Birth Announcement WOW! all fillies and New Mares

2006-06-30 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now I know why this message didn't get posted, I sent it from another 

Announcing the Arrival of Nysse born 6/20. Her Sire is WHR Elsker our 4 year 
old stallion and her Dam is Quad-L's Lara, our friend Sarah Nagel's mare.

I can't believe Elsker threw all fillies  !!!  We have WHR Val Kyrie and WHR 
Feline (Feline will be for sale at weaning 8/17 for $1800) our daughter Mandy 
and son- inlaw Eric, bought ValKyrie.   Sarah is keeping Nysse at this time.

Little Nysse is very light red with a barely visible dorsal, just like Elsker 
was when he was little.(he's a gorgeous reddish brown now)  the other two 
fillies are very dark with very prominant markings.

All Three are BEAUTIFUL and Sarah is so happy to have a new baby.

We have welcomed to our herd recently,  Two Rivers Kare and Two Rivers Pen 
Jente (Penny).  These two 14 year old mares are beautiful and will make very 
nice babies for us. Both of these mares have the Njaals - Merke on their 
and lots and lots of zebra striping on their legs.  I love those markings!

Well I better get back to all the horse paperwork I am trying to get filled 

Enjoy your summer Everyone

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

I know who is hoarding the Leidjo Daughters

2006-03-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Its Lisa Pederson.  She has all these beautiful Leidjo daughters in her 

Lisa, I think maybe collecting is a form of mental illness,  maybe you should 
look that up and see if you qualify!

I just got back from an emergency trip to Las Vegas, NV. and Lisa Pederson, 
is just a few hours from there in Cedar City, Utah and she was SO very kind and 
let me crash there after 12 hours of driving.

In the morning I got to meet all the Fjords. She has quite the beautiful herd 
there as well as two GORGEOUS Stallions. 

She lives in a recreational heaven. There are so many places to ride and 
drive the horses.

She had a guest room all ready for me. I was just sorry I didn't have a horse 
trailer  full of horses and a few days to play.

It would have been much better than sitting in a hospital room with my 
husband, who had contracted a very serious invasive  staph infection.  He is 
out of 
the hospital now. but has been told it will be 3 mths before he is healed and 
can resume normal activities. (He is SOO Thrilled )

My Mares WHR Tonetta and Tone, were so sweet and have waited to foal until I 
am home. ...ANYTIME GIRLS!!

Well Im gonna go catch a cat nap

Talk to you guys soon
Michele Noonan
Wild Hair Ranch
Stevensville, MT

Foaling Question

2006-03-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All

We are officially on foal watch and I'm officially sleep deprived already.

Question  #1..  Just how accurate are those ultrasounds?  We had one done on 
both mares and they were only a few days apart 83 and 85 days bred. Projected 
due date is March 14th!!  (Tone prefers to do the 12 mth thing so far)

Since I pasture bred with a young stallion last year. I figured it was best 
to go by the date of the ultrasound.  It matched with my observation that 
neither mare came back in heat in May,

Question #2.  Has anyone ever used or knows were to get this gadget that you 
put on the mare and it tells you if they are lying down??? a Foaling predictor 
of sorts?

I'm thinking something like that might ony get me up a few times a night, 
rather than setting the clock for every 30 minutes.

This is Tone's 3rd foal ( She didn't bag up with the other two) but it's 
Tonetta's 1st foal and she's as big as a house.   It might be because she's 
about 13.2 that she looks that big, but still, I kinda feel sorry for her.

WHR Elsker is anxiously awaiting (at the trainers) his first sons or 

Foaling questions

2006-03-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That last post about the Foaling questions was from

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT
I hit the send button too soon

Welcome to the Fjord List Nina

2006-03-10 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's about time Nina!  (Sabrina) I've been trying to get her on the list for 
over a year.

Nina forgot to mention that she is the proud owner of Opal, the dam of our up 
and coming 4 year old (make sure I got the number right this time) 
stallion WHR Elsker.

Opal made herself priceless to Nina last year, when she gave birth to a 
beautiful filly and then had to take on a Fjord colt too. She nursed both 
successfully and brought the colt back from the brink.

Condolences to Nina for the recent loss of her first Fjord Kona, We know you 
loved her a lot. 

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Re: Elsker Brag and Update

2006-03-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I must be typing way to fast today

Elsker is turning 4 on June 26th of this year


Blonde today

Elsker Brag and Update

2006-03-03 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok You guys know, I rarely post, But I read them all!!

We sent our (almost) year old Stallion WHR Elsker to a trainer a little over 
30 days ago.  He is learning how to ride, He learned how to drive Single and 
Team last year.  

HE is doing so AWESOME.  We took him to his first open show on Saturday, with 
full intentions of just getting him some experience around other mares and 
new settings etc.  We entered him in all the Walk/Trot classes.

He took 1st place in the Walk Trot Trail class. He had to Trot over poles, 
Side pass over to open a mailbox and then We had to open a gate and he had to 
thru it, and then pivot in a box and BACK THRU 3 BARRELS.  He did awesome!

He took 2nd in Western Pleasure Walk/Trot and Mandy (my daughter) and Elsker 
took 1st in Western Equitation. 

He was quite the gentleman. He didn't talk to anyone. It was a perfect show 
to start with, only about 20 horses total. We are taking him to his second show 
March 25th. All of this hoping he will be ready for the Spring PNFPG Clinic. 

He is completing his second month in training before we bring him home for 

We are very excited as his first Progeny are expected in a few weeks. Tone 
and Tonetta are due end of March!

See you all at Libby this year if not before!!

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Re: Nice woman looking for quiet fjord

2005-07-19 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OOPS I really should check Before I email things

That email was private  I had just emailed her and forgot the contact info

Im feeling very blonde

Michele Noonan

Re: Nice woman looking for quiet fjord

2005-07-19 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS  Uller is basic trained to pull a cart and he loads, clips etc...

406-360-5614  My Cell phone  #

Michele Noonan

Daily Stallion Evaluating

2005-02-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lisa, I had to crack up. Poor WHR Elsker, now I have one more thing to look 
If this poor guy (who is only 2 1/2) knew how his hangy downs were evaluated 
for keeping on a daily basis, he would shudder.

Mandy (my daughter) finally said "Enough Mom" He looks great, let him grow 
some more and take him to Libby.

I keep asking people things like, Do you think his head is too big? do you 
think he walks straight? Do you think he is gonna be too tall?
The only for sure thing I know is his personality and work ethic is WONDERFUL!
NOW THANKS TO LISA, I can stand out there all day waiting for the moment I 
can check out the Color of you  know what!!!

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

A Winter Drive and some Stallion Questions

2005-01-25 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have been having so much fun lately, I just can't stop myself from Posting!

Here it is in the end of January and its mid 50's here in the Bitterroot 
Valley, Montana

Today was another day of FIRSTS!

Saturday I got to drive my 2 1/2 year old stud WHR Elsker with his training 
partner a Belgian Mare

TODAY we hooked him for the first time with our 11 year old Fjord mare Tone'

I have to admit I was a little uneasy at first, Elsker hadn't seen Tone' for 
two months and the Hello was a little more like "Hey Baby Look how I have 
grown up!".

After a few squeals and getting after them both for just a few minutes, all 
was well, We hitched them to the hay wagon and went out to feed cows.
They were wonderful, no crabbing or teasing and they worked well together.

When we were done we put Tone away (Elsker didn't like that Part) and then 
hooked Elsker up to a cart with shafts, This was the first time driven single.  
He was great!!

He did some circles and backed and walked and trotted and acted like the cart 
was no big deal He is even starting to side pass a little!

Here are my questions!

I have never raised a stud, (we owned the old stallion Eric for the last few 
years of his life and he was a great way to break into having a stallion) I 
want to do it right. We spent a lot of time with Elsker on ground manners . He 
just started driving training in Dec. He was born end of June 2002.

I have decided not to let him whinny, or knicker or make any noise while 
haltered or harnessed.  Is this unrealistic to ask of him?

How many of you drive your stallion with a mare year round?

How many of you let the stud live with the mares (we do)

If I let him live with the mares, What the heck am I gonna do at Libby when 
he has to be by himself?? If I seperate him a month before will that help?
I want a well behaved stud, or he will be cut, 
(so far he is, but he is just realizing he is pretty HOT)
Any advice is welcome

Michele Noonan
Stevensville , MT

Re:Lisa's Certification and Then some

2005-01-23 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh Lisa, You just described how I feel when attempting something new.  I 
particularly love the "  And I don't want to get hurt, and I don't want to get 
hurt"  That is me to the T.

We had a Very fun day yesterday. Our local driving and draft horse club had 
our winter drive.  Usually we load up teams and tow the kids on sleds to the 
back of a ranch to have a bon fire chili feed. This year we had NO snow!  We 
fun though.

Yesterday was my first day taking WHR Elsker, our 2 1/2 year old stud out for 
a community event. He has been in training for about 6 weeks and has been 
driving with a Belgian mare. He has never been out with any other teams.

Elsker was sure that ALL the other teams were mares!  He had his head peanut 
rolled down so far it looked like it hurt.  He pranced at every Walk or Trot 
we asked for. HOWEVER!  He behaved and did everything we asked. He even stood 
tied for two hours with that Belgian mare.  I had not seen him but once since 
Thanksgiving and I cannot believe how much he has grown.  He is just as big as 
my mare Tone' already. He gets his size from his dam Opal (Hanson and Jullie 
C). He gets his beautiful coloring and movement from Eric his sire.

I cannot wait to show him off at Libby this year. FINALLY after 5 years of 
breeding we  found our perfect match and got a stallion prospect.  Too Bad we 
lost the stud " Eric (Ellinor and Holtar) a few years ago of old age..

Today it's sunny and warm and we are gonna go RIDING!  Unheard of in January 
in Montana

PNFPG Show contact needed

2005-01-19 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I posted a few days ago,  Maybe I missed the reply.

I need the Name and # of  someone in the PNFPG, that the Contact person for 
the Draft Horse Show Club in Montana can call. I think they are trying to 
schedule their show so it wont interfere with Libby or they need some class 
They called me and I said I would get them a name

Thank You

Michele Noonan

PNFPG Information Needed

2005-01-17 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi,  I need the name of the person in charge of the show committee.  Our 
Montana Draft Horse Club would like some information  and needs a contact 

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT
Where its warming up and now its Freezing Rain YUK

Re: winter temps and cart suggestions?

2005-01-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Isn't it amazing how a few miles makes a difference, Bonnie is freezing in 
Helena, MT and I am a few minutes south of Missoula and we hit 30 today and its 
snowing and quite nice outside right now.
Cynthia, I do believe you are bordering on Teasing us Northern Folk.  LOL

I am hoping to buy a 4 wheel cart this year. I think I've narrowed it down to 
what I need:
1. Something I can use Single or Team
2. Something I can manage as a 5ft 2in gal with little muscle tone.
3. Something I can use on the dirt roads as well as the occasional show
4.  Hopefully something I can tow behind the horse trailer or can disassemble

ANY IDEAS of where I can find something like this? What can I expect to pay 
USED? I'm quite sure I can't afford new! Also, what should I look for when I 
look at used?

One neighbor expressed concern about the 1/2 inch of snow on the horses back 
end.  I replied, " I guess they aren't losing any body heat out of that thick 
hair if the snow can't even melt"
When the weather dips below 0  we just let them eat to their hearts content 
(100% grass hay).

Michele Noonan
Wild Hair Ranch
Stevensville, MT

Re: sad, sad tale

2005-01-06 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh Lisa,  I sure hope you are feeling better, And  NEXT TIME take the 
percoset, you would have slept thru the whole fiasco!
PS I'm sure you will miss Korina when she goes to her new home. I sure still 
miss her mother Opal, who is very happy in Colorado not too far from Beth 
Beymer, I keep hoping they will introduce her to their stud.
Michele Noonan
In  Cl Montana

Thank you to my Secret Santa down under

2004-12-21 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi I received my gift from my secret santa. I don't know your name but I know 
you live in Australia. Thank you for the flower book mark and the purse size 
calendar of art prints and the little fjord trinket.

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Re: Bud Evers

2004-11-18 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amy, I am truly sorry for your loss. The few times I saw your dad and you at 
Libby, I could tell right away where you get your gentleness and love for the 
horses. The two of you made a great team also.  I am so glad he was playing 
with the horses until he died.  
May his memories help you thru this sad time.
God Bless you and your family

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Re: Pets and Vet Chat and Karen

2004-10-26 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lisa, I remember Karen from our first few years of that chat, She was a 
lovely lady.

Is the chat still on going?

Michele Noonan

Our Newest Fjord addition

2004-10-19 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Like I need another Potato chip, I mean Fjord.

We do have an interesting story that goes with the new horse so here goes:

5 1/2 years ago we met our first Fjords, two old mares that lived up the 
road. Jensina and Jonetta, two mares that originally belonged to Gene Bauer 
years before. My friend Sarah and I rescued (I mean bought, we had a lot to 
learn) these 25 year old mares with 8mth old colts still not weaned.  The 
at the time decided to send one colt with us and keep the other as a stud 
prospect. We told them if you EVER decide to sell him let us know, we want him.

We learned a lot from the old mares, we obviously did not get any foals out 
of them and they died within months of each other within a year. They served 
their purpose, they were great ambassadors of the breed and Sarah Nagel and I 
were Hooked on Fjords

Sarah still owns Sonny, Jensina's last baby, but we had lost track of the 
other baby. The people sold him one weekend when we were out of town for $700 
a wild unbroken almost 3 year old. The new gal broke him to ride and drive and 
sold him within a few months, making enough money for her college tuition. 
A friend of mine called me a few weeks ago and said, "Hey did you see that 
Fjord Gelding for sale, their are flyers all over town, I picked one up for 
you."  I took one look and knew it was our long lost Jonetta/Ravel baby. (his 
is Uller)
I called her, went to see him, he's beautiful and I paid full price for him!! 
I wasn't gonna loose him again.
I don't think the lady realized just how much he was worth though and I got a 
great deal. He has driven (a little) and he has been trail ridden a lot and 
he's been to every clinic that has come our way on natural horsemanship type 
He's a little spoiled, but we can fix that.  He is 14.3 hands and very 
drafty, when I rode him it was like a rocking chair. Quite different from my 
We now own our first Gelding, and of course he has fit right in (the bottom 
of course)

An interesting note.  I knew I was gonna be in trouble for getting another 
horse, but we had one horse that wasn't a Fjord, a 16 year old paint gelding 
with arthritis. I put an ad up for him and sold him the first day for the EXACT 
SAME AMOUNT I NEEDED TO BUY ULLER. It was meant to be!! and I'm not in the DOG 

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Re: Libby

2004-09-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, we are finally home and somewhat recuperated from Libby.  We had a 
great time and all our hard work in teaching the girls (Tone' and Netta) to 
paid off and we got lots of compliments on how nice they and I are coming 
Also a few shocking ribbons that we didn't expect to get.
Tone' took third in the fast Keyhole race with the infamous Dusty stallion 
taking second. Don't know the name of the horse taking first but I'm pretty 
he only stopped because of the judges standing around the outside of the 
Keyhole circle. Boy did he put the breaks on. Good thing you didn't get run 

Saw lots of old friends and met some new ones. Stayed up swapping funny horse 
stories one night with the Knutsens, Watanabi's (spelling) and the Cook's.  
What a riot we all can be at the end of a tiring day

Saw a few prospective purchases, if only I had $$ LOL

Over all the rain wasn't bad, It had a habit of quitting before or during the 
first class and did not rain during the show.

As far as the parades, You have to go downhill over a concrete bridge to get 
into town and It was raining hard that morning. Also the staging area for the 
horses needs to be addressed for safety issues. I think the PFNPG is going to 
meet with the Nordicfest Parade committee this winter.

HUGE turnout of competitors at Libby, and as always it was a lot of fun.

I couldn't believe we got 4th in Gamblers Choice Team!!

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

No Llamas at our parade thank goodness

2004-08-10 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well we successfully have another parade under out belt. This is our second 
parade with our girls. Tone' has done a few with a rider.
It went GREAT. A little scary for me because it was a long and narrow parade 
and we were lined up for over two hours prior. ( I always expect the worst)

The Creamery Event in Stevensville, Mt is the oldest celebration in Montana. 
It gets bigger every year.

Netta (the three year old) got a little upset when we were on the block 
behind lining up and she saw minature horses (with wings) pulling a mini cart, 
think she thought three of those with wings made for a scary thing.  Tone' gave 
the hundreds of balloons a sideways glance but that was the only response from 
her.  We were in an old fashion Surrey and there were some famous Montana 
Authors in the back, Cooing over the horses

We got our first Blue Ribbon.
Hope to see everyone at Libby.  I'm still trying to figure out whose cart or 
wagon I am going to borrow and How the heck I am going to get it there.

Michele Noonan

Llama trouble

2004-08-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had an eventful trail ride this week!!

I went with another friend who has a fjord and our trainer who rode 3 year 
old Netta (WHR Tonetta) and I rode Tone'

My horses have never been up close to a Llama, and I know that other horses 
can be scared of them.

This is what happened.  The neighbors very sweet friendly Llama got out and 
was in the ranch next door (We didn't know this of course). We were on our 
leisurely ride. This was Netta's first trail ride with a rider and not being 
When out of nowwhere behind a rock on the hill above us the LARGE SCARY Fjord 
Killing (These are Tone's words now) Llama, came at a dead run at her.  When 
I saw the Llama coming, I quickly got off my horse and my trainer took Netta 
around the other corner back the way we came, she had been a little behind us 
so she had time to do this before Netta saw the Llama, I didn't.  I tried to 
hold Tone' but the Llama thought she needed sniffing and Tone took off like a 
rocket, down the hill jumping rocks and sage brush and never looked back for 
about a mile. 
I prayed the whole way, that the bridle and reins would stay over her head 
and that she wouldn't get hurt.
She didn't get hurt at all. We found her doing laps in a lower pasture, she 
slowly calmed down as she heard me calling and talking to her on my way down 
the hill. The saddle had slipped to the side and my lunch was gone out of the 
saddle bag, but that was it. We took the saddle off, put it back on and 
continued down and decided the river was a safer place to play and the girls 
had so 
much fun playing in the river. Tone was fine the rest of the day. But this 
has never spooked at anything in all the years I have had her, not even a 
The What IF's just about killed me that day.
What if I had been in a cart?
What if I hadnt gotten off, could I have controlled her?
Well you know how the rest of the What If's go

I have located a Llama to borrow, but what is the safest way to introduce 
them. I don't want them going thru my fences. I do have a wooden large corral.

My friend that was with me, had borrowed the same Llama and her horse wasnt 
happy, but didn't run off.  Netta tried to take off a little when Tone did but 
my trainer was able to turn her in a circle and she instantly stopped. What a 
good girl!!

Any ideas would be great,

Llama traumatized in Montana

Michele Noonan

Having Fjord Fun!

2004-07-12 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All. Just got a minute to tell you what fun I have been having now that I 
have a team and I have learned how to drive!!
Thanks Lisa Pederson for the years of encouragement!.

I had my two mares trained this winter by a very good local driving trainer ( 
He is an old teamster and raises Belgians and is the president of our local 
driving and draft horse club)

Tone' (10) and her daughter Tonetta(Netta) (3) are making the best team. They 
work so well together
The girls made their Debut in a local parade June 19th.They were awesome, We 
took 2nd place.

Last week we went on a driving club event with over 7 wagons and carts.(three 
teams of Fjords By The Way) We drove a Pioneer forecart. Not too heavy, but 
not too light.  It was a long drive, about 8 miles on easy road, but we didn't 
want to wear out Netta.  HAHA we wore out Tone'.
The girls were awesome, they encountered, bikes, goats, deer, and outriders 
running up on them. Nothing bothered them.
Tone likes to drag in the beginning. and Netta gets tired on the way home. 
They work well together.

I'm so excited for Libby, I have a great team, a great harness, and nothing 
to hook it too yet. We have been borrowing wagons and carts all summer.

Now I am trying to learn English riding.. HAHA that isn't coming as well as 
the driving...

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

PS. I thought there was gonna be a barrel class at Libby, Tone' has a title 
to defend.

Fjord Brag

2004-05-17 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a note to say we had a great time promoting the Fjords as a great kids 
Jr Rodeo horse.

Our younger boys have done beginning rodeo on an old paint horse we have. 
This spring however, Wally just doesn't have it in him anymore.  The kids 
couldn't make him go above a trot.  Granted my boys, don't like to go that fast 
anyway, but we knew they weren't having any fun, just frustration.   SOO

being the Fjord loving mom that I am, two days before the rodeo I suggested 
they run their set up poles and barrels with Tone' our fjord mare. I said, 
"Just try it, she's faster than you think and she won't do anything crazy with 
you"  So Patrick our least horsey kid of the bunch decided to try her.

HE LOVES HER.  Told me she was now his horse and he rode her solid for the 
next two days getting her ready.   Riley then said. Hey let me try!  Riley is 8

We took her to the rodeo, NO ONE made fun of her.  All the little girls 
wanted a ride, Patrick thought that was cool. Riley didn't.  

The Boys got her to LOPE,
Tone' wont go any faster than her rider can handle. So she felt pretty 
confident obviously.

They didnt win, but they sure had fun and they rode all over the grounds all 
night. We got lots of compliments on her calmness and also her speed.  I could 
have sold 10 of her that night. But She is not for sale!!

PS  the next morning, the first thing out of Patrick's mouth was" Can I ride 
Tone' today?"

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Finally I am officially Driving a Team

2004-04-27 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well  after being involved with the local Driving Club for 3 years and just 
going as an outrider. We sent our mare Tone' to a wonderful driving instructor 
(an old teamster and farmer) here in the Bitteroot Valley, Kent Connor.  He 
taught Tone' to drive single and Team and she is doing great. At 10 years old 
she was a little miffed she had to learn something new but she is doing well. 
She is so quiet and unflappable she did well and nothing has phased her

Then last month we sent her filly our 3 year old Netta (WHR Tonetta) to him 
and she was even better. You can still tell she's young but she definetly Likes 
to work. She was feeding cows morning and night with a Belgian mare he trains 
them with.  She does still hate the cows, but she isn't jumping around 

Last Saturday I took the girls to our driving club playday and I hooked them 
up by myself (with much supervision) and we went for a drive.  The girls have 
only been working together 10 times, I was a little nervous. But they work 

I have my learners permit only. So  I am not doing anything unsupervised this 

I am having fun

Michele Noonan 
Stevensville, MT

Re: Windson delayed

2004-03-26 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Peg where in Montana are they  having trouble??

We are near Missoula, If we can help let us know


Even if it's to run up some kisses from you to him

Fjord Stallion

2004-01-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All, Hope winter is treating you well. 

This year will be a big one for us. Our mare Tone'  (Torungen and Malla) is 
currently learning to pull a cart./wagon. She is doing so well. She is 10 ,so 
it's about time.  Then we have her filly Tonetta (netta for short) (Rusten and 
Tone') who is 3 this year. She is gonna learn it all.   Then we have our two 
year old Stud colt that I  have been keeping quiet about because I am still 
waiting to see how he matures. He's a beauty and BIG.
 WHR Elsker (Eric and Opal).

Here are some questions for you

1. At what age do you all spend the time and $$ to evaluate?  What percentage 
of 2 year olds are even given a blue?
I don't know whether to wait until he is 4 and rides and drives to spend the 
time and $ to evaluate. or Do I bring  him to Libby this year at 2 for just 
conformation.  We are only 5 hours away

2. What age do you start breeding your stallions?  3? 4?  I think 2 is too 
young for myself to consider and I want another year to see if he is worthy of 
keeping his jewels. So far so good and he is a sweety to work with.

Anyway. We have been having a blast pulling wagons around in the snow with 
Tone' and the Belgian mare she is paired with by the trainer.  We are gettting 
twice a week lessons and I can harness and hitch all by myself now  LOL 
Although my main problem seems to be judging the width of the wagon and turning 
radius. but Im getting it!!

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT
The Beautiful  Bitterroot Valley

Re: Rocky Mt Rider Magazine

2003-12-03 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amy, they have Rocky Mt rider all over here. I will see If I can pick one up, 
Also, I think they may have a web page where you could order past issues. or
I will check and see

Stevensville, MT

FINALLY! A filly for us!

2003-04-23 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, Tone' had a beautiful tall filly at 8:20 this morning. We just barely 
made it in time to see the birth.  She had this filly at exactly the same 
gestation as her last filly two years ago 12mths and 6 days from the last 
possible breed date. I think she might be related to an elephant?
WHR Erica is doing well (named after her deceased sire Eric) This is Eric's 
last foal. He died this past fall from stomach cancer at a ripe age of 23 ish 
(cant remember exactly)
Tone' did retain the placenta for 8 hours and I was coming back with an 
oxytocin shot from our vet when she passed it. All looked well and we are 
dosing her three days with penicillin to be safe.
The filly did all her milestones. Stood up, ate and pooped.

We are tired and glad this is our only foal this year.  Erica's cannon bones 
are longer than Tone's its the strangest thing to see them standing next to 
her, she looks like a giraffe. But legs are straight.

I'm going to bed  Night
Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Overdue mare (again!)

2003-04-21 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok,  I am so tired of waiting on Tone' to foal. She is once again at 12 
months from the last possible breeding date. Her first foal two years ago 
went 12 months and 6 days. She was only bred one day that time. This time we 
had her in with the stallion her entire heat.  
She is slowly bagging up and she looks ever so ready in all other aspects. 
She has no wax at all and her bag is probably only 1/2 full, starting to get 
there though.  

I know, I'm gonna end up missing it if she doesn't hurry. We are all getting 
tired of shift sleep.  LOL.  We don't have foaling stalls here, just  a 
temporary panel corral outside the house with spotlights shining on her. We 
have a great view from the dining room. 

Oh well, I just wanted some sympathy  LOL

PS we still have our 13 year old Fjord mare Opal for sale for $2900 if anyone 
is interested, The market is down in the Northwest and I really want a great 
home for her.

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Re: arena

2003-03-09 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ruthie, with unlimited camping space, sign me up for a work party weekend and 
you can reward me with a driving lesson.   Now I for sure have to make the 5 
hour trip.  Might just bring a mare to visit while i'm at it... this is 
sounding better and  better

Michele Noonan
Wild Hair Ranch in Soggy, Slushy, Bitteroot valley
16 inches of snow trying to melt in 24 hours   yuk

Correct Email for Proudbottom Ranch

2003-02-25 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All, I called Denise Galbrath of Proudbottom ranch here in the Bitteroot 
Valley. She has quite a bit  of stock for sale and at this point is only 
considering taking the younger stock to the auction and not the others
Here is the correct email for them

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Re: In support of my son

2003-02-23 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Loretta, from one Marine Mom to another. Be proud of your son. He is joining 
the Few, The Proud, The Marines

My son is 20 and is currently in Okanawa, Japan (he left for bootcamp Sept 
24, 2001) and getting ready to ship out to the Phillipines for two months of 
Embassy duty. He is in military police. Jake was never much into the horses, 
but when he left and came back, he said he missed their peaceful company and 
volunteered to do all the feeding while he was home. Guess he found what the 
simple things in life can bring you. He is definetly a changed young man. 
Although still our Jake

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

BR it's currently 3 degrees

West Nile meeting Info

2003-02-11 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just came back from a very informative draft horse club meeting. A well 
respected local vet came with a bunch of info for us on West Nile
Here are the highlights (I don't guarantee any of this is 100% correct so 
take it as you wish, just interesting info!)

Approved in October by USDA (funny how we just found out last week)

This means that your vet can give the shots to you to administer yourself. 
they are not required to do anything. Although Ft Dodge would like info still.

West Nile goes in 3-4 year cycles and has been around for decades in other 
countries. We are the only country that has even bothered with a vaccine.
Notice how the cases in the East coast have dwindled. Yep its because they 
are at the tail end of their cycle. We are just beginning ours here in the 
West and the Midwest is in full swing.
It all has to do with birds more than mosquitoes. As the bird population gets 
the disease, The non-immune get sick and die. The remaining have natural 
antibodies and when they and their offspring die out, The cycle starts again 
with the next generation of non-immune birds. Hence the aproximate 10 year 

85% of all West Nile cases in the US happen in August, Sept and Oct. When the 
songbirds are in migration. Has not much to do with height of mosquito 
season. So just because you see a mosquito. Doesn't Mean West Nile is ramped 
in your area yet. Keep an eye out more for the birds (alive and dead) robins, 
crows, bluejays seem to contract the disease and die in great numbers but it 
still corresponds with migratory birds as far as timing of the outbreaks. 

My vet says you need maximum immunity in Aug-Oct. So he is waiting to 
vaccinate his horses until April 1. (In his opinion, of course)
The vaccine MAY!!!  keep your animal from getting sick
They do see a difference in the way an animal gets sick, vaccinated vs. non 
It seems, the old and young are most at risk for getting the disease. BUT 
once your horse gets it (whether it's healthy to begin with or not).  and is 
sick from the virus, There is no rhyme or reason as to which one will die or 
live. 33% fatality.

Steve White, what do you think of this info?? Is he correct in most? He had 
handouts from UC Davis, I think it was, that had all this info on it.
Michele Noonan
Bitteroot Valley, Mt (where we are Virus free so far, it never made it over 
the Continental Divide last year)


2003-02-11 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you wanted to buy a couple of Fords, you'd better learn to spell!"

"If you want us to stop running, just say,'Whoa' not ‘OH MY GAWD, I'm gonna



Re: About Norweigian Horse Cookie Cutters

2003-01-25 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can get the fjord cookie cutters from the Pacific Northwest Fjord 
PRomotional Group

We have lots of Fjord items

Contact Sarah Nagel-Graves


Re: To Steve M

2003-01-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh Good Steve, I just wanted to make sure It had arrived since I was late and 
was hoping it would get to you before you left. Talk about last minute.  I 
figured the cookie cutter would benefit you  in some way, We made cinnamon 
cut outs with it and hung them on the christmas tree.
Also made horsey treats with them.  
Glad you got it

When are you gonna make that move permanent?

Michele Noonan
STevensville, Mt
10 inches of snow and still going  FINALLY winter has arrived

To Steve M

2003-01-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve, your secret santa would like to know if you got your gift with all 
your recent travelings. It was mailed early January.
PS  you do a great job of keeping us all in line and manging this list. Boy 
does your job get tough every January  LOL

Michele Noonan
In the VERY snowy Bitteroot Valley, Montana
8 inches and still coming since noon

Secret Santa

2003-01-09 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I bet this will be a dead give away.   This Santa had a slug of company and a 
wedding all around the holidays so. The package is on the way  and should 
arrive anyday!Bet you can guess who my recipient is now Hope it 
catches up to you before you fly the coop!

Michele Noonan
Exhausted but I have a spare room now.  Only two redhead boys left at home, 
and I have along time to wait

Thank You Not So Secret Santa!!

2002-12-21 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Sue,  I received the second part of your package today.  What a perfect 
gift, I am just sending Tone' to the driving trainer and we will start 
lessons with her in a few months. These driving and harnessing books will 
help alot

The horsey treats were a hit with all the furry ones and I would love to know 
where you got the adorable Fjord figurine, I can think of alot of people that 
would like to get their hands on those

Thanks Again.
My secret Santa recipients package got mailed today, So It should arrive 
shortly after Christmas I would think

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from a very crazed Noonan House. Anxiously 
awaiting Christmas and Mandy's wedding and Jacob's return from Japan

Stevensville, Mt

HAHAH Sue! and a secret santa clue

2002-12-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AHAHHH,, SUE!, I figured it out.  Okay so I was a little slow about it 
and you did give me a VERY big clue!.

Now I Am a secret santa to someone too., I have to be creative this year

So YOU Guys will have to guess who you are!!  instead of guessing who I am

My secret santa recipient is recently a frequent flyer user or maybe its a 
frequent gas card user. We have met once and you do stand out in a crowd a 
little depending on what part of the country you are in I'm sure. I was born 
in the 60's and I think you may still be there. !!! (just joking now)  we 
don't have much in common except our fjords.I have different time zones but 
not different countries.  Anyone care to guess who you are?

I hope I don't get myself in trouble!

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Christmas Parade

2002-12-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, We have been real busy here in the Foggy Bitteroot Valley, Our 
daughter, and main trainer/ranch hand, Mandy, is being whisked away (well, 
not to far) and getting married December 28th. A beautiful Holiday wedding, 
complete with horse drawn carriage (hopefully not sleigh).

The day after Thanksgiving, Myself, Sarah Nagel and Mark Graves took three 
Fjords to a nearby Tree lighting parade in Hamilton, MT. Most of our 
Bitteroot Driving and Draft Horse club was present with lit carriages, etc., 
(BTW the Fjords outnumber the other breeds now Tee Hee). We dressed as Wise 
men and followed the wagon pulling the live nativity also pulled by a Fjord. 
We thought it quite funny how The fjords do resemble camels or yaks this time 
of year.  We had a great time. Tone' thought all the shadows might be ice 
puddles and looked leary a few times but was very good. And Ori and Lara, 
Sarah's Fjords were wonderful too. It was a beautiful evening and we had a 
great time. Next week we are going to try it again in our town.

Thanks to my Secret Santa for the clues.  But. I have no clue who you are 

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Re: barrel racing

2002-10-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you were at Libby this year, we had a Barrel racing class, It was 
hysterical. Mandy won on our mare Tone at a whopping 34 seconds. (This isnt 
Tone's best by far)  but no matter what she is ALWAYS 10 seconds behind 
Mandy's QH mare.  It was a hoot to watch and Mandy knew it was one class she 
was sure to win.  Our 8 year old son is using Tone in Jr Rodeo next year, I 
figure what they lose in time is made up in building confidence in our son 
and safety for him too.

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Mare for Sale

2002-09-08 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All.  Getting ready to go to Libby later this week.
I am taking a mare to Libby that we have for sale
Her name is Trulte,(AR-A-762-M) she is 15 and by our old stallion Eric, her 
bloodlines are Great, as Eric was sired by a licensed Norwegian stallion and 
imported inside his Dam.Her dam is Vesla.
Trulte has spent alot of time being a brood mare and until she came to us had 
minimal experience.(typical Fjord someone just got on and started riding, but 
have no clue whether she ever saw a trainer.)
I just picked her up from a cutting trainer we use. He is the best for 
teaching them to give to the bit and move off leg. She is calm and sweet, but 
not a real beginners horse yet.She has done some trail. and NO show (Libby 
should be fun  LOL)
 We are going to continue with our line of breeding, and we have to outside 
breed Trulte. SO  
we have her for sale for $3500.  If you are interested email us for pictures
She is your average Fjord not too drafty, not too light. She is 14.1 hands 
and light in color. She loads, bathes, shoes etc.

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Birth Announcement and an update on our old stallion

2002-06-26 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Much to our surprise, We are announcing the arrival of a new little stud colt 
whose name will beElsker. Out of our mare Opal and our old guy 
stallion Eric

I wanted the name to be Oric, but my family says we can't name him a vacuum 
cleaner name!

Opal bred July 5,6,7 and then came back in and bred July 27,28,29.  and our 
ultrasound done in late October put her due date around 4th of July.

And we have a very FAT, healthy big baby. born June 21st

Now I do have one interesting question?  He is so red! If you dig down into 
his mane you find the darker dorsal stripe, but everything else on his mane 
is red and his stripe down his back and tail is red.  Is this just baby hair? 
 He's definitely more red than any other foal I've ever had. But there is 
some dark hair down deep in his mane

He's beautiful. Opal's best yet! I knew her and Eric would make a great baby.

Eric update.  At 22 years old it can be touch and go. We had a great winter 
with him, his arthritis didn't act up and he gained weight and looked great. 
Then this spring around breeding time, He started losing weight, and lying 
around, I assumed it was because his arthritis was acting up. We treated him, 
and he got worse. We almost lost him. Come to find out, He has an ulcer. We 
caught it in time, he spent a week at the vet on IV's and ulcer medicine. He 
is now fine. and slowly gaining weight again. He did manage to breed two 
mares this season and hopefully will feel up to breeding Opal again.
Well, I better go. I'm typing this from our vacation and the family is giving 
me the " MOM"  look

Michele Noonan
Wild Hair Ranch
STevensville, MT

Foal Count and Filly for Sale

2002-05-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I  am please to add to the foal count. The lady in Michigan that bought our 
mare Gracie last September, called to tell us that Gracie had a beautiful 
filly last weekend. This is one, if not the last, baby by Chip Lamb's 
deceased stallion, Rusten. She is a beauty.
Speaking of Filly's (smooth huh)
I have a yearling filly Out of Tone' (Torungen and Malla) by Rusten, for 
sale, She is very cute and gentle, She was in a bunch of classes at Libby 
this year, one being led by a 7 year old. We will sell her for $2700. give or 
take depending on buyers location.She should mature to around 14 hands or so 
and probably will not be real drafty, Tone is our great English Pleasure, and 
jumping mare.

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Announcing our new addition

2002-02-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, its not a foal.  that one isn't due till June.

We just brought home our newest mare,  TRULTE (AR-A-762-M)
I think we are gonna have to call her Truly, I can't figure out exactly how 
to pronounce her name?? any help???

She is a pretty brown dun mare by our older stallion ERIC. and out of VESLA
I'm gonna have to see about trading a breeding, since I can't breed her here. 
but right now we are just cutting the extra 6 inches of her mane and getting 
to know her, She is very sweet.

We still have our yearling colt for sale, we seem to only have a mare thing 
going at our place. $1600 until I geld him next month, then I will probably 
just hang on to him until Libby.

All is well here at the Wild Hair Ranch. We have actually been able to ride 
all winter. 
Mandy and I are helping with the Libby show committee and really enjoying it. 
Congratulations to all the new foals out there and new Fjord owners. I truly 
believe the potato chip theory, Im about up to a full bag of chips

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Stud Colt for Sale (Reduced Price)

2002-01-31 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, I have had Tenne for sale locally for a time, but here in Western 
Montana, nothing is moving. So I have reduced his price drastically, because I 
have a quick financial need.

Tenne  BD 3/30/01 (almost a year old)
Dam:   OPAL (Rudaren grandaughter and Hanson lines)
Sire   QUAD-L's KAISER (Rusten son)

Tenne is  a big colt, both sire and dam are drafty fjords, Tenne will mature as 
a gelding to aprox 15 hands.  He leads, loads, trailers, trims, and is very 
sweet.  He was shown at Libby in halter and weanling obstacle classes as well 
as the kids costume class. Some of you may remember us taking first place with 
our 3Mile Fire Dept. entry, the foals were dressed up as Dalmations and the 
adorable Noonan and Nagel kids led them.

His price for a VERY SHORT TIME only is $1600.

Also we can do a team sale with his half brother Kasey (Sarah Nagel's colt, 
same age) for $3700

Email me for more info, if you need to, and also pass the word around for me

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Thank You Steve!

2001-12-02 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For providing us many hours of entertainment and information (especially in 
the winter months)

Be patient with us, winter is coming it will only get worse !!!

Thanks Again for your dedication and hard work and PLEASE PLEASE post more!

The Noonan's
Stevensville, MT

Secret Santa! and young team for sale

2001-11-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Cynthia, I wasn't gonna be the first one to mention it  LOL.

I am working full time this year, so If you would want to be Elf this year 
please do, or I could help

Count me in to participate though!!

Also,  I just put an ad in the herald I will post it here to (due to some 
medical expenses and a new well we have to get these guys sold)

For sale : Two stud colts
Birthdates 3/30/01 and 4/07 01(Hanson, Rusten and Rudaren lines)
These 1/2 brothers will make a great team someday. They are gentle, load, 
trim, clip, lead, and were shown by children at Libby this year.
$4500 for the pair. or can separate for $2500 a piece  OBO and delivery help.
 406-777-0426  or 406-777-3845  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Montana


2001-09-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, I am just getting around to posting about our Libby experience 
this year. Life has a way at returning at break neck speed after Libby.  I've 
been a little distressed because our oldest son is leaving this weekend for 
the Marine Corps (he has been on delayed entry program since January, but the 
timing sucks)!

We had a great time at Libby this year, although It would have been better 
had our daughter Mandy not come down with a downright nasty bug the first 
night. She had a fever and a sore throat and headache the whole time.  It's 
now the 22 nd  and she STILL has a sore throat, (Dr. says it's still a 
Mandy had to scratch classes right and left. Then the cart we brought, that 
we had fixed up, wasn't quite fixed up enough, (luckily I had planned on 
getting an opinion from someone who knows carts before I planned to use it). 
so we scratched all the driving classes. I realized when the cart next to us 
was absolutely identical but weighed over 50 lbs more, that I needed a better 
quality one. We sold it to someone in Libby as a fixer upper, and told her 
not to hook a horse to it until some things were strengthened. One less thing 
to bring home.  
I couldn't come to the evaluation, I had just started a job at the high 
school, and It was bad enough I said, "Hey thanks for the job, I need the 
first Thurs. and Fri of school off." They were great but I didn't want to 
push it.  LOL

We were so busy, I didn't have a chance to properly advertise our almost 6mth 
old colt. So Here goes:

FOR SALE   TENNE (tehner)
   Dam: OPAL (Hansen and Jullie) Jullie is a Rudaren daughter
   SIRE: QUAD-L'S KAISER (Rusten and Kari 2nd)

Tenne was born March 30th 2001.  He is weaned, trims, loads, clips, bathes, 
leads, and did halter and weanling obstacle classes at Libby
Tenne is very tall and will be a big tall boy. Both his parents are large 
Fjords. He is quiet and gentle and has been handled regularly by the whole 

Price is a gelding price and for fall only (we are trying to thin our herd 
before winter!)  $1900 
 We can help with delivery if it's within a one day drive from the Bitterroot 

The Noonan Family
Stevensville, MT (20 m South of Missoula)

Libby or bust

2001-08-30 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone we are getting ready for our trek to Libby too, although not as 
long as some others, with bringing 4 horses and 3 kids and just starting work 
on Tuesday, I will be frazzled,  ( love the new boss, oh by the way thanks 
for the job, i need two days off the first week  LOL)

We went today for my one and only official riding lesson. Walk Trot only 
please!  Oh ladies, FYI, those guaranteed no bounce braziers, are a joke!!

See you all at Libby, and I'm telling everyone now, Those two little 5 and 7 
year old redhead boys running around are not mine!! I remember giving birth 
to them but they are 100% clones of my husband!!

The Noonan's
Stevensville, MT

Trail Riding Disasters

2001-07-27 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone!  Well, It finally happened.  We have been having summer fun 
trail riding and  doing fine, BUT, the last two days, we have had two minor 
injury accidents (That could have been MAJOR)

First one happened on a beautiful easy trail up to some water falls near us, 
about a 5 mile ride, good groomed trails, EXCEPT for one 6 ft stretch where 
two pieces of shale rock come down to narrow the trail down to about a foot 
or less, and a big rock on the other side, then a steep hill down.  On the 
way up, through that spot, Gracie's back foot slipped on the shale rock just 
a little, but we were almost all the way through it when it happened. On the 
way down, we were slow and careful through that spot. BUT, just as we came to 
it, the horse Mandy was riding (3 yr old Sonny) put his right hoof up on it, 
(it was on the uphill side) and he slipped and knocked his feet right out 
from under him.  Mandy's whole leg was pinned momentarily, between him and 
the rock. Luckily, this all happened real quick and he jumped back up and she 
kicked her foot loose from the stirrup, just in case he fell again while 
scrambling up.  Mandy has a huge knot on her knee, a bruised arch of her 
foot, bent stirrup and a riding boot with no heel.  We were very lucky, 
x-rays showed no bones broke.  She rode back down the 2 miles we had to go.  
If we go on that trail next time, we will either have borium on their shoes 
or walk that little section.  Any suggestions?

THEN. Yesterday, Sarah and I went out on Gracie and Ori, with a neighbor who 
rides all the time, and we decided that it was time to cross the irrigation 
canal. It's about 20 ft across and about 3 1/2 ft deep.  We haven't been able 
to get the mares to cross, and we didn't have a horse that had done it 
before, The neighbor crosses all the time.  He went thru, Then Sarah went 
with Ori, Then Gracie got right down to the edge (downhill slope) and I could 
feel she was gonna jump. I held on and as she leaped.. The cinch broke on 
my Aussie Saddle. and I went over her head into the water.  All I could think 
about was getting out of her way, but she stepped on my back under the water 
with one hoof, shoving me to the bottom in the silt. Then she was out and I 
had the wind knocked somewhat out of me, but I stood up.  I'm okay, I could 
tell I had nothing broke, the water kinda cushioned the blow. But I have the 
BIGGEST hoof mark on my back, and It hurts like #$$%%^&&.  My neighbor then 
ponied Gracie back and forth thru the ditch about three times till she was 
comfortable.  We waited all summer to finally get a chance to cross.  LOL 
Guess it was spectacular from their view.(Didn't know Gracie was such a 
All I could think about was, what if I had turned over and It was my chest, 
or worse my head.  UGH.  Both my Cinch straps broke off right where they were 
buckled, This was a saddle I just bought last year, the leather looked so 
thick.  Come to find out it was two pieces of leather sewn together, which 
made a weak spot. I'm gonna have the whole thing redone. or just get a nice 
Trail saddle

Well, I'm to sore to sleep, So hope I'm not rambling on to much. Pain pills 
will do that to you

Still having fun though'

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

PS .Sarah Nagel says she's going home now, she has no one else to ride with  

Summer Fun

2001-07-15 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone,  We  haven't had much time to post with all the riding we have 
been doing, plus getting used to being a stallion owner,  Eric is definetly 
the way to start, he's so laid back.  We bred Opal this week, it was quite 
comical, the way we carried on.

Our good Friend Sarah Nagel and her Fjords and kids have been here for the 
month and we have been riding all the time.  We went on a 16 mile trail ride 
the other day ( Although we have mileage challenged friends, they said it was 
about 7 miles round trip)  We went slow and let the horses and riders rest 
and everyone was fine.

Gracie has learned so much this summer, I guess you have to give yourself 
time to bond to a new horse. I wasn't sure about her, she is so big and was a 
little hesitant in the spring. Now she is a pro.  I feel so incredibly safe 
on her.  My disabled husband has even been able to ride her with ease. Other 
than getting on and off her, we are really enjoying her.

Today we played with babies, gave haircuts and baths to mommies.  Talked 
about Libby the whole time.  Can't wait to show off the little ones.

We currently have 10 Fjords on our property, IT'S GREAT  Too bad 4 of 
them are Sarah's  LOL

Anyone in the Western Montana area, feel free to stop by and join the fun
Noonan KOA Campground

The Noonan's and The Nagel's

Trail Rides and a Question

2001-06-18 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, I have been enjoying all the posts lately, so much information, 
so little time to read it, My Fjord file on my computer is getting full.  
Thanks Lisa P for that great post. I printed it out, saved it, etc., that was 
enough stuff to do with my horse that I think it will be 10 before I get to 
driving her!

We have been having so much fun. My daughter Mandy and I took NFH Gracie to 
Rusten (Quad-L Ranch) to be bred, and met a bunch of friends there (Sarah 
Nagel, Teresa and Jennie Sanders) and in between downpours we went trail 
riding.  I learned how to pony a baby on Sarah's horse Orianna.  Mandy has 
Sarah's horse Sonny to train for the summer.  We had a blast, I'm surprised 
we all stayed mounted with all the laughing we did. A bunch of females on a 
trail ride can get quite hysterical quick.

Since getting back home, I have been riding our mare Tone' and ponying (sp) 
Tonetta along. I think I finally have the hang of this.  After riding Tone' 
this year, I have decided she's the perfect horse for me, (Thanks to my 
daughter training her all last year) It's great having a built in horse 

Sarah has been riding my mare Gracie, who is coming along beautifully on 
trail.  Sarah might steal her if I'm not careful. So I have her horse Sonny 
as collateral!!

Now. I'm having so much fun, I lost my mind and went and bought Linda 
Hickam's stallion Eric, (the old guy). With three Fjord mares and we are 
keeping little Tonetta that was born this year.  I'm tired of traipsing all 
over the country to breed my mares. I hate having them away from home, We 
miss them too much!!

I have one question to the list, 
We have been ponying Tonetta on trail rides every other day or so. We have a 
standard loop we do from the house that is 3-4 miles. Adding more a little at 
a time.

Saturday our local driving club is having a 10 mile ride, and I want to ride 
along and pony the baby.  Is this too far? If I stop and let her nurse and 
rest along the way?
I don't want to wear her little hooves off!  So far she is fine and when we 
get home instead of laying down, she races around the pasture. They have so 
much energy those little foals.   Tonetta was born April 18th of this year

Well, enough ramblings.  Keep up the great posts. I may not respond much, but 
I read them daily

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Truck choices

2001-05-16 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You guys are awful on your timing!!  My husband is currently in Spokane Truck 
hunting,  Now I want a Dodge Cummins Diesel.  WAHHH  
Sold the gas hog Suburban yesterday, and looking for a diesel pickup.  Found 
one older  GMC with a 6.2 in it, thats immaculate.  and In my price range.  
Doubt I will find a Dodge for under 6000.  
Did I mention this will make us a two pickup family!   LOL  climb in kids, no 
station wagons or burbs for us anymore

Now I have to rethink this   HM

Mike and Michele Noonan


2001-05-13 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And Dont forget disposable gloves for Dumpster Diving   (ggg)

FINALLY! announcing the arrival of Tonetta

2001-04-18 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After 12 months and 6 days to be exact.  Tone' (Tonah) gave birth to a lovely 
little filly at 2:30 this morning.  out of Tone' ( Malla and Torungen) and by 
Rusten (Karen and Buck)
The vet came out yesterday afternoon, planniing to induce because Saturday 
and Sunday Tone' was stressed, pacing all day and not resting, having 
contractions and just down right miserable. She finally bagged up late last 
week.  The vet examined her and said, Well, I don't think we will have to 
induce, she should foal tonight.  She started spewing white milk everywhere 
after the exam.

So we started the all night vigil.  Built a bon fire in the pit, put the shop 
lights at the edge of the corral (She was pacing to bad for the stall). And 
watched, and watched, we were far enough away not to disturb her.
She started laying down and getting up, so we got the cam corder ready.  It 
took her 45 minutes of pushing just to break the bag of waters.  Then the 
hooves came but nothing else for quite some time and Tone' was obviously very 
So we decided it was time to help and Mandy (our daughter) went in and gently 
pulled down on the hooves as she contracted, as Tone's pushing was getting 
weaker. The filly's knee was under her chin and once that came down the head 
and shoulders finally came.  The rest is history.
It was so incredibly beautiful to watch a maiden mare bond with her first 
baby. The baby got up long before Tone' did. 
All is well today.  We stayed up last night until she nursed. The placenta 
had come out basically right behind the baby.  We were concerned because it 
didn't look near as nice as Opal's did, So we had the vet some check everyone 
out.  He said it was an overdue placenta and its a good thing she was born 
when she was. Judging by the smallness of the filly, it was a good thing she 
was a month overdue. She is so tiny and petite compared to Tenne (tehner) who 
is HUGE. But then again, Opal and Tone' are quite different in size too!
This little filly is very dark, like her Mom Tone' and has Rusten's nice 
We are quite smitten with her already. She fell asleep in Mike's lap today.
Tone' rested a lot today and is feeling much better now.  Opal made it seem 
just a little to easy two weeks ago.
I'm so tired! I'm glad its finally over.  Now if the company would just quit 
pouring in to see her. Maybe I talked about my overdue mare, just a little 
too much  LOL

Tenne is on the other side of the fence anxiously awaiting his new play mate 
in a few weeks when we put them in together. He's also wondering why HE isn't 
getting all the attention today.

The Noonan's 
Stevensville, MT

Still waiting on Tone's foal, PFNPG meeting notes

2001-04-13 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, I'm still waiting for our second Fjord foal of the year. Tone' 
is currently 366 days and waiting, still baking that little foal.  Vet says 
all is well, at least with her, I'm getting a little neurotic.
Thank goodness we have little Tenne (tehner) to play with, he's a mouthy 
little guy, wants to nurse everything.  I did get a chance to measure him 
today, at least his height to withers.  I think I will need two people to 
measure the cannon bones, he can't stand still that long.  He is two weeks 
old today and is 40 !/2 inches tall on flat ground to his withers, he stood 
real well for me, while he was eating the stick.

The meeting in Spokane was great.  We were a little late for the clinic but 
learned so much about evaluations in the time we were there. I thought Brian, 
Ursula and Anne did a great job of answering all our questions and thinking 
of things we should have asked but didn't know to.  The attendance was great, 
considering some of us were deep in foal watch.  In fact, Mandy and I did the 
trip over and back in one day. That was one wild drive home in the snow 
storm, we got home around 2:30 am. tired but safe.  It took 3 hours to get 
there, (I don't suggest you drive quite this fast) and 5 to get home.

The meeting itself covered a lot of information, as if we didn't absorb 
enough in the evaluation clinic. Luckily, we have the most agreeable bunch 
I've been around. We had lots of good ideas, with hopefully the volunteer 
staff to go with them,
and I've decided I had better attend ALL the meetings, because the best way 
to get volunteered is not to be there  LOL

Well, I was thinking Tone' might give us a Friday the 13th baby, but she only 
has a few hours left to make that happen.

Talk to you all when the next foal arrives.

Here is the URL to my pictures on Photopoint (atleast for another week or so)
Let me know what you think!

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Come look at Tenne

2001-04-06 Thread Mnoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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We picked a name for our new foal

2001-04-01 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone,  our new little foal (friday night) is doing great,  running 
around nursing every chance he gets.
After much  deliberation and searching the Norwegian Dictionary 
We have decided to name the new little guy:

TENNE ( pronounced Tehner)  It means "Light" as in, "To Light up"
after the aurora borealis that was in beautiful view during his birth

Still awaiting Tone's foal  she is currently  354 days and counting!  Boy is 
she a crab

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT


2001-03-31 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tonight, at 9:30, Opal delivered a beautiful little colt.  We went out to 
check the horses before bed, Opal laid down while we were out there, then got 
up, then laid right back down, at that point, we ran for the video camera, as 
Opal NEVER does that, her water broke 2 minutes later, and 5 minutes later we 
had a foal, All on tape,  the whole thing took less than 10 minutes,  And she 
ate her dinner tonight, and their was no other warning!, almost missed it

She was great, this little colt was eager to get up, and was up within 15 
minutes, and running around, nursing, within an hour, WOW he's quick, He's 
very tall, and all legs, of course, and Opal tolerated the audience 

I hated to disappoint Lisa Pederson, who was rooting for a girl, I think we 
jinxed the whole thing. I don't even have a boys name picked out

BUT something interesting happened right after the birth, it was beautiful, 
we saw the Aurora borealis, (spelling) it was amazing, any ideas for a 
Norwegian name from that?

Well, Tone' is at 11 mths and 19 days, and still counting, Opal beat her to 
it, at 11mths and two days, exact gestation as her last foal Harrison

I need to get to bed, I hope the little guy is warm enough its in the 20's 
here tonight, and Opal doesn't do that stall thing

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Foal Waiting, and Waiting and Waiting....

2001-03-23 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone,  We are anxiously awaiting our foals for the year, (only our 
second and third foals in our lifetime).  We are just a little CRAZY here.
Tone' was bred on April 12th,(yah only once) and is currently 11mths and 12 
days along.  starting to bag,but no where near what Opal is, getting cranky 
and saggy. This is Tone's first foal

Opal was bred April 19-28th ( I know, shes a hussy) and has been bagged up 
for a week, dripping last few days and now wax drops since last night, and 
very saggy. of course this is her 6th foal .

Its been beautiful and in the 60's here last few days but nippy at night. Our 
only real concern is the cougar that we heard across the street in the woods 
last week and again the other day, chasing calves less than a mile away.  
HMMM called the fish and game Dept, and you wouldnt believe the hard time I 
had CONVINCING them I know what a cougar scream is, and my dogs and 5 cats 
and horses were all freaked a good 5 min before I heard it,  the wind was 
blowing from that direction

ANYWAY,  opal's milk is clear, but it seems to solidify on her nipples on 
contact with air, is this the real WAXING? 

ANOTHER sleepless night in Western Montana.  anyone with AOL get ONLINE 
(MNoonan931), I will be there!!
Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Re: Animal intuitions

2001-03-03 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My Adorable Bichon puppy 5 mths old  (AKA mop dog) is elated that her 
relations won. And as far as the Corgi goes,  She says not in a million years
The neighbor has a Pomeranian that already has eyes on my Gi Gi,  his owner 
wants a Bicheranian(  I'm hiding my dog from all you guys)

!0 days till Tone's due date and Opal looks like shes gonna pop and shes not 
due till March 22 at the earliest

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

Re: Westminster

2001-02-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh  I just had to add, that the Bichon Frise, won Best of Show at the 
Westminster this year
And I have one,  Our little Gi Gi, is almost 5mths old now, and I can't tell 
you how she is around the fjords yet
As she hasn't stepped foot outside for anything yet,  The little princess is 
paper trained
LOL  I know I'm gonna catch it for this

She's almost as cute as the Fjord foals we are about to have around here
See I mentioned the fjords too

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Re: White House shooting

2001-02-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OMG  That was TOOO Funny Steve   LOL  LOL


reporting bad business practices

2001-02-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just an idea.  What about a system similiar, to say  Ebay Auction, where the 
breeders are rated by comments from satisfied, or unsatisfied customers, and 
therefore get a rating?  Just an idea.  Dont really care either way, I use 
word of mouth as my main form of checking out breeders.

Also, I'm not sure what kind of system the Better Business Bureau uses, but  
maybe something like that?  don't know exactly on that one

Just rambling

Michele Noonan

Re: Putting our fingers in the Pie

2001-02-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OOPS  didnt read to the end of that post, True, the NFHR is not the better 
business burea. I agree


Re: Funny Bizness

2001-02-05 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh Misha, I had to laugh,  How do you think I justified buying a Fjord, to my 
husband ( who wasn't addicted to horses at that point) 
I just pointed out all the money he had spent in our married life  on , just 
another collector fire arm, or that guided hunting trip

Oh and don't forget the tears,  I saved that for last,  " you sound like you 
don't want me to have this horse"  WAHHH

Anyway, I didn't tell him I had already kinda made the deal, I let it seem 
like his decision LOL  ( that's what happens when I go to Sandpoint, Idaho 
area without hubby)  
I have Opal for that one,  then I kinda slid Tone' in on the 
" But she's SUCH a good deal"  then Gracie came when he was out of town 
working for the forest service for two months  (teach him to leave me with 4 
kids )

LOL   had to laugh

Michele Noonan

Re: 5 mo. old eval

2001-02-05 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/5/01 1:08:31 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> Can they really tell much at 5 months of age?
Cute.  You can definitely tell cute.  (ROFL)

Thanks Gail,  That was most informative.  LOL  I KNEW that much.,  and its 
kinda like our kids,  ALL of mine are cute!!  HAHA  I could probably handle 
the judges pointing out faults in the adult horses, but I'm  sure my fur 
would stand up, if they criticized my babies!  G  MOMMA BEAR

Michele Noonan
Where it rained buckets last night, then froze today and now I have a lake in 
the yard, Want to come ice skate?

Stevensville, Mt

Questions about evaluations and vaccines

2001-02-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, now that we are on to other topics, (yippee)
I posted a while back about the advantages of taking a mainly broodmare to an 
evaluation,  Since she won't be doing much in the way of showing, (I 
explained in the last post why)  and she is soon to be 11,
And I am only 4 hours from Libby,   would  you more experienced people go 
thru the trouble and expense of taking this mare?
Also what about weanlings? Can they really tell much at 5 months of age?

I'm reading with interest some of the posts on problems with vaccines, Our 
vets here have never even mentioned any side effects

Also, do any of you use, the Ivomec, (injectable cattle) but orally, on your 
horses?  I've heard its much cheaper and the same product,  I have several 
vets say it's safe as long as you don't use the Ivomec Plus,
But wanted to hear from some other people using it to see if they have ever 
had any problems.

Thanks for your time and considerations, I do really really appreciate them

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Re: t & t Putting Fjords #1

2001-02-02 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike I'm so glad you responded, Sometimes someone has a good idea but it gets 
too complicated for us simple folks. You helped bring out some new ideas.

These are some of my thoughts on the matter:
IF a person wants to just own a wonderful fjord, then they don't need to go 
to the added costs of evaluations, unless they want to of course. 
However, I feel if a person is going to be a responsible breeder, then they 
better have the financial ability and willingness to have that perspective 
stallion evaluated, by either a NFHR evaluator, OR an approved evaluator from 
another country, (say in the case of someone buying and importing a stallion, 
I think we should honor that countries evaluation of the horse)

The NFHR, I feel, should make these evaluations as affordable and economical 
to travel too, so owners in all parts of the USA could participate, this 
would probably require a few more evaluators than we have now.

In the case of owning a stallion, I think an evaluation would tell us more 
than a vet certificate and also have less chance of dishonesty in any part.

Just my Humble opinion, from someone who is still learning about 
conformation, and having a stallion be evaluated,would make me feel better 
about picking him for my mares

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Libby Evaluation 2001 (and other stuff)

2001-01-31 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Will the person in charge of  giving out information for the Libby 2001 
Evaluation, please contact me.

What are the opinions of those more experienced than I  on:

Taking a 10 year old broodmare to the evaluation for conformation only,
( She rides okay, gets down right panicky about driving, do to abuse from 
unknown owners in her youth she is kinda unpredictable on her performances).  
The only reason I would consider taking her is that even with her past abuse, 
she has the greatest personality and her foals, so far, have turned out to be 
excellent horses.  She will never be well known for her abilities, i thought 
this a better way to market her foals?  What do you think?

Also I will have two weanlings (5mths old) by then and wonder the advantage 
to taking a horse that young?

Thanks for your input.  I have really learned alot on the list over the last 
few months, good and bad!

Oh you might want to add Mandy Noonan, (15) our daughter, to the age list, 
she is the main horse person here and deserves most of the credit for the 
wonderful Libby showing we had!!   She actually did odd jobs all summer to 
help pay for the entry fees!! What a Gal

Her mom
Michele Noonan

Re: Oldest Breeding Mare

2001-01-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When Sarah Nagle and I bought the mares, Jensina and Jonetta, (King Harold 
lines) they had both foaled at the age of 24,  both were very pulled down due 
to the foals being left on 8 mths, and lack of senior grain, for their 
practically non existent teeth.
Sarah and I spent alot of our time and our hearts into getting these girls up 
to weight and healthy, unfortunately, they both looked like a million bucks, 
less than a year later when they both died only months apart.

I don't think having foals at that age was the right thing, in their case, 
maybe if the previous owners had taken care of them better, it would have 
been okay.  I know when Nancy Lehnert owned these girls they were in the BEST 
OF HEALTH , but the people who owned them after her and before us, weren't as 
knowledgeable on taking care of a senior horse.  Even so, neither one of 
these mares had any trouble foaling there last time.

Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Mt

OOPS! and other stuff

2001-01-23 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was gonna send that Directly to Denise

Just a note, I just want to say as a fairly new person to the Fjord breed (2 
years) I truly enjoy most all the posts on this list.  All the Ideas from 
Everyone should be put out their for thought and comment sometimes.
I do have to admit, When certain people post, I do make sure I catch the list 
for a few days because I know their will be lots of comments.  I commend 
those people for having the courage to  S T R E T C Hour minds.

And If you are anything like me, you do a lot of Giggling when you read some 
of these posts.

And the information I have gained from you more experienced people is most 

Michele Noonan
STevensville, MT

Re: thank you

2001-01-23 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh I'm So Glad you got it,   They are Actually from Mandy, she was your 
Secret Santa!!  She picked them out!That Helmet Cover was a bear to get!! 
You and most of the country wanted them!!

Glad you got them! Hope they are the right ones


Re: Alternative " Ranching "

2001-01-20 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our Meat Guys are always in the Front Reserved Seats  !!  Although I did find 
out, not all of them go to the canner, alot of these guys see a good deal and 
are actually horse traders, 

What is the name of the hormone medicine made from the mares urine?
If I ever need it, I don't want that one!!

Michele Noonan (who is 35, didnt see my name on the list, saw hubby's though)

Mom to Fjords  Opal (11) Tone' (7) NFH Gracie (7) and two soon to be born 

Our kids are Jake 18 (on Monday), and hates horses 
Mandy 15 and lives for the LIST and rides daily,
Patrick (6)and Riley(5), (the wild little red head boys, trying to keep them 
off the horses)

Lynn Binkowski's Santa

2001-01-20 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So sorry so sorry your Santa is slow and I can't even blame it on the
Your present is coming it's in the mail I mailed it on Monday January
It has to travel quite along way (2684.7 miles according to street &
I sent it air mail so unless the crow is still celerbrating the holiday
season it should arrive at your place shortly. I do hope it doesn't get
tied up in customs. If you don't receive it by the end of next week
(27th) please let the elf  know. Once again s sry from your
slw Santa.

Re: Ages and Aging

2001-01-17 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had to laugh about what you said about kids and their ages, Our son will be 
18 on the 22nd and he came to me this week with a serious face and said "WOW 
I'm almost 21!"

I tried ever so hard to keep a straight face, I said something 
like,"Technically you are almost 18, but yah I guess you are getting closer" 
It's been the family joke for a week now
Kind of like WOW, I'm 35, but getting close to that big 40! (Hint Hint) 
And Mike is enjoying his Senior Citizen discount, at a limited amount of 
restaurants, But he was pretty pissed when the car insurance company made him 
sign up for the 55 Stay Alive class   LOL

Mike and Michele Noonan

This Is your elf speaking!!

2001-01-15 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone, Hope you all enjoyed the Secret Santa exchange, We still have 
some stragglers, which is okay,  If you however, havent gotten a gift and 

I got thru my first year of elf training, with only one boo boo,  Not bad for 

I had a great time doing it though!   

As far as the age thing goes:This is what we tell our kids,:"  I am 
eleventy seven.  Try having your first grader explain that one to his teacher!
Really, I am too young to have the teenage children that I do have, and too 
old to have the preschoolers that I have, ( and feeling much older from 
having 4 kids)

I think the member profile for the list would be great, I always forget where 
people are from!
Michele Noonan
Stevensville, MT

Secret Santa message for Lisa Pederson

2001-01-15 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Lisa, Today is the deadline I know, but we have had a lot of snow. I was 
gonna deliver your package by sleigh, but decided the postoffice was the way.

I have been in quite a quandry, It seems I washed your address in the laundry

Please send it to the elf and she will forward it to me,   I might decide to 
keep your present, Its awfully pretty.  

Its ready to mail, except for that one thing

I know we got a late start as Santa's this year, so hopefully you can extend 
the deadline for another year,  ( LOL,  i mean a few days, but year rhymed)

Get that address too me, ASAP,  The one I have is soggy and weak
Your Secret Santa

Last minute Secret Santa messages

2001-01-15 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is for Denise Delgado from her Secret Santa

Today is the deadline and Im quite dismayed, that your gift was backordered 
until today
The package has been sent, as far as I know, and Hopefully you will get it, 
before the next snow.
Do not be worried, that Santa forgot, the place that I got it just had to get 
off the pot

I will track your package via some form of mail and will let you know, if the 
post office doesnt prevail

Let me know when you get it, hopefully by the end of  this week,

Your Secret Santa,

Here Fishy Fishy (Meow)

2001-01-07 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh  I have a fish story too!! This fall we were cleaning the tanks and 
installing the heaters, so my daughter (Mandy) scooped out the now VERY big 
gold fish and put them in a bucket  to SAVE them.  We figured they could live 
in the tanks with the stock tank heaters and if they didn't oh well we are 
only out $2.00 in fish.  After she was done, she turned around to find all 
the cats dipping their lunch out of the bucket!!  Oh No .  We saved them from 
one death only for another

And on a Fjord note.  our newest mare Gracie,  is quite the water lover, she 
got into the stock tank and smashed the heater at the bottom and today she 
knocked over their new hay feeder,  (the kind thats about 4 feet tall, put 
the hay in the top and has a catcher below)  We will probably have to ANCHOR 

The Noonan's
Stevensville, MT

Secret Santa Clue

2001-01-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Laurie,

  I didnt get your name till late, 
  However this just MUST be fate.

  Im sending your gift by USPO
  So hope it gets there before bad snow !

  Hope you like it, 'cause it is on your list
  Its Christmas, so cant be too tight of fist

  Your Fjord should like it
  And so will you
  If you already have one
  I'll send something new

  So to town tomorrow I must go
   ( At least Im not driving in the snow )

 Driving I am though, later in day
 Just before I feed some hay
 The team is fat so they must pay
 Talk to you later, if I may !  Your ( late but not my 
fault ) Secret Santa 

UMMM  the elf in training takes credit for this slight little mix up,

redfaced  : )
Michele Noonan
ELF that has it all under control now  (LOL)

Secret Santa Clue for Lisa P

2001-01-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm glad I got to be a Secret Santa, although I was Afraid
That all the people had been picked and I was a bit delayed
I wasnt the only one who had a good excuse and hadn't joined in the fun
I can't say it was because I was frolicking in the sun

Your Gift will soon be mailed, although I do have the dime
I've been so incredibly busy and Have had no Time! (Or Wine)
Heres a clue for you, I hope I dont give it away, We have a kinship to you, 
and we live a ways away.

Sent By  The elf
Michele Noonan

Secret Santa Clue for Denise

2001-01-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm your Secret Santa and I'm afraid I've been remiss,
I'm not real good at clues, or posting to the List

I'm Glad the holidays are over, but I do have one more gift
and your name is on it, if only I didn't have to sit
I'm sure I will be able to send it ASAP
if only it would get warmer here up North in the USA

a couple hints for you are: I'm north of you, younger than you ( not that you 
are old or anything,) and we havent met!
I do know the elf though!

Michele Noonan
The elf

Hey Guys if you havent yet sent clues to your recipient,  Get on it!  not 
much time left  January 15th is right around the corner!

Secret Santa Clues

2001-01-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Andrea Salkowe
Your ponies gift is on the way,
I apologize for the Chirstmas delay!
When it arrives, I will be revealed,
If you get me next year, it can be appealed.

PS - to the person to whom I am Secret Santa on CD-L who is also on the FH-L,
this message is for you too!
Check the CD-L messsage board!

To Lynn Binkowski, from Secret Santa

2001-01-04 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From  your Secret Santa.
> Your name is a good one, for a  male or female,  But i need to know for 
> so I dont goof up your mail
>  So Do I Put Mr. Or Ms.  on your package?
> Wishing I could remember everyone on the list
> Head Elf

Thank You to Mandy Noonan's Secret Santa

2000-12-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I received my Secret Santa gift a few days ago, but I just now got a chance 
to get online the computer for a few moments, I was too busy playing with my 
new gift, An Absolutely WONDERFUL CD ROM filled with arena exercises and 
patterns and all kinds of horsey information, I love it!  


Mandy Noonan
recuperating from foot surgery and now I have something to do!!

Secret Santa

2000-12-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Secret Santa...

Everything is East of me!  Cannot wait to find out how far East!
Hope you thaw out soon!

Secret Santa message for Janne

2000-12-28 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Janne from her Secret Santa:

To Janne who lives in a town named by Scots
And lives among Norskies who don't enjoy lox
Instead they revel at cod soaked in lye
Which I, as a Norskie, never could try
My name, these days, is as Greek as can be
And our business is done by pulling fish from the sea
Just as my ancestors from Vardo had done
For, at least, a millennium
No fjordings up there, 
Not even trees, so I hear
A place where carrots and roots are tropical fruits
Where I live now though
Is the best place on earth
And provides fjords and schnauzers a luxurious berth
We all have wet feet but the secret's the summer
When living anywhere else is a bit of a bummer
This rhyming is hard and I'm not a bard
So I'm sending your gift of style and color 
With photos of equines from cover to cover
Bays, blues, reds and roans are only some
But the best, of course, 
are those that are dun.
Horses that only Norway could make
In order to compensate for their terrible mistake
By making a national dish that no one will try
Because Norskies take cod and soak it in lye.

Secret Santa Clue for Karen Kathka

2000-12-25 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

t's Christmas Night and all is well,
The fjordies have their hay,
Dinner on the moonlit snow,
It's been a glorious day.

All we hear is quiet munching,
Under starlit sky.
Beneath their feet the snow is crunching,
Temps are not too high.

Hop on Bjelle or maybe Canute,
Or hitch them up and go.
Part of your gift is coming soon,
from their old state, Ohio.

But that's not where this Santa's from,
Just Santa's helping hand.
>From further North more gift will come
>From a cold and snowy land.

Break out the old geography book,
and have some Christmas cheer,
Study hard and take a look,
Lots of lakes up here!

Your second gift will take awhile,
The deadline's not yet come.
Then you'll know, I hope with a smile,
Where Secret Santa's from!

Hope Joy and song have filled your day,
Your stocking stuffed with glee.
Hope Bjelle and Canute ate lots of hay,
and llamas they didn't see!

A Secret Santa Clue for Catherine

2000-12-25 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Unfortunately your gift was still frozen in the trunk of Santa's other sleigh 
when he had to leave the North Pole to take presents to the good little girls 
and boys. He'll get it in the mail as soon as he returns. It was made by hand 
in a little shop lighted by gas lights, many miles to the east of you.

Secret Santa message for Starfire Farms

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

to starfire farms
   Beth and Sandy another clue, Your Santa lives near a city that is full of 
millions of lights right now and celebrates the past year round. People from 
all over visit this city and come to hear nearby stars sing in both country 
and modern tunes. Your Santas elves have been working hard to get your gift 
by Christmas but it is not to be. Expect your gift to arrive after Christmas 
for sure.   Secret santa

Secret Santa message for Cynthia

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cynthia, i am your very secret santa.
 i have gathered your presents
 and searched hi and low for a box giganta.
 to the post office i go with dollars and cents
 so look for bundle in about a week hence.

To Karen Kathka's Secret Santa

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To my secret santa,
   I am afraid geography was not one one of my strong points so I'am still 
in the dark as to who you are. Its fine if your late, I like to stretch 
Christmas out. And I hope someday I will meet you and your Fjords.   Karen

Remember Secret Santa's  you have till January 15th to get those Gifts out to 
your recipient,  So relax, enjoy, your holiday!!

Michele Noonan
Tired Elf with 4 kids and LOTS AND LOTS of WRAPPING still to do!!!

Secret Santa Clue for Teressa

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Teressa, sad to say,
your gift will not make it 
for the big day.

Not to fear though,
it will arrive,
Your Secret Santa
is just running behind.

How's the weather 
up your way?
Any snow, wind, 
or rain today?

Secret Santa Clue for Andrea Salkowe

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm glad you liked my yuletide folly
that looks just like your mare Holly,
but I'm not through yet, just a little late
but will meet the final deadline date.

Another clue is that I am not from the east,
go more to center and you may find me west of
Iowa but not Colorado.

Your still secret santa!

Secret Santa Reveal yourself!!

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Okay Guys,  When you receive your Secret Santa gift,  Email the Fjord List 
and let us know,  THEN!!   If you don't know who your secret santa is  they 
can then reveal themselves!!


The Elf

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