RE: [Flashcoders] ComboBox Halo

2006-06-15 Thread Steven Sacks
When I experience crazy behavior like this in Flash that absolutely
shouldn't happen, I take a few steps.

1) Save and compact.  Quit Flash.  Restart my computer.

2) If that doesn't fix it, I try deleting the component from the library,
save and compact, quit Flash, relaunch, put the component back in.

3) If that doesn't fix it, I make a copy of the file and take other
components out one at a time until I find the conflict.

4) If that still doesn't fix it, and I've exhausted every other reasonable
debugging technique, I take drastic action.  Sometimes, Flash files simply
get corrupted and there's nothing you can do about it except make a brand
new Flash file and copy everything from the old movie into it.  It sucks,
but sometimes that is the only solution.  Hopefully, your movie isn't too
complicated and you can do this without too much more than some copying and
pasting.  Yes, this solution actually works.


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RE: [Flashcoders] Accepting 1 parameter with 2 possible types in amethod?

2006-06-15 Thread Steven Sacks
You could also leave off the typecasting on the argument.  You don't have to
type your arguments in AS2, and the compiler won't complain.

If the methods inside the argument check what type of argument it is, then
it's pretty apparent to anybody reading the code why there is no type on the

Typing has no effect except for the debugging and readability.  Flash gets
no speed benefit from strict typing like other languages do.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Adrian Park
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:33 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Accepting 1 parameter with 2 
 possible types in amethod?
 Hi all. Thanks for the responses.
 I think my favoured route would be by Typing the parameter as 
 generic Object
 as it means it's still one parameter which seems neater.
 Ian, I'm intrigued if your suggestion works - I had considered it but
 assumed it wouldn't work because the result of the typeOf 
 operation would
 just be 'object' (since that is what the parameter is typed as).
 I'm going to try it as that is exactly the kind of solution I 
 was after.
 Adrian P
 On 6/15/06, Ian Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Adrian,
I'd do it like this:
  private function myMethod(i:Object):Void
if (i instanceof String) {
  // do this
else if (i instanceof Number) {
  // do this
  // report an error
  And, as you see, stick in an error condition - because by 
 changing the
  input type to Object you throw away all type-safety and can't
  guarantee that someone won't try passing in a completely different
  type of object...
  As to whether it's dirty or not - that's your call, really. :-) It
  really depends on the purpose of the function. I've used it
  occasionally to fake overloading of functions just to make 
 APIs easier
  to understand.
  Sorry to be blurry about it, but without knowing a bit more 
 about the
  circumstances, it's kind of hard to say...
  On 6/15/06, Adrian Park [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi List,
   What's the neatest way of accepting a single parameter 
 with 2 possible
   into a method and then working out what type of parameter has been
   e.g. in pseudo code
   private function myMethod( i:Number/String ):Void {
  if ( i is a String ) {
 // do this
  } else if ( i is a Number ) {
 // do this
   I can think of several alternatives :
   - passing a generic object which contains the property 
 and then using
   on that property
   - calling 2 different methods but, in this case, it just 
 makes sense to
   one since it's doing the same thing with either parameter 
 (retrieving a
   of data from an Array which may be identified using a 
 numerical id or a
   String ID)
   - limiting my method to accepting a String only and then 
 defining a
   method that returns the correspoding String identifier 
 given a numerical
   All of the ways I can think of seem dirty. Is there a 
 nice clean way or
   it wrong to expect the method to accept one parameter of different
   Thanks in advance,
   Adrian P.
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RE: [Flashcoders] ComboBox and Other Flash Components

2006-06-15 Thread Steven Sacks
 I've created a ComboBox. Strangely when I open the combobox, the field
 with selections goes under the other components...???

Is it on a lower layer in the timeline?

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RE: [Flashcoders] xAL and xNAL

2006-06-15 Thread Steven Sacks
All xNAL Action.  Hawt.  ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Kevin Newman
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:44 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] xAL and xNAL
 Hello all,
 Has anyone done any work with these new address formats 
 (xNAL, xAL, xNL) 
 that have been standardized by OASIS in flash? I was so happy to hear 
 about a standard way to deal with international address 
 information, now 
 all we need are some standardized form layouts, and some 
 solid Libraries 
 for dealing with this format. Does anyone know of any?
 I am mostly interested in the address standard myself, which if I 
 understand it correctly is xAL (eXtensible Address Language, which is a 
 subset of xNAL. I learned of this new standard because Google 
 is using 
 it in their geocoding API.
 Kevin N.
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[Flashcoders] Flashcoders Archive Broken

2006-06-14 Thread Steven Sacks
The Flashcoders Archive is broken.

How can we elitists lecture newbies to search the Flashcoders archives if it
isn't working correctly?  ;)

I realize that you are providing a free service, but if we are telling
people to check the Archives before asking the list and the archive isn't
working, we look like jerks.  IMHO, this needs to be fixed ASAP in order to
save us from ourselves (and, of course, to have a useful archive).

Searches aren't working fully, even by Author.

Example.  I searched for the term help vampire which has been brought up
many times over the past two months and it comes up with no results.

No matches were found for 'help and vampire'

However, I can look at today's posts and see the term help vampire in a
few threads.

Looking at April, two months previous:

Here's my post with help vampire right in the subject!

That post didn't come up even when I searched by my name, even though it is
clearly written by me.

The post right after it has help vampire in the body:

Yet, no results.

Also, all the images are broken.


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RE: [Flashcoders] checkbox component label - can it wrap?

2006-06-14 Thread Steven Sacks
 Does anyone know if you can set a checkbox component label 
 to wrap if required.

Why don't you set its label to  and put your own multiline textfield next
to it?

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash coders content degrading

2006-06-13 Thread Steven Sacks
Before Flashcoders was around, people had to solve their Flash problems on
their own.  After Flashcoders was around, some people didn't know about it
and had to solve their Flash problems on their own.

Bottom line is - the solutions are out there and many people don't take the
time to try and solve their problems on their own before taking it to the
list.  They think that it will be faster if they just ask the list, without
realizing they are robbing themselves of an important exercise in training
their own resourcefulness and problem solving abilities, and at the same
time degrading the signal to noise ratio of Flashcoders.  I can't tell you
how many times in the past three months I've seen the same exact newbie
issues repeated over and over.

Flashcoders is not supposed to be the newbie arena.  It's become the newbie
area because help vampires have infested it.

If a question is 'beneath you' you got more problems than newbies. Nobody
demands that you answer, so whee, get off the list then.

I recommend reading some Ayn Rand.  Just because you need doesn't mean
you're entitled.  Hasn't history proven that communism doesn't work?  Don't
expect others to help you simply because you need help and aren't willing to
help yourself.  Telling the Flash veterans to help me, ignore me, or piss
off is eventually going to reduce this list to newbies helping newbies.

Your response to Try searching the archives or google for your answers
before asking the list is If you don't want to help me, shut up.
Apparently, petulant children have taken over.

The internet is the world's most comprehensive encyclopedia.  While
wikipedia might have fallacious information in it, it's very rare to find
misleading facts about Flash out there.

This article sums it up very well.

It's so regular you could set your watch by it. The decay of a community is
just as predictable as the decay of certain stable nuclear isotopes. As soon
as an open source project, language, or what-have-you achieves a certain
notoriety-its half-life, if you will-they swarm in, seemingly draining the
very life out of the community itself.

The chief indicator of a Help Vampire problem is the lack of
helpfulness-the community may still appear to be bustling and lively, but if
on closer inspection the conversation is all towards the shallow end of the
pool, with moderately difficult questions going unanswered, then a Help
Vampire infestation is likely.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash coders content degrading

2006-06-13 Thread Steven Sacks
The problem with a list named FlashNewbies is that help vampires, or
newbies who don't want to actually do any work, tend to avoid newbie lists
and go straight for the advanced ones because that's where they perceive the
advanced people to be.  Why ask a noob how to do something when you can ask

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash coders content degrading

2006-06-13 Thread Steven Sacks
 Bottom line is if someone gets stuck they are going to find 
 help where they can. To tell you the truth I would post just 
 about any place to be able to get an answer just so I can go 
 to sleep one night this week. 

 Some of us are not action scripting for fun. We are working 
 in the real world, I am a designer I am learning flash and 
 can make my way around the flash design environment just fine.  
 If I knew enough about action scripting not to need help 
 (noob) than I wouldn't really need this list now would I. 
 Also if the Noob list wasn't so Noob I could get my problem 
 solved their without getting spurned by an elitist.

I've got four words for you.  Buy a freaking book.  :)

There are NUMEROUS books out there on the subject.  There are books
dedicated to helping designers learn how to code in Flash from a designer's
perspective.  I'm sure you'll find something at Amazon or your local

When I wanted to learn Ruby on Rails, I went out and bought a few books.  I
read them from cover to cover and then I started coding, referring back to
the books when I needed assistance.  If I came across something the book
didn't cover, I'd run a bunch of google searches.  Finally, if I couldn't
figure something out, I'd hop on the IRC channel and ask very specific
questions which would lead me towards the solution, not asking for the

Here's the truth.  Programming is not for everyone.  It requires a type of
patience, perseverance, and masochism that few possess.  Maybe you're just
not cut out for it.  That doesn't mean anyone is better than you, just
different than you.  If your strength is design, I say follow that path
because programming really can be frustrating for many people.  

I can't draw a button.  Anytime I try I end up frustrated.  Imagine if there
was a mailing list for designers and I got on and asked questions about how
to draw buttons.  I might get help at first but eventually people would say
Go buy a book on drawing and practice.  I have friends who have been
drawing since they were children.  They have a sketchbook and always have
some book like how to draw faces, or arms, or animals, or whatever.  They're
constantly practicing techniques.  It's no different.

There's a great quote about programming. 

programming: n.
A pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but with fewer
opportunities for reward. 

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash coders content degrading

2006-06-13 Thread Steven Sacks
 Why not hire a designer?

Precisely my point.  Hence, a designer should hire a programmer if they need
some programming done.  


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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: Flash coders content degrading (Mark Winterhalder)

2006-06-13 Thread Steven Sacks
 You do realize that this is, and always has been, an unmoderated list,

Now that isn't true at all.  I remember back in the early years the OT
police jumped on anyone who posted OT stuff.  Brendan was behind most of
that, and since his departure it seems the list has slowly gotten more and
more out of control.

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RE: [Flashcoders] XML diff

2006-06-10 Thread Steven Sacks
Try RegEx.

Flash 8:

Flash 5,6,7:

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RE: [Flashcoders] XML diff

2006-06-10 Thread Steven Sacks
 I will check it out - I had thought that was for regular 
 expression support? Do you have an example of how that would 
 diff two xml files?

Here is an outstanding tutorial on regular expressions, how and why they're

Good luck!

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RE: [Flashcoders] reposition MC on release

2006-06-07 Thread Steven Sacks
Don't use on (release) {}, use btn.onRelease = function() {} in the frame.

Putting on (action) {} methods on button and movieclip instances is for
designers who don't know how to code.

When you assign button actions to movieclips or buttons, unless you use
this, it's going to refer to the movieclip it resides in.


// Tells BTN_Foo's timeline to go to frame 2
BTN_Foo.onRelease = function() {

// Tells the timeline of the clip containing BTN_Foo to go to frame 2
BTN_Foo.onRelease = function() {
// Or you can write it like this
BTN_Foo.onRelease = function() {

Same thing goes for variables. 

You can assign the clip to the button.

BTN_Foo.clipToControl = _level0.MC_Clip;
BTN_Foo.onRelease = function() {
this.clipToControl._x = 100;


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RE: [Flashcoders] What does this code mean and What are Inspectables ...

2006-06-03 Thread Steven Sacks
They are for AS2 components.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Re: OT: Anyone got a good CSS book to recommend?

2006-06-02 Thread Steven Sacks
Try this:

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RE: [Flashcoders] Getting the selection

2006-05-30 Thread Steven Sacks
That's one of those slap on the forehead ones that getcha everytime!  :)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Bart Wttewaall
 Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 2:47 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Getting the selection
 It's because the button you click will have the focus. So you should
 return the focus on the textfield before you can get the Selection of
 the text.
 underline_btn.addEventListener(click, mx.utils.Delegate.create(this,
 function underline_check(evt:Object):Void {
   var startIndex:Number = Selection.getBeginIndex();
   var endIndex:Number = Selection.getEndIndex();
   var strToUnderline:String = 
 editdesc_txt.text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
   trace(String to Underline:
 +strToUnderline+|B:+Selection.getBeginIndex()+ |E:
 +Selection.getEndIndex()+ |C:+Selection.getCaretIndex());
   editdesc_txt.replaceText(startIndex, endIndex, 
  Can anyone tell me why this outputs -1 for every value? 
 Could it be because the
  textfield looses focus when I click on the button 
 component?  I am trying to
  get the first and last position of the selected text in a 
 dynamic textfield.
  Any pointers would be awesome!
  Outputs: String to Underline: |B: -1 |E: -1 |C: -1
  var underline_check:Object = new Object(); = function(eventObj:Object) {
  var startIndex:Number = Selection.getBeginIndex();
  var endIndex:Number = Selection.getEndIndex();
  var strToUnderline:String = 
  trace(String to Underline: +strToUnderline + |B:
  +Selection.getBeginIndex()+  |E: +Selection.getEndIndex() +  |C:
  editdesc_txt.replaceText(startIndex, endIndex, 
  underline_btn.addEventListener(click, underline_check);
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RE: [Flashcoders] Printing without print dialog box in an exe

2006-05-26 Thread Steven Sacks
So what you're asking is if anyone on a Flash coders list knows how to code
a Visual Basic wrapper to override Windows OS print dialog boxes?

I think you would have more luck taking this question to a VB users group
where people would have more experience with those two environments that are
outside the realm of Flash.  Flash just makes a call to the wrapper which
handles everything.  It has nothing to do with Flash and everything to do
with the wrapper.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of rishi
 Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 12:02 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Printing without print dialog box in an exe
 I need to give a print command from flash without opening the 
 print dialog box. I have my application embedded in VB. I 
 want to know the proposed solutions. I know this can be done 
 and can see this working in flash jester jprintor. But I'ld 
 like to know some more tools. Also ,if somebody has worked 
 with Jprintor. Please advise.
 I need to discuss, this,
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
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 Date: 5/25/2006
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RE: [Flashcoders] Printing without print dialog box in an exe

2006-05-26 Thread Steven Sacks
I apologize if that sounded gruff.  I should have added a winky after the
first sentence.  ;)

It's 5:30am here, hehe.  Long night coding.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Steven Sacks
 Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 5:18 AM
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Printing without print dialog box in an exe
 So what you're asking is if anyone on a Flash coders list 
 knows how to code
 a Visual Basic wrapper to override Windows OS print dialog boxes?
 I think you would have more luck taking this question to a VB 
 users group
 where people would have more experience with those two 
 environments that are
 outside the realm of Flash.  Flash just makes a call to the 
 wrapper which
 handles everything.  It has nothing to do with Flash and 
 everything to do
 with the wrapper.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of rishi
  Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 12:02 AM
  To: Flashcoders mailing list
  Subject: [Flashcoders] Printing without print dialog box in an exe
  I need to give a print command from flash without opening the 
  print dialog box. I have my application embedded in VB. I 
  want to know the proposed solutions. I know this can be done 
  and can see this working in flash jester jprintor. But I'ld 
  like to know some more tools. Also ,if somebody has worked 
  with Jprintor. Please advise.
  I need to discuss, this,
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  Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.7.1/348 - Release 
  Date: 5/25/2006
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RE: [Flashcoders] problems with dynamic text field autosize property

2006-05-26 Thread Steven Sacks
Use question.textHeight not question._height


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Scott Brantley
 Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 1:32 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] problems with dynamic text field 
 autosize property
 I think you may be right. If you look at my code it works 
 perfectly. I'm
 just pissed that it took something as stupid as getting the height of
 the textfield in 3 different variables. It actually works on the 2nd
 variable. You see I put all my code in functions. But, I don't use
 classes and prototypes and the like. I was thinking maybe it had
 something to do with that. Thanks for answering though. I posted the
 same question on a couple of forums and got no response at all.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Duncan
 Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 4:15 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] problems with dynamic text field autosize
 Hi Scott,
 I think it's one of those wait a frame type deals, either 
 that or try
 On 5/26/06, Scott Brantley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
  I'm having a problem with the dynamic text field autosize property.
  problem I'm having is that I'm not catching the correct 
 height of the
  textfield directly after the textfield is filled with text. In other
  words, I create a dynamic textfield and give it a set width 
 and then I
  set all the properties (selectable, multiline, wordwrap, 
 embed fonts,
  autosize, html etc). Then I fill it with html text and then 
 I get its
  height. If you will look at my code below you can see that 
 I have the
  variables a, b, and c all set to question._height. Every 
 single time I
  test this and trace it in the output window I get a =34, b=92, and
  (92 is the correct height of the textfield). Does anyone have an
  explanation? The text I'm filling the textfield with is loaded from
  data base way before this code executes. It seems that the code is
  faster than the textfield can fill up. Is there anyway to 
 detect when
  the textfield has filled and autosized?
  test_mc.createTextField(question_txt, 1000, 0, 0, 385, 0);
  question = _root.test_mc.question_txt;
  question.selectable = false;
  question.multiline = true;
  question.wordWrap = true;
  question.embedFonts = true;
  question.autoSize = true;
  question.html = true;
  //flash is taking too much time rendering out this text
  question.htmlText = p align='center'font face='myVerdana'
  //the following is jerry rigged and needs to be fixed
  a = question._height;
  trace(a =  + a);
  b = question._height;
  trace(b =  + b);
  c = question._height;
  trace(c =  + c);
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RE: [Flashcoders] OOP 101: Is import really necessary?

2006-05-25 Thread Steven Sacks
Also interesting to note here.

If you make two layers in the timeline and in the top layer you put

x = 10;

And the bottom layer you put 


you'll get 10.

However, if in the top layer you put

import SomeStaticClass;

And in the bottom layer you put


It doesn't work.  Imports only work in the scope of the specific script
itself, not the clip those scripts are in, even though scripts in layers in
Flash allegedly work from top to bottom as if they were one big script.

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RE: [Flashcoders] eLearning built in Flex

2006-05-25 Thread Steven Sacks
The writing on the show (I'm a huge fan and have suspended disbelief for a
long time) has become extremely weak over the past few episodes.  They force
extremely unrealistic reactions from people and have characters completely
ignore stuff going on around them.

Tell me.  If the earth shook, there was a deafening buzz and the sky turned
white and violet and eventually it went away, would you say Hm. What was
that?  Doesn't matter.  Better clean up this mess.  Give me a freaking

I guess only the main characters are allowed to be humans with brains and
the rest of the people are only animated paintings in the backdrop.

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RE: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing

2006-05-25 Thread Steven Sacks
Or you could just use XML2AS

function XML2AS(n, r) {
var a, d, k;
if (r[k=n.nodeName] == null) r = ((a=r[k]=[{}]))[d=0];
else r = (a=r[k])[d=r[k].push({})-1];
if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
if ((k=n.firstChild.nodeType) == 1) {
r.attributes = n.attributes;
for (var i in k=n.childNodes) XML2AS(k[i], r);
} else if (k == 3) {
a[d] = new String(n.firstChild.nodeValue);
a[d].attributes = n.attributes;
}else r.attributes = n.attributes;

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RE: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing

2006-05-25 Thread Steven Sacks
Search the Flashcoders archives.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Matt Jurgemeyer
 Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:33 PM
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing
 Do you know of a good resource that might explain this to me? 
 It's a bit
 over my head at this point.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Steven Sacks
 Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:02 PM
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing
 Or you could just use XML2AS
 function XML2AS(n, r) {
   var a, d, k;
   if (r[k=n.nodeName] == null) r = ((a=r[k]=[{}]))[d=0];
   else r = (a=r[k])[d=r[k].push({})-1];
   if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
   if ((k=n.firstChild.nodeType) == 1) {
   r.attributes = n.attributes;
   for (var i in k=n.childNodes) XML2AS(k[i], r);
   } else if (k == 3) {
   a[d] = new String(n.firstChild.nodeValue);
   a[d].attributes = n.attributes;
   }else r.attributes = n.attributes;
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RE: [Flashcoders] gotoAndStop and Frame labels as Numbers

2006-05-23 Thread Steven Sacks
What's the problem with using a single letter before the frame number?

Such as, f2, f18, f50, etc.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Fitzpatrick, Kevin
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:33 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] gotoAndStop and Frame labels as Numbers
 Hey all,
 A question regarding frame labels. When using the
 gotoAndStop(frameLabel:String) method in a simple flash movie and the
 string could be evaluated to a Number (such as the string 2 or 20)
 it seems that the flash player does evaluate it and sends the playhead
 to *frame 2* instead of the frame *labeled '2' *.
 Does everyone else experience this problem and is there 
 anyway around it
 that still allows one to label a frame with a string that could be a
 Sorry if that was a bit confusing.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects

2006-05-20 Thread Steven Sacks
I must have missed the original post. I thought he had one swf loaded in
another.  SharedObject is a misnomer because it makes people think it's
shared between multiple swfs, but it really is just shared between multiple
sessions, so to speak.

LocalConnection is how you share information between two movies.


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RE: [Flashcoders] load data

2006-05-18 Thread Steven Sacks
 view/copy/edit/delete files

Or CRUD.  Create/Read/Update/Delete.

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RE: [Flashcoders] CD ROM dimensions?

2006-05-18 Thread Steven Sacks
As a former Director programmer and desktop application developer, with 10
years experience in the industry, I have one thing to say to Flash
developers who have little to no experience developing desktop applications.

Changing a user's resolution without asking them first is a HUGE no-no.

Don't do it.

Why shouldn't I change their resolution automatically? I hear from the
desktop application development neophytes.  Such sweet innocence.  Your
incredulous cries shall be answered forthwith.

First, many displays, laptop displays (read: flatscreens) in particular,
only like to display at a specific resolution.  Changing the resolution on
these displays can result in unintended side effects.  On some, everything
gets extremely jagged, pixelated, blocky (i.e. crappy).  On others, it
simply puts deadspace around the sides whilst making the visual area smaller
(oh the irony).  Either way, your goal of making things look bigger and
better for the user just got Punk'd (Punk'd used with express permission
from Ashton Kutcher and MTV/Viacom, all rights reserved).

Second, if the display in question (laptops and desktops) cannot display at
the resolution you switch it to, a possible side effect is no display
whatsoever.  And since it wasn't done by the resolution control panel in
Windows, there is no 15 second timeout if you can't see it anymore.  This
might not be an issue on braille monitors, but those account for 0% of your
target audience (ed: and they don't exist).  Your application just broke my
computer! exclaims Irate User.  Which segues nicely to the next point.

Third, when you decrease a monitor's resolution, you completely screw up any
icon arrangement on the desktop.  If you're looking to completely irritate
your userbase, congratulations you win!  You've just caused the user to
associate negative emotions to whatever you were trying to convey.

Fourth, don't poop where you eat.  People have their computers set up the
way they like them.  They like their resolution just how it is, thank you.
Many users have flatscreen displays nowadays, which you can't or don't want
to change resolutions on anyway.

Fifth, even if you ask permission, many users don't know that any of the
things I've mentioned will befall them should they agree to your request,
and some users automatically click No to such things anyway.

Lucky for you, Flash can stretch to fill the screen.  You just need to
design for that by using vector art for the UI, although raster images look
fine up to a point.  Stretching Flash may cause a slight performance hit,
but you can also code your application to dynamically resize itself based on
the user's current resolution, which takes more finesse and planning.

The only time you should change the resolution without asking is in a kiosk
enviroment where you control the machine and you're not going to piss anyone
off or break something by doing so.

800x600 is only 224x168 smaller than the average resolution these days.  Try
a nice border around the edge, black or a dark grey usually works best and
after a few minutes most users won't even notice it anymore (much like the
black bars at the top and bottom of widescreen movies).

Make a friend of your users, not an enemy.  Just say no to resolution

This message paid for by the Special Treatment For Users group.


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RE: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects

2006-05-17 Thread Steven Sacks
Did you try setting your variable to the shared object again after the

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Jason Saelhof
 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:00 PM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects
 Hi everyone,
 I'm trying to get a Local Shared Object (LSO) to share data between 2
 flash windows. The first movie creates the LSO and can write 
 to it. The
 second movie can then get a reference to the shared object 
 and read the
 data set by movie 1. The problem occurs when movie 2 tries to change
 that data and flush it to the disk. Movie 1 doesn't get the 
 change. If I
 close movie 1 and re-open it, it can now see the changes. 
 This makes me
 think that each instance of the Flash Player is working from 
 a cached
 copy of the LSO. Can anyone confirm this behavior? Does anyone know a
 way to force the movies to always refer to the disk when 
 reading values
 from the LSO?
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RE: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects

2006-05-17 Thread Steven Sacks

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Mauricio Furtado Massaia
 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:06 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects
 Well if r u using 2 swf at same time u can use 
 LocalConnection to transfer
 (sorry if im wrong )
 On 5/17/06, Jason Saelhof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I did try getting a reference to the Shared Object again using...
  myVar = SharedObject.getLocal( ... );
  ... but it didn't seem to help. I basically set it up so 
 that each time
  it tried to read from the object it would get a new reference first.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Steven
  Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:17 PM
  To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
  Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects
  Did you try setting your variable to the shared object 
 again after the
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
   Of Jason Saelhof
   Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:00 PM
   Subject: [Flashcoders] Local Shared Objects
   Hi everyone,
   I'm trying to get a Local Shared Object (LSO) to share 
 data between 2
   flash windows. The first movie creates the LSO and can write
   to it. The
   second movie can then get a reference to the shared object
   and read the
   data set by movie 1. The problem occurs when movie 2 
 tries to change
   that data and flush it to the disk. Movie 1 doesn't get the
   change. If I
   close movie 1 and re-open it, it can now see the changes.
   This makes me
   think that each instance of the Flash Player is working from
   a cached
   copy of the LSO. Can anyone confirm this behavior? Does 
 anyone know a
   way to force the movies to always refer to the disk when
   reading values
   from the LSO?
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RE: [Flashcoders] load data

2006-05-17 Thread Steven Sacks
I have a feeling that Flashgrrl is actually a guy faking his gender to get
more help from all the lonely guys here on Flashcoders.  It is
scientifically proven to work in other online places (chat rooms, MMORPGs,
etc.) so it's that big of a stretch that it would work here, too. 


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Flashgrrl
 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:11 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] load data
 Yes, that seems to be the consensus. Dave, thank you
 for the confirmation. I'll quit barking up the wrong
 The reason I was trying to do this is because it
 seemed like an easy way to protect data in a .swf.  If
 the .swf was decompiled, all the data would remain
 tucked away out of reach. 
 Also this would allow one movie to be reused as a
 template over and over again.  To add the data, it
 would be called in dynamically via a text document.
 Easy to update and to add new movies with different
 content. Or that was the theory anyway. :-) 
 Does anyone have any ideas on how dynamically add data
 for ease and security? I'm open to new ideas. smile
 --- Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If by root directory you mean the root directory
  of your web server, you
  will not be able to do this unless you've created a
  virtual mapping pointing
  to this directory within your web server
  configuration. Only files within
  the root directory and its subdirectories, or within
  virtual directories,
  will be accessible via HTTP.
  Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: [Flashcoders] load data

2006-05-17 Thread Steven Sacks
I'm only messin around.  I wasn't actually following the thread, nor do I
think that anything you're asking is out of line.  I wasn't even making
commentary on your line of questioning.  I just thought it was funny that
you were using the pseudonym Flashgrrl, especially since I tend to like
girls who refer to their digital selves as grrl.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Flashgrrl
 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:42 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] load data
 Interesting theory. I've never been accused of being a
 guy before. :-) I thought this forum was the exact
 place to ask these sorts of questions actually. 
 Should I read between the lines that you have a
 wonderful solution you are bursting to share? Or is
 this a techie version of a pickup line? smile
 I'd prefer to stick to Actionscript if that's okay
 with the group. 
 --- Steven Sacks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a feeling that Flashgrrl is actually a guy
  faking his gender to get
  more help from all the lonely guys here on
  Flashcoders.  It is
  scientifically proven to work in other online places
  (chat rooms, MMORPGs,
  etc.) so it's that big of a stretch that it would
  work here, too. 
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Behalf 
   Of Flashgrrl
   Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:11 PM
   To: Flashcoders mailing list
   Subject: [Flashcoders] load data
   Yes, that seems to be the consensus. Dave, thank
   for the confirmation. I'll quit barking up the
   The reason I was trying to do this is because it
   seemed like an easy way to protect data in a .swf.
   the .swf was decompiled, all the data would remain
   tucked away out of reach. 
   Also this would allow one movie to be reused as a
   template over and over again.  To add the data, it
   would be called in dynamically via a text
   Easy to update and to add new movies with
   content. Or that was the theory anyway. :-) 
   Does anyone have any ideas on how dynamically add
   for ease and security? I'm open to new ideas.
   --- Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If by root directory you mean the root
of your web server, you
will not be able to do this unless you've
  created a
virtual mapping pointing
to this directory within your web server
configuration. Only files within
the root directory and its subdirectories, or
virtual directories,
will be accessible via HTTP.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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RE: [Flashcoders] url encoding in flash?

2006-05-16 Thread Steven Sacks
Just a tip: you should not use a GET to make any kind of changes on the
server, only to request information from the server.  Use POST to make
changes on the server. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of rob costello
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 9:39 PM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] url encoding in flash? 
 hello all 
 Is there a method / function to URL encode a query string from inside
 flash - or do we have to do that manually? 
 I have a situation where I need to do an XML sendAndLoad to 
 an external
 php file
 I want to do this as GET and pass a parameter to the query 
 string of the
 php file 
 The parameter is itself a URL with a complex query string (contains
 characters such as  and =) 
 Not surprisingly, this breaks how php reads in the query string  -
 causes it to think there are extra name / value pairs in the url 
 So I'm thinking if there was a URL encoding routine in Flash I could
 pass the parameter safely, and get php to deencode 
 Any help appreciated
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RE: [Flashcoders] \r

2006-05-16 Thread Steven Sacks
No way!  They cut corners with their string object handling in Flash?  I
don't believe it! 


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Fumio Nonaka
 Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:20 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] \r
 Interesting.  How about the following statements, which don't include 
 any empty strings:
 // Frame action in the main timeline
 var my0_str:String = newline;
 my0_str += newline;
 var my1_str:String = newline+newline;
 // [Debug]  [List Variables]:
 Variable _level0.my0_str = \n\n
 Variable _level0.my1_str = \r\r
 Flash 8.0/Mac OS X.4.6
 ryanm wrote:
 Well, it seems inconsistant, but it's not really 
 unexpected. Without 
  the empty string both hard returns are appended to the end of the 
  previous line, which isn't technically correct, but makes sense in 
  context. With the empty string there is an empty line (your 
 new line), 
  so a line feed is used to go to the next line. Hard return 
 ends a span 
  of text by breaking to the next line. Line feed passes over 
 an empty 
  line without moving the cursor, which is why a hard return 
 (a.k.a. a 
  carriage return) is needed at the end of a span of text. It's 
  old-school logic based on how it would render on paper. If 
 you used a 
  line feed without a carriage return, the proper way to 
 render it would 
  be to move down one line without moving to the first 
 column. Without the 
  empty string, though, there is no new line to pass over, so 
 the html 
  kluge is to simply hard return again.
 Good luck,
 Fumio Nonaka
 My books
 Flash community
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RE: [Flashcoders] Serial Port Communication

2006-05-16 Thread Steven Sacks
Flash has no access to the OS.  You must use a 3rd party wrapper that allows
it, or Director, which does also. 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of varfoo
 Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:36 AM
 To: Flashcoders Mailing List
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Serial Port Communication
 Hello all,
 I need to create a standalone exe and send commands to an 
 external device through a serial port.  This is readily done 
 w/MM Director and the SerialXtra, but is this doable w/Flash?
 Thanks in Advance,
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RE: [Flashcoders] Serial Port Communication

2006-05-16 Thread Steven Sacks
By the way, if you don't want to embed the Flash in Director, you can launch
an invisible Director movie which would launch your Flash executable and
then have an embedded SWF in Director communicating with the Flash
executable via LocalConnection.  Just one idea.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of varfoo
  Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:36 AM
  To: Flashcoders Mailing List
  Subject: [Flashcoders] Serial Port Communication
  Hello all,
  I need to create a standalone exe and send commands to an 
  external device through a serial port.  This is readily done 
  w/MM Director and the SerialXtra, but is this doable w/Flash?
  Thanks in Advance,

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RE: [Flashcoders] Anyone here responsible for Fancy Pants?

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
Never seen N?  That's the best Flash game I've ever seen.  Fancy Pants
borrowed (was inspired by?) quite a bit from N.  You can make your own
levels with N, which has inspired a large community development of levels.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Danny Kodicek
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 1:24 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Anyone here responsible for Fancy Pants?
 Was browsing for games with my son yesterday and came upon 
 Fancy Pants 
 It is simply the most beautiful Flash game I've ever seen. 
 Smooth as butter, 
 imaginatively designed, intricately animated, fun to play, 
 perfect. But only 
 one damn level! Give me more!
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RE: [Flashcoders] Anyone here responsible for Fancy Pants?

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
And if you're looking for more fun Flash games that break the mold, check
out Eyez Maze.

The Grow games in particular are outstanding, with Grow RPG taking the cake.

I suggest playing them in this order:

Grow RPG
Grow Cube
Grow ver. 3


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Steven Sacks
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 2:00 AM
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Anyone here responsible for Fancy Pants?
 Never seen N?  That's the best Flash game I've ever seen.  Fancy Pants
 borrowed (was inspired by?) quite a bit from N.  You can 
 make your own
 levels with N, which has inspired a large community 
 development of levels.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Of Danny Kodicek
  Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 1:24 AM
  To: Flashcoders mailing list
  Subject: [Flashcoders] Anyone here responsible for Fancy Pants?
  Was browsing for games with my son yesterday and came upon 
  Fancy Pants 
  It is simply the most beautiful Flash game I've ever seen. 
  Smooth as butter, 
  imaginatively designed, intricately animated, fun to play, 
  perfect. But only 
  one damn level! Give me more!
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RE: [Flashcoders] Grab IP address

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
Come the f**k on.  I googled get ip with javascript

First result:

var ip = new;
var ipStr = new java.lang.String(ip);

Do a little research before you ask questions, vampire.  ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of MetaArt
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 2:14 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Grab IP address
 There is a way, automate or based on any user input, that 
 give a chance to
 grab the user IP address by a Flash movie?
 I'm in search of something without use of any server-side 
 language, so just
 full Flash, or Flash/JavaScript can be good.
 Any suggest?
 Link to .fla or tutorial are really appreciate
 * Enrico Tomaselli
 * web designer
 * Skype: MetaArt
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RE: [Flashcoders] Grab IP address

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
 Do a little research before you answer questions, vampire.  ;)

It doesn't matter if that link works or not.  I dind't care to verify and I
wasn't providing a solution.  The point is there are tons of other links
that point towards the solution with one google search.  Be a little more


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RE: [Flashcoders] \r

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
x = str.split(\r).join(newline);

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Patrick Matte
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:34 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] \r
 Anybody knows how I can put a \r inside an xml node 
 attribute? I want to add
 a line feed between two words.
 Just having \r in the attribute displays \r in my textfield. 
 I think it must
 be encoded in a special way.
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RE: [Flashcoders] \r

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
You didn't mention if the textfield was html or not.  ;) 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Patrick Matte
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:53 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] \r
 Thanks, great idea, but a friend just told me what I was looking for.
 Its a br with the  encoded.
 Le 15/05/06 14:38, « Steven Sacks » [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  x = str.split(\r).join(newline);
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
  Of Patrick Matte
  Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:34 AM
  To: Flashcoders mailing list
  Subject: [Flashcoders] \r
  Anybody knows how I can put a \r inside an xml node
  attribute? I want to add
  a line feed between two words.
  Just having \r in the attribute displays \r in my textfield.
  I think it must
  be encoded in a special way.
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RE: [Flashcoders] \r

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
I tested it before I posted it.  The split works with just \r and the point
is that he was having an issue with \r not resolving in his textfield as a
newline so replacing it with a \r might not fix it but newline might.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Derek Vadneau
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] \r
 That should be:
 x = str.split(\\r).join(\r);
 Derek Vadneau
 - Original Message - 
 From: Steven Sacks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 2:38 PM
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] \r
 x = str.split(\r).join(newline);
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RE: [Flashcoders] \r

2006-05-15 Thread Steven Sacks
 You could always wrap CDATA around it.

If you read the first post you would have seen that this is for an attribute
of an xml node.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mick G
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 6:16 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] \r

 On 5/16/06, Fumio Nonaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Even if you manipulate newline only with string, you might 
 get annoying
  // Frame action
  var my_str:String = newline;
  my_str += +newline;
  // [Debug]  [List Variables]:
  Variable _level0.my_str = ¥n¥r
  Tested on Flash 8.0/Mac OS X.4.6  Windows XP (SP1)
  Derek Vadneau wrote:
   The bugger is using \n or newline in a string and setting 
 the text of a
   textfield to that string converts \n to \r when you read 
 the text again.
   It's why I never use \n or newline.
  Good luck,
  Fumio Nonaka
  My books
  Flash community
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RE: [Flashcoders] scrollpane, dynamic forms, and refreshPane issues

2006-05-12 Thread Steven Sacks
refreshPane reloads the content of the pane.  This is different than it used
to be in Flash MX.  The undocumented way to to refresh the contents of the
pane is:

sp.setScrollProperties(sp.content._width, 1, sp.content._height, 1);

That doesn't help with your issue of text not appearing, though.   Are you
using embedded fonts?  Scrollpanes use masking and sometimes this might
cause an issue.  Are you using Flash 7 or Flash 8?

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RE: [Flashcoders] Best SWF Wrapper

2006-05-11 Thread Steven Sacks
Seriously.  Stop f**king around and get mProjector.  I have coded against
many wrappers and mProjector by far is the best experience, period.  From
how the API works to the elegant and clever way it handles the system tray
icon (best solution I've seen) and direct communication between multiple
Flash windows (some others make you use LocalConnection - blech), etc. etc.

Now, if it doesn't have a feature you really need, then I guess it's not
going to work for you and that's unfortunate.  You'll have to struggle with
another wrapper that does have the feature you need but is a pain to work
with and is unstable, inefficient, and a pain to code against - three things
mProjector is absolutely not.

I've written full-blown desktop applications in mProjector that have run for
weeks without being shut down without a single issue.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Cedric Muller
 Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:49 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Best SWF Wrapper
 Normally, I am not always puking on software, but
 I confirm that Zinc is a bad idea and a bad solution
 Cédric Muller
 b-tween | designContent
 tél.   +41 22 328 8168
  I faced similar issues with zinc
  Sumeet Basak
  Renaissance Legal  Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  Cell: + 91 9223214301
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Ian  
  Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:27 AM
  To: Flashcoders mailing list
  Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Best SWF Wrapper
  I personally would avoid Zinc. Although we've used it successfully,
  I've had two or three of their updates introduce bugs which 
 break our
  products, and I've had to revert until a fix comes along. 
 The quality
  control is just too shoddy.
  On 5/9/06, eric dolecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm looking for some opinions on the best SWF wrapper you 
 think is  
  there. The ability to save out files (XML), perhaps 
 communicate with
  (local/online), etc.
  - e.dolecki
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RE: [Flashcoders] Best application for notifier (aka Gmail)

2006-05-10 Thread Steven Sacks
IMO, mProjector has the best system tray code/methodology of all the
wrappers.  It also has the smallest executable size, smallest memory
footprint, and uses the least amount of processing.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Best SWF Wrapper

2006-05-09 Thread Steven Sacks
 I'm looking for some opinions on the best SWF wrapper you think is out
 there. The ability to save out files (XML), perhaps 
 communicate with dbases
 (local/online), etc.

mProjector hands down is the best performing SWF wrapper out there.  It also
has the easiest API to develop against.  It also does asynchronous calls to
the system.

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RE: [Flashcoders] XML Parsing

2006-05-04 Thread Steven Sacks
 Anyone knows something about a ***non* *recursive* XML parser??


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[Flashcoders] Project 3:16

2006-04-28 Thread Steven Sacks
Project 3:16 - For Client so loved the work, that he told his one and  
Designer, that whosoever listens to him shall not finish, but have  


I thought you would enjoy this! ;)

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[Flashcoders] Are you a help vampire?

2006-04-26 Thread Steven Sacks

I know there are some here...I've seen them, even if they don't see
themselves (mirrors not working and all that).

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RE: [Flashcoders] Are you a help vampire?

2006-04-26 Thread Steven Sacks
 hi hello how do I make a multi-player game in flash its got to have 
 lasers thank you

LOL!  Well played. 

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RE: [Flashcoders] Are you a help vampire?

2006-04-26 Thread Steven Sacks
 Guess I should not post 
 my IM on Flash message boards any more :(

Oops!  Although, I have to say, I once got an off-list email from somebody
who asked me for help and it lead to having a regular client (I replaced
them, something I wasn't entirely comfortable with at first, but if somebody
isn't able to do the job, and the client needs somebody who can and they're
offering good money, well, you take what you can get).

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RE: [Flashcoders] Are you a help vampire?

2006-04-26 Thread Steven Sacks
 hi hello how do I make a multi-player game in flash its got to have 
 lasers thank you

Haha!  That deserves another laugh.  I can't stop laughing.

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[Flashcoders] Project 3:16

2006-04-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Project 3:16 - For Client so loved the work, that he told his one and only
Designer, that whosoever listens to him shall not finish, but have eternal

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RE: [Flashcoders] this.selected

2006-04-22 Thread Steven Sacks
A little known trick in Flash:

Make a movieclip.  Give it 3 frames and put frame labels on each named

_up, _over, and _down

Put a stop(); action on frame 1.

If you assign a button method to the movieclip, like onRelease, onRollOver,
etc. it will behave just like a button on its own, going to the _up _over
and _down frames automagically without any coding required.

You can make additional frames and put frame labels on them to your heart's
desire.  As long as those three frames are there and there's a button method
assigned to the movieclip, it will behave like a button.  You can use
.enabled = false to make it stop, just like a button.

So, to make a selected button (that isn't a toggle button), make a fourth
frame sel (or something like that) and onRelease set its enabled to false
and tell it to go to frame sel.  To unstick it, just set its enabled to
true and it will start working again.


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RE: [Flashcoders] this.selected

2006-04-22 Thread Steven Sacks
A major benefit to making buttons like this in Flash is you can target
nested movieclips, textfields, etc. inside a movieclips but you cannot with

This opens up all kinds of custom actions for your buttons that are
impossible with Button instances.  :)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Simon Lord
 Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 2:16 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] this.selected
 That's a very helpful tip Steven.  Thanks!
 On Apr 22, 2006, at 5:03 PM, Steven Sacks wrote:
  A little known trick in Flash:
  Make a movieclip.  Give it 3 frames and put frame labels on 
 each named
  _up, _over, and _down
  Put a stop(); action on frame 1.
  If you assign a button method to the movieclip, like onRelease,  
  etc. it will behave just like a button on its own, going to 
 the _up  
  and _down frames automagically without any coding required.
  You can make additional frames and put frame labels on them 
 to your  
  desire.  As long as those three frames are there and there's a  
  button method
  assigned to the movieclip, it will behave like a button.  
 You can use
  .enabled = false to make it stop, just like a button.
  So, to make a selected button (that isn't a toggle button), make a  
  frame sel (or something like that) and onRelease set its enabled  
  to false
  and tell it to go to frame sel.  To unstick it, just set its  
  enabled to
  true and it will start working again.
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RE: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip

2006-04-17 Thread Steven Sacks
The most obvious and simple solution to me:

Duplicate the movieclip in your library and assign the duplicate the second


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of GregoryN
 Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 8:52 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] good OOP way to re-assign class to clip
 Well, let's say I have two classes:
 //  code ==
 class MyClass1 extends MovieClip{
  function MyClass1(){}
  //... some stuff
  function showMyInfo(){
trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass1);
 class MyClass2 extends MovieClip{
  function MyClass2(){}
  //... some stuff
  function showMyInfo(){
trace(I am +this+,  class is MyClass2);
 //  code ends ==
 I have a mc symbol in the library associated with MyClass1.
 Thus, if I attach it using attachMovie(), and then call showMyInfo
 it'll output ... ,  class is MyClass1, right?
 Now imagine that for some reason at some point I'll need the same clip
 to be associated with MyClass2, while keep all properties etc
 collected while being an instance of MyClass1. BTW, these two classes
 are quite similar, but have several differencies.
 As I wrote before, so far just one way comes to my mind.
 It's about making an instantiate() method in MyClass2 to 
 re-write all
 props/methods of the target clip with ones of MyClip2 (similar to
 Another possible solution is to combine two classes into one, and make
 methods working depending on parameters.
 In fact, the problem here is that in 90% cases I'll need the clip to
 carry only methods of one class, and in 10% there will be a need to
 swap classes (or use parameter-depended methods).
 Best regards,
 Flash components development.
 Usability services.
  -- David Rorex wrote:
  In my opinion, there is no good OOP way of changing the 
 class of an
  object (be it movieclip or otherwsie). You might want to see if you
  can handle it in a different way, normally you should never 
 change the
  class of an object.
  Why exactly do you want to change the class?
  --- Alain Rousseau  wrote:
  I wasn??t sure, that??s why I proposed 2 ways, but I just 
 checked and neither
  will let you redefine the class associated with a 
 movieclip. So I guess it??s
  back to square one.
  So far you have to create an new instance for the class you 
 want to load
  using Object.registerclass and attachMovie. I can??t think 
 of any other way
  right now.
  I know it??s not what you had in mind, but maybe someone 
 else can think of
  something or try something out.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and Mac (Zinc-Director-SWFStudio - .NET)

2006-04-13 Thread Steven Sacks
What do you mean by support a cross platform database?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Lieven Cardoen
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:54 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and Mac 
 (Zinc-Director-SWFStudio - .NET)
 I've looked into mProjector and it doesn't seem to support a
 crossplatform database... of am I wrong?
 lieven cardoen

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RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and Mac(Zinc-Director-SWFStudio- .NET)

2006-04-13 Thread Steven Sacks
Well, mProjector is able to communicate to COM objects on PC and I'm
pretty sure there's a Mac equivalent.  But, it would probably take some
work to figure out how to make it work well.  Director w/V12 might be
your only choice unless you want to code your own DB, so to speak.

What you might be able to do is launch an invisible Director movie
(offscreen) with a swf running in it that you would communicate with
from your main Flash app using LocalConnection for your db purposes.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Lieven Cardoen
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:01 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and 
 Mac(Zinc-Director-SWFStudio- .NET)
 I mean reading and writing to a database that runs (running 
 is maybe not the right word) on Mac and Pc. Like V12 in 
 Director or Access by Zinc(only Pc, not Mac).
 lieven cardoen
 interactive digital experience
 engelse wandeling 2 k18
 b8500 kortrijk
 T +32 (0)56/361 197
 // communicatie bij voorkeur op [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Steven Sacks
 Sent: donderdag 13 april 2006 10:52
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and Mac
 (Zinc-Director-SWFStudio- .NET)
 What do you mean by support a cross platform database?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Lieven 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:54 PM
  To: Flashcoders mailing list
  Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and Mac 
  (Zinc-Director-SWFStudio - .NET)
  I've looked into mProjector and it doesn't seem to support a 
  crossplatform database... of am I wrong?
  lieven cardoen
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RE: [Flashcoders] Active X and Microsoft IE ...

2006-04-13 Thread Steven Sacks
 Are you going to update Flash 8 so it publishes flash/html 
 that utilises the new javascript methods?

I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.  ;)

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RE: [Flashcoders] Retrieving Link Text in a Text Field

2006-04-13 Thread Steven Sacks
Could you get the .htmlText of the text field and using split to pull
the link out?

txt.htmlText = a href=\link\;
var a = txt.htmlText;
var b = a.split(a href=\)[1];
var c = b.split(\)[0];
// link

There are also regex methods for Flash is you hunt around for them.


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RE: [Flashcoders] Retrieving Link Text in a Text Field

2006-04-13 Thread Steven Sacks
  Assuming Highlander TextField:
 There can be only one!

Flash likes to capitalize stuff and add TARGET to the href so here's the
fixed (and tested) code.

txt.htmlText = a href=\thesequelsucked.html\McCloud/a;
a = txt.htmlText.split(A HREF=\)[1].split(\ TARGET=)[0];

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RE: [Flashcoders] Retrieving Link Text in a Text Field

2006-04-13 Thread Steven Sacks
 Is there a way to identify the contents of a link element in an
 HTML-enabled text field? How can I pass the text of the link 
 to a function invoked by the link?

Wait, you mean you want to pass the text of the link (inside the a tag)
via the function you're calling in the link?  You'll have to code that
into the link.  If you don't want to do that, there are possible

One is to pass the link number in the method and have Flash reference
the htmlText again.  What I mean is, if you have 3 a href tags in your
htmlText, you pass which one it is, like myMethod(2).

Honestly, though, that's probably not what you're looking for, nor is it
very flexible.  So, the short answer to your question is no.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Making a cd for Pc and Mac (Zinc - Director-SWFStudio - .NET)

2006-04-12 Thread Steven Sacks
I highly recommend mProjector.  It's the best 3rd party wrapper out
there, IMO, and I've tried them all.  It's the easiest and smartest to
code with, it has the best performance hands down, does asynchronous
communication with the OS, allows you to package all your swfs into the
executable is now cross-platform!


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RE: [Flashcoders] Help with swapdepths

2006-04-12 Thread Steven Sacks
Also, don't use on-clip methods like 

on (press) or on(release)

That's for non-coders who are making banner ads.  Instead, put your code
in the timeline:

btn.onPress = function() {
btn.onRelease = function() {

You'll thank me for it down the line.  It's never a good idea to put
code directly on buttons or movieclips.  Always put your code on the
timeline where it's easy to find without having to click on all the
individual buttons/clips in your movie.  There is no exception to this
rule, ever.

Also, the reason your code isn't working is because when you say
this.getNextHighestDepth(), you're referring to the depth INSIDE the
movieclip itself (this in an onPress method refers to the
movieclip/button - another reason to put your code on the timeline to
make things clearer).  You need to refer to the movieclip's parent.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Gaia-Tek
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:02 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Help with swapdepths
 Hi Group,
 I'm having a problem with a seemingly simple task...
 I'm trying to get whichever movieclip on my stage is clicked 
 on, to swapDepths to the top, and be draggable...
 My code is:
 on (press) {
 on (release) {
 Not working...
 Any help would be appreciated...
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RE: [Flashcoders] Instantiate a class by string - SOLVED

2006-04-12 Thread Steven Sacks
 To force a class to be imported even if no one uses it:
 static private var depend:YourClass;

warden to the rescue!

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RE: [Flashcoders] Manually triggering the Screens onResize event

2006-04-12 Thread Steven Sacks
You do realize that toggling _visible does not release any memory,
right?  Flash still tracks the movieclip in memory, it just doesn't draw
it.  If you're building RIAs, you should open up your task manager and
watch your memory usage over time to make sure you're not using too
much.  I have no problem with frame-based RIAs, but then again, I tend
to use all the tools Flash makes available to me, not just Actionscript.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Mike Anderson
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:09 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Manually triggering the Screens 
 onResize event
 I am really sorry Ryan - 
 I put some more thought into what you had to say, and I got 
 it to work.
 Tunnel vision is dangerous sometimes, and when you code a 
 certain way for so long, it's hard to break out of your 
 normal coding methods.
 So with that said, I simply inserted 5 blank frames - but 
 made sure that all the layers containing components, extended 
 out to the 5th frame.
 That way, they never get erased when moving to the next 
 Frame.  As you can probably guess, I am not a typical Flash 
 programmer who does animation, etc.  I write ONLY applications.
 I still have my main Include file on Frame 1 (which contains 
 all my code for the entire app), but I created a Key Frame on 
 Frame 5 - which calls the onResize event for the Stage 
 Listener.  Now I understand what you were trying to say - 
 give the movie more time to initialize, and THEN call the 
 onResize method.
 Now the movie comes up with all the controls positioned properly.
 THANK YOU - and I will make sure that I listen with more open ears
 next time I get some good advice ;-)
 Thanks and take care,
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Mike Anderson
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:46 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Manually triggering the Screens onResize
 The only problem is, it's a Single Frame application.
 I avoid multi-frame apps like the plague - because I have so 
 many coding issues, and can't have controls residing on 
 multiple frames (they must exist at all times, because they 
 intercommunicate with each other, throughout the lifetime of 
 the application).
 This app is considered to be an RIA, and resides ALL on a 
 single frame.  All my MovieClips have Class Files attached to 
 them, and I truly run this Movie like an Application.  
 Multiple Windows, toggling visibility, remoting calls, etc. 
 all tied together by listening to Events.
 It's a wonderfully reliable application - which I plan on 
 migrating to Flex as soon as I can.  But in the meantime, 
 Flash is my only solution.
 With that said, is there anything else I can do - to force 
 the onResize event to kick off, just milliseconds after the 
 application gets fully initialized?  I have a feeling this 
 may fix the problem.
 Maybe some kind of Timer that only runs once?  Once things 
 are positioned properly upon the initial load, it's all well 
 and good - the StageListener coupled with the manual browser 
 resizes, takes care of everything after that.
 Thanks for anything else you can throw my way :)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Ryan Matsikas
 Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:41 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Manually triggering the Screens onResize
 I'm guessing yer having these issues in IE? Try waiting an 
 extra frame or 2..
 On 4/12/06, Mike Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestion, but I tried in that in the meantime.
  2 very undesired things happen:
  1) The movie components are still in the exact same spots.
  2) The bottom StatusBar actually is 1-inch shorter -
 this not even reaching to the other side of the
  It's almost as if (especially in case #2) that the 
 StatusBar is basing
  it's _width property on mis-information.  If I didn't know better, 
  it's as if there are timing problems going on.
  I thought that the onLoad event fixes problems like that 
 - since it 
  waits until all components are instantiated and initialized, before 
  Dispatching the I am all finished signal.
  What I have is this (in root):
  var stageSizeListener:Object = new Object();
  stageSizeListener.onResize = function():Void {
  var stageHeight:Number = Stage.height;
  var stageWidth:Number = Stage.width;
  // Main Menu
  mainMenu._width = stageWidth;
  // Map Status Bar
  mapStatusBar._width = stageWidth;
  this.onLoad = function():Void

RE: [Flashcoders] In the ide -detecting when the user has left the stage

2006-04-11 Thread Steven Sacks
Make a big invisible square that goes beyond the four edges, and mask
out the stage area and make a button.  Then you have your testing


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Manuel Saint-Victor
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:27 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] In the ide -detecting when the user 
 has left the stage
 Is there a way in the testing environment to know if someone 
 has moused off the stage? ( Out of the range of the movie)
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RE: [Flashcoders] Local Connection Object problem

2006-04-11 Thread Steven Sacks
LocalConnection is basically instant.  I've never seen a delay and I've
done quite a bit of work with it, in browser environments, 3rd party
wrapper environments, browser to 3rd party wrapper, and back, etc.  

The only issue I know of is if you try to send a local connection
message back to the sender too quickly.  Meaning, Transmitter sends
message to Receiver.  Receiver has to wait a bit (100ms or so, roughly)
before sending a message back to Transmitter.

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RE: [Flashcoders] combobox big problem

2006-04-10 Thread Steven Sacks
Try setting the font to _sans and see if that helps. 

cmb.setStyle(fontFamily, _sans);

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Aaron Smith
 Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 2:54 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] combobox big problem
 Do you have it under a mask? if so I think you need to embed 
 the fonts.
 On Apr 10, 2006, at 2:32 PM, Alfonso Florio wrote:
  this is really strange:
  i create a serie of mcs with into them two combobox, populate and 
  select index, all ok.
  when i delete them (i try to delete the mc container and the
  components) and re-create them (to delete some items and 
 re-create the 
  list), or just change the dataprovider a strange thing happens:
  the combo don't show the selection: if i click i see the right 
  selection in the list, but when i select another item the closed
  combo results with no text!!!
  it's a visualization problem, the combo gives the right index, but 
  when it's closed don't show the text of the selected item
  i'm getting crazy, please help
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RE: [Flashcoders] combobox big problem

2006-04-10 Thread Steven Sacks
 when i delete them (i try to delete the mc container and the
 components) and re-create them (to delete some items and 
 re-create the list), or just change the dataprovider a 
 strange thing happens:

Why don't you just delete items from the dataprovider?  The components
are made to respond instantly to changes in the data.  Meaning, you
don't need to re-create them to show changes, they fire events
automatically when you change the data.  That's the whole point of
having a dataprovider.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Active X and Microsoft IE ...

2006-04-09 Thread Steven Sacks
You also have to consider what users are turning off Javascript.

First, Javascript is turned on by default.  Second, you have to be somewhat
savvy to know what Javascript is, much less turn it off, and also know what
purpose turning it off serves.  Third, you need to have a reason to turn it
off.  These things combined means that people who turn off Javascript are
more than likely well aware of the consequences of this action, it's not
just Flash that's effected.  It's pretty much any plug-in and any DHTML
site.  Almost every site on the web uses Javascript now in some form or
another.  I wonder just how many people turn off Javascript and are they
really worth going after?  They obviously want a very limited and controlled
web experience.  

It's like trying to advertise on cable television channels to people who
only have antenna reception.  You're just not going to reach that very small
audience, so get over it.

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[Flashcoders] Will this Microsoft ActiveX update affect Flash?

2006-04-07 Thread Steven Sacks

After a forthcoming update, Microsoft Internet Explorer users will not
be able to directly interact with Microsoft ActiveX controls loaded by
the APPLET, EMBED, or OBJECT elements. Users will be able to interact
with such controls after activating their user interfaces. A new MSDN
topic describes how Internet Explorer will handle ActiveX controls,
shows how to load ActiveX controls so their interfaces are activated,
and describes the impact of this behavior on accessibility tools and
applications hosting the WebBrowser Control.

Will this negatively affect Flash?

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RE: [Flashcoders] preloading multiple swfs with moviecliploader

2006-04-07 Thread Steven Sacks
Here's a good solution that is used by many installer applications out

Take the number of items you are loading and divide your progress bar
into that many sections.  Then, show the progress of each of those

Let's say you were loading 10 files.  That means you're breaking up your
progress in 10 10% sections.  The first 10% you are basically showing
1-100% of the first 10%, then the next 1-100% of the next 10%, etc.  So,
if you're 50% through the second download, you're at 15%.

So, your overall percentage is 100 / # of files to load.  Then you do a
0-100% progress within that total area.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Michele Moore
 Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 1:37 PM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] preloading multiple swfs with moviecliploader
   I know that this is a post from back in February, but I'm 
 having the same issue. I'll try the ideas put forth here so 
 far, but I wanted to respond to Andreas's post to see if 
 maybe anyone can elaborate.

   The issue for me is tracking the items when using one 
 object for loading. If I'm loading 10 jpgs, for example, and 
 doing it via:
   mclLoader.loadClip(aPhoto[iN], mcLoader[iN]), when I use 
 mclLoader.onLoadProgress(target, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal)
   It will track individually each of the items loading not 
 all of them together. What is returned is data for each 
 target individually, with no way to reference an one item's 
 data. The getProgress() method works similarly in that you 
 call it on one of the targets, but not on all of them combined.

   Does this make sense?
 michele moore
 pilot design
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RE: [Flashcoders] Question on attachMovie

2006-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks
This behavior is very easy to manage.  Here's how I do it.

You can set properties of a clip even though you cannot call methods of a
clip.  This is how Flash works.

So, what I do is this.  I have the movieclip itself call its own method.  I
have the attacher set its initial properties when it attaches the clip so
that those properties are available to the clip.  There is no need to use an
interval.  It's very simple.

For example:

Inside the attacher clip:

var mc = holder.attachMovieClip(SYM_Clip, item, 10);
mc.controller = this; = something; = 15;

Inside the SYM_Clip movieclip in the library:

function init() {
FooTextField.text = foo;
BarTextField.text = bar;

Use the most basic of OOP principles and let the movieclip call its own init
rather than making an interval for every single clip.  The Flash timeline
will do the delay for you.  Don't make extra work for yourself if you don't
have to.  =)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Dave Mennenoh
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 7:01 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Question on attachMovie

 I am attaching some thumb clips from the library into a
 holder clip on
 stage, using attachMovie. Because of the timing thing with the clips'
 methods not becoming available immediately, I wait 250ms
 before calling a
 method of each clip. This works great - I just have one
 issue. I am able to
 set the text property of a field within the attached clip
 immediately after
 attaching it. So, why is the text property of a field
 available immediately,
 but a method not? I'd expect to have to wait to set any
 properties or call
 any methods but that isn't the case.


 Dave -
 Adobe Community Expert

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RE: [Flashcoders] Question on attachMovie

2006-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks
 var mc = holder.attachMovieClip(SYM_Clip, item, 10);
 mc.controller = this; = something; = 15;
 Inside the SYM_Clip movieclip in the library:
 function init() {
 FooTextField.text = foo;
 BarTextField.text = bar;

This isn't the best example since you could set the text field's text
properties from the creator clip, but you get the idea.  This is the most
basic OOP principle of letting objects manage themselves.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Publish my swf direct to server

2006-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks
Dreamweaver FTP?  Who uses that janky ftp program?  ;)

If you're on a Mac, you should learn how to upload via terminal.

If you're on a PC, get the free version of WS_FTP (google it).


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Johnny Zen
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 5:19 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Publish my swf direct to server
 Hi all
 Is there any methods to publish and upload  my flash files directly to
 my webserver. Tried network places but doesnt work. I now know.
 At the moment I'm exporting movie, then using dreamweaver ftp to
 upload files to server, seems a long winded way of doing a simple
 task, and slightly annoying considering i'm a type of guy that makes
 changes and want to see the results from my website rather then
 Any suggestions or tips on this??
 Any help would be cool.
 Kind regards
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RE: [Flashcoders] Question on attachMovie

2006-04-02 Thread Steven Sacks
For me, it's just an extension of a lesson I learned from a book on OOP in
Director by Peter Small called Lingo Sorcery many many years ago, which is
to let objects manage themselves.

Since Flash requires a single frame to pass for functions to be available on
any given timeline, a nested movieclip is the perfect candidate to apply
this methodology.

Glad it worked out for you!  :)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Dave Mennenoh
 Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 5:33 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Question on attachMovie
 Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
 Use the most basic of OOP principles and let the movieclip 
 call its own 
 init rather than making an interval for every single clip.
 Well, I had just one interval that, when finished, called 
 'init' on all my 
 thumbnail clips... But either way, I like how you do this and 
 just have the 
 clip init itself. It even works! Nice.
 Dave -
 Adobe Community Expert 
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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-30 Thread Steven Sacks
 As the 
 system is composed of many V2-style components, many of which 
 use interval timers to get around initialization issues, and 
 has a lot of real-time financial data transfer going on in 
 the background, setintervals, etc etc, that to reengineer it 
 at this stage is totally out of the question.

Well, it always sucks to inherit somebody else's bad work.  I've done it
many times, and almost always it would have been better to rewrite it myself
(and sometimes I did).

PrintJob has a ton of problems.  It's a terribly written and poorly
documented class.


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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-29 Thread Steven Sacks
 Is this a known Flash bug?

It's not a bug.

 Is there a workaround? 

You cannot change the timeout.

 We've been trying to solve it for about a month.

A 5 second google search would have saved you 30 days of wasted time.

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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-29 Thread Steven Sacks
PrintJob is a poorly written class in general.  Also, it runs synchronously
when it talks to the system.  The reason Flash throws up the alert is
because for 15 seconds it is stuck waiting.  The movie is waiting on a line
of code to finish.  Flash responds to the movie being hung, which it
technically is because the request to the OS is synchronous.

There isn't a workaround except to not use PrintJob.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:38 AM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.
 Apologies for reposting, hopefully someone has come across 
 this before.
 We have a large and complex Flash RIA that represents almost 
 2 years of development effort. Unfortunately we have one 
 major unresolved issue. In a couple of places we have print 
 functionality. When the print job system dialogue appears, if 
 the user doesn't close the dialogue within 15 seconds, the 
 Abort Script message appears (A script in this movie is 
 causing Macromedia Flash 8 to run slowly. If it continues to 
 run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to 
 abort the script?).
 Is this a known Flash bug?
 Is there a workaround? 
 We've been trying to solve it for about a month.
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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-29 Thread Steven Sacks
Well, there IS a workaround but you have to hack your swf using flasm and
set the timeout to some larger number.  This really is not recommended and
most people use this to actually decrease the timeout delay, not increase it
(because they're simultaneously increasing the recursion depth).


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Steven Sacks
 Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:58 AM
 To: 'Flashcoders mailing list'
 Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.
 PrintJob is a poorly written class in general.  Also, it runs 
 when it talks to the system.  The reason Flash throws up the alert is
 because for 15 seconds it is stuck waiting.  The movie is 
 waiting on a line
 of code to finish.  Flash responds to the movie being hung, which it
 technically is because the request to the OS is synchronous.
 There isn't a workaround except to not use PrintJob.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:38 AM
  Subject: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.
  Apologies for reposting, hopefully someone has come across 
  this before.
  We have a large and complex Flash RIA that represents almost 
  2 years of development effort. Unfortunately we have one 
  major unresolved issue. In a couple of places we have print 
  functionality. When the print job system dialogue appears, if 
  the user doesn't close the dialogue within 15 seconds, the 
  Abort Script message appears (A script in this movie is 
  causing Macromedia Flash 8 to run slowly. If it continues to 
  run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to 
  abort the script?).
  Is this a known Flash bug?
  Is there a workaround? 
  We've been trying to solve it for about a month.
  Join Excite! -
  The most personalized portal on the Web!
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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-29 Thread Steven Sacks
 I would suggest that it is: there's no error in the code, and 
 it's not that 
 the Flash movie itself is running slowly, it's purely a 
 result of user 
 interaction. While the print dialogue is displayed, the Flash 
 movie should 
 simply not be running.

PrintJob makes a synchronous call to the OS.  Flash ceases to execute code
until it receives a response.  Unfortunately, this means Flash is hung on a
line of code which means Flash is going to throw up an error after 15
seconds because it believes, and rightfully so, that it has code that is

It is not a bug.  It's the way PrintJob is written - synchronously.

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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-29 Thread Steven Sacks
And for the record, I am certainly no friend of the PrintJob class.  It's
poorly written and I've pointed out its numerous flaws in previous posts to
this list.

Yes, it shouldn't have been coded to work the way it does.  The way it works
is poorly thought out.  But, that doesn't mean that it's a bug because it
technically is working exactly as it should.

Danny Kodicek...I think I remember you from my Director days, so long ago. 

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RE: [Flashcoders] PrintJob causes Abort Script error message.

2006-03-29 Thread Steven Sacks
 PrintJob works fine in simplistic Flash movies.
 Try and do anything advanced (such as a stock exchange 
 trading system) and it will cause the alert to appear. 
 That ain't an error with my code!

Ah ha!  So now we get to the bottom of it.

PrintJob does not cause Flash to alert about a slow running script.  We've
established that.  You can't say it's PrintJob's fault anymore just because
your app is more complicated.  If it works in a simple test, it works
period.  The issue lies somewhere else.

Without looking at your code, my best guess is that you are running
processes at the same time as a PrintJob starts.  What's happening is that
you have some script expecting a method to finish running, but the PrintJob
starts and, because it's a synchronous call, Flash sits and waits.
Unfortunately, you've got some other code trying to run or code that was in
the middle of something and because it got locked up while Flash waits on
the PrintJob to complete, it thinks Flash is locked up and Flash throws the

So, yes, it is a problem with your code.  You need to halt all processes
before your PrintJob starts.  Do not use the SLI injector to increase the
timeout.  That's like injecting painkillers in a broken ankle so you can
keep running.  Fix your code.


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RE: [Flashcoders] Wherefore the evils of _global?

2006-03-23 Thread Steven Sacks
Which is why you make a global namespace.

_global.APP = {};

And then you set your global vars to that

APP.myglobalvar = foo;

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Rich Rodecker
 Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:25 PM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Wherefore the evils of _global?
 yeah its yuck, though i use it myself here and there for the 
 cheap hack that
 it can be.  i think generally most programming languages (or 
 the prgrammers
 using those languages) look down upon global vars. i think 
 the idea is that
 it pretty much destroys encapsulation and object-oriented principles.
 On 3/23/06, David Stiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In the last few days, I've seen a handful of people refer
  apologetically to use of the _global object.  To 
 paraphrase:  I'm in a
  situation where I have to use _global variables, or, We 
 all know _global
  is a no-no, but I'm tempted to use it in this one weird 
 case, etc.  In
  general, this gives me the impression that it's fashionable 
 here to think
  _global as Evil -- or in the very least, yucky.
  I understand why _root can be troublesome, especially in
  with dynamically loaded SWFs, but I do use it in a pinch.  
 I mean, heck,
  sometimes a movie is just a movie, not a portable app.
  What I don't understand -- and I hasten to say I 
 have no opinion
  the matter, yet -- is why _global is so shunned.  After 
 all, _global is
  exactly where AS2 classes are located.  Is this a religious 
 issue?  Is it
  because of how _global gets shared (or not?) among 
 dynamically loaded
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RE: [Flashcoders] Trying to solve this math equation

2006-03-18 Thread Steven Sacks

Thanks all for verifying that it was indeed correct.  The problem ended up
being my not plugging in the true values.  It didn't actually work 100%
correctly the first way (which I didn't notice at first so I thought the
alternate equation was to blame).  I solved that issue and now the equation
works correctly both ways.

Thanks again!

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RE: [Flashcoders] movieclip actions not working

2006-03-18 Thread Steven Sacks
 stop action on frame 1

m1.onRollOver = function() {
//or play();

 stop action on frame 20

m2.onRelease = function() {
getURL(;, _blank);

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RE: [Flashcoders] What's your job title?

2006-03-11 Thread Steven Sacks
 New Media Designer

Either you missed the memo or you're being funny.  Let's hope it's the

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RE: [Flashcoders] What's your job title?

2006-03-10 Thread Steven Sacks
 Interactive Developer 
 Interactive Designer 

That says nothing about the technology you use to create interactivity, plus
interactive is such a broad term.  I mean, a Powerpoint presentation is

 Media Designer 
 Media Developer 

Could you be any more vague?  Put New in front of Media and make
yourself sound even lamer.

 Motion Designer 

What's wrong with Flash Animator or just Animator/Senior Animator.

 Interactive Architect

Far too similar to Information Architect, which is an actual job.  In
addition, architects don't build, they plan.  In other words, this title is

The only people who are impressed by fancy sounding titles are incompetent
middle management asshats who use buzzwords in their everyday speech (i.e.
they're not bright or clever but think that by using buzzwords they appear
to be, kind of like using any of the titles above or saying inane stuff like
I'll ping you later or I don't have the bandwidth to go to Starbucks
right now, but we'll interface later to discuss those TPS reports).

Now these might seem obvious, but...

Flash Developer
Senior Flash Developer

Simple is best.

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RE: [Flashcoders] What's your job title?

2006-03-10 Thread Steven Sacks
 Interactive Architect
 Far too similar to Information Architect, which is an actual job. 
 In addition, architects don't build, they plan.  In other words, 
 this title is bullshit.

To expound on the above:

Interactive Day Laborer

I envision a bunch of Indians standing outside of CompUSAs across the nation
every morning.

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RE: [Flashcoders] What's your job title?

2006-03-10 Thread Steven Sacks
Racial is not the same as racist.

Let me break it down for you.

FACT: Minority Day Laborers can be found outside of Home Depots.
JOKE: Home Depot is a national chain like CompUSA is a national chain.
FACT: Programming Jobs are being outsourced to India.
FACT: Architects plan, Day Laborers do the work.

JOKE: Mexicans outside Home Depot are to physical day laboring as Indians
outside CompUSA are to code day laboring (the latter does not exist, hence
the joke).

It's not racism.  Racism is prejudice via pointing out how another person or
group of people are inferior due to race.  Pointing out that a Mexican is a
Mexican is not racist.  Pointing out that Indians are taking coding jobs is
not racist.  In no way am I making any statement that anyone is inferior.

Relax, whitey.  Your white guilt is showing.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Water transition

2006-03-09 Thread Steven Sacks
Google search for ripple effect flash  
3rd result:


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Serge Jespers
 Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 2:44 AM
 To: Flashcoders mailing list
 Subject: [Flashcoders] Water transition
 Hey guys,
 For a project on a way too tight deadline, I'm urgently 
 looking for a  
 Flash 8 watery transition between two (loaded) images.
 Transition should be like a waterdrop on img one and then in then  
 transition in the waterripples to img two.
 Anyone of you can whip something up or have something laying around?  
 Since there are a ton of other little details to tackle before the  
 deadline, I can't start on it myself and thus am willing to pay for  
 anyone who can do it in the next few hours ;-)
 Thanks for your help,
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RE: [Flashcoders] HOW TO: Print a MC - first try.

2006-02-21 Thread Steven Sacks



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Corban Baxter
 Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:18 AM
 Subject: [Flashcoders] HOW TO: Print a MC - first try.
 Hey guys I am looking to find a few good examples and maybe 
 get some of
 you to share a few good ideas. I am needing to setup up an online
 membership card that will have multiple dynamic parts from a 
 user image
 to member number, name etc. That part will be easy to display but what
 is the best way to capture this image to set to print. I 
 really want the
 easiest way but best way also. Can I just capture the MC and print it.
 Can I capture it as a JPEG or what is the best... flash paper? PDF? 
 I would really appreciate any ideas/tutorials you all could 
 help me out
 with before I start this project. Thanks!
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RE: [Flashcoders] HOW TO: Print a MC - first try.

2006-02-21 Thread Steven Sacks
 Right... Just wondered about any tutorials or peoples best practices.
 But if you feel like being a jerk to steam your own ego a bit 
 feel free.
 I didn't think this was a jerk off question one can be wrong.

Are you kidding me?  Open the Help panel in Flash and search for print.
It's not egotistical to point out that you're being lazy.  Did you even

#2 listing on google for the search printing in flash

It is a jerk off question to ask something this simple without first
searching in Flash and the web for your answer.  Hence, read the freaking
manual.  But, since you're intent on not doing any footwork on your own,
here is the tutorial that is found inside Flash from the help panel.  Step
by step instructions.

Building a print job
To build a print job, you use functions that complete the tasks in the order
outlined in this section. The sections that follow the procedure provide
explanations of the functions and properties associated with the PrintJob

Because you are spooling a print job to the user's operating system between
your calls to PrintJob.start() and PrintJob.send(), and because the PrintJob
functions might temporarily affect the Flash Player internal view of
onscreen Flash content, you should implement print-specific activities only
between your calls to PrintJob.start() and PrintJob.send(). For example, the
Flash content should not interact with the user between PrintJob.start() and
PrintJob.send(). Instead, you should expeditiously complete formatting of
your print job, add pages to the print job, and send the print job to the

To build a print job:
Create an instance of the print job object: new PrintJob(). 
Start the print job and display the print dialog box for the operating
system: PrintJob.start(). For more information, see Starting a print job. 
Add pages to the print job (call once per page to add to the print job):
PrintJob.addPage(). For more information, see Adding pages to a print job. 
Send the print job to the printer: PrintJob.send(). For more information,
see Sending the print job to the printer. 
Delete the print job: delete PrintJob. For more information, see Deleting
the print job. 
The following example shows ActionScript that creates a print job for a

myButton.onRelease = function()
  var my_pj = new PrintJob();
  var myResult = my_pj.start();
myResult = my_pj.addPage (0, {xMin : 0, xMax: 400, yMin: 0, 
  yMax: 400});
myResult = my_pj.addPage (myMovieClip, {xMin : 0, xMax: 400, 
  yMin: 400, yMax: 800},{printAsBitmap:true}, 1);
myResult = my_pj.addPage (1, null,{printAsBitmap:false}, 2);
myResult = my_pj.addPage (0);

  delete my_pj;

Only one print job can run at any given time. A second print job cannot be
created until one of the following events has happened with the previous
print job: 

The print job was entirely successful and PrintJob.send() method was called.

The PrintJob.start() method returned a value of false. 
The PrintJob.addPage() method returned a value of false. 
The delete PrintJob method has been called. 

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RE: [Flashcoders] HOW TO: Print a MC - first try.

2006-02-21 Thread Steven Sacks
 All I get is a overly huge image in black/white that for some unknown
 reason is skewed also. How bout it anyone have some good 
 ideas for this
 first time PrintJob I am doing??? Thanks to you all!

Ok this is a valid question. You're having a specific problem implementing
code.  Being technical is what this list is all about.

First off, I suggest printing a movieclip and not the stage.  So, put your
card into the movieclip and specify that as the target instead of the root.

Next, the reason you're getting something large is because of how Flash
prints pixels. You're printing 675x425.  At 72dpi, that's going to be
9.4x5.9 inches.

If you put your card into a movieclip you can scale down your movieclip
prior to printing.  Important to note that even if you scale it down,
PrintJob.addPage() wants you to pass it the original width and height of the
movieclip prior to scaling even though it will print the scaled version.
Hopefully this will solve your skewing issue, as well.  I'm not entirely
sure why you're only getting black and white unless some preference for your
printer on the Print Dialog window is defaulting to print only black and
white (draft perhaps).

You can save yourself ink and paper by printing to a Microsoft Document
Image file (.mdi) and preview your results there (if you're on Windows).
When the print dialog opens, choose Microsoft Office Document Image Writer
as your printer.

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RE: [Flashcoders] HOW TO: Print a MC - first try.

2006-02-21 Thread Steven Sacks
 Steve, I hope you take this in the tone it was intended

Well, I felt his first question was worded in a way that made it seem that
he didn't know about PrintJob.  A quick look in the help panel or google
would have helped him on his way.

This is true for any issue people are having.  There is built-in
documentation (which can be lacking, I know), there is google, and there are
the flashcoders archives.  All of these resources are available for people
before they ask simple questions on basic actionscript (How do I duplicate
a movieclip? would be another RTFM question).  

RTFM is not necessarily said with malice or ego. Regardless of the presence
of the F, it's just the accepted acronym as I'm not sure I've ever seen RTM.
I wasn't being malicious in my curt reply.  I passed on the important piece
of information (PrintJob) that was needed to focus his search.  If I just
said RTFM and that's it, then yeah, I'm a dick.  But, I pointed out what the
term he needed to look up was, and that it was in the (freakin) manual.

 Maybe he never realized PrintJob was in the manual

Not directed at Corban specifically here, but that's no excuse for anyone.
Flash comes with searchable documentation.  Open the help panel, click on
the search icon, type in print and it is easily found.  Open google and
search for printing in flash and the second result returns a tutorial and
more detailed information.  It takes little effort to do some legwork
yourself first.  If you come up with zilch after that and you're still
having an issue with your code, post it up to Flashcoders.

In the end, Corban was having a specific issue and when he posted it, I was
able to help him, and happily so.  Funnily enough, one of the answers to his
questions (the size issue and the way flash draws pixels) was something I
read on the second link on Google when I did that very search as an example
for him that there was information out there on printing in Flash.  And this
is my point.  If you take the time to do a little research yourself, you
will learn something a lot faster than if you ask the list and wait for a
response.  Again, this is not specific to Corban.

When I wanted to print landscape in portrait using PrintJob, I searched the
Flashcoders archives first and found nothing.  Then, I searched the web and
found a solution.  Ended up it was extremely wrong and it took me awhile to
figure out why.  Now, I understand PrintJob a lot more than I used to
because I was forced to play around with it (and I found out that the class
has some undocumented bugs with printing scaled/rotated clips that require
workarounds).  When I figured it all out, I posted my results to Flashcoders
for the specific purpose of having something on the subject in the archives
for those who follow behind me, including linking to what google returned
and why it was wrong, just in case somebody searched for the solution like I

If your intent is to not scare off new coders from asking questions here,
that's fine and good but new coders should also learn how to do their own
research first.  It will only benefit them to learn how to be more
resourceful.  Have you heard the fable about the computer lab at MIT?  It's
been said they have a teddy bear there that you must explain your problem to
in full before you ask the staff member in the lab.  The lesson is that
often you will solve your own problem by talking it out first.  Google can
be your teddy bear, too.

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RE: [Flashcoders] Printing in landscape

2006-02-19 Thread Steven Sacks
I posted a solution to this a few weeks ago.  Here is a link to the solution
on the MM forums.  Skip to the bottom post:

Hope this helps!

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RE: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-02 Thread Steven Sacks
 1) If I can help it, I keep all my code in one place.  All in one
 frame, all the better.  All in one swf?  Better yet.

That's one of the worst things I've ever heard.  Maybe you should get on
medication for your OCD.

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