[Finale] Fenton

2007-08-07 Thread Will Denayer

"What is your point?"

What is it that I said to David Bailey in December which makes you act like a 
dog with myxomatosis?
Didn't I tell the truth? Didn't I try to read the fecking manual even if it was 
nearly impossible for me to read anything at all? What are you actually ranting 

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[Finale] Playback issue

2007-08-07 Thread Will Denayer

In the Finale 2007 manual, what I believe you want is on p.12-11, under 'To 
remove a composite meter.' You can also get there from the Index, under 
'Composite time signatures'. I also note that Richard Yates answered your 
question with this information on Saturday, August 4.

Thank you, Aaron and Richard - I am sorry, I missed this. 

There is another problem. When I use playback, the tempo sometimes freeses: I 
can go for 1 quarter note = 80 or 1 quarter note is 20, it does not make a 
difference. Choosing another value does not help, i.e. 1 half note = 80. 
I tried closing and opening again. I also saved the music to a new document. It 
still will playback using one tempo only. Might this be a bug? 

Best regards, 


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[Finale] Goodbye Fenton

2007-08-06 Thread Will Denayer
> >"I have severe eyesight problems, too, due to recurring uveitis. Not
> > as severe as yours, but not minor by any means. I cope with it and
> > don't mention it. I certainly don't use it as a crutch to excuse
> > mistakes." Etc., etc., bla bla bla, Mr. D. Fenton. 

Look, if you do not like my questions, why don't you just ignore me? This is 
not your list or is it?  
Fenton, you are a troublemaker. You have proved that over and over again. 
Don't you really have anything better to do than to play KKK at the www? How 
old are you actually? As someone else told you in the meantime, yes I had a 
brain tumor. I'm very sorry to hear about your uveitis and it makes me really 
laugh hard, because it shows that you have NO clue what you are ranting about. 
You should be ashamed of yourself, but, of course, you aren't. I had no time to 
do anything. I had surgery in April. By then I almost had no eyesight left. 
After that I had to correct a shitload of papers. In the meantime my Adobe 
Reader doesn't work again. I could have been away from work untill now. I took 
less than two weeks off. Don't you dare to insinuate that I am lazy or stupid, 
you are in no position to talk to me like that. The best thing to do for you 
concerning me and my little problems, frankly, is to shut up. Find someone else 
to bash at or, much better, go see a couple of therapists. In my professional 
capacity, I confirm that you need some. I hear you
 explain already: 'This guy, with his fecking brain tumor, he couldn't read, 
well ..., what the hell, I can't read so well either, well, I don't use that as 
an excuse! Well, we have a list, well ... that guy asked questions ... I 
couldn't take it any longer !" That's how pathetic you are. 

It would be nice to close this infantile stuff and to discuss something 

Dr. Will Denayer
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[Finale] Goodbye Finale

2007-08-06 Thread Will Denayer
> >> It will be interesting to see if the same stubbornness that caused
> >> you to refuse to do the Finale tutorials in full will cause you
> >> problems learning Sibelius, too.
> >
> > I think comments like the above are best left unsaid--thanks.
> Normally, I would agree with you, but I don't think you saw the level 
> of the posts we were getting from Will. He demanded high-level help 
> from the list on some admittedly complex issues, but he refused 
> outright to read the pages of the manual we named for him. To 
> paraphrase a well-quoted proverb: The Finale Lists helps those who 
> help themselves.

Note also that my comment said "tutorials" not "manual." And I 
distinctly recall Will refusing to do the tutorials when advised to 
back in December.

All of this is almost of a malignant unfairness. 
First, in December - if you might recall David Fenton, everyone knows because I 
told everyone - I was nearly BLIND. Thanks for forgetting this out of 
convenience just to bash a bit and shame on you! This shows to me what a little 
man you actually are, sorry for telling you. 
Second, my Adobe Reader did not work and downloading another one did not help. 
These are, I would think, two valuable reason which sufficiently explain why I 
needed some help beyond the level of help that should normally be given. 
Second, I would like to see Fenton come down his high horse and to answer the 
question, or rather, do not answer it. Just give me the page of the manual were 
I can find the answer. Just cite the page of a tutorial which deals with this 
question, but be sure that it really *answers* it. I have been looking for it 
everywhere; I cannot find it and I find it stupid that Finale works like that. 
If you can't find it, I think you owe my two apologies.   
Third, what Christopher says is patently untrue. No one ever named any page for 
me and I never demanded anything. It's simply not true; the interesting 
question is only why you lie about it. 
Fenton, I am not missing the boat. You are. You have to live with Finale and 
all its shortcomings because you the lack to time to learn something else. I 
can. And I will. You just work around bugs and all the other misery and be an 
expert in it. You know that well enough. But I'll do something else in the 
meantime. And  if your favourite program keeps getting worse, as it seems to be 
doing, at some point you will have no choice left. 

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[Finale] Goodbye Finale

2007-08-04 Thread Will Denayer

"It will be interesting to see if the same stubbornness that caused 
you to refuse to do the Finale tutorials in full will cause you 
problems learning Sibelius, too."

I was sure that I would get a some sour remarks. I thought it was going to be 
about the manual (so I'm wrong about that) and about my laziness and I knew 
that you were going to be the author. Let's have a look. I am writing music in 
3/4 and I want to change to 3+2+2/8. So, I am taking my printed version of the 
manual. OK. There are several choices. Since I do not know how many measures I 
will need in composite time, I click 'Measure to next time change'. I'm writing 
in 3+2+2/8 (ms. 4) and now I want out of it. I want 2/4. I open the dialog box 
again. There's no way to change the thing. It says 'Measure to next time 
change' (ms. 4). I click ms. 5, nothing happens. Ms. 0? Ms. 15? OK, I did 
something stupid again. Let's do it over. Btw. The undo and redo options do not 
work, they are in gray and not in black, I do not know why. OK. This time I am 
clicking Measure-Through, thinking that if I want to change time I can click on 
the icon and then on the measure and it will let me
 change. I'm entering the notes again. Now I want to go to 2/4. Btw, I'm 
writing this for flute and piano, but since the piano doesn't work I use the 
harp (OK, this is my fault, I guess I do not have enough memory). The thing 
doesn't let me change the measure again. Now I do not know what to do. Let's 
try again. I have no clue. I can send an e-mail to MM. Their answer will be 
polite and to the point, but the problem is that I need to know it now. In the 
meantime I want to write some *music*. I need my concentration for other things 
than Finale. I do not want to call Wisconsin or wherever they are from here. 
OK, let's ask the forum. No one answers. It's obvious: Will didn't consult the 
manual again. 
In the meantime Will got really tired of it. I went to the Sibelius demo - with 
which I have been playing around for 4 days by now - I entered what I wanted, 
changing the measures was easy, after a couple of minutes I had what I wanted. 
Of course, I did it wrong with Finale. But I couldn't figure out how to do it 
right. It can't be that difficult, after all this is about changing a time 
signature two times for crying out loud. In the meantime I re-read Chapter 12 
of the famous manual and I still don't know how to do it. Maybe I am just plain 
stupid and then maybe Sibelius is more for stupid people like myself. I know 
that you are making your living by using Finale. You are a professional in 
these things. I am not. I am just a guy who wants to write some music without 
too much hassle, and, indeed, you are right, without studying this programme 
for months in a row. Is that so strange? 

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[Finale] Goodbye Finale

2007-08-03 Thread Will Denayer
I am tired of this program and I'm going to capitulate and do what everyone 
else does over here anyway: I'm going to use Sibelius. I can buy an educational 
copy, so it won't be expensive. I have been thinking about this thing for 
months and I am amazed that it is so difficult. I suppose I'm extremely stupid 
with computers, but there is just no way for me to understand why things work 
sometimes and sometimes not and that they work sometimes and sometimes not is 
not my fault. Today I typed in some music I had ready on paper using simple in 
Finale and I did the same with Sibelius (I have been using the free download 
for 3 or 4 days) and it is obvious that Sibelius is easier *for me*. 

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[Finale] Problems with measures

2007-08-02 Thread Will Denayer
Dear All, 

I am having some little problems again. 
I was writing in 3/4 and wanted a compound measure next. I opened the bar tool 
(it says 4/4 I think), filled in what I wanted, clicked OK, no problem. A 
couple of measures later, I wanted to go back to 3/4, so I clicked the bar tool 
again, but this time I couldn't go back as the two areas to choose from (top 
(for '3') and bottom (for '4' - I don't know how these are called in English) 
of the figure) are disabled. I do not understand why. The manual does not 
explain it. 
I also noted that if I correct something and I change my mind again, I cannot 
use 'redo' or 'undo'. It used to work. It seems to be disabled now. I do not 
know why and I do not find an explanation for it. 
Finally, I cannot use the piano. When I open a document for piano, the thing 
will completely freeze. If not, it let me write down some notes. When I try to 
play them back, the programme stops working. It's bad because I could use a 
Thank you for reading. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 


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[Finale] DB part

2007-07-05 Thread Will Denayer

"The DB sounds an octave lower than written. E.g., if it reads a cello  
part (which is often does, hence the term Double Bass), it will sound  
an octave lower than the celli."

Dean, I know that, the question is: how can I notate for DB and make the 
playback play back the part an octave lower? 
I cannot figure this out. 
Best, Will 

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[Finale] transposition db

2007-07-02 Thread Will Denayer
'You need to setup the transposition properly for a double bass staff. 
Set the transposition to be Up Octave, then use mass mover to transpose
the whole staff down an octave.  You will get the lower octave for 
playback sound since that's the "real" data, and you'll see the music
 an octave higher since that's the "display data."'

I am sorry, but I do not understand this, could someone please explain this in 
a bit more detail? 
Thank you and best regards, Will 

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[Finale] db harmonics

2007-07-01 Thread Will Denayer

Dear Christopher, 
I am using Finale 2007c with Garritan Pers. Orch. 2 and the playback engine is 
Kontakt 2. 
I am talking about double bass solo KS. Artificial harmonics (using TGT) play 
back correctly, natural harmonics (articulation tool - no.21), do not play 
back, I hear the note which is written.

Best regards,  Will  

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[Finale] Double Bass

2007-06-30 Thread Will Denayer
I just found out that the double bass (solo) play backs as is written and not 
an octave lower. Is there a way to change this? Strangely enough, artificial 
harmonics (for which I use TGT tools) play back, but natural harmonics (which I 
notate using the articulation tool and then no. 21) do not. If this is normal, 
why is this so? 

Best regards, Will 

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[Finale] Haydn lost concerto

2007-06-30 Thread Will Denayer
Dear All, 

I would like to ask a question which does not deal with Finale. I hope this all 
right, if not, please accept my apology. 
It seems that Haydn wrote a Double Bass Concerto of which, unfortunately, only 
two bars exist (whether the rest was written and went lost or was never 
written, I do not know). Does anyone know where I could find these two bars? I 
have the intention of participating in a competition and the piece has to be 
based on these two bars. 

Thank you for reading. Best regards,  Will 

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[Finale] chord

2007-06-30 Thread Will Denayer

>> "Bbsus(add2)" or "Bbsus4/2" (without the slash and with the "4/2"
>> stacked vertically, like "6/9") is pretty widely used and understood
>> in pop music. But I'm not sure if that's the chord that's actually
>> intended here. "Bb(add9, sus4)" is a bit ambiguous -- it's possible
>> that what's really wanted is "Bb9sus." The difference is, "Bb9sus"
>> has a b7 (Ab) in it and "Bbsus(add2)" does not.

I'm sorry for asking, but wouldn't it be easier to just notate the whole chord? 

Best, Will 

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[Finale] Taxes

2007-06-29 Thread Will Denayer

Does anyone know if one has to pay any kind of taxes (besides the 
outrageous shipping price!), when ordering the 99$ upgrade from MM and 
having it shipped to Europe?

Dennis, I bought my copy of Finale 2007 in the USA. They shipped it to Ireland, 
I do not recall how much it was, but it was not much. No one asked me to pay 
any taxes or duties. 
Where in Europe are you? If this is a problem for you, you can let it ship to 
my address in Ireland and I will send it to you, no problem. 
Best, Will 

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[Finale] notation

2007-06-24 Thread Will Denayer

Many thanks, Mass edit tool plus press 4 and the thing looks like notation 

Best, Will 

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[Finale] Is this a bug?

2007-06-22 Thread Will Denayer

Hi Christopher, 

Thanks for your answer. As to your questions, I never touched the box in 
Measures Attributes and I did not create a mirror. 
I know I need to cancel the pizz. marking with an arco marking, but  this 
cannot explain this phenomenon because otherwise the first and the third notes 
in the second measure (bar?) would also be pizz. 

I also came across something else. I was writing a short bridge for harp solo, 
it's in 4/4. I decided to include one measure in 3/4. After I did this, the 
measures did not longer fill in with rests as they always do (I did not change 
the command for this). I had measures in 4/4 with only 3 beats and measures in 
3/4 with only two beats. The end of the solo is a glissando which I wrote out 
completely in 32 notes. These notes and their signs got jammed together and are 
now completely unreadable - the measure did not become 'longer' when putting a 
lot of notes in it; it became 'shorter' when I put the 3/4 measure in.  What am 
I doing wrong? 

Dennis, thank you for the explanation and the picture. 

Thank you for reading and with best regards,  


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[Finale] Is this a bug?

2007-06-21 Thread Will Denayer

I was playing with the articulation tool, 3 measures in 4/4, all quarter notes 
for violin KS. I put a pluck symbol above the second and the fourth note of the 
first measure to see if the playback would be right. It is, but the programme 
plays the second and the fourth note of the second and the third measure (where 
I did not put any marks) also as plucks. I closed the document and opened a new 
one and did exactly the same. The playback is still wrong. How can I remedy 
this? Is this a bug? 

Best regards, 


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[Finale] a potential improvement?

2007-06-21 Thread Will Denayer
I am of course still a complete neophyte in Finale, but so far and given my 
needs which are not particularly complex at all, I am not displeased. The thing 
I dislike the most is the manual, which I often find hard to understand. Of 
course, it has to do with the fact that my native language is not English, but 
this manual gives me a chaotic impression anyway and I always lose a lot of 
time looking things up. It's probably not economically feasible, but it would 
be great if the manual would be re-written and translated in French for 
example. I also did not understand the ongoing discussion about what Britten 
could not have done in Finale and I am sorry for asking, but what are staggered 
barlines and superimposed rhythms? 

With best regards, 


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[Finale] Harmonics for strings

2007-06-10 Thread Will Denayer

Hello All, 

Perhaps some of you remember me. I had surgery and I am much better now. And I 
can see normally again after a really long and agonizing time. 
I have a question. It is not clear to me how I can write harmonics for strings 
- both natural and artificial ones. 
I looked it up in the manual, but there is not much about it. They mention a 
plug which can help you to write harmonics, but I do not find this plug either 
(I am using Finale 2007c). 
Could someone please explain to me how I can notate harmonics? For natural 
harmonics, there are little circles in the articulation tool - I do not know 
which one is for harmonics. As for the others, I do not find the diamond shaped 
notes. Will they sound as harmonics when I use playback? What is the function 
of the plug that is mentioned in the manual? Is this plug useful? 

Thank you for reading and with very best regards, 


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[Finale] Re: Finale Digest, Vol 43, Issue 8

2007-02-06 Thread Will Denayer

I can think of at least one example where practice followed theory, and that's 
the case of 
modal/Garlandian notation in the Parisian Organum repertory. The fact 
is that the theorists wrote about the rhythmic modes and invented 
mode 2 (short long) to balance mode 1 (long short), but at the time 
of the theorizing, mode 2 really didn't exist. But after the 
theorizing, music started being composed that *did* use mode 2, 
because it had been revealed theoretically, and so was then used in 
actual music. (Fenton) 

Sure, and this happened in electronic music too. It happened so often, also in 
Bartok, but this isn't actually my thesis, which I do not feel like explaining 
again, since I did it yesterday already. 

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[Finale] music theory

2007-02-06 Thread Will Denayer

>>Music Theory, maybe throughout history, is and was always a result 
>>of analizing, ...
>Ah, yes. I've always thought this was true.

hey will, don't generalize, i had some really interesting profs over 
the years... well, at least one.

(yeh i thought that would go unnoticed too)

I did not write any of this and this should be clear to anyone following this 
discussion. I wrote something completely different.
So check your case before you say something condenscending. 

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[Finale] Music theory

2007-02-05 Thread Will Denayer

Music Theory, maybe throughout history, is and was always a result of

analizing, closely watching at and listening to what other people

already *did*. A rule did not neccessarily apply to them, as theory

was always sort of later than the actual works theory dealt with. So

what is does is to afterwards find out why certain horizontal /

vertical elements of music actually sound good, for example. 
  We often seem to assume that theory follows practice, because to argue the 
reverse seems nonsensical, but perhaps the attitude or even the worldview which 
would give rise to theoretical treatises in the field of music as in many other 
fields became embedded in the practice of writing music from a certain point 
onwards to begin with and then this thesis makes no sense. On an anecdotical 
note, what about composers such as Hindemith and Messiaen who both wrote long 
theoretical treatises and started to compose from there? What about Schoenberg 
and Webern who’s theoretical work on polyphony (it was the topic of his 
doctoral dissertation) was enormously important for his compositional output? 
What about the theories of Boulez, Stockhausen and Xenakis? What about 
electronic music? In the cases where theory came ‘sort of later’, it would be 
interesting to know how much later and for which reasons. This is something 
that I am asking myself. I do not know when Bach became the prime
 example to study when talking about traditional counterpoint. We accept Bach’s 
‘rules’ now as the common rules of counterpoint (although Bach broke a lot of 
them). This is because Bach’s ‘rules’ make a lot of sense to us now, but maybe 
also because there were powerful interests behind it during the 19th Century? 
Because we all had to learn it? I do not know much about this, but I wish there 
was more interest in other important polyphonic composers, in Ockeghem for 
example, who I find unbelievably good. 
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[Finale] 2007b download

2007-01-26 Thread Will Denayer
Hi Marilyn, Noel, Allen, Just to say that I downloaded the file again and I 
could open it immediately, so 2007b is operational now. Many thanks for your 
advice, Will

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[Finale] Finale 2007b download

2007-01-24 Thread Will Denayer
Hi, I downloaded Finale 2007b today. When the download was complete, a Finale 
symbol (with arrow) could be found on my desktop. I cannot open the file 
directly and I do not know how to open it from Finale (2007a). First, I thought 
I had to re-start the computer, but that doesn't make a difference. What am I 
doing wrong? Thank you in advance, Will 

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[Finale] Tuplet tool

2007-01-18 Thread Will Denayer

1)  Enter the first quarter note in the measure
2) Select the tuplet tool ...

Thank you Noel, this is exactly what I am doing, but it doesn't work.
If I follow the procedure you mention (which is also exactly what the manual 
says), the tuplet tool lets me enter 5 notes (the first one included), so there 
is one too short.
I am sorry for asking, but mabe you can just try this for yourself (I am doing 
it in simple entry, Finale07a Windows). 
Just to see what would happen, I told the tuplet tool that I want seven quarter 
notes. Then it lets me enter six ones. When I go to the next measure, a quarter 
rest appears on the last beat of the previous measure, so I have 6 quarter 
notes (with a sign '7' above it) on three beats and a quarter rest.
Could this be a bug? 
As for Hiro, of course I want people to understand what I am writing. This is 
not an especially strange rythm at all (see Bartok Op. 18 for ex.). And I do 
not want one measure in 6/4. I want the rythm in 4/4 with a '6' above it.  
Best regards, Will

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[Finale] irregular rythm

2007-01-17 Thread Will Denayer
Could someone please explain to me how I can put 6 quarter notes in a 4/4 
measure? I looked it up and thought I knew how to do it, but I am doing 
something wrong and I end up with things I do not want. 
Sorry about this, but I am stuck. Best and thank you, Will

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[Finale] Tuplet tool

2007-01-16 Thread Will Denayer
Hello. I am having another problem. It really bugs me. I am writing in 4/4. In 
one measure I want 6 quarter notes to fill the measure. So, I type the first 
note and then I click on the tuplet tool. When the window opens, I type that I 
want 6 quarter notes in the space of 4 quarter notes. I click OK. I do not know 
why this happens, but I can only enter 5 quarter notes (I am using simple 
entry). I tried it many times. Eventually, I typed in the window that I want 7 
quarter notes in the space of 4 (just to see what would happen). I entered 6 
quarter notes (7 is impossible). When I went to the following measure, the 
program fills in one quarter rest in the previous measure, so the 6 notes where 
written in the first 3 beats, contrary to my instructions. What am I doing 
Best regards, Will

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[Finale] 7/8

2007-01-16 Thread Will Denayer
I have a problem. I want the time signature to be 2+3+2/8. Is there a way I can 
write this in Finale? A possibility would be to write 7/8 and to divide the 
first measure with dotted lines, but I do not know how to do this either - and 
I didn't find it in the manual. Best regards, Will

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[Finale] mozart

2007-01-12 Thread Will Denayer

I am convinced that the Galant style was a very rhetorical style, 
much like the French Baroque, where you have to get the gestures and 
nuance right or it just sounds terrible. It takes a lot of style to 
get the music off the page ...
I played a lot of the Mozart sonatas when I was young. I have never done any 
research regarding the early Classical era or what came immediately before it 
(but I find the things you are mentioning very interesting). I think that to 
get the music off the page, Mozart demands unbelievable attention to all 
possible details and gestures as well as extreme precision and even then the 
results are not inspiring. I just do not find it great music. It’s quite 
possible, I think (and know), to play Bach or Beethoven (or Liszt) and if you 
play a note or two notes wrong or even if you miss a whole measure, there is 
still a chance to do something musically satisfying, it’s not per se ruined, 
but it would be in a Mozart piece. Two years ago, there was a student here who 
came close to improvisation in the middle of a Scriabin poem. Musically 
speaking, I didn’t find the result so bad at all. I found that quite 

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[Finale] Mozart

2007-01-11 Thread Will Denayer

The problem with pre-classical and early classical music is quite
> complex. There are very good reasons why we find a lot of that music
> boring today. It is true I have done some music from that period, but
> I very carefully selected it, and I am carefully trying to avoid the
> boring music which I think you refer to.

Just to say something non provocative, I always found the piano sonatas (with 
only a couple of exceptions (movements only!)) extremely boring and I mean 
extremely boring.
I find a lot of the piano concertos boring too. I haven't been listening to the 
symphonies for decades. Recently, I had the pleasure of listening to the 
Requiem performed by Herreweghe. It's not because he's a Belgian too, but this 
is the best version by far I ever heard. 
It was fantastic. 
Best, Will



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[Finale] my work

2007-01-05 Thread Will Denayer
Dear David,

Forget it. No harm done. What you said was completely fair, I should read the 
manua (and I am). I didn't know anything about the piracy problem and that 
makes complete sense too. With best regards, Will

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[Finale] My work

2007-01-05 Thread Will Denayer

'I must compliment the folks on this list for their kind and caring 
attitude, and willingness to help others. What started as a mild 
annoyance at someone asking seemingly "simple" questions 
might have turned into an ugly "flame" on another list. Instead, 
it was treated gently, with patience and understanding - and 
when the details of a member's visual handicap were revealed, 
I'm sure most of us suddenly felt very proud to be a member 
of such a group of people helping people.'

Well, let me add something to this. Untill a couple of years ago, my eyes were 
just fine. During the last two years, things have become much worse. I can 
imagine that I have been something like a pain to this forum asking simple 
questions, but, on the other hand, I am certain that no one with normal 
eyesight can imagine what it means to live in darkness, it is not complete 
darkness, but it is pretty dark regardless of how many times you enlarge 
something (like a manual for example). 
I absolutely want to write a couple of pieces this year (instead of being a 
mere theorist), because if it gets worse, I am lost (but I am stuck for the 
moment). I read some interviews with Morton Feldman a while ago – he was very a 
verbose person and I like the things he said. While listening to his music 
(some of which I really like) something struck me. It is as if I can hear his 
bad eyesight. I know that this sounds strange, but in my mind I see him working 
on these long, slow pieces with his nose very close to his score, pondering 
every detail for a much longer time than what would be the case normally. I am 
sure something like this played a role. Just a thought, Will 



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[Finale] the manual

2007-01-02 Thread Will Denayer

'Rather than beginning a message with an almost boastful "Yes, David, 
you are right. But I'm doing my best." in response to David Fenton's 
questioning of whether Will has worked through the tutorials.  It 
doesn't really seem that Will is doing his best ...'

Hello David, I understand what you are saying and I appreciate. But, since you 
don't know me, let me explain. I have been asking rather simple questions here 
- and always got a pertinent response, for which I am very grateful - because I 
find it easy. I have big problems reading these days because my eyesight is 
extremely poor. To read a book (which can lie flat), I use a magnifier with a 
bulb, but my bulb broke down. Now, you can say, 'buy another bulb' and I 
ordered some, but this is Ireland and everything goes unbelievably slow here. 
To work on the computer, I use a headband with magnifying glasses. It's 
something that jewellers use to set stones or to do very detailed work. The 
problem with that is that it magnifies only a little area at a time, so all 
these things are difficult for me. There is no way that I can read pocket 
scores, not even with a magnifier. I cannot even read full scores (the big 
Dover format), so I have to copy everything into a bigger format So I
 will print the manual and copy it, but give me a couple of days. I am in the 
process of writing something and I really want to go on with it. 
With best regards, Will  

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[Finale] Measures

2007-01-02 Thread Will Denayer

Doesn't doubleclicking the measure tool add a new measure in Simple, 
just as it does in Speedy?

Is this another case where Will has not worked through the tutorials?

Yes, David, you are right. But I am doing my best. On the other hand, my wife 
and daughter are on holidays, so everything is very calm here, I don't have to 
teach this week, it's a great time to try to write something.
I have two new problems. 1) I doubleclicked the measure tool 15 times in a row 
and now I am going to have a couple of measures too many. How can I delete 
measures at the end of the piece where there will be nothing written? 
2) I need a couple of measures (say two) between measures 15 and 16. I need 
measure 15 (which is written), then m.16 new (empty for now), m.17 (also empty) 
and then m. 16 (the old one, where there is music). How can I create these two 
empty measures without getting into a lot of trouble with shifting notes etc.? 
Thank you for reading and with best regards, Will


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[Finale] Bar 32

2006-12-31 Thread Will Denayer
I guess this is really stupid, but I do not find the solution myself. I am 
writing one of my slow pieces and after a couple of days I got to measure 32. 
Whatever I do, I am not able to make more measures (bars). Coud someone please 
help me? I am working with simple entry on Windows. Thank you in advance, Will

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[Finale] Cyclic redundancy check ?

2006-12-31 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, 
I wrote something a couple of weeks ago. I opened the file (.MUS) a couple of 
days ago and all was fine. I cannot open it anymore. When I try to open the 
file, finale takes a long time and finally gives the message: Data error: C 
(etc. location). Cyclic redundancy check. Does anyone knows what this means? Is 
there still a way to open the file or is it gone? I didn't make a backup, it 
was only an exercise anyway. 
Best regards and happy 2007, Will  (Fin 2007a, Windows XP) 

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[Finale] Scanning a score

2006-12-29 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All,

I received the Hawkes Pocket Score from Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra which I 
bought at Amazon. The score looks fine but the print is so small that I can 
hardly read it. This is probably not going to work, but I was thinking that it 
should be possible to scan it into Finale - or just scan it so that it is a 
PDF-file (?). I think it will be a lot of trouble because it is 147 pages. Do 
you think it's worth the try or should I just photocopy the thing to a larger 
size? Best wishes for the new year to all, Will

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[Finale] Microtones

2006-12-21 Thread Will Denayer

"I am very interested in microtonal music. I have not tried this in 
finale, even as a user who works with Finale almost twenty years. If 
you are sucessfull in Finale, please tell me." 

Hi Kurt, 
I am very interested in microtonal music too. For the moment, I do not have a 
clue about how to do this in Finale (I am still a newbie), but I will look into 
it and I will let you know everything I find out.
On the other hand, tuning an instrument lower or higher cannot be too difficult 
(not that I looked into that yet either), perhaps it can be done in studio 
view. I will know more soon. 

For the rest, I finally managed to open the Manual (after three months!). I 
didn't download Adobe 8. I do not know what was wrong with it, or indeed, 
whether it will still open tomorrow. I am a musician, I do not know anything 
about computers. 

Best regards and wishes, Will Denayer

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[Finale] The manual addendum

2006-12-18 Thread Will Denayer
Just to see, I went to the GPO site and copied Darcy's manual, which is in PDF. 
This manual opened immediately without any ado whatsoever. So, there is nothing 
wrong with my Adobe Reader. 
I do not understand this. 
Best, Will

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[Finale] The Manual

2006-12-18 Thread Will Denayer

With respect to opening the manual for Finale, you wrote earlier that 
you converted the ~.pdf files to ~.rtf format.  Based upon that 
statement, if it were me, here's what I'd do. 

Hello Noel, 

Thank you very much for your help. I tried to do today what you were saying. I 
did everything right, at least I could follow all the steps. The manual still 
doesn't open. Did anyone else had this problem before too? Is it possible that 
there is something wrong with my copy. This really begins to annoy me 
With best regards, Will

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[Finale] Microtones

2006-12-18 Thread Will Denayer

"the piece i am working on has 
massive microtonal glissandi, often arou dthe same pitches, so it 
would be (would have been) good for a C-score to better visualize 

Just being curious, if you write microtones, does Finale play them back? 
Is there a way to 'wrongly' tune an instrument, say a violin which has to play 
the notes as written but 2 comma's lower? 
Best regards, Will

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[Finale] The manual

2006-12-16 Thread Will Denayer
Hello Aaron, 

What can I do to finally open this manual? Why doesn't it work? Do you have any 
ideas? Best, Will

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[Finale] The Manual

2006-12-14 Thread Will Denayer

Nothing? Doesn't the right side change to the appropriate Table of 
Contents for the chapter you clicked on? If not, then you should try 
downloading and reinstalling Adobe Reader, per my last post.

 >When I click on 'See next chapter' at the right hand of the screen, 
 >gives me the index of the new chapter.

That's right. And doesn't display the first page of that chapter on the 

Dear Aaron, 

No, seriously, nothing happens. I get pdf files from work often and they all 
work fine, so I assume that
there is nothing wrong with the reader. And no, I do not see any first page of 
any chapter, if so, I would
have solved this a long time ago. Best regards, Will

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[Finale] Jabb for sale

2006-12-14 Thread Will Denayer
When I saw this message, I remembered that Chuck and someone else were talking 
about saxes and buying JABB. Maybe this is of some help: 

 I bought the full versions of GPO and JABB for Finale 2006 and 2007, but for 
the past year, I've only been using the program for notation.
So, I've listed JABB on Ebay:


It's de-registered and been approved by N-I for resale. Thanks for looking; I 
hope it goes to good use!


Best regards, Will

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[Finale] The manual

2006-12-13 Thread Will Denayer
"What doesn't open -- Adobe or the Finale Manual?"
  Dear Aaron and Christopher, 
  I dunno. 
  I try to open the manual by clicking on the book button (or going to Help, it 
is the same). On the right, you can then see what I assume is the first page of 
the manual, while on the left, you can see the adobe icons for every chapter. 
Nothing happens when I click these icons. When I click on 'See next chapter' at 
the right hand of the screen, it gives me the index of the new chapter. Sorry, 
it begins to wear me out. Christopher, unfortunately I am on Windows.  
  Best regards and thanks again for your valuable help, Will

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[Finale] Glissando notation and play back

2006-12-13 Thread Will Denayer

It's one of the Smart Shapes.  Enter your starting note and your ending 

note and the use the smart shape tool and select the squiggly diagonal 

line, if you just want the line.




I found the squiggly diagonal line a while ago through my own efforts (i.e. 
without the ‘manual’), but I am not pleased with it. I thought that a glissando 
is being written as a straight line between notes (even so if it cannot be 
literally executed as is written), while gliss. is being written the first 
time. This said, I am not pleased with the way the play back produces the 
effect either. It’s difficult to put this into words. The play back gives you 
all the notes between the first and the last note in a too distinctive way; the 
effect I wanted is more like a long completely smooth line (the difference is 
easy to sing; the first way is not so easy to sing because you still need to 
articulate all the intermediate notes, the second way is very natural, you just 
go from the beginning to the end). How can I notate this? 

Thank you for your help and with best regards, Will


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[Finale] GPO upgrade

2006-12-13 Thread Will Denayer

I haven't seen this mentioned, but Garritan is having a group buy this 
year. Great way to get the full version of GPO, Jazz Band, and/or the 
Strat Violin libraries.


I would be interested in buying a full orchestra version of GPO for $139, but 
we need to find 200 buyers. 
How can we ever do this, and besides I live in Europe (or almost, in Ireland). 
Best regards, Will

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[Finale] The 'Manual'

2006-12-13 Thread Will Denayer

With all due respect, Will, now that you've found the manual, why not 
just look up 'Glissandos' in the Index?

Because I still can't open the freaking thing.
I have Adobe Reader, but it doesn't open, so I converted 43 files or so into 
rtf (I think) and now I have 43 copies of the index. 
God thank I'm not a plumber. 
Best regards, Will 

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[Finale] Glissandi

2006-12-12 Thread Will Denayer

Aaron, thanks a lot for you explanation, now it all makes sense.
I found the manual and promise to read it. Would someone be willing to explain 
to me how I can notate glissandi? With best regards, Will

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[Finale] Grace notes

2006-12-11 Thread Will Denayer
  Hello Christopher, Noel, David,
  When I press alt – G (which is indeed the right command for a grace note in 
easy entry), something really bizarre happens. This is what I did. I created 
one staff in 4/4 and notated 4 quarter notes for the first measure, so this 
measure is full. I wanted to start the second measure with 5 grace notes, so I 
pressed alt-G and put in the notes. The notes start by counting back (!): the 
first eight grace note positions itself on the second part of the last beat of 
the previous measure and so on. If I put in more than eight 8 notes, the ninth 
8 note positions itself in front of where the music started. When I put in more 
notes, they also go to a measure which does not exist (a measure before measure 
one). When I play back, all the regular notes are sounded simultaneously with 
some of the grace notes
I apologise for my incompetence, but I, as I explained, I did not find the 
manual, so I try to learn by doing and asking. There is another problem which 
bugs me. For some time, I did not know how to tie a note to the next one (in 
easy entry), although there is a button for it. The problem was that I did not 
see this button because it was not on my screen. The last button I could see in 
the left corner was – ½ and the tie button is below it. I only found it when I 
closed the main tool palettes and the play back functions. Then the tie button 
came up. There is row of symbols on my screen which I do not use for the 
moment, but I cannot do this row away to have more space. The row starts with 
the symbol for ‘Show margins’ and ends with ‘Automatic Music Spacing’. With 
best regards, Will
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[Finale] The 'Manual'

2006-12-11 Thread Will Denayer

> I was going to suggest that you read the user manual, but it is
> horrible in indexing grace notes and simple entry, so I can't even in
> good conscience tell you to read the manual.

Does Finale no longer include the excellent tutorials? It would seem 
that either it does not, or Will has not worked through even one of 

Well, I wanted to ask about this before, but it sounds so stupid that I 
refrained myself from doing so. 
When I ask something, people refer to the manual, but which manual? My version 
of Finale (2007) came together with a book called Installation Guide and 
Tutorials. These tutorials are pretty easy, but at the end of every chapter 
they refer you to ... the manual if you want to know more.
This mythical manual is probably on my hard disk, which is some sort of magical 
thing to me anyway, but where? The only thing I found so far are the videos, 
which I understand, although they go too quick to make notes. 
OK, I guess you are all laughing now. Best regards, Will

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[Finale] A compliment

2006-12-11 Thread Will Denayer

"I am always impressed with the decency of the members, and the concern 
they show in their attempts to solve other people's problems. Many thanks to 
all of you who have submitted suggestions."

Well, absolutely. I find this very impressive. Thanks to all, Will

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[Finale] Beats

2006-12-11 Thread Will Denayer
Hello Noel, Christopher,

Hitting the ";" does not do anything. I am working in easy entry - can you 
still help me? 
Thank you and with best regards, 


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[Finale] Beats

2006-12-11 Thread Will Denayer


Let us know what system (Win, Mac) and version you are on, as the  
answer changes according to these criteria.

Christopher, I am using Windows XP and Finale 2007. Best regards to all, Will

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[Finale] Gubaidulina

2006-12-09 Thread Will Denayer
Raymond, thanks for your story. Stimmen is a symphony in 12 parts. Here too 
there is a lot of difference in the quality of the individual parts. Some, 
though really the minority, are really good in my humble opinion, and there are 
some which I find mediocre and some which are terrible. I didn't know 
Gubaidulina untill recently when I heard one of her string quartets. I ordered 
Stimmen ( and Stufen, again, of which the first part is really beautiful, but 
not the rest), because I wanted to hear more and because this CD with the 
Stockholm got very good reviews on Amazon. The Nono CD got very good reviews 
too. Sometimes I think that almost everything gets good reviews on Amazon. Or 
maybe it's just me getting Alzheimer. I recently bought Five pieces for 
Orchestra by Schoenberg. The Ode to Napoleon is also on that CD. After many 
years, I listened to it again. I don't like this piece. I also bought 
Stravinsky's Symphony in C - it doesn't do a thing to me. Best regards, Will 


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[Finale] Gubaidulina

2006-12-08 Thread Will Denayer
Aaron, thank you very much, you are a big help. These little things help me so 
much. I really appreciate. 
Raymond, no. The symphony I am talking about is Stimmen ... Verstummen on 
Chandos with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic. It also contains Stufen. I 
listened to it again for several times last evening and I'm still disappointed. 
I heard a string quartet of her before which I found magnificent. The big 
downer is still Nono. So, please tell us your story. I am interested in her 
work. Best regards, Will

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[Finale] Expression tool

2006-12-07 Thread Will Denayer
Dear All, 
Thank you very much for helping me out. I will buy more memory if possible, we 
will see on Saturday. I copied the music I was talking about to a new document 
for 3 violins and 2 celli (instead of sections) and now it plays back normally. 
I do have another question: if you open the expression tool and scroll down the 
list, there are some expressions - tremelo, harmonics and so on - which can 
only be used when HP is off. How can I put HP off? Suppose I am writing for a 
violin KS, will the play back give me harmonics if I write them? 
I bought two CD's, one is Fragmente and hay que caminar by Luigi Nono; the 
other is a symphony by Sofia Gubaidulina. So far I'm disappointed in both - I 
had expected it to be much better. 
Respectfully, Will 

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[Finale] My memory

2006-12-06 Thread Will Denayer
I looked up the specifications of my computer (which is a notebook). Here they 
Intel R Celeron R M 
processor 1.40 GHz
1.39 GHz, 448 MB of RAM
Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, version 2002. 

This piece of music which does not play back normally is very short, only 16 
measures, all long notes, very slow tempo, but it is in five parts, 3 violin 
sections KS and 2 cello sections KS. Do you think that I do not have sufficient 
memory for this? If not, can I buy more and how can I do this? For me, as a 
computer illiterate, it is strange to consider that I do not have enough memory 
to play this back, as I wrote a couple of exercises of more than 32 and even 40 
measures. For me, to work well, I should be able work on a piece with over 300 
or 400 measures, so what am I going to do? I am sorry to disturb you with this, 
but I am worried.
Best regards, Will

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[Finale] Human Playback - Corrupt file ?

2006-12-05 Thread Will Denayer
Dear All, I have a problem again. I wrote some music for strings in five parts. 
After that I did something else. When I later reopened the file, I could not 
get the program to play it back to me in an acceptable way anymore: the strings 
do not sound like strings, it sounds more like a demented midi-file, the sound 
trembles and there are huge (unwanted) accents at the beginning of every new 
measure, it's terrible. I checked other files and they play back normally. I 
checked human playback and everything seems to be as it has to be. What is 
going on? 
Could someone please explain to me how I can copy the notes from this document 
to a new one? Since other files do play back normally, I was thinking that if I 
would copy all the notes to a new file, well, maybe this file would play back 
normally. Sorry, but it's almost 7:30 in the morning over here and I worked on 
this all night. With best regards, Will

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[Finale] Ludwig

2006-12-04 Thread Will Denayer
Hello Johannes and John, 

Great explanation. I never heard about it before, very interesting. 
There seems to be a chess program which can also notate music - take a look at 
www.chessbase.com. I didn't read it yet, I had no time, but it looks 

Best regards, Will

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[Finale] Transposing

2006-12-03 Thread Will Denayer

Bach, for example, never wrote transposing 
instrumental parts, but did use different clefs for high, medium and 
low instruments.

(Yes, i know about his brass parts, and about chorton and kammerton, 
but please don't complicate things at this point!)

Hi John, I am only curious, what are chortons and kammertons? 
Sorry, don't know it. Best, Will

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[Finale] GPO

2006-12-01 Thread Will Denayer

"Maybe I would use GPO more if it wouldn't take so long to open the 
Finale files using it. I want to drink coffee when I want to, not 
just because I'm waiting until the sounds are loaded. And be honest - 
they are better than smart sound, but they are not good."

I think these GPO sounds are pretty good. I visited their site some weeks ago, 
because I was considering upgrading to full GPO, and I was really suprised 
about the quality of their sounds in general terms. There's even a rendering of 
the Lento of the Rite of Spring on their site, again, I found that pretty 
I am using Finale (or am planning to use it) for composition and, personally, I 
highly value the playback function. I can internally 'hear' all sorts of 
complex harmonies, but don't ask me to correctly imagine how a bassoon playing 
in the low register sounds together with a trumpet playing in the low register, 
a clarinet playing in the low register and a cello; strange as it may sound, 
this is something I cannot do very well at all, and so the playback helps me to 
give me a very reasonable idea. 
With best regards, Will

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[Finale] delete expressions

2006-11-30 Thread Will Denayer
OK, Thank you David and others, I will save my work on different media; the 
memory stick will do for now (but next year I am going to write a Piece :-)). 
Excuse me for asking, but can someone tell me how I can delete expressions and 
hairpins? Chuck, sorry for not coming back to you. It was very nice of you 
proposing to help me in French and I will keep it in mind. Best regards, Will 

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[Finale] hard disk

2006-11-29 Thread Will Denayer

"Phil, This cannot be the case. The computer I am using is less than 3 
months old. Thank you for the valuable feed-back from everyone."

Really. Ok. You are the expert. Hope you have a back up.

I'd take Phil's advise. Get a new drive, copy everything off the old 
one, then take your receipt and get the company to send you another. 
Most offer 1 year warranties, some up to 5.

No, I'm not an expert, as I am telling everyone every time, I don't know 
anything about computers, so I sometimes assume things. 
I have a memory stick. Do you think I can save my stuff on that? 
I read somewhere - I don't remember where - that there was a bug in Finale 
2001. Sometimes the program would not reproduce the last 9 (I think) bars of a 
piece when opening Finale again. I was wondering. This exercise which won't 
open anymore was only 2 or 3 bars long, just a series of progressions 
basically. Maybe that has something to do with it. I say this because, to my 
computer incompetent mind, my hard disk seems to be working normally for the 
rest. Respectfully, Will

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[Finale] hard disk error

2006-11-28 Thread Will Denayer

"CRC errors are the beginning sign of a failing hard drive.

1..You can run a disk repair tool, and if you haven't done much saving 
since the error, they can recover bad disk sectors.

2.. Buy a new hard drive immediately.

Phil Daley  < AutoDesk >"

Phil, This cannot be the case. The computer I am using is less than 3 months 
Thank you for the valuable feed-back from everyone. 

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[Finale] Error message and simple entry message

2006-11-28 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, 

I would like to ask two things.
First, something happened which really scares me. I wrote a little exercise 
some days ago. When I tried to open it this morning, I got the following 
' C:/Documents and Settings/Will/Desktop/MUS/ex21.MUS appears to be corrput; 
attempting to continue, but resulting document may be unstable. Data error 
(cyclic redundancy check).' 
I cannot open this ex.21 anymore. I do not care about this exercise, but I have 
one file which is serious work and I would absolutely hate to lose it. What can 
I do? Is there a way to protect myself this from happening? Do I need to make 
backups and store them somewhere else? How do you anticipate such things? 
Second, I am writing a piece (on three staves). For the moment it is in 4/4 all 
the way. It's basically a double canon. Suppose that I want to interrupt the 
flow at some point. I would like the whole texture to go forward three beats, 
so that I can write something else there. Is there an easy way of doing this 
(in simple entry)?  
Thank you for reading and with best regards, Will (Finale 2007 and Windows XP) 

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[Finale] Violins KS

2006-11-18 Thread Will Denayer
Hello Chuck, Jim and others, 

Thank you very much. So, if I understand this correctly, I can write for 
violins KS and when I want pizz. I can just write pizz. in the score and the 
program will recognise it on the condition that I use human playback? What 
happens if I want harmonics? Is there a list of expressions and symbols that 
Finale recognises and plays back accordingly? Just out of curiousity, if this 
can be done like this, why is the program still giving you the option of 
violins pizz. and arco in the beginning? Jim, there is not really an error 
message, the program just tells me that the music has been written with an 
earlier version of Finale and that I need a plug-in if I want to play it back. 
I tried to reload the instruments, it does not help. Btw, I am not Irish, I 
live in Co. Cork, in the South of Ireland, but I am Belgian. I like it here, 
although the best place to eat out here is the hospital (as I found out past 
year after an accident). As for this CD, Chuck said it well indeed. There's
 a string quartet on it. Technically, I cannot write like this. It's very well 
written, but there is no life in it, no imagination, it never goes anywhere, 
there is nothing unexpected in it, I am sure we can discuss this till eternity, 
but there is no art in it, it's dead stuff, a textbook of academicism, I'm 
taking it back tomorrow. This said, I am going some sort of a phase these days 
in which many things begin to bore me, but, fortunately, I find new music which 
I find fascinating: Carter, string quartets of Gubaidulina (I really like 
this), Schnittke's cello concerto, symphonies of Petterson. Because we were 
discussing GPO earlier on, I went to the MM website, looked at the GPO full 
version and listened to some of the mp3's, among others of pieces which had won 
a composition competition and I really didn't like any of these at all. With 
best regards, Will Denayer 

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[Finale] Please don't all laugh and sigh ...

2006-11-17 Thread Will Denayer
Dear all, I would like to ask something really very basic, but since I do not 
know ... 
I am still figuring out Finale and it doesn't go quick. 
I am not very satisfied with the GPO-sounds which come with Finale '07. The 
sounds are fine, but I would like to have more instruments. This is not 
something I am going to do immediately, but for the longer term, what is your 
opinion about the GPO full version? Are there cheaper alternatives to GPO? 
To ask something really dumb: what means violins KS? They sound like regular 
violins to me. Suppose I write something and I use violins KS, violins pizz. 
and violins arco, what is happening in the final version? Finale will put 
everything on one stave, right (everything else would be ridiculous)? 
As for musical news, I cannot get over it. I bought a CD today with music of 
Nicola Lefanu, a British composer/professor of composition. Technically it's 
all perfectly written, but by god, this is boring stuff!

Respectfully, Will Denayer

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[Finale] Play score from earlier version

2006-11-17 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, 

A colleague sent me a MUS.file of something he has written and, indeed, I can 
open it with my Finale (2007) and read the score, but it will not play it. When 
I try to play the piece, a message appears saying that the file has been 
written using an earlier version of Finale and that I need to install a plug-in 
in order to be able to play the piece. Where can I find such a plug-in and how 
can I install it? I am sorry for asking something basic again, but I do not 
know the answer to this question, indeed, I am not sure that I know what a 
plug-in is ... With best regards, Will Denayer, Ireland

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[Finale] Importing a score

2006-10-25 Thread Will Denayer

> Aaron, Phil, The file I downloaded is in pdf.
> Best regards, Will

While there is a tool for reading scans and changing them into Finale  
notation, there are many errors and it is very fussy to do so. The  
easiest way is for you to enter it into Finale in the usual way by 

Even importing MIDI files gives errors that need to be corrected by  
hand, sometimes to the point that it is easier to enter it from zero  
by hand rather than by importing.

Thank you. Well, that is disappointing. It is not that I doubt you, absolutely 
not, but I just want to try it for myself. Suppose the file is in MIDI, how can 
I import it?
Best regards, Will 

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[Finale] Importing a score

2006-10-24 Thread Will Denayer
Aaron, Phil, The file I downloaded is in pdf. 
Best regards, Will

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[Finale] importing a score into Finale

2006-10-24 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, 
First, Thank you Nick, indeed the articulation tool did not work because I was 
in the wrong layer ... 
Second, suppose I have a score that I downloaded from the net - say a partita 
of Bach - and I want to import the score into Finale, so that I can look at the 
notes when the progamme plays the music. How can I do this? I am sorry, I guess 
this is easy for you, but I am still learning. 
Best, Will

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[Finale] Transpositions

2006-10-18 Thread Will Denayer
Hello David, Noel, Thank you very much for your answers - they are much 
appreciated. About the trumpet in C: I am sure I wouldn't hear the difference 
and I didn't want to imply I would. It's also not that terribly important 
because trumpet players can transpose while playing, but I was thinking that it 
might save me a transposition. I usually write everything in C first and then 
write it over for  the transposing instruments. I understand now that I can 
write everything as in C in Finale and then use the transposition tool where 
needed. This is great. 
On a completely different note: does anyone of you know of a good source for 
writing quartets? I am writing a piece for cello solo right now (my first one 
ever) and I find that unbelievably difficult. I cannot imagine writing for 
quartet. The big problem is that I do know the instruments well enough - I am 
playing the piano and I used to play the trombone a bit but I have no 
relationship with strings and so what I am writing lack finesse. The only text 
on orchestration I have is Piston, which I think is a good work, but for me his 
explanation on the string section is much too short. Thank you and best, Will 


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[Finale] Sharing scores and sound files

2006-10-18 Thread Will Denayer
Dear all, I am still figuring out Finale 2007 and I have some questions. 
Reading your posts, I do not think that you people realise how advanced you 
are, so, if anyone wants to answer me, please go very slow and do not assume I 
know a lot about computers, because I don't. 

1) I saw that the GPO does not list a trumpet in C. Suppose I want a trumpet in 
C in my score, can I somehow change Trum. Bb in C and write accordingly or is 
this just not an option (something I have to live with)?;

2) This one is easy for you, but not for me. Suppose I have a score ready and I 
want it to show to one of you. How can I send it to you using e-mail? Can I 
choose between several applications (pdf, microsoft word, ...), and if so, how 
do I do this? What is the best way of doing this?; 

3) Suppose I have a score ready and I would like you to listen to it, can I 
send the music to you? I noticed that some music is available on the net in 
MIDI format - this sounds to me like warehouse 'music' -, so I would like you 
to be able to listen to the music just as I wrote it for/with the GPO. Can I 
make a mp3-file of it, or how can I proceed? I apologise for my ignorance, but 
I really do not know;

4) Suppose I have a score ready and I am playing it on my own computer using 
the GPO. Can I burn the music onto a CD? 

5) Suppose I want more sounds / instruments than the GPO gives me (the version 
which comes with Finale '07), do I need to buy these sounds/instruments or can 
I use the NI Service Center or another resource on the net? 

6) Is there anywhere a list of plug ins, which list them and tells you what 
they are about? Suppose I am interested in a particular plug in, how can I 
'incorporate' this plug in into Finale? 
Thank you. I guess my day will come and then I will be able to help other. 
Best, Will

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[Finale] Note Pad and Bekakte

2006-10-11 Thread Will Denayer
Hello, I downloaded Note Pad a while ago and had no problem with it whatsoever. I think it works fine. There's no reason to not give it a try, in my opinion (as long as it doesn't give you the idea that Finale is easy).  As for bekakte, let me please add a final comment to this. It means full of shit much more than just shitty. It actually doesn't mean shitty at all. The music I write can be really shitty at times, but it would not be bekakt for that reason. Freud tells an anecdote somewhere about a dr. who is called to a house of very rich people - typical nouveaux riches - because the woman is going to give birth. This happens in Vienna. When he arrives, the time is not ripe yet, so the dr. and the husband decide to play a game of cards. Suddenly, the woman screams terribly 'my God, help me' in French. The husband panics, esp. when he notices that the dr. calmly goes on dealing the cards. 'Just be patient,'  he explains,'we are not there yet, trust me'. A
 couple of minutes later, the wife screams again, 'My God, I am dying, help me', this time in German. The dr. again calmly goes on playing the cards, to the complete consternation of the husband. Some time later on, the wife yells the same again, this time in Yiddish. The dr. goes to work immediately: indeed it's happening. According to Freud, these people were not 'shitty' - there's no reason to assume they were - but they were bekakt because their desire to assimilate into gentile society and to hide or make irrelevant their Jewishness -  and so, in Freud's opinion to ape the gentiles - was so strong that a real physical pain (labour) was needed to bring them back to the culture they came from in the first place. So, shitty refers to a degree of quality (lack thereof), bekakte refers to inauthenticity, pretentiousness, pretending, alienation (and neurosis, if you want).Best regards, Will  Send instant messages to your online friends
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[Finale] Bekakt

2006-10-11 Thread Will Denayer
Hi all, Just for what it is worth, the most precise translation of bekakt(e) is 'full of shit', but it actually means pretentious, noisy without content, little bourgeois-like (which has always been an insult in Yiddish). Still trying to figure out Finale, but doing well in languages ... Best, Will Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com ___
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[Finale] Native Instruments

2006-10-08 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, Finale 2007 comes with a link to Native Instruments. You need to subscribe before you can use it. They ask for your address and telephone number and so on and so, because I did not know, what I was subscribing to, I didn't do it yet. What is NI about? For the rest, I have still so many questions about what is possible and what is not. I would love to see a score by a 'modern classical' composer who is using Finale. Is this possible somewhere? Best regards, Will  
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[Finale] Speedy Entry

2006-10-02 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, Sorry for being tiresome, but I still have problems with speedy entry:   1) suppose I want to add other voices, how do I do this? Whatever I do, the thing stays in V1;   2) there is something I do not like in Speedy: if I have been typing, say, quarter notes and the last note was an F and then I press 3 because I want sixteen notes, the thing immediately produces a sixteenth F - am I doing something wrong, or is this just the way it is? Thanks and with best regards, Will    
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Finale mailing list

[Finale] Violin notation

2006-10-02 Thread Will Denayer
Thanks guys! Speed entry is going very well - my Use Midi device for input was not off (I knew it had to be off, but I unchecked Midi thru, which is something else). It works like cake now (if this is an English _expression_).   How can I write harmonics for violin?   How can I write a quarter E for a bow and two eight G's which have to be plucked at the same time for a violin?   Thank you all, you really help me. Sorry for my poor English, but I'm a Belgian (living in Ireland). Best regards, Will 
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[Finale] Speed entry on a notebook

2006-10-01 Thread Will Denayer
Hello Dennis, Chuck, David, Noel and others,      Thank you for all the good advice. I said earlier that I unable to use the speed entry tool. Someone told me to put Midi off, as otherwise I would only be able to enter rests. Actually, I couldn't enter anything (notes nor rests). Following this advice, I put Midi off and now I can at least enter rests using the numbers which are above my keyboard (for example, 4 is a quarter rest, 5 is a half rest ...), so we are making steady progress. However, I can still not enter any notes. Perhaps it is not possible to use speed entry on a notebook, although I think that I read somewhere a while ago that there has to be a function somewhere in Windows that lets you work on a regular notepad keyboard as if it were a keyboard for a desktop; I think  - but am not sure - that n m , correspond to 1, 2 3 and u i o to 8 9 0 if this function is turned on. I might be wrong about this though.
   Does anyone know about this? Why can I not enter notes? Best regards, Will    
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[Finale] BAK etc.

2006-10-01 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All, Thank you all very much. Someone said that I could just dragging the BAK-icon to the Finale-icon, and indeed, this works. I still have no clue as to why Finale saves some files as MUS and other as BAK, but I guess it is not a problem. As for the rest, I can type in notes, changes keys, changes tempo-marks, put in dynamics, hairpins, slurs, make tuplets and chords but I wish I could open these tutorials. I don't find them and I don't understand speed entry. There seem to be the two problems. First, I use a notebook and so I do not have a seperate numeric keyboard and, second, when I open the speed entry tool (I don't have MIDI either and I'm not planning on having one), when the frame with the V1 opens (voice 1), and then the manual (p.26) says that if you use the up/down arrow keys to move the pitch crossbar and the left/right arrow to move the insertion bar, you would see the purple cursor note, but it isn't there. This must sounds very stupid to most of
 you, but I am only a beginner. With best regards, Will 
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[Finale] BAK.files

2006-09-30 Thread Will Denayer
Thank you everyone, Now it makes sense again. However, I do not seem to be able to open a BAK.file (I can't find it inside Finale and when I click on the icon, Windows says that it cannot open the document but that it can look up the program on the net. When I click OK, nothing happens).   It's just that I do not want to lose work later on.   Of course, I am going to study the manual and the tutorials. One of the reasons for choosing Finale is that I was able to use Notepad first. I found this easy to work with. But now, I think Finale is really difficult - in general, my computer skills are very poor. I'm proud of myself that I managed to subscribe to this forum without help ... Best, Will 
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[Finale] Two little questions

2006-09-29 Thread Will Denayer
Hello All,     I am completely new to Finale. I bought Finale 2007 just a couple of days ago.   I would like to ask two questions:   1) when I create a new document using the document setup wizard, Finale brings me to a new document with the mixers on the left side for playback. I have to select page view to see the (empty) page. Can I change this so that it brings me immediately to page or scroll view?   2) for the moment, I am only making little exercises. If I click Save, a window appears asking me where I want the new document to be located. I choose desktop. This went right two times. The third time, the program crashed. I had to reboot. My third exercise is now saved as (name).BAK. I do not know what BAK stands for, but this really bothers me. What should I do?      Thank you for reading and with best regards,     Dr. Will Denayer - composer,
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