Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro

  I asked her about the wrong thing I meant to ask her about depo,
wasn't that the other thing that you used that helped Simon?

<<<  would give a lot of dex long-term
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

CLS Service for Monday January 23, 2006

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Hi All,
 Sorry this is so late, here is today CLS service.  I wasn't sure if 
Buster was positive or not, let me know if I got it wrong.  Take care 
all ...

FeLV Candle Light Service

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

Re: Add buster to the Bridge list Please

2006-01-23 Thread Del H. Daniels

I'm sorry for your loss of 
Hugs, Del

  - Original Message - 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:55 
  Subject: Add buster to the Bridge list 
  Hi all,sweet old Buster passed away yesterday,I went 
  tonight and saw the note.another volunteer and I cried.He was such a 
  sweet loving baby.
  On a good note I did bring another Fiv boy home Thursday and he gets 
  along great with Rafferty,they chase each other around sounding like little 
  elephants.I think the new guy is still got a bit of the cold,so Jen is getting 
  me some more meds for him tomorrow.I am not sure what to name him,they named 
  him Lionel but he is WAY too handsome for that name,I was thinking about maybe 
  Once again thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for sweet 
  Buster,I will miss him so much.
  What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! 

Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

It is true that I don't think I would give a lot of dex long-term. But 
 I have seen it help short-term, like giving one or two dex shots and then 
just continuing with the pred-- the oncologist started simon off with one dex 
shot and then did pred for a while, e.g.  And i have seen it help for 
months in terminally ill cats, where long-term is not an expectation. And my 
Buddy did get side effects in the end, like thin skin and a wound on his back 
that would not heal, which I think was from all the steroids he was on (though I 
also think they increased his lifespan by a few months and definitely his energy 
levels an appetite).  I would not think it would be something used very 
long-term, for various reasons including diabetes.  I actually had never 
heard of cats getting ulcers from steroids, though, so that is important to 
It definitely seems like a better diagnosis than lymphoma, belinda, which 
is something to be hopeful about. And to my knowledge you are the first one on 
this list to get this diagnosis, and I bet it is actually what has been going on 
with some of the other cats. So this is really useful information for all of us 
to know.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 10:22:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle, she isn't real gong ho on the dex, she said she has had two 
  cats develope ulcers and GI perforations and internal bleeds from it so for 
  now I will give the pred a try and see what 


Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro

  This is what the pathologist say's is going on with Bailey

> "Myelofibrosis and Myeloid Metaplasia 
Myelofibrosis and myeloid hyperplasia are characterized by abnormal
growth and differentiation of erythroid, myeloid, and megakaryocytic
cell types with varying proliferation of fibroblasts in the marrow.
Anemia, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia or varying combinations are
common. Myelofibrosis has been diagnosed in FeLV positive cats and is
directly associated with the virus rather than a consequence of
myeloproliferative disorders. Myeloid metaplasia may terminate in acute
leukemia and thus may be considered a preleukemic event."

He say's the increase in HCT is from the pred, which he is getting but
has only had 3 or 4 doses, so I think the epogen is helping too.  We
are going to increase his pred, she wants to go to 20ml a day split
into 10ml twice a day.  I'm uping it to 10ml a day split into 5ml twice
a day for now, he will get blood work again on Friday or Saturday when
I take him in to get his stitches out and I'll see what we have then
and go from there. 
I am keeping him on the doxy, and will start azithromycin tomorrow. 
Michelle, she isn't real gong ho on the dex, she said she has had two
cats develope ulcers and GI perforations and internal bleeds from it so
for now I will give the pred a try and see what happens.

Prognosis is 6 months to a year if we can get the process into
remission with the pred before the bone marrow stops making the red
cells again.  Of course I believe in miracles and am going for
wayyy longer than that!!!

Now we just need to get his bottom healed up and get him feeling better
so my little happy cat will shine again!  :) 

Still looking for prayers and positive energy ... thanks everyone.

I hope Lucy starts eating again soon.  It is torture when they do this
because you just never know what is going on.  She does seem to be
eating OK, do you have a scale to weight her, that is really the best
way to make sure they are getting enough food.  I just replaced my
first one, it got dropped one too many times.  :(   Got it on eBay and
it is a really nice one, I like it better than the first one I had.

I am really late with the CLS today and am going to get it now, I have
about 160 emails to wade through so if you wanted someone added to the
CLS and see this could you please resend it, thanks!
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: michelle/interferon

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
Goobers are from Georgia!!     Welcome to the list.  Your vet will probably tell you to give a cc per day and give you instructions.  Vets can get it for you, but some people can get their vets to prescribe it so they can get it online and save some $$.     tonya"l.j. crabtree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:thank you michelle i am going to meet with a new vet this week will they order the interferon or is this something i should do for them to administer      yes i am a     thanks so can never know how important this is to me or my cat kids...     how many treatment usually does a vet administer and how far apart... i just want to be
 knowledgeable about this part and how many cc per treatment.     gosh i am obsessing... wel i am sure y'all understand!!     big ol' cat hairy hugs...  LJ

Re: Vet said +FeLeuk test for my baby

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
Welcome to the list  Paula,     It sounds like you're doing everything 'right'.  I try to feed my guys a 'good' diet, although I don't feed raw or anything like that.  A lot of people use a lot of different supplements.  I tend to save the supplements for when something's not going well, or an upcoming surgery like you are planning.     I think lysine before going into surgery is a good idea as it might ward off any upper resp. infection she might encounter at the hospital.  It sounds like you're familiar with hospitals! The antibiotic is a good idea, but uri's are viruses as I'm sure you know, and I feel like the lysine helps with those.  My first positive kitty ALWAYS came home from the vet with an upper respiratory infection. (vet I don't use anymore, but still, sick cats are at the hospital)     How long have you had her?  6 months is still young enough to
 'throw' the virus if she was only recently exposed.  I don't want to get your hopes up, but it 'can' happen.  Do you know if she was born with it?  Any background?     tonyaPaula Auerbach Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I'm new to this site. A fellow member from the Intruder Alert board suggested coming here to have some support and gain knowledge on how to care for my 6mo old girl.   Her test was positive, but her cbc is within limits. I need to have her spayed this next week. Doc put her on Amoxil BID for the week prior and plans to have her on a 7 day regimen post op. Her platelets are within limits.     What else can I do for her? I have some Lysine I was using for her last bad cold- would that bolster her any?   Thanks, Paula

Re: michelle/interferon

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Interferon alpha, the one that is available in the U.S., is something that 
you give at home, orally (in a syringe).  Your vet does not administer it. 
There are different protocols. Most people do 1 ml a day for seven days, then 
seven days off, then repeat. Some people, myself included, do 1 ml every 
day.  Your vet can buy it or, if you want to buy it cheaper, you can buy it 
online if your vet calls in a prescription. I think it is through Island 
Pharmacy. If you can't find that online, let me know, and I will look for the 
link in my archives.  Or someone who has ordered that way can post again 
how to get it.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:36:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  thank you michelle i am going to meet with a new vet 
  this week will they order the interferon or is this something i should do 
  for them to administer 
  yes i am a
  thanks so can never know how important this is to me or my cat 
  how many treatment usually does a vet administer and how far apart... i 
  just want to be knowledgeable about this part and how many cc per 
  gosh i am obsessing... wel i am sure y'all understand!!
  big ol' cat hairy hugs...


Re: siamese rescue.....

2006-01-23 Thread TatorBunz

Yes, I work with them and foster/transport as well.
I work closely with TX Siamese Rescue.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 3:35:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am wondering if you had ever dealt with a group ?
They are nationwide and have several adoption centers from Ca to Virginia..If you haven't yet contacted any of them, maybe it would be worthwhile to open a dialogue with them regarding some sort of affiliation or connection?
If it helps get more meezers safely into good homes, why not?
Paula Auerbach-Stein

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

I know, I have thought of that. But if I give her something that she 
actually wants to eat, she eats it and does not cover it.  If I cater to 
her and keep opening things until I hit what she wants, she covers everything up 
until I hit the right thing and then digs into that one.  The fact that I 
did do this for her more than a few times is probably why she so vigorously does 
this now-- she has me trained!  As long as I know this is what she is 
doing, I try not to keep opening things these days and just offer her the same 
thing until she is hungry enough to eat it. I was throwing away a lot of food 
for a while, thinking she would not eat if I did not give her what she 
In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:30:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Another take on this:  I deal with a lot of ferals/throw aways/ cats 
  who have had to live on their own.  Most of them, even small kittens, try 
  to hide the food they don't want to eat then, when they want it, they can come 
  back and get it.  I have a feral in the garage that does this, even with 
  food she loves.  My indoor cat, Dixie Louise, a throwaway, does 
  this.    All of them are very intent when they are covering the 
  food, using anything they can or nothing to protect the food.  I have 
  seen them use their toys and bedding covers. It 
  may be a repressed instinct.  Like dogs burying bones.   
  Remember how much effort they put into covering in their litter 


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now-covering food

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
Yes, I have some that do it for something 'good' they want to hide, and sometimes for something 'bad' like a hairball or peeing on the rug...  You just never know!  My latest cat, Mama Kitty, the one who had lived with the ferals, had 2 or 3 litters, and had her stomach 'skinned' while living outside with a feral colony at my sister's (for those of you who remember).  She covers things the most.  So I do think it has to do with saving/hiding food lots of times.     She has taken over for DD (my positive, and next to last kitty brought in).  Each  of them (and mamma kitty still) will run to EVERY dish of food as I put it out, and slap away any other cat who tries to eat out of it.  Then they will settle on one to eat from and leave the others alone.  DD stopped doing this when Mamma kitty took over for her. Go figure.  Mamma kitty will run from dish to dish even if no other cats
 are hungry enough to come into the room.  I'm sure our cats find it humorous if they know how much time we spend trying to figure out what they're thinking!     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:You should see the way that Ginger scratches and paws next to any food she does not feel like eating, as if to say it is so repulsive she can not bear seeing it and would I PLEASE dispose of it and give her something edible.  Ginger stayed at my mom's for a month when we were moving (I had brought her down to NJ from MA with me when my horse in NJ was dying because Ginger was too sick to leave at home, and then she got better at my mom's and stayed there for a month while we moved down to NJ).  My mom
 fed her in a bathroom with a rug (to keep her separate from my mom's negative cat).  My mom eventually took up the rug because every time Ginger did not like what my mom offered she pulled up pieces of the rug and covered the food with it!  My mom said she finally stopped offering something new every time Ginger did that and just left the food, and would sneak back a few hours later and see most of it was eaten.       Michelle     In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:07:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:I'm sure it is. lol.  And I'm sure my cats' portions don't come out to a cup each.  I'm just saying that I think Lucy is eating enough for right now, and I hope Michelle is just being overly worried for no
 reason while Lucy is snickering behind her back waiting to get the food she wants.     t 

Re: michelle/interferon

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

My vet compounds it and I give it orally.  It 
is very inexpensive this way.  
It is helping Dixie Louise with her teeth 
Good luck.
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:36 
  Subject: michelle/interferon
  thank you michelle i am going to meet with a new vet 
  this week will they order the interferon or is this something i should do 
  for them to administer 
  yes i am a
  thanks so can never know how important this is to me or my cat 
  how many treatment usually does a vet administer and how far apart... i 
  just want to be knowledgeable about this part and how many cc per 
  gosh i am obsessing... wel i am sure y'all understand!!
  big ol' cat hairy hugs...


2006-01-23 Thread l.j. crabtree
thank you michelle i am going to meet with a new vet this week will they order the interferon or is this something i should do for them to administer      yes i am a     thanks so can never know how important this is to me or my cat kids...     how many treatment usually does a vet administer and how far apart... i just want to be knowledgeable about this part and how many cc per treatment.     gosh i am obsessing... wel i am sure y'all understand!!     big ol' cat hairy hugs...  LJ

Re: Vet said +FeLeuk test for my baby

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

My alternative vet suggested extremely good, high 
protein food and other supplements that appear to be unique to each cat.  
In addition to your regular vet, try to find a good alternative vet.  
 That was the first thing I did with Dixie Louise.  I am not very 
experienced with FeLV but I am with several other conditions this vet has helped 
with.  Just so you'll know, my regular vets sent me to her with another 
lovely critter.   
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Paula Auerbach 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:22 
  Subject: Vet said +FeLeuk test for my 
  I'm new to this site. A fellow member from the 
  Intruder Alert board suggested coming here to have some support and gain 
  knowledge on how to care for my 6mo old girl.
   Her test was positive, but her cbc is 
  within limits. I need to have her spayed this next week. Doc put her on Amoxil 
  BID for the week prior and plans to have her on a 7 day regimen post op. Her 
  platelets are within limits.
  What else can I do for her? I have some Lysine I 
  was using for her last bad cold- would that bolster her any?

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

Another take on this:  I deal with a lot of ferals/throw aways/ cats 
who have had to live on their own.  Most of them, even small kittens, try 
to hide the food they don't want to eat then, when they want it, they can come 
back and get it.  I have a feral in the garage that does this, even with 
food she loves.  My indoor cat, Dixie Louise, a throwaway, does 
this.    All of them are very intent when they are covering the 
food, using anything they can or nothing to protect the food.  I have seen 
them use their toys and bedding covers. It may be a 
repressed instinct.  Like dogs burying bones.   Remember 
how much effort they put into covering in their litter boxes.  
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:20 
  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  You should see the way that Ginger scratches and paws next to any food 
  she does not feel like eating, as if to say it is so repulsive she can not 
  bear seeing it and would I PLEASE dispose of it and give her something 
  edible.  Ginger stayed at my mom's for a month when we were moving (I had 
  brought her down to NJ from MA with me when my horse in NJ was dying because 
  Ginger was too sick to leave at home, and then she got better at my mom's and 
  stayed there for a month while we moved down to NJ).  My mom fed her in a 
  bathroom with a rug (to keep her separate from my mom's negative cat).  
  My mom eventually took up the rug because every time Ginger did not like what 
  my mom offered she pulled up pieces of the rug and covered the food with 
  it!  My mom said she finally stopped offering something new every time 
  Ginger did that and just left the food, and would sneak back a few hours later 
  and see most of it was eaten.  
  In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:07:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I'm sure it is. lol.  And I'm sure my cats' portions don't come 
out to a cup each.  I'm just saying that I think Lucy is eating enough 
for right now, and I hope Michelle is just being overly worried for no 
reason while Lucy is snickering behind her back waiting to get the food 
she wants.

Vet said +FeLeuk test for my baby

2006-01-23 Thread Paula Auerbach Stein

I'm new to this site. A fellow member from the 
Intruder Alert board suggested coming here to have some support and gain 
knowledge on how to care for my 6mo old girl.
 Her test was positive, but her cbc is within 
limits. I need to have her spayed this next week. Doc put her on Amoxil BID for 
the week prior and plans to have her on a 7 day regimen post op. Her platelets 
are within limits.
What else can I do for her? I have some Lysine I 
was using for her last bad cold- would that bolster her any?
 Thanks, Paula

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

You should see the way that Ginger scratches and paws next to any food she 
does not feel like eating, as if to say it is so repulsive she can not bear 
seeing it and would I PLEASE dispose of it and give her something edible.  
Ginger stayed at my mom's for a month when we were moving (I had brought her 
down to NJ from MA with me when my horse in NJ was dying because Ginger was too 
sick to leave at home, and then she got better at my mom's and stayed there for 
a month while we moved down to NJ).  My mom fed her in a bathroom with a 
rug (to keep her separate from my mom's negative cat).  My mom eventually 
took up the rug because every time Ginger did not like what my mom offered she 
pulled up pieces of the rug and covered the food with it!  My mom said she 
finally stopped offering something new every time Ginger did that and just left 
the food, and would sneak back a few hours later and see most of it was 
In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:07:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I'm sure it is. lol.  And I'm sure my cats' portions don't come out 
  to a cup each.  I'm just saying that I think Lucy is eating enough for 
  right now, and I hope Michelle is just being overly worried for no 
  reason while Lucy is snickering behind her back waiting to get the food 
  she wants.


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
I'm sure it is. lol.  And I'm sure my cats' portions don't come out to a cup each.  I'm just saying that I think Lucy is eating enough for right now, and I hope Michelle is just being overly worried for no reason while Lucy is snickering behind her back waiting to get the food she wants.     tMarylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  EVO is a lot more concentrated and filling (according to Kitty) than a lot of other foods.                   
  If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their fellow man.  St. Francis- Original Message -   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To:
   Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 6:36 PM  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now  Ah, I wish I could drink taquila, but I have gastritis (raw stomach lining) and so can not drink any alcohol.  Would be nice though!  (though i think taquila tastes horrible, actually!)     Lucy never eats as much as the other cats.  But when she was eating the raw food she ate about 4 bowls full per day. Maybe it is just a lot more water, though, and she is getting the same amount of food today, approximately, I don't know.      A measuring cup per cat is actually a lot of dry food-- way more than two small handfuls. I would guess she ate less than 1/4 cup of the EVO today plus the baby food and spoonful or wet. You are right that it is enough not to be
 worried about a lot of weight loss or HL or anything like that. I just worry that it is a trend, and I worry about what to give her in the morning since she seems to be crossing everything off her list after one meal.  But I guess I will just see what she wants in the morning and worry about it then.     I seriously was convinced that there was something wrong with Ginger about two weeks ago because she was eating way less than usual and covered up (or pantomimed it, anyway) everything I offered her, including lots of favorites. I finally realized that I had run out of a recent favorite canned food and went and bought more of it, and she started eating a lot again! But only wants that one food!  She and Patches both did this to me at the same time about two months ago-- first they both got obessed with Wellness chicken and herring canned food and stopped eating anything else. So I bought a case of it and they went through the whole case. So I
 bought another whole case of it. And wouldn't you know they changed their minds as soon as I brought it home and would not eat even a bite of it! To this day they don't want it.  Now all Ginger wants is chunky chicken and rice by Pro Plan.  But to see her disgust with all my other offerings, you would have thought she was generally repulsed by food.  And Lucy is generally way way pickier than the other two, so I realize this may just be a protest of the menu on her part.     Michelle      In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:18:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:I don't know Michelle.  Most of my cats are on the rather 'plump' side, and they don't eat that much.  Are you sure she normally eats lots more than
 this, or are you just maybe paying more attention to what she's eating since she's been sick?  A jar of baby food, a spoon of wet food, and even two small handfuls of EVO should be enough that she's not particularly hungry in my opinion.     I put out 5 small, ceramic bowls of kibble for 7 cats every day.  And they don't even eat all of that before the next day.  And most of them are 'obese' like their mom, lol, but it doesn't really seem like they eat that much.  It has to work out to maybe a measuring cup per cat, if it's even that much.  And 2 of mine are over 15 pounds!  When I give wet food (on rare occasions.  I know I should do it more.) I typically split one can of royal canin between all 7 cats.  If I open a second there are 2 or 3 who will eat till they puke, but the rest have had enough after their spoonful.     And the litterboxes are full every day like everyone
 is eating and drinking way more than it seems like a cat would.     You know Lucy best, but it sounds like she's doing ok right now as long as she's not getting sick, and she's eating something.     Inhale, exhale!  Even if something's wrong you're not going to 'sense' it as easily if you get too stressed yourself.  And Lucy will sense your stress over her eating/not eating.  You don't want that.  Got any tequila???     t 

Re: Pekoe - Dental Work, heating pad-bear hugger device

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
No.  I just always get an explanation with my bill about how wonderful it is along with the special charge for having such a special device, designed for babies I think.     Remember I also have the vet who's checking blood pressure on my cats now     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:No, never heard of it. What is it?     Michelle     In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:24:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:Michelle,
 Anyone. Do your vets use a 'bearhugger' device with surgery and charge you extra for it??? It's supposed to be something so much better than a heating pad that they charge me extra.  I just smile and 'charge it'!!     t 

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

That's good to know! Thanks!
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:53:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
EVO is a 
  lot more concentrated and filling (according to Kitty) than a lot of other 


Re: Bailey - Update

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
OK.  Nix the yogurt then.  I was thinking that's what Simon was eating when he was so sick.  I know I always eat it when I'm on antibiotics or sick.     Poor Bailey!     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Actually, Simon only ate yogurt once and then decided he didn't like it. What he was crazy for was sour cream, but that does not have the probiotics in it that help diarrhea the way yogurt does.  It also depends, though, how Bailey does with milk products-- when Lucy first got loose stools in October after being on Baytril so long, my vet told me to give her yogurt, which I did, and her stools got looser. I eventually figured out, through other observations,
 that she is lactose intolerant.  I ordered her some raw food, the only premade raw I could find that does not have grains, which does have some cottage cheese in it, and I am worried about that.  So yogurt might help bailey but it could also make the diarrhea worse...     Michelle     In a message dated 1/23/2006 6:53:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Michelle's Simon ate yogurt when he was very ill.  I wouldn't NOT give the supplement, but I might try a little plain yogurt. 

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

EVO is a lot more concentrated and filling (according to Kitty) than a lot 
of other foods.
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 6:36 
  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  Ah, I wish I could drink taquila, but I have gastritis (raw stomach 
  lining) and so can not drink any alcohol.  Would be nice though!  
  (though i think taquila tastes horrible, actually!)
  Lucy never eats as much as the other cats.  But when she was eating 
  the raw food she ate about 4 bowls full per day. Maybe it is just a lot more 
  water, though, and she is getting the same amount of food today, 
  approximately, I don't know. 
  A measuring cup per cat is actually a lot of dry food-- way more than two 
  small handfuls. I would guess she ate less than 1/4 cup of the EVO today plus 
  the baby food and spoonful or wet. You are right that it is enough not to be 
  worried about a lot of weight loss or HL or anything like that. I just worry 
  that it is a trend, and I worry about what to give her in the morning since 
  she seems to be crossing everything off her list after one meal.  But I 
  guess I will just see what she wants in the morning and worry about it 
  I seriously was convinced that there was something wrong with Ginger 
  about two weeks ago because she was eating way less than usual and covered up 
  (or pantomimed it, anyway) everything I offered her, including lots of 
  favorites. I finally realized that I had run out of a recent favorite canned 
  food and went and bought more of it, and she started eating a lot again! But 
  only wants that one food!  She and Patches both did this to me at the 
  same time about two months ago-- first they both got obessed with Wellness 
  chicken and herring canned food and stopped eating anything else. So I bought 
  a case of it and they went through the whole case. So I bought another whole 
  case of it. And wouldn't you know they changed their minds as soon as I 
  brought it home and would not eat even a bite of it! To this day they don't 
  want it.  Now all Ginger wants is chunky chicken and rice by Pro 
  Plan.  But to see her disgust with all my other offerings, you would have 
  thought she was generally repulsed by food.  And Lucy is generally way 
  way pickier than the other two, so I realize this may just be a protest of the 
  menu on her part.
  In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:18:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I don't know Michelle.  Most of my cats are on the rather 'plump' 
side, and they don't eat that much.  Are you sure she normally eats 
lots more than this, or are you just maybe paying more attention to what 
she's eating since she's been sick?  A jar of baby food, a spoon of wet 
food, and even two small handfuls of EVO should be enough that she's not 
particularly hungry in my opinion.
I put out 5 small, ceramic bowls of kibble for 7 cats every day.  
And they don't even eat all of that before the next day.  And most of 
them are 'obese' like their mom, lol, but it doesn't really seem like they 
eat that much.  It has to work out to maybe a measuring cup per cat, if 
it's even that much.  And 2 of mine are over 15 pounds!  When I 
give wet food (on rare occasions.  I know I should do it more.) 
I typically split one can of royal canin between all 7 cats.  If I open 
a second there are 2 or 3 who will eat till they puke, but the rest have had 
enough after their spoonful.
And the litterboxes are full every day like everyone is eating and 
drinking way more than it seems like a cat would.
You know Lucy best, but it sounds like she's doing ok right now as long 
as she's not getting sick, and she's eating something.
Inhale, exhale!  Even if something's wrong you're not going to 
'sense' it as easily if you get too stressed yourself.  And Lucy will 
sense your stress over her eating/not eating.  You don't want 
that.  Got any tequila???

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

I'd suggest it for both of you.  Cats are good at hiding their 
feelings.  People need it when they are dealing with cats, particularly 
sick cats.  I need it by the gallon.  
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 6:25 
  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  I actually did try sauteeing it in some water and giving her the broth. 
  She has liked that the past few weeks but would not touch it today.  But 
  I think there may be something wrong with this batch of turkey as it was less 
  red than the last batches.
  I had not thought to add salt. That is a good idea.  As soon as I 
  get some more meat I will do that.  
  P.S. Thanks for the RR suggestion.  She is quite calm, though. Or 
  did you mean I should take it?  :)
  In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:12:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Re cooking turkey:  Try boiling it.  I'm vegetarian and I 
hate cooking for the cats but they aren't so...Try to keep it a 
little rare.  I don't feed mine turkey for reasons previously mentioned 
but if it is working for you have at it.  This should also give you a 
broth that may help.  The last time Kitty went on a hunger strike I got 
some highly salted ham and boiled a little for her (they sell little bits 
for biscuits or seasoning here).  I think the odor but, more likely, 
the salt broke the fast.  Saltines or other salty things help me when I 
have an upset stomach so I tried that reasoning on her.  Once she had a 
little bit she felt like eating again and didn't want the really salty 
ham.  She does like deli ham sometimes.  Again, it seems to settle 
her stomach.  Her liver is enlarged and pushing on the stomach which 
isn't helping things at all.  
These are just thoughts.  I hope they help.  I also suggest 
you try Rescue Remedy.  It has a calming effect which might 

Re: Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread Marlene Chornie

    Thanks to all who have responded so far.  I have 
pretty much the same thoughts/questions as you have suggested.  Obviously, 
a factor will also be if his blood test results are satisfactory to be able to 
go ahead with the dental.  
Unfortunately, a dental vet is not really an option here (rural area) - the 
nearest one would be probably 2 hrs. away.  I will discuss this with my vet 
though, because when Casper was going to have to get a canine extracted, we had 
to take him to a vet 1/2 hr. away because he had the necessary equipment needed 
to perform such an extraction.  That's when he was diagnosed with CRF, so 
the surgery couldn't be done.  Quite a while later, that tooth fell out on 
it's own without any problems.
    I do trust our vet very much.  She does the 
surgeries at the clinic, and she is more well versed on FelV than the other vets 
- in fact, she did her thesis on the subject when she was in University/Vet 
    When Pekoe had Hemobart before, his PCV (HCT) was down 
to 17% (Normal range 24 - 45%).  After 3 weeks on Doxycycline, it came up 
to 38%.  When he had the baseline blood work done a month later, it was 41% 
(Normal range for the different lab was 28 - 49%).
(Pekoe & Angel Digby)

Re: Pekoe - Dental Work, heating pad?

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

No, never heard of it. What is it?
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:24:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Michelle, Anyone. Do your vets use a 'bearhugger' device with surgery 
  and charge you extra for it??? It's supposed to be something so much better 
  than a heating pad that they charge me extra.  I just smile and 'charge 


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Ah, I wish I could drink taquila, but I have gastritis (raw stomach lining) 
and so can not drink any alcohol.  Would be nice though!  (though i 
think taquila tastes horrible, actually!)
Lucy never eats as much as the other cats.  But when she was eating 
the raw food she ate about 4 bowls full per day. Maybe it is just a lot more 
water, though, and she is getting the same amount of food today, approximately, 
I don't know. 
A measuring cup per cat is actually a lot of dry food-- way more than two 
small handfuls. I would guess she ate less than 1/4 cup of the EVO today plus 
the baby food and spoonful or wet. You are right that it is enough not to be 
worried about a lot of weight loss or HL or anything like that. I just worry 
that it is a trend, and I worry about what to give her in the morning since she 
seems to be crossing everything off her list after one meal.  But I guess I 
will just see what she wants in the morning and worry about it then.
I seriously was convinced that there was something wrong with Ginger about 
two weeks ago because she was eating way less than usual and covered up (or 
pantomimed it, anyway) everything I offered her, including lots of favorites. I 
finally realized that I had run out of a recent favorite canned food and went 
and bought more of it, and she started eating a lot again! But only wants that 
one food!  She and Patches both did this to me at the same time about two 
months ago-- first they both got obessed with Wellness chicken and herring 
canned food and stopped eating anything else. So I bought a case of it and they 
went through the whole case. So I bought another whole case of it. And wouldn't 
you know they changed their minds as soon as I brought it home and would not eat 
even a bite of it! To this day they don't want it.  Now all Ginger wants is 
chunky chicken and rice by Pro Plan.  But to see her disgust with all my 
other offerings, you would have thought she was generally repulsed by 
food.  And Lucy is generally way way pickier than the other two, so I 
realize this may just be a protest of the menu on her part.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:18:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I don't know Michelle.  Most of my cats are on the rather 'plump' 
  side, and they don't eat that much.  Are you sure she normally eats lots 
  more than this, or are you just maybe paying more attention to what she's 
  eating since she's been sick?  A jar of baby food, a spoon of wet food, 
  and even two small handfuls of EVO should be enough that she's not 
  particularly hungry in my opinion.
  I put out 5 small, ceramic bowls of kibble for 7 cats every day.  
  And they don't even eat all of that before the next day.  And most of 
  them are 'obese' like their mom, lol, but it doesn't really seem like they eat 
  that much.  It has to work out to maybe a measuring cup per cat, if it's 
  even that much.  And 2 of mine are over 15 pounds!  When I give wet 
  food (on rare occasions.  I know I should do it more.) I 
  typically split one can of royal canin between all 7 cats.  If I open a 
  second there are 2 or 3 who will eat till they puke, but the rest have had 
  enough after their spoonful.
  And the litterboxes are full every day like everyone is eating and 
  drinking way more than it seems like a cat would.
  You know Lucy best, but it sounds like she's doing ok right now as long 
  as she's not getting sick, and she's eating something.
  Inhale, exhale!  Even if something's wrong you're not going to 
  'sense' it as easily if you get too stressed yourself.  And Lucy will 
  sense your stress over her eating/not eating.  You don't want that.  
  Got any tequila???


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

No. I have thought of it, but would have to take her to vet to get 
it.  I am in-between vets with her right now-- the one I was using 
basically did not want to treat her anymore until I get her an endoscapy (scope 
of her intestines) which I did not want to do at this point.  I switched 
Quincy and Patches to another vet already, but have not had to take Lucy in yet. 
I am not sure I want to take her just for a B12 injection, as she gets super 
stressed by carriers and car rides.  
Do you think it would be a good idea to crush a b-complex tablet and 
syringe it to her with some baby food or something? She is very easy to 
syringe.  I did give her a little periactin a couple of hours ago.
She is sitting on Gray's lap right now purring so loudly that it sounds 
like there is a motor running in the room.  She is not nearly as disturbed 
by all this as me-- in fact, it is probably all just part of an elaborate plan 
she has to get her dry food back!  (I hope that is all, anyway)
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:16:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle, have you also tried V-B complex injection, 
  which has helped increased appetite for some of my 


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

I actually did try sauteeing it in some water and giving her the broth. She 
has liked that the past few weeks but would not touch it today.  But I 
think there may be something wrong with this batch of turkey as it was less red 
than the last batches.
I had not thought to add salt. That is a good idea.  As soon as I get 
some more meat I will do that.  
P.S. Thanks for the RR suggestion.  She is quite calm, though. Or did 
you mean I should take it?  :)
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:12:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Re cooking turkey:  Try boiling it.  I'm vegetarian and I hate 
  cooking for the cats but they aren't so...Try to keep it a little 
  rare.  I don't feed mine turkey for reasons previously mentioned but if 
  it is working for you have at it.  This should also give you a broth that 
  may help.  The last time Kitty went on a hunger strike I got some highly 
  salted ham and boiled a little for her (they sell little bits for biscuits or 
  seasoning here).  I think the odor but, more likely, the salt broke the 
  fast.  Saltines or other salty things help me when I have an upset 
  stomach so I tried that reasoning on her.  Once she had a little bit she 
  felt like eating again and didn't want the really salty ham.  She does 
  like deli ham sometimes.  Again, it seems to settle her stomach.  
  Her liver is enlarged and pushing on the stomach which isn't helping things at 
  These are just thoughts.  I hope they help.  I also suggest you 
  try Rescue Remedy.  It has a calming effect which might 


Re: Pekoe - Dental Work, heating pad?

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
great idea, plus the fluids and iso.  very important.     Michelle, Anyone. Do your vets use a 'bearhugger' device with surgery and charge you extra for it??? It's supposed to be something so much better than a heating pad that they charge me extra.  I just smile and 'charge it'!!     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Marlene,     My Patches, who is positive, just had 3 teeth out. I had the same concerns you have, and so refused to get the teeth out when the vet first told me to about 4 months ago.  But then she started having trouble eating, so I did it.  I went to an actual veterinary dentist, and I recommend doing that.  They
 are supposed to be better at dental work, since they specialize in it.  I have heard that regular vets sometimes do not get all the roots out, etc.  This dentist said one of Patches' canines was so hard to get out that he had to cut through bone to get all the roots out, and then reshape her gums there.  I am not sure a regular vet could or would have done that successfully.  This dentist, who is at an animal hospital, also has done a lot of FeLV+ cats, because they tend to have dental problems and there are only a few dentists in the state so they all go to him.  He did not use any injectable anesthesia, only the iso gas, kept her on fluids and a heating pad the whole time, gave her novacaine for post-surgery pain prevention and also sent her home with pain meds, and let me drop her off right before her surgery (he did her first) and pick her up as soon as she was awake.  It worked out well, knock on wood.  I recommend trying to find someone like
 that to do Pekoe's teeth, even if your vet is really good, because of the specializing and because dentists, I think, tend to be more state of the art in terms of the dental surgery.         By the way, when Pekoe had hemobart, how low did his HCT get before the dox made him better?       Michelle     In a message dated 1/23/2006 4:54:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:We have an appointment with his regular vet on Thurs. to discuss everything pertaining to the dental work.  Of course, my first concern is with him being under anaesthetic, and what that might "trigger".  I know that our clinic uses Isofluorane.  It's been quite a while since we've had any "experience" with a
 cat having dental work.  The last time was with our Casper who was 16 at the time, and developed CRF shortly after a dental.  He lived to be almost 20 1/2 yrs. old with our treatment of his CRF.      Needless to say, I have a multitude of questions for our vet with regard to dental surgery on a FelV+ cat.  I've already compiled a list of questions, but would invite everyone's thoughts/questions on the matter. 

Re: Laura/interferon treatments

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Interferon should not hurt-- no reported side effects-- and I think most 
people give it to try to prevent problems, so yes, go ahead!
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:07:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  question is this... should a person try the interferon if the cat is not 
  really symptomatic yet? 


Re: Bailey - Update

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Actually, Simon only ate yogurt once and then decided he didn't like it. 
What he was crazy for was sour cream, but that does not have the probiotics in 
it that help diarrhea the way yogurt does.  It also depends, though, how 
Bailey does with milk products-- when Lucy first got loose stools in October 
after being on Baytril so long, my vet told me to give her yogurt, which I did, 
and her stools got looser. I eventually figured out, through other observations, 
that she is lactose intolerant.  I ordered her some raw food, the only 
premade raw I could find that does not have grains, which does have some cottage 
cheese in it, and I am worried about that.  So yogurt might help bailey but 
it could also make the diarrhea worse...
In a message dated 1/23/2006 6:53:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle's Simon ate yogurt when he was very ill.  I wouldn't NOT 
  give the supplement, but I might try a little plain 


Re: Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

You know, I seem to remember seeing somewhere, when I was researching 
dental problems in cats, that it can cause pica, which is the licking concrete 
thing.  I am not sure, though-- I have researched so many things lately 
that it could have said IBD or something else other than dental problems is a 
cause of pica and I am remembering it wrong. But it is worth doing a search on 
cat, dental or teeth, and pica.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 6:40:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  As far as anemia, I would be concerned about Pekoe licking the concrete 
  whether or not it shows up in the bloodwork.  If the bloodwork showed 
  nothing at all I'd at least get Pekoe on a good multi-vitamin (if you're not 
  already doing supplements).


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
I don't know Michelle.  Most of my cats are on the rather 'plump' side, and they don't eat that much.  Are you sure she normally eats lots more than this, or are you just maybe paying more attention to what she's eating since she's been sick?  A jar of baby food, a spoon of wet food, and even two small handfuls of EVO should be enough that she's not particularly hungry in my opinion.     I put out 5 small, ceramic bowls of kibble for 7 cats every day.  And they don't even eat all of that before the next day.  And most of them are 'obese' like their mom, lol, but it doesn't really seem like they eat that much.  It has to work out to maybe a measuring cup per cat, if it's even that much.  And 2 of mine are over 15 pounds!  When I give wet food (on rare occasions.  I know I should do it more.) I typically split one can of royal canin between all 7 cats.  If I open a second there are 2 or 3
 who will eat till they puke, but the rest have had enough after their spoonful.     And the litterboxes are full every day like everyone is eating and drinking way more than it seems like a cat would.     You know Lucy best, but it sounds like she's doing ok right now as long as she's not getting sick, and she's eating something.     Inhale, exhale!  Even if something's wrong you're not going to 'sense' it as easily if you get too stressed yourself.  And Lucy will sense your stress over her eating/not eating.  You don't want that.  Got any tequila???     t     [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
   Thanks for the long post, Nina.  Lucy now will not eat the EVO or the canned food. She ate some baby food, probably half a jar. Just to see if it is pickiness or nausea, I offered her two pieces of a dry food she used to eat, and she did eat them right away. I am afraid to give her more of that though.  I am thinking that perhaps this last batch of turkey I got had something wrong with it. It looked more brown than red, and is usually red.  The last time she would not eat it, when she ate a little and then threw up, it was brown like this too.  The health food store I went to (mine was out of  it) said it had been in the freezer since October, but when I expressed concern they said it was fine because  it was continuously frozen. I think it may be fine in terms of safety, but perhaps does not smell or taste right to a cat.  Anyway, I am hoping that is all it is.  I am waiting for a new batch to come in, and also ordered some frozen
 turkey raw food for cats that does not have grains.  She has not had any loose stools, or any stool since last evening, on the positive side.  I tried cooking chicken for her and she looked excited but after trying one piece did not want it anymore.  She never did like cooked chicken though.  The thing that bothers me most, I think, is that she has not eaten all that much today, but she is not acting really hungry either. She has not asked for food like she usually does.  I think all she had today was maybe a total of one jar of baby food, a spoonful of wet food, and two small handfuls of EVO, most of it this morning. It seems like she should be hungry.  Unless her stomach feels funny from eating new foods. I gave her a quarter of a periactin to see if that helps and gets her to eat a little more.  I weighed her, though, and she does not seem to have lost any more weight-- still weighing in at over 9 lbs.     You don't
 think I should give her the dry food she ate the two pieces of, do you? It's a prescription hypoallergenic dry food the vet had me try her on when she first had the loose stool, and it has NO meat.  The protein source is soy. And of course it has grain and also a lot of crap in it.       I can't seem to find anywhere at all where I can buy turkey breast. Only a large whole turkey from the supermarket  (which I do not want to do for various reasons, but especially when I have no idea if she will eat it) or frozen ground turkey.  But assuming I find some, how do I roast it? I have never cooked meat except in a pan for the cats or dogs.  Do I just stick it in the oven and put it on broil? Or do I need to do something to it first? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question!  It is possible that the deli counter at the supermarket has roasted turkey. Do you think that would be ok to try with her? What about deli slices? 
    She possibly seems a little less active, but she played when I offered her a rubberband (her favorite toy and I never let her play with them because I fear she will swallow them), and she is super-affectionate as usual.  It is also colder today after being warm for 2 days, and she hates the cold.     Well, I am trying to take this calmly. At this point, in the last two weeks every one of my positives has gone through a period of hardly eating.  Patches, due to her teeth it turned out, and Ginger because I had run out of her current food obsession (Pro Plan chicken and rice)-- when I bought more of that she started eating normally again!  So now it is Lucy

RE: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, have you also 
tried V-B complex injection, which has helped increased appetite for some of my 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
MarylynSent: Monday, January 23, 2006 5:11 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 

Re cooking turkey:  Try boiling it.  I'm vegetarian and I hate 
cooking for the cats but they aren't so...Try to keep it a little 
rare.  I don't feed mine turkey for reasons previously mentioned but if it 
is working for you have at it.  This should also give you a broth that may 
help.  The last time Kitty went on a hunger strike I got some highly salted 
ham and boiled a little for her (they sell little bits for biscuits or seasoning 
here).  I think the odor but, more likely, the salt broke the fast.  
Saltines or other salty things help me when I have an upset stomach so I tried 
that reasoning on her.  Once she had a little bit she felt like eating 
again and didn't want the really salty ham.  She does like deli ham 
sometimes.  Again, it seems to settle her stomach.  Her liver is 
enlarged and pushing on the stomach which isn't helping things at all.  

These are just thoughts.  I hope they help.  I also suggest you 
try Rescue Remedy.  It has a calming effect which might help. 
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 5:35 
  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  Thanks for the long post, Nina.  Lucy now will not eat the EVO or 
  the canned food. She ate some baby food, probably half a jar. Just to see if 
  it is pickiness or nausea, I offered her two pieces of a dry food she used to 
  eat, and she did eat them right away. I am afraid to give her more of that 
  though.  I am thinking that perhaps this last batch of turkey I got had 
  something wrong with it. It looked more brown than red, and is usually 
  red.  The last time she would not eat it, when she ate a little and then 
  threw up, it was brown like this too.  The health food store I went to 
  (mine was out of  it) said it had been in the freezer since October, but 
  when I expressed concern they said it was fine because  it was 
  continuously frozen. I think it may be fine in terms of safety, but perhaps 
  does not smell or taste right to a cat.  Anyway, I am hoping that is all 
  it is.  I am waiting for a new batch to come in, and also ordered some 
  frozen turkey raw food for cats that does not have grains.  She has not 
  had any loose stools, or any stool since last evening, on the positive 
  side.  I tried cooking chicken for her and she looked excited but after 
  trying one piece did not want it anymore.  She never did like cooked 
  chicken though.  The thing that bothers me most, I think, is that she has 
  not eaten all that much today, but she is not acting really hungry either. She 
  has not asked for food like she usually does.  I think all she had today 
  was maybe a total of one jar of baby food, a spoonful of wet food, and two 
  small handfuls of EVO, most of it this morning. It seems like she should be 
  hungry.  Unless her stomach feels funny from eating new foods. I gave her 
  a quarter of a periactin to see if that helps and gets her to eat a little 
  more.  I weighed her, though, and she does not seem to have lost any more 
  weight-- still weighing in at over 9 lbs.
  You don't think I should give her the dry food she ate the two pieces of, 
  do you? It's a prescription hypoallergenic dry food the vet had me try her on 
  when she first had the loose stool, and it has NO meat.  The protein 
  source is soy. And of course it has grain and also a lot of crap in it.  
  I can't seem to find anywhere at all where I can buy turkey breast. Only 
  a large whole turkey from the supermarket  (which I do not want to do for 
  various reasons, but especially when I have no idea if she will eat it) or 
  frozen ground turkey.  But assuming I find some, how do I roast it? I 
  have never cooked meat except in a pan for the cats or dogs.  Do I just 
  stick it in the oven and put it on broil? Or do I need to do something to it 
  first? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question!  It is possible that 
  the deli counter at the supermarket has roasted turkey. Do you think that 
  would be ok to try with her? What about deli slices?
  She possibly seems a little less active, but she played when I offered 
  her a rubberband (her favorite toy and I never let her play with them because

Re: Bailey - Update

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Oh my God, Belinda, that is so amazing about his HCT! Knock on wood!  
So, so amazing!  Please keep us updated!
Slippery elm sometimes helps with diarrhea too, and is good for nausea as 
In a message dated 1/23/2006 5:50:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I have 
  been praying for a miracle all weekend, asking my guides, angels, parents, 
  everyone to help Bailey feel better and help with the anemia.  
  Somebody is listening, his HCT is up to 23% from 15%, he has been on the 
  epogen for three weeks and it actually went down from 18% to 15% before 
  it started coming up.  My vet feels it is an accuarate reading (she 
  said dehydration can cause an inaccurate number but because his protein 
  also went down from 7.2 to 6.4 he is not 


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

Re cooking turkey:  Try boiling it.  I'm vegetarian and I hate 
cooking for the cats but they aren't so...Try to keep it a little 
rare.  I don't feed mine turkey for reasons previously mentioned but if it 
is working for you have at it.  This should also give you a broth that may 
help.  The last time Kitty went on a hunger strike I got some highly salted 
ham and boiled a little for her (they sell little bits for biscuits or seasoning 
here).  I think the odor but, more likely, the salt broke the fast.  
Saltines or other salty things help me when I have an upset stomach so I tried 
that reasoning on her.  Once she had a little bit she felt like eating 
again and didn't want the really salty ham.  She does like deli ham 
sometimes.  Again, it seems to settle her stomach.  Her liver is 
enlarged and pushing on the stomach which isn't helping things at all.  

These are just thoughts.  I hope they help.  I also suggest you 
try Rescue Remedy.  It has a calming effect which might help. 
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 5:35 
  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  Thanks for the long post, Nina.  Lucy now will not eat the EVO or 
  the canned food. She ate some baby food, probably half a jar. Just to see if 
  it is pickiness or nausea, I offered her two pieces of a dry food she used to 
  eat, and she did eat them right away. I am afraid to give her more of that 
  though.  I am thinking that perhaps this last batch of turkey I got had 
  something wrong with it. It looked more brown than red, and is usually 
  red.  The last time she would not eat it, when she ate a little and then 
  threw up, it was brown like this too.  The health food store I went to 
  (mine was out of  it) said it had been in the freezer since October, but 
  when I expressed concern they said it was fine because  it was 
  continuously frozen. I think it may be fine in terms of safety, but perhaps 
  does not smell or taste right to a cat.  Anyway, I am hoping that is all 
  it is.  I am waiting for a new batch to come in, and also ordered some 
  frozen turkey raw food for cats that does not have grains.  She has not 
  had any loose stools, or any stool since last evening, on the positive 
  side.  I tried cooking chicken for her and she looked excited but after 
  trying one piece did not want it anymore.  She never did like cooked 
  chicken though.  The thing that bothers me most, I think, is that she has 
  not eaten all that much today, but she is not acting really hungry either. She 
  has not asked for food like she usually does.  I think all she had today 
  was maybe a total of one jar of baby food, a spoonful of wet food, and two 
  small handfuls of EVO, most of it this morning. It seems like she should be 
  hungry.  Unless her stomach feels funny from eating new foods. I gave her 
  a quarter of a periactin to see if that helps and gets her to eat a little 
  more.  I weighed her, though, and she does not seem to have lost any more 
  weight-- still weighing in at over 9 lbs.
  You don't think I should give her the dry food she ate the two pieces of, 
  do you? It's a prescription hypoallergenic dry food the vet had me try her on 
  when she first had the loose stool, and it has NO meat.  The protein 
  source is soy. And of course it has grain and also a lot of crap in it.  
  I can't seem to find anywhere at all where I can buy turkey breast. Only 
  a large whole turkey from the supermarket  (which I do not want to do for 
  various reasons, but especially when I have no idea if she will eat it) or 
  frozen ground turkey.  But assuming I find some, how do I roast it? I 
  have never cooked meat except in a pan for the cats or dogs.  Do I just 
  stick it in the oven and put it on broil? Or do I need to do something to it 
  first? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question!  It is possible that 
  the deli counter at the supermarket has roasted turkey. Do you think that 
  would be ok to try with her? What about deli slices?
  She possibly seems a little less active, but she played when I offered 
  her a rubberband (her favorite toy and I never let her play with them because 
  I fear she will swallow them), and she is super-affectionate as usual.  
  It is also colder today after being warm for 2 days, and she hates the 
  Well, I am trying to take this calmly. At this point, in the last two 
  weeks every one of my positives has gone through a period of har

Re: Laura/interferon treatments

2006-01-23 Thread l.j. crabtree
hello laura!     i am so happy for you and your furbaby! i hope they continue to get healthier and healthier.     i am new to all of this as my Minne was just diagnosed about a week ago with felv.     i am looking for advise to use with Minne and my other 3 babies  started them on vit c granules  she is not really symptomatic but just didn't seem to have the energy she usually does. so i had her tested; the vets gave me a very bleak report. 
    my question is this... should a person try the interferon if the cat is not really symptomatic yet? i know i need to find another vet ( mine just passed away ); does anyone know of a great vet in the central virginia/ northern part of north carolina?     minne thanks!hehe     LJ  


2006-01-23 Thread l.j. crabtree
hehehe...nopers Wendy... I live in the beautiful Blue Ridge of Virginia!     alongs with Kokopelli (10), Minnehaha (9), Lila (5) and Flava (1)...

RE: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, I can so 
emphasize what you go through --since most of my cats are corona virus positive 
(and some are very high titer), everytime, they ran a high fever over 105, I was 
so convinced that they had FIP and they are goin to die as you know FIP is so 
fatal - and after I went through the same experience with about a dozen times 
with eacht time, different cat, I started not to pay attention to FIP 
Michelle, I know that you 
consntantly think of lymphma, but I really have a good feeling that this will 
pass soon with Lucy, too -- again, Ginger goes through this not eating once 
every few months,, but it has passed each time.  Michelle, keep a good 
thought for Lucy, and stay positive for Lucy,, a positive thought WILL bring a 
positive energy ---
I will be sending a 
positive thought to Lucy and Pacthes and to you!

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 4:36 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Lucy-- 
refusing raw food now

Thanks for the long post, Nina.  Lucy now will not eat the EVO or the 
canned food. She ate some baby food, probably half a jar. Just to see if it is 
pickiness or nausea, I offered her two pieces of a dry food she used to eat, and 
she did eat them right away. I am afraid to give her more of that though.  
I am thinking that perhaps this last batch of turkey I got had something wrong 
with it. It looked more brown than red, and is usually red.  The last time 
she would not eat it, when she ate a little and then threw up, it was brown like 
this too.  The health food store I went to (mine was out of  it) said 
it had been in the freezer since October, but when I expressed concern they said 
it was fine because  it was continuously frozen. I think it may be fine in 
terms of safety, but perhaps does not smell or taste right to a cat.  
Anyway, I am hoping that is all it is.  I am waiting for a new batch to 
come in, and also ordered some frozen turkey raw food for cats that does not 
have grains.  She has not had any loose stools, or any stool since last 
evening, on the positive side.  I tried cooking chicken for her and she 
looked excited but after trying one piece did not want it anymore.  She 
never did like cooked chicken though.  The thing that bothers me most, I 
think, is that she has not eaten all that much today, but she is not acting 
really hungry either. She has not asked for food like she usually does.  I 
think all she had today was maybe a total of one jar of baby food, a spoonful of 
wet food, and two small handfuls of EVO, most of it this morning. It seems like 
she should be hungry.  Unless her stomach feels funny from eating new 
foods. I gave her a quarter of a periactin to see if that helps and gets her to 
eat a little more.  I weighed her, though, and she does not seem to have 
lost any more weight-- still weighing in at over 9 lbs.
You don't think I should give her the dry food she ate the two pieces of, 
do you? It's a prescription hypoallergenic dry food the vet had me try her on 
when she first had the loose stool, and it has NO meat.  The protein source 
is soy. And of course it has grain and also a lot of crap in it.  
I can't seem to find anywhere at all where I can buy turkey breast. Only a 
large whole turkey from the supermarket  (which I do not want to do for 
various reasons, but especially when I have no idea if she will eat it) or 
frozen ground turkey.  But assuming I find some, how do I roast it? I have 
never cooked meat except in a pan for the cats or dogs.  Do I just stick it 
in the oven and put it on broil? Or do I need to do something to it first? Sorry 
if this seems like a stupid question!  It is possible that the deli counter 
at the supermarket has roasted turkey. Do you think that would be ok to try with 
her? What about deli slices?
She possibly seems a little less active, but she played when I offered her 
a rubberband (her favorite toy and I never let her play with them because I fear 
she will swallow them), and she is super-affectionate as usual.  It is also 
colder today after being warm for 2 days, and she hates the cold.
Well, I am trying to take this calmly. At this point, in the last two weeks 
every one of my positives has gone through a period of hardly eating.  
Patches, due to her teeth it turned out, and Ginger because I had run out of her 
current food obsession (Pro Plan chicken and rice)-- when I bought more of that 
she started eating normally again!  So now it is Lucy.  I am hoping 
this passes as well. I swear it is just the constant fear of lymphoma that makes 
me anxious whenever they act finicky.  It was the first sign for each of my 
three who died of lymphoma.  But I know it can be a sign of lots of other 
things, including obstinacy!
Thanks again,
In a message dated 1/23/2006 1:35:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I do think that if Lucy were 

Re: Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

   My Patches, who is positive, just had 3 teeth out. I had the 
same concerns you have, and so refused to get the teeth out when the vet first 
told me to about 4 months ago.  But then she started having trouble eating, 
so I did it.  I went to an actual veterinary dentist, and I recommend doing 
that.  They are supposed to be better at dental work, since they specialize 
in it.  I have heard that regular vets sometimes do not get all the roots 
out, etc.  This dentist said one of Patches' canines was so hard to get out 
that he had to cut through bone to get all the roots out, and then reshape her 
gums there.  I am not sure a regular vet could or would have done that 
successfully.  This dentist, who is at an animal hospital, also has done a 
lot of FeLV+ cats, because they tend to have dental problems and there are only 
a few dentists in the state so they all go to him.  He did not use any 
injectable anesthesia, only the iso gas, kept her on fluids and a heating pad 
the whole time, gave her novacaine for post-surgery pain prevention and also 
sent her home with pain meds, and let me drop her off right before her surgery 
(he did her first) and pick her up as soon as she was awake.  It worked out 
well, knock on wood.  I recommend trying to find someone like that to do 
Pekoe's teeth, even if your vet is really good, because of the specializing and 
because dentists, I think, tend to be more state of the art in terms of the 
dental surgery.
    By the way, when Pekoe had hemobart, how low did his HCT 
get before the dox made him better?  
In a message dated 1/23/2006 4:54:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  We have an appointment with his regular vet on Thurs. to discuss 
  everything pertaining to the dental work.  Of course, my first concern is 
  with him being under anaesthetic, and what that might "trigger".  I know 
  that our clinic uses Isofluorane.  It's been quite a while since we've 
  had any "experience" with a cat having dental work.  The last time was 
  with our Casper who was 16 at the time, and developed CRF shortly after a 
  dental.  He lived to be almost 20 1/2 yrs. old with our treatment of his 
      Needless to say, I have a multitude of questions for 
  our vet with regard to dental surgery on a FelV+ cat.  I've already 
  compiled a list of questions, but would invite everyone's thoughts/questions 
  on the matter.


Re: Bailey - Update

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
Hang in there Belinda.     One suggestion is you might see if Bailey will eat some yogurt, plain.  Can he have anything by mouth or does everything have to be through the tube?     That would probably help get the right bacteria balance and might be soothing to him.  Michelle's Simon ate yogurt when he was very ill.  I wouldn't NOT give the supplement, but I might try a little plain yogurt.  My dogs and cats all love it. Even if you have the tube it might be something that would help.  Pet tinic and metamucil I think of as 'hard' on the stomach as opposed to bland or soothing and coating.      I hope you hear some news from the pathologist soon.     tBelinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi
 All,I just took Bailey in to the vet because his bottom is so sore, inflamed, red and poop oozing out (sorry to be so graphic), we are taking him off the clindamycine and she wanted me to take him off the doxy but I'm not going to. I am going to give him a break from all the supps except pet tinic and metamucil. She gave me something called gastriplex to help replace the good bacteria the antibiotics are killing off and he is going back on azithromycin as of tomorrow, had to order it.I have been praying for a miracle all weekend, asking my guides, angels, parents, everyone to help Bailey feel better and help with the anemia. Somebody is listening, his HCT is up to 23% from 15%, he has been on the epogen for three weeks and it actually went down from 18% to 15% before it started coming up. My vet feels it is an accuarate reading (she said dehydration can cause an inaccurate number but because his protein also went down from
 7.2 to 6.4 he is not dehydrated).We still have not heard from the pathologist, but she said she is going to bug them until she hears something.Bailey is still lethargic but I attribute that to his bottom being so sore and the diarrhea, he probably just doesn't feel too good, but thankfully things are going in the right direction. He is getting plently of food and weighted 8lbs 12oz on her scale, a gain from 8lbs 6oz on mine yesterday, not sure how accurate that is, her scale is usually 1 oz more than mine, but he is not losing! I was totally prepared for her to tell me he needed a transfusion. So I feel much better now than I did a few hours ago :)-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service
 (affordable hosting & web design) Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, Marlene,
  I know that dental work 
is one of those things that we often have to think about to balance out the 
benefit and risk of having it and not having it.  There is always risk with 
anethesia - ever since I lost my baby suzi to spaying surgery to anethesia, my 
fear is alwasy real when I have to put my babies under anethesia whatever 
Whenever I ended up doing with dental work (I only do when 
absoultey necessary - like they can't eat food anymoe due to the pain), I ask 
them not to use any injectables which can cause more complication for recovery 
-- ask them to use the lightest amount of anethesia they can use and ask them to 
put sub-q fluid during the surgery -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
catatonyaSent: Monday, January 23, 2006 4:41 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Pekoe - Dental 

In the past when I've had to deal with this it really just depended on what 
was worse.  Yes, the dental could cause problems due the fact that Pekoe is 
positive.   But yes, so could bad teeth if an infection 
develops.  In these cases I have always just had to talk to the vet and 
then make a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' type decision.  
As far as anemia, I would be concerned about Pekoe licking the concrete 
whether or not it shows up in the bloodwork.  If the bloodwork showed 
nothing at all I'd at least get Pekoe on a good multi-vitamin (if you're not 
already doing supplements).
Let us know how the bloodwork turns out.
tonyaMarlene Chornie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


  Hello All,
      First of all, my condolences to all of you who have 
  lost a beloved furbaby, and my best wishes to all who are caring for ill 
      I haven't posted in many months, since we lost our 
  sweet little Digby to FelV last May.  I mostly lurk and have kept up with 
  the posts on a daily basis.  Since last May, Pekoe (FelV+) has been doing 
  wonderfully well - until this past weekend.  Just to refresh, Pekoe is a 
  little over 2 yrs. old, and was diagnosed with FelV almost a year ago at the 
  age of about 15 mos.  At that time, he was anaemic from Hemobartonellosis 
  and was successfully treated with Doxycycline.  This past weekend, I 
  caught him licking the concrete floor in the basement, and - you know what I 
  thought/suspected!!  Everything else about him was completely normal - 
  appetite, litter box habits, activity level.  We took him to the vet 
  clinic this morning (his regular vet was off).  They ran a PCV 
  (Hematocrit) and it was 30% (Normal reference range 24 - 45%).  They also 
  sent off some blood work to their Animal Health Lab and the results will be 
  back tomorrow.  They'll be checking for Hemobart as well.  
  Fortunately, we took Pekoe last June to have some "baseline" blood work done 
  (everything was pretty good), so they'll at least have something to compare 
  his recent results to.  The vet today checked him out - Temp. was normal, 
  etc.  When she checked his mouth/teeth, she noted that a couple of teeth 
  may have to be extracted - a tiny incisor on the upper Rt. beside his "fang" 
  tooth, and a larger tooth on the upper Lt. side 2nd from the back tooth.  
  He'll also need a dental cleaning.  We questioned starting on Doxycycline 
  anyway, but she didn't seem convinced (and frankly neither was I) that this is 
  Hemobart related.  He isn't acting at all the way he did when he had the 
  Hemobart before.  We even discussed the possibility that there might be 
  something on the concrete floor that he may be "attracted" to, because he only 
  licks in a certain area and no where else.  To be honest, I'm a little 
      We have an appointment with his regular vet on Thurs. 
  to discuss everything pertaining to the dental work.  Of course, my first 
  concern is with him being under anaesthetic, and what that might 
  "trigger".  I know that our clinic uses Isofluorane.  It's been 
  quite a while since we've had any "experience" with a cat having dental 
  work.  The last time was with our Casper who was 16 at the time, and 
  developed CRF shortly after a dental.  He lived to be almost 20 1/2 yrs. 
  old with our treatment of his CRF.
      Needless to say, I have a multitude of questions for 
  our vet with regard to dental surgery on a FelV+ cat.  I've already 
  compiled a list of questions, but would invite everyone's thoughts/questions 
  on the matter.
  (Pekoe & Angel Digby)

Re: Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
Marlene,     In the past when I've had to deal with this it really just depended on what was worse.  Yes, the dental could cause problems due the fact that Pekoe is positive.   But yes, so could bad teeth if an infection develops.  In these cases I have always just had to talk to the vet and then make a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' type decision.       As far as anemia, I would be concerned about Pekoe licking the concrete whether or not it shows up in the bloodwork.  If the bloodwork showed nothing at all I'd at least get Pekoe on a good multi-vitamin (if you're not already doing supplements).     Let us know how the bloodwork turns out.     tonyaMarlene Chornie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello All,         First of all, my condolences to all of you who have lost a beloved furbaby, and my best wishes to all who are caring for ill ones.      I haven't posted in many months, since we lost our sweet little Digby to FelV last May.  I mostly lurk and have kept up with the posts on a daily basis.  Since last May, Pekoe (FelV+) has been doing wonderfully well - until this past weekend.  Just to refresh, Pekoe is a little over 2 yrs. old, and was diagnosed with FelV almost a year ago at the age of about 15 mos.  At that time, he was anaemic from Hemobartonellosis and was successfully treated with Doxycycline.  This past weekend, I caught him licking the concrete floor in the basement, and - you know what I thought/suspected!!  Everything else about him was completely normal - appetite, litter box habits,
 activity level.  We took him to the vet clinic this morning (his regular vet was off).  They ran a PCV (Hematocrit) and it was 30% (Normal reference range 24 - 45%).  They also sent off some blood work to their Animal Health Lab and the results will be back tomorrow.  They'll be checking for Hemobart as well.  Fortunately, we took Pekoe last June to have some "baseline" blood work done (everything was pretty good), so they'll at least have something to compare his recent results to.  The vet today checked him out - Temp. was normal, etc.  When she checked his mouth/teeth, she noted that a couple of teeth may have to be extracted - a tiny incisor on the upper Rt. beside his "fang" tooth, and a larger tooth on the upper Lt. side 2nd from the back tooth.  He'll also need a dental cleaning.  We questioned starting on Doxycycline anyway, but she didn't seem convinced (and frankly neither was I) that this is Hemobart related.  He isn't
 acting at all the way he did when he had the Hemobart before.  We even discussed the possibility that there might be something on the concrete floor that he may be "attracted" to, because he only licks in a certain area and no where else.  To be honest, I'm a little "baffled"?      We have an appointment with his regular vet on Thurs. to discuss everything pertaining to the dental work.  Of course, my first concern is with him being under anaesthetic, and what that might "trigger".  I know that our clinic uses Isofluorane.  It's been quite a while since we've had any "experience" with a cat having dental work.  The last time was with our Casper who was 16 at the time, and developed CRF shortly after a dental.  He lived to be almost 20 1/2 yrs. old with our treatment of his CRF.      Needless to say, I have a multitude of questions for our vet with regard to dental surgery on a FelV+ cat. 
 I've already compiled a list of questions, but would invite everyone's thoughts/questions on the matter.     Marlene  (Pekoe & Angel Digby)

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Thanks for the long post, Nina.  Lucy now will not eat the EVO or the 
canned food. She ate some baby food, probably half a jar. Just to see if it is 
pickiness or nausea, I offered her two pieces of a dry food she used to eat, and 
she did eat them right away. I am afraid to give her more of that though.  
I am thinking that perhaps this last batch of turkey I got had something wrong 
with it. It looked more brown than red, and is usually red.  The last time 
she would not eat it, when she ate a little and then threw up, it was brown like 
this too.  The health food store I went to (mine was out of  it) said 
it had been in the freezer since October, but when I expressed concern they said 
it was fine because  it was continuously frozen. I think it may be fine in 
terms of safety, but perhaps does not smell or taste right to a cat.  
Anyway, I am hoping that is all it is.  I am waiting for a new batch to 
come in, and also ordered some frozen turkey raw food for cats that does not 
have grains.  She has not had any loose stools, or any stool since last 
evening, on the positive side.  I tried cooking chicken for her and she 
looked excited but after trying one piece did not want it anymore.  She 
never did like cooked chicken though.  The thing that bothers me most, I 
think, is that she has not eaten all that much today, but she is not acting 
really hungry either. She has not asked for food like she usually does.  I 
think all she had today was maybe a total of one jar of baby food, a spoonful of 
wet food, and two small handfuls of EVO, most of it this morning. It seems like 
she should be hungry.  Unless her stomach feels funny from eating new 
foods. I gave her a quarter of a periactin to see if that helps and gets her to 
eat a little more.  I weighed her, though, and she does not seem to have 
lost any more weight-- still weighing in at over 9 lbs.
You don't think I should give her the dry food she ate the two pieces of, 
do you? It's a prescription hypoallergenic dry food the vet had me try her on 
when she first had the loose stool, and it has NO meat.  The protein source 
is soy. And of course it has grain and also a lot of crap in it.  
I can't seem to find anywhere at all where I can buy turkey breast. Only a 
large whole turkey from the supermarket  (which I do not want to do for 
various reasons, but especially when I have no idea if she will eat it) or 
frozen ground turkey.  But assuming I find some, how do I roast it? I have 
never cooked meat except in a pan for the cats or dogs.  Do I just stick it 
in the oven and put it on broil? Or do I need to do something to it first? Sorry 
if this seems like a stupid question!  It is possible that the deli counter 
at the supermarket has roasted turkey. Do you think that would be ok to try with 
her? What about deli slices?
She possibly seems a little less active, but she played when I offered her 
a rubberband (her favorite toy and I never let her play with them because I fear 
she will swallow them), and she is super-affectionate as usual.  It is also 
colder today after being warm for 2 days, and she hates the cold.
Well, I am trying to take this calmly. At this point, in the last two weeks 
every one of my positives has gone through a period of hardly eating.  
Patches, due to her teeth it turned out, and Ginger because I had run out of her 
current food obsession (Pro Plan chicken and rice)-- when I bought more of that 
she started eating normally again!  So now it is Lucy.  I am hoping 
this passes as well. I swear it is just the constant fear of lymphoma that makes 
me anxious whenever they act finicky.  It was the first sign for each of my 
three who died of lymphoma.  But I know it can be a sign of lots of other 
things, including obstinacy!
Thanks again,
In a message dated 1/23/2006 1:35:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I do 
  think that if Lucy were going to have a reaction to the EVO/canned food, it 
  would have been almost immediate.  I have found that keeping the diet 
  simple and consistent is the most important factor in controlling Gypsy's 
  IBD.  If Lucy's eating the canned, and it's a good quality canned, I'd 
  keep her on that and avoid the EVO.  Of course, if she seems to be doing 
  okay on both the EVO and the canned, then I don't see any reason to restrict 
  her intake by denying it.  I would follow her lead.  If she wants to 
  eat one thing over another, (as long as it's not toxic to her system), I'd let 
  her have what she wants.  So far, and my opinion keeps changing, the most 
  important thing is to get Gypsy eating the same diet long enough for her 
  system to adjust to it.



2006-01-23 Thread Paula Auerbach Stein

I'd like to join this discussion since I've just 
been told my kitten of 6 months if FeLeuk +

Re: Bailey - Update

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn
There are a number of probiotics available in health food stores and 
lactinex (sorry about the spelling but it is close) is available in a lot of 
pharmacies that will help until your order gets in.  As the pharmacist. 
Mine likes critters and will do what she can to help.  If you can find 
FastTrack it will help.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Belinda Sauro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "FeLV Talk List [New]" 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 4:50 PM
Subject: Bailey - Update

 Hi All,
  I just took Bailey in to the vet because his bottom is so sore, 
inflamed, red and poop oozing out (sorry to be so graphic), we are taking 
him off the clindamycine and she wanted me to take him off the doxy but 
I'm not going to.  I am going to give him a break from all the supps 
except pet tinic and metamucil.  She gave me something called gastriplex 
to help replace the good bacteria the antibiotics are killing off and he 
is going back on azithromycin as of tomorrow, had to order it.

I have been praying for a miracle all weekend, asking my guides, angels, 
parents, everyone to help Bailey feel better and help with the anemia. 
Somebody is listening, his HCT is up to 23% from 15%, he has been on the 
epogen for three weeks and it actually went down from 18% to 15% before it 
started coming up.  My vet feels it is an accuarate reading (she said 
dehydration can cause an inaccurate number but because his protein also 
went down from 7.2 to 6.4 he is not dehydrated).

We still have not heard from the pathologist, but she said she is going to 
bug them until she hears something.

Bailey is still lethargic but I attribute that to his bottom being so sore 
and the diarrhea, he probably just doesn't feel too good, but thankfully 
things are going in the right direction.  He is getting plently of food 
and weighted 8lbs 12oz on her scale, a gain from 8lbs 6oz on mine 
yesterday, not sure how accurate that is, her scale is usually 1 oz more 
than mine, but he is not losing!  I was totally prepared for her to tell 
me he needed a transfusion.  So I feel much better now than I did a few 
hours ago   :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
It depends on how much she ate.  If she's had enough to eat there would have been time for her to get sick.  If you're feeding her sparingly it might take a little longer.  An overful stomach can lead to diarrhea and/or vomiting just by itself..  That's why I would err on the side of caution rather than risking her getting sick again and 'undoing' your progress..  Again, I'm no expert.  t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Lucy actually does really well with turkey, which is why I picked turkey for her raw diet.  She does not do as well with other meats.  She is not doing badly from the turkey diet either, just decided she is through with it and won't touch it now. 
    I am glad your cat does so well on EVO.  It looks like that may be all that Lucy will eat that I am willing to feed her right now.  Do you think if it were going to cause diarrhea it would  have done so by now? She had the EVO at about 6 pm, I think-- so 15 hours ago. I just gave her another small handful of it but am afraid to give her more than that right now, but it is is all she will eat besides baby food at the moment.     Thanks,  Michelle     In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:58:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Several books show turkey is a major allergen for cats.  Kitty, my live in former feral, had diarrhea so bad the vets thought she had major pancreas problems.  I
 put her on an elimination diet where we gave her only a couple of foods then added to it.  The turkey had to have been the cause but the turkey in EVO is processed differently that the turkey we normally feed cats or that is in cat food.  She eats EVO all the time and has had no problems.  Even her vet was amazed.  She is almost 14 and cats don't usually develop allergies that bad at her age. 

Re: Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro
   Bailey had a dental last year and the one thing I would ask them to 
do is give fluids while under, this seems to help alot.  Bailey didn't 
have any problems other than the associated pain and he got pain meds 
for that, ask for pain meds also.  He was eating with in a day or so.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Bailey - Update

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro

 Hi All,
  I just took Bailey in to the vet because his bottom is so sore, 
inflamed, red and poop oozing out (sorry to be so graphic), we are 
taking him off the clindamycine and she wanted me to take him off the 
doxy but I'm not going to.  I am going to give him a break from all the 
supps except pet tinic and metamucil.  She gave me something called 
gastriplex to help replace the good bacteria the antibiotics are killing 
off and he is going back on azithromycin as of tomorrow, had to order it.

I have been praying for a miracle all weekend, asking my guides, angels, 
parents, everyone to help Bailey feel better and help with the anemia.  
Somebody is listening, his HCT is up to 23% from 15%, he has been on the 
epogen for three weeks and it actually went down from 18% to 15% before 
it started coming up.  My vet feels it is an accuarate reading (she said 
dehydration can cause an inaccurate number but because his protein also 
went down from 7.2 to 6.4 he is not dehydrated).

We still have not heard from the pathologist, but she said she is going 
to bug them until she hears something.

Bailey is still lethargic but I attribute that to his bottom being so 
sore and the diarrhea, he probably just doesn't feel too good, but 
thankfully things are going in the right direction.  He is getting 
plently of food and weighted 8lbs 12oz on her scale, a gain from 8lbs 
6oz on mine yesterday, not sure how accurate that is, her scale is 
usually 1 oz more than mine, but he is not losing!  I was totally 
prepared for her to tell me he needed a transfusion.  So I feel much 
better now than I did a few hours ago   :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
Michelle,     If I were you I would offer what she'll take, but try mixing in little bits of what you want her to eat that she's not eating.  I don't think there's been enough time for it to make her sick yet if it's going to.  For that reason I'd keep giving her small amounts at a time.  I wouldn't give her a full meal until you're sure the evo, canned, raw, whatever is not going to make her sick.  That's my 2 cents.     I'd give her what she wants to keep her eating.  Just mix in some of what she wants and some of what you want her to have, and don't give her too much at a time.       Have you ever heard of doing the 'allergy' diet where you only give one thing for like 3 weeks and then add another item to the diet, and then another, etc I read about it when dealing with my ibd cats.  I would try to get her to take as little a variety as possible since you're
 dealing with ibd.  At least until you figure out what ingredient besides chicken is causing the problem.     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months, which was helped by pred but only went away completely on a raw diet. She then got constipated this week, about 3 or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave her olive oil, which helped. But now she is refusing to eat her turkey diet, raw or cooked.  She seems disgusted by it.  I was a little surprised she ate it to begin with, as she always used to refuse canned food or cooked chicken and only wanted dry food.  But she liked it at first. Now she is sick of it and will not touch it. Since it is the only thing that
 controlled her diarrhea, I am a little worried about her not eating it. I tried not giving her anything else and she did not eat for almost a day.  I finally gave her a little bit of canned turkey and rice cat food (no other grains, but has some vegetables-- avoiding chicken because she did not do well on it before), and she ate it yesterday morning, and a little more later in the day.  She ate a handful of EVO dry (no grains, but vegetables) as well and wanted more, but I was afraid to give it to her.  At night she had a normal bowel movement, and none so far today.  So I gave her a little more of the canned food (after trying futilely to get her to eat her raw diet-- she refused to even look at it).     My question is this: Do you think that if she were going to get diarrhea from the canned food and/or the EVO, do you think it would have happened already?  Do you think it is safe to offer her more of it?  Any other
 suggestions?  I already fasted her for a day last week to get rid of vomiting and she hardly ate day before yesterday because we were battling over the turkey diet, so I do not really want to just not feed her in the hope she will give in and eat it. But I also do not want to start another round of loose stool.  Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.     I started her on nux vomica last night also.     Thanks,  Michelle

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread catatonya
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months, which was helped by pred but only went away completely on a raw diet. She then got constipated this week, about 3 or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave her olive oil, which helped. But now she is refusing to eat her turkey diet, raw or cooked.  She seems disgusted by it.  I was a little surprised she ate it to begin with, as she always used to refuse canned food or cooked chicken and only wanted dry food.  But she liked it at first. Now she is sick of it and will not touch it. Since it is the only thing that controlled her diarrhea, I am a little worried about her not eating it. I tried not giving her anything else and she did not eat for almost a day. 
 I finally gave her a little bit of canned turkey and rice cat food (no other grains, but has some vegetables-- avoiding chicken because she did not do well on it before), and she ate it yesterday morning, and a little more later in the day.  She ate a handful of EVO dry (no grains, but vegetables) as well and wanted more, but I was afraid to give it to her.  At night she had a normal bowel movement, and none so far today.  So I gave her a little more of the canned food (after trying futilely to get her to eat her raw diet-- she refused to even look at it).     My question is this: Do you think that if she were going to get diarrhea from the canned food and/or the EVO, do you think it would have happened already?  Do you think it is safe to offer her more of it?  Any other suggestions?  I already fasted her for a day last week to get rid of vomiting and she hardly ate day before yesterday because we were battling over the
 turkey diet, so I do not really want to just not feed her in the hope she will give in and eat it. But I also do not want to start another round of loose stool.  Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.     I started her on nux vomica last night also.     Thanks,  Michelle

Pekoe - Dental Work

2006-01-23 Thread Marlene Chornie

Hello All,
    First of all, my condolences to all of you who have lost 
a beloved furbaby, and my best wishes to all who are caring for ill ones.
    I haven't posted in many months, since we lost our sweet 
little Digby to FelV last May.  I mostly lurk and have kept up with the 
posts on a daily basis.  Since last May, Pekoe (FelV+) has been doing 
wonderfully well - until this past weekend.  Just to refresh, Pekoe is a 
little over 2 yrs. old, and was diagnosed with FelV almost a year ago at the age 
of about 15 mos.  At that time, he was anaemic from Hemobartonellosis and 
was successfully treated with Doxycycline.  This past weekend, I caught him 
licking the concrete floor in the basement, and - you know what I 
thought/suspected!!  Everything else about him was completely normal - 
appetite, litter box habits, activity level.  We took him to the vet clinic 
this morning (his regular vet was off).  They ran a PCV (Hematocrit) and it 
was 30% (Normal reference range 24 - 45%).  They also sent off some blood 
work to their Animal Health Lab and the results will be back tomorrow.  
They'll be checking for Hemobart as well.  Fortunately, we took Pekoe last 
June to have some "baseline" blood work done (everything was pretty good), so 
they'll at least have something to compare his recent results to.  The vet 
today checked him out - Temp. was normal, etc.  When she checked his 
mouth/teeth, she noted that a couple of teeth may have to be extracted - a tiny 
incisor on the upper Rt. beside his "fang" tooth, and a larger tooth on the 
upper Lt. side 2nd from the back tooth.  He'll also need a dental 
cleaning.  We questioned starting on Doxycycline anyway, but she didn't 
seem convinced (and frankly neither was I) that this is Hemobart related.  
He isn't acting at all the way he did when he had the Hemobart before.  We 
even discussed the possibility that there might be something on the concrete 
floor that he may be "attracted" to, because he only licks in a certain area and 
no where else.  To be honest, I'm a little "baffled"?
    We have an appointment with his regular vet on Thurs. to 
discuss everything pertaining to the dental work.  Of course, my first 
concern is with him being under anaesthetic, and what that might 
"trigger".  I know that our clinic uses Isofluorane.  It's been quite 
a while since we've had any "experience" with a cat having dental work.  
The last time was with our Casper who was 16 at the time, and developed CRF 
shortly after a dental.  He lived to be almost 20 1/2 yrs. old with our 
treatment of his CRF.
    Needless to say, I have a multitude of questions for our 
vet with regard to dental surgery on a FelV+ cat.  I've already compiled a 
list of questions, but would invite everyone's thoughts/questions on the 
(Pekoe & Angel Digby)

Re: Add buster to the Bridge list Please

2006-01-23 Thread Nina

How sad that Buster passed away, and what a shocking way to find out. 
Of course you cried.  Love is love, they don't have to share our home,
or our lives for any length of time to nestle their way in.  I know
it's tough, but Buster was so blessed to have had your love and
concern.  Sometimes that's all we can provide, and, I believe, it's
always felt and appreciated.  It's always worthwhile.

How wonderful that "Kiwi" and Rafferty have taken to each other so
quickly and so well!  It sounds like it was meant to be! 
Congratulations on your new family member!

Sherry DeHaan wrote:

  Hi all,sweet old Buster passed away yesterday,I
went tonight and saw the note.another volunteer and I cried.He was such
a sweet loving baby.
  On a good note I did bring another Fiv boy home Thursday and he
gets along great with Rafferty,they chase each other around sounding
like little elephants.I think the new guy is still got a bit of the
cold,so Jen is getting me some more meds for him tomorrow.I am not sure
what to name him,they named him Lionel but he is WAY too handsome for
that name,I was thinking about maybe Kiwi.
  Once again thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for
sweet Buster,I will miss him so much.
What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo!

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Nina

Hi Michelle,
As with Lucy, the only thing that helped Gypsy regain formed stools was
a raw diet.  When Lucy was having elimination problems, I was going to
suggest switching from TC Instincts to adding your own sups, that way
you have more control monitoring whatever may be causing the
constipation/vomiting problem.  One of the ladies on the IBD list also
encountered vomiting problems when she added bone meal to her cat's
diet.  You just don't know what's going to cause problems, until the
problems start.

As far as her refusing raw...  I was close to panic stricken when Gypsy
had a relapse and then refused her raw food.  Since it was the only
thing that seemed to help her in the past, I worried that she would
once again wither away.  I don't think there is a cat that is picker,
or has more issues with food than Gypsy, (she now refuses to eat unless
someone is petting her).  When I started her on raw, the only thing she
would eat was raw salmon, then raw duck.  Finally I was able to mix
duck and salmon together.  She lasted a couple of months on that diet
and then one day refused to eat either of them.  What I have found with
her is that if she has even a slight GI problem, whatever she has been
eating is crossed off her list, she just won't touch it again,
sometimes for months.  She will also refuse ground cooked/raw turkey,
but will hungrily eat oven roasted turkey breast.  White meat is okay,
but dark meat is too rich.  There have been times that she would only
eat grocery store bbq chicken.  There was one frightening week where
all I could get her to consume was warmed goats milk.  Salmon used to
be her very favorite food on earth, (I tamed her with the help of
salmon fillet!), after one of her relapses, she wouldn't even eat
anything with minute amounts of salmon oil mixed in.  It took her
months to enjoy salmon fillet again.  EVO made her violently ill the
first time she ate a couple of morsels, she can now eat it without a
problem as long as it doesn't constitute more than 5, or 10% of her
intake.  I've sent you the cooked turkey diet that Gypsy is currently
having success on.  If she has any problems, or the food is more than a
couple days in the fridge, she'll refuse to eat it.  When that happens,
I'll give her plain cooked turkey, (I'm talking oven roasted, not
ground and sauteed).  The fresher the better.  Straight out of the
oven, still warm, is her favorite.  I'll also supplement her with gm
and turkey baby food.  After a day, or two, she'll go back to her fully
supplemented turkey diet.  She'd probably eat raw again at this point,
but as long as I have a diet that's working, (and that she'll eat!),
I'm not going to mess with success.  While I understand why you've
chosen to fast Lucy, however, I would never attempt it with Gypsy. 
Food and eating is not a priority with her and if she stops eating for
a day, it's so much harder to get her started again.  Offer Lucy her
favorite non processed food, warmed is best.  Don't worry about
"balancing" the diet until she has begun eating, then slowly
reintroduce supplements, beginning with those sups that have the least
amount of taste/texture and those that you have deemed most important
to her health.  Because it is a priority that Gypsy eat anything,
rather than nothing, I have also had the opportunity to see that her
stools will firm once her she has eaten a consistent diet, (the same
protein), for more than a few days.  I've learned not to panic, as long
as she continues to eat.

I do think that if Lucy were going to have a reaction to the EVO/canned
food, it would have been almost immediate.  I have found that keeping
the diet simple and consistent is the most important factor in
controlling Gypsy's IBD.  If Lucy's eating the canned, and it's a good
quality canned, I'd keep her on that and avoid the EVO.  Of course, if
she seems to be doing okay on both the EVO and the canned, then I don't
see any reason to restrict her intake by denying it.  I would follow
her lead.  If she wants to eat one thing over another, (as long as it's
not toxic to her system), I'd let her have what she wants.  So far, and
my opinion keeps changing, the most important thing is to get Gypsy
eating the same diet long enough for her system to adjust to it.

Believe me, I know what a heart wrenching trial it can be to dote on a
finicky cat with GI problems.  Hang in there, trust her instincts, as
well as your own and give whatever diet she's on a long enough chance
for her system to stabilize.
With support and sympathy,


  Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months, which was helped by pred
but only went away completely on a raw diet. She then got constipated
this week, about 3 or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave her olive oil,
which helped. But now she is refusing to eat her turkey diet, raw or
cooked.  She seems disgusted by it.  I was a little surprised she ate
it to begin with, as she always used to refuse canned food or cooke

Re: Add buster to the Bridge list Please

2006-01-23 Thread wendy

I'm sorry to hear about Buster.  What you are doing
for the sanctuary is incredible.  Sending strength
your way...


--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,sweet old Buster passed away yesterday,I went
> tonight and saw the note.another volunteer and I
> cried.He was such a sweet loving baby.
>   On a good note I did bring another Fiv boy home
> Thursday and he gets along great with Rafferty,they
> chase each other around sounding like little
> elephants.I think the new guy is still got a bit of
> the cold,so Jen is getting me some more meds for him
> tomorrow.I am not sure what to name him,they named
> him Lionel but he is WAY too handsome for that
> name,I was thinking about maybe Kiwi.
>   Once again thanks for all your prayers and good
> thoughts for sweet Buster,I will miss him so much.
>   Sherry
> -
>  What are the most popular cars?  Find out at Yahoo!

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LJ Crabtree

2006-01-23 Thread wendy

Are you in Dallas?  If so, I think I might know you. 
Only the L I know only has one kitty that I know of.


--- "l.j. crabtree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> thank you, belinda, for sharing this! my little
> minne was just diagnaosed FELV last friday and i am
> scurrying to find wisdom regarding suppliments and
> diet
>   hugs...
>   LJ
>   Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
> visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body
> 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
> is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Ziggy's negative FeLV test! (Terri Brown)
> 2. Re: Idexx Snap Combo test (gary)
> 3. Re: Lucy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> 4. Re: Lucy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> 5. Interesting Study by Dr. Belfield on Vitamin C's
> affect on
> FeLV (Belinda Sauro)
> 6. Maine Coon (FeLV and FIV+) ... Has BB's lodged in
> him (Long
> Island, NY) (Patricia Lamoretti)
> 7. Re: Maine Coon (FeLV and FIV+) ... Has BB's
> lodged in him
> (Long Island, NY) (catatonya)
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 12:54:24 -0500
> From: "Terri Brown" 
> Subject: Re: Ziggy's negative FeLV test!
> To: 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere,
> Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl,
> Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
> Furkid Photos!
> My Personal Page:
> - Original Message - 
> From: Laura Bond 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:43 AM
> Subject: Ziggy's negative FeLV test!
> I have great news! Ziggy my rescued cat who was FeLV
> positive just 3 months 
> ago and on interferon treatment went to the vet for
> his monthly checkup. He 
> had a second FeLV test done (along with my other two
> cats) and all three 
> tests came back negative! I have heard about this
> happening before with 
> false positives and cats actually in some cases, the
> test may later turn 
> negative if the cats immune system eliminates the
> infection. (from a 
> reliable source, check google). So I am very pleased
> to tell everyone that 
> Ziggy is healthy again. He was on the interferon
> treatment (about 30$ for 2 
> months) and loved his medicine. It helped him gain
> weight too, which I know 
> is a common problem. I would also like to tell
> everyone that lives in the 
> Baltimore area to stop by Falls Road Animal Hospital
> which has excelent 
> world famous vets who really care, along with 24
> hour emergency care and 
> even hospice care! They took great care of Ziggy and
> was the only vet I 
> have been to that gave me and Ziggy hope. Best of
> luck to everyone's kitties 
> they are all in my thoughts and prayers.
> Laura Bond
> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN
> Search! 
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 12:58:22 -0500
> From: "gary" 
> Subject: Re: Idexx Snap Combo test
> To: 
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> They are good tests and false negatives are very
> rare. However, there is still a significant
> percentage of false positives. If a cat tests
> positive, you will definitely want to confirm that
> with an IFA test.
> Gary
> - Original Message - 
> From: Sherry DeHaan 
> To: Felvtalk ; FIV CATS 
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 9:29 AM
> Subject: Idexx Snap Combo test
> Hi all I just brought home my second fiv+ beautiful
> boy and I was wondering if anyone here has heard of
> the Idexx Snap test,Jen the lady that runs the
> shelters says that is the best.I asked her to test
> both guys before I officially adopt.If they have
> felv I would probably just keep fostering them.I
> cannot go through financially what I did with my
> beautiful Maizee again.I want them tested because
> they were free roaming amongst felv+ cats too.she
> said because the healthy adult cats it shouldn't
> spread to them,but she offered to test them for
> me.Which I will do. I asked her about the Elisa test
> and she said the other was the gold star of
> them.Just wanted the opinions here.Thanks.
> S

FeLV+ cat in Lowel Mass today!!!

2006-01-23 Thread Tad Burnett

Reply to:Pets In Need - Keri 

Hello again, I know it is short notice, but there is a

FELV+ kitty that was dropped off in our small clinic
as the local humane society was closed. They will only
hold him until tonight when they close at 6 as they
have surgeries coming in tomorrow and have no place to
put him, They tell me he is young and friendly. if
anyone can help PLEASE email me. The office is in
lowell, i can transport him tonight, but i am working
until 8, or i can see if they will hold him overnight
and i can transport him tomorrow i have the day off.
please get back to me if anyone can help.

Reply to:Pets In Need - Keri 

Keri Demers

Re: Interesting Study by Dr. Belfield on Vitamin C's affect on FeLV

2006-01-23 Thread wendy
Thanks for the article Belinda-VERY interesting.  I
wonder if Cricket would have responded to Vit. C and
raw food?


--- Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -- 
>  Belinda
> Happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties ...
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candle Light Service
>  (affordable hosting & web design)
> ---
> BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

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Re: Ziggy's negative FeLV test!

2006-01-23 Thread wendy
Awesome Laura!  Congratulations on your babys'
victories against FeLV!


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hooray Laura and Ziggy!!! Thank you so much for
> posting the good news! 
> How old is Ziggy?
> Nina
> Laura Bond wrote:
> > I have great news! Ziggy my rescued cat who was
> FeLV positive just 3 
> > months ago and on interferon treatment went to the
> vet for his monthly 
> > checkup. He had a second FeLV test done (along
> with my other two cats) 
> > and all three tests came back negative! I have
> heard about this 
> > happening before with false positives and cats
> actually in some cases, 
> > the test may later turn negative if the cats
> immune system eliminates 
> > the infection. (from a reliable source, check
> google). So I am very 
> > pleased to tell everyone that Ziggy is healthy
> again. He was on the 
> > interferon treatment (about 30$ for 2 months) and
> loved his medicine. 
> > It helped him gain weight too, which I know is a
> common problem. I 
> > would also like to tell everyone that lives in the
> Baltimore area to 
> > stop by Falls Road Animal Hospital which has
> excelent world famous 
> > vets who really care, along with 24 hour emergency
> care and even 
> > hospice care! They took great care of Ziggy and
> was the only vet I 
> > have been to that gave me and Ziggy hope. Best of
> luck to everyone's 
> > kitties they are all in my thoughts and prayers.
> > Laura Bond
> >
> >
> > Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN
> Search! 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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Katrina Kitty needs home (FELV+)

2006-01-23 Thread Chris

tried posting this before but I think it did not go through… I’ve
not posted much of anything lately as I have been knee deep working with a
group trying to reunite Katrina pets with their Gulf Coast owners. 
A woman posted that she had rescued a very young kitten right after the
storm.  She says he was really feral when she found him but has become
very accustomed to the good life!  She is having to move within a month
and is really anxious to find him a forever home.  He is FELV+.


is about 6 months old and when Jean found him, he was out in the
street and ematiated-she guesses he was 8-10 weeks old.  He has been
neutered, gotten first shots, & is microchipped.  Jean has posted him
in bemikitties and is really anxious to find him a home.  She has to move
in a month and cannot take him with her.  She has gone above and beyond
for this little guy who she says is totally asymptomatic and it is breaking her
heart that she cannot keep him.  Unfortunately, the options in New Orleans
area for shelter for Switters are pretty dismal and I told her I would post her
info.  I tried sending picture of Switters but it may have been too large
a post for it to go thru.


know everyone is full but if you could even give her some ideas, I know she
would be eternally grateful.  She has loads of pictures and he sure does
seem to have domesticated pretty well!


name is Jean Kottermann, Phone 504-931-9758, e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


little one survived a hurricane on the street, he’s got to have a lot of






RE: Ziggy's negative FeLV test!

2006-01-23 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

That’s such an excellent news! 
Congratulations to you and to Ziggy!  Way to go!!!


Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006
8:09 AM
Subject: Re: Ziggy's negative FeLV


That's fantastic news!  Go Ziggy!



Laura Bond

I have great news! Ziggy
my rescued cat who was FeLV positive just 3 months 
ago and on interferon treatment went to the vet for his monthly checkup. He 
had a second FeLV test done (along with my other two cats) and all three 
tests came back negative! I have heard about this happening before with 
false positives and cats actually in some cases, the test may later turn 
negative if the cats immune system eliminates the infection. (from a 
reliable source, check google). So I am very pleased to tell everyone that 
Ziggy is healthy again. He was on the interferon treatment (about 30$ for 2 
months) and loved his medicine. It helped him gain weight too, which I know 
is a common problem. I would also like to tell everyone that lives in the 
Baltimore area to stop by Falls Road Animal Hospital
which has excelent 
world famous vets who really care, along with 24 hour emergency care and 
even hospice care! They took great care of Ziggy and was the only vet I 
have been to that gave me and Ziggy hope. Best of luck to everyone's kitties 
they are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura Bond

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!


RE: Idexx Snap Combo test

2006-01-23 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I rely on them better than Antech.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paolo
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: Idexx Snap Combo test

>I was wondering if anyone here has heard of the Idexx Snap test

Even here in Italy it has a reputation of excellence...


RE: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I say, watch her closely, but continue to
give her what she likes to eat for now and see what happens.  Michelle, I
really think that Lucy will go back to eat raw turkey food again in a while –
Most of the cats I have always have stopped eating their favorite food,
whatever they were, if I gave them every day for a long time.. but when I stop
giving them for a while and give them again in a month or two later,, they love
to eat again.. I think that especially with cats, variation is the key so that
they don’t get sick of eating the food which are really good for them…
please keep us posted with the progress.




Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006
6:24 AM
Subject: Lucy-- refusing raw food


Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months,
which was helped by pred but only went away completely on a raw diet. She then
got constipated this week, about 3 or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave
her olive oil, which helped. But now she is refusing to eat her turkey diet,
raw or cooked.  She seems disgusted by it.  I was a little surprised
she ate it to begin with, as she always used to refuse canned food or cooked
chicken and only wanted dry food.  But she liked it at first. Now she is
sick of it and will not touch it. Since it is the only thing that controlled
her diarrhea, I am a little worried about her not eating it. I tried not giving
her anything else and she did not eat for almost a day.  I finally gave
her a little bit of canned turkey and rice cat food (no other grains, but has
some vegetables-- avoiding chicken because she did not do well on it before),
and she ate it yesterday morning, and a little more later in the day.  She
ate a handful of EVO dry (no grains, but vegetables) as well and wanted more,
but I was afraid to give it to her.  At night she had a normal bowel
movement, and none so far today.  So I gave her a little more of the
canned food (after trying futilely to get her to eat her raw diet-- she refused
to even look at it).


My question is this: Do you think that if
she were going to get diarrhea from the canned food and/or the EVO, do you
think it would have happened already?  Do you think it is safe to offer
her more of it?  Any other suggestions?  I already fasted her for a
day last week to get rid of vomiting and she hardly ate day before yesterday
because we were battling over the turkey diet, so I do not really want to just
not feed her in the hope she will give in and eat it. But I also do not want to
start another round of loose stool.  Any suggestions or thoughts are


I started her on nux vomica last night




Re: Add buster to the Bridge list Please

2006-01-23 Thread TenHouseCats
aw, sorry honey. don't underestimate the good your love does for these balls-of-light-wrapped-in-fur...
MC-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Gloria Lane
Can she eat cooked turkey?  Try the turkey and cooked rice (a subset  
of Dr. Pitcairn's diet for diarrhea).


On Jan 23, 2006, at 8:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lucy actually does really well with turkey, which is why I picked  
turkey for her raw diet.  She does not do as well with other  
meats.  She is not doing badly from the turkey diet either, just  
decided she is through with it and won't touch it now.

I am glad your cat does so well on EVO.  It looks like that may be  
all that Lucy will eat that I am willing to feed her right now.  Do  
you think if it were going to cause diarrhea it would  have done so  
by now? She had the EVO at about 6 pm, I think-- so 15 hours ago. I  
just gave her another small handful of it but am afraid to give her  
more than that right now, but it is is all she will eat besides  
baby food at the moment.


In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:58:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
Several books show turkey is a major allergen for cats.  Kitty, my  
live in former feral, had diarrhea so bad the vets thought she had  
major pancreas problems.  I put her on an elimination diet where we  
gave her only a couple of foods then added to it.  The turkey had  
to have been the cause but the turkey in EVO is processed  
differently that the turkey we normally feed cats or that is in cat  
food.  She eats EVO all the time and has had no problems.  Even her  
vet was amazed.  She is almost 14 and cats don't usually develop  
allergies that bad at her age.

RE: Add buster to the Bridge list Please

2006-01-23 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I'm so 
sorry, Sherry. It's so tough, getting attached to the little furballs, and then 
losing them. I'm glad Buster knew he was loved by you.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaanSent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:55 
PMTo: FelvtalkSubject: Add buster to the Bridge list 
Hi all,sweet old Buster passed away yesterday,I went 
tonight and saw the note.another volunteer and I cried.He was such a sweet 
loving baby.
On a good note I did bring another Fiv boy home Thursday and he gets along 
great with Rafferty,they chase each other around sounding like little 
elephants.I think the new guy is still got a bit of the cold,so Jen is getting 
me some more meds for him tomorrow.I am not sure what to name him,they named him 
Lionel but he is WAY too handsome for that name,I was thinking about maybe 
Once again thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for sweet Buster,I 
will miss him so much.

What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! 
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

I really believe it would have caused any problems it was going to cause by 
now.  It is a wonderful food.  Kitty eats it instead of various wet 
foods most of the time, especially when she thinks I have added supplements to 
them.  Kitty was diagnosed with cancer almost a year ago and will not 
take anything the alternative vet or her vet wants her to take.  
Forcing her is too traumatic so I am letting her have her was.  By the way, 
she refused to eat turkey and the wet foods that contained it when it 
started giving her problems.  I guess she knows what is best for her.  
 Watch Lucy's  fluid intake if she is not used to dry food just to 
make sure she is getting enough.  Good luck.  
PS  My alternative vet recommends Apple Pectin for diarrhea and 
my regular vet recommends a pinch of Metamucil (unflavored) or phylum.  It 
adds bulk and really has helped with other animals, both dogs and cats.  

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:03 
  Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  Lucy actually does really well with turkey, which is why I picked turkey 
  for her raw diet.  She does not do as well with other meats.  She is 
  not doing badly from the turkey diet either, just decided she is through with 
  it and won't touch it now.
  I am glad your cat does so well on EVO.  It looks like that may be 
  all that Lucy will eat that I am willing to feed her right now.  Do you 
  think if it were going to cause diarrhea it would  have done so by now? 
  She had the EVO at about 6 pm, I think-- so 15 hours ago. I just gave her 
  another small handful of it but am afraid to give her more than that right 
  now, but it is is all she will eat besides baby food at the moment.
  In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:58:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Several books show turkey is a major allergen for cats.  Kitty, 
my live in former feral, had diarrhea so bad the vets thought she had major 
pancreas problems.  I put her on an elimination diet where we gave her 
only a couple of foods then added to it.  The turkey had to have been 
the cause but the turkey in EVO is processed differently that the turkey we 
normally feed cats or that is in cat food.  She eats EVO all the time 
and has had no problems.  Even her vet was amazed.  She is almost 
14 and cats don't usually develop allergies that bad at her 

RE: Ziggy's negative FeLV test!

2006-01-23 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Wonderful, wonderful news Laura. Give Ziggy a big hug from me!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Laura Bond
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: Ziggy's negative FeLV test!

I have great news!  Ziggy my rescued cat who was FeLV positive just 3
ago and on interferon treatment went to the vet for his monthly checkup.
had a second FeLV test done (along with my other two cats) and all three

tests came back negative!  I have heard about this happening before with

false positives and cats actually in some cases, the test may later turn

negative if the cats immune system eliminates the infection. (from a 
reliable source, check google).  So I am very pleased to tell everyone
Ziggy is healthy again.  He was on the interferon treatment (about 30$
for 2 
months) and loved his medicine.  It helped him gain weight too, which I
is a common problem.  I would also like to tell everyone that lives in
Baltimore area to stop by Falls Road Animal Hospital which has excelent 
world famous vets who really care, along with 24 hour emergency care and

even hospice care!  They took great care of Ziggy and was the only vet I

have been to that gave me and Ziggy hope. Best of luck to everyone's
they are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura Bond

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy actually does really well with turkey, which is why I picked turkey 
for her raw diet.  She does not do as well with other meats.  She is 
not doing badly from the turkey diet either, just decided she is through with it 
and won't touch it now.
I am glad your cat does so well on EVO.  It looks like that may be all 
that Lucy will eat that I am willing to feed her right now.  Do you think 
if it were going to cause diarrhea it would  have done so by now? She had 
the EVO at about 6 pm, I think-- so 15 hours ago. I just gave her another small 
handful of it but am afraid to give her more than that right now, but it is is 
all she will eat besides baby food at the moment.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 8:58:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  books show turkey is a major allergen for cats.  Kitty, my live in former 
  feral, had diarrhea so bad the vets thought she had major pancreas 
  problems.  I put her on an elimination diet where we gave her only a 
  couple of foods then added to it.  The turkey had to have been the cause 
  but the turkey in EVO is processed differently that the turkey we normally 
  feed cats or that is in cat food.  She eats EVO all the time and has had 
  no problems.  Even her vet was amazed.  She is almost 14 and cats 
  don't usually develop allergies that bad at her age.


Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Marylyn

Several books show turkey is a major allergen for cats.  Kitty, my 
live in former feral, had diarrhea so bad the vets thought she had major 
pancreas problems.  I put her on an elimination diet where we gave her only 
a couple of foods then added to it.  The turkey had to have been the cause 
but the turkey in EVO is processed differently that the turkey we normally feed 
cats or that is in cat food.  She eats EVO all the time and has had no 
problems.  Even her vet was amazed.  She is almost 14 and cats don't 
usually develop allergies that bad at her age.
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:24 
  Subject: Lucy-- refusing raw food 
  Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months, which was helped by pred but only 
  went away completely on a raw diet. She then got constipated this week, about 
  3 or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave her olive oil, which helped. But 
  now she is refusing to eat her turkey diet, raw or cooked.  She seems 
  disgusted by it.  I was a little surprised she ate it to begin with, as 
  she always used to refuse canned food or cooked chicken and only wanted dry 
  food.  But she liked it at first. Now she is sick of it and will not 
  touch it. Since it is the only thing that controlled her diarrhea, I am a 
  little worried about her not eating it. I tried not giving her anything else 
  and she did not eat for almost a day.  I finally gave her a little bit of 
  canned turkey and rice cat food (no other grains, but has some vegetables-- 
  avoiding chicken because she did not do well on it before), and she ate it 
  yesterday morning, and a little more later in the day.  She ate a handful 
  of EVO dry (no grains, but vegetables) as well and wanted more, but I was 
  afraid to give it to her.  At night she had a normal bowel movement, and 
  none so far today.  So I gave her a little more of the canned food (after 
  trying futilely to get her to eat her raw diet-- she refused to even look at 
  My question is this: Do you think that if she were going to get diarrhea 
  from the canned food and/or the EVO, do you think it would have happened 
  already?  Do you think it is safe to offer her more of it?  Any 
  other suggestions?  I already fasted her for a day last week to get rid 
  of vomiting and she hardly ate day before yesterday because we were battling 
  over the turkey diet, so I do not really want to just not feed her in the hope 
  she will give in and eat it. But I also do not want to start another round of 
  loose stool.  Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.
  I started her on nux vomica last night also.

Lucy-- refusing raw food now

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months, which was helped by pred but only 
went away completely on a raw diet. She then got constipated this week, about 3 
or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave her olive oil, which helped. But now 
she is refusing to eat her turkey diet, raw or cooked.  She seems disgusted 
by it.  I was a little surprised she ate it to begin with, as she always 
used to refuse canned food or cooked chicken and only wanted dry food.  But 
she liked it at first. Now she is sick of it and will not touch it. Since it is 
the only thing that controlled her diarrhea, I am a little worried about her not 
eating it. I tried not giving her anything else and she did not eat for almost a 
day.  I finally gave her a little bit of canned turkey and rice cat food 
(no other grains, but has some vegetables-- avoiding chicken because she did not 
do well on it before), and she ate it yesterday morning, and a little more later 
in the day.  She ate a handful of EVO dry (no grains, but vegetables) as 
well and wanted more, but I was afraid to give it to her.  At night she had 
a normal bowel movement, and none so far today.  So I gave her a little 
more of the canned food (after trying futilely to get her to eat her raw diet-- 
she refused to even look at it).
My question is this: Do you think that if she were going to get diarrhea 
from the canned food and/or the EVO, do you think it would have happened 
already?  Do you think it is safe to offer her more of it?  Any other 
suggestions?  I already fasted her for a day last week to get rid of 
vomiting and she hardly ate day before yesterday because we were battling over 
the turkey diet, so I do not really want to just not feed her in the hope she 
will give in and eat it. But I also do not want to start another round of loose 
stool.  Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.
I started her on nux vomica last night also.

RE: Add buster to the Bridge list Please

2006-01-23 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message

I am 
so sorry,

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry 
  DeHaanSent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:55 PMTo: 
  FelvtalkSubject: Add buster to the Bridge list 
  Hi all,sweet old Buster passed away yesterday,I went 
  tonight and saw the note.another volunteer and I cried.He was such a 
  sweet loving baby.
  On a good note I did bring another Fiv boy home Thursday and he gets 
  along great with Rafferty,they chase each other around sounding like little 
  elephants.I think the new guy is still got a bit of the cold,so Jen is getting 
  me some more meds for him tomorrow.I am not sure what to name him,they named 
  him Lionel but he is WAY too handsome for that name,I was thinking about maybe 
  Once again thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for sweet 
  Buster,I will miss him so much.
  What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! 