Re: [FairfieldLife] Our group hug

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Aw, Emptybill, that's so sweet.  Hey, you started something nice, did you 
not?  Or, was that Judy?  Ha.  All that opera simply catapulted this poor 
unenlightened soul right out of her holiday blues.  I will forever be grateful 
to you - all that tragic opera drama (and yes, I also did listen to all 10 ish 
minutes of the mad scene that Judy posted and loved every tragic moment of it) 
makes mine look like nothing at all.   And, it inspired me to do my favorite 
thing and run off to the beach for a few days.  And, I saw my sister on the way 
and you know what?  We look a lot alike after decades of separation and we have 
some serious similarities in the issues we are having.  Genetics rules.  

 From: emptybill
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 6:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Our group hug

So many folks here are full of angry
displays that I've lost faith in humanity.

Everyone here needs to recognize that
none of it means anything - it will all be
meaningless in a month.

I think we all need a group hug.

Here ... let's all gather 'round and
pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
and the grenades on my vest are just
for looks.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Aw, that's so sweet.  I like raunchydog all the time, but then again, she's 
part of the cult I'm in.  Share, is that one of the criteria - do I have to 
like the people in the cult you've assigned me to?  Or, can I think they are a 
bit overbearing at times with tactics I don't approve of to keep other members 
in line.  Should I care about what they wear?  

 From: seventhray1
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 8:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

Okay.  Yes she does much of what you say.  At other times she appears so 
deferential to Judy, that that comparison came to mind.  I retract the 
comparison.  But as to the other entity in the relationship, Shift, the ape, I 
still reserve judgement.
I like the raunchydog. (at least most of the time anyway)

--- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Steve, you can't be serious.  Are you being ironic?  Raunchy puts out some 
 of the most creative, ballsy, insightful, and individual posts here.  You 
 don't think she can think for herself?  
 From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@...
 Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 5:11 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of 
 Raunch, you and Ravi do excel in the insult department. 
 And good for you for applauding Ravi's intelligence put to such good use 
 Maybe that is why you remind me so much of Puzzle, the silly ass donkey in 
 the The Chronicles of Narnia.  
 The one who was so easily manipulated and couldn't really think for himself. 
 (and that is putting it mildly)
  --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@ 
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula
   chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
So it's still slander Steve baby, any time retards try to judge me -
slander :-)
   Whatever you say Ravi. Whatever you say. And evidently that is the
   attitude you must have shown to the judge, because from what you've said
   here, and on other forums, you got nothing, and she got everything.
  Pay no attention to Steve, folks. He's just jealous that Ravi's I.Q. is 
  over 100.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
A, that's so sweet.  Can I have a glass of wine to with it?  And here I've 
been, reciting the Lord's Prayer to ward off the evil spirits.  

 From: seventhray1
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 9:05 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT


--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@ 
  Thank you for recognizing my brilliance Robin. I know it's taken you a
  while. After these flame wars settle down some, I'll try to clue you in
  on what makes a valid comparison, and what does not. If I forget,
  remind me.
  Your Friend in Christ,
 Dear Steve, I'm in to the Christ consciousness of the Unified Field too.
Then let me take you in my embrace. 
Let us pray: Dear Lord, these have been trying times at FFL. Really, we had a 
few days of calm, but it pretty much all busted open starting last night. And 
Lord, I am perplexed. How can it be that people who are like minded about so 
many things, can have such vehement disagreements? Even in your wisdom Lord, I 
don't know if you can adequately answer this.
Lord, include me and Ravi in your prayers. I feel that some measure of 
reconciliation has taken place between us, and I thank you for that. 
And bless Share, and Emily, and Judy, and the Raunchdog. (I know Lord that that 
name is a little peculiar, but she is a fine person. She is someone I would 
want to have on my team.)
And Lord, forget not our dear friend in Canada, Robin Woodsworth Carlson. A 
fine fellow he is, who only recently came out from his seclusion. Help him Lord 
to be understood properly.
And also Irantea, and Xeno, and all the others I haven't mentioned here Lord, 
including Barry, and even Curtis. Okay, even Vaj. 
Thank you Lord.
  --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
   You can't believe what you say here, Emily. You are defensive and
  subjective and desperate. That's the way it comes across. You act as if
  these features of raunchy are self-evident.
   I guess they are.
   No, this was a factual post--finally.
   I guess I have to change my mind. This is called no-brainer
  objectification of subjectivity.
   --- In, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
Steve, you can't be serious. Â Are you being ironic? Â Raunchy
  puts out some of the most creative, ballsy, insightful, and individual
  posts here. Â You don't think she can think for herself? Â

From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 5:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell,
  author of CULT
Raunch, you and Ravi do excel in the insult department.
And good for you for applauding Ravi's intelligence put to such
  good use here.
Maybe that is why you remind me so much of Puzzle, the silly ass
  donkey in the The Chronicles of Narnia.Â
The one who was so easily manipulated and couldn't really think for
  himself. (and that is putting it mildly)
 --- In, raunchydog
  raunchydog@ wrote:

 --- In, seventhray1
  lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula
  chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   So it's still slander Steve baby, any time retards try to
  judge me -
   slander :-)
  Whatever you say Ravi. Whatever you say. And evidently that is
  attitude you must have shown to the judge, because from what
  you've said
  here, and on other forums, you got nothing, and she got

 Pay no attention to Steve, folks. He's just jealous that Ravi's
  I.Q. is over 100.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Awwsome, that's so sweet.  Ravi, I've never heard this before.  You pay 
more child support than anyone I know; there is something to be said for that.  

 From: Robin Carlsen
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 9:55 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

The beauty of one person's soul revealed in this one word-and the context he 
brings along within which that one word lives and has its saying. Amazing for 
anyone interested in reading the underneath meaning of a single act--one word.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 8:12 PM, seventhray1
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Not quite - I have never wanted a clean break from the kids. The
   forced me to - same thing with the financial obligation. In 2009, in a
   mystically deceived, intoxicated state I begged my ex to take everything
   and release me from all financial obligations so I could just wander as a
   yogi and enjoy my bliss. I'm so glad she refused to entertain me on the
   latter. I can see how stupid it sounds in retrospect - no, it's all good,
   it's perfect now.
  You know what.  That makes sense. (no sarcasm in case anyone was wondering)


Re: [FairfieldLife] New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Aw, that's so sweet.  You are such a chatty, multi-talented, famous, 
musical Cathy.  

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 7:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] New Video: Talk a Lot

Here's my latest music video Talk a Lot:



[FairfieldLife] To Judy from Emily

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn

Dear Judy, I want you to know that I don't usually appreciate soprano's but, I 
have grown and changed over this last year and I thoroughly appreciated the 
beauty and voice of Anna Netrebko.  (I really want to add a v in there 
somewhere.)  How fascinating that the mad scene was based on real events.  
Things were so tragically complicated back then.
I have a different kind of song for you and am curious as to what you might 
think about it:

I will start by saying that, well, the *hair,* the *hair* sends me into a state 
of sweet ecstasy.  If you listen to all 7.33 minutes of it, there's a nod at 
the end that is just so lovely.  Regards, Emily.  

[FairfieldLife] Six types of suutras!

2012-12-09 Thread card

Dr. Måns Broo (mons brew) has written a book about yoga-suutras, in Finnish, 
called Joogan filosofia (philosophy of yoga).

I'll try to translate what he writes about the six kinds of suutras:

According to miimaaMsaa-philosophers, there are six types of suutras:
(1) definition (saMjnaa), (2) key to interpretation (paribhaaSaa), 
(3) order[?] (vidhi), (4) restriction (niyama), (5) presentation of
a new topic (adhikaara) and (6) corresponding application (atidesha).

[FairfieldLife] Wind-Up Toys On Parade

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@
  See what I mean? Obsessed, pure and simple. You LIVE to 'get' Judy.

 Nonsense. Every so often I just like winding her up and letting
 her get herself, that's all. Happy to see it works for more than
 one wind-up toy...  :-)


I love the smell of burning wind-up ego toys in the morning. :-)

I went out last night and am only catching up on FFL now, to find
that the wind-up toys have gone totally over the top. 220 posts since
I left, as far as I can tell almost all of them full of nothing but ego
and invective. And the person who claims that *she* is causing a
reaction in others made 33 of them, all in only slightly more than
24 hours since the posting week began.

Looks like it's going to be a quiet and peaceful end of the week,
once the wind-up toys post out by Monday or Tuesday.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Karma, Dudes!

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
Either that, or a new contender for the Darwin Awards - police
drone crashes into SWAT team:

[FairfieldLife] Documentary Highlights Value of TM for Teenage Girls

2012-12-09 Thread merlin

[FairfieldLife] Operant Behavioral Training

2012-12-09 Thread Buck
Horsemen before there was `clicker' or horsewhisperers…

We can add that Sigfinnur often rode walk in between the fast
parts. Then he lighted his pipe and told stories, sometimes
exaggerated, sometime plain lies. His horses soon got used to the
sound of the matches and learned that the smell of tobacco meant
going slowly or even stopping for a while. They walked like that
until they received a sign that something else was wanted. It
worked the same way with the sound of the marking equipment for the
lambs, in the times the sheep still had their lambs outdoors and
horses were used to chase lambs so they could be marked. Sigfinnur
often took up his box of matches, when his horses were not quiet
enough at the start of a race.

-story from Eidfaxi oct.2005

[FairfieldLife] The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread emptybill

I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds
to go oh shit.

That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will see
that even verbal actions have consequences.

Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers at
the banquet of the gods.

But not everyone will be happy …

Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field

Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
serves them right.

Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.

Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that
you are completely wrong?

Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
all mine - so fuck-off you retards.

Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
opera here to go with the soma?

Alex will say,This is the opera.

Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?

Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds with
each lap! This is so boring.

Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.

Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
`cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.

Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them
eat cake.

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 So many folks here are full of angry
 displays that I've lost faith in humanity.

 Everyone here needs to recognize that
 none of it means anything - it will all be
 meaningless in a month.

 I think we all need a group hug.

 Here ... let's all gather 'round and
 pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
 and the grenades on my vest are just
 for looks.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108
--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds
 to go oh shit.
 That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
 instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
 Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
 bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will see
 that even verbal actions have consequences.
 Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
 the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers at
 the banquet of the gods.
 But not everyone will be happy …
 Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
 declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
 deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
 Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
 serves them right.
 Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
 isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
 Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
 Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that
 you are completely wrong?
 Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
 all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
 Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
 opera here to go with the soma?
 Alex will say,This is the opera.
 Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
 all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
 Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
 they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds with
 each lap! This is so boring.
 Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
 Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
 `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
 had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.

LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over here...jeez, what does 
it take to get noticed around here, huh, huh?

 Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them
 eat cake.
 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  So many folks here are full of angry
  displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
  Everyone here needs to recognize that
  none of it means anything - it will all be
  meaningless in a month.
  I think we all need a group hug.
  Here ... let's all gather 'round and
  pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
  and the grenades on my vest are just
  for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108
Excellent bhairitu! I'm amazed by how you got the actual FFL message list to 
scroll on the computer, and I appreciate your nod to Barry and Buddha, and to 
Rick and Alex at the end. I even think I recognize RD in there somewhere. Also, 
I get the message (or I think I do). I gotta go back to see if I can discover 
anything else. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Here's my latest music video Talk a Lot:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread Share Long
Can't help feeling sad as I think how the people, including Juliette, in 
Raunchy's life will miss out on all the extra benefits because she doesn't 
have, psychologically speaking some of those cojones she often talks about.  
She doesn't have the cojones to actually go and see John Newton for herself.  
Something that would have been very easy for her to do THREE times this past 
year.  What's that about?  Why hasn't she attended even one presentation to see 
for herself that John is authentic and has something of great value to offer 
her and through her the people in her life?   

No she'd rather very cleverly and in a seemingly down home kind of way snark 
about someone she has chosen not to meet in person.  She'd rather cleverly and 
superficially diss John for his looks.  She'd rather despicably call his 
integrity into question by using the word claims in reference to John's remote 
viewing training.  Which BTW he talks about in his presentations.  

What's also sad is Robin's response.  Supposedly he loves Raunchy.  But what 
kind of love is it that praises someone for such snarky behavior as RD exhibits 
here?  Robin, learn to REALLY love someone rather than in a creepy cult leader 
kind of way.  It will not only do you good, but also your loved ones.

I'm sure John would instantly forgive all this, even my ineptness here.  And he 
would laugh about it all.  And he would have unconditional love for Raunchy and 
Robin.  And Ravi too.  Just as I'm sure Steve has BTW.    

Anyway, Raunchy I officially DARE you to attend John's next presentation.  With 
or without goat.  And Robin I officially dare you to have a phone session with 
John.  In the spirit of continuing to wish complete healing for you.      

 From: Robin Carlsen
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes!


--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 5:43 PM, awoelflebater 
   --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Apologies to Emily and anyone else who wrote a post to me yesterday or
   today.  I participated in a John Newton workshop all day today.
   Excerpts from the website
  John Newton is fucking delusional.
 In the movie The Men who Stare at Goats the military explores the potential 
 of Military Remote Viewing and other paranormal applications for spying. On 
 his website, Newton claims he trained and practiced Military Remote Viewing. 
 He's definitely dreamy looking enough to have been a pick for the movie 
 instead of George Clooney. But what I want to know is, as they attempted in 
 the movie, can John stop a goat's heart and make it drop dead by staring at 
 it? Here's a test of Newton's bona fides that will make him wildly famous in 
 Fairfield. No animals will be harmed.
 I have friends who have a farm with fainting goats. Honest to God, if you 
 make a sudden move toward one of these critters, it just keels over on its 
 side and faints. If John's psychic powers are as good as he says, he should 
 be able to stare at the goat I'm borrowing for his next seminar and make it 
 faint. I'll post video of the event on FFLife.

Learn to love this woman, Steve: It will do you good.
   For those interested in watching:
   John eliminated ringing in the ears and tennis elbow in both arms.  Both
   over the phone! -Kevin R., Montana†Christopher G., Photographer,
   Vancouver, BC
   His work cleared crushing pain, swelling, and near zero mobility in my
   wrist. A life-changing experience.
   †Christopher G., Photographer, Vancouver, BC
   John helped me clear the chronic pain and related anxiety in my throat.
   I recommend his work for anyone with emotional or physical pain.
   †Kourtney Kardashian (quote from her website)
   John offers his services both in-person and long distance via telephone.
   Although both are equally effective, if you are in the Los Angeles area, 
   in-person session might be preferable.
   Mission statement:
   To end suffering…
   At a young age, it was explained to me that some go to Heaven and others
   go to Hell.
   I couldn't grasp enjoying Heaven, knowing there were people suffering in
   My mission is to help everyone who wants to go, get into the party…
 At this moment I have 86 emails to go through!  At lunch I had 80!
   What's happening?!   Anyway, have to meditate now so might not reply til
   tomorrow.  Nighty night and sweet dreams everyone.
   Nighty night Share, sweet dreams to you 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 Excellent bhairitu! I'm amazed by how you got the actual FFL 
 message list to scroll on the computer, and I appreciate your 
 nod to Barry and Buddha, and to Rick and Alex at the end. I 
 even think I recognize RD in there somewhere. Also, I get the 
 message (or I think I do). I gotta go back to see if I can 
 discover anything else. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Indeed. I'm still having technical glitches with Flash,
so can't watch all of it without it crashing on me, but
that's a problem with my machine, not your video. What 
I saw was very creative indeed. Great work!

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Here's my latest music video Talk a Lot:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the 
 Gupta empire 'cause they knew that Shakya the Muni 
 already had done it all and had just returned back to 
 the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.

In ancient India this was called Yoga, a way to free 
oneself from suffering, not by the grace of a creator 
god or through the machinations of a demi-urge, but by 
the sheer efforts of the individual based on his or her 
own willpower. 

The idea that man can liberate himself through his own 
initiative (yoga) is the great contribution of the 
Buddha, the first historical yogin in India,and later
the sages of Mother India during the Golden Age, 320 
to 550 CE, the Gupta Empire.

Yoga Philosophy does not agree with the idea of fate or
predestination, rather it is based on volition, action 
(karma), and the principle that if one person can 
achieve freedom, then so can another: man is the 
measure of man. 

So, what do we know?

There is very little that we can actually know through 
our intellect or senses. Most of our knowledge comes 
through hearing, seeing, or observing, and we accept 
these as a valid means of knowledge. 

Through sense perception and verbal testimony we 
observe that the material world exhibits change and 
growth through change. 

Based on these observations we note a certain order in 
creation and we *infer* that there must be an 
intelligent agent. After all, it is a fact that 
something does not come out of nothing; only a creation 
based on intelligence would exhibit an orderly pattern 
of growth and dissolution repeated over time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Share Long
EmptyB I love you but what the heck opera are you talking about?  Raunchy's 
fainting goat opera?  And what the heck does my line mean?  I LOVE how it all 
turns out you  sweetie pie old codger.  God, you are older than me, right?  
Anyway, didn't you get my big hug?  Hopefully that will bring some coziness to 
those last 3 seconds (-:

 From: emptybill
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 9:22 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The results of our group hug!

I figure after the pin pops
off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds to go oh shit.
That last impression should
make quite a nice imprint. It will instantiate all the warm, loving
relationships we enjoy here on FFL. Even better, that oh shit will cause us
to avoid needless bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL,
we will see that even verbal actions have consequences.
Then because we've been
meditating for years, we'll be reborn in the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers
as two-fisted soma drinkers at the banquet of the gods. 
But not everyone will be
happy …
Robin will be displeased that
there isn't only one god and will declare, I see the truth with my inner heart
and I don't deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field 
Steve will be back on earth
thinking what a bunch of fools – serves them right. 
Share will say, I didn't
plan it to come out this way so it isn't my fault. It says that in the opera. 
Judy will pronounce, Is this
just a drunkfest? Where's the Sturm und
Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that you are completely 
Raving yogi will warn
everyone … See that Devi there? She's all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
Emily will say, Where's that
stage? Can't we have some opera here to go with the soma?
Alex will say,This is the opera.
Barry will be back on earth repeating,
Dude, I told you they would all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
Wolf Baiter will be shouting
over the racket, I want that chariot they keep singing about. You know the one
that circles the worlds with each lap! This is so boring. 
Raunchy will say, No matter
what, it's still fucked up.
Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire `cause they 
knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and had just returned back to 
the mantra … the Saraswati
Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them eat 

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 So many folks here are full of angry
 displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
 Everyone here needs to recognize that
 none of it means anything - it will all be
 meaningless in a month.
 I think we all need a group hug.
 Here ... let's all gather 'round and
 pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
 and the grenades on my vest are just
 for looks.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread emptybill
Hey, you'll be there in the middle on the right side. Not everything
is revealed to my pravritti-aloka jñana. Likely I'm being obstructed
by one of Robin's demons ... maybe by old Rahu.

Anyway, you'll probably be passed-out face-down in the cake.
Won't that be a delightful sight!

--- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@...

 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3
  to go oh shit.
  That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
  instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
  Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
  bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will
  that even verbal actions have consequences.
  Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
  the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers
  the banquet of the gods.
  But not everyone will be happy …
  Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
  declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
  deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
  Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
  serves them right.
  Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
  isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
  Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
  Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again
  you are completely wrong?
  Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
  all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
  Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
  opera here to go with the soma?
  Alex will say,This is the opera.
  Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
  all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
  Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
  they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds
  each lap! This is so boring.
  Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
  Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
  `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
  had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.

 LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over here...jeez,
what does it take to get noticed around here, huh, huh?

  Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let
  eat cake.
  --- In, emptybill emptybill@
   So many folks here are full of angry
   displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
   Everyone here needs to recognize that
   none of it means anything - it will all be
   meaningless in a month.
   I think we all need a group hug.
   Here ... let's all gather 'round and
   pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
   and the grenades on my vest are just
   for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Buck

  I think we all need a group hug.
  Here ... let's all gather 'round and
  pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
  and the grenades on my vest are just
  for looks.

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds
 to go oh shit.

You Damned terrorist bushwhacker.  There's no virtue or honor in what you just 
did.  This is really terrible, we trusted you and we let you in to this group 
and you pull the pin on us. Damned coward.  All we are saying is, Give Peace a 
chance.  We'll recover and be back but you are out in the wilderness now you 
crook. When Rick finishes transferring the ownership of FFL over to me there's 
no way you'll ever come in from your own loss of trust self-exile.  I'll have 
you wandering the wilderness of forums eternally in search of a place to post. 

 That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
 instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
 Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
 bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will see
 that even verbal actions have consequences.
 Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
 the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers at
 the banquet of the gods.
 But not everyone will be happy …
 Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
 declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
 deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
 Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
 serves them right.
 Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
 isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
 Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
 Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that
 you are completely wrong?
 Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
 all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
 Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
 opera here to go with the soma?
 Alex will say,This is the opera.
 Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
 all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
 Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
 they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds with
 each lap! This is so boring.
 Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
 Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
 `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
 had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.
 Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them
 eat cake.
 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  So many folks here are full of angry
  displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
  Everyone here needs to recognize that
  none of it means anything - it will all be
  meaningless in a month.
  I think we all need a group hug.
  Here ... let's all gather 'round and
  pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
  and the grenades on my vest are just
  for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108
I like cake...feed me, feed me!

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Hey, you'll be there in the middle on the right side. Not everything
 is revealed to my pravritti-aloka jñana. Likely I'm being obstructed
 by one of Robin's demons ... maybe by old Rahu.
 Anyway, you'll probably be passed-out face-down in the cake.
 Won't that be a delightful sight!
 --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@
  --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3
   to go oh shit.
   That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
   instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
   Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
   bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will
   that even verbal actions have consequences.
   Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
   the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers
   the banquet of the gods.
   But not everyone will be happy …
   Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
   declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
   deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
   Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
   serves them right.
   Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
   isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
   Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
   Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again
   you are completely wrong?
   Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
   all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
   Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
   opera here to go with the soma?
   Alex will say,This is the opera.
   Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
   all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
   Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
   they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds
   each lap! This is so boring.
   Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
   Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
   `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
   had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.
  LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over here...jeez,
 what does it take to get noticed around here, huh, huh?
   Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let
   eat cake.
   --- In, emptybill emptybill@
So many folks here are full of angry
displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
Everyone here needs to recognize that
none of it means anything - it will all be
meaningless in a month.
I think we all need a group hug.
Here ... let's all gather 'round and
pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
and the grenades on my vest are just
for looks.

[FairfieldLife] And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues

So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see on 
the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having tasted 
versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I could do 
better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted the 
temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for 
the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger 
and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes 
cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to 
in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee is a 
non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and God evaporates 
really quickly.) 

Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming right 
up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's attic 
as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out Silent 
Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the 
song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man slumped over the 
piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a 
time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 

The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding and 
is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush out 
the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to him at 
that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but he was 
really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised Christianity 
and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After we were done he 
asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her 
saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world 
and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a 
nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious, non committal but 
prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied one at the time, (or 
my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.  I thanked him, and he 
floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 

Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad repainted 
them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more than a bit of 
Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of George Clinton's 
Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an adoring Mary, looking 
herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends to believe her whopper of 
a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep his first century 
Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with him.  This better be the ONLY 
divinely conceived baby in this house Miss Missy! 
My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues of 
Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over thanks to 
Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.

I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
and myrrh 
I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If you 
really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  That 
hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and gift 
giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific requests, the receiving 
isn't so bad either.) 
The invention of the modern Christmas and many of its most iconic symbols and 
traditions was pretty recently laid herky jerky on top of those wonderful pagan 
contributions.  (Let's get plastered and bring a tree into the hut!)  If some 
people want to believe that the arrival of one fat baby 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread awoelflebater
Bravo Emptybill, bravo. Can I kiss you? You just about made my day.

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds
 to go oh shit.
 That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
 instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
 Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
 bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will see
 that even verbal actions have consequences.
 Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
 the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers at
 the banquet of the gods.
 But not everyone will be happy …
 Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
 declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
 deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
 Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
 serves them right.
 Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
 isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
 Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
 Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that
 you are completely wrong?
 Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
 all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
 Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
 opera here to go with the soma?
 Alex will say,This is the opera.
 Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
 all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
 Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
 they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds with
 each lap! This is so boring.
 Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
 Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
 `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
 had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.
 Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them
 eat cake.
 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  So many folks here are full of angry
  displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
  Everyone here needs to recognize that
  none of it means anything - it will all be
  meaningless in a month.
  I think we all need a group hug.
  Here ... let's all gather 'round and
  pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
  and the grenades on my vest are just
  for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread awoelflebater

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Can't help feeling sad as I think how the people, including Juliette, in 
 Raunchy's life will miss out on all the extra benefits because she doesn't 
 have, psychologically speaking some of those cojones she often talks about.  
 She doesn't have the cojones to actually go and see John Newton for 
 herself.  Something that would have been very easy for her to do THREE times 
 this past year.  What's that about?  Why hasn't she attended even one 
 presentation to see for herself that John is authentic and has something of 
 great value to offer her and through her the people in her life?   
 No she'd rather very cleverly and in a seemingly down home kind of way snark 
 about someone she has chosen not to meet in person.  She'd rather cleverly 
 and superficially diss John for his looks.  She'd rather despicably call his 
 integrity into question by using the word claims in reference to John's 
 remote viewing training.  Which BTW he talks about in his presentations.  
 What's also sad is Robin's response.  Supposedly he loves Raunchy.  But 
 what kind of love is it that praises someone for such snarky behavior as RD 
 exhibits here?  Robin, learn to REALLY love someone rather than in a creepy 
 cult leader kind of way.  It will not only do you good, but also your loved 
 I'm sure John would instantly forgive all this, even my ineptness here.  And 
 he would laugh about it all.  And he would have unconditional love for 
 Raunchy and Robin.  And Ravi too.  Just as I'm sure Steve has BTW.    
 Anyway, Raunchy I officially DARE you to attend John's next presentation.  
 With or without goat.  And Robin I officially dare you to have a phone 
 session with John.  In the spirit of continuing to wish complete healing for 

Hey, what about ME? I think I was the one to start making 'fun' of John right 
from the get-go. Aren't I in trouble too? 
  From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes!
 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 5:43 PM, awoelflebater 
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 Apologies to Emily and anyone else who wrote a post to me yesterday or
today.  I participated in a John Newton workshop all day today.
Excerpts from the website
   John Newton is fucking delusional.
  In the movie The Men who Stare at Goats the military explores the 
  potential of Military Remote Viewing and other paranormal applications for 
  spying. On his website, Newton claims he trained and practiced Military 
  Remote Viewing. He's definitely dreamy looking enough to have been a pick 
  for the movie instead of George Clooney. But what I want to know is, as 
  they attempted in the movie, can John stop a goat's heart and make it drop 
  dead by staring at it? Here's a test of Newton's bona fides that will make 
  him wildly famous in Fairfield. No animals will be harmed.
  I have friends who have a farm with fainting goats. Honest to God, if you 
  make a sudden move toward one of these critters, it just keels over on its 
  side and faints. If John's psychic powers are as good as he says, he should 
  be able to stare at the goat I'm borrowing for his next seminar and make it 
  faint. I'll post video of the event on FFLife.
 Learn to love this woman, Steve: It will do you good.
For those interested in watching:
John eliminated ringing in the ears and tennis elbow in both arms.  
over the phone! -Kevin R., Montana†Christopher G., Photographer,
Vancouver, BC
His work cleared crushing pain, swelling, and near zero mobility in my
wrist. A life-changing experience.
†Christopher G., Photographer, Vancouver, BC
John helped me clear the chronic pain and related anxiety in my throat.
I recommend his work for anyone with emotional or physical pain.
†Kourtney Kardashian (quote from her website)
John offers his services both in-person and long distance via telephone.
Although both are equally effective, if you are in the Los Angeles 
area, an
in-person session might be preferable.
Mission statement:
To end suffering…
At a young age, it was explained to me that some go to Heaven and others
go to Hell.
I couldn't grasp enjoying Heaven, knowing there were people 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
 --- In, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@ 
 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@
 Then talk TO him, don't talk ABOUT him. Grow a spine and
 address people directly, not through others. Put yourself
 out there where it can be a little bit scary and take a
 chance. Your hazy generalizations of how sorry you are or
 how misunderstood or how silly you think you can be at
 times just aren't cutting the mustard. Get out the steak
 knife and go for some real meat. Stop playing the damsel
 and GET REAL. You don't think I 'm going to take flak for
 this post? But at least I'm telling you how I really feel
 and showing you who I am, it doesn't come without
 consequences (especially here). Just look at the invective
 Robin is getting dealt right now. Now shit or get off the
 pot, woman.
 Ann, these are certainly nice sentiments.  But real dialogue is
 generally in short supply here.
 And really, I don't know if I would identify Ravi as one with
 whom one could have a meaningful dialogue.
 Hmm. Ann doesn't seem to be saying anything about dialogue
 per se. Maybe you should read what she wrote again?

No she does not, but assuming Share wrote directly to Ravi, and he responded, 
and they started an on-line conversation, that could be called an on-line 
dialogue. A dialogue with Ravi, seems like an iffy proposition though. A 
dialogue with Robin is more likely to continue with some meaningful content.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

 LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over 
 here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around 
 here, huh, huh?

It may take many years of posting for you to get any 
recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then, 
you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or 
a perv, based on your birth circumstances.

So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a 
single informant came to my defense!

At about the two year point of my participation I 
replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry 
called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the 
discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash 
about Rama. 


After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a 
political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia 
in 1968.
That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a 
years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still 
thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore, 
which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
Share. Go figure.

A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
in no particular order. 


Richard, you life hating fuck.

You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.

Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.

You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.

Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd 
think you were the BTK murderer.

Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering 
for yet more suffering in the world.

I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up 
and denounce this vile presence here. 

He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all 
of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.

You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.

You're a shitheel apologist for evil.

You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.

You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.

You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.

Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Fifteen Minutes

2012-12-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
Looks like PSY's 15-minutes of fame are just about over. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog
Beware of group hugs. It's usually an enticement to indulge in Bacchanalian 
orgy. We can't have that on FFLife so, fuggedaboutit. Emptybill has been 
especially devious luring us into a group hug. It turns out his group hug is a 
terrorist plot to make us all soft and squishy before he pops a pin and blows 
us to smithereens just because he doesn't like bickering. Emptybill needs our 
help to resolve his conflict-aversion-issues for his next life-time. When we 
all get to heaven, we'll have a role-playing session of Mommy  Daddy 
Fighting. It's a surefire Gestalt therapy technique I learned some years ago 
where Emptybill can finally learn to enjoy the repartee of dueling forces in 
knock-down-drag out debate. BTW Emptybill, this was a fun post. Thanks, and 
yes, No matter what, it's still fucked up.

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds
 to go oh shit.
 That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
 instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
 Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
 bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will see
 that even verbal actions have consequences.
 Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
 the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers at
 the banquet of the gods.
 But not everyone will be happy …
 Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
 declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
 deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
 Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
 serves them right.
 Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
 isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
 Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
 Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that
 you are completely wrong?
 Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
 all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
 Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
 opera here to go with the soma?
 Alex will say,This is the opera.
 Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
 all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
 Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
 they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds with
 each lap! This is so boring.
 Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
 Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
 `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
 had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.
 Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them
 eat cake.
 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  So many folks here are full of angry
  displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
  Everyone here needs to recognize that
  none of it means anything - it will all be
  meaningless in a month.
  I think we all need a group hug.
  Here ... let's all gather 'round and
  pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
  and the grenades on my vest are just
  for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread awoelflebater

--- In, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over 
  here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around 
  here, huh, huh?
 It may take many years of posting for you to get any 
 recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then, 
 you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or 
 a perv, based on your birth circumstances.
 So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
 alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
 I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a 
 single informant came to my defense!
 At about the two year point of my participation I 
 replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry 
 called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the 
 discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash 
 about Rama. 
 After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a 
 political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia 
 in 1968.
 That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a 
 years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
 Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still 
 thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore, 
 which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
 Share. Go figure.
 A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
 in no particular order. 
 Richard, you life hating fuck.
 You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.
 Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.
 You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.
 Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd 
 think you were the BTK murderer.
 Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering 
 for yet more suffering in the world.
 I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up 
 and denounce this vile presence here. 
 He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all 
 of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.
 You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.
 You're a shitheel apologist for evil.
 You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.
 You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.
 You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.
 Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
 gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
 and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

Wow, and Share thought she was getting the gears. It's amazing you're still 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108
Curis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it would 
be enough. You got the gift man! Happy holidays!

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
 brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see 
 on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having 
 tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I 
 could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted 
 the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went 
 right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and 
 some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that 
 includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that 
 I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
 coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and 
 God evaporates really quickly.) 
 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
 yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
 Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
 dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
 right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's 
 attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out 
 Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It 
 plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man 
 slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes 
 of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 
 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
 darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
 sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding 
 and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
 out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
 him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
 he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
 Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After 
 we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out 
 one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was 
 saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in 
 the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit 
 curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
 dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas 
 miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
 than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
 George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
 adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
 to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
 to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
 him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
 gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
 sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues 
 of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over 
 thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
 who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
 else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
 which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
 and myrrh 
 I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
 bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
 you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
 That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
 materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
 presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and 
 gift giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific requests, the 
 receiving isn't so bad either.) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108
Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it would 
be got the gift man! Happy holidays!

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
 brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see 
 on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having 
 tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I 
 could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted 
 the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went 
 right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and 
 some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that 
 includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that 
 I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
 coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and 
 God evaporates really quickly.) 
 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
 yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
 Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
 dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
 right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's 
 attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out 
 Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It 
 plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man 
 slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes 
 of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 
 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
 darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
 sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding 
 and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
 out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
 him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
 he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
 Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After 
 we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out 
 one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was 
 saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in 
 the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit 
 curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
 dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas 
 miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
 than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
 George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
 adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
 to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
 to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
 him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
 gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
 sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues 
 of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over 
 thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
 who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
 else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
 which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
 and myrrh 
 I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
 bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
 you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
 That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
 materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
 presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and 
 gift giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific requests, the 
 receiving isn't so bad either.) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread Share Long
yes, Emily I regret hurting your feelings.  However, I don't agree that I 
completely dismissed and ignored you.  It's possible in the deluge I missed 
some posts of yours and of others as well.  I guess I don't understand because 
if someone told me I was in a cult, it wouldn't bother me.  I know I'm not and 
they're entitled to their opinion.    

 From: Emily Reyn
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of 

Share, do you very much regret having hurt mine, given that you assigned me to 
a cult, refused to discuss on what basis you did this, and completely dismissed 
and ignored me telling you how it was making me feel?  

 From: Share Long
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of 

Thank you Steve for all your support.  Hope you and family are well and happy.  
I very much regret having hurt Ravi's feelings. 

 From: seventhray1
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 9:17 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

Always consider the source.  As Ravi has said, much of his dysfunctionality is 
a matter of the public record, except for those posts (a considerable 
amount) he has managed to have expunged.
He is on the record here, saying that he issued an ultimatum to his wife that 
she renounce Amma as her guru and instead accept him as her guru.
So, as I've said, consider the source.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Share - I have to add, your posts to this thread have hilarious in their
 utter clueless-ness.
 You are not a person who has, so far shown any awareness, sensitivity,
 maturity - intellectual and/or emotional, intelligence to understand the
 nuances of any issue to be really compassionate. There is a difference
 between fake niceness and genuine compassion - in the absence of above your
 responses to Robin's posts come across as hilarious or malicious depending
 on my mood.
 I would say you are very much like Barry except he is overtly mean and you
 are not. Anyway I don't know what the sound of two paranoid, delusional
 people conversing is - I don't think it's possible, they are too..well
 paranoid and alike to get along with each other. So you are
 better off
 spending your time on FFL chatting to people like LG, Xeno and others if
 you don't want people to pile on you.
 On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:34 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy, whatever the quality of Robin's intentions, they
   would have been under the influence of his self proclaimed
   state of mystical hallucination. Your ignoring, in relation
   to his intentions, that self proclamation of his
  Of course, I don't ignore it. You say that without having
  any idea of how I view this: You just made it up. Typical.
  I *disagree* that Robin's intentions would have been affected,
  made somehow negative, by his
 enlightenment. I see no reason
  why that would have been the case.
  You are taking delusion and hallucination too literally;
  those terms are only very roughly approximate, because there
  simply is no vocabulary to describe what happened to him.
  He himself has said his enlightenment was *real*, so there's
  obviously a paradoxical element to this that you haven't
  bothered to take into account.
   an aspect of hallucination into the PRESENT and is not IMO
   helpful in the present. This is what I am addressing, the
  Yes, I know you are. Your sole interest is in finding ways
  to portray him negatively *in the present*, and you'll make
  up whatever metaphysical rules you need to in
 order to do
  Your perpetuate an aspect of hallucination into the
  PRESENT doesn't make any sense. *You* don't even know what
  you mean by it.
  You have a desperate need to make Robin a Bad Guy to justify
  the disgusting way you've behaved toward him.
  I stand by what I said. The negative intelligences that
  brought about Robin's enlightenment *used* his good
  intentions--and those of everyone in his group--to further
  their own goals. That did not turn them into *bad*
  intentions. The bad intentions were those of the negative
  intelligences that took advantage of his innocence, his
  idealism, his loving nature, his desire to help others
  be the best they could possibly be.
  Though I recognize that I've
 made some mistakes
   about all this and will probably 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
And so it is. I've missed your spirit -- Christmas or otherwise --
around here, and thus happy for the drive-by. Loved the Three Wise Men
as Parliament-Funkadelic, and the bastard child of a rapist ghost.

At least here in the Netherlands they celebrate a *real* Saint Nicholas.
True, he was a bishop in Turkey and they still portray him as
accompanied by his black servants (as opposed to elves), but he really
existed, so in that respect he's got a leg up on both Santa Claus *and*
Jesus.  :-)

As for coffee, putting anything into it except cream and a dollop of
sugar is heresy. And I have it on good authority that while Santa may
enjoy his cuppa with a bit of single-malt whiskey, it's always on the
side, not added as an adulterant.

--- In, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran)
and you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian
numbers you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the
magic begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the
years, I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never
took the trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft
peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark
coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk. 
Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves
would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to
in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee
is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and
God evaporates really quickly.)

 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping
my yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro
stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in
their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2
diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued
from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up
music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of
mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops
and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers
unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time before his
mental ship sails away for a few moments.

 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some
Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put
together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly
not at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it
out: )  It actually worked
to flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent
standing next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till
the early morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite the
fact that he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was
going to fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of
Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine
ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world and
all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a
nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious, non
committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied
one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.
I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs.

 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad
repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by
more than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like
members of George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and
sheep and an adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph
beside her pretends to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine
pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep his first century Courtney Stodden
age-inappropriate hot wife with him.  This better be the ONLY divinely
conceived baby in this house Miss Missy!

 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's
magazines gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and
could say he was sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the
throat soothing virtues of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got
versions of them all over thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part
on Mad Men.

 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a
donkey who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo
and someone else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated
sap of the poppy which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge,
translation for frankincense and myrrh

 I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let

[FairfieldLife] Winston saw it like a prophet

2012-12-09 Thread emptybill

Winston Churchill predicted the future – many times

November 30, 1874 is the birth-date of the greatest statesman in
history. Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan deemed him so. Just
his indomitable leadership in World War II rallying a beleaguered
Britain to triumph over Nazi tyranny would alone earn him this unique

But the world is not aware that Churchill was a modern Nostradamus in
his prophetic wisdom. Among other things, he predicted two World Wars
and the Cold War. Even today's headlines are the stuff of
predictions he made close to a century ago. In 1905, he foresaw the
creation of the Israeli State. Churchill was the first non-Jewish
Zionist. Twelve years before the Balfour Declaration, in 1917, Churchill
called for a Jewish State. It was not as if he represented New
York's Lower East Side or Miami populated by Jews.

Then in 1921, in a speech to the House of Commons, he spoke of a
militant Islam sect, the Wahabis, more violent than any in history,
which would kill their own sisters for wearing the wrong attire. These
fierce zealots would terrorize the West with bomb-carrying Jihadists who
would burn embassies and destroy buildings by their passion to sacrifice
their lives for guarantee of Islam heaven. Winston Churchill II would
read his grandfather's speech to President George W. Bush in the
White House in 2007. If Churchill didn't exactly predict 9/11, he
described its radical extremist perpetrators.

President Nixon once told me that Churchill was the only leader who
seemed to have a crystal ball. He had the mind of an historian and
courage of a soldier. A scholar of history, he could see patterns
replicating themselves. Like a soldier, Churchill would risk political
death by telling the people what they didn't want to hear. Spineless
politicians or cover-your-ass bureaucrats will never state the ugly
truths. Churchill, however, didn't worry about repercussions. He
didn't talk in euphemisms or evasions. He delivered the unvarnished

The world is not aware that Churchill was a modern Nostradamus in his
prophetic wisdom.


The English did not want to hear, after the decimation of a whole
generation in World War I, the need to arm for another war threat by the
Germans in the 1930's.

A decade later, Americans and British turned deaf ears to
Churchill's warning that their recent ally, the Soviet Union
threatened the democracies of Europe. Even The Wall Street
Journal—no left-wing newspaper—denounced Churchill's Iron
Curtain Address. Eleanor Roosevelt called Churchill a war

In that same year, 1946, Churchill told Europeans gathering in an
assembly in Zurich that Germany, whose armies had only recently
devastated their countries, had to be welcomed back into its community
for the future prosperity of Europe. Boos accompanied his unwelcome
message. The Europeans were appalled that their World War II hero would
suggest such an idea.

For those who ask what relevance Churchill's predictions have to
today's world, they should keep in mind that he predicted the Energy
Crisis in 1929. He warned that the West needed new sources of fuel to
escape from being beholden to the oil oligarchies of the Middle East.
And then in 1957, this writer heard Churchill state that the U.N. was a
feckless organization, maimed by a congenital deformity—the Soviet
veto— and that it was increasingly dominated by one-party autocratic
states. One only has to note President Calderon who stuffs ballot boxes
and jails dissidents in Columbia while his country serves on the U.N.
Human Rights Commission; or even worse, President Assad of Syria who is
slaughtering thousands of his citizens while his country joins Columbia
on that Human Rights Commission that is attacking the U.S. for, among
other things, using capital punishment and the many African-Americans
serving in prison.

On his 138th birthday, the world should not only recognize
Churchill's championship of freedom, but also study his many
predictions that still endanger our liberties and freedoms.

James C. Humes , a former White House speechwriter, is the author of the
new book,  Churchill: The Prophetic Statesman\
[] ,
Regnery  Publishing, Inc., 2012.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
Much appreciated.  Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.

--- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it 
 would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
  you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
  you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins. 
   Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always 
  thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  
  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) 
  and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, 
  sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any 
  version that includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly 
  strong cloves that I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact 
  that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are 
  where God lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 
  Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
  yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
  Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
  dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
  right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's 
  house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that 
  tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no 
  doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an 
  old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a 
  few notes of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a 
  few moments. 
  The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
  at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
  out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
  him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
  he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
  Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  
  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin 
  banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs 
  where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment 
  to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly 
  kind, a bit curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as 
  I was for the dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my 
  Christmas miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai 
  Guru Devs. 
  Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
  than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
  George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
  adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
  to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
  to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
  him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
  My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
  gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
  sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing 
  virtues of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all 
  over thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
  I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a 
  donkey who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo 
  and someone else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated 
  sap of the poppy which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation 
  for frankincense and myrrh 
  I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
  bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
  you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
  That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
  materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread authfriend
--- In, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:
 Wow, and Share thought she was getting the gears. It's amazing
 you're still standing.

That list is a little disingenuous; almost all (maybe all--I
didn't check every single item) of it is from one poster, Edg,
who has had it in for willytex for a long time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread awoelflebater

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
 brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see 
 on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having 
 tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I 
 could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted 
 the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went 
 right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and 
 some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that 
 includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that 
 I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
 coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and 
 God evaporates really quickly.) 
 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
 yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
 Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
 dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
 right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's 
 attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out 
 Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It 
 plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man 
 slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes 
 of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 
 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
 darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
 sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding 
 and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
 out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
 him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
 he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
 Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After 
 we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out 
 one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was 
 saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in 
 the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit 
 curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
 dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas 
 miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
 than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
 George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
 adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
 to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
 to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
 him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
 gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
 sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues 
 of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over 
 thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
 who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
 else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
 which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
 and myrrh 
 I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
 bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
 you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
 That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
 materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
 presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and 
 gift giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific requests, the 
 receiving isn't so bad either.) 
 The invention of the modern Christmas and many of its most iconic symbols and 
 traditions was pretty recently laid herky jerky on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks man.  Funny how the Italians have a word for grappa enhanced coffee, 
they call it caffè corretto as if it needed to be corrected!

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 And so it is. I've missed your spirit -- Christmas or otherwise --
 around here, and thus happy for the drive-by. Loved the Three Wise Men
 as Parliament-Funkadelic, and the bastard child of a rapist ghost.
 At least here in the Netherlands they celebrate a *real* Saint Nicholas.
 True, he was a bishop in Turkey and they still portray him as
 accompanied by his black servants (as opposed to elves), but he really
 existed, so in that respect he's got a leg up on both Santa Claus *and*
 Jesus.  :-)
 As for coffee, putting anything into it except cream and a dollop of
 sugar is heresy. And I have it on good authority that while Santa may
 enjoy his cuppa with a bit of single-malt whiskey, it's always on the
 side, not added as an adulterant.
 --- In, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran)
 and you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian
 numbers you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the
 magic begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the
 years, I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never
 took the trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft
 peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark
 coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk. 
 Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves
 would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to
 in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee
 is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and
 God evaporates really quickly.)
  Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping
 my yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro
 stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in
 their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2
 diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued
 from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up
 music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of
 mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops
 and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers
 unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time before his
 mental ship sails away for a few moments.
  The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some
 Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put
 together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly
 not at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it
 out: )  It actually worked
 to flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent
 standing next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till
 the early morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite the
 fact that he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was
 going to fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of
 Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine
 ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world and
 all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a
 nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious, non
 committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied
 one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.
 I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs.
  Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by
 more than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like
 members of George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and
 sheep and an adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph
 beside her pretends to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine
 pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep his first century Courtney Stodden
 age-inappropriate hot wife with him.  This better be the ONLY divinely
 conceived baby in this house Miss Missy!
  My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's
 magazines gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and
 could say he was sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the
 throat soothing virtues of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got
 versions of them all over thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part
 on Mad Men.
  I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a
 donkey who I can only assume is spending 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Qualities of the Unified Field

2012-12-09 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 You know, these 'qualities' are like those bold words in old comics when you 
 use them qualities like Patanjali would in meditating right there upon the 
 Unified Field. Faint intention and awareness on 'Integrity' and BAM! !WOW! 
 You should sit and mediate sometime and try it. There's a lot of insight 
 there. That Maharishi taught us all a lot if we had ears to hear it and eyes 
 to see it. Like the Unified Field.
 --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:

 And where have you seen this manifested, Buck? If Maharishi had not 
 described the United Field, would we, from our meditation, even know of its 
 existence? Would we have any concept of it based upon our own experiences?

 If you had some intuitive or idealistic connection to the actual reality of 
 what you are posting for the hundredth time, then it would mean something. 
 But the effect of this is just to gradually kill off its vitality. Is your 
 purpose, Buck?
 You make TM, Maharishi, Buck in the Dome seem anti-exciting in the extreme.
 The opposite of sexiness, then.
 But I hear you raise beautiful horses. I think if you described them, you 
 would be much more persuasive. This post just reminds me of Jesus Loves Me 
 This I Know--and a boring Protestant sermon I had to listen to when I went 
 to church with my parents.
 You are sterilizing the magic of Maharishi and TM, Buck. Do you know that?
 Are you an initiator, by the way?
 I can't believe you ever taught someone to meditate.
 Born-again Christianity seems poetic compared to your posts, Buck.
 How about bringing some supernatural wrath down upon me!
 But I know what you will do: Nothing.
 Sweetness and light--even that would be charming.
 But all I can say is: Where's The Party, Buck?

Buck, I think Robin is right here. You are making 'the unified field' into an 
object of perception here. In Maharishi's tradition, 'the unified field' is 
what enables us to have perception, that is, if we think of this situation of 
perception as cause and effect. There is no way to describe this that actually 
deep down makes any sense. As Ravi says of me, being cold and heartless, 
pedantic; you Buck are pedantic far more than I. Your spiritual expression is 
plodding like an old horse pulling a beaten down, dusty wagon. The expression 
'Jesus Saves!' has more life. I am being critical of you here Buck. We all 
derive our expression from what we have learned previously, but your style is 
like an assembly line in a biscuit factory.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over 
  here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around 
  here, huh, huh?
 It may take many years of posting for you to get any 
 recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then, 
 you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or 
 a perv, based on your birth circumstances.
 So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
 alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
 I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a 
 single informant came to my defense!
 At about the two year point of my participation I 
 replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry 
 called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the 
 discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash 
 about Rama. 
 After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a 
 political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia 
 in 1968.
 That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a 
 years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
 Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still 
 thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore, 
 which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
 Share. Go figure.
 A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
 in no particular order. 
 Richard, you life hating fuck.
 You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.
 Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.
 You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.
 Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd 
 think you were the BTK murderer.
 Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering 
 for yet more suffering in the world.
 I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up 
 and denounce this vile presence here. 
 He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all 
 of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.
 You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.
 You're a shitheel apologist for evil.
 You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.
 You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.
 You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.
 Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
 gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
 and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

That's a mighty impressive collection of insults, Willy. It's impressive in the 
sense that Judy wrote such colorful insults *and* impressive that you actually 
collected and posted them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  Wow, and Share thought she was getting the gears. It's amazing
  you're still standing.
 That list is a little disingenuous; almost all (maybe all--I
 didn't check every single item) of it is from one poster, Edg,
 who has had it in for willytex for a long time.

Oopsie! I thought it was a list of *your* insults. Oh, well, hat tip to Edg. 

[FairfieldLife] OMG: yatna?

2012-12-09 Thread card

What is your favorite translation of 'yatna' in

tatra* sthitau yatno 'bhyaasaH (w/o s: tatra sthitau yatnaH; abhyaasaH)?

*there =  in yoga / citta-vRtti-nirodha / samaadhi**

** yogash citta-vRtti-nirodhaH; Vyaasa: yogaH [=] samaadhiH

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Thanks man.  Funny how the Italians have a word for grappa enhanced
coffee, they call it caffè corretto as if it needed to be corrected!

I hear that. :-)

Here's some Krishmas Cheer for the wannabee Hindus in the group.
Fits right in, doesn't he?

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  And so it is. I've missed your spirit -- Christmas or otherwise --
  around here, and thus happy for the drive-by. Loved the Three Wise
  as Parliament-Funkadelic, and the bastard child of a rapist ghost.
  At least here in the Netherlands they celebrate a *real* Saint
  True, he was a bishop in Turkey and they still portray him as
  accompanied by his black servants (as opposed to elves), but he
  existed, so in that respect he's got a leg up on both Santa Claus
  Jesus.  :-)
  As for coffee, putting anything into it except cream and a dollop of
  sugar is heresy. And I have it on good authority that while Santa
  enjoy his cuppa with a bit of single-malt whiskey, it's always on
  side, not added as an adulterant.
  --- In, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast
  and you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian
  numbers you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then
  magic begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through
  years, I always thought I could do better, but until this morning
  took the trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft
  peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade
  coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and
  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes
  would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I
object to
  in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground
  is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives,
  God evaporates really quickly.)
   Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am
  my yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the
  stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in
  their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse.
(Type 2
  diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth
  from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny
  music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades
  mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in
  and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers
  unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time before
  mental ship sails away for a few moments.
   The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is
  not at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it
  out: )  It actually
  to flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent
  standing next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours
  the early morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite
  fact that he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he
  going to fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of
  Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine
  ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world
  all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It
was a
  nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious, non
  committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the
  one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas
  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs.
   Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied
  more than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like
  members of George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen
  sheep and an adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph
  beside her pretends to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine
  pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep his first century Courtney
  age-inappropriate hot wife with him.  This better be the ONLY
  conceived baby in this house Miss Missy!
   My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's
  magazines gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and
  could say he was sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread emptybill
Yeah, me too.

All we are saying ... is give piss a chance.

But who needs internet forums anyway?

When, I get my 27 houris too pleasure me
endlessly, I won't even remember FFL.

--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

   I think we all need a group hug.
   Here ... let's all gather 'round and
   pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
   and the grenades on my vest are just
   for looks.
 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3
  to go oh shit.

 You Damned terrorist bushwhacker.  There's no virtue or honor in what
you just did.  This is really terrible, we trusted you and we let you in
to this group and you pull the pin on us. Damned coward.  All we are
saying is, Give Peace a chance.  We'll recover and be back but you are
out in the wilderness now you crook. When Rick finishes transferring the
ownership of FFL over to me there's no way you'll ever come in from your
own loss of trust self-exile.  I'll have you wandering the wilderness of
forums eternally in search of a place to post.

  That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
  instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
  Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
  bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will
  that even verbal actions have consequences.
  Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
  the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers
  the banquet of the gods.
  But not everyone will be happy …
  Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
  declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
  deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
  Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
  serves them right.
  Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
  isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
  Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
  Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again
  you are completely wrong?
  Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
  all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
  Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
  opera here to go with the soma?
  Alex will say,This is the opera.
  Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
  all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
  Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
  they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds
  each lap! This is so boring.
  Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
  Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
  `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
  had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.
  Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let
  eat cake.
  --- In, emptybill emptybill@
   So many folks here are full of angry
   displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
   Everyone here needs to recognize that
   none of it means anything - it will all be
   meaningless in a month.
   I think we all need a group hug.
   Here ... let's all gather 'round and
   pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
   and the grenades on my vest are just
   for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Duveyoung
Two thumbs up for this piece.  Nice.

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
 brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see 
 on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having 
 tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I 
 could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted 
 the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went 
 right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and 
 some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that 
 includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that 
 I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
 coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and 
 God evaporates really quickly.) 
 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
 yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
 Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
 dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
 right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's 
 attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out 
 Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It 
 plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man 
 slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes 
 of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 
 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
 darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
 sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding 
 and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
 out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
 him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
 he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
 Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After 
 we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out 
 one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was 
 saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in 
 the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit 
 curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
 dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas 
 miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
 than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
 George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
 adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
 to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
 to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
 him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
 gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
 sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues 
 of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over 
 thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
 who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
 else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
 which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
 and myrrh 
 I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
 bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
 you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
 That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
 materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
 presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and 
 gift giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific requests, the 
 receiving isn't so bad either.) 
 The invention of the modern Christmas and many of its most iconic symbols and 
 traditions was 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks Edge, Merry Christmas.

--- In, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 Two thumbs up for this piece.  Nice.
 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
  you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
  you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins. 
   Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always 
  thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  
  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) 
  and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, 
  sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any 
  version that includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly 
  strong cloves that I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact 
  that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are 
  where God lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 
  Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
  yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
  Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
  dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
  right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's 
  house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that 
  tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no 
  doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an 
  old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a 
  few notes of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a 
  few moments. 
  The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
  at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
  out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
  him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
  he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
  Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  
  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin 
  banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs 
  where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment 
  to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly 
  kind, a bit curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as 
  I was for the dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my 
  Christmas miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai 
  Guru Devs. 
  Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
  than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
  George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
  adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
  to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
  to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
  him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
  My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
  gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
  sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing 
  virtues of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all 
  over thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
  I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a 
  donkey who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo 
  and someone else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated 
  sap of the poppy which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation 
  for frankincense and myrrh 
  I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
  bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
  you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
  That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
  materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into 
  buying presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do 
  it, and gift giving is a blast. (If 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Richard J. Williams

  Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
  gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
  and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.
 Wow, and Share thought she was getting the gears. It's 
 amazing you're still standing.

Fan mail from Usenet Forum:

Yes Richard, you are really nutso.
Fuck you, you little fascist shit.
Willy's a troll.
You scumbucket.
You had him pegged right - he's a total loser.
You're totally fucked willytex you asshole. 
lies/ damn lies/ willytex lies!
willytex boy's book
Willytex-- Self-admitted substance abuser
And who could forget these gems from willyTex
Willytex is a liar.
Wandering Mind of Willytex
Return of the BS of willytex
Sir Willytex and Ms Judy's lies
Sir Willytex Impostor w/o(common sense)
Willytex's no-mind
Willytex Lies
Typical Careless Lie from WillyTex
Eyes Wide Shut/ and full of bs-willytex
Sir Willytex's minds amush
Bullshit from Tex 
Willytex motto: I'm better than Bozo.
Local clown gets waxed. 
Willytex the clown 
Willytex is a prankster of the highest order.
You have a few screws loose Willy.
Your lack of logic speaks loudly of your mental problems 'willy'.
Willy is considered to be the village idiot on a.m.t.
Nutso Willy rides again.
You're just plain nuts Willy.
You ought to write comedy Willy.
Willy goes nutso and once again tells fibs.
Your synapses are misfiring again Willy.
Your words are psychotic babble.
Another deliberate lie from the local liar.
You're drooling Willy.
This guy is fucking obviously nuts.
WillyTex, in my eyes, is just a 'nut case' example of 35+ years of TM.
Just kindly disregard his paranoid schizophrenia and all will be well.
They are in response to the king of off-topic, Willy.
Willy is a recognized crackpot.
You called him wacky. Do you like clowns?
I stand by my assesment of your mental state.
I am considering ignoring his posts and letting him be insane.
Another careless lie from Willy.
I apologized to WillyTex for my ineptitude in being able to effectively
communicate with him. I do not have the skills required to do this with
someone who has his mental disorder.
I certainly don't hate you.
It's not nice to pick on the mentally ill.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson
This picture is so funny - it is the perfect advertisement for the TMO

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Thanks man.  Funny how the Italians have a word for grappa enhanced coffee, 
 they call it caffè corretto as if it needed to be corrected!

I hear that. :-) 

Here's some Krishmas Cheer for the wannabee Hindus in the group.
Fits right in, doesn't he?

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  And so it is. I've missed your spirit -- Christmas or otherwise --
  around here, and thus happy for the drive-by. Loved the Three Wise Men
  as Parliament-Funkadelic, and the bastard child of a rapist ghost.
  At least here in the Netherlands they celebrate a *real* Saint Nicholas.
  True, he was a bishop in Turkey and they still portray him as
  accompanied by his black servants (as opposed to elves), but he really
  existed, so in that respect he's got a leg up on both Santa Claus *and*
  Jesus.  :-)
  As for coffee, putting anything into it except cream and a dollop of
  sugar is heresy. And I have it on good authority that while Santa may
  enjoy his cuppa with a bit of single-malt whiskey, it's always on the
  side, not added as an adulterant.
  --- In, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran)
  and you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian
  numbers you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the
  magic begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the
  years, I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never
  took the trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft
  peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark
  coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk. 
  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves
  would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to
  in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee
  is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and
  God evaporates really quickly.)
   Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping
  my yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro
  stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in
  their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2
  diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued
  from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up
  music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of
  mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops
  and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers
  unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time before his
  mental ship sails away for a few moments.
   The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly
  not at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it
  out: )  It actually worked
  to flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent
  standing next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till
  the early morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite the
  fact that he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was
  going to fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of
  Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine
  ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world and
  all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a
  nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious, non
  committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied
  one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.
  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs.
   Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by
  more than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like
  members of George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and
  sheep and an adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph
  beside her pretends to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine
  pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep his first century Courtney Stodden
  age-inappropriate hot wife with him.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 Hey, what about ME? I think I was the one to start making 'fun'
 of John right from the get-go. Aren't I in trouble too? 

With your snarky cynical immaturity, you are surely beneath being dignified 
with even a mere mention. After all, it's not like any of your life experience 
has earned you the right to be cynical and snarky about self-proclaimed 
mystical woo-meisters.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Wow, and Share thought she was getting the gears. 
  It's amazing you're still standing.
 That list is a little disingenuous; almost all (maybe 
 all--I didn't check every single item) of it is from 
 one poster, Edg, who has had it in for willytex for a 
 long time.

She's still calling me 'willytex'. Case closed. LoL!

Where I come from silence signals agreement. 

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: MMY - Tyrant Crackpot!
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Nov 11, 2005 11:18:10


[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108
Hearty laugh of the week Richard...thanks! Ditto on the later post continuing 
your fan mail. Now I understand why you look the way you do, and I'm so sorry.

--- In, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over 
  here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around 
  here, huh, huh?
 It may take many years of posting for you to get any 
 recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then, 
 you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or 
 a perv, based on your birth circumstances.
 So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
 alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
 I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a 
 single informant came to my defense!
 At about the two year point of my participation I 
 replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry 
 called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the 
 discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash 
 about Rama. 
 After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a 
 political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia 
 in 1968.
 That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a 
 years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
 Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still 
 thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore, 
 which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
 Share. Go figure.
 A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
 in no particular order. 
 Richard, you life hating fuck.
 You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.
 Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.
 You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.
 Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd 
 think you were the BTK murderer.
 Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering 
 for yet more suffering in the world.
 I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up 
 and denounce this vile presence here. 
 He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all 
 of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.
 You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.
 You're a shitheel apologist for evil.
 You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.
 You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.
 You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.
 Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing 
 gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full, 
 and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

Curtis -

The only known manuscript of Stille Nacht in the handwriting of either
the composer or lyricist:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Can't help feeling sad as I think how the people, including Juliette, in 
 Raunchy's life will miss out on all the extra benefits because she doesn't 
 have, psychologically speaking some of those cojones she often talks about.  
 She doesn't have the cojones to actually go and see John Newton for 
 herself.  Something that would have been very easy for her to do THREE times 
 this past year.  What's that about?  Why hasn't she attended even one 
 presentation to see for herself that John is authentic and has something of 
 great value to offer her and through her the people in her life?   

Share, if you had any cojones at all you would have shown Emily some respect 
and have answered her questions by now. Don't talk to me about snark when you 
so blithely pin the cult member label on anyone who happens to like Robin. 
Fainting goat snark is humorous, your snark is deadly serious and hurtful. 
Furthermore, leave my family out of this.

 No she'd rather very cleverly and in a seemingly down home kind of way snark 
 about someone she has chosen not to meet in person.  She'd rather cleverly 
 and superficially diss John for his looks.  She'd rather despicably call his 
 integrity into question by using the word claims in reference to John's 
 remote viewing training.  Which BTW he talks about in his presentations.  
 What's also sad is Robin's response.  Supposedly he loves Raunchy.  But 
 what kind of love is it that praises someone for such snarky behavior as RD 
 exhibits here?  Robin, learn to REALLY love someone rather than in a creepy 
 cult leader kind of way.  It will not only do you good, but also your loved 
 I'm sure John would instantly forgive all this, even my ineptness here.  And 
 he would laugh about it all.  And he would have unconditional love for 
 Raunchy and Robin.  And Ravi too.  Just as I'm sure Steve has BTW.    
 Anyway, Raunchy I officially DARE you to attend John's next presentation.  
 With or without goat.  And Robin I officially dare you to have a phone 
 session with John.  In the spirit of continuing to wish complete healing for 

I dare you to answer Emily's questions.

  From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes!
 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 5:43 PM, awoelflebater 
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 Apologies to Emily and anyone else who wrote a post to me yesterday or
today.  I participated in a John Newton workshop all day today.
Excerpts from the website
   John Newton is fucking delusional.
  In the movie The Men who Stare at Goats the military explores the 
  potential of Military Remote Viewing and other paranormal applications for 
  spying. On his website, Newton claims he trained and practiced Military 
  Remote Viewing. He's definitely dreamy looking enough to have been a pick 
  for the movie instead of George Clooney. But what I want to know is, as 
  they attempted in the movie, can John stop a goat's heart and make it drop 
  dead by staring at it? Here's a test of Newton's bona fides that will make 
  him wildly famous in Fairfield. No animals will be harmed.
  I have friends who have a farm with fainting goats. Honest to God, if you 
  make a sudden move toward one of these critters, it just keels over on its 
  side and faints. If John's psychic powers are as good as he says, he should 
  be able to stare at the goat I'm borrowing for his next seminar and make it 
  faint. I'll post video of the event on FFLife.
 Learn to love this woman, Steve: It will do you good.
For those interested in watching:
John eliminated ringing in the ears and tennis elbow in both arms.  
over the phone! -Kevin R., Montana†Christopher G., Photographer,
Vancouver, BC
His work cleared crushing pain, swelling, and near zero mobility in my
wrist. A life-changing experience.
†Christopher G., Photographer, Vancouver, BC
John helped me clear the chronic pain and related anxiety in my throat.
I recommend his work for anyone with emotional or physical pain.
†Kourtney Kardashian (quote from her website)
John offers his services both in-person and long distance via telephone.
Although both are equally effective, if you are in the Los Angeles 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 EmptyB I love you but what the heck opera are you talking about?  Raunchy's 
 fainting goat opera?  And what the heck does my line mean?  I LOVE how it 
 all turns out you  sweetie pie old codger.  God, you are older than me, 
 right?  Anyway, didn't you get my big hug?  Hopefully that will bring some 
 coziness to those last 3 seconds (-:

Translation: Share didn't like RD making a joke about bringing a fainting goat 
to John Newton's next seminar.

RD: In the movie The Men who Stare at Goats the military explores the 
potential of Military Remote Viewing and other paranormal applications for 
spying. On his website, Newton claims he trained and practiced Military Remote 
Viewing. He's definitely dreamy looking enough to have been a pick for the 
movie instead of George Clooney. But what I want to know is, as they attempted 
in the movie, can John stop a goat's heart and make it drop dead by staring at 
it? Here's a test of Newton's bona fides that will make him wildly famous in 
Fairfield. No animals will be harmed.

I have friends who have a farm with fainting goats. Honest to God, if you make 
a sudden move toward one of these critters, it just keels over on its side and 
faints. If John's psychic powers are as good as he says, he should be able to 
stare at the goat I'm borrowing for his next seminar and make it faint. I'll 
post video of the event on FFLife.

  From: emptybill emptybill@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 9:22 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The results of our group hug!
 I figure after the pin pops
 off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds to go oh shit.
 That last impression should
 make quite a nice imprint. It will instantiate all the warm, loving
 relationships we enjoy here on FFL. Even better, that oh shit will cause us
 to avoid needless bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL,
 we will see that even verbal actions have consequences.
 Then because we've been
 meditating for years, we'll be reborn in the heaven of savitarka-samadhi 
 as two-fisted soma drinkers at the banquet of the gods. 
 But not everyone will be
 happy …
 Robin will be displeased that
 there isn't only one god and will declare, I see the truth with my inner 
 and I don't deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field 
 Steve will be back on earth
 thinking what a bunch of fools †serves them right. 
 Share will say, I didn't
 plan it to come out this way so it isn't my fault. It says that in the 
 Judy will pronounce, Is this
 just a drunkfest? Where's the Sturm und
 Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that you are 
 completely wrong?
 Raving yogi will warn
 everyone … See that Devi there? She's all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
 Emily will say, Where's that
 stage? Can't we have some opera here to go with the soma?
 Alex will say,This is the opera.
 Barry will be back on earth repeating,
 Dude, I told you they would all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a 
 Wolf Baiter will be shouting
 over the racket, I want that chariot they keep singing about. You know the 
 that circles the worlds with each lap! This is so boring. 
 Raunchy will say, No matter
 what, it's still fucked up.
 Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire `cause 
 they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and had just returned 
 back to the mantra … the Saraswati
 Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them eat 
 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  So many folks here are full of angry
  displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
  Everyone here needs to recognize that
  none of it means anything - it will all be
  meaningless in a month.
  I think we all need a group hug.
  Here ... let's all gather 'round and
  pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
  and the grenades on my vest are just
  for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 yes, Emily I regret hurting your feelings.  However, I don't agree that I 
 completely dismissed and ignored you.  It's possible in the deluge I missed 
 some posts of yours and of others as well.  I guess I don't understand 
 because if someone told me I was in a cult, it wouldn't bother me.  I know 
 I'm not and they're entitled to their opinion.    

Share, Emily's frustration with you isn't it isn't about labels, it's about 
lies and your lack of courage to have an intelligent discussion with her that 
would allow her an opportunity to defend herself against your allegations.

  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 12:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author 
 of CULT
 Share, do you very much regret having hurt mine, given that you assigned me 
 to a cult, refused to discuss on what basis you did this, and completely 
 dismissed and ignored me telling you how it was making me feel?  
  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2012 4:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author 
 of CULT
 Thank you Steve for all your support.  Hope you and family are well and 
 happy.  I very much regret having hurt Ravi's feelings. 
  From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@...
 Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 9:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of 
 Always consider the source.  As Ravi has said, much of his dysfunctionality 
 is a matter of the public record, except for those posts (a considerable 
 amount) he has managed to have expunged.
 He is on the record here, saying that he issued an ultimatum to his wife that 
 she renounce Amma as her guru and instead accept him as her guru.
 So, as I've said, consider the source.
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Share - I have to add, your posts to this thread have hilarious in their
  utter clueless-ness.
  You are not a person who has, so far shown any awareness, sensitivity,
  maturity - intellectual and/or emotional, intelligence to understand the
  nuances of any issue to be really compassionate. There is a difference
  between fake niceness and genuine compassion - in the absence of above your
  responses to Robin's posts come across as hilarious or malicious depending
  on my mood.
  I would say you are very much like Barry except he is overtly mean and you
  are not. Anyway I don't know what the sound of two paranoid, delusional
  people conversing is - I don't think it's possible, they are too..well
  paranoid and alike to get along with each other. So you are
  better off
  spending your time on FFL chatting to people like LG, Xeno and others if
  you don't want people to pile on you.
  On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:34 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Judy, whatever the quality of Robin's intentions, they
would have been under the influence of his self proclaimed
state of mystical hallucination. Your ignoring, in relation
to his intentions, that self proclamation of his
   Of course, I don't ignore it. You say that without having
   any idea of how I view this: You just made it up. Typical.
   I *disagree* that Robin's intentions would have been affected,
   made somehow negative, by his
  enlightenment. I see no reason
   why that would have been the case.
   You are taking delusion and hallucination too literally;
   those terms are only very roughly approximate, because there
   simply is no vocabulary to describe what happened to him.
   He himself has said his enlightenment was *real*, so there's
   obviously a paradoxical element to this that you haven't
   bothered to take into account.
an aspect of hallucination into the PRESENT and is not IMO
helpful in the present. This is what I am addressing, the
   Yes, I know you are. Your sole interest is in finding ways
   to portray him negatively *in the present*, and you'll make
   up whatever metaphysical rules you need to in
  order to do
   Your perpetuate an aspect of hallucination into the
   PRESENT doesn't make any sense. *You* don't even know what
   you mean by it.
   You have a desperate need to make Robin a Bad Guy to justify
   the disgusting way you've behaved toward him.
   I stand by what I said. The negative intelligences that
   brought about Robin's enlightenment *used* his good

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread laughinggull108

--- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@...

 Hearty laugh of the week Richard...thanks! Ditto on the later post
continuing your fan mail. Now I understand why you look the way you
do, and I'm so sorry.

  [My Photo]

 --- In, Richard J. Williams richard@
   LaughingGull will whine, Hey, I'm over here, I'm over
   here...jeez, what does it take to get noticed around
   here, huh, huh?
  It may take many years of posting for you to get any
  recognition on discussion groups like this. Until then,
  you'll be considered if not called, a troll, a liar, or
  a perv, based on your birth circumstances.
  So, I must have posted over 3,000 on-topic messages to
  alt.meditation.transcendental before I got a response.
  I once got stomped on by Andrew Skolnick and not a
  single informant came to my defense!
  At about the two year point of my participation I
  replied to a post by Barry about the 'Cathars' and Barry
  called me a 'prairie dog fucker' for butting in to the
  discussion. I guess I pressed a hot button talking trash
  about Rama.
  After about five years of posting to a.m.t., I posted a
  political message about John Kerry not being in Cambodia
  in 1968.
  That's when the shit hit the fan and Judy went on a
  years-long bat-shit crazy debate with me about the Kerry
  Swift-boaters. Now, thirteen yaers later, she still
  thinks I'm a troll and won't even speak to me anymore,
  which is probably a good thing- look what happened to
  Share. Go figure.
  A short selection of my fan mail from Yahoo! FFL Forum,
  in no particular order.
  Richard, you life hating fuck.
  You murder-supporting psychotic malignancy.
  Joseph Goebbels would have hired you in a second.
  You're a dark, malevolent, vile, propagandist for evil.
  Richard, if they hadn't caught the guy already, I'd
  think you were the BTK murderer.
  Get the hell out of here with your corrosive slavering
  for yet more suffering in the world.
  I mean, come on you good hearted folks here, stand up
  and denounce this vile presence here.
  He is such a disgusting creep that I openly ask for all
  of us to ask Rick to banish him forever.
  You're lying gutless supporter of child killing.
  You're a shitheel apologist for evil.
  You're a low corrupt disinformationalist.
  You immoral insane purveyor of establishment spin.
  You're a sick twister of truth into conceptual filth.
  Name the time and place. I'll bring 16 ounce boxing
  gloves, a professional boxing referee paid in full,
  and I'll show you a new state of consciousness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/08/2012 09:13 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 Here's my latest music video Talk a Lot:


 Yes, indeed! I thoroughly enjoyed your video, fun lighthearted music. Thank 
 you.  Loved the kick-line. The FFLife home page showing up on a computer 
 screen, was a delightful surprise. Good attention to detail. I know it takes 
 a lot of work editing to get your characters to move in time to the music. 
 Good job. Your characters have a lot more detail than in previous videos. Are 
 you using a different program to generate the animation or have you improved 
 with practice?

Thanks.  I wish that the animation was as easy to do as the music. The 
music took one afternoon of time and the animation several days.  It's 
same iClone 4.x that I used before but not to be confused with the 
videos where I used CrazyTalk Aninmator which is simpler and more 
cartoon like.  For the kick and crowd animations since everyone was 
pretty much doing the same thing I made one character with the animation 
and then saved it as a motion file which was simply applied to the other 
characters.   It was pushing iClone a bit to have 15 characters in the 
kick sequence.   There are different kinds of characters though and I 
made as much use of the early iClone 2.0 low poly characters but there 
are also some of the higher poly 4.0 characters.

I don't have iClone 5 yet and it would have come in useful as someone 
has created an animated crowd prop for that version which could have 
filled out the square in the background.

BTW, YouTube is now begging us to use our real names!  I declined. Is 
Google going Facebook?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug - FFL Erwache!

2012-12-09 Thread emptybill\
Yeah, Raunchy.
Nice painting of how it really is.

BTW, that's me on the far-right side (of course) dancing, clashing the
cymbals  and waxing eloquent about my new book:

After The Drunken Orgy Comes La Nausée
by Jean-Paul Satyr

--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@...

 Beware of group hugs. It's usually an enticement to indulge in
Bacchanalian orgy. We can't have that on FFLife so, fuggedaboutit.
Emptybill has been especially devious luring us into a group hug. It
turns out his group hug is a terrorist plot to make us all soft and
squishy before he pops a pin and blows us to smithereens just because he
doesn't like bickering. Emptybill needs our help to resolve his
conflict-aversion-issues for his next life-time. When we all get to
heaven, we'll have a role-playing session of Mommy  Daddy Fighting.
It's a surefire Gestalt therapy technique I learned some years ago where
Emptybill can finally learn to enjoy the repartee of dueling forces in
knock-down-drag out debate. BTW Emptybill, this was a fun post. Thanks,
and yes, No matter what, it's still fucked up.

 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  I figure after the pin pops off my grenade we will have about 3
  to go oh shit.
  That last impression should make quite a nice imprint. It will
  instantiate all the warm, loving relationships we enjoy here on FFL.
  Even better, that oh shit will cause us to avoid needless
  bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL, we will
  that even verbal actions have consequences.
  Then because we've been meditating for years, we'll be reborn in
  the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers as two-fisted soma drinkers
  the banquet of the gods.
  But not everyone will be happy …
  Robin will be displeased that there isn't only one god and will
  declare, I see the truth with my inner heart and I don't
  deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field
  Steve will be back on earth thinking what a bunch of fools –
  serves them right.
  Share will say, I didn't plan it to come out this way so it
  isn't my fault. It says that in the opera.
  Judy will pronounce, Is this just a drunkfest? Where's the
  Sturm und Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again
  you are completely wrong?
  Raving yogi will warn everyone … See that Devi there? She's
  all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
  Emily will say, Where's that stage? Can't we have some
  opera here to go with the soma?
  Alex will say,This is the opera.
  Barry will be back on earth repeating, Dude, I told you they would
  all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
  Wolf Baiter will be shouting over the racket, I want that chariot
  they keep singing about. You know the one that circles the worlds
  each lap! This is so boring.
  Raunchy will say, No matter what, it's still fucked up.
  Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire
  `cause they knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and
  had just returned back to the mantra … the Saraswati mantra.
  Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let
  eat cake.
  --- In, emptybill emptybill@
   So many folks here are full of angry
   displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
   Everyone here needs to recognize that
   none of it means anything - it will all be
   meaningless in a month.
   I think we all need a group hug.
   Here ... let's all gather 'round and
   pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
   and the grenades on my vest are just
   for looks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Robin Carlsen
I am once again thinking there might be something in this Jesus thing after all.

I must assume, Curtis, you do not believe that Jesus was God.

Christmas therefore is not the celebration of God's birthday as a newborn 

If I have this right--No need to respond.

You certainly make me think: There's a lot to say for atheism.

If only Saint Francis of Assisi were here to post a response.

But he's dead too--along with the Christ guy.

I didn't expect anything less (writing-wise).

I like people with fierce and passionate beliefs-as long as they are 

So, this makes it for me.

Thanks, Curtis.

You got the right perception of the way things are now--but history would 
refute you--but can't.

Merry Christmas.

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
 brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see 
 on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having 
 tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I 
 could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted 
 the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went 
 right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and 
 some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that 
 includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that 
 I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
 coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and 
 God evaporates really quickly.) 
 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
 yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
 Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
 dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
 right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's 
 attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out 
 Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It 
 plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man 
 slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes 
 of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 
 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
 darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
 sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding 
 and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
 out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
 him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
 he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
 Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After 
 we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out 
 one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was 
 saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in 
 the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit 
 curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
 dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas 
 miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
 than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
 George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
 adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
 to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
 to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
 him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
 gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
 sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues 
 of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over 
 thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
 who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
 else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
 which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, 

[FairfieldLife] What constitutes an intelligent discussion?

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 Share, Emily's frustration with you isn't it isn't about 
 labels, it's about lies and your lack of courage to have 
 an intelligent discussion with her that would allow her 
 an opportunity to defend herself against your allegations.

I would like to thank Raunchydog for this definition
of what, in her opinion, constitutes an intelligent
discussion. It's when someone agrees to argue with 
your self so that it can defend things said about its 
self that it doesn't agree with. 

In other words, intelligent discussion is All About

Someone gets their button pushed by someone else on 
the forum. They demand satisfaction, in the form of
an argument they believe they can win, and thus
defend themselves against your allegations. 

When you come right down to it, isn't this a pretty
pissy way to spend one's time? Feeling that one has
to draw other people into confrontations so that you
can defend that which does not even exist -- your
self, and your puny attachment to what you think that
self is, and how it should be perceived?

My feeling is that if someone says something about me,
that's pretty much their business. It does not affect
me unless I allow it to. Seems to me that if you allow
what people say or think about you to affect you so 
much that you feel a need to argue about it, that's 
your problem, not the problem of the people who blow
you off. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread authfriend
--- In, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:
 This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
 very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y

Here, try this:

Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
Ton Koopman (conductor)

Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!

Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
praise what today the highest has done!
Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
let us honour the name of our Lord!

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee

In the afterlife, I'll probably have to spend eternity drinking percolator 
robusta, but I stopped fresh grinding my coffee. I bought a Cuisinart coffee 
grinder at the Home Store in FF, and it's a piece of junk that I really hate 
using. So, I went back to grinding the whole bag of beans at the store, with 
their grinder. Please forgive me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What constitutes an intelligent discussion?

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog
Your opinions are completely irrelevant on this topic, Barry and not any 
different from anything we've already heard from you a thousand times. 

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Share, Emily's frustration with you isn't it isn't about 
  labels, it's about lies and your lack of courage to have 
  an intelligent discussion with her that would allow her 
  an opportunity to defend herself against your allegations.
 I would like to thank Raunchydog for this definition
 of what, in her opinion, constitutes an intelligent
 discussion. It's when someone agrees to argue with 
 your self so that it can defend things said about its 
 self that it doesn't agree with. 
 In other words, intelligent discussion is All About
 Someone gets their button pushed by someone else on 
 the forum. They demand satisfaction, in the form of
 an argument they believe they can win, and thus
 defend themselves against your allegations. 
 When you come right down to it, isn't this a pretty
 pissy way to spend one's time? Feeling that one has
 to draw other people into confrontations so that you
 can defend that which does not even exist -- your
 self, and your puny attachment to what you think that
 self is, and how it should be perceived?
 My feeling is that if someone says something about me,
 that's pretty much their business. It does not affect
 me unless I allow it to. Seems to me that if you allow
 what people say or think about you to affect you so 
 much that you feel a need to argue about it, that's 
 your problem, not the problem of the people who blow
 you off.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Robin Carlsen
Ah, authfriend, just when Curtis nails Christ you bring in the 
Resurrection--just like you did last time. Resurrection in this instance being 
metaphoric. Curtis's piece was funny--because of his religious experience of 
not believing in the Baby Jesus. Seems no one can kill your spirit, 
authfriend--gotta love that.

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
  very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y
 Here, try this:
 Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
 The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
 Ton Koopman (conductor)
 Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
 Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
 Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
 Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
 Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
 Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
 Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
 praise what today the highest has done!
 Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
 begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
 Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
 let us honour the name of our Lord!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread authfriend
--- In, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:
 Hey, what about ME? I think I was the one to start making
 'fun' of John right from the get-go. Aren't I in trouble too?

And Ravi called Newton fucking delusional, but he didn't get
a gauntlet (or even a guantlet) thrown at him either.

I think the current candidates for sucking-up-to get a free pass.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
I'm rolling a Cuisinart burr grinder from Bed Bath and Behind that makes it all 
very easy.  But I am no stranger to the charms of the higher end pro ground 
bag.  If you just keep it sealed up tight you can keep the God in.  I try to 
balance food snobbery with the pain in the ass factor too. 

--- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So you take your fresh ground coffee
 In the afterlife, I'll probably have to spend eternity drinking percolator 
 robusta, but I stopped fresh grinding my coffee. I bought a Cuisinart coffee 
 grinder at the Home Store in FF, and it's a piece of junk that I really hate 
 using. So, I went back to grinding the whole bag of beans at the store, with 
 their grinder. Please forgive me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread authfriend
--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
 That's a mighty impressive collection of insults, Willy. It's 
 impressive in the sense that Judy wrote such colorful insults
 *and* impressive that you actually collected and posted them.

Not mine. They're all (or most) from Edg.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What constitutes an intelligent discussion?

2012-12-09 Thread authfriend
--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 My feeling is that if someone says something about me,

Such as, The bottom line is that hardly anybody pays much
attention to Barry these days except to make fun of him.

Followed almost immediately by seven or eight frenzied rants
from Barry about my Apocalypto comments from six years ago.

 that's pretty much their business. It does not affect
 me unless I allow it to.


[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 I am once again thinking there might be something in this Jesus thing after 
 I must assume, Curtis, you do not believe that Jesus was God.

I believe he was a community organizer and a hippie.  He might have been met a 
kinder end if his century had some psycho-stabilizing drugs. For me it is a 
tragic tale of grandiose delusions meet the power of the state. The state won.  
That is if we consider any of his story more than a contrived myth collage to 
begin with.   

 Christmas therefore is not the celebration of God's birthday as a newborn 

Not for me, I consider it a delightful nostalgia-fest.  

 If I have this right--No need to respond.

I'm not sure what was in doubt.

 You certainly make me think: There's a lot to say for atheism.
 If only Saint Francis of Assisi were here to post a response.

I would only engage him in a discussion of our beloved animals.  I suspect we 
would get along famously once I introduced him to the wonders of modern 

 But he's dead too--along with the Christ guy.
 I didn't expect anything less (writing-wise).
 I like people with fierce and passionate beliefs-as long as they are 
 So, this makes it for me.
 Thanks, Curtis.

That was nice of you Robin, thanks.

 You got the right perception of the way things are now--but history would 
 refute you--but can't.

Very curious.

 Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you Robin. I hope you are also enjoying all the season's 
nostalgia triggers too. 

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
  you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
  you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins. 
   Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always 
  thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  
  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) 
  and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, 
  sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any 
  version that includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly 
  strong cloves that I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact 
  that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are 
  where God lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 
  Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
  yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
  Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
  dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
  right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's 
  house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that 
  tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no 
  doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an 
  old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a 
  few notes of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a 
  few moments. 
  The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
  at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
  out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
  him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
  he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
  Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  
  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin 
  banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs 
  where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment 
  to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly 
  kind, a bit curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as 
  I was for the dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my 
  Christmas miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai 
  Guru Devs. 
  Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
  than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
  George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
  adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
  very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y
 Here, try this:

This refutes Curtis. There is more evidence for the truth of Christ in this 
than there is evidence of the falseness of Christ in Curtis's essay. Reality 
favours Bach--and Bach was not as funny as Curtis, but his music is so much 
more beautiful. Beauty wins here over writing and humour. Inspired--it's like 
you balanced creation with this, authfriend. Bach has the last word. Which 
means (for me) Christmas was once real. The tiny hands of the infant born in 
Bethlehem formed the stars. And Mary, I trust her--and Joe too. The painting 
instills belief too. It certainly was all true. Every Word of it.

 Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
 The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
 Ton Koopman (conductor)
 Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
 Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
 Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
 Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
 Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
 Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
 Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
 praise what today the highest has done!
 Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
 begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
 Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
 let us honour the name of our Lord!

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread authfriend
--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Ah, authfriend, just when Curtis nails Christ you bring in the
 Resurrection--just like you did last time. Resurrection in this
 instance being metaphoric. Curtis's piece was funny--because of
 his religious experience of not believing in the Baby Jesus.
 Seems no one can kill your spirit, authfriend--gotta love that.

Thank you, Robin. Hope that awful Nazi-sounding language
Bach was burdened with didn't get in the way of your
enjoyment of the piece.

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
   very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y
  Here, try this:
  Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
  The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
  Ton Koopman (conductor)
  Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
  Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
  Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
  Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
  Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
  Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
  Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
  praise what today the highest has done!
  Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
  begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
  Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
  let us honour the name of our Lord!

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 12/08/2012 09:13 PM, raunchydog wrote:
  --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Here's my latest music video Talk a Lot:
  Yes, indeed! I thoroughly enjoyed your video, fun lighthearted music. Thank 
  you.  Loved the kick-line. The FFLife home page showing up on a computer 
  screen, was a delightful surprise. Good attention to detail. I know it 
  takes a lot of work editing to get your characters to move in time to the 
  music. Good job. Your characters have a lot more detail than in previous 
  videos. Are you using a different program to generate the animation or have 
  you improved with practice?
 Thanks.  I wish that the animation was as easy to do as the music. The 
 music took one afternoon of time and the animation several days.  It's 
 same iClone 4.x that I used before but not to be confused with the 
 videos where I used CrazyTalk Aninmator which is simpler and more 
 cartoon like.  For the kick and crowd animations since everyone was 
 pretty much doing the same thing I made one character with the animation 
 and then saved it as a motion file which was simply applied to the other 
 characters.   It was pushing iClone a bit to have 15 characters in the 
 kick sequence.   There are different kinds of characters though and I 
 made as much use of the early iClone 2.0 low poly characters but there 
 are also some of the higher poly 4.0 characters.
 I don't have iClone 5 yet and it would have come in useful as someone 
 has created an animated crowd prop for that version which could have 
 filled out the square in the background.
 BTW, YouTube is now begging us to use our real names!  I declined. Is 
 Google going Facebook?

Yeah, I noticed. Having personal information on Facebook is bad enough. Turn 
Google loose on social media and we'll soon have spybot drones no bigger than a 
fly buzzing uploaded personal info to Star War satellites. The Strategic 
Defense Initiative, is the USA's wet-dream for military superiority. Think 
about it. As I type these words, every bit, bundle and byte gets relayed via 
satellite to Google's massive data bank. Wouldn't they just love to have access 
to military secrets? Perhaps they already do. Sleep well tonight. If you see 
anything that looks like a bug, kill it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
   This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
   very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y
  Here, try this:
 This refutes Curtis. There is more evidence for the truth of Christ in this 
 than there is evidence of the falseness of Christ in Curtis's essay. 

I think it supports my main point which is that there is much to enjoy in this 
season artistically no matter how you relate to the Jesus myth.  Bach is as 
much testament to man's artistic genius as some supernatural agency.  I just 
stop at at the human composer and painter with my awe and wonder.

Reality favours Bach--and Bach was not as funny as Curtis, but his music is so 
much more beautiful. Beauty wins here over writing and humour. Inspired--it's 
like you balanced creation with this, authfriend. Bach has the last word. Which 
means (for me) Christmas was once real. The tiny hands of the infant born in 
Bethlehem formed the stars. And Mary, I trust her--and Joe too. The painting 
instills belief too. It certainly was all true. Every Word of it.
  Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
  The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
  Ton Koopman (conductor)
  Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
  Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
  Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
  Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
  Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
  Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
  Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
  praise what today the highest has done!
  Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
  begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
  Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
  let us honour the name of our Lord!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Aw, that's so real.  Raunchy, Share is in too much fear me.  I am a 
formidable woman, after all.  She will never address any of my questions - she 
has written me off because it's less scary that way.  I don't think she likes 
me very much.  Or, maybe, her latest John Newton healing session will have done 
her some good and soon we will experience the benefits here on FFL, subtle as 
they may be.  Although, given this comment about your granddaughter - judgment 
still reigns supreme in her being.  

 From: raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 9:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes!  Throwing down some guantlets


--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Can't help feeling sad as I think how the people, including Juliette, in 
 Raunchy's life will miss out on all the extra benefits because she doesn't 
 have, psychologically speaking some of those cojones she often talks about.  
 She doesn't have the cojones to actually go and see John Newton for 
 herself.  Something that would have been very easy for her to do THREE times 
 this past year.  What's that about?  Why hasn't she attended even one 
 presentation to see for herself that John is authentic and has something of 
 great value to offer her and through her the people in her life?   

Share, if you had any cojones at all you would have shown Emily some respect 
and have answered her questions by now. Don't talk to me about snark when you 
so blithely pin the cult member label on anyone who happens to like Robin. 
Fainting goat snark is humorous, your snark is deadly serious and hurtful. 
Furthermore, leave my family out of this.

 No she'd rather very cleverly and in a seemingly down home kind of way snark 
 about someone she has chosen not to meet in person.  She'd rather cleverly 
 and superficially diss John for his looks.  She'd rather despicably call his 
 integrity into question by using the word claims in reference to John's 
 remote viewing training.  Which BTW he talks about in his presentations.  
 What's also sad is Robin's response.  Supposedly he loves Raunchy.  But 
 what kind of love is it that praises someone for such snarky behavior as RD 
 exhibits here?  Robin, learn to REALLY love someone rather than in a creepy 
 cult leader kind of way.  It will not only do you good, but also your loved 
 I'm sure John would instantly forgive all this, even my ineptness here.  And 
 he would laugh about it all.  And he would have unconditional love for 
 Raunchy and Robin.  And Ravi too.  Just as I'm sure Steve has BTW.    
 Anyway, Raunchy I officially DARE you to attend John's next presentation.  
 With or without goat.  And Robin I officially dare you to have a phone 
 session with John.  In the spirit of continuing to wish complete healing for 

I dare you to answer Emily's questions.

  From: Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes!
 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 5:43 PM, awoelflebater 
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 Apologies to Emily and anyone else who wrote a post to me yesterday or
today.  I participated in a John Newton workshop all day today.
Excerpts from the website
   John Newton is fucking delusional.
  In the movie The Men who Stare at Goats the military explores the 
  potential of Military Remote Viewing and other paranormal applications for 
  spying. On his website, Newton claims he trained and practiced Military 
  Remote Viewing. He's definitely dreamy looking enough to have been a pick 
  for the movie instead of George Clooney. But what I want to know is, as 
  they attempted in the movie, can John stop a goat's heart and make it drop 
  dead by staring at it? Here's a test of Newton's bona fides that will make 
  him wildly famous in Fairfield. No animals will be harmed.
  I have friends who have a farm with fainting goats. Honest to God, if you 
  make a sudden move toward one of these critters, it just keels over on its 
  side and faints. If John's psychic powers are as good as he says, he should 
  be able to stare at the goat I'm borrowing for his next seminar and make it 
  faint. I'll post video of the event on FFLife.
 Learn to love this woman, Steve: It will do you good.
For those interested in watching:

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread John

Welcome back dude.  I don't believe I've ever read a version of Christmas the 
way you just presented.  It certainly is unique and eclectic.


--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
 brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see 
 on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having 
 tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I 
 could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted 
 the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went 
 right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and 
 some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that 
 includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that 
 I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
 coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and 
 God evaporates really quickly.) 
 Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
 yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
 Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
 dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
 right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's 
 attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out 
 Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It 
 plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man 
 slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes 
 of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 
 The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
 darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
 sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding 
 and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
 out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
 him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
 he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
 Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After 
 we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out 
 one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was 
 saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in 
 the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit 
 curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
 dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas 
 miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
 Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
 repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
 than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
 George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
 adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
 to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
 to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
 him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
 My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
 gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
 sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues 
 of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over 
 thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
 I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
 who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
 else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
 which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
 and myrrh 
 I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
 bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If 
 you really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  
 That hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
 materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
 presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and 
 gift giving is a blast. (If you prime the pump with specific requests, the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Ah, authfriend, just when Curtis nails Christ you bring in the
  Resurrection--just like you did last time. Resurrection in this
  instance being metaphoric. Curtis's piece was funny--because of
  his religious experience of not believing in the Baby Jesus.
  Seems no one can kill your spirit, authfriend--gotta love that.
 Thank you, Robin. Hope that awful Nazi-sounding language
 Bach was burdened with didn't get in the way of your
 enjoyment of the piece.

   I like how you can make reverence and irony co-exist in the same post. 
Johann just went a little deeper than Curtis--but Curtis will never know 
this--and must disbelieve it. There has to be truth in something that is 
allowed to be this beautiful. JSB versus CDB: We keep celebrating Christmas no 
matter what. It's almost involuntary. Curtis's atheism can't create Chartres or 
Christmas Oratorio--but his (CDB's) beliefs are nevertheless very pure. Merry 
Christmas to you, authfriend. The universe liked your post--and its timing.
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y
   Here, try this:
   Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
   The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
   Ton Koopman (conductor)
   Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
   Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
   Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
   Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
   Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
   Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
   Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
   praise what today the highest has done!
   Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
   begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
   Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
   let us honour the name of our Lord!

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Alex Stanley
I keep my coffee in one of those clear plastic canisters with a rubber gasket 
and a wire clamping mechanism.

In other news, I'm sitting here in Petra's Jeep, by the side of the road, 
waiting for the inflator to pump up her tire. She drove off to an appointment 
and didn't notice the flat until a mile from the house. So, I have the 
satellite radio playing the grateful dead channel, as I post to FFL on my 
phone. And this is after making us both a gourmet lunch. A hubby's work is 
never done.

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 I'm rolling a Cuisinart burr grinder from Bed Bath and Behind that makes it 
 all very easy.  But I am no stranger to the charms of the higher end pro 
 ground bag.  If you just keep it sealed up tight you can keep the God in.  I 
 try to balance food snobbery with the pain in the ass factor too. 
 --- In wrote:
  --- In wrote:
   So you take your fresh ground coffee
  In the afterlife, I'll probably have to spend eternity drinking percolator 
  robusta, but I stopped fresh grinding my coffee. I bought a Cuisinart 
  coffee grinder at the Home Store in FF, and it's a piece of junk that I 
  really hate using. So, I went back to grinding the whole bag of beans at 
  the store, with their grinder. Please forgive me.

[FairfieldLife] The perfect time to visit London.....

2012-12-09 Thread salyavin808

is when the British Museum is doing one of its major shows.
This will be a treat. I love these people, they were us, but most likely
smarter and a good deal fitter, and they lived in a young and pristine
world where if you wanted something you made it yourself - no technology
other than whatever you find on the ground. Their art is beautiful, the
dawn of self awareness revealed in their figurines, their understanding
of nature in the depiction of animals they depended on for pretty much
everything. Nice if they could chisel off a cave wall from Lascaux and
exhibit that too but this will very probably be satisfying enough as it
From the Grauniad:
When Homo sapiens hit upon the power of art
A staggering collection of ice age artefacts from museums across Europe
will showcase the explosion of technical and imaginative skill that
experts say marked the human race's discovery of art.

  [Fragment of decorated reindeer metatarsal] A reindeer bone engraved
with two reindeer, part of the ice age art show at the British Museum.
Photograph: British Museum
Rail engineer Peccadeau de l'Isle was supervising track construction
outside Toulouse in 1866 when he decided to take time off to indulge his
hobby, archaeology. With a crew of helpers, he began excavating below a
cliff near Montastruc, where he dug up an extraordinary prehistoric
sculpture . It is
known today as the Swimming Reindeer of Montastruc.

Made from the 8in tip of a mammoth tusk, the carving, which is at least
13,000 years old, depicts two deer crossing a river. Their chins are
raised and their antlers tipped back exactly as they would be when
swimming. At least four different techniques were used to create this
masterpiece: an axe trimmed the tusk, scrapers shaped its contours; iron
oxide powder was used to polish it; and an engraving tool incised its
eyes and other details.

It is superbly crafted, wonderfully observed and shows that tens of
thousands of years ago human beings had achieved a critical intellectual
status. They had moved from making objects merely for physical use, such
as stone axes, and had begun to create works that had no purpose other
than to reflect the patterns and sights they were experiencing around
them. Homo sapiens had discovered art.

There is evidence that pigments were being used by our ancestors in
Africa 150,000 years ago and that later, around 70,000 years ago, they
were engraving geometric patterns on objects, says Professor Steven
Mithen of Reading University.  But it was
not until modern humans reached Europe more than 40,000 years ago –
when there appears to have been an explosion of technical creativity
– that art, as we understand it today, appeared. The results were
breath-taking. Indeed, I don't think they have ever been surpassed.

The startling, highly advanced nature of these works can be judged this
February when the British Museum opens its exhibition, Ice Age Art:
Arrival of the Modern Mind .
It will display artefacts, borrowed from museums across Europe, which
were made between 13,000 and 42,000 years ago, when the last ice age
took its grip of the continent, and will include the world's oldest
portrait, the oldest sculpture, the oldest ceramics and one of the
oldest musical instruments. There will even be a case for the world's
oldest puppet.

This show has been tens of thousand of years in the making and it will
give visitors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the cream of
Europe's ice age art, says exhibition organiser, Jill Cook, the British
Museum's curator of European prehistory . This show
marks the beginning of the modern world. For the first time, humans were
displaying the full imagination of modern humanity and externalising
thoughts. They are making objects not just for practical value but to
express ideas in a symbolic, highly skilful manner.

Consider the Montastruc reindeer. The slightly smaller of the two
animals has got six little nipples while the larger, behind it, has male
genitalia. Both animals have antlers, however, which indicates we are
dealing with reindeer, the only deer species whose females grow
antlers, says Cook. Crucially, males lose theirs in December but
females keep theirs. So this is not a winter scene though the female's
flank, beautifully shaded by the sculptor, shows she has grown a thick
coat. So winter must be close. In other words, this is an autumnal
scene, a time of migration. Hence the swim across a river. It is all
beautifully observed.

The carving was made by a member of the Cro-Magnons, hunter-gatherer
descendants of the first modern humans to occupy Europe around 45,000
years ago, and who lived there through the last ice age, which began

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 Welcome back dude.  I don't believe I've ever read a version of Christmas the 
 way you just presented.  It certainly is unique and eclectic.

Thanks for checking it out.  The perspective that Joseph might not have been 
thrilled when his knocked up young wife delivered the good news was lifted 
from a routine from the late genius comedian Sam Kinison.

It all goes back to Jesus... he's got to be up in heaven freaking out at all 
the interpretations of the things they SAY he said. He didn't even KNOW he was 
the son of God. As soon as he was born, as soon as he could speak the language, 
his mother said, 'You're the son of God. When you were born the angels came, 
and the stars stood in one place, the wise men brought gifts, and the whole 
world's been waiting for you to come and do great things.' [As baby Jesus] 
'Really? Me? Are you sure?' [Back to normal voice] Everybody but Joseph. 
Joseph's walking around going, [very suspicious] 'Yeah, you had better be the 
son of God, I'll tell you that. You had BETTER be him, little mister. And you 
better be the ONLY son of God.'
-- Early routine from the Comedy Annex in Houston, 1979.  

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
  you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
  you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins. 
   Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always 
  thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  
  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) 
  and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, 
  sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any 
  version that includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly 
  strong cloves that I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact 
  that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are 
  where God lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 
  Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
  yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
  Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
  dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
  right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's 
  house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that 
  tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no 
  doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an 
  old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a 
  few notes of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a 
  few moments. 
  The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
  at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
  out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
  him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
  he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
  Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  
  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin 
  banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs 
  where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment 
  to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly 
  kind, a bit curious, non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as 
  I was for the dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my 
  Christmas miracle.  I thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai 
  Guru Devs. 
  Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
  than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
  George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
  adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
  to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
  to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
  him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
  My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
  gaily puffing on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Global Country

2012-12-09 Thread Buck
  The Global Country of World Peace is a nation without borders promoting 
  unity in consciousness and the reduction of the narrow nationalism that 
  divides humanity from humanity. It is a home for peace-loving people 
   The domain of the Global Country of World Peace is CONSCIOUSNESS—the 
   prime mover of life—the ground state of natural law, the field of all 
   possibilities. The Global Country of World Peace is a non-political, 
   non-religious global organization and does not usurp any of the functions 
   of existing governments, nor does it replace them in any way.
 Research shows that even a small number of experts in spiritual meditation 
 technologies of consciousness can reduce conflict and social stress and 
 transform the trends of time towards a new era of peace and prosperity for 
 their nation and the entire world family.

More than 600 scientific research studies conducted at over 250 universities 
and research institutions in 33 countries have shown the profound benefits of 
meditation in all areas of individual life—mind, body, behavior, and society.

Re: [FairfieldLife] And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Dang Curtis, so nice of you to provide such lovely links and a recipe for 
holiday coffee.  We have something in common - pre-ground coffee is a 
non-starter in my kitchen as well.  Tee Hee. 

 From: curtisdeltablues
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 8:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] And so this is Christmas


So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and you 
brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers you see on 
the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins.  Having tasted 
versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always thought I could do 
better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  I resisted the 
temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for 
the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger 
and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes 
cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to 
in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee is a 
non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and God evaporates 
really quickly.) 

Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming right 
up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's house's attic 
as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that tinkles out Silent 
Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the 
song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an old man slumped over the 
piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a 
time before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 

The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some Maharishi 
darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put together a group to 
sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not at all Nazi sounding and 
is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush out 
the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to him at 
that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but he was 
really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised Christianity 
and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  After we were done he 
asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her 
saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world 
and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a 
nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious, non
 committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied one 
at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.  I thanked 
him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 

Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad repainted 
them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more than a bit of 
Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of George Clinton's 
Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an adoring Mary, looking 
herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends to believe her whopper of 
a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid to keep his first century 
Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with him.  This better be the ONLY 
divinely conceived baby in this house Miss Missy! 

My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing virtues of 
Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all over thanks to 
Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.

I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a donkey 
who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo and someone 
else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated sap of the poppy 
which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation for frankincense 
and myrrh 

I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist version, but I don't let the 
bastard child of a rapist ghost interfere with my nostalgia wallowing.  If you 
really listen to Christmas songs they are freak'n maudlin aren't they?  That 
hits my blues center just fine.  I'm not even a hater of the 
materialistic/commercial side of Christmas.  I like being coerced into buying 
presents with money I don't have, because otherwise I wouldn't do it, and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The results of our group hug!

2012-12-09 Thread Emily Reyn
Ah ha ha ha.  Very excellent.  So many great insults to read, so little time.  
I'm on the run and must escape to my next hidey hole.  Ya'll have an exquisite 
day and I look forward to reading Edg's? list of insults tonight.  

 From: emptybill
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 7:22 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The results of our group hug!

I figure after the pin pops
off my grenade we will have about 3 seconds to go oh shit.
That last impression should
make quite a nice imprint. It will instantiate all the warm, loving
relationships we enjoy here on FFL. Even better, that oh shit will cause us
to avoid needless bickering in our next corporeal lifetime, since unlike FFL,
we will see that even verbal actions have consequences.
Then because we've been
meditating for years, we'll be reborn in the heaven of savitarka-samadhi lovers
as two-fisted soma drinkers at the banquet of the gods. 
But not everyone will be
happy …
Robin will be displeased that
there isn't only one god and will declare, I see the truth with my inner heart
and I don't deserve this. This is definitely not the Unified Field 
Steve will be back on earth
thinking what a bunch of fools – serves them right. 
Share will say, I didn't
plan it to come out this way so it isn't my fault. It says that in the opera. 
Judy will pronounce, Is this
just a drunkfest? Where's the Sturm und
Drang around here? Anyway, do I have to point out again that you are completely 
Raving yogi will warn
everyone … See that Devi there? She's all mine - so fuck-off you retards.
Emily will say, Where's that
stage? Can't we have some opera here to go with the soma?
Alex will say,This is the opera.
Barry will be back on earth repeating,
Dude, I told you they would all drink the kool-aid … hey babe, you want a sip?
Wolf Baiter will be shouting
over the racket, I want that chariot they keep singing about. You know the one
that circles the worlds with each lap! This is so boring. 
Raunchy will say, No matter
what, it's still fucked up.
Willy will announce to everyone, It was better in the Gupta empire `cause they 
knew that Shakya the Muni already had done it all and had just returned back to 
the mantra … the Saraswati
Finally, when the soma runs out, emptybill will say .. Yeah, let them eat 

--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 So many folks here are full of angry
 displays that I've lost faith in humanity.
 Everyone here needs to recognize that
 none of it means anything - it will all be
 meaningless in a month.
 I think we all need a group hug.
 Here ... let's all gather 'round and
 pray for forgiveness. Let's do it now ...
 and the grenades on my vest are just
 for looks.


[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
  This is, in some way, hideously blasphemous but nevertheless
  very interesting. It didn't leave me feeling very Christmas-y
 Here, try this:
 Jauchzet, frohlocket, Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
 The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra  Choir 
 Ton Koopman (conductor)
 Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
 Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
 Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
 Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
 Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
 Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
 Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day,
 praise what today the highest has done!
 Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation,
 begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation!
 Serve the highest with glorious choirs,
 let us honour the name of our Lord!

Ah...glorious chills of Jauchzet, frohlocket reverberating in my being. Thank 
you, Judy.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/09/2012 10:47 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 On 12/08/2012 09:13 PM, raunchydog wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 Here's my latest music video Talk a Lot:


 Yes, indeed! I thoroughly enjoyed your video, fun lighthearted music. Thank 
 you.  Loved the kick-line. The FFLife home page showing up on a computer 
 screen, was a delightful surprise. Good attention to detail. I know it 
 takes a lot of work editing to get your characters to move in time to the 
 music. Good job. Your characters have a lot more detail than in previous 
 videos. Are you using a different program to generate the animation or have 
 you improved with practice?

 Thanks.  I wish that the animation was as easy to do as the music. The
 music took one afternoon of time and the animation several days.  It's
 same iClone 4.x that I used before but not to be confused with the
 videos where I used CrazyTalk Aninmator which is simpler and more
 cartoon like.  For the kick and crowd animations since everyone was
 pretty much doing the same thing I made one character with the animation
 and then saved it as a motion file which was simply applied to the other
 characters.   It was pushing iClone a bit to have 15 characters in the
 kick sequence.   There are different kinds of characters though and I
 made as much use of the early iClone 2.0 low poly characters but there
 are also some of the higher poly 4.0 characters.

 I don't have iClone 5 yet and it would have come in useful as someone
 has created an animated crowd prop for that version which could have
 filled out the square in the background.

 BTW, YouTube is now begging us to use our real names!  I declined. Is
 Google going Facebook?

 Yeah, I noticed. Having personal information on Facebook is bad enough. Turn 
 Google loose on social media and we'll soon have spybot drones no bigger than 
 a fly buzzing uploaded personal info to Star War satellites. The Strategic 
 Defense Initiative, is the USA's wet-dream for military superiority. Think 
 about it. As I type these words, every bit, bundle and byte gets relayed via 
 satellite to Google's massive data bank. Wouldn't they just love to have 
 access to military secrets? Perhaps they already do. Sleep well tonight. If 
 you see anything that looks like a bug, kill it.

Have we been invaded by aliens who want to know everything we do or are  
these companies run by lame kids who think it is cool to know what 
everyone is doing?  I'm boring to most people so why would they find 
what I do interesting?  Plus I just came back from the farmer's market 
and stopped off a Walgreens who now has a rewards card.  The nearby 
supermarket just added a rewards card.  Only Lucky's doesn't have a card 
though they used to.   It doesn't do marketing or their sales staff any 
good if every store has a card because they are only getting partial 
profiles.  I shop to weird for my information to be useful for them.

Google's opt out has an option for performer anyway and Captain Bebops 
is a stage name.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson
If I may be so bold to ask, why do you say Maharishi despised Christianity? I 
have never heard that.

 From: curtisdeltablues
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

Much appreciated.  Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.

--- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:

 Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it 
 would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
  you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
  you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic begins. 
   Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, I always 
  thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the trouble.  
  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) 
  and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, 
  sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any 
  version that includes cloves would be great too.  But it is the overly 
  strong cloves that I object to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact 
  that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are 
  where God lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 
  Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
  yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro stuffed 
  Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their princess 
  dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes coming 
  right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my Dad's 
  house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up music box that 
  tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse droppings no 
  doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and starts, like an 
  old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who can only manage a 
  few notes of the melody at a time before his mental ship sails away for a 
  few moments. 
  The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
  Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
  together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
  at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to flush 
  out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing next to 
  him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early morning, but 
  he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that he despised 
  Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to fall over.  
  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin 
  banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went back upstairs 
  where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he took a moment 
  to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly 
  kind, a bit curious,
 non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied 
one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.  I 
thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
  Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
  repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by more 
  than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members of 
  George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and an 
  adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her pretends 
  to believe her whopper of a tale of her divine pregnancy in a desperate bid 
  to keep his first century Courtney Stodden age-inappropriate hot wife with 
  him.  This better be the ONLY divinely conceived baby in this house Miss 
  My eyes drift up to my walls with pictures of Santas from 1930's magazines 
  gaily puffing on cigarettes (damn I wish I was English and could say he was 
  sucking on a fag) while the copy makes claims of the throat soothing 
  virtues of Chesterfields.  Throat soothing!  I've got versions of them all 
  over thanks to Ebay, as if Santa had a walk-on part on Mad Men.
  I've got some hand carved camels made of olive wood led by a man on a 
  donkey who I can only assume is spending another Christmas in Guantanamo 
  and someone else is now leading these camels laden with the concentrated 
  sap of the poppy which I guess is the wink, wink, nudge, nudge, translation 
  for frankincense and myrrh 
  I loves me some Christmas.  It is an atheist 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Video: Talk a Lot

2012-12-09 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/09/2012 08:17 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@... wrote:
 Excellent bhairitu! I'm amazed by how you got the actual FFL
 message list to scroll on the computer, and I appreciate your
 nod to Barry and Buddha, and to Rick and Alex at the end. I
 even think I recognize RD in there somewhere. Also, I get the
 message (or I think I do). I gotta go back to see if I can
 discover anything else. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
 Indeed. I'm still having technical glitches with Flash,
 so can't watch all of it without it crashing on me, but
 that's a problem with my machine, not your video. What
 I saw was very creative indeed. Great work!

Thanks.  YouTube recodes all the video uploaded anyway and they recode 
separate files for each resolution.   This time the 1080p file I 
uploaded was 52 MB and their recoded 1080p file is 74 MB. While uploaded 
they put up a banner to click for tips on uploading your QuickTime 
video.  I clicked on it and the stuff was rather basic but apparently 
the kids think that you can only encode MP4 videos with QuickTime even 
though many other video editing programs including Linux ones have had 
MP4 (h264) for years.  My bet is a team there tweaked the open source 
x264 for their encoder.   At some point when HTML5 becomes more 
ubiquitous and they have their Webm codec better optimized Flash will go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 10:17 AM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

  Hey, what about ME? I think I was the one to start making
  'fun' of John right from the get-go. Aren't I in trouble too?

 And Ravi called Newton fucking delusional, but he didn't get
 a gauntlet (or even a guantlet) thrown at him either.

I think Share secretly knows that after a couple of hours of my humiliation
therapy sessions John Newton will resolve to be authentic and earn an
honest, decent living by relocating to Los Angeles for a career in the Film
Industry and people like her will have no one that will soothe them.

 I think the current candidates for sucking-up-to get a free pass.


[FairfieldLife] Re: What constitutes an intelligent discussion?

2012-12-09 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  My feeling is that if someone says something about me,
 Such as, The bottom line is that hardly anybody pays much
 attention to Barry these days except to make fun of him.
 Followed almost immediately by seven or eight frenzied rants
 from Barry about my Apocalypto comments from six years ago.

Kinda weird that he'd take you to task for commenting about a movie you haven't 
seen when he frequently comments about a forum he hasn't read. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yikes! Throwing down some guantlets

2012-12-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 10:17 AM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

  Hey, what about ME? I think I was the one to start making
  'fun' of John right from the get-go. Aren't I in trouble too?

 And Ravi called Newton fucking delusional, but he didn't get
 a gauntlet (or even a guantlet) thrown at him either.

 I think Share secretly knows that after a couple of hours of my
 humiliation therapy sessions John Newton will resolve to be authentic and
 earn an honest, decent living by relocating to Los Angeles for a career in
 the Film Industry and people like her will have no one that will soothe

And when John Newton inevitably becomes the next star I will become popular
in Hollywood and my fantasies of having a hot actress girlfriend will be
completed and I can then retire peacefully in Malibu.

 I think the current candidates for sucking-up-to get a free pass.


[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 If I may be so bold to ask, why do you say Maharishi despised Christianity? I 
 have never heard that.

I got the impression from a few sources.  One was when they asked Maharishi on 
one of the early courses if they could put up Christmas decorations and he 
replied we don't celebrate those pagan holidays.

I was close to one of the M initiators who was very involved with the Christian 
Monks.  Maharishi made it clear to him how he felt.  It became an issue when I 
was a student there that we were holding monastic prayer services.  The world 
from Switzerland was knock it off.  For all the lip-service about supporting 
religions, no insider could ever maintain their going to religious services and 
being on the fast track with Maharishi's organization.  You might have 
witnessed that yourself. 

Maharishi was not shy about expressing its inferiority to Hinduism in how much 
natural law it expressed.  He was a triumphalist Hindu.  

  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas
 Much appreciated.  Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.
 --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
  Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it 
  would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
   you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
   you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic 
   begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, 
   I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the 
   trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint 
   (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, 
   a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend 
   perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves would be great too. 
But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to in the commercial 
   mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in 
   my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and God evaporates really 
   Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
   yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro 
   stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in 
   their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 
   diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued 
   from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up 
   music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of 
   mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops 
   and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit 
   who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time before his mental 
   ship sails away for a few moments. 
   The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
   Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
   together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
   at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to 
   flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing 
   next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early 
   morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that 
   he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to 
   fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  
   Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went 
   back upstairs where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he 
   took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent 
   look, not exactly kind, a bit curious,
  non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied 
 one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.  I 
 thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
   Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
   repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by 
   more than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members 
   of George Clinton's Parliament- Funkadelic.  There are oxen and sheep and 
   an adoring Mary, looking herself a bit sheepish, as Joseph beside her 
   pretends to believe 

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Robin Carlsen
Most definitely, this is true--not just objectively, either. He has a terrific 
secret animus against Christ and Christianity--I noticed this in all the hours 
I studied him live and in every video, every audio tape. *And he communicated 
this contempt to his teachers*--each and every one--even without them knowing 

No, Curtis read him perfectly here. He conveyed a sense of the inferiority of 
Christianity to Hinduism--and it was impossible not to catch this and 
appropriate it for oneself--as a TM teacher. It still persists probably in 
almost every initiator and ex-initiator.

But Maharishi's hatred--it was deeper than Curtis's--who at least feels he is 
detached in the perfection of his religious belief: *There is no God*. With 
Maharishi, that antipathy went down as deep as the Crucifixion itself.

This is the unmistakable impression I got from tracking Maharishi very closely 
on this matter, Michael. He even reacted to all the teachers singing Silent 
Night to him one Christmas.


--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 If I may be so bold to ask, why do you say Maharishi despised Christianity? I 
 have never heard that.
  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas
 Much appreciated.  Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.
 --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
  Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it 
  would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
   you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
   you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic 
   begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the years, 
   I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never took the 
   trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint 
   (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, 
   a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk.  Christmas blend 
   perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves would be great too. 
But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to in the commercial 
   mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in 
   my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and God evaporates really 
   Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
   yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro 
   stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in 
   their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 
   diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued 
   from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny wind-up 
   music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of 
   mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops 
   and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit 
   who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time before his mental 
   ship sails away for a few moments. 
   The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
   Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
   together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly not 
   at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it out: )  It actually worked to 
   flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent standing 
   next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till the early 
   morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite the fact that 
   he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was going to 
   fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of Enlightenment songs.  
   Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine ditties.  Before he went 
   back upstairs where he was saving the world and all (banging groupies) he 
   took a moment to look me in the eye.  It was a nice steady benevolent 
   look, not exactly kind, a bit curious,
  non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the dhotied 
 one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it was my Christmas miracle.  I 
 thanked him, and he floated off in a shower of Jai Guru Devs. 
   Back to my nativity.  The figures are some kind of plaster and my Dad 
   repainted them in garish Homer Simpson style, no doubt accompanied by 
   more than a bit of Dewar's Scotch, so that the wise men look like members 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread doctordumbass
Ravi replied to me that he was still revving up - which I was OK with. The 
fellow is an alarm clock to wake up dreamers, and though I followed a teacher 
who was not in favor of alarm clocks, to each his own. Whether I agree with 
everything he says, or not, he is authentic and owns his own stuff, which about 
the best I can say of anybody, even if I find their behavior offensive 

As for being on anyone's friend or enemy list, they can put me there, and there 
is not a damned thing I can do about it, or would care to.

--- In, seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@... 

 I suppose it is a matter of hurting his feelings.  But really this is
 just his M O 90% of time.  Demeaning and insulting is what he does. It
 is how he interacts.  He will sometimes defend those people he likes,
 but mostly he just insults and demeans the people he doesn't like. And
 it doesn't take much to go from one to the other.
 And that is why I am so perplexed how someone would ascribe loyalty as
 one of his traits.
 I mean DD came dangerous close to go from Ravi's friend list to his
 enemy's list with a comment he made.
 If DD had come up with an unfavorable follow up comment, then we likely
 would have seen the famous Ravi switch.
 BTW, I'll post DD's comment here, since I felt it was so appropiate.
 DD  Ravi:The grinding sound is because you are stuck in first gear.
 Push in the clutch
 and shift into second, then third, etc.
 It was a good comment.
 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@
  Thank you Steve for all your support.  Hope you and family are
 well and happy.  I very much regret having hurt Ravi's feelings.
  From: seventhray1 lurkernomore20002000@
  Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 9:17 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell,
 author of CULT
  Always consider the source.  As Ravi has said, much of his
 dysfunctionality is a matter of the public record, except for those
 posts (a considerable amount)Â he has managed to have expunged.
  He is on the record here, saying that he issued an ultimatum to his
 wife that she renounce Amma as her guru and instead accept him as her
  So, as I've said, consider the source.
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Share - I have to add, your posts to this thread have hilarious in
   utter clueless-ness.
   You are not a person who has, so far shown any awareness,
   maturity - intellectual and/or emotional, intelligence to understand
   nuances of any issue to be really compassionate. There is a
   between fake niceness and genuine compassion - in the absence of
 above your
   responses to Robin's posts come across as hilarious or malicious
   on my mood.
   I would say you are very much like Barry except he is overtly mean
 and you
   are not. Anyway I don't know what the sound of two paranoid,
   people conversing is - I don't think it's possible, they are
   paranoid and alike to get along with each other. So you are better
   spending your time on FFL chatting to people like LG, Xeno and
 others if
   you don't want people to pile on you.
   On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:34 PM, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@

 Judy, whatever the quality of Robin's intentions, they
 would have been under the influence of his self proclaimed
 state of mystical hallucination. Your ignoring, in relation
 to his intentions, that self proclamation of his
Of course, I don't ignore it. You say that without having
any idea of how I view this: You just made it up. Typical.
I *disagree* that Robin's intentions would have been affected,
made somehow negative, by his enlightenment. I see no reason
why that would have been the case.
You are taking delusion and hallucination too literally;
those terms are only very roughly approximate, because there
simply is no vocabulary to describe what happened to him.
He himself has said his enlightenment was *real*, so there's
obviously a paradoxical element to this that you haven't
bothered to take into account.
 an aspect of hallucination into the PRESENT and is not IMO
 helpful in the present. This is what I am addressing, the
Yes, I know you are. Your sole interest is in finding ways
to portray him negatively *in the present*, and you'll make
up whatever metaphysical rules you need to in order to do
Your perpetuate an aspect of hallucination into the
PRESENT doesn't make any sense. *You* don't even know what
you mean by it.
You have a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What constitutes an intelligent discussion?

2012-12-09 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 Kinda weird that he'd take you to task for commenting 
 about a movie you haven't seen when he frequently 
 comments about a forum he hasn't read.

Good line. :-)

In response I would just say that sometimes after
watching the trailers (in Message View) you know 
the movie isn't worth watching.  :

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread doctordumbass
Good for him! There is not a religion more disgusting in the way it has been 
endlessly used to conquer and kill indigenous tribes, plunder and rape other 
civilizations, and continues to this day as convenient cover for pedophiles and 
war mongers. Religion in general is a bad idea, and f*cking Christianity takes 
the cake. 

--- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  If I may be so bold to ask, why do you say Maharishi despised Christianity? 
  I have never heard that.
 I got the impression from a few sources.  One was when they asked Maharishi 
 on one of the early courses if they could put up Christmas decorations and he 
 replied we don't celebrate those pagan holidays.
 I was close to one of the M initiators who was very involved with the 
 Christian Monks.  Maharishi made it clear to him how he felt.  It became an 
 issue when I was a student there that we were holding monastic prayer 
 services.  The world from Switzerland was knock it off.  For all the 
 lip-service about supporting religions, no insider could ever maintain their 
 going to religious services and being on the fast track with Maharishi's 
 organization.  You might have witnessed that yourself. 
 Maharishi was not shy about expressing its inferiority to Hinduism in how 
 much natural law it expressed.  He was a triumphalist Hindu.  
   From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
  Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas
  Much appreciated.  Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.
  --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
   Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it 
   would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
   --- In, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) 
and you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian 
numbers you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the 
magic begins.  Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the 
years, I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never 
took the trouble.  I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft 
peppermint (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark 
coco powder, a sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk.  
Christmas blend perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves 
would be great too.  But it is the overly strong cloves that I object 
to in the commercial mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground 
coffee is a non starter in my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God 
lives, and God evaporates really quickly.) 

Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping my 
yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro 
stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in 
their princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 
diabetes coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued 
from my Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out.  It has a tiny 
wind-up music box that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by 
decades of mouse droppings no doubt.  It plays the song absentmindedly 
now in stops and starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the 
Alzheimers unit who can only manage a few notes of the melody at a time 
before his mental ship sails away for a few moments. 

The song is doubly sentimental for me because as a ploy to get some 
Maharishi darshon when he visited MIU my first Winter in '75, I put 
together a group to sing him the song in German.  (It is surprisingly 
not at all Nazi sounding and is beautiful in that language, check it 
out: )  It actually worked 
to flush out the old guru, and it was the longest time I had spent 
standing next to him at that time.  He kept us waiting for hours till 
the early morning, but he was really gracious about it all, despite the 
fact that he despised Christianity and looked so tired I thought he was 
going to fall over.  After we were done he asked for Age of 
Enlightenment songs.  Emily Levin banged out one of her saccharine 
ditties.  Before he went back upstairs where he was saving the world 
and all (banging groupies) he took a moment to look me in the eye.  It 
was a nice steady benevolent look, not exactly kind, a bit curious,
   non committal but prolonged.  For a guy as besotted as I was for the 
  dhotied one at the time, (or my imagination of him) it 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The perfect time to visit London.....

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 is when the British Museum is doing one of its major shows.
 This will be a treat. I love these people, they were us, but most likely
 smarter and a good deal fitter, and they lived in a young and pristine
 world where if you wanted something you made it yourself - no technology
 other than whatever you find on the ground. Their art is beautiful, the
 dawn of self awareness revealed in their figurines, their understanding
 of nature in the depiction of animals they depended on for pretty much
 everything. Nice if they could chisel off a cave wall from Lascaux and
 exhibit that too but this will very probably be satisfying enough as it
 From the Grauniad:

Righto, salyavin. I've visited London on four occasions during Christmas. It's 
an excellent time of year for package deals on flights and hotel rates and it's 
never that cold or snowy. I always hit Leicester Square in the morning for 
evening theater tickets and tour during the day. I pack in as many shows as I 
possibly can during my stay. The theater district is *fabulous*! On your 
recommendation, I'll be sure to visit the British Museum next time round, I'm 
hoping next year. 

Love the tube, it's convenient and easy to figure out where you're going. I 
have a tea tin from Harrods and a tea cup imprinted with a map of the tube and 
a caution to Mind the Gap. These two quintessential British items always 
remind me as I'm drinking tea, that I must one day return to London. My last 
visit, I had an excellent map and decided to try my luck on the buses. I saw a 
lot more of London traveling above ground and I'm glad I gave it a go. Love 

 When Homo sapiens hit upon the power of art
 A staggering collection of ice age artefacts from museums across Europe
 will showcase the explosion of technical and imaginative skill that
 experts say marked the human race's discovery of art.
   [Fragment of decorated reindeer metatarsal] A reindeer bone engraved
 with two reindeer, part of the ice age art show at the British Museum.
 Photograph: British Museum
 Rail engineer Peccadeau de l'Isle was supervising track construction
 outside Toulouse in 1866 when he decided to take time off to indulge his
 hobby, archaeology. With a crew of helpers, he began excavating below a
 cliff near Montastruc, where he dug up an extraordinary prehistoric
 sculpture . It is
 known today as the Swimming Reindeer of Montastruc.
 Made from the 8in tip of a mammoth tusk, the carving, which is at least
 13,000 years old, depicts two deer crossing a river. Their chins are
 raised and their antlers tipped back exactly as they would be when
 swimming. At least four different techniques were used to create this
 masterpiece: an axe trimmed the tusk, scrapers shaped its contours; iron
 oxide powder was used to polish it; and an engraving tool incised its
 eyes and other details.
 It is superbly crafted, wonderfully observed and shows that tens of
 thousands of years ago human beings had achieved a critical intellectual
 status. They had moved from making objects merely for physical use, such
 as stone axes, and had begun to create works that had no purpose other
 than to reflect the patterns and sights they were experiencing around
 them. Homo sapiens had discovered art.
 There is evidence that pigments were being used by our ancestors in
 Africa 150,000 years ago and that later, around 70,000 years ago, they
 were engraving geometric patterns on objects, says Professor Steven
 Mithen of Reading University.  But it was
 not until modern humans reached Europe more than 40,000 years ago –
 when there appears to have been an explosion of technical creativity
 – that art, as we understand it today, appeared. The results were
 breath-taking. Indeed, I don't think they have ever been surpassed.
 The startling, highly advanced nature of these works can be judged this
 February when the British Museum opens its exhibition, Ice Age Art:
 Arrival of the Modern Mind .
 It will display artefacts, borrowed from museums across Europe, which
 were made between 13,000 and 42,000 years ago, when the last ice age
 took its grip of the continent, and will include the world's oldest
 portrait, the oldest sculpture, the oldest ceramics and one of the
 oldest musical instruments. There will even be a case for the world's
 oldest puppet.
 This show has been tens of thousand of years in the making and it will
 give visitors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the cream of
 Europe's ice age art, says exhibition organiser, Jill Cook, the British
 Museum's curator of European prehistory . This show

[FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 I keep my coffee in one of those clear plastic canisters with a rubber gasket 
 and a wire clamping mechanism.
 In other news, I'm sitting here in Petra's Jeep, by the side of the road, 
 waiting for the inflator to pump up her tire. She drove off to an appointment 
 and didn't notice the flat until a mile from the house. So, I have the 
 satellite radio playing the grateful dead channel, as I post to FFL on my 
 phone. And this is after making us both a gourmet lunch. A hubby's work is 
 never done.

Have a relaxing day, Alex.

 --- In, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  I'm rolling a Cuisinart burr grinder from Bed Bath and Behind that makes it 
  all very easy.  But I am no stranger to the charms of the higher end pro 
  ground bag.  If you just keep it sealed up tight you can keep the God in.  
  I try to balance food snobbery with the pain in the ass factor too. 
  --- In wrote:
   --- In wrote:

So you take your fresh ground coffee
   In the afterlife, I'll probably have to spend eternity drinking 
   percolator robusta, but I stopped fresh grinding my coffee. I bought a 
   Cuisinart coffee grinder at the Home Store in FF, and it's a piece of 
   junk that I really hate using. So, I went back to grinding the whole bag 
   of beans at the store, with their grinder. Please forgive me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Second Open Letter to Bill Howell, author of CULT

2012-12-09 Thread Robin Carlsen

Dear Feste,

I sense the genuineness of feeling here, feste--and the intelligence of your 
intention. Once someone appears to be having a different *perception* of one 
(from what was seemingly definitive in terms of what went before), there is 
always some confusion and momentary disorientation. This precipitate change in 
your approach to me--and judgment of me--startled me, and of course (as you can 
imagine) disappointed me. But it seemed so real in its forcefulness that I 
never contemplated a return to that previous  perception--which is what appears 
has happened here. Also all the thoughtfulness and discernment of your true 
sensibilities comes through--so that is significant: If I find all of you in a 
post, it probably means I am getting the truth--I mean about you.) I felt 
deprived of the whole feste when you were dishing me. It was just a deep 
mystery; but I reconciled myself to this fate. Now, I feel we are on ground 
where we could discuss our differences--and enjoy the friendly intelligence  
which I believe was the context of our previous correspondence (on FFL).

The question you pose about Wordsworth is very deep, and I have a rather 
complex response. I think this warrants a separate post. And I would like to 
take it as a challenge that will be worthwhile for me to face. So I won't give 
away anything yet. ;-) But the issue fascinates me. Hopkins' anti-oneness 
versus Wordsworth's (like Emerson, Thoreau and the Transcendentalists) 
Intimations of Self Immortality.

It is a pleasure for me to return to the quality of mind that first made itself 
known to me in our exchange about the marriage of East and West--which I felt 
had been consummated in you--and no one else that I had encountered. That 
nonplussed me--but in just the right way. The high of having one's Negative 
Capability tested.

Again, I thank you for your mercy and fairness, feste. And I look forward to 
taking the second part of your post and trying to answer this very important 
question: Does this mean that Wordsworth was suffering from a 'mystical 
hallucination' when he wrote [those lines] in the Prelude?

Thanks again for fighting through the complexity. I don't think you are wrong 
about me.


After I read CULT I was a little pissed off for a variety of reasons, and I
think I made 2 or at most 3 posts that contained something negative about you. I
now think those posts were uncharitable and did not take the full context into
account. I withdraw the sentiments expressed in those posts because they were
mean-spirited and not relevant to the present situation.

Yes, I do remember our first exchange, and this East-West reconciliation thing
is something I think about most days of my life. Any normal person would surely
agree with Hopkins' statement: We say that any two things however unlike are in
something alike. This is the one exception: when I compare myself, my
being-myself, with anything else whatever, all things alike, all in the same
degree rebuff me with blank unlikeness. But does this mean that Wordsworth was
suffering from a mystical hallucination when he wrote the following in the

I was only then
Contented when with bliss ineffable
I felt the sentiment of Being spread
O'er all that moves, and all that seemeth still,
O'er all, that, lost beyond the reach of thought
And human knowledge, to the human eye
Invisible, yet liveth to the heart,
O'er all that leaps, and runs, and shouts, and sings,
Or beats the gladsome air, o'er all that glides
Beneath the wave, yea, in the wave itself
And mighty depth of waters. Wonder not
If such my transports were; for in all things
I saw one life, and felt that it was joy.

--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
   --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
And here is the formal ending of our correspondence:
From: Blue Caboose
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: what I wish to tell you now
Dear Share,
I wish only for you to know that after everything we have said to each
other that I respect you and love you and want you to be happy and to know
whatever truth God would have you know and understand. I only want you to go to
heaven, whatever that may be, Share. I have played and teased and challenged and
danced and argued with you; but now it is at an end, and I must be quiet and
accept the will of reality in all things. For us, Share, I believe that means
that I must leave you to your life and your very earnest and sacrificial
strivings. Please believe me when I tell you that I want only your happiness,
and in my own way I shall pray for this. It has been a privilege of a kind to
carry on our conversations all these months, but now, in the writing of this
letter, I just want to express 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heaven on Earth

2012-12-09 Thread Buck

With reference to CULTURE, Heaven on Earth will be characterized by cultural 
integrity in which every nation will blossom in the richness of its natural 
cultural dignity.  Life will be lived spontaneously in accord with the natural 
law of the land.  No culture will overshadow any other culture.  The whole 
world family will be a beautiful mosaic of different cultures.  With the full 
blossoming of culture on earth, civilization will be perfect.  Heaven on Earth 
will be characterized by a perfect civilization.
 With Heaven on Earth, every nation will spontaneously radiate a nourishing 
 influence to neighboring nations, and the whole family of nations will 
 naturally enjoy harmony and real freedom.  
  With Heaven on Earth, INVINCIBILITY will be the national characteristic of 
  every nation, victory before war will be enjoyed by every nation. 
   With reference to DEFENSE, Heaven on Earth will be characterized by 
   victory before war -in the lack of the need to prepare for defense- 
   because everything and everyone will be on the path of evolution, and as 
   a result, coherence in every country will be so strong that invincibility 
   will be a natural feature of national life.  No negativity will arise and 
   no enemy will be born for any nation.

Heaven on Earth on the COLLECTIVE level will be characterized by 
indomitable positivity, harmony, and peace on all levels of collective 
life -family, community, nation, and the world.  Heaven on Earth will 
also be characterized by perfection in all areas of the life of the 
individual and society.
 Heaven on Earth on the INDIVIDUAL level will be characterized by 
 perfect health, long life in bliss, the ability to effortlessly 
 fulfill one's desires, and live always in a beautiful, ever fresh, 
 and nourishing environment. 
  Considering all the innumerable values of life and living, Heaven 
  on Earth will be characterized by all good everywhere and non-good 
  nowhere – beautiful sunshine of the Age of Enlightenment for 
  everyone always and everywhere.
   With reference to LIVING, Heaven on Earth will be characterized 
   by self-sufficiency in the ability to know anything, do anything, 
   and accomplish anything.

 With reference to LIFE, Heaven on Earth is characterized by 
perfection, complete balance and integration.  Fulfillment will 
prevail on all levels of life and living -spiritual, 
intellectual, physical, material, environment, and cosmic.
 Heaven on Earth may be defined as the supreme quality of life 
 everywhere in this beautiful world when weakness and 
 suffering is not found anywhere, and everyone in the world 
 enjoys real freedom in bliss and fulfillment.  This Heaven on 
 Earth is now going to be real for everyone and every nation.
  Heaven on Earth has been the most laudable aspiration of 
  the wise throughout the ages.  Creation of Heaven on Earth 
  is the most desirable project in the entire history of the 
  human race.  Everyone can now enjoy Heaven on Earth through 
  perfect alliance with Natural Law, through the enlivenment 
  of the total potential of Natural Law in one's own 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson
Thanks to both Curtis and Robin for giving these answers - this is just 
something I had never heard and i appreciate knowing this - I was never a TM 
teacher, just one of the many RU's who meditated twice a day - it does not 
surprise me in a way, and in another way it does surprise me.

I just wish all the folks who are listening to David Lynch's PR these days were 
aware of this - it might put a chill on his effort to re-brand TM back to the 
pre-sidhi days.

On another note, I really appreciate everyone here who has shared their 
experiences with and about Maharishi and the Movement. The time I have spent 
here has been very transformative for me. I had pretty much put my years and 
experiences of TM on the back burner till I recently re-connected with someone 
who was on MIU staff same time I was. He remained after I left and had some 
real wowzer experiences both positive and negative, some of which almost killed 
him, but that was in part due to some unethical treatments he received at the 
hands of someone who was also on staff in charge of a certain part of MIU 
ayurveda program.

He was also at MIU when Mark Totten committed suicide and had a few things to 
say about the crummy response the MIU leaders had to his death. 

Listening to his recounting of the events brought up a bunch of stuff that made 
me look back and to seek some clarification of some things I had not thought 
about for years with regards to events, experiences and my beliefs about 
Maharishi and the Movement, as I still call it. 

I obviously have not agreed with everyone who posts here but I do appreciate 
hearing about direct experiences regarding TM, whether they tie into my 
viewpoint or not. I really really appreciate everyone's expressing themselves. 
This FFL has been a very transformative experience for me as I said. 

It is so interesting to see that some believe that the TMO is doing good work 
and that Maharishi was an enlightened man who always did good, while others 
like myself feel he was a damned old fraud all the way. The most interesting 
viewpoints I have seen are those who remember and appreciate a lot of good 
stuff they experienced with Maharishi yet feel he was a con artist to some 
extent. Personally I would not be surprised if he is remembered as the most 
successful con artist in the 20th Century.

But anyhow, I appreciate everyone for expressing their feelings and points of 
view and however inadvertently, contributing to my transformation. For whatever 
it is worth, nor not worth, I did not really believe any of the allegations 
that Maharishi had ever had sex with women when I started reading and posting 
on FFL - I have now become convinced that he did - so as a few folks here say 
Go figure!

 From: Robin Carlsen
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 3:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

Most definitely, this is true--not just objectively, either. He has a terrific 
secret animus against Christ and Christianity--I noticed this in all the hours 
I studied him live and in every video, every audio tape. *And he communicated 
this contempt to his teachers*--each and every one--even without them knowing 

No, Curtis read him perfectly here. He conveyed a sense of the inferiority of 
Christianity to Hinduism--and it was impossible not to catch this and 
appropriate it for oneself--as a TM teacher. It still persists probably in 
almost every initiator and ex-initiator.

But Maharishi's hatred--it was deeper than Curtis's--who at least feels he is 
detached in the perfection of his religious belief: *There is no God*. With 
Maharishi, that antipathy went down as deep as the Crucifixion itself.

This is the unmistakable impression I got from tracking Maharishi very closely 
on this matter, Michael. He even reacted to all the teachers singing Silent 
Night to him one Christmas.


--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 If I may be so bold to ask, why do you say Maharishi despised Christianity? I 
 have never heard that.
  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas
 Much appreciated.  Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.
 --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
  Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough, it 
  would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast Sumatran) and 
   you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti Italian numbers 
   you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then the magic 
   begins.  Having 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Well I think MMY's behavior is a little strange. Most of the Hindus I know,
including myself naturally respect Jesus and Christianity since it is part
of the Hindu conditioning of to each his own.

However I can identify with what Curtis crudely states as Hindu
triumphalism. It's natural that the Hindu thought or the ancient Indian
wisdom's insistence on the purity, dignity, freedom of each individual's
inner journey being superior to Christian fascination on a life-abnegating,
poverty worshipping messiah from the dark ages which is no different from
the Guru worship. In this case Maharishi was a big fucking hypocrite.

I also don't agree with Curtis when he states that Jesus should have been
medicated. Grandiosity and delusional behavior are a natural side effect of
the highly intense, impersonal mystical energy. Jesus was just not
sophisticated or intelligent enough to see it and he didn't have to - this
was 2000 years back. If I was around Jesus I would have asked him to stop
making a fool of himself, stop insulting my individual freedom and dignity
by his insistence on suffering for my sins. I would have given him some
decent clothes, some money and asked him to get a girlfriend and a job. But
of course it's not a fair comparison since Jesus was the right answer for
people 2000 years back since the culture was crude, uneducated and

So any criticism of Jesus has to consider the context he was in and the
people, culture he was in. It's disgusting when the same mindset continues
in the fascination for charlatans like Ammachi.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Robin Carlsen maskedze...@yahoo.comwrote:


 Most definitely, this is true--not just objectively, either. He has a
 terrific secret animus against Christ and Christianity--I noticed this in
 all the hours I studied him live and in every video, every audio tape. *And
 he communicated this contempt to his teachers*--each and every one--even
 without them knowing it.

 No, Curtis read him perfectly here. He conveyed a sense of the inferiority
 of Christianity to Hinduism--and it was impossible not to catch this and
 appropriate it for oneself--as a TM teacher. It still persists probably in
 almost every initiator and ex-initiator.

 But Maharishi's hatred--it was deeper than Curtis's--who at least feels he
 is detached in the perfection of his religious belief: *There is no God*.
 With Maharishi, that antipathy went down as deep as the Crucifixion itself.

 This is the unmistakable impression I got from tracking Maharishi very
 closely on this matter, Michael. He even reacted to all the teachers
 singing Silent Night to him one Christmas.


 --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@...
  If I may be so bold to ask, why do you say Maharishi despised
 Christianity? I have never heard that.
  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
  Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 12:02 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas
  Much appreciated. Merry Krishnaamas back atchya.
  --- In, laughinggull108 no_reply@ wrote:
   Curtis, if this was your one and only post to FFL, it would be enough,
 it would be got the gift man! Happy holidays!
   --- In, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
So you take your fresh ground coffee (preferably dark roast
 Sumatran) and you brew it however you do, (I use one of those Bailetti
 Italian numbers you see on the stove in every Sofia Loren movie) and then
 the magic begins. Having tasted versions of Christmas blends through the
 years, I always thought I could do better, but until this morning never
 took the trouble. I resisted the temptation to drop in a soft peppermint
 (tomorrow I'm gunna) and went right for the high grade dark coco powder, a
 sprinkle of cinnamon, sugar, and some ginger and milk. Christmas blend
 perfection. I'm sure any version that includes cloves would be great too.
 But it is the overly strong cloves that I object to in the commercial
 mixes, aside from the fact that any pre-ground coffee is a non starter in
 my kitchen. (Coffee oils are where God lives, and God evaporates really
Speaking of God in his various human imagined personas, I am sipping
 my yuletide brew while gazing on a nativity baby as pump as the churro
 stuffed Honduran neighbor's kids who stomp up and down the stairs in their
 princess dresses, but sound more like the prince's horse. (Type 2 diabetes
 coming right up.) It is the nativity set from my youth rescued from my
 Dad's house's attic as we emptied it out. It has a tiny wind-up music box
 that tinkles out Silent Night, but slowed down by decades of mouse
 droppings no doubt. It plays the song absentmindedly now in stops and
 starts, like an old man slumped over the piano in the Alzheimers unit who

  1   2   >