Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
When caught in a fib, deny everything, blame others, and be bitter. 
Then, take a break from working with clients in your home office and do 
a little editing on a chat room. In fact, one of the most faddish 
hobbies these days is Twitter, but you'll never see an extra dot between 
tweets when they  are limited to forty characters! LoL!

On 11/29/2013 7:03 PM, wrote:

I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, 
actually; I very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you 
think about how it would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an 
echo of, say, your mother: You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be 
an effective way of emphasizing something.

Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., 
highly informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be 
nonstandard in more formal writing if it adds something--flavor, 
humor, irony, surprise. It can be creative and entertaining if well used.

Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word 
effect more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have 
upset you. Double standards, perhaps?

Feste huffed:

 Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you 
have to follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I 
thought you were the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of 
good, effective writing, but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. 
Am. Sad. About. That.

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

*Feste tries again:*

 Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

*Uh, no.*

 I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.

*LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your
blood pressure. It's not going anywhere.*

 It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
trying to claim victory.

*Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches
and missing (or smacking themselves in the face) are losers
without any assistance from me. But I'm glad you're enjoying the

 As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

Maybe I should rephrase what I posted:

I've never seen anyone add extra dots to a sentence on a Twitter post, 
on a blog, or on a discussion group, UNTIL NOW. And I've NEVER seen a 
professional editor post such a silly and mean non-sentence to a client. 
Not to mention Judy's silly prefixed attributions fixation. Thanks for 
the tip, Judy - I guess I should get out and read more. LoL!

*Judy /threatened/ to post another echo:*

Next time I see it used, I'll  save the link for you.


On 11/29/2013 7:11 PM, wrote:

Richard bluffs:

 Feste is correct - it's not standard web practice - I'm no newbie 
and I've never seen anything like this. On a
 blog, a discussion group, or on Twitter or Facebook. It's almost 
bizarre and even more bizarre for Judy to

 then try and make you feel like it's all your fault.


Next time I see it used, I'll save the link for you.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes Richard 
seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. (But HINT: Read 
the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. Oh, and Pedro was not Vaj; he was a crazy 
fundamentalist Christian who infested alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever 
denied I'm a partisan liberal Democrat.)


---In, punditster@... wrote:

 There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely never 
admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. She's been 
doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.
 In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a Gallup 
Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed my statement, I 
went back three times to check the results of the poll. In desperation, Judy's 
last statement was something to the effect that I was was a molusk for 
posting a link to a poll that proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go 
 At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a debate 
that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate. Never mind the 
facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical style of argument Judy 
uses to demean her debating opponent. What's interesting about this exchange is 
that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through Judy's posing as a political pundit and even 
posted a note that proved Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!
 That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, except for 
calling me a troll and a liar, and became an ECHO, trying to get everyone 
else to shun me - because I had dared to dispute her political view. Go figure.
 Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always admit when 
I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual graphic is no longer 
online, but you can get the jist of the conversation below.
 Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and ad 
hominem. In this case, I became a molusk and slime in a political debate. 
Now that's classy!
 From the Usenet archives:
 From: Judy Stein 
 Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST
 I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is.  What's the next
 step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
 three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.
 From: Judy Stein 
 Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST
 I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
If it was standard practice, you'd probably have seen it posted here 
on FFL after ten years and thousands of postings. And, anyone would be 
able to cite such practice, even without a doing a good search. It sure 
sounds like a Judy fib to me, and even she never once in ten years used 
extra dots in her posts, so if true, Judy does not follow standard 
posting practice. Go figure.

On 11/29/2013 7:33 PM, feste37 wrote:

Are you still insisting that it's pretty much standard practice these 
days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, 
actually; I very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you 
think about how it would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an 
echo of, say, your mother: You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be 
an effective way of emphasizing something.

Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., 
highly informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be 
nonstandard in more formal writing if it adds something--flavor, 
humor, irony, surprise. It can be creative and entertaining if well used.

Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word 
effect more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have 
upset you. Double standards, perhaps?

Feste huffed:

 Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense.
At. All. It's. Stupid. I thought you were the sort of person who
liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, but alas, it
appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That.

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

*Feste tries again:*

 Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

*Uh, no.*

 I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.

*LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of
your blood pressure. It's not going anywhere.*

 It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and
lamely trying to claim victory.

*Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the
punches and missing (or smacking themselves in the face) are
losers without any assistance from me. But I'm glad you're
enjoying the spectacle.*

 As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

There IS an echo in here - I thought so.

But, did anyone notice how Judy skirted the issue of the name-calling in 
order to win the political debate? Now that's some real obsfucation!

P.S. I stand corrected on the Vaj attribution, but the actual poster, 
Pedro, was my own debating opponent on alt.a.m.t, so that makes it all 
the more interesting. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
(But HINT: Read the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. **Oh, and Pedro 
was not Vaj; he was a crazy fundamentalist Christian who infested 
alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever denied I'm a partisan liberal 

---In, punditster@... wrote:

There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely 
never admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. 
She's been doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.

In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a 
Gallup Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed 
my statement, I went back three times to check the results of the 
poll. In desperation, Judy's last statement was something to the 
effect that I was was a molusk for posting a link to a poll that 
proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go figure.

At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a 
debate that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate. 
Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical 
style of argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's 
interesting about this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through 
Judy's posing as a political pundit and even posted a note that proved 
Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!

That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, 
except for calling me a troll and a liar, and became an ECHO, 
trying to get everyone else to shun me - because I had dared to 
dispute her political view. Go figure.

Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always 
admit when I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual 
graphic is no longer online, but you can get the jist of the 
conversation below.

Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and 
ad hominem. In this case, I became a molusk and slime in a 
political debate. Now that's classy!

From the Usenet archives:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST

I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is. What's the next
step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST

I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Thanks for the funny reply, Ann - but you did a pretty good job of 
dodging the issue yourself. LoL!

But, if you have read the exchange, you will now have realized that I 
didn't make anything up. So, it looks like Judy told a fib about me 
making all this stuff up. The echo messenger got hoisted on her on 
petard. Go figure.

On 11/30/2013 9:20 AM, wrote:

---In, punditster@... wrote:

There IS an echo in here - I thought so.

But, did anyone notice how Judy skirted the issue of the name-calling 
in order to win the political debate? Now that's some real obsfucation!

P.S. I stand corrected on the Vaj attribution, but the actual poster, 
Pedro, was my own debating opponent on alt.a.m.t, so that makes it all 
the more interesting. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
(But HINT: Read the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. **Oh, and Pedro 
was not Vaj; he was a crazy fundamentalist Christian who infested 
alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever denied I'm a partisan liberal 

---In, punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@... wrote:

There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely 
never admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. 
She's been doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.

In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a 
Gallup Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed 
my statement, I went back three times to check the results of the 
poll. In desperation, Judy's last statement was something to the 
effect that I was was a molusk for posting a link to a poll that 
proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go figure.

At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a 
debate that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate.

I am not sure you were trying to be humorous here but this statement 
has proven to be a wonderful moment of morning comic relief - the 
mere idea that having been called a molusk (sic) could be 
categorized as slander. Thank you for that.

 Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical 
style of argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's 
interesting about this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through 
Judy's posing as a political pundit and even posted a note that 
proved Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!

That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, 
except for calling me a troll and a liar, and became an ECHO, 
trying to get everyone else to shun me - because I had dared to 
dispute her political view. Go figure.

Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always 
admit when I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual 
graphic is no longer online, but you can get the jist of the 
conversation below.

Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and 
ad hominem. In this case, I became a molusk and slime in a 
political debate. Now that's classy!

From the Usenet archives:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST

I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is.  What's the next
step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST

I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

*Judy /fibbed/:*
* This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up...

*The key word in your message is ALL - so this message you sent is a 
lie. I did not make ALL of this up, most of it is in the archives. Judy 
posted a fib - now she owns it. Apologize or you will be warned about 
posting fibs to this discussion group.

On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
(But HINT: Read the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. **Oh, and Pedro 
was not Vaj; he was a crazy fundamentalist Christian who infested 
alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever denied I'm a partisan liberal 

---In, punditster@... wrote:

There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely 
never admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. 
She's been doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.

In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a 
Gallup Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed 
my statement, I went back three times to check the results of the 
poll. In desperation, Judy's last statement was something to the 
effect that I was was a molusk for posting a link to a poll that 
proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go figure.

At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a 
debate that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate. 
Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical 
style of argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's 
interesting about this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through 
Judy's posing as a political pundit and even posted a note that proved 
Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!

That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, 
except for calling me a troll and a liar, and became an ECHO, 
trying to get everyone else to shun me - because I had dared to 
dispute her political view. Go figure.

Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always 
admit when I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual 
graphic is no longer online, but you can get the jist of the 
conversation below.

Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and 
ad hominem. In this case, I became a molusk and slime in a 
political debate. Now that's classy!

From the Usenet archives:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST

I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is. What's the next
step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST

I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread Share Long
I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all go 
to the next world!

I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to 
for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and 
comfy knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command went out of 
their way to make launching a nuclear missile as easy, and quick, as 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread emilymaenot
The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the genetic 
aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it is just so odd to me.  Did you 
just meet her or have you known her for a long time?   

---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

 Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
   Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all 
go to the next world!

 I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to 
for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and 
comfy knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command went out of their 
way to make launching a nuclear missile as easy, and quick, as possible.




RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 


---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the 
genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it is just so odd to me.  Did 
you just meet her or have you known her for a long time?   

 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

 Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
   Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all 
go to the next world!

 I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to 
for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and 
comfy knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command went out of their 
way to make launching a nuclear missile as easy, and quick, as possible.




RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...
Feste Sir Galahads:

  Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the 
genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it is just so odd to me.  Did 
you just meet her or have you known her for a long time?   

 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

 Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
   Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all 
go to the next world!

 I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to 
for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and 
comfy knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command went out of their 
way to make launching a nuclear missile as easy, and quick, as possible.




RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 
Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 
hostility. This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, 
Emily declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to 
plunge the knife in and twist it as much as she can.


---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...
Feste Sir Galahads:

  Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the 
genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it is just so odd to me.  Did 
you just meet her or have you known her for a long time?   

 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

 Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
   Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all 
go to the next world!

 I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to 
for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and 
comfy knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command went out of their 
way to make launching a nuclear missile as easy, and quick, as possible.




RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
And it's all just completely gratuitous, right, Feste? 
Feste pronounced:

  It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls.

 (You do realize Mean Girls is a name Barry dreamed up for his critics, don't 

  Authfriend practices a kind of knee- 
  jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty attacks. In respect of Share (and 
  Barry), she is All Nasty, All the 
  Time. It doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the 
  same. Any excuse to belittle, mock, 
  and insult -- that's authfriend's MO.

 Better than being a lying phony, IMHO.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
This post has all the earmarks of you sitting at your computer in your 
home office, and when the 'ding' goes off alerting an email, then you 
respond within three minutes using the same computer. LoL!

On 11/29/2013 1:14 PM, wrote:

*Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...*

Feste Sir Galahads:

 Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I
understand the genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint,
it is just so odd to me.  Did you just meet her or have you known
her for a long time?

---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all
be blown to smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a
keyboard! Obviously too much turkey has taken over my brain!

Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor
brought over little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread
pudding is my favorite dessert so I was in 7th heaven.

On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard
and off we all go to the next world!

I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile
launches mistakenly thought the west was under attack twice
with ICBMs actually on the way. And Ronald Reagan's escape
plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

That's eight zeros above, not .  is what
you say when you learn that the launch codes to much of
America's nuclear arsenal were set to for many years during
the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and comfy
knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command
went out of their way to make launching a nuclear missile as
easy, and quick, as possible.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread emilymaenot

---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...
Feste Sir Galahads:

  Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the 
genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it is just so odd to me.  Did 
you just meet her or have you known her for a long time?   

 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

 Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
   Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all 
go to the next world!

 I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to 
for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and 
comfy knowing that, doesn't it?  :-)

So to recap, for around 20 years, 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in the 
way you declare that she ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think 
she should say what you have scripted for her, but of course things don't work 
that way, and to expect them to is just another way of trying to control 
another person. 


---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...
Feste Sir Galahads:

  Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the 
genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it is just so odd to me.  Did 
you just meet her or have you known her for a long time?   

 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know why I find that kind of funny, that we could all be blown to 
smithereens because someone spilled coffee on a keyboard! Obviously too much 
turkey has taken over my brain!

 Speaking of food, at my half sister's last night, a neighbor brought over 
little goblets of pumpkin bread pudding! Bread pudding is my favorite dessert 
so I was in 7th heaven. 

 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:52 AM, salyavin808 
   Wow, you could accidentally put a coffee mug on the keyboard and off we all 
go to the next world!

 I remember that the systems monitoring Russian missile launches mistakenly 
thought the west was under attack twice with ICBMs actually on the way. And 
Ronald Reagan's escape plane took off twice without him! LOL.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 That's eight zeros above, not .  is what you say when you 
learn that 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

  What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
  the way you declare that she 
  ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
  have scripted for her, 
  but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
  another way of trying to control 
  another person. 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   



RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.  I can 
only conclude that you have cracked under the recent pressure. First, Share 
stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams kicks your ass all over the park, 
without much reply from you, and then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to 
make sure you don't get up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?


---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

  What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
  the way you declare that she 
  ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
  have scripted for her, 
  but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
  another way of trying to control 
  another person. 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
Sometimes people get real busy working in their home office and don't 
really have time to post a long reply to a discussion group. Or, when 
they hear the 'ding', they break away just long enough to post a short 
one-liner, just so you know they are still monitoring everything that's 
said. Go figure.

On 11/29/2013 4:04 PM, feste37 wrote:

Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. 
Sense.  I can only conclude that you have cracked under the recent 
pressure. First, Share stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams 
kicks your ass all over the park, without much reply from you, and 
then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to make sure you don't get 
up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

*Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.*

*Feste the Clueless wrote:*

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you 
in the way you declare that she

 ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what 
you have scripted for her,

 butof course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is
just another way of trying to control

 another person.

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

---In, wrote:

It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by
the Mean Girls. Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk
negativity that produces crude, nasty attacks. In respect
of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is
always the same. Any excuse to belittle, mock, and insult
-- that's authfriend's MO.

With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts
with the pretense that she doesn't understand or is trying
to understand something that Share wrote.

No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to
explain what she is saying or thinking or feeling when she
says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to provide a larger
context for her comments because a lot of what she says
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many,
times.  Objectively, human behavior does interest me, no
doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious sort of person.

Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully
trying to disguise her hostility.

I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone
the benefit of the doubt and I am often reasonable and
usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a context or a
writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given
this statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I
don't hold onto or maintain hostility on this forum
towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I wouldn't stay
here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is
one of them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up
in the moment, or as a result of watching the trajectory
of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a larger picture
in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the
energy and feeling of a thread as it resonates within me.
I may not always succeed in the heat of the moment (in
keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process
of lessons learned, if you will. I am a human being and
I *believe* in the concepts of accountability and
humility, for example.

This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share
responds, Emily declares the response to be inadequate or
shocking, and proceeds to plunge the knife in and twist it
as much as she can.

Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many
occasions, it's true, and she has deferred and refused to
take accountability for her words, or even explain them,
on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times
and copped to my own actions more than many here and I
have stated many times that I always check what I might
say to others against my self - I am not a saint nor do I
pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.
 I hold no animosity towards her; I am just objectively
stating what I have noticed from her posts here.  To
attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with
what Feste says here 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread emilymaenot
First of all, I am seldom, if ever, truly mean; I do get mad sometimes. I do 
tease others about themselves and only those who have no ability to laugh at 
themselves whatsoever take offense, from what I've noticed.  I make fun of 
myself as well all the time. (Again, all in a manner and context sometimes that 
not everyone understands, particularly given that you can't see me or hear my 
tone of voice).  Secondly, I always try to communicate from an honest place.  I 
*never* script anyone - how could I do that?  I have no power or control over 
what anyone except myself writes.  Everyone here has a choice if and how, they 
respond.  Share ignores most of what I comment to her on; she certainly never 
responds the way I think she ought; I am not her keeper, but like everyone 
here, including me, if she posts, she runs the risk of receiving feedback.  If 
that bothers her, than she has the option not to post.  Thank you for your 
feedback; I find it humorous honestly, although quite off-base.  

---In, wrote:

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
the way you declare that she ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You 
think she should say what you have scripted for her, but of course things don't 
work that way, and to expect them to is just another way of trying to control 
another person. 


 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...
Feste Sir Galahads:

  Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 The way you state half sister is so odd to me.  Yes, I understand the 
genetic aspect, but from a relational standpoint, it 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
I think Feste must have taken one too many of his testosterone pills over 
Emily wrote:

  First of all, I am seldom, if ever, truly mean; I do get mad sometimes. I do 
  tease others about themselves and only those who have no ability to laugh at 
  themselves whatsoever take offense, from what I've noticed.  I make fun of 
  myself as well all the time. (Again, all in a manner and context sometimes 
  that not everyone understands, particularly given that you can't see me or 
  hear my tone of voice).  Secondly, I always try to communicate from an 
  honest place.  I *never* script anyone - how could I do that?  I have no 
  power or control over what anyone except myself writes.  Everyone here has a 
  choice if and how, they respond.  Share ignores most of what I comment to 
  her on; she certainly never responds the way I think she ought; I am not 
  her keeper, but like everyone here, including me, if she posts, she runs the 
  risk of receiving feedback.  If that bothers her, than she has the option 
  not to post.  Thank you for your feedback; I find it humorous honestly, 
  although quite off-base.  

 ---In, wrote:

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
the way you declare that she ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You 
think she should say what you have scripted for her, but of course things don't 
work that way, and to expect them to is just another way of trying to control 
another person. 


 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...
Feste Sir Galahads:

  Ramping up for a Mean Girl attack 


RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
Um, looks a whole lot different from here, Feste. As for the weird 
punctuation, you must not get around the Web a lot; it's pretty much standard 
practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

 Poor Richard has been exceedingly frustrated that he can't get me to respond 
to his trolling (but as I keep saying, if you'd like me to give you a detailed 
refutation of anything he says about me, just ask). If Share stood up to me, 
it must have been awfully feebly, because I didn't notice. Xeno's making a 
total ass of himself, not for the first time. And Barry? He's repeatedly shot 
himself in the foot trying to get me over the past few days. Trouble is, he 
doesn't have any ammunition except lies, and for some reason it never dawns on 
him that his lies are easily disposed of. I guess you've been reading only his 
posts and not my responses.

 Want to try again?
Feste fumphs:
 Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.  I can 
only conclude that you have cracked under the recent pressure. First, Share 
stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams kicks your ass all over the park, 
without much reply from you, and then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to 
make sure you don't get up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

  What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
  the way you declare that she 
  ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
  have scripted for her, 
  but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
  another way of trying to control 
  another person. 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
Standard practice? You have got to be kidding. I have never seen it before. I. 
Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing. It's quite fun watching you being a punching 
bag for everyone else and lamely trying to claim victory. As for the 
testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 


---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Um, looks a whole lot different from here, Feste. As for the weird 
punctuation, you must not get around the Web a lot; it's pretty much standard 
practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

 Poor Richard has been exceedingly frustrated that he can't get me to respond 
to his trolling (but as I keep saying, if you'd like me to give you a detailed 
refutation of anything he says about me, just ask). If Share stood up to me, 
it must have been awfully feebly, because I didn't notice. Xeno's making a 
total ass of himself, not for the first time. And Barry? He's repeatedly shot 
himself in the foot trying to get me over the past few days. Trouble is, he 
doesn't have any ammunition except lies, and for some reason it never dawns on 
him that his lies are easily disposed of. I guess you've been reading only his 
posts and not my responses.

 Want to try again?
Feste fumphs:
 Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.  I can 
only conclude that you have cracked under the recent pressure. First, Share 
stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams kicks your ass all over the park, 
without much reply from you, and then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to 
make sure you don't get up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

  What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
  the way you declare that she 
  ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
  have scripted for her, 
  but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
  another way of trying to control 
  another person. 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread emilymaenot
Feste, do you see the humor in this?  


---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I think Feste must have taken one too many of his testosterone pills over 
Emily wrote:

  First of all, I am seldom, if ever, truly mean; I do get mad sometimes. I do 
  tease others about themselves and only those who have no ability to laugh at 
  themselves whatsoever take offense, from what I've noticed.  I make fun of 
  myself as well all the time. (Again, all in a manner and context sometimes 
  that not everyone understands, particularly given that you can't see me or 
  hear my tone of voice).  Secondly, I always try to communicate from an 
  honest place.  I *never* script anyone - how could I do that?  I have no 
  power or control over what anyone except myself writes.  Everyone here has a 
  choice if and how, they respond.  Share ignores most of what I comment to 
  her on; she certainly never responds the way I think she ought; I am not 
  her keeper, but like everyone here, including me, if she posts, she runs the 
  risk of receiving feedback.  If that bothers her, than she has the option 
  not to post.  Thank you for your feedback; I find it humorous honestly, 
  although quite off-base.  

 ---In, wrote:

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
the way you declare that she ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You 
think she should say what you have scripted for her, but of course things don't 
work that way, and to expect them to is just another way of trying to control 
another person. 


 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do you agree with what Feste says here 
about me?  Is this how you have experienced me on this forum?   

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Poor, helpless Share. She is Lady, hear her squeak...

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread emilymaenot
Good, it appears that you do.  OTOH, you gain pleasure from holding a 
perception that Judy is a punching bag getting beat up. Sounds kind of 
macabre to me.  

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Feste, do you see the humor in this?  


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I think Feste must have taken one too many of his testosterone pills over 
Emily wrote:

  First of all, I am seldom, if ever, truly mean; I do get mad sometimes. I do 
  tease others about themselves and only those who have no ability to laugh at 
  themselves whatsoever take offense, from what I've noticed.  I make fun of 
  myself as well all the time. (Again, all in a manner and context sometimes 
  that not everyone understands, particularly given that you can't see me or 
  hear my tone of voice).  Secondly, I always try to communicate from an 
  honest place.  I *never* script anyone - how could I do that?  I have no 
  power or control over what anyone except myself writes.  Everyone here has a 
  choice if and how, they respond.  Share ignores most of what I comment to 
  her on; she certainly never responds the way I think she ought; I am not 
  her keeper, but like everyone here, including me, if she posts, she runs the 
  risk of receiving feedback.  If that bothers her, than she has the option 
  not to post.  Thank you for your feedback; I find it humorous honestly, 
  although quite off-base.  

 ---In, wrote:

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
the way you declare that she ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You 
think she should say what you have scripted for her, but of course things don't 
work that way, and to expect them to is just another way of trying to control 
another person. 


 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To attribute these kinds of violent images to me says a lot 
about you, not me.  Curiously, Share, do 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
Feste tries again:
  Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

  I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.

 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

  It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
  lamely trying to claim victory.

 Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

  As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 

 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Um, looks a whole lot different from here, Feste. As for the weird 
punctuation, you must not get around the Web a lot; it's pretty much standard 
practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

 Poor Richard has been exceedingly frustrated that he can't get me to respond 
to his trolling (but as I keep saying, if you'd like me to give you a detailed 
refutation of anything he says about me, just ask). If Share stood up to me, 
it must have been awfully feebly, because I didn't notice. Xeno's making a 
total ass of himself, not for the first time. And Barry? He's repeatedly shot 
himself in the foot trying to get me over the past few days. Trouble is, he 
doesn't have any ammunition except lies, and for some reason it never dawns on 
him that his lies are easily disposed of. I guess you've been reading only his 
posts and not my responses.

 Want to try again?
Feste fumphs:
 Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.  I can 
only conclude that you have cracked under the recent pressure. First, Share 
stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams kicks your ass all over the park, 
without much reply from you, and then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to 
make sure you don't get up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

  What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
  the way you declare that she 
  ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
  have scripted for her, 
  but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
  another way of trying to control 
  another person. 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
It's just a metaphor, hon.


---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Good, it appears that you do.  OTOH, you gain pleasure from holding a 
perception that Judy is a punching bag getting beat up. Sounds kind of 
macabre to me.  

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Feste, do you see the humor in this?  


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I think Feste must have taken one too many of his testosterone pills over 
Emily wrote:

  First of all, I am seldom, if ever, truly mean; I do get mad sometimes. I do 
  tease others about themselves and only those who have no ability to laugh at 
  themselves whatsoever take offense, from what I've noticed.  I make fun of 
  myself as well all the time. (Again, all in a manner and context sometimes 
  that not everyone understands, particularly given that you can't see me or 
  hear my tone of voice).  Secondly, I always try to communicate from an 
  honest place.  I *never* script anyone - how could I do that?  I have no 
  power or control over what anyone except myself writes.  Everyone here has a 
  choice if and how, they respond.  Share ignores most of what I comment to 
  her on; she certainly never responds the way I think she ought; I am not 
  her keeper, but like everyone here, including me, if she posts, she runs the 
  risk of receiving feedback.  If that bothers her, than she has the option 
  not to post.  Thank you for your feedback; I find it humorous honestly, 
  although quite off-base.  

 ---In, wrote:

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
the way you declare that she ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You 
think she should say what you have scripted for her, but of course things don't 
work that way, and to expect them to is just another way of trying to control 
another person. 


 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go through a process of lessons learned, 
if you will. I am a human being and I *believe* in the concepts of 
accountability and humility, for example.   

 This prepares the ground. It's a set up. Then when Share responds, Emily 
declares the response to be inadequate or shocking, and proceeds to plunge the 
knife in and twist it as much as she can.


 Jesus Christ Feste, I have been shocked by Share on many occasions, it's true, 
and she has deferred and refused to take accountability for her words, or even 
explain them, on even more occasions.  I have also apologized more times and 
copped to my own actions more than many here and I have stated many times that 
I always check what I might say to others against my self - I am not a saint 
nor do I pretend to be. Share has a record of zero on that front.  I hold no 
animosity towards her; I am just objectively stating what I have noticed from 
her posts here.  To 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
Like I said, Feste, Judy doesn't take criticism very gracefully. It's 
looking like Judy is striking out on all counts today - not one single 
person is defending her. If anyone dares to say anything about her, she 
bites back. And there is an echo in here.

On 11/29/2013 4:47 PM, wrote:

Um, looks a whole lot different from here, Feste. As for the weird 
punctuation, you must not get around the Web a lot; it's pretty much 
standard practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they 
want to say something emphatically.

Poor Richard has been exceedingly frustrated that he can't get me to 
respond to his trolling (but as I keep saying, if you'd like me to 
give you a detailed refutation of anything he says about me, just 
ask). If Share stood up to me, it must have been awfully feebly, 
because I didn't notice. Xeno's making a total ass of himself, not for 
the first time. And Barry? He's repeatedly shot himself in the foot 
trying to get me over the past few days. Trouble is, he doesn't have 
any ammunition except lies, and for some reason it never dawns on him 
that his lies are easily disposed of. I guess you've been reading only 
his posts and not my responses.

Want to try again?

Feste fumphs:

Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. 
Sense.  I can only conclude that you have cracked under the recent 
pressure. First, Share stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams 
kicks your ass all over the park, without much reply from you, and 
then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to make sure you don't get 
up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

*Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.*

*Feste the Clueless wrote:*

 What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to 
you in the way you
declare that she

 ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say 
what you have scripted for

 butof course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is
just another way of trying to control

 another person.

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:

---In, wrote:

It's interesting to see the different approaches taken
by the Mean Girls. Authfriend practices a kind of
knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All
Nasty, All the Time. It doesn't matter what these two
write; the response is always the same. Any excuse to
belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO.

With Emily, it's a little different at first. It
starts with the pretense that she doesn't understand
or is trying to understand something that Share wrote.

No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking
her to explain what she is saying or thinking or
feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her
to provide a larger context for her comments because a
lot of what she says doesn't make sense to me.  I've
stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, human
behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a
sincerely curious sort of person.

Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully
trying to disguise her hostility.

I am *sounding* that way because I always give
everyone the benefit of the doubt and I am often
reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes
within a context or a writing style that you don't
seem to pick up on, given this statement of yours.  I
am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever,
really.  If I did, I wouldn't stay here.  I have
certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of them,
when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the
moment, or as a result of watching the trajectory of a
conversation unfold.  I try to keep a larger picture
in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the
energy and feeling of a thread as it resonates within
me. I may not always succeed in the heat of the moment
(in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but
behind the scenes, in my own life, I always go through
a process of lessons learned, if you will. I am a
human being and I *believe* in the concepts of

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to follow 
it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I thought you were the sort 
of person who liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, but alas, 
it appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That. 


---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste tries again:
  Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

  I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.
 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

  It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
  lamely trying to claim victory.
 Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

  As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 
 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Um, looks a whole lot different from here, Feste. As for the weird 
punctuation, you must not get around the Web a lot; it's pretty much standard 
practice these days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

 Poor Richard has been exceedingly frustrated that he can't get me to respond 
to his trolling (but as I keep saying, if you'd like me to give you a detailed 
refutation of anything he says about me, just ask). If Share stood up to me, 
it must have been awfully feebly, because I didn't notice. Xeno's making a 
total ass of himself, not for the first time. And Barry? He's repeatedly shot 
himself in the foot trying to get me over the past few days. Trouble is, he 
doesn't have any ammunition except lies, and for some reason it never dawns on 
him that his lies are easily disposed of. I guess you've been reading only his 
posts and not my responses.

 Want to try again?
Feste fumphs:
 Hey auth, what's with the weird punctuation? Doesn't. Make. Any. Sense.  I can 
only conclude that you have cracked under the recent pressure. First, Share 
stands up to you. Then Richard J. Williams kicks your ass all over the park, 
without much reply from you, and then Xeno and Barry put the boot in, just to 
make sure you don't get up. Not a good week for you on this board, is it?


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste, You. Do. Not. Have. A. Clue.
 Feste the Clueless wrote:

  What you and authfriend don't like is that Share does not respond to you in 
  the way you declare that she 
  ought to, and that makes you mad and mean. You think she should say what you 
  have scripted for her, 
  but of course things don't work that way, and to expect them to is just 
  another way of trying to control 
  another person. 

 ---In, emilymaenot@... wrote:


 ---In, wrote:

 It's interesting to see the different approaches taken by the Mean Girls. 
Authfriend practices a kind of knee-jerk negativity that produces crude, nasty 
attacks. In respect of Share (and Barry), she is All Nasty, All the Time. It 
doesn't matter what these two write; the response is always the same. Any 
excuse to belittle, mock, and insult -- that's authfriend's MO. 


 With Emily, it's a little different at first. It starts with the pretense that 
she doesn't understand or is trying to understand something that Share wrote. 

 No pretense.  I *am* trying to understand by asking her to explain what she is 
saying or thinking or feeling when she says it.  Sometimes I am asking her to 
provide a larger context for her comments because a lot of what she says 
doesn't make sense to me.  I've stated that many, many, times.  Objectively, 
human behavior does interest me, no doubt, and I truly am a sincerely curious 
sort of person.  

 Emily likes to sound reasonable and sincere, carefully trying to disguise her 

 I am *sounding* that way because I always give everyone the benefit of the 
doubt and I am often reasonable and usually sincere, albeit, sometimes within a 
context or a writing style that you don't seem to pick up on, given this 
statement of yours.  I am not a hostile person and I don't hold onto or 
maintain hostility on this forum towards anyone ever, really.  If I did, I 
wouldn't stay here.  I have certain triggers - Share's mean streak is one of 
them, when it pops up.  I respond to what shows up in the moment, or as a 
result of watching the trajectory of a conversation unfold.  I try to keep a 
larger picture in mind almost always, even as I may descend into the energy and 
feeling of a thread as it resonates within me. I may not always succeed in the 
heat of the moment (in keeping the larger picture at the forefront), but behind 
the scenes, in my own life, I always go 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, actually; I 
very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you think about how it 
would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: 
You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be an effective way of emphasizing 

 Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., highly 
informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more 
formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be 
creative and entertaining if well used.

 Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect 
more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

 I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset 
you. Double standards, perhaps?
Feste huffed:
  Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
  follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I thought you were 
  the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, 
  but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That. 


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste tries again:
  Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

  I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.
 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

  It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
  lamely trying to claim victory.
 Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

  As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 



RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
Richard bluffs: 
  Feste is correct - it's not standard web practice - I'm no newbie and I've 
  never seen anything like this. On a 
  blog, a discussion group, or on Twitter or Facebook. It's almost bizarre and 
  even more bizarre for Judy to 
  then try and make you feel like it's all your fault.



 Next time I see it used, I'll save the link for you.



RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
Are you still insisting that it's pretty much standard practice these days for 
bloggers and commenters when they want to say something emphatically?  

---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, actually; 
I very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you think about how it 
would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: 
You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be an effective way of emphasizing 

 Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., highly 
informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more 
formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be 
creative and entertaining if well used.

 Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect 
more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

 I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset 
you. Double standards, perhaps?
Feste huffed:
  Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
  follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I thought you were 
  the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, 
  but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That. 


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste tries again:
  Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

  I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.
 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

  It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
  lamely trying to claim victory.
 Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

  As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 



RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
What is with you? I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. But don't 
overinterpret. It's not that every time someone wants to be emphatic, they use 
it. Rather, it's standard in that it's used often enough that most readers 
have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they understand what it's meant 
to convey. It's been around for several years now.

 As I say, next time I see it used, I'll give you the link. Then maybe you can 
relax. You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing. The Internet is 
changing how people write, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

 You didn't answer my question, BTW, as to why you didn't explode in blind rage 
when Barry has used it.
Feste continues to fester:

  Are you still insisting that it's pretty much standard practice these days 
  for bloggers and 
  commenters when they want to say something emphatically?  
 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, actually; 
I very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you think about how it 
would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: 
You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be an effective way of emphasizing 

 Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., highly 
informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more 
formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be 
creative and entertaining if well used.

 Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect 
more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

 I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset 
you. Double standards, perhaps?
Feste huffed:
  Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
  follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I thought you were 
  the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, 
  but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That. 


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste tries again:
  Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

  I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.
 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

  It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
  lamely trying to claim victory.
 Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

  As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 



RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread feste37
I don't think you have even remotely established this as standard practice. 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is standard practice?

 In answer to your question, I do not in general read Turquoise B. He is a mean 
S.O.B. so I usually avoid him. 


---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 What is with you? I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. But don't 
overinterpret. It's not that every time someone wants to be emphatic, they use 
it. Rather, it's standard in that it's used often enough that most readers 
have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they understand what it's meant 
to convey. It's been around for several years now.

 As I say, next time I see it used, I'll give you the link. Then maybe you can 
relax. You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing. The Internet is 
changing how people write, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

 You didn't answer my question, BTW, as to why you didn't explode in blind rage 
when Barry has used it.
Feste continues to fester:

  Are you still insisting that it's pretty much standard practice these days 
  for bloggers and 
  commenters when they want to say something emphatically?  
 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, actually; 
I very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you think about how it 
would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: 
You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be an effective way of emphasizing 

 Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., highly 
informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more 
formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be 
creative and entertaining if well used.

 Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect 
more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

 I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset 
you. Double standards, perhaps?
Feste huffed:
  Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
  follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I thought you were 
  the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, 
  but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That. 


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 Feste tries again:
  Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

 Uh, no.

  I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.
 LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your blood pressure. 
It's not going anywhere.

  It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
  lamely trying to claim victory.
 Actually I don't claim victory. The folks throwing the punches and missing 
(or smacking themselves in the face) are losers without any assistance from me. 
But I'm glad you're enjoying the spectacle.

  As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend. 



RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting standard practice, as 
I explained and you ignored.

 As to Barry, if you aren't going to call him on his behavior because he's a 
mean SOB and you don't read his posts, may I suggest you skip mine as well?


---In, wrote:

 I don't think you have even remotely established this as standard practice. 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is standard practice?

 In answer to your question, I do not in general read Turquoise B. He is a mean 
S.O.B. so I usually avoid him. 


 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 What is with you? I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. But don't 
overinterpret. It's not that every time someone wants to be emphatic, they use 
it. Rather, it's standard in that it's used often enough that most readers 
have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they understand what it's meant 
to convey. It's been around for several years now.

 As I say, next time I see it used, I'll give you the link. Then maybe you can 
relax. You're getting yourself all worked up over nothing. The Internet is 
changing how people write, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

 You didn't answer my question, BTW, as to why you didn't explode in blind rage 
when Barry has used it.
Feste continues to fester:

  Are you still insisting that it's pretty much standard practice these days 
  for bloggers and 
  commenters when they want to say something emphatically?  
 ---In, authfriend@... wrote:

 I don't follow it because it's a fad. I don't follow it at all, actually; 
I very rarely use it. But it really isn't stupid--if you think about how it 
would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an echo of, say, your mother: 
You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now. It can be an effective way of emphasizing 

 Me, I don't think standards of good writing on a Web forum (i.e., highly 
informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be nonstandard in more 
formal writing if it adds something--flavor, humor, irony, surprise. It can be 
creative and entertaining if well used.

 Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word effect 
more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

 I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have upset 
you. Double standards, perhaps?