Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Share,

A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity and you
show none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and switch of an
impending apology while you continue along your phony, passive-aggressive,
platitude-filled posts.

You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy and I can
clearly see this.

Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the advances made
after the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the perspective of
the Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my grandson who is your
attending neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be enlightened,
analyzes your brain scans which Steve's grandson converts as posts to FFL.

You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr. Curtis M's
book, the only person in history who slips into NDE every week. Robin's not
alive but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death Experience) and is
in heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an Internet connection so
he has access to Merriam Webster and a decent ability to keep up with Robin.

But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the news of
Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.

Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to reconcile
with Robin interspersed with your other phony, passive-aggressive,
platitude-filled posts.

Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in distress
routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless, clueless idiots
who are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why, Steve's grandson is
one of them, continuing in the illustrious footsteps of his grandfather.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long wrote:


 Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it right,
 then why have you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me about it?!
 I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and Robin to
 reconcile.  In fact you said something to that effect just recently to
 another poster.

 As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I guess
 you need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it.  But again, I actually
 don't think that's what you really want either.  No, I think what you
 really want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some seriously neurotic
 reason that exists only in the depths of your neglected psyche.

 I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in this
 matter.  In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about it, Ms.
 Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!
  *From:* authfriend
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:37 PM
 *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
   (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
   yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
   Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
  Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
  no time.

 I never was *not* my normal self, feste, as hard as you
 tried to make it appear so.

  The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes
  me mad when you lay into Share the way you do.

 Obviously. (You can call me Judy, by the way.)

  It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most
  people here appreciate her,

 I'd need to see a poll, but this isn't a voting issue. In
 any case, I don't think many here really understand what's

  so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a little bit
  nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident
  that seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why
  not just forget it, let it go?

 Because it was a terrible, awful thing for her to say, a
 *malevolent* thing for her to say, something that was
 intended to do serious damage to a person who had done
 and was continuing to do his damndest to rectify the
 situation. It was based on Share's misunderstanding of
 something entirely innocuous that he had said. She needs
 to retract it and apologize to him, for the sake of her
 own soul if nothing else.

  You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such
  things are not always as black and white as you would like
  us to believe. Our opinions about all kinds of things can
  change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person
  can react in a certain way at the time to some incident
  involving someone else, but later (days, weeks, even months),
  the incident might seem rather different to them than it did
  at first. So they start to recontextualize it, to think of
  it in a different 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
So says Barry baby destroying the beauty of Ann's musings with his paranoid, 
delusional, narcissist rant.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 10:58 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
  I thought about the karma thing too when reading Anita's 
  book. One way to view what happens after death, in her 
  viewpoint a great equalizer, is that to be capable of 
  great atrocities during one's lifetime means one is 
  already in a sort of living hell. What could cause 
  someone to torture animals or people or go to endless 
  lengths in order to gain wealth, to exploit others 
  sexually, to exploit someone's good nature or trust? 
  What would allow someone to do that is to be living an 
  existence devoid of feeling or empathy, to be bereft 
  of the more subtle and sensitive impulses that guide 
  the life that is filled with the capacity to understand 
  and place oneself within the delicate space of another 
  - to be able to relate and therefore to feel you can 
  understand and want to enhance the condition of another 
  person. To be unable to feel such things is a sort of 
  hell, so after this life of suffering in what ways 
  should this poor sod have to suffer more? They have 
  already spent most of their earthly existence enacting 
  a nightmare, probably experiencing a kind of emotional 
  void. When is that allowed to end? Surely in death.
 While I cannot disagree with what Ann says here,
 I should point out to her that what she has posted
 is pretty much the clinical definition of someone
 suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder
 or Sociopathic Disorder. 
 Unable to feel empathy, driven only by ego and 
 self-importance and the need to fuel it, they often
 become charismatic (and abusive) priests or teachers 
 or cult leaders and use their positions of supposed 
 authority to dominate and exploit others (for whom
 they can feel no pity because they can't *feel*). 
 And all the while they're *masking* their inability 
 to feel empathy or real emotion by talking in 
 language that makes them appear more sensitive or 
 empathic than others. It's a strange affliction. 
 And one that, as I've pointed out before, is not
 easily reversed or cured. Therapists and mental
 health experts consider the condition almost 
 irreversible, because the same ego- and self-
 absorption issues that drive a person to think
 and act like this also prevent them from ever
 changing. They cannot conceive of anything they
 might want to change *into*, because for them
 the overpowering sense of their own importance
 and center-of-the-world-ness and I-ness in the 
 present moment often blinds them to any ability 
 to perceive or conceive of a different modality
 in the future. So the disorder becomes self-
 As Ann says, it's a kind of living Hell. Sadly,
 it often is as well for those who have to live
 with or deal with NPD individuals. There have
 been successful treatment therapies developed
 for how to help the *victims* of NPD or socio-
 pathy, but so far almost none that can help
 the perpetrators of it. If they're far gone 
 enough into the behavior to be diagnosed with
 Narcissistic Personality Disorder, they're 
 stuck with it for life. And possibly -- given
 karma -- for many lives to come...

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Card - Drummer question

2013-04-25 Thread card

--- In, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Hey Card,
  Who's that drummer with a rather long multi-syllabic name who's incredibly
  fast and good and plays in a big band?
 Too many possibilities. Perhaps you could find him/(her?) here:

If you are such a drum freak as myself, following 20 minutes
is certainly worth of watching  and hearing through...?

[FairfieldLife] The Masters’ role - by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 9 March 2013

2013-04-25 Thread nablusoss1008
The Masters' role by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 9
March 2013
For many years, We, the Masters, have been preparing Ourselves for the
time of Emergence, the time, now near, when We will, in group formation,
live openly in the everyday world. For Some it will be an experience
altogether new. Many, as Masters, have spent all Their time within the
Hierarchy and must now learn to work in entirely new ways. Even the use
of speech has to be learned and practised, since telepathy has long been
the mode used by Us.

At first, and for some considerable time, Our contact will have to be
restricted to senior disciples in the various fields of work and to
trained personnel involved in the practical fields of administration,
especially in food distribution. Many Masters are specialists in
administration, while Others engage more readily in teaching. The aim is
to work as closely as possible in every field, and as soon as possible
with the general public. It is important to emphasise that the
Masters' aim is to stimulate and guide humanity as needed, but to
safeguard the essential freewill of men.

Gradually the location of the various Mystery Schools, preparatory and
advanced, will become known and many thousands of striving disciples
will gravitate to them. There they will receive the training for the
first two initiations, and enter the Sanctuary of Hierarchy.

In the beginning We must expect some opposition to the Masters'
presence and ideas, but eventually, even the most diehard fundamentalist
of any religion or creed will find it difficult to fault the
harmlessness of man's Elder Brothers.

In due course, the cities of the world will be beautified and
transformed. The new Science of Light will transform industry and
travel, and the movement of people will bring Unity to the world. People
of all nations will work in teams together in service to all. The advice
of the Masters will be available, guiding men wisely with a gentle hand.

The presence of even a few Masters among them will have an electrifying
effect on thousands of people anxious to serve the needs of the world,
and the idea of service will become a new life aim for many. In this way
it can be seen that an enormous transformation can be accomplished in a
relatively very short period of time. A mass programme of aid to the
poor will achieve miracles in countries in Africa and South America, for
example. An altogether new sense of the need for haste to rectify the
wrongs of the past will ensure an intensity of help unknown today.
Inspired by Maitreya and His group, hundreds of thousands of men and
women will find their vocation in this way.

We, the Masters, aim only to teach and guide, to show the way for men
and protect them from harm. War in all its forms must become a thing of
the past but the decision to make it so must be man's alone. I
repeat, Our task is to show the way, to outline the plans, but men alone
must embrace each step of the way. Have no fear; all will be achieved.
The life ahead for men could not be more bright.

(Read more articles by this Master)

The future of mankind is bright

- His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

[FairfieldLife] Questions and answers with Benjamin Creme, published March 2013

2013-04-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Q. Could you say what you think Hugo Chavez's influence has been in
Venezuela and Latin America?

A. I would have thought that his influence in Venezuela is fundamental
and long lasting. Other Latin American nations do not have the oil
reserves of Venezuela but the immediate response to Chavez's death
of, for example, Bolivia and Argentina, are sincere and full of promise.

Q. Chavez was popular with most Venezuelans but disliked by the American
establishment; is it true that the US tried to have Chavez assassinated?

A. No.

Q. Do you think that Chavez was one of a group of fairly enlightened and
relatively advanced leaders who have come to power in `recent'
years in Latin America?

A. Yes, clearly so. From his point of evolution he is ahead of most
leaders in the world.

Q. Was Hugo Chavez sometimes inspired by a Master or Maitreya – he
was apparently generous, altruistic and idealistic.

A. Yes, by the Master Jesus.

Q. There are rumours that a lot of money was syphoned off by the Chavez
family from oil reserves. Is this true?

A. Absolutely not. It is anti-Chavez propaganda.

Q. Spring, we hope, is on its way in the northern hemisphere and with it
come the three major spiritual festivals of Easter, Wesak and the Christ
(1) Can we look forward to a significant boost in the spiritual energies
transmitted by the Lord Maitreya and the Masters? (2) Could it be that
the stimulus provided at this time of the year will speed up the needed
changes? Do you think we will see marked changes in 2013 in (3) the
effectiveness of people power, (4) genuine moves towards establishing a
just settlement in the Middle East, especially Palestine, and (5) a
powerful and effective peace movement demanding the end of war?

A. (1) Yes. We are, even now, in a period which the Masters call a
`spiritual push'. (2) Yes. (3) Yes. (4) No. (5) Yes.

Q. With the resignation of the Pope, is it possible and likely that the
Master Jesus will become the new Pope?

A. No.

Q. Do you think that Pope Benedict changed for the better during his

A. Yes.

Q. A 10-meter-diameter meteor recently landed in western Siberia killing
no one; shattered glass caused many injuries but only 50 people were
hospitalised. In more or less the same period a 45-meter asteroid passed
relatively close to the Earth. In 2008 a 4-meter-long rock exploded in
the sky some 37 kilometers above the Nubian Desert in Sudan. The last
large detonation of a 40-meter asteroid was also over an unpopulated
part of Siberia in 1908. Do the Masters of our Spiritual Hierarchy and
the Space Brothers play any role in diverting meteors from landing in
populated parts of the world?

A. Yes.

Q. In the section of `Letters to the Editor' (SI, April 2012
d ) there was a letter titled `Timely Visit'. In the letter,
the man who was confirmed to be the Master Jesus said: I think that
this year, 2012, will be a crucial year. An important year. Something is
going to happen. Something positive. It must happen now, otherwise
we're lost. It can't continue as it is. But there's hope.
The people must play their part. I wonder if any positive thing has
already happened? Could this be the marches and other protests for
justice all over the world?

A. Yes, people throughout the world are crying out for change – for
justice and sharing, for jobs, a sense of well-being and peace.

Q. Is it correct that Maitreya forecast the fall of Communism?

A. He forecast the break up of the Soviet Union, which is not the same

Q. I read that the coming time is to be the age of women. I also read
that the Masters were the inspiration behind the Women's Movement.
Will the Masters guide humanity to create a more balanced attitude
towards women?

A. Yes.

Q. The austerity measures in Britain are causing misery, suffering and
deprivation; how is it possible that the British are not out on the
streets in their millions?

A. Perhaps the suffering has not gone far enough yet. The British have a
strong sense of national unity and are slow to demonstrate.

Q. Recently, I have learned that there is a Japanese Non Profit
Organization which helps couples who cannot have children because of
wives' physical problem. The way of its assistance is egg donation. A
couple receives an egg from an unrelated donor. The donor gives it for
free. Our government is co-operative to the activity, and no argument or
objection has arisen among people after the donation project was
broadcast through television. The TV program also told about Japanese
women who went to other countries to give their eggs for profit.

Most people may feel that it is too delicate an issue to raise an
objection because they can guess the mind of the woman who wants a child
but cannot have one due to her physical problem. Even so, I think that
it is not only the misuse of technology and money but also selfish and
indiscreet behaviour. The egg donation would generate 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
I am on Yifu's side on this one. Death is not the big deal it is cracked up to 
be(!). It is a continuation of this life, in a subtler body. Thoughts and 
vibration, karma, more easily, and clearly, create our environment, after 
death, than here on earth. 

I have not been in the presence of a criminal at their death, so cannot speak 
for the hell worlds they may inhabit after death, though I have visited such 
worlds in the dream state. 

For virtuous people, though, they do ascend to a heavenly existence, and for 
those troubled, they rest and watch their troubles, coming to terms with them 
in a gentle way, sometimes over years. Evolution, personal growth, continues 
after death, and if necessary, into another lifetime here on earth.

--- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
  She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised 
  in a Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about 
  criminals and generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people 
  merge into the non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
  I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
  nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately 
  unfathomable, nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and 
  effect, karma seems to be a storehouse of good and bad elements, the 
  latter roughly defined as baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's 
  ongoing evolution toward greater Happiness. The baggage may be in the form 
  of raw attachments and a storehouse of prior events.
  But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would 
  take an input of additional causes - i.e. some effort and work put into 
  the goal of eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
  I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient 
  to eradicate the storehouse of bad karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept 
  the concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
  But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
  consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and 
  one's Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all 
  cases.  Many criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into 
  prison. Does their bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of 
  faith?, instantaneously?
  My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
  criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality 
  or happiness; imo.
 I thought about the karma thing too when reading Anita's book. One way to 
 view what happens after death, in her viewpoint a great equalizer, is that to 
 be capable of great atrocities during one's lifetime means one is already in 
 a sort of living hell. What could cause someone to torture animals or people 
 or go to endless lengths in order to gain wealth, to exploit others sexually, 
 to exploit someone's good nature or trust? What would allow someone to do 
 that is to be living an existence devoid of feeling or empathy, to be bereft 
 of the more subtle and sensitive impulses that guide the life that is filled 
 with the capacity to understand and place oneself within the delicate space 
 of another - to be able to relate and therefore to feel you can understand 
 and want to enhance the condition of another person. To be unable to feel 
 such things is a sort of hell, so after this life of suffering in what ways 
 should this poor sod have to suffer more? They have already spent most of 
 their earthly existence enacting a nightmare, probably experiencing a kind of 
 emotional void. When is that allowed to end? Surely in death.
  --- In, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
   thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but 
   unfortunately imo, contains elements of Faux Advaita which if parsed 
   and analyzed would have parallel comments in this forum going back a few 
   One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
   with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the 
   Absolute and there's no place in that state; thus you will find no 
   mention in her book of Locale I environments.
   Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I 
   disagree with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in 
   dire need, trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state 
   but at least far from happy); let alone those in actual hells as 
   reported in about 10% of NDE's.
   Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is happy, free 
   of bad karma, and in a non-dual state.
   --- In 

[FairfieldLife] Deva – repeat performance

2013-04-25 Thread nablusoss1008
SIGNS OF THE TIME Deva – repeat performance
  [Share International photo for April 2013 x80;xa0;xa0;x92;xb6; NASA
Feabruary 2013 picture of angel or Deva]\

The Deva or Angel filmed by NASA cameras in October 2012 was caught on
film again in late February 2013, close to its previous position.
Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the figure seen again by NASA
cameras is the same Deva that was filmed in October.\

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread authfriend
Gee, I can't recall anyone ever writing a poem about
Barry on FFL before. Are you sure he's Jewish, though?

--- In, azgrey no_reply@... wrote:

 the hurler of curses and insults
 spinning truth as though it is a dreidel
 fails again and again
 succeeds only in revealing 
 inner darkness
 poisoned words from disturbed mind
 earth day echoes in native nebraskan's consciousness
 arbor day planting day after next
 desert willow- chilopsis linearis
 while mindful of grateful dead scarlet begonias earworm
 and i knew without asking she was into the blues 
 soft smile dreams of lush lawns as owls converse
 too pat to open and too cool to bluff
 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Earth Day is ending, the lawn
  of my lady-parts is still not green.
  Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
   From: azgrey
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
  Dear Share, 
  Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
  the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
  I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
  on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
  operation of your lady-parts. 
  Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
  He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
   out your ass?
   --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
 from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
 to dishonesty.
 *hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
 likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
 is neither present nor likely,

Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
the dishonesty or acknowledge it.

(And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)

[FairfieldLife] Like A Fish In Water

2013-04-25 Thread martin.quickman
Inayar Khan offers the Sufi viewpoint of 'life absolute'

[FairfieldLife] Android fairly profitable to M$?

2013-04-25 Thread card

[FairfieldLife] Farmers Smash Records Without GMOs

2013-04-25 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
feste, thank you so much.  Your words came at just the right time, made me cry 
with relief.  Sometimes I'm so astonished by Judy's rampages that I simply 
don't know what more to say.  You supplied the words that brought me some 

Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that Judy wastes her talents 
on me and my alleged transgressions.  Imagine how much good she could do for 
example, if she took on MONSANTO.  I mean, really.  Such misguided use of her 
time and energy seems almost tragic to me, or criminal.

I still have in my inbox the story about forced feeding at Gitmo that you 
posted.  Helps me keep a more reasonable perspective sometimes.

 From: feste37
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL


--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
That seems like a curse to me!
   I'll assume you're just joking here.
     Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
Bagels from hell with love, gluten
free for thee and all that lies beneath your
grateful belly button, etc.

BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of 
   Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
   is another question. Let's just say you give every
   appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
   to support you.
As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list often
sound prejudiced against me.
   Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
   time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
   all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
   could trust *you*, for that matter).
Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
understand why I then won't be giving their words on
anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.
   By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
   that's negative and dismiss it as prejudiced. (You
   might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
   of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
   think it means.)
And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about

As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.
   Interesting that you believe you can change and grow in
   your ability to experience and express truth while
   dismissing without consideration anything negative about
   yourself as prejudice.
   Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
   behavior to the FFL community.
  You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
 (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
 yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
 Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)

Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in no time. The thing 
is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes me mad when you lay into Share 
the way you do. It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most 
people here appreciate her, so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a 
little bit nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident that seems to 
bug you most took place so long ago, why not just forget it, let it go? 

You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such things are not always 
as black and white as you would like us to believe. Our opinions about all 
kinds of things can change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person 
can react in a certain way at the time to some incident involving someone else, 
but later (days, weeks, even months), the incident might seem rather different 
to them than it did at first. So they start to recontextualize it, to think of 
it in a different light. This happens all the time in relationships. It doesn't 
mean the person is being dishonest. Indeed, sometimes it means that they are in 
fact being very honest -- to their changing feelings and understandings about 
what took place. 

Share has tried in her own way to make it right with you, so why not take a 
step or two toward her?

  I suggest you drop the smug sense of superiority you exude when 
  writing to Share. Share has more 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons illustrious and otherwise, 
I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with your Grandmother.  See how 
in tune we are?!  Anyway, IMHO what's in that photo is what's really important 
in life.  


 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

Dear Share,

A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity and you show 
none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and switch of an impending 
apology while you continue along your phony, passive-aggressive, 
platitude-filled posts.

You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy and I can 
clearly see this.

Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the advances made after 
the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the perspective of the 
Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my grandson who is your attending 
neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be enlightened, analyzes your brain 
scans which Steve's grandson converts as posts to FFL.

You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr. Curtis M's book, 
the only person in history who slips into NDE every week. Robin's not alive but 
his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death Experience) and is in heaven 
chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an Internet connection so he has access 
to Merriam Webster and a decent ability to keep up with Robin.

But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the news of 
Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.

Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to reconcile with 
Robin interspersed with your other phony, passive-aggressive, platitude-filled 

Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in distress 
routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless, clueless idiots who 
are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why, Steve's grandson is one of 
them, continuing in the illustrious footsteps of his grandfather.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long wrote:

Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it right, 
then why have 
you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me about it?!  I'm actually 
starting to think that you don't want me and Robin to reconcile.  In 
fact you said something to that effect just recently to another poster.  

As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I guess you 
need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it.  But again, I actually don't
 think that's what you really want either.  No, I think what you really 
want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that 
exists only in the depths of your neglected psyche.

I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in this 
matter.  In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about it, Ms. 
Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!   

 From: authfriend
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

--- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:
 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
  (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
  yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
  Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
 Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
 no time.

I never was *not* my normal self, feste, as hard as you
tried to make it appear so.

 The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes
 me mad when you lay into Share the way you do.

Obviously. (You can call me Judy, by the way.)

 It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most
 people here appreciate her,

I'd need to see a poll, but this isn't a voting issue. In
any case, I don't think many here really understand what's

 so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a little bit
 nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident
 that seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why
 not just forget it, let it go?

Because it was a terrible, awful thing for her to say, a
*malevolent* thing for her to say, something that was
intended to do serious damage to a person who had done
and was continuing to do his damndest to rectify the
situation. It was based on Share's misunderstanding of
something entirely innocuous that he had said. She needs
to retract it and apologize to him, for the sake of her
own soul if 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread feste37
Absolutely. She would also be great at Media Matters:

To me, FFL is more like a long, winding conversation than a scholarly journal 
where everything has to be absolutely accurate and consistent. People write in 
the moment, according to how they feel at the time, just as people do in 
conversation. Sometimes they may contradict themselves. (I am not saying that 
you have done so.) It happens all the time, and it is no big deal. And just as 
in real-time, actual relationships, it doesn't pay to go back and try to nail 
people for things they may have said months earlier. Nor does it work to try to 
force people to make apologies, especially if the apology is to be made to 
someone else who isn't even asking for one. It's just not a smart thing to do. 

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 feste, thank you so much.  Your words came at just the right time, made me 
 cry with relief.  Sometimes I'm so astonished by Judy's rampages that I 
 simply don't know what more to say.  You supplied the words that brought me 
 some peace.  
 Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that Judy wastes her 
 talents on me and my alleged transgressions.  Imagine how much good she 
 could do for example, if she took on MONSANTO.  I mean, really.  Such 
 misguided use of her time and energy seems almost tragic to me, or criminal.
 I still have in my inbox the story about forced feeding at Gitmo that you 
 posted.  Helps me keep a more reasonable perspective sometimes.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
 That seems like a curse to me!

I'll assume you're just joking here.

  Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
 Bagels from hell with love, gluten
 free for thee and all that lies beneath your
 grateful belly button, etc.
 BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
 with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of 

Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
is another question. Let's just say you give every
appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
to support you.

 As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
 it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list often
 sound prejudiced against me.

Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
could trust *you*, for that matter).

 Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
 understand why I then won't be giving their words on
 anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.

By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
that's negative and dismiss it as prejudiced. (You
might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
think it means.)

 And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
 so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about
 As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
 feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
 each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
 and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.

Interesting that you believe you can change and grow in
your ability to experience and express truth while
dismissing without consideration anything negative about
yourself as prejudice.

Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
behavior to the FFL community.
   You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
  (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
  yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
  Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
 Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in no time. The thing 
 is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes me mad when you lay into 
 Share the way you do. It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, 
 and most people here appreciate her, so I wish you could stretch yourself and 
 be a little bit nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident that 
 seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why not just 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Curious

2013-04-25 Thread Buck

--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 This is for Salyavin - who do you think was the better leader, Thatcher or 

Were either of them initiated as meditators?

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Last night, while driving and scanning the radio channels, I happened upon a 
right wing radio show host, going through Obama's posted daily schedule (from 
yesterday) and attempting to misconstrue each event into something petty and 
self serving. Of course I immediately thought of Judy and how she operates 
here.  And I agree, it is a sad waste of potential for her to, day in and day 
out, post in manner she does.

On the other hand, Ravi thinks she's just swell. So that says something I 

(-:--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 feste, thank you so much.  Your words came at just the right time, made me 
 cry with relief.  Sometimes I'm so astonished by Judy's rampages that I 
 simply don't know what more to say.  You supplied the words that brought me 
 some peace.  
 Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that Judy wastes her 
 talents on me and my alleged transgressions.  Imagine how much good she 
 could do for example, if she took on MONSANTO.  I mean, really.  Such 
 misguided use of her time and energy seems almost tragic to me, or criminal.
 I still have in my inbox the story about forced feeding at Gitmo that you 
 posted.  Helps me keep a more reasonable perspective sometimes.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
 That seems like a curse to me!

I'll assume you're just joking here.

  Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
 Bagels from hell with love, gluten
 free for thee and all that lies beneath your
 grateful belly button, etc.
 BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
 with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of 

Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
is another question. Let's just say you give every
appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
to support you.

 As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
 it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list often
 sound prejudiced against me.

Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
could trust *you*, for that matter).

 Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
 understand why I then won't be giving their words on
 anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.

By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
that's negative and dismiss it as prejudiced. (You
might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
think it means.)

 And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
 so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about
 As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
 feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
 each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
 and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.

Interesting that you believe you can change and grow in
your ability to experience and express truth while
dismissing without consideration anything negative about
yourself as prejudice.

Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
behavior to the FFL community.
   You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
  (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
  yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
  Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
 Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in no time. The thing 
 is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes me mad when you lay into 
 Share the way you do. It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, 
 and most people here appreciate her, so I wish you could stretch yourself and 
 be a little bit nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident that 
 seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why not just forget it, let it 
 You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such things are not always 
 as black and white as you would like us to believe. Our opinions about all 
 kinds of things can change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person 
 can react in a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

Honestly, do you think Judy has flow charts posted througout her
apartment.  I wouldn't be at all surprised.  How bout it Judy, can we
see a snapshot of those walls?

--- In, feste37 wrote:

 Absolutely. She would also be great at Media Matters:

 To me, FFL is more like a long, winding conversation than a scholarly
journal where everything has to be absolutely accurate and consistent.
People write in the moment, according to how they feel at the time, just
as people do in conversation. Sometimes they may contradict themselves.
(I am not saying that you have done so.) It happens all the time, and it
is no big deal. And just as in real-time, actual relationships, it
doesn't pay to go back and try to nail people for things they may have
said months earlier. Nor does it work to try to force people to make
apologies, especially if the apology is to be made to someone else who
isn't even asking for one. It's just not a smart thing to do.

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  feste, thank you so much.  Your words came at just the right
time, made me cry with relief.  Sometimes I'm so astonished by
Judy's rampages that I simply don't know what more to say.  You
supplied the words that brought me some peace.Â
  Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that Judy wastes
her talents on me and my alleged transgressions.  Imagine how much
good she could do for example, if she took on MONSANTO.  I mean,
really.  Such misguided use of her time and energy seems almost
tragic to me, or criminal.
  I still have in my inbox the story about forced feeding at Gitmo
that you posted.  Helps me keep a more reasonable perspective
  From: feste37 feste37@
  Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  --- In, authfriend wrote:
   --- In, feste37 wrote:
--- In, authfriend wrote:

 --- In, Share Long wrote:
  but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
  That seems like a curse to me!

 I'll assume you're just joking here.

   Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
  Bagels from hell with love, gluten
  free for thee and all that lies beneath your
  grateful belly button, etc.
  BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
  with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of

 Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
 is another question. Let's just say you give every
 appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
 to support you.

  As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
  it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list
  sound prejudiced against me.

 Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
 time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
 all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
 could trust *you*, for that matter).

  Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
  understand why I then won't be giving their words on
  anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.

 By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
 that's negative and dismiss it as prejudiced. (You
 might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
 of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
 think it means.)

  And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
  so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about
  As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
  feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
  each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
  and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.

 Interesting that you believe you can change and grow in
 your ability to experience and express truth while
 dismissing without consideration anything negative about
 yourself as prejudice.

 Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
 behavior to the FFL community.
You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
   (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
   yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
   Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
  Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in no time.
The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes me mad when
you lay into Share the way you do. It seems unfair and disrespectful.
Share enjoys FFL, and most 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Buck

--- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In, Buck wrote:
  About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,
 Buck, nobody on FFL is stopping anyone on this forum from meditation who 
 wants to meditate. There are those that feel that prospective meditators 
 would be better served by having a larger range of facts (and in some cases 
 fantasies) to chose from when making a decision. There are some who do not 
 understand what meditation can do, and some who overstate what meditation can 
 do. It is a tool for a particular task. The task is to experience reality 
 unvarnished as is possible. As reality is all there is, this would seem to be 
 a very peculiar task, trying to find what is in fact the only thing that is. 
 Because most have a bee in their bonnet, there is a distractive element in 
 our lives that meditation is an aid for ameliorating.

What a slick specious bunch of sophistry. By science and virtue of people's 
experience it is conclusive that all our public policy should be that people 
come to meditation for all our welfare.
  (FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of 
  meditation, ...
 Well the TMO and Fairfield are in certain ways broken communities now. As 
 people mature they find the simplistic ideal society model of life slightly 
 inaccurate when applied to living. In their awareness everything may be ideal 
 society, but the average joe on the street would find the concept as applied 
 to say the city of Fairfield, IA to be appallingly short of the mark, if all 
 details be made known.
 ...and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative light 
 and spiritual triumph having survived many years of organizational tumult 
 along the way...
 Sounds as if this guy is up on a pedestal, a top down manager, who probably 
 has no idea what the average meditator is going through.
 ...said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating family. 
 The  former meditators were last seen meditating with the group in December 
 2005 and 1978 respectively.
 Shame is the emotion experienced by an ego with low self-esteem; if this 
 elder is experiencing this, or attempting to get others to experience life 
 this way, he/she has no business being an elder, or being any kind of an 
 instructor for the benefit of life. The elder would serve best by guiding 
 people strong, independent, and wise
  You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and you 
  put a shame on the entire meditating community, The community meditation 
  Elder said.
 As I said, this elder is clueless, trying to berate people instead of lifting 
 them up.
  When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder meditator 
  stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to settle themselves 
  -- these are the only reasons I can imagine. 
 Weak imagination too. Whoever this elder is, the elder should be sacked.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Buck
(Fairfield, Iowa) Interviews with elderly meditators who reportedly knew the 
anti-meditation suspects at earlier times, an elder meditator remarks, 
Anti-meditation is the dark religion and the former meditators became 
religiously anti-meditative.

 --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In, Buck wrote:
   About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,
  Buck, nobody on FFL is stopping anyone on this forum from meditation who 
  wants to meditate. There are those that feel that prospective meditators 
  would be better served by having a larger range of facts (and in some cases 
  fantasies) to chose from when making a decision. There are some who do not 
  understand what meditation can do, and some who overstate what meditation 
  can do. It is a tool for a particular task. The task is to experience 
  reality unvarnished as is possible. As reality is all there is, this would 
  seem to be a very peculiar task, trying to find what is in fact the only 
  thing that is. Because most have a bee in their bonnet, there is a 
  distractive element in our lives that meditation is an aid for ameliorating.
 What a slick specious bunch of sophistry. By science and virtue of people's 
 experience it is conclusive that all our public policy should be that people 
 come to meditation for all our welfare.
   (FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of 
   meditation, ...
  Well the TMO and Fairfield are in certain ways broken communities now. As 
  people mature they find the simplistic ideal society model of life slightly 
  inaccurate when applied to living. In their awareness everything may be 
  ideal society, but the average joe on the street would find the concept as 
  applied to say the city of Fairfield, IA to be appallingly short of the 
  mark, if all details be made known.
  ...and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative 
  light and spiritual triumph having survived many years of organizational 
  tumult along the way...
  Sounds as if this guy is up on a pedestal, a top down manager, who probably 
  has no idea what the average meditator is going through.
  ...said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating family. 
  The  former meditators were last seen meditating with the group in December 
  2005 and 1978 respectively.
  Shame is the emotion experienced by an ego with low self-esteem; if this 
  elder is experiencing this, or attempting to get others to experience life 
  this way, he/she has no business being an elder, or being any kind of an 
  instructor for the benefit of life. The elder would serve best by guiding 
  people strong, independent, and wise
   You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and you 
   put a shame on the entire meditating community, The community meditation 
   Elder said.
  As I said, this elder is clueless, trying to berate people instead of 
  lifting them up.
   When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder 
   meditator stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to settle 
   themselves -- these are the only reasons I can imagine. 
  Weak imagination too. Whoever this elder is, the elder should be sacked.

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in
 routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless, clueless
 who are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why, Steve's
grandson is
 one of them, continuing in the illustrious footsteps of his
Hey Rav,

I really wouldn't put Judy in the category of damsel in distress, but
evidently you do!


 On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

  Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it
  then why have you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me about
  I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and Robin to
  reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect just recently
  another poster.
  As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I
  you need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it. But again, I
  don't think that's what you really want either. No, I think what you
  really want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some seriously
  reason that exists only in the depths of your neglected psyche.
  I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in
  matter. In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about it,
  Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!
  *From:* authfriend authfriend@...
  *Sent:* Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:37 PM
  *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   --- In, authfriend wrote:
--- In, feste37 wrote:

 You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass,
(Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
   Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
   no time.
  I never was *not* my normal self, feste, as hard as you
  tried to make it appear so.
   The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes
   me mad when you lay into Share the way you do.
  Obviously. (You can call me Judy, by the way.)
   It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most
   people here appreciate her,
  I'd need to see a poll, but this isn't a voting issue. In
  any case, I don't think many here really understand what's
   so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a little bit
   nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident
   that seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why
   not just forget it, let it go?
  Because it was a terrible, awful thing for her to say, a
  *malevolent* thing for her to say, something that was
  intended to do serious damage to a person who had done
  and was continuing to do his damndest to rectify the
  situation. It was based on Share's misunderstanding of
  something entirely innocuous that he had said. She needs
  to retract it and apologize to him, for the sake of her
  own soul if nothing else.
   You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such
   things are not always as black and white as you would like
   us to believe. Our opinions about all kinds of things can
   change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person
   can react in a certain way at the time to some incident
   involving someone else, but later (days, weeks, even months),
   the incident might seem rather different to them than it did
   at first. So they start to recontextualize it, to think of
   it in a different light. This happens all the time in
   relationships. It doesn't mean the person is being dishonest.
   Indeed, sometimes it means that they are in fact being very
   honest -- to their changing feelings and understandings about
   what took place.
  Generally speaking, all this is true, but not always. I do
  not believe that was the case here, for a number of reasons
  that I've already explained *and documented* a number of
  times that your apologia cannot account for. I don't think
  Share can account for them either, and I strongly suspect
  that's why she has refused to provide a straightforward
  explanation--because if it were honest, it would reflect
  very badly on her, and perhaps even worse on some others.
   Share has tried in her own way to make it right with you,
   so why not take a step or two toward her?
  It isn't me she needs to make it right with. And the steps
  she has taken have been designed to get me off her back
  without revealing the real story. She has also refused to
  retract the accusation she made against Robin. She says
  only that she isn't making that accusation *now*--but the
  original accusation is still on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Buck

 (Fairfield, Iowa) Interviews with elderly meditators who reportedly knew the 
 anti-meditation suspects at earlier times, an elder meditator remarks, 
 Anti-meditation is the dark religion and the former meditators became 
 religiously anti-meditative.

Considering now that both the modern science and people's direct deeper 
spiritual experience are confirming first hand ancient and spiritual scriptures 
showing just how spiritually imperative transcending meditation practices are 
to all of humankind I feel it is important that we be more proactive in 
protecting ourselves from the radicalism of the anti-meditators here.

  --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In, Buck wrote:

About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,
   Buck, nobody on FFL is stopping anyone on this forum from meditation who 
   wants to meditate. There are those that feel that prospective meditators 
   would be better served by having a larger range of facts (and in some 
   cases fantasies) to chose from when making a decision. There are some who 
   do not understand what meditation can do, and some who overstate what 
   meditation can do. It is a tool for a particular task. The task is to 
   experience reality unvarnished as is possible. As reality is all there 
   is, this would seem to be a very peculiar task, trying to find what is in 
   fact the only thing that is. Because most have a bee in their bonnet, 
   there is a distractive element in our lives that meditation is an aid for 
  What a slick specious bunch of sophistry. By science and virtue of people's 
  experience it is conclusive that all our public policy should be that 
  people come to meditation for all our welfare.
(FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of 
meditation, ...
   Well the TMO and Fairfield are in certain ways broken communities now. As 
   people mature they find the simplistic ideal society model of life 
   slightly inaccurate when applied to living. In their awareness everything 
   may be ideal society, but the average joe on the street would find the 
   concept as applied to say the city of Fairfield, IA to be appallingly 
   short of the mark, if all details be made known.
   ...and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative 
   light and spiritual triumph having survived many years of organizational 
   tumult along the way...
   Sounds as if this guy is up on a pedestal, a top down manager, who 
   probably has no idea what the average meditator is going through.
   ...said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating 
   family. The  former meditators were last seen meditating with the group 
   in December 2005 and 1978 respectively.
   Shame is the emotion experienced by an ego with low self-esteem; if this 
   elder is experiencing this, or attempting to get others to experience 
   life this way, he/she has no business being an elder, or being any kind 
   of an instructor for the benefit of life. The elder would serve best by 
   guiding people strong, independent, and wise
You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and 
you put a shame on the entire meditating community, The community 
meditation Elder said.
   As I said, this elder is clueless, trying to berate people instead of 
   lifting them up.
When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder 
meditator stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to 
settle themselves -- these are the only reasons I can imagine. 
   Weak imagination too. Whoever this elder is, the elder should be sacked.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Ann
On a more interesting note: how was Shriver's talk last night?

--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  (Fairfield, Iowa) Interviews with elderly meditators who reportedly knew 
  the anti-meditation suspects at earlier times, an elder meditator remarks, 
  Anti-meditation is the dark religion and the former meditators became 
  religiously anti-meditative.
 Considering now that both the modern science and people's direct deeper 
 spiritual experience are confirming first hand ancient and spiritual 
 scriptures showing just how spiritually imperative transcending meditation 
 practices are to all of humankind I feel it is important that we be more 
 proactive in protecting ourselves from the radicalism of the anti-meditators 
   --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
   anartaxius@ wrote:
--- In, Buck wrote:
 About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,

Buck, nobody on FFL is stopping anyone on this forum from meditation 
who wants to meditate. There are those that feel that prospective 
meditators would be better served by having a larger range of facts 
(and in some cases fantasies) to chose from when making a decision. 
There are some who do not understand what meditation can do, and some 
who overstate what meditation can do. It is a tool for a particular 
task. The task is to experience reality unvarnished as is possible. As 
reality is all there is, this would seem to be a very peculiar task, 
trying to find what is in fact the only thing that is. Because most 
have a bee in their bonnet, there is a distractive element in our lives 
that meditation is an aid for ameliorating.

   What a slick specious bunch of sophistry. By science and virtue of 
   people's experience it is conclusive that all our public policy should be 
   that people come to meditation for all our welfare.

 (FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of 
 meditation, ...

Well the TMO and Fairfield are in certain ways broken communities now. 
As people mature they find the simplistic ideal society model of life 
slightly inaccurate when applied to living. In their awareness 
everything may be ideal society, but the average joe on the street 
would find the concept as applied to say the city of Fairfield, IA to 
be appallingly short of the mark, if all details be made known.

...and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative 
light and spiritual triumph having survived many years of 
organizational tumult along the way...

Sounds as if this guy is up on a pedestal, a top down manager, who 
probably has no idea what the average meditator is going through.

...said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating 
family. The  former meditators were last seen meditating with the 
group in December 2005 and 1978 respectively.

Shame is the emotion experienced by an ego with low self-esteem; if 
this elder is experiencing this, or attempting to get others to 
experience life this way, he/she has no business being an elder, or 
being any kind of an instructor for the benefit of life. The elder 
would serve best by guiding people strong, independent, and wise

 You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and 
 you put a shame on the entire meditating community, The community 
 meditation Elder said.

As I said, this elder is clueless, trying to berate people instead of 
lifting them up.

 When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder 
 meditator stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to 
 settle themselves -- these are the only reasons I can imagine. 

Weak imagination too. Whoever this elder is, the elder should be sacked.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Michael Jackson
Ah hell, just when I was thinking of retiring, you call me out - ufff!

 From: Buck
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 8:43 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity


 (Fairfield, Iowa) Interviews with elderly meditators who reportedly knew the 
 anti-meditation suspects at earlier times, an elder meditator remarks, 
 Anti-meditation is the dark religion and the former meditators became 
 religiously anti-meditative.

Considering now that both the modern science and people's direct deeper 
spiritual experience are confirming first hand ancient and spiritual scriptures 
showing just how spiritually imperative transcending meditation practices are 
to all of humankind I feel it is important that we be more proactive in 
protecting ourselves from the radicalism of the anti-meditators here.

  --- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In, Buck wrote:

About The FFL anti-meditation terrorism,
   Buck, nobody on FFL is stopping anyone on this forum from meditation who 
   wants to meditate. There are those that feel that prospective meditators 
   would be better served by having a larger range of facts (and in some 
   cases fantasies) to chose from when making a decision. There are some who 
   do not understand what meditation can do, and some who overstate what 
   meditation can do. It is a tool for a particular task. The task is to 
   experience reality unvarnished as is possible. As reality is all there 
   is, this would seem to be a very peculiar task, trying to find what is in 
   fact the only thing that is. Because most have a bee in their bonnet, 
   there is a distractive element in our lives that meditation is an aid for 
  What a slick specious bunch of sophistry. By science and virtue of people's 
  experience it is conclusive that all our public policy should be that 
  people come to meditation for all our welfare.
(FAIRFIELD)-- The former meditators come from broken families of 
meditation, ...
   Well the TMO and Fairfield are in certain ways broken communities now. As 
   people mature they find the simplistic ideal society model of life 
   slightly inaccurate when applied to living. In their awareness everything 
   may be ideal society, but the average joe on the street would find the 
   concept as applied to say the city of Fairfield, IA to be appallingly 
   short of the mark, if all details be made known.
   ...and the remaining elder meditator speaking resplendent in meditative 
   light and spiritual triumph having survived many years of organizational 
   tumult along the way...
   Sounds as if this guy is up on a pedestal, a top down manager, who 
   probably has no idea what the average meditator is going through.
   ...said ..these former meditators brought shame to the meditating 
   family. The  former meditators were last seen meditating with the group 
   in December 2005 and 1978 respectively.
   Shame is the emotion experienced by an ego with low self-esteem; if this 
   elder is experiencing this, or attempting to get others to experience 
   life this way, he/she has no business being an elder, or being any kind 
   of an instructor for the benefit of life. The elder would serve best by 
   guiding people strong, independent, and wise
You put a shame on our entire family -- the meditating family -- and 
you put a shame on the entire meditating community, The community 
meditation Elder said.
   As I said, this elder is clueless, trying to berate people instead of 
   lifting them up.
When asked what provoked the anti-meditation suspects, the elder 
meditator stated: Being losers, hatred to those who were able to 
settle themselves -- these are the only reasons I can imagine. 
   Weak imagination too. Whoever this elder is, the elder should be sacked.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 On a more interesting note: how was Shriver's talk last night?

I enjoyed it. It was taped, and it should be up on YouTube before too long. 
I'll post a link when I get it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread Michael Jackson
that's a pretty good assessment Ann

 From: Ann
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE


--- In, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in 
 a Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals 
 and generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into 
 the non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
 I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
 nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately 
 unfathomable, nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and 
 effect, karma seems to be a storehouse of good and bad elements, the 
 latter roughly defined as baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing 
 evolution toward greater Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw 
 attachments and a storehouse of prior events.
 But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take 
 an input of additional causes - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal 
 of eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
 I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient 
 to eradicate the storehouse of bad karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept 
 the concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
 But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
 consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
 Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  
 Many criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. 
 Does their bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
 My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
 criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
 happiness; imo.

I thought about the karma thing too when reading Anita's book. One way to view 
what happens after death, in her viewpoint a great equalizer, is that to be 
capable of great atrocities during one's lifetime means one is already in a 
sort of living hell. What could cause someone to torture animals or people or 
go to endless lengths in order to gain wealth, to exploit others sexually, to 
exploit someone's good nature or trust? What would allow someone to do that is 
to be living an existence devoid of feeling or empathy, to be bereft of the 
more subtle and sensitive impulses that guide the life that is filled with the 
capacity to understand and place oneself within the delicate space of another - 
to be able to relate and therefore to feel you can understand and want to 
enhance the condition of another person. To be unable to feel such things is a 
sort of hell, so after this life of suffering in what ways should this poor sod 
have to suffer more? They have
 already spent most of their earthly existence enacting a nightmare, probably 
experiencing a kind of emotional void. When is that allowed to end? Surely in 
 --- In, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
  thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
  imo, contains elements of Faux Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
  have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
  One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
  with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
  and there's no place in that state; thus you will find no mention in her 
  book of Locale I environments.
  Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I 
  disagree with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in 
  dire need, trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but 
  at least far from happy); let alone those in actual hells as reported in 
  about 10% of NDE's.
  Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is happy, free of 
  bad karma, and in a non-dual state.
  --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was 
   trying to prove he had the experience, while she simply said this is 
   what happened, take it or leave it.
From: Yifu yifuxero@
   Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE
   Received her book, Dying to Be Me; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
   healing from near terminal cancer.
   On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Buck

--- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  On a more interesting note: how was Shriver's talk last night?
 I enjoyed it. It was taped, and it should be up on YouTube before too long. 
 I'll post a link when I get it.

yup this town is full of public intellectuals and that guy is public 
intellectual number 1.  It effectively was the narrative of the Fairfield 
meditating community.  It was very graceful.  Was video-ed by a number of 
people.  It should surface.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   On a more interesting note: how was Shriver's talk last night?
  I enjoyed it. It was taped, and it should be up on YouTube before
  too long. I'll post a link when I get it.
 yup this town is full of public intellectuals and that guy is
 public intellectual number 1.  It effectively was the narrative
 of the Fairfield meditating community.  It was very graceful.  
 Was video-ed by a number of people.  It should surface.

Also, keep an eye on his new blog:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
Both UCLA Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Joan Harrigan of PKYC Knoxville offer 
effective and spiritually based solutions for those with even the more serious 
of the personality disorders.  There is good reason to have hope.  Dr. Siegel 
incorporates Buddhist mindfulness techniques into his therapy practice while 
Dr. Harrigan and the Adi Shankaracharya lineage she represents offer ways to 
deal with stuck and or deflected kundalini with a 97% success rate.

from Kundalini Vidya by Joan Harrigan, PhD of Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care 
(PKYC)  in Knoxville, TN

The words eccentric, complex, talented, intuitive,
changeable, self deprecating, proud, quirky and
dramatic may describe a person with a stuck
Saraswati process.  They can be brilliant but
unstable and can tend to personality disorders if
not disciplined and supported.  They are fascinating
and talented but can also be temperamental,
reactive, idiosyncratic, and stubborn, creating a
wrenching empathy in those who love them but are
unable to steer them to more effective self-care. 
They are likely to have an interest in the arts,
psychology, religion or metaphysics.  Saraswati nadi
people are more in touch with the astral plane and
may have spirit guides of varying types...They are
confident because of their special talents but they
tend to put themselves in more subservient roles,
feeling bound to serve another or a cause.  Their
simultaneous pride and self deprecation sends a
double message that may create confusing
interpersonal dynamics that feel conflictual
especially given the hypersensitivity that is caused
by the cognitive strain of intermittent over
stimulation of brain centers.  pg 129

As I've shared before I spent 2 weeks at PKYC in July 2009 and my deflected 
rising in vajra nadi was resolved.  So I can answer questions based on my own 
experience or those interested can simply check out the PKYC website.

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

--- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 I thought about the karma thing too when reading Anita's 
 book. One way to view what happens after death, in her 
 viewpoint a great equalizer, is that to be capable of 
 great atrocities during one's lifetime means one is 
 already in a sort of living hell. What could cause 
 someone to torture animals or people or go to endless 
 lengths in order to gain wealth, to exploit others 
 sexually, to exploit someone's good nature or trust? 
 What would allow someone to do that is to be living an 
 existence devoid of feeling or empathy, to be bereft 
 of the more subtle and sensitive impulses that guide 
 the life that is filled with the capacity to understand 
 and place oneself within the delicate space of another 
 - to be able to relate and therefore to feel you can 
 understand and want to enhance the condition of another 
 person. To be unable to feel such things is a sort of 
 hell, so after this life of suffering in what ways 
 should this poor sod have to suffer more? They have 
 already spent most of their earthly existence enacting 
 a nightmare, probably experiencing a kind of emotional 
 void. When is that allowed to end? Surely in death.

While I cannot disagree with what Ann says here,
I should point out to her that what she has posted
is pretty much the clinical definition of someone
suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder
or Sociopathic Disorder. 

Unable to feel empathy, driven only by ego and 
self-importance and the need to fuel it, they often
become charismatic (and abusive) priests or teachers 
or cult leaders and use their positions of supposed 
authority to dominate and exploit others (for whom
they can feel no pity because they can't *feel*). 
And all the while they're *masking* their inability 
to feel empathy or real emotion by talking in 
language that makes them appear more sensitive or 
empathic than others. It's a strange affliction. 

And one that, as I've pointed out before, is not
easily reversed or cured. Therapists and mental
health experts consider the condition almost 
irreversible, because the same ego- and self-
absorption issues that drive a person to think
and act like this also prevent them from ever
changing. They cannot conceive of anything they
might want to change *into*, because for them
the overpowering sense of their own importance
and center-of-the-world-ness and I-ness in the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread Michael Jackson
Would you be open to the possibility that you may be attached to the ideas of 
karma the Hindus have promoted for centuries? The only reason people believe 
that point of view is true is that they believe it. 

In truth, our reality is based on perception. For example, many people are 
convinced that Marshy was a saint and would therefore go to some sort of 
Hiranyaloka where others believe that he would be consigned to the places as 
you say, that criminals go.

Moorjani didn't say that karma doesn't exist, only that her perception was 
there was no karmic cause for her cancer, other than the fear thoughts and 
feelings she had had in this life that became actualized in her body.

The idea that one goes into freedom upon death is not new. Read Michael Roads 
book Journey into Oneness. He has some experiences of similar bent.

I took from her book the feeling that we are so powerful we are able to create 
both in body and out of body pretty much what we want. For her, it was Oneness, 
for others who still have need for more concrete experience they might go into 
more touchable feel-able worlds.

Not all of this is clear to me. Why do we take these bodies in the first place? 
If God is real, what the heck does he/she want to experience such torment?

It is a bit disconcerting that people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani 
have the feeling/experience that God perceives all that we suffer as being just 
ok, cuz the entire universe is rolling along as it should be.

What I feel is the karma rap, is just that a rap, a belief. That's my deal.

One thing I am curious about, since you thought well of Alexander's book, how 
do you feel about his assertion that God told him that evil was necessary for 
free will to exist?

 From: Yifu
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in a 
Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals and 
generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into the 
non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately unfathomable, 
nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and effect, karma seems 
to be a storehouse of good and bad elements, the latter roughly defined as 
baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing evolution toward greater 
Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw attachments and a storehouse 
of prior events.
But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take an 
input of additional causes - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal of 
eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient to 
eradicate the storehouse of bad karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept the 
concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  Many 
criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. Does their 
bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
happiness; imo.

--- In, Yifu yifuxero@... wrote:

 thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
 imo, contains elements of Faux Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
 have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
 One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
 with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
 and there's no place in that state; thus you will find no mention in her 
 book of Locale I environments.
 Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I disagree 
 with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in dire need, 
 trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but at least far 
 from happy); let alone those in actual hells as reported in about 10% of 
 Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is happy, free of 
 bad karma, and in a non-dual state.
 --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was 
  trying to prove he had the experience, while she simply said this 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enemy of Mankind spreading Negativity

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  On a more interesting note: how was Shriver's talk last night?
 I enjoyed it. It was taped, and it should be up on YouTube before too long. 
 I'll post a link when I get it.

Thank you. I know virtually nothing about this man but the little I know and 
the little I read coupled with his response the the 'outing' of his 'dying' 
here at FFL I can certainly see he is one smart, well-spoken strong 
personality. I like that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
In Nebraska there is a holiday for planting trees
for owls to perch in, watching the begonias grow, then
drop their petals onto the green and silent grass

 From: azgrey
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

the hurler of curses and insults
spinning truth as though it is a dreidel
fails again and again

succeeds only in revealing 
inner darkness
poisoned words from disturbed mind

earth day echoes in native nebraskan's consciousness
arbor day planting day after next
desert willow- chilopsis linearis
while mindful of grateful dead scarlet begonias earworm
and i knew without asking she was into the blues 

soft smile dreams of lush lawns as owls converse
too pat to open and too cool to bluff

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Earth Day is ending, the lawn
 of my lady-parts is still not green.
 Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
  From: azgrey
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
 Dear Share, 
 Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
 the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
 I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
 on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
 operation of your lady-parts. 
 Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
 He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  Share, are you familiar with the expression Blow it
  out your ass?
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
   delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
   inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
   --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
to dishonesty.
*hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
is neither present nor likely,
   Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
   number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
   recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
   including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
   posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
   the dishonesty or acknowledge it.
   (And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)


[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread authfriend
--- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 Absolutely. She would also be great at Media Matters:
 To me, FFL is more like a long, winding conversation than
 a scholarly journal where everything has to be absolutely
 accurate and consistent. People write in the moment,
 according to how they feel at the time, just as people do
 in conversation. Sometimes they may contradict themselves.
 (I am not saying that you have done so.) It happens all
 the time, and it is no big deal.

It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
someone a psychological rapist to be no big deal.

But it does explain why you take the position that Share
has done nothing wrong with regard to Robin, and why you
are unwilling to acknowledge that she has blatantly
contradicted herself in how she has described her
experience of their upset.

I'm glad you went on the record with this. It tells us
something important about you. A number of things,

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that
  Judy wastes her talents on me and my alleged transgressions.
  Imagine how much good she could do for example, if she took

I want to be *ready* when I go after Monsanto, Share.

I've been in training for a long time. Taking you on
is the culmination of that training. It won't be long
now before I take that monstrous company down.

Which means you're an important part of my efforts to
expiate the negative karma I accrued many years ago
when I worked at an ad agency on its Monsanto Roundup

(Not making that last bit up. I quit shortly after I
started TM to work for myself, but I've always felt
guilty about having helped promote Roundup.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM new MUM press release

2013-04-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/24/2013 10:28 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 On 04/24/2013 06:38 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
 I hope his teachers schedule extra checking for him. OTOH, if he tweeted 
 just after learning, then a lot of his misconceptions will have already 
 been cleared up by now.
 Expecting it to improve *everything* is a tad ambitious
 for the first week, but good luck to him. I imagine he
 needs a bit of peace after all the lawsuits that have been
 thrown at his hideous news network. All the revelations
 about the phonehacking scum in his employ who probably thought
 they'd never get caught. And all the, two-faced, cowardly
 politicians who finally turned on him after years of black-
 mail and denied him and his lawless family of parasites at
 News International almost complete control of British media.

 He must have lost billions, if he hasn't the courts in this
 country should keep at him until his brand of humiliation
 as entertainment and his vile right-wing tabloids are as much
 a part of history as the woman who enabled it all, our dear
 departed Maggie Thatch. Just one of her major and unacknowledged

 Hopefully we'll never see his like again (once we've somehow
 got rid of the Daily [hate] Mail). Or maybe TM will reverse
 his fortunes! Nature support has to work for someone after
 all. Yes, he probably needs a bit of peace of mind.

 Funny thing is that FX, the FOX cable channel has some of the best
 programming around.  It's current hit is The Americans about KGB spies
 during the 1980s in America.  Also Justified which I know has some
 fans here.  American Horror Story, Louis CK, Sons of Anarchy,
 Legit are more of my favorites.  I read an interview back in the 1990s
 with Rupert in Esquire magazine where he said all he was concerned about
 was the TV shows are profitable.  He keeps hands off FOX and FX and
 apparently too hands on the news properties. Stu once said that FOX was
 the easiest to work for. Apparently not so many MBAs trying their hand
 at seasoning the TV series soup as with the other networks.

 Fair enough but tear up a copy of the New York Post while
 you're watching.

Who buy newspapers anymore?  They're so retro. :-D

Too much money makes people crazy.  I doubt TM will cure Rupert of 
billionairitus.  People should only be allowed an estate of a few 
million dollars.  Humans do not have the ability to manage much more 
than that.  Corporations should  be limited in size and lifespan and 
must serve society not just their stockholders.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Android fairly profitable to M$?

2013-04-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/25/2013 03:41 AM, card wrote:

The Microsoft and Apple era is over.  They have now become patent 
thugs.  Many of those patents are just the way digital devices work and 
should have never been granted.  The US Patent Office was unprepared for 
tech patents.  Android is the new kid on that block and will have it's 
era too and fade.

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread authfriend
Just in case anyone reading this post of Share's is
brainless enough to have been taken in by it (Share
evidently has little respect for the intelligence of
FFLers), allow me to explain a couple of things:

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need
 to make it right, then why have you spent the last almost
 8 months badgering me about it?!

What I've been badgering Share about is, of course, to
make it right with Robin.

 I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and
 Robin to reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect
 just recently to another poster.

Actually I said this just recently *to Share*. Odd that she
would get that wrong, isn't it?

What I said to Share was that I would not recommend to Robin
that he reconcile with her. I would recommend that he stay as
far away from her as possible, even if she were to retract
and apologize for her accusation. That's something she needs
to do just on the general principle of doing the right thing,
not in hopes of a reconciliation. It's too late for that, but
it's never too late to do the right thing.

 As for the records, if you want something expunged from
 them, then I guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex
 about it.

I don't think anybody here is so metaphorically challenged
as Share seems to think, but just in case: If Share were
to explicitly retract and apologize for her accusation,
that would constitute taking it off the record.

 But again, I actually don't think that's what you really want
 either. No, I think what you really want is an excuse to keep 
 attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that exists
 only in the depths of your neglected psyche.

Oh, my goodness. I have more than enough excuses to stay on
Share's back indefinitely. Her reprehensible treatment of
Robin is just at the top of my list.

You know what would stop me? If Share retracted her
accusation, apologized to Robin, *and* gave up her phony,
dishonest act on FFL.

(Try it and see, Share. You will feel so much better
once you've made peace with reality and no longer
need to constantly throw up barriers against it.)

 I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his
 spokesperson in this matter.

Share is absolutely right. I have, of course, been
speaking for myself all along.

 In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about

Share never *has* had anything to say to me about it, so
this doesn't represent any change in her behavior. That's
the problem, you see. She's been doing an intricate dance
(including in the post I'm responding to) in an attempt
to *avoid* addressing the points I've raised about her
dishonesty in this matter.

 Ms. Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!

sanctimony: affected or hypocritical holiness

Share describes herself to a T. Decent human beings see
the exposure of falsehood to be about the discovery of
reality and the promotion of justice.

Sanctimonious human beings project their own hypocrisy
onto those seeking the truth.

[FairfieldLife] New papers on Transcendental Meditation (TM)

2013-04-25 Thread merlin
New papers onTranscendental Meditation (TM)for lowering hypertension and Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms



Dear Colleagues,  
Here is a newly reported scientific statement from the American Heart Association recommending TM practice for hypertension, and a new paper reporting that the practice is effective in reducing post-traumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees. 
1. TM recommended for hypertension by the American Heart Association. 
An estimated 29% of American adults suffer from hypertension and it is projected to affect 1.5 billion people by 2025. It accounts for 13.5% of all deaths and half of all strokes and ischemic heart disease. The global hypertension-related public health burden is enormous.1 
The American Heart Association just published a scientific statement on alternative approaches to reducing blood pressure, which included a critical evaluation of research on meditation techniques, including the Transcendental Meditation technique (TM). 1 Here is what they said about the TM technique and other meditation practices: 
· “TM may be considered in clinical practice to lower BP. 
· Because of many negative studies or mixed results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques (including MBSR) received a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C recommendation . 
· Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in clinical practice to lower BP at this time.” 
MBSR refers to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Here is a link to the full report. 
2. TM reduces PTSD symptoms in Congolese refugees.  
The Second Congo War killed 5.4 million people and forced an estimated 80,000 refugees to flee. A new controlled study published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress of Congolese refugees in a camp near Kampala, Uganda found that TM practice markedly reduced post-traumatic stress symptoms from the severe level to the normal level at the one month and 4.5 month posttests.2  
Abstract: This matched single-blind pilot study tested the effect of Transcendental Meditation R [1] (TM) practice on symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTS) in Congolese refugees. Urban refugees (N = 102) staying around Kampala, Uganda attended introductory meetings. After initial random assignment to the TM group, 30 refugees who revealed that they were unable to attend all meetings were eliminated from the study. The remaining 21 TM group participants were then instructed in TM and matched with refugees in the control group on age, sex, and baseline scores on the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist–Civilian (PCL-C). All participants completed the PCL-C measure of PTS symptoms at baseline, and 30-day and 135-day posttests. The PCL-C scores in the control group trended upward. In contrast, the PCL-C scores in the TM group went from 65 on average at baseline
 indicating severe PTS symptoms to below 30 on average after 30 days of TM practice, and remained low at 135 days. Effect size was high (d  1.0). Compliance with TM practice was good; most reported regular practice throughout the study. There were no adverse events. All refugees who learned TM completed the study and were able to practice TM successfully, with subsequent substantial reduction in PTS symptoms. 
1. Brook RD, Appel LJ, Rubenfire M, et al. Beyond medications and diet: Alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure : A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association. 2013(61). 
2. Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reduction in post traumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2013:1-14. 
All the best, 
David W. Orme-Johnson, PhD 
From October to April 
191 Dalton Dr., Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 
From May to September 

1100 University Manor Dr., # 15B, Fairfield, Iowa, 52556 
(850) 231-2866 (Home) 
(850) 830-5847 (Mobile) 
Skype: davidoj108 

Re: [FairfieldLife] American Heart Association report on meditation, blood pressure: TM winner-ish

2013-04-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/23/2013 03:09 PM, sparaig wrote:

 The writing group conferred to TM a Class IIB, Level of Evidence B 
 recommendation in regard to BP-lowering efficacy. TM may be considered in 
 clinical practice to lower BP. Because of many negative studies or mixed 
 results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques 
 (including MBSR) received a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C 
 recommendation Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in 
 clinical practice to lower BP at this time.

 As usual, more research needed, but it's a change from the no consistent 
 effect found for any form of meditation that has been the result of the last 
 few mainstream meta-analyses of the topic.

 Once head-to-head studies between meditation techniques become more common, 
 I'm sure another report will be forthcoming, and with this new report, every 
 proponent-researcher of MBSR will be scrambling to include TM in future 
 research just so they can prove that their form of meditation really is 

 Stay tuned.


They probably favor TM because TM teachers wear suits instead of 
kurtajamis. :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, authfriend  wrote:

 It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
 someone a psychological rapist to be no big deal.

Hey Judy, would you care to put your well honed investigative skills to
work and show where Share actually used this, exact, term in addressing,
or referring to Robin, or is just this just some concoction on your
part.  I'll wait.
P.S.  A straight answer will be preferred if you are capable of one.
Oh, darn, you might be out of posts.  No matter, Friday's come up.   I
guess twiddle your fingers till then.

 But it does explain why you take the position that Share
 has done nothing wrong with regard to Robin, and why you
 are unwilling to acknowledge that she has blatantly
 contradicted herself in how she has described her
 experience of their upset.

 I'm glad you went on the record with this. It tells us
 something important about you. A number of things,


  --- In, Share Long  wrote:
   Anyway, this morning I was thinking how sad it is that
   Judy wastes her talents on me and my alleged transgressions.
   Imagine how much good she could do for example, if she took

 I want to be *ready* when I go after Monsanto, Share.

 I've been in training for a long time. Taking you on
 is the culmination of that training. It won't be long
 now before I take that monstrous company down.

 Which means you're an important part of my efforts to
 expiate the negative karma I accrued many years ago
 when I worked at an ad agency on its Monsanto Roundup

 (Not making that last bit up. I quit shortly after I
 started TM to work for myself, but I've always felt
 guilty about having helped promote Roundup.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Judy, honey, hopefully you have extinguished your fifty posts for the
week,  But thank you, thank you very much for this Share - Monsanto
tirade.  This truly is one for the records books.  Share's stature in
your mind is of global proportions.  Yes, it's true, I've liked her from
the start, but you are elevating her status to a whole other level.
But it's pretty good entertainment, if it wasn't so poisonous to the
person spewing it.

--- In, authfriend  wrote:

 Just in case anyone reading this post of Share's is
 brainless enough to have been taken in by it (Share
 evidently has little respect for the intelligence of
 FFLers), allow me to explain a couple of things:

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need
  to make it right, then why have you spent the last almost
  8 months badgering me about it?!

 What I've been badgering Share about is, of course, to
 make it right with Robin.

  I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and
  Robin to reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect
  just recently to another poster.

 Actually I said this just recently *to Share*. Odd that she
 would get that wrong, isn't it?

 What I said to Share was that I would not recommend to Robin
 that he reconcile with her. I would recommend that he stay as
 far away from her as possible, even if she were to retract
 and apologize for her accusation. That's something she needs
 to do just on the general principle of doing the right thing,
 not in hopes of a reconciliation. It's too late for that, but
 it's never too late to do the right thing.

  As for the records, if you want something expunged from
  them, then I guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex
  about it.

 I don't think anybody here is so metaphorically challenged
 as Share seems to think, but just in case: If Share were
 to explicitly retract and apologize for her accusation,
 that would constitute taking it off the record.

  But again, I actually don't think that's what you really want
  either. No, I think what you really want is an excuse to keep
  attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that exists
  only in the depths of your neglected psyche.

 Oh, my goodness. I have more than enough excuses to stay on
 Share's back indefinitely. Her reprehensible treatment of
 Robin is just at the top of my list.

 You know what would stop me? If Share retracted her
 accusation, apologized to Robin, *and* gave up her phony,
 dishonest act on FFL.

 (Try it and see, Share. You will feel so much better
 once you've made peace with reality and no longer
 need to constantly throw up barriers against it.)

  I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his
  spokesperson in this matter.

 Share is absolutely right. I have, of course, been
 speaking for myself all along.

  In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about

 Share never *has* had anything to say to me about it, so
 this doesn't represent any change in her behavior. That's
 the problem, you see. She's been doing an intricate dance
 (including in the post I'm responding to) in an attempt
 to *avoid* addressing the points I've raised about her
 dishonesty in this matter.

  Ms. Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!

 sanctimony: affected or hypocritical holiness

 Share describes herself to a T. Decent human beings see
 the exposure of falsehood to be about the discovery of
 reality and the promotion of justice.

 Sanctimonious human beings project their own hypocrisy
 onto those seeking the truth.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread Rick Archer
I interviewed her, in case anyone would like to listen to that:


From: []
On Behalf Of Yifu
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:36 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE



Received her book, Dying to Be Me; an account of her NDE and miraculous
healing from near terminal cancer.
On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous
suppositions. Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the
latter pretty much covering his points with comments make in anticipated
advance of criticisms by the likes of Shermer and others.
But for those who have not read either, I'll mention a few important points.
1. Eben wrote his book AFTER getting involved in the Monroe Institute (uses
the hemisync technology to precipitate Journey's out of the Body (Cf. book
by Robert Monroe). Briefly, there are (as I recall), three Locales I - an
environment similar to that of the earthhouses, people, landscapes,
mountains, etc; i.e. an astral world similar to that of the earth.
Locale II. An otherworldly enviroment, mixing the usual environments with
fantastical types of people, buildings, and various visionary elements akin
to the more unusual categories of fantasy art.
Locale III - merges into pure realms of Light and Sound, but Intelligences
may be present.
Various Divine Beings such as Jesus may appear in all three Locales.
Now back to Dr. Alexander:
His NDE started out in Locale I after exiting a hellish environment of
clashing and grating sounds. Met up with his deceased Sister.
In Locale II, saw what appeared to be Angelic Beings.
In Locale III, merged with the OM. He equates God with the OM and with
Pure Consciousness..
He's a nominal Christian but didn't see Jesus, nor does he apparently accept
the notion of a personal God.
Now back to Anita Moorjani: She seems to have bypassed Locale I and II
altogether, but had telepathic and feeling contact with her dead Dad and her
best friend who previously died of Cancer.
Then she seems to have merged completely (but temporarily) into Brahman, and
she equates God with Being and with Universal Energy.
That's about it for these NDE's.

[FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Judy, honey, hopefully you have extinguished your fifty posts 
 for the week,...

If she hasn't, she'll piss away the last of them now. :-)

 ...But thank you, thank you very much for this Share - 
 Monsanto tirade. This truly is one for the records books.  
 Share's stature in your mind is of global proportions.  
 Yes, it's true, I've liked her from the start, but you 
 are elevating her status to a whole other level. But 
 it's pretty good entertainment, if it wasn't so poisonous 
 to the person spewing it.

The thing is, I think most of us know that this whole
vendetta against Share is not about what she said to
Robin at all. The vendetta started before that, when
share bailed from the Judy Clique and started having
opinions of her own and not bad-mouthing Judy's sworn
enemies the way she was supposed to do. 

The Robin thang is just a charade -- a mask to hide
the fact that Judy will never forgive Share for not
wanting to be part of her Haters Club. 

 --- In, authfriend  wrote:
  Just in case anyone reading this post of Share's is
  brainless enough to have been taken in by it (Share
  evidently has little respect for the intelligence of
  FFLers), allow me to explain a couple of things:
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need
   to make it right, then why have you spent the last almost
   8 months badgering me about it?!
  What I've been badgering Share about is, of course, to
  make it right with Robin.
   I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and
   Robin to reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect
   just recently to another poster.
  Actually I said this just recently *to Share*. Odd that she
  would get that wrong, isn't it?
  What I said to Share was that I would not recommend to Robin
  that he reconcile with her. I would recommend that he stay as
  far away from her as possible, even if she were to retract
  and apologize for her accusation. That's something she needs
  to do just on the general principle of doing the right thing,
  not in hopes of a reconciliation. It's too late for that, but
  it's never too late to do the right thing.
   As for the records, if you want something expunged from
   them, then I guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex
   about it.
  I don't think anybody here is so metaphorically challenged
  as Share seems to think, but just in case: If Share were
  to explicitly retract and apologize for her accusation,
  that would constitute taking it off the record.
   But again, I actually don't think that's what you really want
   either. No, I think what you really want is an excuse to keep
   attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that exists
   only in the depths of your neglected psyche.
  Oh, my goodness. I have more than enough excuses to stay on
  Share's back indefinitely. Her reprehensible treatment of
  Robin is just at the top of my list.
  You know what would stop me? If Share retracted her
  accusation, apologized to Robin, *and* gave up her phony,
  dishonest act on FFL.
  (Try it and see, Share. You will feel so much better
  once you've made peace with reality and no longer
  need to constantly throw up barriers against it.)
   I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his
   spokesperson in this matter.
  Share is absolutely right. I have, of course, been
  speaking for myself all along.
   In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about
  Share never *has* had anything to say to me about it, so
  this doesn't represent any change in her behavior. That's
  the problem, you see. She's been doing an intricate dance
  (including in the post I'm responding to) in an attempt
  to *avoid* addressing the points I've raised about her
  dishonesty in this matter.
   Ms. Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!
  sanctimony: affected or hypocritical holiness
  Share describes herself to a T. Decent human beings see
  the exposure of falsehood to be about the discovery of
  reality and the promotion of justice.
  Sanctimonious human beings project their own hypocrisy
  onto those seeking the truth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-25 Thread PaliGap

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 You pay a paltry 19 Euros per year for a pass. Then you walk up to a
 Velib bike rack, swipe your card, take the bike, and ride it. If you
 ride for less than half an hour, when you check it in at the next Velib
 site there is no charge. If you ride that particular bike for longer,
 there is a very reasonable charge.
 So I went out bike riding in Paris. 

Any of these for hire? Yanks can always do it better -
wave your freak flag high, and all that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Sunshine Sal always refused to take Judy seriously,
and treated her as the abusive petty tyrant she is.

Judy reacted to that the way she always does, with
hatred and vendettas. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
...her perception was there was no karmic cause for her cancer, other than the 
fear thoughts and feelings she had had in this life that became actualized in 
her body. In other words, her karma. Fear causes a lot of cancers.

--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Would you be open to the possibility that you may be attached to the ideas of 
 karma the Hindus have promoted for centuries? The only reason people believe 
 that point of view is true is that they believe it. 
 In truth, our reality is based on perception. For example, many people are 
 convinced that Marshy was a saint and would therefore go to some sort of 
 Hiranyaloka where others believe that he would be consigned to the places as 
 you say, that criminals go.
 Moorjani didn't say that karma doesn't exist, only that her perception was 
 there was no karmic cause for her cancer, other than the fear thoughts and 
 feelings she had had in this life that became actualized in her body.
 The idea that one goes into freedom upon death is not new. Read Michael Roads 
 book Journey into Oneness. He has some experiences of similar bent.
 I took from her book the feeling that we are so powerful we are able to 
 create both in body and out of body pretty much what we want. For her, it was 
 Oneness, for others who still have need for more concrete experience they 
 might go into more touchable feel-able worlds.
 Not all of this is clear to me. Why do we take these bodies in the first 
 place? If God is real, what the heck does he/she want to experience such 
 It is a bit disconcerting that people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani 
 have the feeling/experience that God perceives all that we suffer as being 
 just ok, cuz the entire universe is rolling along as it should be.
 What I feel is the karma rap, is just that a rap, a belief. That's my deal.
 One thing I am curious about, since you thought well of Alexander's book, how 
 do you feel about his assertion that God told him that evil was necessary for 
 free will to exist?
  From: Yifu yifuxero@...
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE
 She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in 
 a Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals 
 and generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into 
 the non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
 I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
 nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately 
 unfathomable, nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and 
 effect, karma seems to be a storehouse of good and bad elements, the 
 latter roughly defined as baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing 
 evolution toward greater Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw 
 attachments and a storehouse of prior events.
 But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take 
 an input of additional causes - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal 
 of eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
 I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient 
 to eradicate the storehouse of bad karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept 
 the concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
 But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
 consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
 Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  
 Many criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. 
 Does their bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
 My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
 criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
 happiness; imo.
 --- In, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
  thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
  imo, contains elements of Faux Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
  have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
  One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
  with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
  and there's no place in that state; thus you will find no mention in her 
  book of Locale I environments.
  Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I 
  disagree with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in 
  dire need, trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but 
  at least far from happy); let alone those in actual hells as reported in 
  about 10% of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 

This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for his 
prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the evil 
witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, 
mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

By the way, this is what is known among Internet
old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
It's an invitation to rant. 

But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling, let's
give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:

- What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
much that she drove her away from FFL?

- What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
after he last posted to any TM forum?

- What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
ending hatred?

- What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 

- What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?

- What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
much time to trying to get other people to hate
him as much as she does?

- What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
stalking him within days of his first appearance
on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 

There. That should give her something to do while
sitting on the Post Flood bench.  :-)

Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
Wow, good thing turq responded, before he leaves FFL!!! Close call, Share. 
Sally Sunshine lives in Fairfield. You could probably look her up, and ask her 

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar has plummeted to 
dangerously low levels.  Go get some lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid 
kind, if you know what I mean.  

Comment to Doc:  no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.  What to do?

 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 

This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for his 
prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the evil 
witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, 
mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long wrote:

What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I keep hearing 
about these gathering spots, like Revelations. Possibly someone there could 
assist you? 

Though as a fellow  member of the Geminian tribe, I conclude that you have 
many, many, better things to do, today, and every day, than  fulfilling your 
curiosity about whats-her-face. 

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar has plummeted to 
 dangerously low levels.  Go get some lunch for God's sake, and not the 
 liquid kind, if you know what I mean.  
 Comment to Doc:  no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.  What to do?
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar 
 has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some 
 lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you 
 know what I mean.
 Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book. 
 What to do?

Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.

She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell. 
I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing 
to take Judy's shit. 

In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
life who left this this virtual place and stayed left. 
That's just rude. 

  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Call me paranoid, call me delusional but this post by Barry just nails the pure 
evilness of Judy.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:58 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?
 By the way, this is what is known among Internet
 old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
 a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
 what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
 It's an invitation to rant. 
 But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling, let's
 give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
 more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
 again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:
 - What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
 much that she drove her away from FFL?
 - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
 spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
 rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
 after he last posted to any TM forum?
 - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
 ending hatred?
 - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 
 - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
 and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
 - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
 that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
 much time to trying to get other people to hate
 him as much as she does?
 - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
 stalking him within days of his first appearance
 on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
 non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 
 There. That should give her something to do while
 sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
 Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
You are a strange bird, castigating us all, for not leaving this place, FFL, 
your addiction. Praising someone for their fortitude and strength because they 
have overcome FFL, your addiction. Implying just recently that you were ready 
to leaving here, FFL, your addiction.

Confused much, Barry? Can't tell a snake from a ladder anymore?

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar 
  has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some 
  lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you 
  know what I mean.
  Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book. 
  What to do?
 Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
 name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
 who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
 this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
 enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
 else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
 and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.
 She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell. 
 I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing 
 to take Judy's shit. 
 In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
 life who left this this virtual place and stayed left. 
 That's just rude. 
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
  Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
  long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
  worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated 
  This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
  alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the 
  hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
  But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
  blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
  feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
  from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to 
  a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever 
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn off for me, 
I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you think she was curvy 
with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree. The point here is the 
vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, wrote:

 LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
  long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
  worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
  This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
  alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the 
  hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
  But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
  blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
  feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
  from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to 
  a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever 
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-25 Thread Michael Jackson
I think she meant it as her culture would have put it, i.e. - that her actions, 
karma in other lifetimes was responsible for her this lifetime cancer

Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 1:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

...her perception was there was no karmic cause for her cancer, other than the 
fear thoughts and feelings she had had in this life that became actualized in 
her body. In other words, her karma. Fear causes a lot of cancers.

--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Would you be open to the possibility that you may be attached to the ideas of 
 karma the Hindus have promoted for centuries? The only reason people believe 
 that point of view is true is that they believe it. 
 In truth, our reality is based on perception. For example, many people are 
 convinced that Marshy was a saint and would therefore go to some sort of 
 Hiranyaloka where others believe that he would be consigned to the places as 
 you say, that criminals go.
 Moorjani didn't say that karma doesn't exist, only that her perception was 
 there was no karmic cause for her cancer, other than the fear thoughts and 
 feelings she had had in this life that became actualized in her body.
 The idea that one goes into freedom upon death is not new. Read Michael Roads 
 book Journey into Oneness. He has some experiences of similar bent.
 I took from her book the feeling that we are so powerful we are able to 
 create both in body and out of body pretty much what we want. For her, it was 
 Oneness, for others who still have need for more concrete experience they 
 might go into more touchable feel-able worlds.
 Not all of this is clear to me. Why do we take these bodies in the first 
 place? If God is real, what the heck does he/she want to experience such 
 It is a bit disconcerting that people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani 
 have the feeling/experience that God perceives all that we suffer as being 
 just ok, cuz the entire universe is rolling along as it should be.
 What I feel is the karma rap, is just that a rap, a belief. That's my deal.
 One thing I am curious about, since you thought well of Alexander's book, how 
 do you feel about his assertion that God told him that evil was necessary for 
 free will to exist?
  From: Yifu yifuxero@...
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE
 She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in 
 a Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals 
 and generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into 
 the non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
 I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
 nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately 
 unfathomable, nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and 
 effect, karma seems to be a storehouse of good and bad elements, the 
 latter roughly defined as baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing 
 evolution toward greater Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw 
 attachments and a storehouse of prior events.
 But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take 
 an input of additional causes - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal 
 of eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
 I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient 
 to eradicate the storehouse of bad karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept 
 the concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
 But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
 consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
 Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  
 Many criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. 
 Does their bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
 My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
 criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
 happiness; imo.
 --- In, Yifu yifuxero@ wrote:
  thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
  imo, contains elements of Faux Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
  have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
  One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
  with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
  and there's no place in that state; thus you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh stupid me, I was thinking it was you whose sugar was plummeting to dangerous 
levels that was making you all paranoid about Sal and Judy - may be it's not 
paranoia but just your passive aggressiveness again? Oh well - just had coffee 
but no worries lunch time's close.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:04 AM, Share Long wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar has plummeted to 
 dangerously low levels.  Go get some lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid 
 kind, if you know what I mean.  
 Comment to Doc:  no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.  What to do?
 From: Ravi Chivukula
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
 keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
 Possibly someone there could assist you? 

I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in person. 
To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of ones and 
zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Ravi, I'm not sure you'd still even know what to do with a set if you
were fortunate to come across them.
That's why you got me.  I can help you navigate these kinds of
Here for ya bro.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn
off for me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you
think she was curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree.
The point here is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:

  LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty.
She had long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after
her and worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just
hated her.
   This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent
purity, alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal
suffered at the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
   But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with
equally blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was
known as, feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis
rescued Sal from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in
Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both
lived happily ever after.
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Bhairitu
I had a debate with a local vaidya on whether most Indians have kapha or 
vata constitutions.  The vaidya told me his teacher said vata while Dr. 
Robert Svoboda says kapha.  Deepak Chopra said his constitution was 
pitta/kapha. Skipping breakfast for pittas and vatas may make them fly 
off the handle in the morning while making kaphas more clear minded.

On 04/25/2013 11:04 AM, Share Long wrote:
 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar has plummeted to 
 dangerously low levels.  Go get some lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid 
 kind, if you know what I mean.

 Comment to Doc:  no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.  What to do?

   From: Ravi Chivukula
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her.

 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
turq, please don't you go daft too.  Of course I figured Sunshine was not her 
last name!  But I wanted to kid Doc without fibbing so I did look it up in the 
FF phone book.  Besides I don't think having been bullied by Judy makes a great 
basis for anything so I'm fine with foregoing comradeship with Sal.    

Doc:  I'm a triple Gemini.  I love to write.  I love to connect via the written 
word.  Go figure.  Plus I've been retired much longer than you have so I have 
pretty much figured out what activities give me the most enjoyment.  Good Lord, 
did I just say that about FFL?!  You all have finally driven me bonkers!

Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at feste.  Feste and 
Robin, as best as I remember, have had only cordial and interesting exchanges.  
But Judy seems to be trying to put the kabash on that friendship too.  Hmmm, 
detecting a pattern, light bulb going on over Share head...

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 1:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar 
 has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some 
 lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you 
 know what I mean.
 Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book. 
 What to do?

Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.

She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell. 
I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing 
to take Judy's shit. 

In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
life who left this this virtual place and stayed left. 
That's just rude. 

  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
See - how you don't come across as an obnoxious, moronic troll here? This is 
funny. Good progress Steve - stick to this (not the big tits but the style of 
the post :-)) and we can all enjoy your posts again.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:54 AM, seventhray27 wrote:

 Ravi, I'm not sure you'd still even know what to do with a set if you were 
 fortunate to come across them.
 That's why you got me.  I can help you navigate these kinds of situations.
 Here for ya bro.
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn off for 
  me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you think she was 
  curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree. The point here 
  is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@... 
   LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated 

This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at 
the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse 
to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily 
ever after.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley 

 --- In, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:
  I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
  keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
  Possibly someone there could assist you? 
 I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in person. 
 To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of ones and 
 zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.

OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal to 
a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need to 
help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one on 
Share's side?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
   keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
   Possibly someone there could assist you? 
  I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
  person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
  ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
 OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
 to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need 
 to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one 
 on Share's side?

The evil witch Judy is no match for the light bulb short-circuiting over Share' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
   keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
   Possibly someone there could assist you? 
  I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
  person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
  ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
 OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
 to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need 
 to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one 
 on Share's side?

I can't help it, Ravi. It pains me to see all this juicy attention going to 
waste on someone who isn't even here to revel in it. It's just not fair, or as 
Jan Brady would say,

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
   keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
   Possibly someone there could assist you? 
  I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
  person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
  ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
 OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
 to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need 
 to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one 
 on Share's side?

The evil witch Judy is no match for the light bulb short-circuiting over 
Share's head. You're right, Ravi. Share needs help, so I'm placing an ad in the 
Weekly Reader stalker section: Desperately seeking Sal Sunshine. All tips as 
to the whereabouts and identity of Sal Sunshire will remain confidential.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:10 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 
   --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
Possibly someone there could assist you? 

   I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
   person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
   ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
  OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
  to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We 
  need to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the 
  only one on Share's side?
 The evil witch Judy is no match for the light bulb short-circuiting over 
 Share's head. You're right, Ravi. Share needs help, so I'm placing an ad in 
 the Weekly Reader stalker section: Desperately seeking Sal Sunshine. All 
 tips as to the whereabouts and identity of Sal Sunshire will remain 

OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy isn't 
it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this? Recall he is 
already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter of his goat fainting 
healing magic.


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Subject matter Rav. Subject matter.  There are times when I get my game
face on.  This qualifies.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 See - how you don't come across as an obnoxious, moronic troll here?
This is funny. Good progress Steve - stick to this (not the big tits but
the style of the post :-)) and we can all enjoy your posts again.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:54 AM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  Ravi, I'm not sure you'd still even know what to do with a set if
you were fortunate to come across them.
  That's why you got me.  I can help you navigate these kinds of
  Here for ya bro.
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a
turn off for me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits,
you think she was curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to
disagree. The point here is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@ wrote:
LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
--- In, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@ wrote:

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and
beauty. She had long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted
after her and worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well,
they just hated her.

 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very
innocent purity, alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor
Sal suffered at the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with
equally blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was
known as, feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis
rescued Sal from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in
Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both
lived happily ever after.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, raunchydog  wrote:

This is what I think you meant to say Raunch, and in the absence of a
qualified editor, I will assume the role.  And finally you're making
some sense.
  The evil witch Judy is no match for Share.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy
isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this?
Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter of
his goat fainting healing magic.

All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you don't
get Share fest
You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
then maybe you'll have more luck
* old Yiddish expression

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy 
  isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this? Recall 
  he is already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter of his goat 
  fainting healing magic.
 All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you don't get 
 Share fest
 You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
 then maybe you'll have more luck
 * old Yiddish expression

This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, outrageous. 
This man is just trolling for attention.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
I'm sorry Ravi.  Thank God you're a Brahmin.  You'd never make it as a
Kshatriya.  But no matter.  Ya got

--- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share
orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of
this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your
granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
  All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you
don't get Share fest
  You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
  then maybe you'll have more luck
  * old Yiddish expression

 This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious,
outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 wrote:

 I'm sorry Ravi.  Thank God you're a Brahmin.  You'd never make it as a 
 Kshatriya.  But no matter.  Ya got friends.
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy 
isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this? 
Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter 
of his goat fainting healing magic.
   All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you don't 
   get Share fest
   You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
   then maybe you'll have more luck
   * old Yiddish expression
  This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, 
  outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/24/2013 08:28 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 So I went out bike riding in Paris.

 So, you rode a bike today.

 Sounds like a great idea, biking in Paris!

 The city of San Antonio has been designated
 as a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community
 by the League of American Bicyclists.

Might help if the bicyclists themselves were friendly.  Most of them 
behave like elitist assholes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Boy, boy, crazy boy, keep cool boy.  Got a rocket, in your pocket, turn
off the juice boy.  Go man go, but not like a yo-yo, cool boy, just play
it cool.
BTW, you're not making a lot of sense.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  I'm sorry Ravi.  Thank God you're a Brahmin.  You'd never make it as
a Kshatriya.  But no matter.  Ya got friends.
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this
get-Share orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton
approve of this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your
granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you
don't get Share fest
You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
then maybe you'll have more luck
* old Yiddish expression
   This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious,
obnoxious, outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Stop irritating me with your irrelevant videos Steve, I don't have to make any 
sense to idiots like you - but Jackie sure will knock some sense in to you - 
got taken aback there didn't you? Anyway don't you have better things to do - 
like console your poor, pitta-putrefied, paranoid friend Share? Even Barry 
asked her to stop stalking her friend Sal !!!

On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:22 PM, seventhray27 wrote:

 Boy, boy, crazy boy, keep cool boy.  Got a rocket, in your pocket, turn off 
 the juice boy.  Go man go, but not like a yo-yo, cool boy, just play it cool.
 BTW, you're not making a lot of sense.
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:
   I'm sorry Ravi. Thank God you're a Brahmin. You'd never make it as a 
   Kshatriya. But no matter. Ya got friends.
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share 
  orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of 
  this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your 
  granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
 All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you 
 don't get Share fest
 You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
 then maybe you'll have more luck
 * old Yiddish expression

This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, 
outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.


[FairfieldLife] What Martial Arts Have to Do With Atheism

2013-04-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
'An interview with Sam Harris about self-defense and the seduction of faith.'

'Sam Harris is best known as a vocal opponent of religious faith. But he is 
also a student of martial arts and armed self-defense, and a practitioner of 
daily silent meditation.'

'In the May issue of The Atlantic, Graeme Wood recounts the experience of 
learning meditation and Brazilian jiu-jitsu with him. Harris is finishing his 
next book, Waking Up: Science, Skepticism, Spirituality, about 
self-transcendence in the absence of religion. Following their encounter, Wood 
caught up with Harris to discuss violence, faith, and meditation.'


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Sorry dear Share we all got distracted by your stalking err searching for Sal.

Considering your disability I have made this real easy for you. Please feel 
free to take the help of the idiots Feste and Steve.

Your post referring to my grandmother below has the characteristics of which of 
the following

a) Phony
b) Passive-aggressive
c) Platitude puking
d) Pitta-putrefied 
e) Paranoid
d) My heart says (a) but it's probably (b)
g) My intuition says (b) but it's probably (d)
h) My gut says (e) but it's probably (a)
i) Feste may say sweet but it's (a)
j) Steve may say Kali but it's (b)
h) Any of the above
k) All of the above

Remember there's no right or wrong answer and there's good and bad in you and 
imagine this process to be a kind of a spring cleaning for your chakras which 
even the likes of John Newton may approve.


On Apr 25, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Share Long wrote:

 dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons illustrious and 
 otherwise, I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with your 
 Grandmother.  See how in tune we are?!  Anyway, IMHO what's in that photo is 
 what's really important in life.  
 From: Ravi Chivukula
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 Dear Share,
 A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity and you show 
 none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and switch of an impending 
 apology while you continue along your phony, passive-aggressive, 
 platitude-filled posts.
 You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy and I can 
 clearly see this.
 Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the advances made after 
 the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the perspective of the 
 Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my grandson who is your attending 
 neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be enlightened, analyzes your 
 brain scans which Steve's grandson converts as posts to FFL.
 You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr. Curtis M's book, 
 the only person in history who slips into NDE every week. Robin's not alive 
 but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death Experience) and is in 
 heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an Internet connection so he 
 has access to Merriam Webster and a decent ability to keep up with Robin.
 But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the news of 
 Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.
 Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to reconcile 
 with Robin interspersed with your other phony, passive-aggressive, 
 platitude-filled posts.
 Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in distress 
 routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless, clueless idiots 
 who are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why, Steve's grandson is 
 one of them, continuing in the illustrious footsteps of his grandfather.
 On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long wrote:
 Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it right, 
 then why have you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me about it?!  I'm 
 actually starting to think that you don't want me and Robin to reconcile.  In 
 fact you said something to that effect just recently to another poster.  
 As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I guess 
 you need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it.  But again, I actually don't 
 think that's what you really want either.  No, I think what you really want 
 is an excuse to keep attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that 
 exists only in the depths of your neglected psyche.
 I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in this 
 matter.  In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about it, Ms. 
 Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!   
 From: authfriend
 Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
 --- In, feste37 feste37@... wrote:
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
   (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
   yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
   Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
  Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
  no time.
 I never was *not* my normal self, feste, as hard as you
 tried to make it appear so.
  The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine's tits

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
Sorry, but that reminds me, would a male, or lesbian, *attention* vampire be 
able to suck a woman's tits from across the room?? Has Barry commented on the 
physics of this yet? 

And not to make you wrong, or anything, Ravi, but I heard Sal had *four* tits 
- teats, really...two really big ones, and two smaller, more shapely ones, kind 
of resting underneath the bigger, floppy ones. Her sister actually served as 
the inspiration for the pillow top mattress...

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn off for 
 me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you think she was 
 curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree. The point here is 
 the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@... 
  LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
   long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
   worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated 
   This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
   alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the 
   hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
   But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
   blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
   feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
   from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse 
   to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever 
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Surprising IQs of Famous People

2013-04-25 Thread John
Johann Bach was 165.  Asia Carrera is 156.  Charles Dickens had 180. Marilyn 
Vos Savant is 228.  Surprisingly, Albert Einstein only had 160 compared to 
some of the people on the list.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 26-Apr-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-04-25 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/20/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/27/13 00:00:00
670 messages as of (UTC) 04/26/13 00:12:01

49 authfriend 
46 Michael Jackson 
45 Richard J. Williams 
42 doctordumbass
42 Share Long 
40 Ann 
36 card 
34 turquoiseb 
34 Bhairitu 
32 sparaig 
30 seventhray27 
28 Buck 
25 Ravi Chivukula 
23 nablusoss1008 
20 curtisdeltablues 
19 Alex Stanley 
15 feste37 
14 salyavin808 
11 John 
10 merudanda 
10 Rick Archer 
 8 Yifu 
 7 Mike Dixon 
 6 laughinggull108 
 6 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 5 raunchydog 
 5 merlin 
 4 WLeed3
 3 wleed3 
 3 srijau
 3 martin.quickman 
 3 Dick Mays 
 2 azgrey 
 2 Goddess Ninmah 
 1 obbajeeba 
 1 martyboi 
 1 mainstream20016 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 emptybill 
 1 david allen 
 1 PaliGap 
 1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 42
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine's tits

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Well a little too crude for my comfort Doc but whatever rocks yer boat. I 
suspect Barry donning his pseudo Buddhist, psycho Lenz hat may say your 
secondary, tertiary through n-ary attention is all over the park and that your 
trans-incarnational karma is totally out of whack..LOL.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 5:04 PM, wrote:

 Sorry, but that reminds me, would a male, or lesbian, *attention* vampire be 
 able to suck a woman's tits from across the room?? Has Barry commented on the 
 physics of this yet? 
 And not to make you wrong, or anything, Ravi, but I heard Sal had *four* 
 tits - teats, really...two really big ones, and two smaller, more shapely 
 ones, kind of resting underneath the bigger, floppy ones. Her sister actually 
 served as the inspiration for the pillow top mattress...
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn off for 
  me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you think she was 
  curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree. The point here 
  is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@... 
   LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated 

This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at 
the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse 
to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily 
ever after.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Surprising IQs of Famous People

2013-04-25 Thread sparaig

--- In, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 Johann Bach was 165.  Asia Carrera is 156.  Charles Dickens had 180. Marilyn 
 Vos Savant is 228.  Surprisingly, Albert Einstein only had 160 compared to 
 some of the people on the list.

Marilyn vs Savant really only has an IQ of about 130. Her 228 is due to some 
fancy manipulation of test scores by her and her publicist in a way that was 
deliberately designed to allow her to claim world's highest IQ.


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 turq, please don't you go daft too.  Of course I figured Sunshine
was not her last name!  But I wanted to kid Doc without fibbing so I
did look it up in the FF phone book.  Besides I don't think having
been bullied by Judy makes a great basis for anything so I'm fine with
foregoing comradeship with Sal.  Â

 Doc:  I'm a triple Gemini.  I love to write.  I love to
connect via the written word.  Go figure.  Plus I've been
retired much longer than you have so I have pretty much figured out what
activities give me the most enjoyment.  Good Lord, did I just say
that about FFL?!  You all have finally driven me bonkers!

 Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at feste.Â
Feste and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only cordial and
interesting exchanges.  But Judy seems to be trying to put the
kabash on that friendship too.  Hmmm, detecting a pattern, light
bulb going on over Share head...

  [light figures art lamp sculptures people recycled material socket
electricity bulb heads electricity ]

  From: turquoiseb
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 1:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar
  has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some
  lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you
  know what I mean.
  Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.
  What to do?

 Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
 name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
 who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
 this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
 enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
 else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
 and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.

 She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell.
 I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing
 to take Judy's shit.

 In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
 life who left this this virtual place and stayed left.
 That's just rude.

   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
  Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She
had long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her
and worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just
hated her.ÂÂ
  This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent
purity, alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal
suffered at the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
  But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with
equally blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was
known as, feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis
rescued Sal from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in
Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both
lived happily ever after.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?
 By the way, this is what is known among Internet
 old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
 a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
 what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
 It's an invitation to rant. 

I don't get that. Who is going to rant? Judy? Don't think so since Share didn't 
ask Judy and Judy is almost out of posts and certainly isn't going to waste her 
last one answering this question. So that leaves everyone else to answer (who 
actually knows, which I don't, before my time) and it is unlikely to create a 
rant since nobody probably wants to answer (too much old news) and those who 
would bother to answer probably don't like Judy anyway so that leads me to 
believe there would be no rant from the peanut gallery you consider the 'bad 
guys'. Clear as mud?
 But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling,

With what dear boy? I think you may have me confused with another Ann or 
somebody else completly.

 let's give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
 more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
 again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:

Huh? This sentence is not understandable and you keep confusing me with Judy or 
me with Sal or Sal with the KKK or what the hell are you trying to say? Spit it 
 - What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
 much that she drove her away from FFL?

Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you? Steve, is 
Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
 - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
 spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
 rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
 after he last posted to any TM forum?
 - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
 ending hatred?
 - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 
 - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
 and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
 - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
 that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
 much time to trying to get other people to hate
 him as much as she does?
 - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
 stalking him within days of his first appearance
 on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
 non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 

Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on his wall 
and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
 There. That should give her something to do while
 sitting on the Post Flood bench.  :-)
 Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Responses to DrD, Stevie-poo, Share, and Barry

2013-04-25 Thread authfriend
--- In, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Sorry, but that reminds me, would a male, or lesbian, 

DrD, no matter what Sal's faults may be, this post was out
of line, IMHO. Nobody deserves this kind of crap.

Using my last post of the week to clean up a bunch of
pathetic messes:

--- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In, authfriend  wrote:
  It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
  someone a psychological rapist to be no big deal.
 Hey Judy, would you care to put your well honed 
 investigative skills to work and show where Share 
 actually used this, exact, term in addressing, or
 referring to Robin, or is just this just some
 concoction on your part.  I'll wait.

 P.S.  A straight answer will be preferred if you
 are capable of one.

Well, yours is not a straight question, but I'll give you a 
straight answer anyway:

As you know, you're just echoing Share's dimwit ploy. As you 
also know, I pointed out to her that someone who commits rape
(psychological or physical) is *by definition* a rapist. So
if you claim you were psychologically raped by somebody,
as Share did, you are ipso facto accusing them of being a
psychological rapist.

--- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Judy, honey, hopefully you have extinguished your fifty 
 posts for the week,  But thank you, thank you very much
 for this Share - Monsanto tirade.

You're not even smart enough to respond to the right post. 
This one had nothing to do with Monsanto.

But I'll comment on your remarks as if they had been in
response to the correct post:

 This truly is one for the records books.  Share's stature 
 in your mind is of global proportions.  Yes, it's true,
 I've liked her from the start, but you are elevating her
 status to a whole other level.

You missed the irony *again*, Stevie boy. It was Share who
elevated *me* to global stature by suggesting that I was
so powerful I could take on Monsanto. I'm just riffing on
that idiocy.

 But it's pretty good entertainment, if it wasn't so 
 poisonous to the person spewing it.

Sorry to disappoint you, but actually I'm immune to my
own poison. Hopefully it did cause Share some discomfort
(although she'll deny it), if only because of the effort
required for her to block out the reality and pretend
she was untouched by it.

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 turq, please don't you go daft too. Of course I figured
 Sunshine was not her last name! But I wanted to kid Doc
 without fibbing so I did look it up in the FF phone book.
 Besides I don't think having been bullied by Judy makes a 
 great basis for anything

Actually Sal was the bully. I just bullied her back, and she
didn't like it.

 Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at
 feste. Feste and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only
 cordial and interesting exchanges. But Judy seems to be 
 trying to put the kabash

(Kibosh, not kabash.)

 on that friendship too. Hmmm, detecting a pattern, light 
 bulb going on over Share head...

Light bulb going on over Share['s] head: Oh, boy, I'll bet
I can make feste loathe Judy and make Robin loathe feste
*and* Judy by pretending she was trying to create enmity
between them.

You poor sap. Did you really think I wouldn't correct you?
Did you really think either feste or Robin would fall for

(What was the *other* friendship I've been trying to put the
k[ibo]sh on, by the way?)

In the first place, as I'm quite sure you know, feste not
long ago went through a phase of denouncing Robin rather
nastily. He's told us he got over that, and I hope it's true,
because he and Robin *did* have some wonderful exchanges.

In the second place, my jab at feste had to do with his
dismissing your accusation that Robin was a psychological
rapist as no big deal. That's shocking, and what it told
us about him was that he was willing to sacrifice his sense
of what's right in order to defend you.

That had nothing to do with Robin; no matter who the
accusation was aimed at, it would have been a *very* big
deal indeed, and it's shameful for feste to pretend

In any case, we know even more about *you* now, snooks.
You're the kind of person who is willing to misrepresent
something a person you are hostile toward has said, with
the intention of trying to mess up their relationships
with others.

I wonder what feste will think of this.

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Who alleged a transgression against Judy by Sal?

--- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 The thing is, I think most of us know that this whole
 vendetta against Share is not about what she said to
 Robin at all.

Whoever claims to know this is very seriously mistaken.
Except for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Stop irritating me with your irrelevant videos Steve, I don't have to make 
 any sense to idiots like you - but Jackie sure will knock some sense in to 
 you - got taken aback there didn't you?

Ravi, do you even know what you are talking about. I think you are getting this 
Jackie Chiles and Jackie Chan mixed up. But I think I think you'll figure it 
out. At least I hope so! And let's be real, given your track record with 

got taken aback there didn't you? Anyway don't you have better things to do - 
like console your poor, pitta-putrefied, paranoid friend Share? 

Ravi, you are doing what's known in the trade as babbling. Please stop 
embarassing yourself. A smoke break might have been in order here.   Some nice  
deep drags might have done you a load of good.

Even Barry asked her to stop stalking her friend Sal !!!

Hooboy. Is this where the term off the rails' comes from?

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:22 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:
  Boy, boy, crazy boy, keep cool boy.  Got a rocket, in your pocket, turn off 
  the juice boy.  Go man go, but not like a yo-yo, cool boy, just play it 
  BTW, you're not making a lot of sense.
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
I'm sorry Ravi. Thank God you're a Brahmin. You'd never make it as a 
Kshatriya. But no matter. Ya got friends.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share 
   orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve 
   of this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your 
   granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
  All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you 
  don't get Share fest
  You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
  then maybe you'll have more luck
  * old Yiddish expression
 This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, 
 outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.


[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

You are vomiting Ravi.  You might want to try the toilet. They should
have a nice one where you work.  Or at least tomorrow, if it should come
up again.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Sorry dear Share we all got distracted by your stalking err searching
for Sal.

 Considering your disability I have made this real easy for you. Please
feel free to take the help of the idiots Feste and Steve.

 Your post referring to my grandmother below has the characteristics of
which of the following

 a) Phony
 b) Passive-aggressive
 c) Platitude puking
 d) Pitta-putrefied
 e) Paranoid
 d) My heart says (a) but it's probably (b)
 g) My intuition says (b) but it's probably (d)
 h) My gut says (e) but it's probably (a)
 i) Feste may say sweet but it's (a)
 j) Steve may say Kali but it's (b)
 h) Any of the above
 k) All of the above

 Remember there's no right or wrong answer and there's good and bad in
you and imagine this process to be a kind of a spring cleaning for your
chakras which even the likes of John Newton may approve.


 On Apr 25, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

  dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons illustrious and
otherwise, I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with your
Grandmother. See how in tune we are?! Anyway, IMHO what's in that photo
is what's really important in life.
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  Dear Share,
  A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity and
you show none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and switch of
an impending apology while you continue along your phony,
passive-aggressive, platitude-filled posts.
  You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy and
I can clearly see this.
  Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the advances
made after the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the
perspective of the Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my grandson
who is your attending neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be
enlightened, analyzes your brain scans which Steve's grandson converts
as posts to FFL.
  You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr. Curtis
M's book, the only person in history who slips into NDE every week.
Robin's not alive but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death
Experience) and is in heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an
Internet connection so he has access to Merriam Webster and a decent
ability to keep up with Robin.
  But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the
news of Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.
  Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to
reconcile with Robin interspersed with your other phony,
passive-aggressive, platitude-filled posts.
  Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in
distress routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless,
clueless idiots who are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why,
Steve's grandson is one of them, continuing in the illustrious footsteps
of his grandfather.
  On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it
right, then why have you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me
about it?! I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and
Robin to reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect just
recently to another poster.
  As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I
guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it. But again, I
actually don't think that's what you really want either. No, I think
what you really want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some
seriously neurotic reason that exists only in the depths of your
neglected psyche.
  I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in
this matter. In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about
it, Ms. Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
  Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:37 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   --- In, authfriend wrote:
--- In, feste37 wrote:

 You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass,
(Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
   Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
   no time.
  I never was 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Martial Arts Have to Do With Atheism

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
Tremendous find! Thanks for passing it along. The
Yanagi Ryuken metaphor is just perfect; I've 
actually seen this done, people pretending to
be being knocked down by someone who never
touched them, all because they believed in
his Woo Woo. I've also seen what happens to
such Great and Powerful Oz poseurs when someone 
pulls back the curtain on them and reveals who
they really are.

--- In, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 'An interview with Sam Harris about self-defense and the seduction of faith.'
 'Sam Harris is best known as a vocal opponent of religious faith. But he is 
 also a student of martial arts and armed self-defense, and a practitioner of 
 daily silent meditation.'
 'In the May issue of The Atlantic, Graeme Wood recounts the experience of 
 learning meditation and Brazilian jiu-jitsu with him. Harris is finishing his 
 next book, Waking Up: Science, Skepticism, Spirituality, about 
 self-transcendence in the absence of religion. Following their encounter, 
 Wood caught up with Harris to discuss violence, faith, and meditation.'

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, Ann wrote:

 Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you?
Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?

Hi Ann,  No Ruth is not Sal's first name.  I do happen to know what it
is so I can say that with some authority.  Ruth was another contributor
who had some good posts, or at least I thought so.  I think in Ruth's
case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.

Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth.  IMO it
didn't get to the level of  nitpicking that I often find objectionable
in Judy's posting.  And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to base
this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what we
see from Judy towards Share.  Although in Share's case I think Judy has
amped it up.  Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I

  - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
  spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
  rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
  after he last posted to any TM forum?
  - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
  ending hatred?
  - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
  - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
  and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
  - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
  that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
  much time to trying to get other people to hate
  him as much as she does?
  - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
  stalking him within days of his first appearance
  on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
  non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?

 Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on
his wall and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
  There. That should give her something to do while
  sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
  Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Please don't humiliate yourself with your frivolous, careless, reactive
posts - day in and day out. How shameless, clueless, brainless can you be -
is there a bottom that you can hit or is this a bottomless pit you are in?

Take another shot at it, take your time, there's no hurry, I will give my
complete attention to it, I promise.

Come up with something that has a morsel of dignity and intelligence -
anything - some creative insult, insight, irony. Please I beg you - give me
something Steve baby.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:25 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.comwrote:


 You are vomiting Ravi.  You might want to try the toilet. They should have
 a nice one where you work.  Or at least tomorrow, if it should come up

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  Sorry dear Share we all got distracted by your stalking err searching
 for Sal.
  Considering your disability I have made this real easy for you. Please
 feel free to take the help of the idiots Feste and Steve.
  Your post referring to my grandmother below has the characteristics of
 which of the following
  a) Phony
  b) Passive-aggressive
  c) Platitude puking
  d) Pitta-putrefied
  e) Paranoid
  d) My heart says (a) but it's probably (b)
  g) My intuition says (b) but it's probably (d)
  h) My gut says (e) but it's probably (a)
  i) Feste may say sweet but it's (a)
  j) Steve may say Kali but it's (b)
  h) Any of the above
  k) All of the above
  Remember there's no right or wrong answer and there's good and bad in
 you and imagine this process to be a kind of a spring cleaning for your
 chakras which even the likes of John Newton may approve.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons illustrious and
 otherwise, I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with your
 Grandmother. See how in tune we are?! Anyway, IMHO what's in that photo is
 what's really important in life.
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...

   Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
   Dear Share,
   A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity and
 you show none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and switch of an
 impending apology while you continue along your phony, passive-aggressive,
 platitude-filled posts.
   You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy and I
 can clearly see this.
   Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the advances
 made after the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the
 perspective of the Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my grandson
 who is your attending neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be
 enlightened, analyzes your brain scans which Steve's grandson converts as
 posts to FFL.
   You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr. Curtis
 M's book, the only person in history who slips into NDE every week. Robin's
 not alive but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death Experience)
 and is in heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an Internet
 connection so he has access to Merriam Webster and a decent ability to keep
 up with Robin.
   But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the news
 of Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.
   Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to
 reconcile with Robin interspersed with your other phony,
 passive-aggressive, platitude-filled posts.
   Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in
 distress routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless,
 clueless idiots who are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why,
 Steve's grandson is one of them, continuing in the illustrious footsteps of
 his grandfather.
   On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it
 right, then why have you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me about
 it?! I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and Robin to
 reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect just recently to
 another poster.
   As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I
 guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it. But again, I actually
 don't think that's what you really want either. No, I think what you really
 want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason
 that exists only in the depths of your neglected psyche.
   I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in
 this matter. In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about it,
 Ms. Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!
   From: authfriend authfriend@...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Responses to DrD, Stevie-poo, Share, and Barry

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In, authfriend wrote:
 Using my last post of the week to clean up a bunch of
 pathetic messes:

 --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
  --- In, authfriend wrote:
   It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
   someone a psychological rapist to be no big deal.
  Hey Judy, would you care to put your well honed
  investigative skills to work and show where Share
  actually used this, exact, term in addressing, or
  referring to Robin, or is just this just some
  concoction on your part. I'll wait.
  P.S. A straight answer will be preferred if you
  are capable of one.

 Well, yours is not a straight question, but I'll give you a
 straight answer anyway:

 As you know, you're just echoing Share's dimwit ploy. As you
 also know, I pointed out to her that someone who commits rape
 (psychological or physical) is *by definition* a rapist. So
 if you claim you were psychologically raped by somebody,
 as Share did, you are ipso facto accusing them of being a
 psychological rapist.

Right Judy.  So the fact is that Share never called Robin a
psychological rapist.  That's what we call in the trade, the bottom
line.  That is a business term that is often applied to other
situations.  Another example might be something like saying someone hit
a home run in a non baseball context.  These all come under the heading
of devices that are sometimes used by writers.  Wait, could we also say
that you are what is called a, a, a, LIAR

 --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
  Judy, honey, hopefully you have extinguished your fifty
  posts for the week, But thank you, thank you very much
  for this Share - Monsanto tirade.

 You're not even smart enough to respond to the right post.
 This one had nothing to do with Monsanto.

 But I'll comment on your remarks as if they had been in
 response to the correct post:

  This truly is one for the records books. Share's stature
  in your mind is of global proportions. Yes, it's true,
  I've liked her from the start, but you are elevating her
  status to a whole other level.

 You missed the irony *again*, Stevie boy. It was Share who
 elevated *me* to global stature by suggesting that I was
 so powerful I could take on Monsanto. I'm just riffing on
 that idiocy.

Well good.  Thank you for clarifying that.  Mostly I am  just happy for 
you.  I never can be sure of how far off the rails* you can get.

* this is another figure of speech applied to a non railroad situation.

  But it's pretty good entertainment, if it wasn't so
  poisonous to the person spewing it.

 Sorry to disappoint you, but actually I'm immune to my
 own poison.

That doesn't surprise me.  But it has a tendency to ooze out of you. 
Sort of like someone who eats a ton of garlic.  Eventually it starts to
come out of the pores.

Hopefully it did cause Share some discomfort
 (although she'll deny it), if only because of the effort
 required for her to block out the reality and pretend
 she was untouched by it.
I can't speak for Share, but Idon't think anyone enjoys being the target
of your constant, vicious, demeaning attacks.  (and I can't help but
feeling that a slight smile come over your face at these words)

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  turq, please don't you go daft too. Of course I figured
  Sunshine was not her last name! But I wanted to kid Doc
  without fibbing so I did look it up in the FF phone book.
  Besides I don't think having been bullied by Judy makes a
  great basis for anything

 Actually Sal was the bully. I just bullied her back, and she
 didn't like it.

Epitaph material here.  (replacing Sal with fill in the blank)

  Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at
  feste. Feste and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only
  cordial and interesting exchanges. But Judy seems to be
  trying to put the kabash

 (Kibosh, not kabash.)

  on that friendship too. Hmmm, detecting a pattern, light
  bulb going on over Share head...

 Light bulb going on over Share['s] head: Oh, boy, I'll bet
 I can make feste loathe Judy and make Robin loathe feste
 *and* Judy by pretending she was trying to create enmity
 between them.

 You poor sap. Did you really think I wouldn't correct you?
 Did you really think either feste or Robin would fall for

 (What was the *other* friendship I've been trying to put the
 k[ibo]sh on, by the way?)

 In the first place, as I'm quite sure you know, feste not
 long ago went through a phase of denouncing Robin rather
 nastily. He's told us he got over that, and I hope it's true,
 because he and Robin *did* have some wonderful exchanges.

 In the second place, my jab at feste had to do with his
 dismissing your accusation that Robin was a psychological
 rapist as no big deal. That's shocking, and what it told
 us about him was that he was willing to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Responses to DrD, Stevie-poo, Share, and Barry

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at feste. Feste
and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only cordial and interesting
exchanges. But Judy seems to be trying to put the kabash

Uncle Feste of yore -

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:27 PM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, doctordumbass@... no_reply@...
  Sorry, but that reminds me, would a male, or lesbian,

 DrD, no matter what Sal's faults may be, this post was out
 of line, IMHO. Nobody deserves this kind of crap.

 Using my last post of the week to clean up a bunch of
 pathetic messes:

 --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
  --- In, authfriend wrote:
   It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
   someone a psychological rapist to be no big deal.
  Hey Judy, would you care to put your well honed
  investigative skills to work and show where Share
  actually used this, exact, term in addressing, or
  referring to Robin, or is just this just some
  concoction on your part. I'll wait.
  P.S. A straight answer will be preferred if you
  are capable of one.

 Well, yours is not a straight question, but I'll give you a
 straight answer anyway:

 As you know, you're just echoing Share's dimwit ploy. As you
 also know, I pointed out to her that someone who commits rape
 (psychological or physical) is *by definition* a rapist. So
 if you claim you were psychologically raped by somebody,
 as Share did, you are ipso facto accusing them of being a
 psychological rapist.

 --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
  Judy, honey, hopefully you have extinguished your fifty
  posts for the week, But thank you, thank you very much
  for this Share - Monsanto tirade.

 You're not even smart enough to respond to the right post.
 This one had nothing to do with Monsanto.

 But I'll comment on your remarks as if they had been in
 response to the correct post:

  This truly is one for the records books. Share's stature
  in your mind is of global proportions. Yes, it's true,
  I've liked her from the start, but you are elevating her
  status to a whole other level.

 You missed the irony *again*, Stevie boy. It was Share who
 elevated *me* to global stature by suggesting that I was
 so powerful I could take on Monsanto. I'm just riffing on
 that idiocy.

  But it's pretty good entertainment, if it wasn't so
  poisonous to the person spewing it.

 Sorry to disappoint you, but actually I'm immune to my
 own poison. Hopefully it did cause Share some discomfort
 (although she'll deny it), if only because of the effort
 required for her to block out the reality and pretend
 she was untouched by it.

 --- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  turq, please don't you go daft too. Of course I figured
  Sunshine was not her last name! But I wanted to kid Doc
  without fibbing so I did look it up in the FF phone book.
  Besides I don't think having been bullied by Judy makes a
  great basis for anything

 Actually Sal was the bully. I just bullied her back, and she
 didn't like it.

  Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at
  feste. Feste and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only
  cordial and interesting exchanges. But Judy seems to be
  trying to put the kabash

 (Kibosh, not kabash.)

  on that friendship too. Hmmm, detecting a pattern, light
  bulb going on over Share head...

 Light bulb going on over Share['s] head: Oh, boy, I'll bet
 I can make feste loathe Judy and make Robin loathe feste
 *and* Judy by pretending she was trying to create enmity
 between them.

 You poor sap. Did you really think I wouldn't correct you?
 Did you really think either feste or Robin would fall for

 (What was the *other* friendship I've been trying to put the
 k[ibo]sh on, by the way?)

 In the first place, as I'm quite sure you know, feste not
 long ago went through a phase of denouncing Robin rather
 nastily. He's told us he got over that, and I hope it's true,
 because he and Robin *did* have some wonderful exchanges.

 In the second place, my jab at feste had to do with his
 dismissing your accusation that Robin was a psychological
 rapist as no big deal. That's shocking, and what it told
 us about him was that he was willing to sacrifice his sense
 of what's right in order to defend you.

 That had nothing to do with Robin; no matter who the
 accusation was aimed at, it would have been a *very* big
 deal indeed, and it's shameful for feste to pretend

 In any case, we know even more about *you* now, snooks.
 You're the kind of person who is willing to misrepresent
 something a person you are hostile toward has said, with
 the intention of trying to mess up their relationships
 with others.

 I wonder what feste will think of this.


[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

Ravi, you're in a league of your own with the reactive, frivolous,
stupid posts.  But I liked the lawyer bit.  I wish you'd stay on that
theme a little more.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Please don't humiliate yourself with your frivolous, careless,
 posts - day in and day out. How shameless, clueless, brainless can you
be -
 is there a bottom that you can hit or is this a bottomless pit you are

 Take another shot at it, take your time, there's no hurry, I will give
 complete attention to it, I promise.

 Come up with something that has a morsel of dignity and intelligence -
 anything - some creative insult, insight, irony. Please I beg you -
give me
 something Steve baby.

 On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:25 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...wrote:

  You are vomiting Ravi. You might want to try the toilet. They should
  a nice one where you work. Or at least tomorrow, if it should come
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   Sorry dear Share we all got distracted by your stalking err
  for Sal.
   Considering your disability I have made this real easy for you.
  feel free to take the help of the idiots Feste and Steve.
   Your post referring to my grandmother below has the
characteristics of
  which of the following
   a) Phony
   b) Passive-aggressive
   c) Platitude puking
   d) Pitta-putrefied
   e) Paranoid
   d) My heart says (a) but it's probably (b)
   g) My intuition says (b) but it's probably (d)
   h) My gut says (e) but it's probably (a)
   i) Feste may say sweet but it's (a)
   j) Steve may say Kali but it's (b)
   h) Any of the above
   k) All of the above
   Remember there's no right or wrong answer and there's good and bad
  you and imagine this process to be a kind of a spring cleaning for
  chakras which even the likes of John Newton may approve.
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons illustrious
  otherwise, I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with your
  Grandmother. See how in tune we are?! Anyway, IMHO what's in that
photo is
  what's really important in life.
From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on
Dear Share,
A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity
  you show none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and
switch of an
  impending apology while you continue along your phony,
  platitude-filled posts.
You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy
and I
  can clearly see this.
Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the
  made after the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the
  perspective of the Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my
  who is your attending neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be
  enlightened, analyzes your brain scans which Steve's grandson
converts as
  posts to FFL.
You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr.
  M's book, the only person in history who slips into NDE every week.
  not alive but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death
  and is in heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an Internet
  connection so he has access to Merriam Webster and a decent ability
to keep
  up with Robin.
But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the
  of Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.
Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to
  reconcile with Robin interspersed with your other phony,
  passive-aggressive, platitude-filled posts.
Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in
  distress routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless,
  clueless idiots who are ensnared into defending you at all costs -
  Steve's grandson is one of them, continuing in the illustrious
footsteps of
  his grandfather.
On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make
  right, then why have you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me
  it?! I'm actually starting to think that you don't want me and Robin
  reconcile. In fact you said something to that effect just recently
  another poster.
As for the records, if you want something expunged from them,
then I
  guess you need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it. But again, I
  don't think that's what you really want either. No, I think what you
  want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Responses to DrD, Stevie-poo, Share, and Barry

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

Ravi, you are a  piece of work.  Perhaps at some point you will realize
that people change, situations change, and people respond to them
accordingly.  Even if you find yourself stuck in the same rut, others
may not be so stuck.

Does this remind you of someone you know, rather intimately?

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at feste.
 and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only cordial and
 exchanges. But Judy seems to be trying to put the kabash

 Uncle Feste of yore -

 On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:27 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

  --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@
   Sorry, but that reminds me, would a male, or lesbian,
  DrD, no matter what Sal's faults may be, this post was out
  of line, IMHO. Nobody deserves this kind of crap.
  Using my last post of the week to clean up a bunch of
  pathetic messes:
  --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   --- In, authfriend wrote:
It's hard to read, feste, that you consider calling
someone a psychological rapist to be no big deal.
   Hey Judy, would you care to put your well honed
   investigative skills to work and show where Share
   actually used this, exact, term in addressing, or
   referring to Robin, or is just this just some
   concoction on your part. I'll wait.
   P.S. A straight answer will be preferred if you
   are capable of one.
  Well, yours is not a straight question, but I'll give you a
  straight answer anyway:
  As you know, you're just echoing Share's dimwit ploy. As you
  also know, I pointed out to her that someone who commits rape
  (psychological or physical) is *by definition* a rapist. So
  if you claim you were psychologically raped by somebody,
  as Share did, you are ipso facto accusing them of being a
  psychological rapist.
  --- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
   Judy, honey, hopefully you have extinguished your fifty
   posts for the week, But thank you, thank you very much
   for this Share - Monsanto tirade.
  You're not even smart enough to respond to the right post.
  This one had nothing to do with Monsanto.
  But I'll comment on your remarks as if they had been in
  response to the correct post:
   This truly is one for the records books. Share's stature
   in your mind is of global proportions. Yes, it's true,
   I've liked her from the start, but you are elevating her
   status to a whole other level.
  You missed the irony *again*, Stevie boy. It was Share who
  elevated *me* to global stature by suggesting that I was
  so powerful I could take on Monsanto. I'm just riffing on
  that idiocy.
   But it's pretty good entertainment, if it wasn't so
   poisonous to the person spewing it.
  Sorry to disappoint you, but actually I'm immune to my
  own poison. Hopefully it did cause Share some discomfort
  (although she'll deny it), if only because of the effort
  required for her to block out the reality and pretend
  she was untouched by it.
  --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   turq, please don't you go daft too. Of course I figured
   Sunshine was not her last name! But I wanted to kid Doc
   without fibbing so I did look it up in the FF phone book.
   Besides I don't think having been bullied by Judy makes a
   great basis for anything
  Actually Sal was the bully. I just bullied her back, and she
  didn't like it.
   Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at
   feste. Feste and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only
   cordial and interesting exchanges. But Judy seems to be
   trying to put the kabash
  (Kibosh, not kabash.)
   on that friendship too. Hmmm, detecting a pattern, light
   bulb going on over Share head...
  Light bulb going on over Share['s] head: Oh, boy, I'll bet
  I can make feste loathe Judy and make Robin loathe feste
  *and* Judy by pretending she was trying to create enmity
  between them.
  You poor sap. Did you really think I wouldn't correct you?
  Did you really think either feste or Robin would fall for
  (What was the *other* friendship I've been trying to put the
  k[ibo]sh on, by the way?)
  In the first place, as I'm quite sure you know, feste not
  long ago went through a phase of denouncing Robin rather
  nastily. He's told us he got over that, and I hope it's true,
  because he and Robin *did* have some wonderful exchanges.
  In the second place, my jab at feste had to do with his
  dismissing your accusation that Robin was a psychological
  rapist as no big deal. That's shocking, and what it told
  us about him was that he 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Please don't humiliate yourself with your frivolous, careless, reactive
posts - day in and day out. How shameless, clueless, brainless can you be -
is there a bottom that you can hit or is this a bottomless pit you are in?

Take another shot at it, take your time, there's no hurry, I will give my
complete attention to it, I promise.

Come up with something that has a morsel of dignity and intelligence -
anything - some creative insult, insight, irony. Please I beg you - give me
something Steve baby.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:58 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.comwrote:


 Ravi, you're in a league of your own with the reactive, frivolous, stupid
 posts.  But I liked the lawyer bit.  I wish you'd stay on that theme a
 little more.

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  Please don't humiliate yourself with your frivolous, careless, reactive
  posts - day in and day out. How shameless, clueless, brainless can you
 be -
  is there a bottom that you can hit or is this a bottomless pit you are
  Take another shot at it, take your time, there's no hurry, I will give my
  complete attention to it, I promise.
  Come up with something that has a morsel of dignity and intelligence -
  anything - some creative insult, insight, irony. Please I beg you - give
  something Steve baby.
  On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:25 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...wrote:

   You are vomiting Ravi. You might want to try the toilet. They should
   a nice one where you work. Or at least tomorrow, if it should come up
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
Sorry dear Share we all got distracted by your stalking err searching
   for Sal.
Considering your disability I have made this real easy for you.
   feel free to take the help of the idiots Feste and Steve.
Your post referring to my grandmother below has the characteristics
   which of the following
a) Phony
b) Passive-aggressive
c) Platitude puking
d) Pitta-putrefied
e) Paranoid
d) My heart says (a) but it's probably (b)
g) My intuition says (b) but it's probably (d)
h) My gut says (e) but it's probably (a)
i) Feste may say sweet but it's (a)
j) Steve may say Kali but it's (b)
h) Any of the above
k) All of the above
Remember there's no right or wrong answer and there's good and bad in
   you and imagine this process to be a kind of a spring cleaning for your
   chakras which even the likes of John Newton may approve.
On Apr 25, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
 dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons illustrious
   otherwise, I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with your
   Grandmother. See how in tune we are?! Anyway, IMHO what's in that
 photo is
   what's really important in life.

 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

 Dear Share,

 A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and integrity and
   you show none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and switch
 of an
   impending apology while you continue along your phony,
   platitude-filled posts.

 You continue this week after week, this bait and switch strategy
 and I
   can clearly see this.

 Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the advances
   made after the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's - the
   perspective of the Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my
   who is your attending neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to be
   enlightened, analyzes your brain scans which Steve's grandson converts
   posts to FFL.

 You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr. Curtis
   M's book, the only person in history who slips into NDE every week.
   not alive but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death
   and is in heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an Internet
   connection so he has access to Merriam Webster and a decent ability to
   up with Robin.

 But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break the
   of Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.

 Yet week after week your posts still reflect your willingness to
   reconcile with Robin interspersed with your other phony,
   passive-aggressive, platitude-filled posts.

 Feste and Steve are not around but your sweet-talking, damsel in
   distress routine means there are no dearth of shameless, brainless,
   clueless idiots who are ensnared into defending you at all costs - why,
   Steve's grandson is one of them, continuing in the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

Ravi, you really are wearing me out.  I can only toy with you for so
long.  It's two hours earlier where you are.  I'm getting ready to turn
in.  Try something to calm yourself down before you retire for the
evening.  That's what I'm going to do.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Please don't humiliate yourself with your frivolous, careless,
 posts - day in and day out. How shameless, clueless, brainless can you
be -
 is there a bottom that you can hit or is this a bottomless pit you are

 Take another shot at it, take your time, there's no hurry, I will give
 complete attention to it, I promise.

 Come up with something that has a morsel of dignity and intelligence -
 anything - some creative insult, insight, irony. Please I beg you -
give me
 something Steve baby.

 On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:58 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...wrote:

  Ravi, you're in a league of your own with the reactive, frivolous,
  posts. But I liked the lawyer bit. I wish you'd stay on that theme a
  little more.
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   Please don't humiliate yourself with your frivolous, careless,
   posts - day in and day out. How shameless, clueless, brainless can
  be -
   is there a bottom that you can hit or is this a bottomless pit you
   Take another shot at it, take your time, there's no hurry, I will
give my
   complete attention to it, I promise.
   Come up with something that has a morsel of dignity and
intelligence -
   anything - some creative insult, insight, irony. Please I beg you
- give
   something Steve baby.
   On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:25 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...:
You are vomiting Ravi. You might want to try the toilet. They
a nice one where you work. Or at least tomorrow, if it should
come up
--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 Sorry dear Share we all got distracted by your stalking err
for Sal.

 Considering your disability I have made this real easy for
feel free to take the help of the idiots Feste and Steve.

 Your post referring to my grandmother below has the
which of the following

 a) Phony
 b) Passive-aggressive
 c) Platitude puking
 d) Pitta-putrefied
 e) Paranoid
 d) My heart says (a) but it's probably (b)
 g) My intuition says (b) but it's probably (d)
 h) My gut says (e) but it's probably (a)
 i) Feste may say sweet but it's (a)
 j) Steve may say Kali but it's (b)
 h) Any of the above
 k) All of the above

 Remember there's no right or wrong answer and there's good and
bad in
you and imagine this process to be a kind of a spring cleaning
for your
chakras which even the likes of John Newton may approve.


 On Apr 25, 2013, at 4:54 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

  dear Ravi, even before I read this tale of grandsons
otherwise, I was remembering that sweet sweet photo of you with
Grandmother. See how in tune we are?! Anyway, IMHO what's in
  photo is
what's really important in life.
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday
on FFL
  Dear Share,
  A sincere apology entails honesty, accountability and
integrity and
you show none of these qualities - all we see is this bait and
  of an
impending apology while you continue along your phony,
platitude-filled posts.
  You continue this week after week, this bait and switch
  and I
can clearly see this.
  Year 2043 - you are in ICU, you can't talk but due to the
made after the hugely popular book of Dr. Curtis M - NDE's -
perspective of the Epistemological Purity of Neuroscience - my
who is your attending neurosurgeon, and the only Neurosurgeon to
enlightened, analyzes your brain scans which Steve's grandson
posts to FFL.
  You are already wildly popular as the leading subject of Dr.
M's book, the only person in history who slips into NDE every
not alive but his brain scans show he had an ADE(After Death
and is in heaven chilling with Jesus forcing God to get an
connection so he has access to Merriam Webster and a decent
ability to
up with Robin.
  But my super intelligent, enlightened grandson doesn't break
of Robin's passing away considering your fragile state.
  Yet week after week 

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In, Ann wrote:
  Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you?
 Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
 Hi Ann,  No Ruth is not Sal's first name.  I do happen to know what it
 is so I can say that with some authority.  Ruth was another contributor
 who had some good posts, or at least I thought so.  I think in Ruth's
 case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.
 Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth.  IMO it
 didn't get to the level of  nitpicking that I often find objectionable
 in Judy's posting.  And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to base
 this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
 enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what we
 see from Judy towards Share.  Although in Share's case I think Judy has
 amped it up.  Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I

Hey Steve. I 've missed you here. You went strangely silent for the last few 
days and then Ravi showed up and you got verrry animated! In fact, this 
afternoon became a veritable flurry of activity here at FFL. It has been 
really, really entertaining. 

That is good that Sal's name is not Ruth because it didn't sound like it should 
be Ruth, it just didn't FEEL right. Plus, Ruth is quite an old fashioned name. 
It was my mother's name actually and she was born in 1921 and I doubt Sal is 
that old. Too bad I missed all the action here when she was around because I 
don't have any real 'take' on her other than she had a pretty good mouth on 
her. I wonder if people will remember Judy so fondly when she quits this place; 
it sounds like Sal was quite a pistol and of course Judy could qualify as an 
Uzi in comparison. But I doubt, if Sal was half of what she seems to be cracked 
up to be, that Judy could have demeaned Sal to the point where she exited this 
place. That would disappoint me.

Now about that Monsanto thing. I read it that Share said Judy should take on 
Monsanto. I don't think it had anything to do with Share being equated with 
Monsanto by Judy. Why not check it out for both of us so we get it right?

Anyway, you keep that Ravi in line, okay? I think you're just the man for the 
job - he is such a pest and what is with all those insults he keeps throwing 
around? Maybe he's trying to quit smoking and is just a bit cranky these days. 
At any rate, I don't want to take him on, he sort of likes me at the moment and 
I want to keep it that way. The last thing I want is either Judy or Ravi to 
start harping at me. One they get the taste of blood it's over, man.

Anyway, glad to see you're back and in full swing. Raunchy even made an 
appearance today. The only one conspicuous by his absence was Curtis - oh, and 
Robin but he doesn't really count.

   - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
   spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
   rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
   after he last posted to any TM forum?
   - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
   ending hatred?
   - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
   - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
   and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
   - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
   that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
   much time to trying to get other people to hate
   him as much as she does?
   - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
   stalking him within days of his first appearance
   on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
   non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?
  Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on
 his wall and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
   There. That should give her something to do while
   sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
   Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield Life Speed Dating

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
Assign your favorite FFL character to each of these 
Superheroes In Their Own Minds. Have fun...

  1   2   >