Re: [expert] DNS cache to disk (Is it possible?)

2000-04-22 Thread Michael Moore

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 I have installed bind/named on my system and configured it to act as
 cache-only. However, I have seen that the information is stored IN MEMORY. Ok,
 this is not good news for me because I have a dial-up account and the servers
 of my ISP seem to be quite slow (even slower than my local DNS). Do you know of
 any way to make named store DNS information on disk? That would be a real DNS
 cache. Maybe I should use 3rd. party programs.
 Moreover, when named is started, everything is fine, but...
 named[365]: listening on [].53 (lo) 
 named[365]: Forwarding source address is [].1024 
 named: named startup succeeded
 named[377]: Ready to answer queries.
 named[377]: sysquery: sendto([].53): Network is unreachable
 What does this last line mean? What the hell is that "sysquery"?
 Joan Ensesa

You can use Squid to proxy for named and tell it to cache to disk.  The
simplest way to configure this (in terms of effort) is to download


from a cooker mirror and then use netscape to open

with login name root and root password for password, then click the "servers"
tab and configure squid...  Perhaps there is an option under BIND 8 which may
also be configured from that same screen.


[expert] resolving nslookup

2000-04-22 Thread Wizaerd

Before I proceed into this message, I just want to thank everyone who has
been kind enough to answer my questions regarding sendmail and DNS issues.
I understand that the majority of answers are available on line in various
HOWTOs and informational sites, but one of the least desirable things for me
is to be sitting in front of my computer (on this tiny little 15" monitor)
reading page after page of documentation, most of which makes very little
sense, and even more that is not an interesting topic for me.  This list has
been an extremely valuable resource for getting answers quickly, enabling me
to move onto subjects that are far more interesting for me.

I know that may sound a bit pompous, and I apologize, but the inner workings
of DNS and various other tools is not necessarily my forte.  I'm doing this
more so to become familiar with Apache, the OS as an OS (not a Web
administrator) and to learn PHP programming.  So again, I thank everyone for
their patience and friendly attitude!

I've been dinking around with setting up my DNS as a caching only name
server (not because I want to know about DNS persay, but in order to set up
sendmail...) and have been following a document I found online.  However,
after following the instructions precisley (or as close as could be allowed
given various directory differences) I thought I had it all set up.
Unfortunately, when I run nslookup, I get the following output:

[root@belgarath wizaerd]# nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent host/domain
Default Server:

Here's how my system is setup.  I'm on Mandrake version 7.0, and I have two
NIC cards.  One is connected via DHCP to US West VDSL.  The second I've
assigned an IP of and it is connected to a Win98 box.  I have
DHCPD running to assign a new IP to the Win98 box (it was simpler to setup)
and that IP always resolves to  This that shows up
in the nslookup makes no sense to me.

I've gone into linuxconf to set the primary search IP to be, but
when I reboot, it resets itself to  I wonder if this is because
I am using DHCPD to assign an IP to the Win98 machine?  Regardless, I still
cannot get the nslookup to actually see the unless I issue a
specific server while in nslookup.

Off the cuff, would anybody know what I may be missing here?


Joseph E. Sheble
a.k.a. Wizaerd
Wizaerd's Realm
Canvas, 3D, Graphics, ColdFusion
Zanova, Inc.
Moving Business Forward.

[expert] Going Crazy over IDE CD-writer

2000-04-22 Thread Lane Lester

I really would like to be able to use my CD-writer in Linux, but it seems so
complicated. I wade through man pages, how-to's, emails, readme's, and I get
close, but never there.

I have a CDRW at hdc, and a Zip drive at hdd.
I've got lilo.conf set right, and I added "modprobe ide-scsi" to rc.local.
Interestingly, the Zip comes in before the CDRW:
0,0,0 0) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 100 ' '13.A' Removable Disk
0,1,0 1) 'Memorex ' 'CDRW-2216   ' '1.0b' Removable CD-ROM

I found some info on that led me to delete /dev/cdrom and
create a symlink /dev/cdrom to /dev/scd1. Just guessing, I also created a
/dev/zip linked to /dev/scd0.

Xcdroast seems to see the CDRW OK, although I haven't learned enough about
the program to actually try anything. I've used a Windows program to burn CDs,
but it was a lot less complicated.

I haven't been able to mount the CDRW and Zip, and I'm guessing I need the
answer to the question I asked at the top. This is what I have in fstab:
/dev/scd0 /mnt/zip vfat exec,user,noauto,rw,suid,dev 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,suid,exec,dev,ro 0 1

I =think= I still need to disable generic IDE support, and I =think= I need to
put the following statements somewhere, but I don't know where:
   options ide-cd ignore=hdb# tell the ide-cd module to ignore
   alias scd0 sr_mod# load sr_mod upon access of scd0
   pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi # before sg, load ide-scsi
   pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi # before sr_mod, load ide-scsi

Do you see what remains to be done?


Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [expert] resolving nslookup

2000-04-22 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

It must be the case that *some* configuration file has that address, or
at least that network, hard-coded.  Try searching the /etc directory and
it's descendent for that address.  To find the culprit, do this:

grep -r 192.168.3 /etc

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PS: Sometimes you learn things *answering* questions.  I've actually
still been doing stuff like this the old-fashioned way, using

find /etc -type f -exec grep 192.168.3 {} /dev/null \;

[this is the sort of thing you do when you've been using Unix for nearly
20 years], but I suddenly remembered having seen rgrep in a previous
post on this list and decided to try it in order to answer the question
and then, on a hunch, I tried "grep" itself.  For Mandrake 7, at least,
"grep" itself actually supports the -r option.  Cool, eh?  Hopefully
some other experts learned something, too.

Wizaerd wrote:

 I've gone into linuxconf to set the primary search IP to be, but
 when I reboot, it resets itself to  I wonder if this is because
 I am using DHCPD to assign an IP to the Win98 machine?  Regardless, I still
 cannot get the nslookup to actually see the unless I issue a
 specific server while in nslookup.
 Off the cuff, would anybody know what I may be missing here?

"Brian, the man from babble-on" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger
Support Support decss
Support Boycott

Re: [expert] Going Crazy over IDE CD-writer

2000-04-22 Thread Ron Stodden


I take it your cdrw is an ATAPI device?
I take it your ZIP is an ATAPI device?

Lane Lester wrote:
 I =think= I still need to disable generic IDE support, and I =think= I need to
 put the following statements somewhere, but I don't know where:

options ide-cd ignore=hdb# tell the ide-cd module to ignore

Much better is to add the following to your /etc/lilo.conf for the
linux image:

append = "hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi"

alias scd0 sr_mod# load sr_mod upon access of scd0

Why?  What is sr_mod?  sg provides (emulated) SCSI read (sr).

pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi # before sg, load ide-scsi

No.  place a "/sbin/modprobe sg" line in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local.  
The sg module will report on the SCSI devices as it is installed.

pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi # before sr_mod, load ide-scsi

Not needed.

Set up symbolic links:

/dev/zip -- /dev/sg4  {This is a guess, remember that a zip drive
only uses partition 4}
/dev/cdrw -- /dev/sr0

Then reboot, check your lsmod for all modules loaded.
Now read and write a mounted zip disk and read a mounted CDROM to

Then umount the cdrw and run cdrecord -scanbus to verify write access
to the cdrw.

I'm not sure about the ZIP, since I don't have one.



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

Re: [expert] REMOVE ME Please!

2000-04-22 Thread Adrian Saidac

If you find out can you tell me as well?
I amtrying for 2 weeks now!

Howard Lee wrote:
 How do I stop receiving e-mails from the list? Thank you very much.

Re: [expert] Use of Windows may be hazardous to your Linux

2000-04-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, you wrote:
   I mean that when using defrag, the program continued
 defragmenting the next partition without  realize that. That's why he
 recommended me that the first partition after a win partition should be
 the swap one, that doesn't matter if it is destroyed.

Logical precaution. I agree with the sentiments. :-)

Re: [expert] REMOVE ME Please!

2000-04-22 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 If you find out can you tell me as well?
 I amtrying for 2 weeks now!
 Howard Lee wrote:
  How do I stop receiving e-mails from the list? Thank you very much.

Go to and follow the link to the
mailing lists. From there you can unsubscribe. Don't be
alarmed if you get a confirmation request for a
SUBSCRIPTION. Either this list or the "Newbies" list has a
bug wherein you get a subscription confirmation request
instead of an unsubscription request.  Just confirm your
request, and don' t pay any attention if it says it's a
SUBSCRIBE request instead of an unsub request.

RE: [expert] REMOVE ME Please!

2000-04-22 Thread Russ Johnson

This was in the very first email you got from the list:

Welcome to the expert mailing list!

Please save this message for future reference.  Thank you.

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following
command in the body of your email message:

unsubscribe expert

or from another account, besides [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

unsubscribe expert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Howard Lee
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 7:35 AM
To: Expert Linux
Subject: [expert] REMOVE ME Please!


How do I stop receiving e-mails from the list? Thank you very much.

Re: [expert] os by default

2000-04-22 Thread Acme Flyer

 Just configure lilo with Win / Dos as first line, Linux second line delay
anything from 5 secs ( default ) to 30 secs ...

On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 i have linux mandrake 5.3 and windows in my machine .I want to know how
 configure lilo for that windows is the os by default.Thank you for your help
 message envoye depuis
 emails (pop)-sites persos (espace illimite)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-forums 
 Ecoutez ce message par tel ! : 08 92 68 92 15 (france uniquement)

Re: [expert] REMOVE ME Please!

2000-04-22 Thread Burkhard

Am Sam, 22 Apr 2000 schrieben Sie:
 If you find out can you tell me as well?
 I amtrying for 2 weeks now!
 Howard Lee wrote:
  How do I stop receiving e-mails from the list? Thank you very much.

You are real experts

Where did you get in???

Have a look to mandrakes website and good luck


Burkhard Zombronner

[expert] L 7.0(2) and PHP 3.0.16

2000-04-22 Thread Stig

I'm having trouble compiling PHP on a freshly installed LM 7.0 machine.

I used the norwegian locale when I installed, but I don't know if this 
is the problem...

The errors I get are with "functions/microtime.c" in the PHP tree. 
Something about "usg"..
I tried to install every package imaginable to make it work... even 
tried to change the locale to US English to no use...

Anyone else experienced this and found a sollution to this ?

Thanks for your time.

Stig-Ørjan Smelror

Re: [expert] Going Crazy over IDE CD-writer

2000-04-22 Thread Lane Lester

Ron Stodden said:
  I take it your cdrw is an ATAPI device?
  I take it your ZIP is an ATAPI device?

Yes and yes, hdc and hdd, respectively.

  Much better is to add the following to your /etc/lilo.conf for the
  linux image:
  append = "hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi"

Now done.

  No.  place a "/sbin/modprobe sg" line in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

This is now there:
/sbin/modprobe sg
/sbin/modprobe ide-scsi

  Set up symbolic links:
  /dev/zip -- /dev/sg4  {This is a guess, remember that a zip drive
  only uses partition 4}
  /dev/cdrw -- /dev/sr0

OK, except I used cdrom instead of cdrw, since I have only the one
CD drive.
  Then reboot, check your lsmod for all modules loaded.

Module  Size  Used by
ide-scsi7584   0 
aic7xxx   111024   0  (autoclean) (unused)
sg 15792   0 

  Now read and write a mounted zip disk and read a mounted CDROM to

The CD reads OK, but an attempt to mount the Zip gives:
[root@localhost /root]# mount /mnt/zip
mount: /dev/zip is not a block device
[root@localhost /root]# mount /dev/sg4
mount: can't find /dev/sge in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

The reason for the "sge" is that sg4 is a symbolic link to sge. That
made me think the link should be from zip to sgd (since its IDE device
is hdd), but changing that didn't help. Here's my current fstab (the
commented stuff is what works with IDE):
#/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,suid,exec,dev,ro 0 1
#/dev/hdd /mnt/zip vfat exec,user,noauto,rw,suid,dev 0 0
/dev/zip /mnt/zip vfat exec,user,noauto,rw,suid,dev 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,suid,exec,dev,ro 0 1

  Then umount the cdrw and run cdrecord -scanbus to verify write
  access to the cdrw.

1,0,0   100) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 100 ' '13.A' Removable
1,1,0   101) 'Memorex ' 'CDRW-2216   ' '1.0b' Removable

  I'm not sure about the ZIP, since I don't have one.

I sure wish you did, because I really need to solve that. But I
appreciate very much your help; it looks like I have CDRW capability
now. Time to do a test CD write!

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [expert] Norton Antivirus and Bloodhound

2000-04-22 Thread Mike Corbeil

Civileme wrote:

 The "local" Alaska Linux Users Group reports that Norton Antivirus and
 Bloodhound, Norton's newer "heuristic" virus hunter, is claiming LILO is
 a boot sector virus in newly installed dual-boot systems.

I think NAV has been doing this for several years.  I don't think that NAV
actually thinks LILO is a virus, but instead merely sees the mbr is not as
it would be on a system with only MS OSs installed, that is, NAV is merely
warning the user of something it doesn't understand and therefore can't
properly interpret for the user.

With the increasing popularity and use of Linux on dual-boot systems,
though, NAV or BH should definitely allow for other boot managers being
installed in the mbr.

It's good to know that someone's on the ball though - McAfee.


 So, for their next installfest, they will be recommending the McAfee
 virus scanner for linux that is there to protect windows.


 Beta-Testing Netscape 6 Mailer

Re: [expert] RPM woes

2000-04-22 Thread Mike Corbeil

Bruce E. Harris wrote:


 I am a convert moving over from Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 (and before). So far I
 like Mandrake much more. However I have a very disturbing problem. RPM won't
 work anymore run anymore. Attempts to install a RPM will lock my system badly.
 Usually causing it to log out of X, many time I must do a hard shut down (kill
 power), or the HDD will just chatter and do nothing.

 I get an error ending with can't update (some lib6 cant remember the
 whole name, and the error msg will not generate anymore) but the last part is

 Any ideas?

Not really, but you might try reinstalling rpm from the Mandrake/RPMS directory
on the install cdrom.  Then, if you still have these problems, try rebuilding the
rpm database

   rpm --rebuilddb

If you still have problems using rpm, then read the rpm man pages, thoroughly.
There's also a --initdb option, but the documentation or man page doesn't explain
either of these options to any noteworthy extent.

What version of rpm are you using, if you still have problems?

   rpm --version

Read the man page on rpm and there you'll also find verify options.  I'm not sure
if this would do any good wrt the rpm requiredby database, but it might be
helpful in verifying rpm itself.

You can also do a search for RPMs which require the lib*6 file which seems to be
a problem.

   rpm -q --whatrequires {filename}

{filename} may need the entire path.

You can also check what RPM provides this problem file

rpm -q --whatprovides {filename}

In this case, you may or may not need the complete path.

Do a search for the directory where this problem lib*6 file is located.  It
should be in either /usr/lib or /lib, but if it's not there, then use the find or
rpm command

  find / -name {filename}

Using rpm, you need to know which package or RPM provides this lib*6 file, such
as from the --whatprovides rpm query.  Once you have this information

  rpm -qil {package-name}

{package-name} must only contain the base name of the package, or at least no
more than this part and the version+release.  Don't include the .i386.rpm or
.noarch.rpm part, because this part isn't recorded in the rpm database.

If you still have problems, then post a follow-up; although, you might want to
first check what you could do using other rpm options.


 Best Regards,


[expert] RC.FIREWALL file from LM 7.02?

2000-04-22 Thread Andrew Vogel

Can someone send me the DEFAULT "rc.firewall" file that is in Linux Mandrake
7.02? I managed to munge mine up real good and it's not working...

It's in /etc/rc.d/...

Andrew Vogel: Program Manager at the University of Cincinnati College of
Pharmacy. Actor, director, dog (JRT) lover, Miata owner,  much, much more!
My homepage: "". Play I-War, FF7PC,  BC3K!
Offical BC3K Tester.  Linux! "The only way OUT is THROUGH."
dug: you da man! you da man!"Drew Vogel is its own reward."
ric: isn't "the man" the guy who's always bringing everyone down?
dug: nope! 'cause YOU da man!!  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [expert] Setting Up Sendmail

2000-04-22 Thread Jean-Michel Dault

You can use Sendmail to *send* mail in its default configuration. It's
just that you won't be able to *receive* mail from the *outside*.

But to send mail from PHP or from another machine on the network, you
don't have to configure anything. To send mail for yourself from
ColdFusion or PHP, just tell it to send mail to "root", and not
"root@somewhere", so it will deliver it locally.

Jean-Michel Dault

On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Wizaerd wrote:

 Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 07:29:57 -0700
 From: Wizaerd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Expert Mandrake List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [expert] Setting Up Sendmail
 Ok, I need some information, but you'll need some background information...
 I have a linux box at home hooked up to the internet with DHCP through US
 West VDSL.  The IP has never actually changed, but it could at any time
 because of the DHCP.  I have a Windows 98 box connected via a second NIC
 card to the Linux machine, which uses the Linux box as a
 gateway/router/firewall to the internet.  So because of the DHCP connection,
 I don't have DNS running and I don't use Sendmail.
 On the Linux box, I have Apache 1.3.12 installed and am in the process of
 learning PHP.  However, one of the things I want to do is convert my
 ColdFusion discussion forum over to PHP, but was hoping I could send myself
 email notifications during the testing period (so when I do copy this app to
 a real server it would work as expected...)...
 Is there someway to use sendmail and the mailing options of PHP without
 using DNS and having a static IP?  Or better yet is there a way to use
 sendmail and DNS without having a static IP?
 Joseph (Joe) Sheble
 a.k.a. Wizaerd
 Wizaerd's Realm
 3D Art, ColdFusion, Illustration, Canvas
 a little bit of everything...
 ColdFusion Developer
 Zanova, Inc.
 Moving your business forward...

Re: [expert] RPM woes

2000-04-22 Thread Bruce E. Harris

rpm --rebuilddb

solved my problem, also allowed me to fix Apache. After the rebuilddb I was
able to erase Apache and asso files and reinstall...all is well for now.


 On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, you wrote:
 Bruce E. Harris wrote:
  I am a convert moving over from Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 (and before). So far I
  like Mandrake much more. However I have a very disturbing problem. RPM won't
  work anymore run anymore. Attempts to install a RPM will lock my system badly.
  Usually causing it to log out of X, many time I must do a hard shut down (kill
  power), or the HDD will just chatter and do nothing.
  I get an error ending with can't update (some lib6 cant remember the
  whole name, and the error msg will not generate anymore) but the last part is
  Any ideas?
 Not really, but you might try reinstalling rpm from the Mandrake/RPMS directory
 on the install cdrom.  Then, if you still have these problems, try rebuilding the
 rpm database
rpm --rebuilddb
 If you still have problems using rpm, then read the rpm man pages, thoroughly.
 There's also a --initdb option, but the documentation or man page doesn't explain
 either of these options to any noteworthy extent.
 What version of rpm are you using, if you still have problems?
rpm --version
 Read the man page on rpm and there you'll also find verify options.  I'm not sure
 if this would do any good wrt the rpm requiredby database, but it might be
 helpful in verifying rpm itself.
 You can also do a search for RPMs which require the lib*6 file which seems to be
 a problem.
rpm -q --whatrequires {filename}
 {filename} may need the entire path.
 You can also check what RPM provides this problem file
 rpm -q --whatprovides {filename}
 In this case, you may or may not need the complete path.
 Do a search for the directory where this problem lib*6 file is located.  It
 should be in either /usr/lib or /lib, but if it's not there, then use the find or
 rpm command
   find / -name {filename}
 Using rpm, you need to know which package or RPM provides this lib*6 file, such
 as from the --whatprovides rpm query.  Once you have this information
   rpm -qil {package-name}
 {package-name} must only contain the base name of the package, or at least no
 more than this part and the version+release.  Don't include the .i386.rpm or
 .noarch.rpm part, because this part isn't recorded in the rpm database.
 If you still have problems, then post a follow-up; although, you might want to
 first check what you could do using other rpm options.
  Best Regards,
Best Regards,


Father to Bruce, Maverick  Aleister 1 Feb 2000

My website

RE: [expert] Mandrake Floppy Install???

2000-04-22 Thread Bill Shirley

If you have another Linux computer on the network, you can do what I did.  I
don't have a CD-ROM burner so I downloaded the iso to my Slackware Linux.  I
mounted the iso with a loopback device (mount -t iso9660 -o
ro,loop=/dev/loop0 /path/to/iso.image /mnt/cdrom).  I then setup the NFS
export for /mnt/cdrom.  I then did a NFS install on the target computer.
Pretty kewl, I think.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of M Thompson
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Mandrake Floppy Install???

I would suggest borrowing a friend's external CD-ROM.  It would be a feat to
fit 650Mb onto multiple floppy disks.


From: "Sean Armstrong" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [expert] Mandrake Floppy Install???
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 09:14:26 CDT

Does anyone know how to do a floppy install with Mandrake 7.0-7.02?? I
have a cdrom drive on an old notebook that I've been running Debian on. I
would like to install Mandrake 7.0-7.02 on it instead using floppies. Is
this possible?
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [expert] Going Crazy over IDE CD-writer

2000-04-22 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

   No.  place a "/sbin/modprobe sg" line in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
 This is now there:
 /sbin/modprobe sg
 /sbin/modprobe ide-scsi

You don't actually need this at all, FWIW.  It'll all happen
automatically, at least if you have Mandrake 7.

   Now read and write a mounted zip disk and read a mounted CDROM to
 The CD reads OK, but an attempt to mount the Zip gives:
 [root@localhost /root]# mount /mnt/zip
 mount: /dev/zip is not a block device
 [root@localhost /root]# mount /dev/sg4
 mount: can't find /dev/sge in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
 The reason for the "sge" is that sg4 is a symbolic link to sge. That
 made me think the link should be from zip to sgd (since its IDE device
 is hdd), but changing that didn't help. Here's my current fstab (the
 commented stuff is what works with IDE):

I think you want /dev/sga4 (the fourth partition of the first device)
rather than /dev/sgd (the entire span of the fourth device).

"Brian, the man from babble-on" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger
Support Support decss
Support Boycott

Re: [expert] apache help needed!!!

2000-04-22 Thread Jean-Michel Dault

Weird. Glad to see everything is working, but I wish I'd found out what
was the problem. 

Jean-Michel Dault

On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Vincent Danen wrote:

 Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 18:43:00 -0600 (MDT)
 From: Vincent Danen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jean-Michel Dault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Linux Mandrake Expert Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [expert] apache help needed!!!
 On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
  If you cannot "su" to another user, can you at least login into another
  user (from the console of by ssh) and do you have error messages in
 Nope couldn't log in at all.  No user's other than root had permissions to
 execute any shells.  Was very strange.  Ended up doing a complete
 reinstall and now it works fine, but I was getting nowhere with the server
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
 Freezer Burn BBS:  telnet:// . ICQ: 54924721
 Webmaster for the Linux Portal Site Freezer Burn:

Re: [expert] Surfing with linux/netscape problems.

2000-04-22 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

I'm afraid we've all noticed this.  FWIW, I tried them with Netscape 6,
Preview 1, and they are ok there -- though you can't actually play some
of those games 'cause it claims you lack Java support; my guess is that
they have a hard-coded browser check.

Russell Sutherland wrote:
 [This must  be a FAQ but I have not been able to find the answer]
 $ uname -a
 Linux joefox 2.2.14-15mdk #1 Tue Jan 4 22:24:20 CET 2000 i686 unknown
 $ rpm -qa | grep  -i netscape
 I've met up with an occurence that makes surfing the
 net in linux something that seems like it needs to
 be worked on a bit. Perhaps there is something wrong
 with my current version of netscape, and perhaps
 there is something wrong with my configuration, but
 perhaps the linux netscape is just plain broken. I
 thought that by describing the problem I might be
 able to ask people more knowledgeable than myself
 which one of these was in fact true.
 I find that when I visit sites that use java applets
 for example:
 things seem functional for a short period of time
 (this time period varies slightly, I have never been
 able to get through an entire game of chess though)
 but then they freeze up. At this point, moving the
 netscape windows causes everything in them to become
 a uniform colour, and they can no longer be closed
 using the "x" in the corner. The only way to get rid
 of them is to kill -9 their pid. Has anyone else
 experienced this problem or is anyone informed of
 what the problem might be?
 Quist ConsultingEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 219 Donlea DriveVoice: +1.416.696.7600
 Toronto ON  M4G 2N1 Fax:   +1.416.978.6620

"Brian, the man from babble-on" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger
Support Support decss
Support Boycott

[expert] CDRW multisession?

2000-04-22 Thread vern

I got xcdroast working, it writes CDR's okay,
but I need help making my CDRW's multisession.
I made my master recorded it, but it "fixated" it
instead of laying down the tracks for future use
it sealed the CDRW from any future use.  Now
can I erase the CDRW and try again??  Is there
any way to format a CDRW for future use?? I've
been to the xcdroast man page, README, and
the author's website.  Can any of this be done
without going to packet writing or UDF format??
All my windoze CDRW's are in UDF and I would
like to go to ISO 9660 for both OS's.
Thanks for reading this!

Re: [expert] CDRW multisession?

2000-04-22 Thread Ralph

I think with gnome toaster you can rewrite cdr's give it a try. I ran it
under windowmaker.
- Original Message -
From: "vern" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 11:00 PM
Subject: [expert] CDRW multisession?

 I got xcdroast working, it writes CDR's okay,
 but I need help making my CDRW's multisession.
 I made my master recorded it, but it "fixated" it
 instead of laying down the tracks for future use
 it sealed the CDRW from any future use.  Now
 can I erase the CDRW and try again??  Is there
 any way to format a CDRW for future use?? I've
 been to the xcdroast man page, README, and
 the author's website.  Can any of this be done
 without going to packet writing or UDF format??
 All my windoze CDRW's are in UDF and I would
 like to go to ISO 9660 for both OS's.
 Thanks for reading this!

[expert] Kernel Parameter vga=0x0301

2000-04-22 Thread Necrotica


I have recently installed Mandrake 7.02 on both of my home machines. Oddly
enough, on both of them I had the exact same problem. The installation would
go fine, but when the machine rebooted I would get a kernel panic because it
was not able to mount the root filesystem. On both machines Mandrake was
installed on its own seperate hard drive (slave on the primary controller). 

The first machine is an AMD Athlon 700 (Viper chipset) and the second is an
IBM Aptiva Pentium II 266.

Whats weird about this was the solution. :) If I add "vga=0x0301" to the
append line of lilo.conf, rerun lilo, the filesystem mounts fine.

Heh, don't think for a second that figured out this solution from the ground
up. :) I noticed it after installing numerous distros of Linux on one machine
and having the exact same problem. I then installed SuSE 6.3 and it actually
worked. I noticed that it appended vga=0x0301 to lilo.conf so I tried it out
on Mandrake - it worked.

Sure enough, if I remove it right now, it won't be able to mount the root fs.

Can anyone tell me what this parameter does? Or why it was necessary to add
it to the only two machines in the world I have installed Linux on? Was this
a fluky thing that just happened to work? I'd be interested in hearing whats
up with this. Thanks...


Re: [expert] RC.FIREWALL file from LM 7.02?

2000-04-22 Thread Ron Stodden

Andrew Vogel wrote:
 Can someone send me the DEFAULT "rc.firewall" file that is in Linux Mandrake
 7.02? I managed to munge mine up real good and it's not working...

Here is the two-line content:

# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next
line too.
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

Re: [expert] CDRW multisession?

2000-04-22 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

You can erase the CDRW and try again;
it is possible to have a non-UDF multisession CD.

However, I don't use xcdroast so I don't know how to do either from

vern wrote:
 I got xcdroast working, it writes CDR's okay,
 but I need help making my CDRW's multisession.
 I made my master recorded it, but it "fixated" it
 instead of laying down the tracks for future use
 it sealed the CDRW from any future use.  Now
 can I erase the CDRW and try again??  Is there
 any way to format a CDRW for future use?? I've
 been to the xcdroast man page, README, and
 the author's website.  Can any of this be done
 without going to packet writing or UDF format??
 All my windoze CDRW's are in UDF and I would
 like to go to ISO 9660 for both OS's.
 Thanks for reading this!

"Brian, the man from babble-on"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger
Support  Support decss defendents.
Support  Boycott

Re: [expert] Norton Antivirus and Bloodhound

2000-04-22 Thread Russ Johnson

It's not that NAV (Bloodhound is a component of NAV) can't understand the boot
sector. It's that NAV is seeing that the boot sector has changed, and is
telling the user. Changing the boot sector is EXACTLY what many viruses do, so
this is EXACTLY what you want NAV to do, in most cases. You can turn this
functionality off.

The reason McAfee doesn't do the same thing is that it doesn't scan the boot
sector like NAV. In other words, it doesn't do as good a job.


Mike Corbeil wrote:

 Civileme wrote:

  The "local" Alaska Linux Users Group reports that Norton Antivirus and
  Bloodhound, Norton's newer "heuristic" virus hunter, is claiming LILO is
  a boot sector virus in newly installed dual-boot systems.

 I think NAV has been doing this for several years.  I don't think that NAV
 actually thinks LILO is a virus, but instead merely sees the mbr is not as
 it would be on a system with only MS OSs installed, that is, NAV is merely
 warning the user of something it doesn't understand and therefore can't
 properly interpret for the user.

 With the increasing popularity and use of Linux on dual-boot systems,
 though, NAV or BH should definitely allow for other boot managers being
 installed in the mbr.

 It's good to know that someone's on the ball though - McAfee.


  So, for their next installfest, they will be recommending the McAfee
  virus scanner for linux that is there to protect windows.
  Beta-Testing Netscape 6 Mailer