[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

 Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.



 Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific 
thoughts during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to 
attempt to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control 
what happens next.

 Correct.  I agree with this.


 Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will 
automatically start to settle down.

 I agree.

 That is all transcending means. 

 Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point 
where there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and 
alpha-1 EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in 
activity in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with 
belief, but only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, 
by TM-practice.

 I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

 And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

 I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

 Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

 I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't 
address this point.

 Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

 On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

 I agree.


 I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

 It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 What is wrong with the statement that I made?  Please, explain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 I think you're in the wrong meditation discussion forum or that you need to go 
get checked. 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?

[FairfieldLife] Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
That's one of the questions posed by this excellent article from Salon.com. 

Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates visions of God

   Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates vision...
Major figures like Joan of Arc and Dostoyevsky claimed supernatural visions. 
Why their brains could hold the answer  
View on www.salon.com Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period. 

 Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

 It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

 Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.



 Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific 
thoughts during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to 
attempt to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control 
what happens next.

 Correct.  I agree with this.


 Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will 
automatically start to settle down.

 I agree.

 That is all transcending means. 

 Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point 
where there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and 
alpha-1 EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in 
activity in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with 
belief, but only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, 
by TM-practice.

 I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

 And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

 I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

 Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

 I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't 
address this point.

 Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

 On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

 I agree.


 I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

 It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 What is wrong with the statement that I made?  Please, explain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 I think you're in the wrong meditation discussion forum or that you need to go 
get checked. 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
John, since you persist in this somewhat presumptuous folly, I'd like you to 
*document* why you believe it, and believe that *your* version of who can 
transcend and who cannot seems to differ from Maharishi's. Please find and post 
for us quotes from him that say what you claim, that only those who believe in 
God can transcend. 

I seem to remember many lectures and writings in which he stated the opposite, 
that every human being can transcend. I remember in particular lectures in 
which he was asked whether people of very low IQ or suffering from brain damage 
could transcend, and he answered with an unequivocal Of course. Anyone who can 
think can transcend. 

I don't seem to remember very many quotes in which he added, Everyone can 
transcend...EXCEPT those who don't believe in God. It seems that you have 
found these quotes, so please share them with us. 

Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people. You seem equally comfortable supplying this 
missing phrase to complete the teachings of someone who actually wrote his 
*own* teachings down. Please share the source of your insights with us. 

If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 

Me, I just think you got your buttons pushed by a few people honestly stating 
an opinion about the non-existence of an imaginary being you have heavily 
invested in, and are trying to find some way to lash out at these heretics. In 
your mind, you have found find ways to deny them both the ability to transcend, 
and the ability to become enlightened. You seem unaware that doing so forces 
you to contradict the person you claim to hold as your spiritual teacher, and 
enlightened himself. I'd like to see you find direct quotes from this teacher 
(Maharishi) that support your theory. 

If you cannot, I reserve the right to consider you Just Another Spiritual 
Bigot, and a rather stupid one at that. 

We'll wait. 

 From: jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 9:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend


I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.

Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific thoughts 
during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to attempt 
to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control what 
happens next.

Correct.  I agree with this.

Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will automatically 
start to settle down.

I agree.

That is all transcending means. 

Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point where 
there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and alpha-1 
EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in activity 
in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with belief, but 
only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, by 

I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread nablusoss1008

 A checking will take care of it, agnostic or not.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period. 

 Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

 It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

 Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.



 Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific 
thoughts during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to 
attempt to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control 
what happens next.

 Correct.  I agree with this.


 Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will 
automatically start to settle down.

 I agree.

 That is all transcending means. 

 Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point 
where there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and 
alpha-1 EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in 
activity in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with 
belief, but only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, 
by TM-practice.

 I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

 And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

 I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

 Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

 I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't 
address this point.

 Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

 On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

 I agree.


 I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

 It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 What is wrong with the statement that I made?  Please, explain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 I think you're in the wrong meditation discussion forum or that you need to go 
get checked. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period.

Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.

Thanks for your balanced contributions to this...uh...unbalanced rap by JohnR, 
Lawson. One of the things I find most fascinating about his button-pushed 
spiritual bigotry is the assumption that atheists sit around thinking about the 
non-existence of God all the time. As Sam Harris has pointed out, that's as 
nonsensical as believing that most people sit around thinking about the 
non-existence of the Still-Living Elvis. One does not ponder or hold onto 
that which does not exist; one just ignores it and focuses it on things that 
*do* exist. Like spiritual bigots. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.

Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific thoughts 
during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to attempt 
to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control what 
happens next.

Correct.  I agree with this.

Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will automatically 
start to settle down.

I agree.

That is all transcending means. 

Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point where 
there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and alpha-1 
EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in activity 
in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with belief, but 
only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, by 

I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't address 
this point.

Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

I agree.

I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who 

[FairfieldLife] Easy as pi: Astrophysicist solves riddle of Britain's most complex crop circle

2014-05-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Easy as pi: Astrophysicist solves riddle of Britain's most complex crop circle 
 Easy as pi: Astrophysicist solves riddle of Britain'... 
 An astrophysicist has helped solve the mystery of one of the most complex crop 
circles ever found - it depicts the most important number in mathematics. Mik...
 View on www.dailymail.co.uk 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Hmm, I always did wonder where Jesus learned English. 

 Oh, Barry, you tiddlywink. I just want to hang you up by the collar of your 
little sailor suit and pinch those chubby pink cheeks.

 (No kidding, folks, Barry's said a lot of unbelievably stupid things here, 
especially recently. But this takes the cake.)


 Of course nobody knows what Jesus actually said, much less the definitive 
interpretation thereof. Nabby and I were talking about what's in the Bible. 
Just as one can discuss what Hamlet really meant in Shakespeare's play, one 
can discuss what Jesus really meant according to the writers of the Gospels. 
As it happens, my interpretation is that of most scholars and translators 
these days, and I was explaining to Nabby how that interpretation fits the 
context while Maharishi's doesn't.

 I think what's got your panties in a twist is the cognitive dissonance you 
felt when you saw me telling Nabby Maharishi was no Bible scholar and had made 
a bad mistake with his interpretation.

 If you have a good case to make for why The Kingdom of God is within you is 
more likely what Jesus meant in the Gospels than The Kingdom of God is among 
you, I'm all ears. Nabby would surely be pleased if you were able to support 
Maharishi's interpretation.

 We'll wait...



 Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Like trying to find a needle in a haystack, with a bulldozer. Oh well, I 
suppose it at least gets the silly scientists thinking about God. May they 
stumble on!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 That's one of the questions posed by this excellent article from Salon.com. 


 Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates visions of God 

 Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates vision... Major figures like 
Joan of Arc and Dostoyevsky claimed supernatural visions. Why their brains 
could hold the answer

 View on www.salon.com 
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re-in-carnation of whom??

2014-05-12 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Frank Sugarchile Robinson - Caldonia 


 Frank Sugarchile Robinson - Caldonia 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rcq93txBdtM From movie No Leave No Love 1946 
Frank Sugarchile Robinson SUGAR CHILE ROBINSON (By Dave Penny) Born Frank 
Robinson, 1940, Detroit, Michigan...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rcq93txBdtM 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch out for the N-Word

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote :

 1932 was a good year for memorable 78s. Henry Hall released his version of 
TEDDY BEARS' PICNIC. This children's favourite is a forgettable, bland song in 
all other versions but Hall's take has to be one of the creepiest and downright 
sinister records ever.  It was the all-time favourite record of author J G 
Ballard whose output included titles Crash; High Rise; and Concrete Island.
 Henry Hall  His Orchestra - The Teddy Bear's Picnic (1932) 
 Henry Hall  His Orchestra - The Teddy Bear's Picnic... 
 Henry Hall  His Orchestra - The Teddy Bear's Picnic (1932) presentation by R 
3 T Я 8 T 8 R for the promotion and conservation of the arts and the general...
 View on www.youtube.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Thanks for these, I love this stuff. Henry Hall certainly did have a treble-y 
wobble in that voice of his. My parents would have been about 10 years old at 
this time. I wonder if they liked this song. Unfortunately I can't ask them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 That's one of the questions posed by this excellent article from Salon.com. 


 Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates visions of God 

 Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates vision... Major figures like 
Joan of Arc and Dostoyevsky claimed supernatural visions. Why their brains 
could hold the answer

 View on www.salon.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



 Interesting article, it almost makes one want to become epileptic. However, I 
am not sure what Bawee's point is by posting this. I would think most people 
realize that as long as most of us remain standing here on this planet our 
ultimate sensory organ is our brain. Of course our perceptions, be they as 
mundane as tasting orange juice or as profound as having dinner with Christ 
himself while floating in some cloud, are governed by the activity of our 
brains. We sort of had this conversation back when we were all talking about 
near death experiences here. Just because you can link a cosmic or unusual 
experience to a brain function doesn't invalidate it. Of course you can 
correspond certain activity in the brain or release of chemicals to what it is 
you are experiencing. There will usually always be some relationship between 
the brain and what it is one is saying, doing, feeling. (I think the guy who 
wrote Proof of Heaven has since been debunked so his time being brain dead 
while in his coma discounts his having remained conscious even though his brain 
was 100% non-functioning.) Unfortunately, the cases cited in this article are 
all of people who lived before EEG machines and more modern medicine that could 
have proved, without a doubt, the existence of epilepsy. So what we are left 
with is conjecture, but interesting nevertheless.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 John, since you persist in this somewhat presumptuous folly, I'd like you to 
*document* why you believe it, and believe that *your* version of who can 
transcend and who cannot seems to differ from Maharishi's. Please find and post 
for us quotes from him that say what you claim, that only those who believe in 
God can transcend. 


 I seem to remember many lectures and writings in which he stated the opposite, 
that every human being can transcend. I remember in particular lectures in 
which he was asked whether people of very low IQ or suffering from brain damage 
could transcend, and he answered with an unequivocal Of course. Anyone who can 
think can transcend. 

 I don't seem to remember very many quotes in which he added, Everyone can 
transcend...EXCEPT those who don't believe in God. It seems that you have 
found these quotes, so please share them with us. 


 Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people. You seem equally comfortable supplying this 
missing phrase to complete the teachings of someone who actually wrote his 
*own* teachings down. Please share the source of your insights with us. 


 If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 


 Me, I just think you got your buttons pushed by a few people honestly stating 
an opinion about the non-existence of an imaginary being you have heavily 
invested in, and are trying to find some way to lash out at these heretics. In 
your mind, you have found find ways to deny them both the ability to transcend, 
and the ability to become enlightened. You seem unaware that doing so forces 
you to contradict the person you claim to hold as your spiritual teacher, and 
enlightened himself. I'd like to see you find direct quotes from this teacher 
(Maharishi) that support your theory. 


 If you cannot, I reserve the right to consider you Just Another Spiritual 
Bigot, and a rather stupid one at that. 


 We'll wait. 

 You're a rude and ignorant fuck-up Bawee. Why don't you just shut up and butt 
out and let civilized people engage in an intelligent and progressive exchange 
of ideas. John is one of the more non-reactive and polite posters here. It's 
great to see him engage on a subject that this forum seems to have been set up 
investigate - actual exchanges about transcendence and spiritual or deeper life 
experiences. You are just some snarly old poop who just has to burp in anyone's 
direction who has an opinion different from your own. Take your shitty attitude 
somewhere else or go have another beer. Either way, you add nothing of 
relevance or interest to either this conversation or any subject that extends 
in depth beyond what you can tell us CBS has for its Fall TV lineup. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
hey turq and Ann, yes, this is a wonderful article, if a bit biased. I like the 
point at the end that only Joan of Arc could of rallied the French. And it 
seems that Dostoevsky still could write acclimed novels which probably have 
enriched the lives of some people. So...regardless of the neurological event 
and regardless of how it is labeled, such events don't preclude that a person 
lives a beneficial life.

It would be great to study contemporary people like Jill Bolte Taylor, author 
of My Stroke of Genius. 

On Monday, May 12, 2014 8:38 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

That's one of the questions posed by this excellent article from Salon.com. 

Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates visions of God

   Heaven is for neuroscience: How the
brain creates vision...
Major figures like Joan of Arc and Dostoyevsky claimed supernatural visions. 
Why their brains could hold the answer  
View on www.salon.com Preview by Yahoo  

Interesting article, it almost makes one want to become epileptic. However, I 
am not sure what Bawee's point is by posting this. I would think most people 
realize that as long as most of us remain standing here on this planet our 
ultimate sensory organ is our brain. Of course our perceptions, be they as 
mundane as tasting orange juice or as profound as having dinner with Christ 
himself while floating in some cloud, are governed by the activity of our 
brains. We sort of had this conversation back when we were all talking about 
near death experiences here. Just because you can link a cosmic or unusual 
experience to a brain function doesn't invalidate it. Of course you can 
correspond certain activity in the brain or release of chemicals to what it is 
you are experiencing. There will usually always be some relationship between 
the brain and what it is one is saying, doing, feeling. (I think the guy who 
wrote Proof of Heaven has since been debunked so his
 time being brain dead while in his coma discounts his having remained 
conscious even though his brain was 100% non-functioning.) Unfortunately, the 
cases cited in this article are all of people who lived before EEG machines and 
more modern medicine that could have proved, without a doubt, the existence of 
epilepsy. So what we are left with is conjecture, but interesting nevertheless.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Watch out for the N-Word

2014-05-12 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In that case, everybody in HipHop needs to be fired. 
On Monday, May 12, 2014 6:15 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote :

1932 was a good year for memorable 78s. Henry Hall released his version of 
TEDDY BEARS' PICNIC. This children's favourite is a forgettable, bland song in 
all other versions but Hall's take has to be one of the creepiest and downright 
sinister records ever. 
It was the all-time favourite record of author J G Ballard whose output 
included titles Crash; High Rise; and Concrete Island.
Henry Hall  His Orchestra - The Teddy Bear's Picnic (1932)
   Henry Hall  His Orchestra - The Teddy Bear's Picnic...  
Henry Hall  His Orchestra - The Teddy Bear's Picnic (1932) presentation by R 3 
T Я 8 T 8 R for the promotion and conservation of the arts and the general...  
View on www.youtube.comPreview by Yahoo

Thanks for these, I love this stuff. Henry Hall certainly did have a treble-y 
wobble in that voice of his. My parents would have been about 10 years old at 
this time. I wonder if they liked this song. Unfortunately I can't ask them.  

[FairfieldLife] Note to Rick, Conderning his own interview

2014-05-12 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dear Rick; your thesis and take-away? What was your thesis last nite in your 
own live interview down at the FF public library? With Way too many spiritual 
things going on in FF at any given time, for those of us who were at other 
satsanga or doing spiritual things elsewhere, what came to be your thesis in 
the interview during your meeting as it evolved? Did you feel that you may have 
had to color what you said, because it was sponsored by the Waking Down 
satsanga or the TM organization might have been there? Just wondering, -Buck 
 “Because of his exposure to the wide range of awakening modalities and 
spiritual teachings alive in the world today, Rick is uniquely situated to 
comment on what is going on out there. It promises to be a rich evening.” -From 
the public meeting announcement in the Fairfield Weekly Reader 
 Rick as you are proly experiencing in these interviews, becoming a guru in 
culture can be different than abiding in spiritual experience. 
 In a range and distribution of spiritual folks some can become 'gurus' by 
virtue of just scholarship alone without even much abiding experience. Others 
by virtue of ability to teach and talk spiritual technique, or others with 
having an abiding spiritual transformational effect for others by spiritual 
field affect. Sat-  gurus it would seems would be good at combinations of all 
three: 1)scholarly, 2)knowledgable and good with techniques, and 3) with field 
effect of spiritual healing and help in Being.  
  It would be nice to learn where Sam Harris in experience is in effect with 
this scale as he is becoming a famous talking head in culture. Some people 
evidently can become cultural gurus just by virtue of their intellectual 
understandings even without experience. 
 Rick, invite Sam Harris to come to Fairfield to join us in our home of all 
Knowledge for the Batgap interview. That could be good for stirring the deeper 
discussion of his spiritual experience and figure out if his is an abiding one. 
  What is his spiritual experience around this that would allow him to be on 
Buddha at the Gas Pump anyway? 
 punditster writes:
 Buck, I think the key word here is Buddha- maybe Harris is a 
 practicing Buddhist. Go figure.
 There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not 
 really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the 
 universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide 
 consider the gods to be sacred.
 But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving 
 grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in 
 enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as Buddhists- 
 enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight.
 There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of 
 view. It's not complicated.

 Buck, I think the key word here is Buddha- maybe Harris is a 
 practicing Buddhist. Go figure.
 There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not 
 really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the 
 universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide 
 consider the gods to be sacred.
 But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving 
 grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in 
 enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as Buddhists- 
 enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight.
 There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of 
 view. It's not complicated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
thanks, Lawson, for all your great info about the TM research, etc. I agree 
with your ideas about obsession and worry. I also think it's a funny but 
wonderful paradox that as more transcendence is established in awareness, one 
thinks about all this so called spiritual stuff way less! Unless to do so is 
fun. As it is in the Funny Farm Lounge (-:

On Monday, May 12, 2014 2:54 AM, lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period.

Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.

Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific thoughts 
during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to attempt 
to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control what 
happens next.

Correct.  I agree with this.

Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will automatically 
start to settle down.

I agree.

That is all transcending means. 

Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point where 
there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and alpha-1 
EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in activity 
in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with belief, but 
only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, by 

I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't address 
this point.

Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

I agree.

I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Even someone like me with genuine, diagnosed-by-a-doctor OCD, can transcend 
just fine. Obsessing about TM is Just Another Obsession and doesn't interfere 
with the practice any more than any other obsession -it's all just thinking, 
afterall, and if you can obsess, er, think, you can meditate. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

 thanks, Lawson, for all your great info about the TM research, etc. I agree 
with your ideas about obsession and worry. I also think it's a funny but 
wonderful paradox that as more transcendence is established in awareness, one 
thinks about all this so called spiritual stuff way less! Unless to do so is 
fun. As it is in the Funny Farm Lounge (-:

 On Monday, May 12, 2014 2:54 AM, LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period.

 Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

 It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

 Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.



 Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific 
thoughts during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to 
attempt to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control 
what happens next.

 Correct.  I agree with this.


 Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will 
automatically start to settle down.

 I agree.

 That is all transcending means. 

 Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point 
where there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and 
alpha-1 EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in 
activity in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with 
belief, but only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, 
by TM-practice.

 I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

 And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

 I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

 Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

 I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't 
address this point.

 Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

 On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

 I agree.


 I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
John, the older I get, the more I realize that it's such a huge universe, big 
enough for all possibilities, for throwing out all the old rules (-:

On Monday, May 12, 2014 2:32 AM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.

Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific thoughts 
during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to attempt 
to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control what 
happens next.

Correct.  I agree with this.

Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will automatically 
start to settle down.

I agree.

That is all transcending means. 

Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point where 
there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and alpha-1 
EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in activity 
in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with belief, but 
only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, by 

I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't address 
this point.

Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

I agree.

I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


What is wrong with the statement that I made?  Please, explain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

I think you're in the wrong meditation discussion forum or that you need to go 
get checked.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You know, I missed this part:

 If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 


 Nowhere did John say anything even remotely to this effect. This vengeful, 
neurotic God comes straight from Barry's imagination. It's actually Barry who 
is anxious to impose his notions of God onto John.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 John, since you persist in this somewhat presumptuous folly, I'd like you to 
*document* why you believe it, and believe that *your* version of who can 
transcend and who cannot seems to differ from Maharishi's. Please find and post 
for us quotes from him that say what you claim, that only those who believe in 
God can transcend. 


 I seem to remember many lectures and writings in which he stated the opposite, 
that every human being can transcend. I remember in particular lectures in 
which he was asked whether people of very low IQ or suffering from brain damage 
could transcend, and he answered with an unequivocal Of course. Anyone who can 
think can transcend. 

 I don't seem to remember very many quotes in which he added, Everyone can 
transcend...EXCEPT those who don't believe in God. It seems that you have 
found these quotes, so please share them with us. 


 Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people. You seem equally comfortable supplying this 
missing phrase to complete the teachings of someone who actually wrote his 
*own* teachings down. Please share the source of your insights with us. 


 If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 


 Me, I just think you got your buttons pushed by a few people honestly stating 
an opinion about the non-existence of an imaginary being you have heavily 
invested in, and are trying to find some way to lash out at these heretics. In 
your mind, you have found find ways to deny them both the ability to transcend, 
and the ability to become enlightened. You seem unaware that doing so forces 
you to contradict the person you claim to hold as your spiritual teacher, and 
enlightened himself. I'd like to see you find direct quotes from this teacher 
(Maharishi) that support your theory. 


 If you cannot, I reserve the right to consider you Just Another Spiritual 
Bigot, and a rather stupid one at that. 


 We'll wait. 

 You're a rude and ignorant fuck-up Bawee. Why don't you just shut up and butt 
out and let civilized people engage in an intelligent and progressive exchange 
of ideas. John is one of the more non-reactive and polite posters here. It's 
great to see him engage on a subject that this forum seems to have been set up 
investigate - actual exchanges about transcendence and spiritual or deeper life 
experiences. You are just some snarly old poop who just has to burp in anyone's 
direction who has an opinion different from your own. Take your shitty attitude 
somewhere else or go have another beer. Either way, you add nothing of 
relevance or interest to either this conversation or any subject that extends 
in depth beyond what you can tell us CBS has for its Fall TV lineup. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Actually I wonder if more thinking is just an indication of more transcending 
in activity...

On Monday, May 12, 2014 10:20 AM, lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Even someone like me with genuine, diagnosed-by-a-doctor OCD, can transcend 
just fine. Obsessing about TM is Just Another Obsession and doesn't interfere 
with the practice any more than any other obsession -it's all just thinking, 
afterall, and if you can obsess, er, think, you can meditate.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

thanks, Lawson, for all your great info about the TM research, etc. I agree 
with your ideas about obsession and worry. I also think it's a funny but 
wonderful paradox that as more transcendence is established in awareness, one 
thinks about all this so called spiritual stuff way less! Unless to do so is 
fun. As it is in the Funny Farm Lounge (-:

On Monday, May 12, 2014 2:54 AM, LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Transcendence happens when you stop worryinjg about it, period.

Atheists and agnostics who don't worry about spiritual things in general, may 
well be more likely to transcend than believers who DO worry about spiritual 

It is possible that some atheist is obsessing about things which could be 
detrimental to practice, but that's an issue with obsession in general 
regardless about WHAT one obsesses about.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then
they cannot let go of their individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.

Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific thoughts 
during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to attempt 
to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control what 
happens next.

Correct.  I agree with this.

Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will automatically 
start to settle down.

I agree.

That is all transcending means. 

Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point where 
there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and alpha-1 
EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in activity 
in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with belief, but 
only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, by 

I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do
much data-processing in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and 
not-belief are influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing 
the practice to go on its own.

I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you
are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up extraneous connections in 
parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who learned TM without having 
first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the activity that effortlessly 
thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized way simply because there's 
so little prior intellectual connections established to bring more distant 
centers of the brain into play when meditation activity happens.

I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't address 
this point.

Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

 hey turq and Ann, yes, this is a wonderful article, if a bit biased. I like 
the point at the end that only Joan of Arc could of rallied the French. And it 
seems that Dostoevsky still could write acclimed novels which probably have 
enriched the lives of some people. So...regardless of the neurological event 
and regardless of how it is labeled, such events don't preclude that a person 
lives a beneficial life.

 I don't think there was ever any question of how beneficial someones life is 
or isn't based on whether they have visions based on epilepsy or not. I think 
what Bawee was doing here was his usual 
let's-see-if-I-can-push-any-buttons-here shtick. He was posting this to imply 
that visionaries or those who have had spiritual or revelatory experiences were 
most likely diseased in some way. I wonder if he was frothing at the mouth and 
writhing while witnessing Rama levitate. 

 It would be great to study contemporary people like Jill Bolte Taylor, author 
of My Stroke of Genius. 

 On Monday, May 12, 2014 8:38 AM, awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 That's one of the questions posed by this excellent article from Salon.com. 


 Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates visions of God 

 Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates vision... Major figures like 
Joan of Arc and Dostoyevsky claimed supernatural visions. Why their brains 
could hold the answer

 View on www.salon.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



 Interesting article, it almost makes one want to become epileptic. However, I 
am not sure what Bawee's point is by posting this. I would think most people 
realize that as long as most of us remain standing here on this planet our 
ultimate sensory organ is our brain. Of course our perceptions, be they as 
mundane as tasting orange juice or as profound as having dinner with Christ 
himself while floating in some cloud, are governed by the activity of our 
brains. We sort of had this conversation back when we were all talking about 
near death experiences here. Just because you can link a cosmic or unusual 
experience to a brain function doesn't invalidate it. Of course you can 
correspond certain activity in the brain or release of chemicals to what it is 
you are experiencing. There will usually always be some relationship between 
the brain and what it is one is saying, doing, feeling. (I think the guy who 
wrote Proof of Heaven has since been debunked so his time being brain dead 
while in his coma discounts his having remained conscious even though his brain 
was 100% non-functioning.) Unfortunately, the cases cited in this article are 
all of people who lived before EEG machines and more modern medicine that could 
have proved, without a doubt, the existence of epilepsy. So what we are left 
with is conjecture, but interesting nevertheless.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

hey turq and Ann, yes, this is a wonderful article, if a bit biased. I like the 
point at the end that only Joan of Arc could of rallied the French. And it 
seems that Dostoevsky still could write acclimed novels which probably have 
enriched the lives of some people. So...regardless of the neurological event 
and regardless of how it is labeled, such events don't preclude that a person 
lives a beneficial life.

I don't think there was ever any question of how beneficial someones life is 
or isn't based on whether they have visions based on epilepsy or not. I think 
what Bawee was doing here was his usual 
let's-see-if-I-can-push-any-buttons-here shtick. 

If so, what does it say about YOU that you got your buttons pushed yet again?  
:-)  :-)  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Yahoo Boohoo

2014-05-12 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Sure makes for a messy looking post count.  Marissa must be trying to 
kill Groups though techies think she's trying to kill Yahoo so her 
Google stock is worth more.

On 05/11/2014 05:33 PM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote :

Anyone notice that the post count now lists more than just the
username? And at least on email I'm also seeing the poster's email
address in the From on Thunderbird. This has not always been the case
and it was noted on another forum that this began at the end of the week.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Note to Rick, Conderning his own interview

2014-05-12 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]
No time to summarize, but I’ll be posting it on BatGap. You mean there was 
something going on that was more spiritual than an interview with me? I’m 


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 9:41 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Note to Rick, Conderning his own interview



Dear Rick; your thesis and take-away? What was your thesis last nite in your 
own live interview down at the FF public library? With Way too many spiritual 
things going on in FF at any given time, for those of us who were at other 
satsanga or doing spiritual things elsewhere, what came to be your thesis in 
the interview during your meeting as it evolved? Did you feel that you may have 
had to color what you said, because it was sponsored by the Waking Down 
satsanga or the TM organization might have been there? Just wondering,


“Because of his exposure to the wide range of awakening modalities and 
spiritual teachings alive in the world today, Rick is uniquely situated to 
comment on what is going on out there. It promises to be a rich evening.” -From 
the public meeting announcement in the Fairfield Weekly Reader



Rick as you are proly experiencing in these interviews, becoming a guru in 
culture can be different than abiding in spiritual experience.


In a range and distribution of spiritual folks some can become 'gurus' by 
virtue of just scholarship alone without even much abiding experience. Others 
by virtue of ability to teach and talk spiritual technique, or others with 
having an abiding spiritual transformational effect for others by spiritual 
field affect. Sat-  gurus it would seems would be good at combinations of all 
three: 1)scholarly, 2)knowledgable and good with techniques, and 3) with field 
effect of spiritual healing and help in Being. 


 It would be nice to learn where Sam Harris in experience is in effect with 
this scale as he is becoming a famous talking head in culture. Some people 
evidently can become cultural gurus just by virtue of their intellectual 
understandings even without experience.

Rick, invite Sam Harris to come to Fairfield to join us in our home of all 
Knowledge for the Batgap interview. That could be good for stirring the deeper 
discussion of his spiritual experience and figure out if his is an abiding one.


 What is his spiritual experience around this that would allow him to be on 
Buddha at the Gas Pump anyway?

punditster writes:

Buck, I think the key word here is Buddha- maybe Harris is a 
practicing Buddhist. Go figure.

There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not 
really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the 
universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide 
consider the gods to be sacred.

But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving 
grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in 
enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as Buddhists- 
enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight.

There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of 
view. It's not complicated.


Buck, I think the key word here is Buddha- maybe Harris is a 
practicing Buddhist. Go figure.

There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not 
really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the 
universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide 
consider the gods to be sacred.

But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving 
grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in 
enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as Buddhists- 
enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight.

There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of 
view. It's not complicated.

[FairfieldLife] Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences. 

Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current

   Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric...
The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.  
View on www.businessinside... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Note to Rick, Conderning his own interview

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This has to be one of the funniest replies ever posted to FFL. Well done, Rick. 

 From: 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 6:15 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Note to Rick, Conderning his own interview

No time to summarize, but I’ll be posting it on BatGap. You mean there was 
something going on that was more spiritual than an interview with me? I’m 
From:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 9:41 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Note to Rick, Conderning his own interview 

Dear Rick;your thesis and take-away? What was your thesis last nite in your own 
live interview down at the FF public library? With Way too many spiritual 
things going on in FF at any given time, for those of us who were at other 
satsanga or doing spiritual things elsewhere, what came to be your thesis in 
the interview during your meeting as it evolved? Did you feel that you may have 
had to color what you said, because it was sponsored by the Waking Down 
satsanga or the TM organization might have been there? Just wondering,

“Because of his exposure to the wide range of awakening modalities and 
spiritual teachings alive in the world today, Rick is uniquely situated to 
comment on what is going on out there. It promises to be a rich evening.” -From 
the public meeting announcement in the Fairfield Weekly Reader    
Rick as you are proly experiencing in these interviews, becoming a guru in 
culture can be different than abiding in spiritual experience.
In a range and distribution of spiritual folks some can become 'gurus' by 
virtue of just scholarship alone without even much abiding experience. Others 
by virtue of ability to teach and talk spiritual technique, or others with 
having an abiding spiritual transformational effect for others by spiritual 
field affect. Sat-  gurus it would seems would be good at combinations of all 
three: 1)scholarly, 2)knowledgable and good with techniques, and 3) with field 
effect of spiritual healing and help in Being. 
 It would be nice to learn where Sam Harris in experience is in effect with 
this scale as he is becoming a famous talking head in culture. Some people 
evidently can become cultural gurus just by virtue of their intellectual 
understandings even without experience.

Rick, invite Sam Harris to come to Fairfield to join us in our home of all 
Knowledge for the Batgap interview. That could be good for stirring the deeper 
discussion of his spiritual experience and figure out if his is an abiding one.

 What is his spiritual experience around this that would allow him to be on 
Buddha at the Gas Pump anyway?

punditster writes:
Buck, I think the key word here is Buddha- maybe Harris is a 
practicing Buddhist. Go figure.

There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not 
really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the 
universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide 
consider the gods to be sacred.

But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving 
grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in 
enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as Buddhists- 
enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight.

There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of 
view. It's not complicated.

Buck, I think the key word here is Buddha- maybe Harris is a 
practicing Buddhist. Go figure.

There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not 
really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the 
universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide 
consider the gods to be sacred.

But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving 
grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in 
enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as Buddhists- 
enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight.

There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of 
view. It's not complicated.

[FairfieldLife] Many Paths

2014-05-12 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]
There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so 
it doesn't matter


which path you take. 

The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the 
mountain, telling everyone


   that his or her path is wrong.


   Hindu Proverb

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 

 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric... 
 The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside... 
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Barry just hates it when people laugh at his button-pushing attempts. That's 
why he snipped this from his quote of Ann's post: 

 He was posting this to imply that visionaries or those who have had spiritual 
or revelatory experiences were most likely diseased in some way. I wonder if he 
was frothing at the mouth and writhing while witnessing Rama levitate. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

 hey turq and Ann, yes, this is a wonderful article, if a bit biased. I like 
the point at the end that only Joan of Arc could of rallied the French. And it 
seems that Dostoevsky still could write acclimed novels which probably have 
enriched the lives of some people. So...regardless of the neurological event 
and regardless of how it is labeled, such events don't preclude that a person 
lives a beneficial life.

 I don't think there was ever any question of how beneficial someones life is 
or isn't based on whether they have visions based on epilepsy or not. I think 
what Bawee was doing here was his usual 
let's-see-if-I-can-push-any-buttons-here shtick. 

If so, what does it say about YOU that you got your buttons pushed yet again?  
:-)  :-)  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Invincible America Assembly experience report

2014-05-12 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Ted Clancy has been doing the long meditation program at the Invincible America 
Assembly in Fairfield. He recently recounted this vividly entertaining report 
to the others in the Domes.

If it resonates with and inspires you, please consider joining our precious IAA!

As my seven-year anniversary of being on the IA course nears, I felt compelled 
to give an overview of my experiences in hopes that it may be of value.
Using every trick in the book; every tool in the box, to squeeze every bit of 
evolutionary potential out of every moment, has yielded a rich harvest of 
varied and profound experiences.
But, I needed to pierce the veil of chhandas and achieve escape velocity, 
beyond the cloudy atmosphere of collective consciousness, to reach the real, 
true, genuine and consistent experiences, that could not be denied by the most 
jaded of intellects, nor could have they been contrived out of some unconscious 
desire for self-aggrandizement.
So, rather than provide a long litany of flashy ephemeral displays of 
pyrotechnics and eye-candy, I will attempt, given the limitations of language, 
to comprehensively, yet concisely convey those bench-marks and watershed 
moments, when a new, more expanded and stable state of being, was achieved.
Now, please bear in mind, these occurred over time.  But, if I had to describe 
their overall pattern of development, I would say that I would be going along, 
day to day, thinking maybe that nothing was happening, but steadily putting my 
time in.  Then there would be a gathering of momentum, an increase in tempo and 
variety, to crescendo at an event horizon, a transcendental quantum leap, then 
I would find myself waking up in the realization of a new state of being and 
style of functioning. This process repeated itself, again and again, over time.
A key component I discovered, which significantly changed the whole nature and 
color of my experiences--having grown up in a society where fatigue is 
considered a caffeine deficiency--and that is, my friends: rest is king.
Silence penetrated, then inundated, until it permeated every particle and fiber 
of my being; bubbling, percolating and roaring with the deafening impact of a 
great waterfall disappearing into a calm, clear pool of peace that passes all 
Then, over time, within this peace, blossomed a restfully alert state of poise, 
where I spontaneously found myself, assuming the royal pace of an elephant, 
while pouncing like a tiger in all directions:  I am still as a mountain; 
flowing like a great river.
Then again, over time, within this state of poise, blossomed a power, which 
passed into my experience without effort or labor.  And, I found things 
steadily coming my way, and coming my way without that awful effort that 
destroys the peace of mind of the majority of mankind.  And, I feel such deep 
ease, enfolded in the arms of infinite divine love, taking care of me.
I experience myself as the center and circumference; the point and the whole. 
The sutras weaving point-to-whole, and whole-to-point, into an exquisite 
tapestry of vibrant awareness. The sutras are multi-faceted gems, each of 
unique character and hue, dropping into the ocean of my being, reverberating 
out to whole and back again.  The returning waves crossing the outgoing waves 
forming vertices, that become planes of primordial geometry.  I do not 
experience this geometry as static, but as a stable harmonic resonance of 
divine musical vibration.  Yet this geometry also contains a dynamic flowing 
quality, with a funnel style hole, that goes completely through a sphere that 
continually flows in, around and on itself. This archetypal geometry, with its 
dynamic flow, clusters and generates the plethora of forms and phenomena found 
manifest everywhere in my experience.

And, I really have to thank Maharishi for giving me a backstage pass to the 
universe:  a golden ticket to the symphony of creation behind Vishwakarman's 
magic show.
A shift took place in my awareness from experiencing consciousness existing 
within and a function of my physiology, to my body existing within and as my 
consciousness; as an individualized, ever changing state of wholeness, moving 
within my Self.  And I found myself able to experientially discriminate the 
successive states of my own material manifestation:  I can see, feel, hear, 
taste, etc. air, fire, water, earth and even the mineral densities of self. 
But, even at the greatest depth of density I experience the gold of universal 
soul; I see the brilliance of indwelling light; I feel the fire of boundless 
divine love.  Yet, this light does not blind, and this fire does not burn, but 
continually fills me with ever expanding delight. And while I am able to 
discriminate these individual stages, it remains one stream of awareness; one 
infinite reverberation. Then, over time, I found myself able to do the same 
with other individualized aspects of Self, be it person, 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:04 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical 



Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.

A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@...  wrote :

Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 



 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric...

The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside...

Preview by Yahoo


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
My understanding has been that witnessing dreams is just that, witnessing them, 
not trying to change what's happening in them. No? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rick@... wrote :

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:04 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical 
 Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.
 A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 
 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric... 
 The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside... 

 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Another show for Turq to not like

2014-05-12 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
NBC fall series Constantine trailer.  Takes demons seriously though so 
Turq won't like it. :-D

Could be okay if the episodes don't become string along just  to 
provide the production crew a paycheck.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Steve S., 

 If you have not already done so, please read MMY's commentary to the Bhagavad 
Gita.  He talks about the transcending process and the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic Self.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Okay, how bout, 

 Atheists Can't Transcend.  
How Being Bounced Me Right Out of The Transcendent.  
   One Man's Personal Journey 

 (okay, okay, I know it's got some problems technically with transcending 
partially, but it's a start)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 I think it could be a great title for a book, Atheists Can't Transcend 

 Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen a book in the series along the 
lines of Transcending for Dummies

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 Isn't it in Lukas somewhere it says Seek yea first the kingdom of heaven 
within.. ?
 Among turned up in newer translations probably because the within was 
confusing since they have no idea what that is supposed to be. Also, someone 
who sought within would be a threat to the Church knowing he would not find a 
way to it in their teachings. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 P.S.: The complete sentence is, The Kingdom of God is within/among/in the 
midst of you--you meaning the Pharisees. You can't leave off the you 
without seriously misrepresenting what Jesus was saying. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 Actually, there's major scholarly disagreement with the translation within. 
Jesus was directly addressing the Pharisees, after all, not making a general 
statement; and he'd made it crystal clear that he thought they were corrupt 
inside and out. Just contextually, it's extremely unlikely he was saying the 
Kingdom of God was within the Pharisees. Most translations other than the KJV 
have among or in the midst of or similar, referring to the Pharisees' 
inability to recognize Jesus as the representative of God's Kingdom.

 Organized religions don't talk much about transcending simply because they 
lack the methods to achieve it. The Kingdom of God is within  must the most 
revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even never discussed out 
of fear the Church would loose it's grip on the people.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Another show for Turq to not like

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The original film of Constantine was interesting, at least visually. I don't 
expect the TV series to be anything *but* visual, however. 

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 8:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Another show for Turq to not like

NBC fall series Constantine trailer.  Takes demons seriously though so 
Turq won't like it. :-D

Could be okay if the episodes don't become string along just  to 
provide the production crew a paycheck.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:31 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an 
electrical current



My understanding has been that witnessing dreams is just that, witnessing them, 
not trying to change what's happening in them. No?

True, but I think there might be a correlation. People who witness might be 
more inclined to dream lucidly, due to being more clear in all states. A friend 
of mine who witnesses sleep clearly and consistently says most of his dreams 
are lucid. I don’t know if he tries to change things or just dreams more 
consciously than is ordinarily the case.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
rick@... mailto:rick@...  wrote :

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:04 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical 



Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.

A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@...  wrote :

Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 



 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric...

The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside...

Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife] 

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 

Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.

A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep. 
Not to mention real Native American traditions and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, 
in which lucid dreaming is taught as a useful technique for preparing to 
transit the Bardo between death and rebirth. Methinks Judy doesn't know about 
any of this because she's never been able to control her dreams. Heck, she can 
barely control herself in the waking state.  :-)  :-)  :-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :
Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  
Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current
   Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric...
The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.  
View on www.businessinside... Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 MMY stated that meditation is a form of yagya performed in the context of 
vedic rituals.  Yagyas are really offerings of food to the vedic gods.  The 
ritual is done by burning ghee, mustard seed, coconut and other items within 
the fire, or Agni, one of the many deities in the Hindu pantheon of gods.

 In this sense, any of the ancient religions in the Middle East, including the 
Hebrews, have made similar burnt offerings to their deities and Yahweh, such as 
lamb and birds.

 So, with TM, the offering is really the individual thoughts which are burnt by 
the mantra within the meditators self.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 Agreed, the ability to transcend has nothing whatsoever to do with ones 
beliefs in the waking state but on the mechanical abilities of the 
nervous-system. But if you are doing TM correctly it is doubtful one can remain 
an atheist forever.  
 Organized religions don't talk much about transcending simply because they 
lack the methods to achieve it. The Kingdom of God is within  must the most 
revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even never discussed out 
of fear the Church would loose it's grip on the people.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Funny, I never really associated transcending with religious concepts or with 
God.  I just transcended to a quieter area of my mind.  My religious beliefs 
always remained separate. Sometimes, when meditating, I had what felt like 
restful alertness, which then translated into what I felt was a better degree 
of activity.  In one instance I noticed a constant of silence when I shifted 
from sleeping to waking up.

 Nor am I aware of traditional religions talking much about transcending.

 But I like much of what else you say here.  I mean a lot of it is the 'ol, 
ultimately, there's nowhere to go, sort of thing.

 But if you're not there, you really can't relate to it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote :

 If everything is being, 'transcending' is then just a myth, a story. The 
question here is, under what circumstances is the concept of transcending 
useful? All of us who learned TM obviously must have encountered the term. All 
the word means is 'to go beyond the range or limits of', and if everything, 
every aspect of experience is really being, then it cannot apply. It is a term 
useful for the spiritually stunted because it implies there is something more 
that can be mined from their experience than they currently recognise. 
Basically the term defines what is not experienced as transcending, but that 
does not mean that is what is actually happening when a person meditates is he 
or she is transcending to being. The whole thing is there all the time, like 
the ocean around a fish, just unnoticed.  

 Transcending is a magicians' trick, the mind takes the sense of it, unaware it 
is being misdirected, while what is actually happening is a process of garbage 
removal, deconditioning of the mind, which when complete enough reveals that 
there never was any transcending in the first place. There does not need to be 
a concept like god for this to happen. It is not even necessary to have the 
concept of transcending either, but sometimes it is useful as a tool, when 
people feel they are less than everything and separate from the world. The idea 
of transcending in spirituality is usually heavily tainted with traditional 
religious concepts, which tends to make practice 'to go beyond the range or 
limits of' current experience weighted down with a lot of additional 
conceptualisation and conditioning, in addition to the conceptualisation and 
conditioning of day to day living. That tends to double the mental load one has 
to discard to experience everything as being.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 If you say that you've transcended while meditating, then that means you've 
experienced Being.  So if that is so, how can you say that there is no God, 
which is Being Itself?

C: It is all in how you attach meaning to the experiences we have. I can do 
better than this. I experienced God plenty, and I still say that is not how I 
view these experiences now.

Currently I think the state in TM is a silent aspect of our minds that has zero 
ontological meaning about how the universe works. It is just something our 
brains can do that we don't understand yet and are only confused by traditional 

Different world view huh?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?

 C: I transcend just fine in the Maharishi technique sense, no differently 
than when I was a believer. 

 I don't even have to have any 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Michael J., 

 What's the point?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Man shoots, kills woman he mistakes for groundhog
 SUGAR CREEK TWP., Ohio — A 22-year-old woman is dead after a farmer mistakenly 
shot her thinking she was a groundhog in tall grass.
 Stark County Sheriff George Maier says Natasha Stover was shooting targets 
Monday with a BB gun when she laid down in the grass. Farmer Ralph Adams Jr., 
79, thought she was a groundhog and fired a rifle about 165 feet away, hitting 
Stover in the head.
 The woman died the next day at the hospital.
 Maier said the shooting appears to be accidental but the case is still under 
investigation by the Stark County prosecutor's office.
 Stover's family says she loved animals and had a special gift working with 
them. She also had a strong faith and loved going to the library.
 Residents said Adams is well respected in the community.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Well said.  You're a very intelligent woman.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 John, since you persist in this somewhat presumptuous folly, I'd like you to 
*document* why you believe it, and believe that *your* version of who can 
transcend and who cannot seems to differ from Maharishi's. Please find and post 
for us quotes from him that say what you claim, that only those who believe in 
God can transcend. 


 I seem to remember many lectures and writings in which he stated the opposite, 
that every human being can transcend. I remember in particular lectures in 
which he was asked whether people of very low IQ or suffering from brain damage 
could transcend, and he answered with an unequivocal Of course. Anyone who can 
think can transcend. 

 I don't seem to remember very many quotes in which he added, Everyone can 
transcend...EXCEPT those who don't believe in God. It seems that you have 
found these quotes, so please share them with us. 


 Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people. You seem equally comfortable supplying this 
missing phrase to complete the teachings of someone who actually wrote his 
*own* teachings down. Please share the source of your insights with us. 


 If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 


 Me, I just think you got your buttons pushed by a few people honestly stating 
an opinion about the non-existence of an imaginary being you have heavily 
invested in, and are trying to find some way to lash out at these heretics. In 
your mind, you have found find ways to deny them both the ability to transcend, 
and the ability to become enlightened. You seem unaware that doing so forces 
you to contradict the person you claim to hold as your spiritual teacher, and 
enlightened himself. I'd like to see you find direct quotes from this teacher 
(Maharishi) that support your theory. 


 If you cannot, I reserve the right to consider you Just Another Spiritual 
Bigot, and a rather stupid one at that. 


 We'll wait. 

 You're a rude and ignorant fuck-up Bawee. Why don't you just shut up and butt 
out and let civilized people engage in an intelligent and progressive exchange 
of ideas. John is one of the more non-reactive and polite posters here. It's 
great to see him engage on a subject that this forum seems to have been set up 
investigate - actual exchanges about transcendence and spiritual or deeper life 
experiences. You are just some snarly old poop who just has to burp in anyone's 
direction who has an opinion different from your own. Take your shitty attitude 
somewhere else or go have another beer. Either way, you add nothing of 
relevance or interest to either this conversation or any subject that extends 
in depth beyond what you can tell us CBS has for its Fall TV lineup. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Ann has had Barry's number virtually from the beginning of her time here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 Well said.  You're a very intelligent woman.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 John, since you persist in this somewhat presumptuous folly, I'd like you to 
*document* why you believe it, and believe that *your* version of who can 
transcend and who cannot seems to differ from Maharishi's. Please find and post 
for us quotes from him that say what you claim, that only those who believe in 
God can transcend. 


 I seem to remember many lectures and writings in which he stated the opposite, 
that every human being can transcend. I remember in particular lectures in 
which he was asked whether people of very low IQ or suffering from brain damage 
could transcend, and he answered with an unequivocal Of course. Anyone who can 
think can transcend. 

 I don't seem to remember very many quotes in which he added, Everyone can 
transcend...EXCEPT those who don't believe in God. It seems that you have 
found these quotes, so please share them with us. 


 Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people. You seem equally comfortable supplying this 
missing phrase to complete the teachings of someone who actually wrote his 
*own* teachings down. Please share the source of your insights with us. 


 If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 


 Me, I just think you got your buttons pushed by a few people honestly stating 
an opinion about the non-existence of an imaginary being you have heavily 
invested in, and are trying to find some way to lash out at these heretics. In 
your mind, you have found find ways to deny them both the ability to transcend, 
and the ability to become enlightened. You seem unaware that doing so forces 
you to contradict the person you claim to hold as your spiritual teacher, and 
enlightened himself. I'd like to see you find direct quotes from this teacher 
(Maharishi) that support your theory. 


 If you cannot, I reserve the right to consider you Just Another Spiritual 
Bigot, and a rather stupid one at that. 


 We'll wait. 

 You're a rude and ignorant fuck-up Bawee. Why don't you just shut up and butt 
out and let civilized people engage in an intelligent and progressive exchange 
of ideas. John is one of the more non-reactive and polite posters here. It's 
great to see him engage on a subject that this forum seems to have been set up 
investigate - actual exchanges about transcendence and spiritual or deeper life 
experiences. You are just some snarly old poop who just has to burp in anyone's 
direction who has an opinion different from your own. Take your shitty attitude 
somewhere else or go have another beer. Either way, you add nothing of 
relevance or interest to either this conversation or any subject that extends 
in depth beyond what you can tell us CBS has for its Fall TV lineup. 




RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 2:36 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an 
electrical current



Be interesting to compare EEG measurements of lucid dreaming vs. witnessing 
dreams, see if they're similar or distinct. I've witnessed dreams, but there 
was never any impetus to interfere with them; and I've had a few lucid dreams 
in which becoming lucid was the trigger for changing them. For me they were 
very different types of experience.

I’ll bet Fred Travis (MUM) has done some work in this area.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
rick@... mailto:rick@...  wrote :


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:31 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an 
electrical current



My understanding has been that witnessing dreams is just that, witnessing them, 
not trying to change what's happening in them. No?

True, but I think there might be a correlation. People who witness might be 
more inclined to dream lucidly, due to being more clear in all states. A friend 
of mine who witnesses sleep clearly and consistently says most of his dreams 
are lucid. I don’t know if he tries to change things or just dreams more 
consciously than is ordinarily the case.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
rick@... mailto:rick@...  wrote :

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:04 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical 



Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.

A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , 
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@...  wrote :

Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 



 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric...

The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside...

Preview by Yahoo


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Be interesting to compare EEG measurements of lucid dreaming vs. witnessing 
dreams, see if they're similar or distinct. I've witnessed dreams, but there 
was never any impetus to interfere with them; and I've had a few lucid dreams 
in which becoming lucid was the trigger for changing them. For me they were 
very different types of experience. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rick@... wrote :

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:31 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an 
electrical current

 My understanding has been that witnessing dreams is just that, witnessing 
them, not trying to change what's happening in them. No?
 True, but I think there might be a correlation. People who witness might be 
more inclined to dream lucidly, due to being more clear in all states. A friend 
of mine who witnesses sleep clearly and consistently says most of his dreams 
are lucid. I don’t know if he tries to change things or just dreams more 
consciously than is ordinarily the case.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
rick@... mailto:rick@... wrote :
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:04 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical 
 Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.
 A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 
 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric... 
 The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside... 

 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From: TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an 
electrical current

From: 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife] 

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] 

Who thinks of lucid dreaming as mystical or spiritual? I don't think I've 
ever heard that one before.

A lot of spiritual folks think of it that way. First reference to it I heard 
was in Carlos Casteneda’s books. Often discussed in talks at the Science and 
Non-Duality conference. MUM professor Charles Alexander (now deceased) did some 
research on it. It may be associated with witnessing sleep.

Not to mention real Native American traditions and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, 
in which lucid dreaming is taught as a useful technique for preparing to 
transit the Bardo between death and rebirth. Methinks Judy doesn't know about 
any of this because she's never been able to control her dreams. Heck, she can 
barely control herself in the waking state.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Having practiced lucid dreaming for some years, I think I can comment on this 
article and this research with a bit more background than some others here. 
Lucid dreaming -- in the Castanedan, real Native American, and Tibetan Buddhist 
traditions -- does not concern itself with witnessing dreams. Since all three 
paths are pragmatic, they see little value in succeeding in waking up in the 
dream and then being a mere witness to what goes on in it. I can't say that I 
disagree with them; I've never seen the charm in this myself. It might appeal 
to those who believe that they live in a deterministic universe as a kind of 
spiritual voyeurism, but I'm just not drawn that way. :-)

I liked waking up in the dream and then *fucking with reality*. If I didn't 
like my surroundings, I'd just decide to go somewhere else, and then Zap!, 
there I was. If I didn't like the way that certain events were shaping up, I'd 
just intervene and change them. If I wasn't thrilled with the astral folks I 
was currently hanging with, I would just intend a preference, and I'd be in 
another crowd. If the occasional beastie or nasty-astral creature tried to fuck 
with me, I'd either whisk myself away or stand up to it and enjoy the fight. 

It was fun. Do you begin to understand why I believe in free will?  :-)

But even though I enjoyed it, I couldn't maintain my interest in it as a 
continuing part of my sadhana. These days, if I wake up in the dream I can 
control them if I feel like it, or just enjoy them if I feel like that. 

This said, having had some experiences with lucid dreaming that some might 
consider mystical or spiritual, I am not the *least* offended by the 
implications of the research reported on in this article. SO WHAT if lucid 
dreaming is a mere neurological function that can be invoked by a gamma raygun. 
It's still what it is, and it's still fun. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :
Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  
Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current
   Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric...
The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.  
View on www.businessinside... Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.

 Ecclesiastes 3:1

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

 John, the older I get, the more I realize that it's such a huge universe, big 
enough for all possibilities, for throwing out all the old rules (-:

 On Monday, May 12, 2014 2:32 AM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I find your comments to be generally similar to what I'm trying to say.  My 
comments are in red letters below:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 You're assuming that transcending means letting go of a specific kind of 
thought, rather than thoughts i general.

 Transcending refers to letting go of any thoughts.  But ultimately the 
thought of God's existence, for atheists, non-theists and agnostics, will come 
into mind while in meditation or outside of meditation.  If they cannot 
transcend the thought that there is no God, then they cannot let go of their 
individual self to merge with the cosmic Self.



 Thoughts are transcended during TM not because we hold onto specific 
thoughts during TM, but because we have been taught that it isn't necessary to 
attempt to control the mind during TM practice so we stop trying to control 
what happens next.

 Correct.  I agree with this.


 Given the correct circumstances, aka starting TM, the mind will 
automatically start to settle down.

 I agree.

 That is all transcending means. 

 Now, it is possible that the nervous system will settle down to the point 
where there are abrupt and obvious changes in breathing and heart rate and 
alpha-1 EEG coherence which researchers believe are due to an abrupt change in 
activity in certain parts of the thalamus, but that has nothing to do with 
belief, but only with specific conditions in the thalamus triggered, at times, 
by TM-practice.

 I agree.  I've made a longer comment to Xeno about the difference between the 
individual self and the cosmic or universal Self.  I saw your comments to that 
reply.  I'll address those comments next.

 And the thalamus doesn't think or have beliefs, according to any theory I 
have heard. It is an important data switching center and helps regulate 
states of consciousness, breathing, etc., but doesn't do much data-processing 
in any way that would be related to belief. Belief and not-belief are 
influences on TM only so much as they interfere with allowing the practice to 
go on its own.

 I agree.  But the individual self, sooner or later, should merge with the 
cosmic Self.  When this is done, then cosmic consciousness can be attained.  
According to the TM practice, this could happen automatically.  But it appears 
to me that the atheists, who are TMers, are consciously resisting this natural 
process to progress.  So, it may take them longer to attain cosmic 
consciousness, or maybe they don't really care to achieve this state of 

 Far more detrimental to TM is the internet habit of seeking out the online 
version of the Teacher Training notes available online and mentally correlating 
that with what you are taught, as you are taught. This likely sets up 
extraneous connections in parts of the brain that wouldn't exist in people who 
learned TM without having first read the TT notes, and likely disrupts the 
activity that effortlessly thinking the mantra brings to bear in a localized 
way simply because there's so little prior intellectual connections established 
to bring more distant centers of the brain into play when meditation activity 

 I never stated anything related to Teacher Training notes.  So, I can't 
address this point.

 Innocence of practice may well have a genuine physical significance.

 On the other hand, one could also argue that obsessively worrying about when 
one will encounter God during TM is far more detrimental to the practice of 
TM than not worrying about God in the first place.

 I agree.


 I would say that a non-believer, all other things being equal, is more likely 
to transcend than a Believer.

 It all depends on the individual's personality and physiology.  But, in the 
final analysis, the individual self would have to be transcended to merge with 
the cosmic Self.  If the atheist, who is a meditator, consciously resists this 
natural process by thoughts and actions, then he or she cannot cannot attain 
cosmic consciosness IMO.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 What is wrong with the statement that I made?  Please, explain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 I think you're in the wrong meditation discussion forum or that you need to go 
get checked. 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?



[FairfieldLife] VoLTE!

2014-05-12 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Jesus said many mysterious ideas in his teachings.  IMO, he was conveying the 
idea of consciousness as the basis of everything to ignorant people, including 
the apostles, at that time.  For this reason, the Jews conspired to have the 
Romans kill him by crucifixion on a wooden cross.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 Nope. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be 
added unto you (Luke 12:31). Matthew has Seek ye first the kingdom of God and 
his righteousness... (6:33). 

 Again, Nabby, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees, who he thought were 
spiritually corrupt and incapable of entering the Kingdom of God. Within only 
works if you wrench the verse out of context. His whole point was that he, 
Jesus, represented the Kingdom of God, and the Pharisees were so spiritually 
blind they couldn't recognize him as such even though he was in the midst of 
or among them, right in front of their very eyes, talking to them.

 If you want to make a threat to the Church case, fine, but you can't 
legitimately use that verse to do it. Maharishi meant well, but he was no Bible 
scholar, and he goofed badly on that one.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 Isn't it in Lukas somewhere it says Seek yea first the kingdom of heaven 
within.. ?
 Among turned up in newer translations probably because the within was 
confusing since they have no idea what that is supposed to be. Also, someone 
who sought within would be a threat to the Church knowing he would not find a 
way to it in their teachings. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 P.S.: The complete sentence is, The Kingdom of God is within/among/in the 
midst of you--you meaning the Pharisees. You can't leave off the you 
without seriously misrepresenting what Jesus was saying. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 Actually, there's major scholarly disagreement with the translation within. 
Jesus was directly addressing the Pharisees, after all, not making a general 
statement; and he'd made it crystal clear that he thought they were corrupt 
inside and out. Just contextually, it's extremely unlikely he was saying the 
Kingdom of God was within the Pharisees. Most translations other than the KJV 
have among or in the midst of or similar, referring to the Pharisees' 
inability to recognize Jesus as the representative of God's Kingdom.

 Organized religions don't talk much about transcending simply because they 
lack the methods to achieve it. The Kingdom of God is within  must the most 
revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even never discussed out 
of fear the Church would loose it's grip on the people.


[FairfieldLife] ZALGO test

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Ț͇͜h̸͉̳̝is̴ ͔̟̳i̯s̫͍̀ ̤͍͚͍̹̳n̬͎̲̯̞o͇̫̭̜͞t̘͝ ̯̯͎̥͉à̰ 
̙͓̭̥r̗̫̟̀ḙ̯͇à͕͉l̴͍̱̼ ̞̟͙͍̬̹̘̀p̞̠ͅo̮̭̼̤s͏̥͕̰̼t̰͍̙. 
͇̪̳̭͢I̩̞̫̳͇̲ͅt'̵̯͈̤͎s̘ ̷o̭̻n̤̮͝ļy̢̱̹̥̟ a̴ 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Comments below...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 Jesus said many mysterious ideas in his teachings.  IMO, he was conveying the 
idea of consciousness as the basis of everything to ignorant people, including 
the apostles, at that time.

 I'm not contesting this, John. It's just that in this particular verse, the 
context and the original language strongly suggest that among you or in your 
midst is the more accurate translation than within you.

 For this reason, the Jews conspired to have the Romans kill him by crucifixion 
on a wooden cross.

 (What other kind of cross would they have crucified him on??)

 More likely, it was because he was understood to be claiming to be God, which 
was blasphemy as far as the Jews were concerned (still is). As far as the 
Romans were concerned, he was a troublemaker and potentially a threat to Roman 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 Nope. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be 
added unto you (Luke 12:31). Matthew has Seek ye first the kingdom of God and 
his righteousness... (6:33). 

 Again, Nabby, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees, who he thought were 
spiritually corrupt and incapable of entering the Kingdom of God. Within only 
works if you wrench the verse out of context. His whole point was that he, 
Jesus, represented the Kingdom of God, and the Pharisees were so spiritually 
blind they couldn't recognize him as such even though he was in the midst of 
or among them, right in front of their very eyes, talking to them.

 If you want to make a threat to the Church case, fine, but you can't 
legitimately use that verse to do it. Maharishi meant well, but he was no Bible 
scholar, and he goofed badly on that one.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 Isn't it in Lukas somewhere it says Seek yea first the kingdom of heaven 
within.. ?
 Among turned up in newer translations probably because the within was 
confusing since they have no idea what that is supposed to be. Also, someone 
who sought within would be a threat to the Church knowing he would not find a 
way to it in their teachings. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 P.S.: The complete sentence is, The Kingdom of God is within/among/in the 
midst of you--you meaning the Pharisees. You can't leave off the you 
without seriously misrepresenting what Jesus was saying. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 Actually, there's major scholarly disagreement with the translation within. 
Jesus was directly addressing the Pharisees, after all, not making a general 
statement; and he'd made it crystal clear that he thought they were corrupt 
inside and out. Just contextually, it's extremely unlikely he was saying the 
Kingdom of God was within the Pharisees. Most translations other than the KJV 
have among or in the midst of or similar, referring to the Pharisees' 
inability to recognize Jesus as the representative of God's Kingdom.

 Organized religions don't talk much about transcending simply because they 
lack the methods to achieve it. The Kingdom of God is within  must the most 
revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even never discussed out 
of fear the Church would loose it's grip on the people.


[FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D

On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see 
around them any other way?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in free will 
are just too dull to imagine the world they see around them any other way? 

 Fish in a barrel, baby...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)




[FairfieldLife] Problems awaiting action

2014-05-12 Thread nablusoss1008

 By the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 5 March 2014

 It can be said without fear of contradiction that not all is right with the 
world. For example, the gap between the very rich and the hopelessly poor grows 
ever wider. This extreme imbalance is not healthy for any society. To be sure a 
few members of the rich community do indeed share their wealth with the poor, 
but in general the very rich aim rather at becoming mega-rich to the detriment 
of all. 
 The ever-increasing commercialization of every aspect of life today is, in 
itself, a ‘time bomb’ whose rupture will bring the present economic structure 
to its knees. This time is not far off. So great are the tensions caused by 
this deep materialism that equilibrium is strained to breaking point. Most 
people are unaware of these forces, so deeply involved are they in the building 
of the tension.
 Thus will be presented to men their only natural course: the adoption of the 
principle of sharing. More and more, humanity is being edged towards this 
realization, however distant as yet are they from its actual manifestation.
 At the same time the ecological problems facing the world continue to a 
climax. Most countries today recognize that global warming is the enemy of all. 
The question which divides the nations is whether and to what extent man is 
responsible. The wisest course that men can follow is to assume that they are 
responsible for most of the pressures on the climate and to take all practical 
measures to rectify the problems. Some nations assuredly are doing so but not 
all. Our advice is that the actions and non-actions of humanity are responsible 
for eighty per cent of the problem and that men must, for their own and their 
children’s sake, spare nothing in its alleviation. Be assured that We will help 
them but they must play their part.
 With the collapse of the world economy men will come to realize their oneness. 
This realization will have a profound effect on their attitude to war. They 
will see that they are bound together in a struggle for survival, and the words 
of Maitreya will resound more loudly in their minds. Sharing, justice and 
freedom will grow in men’s minds as powerful symbols of the future, as inherent 
rights of all, the way to correct relationship.
 [This article from Share International magazine, April 2014 , is by a senior 
member of the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. His name, well-known in esoteric 
circles, is not yet being revealed. Benjamin Creme, a principal spokesman about 
the emergence of Maitreya, is in constant telepathic contact with this Master 
who dictated his article to him.] 
 Problems awaiting action - Share International magazine April 2014 issue 
 Problems awaiting action - Share International magazi... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-04.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future
 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread nablusoss1008
That's a beautiful and valid point of view.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 MMY stated that meditation is a form of yagya performed in the context of 
vedic rituals.  Yagyas are really offerings of food to the vedic gods.  The 
ritual is done by burning ghee, mustard seed, coconut and other items within 
the fire, or Agni, one of the many deities in the Hindu pantheon of gods.

 In this sense, any of the ancient religions in the Middle East, including the 
Hebrews, have made similar burnt offerings to their deities and Yahweh, such as 
lamb and birds.

 So, with TM, the offering is really the individual thoughts which are burnt by 
the mantra within the meditators self.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 Agreed, the ability to transcend has nothing whatsoever to do with ones 
beliefs in the waking state but on the mechanical abilities of the 
nervous-system. But if you are doing TM correctly it is doubtful one can remain 
an atheist forever.  
 Organized religions don't talk much about transcending simply because they 
lack the methods to achieve it. The Kingdom of God is within  must the most 
revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even never discussed out 
of fear the Church would loose it's grip on the people.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Funny, I never really associated transcending with religious concepts or with 
God.  I just transcended to a quieter area of my mind.  My religious beliefs 
always remained separate. Sometimes, when meditating, I had what felt like 
restful alertness, which then translated into what I felt was a better degree 
of activity.  In one instance I noticed a constant of silence when I shifted 
from sleeping to waking up.

 Nor am I aware of traditional religions talking much about transcending.

 But I like much of what else you say here.  I mean a lot of it is the 'ol, 
ultimately, there's nowhere to go, sort of thing.

 But if you're not there, you really can't relate to it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote :

 If everything is being, 'transcending' is then just a myth, a story. The 
question here is, under what circumstances is the concept of transcending 
useful? All of us who learned TM obviously must have encountered the term. All 
the word means is 'to go beyond the range or limits of', and if everything, 
every aspect of experience is really being, then it cannot apply. It is a term 
useful for the spiritually stunted because it implies there is something more 
that can be mined from their experience than they currently recognise. 
Basically the term defines what is not experienced as transcending, but that 
does not mean that is what is actually happening when a person meditates is he 
or she is transcending to being. The whole thing is there all the time, like 
the ocean around a fish, just unnoticed.  

 Transcending is a magicians' trick, the mind takes the sense of it, unaware it 
is being misdirected, while what is actually happening is a process of garbage 
removal, deconditioning of the mind, which when complete enough reveals that 
there never was any transcending in the first place. There does not need to be 
a concept like god for this to happen. It is not even necessary to have the 
concept of transcending either, but sometimes it is useful as a tool, when 
people feel they are less than everything and separate from the world. The idea 
of transcending in spirituality is usually heavily tainted with traditional 
religious concepts, which tends to make practice 'to go beyond the range or 
limits of' current experience weighted down with a lot of additional 
conceptualisation and conditioning, in addition to the conceptualisation and 
conditioning of day to day living. That tends to double the mental load one has 
to discard to experience everything as being.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 If you say that you've transcended while meditating, then that means you've 
experienced Being.  So if that is so, how can you say that there is no God, 
which is Being Itself?

C: It is all in how you attach meaning to the experiences we have. I can do 
better than this. I experienced God plenty, and I still say that is not how I 
view these experiences now.

Currently I think the state in TM is a silent aspect of our minds that has zero 
ontological meaning about how the universe works. It is just something our 
brains can do that we don't understand yet and are only confused by traditional 

Different world view huh?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Why?  Because they can't let go of the idea that God doesn't exist.  What do 
you think?

 C: I transcend just fine in the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
What is your source material for saying Marshy said this, please?

On Mon, 5/12/14, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, May 12, 2014, 7:20 PM
 stated that meditation is a form of yagya performed in the
 context of vedic rituals.  Yagyas are really offerings of
 food to the vedic gods.  The ritual is done by burning
 ghee, mustard seed, coconut and other items within the fire,
 or Agni, one of the many deities in the Hindu pantheon of
 In this sense,
 any of the ancient religions in the Middle East, including
 the Hebrews, have made similar burnt offerings to their
 deities and Yahweh, such as lamb and birds.
 So, with TM, the offering is really
 the individual thoughts which are burnt by the mantra within
 the meditators self.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 the ability to transcend has nothing whatsoever to do with
 ones beliefs in the waking state but on the mechanical
 abilities of the nervous-system. But if you are doing TM
 correctly it is doubtful one can remain an atheist forever.
 religions don't talk much about transcending
 simply because they lack the methods to achieve it.
 The Kingdom of God is within  must the most
 revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even
 never discussed out of fear the Church would loose it's
 grip on the people.
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@...
 wrote :
 Funny, I never really
 associated transcending with religious concepts or with God.
  I just transcended to a quieter area of my mind.  My
 religious beliefs always remained separate. Sometimes, when
 meditating, I had what felt like restful alertness, which
 then translated into what I felt was a better degree of
 activity.  In one instance I noticed a constant of silence
 when I shifted from sleeping to waking up.
 Nor am I aware of traditional
 religions talking much about transcending.
 But I like much of what else
 you say here.  I mean a lot of it is the 'ol,
 ultimately, there's nowhere to go,
 sort of thing.
 But if you're not
 there, you really can't relate to
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 anartaxius@... wrote :
 If everything is being,
 'transcending' is then just a myth, a story. The
 question here is, under what circumstances is the concept of
 transcending useful? All of us who learned TM obviously must
 have encountered the term. All the word means is 'to go
 beyond the range or limits of', and if everything, every
 aspect of experience is really being, then it cannot apply.
 It is a term useful for the spiritually stunted because it
 implies there is something more that can be mined from their
 experience than they currently recognise. Basically the term
 defines what is not
 experienced as transcending, but that does not mean
 that is what is actually happening when a person meditates
 is he or she is transcending to being. The whole thing
 is there all the time, like the ocean around a fish, just
 Transcending is a
 magicians' trick, the mind takes the sense of it,
 unaware it is being misdirected, while what is actually
 happening is a process of garbage removal, deconditioning of
 the mind, which when complete enough reveals that there
 never was any transcending in the first place. There does
 not need to be a concept like god for this to happen. It is
 not even necessary to have the concept of transcending
 either, but sometimes it is useful as a tool, when people
 feel they are less than everything and separate from the
 world. The idea of transcending in spirituality is usually
 heavily tainted with traditional religious concepts, which
 tends to make practice 'to go beyond the range or limits
 of' current experience weighted down with a lot of
 additional conceptualisation and conditioning, in addition
 to the conceptualisation and conditioning of day to day
 living. That tends to double the mental load one has to
 discard to experience everything as being.
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues@...
 wrote :
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :
 If you say that you've
 transcended while meditating, then that means you've
 experienced Being.  So if that is so, how can you say that
 there is no God, which is Being Itself?
 C: It is all in how you attach meaning to the
 experiences we have. I can do better than this. I
 experienced God plenty, and I still say that is
 not how I view these experiences now.
 Currently I think the state in TM is a silent
 aspect of our minds that has zero ontological meaning about
 how the universe works. It is just something our brains can
 do that we don't understand yet and are only confused by

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From BBC site:
 Dream:ON is one of many new smartphone apps now available.
 Created by psychologist Richard Wiseman, the app has seen over half a million 
downloads in just six weeks.You choose your dream before bed, and the app plays 
sound cues once you've entered the right phase of sleep.
 When I selected birdsong, for example, I found myself dreaming that I was in 
a green and sunny field, says a user. Whilst this isn't strictly lucid 
dreaming, as it doesn't offer users control from within a dream, there are many 
more which promise just that.
 Singularity Experience, Dreamz, Sigmund and Lucid Dream Brainwave all work in 
a similar way, by playing subtle audio cues whilst the user is asleep. Not 
enough to wake them, but hopefully sufficient to trigger awareness inside a 
 http://www.dreamonapp.com/ http://www.dreamonapp.com/


[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch out for the N-Word

2014-05-12 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This story gets better and better. It transpires that the BBC DJ who was sacked 
for playing THE SUN HAS GOT HIS HAT ON only decided to play that song as a 
last-minute substitute for ABDUL ABULBUL AMIR, which a listener had requested. 
After listening to ABDUL the DJ felt it might cause offence. Its first line is:
 The sons of the Prophet are brave men and bold...
 Later you get:
 Then this bold Mameluke
Drew his trusty skibouk
Singing 'Allah! il-Allah! Al-lah!'
And with murderous intent
He ferociously went...
 The DJ was spooked he might be seen as Islamophobic so he played the song 
about tanning n*s instead. Funny old world we're living in.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote :

 There's been an amusing controversy here in the UK over the past days when a 
BBC DJ on his regular show playing vintage 78s treated his listeners to a 1932 
 The hapless DJ didn't realize that the lyrics included the N-word - used in 
all innocence back in thirties Britain - and was forced to resign from his job 
which he'd held for decades. 
 Funny thing is the song has to be one of the most joyful, life-affirming songs 
you've ever heard. I'd like to bet if you were to ask a Jamaican if they were 
offended they'd just laugh and say No Man! and enjoy the piece. The offending 
line is:

 He's been tanning n*s out in Timbuktu 
 Now he's coming back to do the same to you


 Take a listen and see if you don't come away smiling.
 What's odd is that the BBC plays lots of rap and suchlike where the offending 
word occurs regularly but no-one seems to mind.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch out for the N-Word

2014-05-12 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 This story gets better and better. It transpires that the BBC DJ who was 
sacked for playing THE SUN HAS GOT HIS HAT ON only decided to play that song as 
a last-minute substitute for ABDUL ABULBUL AMIR, which a listener had 
requested. After listening to ABDUL the DJ felt it might cause offence. Its 
first line is:
 The sons of the Prophet are brave men and bold...

 Later you get:

 Then this bold Mameluke
Drew his trusty skibouk
Singing 'Allah! il-Allah! Al-lah!'
And with murderous intent
He ferociously went...

 The DJ was spooked he might be seen as Islamophobic so he played the song 
about tanning n*s instead. Funny old world we're living in.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Watch out for the N-Word

2014-05-12 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This story gets better and better. It transpires that the BBC DJ who was sacked 
for playing THE SUN HAS GOT HIS HAT ON only decided to play that song as a 
last-minute substitute for ABDUL ABULBUL AMIR, which a listener had requested. 
After listening to ABDUL the DJ felt it might cause offence.  Its first line 
 The sons of the Prophet are brave men and bold...  
 Later you get:  
 Then this bold Mameluke Drew his trusty skibouk 
 Singing 'Allah! il-Allah! Al-lah!' 
 And with murderous intent 
 He ferociously went...  
 The DJ was spooked he might be seen as Islamophobic so he played the song 
about tanning n*s instead. Funny old world we're living in.


[FairfieldLife] Freedom under the Domes

2014-05-12 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In 1943, the Supreme Court — in the case of West Virginia State Board of 
Education v. Barnette — ruled that persons may not be compelled to stand and 
observe the pledge, writing, “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional 
constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall 
be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or 
force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”

Too bad the leaders of the TMO don't feel the same way about the rank and file 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 13-May-14 00:15:04 UTC

2014-05-12 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 05/10/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 05/17/14 00:00:00
231 messages as of (UTC) 05/13/14 00:04:03

 26 authfriend
 23 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 18 jr_esq
 18 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 16 nablusoss1008 
 15 fleetwood_macncheese
 13 curtisdeltablues
 13 LEnglish5
 12 steve.sundur
 11 awoelflebater
 10 dhamiltony2k5
 10 Bhairitu noozguru
  6 s3raphita
  6 cardemaister
  6 Pundit Sir punditster
  6 'Rick Archer' rick
  5 punditster
  5 Share Long sharelong60
  3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  3 Michael Jackson mjackson74
  2 emptybill
  2 Dick Mays dickmays
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 anartaxius
Posters: 24
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Michael J., 

 MMY discusses the relevance of yagya in his commentary to the Bhagavad Gita, 
verse 9 to verse 15.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote :

 What is your source material for saying Marshy said this, please?
 On Mon, 5/12/14, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, May 12, 2014, 7:20 PM
 stated that meditation is a form of yagya performed in the
 context of vedic rituals.  Yagyas are really offerings of
 food to the vedic gods.  The ritual is done by burning
 ghee, mustard seed, coconut and other items within the fire,
 or Agni, one of the many deities in the Hindu pantheon of
 In this sense,
 any of the ancient religions in the Middle East, including
 the Hebrews, have made similar burnt offerings to their
 deities and Yahweh, such as lamb and birds.
 So, with TM, the offering is really
 the individual thoughts which are burnt by the mantra within
 the meditators self.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 the ability to transcend has nothing whatsoever to do with
 ones beliefs in the waking state but on the mechanical
 abilities of the nervous-system. But if you are doing TM
 correctly it is doubtful one can remain an atheist forever.
 religions don't talk much about transcending
 simply because they lack the methods to achieve it.
 The Kingdom of God is within  must the most
 revolutionary concept in Christianity yet is rarely or even
 never discussed out of fear the Church would loose it's
 grip on the people.
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 wrote :
 Funny, I never really
 associated transcending with religious concepts or with God.
  I just transcended to a quieter area of my mind.  My
 religious beliefs always remained separate. Sometimes, when
 meditating, I had what felt like restful alertness, which
 then translated into what I felt was a better degree of
 activity.  In one instance I noticed a constant of silence
 when I shifted from sleeping to waking up.
 Nor am I aware of traditional
 religions talking much about transcending.
 But I like much of what else
 you say here.  I mean a lot of it is the 'ol,
 ultimately, there's nowhere to go,
 sort of thing.
 But if you're not
 there, you really can't relate to
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 anartaxius@... wrote :
 If everything is being,
 'transcending' is then just a myth, a story. The
 question here is, under what circumstances is the concept of
 transcending useful? All of us who learned TM obviously must
 have encountered the term. All the word means is 'to go
 beyond the range or limits of', and if everything, every
 aspect of experience is really being, then it cannot apply.
 It is a term useful for the spiritually stunted because it
 implies there is something more that can be mined from their
 experience than they currently recognise. Basically the term
 defines what is not
 experienced as transcending, but that does not mean
 that is what is actually happening when a person meditates
 is he or she is transcending to being. The whole thing
 is there all the time, like the ocean around a fish, just
 Transcending is a
 magicians' trick, the mind takes the sense of it,
 unaware it is being misdirected, while what is actually
 happening is a process of garbage removal, deconditioning of
 the mind, which when complete enough reveals that there
 never was any transcending in the first place. There does
 not need to be a concept like god for this to happen. It is
 not even necessary to have the concept of transcending
 either, but sometimes it is useful as a tool, when people
 feel they are less than everything and separate from the
 world. The idea of transcending in spirituality is usually
 heavily tainted with traditional religious concepts, which
 tends to make practice 'to go beyond the range or limits
 of' current experience weighted down with a lot of
 additional conceptualisation and conditioning, in addition
 to the conceptualisation and conditioning of day to day
 living. That tends to double the mental load one has to
 discard to experience everything as being.
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 wrote :
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
jr_esq@... wrote :
 If you say that you've
 transcended while meditating, then that means you've
 experienced Being.  So if that is so, how can you say that
 there is no 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread feste37
I think his point was probably that the farmer was just like the TMO -- always 
getting things wrong and harming people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Michael J., 

 What's the point?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Man shoots, kills woman he mistakes for groundhog
 SUGAR CREEK TWP., Ohio — A 22-year-old woman is dead after a farmer mistakenly 
shot her thinking she was a groundhog in tall grass.
 Stark County Sheriff George Maier says Natasha Stover was shooting targets 
Monday with a BB gun when she laid down in the grass. Farmer Ralph Adams Jr., 
79, thought she was a groundhog and fired a rifle about 165 feet away, hitting 
Stover in the head.
 The woman died the next day at the hospital.
 Maier said the shooting appears to be accidental but the case is still under 
investigation by the Stark County prosecutor's office.
 Stover's family says she loved animals and had a special gift working with 
them. She also had a strong faith and loved going to the library.
 Residents said Adams is well respected in the community.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Watch out for the N-Word

2014-05-12 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In other words, he was looking for trouble 
On Monday, May 12, 2014 4:01 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
This story gets better and better. It transpires that the BBC DJ who was sacked 
for playing THE SUN HAS GOT HIS HAT ON only decided to play that song as a 
last-minute substitute for ABDUL ABULBUL AMIR, which a listener had requested. 
After listening to ABDUL the DJ felt it might cause offence. 
Its first line is: 
The sons of the Prophet are brave men and bold...  
Later you get:  
Then this bold Mameluke Drew his trusty skibouk 
Singing 'Allah! il-Allah! Al-lah!' 
And with murderous intent 
He ferociously went...  
The DJ was spooked he might be seen as Islamophobic so he played the song about 
tanning n*s instead. Funny old world we're living in.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jr_esq@... wrote :


 Well said.  You're a very intelligent woman.

 Well honestly John, the guy has the manners of a constipated hippo, the grace 
of a one-legged stork, the sophistication of a porcupine on steroids and the 
depth measured by a teaspoon of spit. He has no more business trying to engage 
with someone with a genuine interest to learn and understand any more than I 
have the right to pilot a 787.







---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 John, since you persist in this somewhat presumptuous folly, I'd like you to 
*document* why you believe it, and believe that *your* version of who can 
transcend and who cannot seems to differ from Maharishi's. Please find and post 
for us quotes from him that say what you claim, that only those who believe in 
God can transcend. 


 I seem to remember many lectures and writings in which he stated the opposite, 
that every human being can transcend. I remember in particular lectures in 
which he was asked whether people of very low IQ or suffering from brain damage 
could transcend, and he answered with an unequivocal Of course. Anyone who can 
think can transcend. 

 I don't seem to remember very many quotes in which he added, Everyone can 
transcend...EXCEPT those who don't believe in God. It seems that you have 
found these quotes, so please share them with us. 


 Or are you possibly doing what The Corrector has done lately, and projecting 
what *you* want to believe onto someone you consider an authority. She feels 
safe with claiming to know the definitive interpretation of Jesus' words, 
based solely on having read translations of what he is *reputed* to have said, 
written down by other people. You seem equally comfortable supplying this 
missing phrase to complete the teachings of someone who actually wrote his 
*own* teachings down. Please share the source of your insights with us. 


 If you cannot, please explain to us why we shouldn't consider them mere 
examples of spiritual bigotry and hatred, spouted by someone anxious to impose 
his notions of an Old Testament God onto Maharishi's notions of Being and 
overwrite them...replace them with a vengeful, neurotic God who is willing (and 
able) to deny experience of Him to anyone who does not believe as he or she 


 Me, I just think you got your buttons pushed by a few people honestly stating 
an opinion about the non-existence of an imaginary being you have heavily 
invested in, and are trying to find some way to lash out at these heretics. In 
your mind, you have found find ways to deny them both the ability to transcend, 
and the ability to become enlightened. You seem unaware that doing so forces 
you to contradict the person you claim to hold as your spiritual teacher, and 
enlightened himself. I'd like to see you find direct quotes from this teacher 
(Maharishi) that support your theory. 


 If you cannot, I reserve the right to consider you Just Another Spiritual 
Bigot, and a rather stupid one at that. 


 We'll wait. 

 You're a rude and ignorant fuck-up Bawee. Why don't you just shut up and butt 
out and let civilized people engage in an intelligent and progressive exchange 
of ideas. John is one of the more non-reactive and polite posters here. It's 
great to see him engage on a subject that this forum seems to have been set up 
investigate - actual exchanges about transcendence and spiritual or deeper life 
experiences. You are just some snarly old poop who just has to burp in anyone's 
direction who has an opinion different from your own. Take your shitty attitude 
somewhere else or go have another beer. Either way, you add nothing of 
relevance or interest to either this conversation or any subject that extends 
in depth beyond what you can tell us CBS has for its Fall TV lineup. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are 'visions of God' really just temporal lobe epilepsy?

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote :

 hey turq and Ann, yes, this is a wonderful article, if a bit biased. I like 
the point at the end that only Joan of Arc could of rallied the French. And it 
seems that Dostoevsky still could write acclimed novels which probably have 
enriched the lives of some people. So...regardless of the neurological event 
and regardless of how it is labeled, such events don't preclude that a person 
lives a beneficial life.

 I don't think there was ever any question of how beneficial someones life is 
or isn't based on whether they have visions based on epilepsy or not. I think 
what Bawee was doing here was his usual 
let's-see-if-I-can-push-any-buttons-here shtick. 

If so, what does it say about YOU that you got your buttons pushed yet again?  
:-)  :-)  :-)


 You couldn't find my button if I guided your hand there myself. Dream on 
loser, you haven't even figured out the first thing about me. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid dreaming can be induced with an electrical current

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Another fascinating article presenting a different way of looking at 
experiences that many would call mystical or spiritual. To a scientist -- 
or to a non-dogmatist -- they're just experiences.  


 That proves it: Bawee's many lucid dreaming experiences can finally be 
explained - he has evidently placed his vibrator next to his head.

 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electrical Current 

 Scientists Induced Lucid Dreaming With An Electric... 
 The findings are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific 
frequency produces lucid dreaming.

 View on www.businessinside... 
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-12 Thread authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, I do know, but actually, I was responding to Bhairitu, not Barry. Really 
just a point of possible general interest for anyone following these 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 FWIW, determinism and predestination are two different things. Predestination 
is the doctrine that everything that happens has been destined to happen from 
the beginning. Determinism is the doctrine that every action is determined by 
the previous action.

 Judy, you know that defining and making distinctions between things like this 
is not Bawee's cuppa. He simply can't be bothered with detail, new 
understanding or subtlety. This is waaayy over his dummkopf. And he always 
defaults to the most negative spin possible with regard to people. His is a 
world where it is necessary, indeed his very survival depends upon, casting the 
worst possible light on someone's motivation or abilities. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote :

 No.  It's that you can't prove either free will or pre-destiny.  So why 
bother?  Enjoy your pattern. :-D 
 On 05/12/2014 01:48 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
No it was just a post that might be of interest to those who had been talking 
about guns. One may interpret the story of death by mistaken identity as one 
sees fit. 

On Tue, 5/13/14, feste37 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 12:50 AM
   I think his point was probably that the farmer was
 just like the TMO -- always getting things wrong and harming
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 jr_esq@... wrote :
 Michael J.,
 What's the point?
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote
 shoots, kills woman he mistakes for groundhog
 SUGAR CREEK TWP., Ohio — A 22-year-old woman is dead after
 a farmer mistakenly shot her thinking she was a groundhog in
 tall grass.
 Stark County Sheriff George Maier says Natasha Stover was
 shooting targets Monday with a BB gun when she laid down in
 the grass. Farmer Ralph Adams Jr., 79, thought she was a
 groundhog and fired a rifle about 165 feet away, hitting
 Stover in the head.
 The woman died the next day at the hospital.
 Maier said the shooting appears to be accidental but the
 case is still under investigation by the Stark County
 prosecutor's office.
 Stover's family says she loved animals and had a special
 gift working with them. She also had a strong faith and
 loved going to the library.
 Residents said Adams is well respected in the
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote :

 No it was just a post that might be of interest to those who had been talking 
about guns. One may interpret the story of death by mistaken identity as one 
sees fit. 

 It is as interesting as it is relevant. Not only do we have the cases of 
intentional murder by a weapon 20 times as powerful as a man, we also have the 
unintentional victims. Not to mention the innocent animals simply trying to 
exist from day to day that someone feels the compulsion to shoot because they 
don't like the look of them or they are eating one cob of corn too many. I 
daresay the amount of human food these creatures eat is a fraction of what we 
throw out each day.