Sad to see this end.

2015-12-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I was introduced to the list when I got my first Fjord, Mids Olaf-99. I learned 
so much from reading and after a while asked questions and eventually even 
offered suggestions and ideas. 

You, so many of you posted to me on the list and privately when Olaf suddenly 
died in 2006 (necropsy showed it was a tear in his aorta.) Your support gave me 
the courage to get another horse, a Fjord of course.  

When I got Windy Acres Monty I learned he has siblings in the US. 

I too am going to miss the list and even the wonderful archives where I learned 
so much as a new Fjordhorse owner. It will be a shame that new Fjord owners 
won't have the access to the hundreds of years of collective knowledge on the 

Thank you Steve for bringing us together, for being patient with us, for the 
time outs from time to time and for the years the list. 

Thanks to all of you and us who have answered questions, offered help and 
supported all who have lost a beloved Fjord over all these years.

I have never met most of you but you have helped me in both happy and sad 
times.  You offered answers to many of my questions over many years and for 
that I owe you all a gratitude that I have tried to extend to new Fjord and 
horse owners in general. 

Thank you, God bless you and your Fjords/horses your barns.   

Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear

I will miss you.  

Jeanne Zuker, Monty

Sent from my iPhone

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Kim, Titan and Comanche

2014-01-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

My thoughts and prayers for all of you during this time.  Please keep us
posted on how they are doing.  I am sure they were so happy when you came to
visit, that is some of the best medicine you could have given.  Prayers that
they handle their hay w/o any issues and continue to heal and progress.

hope that the tests on the hay/feed can give you some much needed answers. Not
knowing the 'how' is maddening, so I hope you can get some peace on that.

am keeping Titan and Comanche on my St Francis prayer list for healing and
full healthy recovery.  

Jeanne and Windy Acres Monty
chilly MI

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update on Monty (rubbing his tail)

2012-12-11 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

Thanks again for all who gave suggestions..he is doing a lot better. 
 Cleaned his sheath but I don't think that was it.I got some detangler and 
sprayed that on his tail, worked it in and the next day started brushing 
itit helped.  I also sprayed some Listerine on him and that helpedI 
wrapped Duct tape around the knob.he saw that and nosed it a little and 
to eating his hayno more rubbing!!  So I am using the detangler and 
him tail, hope that it grows outhe did a number on it!  Whatever it is he 
comfortable and doesn't have any interest in rubbing his tail on the bucket 
anymore.  He and I are happy, AND he is enjoying the extra time I spend on his 
grooming and talking to him while he is eating.  Thank you all so much.

Now I will try to return the favor.  I ordered one of the Xhoses in a 50' 
(39.98+tax/shipping), I have a bad back and handling the 50' rubber hose in the 
winter can be a pain.  It isn't exactly winter here yet, but it has had some 
freezing temps., and the hose does work, it is lightweight and extends to the 
full length, and when the water is turned off, it retracts.  It does not have 
the full pressure of the rubber hose and I have to figure out how to weigh down 
the one end so it doesn't float out of the big tank but I really love it.  I 
bring it back in the house after I use it until I need it the next time. I can 
put it in a plastic bag like you get at Wal MartI have one of the reuse 
cloth bags that I keep it in.  It is very light weight and I think it will help 
with one of winters chores that I have dreaded.  It isn't made to be left out 
the cold/heat.  I think the longest length is 75'.  

I know there are other folks who have a bad back, etc., or like me, are getting 
older and appreciate things that can make our life a little easier.  I think I 
may order another one in case it doesn't hold up, I think with some care it 
be weighs a lot less then my purse!!! LOL  It has a shut off valve 
which is handy so it can be moved from place to place without having to use a 
nozzle.  I got mine from the Harriet Carter magazine, but I am going to do some 
internet searching and see if I can save on tax/shipping/handling.  

Monty is happy since his buckets and tank will be cleaned and filled easier 
which means more 'mommy and me time' for him. 

Jeanne and Monty
MI/ high today 34 degreesBUT they say we might see the SUN!!! :)

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Rubbing tail.....

2012-11-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

My Fjord, Windy Acres Monty, has found a new game.  He has been rubbing his 
on the handle area of the blue heated bucket in his stall at nighttoday I 
found him standing quietly in the back of his stallan unusual spot since he 
is always at the stall gate ready go outside, have breakfast and to start the 
day.  I immediately went inside and found that he had basically 'tied' his tail 
around the handle where it connects to the bucket.  I was able to unravel 
ithe was a great boy and stood perfectly still while I worked at itI 
know he wanted out for breakfast.  I then led him outside where his day got 
started a little late.

I am wondering if there is something that I can put over the area of the bucket 
to keep him from getting his tail tangled up.  He has never done this before 
this year he has done this a couple times because I found some of his tail 
wound around it before but this is the worse since he was kind of tied to the 
bucket.  Or is our only option putting his tail in a bag, at least at night.

He is on a regular deworming program and I have checked the tail and there is 
reason I can find for him to be rubbing.  

Thanks for suggestions.

Jeanne and Monty
Today's high: 35 degrees BUT.we are suppose to have sunshine!!!

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Toni....Muck boot question

2012-10-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I wear cotton socks almost the entire year...if it is really cold in MI I will 
put on a little heavier sockNO SHOES! That is what is great about them, 
feetie stay warm and dry. I tried on several sizes, both men's and women's to 
get the one that felt best, not too big but not tight as to let the foot fit 
comfortably.  I got the right size when I could stand up and just put my foot 
into the boot and my foot slid into it.

I wear mine when I am snow blowing the drive ways out and around the barn and 
feet are still warm and dry, my hands/fingers will be cold, but not my feet. 
 These are the first boots I can honestly say that have kept my feet both dry 
and warm while doing barn chores, no wonder the old time farmers have used them 
for decades, and they are still around.  Be careful on ICE.!LOL

You can wear them for hunting, just be careful if you are climbing a tree stand 
as the boot sole is large and the rungs on the stand can be small. Not sure how 
good they would be if you try running in them either.  

Oh and it is worth the price to buy the real original Muck boot brand, not some 
imitation.  I don't think the price is bad and they last for years.  

Monty likes it that I can spend some time with him in the pasture even when it 
is muddy or cold/snowy.


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Question on Norway......and to keep it Fjord related.......

2012-09-16 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

First I will ask the question I got about Norway.  Someone saw my sweatshirt on 
the Fjords and asked me "why don't they have peanut butter in Norway."  She has 
a child in Norway on an exchange program and he asked for her to send him 
butter since it isn't available in Norway.  This is something I didn't know or 
have an answer for, so I told her I would check and get back with her.  I have 
friend who grew up in Scotland and said he never had peanut butter as a child 
either.  So I am wondering, is peanut butter more of an American/North America 
product??  So, please my knowledgable friends, can you answer this one for me. 

I have to say since the nights are cooler and the days are beginning to follow, 
Monty is a very happy Fjord!!!  The 90+ days were not to his liking even with 
some shade, sprinkler, coming in during the hottest time of the day and even 
with me  dragging a big fan out into the yard (outside the pasture) so he could 
stand in front of it to get a breeze.  

The pasture and grass is greening up again.  My thoughts to all who have gone 
through fires and dry, dry, dry weather.  I really feel like where I am in 
Michigan, I had heat and no rain for weeks, but did not have to battle much of 
the worse of Mother Nature this year.  Bless you and yours.

Windy Acres Monty, who LOVES the cooler weather!!!

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Fjords and all the others.......

2012-01-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I was in my 50's when I got my first horse.a Fjord.  Olaf died young from 
aortic tear.  My second horse is a Fjord, Windy Acres Monty.  All of my friends 
were telling me that with my age (in my 60's, back injury), that I HAD to get a 
gaited horse.  Many of them have gone gaited and then wonder why when they go 
shows, even open shows they do not place, or place well.  I do not show. Monty 
and I walk, we meander, we both enjoy the scenery and while it takes us much 
longer to complete a trail ride, we both enjoy it.  He doesn't shy from much, 
and is curious about new things.  While I do not use his talents to their full, 
I wouldn't trade him for anything! I love his personality and trust in memy 
vet loves his mohawk and friendliness and the farrier loves his great feet! 
 Neighbors love him and he adores little kids.

I would suggest you go out and look at and try out some more Fjords.they 
carry a lot.  Many are used for packing and lumber operations.  They are very 
versatile, I am sure you will find the right horse for you and I bet it will be 
a Fjord!  Good luck in your search.

where Monty is enjoying the little snow we currently have!

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Gwenn....RIP Sonja

2011-04-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your beloved Sonja.  Saying good bye is 
never easy and when it is unexpected it may be a little harder.  You did what 
was right for her in a very stressful situation in letting her go.  You and she 
are in my thoughts and prayers.  May St Francis watch over her and care for her 
in your absence until you see each other again. 

Jeanne and Windy Acres Monty
MI (cool, rainy and the grass is growing)

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Oz "got mud"....

2009-10-26 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

YES!!  After rain for a couple days/nights, part of the pasure is muddy (some
is slightly swampy), Monty the Magnificent Muddy Fjord LOVES IT.  He has found
his favorite places to roll and stretch out...really nice since it is far too
chilly now for a BATH!! :) 
Sunday he got to running and doing a Yaaa-HO slidding stop that I just
couldn't take it and brought him inside about 6pm!! (I think THAT was HIS
intentions all along.)  It wasn't just a couple times, he was also doing some
'sliding' turns just before the barn!!  I didn't mind it out in the pasture
where he had plenty of room to run (that pony got extra gears sometimes lol)
and turn, but when he was running full out towards the barnokay, I
actually looked to make sure I had my vet's emergency was just too
much.  When I went out he ran the length of the pasture to the barn (looked
very pleased that he beat me) and when I opened the slider, he was right
there, put his head down, got his halter on and proceded to his stall.
This morning I took him outside and decided to give him a good brushing and
get some of the caked on mess off him while he ate some hay, when I was done,
he shook, got a drink of water and immediately went out to the mud and
ROLLED...then he came trotting back to me...mud caked in his mane, tail, his
sides, back forelock, face, knees...I swear he SMILED!!!
I think we are supposed to get a break from some of the rain for a few days
and hopefully the pasture will dry up some.  I worry about the mud with Monty
making the stops and turns, I don't mind the brushing to clean him up but
don't want the injuries that speed through my head watching him.  Sounds like
Oz enjoys the mud as much as Monty.
Jeanne Z and Monty

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2009-07-26 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I have never put one in the tank...I have used them in early spring or during
the summer wherever I have standing water (outside the pasture).  

Once a
week in spring/summer/fall I empty the tank (Rubbermaid 70 gal) and drag it
outside the pasture, (of course that is when Monty decides he is going to pass
away from thirst LOL), I put about a gal of bleach in it, let it stand for a
few minutes and then scrub it and rinse really well and drag it back to fill
it back up.  It stays pretty sparking and keeps the crud from forming.

during the week I use one of those small fish nets like you would use to catch
small fish in a tank to skim the top of the tank off of any mosquito larvae
and dead bugs, I think that helps to keep them down some and the tank

I just don't want to take a chance with the dunk in the drinking
water.  I have also heard of people putting a few drops of bleach in and I
think some use a few drops of vegatable oil to kill the larvae in their
tanks.  Good luck.  

Jeanne and Monty who is too helpful in cleaning the tank
(he especially likes to play with the hose while the water is on."gee mom,
how did you get so wet?")

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Heather....Henry and his grazing muzzle....

2009-07-07 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 


I think Henry is trying to 'wear you down' so you just take the darn
thing off him.  Can you put it on him, give him a 'nice boy pat' and walk away
out of the pasture?  Could you go to the barn or out of sight of him and do
the occasional peak?  I think he has "YOU" figured out and is working it for
all his might.  Remember Fjords are very smart, and they know how to 'work it'
with us. LOL  If the grass is not too short, then he should be just fine.  He
knows how it works and eats when you offer the food.  Get out of his sight,
don't stay with him, I bet he eats within a few minutes when he sees this
isn't working on you anymore.  Good luck. 
Fjords!  Man they are just too
smart and cute,  they really know how to 'mess with us.' :)

Jeanne and Monty
(who says HE really could have helped fix the wheelbarrow!) :)
70's today a
really nice breeze, perfect!

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Fjord yearling for sale on Craigslist...

2009-06-20 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

A friend just emailed me with the info.  I am NOT able to get a youngster, but
I thought I would pass this on.  I do not have any luck in posting direct
links, I am sorry, not very computer savvy. 

He is for sale on the Craigslist
Grand Rapids, MI page. You can bring him up using #1228861931, they are asking
$900.00 for him, stated he is registered at NFHR, his name is LeRoy, DOB: June
1, 2008 in Fremont, MI., contact number of: 231-924-6835 or 231- 335-8057. 
They posted three pics of him, he really needs his mane trimmed, there is
another Fjord in one of the pics.  They indicated he leads and ties.  Sounds
like LeRoy needs a home. 

Just thought I would pass this on, I do not know
him or the people, just that he is on Craigslist and some horse buddies
thought I could use another.  I just don't know enough to get one this young,
I know my limits well.

Jeanne and Monty
MI...where after all the storms,
today is sunny, humid.

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Prayers for Crista...

2009-06-17 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I am keeping you and Crista and her caregivers in my prayers and
thoughts.  You all have gone through so much and I am a believer in miracles. 
Crista knows you love her and will do what is best for her.  Isn't there
anything that could be 'grafted' to the uretha to give it support, kind of
like the mesh they use in hernia's?  I hope you know you have support here. 
Hugs and prayers to all.

Jeanne and Monty 

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Update on Crista...

2009-06-10 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I have been thinking of you and Crista and wondered about an update and here
it is!  I am so glad to hear she is getting all fixed up and know she, and
you, will soon be feeling much better.  I am so pleased to hear 'her docs and
caregivers' are giving her all the attention she so clearly deserves, it has
got to help you to know she is being well cared for and they are keeping her
spirits up...of course the food, walks and grass help.  I know you have got to
miss the lady and will be looking forward to the day she is home!  Hugs to you
for taking care of her.


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Genie health update....

2009-02-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 


I am keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers for
recovery and return to good health, a return to your horses and volunteering. 
It has been a long winter for you and your health concerns, spring is coming. 
Keep us updated on how you are doing.  A second opinion is always reassuring
in such a decision.


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Genie.....winter challenges.

2009-01-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker 

I am keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers during
this especially challenging time, please keep us informed as best you can how
you are all doing.  While you have worried about your husband now is the time
to really take care of yourself, accept help when offered and do not be afraid
to ask for help.  I pray that you both recover and I am including you both in
my prayer circles and asking for special favors in your names.  I am so sorry
you are going through these times.

I agree, times I have felt alone or afraid
have been the times I have been comforted by first my Olaf and now my Monty. 
They seem to sense when comfort is needed and provide it willingly.


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Sad news....

2008-08-03 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so sorry for your loss of Soren.  He knows you fought for him
and he gave getting well his all.  It is remarkable that you have his brother,
I guess sometimes things are given to us when others are taken.  It is hard on
the heart for the loss.  I hope having the necropsy gives you some peace and
answers in 'why.' I know the necropsy I had when I loss my Olaf so
suddenly gave me immeasurable relief and peace.  I can't say it lessened the
grief but it did let me know there truly wasn't anything I could have done,
and no signs I missed.  I will keep you and your Soren in my prayers that I
say for all of us who love horses.  Soren runs in that forever pasture with so
many others. God bless you and yours.


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Custom riding pants...

2008-06-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I thought I would put this on here since people are in the hot/humids of
summer in most places.  A friend of mine has a home business for cumtom made
jewelry and  riding pants.  The pants come in winter and summer weights as
well as one more for the cooler days of spring and fall.  They are custom
made, have a measuring chart and cost $65.00 a pair.  Her business is called:   and you may contact Jess at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
more information on materials, colors, etc.  She has Rockys and Icelandics, so
she and hubby are out but if you leave an email she will get back with you
ASAP.  Her site is easy to navigate, you can tell her you got the info from
the Fjord Digest or I gave you the info if you contact her, if she is curious
how you heard of her.  I'm not an 'employee' so it is just another source I
thought I would put out for people to consider.
I have wanted to loose a
little 'fluff' before I ordered, but I think I may break down and get the
summer weight right now.
Jeanne and Windy Acres Monty
MI., where we are in the
'mosquitoe season' right now!

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2008-03-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am so sorry for your loss of Kez. God bless you for bringing him home and
knowing when to let him go. I am sorry you got hurt in the process and will be
keeping you in my prayers to heal, physically and emotionally.  Even when you
know it will happen, to have to say good bye is so hard.  You did very well by
your Kez and he is grateful.  The loss is still huge. Hugs and prayers.

Jeanne and Monty

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Mare's loss...

2008-02-24 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: Jeanne Zuker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so very sorry for your, and Nika's loss of the foal. 

I thought I have heard of 'milk banks' that take milk and store it for orphan 
foals.  I don't breed, so I can't give you any info., but perhaps your vet 
would have some ideas, or if there is a vet hospital/university near you, they 
might be able to give you some help.  What a wonderful thing if you might still 
be able to help out another foal.  Hugs to you and Nika.  Again, I am so sorry.

Jeanne and Monty

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Lisa Pedersen

2008-02-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishes for a speedy/full recovery. Cookies really are great medicine,
especially homemade cookies. yum!  Thinking of both of you.


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East facing Fjords...

2008-02-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have watched Monty the past few days, here are my observations:
He faces east to 'watch for me' since I come out that way to feed him, etc.,
also my drive is to the east so I come home that way.
That said he also watches to the north if the deer, wild turkeys or geese are
out in the fields, or if my neighbors are out. He faces the south again if the
deer are passing that way or again any neighbors are out...he think of all
humans as thinking he needs food!  He faces the west to watch the woods and
for shade or wind break, so what I have observed from him is he doesn't have
any favorite direction unless food is involved! :>))  He is very observant and
watches for the school bus, trash pick up, cars, mail carrier, propane
delivery, cars passing on the road, dogs running outside, any wildlife.

One interesting thing I remember from last summer. We had a pallet place
burning. It started in the early afternoon, it is approx. 13 miles from us, I
watched him that particular afternoon, way before the fire was on the news, I
noticed he kept watching to the north, he would raise his head and smell and
jog around the pasture, but would always return to the same place. I got
concerned and went out, at the time I could neither see or smell the fire, but
later as it got dark, OMG, the entire sky was bright with the orange glow and
you could see the flames!  The smell was not something I detected easily, but
I know he could detect the fire from that far away hours before I could see it burned, we could see the smoke.

I now watch him for any changes in his behavior, he is my barometer, and I
have found if I look closely at the direction he is looking, I can ususally
find whatever it is he is looking at.

Jeanne and Monty who is enjoying the 33 degrees today.  Sunday the high is
supposed to be 5 degrees with wind gusts of 50 mph.

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Fred and Lois...with great sadness

2008-01-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fred and Lois,
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Know you had her, loved her, cared for her
and did everything you could, including knowing when to let her go.  She will
forever be in your hearts, where she will bring you joy in having had her. God

Jeanne and Monty

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Wooly mammoth Fjord

2007-12-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Monty has really put the coat on this year, he looks like a wooly mammoth
right now, watched him the pasture this am, temp about 24, wind chill of 9 but
had sun...he was happily eating his hay and then he went to stand by the barn
out of the wind and catch some sun, his head was drooping so low it was almost
on the ground and his eyes were shut tight.  It was nice to see him so relaxed
and just absorbing the sunshine.

Nothing better then watching them on frosty mornings, eating breakfast, all
'fluffed' up and cozy.

Hope everyone is well and safe along with family, friends and Fjords.

Jeanne and Monty
Chilly in MI

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2007-12-02 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Regarding supplements, first I have their blood tested, my vet has drafts, and
after a couple 'misreadings' from a lab, he now only uses a lab that realizes
equine blood is different from a cat or dog...anyway, when I had Olaf he was
supplemented with RedCell, MegaSel, some oats and VitaFirm vit/min supplement
as he needed those.

With Windy Acres Monty, his blood does not show some of those needs, so he
gets a really nice 1st cutting grassy hay, and Vita Firm (usually mixed in
with a small amount of beet pulp OR his favorite, some applesauce, along with
his mineral salt block and of course fresh/clean water.  He does get some
apple, carrot, maybe a pretzel rod or two and some of the Dumor horse cookies
(he gets these on a rotation and not always!)  In the spring/summer he gets
some garlic added to help with the mosquitoes.  Everything I give I have asked
my vet and Ferrier about.

So I guess, I would say start with some blood work to know exactly where your
horse is and what he truly might be deficient inI would not just start
giving him supplements. As we are individual, so are horses and they may or
may not need something.  Also it depends on how hard the horse is working
along with other factors.

Of course I supplement everything with love, attention, work and hugs.

Jeanne and Monty (aka the wooly mammoth)
in MI where the ice storm has passed and we are expecting rain!!  Gotta love
this state. LOL

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Kentucky Horse Park...

2007-10-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to thank all of you who will be going and showing our breed at the
Kentucky Horse Park this week end.

I have a friend who will be there driving her dapple grey Percheron and have
given her the infomation on where the Fjords will be.  She has said she will
try to come over and see you and your Fjords.

Terri never got to meet Olaf but was very helpful to me in getting a new
farrier and came over with her grandson when I got Monty.  She was very
impressed with his looks and personality,  so if she stops in please give her
a really warm Fjord welcome.

You all have a really great week end and be prepared to give us all the
details of your week end.

Jeanne and Monty
Charlotte, MI

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2007-09-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sue and Kez,

First I am so sorry but you are fortunate to have found this condition.  You
may remember I found my Fjord gelding Olaf dead in his stall Sept. 06, he had
just turned 7 yrs in May. (this is still hard to write about)  I had the
necropsy done and it was found he had a total tear out in his descending
aorta, no injury and the vet said he had to think it was a birth defect and
that it just gave way.

I am so sorry,  I will pray for you and Kez. I know this is heartbraeking
news. Olaf never showed any signs of distress and my vet never said anything
about a heart murmur.  I find peace in that Olaf went very fast and I gave him
the best care and love during our short time together.  You have my admiration
for bringing Kez home since you have medical problems.

Please know you have my shoulder, tears, prayers for yourself and Kez. Again,
I am sorry this has got to be so heartbreaking after raising him after his mom
died, I cannot imagine.

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Welcome back.....

2007-08-02 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Steve for getting the infomation out on the 'missing Fjordhorse
List,'  I appreciate your efforts on this.  I was thinking perhaps everyone
was out with their horses and not writing.

Again thanks, and happy Fjording to all.

Jeanne and Monty
~MI~ it is HOT.
Forgot what rain looks or feels like.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Forelock disaster...

2007-07-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I know exactly what you are talking about and it is a mess.  Good girl Della
for being so patient while getting cleaned up.

As for the tree, you may want to wrap it in something like burlap to help keep
them from getting into the sap may try some of the sealers, but I
don't like them since sometimes horses will 'taste test' them.  I think they
may find the wire mest fencing on the tree 'a most excellent scratching' post
cover, without a more complete barrier, you face the same clean up mess.  It
is just a thought and I congratulate you on getting the junk off her even at
the cost of her beautiful forelock

I used "GOOP" on Olaf when he did this with a pine tree and 'sapped' his mane,
forelock, one entire side...he was a horrible, sticky, gooey mess and of
course he rolled a few times while getting cleaned up.  Smelled pretty good
though. Still miss that funny boy.

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Follow up on Montys "atypical lymphocytes..."

2007-05-17 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Earlier I had some routine blood work done on Windy Acres Monty, 8yr old
gelding Fjord.  It came back with the report '.10-20% atypical
lymphocytes..', May 1st (well past the 30 days) had another test done, this
one came back about the same '10-20% atypical lymphocytes, with more
irregular cells involved.'  So my vet got the blood sample back and sent it to
Michigan Sate University (MSU) large animal clinic for testing. He did not
tell them of the other tests or results.  He did call and spoke with a vet at
the teaching clinic abou the results and she stated that she did not feel it
'was anything, considering the horse was healthy, it was a Fjord' he
explained the client had loss a Fjord last Sept. and was concerned.

So I waited for the results from MSU, my vet called me and told me that Montys
blood work at MSU showed he is 'perfect or as perfect as they read' in all
areas and there are no areas of concern.  He then called them and spoke again
with the vet and another vet in the labs and they all came to the conclusion
that Monty was absolutely fine as his blood work went and that it was not
uncommon to have some labs read equine (especially draft blood) differently if
they commonly read more feline/canine blood.

My vet paid for the blood work to be done at MSU (I told him that I would be
glad to pay for it) but he said that he was now very curious as to the
readings he got at the other lab on the equine clients...he told me that he
now intends to send ALL his equine blood work to MSU, he will continue to use
the other lab for his other clients.

I sent him and his staff a thank you from me and Monty along with a big
fruit/cracker/cheese basket.  I cannot tell you (althought I know all of you
understand) how relieved I was not only that he would do the 2nd test,but that
he admitted that he was curious and took the 'extra steps to not only ease my
concern but to satisfy his own curiosity.'

He was the vet I used when I had Olaf and he truly understood my anxiety and
wanted to be able to say more then 'well we don't think it is anything to be
concerned about.'  This man was truly met to be a vet and I feel truly blessed
that he took care of Olaf, to have him now taking care of my Monty.

Sorry about getting so long winded, I am so relieved and Monty is glad he
won't be giving any more blood for a whilehe said he was getting faint
when Dr  Dan took those few cc's, he needed extra carrots, apples, oh and some
parsnips would be lovely, and could I leave the sprinkler on.

Thank you to all who responded earlier and to Steve for your input.

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2007-05-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I do vaccinate and use chemical dewormers for Monty.  Just my preference, I
get vaccinated and keep up to date on mine, as well as the dogs and cats.

Did this lady use anything like the 'natural or homeopathic' medicines on her
horses if they got ill? Would she call in a vet if they were sick or injured?
I am not suggesting that she did not take care, just wondering what her
thoughts were on vets and treatments.

Did you actually notice anything wrong or different with  Oz after leaving her
barn or could she just be trying to make you unsure in your decisions?  It
truthfully would not be what I would consider "kind of her to do so."  I think
she is 'playing' on your uncertainty.

>From all your posts I only have gained that you care as deeply for your Oz as
all of us care for our horses, many decisions are made by the individual for
our 'charges' and we do our best with absolute, unconditional love for them.
Do what you believe is right in your heart for your horse and don't let her
comments crawl into your mind and cause uncertainty.

JMH 2Cents,

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2007-04-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am sorry to hear of your beloved friend passing but I can relate to the
relief that he is no longer suffering and has gone to be with his many friends
up in heaven over the Rainbow Bridge.  Your earlier writing of him told of how
much you cared for this boy, and loved him.

The Fjords most likely knew he was gone and out of pain.  I believe they
'mourn' in their own way and also sense relief of his suffering.

May God hold you gently while you heal and your heart mends from your loss,
and St Francis, please watch over Victor as he comes into your pastures again
young, beautiful and without injury or disease.

So sorry for your loss,

Jeanne Zuker

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Older fjord...

2007-04-21 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Like everyone else is saying "go take a look, it doesn't cost you anything
'just to look."  lol

 I would go, if you are timid about 'that first ride, get someone with more
experience to go with you to get on him first, he may just be tired of 'going
around in circles and having inexperienced hands on him' and like all horses
and Fjords in particular, if he has it figured out that if he just turns,
stops, does as he wants, well, his training day is over...well, duh! Smart

Definately have him vet checked, x-rays if warranted, dental...view his
medical history if availablejust take a look, this may be a great deal for
both of you.  If it doesn't work out, you are just out some gas and maybe a
lunch for your 'test ride dummy' (that is what a young friend of mine refers
to herself as when she 'takes the first ride for her friends.)

Good luck, let us know.

Jeanne and Monty
~MI~  a, spring!

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Thanks Steve...

2007-04-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I appreciate your information.  Dr Grentz said that everything else, the
liver, kidneys, etc. were all excellent and all the other levels were
excellentit was just that very last line the the results that he said we
would want to have a recheck onhe also said that we should wait at least
30 days since the lymphocytes (thanks for the correct spelling) have a certain
life span and we would not want to be rechecking the same ones.

I know (hope) I am just being overly cautious and concerned, but Monty is now
my baby (ok he is almost 8 yrs and weighs accordingly)!

Thanks again Steve and all who have responded.

Jeanne and Monty
~MI~ where winter still thinks it belongs.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Atypical lymphacides (sp)....

2007-04-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was wondering if I could get some insight into what this could be...I had
the vet out to give Monty his spring ck up, shots, etc.  I had some blood work
done and everything came  back "excellent" except the vet said the last line
stated :10-20% atypical lymphacides.  He said it could mean nothing or if they
increase we would have to have some further testing done.

He asked how long Monty has been here (since last Oct.) and if I had noticed
any changes in his weight (no), or any bowel changes (no), or his appitite
(NO).  He is a happy, curious Fjord.  He said he would like to re-check the
blood work (I have him coming back May 1st) and see if they have changed
(either down, the same or up), and go from there.

As you probably rememeber I loss my Olaf suddenly in Sept., so I know I am
anxious about this, the vet also understands this and is being very
understanding in my wanting to get a re-check done sooner rather then later
(he had said I could wait up to the time he comes back to give Monty his
boosters) but said if it helps me to ease my mind, we could wait the 1 month
and do the test again.

Have any of you had this similar test result and what did it mean to your
horse?  The vet said these numbers could 'just be normal for Monty' but he
would want to re-check at least once to see if they go up.

Thanks for your knowledge and help here.

Jeanne and Monty
in ~MI~ where winter seems to have made another appearance today.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Gunnar

2007-03-15 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I will be keeping you and Gunnar in my prayers and thoughts. Please keep us
posted on what you find out from the Vet.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Welcome Liann

2007-02-19 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What a wonderful introduction of yourself and how you came to have your boys.
I am sure your dreams of leisure trail rides and driving into town will come
true.  The only thing I would caution you about, make sure you buy enough ice
cream so 'the boys' can have some.  I have found mine like anything I am
eating, but love cold treats like snow, those flavored ice sticks and ice
cream! :>)  Oh, and Monty likes his coffee.

Welcome and I know you will have many years together.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

I am so sorry Catherine, Rune and Amy....

2007-02-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Words cannot express my sadness at your loss of Lyder.  I know the pain of
finding a dear loved one gone and not being there. Lyder's memory will be
carried in the hearts of all the children who rode him and those who received
a visit and got to see a real horse, he was very fortunate to have found you
and lived with you.

I will be sending a check to the Oregon Fjord Club to help offset the costs
you have taken on with the colt, what a wonderful person you are with a big
heart.  It somehow just doesn't seem 'fair' that you were saving one life and
had one taken, again, I am just so sorry.

This is in no way met to start anything, but the thought I have is, can the
family who wants to buy the colt, afford him?  I understand the surgery is not
regular maintainence, but 'things do come up' and some are outside the vet
visits, trimmings, deworming, food, etc.

Amy, do I send the check to your address C/O the OR Fjord Club?  Thanks.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Bonnie...regarding Fjords night out...

2007-02-05 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am glad it turned out as it did.  I cannot imagine the fear you must have
had that they were gone!!  It sounds like they were just out 'cruising' in the
'cool night air with such a lovely moon to see by...'  Thank God those
teenagers stopped by to let you know, they deserve a huge hug and thank

You take care of your fingers and hands, these temps are maybe comfy to Fjords
but very damaging to us.  Glad they are in 'lock down' for now.

I will be going out and doing a double check on my fencing today in the

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Perfect saddle....

2007-01-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I think you have to try some out to see what actually fits your horse and you,
but I LOVE my Wintec Isbell Dressage with the Cair system.  It fit Olaf and
now it fits my Monty. It is comfortable for me and I like the 'suede' seat. I
did get another girth as the Wintec girth would 'slip' if it got wet.

I also have a Crates western roper saddle that fits.  I like the way it fits,
feels and I can ride in it easily, but it is heavier then the Wintec and I
don't like to expose it to some of the weather I will take the Wintec out in.

Do you have a place near you that you can either trailer to for some saddle
fitting or some friends that will let you try some of their saddles?  Maybe a
tack store where you can take some saddles on a 'try out basis' to see how
they fit your horse and you.

Don't get discouraged, the right saddle that fits your horse and is comfy for
you is out there.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2007-01-07 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am sorry to hear that you are having this problem, seems like many states
are limiting or banning equestrian activity on lands.

I hope you had something in writing regarding the use of the land you sold, at
least stating some of the intented use of the land.  You are going to have to
become very active (ie, aggresive but still friendly) with your equestrian
friends, pony clubs, etc., to get your information out, if you can get some
media (papers, tv, radio) coverage it will help.

Contact your local politicians for support.  Have letter (mail, not emails)
writing campaigns asking for hearings, etc., if the state intends to ban the
horses from state lands.  Write letters to the editors regarding the
'treatment' equestrians are being given by the state.

Good luck, will be keeping you in my thoughts.  It is hard to understand the
rationale used sometimes to ban horses but let the gas engine recreational
vehicles have full access to state lands. (And no I don't have a problem with
them having their fun their way. :>)) !!


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Christmas Fjord Poen...

2006-12-21 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thank you so much for posting this, it is lovely and expresses so much the
desire "Just one more touch, please."

Hoping all of you have a Blessed Christmas with family, friends and Fjords and
a bright future in the New Year!

Jeanne and Monty

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Windy Acres Monty!

2006-12-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I am happy to say that I have gotten another Fjord after the sadness of my
loss of Mids-Olaf.  He is WIndy Acres Monty, he is 7 yr. old gelding out of
(sire) Anvil's Simon-104 and (Dam) is Champman Valley's Eira-996. Monty is
14.3hh and a real charmer.  He was at the Thistle Down Equestrian Centre,
Stratford, ON., with Ellen Redden.  He has been with me since Oct 18th and we
are getting to know each other.

Monty was being used as a schooling horse but the owner, Ellen Redden, said he
just was not as happy as he could be.  He has a soft mouth and he just
preferred one rider rather then all the different riders he had.  John and
Eunice Bosemworth (who I had gotten Olaf from) called and told me about him
and I made arrangements with some friends to go and see him, just to see if we
'clicked.'  Monty's training has been in Centered Riding, he is very
comfortable to ride, he has jumped, something I have not done.   I am finding
him a very trustworthy trail mount and working with him so we understand each
other.  It is so great to have another Fjord in the barn, it was very empty
without Olaf, as the pasture was.  Now I look out from my living room and look
right down on the pasture and I can watch Monty, he has also learned that he
can watch the house and see me.

It takes some time to 'read' another horse and have that 'dance' that I had
but we are learning to trust and read each other.  Monty has a wonderful
personality and trusting way about him.  Of course he does, he is a Fjord!  I
am looking forward to a very long, loving relationship with Monty--it is
almost like Olaf had something to do with putting us together--like here is a
horse to take you the places I can't, and he will also take me to the next
level in my riding.

Ellen was also kind enough to sell my the bit, bridle and reins that they had
used with Monty.  I really wanted to keep the same bit he was used to,
especially since he has a soft mouth, and the bridle fit him so nicely.

I still miss Olaf and always will, he was my very first horse and will always
be very special to me.  Monty is also very special to me, he is teaching me
not only happiness but also he is making me a much better rider and I pray we
will have many years and adventures together.

I want to again thank all of you were have been so kind since my loss and have
sent encouraging words, thank you is not enough.  I wanted to share with all
of you my happiness in having Monty come live with me, he makes my heart feel
like smiling again.

Jeanne and Monty
~MI~where we are having rain/sleet/hail/freezing rain/snow mix. We are still
so much better off then many of the other states.

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Horse Illustrated...

2006-11-24 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have read, reread and re-reread the article on the Fjords. I was and still
am happy to see an article about them.  I may be 'slow' but I found the
article to enlightening on the breed as a whole.

I wonder what would have been printed, or even if the Fjords would have been
written up if Mike had not given an interview or refused to be
interviewed--how would that be better for the breed?

I have friends who have QH, Arabians, Icelandics, Rocky Mtn. Horses, etc., and
I have never heard of any of them who have ever been 110% happy with any
article written about their specific breed, most especially the Rocky's with
their eye problemshere is a suggestionyou want your opinion to be
'heard'.write in to Horse Illustrated and state how you differ from the
info on the article.  I would just say please use some caution in stating how
you differ, your opinion will be 'editied' for space, etc., and I truthfully
would not want to have the general public think we (Fjord owners/lovers) are a
bunch of discontents.

I have a friend who has a mule that he shows in the dressage ring, when he was
first introduced to my Fjord, he watched him and spent some time just
observing him and his actionsafter a trail ride he came up to us and said
"I really like your Olaf, he is smart like my mule and will always take care
of you, he isn't stupid and thinks things through."  I certainly was not
offended that he compared my precious Olaf to his mule, in fact, knowing how
this man feels about his 'long ears' I was proud of the comparison.

I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard to get the Fjords known and
respected, let's not undo any of the possitives we have gained in getting some
attention to the Fjords.

Happy Fjording,

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Ronnie reg: loss

2006-11-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know how hard it is to have to accept the loss of such a beloved horse.  I
hope Winnie and Olaf have met are are taking care of each other and that all
the other wonderful horses that have crossed are running in green pastures,
laying in sun kissed meadows and drinking from crystal clear steams.  Until we
are reunited.  My thoughts and hugs to you.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Brecken and Heidi....

2006-11-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I know how hard this was and my heart breaks for the decision you had to make
but I know you have done for Brecken and Heidi what was best.  They are now
free to be the wonderful horses they were met to be, they are free to run and
enjoy the sun, grass and company of other horses. Bless you for you
compassion, you tried so hard, my hugs to you.


The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Importing horses....

2006-10-11 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You will need the neg. coggins and the Health Cert., you have to make the
border crossing from 8or 9am until about 3pm, and only Mon--Fri (make sure you
don't have a holiday in there)  then you will be given instructions to go to
the Fed. Vet on the US side (normally the vet is just off the border
crossing), however, since this is your horse and if you are doing the
transporting yourself, you may not have to go to the Fed. Vet.  You really
cannot make an appt with the US officials, you will have to have  papers
(registration) on your veh and the trailer to show them at the border,
normally you will have to go inside the USDA office and they will have some
questions for you and some paperwork, I don't think you can get the paperwork
ahead of time either.  Ok, you may have to get a 'broker' to 'help' you get
through this part, but like I said, if you are transporting your own horse
this usually doesn't applyit depends somewhat on where you are crossing,
who is on duty, what they requiring that day.
I am giving the info on crossing the Blue Water Bridge in Michigan to/from
Canada.  Good luck and enjoy your horse! :>)

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Jean Gayle brings up good thought...

2006-09-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It has been just over a week since I loss Olaf, and I still miss him dearly.
He was an only horse here, and I was just beginning to look for another horse
to bring to my new place, when he died.

When is a good time to 'think' about getting another horse (or two)?  I would
not be looking at a horse to 'replace' Olaf in the sense of ever being another
Olaf, I mean, not even cloning can produce that.  I know I will be missing
Olaf and truly hope not to compare another horse with him, but when do you
know your heart and mind are in the right place to accept another horse and
that horses' personality into your heart? Do you just know?

I talked to a lady who loss her beloved Arabian mare very suddenly last year,
she said she really had no thoughts of getting another horse for at least a
few months or maybe a year, but she was around Arabians all the time and one
day she just saw this mare and knew she was the one, it was about a month
after her loss.  She was glad to have another horse that she was able to show
all this season and bond with.

So, how do you know and how do you get over the fear?


Thank you.

2006-09-08 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to take just a minute to say what a wonderful group of people there are
here.  I thank all of you who wrote me, both here and emails when Olaf died.
Your words, thoughts, experiences touched me and helped me through this most
difficult time.

Every day does get better, and I have actually looked at the Herald (that came
the day after he died.)  I know I will be getting another Fjord, some friends
have tried to get me to look at another breed, but I love this breed.

Again, thank you all so much.  Olaf is up there with some wonderful horses.


Mid's Olaf-99 May/1999--Sept 1, 06 RIP...

2006-09-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can barely write this but on Friday morning when I went to the barn to feed
Olaf, I found him dead in his stall.  He was great when I went out Thursday
night before going to bed.  I am fortunate that I have neighbors' who got him
out and took him to MI State University for me, I had a necropsy done and they
found that he had a full length tear of the descending aorta.  It as least
gives me some comfort to know he didn't suffer and that there was no warning.
Olaf was just 7 yrs old, he was my first and only horse.  I am so heartbroken.
I was beginning to look into gettting another horse as I moved into my new
place on Sat, Sept 2nd.

I had him cremated and will be getting his ashes so I can bring him to his new
home that he never got to see.

I will probably continue on the digest at least for now.  Some of the shock is
wearing off and I can start to see him again in life and all the happy
memories he gave me in our short 4 yrs together.  I see him forever young, his
forelock blowing in the wind, enjoying green pastures, cool water, shade and
all the horses to play with.  I pray that we will be reunited someday and he
will probably wonder "where the heck did I go."

I love you Olaf and miss you so terribly.


heavy forelock....

2006-08-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Olaf has a long and thick forelock, he is very calm temperment so his forelock
isn't an issue for him.  Here is what I would suggest, take his forelock and
don't braid it, but try pulling it together somewhat up on his forehead, see
is he is any better with the forelock out of his eyes/face. You can use some
baling twine (I have done this a couple of times with Olaf, just to get all
that hair out of his face.)  See how this works before you do anything like
cutting it, I don't know if you can 'thin' it out some if this seems to help.
I know Olaf's forelock acts as a natural 'fly mask.'

How old is your Fjord and how long have you had him and worked with him?  Have
you worked on things to de-spook him?  Not meant to be critical, just asking
for more info.

Good luck, I know I would hate to cut Olaf's forelock, but if it is a safety
issue, then I would do something.

Jeanne and Olaf

what to do with a 2y/o

2006-08-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Get some 10' posts and make squares out of them, you can get her to 'turn
within the square--giving to pressure, both directions,' you can have her
'walk-thru,' lengthening and shortening her stride (works with both walking
her or ground-driving), set them out in a row, start with them maybe 5-6'
apart (make an isle) and walk her through, having her stay within the isle.  I
would make some games that keep her mind active and isn't the same thing all
the time and will still teach her some lessons, keep it short and something

With her being so young I would also work on some de-spooking, let her walk
across the poly tarp they things, just work on her confidence, walk her down
the road (if it is safe) and let her see mailboxes, hear road noise and cars,
bikes, etc passing -- again only if it can be done safely.  Take her for a
walk (or ground-drive) on trails, take her in and out of the trailer, teach
her 'your space' make up some games that teach but her keeps her thinking
(because they can think up plenty to do on their own.)

As for the bit, maybe something like a full-cheek snaffle just to get her used
to 'that thing being in my mouth.'  Again, start slow.

Most people on here have a lot more experience then I do.  Enjoy her and

Jeanne and Olaf

Fjords and heat....Memorial Day.

2006-05-29 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was wondering if any of the rest of you have noticed this.  Olaf much
prefers the cooler/cold weather.  When it gets warmer/hot, he looks at me like
I am crazy if I think he is going to 'go' anywhere very fast--except for food.
I was wondering if others see this especially in areas where there is
definately seasons and severe temp. changes.

I also know Olaf can 'bamboozle' me with the look of 'gee, it is just TOO hot
today to go for a trail ride, how about a nice walk instead.'  Oh and by walk
I mean we take a nice stroll along the path so he can grab a mouthful of soft
green grass every now and then and maybe cool his 'toes' in a shallow
river--he LOVES water.

I know conditioning is important, I just notice every spring and summer when
the temps go up, that Olaf seems to react to it  and just seems to prefer the
cooler temps.

Everyone have a wonderful Memorial Day and take a moment to remember those who
have given us the freedom we enjoy.

Jeanne Zuker
82F at 11am in MI


2006-05-12 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Haven't received mine yet either (MI).
Jeanne Zuker

knee surgery....riding bareback.

2006-04-22 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have not had knee surgery, but I can relate to 'protecting onseself' after
an injury of that kind or a fall..

One thing I would suggest is to start with 'baby steps' to get back to
bareback riding.start with just sitting on the horse, with the horse being
held, no walking, no movement (except what the horse might do with shifting
weight), then when and only when you are comfortable with that, have your
trainer or someone else just take you on a walk, and if you start feeling
uncomfortable, STOP! just stand again. You need to work not only on healing
from the injury but from the mental 'injury' of the fall.  Don't feel
embarrassed, you need to regain something that was loss and it will take some
time.  Not sure of your age, but at almost 58 yrs, I just don't bounce like I
did when I was younger, also, I realize that an injury can be 'forever.'  I
think without 'pushing' yourself pass your comfort level at the time, you will
be back to riding bareback and actually enjoying it.  Some of that 'fear' of
'what if' or the fall probably will be there, but it can be in the back of
your mind.  I wish you the best in your recovery, it sounds like nothing is
holding you back from your PT, you just need to give yourself permission to
recover from the fall.{{HUGS}} to you.
Jeanne and Olaf
wonderfully spring like MI

knee surgery update.....

2006-04-09 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am glad to hear that you are recovering and came through this surgery so
well.  Continued thoughts for your complete recovery.  No harm being spoiled
while in the hospital, take it easy when you get home.  Both you and Oz will
be in fine shape for this summer.

Jeanne and Olaf

Pam: Oregon Horse Expo--? video

2006-03-20 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ok Pam,
PLEASE tell us that someone has a video of this!!  I would be willing to pay
for the video and postage!!!  Your description was fabulous and very visual,
but I would love to have a video, even a video that might be a little dark or
did not 'catch' all the action...let us know, someone HAD to have had a
video. :>))



2005-12-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am so happy to hear that Savannah is doing so well.  I do not have to know
her to have been touched by her ordeal.  This has got to be a wonderful
Christmas for her, her family and friends.  Hearing she may be able to ride in
about 6 wks is certainly something for her to to celebrate the New Years.
Thanks for the update.

Christmas in MI has been rainy with some snow flakes but even the snow we had
is becoming slushy, hopefully it will help travellers get safely to their

Olaf was out most of the day and he found some REALLY GREAT mud to roll in.
He looks like a GIANT chocolate twinkie, he had mud in his forelock, mane,
both sides of his face and even on his nose, his chest looks pretty much like
the color he WAS. LOL  He will get some extra apple, carrots and parsnips
tonight along with his normal hugs and kisses.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas--how could you not if you have Fjords
in your life!
Jeanne in MI

Re: exciting news.....saddles

2005-10-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations on your Fjord-kids, you will have to post to let us know how
things go when they arrive.  I know how excited I was when Olaf arrived here
and I am still excited to see him each and every day.

On the subject of saddles, I have a Wintec Isbelle dressage saddle for Olaf
with the wide gullet, it fits him perfectly, I would describe his build as
'athletic', he is not slim or 'refined' but he certainly is not the big draft
build either.  My neighbor has a Clydesdale and they use a Wintec on him and
he is a big draft built boy.  I have had problems with the saddle slipping,
especially after riding for several hours, so I got some great advice from
people here and now have a saddle pad that keeps the saddle and me on Olaf's
back.  Some people have removed the gullet from their Wintec's for their
Fjords and find it fits great that way.

I also have a Crates western saddle, it is more of an Arabian style, with the
short skirt, rounded so it fits Olaf, again it has full quarter bars.

I have found that I like riding bare-back, I never thought I would do that, I
usually ride more at the walk, I think Olaf finds it easier to keep me
balanced on his back, and truthfully I like riding without stirrups at the

Just enjoy your Fjords, it sounds like they have a wonderful home and people
who will love them, what a wonderful combination.

Jeanne and Olaf

Horse rescue...

2005-09-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The organization that I had contact with is:
Habitat for Horses/Lone Star Equine Rescue
PO Box 213
Hitchcock, TX  77563
Contact Person:
Rose Westover, Emergency Evacuation Coordinator
organization web site:
or: www.habitatatfor

This is a 501.c3 non profit organization
Jerry Finch, President

Rose is asking if you want to contact her, to please email her as her phone is
extremely busy.  There is a site that you can make a direct donation to the
organization under one of the websites, sorry, I can't remember which one.

I know there are many groups trying to get this task done, Lone Star is
working with FEMA and USDA in the affected areas of the US.

On their website they have all the info. they are asking for volunteers in
large animal rescue who have been trained already.

Praying that the loss of horses, pets and livestock is not as great as I fear
it is going to be.  Keeping all those in the affected areas in my thoughts and

Glad to hear that Paula and Frodo are doing ok and hope that the other horses
that coliced are doing well now.  Rescues are suggesting giving at least 2
phone numbers for contact, with one being out of what could be the affected
areas in case of a natural disaster as the local phone lines might not work
for some time.

Jeanne and Olaf

Hurricane and friends...

2005-08-31 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have seen some film of horses being rescued, I figure we won't be hearing
from most people in the affected states for quite some time, basics such as
electricity may be out from weeks to months.  I have a neighbor who is being
sent to LA to assist in getting the electric back on line, she went with
another neighbor who is being sent by his company to assist in tree removal.

I did get info on a horse rescue out of TX that is asking for
funds/materials/hay/grain/bandages/etc. they will be heading into the affected
states, but LA is their primary site to rescue horses. They also have a site
that you can fill in as a 'foster home for rescued horses' or if you can
volunteer.  They will use the info not only for this disaster, but for future
calls they respond to.

I am praying that they left early and got themselves, loved ones, horses and
other pets/animals out of harms way.

Jeanne and Olaf

Hardin family's "Reval"......

2005-07-31 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations on your newest addition!!  John and Eunice are wonderful to
know and their Fjords are certainly friendly and well mannered.  I love my
Olaf-99 I got from them and keep in contact with them.  I have a brother and
sister-in-law in Asheboro, NC, are they any where near you?  Again, congrats
on your newest girl
Jeanne and Olaf
Charlotee, MI

Dustenai barn name...

2005-07-31 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just watch her for a few days and she will probably give you some ideas on a
good barn name but you will probably just call her names like 'sweetie pie.'
I was really lucky when I got my Olaf since I use it as his barn name as
well.maybe Dusty or Dear since they sound similar.Good
Girl...Sweetums..Pretty Girl.I do call Olaf the 'cookie moster'
because he can tell if I have his cookies from a long distance.  I think
Fjords look at almost anything as food, Olaf even looks forward to the
dewormer as a mid day treat.Congratulations on your Dustenai.

Thanks to all who responded and suggestions....

2005-06-27 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you for responding to my question on the Wintec saddle slipping, I went
and got a new girth, saddle pad and breastplate so Olaf and I shouldn't have
the separation problem again. Funny when I was at the tack shop there was
another lady there for exactly the same thing but not on a Fjord with her
wintec girth.

I also got Olaf a Cashel fly mask so I can keep his forlock on the outside of
it instead of having his forlock smushed every direction.  Maybe it will be
cooler for him and he won't take it off quite as fast as the one he usually

Jeanne and Olaf

Saddle girth info....Richard Shrake seminar.....

2005-06-25 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Olaf and I made our second trip to Richard Shrake's seminar this past week and
had a great time (I will go more into it) but the question I have is this:  I
use a Wintec Isbell saddle with the wide gullet and it fits Olaf but I have
trouble getting the Wintec girth tight enough. I am wondering if any of you
who ride in the Wintec's use the Wintec girth or a regular English girth that
has the normal elastic buckles on one end??

Tuesday at the seminar after almost 2 hours of walk-trot-walk the saddle
suddenly slipped to Olaf's side and I was on the ground.  Olaf bless his heart
just stopped and stood there, I love this horse he is so steady, doesn't spook
and takes little mishaps like this as if it is just a normal part of the
day.but it has shaken my confidence as to getting the saddle tight enough.
I had saddled Olaf, walked him around, checked the girth again, did some
ground work, rechecked the girth before mounting and like I said it was almost
2 hours later but the girth was loose at this point.  One thing that was
suggested was to get a regular girth so I could get it tighter and possibly
another saddle pad, I currently use a wool pad.  I know someone here sells
pads, but I cannot remember who.

Okey, so back to the seminar after the fall I cannot ride for a couple of
afternoons but I do all the groundwork and get a chance to help out in the
arena while others ride, which was very beneficial so I could observe how
riders use their hands, feet and other things Richard emphasises.Well one
morning Richard has us take our horses over a pole laying on the ground then
he has one end raised about 2" off the ground, Olaf does a cute little "hop"
over the jumps, then Richard has one end raised again to the top of the
mounting block and Olaf actually does a full jump, immediately after he does a
small buck and canters a couple circles, then gets back in line to jump again.
Richard has the other end of the pole raised so it is straight across and the
height of the mounting block off the ground, I will tell you Olaf jumped it
and you could tell by the way he held his head the look in his eyes and the
way he trotted off he was proud--he also LOVED the clapping and whistles that
he got.

That afternoon Richard had me take Olaf out to the round pen where he had two
jumps and we started out small again taking each new jump and height slowly.
Finally Richard had the jumps moved up to about 2 1/2' and Olaf jumped it as
though he had been jumping all his life.  Richard then took Olaf off the lead
line and just by moving the lunge whip Olaf made the jumps, then as Richard
was talking Olaf made the complete circle taking both jumps without any
prodding or direction.  He tucks his legs brings his feet under him, people
said he looks like a natural and I have to tell you he looked like he totally
enjoyed himself.  I do not want to jump, but I do plan on starting slowly and
letting him do some jumping as part of his ground work.  I wish I could think
of the words to fully describe the change in Olaf's attitude after he "showed
off" his jumping debut.

On Friday when I rode him for the final day of the seminar he was so much
easier to handle, he was more responsive to my legs and hands, he was totally
alert (probably looking for those darn jumps again) and everyone commented on
the change in his demeanor...someone said that I should start looking for
a jumping saddle--ha ha, sure, right, at almost 57 yrs. I don't think I want
to start jumping.  I know this is not winning a competition but for us this
was a great moment and I wanted to share.

Anyway, we had a great time but it was HOT, this year again people commented
on what a nice horse he is and how social he is.  We even had someone driving
a cart in the indoor arena while we rode, some people and horses were upset
but Olaf thought the cart was neat and a couple of riders rode behind us until
their horses got used to seeing the cart.  Ok, so if any of you can help me
with my girthing situation I would appreciate it. Sorry this got so long.

Tired but happy,
Jeanne and Olaf
hot, humid MI

Stubborn Fjordies? Nope....

2005-03-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I will "drop in on this discussion" since I didn't start riding until I was
into my 50's and when I decided that I wanted my own horse I will admit I
looked at many breeds, I fell in love with many breeds but decided that the
Fjord was the correct breed for me. I read everything I could find on "breed
characteristics" from magazines, books, on the internet, and from talking to
people.  Many people said that the Fjord was "stubborn" but what I learned was
that they are extremely smart.  I know Olaf-99 will take care of me and
forgives me many mistakes I make.

I do trail riding and Olaf gets a lot of attention, mostly all positive. He
adores people, other horses and all the attention he can get. I have never had
a problem with him being around other horses which is a huge bonus on the
trail.  His idea of a big spook is normally a "stop and snort." Then we
usually just continue on like nothing happened. He is very aware of his
surroundings and will take time out sometimes to "smell the roses" (all on his
own) during the ride, but I figure, hey we are both out to enjoy the ride,
time together and he loves to "observe."

I think the Fjords who "are not really broke but do well enough at driving and
riding to get purchased" are somewhat proof that the Fjord is a willing
learner, if I am expressing this somewhat correct. They are not ready for the
show circuit but this shows they are willing to do what is asked of them.
With many other breeds, if you were to harness them up to a cart and they
hadn't had much training, you could end up with a bucking, runaway. Maybe the
"bad" thing is people think that they are better trained then they really

I have run into some "breed prejudices" but mostly I find that when people see
Olaf they can't help but smile and approach him.  Who can't love those big
heads, huge, kind eyes, "got milk" muzzles, "punk" cut manes and the
personality+, all wrapped up in a very smart horse?  Not me that is for

Jeanne and Olaf


2005-01-22 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You will be in my thoughts and prayers and will be included in the prayers
circles, additionaly I will request everyone to ask their friends to include
you in their prayer circles. Please know that mircles do happen. How sad to
give up your Fjords, but you did what was best for them, what an unselfish
act. Your committment to your POA is to be congratulated.  I am so sorry that
you are facing this disease, I will also pray for your family and friends.

Jeanne and Olaf in really snowy, windy, cold


2005-01-20 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not one hair!!  Olaf has a really thick coat this year (of course I said that
last year) long hair on his legs and he hasn't shed one hair.  I have been
brushing him and I have been looking to see if he starts shedding since this
was asked.  I live in the mid-Michigan area, he started putting on his winter
coat last of Aug/early Sept. just like clockwork. Now I will be looking for
when he starts shedding, I will make a note of it to see how he relates to
other Fjords and look to see how it relates to the coming year.  He of course
enjoys the brushing and I enjoy the time we get together.

Jeanne in MI

winter blahs.....

2005-01-13 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Very funny to read that your Fjords "play" with your clothing too, I thougth
that Olaf was just being overly mouthy with his big lips and curiousity.  If I
wear a hat, he takes it off my head, mittens/gloves, they are not met to stay
on my hands, he takes them off my hands or out of my pockets, zippers are just
plain fun and his favorite: shoelaces!  He is so curious about clothing in
general, I think he has an idea that I wear things for his entertainment.

Thursday we had a 200 car pileup on the freeway (2 killed and 37 injured)
because of the fog from the 50 degree temps, today we had rain, freezing rain,
sleet, snow the temp is 30 and is still dropping, the pasture is a mud-bog and
the yard is saturated most roads around me are closed due to water washing
them out or so deep you can't safely drive through and now we are supposed to
have a "cold spell"  but we are still better off then many of the states with
major flooding, mud slides, monsoon type rains or dangerous temps.

Truthfully, I am really looking forward to spring this year, all of you take
care and I know I am fortunate that I have Olaf to help entertain me with his
antics and that wonderful Fjord personality, curiosity and sense of humor to
get through the winter-blahs.

Jeanne and Olaf

PS  I so envy those who can draw and are artistic, I would love to be able to
draw Olaf and "caption" some of the things he does, I can see it in my minds
eye, but to draw it--nope, it isn't happening.

fun with Fjords...also etc....

2004-10-23 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Love reading some of the "games" and entertaining things we do to keep these
guys (and mares) entertained. Olaf likes the company in the pasture and
follows me when I am cleaning up "after him", he is entertained by the wheel
borrow and "everything that goes into it."

I will cut up apples and put them in the tank outside, doing this without Olaf
seeing me do it is a game in itself.  Last winter when I would bring him in on
some of those bone chilling nights I would drop a few cut up carrots and
apples in his heated bucket, the apples float and he would drink every drop of
water to get the carrots on the bottom, he got a treat and I knew he was
drinking water--warning--do not put the carrots in the outside tank,lol.

Olaf has a Jolly Ball and he is so-so about it but I have seen him chase a
leaf across his pasture, I don't know what is up with that, but he seems very
satisfied when he either catches it or it leaves his pasture. He loves to
watch the traffic and now we have a new neighbor and the school bus stops in
front of his pasture and he is always right there when it stops, he is quite
the shameless ham when it comes to attention.  When the bus leaves, he usually
takes a few steps and goes into a trot and canter shaking his head and kicks
his heels up, at first I just thought he did this as the bus rumbles on the
dirt road, but he has been doing it every day, and about the time the bus
should come on wk ends, he is out front looking for it.

 Olaf will have company this winter, "we" are looking after an Appy for the
next few months for her owner, Olaf is smitten with this tall, leggy girl with
all the spots, she is around 16.2hh and he is 14.2, it is just too funny
watching them groom each other and share their hay.

I had a blood draw done and Olaf is slightly anemic, his numbers are also just
"short of being adequate" for selinium and vit E, so he will be getting some
supplements. I already got him started on Red Cell and the vet said the give
him free choice Vita Ferm and 1/2 recommended dose of Mega Cell. We will do
another blood check in 60 days.  I appreciate all of you who responded or
brought up this discussion on the board. The vet said that none of Olaf's
numbers were in the  deficiate range, but what he called "marginally low."

I was at the "Dollar Store" and it was all I could do not to buy some of the
neon hair colors to put into Olaf's mane and forlock for Halloween. Not sure
if I just have too much time on my hands to even think of dressing my horse up
for Halloween much less making him some "punk" fjordie with hair
color.maybe it is the gray skys and the rain that are getting to me.

I am still planning on some trail rides before the snow gets here or too deep,
the leaves are dropping pretty fast now, but I love fall trail rides, might
even go to an overnight ride or two before the snow gets here.  Anybody else
do fall/early winter trail riding?

Sorry this got so long, hope you are all having a great fall and you and your
horses are well.
Jeanne and Olaf in rainy, windy but 57 degrees, MI

EPSM/ welcome to NC Fjord owners/ Fjords on small acrage/ off side mounting..

2004-09-28 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

EPSM stands for "Equine Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy" I think I have the
spelling correct. I just put EPSM in my Yahoo search and came up with a
wonderful list of info written by Dr Beth Valentine, DVM,Phd. for Rural

Welcome to the Hardin's of NC and their Fjord. Are you located anywhere near
Asheboro, my brothers' family live there and love the mountains and state,
they are trying to get me to move to NC since I retired a couple years ago.

For Nancy, I have an acre of land for house, barn, small pasture/paddock, dog
kennel and yard--whew!  It can be done. I love having Olaf "home" so I can
take care of him, I am fortunate that the area I live in is rural and I have
neighbors who have horses, so I do have access to trails (off road), two
neighbors have indoors that I can use and my local requirements allow me to
have a horse an a small amount of land.  Please feel free to email me
privately if you would like more info.  I would love to have more land, but I
moved here before I got Olaf and I know that more land would be more ideal,
but Olaf is not lacking for anything.  I do have another horse here for the
next 6 mos., helping someone out, both horses are doing great on the land and
with each other.

I have been mounting "off side" on Olaf since I went to a seminar and was told
there is nothing wrong with it, you should be working both sides of the horse
on ground work and turns so this just takes it to the next step. I will tell
you at first it was extremely awkward for me and thankfully Olaf was good and
just stood there probably thinking I was crazy.  I would highly recommend
having someone hold your horse or at least be standing by the first few times
you do this.  It does feel awkward but to tell you the truth, I feel stronger
mounting from the "off side" and if you do it in "public" some people will
give you some very odd looks or make a comment. Just remember to use your
right foot or, well you get the picture.LOL

It is fall, the colors are changing, the bugs are leaving, the days are cooler
and the riding is wonderful, I am so sorry for all of you who have had to
suffer through fires, drought, floods, hurricanes and other acts of Mother
Nature this summer.

Jeanne in MI (not the hurricane)

Rondi in CA and rescued Fjord....

2004-07-17 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


First, bless you for rescuing this horse, the next first, if the other horses
are in similar condition call the Animal Control/ Humane Society and any other
organizations in your area.

I would say get a vet out to go over this little lady and have her checked
out, the vet can probably advise you on how to bring her back to the picture
of health and vitality.  I will pray for you and her that she learns that most
humans would never treat her badly and that she now has people and a place
where she is loved.

I know I could never leave any animal in this condition and I am glad that
your friends helped you get her.  I am angered that people can let any animal
get in such condition, but thank God they decided to sell her. Let us know how
she does.

Jeanne and Olaf

foal birth/death...

2004-06-28 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So sorry to hear of the death of your foal, I am glad to hear that your mare
is doing ok.  I congratulate all of you who are brave enough to have foals and
breed your mare's. Just know that all of you, your horses, the foals are
always in my thoughts and prayers.
Jeanne and Olaf

Jennie and Bonnie

2004-06-06 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations on your Bonnie and the rest of your "gang". You mentioned that
you lived in MI and that your might be going to Tom's so I know you must live
somewhat near me.  I have Olaf who just turned 5yrs, we live in the Charlotte
area. If you are anywhere near us sometime and would like to drop in or just
get together and talk Fjord's please feel free to email me.

Olaf and I are primarily interested in trail riding just for the pleasure of
getting out and about.

I see you have quite the diversity of animals at your place, really nice pics
of them all.

Good luck and congratulations again on getting your Bonnie
Jeanne and Olaf
in "how many weather changes will we get today?" MI (LOL)

Sher's Fjord and saddle fit....& archieves

2004-05-19 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations on getting your first Fjord, I have had Olaf for 2 yrs now and
I still cannot believe it sometimes when I look out and see him "chowing" on
his hay or the grass.  I had to wait from March until August in "02 for him to
get my place ready for him.  You will love your Loki and he you.

I have both an English saddle and a western saddle.  I got the Wintec Isbell
with the CAIR system, I have the wide gullet system in it and it fits Olaf
great. The seat is full suede so I stick to it like glue and it has the added
rolls in the front (which can be removed) so my legs stay in position.

I got my Crates western saddle last fall, it has full quarterhorse tree and
the short skirt so it fits Olaf's shorter back, it doesn't rub on his
shoulders or back and it fits him wonderfully. I had to have the stirrups
shortened to fit my short legs but the saddle as a whole fits Olaf and me to a
"T".  I really love this saddle, I plan on doing trail riding for the most
part, it does have some silver on it, so you could use it in shows, but you
might want to add silver on it if you are getting a show saddle.  I know
anything with full skirt would not fit Olaf and would rub on him.  I hope this

I have heard that some of the "treeless" saddles are great for the Fjords
since they flex to the wider backs and are comfy for the rider as well but I
have no first hand experience with them.

The one thing that I was guilty of was putting the saddle too far forward, I
did this more with the western saddle then the English but now I have got the
position down.

One more thing, please get yourself a helmet if you have not already done do,
some of the new ones have added vents for better cooling, but alas, you will
still have helmet

I think letting someone know that there are archieves for the digest that can
be searched is great, but to suggest that since a question has been asked
before that someone should not ask questions, but rather search the archieves,
is doing that person as well as the rest of us a disservice.  We all learn by
the exchange of ideas and what has worked and not worked for some of us. Sher
came here excited about her first Fjord Loki and asked a question about
saddles, yes, she can go to the archieves but she should be able to get input
from us on her questions and not be made to feel like she should go to the
archieves before asking here. I love reading what people are riding in and how
they decided on the saddle they got and how it fits their horse and them, as
well as some mistakes they made that might save me from the same mistake. JMHO
but I think the digest is for information and questions, answers and the
exchange of ideas and I hope that does not change.

Jeanne and Olaf in
MI where today is sunny :>) but cooler, perfect to get Olaf out for a ride,

Richard Shrake seminar, Molde

2004-05-10 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just finished a 4 day seminar given by Richard Shrake so I am just getting
caught up on the digest. I am saddened any time I hear that someone has loss
such a dear friend like Gayle has with her beloved Molde, we have each other
for such a short time in this place but we will be together for eternity
hereafter. Gayle, if the thunderstorm we had last night was any indication,
Molde and quite a few others were having a grand old time up there.  You are
in my thoughts.

Olaf and I learned so much this past 5 days, and after given some of Richards
tests and evaluations, it was reenforced that Olaf is an intelligent horse
with the ability to learn and do so much. People were amazed that this stocky
horse could do such wonderful crossovers that he walked into the 10' square,
did a 360 degree turn and walked out without touching a board in both
directions. Olaf loved doing things he had not done before, but he did get
tired of waiting his turn and would sometimes close his eyes and lower his
head for those all important "power naps" but he never missed a beat when it
was his turn, he didn't always want to trot on command, so we will work on
that.  People said he won the "Cutest Horse Contest" without any challengers,
we were at a Hunter/Jumper barn, so Olaf was a huge hit with his looks and
personality with the H/J people, of course he always came over to get
scratched or talked to, even after a long day in the arena.

I have learned so much about keeping Olaf's training going and keeping it
interesting myself so Olaf is curious about it and willing to work because it
is not just going about in circles in the indoor or outdoor arena's.  He is
giving to my touch, both on the ground and to my heel in the saddle so nicely.
Thursday night when we were doing some direction changes and do 360's at the
move without stopping, I was so touched that Olaf was doing this with just
those small "bump, bump, bump's" --  it was just so fabulous to have that
wonderful reaction from Olaf without the use of anything more then just the
lightest touch of the heel of my boot.

Oh before I close, one thing I was not sure about was having Olaf jump, but he
was watching the other horses, so I figured why not let him try.  It is not a
hugely tall jump, but my boy jumped over a small jump and he looked good and
got that satisfied look that he knew he had done something new and did it
well.  I know not everyone needs this kind of a seminar and that many of these
seminars are just sale pitches for all kind of gimmicks, but I was never even
approached about books, tapes, bits, halters, etc. we were given a workbook
that took us through not only what we covered at the seminar, but beyond the
things covered, I have to honestly say, that Richard Shrake was  willing to
share his knowledge and answer questions staying much later in the evening and
even going back into the arena with individuals and their horses. He has a
quiet, reassuring voice and manner and I am very happy with the information
and teaching tools that I have learned to continue teaching Olaf so we will be
what I have always wanted and that is to move as one, with perfect timing with
each other.  Ah, I have all the spring, summer and fall to really keep us fine
tuned then next winter, we will find an indoor, but until then, we have all
this time to learn and get outside
Jeanne and Olaf in MI

PS  Catherine Lassesen, Richard said to say hello back to you both.

Headed off the the Richard Shrake seminar :>)

2004-05-03 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Olaf, my 5 yr old Fjord gelding and his much older mom (me) are headed oft to
a four day seminar with Richard Shrake. Tonight we load him up and take him to
the stable to get him settled in. Tuesday we actually start the seminar.  I
was surprised and please that last Thursday I received a telephone call from
Mr Shrake himself asking if I had any questions about the seminar, took me
just a little off guard.  I told him that I have had trouble getting Olaf to
load, Richard said, "Great, we have our first volunteer for the loading
demonstration!"  I am really looking forward to this and know that we both
going to gain much information from this.  I have been trying to Olaf all
prettied up for this, but the weather took a nasty turn--rain, cold temps and
wind--so Olaf got brushed good, of course that made him go out into the
pasture find the biggest mud puddle, yup, mud puddle, and roll around in it
and spash big gobs of mud all over -- totally covered his back,sides and of
course his mane, so he got brushed again really good last night, today it is
cold, the pasture is more solid so I am hoping the swamp monster stays a
little cleaner today.

I know this is not showing but I think Olaf will be the only Fjord at this
seminar, the barn where it is being held is a big show barn, mostly
saddleseat/hunter-jumper, I think. Off we go, I am calling this "Olaf's Big
Jeanne and Olaf, in cold but at least clear with some sun today in Michigan

Brenderup Trailers....

2004-04-15 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 Brenderup Horse Trailers, I just received a package with all the information,
the body of the trailer is made out of  1/2" thick formica with the roof made
out of fiberglass. I loved some of the ideas that are on this trailer, but the
one thing that I do not think I convince myself of is the safety of this
trailer. I am sure that it is fine for trailering but I am not satisfied of
the safety if it is involved in any kind of a crash. I think the new ones or
some models have a couple roll bars installed in the roof for reinforcement.
I got my package of information from Fox Hunt Trailer Sales, 199813 Burlington
Rd., Union Grove, WI 53182, Phone  1-800-301-7276 code 04.  I still have not
made up my mind on a trailer.   I talked with a lady at a barn I was visiting
and she hauls with a SUV, one big advantage she said was that she could handle
the trailer totally by herself and it was great to hitch up and the ramp was
light.  She loved her Brenderup and it was a 2 horse. Good luck,

Jeanne in MI

Follow up Richard Shrake....

2004-04-04 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to thank all of you who responded so positively to my doubts about
myself and Olaf attending the Richard Shrake seminar in May. Thankfully I have
already paid so there is no backing out,  you are so right, others will be
doing their thing and if they have a "superiority" complex, so be it. I plan
on going, learning as much as I can, having fun and working with Olaf, who
will probably be wondering what all the fuss is about.

I will let you all know how it goes. When I talked with Mr Shrake he
immediately knew the Fjord breed and said he was looking forward to working
with Olaf.

Eunice and John, it is good to see you on the board again, it has been

Hoping we all get spring weather with some sunshine and can get out with the
horses and do some fun activities. Olaf is almost shedded out, it was a lot of
brushing and combing, but he is looking so good, what a handsome boy. Now
I have to get going on his mane, it is so thick and I let it get just a little
longer this winter.thanks again for the encouragement.
Jeanne in MI

Richard Shrake seminar..

2004-04-01 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am scheduled to go a seminar for 4 days given by Richard Shrake May 4-7. I
am getting "cold feet" (and not just because of our temps). I am wondering if
we, Olaf and myself, might not be quite ready for this. I talked with Mr
Shrake and he said he loves to work with "greener horses and owners" and not
just horses and owners that have been showing and winning ribbons. That made
me feel better,  what I am wondering is have any of you ever gone to a Richard
Shrake seminar or similar seminar??  I did talk to a local barn owner who has
worked with Mr Shrake at some of the local expo's and will probably be at the
seminar in May and she said that he works at the level of the horse and rider
and normally brings their levels of working and enjoyment of each other up

I have been looking forward to this since last Nov and now that it is about a
month away I am thinking I may be "over my head" at this level. Olaf and I are
currently doing a month long tune up with my local trainer before going in
May. Any suggestions as how to get myself and Olaf ready for this would be
greatly appreciated.

I am interested in trail riding and not planning on doing any showing, just
want a safe and sane horse that I can enjoy. As I said before I am retired (55
yrs), Olaf is my first horse (he's 5yrs) and I want to do the best for him and
keep us both safe, sound and sane.

Jeanne in MI
temp 25 with rain/snow mix expected all day, bur!!


2004-02-03 Thread Jeanne Zuker
This message is from: "Jeanne Zuker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Welcome to the list and learning about Fjords. My Fjord is my first horse and
I am so happy that I did all the research, asking questions, riding different
horses and still came back to the Fjord, at 55 yrs I really wanted a horse
that I would love forever and not have or want to sell in a year or so and I
found that in my Olaf, 5 yr old gelding, that I got almost 2 yrs ago.  These
are wonderful horses and I love mine more each day and appreciate it that he
will forgive me for some of the mistakes that I have made in the past. I am
doing trail riding and he is so steady on the trails, if he thinks there is a
"monster" hiding he puts his head up and "snorts" but never bucks, takes off
or even dances around, then he will wait for a second, no "monster" appears
and off we go, got to love

Again, welcome and I hope you find just that right Fjordie for you.

Jeanne in MI where we are actually in the low 30's today!!! HURRAH!!