Re: [flexcoders] Re: Observing collections

2008-08-14 Thread Daniel Gold
should all be based on property change events, the heart of binding

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oh, I just stepped through Observe, and I guess the standard binding
 mechanism calls the source setter again, which calls the handler.

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Thanks guys.

 Can someone explain how ac:Observe (which this is based on) works? i.e.
 what triggers the handler call when somethng in the middle of the source
 binding expression changes (eg. b in {a.b.c.myCollection}? I don't see
 any event handlers, and there's a mysterious execute() method in the parent
 class (Observer).

  And would your version below also fire when b changes?

 Otherwise, Josh's example works too, but the collection event is the only

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Dennis van Nooij [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   try this:

 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import mx.core.Application;
 import mx.core.UIComponent;

 * monitors Collections and react on reassining of the variable
 * and changes in the collection which are bindable
 public class ObserveCollection extends Observer
 private var _handler : Function;
 private var _source : Object;

 override public function get handler() : Function
 return _handler;

 public function set handler( value : Function ) : void
 _handler = value;
 if( value != null )
 isHandlerInitialized = true;
 if( isHandlerInitialized  isSourceInitialized )

 override public function get source() : Object
 return _source;

 public function set source( value : Object ) : void
 if (_source != null){


 _source = value;


 isSourceInitialized = true;

 if( isHandlerInitialized  isSourceInitialized )

 protected override function callHandler() : void
 { null, source );
 catch( e : Error )
 delay( e );

 protected override function delay( e : Error ) : void
 UIComponent( Application.application ).callLater( throwException, [
 e ] );

 private function throwException( e : Error ) : void
 throw e;

 private function collectionChangeHandler (event:Event) : void




 --- In, Alex
 Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Never used Observe, but if it implements IMXMLObject or you subclass
  do so, then you can use it in MXML
  From:[mailto:] On
  Behalf Of Richard Rodseth
  Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:16 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Observing collections
  For some reason I have an aversion to adding event listeners in
  ActionScript, favouring binding expressions and the Observe tag from
  Adobe Consulting. Not sure how rational this is, but there you have it.
  Binding is just so damn elegant.
  However, collections are a problem. It seems that so often you want to
  update something if either the collection itself or its contents
  changes, and you don't really care about the details of the change.
  I suppose if you're a DataGrid watching its dataprovider you do care
  can minimize updates, but in many of the use cases I've encountered,
  that's not the case - my observer is going to do something with the
  whole collection (or maybe I've just been lazy about exploiting
  Is there anything like the Observe tag that can be instantiated in MXML
  and can trigger a function call on a COLLECTION_CHANGE event?


[flexcoders] Must call super.commitProperties at END of overrided commitProperties when extending TitleWindow?

2008-08-06 Thread Daniel Gold
I don't think I've seen anything like this before and maybe I'm just going

I've got a class that extends TitleWindow, it has a few setters and some of
these can affect what the displayed title should be. These all use
invalidation flags and don't get fully committed until commitProperties. If
I call super.commitProperties() at the beginning of my commitProperties
function, and then change the title somewhere else in that function, the
title NEVER gets commited. I've stepped through the code and I really can't
see why. There are only two places in that modify _titleChanged. I
see it getting flipped to true in the setter, then when commitProperties
gets around to executing, the flag is magically false?

Anyways, if I call super.commitProperties after I do all my work and
possibly modify the title, everything is fine, except it looks really whacky
because I've had it ingrained for years that you always call super class
functions at the beginning...

A subclass of TitleWindow as simple as this exhibits the behavior:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=; layout=absolute
width=400 height=300


override protected function commitProperties():void
title = ljsdflksjdflkj;


Re: [flexcoders] Must call super.commitProperties at END of overrided commitProperties when extending TitleWindow?

2008-08-06 Thread Daniel Gold
it should have still updated on the next invalidation pass because in my call to set title sets _titleChanged = true, which should cause
that logic block to execute in the next commitProperties. Maybe I was off in
debugging and never hit another invalidation pass.

This does bring up a point about the invalidation mechanism however. Because
I really shouldn't know which properties are handled with invalidation flags
in a class I'm extending, I should always put the call to
super.commitProperties at the end of my commitProperties functions just in
case something in that function changes a property that calls
invalidateProperties. I definitely don't want to rely on another frame
calling invalidateProperties as it may never happen and I can't control when
it happens. What if a function call in commitProperties ends up dispatching
an event and some handler code executes that modifes title or some other
code handled by an invalidation flag. Only way to guarantee all those
changes are picked up is to call super after my code executes, which still
looks bizarre to me.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The title property is simply a property that gets passed to the title
 UIComponent in commitproperties. Timeline:

 1. You call super.commitProperties()

 2. super.commitProperties() sees that this._title hasn't changed since the
 last commitProperties(). so doesn't set _myTitleComponent.title (or
 _titleLabel.text, whatever, but you get the idea)

 3. You change this.title to Boo!

 4. super.set title() sets this._title = Boo!

 5. super.set title() calls invalidateProperties()

 6. Flex realises you're already inside this.commitProperties for the
 instance in question, and ignores the invalidateProperties(). - If it
 didn't, you'd get an endless loop.

 Result: The title on screen doesn't get updated in this validate
 properties phase.

 Next time your commitProperties gets run, when you call this.title = Boo!
 it checks, realises that this._title *already* equals Boo!, so it never
 marks the _title property as changed, so super.commitProperties() never
 bothers to update _myTitleComponent.title

 Result: It *never* makes it to the screen.


 On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't think I've seen anything like this before and maybe I'm just
 going crazy.

 I've got a class that extends TitleWindow, it has a few setters and some
 of these can affect what the displayed title should be. These all use
 invalidation flags and don't get fully committed until commitProperties. If
 I call super.commitProperties() at the beginning of my commitProperties
 function, and then change the title somewhere else in that function, the
 title NEVER gets commited. I've stepped through the code and I really can't
 see why. There are only two places in that modify _titleChanged. I
 see it getting flipped to true in the setter, then when commitProperties
 gets around to executing, the flag is magically false?

 Anyways, if I call super.commitProperties after I do all my work and
 possibly modify the title, everything is fine, except it looks really whacky
 because I've had it ingrained for years that you always call super class
 functions at the beginning...

 A subclass of TitleWindow as simple as this exhibits the behavior:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=;
 layout=absolute width=400 height=300


 override protected function commitProperties():void
 title = ljsdflksjdflkj;


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Must call super.commitProperties at END of overrided commitProperties when extending TitleWindow?

2008-08-06 Thread Daniel Gold
I definitely put a HUGE comment when moving that call to super to the end of
commitProperties, with a note that I should look into refactoring things to
not set any properties in commit. It may have been the only comment I wrote
this year.

My logic was that I WAS propagating changes in commitProperties, and one of
those changes had the effect of modifying a property of the super class,
which just didn't cross my mind as being problematic at the time. The title
of this window was a combination of different properties, and rather than
calling updateTitle() in each setter, I decided it made the most sense to do
that in commitProperties so I could catch if any of the properties changed
and have only a single location calling that function.

I slowly try to migrate older, or more rapidly developed components to the
invalidation mechanism, but run into problems when it's at the franken-stage
where it's half MXML with bindings, and half invalidation flags and
commitProperties. Problem being that the setter will fire bindings, but the
change won't be fully propagated everywhere it needs to and I get some null
or some unexpected value that is only half right and gets updated in the
next frame after commitProperties makes a change and causes other bindings
to fire. Maybe someday I'll write perfect by the book code from the get go.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I said you were strict and not wrong.  I've heard others say
 that super always should be the first thing in an override, but to me, that
 means that an override can only add or re-do and not intercept, which is,
 IMHO, a valid thing to do for an override.

 If you're that worried about whether you forgot or even intended to call
 super, a comment might be in order.  Gordon likes comments whenever we
 deviate from a pattern like add a listener in capture phase.  Sometimes I
 actually put them in.

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
 *Sent:* Wednesday, August 06, 2008 6:31 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Must call super.commitProperties at END of
 overrided commitProperties when extending TitleWindow?

   I guess :)

 I just *really* don't like a situation where the position of
 super.whatever() affects whether or not it works. Frankly If I were
 designing a language would be the default, and there'd be a
 keyword to block it.

 If super.commitProperties() can be expected to be anywhere inside a method,
 you can no longer at a quick glance tell whether or not it's called at all.

 The point I think is that commitProperties() is ideally (correct me if I'm
 wrong) for propagating any changed properties on this into their actual
 destinations, and deciding whether or not you need to schedule an
 updateDisplayList() or measure(). Doing anything else, such as changing said
 properties should be done where it makes more sense. The idea is that all
 the property changes generated by any events dispatched in the last frame
 are already completed by the time you get to commitProperties(). And
 changing properties inside commitProperties() invalidates this. It seems to
 me that whoever decided to ignore invalidateProperties() within
 commitProperties() thought something similar. That's probably an arrogant
 assumption to make, but I'm a jerk like that some times :)

 Somebody else in 6 months could see at the end of your method,
 and because it's not in line with the rest of the project, move it back up
 the top - who knows how long it'll be before somebody notices that under
 certain circumstances the titles on your CustomPanel aren't what they should
 be any more?


 On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Man, you are strict!  There is no reason you can't do work in your
 override before calling super.whatever()


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to put a custom component inside itself?

2008-08-04 Thread Daniel Gold
Sure, as long as you hit your base case and the constructor actually returns
for the last one you create you'll be fine. Just to test and prove the logic
to yourself, create a static class variable and decrement it each time you
create a new one, check it in the constructor if its  0 declare a new
instance and that will be your base case. You should have a hierarchical
component where each instance has one child, that has a childwith a
depth equal to whatever your static var was initialized to.

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, all;

 I want to create a component that is recursive, but I'm not sure
 whether it's possible to create an instance of a component inside the
 definition of that component. Does anyone have any examples of doing
 recursion in a Flex component?

 I started out trying to modify RandomWalk, but it looks like I'd have
 to change a lot of logic in a lot of places to get it to work (plus it
 isn't truly recursive), and my time frame is too short for trying to
 root through and find everything I'd need to change.




Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from updating UI

2008-08-01 Thread Daniel Gold
 var now:Number = (new Date()).getTime();
 if (m_autoUpdateEnabled  (now - m_lastAdd  300))
 m_autoUpdateEnabled = false;
 setTimeout(flushAddQueue, 500);
 m_lastAdd = now;
 [Then call the add function, which puts items into the 0th

 private function flushAddQueue():void
 if (!m_autoUpdateEnabled  ((new Date()).getTime() -
 m_autoUpdateEnabled = true;
 setTimeout(flushAddQueue, 500);

 Thanks for all your help so far!

 --- In ,
 Daniel Gold
  I've seen a lot of posts with performance related to using
  Collections like that. One of the dangerous of having such
 easy API
  for updating controls...
  Just to expand on what Alex is suggesting, suppose your
 call returns
  to a function called updateData, and your control is bound
  public function updateData(newData:IList):void
  var newData:Array =[];
  for each(var data:Object in IList)
  _data.source = newData;
  That's an extremely basic code example, and actually
  like that in most cases, but basic principle is get your
 structured in
  an Array or similar structure, add new items, remove old
 unnecessary items,
  whatever you need to do, concat or replace the source Array
  ArrayCollection, and then call refresh which will dispatch a
  COLLECTION_CHANGE event which will trigger any controls
  dataProvider to update.
  On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Alex Harui aharui@ wrote:
   There is enable/disableAutoUpdate, but adding rows one
 time is
   inefficient. Just concat the two arrays and replace the
 [ ]
   Behalf Of *whatabrain
   *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:23 PM
   *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a
   updating UI
   I've found that adding a lot of rows (1000+) to an
 AdvancedDataGrid can
   be quite slow, if the rows happen to be visible (in an
 of the
   tree). I don't know why this is the case, especially
 not the
   case in a regular DataGrid, but I'd like to work around
   So how can I tell the AdvancedDataGrid to temporarily
 updates to
   the dataProvider? Once the large number of rows have been
   turn the automatic updating back on, for the slow trickle
   that come after that.



Re: [flexcoders] How to block user interaction?

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
Whenever I need to do this I usually put up a loading screen that covers the
entire screen or the section of the screen pertaining to the loading data.
This can be done a number of ways such as a full screen Popup, a modal popup
thats just a Loading... label, etc.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:40 PM, wwwpl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I want to block user interaction while I am waiting for an http service
 to return with data. Is there a nice easy way to do this?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Load Complete on tilelist

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
Not to mention that the itemRenderers created probably won't be created and
available in the same frame as the result from the service.

Since the Image controls are in an ItemRenderer, you should probably listen
for Complete as Alex said, and then dispatch a new Event that bubbles so you
can listen on the TileList for that event. I was going to suggest counting
your data items in the dataProvider and then counting down each time your
custom event handler is called, but if the TileList can scroll you only want
to listen for as many itemRenderers as the control created. Unless there's a
much easier way...

Whats the effect you're trying to achieve by ensuring all the images have
been loaded? I've seen a lot of TileLists with Image renderers that fade in
after being loaded.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I assumed the images were also being externally loaded in response to
 the result from the server


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *zyzzx00_99
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:17 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Load Complete on tilelist

 Really? Why can't you just use the result event and set
 result=functionName on HTTPService?

 --- In, Alex
 Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You'l lhave to write that method yourself. Listen for complete events
  from the image controls
  From: [mailto:] On
  Behalf Of David Gironella
  Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:36 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Load Complete on tilelist
  I have a tilelist with a dataprovider from an httpservice. I each item
  render I load an image.
  Exists some method to know when all images are complete loaded? I can
  use some events on tilelist to know this.


Re: [flexcoders] How to block user interaction?

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
My preferred schmancy approach is to put up a full screen loading
component that is so visually intensive that it requires it's own loading
screen that is just slightly less schmancy. Isn't recursion fun?

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

The method Daniel suggests is essentially the same that is used within
 components when enabling/disabling. When disable is called – the component
 throws up a 'blocker' that prevents interaction with the control. So... You
 could use the default component behavior of calling enabled=false (at a high
 level in the app) or do something all fancy schmancy like Daniel. I've used
 both... I just like poking fun at fellow Flexcoders and using the word

 Rick Winscot

 On 7/31/08 7:28 PM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whenever I need to do this I usually put up a loading screen that covers
 the entire screen or the section of the screen pertaining to the loading
 data. This can be done a number of ways such as a full screen Popup, a modal
 popup thats just a Loading... label, etc.

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:40 PM, wwwpl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to block user interaction while I am waiting for an http service
 to return with data.  Is there a nice easy way to do this?


Re: [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from updating UI

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
I've seen a lot of posts with performance related to using Bindable
Collections like that. One of the dangerous of having such a useful easy API
for updating controls...

Just to expand on what Alex is suggesting, suppose your service call returns
to a function called updateData, and your control is bound to a _data

public function updateData(newData:IList):void
 var newData:Array =[];
 for each(var data:Object in IList)
 _data.source = newData;

That's an extremely basic code example, and actually unnecessary to loop
like that in most cases, but basic principle is get your data structured in
an Array or similar structure, add new items, remove old unnecessary items,
whatever you need to do, concat or replace the source Array of your
ArrayCollection, and then call refresh which will dispatch a
COLLECTION_CHANGE event which will trigger any controls using it as a
dataProvider to update.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is enable/disableAutoUpdate, but adding rows one at a time is
 inefficient.  Just concat the two arrays and replace the dataprovider


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *whatabrain
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:23 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from
 updating UI

 I've found that adding a lot of rows (1000+) to an AdvancedDataGrid can
 be quite slow, if the rows happen to be visible (in an open node of the
 tree). I don't know why this is the case, especially since it's not the
 case in a regular DataGrid, but I'd like to work around it.

 So how can I tell the AdvancedDataGrid to temporarily ignore updates to
 the dataProvider? Once the large number of rows have been added, I'll
 turn the automatic updating back on, for the slow trickle of updates
 that come after that.


Re: [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from updating UI

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
really? I thought controls like DataGrid listened for CollectionChange and
thought swapping source only did an internal refresh without firing a
COLLECTION_CHANGE. I do use Sorts and filterFunctions pretty often so maybe
I'm way off base...

And I tried to note that the loop was unneccessary, but most of the time
there is some kind of processing or merging going on with the new source
instead of just taking the array handed back.
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah, that's basically it.  If you have an IList you can just call
 toArray() and concat it to any existing array of data.  You shouldn't have
 to call refresh unless there is a sort or filter applied.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Gold
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:02 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from
 updating UI

 I've seen a lot of posts with performance related to using Bindable
 Collections like that. One of the dangerous of having such a useful easy API
 for updating controls...

 Just to expand on what Alex is suggesting, suppose your service call
 returns to a function called updateData, and your control is bound to a
 _data ArrayCollection

 public function updateData(newData:IList):void
  var newData:Array =[];
  for each(var data:Object in IList)
  _data.source = newData;

 That's an extremely basic code example, and actually unnecessary to loop
 like that in most cases, but basic principle is get your data structured in
 an Array or similar structure, add new items, remove old unnecessary items,
 whatever you need to do, concat or replace the source Array of your
 ArrayCollection, and then call refresh which will dispatch a
 COLLECTION_CHANGE event which will trigger any controls using it as a
 dataProvider to update.

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is enable/disableAutoUpdate, but adding rows one at a time is
 inefficient.  Just concat the two arrays and replace the dataprovider


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *whatabrain
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:23 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from
 updating UI

 I've found that adding a lot of rows (1000+) to an AdvancedDataGrid can
 be quite slow, if the rows happen to be visible (in an open node of the
 tree). I don't know why this is the case, especially since it's not the
 case in a regular DataGrid, but I'd like to work around it.

 So how can I tell the AdvancedDataGrid to temporarily ignore updates to
 the dataProvider? Once the large number of rows have been added, I'll
 turn the automatic updating back on, for the slow trickle of updates
 that come after that.


Re: [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from updating UI

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
Hmmm, thanks for the reality check. I refreshed myself on the
ListCollectionVIew source, remembered the dispatch boolean being passed in
as false in reset but must have overlooked the dispatchResetEvent bit.

In reading I did notice this bit:
if (sort)
dispatch = true;

And after a quick test looks like I don't even need to be calling refresh
when there's a sort applied as the internalRefresh function is handling it.
Any quick tips on when refresh() actually needs to be called? Definitely
don't want to be forcing controls to run their update code twice...

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Should dispatch COLLECTION_CHANGE with RESET.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Gold
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:10 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from
 updating UI

 really? I thought controls like DataGrid listened for CollectionChange and
 thought swapping source only did an internal refresh without firing a
 COLLECTION_CHANGE. I do use Sorts and filterFunctions pretty often so maybe
 I'm way off base...

 And I tried to note that the loop was unneccessary, but most of the time
 there is some kind of processing or merging going on with the new source
 instead of just taking the array handed back.

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, that's basically it.  If you have an IList you can just call
 toArray() and concat it to any existing array of data.  You shouldn't have
 to call refresh unless there is a sort or filter applied.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Gold
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:02 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from
 updating UI

 I've seen a lot of posts with performance related to using Bindable
 Collections like that. One of the dangerous of having such a useful easy API
 for updating controls...

 Just to expand on what Alex is suggesting, suppose your service call
 returns to a function called updateData, and your control is bound to a
 _data ArrayCollection

 public function updateData(newData:IList):void
  var newData:Array =[];
  for each(var data:Object in IList)
  _data.source = newData;

 That's an extremely basic code example, and actually unnecessary to loop
 like that in most cases, but basic principle is get your data structured in
 an Array or similar structure, add new items, remove old unnecessary items,
 whatever you need to do, concat or replace the source Array of your
 ArrayCollection, and then call refresh which will dispatch a
 COLLECTION_CHANGE event which will trigger any controls using it as a
 dataProvider to update.

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is enable/disableAutoUpdate, but adding rows one at a time is
 inefficient.  Just concat the two arrays and replace the dataprovider


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *whatabrain
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:23 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to temporarily stop a dataProvider from
 updating UI

 I've found that adding a lot of rows (1000+) to an AdvancedDataGrid can
 be quite slow, if the rows happen to be visible (in an open node of the
 tree). I don't know why this is the case, especially since it's not the
 case in a regular DataGrid, but I'd like to work around it.

 So how can I tell the AdvancedDataGrid to temporarily ignore updates to
 the dataProvider? Once the large number of rows have been added, I'll
 turn the automatic updating back on, for the slow trickle of updates
 that come after that.


Re: [flexcoders] How to block user interaction?

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
Yes I did...with hopefully more than a hint of dry humor about a recursively
less intensive loading screen...

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   did you just say your loading screen has a loading screen? my head just

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   My preferred schmancy approach is to put up a full screen loading
 component that is so visually intensive that it requires it's own loading
 screen that is just slightly less schmancy. Isn't recursion fun?

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

The method Daniel suggests is essentially the same that is used
 within components when enabling/disabling. When disable is called – the
 component throws up a 'blocker' that prevents interaction with the control.
 So... You could use the default component behavior of calling enabled=false
 (at a high level in the app) or do something all fancy schmancy like Daniel.
 I've used both... I just like poking fun at fellow Flexcoders and using the
 word 'schmancy.'

 Rick Winscot

 On 7/31/08 7:28 PM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whenever I need to do this I usually put up a loading screen that covers
 the entire screen or the section of the screen pertaining to the loading
 data. This can be done a number of ways such as a full screen Popup, a modal
 popup thats just a Loading... label, etc.

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:40 PM, wwwpl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to block user interaction while I am waiting for an http service
 to return with data.  Is there a nice easy way to do this?


Re: [flexcoders] Determine client performance (not with any accuracy)?

2008-07-31 Thread Daniel Gold
Hmmm, a framework for that could be pretty interesting. Have the ability to
specify certain sections of code/certain components as optional based on a
current performance metric.

As far as metering, could be as simple as listening to ENTER_FRAME and
taking timestamps to determine how long each frame is taking to
render/process. Then setting state on an application performance model that
views could bind to and tone themselves down appropriately...

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey guys,

 I'm probably going to be embarking on a project soon that can be very
 graphically (and hence processor) intensive, and I'd like to know if there's
 anything out there to help me determine performance in order to tweak things
 to have less detail if it's going slowly, and more if it's not. Or even to
 switch from the PPV3D to a simpler 2d scaling based approach on slower
 systems. Any ideas?


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Sorting an XMLList on an attribute

2008-07-30 Thread Daniel Gold
As I understand it, the collections APIs like XMLListCollection and
ArrayCollection don't reorder their source lists at all, they just modify
the way the lists are iterated over to return data in the requested order.
So wrapping an Array in an ArrayCollection, adding a sort, and then trying
to hand the sorted source Array off to someone else won't work, you have to
wrap it, add sort, and then call .toArray() on the collection to return a
new Array containing the same elements in sorted order.

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

XMLList doesn't support Sort


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *gaurav1146
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:58 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Sorting an XMLList on an attribute


 I am trying to sort an XMLList based on one of the attributes in the
 XML node. On trying this I get the following error:

 TypeError: Error #1089: Assignment to lists with more than one item is
 not supported.

 Instead of XMLList if I use XMLListCollection it works fine. The thing
 is that I have used XMLList at lot of other places in my code as well
 so I cannot easily switch to XMListCollection. I would be prefer a way
 if I could sort the XMLList somwehow.

 Following is the sample code that I tried for the sorting difference
 between XMLList amd XMLListCollection:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
 import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
 import mx.collections.SortField;
 import mx.collections.Sort;
 private var books:XML = books
 book publisher=Addison-Wesley name=Design
 Patterns /
 book publisher=Addison-Wesley name=The
 Pragmatic Programmer /
 book publisher=Addison-Wesley name=Test
 Driven Development /
 book publisher=Addison-Wesley
 name=Refactoring to Patterns /
 book publisher=O'Reilly Media name=The
 Cathedral  the Bazaar /
 book publisher=O'Reilly Media name=Unit
 Test Frameworks /

 // This does not work.
 private var booksList:XMLList = books.children();
 private var booksList:XMLListCollection = new

 private function sortBooks():void
 var s:Sort = new Sort();
 s.fields = [new SortField(@name)];
 booksList.sort = s;
 tree.dataProvider = booksList;

 mx:Tree id=tree dataProvider={booksList} labelField=@name/
 mx:Button click=sortBooks() label=Sort books/


Re: [flexcoders] Execute click programmatically

2008-07-29 Thread Daniel Gold
are you using the MouseEvent in the event handler? If not, default that
parameter and just call the function directly

private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent=null):void

private function otherFunction():void

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 8:30 PM, markgoldin_2000

   If I have a click listener on DG's cell can I execute cell's click
 programmatically, something like:
 or somehow else to excute listener?



Re: [flexcoders] Measurement and scrolling

2008-07-23 Thread Daniel Gold
I'm surprised we don't hear more public complaints about how Flex deals with
scrollbars and not resizing children when a scrollbar is added, ESPECIALLY
if the children are relatively laid out.

The last large project I worked on we got so tired of adding fudge factor
padding for the vertical scrollbar so there would be no need for a
horizontal scrollbar that we monkey-patched to take the
scrollbars into account when sizing children. Didn't see a huge performance
hit in doing this and I'm pretty sure everyone cheered the first time a
container was resized, started scrolling vertically, and resized its
children to compensate without adding a horizontal scrollbar.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It's something I keep needing, so very soon I'm going to cook up an
 example of a one-child-only container that will behave the way I think
 they should regarding vertical scrollbars. Will post a link :)


 On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, but that doesn't look so good and wastes real estate. I think I
 can live with the overlay, given the padding I have.

 On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you set verticalScrollPolicy=on then the scrollbars will be
 factored in
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Josh McDonald
  Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Measurement and scrolling
  The only way to not have scrollbars over the content (or to only have
  vertical, but not all the time) is to do scrollbar management yourself
  rather than relying on Flex's inbuilt methods of handling it. This is a
  decision made by the Flex team to avoid having to double measure() stuff
  when adding scrollbars to a container.
  On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Below is code for a scrolling container of one child - a highly
  simplified version of the tiling container I've been wrestling with
  off and on for way too long now. The component below sizes the
  first/only child to fit within it, with some padding, but respects the
  minimums of the child, adding scroll bars if necessary.
  I discovered this evening that setting measuredMinWidth/Height in the
  measure() method was what was messing things up. With that removed,
  this component (and the more complex tiler) behaves properly, except
  that the scollbars are drawn over the right/bottom padding.
  What is the appropriate way to compensate for that? Adding a fudge
  factor to the measured values, or removing it from the value passed to
  setActualSize in UDL had no effect at all.
  Thanks, I'm *really* close now...
  - Richard
 public class MyContainer extends Container
 private static const PADDING:Number = 10;
 public function MyContainer()
 override protected function measure():void
 var child:UIComponent = this.getChildren()[0] as
 var childWidth:Number =
 var childHeight:Number =
 measuredWidth = childWidth + 2 * PADDING ;
 measuredHeight = childHeight + 2 * PADDING ;
 override protected function
 super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
 var child:UIComponent = this.getChildren()[0] as
 var newWidth:Number = Math.max(unscaledWidth - (2
 var newHeight:Number = Math.max(unscaledHeight -
 (2 *
 child.setActualSize(newWidth, newHeight);
 child.move(PADDING, PADDING);
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
 layout=absolute minHeight=0 minWidth=0
 verticalScrollPolicy=off horizontalScrollPolicy=off
 comp:MyContainer  width=95% height=95% borderStyle=solid
  horizontalScrollPolicy=auto verticalScrollPolicy=auto
 mx:Button label=400x400 minWidth=400
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Search Archives:! Groups

Re: [flexcoders] attaching one instance of a displayobject to multiple containers

2008-07-21 Thread Daniel Gold
A display object can only have a single parent, so you will have to have two

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 3:31 PM, blc187 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Is there a way to attach a displayobject to more than one container?
 I have a canvas that I instantiated and drew onto, but I want to attach
 it onto two separate containers without having 2 separate instances of

 When I do this:

 var obj:MyCanvas = new MyCanvas();

 it only shows up as attached to the second container.
 How can I attach it to two without having to instantiate two versions
 of it?


Re: [flexcoders] arrayCollection event COLLECTION_CHANGE issues?

2008-07-17 Thread Daniel Gold
You're initializing the acUser collection when the singleton is created and
adding a listener, which is fine. However, when you're getting the results
back, you're changing the acUser collection reference to a different

GlobalVars.instance.acUser = event.result as ArrayCollection;

So your singleton still has a listener registered on the original
ArrayCollection, but your singleton model now contains a reference to the
new ArrayCollection returned from the service. To keep your references
pointing to the same ArrayCollection and still get the COLLECTION_CHANGE,
you could play games like this:

GlobalVars.instance.acUser.source = ArrayCollection(event.result).source;

In that you're swapping out the underlying Array the collection is wrapped
around, and then calling refresh will dispatch teh COLLECTION_CHANGE, firing
any bindings and calling your listener code.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First thanks for all your help guys.  I'm making nice strides learning
 this language quickly.

 I'm working with events now.  I created an arrayCollection to capture a
 query from coldfusion.  I have the data being dumped into this variable just
 fine (I can do a combobox on it and see all of it).  Now what I want to do
 is set some variables based on these items.  I created an event to watch the
 arrayCollection which would run a function to reset the variables
 automatically.  Here's what I did:

 This is all within a singleton class…

 Created the [Bindable]acUser array collection

 [Bindable] public var acUser:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

 Created an init() function to set up the event handler:

   *private* *function* init():*void*




 Created a function to set the variables if the event hit:

   *private* *function* acUser_collectionChange(event:CollectionEvent):


 strEMail = ObjectUtil.toString(acUser.getItemAt(0).strEMail);
 (not sure if this call is correct –yet-)



 Modified the header for the page to run the init() function

 mx:Application xmlns:mx=;







 This should be all I need to do, right?

 When I push the data into the singleton:

 GlobalVars.instance.acUser = event.result as ArrayCollection;

 The event does not fire.  Any ideas?


Re: [flexcoders] Transparent Application Background

2008-07-16 Thread Daniel Gold
Are you wanting the application to be transparent as in showing what's
'under' it on a page? If so have fun. I've seen Flash ads do this on
websites and it looks like they actually discern the bitmap data for that
section of the page and use that as the background. If you see one of these
ads you'll notice you can't click on anything in the 'transparent' area. I
haven't put any effort into it but seems like a pain.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 8:48 AM, ammu nath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All,
 Can any body help me how can i achive Transparent Application
 background in a flex application overriding the befault color?


 Save all your chat conversations. Find them 

Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid Header Styles

2008-07-15 Thread Daniel Gold
 That seems like over kill for such a simple thign

Welcome to Flex!

I can never get the textRollOverColor to work on the header. Here's a stab
at a simple renderer that just grabs the textRollOverColor style from the

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Label text={_listData.label} xmlns:mx=;
width=100% height=100%
mouseOver=onMouseOver() mouseOut=onMouseOut()

import mx.controls.DataGrid;

import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
import mx.controls.List;

[Bindable] private var _listData:BaseListData;

override public function get listData():BaseListData
return _listData;

override public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
_listData = value;

private function onMouseOver():void


private function onMouseOut():void





On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Dan Vega [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Just to change text styles? That seems like over kill for such simple


 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may need to create custom header renderers.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Dan Vega
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 15, 2008 8:40 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] DataGrid Header Styles

 I have some custom styles for my datagrid that apply to all datagrids. My
 problem is that the rows of the grid get a rollover color close to black and
 the text is white. The problem is with the header. When I roll over the
 header the background color is black but so is the text so I can not tell
 what the text says. Also the arrows are black so you never see those. Is
 there a way to customize all of this or just tell the header to act normal
 (don't apply styles)?

 DataGrid {
 headerStyleName: dataGridHeader;
 .dataGridHeader {

 Thank You
 Dan Vega


Re: [flexcoders] Flex, Cairngorm callback function

2008-07-15 Thread Daniel Gold
I've worked on two fairly large Flex projects at two different jobs and we
had a Cairngorm callback pattern similar to UMs as well (before the UM
extensions were released)

In my mind I justify it as still being fairly decoupled. The view is
creating the event and stuffing in parameters anyways, so why shouldn't a
callback be one of those? Sometimes the view that dispatched the event needs
to know whether it faulted or succeeded to change state appropriately, and I
just don't see a reason to shove that in a model somewhere. In one the
projects we had a tabbed-based application where tabs could be spawned by
users. I would have to have a dictionary of view states in the model or
something similar, and it just seemed like it was jumping through an
unnecessary hoop. It would still have been data specific to that tab
instance, so it didn't seem 'wrong' to just specify a callback anytime those
tabs dispatched a Cairngorm Event

The command/model/delegates still have no intimate knowledge of the view,
the base command class just checks to see if a callback function was
specified and calls it after it finishes its other work.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've been doing something similar to the UM callbacks in projects at
 work, and it does tie your code a little closer to the framework than some
 people like, and the base event class annoys a few people. It's not a
 problem for us, because we're using an in-house framework (parts of which
 will be OSS in the near future), but it rubs some people the wrong way.

 I'd like to know if there's any other nicer (coupling-wise) method people
 are using in order to be notified of completion / failure of whatever action
 a view kicks off?


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Quickie: Round some container's corners

2008-07-14 Thread Daniel Gold
Sounds like he may want to choose which corners are rounded, an area where
the framework is definitely lacking.

I always look to Degrafa for advanced CSS skinning like that.
Pick up the library here:

Then you can create a css style like this:


borderSkin: ClassReference(com.degrafa.skins.CSSSkin);
border-bottom-left-radius:  4px;

Then just apply that style to a component to get the rounded corners

mx:Panel styleName=roundedCornerStyle /

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:17 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Leonardo Moreno
 *Sent:* Monday, July 14, 2008 2:28 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Quickie: Round some container's corners


 I need to round just some corners of my containers, is there an easy way
 to achieve this?

 thanks in advance
 Leonardo Moreno Guzmán
 Ingeniero de sistemas y telemática | Asesor soluciones informáticas
 *cell-phone:* 311-3390386
 *e-mail:* [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [flexcoders] When not to use weak references?

2008-07-14 Thread Daniel Gold
I've hit a few places in the past and will attempt to drudge them up, but no
warranties here.

How about a case where you create a timer as a local variable in a function
and add a weak listener. Since there are no strong references to the Timer I
beilieve it is eligible for garbage colleciton, and I'm pretty sure I've
seen that problem more than once.

public function setTimer():void
  var timer:Timer = new Timer(15000);

public function timerFired(event:TimerEvent):void
 //May never get called because Timer could be garbage collected before

I think the safest way to do the above if you don't want to declare timer as
a member variable of the class is to use a strong reference and clean it up

public function setTimer():void
  var timer:Timer = new Timer(15000);

public function timerFired(event:TimerEvent):void
 //Yay! Should also make it here!

Typed that in GMail and unverified, as stated above, but may get the
conversation started at least

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   That's a really good question, and one I'd very much like to know the
 answer to as well :)

 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Boon Chew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

 I have read posts that preached the goodness of weak references for event
 listening, but have not read anything that suggests when you should use
 strong reference over the weak one, and  the down side to using weak

 Any ideas when being weak is not bad thing? :)

 - boon


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] When not to use weak references?

2008-07-14 Thread Daniel Gold
I would agree that's not a best practice for writing timer code, just the
quickest example I could think of. When people read about how bad strong
references are and how they cause memory leaks, they tend to make EVERYTHING
weak which can lead to some nasty problems. Since you can't control the
timing or depend on garbage collection, 95% of the time the listener could
get called, the other 5% the target object could be GCd before the listener
ever runs.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 11:49 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Why use weak references on singletons or things that are going to live
 the life of the application? Not saying it's wrong, just interested in the

 The timer code above is a great example of when you need a strong
 reference, but a nasty example of how to use a timer! I *really* don't like
 the idea of the Timer instance only being available within the event
 handlers :)

 A listener will always get called if the object it's listening to is still
 around though right? Weak reference or no?


 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Use strong references when you're adding an event listener to the same
 instance dispatching an event.  If it's an anonymous function, you need to
 use a strong reference.  Also, use strong references when you want speed –
 weak references are slower.

 Always use weak references when dealing with singletons (Cairngorm's event
 dispatcher is a singleton, hence, always use with Cairngorm), or objects
 that live the life of the application.  This includes timers waiting on call
 backs also.

 Not always true but if you have an object you intend to never have
 destroyed, but it may also be perfectly safe to use strong references.  Keep
 in mind though that using a weak reference on, say, an event listener where
 a strong one was required may result in things like that listener not
 getting called.

 I'm only new to Flex, but this is as I understand it, and no doubt I've
 missed a few things here and there.

 --Tim Rowe

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Boon Chew
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 15 July 2008 2:08 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] When not to use weak references?

 Hi all,

 I have read posts that preached the goodness of weak references for event
 listening, but have not read anything that suggests when you should use
 strong reference over the weak one, and  the down side to using weak

 Any ideas when being weak is not bad thing? :)

 - boon

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Calling AS3 functions

2008-07-11 Thread Daniel Gold
All AS code needs to be inside the curly braces and you need to concatenate
your static string to the string returned from your function

mx:Text text={returnEmail() + ' is logged on'} /

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm working on a logon class in Flex 3.  I've got a login.mxml which
 controls the overall views (logon/register/logout) all in the same box
 depending on what state the user is in.

 In the loginForm.mxml (included in the logon.mxml), I've got a function
 called protected returnName():String

 Function I want to call from the loginForm AS3 script:

 *protected* *function* returnName():String   (I've also tried public in
 case it was not available in that area of code)


*return* *this*.username.text;


 Snippet from my mxml code:



 mx:State name=loggedIn

mx:AddChild position=lastChild


width=75% height=50% layout=vertical

verticalScrollPolicy=off horizontalScrollPolicy=off

mx:VBox width=100% height=100% verticalScrollPolicy=off

mx:Text text={returnEmail()} is logged on; /   ß--- line in


logoutSuccessful=this.currentState='onLogin()'; /





 I can't seem to figure out how to reference the method as I get the error:
 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method returnName.

 I've tried:

 mx:Text text={loginForm.returnEmail()} is logged on; /

 mx:Text text={login.returnEmail()} is logged on; /

 Among many others…

 This is probably pretty simple.  I really appreciate your help.

Re: [flexcoders] Stump the Flex Nerd: Getting reference to the set method of a property

2008-07-09 Thread Daniel Gold
What are you attempting to do with the reference to the setter? Maybe
there's some other workaround since I haven't seen a way to get a reference
to it, but also haven't really found a need to.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Charlie Hubbard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ok, I think I've got a pretty difficult question here.  I want to the
 setter method given a string containing the name of a property.  With normal
 methods I can always do something like obj.myFunction to get a reference to
 that function, then I can invoke that function with a  However,
 if you do obj.someProperty that calls the get method.   I already tried obj[
 propertyName ] which returned null so that's out.

 It's almost like you need another language feature.  obj-property= and
 obj-property for ( reference to setter and getter of this property).



Re: [flexcoders] Re: mxml to swf on a J2EE server

2008-07-09 Thread Daniel Gold
I've started using velo's mojos to build with Maven. Working great so far
and he seems to be working on it quite a bit.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 3:49 PM, pankajtandon2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Thanks Douglas and Tracy!
 That was good information.
 Any idea if the Apache/IIS plugin is also as slow as LCDS is supposed
 to be (as per Doug's posting).
 I clearly ignored the ant task to do this step. I do agree it may be
 the better way to go instead of forking out the $$ for LCDS.

 Any suggestions for a good maven-plugin *that works* for doing this..
 that compiles .mxmls to .swfs. I'm trying to avoid the antrun plugin
 if possible.

 Thanks guys! I'm warming to this flex thing :)


 --- In, Tracy
 Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I also seem to recall an Apache thing, hold on, ... yes,
  See if that is what you are looking for.
  From: [mailto:]
 On Behalf Of Douglas Knudsen
  Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: mxml to swf on a J2EE server
  On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:14 PM, pankajtandon2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Thanks for the response Dimitrios.
   I guess I need to be more specific.
   I'm drawing a parallel between mxml file and a jsp file and I am
   trying to get the mxml file to compile *like* a jsp file.
   In a J2EE environment (say Tomcat), I write a jsp using custom jsp
   tags, ensure that the jar files that contain the TagLibs and the
   corresponding classes are in the class path of the server and when my
   server encounters a URL ending in .jsp, it knows to compile the .jsp
   into a servlet that then sends HTML in the response to the server.
   I am looking for a similar way to achieve this behavior when I write a
   .mxml file. Using Flex Builder as an eclipse plugin is great for unit
   testing where I can see the results of the swf in a browser launched
   from my IDE. However, how can I achieve this when I am using Tomcat. I
   thought LCDS was the way to achieve this.
   You have stated that that is not the case.
   In other words how can I get from a .mxml to a .swf (that my browser
   can display) in one step. OR.. is it necessary to do a two-step
   process, where I compile into a .swf and then bundle the swf with my
   J2EE artifact for deployment. If this is the case, then how can I
   supply a filename to my swf dynamically.
  The accepted way is to do this, yes. Use Ant to build your jars,
  swfs, etc ball them up and deploy away. Alternatively, you can use
  LCDS to 'compile on the fly' like a jsp, php, or cfm does. Flex 1.5
  and earlier worked this way. It is *horribly* slow on first request
  though. Its called web-tier-compiler IIRC. Heck of a lot of cash to
  outlay just for this when you can compile in your standard build
   I hope I am now :)
   Thanks for your responses and patience!
   --- In ,
 Dimitrios Gianninas
   dimitrios.gianninas@ wrote:
   1) You don't LCDS to compile stuff, you can pre-compile your Flex
   application by simply using the Flex SDK. It comes with the compiler.
   You can read about it here:
   2) I dont completly understand this question is that in your
   Flex app you are trying to communicate with an HTTPService and you
   want to pass it the URL?
   Dimitrios Gianninas
   RIA Developer and Team Lead
   Optimal Payments Inc.
 [ mailto: ]
   On Behalf Of pankajtandon2003
   Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 2:01 PM
   To: flexcoders%40yahoogroups.commailto:
   Subject: [flexcoders] mxml to swf on a J2EE server
   I'm trying to integrate a Flex app with a J2EE app. After reading
 up a
   little I determined that LifeCycle Data ES is what I would need to
   effect this. LifeCycle Data ES is what allows me to get data from the

Re: [flexcoders] Why are icons typed as Classes and not just class factories?

2008-07-09 Thread Daniel Gold
Have a look at Ben Stucki's work, it may solve your icon problems.

As far as getting a class reference from an instance, you could use
getQualifiedClassName on the instance to get the name, and then pass that to
getDefinitionByName to get the class

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Troy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Factories came late to the party and we couldn't retrofit everything.
  of the things we wish we could do-over.

 Understood. Anyone done the dirty work of allowing dynamic classes
 to be created? Seems like it'd be entirely doable by generating the
 bytecode for a class, giving it a unique name, and de-serializing it
 with a ByteArray (kinda like the tricks folks employed for dynamic
 sounds in v9 player).

 Also, as a complete aside, if there a way to get the Class of an
 instance? I'm thinking something like this:

 var c:Class = ClassUtils.getClass(someVar);


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Can no longer quit my AIR app

2008-07-05 Thread Daniel Gold
Thanks for pointing me to that thread. I never suspected the updater but I
did upgrade to AIR 1.1 and implemented the updater in the app in the same
day. As stated above I'm currently having to use the same workaround of
listening to the EXITING event and closing the open windows myself, I'll be
looking for the updater patch. Thanks again.

On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Paul Evans 

   On 2 Jul 2008, at 15:32, Daniel Gold wrote:
  I'm looking for potential culprits so I can file a well documented
  bug report.

 Are you using ApplicationUpdaterUI ?

 There's a thread here might be worth a read...

 Do let us know if the fix suggester there be Raul HUDEA helps


 Paul Evans


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Can no longer quit my AIR app

2008-07-02 Thread Daniel Gold
I'm looking for potential culprits so I can file a well documented bug
report. This is only happening with AIR 1.1 it seems, and my AIR app is the
only one I'm seeing it on. The keystrokes and menus are firing the correct
events, but currently open windows are not being closed as the docs say.
They claim in OS X when quit is selected from the application menu or the
dock menu, the EXITING event will be dispatched and all windows will be
closed as long as noone prevents the default behavior. Well that event is
being dispatched, I'm tracing it to make sure I caught it, not doing
anything else with it, and my windows just sit there still open on the

What I'm doing as as workaround in the meantime is catching the event and
then manually calling close() on all the open windows, I have autoExit
enabled so this restores the desired behavior of exiting the application.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Simon Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I hate to state a potential obvious one here but have you got Num Lock
 on, this I remember prevents using short cut keys?



 On 2 Jul 2008, at 15:04, valdhor wrote:

 Maybe you can add an event listener to the stage and look at
 keystrokes. If someone presses Apple-Q, dispatch a click event to the
 close box of the main window.

 --- In, Daniel
 Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  AIR updated itself this morning, and now it seems I can no longer
 quit an
  app I'm developing using Apple-Q on my Mac or by choosing Quit
 from the
  Dock/Menu bar. It is quite possible something in my code broke this
 but I
  haven't found any likely culprits yet.
  Has anyone seen an issue like this in AIR? Choosing quit will close
 one of
  my growl-like notification windows if they're up, but my main window and
  toolbar just sit there, I have to force quit the app.


[flexcoders] Still having issues with quitting AIR app from ApplicationMenu and DockMenu

2008-07-01 Thread Daniel Gold
I gave up on this temporarily and decided to revisit this morning. Around
the time the AIR 1.1 update came out, I started having issues quitting the
AIR app I'm developing using Apple-Q, the ApplicaitonMenu, and the DockMenu.
It seems to be related to the fact that I have other windows opened by my
application, the only way I can currently quit the entire application is by
closing my Main window, which my windowedApplication listens to and then
closes. I've even tried adding a listener to the Quit item in the
ApplicationMenu, but my handler is never catching the event when I choose
that item. Other AIR apps I have installed are still working correctly, so
I'm looking for the culprit here.

My application extends WindowedApplication, it is chromeless, transparent,
and invisible. It spawns a MainWindow on startup, but other windows for
notifications, etc, are also spawned from the application. I listen for the
CLOSING event on the MainWindow and then close the application, which works
fine. Mac users are just used to Apple-Q to quit and this is doing nothing

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Setting up custom component listener

2008-07-01 Thread Daniel Gold
I had never used it either, and did a quick search before taking the easy
way out on my original response with creationComplete on the component. From
everything I've read applicationComplete is pretty much the last event
dispatched during the bag bang. I found this link (not sure how
authoritative/correct it is)

So seems like there may be a bug in there somewhere, but at least there is
an easy work around.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've never used ApplicationComplete, so I was just taking Jonathon's
 word for it :)


 On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Frankly, I'm a bit puzzled.  appComplete is supposed to fire after
 creationComplete on the app.  I'll have to poke at this someday

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Setting up custom component listener

2008-06-30 Thread Daniel Gold
add the listener on creationComplete of your component to ensure the
component is not null. creationComplete of the Application should be OK too,
but probably best practice to just add it on the component.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Merrill, Jason 

Such a stupid question.  I am trying to assign a listener to a custom
 component.  It broadcasts a simple event.  Here is a dumbed-down version of
 the code I am using:

 mx:Application applicationComplete=init()
 private function init():void

 private function onMyEvent():void
 trace(onMyEvent heard.)
 c:MyComponent id=myComponent/

 !--Here is a simplified version of the component: --
 !--com/project/components/MyComponent.mxml: --
 mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=; 

 private function broadcastClicked():void
 dispatchEvent(new Event(myEvent))
 mx:Checkbox click=broadcastClicked()/

 However, I get a runtime error for the init() event that myComponent is
 null.  I would have thought that calling it on applicationComplete would
 ensure that the instance of my component was there.  Why not and how instead
 do I add the listener for it?  Thankya

 Jason Merrill
 ***Bank of America *
 Global Technology  Operations  Global Risk LLD
 eTools  Multimedia

 *Join the Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community*

 *Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning
 ideas and technologies?
 Check out our internal * *GTO Innovative Learning Blog** * *


Re: [flexcoders] what is PropertyChangeEventt.PROPERTY_CHANGE used for?

2008-06-29 Thread Daniel Gold
It is used as the default Binding event and you can create one using the
static method createUpdateEvent on the PropertyChangeEvent class

var changeEvent:PropertyChangeEvent =

That should fire the binding for the property you've updated.

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Off the top of my head, when you instantiate a PropertyChangeEvent
 instead of an Event, the constructor is expecting more useful information
 about what field changed and when that information is missing / invalid the
 requisite bindings don't fire. But when the binding handlers get a generic
 event of name PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, they just assume the
 entire object has been updated and update all bindings to that object.

 All just a guess tho ;-)


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Aaron Miller 


 when I do this:

 dispatchEvent( new
 PropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE) );

 My bindings do not execute.

 When I do this:

 dispatchEvent( new Event('propertyChange') );

 They do (using default binding with no meta data specified).

 What is what is the PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE event used for if
 not for binding?

 Thanks for any input!

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] synchronous events in flex

2008-06-28 Thread Daniel Gold
since you're making a service call the return will be asynchronous, but you
can still accomplish what you want to do. Your service call, this case
send() on the HTTPService, will return an AsyncToken which you can regiser
an IResponder to, specifying a result and fault method that will be called
when the service returns. You can also listen for fault and result events
directly on the HTTPService you create. The processing you want to do can be
performed  in the handler for the result event.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 8:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone tell me how to write synchronous events in flex application?
 I am calling an Httpservice on focus out event of text field this service
 checks name duplication. I want my application to wait for service to finish
 and then do some processing
 Thanks in advance


Re: [flexcoders] Custom Event Not Dispatched

2008-06-28 Thread Daniel Gold
If you're not listening for the event directly on the component that will be
dispatching it, you need to toggle the 'bubbles' property so that the event
will will trigger handlers up the display list from where it was dispatched.

So in your case change your dispatch line to:
dispatchEvent( new MyEvent(), true );

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 10:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   HI can any one tell me what is wrong with this code.

 I wrote a custom event and dispatched this event from my entity class and
 am listening for this event on main application but the listener is not
 listening for event. Please help me.

 here is my Event class
 public class MyEvent extends Event
 public static var MY_EVENT:String = MY_EVENT ;

 public function MyEvent()
 super ( MY_EVENT );

 This class dispatches an event of type MyEvent from setter method
 public class MyObject extends EventDispatcher
 private var _name:String;

 public function set name( _pname:String ):void
 _name = _pname ;
 trace( Dispatching Event );
 dispatchEvent( new MyEvent() );


 and here is code for my main application .
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
 layout=vertical creationComplete={init()} 

 import com.MyEvent;
 import com.MyObject;

 private var obj:MyObject ;

 public function init():void
 obj = new MyObject();
 this.addEventListener(MyEvent.MY_EVENT , propertyChangeListener ) ;


 public function propertyChangeListener( evt:MyEvent ):void
 // This Function never gets called
 trace( 'Listining for MyEvent..' );
 public function btnClickHandler():void
 { = 'Changing Value' ;
 trace( );

 mx:Button click={btnClickHandler()}/


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Best Practice Data Binding

2008-06-28 Thread Daniel Gold
The only difference in what you're doing in the two examples is declaring a
custom event in the second example. As Doug said, you can place the Binding
metadata tag over the getter or the setter, it makes no difference. If you
don't declare a custom event, an extra set of functions will be wrapped
around your getter/setter pair that uses the PropertyChangeEvent for
Binding. If you declare a custom event as you did in example 2, the compiler
will not generate the wrapper functions and you're required to dispatch the
declared event yourself. This is extremely useful as you can dispatch this
event anywhere in your class to trigger Bindings on a getter to fire.

I would reclassify your examples as 1) default Binding 2) Binding with
custom event

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 5:32 PM, securenetfreedom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I found this page to be helpful but not authoritative (This is where I
 found the use of binding the setter);

 // Binding #1
 public function set shortNames(val:Boolean):void {
 public function get shortNames():Boolean {

 I did glean a trick for read-only binding for static data by using:
 public static const constString:String=A static const.;

 However, I still need to clear up one thing. Is it true that you can place
 [Bindable] meta data on either a setter of getter and have it bound to a
 View component?

 --- In, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you define a getter and a setter you can add the [Bindable] metadata
  either the getter or setter, it does the same thing either way. The only
  time you have to use a custom event to trigger the binding is when you
  read-only properties (a getter but no setter).
  On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:08 PM, securenetfreedom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Any thoughts?
   In an DataModel class what is the best way to bind data.
   1) Make the Setter Bindable, or
   2) Make the Getter Bindable and dispatch an event on the Setter?
   What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
   // Binding #1
   public function set foo(val:String):void{
   _foo = val;
   public function get foo():String{
   return _foo;
   // Binding #2
   public function get foo():String{
   return _foo;
   public function set foo(val:String):void{
   _foo = val;
   dispatchEvent(new Event(MyDataModel.FOO_CHANGED));

Re: [flexcoders] Custom Event Not Dispatched

2008-06-28 Thread Daniel Gold
right, I'm only half awake on Saturday monring

The bubbles property is the second parameter on the Event constructor, so
your MyEvent changes should have done the trick. Sorry about the slip up
there, a lot of times if I'm writing something quick and dirty I would do it

displatchEvent(new Event(MY_EVENT,true));

your custom Event class is definitely the best practice as you get the const
for the event name to ensure listener's register for the correct event.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 10:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Ok dear i chanaged MyEvent Class with this

 public class MyEvent extends Event
 public static var MY_EVENT:String = MY_EVENT ;

 public function MyEvent()
 super ( MY_EVENT , true );

 but what about  dispatchEvent( new MyEvent(), true ); 
 dispatchEvent does not accept second argument , it only accepts one
 argument of Type Event

 - Original Message -
 From: Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:16:29 -0500
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Custom Event Not Dispatched

  If you're not listening for the event directly on the component that will
  dispatching it, you need to toggle the 'bubbles' property so that the
  will will trigger handlers up the display list from where it was
  So in your case change your dispatch line to:
  dispatchEvent( new MyEvent(), true );
  On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 10:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   HI can any one tell me what is wrong with this code.
   I wrote a custom event and dispatched this event from my entity class
   am listening for this event on main application but the listener is not
   listening for event. Please help me.
   here is my Event class
   public class MyEvent extends Event
   public static var MY_EVENT:String = MY_EVENT ;
   public function MyEvent()
   super ( MY_EVENT );
   This class dispatches an event of type MyEvent from setter method
   public class MyObject extends EventDispatcher
   private var _name:String;
   public function set name( _pname:String ):void
   _name = _pname ;
   trace( Dispatching Event );
   dispatchEvent( new MyEvent() );
   and here is code for my main application .
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
   layout=vertical creationComplete={init()} 
   import com.MyEvent;
   import com.MyObject;
   private var obj:MyObject ;
   public function init():void
   obj = new MyObject();
   this.addEventListener(MyEvent.MY_EVENT , propertyChangeListener ) ;
   public function propertyChangeListener( evt:MyEvent ):void
   // This Function never gets called
   trace( 'Listining for MyEvent..' );
   public function btnClickHandler():void
   { = 'Changing Value' ;
   trace( );
   mx:Button click={btnClickHandler()}/

Re: [flexcoders] Re: selecting a pre-determined row in a datagrid

2008-06-26 Thread Daniel Gold
list's have a selectedItem property that does the comparison for you to find
the index and select it, so according to your description you could set
grid.selectedItem = selectedItem(the var you're keeping)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 7:04 AM, bray_6 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You can use arraycollection getItemIndex() to get the object's index
 then use it for the datagrid's selectedIndex.


 --- In, fb6668
  I have a datagrid component which has a dataProvider of an
  arraycollection of objects.
  I also have a variable selectedItem, which holds an object that has
  been selected elsewhere in the application.
  What I need is, when I create my datagrid, to set the background
  colour of the row corresponding to this selectedItem object.
  So I guess I need to loop through the dg's rows, comparing the
  dataItem of the row to selectedItem. However, I don't know how to loop
  the rows in a DataGrid??
  It's so easy in C#.NET, and not here, so I think I may be approaching
  this from the wrong angle.
  Any ideas?


[flexcoders] Re: Can no longer quit my AIR app

2008-06-24 Thread Daniel Gold
is anyone else seeing this? If I click the close button on my main window
the application will exit, but choosing Quit from menu bar or dock icon
seems to do absolutely nothing?

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 3:49 PM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AIR updated itself this morning, and now it seems I can no longer quit an
 app I'm developing using Apple-Q on my Mac or by choosing Quit from the
 Dock/Menu bar. It is quite possible something in my code broke this but I
 haven't found any likely culprits yet.

 Has anyone seen an issue like this in AIR? Choosing quit will close one of
 my growl-like notification windows if they're up, but my main window and
 toolbar just sit there, I have to force quit the app.

[flexcoders] Can no longer quit my AIR app

2008-06-23 Thread Daniel Gold
AIR updated itself this morning, and now it seems I can no longer quit an
app I'm developing using Apple-Q on my Mac or by choosing Quit from the
Dock/Menu bar. It is quite possible something in my code broke this but I
haven't found any likely culprits yet.

Has anyone seen an issue like this in AIR? Choosing quit will close one of
my growl-like notification windows if they're up, but my main window and
toolbar just sit there, I have to force quit the app.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is an event dispatched when an AIR app is closing?

2008-06-22 Thread Daniel Gold
The rest of the Windows I spawn in the Application are chromeless by the
methods you linked to. The reason I am using Application is because my app
doesn't have a main window, it sits in the background without a view
initially and spawns windows as notifications come in, etc. I don't consider
this a hack, I'm simply using a lighter weight root tag because I don't
need the extended functionality of WindowedApplication at that level of the

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In,

  Nevermind. Didn't find it right away because my AIR app is based off
  mx:Application and is chromeless, but I can listen for
 the closing event
  on the main Window I spawn and cache the data there.
  On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I'm working on an online/offline AIR app and was wondering if
 there was any
   way to detect that an AIR app is closing so I can cache my data
 models? If
   the user closes the app while online and then opens it later
 offline, I'd
   like them to have access to the last data set. I could achieve
 this by
   constantly mirroring the remote data but was hoping to avoid that
 since the
   majority of the time the users will be online and it won't be

 Even though it is tempting to use Application instead of
 WindowedApplication because of the lack of documentation on how to
 make WindowedApplication chromeless
 windowedapplication.html), if you read the first comment to this post
 application.html, you will see that it is actually possible to use
 WindowedApplication with this in AIR as was intended. I thing you're
 probably better off using AIR as Adobe designed it if a workaround is
 avaialable instead of using a hack like the wrong tag.




[flexcoders] Is an event dispatched when an AIR app is closing?

2008-06-21 Thread Daniel Gold
I'm working on an online/offline AIR app and was wondering if there was any
way to detect that an AIR app is closing so I can cache my data models? If
the user closes the app while online and then opens it later offline, I'd
like them to have access to the last data set. I could achieve this by
constantly mirroring the remote data but was hoping to avoid that since the
majority of the time the users will be online and it won't be necessary.

[flexcoders] Re: Is an event dispatched when an AIR app is closing?

2008-06-21 Thread Daniel Gold
Nevermind. Didn't find it right away because my AIR app is based off
mx:Application and is chromeless, but I can listen for the closing event
on the main Window I spawn and cache the data there.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm working on an online/offline AIR app and was wondering if there was any
 way to detect that an AIR app is closing so I can cache my data models? If
 the user closes the app while online and then opens it later offline, I'd
 like them to have access to the last data set. I could achieve this by
 constantly mirroring the remote data but was hoping to avoid that since the
 majority of the time the users will be online and it won't be necessary.

[flexcoders] Listening for mainScreen changes in AIR

2008-06-09 Thread Daniel Gold
Are there any events raised when the mainScreen is changed in an AIR
application? I've noticed this happens if you're using Spaces in OS X and
therefore assume it happens when using similar virtual workspace
applications under Windows and Linux. For raising notification windows, etc,
I would like to know when the main screen change has occured. The
documentation states that no properties of the Screen class should be
cached, but that also means events should be raised so we know when changes
occur. Between two consecutive frames the mainScreen could change and I'd
like to make sure my AIR app behaves as expected.

Re: [flexcoders] Attaching custom data to events (while avoiding race condition)

2008-06-09 Thread Daniel Gold
does determineFlag() do some asynch service call? If so you need to wait and
raise an event or update a var in a model and listen for changes that way.
Otherwise your determineFlag() method will run to completion before the
loader.loadSomeStuff() line is executed, Flash is single threaded for user
code execution so you shouldn't have a race condition there

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:55 PM, robbarreca [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Say I have two functions load() and handleComplete(event:Event). Right
 now to get custom data to handleComplete I do something like this

 private var someFlag:uint = 0;

 function load() {
 someFlag = determineFlag();

 function handleComplete(event:Event) {

 But if I call this super fast, someFlag is gonna be wrong. I've seen a
 method where you can add an anonymous function somehow, but I'm pretty
 sure that even faced the same race condition problem. What is the
 *proper* way to go about this?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Attaching custom data to events (while avoiding race condition)

2008-06-09 Thread Daniel Gold
It makes sense when dealing with concurrent programming, but Flash is single
threaded and you won't have a case where multiple threads are task switching
and simultaneously executing functions. Every function call and event
handler in flex is basically in-lined and will execute to completion.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 5:11 PM, robbarreca [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Sorry, I must have not explained well. The race condition I'm talking
 about exists here:

 thread 1: calls load() and say someFlag gets set to 1;
 thread 2: calls load() and someFlag is set to 2;
 thread 1: the first load is complete and handleComplete() is called,
 but someFlag is set to 2 when the value I want is 1.

 I want to attach a copy of the value of someFlag to the event so in
 handleComplete() I could call and always get
 the value that was set in *that* thread's load() call.

 Does that make any sense?


 --- In, Daniel
 Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  does determineFlag() do some asynch service call? If so you need to
 wait and
  raise an event or update a var in a model and listen for changes
 that way.
  Otherwise your determineFlag() method will run to completion before the
  loader.loadSomeStuff() line is executed, Flash is single threaded
 for user
  code execution so you shouldn't have a race condition there
  On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:55 PM, robbarreca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Say I have two functions load() and handleComplete(event:Event).
   now to get custom data to handleComplete I do something like this
   private var someFlag:uint = 0;
   function load() {
   someFlag = determineFlag();
   function handleComplete(event:Event) {
   But if I call this super fast, someFlag is gonna be wrong. I've seen a
   method where you can add an anonymous function somehow, but I'm pretty
   sure that even faced the same race condition problem. What is the
   *proper* way to go about this?


Re: [flexcoders] SWF Size Concerns

2008-06-09 Thread Daniel Gold
did you have any TitleWindows previously? My guess is the code size increase
is due to extra components from the framework library being compiled into
your project. Add another TitleWindow component that is similar and see what
the code size increase.

From some other applications I've worked with in Flex, I've seen that the
SWF size seems to plateau around 1.2kb or so and crawls from there even if I
add some complex custom components, at some point it's just compiled code
once you've used most of the available components.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 5:24 PM, jmfillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a good sized application (around 433 KB). I just added a
 TitleWindow component with 37 lines of code and no imbedded assets, and
 was surprised when the SWF size jumped about 102 KB, to 535 KB (using
 Release Build). Am I better off creating an view inline state instead
 of using a component? It seems so out of proportion. The main
 application is a few thousand lines, with plenty of imbedded images,
 and this little TitleWindow increases my file size by nearly 25%.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Attaching custom data to events (while avoiding race condition)

2008-06-09 Thread Daniel Gold
I think the piece that you were missing is that load is actually pulling
data in from a service, and you can't rely on the order in which the service
responses return.

Josh's answer above is definitely a best practice, if you have multiple
service calls that need to have responses handled in a certain order, wait
and chain them by not calling the second service until the first service

And to answer your original question about putting data in an event, simply
extend the event class and then you can define any properties you want, and
access those properties in your event handler, here's a quick example:

package events

public class LoadEvent extends Event
public static const DATA_LOAD:String = dataLoadEvent;
public var message:String;

public function LoadEvent(message:String, bubbles:Boolean=false,
this.message = message;
super(DATA_LOAD, bubbles, cancelable);


//add the event listener before calling your load method:


//raise the event in the response in your loader class
dispatchEvent(new LoadEvent(Data Loaded Successfully, true, true));

//pull the data out in your handler

private function loadResultHandler(loadEvent:LoadEvent):void
   var message:String = loadEvent.message;

Hope something in there helps

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If you need responses to come back in order, don't make the second
 request until you've got the first result. Or wait for all responses, and
 put them in an array based on some order-information in the AsyncTokens.


 On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 11:48 AM, robbarreca [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I'd love to know if my explanation made any sense when someone gets a
 free moment. If it sounds like I'm smoking crack, please let me know
 and I'll check myself into rehab.



 --- In,
 robbarreca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So when I say thread maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. I'm not
  actually talking about two different users/browsers. I'm talking about
  the same browser running two calls of load().
  Let me expand:
  function onInitialize() {
  load(1); // Say this takes 20 seconds to complete load
  load(2); // But this one only takes 5 seconds to complete
  private var storedFlag:uint = 0;
  function load(flag:uint) {
  storedFlag = flag;
  function handleComplete(event:Event) {
  // What is storedFlag here?
  The execution goes like this:
  handleComplete(event1); // Triggered from the load(1) which is the
  race since this storedFlag == 2, but this is handling the completion
  of the first load. I really want to get that flag data from the event
  object so there is no race condition.
  This is a simplified example, but I really do have a use case for
  this. Did I do a better job of explaining this time?
  --- In,
 Daniel Gold danielggold@ wrote:
   It makes sense when dealing with concurrent programming, but Flash
  is single
   threaded and you won't have a case where multiple threads are task
   and simultaneously executing functions. Every function call and event
   handler in flex is basically in-lined and will execute to
   On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 5:11 PM, robbarreca rob@
Sorry, I must have not explained well. The race condition I'm
about exists here:
thread 1: calls load() and say someFlag gets set to 1;
thread 2: calls load() and someFlag is set to 2;
thread 1: the first load is complete and handleComplete() is called,
but someFlag is set to 2 when the value I want is 1.
I want to attach a copy of the value of someFlag to the event so in
handleComplete() I could call and
 always get
the value that was set in *that* thread's load() call.
Does that make any sense?
--- In 
Gold danielggold@ wrote:

 does determineFlag() do some asynch service call? If so you
 need to
wait and
 raise an event or update a var in a model and listen for changes
that way.
 Otherwise your determineFlag() method will run to completion
  before the
 loader.loadSomeStuff() line is executed, Flash is single threaded
for user
 code execution so you shouldn't have a race condition there

 On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:55 PM, robbarreca rob@

  Say I have two functions load() and handleComplete

Re: [flexcoders] Reflect column sorting in AdvancedDataGrid

2008-06-07 Thread Daniel Gold
I think if you create a Sort with the SortField that the server is sorting
by and apply that to the dataProvider, the DataGrid will check if that field
is a field in a DataGridColumn and display the sort arrow on that column.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Dennis van Nooij [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I'm using an AdvancedDatagrid where my sorting is done on the server
 (total result set is bigger than the list shown at client). So when I
 click a header, sort info is added to the request and result comes
 back sorted correctly. My question is: How can I provide feedback on
 how the results are sorted? Arrows on the columns are gone, probably
 because dataprovider was refreshed. Is there a way to manually enable
 those arrows again ?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Itemrenderer combo's dataprovider from ModelLocator???

2008-06-07 Thread Daniel Gold
I believe in using MVC in whatever way feels right for the application. A
lot of times it's just easier to grab an instance of the model from wherever
you need it.

That being said, whenever possible I try to follow the pattern of top level
display objects referencing the model and then handing data out to its
children. In your case I might put a variable referencing the model list in
the objects contained in the dataProvider for the list and therefore have
access to them in the data property of the itemRenderer as Tim mentioned

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 5:04 AM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Jerry,

 No, referencing the model from anywhere in your application is the power
 of MVC. Most times you can get what you need from data or listData in
 an itemRenderer. But, there's nothing keeping you from using the model
 any way that you need.


 --- In,
 slash_n_rose [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'm using a Combobox control in my itemrenderer and its dataprovider
  is a Cairngorm ModelLocator variable. So my itemrenderer has a
  reference to ModelLocator. Is it a bad method by referencing model in
  Item Renderer,? If yes is there any other methods? Thanks in advance.


Re: [flexcoders] Measurement and scrolling

2008-06-07 Thread Daniel Gold
You may want to look at the code in from the Flex
Dashboard example as it seems to be very similar to what you're doing

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 12:04 AM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Measure can always be bigger than the actual width/height, that's what
 it's for.

 On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   No, I mean like zooming a window. I think the problem lies in how I
 tell the TiledCanvas that one of its children is the zoomed one
 (setting visible of all the others to false in updateDisplayList).
 Stay tuned.

 However, setting that aside, it also seems as though I might be
 commiting a hack if I allow the measured size of the TiledCanvas to
 remain larger than its bounds, even though it allows the scrolling to
 work (at least in the all-tiles-shown case).

 On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL 
  I'm not sure exactly what you're doing, or what you're trying to achieve
  yet. By expanding a tile do you mean you're setting the minimum to be
  bigger, or you're manually overriding the decisions the base Container
  implementation makes in updateDisplayList()?
  On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL 
  The docs say:
  If the horizontalScrollPolicy is ScrollPolicy.AUTO, the horizontal
  scroll bar appears when all of the following are true:
  * One of the container's children extends beyond the left edge or
  right edge of the container.
  * The clipContent property is true.
  * The width and height of the container are large enough to
  reasonably accommodate a scroll bar.
  And sure enough, if I set a static minimum on tiledView, I get the
  desired effect.
  If I expand a tile and change the minimum to something else, any idea
  which invalidate method(s) I should call?
  On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL 
   If you want to be able to measure your subcomponents, always use
   setActualSize. I learned that the hard way recently :)
   I've recently been doing a whole bunch of measure and
   voodoo for a custom container, so I'll be slightly helpful!
   On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL 
   Clearly I haven't mastered layout and measurement.
   I've implemented a custom component which tiles its children in
   equal-sized tiles, but also has a state (not a flex state) where one
   tile fills the component.
   I subclassed Canvas and set the sizes and positions of children in
   updateDisplayList. I didn't override measure(), but it works very
   nicely, resizing children smoothly as it is resized.
   Now, however, I would like to set a minimum width and height for the
   tiled view, after which scroll bars appear. The minimum will be
   different if the component is in the one-tile-expanded case.
   Can I do this without further mods to my component?
   Should my updateDisplayList be calling setActualSize rather than
   setting x,y,width, height?
   Should I have a measure() implementation?
   How would it differ from the inherited one?
   In a scenario like the following, would I set the minWidth and
   minHeight on the parent or child?
   Or, to ask another way, do the the scrollpolicy and minimum
   always belong on the same component?
   mx:Canvas id=scrollableArea width=100% height=100%
   view:TiledCanvas id=tiledView
   width=100% height=100%
   Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for
   :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
   :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for
  :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
  :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to remeasure itemRenderer

2008-06-07 Thread Daniel Gold
Sometimes when I've had issues setting breakpoints, especially in an SWC,
it's a caching issue with Firefox. I've installed the developer toolbar
extension and disabled caching which has helped tremendously with that

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Probaly uninstall/reinstall.  Run some other tests first.  As you step
 into code, you should never suddenly jump into the middle of a function,
 breakpoints should be settable, etc.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Amy
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 05, 2008 7:19 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: How to remeasure itemRenderer

 --- In, Alex
 Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It has nothing to do with rendererChanged, that would be if you
  the classFactory for the renderer.
  List also has makeRowsAndColumns. If you can't set a breakpoint, that
  makes me think your source is not in sync with the swcs.

 How do I fix that?




Re: [flexcoders] Listening for a value change

2008-06-02 Thread Daniel Gold
It sounds like you need to set up a ChangeWatcher, take a look at the docs,
but basically you can listen for updates to a property on an object and call
a function when the update occurs

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Felipe Fernandes 


 Look at setter and getter functions it´s just what you need.


 On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Jeff Douglas
  This seems like this should be easy but I'm hititng my head against the
  wall trying to figure it out.
  I have the following String:
  [Bindable] var myString:String;
  The value of myString changes throughout the application. Based upon
  the value of myString I want to perform different tasks. How can I
  write a listener that determines 1) that the value has changed and 2)
  what the new value is?

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How do I dispatch an everything PropertyChangeEvent on this?

2008-05-18 Thread Daniel Gold
I've done it that way before, although sometimes its better to create an
updateAll() method, because now all of your bindings will fire when a
single property changes since your entire class is Bindable on the same
event. Just depends on exactly what the use case is, if your class is set up
with the default Binding events you could use describeType in your updateAll
method to dispatch a PropertyChangeEvent for each property in your class.

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Once again, two seconds after I post, the answer pops into my head...
 And as usual, the (simple) solution for anybody trawling the list in future:

 public class FooBar extends EventDispatcher  {


 //Pay attention to me!
 dispatchEvent(new Event(populated));


 On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Disclaimer: this is probably a stupid question, but I've been trying to
 figure this out for way too long!

 I've got some code that does all sorts of things to,,
 and this.baz etc etc. At the moment I'm dispatching several standard
 PropertyChangeEvents as I change fields. What I'd like to do is once I've
 finished all my voodoo, dispatch a single event that says everything needs
 to be updated, but I need to do it to this rather than on a reference in a
 parent object, as it's a non-visual component that has no idea where it sits
 in the object graph.

 I *know* there's a simple solution to this...


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How do I dispatch an everything PropertyChangeEvent on this?

2008-05-18 Thread Daniel Gold
I don't usually make an entire class Bindable on a single event like you
posted earlier, so I'm not 100% on this, but I'm pretty sure it won't
auto-generate that event for you in your setters, so you would have to
dispatch it manually, with the side effect that all of your other bindings
would fire as well. I usually go the route of using the default Bindable
event and then using describeType in my updateAll to generate the
propertyChangeEvent so that I can still fire individual bindings without the

I also cache the result of the describeType so that it will only happen once
on each qualified class name as that method can be pretty heavy.

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 7:42 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Does this mean I will no longer receive any automatic updates (as in
 generated by the framework, rather than by my event dispatch code) at all
 when an individual member is updated, or that simply all members will be
 marked as changed when any one of them is?


 On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 6:02 AM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I've done it that way before, although sometimes its better to create
 an updateAll() method, because now all of your bindings will fire when a
 single property changes since your entire class is Bindable on the same
 event. Just depends on exactly what the use case is, if your class is set up
 with the default Binding events you could use describeType in your updateAll
 method to dispatch a PropertyChangeEvent for each property in your class.

 On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Once again, two seconds after I post, the answer pops into my head...
 And as usual, the (simple) solution for anybody trawling the list in future:

 public class FooBar extends EventDispatcher  {


 //Pay attention to me!
 dispatchEvent(new Event(populated));


 On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi guys,

 Disclaimer: this is probably a stupid question, but I've been trying to
 figure this out for way too long!

 I've got some code that does all sorts of things to,,
 and this.baz etc etc. At the moment I'm dispatching several standard
 PropertyChangeEvents as I change fields. What I'd like to do is once I've
 finished all my voodoo, dispatch a single event that says everything needs
 to be updated, but I need to do it to this rather than on a reference in a
 parent object, as it's a non-visual component that has no idea where it 
 in the object graph.

 I *know* there's a simple solution to this...


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Drag and Drop (modify default dragProxy)

2008-05-12 Thread Daniel Gold
I think if you wanted to modify the default drag proxy you could subclass
DataGrid and override the get dragImage function, which looks like this (in
Flex 2.01)

override protected function get dragImage():IUIComponent
var image:DataGridDragProxy = new DataGridDragProxy();
image.owner = this;
return image;

You could subclass the DataGridDragProxy and then add your labels or
whatever else you wanted, and return a new instance of that class in get

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 9:04 AM, nwebb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Douglas,

 thanks for the reply - yeah that's pretty much what I have at the moment
 (I capture the data on MouseDown and create/display a Label on MouseMove),
 but I thought it could be a little cleaner and so I was hoping I could
 access the current dragProxy, use the existing data within it, all within
 the MouseMove method.

 This is what I currently have:

 //Capture the row data when the user clicks on an item...
 private function dropZoneMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void
 var selectedData:XML = DataGrid(event.currentTarget).selectedItem as
 _lastSelectedName = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 _lastSelectedAge = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

 private function dropZoneMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void
 var dragInitiator:IUIComponent = as IUIComponent;
 var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
 var dragProxy:Label = _dragLabel;
 dragProxy.text = _lastSelectedName ++ _lastSelectedAge;
 DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, dragSource, event, dragProxy);


 On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Douglas Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

perhaps you can create a Label with the text from these twocolumns and
  then use this method
  On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 8:40 AM, nwebb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm drag/dropping items within a DataGrid. I would like to modify the
   default dragProxy label that is shown when you drag an item.
   (i.e. my DataGrid may have 4 columns, but I only want to show text
   from the last two columns).
   Does anyone know how to access it?
  Douglas Knudsen
  this is my signature, like it?


Re: [flexcoders] What happens to objects when you change state?

2008-05-08 Thread Daniel Gold
Cepends on what your states are defined to do, but sounds like you're adding
and removing children on the state change, which is pretty common. The view
objects will still be in memory, just not on the display list and with no

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 10:31 AM, David Ham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have an app with two mx:States, component A appears in state A, and
 component B in the same position in state B. When I'm in state A,
 where is component B, and vice versa?

 I my tests they appear to both still be in memory and visible; does
 Flex just shuffle their z-indexes? What does Flex do with them when
 you switch states?



Re: [flexcoders] itemUpdated() functionality for XML properties?

2008-05-06 Thread Daniel Gold
I believe I've seen XMLChangeWatchers used in generated source to listen for
attribute changes, etc, on XML data. I think the DataBinding chapter of the
Flex developers guide claims you can only bind to XML attributes and changes
in MXML, but at some point it gets compiled to AS.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a bindable data model implemented as a singleton, several
 properties of which are implemented as XML.  My app uses binding and
 ChangeWatchers to respond to changes in this XML data.

 If I assign an entire xml to one of these properties, the property change is
 dispatched and my bindings fire and my watchers are called.

 But if I update an item in the xml, like set and attribute value or text
 node, it APPEARS that the events are not dispatched.  This is unsurprising,
 as it is analagous to updating an item property in a Collection, for 
 whichitemUpdated() method

 First, is the behavior I am seeing is expected?  I know that XML
 dispatches ordinary events that fire bindings, but those events are 
 notgetting out of my model instance.  Second, if the behavior is expected,is
 there some similar itemUpdated() functionality for XML?


Re: [flexcoders] E4X vs Array Collection

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Gold
It doesn't get any faster than a typed class as far as data access, but
there are some things to think about. To get the data into the typed class
you have to parse the XML at some point, so it will probably come down to
how often each property is accessed. If you're only going to hit each
property once or twice, probably not worth a typed class as far as speed

I always use typed classes for code readability, code hinting, maintenance,
etc, but some people don't like having to write a VO for each object they'll
get back from the server.

Alex Harui did a simple test of data access times using different methods a
while back:

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Nate Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   What's faster, E4X or array collections with typed classes?

 I can have my data nested three levels in XML or I can have it pretty
 flat in an array collection.

 I'll be using this data with graphs, but will also be do analysis of
 the selected area on the graph.




Re: [flexcoders] Re: DataGrid and exporting values

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Gold
Is the server round trip a huge problem? I have a loopback CSV servlet
that I hit quite often in our application. Most of our datagrids are
subclassed and have an Export CSV button at the bottom. Simple function to
convert all the rows to CSV and send it the server as a parameter to a
FileDownload, server responds with the data and the right MIME type and
they've got their CSV, no copy and paste or reliance on external code.

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Dominic Pazula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   That is a good idea.

 Actually pushing the data across didn't seem to be the problem. That
 loop is what was taking forever. I could literally watch the
 individual cells get added. A couple hundred rows took 10 seconds.
 Of course I could always be missing something...


 --- In, Tracy
 Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There was a thread sometime ago about performance problems with
  data sets and ExtenalInterface.
  Why not skip that part. You could generate the HTML in Flex and
 put it
  on the clipboard directly using System.setClipboard(sHTML);


Re: [flexcoders] ListCollectionView.contains()

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Gold
contains is an object comparison, so it is by reference except when dealing
with primitives I believe. The collection wouldn't know how you wanted to
compare your objects so you'll have to iterate and check the relevant
properties or extend a collection class, add a containsByValue, and have
your objects implement a Comparable interface of some kind.

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Maciek Sakrejda [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Does ListCollectionView.contains() use reference equality to check if
 the collection contains a given object? Is there a simple way of using
 value equality (besides the obvious iteration)?
 Maciek Sakrejda
 Truviso, Inc.


Re: [flexcoders] Sort a List Comp?

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Gold
The List is simply the view for your data. You need to sort the dataProvider
of the list so when the List is iterating over your data rendering it, it
will be accessing the data in the order specified.

I would pull the data from lastResult, store it in an ArrayCollection or
XMLListCollection(since it seems like you might be using XML), and then you
can set the Sort on the collection as specified in the docs:

Sort also allows you to set a custom compareFunction if you need more than a
simple ascending/descending sort on the dataFields.

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Justin Stanczak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have the following:

  *   mx:HTTPService id=getMajorsVisitdates url=ServiceServlet

 mx:List id=majorsList width=342
 change=selectMajor() height=200 labelField=name x=10

 How do I sort the majorsList? Seems like it should be easy, but I'm not
 totally understanding how to do it with a List. Thanks.

 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
 nothing. - Edmund Burke

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Extending Alert

2008-05-01 Thread Daniel Gold
This peaked my interested and I quickly flipped through the Alert class to
see what was going on. Nothing really caught my attention so it seems like
this is enforced by the MXML compiler. I verified this by adding an Alert in
AS without using the static show funciton. In a simple test application I
added a button that called this:

var alert:Alert = new Alert();

An empty Alert window was added to the application. Seems kind of bizarre
the way this component works. Are there any other cases of flex components
extending UIComponent that aren't allowed to be instantiated through MXML?

One thing you could do is follow their pattern of having a class with a
static show() function. If you don't mind building the entire component in
ActionScript that function could create a TitleWindow/Panel, apply the
styles, add the children you want, and add the container to the application
or specified parent. As long as the class doing this isn't a UIComponent
itself, noone will be able to add it to a container in MXML.

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 10:08 AM, climbfar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I believe this is a restriction brought on by the Adobe developers.
 You cannot do this in MXML:

 mx:Panel id=panel

 If you try to compile, you will get this message:

 Could not resolve mx:Alert to a component implementation.

 To instantiate an Alert in MXML the proper coding would be:
 mx:Panel id=panel

 Basically I would like to create a similar component that would be
 used for configuring some task modally and presumably extending it
 off the Alert or TitleWindow component.

 G'day Mike

 --- In, Maciek

  Why do you need to prevent usage through MXML? MXML is compiled
 down to
  ActionScript, so it's essentially just syntactic sugar. That is, by
  preventing using your components through MXML, you are just
 removing a
  convenient interface, and not restricting functionality.
  Maciek Sakrejda
  Truviso, Inc.
  -Original Message-
  From: climbfar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [flexcoders] Extending Alert
  Date: Thu, 01 May 2008 14:18:55 -
  How do I extend the Alert class such that the new class cannot be
  created using MXML tags? Taking it a step further is it possible to
  create an ActionScript class extended from Panel that cannot be
  constructed using MXML tags?
  G'day Mike


Re: [flexcoders] Re: [Bindable] - Can I specify many vars Bindable in one block?

2008-04-28 Thread Daniel Gold
Just be sure to use it wisely. If you have a class with 25 variables and
only 4 variables that really need to be Bindable, you're going to be
generating a lot of wasted code. Binding is great when you need it, but I
see a lot of classes where the [Bindable] tag is thrown at the top out of
laziness (probably some of my code included)

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:56 PM, hoytlee2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks! this'll save me some time.

 be well,

 --- In,
 ben.clinkinbeard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can do it above your class statement and make all vars bindable.
  --- In,
 hoytlee2000 hoytlee2000@ wrote:
   This is probably a silly question.
   I know to specify a var as bindable, I use this technique:
   private var foo:String;
   private var foo2:String;
   etc., etc., ...
   Is there a way to do this en' mass? or do I have to add [Bindable]
  above every var declared?


Re: [flexcoders] Bindable metadata too smart for its own good!

2008-04-25 Thread Daniel Gold
you're telling the flash player when to fire bindings on the listeners for
your property. Sure, if you don't want to use their binding mechanism you
could hook it all up yourself, but you'd have to make all your classes
explicitly listen for the custom events you're firing. If you specify a
custom Binding event for a property, you're just controlling when Flex will
update everyone who's bound to that property, so the binding {} squiggly
braces work in MXML and BindingUtils. So specify the event you want Bindings
to fire on, then dispatch that event anywhere in your class to trigger
anyone bound to that property and you're good to go. Also handy to provider
a getter for calculated values and trigger the binding anytime something
affecting the calculation has changed.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Troy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, so if specify the event name, then bindable truly is just
  metadata, no code-generation, right? That sounds like the info I was
  looking for...

 Which leads me to think, what exactly is bindable doing for me at that
 point? If I'm firing the event (and thus creating it), is the metadata
 just helping the compiler issue a warning about bindings not firing
 for given properties? Is there anything else I'm getting? Do I get
 code-complete on the bindable event or anything like that (like I'd
 get if I added an Event metadata)?


Re: [flexcoders] Could the Flex Gurus shed some light on this behavior?

2008-04-23 Thread Daniel Gold
I believe since the content is a DisplayObject, it's just falling under
normal Flex parenting rules, a child can only have a single parent, so using
the same content actually re-parents the content object to the new
SWFLoader. If your navigation window is just a small preview of the total
app, like it sounds like, you could actually create a new Bitmap from the
content of your main SWFLoader and use that as a new UIComponent in your
navigation window. Not sure if you'd run into effeciency problems with how
often you'd have to re-copy the data, but sounds like it could work in your

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Mike Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hello All,

 For the longest time, I've been wondering why 2 Loader Controls, are
 unable to share the same content. Then again this may be by design, and
 my lack of knowledge relating to Flex could be why I don't understand

 For example, I have a SWFLoader Control which comprises the majority of
 my Application's desktop. It displays a loaded Map, in which users can
 drag icons onto the desktop, pan, zoom, as well as many other functions.

 I have a small navigator window that stays on top in a static position,
 in which the same content displayed in the SWFLoader, also gets
 displayed in the Navigator Control. The Navigator Control just gives
 the user an indication of the Map portion being displayed in the main

 In order to avoid having to load the SWF File TWICE, I thought I could
 set the content property of the Navigator Control, to the
 SWFLoader.contentLoaderInfo.content property - but when I do this, the
 loaded SWF disappears from the main screen, and appears in the small
 Navigator Window.

 Is this literally how things work in Flex? 2 data aware components
 can share the same ArrayCollection for their dataProvider Property, but
 2 graphical display components, cannot share the same content?

 I would be grateful to hear the experts explanation on how this type of
 thing works within Flex.

 Thanks in advance for all your incredible help,


Re: [flexcoders] Having difficulties cloning content within Loader Control

2008-04-23 Thread Daniel Gold
I believe you can draw any DisplayObject onto a BitmapData instance and get
an Image that way. So something like

var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData();
var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmpData);
var image:Image = new Image();
image.source = bmp;

that's all uncompiled untested code, but the idea should work.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Mike Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hello All,

 I am attempting to clone a Vector Image contained within a Loader
 Control, and am having some problems.

 The only way I've seen this done before, is by using the
 Bitmap(loaderObject.content).bitmapData.clone() method, but maybe I am
 getting errors because it's a SWF File being loaded into the Loader,
 versus an actual Bitmap...

 If I wanted to clone the contents of a Loader, and place it into a
 simple mx:Image/ Control, what would be the best way to go about that?

 Thanks in advance for all your help,


Re: [flexcoders] how to access current xml node name

2008-04-22 Thread Daniel Gold
should just be able to do;

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Derrick Anderson 

   i have a function which accepts XML as an argument, how can i retrieve
 the root node name for that XML?

 so if the xml was node2 attrib1=asdf...  i need to get the 'node2'


[flexcoders] Determining visible and total rows in a List

2008-04-22 Thread Daniel Gold
If I want to add paging information to a list, ie there are 10 items in view
and 40 total so you are on page 1/4, what is the best way to get that data.
Obviously length of the dataProvider will give me total items, but how can I
see how many are currently visible? Looks like there is a protected property
visibleData in List, so if I subclass I could use that. Is that the best
way to do it?

Re: [flexcoders] Live tiling

2008-04-22 Thread Daniel Gold
I've extended the Flex Dashboard from Adobe Devnet for a few applications.
Pretty easy to take out the ability to close/minimize and you'd be left with
a tiling container that supports maximization and drag/drop re-ordering.

You could also look at using something like FlowBox from the FlexLib project
and add support for maximizing a single child to that.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I'm looking for a tiled layout that performs well during resizing of
 the browser window. The flexmdi approach below is very slow.

 Is there a way I can improve the event handling, or is flexmdi the
 wrong choice? I've thought of writing a container that does this sort
 of tiling, and supports maximize of one child (but no
 minimize/close/cascade), but I'm not sure I have the time to tackle
 that project.

 Alternatively, is there a good way to defer the re-tile until the
 resize is complete?


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
 layout=vertical creationComplete=init()
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off

 private function init():void {
 mdic.windowManager.tile(false, 10);
 private function resize(event:Event):void {
 mdic.windowManager.tile(false, 10);

 flexmdi:MDICanvas id=mdic width=100% height=100%
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
 flexmdi:MDIWindow title=One/
 flexmdi:MDIWindow title=Two /
 flexmdi:MDIWindow title=Three /
 flexmdi:MDIWindow title=Four /
 flexmdi:MDIWindow title=Five /


Re: [flexcoders] Collections with common source

2008-04-16 Thread Daniel Gold
I've used that approach many times. Store the data in a central model, views
each have a local ArrayCollection with a filterFunction and the source set
to the data in the model.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Richard Rodseth [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I'm working on a dashboard where several charts share common data. I
 was thinking that each chart series could have a data provider which
 is a collection with a filter function, and I could set the source
 array of these collections to the same array. Sound reasonable?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: addEventListener and additional arguments?

2008-04-16 Thread Daniel Gold
Encapsulation is a good thing. The events themselves should hold all the
data you need about the action as Ben said above. If you create new custom
events you should make sure they have storage for all the properties any
listener would need to know about what triggered the event, etc. If there's
really something you need that isn't in the event you can make it a class
variable and have access to it from the handler, stuff like state variables
is a good example since you may be in a state where you don't need to take
any action.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 3:46 PM, ben.clinkinbeard 

   You probably don't need to send extra parameters anyways. You can
 inspect the your handler receives to determine which
 button was clicked. (I am guessing that may be your intent in sending
 extra args as I remember doing stuff like that back in the AS1 days.)
 Suffice to say that any forking/special handling can/should be done in
 the handler rather than the initiator.


 --- In, Alex
 Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can call it anything you want. I call it strongly-typed languages
  and a good event model, and they prevent me from having mysterious
  hard-to-find errors because I mistyped a variable name, and allow me to
  hook up more than one handler to the event.
  From: [mailto:] On
  Behalf Of Jason The Saj
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:54 AM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: addEventListener and additional arguments?
  Okay then
  How do I do the simple act of click event call function and pass a
  parameter value?
  This was easy in AS1/AS2/JS
  I could essentially just say...
  btnFoo.release = function (parameters){...}
  Now, it looks like i need to add an event listener. Then create a
  custom event. All so I can pass a number to a function call.
  Um...can we say asinine?
  Please, some one show me a nice easy way.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds

2008-04-16 Thread Daniel Gold
When I get large datasets back from the server that could trigger multiple
times, I add them to a WorkQueue which is a simple singleton class. It has
an Array of tasks and a timer that fires every 200ms, it pops the next task
off the Array and executes it. The Task object itself takes a Function and
an Arguments Array. Works exactly like CallLater except it allows non
UIComponents to defer work till the next frame. Pretty useful when you need
to break things up and the work can be paired down to a function call with

I believe Alex Harui also had a Pseudo-Threading example on his blog:

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Gordon Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Canvas is a subclass of UIComponent. If you break up your lengthy
 computation into shorter chunks, you can also schedule them with Timer.

 Gordon Smith

 Adobe Flex SDK Team


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *markgoldin_2000
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:08 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: A script has executed for longer than the
 default timeout period of 15 seconds

 But I only can use callLater() if I have components based on
 UIComponent. I did not have any luck using it and my components are
 based basically on canvas.

 --- In, Gaurav.
 Jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you are compiling with mxmlc, even though the error message says
  seconds, the time out actually happens after 60 seconds.
  Currently there is no way to increase it. You should break down your
  code using callLater in order to give some CPU cycles to the player
  screen updates.
  -Original Message-
 [] On
  Behalf Of markgoldin_2000
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:49 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] A script has executed for longer than the
  timeout period of 15 seconds
  I am getting this error. At this point of my development I am not
  to start optimazing code. Are there any options available to
  that time?
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Search Archives:!


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm ModelLocator array filter...

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
I probably do a little more work in views than other people. Our commands
have a great deal of logic but most of that is for client/server
communication. We have a fairly large application where most of the model
data is shared. In my case it really doesn't make sense to have an event and
a command for filtering the data since that filter will be unique to each
view and what the user has chosen from a few filtering combox and a search
box. It's also not making a trip to the server, so the change event on
those view components trigger a refresh on the views local ArrayCollection
which re-runs the data set through the filterFunction.

And also keep in mind that copying an AC is a little lighter weight than
it sounds since the AC is just a wrapper around the same underlying array.
None of the data itself is being copied.

I make heavy use of MVC and agree with all that's being said here, but I
also try to do what seems to make the most sense in each application.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:27 PM, ACE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You beat me by a few seconds...

 I agree that you should keep your logic in commands; which are the
 controller of your MVC architecture.


Re: [flexcoders] MVC - Philosophical question

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
I'm with Glenn on this. We use Cairngorm in our project, and since service
lookup/communication is a delegate job it fits in well there. Our delegates
grab a hold of a ServiceManager specific to the service it needs to send
data to, and that ServiceManager has a send function that takes a few
parameters, command name, objects to send, etc. That function builds up the
URL from a base URL and the arguments and then sends the data. Most of these
ServiceManagers are just wrappers around HTTPServiceManager so if we change
our URL format it's all in a central location.

The ServiceManager specifies one of our Responder objects related to the
service its sending on, which parses out the response format, converts the
response to appropriate VOs, and passes those back to the command, who
updates the appropriate model. The models in our case just deal with pure
VOs and know nothing about views or services or anything like that. Just a
big data vault.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Glenn Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'm not so sure really.

 I do have some logic in the model.

 when I build URLS, I build them in the delegate before making the service

 as building URLs is service specific (i.e. the service could change, and
 do we really want the model to know about that?). on the other hand I
 suppose it depends really. it's all a matter a taste at the end of the day

 I tend to keep all Business logic away from the model and use commands and
 delegates. it's the delegates that do data transformation and I'd count
 building a URL with its parameters as data transformation. kind of like
 parsing data into a request so really you should think of it as part of the
 service call

 but as I said – it's just best to do what works for you.

 I'm sure everyone that answers will have a different view on this


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Jeffry Houser
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 15, 2008 2:26 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] MVC - Philosophical question

 I'd put it in the model.

 The Controller is just supposed to facilitate communication between
 the View and the Model. Building a URL (or retrieving it from a
 database) is some form of business logic and that should go in the model.

 Cesare Rocchi wrote:
  I am developing an application which loads data from
  the internet. Many actions, many different urls, often
  built on the fly.
  Since I am enjoying mvc, where would you build the
  url? in the controller or in the model?

 Jeffry Houser
 Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
 AIM: Reboog711 | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
 Adobe Community Expert
 My Company:
 My Podcast:
 My Blog:


Re: [flexcoders] View States Vs using the visible flag with multiple UI components..

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
I think if you wanted to reuse a single DataGrid and states, you would have
to keep multiple Arrays representing the columns each DataGrid needed, and
in your states set the columns property of the DataGrid to the appropriate
Array of columns, and then set the dataProvider to the appropriate
dataProvider for that grid. Could be done but might not be worth it?

Keep in mind if you're toggling the visibility property and you're in a
container that isn't absolutely laid out, the grids will still take up the
same amount of space, it'll just be a big empty square. You'll also need to
toggle the includeInLayout property. I believe this could be a pretty
ineffecient mechanism thought because each invalidate/update pass on your
parent container would be slowed down since these objects are still on the
display list but are just ignored in the layout/measurement passes?

I'm more of an ActionScript junkie than an MXML guy, so assuming all the
grid properties except for columns and dataProvider were the same, I'd build
the grid and columns in ActionScript and then swap them out in AS based on
the comboBox or whatever the user is selecting to change the view. Just my 2
cents though.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 7:58 AM, sk_acura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All,

 I am trying to display multiple DataGrids in a Panel.
 User will have the option of switching between DataGrids.

 What's the advantages of having one DataGrid with multiple states
 (if that is possible)..

 I am planning to do it by defining one DataGrid ( as the Structure
 of these data grids are different) for each of my views and showing
 and hiding them depending on user selection.

 Could some one point out the pros  cons of each approach..



Re: [flexcoders] pulling my hair out with e4x!!!

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
worked for me using this:

debugModel.employees.node.(@display == Employee First Name)

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Derrick Anderson 

   can someone please explain why this does not return an XMLList?

 public var debugModel:XML = mergefields display=Merge Fields
 employees display=Employees
 node display=Employee First Name
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node display=Employee Last Name
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /

 var fieldNode:XMLList = debugModel.employees.node.(attribute(display) ==
 Employee First Name);

 but this does...

 public var thePeople:XML = people
 person name=Mims Wright suffix=III
 akaMims H Wright/aka
 akaTeh AWesoeomes!/aka

 var fieldNode:XMLList = thePeople.person.(attribute(suffix) == III);

 i've tried a million different variations and i cannot get it to work with
 my XML- what am i doing wrong here?


Re: [flexcoders] BindingUtils question

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
Binding will not work with dynamic objects, which it sounds like you're
using. I have a feeling your invisible text field trick is only working when
you switch selectedItem. Seems like if you kept the same item selected and
the TYPE property changed on that item, the binding would not fire, but
since selectedItem was in your MXML binding chain, a binding will fire
anytime you select a different item in the list, then it will pull out the
TYPE property and update your text field.

If you don't really need binding and just need to update when a selection
changes, you could always listen for the itemClicked property or add a
ChangeWatcher for the list.selectedItem property and call a function that
pulls out the TYPE property and updates your currentOp object.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Dominic Pazula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a List Component whose dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of
 generic objects.

 I have another object I would like to bind a property of to a
 property to the selectedItem of the List.

 I have:

 No go... I see that the binding util cannot work with the property
 TYPE on the generic object, does not implement IEventDispatcher,
 etc. I get why it doesn't work.

 So if I add
 mx:Text id=selectedType text={this.columnList.selectedItem.TYPE}


 it works.

 I would prefer NOT to have a bunch of invisible text fields running
 around. How can I accomplish this in AS?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: BindingUtils question

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
Honestly I would first look into replacing your Objects with strongly typed
objects,  just create a simple class to represent your properties and make
the Class Bindable. Accessing properties of a strongly typed object versus a
dynamic Object is a considerable performance boost if you have a lot of data
floating around.

The Flex help has a pretty in-depth data-binding chapter that is a good

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Dominic Pazula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. You are correct, the text trick works because
 of the change on the selected item. This is what I am trying to
 programatically define.

 The List contains static items. I need a property on an object bound
 to a property of the selectedItem.

 I will look into the ChangeWatcher class. I'm still trying to learn
 and understand how Binding works. If you know of a good tutorial or
 explanation, could you please let me know.


 --- In, Daniel

  Binding will not work with dynamic objects, which it sounds like
  using. I have a feeling your invisible text field trick is only
 working when
  you switch selectedItem. Seems like if you kept the same item
 selected and
  the TYPE property changed on that item, the binding would not fire,
  since selectedItem was in your MXML binding chain, a binding will
  anytime you select a different item in the list, then it will pull
 out the
  TYPE property and update your text field.
  If you don't really need binding and just need to update when a
  changes, you could always listen for the itemClicked property or
 add a
  ChangeWatcher for the list.selectedItem property and call a
 function that
  pulls out the TYPE property and updates your currentOp object.
  On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Dominic Pazula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a List Component whose dataProvider is an
 ArrayCollection of
   generic objects.
   I have another object I would like to bind a property of to a
   property to the selectedItem of the List.
   I have:
   No go... I see that the binding util cannot work with the property
   TYPE on the generic object, does not implement IEventDispatcher,
   etc. I get why it doesn't work.
   So if I add
   mx:Text id=selectedType
   it works.
   I would prefer NOT to have a bunch of invisible text fields
   around. How can I accomplish this in AS?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: BindingUtils question

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
so I'm guessing your constructor is setting these properties from XML? If
you bind to a read only property of an Object, the binding will fire when
object reference changes, so if it was null and then you created the object
the binding would fire once. If you have a method on the object that updates
its properties via XML or some other mechanism, you will have to trigger the
Binding yourself from that method. For example, you would declare your
getter Bindable with a custom event like

public function get myProp():String
return _myProp;

public function updateProps(xml:XML):void
 dispatchEvent(new Event(myPropUpdated));

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Dominic Pazula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks for the information. I am in the process of moving what I can
 to typed classes. Unfortunately that data comes from our server
 component and it will take a while before our Java guy can get to it
 on his end.

 One last question. I have a custom class, extends EventDispatcher,
 declared as [Bindable]. It has a read-only status property. I
 have tried binding things to it like:

 mx:Text text={myCustomObj.status}/

 In the case above, I cannot get the text to update when the object
 updates. Do I need the class to dispatch a specific event to trigger
 the binding to update?


 --- In, Daniel
  Binding will not work with dynamic objects, which it sounds like
  using. I have a feeling your invisible text field trick is only
 working when
  you switch selectedItem. Seems like if you kept the same item
 selected and
  the TYPE property changed on that item, the binding would not fire,
  since selectedItem was in your MXML binding chain, a binding will
  anytime you select a different item in the list, then it will pull
 out the
  TYPE property and update your text field.
  If you don't really need binding and just need to update when a
  changes, you could always listen for the itemClicked property or
 add a
  ChangeWatcher for the list.selectedItem property and call a
 function that
  pulls out the TYPE property and updates your currentOp object.
  On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Dominic Pazula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a List Component whose dataProvider is an
 ArrayCollection of
   generic objects.
   I have another object I would like to bind a property of to a
   property to the selectedItem of the List.
   I have:
   No go... I see that the binding util cannot work with the property
   TYPE on the generic object, does not implement IEventDispatcher,
   etc. I get why it doesn't work.
   So if I add
   mx:Text id=selectedType
   it works.
   I would prefer NOT to have a bunch of invisible text fields
   around. How can I accomplish this in AS?


Re: [flexcoders] pulling my hair out with e4x!!!

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
I've never used the attribute syntax you're using, so I'm not familiar with
it, but in your first employee example this syntax returned the matching
node, have you tried it?

debugModel.employees.node.(@display == Employee First Name)

looks like you added another level in your latest example so for that case
this should return the node: == Employees).node.(@label == Employee First

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Derrick Anderson 

   thanks guys, i'm sure that my xml is valid, i've refined what i'm trying
 to do here a bit

 public var debugModel:XML =
 mergefields label=Merge Fields
 group label=Employees
 node label=Employee First Name
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node label=Employee Last Name
 data=Employee_1-11-11-11 /
 node label=Last Performance Note Date
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node label=Login
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node label=Login Link
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /

 what i'm trying to do is find any node that has a certain label, like so

 var fieldNode:XMLList = debugModel.children().node.(attribute(label) ==
 Employee First Name);

 and no matter what i try it is not working, what it seems to be doing is
 returning me all children of the node i'm looking for (there are none).  if
 I give that node some arbitrary child nodes, then the node is returned with
 it's children, what gives?.


 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Varun Shetty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

make sure that your xml is wellformed
  it did work for me.
  --- code 
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
  public var debugModel:XML = mergefields display=Merge
  employees display=Employees
  node display=Employee First Name
  data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
  node display=Employee Last Name
  data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
   node display=Employee First Name
  data=Employee_1212121-121212-12121-12112121 /
  node display=Employee Last Name
  data=Employee_1212121-121212-12121-12112121 /
   public function runthis():void {
   var fieldNode:XMLList =
  debugModel.employees.node.(attribute(display) == Employee First Name);
  --- code 
  On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Derrick Anderson 
 can someone please explain why this does not return an XMLList?
   public var debugModel:XML = mergefields display=Merge Fields
   employees display=Employees
   node display=Employee First Name
   data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
   node display=Employee Last Name
   data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
   var fieldNode:XMLList =
   debugModel.employees.node.(attribute(display) == Employee First Name);
   but this does...
   public var thePeople:XML = people
   person name=Mims Wright suffix=III
   akaMims H Wright/aka
   akaTeh AWesoeomes!/aka
   var fieldNode:XMLList = thePeople.person.(attribute(suffix) ==
   i've tried a million different variations and i cannot get it to work
   with my XML- what am i doing wrong here?

Re: [flexcoders] pulling my hair out with e4x!!!

2008-04-15 Thread Daniel Gold
toXMLString is almost always the way to go. I hit a major problem related to
that early on in our application. I was passing XML objects to the server in
an httpService.send(xml), this method will call toString on the objects you
pass it to shove them in the HTTP parameters. if you have no children in
your XML object, toString returns empty string, and it took me quite a while
to figure out why the server wasn't getting any data from my flex app. Now I
make sure to explicitly call toXMLString if I'm sending XML objects on my

I've seen plenty of other posts about this and was actually wondering why
toXMLString is not the default string representation of an XML object?

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Gordon Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You probably want to use toXMLString() rather than toString().

 Note that the cause of your problem wasn't in the code that you posted.
 That's a reason why it's best to post a complete non-working sample.

 Gordon Smith

 Adobe Flex SDK Team


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Derrick Anderson
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:20 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] pulling my hair out with e4x!!!

 yes, i tried it and have it working now- mostly user error but I must say
 not being able to debug e4x expressions has ruined my day on many occasions.

 i was using toString on the xml list, thinking it would show me the xml
 node it found and children (if any), toString was returning nothing and a
 length of 0 so I assumed nothing was coming back.  when i added children,
 the toString started showing me the node i was trying to find.

 so, the blank response held the object i was looking for- but toString was
 not showing it.

 thanks for your help on this!

 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've never used the attribute syntax you're using, so I'm not familiar
 with it, but in your first employee example this syntax returned the
 matching node, have you tried it?

 debugModel.employees.node.(@display == Employee First Name)

 looks like you added another level in your latest example so for that case
 this should return the node: == Employees).node.(@label == Employee First

  On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Derrick Anderson 

 thanks guys, i'm sure that my xml is valid, i've refined what i'm trying
 to do here a bit

 public var debugModel:XML =
 mergefields label=Merge Fields
 group label=Employees
 node label=Employee First Name
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node label=Employee Last Name
 data=Employee_1-11-11-11 /
 node label=Last Performance Note Date
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node label=Login
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node label=Login Link
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /

 what i'm trying to do is find any node that has a certain label, like so

 var fieldNode:XMLList = debugModel.children().node.(attribute(label) ==
 Employee First Name);

 and no matter what i try it is not working, what it seems to be doing is
 returning me all children of the node i'm looking for (there are none).  if
 I give that node some arbitrary child nodes, then the node is returned with
 it's children, what gives?.


  On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Varun Shetty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 make sure that your xml is wellformed

 it did work for me.
 --- code 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=;

 public var debugModel:XML = mergefields display=Merge
 employees display=Employees
 node display=Employee First Name
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /
 node display=Employee Last Name
 data=Employee_234234-234234-234234-234234 /

 node display=Employee First Name
 data=Employee_1212121-121212-12121-12112121 /
 node display=Employee Last Name
 data=Employee_1212121-121212-12121-12112121 /


  public function runthis():void {

  var fieldNode:XMLList =
 debugModel.employees.node.(attribute(display) == Employee First Name);

 --- code 

 On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Derrick Anderson 

 can someone please explain why this does not return an XMLList?

 public var debugModel:XML = mergefields display=Merge Fields

Re: [flexcoders] Cairngorm ModelLocator array filter...

2008-04-14 Thread Daniel Gold
depends on your architecture and what feels best in your project. Problem
with filtering an ArrayCollection directly in the model is that any views
bound to that model will also be filtered. Usually I have a large dataset in
an ArrayCollection in the model, and have a view that might have a search
box that filters items in a list. I create a new ArrayCollection in that
view, set the arrayCollection.source =
modelLocator.dataArrayCollection.source, and then apply a filterFunction to
the local arrayCollection specific to that view. That way each view has ways
of filtering its own local ArrayCollection wrapper around the same data set
in the model.

But to each their own. Depends on how shared the data is and how you like to
keep things divided

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 1:49 PM, hworke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I am using Cairngorm and in my ModelLocator I do
 have an array. I want to filter that array with a
 filter function. My question is where do I put this
 filter function: in a separate file or in the
 ModelLocator class?


[flexcoders] Initializing styles for custom border skin

2008-04-07 Thread Daniel Gold
I'm apparently still having problems grasping custom border skins. I'm
extending RectangularBorder and I have a few custom CSS styles declared for
my class. I'm trying to set defaults for these styles using the static
function method

private static const DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME:String = AngledRightBorder;

private static var _stylesInitialized:Boolean = initStyles();

private static function initStyles():Boolean
var styleDeclaration:CSSStyleDeclaration =

// If there's no default style declaration already, create one.
styleDeclaration = styleDeclaration ? styleDeclaration : new

styleDeclaration.defaultFactory = function ():void {
this.angleWidth = 10;
this.borderThickness = 3;


return true;

but the defaultFactory function never runs because the styleName is never
set for the borderSkin, it is always null, it seems to just inherit
properties from the class that is declaring it. Is there some trick I'm
missing on how to set default styles for a border skin?

I've come up with something that seems to work but I'm sure there are some
holes in it. Basically I override getStyle, and attempt to get the style, if
it's null I get the DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME css declaration and pull the style
out of that. The problem there is if I want to specify a different default
for a style this is already set for the styleName of the class using my
borderSkin, I can't because getStyle will return the default set for that
class instead of my borderSkin class. At least it works for the new custom
styles defined by my class. Any thoughts?

This is my current hack, but as mentioned above only works if a style of
null is returned, so I can't override defaults set by the class using the

override public function getStyle(styleProp:String):*
var style:* = super.getStyle(styleProp);
if(style == null)
var styleDeclaration:CSSStyleDeclaration =
style = styleDeclaration.getStyle(styleProp);
return style;

Re: [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote source?

2008-04-06 Thread Daniel Gold
Sure switching on the type of an argument to a setter would work, for some
reason I thought the 'source' on an image was a style instead of a property.
I try to expose as many styles as possibly for custom components so they're
easily skinnable in CSS, but I guess there's no way to expose a style that
allows multiple types. Would have to have iconClass and iconPath styles if I
wanted it to be flexible for embedded or runtime assets.

Thanks for the reality check on SWFLoader, I was off in the weeds.

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oooops.  I'd best slow down a bit.



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Rick Winscot
 *Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 9:55 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote

 Tracy… Dr. McCoy of Star Trek fame said it best.

 Damnit Jim, I'm a –class– not an externally loaded asset. – Through the
 Loader Class

 …universal translation…

 The Icon takes a class as an argument… not an externally loadable asset.
 Dynamically loading an image (for a button) is more difficult – but still
 possible. Ben Stucki has done some marvelous work in that arena. Ping me off
 line if you need the hook up.

  Rick Winscot

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Tracy Spratt
 *Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 9:11 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote

 Just set source=[url]



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *guillaumeracine
 *Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 7:20 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote

 i know we can set the icon of a button using this syntax:
 mx:Button label=myBtn icon=@Embed(source='assets/slideshow/1.png')/

 but my image icon is on a remote server...
 How i can set the icon of a button from a remote source?


Re: [flexcoders] Drop anywhere to remove

2008-04-06 Thread Daniel Gold
I would think you'd have to write completely custom drag functions that
listen for mouse down on your component, and then on mouse move keep
listening for the target to not be your container, as soon as it isn't,
accept the DragDrop and start listening for mouse up to handle the removal.

I keep this doc handy for anytime I get into custom drag situations:

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 11:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks.  Do you have an example?  Can you tell it to remove it if it's
 dragged *anywhere*?



 Sent by:

 04/04/2008 06:59 PM
  Please respond to

   To  cc
 Re: [flexcoders] Drop anywhere to remove

 Yes, would work the same as your 'drag to container', just a different
 target to drop to.


 On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, newflexer [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL 


 We have a container we can drag and drop objects to, and would like to
 remove them by allowing users to drag and drop them anywhere outside
 of the container.

 Is this possible?


Re: [flexcoders] Drop anywhere to remove

2008-04-06 Thread Daniel Gold
Well after trying to write a quick example now I'm not so sure. The document
I linked to earlier has this statement:

A control must define a handler for a dragEnter event to be a drop target.

That leads me to believe every other container in the application would have
to add a dragEnter handler in order for your drag anywhere to be
implemented. Each container has to explicitly accept the drop with

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 9:08 AM, Daniel Gold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would think you'd have to write completely custom drag functions that
 listen for mouse down on your component, and then on mouse move keep
 listening for the target to not be your container, as soon as it isn't,
 accept the DragDrop and start listening for mouse up to handle the removal.

 I keep this doc handy for anytime I get into custom drag situations:

 On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 11:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks.  Do you have an example?  Can you tell it to remove it if it's
  dragged *anywhere*?
  Sent by:
  04/04/2008 06:59 PM
   Please respond to
To  cc
  Re: [flexcoders] Drop anywhere to remove
  Yes, would work the same as your 'drag to container', just a different
  target to drop to.
  On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, newflexer [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL 
  We have a container we can drag and drop objects to, and would like to
  remove them by allowing users to drag and drop them anywhere outside
  of the container.
  Is this possible?

Re: [flexcoders] Need to change the viewstack from a child container

2008-04-06 Thread Daniel Gold
if your structure is that simple, in the child you could do
parent.selectedChild = newChild. It depends in what scope the code is
executing. If your viewstack and children are defined in a single MXML file,
then in a script block myviewstack would still be in scope and
myviewstack.selectedChild would work.

When dealing with similar situations my approach is to have the child
dispatch a custom event, and have that event bubble and be handled by any
appropriate listeners. So your viewstack could add an event listener for the
ChangeChildView event, and that event could define a child index or enum
representing the child to switch to. Then your children views dispatch the
ChangeChildView event without being aware of any details about how it will
be handled.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Rubeel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hoe can i change the viewstack from a child container.

 lets say if i have a viewstack and i move to a child by using the
 selectedChild property, can i call myviewstack.selectedChild from the
 child itself

 thanx in advance


Re: [flexcoders] Flex newbie stuck with DataGrid headerRenderer

2008-04-06 Thread Daniel Gold
I've seen a few different approaches to the checkbox grid. Alex has a clean
implementation, but without the select all header renderer. I believe Josh
Tynjala has a few checkbox list components as well

My take on the checkbox datagrid with a header renderer can be found at

Full source available if you want to hack on it for your own needs.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There are some headerRenderer examples on my blog (  You have to subclass and override the data
 setter and expect a DataGridColumn.  The default code doesn't handle that.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Myth Kumar
 *Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 8:43 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Flex newbie stuck with DataGrid headerRenderer

 Hi Friends,
 I have a DataGrid with the first column acting as a selection column,
 where I've successfully rendered a Checkbox. Now I want to add a
 toggle button to the headerRenderer such that toggling the button
 would select/deselect all the checkboxes in the datagrid.

 For this, my code is something like this:

 DataGrid id=dtaMats width=100% height=100%
 DataGridColumn headerText=Select dataField=isSel
 width=40 textAlign=center
 CheckBox selected={data.isSel}
 DataGridColumn headerText=Material dataField=Matnr/
 DataGridColumn headerText=Plant dataField=Werks/
 DataGridColumn headerText=Storage dataField=Lgort/

 I'm setting the dataProvider at runtime in the AS code, after getting
 the data from the webservice.

 And my custom button header class is like this:

 import mx.controls.Button;

 public class DataGridHeaderButton extends Button
 public function DataGridHeaderButton()
 //TODO: implement function
 super.toggle = true;
 super.label = Select All;

 But I get an error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property isSel not
 found on mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn and there is no
 default value. when I try to run this code.
 It runs fine without the 'headerRenderer' property set, but errors
 with it.

 Can you please suggest me how can I get around it?
 Do I have to override some functions of the Button class? If yes which
 ones would help me?


Re: [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote source?

2008-04-05 Thread Daniel Gold
I get asked this by new Flex developers I work with all the time, especially
people from a more traditional web development background who are not used
to embedding assets.

Here's something that bugged me a while back and I never took the time to
look into: So the button icon takes a Class, that's all good and well, but
how does the Image class get by accepting either a Class OR a String
representing the path to an image to load at runtime? The source style
allows both doesn't it? If I was creating a custom component and wanted to
add an imageSource custom style would that be possible?

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tracy… Dr. McCoy of Star Trek fame said it best.

 Damnit Jim, I'm a –class– not an externally loaded asset. – Through the
 Loader Class

 …universal translation…

 The Icon takes a class as an argument… not an externally loadable asset.
 Dynamically loading an image (for a button) is more difficult – but still
 possible. Ben Stucki has done some marvelous work in that arena. Ping me off
 line if you need the hook up.

  Rick Winscot

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Tracy Spratt
 *Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 9:11 PM
 *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote

 Just set source=[url]



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *guillaumeracine
 *Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 7:20 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to display a button's icon from a remote

 i know we can set the icon of a button using this syntax:
 mx:Button label=myBtn icon=@Embed(source='assets/slideshow/1.png')/

 but my image icon is on a remote server...
 How i can set the icon of a button from a remote source?


Re: [flexcoders] Sizing when dealing with custom borderSkin

2008-04-02 Thread Daniel Gold
So what is the approach to use for non-rectangular borders? If someone has
some good resources for programmatic border skins I'll happily digest them,
I've read anything I can find.

So let's say I've got a VBox and I create a custom skin that tapers the
right side into a point. I extend Border because it's not rectangular in
nature, can I not use this skin with Flex containers? Do I need custom
containers that work with borderSkins that are not rectangular?

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may have to implement IRectangularBorder


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Danny Gold
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:23 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Sizing when dealing with custom borderSkin

 I've created a programmatic border skin that extends 'Border', but
 something seems a little off. I override the get borderMetrics
 function to return the EdgeMetrics object representing how large my
 custom border is, and I override updateDisplayList to draw the border.
 That's pretty much all this is in my skin class.

 When I use this skin on a container of some sort like a VBox, if I
 view the borderMetrics property of the VBox, it is all 0s, and the
 VBox doesn't seem to be taking the borderMetrics of its borderSkin
 property into account.

 Let's say the right side of my skin needs 20 pixels. The VBox contents
 seem to be drawn over my border skin instead of stopping 20 pixels
 before the width of the container to allow for the skin.

 Did I miss something? This is the first time I've written a
 programmatic borderSkin.


Re: [flexcoders] How to scroll to/navigate to an object in an app??

2008-03-31 Thread Daniel Gold
With a reference to the object you can get it's coordinates within the
container that is scrolling. If it is nested you will have to get its index
withing it's parent container, convert that to global coordinates, then
convert that to the local coordinates of the scrolling container. From there
you can set the vertical scroll position of your container to bring the
object into view.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 8:53 AM, anthony_morsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I want to be able to scroll to the vertical position of an object in a
 flex app. I want to be able to click on an htmlText anchor tag and
 have the app scroll down to an object that is out of the viewable
 area. My app has a scrollbar.

 If this cannot be done using htmlText and anchors, then how would I do
 it with just actionscript?



Re: [flexcoders] Best practice for filtering a large dataset

2008-03-26 Thread Daniel Gold
Well my thought was that it would actually be quicker to do it on the client
since the data is there, instead of asking the server to filter and return
matching IDs into the dataset I already have, so filtering under a progress
bar on the client would be a better user experience to me.

So breaking the filtering up into chunks is great and all, but does that
basically mean extending ArrayCollection and overriding how it handles
filterFunctions to break the work into specified chunk size and dispatch
progress events as it goes?

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 26 Mar 2008, Danny Gold wrote:
  operation? Would this even help me because the UI will be blocked
  while the filter is running anyways? I think I've optimized my

 You could break your filtering up into K chunks of N items, and use a
 ProgressBar to indicate something was happening.
 That wouldn't be too bad.

  Maybe the solution is to go server-side so I can show a processing
  screen, but just seems wasteful since the client has everything it

 You have to think of the user experience - do they care it's a server
 trip if it's quicker ?

 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to seamlessly grow granular services


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[flexcoders] Re: How do I call a custom tooltip function for my TabBar items?

2008-03-03 Thread Daniel Gold
What kind of children are you adding to the TabBar? I have a tabbed
based app where the children all extend Panel and are located in
separate MXML files. I simply set the toolTip=Custom tooltip text in
the attribute of the root MXML tab and each child shows its own
tooltip when hovered. Is that what you're looking for? Even if you're
creating and adding the children in AS you should be able to set the
toolTip for each one to the string you want. The components will
handle displaying their tooltips on their own.