Re: [Emc-users] emc2 live download

2009-07-20 Thread Jon Elson
Rondal Nannie wrote:
 Gene  I went in and changed it so that it would boot the cd first. It started 
 to load the cd and about 3/4 into it ,it failed to load. This happened 
 several times.Thanks for the reply  Ron
You must have 256 MB of memory.  For some reason, a vew machines seem to 
need a little more.  Also, you need somewhere around 3-4 GB of hard 
drive.  If either is in too short supply, the install will grind to a 
halt, often without any error message.  There are a few graphics cards 
that are not compatible, and also you need about 4 MB of memory on the 
graphics card.  It will get to a certain place in the install and croak 
when it tries to configure the graphics.

There is an Ubuntu hardware compatibility list that you can check to 
make sure your graphics is on the good list.


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[Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Leslie Newell
Has anyone tried turning a cam on a lathe using EMC? I tried using lots 
of G33 moves but they seem to get out of sync. My machine has pretty 
high acceleration and top speed but even at very low spindle speeds 
(14rpm) it doesn't seem to keep up.

Does EMC have any other way of doing synchronised moves apart from G33/G76?


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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Jeff Epler
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:23:55AM +0100, Leslie Newell wrote:
 Has anyone tried turning a cam on a lathe using EMC? I tried using lots 
 of G33 moves but they seem to get out of sync. My machine has pretty 
 high acceleration and top speed but even at very low spindle speeds 
 (14rpm) it doesn't seem to keep up.

Without seeing your gcode, I am going to take a guess that the problem
is one of two things: you have lots of tiny moves, or you did not
properly calculate your K values.

emc's spindle synchronized motion is more or less the traditional motion
planner, but using spindle angle instead of time to control the forward
progress.  Specifically, it has the same behavior when there are a lot
of small segments: it will plan each individual move so that it can stop
by the end of that move and stay within machine constraints.

 Does EMC have any other way of doing synchronised moves apart from G33/G76?

emc and gcode don't, but of course hal does.  You could create a
component which offsets the commanded X according to the spindle angle
and the shape of the cam.  The component would include the mathematical
description of the cam shape, r=f(theta)+r0.  It would take as inputs
the spindle angle and the commanded motor position (r0), and output the
modified motor position (r)

net Xpos-cmd = camcutter.pos-cmd-in
net Xpos-cam-cmd camcutter.pos-cmd-out = stepgen.0.motor-pos-cmd # or 

net Xpos-cam-fb stepgen.motor-pos-fb = camcutter.pos-fb-in
net Xpos-cb = camcutter.pos-fb-out

net spindle-revs = camcutter.spindle-revs

net cam-enable = camcutter.enable

In emc 2.3 and above double precision numbers are used for hal floats,
so you can probably skip messing with index-enable and just use theta =
2*pi*spindle_revs for a periodic function f().

In your component, you have something like this:
if(enable) {
double theta = spindle_revs * 2 * M_PI;
double displacement = f(theta);
motor_pos_cmd_out = motor_pos_cmd_in + displacement;
motor_pos_fb_out = motor_pos_fb_in - olddisplacement;
olddisplacement = displacement; // (instance variable)
} else {
motor_pos_cmd_out = motor_pos_cmd_in;
motor_pos_fb_out = motor_pos_fb_in;
but this gives a step discontinuity when enable changes.  You need to
embellish it with code to slow apply and unapply the displacement.  Such
code is in emc/motion/simple_tp.{c,h} in libraryish form.  (I'd be
tempted to just copy both into a single header, change simple_tp_update
to be static, and include the header)


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Re: [Emc-users] X axis Homing in wrong direction

2009-07-20 Thread Jeff Epler
If the DRO is counting in the wrong direction, then negate the X Step
signal on the Parallel Port Setup page.

If the DRO is counting in the right direction but the homing move is
going in the wrong direction, then negate the value of Home Search
Velocity on the X Axis Configuration page.


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Re: [Emc-users] EMC2 with AXIS as pure simulator on Ubuntu 9.04

2009-07-20 Thread Jeff Epler
Thanks for the great step by step.  I've put a link from the wiki to
this post in the mailing list archive.


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Re: [Emc-users] OpenGL on EMC2? + 7i43

2009-07-20 Thread Richard Acosta
Chris, thanks or your time on writing, but you shouldn't take so much 
time to explain that people is not perfect, and programas can barely be 
bug free.
I repeat (again) my problem is not so much with EMC people for making 
the effort, but with some of those who only can fill their 
mouth(fingers) with charges and claim you didn't you do but 
they can barely read and understand a request at least to acknowledge 
what they claim has already been explained on the request.

I really don't want to keep this going and going, but recently a very 
dumb person wrote to me with just the intention to insult.
That person has been one of those who didn't read but think he can 
accuse for something he is not capable of. (reason)
That person represents exactly what i've been complaining of.

Thanks for your time again Chris and best regards.

El 08/07/2009 04:55 a.m., Chris Morley escribió:

 Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 00:30:22 -0300
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] OpenGL on EMC2? + 7i43

 I have bough a board, directed by EMC people.
 I am not dissapointed with MEsa, i'm dissapointed with the people who 
 advised me.

 In my country, when */you/* direct someone to buy/do something that 
 gives /*you*/ _.OR._ another an unjustified profit while the 
 buyer/customer/doer gets a dissadvantage /*YOU*/ are responsible. That's 
 called fraud and /*you*/ go to jail.



 First this is all my personal opinion not the EMC group's.

 Is an apology you are looking for?
 I am a member of EMC's development.  I, personally am sorry
 that your experience with EMC was less then what you hoped.
 I can assure you no one was trying to pull a fast one on you.
 Certainly no one was trying to fraud you.
 The hostmot2 software was and is very new. When the person who
 writes the software tests it it is fairly easy to miss bugs because the 
 person tends to use it as he intended. The more it is used by other people
 (especially non programmers) the more these are flushed out. As Developers
 we support this by fixing them as best and fast as we can. Now programmers 
 (as a rule) are just terrible about documentation. Docs are boring - new 
 are fun. 
 Actually the docs are way way better now then even a year ago, as far as 
 up to date, correct and usable. But they are just like the software / 
 When you write them they make sense to you but you knew what you meant!
 On top of that, in a rapidly developing project it's pretty easy to have the 
 (usually just slightly) out of date. 

 We are not perfect - we just try to do our best.

 On our side, yes maybe we need to evaluate how we release or advertise the
 state of our software. In fact we have already discussed it in general, to 
 The real problem comes that we think it is right/ bug free because we have 
 tested / used it . But the software is complicated and flexible- we need more 
 people to test / use it. We don't pay people to test. I'm pretty sure profit 
 companies do. So we release it. If and when problems come up we fix them.
 In most cases the problems that come up are obscure / minor anyways.
 Usually this works very well-sometimes not so well.

 I understand it can be very frustrating, it is frustrating for us too- we 
 want people
 to have success and fun with EMC!
 But no one likes to be 'beat-up' over these problems, especially if we are 
 not paid
 to put up with it. We do this because we like the challenge, or like to give 
 or like to tinker.

 So Richard again I am sorry things worked out so badly for you.
 If you still want help with using the mesa board and EMC we can
 help but you have to stop the negativity now. Your point is across now

 To everyone else: We got our point across too - lets move on to some
 positive energy. If things need changing to help a new person out then
 lets hear it or volunteer to help do it. If there is problems or 
 lets get to the point, keep the negativity to the minimum,  And lets fix it!

 I think what this situation is really saying is that EMC is getting heard 
 now it's not just the gurus and power tinkers that want to use it, regular 
 people who don't want to invest the time to learn why something works 
 they just want to use it. As far as I'm concerned I say welcome- we'll try to 

 Chris Morley

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Re: [Emc-users] OpenGL on EMC2? + 7i43

2009-07-20 Thread Chris Radek
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:24:29AM -0300, Richard Acosta wrote:
 I really don't want to keep this going and going

This does not appear to be true.


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Re: [Emc-users] Modbus driver for Toshiba VF-S11 VFD available

2009-07-20 Thread Jeff Epler
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 07:09:08PM +0200, Haberler Michael wrote:
 I've finished a first release of a HAL userspace component to drive a  
 Toshiba VF-S11 VFD via Modbus, vfs11_vfd. It's adapted from gs2_vfd.c  
 and works fine for me so far. A description how to connect the VFD and  
 set initial parameters is included.

Thanks for your contribution to emc.  I don't have a machine with a VFD,
but I know a lot of people do.

 ps: I'd appreciate a hint as to how to socially-compatible add this to  
 the EMC2 tree. Thanks.

In the medium term, we're trying to make it possible for all types of
components to be built separately from emc2.  Right now there are a
number of problems that make this not work very well for userspace
components.  I hope that a number of improvements in this area will be
in 2.4, but that's still a ways off.

I've prepared a tar that contains your source plus a Makefile and a copy
of the modbus source and header from emc.  It should work on emc 2.3
(and maybe 2.2) systems with the emc2-dev package installed.
you can make or make install (sudo make install on systems where
emc is installed as a package)

Some of the stuff in that Makefile is far from guessable and that's why
I hope to improve this for emc 2.4.


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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Leslie Newell
Hi Jeff,

I would have replied earlier but I blew up my X11 settings and it took 
me this long to get it working again...

 is one of two things: you have lots of tiny moves,

Yes. There isn't much choice in this. To even get a simple offset circle 
you need to generate lots of short lines.

 or you did not
 properly calculate your K values.

I don't /think/ I did. For this job, K gets rather confusing. However 
changing the spindle speed affects the results so I would guess that K 
isn't the problem.

 emc's spindle synchronized motion is more or less the traditional motion
 planner, but using spindle angle instead of time to control the forward
 progress.  Specifically, it has the same behavior when there are a lot
 of small segments: it will plan each individual move so that it can stop
 by the end of that move and stay within machine constraints.

Is there any way to trick the motion planner into thinking the machine 
has infinite acceleration during synchronized cutting? As long as you 
are careful with the code, following error shouldn't be too bad.

 emc and gcode don't, but of course hal does.  You could create a
 component which offsets the commanded X according to the spindle angle
 and the shape of the cam.
  The component would include the mathematical
  description of the cam shape, r=f(theta)+r0.

Hmm, interesting idea. Not too bad for a simple circular cam but 
unfortunately I have been supplied with CAD drawings and they are wacky 
profiles. Several different profiles, all one-offs. Is there any way for 
a RT component to read a file when it initializes? I could store the 
profile in a text file which I could generate with SheetCam.


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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Dave Caroline
An excuse to put a milling spindle on the crossslide maybe.
will the clearance angle be ok if turning

Dave Caroline

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[Emc-users] OK ..... turn your imagination loose ... (OT)

2009-07-20 Thread Dave Engvall
A long ways to go but..


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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Gene Heskett
On Monday 20 July 2009, Dave Caroline wrote:
An excuse to put a milling spindle on the crossslide maybe.
will the clearance angle be ok if turning

Dave Caroline

I think that is something I would do with the A axis.  I have turned stuff 
with it, but haven't tried to make a cam yet.  I got stuck needing the laathe 
for something, but had a large piece of alu I didn't want to lose the center 
of, so I did the other small piece on the mill.  Slow, but worked well.

Cheers, Gene
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[Emc-users] emc axis acts different between test and machine

2009-07-20 Thread Peter Cauchy
Having gotten another power supply for my machine, thanks to the advice 
found here, my machine is running at about 30 in/min, yay! 

Now a new problem has cropped up, my z-axis works fine in setting up the 
config, but when running the machine with the config, it will only step 
.02 in per jog, even with distance set to continuous.  I have not 
manually changed the config between setting it up and running the 
machine with it.  Any ideas where to look to debug would be helpful.

Pete Cauchy

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Re: [Emc-users] emc2 live download

2009-07-20 Thread BRIAN GLACKIN
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Jon Elson wrote:

 Rondal Nannie wrote:
  Gene  I went in and changed it so that it would boot the cd first. It
 started to load the cd and about 3/4 into it ,it failed to load. This
 happened several times.Thanks for the reply  Ron
 You must have 256 MB of memory.  For some reason, a vew machines seem to
 need a little more.  Also, you need somewhere around 3-4 GB of hard
 drive.  If either is in too short supply, the install will grind to a
 halt, often without any error message.  There are a few graphics cards
 that are not compatible, and also you need about 4 MB of memory on the
 graphics card.  It will get to a certain place in the install and croak
 when it tries to configure the graphics.

 There is an Ubuntu hardware compatibility list that you can check to
 make sure your graphics is on the good list.


You can also install just a regular Ubuntu Live CD without EMC - go to the
Ubuntu Site.  I originally succeeded that way.  Once you have Ubuntu
working, then follow the instructions on on how to download EMC
to a system with Ubuntu already installed.

Others have found this path while not as easy results in fewer hardware

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Re: [Emc-users] emc2 live download

2009-07-20 Thread Jack
Personally, I find that true, using direct install on ubuntu rather than the

Actually installing Ubuntu 8.04 LTS from CD, get it talking on your network
but DO NOT
update Ubuntu at this time.  Then do the EMC2 install.  Afterwards updating
generates the fewest problems for me.

IHS ... Jack

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 12:30 PM, BRIAN GLACKIN

 On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Jon Elson wrote:

  Rondal Nannie wrote:
   Gene  I went in and changed it so that it would boot the cd first. It
  started to load the cd and about 3/4 into it ,it failed to load. This
  happened several times.Thanks for the reply  Ron
  You must have 256 MB of memory.  For some reason, a vew machines seem to
  need a little more.  Also, you need somewhere around 3-4 GB of hard
  drive.  If either is in too short supply, the install will grind to a
  halt, often without any error message.  There are a few graphics cards
  that are not compatible, and also you need about 4 MB of memory on the
  graphics card.  It will get to a certain place in the install and croak
  when it tries to configure the graphics.
  There is an Ubuntu hardware compatibility list that you can check to
  make sure your graphics is on the good list.
 You can also install just a regular Ubuntu Live CD without EMC - go to the
 Ubuntu Site.  I originally succeeded that way.  Once you have Ubuntu
 working, then follow the instructions on on how to download
 to a system with Ubuntu already installed.

 Others have found this path while not as easy results in fewer hardware


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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Jeff Epler
  emc and gcode don't, but of course hal does.  You could create a
  component which offsets the commanded X according to the spindle angle
  and the shape of the cam.
   The component would include the mathematical
   description of the cam shape, r=f(theta)+r0.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 05:25:19PM +0100, Leslie Newell wrote:
 Hmm, interesting idea. Not too bad for a simple circular cam but 
 unfortunately I have been supplied with CAD drawings and they are wacky 
 profiles. Several different profiles, all one-offs. Is there any way for 
 a RT component to read a file when it initializes? I could store the 
 profile in a text file which I could generate with SheetCam.

rtai has shared memory between realtime components and userspace.  This
is how the communication between task and motion works, and how it works
between the userspace and realtime parts of scope, sampler, and

In this case, you'd have to arrange for userspace to load a 1D array of
f(theta) values before beginning the cam cycle, then the realtime
f(theta) becomes: find nearest table values to theta, and use an
interpolation algorithm on those values (such as linear interpolation on
two values) to give the offset.


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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Leslie Newell
Heh. An A axis would be too easy :-) TBH I think I may pass on this job. 
Too many unknowns. I will check if the cams can be made in pieces. If so 
then I could simply mill the lobes.


Gene Heskett wrote:
 On Monday 20 July 2009, Dave Caroline wrote:
 An excuse to put a milling spindle on the crossslide maybe.
 will the clearance angle be ok if turning

 Dave Caroline
 I think that is something I would do with the A axis.  I have turned stuff 
 with it, but haven't tried to make a cam yet.  I got stuck needing the laathe 
 for something, but had a large piece of alu I didn't want to lose the center 
 of, so I did the other small piece on the mill.  Slow, but worked well.

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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Leslie Newell
Thanks Jeff

I'll look into it. Do you know off-hand if there are any current 
components that do this?


 rtai has shared memory between realtime components and userspace.  This
 is how the communication between task and motion works, and how it works
 between the userspace and realtime parts of scope, sampler, and
 In this case, you'd have to arrange for userspace to load a 1D array of
 f(theta) values before beginning the cam cycle, then the realtime
 f(theta) becomes: find nearest table values to theta, and use an
 interpolation algorithm on those values (such as linear interpolation on
 two values) to give the offset.

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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Jack
I went to a ShopBot event last year and saw where folks did 'turning' using
their indexer.

The process they used was to determine the 'final diameter' and layed out a
of 'unwraped' surface (length as the length of the turning, width of the
'final diameter').
Then put whatever they wanted on the 'triangle' using various methods.  Once
the pathed it, and used the just routed the piece as a plane, using the
indexer as the
'x' axis, and the 'y' axis as the indexer.

You might be able to take that thought and make your 'unwraped surface' to
be the
profiles of the 'unwrapped' cams.

Let us know how you attack this (if you do).
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Re: [Emc-users] emc2 live download

2009-07-20 Thread Wayne Patterson
Is your Laptop a Dell Inspiron?

Rondal Nannie wrote:
 I am a new user and I tried to down load emc2 live and it will not run or 
 install. Also can or is it ok to download to a lap top? I  read some where on 
 the directions that it would stop the computer from going into hibernation? 
 Is that correct? Thanks Ron
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Re: [Emc-users] Synchronised cam turning

2009-07-20 Thread Jeff Epler
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 10:25:58PM +0100, Leslie Newell wrote:
 Thanks Jeff
 I'll look into it. Do you know off-hand if there are any current 
 components that do this?

No, I don't think there are any.  I proposed something similar (but it
doesn't have the adding/removing offsets problem) to some folks doing a
scanline laser with emc, but to the best of my knowledge they didn't go
that direction with their implementation.


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