Re: [expert] IBM thinkpad and PCI Card CDROM...

2000-08-28 Thread Mark Weaver

Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I was wondering...I've got an IBM thinkpad here at the house that my
> > Daugher would like me to load Mandrake on for her. I've tried the usual
> > way of doing this but it's a no go. The CDROM is connected by a removable
> > PCMCIA card that the Madnrake setup is unable to detect. So, my question
> > is how in the world is one supposed to install in a situation like this?
> >
> > It's an older Thinkpad. I believe it's only a P1 133Mhz processor with
> > 40MB of RAM if that gives any idea as to it's age. Other than that I don't
> > know a lot about this particular machine. It seems to be a fairly well
> > behaved machine.
> >
> > So how does one go about this?
> Have you tried a boot floppy containing /mnt/cdrom/images/pcmcia.img ?
> Pierre
> > thanks in advance,
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> > 
> > **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | ICQ#27816299
> > ** <_||_> in the making of this |
> > **  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496
> > 
> --
> Linux (Up 35 days) -- Reboots are for system upgrades...
> Currently running 114 processes; CPU activity: user=0.8%, system=0.3%
> Last reboot reason:  Installed new BackUPS power supply.

:)_ actually no, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks...I'll give that a

[expert] Configuration de mon réseau avec DHCP

2000-08-28 Thread Pierre Taczynski

j'ai un petit problème avec Mandrake (7.0 ou 7.1 même combat). A
l'installation je lui indique que mon IP est attribué dynamiquement (via
un DHCP), je laisse donc le champ IP vide. Première question: dois-je
mettre quand même quelque chose?
Après l'installation, j'utilise Drakconf pour configurer le réseau. Je
lui donne un joli nom de machine et fait de même dans l'adaptateur1 (nom
+ alias), la aussi je laisse le champ IP vide vu que j'utilise DHCP.
Tout marche bien sauf que quand je ping ma machine avec son nom (ou son
nom alias) cela ne marche pas. Avec ifconfig j'ai récupéré son IP et en
pingant avec l'IP cela marche fort heureusement. Commment me sortir de
cette situation, sachant qu'il m'est bien évidemment impoosible de
fournir mauellement l'IP de ma machine à toutes les autres du réseau (il
y en a une centaine!) pour partager des fichiers.


[expert] SIS 9326 AGP dont work find whit Mandrake 6.1

2000-08-28 Thread Maximo Monsalvo

I have installed mandrke 6.1 on mather board PC CHIPS M717 whit Video Card
onboard AGP 9326
and this is detected find but the imagin is bad. Exist some upgrade ? 

[expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread george . jones

Just want to know of a good resource on setting up a proxy server/router
using linux. What I want to do is have 1 machine for my proxy that also
provides my internet connection to 3 other boxes. The 3 machines also need
to be able to transfer data between themselves. The box I want to use is a
P133Mhz machine w/32Mb, 4 NIC's (1 in/3 out), and Mandrake 7.0

Re: [expert] Problems using DOSEMU

2000-08-28 Thread Jeff Malka

Thank you.  I will.

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message - 
From: Sarang Lakare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Problems using DOSEMU

> checkout /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users
> the former configures dosemu and the later specifies who can use dosemu
> -sarang

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Chris Slater-Walker

Try doing a web search on PMFirewall. I use it myself and it is great! It's
also really easy to set up, and easy to customise if you know what you're
doing with ports & packet filtering. Sorry I can't remember the URL at the


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

> Just want to know of a good resource on setting up a proxy server/router
> using linux. What I want to do is have 1 machine for my proxy that also
> provides my internet connection to 3 other boxes. The 3 machines also need
> to be able to transfer data between themselves. The box I want to use is a
> P133Mhz machine w/32Mb, 4 NIC's (1 in/3 out), and Mandrake 7.0

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Benjamin Reed

> Try doing a web search on PMFirewall. I use it myself and it is great!
> It's also really easy to set up, and easy to customise if you know
> what you're doing with ports & packet filtering. Sorry I can't
> remember the URL at the moment.

George, while I love PMFirewall (it's what I use at home) you may have a
little trouble with it.  Last I used it, it only checks for an "external"
interface, and an "internal" interface.  Since it's going to be acting as a
switch instead of a router (1 NIC card for each machine it's connecting to)
there will be 3 internals.  PMFirewall doesn't think in terms of multiple
internal network interfaces.

It's probably not too difficult to hack in, but you may have better luck
with something else that can do what you want out of the box.

If you weren't trying to do it exactly as you're doing it, I'd say use
PMFirewall.  Personally, I've never tried to set up a switch-style linux
router, so in my case, PMFirewall rocks!  :)

Fight the InterNIC!

RE: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Eric Peters

Why not just use ipcahins? I have written a couple of scripts for
this purpose I will post them as soon as I find them again :) also if you go
to and do a search for ipcahins scripts You will find what you are
looking for. There is even a very nice webmin module for ipcahins that makes
setting up your own rules a snap.

Hope this helps :) again I will post my proxy scripts as soon as I find
them. I really should keep myself more organized.

Eric Peters Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator Network Operations
Inherent Technologies Inc. 
office (503)224-6751 ext 224

-Original Message-
From: Chris Slater-Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

Try doing a web search on PMFirewall. I use it myself and it is great! It's
also really easy to set up, and easy to customise if you know what you're
doing with ports & packet filtering. Sorry I can't remember the URL at the


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

> Just want to know of a good resource on setting up a proxy server/router
> using linux. What I want to do is have 1 machine for my proxy that also
> provides my internet connection to 3 other boxes. The 3 machines also need
> to be able to transfer data between themselves. The box I want to use is a
> P133Mhz machine w/32Mb, 4 NIC's (1 in/3 out), and Mandrake 7.0

[expert] Re: [expert] Configuration de mon réseau avec DHCP

2000-08-28 Thread Stephen Bosch

Bonjour, Pierre:

- Original Message -
From: Pierre Taczynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 6:51 AM
Subject: [expert] Configuration de mon réseau avec DHCP

> Bonjour,
> j'ai un petit problème avec Mandrake (7.0 ou 7.1 même combat). A
> l'installation je lui indique que mon IP est attribué dynamiquement (via
> un DHCP), je laisse donc le champ IP vide. Première question: dois-je
> mettre quand même quelque chose?


> Après l'installation, j'utilise Drakconf pour configurer le réseau. Je
> lui donne un joli nom de machine et fait de même dans l'adaptateur1 (nom
> + alias), la aussi je laisse le champ IP vide vu que j'utilise DHCP.
> Tout marche bien sauf que quand je ping ma machine avec son nom (ou son
> nom alias) cela ne marche pas.

As-tu mis ton nom de machine dans le fichier /etc/hosts?


Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread george . jones

While the thought of buying another piece isn't too appealing to me (I have
a mylar bag with about 10 NIC's in it already) it looks like I might just
need to buy a switch and remove 2 NIC's. PMFirewall might be the answer.
Any other suggestions?

"Benjamin Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/28/2000
10:27:26 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

> Try doing a web search on PMFirewall. I use it myself and it is great!
> It's also really easy to set up, and easy to customise if you know
> what you're doing with ports & packet filtering. Sorry I can't
> remember the URL at the moment.

George, while I love PMFirewall (it's what I use at home) you may have a
little trouble with it.  Last I used it, it only checks for an "external"
interface, and an "internal" interface.  Since it's going to be acting as a
switch instead of a router (1 NIC card for each machine it's connecting to)
there will be 3 internals.  PMFirewall doesn't think in terms of multiple
internal network interfaces.

It's probably not too difficult to hack in, but you may have better luck
with something else that can do what you want out of the box.

If you weren't trying to do it exactly as you're doing it, I'd say use
PMFirewall.  Personally, I've never tried to set up a switch-style linux
router, so in my case, PMFirewall rocks!  :)

Fight the InterNIC!

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Benjamin Reed

> Why not just use ipcahins? I have written a couple of scripts

PMFirewall is a set of scripts for automatically setting up ipchains rules.
It asks simple questions (what is your external interface, do you have a
telnet server, do you have an FTP server) and builds the rules for you.

So it *is* ipchains.  :)

Fight the InterNIC!

Re: [expert]Re: [expert] Configuration de monréseau avec DHCP

2000-08-28 Thread Pierre Taczynski

Stephen Bosch wrote:
> > Après l'installation, j'utilise Drakconf pour configurer le réseau. Je
> > lui donne un joli nom de machine et fait de même dans l'adaptateur1 (nom
> > + alias), la aussi je laisse le champ IP vide vu que j'utilise DHCP.
> > Tout marche bien sauf que quand je ping ma machine avec son nom (ou son
> > nom alias) cela ne marche pas.
> As-tu mis ton nom de machine dans le fichier /etc/hosts?

Bonjour Stephen,
après avoir majoritairement essayé de régler le problème via Drakconf,
j'ai mis les mains dans /etc/hosts et il me semble que losrque je
mettais le nom de ma machine je l'accompagnais de son IP. J'ai donc
suivi ton conseil et j'ai donc rajouté le nom de ma machine sans son IP.
Cela ne marche toujours pas. Il y a une subtilité qui m'échappe sur ce
coup la. 


Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Stephen Bosch

My word...

I have been having exactly this same problem, and this is after a whole
month of trouble-free operation... why is the damn thing dropping

I know this wasn't very helpful, but I want to add my name to the chorus. I
expect to take another stab at this problem later in the week. Perhaps I'll
have better luck.

> Further to the pppd problem (I swore I'd had enough for today, but of
> course, I kept wanting to try One More Thing).

Spoken like a true geek.

> a. I have now installed the very lastest ppp from rpmfind; the same still
> happens.
> b. The failure occurs regardless of whether I am root or an ordinary user.
> c. the options file currently contains:
> lock
> crtscts
> defaultroute
> noauth
> debug
> kdebug 3
> d. I have a somewhat more expansive log now:
> Aug 27 14:57:09 localhost pppd[928]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
> Aug 27 14:57:10 localhost chat[929]: send (ATDT3034427097^M)
> Aug 27 14:57:10 localhost chat[929]: expect (CONNECT)
> Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: ATDT3034427097^M^M
> Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: CONNECT
> Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]:  -- got it
> Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: send (^M)
> Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: expect (name:)
> Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]:  26400/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: ^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: ^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: User Access Verification^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: ^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: Username:
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]:  -- got it
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: send (n7dr^M)
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: expect (word:)
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]:  ^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: Username: n7dr^M
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: Password:
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]:  -- got it
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: send (^M)
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost pppd[928]: Serial connection established.
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set dbg flags to 3
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 3
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost pppd[928]: Using interface ppp0
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost pppd[928]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xasyncmap
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap

> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 3
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set mru to 5dc
> Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap 
> Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 closing.
> Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost pppd[928]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost pppd[928]: Modem hangup
> Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost pppd[928]: Connection terminated.
> Aug 27 14:57:34 localhost pppd[928]: Exit.
> The only thing that this suggests to me is perhaps that the "Hangup
> (SIGHUP)" does _not_ mean that a SIGHUP was received, but rather that one
> was sent to hang up the modem (i.e., it is an effect rather than a cause).
> In either case, it still isn't at all obvious what causes the essential
> failure to connect (or, perhaps, "failure to remain connected" is a better
> description).

No, it's not clear at all.

I haven't been getting the SIGHUP -- but I imagine that you get this since
you turned debugging output on? Are you *sure* that pppd isn't receiving a
SIGHUP? If it *is*, I would have no idea where that might be coming from...


Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Benjamin Reed

> While the thought of buying another piece isn't too appealing to me
> (I have a mylar bag with about 10 NIC's in it already) it looks like

I don't know if you really need to get new hardware just for this if you've
already got the NICs, you'll just have to spend a little time (probably)
learning IPChains.  There are very few ipchains "wrappers" that handle more
than one internal NIC (that I know of), and unless you want to fork out the
money for a switch instead of a hub, you'll probably get better performance
with multiple NICs.  :)

Now I know this is blasphemy here on the mandrake list, but you may want to
check out one of the router-on-a-floppy distributions (LRP/Coyote Linux,
FREESCO, etc.) and see if that works better for you, too.  And hey, if it
does work, you can always rip apart the floppy distro's set up and see how
they set up IPChains.  ;)

Fight the InterNIC!

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread george . jones

Yeah, I've already used FreeSCO. That's more of what I was looking for, but
I was thinking that I might want to do a bit of web browsing from that
machine. Also, FreeSCO only allows me to hook up 2 pc's directly. I do have
a coupla hubs, but I really don't want to use them anymore. I'm trying to
graduate to something better.

"Benjamin Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/28/2000
11:34:36 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

> While the thought of buying another piece isn't too appealing to me
> (I have a mylar bag with about 10 NIC's in it already) it looks like

I don't know if you really need to get new hardware just for this if you've
already got the NICs, you'll just have to spend a little time (probably)
learning IPChains.  There are very few ipchains "wrappers" that handle more
than one internal NIC (that I know of), and unless you want to fork out the
money for a switch instead of a hub, you'll probably get better performance
with multiple NICs.  :)

Now I know this is blasphemy here on the mandrake list, but you may want to
check out one of the router-on-a-floppy distributions (LRP/Coyote Linux,
FREESCO, etc.) and see if that works better for you, too.  And hey, if it
does work, you can always rip apart the floppy distro's set up and see how
they set up IPChains.  ;)

Fight the InterNIC!

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Ron Johnson, Jr.

Benjamin Reed wrote:
> > While the thought of buying another piece isn't too appealing to me
> > (I have a mylar bag with about 10 NIC's in it already) it looks like
> I don't know if you really need to get new hardware just for this if you've
> already got the NICs, you'll just have to spend a little time (probably)
> learning IPChains.  There are very few ipchains "wrappers" that handle more
> than one internal NIC (that I know of), and unless you want to fork out the
> money for a switch instead of a hub, you'll probably get better performance
> with multiple NICs.  :)

If u want 1 NIC on Linux per client PC, do u need special 
"straight thru" cat5, in order to run wire diectly from the
client to the Linux box?  Otherwise, wouldn't u need a hub
NIC on your linux box?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Jefferson, LA  USA  WWW : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |
| Most overused words: feel, cool/kewl, fun,|
| Most underused word: think   |

[expert] mirrored volumes, penguin-style...

2000-08-28 Thread scrapmetaldevil

Can anyone provide me with some short info on mirrored volumes? I just need
pointed in the right direction...Basically, I just want to know the application
of them for home use, if one exists. I'm not too learned in the ways of 
penguin fu...For example, is mirroring functional as a back-up in the sense that
I'd like to have specific sub-directories of my /home/ dir  replicated
at defined intervals to a ZIP PP drive, i.e. e-mail and config files. Please
help and direct me or inform me...My FreeBSD manual seems to be of little help
in understanding this and trying to apply it to LM 7.x

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Benjamin Reed

> If u want 1 NIC on Linux per client PC, do u need special
> "straight thru" cat5, in order to run wire diectly from the
> client to the Linux box?  Otherwise, wouldn't u need a hub
> NIC on your linux box?

Yup, you'd need a "crossover" cable, with the RX and TX switched.  Basically
the ethernet equivalent of a null modem cable.  :)

Fight the InterNIC!

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message -
From: "Stephen Bosch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

> My word...
> I have been having exactly this same problem, and this is after a whole
> month of trouble-free operation... why is the damn thing dropping
> connections?
> I know this wasn't very helpful, but I want to add my name to the chorus.
> expect to take another stab at this problem later in the week. Perhaps
> have better luck.
> > Further to the pppd problem (I swore I'd had enough for today, but of
> > course, I kept wanting to try One More Thing).
> Spoken like a true geek.
> > a. I have now installed the very lastest ppp from rpmfind; the same
> > happens.
> >
> > b. The failure occurs regardless of whether I am root or an ordinary
> >
> > c. the options file currently contains:
> > lock
> > crtscts
> > defaultroute
> > noauth
> > debug
> > kdebug 3
> >
> > d. I have a somewhat more expansive log now:
> >
> > Aug 27 14:57:09 localhost pppd[928]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
> > Aug 27 14:57:10 localhost chat[929]: send (ATDT3034427097^M)
> > Aug 27 14:57:10 localhost chat[929]: expect (CONNECT)
> > Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: ATDT3034427097^M^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: CONNECT
> > Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]:  -- got it
> > Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: send (^M)
> > Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]: expect (name:)
> > Aug 27 14:57:30 localhost chat[929]:  26400/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: ^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: ^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: User Access Verification^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: ^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: Username:
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]:  -- got it
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: send (n7dr^M)
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: expect (word:)
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]:  ^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: Username: n7dr^M
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: Password:
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]:  -- got it
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost chat[929]: send (^M)
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost pppd[928]: Serial connection established.
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set dbg flags to 3
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 3
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost pppd[928]: Using interface ppp0
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost pppd[928]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xasyncmap
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 3
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_ioctl: set mru to 5dc
> > Aug 27 14:57:31 localhost kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap

> > Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 closing.
> > Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost pppd[928]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> > Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost pppd[928]: Modem hangup
> > Aug 27 14:57:33 localhost pppd[928]: Connection terminated.
> > Aug 27 14:57:34 localhost pppd[928]: Exit.
> >
> > The only thing that this suggests to me is perhaps that the "Hangup
> > (SIGHUP)" does _not_ mean that a SIGHUP was received, but rather that
> > was sent to hang up the modem (i.e., it is an effect rather than a
> > In either case, it still isn't at all obvious what causes the essential
> > failure to connect (or, perhaps, "failure to remain connected" is a
> > description).
> No, it's not clear at all.
> I haven't been getting the SIGHUP -- but I imagine that you get this since
> you turned debugging output on? Are you *sure* that pppd isn't receiving a
> SIGHUP? If it *is*, I would have no idea where that might be coming
> -Stephen-

I have been doing some research. In general, ppp problems fall into four
broad areas:

1. physical installation of modem
wrong serial port, it's a winmodem, setserial config needed, IRQ
conflicts,  pnp not set up, linmodem drivers not installed

2. misconfiguration
typos in username, password, chat script; missing info; incorrect DNS

3. authentication
wrong protocol selected, incorrect implementation of PPP on the ISP's
end, weird app behavior (subtle changes in ppp, kppp, etc.)

4. hardware failure
it's just broken

I suspect the trouble here falls into area #3, and there are plenty of posts
to the Mandrake usenet group that mirror this problem. The solution is to
use "debug" and minicom to gather as much ionf about the connection as

Typically, the solutions offered are to try one or more of the following:

Add noauth,  asyncmap 0xa, defaultroute, noipdefault, noccp, nobsdcomp,
novj, novjcomp, noaccomp, nopcomp one at a time to the options file and see
waht happens.
This remind me of my aotu mechanic, but it some

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Dave Lers

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> > Try doing a web search on PMFirewall. I use it myself and it is great!
> > It's also really easy to set up, and easy to customise if you know
> > what you're doing with ports & packet filtering. Sorry I can't
> > remember the URL at the moment.
> George, while I love PMFirewall (it's what I use at home) you may have a
> little trouble with it.  Last I used it, it only checks for an "external"
> interface, and an "internal" interface.  Since it's going to be acting as a
> switch instead of a router (1 NIC card for each machine it's connecting to)
> there will be 3 internals.  PMFirewall doesn't think in terms of multiple
> internal network interfaces.
> It's probably not too difficult to hack in, but you may have better luck
> with something else that can do what you want out of the box.

It's not quite what he want's but this 3-way firewall script might
provide ideas.

[expert] Please Help.

2000-08-28 Thread Sean Armstrong

I have an Intel Pro network card. I was wondering if anyone knows what 
driver I was supposed to use for this ISA card in Linux. Or, does anyone 
know where I can find info telling me which driver to use for which network 
card. I'm currently using Mandrake 7.02.

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Re: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

2000-08-28 Thread Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've read and re-read and re-read the IPCHAINS how-to, and I still can't
>   figure out how to accomplish port forwarding with mandrake 7.1.
> Do a net search on "Trinity OS" and "David Ranch", and do what the man
> says.

There's a lot of reading material on his site.  I was looking at the Trinity OS 
firewall script, and he is still using ipfwadm for port forwarding.  I did see some 
IPchains stuff for forwarding telnet ports, etc, so I'll do some more digging.

I'm really wondering if there is a IPFWADM that I can still use with my 2.2.15-4mdk 
kernel.  I have one on my Mandrake 6.1 box, which I believe is using 2.2.14.

> > On a somewhat related topic, consider this scenerio:
> > 
> > I want a linux box to function sort of like a switch, passing through internet 
>traffic, but isolating each network device
> from another.
> > 
> > Example:
> > eth0 = connection to a Masqing box (192.168.1.x network)
> > eth1 = office 1  (
> > eth2 = office 2  (
> > eth3 = office 3  (
> > 
> > In this box, I want no masquerading to take place.. I want a machine connected to 
>eth1 with an IP of routed
> right out eth0 as the same IP.  Basically just like I had a dumb hub.  The reason 
>for the need for some intelligience here
> is that I don't want Win95 machines in office 1 seeing machines in office 2 using 
>their netbios / whatever protocol.
> > 
> > The reverse obviously has to work: if a packet comes into eth0 for, 
>it should go right out eth3 with that
> same IP.  This means that eth0 will be responding to several IP numbers, not just 
>its own.
> > 
> > If it makes it any easier, I can change eth0's network numbers to be on another 
>network (like 10.0.0.x), but I still need
> the 1:1 mapping.
> > 
> > How/where in IPCHAINS???
> This may not be an IPCHAINS issue at all.
> Try putting each of your divisions onto separate class C "experimental"
> networks:,, etc., with appropriate netmasks. If I
> recall correctly, NetBIOS does name searches with broadcasts, which do not
> cross network boundaries. Make sure that none of the W9x machones have any
> LMHOSTS entries that point to another network.
> You haven't mentioned NT, so I gather you don't have a SMB domain
> server. If you are using SAMBA on the Linux box as a SMB domain name
> server, you may have to tune how it lets machines on one net see machines
> on another net. I don't know anything about using Samba for domain
> resolution, so you are on your own here.
> -- 
> -- C^2

I'm confused.  I'm not running any samba, or any other kind of server.  All I'm trying 
to do is allow (in this example) 3 separate office networks to be "switched" into one 
ethernet cable, which will connect to another MASQ box to the outside world.

1. I don't want office 1's computers to be able to see office 2's computers at all, 
using anything.

2. I need each computer in each office to have its own unique ID on my MASQ box so 
that I can track their usage.  I don't want to have to do the traffic monitoring on 
this box that we are discussing.

3. I am running a DHCP server on this box.  Yes, I can hand out different classes, but 
it needs to come into a single class C (yet with different IPs) going to my masq box.

Clear as mud, right?


[expert] Copying data to another HD

2000-08-28 Thread Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Next question:

I have a Linux system I want to replicate a couple of times.  There is about 350 megs 
worth of data on a 1 gig HD, and I want to copy the data to some 500 meg hard drives.  
None of the disk cloning software wants to let me do this, as my destination is 
smaller than my source.   Since I only have 350 megs total (a little in /boot, 64 megs 
of /swap, and 300 megs of /), I know this should be possible.

I hooked up my 500 meg drive on the unused secondary IDE port, and used the cfdisk 
program to set up the partitions.  Somehow, I managed to mount it (probably the wrong 
way), and copied all data to it.  When I tried booting it, LILO was messed, so I 
booted from Floppy.  It failed in a kernel panic - can't mount root.

What is the easiest way to copy the data from a linux hd to another hd, when the 
destination is a different size than the original?  I can also see needing to do the 
reverse: upgrading to a larger HD on another system.  Is this a painful process?


[expert] makeing an iso

2000-08-28 Thread chadley wilson

Hi list
Heres what I have done about that iso it took a 
while but it works.
The boot disk runs diagnostic software of a 
reputable class of which I'm trained and qualified to use and 
The format of the disk is still unknown to me 
and to avoid being challenge by whats better and best I wont reveal the name of 
the software.
I have made a solution but its not one hundred 
perfect.I think it is because of the size of the 
partion on the stiffy. 720kb
1) dd if=/dev/fd0 
2)save it in your windows dir and check to make 
sure that it is 1440kb big.However my image reads 1802kb in windows
3)download neroburning rom for windows and go to 
the disk propeties with the program and make a bootable cd instead of inserting 
the stiffy choose to use an image file and select your image.
4)please dont burn anything else to the cd because 
you cant read the disk under windows or linux.
you can create copies of the disk with adaptecs 
easy cd creator that comes with most makes of cd writer.
I have tried burning copoies with xcdroast and 
gtoaster and they both crash.
thanks for all the help
Kind Regards
Chadley Wilson
Technical Manager Wil-Sun PC Suppot cc

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread D. R. Evans

Hash: SHA1

On 28 Aug 00, at 12:56, Hoyt wrote:

> 1. physical installation of modem
> wrong serial port, it's a winmodem, setserial config needed, IRQ
> conflicts,  pnp not set up, linmodem drivers not installed

Nope. Modem works fine. I can talk to the device, dial out manually, all 
the usual stuff. (And of course it's still working OK under Windows.)

> 2. misconfiguration
> typos in username, password, chat script; missing info; incorrect DNS
> config

Been through all this multiple times, and also have invoked pppd several 
ways. I couldn't have made the same mistake everywhere.

> 3. authentication
> wrong protocol selected, incorrect implementation of PPP on the ISP's
> end, weird app behavior (subtle changes in ppp, kppp, etc.)

No authorization necessary. After going through the usual vanilla script 
logon manually (which works fine) I see the ppp packets coming from the 
other end. In fact, if I understand the messages in /var/log/messages 
correctly (always a big IF) ppp actually correctly sets several 
configuration parameters and completes the set of initial handshakes. It 
only dies _after_ that. I think.

And, of course, Windows is working just fine.

> 4. hardware failure
> it's just broken

Again, don't see how, if only because Windows is happy.

> I suspect the trouble here falls into area #3, and there are plenty of posts
> to the Mandrake usenet group that mirror this problem. The solution is to
> use "debug" and minicom to gather as much ionf about the connection as
> possible.

'Tis indeed the most likely. I bet that there's some weird trivial 
configuration parameter that has somehow got tweaked.

> Typically, the solutions offered are to try one or more of the following:
> Add noauth,  asyncmap 0xa, defaultroute, noipdefault, noccp, nobsdcomp,
> novj, novjcomp, noaccomp, nopcomp one at a time to the options file and see
> waht happens.
> This remind me of my aotu mechanic, but it sometimes works.

Will do this. noauth, defaultroute are already there.

> Try using a different authentication protocol (ie, CHAP instead of PAP).

Well, doesn't "noauth" turn all this stuff off? I mean, I don't have any 
kind of a shared secret with my ISP, just the usual password at login time, 
so I don't see that any kind of further authentication is needed or even 

> Change to a scripted login.

Not sure exactly what you mean. That's how I was logging in when the 
problem first appeared.

> Use something besides kppp (linuxconf, gppp, wvdial or configure the scripts
> by hand -- the problem is that only gppp and by hand supports CHAP if you
> need it, but the others can be forced to use it also).

I've been doing it by hand, since that seems like the "closest to the 
metal" with less of a chance for something else to get in the way.
> Change to a different ISP.

I don't think its their fault. I'll check with some other Linux users in 
the area, but I doubt that US West has been stupid enough (although I admit 
that they certainly do some pretty stupid things) to break Linux access.

I'm not trying to put down any of the suggestions; just trying to explain 
where things stand. I tried a LOT of things before posting the request for 
help. (I mean, how hard can this stuff be, right?)

> ___
> Well, here are some web resources:
> The PPP page at MandrakeUser.Org has some suggestions.

First place I looked.

I'll try the other suggestions. Most of the documentation I've come across 
is about getting the modem configured correctly and/or being able to talk 
to the modem through the serial port, etc. All that seems to be working 

> Let's throw our collective efforts behind this. There are too many unsolved
> posts about this problem.

It's going to turn out to be something really, really stupid. I just know 

  Doc Evans

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: Key obtainable from servers: ID 0x362912B8



The last of the Chronicles of the Three Lands, "Phendric", 
has been published:

RE: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

2000-08-28 Thread Eric Peters

Ok what is your internal network addressing like? 192.168...ect... And what
is your ip address I will build you a custom ipcains script that will
forward and masq. I also need to know if you are a dsl or cable modem user.
@home has some stuff that I need to add.

Eric Peters Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator Network Operations
Inherent Technologies Inc. 
office (503)224-6751 ext 224

-Original Message-
From: Bob Puff@NLE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've read and re-read and re-read the IPCHAINS how-to, and I still can't
>   figure out how to accomplish port forwarding with mandrake 7.1.
> Do a net search on "Trinity OS" and "David Ranch", and do what the man
> says.

There's a lot of reading material on his site.  I was looking at the Trinity
OS firewall script, and he is still using ipfwadm for port forwarding.  I
did see some IPchains stuff for forwarding telnet ports, etc, so I'll do
some more digging.

I'm really wondering if there is a IPFWADM that I can still use with my
2.2.15-4mdk kernel.  I have one on my Mandrake 6.1 box, which I believe is
using 2.2.14.

> > On a somewhat related topic, consider this scenerio:
> > 
> > I want a linux box to function sort of like a switch, passing through
internet traffic, but isolating each network device
> from another.
> > 
> > Example:
> > eth0 = connection to a Masqing box (192.168.1.x network)
> > eth1 = office 1  (
> > eth2 = office 2  (
> > eth3 = office 3  (
> > 
> > In this box, I want no masquerading to take place.. I want a machine
connected to eth1 with an IP of routed
> right out eth0 as the same IP.  Basically just like I had a dumb hub.  The
reason for the need for some intelligience here
> is that I don't want Win95 machines in office 1 seeing machines in office
2 using their netbios / whatever protocol.
> > 
> > The reverse obviously has to work: if a packet comes into eth0 for, it should go right out eth3 with that
> same IP.  This means that eth0 will be responding to several IP numbers,
not just its own.
> > 
> > If it makes it any easier, I can change eth0's network numbers to be on
another network (like 10.0.0.x), but I still need
> the 1:1 mapping.
> > 
> > How/where in IPCHAINS???
> This may not be an IPCHAINS issue at all.
> Try putting each of your divisions onto separate class C "experimental"
> networks:,, etc., with appropriate netmasks. If I
> recall correctly, NetBIOS does name searches with broadcasts, which do not
> cross network boundaries. Make sure that none of the W9x machones have any
> LMHOSTS entries that point to another network.
> You haven't mentioned NT, so I gather you don't have a SMB domain
> server. If you are using SAMBA on the Linux box as a SMB domain name
> server, you may have to tune how it lets machines on one net see machines
> on another net. I don't know anything about using Samba for domain
> resolution, so you are on your own here.
> -- 
> -- C^2

I'm confused.  I'm not running any samba, or any other kind of server.  All
I'm trying to do is allow (in this example) 3 separate office networks to be
"switched" into one ethernet cable, which will connect to another MASQ box
to the outside world.

1. I don't want office 1's computers to be able to see office 2's computers
at all, using anything.

2. I need each computer in each office to have its own unique ID on my MASQ
box so that I can track their usage.  I don't want to have to do the traffic
monitoring on this box that we are discussing.

3. I am running a DHCP server on this box.  Yes, I can hand out different
classes, but it needs to come into a single class C (yet with different IPs)
going to my masq box.

Clear as mud, right?


Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread D. R. Evans

Hash: SHA1

More info on the still-unsolved ppp problem (in the hope that a light will 
flash on over someone's head!):

1. The messages in the /var/log/messages file are completely reproducable.

2. After trying to bring up the link, ifconfig says:

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 

I don't knwo if there's a way to get more info from ifconfig, but the above 
_appears_ to be reasonable (from what little I know about this stuff).

3. The command line I'm using (to get rid of One More Variable -- kppp) 
looks like this:

pppd connect 'chat -v "" ATDT3034427097 CONNECT "" name: n7dr word: 
' /dev/modem 115200 debug crtscts defaultroute

The above is all on one line, and seems to give exactly the same result as 
kppp. (/dev/modem points to /dev/ttyS4, which is the correct device.)

4. Someone suggested that I try executing "ifup ppp0" as root. I couldn't 
find a man page on "ifup" but I tried it anyway. Got exactly the same set 
of error messages in the system log.

5. Someone else suggested I try ezppp. I'm going to go find that now and 
try to install & run it later today. Can't say I'm hopeful, but I don't 
have any other brilliant ideas (or even any stupid ones).

  Doc Evans

On 27 Aug 00, at 13:38, D. R. Evans wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> 0. Running Mandrake 7.0, with no substantive changes (no kernel builds, 
> etc.)
> 1. For months, I have had no kppp/ppp/pppd have seemed to work perfectly.
> 2. Several days passed when I didn't use them. (They worked fine last 
> Tuesday; but on Saturday, disaster).
> 3. Now, whatever I do, pppd dies at some point during the opening 
> negotiation.
> This is the most verbose version of the log that I can get:
> Aug 27 12:47:33 localhost chat[989]: expect (CONNECT)
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: ATDT3034427097^M^M
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: CONNECT
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]:  -- got it 
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: send (^M)
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]: expect (name:)
> Aug 27 12:47:53 localhost chat[989]:  26400/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: User Access Verification^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: Username:
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]:  -- got it 
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: send (n7dr^M)
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: expect (word:)
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]:  ^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: Username: n7dr^M
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: Password:
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]:  -- got it 
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost chat[989]: send (^M)
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost pppd[988]: Serial connection established.
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost pppd[988]: Using interface ppp0
> Aug 27 12:47:54 localhost pppd[988]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
> Aug 27 12:47:56 localhost pppd[988]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> Aug 27 12:47:56 localhost pppd[988]: Modem hangup
> Aug 27 12:47:56 localhost pppd[988]: Connection terminated.
> Aug 27 12:47:57 localhost pppd[988]: Exit.
> The "Hangup (SIGHUP)" is what seems to be the problem. I assume that this 
> means that _something_ is sending pppd a SIGHUP, but what could it possibly 
> be???
> 4. Booting under Windows, PPP works perfectly.
> 5. If I manually talk to the serial port, I can dial the phone and log in, 
> and see the ppp initialization packets coming. Eventually (since I can't 
> send the right packets back when I am pretending to be an ordinary 
> terminal) the phone line hangs up, but only after about 20 seconds. As you 
> can see from the log, the ppp daemon is dying after only a couple of 
> seconds.
> 6. Exactly the same happens if I do a command-line invocation of pppd/chat 
> (in fact, that's how I got the error log).
> I'm less bothered by the fact that what used to work is no longer working 
> (hey! I'm used to Windows, where that sort of thing happens all the time) 
> than I am by the fact that I've spent several hours now, and haven't made 
> any progress in getting this to work. (Amongst other things, I have 
> reinstalled ppp and kppp, but that had no effect. I also tweaked every 
> parameter I thought reasonable, and nothing improved the situation.)
> So I'm well and truly stumped.
> Any suggestions as to things to try are MOST WELCOME.
>   Doc Evans
> Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
> Comment: Key obtainable from servers: ID 0x362912B8
> IqfjkBpcumOJEoUq9uvkK4FR
> =kDmZ

Re: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

2000-08-28 Thread Benjamin Reed

> I'm really wondering if there is a IPFWADM that I can
> still use with my 2.2.15-4mdk kernel.  I have one on my
> Mandrake 6.1 box, which I believe is using 2.2.14.

I believe you use 'ipmasqadm' instead, which (I thought) was the 2.2.x
version of ipfwadm.  Or, at least, It Works For Me (TM).


Fight the InterNIC!

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Stephen Bosch

Hi, Doc:

> 3. The command line I'm using (to get rid of One More Variable -- kppp)
> looks like this:
> pppd connect 'chat -v "" ATDT3034427097 CONNECT "" name: n7dr word:
> ' /dev/modem 115200 debug crtscts defaultroute
> The above is all on one line, and seems to give exactly the same result as
> kppp. (/dev/modem points to /dev/ttyS4, which is the correct device.)

Meaning it works, right?

It looks like only scripted pppd connections fail -- I had the same thing
happen; on my box, kppp works fine.

> 4. Someone suggested that I try executing "ifup ppp0" as root. I couldn't
> find a man page on "ifup" but I tried it anyway. Got exactly the same set
> of error messages in the system log.

This problem has got to be in pppd...
> 5. Someone else suggested I try ezppp. I'm going to go find that now and
> try to install & run it later today. Can't say I'm hopeful, but I don't
> have any other brilliant ideas (or even any stupid ones).


But does ezppp do demand dialing? *sigh*

None of these options look like a real solution... something strange has
happened somewhere...


RE: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

2000-08-28 Thread Yacketta,Ronald J

why go through all this trouble to reinvent the wheel?
hop on and get pmfirewall it wil take care of this for


-Original Message-
From: Eric Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

I forgot to ask you. I need to also know what interface is to your internal
network and what interface is to the internet.

For example:

eth0=Internal net
eth1=Internet or link to the outside world.

Eric Peters Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator Network Operations
Inherent Technologies Inc. 
office (503)224-6751 ext 224

-Original Message-
From: Eric Peters 
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

Ok what is your internal network addressing like? 192.168...ect... And what
is your ip address I will build you a custom ipcains script that will
forward and masq. I also need to know if you are a dsl or cable modem user.
@home has some stuff that I need to add.

Eric Peters Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator Network Operations
Inherent Technologies Inc. 
office (503)224-6751 ext 224

-Original Message-
From: Bob Puff@NLE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've read and re-read and re-read the IPCHAINS how-to, and I still can't
>   figure out how to accomplish port forwarding with mandrake 7.1.
> Do a net search on "Trinity OS" and "David Ranch", and do what the man
> says.

There's a lot of reading material on his site.  I was looking at the Trinity
OS firewall script, and he is still using ipfwadm for port forwarding.  I
did see some IPchains stuff for forwarding telnet ports, etc, so I'll do
some more digging.

I'm really wondering if there is a IPFWADM that I can still use with my
2.2.15-4mdk kernel.  I have one on my Mandrake 6.1 box, which I believe is
using 2.2.14.

> > On a somewhat related topic, consider this scenerio:
> > 
> > I want a linux box to function sort of like a switch, passing through
internet traffic, but isolating each network device
> from another.
> > 
> > Example:
> > eth0 = connection to a Masqing box (192.168.1.x network)
> > eth1 = office 1  (
> > eth2 = office 2  (
> > eth3 = office 3  (
> > 
> > In this box, I want no masquerading to take place.. I want a machine
connected to eth1 with an IP of routed
> right out eth0 as the same IP.  Basically just like I had a dumb hub.  The
reason for the need for some intelligience here
> is that I don't want Win95 machines in office 1 seeing machines in office
2 using their netbios / whatever protocol.
> > 
> > The reverse obviously has to work: if a packet comes into eth0 for, it should go right out eth3 with that
> same IP.  This means that eth0 will be responding to several IP numbers,
not just its own.
> > 
> > If it makes it any easier, I can change eth0's network numbers to be on
another network (like 10.0.0.x), but I still need
> the 1:1 mapping.
> > 
> > How/where in IPCHAINS???
> This may not be an IPCHAINS issue at all.
> Try putting each of your divisions onto separate class C "experimental"
> networks:,, etc., with appropriate netmasks. If I
> recall correctly, NetBIOS does name searches with broadcasts, which do not
> cross network boundaries. Make sure that none of the W9x machones have any
> LMHOSTS entries that point to another network.
> You haven't mentioned NT, so I gather you don't have a SMB domain
> server. If you are using SAMBA on the Linux box as a SMB domain name
> server, you may have to tune how it lets machines on one net see machines
> on another net. I don't know anything about using Samba for domain
> resolution, so you are on your own here.
> -- 
> -- C^2

I'm confused.  I'm not running any samba, or any other kind of server.  All
I'm trying to do is allow (in this example) 3 separate office networks to be
"switched" into one ethernet cable, which will connect to another MASQ box
to the outside world.

1. I don't want office 1's computers to be able to see office 2's computers
at all, using anything.

2. I need each computer in each office to have its own unique ID on my MASQ
box so that I can track their usage.  I don't want to have to do the traffic
monitoring on this box that we are discussing.

3. I am running a DHCP server on this box.  Yes, I can hand out different
classes, but it needs to come into 

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Stephen Bosch


> I have been doing some research. In general, ppp problems fall into four
> broad areas:
> 1. physical installation of modem
> wrong serial port, it's a winmodem, setserial config needed, IRQ
> conflicts,  pnp not set up, linmodem drivers not installed

Modem works fine. It's been recognized by the system; it works with kppp
without troubles; if I launch pppd manually from the command line it works

> 2. misconfiguration
> typos in username, password, chat script; missing info; incorrect DNS
> config

Nothing changed there. As I said, it works fine in kppp. I've been over the
config stuff 20 times...

I should note that we started having failures after a dirty shutdown -- but
I have NO idea where to look for damage...

> 3. authentication
> wrong protocol selected, incorrect implementation of PPP on the ISP's
> end, weird app behavior (subtle changes in ppp, kppp, etc.)

But why does it work when you don't run it from the script?

> 4. hardware failure
> it's just broken

Doesn't seem likely - the hardware works with everything else...

> I suspect the trouble here falls into area #3, and there are plenty of
> to the Mandrake usenet group that mirror this problem. The solution is to
> use "debug" and minicom to gather as much ionf about the connection as
> possible.

You're probably right... but it's all very nebulous... somebody has got to
know more about what's going on here...

And again -- that SIGHUP is damn peculiar -- who is sending it?


Re: [expert] Please Help.

2000-08-28 Thread Asheesh Laroia

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Sean Armstrong wrote:

> I have an Intel Pro network card. I was wondering if anyone knows what 
> driver I was supposed to use for this ISA card in Linux.

Sorry.  Never used an ISA anything in Linux.

> Or, does anyone know where I can find info telling me which driver to
> use for which network card. I'm currently using Mandrake 7.02.

Well, go to and search for the Networking-HOWTO.  Do a
search on for the model number, as well as a
search on for it.

Good luck!

For more help, just ask, I guess.

- Asheesh Laroia.

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Private?  Given their track record. . . .

> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 

Share even more than you thought you were sharing!  Using Microsoft's
patented "Cross-Indexing TM" approach, we can find out where you live from
your name and middle initial!


He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Andrew George

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Stephen Bosch wrote:

> Hi, Doc:
> > 3. The command line I'm using (to get rid of One More Variable -- kppp)
> > looks like this:
> >
> > pppd connect 'chat -v "" ATDT3034427097 CONNECT "" name: n7dr word:
> > ' /dev/modem 115200 debug crtscts defaultroute
> >
> > The above is all on one line, and seems to give exactly the same result as
> > kppp. (/dev/modem points to /dev/ttyS4, which is the correct device.)
> Meaning it works, right?
> It looks like only scripted pppd connections fail -- I had the same thing
> happen; on my box, kppp works fine.
> > 4. Someone suggested that I try executing "ifup ppp0" as root. I couldn't
> > find a man page on "ifup" but I tried it anyway. Got exactly the same set
> > of error messages in the system log.
> This problem has got to be in pppd...
> >
> > 5. Someone else suggested I try ezppp. I'm going to go find that now and
> > try to install & run it later today. Can't say I'm hopeful, but I don't
> > have any other brilliant ideas (or even any stupid ones).
Ok Obvious questions
Did you change anything shortly before it went ga-ga?
have you checked permissions on  chat, pppd, /dev/ttys4 and /dev/modem?


[expert] Re: [expert] Filenames with Umlauts (ä,ö,ü) on FAT Partitions

2000-08-28 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 04:39:28PM -0700, Gavin Clark wrote:
> It is a translation problem.

Thought so.  But by mounting the FS with the correct codepage (850) aren't I
forcing Linux to use the "correct" (as far is Windows is concerned)
translation table?  If not, what's this mount option good for then?  And I
think I can remember that when I used Red Hat I didn't have these problems,
so I suspect that I'm doing something wrong.  But what?

> Windows, Mac and UNIX all have different codes for diacriticals and most

(My German) Windows is using codepage 850 "fonts", that's why I mount the FS
under Linux with this codepage.

> I would also guess that the console doesn't have a font with umlauts anyway.

No, the console has umlaut'ed fonts.

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

[expert] ata100 drives

2000-08-28 Thread Doug McGarrett

I am aware that an announcement last June said that Linux
is supporting ata100 drives.  Can anyone tell me if the
ata100 software is already in place in any distro, or 
what version of the kernel supports it?  (I just got
a new mobo with ata100 cpability, and of course I bought 
a drive to match, without really thinking about this
situation.)  TIA --doug

[expert] Re: [expert]Re: [expert] Configuration de monréseau avec DHCP

2000-08-28 Thread Stephen Bosch

Bonjour, Pierre:

> Bonjour Stephen,
> après avoir majoritairement essayé de régler le problème via Drakconf,
> j'ai mis les mains dans /etc/hosts et il me semble que losrque je
> mettais le nom de ma machine je l'accompagnais de son IP. J'ai donc
> suivi ton conseil et j'ai donc rajouté le nom de ma machine sans son IP.
> Cela ne marche toujours pas. Il y a une subtilité qui m'échappe sur ce
> coup la.

Ben, il me parait qu'il existe d'erreurs dans ton /etc/hosts. Peux-tu me le
montrer? Mets-le dans ton prochain courrier...

/etc/hosts sans des IP ne sert a rien =)


Re: [expert] cron for users

2000-08-28 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 07:52:05AM +1000, Andrew George wrote:
> run crontab -e 
> then you get a VI style screen to put in your cron entries

Not necissarily VI.  crontab -e starts the editor set in the EDITOR or
VISUAL environment variable, IOW: the default editor.  And only if these are
unset vi is started.

> I'm not even sure what crontab myfile.txt would do

Neither do I :-)

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

Re: [expert] Where are ALL the SRPMS?

2000-08-28 Thread Alexander Skwar

On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 12:58:11AM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> Hi,
>   I've searched the archives of the mailing lists and seen this question 
> arise several times but it doesn't seem to have ever been answered 
> properly! Either the question has been ignored or the link provided isn't 
> any use. The SRPMS directory on the mirror sites only has about 100 
> packages. Can anyone tell me where all the others are? Thanks,

Dunno what you're talking about, the main mirror at contains
right now 936 SRPMS.  Don't know, but it seems like you're using a quite
outdated mirror.

Alexander Skwar
Homepage: |
Sichere Mail?   Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys

Re: [expert] ata100 drives

2000-08-28 Thread Cecil Watson
- Original Message - 
From: "Doug McGarrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 9:57 PM
Subject: [expert] ata100 drives

> I am aware that an announcement last June said that Linux
> is supporting ata100 drives.  Can anyone tell me if the
> ata100 software is already in place in any distro, or 
> what version of the kernel supports it?  (I just got
> a new mobo with ata100 cpability, and of course I bought 
> a drive to match, without really thinking about this
> situation.)  TIA --doug

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Asheesh Laroia

Quick question about the SIGHUP:

Only root can send signals to root processes, right?  So, reboot in
single-user mode, then try pppd.  See if it still gets the SIGHUP.

I mean, if there are no other programs, it *should* work, right?  There
are no programs ('cept the kernel!) to give it the SIGHUP, so I imagine
it probably won't get it.

I hope this is turns out to be useful!

Good luck!

-- Asheesh.

[expert] Connection between lpd, named, portmap

2000-08-28 Thread Ellick Chan

I have a friend who runs a Linux system who for some reason, unknown to
either of us, either turned the execute flag off on lpd, named, and
portmap, automatically, or was broken into. Can anyone see a possible
connection whether it was perhaps done by a daemon, or if an attacker had
broken in, and changed the logs?

I'm as baffled as he is in this, but it would be more re-assuring if
someone could make a connection as to why these three would have the exec
flag removed.


Ellick Chan

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread D. R. Evans

Hash: SHA1

On 29 Aug 00, at 7:50, Andrew George wrote:

> Ok Obvious questions

No question is too obvious for me to fail to think of it.

In this case, however:

> Did you change anything shortly before it went ga-ga?


> have you checked permissions on  chat, pppd, /dev/ttys4 and /dev/modem?


I now have a request into USWest tech support. At this point I am about 85% 
that they've done something at their end. Although what, I have no idea.

I do still need to try the process of adding options to the options file 
one at a time, though.

  Doc Evans

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: Key obtainable from servers: ID 0x362912B8



The last of the Chronicles of the Three Lands, "Phendric", 
has been published:

R: [expert] SIS 9326 AGP dont work find whit Mandrake 6.1

2000-08-28 Thread Giopt

Unfortunally I used to use the to find the drive you need but
unfortunally the site is for sale (bad luck)
but i'm sure that sys made a drive for linux so keep on searching i found
apart from thet I belive that the latest releases of X should work whith
your chip (chop.
by by :)
- Original Message -
From: Maximo Monsalvo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 3:06 PM
Subject: [expert] SIS 9326 AGP dont work find whit Mandrake 6.1

> I have installed mandrke 6.1 on mather board PC CHIPS M717 whit Video Card
> onboard AGP 9326
> and this is detected find but the imagin is bad. Exist some upgrade ?

Re: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

2000-08-28 Thread Dave Lers

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > 
> > > I've read and re-read and re-read the IPCHAINS how-to, and I still can't
> >   figure out how to accomplish port forwarding with mandrake 7.1.
> > 
> > Do a net search on "Trinity OS" and "David Ranch", and do what the man
> > says.
> > 
> There's a lot of reading material on his site.  I was looking at the Trinity OS 
>firewall script, and he is still using ipfwadm for port forwarding.  

He's using ipmasqadm portfw (all the docs I've found recommend this
method) in

Mandrake has portfw as a module. It seems to work like any masq
module, add it in the firewall script or load from console.

#modprobe ip_masq_portfw

#lsmod then shows
Module  Size  Used by
ip_masq_portfw  2628   0  (unused)  

I haven't tried using it so I don't know if that's all you need. I've
been frustrated with the docs I have found.

Re: [expert] Eterm settings

2000-08-28 Thread kaygee

/usr/X11R6/share/Eterm/themes/Eterm/MAIN on my FreeBSD box w/ X3.3.6

There's ease of use and then there's ease of usefulness.
Choose usefulness. Choose Linux.

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, JP Sartre wrote:

> Hi folks. I figured most of my other problems out. Now I have an
> interesting situation. I saved my settings in Eterm thinking it applied to
> just one window, anb now it affects my global settings. Basically, I can't
> use my Eterm. I was wondering if anyone knew when Eterm saved these
> settings so that I can "reset" them? Any thoughts?
> JP

Re: [expert] Another IPCHAINS question

2000-08-28 Thread Greg Stewart

Actually, pmfirewall, will configure masquerading and firewall ipchains
rule, but it doesn't handle ipmasqadm rules without intervention.


> why go through all this trouble to reinvent the wheel?
> hop on and get pmfirewall it wil take care of this for
> you.
> Regards,
> Ron

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [expert] Copying data to another HD

2000-08-28 Thread Ellick Chan

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Bob Puff@NLE wrote:

> Next question:
> I have a Linux system I want to replicate a couple of times.  There is about 350 
>megs worth of data on a 1 gig HD, and I want to copy the data to some 500 meg hard 
>drives.  None of the disk cloning software wants to let me do this, as my destination 
>is smaller than my source.   Since I only have 350 megs total (a little in /boot, 64 
>megs of /swap, and 300 megs of /), I know this should be possible.
> I hooked up my 500 meg drive on the unused secondary IDE port, and used the cfdisk 
>program to set up the partitions.  Somehow, I managed to mount it (probably the wrong 
>way), and copied all data to it.  When I tried booting it, LILO was messed, so I 
>booted from Floppy.  It failed in a kernel panic - can't mount root.
> What is the easiest way to copy the data from a linux hd to another hd, when the 
>destination is a different size than the original?  I can also see needing to do the 
>reverse: upgrading to a larger HD on another system.  Is this a painful process?
> Bob

Boot off a floppy distro, or a CD based distro such demolinux, Then, use cp, mc, or anything you wish to copy to the
new drive, and remember to re-run lilo on it.


Ellick Chan
Aug 28

RE: [expert] Console manipulation of RPMs

2000-08-28 Thread Zaleski, Matthew (M.E.)

That's the command set I'm looking for!  I would've never figured out the
--queryformat feature without a lot of research.  I tested it this weekend
and it worked.  Thanks.

It's a long story but I couldn't do the remote X deal without some major
work given my existing set of machines.  I do find that process intrigueing
and I will try to do the remote X scheme once I've got more functional Linux
boxes going.


> -Original Message-
> From: Tony McGee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Console manipulation of RPMs
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, flupke pushed some tiny letters in this order:
> > 
> > If it can help you, I'll tell you already that you can list all the
> > package from a certain group with the "-g" option :
> >   rpm -qg Applications/Text
> > 
> You create a list of all the groups on your system you can run:
> rpm -qa --queryformat "%{GROUP}\n" | sort | uniq > $HOME/groups.txt
> check out man rpm for more info on the query tags (rpm 
> --querytags). They're
> great for scripting.

Re: [expert] Can Not connect DHCPCD failed Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Thread Jeff Hoffman


Thank you...

Found out that the driver for my cards is not yet part of std dist. of
Mandrake.  I am using 3c905B cards.  Found the driver but still can not get
ifconfig to recognize the device?

New attachments...

David Mihm wrote:

> On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Jeff Hoffman wrote:
> > I am having trouble connecting with DHCPCD with Mandrake 7.1.  Dmesg
> > gives me a warning about both ethernet cards at IRQ 0.  My PNP OS is set
> > to NO.  lspci see the cards. and eth1 says it comes up fine.  However
> > ifconfig only shows the lo device.  Any ideas?
> First, these are PCI cards, therefore isapnp (ISA) has nothing to do with
> anything.  Secondly, this is a known issue with these cards and it is
> covered in the Ethernet HOWTO
> (, specifically on this
> page/section -
> .
> p.s. HOWTOs are your friend. :)
> --
> | d a v i d  @  m i h m
> | dmihm  @
> | webmaster  @
> | ftpmaster  @
> | dmihm  @
> --


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Jeff Hoffman

[expert] XFree86-4.0.1 and junkbuster-2.0.2

2000-08-28 Thread Jack Morris

I just updated Mandrake 7.1 to XFree86-4.0.1 and Netscape-4.75 using
MandrakeUpDate (latest version) (also with all dependencies satisfied by
UpDate), but when I restarted my system XFree would not start.
Long-story-short, I reinstalled Mandrake from the CD, and everything seemed to
work except junkbuster. So I reintalled junkbuster and I again lost XFree. It
seems that I just can't use junkbuster with XFree86-4.0.1. Has any one seen
anything like this before??

Also, I have now discovered that KONSOLE no longer works. I haven't done an
exhaustive check, but haven't found anything else not working - yet.

Regards, Jack Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Linux - offering BETTER windows on the world!

Re: [expert] Eterm settings

2000-08-28 Thread JP Sartre

Problem solved. Thanks a million!! :)

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, kaygee wrote:

> /usr/X11R6/share/Eterm/themes/Eterm/MAIN on my FreeBSD box w/ X3.3.6
> Keith
> --
> There's ease of use and then there's ease of usefulness.
> Choose usefulness. Choose Linux.
> On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, JP Sartre wrote:
> > 
> > Hi folks. I figured most of my other problems out. Now I have an
> > interesting situation. I saved my settings in Eterm thinking it applied to
> > just one window, anb now it affects my global settings. Basically, I can't
> > use my Eterm. I was wondering if anyone knew when Eterm saved these
> > settings so that I can "reset" them? Any thoughts?
> > 
> > JP
> > 
> > 

Re: [expert] Copying data to another HD

2000-08-28 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 28-Aug-00 by Bob Puff@NLE:

> me do this, as my destination is smaller than my source.

Corect, cloning software requires an identical drive.

> Since I only have 350 megs total (a little in /boot, 64 megs of /swap, and
> 300 megs of /), I know this should be possible.

It's easy, if fact :)

> I hooked up my 500 meg drive on the unused secondary IDE port, and used the
> cfdisk program to set up the partitions.  Somehow, I managed to mount it
> (probably the wrong way), and copied all data to it.  When I tried booting
> it, LILO was messed, so I booted from Floppy.  It failed in a kernel panic
> - can't mount root.

Your root partition is in a different physical location now, and the boot
floppy was built for the old one.  Pass root=/dev/hd?? (replace the question
marks with the correct device info) at the lilo prompt.

> What is the easiest way to copy the data from a linux hd to another hd,
> when the destination is a different size than the original?  

It has been my experience that cpio works wonderfully:

find / -print | cpio -p --preserve-modification-time --make-directories --dot \

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Familiarity breeds contempt.
  -- Publius Syrus (42 B.C.), Maxim 640 

[expert] Re: [MandrakeForum] Multi-colored Fonts

2000-08-28 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 06:48:24 -0700, you wrote:

>COMMENT: I guess this is a joke. I never saw rainbow-colored fonts under Linux, I 
>think X does not even have a support such a thing. And I am quite sure our manuals 
>are mostly BW. If I could only answer using such fonts to people who send me mails in 
>word format... ;-)) 

Mon, 28 Aug 2000  21:28:55

Well it is no joke to me, I have also had this problem with PDF files
likely written with linux programs, being read with adobe in MS
windows...I have skirted the issue by transfering the files to linux
and reading them there with linux tools.

Perhaps the description of multicolored fonts that you say X
dosn't support is what is throwing you off here...the fonts do appear
to be multicolored but actually they are triple randitions of the font
superimposed in red, green ,blue, rather than true multicolor?
although the fonts are rendered they are offset just enough to make a

Olly P

[expert] Can I tell the kernel to always fsck the root?

2000-08-28 Thread Asheesh Laroia

Is there a lilo boot option to the 2.2 kernel that makes it always fsck
the root partition?  I'm kinda paranoid, and I like my root partition to
be known clean.

Thanks in advance.  A one-line response email is fine.

-- Asheesh Laroia.

A Parable of Modern Research:

Bob has lost his keys in a room which is dark except for one
brightly lit corner.
"Why are you looking under the light, you lost them in the dark!"
"I can only see here."

[expert] Xfree 4.01 problem...

2000-08-28 Thread Patrick Mayer


After fighting a while with Xfree 4.0 that came with Mdk7.1 (I could
only  get a screen full of garbage), I've managed to install Xfree 4.01
by using the binary tar balls provided by However, I have a
new problem: the graphical login does not function properly anymore: kdm
appears (with the X background) with all options but I cannot launch KDE
or any other window manager from there. I can only startx from the
prompt (runlevel 3) and I only get TWM, which is far from ideal. Does
anyone have any insight about how to make the graphical login functional
again, as well as the other window managers, short of reinstalling 3.3.6

Thank you for your time!!!

Re: [expert] Copying data to another HD

2000-08-28 Thread Matthew Micene

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > What is the easiest way to copy the data from a linux hd to another hd,
> > when the destination is a different size than the original?  

My favorite:
(cd src/ && tar cf - .) | (cd dest/ $$ tar xvf -)

where src/ and dest/ are replaced by the directories/mount
points/filesystems you wish to copy.  I use it for moving partitions
around all the time.

Matthew Micene
Systems Development Manager
Express Search Inc.
matt at expresssearch dot com
A host is a host from coast to coast,
and no one will talk to a host too close
Unless the host that isn't close is busy, hung or dead

Re: [expert] Copying data to another HD

2000-08-28 Thread Matthew Micene

Ahh .. the joys of posting without proofreading

The proper command line *should* read:
(cd src/ && tar cf - . ) | (cd dest/ && tar xvf -)

replacing the $$ in the first post with && ... this will actually work
instead of throwing odd errors at the command line :)

Matthew Micene
Systems Development Manager
Express Search Inc.
matt at expressearch dot com
A host is a host from coast to coast,
and no one will talk to a host too close
Unless the host that isn't close is busy, hung or dead

Re: [expert] pppd dying unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 28-Aug-00 by Stephen Bosch:

> And again -- that SIGHUP is damn peculiar -- who is sending it?

I suspect that that is modem generated.  Every modem i have ever owned
generates a SIGHUP when the other end hangs up on it.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.  Inside of a dog, it is too
dark to read.

Re: [expert] Xfree 4.01 problem...

2000-08-28 Thread Kelley Terry

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> After fighting a while with Xfree 4.0 that came with Mdk7.1 (I could
> only  get a screen full of garbage), I've managed to install Xfree 4.01
> by using the binary tar balls provided by However, I have a
> new problem: the graphical login does not function properly anymore: kdm
> appears (with the X background) with all options but I cannot launch KDE
> or any other window manager from there. I can only startx from the
> prompt (runlevel 3) and I only get TWM, which is far from ideal. Does
> anyone have any insight about how to make the graphical login functional
> again, as well as the other window managers, short of reinstalling 3.3.6
> ?
> Thank you for your time!!!
I had a similar problem - I had to re-install x4.01 with the tarballs from before i could even get x to work at all.  I had to edit my 
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file to remove the twm login and the 2
terminals and the clock at the end.  I replaced them with just 'kde'.  Then
when I tried using kdm the everything looked fine until you hit go.  It just
returned you to the original kdm login screen ( just reset the fields).  
The big break came when I installed the
xinitrc.rpm from cooker.  It restored the xinitrc back
to the way it's suppose to be.  kdm works just great 

Re: [expert] Can I tell the kernel to always fsck the root?

2000-08-28 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message -
From: "Asheesh Laroia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:38 PM
Subject: [expert] Can I tell the kernel to always fsck the root?

> Is there a lilo boot option to the 2.2 kernel that makes it always fsck
> the root partition?  I'm kinda paranoid, and I like my root partition to
> be known clean.
> Thanks in advance.  A one-line response email is fine.

You could modify the startup script to do it for you. You'll need to use the
option to fsck that forces fsck to do it.


[expert] 7.0/7.1 and USB support for Linksys ethernet dvice

2000-08-28 Thread Hoyt

Is the USB backport included in the Mandrake-patched kernels for these

In particular, I'm looking for support for a Linksys USB ethernet device
that uses the pegasus driver.


Re: [expert] Mandrake + Xfree 4.01 Problem!!!

2000-08-28 Thread TriOptimum

Ok.. i visited the site.. then i visited the mandrake cooker site.. and they
told me to do a
wget something command to get the cooker site mirrored..
the wget command only create a symlink in my root dir..

Now what i have to do to get a cooker avaible rpms list???
I would like not to download the sigle rpms manually.. and i'd like to
download them like with madrakeUpdate..
So how can i get the RpmDrake to work with the cooker site to show me the
avaiable rpms to download?
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Howes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Mandrake + Xfree 4.01 Problem!!!

> TriOptimum wrote:
> >
> > Where can i find the rpm version of xfree 4.01??? From i was
> > to find only the tar files.. :-(
> >
> --
> Steve - Cheltenham, UK
> -
> In love and light we are
> In darkness we are no less

Re: [expert] Mandrake + Xfree 4.01 Problem!!!

2000-08-28 Thread Kelley Terry

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Ok.. i visited the site.. then i visited the mandrake cooker site.. and they
> told me to do a
> wget something command to get the cooker site mirrored..
> the wget command only create a symlink in my root dir..
> Now what i have to do to get a cooker avaible rpms list???
> I would like not to download the sigle rpms manually.. and i'd like to
> download them like with madrakeUpdate..
> So how can i get the RpmDrake to work with the cooker site to show me the
> avaiable rpms to download?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Howes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 9:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Mandrake + Xfree 4.01 Problem!!!

Try this link:

> > TriOptimum wrote:
> > >
> > > Where can i find the rpm version of xfree 4.01??? From i was
> able
> > > to find only the tar files.. :-(
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Steve - Cheltenham, UK
> > -
> > In love and light we are
> > In darkness we are no less
> >

Re: [expert] Proxy/router setup How-To

2000-08-28 Thread Daniel Woods

> Just want to know of a good resource on setting up a proxy server/router
> using linux. What I want to do is have 1 machine for my proxy that also
> provides my internet connection to 3 other boxes. The 3 machines also need
> to be able to transfer data between themselves. The box I want to use is a
> P133Mhz machine w/32Mb, 4 NIC's (1 in/3 out), and Mandrake 7.0

No need for 3 out, that's what a hub or switch is used for.
A better suggestion would be to have 1 in / 1 out. Your ISP connection
is going to the 'in', and your 'out' (LAN) goes to the hub/switch,
and then all your other PCs would connect to the hub/switch instead
of your proxy computer.

With this scenario, you could use PMFirewall suggested by others, which
uses ipchains to setup the proxying.

Thanks... Dan.

[expert] Re: [expert] Filenames with Umlauts (ä,ö,ü)on FAT Partitions

2000-08-28 Thread Stephen Bosch

Gavin Clark wrote:

>I would also guess that the console doesn't have a font with umlauts

It should -- mine does...



[expert] Eterm settings

2000-08-28 Thread JP Sartre

Hi folks. I figured most of my other problems out. Now I have an
interesting situation. I saved my settings in Eterm thinking it applied to
just one window, anb now it affects my global settings. Basically, I can't
use my Eterm. I was wondering if anyone knew when Eterm saved these
settings so that I can "reset" them? Any thoughts?