[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM

And according to John Lennon his best song ever.

[FairfieldLife] Sanksrit word of the Day: miimaaMsaa

2008-02-02 Thread cardemaister
mImAMsA [~ mee-mahn-sah?]   f. profound thought or reflection or
Consideration , investigation , examination , discussion S3Br. TA1r. ;
theory (cf. %{kAvya-m-}) ; ` examination of the Vedic text 'N. of
one of the 3 great divisions of orthodox Hindu1 philosophy (divided
into 2 systems , viz. the Puurva-miimaaMsaa or Karma-miimaaMsaa by
Jaimini , concerning itself chiefly with the correct incalled the
miimaaMsaa ; and the Uttara-miimaaMsaa or Brahma-miimaaMsaa or
shaariiraka-miimaaMsaa by BaadaraayaNa , commonly styled the Vedaanta
and dealing chiefly with the nature of Brahma8 or the one universal
Spirit) IW. 46 ; 98 c.


That noun is prolly derived from the *desiderative* stem of
of the root 'man' (to think), also prolly the root of 'mantra':

man [...] to think much or well of. praise , approve) ib. ; to think
one's self or be thought to be ,[...] #¤#¤#¤# Desid. (Dha1tup. xxiii ,
3) %{mImAMsate} # [...]


[FairfieldLife] Re: a computer question - is it allowed? new question..

2008-02-02 Thread claudiouk
From the responses so far it seems that there are ways of controlling a 
a pc remotely, but that my idea of using a laptop as the sole monitor 
and keyboard of a faster desktop base unit won't actually take 
advantage of the faster capabilities of the unit. The main bottleneck 
is the monitor although developments like
year.html suggest we are getting to the point of overcoming this 

So forgetting wireless connections, how can I wire up a laptop to a 
faster PC base unit so that it ONLY acts as the monitor and keyboard, 
thereby taking full advantage of the faster PC (and save me having to 
buy a new monitor at least)?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Instead of buying a new laptop is it possible to just buy a faster 
 desktop PC base unit (without monitor or keyboard) and then access 
 unit from anywhere in the house from my old laptop (which then 
 the wireless keyboard and monitor for the unit)?? I've got XP Home on 
 my laptop. I know there are programs (eg XP Professional has it) 
 you can control a computer remotely and see the desktop, but does 
 take advantage of the faster computer capacity or is the process 
 limited by the speed of the controlling computer anyway, in which 
 case my idea is pointless..?
 I know this is a non-TM question but I noticed there are real PC 
 experts in FFL...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 2/1/08 7:10:40 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

9/11  happened on Bush's watch. Period.
 Maybe if Bush spent more time  assuming responsibility
 instead of blaming Clinton 

Excuse me, when did Bush ever blame Clinton for 9/11 and when did Bubba  ever 
blame Bush?

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Hillary's Vote of War- Poll-Tested?'

2008-02-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 2/1/08 5:12:59 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Hillary's vote to go to war, 
Was a vote to go to war.
It was clear at the time,
That if she was going to be a presidential candidate...
That she had to look like a tough war-monger, at that time...
If she didn't know her vote was to go to war,
Then she was inexperienced in the real world,
Which is not the case.
She voted to go to war, because she wanted to go to war.
She is a Senator from NY, and there was the emotion to go to  war.
This is the clearest example of Barack's superior judgment:
For day one, and onwards way beyond Day One!

Somebody please list for me all those that voted to authorize Bush to go to  
war, that protested the day before or after the war began, saying they didn't  
mean for Bush to go to war. It didn't happen. Only after it started becoming  
apparent we would not find WMD's did the grumbling  start.

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 2/1/08 6:43:40 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Oh  please Robert. A good liberal and Democrat never misses an 
opportunity to  
 blame anything on Bush or the nasty Republicans and never places any  
fault on 
 one of their own.

Because he had a real  chance to wack bin Laden many times during his 
If he  had more insight and sense of the urgency of the time.
He was distracted by  the impeachment and so on.
He left a vacumn that dubya came in to  fill.

A, there you go! Back to true form. It was the Republicans fault he  
didn't wack Bin Laden. He had several opportunities that were  missed.

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
mainstream20016 wrote:

 David Lynch has been conspicuously unmanifest at TMO activities 
since the Berlin Raja 
 fiasco last Fall.   

Dear David;
David Lynch, are you out there ?  Thank you for your dedication to 
 students through your leadership in funding teaching TM  widely to 
students.  The simple 
 instruction of TM is a universally good thing.  
 Might you direct a new secular TM instruction organization?   TM's 
simplicity and 
 universality are compromised by the overtly religious TMO of 2008.  
Association with the 
 current religious TMO makes the TM technique vastly irrelevant to 
the larger world. The 
inevitable partisan orientation  of religious organizations makes 
the wide-scale teaching 
 of TM highly unlikely as long as it is associated with the current 
overtly religious TMO. 
 The timing is right for a return to the secular presentation of 
TM.  There are tens of 
 thousands of TM teachers worldwide who might re-dedicate their 
coming retirement years 
 to teaching secular TM again, as it was taught until 1975. Simple 
TM am pm, with an 
 occasional  residence course... no products no 
yagyas..etc.  What do you think ?

Good observation Mainstream.  Separation along secular/non-secular TM 
lines has already happened. Most of the TMmovement has already 
stepped away. That is past-tense.  

Proly too early for coalescence of a secular side from inside while 
Maharishi is still alive unless he initiates it.  Seems the old 
rascal is not, going instead ahead installing a discipline in his own 
way.  There will be an organizational free-er hand to re-state it 
once he is gone.  There is a practicality in that.  

The secular teaching of the universal parts has already gone on 
filling the need of its own, independent of brand or the liability of 
association with the nuttiness of the TMorganization or its moral 
shortcomings of finances or behaviors.

Do a google search for 'centering prayer meditation'.  Lot of that 
has come out of TM, from former TM teachers and practitioners.  That 
is history.  The TM branding has become its own liability now making 
it irrelevant, as you say. Sort of like in a same category as 

Two recent FFL posts with links come to mind as examples of how it 
has gone:



David Lynch is quite a utopian living in the world and could possibly 
see meditation secularized on merit.  Some of them inside probably do 
think about it.  I know they do.  It takes quite a lot of courage 
though to go outside of the mainstream 'devotion' patterns of inside 
TMmovement when you've been there so close for so long.

Good letter though.  I hope you'll get a response from him.  I'm 
certain it would be deeply thoughtful in the way that he has been.

Jai Guru Dev,

-Doug in FF


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if McCain is t...

2008-02-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 2/2/08 12:30:45 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Anything  Ann says I take with huge dose of
  antipsychotics. I think it is  sad how these
  ultra-conservatives can not tolerate a  moderate
  republican like McCain because he is more  interested
  in solving problems than spouting some  Neo-Reagan
  boilerplate agenda. Also, having spent 7 years in  a
  POW camp and not leaving when he could have because
   his men could not go with him gets several extra
  points in  my book. Hannity, Colmes, Coulter, what a
  bunch of effete  cupcakes!

 I personally don't like the guy at all  and I sure don't believe he 
 win the election.

Unfortunately, national consciousness is  so low, that despite 
McCain's commitment, displayed in this youtube video  link, to fewer 
jobs and more wars, a promise this psycho will fulfill if  he ends up 
in the White House, McCain has been endorsed by several  Governors and 
certainly will be elected if Obama is the Dem candidate  (Hillary 
might win against him).

I don't like the guy either. I think he's a loose cannon and you'll never  
know when or where he'll go off, politically speaking that is.  I think the  
media loves the *maverick* because he loves to *dis* Bush and they also  know 
will be a cinch to tear apart when they decide to. However if he's  nominated, 
heaven forbid, he will beat either Obama or Hillary because he will  attract 
the independent vote and that is what is making him win now. Obama  is the 
most liberal and far left person in the Senate. He may be a nice guy but  his 
record will not be an asset. Hillary is also too far left, has way too  many 
negatives and will never attract the majority of independents. Hillary is  not 
more popular than her husband who never got 50% of the vote in either of his  

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016 wrote:

 Good letter though.  I hope you'll get a response from him.  I'm 
 certain it would be deeply thoughtful in the way that he has been.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Doug in FF

DL is much to sane to respond to such nutters. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread mainstream20016
David Lynch's sanity informs his judgement which fortunately mitigates the 
extent that he 
is embarrassed by the TMO.  He has courage to promote TM, but he is no fool. 
His absence 
from the recent transition meetings in Vlodrop gives me hope in that regard. 
The degree 
that TM will make any contribution on a large scale in the coming decade is 
dependent upon his ability to rescue the TM technique from its irrelevancy at 
the hands of 
the overtly religious TMO.   I ask much of him - that he do all he can to make 
secular TM 
instruction available to as many as possible.  A new organization with only the 
association with the current TMO will be necessary for the task at hand.  
correspondence from him in response to my request is the least of my desires.   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 
 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
  mainstream20016 wrote:
  Good letter though.  I hope you'll get a response from him.  I'm 
  certain it would be deeply thoughtful in the way that he has been.
  Jai Guru Dev,
  -Doug in FF
 DL is much to sane to respond to such nutters. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread lurkernomore20002000

Angela Mailander  mailander111@ wrote:

Maybe Obama isn't exactly what he seems to be. His wife is a member  of
the Council on Foreign Relations.

AuthfriendJStein wrote:

No, his wife is *not* a member of the Council onForeign Relations.
Where did you pick up that bit of misinformation?

Okay, it's put up or shut up time.  An accusation,  a denial,  a request
for proof.  Angela,  back up you accusation!

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread Duveyoung
Dear David Lynch,

Please don't listen to the below entreaties.  Stick to your day job,
but, hey, if'n ya jest gotta do this, consider this concept:  Get
someone who doesn't look like death warmed over to represent the new
wave of TM -- you're scaring toddlers out there: scroll to the bottom
of this page: http://tinyurl.com/2teqr9 

Yeah, I'm no fan of your wares that offer entertainments to our
common weal that are saturated with the psychic toe-jam found in the
dark corners of panicked minds.  No wonder you look so haggard if you
spend all your time spotlighting the ichor and effluvia of diseased

In anything you've created, gotta ask ya, where's the pure sweetness
of angels that TM says is our birthright?  I must have been absent the
day they covered how to nuture one's sweetness in my teacher
training course, and, yep, now I'm as crabby as a centipede with
ingrown toenails despite my three decades of four hours a day program.  

You too?

I shudder to imagine what your tarred hands might do when handling the
 white-on-white utopianism-pap that the TMO has used as its first foot
in the doors of unsuspecting minds.

No matter how TM gets reformatted, the Wayback Machine
http://www.archive.org/index.php will always have copies of TMO Web
pages showing millionaires in jammies wearing tiaras while somberly
posing as TM's priestly caste -- with beards that could have whole
colonies of small birds inside them.
I went to my first TM lecture and bothered the speaker, Stan Crowe,
because I had read the Science of Being and the Art of Living and
asked him about the angels and gods being touted by Maharishi -- he
had to do a fast shuffle and slough me off and depended upon my
naivety and good nature to not get testy with him as he struggled to
portray TM as secular.

I'm telling you, David, there is no way in any future history that TM
will be revived without a gang of Christians picketing the lectures
with large placards of our Cabal of Goofyassed Millionaires and asking
a zillion questions about the mantra, pujas, gods, rajas, Girish, etc.

Only a completely new skin will do for this ancient wine, and that
means that all that the TMO has done must be simply abandoned. Bill
Paxton as Hudson said it first: Game over man... Game over!  

No matter, it was a pack of lies mostly -- TM has never delivered
anything that anyone ever was promised by the marketing blurbs.  For
GAWD's sake just examine the minds of the wrecks that have ended up at
Rick's party here -- where's the bliss?  David, you're one step away
from being another joke of BigMedia like Tom Cruise if you promote
this crap -- you're besmirching your hard won authenticity's coattails.  

I hope I've been ugly and dark and twisted enough in this memo to get
you to read to the end of it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016 wrote:
  David Lynch has been conspicuously unmanifest at TMO activities 
 since the Berlin Raja 
  fiasco last Fall.   
 Dear David;
 David Lynch, are you out there ?  Thank you for your dedication to 
  students through your leadership in funding teaching TM  widely to 
 students.  The simple 
  instruction of TM is a universally good thing.  
  Might you direct a new secular TM instruction organization?   TM's 
 simplicity and 
  universality are compromised by the overtly religious TMO of 2008.  
 Association with the 
  current religious TMO makes the TM technique vastly irrelevant to 
 the larger world. The 
 inevitable partisan orientation  of religious organizations makes 
 the wide-scale teaching 
  of TM highly unlikely as long as it is associated with the current 
 overtly religious TMO. 
  The timing is right for a return to the secular presentation of 
 TM.  There are tens of 
  thousands of TM teachers worldwide who might re-dedicate their 
 coming retirement years 
  to teaching secular TM again, as it was taught until 1975. Simple 
 TM am pm, with an 
  occasional  residence course... no products no 
 yagyas..etc.  What do you think ?
 Good observation Mainstream.  Separation along secular/non-secular TM 
 lines has already happened. Most of the TMmovement has already 
 stepped away. That is past-tense.  
 Proly too early for coalescence of a secular side from inside while 
 Maharishi is still alive unless he initiates it.  Seems the old 
 rascal is not, going instead ahead installing a discipline in his own 
 way.  There will be an organizational free-er hand to re-state it 
 once he is gone.  There is a practicality in that.  
 The secular teaching of the universal parts has already gone on 
 filling the need of its own, independent of brand or the liability of 
 association with the nuttiness of the TMorganization or its moral 
 shortcomings of finances or behaviors.
 Do a google search for 'centering prayer meditation'.  Lot of that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

 Angela Mailander mailander111@ wrote:

 Maybe Obama isn't exactly what he seems to be. His wife is a member of
 the Council on Foreign Relations.

 AuthfriendJStein wrote:

 No, his wife is *not* a member of the Council onForeign Relations.
 Where did you pick up that bit of misinformation?

 Okay, it's put up or shut up time. An accusation, a denial, a request
 for proof. Angela, back up you accusation!

Christ, I hope Angela's proof is something other than some secret,
unverifiable  sources she has.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 2/1/08 7:10:40 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
 9/11  happened on Bush's watch. Period.
  Maybe if Bush spent more time  assuming responsibility
  instead of blaming Clinton 

Get your attributions right, Dixon. 

[FairfieldLife] How's'bout THE WAIT THAT NEVER ENDS instead of Martial Law?

2008-02-02 Thread Duveyoung

The above Web site is hounding the issue of vote counting
irregularities in New Hampshire.  LOOK AT THE FUCKING HASSLE!!!  Look
at the time and money being spent.

Can you imagine that every single state will be thusly challenged
after the elections in November?  I can.

Read the above and weep.  It's so clear why Gore and Kerry didn't
challenge the vote -- it would be a national nightmare of shining
lights into all the dark corners of cronyism.

And yep, you guessed it, George Bush won't have to declare Martial Law
to suspend the election, all he has to do is let the lawyers hack at
the results -- FOREVER -- and meanwhile, someone has to carry on and
fulfill the duties of the presidency, natch!  Interim George will have
even more time to work it so that he finally gets some atrocity to pin
on Iran that makes the American electorate slaver for tack nuking of

And, then, yep, George for Life.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 2, 2008, at 9:11 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

 Okay, it's put up or shut up time. An accusation, a denial, a  

 for proof. Angela, back up you accusation!

Christ, I hope Angela's proof is something other than some secret,  
unverifiable  sources she has.

I'd be willing to bet the farm (almost) that there won't be any  
proof, or even an attempt.


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread lurkernomore20002000

Now this is what I like about Saturdays.  I get to read these good posts
in their entirety.  Good reading,  good tea, two kids building a snowman
in the front yard.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear David Lynch,

 Please don't listen to the below entreaties. Stick to your day job,
 but, hey, if'n ya jest gotta do this, consider this concept: Get
 someone who doesn't look like death warmed over to represent the new
 wave of TM -- you're scaring toddlers out there: scroll to the bottom
 of this page: http://tinyurl.com/2teqr9

 Yeah, I'm no fan of your wares that offer entertainments to our
 common weal that are saturated with the psychic toe-jam found in the
 dark corners of panicked minds. No wonder you look so haggard if you
 spend all your time spotlighting the ichor and effluvia of diseased

 In anything you've created, gotta ask ya, where's the pure sweetness
 of angels that TM says is our birthright? I must have been absent the
 day they covered how to nuture one's sweetness in my teacher
 training course, and, yep, now I'm as crabby as a centipede with
 ingrown toenails despite my three decades of four hours a day program.

 You too?

 I shudder to imagine what your tarred hands might do when handling the
 white-on-white utopianism-pap that the TMO has used as its first foot
 in the doors of unsuspecting minds.

 No matter how TM gets reformatted, the Wayback Machine
 http://www.archive.org/index.php will always have copies of TMO Web
 pages showing millionaires in jammies wearing tiaras while somberly
 posing as TM's priestly caste -- with beards that could have whole
 colonies of small birds inside them.

 I went to my first TM lecture and bothered the speaker, Stan Crowe,
 because I had read the Science of Being and the Art of Living and
 asked him about the angels and gods being touted by Maharishi -- he
 had to do a fast shuffle and slough me off and depended upon my
 naivety and good nature to not get testy with him as he struggled to
 portray TM as secular.

 I'm telling you, David, there is no way in any future history that TM
 will be revived without a gang of Christians picketing the lectures
 with large placards of our Cabal of Goofyassed Millionaires and asking
 a zillion questions about the mantra, pujas, gods, rajas, Girish, etc.

 Only a completely new skin will do for this ancient wine, and that
 means that all that the TMO has done must be simply abandoned. Bill
 Paxton as Hudson said it first: Game over man... Game over!

 No matter, it was a pack of lies mostly -- TM has never delivered
 anything that anyone ever was promised by the marketing blurbs. For
 GAWD's sake just examine the minds of the wrecks that have ended up at
 Rick's party here -- where's the bliss? David, you're one step away
 from being another joke of BigMedia like Tom Cruise if you promote
 this crap -- you're besmirching your hard won authenticity's

 I hope I've been ugly and dark and twisted enough in this memo to get
 you to read to the end of it.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
  mainstream20016 wrote:
   David Lynch has been conspicuously unmanifest at TMO activities
  since the Berlin Raja
   fiasco last Fall.
  Dear David;
  David Lynch, are you out there ? Thank you for your dedication to
   students through your leadership in funding teaching TM widely to
  students. The simple
   instruction of TM is a universally good thing.
   Might you direct a new secular TM instruction organization? TM's
  simplicity and
   universality are compromised by the overtly religious TMO of 2008.
  Association with the
  current religious TMO makes the TM technique vastly irrelevant to
  the larger world. The
  inevitable partisan orientation of religious organizations makes
  the wide-scale teaching
   of TM highly unlikely as long as it is associated with the current
  overtly religious TMO.
   The timing is right for a return to the secular presentation of
  TM. There are tens of
   thousands of TM teachers worldwide who might re-dedicate their
  coming retirement years
   to teaching secular TM again, as it was taught until 1975. Simple
  TM am pm, with an
   occasional residence course... no products no
  yagyas..etc. What do you think ?
  Good observation Mainstream. Separation along secular/non-secular TM
  lines has already happened. Most of the TMmovement has already
  stepped away. That is past-tense.
  Proly too early for coalescence of a secular side from inside while
  Maharishi is still alive unless he initiates it. Seems the old
  rascal is not, going instead ahead installing a discipline in his
  way. There will be an organizational free-er hand to re-state it
  once he is gone. There is a practicality in that.
  The secular teaching of the universal parts has already gone on

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

His absence 
 from the recent transition meetings in Vlodrop gives me hope in that 

It was a conference for the Rajas - DL was not supposed to be there 
though he appeared on the conferencephone.
But you were too drunk to notice...?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread Angela Mailander
What's wrong with this picture is what's wrong with the whole governing system. 
 Carroll Quigley (Harvard Ph.D., historian and professor of history at 
Georgetown U 1941-1976) presented solid evidence in his work, Tragedy and 
Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (1966) that the American electoral 
system was an illusion.  a

- Original Message 
From: Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday,
 February 1, 2008 10:24:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?


Angela Mailander wrote: Maybe Obama isn't exactly what he seems to

be.  His wife is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Given who Obama has a his war advisers, it comes as no surprise that

he's connected.

What's wrong with this picture?



 - Original Message 

 From: Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com

 To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

 Sent: Friday, February 1, 2008 3:57:51 PM

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's running mate?


 Who would Obama pick?


 (Repugnant topic alert -- even racist to suggest it needs to be

 considered, but today, I think it holds water.) Concept: the more

 threatening to the plutocracy that the VP selection is, the less

 likely that Obama will be assassinated. Obama could be killed just

 like Bobby if he makes it too clear that he'll cost GlobalBiz any



 Maybe a slavering ultra lefty like Ramsey Clark/Noam Chompsky/Cindy

 Sheehan, or an African American with the credentials of, say, Al

 Sharpton would do the trick. 


 Or a Muslim.


 Or, hey, WHY NOT HIS WIFE? Yeah, that's the ticket.


 Any of the above choices would be so odious to the electorate that

 even McCain could beat that ticket.


 So, does that leave John Edwards, Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, Tim Kaine,

 Tom Daschle?


 My pick: Ron Paul -- only Ron Paul scares Death Inc. more than Obama.


 I keep thinking Bloomberg and Gore will swoop out from behind the

 curtains any second now and make a mockery of the primary-process. If

 Bloomberg runs, he could win.


 If Hillbillery gets the nod, I may have to move to Canada -- as if

 they'd have me. We're all ugly Americans to most of the world's

 decent folks -- BushCo happened on our watch, and we, we posted at

 sites like this one with a voiced ferocity that is only matched by the

 war cries heard from a bowl of Rice Crispies. We snapped, we crackled,

 we popped, oh, we bad mofos we is.







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[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Feb 2, 2008, at 9:11 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
   Okay, it's put up or shut up time. An accusation, a denial, a  
   for proof. Angela, back up you accusation!
  Christ, I hope Angela's proof is something other than some secret,  
  unverifiable  sources she has.
 I'd be willing to bet the farm (almost) that there won't be any  
 proof, or even an attempt.

It appears that Angela is spreading her made-up bullshit again. 

The list of Council on Foreign Relations members by Wikipedia does not
include Michelle Obama:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of bob_brigante
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:30 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if
McCain is the nominee


Unfortunately, national consciousness is so low, that despite 
McCain's commitment, displayed in this youtube video link, to fewer 
jobs and more wars, a promise this psycho will fulfill if he ends up 
in the White House, McCain has been endorsed by several Governors and 
certainly will be elected if Obama is the Dem candidate (Hillary 
might win against him).

Many feel the opposite is more likely – that many Republicans hate Hillary
so much that they’d come out in droves to vote for McCain against her, but
not so much against Obama.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 2/1/2008
9:59 AM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe


off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM

And according to John Lennon his best song ever.

He said that about “In My Life,” calling everything he had written before
that “throw-away songs,” but I hadn’t heard what you said. Can you find a

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 2/1/2008
9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Feb 2, 2008, at 9:11 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
   Okay, it's put up or shut up time. An accusation, a denial, a  
   for proof. Angela, back up you accusation!
  Christ, I hope Angela's proof is something other than some secret,  
  unverifiable  sources she has.
 I'd be willing to bet the farm (almost) that there won't be any  
 proof, or even an attempt.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a favorite group for conspiracy
theorists to talk about, like it is some evil secret organization that
sets US foreign policy.  Shades of world government. 

Accordingly, there are a lot of rumors about who might be members.  I
think every candidate but Ron Paul has been accused of being a
member.  (Heck, maybe the accusations come from Ron Paul?) 

[FairfieldLife] Question for Shemp

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
Hey Shemp,


Would you please give me the main talking points about why you feel Bill
Clinton was really a Republican or Conservative or whatever? I want to send
them to a Hillary supporter who is leveling that charge at Obama.



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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 2/1/2008
9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Duveyoung
If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the party to
the Demolition Party.  

I cannot think of anything that would as quickly throw open the closet
door and reveal the incredibly dark racism underlying our culture.

It'll put us on the brink of civil war.  Families will be torn asunder
by it.

I am already getting junk mail that is so scurrilously racist about
Obama that I am shaken by the sheer blind ferocity of it.  I cannot
think of anything more polarizing at this moment in our culture --
this is not going to be about the War in Iraq, or the Bill of Rights
or The Economy-stupid or the Illuminati -- it's going to be about how
the hideous hidden beliefs of folks who have pretended to be
good-hearted for their entire lifetimes has been the basis, the
dynamic that keeps the underclass thoroughly controlled and downtrodden.

Racism is a tool of the plutocracy to keep the masses angry at each
other and easily manipulated.

Please, someone talk me out of this obsessive ideation of doom.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of bob_brigante
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:30 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if
 McCain is the nominee
 Unfortunately, national consciousness is so low, that despite 
 McCain's commitment, displayed in this youtube video link, to fewer 
 jobs and more wars, a promise this psycho will fulfill if he ends up 
 in the White House, McCain has been endorsed by several Governors and 
 certainly will be elected if Obama is the Dem candidate (Hillary 
 might win against him).
 Many feel the opposite is more likely – that many Republicans hate
 so much that they'd come out in droves to vote for McCain against
her, but
 not so much against Obama.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date:
 9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread mainstream20016
too busy to see or hear it all - what did he say ?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
 His absence 
  from the recent transition meetings in Vlodrop gives me hope in that 
 It was a conference for the Rajas - DL was not supposed to be there 
 though he appeared on the conferencephone.
 But you were too drunk to notice...?

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Careful, Lurk.
 If you keep liking my stuff, I'll get addicted to your stuff, and then
 the next thing ya know, we'll be patting each other's backs so often
 that huge humps of calloused harden skin will form -- you know, like 
 the Curtis and Turq love affair is presently forming on their backs.

Nice save Edg, you almost let a ray of sunshine into your pity party.  

 Just what this party needs -- four cavorting QuasiModels who are deaf
 to the throngs below us as we swing like apes in the bell tower.
 We don't need David Lynch; we need Mel Brooks to do for the TMO what
 he did for the Frankenstein tale.
 Raja to Igor:  I've got a mantra that will cure your hump.
 Igor:  What 'ump?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  Now this is what I like about Saturdays.  I get to read these good
  in their entirety.  Good reading,  good tea, two kids building a
  in the front yard.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Dear David Lynch,
   Please don't listen to the below entreaties. Stick to your day job,
   but, hey, if'n ya jest gotta do this, consider this concept: Get
   someone who doesn't look like death warmed over to represent the
   wave of TM -- you're scaring toddlers out there: scroll to the
   of this page: http://tinyurl.com/2teqr9
   Yeah, I'm no fan of your wares that offer entertainments to our
   common weal that are saturated with the psychic toe-jam found in the
   dark corners of panicked minds. No wonder you look so haggard if you
   spend all your time spotlighting the ichor and effluvia of diseased
   In anything you've created, gotta ask ya, where's the pure sweetness
   of angels that TM says is our birthright? I must have been
absent the
   day they covered how to nuture one's sweetness in my teacher
   training course, and, yep, now I'm as crabby as a centipede with
   ingrown toenails despite my three decades of four hours a day
   You too?
   I shudder to imagine what your tarred hands might do when
handling the
   white-on-white utopianism-pap that the TMO has used as its first
   in the doors of unsuspecting minds.
   No matter how TM gets reformatted, the Wayback Machine
   http://www.archive.org/index.php will always have copies of TMO Web
   pages showing millionaires in jammies wearing tiaras while somberly
   posing as TM's priestly caste -- with beards that could have whole
   colonies of small birds inside them.
   I went to my first TM lecture and bothered the speaker, Stan Crowe,
   because I had read the Science of Being and the Art of Living and
   asked him about the angels and gods being touted by Maharishi -- he
   had to do a fast shuffle and slough me off and depended upon my
   naivety and good nature to not get testy with him as he struggled to
   portray TM as secular.
   I'm telling you, David, there is no way in any future history
that TM
   will be revived without a gang of Christians picketing the
   with large placards of our Cabal of Goofyassed Millionaires and
   a zillion questions about the mantra, pujas, gods, rajas,
Girish, etc.
   Only a completely new skin will do for this ancient wine, and that
   means that all that the TMO has done must be simply abandoned. Bill
   Paxton as Hudson said it first: Game over man... Game over!
   No matter, it was a pack of lies mostly -- TM has never delivered
   anything that anyone ever was promised by the marketing blurbs. For
   GAWD's sake just examine the minds of the wrecks that have ended
up at
   Rick's party here -- where's the bliss? David, you're one step away
   from being another joke of BigMedia like Tom Cruise if you promote
   this crap -- you're besmirching your hard won authenticity's
   I hope I've been ugly and dark and twisted enough in this memo
to get
   you to read to the end of it.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
   dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
mainstream20016 wrote:

 David Lynch has been conspicuously unmanifest at TMO activities
since the Berlin Raja
 fiasco last Fall.
Dear David;
David Lynch, are you out there ? Thank you for your
dedication to
 students through your leadership in funding teaching TM
widely to
students. The simple
 instruction of TM is a universally good thing.

 Might you direct a new secular TM instruction organization? TM's
simplicity and
 universality are compromised by the overtly religious TMO of
Association with the
current religious TMO makes the TM technique vastly irrelevant to
the larger world. The
inevitable partisan orientation of religious organizations makes
the wide-scale 

[FairfieldLife] Re: a computer question - is it allowed?

2008-02-02 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Feb 1, 2008, at 1:51 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   claudiouk wrote:
Instead of buying a new laptop is it possible to just buy a
desktop PC base unit (without monitor or keyboard) and then
unit from anywhere in the house from my old laptop (which then
the wireless keyboard and monitor for the unit)?? I've got XP
  Home on
my laptop. I know there are programs (eg XP Professional has it)
you can control a computer remotely and see the desktop, but
take advantage of the faster computer capacity or is the process
limited by the speed of the controlling computer anyway, in
case my idea is pointless..?
I know this is a non-TM question but I noticed there are real PC
experts in FFL...
   I doubt if this would be that useful. You might want to see if
   are demo or trial versions of those programs and see if it is
   you. I think PC Anywhere is the program you might be thinking
   Remote Desktop on XP does some of that but I don't have any
   with nor need for it. In fact I only use Windows when I have to
   Linux most of the time especially for anything to do with the
  Remote Desktop or UltraVNC is quite a bit faster over a 54mbit
  wireless connection than PC Anywhere... At least in my experience. I
  have used all 3 for remote control for myself and clients. LogMeIn
  also works well, and seems to have some improvements over Remote
  Desktop, but I haven't used it as much.

 I use Bosco's Screen Share which is free and works on Mac's and PC's.
 It's pretty fast and real easy to configure, as even my Mom is able
 to use it.


Thanks for the info. Hadn't heard of that one ... good for the OS X
too... nice :)

RE: [FairfieldLife] If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:06 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] If Obama gets the nod  (Ann Coulter: I'll
campaign for Hillary)


If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the party to
the Demolition Party. 

I cannot think of anything that would as quickly throw open the closet
door and reveal the incredibly dark racism underlying our culture.

Maybe it’ll be good for the health of the country for the boil to be lanced
and puss to ooze out.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 2/1/2008
9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Bob wrote:
 Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare 
 Krishna folks, who use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in 
Maybe so, but according to what I've read, this song was 
composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is obvious
that John was an avid TMer at this time. The phrase 'Jai 
Guru Dev' seems to be pure TMer on this song. 

Apparently George was an avid TMer but he later became 
involved with ISKCON, whose favorite phrase is 'Hare 
Krishna'. Very seldom have I heard any of the Krishna 
sectarians call their guru a 'Guru Dev', more often they 
call him a 'Hari Bol'. 

The foundation of ISKCON in Britain was closely 
associated with certain members of the pop group The 
Beatles, particularly George Harrison.

Read more:

'The Campaign for Bhaktivedanta Manor'   
Dr Malory Nye

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's running mate?

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Feb 2, 2008, at 9:11 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
Okay, it's put up or shut up time. An accusation, a
denial, a request for proof. Angela, back up you accusation!
   Christ, I hope Angela's proof is something other than some 
   secret, unverifiable sources she has.
  I'd be willing to bet the farm (almost) that there won't be any  
  proof, or even an attempt.
 The Council on Foreign Relations is a favorite group for
 conspiracy theorists to talk about, like it is some evil
 secret organization that sets US foreign policy.  Shades
 of world government. 
 Accordingly, there are a lot of rumors about who might be
 members.  I think every candidate but Ron Paul has been
 accused of being a member.  (Heck, maybe the accusations
 come from Ron Paul?)

Bingo. Or at least Ron Paul supporters, if not
the man himself.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe
 off_world_beings no_reply@ 
  That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM
 And according to John Lennon his best song ever.
 He said that about In My Life, calling everything he had written 
 that throw-away songs, but I hadn't heard what you said. Can you 
find a

It's from an interview with the BBC. You would have to google it and 
search which will keep you off the streets for a good while. :-)
Actually what he said was that Across the Universe was the song he 
liked the best of all he ever made. He did not say The Best.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

 Duveyoung wrote:
  I had read the Science of Being and the Art 
  of Living and asked him about the angels and 
  gods being touted by Maharishi 
 Where, exactly, does Maharishi say anything 
 about angels and gods in SBAL?   
  I hope I've been ugly and dark and twisted 
  enough in this memo to get you to read to the 
  end of it.
 Very impressive, but what's your point?

Quite a few years have gone by since I read SBAL, but since Edg 
himself is quoting from there it must be correct. He could easily have 
thrown in some devils also. And the End of the World and references to 
spiritual vampires for sure. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Nuking Iran nie? (David Lynch-)

2008-02-02 Thread Duveyoung

Okay, I deserved a comeback from you for my elbow dig.

And, yeah, good call, I do have to watch my wallowing in self pity.

But, hey, read the below and tell me that Bush isn't about to begin
bombing Iran.  The Mideast has gone Web-dark.  If the nukes drop,
there will only be CNN to report it to us -- not a million bloggers
with cell-phone vids of the mushroom clouds.

See? Angst and self pity are a gimme if I only read the headlines from
BigMedia -- I can hardly stand to read the counter-culture Web sites.  

There's doom afoot, Watson!

But first, this message from our sponsor.

Let them eat cake!

Translation: Watch the Superbowl and shut the fuck up you grimy masses. 

Bread and circuses -- an old old ruse that works as well today.

And the Patriots won their 19 games by cheating with spy tactics --
how perfect for America.


Undersea internet cable cut

A leading internet provider in the Emirates said an undersea cable had
been cut in the Persian Gulf.

The break caused severe phone line disruptions and compounded an
already existing internet outage across large parts of the Middle East
and Asia after two other undersea cables were earlier damaged north of

Omar Sultan, chief executive of Dubai's IPS DU, said that the incident
was very unusual. He said it was not known how the underwater Flag
Falcon cable, stretching between the United Arab Emirates and Oman,
had been damaged.

The situation is critical for us in terms of congestion on
international lines, Sultan said, but refused to speculate on the
extent of the damage. DU said in a press release that the cause of the
incident had not yet been identified.

The owner of the Falcon cable, UK Flag Telecom, said the cable was cut
at 05:59 GMT on Friday, 34.8 miles off the coast of Dubai and that a
repair ship has been notified and expected to arrive at the site in
the next few days.

The company is also the owner of one of the undersea cables that were
sliced on Wednesday in the Mediterranean Sea. That damage triggered
wide internet outages, hampering businesses and private usage across
the Middle East and Asia.

A Flag official in India said workers were still trying to determine
how the Persian Gulf cable was cut. He declined to comment on whether
the cut was somehow linked to Wednesday's cut in Egypt, but said he
did not believe Flag's cables were deliberately targeted.

As in the case of the Mediterranean damage, which Egyptian officials
said was caused by a ship's anchor when a vessel could not dock in the
port of Alexandria, there was also speculation that an anchor had
sliced the Persian Gulf cable.

DU said the incident added further complications to the existing cuts
on the Flag Europe-Asia and SEA-ME-WE4 cables off the coast of Egypt
and that the Persian Gulf cut impacted all international voice calls
through the DU network, leading to severe congestion and degradation
of international voice calls.

It said national calls in the Emirates and internet access were not

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Careful, Lurk.
  If you keep liking my stuff, I'll get addicted to your stuff, and then
  the next thing ya know, we'll be patting each other's backs so often
  that huge humps of calloused harden skin will form -- you know, like 
  the Curtis and Turq love affair is presently forming on their backs.
 Nice save Edg, you almost let a ray of sunshine into your pity party.  
  Just what this party needs -- four cavorting QuasiModels who are deaf
  to the throngs below us as we swing like apes in the bell tower.
  We don't need David Lynch; we need Mel Brooks to do for the TMO what
  he did for the Frankenstein tale.
  Raja to Igor:  I've got a mantra that will cure your hump.
  Igor:  What 'ump?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Now this is what I like about Saturdays.  I get to read these good
   in their entirety.  Good reading,  good tea, two kids building a
   in the front yard.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
Dear David Lynch,
Please don't listen to the below entreaties. Stick to your day
but, hey, if'n ya jest gotta do this, consider this concept: Get
someone who doesn't look like death warmed over to represent the
wave of TM -- you're scaring toddlers out there: scroll to the
of this page: http://tinyurl.com/2teqr9
Yeah, I'm no fan of your wares that offer entertainments to our
common weal that are saturated with the psychic toe-jam found
in the
dark corners of panicked minds. No wonder you look so haggard
if you
spend all your time spotlighting the ichor and effluvia of
In anything you've created, gotta ask ya, where's the pure

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:28 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe


Bob wrote:
 Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare 
 Krishna folks, who use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in 
Maybe so, but according to what I've read, this song was 
composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is obvious
that John was an avid TMer at this time. The phrase 'Jai 
Guru Dev' seems to be pure TMer on this song. 

I’m pretty sure they wrote the song in Rishikesh.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 2/1/2008
9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:28 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe
 Bob wrote:
  Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare 
  Krishna folks, who use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in 
 Maybe so, but according to what I've read, this song was 
 composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is obvious
 that John was an avid TMer at this time. The phrase 'Jai 
 Guru Dev' seems to be pure TMer on this song. 
 I'm pretty sure they wrote the song in Rishikesh.

They wrote 46 songs in Rishikesh - their most productive period ever.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nuking Iran nie? (David Lynch-)

2008-02-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I deserved a comeback from you for my elbow dig.

You and I have been plenty friendly here, so it gave me a feeling of
WTF?  Friendliness isn't a zero sum game.

 But, hey, read the below and tell me that Bush isn't about to begin
 bombing Iran.

Put me down for a solid I hope he doesn't.  But if you are asking me
to place this situation on the front burner of my attention, or to
spend one second worrying about it...not gunna happen.  If you want me
to jump with no evidential links from cable broke to bombs about to
drop, you are on your own.

We each gotta pick our battles with the limited time and attention we
have don't we? Sometimes a mole is just a mole, they all don't mean: I
HAVE CANCER!  So I'm gunna stick to worrying about the stuff I can
control and pass on any offerings to worry about stuff I can't.  

But follow your own muse Edg.  When I want the buzz of a dark trance
my mantra is Guinea worms.   I am no stranger to the joys of
contemplating misery. 

 And, yeah, good call, I do have to watch my wallowing in self pity.
 But, hey, read the below and tell me that Bush isn't about to begin
 bombing Iran.  The Mideast has gone Web-dark.  If the nukes drop,
 there will only be CNN to report it to us -- not a million bloggers
 with cell-phone vids of the mushroom clouds.
 See? Angst and self pity are a gimme if I only read the headlines from
 BigMedia -- I can hardly stand to read the counter-culture Web sites.  
 There's doom afoot, Watson!
 But first, this message from our sponsor.
 Let them eat cake!
 Translation: Watch the Superbowl and shut the fuck up you grimy masses. 
 Bread and circuses -- an old old ruse that works as well today.
 And the Patriots won their 19 games by cheating with spy tactics --
 how perfect for America.
 Undersea internet cable cut
 A leading internet provider in the Emirates said an undersea cable had
 been cut in the Persian Gulf.
 The break caused severe phone line disruptions and compounded an
 already existing internet outage across large parts of the Middle East
 and Asia after two other undersea cables were earlier damaged north of
 Omar Sultan, chief executive of Dubai's IPS DU, said that the incident
 was very unusual. He said it was not known how the underwater Flag
 Falcon cable, stretching between the United Arab Emirates and Oman,
 had been damaged.
 The situation is critical for us in terms of congestion on
 international lines, Sultan said, but refused to speculate on the
 extent of the damage. DU said in a press release that the cause of the
 incident had not yet been identified.
 The owner of the Falcon cable, UK Flag Telecom, said the cable was cut
 at 05:59 GMT on Friday, 34.8 miles off the coast of Dubai and that a
 repair ship has been notified and expected to arrive at the site in
 the next few days.
 The company is also the owner of one of the undersea cables that were
 sliced on Wednesday in the Mediterranean Sea. That damage triggered
 wide internet outages, hampering businesses and private usage across
 the Middle East and Asia.
 A Flag official in India said workers were still trying to determine
 how the Persian Gulf cable was cut. He declined to comment on whether
 the cut was somehow linked to Wednesday's cut in Egypt, but said he
 did not believe Flag's cables were deliberately targeted.
 As in the case of the Mediterranean damage, which Egyptian officials
 said was caused by a ship's anchor when a vessel could not dock in the
 port of Alexandria, there was also speculation that an anchor had
 sliced the Persian Gulf cable.
 DU said the incident added further complications to the existing cuts
 on the Flag Europe-Asia and SEA-ME-WE4 cables off the coast of Egypt
 and that the Persian Gulf cut impacted all international voice calls
 through the DU network, leading to severe congestion and degradation
 of international voice calls.
 It said national calls in the Emirates and internet access were not
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Careful, Lurk.
   If you keep liking my stuff, I'll get addicted to your stuff,
and then
   the next thing ya know, we'll be patting each other's backs so often
   that huge humps of calloused harden skin will form -- you know,
   the Curtis and Turq love affair is presently forming on their backs.
  Nice save Edg, you almost let a ray of sunshine into your pity
   Just what this party needs -- four cavorting QuasiModels who are
   to the throngs below us as we swing like apes in the bell tower.
   We don't need David Lynch; we need Mel Brooks to do for the TMO what
   he did for the Frankenstein tale.
   Raja to Igor:  I've got a mantra that will cure your hump.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
 Bob wrote:
  Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare 
  Krishna folks, who use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in 
 Maybe so, but according to what I've read, this song was 
 composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is obvious
 that John was an avid TMer at this time. The phrase 'Jai 
 Guru Dev' seems to be pure TMer on this song. 
 I'm pretty sure they wrote the song in Rishikesh.

Don't you guys know how to look up *anything*?


[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Actually, it seems to me the you're already
  enlightened model is the one that's a lie.
  If you're still lacking the realization, you're
  not enlightened.
  This model is designed to make people feel stupid
  if they're still lacking the realization, as if
  there were something wrong with them for not
  having it--e.g., what should have been obvious,
  IGNORANT of what's been right in his face since
  the day he was born.
 But it's the truth.

And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
a thing as 'TRUTH.'

--Barry Wright, 7/31/07

I worked with a teacher for many years who per-
sonified the 'I can't tell you the truth about
enlightenment because there IS no truth about
enlightenment that can be put into words' philos-
ophy I have been rappin' about recently.  He went
out of his way to point out that everything he
was saying was in a context, and from a particular
point of view. Shift context and change points of
view and, he said, it would no longer be true.

--Barry Wright, 9/21/07

(And endless other similar examples...)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 Judy writes: snipped
 This model is designed to make people feel stupid
 if they're still lacking the realization, as if
 there were something wrong with them for not
 having it--e.g., what should have been obvious,
 IGNORANT of what's been right in his face since
 the day he was born.
 It's the very worst kind of elitism, playing with
 words to exalt oneself and denigrate others.
 I did not use the word IGNORANT.

I was quoting Barry, Tom. What on earth made
you think I was misquoting you? You hadn't even
made your post when I made this one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Actually, it seems to me the you're already
   enlightened model is the one that's a lie.
   If you're still lacking the realization, you're
   not enlightened.
   This model is designed to make people feel stupid
   if they're still lacking the realization, as if
   there were something wrong with them for not
   having it--e.g., what should have been obvious,
   IGNORANT of what's been right in his face since
   the day he was born.
  But it's the truth.
 I worked with a teacher for many years who per-
 sonified the 'I can't tell you the truth about
 enlightenment because there IS no truth about
 enlightenment that can be put into words' philos-
 ophy I have been rappin' about recently.  He went
 out of his way to point out that everything he
 was saying was in a context, and from a particular
 point of view. Shift context and change points of
 view and, he said, it would no longer be true.

Are you trying to suggest that my four words
were not written in a context?  Within that 
context, they're perfectly true. In other 
contexts, not so much. 

Are there any other quotes of mine that you 
need help understanding?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Hey, Edg, I haven't gotten any of the racist junk mail you have 
(yet), and I don't disagree with you that Obama's nomination (should 
that happen) and possible election would bring out blatant racism 
and uncover for all to see its ugliness and perversity, but I think 
that'll be a very good thing.  I feel that many people who harbor 
racism subtly but as a chronic condition will recognize it and 
repudiate it when it's thrown into high relief for them and they 
have to make a conscious choice.

Furthermore, the positive emotional PR generated worldwide by the 
election of a black american with a muslim middle name and a 
reputation for inspiration cannot begin to be calculated.  That 
alone (IMO) would vault an Obama presidency (and the USA) into a new 
relationship with the world.  Stress along the different faultlines 
of dissension that make up world politics could be relieved and a 
true rapproachment with the Islamic mindset that up to now we just 
haven't made any effort to understand and appreciate could be 

More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a pivot point in 
the direction of world consciousness.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the 
party to
 the Demolition Party.  
 I cannot think of anything that would as quickly throw open the 
 door and reveal the incredibly dark racism underlying our culture.
 It'll put us on the brink of civil war.  Families will be torn 
 by it.
 I am already getting junk mail that is so scurrilously racist about
 Obama that I am shaken by the sheer blind ferocity of it.  I cannot
 think of anything more polarizing at this moment in our culture --
 this is not going to be about the War in Iraq, or the Bill of 
 or The Economy-stupid or the Illuminati -- it's going to be about 
 the hideous hidden beliefs of folks who have pretended to be
 good-hearted for their entire lifetimes has been the basis, the
 dynamic that keeps the underclass thoroughly controlled and 
 Racism is a tool of the plutocracy to keep the masses angry at each
 other and easily manipulated.
 Please, someone talk me out of this obsessive ideation of doom.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  On Behalf Of bob_brigante
  Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:30 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for 
Hillary if
  McCain is the nominee
  Unfortunately, national consciousness is so low, that despite 
  McCain's commitment, displayed in this youtube video link, to 
  jobs and more wars, a promise this psycho will fulfill if he 
ends up 
  in the White House, McCain has been endorsed by several 
Governors and 
  certainly will be elected if Obama is the Dem candidate (Hillary 
  might win against him).
  Many feel the opposite is more likely – that many Republicans 
  so much that they'd come out in droves to vote for McCain against
 her, but
  not so much against Obama.
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date:
  9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Rick, I had to laugh when I read your reply to Edg (below).  Only 
because you wrote in one sentence the same reply I made to him that 
required several paragraphs!  It's the effect of too much lawyering.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Duveyoung
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 10:06 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] If Obama gets the nod  (Ann Coulter: 
 campaign for Hillary)
 If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the 
party to
 the Demolition Party. 
 I cannot think of anything that would as quickly throw open the 
 door and reveal the incredibly dark racism underlying our culture.
 Maybe it'll be good for the health of the country for the boil to 
be lanced
 and puss to ooze out.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 
 9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 The thing about the sex thing, Clinton obviously had a sex-
 addiction problem, if you read his biography and the history
 of his addiction as governor and through the years.

Which biography was this, Robert? And who wrote it?

 I think the sex-addiction thing, helped the Republicans get
 elected in 2000

If you'll recall, what helped the Republicans get
elected in 2000 was a Supreme Court decision 
prohibiting a recount in Florida despite massive
voting irregularities that almost certainly cost
Gore the state--even though Gore had won the popular

What also helped the Republicans get elected was
the enthusiastic cooperation of the media in
spreading the Republicans' lies about Al Gore.

Again: Gore won the popular vote by a significant
margin, losing Florida by only a few hundred votes,
*despite* Clinton's sex-addiction thing and the
blatant anti-Gore bias in the media.

The sex-addiction thing wouldn't have been a 
problem for Clinton--any more than it was for
Jack Kennedy, who by all accounts also had a sex
addiction--were it not for the Republicans'
determination to bring Clinton down even if they
had to use the sleaziest of tactics, and, again,
the eager cooperation of the media with this

 And I think he got so angry about the conspiracy 9/11 talk the 
 other day, Because he had a real chance to wack bin Laden many
 times during his administration: If he had more insight and sense
 of the urgency of the time.

Au contraire, Pierre. Clinton's determination to
get bin Laden was frustrated at every turn. He
never had a clear shot.

See, for example:


Don't blame Clinton
by Joe Conason

Conservatives who once ridiculed and obstructed the former 
president's aggressive efforts to fight terrorism are now trying to 
pin Sept. 11 on him. They have a lot of nerve.

See also this from Behind Clinton's Hunt for
bin Laden in Newsday, 9/27/06:

...Clinton's record [on bin Laden] is in some way easier to assess 
[than Bush's], given a host of books by Clinton insiders, as well as 
the authoritative 9/11 Commission report.

From those, a picture emerges of a Clinton White House slow at first 
to grasp the global dimensions of the al-Qaida threat, and then 
struggling as it tries to fit Cold War-era intelligence and defense 
policies to a 21st-century menace.

The Clinton administration even wrestled with the question of whether 
they had the legal right to kill bin Laden - a seemingly academic 
question now, in light of the apparent chance to prevent the deaths 
of nearly 3,000 Americans, but one that forced Clinton to rely 
heavily on plans to capture bin Laden at first, the 9/11 Commission 

And even though officials from Clinton on down made clear that he had 
one goal - he wanted bin Laden dead - some of the very CIA officials 
given that task said they were confused whether they had the legal 
right to kill bin Laden, the report said.

White House insiders from that time vigorously deny any reluctance to 
strike, saying Clinton signed increasingly potent orders that would 
have allowed the CIA to kill bin Laden - but that they never had a 
clean shot.

In fact, the missed opportunities catalogued by the 9/11 Commission 
are frustrating to read in retrospect. The Afghan capture plot 
fizzled. Another missile strike fell off the table over fears of 
hitting a mosque. The CIA pulled the plug on a February 1999 plot to 
kill bin Laden at a desert camp, over fears of the United Arab 
Emirates princes.

One missed chance does stand out - an aborted May 1999 strike called 
off because the CIA thought the intelligence was only 50-50. A senior 
military officer told the 9/11 Commission that bin Laden should have 
been a dead man that night.

Daniel Benjamin, who worked on Clinton's National Security Council at 
the time, said the lack of that second hard confirmation on bin 
Laden's presence made it impossible to go forward with further 
strikes. If you couldn't confirm that he was there, then there was a 
risk of killing a lot of innocent people, Benjamin said.

Benjamin also said Clinton twice ordered up military options to 
strike Afghanistan to rout bin Laden, but that the Pentagon offered 
large and unwieldy options that would have been impractical and 
difficult to sell to the American people. Some Republicans in 
Congress even accused Clinton of trying to distract from his problems 
with Monica Lewinsky by striking Afghanistan in 1998.

Some experts concur, saying it's easy to look back now and question 
Clinton but that the nation simply wasn't prepared to take dramatic 
steps against al-Qaida - at least not until after 9/11.

To me, the defense of the Clinton administration is provided by 
President Bush, when he himself says, '9/11 changed everything,' 
said Brian Michael Jenkins, a terrorism expert at Rand, a nonpartisan 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread suziezuzie
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe
  off_world_beings no_reply@ 
   That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM
  And according to John Lennon his best song ever.
  He said that about In My Life, calling everything he had 
  that throw-away songs, but I hadn't heard what you said. Can 
 find a
 It's from an interview with the BBC. You would have to google it 
 search which will keep you off the streets for a good while. :-)
 Actually what he said was that Across the Universe was the song 
 liked the best of all he ever made. He did not say The Best.

When he sings, Jai Guru Dev, nothing's gonna change my life, what 
does that mean? Was that said in response to Lennon's negative 
experience with MMY?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread suziezuzie
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe
  off_world_beings no_reply@ 
   That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM
  And according to John Lennon his best song ever.
  He said that about In My Life, calling everything he had 
  that throw-away songs, but I hadn't heard what you said. Can 
 find a
 It's from an interview with the BBC. You would have to google it 
 search which will keep you off the streets for a good while. :-)
 Actually what he said was that Across the Universe was the song 
 liked the best of all he ever made. He did not say The Best.

What does the lyric mean in the song, Jai Guru Deva, nothing's gonna 
change my world

Does nothing's gonna change my world mean that even with the practise 
of TM, nothing's gonna change my world? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Turq, thanks for the link; it's a great essay and an excellent 
read!  I love that song.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
  Bob wrote:
   Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare 
   Krishna folks, who use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in 
  Maybe so, but according to what I've read, this song was 
  composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is obvious
  that John was an avid TMer at this time. The phrase 'Jai 
  Guru Dev' seems to be pure TMer on this song. 
  I'm pretty sure they wrote the song in Rishikesh.
 Don't you guys know how to look up *anything*?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
Actually, it seems to me the you're already
enlightened model is the one that's a lie.
If you're still lacking the realization, you're
not enlightened.

This model is designed to make people feel stupid
if they're still lacking the realization, as if
there were something wrong with them for not
having it--e.g., what should have been obvious,
IGNORANT of what's been right in his face since
the day he was born.
   But it's the truth.
  I worked with a teacher for many years who per-
  sonified the 'I can't tell you the truth about
  enlightenment because there IS no truth about
  enlightenment that can be put into words' philos-
  ophy I have been rappin' about recently.  He went
  out of his way to point out that everything he
  was saying was in a context, and from a particular
  point of view. Shift context and change points of
  view and, he said, it would no longer be true.
 Are you trying to suggest that my four words
 were not written in a context?  Within that 
 context, they're perfectly true. In other 
 contexts, not so much.

I couldn't agree more. That's been my point all
along; thanks for confirming it.

But I would also suggest that a significant part
of that context *for you* is that it offers you
yet another opportunity to attempt to put others
down while exalting yourself.

See, I have no problem with your model, only with
the way you use it, and your insistence that it's
somehow *more true* than the progress model.
Metaphysically, both models are equally true and
equally valid, just from different states-of-
consciousness contexts.

What is *not* valid is the attempt to apply the
model from one state of consciousness to another
state of consciousness--particularly when the
attempt is made in the interests of denigrating

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you trying to suggest that my four words
 were not written in a context?  Within that 
 context, they're perfectly true. In other 
 contexts, not so much.

Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
quote I provided:

And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
a thing as 'TRUTH.'

--Barry Wright, 7/31/07

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Are you trying to suggest that my four words
  were not written in a context?  Within that 
  context, they're perfectly true. In other 
  contexts, not so much.
 Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
 snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
 quote I provided:
 And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
 KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
 a thing as 'TRUTH.'
 --Barry Wright, 7/31/07

Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
to see which of you can obsess about me 
the most?

If so, I think he's winning right now.
You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
about me this week to catch up.   :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Duveyoung

How I long for you to be correct.

I once worked a few blocks away from where the Detroit race riots
were happening -- could hear gunshots.  

Out there in the cultural wilds is a real knot of stress that may take
more than your inspirational hopes below to dissolve.  I agree with
your take, but I fear we're both crossing our fingers behind our backs
while praying, Make it so, dear God, make it so.

I mean, the thuggery of inner city Detroit took to the streets and
shot up the town and burned down private homes (mostly black owned so
that's a measurement of the blindness of the backlash that is just
sitting there waiting for a reason, a spark.)  The African American
community has as many stupid folks as any other community -- there's
KKK thugs of whites, and then there's that gang of looters and muggers
that pulled that truck driver out of his truck in L.A's riots and just
smashed his head with a brick.  These folks are kindling and they're
easily jarred by symbols.  If Obama gets assassinated, that same
energy that roared with delight when O.J. was declared not-guilty is
there to be transformed instantly into raw mob hate.  Two centuries of
slavery -- what else could there be in the undercurrents of the
African American mindset?

Okay, I don't think I should post this, but here's the email I got the
other day.  Look at the sheer ignorance and racism of it. 
Swiftboating was NOTHING compared to the Obama onslaught that
seemingly is poised for release.

I just don't think BigMedia is going to do anything but foxnews-ize
it, and stoke the fires of discontent until, well, George will be
forced to round up everyone with less than a million dollars net worth
and put them into a camp.  

We already have had umpteen incidents where fully hooded KKK gangs
march down the streets of black neighborhoods -- free speech
donchaknow -- what will they be prompted to do if Obama gets the nod? 

Okay, I just decided not to re-post the scum -- it's just that bad and
I cannot take the karma of helping it in anyway.  Even thorn to
remove a thorn is not enough to justify republishing such vile sewage. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hey, Edg, I haven't gotten any of the racist junk mail you have 
 (yet), and I don't disagree with you that Obama's nomination (should 
 that happen) and possible election would bring out blatant racism 
 and uncover for all to see its ugliness and perversity, but I think 
 that'll be a very good thing.  I feel that many people who harbor 
 racism subtly but as a chronic condition will recognize it and 
 repudiate it when it's thrown into high relief for them and they 
 have to make a conscious choice.
 Furthermore, the positive emotional PR generated worldwide by the 
 election of a black american with a muslim middle name and a 
 reputation for inspiration cannot begin to be calculated.  That 
 alone (IMO) would vault an Obama presidency (and the USA) into a new 
 relationship with the world.  Stress along the different faultlines 
 of dissension that make up world politics could be relieved and a 
 true rapproachment with the Islamic mindset that up to now we just 
 haven't made any effort to understand and appreciate could be 
 More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a pivot point in 
 the direction of world consciousness.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the 
 party to
  the Demolition Party.  
  I cannot think of anything that would as quickly throw open the 
  door and reveal the incredibly dark racism underlying our culture.
  It'll put us on the brink of civil war.  Families will be torn 
  by it.
  I am already getting junk mail that is so scurrilously racist about
  Obama that I am shaken by the sheer blind ferocity of it.  I cannot
  think of anything more polarizing at this moment in our culture --
  this is not going to be about the War in Iraq, or the Bill of 
  or The Economy-stupid or the Illuminati -- it's going to be about 
  the hideous hidden beliefs of folks who have pretended to be
  good-hearted for their entire lifetimes has been the basis, the
  dynamic that keeps the underclass thoroughly controlled and 
  Racism is a tool of the plutocracy to keep the masses angry at each
  other and easily manipulated.
  Please, someone talk me out of this obsessive ideation of doom.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   On Behalf Of bob_brigante
   Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:30 AM
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for 
 Hillary if
   McCain is the nominee

   Unfortunately, national consciousness is so low, that despite 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Marek Reavis
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:27 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod  (Ann Coulter: I'll
campaign for Hillary)


Rick, I had to laugh when I read your reply to Edg (below). Only 
because you wrote in one sentence the same reply I made to him that 
required several paragraphs! It's the effect of too much lawyering.

Well, I was impressed with your longer response, and wished I could write so

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 2/1/2008
9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   Are you trying to suggest that my four words
   were not written in a context?  Within that 
   context, they're perfectly true. In other 
   contexts, not so much.
  Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
  snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
  quote I provided:
  And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
  KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
  a thing as 'TRUTH.'
  --Barry Wright, 7/31/07
 Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
 to see which of you can obsess about me 
 the most?
 If so, I think he's winning right now.
 You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
 about me this week to catch up.   :-)

Translation: Boy, she really got me that time.
Now, how can I distract attention from the fact
that I keep getting shot down?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
Are you trying to suggest that my four words
were not written in a context?  Within that 
context, they're perfectly true. In other 
contexts, not so much.
   Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
   snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
   quote I provided:
   And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
   KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
   a thing as 'TRUTH.'
   --Barry Wright, 7/31/07
  Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
  to see which of you can obsess about me 
  the most?
  If so, I think he's winning right now.
  You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
  about me this week to catch up.   :-)
 Translation: Boy, she really got me that time.
 Now, how can I distract attention from the fact
 that I keep getting shot down?

Do you ever LISTEN to yourself, Judy?

How old are you? 67? How long have you been
meditating? 35 years? And you get off on
believing that you got me?

Don't you understand how OBSESSED you and
Jim and Nablus are with me? 

Everyone else here understands it. And I
somehow think that they're not following
your imaginary triumphs on their own tote
boards. You're busy trying to score imaginary 
points about contradicting oneself against 
someone who is COMPLETELY comfortable with 

As for the quote itself, I'm perfectly com-
fortable with it, too. How could I not be? 
It's the TRUTH.

:-)   :-)   :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
 Are you trying to suggest that my four words
 were not written in a context?  Within that 
 context, they're perfectly true. In other 
 contexts, not so much.

Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
quote I provided:

And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
a thing as 'TRUTH.'

--Barry Wright, 7/31/07
   Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
   to see which of you can obsess about me 
   the most?
   If so, I think he's winning right now.
   You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
   about me this week to catch up.   :-)
  Translation: Boy, she really got me that time.
  Now, how can I distract attention from the fact
  that I keep getting shot down?
 Do you ever LISTEN to yourself, Judy?

Translation: Oops, she caught me AGAIN.

 How old are you? 67? How long have you been
 meditating? 35 years? And you get off on
 believing that you got me?

The evidence that you've been gotten does
give me kind of a chuckle, yes.

 Don't you understand how OBSESSED you and
 Jim and Nablus are with me?

You ain't in a position to accuse anybody
else of obsession, dude.

 Everyone else here understands it. And I
 somehow think that they're not following
 your imaginary triumphs on their own tote
 boards. You're busy trying to score imaginary 
 points about contradicting oneself against 
 someone who is COMPLETELY comfortable with 

Then why does it bother you so much when your
contradictions are pointed out? After all,
you're the guy who insists he doesn't want to
be taken seriously.

 As for the quote itself, I'm perfectly com-
 fortable with it, too.

You're not being taken seriously. Live with it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Patrick Gillam
Part of the behavior arises from hatred, but 
part arises from a win-at-all-costs morality, 
and the lust for money.

Here in New Hampshire in 2002, a Republican 
operative arranged to have the Democratic 
phone lines deluged with so many calls that 
the Dems were unable to make get-out-the-
vote calls. 

Here's an excerpt from a recent Washington 
Post story about this guy:

His worst deed, he says, was not the one 
that sent him to prison. It was arranging for 
white ethnic voters in New Jersey to receive 
recorded phone messages touting a 
Democratic congressional candidate in 
an accent Raymond describes as angry 
black man. But as he tells that story, he 
can't help smiling, even though his 
candidate lost by 481 votes.

To me, you're hired to do a job, and the 
job is to win. There's a lot of money being 
spent and there are careers on the line and 
there's a lot of power on the table, and so 
you have an obligation to do the best job 
you can to get the outcome your clients 
want, which is to win.

Raymond didn't perform his dirty tricks 
because he was a passionate ideologue 
or even a committed Republican. He 
could have worked for either party: 
I wasn't in it for a cause. To me it was 
a business. Politics is an industry. There's 
a lot of money there.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How I long for you to be correct.
 I once worked a few blocks away from where the Detroit race riots
 were happening -- could hear gunshots.  
 Out there in the cultural wilds is a real knot of stress that may take
 more than your inspirational hopes below to dissolve.  I agree with
 your take, but I fear we're both crossing our fingers behind our backs
 while praying, Make it so, dear God, make it so.
 I mean, the thuggery of inner city Detroit took to the streets and
 shot up the town and burned down private homes (mostly black owned so
 that's a measurement of the blindness of the backlash that is just
 sitting there waiting for a reason, a spark.)  The African American
 community has as many stupid folks as any other community -- there's
 KKK thugs of whites, and then there's that gang of looters and muggers
 that pulled that truck driver out of his truck in L.A's riots and just
 smashed his head with a brick.  These folks are kindling and they're
 easily jarred by symbols.  If Obama gets assassinated, that same
 energy that roared with delight when O.J. was declared not-guilty is
 there to be transformed instantly into raw mob hate.  Two centuries of
 slavery -- what else could there be in the undercurrents of the
 African American mindset?
 Okay, I don't think I should post this, but here's the email I got the
 other day.  Look at the sheer ignorance and racism of it. 
 Swiftboating was NOTHING compared to the Obama onslaught that
 seemingly is poised for release.
 I just don't think BigMedia is going to do anything but foxnews-ize
 it, and stoke the fires of discontent until, well, George will be
 forced to round up everyone with less than a million dollars net worth
 and put them into a camp.  
 We already have had umpteen incidents where fully hooded KKK gangs
 march down the streets of black neighborhoods -- free speech
 donchaknow -- what will they be prompted to do if Obama gets the nod? 
 Okay, I just decided not to re-post the scum -- it's just that bad and
 I cannot take the karma of helping it in anyway.  Even thorn to
 remove a thorn is not enough to justify republishing such vile sewage. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavismarek@
  Hey, Edg, I haven't gotten any of the racist junk mail you have 
  (yet), and I don't disagree with you that Obama's nomination (should 
  that happen) and possible election would bring out blatant racism 
  and uncover for all to see its ugliness and perversity, but I think 
  that'll be a very good thing.  I feel that many people who harbor 
  racism subtly but as a chronic condition will recognize it and 
  repudiate it when it's thrown into high relief for them and they 
  have to make a conscious choice.
  Furthermore, the positive emotional PR generated worldwide by the 
  election of a black american with a muslim middle name and a 
  reputation for inspiration cannot begin to be calculated.  That 
  alone (IMO) would vault an Obama presidency (and the USA) into a new 
  relationship with the world.  Stress along the different faultlines 
  of dissension that make up world politics could be relieved and a 
  true rapproachment with the Islamic mindset that up to now we just 
  haven't made any effort to understand and appreciate could be 
  More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a pivot point in 
  the direction of world consciousness.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the 

[FairfieldLife] Hello and London Meditation Centre

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
Dear Rick,

Wanted to say hello and let you know what's been happening with me.

I have spent the last several years studying Vedic Meditation. Over the last
two years I've been working in London and in July 2007 I qualified as a
teacher after four months in the mountains of India and Northern Arizona.

I'm very pleased to introduce London Meditation Centre. Please go to
londonmeditationcentre.com to see the website and to check out the full
programme of courses, workshops and retreats coming up in the next few

London Courses:

Seattle Course:

New York City Course:

Please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book to ensure
you receive any newsletters and updates.

I hope you enjoy the site and would love to hear any thoughts you may have.

Hope to see or talk with you soon.

All best,


Michael Miller


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 What does the lyric mean in the song, Jai Guru Deva, nothing's 
 change my world
 Does nothing's gonna change my world mean that even with the 
 of TM, nothing's gonna change my world?

Jai Guru Deva, nothing's gonna change my world = established in 
Being, perform action

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
 to see which of you can obsess about me 
 the most?
 If so, I think he's winning right now.
 You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
 about me this week to catch up.   :-)

sounds obsessive- all the counting and all. 

Interesting that you can easily count to 30 or so, but you can't 
reliably count to zero, can you?...:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Jai Guru Deva, nothing's gonna change my world = established in 
 Being, perform action

Yeah, it quite obviously means. practice TM and TM sidhis programs in
a group while taking Mahariahi Ayurveda supplements and living in
house with proper Vastu according to Mahariahi Stapatyaveda principles
and giving generously to the new project to build palaces for the
Rajas for Invincibility for Every precious nation on earth for all
mankind for eternity.

OTOH John might have just been kinda stoned.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie msilver1951@ 
  What does the lyric mean in the song, Jai Guru Deva, nothing's 
  change my world
  Does nothing's gonna change my world mean that even with the 
  of TM, nothing's gonna change my world?
 Jai Guru Deva, nothing's gonna change my world = established in 
 Being, perform action

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  Jai Guru Deva, nothing's gonna change my world = established 
  Being, perform action
 Yeah, it quite obviously means. practice TM and TM sidhis programs 
 a group while taking Mahariahi Ayurveda supplements and living in
 house with proper Vastu according to Mahariahi Stapatyaveda 
 and giving generously to the new project to build palaces for the
 Rajas for Invincibility for Every precious nation on earth for all
 mankind for eternity.
 OTOH John might have just been kinda stoned.

non sequitur, Curtis...in any case, you might want to just go back 
there, and listen, then make up your own mind. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread shukra69
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
   Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

   off_world_beings no_reply@ 
That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM

   And according to John Lennon his best song ever.
   He said that about In My Life, calling everything he had 
   that throw-away songs, but I hadn't heard what you said. Can 
  find a
  It's from an interview with the BBC. You would have to google it 
  search which will keep you off the streets for a good while. :-)
  Actually what he said was that Across the Universe was the song 
  liked the best of all he ever made. He did not say The Best.
 What does the lyric mean in the song, Jai Guru Deva, nothing's gonna 
 change my world
 Does nothing's gonna change my world mean that even with the practise 
 of TM, nothing's gonna change my world?
Established in the changeless, the transcendent

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Peter

--- Marek Reavis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a
 pivot point in 
 the direction of world consciousness.

Really will be interesting to see what happens. I
think McCain or Romney would be fine moderate
Republican presidents and would make great strides in
correcting the debacle of Bush's eight years. But it
would, to a large degree be a course correction within
the same paradigm. An Obama presidency would be a
paradigm change. I don't know how much he could get
done because  he really would be hit with tremendous
resistance from the right. But it would be very nice
to get out of Iraq (No more Saddam, no WMD...isn't the
mission over ??)and start pulling the country back
from financial ruin and servitude to China.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread shukra69

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016

 David Lynch has been conspicuously unmanifest at TMO activities
since the Berlin Raja 
 fiasco last Fall
Not so.
.   David Lynch, are you out there ?  Thank you for your dedication to 
 students through your leadership in funding teaching TM  widely to
students.  The simple 
 instruction of TM is a universally good thing.  
 Might you direct a new secular TM instruction organization?
Dr Lynch is fully devoted to the teacher and his total vision of the
of the Vedic knowledge and understands the reality of the aphorism 'na
gaur adhikam nothing greater than the Guru.
Its good to live in a full appreciation of the present and not be
stuck on some nostalgic idea of the past.
Jai Guru Dev
  TM's simplicity and 
 universality are compromised by the overtly religious TMO of 2008. 
Association with the 
 current religious TMO makes the TM technique vastly irrelevant to
the larger world. The 
 inevitable partisan orientation  of religious organizations makes
the wide-scale teaching 
 of TM highly unlikely as long as it is associated with the current
overtly religious TMO. 
 The timing is right for a return to the secular presentation of TM.
 There are tens of 
 thousands of TM teachers worldwide who might re-dedicate their
coming retirement years 
 to teaching secular TM again, as it was taught until 1975. Simple TM
am pm, with an 
 occasional  residence course... no products no yagyas..etc.
 What do you think ?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
 Are you trying to suggest that my four words
 were not written in a context?  Within that 
 context, they're perfectly true. In other 
 contexts, not so much.

Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
quote I provided:

And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
a thing as 'TRUTH.'

--Barry Wright, 7/31/07
   Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
   to see which of you can obsess about me 
   the most?
   If so, I think he's winning right now.
   You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
   about me this week to catch up.   :-)
  Translation: Boy, she really got me that time.
  Now, how can I distract attention from the fact
  that I keep getting shot down?
 Do you ever LISTEN to yourself, Judy?
 How old are you? 67? How long have you been
 meditating? 35 years? And you get off on
 believing that you got me?
 Don't you understand how OBSESSED you and
 Jim and Nablus are with me? 

What ?? Take your medication, go for a walk, find a 18 year old, get 
a life, buy a barrel of cheap spanish red wine if you must, but stop 
hallucinating. You are perhaps not aware of this and perhaps it goes 
against every bone in your body, but I do not find you very 
interesting, certainly not enough to become obsessed with.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The two models

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB 
  Are you trying to suggest that my four words
  were not written in a context?  Within that 
  context, they're perfectly true. In other 
  contexts, not so much.
 Oh, forgot to mention, you somehow managed to
 snip, without indicating the deletion, the first
 quote I provided:
 And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T
 KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in such
 a thing as 'TRUTH.'
 --Barry Wright, 7/31/07

Are you and Jim in some kind of contest
to see which of you can obsess about me 
the most?

If so, I think he's winning right now.
You'll have to make 20-25 more posts 
about me this week to catch up.   :-)
   Translation: Boy, she really got me that time.
   Now, how can I distract attention from the fact
   that I keep getting shot down?
  Do you ever LISTEN to yourself, Judy?
  How old are you? 67? How long have you been
  meditating? 35 years? And you get off on
  believing that you got me?
  Don't you understand how OBSESSED you and
  Jim and Nablus are with me? 
 What ?? Take your medication, go for a walk, find a 18 year old, 
 a life, buy a barrel of cheap spanish red wine if you must, but 
 hallucinating. You are perhaps not aware of this and perhaps it 
 against every bone in your body, but I do not find you very 
 interesting, certainly not enough to become obsessed with.

In fact, the only person to be obsessed with you is yourself. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch- please lead secular organization to teach TM

2008-02-02 Thread mainstream20016

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shukra69 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
  David Lynch has been conspicuously unmanifest at TMO activities
 since the Berlin Raja 
  fiasco last Fall
 Not so.

To what degree ??   He is virtually absent from the on-going marathon, now 
70-plus days 
and running, recently characterized as the most auspicious time in movement 

 .   David Lynch, are you out there ?  Thank you for your dedication to 
  students through your leadership in funding teaching TM  widely to
 students.  The simple 
  instruction of TM is a universally good thing.  
  Might you direct a new secular TM instruction organization?
 Dr Lynch is fully devoted to the teacher and his total vision of the
 of the Vedic knowledge and understands the reality of the aphorism 'na
 gaur adhikam nothing greater than the Guru.
 Its good to live in a full appreciation of the present and not be
 stuck on some nostalgic idea of the past.
 Jai Guru Dev

 'Dr' Lynch !!!  Pomposity bestowed upon truly self-sufficient persons is 
certainly sloughed 
off.  David's too classy to disappoint TMers who get such a thrill addressing 
their fellow-
TM brethren as 'Dr' this or that, but the 'Dr' Lynch thing will fade from use 

Regarding the aphorism 'na gaur adhikam'   - thanks for the insight -   please 
fill us in on 
the latest complete version of expressing adoration for Guru Dev- with 
translation, if you 

Regarding whether it is good  to live in the full appreciation of the present  
and not stuck 
on some nostalgic idea of the past  -  excuse me - the irrelevancy of the TMO 
in its 
present overtly religious state is appalling in my view. The  ever-dwindling 
number of 
'insiders' who vainly reassure each other of their importance have deviated 
widely from 
their pledged responsibility, as the resultant obscurity of the TM program 
billions of lives to prolonged suffering.  

   TM's simplicity and 
  universality are compromised by the overtly religious TMO of 2008. 
 Association with the 
  current religious TMO makes the TM technique vastly irrelevant to
 the larger world. The 
  inevitable partisan orientation  of religious organizations makes
 the wide-scale teaching 
  of TM highly unlikely as long as it is associated with the current
 overtly religious TMO. 
  The timing is right for a return to the secular presentation of TM.
  There are tens of 
  thousands of TM teachers worldwide who might re-dedicate their
 coming retirement years 
  to teaching secular TM again, as it was taught until 1975. Simple TM
 am pm, with an 
  occasional  residence course... no products no yagyas..etc.
  What do you think ?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi and Fairfield in article on Dailykos

2008-02-02 Thread do.rflex

This article isn't a very favorable piece:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee

2008-02-02 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of bob_brigante
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:30 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary 
 McCain is the nominee
 Unfortunately, national consciousness is so low, that despite 
 McCain's commitment, displayed in this youtube video link, to fewer 
 jobs and more wars, a promise this psycho will fulfill if he ends 
 in the White House, McCain has been endorsed by several Governors 
 certainly will be elected if Obama is the Dem candidate (Hillary 
 might win against him).

 Many feel the opposite is more likely – that many Republicans hate 
 so much that they'd come out in droves to vote for McCain against 
her, but
 not so much against Obama.

Well, my track record on political predictions is not too good. I was 
living in Minnesota when Jesse Ventura was running for Gov, and I 
thought that bonehead did not stand a chance. So my predictions now 
are based on what is the worst possible outcome in an election 
(mirroring the saying by Mencken that nobody ever went broke 
underestimating the taste of the American public.), and I think that 
McCain is going to be the new disaster in the White House.

If Obama is the dem candidate, any Republican will win, because in 
Greater Crackerland, no black man is going to be in the White House, 
not at this time.

Let's check in with Vegas, where Hillary is a slight favorite over 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi and Fairfield in article on Dailykos

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This article isn't a very favorable piece:

Oh, gee, I was within seconds of posting about this
myself! It's pretty funny, actually. For those who
don't know, DailyKos is a very influential lefty blog
community most of whose members support Obama.

In this post, the writer notes that Ron Paul's
second-highest ZIP code for contributions is 52556--
Fairfield--and suggests, The fabulously wealthy
Maharishi -- who has exhibited interest in politics
in the past, having sponsored Natural Law Parties
in a number of Western nations -- is more likely
than not involved in directing contributions to the
good DoctorAfter all, the Maharishi disbanded
the US Natural Law Party in 2004, and the Paul
campaign might serve as a re-entry vehicle into
gadfly third party politics.

The comments are amusing too. To read both the diary
and the comments, use this URL:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi and Fairfield in article on Dailykos

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
It's not favorable, but it's accurate that both Paul's and Maharishi's 
position occupies mostly the fringe of public attention; and in 
Maharishi's case, perhaps not even that.

Both movements, Paul's political and Maharishi's spiritual/mercantile, 
have excellent motivations and (at times) effective rhetoric, but 
mixed results.  It doesn't bother me particularly that the TMO failed 
(apparently, to date) to deliver most of what was promised, because I 
recognize the value of Maharishi, his teachings and his techniques to 
my life, regardless; and I've no reason to believe that the same isn't 
true for many others.  It's clear that few here, whether true 
believers or pure opponents of the TM programs, would deny the impact 
and ultimately positive value of their association with it and with 

For me there was nothing objectionable to the article at all.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This article isn't a very favorable piece:

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Edg, I'd be interested to see the mailing you got, if you don't 
mind, just send it to me on the side.

Sure, Barack's opportunity comes with obvious risks (to him and to 
everyone), but the thing is already started and maybe the time is 
ripe.  I sure hope so, you're right.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How I long for you to be correct.
 I once worked a few blocks away from where the Detroit race riots
 were happening -- could hear gunshots.  
 Out there in the cultural wilds is a real knot of stress that may 
 more than your inspirational hopes below to dissolve.  I agree with
 your take, but I fear we're both crossing our fingers behind our 
 while praying, Make it so, dear God, make it so.
 I mean, the thuggery of inner city Detroit took to the streets and
 shot up the town and burned down private homes (mostly black owned 
 that's a measurement of the blindness of the backlash that is just
 sitting there waiting for a reason, a spark.)  The African American
 community has as many stupid folks as any other community -- 
 KKK thugs of whites, and then there's that gang of looters and 
 that pulled that truck driver out of his truck in L.A's riots and 
 smashed his head with a brick.  These folks are kindling and 
 easily jarred by symbols.  If Obama gets assassinated, that same
 energy that roared with delight when O.J. was declared not-guilty 
 there to be transformed instantly into raw mob hate.  Two 
centuries of
 slavery -- what else could there be in the undercurrents of the
 African American mindset?
 Okay, I don't think I should post this, but here's the email I got 
 other day.  Look at the sheer ignorance and racism of it. 
 Swiftboating was NOTHING compared to the Obama onslaught that
 seemingly is poised for release.
 I just don't think BigMedia is going to do anything but foxnews-
 it, and stoke the fires of discontent until, well, George will be
 forced to round up everyone with less than a million dollars net 
 and put them into a camp.  
 We already have had umpteen incidents where fully hooded KKK gangs
 march down the streets of black neighborhoods -- free speech
 donchaknow -- what will they be prompted to do if Obama gets the 
 Okay, I just decided not to re-post the scum -- it's just that bad 
 I cannot take the karma of helping it in anyway.  Even thorn to
 remove a thorn is not enough to justify republishing such vile 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis reavismarek@
  Hey, Edg, I haven't gotten any of the racist junk mail you have 
  (yet), and I don't disagree with you that Obama's nomination 
  that happen) and possible election would bring out blatant 
  and uncover for all to see its ugliness and perversity, but I 
  that'll be a very good thing.  I feel that many people who 
  racism subtly but as a chronic condition will recognize it and 
  repudiate it when it's thrown into high relief for them and they 
  have to make a conscious choice.
  Furthermore, the positive emotional PR generated worldwide by 
  election of a black american with a muslim middle name and a 
  reputation for inspiration cannot begin to be calculated.  That 
  alone (IMO) would vault an Obama presidency (and the USA) into a 
  relationship with the world.  Stress along the different 
  of dissension that make up world politics could be relieved and 
  true rapproachment with the Islamic mindset that up to now we 
  haven't made any effort to understand and appreciate could be 
  More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a pivot point 
  the direction of world consciousness.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ 
   If Obama becomes the candidate, better change the name of the 
  party to
   the Demolition Party.  
   I cannot think of anything that would as quickly throw open 
   door and reveal the incredibly dark racism underlying our 
   It'll put us on the brink of civil war.  Families will be torn 
   by it.
   I am already getting junk mail that is so scurrilously racist 
   Obama that I am shaken by the sheer blind ferocity of it.  I 
   think of anything more polarizing at this moment in our 
culture --
   this is not going to be about the War in Iraq, or the Bill of 
   or The Economy-stupid or the Illuminati -- it's going to be 
   the hideous hidden beliefs of folks who have pretended to be
   good-hearted for their entire lifetimes has been the basis, the
   dynamic that keeps the underclass thoroughly controlled and 
   Racism is a tool of the plutocracy to keep the masses angry at 
   other and easily manipulated.
   Please, someone talk me out of this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
From time to time I've seen news clips of heir Bush-boy de
whacko saying that Clinton is to blame, though I have not
made notes of when those videos were photographed nor the
of the context of the moment they were said, though I have
seen Der Bimbo blather such dhiarheal disinformation,
although Billy-boy might shoulda made for deeper
enwhackenation upon heir Laden, though why not I cannot
say, perhaps lack of insight of imperatives, perhaps.


  In a message dated 2/1/08 7:10:40 A.M. Central Standard Time,

 9/11 happened on Bush's watch. Period.
  Maybe if Bush spent more time assuming responsibility
  instead of blaming Clinton

  Excuse me, when did Bush ever blame Clinton for 9/11 and when did Bubba
 ever blame Bush?

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Rick, yours was the suutra, the pith of what we were both saying.  

When I get a new criminal case, I always start framing the theory of 
the case and the 'theme' to use for the jury to evaluate all the 
evidence they'll hear.  For instance, This is a case of self 
defense would be the theory and the theme might be [Defendant's 
name here] was just a guy grabbing a beer after work on a Friday 
night when he was attacked by the drunken troublemaker, [name of 
victim here], who has a criminal record of violence.

Like political rhetoric, you're always looking for the velcro meme.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Marek Reavis
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:27 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod  (Ann 
Coulter: I'll
 campaign for Hillary)
 Rick, I had to laugh when I read your reply to Edg (below). Only 
 because you wrote in one sentence the same reply I made to him 
 required several paragraphs! It's the effect of too much lawyering.
 Well, I was impressed with your longer response, and wished I 
could write so
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.18/1255 - Release Date: 
 9:59 AM

[FairfieldLife] Another DailyKos diary on Fairfield

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
This one's a very positive (but short) diary written
by someone whose parents live in Fairfield. Several
of the commenters appear to be familiar with Fairfield
as well:


[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Peter, there are things about both McCain and Romney that concern 
me, but I agree with you that either would be a significant 
improvement over the present fuck-ups in office.  They have so 
thoroughly screwed the pooch it's unbelievable.

But Romney strikes me as far too expedient in his ambitions for 
power, and McCain, whose personality I like and whose personal 
history I admire, is far too warlike in his response to Islamic 
radicalism/fascism.  I'd like to see far more time and effort spent 
to understand the cultural personality that fosters (or at least 
doesn't suppress) the type of violence that we see perpetrated under 
the banner of Islam.  Rather than just say that they are 
our 'enemies', we have to figure out what have we done and what are 
we doing -- in their eyes -- that stimulates such hatred.  We can 
deal with terrorism more effectively (IMO) if we have, as you point 
out, a paradigm shift in how we see the problem and how we address 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- Marek Reavis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  More and more I'm viewing this campaign as being a
  pivot point in 
  the direction of world consciousness.
 Really will be interesting to see what happens. I
 think McCain or Romney would be fine moderate
 Republican presidents and would make great strides in
 correcting the debacle of Bush's eight years. But it
 would, to a large degree be a course correction within
 the same paradigm. An Obama presidency would be a
 paradigm change. I don't know how much he could get
 done because  he really would be hit with tremendous
 resistance from the right. But it would be very nice
 to get out of Iraq (No more Saddam, no WMD...isn't the
 mission over ??)and start pulling the country back
 from financial ruin and servitude to China.
 Be a better friend, newshound, and 
 know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
  I'd like to see far more time and effort spent 
 to understand the cultural personality that fosters (or at least 
 doesn't suppress) the type of violence that we see perpetrated
 under the banner of Islam.  Rather than just say that they are 
 our 'enemies', we have to figure out what have we done and what are 
 we doing -- in their eyes -- that stimulates such hatred.  We can 
 deal with terrorism more effectively (IMO) if we have, as you point 
 out, a paradigm shift in how we see the problem and how we address 

Last two paragraphs of a pro-McCain post on The
Corner, the group blog of the right-wing National
Review (most of whose members have been strongly
anti-McCain and are struggling to come to terms
with the likelihood that he'll win the nomination):

In short, anyone who saw the Democratic debate Thursday night can 
envision the new future on their horizon: identity politics and self-
congratulation over race and gender; tax increases (back to estate 
tax hikes, income tax rates go up, payroll tax caps lifted, etc); 
internationalism for the sake of internationalism (defer to the U.N., 
E.U., apologies for past conduct, *contextualizing terrorism*), more 
government (teachers, the poor, the middle class, etc. all need new 
government programs to add to those we have), and legislating judges 
(more Ginsburgs and Breyers). (emphasis added)

Given all of the above, I don't think it's in the interest of 
conservatives for much longer to worry about McCain's class ranking 
at Annapolis or how many planes he was nearly killed in.

I'm pretty sure this dude would refer (with a shudder)
to what you just advocated above as contextualizing
terrorism. The horror...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 2/2/08 6:33:02 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

From  time to time I've seen news clips of heir Bush-boy de
whacko saying that  Clinton is to blame,

You Have? I doubt it. In fact, I'm certain you haven't, unless it's the  
voices in your head. I have never heard Bush blame anybody for 9/11 other  than 
the terrorists themselves. By the way, it's not heir, it's  Herr.

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread Marek Reavis
Yeah, Judy, the concept that we may have something to do with the 
problems we face and a way of solving them, as something to deride.

Everyone believes that resistance to the change that Barack (and 
Hillary, too) represent will be intense and ugly.  Not unlikely, but 
I'm definitely caught up in the groundswell for Obama that is 
growing, and I'm hoping that it will dampen opposition.

We'll see.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
 reavismarek@ wrote:
   I'd like to see far more time and effort spent 
  to understand the cultural personality that fosters (or at least 
  doesn't suppress) the type of violence that we see perpetrated
  under the banner of Islam.  Rather than just say that they are 
  our 'enemies', we have to figure out what have we done and what 
  we doing -- in their eyes -- that stimulates such hatred.  We 
  deal with terrorism more effectively (IMO) if we have, as you 
  out, a paradigm shift in how we see the problem and how we 
 Last two paragraphs of a pro-McCain post on The
 Corner, the group blog of the right-wing National
 Review (most of whose members have been strongly
 anti-McCain and are struggling to come to terms
 with the likelihood that he'll win the nomination):
 In short, anyone who saw the Democratic debate Thursday night can 
 envision the new future on their horizon: identity politics and 
 congratulation over race and gender; tax increases (back to estate 
 tax hikes, income tax rates go up, payroll tax caps lifted, etc); 
 internationalism for the sake of internationalism (defer to the 
 E.U., apologies for past conduct, *contextualizing terrorism*), 
 government (teachers, the poor, the middle class, etc. all need 
 government programs to add to those we have), and legislating 
 (more Ginsburgs and Breyers). (emphasis added)
 Given all of the above, I don't think it's in the interest of 
 conservatives for much longer to worry about McCain's class 
 at Annapolis or how many planes he was nearly killed in.
 I'm pretty sure this dude would refer (with a shudder)
 to what you just advocated above as contextualizing
 terrorism. The horror...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Samadhi Is Much Closer Than 
 Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It? 
 DharmaMitra1@ wrote:
  Across the Universe?
  Isn't that song also known as Jai Guru Deva?

Wrong, Harrison was not in to Hare Krishna when that song was 
written, and it was written by Lennon.


 Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare Krishna folks, 
 use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in contrast to the usual Jai Guru Dev 

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama gets the nod ---- (Ann Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary)

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 

 Yeah, Judy, the concept that we may have something to do
 with the problems we face and a way of solving them, as
 something to deride.

I'm just a couple of chapters into The Looming Tower:
Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright, and
I hope to have a clearer sense of the ingredients in
that particular helping of the stew when I'm through.

It starts way back in the '30s with an Egyptian Muslim
named Qutb, who, after spending several years teaching
in the United States, returned to Egypt full of hatred
for Western culture and ended up writing a book that
became a sort of bible for the radical Islamist movement.

If you haven't read it (Wright, not Qutb, although the
latter is probably fascinating as well), you might want
to give it a shot.
 Everyone believes that resistance to the change that Barack
 (and Hillary, too) represent will be intense and ugly.  Not 
 unlikely, but I'm definitely caught up in the groundswell
 for Obama that is growing, and I'm hoping that it will dampen
 We'll see.

FWIW, I'm supporting Hillary because I think
Obama is caught up in his own groundswell and
really hasn't a clue what he's going to be
facing if he's elected (or even just if he's

I'm very doubtful that the support he's
attracting is going to discourage the
opposition among the power structure he'll
have to deal with in the slightest.

It's all thrilling and inspirational and
uplifting and intoxicating, and I wish to 
heck I could be part of it just because it 
must *feel* so good. But I'm not at all sure
there's any real muscle behind it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread off_world_beings
Turq, thanks for pointing this article out, which states:

The flavor of the song was heavily influenced by Lennon's, and The 
Beatles' short-lived interest in Transcendental Meditation in late 
1967–early 1968, when the song was composed. Based on this he added 
the mantra Jai guru deva om to the piece, which became the link to 
the chorus. The Sanskrit phrase is a sentence fragment whose words 
could have many meanings, but roughly translate to salutations to 
the guru, then the mystic syllable om.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
  Bob wrote:
   Probably due to Harrison's involvement with the Hare 
   Krishna folks, who use the phrase Jai Guru Deva, in 
  Maybe so, but according to what I've read, this song was 
  composed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is obvious
  that John was an avid TMer at this time. The phrase 'Jai 
  Guru Dev' seems to be pure TMer on this song. 
  I'm pretty sure they wrote the song in Rishikesh.
 Don't you guys know how to look up *anything*?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
   Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

   off_world_beings no_reply@ 
That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM

   And according to John Lennon his best song ever.
   He said that about In My Life, calling everything he had 
   that throw-away songs, but I hadn't heard what you said. Can 
  find a
  It's from an interview with the BBC. You would have to google it 
  search which will keep you off the streets for a good while. :-)
  Actually what he said was that Across the Universe was the song 
  liked the best of all he ever made. He did not say The Best.
 What does the lyric mean in the song, Jai Guru Deva, nothing's 
 change my world
 Does nothing's gonna change my world mean that even with the 
 of TM, nothing's gonna change my world?

It means: I am That, thou art That, and Yhat does not change. The 
thing which does not change is transcendental to the ever-changing 
universe. It is pure (non-relative), and it can be achieved by that 
form of meditation (meditation = turning the mind from the ever-
changing to the non-changing) which allows the mind to go beyond the 
relative to the non-relative. Therefore, after having realised this 
field fully, one feels that even in the midst of ever-changing 
worldnothing is going to change My world.

But then I thought that would have been obvious to you.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello and London Meditation Centre

2008-02-02 Thread Patrick Gillam
What's the story on this? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Rick,
 Wanted to say hello and let you know what's been happening with me.
 I have spent the last several years studying Vedic Meditation. Over the last
 two years I've been working in London and in July 2007 I qualified as a
 teacher after four months in the mountains of India and Northern Arizona.
 New York City Course:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe

2008-02-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
Sorry to intrude in such nice projection but John wrote the song when
his wife Cynthea kept running her mouth BEFORE they went to Rishikesh.  

Did you ever write a song Off?  He wasn't thinking within the
boundaries of philosophy you are trying to stuff him into.  He was
creating a word collage.  Read what they guy wrote about his own songs
and you will understand.  Trying to turn his clever word salad into an
advocacy piece for TM just shows how little you understand about his

OTHO everything you say is true FOR YOU.  That is the great thing
about poetic songwriting.  It was just the last part about

  But then I thought that would have been obvious to you.

 that smacked of my projection is reality that I object to. 

He was a better songwriter than that. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie msilver1951@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:31 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Across the universe


off_world_beings no_reply@ 

 That song is about Maharishi, Guru Dev, and TM

And according to John Lennon his best song ever.

He said that about In My Life, calling everything he had 
that throw-away songs, but I hadn't heard what you said. Can 
   find a
   It's from an interview with the BBC. You would have to google it 
   search which will keep you off the streets for a good while. :-)
   Actually what he said was that Across the Universe was the song 
   liked the best of all he ever made. He did not say The Best.
  What does the lyric mean in the song, Jai Guru Deva, nothing's 
  change my world
  Does nothing's gonna change my world mean that even with the 
  of TM, nothing's gonna change my world?
 It means: I am That, thou art That, and Yhat does not change. The 
 thing which does not change is transcendental to the ever-changing 
 universe. It is pure (non-relative), and it can be achieved by that 
 form of meditation (meditation = turning the mind from the ever-
 changing to the non-changing) which allows the mind to go beyond the 
 relative to the non-relative. Therefore, after having realised this 
 field fully, one feels that even in the midst of ever-changing 
 worldnothing is going to change My world.
 But then I thought that would have been obvious to you.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hello and London Meditation Centre

2008-02-02 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Patrick Gillam
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:39 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hello and London Meditation Centre


What's the story on this? 

Don’t know. I asked him a bunch of questions. I’ll post his answers.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.19/1256 - Release Date: 2/2/2008
1:50 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The thing about the sex thing, Clinton obviously had a sex-
  addiction problem, if you read his biography and the history
  of his addiction as governor and through the years.
 Which biography was this, Robert? And who wrote it?
 Bill and Hillary: The Marriage By Christopher P. Andersen
This is quite a story as reviewed below:
By any definition they are one of history most remarkable couples; he 
the irresponsible country boy populist oczing ambition and Southern 
charm, she the brilliant, tough-as-nails Midwesterner with a head for 
strategy, a taste for power, and in the end, an unshakable allegiance 
to the man in her life. Together. William Jefferson Clinton and his 
wife; Billiary Rodham, scaled the heights of power and prestige only 
to have his wantonly reckless behavior bring them to the brink of 
personal and political ruin.With never-before revealed informat on 
and behind-the-scenes access that only Christopher Anderson can 
accomplish, Bill and Hillary is certain to make international 
headlines Author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Day Diana 
Died (0-688-16082-4) and two bestselling book about another President 
and First Lady, Jack and Jackie (0-688-15312-7) and Jackie after Jack 
(0-688-14760-7), Anderson takes readers on a facinating journey 
inside the marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton.The entity known as 
Bill and Hillary is greater than the sum of its parts The Clintons 
are youthful, brilliant, attractive, complicated sometimes arrogant, 
often mystifying, always controvercial -- but never dull, Sex, money, 
power, lies, and scandal. Each played a role in the making and 
unmaking of the Clinton legacy. Yet whatever the judgment of history, 
the continuing saga of Bill and Hillary is -- above all else -- a 
curious, compelling, and uniquely American love story.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
   Excuse me, when did Bush ever blame Clinton for 9/11 and when 
did Bubba
  ever blame Bush?

I don't think one ever blamed the other...

What I was commenting on was the inflamed response last week when 
someone suggested while Bill Clinton was speaking, that the 9/11 
thing was a conspiracy...

His strong reaction to the question, made me feel that  perhaps he 
had failed in that arena.

I've also heard Bill Clinton expressed regret for his personal 
failure to prevent the 1994 slaughter of 800,000 people, in the 
Rwandan genocide.

There is no doubt that Bill Clinton is a brilliant and charismatic 
If he ends up back in the White House, he could possibly be there 
longer than any other president= 16 years...think about it!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
   Excuse me, when did Bush ever blame Clinton for 9/11 and when 
did Bubba
  ever blame Bush?

I don't think one ever blamed the other...

What I was commenting on was the inflamed response last week when 
someone suggested while Bill Clinton was speaking, that the 9/11 
thing was a conspiracy...

His strong reaction to the question, made me feel that  perhaps he 
had failed in that arena.

I've also heard Bill Clinton expressed regret for his personal 
failure to prevent the 1994 slaughter of 800,000 people, in the 
Rwandan genocide.

There is no doubt that Bill Clinton is a brilliant and charismatic 
If he ends up back in the White House, he could possibly be there 
longer than any other president= 16 years...think about it!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Accross the universe

2008-02-02 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
I love it when a PR effort reaches astronomical proportions. ;-)


http://PanachePR.does.it/ http://panachepr.shows.it/

On 2/1/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 NASA launching Beatles tune into space

 Fri Feb 1, 11:07 AM ET

 WASHINGTON - The Beatles are about to become radio stars in a whole new
 way. NASA on Monday will broadcast the Beatles' song Across the Universe
 across the galaxy to Polaris, the North Star.

 This first-ever beaming of a radio song by the space agency directly into
 deep space is nostalgia-driven. It celebrates the 40th anniversary of the
 song, the 45th anniversary of NASA's Deep Space Network, which communicates
 with its distant probes, and the 50th anniversary of NASA.

 Send my love to the aliens, Paul McCartney told NASA through a Beatles
 historian. All the best, Paul.

 The song, written by McCartney and John Lennon, may have a ticket to ride
 and will be flying at the speed of light. But it will take 431 years along
 a long and winding road to reach its final destination. That's because
 Polaris is 2.5 quadrillion miles away.

 NASA loaded an MP3 of the song, just under four minutes in its original
 version, and will transmit it digitally at 7 p.m. EST Monday from its
 giant antenna in Madrid, Spain. But if you wanted to hear it on Polaris,
 you would need an antenna and a receiver to convert it back to music, the
 same way people receive satellite television.

 The idea came from Martin Lewis, a Los Angeles-based Beatles historian,
 who then got permission from McCartney, Yoko Ono and the two companies that
 own the rights to Beatles' music. One of those companies, Apple, was happy
 to approve the idea because is always looking for new markets, Lewis said.

 Perhaps coincidentally, the song's launching comes a day before the
 release of the DVD of the Julie Taymor movie named after the Beatles hit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread Roberto
 He (Clinton) was distracted by  the impeachment and so on.
 A, there you go! Back to true form. It was the Republicans fault 
 didn't wack Bin Laden. He had several opportunities that were  missed.

I'm not blaming anyone...

I was just pointing out that there were many missed opportunities 
during the Clinton administration as there have been during the past 
years with Bush.
The blame is more with the whole thing that's being strummed up in the 
election, of Washington being broken: too much noise in the system...
Too much divisiveness. Bush and the Clintons seem to invite 
That's the whole theme of the Obama campaign, to amend these tendencies.
Time will tell, whether that is even possible, or whether we will just 
hold on to what is familiar in a time of change.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bubba Screams: It Was bin Laden Stupid!'

2008-02-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   The thing about the sex thing, Clinton obviously had a sex-
   addiction problem, if you read his biography and the history
   of his addiction as governor and through the years.
  Which biography was this, Robert? And who wrote it?
  Bill and Hillary: The Marriage By Christopher P. Andersen

Oh, please. No wonder your view of the Clintons
is so skewed.

[FairfieldLife] 'Why Obama Could Get Osama'

2008-02-02 Thread Robert
Osama and his coherts have escaped,
  Both the Clinton's and the Bush's...
  Osama and his cohorts seem to have some, 
  Kind of spiritual/psychic/political protection?
  Seems to me: it would take,
  A spiritual force, as well as a military force:
  To penetrate the veil where he hides...
  Somehow we as a nation haven't pulled together,
  And become a beam of light strong enough;
  To overcome the veil of divisiveness,  
  Divided we are weak, and unable,
  To penetrate areas of darkness,
  That night vision goggles  don't penetrate.
Obama promises to penetrate the veil;
  Only a unified spiritual force;
  Combined with political purity,
  Can end the reign
  Of spiritual leaders with evil intentions.
  So, there!

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[FairfieldLife] 6 mins footage of Guru Dev

2008-02-02 Thread bob_brigante
brief glimpses of MMY at 2:27, 3:38


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello and London Meditation Centre

2008-02-02 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Patrick Gillam
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:39 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hello and London Meditation Centre
 What's the story on this? 
 Don't know. I asked him a bunch of questions. I'll post his answers.


It looks like Michael Miller is a former TM teacher, now teaching on 
his own at his London center. The meditation teacher he refers people 
to in Los Angeles clearly says Guru Dev is the source of what they 
are calling Vedic Meditation (in order to avoid being sued by the 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello and London Meditation Centre

2008-02-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's the story on this? 
 Don't know. I asked him a bunch of questions. I'll post his answers.

What is there to know ? This fellow just wants the fees for himself, 
thats all there is to it.