Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's going to happen to the Arab/Muslim countries?

2011-01-25 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 6:28 PM, John wrote:

 I don't believe the ME is more educated than the US as you appear to say
 here.  For one, the men there still consider women to be subservient to the
 male population.  As such, the authorities, specifically the imams, do not
 consider it a priority to educate girls or women in their society.  This
 situation is most egregious in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What?  If you close your eyes, pick up a rock and throw it randomly anywhere
along, say, within 20 km from the Nile, you'll hit a perpetually unemployed
degreed engineer, accountant, lawyer.   Who cares if we're talking about
women or men?  Now that's in Egypt.  Same thing holds for the other ME
countries, with the exception of Israel.   Facts are facts despite your
myopic view of another culture through the eyes of a certain strata of
America.   Now as far as the education of women in Iraq and Afghanistan,
well, their culture makes sense to them.  Been there, felt that.  Go there,
feel that.

I actually came to FFL to post this:

The Cairo protests up front and personal.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-28 Thread uns_tressor

 tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:
 I am not a doomsdayer.  
 However, for me, the 8.8 quake in Chile takes us to 
the outer range of normal flow of events -- or at 
least gives me pause to consider that something outside
the pattern of normality.

There is a theory that a large planet is coming round the
sun, on an orbit of 3,500 years, and could cause serious
problems due to its gravity. I got this link from a TMer 
in England:
(For those with a Physics bent, Chapter 1, Intro
and Conclusion are also recommended)

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-28 Thread Duveyoung
The concept that there's a brown dwarf star orbiting our sun with a period of 
3,500 years is so easily dismissed that you should be at least duct taped to a 
tree by hoodlums for the crime of public inanity.  

Any such orb would have been spotted by humanity's earliest naked-eye 
astronomers and reported with enough accuracy for us to find it today, and 
that's just for starters.  We have sent satellites around the sun and looked, 
so there's none of this hiding behind the sun nonsense.  Any brown dwarf 
would be at least bigger than Jupiter, and even Jupiter's mass would be enough 
to detect perturbations in our system of planets if it were in the same orbit 
proposed by this piece-of-shit-channeling-crappola. 

Our sun wobbles around a central point due to the gravity of its planets, and 
our present day ability already can detect that our Earth makes the sun wobble 
one foot from that center.  Any brown dwarf close enough to be in gravitation 
relationship with our sun would be wobbling it very very much more, but, alas, 
none such is found.  

This pdf file is pure bullshit, and it marauds the common weal by eroding the 
astronomical education of the masses by confusing those who do not have the 
experience to recognize it as the vile anti-intellectualism it is.  

Shame on you for spreading it around -- it's shit but it sure ain't fertilizer.


--- In, uns_tressor uns_tres...@... wrote:

  tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  I am not a doomsdayer.  
  However, for me, the 8.8 quake in Chile takes us to 
 the outer range of normal flow of events -- or at 
 least gives me pause to consider that something outside
 the pattern of normality.
 There is a theory that a large planet is coming round the
 sun, on an orbit of 3,500 years, and could cause serious
 problems due to its gravity. I got this link from a TMer 
 in England:
 (For those with a Physics bent, Chapter 1, Intro
 and Conclusion are also recommended)

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-28 Thread uns_tressor

--- In, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 The concept that there's a brown dwarf star orbiting our sun 
with a period of 3,500 years is so easily dismissed that you 
should be at least duct taped to a tree by hoodlums for the 
crime of public inanity.  

Aparently it is visible. Look for it, Duveyoung.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-28 Thread Duveyoung

I see that I should have kept my mouth shut and merely cited the above 
deconstruction of this rank hucksterism.

GAWD -- no wonder the Tea Party has no trouble getting members when folks like 
you glom onto insane amateurs who think they can interpret the heavens and 
outthink humanity's tens of thousands of astronomers.  

Uns_stressor, whew, you've got some bad karma coming your way.  If you're so 
willing to spread lies about reality, I can only shudder to think what you're 
going to be believing next that will take you to a rueful doom.  Take some 
precautions, dude, like read a book maybe.


--- In, uns_tressor uns_tres...@... wrote:

 --- In, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  The concept that there's a brown dwarf star orbiting our sun 
 with a period of 3,500 years is so easily dismissed that you 
 should be at least duct taped to a tree by hoodlums for the 
 crime of public inanity.  
 Aparently it is visible. Look for it, Duveyoung.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-28 Thread uns_tressor

Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 Uns_stressor, whew, you've got some bad karma coming your
 way.  If you're so willing to spread lies about reality...

I'm looking for an intelligent debunk/explanation of
theories put forward, but I won't expect it from you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-28 Thread Duveyoung

--- In, uns_tressor uns_tres...@... wrote:

 Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Uns_stressor, whew, you've got some bad karma coming your
  way.  If you're so willing to spread lies about reality...
 I'm looking for an intelligent debunk/explanation of
 theories put forward, but I won't expect it from you.

I gave you scientific-fact reasons to not believe that crappola and you have 
yet to counter those reasons.  Methinks you do not understand the concept 
debunk.  You're spreading lies and fear -- WTF?  Are you seriously presenting 
yourself here as a fully qualified astronomer who is able to show scientific 
evidence for us to buy into  these ugly speculations by a channeling asshole?  

Come on, admit it, you didn't even read that Wiki page, did you.


[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-27 Thread tartbrain

--- In, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 You're probably not into astrology

Never have been into western and new age astrology -- no interest even in the 
exploratory years of Summer of Love era. 

However, I have dabbled a little in jytoish, having more respect for a 
discernable tradition. (Not that a tradition makes anything correct, having 
roots on ancient ways is to me, at least interesting. I can't fully subscribe 
to the view  that all currents of modernity and progress are necessarily 
superior to older ways and insights.) When wring the original post, it struck 
me that 1930 was 80 years ago. Every 20 years, Jupiter and Saturn cojoin -- 
though in new houses. Thus four cycles of that. Not sure that means anything at 
all -- but an interesting coincidence that could be fun to trace through more 

 but if you were one thing one might 
 notice from looking at todays chart is that the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury 
 and Venus are close together 

How often does that happen? Mercury and Sun -- all the time. Sun and Jupiter OR 
Venus once a year. Sun Jupiter AND Venus -- I can't calculate mentally. But the 
point is -- what happened the last 10-50 times this conjunction occurred? The 
same thing as in this cycle? If not, if little correlation, then it seems to me 
the conjunction is of little consequence.

and the Moon of course about to go full.  
 That means there is a lot of extra gravitational influence than normal.  
 Full and new moons often cause earthquakes because the gravitational 
 force causes the plates to rise and when they settle you get a quake.  

Interesting speculation. However, we have 12 new and 12 full moons every year 
and hardly have 12 8.8 earthquakes every year. And if we do look at major earth 
quakes, did they (most) always occur at full or new moods?

 One observer mentioned that we might be in a cycle of quakes for the 
 Pacific Rim that began with the Indonesian one a few years back.  Look 
 for even more quakes following the new moon.
 As much as some folks might like to believe that a bunch of people 
 hopping on foam could prevent things like this, 

I was thinking all the hopping might cause earthquakes :).

human beings are nothing 
 in the scheme of things.  We are at the mercy of the elements.  

Events like this, and all the other stuff, makes one a bit more humble.

And if 
 we mess with nature we may just mess it up more.
 And have you also read the government report predicting an ice age which 
 is probably already starting.  When I read the one released about 3 
 years ago it sounded to me like the smart thing to do would be to move 
 to South America.
 tartbrain wrote:
  (resend, original did not appear to post)
  I am not a doomsdayer.  
  However, for me, the 8.8 quake in Chile takes us to the outer range of 
  normal flow of events -- or at least gives me pause to consider that 
  something outside the pattern of normality.
  I had been thinking that the Haiti quake seemed really close in time, 
  seismically, to the 2008 China quake (8.0) in 2008, and the tsnunami quake 
  of 2004 (9.1). Now with Chile 8.8 quake just a month after Haiti -- we have 
  got four of the larger of recorded quakes in just 6 years -- and the 
  interval appears accelerating -- rapidly. Chile is 500 times larger (energy 
  wise) than Haiti. It's 15 times larger than the 1906 SF earthquake.  
  The Chile and Haiti quakes occurring in a time of the largest world 
  recession and unemployment in 80 years and unprecedented housing price 
  declines -- and a financial crises 12-18 months ago that crises that took 
  us to the edge. Congress is in a devastating deadlock. States are near 
  bankrupt. Some nations (PIGS and all) are near insolvency. And the federal 
  deficit is so vastly large which could potentially lead to a sustained 
  deflationary period -- what the Japanese have endured for several decades 
  now -- and/or with intervals of hyper inflation (driven by the deficits and 
  increase in money supply, etc).  
  Structural underemployment could last for a decade or more. 
  Look what chronic high unemployment has done to the inner cities. A new 
  social order and vastly changed cultural landscape whereby, amongst many 
  other parallel potential transitions, we could see  millions of (former) 
  soccer moms selling meth to feed the kids and keep the house heated (and 
  the house out of foreclosure). It's not an unthinkable scenario
  Glaciers 1000s of years in the making are rapidly melting. We have had 8 
  very large crippling storms this winter -- formerly one might occur in a 
  Its difficult to place all of these events in context. We have seen huge 
  transformations in our lifetimes including such transformations in many 
  areas -- the breakup of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the PC and 
  internet come to mind. And past ages have seen huge change and rapid 
  transformations -- for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
tartbrain wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 You're probably not into astrology

 Never have been into western and new age astrology -- no interest even in the 
 exploratory years of Summer of Love era. 

 However, I have dabbled a little in jytoish, having more respect for a 
 discernable tradition. (Not that a tradition makes anything correct, having 
 roots on ancient ways is to me, at least interesting. I can't fully subscribe 
 to the view  that all currents of modernity and progress are necessarily 
 superior to older ways and insights.) When wring the original post, it struck 
 me that 1930 was 80 years ago. Every 20 years, Jupiter and Saturn cojoin -- 
 though in new houses. Thus four cycles of that. Not sure that means anything 
 at all -- but an interesting coincidence that could be fun to trace through 
 more thoroughly.

  but if you were one thing one might 
 notice from looking at todays chart is that the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury 
 and Venus are close together 

 How often does that happen? Mercury and Sun -- all the time. Sun and Jupiter 
 OR Venus once a year. Sun Jupiter AND Venus -- I can't calculate mentally. 
 But the point is -- what happened the last 10-50 times this conjunction 
 occurred? The same thing as in this cycle? If not, if little correlation, 
 then it seems to me the conjunction is of little consequence.

It also a conjunction that is occurring on an full  moon.   BTW, I am 
looking at this more astronomically or geophysically than 
astrologically.  I think that outside of the Sun and Moon influences the 
other planets do not have much physical impact on us or the planet.  In 
fact I think the ancients really just used the planets to keep track of 
naturally occurring cycles be they economic, political and particularly 
agricultural.   However if you look into celestial mechanics and play 
with the basic calculations you will find you have to add in aberrations 
which are created by whatever gravitational forces other planets create 
be they small.  Otherwise the orbits won't be correct.  What dates need 
t the most refined terms?  The ones when conjunctions such as these occur.
 and the Moon of course about to go full.  
 That means there is a lot of extra gravitational influence than normal.  
 Full and new moons often cause earthquakes because the gravitational 
 force causes the plates to rise and when they settle you get a quake.  

 Interesting speculation. However, we have 12 new and 12 full moons every year 
 and hardly have 12 8.8 earthquakes every year. And if we do look at major 
 earth quakes, did they (most) always occur at full or new moods?


The person that brought this to public attention was Jim Berkland, a 
geologist for Alameda county who predicted the Loma Prieta quake and got 
fired as a result.  Later Russian scientists released a study showing 
that indeed the new and full moon and the tides they create impact the 
probability of quakes.  However a fault must be ready to go for it to 
create a quake.  So we can't always sure there is going to be one but 
there is high probability.   Also quakes often occur near eclipses which 
as you know are less frequent per year.  Keep in mind that such forces 
can make the earth bulge as much as 3 feet which may not sound like much 
but enough to cause some shifts in plates.
 One observer mentioned that we might be in a cycle of quakes for the 
 Pacific Rim that began with the Indonesian one a few years back.  Look 
 for even more quakes following the new moon.

 As much as some folks might like to believe that a bunch of people 
 hopping on foam could prevent things like this, 


[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-27 Thread tartbrain

--- In, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 tartbrain wrote:
  --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  You're probably not into astrology
  Never have been into western and new age astrology -- no interest even in 
  the exploratory years of Summer of Love era. 
  However, I have dabbled a little in jytoish, having more respect for a 
  discernable tradition. (Not that a tradition makes anything correct, having 
  roots on ancient ways is to me, at least interesting. I can't fully 
  subscribe to the view  that all currents of modernity and progress are 
  necessarily superior to older ways and insights.) When wring the original 
  post, it struck me that 1930 was 80 years ago. Every 20 years, Jupiter and 
  Saturn cojoin -- though in new houses. Thus four cycles of that. Not sure 
  that means anything at all -- but an interesting coincidence that could be 
  fun to trace through more thoroughly.
   but if you were one thing one might 

  notice from looking at todays chart is that the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury 
  and Venus are close together 
  How often does that happen? Mercury and Sun -- all the time. Sun and 
  Jupiter OR Venus once a year. Sun Jupiter AND Venus -- I can't calculate 
  mentally. But the point is -- what happened the last 10-50 times this 
  conjunction occurred? The same thing as in this cycle? If not, if little 
  correlation, then it seems to me the conjunction is of little consequence.

 It also a conjunction that is occurring on an full  moon.   BTW, I am 
 looking at this more astronomically or geophysically than 
 astrologically.  I think that outside of the Sun and Moon influences the 
 other planets do not have much physical impact on us or the planet.  In 
 fact I think the ancients really just used the planets to keep track of 
 naturally occurring cycles be they economic, political and particularly 
 agricultural.   However if you look into celestial mechanics and play 
 with the basic calculations you will find you have to add in aberrations 
 which are created by whatever gravitational forces other planets create 
 be they small.  Otherwise the orbits won't be correct.  What dates need 
 t the most refined terms?  The ones when conjunctions such as these occur.
  and the Moon of course about to go full.  

  That means there is a lot of extra gravitational influence than normal.  
  Full and new moons often cause earthquakes because the gravitational 
  force causes the plates to rise and when they settle you get a quake.  
  Interesting speculation. However, we have 12 new and 12 full moons every 
  year and hardly have 12 8.8 earthquakes every year. And if we do look at 
  major earth quakes, did they (most) always occur at full or new moods?

 The person that brought this to public attention was Jim Berkland, a 
 geologist for Alameda county who predicted the Loma Prieta quake and got 
 fired as a result.  Later Russian scientists released a study showing 
 that indeed the new and full moon and the tides they create impact the 
 probability of quakes.

That would be interesting to look at. I have seen similar correlations with 
sunspot activity. Increasing the probability, not necessary causing the event 
each and every time,is an important perspective. Eating a pound of butter a day 
may never cause a heart attack, But it does increase the chances. And for a 
population, more butter gorgers will have heart attacks.

 However a fault must be ready to go for it to 
 create a quake.  So we can't always sure there is going to be one but 
 there is high probability.   Also quakes often occur near eclipses which 
 as you know are less frequent per year.  Keep in mind that such forces 
 can make the earth bulge as much as 3 feet which may not sound like much 
 but enough to cause some shifts in plates.

  One observer mentioned that we might be in a cycle of quakes for the 
  Pacific Rim that began with the Indonesian one a few years back.  Look 
  for even more quakes following the new moon.
  As much as some folks might like to believe that a bunch of people 
  hopping on foam could prevent things like this, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-27 Thread off_world_beings

There are not more Earhquakes than in the past, but the world's
population is much bigger than half a century ago, so humans are going
to notice them, because humans are now everywhere, and with with mass
communication as well.

Those storms you had in the US are nothing.


--- In , tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 (resend, original did not appear to post)

 I am not a doomsdayer.

 However, for me, the 8.8 quake in Chile takes us to the outer range of
normal flow of events -- or at least gives me pause to consider that
something outside the pattern of normality.

 I had been thinking that the Haiti quake seemed really close in time,
seismically, to the 2008 China quake (8.0) in 2008, and the tsnunami
quake of 2004 (9.1). Now with Chile 8.8 quake just a month after Haiti
-- we have got four of the larger of recorded quakes in just 6 years --
and the interval appears accelerating -- rapidly. Chile is 500 times
larger (energy wise) than Haiti. It's 15 times larger than the 1906 SF

 The Chile and Haiti quakes occurring in a time of the largest world
recession and unemployment in 80 years and unprecedented housing price
declines -- and a financial crises 12-18 months ago that crises that
took us to the edge. Congress is in a devastating deadlock. States are
near bankrupt. Some nations (PIGS and all) are near insolvency. And the
federal deficit is so vastly large which could potentially lead to a
sustained deflationary period -- what the Japanese have endured for
several decades now -- and/or with intervals of hyper inflation (driven
by the deficits and increase in money supply, etc).

 Structural underemployment could last for a decade or more.
 Look what chronic high unemployment has done to the inner cities. A
new social order and vastly changed cultural landscape whereby, amongst
many other parallel potential transitions, we could see  millions of
(former) soccer moms selling meth to feed the kids and keep the house
heated (and the house out of foreclosure). It's not an unthinkable

 Glaciers 1000s of years in the making are rapidly melting. We have had
8 very large crippling storms this winter -- formerly one might occur in
a decade.

 Its difficult to place all of these events in context. We have seen
huge transformations in our lifetimes including such transformations in
many areas -- the breakup of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the PC
and internet come to mind. And past ages have seen huge change and rapid
transformations -- for the good and for the bad. But with so many
contemporary extreme events occurring, with increasing frequency makes
me ponder what's going on?

[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Going On?

2010-02-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000


--- In, off_world_beings no_re...@...

 There are not more Earhquakes than in the past, but the world's
 population is much bigger than half a century ago, so humans are going
 to notice them, because humans are now everywhere, and with with mass
 communication as well.

 Those storms you had in the US are nothing.


 --- In , tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  (resend, original did not appear to post)
  I am not a doomsdayer.
  However, for me, the 8.8 quake in Chile takes us to the outer range
 normal flow of events -- or at least gives me pause to consider that
 something outside the pattern of normality.
  I had been thinking that the Haiti quake seemed really close in
 seismically, to the 2008 China quake (8.0) in 2008, and the tsnunami
 quake of 2004 (9.1). Now with Chile 8.8 quake just a month after Haiti
 -- we have got four of the larger of recorded quakes in just 6 years
 and the interval appears accelerating -- rapidly. Chile is 500 times
 larger (energy wise) than Haiti. It's 15 times larger than the 1906 SF
  The Chile and Haiti quakes occurring in a time of the largest world
 recession and unemployment in 80 years and unprecedented housing price
 declines -- and a financial crises 12-18 months ago that crises that
 took us to the edge. Congress is in a devastating deadlock. States are
 near bankrupt. Some nations (PIGS and all) are near insolvency. And
 federal deficit is so vastly large which could potentially lead to a
 sustained deflationary period -- what the Japanese have endured for
 several decades now -- and/or with intervals of hyper inflation
 by the deficits and increase in money supply, etc).
  Structural underemployment could last for a decade or more.
  Look what chronic high unemployment has done to the inner cities. A
 new social order and vastly changed cultural landscape whereby,
 many other parallel potential transitions, we could see millions of
 (former) soccer moms selling meth to feed the kids and keep the house
 heated (and the house out of foreclosure). It's not an unthinkable
  Glaciers 1000s of years in the making are rapidly melting. We have
 8 very large crippling storms this winter -- formerly one might occur
 a decade.
  Its difficult to place all of these events in context. We have seen
 huge transformations in our lifetimes including such transformations
 many areas -- the breakup of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the
 and internet come to mind. And past ages have seen huge change and
 transformations -- for the good and for the bad. But with so many
 contemporary extreme events occurring, with increasing frequency makes
 me ponder what's going on?