Re: [flexcoders] Re: Datagrids and Images

2005-04-11 Thread Manish Jethani

On Apr 11, 2005 3:34 AM, digital_eyezed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry I can't see how this helps, this shows how to drag and drop
 columns on a datagrid, which is not the same as having an icon in the

Okay, I thought you didn't know about header renderers, so I pointed
you to that example.  It turns out you already have a header

 import mx.controls.Label;
 class refreshRenderer extends mx.controls.Label{
var lbl : MovieClip;
var listOwner : MovieClip; //Reference to the parent DataGrid.

If you want an icon, make the renderer based on a HBox instead of a
Label, and put an Image and a Label in there.  (BTW, why are you
creating a label inside a label?)


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Re: [flexcoders] Tab navigator container

2005-04-11 Thread Manish Jethani

On Apr 11, 2005 11:31 AM, nithya karthik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i want just the menu ie, a rectangular area
 like a vbox holding a list of menus to appear just beneath the tab

Search for 'createMenu' on this page:


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: No debugging information available for invocation of methods on server-side

2005-04-11 Thread Dan Tropp

Hi Andrew,

{Tomcat_home}/logs/stdout.log is the only file that gets anything and
it is minimal. I don't seem to have a catalina.out, but perhaps this
is stdout.log under Tomcat 5.0?

Thanks for the reminder about the net debugger. I picks up my calls
but the information is limited. For example, when my java method threw
a NullPointerException the NetDebugger gave me the following fairly
cryptic message...
DebugId: 0
EventType: "Status"
MovieUrl: "http://localhost:8080/ge-flex/eMotor.mxml.swf"
Protocol: "http"
Source: "Client"
Time: 1113200308656
Date (object #1)
."Mon Apr 11 16:18:28 GMT+1000 2005"
Status (object #2)
.code: "Server.Processing"
.description: (undefined) 
.details: ""
.level: "error"
.type: ""
.rootcause (object #3)
..code: (undefined) 
..description: (undefined) 
..details: ""
..level: "error"
..type: ""

Have you got an example of debug output from remote calls from your
logs? I'm interested what it looks like.



Andrew Spaulding wrote:

Hey Dan,
have you tried looking at catalina.out?
Also if you have turned on all of the debugging on the flex-config how
about running the NetConnectionDebugger ? It will help monitor all
remoteObject calls and the result/fault returns from your java backend.
You can find it in your flex install directory
btw I use Flex 1.5, Tomcat 4.1.30, Windows XP
--- In, Dan Tropp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is getting really frustrating. I have turned all the debug
 to true in the flex-config.xml file and the logging level to
debug, and 
 I still get nothing!
 I can't locate any flashlog.txt (or similar) on the client and no
 information is appearing in my WEB-INF/flex/logs/flex.log or in my
 Tomcat server logs. Have I missed some simple setting?
 I also installed the Debug Flash Player, but the Debugger option
 the context menu is always greyed out.
 What debugging information do people work with?
 Many thanks,
 (Tomcat5, Flex1.5, Windows XP)
 PS It has taken me a couple of hours to realise my server-side
 method was throwing a Null Pointer exception. The only
information I 
 was getting was "Error: An error occurred during service
invocation" in 
 my Tomcat log. Urgh!

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[flexcoders] Re: No debugging information available for invocation of methods on server-side

2005-04-11 Thread Andrew Spaulding

Hey Dan,

Sorry, catalina.out is Tomcats output stream for logging packages such
as  Log4J and other similar tools. So you really wont get much of an
output in the tomcat console or your stdout.log (these will probably
only display your System.out messages etc)

If it took you so long to find that your java was throwing a null
pointer exception, try and handle these exceptions more thoroughly. I
find null parameter checking a pain but it has to be done. And if you
use throws appropriately you can catch the output in your flex app in
the event.fault object of a remoteObject call. Very neat!

If you have any more questions feel free to contact me offline (andrew
.at. as it may head slightly off topic.


Andrew Spaulding

--- In, Dan Tropp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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[flexcoders] accessing data from a TitleWindow

2005-04-11 Thread Duccio Del Ministro

Hi all,
my application retrieves its data using a HTTPService
in the main Application window. When i open a modal
window using PopUpManger and mx.containers.TitleWindow
i'm not able to access the data previously retrieved
by HTTPService . Is there a way to pass those data as
a parameter to the modal window or do i have to use
another HTTPService?
Duccio Del Ministro

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Re: [flexcoders] HSlider for FLASH MX 2004?

2005-04-11 Thread Scott Barnes

Yeah I remember MM released a Slider.swc  DblSlider.swc ages past in
Royale, was wondering where that is now. Also I noted that in the
FlexForFlash a few classes aren't included..

Why's that :) so prying eyes like mine can't translate that into FLash
MX 2004 or simply couldn't be bothered heheeh.

On Apr 11, 2005 5:12 PM, Jason Szeto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is no H/VSlider component for Flash MX 2004. It was only
 developed for Flex. The DRK 6 version was created for Flash, however, it
 does not share the same code base as the Flex version.
 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:38 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] HSlider for FLASH MX 2004?
 Anyone know or could point me to where I can get my grubby hands on a
 HSlider for FLASH MX 2004 that supports 1+ thumbs?
 ie( double thumbs ver)
 I have Slider.mxp from DRk 6 i think it was, but need two thumbs (min max) ?
 Scott Barnes (Coming Soon)
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Re: [flexcoders] menu bar control

2005-04-11 Thread Manish Jethani

On Apr 11, 2005 4:05 PM, Manish Jethani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   for (var i:uint = 0; i; i++)

Sorry, I meant Number, not uint.  A bit of a C programming hangover. :)



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[flexcoders] Mouse effect on dynamic component

2005-04-11 Thread Tom Fitzpatrick

If I'm creating a component dynamically with createChild, how do I add an 

For an Effect named childHoverIn, I tried a mouseOverEffect to a new 
instance of the component Comp this way:


The child is created, but the mouseOver effect doesn't work.

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Re: [flexcoders] menu bar control

2005-04-11 Thread nithya karthik

sorry i meant menu bar control not menu control...

Thanks a lot Manish... I'd like to know how to change the default color of the menucontrol.. the attribte Fillcolors doesnt work.. nothing worksincluding selectedfill color, background color etc,.. I would also like to know how to remove the default border of menubar control- setting the borderstyle to none doesnt work.. can u help me with this please..
nithyaManish Jethani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Apr 11, 2005 4:05 PM, Manish Jethani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: for (var i:uint = 0; i; i++) menu.addItem([i]);Sorry, I meant Number, not uint. A bit of a C programming hangover. :);-)-- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
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[flexcoders] Whitelist - IIS

2005-04-11 Thread beckpvt


I can't help the people with this issue because I have never used IIS
with JRun. Can you help us?

I have an WebService in .NET and running over my IIS server.
With Jrun running over IIS and Flex Server installed my applications
work, except when I will call a webservice in .NET, that I receive
this message:
Could not load WSDL: Server java.lang.RuntimeException: You are not
allowed to access the URL http://localhost/homews/wspacotes.asmx?wsdl
via this proxy. The URL is not in the proxy's whitelist

Then I found this article:
and inside it I see that whitelist issue. I did this actions but still
not running..

But my application don't run correctly.

What I need to do to make it functionally ? I need to make any change
in my JRUN ?

My MXML is this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
  mx:WebService wsdl=http://localhost/homews/wspacotes.asmx?wsdl;
  mx:operation name=BuscaTodosPacotes
  mx:Panel x=23 y=28 label=ESCOLHA SEU PACOTE width=215
height=296 title=Escolha seu pacote: 

mx:DataGrid id=DataGridPacotes
  mx:DataGridColumn headerText= columnName=
headerRenderer=no /

And in my flex-config.xml I've inserted it, into whitelist: 



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[flexcoders] how to solve this problem about using HashMap in actionscript

2005-04-11 Thread loveewind

return a Java object from my back_end system

public class UserVO {
private HashMap accessMap = null;
private String active= null;

public HashMap getAccessMap() {
return accessMap;
 * @param map
public void setAccessMap(HashMap map) {
accessMap = map;
the accessMap stored string object key and Integer obejct value

and I want to display the data on flex page,

how to use the actionscript to get the value ?

thanks,waiting for your help

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[flexcoders] Re: how to solve this problem about using HashMap in actionscript

2005-04-11 Thread Andrew Spaulding

The hashMap is just an indexed array. You can access it if you know
the key value, or by normal array methods.



if you want user2 as the output then just reference myMap['user2'] or
if you want to treat it like an array then you could try the following:

for( var i in myMap )
{ i +  :  + myMap[i] );

the above will output user1 : 22 and user2 : 33 

this is a quite sample but just treat the hashMap or map as an indexed
array and you should be able to figure it out!


--- In, loveewind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 return a Java object from my back_end system
 public class UserVO {
 private HashMap accessMap = null;
   private String active= null;
 public HashMap getAccessMap() {
   return accessMap;
  * @param map
 public void setAccessMap(HashMap map) {
   accessMap = map;
 the accessMap stored string object key and Integer obejct value
 and I want to display the data on flex page,
 how to use the actionscript to get the value ?
 thanks,waiting for your help

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RE: [flexcoders] Hide Datagrid column

2005-04-11 Thread Valy Sivec


Am I missing something?. The selected row from the grid is used to populate pop-up window's forms elements; the user can edit the form fields and then save the modified form( fire an update ). I need the primary key in the datagrid to be able locate/update the right recordthat's why I would need to have the pk in the drig but not display it

grid populated via model: addressModel

 mx:DataGrid id="dgAddress" rowCount="2" width="95%" cornerRadius="0" dataProvider="addressModel"
 mx:columns mx:Array mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Phad_id" columnName="phad_id"/ -- primary keymx:DataGridColumn headerText="Address" columnName="phad_address" / mx:DataGridColumn headerText="City" columnName="phad_city" / mx:DataGridColumn headerText="State" columnName="phad_state_province" / mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Zip Code" columnName="phad_postal_code" /
 /mx:Array /mx:columns /mx:DataGrid

public function editAddressEvent() {if ( dgAddress.selectedItem.phad_address == undefined ) {  mx.core.Application.alert( "Select a record!" ); }else {  //record is selected  var addressVO : AddressVO = new AddressVO(); addressVO.phad_id = dgAddress.selectedItem.phad_id; addressVO.phad_adty_address_code = dgAddress.selectedItem.phad_adty_address_code; addressVO.phad_address = dgAddress.selectedItem.phad_address; addressVO.phad_postal_code = dgAddress.selectedItem.phad_postal_code;
 addressVO.phad_city = dgAddress.selectedItem.phad_city; var addressPopup=mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, editAddress, true, {address : addressVO, indexRecord : dgAddress.selectedIndex} );
 addressPopup.centerPopUp(Application.application);}  } 

ValyMatt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you want a column to not show you’ll basically need to specify the other columns (the ones you want to show) manually. So create DataGridColumn entries for all columns you want and leave off the primary key.


From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 4:52 PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] Hide Datagrid column

Hello flexcoders,A trivial situation:Have a datagrid and after selecting a row canedit/update the selected row via a pop-up window. Iwant that one column of the data grid ( primary key )to be hidden, but didn't find how... I need theprimary key in the popup to be able locateupdate thesource record..Thanks for your time.Valy  __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 
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[flexcoders] Re: Dynamic DataGridColumns LabelFunction

2005-04-11 Thread joao_m_fernandes

Well what I want is to be able to assign labelFunction dynamicly.
Depending on a selection I build an array of columns wich some have
labelFunctions to format de data.At the end I replace current columns
by the new array. 

If I define a fixed column in a dg whe labelFunction set I can watch
the object trought debugger and get this sctructure



When I try to simulate the same behavior with AS 

var colunas:array = new Array();
var DataGridColumn = new mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;
DataGridColumn.columnName = data_fim;
DataGridColumn.__header = Até;
DataGridColumn.labelFunction= {func:eurodate,target:this};
DataGridColumn.textAlign = center;
// eurodate beeing the function I want to be used and colunas the new
array to be used by the dg. 
dg.columns = colunas;
I get the following object 


no prototype is defined for this object. Is this the approach to build
with actionScript a dgcolumn?


João Fernandes
--- In, Andrew Spaulding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 mmm i would have assumed that the simple dot notation of
 mycolumn.labelFunction = myFunction; should have called the set method
 on the DataGridColumn.
 maybe do it this way??
 mycolumn.labelFunction = Function()
 //do the do here
 i'm not sure .. just guessing!
 --- In, joao_m_fernandes
  Hi there,
  I'm populating a DataGrid and from user selection, columns are added
  and removed. Everything works fine excepting defining a labelFunction
  to a column.
  I'm using this code to define a new column and the function to be used
  var DataGridColumn = new mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;
  DataGridColumn.columnName = data_fim;
  DataGridColumn.__header = Até;
  --- DataGridColumn.__labelFunction = eurodate();
  DataGridColumn.textAlign = center;
  I tried:
  DataGridColumn.labelFunction = eurodate();
  DataGridColumn.labelFunction = eurodate;
  DataGridColumn.__labelFunction = eurodate();
  DataGridColumn.__labelFunction = eurodate;
  none worked.
  Any Clue?
  João Fernandes

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RE: [flexcoders] Re: flex and jsp

2005-04-11 Thread Cathy Murphy

Inconsistencies between the mxml and flash jsp tags were resolved in
Flex 1.5.  This accounts for the difference in functionality.

In Flex 1.5,

The 'param' tag should be used when sending params directly to the flash
player.  These would be parameters understood by the Flash Player and
added using the PARAM html tag, for example, AllowScriptAccess or

prefix:param name=param_name value=param_value /

The 'flashvars' tag should be used for your flashvars.  Flex will take
care of correctly encoding your flashvars.

mm:flashvar name=firstname value=Nick /
mm:flashvar name=lastname value=Danger /

Since the flashvars tag simply renders an PARAM html tag, it is
possible to simply add a param tag instead but be sure you're using
proper parameter names and value format.  This is what the flashvars tag
does for you.

param name='flashVars' value='firstname=Nicklastname=Danger'

For additional notes,

- Cathy 

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Spaulding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 1:44 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: flex and jsp
 Hi Dan,
 yeh I had the param code working in flex 1.0 (i will try it again when
 I get back to the office).
 I wonder why it doesnt work in 1.5? It is in the docs too .. and has
 also been written up in the performance article on devnet. 
 I'll give the flashvars a go. But would also like to find out why
 param doesnt work,
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RE: [flexcoders] Re: Dynamic DataGridColumns LabelFunction

2005-04-11 Thread Dirk Eismann


looking at your code snippet it seems as if you're not invoking the constructor 
function of the DataGridColumn class:

   var DataGridColumn = new mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;

try this instead:

  var dataGridColumn = new mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn();

To assign a labelFunction to the newly created instance use the Delegate class

  dataGridColumn.labelFunction = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, myLabelFunc)

The function myLabelFunc will then be used as the labelFunction, i.e.

  function myLabelFunc(item:Obejct):String {
return Howdy!;


 -Original Message-
 From: joao_m_fernandes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 3:51 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Dynamic DataGridColumns  LabelFunction
 Well what I want is to be able to assign labelFunction dynamicly.
 Depending on a selection I build an array of columns wich some have
 labelFunctions to format de data.At the end I replace current columns
 by the new array. 
 If I define a fixed column in a dg whe labelFunction set I can watch
 the object trought debugger and get this sctructure
 When I try to simulate the same behavior with AS 
 var colunas:array = new Array();
 var DataGridColumn = new mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;
 DataGridColumn.columnName = data_fim;
 DataGridColumn.__header = Até;
 DataGridColumn.labelFunction= {func:eurodate,target:this};
 DataGridColumn.textAlign = center;
 // eurodate beeing the function I want to be used and colunas the new
 array to be used by the dg.   
 dg.columns = colunas;
 I get the following object 
 no prototype is defined for this object. Is this the approach to build
 with actionScript a dgcolumn?
 João Fernandes
 --- In, Andrew Spaulding 
  mmm i would have assumed that the simple dot notation of
  mycolumn.labelFunction = myFunction; should have called the 
 set method
  on the DataGridColumn.
  maybe do it this way??
  mycolumn.labelFunction = Function()
  //do the do here
  i'm not sure .. just guessing!
  --- In, joao_m_fernandes
   Hi there,
   I'm populating a DataGrid and from user selection, 
 columns are added
   and removed. Everything works fine excepting defining a 
   to a column.
   I'm using this code to define a new column and the 
 function to be used
   var DataGridColumn = new mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;
   DataGridColumn.columnName = data_fim;
   DataGridColumn.__header = Até;
   --- DataGridColumn.__labelFunction = eurodate();
   DataGridColumn.textAlign = center;
   I tried:
   DataGridColumn.labelFunction = eurodate();
   DataGridColumn.labelFunction = eurodate;
   DataGridColumn.__labelFunction = eurodate();
   DataGridColumn.__labelFunction = eurodate;
   none worked.
   Any Clue?
   João Fernandes
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Error: Cannot invoke method when using a VO

2005-04-11 Thread Christoph Guse

Hi cazzaran,

how did you solve your problem? I'm interested in a solution, because I 
have a very similar problem. In my case I have an object (OgoJobVO) in 
which is another object (OgoAccountVO) in which is another object 
When I get the Job-Object from the Server, everything works fine. When I 
try to call a function in a POJO where a Job-Object as an argument, I 
get the following error in the NetConnectionDebugger:

Status (object #2)
.code: Server.Processing
.description: Cannot invoke method 'insertJob'.
.details: The expected argument types are (ogo.OgoJobVO, 
java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but the supplied types were 
(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) and 
converted to (null, null, null).
.level: error
.rootcause (object #3)
..code: (undefined)
..description: Type ogo.vo.OgoJobVO not found
..level: error

The call looks like this:
var call = service.insertJob(jobarg,login,password);

I tested the argument jobarg with

if(jobarg instanceof OgoJobVO){
text=type of OgoJobVO;
text=is not type of OgoJobVO;
  mx.core.Application.application.debugtext = text;

This returns type of OgoJobVO.

I really would like to use nested Objects.

I appreciate for any suggestions.


cazzaran wrote:

 Found it... but it doesn't make total sense...

 here's the response trace:

 Info: Serializing response
   (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onStatus, responseURI=null)
 (Object #0)
   level = error
   code = Server.Processing
   type = 
   rootcause = (Object #1)
 level = error
 code = null
 type = 
 details = 
 description = Could not set object null on class
 pojos.Group's method setOrganization
   details = The expected argument types are (pojos.Group) but the
 supplied types were ( and converted to (null).
   description = Cannot invoke method 'addGroup'.

 Below's the serialized request. You can see that the organization IS
 being serialized... I'm not sure why it thinks that the expected
 argument types are Group. The addGroup requires a Group, but the
 Group.setOrganization method takes an Organization. They all have
 _remoteClass assigned, too. Weird...

 Info: Deserializing request
   (Message #0 targetURI=groupDelegate.addGroup, responseURI=/1)
 (Array #0)
   [0] = (Object #1)
 _flag = Envelope
 headers = (Array #2)
   [0] = (Array #3)
 [0] = ServiceType
 [1] = false
 [2] = stateful-class
 data = (Array #4)
   [0] = (Typed Object #5 'pojos.Group')
 organization = (Typed Object #6 'pojos.Organization')
   _remoteClass = pojos.Organization
   contactNumber = null
   address1 = null
   roles = (Array #7)
 [0] = (Typed Object #8 'pojos.Role')
   roleRights = a, d, m
   users = (Array #9)
   _remoteClass = pojos.Role
   userRights = d
   groupRights = a, d, m
   name = Local Message Creator
   id = 402881e500523eca0100523ffc040001
   organization = (Ref #6)
   superuser = false
 [1] = (Typed Object #10 'pojos.Role')
   roleRights = adm
   users = (Array #11)
 [0] = (Typed Object #12 'pojos.User')
   password = passger
   organizationId = null
   _remoteClass = pojos.User
   username = cazzaran
   email = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   role = (Ref #10)
   roleID = 1
   firstName = Josh
   id = 1
   organization = (Ref #6) the rest

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 Christoph Guse
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[flexcoders] Its Flex, but not as we know it!

2005-04-11 Thread greenfishinwater

I just found another Flex software product.


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[flexcoders] How do you handle Timestamp fields?

2005-04-11 Thread Valy Sivec


In Oracle I have a column type DATE and the Oracle
thin driver see this column as TIMESTAMP.  AMF
transform java.util.Date to  Date in AS2... and it
doesn't know about java.sql.Timestamp

What's the best way in hadling with Timestamp data
type in a Flex App?. Should I pass back and forth the
date as a Number(AS2) or long in java?


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RE: [flexcoders] Re: No debugging information available for invocation of methods on server-side

2005-04-11 Thread Peter Farland

Note that the reason why the Throwable class info 
"NullPointerException" wasn't included in the status info"type" property 
is because of a default setting on the AMF Gateway. Internal class information 
is not included in the form of stack traces or exception types as they shouldn't 
be exposed in a production environment. 

To get the AMF 
Gateway to return exception class names you can turn on the show-stacktraces 
option in the /WEB-INF/flex/gateway-config.xml file.

From: Dan Tropp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:22 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: No debugging 
information available for invocation of methods on 
Hi Andrew,{Tomcat_home}/logs/stdout.log is the only file that 
gets anything and it is minimal. I don't seem to have a catalina.out, but 
perhaps this is stdout.log under Tomcat 5.0?Thanks for the reminder 
about the net debugger. I picks up my calls but the information is 
limited. For example, when my java method threw a NullPointerException the 
NetDebugger gave me the following fairly cryptic message...DebugId: 
0EventType: "Status"MovieUrl: "http://localhost:8080/ge-flex/eMotor.mxml.swf"Protocol: 
"http"Source: "Client"Time: 1113200308656Date (object 
#1)."Mon Apr 11 16:18:28 GMT+1000 2005"Status (object 
#2).code: "Server.Processing".description: (undefined) 
.details: "".level: "error".type: "".rootcause 
(object #3)..code: (undefined) ..description: 
(undefined) ..details: ""..level: 
"error"..type: ""Have you got an example of debug output 
from remote calls from your logs? I'm interested what it looks 
like.cheersDanAndrew Spaulding wrote: 
  Dan,have you tried looking at catalina.out?Also if you have 
  turned on all of the debugging on the flex-config howabout running the 
  NetConnectionDebugger ? It will help monitor allremoteObject calls and the 
  result/fault returns from your java backend. You can find it in your 
  flex install 
  directory/extras/netConnectionDebugger/Andrewbtw I use 
  Flex 1.5, Tomcat 4.1.30, Windows XP--- In, Dan 
  Tropp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is getting 
  really frustrating. I have turned all the debug flags  to true 
  in the flex-config.xml file and the logging level to debug, and  I 
  still get nothing!  I can't locate any flashlog.txt (or 
  similar) on the client and no debug  information is appearing in my 
  WEB-INF/flex/logs/flex.log or in my  Tomcat server logs. Have I 
  missed some simple setting?  I also installed the Debug Flash 
  Player, but the Debugger option from  the context menu is always 
  greyed out.  What debugging information do people work 
  with?  Many thanks,  Dan (Tomcat5, 
  Flex1.5, Windows XP)  PS It has taken me a couple of hours to 
  realise my server-side Java  method was throwing a Null Pointer 
  exception. The only information I  was getting was "Error: An 
  error occurred during service invocation" in  my Tomcat log. 

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RE: [flexcoders] How do you handle Timestamp fields?

2005-04-11 Thread Brian Deitte

Yes it is known that RemoteObject does not deal with Timestamp.
Passing back numbers or using a Date would be the recommended
approaches.  -Brian

-Original Message-
From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] How do you handle Timestamp fields?


In Oracle I have a column type DATE and the Oracle
thin driver see this column as TIMESTAMP.  AMF
transform java.util.Date to  Date in AS2... and it
doesn't know about java.sql.Timestamp

What's the best way in hadling with Timestamp data
type in a Flex App?. Should I pass back and forth the
date as a Number(AS2) or long in java?


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Re: [flexcoders] HSlider for FLASH MX 2004?

2005-04-11 Thread Joe Berkovitz

Matt Chotin wrote:
 Before anyone gets all high and mighty on how we should be including 
 source always Ill just say were investigating options for doing so in 
 the next release.

Gosh darn... I was *so* looking forward to getting all high and 
mighty...  Oh, well, there's always a next time.


.   ..  . ...j

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RE: [flexcoders] Hide Datagrid column

2005-04-11 Thread Valy Sivec

Okay Matt, I got it... I should have looked more at
the dataProvider instead being focused to hide a grid
column... jsp all habit...


--- Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you just get rid of mx:DataGridColumn
 columnName=phad_id/ -- primary key everything
 should work I'd think (well
 and dataProvider should be {addressModel} with
 binding tags but that's
 probably just a typo here.
 From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 5:38 AM
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Hide Datagrid column
 mx:DataGrid id=dgAddress rowCount=2
 width=95% cornerRadius=0
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Phad_id
 columnName=phad_id/ --
 primary key
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Address
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=City
 columnName=phad_city /
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=State
 columnName=phad_state_province /
mx:DataGridColumn headerText=Zip Code
 columnName=phad_postal_code /

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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

2005-04-11 Thread Mehdi, Agha

You can execute command from another command. Just import EventBroadcaster
into the calling command and do
EventBroadcaster.getInstance().broadcastEvent(getPhysicalAddress, indi_id
) from the resulthandler.

One question though. What does GetPhysicalAddress() do? Dos it get the same
address as you're updating?


-Original Message-
From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:49 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question


I'm using Cairngorm framework which is great but I ran into a issueand
need some help I want to be able execute more than one commands as
result of interacting with a UI element

Scenario: Have a grid with Edit button underneath; Select a row from the
grid and want to edit the record. When I submit the edit form I want to fire
2 events like:

updateAddress, addr );
getPhysicalAddress, indi_id ); - refresh the data in the grid

First, are the calls executed in this order all the time? and second... I
wouldn't want to execute getPhysicalAddress  if the updateAddress

Were you guys able to execute multiple commands in one call and sync them?

Am I missing something?
Thanks Valy

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RE: [flexcoders] Exchanging data between MXML Components

2005-04-11 Thread Mohanraj Jayaraman

This works.
Thanks a ton for the example Abdul. 


--- Abdul Qabiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Mohanraj,
 It's very much possible, I have modified the
 previous example to dispatch
 eventsIt would give you some idea, how you can
 achieve the same.
 I am using Metadata tag for mxml components, you can
 find more about in
 var dp:Array = [


 function startListening()
 //you can also subscribe to change
 event of comp1 on this
 mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, onCMP1Change));
 function onCMP1Change(event)
 cmp2.textValue =;
 !-- you can assign event handlers to change
 attribute also. Following
 lin is commented now../--
   comp id=cmp1 dataProvider={dp}
   comp1 id=cmp1 dataProvider={dp}/
   comp2 id=cmp2
 creationComplete=startListening(); /
 !-- this tells the compiler to embed
 relevant code, so that you can
 broadcast 'change' event /--
   public var dataProvider:Array;
   public var selectedItem:Object;
   //call this function from change handler of
 and this function dispatches the change event..
   function onSelectionChange(event)
   selectedItem =;
   mx:ComboBox id=_cb dataProvider={dataProvider}
   var textValue:String;
   mx:TextInput id=_ti text={textValue}/
 About Metadata tag:
 Hope that helps...
 -Original Message-
 From: Mohanraj Jayaraman
 Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 4:13 AM
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Exchanging data between
 MXML Components
 Hi Abdul and Tracy,
 Thanks for the example.It works, but I was expecting
 an event driven model instead of binding to exchange
 data between components. Can the same be explained
 with broadcast/listener model?
 --- Abdul Qabiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can achieve this by using Data Binding in
  Did you look at binding?
  You can bind two controls like this..
  mx:Application ..
  mx:ComboBox id=_cb
  data:1}, {label:'USA',
  mx:TextInput id=_ta
  In above code, when combo box selection changes,
  TextArea would be populated
  with selected item's label.
  Please look at Binding and Storing Data in Flex
  section Flex docs..
  Another quick-dirty example might give you an some
  var dataProvider:Array;
  var selectedItem:Object;
  mx:ComboBox id=_cb
  change=selectedItem =;/
=== message truncated ===

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RE: [flexcoders] help with setInterval...

2005-04-11 Thread Matt Chotin

Youre having scope issues. setInterval(this,
upCount, 1000);

More info here:


From: terry_hrtn
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 10:03
Subject: [flexcoders] help with

Needing some help with setInterval...
Can someone tell me why setInterval
calls the upCount function 
but does not update label on screen?

?xml version=1.0
mx:Application xmlns:mx=


 var nCnt : Number = 0;

 var lClock : Number = -1;


 function startClock()


  btStart.enabled =

  btStop.enabled =



  lClock =


= 'Started! (' + lClock 
+ ')';



 function upCount()


  nCnt += 1;

  lbShow.text =
'Count: ' + nCnt;



 function stopClock()


= Stopped at  + nCnt;

  nCnt = 0;

  btStop.enabled =

  btStart.enabled =



width=304 height=121 

 mx:Label id=lbShow
text=start /


id=btStart label=Start Clock 
click=startClock() /

id=btStop label=Stop Clock 
enabled=false /


 mx:Label id=lbClockStat /

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[flexcoders] Dragging a TextInput from one canvas to another

2005-04-11 Thread Kim Reddington
Title: Message

I am trying to drag 
the text of a TextInput control from one canvas to another. I found some 
code and modified it to let me drag the text of the TextInput from one canvas to 
a dataProvider of a List, but I am having trouble modifying the code to drag the 
text to another canvas. What am I missing? The mouseDown seems to 
work as you can see the control moving into the canvas, but the text doesn't 
drop in. Here is the code I am working with:

?xml version="1.0"? mx:Application 
width="400"height="600" marginLeft="6" marginRight="6" 

mx:Script![CDATA[// Import 
the DragManager and DragSource classes.import 
mx.managers.DragManager;import mx.core.DragSource;

// Handle the drag initialization for 
the Canvas containers// in the mouseDown 
event.function dragIt(event, text, format) 
{var ds:DragSource = new DragSource();

format);DragManager.doDrag(, ds, 
width:30, height:30},undefined, undefined, 

// Handle the dragEnter event for the 
List controls.function doDragEnter(event, format) 
{if (event.dragSource.hasFormat(format) || format == 
"any"){event.handled = 

// Handle the dragExit event for the 
List controls.function doDragExit(event) 
Handle the dragOver event for the List controls.function 
doDragOver(event) {if 
(Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL))event.action = 
"">else if 
(Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT))event.action = 
= "">}// Handle 
the dragDrop event for the List controls.function 
doDragDrop(event, target, formats) {var prefix:String = 
"";if (event.action == 
DragManager.COPY)prefix = "Copy of 
";else if (event.action == 
DragManager.LINK)prefix = "Link to ";

// Since the drag is over, remove 
focus from the 
(var i = 0; i  formats.length; 
i++){var data = 

if (data != 
undefined)this[target].addItem(prefix + 

// Initialize the List 
controls.function appInit() 
{firstList.text = 
[];//secondList.dataProvider = 

width="175"mx:Canvas backgroundColor="#FF" 
borderStyle="solid" width="200" 
height="100"mx:TextInput id="redcanvas1" 
mouseDown="dragIt(event, 'test', 'red')" x="8" 

width="100%" height="100%"mx:Label text="Drag red items 
into this list" /mx:Canvas 
dragDrop="doDragDrop(event, 'firstList.text', 
['red'])" width="100%" 
height="33%" mx:Text 
id="firstList" text="Text" //mx:Canvas

mx:Label text="Drag any items into 
this list" /mx:List dragEnter="doDragEnter(event, 
dragDrop="doDragDrop(event, 'thirdList', 
height="33%" id="thirdList" 
Thank you so much 
for you help!!

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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

2005-04-11 Thread Valy Sivec

Agha, thanks for suggestion, I missed that.

--- Mehdi, Agha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was just wondering why don't you return a
 structure from UpdateAddress
 that holds two keys. One is a boolean and the second
 is the updated Address
 if it was updated. This way you won't have to make
 two separate calls. If
 the update fails send false and empty address
 object. That should work both
 ways and will help minimizing individual calls to
 the service. Does it make
 -Original Message-
 From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 10:52 AM
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework
 Exactly. I would like to use optimistic locking and
 want to make sure that
 the update_ts on the client matches what was
 stored in the db that's
 why need to refresh the data on the client after the
 data was updated
 the update_ts gets populated via database
 In the meantime if the update_ts was altered, raise
 an error to refresh the
 data before editing.
 --- Mehdi, Agha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can execute command from another command. Just
  EventBroadcaster into the calling command and do

  ) from the resulthandler.
  One question though. What does
 GetPhysicalAddress() do? Dos it get the 
  same address as you're updating?
  -Original Message-
  From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:49 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question
  I'm using Cairngorm framework which is great but I
 ran into a 
  issueand need some help I want to be able
 execute more than 
  one commands as result of interacting with a UI
  Scenario: Have a grid with Edit button underneath;
 Select a row from 
  the grid and want to edit the record. When I
 submit the edit form I 
  want to fire
  2 events like:
  updateAddress, addr );
  getPhysicalAddress, indi_id ); - refresh the
 data in the grid
  First, are the calls executed in this order all
 the time? and 
  second... I wouldn't want to execute
 getPhysicalAddress  if the 
  Were you guys able to execute multiple commands in
 one call and sync 
  Am I missing something?
  Thanks Valy
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[flexcoders] Re: help with setInterval...

2005-04-11 Thread terry_hrtn I'm getting the message below in the debug file...any 

Warning: [type Function] is not a function
at ()

--- In, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're having scope issues.  setInterval(this, upCount, 1000);
 More info here: 
 From: terry_hrtn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 10:03 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] help with setInterval...
 Needing some help with setInterval...
 Can someone tell me why setInterval calls the upCount function 
 but does not update label on screen?
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=  
 var nCnt : Number = 0;
 var lClock : Number = -1;
 function startClock()
   btStart.enabled = false;
   btStop.enabled = true;
   lClock = setInterval(upCount,1000);
   lbClockStat.text = 'Started! (' + lClock 
 + ')';
 function upCount()
   nCnt += 1;
   lbShow.text = 'Count: ' + nCnt;
 function stopClock()
   lbClockStat.text = Stopped at  + nCnt;
   nCnt = 0;
   btStop.enabled = false;
   btStart.enabled = true;
   mx:Panel width=304 height=121 
 mx:Label id=lbShow text=start /
   mx:Button id=btStart label=Start Clock 
 click=startClock() /
   mx:Button id=btStop label=Stop Clock 
 click=stopClock() enabled=false /
 mx:Label id=lbClockStat /
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RE: [flexcoders] Sort Array of object

2005-04-11 Thread Gordon Smith
Title: Message

sortOn() will be faster than sort() with a 


  -Original Message-From: Jeff Krueger 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:38 
  PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: 
  [flexcoders] Sort Array of object
  Thanks, compareFunc 
  did the trick.
  From: Matt 
  Chotin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 8:33 
  PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Sort Array of 
  Array.sortOn is what you're looking for I think. 
  Array.sort will take a compareFunc if you want to do something more 
  From: Jeff 
  Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 6:59 
  PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] Sort Array of 
  Is there a way to sort and array of objects. So for example I have and 
  array of a class
  public var A:String;
  public var 
  public var C:String;
  And I want to sort the array by 
  the value in the variable B.
  Neither seem to work for me, is 
  this not possible?

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[flexcoders] Forcing text to be anti-aliased

2005-04-11 Thread Kristopher Schultz

How can I force 
Flex to anti-alias the text of a Label (or any other text based component)? The 
documentation doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with this 



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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RE: [flexcoders] Forcing text to be anti-aliased

2005-04-11 Thread Matt Horn

If you embed the font, I believe it is forced to be 
anti-aliased. See the section on "Using embedded fonts" in the Developing Apps 


matt horn

  From: Kristopher Schultz 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 4:18 
  PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] 
  Forcing text to be anti-aliased
  How can I force 
  Flex to anti-alias the text of a Label (or any other text based component)? 
  The documentation doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with this 
  Kristopher Schultz
  Resource Interactive
  p: 614.410.2123

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RE: [flexcoders] Forcing text to be anti-aliased

2005-04-11 Thread Gordon Smith
Title: Message

If you 
don't embed a font, I believe the Flash player simply lets the operating system 
render the text, formaximum speed.So in that case you get 
antialiasing if and only if antialiasing is enabled system-wide on the user's 


  -Original Message-From: Matt Horn 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 1:21 
  PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: 
  [flexcoders] Forcing text to be anti-aliased
  If you embed the font, I believe it is forced to be 
  anti-aliased. See the section on "Using embedded fonts" in the Developing Apps 
  matt horn

From: Kristopher Schultz 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 4:18 
PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] 
Forcing text to be anti-aliased

How can I 
force Flex to anti-alias the text of a Label (or any other text based 
component)? The documentation doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with this 



Kristopher Schultz

p: 614.410.2123

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[flexcoders] Extracting Data from a DataGrid

2005-04-11 Thread digital_eyezed

Ok, heres the issue:

I have a data grid which is populated from a result of a 
remoteObject call, the result is an Array of Value Objects:

mx:DataGrid id=myDataGrid dataProvider={srv.getRates.result}
mx:DataGridColumn columnName=supplier headerText=Company 
Name width=125/
mx:DataGridColumn columnName=price  headerText=Price 
labelFunction=formatCurrency width=75/

Now I want to add a ControlBar at the bottom of the dataGrid which 
shows the price when the user selects a row (by clicking on it), so 
I created a custom component controlBar and added this line below 
the code above:

comp:taxiControllbar dataObject=(myDataGrid.selectedItem}/

and the code for the component is:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:ControlBar xmlns:mx=;
var dataObject:Object;
 mx:Text text={dataObject.price}/

Well, it doesn't work when I select the row, and your job is to tell 
me how thick I am and say, don't be daft, this is how you do it!



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[flexcoders] ComboBox Label

2005-04-11 Thread jwaknitz

Hello, I am having problems with the ComboBox component.  I want to 
use the xml:

response_label ident=A
mattextLess than $200/mattext
response_label ident=B
response_label ident=C

So I did:
mx:ComboBox dataProvider={xml.render_choice.response_label}/

The problem is, how do I set the label to the mattext that is two 
elements down?  I tried doing labelField=material.mattext and 
labelField=material['mattext'], neither worked.  How do I go about 
setting the label correctly?  Am I going to have to do a 

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[flexcoders] Re: Error: Cannot invoke method when using a VO

2005-04-11 Thread cazzaran


Actually, I haven't solved it yet. It trying different things, which
mostly amount to working *around* the problem (like reducing my object
graph depth, etc). I agree, I like using deep object graphs to, but
can't seem to get it to work.


--- In, Christoph Guse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi cazzaran,
 how did you solve your problem? I'm interested in a solution, because I 
 have a very similar problem. In my case I have an object (OgoJobVO) in 
 which is another object (OgoAccountVO) in which is another object 
 When I get the Job-Object from the Server, everything works fine.
When I 
 try to call a function in a POJO where a Job-Object as an argument, I 
 get the following error in the NetConnectionDebugger:
 Status (object #2)
 .code: Server.Processing
 .description: Cannot invoke method 'insertJob'.
 .details: The expected argument types are (ogo.OgoJobVO, 
 java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but the supplied types were 
 (, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) and 
 converted to (null, null, null).
 .level: error
 .rootcause (object #3)
 ..code: (undefined)
 ..description: Type ogo.vo.OgoJobVO not found
 ..level: error
 The call looks like this:
 var call = service.insertJob(jobarg,login,password);
 I tested the argument jobarg with
 if(jobarg instanceof OgoJobVO){
 text=type of OgoJobVO;
 text=is not type of OgoJobVO;
   mx.core.Application.application.debugtext = text;
 This returns type of OgoJobVO.
 I really would like to use nested Objects.
 I appreciate for any suggestions.
 cazzaran wrote:
  Found it... but it doesn't make total sense...
  here's the response trace:
  Info: Serializing response
(Message #0 targetURI=/1/onStatus, responseURI=null)
  (Object #0)
level = error
code = Server.Processing
type = 
rootcause = (Object #1)
  level = error
  code = null
  type = 
  details = 
  description = Could not set object null on class
  pojos.Group's method setOrganization
details = The expected argument types are (pojos.Group) but the
  supplied types were ( and converted to
description = Cannot invoke method 'addGroup'.
  Below's the serialized request. You can see that the organization IS
  being serialized... I'm not sure why it thinks that the expected
  argument types are Group. The addGroup requires a Group, but the
  Group.setOrganization method takes an Organization. They all have
  _remoteClass assigned, too. Weird...
  Info: Deserializing request
(Message #0 targetURI=groupDelegate.addGroup, responseURI=/1)
  (Array #0)
[0] = (Object #1)
  _flag = Envelope
  headers = (Array #2)
[0] = (Array #3)
  [0] = ServiceType
  [1] = false
  [2] = stateful-class
  data = (Array #4)
[0] = (Typed Object #5 'pojos.Group')
  organization = (Typed Object #6 'pojos.Organization')
_remoteClass = pojos.Organization
contactNumber = null
address1 = null
roles = (Array #7)
  [0] = (Typed Object #8 'pojos.Role')
roleRights = a, d, m
users = (Array #9)
_remoteClass = pojos.Role
userRights = d
groupRights = a, d, m
name = Local Message Creator
id = 402881e500523eca0100523ffc040001
organization = (Ref #6)
superuser = false
  [1] = (Typed Object #10 'pojos.Role')
roleRights = adm
users = (Array #11)
  [0] = (Typed Object #12 'pojos.User')
password = passger
organizationId = null
_remoteClass = pojos.User
username = cazzaran
role = (Ref #10)
roleID = 1
firstName = Josh
id = 1
organization = (Ref #6) the rest
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[flexcoders] flashgateway.Gateway.getHttpRequest

2005-04-11 Thread rb_dickey


Has anyone seen this behavior?  I'm using Tomcat 5.5.7, and I have a 
web app configured with FORM authentication, which uses a custom 
mxml-based form. 

The authentication piece works great, but I can't get the userId 
from the HttpRequest.getUserPrincipal().getName() consistently. The 
first call to getUserPrincipal() returns a null. This is not suppose 
to happen unless the user is not authenticated, but they have been.  
What's even more strange is that if I refresh the page, the 
getUserPrincipal() call then returns the userId as expected.
The RO is basically doing the following:

 HttpRequest request = flashgateway.Gateway.getHttpRequest();
 String userId = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();

I know there are some inconsistencies re: Tomcat and the 
getUserPrincipal() call but I thought that was fixed in 
there another way to do this natively in ActionScript to bypass the 
RO? Any other suggestions are welcomed.

As always, TIA for any info.


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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

2005-04-11 Thread Mehdi, Agha

Now isn't that a great news...Thanks Steve. By chaining commands do you mean
that it'll be synchronous invocation? 

-Original Message-
From: Steven Webster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

I'll put out an announce on Cairngorm 0.99 shortly (that's right, we're
going to give you guys a release before we finish some of the final stuff we
want in a 1.0 release) but one of the additions that we were finally
convinced of valid use-case for, is a SequenceCommand that allows you to
chain commands to one-event.

I'm on the west-coast of US right now, and intend spending some time on the
documentation in various airports around the northern hemisphere, so we can
get a release to you guys shortly.



 -Original Message-
 From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 April 2005 10:52
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question
 Exactly. I would like to use optimistic locking and want to make sure 
 that the update_ts on the client matches what was stored in the 
 db that's why need to refresh the data on the client after the 
 data was updated the update_ts
 gets populated via database trigger...
 In the meantime if the update_ts was altered, raise an error to 
 refresh the data before editing.
 --- Mehdi, Agha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can execute command from another command. Just import 
  EventBroadcaster into the calling command and do
  ) from the resulthandler.
  One question though. What does GetPhysicalAddress() do? Dos
 it get the
  same address as you're updating?
  -Original Message-
  From: Valy Sivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:49 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question
  I'm using Cairngorm framework which is great but I ran into a 
  issueand need some help I want to be able execute more than 
  one commands as result of interacting with a UI element
  Scenario: Have a grid with Edit button underneath; Select a
 row from
  the grid and want to edit the record. When I submit the edit form I 
  want to fire
  2 events like:
  updateAddress, addr );
  getPhysicalAddress, indi_id ); - refresh the data in the grid
  First, are the calls executed in this order all the time? and 
  second... I wouldn't want to execute getPhysicalAddress  if the 
  Were you guys able to execute multiple commands in one call
 and sync
  Am I missing something?
  Thanks Valy
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[flexcoders] Prevent dynamic properties from being set

2005-04-11 Thread cazzaran

I have some POJOs on my server like Role, etc... They have many getter
methods that return subsets of actual data. For example, Role has
getGroups() and getSubGroups(), where getSubGroups() returns a
filtered list of what getGroups() would (they both reference the same
Set in the object, but just loop over it differently).

My problem is that when an object gets created on my client side, two
variables are created, groups, and subGroups, even though I didn't
specify a variable called subGroups (I DID specify a groups, though).
When I send this object back over the wire, I get a lot of redundant
stuff sent because it's serializing both groups and subGroups.

What I want is for the serializer to respect the variables I set in my
object, and not to create ones that aren't there. I know that an
object can be set dynamic to allow what I'm seeing, but I haven't set
this on any of my objects, and I'm seeing dynamic properties being set

Any help is appreciated!


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Error: Cannot invoke method when using a VO

2005-04-11 Thread Dan Tropp

class vo.ApplicantVO implements ValueObject
 public static var registered:Boolean = 
  Object.registerClass( "vo.ApplicantVO", ApplicantVO ); 
   Do you have a
line like this in your AS class? 

If you don't register the Java/AS class mapping it defaults to ASObject.



Christoph Guse wrote:

Hi cazzaran,
how did you solve your problem? I'm interested in a solution, because I
have a very similar problem. In my case I have an object (OgoJobVO) in 
which is another object (OgoAccountVO) in which is another object 
When I get the Job-Object from the Server, everything works fine. When
try to call a function in a POJO where a Job-Object as an argument, I 
get the following error in the NetConnectionDebugger:
Status (object #2)
.code: "Server.Processing"
.description: "Cannot invoke method 'insertJob'."
.details: "The expected argument types are (ogo.OgoJobVO, 
java.lang.String, java.lang.String) but the supplied types were 
(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) and 
converted to (null, null, null)."
.level: "error"
.type: ""
.rootcause (object #3)
..code: (undefined)
..description: "Type ogo.vo.OgoJobVO not found"
..details: ""
..level: "error"
..type: ""
The call looks like this:
 var call = service.insertJob(jobarg,login,password);
I tested the argument jobarg with
 if(jobarg instanceof OgoJobVO){
 text="type of OgoJobVO";
 text="is not type of OgoJobVO";
 mx.core.Application.application.debugtext = text;
This returns "type of OgoJobVO".
I really would like to use nested Objects.
I appreciate for any suggestions.
cazzaran wrote:

 Found it... but it doesn't make total sense...

 here's the response trace:

 Info: Serializing response
 (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onStatus, responseURI=null)
 (Object #0)
 level = "error"
 code = "Server.Processing"
 type = ""
 rootcause = (Object #1)
 level = "error"
 code = null
 type = ""
 details = ""
 description = "Could not set object null on class
 pojos.Group's method setOrganization"
 details = "The expected argument types are (pojos.Group) but
 supplied types were ( and converted to
 description = "Cannot invoke method 'addGroup'."

 Below's the serialized request. You can see that the organization
 being serialized... I'm not sure why it thinks that the expected
 argument types are Group. The addGroup requires a Group, but the
 Group.setOrganization method takes an Organization. They all have
 _remoteClass assigned, too. Weird...

 Info: Deserializing request
 (Message #0 targetURI=groupDelegate.addGroup, responseURI=/1)
 (Array #0)
 [0] = (Object #1)
 _flag = "Envelope"
 headers = (Array #2)
 [0] = (Array #3)
 [0] = "ServiceType"
 [1] = false
 [2] = "stateful-class"
 data = "" #4)
 [0] = (Typed Object #5 'pojos.Group')
 organization = (Typed Object #6 'pojos.Organization')
 _remoteClass = "pojos.Organization"
 contactNumber = null
 address1 = null
 roles = (Array #7)
 [0] = (Typed Object #8 'pojos.Role')
 roleRights = "a, d, m"
 users = (Array #9)
 _remoteClass = "pojos.Role"
 userRights = "d"
 groupRights = "a, d, m"
 name = "Local Message Creator"
 id = "402881e500523eca0100523ffc040001"
 organization = (Ref #6)
 superuser = false
 [1] = (Typed Object #10 'pojos.Role')
 roleRights = "adm"
 users = (Array #11)
 [0] = (Typed Object #12 'pojos.User')
 password = "passger"
 organizationId = null
 _remoteClass = "pojos.User"
 username = "cazzaran"
 email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
 role = (Ref #10)
 roleID = "1"
 firstName = "Josh"
 id = "1"
 organization = (Ref #6) the rest

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Christoph Guse
Lhstrae 34
41747 Viersen
Tel. 0 21 62 / 50 24 066
Mobil 01 72 / 160 74 84
VoIP 0 12 12 / 39 64 48 831


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Re: [flexcoders] Use mx:Model as well as Cairngorm ViewHelper pattern? -- Best-practice for using validators?

2005-04-11 Thread Dan Tropp

I've removed my models and just have the ViewHelper. My field
validators are just bound directly to the controls rather than to the
mx:Model. What is best practice - locating validators in your
.mxml or programatically in you .as ViewHelper??


Dan Tropp wrote:

The book hasn't arrived the meantime.
Is it a good idea to bind your components to a Model and have the 
ViewHelper use the Model (eg., or are you better off just 
having your ViewHelper subclass directly access the components (eg. 
It feels like having the Model doesn't buy you anything - afterall the 
ViewHelper is supposed to be the facade between the UI controls and
I tried to use a Model and am having trouble trying to set values on
Model (to reflect them in the UI). I think I'm having trouble because 
the binding from the controls to the Model is one-way, yes? Do you
two models - one bound inward and one bound outward (seems ugly)?

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[flexcoders] Flex on Blackstone

2005-04-11 Thread Mehdi, Agha


there any docs available to configure Flex to run with 

- Agha 
Mehdi web developer Littler Mendelson 
P.C. work: 415-288-6362 cell: 415-987-7104 - 

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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

2005-04-11 Thread Steven Webster

 Now isn't that a great news...Thanks Steve. By chaining 
 commands do you mean that it'll be synchronous invocation? 

You betcha.  As synchoronous as a phased locked loop clock divider circuit.

Erm.  Very synchronous.


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RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

2005-04-11 Thread Mehdi, Agha

Awesome. Thanks Steve. You made the day :) Don't sleep in the planes, Don't
waste time eating food inflight/outflight, Don't read books...until you have
all the documentation/release notes nailed down :-). Looking forward to it.

-Original Message-
From: Steven Webster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:19 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Cairngorm framework question

 Now isn't that a great news...Thanks Steve. By chaining commands do 
 you mean that it'll be synchronous invocation?

You betcha.  As synchoronous as a phased locked loop clock divider circuit.

Erm.  Very synchronous.


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RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox Label

2005-04-11 Thread Tracy Spratt

Unless someone corrects me..

Yes, if you want to feed a combobox (which is a list based control and
really wants an array) with a hierarchical dataProvider like xml, you
will have to use a label function.

Or convert the whole XML struc into an array.


-Original Message-
From: jwaknitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:14 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] ComboBox Label

Hello, I am having problems with the ComboBox component.  I want to 
use the xml:

response_label ident=A
mattextLess than $200/mattext
response_label ident=B
response_label ident=C

So I did:
mx:ComboBox dataProvider={xml.render_choice.response_label}/

The problem is, how do I set the label to the mattext that is two 
elements down?  I tried doing labelField=material.mattext and 
labelField=material['mattext'], neither worked.  How do I go about 
setting the label correctly?  Am I going to have to do a 

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RE: [flexcoders] MXML Components and using mx:Effect

2005-04-11 Thread Matt Chotin

Nope, in 1.x the mx:Effect tag has
special compiler logic that makes it impossible for it to live on its own. AS
is the only way to get it standalone.


From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:58
Subject: [flexcoders] MXML
Components and using mx:Effect

Dumb question but i'll ask none the same (in case its not)

You can't
use mx:Effect xlmns=

as a top
level tag for a mxml component can you?

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Re: [flexcoders] MXML Components and using mx:Effect

2005-04-11 Thread Scott Barnes

aye thanks matt.

On Apr 12, 2005 2:00 PM, Matt Chotin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope, in 1.x the mx:Effect tag has special compiler logic that makes it
 impossible for it to live on its own.  AS is the only way to get it
 From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:58 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] MXML Components and using mx:Effect 
 Dumb question but i'll ask none the same (in case its not)
  You can't use mx:Effect xlmns=;
  as a top level tag for a mxml component can you?
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Re: [flexcoders] question about the import statement and action s cript files

2005-04-11 Thread nostra72

Sorry for being confusing I think my one programming weakness that I am trying to work on is writing programs and not taking up as much memory. I know a good programmer tries to conserve memory and this is a probllem that has made some of my problems come about

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RE: [flexcoders] question about the import statement and action s cript files

2005-04-11 Thread Matt Chotin

Well dont overthink it either J Memory consumption is
good to keep in mind but focus on building a clean design for your application
first. A clean overall design will allow you to optimize for things like
memory later as your bottlenecks become clear.


Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:26
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] question
about the import statement and action s cript files

Sorry for being confusing I think my one programming
weakness that I am trying to work on is writing programs and not taking up as
much memory. I know a good programmer tries to conserve memory and this is a
probllem that has made some of my problems come about 

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RE: [flexcoders] question about the import statement and action s cript files

2005-04-11 Thread Matt Chotin

Sure, itd be something like this:

class component1


 public var numberone : Number;


class component2


 public var comp1 : component1;

 function readNumberOne() : Void


 Var num : Number = comp1.numberone;

 //do what you want



class parent


 var comp1: component1;

 var comp1 : component2;

 function parent()


 Comp1 = new component1();

 Comp2 = new component2();

 Comp2.comp1 = comp1;



That help?


Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:46
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] question
about the import statement and action s cript files

All I really want to do in a nutshell is have one action
script component set a value for a variable and then have another action script
component be able to recognize the value of that variable. I mean lets say you
have an action script component thats taking up too much memory so you make
another action script, ok. What I want to do is to have the first action set a
value for a variable lets call the variable numberone ok and the first action
script component sets the value of numberone to 24. It works great until the second
action script component tries to access it all I get is either a NaN or its undefined does that make sense? 

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[flexcoders] Editing Text

2005-04-11 Thread carmhuntress

I am trying to dynamically getnerate text with an embeded swf file and
enabe the thing to be editable when you click on it.  Here is what I
have so far.

import mx.controls.TextInput;

_root.onMouseDown = function() {
mytext.type = input;
mytext.multiline = true;
mytext.type = input;
mytext.border = false;
mytext.background = false;

Right now when I click on the text it re-creates the textfield.  How
do I set up something so when I click on it it becomes editable.  Thanks.

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