[FairfieldLife] Star Star (was Re: My visit to Seelisberg)

2008-06-29 Thread Kenny H
This was a first person account told by me, Ken Hassman, who was one
of the two people this woman, who had just come from Bevans office,
told what happened. I forgot to ask her for permission to make a
videotape of her telling us this story but I'll try to remember that
next time someone tells me something directly. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This was many years ago but it pertains directly to Bevan and this
  topic at hand. 
  It was at MIU and Bevan was around a lot. I was sitting with a good
  friend when a woman friend of his and an acquaintance of mine, a
  well-placed well thought of woman came over to sit with us and she was
  really dazed/spaced out. She said she had received a summons to setup
  an appointment to see Bevan and she just naturally assumed it was
  something administrative. She went to the appointment, entered his
  office, sat down, expecting nothing of what was about to be proposed. 
  She said that in a very businesslike and even apologetic manner, Bevan
  told her he was in an odd position in that he was working all the
  time, did not have any time at all to cultivate relationships and was
  wondering if she would have sex with him. 
  I don't remember how she said she excused herself from his office but
  she was really very discombobulated from the shock of it. She did not
  become one of his occasional consorts. This was apparently his main
  method, at least at that time, of finding occasional sex partners. 
 Mm, well I laughed a lot about this one, and the comment thread
 was very funny as well, and then thought about it for a while and
 decided that actually it reads like someone has been having problems
 telling dreams from reality. It sounds so much like a dream sequence
 that I very much doubt it's true. There are a lot of these rumors
 running around and it's always I know someone who knew someone else
 who heard that  Unless I have reliable independent corroboration
 I'll not believe it.

[FairfieldLife] Star Star (was Re: My visit to Seelisberg)

2008-06-29 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  sounds of Ken throwing up in the background 

Barry I forgot, how old are you again, 11 or 12?


[FairfieldLife] Star Star (was Re: My visit to Seelisberg)

2008-06-28 Thread Kenny H
This was many years ago but it pertains directly to Bevan and this
topic at hand. 

It was at MIU and Bevan was around a lot. I was sitting with a good
friend when a woman friend of his and an acquaintance of mine, a
well-placed well thought of woman came over to sit with us and she was
really dazed/spaced out. She said she had received a summons to setup
an appointment to see Bevan and she just naturally assumed it was
something administrative. She went to the appointment, entered his
office, sat down, expecting nothing of what was about to be proposed. 

She said that in a very businesslike and even apologetic manner, Bevan
told her he was in an odd position in that he was working all the
time, did not have any time at all to cultivate relationships and was
wondering if she would have sex with him. 

I don't remember how she said she excused herself from his office but
she was really very discombobulated from the shock of it. She did not
become one of his occasional consorts. This was apparently his main
method, at least at that time, of finding occasional sex partners. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- TurquoiseB wrote:
  --- guyfawkes91 wrote:
   Not everyone hated them. The really really annoying thing was 
   that they had the best girls in Seelisberg chasing them.
  Ah, finally...a suitable subject for my last
  post of the week.  I'll start it off, and if 
  others can identify and add more material, 
  maybe it'll still be an active thread on 
  Saturday. :-)
  The subject for this thread is a social phen-
  omenon that has appeared in every spiritual
  movement I've ever seen; the soundtrack for 
  it is provided by the Rolling Stones in a song 
  they called *on the album covers* Star Star.
  The real name of the song was Starfucker. The
  lyrics are here:
  It's not that the women in Seelisberg chased the
  WYMS guys because they were big, butch Nazis.
  They were, but that wasn't the attraction. They
  chased them because they had *access to Maharishi*.
  They had the closest thing to POWER that one can
  have in a one-man-rule organization -- access to
  the one man.
  The women in Seelisberg also chased the Regional
  Coordinators and the State Coordinators from the
  U.S. when they came to town. And the leaders from
  the different countries as well. And WHY? Because
  they rightly thought that if they hooked up with
  these guys maybe *they* would get greater access 
  to Maharishi.
  Think I'm exaggerating? Think again...think Bevan.
  What attractive woman in her right mind would want
  to sleep with that blubberous toad? But they did,
  because he was a blubberous toady, and for a long
  time, the Head Toady. He had more access to MMY,
  and thus the thinking seems to have been, He must
  have some aspect of personal power or higher evo-
  lution about him, and if I (ick) fuck him, maybe 
  some of it will rub off on me.
  As I said before, this is a social phenomenon not
  limited to the TMO. I have seen it in pretty much
  every spiritual movement or scene I've ever been
  around. If it's a movement with primarily men at
  close proximity to the guru or Big Kahuna, then
  the women tend to throw themselves at those men.
  If it's a movement with primarily women at close
  proximity to the guru, the men (and sometimes the
  other women) tend to throw themselves at the 
  women who've established their personal power
  levels by being able to be close to the guru.
  It's just what happens. It's a law of nature.
  So I don't think that it's that the ladies in 
  Seelisberg were closet Nazi groupies; they were
  just good, old-fashioned power groupies. They were
  sexually attracted -- as women have been since the
  dawn of time -- to those whose personal charisma
  had allowed them to rise to the top. 
 In a world where egos seek sustenance in 
 power and proximity to power, I take heart 
 from a story I heard on National Public Radio 
 decades ago. The story told how, in a herd of 
 gorillas (I think it was gorillas), the Alpha 
 Gorilla gets all the females. But in one herd 
 being observed, scientists noticed that one of 
 the females regularly sneaked out of the harem to  
 spend time with a male gorilla of lesser status. 
 The only reason the female would risk a beating, 
 as far as the observers could tell, was because  
 she preferred that particular male's company. 
 From this simply story I like to believe 
 there are males and females of many species -
 even humans! - who seek the companionship of 
 others not because of power, wealth or 
 appearance, but simply because they prefer 
 the other's company.
 I blush to admit it.

[FairfieldLife] Star Star (was Re: My visit to Seelisberg)

2008-06-28 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hafta say, if a male acquaintance or colleague
 were just sort of generally horny 

Now wait, I hafta say that this is pretty much the condition of 
most men most of the time. 

I can barely think of a time since I was maybe in 7th grade when I was
not imagining every woman my vision fell on naked and wondered how to
get her to have sex. Looks essentially make no difference. If they
have breasts and the rest I am imagining. 


and not
 particularly interested in me as a person, I'd
 vastly prefer Bevan's approach to the standard
 pass. Right up front, no muss, no fuss. And if I
 were sufficiently horny and the guy was 
 reasonably presentable, I might even say yes.
 Assuming there was no *threat* attached if I said
 no, of course. How was the woman in question
 treated by Bevan afterward? If he didn't hold her
 refusal against her, I'd agree that this was 
 actually not a bad way to go about it, for him.
 Kinda sad he had to do it that way, though. And I
 wonder whether working all the time was the real
 reason he wasn't able to cultivate relationships,
 or if that was just an excuse for a lack of self-
 confidence with women.

[FairfieldLife] Star Star (was Re: My visit to Seelisberg)

2008-06-28 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kenhassman@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 You mean, that time you and I had lunch, all the
 while you were...


I confess guilt. BUT as a guy you learn to ignore it!

It's like talking to someone you want to tell to shut the f*ck up or
go jump off a bridge and instead you tell them what a pleasure it was
to meet them. You ignore the inappropriate thoughts. Many people who
don't either a) get lucky or b) end up in prison.

One of the reasons I stopped teaching was I really was afraid I was
going to tell the students what I was thinking instead of having to be
neutral most of the time and strident within limits. It was getting
increasingly difficult to hold back.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Extreme Instability as Vedic Chanting continues More Pundits arriving.

2008-06-27 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even worse, Maria Sharapova lost in the 2nd round at Wimbledon. 

I think this was the collective will of the Brits. Wasn't it last year
that they laughed at that awful shriek of hers? 


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@
  You missed this one Oil touches above $142
  Gloom Descends Over Wall Street Again
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
  dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Extreme Instabitlity Continues INTO THIS EVENING.  HIGH
   Jai Guru Dev,
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
 Are there more pundits coming?
 And how many will it make total?


Hagelin announced today on the MOU channel that 250 more pundits
coming soon, but didn't break the pundit total out, noting only
there would be more than 2K YF at dome time once they arrived.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Top Independent Journalist to visit Fairfield

2008-06-25 Thread Kenny H
I find that though her agenda may be radical she backs her entire
presentation up with hard facts. She presents the events as they are
and does not seem to slant things one way or another when asking
question-she simply asks questions. It is clear that she is a
left-wing believer but listen to her closely-she does not make stuff up.

Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, makes stuff up, out and out lies.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Any Goodman one of the most highly regarded independent
journalists, by her
  peers and the public,  will speak at the Fairfield library Sat.
June 28.
 Weelll she's certainly interesting to listen to, but her agenda
is every bit as
 radical as Rush's, just in the other direction.
 And... what? DId she try for a speaking venue at MUM and got turned down
 or is her publicist just plain stupid?
 Had she managed to get a spot at the Domes, instead of the Fairfield
 she would have had 50x as many people simply because the venue is
50x as large.
 I mean sheesh.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the TM belief system: People can't change

2008-06-23 Thread Kenny H
Barry as near as I can tell you haven't changed in years either.


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, danfriedman2002

 You and John Knapp can't change. That's why you deserve each other's 
 company so much.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  The re-arrival of John Knapp on FFL, and the
  reaction of the TM TBs to his presence, has
  brought an issue into focus for me, so I 
  figured I'd throw it out for others to react
  to. Or not, if you don't think it's relevant.
  Most of the people who have reacted so nega-
  tively and so *strongly* to John in the last
  few days are doing so based on their *past* 
  interactions with him. They even say this.
  This covers Judy (who pretty much dwells
  in the past full-time), Lawson, and feste.
  Their message is consistent: Why should we
  trust what John says in the present, because 
  his past actions (as we see them, that is)
  have convinced us that he is not to be
  Now THINK about this statement, and what it
  reveals about the persons making it and their
  belief system. They don't believe that it is 
  *possible* for someone they disliked in the
  past to change in the present. Once they have 
  developed their first impression of them, that
  impression is fixed, immutable.
  And WHY?
  Duh, because none of THEM have changed, in 
  years. Sometimes decades. If you go back into
  the archives of FFL or a.m.t. and look up posts
  by Judy Stein or by Lawson or by feste, you
  could swap out the posts from a decade ago
  with today's posts, and no one would be able
  to tell the difference. There has been no 
  change; they are still the same basic selves,
  with the same basic samskaras and same basic
  behavioral patterns, still posting the same 
  basic ignorance and bigotry that they posted 
  years ago. Nothing *ever* seems to changes 
  for them. 
  Compare and contrast to someone like Curtis.
  There was a time when he was pretty in-your-
  face on these forums, too (and he still can
  be, when it is deserved, although almost always
  with humor these days). But generally we see
  a kinder, gentler, more balanced Curtis in his
  posts these days, a veritable model of behavior
  that many of us look up to. John Knapp seems to 
  have learned a few things along the Way, too. 
  And I'm betting that the *majority* of people
  here notice the difference. Whereas the TM TB
  trio I'm discussing above do not. They see John
  as the same old demon they saw him as before;
  their belief system does not seem to allow for
  the possibility of him having changed over the
  WHY? And WHY do they act like this?
  My bet is that what *we* see as their anger at 
  these TM critics is in reality anger at *them-
  selves* for their inability to change. They 
  cling to the TM dogma, and talk, talk, talk 
  about its supposed benefits and the changes it 
  can supposedly enable people to make, but they 
  never actually *make* any of these changes 
  *themselves*. That must get them down after a 
  while, seeing others change and evolve around 
  them, while they do not. And seemingly cannot.
  So, being unable to address what's really bug-
  ging them, they lash out at anyone they can 
  find an excuse (and, seemingly, *any* excuse)
  to lash out at, and project onto their victims
  the very inability to change that they see in
  I find it curious, and more than a little sad.

[FairfieldLife] Bevan's report on flooding in Iowa (and other stuff)

2008-06-23 Thread Kenny H
This from a friend on Mother Divine:

Are you wondering how all this flooding could be going on with so 
many Pandits? We are surprised at Natural Law. Definitely in the 
phase transition here. Hopefully lots of light very soon. But one 
thing the press has reported that as waters receeded in Cedar Rapids 
it left behind a toxic brew of farm pesticide, chemicals and toxic 

Bevan has pointed out that one thing that we won't see in Heaven on 
Earth is chemical ag. He threw up his arms and said he couldn't 
pretend to know the mechanics of nature's functioning here. (Bevan 
currently here.)

By the way, I typed up some notes from the Global Family Chat on the 
21st. Bevan spoke about upcoming Fourth of July celebration.

Here ya go:

On the June 21 Global Family Chat Bevan said he had been to Rudra 
Abhishek yagya in a special temple here in a deep, cave-like 
place, and how powerful it was. He said all the Pandits have digital 
cameras and video cameras now and all wanted pictures taken after the 
yagya – which her really enjoyed.

He said July 4th is a big celebration for the Pandits. He thought it 
was because it is the Fourth of July for America.

But it turns out it is a special Vedic celebration that falls on that 

He said Maharishi told the Pandits they are not coming to America, 
they are coming to Vedic America and they should celebrate every 
Vedic Festival here.

On Lord Jagannath's day, who Bevan said is a reality of Vishnu, the 
tradition is to build a chariot and pull it in Orissa. 

This year it falls on July 4.  The Pandits made a cardboard `'mock-
up of a chariot and it has now been made. They are going to pull it 
with ropes through the roads and fields of Iowa. He didn't elaborate 
where they would go, but this should be interesting. I believe we did 
see part of the chariot off to the side of the road,  and it's really 

Bevan also mentioned there are two new big buildings going up on the 
Pandit campus. Mother Divine has noticed this so it was nice of Bevan 
to clarify.

One is a dining hall. Other he thinks is for yagyas.  Someone told me 
it was announced today (June 23) it is a new rec center (that the one 
they have isn't big enough for all the Pandits),

He also said he talked to Bill Goldstein who has made several trips 
to India to help the Pandits get their visas, and Bill said they have 
found another 100 Pandits with passports. So these 100 have moved 
from where ever they are to Delhi to get their visas.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trancenet Alert!

2008-06-22 Thread Kenny H

I was referring to you. You gave up TM how many years ago yet it seems
to have quite a grip on you now.

Instead of just moving on with your life, even though you may not be
participating in the TM world/programs, you are spending quite a bit
of time in TM world via all these discussions.


 than it could havse--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M.

  You are a therapist? Would you recommend that a patient, once he saw
  the error of his ways, spend the next 20 years wallowing in it? 
 Sorry, KH, I'm not following your thought here. I suggest that no
one wallow in it. 
 Certainly not clients in my practice. 
 My clients and I typically spend about 4 sessions or so talking
about the processes that 
 may have been present in their group. Then we spend 4 or so sessions
practicing simple 
 cognitive behavioral techniques to help cope with any lingering
mental, emotional, social, 
 or spiritual challenges they may be facing.
 For most that's it. Some few clients choose to work longer. Some
choose to work less.
 If you have an interest, check out
http://knappfamilycounseling.com/cultdefine.html or 
 http://knappfamilycounseling.com/razor.html where I talk about the
dangers of dwelling 
 on blaming the cult.
 In my work, I say blame is largely about the past: Who did what to
whom when. It doesn't 
 bring about change.
 I emphasize responsibility, which is about the future. No matter
what happened to a client 
 in the past, only the client can take responsibility for changing
his or her life.
 As to my wallowing in it personally, if that was your meaning, TM is
a relatively small part 
 of my life -- and has been for some time. That's why I let the
trancenet.net domain 
 registration lapse. (I brought it back because I received a number
of requests to do so.)
 I would say less than a third of my current clients were involved
with TM. These days the 
 largest group were involved with various Bible-based groups. 
 But some people do feel called to being an activist. Nearly every
religion has an active 
 reform group. Do you feel the fellows who founded SNAP, who seek
justice for children 
 molested in the Catholic Church, should just get over it?
 They're an inspiration to many in and out of the Catholic Church.
 My influence is a tiny fraction of theirs, I know. But I do what I
can. I wish I were more 
 gifted. But we all work with the cards we're dealt.
 Being a cult activist is not something I recommend to anyone. In
fact, quite the opposite. I 
 recommend to my clients that they avoid replacing the high-intensity
of their group with 
 the high-intensity of cult activism for at least a year after
leaving their group. I think it's 
 important that people rediscover their authentic selves before
rushing off into a new 
 I was offered this advice way back in 1995 as I was leaving TM. I
wish I had taken it. My 
 exit from TM was messy and painful. I think many of my more
over-the-top writings at 
 that time would have been quite different if I had looked to my own
needs and challenges 
 before rushing off into the Internet wars.
 But what's past is past. I've tried to be more temperate in the last
8 years or so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trancenet Alert!

2008-06-21 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW

  Except, of course, that the billions are in the
  custody of the TMO. He didn't do much for himself
  with them, did he?
 Ummm, did you not get the memo about his golden toilets?
 I saw them at Livingston Manor. I've been told they were there in
Europe as well.
 Just a symbol of what the Maharishi did with his billions.

A very very big so what It was Maharishi's TM Movement, we
participate freely and willingly for whatever our reasons were and
still are for some. Some moved on, some found ways to make their peace
with the conflict they experienced, some are still trying to do that.  

You are a therapist? Would you recommend that a patient, once he saw
the error of his ways, spend the next 20 years wallowing in it? 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Trancenet Alert!

2008-06-21 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mrfishey2001

 Perhaps at the 
 moment we can do no better than freely and willingly – I think
further reflection would 
 prove otherwise. 

Are you thinking perhaps of Geraldine (Flip Wilson)- ...the Devil
made me do it?

 Delighted to see you participating again. 

Thank you!


What I remember of your posts - as with a 
 handful of others - is the wealth of personal experience. Those who
were there in the 
 meetings, on the courses or running the centers have a reservoir of
firsthand knowledge – 
 useful in overcoming the disorientation created by an organization
reengineering its 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trancenet Alert!

2008-06-21 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mrfishey2001

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mrfishey2001
  mrfishey2001@ wrote:
   Perhaps at the 
   moment we can do no better than freely and willingly – I think
  further reflection would 
   prove otherwise. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kenhassman@ wrote:
  Are you thinking perhaps of Geraldine (Flip Wilson)- ...the Devil
  made me do it?
 If, as it seems in your case, further reflection takes you to the
devil. But no, I was not 
 suggesting demonic possession. 

Wow, I was teasing and thought the reference to Flip Wilson and his
character Geraldine would cause a smile.  

I was giving a glib answer and see this is a sensitive topic.
Apologies for treating it lightly.



I'm sure sociologists could provide many reasons people join cults,
religions, spiritual groups, etc and we probably all have some mix of
those reasons-surrogate parents (the Guru), sense of family, etc.

For me once I realized (1984) that nothing I had taken on as personal
belief - all the TM beliefs - were actually being lived by me in my
personal life - I did not know what to do, how to change my life,
where to go, how to get a career, etc. So I understand, I think, what
you are speaking of.

 Your post claims members participated freely and willingly. Which
at face value seems 
 true enough. I doubt it's that simple. Membership usually
presupposes expectation; I join 
 to access power, desire companionship, learn new skills or benefit
some way by being a 
 member. Personal experience tells me the majority of TM members,
particularly those at 
 higher levels, seek the benefits of emancipation. For many that's
enlightenment, others an 
 absence of the time-consuming limitations posed by professional
commitments. In either 
 case, the success of your emancipatory aspirations becomes subject
to your compliance 
 with group expectations.  
 Here, freely and willingly are subject to much debate. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Memo to New TM Leaders: How NOT to Be a Cult

2008-06-21 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Barry really *does* know better. He knows the vast
 majority of the crap he posts about me isn't true.
 He doesn't have enough imagination to figure out a
 way to try to insult me that's actually truthful.

It is obvious that Barry does go out of his way to be bait you and it
is beyond me to fathom why a chronologically grown person would do this.


[FairfieldLife] for the sleep deprived (and mentally depraved?)

2008-06-19 Thread Kenny H

Green Tea Compounds Beat Obstructive Sleep Apnea-related Brain
Deficits, Study Shows

ScienceDaily (May 18, 2008) — Chemicals found in green tea may be able
to stave off the cognitive deficits that occur with obstructive sleep
apnea (OSA), according to a new study published in the second issue
for May of the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Researchers examined the effects green tea polyphenols (GTP),
administered through drinking water, on rats who were intermittently
deprived of oxygen during 12-hour night cycles, mimicking the
intermittent hypoxia (IH) that humans with OSA experience.

People with OSA have been reported to have increased markers of
oxidative stress and exhibit architectural changes in their brain
tissue in areas involved in learning and memory. Chronic IH in rats
produce similar neurological deficit patterns.

OSA has been increasingly recognized as a serious and frequent health
condition with potential long-term morbidities that include learning
and psychological disabilities [...], wrote David Gozal, M.D.,
professor and director of Kosair Children's Hospital Research
Institute at the University of Louisville, lead author of the article.
A growing body of evidence suggests that the adverse neurobehavioral
consequences imposed by IH stem, at least in part, from oxidative
stress and inflammatory signaling cascades.

GTPs are known to possess anti-oxidant properties, acting as a free
radical scavengers, and research has shown that the compounds may
reduce the risk of a variety of different diseases.

Recent studies have demonstrated the neuroprotective activity of GTP
in animal models of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's
and Alzheimer's disease, wrote Dr. Gozal.

In this study, the researchers divided 106 male rats into two groups
that underwent intermittent oxygen depletion during the 12-hour
night cycle for 14 days. One group received drinking water treated
with GTP; the other received plain drinking water.

They were then tested for markers of inflammation and oxidative
stress, as well as for performance in spatial learning and memory
tasks--namely a water maze in which the rat had to memorize the
location of a hidden platform.

The IH-rats that received the green tea-treated water performed
significantly better in a water maze than the rats that drank plain
water. GTP-treated rats exposed to IH displayed significantly greater
spatial bias for the previous hidden platform position, indicating
that GTPs are capable of attenuating IH-induced spatial learning
deficits, wrote Dr. Gozal, adding that GTPs may represent a
potential interventional strategy for patients with sleep-disordered

[FairfieldLife] Coffee Drinkers Rejoice

2008-06-17 Thread Kenny H
Coffee Drinkers Have Slightly Lower Death Rates, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (Jun. 17, 2008) — A new study has good news for coffee
drinkers: Regular coffee drinking (up to 6 cups per day) is not
associated with increased deaths in either men or women. In fact, both
caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee consumption is associated with a
somewhat smaller rate of death from heart disease.

Coffee consumption has been linked to various beneficial and
detrimental health effects, but data on its relation with death were
lacking, says Esther Lopez-Garcia, PhD, the study's lead author.
Coffee consumption was not associated with a higher risk of mortality
in middle-aged men and women. The possibility of a modest benefit of
coffee consumption on heart disease, cancer, and other causes of death
needs to be further investigated.

Women consuming two to three cups of caffeinated coffee per day had a
25 percent lower risk of death from heart disease during the follow-up
period (which lasted from 1980 to 2004 and involved 84,214 women) as
compared with non-consumers, and an 18 percent lower risk of death
caused by something other than cancer or heart disease as compared
with non-consumers during follow-up. For men, this level of
consumption was associated with neither a higher nor a lower risk of
death during the follow-up period (which lasted from 1986 to 2004 and
involved 41,736 men).

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-16 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is no sin in thinking that maybe TM just doesn't work for you.

Well I would not say that at all. It just did not do what I thought it
would in the ways it would. I was looking for external proof in the
ways it was promoted. 

As far as simply feeling better, more centered and personally
balanced, as far as experiencing the Being (ala Charlie Lutes) it


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-16 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Why can't they just be honest and accept that 
 they're trolling? Why do they have to make things 
 up all the time? For what purpose? If they've moved 
 on with their life, what are they doing on a news
 very far. Why do you suppose they keep coming back 
 to discuss they've moved on? I can see why someone
 who is on the program might come here to get some
 news, but the trollers just seem like baiters,
 trying to get some attention. 


I often wonder the very same thing. 

Doesn't this also apply to you? From reading all the way back to
alt.tm.org you seem exactly the same to me. You've been saying the
same things for how many years now? 

How about just accepting the fact that this is what Barry, Judy, you,
Curtis, Lawson, me, Peter, Rick, Doug, Feste, Shemp, Lurk, Ruth, etc.
do-post to FairfieldLife as part of life. Sometimes people seem to
cycle in, sometimes out. 


  if you want to  
 I mean, what news would they have and what would 
 they have to discuss? How many times do we have to
 hear that they've moved on with their life? 
 From what I've read, they don't seem to have moved 

 Maybe they didn't get the attention they felt they
 needed when they were working for the Marshy. 
 Maybe they just feel better when they have someone,
 anyone, to talk to. Maybe they're just trolling.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dave Mallett and Folkalley.com

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H

Did you ever listen to FolkAlley.com? It's a great source of free and
great music as in 24/7 at http://folkalley.com. It's where I was
introduced to Dave Mallett a couple of years ago. 

Thanks for the free Dave Mallett tunes, too and the itunes tip. I'm
reluctant to get involved with downloading from itunes but maybe...!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 15, 2008, at 12:10 AM, Kenny H wrote:
  Wow, I am very envious you went to see A Prairie Home Companion. Where
  did you go? I have a lot of frequent flyer miles and have thought of
  going to Minneapolis. Is it hard to get tickets?
 He comes to Maine every couple of years, so we saw him in Bangor.  
 Tickets typically go on sale 8 months or so ahead of time and sell out  
 in a couple of days, so you do have to be on the ball to get tickets.
  Dave Mallett is one of my very favorite folk-type singers, he has
  about 3 albums but none of them really sound as good as he does live.
  My favorite song of his, also much better as a live version is,
  Summer of My Dreams.
 Yes, I agree, he is much better live. He has a live version of Summer  
 of My Dreams which is excellent. It is on Live at the Iron Horse,  
 Vol. 1 and you can get at on the iTunes store for 99 cents.
 I also just uploaded another song from PHC, his classic The Garden  
 Song. Enjoy.
 PS: Good luck with your book! What a great idea.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
Barry I like your take and I will get back to you later on about what
you said. Thanks very much for such clear expression.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kenhassman@ wrote:
  After reading many thousands of posts first at alt.tm then here 
  I have the idea of writing a book about what I think of as The 
  Other Side of Spiritual Growth.
  With the new wave of Oprah-Eckhart Tolle, every magazine in 
  creation touting some kind of yoga. and presenting only the 
  pro side of living the Eastern or Spirit-based life, I have 
  thought that there are many many people like me, and like others 
  posting on FFLIfe, and many people here know of others, both 
  TMers or some kind of other spiritual aspirants, who have lived 
  the spiritual life only have things go awry as opposed to better. 
  They do not necessarily turn into ardent bashers but they are 
  experiencing disappointment, disillusionment and may have taken 
  steps such as I have and many others have by getting out and
  pursuing an independent life. 
  I am looking for stories, first-person accounts from people, like 
  me, who are not out to bash what they have done, but to express
  themselves, addressing the disappointments and broken promises, 
  their side of the story, how life may have taken a downturn inside 
  of the opposite. Also, what you/they have done to create a change 
  for yourself. Or if you/they even have. 
 Since some have pooh-poohed your book idea, I'm 
 going to applaud it, but with reservations and
 suggestions. Please forgive the un-asked-for advice.
 I think that a book full of stories of Those Who
 Walked Away could be valuable, *especially* in an
 age where many are catching the Oprah wave and 
 walking to groups and organizations that promise
 realization and/or happiness.
 HOWEVER, while some focus on the disappointments
 and broken promises might be in order, I think that
 you will sabotage the value of your proposed book if
 you select stories that tend to repeat that theme
 ad nauseum.
 What I think would be more valuable, and less whiny,
 is a book full of stories of Those Who Walked Away,
 but focusing on the fact that they were all walking
 towards something new, not merely walking away from
 something old. 
 Making the decision to walk away from a long-held
 set of spiritual beliefs or from the company of those
 who believe similarly is heavy-duty. It is a *no less
 amazing* thing for a long-time TMer to walk away from
 the TM movement than for a long-time Catholic priest
 to walk away from the priesthood. And there are 
 traumas involved IN walking away.
 But if you want to create a work of lasting value in
 the world of spiritual books, don't focus on what those
 who walked away were walking away *from*, but instead 
 on the act of walking away, and how that enabled them
 to find something more fulfilling. 
 My fave songwriter, Bruce Cockburn, wrote a song a few
 years ago called Strange Waters. It was his riff on
 the 23rd Psalm, and dealt with his *own* walking away 
 from too-rigidly-held Christian beliefs and walking 
 towards something lighter and more flexible. The last 
 line of the song reflects, IMO, the distinction I'm 
 trying to make. It goes, If I loose my grip, will I 
 take flight?
 Bruce loosed his grip on beliefs that had grown para-
 lyzing for him, and the result was being able to walk 
 freely again. A similar theme is found in the video of 
 Henry Miller that do.rflex posted last night, in which he
 relates the Zen parable of the student who studies his
 Zen diligently for many years, but who only experiences
 satori when, on a trip outside the monastery, he takes
 a prostitute up on her offer and gets himself laid.
 SO MUCH of the dogma of spiritual disciplines and relig-
 ions is aimed at getting people NOT to walk away. It's 
 all about WE have the 'highest path.' There is nowhere 
 you could go where you will find higher knowledge or a 
 faster path to what you seek than WE possess. Therefore
 you should *stay where you are*. To leave our path is to
 leave the spiritual path, period.
 Sound familiar? It should. That was the essential message
 of the TMO for decades, and still is. 
 And yet.
 And yet, as you say, one reads the stories of those who
 ignored this insistent dogma and DID walk away, and the
 bottom line is often NOT bitterness, NOT having left the
 spiritual path for good, but a sense of freedom and having 
 walked to something better and brighter (for them) than 
 what they had walked away from.
 Me, I don't think that the *particular* new thing that
 these people found that they had walked towards is very
 important. I think that the important thing -- the exercise
 of will and intent and personal power that made spiritual 
 progress possible for them -- is to be found more in the 
 act of walking away itself than in the thing

[FairfieldLife] A Prairie Home Companion in Des Moines

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
if Des Moines is still there.

Iowa State Fair Grandstand
Des Moines, Iowa
Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 8:00 pm

Sponsored by Iowa Public Radio

All tickets $25

Tickets on sale beginning April 19, and are available at all
Ticketmaster outlets.

To buy tickets online, and for venue information, go to

In-person sales start at the Fair July 7

Tickets do not include Fair admission see the Fair Web site for ticket
packages and discounts. For more information, go to

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Prairie Home Companion in Des Moines

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Kenny wrote:
  A Prairie Home Companion in Des Moines
 Thanks for the invite, Kenny, but somehow 
 I just don't see myself driving up I-35 to
 Des Moines, Iowa this weekend. Besides, I 
 can't stand that liberal Garrison Keelor.


To each his own as far as taste in entertainment goes. Plus if you
went this weekend you'd be a bit early as the show (as was posted) is
not until mid-August. 


 Some, possibly misguided fools, think he 
 is funny, but to drive into a flood zone
 and pay him - I don't hink so.
 One moans for shame that such a vulgar 
 jerk is thought of, and even known overseas, 
 as some kind of national entertainer.
 Read more: 
 'Garrison Keillor, Vulgarian'
 By Christopher Hitchens
 Slate, Monday, Feb. 13, 2006

[FairfieldLife] Reailty disconnect (was Re: Fairfield super radiance and Iowa weather)

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sure, if you accept the ME as Truth, then whatever happens is good by
 definition, no matter how bad it seems and how much it contradicts
 your predictions.

This is the loop of thinking that I still struggle with after so many
years of attempting to divorce myself from exactly this loop of
thinking I got caught up in-the damned if you believe and damned if
you don't believe cycle. Or the we have an answer for everything
cycle the our belief system can handle all possible responses in
one fell swoop. The ME effect. If things are good-great we are
responsibile. If things are not good it's either a) normalization
and/or the numbers are down/we are not doing enough.   

There are three instances that stand out in my mind as representative
of the really odd thinking that we in the TM org. came to accept as
normal and which I have cycled repeatedly for years trying to make
sense of. 

One was when Bevan, in the dome, probably between rounds at a time
when there were about 1500 people in the domes doing program, and
there were many many more people in FF not in the domes. He was up
there haranguing us for the numbers being low and such and I'm
thinking, why is he yelling at us, we're here in the domes?

Another was in India, at the big Vedic Science course in India. There
we were on the other side of the world, hundreds if not thousands were
really sick, we were sitting in this amazingly crowded room listening
to Byron Ribgy and Geoffrey Clemens drone on hour after hour about THe
Hamiltonian, you'd walk by the makeshift kitchen and see one of the
cooks actually dunking his head in one of the pots to wash his hair
right in one of the pots where the lentils were cooking for our
supper, the German door guards were really harassing people, and one
night Maharishi tells us, The situation in the world is getting worse
and it is our fault...if you are one of the people who are here and
are complaining I don't want you here...you should leave for the sake
of the world

The third instance of real reality disconnect also involved Bevan.
There were rumors of Bevan and the Zimmermans having gone to Santa
Cruz to see the UC Santa Cruz campus supposedly checking out buying or
leasing a part of campus and moving MIU there (something close to
this). A close friend of mine was Stuart Zimmerman's personal
assistant and she told me to my face (not second-hand) it was
absolutely true as she had arranged the plane trip. So one afternoon
after program, in the shed, Bevan gets on the microphone and says,
Everyone should have their bags packed and ready to move to Egypt. We
are moving to the Temple of Cheops... (again this is a paraphrase but
close enough). He-Bevan-went on to say that he heard the rumors of the
UC Santa Cruz thing and they were absolutely false. Which they were not.


 I just don't remember floods, tornadoes, wildfires,
 warfare, etc. being enumerated as part of the Golden Age of Ram Raj,
 but maybe I was asleep during that tape. ;)
   OTOH, perhaps there's a negative correlation between ME numbers and
   well-being, and so many people sitting for so long with blank minds
   invite in the negative forces to wreak DEVA-station on the
nation. Who
   woulda thunk--maybe Bronte was right? 
  Um... Bronte thinks the world is controlled by reptilian,
  shape-shifting aliens. AFAIC, she's the last person to seek out for a
  reality check.
 You know that was a joke, yes?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  But if you want to create a work of lasting value in
  the world of spiritual books, don't focus on what those
  who walked away were walking away *from*, but instead
  on the act of walking away, and how that enabled them
  to find something more fulfilling.

The way I think you are presenting it and the way Anatol has presented
it (at least the way I'm interpreting what you've said) it is as if
one must find something else that is spiritual in walking away. 

For me, where I differ is that something more fulfilling might not
be another spiritually-based philosophy, practice, religion or teacher.  

In my case I discovered the value of just working hard at something
and finding that the harder I work the more successful I am. This is
in direct contrast to the do nothing accomplish more (or however
that goes) aphorism heard for so long. 

Plus I wouldn't call what I'm doing or the transition I made more
fulfilling but it is more satisfactory.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As I understand those aphorisms, they refer
 to (1) increasing support of nature, so that
 one is more successful at whatever one is
 doing; and (2) the experience that one is not
 the author of one's actions (I'm not doing
 anything, it's the gunas).

Thanks for the clarification Judy. What I am trying to express which I
guess I haven't said clearly is that I did everything asked of me
(meditation in the am/pm, becoming TM teacher, initiating 1000+,
teaching residence/prep courses, several 6 month courses, move to FF,
in the domes, Vedic Atom, Ayurvedic course) and did NOT experience
increasing support of nature as long as I lived within the confines of
the TM-based community/lifestyle. It was only when I completely broke
free from it-from the total package lifestyle that I found support for
my actions. 

Whether nature has anything to do with it I'm unsure. I do know that
the fact that I work hard and do a good job and keep working hard and
doing a good job seems to work. Perhaps it is nature but that is
pretty abstract for me at this point. I also tend to think I got very
very lucky. Many people work very hard and don't experience success. 
I also worked very hard while I was living in FF and going to the
domes and watched my life continue to spiral downwards. 

Maybe on the abstract level of life I'm not the doer and if thats the
case I hope the nondoer is having more fun than I am!


 Whether you believe any of this or not, your
 working hard and being successful is in no way
 in contrast with it, at least in terms of how
 I've always understood it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-15 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kenhassman@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 Yeah, I personally don't think support of nature is a
 useful concept on a practical basis, because even if it
 exists, there's no way to *identify* it. I mean, one
 could suggest that you were experiencing support of
 nature in that what nature wanted was for you to go
 off on your own, so it was making things tough on you 
 in order to encourage you to leave the TMO.

Isn't this what's called a conundrum? 
or is it
We have an answer for everything!


P.s. How's Atlantic City treating you (and vice-versa?).

[FairfieldLife] The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-14 Thread Kenny H
Hello All, 

I've been involved with the TM org. since 1969 in a variety of
fashions and decided, for once and for all, to 'get out back in 1990.
This does not mean I've broken all contact, just outer contact. 

Presently I'm a freelance writer specializing in back-of-book indexes
and my clients include some of the world's great presses and then a
lesser known but popular group of publishers. I have access to and
contact with many editors. I say this for a reason.

My own story, in very short, continued to fall apart the more I stayed
involved with TM and acted as if my life was an example of what M was
talking about. Although the promises of TM as heard by me and many
others did manifest for some, they not come to fruition for me as they
did not for many others. It was not until I chose to take my life in
my own hands which included first leaving Fairfield, then finally
avoiding the centers and any type of outward oriented TM activity,
that I was able to turn things around from the dregs of poverty to a
more successful life in terms of earning ability. I am not a TM
basher. I did what I needed to do and still do so. 

After reading many thousands of posts first at alt.tm then here I have
the idea of writing a book about what I think of as The Other Side of
Spiritual Growth.

With the new wave of Oprah-Eckhart Tolle, every magazine in creation
touting some kind of yoga. and presenting only the pro side of
living the Eastern or Spirit-based life, I have thought that there are
many many people like me, and like others posting on FFLIfe, and many
people here know of others, both TMers or some kind of other spiritual
aspirants, who have lived the spiritual life only have things go awry
as opposed to better. They do not necessarily turn into ardent bashers
but they are experiencing disappointment, disillusionment and may have
taken steps such as I have and many others have by getting out and
pursuing an independent life. 

I am looking for stories, first-person accounts from people, like me,
who are not out to bash what they have done, but to express
themselves, addressing the disappointments and broken promises, their
side of the story, how life may have taken a downturn inside of the
opposite. Also, what you/they have done to create a change for
yourself. Or if you/they even have. 

If you are someone who would like to tell your story, of course no
names need be used, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. If
you know of other groups I might contact and make a similar request of
and/or other people who might like to get their story of the other
side of spiritual pursuits, please contact me. 

Everything is held in the strictest of confidence which is how my
entire business works as I get books, some very known after they are
published, before they are released and am used to that type of

Thank you!!


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-14 Thread Kenny H
I remember Connie very well from the mid-70s at MIU. Very very funny lady.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mrfishey2001

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kenhassman@ wrote:
  Hello All, 
  I've been involved with the TM org. since 1969 in a variety of
  fashions and decided, for once and for all, to 'get out back in 1990.
  This does not mean I've broken all contact, just outer contact. 
  Presently I'm a freelance writer specializing in back-of-book indexes
  and my clients include some of the world's great presses and then a
  lesser known but popular group of publishers. I have access to and
  contact with many editors. I say this for a reason.
  My own story, in very short, continued to fall apart the more I stayed
  involved with TM and acted as if my life was an example of what M was
  talking about. Although the promises of TM as heard by me and many
  others did manifest for some, they not come to fruition for me as they
  did not for many others. It was not until I chose to take my life in
  my own hands which included first leaving Fairfield, then finally
  avoiding the centers and any type of outward oriented TM activity,
  that I was able to turn things around from the dregs of poverty to a
  more successful life in terms of earning ability. I am not a TM
  basher. I did what I needed to do and still do so. 
  After reading many thousands of posts first at alt.tm then here I have
  the idea of writing a book about what I think of as The Other Side of
  Spiritual Growth.
  With the new wave of Oprah-Eckhart Tolle, every magazine in creation
  touting some kind of yoga. and presenting only the pro side of
  living the Eastern or Spirit-based life, I have thought that there are
  many many people like me, and like others posting on FFLIfe, and many
  people here know of others, both TMers or some kind of other spiritual
  aspirants, who have lived the spiritual life only have things go awry
  as opposed to better. They do not necessarily turn into ardent bashers
  but they are experiencing disappointment, disillusionment and may have
  taken steps such as I have and many others have by getting out and
  pursuing an independent life. 
  I am looking for stories, first-person accounts from people, like me,
  who are not out to bash what they have done, but to express
  themselves, addressing the disappointments and broken promises, their
  side of the story, how life may have taken a downturn inside of the
  opposite. Also, what you/they have done to create a change for
  yourself. Or if you/they even have. 
  If you are someone who would like to tell your story, of course no
  names need be used, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. If
  you know of other groups I might contact and make a similar request of
  and/or other people who might like to get their story of the other
  side of spiritual pursuits, please contact me. 
  Everything is held in the strictest of confidence which is how my
  entire business works as I get books, some very known after they are
  published, before they are released and am used to that type of
  Thank you!!
 A book you may find useful - The Holy Longing: The Hidden Power of
Spiritual Yearning, 
 By Connie Zweig. Her work on the Jungian concept of Shadow is well
known. That she was 
 once a TM teacher, less so. 
 Hey study of psychological projection, particularly as it applies to
the spiritual life, 
 should be mandatory for all initiates. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-14 Thread Kenny H
Well thanks for the other side to your perception (and Steve too).

To answer at least one of your questions my two biggest clients in the
world of publishing are Cambridge University Press and Oxford
University Press. I do a large volume of indexing (writing indexes for
the backs of books) work for them both. I also do a lot of work for
some large education publishers. 

I was previously teaching 4th-6th grade from 1991-2005 (with a
two-year leave of absence).

I had not really thought of this book idea of mine as a moneymaking
idea as much as a way for people who had a need to express themselves
to be able to do so. For years people have told me I should write a
book I have so many different stories but I haven't felt I had any
angle. But I do have my many years, both in the TM org and the years
since, of thinking about it a lot and finding my way through life
differently and more successfully than as a TM devotee to the
degree I was.

Perhaps no one would be interested in reading stories from people who
were in a spiritual group or a religious group then left but then
again they might for the same reason people go to AA meetings (for
example) and derive comfort from hearing that other people have
similar stories to their own.


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Excuse me.  This is so Ken Hassman.  As I recall, until 
 recently, Ken
   was a high school teacher in California.  I figure giving Ken a 
   time will drive him off quickly.  Generally speaking this 
   has always proven too harsh for him-upsets his delicate 
   And the touchy feely tone gets to me. But Ken,  IMHO you really 
 need to
   tighten up your writing, if you do indeed, call yourself a 
  I have a different take. Going years back, Ken was a valuable
  contributor to FFL. He has interesting experiences in the TMO and 
  the world. I hope Ken doesn't take your bluntness too seriously. I
  would welcome his continued posting.
 I believe your post more accurately describes the perception most 
 people had (have) of Ken.  For whatever reason, I had a hard time 
 relating to his experiences.  I hope he sticks around as well.  But 
 we know the environment here can get pretty caustic, and many bail.  
 But evidently Ken has returned looking for something rather than for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dave Mallett

2008-06-14 Thread Kenny H
Wow, I am very envious you went to see A Prairie Home Companion. Where
did you go? I have a lot of frequent flyer miles and have thought of
going to Minneapolis. Is it hard to get tickets?

Dave Mallett is one of my very favorite folk-type singers, he has
about 3 albums but none of them really sound as good as he does live.
My favorite song of his, also much better as a live version is,
Summer of My Dreams.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just recently went to see A Prairie Home Companion and Maine's  
 favorite folk singer-songwriter Dave Mallett did a couple of great  
 songs. I was able to get good recording off the NPR website and made  
 two songs up for a DVD. For those who enjoy folk music, here are two  
 of those songs, Angel Standing By and a song from Thoreau's first  
 trip to the Katahdin wilderness called Fishing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi illness timeline

2008-02-16 Thread Kenny H
Hi All

I'm not certain if this fits in this particular strand but it does
relate to M and his illnesses. 

At an ATR course in Arosa, Switzerland back in 1976 an initiator from
the U.S. who was also a successful practicing MD, told me of an
incident in which M had him, the U.S. doctor, take him, M. to a local
surgeon for prostate problems and the Swiss dr. recommended that M
have his prostate removed. The U.S. doctor did not quite know how to
deal with it until M gave the okay to have his prostate removed. 

More recently, 2003, a friend of mine who was one of the mucky-mucks
at The Raj in FF told me of the many health problems M had, in
particular diabetes and diabetes-related illnesses, and the most
frustrating aspect of M's illnesses was getting M to take his
medication: he was a very unccooperative patient.

Also, that his vision was very bad but he was very vain and would not
wear glasses. 


Kenny H.

nephrologist --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 
 ruthsimplicity@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Oh, yeah, Amazon's data can be unreliable. But I
   was looking inside the book, i.e., at the scanned
   copyright page from the actual revised/updated
   edition of 2001.
  I don't know why I didn't think of this before.  I have a copy
  of the first edition of Perfect Health. I just checked, the 
  copyright notice says copyright 1990 Deepak Chopra.
 Huh! There must have been a revised edition that came
 out only a year later, and the 2001 revised/expanded
 edition was based on that rather than the 1990 first
 edition. Weird. Maybe there was something in the first
 edition that required correcting.
 If so, though, that early revised edition wouldn't be
 the edition Chopra was talking about in Untold Story,
 so he did get the date wrong. 1990 makes more sense
 with regard to MMY's illness, anyway.
 Thanks for checking! Curiouser and curiouser.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sopranos

2007-06-11 Thread Kenny H
I thought the ending more aptly simply reflected all of life-you never
know what is going to happen next and this ending, with all the
possibilities presented, and then cutting to black, was just that-the
great mystery/surprise of what might happen next.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of Peter
 Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 10:43 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sopranos
 How many of you saw the final episode of the Soprano's
 last night? Rather lame, IMHO, with its lack of closure.
 For those who didn't see it, everyone was expecting Tony Soprano to get
 offed, but at the end of the show, they just cut to black and left the
 outcome to the viewers' imagination. I never watched the series, but
 were talking about it on Good Morning America this morning,
speculating that
 the writers couldn't come up with a idea for ending it, or that they
 to leave open the possibility of continuing the series.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.13/843 - Release Date:
 1:39 PM

[FairfieldLife] question for the Buddhists

2007-06-09 Thread Kenny H
Hi There, I have a question for you. The author of the book, The
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is Sogyal Rinpoche. Is this his
actual name and if you looked him up in an index would his name be
listed as:

Rinpoche, Sogyal

or is one of these words/names a title?

Thank you!!


[FairfieldLife] rising sign of Sat Yuga

2007-06-02 Thread Kenny H

For the second year in a row, violent crime has increased, Justice
Department officials tell ABC News.

A report to be released Monday cites a 1.3 increase in 2006. But
robberies were up 6 percent, and murders in large cities also were up
6 percent.

James Fox, a professor at Northeastern University, said part of the
problem is that gangs have made a comeback, and they are particularly
well organized.

[FairfieldLife] MS Outlook Help

2007-06-01 Thread Kenny H
Hello Group

I have a question re: MS Outlook for which I cannot find an answer so
I am hoping in this group of obviously avid computer users someone has
the solution.

Outlook (2003) will not allow me to send email with files of 2mb and
over. I have looked everywhere for some way to increase the size of
the files I send, many of which are bigger than 2mb. 

I am not on an exchange server, I work from a home office, my cable
provider, Comcast, told me they have no limit and that it is an
Outlook issue. 

Anyone have a solution so I can use Outlook 2003 to send large files?

Thank you! 

Kenny H.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MS Outlook Help

2007-06-01 Thread Kenny H
Alex thanks. I know I can do that, and I can use my business account
email at my godaddy account, too, from which I can send large files.
It is more for the convenience of having all my bus contacts in files
and addresses and sucn all in one place-in Outlook. 

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kennyhassman@ wrote:
  Hello Group
  I have a question re: MS Outlook for which I cannot find an answer so
  I am hoping in this group of obviously avid computer users someone has
  the solution.
  Outlook (2003) will not allow me to send email with files of 2mb and
  over. I have looked everywhere for some way to increase the size of
  the files I send, many of which are bigger than 2mb. 
  I am not on an exchange server, I work from a home office, my cable
  provider, Comcast, told me they have no limit and that it is an
  Outlook issue. 
  Anyone have a solution so I can use Outlook 2003 to send large files?
 I have no idea how to make Outlook handle large files. However, I do
 know there are various online services that act as an intermediary for
 sending large files. You can find them by doing a Google search on
 'sending large files':

[FairfieldLife] Into the Great Silence

2007-05-25 Thread Kenny H


Nestled deep in the postcard-perfect French Alps, the Grande
Chartreuse is considered one of the world's most ascetic monasteries.
In 1984, German filmmaker Philip Gröning wrote to the Carthusian order
for permission to make a documentary about them. They said they would
get back to him. Sixteen years later, they were ready. Gröning, sans
crew or artificial lighting, lived in the monks' quarters for six
months—filming their daily prayers, tasks, rituals and rare outdoor
excursions. This transcendent, closely observed film seeks to embody a
monastery, rather than simply depict one—it has no score, no voiceover
and no archival footage. What remains is stunningly elemental: time,
space and light. One of the most mesmerizing and poetic chronicles of
spirituality ever created, INTO GREAT SILENCE dissolves the border
between screen and audience with a total immersion into the hush of
monastic life. More meditation than documentary, it's a rare,
transformative theatrical experience for all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Somewhere in the Akash

2007-05-24 Thread Kenny H
Well, I know I will get bashed for this, but this whole discussion is
a clearcut example of a stupid discussion, a seriously stupid discussion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Judy: Fine. But my point was that Curtis didn't
  address the plausibility of the scenario.
  Instead, he bashed the guy for purportedly
  attacking Rick on the basis of no evidence,
  after having decided--on the basis of no
  evidence--that the guy wasn't telling the
  truth when he said he was just speculating.
  Me: You missed my point completely.
 No, Curtis, sorry. Your point was obvious.
 I was making a different point.
   I wasn't commenting on
  his truth telling, I was disagreeing with him and his personal
  attack on Rick instead of dealing with issues Rick has raised.
 Yes, Curtis, I know that's what you were doing.
 But the only way you could do that was to claim
 he wasn't telling the truth when he said he was
   You didn't understand
  any of my previous response did you?
 Yes, Curtis.  Sorry, your points were obvious.
 I was making a different point.
   Your point does not matter.  The
  speculation point is your own weird fixation that completely
  missed the point of the conversation.
 No, Curtis, sorry. Your points were obvious.
 I was making a different point.
 You just don't want to deal with it.
  Judy: I was making a meta observation about
  *Curtis's* post, not addressing the validity
  or lack thereof of the guy's analysis.
  ME: Yes you were trying hard to find something wrong with
  what I said so you had to focus on an irrelevant point. I
  have a pretty good idea why you are so invested in defending
  a person who makes personal psychobabble comments about a
  person personally instead of talking about the intellectual
  points raised...ad hominem arguments are not valid.  Is that
  clear enough?
 (Says Curtis, indulging in ad hominem.)
 No, I wasn't defending the guy in my posts
 about your post. I pointed that out explicitly.
 I was criticizing you.
  Judy: In my experience, Curtis tends to get all
  hoity-toity about folks not sticking to the
  evidence while he often does exactly the
  same thing he's criticizing.
  ME: Yes Judy I am both hoity and toity.  Your point about
  evidence is, as I already pointed out, irrelevant since I
  was using his own words as the basis for my opinions.
 It was directly relevant to *my* point. You claimed
 he was just spinning when he said he was speculating.
 But you had no evidence for that. Your whole analysis
 was based on the notion that he was attacking Rick,
 saying that this *was so* about Rick. He said explicitly
 that he *didn't know* if it was so.
   He was the one who suggested that even
  though Rick didn't seem to express his list of negative emotions he
  still had them.  You are the one who is making a big deal about
  evidence, my point was about personal attacks instead of discussing
  ideas.  You missed my points completely in your weird focus on an
  irrelevant point.
 No, Curtis, sorry. Your points were obvious.
 I was making a different point.
  The most interesting thing for me from this exchange with you
  is what you have chosen to focus on in an otherwise interesting 
  discussion. Once again you have missed the main points of the 
 No, Curtis, sorry.  Your points were obvious.
 I was making a different point.
  while you
  pursue your own inexplicable agenda.  Good luck with that.
 Not at all inexplicable. I've explained it at least
 three times now. It's also a point I've made before.
 You just don't want to deal with it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prediction vs. Jumping on Bandwagon (was-Feeding the world...)

2007-05-08 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Pretty much like everything Maharishi does.
 Anyone remembers his electrical car project in the '80s ? Now 
 electrical cars could help save this planet...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, george_deforest 
just like MMY predicted.
I guess he IS right once in awhile, eh?

To say that MMY predicts these things is to make it sound like he 
thought of these ideas. He did not. Most of these ideas, like organic 
agriculture, ayurveda in the west, electric cars, etc. have been 
talked about for many years before MMY decided he would make them a 
cause célèbre.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Overposting

2007-05-03 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
  In a message dated 5/3/07 12:17:43 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
  rick@ writes:
   I'm seriously thinking of trying the 35 posts-per-week system.  
   You can shoot your wad in one day and we won't hear from you for 
   a week, or you can pace yourself
  This plan has my vote.
 Since we all already know who has no self control
 and who would thus (blessedly) take themselves out 
 of the action within the first 24 to 36 hours of 
 the week, this one now has my vote, too.

There was no need for you to make any reference to anyone else-that is
definitely you in the role of provocateur. You could have said,
simply: I vote for 35 posts per week.

[FairfieldLife] For those who prefer to write their 5 per day from bed

2007-05-01 Thread Kenny H

[FairfieldLife] Why doesn't someone start a new open-ended group (was Re: Narada)

2007-05-01 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rick and most of the others here *like* it that
 way, nice and bland, minimal spontaneity, minimal
 interaction, a showcase for those who like to do
 set pieces, a little of this, a little of that,
 move on to the next.  Criticism of MMY and the
 TMO along party lines; a bit of tame dissent is
 OK here and there, as long as it doesn't get in
 anybody's face. Above all, keep it *safe*. Avoid
 disturbance at all costs.

I had a thought as I was reading this-and that is, why don't you-Judy,
or some of the others here who would like a more open-ended nonlimited
 forum for discussions, start a different yahoo group, they are very
easy to start up and then you just post news of it here and people who
want to have no limits can join that group?

I'm not interested as I do like this blander version of FFlife, but
there are a solid handful of posters here who have expressed the
desire for this. It would take all of ten minutes to start up the
yahoo group.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Case for Modifying The Five Post Limit

2007-04-30 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Like it or not, the posting limit works,
 and praise of it is almost unanimous. 

 The 7-post limit is kind of an interesting idea. Any feedback on

Yah, if the praise of the 5-post limit is nearly unanimous why not
leave it as is-what is two more posts per person going to do? People
have done a wonderful job in five posts. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Case for Modifying The Five Post Limit

2007-04-29 Thread Kenny H
For what little my opinion will be worth, and I'm mainly a lurker, I
have really enjoyed reading FF Life again since the 5 post limit came
into being. It is much more manageable, the tone is much more civil,
and there is not a lot of one liner posts and the people who felt a
need to post about anything and everything either have left the group
of they have learned to post less.

I vote to keep it like this, with the five posts.

Kenny H.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The trouble with this idea is that, as you said, counting is
difficult. But
 if people really wanted me to, I'd be willing to average posts over
a week,
 and start the recount each Monday morning. Let's have feedback on
that idea.
 An alternative would be for you to do all your writing in your email
 or in 5 long emails which you save as drafts until you've done all the
 writing you want to do and can send them. Of course, that prevents the
 liveliness of back and forth dialog, and might discourage readership, as
 many people wouldn't want to read big long things, unless they were
 extremely well written. I used to notice that FFL became more active on
 weekends, especially Sundays, as people have more time to
participate. So
 again, I'm open to the idea of a 35-post weekly limit for each
member. Let's
 get some feedback on that.

[FairfieldLife] EMF Protection

2007-04-27 Thread Kenny H
Hello All,

There are various EMF protection devices on the market, such at the
Q-link pendants/bracelets, and ClearWave clocks, the Quantum products
of various types. 

Has anyone here used any of these products and clearly noticed a
difference in how they felt? I work for umpteen hours at a computer,
dual monitors and all the other electronic devices around here, and
often feel frazzled and someone recommended some of these products,
none of which are cheap.

I'm willing to buy if warranted but how does one separate the hype
from the reality? 

Perhaps personal testimonials would be a good place to start?! 


[FairfieldLife] Re: EMF Protection

2007-04-27 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here in So Cal, Mt. Wilson is a powerful EMF source over a wide area 
 because of broadcast antennas. An electronics prof told us that if 
 you went up on top of the mountain with a fluorescent light, it would 
 light up -- don't know if this is accurate, but's it's a strong EMF 

Bob, thanks, good information to have. So maybe instead of seeing if I
can reduce the EMF sources here in my office I should move my office
to Mt. Wilson and go the opposite extreme. I can expose my body to
massive amounts of EMF, enough to light up my 3-tooth upper bridge.
Then I won't need to use my desk lamp thereby cutting out one source
of electrical current.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I think the The Secret is a pant load of new age poop

2007-04-26 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, netisquared [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Apparently Byron Katie and her husband Steven Mitchell don't think
that much of the so-
 called Secret either:
 Please consider commenting on this movie/book in the Parlor.
 Much love,
 Dearest Susan,
 Here are StephenÕs thoughts:

 The Secret: ÒMy will be done. I know whatÕs best for me.Ó 
 The Work: ÒThy will be done (=Thy will is done). WhatÕs best for me
is what actually 

I have grappled with this concept for a long time and the closest I
can personally come to it is What happens for me is what happens for
me. I may not think it is the best, but I know it is what happens.


(In A Thousand Names for Joy, Katie says, ÒGodÕs will and your will
are the 
 same, whether you notice it or not.Ó)
 The Secret: ÒYou can control your thoughts.Ó 
 The Work: ÒYou are not the thinker. ItÕs not possible to suppress
your stressful thoughts. 
 But when you question them, they let go of you.Ó
 The Secret: ÒYou can manifest your positive thoughts as reality.Ó
The Work: ÒReality already 
 is the best thing that could be manifested. When you realize this,
youÕre home free.Ó

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

2007-04-25 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and yet, because I'm posting here, I'm willing to bet
 that I cannot get a dome badge now.  


I used to post here fairly often, I was fairly critical about some
things, and, in fact, I wrote letters to both Hagelin and Bevan
telling them that I personally knew of instances where they had slept
with married movement ladies and did not appreciate their lording it
over others while being deceitful themselves, even got responses back
from each of their assistants, and applied to go to Fairfield a few
months ago when the big push was on, and was accepted to the course. 

Kenny H. 

  5. Harass citizens' groups
 Ask L.B. about this.  Ask how almost anyone in power in the movement
 can arch an eyebrow and say, Maharishi wouldn't like that, and
 suddenly, one understands about the subtlety of harassment. 
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
 I was called on the carpet when I got on the blacklist.  I had to
 explain myself, then I was released, and of course, I told my story
 to others and the fear spread from that too.  Sigh.
  7. Target key individuals
 So many cannot show their faces in Fairfield and have any hope of
 comfort.  Anyone with a dome badge just cannot be free; the party
 line is spewed by everyone or they're banned; the targeting of
 individuals is done in the back room, and no one hardly ever is told
 why or how to rectify the situation.
  8. Control the press
 Ask L.B. how long his rag was allowed to be freely distributed on
 campus.  Ask anyone who has ever worked on any TM publication if their
 ideas had any chance of being sincerely attended to if it involved,
 you know, suggesting less gold ink, or perhaps marketing might be
 improved by using less photos of groups of smarmy looking Hindus who
 were seemingly on the verge of death but who were on the stage and
 posing as great health practitioners -- whatever, there was no freedom
 to be creative outside the TM box.  
  9. Dissent equals treason
 Ask John Lennon why he left India.  Once you cross the movement in
 some serious way, it just becomes clear immediately that a bridge has
 been burned forever, that the movement NEVER was really interested in
 dialog -- only brainwashing and groveling.
  10. Suspend the rule of law
 When I'd finally saved up enough credits by initiating to get on a
 sidhi course, they said, All that money's been taken away.  Luckily,
 it was just then a new policy, and I was able to squeak loudly
 enough to get the course.  But the movement will make up any rule and
 expect that if one is harmed by that that one much just suck it up and
 shut completely up about it, and never, never, never expect the
 movement to respect one for any amount of true believerism on one's
 part.  Ask Chopra.  After he'd gotten so many media cameras to think,
 Hey, maybe this TM thing works, cuz look here's a very together guy
 espousing it -- with credentials no less -- the movement dumped him
 like he was radioactive and then tried revisionist history making as
 they erased all traces of his association with TM.
 Edg the Badgeless

[FairfieldLife] TV Tuner-Capture for PC

2007-04-22 Thread Kenny H
Hello All,
Has anyone here reading FFLife hooked up a a tv capture card on their
pc, either a card or a usb capture card? I want to be able to watch tv
in a little screen on my monitor while working and have read such
mixed reviews about these products. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama on Virginia Tech Imus' Violent Speech'

2007-04-17 Thread Kenny H
It's amazing how worked up everyone in this country and around the
world has gotten over this one incident of 33 being murdered. This is
the minimum of what goes on in Iraq every single day, or even less
than every 24 hours. Every single day. The daily carnage in Iraq
outdoes and its been going on daily for 4 years. I don't see anyone in
this country making as big a deal of that as this one incident. 

In the last 3 years over 400,000 people have been killed in Darfur,
that comes to over 350 people killed per day. I don't see any of the
politicians making a big show of mourning the loss of these 33
students raising one single finger to do something about the genocide
in Darfur.

Bush makes a great show of flying to Virginia and expressing his
sorrow. Yet when hundreds and thousands of people in Iraq are being
massacred, including and cerntainly not limited to American soldiers,
he hasn't attended the funeral of one single soldier, no less allow
their returning coffins to be displayed. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of Robert Gimbel
 Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 5:31 PM
 To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Obama on Virginia Tech  Imus' Violent Speech'
 What's interesting about him is that he doesn't try to hype the
crowd with a
 lot of shouting and theatrics. He stays settled. Some would say he's a
 deadpan speaker, at least in this talk. But I see that as a sign of his
 having and being able to keep a cool head.

[FairfieldLife] I'll take three bananas, please

2007-04-17 Thread Kenny H
Chimps More Evolved Than Humans


Jeanna Bryner
LiveScience Staff Writer
LiveScience.com Tue Apr 17, 11:10 AM ET

Since the human-chimp split about 6 million years ago, chimpanzee
genes can be said to have evolved more than human genes, a new study

The results, detailed online this week in the Proceedings of the large
brains, cognitive abilities and bi-pedalism.

Jianzhi Zhang of the University of Michigan and his colleagues
analyzed strings of DNA from nearly 14,000 protein-coding genes shared
by chimps and humans. They looked for differences  gene by gene and
whether they caused changes in the generated proteins.

Genes act as instructions that organisms use to make proteins and thus
are integral to carrying out biological functions, such as
transporting oxygen to the body's cells. Different versions of the
same gene are called alleles.

Changes in DNA that affect the making of proteins are considered
functional changes, while silent changes do not affect the proteins.
If we see an excess of functional changes (compared to silent
changes) the inference is these functional changes occurred because
they were positively selected, because they were useful in some way to
the organism, said study team member Margaret Bakewell, also of UM.

Bakewell, Zhang and a colleague found that substantially more genes in
chimps evolved in ways that were beneficial than was the case with
human genes.

The results could be due to the fact that over the long term humans
have had a smaller effective population size compared with chimps.

Although there are now many more humans than chimps, in the past,
human populations were much smaller, and may have been fragmented into
even smaller groups, Bakewell told LiveScience. So random events
would play a more dominant role than natural selection in humans.

Here is why: Under the process of natural selection, gene variants
that are beneficial get selected for and become more common in a
population over time. But genetic drift, a random process in which
chance decides which alleles survive, also occurs. In smaller
populations, a fortuitous break for one or two alleles can have a
disproportionately greater impact on the overall genes of that
population compared with a larger one.

Chance events could also explain why the scientists found more gene
variants that were either neutral and had no functional impact or
negative changes that are involved in diseases.

There is still much to learn, the scientists say, about human and
chimp evolution. There are possibly a lot of differences between
human and chimps that we don't know about, [perhaps] because there are
differences in chimps that nobody has studied; a lot of studies tend
to focus on humans, Bakewell said. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Free Blog: Reader Asks Questions about Angry Sidha

2007-04-13 Thread Kenny H

 Rather interesting, since one of the welcome side-benefits of  
 effective meditation *should* be decrease in negative emotions, their  
 intensity and their duration.

Where is it said that this is the case?

My understanding of meditation is that it is for the development of
consciousness which is an entity unto itself. And in the long run,
because of it's activation/enlivenment (whatever you call it), the
person still has their personality, with the difference that though
they may have their personality and the way they are in life, the
good-the bad-the ugly, their consciousness is increasingly fully
developed so they are no longer attached to their actions and I don't
mean that in a moodmaking sort of way.

It may be for most if not at least the many, that over the years of
meditation the tendency to get angry diminishes but is it a rule? 
Does that mean that meditation is not effective for that person if 30
years later they still get angry? Would it say anything about their
consciousness, per se, if they still got angry? 

After all these years I have come to doubt that is the case. I think
people are who they are, and if they are making it a point not to
strain to behave in ways that are not suitable for them (I'm a
meditator, therefore I don't get angry) maybe they still will get
angry. And we cannot know if their meditation is effective or not,
just because they still get angry.


 On Apr 12, 2007, at 9:52 PM, taskcentered wrote:
  Readers here may be helpful in answering questions a woman raises  
  about her ex's anger,
  who was a long-term TM insider. She also reflects on the  
  Maharishi's anger and abusive

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some weird Swedish guitar stuff

2007-04-09 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Are you a guitar player? Intonation problems can (and do) drive guitar
players mad and over the years there have been many variations on
this theme of adjusting individual guitars so they are intonated
properly up and down the neck. 

Many years ago, a TM guy, Tom Stone, devised a series of
interchangeable fingerboards so depending on what key a tune was in,
you would swap out the fingerboard to use the one that was intonated
properly for the particular key you were in. Then, when you switched
to a tune in a different key, you would swap out the fingerboard to
the one with the new key. These interchangeable necks never really
caught on though I believe that Tom Stone is still involved in this
field somehow.

The most presently popular of these intonation systems is the Buzz
Feiten system. The fingerboard depicted in this site you refer to
looks odd, but it probably does a good job of correcting intonation.

Kenny H.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'US Pundits say World War III started...'

2006-07-17 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ivica Kosti#263;

 Which kind of pandit is Newt Gingrich?

I heard, from sources on Mother Divine, that he specializes 
in the Oy Vey-da.


 uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel babajii_99@ 
   A number of 'pundits' including Newt Gingrinch, have said that this 
   escalation in Israel, is the beginning of WWIII.
   What do people think of this analysis?
  Its out with the fairies.

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[FairfieldLife] Cooking with a pressure cooker

2006-07-15 Thread Kenny H
Hey all! Anyone here use a pressure cooker to cook their beans/grains?
I just got a pressure cooker and a separate Ohsawa pot to use inside
the pressure cooker, this was highly recommended. 

Does anyone here have experience using both a pressure cooker as well
as an Ohsawa pot insert? If so, kindly contact me off-group!!

kennyhassman AT yahoo DOT com

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Cooking with a pressure cooker

2006-07-15 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kennyhassman@ wrote:
  Hey all! Anyone here use a pressure cooker to cook their beans/grains?
  I just got a pressure cooker and a separate Ohsawa pot to use inside
  the pressure cooker, this was highly recommended. 
  Does anyone here have experience using both a pressure cooker as well
  as an Ohsawa pot insert? If so, kindly contact me off-group!!
  kennyhassman AT yahoo DOT com
 No but I have experience in giving up grains and beans -- except for
 some sprouts -- and the huge gycemic burden a heavy use of such place
 one ones system. Leading to constant inner' inflamation --
 (prostglandins and all), long term health degradation, and feeling
 bad from a veg diet. 

Well, it's an individual bichemistry thing, don't you think? Different
bodies react differently to different foods. I've been eating 1-2 cups
of beans per day, lots of veggies, nuts, a little cheese and my blood
glucose, which was too high, is now down into the normal range on a
consistent basis.  You can choose beans and grains with a low glycemic
index, there are enough of them. Some of the grains are not only low
on the glycemic index but are also low in gluten.


 It feels Great!
 Almost as great as getting ones Omega-6 / Omega-3 essential fatty
 acids to a ratio  2. Approaching 1.

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[FairfieldLife] Morning Kabbalah Reading

2006-07-13 Thread Kenny H
Good morning brethren!

This comes from a book on Nursing that I am doing some work for:

According to one of the central figures of Kabbalah, Rabbi Isaac Luria
(1534–1572) held that during creation, the vessels containing the
light of creation shattered, and the light became concealed as holy
sparks. Every particle and being in our physical universe contains
sparks of holiness. Our task, according to Luria, is to release each
spark from the shell and raise it up to return to its original state.
The sparks are raised through acts of loving kindness, of being in
harmony with the universe, and through higher awareness

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi said.....

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm a bit of a hard case on this subject :-), but I think
 that trusting *anyone* more than you trust yourself is
 the culprit here. The problem is not in trusting Maharishi
 and what he says more than you trust your own perceptions,
 it's trusting *anyone* -- any authority figure in the
 world -- more than you trust your own perceptions. The
 very process of doing this is, in my opinion, contrary
 to the process of enlightenment.

This-your paragraph right about this-seems to be very mythic as Joseph
Campbell talks so clearly about. It's the story of the young child
totally trusting the parents and, as they get older, they eventually
reject the parent and usually go through a period of disdain for the
parents. He gives many examples of this and literature is filled with
the same. Good reminder Barry, thanks.

 Enlightenment is all *about* trusting yourSelf more than
 you trust anyone or anything else. It's about realizing
 that what you have sought has never not been present, 
 and that all the seeking was just something to do until
 you realized that there was nowhere to go, nothing to 
 gain, nothing to seek. That realization is *always* 
 subjective, internal. It can never be fully understood
 intellectually; it can never be described in words; it
 can only be experienced.

On this I am not sure and maybe sometime in my life it will become

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi said.....

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kennyhassman@ 
   -I'm sorry for posting the ramblings of my mind from one 
   point earlier in the day. By the time I deleted it Judy 
   had already posted a reply and now you. I understand, 
   believe me, it was just some of the blather passing 
   through and I impulsively posted it.
  I'm not sorry. It's a fascinating point. Maharishi
  *trained* his teachers to invoke this two-word 
  thought-stopper. And so we invoked it, most of 
  the time with the desired effect. It was a control
  freak technique then (when we used it, or when he
  did it first-hand, issuing some 'pronouncement' to
  stop a discussion that was leading somewhere he 
  didn't want it to go), and it's a control freak 
  technique now. I think that feeling a little ill 
  when you hear it is a sign of mental health.
  Enlightenment is all *about* trusting yourSelf more than
  you trust anyone or anything else. It's about realizing
  that what you have sought has never not been present, 
  and that all the seeking was just something to do until
  you realized that there was nowhere to go, nothing to 
  gain, nothing to seek.snip 
 Is Maharishi not your Self? and if he isn't, who is?

I never know what to do/say when someone makes a statement like
yours-it's akin to Maharishi said... 

The parent who murders their child-are they not also my Self? The
soldiers we are reading about who rape and murder innocent women and
children, are they not also my Self? 

I have no idea if they are or not, they certainly don't seem to be
*little self* me. As to the supposed *big Self* me, so what if we are
the same at that level? It's very poetic buy why does that make things

SO whst?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi said.....

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A gal I knew from another spiritual trip had an inter-
 esting theory about this stuff. She felt that although 
 there is a lot of variety among the spiritual seekers 
 one finds in this world, basically you can pretty
 safely sort them into two categories.
 The first category is composed of the seekers who are 
 content with reading about other people's adventures.
 They get off on scriptures and tales of other people's
 enlightenment, and on intellectual discussions of other
 people's experiences, and that's enough for them.
 The second category is composed of mystics, those who
 will settle for nothing less than having their *own*
 experiences. Reading about them isn't enough; talking
 about them isn't enough; coming up with entertaining
 (but essentially worthless) models to explain the
 experiences isn't enough. They want the Real Thing,
 and if the spiritual group or teacher they're assoc-
 iated with isn't providing it, they move on to some-
 thing that does.
 I've always tended to agree with her assessment. In
 general, the people in the first group say Maharishi
 says (or Fill-in-name-of-teacher-or-historical-saint
 here says) a lot. Because they're not actually *having*
 very many spiritual experiences, they assume that no one
 else is either, and therefore they become dependent on
 intellectual analysis of Other People's Experiences, 
 especially those of their teacher, whom they *imagine*
 is having all *sorts* of good experiences.

Barry, there is no way you/we can know whether ...they're not
actually having very many spiritual experiences... Who knows who
they even are, how they would define spirituality, what they were
really looking for, how their interpretations of their own growth in
life have changed, etc. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi said.....

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A gal I knew from another spiritual trip had an inter-
 esting theory about this stuff. She felt that although 
 there is a lot of variety among the spiritual seekers 
 one finds in this world, basically you can pretty
 safely sort them into two categories.
 The first category is composed of the seekers who are 
 content with reading about other people's adventures.
 They get off on scriptures and tales of other people's
 enlightenment, and on intellectual discussions of other
 people's experiences, and that's enough for them.
 The second category is composed of mystics, those who
 will settle for nothing less than having their *own*
 experiences. Reading about them isn't enough; talking
 about them isn't enough; coming up with entertaining
 (but essentially worthless) models to explain the
 experiences isn't enough. They want the Real Thing,
 and if the spiritual group or teacher they're assoc-
 iated with isn't providing it, they move on to some-
 thing that does.
 I've always tended to agree with her assessment. In
 general, the people in the first group say Maharishi
 says (or Fill-in-name-of-teacher-or-historical-saint
 here says) a lot. Because they're not actually *having*
 very many spiritual experiences, they assume that no one
 else is either, and therefore they become dependent on
 intellectual analysis of Other People's Experiences, 
 especially those of their teacher, whom they *imagine*
 is having all *sorts* of good experiences.

Barry, there is no way you/we can know whether ...they're not
actually having very many spiritual experiences... Who knows you
they even are, how they would define spirituality, what they were
really looking for, how their interpretations of their own growth in
life have changed, etc. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's Visit to FF

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One interesting comment Amma made to
 a friend of mine: ³Charging money for meditation is like a mother
 her baby for breast milk.²

I find these comments made by one guru about the practices about other
gurus to be curious. Why do they need to say anything about it all and
instead just not charge for what they do and do things their way. It's
kind of a self-aggrandizing/inflammatory/divisive comment (in my opinion).


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's Visit to FF

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
Hey Rick
What do I know, maybe it's important for people to make comments like
she made, comment on! I mean if we are dedicated to cracking the rocks
of ignorance (or whatever that saying was) its probably good to hear
all viewpoints, eh?!

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on 7/11/06 1:12 PM, Kenny H at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  , Rick Archer groups@ wrote:
   One interesting comment Amma made to
   a friend of mine: ³Charging money for meditation is like a mother
   her baby for breast milk.²
  I find these comments made by one guru about the practices about other
  gurus to be curious. Why do they need to say anything about it all and
  instead just not charge for what they do and do things their way. It's
  kind of a self-aggrandizing/inflammatory/divisive comment (in my
 It was just a private conversation. I probably shouldn¹t have
repeated it.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's Visit to FF

2006-07-11 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ wrote:
   Any news, observations?
  I went to see her for the first time during her first ever stop in
  Iowa, however many years ago that was. I'm not at all wired for
  devotion to and worship of gurus, saints, etc., so the whole
  experience was very underwhelming (except for the Indian lunch, 
  which was quite good).
  Having undergone so much transformation since her first visit, I
  decided to go back and see how I'd react now. I was again 
  underwhelmed by the hug, but I could appreciate the heart value 
  of the gathering, and I was not inclined to make snarky, cynical 
  comments about it like I was the first time. And, again, the 
  Indian lunch was delicious.
  If I could structure an Ammachi experience according to my own
  desires, I'd replace the hug with an equal amount of time just 
  gazing directly into her eyes (i.e., like Waking Down's gazing 
 Thanks for the honest apraisal. It's not something 
 we've come to expect from anyone with a TM history.

You know, Barry, I believe you say these kinds of things to see just
how many people you can involve in lengthy argumentative diatribes. I
am not going to get suckered in past this post. 

An old long-time friend of yours from Rama, who is a really long-time
friend of mine, recently told me that you really do seem to like to

I can see it clearly now. It's like when my parents finally got
divorced and I would visit each separately. I discovered that one
parent had done a brilliant job at manipulating popular opinion
against the other. When they were no longer together, it was amazing
to find that the one who had done the manipulating against the other
was far more responsible than we were all led to believe. 

Your comment seems purposefully inflammatory. 


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[FairfieldLife] Maharishi said.....

2006-07-10 Thread Kenny H
I must have prefaced thousands of statements I made with those three
words for nearly twenty years. At some point I started to feel a very
faint note of disbelief within myself everytime I heard myself saying
those words. That phase lasted for nearly twenty years. Now, when I
even see those words I feel ill. 

Why-I'm asking-do so many people seem to still base their
lives/statements/beliefs, etc. on him and what he has said. While I
hold him dear in my heart as someone I deeply loved and believed for
so many years, at some point I had to admmit that nearly nothing he
said or promised had ever materialized in my own life. Not only that
but the overall influence of believing what he said seemed to have
caused a massive downhill slide which took half a dozen years of
really hard personal effort to turn around. 

I've *surrendered* (for lack of a better word) to the connection I
have with him, but it's sure not one that is based on credibility.

Kenny H.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi said.....

2006-07-10 Thread Kenny H
-I'm sorry for posting the ramblings of my mind from one point earlier
in the day. By the time I deleted it Judy had already posted a reply
and now you. I understand, believe me, it was just some of the blather
passing through and I impulsively posted it.


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No jnana. Avidya. Agnosis.
 Find your own answers, they're out there and in you.
 In the Mahaparinibbana Sutra, the last words of the Buddha are said  
 to be:
 You are the Light itself, Rely on yourself, Do not rely on others.
 The Dharma is the Light, Rely on the Dharma,
 Do not rely on anything other than the Dharma.
 Of course if think the above is total BS, don't rely on that either.
 On Jul 10, 2006, at 4:51 PM, Kenny H wrote:
  I must have prefaced thousands of statements I made with those three
  words for nearly twenty years. At some point I started to feel a very
  faint note of disbelief within myself everytime I heard myself saying
  those words. That phase lasted for nearly twenty years. Now, when I
  even see those words I feel ill.
  Why-I'm asking-do so many people seem to still base their
  lives/statements/beliefs, etc. on him and what he has said. While I
  hold him dear in my heart as someone I deeply loved and believed for
  so many years, at some point I had to admmit that nearly nothing he
  said or promised had ever materialized in my own life. Not only that
  but the overall influence of believing what he said seemed to have
  caused a massive downhill slide which took half a dozen years of
  really hard personal effort to turn around.
  I've *surrendered* (for lack of a better word) to the connection I
  have with him, but it's sure not one that is based on credibility.
  Kenny H.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi said.....

2006-07-10 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H kennyhassman@ 
  -I'm sorry for posting the ramblings of my mind from one point 
  in the day. By the time I deleted it Judy had already posted a reply
  and now you. I understand, believe me, it was just some of the 
  passing through and I impulsively posted it.
 Ken, most of the posts on this forum are just some
 of the blather passing through our minds--

HA! agreed!

why should
 you be any different??
 Put it out there, run it up the flagpole and see
 who salutes!  It's not engraved in stone.  Give
 it a test drive.  You can take it back to the 
 Dealer if you decide it's the wrong color.
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   No jnana. Avidya. Agnosis.
   Find your own answers, they're out there and in you.
   In the Mahaparinibbana Sutra, the last words of the Buddha are 
   to be:
   You are the Light itself, Rely on yourself, Do not rely on 
   The Dharma is the Light, Rely on the Dharma,
   Do not rely on anything other than the Dharma.
   Of course if think the above is total BS, don't rely on that 
   On Jul 10, 2006, at 4:51 PM, Kenny H wrote:
I must have prefaced thousands of statements I made with those 
words for nearly twenty years. At some point I started to feel 
 a very
faint note of disbelief within myself everytime I heard myself 
those words. That phase lasted for nearly twenty years. Now, 
 when I
even see those words I feel ill.
Why-I'm asking-do so many people seem to still base their
lives/statements/beliefs, etc. on him and what he has said. 
 While I
hold him dear in my heart as someone I deeply loved and 
 believed for
so many years, at some point I had to admmit that nearly 
 nothing he
said or promised had ever materialized in my own life. Not only 
but the overall influence of believing what he said seemed to 
caused a massive downhill slide which took half a dozen years of
really hard personal effort to turn around.
I've *surrendered* (for lack of a better word) to the 
 connection I
have with him, but it's sure not one that is based on 
Kenny H.

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[FairfieldLife] Nursing and the Future

2006-07-09 Thread Kenny H
I thought this was interesting enough to post here. It's in an as of
yet unpublished book, published by a major purveyor of nursing books
(for nurses). This is a philosophical nursing book (who woulda thunk!)
aimed at nursing scholars (PhD's). I am writing the index for the book.

The new millennium brings a time of transition and likely radical
change. Authors such as Davis (1988) and Swimme  Berryf(1992) have
been sounding the alert that current changes in the life systems of
the earth are so extensive that a major epoch is ending. The names of
the eras are conceptual expressions invented to enable us to think
about the larger patterns of functioning of the biosystems of the
planet.  The Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic eras covered
about 550 million years. During the 67 million years known as the
Cenozoic era, expansive life processes developed on the earth. It is
significant that the great creativity of this era emerged without
human influence. Rather, humankind appeared late in the era,actually
having no say about their appearance upon the earth. The next era will
be different. Swimme and Berry (1992) noted that we are entering into
a new period of creativity participated in by the entire earth
community. They identify this new period as the Ecozoic era, a fourth
biological era. The authors highlighted the central commitment of the
emerging Ecozoic as an era of communion of subjects rather than a
collection of objects. Together people will decide what kind of a
universe we will inhabit. 

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[FairfieldLife] Amazing site

2006-07-04 Thread Kenny H

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[FairfieldLife] Great Pete Seeger interview

2006-07-04 Thread Kenny H
for Pete Seeger fans you watch a really great interview with Amy
Goodman. Amazing how lucid he is, his memory is crystal clear.


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[FairfieldLife] Hypocrisy (was Re: Maharishi's name)

2006-07-03 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 on 7/1/06 8:34 AM, Patrick Gillam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Maybe Maharishi had the same delusion I did.
  Just as I thought I was essentially a non-smoker
  even as I puffed away at my La Unicas, he was
  able to think he was celibate when he dallying
  with his gopis.
 Another possibility, which I¹m open to, is that at his stage of
 celibacy made no difference, but he needed to recommend it to his
 Would he have been able to explain that point to them?

I'm not certain how this fits in here but what you said, above,
broguth this to mind. There are many stories in various aspects of the
vedic literature, probably the puranas, of these guys who go off to
the forest, practice celibacy, and other forms or austerities for many
years, build up great spiritual reserve, get boons granted to them,
then some celestial nymph comes along and tempts them and in one
moment they lose all the spiritual potency they took so long to achieve. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Ken Hassman

2006-07-01 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hooray for Ken!

Thanks kindly Rick. At 58, I'm very happy to have now passed my dad,
who died at 57.


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[FairfieldLife] Hypocrisy (was Re: Maharishi's name)

2006-07-01 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgillam@ 
  --- authfriend wrote:
   I wonder how often that kind of conundrum--not just
   about sex but any bad habit or behavior--masters
   have to deal with, pretending they don't indulge in
   that habit or behavior because they perceive
   (accurately or not) that to do otherwise would confuse
   their followers and get in the way of their sadhana.
  Maybe the solution would be for the master to 
  promote his or her sadhana as a single element one 
  adds to one's daily routine, rather than insisting 
  students give up this behavior or adopt that one. 
  Teaching, say, a meditation technique alone, 
  without all the concomitant lifestyle stuff - 
  diets, sexual protocols and such - would free
  the master from having to exemplify the ideal 
  But what master has ever taken such a tack?
  It would be bold indeed.
 MMY did at first, then he changed his mind.

Personally, I always thought that Maharishi should have kept his
message as simple as it first started out-twenty minutes twice per day
then go about living your normal life, no change in lifestyle required
(yes I know, this is where people will say, well you didn't have to
choose to add everything else), 200% of life--100% inner + 100%
outer, etc. We used to tell people at intro lectures that the great
thing about TM was that you didn't even have to believe in it, which,
of course you still don't, but we also used to say that it was not a
lifestyle. It was a fairly innocent message with a smack of Hinduism
which made it all the more delicious during that era. 

 But he was talking to teachers here, no?  Not the
 rank and file.  The most devoted followers are always
 going to try to emulate the master every way they can,
 no matter what the master says or doesn't say.  And
 they're all going to have some idea of what
 constitutes good behavior.  I think to some extent
 the conundrum is unavoidable.

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[FairfieldLife] Those Were the Days

2005-11-22 Thread Kenny H
If you want to hear an absolutely great album listen to Dolly Parton's
new album, Those Were the Days.

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[FairfieldLife] Vipassana meditation (Re: Meditation builds up the brain)

2005-11-18 Thread Kenny H
Is Vipassana meditation a generic term for a particular style of
meditation or is it a specific technique.

Is there a particular style/form/type (you get the drift) of Vipassana
meditation that is considered *THE* Vipassana meditation?


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vipassana, which is a different style of meditation than TM. It's  
 also being used very successfully for rehabilitation in prisons  
 worldwide. If you would like to see the the documentary on this, I  
 could post it again. Very compelling.
 This was the conference which the Dalai Lama also spoke at. The Dalai  
 Lama and numerous other Lamas and Buddhists have been involved in and  
 interested in Neuroscience for many years. You'll soon see the  
 beginning studies coming out on all the different forms of Buddhist  
 meditation including classes of meditation like TM.
 On Nov 18, 2005, at 11:55 AM, Dick Mays wrote:
  This is from New Scientist magazine.  It doesn't say what kind of  
  meditation people were doing, but the results reported (in studies  
  by neutral scientists) are pretty impressive.
  Meditation builds up the brain
  15 November 2005
  NewScientist.com news service
  Alison Motluk
  Bruce O'Hara, University of Kentucky
  Massachusetts General Hospital
  Meditating does more than just feel good and calm you down, it  
  makes you perform better - and alters the structure of your brain,  
  researchers have found.
  People who meditate say the practice restores their energy, and  
  some claim they need less sleep as a result. Many studies have  
  reported that the brain works differently during meditation -  
  brainwave patterns change and neuronal firing patterns synchronise.  
  But whether meditation actually brings any of the restorative  
  benefits of sleep has remained largely unexplored.
  So Bruce O'Hara and colleagues at the University of Kentucky in  
  Lexington, US, decided to investigate. They used a well-established  
  psychomotor vigilance task, which has long been used to quantify  
  the effects of sleepiness on mental acuity. The test involves  
  staring at an LCD screen and pressing a button as soon as an image  
  pops up. Typically, people take 200 to 300 milliseconds to respond,  
  but sleep-deprived people take much longer, and sometimes miss the  
  stimulus altogether.
  Ten volunteers were tested before and after 40 minutes of either  
  sleep, meditation, reading or light conversation, with all subjects  
  trying all conditions. The 40-minute nap was known to improve  
  performance (after an hour or so to recover from grogginess). But  
  what astonished the researchers was that meditation was the only  
  intervention that immediately led to superior performance, despite  
  none of the volunteers being experienced at meditation.
  Every single subject showed improvement, says O'Hara. The  
  improvement was even more dramatic after a night without sleep.  
  But, he admits: Why it improves performance, we do not know. The  
  team is now studying experienced meditators, who spend several  
  hours each day in practice.
  Brain builder
  What effect meditating has on the structure of the brain has also  
  been a matter of some debate. Now Sara Lazar at the Massachusetts  
  General Hospital in Boston, US, and colleagues have used MRI to  
  compare 15 meditators, with experience ranging from 1 to 30 years,  
  and 15 non-meditators.
  They found that meditating actually increases the thickness of the  
  cortex in areas involved in attention and sensory processing, such  
  as the prefrontal cortex and the right anterior insula.
  You are exercising it while you meditate, and it gets bigger, she  
  says. The finding is in line with studies showing that accomplished  
  musicians, athletes and linguists all have thickening in relevant  
  areas of the cortex. It is further evidence, says Lazar, that yogis  
  aren't just sitting there doing nothing.
  The growth of the cortex is not due to the growth of new neurons,  
  she points out, but results from wider blood vessels, more  
  supporting structures such as glia and astrocytes, and increased  
  branching and connections.
  The new studies were presented at the Society for Neuroscience  
  annual meeting, in Washington DC, US.
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[FairfieldLife] Series I Bonds

2005-11-14 Thread Kenny H
For those who are looking for a simple, safe place to park some money,
at a much better rate than cd's or money markets, right now you can
purchase Series I inflation-adjusted bonds with an interest rate of
6.73%. You can either go to www.treasury.gov or any big commercial bank.

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[FairfieldLife] Chopra/MMY

2005-11-14 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 on 11/14/05 2:34 PM, sparaig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sure. I was just wondering at the claim since MMY has carefully
  refrained, as far as I know, from criticizing Chopra. If he won't
  criticize Chopra who was far closer to him emotionally than SSRS ever
  was, as far as I know,
 How could you have any idea which of them was closer to him emotionally?

A friend of mine who is a chiropractor and was one of the first
doctors of any kind trained in MAV, sat with Dr. Raju in India and did
thousands of pulses under his tutelage, then was the director, for
about five years of a MAV clinic, was told directly, once Deepak
become perona non grata, by the Upper Mucky Mucks that all items in
the clinic that were related to Deepak had to be immediately removed
AND that s/he, personally, was to no longer have any personal
association with Chopra. It was at this point that s/he cut all ties
with the movement and has been quite successful. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth turns around the sun not the other way: (How MMY sold a diamond (TM) f

2005-11-13 Thread Kenny H
I think you are sorely mistaken. I don't think many would even take
notice of someone floating in the air. I mean who cares, really? What
does it have to do with the bulk of people's lives who are primarily
concerned with such mundane things like: 

*earning a living
*paying for food
*health insurance
*gasoline approaching $3/gallon
*an administration trying to screw with Social Security
*also trying to rewrite the tax code and screw people out of their
mortgage deduction
to name a few.

Add paying $2500 to learn TM so they can spend the next 35 years
trying to float? I don't think so. 


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer

 on 11/13/05 11:19 AM, Jason Spock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The Himalayan masters have outdated ideas.
  Just a single guy manages to float in the air,..  John Hagelin
will be the
  next president of United States of America.
 No, the fundamentalist Christians, who are a powerful voting block
in this
 country, would go bananas and oppose him violently if necessary.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Earth turns around the sun not the other way: (How MMY sold a diamond (TM) f

2005-11-13 Thread Kenny H
Maybe to most of what you have written
However, I don't consider $350,000+ for an 800-1000 sq. foot 2 br/1
bath bungalow  (here in Sacramento) in a lousy neighborhood
affordable. Go a few blocks over and the same houses are already at
half a million. Go a bit further south towards the Bay Area or east
towards Tahoe and you start getting to the $500,000+ range for a
small-normal size home, not the estate one would have imagined for
this kind of money.  

 Do you know that the cost of --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  *also trying to rewrite the tax code and screw people out of their
  mortgage deduction
 And who is getting screwed out of thier mortgage deduction? Under the
 proposal, the average home owner will maintian their full
 deductiblity. And those who are unable to deduct it now, because they
  dont save enough by itemizing will be able to deduct it. 
 Who will lose part of their deduction? The upper third or so on the
 wealth scale. You seem overly concerned for these poor souls. First,
 they will retain dudutability up to about the average price home
 regionally. Thus in California, those with a million dollar home,
 would, under the proposal, be only be able deduct the mortgage
 interest equivalent to about a $400-500,000 home. And yet, in balance,
 a lot of these taax payers are not currently able to deduct for such,
 because at their incomes the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) kicks in.
 But under  the proposal, AMT will be killed, thus the upper third or
 tax payers trade part of their mortgage deduction for elimination of
 the onerous AMT. 
 So don't cry too hard for these upper 1/3 of taxpayers who will be
 affected. (Which seems odd for you -- to cry for such (mostly
 Republicans), but I guess its just compassion bubbling out for all of
 God's creatures.) Their taxes  will be pretty much uneffected as the
 AMT gains will balance out the partial mortgage deducability loss. 
 And the lower 2/3s of tax payers will be generally uneffected -- or
 will actually gain -- by being able to deduct mortgage interest when
 they can't now. 
 And the overall effect will be to make housing more affordable. A good
 thing, yes?
 What is interesting is your implication that mortgage interest
 deductions is an entitlement. It is a poor policy economically, having
 been a huge bonanza of a tax shelter for the rich and has contributed
 to current housing being out of reach for 85% of potential buyers.
 An effect will be that less money will be sunk into fancy show-off
 houses and more into capital investments which will raise productivity
 and wage rates for all. A good thing, yes?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Paris Burning?

2005-11-13 Thread Kenny H
That is a good question and would have been my next question but there
wasn't enough time to ask. I just fired off an e-mail asking her if
she could send me a description of what her direct experience is like.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Well, fwiw, I just spoke with my 27 year old niece who lives in the
  heart of Paris and she said that what is actually going on over there
  is nothing like the press here in the U.S. has made it out to be. She
  recently watched CNN and could not believe how exaggerated they made
  it out to be. And that the reporter from CNN completely ignored the
  French person he was interviewing and kept hypersensationalizing it,
  in spite of what was being said straight from someone who lives 
 So what *is* happening in Paris?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Paris Burning? Part II

2005-11-13 Thread Kenny H
Here is the reply I just received from my niece, direct from Paris.

Basically what I've observed is nothing. I came into Charles DeGaulle
Airport, and all modes of transport were open to me, unlike the
reported closure of trains on CNN. I go out almost every night and
have never seen a fire. I eavesdrop mercilessly, and the only people
talking about it are doing it in english- with british or american
accents. The riots are happening, but they're the expression of one
community far on the outskirts of Paris AND from what the local news
reports they're on a serious decline. It's unfortunate that the people
behind the rioting are so incredibly justified for their anger, but
Paris is not on fire.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That is a good question and would have been my next question but there
 wasn't enough time to ask. I just fired off an e-mail asking her if
 she could send me a description of what her direct experience is like.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Well, fwiw, I just spoke with my 27 year old niece who lives in the
   heart of Paris and she said that what is actually going on over
   is nothing like the press here in the U.S. has made it out to
be. She
   recently watched CNN and could not believe how exaggerated they made
   it out to be. And that the reporter from CNN completely
ignored the
   French person he was interviewing and kept hypersensationalizing it,
   in spite of what was being said straight from someone who lives 
  So what *is* happening in Paris?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: pc recording studio home setup--version 2 $100!

2005-11-12 Thread Kenny H
Thanks for both your posts with the recommendations. I will check this
out over the weekend.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, benjaminccollins

 It also occurs to me that there very nice condenser mic that goes
 right into your PC's USB port for about $79.  Then all you need is the
 software.  There is some free audio editing software called Audacity
 that you can get from SourceForge.com.  So you are in business for
 less than $100!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, benjaminccollins
  I havea  setup that I use for my Vedic Mytholoogy podcast. Personally,
  I like using Sony Audio Studio for recording software.  It is readily
  available from a variety of sources and not too expensive $69.
  Then I suggest going to a place like MusiciansFriend.com and buy
  yourself a good condenser mic ($70 for an MXL), stand $20, and a mixer
  with a USB interface (Alesis for $114). and you are all set to go!
  Let me know if you need any help.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Hello Group
   I have a beautiful Taylor 12-string guitar (the sound transports me
   when I play) and a gorgeous Martin D-18 custom guitar and I want to
   lay down some multilayered tracks here at home so I can make
   music with myself (smooch).
   Has anyone reading here at FFLife had experience in setting up their
   pc as a recording studio? I need to start really basic just so I can
   lay down a rhythm track or two to practice along with and then
   eventually add some lead lines. 
   I'd appreciate any advice I can get about doing this.
   Post to me here or beep me at kennyhassman at yahoo dot com

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[FairfieldLife] pc recording studio home setup

2005-11-11 Thread Kenny H
Hello Group

I have a beautiful Taylor 12-string guitar (the sound transports me
when I play) and a gorgeous Martin D-18 custom guitar and I want to
lay down some multilayered tracks here at home so I can make beautiful
music with myself (smooch).

Has anyone reading here at FFLife had experience in setting up their
pc as a recording studio? I need to start really basic just so I can
lay down a rhythm track or two to practice along with and then
eventually add some lead lines. 

I'd appreciate any advice I can get about doing this.

Post to me here or beep me at kennyhassman at yahoo dot com


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[FairfieldLife] Re: slight change in directive to recerts

2005-08-26 Thread Kenny H
You know, I don't think it is that theese people have no experience
with reality, including Maharishi. I think they just don't care to
participate in everyone else's version of it. It is the way they act
out their particular drama.

It's the way President George W. Bush operates. Is he unaware of the
effect his policies are having on people who aren't wealthy, on the
already poor and disenfranchised, on the middle class who are finding
themselves increasinlgy unable to finance the American way of life? He
cannot be unaware, he just doesn't care to concern himself with it in
his own particular version of reality.

To me, it seems like MMY/the TMO comes up with these loopy ideas,
underneath it all, maybe in their subconcscious mind they are looking
to be able to say, See, the world sucks and once again here is the
proof, we are offering them Heaven on Earth and these little
cockroaches can't see that and allows the sense of self-righteous
arrogance to continue. 

It's just their way of creating their particular blend of drama.
That's why I think none of these ideas will ever really amount to
much, the drama would be over and that is not what the TMO is looking for.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why in the world would a developer work with the TMO
 in constructing a peace palace? Hey you, build us a
 huge building, you finance everything and let us name
 the building and have several floors in the building
 for a really cheap rate.  I can see developers just
 lining up to do this! This is such stupid thinking, as
 usual, from the TMO. Thought up by people with
 absolutely no experience with little r reality.
 --- wayback71 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have been told that recerts are not to worry about
  finding Maharishi Enlightenment 
  Centers any more (space in exisiting malls which
  would be reconfigured). Now they are to 
  arrange for the building of Peace Palaces. 
  Apparently, this means that they are to look for 
  land that says build to suit and to let the
  developer handle the financing and building 
  details.  I am only assuming that this means that
  the TMO is actually and truly going to 
  pay for this stuff, since I cannot imagine anyone,
  even a TB, offering money for this type of 
  venture.  I think MMY is planning on spending a good
  deal of the money collected over the 
  years, wants to leave a physical legacy of big
  beautiful buildings to help perpetuate the 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Rama Lama Ding Ding Dong

2005-08-24 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 3.  When I looked through the photos that have been
 posted of the celebration at which the Rajas were
 installed, I was struck by the fact that in every
 single photo of him interacting with anybody--and
 there were dozens--he had a dazzlingly radiant smile.
 I found this impressive because he was going through
 umpty identical installation ceremonies over several
 days, and you'd think the smile would have worn thin
 after a while.

Maybe he is a hologram

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[FairfieldLife] Rama Lama Ding Ding Dong

2005-08-23 Thread Kenny H
What is the prevailing thought around FF and beyond regarding King
Rama Lama Ding Ding Dong? A few dear friends in FF are really taking
it very seriously because it comes from Maharishi. And I'm sure the
Purushniks and MDers do. Is it just the small number of True
Believer's that are taking this seriously?  

Have you (or anyone) heard the local nonmeditating Fairfielder's
reactions to King Rama Lama?


p.s. Without looking it up can anyone tell me the name of the group
that did Rama Lama Ding Dong (in 1961). Hint: there is a collector's
item car by the same name

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[FairfieldLife] MMY's response to abortion (as heard with my own ears)

2005-08-18 Thread Kenny H
The whole abortion debate is a sticky wicket (as a British friend of
mine has been prone to spout). I avoid it as much as possible.

One piece of input I will add, and I give this a big For What It Is
Worth, is what I heard Maharishi say on the topic, with my very own
big and differently sized ears, in June of 1971, at the end of my
teacher training course.

A very pregnant lady got up to the microphone and asked Maharishi when
the soul enters the developing child within the womb. Maharish asked
the woman at the microphone, as well as the rest of the women on the
course who had children, when they felt the first movement. I believe
one of the women said at around 3 months. Maharish replied, this is
it meaning when the first movement was felt was when the soul had


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sent to me by a lurker:
 When I was on staff at Livingston Manor in 1973 a
 meditator got pregnant.  Her boyfriend, who was an
 initiator close to Maharishi, asked Maharishi about
 abortion.  Maharishi at that time said that the soul
 doesn't enter the body until 3 months after
 conception.  She went ahead with the abortion.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Vacation

2005-08-16 Thread Kenny H
Now hang on a second, I thought you were on vacation already, is this
a vacation from your vacation?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey Peeps, It's been real fun but tomorrow I'm going on vacation for
two weeks so try to get through the day without me.  Love - Llundrub

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[FairfieldLife] The Experience of God (was Re: Evolution Wars)

2005-08-15 Thread Kenny H
What I would like to ask the people, then, who are (supposedly)
experiencing God is how do you know that what you are experiencing is
God (which I thought was a concept).

A few years ago I had an experience, while driving in my car in the
state of Connecticut, came out of nowhere (not the state of CT, my
state of mind). 

All of a sudden I became aware of the infinite, eternal, unbounded
nature of creation as it flowed through me, I became part of the flow,
it was very very clear, all the words I had ever heard unbounded,
infinite, eternal, meant something to me for about five minutes. 

While this was going on I never thought that I was experiencing
something called God. Infinity/eternal-ness/unboundedness, yes, I was
experiencing that, it was it's own experience.

Is what you are calling the experience of God different from this?
Who ascribes definition to the conept of God as it is experienced?


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Letter I wrote to the editor of TIME in response to their current cover
 story on the Evolution/Creationism/Intelligent Design debate:
  I have yet to hear in the evolution/creationism debate the
consideration that
  for some, God is not a concept in which to believe or disbelieve,
but a direct
  experience more real than any other. Saints and mystics in every
  tradition and some independent of any tradition have been capable
of directly
  cognizing subtler realities which others could only accept or
reject through
  faith or logic. To them, the intelligent governance of the
universe is self
  evident. Ancient books are superfluous. They perceive that infinite
  intelligence permeates every grain of creation. From this
perspective, the
  existence of God is perfectly compatible with gradual, incremental
change over
  millions of years. But natural selection is not random. It is a
  through which infinite intelligence achives fuller, more complex
  of itself.

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[FairfieldLife] The Experience of God (was Re: Evolution Wars)

2005-08-15 Thread Kenny H
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While this was going on I never thought that I was experiencing
 something called God. Infinity/eternal-ness/unboundedness, yes, I was
 experiencing that, it was it's own experience.
 Yeah, what you said.  
 When you look in the mirror do you say, Hey, lookin good Ken!
 Or do you just brush your hair?

HAHAHA, not at age 57, maybe 10 years ago. Now I don't put my glasses
on while looking in the mirror unless I absolutely need to see myself.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: So Is Llundrub bipolar?

2005-08-15 Thread Kenny H
Has anyone ever suggested you might have bipolar mania?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub is Quite Intelligent

2005-08-15 Thread Kenny H

Let me tell you what I meant when I asked the question (about bipolar
mania), said partly tongue-in-cheek.

I have a family member that has been clinically diagnosed with bipolar
mania and is being treated for it. 

He had an endless stream of ideas and was profuse in his ability to
espouse his opinions and to espouse them quite energetically and was
fairly negative in his presentation.

Also he was capable of bouncing from topic to topic, as you are, with
a lot to say about each topic, and in a very passionate way.

He is also very intelligent, which you are. 

He went over the edge, though, and left to his own devices would
probably be dead now or in jail where he would most likely end up dead.

His treatment, which I am not advocating in any way for you, has
calmed the endless mania down to zero, and also reduced his creativity
and passion to zero: what a tradeoff.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Llundrub is Quite Intelligent

2005-08-15 Thread Kenny H
I will have to plan a trip to New Orleans, then. I have over 60,000
miles on Continental Airlines and keep wondering where to go with my
two round-trip tickets. What is the best time of the year, when the
weather is NOT too hot down there.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now if I actually knew you guys it might be different. 

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[FairfieldLife] Independent TM Teachers (Re: I Hate Maharishi)

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
Kirk et. al.

Why don't you see if you can hook up with a TM teacher in your area
who is willing to teach outside the guidelines and charge a reasonable
rate. There are enough TM teachers who don't care about going on
courses and who may be willing.

Also, someone here probably has the link to Paul Brown's website and
any interested people ANYWHERE can contact him and he will fly to them
and teach them TM. If you want his e-mail address e-mail me on the
side and I can send it to you. He regularly travels the country (and
Canada) to teach people TM at very reasonable rates.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 TM is what counts. It should be offered to those in need
 of its benefits at a sensible price.
 Right now, I am looking at a Samsung computer screen,
 and it is very good. I would recommend it to anyone. 
 However, I have absolutely no view about Samsung's 
 head honcho.
 -There was alot of talk about pricing the Divine Mother and Her
sacred syllables, but how can you put a price on Her without making
her a whore of your own will?

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[FairfieldLife] Independent TM Teachers (Re: I Hate Maharishi)

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
You are missing the point!!  
Paul Brown, for example, has NOTHING-NADA-ZERO-ZIP to do with the TMO.
He teaches the TM technique.  He has been threatened up the wazoo by
the TMO and they finally have left him alone. The people he teachers
will be turned away from the TMO if they are asked who their teacher
is. So you can rest assured that anyone he teaches will, by default,
not be allowed to belong to the TMO.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wouldn't wish TMO upon my worst enemies at this point. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Kenny H 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Independent TM Teachers (Re: I Hate Maharishi)
 Kirk et. al.
 Why don't you see if you can hook up with a TM teacher in your area
 who is willing to teach outside the guidelines and charge a reasonable
 rate. There are enough TM teachers who don't care about going on
 courses and who may be willing.
 Also, someone here probably has the link to Paul Brown's website and
 any interested people ANYWHERE can contact him and he will fly to them
 and teach them TM. If you want his e-mail address e-mail me on the
 side and I can send it to you. He regularly travels the country (and
 Canada) to teach people TM at very reasonable rates.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  TM is what counts. It should be offered to those in need
  of its benefits at a sensible price.
  Right now, I am looking at a Samsung computer screen,
  and it is very good. I would recommend it to anyone. 
  However, I have absolutely no view about Samsung's 
  head honcho.
  -There was alot of talk about pricing the Divine Mother and Her
 sacred syllables, but how can you put a price on Her without making
 her a whore of your own will?
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[FairfieldLife] Is Knishna Jewish?

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
Is that just a typo (below) or is this knowledge from the Oy Veda?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, it *was* Knishna before me with His flute, no question...Maybe I 
 should write the MM Mars company and see if they want to try this as 
 an ad campaign, eat peanut mm's and SEE Krishna!
 Come to think of it, it was after this, in September 1995, that they 
 introduced *blue* mm's...;)

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[FairfieldLife] Independent TM Teachers (Re: I Hate Maharishi)

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
Yes he does, as taught. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  You are missing the point!!  
  Paul Brown, for example, has NOTHING-NADA-ZERO-ZIP to do with the 
  He teaches the TM technique.  He has been threatened up the wazoo 
  the TMO and they finally have left him alone. The people he 
  will be turned away from the TMO if they are asked who their 
  is. So you can rest assured that anyone he teaches will, by 
  not be allowed to belong to the TMO.
 ...and does this fellow teach TM with the puja, the 7 steps and all 
 that he was taught to do originally with teacher-training?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I wouldn't wish TMO upon my worst enemies at this point. 
   - Original Message - 
   From: Kenny H 
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 1:57 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Independent TM Teachers (Re: I Hate 
   Kirk et. al.
   Why don't you see if you can hook up with a TM teacher in your 
   who is willing to teach outside the guidelines and charge a 
   rate. There are enough TM teachers who don't care about going on
   courses and who may be willing.
   Also, someone here probably has the link to Paul Brown's website 
   any interested people ANYWHERE can contact him and he will fly 
 to them
   and teach them TM. If you want his e-mail address e-mail me on 
   side and I can send it to you. He regularly travels the country 
   Canada) to teach people TM at very reasonable rates.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

TM is what counts. It should be offered to those in need
of its benefits at a sensible price.
Right now, I am looking at a Samsung computer screen,
and it is very good. I would recommend it to anyone. 
However, I have absolutely no view about Samsung's 
head honcho.

-There was alot of talk about pricing the Divine Mother 
 and Her
   sacred syllables, but how can you put a price on Her without 
   her a whore of your own will?
   To subscribe, send a message to:
   Or go to: 
   and click 'Join This Group!' 
   SPONSORED LINKS Maharishi university of management  Maharishi 
  yogi  Ramana maharshi  
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 b..  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
 c..  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms 

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[FairfieldLife] Independent TM Teachers (Re: I Hate Maharishi)

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
Paul got many letters from the legal department at MIU. I believe it
was from Lenny Goldman. He showed me the letters and he was a bit
nervous. Essentially he ignored them, though they did cause stress.
This was probably in the range of 6 years or so ago (give or take a
year or two). 

Paul's main TM audience has come from people in 12-Step programs. They
get a small group together who want to learn, someone puts him up, and
he flies to them. It works out well for all. And because it is word of
mouth among friends he ends up going back repeatedly to areas where
people learn so they get follow-up and group meditations from time to

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kenny H [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  You are missing the point!!  
  Paul Brown, for example, has NOTHING-NADA-ZERO-ZIP to do with the TMO.
  He teaches the TM technique.  He has been threatened up the wazoo by
  the TMO and they finally have left him alone. The people he teachers
  will be turned away from the TMO if they are asked who their teacher
  is. So you can rest assured that anyone he teaches will, by default,
  not be allowed to belong to the TMO.
   Do you know anything about how they tried to work him over? And how
 he dealt with it?  Have a friend that is a lawyer? 

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[FairfieldLife] I Changed The Title

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
so there

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Aug 14, 2005, at 8:57 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
   Why not just chalk up TM as another technique that either works for
   you, or doesn't?
  Well we weren't really talking about the technique--but as I said 
  earlier, 'it doesn't mean that TM is bad'. It's also worth 
  the positive impact of large people taking up meditation from the 
  *even if they change to another method*. From that perspective it's 
  still a catalyst for world evolution.
 On some level, isn't Maharishi, regardless of what our thoughts of him 
 may be, irrelevant to the practice of TM?

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[FairfieldLife] Re:The last Advanced Technique:'Om'?

2005-08-14 Thread Kenny H
Hell here I come but I remember many years ago, when advanced
techniques were a mere $1000 and a good friend (initiator)came out of
getting one and kept shaking his head and saying, I can't believe I
paid $1000 for that and it ended up (he didn't tell me, someone else
did) it was mentally singing some tune that only the initiators know
and I marveled at how you could be charged for doing something you
could have done anyway although who would have thought of doing that?!

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 8/14/05 9:21 PM, dhamiltony2k5 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On the street is that it likely is 'Om'. Which added to what we got of
  course would then complete the TM seed mantras and return them into
  real vedic mantras. Ha, the irony would be large.
 Are people really saying this and is there any substance to the rumor? I
 don't think anyone dedicated enough to get this new technique
would tell.
 And Maharishi would have a lot of explaining to do if he added Om
at this
 late date.H

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