etc.

GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9415-7750
US Voicemail +1(817)238-9955
US FreeFax +1(800)786-3012
UK Phone +44(0)7092337612

BrightPay.com is THE PayPal alternative, with NON-revocable transactions!
Sign up today!

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold sale @ 3%!!

2003-01-28 Thread gold


e-gold is on sale at spot plus 3% at AnonymousGold.com!!!

Try us - you'll like our service!

fast, Secure, CONFIDENTIAL

Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
 encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2 

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program: 

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-gold SRK Broken

2003-02-02 Thread SnowDog
I'm trying to log-in to e-gold for the first time after maintenance
yesterday, and the SRK appears to be broken.

1) Using 6.0.2800.1106, Cipher Strength 56-bit, Update Versions SP1;

Using this version, the SRK refuses to come up and hangs the browser,
requiring me to kill it.

2) Using Netscape 7.01, everything appears to work, but the SRK box is too
small to accommodate all the numbers and letters, and it can't be stretched.
So, it's effectively useless if I have to select a letter or a number on the
right side, beyond the edge.

Anyone else? I use the SRK religiously. I think it's an ingenious tool. I
would hate to see it go. The login works fine when keyed.


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-gold members benefit

2003-02-20 Thread Beauty of Africa
Dear e-gold member

Best Deal on Hand Made Carvings, Kitchen Utensils, Hand Made Batiks,
so many more at a very competitive price.
Lowest Price and FREE shipping.
If you as an e-gold member buy for 50US$+, you get 6 colourful
Place card holders worth$8.00 for free(including shipping)
There's no catch here.
See for yourself

Beauty of Africa

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold Back Up?

2000-09-03 Thread Donald D. Henson

I just accessed the e-gold web site and checked my balance. Everything seems
to be working and it was pretty fast. I wonder if this means that the
problems have been resolved?

Donald D. Henson, Managing Director, WEPIN
"A sovereign individual views law as damage and routes around it."
Visit WEPIN Store  today!

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[e-gold-list] e-gold down again?

2000-09-27 Thread Michael Moore

Is it my imaginationis e-gold down 
It is difficult to promote a site to a client 
and  the client goes to it only to find it is down.
The client then comes back to me and 
"what e-gold?"
More to the point...when will it be 
Kind regards,
Michael Moore[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.gold-today.comSign up with 
e-gold today and get gramms of e-gold here.https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=129542
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[e-gold-list] e-gold to paypal.

2000-10-03 Thread Khurram Khan


  Paybygold now provides e-gold to paypal exchange.  Check it out www.paybygold.com

 Khurram Khan

Get email for your site ---> http://www.everyone.net

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[e-gold-list] E-Gold based banner program

2000-11-24 Thread Vince Callaway

I've been asked by one of my clients to setup a banner program like mine
( http://www.freedomhound.com/webmasters ).  Before I do so I would like
to know if there is any interest in this as a general service.

The basic model for the service is as follows:

A webmaster would register their site.  The registration consists of
providing banners to be served from my server, an amount to pay per
unique click, a deposit to cover a months payout.

My system will keep track of accrued payouts and notify the webmaster if
the deposit will run short.  I also have fraud protection to keep from
paying for exit traffic and redirects.

For the people that wish to run banners they will be able to browse a
list of sites willing to pay for traffic.  I may make this part of the
e-gold business directories site information.

My fee for running the service will be a percentage of the revenue paid
out.  I have not decided what that percentage will be, but it will be

If interested reply privately.

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[e-gold-list] E-GOLD Ltd. for sale???

2000-12-12 Thread gary

Just saw a post on a delphi forum that said E-gold put the company up
for sale, anybody heard anything???


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[e-gold-list] e-gold/Standard Reserve integration!

2000-12-13 Thread Graham Kelly


Joe, my programer, has integrated the Standard Reserve option for SR
gold & SR dollars, into our web site. (bless him!) So... now you have
a choice of purchasing e-gold, SR gold or SR dollars from www.GoldNow.St,
as well as applying for a SR debit card, online. 

If you find any errors, please advise me... you WILL be rewarded!

We will also be releasing another web based program soon, an absolute
KILLER application... you'll all love it! Especially you, RS! I'm so
excited about it... I can barely restrain myself! (I love my programer!)


Graham Kelly
Fax; +1(312)777-4270
Want a debit card linked to your e-gold account? Apply at my site!


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[e-gold-list] E-gold pay to surf

2001-02-04 Thread lslarry

Does anyone know if there are 'paid to surf' programs that pay in e-gold?

Thanks in advance

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[e-gold-list] E-GOLD LIST COME BACK

2001-03-03 Thread Mark S. Ohberg

Noo Yawlk hea, need to rally the troops, hello e-golders.  My recent
travails have produced this response on the bottom from Texas off of the
HTML Writers Guild List.
>On or about 12:57 PM 02/11/2001 -0500, Mark S. Ohberg alleged:
>Provide and foster professional advancement opportunities among
>individuals dedicated to or pursuing a Web career,
>> I'd suggest noting that this is the International Webmasters
>>since IWANET isn't exactly self-explanatory.
>>And I'd recommend adding this one to your list:
>>Brainbench does independent online testing, certifications and
>>Well worth checking out and listing.  (I hold certifications in HTML
4.0, JavaScript, and Written English from them.)
>This was my 2 cents worth, if you felt it was worth $.02 then click
>here: http://www.two-cents-worth.com/?107245
>>Are you aware that this "organization's" advertising methods have been

>>less than ethical, including unsolicited bulk email (spamming)?

Care to rebuttal this neophyte. Or tell me whose been spamming anyway,
How should I come back at this one?

let it snow let it snow let it snow

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[e-gold-list] e-gold list server status

2001-03-12 Thread jrw

Today (March 12 2001), the server running the e-gold
mail lists experienced some hardware problems. It was 
offline for about 7 hours.

It is now back up and running.

jay w.
16:14 EST

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[e-gold-list] e-gold 2001 conference date?

2001-03-20 Thread Graham Kelly

Does anybody have any idea when the 2001 e-gold conference will take



Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
Fax +1(312)777-4270

Want a debit card linked to your e-gold account? Apply below!



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[e-gold-list] E-Gold Opt-In Newsletters?

2001-03-24 Thread highsociety

I am looking to advertise directly
to E-Gold users.  Do any of you know
of any opt-in newsletters that are either
100% targeted at e-gold users
or very close to that?  If so please
reply.  Thanks for your help it is
much appreciated.


Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at www.hushmail.com

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[e-gold-list] E-gold Service Is GREAT!!!

2001-04-10 Thread Pokable Peggy

Just yesterday I had lost my passphrase and sent an e-mail
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That very same day, I got a response
back and was able to get back in my account.  Many others I know
have received prompt replies and we all believe e-gold has excellent
service.  The gentleman who answered my phone call was polite,
knowledgeable, and sounded extremely attractive ;).  With service like
that I could only hope to lose my passphrase more often, despite what
others have said on this list (like kuram kahn).  Kudos to e-gold!

Pokable Peggy

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[e-gold-list] e-gold SCI at TLE

2001-04-23 Thread peelpee



 The Libertarian Enterprise has incorporated an e-gold SCI at their

How about spending them a little spare change to show 'em it was worth

best,   forrest
--Worth 2 cents?-- http://2cw.org/103300 

--Click the fish at: http://members.tripod.com/~lowell_potter/ to view
my e-gold directory page--

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[e-gold-list] e-gold, ian green rock

2001-04-30 Thread peelpee


e-gold for classic music! e-gold rocks! ian green rocks! buy real stuff
for e-gold with ian green (see my e-gold directory). thanks, ian!

best, ... forrest

1 "Genuine Houserockin' Music II" Various Artists; Audio CD; @
$6.97 each
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "Nothin' Matters And What If It Did" John Cougar; Audio CD; @
$11.97 each
Usually available in 2-3 days
1 "One On One" Cheap Trick; Audio CD; @ $9.97 each
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "Lyle Lovett & His Large Band" Lyle Lovett; Audio CD; @ $11.97
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "A Celebration Of Blues: Great Acoustic Blues" Various Artists;
Audio CD; @ $5.97 each
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "Can't Buy A Thrill [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED]" Steely Dan;
Audio CD; @ $11.97 each
Usually available in 24 hours
$11.97 each
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "Royal Scam [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED]" Steely Dan; Audio CD;
@ $11.97 each
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "Tea for the Tillerman [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED]" Cat
Stevens; Audio CD; @ $11.99 each
Usually available in 24 hours
1 "Behind the Sun [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED]" Eric Clapton;
Audio CD; @ $11.97 each
Usually available in 2-3 days
1 "Lenny Kravitz Greatest Hits" Lenny Kravitz; Audio CD; @ $13.99
Usually available in 24 hours

--Worth 2 cents?-- http://2cw.org/103300

--Click the fish at: http://members.tripod.com/~lowell_potter/ to view
my e-gold directory page--

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[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2001-05-25 Thread Jay W.



Thursday May 31 2001 11:00 PM EDT
Friday   June 1 2001  2:00 AM EDT
Routine maintenance


Friday June 1 2001   10:00 PM EDT
Friday June 1 2001   11:30 PM EDT
Router/Network Upgrades

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold system will 
be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance and

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.

** programmers expecting e-gold SCI notificiations
to come from a specific IP need to be prepared 
for a change in the current IP after this upgrade occurs. 
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for any questions/advice 
in regard to this particular change.

Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.3


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[e-gold-list] e-gold promotional material required

2001-05-29 Thread Andrew McMeikan

Recently there has been a renewed push for an Individuals Constituency to
operate within the ICANN/DNSO/NC structure.  This push was reinforced by a
recent vote withing the GA of the DNSO.

What that means for those who do not normally put up with the bickering
that surrounds internet politics, is that smaller internet people may
start to get a voice! Like everything else funding has a big effect on how
well things happen.

To help raise those funds a public ballance account has been created

What is now needed is to get people to use e-gold ;)
Does anyone know of someway to get promotional material like e-gold
buttons/stickers (preferably ones that are or can be customised with an
acct#) fast?

The GA meeting is about to happen in Stockholm

Since they are all an international bunch the idea of e-gold would
probably get a good reception with most

I note with interest that sponsors for the meeting are still needed ;)

 cya, Andrew...

Flagrantly stolen message follows
Sorry dude but you need to make buttons and stickers for us to wear in
Stockholm.  Yes you have to design them and order them and get them to us
is Stockholm. That my friend is the easy part, I have to make sure Vint is
wearing one along with Karl and folk.


"McMeikan, Andrew" wrote:

> Greetings all GA members.
> This is just to advise the population of the general assembly about a fund
> set up to take donations for the up coming Individuals constituency.
> At least 75 members of this list would like to see the IC take off, going on
> some of the comments I suspect that number is really higher.  If you want to
> flame me for this please keep the noise off list, If you don't trust me to
> hold this money for the purpose I've stated then don't send any money, this
> post is for the info of those that will wish to support an IC.  I realise
> that the IC is not yet in existence so some may not want to fund it until
> they can see better where their money goes, this is fine by me.  I just
> wanted those who are keen (like me ;) to be able to put some money up in
> good faith.
> This basis of creation of this fund is detailed here:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wg-review/message/495
> as always there were some questions to be answered, they can be seen here:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wg-review/message/501
> rather than ask 101 questions here read those links first, they should cover
> it.  I do not claim this fund as the only way to get money into this cause,
> but it may be an easy way for many and I would like everyone to have the
> opportunity to make a donation.
> Hopefully those links explain it enough for everyone, the brief summary is I
> will hand over control of this account to the official IC once established,
> failing an official established IC it will go towards that effort (IDNO
> looking like the default should nothing else get together)
> I also would not like this to be taken as an IC not needing funding via
> ICANN, the IC will be much pressed for expenses as it will not have the big
> money behind it as some of the other constituencies do, this is just to help
> and there is very little money in it so far.
> The main links pertaining to this fund as detailed in the messages
> referenced above are detailed again below for your convenience.
> If you know of other groups that might have an interest in or desire to
> donate towards the IC please distribute this information to them.
> The public balance http://www.e-gold.com/pub-bal.asp?pubid=313216
> if any one wants to put some more money in
> http://two-cents-worth.com/?313216
> provides an easy way, just up the donation amount to what feels good to you
> ;)
> If you do not have an e-gold account yet you can get a free one here
> https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=313216
> You can find someone to convert your local currency to e-gold here
> http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/links.htm
>  or
> http://www.golddirectory.com/e-gold.htm
> and the e-gold questions and answers page
> http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/qanda.html
> If all this still does not help enough for you to put money in, mail me and
> I will see how I can help.
> cya,Andrew...

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[e-gold-list] e-gold embraces HYIP passively

2001-06-17 Thread Dagny Taggart

--- SnowDog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Is there a listing for all of these somewhere?
> I still have a hard time
> > convincing businesses to take e-gold for my
> purchases.  Pssibly I am
> buying
> > from the wrong companies if thousands are
> accepting it?

Maybe thousands of HYIP businesses? 
> No, I don't know of thousands of businesses
> accepting e-gold. 


> E-Gold, for the past 3 months now, has again resumed
> its phenomenal
> growth -- now up about 20% in funded accounts over
> 10 grams, since March. 

Account creation is down for  the fifth consecutive
week and if it hadn't been for the few really popular
scams, nothing has changed in the statistics, if you
look at the numbers from last August. Current account
holders are getting their pay out from their scams,
that is why you have a growth in accounts over 10
grams. It is only about 100 USD, anyway.

> long as E-Gold maintains steady growth, it doesn't
> need to advertise -- and
> probably shouldn't advertise if the growth rate
> remains this high.

It should attract real businesses, instead of scams
and porn sites!
How does that go along with the E-Dinar morals,
anyway? Are they endorsing porn and scam as well,
since they are using the same system? Do the e-dinar
people even know what the e-gold customer base is?

> course, PayPal was able to grow much faster, so
> maybe E-Gold could too, but
> PayPal is still in the Red and E-Gold is still in
> the Black.

How do you know that?
I would like to see e-gold P&L sheets.
Are you confusing e-gold with G&SR, again?
I would like to see G&SR's P&L sheet as well, while we
are at it.

 Slow, steady,
> growth can be considered ideal.
> Craig

If it were not for people like you and Viking Coder,
e-gold, G&SR and whatever else they call themselves
would not have many friends vocalizing as if they were
an authority and on the inside!
How can you speak with s much authority, if you
are not part of their family?

Dagny Taggart

Do You Yahoo!?
Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

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[e-gold-list] e-gold and credit cards

2001-06-22 Thread Samuel Mc Kee

> You also don't have to worry about the merchant doing multiple spends, or
> a spend greater than what you authorized, out of your account. You also
> don't have to worry about somebody getting your card# and going wild with
> it. This somebody could be the waiter at some restaurant or some random
> person who went dumpster diving and got a trash bag full of receipts.

My mother in-law refuses to buy anything on the web with a credit card, but
I've seen her hand it to a teenager at a convenience store!

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[e-gold-list] E-gold and money laundering

2001-07-05 Thread Ben Legume

Certain slapheads on this list seem to be missing the main reason 
that MMs will never be able to tell where e-gold originated from. It 
is 100% instantly transferrable. If I set up an e-gold account and 
swindle an old lady in Ohio while pretending to be a door-to-door 
weather-vane salesman, I can instantly transfer the e-gold to the 
account of a respected Minister of Religion in Belgium, who can then 
go to a MM and have it drawn on as a cheque to his charity. The MM 
has no way of knowing what account the e-gold originated in, or if it 
has been transferred legitimately as a payment or gift between the 
parties or as a ruse to hide the funds.

Similarly for MMs who may be the subject of the police or other 
regulatory bodies, the easiest thing to do is:

1: Don't hire a lawyer. It's a waste of money. What is the lawyer 
going to do, anyway? Wave a magic wand and make the investigation go 
away? If the government wants to subpoena your records etc., just 
tell them the truth. You received such and such a cheque, or such and 
such an e-gold payment, and paid it to so and so an individual. 
That's all they really want to know anyway. 

If they want to play games and engage you in correspondance, 
demanding details without a court-order just start sending them long 
and nonsensical letters involving The World Bank, The Illuminati, The 
Reptoids and UFOs. The beauty about representing yourself legally is, 
as that great man Peter Clyne used to say, that lawyers are bound by 
professional rules and court regulations while you are not. 

Similarly if the police want to question you, and start trying to 
chat about the weather, what e-gold is etc., jsut ask them to get to 
the point, that you're a busy person and don't want to waste too much 
of your time. Some police use as a tool the threat that they will tie 
you up in red tape, force you to spend a fortune on legal fees etc. 
Simply reply that you have a similar philosophy and always challenge 
any subpoena or court order with as many appeals as you can 
(preferably ones which don't cost anything), always represent 
yourself and take as long as you can. Tying up the governments time 
and resources is a very worthwhile thing to do, even if there is a 
modest personal cost required. Oh, and make sure you always insist on 
a jury trial for absoloutly anything.

New Books at Discount Prices 
  --- Send the right message ---

+ Today freemail +   

Get your free, private email address at

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[e-gold-list] E-GOLD is going up...

2001-07-31 Thread Boby Storm

 I know what is true and I do what is the best, but I never trust any
clone systems after e-gold. I want to know more about e-dinar or 3P or
standardreserve. I saw there are some connections between e-gold and
standardreserve, is there any link ? I support e-gold since was born as a
fast secure payment medium and I don't want to waste my time. I need also
to know, what is all that crap of agents that exchange cash,MO's, cahsiers
checks, wires or paypal for e-gold. They know that e-gold is an offshore
system, they know how to comply with an offshore system ? And btw, why
they care about who is sending money and where to place those funds ? As
long as they take their fees, their HUGE fees, why it's so hard to fund an
account ? This is a reason why many people are affraid of getting into
business with e-gold, because of the agents who make their life hard, hard
to fund an account, hard to do business because of the lack of experience
or those huge delays in transactions. I thing E-GOLD must give them a
lesson how to be an offshore component agent. And that list og exchange
agents is small, I saw a bigger one, a huge one, they don't deserve to be
agents for a such great service. If anyone has somethingo to say, I will
be here to discuss. Everybody have a great wonderful day.

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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke & mouse-
click "sniffing" trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] e-gold exchange rate issue

2001-09-11 Thread Chris Lord-Van Voorst

My heart bleeds for today's tragedy.  May peace and justice prevail in the

After turning on the morning news, I checked the gold spot.  At that time,
gold was at $289.00, a significant jump.

An issue came to mind.  I've considered it before, but because the price
of gold has been none-too-exciting in recent months, I didn't resolve the
issue and chose to ignore it for the time.  The issue:

There are those of us who price our website products in national
currencies.  A good shopper, noticing a sudden, significant jump in the
gold spot (and consequently the e-gold exchange rate), could receive quite
a bargain by taking advantage of the inflated gold spot.  Let's assume
(arguendo) that the upward push is brief (say, lasting less than a day)
but powerful (5% or more).  Moreover, let's also assume that the retailer
for one reason or another will be unable to outexchange at the more
advantageous rate.

How does an online e-gold accepting retailer deal with this exchange risk?
 An obvious solution is to price our products in grams (of e-gold). 
However, since most of my customers use their credit cards when making a
purchase, pricing in grams would deter them from making that purchase.  A
dual pricing system could be used (i.e. listing prices in both a national
currency and in grams of e-gold), but this is clumsy and tedious.

The way I've dealt with this so far is to price low-margin items (e.g.
gold bullion) in grams, and higher-margin items (e.g. professionally
graded gold coins) in dollars.  This isn't completely satisfactory,
though, as I'm not allowing my credit card customers to purchase certain
items, while savvy/fortuitous e-gold users could time their purchases so
as to receive killer deals.  While I generally prefer my e-gold customers
(and am happy to give discounts for the use of e-gold), at some point a
significant gold jump would conceivably eliminate any profit I might
realize on a particular product.  This risk is even more pronounced for
those businesses with low profit margins on all of their products.

I think this is really a larger issue: how do we convince "the average
Joe" that e-gold is good money in the face of such an exchange risk?  Many
(or most?) people have great misconceptions about gold, its risk and its
worth as a store of value.  How do we overcome this?


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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2001-09-22 Thread jrw




Sunday September 30 2001 10:30 PM EDT
Monday October 1 2001 1:00 AM EDT

Routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold 
system will be unavailable to end users as it 
undergoes maintenance and upgrades.

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did you know that you can spend e-gold to help the victims of terror at:  

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-02-24 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Saturday March 1, 2003 0800 EST to
Saturday march 1, 2003 0930 EST
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system 
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold for paypal payment

2003-03-15 Thread Lourens Human

I am back on line after my pc went for a ball of ... then I had the pleasure
of finding out that PayPal placed a limit access on my personal and business
account, so this leave me with a red face explaining to ebay auction users
why I can no longer pay them.

Anyway, is there anyone that can pay a winning aution for me via PayPal in
exchange for e-gold - it's about $1.99 for the one and the other should be $
3.99 - I am still waiting for the invoice from the sellers.



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold hit by terrorists?

2003-03-17 Thread jpm
e-gold is down just now?


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[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-03-24 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Tuesday April 1, 2003 0730 EST to
Tuesday April 1, 2003 0830 EST
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-Gold mass pay software?

2003-06-14 Thread Matt Mahoney

Does anyone know where I can find E-Gold mass pay software that will let
me pay in grams rather than USD?

Thank You,


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-06-23 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Tuesday July 1, 2003 1200 EDT to
Tuesday July 1, 2003 1300 EDT
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance
hardware upgrades

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold in the news

2003-07-12 Thread Asiana Gold
 Gold, the currency governments hate. Some $645 billion of U.S. currency
is in circulation worldwide. We no longer back our currency with gold, but
government gold holdings currently amount to 147.3 million ounces. Divide
the currency outstanding by the gold holdings and you get $4,380 per
ounce. That's about 12 times the current gold market price. In the late
'70s, U.S. citizens were allowed to own gold for the first time since the
'30s, and it started trading around $75 an ounce. By 1981 gold peaked at
$850 an ounce.

Since then, the amount of gold held by our government has remained
constant (although there has been no audit of U.S. gold holdings), but the
amount of currency in circulation has soared.

In a world where governments competitively print new money, gold could
become the de facto currency. Indeed, it already is for some people,
witness the growth of e-gold, the electronic gold depository.

More at...


Joel Bruce

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-gold porn site review

2003-07-24 Thread Webmaster

We are looking for new content at www.fantasytokens.com. Please send us
recommendations on what content you would like or any changes to the the
We want to make this work for e-gold users.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-07-24 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Thursday, July 31 2003 0600 EDT to
Thursday, July 31 2003 1000 EDT
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

system maintenance

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.

Version: PGP 7.0.4


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold and visa/mastercard

2003-08-14 Thread v2Gold Ltd.

I want to buy some hosting that accept mastercard/visa
(eg: www.powweb.com, www.ipowerweb.com).

Can you tell me which company that allow buy anonymous
visa/mastercard via e-gold that can be used to buy
hosting and something online.

thank you

P/S: I found a new company:
Is this company realiable? Can I use their services?
Please give me an advice.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-gold accounts / and emails

2003-08-21 Thread James W. Angeli
Do you know of a way to acquire a mailing list of e-gold accounts and
their emails.  I joined this stupid moneymaking venture that requires I
find (5) e-gold accounts and their emails.  Anyway of finding this 
without intruding on anyone's right to privacy?  or without spending lots
of money to buy a list?



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-08-25 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Monday September 1, 2003 1700 EDT to
Monday September 1, 2003 1830 EDT
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold/gold coins exchange

2003-09-09 Thread Ahmed Ghazi

Is there a place to exchange e-gold with gold coins?

Thanks and regards,
Ahmed Ghazi
Nozol.com - We host your dreams

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-09-24 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Wednesday October 1, 2003 0700 EDT to
Wednesday October 1, 2003 0900 EDT
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.

Version: PGP 7.0.4


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-10-27 Thread James M. Ray (e-gold address)
Hash: SHA1
Scheduled Downtime link on the e-gold home page
Friday, October 31, 2003 0900 EDT to
Friday, October 31, 2003 1100 EDT
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)
routine system maintenance
during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.
we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

JMR (substituting for Jay W., who's very busy right now).

Version: PGP 8.0.2 - not licensed for commercial use: www.pgp.com

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common viruses.

[e-gold-list] e-Gold account "balance limit"?

2003-11-17 Thread Agnes
Hi all,
I've received following information from my net friend:

I'm trying to deposit $50 using egold. I've tried 10,20,30, and 40
as well and keep getting this message:
Cannot preview spend, the error is:
The account you are trying to pay () has a Balance Limit
imposed that prevents this payment. Spend not allowed
What do I need to do to correct this?

I've never heard about any limits related with transfering funds
within e-Gold.com - What's wrong? What's "Balance Limit"??

Kind Regards,

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-11-22 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Sunday November 30, 2003 1600 EST to
Sunday November 30, 2003 1800 EST
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold customer confidence down?

2001-10-04 Thread Dagny Taggart

Sold another six bars? 

Wow, I think that is a first to have six bars at once
disappear from examiner?


Do You Yahoo!?
NEW from Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] E-Gold Buys a Bar

2001-10-24 Thread SnowDog

Hey, they bought a bar. The mini-run is over.


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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2001-10-24 Thread jrw




Wednesday October 31 2001 10:30 PM EDT
Thursday November  1 2001 01:00 AM EDT

Routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold
system will be unavailable to end users as it
undergoes maintenance and upgrades.

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2001-11-22 Thread jrw




Friday November 30 2001 10:30 PM EST
Saturday December 1 2001 1:30 AM EST

Routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold
system will be unavailable to end users as it
undergoes maintenance and upgrades.

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html lets you observe the e-gold system's activity now!

[e-gold-list] e-gold stats and soundbites

2001-10-10 Thread Rachel Willmer

could someone give me a quick precis of how big e-gold is right now?

I've got quarter of a million users and 54 000 troy oz from the website, 
but I seem to remember someone saying something like "more gold reserves 
than the 10 smallest countries" or "more transactions per day than [pick a 

and how much is 54 000 troy oz in tons? or tonnes?

I'm just looking for some quick soundbites here, not a major analysis..


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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] e-gold denominations in Euro

2001-12-02 Thread Rick van Rein

Hash: SHA1


> in a week or two, e-gold will be supporting
> Euro as a currency unit that spends can be denominated in.

Great, finally!

> any
> programmers that want to get a heads up will be interested to know
> that the numeric value for euro in the e-gold SCI/APIs will be 85.

Aside from that, their representation in the emails sent by the SCI would
be interesting.  After all, the SCI now uses the string "US$" to describe USD
in the "Payment Amount" field, so it's not clear what code you will use for
Euro. The informal spelling will be "Euro" by the way, like "US$" for dollars.

> (other
> currencies tied to the euro will be available at that time also - they
> are:
> BEF 86, ATS 87, GRD 88, ESP 89, IEP 90, ITL 91, LUF 92, NLG 93, PTE 94,
> FIM 95.

This is strange -- actually, it's even a bad idea.
These currencies cease to exist in a short time!
Lookup the timetable of the European Central Bank to figure out when.
For example,
says, Jan 27, 2002 is the ending date of NLG as legal tender.

I would find an introduction of these "temporary" currencies awkward.
As I explained before, this is not like the American changeover to a new
dollar, where there's now two parallel forms of legal tender [heheh, and
just imagine, the whole reason for new bills was to make a more secure dollar].
This is a total changeover of participating national currencies to Euro.
That also means that you should drop support of DEM at the timetable-date
if you want to do the Euro thing right.

Hope this helps,

Rick van Rein.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (FreeBSD)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html lets you observe the e-gold system's activity now!

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2001-12-14 Thread jrw




1) Sunday December 23 2001 9:00 AM EST to
Sunday December 23 2001 10:00 AM EST
2) Monday December 31 2001 10:30 PM EST to
Monday December 31 2001 11:30 PM EST

1) Support for Euro denominated spends
1),2) Routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold
system will be unavailable to end users as it
undergoes maintenance and upgrades.

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html lets you observe the e-gold system's activity now!

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2002-02-20 Thread Jay W.



Thursday February 28 2002 10:30 PM EST to
Thursday February 28 2002 11:30 PM EST

Routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold
system will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.

Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-Gold In VWMotoring Magazine

2002-02-21 Thread Billet and Acrylic UK Gold Services

Hi Folks

We have just had our first double page feature in UK Magazine, VW Motoring.
And the pictures that go with it have the e-gold logo in as luck would have
Is this a first Jim? Has e-gold been seen in any other UK magazines.

I'll scan later on and send the URL through so you can check it out.

Kind Regards

Billet and Acrylic Gold Admin

~ Buy Billet Aluminium for E-Gold at
http://www.billetandacrylic.co.uk/ ~

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold pay-per-view

2002-02-26 Thread peelpee

For those interested, Ch. 5 of "Caddy Confidential" is up at 


includes e-gold SCI used in the first e-gold pay-per-view
application I am aware of..

..leave some dust, or take a free ride..

best, ... forrest

--Worth 2 cents?-- http://www.two-cents-worth.com/?103300&EG 

--View my e-gold directory at: http://lowell_potter.tripod.com/ 

"God is dead"-Nietzche..."Nietzche is dead"-God

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2002-03-22 Thread jrw



Sunday March 31 2002 08:00 AM EST to
Sunday March 31 2002 10:00 AM EST

Routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold
system will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this outage.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold to evocash query

2002-04-04 Thread Dale Reardon

Hi All,

Is there a marketmaker who will convert e-gold to evocash and pay a premium 
for the gold?  I know some market makers will pay 1% or so extra to get the 
gold for wires.

Hoped same might apply to evocash.



Dale Reardon.

P.S.  We recommend you subscribe NOW to the Marketing and
WebResources newsletter.  You'll get FREE, software and
a marketing course worth over $195 when you join free.  Just

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold gold trust assets

2002-06-03 Thread Ian Green

I don't know what all the fuss is about!

It seems plain to me that, as has *always* been the case, the gold is 
bought in nominal 400 oz bars, and such gold bullion is held in trust to 
always be at least equal to the amount of  e-gold in accounts. The surplus 
is LESS than a nominal 400 oz bar!

Ian Green
e-gold estas monda mono! [Esperanto]
e-gold is world money! [English]

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold trust confusion unnecessary

2002-06-03 Thread Tristan Petersen

Dear e-gold trust feuding list members,

It seems to me to be quite simple in the discreprency. the e-gold trust
has in fact purchased more gold than they are liable for, to cover all
liabilities, and to cover future liabilities when the time arises. It's
much simpler to buy 400oz bars at a time, than it is to divide gold to
two decimal points, simply because some people are confused.

It's very simple: the extra gold is owned by the e-gold trust until it is
needed to cover user account liabilities.

There's nothing wrong with this - it's like a dam holding reserve water
in case the natural supply runs out (what an idea!). However, in this
case, the supply will always be 100% backed by gold, so this means e-gold
must purchase bars in advance of actual demand. And the e-gold trust
system only deals in 400oz bars. Which means you will always have the

Think about it, if the e-gold trust just backed the gold at all times
with the amount of gold in user's accounts, then they'd have to
continuously change their reserve. By dealing only in 400oz bars, they
save money, but this means they will have this discreprency.

The e-gold trust owns (assets) 1,952,954.93 grams of gold
The e-gold trust owes (liabilities) 1,933,833.44 grams of gold
The rest of the gold in the e-gold trust sits there until needed.

The amount in the e-gold trust can change at any moment. This is the reason.

Tristan Petersen

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold and OSgold sale.

2002-06-12 Thread eForexGold

Our new service fees effective today:

Only 3.5% for funding e-gold accounts.
(In US, UK, Australia and New Zealand)

Only 2.5% for funding OSgold accounts.

Details at www.e-forexgold.com.


eForexGold Team

Order new anonymous debit cards funded by e-gold and other e-currencies. Accepted at 
over 850,000 ATM machines around the World. http://www.e-forexgold.com/

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-Gold History in Grams

2002-07-02 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

As much as I defend British units against the metric system, I still like 
grams when it comes to gold.

In the detailed e-gold history report, I sure wish there was an option to 
view the "Weight" column in grams instead of troy ounces.

Of course, the Entered Amount column shows grams, but only if I entered 
them that way.  I'd like to see my USD transactions show grams in the 
Weight column as well.

-- Patrick

P.S. I am getting pretty adept at entering 31.1034 on my calculator, but still!

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2002-07-23 Thread jrw



1 hour duration on Wednesday, July 31 2002 at 10:00 PM EDT
1 hour duration on Saturday, August 3 2002 at 09:00 AM EDT


during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold system will be
unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during these timeframes.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold incentive program update

2002-10-02 Thread Jay W.




for details on the program.

jay w.

Version: PGP 7.0.4


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2002-10-23 Thread Jay W.


Wednesday October 30, 2002 16:00 GMT thru
Wednesday October 30, 2002 19:00 GMT

routine maintenance, system database maintenance, system hardware maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold system will be
unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.

Version: PGP 7.0.4


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-gold to e-bullion

2002-10-26 Thread svgisp

Need to get 1 gram of e-bullion for testing e-bullion ATIP.

I can swap for 1 gram of e-gold.

Please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2002-12-24 Thread jrw


Tuesday December 31, 2002 1800 EST to
Tuesday December 31, 2002 1900 EST
(see URL above for quick link to convert to your local timezone)

routine maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold system will be
unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-gold fraudulent !!! (Urgent message)

2002-12-29 Thread mimox
Account number E-gold : 578766


At 3 pm. 32 of today a person (Sophie's e-gold account) and ' entered in
my account and stolen possession to me 19$. 

The number of account of this person and ': 382731 

I have to say to you that I have not revealed my Passphrase to anybody and
therefore I don't succeed in understanding how and ' this can happen to

I run over in programs Hyip however ' when I have to deposit me to always
serve as your page www.e-gold.com and therefore anybody to can take my

Besides I have made a scanning of TROYAN and I don't have

Then you have to give my money to me (19$) because ' me not to have guilt
in how much and ' is one great error of yours.

This and ' the second time that a person it enters in my account and ' to
steal from me of the money and me I/you/they am tired frankly of all your

P. S. Besides I want to say that me not to entrust more than you in how
much up to this moment I thought that to have an account E-gold and ' sure
as to have a banking account, unfortunately however ' not and ' really
this way because ' any person to be able to enter in the account of

Admin E-gold and ' is one error of yours of protection of your system and
therefore I want my money.

I wait sooner for one answer of yours the possible and I want my money. 

To soon. 

member password  : 

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold Turing number update

2002-12-30 Thread jrw


The Turing number display used at various passphrase entry points on
the e-gold site has been updated. A different type of grid/noise is
in place now. The new grid/noise pattern is more circular in nature.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification

2003-01-23 Thread jrw


Saturday February 1, 2003 0930 EST to
Saturday February 1, 2003 1230 EST
(see URL above for quick link to convert to your local timezone)

routine system maintenance

during the times listed at the above URL, the e-gold system will be
unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] E-Gold frontpage security alert

2003-01-26 Thread Ben Legume

Well it seems that our friend Saul's campaign has borne fruit. I just 
logged into e-gold and there is a big red Security Alert message on 
the front page. It leads to some common-sense pieces of advice about 
fraudulent escrow services and fraudulent auctions generally.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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