[O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Xebar Saram
hi all

so after struggling for weeks to figure out why i always get an error when
exporting i finally nailed the issue: org-emphasis-alist. i have alot of
them (see below) and use them in orgmode quite often. is this a bug or if
you want to use the exporter you should avoid using org-emphasis-alist?

thx alot


 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(ac-dictionary-directories (quote
 '(bmkp-last-as-first-bookmark-file /home/zeltak/.emacs.d/bookmarks)
 '(company-backends (quote (company-elisp company-nxml company-css
company-semantic company-clang company-eclim company-xcode company-ropemacs
(company-gtags company-etags company-dabbrev-code company-keywords
company-ispell) company-oddmuse company-files company-dabbrev)))
 '(custom-safe-themes (quote
 '(org-emphasis-alist (quote ((? (:weight ultra-bold :background
#FFBF1E)) (₆ (:foreground #00 :underline t :background #FF9AEA
:weight ultra-bold)) (₅ (:weight ultra-bold :foreground #1E00DE)) (`
(:foreground #00 :weight ultra-bold :background #FBFF00)) (₄
(:weight ultra-bold :foreground #FF9800)) (♪ (:box t)) (♩ default)
(« (:foreground #393D90)) (^ (:foreground #393D90 :weight
ultra-bold)) (¶ (:underline t :height 1.3 :weight ultra-bold)) (¡
(:foreground #FFA500 :weight ultra-bold)) (' (:background #35FF00
:weight ultra-bold)) (- (:foreground #ff :slant italic :height 1.3
:weight ultra-bold :background #3f8c5c)) (+ (:background #59BD7F
:foreground #ff :slant italic :height 1.2 :weight bold)) (!
(:weight ultra-bold :foreground #B4)) (% (:weight ultra-bold
:background #DDFFDD :foreground #00)) ($ (nil nil :background
#FF :foreground #00 :weight ultra-bold)) (₁ (:weight
ultra-bold :box t :background #F6F9FF :foreground #00 :height 1.6))
(₂ (:background #F6F9FF :box t :height 1.2 :weight ultra-bold)) (₃
(:weight ultra-bold :background #F6F9FF :height 1.1 :underline t)) (@
(:foreground #B4 :background #FF :weight bold)) (: (:weight
bold :height\  2 :Foreground #FF)) (* bold) (/ italic) (_
underline) (= org-code verbatim) (~ org-verbatim verbatim)
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

Re: [O] Getting rid of split frame with org-capture

2013-10-04 Thread Alan Schmitt
alexander.vorob...@gmail.com writes:

 I also wanted to have new pop-up org-capture window that would be created
 response to some shortcut anywhere in Windows and occupied the entire
 Since I haven't found any solutions, I just modified a function I saw in
 this thread:

  (defun make-capture-frame ()
  Create a new frame and run org-capture.
  (make-frame '((name . capture)))
  (select-frame-by-name capture)
  (flet ((switch-to-buffer-other-window (buf) (switch-to-buffer

 The culprit is switch-to-buffer-other-window that ultimately gets called by
 org-capture so I just reassign it temporarily to switch-to-buffer.

This is working great, thanks a lot!


[O] How to build org-mode on Windows

2013-10-04 Thread Pascal Quesseveur

I want to install latest version but I understand it relies on make to
compile. I am currently using Windows and I don't have cygwin and
don't plan to install it. Is there any alternatives?

Pascal Quesseveur

Re: [O] How to build org-mode on Windows

2013-10-04 Thread Bastien
Hi Pascal,

Pascal Quesseveur pques...@gmail.com writes:

 I want to install latest version but I understand it relies on make to
 compile. I am currently using Windows and I don't have cygwin and
 don't plan to install it. Is there any alternatives?

The simple alternative is to simply *not* compile, this should be fast
enough for most (if not all) commands.



Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Bastien
Hi Xebar,

Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

 so after struggling for weeks to figure out why i always get an error
 when exporting i finally nailed the issue: org-emphasis-alist. i have
 alot of them (see below) and use them in orgmode quite often. is this
 a bug or if you want to use the exporter you should avoid using

You use org-emphasis-alist to do simple highlighting, right?

In that case, using you should better use `font-lock-add-keywords'.

See http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AddKeywords for details.



Re: [O] Limit subtree to a specific export backend

2013-10-04 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Hi Sebastian,

Sebastian Wiesner wrote:
 2013/9/30 Sebastien Vauban sva-n...@mygooglest.com:
 A partly manual solution would be to use tags for which sections to export
 in which backend, make a sparse tree with the backend you're interested to
 export, and export what's visible?

 I am by far not an Org mode expert, and have never used sparse trees. Would
 you mind to point me to the appropriate manual section, or give me some
 details on how to create a sparse tree matching a specific tag only?

See section 2.6 Sparse trees:

  │ An important feature of Org mode is the ability to construct _sparse
  │ trees_ for selected information in an outline tree, so that the entire
  │ document is folded as much as possible, but the selected information is
  │ made visible along with the headline structure above it(1).  Just try
  │ it out and you will see immediately how it works.
  │Org mode contains several commands creating such trees, all these
  │ commands can be accessed through a dispatcher:
  │ `C-c /' (`org-sparse-tree')
  │  This prompts for an extra key to select a sparse-tree creating
  │  command.

It will help to expand all entries which contain a certain keyword (see `C-c
/ /') and collapse all others. Though, it won't help for tagged entries:
their contents won't be opened automatically by doing `C-c / m' (match for a

Anyway, `C-c /' is a very interesting (set of) commands to know!

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Xebar Saram
Thx Bastien!

i look at it but it seemed highly complex (im an academic and dont know
much (well nothing tbh :) ) about programming. is there a simple way of
defining these like the GUI for org-emphasis-alist  (i used
customize-variables )
as you said i just want to highlight (BG/FG) specific areas/lines.
any help would be greatly appreciated!

best guys


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Bastien b...@gnu.org wrote:

 Hi Xebar,

 Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

  so after struggling for weeks to figure out why i always get an error
  when exporting i finally nailed the issue: org-emphasis-alist. i have
  alot of them (see below) and use them in orgmode quite often. is this
  a bug or if you want to use the exporter you should avoid using

 You use org-emphasis-alist to do simple highlighting, right?

 In that case, using you should better use `font-lock-add-keywords'.

 See http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AddKeywords for details.



Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Bastien
Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

 as you said i just want to highlight (BG/FG) specific areas/lines.
 any help would be greatly appreciated!

E.g. you can do this to highlight ♩ with '(:weight
ultra-bold :background #FFBF1E) :

 '((♩ (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background #FFBF1E) t

♩ is actually a regular expression, so you can use [♩©] to highlight
both ♩ and ©.

0 means to highlight the entire matching text.



Re: [O] How to install recent documentation of org 8.2?

2013-10-04 Thread Suvayu Ali
On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 10:09:49AM +0530, Noorul Islam K M wrote:
 Martin Beck martin.b...@macbay.de writes:
  I tried to get a recent documentation in my org-mode:
  I'm using Aquamacs 2.5 on MacOS X, which seems to have org-mode 6.33
  I tried to load the recent documentation with a link to the doc directory
  in my org-mode 8.2 (expanded contents from git repository) in my .emacs.
  (add-to-list 'Info-additional-directory-list
   (expand-file-name ~/mypath/org-mode/org_current/doc))
  But this does have no effect. With C-h i, I get displayed a an outdated
  Is the doc directory the right one or do I have to download the
  documentation separately?
  I had downloaded the zipped version from http://orgmode.org/org-8.2.1.zip .
 Here is a thread which discussed this issue extensively.

The FAQ has an entry:



Open source is the future. It sets us free.

[O] Unable to finalize capture

2013-10-04 Thread Dror Atariah
It seems like after the last update I've made to org-mode the capturing of 
notes does not work properly. Currently I have version 8.0.7 (20130930) from 
the ELPA. Hitting C-c c (i.e. org-capture) brings the list of capture templates 
and then I can choose one of them to open a buffer where I can actually entry 
the note. The problem is that once I'm done, hitting C-c C-c doesn't close the 
capturing buffer. The content is saved in the right place but I'm not returned 
to the place where I started the capturing. In the *Messages* buffer I get the 
following error: org-capture-finalize: Symbol's value as variable is void: 

I don't really know where to start debugging this problem. Any ideas?

I believe the following are all the related setting that I have:

;; Capture-org
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory /notes.org))
(define-key global-map \C-cc 'org-capture)

(setq org-capture-templates
  (quote ((t todo entry (file (concat org-directory /gtd.org))
   * TODO %?\n%U\n%a\n :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  (n note entry (file (concat org-directory /gtd.org))
   * %? :NOTE:\n%U\n%a\n :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  (j Journal entry (file+datetree (concat org-directory 
   * %?\n%U\n :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  (v Vocabulary entry
   (file+headline (concat org-directory /vocab.org)
   * %^{The word} :drill:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:Part-of-speech: %^{Part 
of speech|verb|noun|adj|adv}\n:END:\n %t\n %^{Extended word (may be empty)} 
\n** Answer \n%^{The definition})

Re: [O] How to build org-mode on Windows

2013-10-04 Thread Achim Gratz

Am 04.10.2013 09:11, schrieb Pascal Quesseveur:

I want to install latest version but I understand it relies on make to
compile. I am currently using Windows and I don't have cygwin and
don't plan to install it. Is there any alternatives?


But your best bet is probably ELPA.


Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Xebar Saram
Thank you again

that works well but i think it dosent cover what i had in org. in org i use
the ♩ symbol to highlight all the text between the 2 ♩, IE

♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code the ♩ is
highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do achive that with

i really appreciate your help!


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Bastien b...@gnu.org wrote:

 Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

  as you said i just want to highlight (BG/FG) specific areas/lines.
  any help would be greatly appreciated!

 E.g. you can do this to highlight ♩ with '(:weight
 ultra-bold :background #FFBF1E) :

  '((♩ (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background #FFBF1E) t

 ♩ is actually a regular expression, so you can use [♩©] to highlight
 both ♩ and ©.

 0 means to highlight the entire matching text.



Re: [O] ob-clojure.el alternative using nrepl

2013-10-04 Thread Oleh
Thanks, Eric.

Your changes work.

Still, I think that it's needed to require ob-tangle.
It defines the variable `org-babel-tangle-lang-exts' that ob-clojure
wants to modify right at loading. So it's impossible to load ob-clojure
unless ob-tangle was already loaded.

Just to clarify, this code will work:

(setq org-babel-tangle-lang-exts nil)
(require 'ob-clojure)


(require 'ob-clojure)

will not.


  Alright, I just pushed this up.

 Thanks for testing, I haven't used Clojure in a couple of years now
 (since happily moving on to Common Lisp as my lisp of choice).

 Thanks to Oleh for the patch!


 Eric Schulte
 PGP: 0x614CA05D

Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Bastien
Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

 ♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code the ♩
 is highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do achive
 that with font-lock?

Not with font-lock-add-keywords, which I think is just for one-liner
highlights (as the name suggests.)

There might be other solutions, but it's definitely more complicated,
sorry I can't dive into this now.


Re: [O] How to build org-mode on Windows

2013-10-04 Thread Fabrice Popineau
I don't want to use Cygwin either, but a great alternative is MingW or
(for 64bits emacs). Then you can use 'make compile' in your git repos.


2013/10/4 Achim Gratz strom...@nexgo.de

 Am 04.10.2013 09:11, schrieb Pascal Quesseveur:

  I want to install latest version but I understand it relies on make to
 compile. I am currently using Windows and I don't have cygwin and
 don't plan to install it. Is there any alternatives?


 But your best bet is probably ELPA.


Fabrice Popineau
Département Informatique
3, rue Joliot Curie
91192 Gif/Yvette Cedex
Tel direct : +33 (0) 169851950
Standard : +33 (0) 169851212

Re: [O] [RFC] Simple cache mechanism for `org-element-at-point'

2013-10-04 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Eric Abrahamsen e...@ericabrahamsen.net writes:

 Cool! Anything in particular that we should be looking out for
 (structure editing, export, etc)? It has so far not set my computer on

Unfortunately, there is no simple recipe to try it out. Just use Org
and, if you notice something suspicious, disable cache and try again.
FYI, most sensitive cache operations happen when a headline, a block or
a drawer in inserted, modifier or deleted.

Thanks for testing it.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] How to build org-mode on Windows

2013-10-04 Thread Pascal Quesseveur
AG == Achim Gratz strom...@nexgo.de writes:

  AG http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#installing-org-without-make-tools

  AG But your best bet is probably ELPA.

  Thank you. I missed this FAQ.

Pascal Quesseveur

Re: [O] [RFC] Simple cache mechanism for `org-element-at-point'

2013-10-04 Thread Carsten Dominik
Hi Nicolas,

this sounds like a great idea.  I have not yet had the time to
test it - but I would like to bring forward two basic worries.
Maybe you have comments on them?

1. Updating on buffer modification hooks sounds like a very
   demanding process.  You basically add a third expensive process
   in addition to font locking and org-indent-mode.  My worry is
   that this might be very heavy on Emacs and slow down fast workers.
   Again, I did not try it, just a worry

2. Do you expect this to be stable enough to deal with buffers that
   are invalid in some way or another?  Are there any situations in
   which the parser could fail and leave some weird state behind?

3. Can you explain what you mean by except in headline-only commands?

Thank you!

- Carsten

On 3.10.2013, at 23:18, Nicolas Goaziou n.goaz...@gmail.com wrote:

 The following patches introduce a simple cache mechanism for both
 `org-element-at-point' and `org-element-context'. My goal is to make
 them fast enough to be used in most core commands (excepted
 headlines-only commands).
 Since a wrong cache can break Org behaviour badly, I would appreciate if
 it could be tested a bit. You can disable cache at any time by setting
 `org-element-use-cache' to nil and reset it with
 `org-element-cache-reset' function.
 It may also be interesting to tweak `org-element--cache-sync-idle-time'
 and `org-element--cache-merge-changes-threshold', although I don't
 expect a regular user to do it. Anyway, it may lead to better default
 Since cache is updated upon buffer modification, visibility status
 cannot be cached properly. Since it is also buggy, the first patch
 removes that data altogether.
 Feedback welcome.
 Nicolas Goaziou

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

 Thank you again

 that works well but i think it dosent cover what i had in org. in org
 i use the ♩ symbol to highlight all the text between the 2 ♩, IE

 ♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code the ♩
 is highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do achive
 that with font-lock?

 i really appreciate your help!


Yup, it's pretty much the exact same thing, just with a different

 '((\\(♩[^♩]+♩\\) (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background #FFBF1E) t

You can use ♩\\([^♩]+\\)♩ instead, if you only want the text between
the symbols to be highlighted.

It might be a good idea to somehow limit the number of newlines that
the regexp can match, I'm not sure.


[O] How to specify complex HTML pre/postamble in the Org file?

2013-10-04 Thread Yujie Wen

  I am just wondering how to specify some complex HTML pre/postamble
contents in the Org file.

  As the document saying, HTML pre/postamble contents can be given by
either setting string values to emacs variables
org-html-preamble/postamble, or setting #+OPTIONS: html-preamble/postamble:.

  I prefer the pre/postamble contents being specified in the same Org file,
so I tried #+OPTIONS: html-preamble/postamble. It works fine until the
contents became a HTML string that contains double quote marks, which cause
a parse error during exporting. I tried some escaping like:

#+OPTION: html-preamble: p align=\right\Headings/p

but it didn't solve the parse error.

  Any suggestion on specifying HTML pre/postamble contents within the same
Org file?


[O] Unable to finalize a capture

2013-10-04 Thread Dror Atariah
It seems like after the last update I've made to org-mode the capturing of 
notes does not work properly. Currently I have version 8.0.7 (20130930) from 
the ELPA. 

Hitting `C-c c` (i.e. org-capture) brings the list of capture templates and 
then I can choose one of them to open a buffer where I can actually entry the 
note. The problem is that once I'm done, hitting `C-c C-c` doesn't close the 
capturing buffer. The content is saved in the right place but I'm not returned 
to the place where I started the capturing. In the *Messages* buffer I get the 
following error: 
org-capture-finalize: Symbol's value as variable is void: 

I don't really know where to start debugging this problem. Any ideas?

I believe the following are all the related setting that I have:

;; Capture-org
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory /notes.org))
(define-key global-map \C-cc 'org-capture)

(setq org-capture-templates
 (quote ((t todo entry (file (concat org-directory /gtd.org))
  * TODO %?\n%U\n%a\n :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
 (n note entry (file (concat org-directory /gtd.org))
  * %? :NOTE:\n%U\n%a\n :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
 (j Journal entry (file+datetree (concat org-directory 
  * %?\n%U\n :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
 (v Vocabulary entry
  (file+headline (concat org-directory /vocab.org)
  * %^{The word} :drill:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:Part-of-speech: %^{Part 
of speech|verb|noun|adj|adv}\n:END:\n %t\n %^{Extended word (may be empty)} 
\n** Answer \n%^{The definition})

Re: [O] Limit subtree to a specific export backend

2013-10-04 Thread Sebastian Wiesner
2013/9/30 Rasmus ras...@gmx.us:
 Hi Sebastian,

 Sebastian Wiesner lunary...@gmail.com writes:

 can I limit a subtree to be exported with specific backends only?
 I.e. only to HTML, but not Texinfo or LaTeX?

 Background:  I am trying to simplify the documentation of one of my
 projects, and combine the website and the user manual into a single
 document.  Naturally, there is some content on the website that should
 not appear in the manual and vice versa.

 As Sebastien suggests, if you can identify export status depending on
 tags you can do it with a filter.

Great, I think I will go by this way…

I presume, I can set org-export-filter-options-functions as a
directory-local variable, so that this kind of export restrictions
only applies to Org mode documents in the specific project.

 Here's an example that's perhaps a bit too verbose and not thoroughly

 #+TITLE: Conditional export
 #+options: tags:nil
 * Common intro
 ** Pdf heading:latex:
the math is really pretty!
 ** HTML heading:html:
the text features hyperlinks!
 ** More common notes
Intro over

 * Code :noexport:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (defun rasmus/conditional-export (settings backend)
 Change SETTINGS to include dynamically set export-tags.

 Enable the use of BACKEND as EXPORT_TAGS.  A derived backend is
 treated as its parent.
 (let ((backends (remove-duplicates
  (mapcar (lambda (x)
(or (org-export-backend-parent x)
(org-export-backend-name x)))
   ;; for treating derived backend and parent backends differently:
   ;; (backend-or-parent backend)
   (backend-or-parent (dolist (b org-export--registered-backends 
(when  (eq (org-export-backend-name b) backend)
  (return (or (org-export-backend-parent b)
  (org-export-backend-name b)))
settings :exclude-tags
(append (plist-get settings :exclude-tags)
(mapcar 'symbol-name
(remove backend-or-parent backends))

   (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-options-functions 

Do I understand correctly, that this code adds all *other* backends to
the exclude-tags setting, instead of adding the current one to
select-tags?  Is there a specific reason to do this?

Just adding backend to select-tags seems simpler to me, and I
wonder whether exclude-tags even behaves correctly for headlines
with more than one tag.  As far as I understand the Org manual, it
would exclude headlines tagged as :html:latex: when exporting to
html, because latex is added as exclude-tag, preventing the
headline from being exported.

Re: [O] list items not treated as such.

2013-10-04 Thread Paul Rudin
Paul Rudin p...@rudin.co.uk writes:

(about lists)

Here is a test for this problem. Notice that if you change the a) to 1.
- for example - the test passes. So this is something specific to
alphabetically labelled list items.

(ert-deftest org-list-item-test ()
(let ((org-allow-alphabetical t)
  (fill-column 70))
  (insert 1. some stuff\n
 a) an alphabetic list item with text longer that the current 
fill column so that it gets wrapped by fill-paragraph)
  (should (not (equal (org-in-item-p) 1))

Re: [O] Suggestion: Weektree

2013-10-04 Thread Mike McLean

On Oct 1, 2013, at 11:43 AM, John Hendy jw.he...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 5:11 AM, Anders Johansson mejlaande...@gmail.com 
 It's very nice to keep a journal in a datetree (using the capture mechanism)
 but for my uses it would actually be even more useful to keep it in a
 /weektree/. Something like this:
 * 2013
 ** W39 (September 23 - September 29)
 *** 2013-09-23 Monday
  note 1
  note 2
 *** 2013-09-24 Tuesday
 *** 2013-09-25 Wednesday
 ** W52 (December 23 - December 29)
 *** 2013-09-25 Wednesday
  Christmas, no work done.
 * 2014
 ** W1 (December 30 - January 5)
 *** 2013-09-31 Tuesday
  New year's eve party!
 (with names of months and days localised as usual)
 Not quite what you want, but I was looking for how to customize the
 datetree using a capture template a bit back and made some decent
 progress. You might want to check out those threads. All you should
 need to do is figure out how to convert a date range (wherever you are
 in the current week) to a week number

I just did this (the conversion) recently so it was on my mind. This provides 
the week number as a string, not a number, and does based on “now,” but it 
should give you what you want.

Week number in ISO of beginning of this week based on a Monday week start:
(format-time-string %V (nth 0 (org-clock-special-range 'thisweek nil nil 1)))

Week number in ISO of end of this week based on a Monday week start:
(format-time-string %V (nth 1 (org-clock-special-range 'thisweek nil nil 1)))


 and then supply the
 supplementary start/stop days for the week in parentheses.
 I think I did have issues capturing to a non-existing top level tree;
 as in I think I had to pre-populate my year-month headline, and *then*
 I could capture my individual days to it. Anyway, give these a
 - http://osdir.com/ml/emacs-orgmode-gnu/2012-08/msg00396.html
 - http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-08/msg01174.html
 Best regards,

[O] How does Org make TAB work on the console?

2013-10-04 Thread Thorsten Jolitz

Hi List, 

Org-mode does 

| (org-defkey org-mode-map [(tab)]  'org-cycle)

to bind TAB to org-cycle, and Outshine does this

| (outshine-define-key-with-fallback
|  outline-minor-mode-map (kbd tab)
|  (outline-cycle arg) (outline-on-heading-p))

Under X11 both work, but on the console solo Org-mode's TAB key works,
Outshine's not: TAB runs 'indent-for-tab-command' then even when
'outline-on-heading.p' is true.

One would think immediatley that the macro
`outshine-define-key-with-fallback' is the culprit, but all of the
following 4 Outshine keybindings do work on the console (with prefix
'M-#' in my case):

| (let ((map (lookup-key outline-minor-mode-map outline-minor-mode-prefix)))
|   (outshine-define-key-with-fallback
|map (kbd J) (outline-hide-more) (outline-on-heading-p))
|   (outshine-define-key-with-fallback
|map (kbd L) (outline-show-more) (outline-on-heading-p))
|   (define-key map (kbd I) 'outline-previous-visible-heading)
|   (define-key map (kbd K) 'outline-next-visible-heading) ...

so here the macro seems to work. 

Any idea what makes TAB work for Org-mode but not for Outshine on the


[O] org-mode based groupware wiki

2013-10-04 Thread Torsten Wagner
recently I discovered gollumn [1] and was amazed to see that there is a
software which allows non-orgers to work with / read my org-files and which
even use git as the backend to get all save and nice together, even if
working concurrently on the same files.

I was wondering, because I never read about gollum in this ML and my search
only revealed a very short three year old thread between Bastien and Eric
Schulte. Despite that many of us was asking of possible ways how to use org
as a groupware like environment. I guess this topic was discussed even more
frequently over the last three years.
Unfortunately, the main drawback, the usage of org-ruby [2] as org-mode
parser still remains. I frighten that org-ruby only works on a small subset
of the org-mode syntax and that even this might be a bit out-of-date. As
far as I understood, org-mode in the meantime switched to a new exporter
[3] and we got org-elements [4] and a heavy work towards standardization
thanks to Nicolas Goaziou.

What would be the best way to get the best out of the gollum idea and the
new org-mode capabilities?

- Skip gollumn and use (an updated) blorgit [5] (Does it have editor
functionality?) ?
- Enhance org-ruby?
- Write a small script which creates a native html export from org-mode and
hook this into gollumn? However, that would require emacs and org-mode
being installed on the server side.

For me gollums most important feature would be that people could use their
web-browser and edit org-files. It might not be the most comfortable way of
editing a org-file but a simple adding of a row into a table or rephrasing
or adding a paragraph would be totally possible. It even might help to
introduce people into using emacs and org-mode.

It would be really nice to have such an easy access to org-files. Even
hard-core orgers might like the idea to e.g. access and lightly modify
there org-files on-the-go via smartphones and tablets without running a
full emacs session. (I am aware of Mobileorg ;) )

I got a bit into detail here to hopefully kick-off some discussions.

All the best


[1] https://github.com/gollum/gollum
[2] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-ruby.html
[3] http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-export-reference.html
[4] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-api/org-element-api.html
[5] http://orgmode.org/worg/blorgit.html

Re: [O] Limit subtree to a specific export backend

2013-10-04 Thread Rasmus
Sebastian Wiesner lunary...@gmail.com writes:

 I presume, I can set org-export-filter-options-functions as a
 directory-local variable, so that this kind of export restrictions
 only applies to Org mode documents in the specific project.

Probably.  There was some discussions on it lately.  Check the

 Here's an example that's perhaps a bit too verbose and not thoroughly

 #+TITLE: Conditional export
 #+options: tags:nil
 * Common intro
 ** Pdf heading:latex:
the math is really pretty!
 ** HTML heading:html:
the text features hyperlinks!
 ** More common notes
Intro over

 * Code :noexport:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (defun rasmus/conditional-export (settings backend)
 Change SETTINGS to include dynamically set export-tags.

 Enable the use of BACKEND as EXPORT_TAGS.  A derived backend is
 treated as its parent.
 (let ((backends (remove-duplicates
  (mapcar (lambda (x)
(or (org-export-backend-parent x)
(org-export-backend-name x)))
   ;; for treating derived backend and parent backends differently:
   ;; (backend-or-parent backend)
   (backend-or-parent (dolist (b org-export--registered-backends 
(when  (eq (org-export-backend-name b) 
  (return (or (org-export-backend-parent b)
settings :exclude-tags
(append (plist-get settings :exclude-tags)
(mapcar 'symbol-name
(remove backend-or-parent backends))

   (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-options-functions 

 Do I understand correctly, that this code adds all *other* backends to
 the exclude-tags setting, instead of adding the current one to
 select-tags?  Is there a specific reason to do this?

Let me know if it doesn't work as desired and share your improvements.
I didn't do proper testing as I don't fully appreciate all corner
cases of the use case.

On select tag, you can use it if you like how this document works 

#+SELECT_TAGS: latex
* common intro
** html intro  :html:
** latex  :latex:
* common next section 
  Next section

 Just adding backend to select-tags seems simpler to me, and I
 wonder whether exclude-tags even behaves correctly for headlines
 with more than one tag.  As far as I understand the Org manual, it
 would exclude headlines tagged as :html:latex: when exporting to
 html, because latex is added as exclude-tag, preventing the
 headline from being exported.

You should be able to test this in a normal org document.


C is for Cookie

Re: [O] orgstruct++-mode, fill-paragraph, and mail-mode

2013-10-04 Thread Rene
Rene jlr_0 at yahoo.com writes:

 I like the intuitive way the Org mode structure editing and list
 formatting works.  Thus I turn it on in mail-mode with 
  (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'turn-on-orgstruct)
 This works alright.
 But when I use orgstruct++-mode
  (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'turn-on-orgstruct++)
 Then fill-paragraph (M-q) doesn't behave correctly anymore when
 applied to the paragraph right below the mail-header-separator
 (--text follows this line--).  All the above lines get rearranged.
 I just realized that with orgstruct-mode the regexp
 paragraph-separate contains the mail-header-separator, whereas
 with orgstruct++-mode this regexp does NOT contain the

The value of paragraph-separate as predefined in sendmail.el is

  (setq paragraph-separate
(concat (regexp-quote mail-header-separator)
;; This is based on adaptive-fill-regexp (presumably
;; the idea is to allow navigation etc of cited paragraphs).
$\\|\t*[-–!|#%;*·•‣⁃◦ ]+$
\\|[ \t]*[-[:alnum:]]*+[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]*$\\|
--\\( \\|-+\\)$\\|

With orgstruct-mode the value of paragraph-separate becomes

--text follows this line--$\\| *[-–!|#%;*·•‣⁃◦ ]+$\\|[ 
]*[-[:alnum:]]*+[  ]*$\\|[ ]*$\\|--\\( \\|-+\\)$\\|^\f

As one can see orgstruct-mod do not alter this variable.

Whereas with orgstruct++-mode, the initial value of paragraph-separate
(given within
sendmail.el) vanishes, and turns into

\\(?:\\*+ \\|\\[\\(?:[0-9]+\\|fn:[-_[:word:]]+\\)\\]\\|%%(\\|
[ ]*\\(?:$\\|\\(?:|\\|\\+-[-+]\\)\\|[#:]\\|-\\{5,\\}[ ]*$\\|

Why is that so?


Re: [O] Unable to finalize capture

2013-10-04 Thread Nick Dokos
Dror Atariah dror...@gmail.com writes:

 It seems like after the last update I've made to org-mode the
 capturing of notes does not work properly. Currently I have version
 8.0.7 (20130930) from the ELPA. Hitting C-c c (i.e. org-capture)
 brings the list of capture templates and then I can choose one of them
 to open a buffer where I can actually entry the note. The problem is
 that once I'm done, hitting C-c C-c doesn't close the capturing
 buffer. The content is saved in the right place but I'm not returned
 to the place where I started the capturing. In the *Messages* buffer I
 get the following error: org-capture-finalize: Symbol's value as
 variable is void: org-bookmark-names-plist

org-bookmark-names-plist is defined in org.el. Try evaluating

(require 'org)

and seeing if the variable is now defined:

C-h v org-bookmark-names-plist RET

If so, the capture should work. Then you have to figure out why
org.el[c] was not loaded.

If the variable is not defined, check whether you have some old
obsolete org.el lying around:

M-x locate-library RET org RET


M-x list-load-path-shadows RET

should give you some clues.


Re: [O] org-mode based groupware wiki

2013-10-04 Thread Eric Schulte
Check out org-ehtml.  See the original announcement [1] and the repo on
github [2].  It might need some attention as the Org-mode export API is
constantly in flux, but it does work to allow editing of Org-mode pages
through a web page.


[1]  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/58773/focus=58884

[2]  https://github.com/eschulte/org-ehtml

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D

Re: [O] Unable to finalize capture

2013-10-04 Thread Dror Atariah
On Oct 4, 2013, at 14:56 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

 Dror Atariah dror...@gmail.com writes:
 It seems like after the last update I've made to org-mode the
 capturing of notes does not work properly. Currently I have version
 8.0.7 (20130930) from the ELPA. Hitting C-c c (i.e. org-capture)
 brings the list of capture templates and then I can choose one of them
 to open a buffer where I can actually entry the note. The problem is
 that once I'm done, hitting C-c C-c doesn't close the capturing
 buffer. The content is saved in the right place but I'm not returned
 to the place where I started the capturing. In the *Messages* buffer I
 get the following error: org-capture-finalize: Symbol's value as
 variable is void: org-bookmark-names-plist
 org-bookmark-names-plist is defined in org.el. Try evaluating
 (require 'org)
This evaluation can be found in my init file. I can evaluate this manually 
without any problem. 

 and seeing if the variable is now defined:
 C-h v org-bookmark-names-plist RET
The variable is not defined. Thus, I guess I'm facing the following case in 
your answer:

 If the variable is not defined, check whether you have some old
 obsolete org.el lying around:
 M-x locate-library RET org RET
Library is file ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org.elc

 M-x list-load-path-shadows RET
Returns (I hope I collected only the relevant entries):
/Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
/Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
/Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
/Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
/Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
/Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 

I guess that the above output suggests that org-mode is properly installed (via 
ELPA), isn't it? I'm afraid that I am not hinted by this output.

What further steps can I take?

Re: [O] list items not treated as such.

2013-10-04 Thread Nicolas Goaziou


Paul Rudin paul-sqpymovxoov10xsdtd+...@public.gmane.org writes:

 Paul Rudin paul-sqpymovxoov10xsdtd+...@public.gmane.org writes:

 (about lists)

 Here is a test for this problem. Notice that if you change the a) to 1.
 - for example - the test passes. So this is something specific to
 alphabetically labelled list items.

 (ert-deftest org-list-item-test ()
 (let ((org-allow-alphabetical t)
 (fill-column 70))
   (insert 1. some stuff\n
a) an alphabetic list item with text longer that the current 
 fill column so that it gets wrapped by fill-paragraph)
   (should (not (equal (org-in-item-p) 1))

Quoting `org-list-allow-alphabetical' docstring:

  This variable needs to be set before org.el is loaded.  If you
  need to make a change while Emacs is running, use the customize
  interface or run the following code, where VALUE stands for the
  new value of the variable, after updating it:

(when (featurep 'org-element) (load org-element t t))

So let-binding it cannot work.


Nicolas Goaziou

[O] proposal for a tool to translate orgmode outlines into programs

2013-10-04 Thread Isaac
proposal for a tool to translate orgmode outlines into programs

a program to translate orgmode note into script/programs which can be 
used as a template/starting point for a real program after debugging, 

Background and reasons: 
As I am accumulating more orgmode notes for problem solving, task 
planning, project coordination,  I think it would be nice if a tool can 
translate the orgmode (especially those problem solving ones) into programs 
(as much as it can)- at least a program skeleton, where after 
ideas(outlines) are done, we can generate a corresponding program which can 
be quickly edited/debugged/re factored/tightened up to be useful running 
programs - to facilitate problem solving and task repetition in the future.

Questions and Discussions:
1. whether this would be a worthwhile idea, or such idea has been tried 

2. do we have alternative solutions?

3. if indeed this idea is interesting, what programming language it 
would e worthwhile to translate to?  
currently I am thinking more along of the line of python, as its 
indenting structure more or less resemble outlines. (though my personal take 
for writing script is in ruby, lua is another interesting choice). this 3rd 
question is what I don't know for sure, I found for me ruby is more 
productive for scripting, and python has better supports ... 
ruby could be another attractive choice - level 1 headlines maybe 
translated to a class, while other levels translate to methods ...

Welcome your comments and ideas

thanks, Isaac

(while I am doing some search, found 
1. the reverse direction of this is: https://github.com/bjonnh/PyOrgMode 
- python reading and writing orgmode, but would I would prefer is orgmode = 
python/ruby instead.
2. another candidate is tangle - but idea here is different, not to 
export codes written in orgmode, but to translate/turn orgmode text directly 
into codes.
3. an interesting node.js parser for orgmode: 

Some further elaboration:
1. say if a headline is an action:
translate to def ... a function
2. say if a headline is some description:
translate to class ...
3. some long lines can be simply turned to comments/docstring
4. ... maybe ... some NLP can be used to decide what actions to 

Re: [O] ob-clojure.el alternative using nrepl

2013-10-04 Thread Eric Schulte
Oleh ohwoeo...@gmail.com writes:

 Thanks, Eric.

 Your changes work.

Great, thanks for the patch.

 Still, I think that it's needed to require ob-tangle.
 It defines the variable `org-babel-tangle-lang-exts' that ob-clojure
 wants to modify right at loading. So it's impossible to load ob-clojure
 unless ob-tangle was already loaded.

 Just to clarify, this code will work:

 (setq org-babel-tangle-lang-exts nil)
 (require 'ob-clojure)


 (require 'ob-clojure)

 will not.

I think this must be particular to your system.  The (defvar
org-babel-tangle-lang-exts) form in ob-clojure.el should take care of
this problem, and indeed does for me.

$ emacs --batch --eval (progn (add-to-list 'load-path 
\~/src/org-mode/lisp\) (require 'org) (require 'ob-clojure) (message 



  Alright, I just pushed this up.

 Thanks for testing, I haven't used Clojure in a couple of years now
 (since happily moving on to Common Lisp as my lisp of choice).

 Thanks to Oleh for the patch!


 Eric Schulte
 PGP: 0x614CA05D

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D

Re: [O] proposal for a tool to translate orgmode outlines into programs

2013-10-04 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha Isaac,

This sounds to me a lot like literate programming, which can be
accomplished in Org with very many languages, including ruby and python
(but not lua, yet).  See
http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html. An advantage
of literate programming is that it generates documentation in addition
to the program code.


Isaac isaac...@gmail.com writes:

 proposal for a tool to translate orgmode outlines into programs

 a program to translate orgmode note into script/programs which can be 
 used as a template/starting point for a real program after debugging, 

 Background and reasons: 
 As I am accumulating more orgmode notes for problem solving, task 
 planning, project coordination,  I think it would be nice if a tool can 
 translate the orgmode (especially those problem solving ones) into programs 
 (as much as it can)- at least a program skeleton, where after 
 ideas(outlines) are done, we can generate a corresponding program which can 
 be quickly edited/debugged/re factored/tightened up to be useful running 
 programs - to facilitate problem solving and task repetition in the future.

 Questions and Discussions:
 1. whether this would be a worthwhile idea, or such idea has been tried 

 2. do we have alternative solutions?

 3. if indeed this idea is interesting, what programming language it 
 would e worthwhile to translate to?  
 currently I am thinking more along of the line of python, as its 
 indenting structure more or less resemble outlines. (though my personal take 
 for writing script is in ruby, lua is another interesting choice). this 3rd 
 question is what I don't know for sure, I found for me ruby is more 
 productive for scripting, and python has better supports ... 
 ruby could be another attractive choice - level 1 headlines maybe 
 translated to a class, while other levels translate to methods ...

 Welcome your comments and ideas

 thanks, Isaac

 (while I am doing some search, found 
 1. the reverse direction of this is: https://github.com/bjonnh/PyOrgMode 
 - python reading and writing orgmode, but would I would prefer is orgmode = 
 python/ruby instead.
 2. another candidate is tangle - but idea here is different, not to 
 export codes written in orgmode, but to translate/turn orgmode text directly 
 into codes.
 3. an interesting node.js parser for orgmode: 

 Some further elaboration:
 1. say if a headline is an action:
 translate to def ... a function
 2. say if a headline is some description:
 translate to class ...
 3. some long lines can be simply turned to comments/docstring
 4. ... maybe ... some NLP can be used to decide what actions to 

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [O] [RFC] Simple cache mechanism for `org-element-at-point'

2013-10-04 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Carsten Dominik carsten.domi...@gmail.com writes:

 1. Updating on buffer modification hooks sounds like a very
demanding process.

There is obviously a cost, but it shouldn't be very high. I simplified
the process in the announcement. Actually, the cache is not updated
right after each buffer modification. What happens is the following:

  - After each buffer modification, a changeset is stored in
a buffer-local variable. Building the changeset requires between
1 and 4 regexp searches between the boundaries of the change.

  - When Emacs is idle cache is updated according to that changeset (see
`org-element--cache-sync-idle-time') and the changeset is erased.

  - If a modification happens while another previous changeset is still
present, either changesets are merged into a single one (see
`org-element--cache-merge-changes-threshold'), or, in the worst
case, a cache sync is called in order to get rid of the old
changeset, and the new one is stored.

You basically add a third expensive process in addition to font
locking and org-indent-mode.

The plan is to use `org-element-at-point' for both of them, so all three
will ultimately become only one process.

My worry is that this might be very heavy on Emacs and slow down
fast workers. Again, I did not try it, just a worry

It obviously needs to be tested, but I would be surprised if it happened
to be a problem, at least with a compiled Org (no clue on an uncompiled

 2. Do you expect this to be stable enough to deal with buffers that
are invalid in some way or another? Are there any situations in which
the parser could fail and leave some weird state behind?

There is nothing invalid at `org-element-at-point' level (i.e. it
shouldn't error, ever). Invalid syntax means that what the parser sees
doesn't match user's expectations. So there is, theoretically, no reason
for the parser to fail. But there are bugs, and only testing will
uncover them.

 3. Can you explain what you mean by except in headline-only commands?

`org-element-at-point' is meant to replace all `org-at-...'-like
functions. Calling `org-element-at-point' is like calling all of them at
the same time. It's more expensive than any of them, but returns more
data and is always correct.

But you don't need to know about context to tell if you're one
a headline or not, so `org-at-heading-p' is almost always a superior
choice (unless you need to also retrieve node properties). Likewise, if
you only need to manipulate headlines, you don't need any context


Nicolas Goaziou

[O] Small bug: No italic face when /italics/ inside a link

2013-10-04 Thread William Denton
When italics are applied to the anchor text of a link, the text is not 
italicized.  (I have org-fontify-emphasized-text set to t, so normally 
/italics/ are rendered in an italic face.)

# --- sample
Italics outside link: /[[http://orgmode.org/][Org]]/

Italics inside link: [[http://orgmode.org/][/Org/]]
# ---

When I look at it in Emacs, Org in the first line is in italics (no /s), but in the second line I 


as the anchor text.

When exported to HTML it is turned into i as it should, so that's fine, 
but shouldn't it show in italics in Emacs?

William Denton
Toronto, Canada

Re: [O] list items not treated as such.

2013-10-04 Thread Paul Rudin
Nicolas Goaziou n.goaz...@gmail.com writes:


 Paul Rudin p...@rudin.co.uk writes:

 Paul Rudin p...@rudin.co.uk writes:

 (about lists)

 Here is a test for this problem. Notice that if you change the a) to 1.
 - for example - the test passes. So this is something specific to
 alphabetically labelled list items.

 (ert-deftest org-list-item-test ()
 (let ((org-allow-alphabetical t)
(fill-column 70))
   (insert 1. some stuff\n
   a) an alphabetic list item with text longer that the current 
 fill column so that it gets wrapped by fill-paragraph)
   (should (not (equal (org-in-item-p) 1))

 Quoting `org-list-allow-alphabetical' docstring:

   This variable needs to be set before org.el is loaded.  If you
   need to make a change while Emacs is running, use the customize
   interface or run the following code, where VALUE stands for the
   new value of the variable, after updating it:

 (when (featurep 'org-element) (load org-element t t))

 So let-binding it cannot work.

Aha. So how do you test things like that? This seems to be OK. Is it?

(ert-deftest org-list-item-test ()
(let ((fill-column 70))
  (custom-set-variables '(org-list-allow-alphabetical t))
  (insert 1. some stuff\n
 a) an alphabetic list item with text longer that the current 
fill column so that it gets wrapped by fill-paragraph)
  (should (not (equal (org-in-item-p) 1))

This also explains what I was seeing, as I was setting it in my init
file after org was loaded. I was lulled into a false sense of security
because some aspects of alphabetical list label work in this

All I need now is roman numeral list labels too :)

Re: [O] Transpose or open functions for table cells

2013-10-04 Thread Suvayu Ali
Hi Michael,

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 08:30:57PM +0200, Michael Brand wrote:
 Hi Suvayu
 On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:57 PM, Suvayu Ali
 fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com wrote:
  Yes, the above allows easy rearrangement of table cells.  I'm looking
  for something that allows me to insert cells in a row or column.  In my
  example from the earlier email, I insert a cell in a column.
 As soon as I remembered that there are org-table-cut-region and
 org-table-paste-rectangle I could not resist the mental exercise for
 fun to implement f-org-table-open-field-in-row-grow and
 f-org-table-open-field-in-column-grow. The latter gets you from
 | a |  b | c |
 | d |  9 | e |
 | f | 10 | g |
 | h | 11 | i |
 | a |  b | c |
 | d || e |
 | f |  9 | g |
 | h | 10 | i |
 |   | 11 |   |
 Please read again the rearranged

This works nicely.  Thank you :)


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Xebar Saram
Thank you so much Eric

that works well apart from as you said it sometime spills over to other
uneeded lines. any idea of how to limit the number of newlines that
the regexp can match?

really appreciate the help


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Eric Abrahamsen e...@ericabrahamsen.netwrote:

 Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

  Thank you again
  that works well but i think it dosent cover what i had in org. in org
  i use the ♩ symbol to highlight all the text between the 2 ♩, IE
  ♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code the ♩
  is highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do achive
  that with font-lock?
  i really appreciate your help!

 Yup, it's pretty much the exact same thing, just with a different

  '((\\(♩[^♩]+♩\\) (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background #FFBF1E) t

 You can use ♩\\([^♩]+\\)♩ instead, if you only want the text between
 the symbols to be highlighted.

 It might be a good idea to somehow limit the number of newlines that
 the regexp can match, I'm not sure.


Re: [O] Bug: dates in heading break beamer export

2013-10-04 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Daniele Pizzolli d...@toel.it writes:

 yes, the problem is fixed both for dates and footnotes in sections, and
 should be fixed for any of: bold footnote-reference italic strike-through
 timestamp underline if I understand it correctly. Nice! I hope you plan
 to merge it.



Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-debbugs.el

2013-10-04 Thread Michael Albinus
Michael Albinus michael.albi...@gmx.de writes:

Hi Suvayu,

 I tried to test by looking for a specific bug.  This is what I tried:

 - search phrase: emacsclient
 - submitter: fatkasuvayu (that is leading part of my email address)
 - status: done or nothing

 But then I get an empty *Org Bugs* buffer.

 Hmm, yes. But this seems to be a server side problem.

I still have no idea why the submitter does not work. However, there are
more attributes which could be used. I have added the author keyword
to the `org-debbugs-search' interface. This gives you all bugs, for
which you have sent an email with the given email address (or a
substring of). Patch appended.


- search phrase: emacsclient
- author: fatkasuvayu

Best regards, Michael.

From 3c2ef9d8f8aa0da8dc0c2d8514a52b52ec36ed9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Albinus michael.albi...@gmx.de
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 21:12:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] * org-debbugs.el (org-debbugs-search): Accept empty phrase.
 Add keyword author. (org-debbugs-show-next-reports): Make Next bugs an
 own entry.

 contrib/lisp/org-debbugs.el | 11 +--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-debbugs.el b/contrib/lisp/org-debbugs.el
index fe5430e..9ab805e 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-debbugs.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-debbugs.el
@@ -144,16 +144,14 @@ returned.
 	;; Check for the phrase.
 	(setq phrase (read-string debbugs-gnu-phrase-prompt))
-	(if (zerop (length phrase))
-	(setq phrase nil)
-	  (add-to-list 'debbugs-gnu-current-query (cons 'phrase phrase)))
+	(add-to-list 'debbugs-gnu-current-query (cons 'phrase phrase))
 	;; The other queries.
 	(catch :finished
 	  (while t
 	(setq key (completing-read
 		   Enter attribute: 
-		   '(severity package tags submitter
+		   '(severity package tags submitter author
 			 subject status)
 		   nil t))
@@ -178,7 +176,8 @@ returned.
 		 'debbugs-gnu-current-query (cons (intern key) val1
-	 ((equal key submitter)
+	 ((member key '(submitter author))
+	  (when (equal key author) (setq key @author))
 	  (setq val1 (read-string Enter email address: ))
 	  (when (not (zerop (length val1)))
@@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ returned.
 	(goto-char (point-max))
-	  [[elisp:(org-debbugs-show-next-reports %s)][Next bugs]]\n
+	  * [[elisp:(org-debbugs-show-next-reports %s)][Next bugs]]\n
 (defconst org-debbugs-mode-map

Re: [O] org-debbugs.el

2013-10-04 Thread Suvayu Ali
Hi Michael,

On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 09:19:27PM +0200, Michael Albinus wrote:
 Michael Albinus michael.albi...@gmx.de writes:
 Hi Suvayu,
  I tried to test by looking for a specific bug.  This is what I tried:
  - search phrase: emacsclient
  - submitter: fatkasuvayu (that is leading part of my email address)
  - status: done or nothing
  But then I get an empty *Org Bugs* buffer.
  Hmm, yes. But this seems to be a server side problem.
 I still have no idea why the submitter does not work. However, there are
 more attributes which could be used. I have added the author keyword
 to the `org-debbugs-search' interface. This gives you all bugs, for
 which you have sent an email with the given email address (or a
 substring of). Patch appended.
 - search phrase: emacsclient
 - author: fatkasuvayu

This works as you describe, thank you!



Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Re: [O] Unable to finalize capture

2013-10-04 Thread Nick Dokos
Dror Atariah dror...@gmail.com writes:

 M-x locate-library RET org RET
 Library is file ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org.elc

N.B. Never used elpa, so take with appropriately sized grain of salt.

Not sure whether this is a problem, but why is org.elc in the main
directory and not under


Maybe you are using a left-over org.elc?

 M-x list-load-path-shadows RET
 Returns (I hope I collected only the relevant entries):
 /Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
 /Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
 /Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
 /Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
 /Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 
 /Users/user_name/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130930/org hides 

 I guess that the above output suggests that org-mode is properly installed 
 (via ELPA), isn't it? I'm afraid that I am not hinted by this output.

Check that your org.el does include the definition  of the variable.
Then load the uncompiled version using an explicit path:

M-x load-file RET /Users/user_name/.emacsd./elpa//org/lisp/org.el RET

*Now* is the variable defined? If so, does capture work?

I'd probably clean up the .elc files and compile anew. Then restart


Re: [O] proposal for a tool to translate orgmode outlines into programs

2013-10-04 Thread Isaac
Thomas S. Dye tsd at tsdye.com writes:

 Aloha Isaac,
 This sounds to me a lot like literate programming, which can be
 accomplished in Org with very many languages, including ruby and python
 (but not lua, yet).  See
 http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html. An advantage
 of literate programming is that it generates documentation in addition
 to the program code.

yes and no - it's literate programming, but rather than programming in orgmode 
- it's translating orgmode (thoughts) to build a skeleton of codes for code 
generation ... not sure if someone has done something similar before? it would 
be good to know. 


Re: [O] custom emacs org-emphasis-alist breaks EXPORT, help ;-) ?

2013-10-04 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

 Thank you so much Eric

 that works well apart from as you said it sometime spills over to
 other uneeded lines. any idea of how to limit the number of newlines
 the regexp can match?

 really appreciate the help

The easiest thing would be to add a newline to the list of non-matching
characters, like this: \\(♩[^♩\n]+♩\\). That won't match _anything_
that goes longer than one line, though -- is that what you want? I'm
actually not sure how to make the regexp match a specific number of
newlines without things getting much more complicated... 

 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Eric Abrahamsen 
 e...@ericabrahamsen.net wrote:

 Xebar Saram zelt...@gmail.com writes:

  Thank you again
  that works well but i think it dosent cover what i had in org.
 in org
  i use the ♩ symbol to highlight all the text between the 2 ♩,
  ♩ALL THIS TEXT IS HIGHLIGHTED♩, currently with the above code
 the ♩
  is highlighted but not the text between, is it possible to do
  that with font-lock?
  i really appreciate your help!

 Yup, it's pretty much the exact same thing, just with a different

  '((\\(♩[^♩]+♩\\) (0 '(:weight ultra-bold :background #
 FFBF1E) t

 You can use ♩\\([^♩]+\\)♩ instead, if you only want the text
 the symbols to be highlighted.

 It might be a good idea to somehow limit the number of newlines
 the regexp can match, I'm not sure.
