Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Kim Jones

 On 20 Jan 2015, at 12:31 pm, John Clark wrote:
 All I know about is ideas and ideas are information and I would say that 
 information is physical, but you would call it abstract and non-physical, in 
 contrast I can say virtually nothing about the sun itself but you would say 
 that was physical and non-abstract.
John K Clark

Maybe stop using that ridiculous and meaningless art term abstract. You sound 
like an eighth grader stuggling to understand Modigliani. Nothing is 
abstract. Even Modigliani. Things either exist or they don't. If it can be 
called anything at all then it exists. It can exist wherever the hell it wants; 
I don't call something abstract just because I cannot see it. The funny part 
is that by calling it abstract you merely affirm it's (non-physical) 
existence for you, which is all we want you to be able to do without wetting 

The issue of whether it is physical or not can never be resolved either - 
especially given the eternal warfare waged over the very meaning of terms like 
physical, existence, matter etc. 

Whether something is physical or not is immaterial, excuse the pun. We just 
want to know if it's real. For some people, numbers are more real than anything 
else. I don't think they should be committed to an asylum for that belief. What 
numbers actually are cannot be known, only guessed at. 


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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 20 Jan 2015, at 02:31, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Bruno Marchal  

 The question is not if God exists or not. But if
God = the physical universe?
God = a mathematical structure? Which one?
God = a dream by a universal machine?
God = a sum on all dreams by all universal machines?
God = the one who lost itself in a labyrinth of dreams?
God = the one who plays hide and seek with Itself?
God = the universal person?
God = the universal person completions? (if that exists)
God = Allah?
God = Jesus?
God = Krishna?
God = my tax collector?
God = the one who made the cat in its own image, and then made the  
humans to gives the vat the modern comfort, with TV nad bag of  


 If you're correct about that, and I think you are, and it could  
mean a tax collector or the mathematical universe or anything in  
between then the word God has exactly ZERO information content  
and writing about God accomplishes nothing except cause excessive  
wear and tear on the O D and G keys on your computer.

And yet some people still insist on using the word. Go figure.

 That would be the case if God was defined by the disjunction above.

You wrote that disjunction not me.

 But God was defined by roots of the physical, psychological and  
spiritual reality.

That certainly is NOT the definition of God used by people who carve  
statues, or perform sacrifices or say prayers or built churches or  
mosques or temples. I very much doubt that the person who carved the  
Venus of Willendorf in 3 BC or the Venus of Hohle Fels in 4  
BC was thinking about the roots of the physical, psychological and  
spiritual reality; I believe all these people were thinking about a  
*PERSON* who is vastly more powerful than themselves who can get  
things done for them it you ask that *PERSON* in just the right way.

I use God in the sense of the platonist, who introduced the field of  
inquiry theology. It is explained in Plato's Parmenides, and is the  
base of the so called Neoplatonism. It can be related with the god of  
the philosophers. it generalize the sense of the fairy tales God, with  
the fairy tale and superstition threw away, as we do when we do  
science. In all case God is by definition the origin of things.

Science always simplifies maximally the notion, to ease the proof.

And I still don't understand what you mean by spiritual reality  
and physical reality and the examples you gave don't have any  
logical consistency as far as I can tell.


It is not clear if mathematics is the root of physics or physics is  
the root of mathematics.

Because you stop at step 3. You would be able to understand that  
computationalism makes physical reality an aspect of the arithmetical  
reality. That is the point of the UDA, which you pretend having  
refutated, but nobody has been able to understand your argument.

I know for a fact that the idea of the sun exists and I can tell you  
lots of specific things about the idea of the sun, and use those  
ideas to generate yet more ideas about the sun, that seems pretty  
down to earth concrete and physical to me.

Concrete? You said abstract the other day. You describe the  
aristotelian intuition, but with computationalism and quantum  
mechanics, we are lead to question this intuition.

All I know about is ideas and ideas are information and I would say  
that information is physical, but you would call it abstract and non- 
physical, in contrast I can say virtually nothing about the sun  
itself but you would say that was physical and non-abstract.

I use the terms in the common sense. Physics is about predicting  
measurable numbers, in a 3p or 1p-plural way. It involves sharable  
measuring apparatus. Mathematics is about mathematical objects, like  
numbers and functions, with or without applications a priori to the  
physical reality or the observable.

The theory of everything is Robinson Arithmetic (RA). It does not  
assume any physical things, and explains exactly what physics is.


PS I have to go, and will answer other posts this evening, or tomorrow.

   John K Clark


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Re: The Weakness of Panpsychism?

2015-01-20 Thread David Nyman
On 20 January 2015 at 05:42, meekerdb wrote:

What would that mean?  If neuroscientists of the future develop brain
 monitoring instrumentation and software such that they scan watch processes
 in your brain and then say correctly, You were seeing red and it reminded
 you of a dress your late grandmother wore and made you sad. would you
 accept that as entirely observable?

Well, I would of course accept that what had been observed was entirely
observable!  It would mean that the public component of the public-private
'entanglement' - the pattern of neurological activity correlated with
specific conscious states - had indeed been brought under observation. But
I wouldn't thereby be forced to accept that the neuroscientists had direct
access to my private state of mind in the same sense as I do myself.

The relevant distinction is that between the result of observation, on the
one hand, and the mode of observation, on the other. The latter entails two
'entangled' components, of which only one can be made 'public'. Despite its
absence from the public sphere, the private part cannot in fact be
disregarded in any consideration of 'observation' since it is an
ineliminable component of the observers' own mode of observation!


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Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of view

2015-01-20 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

Forget ball games. I wager that when the jihadists strike here in either a 
series of small attacks or another 911, your side, for coddling the jihadists 
will be held to account. And, sadly, people will say, At least under Bush we 
felt safe. 

-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 7:21 pm
Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 

   From: spudboy100 via Everything List

Hmmm! Then you have wasted your companie's, valuable time bantering with 
someone you don't like and can't control? Some software schmuck, you must be. 
Where are your ethics, man? Oh, wait, I take that back, for most progressives 
do not possess this attribute, only the hunger to control. Well, mah trailer 
needs propane re-fuelin' and I gotta git down to thuh liquer store before 
mama june kills me. Wee dawgies! Now yew git on and a keep a cod'in and 
developin' whatever that is? P.S, the seahawks suck and the pats will roll 
over yer candy asses. What do yew and the Pats have in common? Ansdwer: 
Deflated balls. Bwah hah hah hah! Even Mama June bust out laffin at that wun.
Why would my company care if I take a few minutes here and there during the 
day? It knows -- from working deployed, low defect, high performant software -- 
that it gets excellent value from my services, which is why it continues to 
have me (and others like me)  fulfill them. This is also why the globally 
preeminent technology companies I work for DO NOT -- AND WILL NEVER -- higher 
incompetent angry windbags like you... who have an overblown sense of their own 
entitlement coupled with a lack of any valuable real skills. You have nothing 
of any value to exchange; your labor is just not worth very much to them.

P.S. The Seahawks won the game and are going to the Super Bowl. Spectacular 
last five minutes and over time play on that game. 

But... Hey there goober, isn't it time for you to mosey on down to see if your 
(government) check is in the mail box (delivered to you by our socialist mail 


-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 6:35 pm
Subject: Fw: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 

- Forwarded Message -

   From: spudboy100 via Everything List

Nupe. Basically you are explaining away the election losses and the endless 
trail of middle class taxpayer dollars, to the blue state governments, their 
government unions, and the underclass, who is content with Mexican 
billionaire and Obola contributor, Carlos Slim Helu's cheapo chump trak 
phones, welfare checks, food stamps, ghettos, hoods, and barrios. What has 
changed is that from a political studies pov, enough of the demographic of 
the white middle and working classes, who want to work (unlike your crack and 
meth head friends), realize they have gotten burned bad, by a political class 
that is neither interested in their financial well being, nor their physical 
safety, from your Islamic State sympathizers, like yourself. I see a time, 
fairly soon, when a plurality of American residents, whether legally here or 
not will say to themselves, at least under Bushie I felt safe! I probably 
care for the Bushes in US politics on a scale somewhat less then yourself 
(hard to say since your progie derangement must make cognitive thinking 
difficult at best for you), but based on what is happening overseas, this day 
will arrive. Keep on strumming your guitar dude, its supposedly therapeutic. 

Don't have the time (nor the desire) to respond to your delusional oxycontin 
fueled rant in detail -- because like most progressives -- I am at work, 
earning money for my family to live on. Not all of us can be Tea Party welfare 


-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 3:50 pm
Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 

Anyone can look up the facts (over the last few election cycles). 
If you add up all Blue states in one column and all red states in another 
column the blue column of states turns out to be a net contributor to the 
federal revenue; the red states are net recipients of federal tax dollars. 
Such simple mathematical averaging may be beyond your Tea Party math skills 
however; so I can recognize why you are struggling with this... as with so many 
concepts that require some actual thinking.
This pattern also holds when you do more micro analysis at the zipcode level.  
The net result is that 

Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

2015-01-20 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
France has been known for its deliberate hatreds, pre-ww2, and post ww2. Having 
said this what I think is occurring is counter colonization, and as of late 
decades, deliberate. The imposition is from Islamic lands where the majority of 
the Uma, crave sharia law, sharia rule. I had pondered in years before that 
maybe this is karma for the French for their personal nastiness? In this case 
the lesser of the two evils right now are the jihadists, rather then the 
national front. On what to do,  is another matter, perhaps best left off this 
forum?  Dieudonné, their national treasure, as you term it, is a stage name, 
for a Muslim fellow, who carries his jihad to his shows. The Algerian war you 
write of are unquestionable in that the Pied Noire colonists were basically the 
same folks who followed Martial Petain and Pierre Laval collabiorators, during 
WW2. Again we have a case of the bad versus the worse. 

-Original Message-
From: chris peck
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 7:49 pm
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

Maybe the Onion cartoon didn't set anyone off, but it just isn't true that 
these three Algerians are the only people who behave psychotically in the face 
of free speech. 

During the first salvos of the battle of Fallujah the allies ransacked and shut 
down the general hospital because it was releasing civilian casualty figures. 
That was a war crime. The allies bombed the offices of Al Jazeera in Bagdahd in 
2003, a fact widely denied until David Blunket boasted about it in his memoirs. 
Why? They were releasing civilian casualty figures alongside photographic 
proof. Freely reporting the truth is simply unacceptable. In the war against 
Serbia Nato bombed Serbian state tv head quarters killing scores of 

We shouldn't be fooled into thinking France has any regard for free speech 
either. Only days after the Hebdo attacks their national treasure Dieudonné was 
arrested for an offensive face book post. He aligned himself with the killers 
rather than the victims in an exasperated outburst. It was deeply insensitive 
and deeply offensive. But so what? It was just a joke.

Clarke's question isn't a fair one. A fair question would be to ask why these 
three men turned psychotic over a cartoon. Asking why muslims are the only 
group to turn psychotic implies muslims turn psychotic over jokes in general, 
which isnt true. It implies that the only people who have killed journalists 
have been muslims. Again not true.

Why did these three Algerians turn psychotic? Who can honestly say? But we can 
look at the history of Algeria and France, and as it turns out the conquest and 
subjugation of the Algerian people was exceptionally brutal. Here is a postcard 
French ex-pats in Algeria could send home to mom depicting the fate of Algerian 
nationals who disobeyed:

see, even beheading people and publishing it on public media has precedents in 
the west. The Algerians tried to get their country back triggering a bitter 
civil war that killed 1.5 million people and resulted in Algerian society being 
torn apart. Pro French Algericans escaped to france, where they have been 
treated like animals ever since. In 1961, in Paris, during a peaceful protest 
against the occupation of Algeria and against a curfew imposed by the state, 
the french police rounded up scores of Algerian men women and children, beat 
them unconscious and threw them into the Seine to drown. Thousands were rounded 
up into stadiums and beaten. There are reports that some were forced to drink 
bleach. Corpses washed up on the shores of the Seine for weeks. Upwards of 200 
people were killed. Some estimates are far higher. France. Its not all cheese, 
baguettes and ooh la la. 

Since 1961 muslims have been subjected to increasingly draconian restrictions 
on their freedome and a media that depicts them in as dehumanizing way as 
possible. The wankers at Charlie Hebdo are part of that. Of course they should 
be free to do it, but its no wonder this marginalized sector feels angry about 
it. The media now presents the story as though white french people should be 
afraid of Algerians. Historically, its clearly the other way around because the 
whites in France have been behaving like a brutal and murderous bunch of cunts. 
That said, these three Algerians probably did what they did without reference 
to any of that and because of some words in a book.

Subject: Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:45:13 -0500

Brent, you are suffering from progressive derangement syndrome, where all 
non-complaint minds are evil Nazis. I will never be compliant with progressive 
thinking because, a) it works poorly, and b) its totalitarian in nature, and 

Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread Telmo Menezes
Hi Rex,

Interesting read. I will just start with something I've been thinking
about, along these lines (I believe).

It is interesting that there are a number of models of reality that are
prima facie as plausible as any other but are more consistently rejected as
lunacy, woo, new-age-mambo-jambo, etc.

These models tend to have something in common: they suggest that we are not
what we appear to be, that we are not mortal or immortal because time
itself is a dream. That there is only one consciousness and we are all
fundamentally the same entity, from the amoeba on. Quantum immortality.
This sort of thing. They start with consciousness as the brute fact, as you

I have no intellectual reason to reject such ideas, but I definitely feel a
resistance to them.

So it also occurred to me that believing in such things appears
maladaptive. Intuitively, such beliefs may lead you to be less preoccupied
with survival and reproduction. So it's not so surprising that we evolved
to reject such ideas but this leads to a terrible doubt: can we trust
ourselves to do science?

Another distasteful speculation: maybe there's *survival instinct* behind
nerds and geeks being bullied.

A more optimistic take: maybe real science is a possibility for the future,
if we transcend Darwinism.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Rex Allen wrote:

 Consciousness precedes axioms.  Consciousness precedes logic.  Axioms and
 logic exist within conscious experience - not vice versa.  Consciousness
 comes before everything else.

 It is self-evident that there are conscious experiences.  However, what
 consciousness *is* - it’s ultimate nature - is not self-evident.  Further,
 what any particular conscious experience “means” is also not self-evident.

 For example:  The experience of color is directly known and
 incontrovertible.  But what the experience of color *means* is not directly
 known - any proposed explanation is inferential and controvertible.

 We do not have direct access to meaning.

 We only have direct access to bare uninterpreted conscious experience.

 So - any attempted explanation of consciousness from the outside (i.e.,
 objectively) must be constructed from inside consciousness, by conscious
 processes, on a foundation of conscious experience.

 Not a promising situation - because any explanation must be based entirely
 on conscious experiences which have no intrinsic meaning, and arrived at
 via conscious processes which are equally lacking in intrinsic meaning.

 It “seems” like we could just stop here and accept that things are what
 they are.  And what else do we have other than the way things “seem”?  I
 experience what I experience - nothing further can be known.

 HOWEVER - while we could just stop there - most of us don’t.

 For most of us, it seems that non-accepting, questioning, doubting,
 believing, disbelieving, desiring, grasping, wanting, unsatisfied conscious
 experiences just keep piling up.

 Why is this?

 Well - it seems like there is either an explanation for this - or it just
 a brute fact that has no explanation.

 If there is no explanation, then we should just accept our non-acceptance,
 our non-stoppingness, and let it go.  Or not.  Doesn’t matter.

 Alternatively, if there is an explanation - then there are two options:


The explanation is not accessible to us because our conscious
experiences do not “point” towards the truth of the way things are.

The explanation is accessible to us, because our conscious experiences
*do* point towards the truth of the way things are.

 Again, if we believe that option 1 is correct, we can just stop.  Or not.
 It doesn’t matter.

 So - let’s *provisionally* assume that option 2 is correct.

 I say “provisionally” instead of “axiomatically” because we will revisit
 this assumption.  Once we’ve gone as far as we can in working out the
 implications of it being true - we will return to this assumption and see
 if it still makes sense in light of where we ended up.

 At this point I am willing to grant that modern science provides the best
 methodology for translating (extrapolating?) from our truth-pointing
 conscious experiences to models that represent the accessible parts of how
 things “really” are.

 To the extent that anything can be said about how things really are
 “outside of” conscious experience - science says it.

 But we never have direct access to the truth - all we have are our models
 of the truth, which (hopefully) improve over time as we distill out the
 valid parts of our truth-pointing conscious experiences.

 Okay - now, having said all of that - what models has modern science
 developed?  Apparently there are two fundamental theories:  General
 Relativity and Quantum Field Theory.

 From Wikipedia:

 GR is a theoretical framework that only focuses on the force of gravity
 for understanding the universe in regions of both large-scale and
 high-mass: stars, 

Re: The Weakness of Panpsychism?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 21:09, David Nyman wrote:

On 19 January 2015 at 18:37, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 6:01 AM, David Nyman wrote:
There's an effective riposte to this, I believe, but it might be a  
bit subtle, so I ask you to bear with me. I think, in the first  
place, that it's beside the point to get hung up on the  
'concreteness' or otherwise of arithmetic. Bruno's intent is rather  
to enquire into the possibility that every relation necessary to  
explain both observers and what is observed can be reduced to those  
of basic arithmetic or its equivalent. Such an admittedly remarkable  
possibility is itself suggested in the first place by the  
computational theory of mind and the universality of the digital  

Further axioms relating to the emulation (or embedding) of  
computation in arithmetic and that of various modal logics in  
computation are also included at the outset, but remain to be  
justified by their effectiveness. This has important consequences,  
as we shall see. The question then is whether these assumptions lead  
in the right direction. According to Bruno (and I don't claim to  
follow him on all the detail of this) they lead in the direction of  
self-referential computations that simultaneously emulate or embody  
two distinct logical modalities (1-person and 3-person). The  
intersection of these distinct but mutually entangled logics  
presents novel possibilities of resolving previously intractable  
mutual reference issues since mind and body need no longer be seen  
as categorically orthogonal.

That said, as you point out, it might still seem open to a doubter  
to say so what. So we have computations whose complexities  
purportedly embody 3-personal entities, complete with the detailed  
appearance of their physical environments. So these computations may  
simultaneously entail the putatively 1-personal points of view of  
such entities. These two logics may even be related in an analytic  
or logically necessary way. All this may be remarkably suggestive  
but are we forced to accept that actual conscious experience arises  
as a necessary consequence of all this merely arithmetical  

This is where the subtlety comes into play. Remember that  
consciousness is here modelled as *truth*. When you really come to  
think about it, truth is *the* defining characteristic of  
consciousness. As Descartes realised (though his insight is often  
misconstrued) it can make no sense to doubt the truth of doubt  
itself. When we apply this to the mutual reference problem something  
truly remarkable occurs. Take the question of Smolin's claiming to  
'see red'. This claim is now seen as occurring at the intersection  
of two logics: one 'observable', the other 'private'. However,  
although this entanglement may explain their co-variance and mutual  
reference, neither of these logics fully captures the *truth* of the  
claim, or if you prefer, what it would actually be *like* if the  
expressed belief were true. Each of them is still, as it were, a  
mere epistemological possibility, abstractly lurking somewhere in  
the infinitely extended ontology of arithmetic.

But if these logics can't definitively *capture* the truth of the  
claims they emulate, they do point to where it might be found. It  
comes down to this: Is Smolin, the putative experiencer of the truth  
of the claim to 'see red', being *truthful*? Given the hypothesised  
mutual consistency of the entangled logics, this is analytically  
certain. Smolin is incapable of being other than truthful in this  
regard; ergo he does in fact 'see red'. We can, of course, deny that  
there is any such analytic compulsion to truth. But this is self- 
defeating, in exactly Descartes' sense. If there is no truth of the  
matter, then there is equally no red, no Smolin, no belief, no  
logic. The 'epistemological' assumptions have been ineffective and  
must be discarded. The only remainder is arithmetic itself, since  
that is the ontology we assumed at the outset.

An interesting explication.  If Smolin can't be mistaken when he  
says or thinks I see red - and I agree that he can't - then it  
must correspond to (or be entangled with) a specific third person  
computation (i.e. physics of his brain).  But we can ask why is this  
entanglement, this 3p point-of-view, even needed?  Isn't just  
Smolin, i.e. his thoughts, already realized in the infinity of  
computation, and even realized infinitely many times? If we ask for  
a simulation of a lot of people then it may be more efficient to  
simulate a physics that gives them consistent 3p points-of-view. But  
I'm not sure efficiency has any relevance in arithmetical infinity.

I'm not sure I'm well equipped to answer your question, assuming  
I've understood it. My understanding of Bruno's schema is that it  
leads to a kind of Computational Library of Babel. You could say  
that it's the way a 'creator' might set 

Re: The Weakness of Panpsychism?

2015-01-20 Thread David Nyman
On 20 January 2015 at 17:11, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 At this point, I'm somewhat persuaded that this broader sense of truth, in
 approximately Descartes' sense, is in fact highly relevant to what is
 special and, so to speak, non-negotiable about consciousness. It has the
 virtue that it now makes no sense to say, as Stathis wants to suggest, that
 the same scenario could equally well be describing an 'unconscious' (i.e.
 untruthful) process.

 I am OK, *assuming* mechanism.

 But Stathis' suggestion cannot logically be excluded with infinite

Why not?


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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 19:41, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 6:35 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
A super powerful mind (or person) simulating some reality could  
of course cause the simulation to deviate from its physical laws.

But in a simulation, not in reality.

So you do (bad) theology. You talk like if we knew already what  
reality is. But with comp reality is anything Turing complete. So  
here you do an implicit metaphysical assumption, which is  
inconsistent with mechanism. No problem ... as long as you are  
aware of this.

I was being sarcastic, since Jason other places assumes simulation  
and reality are indistinguishable.

It is indistinguishable is the first person direct apprehension. But  
for someone able to test the statistics on its experiment outcomes, it  
is testable relatively to comp. If the physics does not conforms to  
the computationalist logic of the observable, it means that either  
classical computationalism is false, or that we are in an emulation à- 
la-Boström (to distinguish it from the infinite UD emulations). The  
already done quantum testings confirm a posteriori that we might live  
at the base emulation (by the UD or the whole of arithmetic). That  
base is not really emulable in the usual sense, as it is a sum on  
infinities of emulations in the UD.



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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 19:52, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 6:53 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
My belief in God is trivial. All machine introspecting are  
confronted to it, and from outside, in the metatheory, we can see  
that they can confused it (correctly, or not) with truth.

The problem of the aristotelians is that they often take for  
granted the physical reality, which is comprehensible when doing  
physics, but when doing theology, the physical universe is an  
hypothesis, and as such, there are no evidences for it.

That's fine, but it has no bearing on the relation of atheism to  

Then you should have no problem with using god for definition of  
god larger than the abramanic god.

The only problem with using god for definition of god (large or  
small) is that it's circular.  You repeatedly write things like  
above, My belief in God is trivial. All machine introspecting are  
confronted to it, and from outside, in the metatheory, we can see  
that they can confused it (correctly, or not) with truth.  Where  
God is it, but there is no definition.  The closest I've seen to  
you defining yourgod is the unprovable truths of an axiomatic  
system or the fundamental basis of all being.  The former is  
former is fairly clear and I can see how a self-referential system  
could confront it.  The latter may be a description without a  
referent and I don't see why a self-referential system would  
necessarily confront it.

This is explained by the fact that, as Gödel already knew, machines  
can prove their own incompleteness. Thay can intuit and infer a notion  
of truth from the fact that they can prove t - ~[]t, and actually  
inferred, from their tries here and now that they can't prove their  
consistency, and thus bet on ~[]t, and eventually bet on t as the  
simplest explanation of why they cannot prove t. So they can develop  
an intuition of truth, and undersatnd that they cannot define it, and  
that there are many true propositions that they cannot justify  
rationally, etc.



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Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread Telmo Menezes
I would say the point here is not so much that we need to transcend
Darwinism in the sense that the theory is insufficient, but because
evolution has other plans for the machinery that we use to do science.
The idea that being a good scientist is maladaptive. So we would need to
literally transcend Darwinism.

I am not claiming I buy into this, but it is a compelling idea.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:28 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 We need not transcend Darwinism. Darwin doesn't explain the entire
 universe, but much of it rather successfully, perhaps as Lee Smolin
 indicates, stars, galaxies, black holes, etc as well? My interest and guess
 is that QI, and other such matters are based, deep, down, upon the
 knowledge of Digital Physics and Philosophy. Digi seems to rationally
 explain things.

 -Original Message-
 From: Telmo Menezes
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 7:43 am
 Subject: Re: Manifesto Rex

  Hi Rex,

  Interesting read. I will just start with something I've been thinking
 about, along these lines (I believe).

  It is interesting that there are a number of models of reality that are
 prima facie as plausible as any other but are more consistently rejected as
 lunacy, woo, new-age-mambo-jambo, etc.

  These models tend to have something in common: they suggest that we are
 not what we appear to be, that we are not mortal or immortal because time
 itself is a dream. That there is only one consciousness and we are all
 fundamentally the same entity, from the amoeba on. Quantum immortality.
 This sort of thing. They start with consciousness as the brute fact, as you

  I have no intellectual reason to reject such ideas, but I definitely
 feel a resistance to them.

  So it also occurred to me that believing in such things appears
 maladaptive. Intuitively, such beliefs may lead you to be less preoccupied
 with survival and reproduction. So it's not so surprising that we evolved
 to reject such ideas but this leads to a terrible doubt: can we trust
 ourselves to do science?

  Another distasteful speculation: maybe there's *survival instinct*
 behind nerds and geeks being bullied.

  A more optimistic take: maybe real science is a possibility for the
 future, if we transcend Darwinism.


 On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Rex Allen

  Consciousness precedes axioms.  Consciousness precedes logic.  Axioms
 and logic exist within conscious experience - not vice versa.
 Consciousness comes before everything else.

 It is self-evident that there are conscious experiences.  However, what
 consciousness *is* - it’s ultimate nature - is not self-evident.  Further,
 what any particular conscious experience “means” is also not self-evident.

 For example:  The experience of color is directly known and
 incontrovertible.  But what the experience of color *means* is not directly
 known - any proposed explanation is inferential and controvertible.

 We do not have direct access to meaning.

 We only have direct access to bare uninterpreted conscious experience.

 So - any attempted explanation of consciousness from the outside (i.e.,
 objectively) must be constructed from inside consciousness, by conscious
 processes, on a foundation of conscious experience.

 Not a promising situation - because any explanation must be based
 entirely on conscious experiences which have no intrinsic meaning, and
 arrived at via conscious processes which are equally lacking in intrinsic

 It “seems” like we could just stop here and accept that things are what
 they are.  And what else do we have other than the way things “seem”?  I
 experience what I experience - nothing further can be known.

 HOWEVER - while we could just stop there - most of us don’t.

 For most of us, it seems that non-accepting, questioning, doubting,
 believing, disbelieving, desiring, grasping, wanting, unsatisfied conscious
 experiences just keep piling up.

 Why is this?

 Well - it seems like there is either an explanation for this - or it just
 a brute fact that has no explanation.

 If there is no explanation, then we should just accept our
 non-acceptance, our non-stoppingness, and let it go.  Or not.  Doesn’t

 Alternatively, if there is an explanation - then there are two options:

1. The explanation is not accessible to us because our conscious
experiences do not “point” towards the truth of the way things are.
2. The explanation is accessible to us, because our conscious
experiences *do* point towards the truth of the way things are.

 Again, if we believe that option 1 is correct, we can just stop.  Or
 not.  It doesn’t matter.

 So - let’s *provisionally* assume that option 2 is correct.

 I say “provisionally” instead of “axiomatically” because we will revisit
 this assumption.  Once we’ve gone as far as we can in working 

Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
We need not transcend Darwinism. Darwin doesn't explain the entire universe, 
but much of it rather successfully, perhaps as Lee Smolin indicates, stars, 
galaxies, black holes, etc as well? My interest and guess is that QI, and other 
such matters are based, deep, down, upon the knowledge of Digital Physics and 
Philosophy. Digi seems to rationally explain things. 

-Original Message-
From: Telmo Menezes
To: everything-list
Sent: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 7:43 am
Subject: Re: Manifesto Rex

Hi Rex,

Interesting read. I will just start with something I've been thinking about, 
along these lines (I believe).

It is interesting that there are a number of models of reality that are prima 
facie as plausible as any other but are more consistently rejected as lunacy, 
woo, new-age-mambo-jambo, etc.

These models tend to have something in common: they suggest that we are not 
what we appear to be, that we are not mortal or immortal because time itself is 
a dream. That there is only one consciousness and we are all fundamentally the 
same entity, from the amoeba on. Quantum immortality. This sort of thing. They 
start with consciousness as the brute fact, as you posit.

I have no intellectual reason to reject such ideas, but I definitely feel a 
resistance to them.

So it also occurred to me that believing in such things appears maladaptive. 
Intuitively, such beliefs may lead you to be less preoccupied with survival and 
reproduction. So it's not so surprising that we evolved to reject such ideas 
but this leads to a terrible doubt: can we trust ourselves to do science?

Another distasteful speculation: maybe there's *survival instinct* behind nerds 
and geeks being bullied.

A more optimistic take: maybe real science is a possibility for the future, if 
we transcend Darwinism.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Rex Allen wrote:

Consciousness precedes axioms.  Consciousness precedes logic.  Axioms and logic 
exist within conscious experience - not vice versa.  Consciousness comes before 
everything else.  

It is self-evident that there are conscious experiences.  However, what 
consciousness *is* - it’s ultimate nature - is not self-evident.  Further, what 
any particular conscious experience “means” is also not self-evident.

For example:  The experience of color is directly known and incontrovertible.  
But what the experience of color *means* is not directly known - any proposed 
explanation is inferential and controvertible.

We do not have direct access to meaning.

We only have direct access to bare uninterpreted conscious experience.

So - any attempted explanation of consciousness from the outside (i.e., 
objectively) must be constructed from inside consciousness, by conscious 
processes, on a foundation of conscious experience.

Not a promising situation - because any explanation must be based entirely on 
conscious experiences which have no intrinsic meaning, and arrived at via 
conscious processes which are equally lacking in intrinsic meaning.

It “seems” like we could just stop here and accept that things are what they 
are.  And what else do we have other than the way things “seem”?  I experience 
what I experience - nothing further can be known.

HOWEVER - while we could just stop there - most of us don’t.  

For most of us, it seems that non-accepting, questioning, doubting, believing, 
disbelieving, desiring, grasping, wanting, unsatisfied conscious experiences 
just keep piling up.

Why is this?

Well - it seems like there is either an explanation for this - or it just a 
brute fact that has no explanation.

If there is no explanation, then we should just accept our non-acceptance, our 
non-stoppingness, and let it go.  Or not.  Doesn’t matter.

Alternatively, if there is an explanation - then there are two options:

The explanation is not accessible to us because our conscious experiences do 
not “point” towards the truth of the way things are.

The explanation is accessible to us, because our conscious experiences *do* 
point towards the truth of the way things are.

Again, if we believe that option 1 is correct, we can just stop.  Or not.  It 
doesn’t matter.

So - let’s *provisionally* assume that option 2 is correct.

I say “provisionally” instead of “axiomatically” because we will revisit this 
assumption.  Once we’ve gone as far as we can in working out the implications 
of it being true - we will return to this assumption and see if it still makes 
sense in light of where we ended up.

At this point I am willing to grant that modern science provides the best 
methodology for translating (extrapolating?) from our truth-pointing conscious 
experiences to models that represent the accessible parts of how things 
“really” are.  

To the extent that anything can be said about how things really are “outside 
of” conscious experience - science says it.

But we 

Re: The Weakness of Panpsychism?

2015-01-20 Thread David Nyman
On 19 January 2015 at 18:37, meekerdb wrote:

conceptually disconnected from a base ontology that has no knowledge or
 need of them. If we can accept consciousness as the model (in the
 mathematicians sense) of such a truth level,

 What does truth level mean?  I don't see what the levels of truth are;
 there are true sentences and false sentences and decidable and undecidable
 sentences.  Are you referring to true sentences in a metalanguage?  And in
 what sense can a consciousness model a truth level; sounds like a
 category mismatch?

I simply meant the 'level' at which truth is to be found, but on
reflection, the word level is redundant. I note Bruno's comment, in another
thread, that:

For a logician, true  means satisfied by a reality, with *reality*
modelled by the notion of *model*. This helps to avoid unnecessary
philosophical debates.

I'd be happy with that definition of true in this context. If consciousness
is a truth, it must be satisfied by a distinguishable reality. The model or
exemplar of that particular reality (i.e. what makes it distinct from any
public manifestation) is accessible only self-referentially. Nonetheless
(as we have already agreed) the 'public warrant' for its truth is that its
consistent assertion is analytically indefeasible.


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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 19:58, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 7:01 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 19 Jan 2015, at 01:11, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/18/2015 10:38 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 16 Jan 2015, at 10:32, LizR wrote:

Clearly one cannot disbelieve in God without knowing, or at  
least having an idea of, what God is. Personally I don't  
disbelieve in God, I merely find the idea highly unlikely and  
don't find that it contributes anything to discussions such as  
why is there something rather than nothing? So I am agnostic,  
as I am about all the other gods, not to mention Santa, who I  
recently saw on Doctor Who.

(Of course I do believe in Daleks...)

If you believe in Daleks, you believe enough to believe in the  
God of the machine. We need it, to use the theory of machine's  
dream as an explanation why we see physical universes and  
sometimes pink elephants,  despite nothing like  
that really exists.

I give the math to see if we get right the number of pink  
elephants in the many-dreams (by number) interpretation of  
elementary arithmetic (0 I guess, and hope).

Keep in mind that God is defined by being the object of the  
theory of everything, or, by definition, the answer we look for  
with the question why is there something instead of nothing?.

The question is not if God exists or not. But if

But that's silly.  You presume God exists, but with no description,

With no name or description in the sense of the logicians. But I  
gave an informal and general meaning for the term: it is what we  
search, the origin of reality, or the explanation of reality, or  
the better explanation that we can find for reality, etc.

so the only task is to find a description to go with the word  
God.  If you're going to ask whether something exists that  
cannot be defined ostensively, then you need to define it by  
description.  Otherwise it's just wordplay.  Compare:

The question isn't whether Paul Bunyan exists or not.  But if

Paul Bunyan = the physical universe?
Paul Bunyan = a mathematical structure? Which one?
Paul Bunyan = a dream by a universal machine?
Paul Bunyan = a sum on all dreams by all universal machines?
Paul Bunyan = the one who lost itself in a labyrinth of dreams?
Paul Bunyan = the one who plays hide and seek with Itself?
Paul Bunyan = the universal person?
Paul Bunyan = the universal person completions? (if that exists)
Paul Bunyan = Allah?
Paul Bunyan = Jesus?
Paul Bunyan = Krishna?
Paul Bunyan = my tax collector?
Paul Bunyan = the one who made the cat in its own image, and then  
made the humans to gives the vat the modern comfort, with TV nad  
bag of catnip?


Except that with God, people understand the questions, but with  
Paul Bunyan, it looks like funny, unless you have a reason to think  
that Paul Bunyan is at the origin of reality. But then you must  
provide some supplementary explanations. In that case Paul Bunyan  
would be another name of God,in the general sense, but it looks too  
much like a precise name, which does not fit with most axioms  
accepted for God.

I'm afraid you continue playing with words.

On the contrary, you are playing with words.  God is too much like a  
precise name.

Since 523. In our region of the world. When the subject has been made  
into dogma, and used to control people, so tehere is no point in even  
mentioning such theories, except that we don't have to infer from this  
that they are completely wrong on all aspects.

I use God in the precise vague mening of the Parmenides, plotinus. At  
the start, we are neutral if that god is just the physical universe,  
or a mathematical reality, or a cuttlefish.

It is the name theist pray to and expect miracles from and  
capitalize as a proper noun and kill for.

That is the current theory, but it is certainly defectuous at many  
level, if only for its lack of clarity, contradictions, etc.

Yet you use it instead of nous or aperion or other less loaded terms.

Because the term god describes often the three platonic god= the One,  
the Nous, and the Universal Soul; or the aristotelian two gods: the  
creator and the creation.

Scientific attitude invites to use the terms in the most general  
sense. Then we can add precision, revised our notions with the facts,  

I use a definition of God which is understandable by everyone. The  
reason, or the cause (in a large sense) of the observable and  
feelable in both its conscious and material aspects. For example, in  
that case, materialism can be described by the equation God =  
Primitive Matter. Idealism by God = primitive consciousness. Neutral  
monism by God is neither matter, nor ideas or consciousness, but  
something else, etc.  The term reality would be OK, except it has  
already a more refined meaning in the literature, which could lead to  



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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 19:40, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Bruno Marchal  

On 18 Jan 2015, at 20:42, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/18/2015 6:26 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
With the definition you gave in a preceding post, and with which I  
agree, everyone believe in some God. The question is always: which  
one? And where it does come from, and why.

All philosophers and most scientists have some idea about what is  
fundamental reality - but (unless they are theologians) they  
recognize it is just a working hypothesis.  I'd say most people  
don't even think about it enough to have a definite opinion.

Well, it might be about time. Many people don't think to this,  
because we abandonned the subject to professional brainwashers since  
a long time.
Most people are just not interested in fundamental science. Usually  
people like to take things for granted, and dislike doubting  
everything, as Descartes knew already we have to do if we search  

The more I think about it, the more I doubt that these subjects were  
simply abandoned in an innocent fashion. The problem is that  
beliefs about fundamental reality are at the foundations of  
political power, and the powerful know this, even if only intuitively.

Yes, since always. That is why we are mucky to be in a place where  
scientists have regained some freedom in some domain, but clearly not  
in all (theology and human science are still not done with the  
scientific attitude).

When atheist politicians say that we must respect the Vatican, they  
are agreeing on some border of power. They are saying, ok we can't  
have absolute power but we can negotiate peace with the Vatican.

Vatican and bishops love atheism, because atheists are their allies in  
preventing seriousness in theological matter.

The subtlety is that there is now a very powerful religion which has  
no name but is profoundly materialistic. I think you intuit its  
existence, and were perhaps a victim of it, by the suppression of  
your thesis.

The original atheists were themselves victim of manipulations, but  
then they have gotten more than 30 years to apologize and admits the  
facts, but they have aggravated it by suppressing the thesis, and  
defaming it up to the point of making the prize I got in Paris  




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Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

2015-01-20 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 7:49 PM, chris peck

 Since 1961 muslims have been subjected to increasingly draconian
 restrictions on their freedome and a media that depicts them in as
 dehumanizing way as possible.

Well, the media certainly didn't need to work very hard to do that! In
recent days it has been remarkably easy to depict Islamic culture as

 The wankers at Charlie Hebdo are part of that. Of course they should be
 free to do it, but its no wonder this marginalized sector feels angry about

Feeling angry is the natural state for Muslims. In the thirteenth century
Islamic culture was the most advanced and progressive on the planet, but
it's been straight downhill ever since, and today finding something to be
offended about at is the only thing Islamic culture is still really really
good at.

  The media now presents the story as though white french people should be
 afraid of Algerians.

This has nothing to do with Algeria, the French or Charlie Hebdo, this has
to do with Islamic values. Charlie Hebdo isn't even the worst or most
idiotic  Islam vs cartoon war. Back in 2005 it was Danish cartoons not
French cartoons that cause violent riots and set Muslim nitwits off on a
murder spree that ended up killing more than 200 people. Let me know if you
think the cartoons deserved such a violent reaction, they were originally
in Dutch but you can view them here with their English translation:

  John k Clark

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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:20 AM, Kim Jones wrote:

 stop using that ridiculous and meaningless art term abstract. [...]
 Nothing is abstract.

So you're saying that the word abstract should be removed from the
English language because it will never be needed?!

 John K Clark

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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 21:33, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 9:23 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Like 0 universe, 1 universe, 2 universe, ... aleph_0 universes,  
aleph_1 universes, etc.

We need faith to believe in anything different from our own  
consciousness here-and-now.

But our perception (part of our consciousness) provides evidence  
for 1 universe.


No, only for a universe. Not one. On the contrary, the evidence is  
that each big things we tought could be one, appears to be  
multiple: one earth = many planets, one solar system = many  
stars, one galaxy == many galaxies, one cluster of galaxies, many  
cluster of galaxies, ... One universe is already a strong  
metaphysical assumption.

I didn't assume one.  I didn't make any assumption at all.  I just  
pointed out that we have direct evidence for one, and not for other  

We have evidence for A universe. Not for 1. usually we believe in 1  
universe, because we tend to decide that everything (physical) is in  
the universe. But then we say one *by definition*. But I do not know  
any fact which can be taken as an evidence that there is only one  
universe, nor even what that would mean, as I don't take the idea of  
even one , or even 1, universe for granted. That is the type of God  
which is incompatible with machine theology.

So it is not unevidenced faith to believe there is one.  To be sure  
all observation includes Descartean doubt, but that doesn't mean  
it's not evidence.

Honestly, I am not sure what evidence you are thinking about, except a  
sort of definition.
With computationalism, it will depend on the logics of S4Grz1, Z1* and  
X1* to decide if there is three or less physical realms.



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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 20:36, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 7:23 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 19 Jan 2015, at 04:51, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/18/2015 7:24 PM, LizR wrote:

On 19 January 2015 at 07:14, meekerdb wrote:
On 1/18/2015 12:16 AM, Jason Resch wrote:

Because 2+2=4, and there's nothing you (or anyone/anything) can  
do to change that.

Sure there is.  2+2=0 in mod 4 arithmetic - which is good for  
describing some things.

I hope you are being flippant and don't really think that  
disproves what Jason has said!

If in doubt consider whether the phrase in mod 4 arithmetic was  
necessary to what you wrote. If it is, then arithmetic remains  
necessarily so until you can come up with something that is self- 
contradictory without any such qualifiers being required.

As you must know from my other posts, I don't consider self- 
consistency to entail existence.  So the fact that 2+2=4 is true  
doesn't imply anything about existence.

We suppose that you agree with elementary arithmetic, and notably  
with the use of existential quantification.

From 2+2= 4 it is valid to deduce Ex(x + x = 4).

And as we have chosen arithmetic to define the basic ontology, it  
means that we have the existence of 2 in the basic ontology. The  
rest is playing with words.

You know very well that the E of symbolic logic is not the same as  
exists in English.  There are different meanings of existence  
determined by context.

That is my point, so each time we use exist we must give the  
context. Now, in the TOE, one notion of existence can be more  
fundamental than another. With computationalism, we can take the E  
of the logicians doing arithmetic, and all other notion of existence  
are recovered by the modal variant of it, like the physical existence  
is sum up in
[]Ex[]P(x), which is itself well defined in arithmetic (without  
modal operator) but by a much longer sentences, or collections of  

Ex(x+x=4) just means there is number


as defined by Peano's axioms that provably satisfies the expression.

Not at all. That means that PA believes Ex(x+x=4).

Ex(x+x=4) means that N satisfies the idea that there is some number n  
having the property that n + n = 4.

The meaning is in the semantics, not in the theory.

It no more proves that 2 exists in the general sense than  
Ex(x=Holmes sidekick) proves that Dr. Watson exists.

OK, but with computationalism we use the result that we don't need to  
assume anything more than 0, 1, 2, (together with the addition and  
multiplication laws).

So, once and for all, we accept that our most primitive object, which  
really exist are 0, 1, 2, ... and nothing else.

We would use string theory as fundamental theory, we would assume the  
strings. But with comp any theory will do, and the less physical it  
looks, the more we can explain the physical without assuming it, which  
is the goal. (and the necessity for solving the mind-body problem).

Now, we could us S and K, and (K,K), ((K,K),S), etc.  instead of 0,  
and s(0) ..., as physics and consciousness have been shown to not  
depend on the particular ontology used.

That you consider mod 4 to be a qualifier is just a convention  
of language.  If we were talking about time what's six hours after  
1900: answer 0100, because there the convention is mod 24.  But my  
serious point is that arithmetic is a model of countable things we  
invented and it's not some magic that controls what exists.

OK, but then computationalism is false. What is the magic thing you  
believe in making a brain non Turing emulable?

I think a brain is Turing emulable by a physical device.

First a brain is provably emulable by many non physical device, using  
the original definition of emulable, by the mathematicians who  
discovered the concept. Second, even physucally emulable relies on  
this mathematical definition, and if that definition leads to many  
problems (already discussed a lot here, like Putnama-Mallah  
implementation problems, the mind-body problem itself, etc.).

  You purport to show that numbers alone are sufficient, but I find  
this doubtful.  I think your numbers must also instantiate physics  
to emulate thought.

Then UDA is wrong somewhere, or you reify magical matter, and a  
magical mind, and a magical identity thesis.

  In which case it a physical as well as mental theory.  That's a  
good thing, but I think it's a theory of reality - not necessarily a  
proof that reality must be that.

It has to be like that, or you ascribe to universal machine an ability  
to distinguish, in direct introspective way, physical from  
arithmetical. How? The MGA shows that you *can* do that, only by  
adding non Turing emulable magic to both mind and matter.




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Re: Digest for - 4 updates in 1 topic

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 21:28, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 9:10 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
But existence only in the mathematical sense which is  
tautological; i.e. implicit in some axioms,

Then all theories are tautological.

But the evidence for them is not only tautological.




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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List

  From: John Clark
 Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 9:56 AM
 Subject: Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how 
the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:20 AM, Kim Jones wrote:

 stop using that ridiculous and meaningless art term abstract. [...] Nothing 
 is abstract. 

So you're saying that the word abstract should be removed from the English 
language because it will never be needed?! 

Except when an abstraction needs to be expressed and talked about abstractly, 
without abstractions and being able to speak of abstract entities modern 
information science and templatizable data structures would not exist. -Chris

 John K Clark

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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 20 Jan 2015, at 07:17, 'Roger' via Everything List wrote:


Mostly I agree with everything you said.  Specifically:

By corollary and by symmetry this same optic of doubt can shine upon  
the notion of a real physical entity underlying the stuff we call  
real. What is real about a proton, electron, photon…etc.?

Roger: I agree.  Proton, electron, etc. are just names for existent  
entities with certain properties.  Even if these entities are  
abstract arithmetical propositions, the existent entities previously  
called the absolute lack of all (me), two of these entities  
looking at each other would seem as real to each other as two rock- 
solid particles.  Reality is relative in this way, I think.

OK. But it will help you, when you take the computationalist  
hypothesis very seriously, to not consider that proton are made of  
arithmetical relations. It will be more like if they are dreamed. If  
you dream that you are at the beach, playing with the sand, you can  
conceive that such a sand is not made of grain of sands, just dreamed  
like that, and although proton are not exactly dreamed in that way, as  
they involved infinity of dreams (and dreams = computation seen from  
inside, with seen from inside defined by variants of the logic of  

With digital mechanism (computationalism), below your substitution  
level there is a competition between an infinity of universal numbers,  
to bring your continuations: the physical remains something quite  
special in our lives.

The simple finite groups might play a role in the measure problem, by  
moonshine. Physics has a reason, and metaphysics too.

In regard to the auto-emergence and that's just the way it is  
stuff, I also totally agree.  It could be true, but is just not very  
satisfying to me to say that's just the way it is.  I was trying  
to do the autoemergent thing by saying that even what we previously  
thought of as the absolute lack-of-all is an existent entity idea  
and showing how it could self-replicate to provide an expanding  
space like our universe.   I think one of the issues is in our  
perhaps incorrect distinction between something and nothing,  
which is what I was trying to get at.  This distinction keeps us  
wondering well why is it all here.  But, I'll keep working on it as  
we all should on our ideas.

As above, good luck to all of us!  And, listen to The Who!

Thanks :)


On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 12:35:43 AM UTC-5, cdemorsella wrote:

From: []

Jason et al.,

   Overall, I can never disprove that mathematical constructs don't  
exist outside the head somewhere just like I can't prove my view  
that what we've previously considered to be the absolute lack-of- 
all is itself an existent entity just because no one can never or  
directly experiment on either these mathematical constructs or the  
absolute lack-of-all.  But, what we can do is to provide logical  
evidence for our ideas as we've each been trying to do on this list,  
and to take our ideas and try to build a model of reality out of  
them that can eventually make testable predictions.  This is what  
many on this list are working on, and I applaud them for it even if  
I don't agree with the underlying idea.  Eventually, all of us will  
need to make some testable predictions, which if they get  
experimental evidence backing them up,will convince others to other  
follow up on our ideas and models.  This is what I think many of us  
are working on either in our spare time or full-time.  Good luck to  
all of us!

Nice statement with a good sentiment behind it. This list (and its  
long rich trail of past threads, which contain some real gems) is a  
lively place to be; hard to keep up sometimes.

I share your view that it cannot be proved (yet at least) that  
mathematical entities – and all other pure abstract system entities  
(as in say the laws of the universe) – have an existence independent  
from and external to our human cultural history. It can be equally  
hypothesized that our laws of physics, our logic, our math are all  
our models (our historical evolution of thought through recorded  
history)… models that the cultures emergent from our species have  
evolved to explain experienced reality…. We have our current best  
fit models – both in science and in math.

By corollary and by symmetry this same optic of doubt can shine upon  
the notion of a real physical entity underlying the stuff we call  
real. What is real about a proton, electron, photon…etc.? Other than  
their properties and their current state. There is an undeniable (I  
take that back, you will always find somebody, somewhere, who will  
disagree)… a mostly undeniable realness to the macro experience of  
being in reality. It is a realness that has repeating patterns in it  
(wave interaction for example) that we have noticed as a species and 

Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread Kim Jones

 On 21 Jan 2015, at 4:56 am, John Clark wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:20 AM, Kim Jones wrote:
  stop using that ridiculous and meaningless art term abstract. [...] 
  Nothing is abstract.
 So you're saying that the word abstract should be removed from the English 
 language because it will never be needed?! 
  John K Clark

It's not a word that should be used, no. It implies that something is taking a 
quick holiday in the Platonic realm, merely for the benefit of the researcher 
who will fairly soon remove those parentheses and pluck said object out of 
abstraction land and back into the real world. It's another example of how 
embedded in our culture is the idea that the non-physical exists, yet this word 
seems to sanctify such an anomaly for a physicalist, momentarily allowing him 
to use it with impunity. Platonists have no need for such a term because 
everything is abstract already. The problem of needing such a word to make it 
possible for a physicalist to talk about the immaterial without being 
kneecapped by other physicalists occurs only in a material universe.

I believe there exist words that are dangerously misleading and this is one of 
them. I equally believe there are great many more words which should exist but 
which don't, except as a need.

There are only needs. Needs are proof of the existence of persons. These needs 
get expressed as beliefs which are frozen as words. Needs, however, evolve 
along with the environment they relate to and some needs can even or should 
even evaporate as our knowledge increases. Language continually lugs around 
ancient needs frozen solid. This is a very great problem in communication. 


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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread meekerdb

On 1/20/2015 9:59 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Ex(x+x=4) just means there is number


as defined by Peano's axioms that provably satisfies the expression.

Not at all. That means that PA believes Ex(x+x=4).

?? But you use []p to equally mean provable p and believes p, so what does it mean PA 
believes Ex(x+x=4) other than it is provable?


Ex(x+x=4) means that N satisfies the idea that there is some number n having the 
property that n + n = 4.

The meaning is in the semantics, not in the theory.

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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread meekerdb

On 1/20/2015 9:24 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
The only problem with using god for definition of god (large or small) is that it's 
circular. You repeatedly write things like above, My belief in God is trivial. All 
machine introspecting are confronted to it, and from outside, in the metatheory, we can 
see that they can confused it (correctly, or not) with truth.  Where God is it, but 
there is no definition.  The closest I've seen to you defining your god is the 
unprovable truths of an axiomatic system or the fundamental basis of all being. The 
former is former is fairly clear and I can see how a self-referential system could 
confront it.  The latter may be a description without a referent and I don't see why 
a self-referential system would necessarily confront it.

This is explained by the fact that, as Gödel already knew, machines can prove their own 
incompleteness. Thay can intuit and infer a notion of truth from the fact that they can 
prove t - ~[]t, and actually inferred, from their tries here and now that they 
can't prove their consistency, and thus bet on ~[]t, and eventually bet on t as the 
simplest explanation of why they cannot prove t. So they can develop an intuition of 
truth, and undersatnd that they cannot define it, and that there are many true 
propositions that they cannot justify rationally, etc.

Suppose they prove (which is likely true of all humans) that they are inconsistent, on 
some point, but avoid ex falso quodlibet?


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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
Then it is a good thing that computer science did not listen to you Kim, 
regarding the concept of abstraction and abstract classes {e.g. templates 
for concrete entities fully implementing the abstracted methods and properties} 
being -- in your opinion -- useless.Abstraction is one of the guiding 
principles of good software design; without abstraction and the ability to 
design abstract partially implemented classes, building good extensible 
software would become much harder to do.In an informatic sense an entity is 
abstract when it cannot be instantiated (until the abstract bits are given a 
concrete implementation by a derived concrete class.The ultimate abstraction, 
in computer science is the interface, which defines a pure contract and is 
without implementation. Interfaces can never e instantiated into real objects; 
only the concrete implementation of the interface can ever exist in reality. 
However, the interface does provide the guiding contract; it is the template 
which the implementing concrete instance must implement or fulfill. Interfaces 
and abstract base classes are both exceedingly important and useful in modern 
software design.Layers of abstraction are of central importance to the 
architecture and building of non trivial software. If you value software and 
all the products and services software makes possible then you too value 
abstraction and the ability to think and interact in terms of abstractions 
whether or not you are aware of them. -Chris
  From: Kim Jones
 Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 1:32 PM
 Subject: Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how 
the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

On 21 Jan 2015, at 4:56 am, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:20 AM, Kim Jones wrote:

 stop using that ridiculous and meaningless art term abstract. [...] Nothing 
 is abstract. 

So you're saying that the word abstract should be removed from the English 
language because it will never be needed?! 

 John K Clark

It's not a word that should be used, no. It implies that something is taking a 
quick holiday in the Platonic realm, merely for the benefit of the researcher 
who will fairly soon remove those parentheses and pluck said object out of 
abstraction land and back into the real world. It's another example of how 
embedded in our culture is the idea that the non-physical exists, yet this word 
seems to sanctify such an anomaly for a physicalist, momentarily allowing him 
to use it with impunity. Platonists have no need for such a term because 
everything is abstract already. The problem of needing such a word to make it 
possible for a physicalist to talk about the immaterial without being 
kneecapped by other physicalists occurs only in a material universe.
I believe there exist words that are dangerously misleading and this is one of 
them. I equally believe there are great many more words which should exist but 
which don't, except as a need.
There are only needs. Needs are proof of the existence of persons. These needs 
get expressed as beliefs which are frozen as words. Needs, however, evolve 
along with the environment they relate to and some needs can even or should 
even evaporate as our knowledge increases. Language continually lugs around 
ancient needs frozen solid. This is a very great problem in communication. 

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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015  Bruno Marchal wrote:

 I use God in the sense of the platonist, who introduced the field of
 inquiry theology.

Not that it matters much what some guy who lived 2500 years ago thought but
Plato didn't believe in God he believed in The Gods, more specifically he
believed in something he called Forms, like Gods they were perfect and
eternal, but unlike Gods they were not alive and didn't move or think.

 In all case God is by definition the origin of things.

Then God could be stupider than the stupidest person you ever met, be
less conscious than a earthworm, and have less effect on your day to day
life than your pet hamster. Kind of a pathetic thing to confer the lofty
title of God on don't you think.

 It can be related with the god of the philosophers.

The God of the philosophers has had no effect on world history or on
current events and is so flabby fuzzy and general as to be utterly useless.
The God as a person idea has had a enormous and enormously destructive
impact on world history and current events

  And I still don't understand what you mean by spiritual reality and
 physical reality and the examples you gave  don't have any logical
 consistency as far as I can tell.



  It is not clear if mathematics is the root of physics or physics is the
 root of mathematics.

 Because you stop at step 3

Because you make blunder at step 3.

 You would be able to understand that computationalism makes physical
 reality an aspect of the arithmetical reality. That is the point of the UDA,

You forget IHA:

 The theory of everything is Robinson Arithmetic (RA).

That cannot be because induction is something and unlike Peano Arithmetic
Robinson has nothing to say about induction.

  John K Clark

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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread meekerdb

On 1/20/2015 10:17 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
The more I think about it, the more I doubt that these subjects were simply abandoned 
in an innocent fashion. The problem is that beliefs about fundamental reality are at 
the foundations of political power, and the powerful know this, even if only intuitively.

Read Craig A. James little book, The Religion Virus for a history of religion from that 

Yes, since always. That is why we are mucky to be in a place where scientists have 
regained some freedom in some domain, but clearly not in all (theology and human science 
are still not done with the scientific attitude).

We're in a mucky place because a lot of theologians promote mucky religions. :-)

When atheist politicians say that we must respect the Vatican, they are agreeing on 
some border of power. They are saying, ok we can't have absolute power but we can 
negotiate peace with the Vatican.

Vatican and bishops love atheism, because atheists are their allies in preventing 
seriousness in theological matter.

Incidentally, I went to a lecture by a theologian last night.  He gave a definition of 
theism, the same as mine: Belief in a supernaturally powerful person who cares about human 
behavior and wants to be worshipped.  And he went on to say that all serious theology is 


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Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of view

2015-01-20 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List

  From: spudboy100 via Everything List

Forget ball games. I wager that when the jihadists strike here in either a 
series of small attacks or another 911, your side, for coddling the jihadists 
will be held to account. And, sadly, people will say, At least under Bush we 
felt safe. 
Like any good fascist you take your propagandist tactics right from Goebbels 
playbook. Just because I don't want get with your insane genocidal clash of 
civilizations program does not mean that therefore I am coddling jihadist 
criminals. Screw you and your attempt to pin responsibility on me -- and 
everyone who does not buy into your extremist world views - for the acts of 
violent criminals.
If you really believe your own invective then you should be going off yourself 
to fight your crusade... why aren't you? Are you a coward? Who demands others 
go do the dying for your psychopathic desires

-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 7:21 pm
Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 

  From: spudboy100 via Everything List
Hmmm! Then you have wasted your companie's, valuable time bantering with 
someone you don't like and can't control? Some software schmuck, you must be. 
Where are your ethics, man? Oh, wait, I take that back, for most progressives 
do not possess this attribute, only the hunger to control. Well, mah trailer 
needs propane re-fuelin' and I gotta git down to thuh liquer store before 
mama june kills me. Wee dawgies! Now yew git on and a keep a cod'in and 
developin' whatever that is? P.S, the seahawks suck and the pats will roll 
over yer candy asses. What do yew and the Pats have in common? Ansdwer: 
Deflated balls. Bwah hah hah hah! Even Mama June bust out laffin at that wun. 
Why would my company care if I take a few minutes here and there during the 
day? It knows -- from working deployed, low defect, high performant software 
-- that it gets excellent value from my services, which is why it continues 
to have me (and others like me)  fulfill them. This is also why the globally 
preeminent technology companies I work for DO NOT -- AND WILL NEVER -- higher 
incompetent angry windbags like you... who have an overblown sense of their 
own entitlement coupled with a lack of any valuable real skills. You have 
nothing of any value to exchange; your labor is just not worth very much to 
P.S. The Seahawks won the game and are going to the Super Bowl. Spectacular 
last five minutes and over time play on that game. 
But... Hey there goober, isn't it time for you to mosey on down to see if your 
(government) check is in the mail box (delivered to you by our socialist mail 


-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 6:35 pm
Subject: Fw: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 

- Forwarded Message -
  From: spudboy100 via Everything List
Nupe. Basically you are explaining away the election losses and the endless 
trail of middle class taxpayer dollars, to the blue state governments, their 
government unions, and the underclass, who is content with Mexican 
billionaire and Obola contributor, Carlos Slim Helu's cheapo chump trak 
phones, welfare checks, food stamps, ghettos, hoods, and barrios. What has 
changed is that from a political studies pov, enough of the demographic of 
the white middle and working classes, who want to work (unlike your crack and 
meth head friends), realize they have gotten burned bad, by a political class 
that is neither interested in their financial well being, nor their physical 
safety, from your Islamic State sympathizers, like yourself. I see a time, 
fairly soon, when a plurality of American residents, whether legally here or 
not will say to themselves, at least under Bushie I felt safe! I probably 
care for the Bushes in US politics on a scale somewhat less then yourself 
(hard to say since your progie derangement must make cognitive thinking 
difficult at best for you), but based on what is happening overseas, this day 
will arrive. Keep on strumming your guitar dude, its supposedly therapeutic. 
Don't have the time (nor the desire) to respond to your delusional oxycontin 
fueled rant in detail -- because like most progressives -- I am at work, 
earning money for my family to live on. Not all of us can be Tea Party welfare 


-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 3:50 pm
Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free 

Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015  Bruno Marchal wrote:

 I use God in the sense of the platonist, who introduced the field of
 inquiry theology.

Not that it matters much what some guy who lived 2500 years ago thought but
Plato didn't believe in God he believed in The Gods, more specifically he
believed in something he called Forms, like Gods they were perfect and
eternal, but unlike Gods they were not alive and didn't move or think.

 In all case God is by definition the origin of things.

Then God could be stupider than the stupidest person you ever met, be
less conscious than a earthworm, and have less effect on your day to day
life than your pet hamster. Kind of a pathetic thing to confer the lofty
title of God on don't you think.

 It can be related with the god of the philosophers.

The God of the philosophers has had no effect on world history or on
current events and is so flabby fuzzy and general as to be utterly useless.
The God as a person idea has had a enormous and enormously destructive
impact on world history or on current events

  And I still don't understand what you mean by spiritual reality and
 physical reality and the examples you gave  don't have any logical
 consistency as far as I can tell.



  It is not clear if mathematics is the root of physics or physics is the
 root of mathematics.

 Because you stop at step 3

Because you make blunder at step 3.

 You would be able to understand that computationalism makes physical
 reality an aspect of the arithmetical reality. That is the point of the UDA,

You forget IHA:

 The theory of everything is Robinson Arithmetic (RA).

That cannot be because induction is something and unlike Peano Arithmetic
Robinson has nothing to say about induction.

  John K Clark

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Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread Rex Allen
Hi Telmo,

Is there a better starting point than consciousness?

My main thought was to suggest that the theory of evolution, taken to it's
logical conclusion, supports a Kantian division of reality into phenomenal
and noumenal realms.

We are entities whose consciousnesses are shaped only with an eye towards
what promotes survival and reproduction.  Consciousness isn't the least
concerned with truth - only with usefulness.

Maybe this explains many of the conundrums that are pondered in this group.

If you completely discard the concept of truth and replace it entirely
with evolutionary usefulness - does that change anything?


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 7:43 AM, Telmo Menezes

 Hi Rex,

 Interesting read. I will just start with something I've been thinking
 about, along these lines (I believe).

 It is interesting that there are a number of models of reality that are
 prima facie as plausible as any other but are more consistently rejected as
 lunacy, woo, new-age-mambo-jambo, etc.

 These models tend to have something in common: they suggest that we are
 not what we appear to be, that we are not mortal or immortal because time
 itself is a dream. That there is only one consciousness and we are all
 fundamentally the same entity, from the amoeba on. Quantum immortality.
 This sort of thing. They start with consciousness as the brute fact, as you

 I have no intellectual reason to reject such ideas, but I definitely feel
 a resistance to them.

 So it also occurred to me that believing in such things appears
 maladaptive. Intuitively, such beliefs may lead you to be less preoccupied
 with survival and reproduction. So it's not so surprising that we evolved
 to reject such ideas but this leads to a terrible doubt: can we trust
 ourselves to do science?

 Another distasteful speculation: maybe there's *survival instinct* behind
 nerds and geeks being bullied.

 A more optimistic take: maybe real science is a possibility for the
 future, if we transcend Darwinism.


 On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Rex Allen

 Consciousness precedes axioms.  Consciousness precedes logic.  Axioms and
 logic exist within conscious experience - not vice versa.  Consciousness
 comes before everything else.

 It is self-evident that there are conscious experiences.  However, what
 consciousness *is* - it’s ultimate nature - is not self-evident.  Further,
 what any particular conscious experience “means” is also not self-evident.

 For example:  The experience of color is directly known and
 incontrovertible.  But what the experience of color *means* is not directly
 known - any proposed explanation is inferential and controvertible.

 We do not have direct access to meaning.

 We only have direct access to bare uninterpreted conscious experience.

 So - any attempted explanation of consciousness from the outside (i.e.,
 objectively) must be constructed from inside consciousness, by conscious
 processes, on a foundation of conscious experience.

 Not a promising situation - because any explanation must be based
 entirely on conscious experiences which have no intrinsic meaning, and
 arrived at via conscious processes which are equally lacking in intrinsic

 It “seems” like we could just stop here and accept that things are what
 they are.  And what else do we have other than the way things “seem”?  I
 experience what I experience - nothing further can be known.

 HOWEVER - while we could just stop there - most of us don’t.

 For most of us, it seems that non-accepting, questioning, doubting,
 believing, disbelieving, desiring, grasping, wanting, unsatisfied conscious
 experiences just keep piling up.

 Why is this?

 Well - it seems like there is either an explanation for this - or it just
 a brute fact that has no explanation.

 If there is no explanation, then we should just accept our
 non-acceptance, our non-stoppingness, and let it go.  Or not.  Doesn’t

 Alternatively, if there is an explanation - then there are two options:


The explanation is not accessible to us because our conscious
experiences do not “point” towards the truth of the way things are.

The explanation is accessible to us, because our conscious
experiences *do* point towards the truth of the way things are.

 Again, if we believe that option 1 is correct, we can just stop.  Or
 not.  It doesn’t matter.

 So - let’s *provisionally* assume that option 2 is correct.

 I say “provisionally” instead of “axiomatically” because we will revisit
 this assumption.  Once we’ve gone as far as we can in working out the
 implications of it being true - we will return to this assumption and see
 if it still makes sense in light of where we ended up.

 At this point I am willing to grant that modern science provides the best
 methodology for translating (extrapolating?) from our truth-pointing
 conscious experiences to models that 

Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015  Telmo Menezes wrote:

 I would say the point here is not so much that we need to transcend
 Darwinism in the sense that the theory is insufficient, but because
 evolution has other plans for the machinery that we use to do science.
 The idea that being a good scientist is maladaptive. So we would need to
 literally transcend Darwinism.

It happens all the time, the man who invented the condom transcend

  John K Clark

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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread Platonist Guitar Cowboy
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 1:40 AM, meekerdb wrote:

 On 1/20/2015 10:17 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 The more I think about it, the more I doubt that these subjects were
 simply abandoned in an innocent fashion. The problem is that beliefs
 about fundamental reality are at the foundations of political power, and
 the powerful know this, even if only intuitively.

 Read Craig A. James little book, The Religion Virus for a history of
 religion from that standpoint.

 Yes, since always. That is why we are mucky to be in a place where
 scientists have regained some freedom in some domain, but clearly not in
 all (theology and human science are still not done with the scientific

 We're in a mucky place because a lot of theologians promote mucky
 religions. :-)

And of those that aspire to rigor, some eventually reach the problem:
preaching my brand of ignorance seems awfully conceited and
self-centered. Why push/force?

There's a paradox with education here: that we have to learn to tie our
shoes somewhere, to learn that we'll never get it totally right and have no
business teaching others about tying their shoes. ;-)

Robin Williams as psychologist in Good Will Hunting said something along
the lines: I teach this shit. I didn't say I know how to do it. PGC

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Re: Isn't this group supposed to be about trying to figure out how the universe works and not so much about religion and insults?

2015-01-20 Thread John Clark
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015   Kim Jones wrote:

  So you're saying that the word abstract should be removed from the
 English language because it will never be needed?!

 It's not a word that should be used, no. [...]. Platonists have no need
 for such a term  [...] I believe there exist words that are dangerously
 misleading and this is one of them.

It sound to me like you could get a job in the Ministry Of Truth in George
Orwell's 1984, they were developing a new language called Newspeak, this
is what one of the ministry's experts on that language has to say about it
as he explains it to the book's hero Winston Smith:

Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller
every year. It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the
great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of
nouns that can be got rid of as well. [...] We're destroying words --
scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. We're cutting the language
down to the bone.

Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of
thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible,
because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that
can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning
rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten [.
. . . ] The process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead.
Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a
little smaller. Even now, of course, there's no reason or excuse  r
committing thought-crime. It's merely a question of self-discipline,
reality-control. But in the end there won't be any need even for that.

  John K Clark

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Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread meekerdb

On 1/20/2015 5:54 PM, Rex Allen wrote:

Hi Telmo,

Is there a better starting point than consciousness?

My main thought was to suggest that the theory of evolution, taken to it's logical 
conclusion, supports a Kantian division of reality into phenomenal and noumenal realms.

We are entities whose consciousnesses are shaped only with an eye towards what promotes 
survival and reproduction. Consciousness isn't the least concerned with truth - only 
with usefulness.

Maybe this explains many of the conundrums that are pondered in this group.

If you completely discard the concept of truth and replace it entirely with 
evolutionary usefulness - does that change anything?

That's essentially the thesis of William S. Cooper's book The Origin of Reason - that 
our language, logic and mathematics were driven by evolution.  And he suggests how it may 
go further.  Whether you agree with him or not, it's a thought provoking book (and not a 
long one).


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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread 'Roger' via Everything List

On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 2:49:12 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 19 Jan 2015, at 23:48, 'Roger' via Everything List wrote:

 Roger:  Even if no mind has yet conceived the the 10^(10^(10^100))th 
 decimal point of pi, the pi proposition and therefore the process of 
 calculating its 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point and being confident that 
 if you do the process that that number is either 0-9 are all located inside 
 the mind/head.  My view is that whenever we talk about something existing, 
 we have to specify where and when it exists, that is, in what context or 
 domain it exists.  A thing can exist in one place and not another.  A ball 
 can exist outside the head, and a mental construct labeled the concept of 
 a ball can exist inside the head.  

 If a ball can exist outside the mind/head, why can't the 
 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point of pi exist outside the mind/head? What 
 property must a thing have to have an independent existence outside of any 
 mind? (according to your theory?)


 So, if the pi process were carried out inside the mind/head long enough 
 to figure out the 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point, that mental construct 
 for that number (which would be 0-9) would exist inside the mind/head but 
 not outside the mind/head.  So, the mind is able to reify things (like the 
 decimal point of pi) so that they exist but so that they only exist inside 
 the mind/head and not outside the mind/head.

 Roger: Just because things can exist outside the mind/head doesn't mean 
 that a specific thing does occur outside the mind/head.  If the  pi 
 proposition and the 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point of pi can be shown 
 outside the mind/head or any experimental evidence for the existence of the 
 pi proposition or the 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point of pi existing 
 outside the mind/head, I'd be happy to accept it.  I can see that a circle 
 can exist outside the head, but I don't see anywhere outside the mind/head, 
 the proposition that if you divide the circle's circumference by its 
 diameter you get pi.  

 But that proposition is not in the head of anybody. A body can get a 
 representation of that proposition in some language (be it LISP or neural 
 nets, or numbers): that is usually called a sentence, and *that* is in the 
 head of the machine or the number. The proposition itself is what is 
 intended by the sentence and the universal machine in presence. That pi is 
 what you find by dividing the circle's circumference by the diameter is 
 (true by definition), and that the sum of the inverse of all squared 
 natural number is true, by a proposition proved by Euler.

 That is true. period. It was true before Euler proved it, and after, 
 although this is only a metaphor. The number are just not concept to which 
 time or space attribute can apply.

 There is no number, nor proposition, in a brain. You might find 
 representations of number, and of propositions in the brain, but it makes 
 no sense to say that a number is in a brain, or on the planet mars. 

 Then a brain itself can be described as the representation of a universal 
 numbers with respect to some other universal numbers.

 If you accept Church-Turing thesis, all computations exists in the 
 elementary arithmetical reality, and in a very special redundant way, and 
 we are there, and we must explain why the white rabbits are so rare and why 
 the rabbit hole is so deep. The quantum almost solves that problem, but to 
 solve the mind-body problem, we must justify why only the quantum works.


Roger: I understand that the sentence, the words and the thought divide a 
circle's circumference by its diameter to get pi are in the mind/head. 
 But, what is outside the head is a circle, with a circumference and a 
diameter.  There is no process outside  the mind/head saying that if you 
divide the circumference by the diameter, the number 3.14... results.  That 
process and the idea of even doing it are inside the mind/head.  It will 
give 3.14 for all physical circles and their circumferences and diameters 
outside the head, but the only thing outside the head is the circle.  The 
process and the idea are inside the mind/head. The what you find by 
dividing... in your sentence also kind of implies that an action needs to 
be taken by the observer.

That pi is what you find by dividing the circle's circumference by the 
diameter is (true by definition), and that the sum of the inverse of all 
squared natural number is true, by a proposition proved by Euler.

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Re: Manifesto Rex

2015-01-20 Thread Kim Jones

 On 20 Jan 2015, at 11:43 pm, Telmo Menezes wrote:
 These models tend to have something in common: they suggest that we are not 
 what we appear to be, that we are not mortal or immortal because time itself 
 is a dream. That there is only one consciousness and we are all fundamentally 
 the same entity, from the amoeba on. Quantum immortality. This sort of thing. 
 They start with consciousness as the brute fact, as you posit.
 I have no intellectual reason to reject such ideas, but I definitely feel a 
 resistance to them.

Do you equally feel a resistance to the mainstream, standard, canonical, 
textbook, safe, establishment versions of reality? I only ask because it 
appears there are definitely good intellectual reasons to stand up and 
challenge some of those. 

 So it also occurred to me that believing in such things appears maladaptive. 
 Intuitively, such beliefs may lead you to be less preoccupied with survival 
 and reproduction.

That is a thought that has crossed my mind, too. People who sit around pulling 
bongs and studying shadows on cave walls tend not to go on and have business 
empires, large families and lots of possessions and become captains of 
industry, no. Survival and reproduction is indeed the name of the game. I also 
note that we are currently surviving and reproducing ourselves straight to 
oblivion and catastrophe so, Houston - we have a problem.

 So it's not so surprising that we evolved to reject such ideas but this leads 
 to a terrible doubt: can we trust ourselves to do science?

While the exact and human sciences remain at loggerheads I would say no. 
Science is forever a blunt instrument because it wants to say there are places 
where science cannot go. So, the Aristotelian universe seems to run out of 
steam at a certain point and leaves the important stuff about the human soul to 
madmen, criminals, charlatans and the merely credulous.


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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 22:13, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/19/2015 10:40 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Bruno Marchal  

On 18 Jan 2015, at 20:42, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/18/2015 6:26 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
With the definition you gave in a preceding post, and with which  
I agree, everyone believe in some God. The question is always:  
which one? And where it does come from, and why.

All philosophers and most scientists have some idea about what is  
fundamental reality - but (unless they are theologians) they  
recognize it is just a working hypothesis.  I'd say most people  
don't even think about it enough to have a definite opinion.

Well, it might be about time. Many people don't think to this,  
because we abandonned the subject to professional brainwashers  
since a long time.
Most people are just not interested in fundamental science. Usually  
people like to take things for granted, and dislike doubting  
everything, as Descartes knew already we have to do if we search  

The more I think about it, the more I doubt that these subjects  
were simply abandoned in an innocent fashion. The problem is that  
beliefs about fundamental reality are at the foundations of  
political power, and the powerful know this, even if only  

Of course, religion was invented as a socializing tool.  God watched  
everybody before Big Brother had the techology.  God answered all  
questions and defined right and wrong.

When atheist politicians say that we must respect the Vatican, they  
are agreeing on some border of power.

?? What atheist politicians.  In the U.S. an admitted atheist  
couldn't get elected dog-catcher.  Atheists are the only group less  
trusted than Muslims.

They are saying, ok we can't have absolute power but we can  
negotiate peace with the Vatican.

The subtlety is that there is now a very powerful religion which  
has no name but is profoundly materialistic. I think you intuit its  
existence, and were perhaps a victim of it, by the suppression of  
your thesis.

It's the Illuminati?  Richard Dawkins and Dan Dennett are out to get  

You think so?

Only ULB's department of mathematics, Le Monde and Grasset, and  
Drabbe, Doyen, M. Meyer, and others, but it is always unclear if they  
are victims of liars, or liars themselves. They are not serious, and  
they does not do their job. That can be proved.

ULB is based on free-thinking, and most atheists there were agnostic  
type of atheists, who encouraged me to work on that subject, and to  
use the term theology etc. and were disgusted as much as myself when  
they discovered that there was a bunch of influent (nobody knows how,  
and why) strong atheists for which free-thinking is only destructive  
critics of all religion (except theirs).

Strong-atheism (non agnostic atheism) is the worst of all religion,  
because it pretends that it is not a religion, and some seems even  
sincere (but they were those against computers, AI, consciousness,  
even the idea that there was an interpretation problem for QM was a  
crackpot things for them.

Logic was also classified as Pure Mathematics, and for some of them,  
even the idea of applying logic to computer science was a sacrilege.

A muslim colleagues of mine at ULB told me that I should have been a  
member of the muslim brotherhood, if I really wanted to be listened at  
ULB. He was at that time angry that the fanatics muslims were more  
listened to than the educated muslims who were trying to attract the  
attention on the integrism of all those invited in Mosques and  
universities. They were treated as racist! To be sure, it took me some  
time to understand them myself, and it is only recently (thanks to the  
egyptian courage) that I understood that the muslim brotherhood is  
basically a nazi party (by which I mean a party proving the  
elimination of jews and homosexuals and any marginals, actually even  
all christians if you read the chart of some of their subgroups).

I have no problem at all with the agnostic atheists, but the strong  
atheists are problematical, as they forbid, like some fundamentalist  
christians, and like some fundamentalist muslims, the doubt between  
Aristotle's and Plato's conception of reality.

The debate God/Not-God seems to me almost like a subterfuge to hide  
that doubt, that is, the question:

is the physical universe the reality? or is the physical universe  a  
symptom of a deeper, perhaps simpler, reality, (like computationalism  
suggests (to say the least)).

The prohibition of question is the symptom of tyranny.

Academy is like democracy: the worst system except for all the others.  
They can get sick, like any living organism.



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Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to dialectics?

2015-01-20 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jan 2015, at 23:48, 'Roger' via Everything List wrote:

Roger:  Even if no mind has yet conceived the the 10^(10^(10^100))th  
decimal point of pi, the pi proposition and therefore the process of  
calculating its 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point and being confident  
that if you do the process that that number is either 0-9 are all  
located inside the mind/head.  My view is that whenever we talk  
about something existing, we have to specify where and when it  
exists, that is, in what context or domain it exists.  A thing can  
exist in one place and not another.  A ball can exist outside the  
head, and a mental construct labeled the concept of a ball can  
exist inside the head.

If a ball can exist outside the mind/head, why can't the  
10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point of pi exist outside the mind/head?  
What property must a thing have to have an independent existence  
outside of any mind? (according to your theory?)


So, if the pi process were carried out inside the mind/head long  
enough to figure out the 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point, that  
mental construct for that number (which would be 0-9) would exist  
inside the mind/head but not outside the mind/head.  So, the mind is  
able to reify things (like the 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point of  
pi) so that they exist but so that they only exist inside the mind/ 
head and not outside the mind/head.

Roger: Just because things can exist outside the mind/head doesn't  
mean that a specific thing does occur outside the mind/head.  If  
the  pi proposition and the 10^(10^(10^100))th decimal point of pi  
can be shown outside the mind/head or any experimental evidence for  
the existence of the pi proposition or the 10^(10^(10^100))th  
decimal point of pi existing outside the mind/head, I'd be happy to  
accept it.  I can see that a circle can exist outside the head, but  
I don't see anywhere outside the mind/head, the proposition that if  
you divide the circle's circumference by its diameter you get pi.

But that proposition is not in the head of anybody. A body can get a  
representation of that proposition in some language (be it LISP or  
neural nets, or numbers): that is usually called a sentence, and  
*that* is in the head of the machine or the number. The proposition  
itself is what is intended by the sentence and the universal machine  
in presence. That pi is what you find by dividing the circle's  
circumference by the diameter is (true by definition), and that the  
sum of the inverse of all squared natural number is true, by a  
proposition proved by Euler.

That is true. period. It was true before Euler proved it, and after,  
although this is only a metaphor. The number are just not concept to  
which time or space attribute can apply.

There is no number, nor proposition, in a brain. You might find  
representations of number, and of propositions in the brain, but it  
makes no sense to say that a number is in a brain, or on the planet  

Then a brain itself can be described as the representation of a  
universal numbers with respect to some other universal numbers.

If you accept Church-Turing thesis, all computations exists in the  
elementary arithmetical reality, and in a very special redundant way,  
and we are there, and we must explain why the white rabbits are so  
rare and why the rabbit hole is so deep. The quantum almost solves  
that problem, but to solve the mind-body problem, we must justify why  
only the quantum works.


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Re: The Weakness of Panpsychism?

2015-01-20 Thread meekerdb

On 1/20/2015 4:25 AM, David Nyman wrote:
On 20 January 2015 at 05:42, meekerdb wrote:

What would that mean?  If neuroscientists of the future develop brain 
instrumentation and software such that they scan watch processes in your 
brain and
then say correctly, You were seeing red and it reminded you of a dress 
your late
grandmother wore and made you sad. would you accept that as entirely 

Well, I would of course accept that what had been observed was entirely observable!  It 
would mean that the public component of the public-private 'entanglement' - the pattern 
of neurological activity correlated with specific conscious states - had indeed been 
brought under observation. But I wouldn't thereby be forced to accept that the 
neuroscientists had direct access to my private state of mind in the same sense as I do 

The relevant distinction is that between the result of observation, on the one hand, and 
the mode of observation, on the other. The latter entails two 'entangled' components, of 
which only one can be made 'public'. Despite its absence from the public sphere, the 
private part cannot in fact be disregarded in any consideration of 'observation' since 
it is an ineliminable component of the observers' own mode of observation!

For the very reason that it is necessarily private I think the 'hard' problem will be 
regarded as solved, as solved as it can be, when one can read off veridical emotions, 
thoughts, perceptions from brain scans.


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