Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 8:10:51 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

A few  years ago we couldn't have imagined that our government would
ban public  demonstrations by forcing protesters into Free Speech
Zones behind  fences, miles away from other Americans. The
unimaginable has now become  real.
~~ RJ Eskow 

A few years ago we weren't dealing with a world wide movement of  terrorism 
hell bent on destroying our civilization and using our values of  freedom,  
tolerance and diversity  against us either. You might look  back in history and 
see what other presidents did in times of war that  temporarily curbed 
freedoms. Lincoln and Roosevelt come to mind  immediately. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 9:23:05 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hermann  Göring explains how the Nazis were able to make use of  this

Oh Palease! How assinine!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 7/2/07 8:10:51 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 A few  years ago we couldn't have imagined that our government would
 ban public  demonstrations by forcing protesters into Free Speech
 Zones behind  fences, miles away from other Americans. The
 unimaginable has now become  real.
 ~~ RJ Eskow 

 A few years ago we weren't dealing with a world wide movement of  terrorism 
 hell bent on destroying our civilization and using our values of  freedom,  
 tolerance and diversity  against us either. You might look  back in history 
 see what other presidents did in times of war that  temporarily curbed 
 freedoms. Lincoln and Roosevelt come to mind  immediately. 
There have always been terrorists throughout history.  To the British 
there were some in a colony of theirs back around the 1770s they wanted 
to get rid of.   One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.  
Bush and company are using terrorism as an excuse to control the 
masses.  I was listing to the talking chimp last night trying to freak 
Americans out again over terrorism.   I'm not going along with it.   
Lincoln was not as popular as our grade school history books like to 
make out.   I think you mean Woodrow Wilson and his sedition act not 
Roosevelt.  We don't need these either.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 11:23:32 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

One  man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Nooz I never have doubted that Al Qaeda are nothing more than freedom  
fighters to you.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 11:38:30 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

BushCo  didn't hesitate to conflate Saddam with 9/11 over and over 
  over and over again.

Actually, he didn't.

Indeed, at the time,  he went out of his way to say that there wasn't 
a  connection.

Thank you Shemp! This is their mantra. But Saddam had nothing to do with  
9/11! Trying to confuse people even more.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 11:41:34 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  do.rfl

BushCo  didn't hesitate to conflate Saddam with 9/11 over and over 
  over and over again.
 Actually, he didn't.
 Indeed, at the time, he went  out of his way to say that there wasn't 
 a connection.

You're  either lying or you're really extremely self-deluded.Yo
possibly  beyond hope.

Last Updated: Thursday, 18 September,  2003, 02:03 GMT 03:03 UK   

Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link

US President George Bush has said there is no evidence that  Saddam Hussein 
was involved in the 11 September attacks.  
The comments - among his most explicit so far on the issue - come  after a 
recent opinion poll found that nearly 70% of Americans  believed the Iraqi 
leader was personally involved in the  attacks.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 3:35:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Although  there was suspicion that there was a link, it wasn't over 
 and over  and over again as you say. Of course, the reality is that 
 there WAS  a link:

That  claim has been debunked by the FBI.

I believe the link of Saddam to AlQaeda was originally made during the  
Clinton administration after the bombing of the Aspirin factory in Sudan. 
point out the paragraph where Bush says Saddam was involved with 911. I  saw  a 
lot about not trusting Saddam not to help AlQaeda which is  reasonable since 
Saddam was helping Palestinian suicide bombers and giving their  families $ 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/2/07 3:52:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  


Whatever you have reproduced here does NOT back up  your claim that 
Bush over and over and over again tried to tie Saddam to  9/11.

Show us evidence of THAT instead of distracting us with  pap.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-02 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 7/2/07 11:23:32 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 One  man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

 Nooz I never have doubted that Al Qaeda are nothing more than freedom  
 fighters to you.

You mean Al CIA-da?   They're more you ilk than mine.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-01 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/30/07 6:25:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Whether  they are or not has no bearing on Trent Lott. Right wingers
like to play  the somebody else is a scumbag like our guy card and
try to make it a  partisan issue. As if that somehow justifies or
exonerates the actual  person being discussed.

For what it's worth much fewer than 25% of blacks vote in Mississippi. You  
still dodge the question. I guess you can't admit that Beiden and Byrd  are 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-01 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/30/07 7:06:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

The  point is that he 
complained about too much freedom of speech. IOW, he is  for 
restraining freedom of speech which is something we cannot  tolerate.

Fire Fire Fire! There is a Fire in the Theater!  So I  guess freedom of 
speech is an absolute?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-01 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 6/30/07 7:06:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 The  point is that he 
 complained about too much freedom of speech. IOW, he is  for 
 restraining freedom of speech which is something we cannot  tolerate.

 Fire Fire Fire! There is a Fire in the Theater!  So I  guess freedom of 
 speech is an absolute?
Now you're being childish just like your right wing gurus.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-01 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/1/07 11:43:05 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

The  point is that he 
 complained about too much freedom of speech. IOW,  he is for 
 restraining freedom of speech which is something we cannot  tolerate.

 Fire Fire Fire! There is a  Fire in the Theater! So I guess freedom of 
 speech is an  absolute?
Now you're being childish just like your right wing  gurus.

No Nooz, freedom of speech is not an absolute. There are all kinds of  
restrictions on it. Think about it. Do you have a right to slander somebody,  
a riot, yell fire in a crowd theater? The list can go on and on what you  
can't do that involves free speech. What is sacred, is free political speech 
even that now has limitations on it.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-01 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 7/1/07 11:43:05 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 The  point is that he 
 complained about too much freedom of speech. IOW,  he is for 
 restraining freedom of speech which is something we cannot  tolerate.

 Fire Fire Fire! There is a  Fire in the Theater! So I guess freedom of 
 speech is an  absolute?
 Now you're being childish just like your right wing  gurus.

 No Nooz, freedom of speech is not an absolute. There are all kinds of  
 restrictions on it. Think about it. Do you have a right to slander somebody,  
 a riot, yell fire in a crowd theater? The list can go on and on what you  
 can't do that involves free speech. What is sacred, is free political speech 
 even that now has limitations on it.
That is beside the point.  Our discussion was about Republicans calling 
for restrictions on free speech.  Just as Judy points out who decides 
what restrictions there should be?  How would you like it if I were in 
charge of policing speech?   Better to have a free-for-all.  We know 
that the Republicans want speech restrictions not for stopping terrorism 
(which it won't anyway) but to restrict speech critical of them.  Though 
not Republican or an American, Tony Blair on leaving office called for a 
shutdown of 9-11 truth sites on the internet as he said they endanger 
government.  To quote V for Vendetta, it is better for the government 
to be afraid of the people than people afraid of their government.

You challenged me a concrete source of a Republican wanting to ban free 
speech and I found one with Gingrich (Lott's interview was on the 
NYTime's site and would require a subscription for you to read).   You 
lost and therefore like a lot of righties changed the topic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-07-01 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 7/1/07 2:35:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

That is  beside the point. Our discussion was about Republicans calling 
for  restrictions on free speech. 

You never said what restrictions they called for. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-30 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/30/07 9:51:46 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

But  it
doesn't matter that Trent Lott is a racist because Albert Gore Sr.  was

You really haven't proven Trent Lott is a Racist. The excuse you use is  lame 
at best  since he was honoring an old, mind you, very old  colleague  on his 
birthday. It did take somemind reading to assume what  was assumed by those 
who took offense. Plus a high percentage of blacks vote for  Lott each time he 
runs. A racist wouldn't have apologized let alone apologized  multiple times 
even on BET for any offense taken. Let me ask you, is Robert Byrd  a racist or 
Joe Beiden or were they just misunderstood when their slips of the  tongue 
were much more  direct and to the point? So for you to assume  Trent Lott is a 
racist without any more proof than what you have sited make you  prejudice.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-30 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/30/07 11:08:04 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Call for  references for this high percentage of black votes.

A racist wouldn't  have apologized let alone apologized multiple times 
 even on BET for  any offense taken. 

Sure they would, especially if it's politically  expedient.

 Let me ask you, is Robert Byrd a racist or 
 Joe  Beiden or were they just misunderstood when their slips of the
 were much more direct and to the point? So for you to assume  Trent
Lott is a 
 racist without any more proof than what you have  sited make you 

Again, any other person's racism doesn't  exonerate Trent Lott

I'll provide a source in the near future but I had heard he had received  
about 25% of the black vote. Quite high for a Republican. You still haven't 
what Lott said that was racist. You only assume that because he spoke kindly 
of  a Strom Thurmond at his birthday party that he was racist. You assumed 
that when  he said had Thurmond been elected we wouldn't have had all these 
problems was  directed  specifically towards race when Thurmond was a strong 
proponent of  law and order,  avid anti-communist and fiscal conservative . You 
never answered my question, is Robert Byrd or Joe Beiden a racist? 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-30 Thread Bhairitu
Furthermore on this topic I recalled that Newt Gingrich had said there 
is too much freedom of speech on the Internet.  Here's the article:

Former House Speaker and presumptive 2008 Republican presidential 
candidate Newt Gingrich addressed a freedom-of-speech awards dinner in 
New Hampshire last night and said the problem with the Internet in an 
age of terrorism is that it allows too damn much freedom of speech.

the rest is here:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-30 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/30/07 2:16:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

don't  know about subsequent elections, but I doubt it improved much.

  Quite high for a Republican. You still haven't said 
 what Lott said  that was racist. 

What did Lott apologize  for?

_Kevin L. Martin_ 
( , government 
and political affairs  director of the _African American 
Republican Leadership Council_ ( , 
said  people were overreacting to the remarks. By no means was he endorsing  
segregation or anything like that. It was lighthearted, it was humorous. 
 said Lott captures 25 percent of the black vote in Mississippi, which he 
said  couldn't happen if Lott were a  racist.   
  Lott apologized for the misunderstanding which was fanned 
by the media. You  still haven't answered my question which you keep dodging. 
Is Robert Byrd or Joe  Beiden racist?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-30 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/30/07 2:56:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Former  House Speaker and presumptive 2008 Republican presidential 
candidate Newt  Gingrich addressed a freedom-of-speech awards dinner in 
New Hampshire last  night and said the problem with the Internet in an 
age of terrorism is  that it allows too damn much freedom of speech.

Naturally you would like for Terrorists to be able to use the Internet  
freely so they can plan their acts of terrorism.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-30 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 6/30/07 2:56:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Former  House Speaker and presumptive 2008 Republican presidential 
 candidate Newt  Gingrich addressed a freedom-of-speech awards dinner in 
 New Hampshire last  night and said the problem with the Internet in an 
 age of terrorism is  that it allows too damn much freedom of speech.

 Naturally you would like for Terrorists to be able to use the Internet  
 freely so they can plan their acts of terrorism.
There you go again, obfuscating the point.  The point is that he 
complained about too much freedom of speech.  IOW, he is for 
restraining freedom of speech which is something we cannot tolerate.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-29 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/28/07 7:57:13 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

At least  it's not 
 Republicans or conservatives that want to shut down free  political speech. 
Oh really? So Trent Lott who recently called  for a shutdown of the 
internet and talk radio is not a Republican. What is  he then? Have any 
other facts to fabricate for  us?

In fairness to Trent Lott, he never said, to my knowledge, anything about  
shutting down the Internet or talk radio. Would you like to quote him? Perhaps  
you would like to fabricate one to support your  accusation.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-29 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/28/07 7:59:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  for additional examples, noozguru supplies them himself in this 
 very  post with references like Fourth Reich, this breed of right 
  fascism, and dictator.
No, the Bush administration is supplying  those by the way their behave. 
Wake up!

Oops , did it again!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-29 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/28/07 7:40:48 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

  BTW I gave Sal the
 example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.

Well, let's see. Bill Maher is a libertarian and has never been  any 
kind of spokesman for or even identified with the Democratic party, as  
far as I know. And the Alec Baldwin quote is from 9! years ago, and he  
is neither a journalist, nor a writer, nor any kind of spokesman  
either. The fact that he's written on occasion for the Huffington 
Post  doesn't mean much. Arriana Huffington herself is a recovering  

And Ann Coulter is simply a columnist and author. Bill Maher may not be a  
card carrying Democrat but my God, he sure is a super liberal. You asked for  
examples and we gave them to you. How many do you  want?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-29 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/29/07 10:22:10 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Oh  really? So Trent Lott who recently called for a shutdown of the 
  internet and talk radio is not a Republican. What is he then? Have any  
 other facts to fabricate for us?
  In fairness to Trent Lott, he never said, to my knowledge, anything
 shutting down the Internet or talk radio. Would you like to  quote
him? Perhaps 
 you would like to fabricate one to support your  accusation.

This is what Lott said:

Talk radio is running  America, Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) recently told
the New York Times. We have  to deal with that problem.

So where does this statement say anything about shutting down talk radio or  
any conservative talk show hosts. In fact, Lott doesn't propose a solution 
to  the problem. Dealing with a problem can also mean living with  it.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/27/07 10:14:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

My  recommendation: work with energy fields and attach a prayer to 
the energy,  saying something like Cheney, may your bad karma return 
3-fold, and  soon!. That way, the exact manner of the karmic return 
will be left to  circumstancesw

A prayer? Sounds more like a curse. The curse binds the Cursor and  cursed 
together for eternity. Enjoy your time with the  V.P.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
 MDixon wrote:
 IS the venom of the left so natural to you that you don't even recognize 
 it when it is spewed?

 Bhairitu wrote:  
 You are the pot calling the kettle black.

 Yes, the venom is so natural that Bharat2 didn't even mention Bill Maher's
 hate speech, or even acknowledge it, yet Bharat2 is a Bill Maher watcher.
 So, I'd say that rather than Dixon being the pot, that Bharat2 is both pot
 and kettle, since it was Ann and Bill that made the comments, not Dixon.
I was commenting on Dixon's comment not Maher or Coulter.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/28/07 1:34:39 P.M. Central  Daylight Time, 
MDixon wrote:
 IS the venom of the left so natural to you that you don't even  recognize 
 it when it is spewed?

 Bhairitu wrote: 
 You are the pot calling the  kettle black.

 Yes, the venom is so natural that  Bharat2 didn't even mention Bill Maher's
 hate speech, or even  acknowledge it, yet Bharat2 is a Bill Maher watcher.
 So, I'd say that  rather than Dixon being the pot, that Bharat2 is both pot
 and kettle,  since it was Ann and Bill that made the comments, not Dixon.
I was commenting  on Dixon's comment not Maher or Coulter.

Right Nooz, and my comment  was too Sal who had asked, Let's see you provide 
an example. Notice that they  never do-they just speak in vague 
generalities.They can't, which is why they  don't. So put my question to Sal 
in context. 
Surely she isn't so blind or  uninformed that she doesn't hear or read the 
venom constantly poured out by the  left or either it is acceptable in her 
What is good for the goose is good  for the gander. There seems to be a number 
of people in this forum that think  the left can do no wrong and are justified 
in anything they say yet if somebody  from the right makes an equally 
offensive remark back, that crosses the line and  isn't very nice. BTW I gave 
Sal the 
example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 6/28/07 1:34:39 P.M. Central  Daylight Time, 
 MDixon wrote:
 IS the venom of the left so natural to you that you don't even  recognize 
 it when it is spewed?

 Bhairitu wrote: 

 You are the pot calling the  kettle black.

 Yes, the venom is so natural that  Bharat2 didn't even mention Bill Maher's
 hate speech, or even  acknowledge it, yet Bharat2 is a Bill Maher watcher.
 So, I'd say that  rather than Dixon being the pot, that Bharat2 is both pot
 and kettle,  since it was Ann and Bill that made the comments, not Dixon.
 I was commenting  on Dixon's comment not Maher or Coulter.

 Right Nooz, and my comment  was too Sal who had asked, Let's see you provide 
 an example. Notice that they  never do-they just speak in vague 
 generalities.They can't, which is why they  don't. So put my question to Sal 
 in context. 
 Surely she isn't so blind or  uninformed that she doesn't hear or read the 
 venom constantly poured out by the  left or either it is acceptable in her 
 What is good for the goose is good  for the gander. There seems to be a 
 of people in this forum that think  the left can do no wrong and are 
 in anything they say yet if somebody  from the right makes an equally 
 offensive remark back, that crosses the line and  isn't very nice. BTW I gave 
 Sal the 
 example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.
Just turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague 
generalities all the time.  View Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed 
documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox 
clips.   Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the 
Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about?   And 
do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over 
and play dead?  You've been duped into voting against your own best 
interests.   Bush and Cheney think they are dictators.  Do you really 
want to live in a dictatorship?  

I listen a bit to talk radio, some of it is Air America where like to 
listen to Thom Hartmann who has good well research opinions then I like 
to listen to some of the constitutional conservatives such as Alex 
Jones and the guests he has on.  Alex likes to be well researched too 
these days.  Alex has also been a guest on Thom's show.  Sometimes (or 
too often) Alex goes a little over the top but in general his shows are 
often interesting and there are a few others on GCN like Webster Tarpley 
who are interesting to listen too.  The thing is some of these folks 
consider themselves conservative but they hate Bush, Cheney, the 
NeoCons, the CFR and the NWO.  These as well as the preservation of our 
civil liberties and constitution are things we hold in common.   Hell I 
probably have more in common with Pat Buchanan and Bob Barr than I do 
with you, Shemp and Willie.  You guys don't seem to realize how much 
you've been duped and what you want to give up.  Some of the left has 
been duped too but most of us know the bigger picture and pull the rope 
to balance things out.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/28/07 4:49:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Just  turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague  
generalities all the time. View Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed  
documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox  
clips. Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the  
Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about? And  
do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over  
and play dead? You've been duped into voting against your own best  
interests. Bush and Cheney think they are dictators. Do you really  
want to live in a dictatorship? 

I think the vague generalities Sal was referring to were Shemp's and  mine, 
in regard to the left's nastiness that they were accusing Ann Coulter of  
having a monopoly on. We both gave her specific examples that she called  for. 
Fourth Reich, palease, do you know anything about fascism? At least  it's not 
Republicans or conservatives that want to shut down free political  speech. 
You're not progressive, your a common liberal. No neither Bush nor  Cheney 
they are dictators, just you and a few others. No, I sure don't  want to live 
in a dictatorship but maybe some of your leftist buddies do since  they love to 
adore people like Fidel Castro and Hugo  Chavez.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jun 28, 2007, at 4:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

  BTW I gave Sal the
 example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.

Well, let's see.  Bill Maher is a libertarian and has never been any 
kind of spokesman for or even identified with  the Democratic party, as 
far as I know.  And the Alec Baldwin quote is from 9! years ago, and he 
is neither a journalist, nor a writer, nor any kind of spokesman 
either.   The fact that he's written on occasion for the Huffington 
Post doesn't mean much.  Arriana Huffington herself is a recovering 

Still, at least you both tried.  The fact that that was all you could 
come up with speaks for itself.

 Just turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague
 generalities all the time.  View Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed
 documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox
 clips.   Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the
 Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about?   And
 do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over
 and play dead?  You've been duped into voting against your own best

That's the saddest part of it all, really, IMO.

 Bush and Cheney think they are dictators.  Do you really
 want to live in a dictatorship? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 6/28/07 4:49:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Just  turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague  
 generalities all the time. View Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed  
 documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox  
 clips. Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the  
 Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about? And  
 do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over  
 and play dead? You've been duped into voting against your own best  
 interests. Bush and Cheney think they are dictators. Do you really  
 want to live in a dictatorship? 

 I think the vague generalities Sal was referring to were Shemp's and  mine, 
 in regard to the left's nastiness that they were accusing Ann Coulter of  
 having a monopoly on. We both gave her specific examples that she called  
 Fourth Reich, palease, do you know anything about fascism? 
Yes I do and obviously you don't.  What is a dictator other than people 
who think they are above the law?  And what do we see right now with 
Bush and Cheney, eh?

 At least  it's not 
 Republicans or conservatives that want to shut down free political  speech. 
Oh really?  So Trent Lott who recently called for a shutdown of the 
internet and talk radio is not a Republican.  What is he then?  Have any 
other facts to fabricate for us?

 You're not progressive, your a common liberal. 
How do you know that?
 No neither Bush nor  Cheney think 
 they are dictators, just you and a few others. No, I sure don't  want to live 
 in a dictatorship but maybe some of your leftist buddies do since  they love 
 adore people like Fidel Castro and Hugo  Chavez.
Go get some more beer and crackers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
 --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 6/28/07 4:49:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Just  turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the 
 generalities all the time. View Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed  
 documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from 
 clips. Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the  
 Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about? 
 do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll 
 and play dead? You've been duped into voting against your own best  
 interests. Bush and Cheney think they are dictators. Do you really  
 want to live in a dictatorship? 

 I think the vague generalities Sal was referring to were Shemp's 
 and  mine, 
 in regard to the left's nastiness that they were accusing Ann 
 Coulter of  
 having a monopoly on. We both gave her specific examples that she 
 called  for. for additional examples, noozguru supplies them himself in this 
 very post with references like Fourth Reich, this breed of right 
 fascism, and dictator.
No, the Bush administration is supplying those by the way their behave.  
Wake up!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Bhairitu
Sal Sunshine wrote:
 On Jun 28, 2007, at 4:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

  BTW I gave Sal the
 example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.

 Well, let's see.  Bill Maher is a libertarian and has never been any 
 kind of spokesman for or even identified with  the Democratic party, as 
 far as I know.  And the Alec Baldwin quote is from 9! years ago, and he 
 is neither a journalist, nor a writer, nor any kind of spokesman 
 either.   The fact that he's written on occasion for the Huffington 
 Post doesn't mean much.  Arriana Huffington herself is a recovering 

 Still, at least you both tried.  The fact that that was all you could 
 come up with speaks for itself.

 Just turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague
 generalities all the time.  View Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed
 documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox
 clips.   Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the
 Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about?   And
 do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over
 and play dead?  You've been duped into voting against your own best

 That's the saddest part of it all, really, IMO.
If you've ever read Mien Kampf you can see how the first 50 pages or 
so swayed the simple minded of Germany into being Hitler's followers 
just like Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, O'Reilly and their ilk do to 
the simple minded here.  Real thinking conservatives hate those people 
and hate what the Bush administration is doing to this country.  It us 
against the Bush zombies or twilight of the living dead.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-28 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of lurkernomore20002000
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 10:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son


Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you've ever read Mien Kampf you can see how the first 50 pages 
or so swayed the simple minded of Germany into being Hitler's 
followers just like Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, O'Reilly and 
their ilk do to the simple minded here. 

Having three young kids, we have thoroughly enjoyed the Chronicles of 
Narnia. Limbaugh reminds me of Shift, the ape, (in the last book). 
Shift spins everthing in a simple way such that it confuses his 
friend Puzzle the donkey. The results are disasterous. Limbaugh was 
obviously only a C student, but he is absolutely gifted in 
reducing gray issues into stark black and white. Give him credit 
for that. 

Must be his TM practice.

Why can't the left come up with someone to counter this. 

Because the left is intelligent and therefore nuanced. See the movie

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 6/27/2007 3:27:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
 I remember seeing Ann for the first time on TV about five years ago.  Since 
then I have seen her several times on talk shows on every major network.  To 
me she has always been very heartless. Most women I know are not as heartless  
as she is. She is a young soul who thinks sarcasm is justified even when she 
is  saying very derogatory things about others. She laughs after each 
statement  showing she is just acting like a three year old. I think people who 
buying  her books should stop doing so. She has very little political class and 
makes  women look less than when it comes to intelligence of any kind. Lsoma.

,  shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Is it  ever appropriate to invoke a candidate's dead son in political 

When  you're possessed with evil, as Ann Coulter is, anything goes...
She's  getting more and more out of control;
Yesterday, appearing on  'Hardball'-
Chris Mathews, at the end of the interview with her said, I  can't get 
to the confessional fast enough, after this show... 
Coulter  spews pure garbage.
Also, black nighty half naked look, seems to turn on  the youngins'
She's just using her power in the wrong way, and has allowed  herself 
to go down a dark road.



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 27, 2007, at 7:16 PM, do.rflex wrote:

Give us an example of someone on the left who is comparable to Ann


Have you ever read the  They have dozens of
columnists -- all on the left -- and the vitriole and insults they
spew out make Ann Coulter look like an alter boy by comparison.

Let's see you provide an example.

Notice that they never do--they just speak in vague generalities.

They can't, which is why they don't.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/27/07 6:29:24 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I  challenge you to come up with anything comparable to this from
someone of  prominence on the left:

Video: Ann Coulter wants John Edwards  killed

Challenge graciously accepted. Bill Mahr, said earlier this spring it was a  
pity VP Cheney was killed by terrorists. I believe it was said while he was in 
 Afghanistan and some terrorist blew a bomb up near the base Cheney was 
staying  on.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/27/07 9:23:04 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

In a message dated 6/27/07 6:29:24 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I  challenge you to come up with anything comparable to this from
someone of  prominence on the left:

Video: Ann Coulter wants John Edwards  killed

Challenge graciously accepted. Bill Mahr, said earlier this spring it was  a 
pity VP Cheney was killed by terrorists. I believe it was said while he was  
in Afghanistan and some terrorist blew a bomb up near the base Cheney was  
staying on.

Correction: Mahr said it was a pity Cheney Wasn't  killed.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/27/07 7:52:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Let's  see you provide an example.

Notice that they never do--they just speak  in vague generalities.

They can't, which is why they  don't.


I did in my last post.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/27/07 7:52:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Let's  see you provide an example.

Notice that they never do--they just speak  in vague generalities.

They can't, which is why they  don't.


IS the venom of the left so natural to you that you don't even recognize it  
when it is spewed?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/27/07 9:33:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Correction: Mahr said it was a pity Cheney Wasn't killed.

Maher  was being kind. Cheney is a war criminal of the worst kind. Hanging 
would be  more 
appropriate. But I'll live with impeachment.appropriate. But I'll live with 

Yes, I corrected myself in my next post. And the rest of what you said made  
my point.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann Coulter on John Edwards' dead son

2007-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 6/27/07 7:52:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Let's  see you provide an example.

 Notice that they never do--they just speak  in vague generalities.

 They can't, which is why they  don't.


 IS the venom of the left so natural to you that you don't even recognize it  
 when it is spewed?
You are the pot calling the kettle black.