Re: [flexcoders] Login / Password Form

2009-02-05 Thread anuj sharma
I made something like that where I use Flex to develop my UI and store the
login info in XML file on the server.
To read and write data to that xml file I use server side language PHP
though amfPHP , Encryption can be done using action script library as3crypto
but in my project we use
JavaScript and PHp for encrytping these credentials on the wire (through the
Hope that might help you

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Alan K wrote:

   No, you can use a PHP file, for example, to hold and check against.

 I am searching a code source exemple for a classical login / password
 form in a flex application.
 Did I need absolutely a database to store Passwords ?
 Thank you,


Re: [flexcoders] Guidance Needed about the organization of flex project and MXML Componenets

2009-01-26 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Haykel
Thanks for the info, This might help to get started for the reorganization

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Haykel BEN JEMIA hayke...@gmail.comwrote:

   ViewStacks, like most containers, uses deferred instantiation (if the
 creationPolicy property is set to 'auto', which is the default), which means
 it only creates the descendants of a child when it's selected the first
 time. So for startup optimization, I think it's ok to use ViewStacks.

 Now you could probably use modules to further reduce swf size, but this
 would also mean that the user will have to wait longer when a page is
 selected until the module is downloaded. But it's ok if the modules are

 Haykel Ben Jemia

 Web  RIA Development

 On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:43 PM, anuj181 wrote:

   Hi Flex Coders,
 I have been taken over one project started by some other programmer,
 The project asks user to login and after user logs in , different custom
 MXML Components are loaded. Thats the bigger picture what the project needs
 to do.
  The way this project was organized that the developer created the login
 component , and other custom MXML Component and put them in different
 canvases and then put login in one ViewStack and the other MXML Componenets
 in another stack, By default on the load of the application, ViewStack with
 login Canvas is set to true and if user enter right password then the
 visibility of other stack having different custom components are set to true
 and login was set to false.
 The ToggleButtonBar was used whose data provider is second view stack
 having 3 other custom MXML component, and depending upon the button of the
 toggle bar selected the components are being loaded. All the viewstacks with
 the canvases are being loaded on the main app on the load of the

  I am  not sure thats the right way.* In ideal world I like whenever user
 loads the page, only the login page will be loaded and once the correct
 credentials are entered, only the default MXML Component will be added with
 the ToggleButtonBar's default selection, I have to reorganize the structure
 of the project, I was thinking of adding and removing child depending upon
 the tab changed,* Is there any better way to organize this project,
 Ideally I like to refresh the page while loading different MXML components
 on the tab selection so that we might get the component totally in
 synchronization with the server, Anyone has nice and better way of
 organizing Project without setting the visibility true and false and also
 fulfilling my requirement.
 Any Help and guidance will be appreciated


Re: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out functionality

2009-01-15 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Paul
If thats the best we can do then I have already created the delay, i was
thinking may be there is better way for achieving this.
Thanks for your help

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Paul Andrews wrote:

   When the user clicks logout, tell him that he is logged out, do any
 up and after a short delay (so he can read the message), reload the

 - Original Message -
 From: anuj181
 Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:46 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out functionality

  I have implemented Log Out functionality in my App, All I did is that
  as soon as user clicks Log Out button, the code is going to reload the
  whole App which will automatically take the user to the login screen
  as login is the first screen in my flex App. Now My probelm is that I
  need some feedback to give to the user that he has been logged out. I
  am successfully in taking user to the login page but somehow could not
  figure out how will I show the feedback, The idea i came up is may be
  add string to the URL if user logs out and if the URL string matches
  the added string should display a label in the main login page showing
  You have successfully logged out, but my following code is not
  working. Is there any better way to do this or please let me know
  where things are being screwed up, For the time being I just put dummy
  alerts but they will be replaced with the actual Labels.
  All i need is the first time user logs in should just display the
  login screen but if user logs out he should be directed to the same
  login screen but with added label You have succesfully logged out
  //Logging Out of the App
  mx:Image id=_imgLogOut height={ImgHt} width={ImgWidth} x=941
  y=96 click=_logOut(event);
  private function _logOut(event:MouseEvent):void
  var selfLoad:URLRequest=new
  private function initApp():void
  //Checkign if the User logged out and Displaying the message and
  relaoding the App
  var _DefaulturlString:String=Application.application.url;
  { Out);
  { Time);
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Alternative FAQ location:
  Search Archives:! Groups


Re: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out functionality

2009-01-15 Thread anuj sharma
Okay I Like it to reload the app but the main login screen of the app should
have the label which is going to say that you have been logged out, that as
what I was trying to achieve but Now
what i did is the moment user clicks log out , I start the timer and pop up
message logging out and after delay of 3 second user will be directed to the
main login page, Ideally I like if user hits logout , after delay he will be
taken to login page (which means reloading the whole App) but the login page
should be able to provide the info that user is successfully logged out,
I hope I made sense but if not please let me know

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Paul Andrews wrote:

- Original Message -

 *From:* anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Friday, January 16, 2009 1:30 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out

 Hi Paul
 If thats the best we can do then I have already created the delay, i was
 thinking may be there is better way for achieving this.

 In which way would you want it to be better?

 Thanks for your help

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Paul Andrews wrote:

   When the user clicks logout, tell him that he is logged out, do any
 up and after a short delay (so he can read the message), reload the

 - Original Message -
 From: anuj181
 Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:46 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out functionality

  I have implemented Log Out functionality in my App, All I did is that
  as soon as user clicks Log Out button, the code is going to reload the
  whole App which will automatically take the user to the login screen
  as login is the first screen in my flex App. Now My probelm is that I
  need some feedback to give to the user that he has been logged out. I
  am successfully in taking user to the login page but somehow could not
  figure out how will I show the feedback, The idea i came up is may be
  add string to the URL if user logs out and if the URL string matches
  the added string should display a label in the main login page showing
  You have successfully logged out, but my following code is not
  working. Is there any better way to do this or please let me know
  where things are being screwed up, For the time being I just put dummy
  alerts but they will be replaced with the actual Labels.
  All i need is the first time user logs in should just display the
  login screen but if user logs out he should be directed to the same
  login screen but with added label You have succesfully logged out
  //Logging Out of the App
  mx:Image id=_imgLogOut height={ImgHt} width={ImgWidth} x=941
  y=96 click=_logOut(event);
  private function _logOut(event:MouseEvent):void
  var selfLoad:URLRequest=new
  private function initApp():void
  //Checkign if the User logged out and Displaying the message and
  relaoding the App
  var _DefaulturlString:String=Application.application.url;
  { Out);
  { Time);
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Alternative FAQ location:
  Search Archives:! Groups


Re: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out functionality

2009-01-15 Thread anuj sharma
I 120% agree with you Paul , but our User Interaction folks want more and
more feedback for user which is little pain to implement with my deadline,
So I guess I will end up challenging that feedback thing, but thanks for ur

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Paul Andrews wrote:

I think that displaying a login page is a pretty good clue that the
 user is logged out.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Friday, January 16, 2009 1:37 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out

 Okay I Like it to reload the app but the main login screen of the app
 should have the label which is going to say that you have been logged out,
 that as what I was trying to achieve but Now
 what i did is the moment user clicks log out , I start the timer and pop up
 message logging out and after delay of 3 second user will be directed to the
 main login page, Ideally I like if user hits logout , after delay he will be
 taken to login page (which means reloading the whole App) but the login page
 should be able to provide the info that user is successfully logged out,
 I hope I made sense but if not please let me know

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Paul Andrews wrote:

- Original Message -

  *From:* anuj sharma
  *Sent:* Friday, January 16, 2009 1:30 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out

 Hi Paul
 If thats the best we can do then I have already created the delay, i was
 thinking may be there is better way for achieving this.

 In which way would you want it to be better?

 Thanks for your help

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Paul Andrews wrote:

   When the user clicks logout, tell him that he is logged out, do any
 up and after a short delay (so he can read the message), reload the

 - Original Message -
 From: anuj181
 Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:46 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Need some Help in implementing Log out

  I have implemented Log Out functionality in my App, All I did is that
  as soon as user clicks Log Out button, the code is going to reload the
  whole App which will automatically take the user to the login screen
  as login is the first screen in my flex App. Now My probelm is that I
  need some feedback to give to the user that he has been logged out. I
  am successfully in taking user to the login page but somehow could not
  figure out how will I show the feedback, The idea i came up is may be
  add string to the URL if user logs out and if the URL string matches
  the added string should display a label in the main login page showing
  You have successfully logged out, but my following code is not
  working. Is there any better way to do this or please let me know
  where things are being screwed up, For the time being I just put dummy
  alerts but they will be replaced with the actual Labels.
  All i need is the first time user logs in should just display the
  login screen but if user logs out he should be directed to the same
  login screen but with added label You have succesfully logged out
  //Logging Out of the App
  mx:Image id=_imgLogOut height={ImgHt} width={ImgWidth} x=941
  y=96 click=_logOut(event);
  private function _logOut(event:MouseEvent):void
  var selfLoad:URLRequest=new
  private function initApp():void
  //Checkign if the User logged out and Displaying the message and
  relaoding the App
  var _DefaulturlString:String=Application.application.url;
  { Out);
  { Time);
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Alternative FAQ location:
  Search Archives:! Groups


Re: [flexcoders] Generating Random key

2009-01-05 Thread anuj sharma
Awesome guys your guidance help me in achieving this withing 30 minutes, it
is working now
Thanks for your help again

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:19 PM, anuj181 wrote:

 I need to work on a piece of code in which whenever user clicks on the
 button , the code should generate random 12 character key having all
 caps and no vowels in the format of XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX. Can anybody guide
 me in this direction. Is there any built in function for that or do I
 have to use my own logic for random generation in this specific case.
 Any help will be appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] Generating Random key

2009-01-05 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Brendan
makes sense to put the code :-), With the format I was looking for following
code works perfectly for me, I am not sure thats the right way of coding but
this is working for my purpose. I am pretty sure there can be far far better
way for this
import mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel;
import mx.controls.Alert;

public var track:String;
private function init():void

public function key(event:MouseEvent):void
var newLength:uint = 12;
var userAlphabet:String = BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ;
var alphabet:Array=userAlphabet.split();
var alphabetLength:int = alphabet.length;
var randomLetters:String = ;

var _keyfirstpart:String;
var _keysecondpart:String;
var _keythirdpart:String;
var _keyforthpart:String;
var _concatenatedString:String;
for (var i:uint = 0; i  newLength; i++)
randomLetters += alphabet[int(Math.floor(Math.random() *



mx:TextInput id=text_ii x=645 y=270 width=224/
mx:Button id=btn_genkey x=513 y=270 label=Generate key
width=124 /

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Brendan Meutzner bmeutz...@gmail.comwrote:

   So what did you end up putting together?  Should post the code here for
 the next guy...


 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 5:41 PM, anuj sharma wrote:

   Awesome guys your guidance help me in achieving this withing 30
 minutes, it is working now
 Thanks for your help again

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:19 PM, anuj181 wrote:

 I need to work on a piece of code in which whenever user clicks on the
 button , the code should generate random 12 character key having all
 caps and no vowels in the format of XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX. Can anybody guide
 me in this direction. Is there any built in function for that or do I
 have to use my own logic for random generation in this specific case.
 Any help will be appreciated.

 Brendan Meutzner

Re: [flexcoders] How would I Overwrite contents of External XML File

2008-12-15 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Brendon
We are working on the encryption part but do you think it is not possible to
overwrite stuff on server with Flex. If thats the case i  have used amfPHP
for tarnsferring data to server, then do you think amfPHP is the only option
i left with I guess right.
Any other guidance will be apprecited too , Also if you have better
links/info about encryption of password on the server that will be helpful

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Wildbore, Brendon wrote:

Im not 100% sure, but I don't believe flex can write to the server
 directly. You will most likely have to employ a server side http service to
 achieve this.

 Also if you are going to be storing sensitive info in an xml file, you
 should encrypt the passwords and security answers


 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 16 December 2008 1:37 p.m.
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How would I Overwrite contents of External XML

 Hi All
 I am working on change password option for the user, I am reading
 password content from external XML Files and then depending upon the
 added value I need to overwrite the external XML's files passsword
 entry. I am using following code for changing it but it is not
 working, My XML file is in the external folder but withtin the same
 project and this is one of the component which i am calling on click
 of some button. I need to overwrite data in Login.xml which is stored
 in Private folder as the separate folder in my project, Reading from
 thh xml file is no problem but writing back is an issue,
 Does anyone know where I am screwing things up?

 Many Many Thanks for your help
 //My XML
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 securityQuestionTest Security Question/securityQuestion


 mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=;
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
 public function init():void
 var getPassword:URLRequest=new URLRequest(Private/Login.xml);
 passwordLoader = new URLLoader();

 catch (error:SecurityError)
 trace(SecurityError has occurred while loading password);



 public function changePassword(evt:MouseEvent):void
 { Check the values entered. They cannot be
 else if(txt_Enter_Password.text!=txt_ReEnter_Password.text)
 { do not match);




 mx:Button x=630 y=402 label=Save click=changePassword(event);/


Re: [flexcoders] How would I Overwrite contents of External XML File

2008-12-15 Thread anuj sharma
HI Brendon
Sounds good to me, And my teamate is working on the encryption part, he
thinks that encryption of the password needs to be done through Javascript
and if thats the case I need to see how my Flex code needs to talk to
JavaScript, i guess using exteralInterface might help me, So do you think
JavaScript is good option for taking care of encryption (on the wire) for
the password or we should try some other technology. I am doubtful that if
Flex can take care of encryption of the password.
Any feedback regardign how to encrypt migh help too,
Thanks Brendon for your help

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Wildbore, Brendon wrote:

Hi Anuj,

 All the investigation I have done points to it not being possible in flex
 (non-air flex). So amfPHP is a logical option for you, especially if you
 have already had experience with it.




 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 16 December 2008 2:01 p.m.
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] How would I Overwrite contents of External XML

 Hi Brendon
 We are working on the encryption part but do you think it is not possible
 to overwrite stuff on server with Flex. If thats the case i  have used
 amfPHP for tarnsferring data to server, then do you think amfPHP is the only
 option i left with I guess right.
 Any other guidance will be apprecited too , Also if you have better
 links/info about encryption of password on the server that will be helpful

 On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Wildbore, Brendon wrote:

 Im not 100% sure, but I don't believe flex can write to the server
 directly. You will most likely have to employ a server side http service to
 achieve this.

 Also if you are going to be storing sensitive info in an xml file, you
 should encrypt the passwords and security answers


 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 16 December 2008 1:37 p.m.
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How would I Overwrite contents of External XML

 Hi All
 I am working on change password option for the user, I am reading
 password content from external XML Files and then depending upon the
 added value I need to overwrite the external XML's files passsword
 entry. I am using following code for changing it but it is not
 working, My XML file is in the external folder but withtin the same
 project and this is one of the component which i am calling on click
 of some button. I need to overwrite data in Login.xml which is stored
 in Private folder as the separate folder in my project, Reading from
 thh xml file is no problem but writing back is an issue,
 Does anyone know where I am screwing things up?

 Many Many Thanks for your help
 //My XML
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 securityQuestionTest Security Question/securityQuestion


 mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=;
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
 public function init():void
 var getPassword:URLRequest=new URLRequest(Private/Login.xml);
 passwordLoader = new URLLoader();

 catch (error:SecurityError)
 trace(SecurityError has occurred while loading password);



 public function changePassword(evt:MouseEvent):void
 { Check the values entered. They cannot be
 else if(txt_Enter_Password.text!=txt_ReEnter_Password.text)
 { do not match);




 mx:Button x=630 y=402 label=Save click=changePassword(event);/


Re: [flexcoders] Filtering the List Entries depending upon the text entered in text Input box

2008-12-12 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Alex
Sorry to get back so late, we had release for couple of days, With you
suggestion I made it working which means it is filtering but now it is
showing the complete XML list , Is there any way I can only show the
attribute with the friendly-name.Like suggested, i put everything in
XMListCollection instead of ArrayCollection which makes it enabel to loop
throught the whoel list but that fixing raises the display issue.I am doing
something wrong here which screwed labelfunction assignfriendlyname for the
list.Please let me know how would we fix that. Many Many thanks for your

/*Revised Code*/
//XML File
device id=uuid:

attribute name=Flex/
attribute name=monitormonitoring/attribute
attribute name=version2.0/attribute
attribute name=locationlocation/attribute
attribute name=friendly-nameCamera1/attribute
attribute name=typeAIR/attribute
//This is REST CALL
mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true
//THis makes call to server

private var filteredDevices:XMLListCollection;
//Thid function is called when values are retreived
private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
devicesList = event.result.device;


filteredDevices=new XMLListCollection(devicesList);

//Checks every device
for each (var devicesInPool:* in devicesList) {
var deviceName:String = devicesinpo...@id;
//var label:string=devicesinpo...@id;

nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = filteredDevices;

//This function calls for assigning label for the entries in the List
box named nvsInPoolList

private function assignFriendlyName(item:Object):String
//Checks every device
for each (var devicesID:* in devicesList) {
var deviceName:String = devices...@id;
//Checks if the current deviceID matches the current item, if so
it will search its attributes
if(deviceName == item.toString()) {
var devicesText:XMLList =
//Checks every attribute tag for each device
for each (var attributesFriendlyName:* in devicesText) {
//Checks if the attribute name is friendly-name
if(attributesfriendlyna...@name == 'friendly-name') {
var friendlynameText:String = attributesFriendlyName.toString();
return friendlynameText;

return item.toString();
//Filtering Data in the Device List

private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;
//Tracking the typed Camera Name
private function doChange():void

mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList allowMultipleSelection=true
dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/

mx:TextInput id=txtSearch x=17 y=75 change=doChange()/

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

I'd try using XMLListCollection instead of ArrayCollection

 *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Tuesday, December 09, 2008 5:05 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Filtering the List Entries depending upon the
 text entered in text Input box

 Sorry Guys
 I posted another mail in the group. I thought it was working but it is not
 going through each node, it is just comparing with the id of the first node
 of my XML , Below is the code , I apologize for jumping to the conclusion
 that it is working as initially it seems like. I am doing somethign wrong
 which makes my code not to loop through each and every node but just
 matching it with the id of the first node of my XML,
 Please help me guys to resolve this problem

 //XML File
 device id=uuid:

 attribute name=Flex/
 attribute name=monitormonitoring/attribute
 attribute name=version2.0/attribute
 attribute name=locationlocation/attribute
 attribute name=friendly-nameCamera1/attribute
 attribute name=typeAIR/attribute
 //This is REST CALL
 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true
 //THis makes call to server
 //Thid function is called when values are retreived
 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;

 //Checks every device
 for each (var devicesInPool:* in devicesList) {
 var deviceName:String = devicesinpo...@id;
 //var label:string=devicesinpo...@id

Re: [flexcoders] Getting NULL Object Reference while deleting last element of the list

2008-12-12 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Marco
I fixed it in the first loop i need to get rid of -1 to finish the loop
correctly, its been fixed now
Thanks for your help

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Marco Catunda marco.catu...@gmail.comwrote:


 I think there is something wrong with this structure. Why make it into for
 The _addToAssociatedDevicesArr is received the same value

 for(var i:*=0;i_addDevicesLen-1;i++)

 The last loop has the same problem. The index variable t is never used.
 Why it is in for loop?

 for(var t:*=0;t_addToAssociatedDevicesArr.length;t++)


 About the problem you complain

 I think one of this variable is null value:


 Marco Catunda

 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 7:33 PM, anuj181
  Hi Guys
  I am trying to implement the delete entries of the list box. The code
  works fine till the last entry, when i am trying to delete the last
  item after selection it is throwing error TypeError: Error #1009:
  Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  I have seen this error so many times but I am not sure how will i fix
  this in the following code. Please help me in fixing this error
  mx:Button x=322 y=237 label=Add id=_addButton
  private function addToAssociatedDevices(evt:MouseEvent):void
  var _addDevicesLen:int=devicesInList.length;
  var _addToAssociatedDevicesArr:Array;
  for(var i:*=0;i_addDevicesLen-1;i++)
  if((_addToAssociatedDevicesArr is
  var removeIndex:int = 0;
  for each (var addItemVal:* in _addToAssociatedDevicesArr)
  IList(camerasInPoolList.dataProvider).addItem(addItemVal as Object);
  //Adds a device to the Add To Camera Pool list
  //Removes a device from the Remove From Pool list
  removeIndex = arrRemoveFromPool.indexOf(addItemVal);
  if(removeIndex  -1) {
  for(var t:*=0;t_addToAssociatedDevicesArr.length;t++)

Re: [flexcoders] Filtering working partially, Looping through just the first node of XML.Pls Help

2008-12-09 Thread anuj sharma
Sorry forgot to add text box code
mx:TextInput id=txtSearch x=17 y=75 change=doChange()/
doChange is called the moment user starts entering text in the text input
Thanks for all of your time

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 4:10 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All
 Guys This is regarding the problem I had few days back. I made
 filtering of the List partially working for my app after taking some
 help from this group, but I realize a bug in my program. I am making
 rest calls to load data in form of XML in List. I need to apply filter
 on this list. Depending upon the text entered in the text box , the
 list should filter. Now my problem is that the filter is working if
 user types the id of my XML node, however I want my code to go through
 all the XML file and checks if the entered text matches the attribute
 named friendly name and will filter depending upon the friendly name.
 Please help me out, Below is the code and I would appreciate if
 someone gives me right direction to make it completely working, Please
 let me know also if the code is not documented correctly to make it
 more sense
 //XML File
 device id=uuid:ac14231535625133346546
 attribute name=Flex/
 attribute name=monitormonitoring/attribute
 attribute name=version2.0/attribute
 attribute name=locationlocation/attribute
 attribute name=friendly-nameCamera1/attribute
 attribute name=typeAIR/attribute
 //This is REST CALL
 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true
 //THis makes call to server
 //Thid function is called when values are retreived
 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;

 //Checks every device
 for each (var devicesInPool:* in devicesList) {
 var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 //var label:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
 filteredDevices=new ArrayCollection(devicesInList);

 nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = filteredDevices;

 //This function calls for assigning label for the entries in the List
 box named nvsInPoolList

 private function assignFriendlyName(item:Object):String
 //Checks every device
 for each (var devicesID:* in devicesList) {
 var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 //Checks if the current deviceID matches the current item, if so
 it will search its attributes
 if(deviceName == item.toString()) {
 var devicesText:XMLList =
 //Checks every attribute tag for each device
 for each (var attributesFriendlyName:* in devicesText) {
 //Checks if the attribute name is friendly-name
 if([EMAIL PROTECTED] == 'friendly-name') {
 var friendlynameText:String = attributesFriendlyName.toString();
 return friendlynameText;

 return item.toString();
 //Filtering Data in the Device List
 private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;
 //Tracking the typed Camera Name
 private function doChange():void

 mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList allowMultipleSelection=true
 dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
 y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/


Re: [flexcoders] Filtering the List Entries depending upon the text entered in text Input box

2008-12-09 Thread anuj sharma
Sorry Guys
I posted another mail in the group. I thought it was working but it is not
going through each node, it is just comparing with the id of the first node
of my XML , Below is the code , I apologize for jumping to the conclusion
that it is working as initially it seems like. I am doing somethign wrong
which makes my code not to loop through each and every node but just
matching it with the id of the first node of my XML,
Please help me guys to resolve this problem

//XML File
device id=uuid:

attribute name=Flex/
attribute name=monitormonitoring/attribute
attribute name=version2.0/attribute
attribute name=locationlocation/attribute
attribute name=friendly-nameCamera1/attribute
attribute name=typeAIR/attribute
//This is REST CALL
mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true
//THis makes call to server
//Thid function is called when values are retreived
private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
devicesList = event.result.device;

//Checks every device
for each (var devicesInPool:* in devicesList) {
var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
//var label:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
filteredDevices=new ArrayCollection(devicesInList);

nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = filteredDevices;

//This function calls for assigning label for the entries in the List
box named nvsInPoolList

private function assignFriendlyName(item:Object):String
//Checks every device
for each (var devicesID:* in devicesList) {
var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
//Checks if the current deviceID matches the current item, if so
it will search its attributes
if(deviceName == item.toString()) {
var devicesText:XMLList =
//Checks every attribute tag for each device
for each (var attributesFriendlyName:* in devicesText) {
//Checks if the attribute name is friendly-name
if([EMAIL PROTECTED] == 'friendly-name') {
var friendlynameText:String = attributesFriendlyName.toString();
return friendlynameText;

return item.toString();
//Filtering Data in the Device List
private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;
//Tracking the typed Camera Name
private function doChange():void

mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList allowMultipleSelection=true
dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/

mx:TextInput id=txtSearch x=17 y=75 change=doChange()/

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:31 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All
 This is somehow regarding the question I have asked few weeks back.
 Unfortunately I have to stop this task at that time and now need to
 work on that. My need is that I have some entries in the List as an
 arrayCollection and there is text input box and I like to have list to
 filter the data as soon as user starts typing text. I have attached
 the so far developed code. I need as soon as user types On, the list
 below should only show first entry which is 'One-Device'. I attached
 the code but it is not working as I want. This is going to be just my
 dummy working prototype and once this module has been made working
 then i am going to merge this module into my Main Project.

 Also if anyone has any better idea about how to figure this thing out
 that will be great and instead of arrayColection if we can achieve the
 same function laity that would be helpful too.
 Thanks a lot

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
 width=100% height=100%

 import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
 import mx.effects.DefaultTileListEffect;
 import mx.controls.Alert;
 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import mx.effects.easing.Elastic;

 public var ac:ArrayCollection = new


 public var filterText:String = '';

 private function doChange():void
 this.filterText = txtSearch.text;;

 private function init():void
 ac.filterFunction = processFilter;
 private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
 var result:Boolean=false;
 if(!DevicesList.labelField.length ||


 return result;
 private function seeLabel(evt:Event):void

Re: [flexcoders] Fwd: Filtering the List Entries depending upon the text entered in text Input box

2008-12-04 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Josh
Thanks a lot, That works perfectly for my arrayCollection. Now I already
have a project in which the data provider for my List is Array and I need
the same filter functionality for the Array. can we do this filter for Array
too or do i have to change the code of my project and instead of array I
need to store complete data in ArrayCollection instead of Array and then
made that filter working. It's just lot of work to change the existing
workign code with my harsh deadline.
Please let me know which is the best way.
Again I highly appreciate your help

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Fwd: Filtering the List Entries depending upon the text entered in text Input box

2008-12-04 Thread anuj sharma
I would be able to successfully implement the same code with Array instead
of ArrayCollection but there is no method name array.refresh, However there
is method named ArrayCollection.refresh which is responsible for refreshing
my list. How do I refresh my array?Does anybody know equivalent method to
refresh array in the list? Below is the code except in the processfilter I
need to refresh array.
Thanks for your help


import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.effects.DefaultTileListEffect;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.effects.easing.Elastic;

public var ac:ArrayCollection = new
  public var arr:Array=[One,Second,Third];
public var filterText:String = '';

private function doChange():void
this.filterText = txtSearch.text;

private function init():void
private function processFilter(item:Object,index:int,
String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;

private function seeLabel(evt:Event):void

mx:List x=74 y=228 width=229 height=238 dataProvider={arr}
mx:TextInput x=74 y=198 id=txtSearch change=doChange()/

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Josh
 Thanks a lot, That works perfectly for my arrayCollection. Now I already
 have a project in which the data provider for my List is Array and I need
 the same filter functionality for the Array. can we do this filter for Array
 too or do i have to change the code of my project and instead of array I
 need to store complete data in ArrayCollection instead of Array and then
 made that filter working. It's just lot of work to change the existing
 workign code with my harsh deadline.
 Please let me know which is the best way.
 Again I highly appreciate your help

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Fwd: Filtering the List Entries depending upon the text entered in text Input box

2008-12-04 Thread anuj sharma
Not with the above code

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Array is not bindable.  Do you not get a warning?



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:44 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Fwd: Filtering the List Entries depending upon
 the text entered in text Input box

 I would be able to successfully implement the same code with Array instead
 of ArrayCollection but there is no method name array.refresh, However there
 is method named ArrayCollection.refresh which is responsible for refreshing
 my list. How do I refresh my array?Does anybody know equivalent method to
 refresh array in the list? Below is the code except in the processfilter I
 need to refresh array.
 Thanks for your help


 import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
 import mx.effects.DefaultTileListEffect;
 import mx.controls.Alert;
 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import mx.effects.easing.Elastic;

 public var ac:ArrayCollection = new
   public var arr:Array=[One,Second,Third];
 public var filterText:String = '';

 private function doChange():void
 this.filterText = txtSearch.text;

 private function init():void
 private function processFilter(item:Object,index:int,
 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;

 private function seeLabel(evt:Event):void

 mx:List x=74 y=228 width=229 height=238 dataProvider={arr}
 mx:TextInput x=74 y=198 id=txtSearch change=doChange()/

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Josh
 Thanks a lot, That works perfectly for my arrayCollection. Now I already
 have a project in which the data provider for my List is Array and I need
 the same filter functionality for the Array. can we do this filter for Array
 too or do i have to change the code of my project and instead of array I
 need to store complete data in ArrayCollection instead of Array and then
 made that filter working. It's just lot of work to change the existing
 workign code with my harsh deadline.
 Please let me know which is the best way.
 Again I highly appreciate your help

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean

 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [flexcoders] Fwd: Filtering the List Entries depending upon the text entered in text Input box

2008-12-04 Thread anuj sharma
Awesome , Cool I followed that and after little tweaks, it is working for
Josh, David, Tracy and Alex , Thanks a lot for your help guys. I appreciate

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Never bind to array, and also when you call array.filter() it will make
 a duplicate Array, things you change there won't get changed in your source
 (depending on references etc). You don't need to totally change your code,
 just create a new ArrayCollection using your existing array as the source.
 Whenever you add or delete items using the ArrayCollection, it will update
 the Array for you, and when you set a filter on ArrayCollection it only
 updates when it needs to, it's pretty smart. Then you just bind to the
 ArrayCollection instead of the Array for the dataProvider of your List or
 DataGrid or whatever.


 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 6:42 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Not with the above code

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Array is not bindable.  Do you not get a warning?



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:44 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Fwd: Filtering the List Entries depending
 upon the text entered in text Input box

 I would be able to successfully implement the same code with Array
 instead of ArrayCollection but there is no method name array.refresh,
 However there is method named ArrayCollection.refresh which is responsible
 for refreshing my list. How do I refresh my array?Does anybody know
 equivalent method to refresh array in the list? Below is the code except in
 the processfilter I need to refresh array.
 Thanks for your help


 import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
 import mx.effects.DefaultTileListEffect;
 import mx.controls.Alert;
 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import mx.effects.easing.Elastic;

 public var ac:ArrayCollection = new
   public var arr:Array=[One,Second,Third];
 public var filterText:String = '';

 private function doChange():void
 this.filterText = txtSearch.text;

 private function init():void
 private function processFilter(item:Object,index:int,
 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;

 private function seeLabel(evt:Event):void

 mx:List x=74 y=228 width=229 height=238 dataProvider={arr}
 mx:TextInput x=74 y=198 id=txtSearch change=doChange()/

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Josh
 Thanks a lot, That works perfectly for my arrayCollection. Now I already
 have a project in which the data provider for my List is Array and I need
 the same filter functionality for the Array. can we do this filter for Array
 too or do i have to change the code of my project and instead of array I
 need to store complete data in ArrayCollection instead of Array and then
 made that filter working. It's just lot of work to change the existing
 workign code with my harsh deadline.
 Please let me know which is the best way.
 Again I highly appreciate your help

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean

 String(item).toUpperCase().indexOf(filterText.toUpperCase()) = 0;


 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for Arrays?

2008-12-02 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tracy
Finally I would be able to retrieve labels but sorry I used labelFunction
because for some reason labelfield is breaking other programmer's code: I
have no idea why.
So Below is my code. But Now I am doing some logical error. I am getting all
the values in an array but it gives all the entries in all the whole list.
For example if there are 10 values named friendly name I need the list to
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3

Value10 as 10 entries in the list but with my code it is showing
Value1,Value2Value10 10times in 10 rows with 10 entries in each row 10
times . I guess I am messing up in the logic. Can you please help me to fix
this problem.
Thanks alot for all your help


public var arrPoolNameText:Array=new Array();
private function assignFriendlyName(item:Object):String
var devicesTextFN:XMLList =

for each (var attributesInFriendlyPool:* in devicesTextFN)
//Checks if the attribute name is pool
if([EMAIL PROTECTED] == 'friendly-name')
var poolnameText:String =
return arrPoolNameText.toString();

mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList labelFunction=assignFriendlyName
horizontalScrollPolicy=on allowMultipleSelection=true
dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Skip the Array entirely.

 Use the devicesCollection directly as the dataProvider:

 nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = devicesCollection;

  Then do:

 mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList
 labelField=[EMAIL PROTECTED] …/

 labelField tells List what to display.

 Then nvrsInPoolList.selectedItem will contain the *entire xml node* and
 you can access any value from it,



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Monday, December 01, 2008 4:27 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for

 Hi Tracy
 Yes I have attached code to tell you exactly how I am doing this. I am
 assigning an Array to my dataProvider and my array consists of XML Nodes. I
 hope I answer all of your questions. I am putting array of XML Nodes as
 dataProviders in List. I hope the code below will help you. Please let me
 know how to solve the problem of displaying different entities as labels and
 values in the List.
 Thanks for all your help

 //MXML Code
 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true

 mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList allowMultipleSelection=true
 dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
 y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/

 //Action Script Code

 private var devicesInList:Array=new Array();
 private var devicesList:XMLList;
 private var poolsList:XMLList;
 private var devicesCollection:XMLListCollection;

 public function init()
 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;
 devicesCollection = new XMLListCollection(devicesList);

//Checks every device
 for each (var devicesInPool:* in devicesList) {
 var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 var label:[EMAIL PROTECTED];

 nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = devicesInList;

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 dataProviders do not display anything.  But whatever your display
 component, there is a way to specify which property on the item you want to

 You say your dataProvider is an array.  Are you sure?  How are you sure?
 Are you using the work array in its purely technical sense, or in a more
 generic sense, that includes associative array and arrayCollection?

 If it is an Array, what is it an array of? (dynamic objects, scalar values,
 xml nodes?)

 What is your resultFormat?

 Have you inspected your data in the result handler function?



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Monday, December 01, 2008 2:48 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for Arrays

Re: [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for Arrays?

2008-12-02 Thread anuj sharma
Alright Tracy
Sorry for the confusion and the ambiguity, I fixed it. Actually I was
looping through it and testing the condition without checking the match but
now this function below is working. It is showing me the attributes I was
looking for now.
Thanks for your help and again.

private function assignFriendlyName(item:Object):String
//Checks every device
for each (var devicesID:* in devicesList) {
var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
//Checks if the current deviceID matches the current
item, if so it will search its attributes
if(deviceName == item.toString()) {
var devicesText:XMLList =
//Checks every attribute tag for each device
for each (var attributesFriendlyName:* in
devicesText) {
//Checks if the attribute name is friendly-name
'friendly-name') {
var friendlynameText:String =
return friendlynameText;
return item.toString();

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do not understand what you are trying to do, but…

 In your labelfunction logic, you are not using any values from the passed
 in row item.  That does not make any sense.  The purpose of a
 labelFunction is to use the row item properties to build a string to
 display.  Look at that logic again.



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Tuesday, December 02, 2008 6:02 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for

 Hi Tracy
 Finally I would be able to retrieve labels but sorry I used labelFunction
 because for some reason labelfield is breaking other programmer's code: I
 have no idea why.
 So Below is my code. But Now I am doing some logical error. I am getting
 all the values in an array but it gives all the entries in all the whole
 list. For example if there are 10 values named friendly name I need the list
 to show
 Value 1
 Value 2
 Value 3

 Value10 as 10 entries in the list but with my code it is showing
 Value1,Value2Value10 10times in 10 rows with 10 entries in each row 10
 times . I guess I am messing up in the logic. Can you please help me to fix
 this problem.
 Thanks alot for all your help


 public var arrPoolNameText:Array=new Array();
 private function assignFriendlyName(item:Object):String
 var devicesTextFN:XMLList =

 for each (var attributesInFriendlyPool:* in devicesTextFN)
 //Checks if the attribute name is pool
 if([EMAIL PROTECTED] == 'friendly-name')
 var poolnameText:String =
 return arrPoolNameText.toString();

 mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList labelFunction=assignFriendlyName
 horizontalScrollPolicy=on allowMultipleSelection=true
 dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
 y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Skip the Array entirely.

 Use the devicesCollection directly as the dataProvider:

 nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = devicesCollection;

 Then do:

 mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList
 labelField=[EMAIL PROTECTED] …/

 labelField tells List what to display.

 Then nvrsInPoolList.selectedItem will contain the *entire xml node* and
 you can access any value from it,



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Monday, December 01, 2008 4:27 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for

 Hi Tracy
 Yes I have attached code to tell you exactly how I am doing this. I am
 assigning an Array to my dataProvider and my array consists of XML Nodes. I
 hope I answer all of your questions. I am putting array of XML Nodes as
 dataProviders in List. I hope the code below will help you. Please let me
 know how to solve the problem of displaying different entities as labels and
 values in the List.

Re: [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for Arrays?

2008-12-01 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tracy
Yes I have attached code to tell you exactly how I am doing this. I am
assigning an Array to my dataProvider and my array consists of XML Nodes. I
hope I answer all of your questions. I am putting array of XML Nodes as
dataProviders in List. I hope the code below will help you. Please let me
know how to solve the problem of displaying different entities as labels and
values in the List.
Thanks for all your help

//MXML Code
mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true

mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList allowMultipleSelection=true
dragMoveEnabled=true dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true
y=105 x=17 height=462 width=294/

//Action Script Code

private var devicesInList:Array=new Array();
private var devicesList:XMLList;
private var poolsList:XMLList;
private var devicesCollection:XMLListCollection;

public function init()
private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
devicesList = event.result.device;
devicesCollection = new XMLListCollection(devicesList);

   //Checks every device
for each (var devicesInPool:* in devicesList) {
var deviceName:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
var label:[EMAIL PROTECTED];

nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = devicesInList;

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dataProviders do not display anything.  But whatever your display
 component, there is a way to specify which property on the item you want to

 You say your dataProvider is an array.  Are you sure?  How are you sure?
 Are you using the work array in its purely technical sense, or in a more
 generic sense, that includes associative array and arrayCollection?

 If it is an Array, what is it an array of? (dynamic objects, scalar values,
 xml nodes?)

 What is your resultFormat?

 Have you inspected your data in the result handler function?



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Monday, December 01, 2008 2:48 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Is there any Name -Value Pair concept for Arrays?

 Hi All
 I am retrieving some data using HTTP from PostGres database. I would
 be successfully able to put all the entries in UDN's in the list box
 (using REST Calls). Now my requirement is that I need to display an
 attribute name Friendly name which is already in the database as the
 label (VISUAL entry ) in the list but when user performs different
 operations like drag and drop, I need the complete string in form XML
 to be send. So to make long story short I need to display friendly
 name as list entries but behind the curtain that label have exact
 complete value coming from the Database. Now is there any way that I
 can tell my data provider (which is an Array in my case) that to
 display just the specific attribute for the database and while doing
 operation send the whole value.
 Any links, examples and help will be appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] How to send data as XML (data is loaded through HTTP in List Box)

2008-11-25 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tracy
I agree, I just fixed this problem 5 minutes ago. Actually problem was I
stores everything in XML List but I was passing an array containing label as
the data Provider which was just for the visual perspective, so for sending
data I need to grab the XML List's nodes associated with the particular
entry of the array and i did that. So Now my problem is solved. I apologize
for the inconvenience. Sometimes it happened with me that the moment I put
the post on the list , and within little time i just figured out. Please do
not mind that.
Thanks a lot for your help.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

…it is dropping just the label…. I doubt that that is correct.  Why
 do you think it is so?  What is the dataProvider type for both lists?  The
 built-in d/d functionality expects the same types in source and target and
 copies or moves entire items.  The second list is expecting the same type of
 item as the first.

 We need more code/detail.



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:44 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] How to send data as XML (data is loaded through
 HTTP in List Box)

 Hi All
 I use HTTP service to load data in List Box. I pasted code below, Now
 I need to allow drag and drop operation which I am successfully able
 to do that. However once items are dropped in second list , I need to
 wrap up the data as XML and send it to server , I guess i will use
 'POST' method for that. Now root of my problem is when I am dragging
 and dropping items from one list to another, it is dropping just the
 label of the entries in form of string(XML List) but not the full XML
 node. From visual perspective it looks fine but what I need is to send
 data as an XML simply as simply sending the string would not process
 the necessary update to the database. Can anybody help me in getting
 hold of data in my list as XML but not as simple strings. Any help
 will be appreciated.

 /***My Code/

 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true

 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;
 devicesCollection = new XMLListCollection(devicesList);

 nvrsInPoolList.dataProvider = devicesInList;

 mx:List id=nvrsInPoolList change=selectionChangehandler(event)
 allowMultipleSelection=true dragMoveEnabled=true
 dragEnabled=true dropEnabled=true y=105 x=17 height=462


Re: [flexcoders] How to Add and Remove items from one list to another on click of button

2008-11-24 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Guys Problem Solved. If anyone needed that code here it is on click of
button call this function

private function addToAssociatedDevices(evt:MouseEvent):void
var _addDevicesLen:int=devicesInList.length;
var _addToAssociatedDevicesArr:Array;

for(var i:*=0;i_addDevicesLen-1;i++)
if((_addToAssociatedDevicesArr is
for each (var addItemVal:* in

IList(camerasInPoolList.dataProvider).addItem(addItemVal as Object);
for(var t:*=0;t_addToAssociatedDevicesArr.length;t++)


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:41 AM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All
 I am trying to move multiple items from one list to another on click
 of Add button. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have data provider
 for both these lists as an array and I was thinking that for adding I
 need to put the selected items in another array and need to add that
 array items in first list and delete those items from the second list.
 Does anyone know how would i achieve that functionality and is this
 the right approach, My data provider is dynamic and I used HTTP
 service to constantly update my database. Can anyone help me in moving
 selected items from one list to another on click of button. Any links,
 examples and help will be appreciated
 Many Many Thanks in advance.


Re: [flexcoders] FlexBuilder compiler errors on CSS

2008-11-24 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tom
I used external CSS as follows
and it is working fine in my case.
However if I modify my external CSS using Dreamwaever it does not sho the
property backgroundAlpha though.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Tom McNeer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 When using an external CSS file in my Flex apps, I receive compiler errors
 from attributes that are not valid for normal browser CSS ('property
 backgroundAlpha doesn't exist'), either because the attributes don't exist
 in HTML (fillAlphas) or because they are written in Actionscript style
 (fontSize rather than font-size).

 Has anyone else seen this, or know why it might be happening?

 These errors don't occur if the CSS are within the Style tag in the main
 application file. They occur during the build, and I get the usual alert
 about errors in the project, asking if I want to continue to launch the



 Tom McNeer
 1735 Johnson Road NE
 Atlanta, GA 30306

Re: [flexcoders] Getting IP address of the local machine

2008-11-20 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tom
SOrry for the misleading subject, I need server's address and I got through
PHP, Thanks

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:05 AM, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 19 Nov 2008, anuj181 wrote:
  Is it possible to get the IP Address of the serveron which you Flex
  App is running.

 No, Flex runs on the client, not the server.
 What exactly are you trying to do ?

 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to synergistically revolutionize user-centric eigth-generation


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 Alternative FAQ location:
 Search Archives:! Groups

Re: [flexcoders] How to SelectAll entries in List

2008-11-20 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Alex and Josh
Thanks for your help.
Worked perfectly for me. I was just little lazy to look for some in-built
property like selectALL in Flex for that, but your logic works perfect for
Thanks again guys

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 var all : Array;

 if (myList.dataProvider is Array)
   all = myList.dataProvider.concat();
   all = [];
   for (var o : * in myList.dataProvider)

 myList.selectedItems = all;

 Note that you might want to use myList.dataProvider.source() if it's a
 collection of some sort, but that could backfire when sorts or filters are
 applied. It might not, I haven't checked through the source or tested it,
 but it might. YMMV, etc :)


 On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 8:32 AM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys
 In the list allowMultipleSelection allows me to select multiple
 entries of the list box. How would i implement the 'Select All'
 functionality, I need all the entries of the list to be selected if I
 click on the button. Pls let me know
 Thanks in advance


 Flexcoders Mailing List
 Alternative FAQ location:
 Search Archives:! Groups

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Does Smart Serach like 'You tube' does possible in Flex ?

2008-11-19 Thread anuj sharma
Alright if that's the case, I will give it a shot.
Thanks  a lot guys for your help

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Guy Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It's covered by the BSD license, which is pretty generous...

 On 19/11/2008, at 1:03 PM, anuj sharma wrote:

 No Worries Charlie,
 That's really helpful. I imported SWC in my library and it is doing what it
 is supposed to do. I hope there are no licensing issue with using SWC files
 within my project andif i have all my data in the Dataprovider do you think
 this should be good to go for the search.
 And i am assuming after minor tweaks it can talk to external XML File and
 work within LAN. Please let me know. Many Many Thanks for your help.

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:39 PM, zwigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In,
 zwigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In,
 anuj181 anuj181@ wrote:
   Hi Guys
   If you go to You tube and when you start typing stuff then you get
   suggestions for the related text you types. I have requirement
   something like this. I pulled the data in my list box and we have
   make it search able like if user starts typing in the text box say
   'Adobe..', the list containing the original data starts getting
   filtered with the entries starting with name 'Adobe' . if the user
   does not enter anything in the text box, he/she will receive the
   original list with the complete data. My question to you genius
   is that is it possible in Flex 3.0/AS 3.0 or should i go through
   other language. I read somewhere that it can be done using AJAX
   like to achieve this functionality using Flex.
   Please let me know if this is doable , any help/links will also be
  Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but the
  autocomplete manager component in the yahoo library is pretty good
  this behavior.

 Actually you probably want the flex components My apologies.



Re: [flexcoders] Getting IP address of the local machine

2008-11-19 Thread anuj sharma
Okay if thats the case do you have the code which is doing something like
that. I know little bit Flex but I ma fairly new to PHP.
Thanks a lot

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Mark Easton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I dont know about flex itself, but flex can call php and get the ip
 address from that.

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:41 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Getting IP address of the local machine

 Is it possible to get the IP Address of the serveron which you Flex
 App is running. My requirement is that I need to get the IP address of
 the server .
 Please let me know if Flex supports getting the IP address of the
 server machine, I know we can do that with PHP but i am just wondering
 if its possible with Flex exclusively.
 Thanks in advance

 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.6/1797 - Release Date: 11/19/2008
 8:58 AM


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Getting IP address of the local machine

2008-11-19 Thread anuj sharma
Alright guys
Fixed the problem
return $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; in PHP and use AMFPHP to use it in Flex

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Dmitri Girski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In, Mark
 Easton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I dont know about flex itself, but flex can call php and get the ip
  from that.

 PHP/Server can't always return the machine's IP. If machine is
 behind the NAT/proxy, proxy address will be returned.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Does Smart Serach like 'You tube' does possible in Flex ?

2008-11-18 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Charlie
Thanks for the link, it is good to know about that but unfortunately my
company would not allow me to talk to yahoo services.
If i can get hold of the complete code of how this service is generating
this search, that would be great help to me. Also to make things little more
clear, I need that the list will be updated as user starts type, so
basically there is already list having entries and when user starts typing,
the list should getting filtered. Hope I am clear, please let me know if you
have more guidance in that direction.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:21 PM, zwigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In,
 anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Guys
  If you go to You tube and when you start typing stuff then you get
  suggestions for the related text you types. I have requirement
  something like this. I pulled the data in my list box and we have to
  make it search able like if user starts typing in the text box say
  'Adobe..', the list containing the original data starts getting
  filtered with the entries starting with name 'Adobe' . if the user
  does not enter anything in the text box, he/she will receive the
  original list with the complete data. My question to you genius guys
  is that is it possible in Flex 3.0/AS 3.0 or should i go through
  other language. I read somewhere that it can be done using AJAX but
  like to achieve this functionality using Flex.
  Please let me know if this is doable , any help/links will also be

 Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but the
 autocomplete manager component in the yahoo library is pretty good at
 this behavior.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Does Smart Serach like 'You tube' does possible in Flex ?

2008-11-18 Thread anuj sharma
Also forgot to mention, there can be chance that my app will be used when
the user cannot have access to internet (but can have access to intranet).

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:41 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Charlie
 Thanks for the link, it is good to know about that but unfortunately my
 company would not allow me to talk to yahoo services.
 If i can get hold of the complete code of how this service is generating
 this search, that would be great help to me. Also to make things little more
 clear, I need that the list will be updated as user starts type, so
 basically there is already list having entries and when user starts typing,
 the list should getting filtered. Hope I am clear, please let me know if you
 have more guidance in that direction.

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:21 PM, zwigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In,
 anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Guys
  If you go to You tube and when you start typing stuff then you get
  suggestions for the related text you types. I have requirement
  something like this. I pulled the data in my list box and we have to
  make it search able like if user starts typing in the text box say
  'Adobe..', the list containing the original data starts getting
  filtered with the entries starting with name 'Adobe' . if the user
  does not enter anything in the text box, he/she will receive the
  original list with the complete data. My question to you genius guys
  is that is it possible in Flex 3.0/AS 3.0 or should i go through
  other language. I read somewhere that it can be done using AJAX but
  like to achieve this functionality using Flex.
  Please let me know if this is doable , any help/links will also be

 Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but the
 autocomplete manager component in the yahoo library is pretty good at
 this behavior.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Does Smart Serach like 'You tube' does possible in Flex ?

2008-11-18 Thread anuj sharma
No Worries Charlie,
That's really helpful. I imported SWC in my library and it is doing what it
is supposed to do. I hope there are no licensing issue with using SWC files
within my project andif i have all my data in the Dataprovider do you think
this should be good to go for the search.
And i am assuming after minor tweaks it can talk to external XML File and
work within LAN. Please let me know. Many Many Thanks for your help.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:39 PM, zwigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In,
 zwigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In,
 anuj181 anuj181@ wrote:
   Hi Guys
   If you go to You tube and when you start typing stuff then you get
   suggestions for the related text you types. I have requirement
   something like this. I pulled the data in my list box and we have
   make it search able like if user starts typing in the text box say
   'Adobe..', the list containing the original data starts getting
   filtered with the entries starting with name 'Adobe' . if the user
   does not enter anything in the text box, he/she will receive the
   original list with the complete data. My question to you genius
   is that is it possible in Flex 3.0/AS 3.0 or should i go through
   other language. I read somewhere that it can be done using AJAX
   like to achieve this functionality using Flex.
   Please let me know if this is doable , any help/links will also be
  Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but the
  autocomplete manager component in the yahoo library is pretty good
  this behavior.

 Actually you probably want the flex components My apologies.



Re: [flexcoders] Security Sandbox Violation message

2008-11-17 Thread anuj sharma
When I got this error in my app
I set Security.allowDomain(*);
I am not sure that's the right way of doing stuff but that did take care of
my run time error and make my app up and running.

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 9:57 PM, brucewhealton

   Hello all,
 Anyone have any ideas as to why I would get this message:
 Security Sandbox Violation? I googled it and came up with a listing
 where it said that if I was seeing it in Firefox browser to try it in
 IE browser. I did that and did not get the message when using IE.
 Note, this only happens when debugging an application.
 The thing is that what I was reading suggested that the
 problem could be that I don't have the plug-in for the Flash Player
 debugger version. However, I do have that version of Flash Player for
 Firefox. Any other ideas as to why it might show up when debugging an
 application locally?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Setting cursor to particular text box on the application load

2008-11-12 Thread anuj sharma
Thanks Jim
It is surprising that Flex does not provide that i built functionality.
Anyways I will try to implement JavaScript way.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 7:42 AM, jim.abbott45 [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   In order for this to work, your application _as a whole_ needs to do
 two things. One of them is (in Flex) to use the setFocus() method to
 specify where (in the Flex applications) focus should go. From your
 posting it appears that you have already done this.

 The other thing is that the _entire Flex application itself_ needs to
 first get focus. This is not done in Flex, it needs to be done in the
 'HTML Wrapper' page which loads the Flex application. Please locate
 your Flex project's index.template.html file and open it for
 editing. Then add JavaScript code which will cause the Flex
 application to receive focus when the HTML page is loaded. The
 simplest way to do this is to add an inline event handler to the
 page's BODY element. For example, if the HTML Wrapper page is being
 viewed in the IE v7 Web browser, then the following code should work:

 body scroll=no onLoad=window.document.${application}.focus();

 Please note that the behavior might be slightly different in other
 browsers (i.e., FireFox, Safari, etc.) and you may have to tweak the
 JavaScript code to achieve a robust solution.


 --- In,
 anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to set the cursor to the text input while your app
  loads. I am using setFocus to particular text input but it is just
  setting the focus to my text box but not the cursor. Is it possible to
  set the cursor to the text box on the app load.


Re: [flexcoders] Gettign data from the list and putting into an array

2008-11-12 Thread anuj sharma
Thanks a lot tracy,
That worked
I appreciate ur help.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Depending on the dataProvider, it might be as simple as:

 var aList2:array = dataProvider.source; //to put the data into an array


 dataProvider.removeall(); to empty the list.



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Wednesday, November 12, 2008 5:22 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Gettign data from the list and putting into an

 Hi Guys
 I am moving data from one list(A) to another(B) using drag-drop
 manager. The data is showing fine in both the lists, it is basically
 moving the selected entries form one list to another. Now my
 requirement is as soon as user clicks on a 'Add Button' , my code
 should put all the entries in list B in an array. Basically i want to
 retrieve the contents of List B (which were dragged from List A) and
 put them in an array.
 Also is there any way to empty the filled list too. I like if user
 hits 'Cancel' button the List B should be empty.
 Please let me know if you have any idea about the solution of above


Re: [flexcoders] drag and drop from Tree to List

2008-11-10 Thread anuj sharma
I am not sure I get that but in general if you drag and drop from lets' say
'A' to B' ,I have used to drag and drop both ways from one list to another
and I did is as follows



Thats worked in my case , i was moving entries though. Hope that helps
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:14 AM, graysonpierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   I have a tree and a list that I'd like to use drag and drop on to do the

 1. Do reordering in the list (ie move the items around)
 2. Drag items from the tree to the list in order to copy items

 The problem I'm experiencing is that when I turn on dropEnabled=true
 on the list the reordering of the list works fine however it stops
 allowing the tree to drop items on the list even if I explicitly set a
 drag enter function list this

 public function onDragEnter( event:DragEvent ) : void {


Re: [flexcoders] Casting Problem Dragging from one list and Dropping into another

2008-11-07 Thread anuj sharma
That's interesting because I am using the same code for both the lists, for
both the lists I am enabling dragmove enabled property true. In short they
all have the same property defined, so technically they should work but
that's my surprise that they work one way and i cannot drop back.
I have no idea Tracy.
Please let me know if you have any.
Also if it helps should should i change my approach of drag and drop because
as far as i know you can do drag and drop multiple ways, either directly
defining source and destination or using all function drag enter , drag exit
and drag complete.
Pls let me know if you have any altenative.

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why is it failing?



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 06, 2008 8:38 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Casting Problem Dragging from one list and
 Dropping into another

 Alright Guys I fixed this casting problem, I need to put everythig in XML
 instead of Arrray, it is dropping fields from one list to other now, but now
 i came up with another problem which is that I need to move fields from list
 1 to list 2, However it is allowing me to move from list one to 2nd but not
 from 2nd to first. The way i enable move is with the dragMoveEnabled
 property true. Below is the code for the both the list. Please let me know
 how would i enable move back from the second list to the first one.
 Thanks again for your help.

 //First list
  var _selectedCameras:List=new List();

 //Second List
  var _selectCameras:List=new List();

 On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:42 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys
 I am trying to drag contents of one list and drop it into the second List.
 I am having issues that first list has values from XML List Collection
 and only i need is the 'id' attribute of the XML and I am successful
 in getting XML List in 1st list. I am using HTTP Service. Now my
 problem is that when i am trying to drag and drop the fields from
 first list it puts filed in the second list with [object,object]. I am
 using array to grab values from 1st list. I have attached the code.
 Anyone has any idea where I am messing things. To me it looks like
 casting problems. Please let me know how would I fix this issue as I
 only need the same field from one list to other.
 Thanks a lot for you help guys
 /*My Code*/
 //First List
 public var _selectedCameras:List=new List();

 //Second List
 var _selectCameras:List=new List();
 _selectCameras.dataProvider=new ArrayCollection();
 _selectCameras.labelField=@id; _selectCameras.dataProvider=new


 //Result of the From the data base
 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;
 devicesCollection = new XMLListCollection(devicesList);
 !--Calling deviceXML Handler--
 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true/

 //Calling Function for Drop Manager
 private function onListDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void
 { if(event.dragSource.hasFormat(items))
 { event.preventDefault();
 var dropTarget:List=List(event.currentTarget);
 var itemArray:Array=event.dragSource.dataForFormat(items) as Array;

 //Copy the new Dragged data into a new Object

 var tempItem:Object={label:itemArray[0].label,data:itemArray[0].data};
 //Get the drop location in the destination
 if(dropTarget !=null)
 var dropLoc:int=dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(event);

 if((tempItem!=null)  (dropTarget!=null))
 //Add the new object to the drop target


Re: [flexcoders] Casting Problem Dragging from one list and Dropping into another

2008-11-07 Thread anuj sharma
Hey Guys
How smart I am , I have given the same name to the both source and
destination . So i figured that out and its working .
Sorry for the stupid question and thanks fro ur help

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 10:32 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's interesting because I am using the same code for both the lists, for
 both the lists I am enabling dragmove enabled property true. In short they
 all have the same property defined, so technically they should work but
 that's my surprise that they work one way and i cannot drop back.
 I have no idea Tracy.
 Please let me know if you have any.
 Also if it helps should should i change my approach of drag and drop
 because as far as i know you can do drag and drop multiple ways, either
 directly defining source and destination or using all function drag enter ,
 drag exit and drag complete.
 Pls let me know if you have any altenative.

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Why is it failing?



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 06, 2008 8:38 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Casting Problem Dragging from one list and
 Dropping into another

 Alright Guys I fixed this casting problem, I need to put everythig in XML
 instead of Arrray, it is dropping fields from one list to other now, but now
 i came up with another problem which is that I need to move fields from list
 1 to list 2, However it is allowing me to move from list one to 2nd but not
 from 2nd to first. The way i enable move is with the dragMoveEnabled
 property true. Below is the code for the both the list. Please let me know
 how would i enable move back from the second list to the first one.
 Thanks again for your help.

 //First list
  var _selectedCameras:List=new List();

 //Second List
  var _selectCameras:List=new List();

 On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:42 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys
 I am trying to drag contents of one list and drop it into the second List.
 I am having issues that first list has values from XML List Collection
 and only i need is the 'id' attribute of the XML and I am successful
 in getting XML List in 1st list. I am using HTTP Service. Now my
 problem is that when i am trying to drag and drop the fields from
 first list it puts filed in the second list with [object,object]. I am
 using array to grab values from 1st list. I have attached the code.
 Anyone has any idea where I am messing things. To me it looks like
 casting problems. Please let me know how would I fix this issue as I
 only need the same field from one list to other.
 Thanks a lot for you help guys
 /*My Code*/
 //First List
 public var _selectedCameras:List=new List();

 //Second List
 var _selectCameras:List=new List();
 _selectCameras.dataProvider=new ArrayCollection();
 _selectCameras.labelField=@id; _selectCameras.dataProvider=new


 //Result of the From the data base
 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;
 devicesCollection = new XMLListCollection(devicesList);
 !--Calling deviceXML Handler--
 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true/

 //Calling Function for Drop Manager
 private function onListDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void
 { if(event.dragSource.hasFormat(items))
 { event.preventDefault();
 var dropTarget:List=List(event.currentTarget);
 var itemArray:Array=event.dragSource.dataForFormat(items) as Array;

 //Copy the new Dragged data into a new Object

 var tempItem:Object={label:itemArray[0].label,data:itemArray[0].data};
 //Get the drop location in the destination
 if(dropTarget !=null)
 var dropLoc:int=dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(event);

 if((tempItem!=null)  (dropTarget!=null))
 //Add the new object to the drop target


Re: [flexcoders] Casting Problem Dragging from one list and Dropping into another

2008-11-06 Thread anuj sharma
Alright Guys I fixed this casting problem, I need to put everythig in XML
instead of Arrray, it is dropping fields from one list to other now, but now
i came up with another problem which is that I need to move fields from list
1 to list 2, However it is allowing me to move from list one to 2nd but not
from 2nd to first. The way i enable move is with the dragMoveEnabled
property true. Below is the code for the both the list. Please let me know
how would i enable move back from the second list to the first one.
Thanks again for your help.

//First list
 var _selectedCameras:List=new List();

//Second List
 var _selectCameras:List=new List();

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:42 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Guys
 I am trying to drag contents of one list and drop it into the second List.
 I am having issues that first list has values from XML List Collection
 and only i need is the 'id' attribute of the XML and I am successful
 in getting XML List in 1st list. I am using HTTP Service. Now my
 problem is that when i am trying to drag and drop the fields from
 first list it puts filed in the second list with [object,object]. I am
 using array to grab values from 1st list. I have attached the code.
 Anyone has any idea where I am messing things. To me it looks like
 casting problems. Please let me know how would I fix this issue as I
 only need the same field from one list to other.
 Thanks a lot for you help guys
 /*My Code*/
 //First List
 public var _selectedCameras:List=new List();

 //Second List
 var _selectCameras:List=new List();
 _selectCameras.dataProvider=new ArrayCollection();
 _selectCameras.labelField=@id; _selectCameras.dataProvider=new


 //Result of the From the data base
 private function devicesXMLHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
 devicesList = event.result.device;
 devicesCollection = new XMLListCollection(devicesList);
 !--Calling deviceXML Handler--
 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true/

 //Calling Function for Drop Manager
 private function onListDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void
 { if(event.dragSource.hasFormat(items))
 { event.preventDefault();
 var dropTarget:List=List(event.currentTarget);
 var itemArray:Array=event.dragSource.dataForFormat(items) as Array;

 //Copy the new Dragged data into a new Object

 var tempItem:Object={label:itemArray[0].label,data:itemArray[0].data};
 //Get the drop location in the destination
 if(dropTarget !=null)
 var dropLoc:int=dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(event);

 if((tempItem!=null)  (dropTarget!=null))
 //Add the new object to the drop target


Re: [flexcoders] Basic Tab Question

2008-10-29 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Josh
I guess you found that for me. Awesome , i hope i would be able to style
that and embed any image on that.
Thanks a lot for your help Josh. I appreciate that.

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Erm, that would be vertical :D

 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try a ToggleButtonBar using direction=horizontal

 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:19 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Josh
 Thanks for the reply
 I check Accordion. I think that's not exacty what i am looking for.
 Acordion is like collapsible menus having different components in it but I
 am looking for the tabs (which were on the left navigation pane) upon click
 of which the contents affiliated to that specific tab will be displayed on
 the right. Please let me know if there is any inbuilt compoent in the flex
 that will take care of that.
 Thanks a lot for your help

 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You should check out the Accordion control.


 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:03 AM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have seen Tab-navigator in Flex 3.0. I have basic question. Is it
 possible to to stack tabs vertically rather than horizontally . I have
 a requirement in which I have to make something like horizontal tabs
 but they have to be stacked vertically and then I need to embed image
 in those vertical tabs.
 Please let me know how would i do that
 Thanks a lot guys


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 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Basic Tab Question

2008-10-28 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Josh
Thanks for the reply
I check Accordion. I think that's not exacty what i am looking for. Acordion
is like collapsible menus having different components in it but I am looking
for the tabs (which were on the left navigation pane) upon click of which
the contents affiliated to that specific tab will be displayed on the right.
Please let me know if there is any inbuilt compoent in the flex that will
take care of that.
Thanks a lot for your help

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You should check out the Accordion control.


 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:03 AM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have seen Tab-navigator in Flex 3.0. I have basic question. Is it
 possible to to stack tabs vertically rather than horizontally . I have
 a requirement in which I have to make something like horizontal tabs
 but they have to be stacked vertically and then I need to embed image
 in those vertical tabs.
 Please let me know how would i do that
 Thanks a lot guys


 Flexcoders Mailing List
 Alternative FAQ location:
 Search Archives:! Groups

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Mark
I looked at the official website of  Light stream , it seems that that's
what we need. Now my question to you is if I am using this for my company do
i have to pay something or is it totally going to be free. Are there any
licensing issues involved with that.
Please let me know

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:26 PM, markgoldin_2000

   I have been working on a data pushing solution using Lightstreamer
 push server. Works with Flex via Ajax bridge. True real time data
 updates. Take a look at LS push server web site. They have examples
 for Flex.

 --- In, john
 fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am working on a similar problem...
  I don't use PostGres, but there may be some sort of export to XML
  function. *If* that can fire on changes ( or you set up the
  inserts/updates that way), then you have something that an
  can acquire directly. But somebody still has to ask the file if it
  You use a socket connection to stuff an event into the dataprovider.
  Theres some examples in the adobe docs.
  you poll, but don't refresh the whole html page, just the data in
  swf, and only when it changes. My users cant tell the difference
  polling and the socket connection in the two demos I made.
  I'm just a newbie, so if there is another way, I'd sure like to hear
  about it.
  Paul Andrews wrote:
   Isn't this simply a problem that multiple calls are required to
 poll the database for change? I think the OP really needs a push type
   There's no way to know that the database table has changed
 without polling the database..


Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tracy
Thanks for the link. Now in the link i couldn't find the specific example
using timer for constant  calling for HTTP service.
Can you please tell me where exactly the example is located. Your help will
be appreciated.
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

Yes, polling using Timer will work fine.  I even have an example on, but it is pretty simple to do.



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:02 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with
 the database. Please Help

 Hi Guys
 Thanks for your different approaches to solve this problem.I will try all
 of them and see which one will suit my management, but i really appreciate
 that. I have one solution which recently struck me , please let me know if
 this is the right one. Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance
 which will periodically call HTTP and check which entries are in database
 and update the dataProvider with the recent entries. Do you guys think this
 is going to work. i am going to explore all the solutions recommended by you
 guys and see which is most convenient and efficient to implement with my
 Please let me know if Timer thing is going to work for database.
 Again Appreciate your help

 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:26 PM, markgoldin_2000 

 I have been working on a data pushing solution using Lightstreamer
 push server. Works with Flex via Ajax bridge. True real time data
 updates. Take a look at LS push server web site. They have examples
 for Flex.

 --- In, john
 fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am working on a similar problem...
  I don't use PostGres, but there may be some sort of export to XML
  function. *If* that can fire on changes ( or you set up the
  inserts/updates that way), then you have something that an
  can acquire directly. But somebody still has to ask the file if it
  You use a socket connection to stuff an event into the dataprovider.
  Theres some examples in the adobe docs.
  you poll, but don't refresh the whole html page, just the data in
  swf, and only when it changes. My users cant tell the difference
  polling and the socket connection in the two demos I made.
  I'm just a newbie, so if there is another way, I'd sure like to hear
  about it.
  Paul Andrews wrote:
   Isn't this simply a problem that multiple calls are required to
 poll the database for change? I think the OP really needs a push type
   There's no way to know that the database table has changed
 without polling the database..


Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread anuj sharma
Hi John
I am not sure i get what you are trying to say. Can you be please elaborate
little bit more.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:13 AM, john fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   @mark: thanks will check it out
 this is just exactly what the adobe sample code does, except not
 directly to the database.

 anuj sharma wrote:
  ... Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance

  which will periodically call HTTP a

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tracy
Thank you very much for the link. I really appreciate that.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 22, 2008 2:20 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with
 the database. Please Help

 Hi Tracy
 Thanks for the link. Now in the link i couldn't find the specific example
 using timer for constant  calling for HTTP service.
 Can you please tell me where exactly the example is located. Your help will
 be appreciated.

 On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, polling using Timer will work fine.  I even have an example on, but it is pretty simple to do.



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:02 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with
 the database. Please Help

 Hi Guys

 Thanks for your different approaches to solve this problem.I will try all
 of them and see which one will suit my management, but i really appreciate
 that. I have one solution which recently struck me , please let me know if
 this is the right one. Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance
 which will periodically call HTTP and check which entries are in database
 and update the dataProvider with the recent entries. Do you guys think this
 is going to work. i am going to explore all the solutions recommended by you
 guys and see which is most convenient and efficient to implement with my
 Please let me know if Timer thing is going to work for database.
 Again Appreciate your help


 On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:26 PM, markgoldin_2000 

 I have been working on a data pushing solution using Lightstreamer
 push server. Works with Flex via Ajax bridge. True real time data
 updates. Take a look at LS push server web site. They have examples
 for Flex.

 --- In, john
 fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am working on a similar problem...
  I don't use PostGres, but there may be some sort of export to XML
  function. *If* that can fire on changes ( or you set up the
  inserts/updates that way), then you have something that an
  can acquire directly. But somebody still has to ask the file if it
  You use a socket connection to stuff an event into the dataprovider.
  Theres some examples in the adobe docs.
  you poll, but don't refresh the whole html page, just the data in
  swf, and only when it changes. My users cant tell the difference
  polling and the socket connection in the two demos I made.
  I'm just a newbie, so if there is another way, I'd sure like to hear
  about it.
  Paul Andrews wrote:
   Isn't this simply a problem that multiple calls are required to
 poll the database for change? I think the OP really needs a push type
   There's no way to know that the database table has changed
 without polling the database..


Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread anuj sharma
Bingo Guys
Thats' exactly what i need. Tracy's Timer example works perfect for me.
Again thanks a lot for your help.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 2:29 PM, john fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I meant, search through the online adobe docs for 'timer polling
 example' or other keywords like those.

 there are many many examples in the online docs at Adobe.


 anuj sharma wrote:
  Hi John
  I am not sure i get what you are trying to say. Can you be please
  little bit more.
  On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:13 AM, john fisher [EMAIL 
  @mark: thanks will check it out
  this is just exactly what the adobe sample code does, except not
  directly to the database.
  anuj sharma wrote:
  ... Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance
  which will periodically call HTTP a

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-21 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Guys
Thanks for your different approaches to solve this problem.I will try all of
them and see which one will suit my management, but i really appreciate
that. I have one solution which recently struck me , please let me know if
this is the right one. Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance
which will periodically call HTTP and check which entries are in database
and update the dataProvider with the recent entries. Do you guys think this
is going to work. i am going to explore all the solutions recommended by you
guys and see which is most convenient and efficient to implement with my
Please let me know if Timer thing is going to work for database.
Again Appreciate your help

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:26 PM, markgoldin_2000

   I have been working on a data pushing solution using Lightstreamer
 push server. Works with Flex via Ajax bridge. True real time data
 updates. Take a look at LS push server web site. They have examples
 for Flex.

 --- In, john
 fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am working on a similar problem...
  I don't use PostGres, but there may be some sort of export to XML
  function. *If* that can fire on changes ( or you set up the
  inserts/updates that way), then you have something that an
  can acquire directly. But somebody still has to ask the file if it
  You use a socket connection to stuff an event into the dataprovider.
  Theres some examples in the adobe docs.
  you poll, but don't refresh the whole html page, just the data in
  swf, and only when it changes. My users cant tell the difference
  polling and the socket connection in the two demos I made.
  I'm just a newbie, so if there is another way, I'd sure like to hear
  about it.
  Paul Andrews wrote:
   Isn't this simply a problem that multiple calls are required to
 poll the database for change? I think the OP really needs a push type
   There's no way to know that the database table has changed
 without polling the database..


Re: [flexcoders] Errror while accessing mxml component in external as file

2008-10-13 Thread anuj sharma
hi all
problem has been fixed.Scope of function needs to be changed.
Thxs for ur help

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:38 AM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Guys
 I am trying to implement the login form . The login form works fine
 when i use script and put all the action script in the main mxml file.
 But my requirements is to put all the action script in external as
 file and make things working. For some reason the builder does not
 like my login button, user name text and password text in the as file.
 Initially it does not recognize those components but then i user
 parent::loginbutton to access which solves the compile time problem,
 but gives type coercion error in my project as
 TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
 mx.containers::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to Namespace.
 I like to define my login and password text input in the main mxml
 file and like to write the business logic in external as file.
 Please let me know what i am missing.If you can provide someone who
 has done that, that will be helpful too.
 Thanks a lot for your help.
 /*My MXML Code*/
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 xmlns:text=flash.text.* cornerRadius=2
 xmlns:ns1=com.Pelco.login.view.* width=1200 height=768
 !-- The Application class states property defines the view
 states. --

 mx:Script source=scripts/ /
 mx:HTTPService id=ConfigXMLService url=Private/Config.xml
 resultFormat=e4x result=loginSettings(event) /
 mx:HTTPService id=UsersXMLService url=assets/Users.xml
 resultFormat=e4x result=loginSettings(event) /
 mx:State name=Recover
 !-- Add a TextInput control to the form. --
 !-- Set properties on the Panel container and Button
 control. --
 mx:SetProperty target={loginPanel}
 name=title value=Recover Password/
 mx:SetProperty target={loginButton}
 name=label value=Recover/

 !-- Remove the existing LinkButton control. --
 mx:RemoveChild target={registerLink}/

 !-- Add a new LinkButton control to change
 view state back to the login form. --
 mx:AddChild relativeTo={spacer1} position=before
 mx:LinkButton label=Return to Login
 mx:RemoveChild target={formitem1}/
 mx:SetProperty target={password} name=label
 mx:AddChild relativeTo={password} position=before
 mx:FormItem label=or textAlign=center
 horizontalCenter=true horizontalAlign=center

 mx:Panel width=1200 height=736 y=32 horizontalAlign=center
 verticalAlign=middle creationComplete=ConfigXMLService.send()

 !--mx:Label text=here:{TabBarMain.enabled} fontSize=40 x=432
 -- mx:Panel title=Login id=loginPanel
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
 horizontalCenter=1 verticalCenter=1
 mx:Form id=loginForm defaultButton={loginButton}
 mx:FormItem label=Username: id=username
 mx:TextInput id=txt_UserName/
 mx:FormItem label=Password: id=password
 mx:TextInput id=txt_Password displayAsPassword=true/
 mx:FormItem label=Domain: id=formitem1
 !-- Use the LinkButton control to change to
 the Register view state. --
 mx:LinkButton label=Forgot your password? id=registerLink
 mx:Spacer width=100% id=spacer1/
 mx:Button label=Login id=loginButton/

 /*MyAction Script code*/
 // ActionScript file
 import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
 import mx.controls.Alert;

 import mx.controls.Alert;
 import flash.xml.*;

 private var externalXML:XML;
 private var loader:URLLoader;
 public var alert:Alert = new Alert;
 public var alertPassword:Alert=new Alert;
 public var tempUserName:Array=new Array();
 public var tempPassword:Array=new Array();

 public function URLLoader_loadExample():void
 var request:URLRequest = new
 loader = new URLLoader();

 catch (error:SecurityError)
 trace(A SecurityError has occurred.);

 function processXML(e:Event):void
 //Retrieving XML data and putting them in array

 externalXML = new XML(;
 for(var i:Number=0;iexternalXML.children().length();i++)

 //Clicking Log-in button

 function checkLogin( event:MouseEvent):void
 var chkUserName:Boolean;
 var chkPassWord:Boolean;

 //Validating User Name and Password
 for(var j:Number=0;jtempUserName.length;j++)


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Access of undefined property of type URLLoader

2008-10-08 Thread anuj sharma
I have fixed it

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No import statement?


 --- In,
 anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am simply trying to load external XML file but the builder is not
  recognizing one of my variable named urlLoader of type URLLoader. it
  is saying Access of undefined property urlLoader, urlRequest and
  completeListener. Does anyone has any idea what's going on.
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
  mx:Panel title=Login id=loginPanel
  horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off
  horizontalCenter=1 verticalCenter=1
  mx:Form id=loginForm
  mx:FormItem label=Username: id=username
  mx:FormItem label=Password: id=password
  mx:FormItem label=Domain: id=formitem1
  !-- Use the LinkButton control to change to
  the Register view state. --
  mx:LinkButton label=Forgot your password?
  mx:Spacer width=100% id=spacer1/
  mx:Button label=Login id=loginButton/
  import flash.display.*;
  import flash.xml.*;
  private var xmlData:XML;
  var urlLoader:URLLoader;
  //Creating XML Loader
  var urlRequest:URLRequest=new
  urlLoader=new URLLoader();
  private function completeListener(e:Event):void
  xmlData=new XML(;


Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-11 Thread anuj sharma
Awesome Gregor
These links will be definitely helpful.
Thanks a lot for your help Gregor.
I really appreciate that

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

In all seriousness… any scrollbar skinning has always been along the
 same lines as these posts.

 The Grant Skinner one in particular is pretty useful (as Grant always is).

 Hope this helps somewhat.

 Oh, and my previous comment wasn't really directed at anyone, it was, as
 Tim pointed out, a dig at English speakers ability to not only mangle other
 peoples, but also our own language, with surprising regularity.


 *Gregor Kiddie*
 Senior Developer

 Tel:   01382 564343

 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8 3QJ

 Registered Number: 1788577

 Registered in the UK

 Visit our Internet Web site at

 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it by
 anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are solely
 those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of INPS or any of
 its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient please contact

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* 10 September 2008 19:16
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and
 width of scroll bars in any container?

 Alright guys
 I found sample somehow related to that.
 That can give me little bit start to do something what i am looking fro.
 If you guys have any better one please let me know .
 Thanks for ur help

  On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:12 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Greg
 Thanks for the reply. I am not sure if i get that. How would I use renderer
 in my case? Can you show me any example where that have user rendering in
 HBox' s scroll bar case. I used rendering for loading images in the HBox but
 to cutomize scroll er , i haven't soemthign like that LOL :-). Please send
 em some code or online example where they have customized the scroll bar of
 HBox or VBox or any container.
 Again i appreciate your help.


Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-10 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Greg
Thanks for the reply. I am not sure if i get that. How would I use renderer
in my case? Can you show me any example where that have user rendering in
HBox' s scroll bar case. I used rendering for loading images in the HBox but
to cutomize scroll er , i haven't soemthign like that LOL :-). Please send
em some code or online example where they have customized the scroll bar of
HBox or VBox or any container.
Again i appreciate your help.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:03 AM, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

I suppose we could start being really cruel to the non-native English
 speakers ont eh list and start talking in LOLs…

 i can haz item renderer?


 Ur doin' it wrong!

 Epic Fail!

 *Gregor Kiddie*
 Senior Developer

 Tel:   01382 564343

 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8 3QJ

 Registered Number: 1788577

 Registered in the UK

 Visit our Internet Web site at

 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it by
 anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are solely
 those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of INPS or any of
 its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient please contact

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Tracy Spratt
 *Sent:* 09 September 2008 18:10
 *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and
 width of scroll bars in any container?

 Yes, IIRC is If I remember correctly. We do use jargon like that a lot.

 IMHO, you should always ask if you don't understand it.



Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-10 Thread anuj sharma
Alright guys
I found sample somehow related to that.
That can give me little bit start to do something what i am looking fro.
If you guys have any better one please let me know .
Thanks for ur help

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:12 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Greg
 Thanks for the reply. I am not sure if i get that. How would I use renderer
 in my case? Can you show me any example where that have user rendering in
 HBox' s scroll bar case. I used rendering for loading images in the HBox but
 to cutomize scroll er , i haven't soemthign like that LOL :-). Please send
 em some code or online example where they have customized the scroll bar of
 HBox or VBox or any container.
 Again i appreciate your help.

 On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:03 AM, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

I suppose we could start being really cruel to the non-native English
 speakers ont eh list and start talking in LOLs…

 i can haz item renderer?


 Ur doin' it wrong!

 Epic Fail!

 *Gregor Kiddie*
 Senior Developer

 Tel:   01382 564343

 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8

 Registered Number: 1788577

 Registered in the UK

 Visit our Internet Web site at

 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it by
 anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are solely
 those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of INPS or any of
 its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient please contact

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Tracy Spratt
 *Sent:* 09 September 2008 18:10
 *Subject:* RE: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and
 width of scroll bars in any container?

 Yes, IIRC is If I remember correctly. We do use jargon like that a lot.

 IMHO, you should always ask if you don't understand it.



Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-09 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Alex
Thanks a lot for the reply. What exactly is IIRC? I googled it but could not
find enough good resources. Do you have any article which clears the concept
of IIRC. I would appreciate if you can give some more info/links.
Again many many Thanks

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IIRC, scrollbars size to their skins so make the skins bigger and the
 SB should be bigger, but if you want to go smaller than 16, it is a lot of

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Monday, September 08, 2008 3:54 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of
 scroll bars in any container?

 Hi Guys
 I have a general question. In general any scroll bar in
 container(either VBOX or HBOX etc)is (by default)16 pixels wide. Is it
 possible to change the width and height of any scroll bar for in built
 containers. Also for styling those scroll bars and scroll er within
 the container do i have to use CSS or there is any other way too.(By
 styling i mean if I can give my own look and feel and color to the
 scroll bars in containers).
 Reply will be appreciated.
 Thanks guys


Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-09 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Alex
By RIIC do u mean If I Remember Correctly, if that's the case sorry for
not being familiar with internet slang. So do you think if i create bigger
skins and attach with the scoll bar that should be able to take care of the
sizing issue of the scroll bar.
Thanks for your help

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:00 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex
 Thanks a lot for the reply. What exactly is IIRC? I googled it but could
 not find enough good resources. Do you have any article which clears the
 concept of IIRC. I would appreciate if you can give some more info/links.
 Again many many Thanks

 On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IIRC, scrollbars size to their skins so make the skins bigger and the
 SB should be bigger, but if you want to go smaller than 16, it is a lot of

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Monday, September 08, 2008 3:54 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width
 of scroll bars in any container?

 Hi Guys
 I have a general question. In general any scroll bar in
 container(either VBOX or HBOX etc)is (by default)16 pixels wide. Is it
 possible to change the width and height of any scroll bar for in built
 containers. Also for styling those scroll bars and scroll er within
 the container do i have to use CSS or there is any other way too.(By
 styling i mean if I can give my own look and feel and color to the
 scroll bars in containers).
 Reply will be appreciated.
 Thanks guys


Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-09 Thread anuj sharma
Yeah i will try to look for how to add skins to the flex components and if
you guys have seen any better tutorial/sample code/ swf which are doing then
the pls keep me posted.
Hopefully i will achieve that.
Thanks for your help Alex and Tracy.

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, if you want a bigger scrollbar, just try adding larger skins

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2008 9:33 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and
 width of scroll bars in any container?

 Hi Alex
 By RIIC do u mean If I Remember Correctly, if that's the case sorry for
 not being familiar with internet slang. So do you think if i create bigger
 skins and attach with the scoll bar that should be able to take care of the
 sizing issue of the scroll bar.
 Thanks for your help

  On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:00 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex
 Thanks a lot for the reply. What exactly is IIRC? I googled it but could
 not find enough good resources. Do you have any article which clears the
 concept of IIRC. I would appreciate if you can give some more info/links.
 Again many many Thanks

 On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IIRC, scrollbars size to their skins so make the skins bigger and the SB
 should be bigger, but if you want to go smaller than 16, it is a lot of

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Monday, September 08, 2008 3:54 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of
 scroll bars in any container?

 Hi Guys
 I have a general question. In general any scroll bar in
 container(either VBOX or HBOX etc)is (by default)16 pixels wide. Is it
 possible to change the width and height of any scroll bar for in built
 containers. Also for styling those scroll bars and scroll er within
 the container do i have to use CSS or there is any other way too.(By
 styling i mean if I can give my own look and feel and color to the
 scroll bars in containers).
 Reply will be appreciated.
 Thanks guys


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-09 Thread anuj sharma
Alright guys.
I have downloaded 2 dummy png files from internet (Left_arrow.PNG 
Right_arrow.PNG)  just to test if technique works . Belw is the css code
which i am calling in HScroll Bar for HBOX and attached is the image of how
it is looking . The images used are very big but it is not showing its
actual size for the arrows and it is shrinking the images to take the size
of the arrows in the scroll bar whereas my requirement is the other way.
Basically i need to create image of my own size and i need the arrows of the
scroll bar to take the size of that image. This is the first time i am
doing something like this. Please let me know which link i am missing to
make arrows of the scroller of my custom size, look and feel.
/* CSS file */
 downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/Left_arrow.PNG);

 upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/Right_arrow.PNG);

Thanks a lot guys

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey Anuj,

 Here's some sample CSS to get you started.  You might have to play with the
 scale9 values; depending on the images that you create for the skins.


  downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollDownArrow_up.png
  downArrowOverSkin: Embed(source=
  downArrowDownSkin: Embed(source=
  upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollUpArrow_up.png);
  upArrowOverSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollUpArrow_over.png
  upArrowDownSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollUpArrow_down.png);

  thumbDownSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_down.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200, 
  thumbUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_up.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200, 
  thumbOverSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_over.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200, 
  trackSkin: Embed(source=/assets/images/track.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=336, 


 --- In, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah i will try to look for how to add skins to the flex components and
  you guys have seen any better tutorial/sample code/ swf which are doing
  the pls keep me posted.
  Hopefully i will achieve that.
  Thanks for your help Alex and Tracy.
  On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yes, if you want a bigger scrollbar, just try adding larger skins
   *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Behalf Of *anuj sharma
   *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2008 9:33 AM
   *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and
   width of scroll bars in any container?
   Hi Alex
   By RIIC do u mean If I Remember Correctly, if that's the case sorry
   not being familiar with internet slang. So do you think if i create
   skins and attach with the scoll bar that should be able to take care of
   sizing issue of the scroll bar.
   Thanks for your help
   On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:00 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Alex
   Thanks a lot for the reply. What exactly is IIRC? I googled it but
   not find enough good resources. Do you have any article which clears
   concept of IIRC. I would appreciate if you can give some more
   Again many many Thanks
   On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   IIRC, scrollbars size to their skins so make the skins bigger and the
   should be bigger, but if you want to go smaller than 16, it is a lot of
   *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Behalf Of *anuj181
   *Sent:* Monday, September 08, 2008 3:54 PM
   *Subject:* [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and width
   scroll bars in any container?
   Hi Guys
   I have a general question. In general any scroll bar in
   container(either VBOX or HBOX etc)is (by default)16 pixels wide. Is it
   possible to change the width and height of any scroll bar for in built
   containers. Also for styling those scroll bars and scroll er within
   the container do i have to use CSS or there is any other way too.(By
   styling i mean if I can give my own look and feel and color to the
   scroll bars in containers).
   Reply will be appreciated.
   Thanks guys

attachment: Custom Scroller Issue.jpg

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-09 Thread anuj sharma
Forgot to mention the mxml code.
Here's the code
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=; layout=absolute
mx:Style source=style.css/

// Embed the Thumbnails
public var OneCent:Class;

public var TwoCents:Class;

public var FiveCents:Class;

public var TenCents:Class;

mx:HBox x=106 y=900 width=391 doubleClickEnabled=true  height=90
horizontalScrollPolicy=on verticalScrollPolicy=off
id=ThumbnailContainer autoLayout=true

   id=FirstTN width=100 mouseChildren=false
doubleClickEnabled=true height=85 source={OneCent}
id=SecondTN width=100 mouseChildren=false
doubleClickEnabled=true height=85 source={TwoCents}
mx:Image id=ThirdTN width=100 mouseChildren=false
doubleClickEnabled=true height=88 source={FiveCents}
id=FourthTN width=100 mouseChildren=false
doubleClickEnabled=true height=87 source={TenCents}


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 11:33 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alright guys.
 I have downloaded 2 dummy png files from internet (Left_arrow.PNG 
 Right_arrow.PNG)  just to test if technique works . Belw is the css code
 which i am calling in HScroll Bar for HBOX and attached is the image of how
 it is looking . The images used are very big but it is not showing its
 actual size for the arrows and it is shrinking the images to take the size
 of the arrows in the scroll bar whereas my requirement is the other way.
 Basically i need to create image of my own size and i need the arrows of the
 scroll bar to take the size of that image. This is the first time i am
 doing something like this. Please let me know which link i am missing to
 make arrows of the scroller of my custom size, look and feel.
 /* CSS file */
  downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/Left_arrow.PNG);

  upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/Right_arrow.PNG);

 Thanks a lot guys

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey Anuj,

 Here's some sample CSS to get you started.  You might have to play with
 the scale9 values; depending on the images that you create for the skins.


  downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=
  downArrowOverSkin: Embed(source=
  downArrowDownSkin: Embed(source=
  upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollUpArrow_up.png);
  upArrowOverSkin: Embed(source=
  upArrowDownSkin: Embed(source=
  thumbDownSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_down.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200, 
  thumbUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_up.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200, 
  thumbOverSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_over.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200, 
  trackSkin: Embed(source=/assets/images/track.png,
  scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=336, 


 --- In, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah i will try to look for how to add skins to the flex components and
  you guys have seen any better tutorial/sample code/ swf which are doing
  the pls keep me posted.
  Hopefully i will achieve that.
  Thanks for your help Alex and Tracy.
  On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yes, if you want a bigger scrollbar, just try adding larger skins
   *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Behalf Of *anuj sharma
   *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2008 9:33 AM
   *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the heigth and
   width of scroll bars in any container?
   Hi Alex
   By RIIC do u mean If I Remember Correctly, if that's the case sorry
   not being familiar with internet slang. So do you think if i create
   skins and attach with the scoll bar that should be able to take care
 of the
   sizing issue of the scroll bar.
   Thanks for your help
   On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:00 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is it possible to increase the heigth and width of scroll bars in any container?

2008-09-09 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tim
In the trackSkin as shown by your code, you are embedding some png files.Do
i have to embed files too and also what's the content of that file. Deos
that file have just the rectangle showing my desired width and height
because when i am trying to put the simple 'width' tag within the trackSkin,
Flex builder is not letting me do that. So i am not sure how should i use
trackSkin for my purpose.
You have send me the code which helps me but I am not sure what's the output
of the code looks like (and which type of PNG files are you using). Can you
please send me the snapshot/sketch of the UI being generated with the code.
Sorry for being pain but its taking little time for me to understand the
styling and skinning concept of the HBox.
I appreciate your patience
Thanks a lot

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah IIRC, I think that you're going to have to add the track skin, with
 the desired width, otherwise the button images will get scaled.


 --- In, anuj
 sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alright guys.
  I have downloaded 2 dummy png files from internet (Left_arrow.PNG 
  Right_arrow.PNG) just to test if technique works . Belw is the css
  which i am calling in HScroll Bar for HBOX and attached is the image
 of how
  it is looking . The images used are very big but it is not showing its
  actual size for the arrows and it is shrinking the images to take the
  of the arrows in the scroll bar whereas my requirement is the other
  Basically i need to create image of my own size and i need the arrows
 of the
  scroll bar to take the size of that image. This is the first time i am
  doing something like this. Please let me know which link i am missing
  make arrows of the scroller of my custom size, look and feel.
  /* CSS file */
  downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/Left_arrow.PNG);
  upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/Right_arrow.PNG);
  Thanks a lot guys
  On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hey Anuj,
   Here's some sample CSS to get you started. You might have to play
 with the
   scale9 values; depending on the images that you create for the
   downArrowOverSkin: Embed(source=
   downArrowDownSkin: Embed(source=
   upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollUpArrow_up.png);
   thumbDownSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_down.png,
   scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200,
   thumbUpSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_up.png,
   scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200,
   thumbOverSkin: Embed(source=assets/images/VscrollThumb_over.png,
   scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=200,
   trackSkin: Embed(source=/assets/images/track.png,
   scaleGridTop=40, scaleGridBottom=336,
   --- In,
 anuj sharma anuj181@ wrote:
Yeah i will try to look for how to add skins to the flex
 components and
you guys have seen any better tutorial/sample code/ swf which are
the pls keep me posted.
Hopefully i will achieve that.
Thanks for your help Alex and Tracy.
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Alex Harui aharui@ wrote:
 Yes, if you want a bigger scrollbar, just try adding larger

 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2008 9:33 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Is it possible to increase the
 heigth and
 width of scroll bars in any container?

 Hi Alex
 By RIIC do u mean If I Remember Correctly, if that's the case
 not being familiar with internet slang. So do you think if i
 skins and attach with the scoll bar that should be able to take
 care of
 sizing issue of the scroll bar.
 Thanks for your help

 On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:00 PM, anuj sharma anuj181@ wrote:

 Hi Alex
 Thanks a lot for the reply. What exactly is IIRC? I googled it
 not find enough good resources. Do you have any article which
 concept of IIRC. I would appreciate

Re: [flexcoders] Problem importing FlexLib

2008-09-05 Thread anuj sharma
Thanks Sherif
I made that working.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:52 PM, Sherif Abdou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think You can import it, if you want to see the code you need
 to create a Flex Project--(Keep Hitting Next)--Source Path--Add
 Folder--Point to FlexLib folder.
 Sherif Abdou

 - Original Message -
 *From:* anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 04, 2008 7:04 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Problem importing FlexLib

 Hi Guys
 I am trying to embed FlexLib in my Flex Project using following link
 I am trying to import downloaded file in my FLEX devlopment
 environment but is not letting me do that. When i imported the
 complete project folder. it says  The folder does not contain a valid
 Flex Builder Project. And when i am trying to import zipped file it
 is giving following message
  Not a valid archived project. If the zip was not created via Export
 Flex Project, use Import  General  Existing Projects into Workspace.

 I am using Flex 3.0 for my development. I am curious to see the code
 of FlexLib and may need its help in my project. Any body has any idea
 how would i import Flexlib in Flex.
 Thanks in advance for your help


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-09-04 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Josh
If you don't mind can you please help me out with the code for this thing.
You mentioned you had made something like this (snapin).
Can you please show me which way i have to start and which component i need
to extend. If its okay with you can i take guidance form your code and try
to achieve what i am looking for.
Your help will be appreciated

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Basically it's a *really* hard thing to do, in part due to its nature,
 in part due to the way Flex does some things. I built something similar, but
 more specialised (lays out snapin components), finds the best order to use
 the space most efficiently, and increases the size on them so they line up
 horizontally. It's difficult and it took about a week. I'd say the solution
 is to relax some of the requirements :)


 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  His layout is really difficult. Basically he wants images to be smart
  to size any which way to fit around each other. If you take a look at
  word doc he attached the second mockup shows the problem. Basically he
  doesn't want to restrict to rows or columns, and wants items to be
 able to
  span both, which is hard to do.
  I honestly don't have an answer for how to do that layout. If you can
  the requirement to let you use either columns or rows then you're

 Isn't that waht Grid does?


 Flexcoders Mailing List
 Search Archives:! Groups

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-09-03 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Guys
So is there anyone in the list that can help me in achieving this? This
problem is burning me out now and I need a good head start to achieve this.
This is my first project of this kind. Earlier i developed simple prototypes
using basic event programming. I need you genius guys's guidance to get me
started and need that layout for my images. If there is any custom
componenet available in the market then i am ready to buy that too. It is
taking me little long to figure out this layout. I have reached at the last
level of this project.
Sorry for being pain but please help me out in generating this layout. Any
guidance and any kind of help in this direction will be highyl appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:51 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I forgot to mention that i am not sure if i can force the components into
 either rows or columns because I am allowing free flow of the image within
 the container too which means that the user should be able to resize the
 image and should be able to drag and drop the image too whereever he wants
 within the container. i used drag manager for that. i thought should made it
 Thanks for your time

 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oh wow, that's actually a really flexible layout requirement that I
 don't think you can achieve with any of the components out there right now
 (ie TileList, Tile, combination of HBox and VBox, or even FlowBox). I think
 you may have to lose of of the desired functionality and allow the content
 to be binned into distinct rows or columns more tightly. The first image in
 your attachement is doable in the FlowBox I believe, but the second
 screenshot is much harder. Notice how box C extends down into a second row,
 and also how box E extends across multiple columns. That use of dual column
 and row spanning makes it difficult. If you allow the components to be
 forced into either rows or columns then it will be much easier.


 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All Attached is the rough sketch i am about the UI i have to
 implement. Right now they are just empty pictures, but the user can drag
 them on the stage and can resize the images placed on the main screen. My
 requirement if user drops a new image on the screen all the other images
 adjust themselves to accommodate the new image. Also if user enlarge or
 shrink one image (like in the sketch user is trying to shrink image B), all
 the other images adjust themselves on the main stage . Please let em know if
 you have any questions.
 Thanks a lot for your help

 On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:38 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 I will try to sketch my requirement and send it to you soon. That might
 help to find what i am looking for.
 Thanks for your suggestion.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

The seconds link was to a flow layout that would set you in the
 right direction... The other option was the first link which uses static
 positioning. Really, it depends on what you want the user experience to be
 like. If you could sketch out the solution – we could throw some code

 Rick Winscot

 On 8/25/08 10:24 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
 component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
 component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle 
 layout. Please help me out
 Again Thanks a lot.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using HBOX container to load images letting user drag image from
 one HBOX and dropping them in another (2nd)HBOX. I need to calculate
 the real estate of the HBOX in which the image has been dropped (i-e
 2nd HBOX). The reason is that because I need the dropped image to get
 placed in an empty space within the 2nd HBOX.
 Is there any way I can calculate which space is empty in the HBOX and
 let my objects (images) to be placed only in the empty spaces within
 the HBOX (not the sapce already occupied by the placed images).Once
 the HBOX is full then I need to code in a way that images starts
 shrinking(upto some level) to accommodate more images.
 Please help me out in figuring out this problem. Any type of
 help/documentation/links in this direction will be highly appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-09-03 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Alex
I am not sure i understand that. Basically I am dragging images from one
container which is HBOX( because i need scroller facility too) and dropping
them in another container which is Tile.
The user should be able to resize the dropped images as shown in the layout
and the rest of the images have to adjust in terms of size as well as
location to let resized image to get accommodated. I have seen some examples
of FlowBox and one as shown in the following link:
but my problem coems becasue user should be able to resize the images in the
container. As I have mentioned this is the first project of this kind for me
I am not sure which way to go. Anyway coming to your question (mini-window
using FlexMDI) it can be the any way as long as it is solving the purpose of
my requirement. Any detail and suggestions, please let me know

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can everything be a mini-window using FlexMDI?

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:46 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

 Hi Guys

 So is there anyone in the list that can help me in achieving this? This
 problem is burning me out now and I need a good head start to achieve this.
 This is my first project of this kind. Earlier i developed simple prototypes
 using basic event programming. I need you genius guys's guidance to get me
 started and need that layout for my images. If there is any custom
 componenet available in the market then i am ready to buy that too. It is
 taking me little long to figure out this layout. I have reached at the last
 level of this project.
 Sorry for being pain but please help me out in generating this layout. Any
 guidance and any kind of help in this direction will be highyl appreciated.
 Thanks in advance guys

 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:51 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I forgot to mention that i am not sure if i can force the components into
 either rows or columns because I am allowing free flow of the image within
 the container too which means that the user should be able to resize the
 image and should be able to drag and drop the image too whereever he wants
 within the container. i used drag manager for that. i thought should made it
 Thanks for your time

 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh wow, that's actually a really flexible layout requirement that I
 don't think you can achieve with any of the components out there right now
 (ie TileList, Tile, combination of HBox and VBox, or even FlowBox). I think
 you may have to lose of of the desired functionality and allow the content
 to be binned into distinct rows or columns more tightly. The first image in
 your attachement is doable in the FlowBox I believe, but the second
 screenshot is much harder. Notice how box C extends down into a second row,
 and also how box E extends across multiple columns. That use of dual column
 and row spanning makes it difficult. If you allow the components to be
 forced into either rows or columns then it will be much easier.


 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All Attached is the rough sketch i am about the UI i have to implement.
 Right now they are just empty pictures, but the user can drag them on the
 stage and can resize the images placed on the main screen. My requirement if
 user drops a new image on the screen all the other images adjust themselves
 to accommodate the new image. Also if user enlarge or shrink one image (like
 in the sketch user is trying to shrink image B), all the other images adjust
 themselves on the main stage . Please let em know if you have any questions.
 Thanks a lot for your help

  On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:38 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 I will try to sketch my requirement and send it to you soon. That might
 help to find what i am looking for.
 Thanks for your suggestion.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The seconds link was to a flow layout that would set you in the right
 direction... The other option was the first link which uses static
 positioning. Really, it depends on what you want the user experience to be
 like. If you could sketch out the solution – we could throw some code

 Rick Winscot

 On 8/25/08 10:24 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
 component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
 component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle that
 layout. Please help me out
 Again Thanks a lot.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL

Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-09-03 Thread anuj sharma
Can I put my resizeable images in the FlowBox and upon resizing will the
rest of the images be arranged of its own. I was not sure if FlowBox can
take care of resizing the images.If that's the case i will try that. I will
definitely keep you posted about that.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, FlexMDI, probably won't do it for you.  You want some organization
 of the images.  Why didn't FlowBox work for you?

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 2:31 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

 Hi Alex
 I am not sure i understand that. Basically I am dragging images from one
 container which is HBOX( because i need scroller facility too) and dropping
 them in another container which is Tile.
 The user should be able to resize the dropped images as shown in the layout
 and the rest of the images have to adjust in terms of size as well as
 location to let resized image to get accommodated. I have seen some examples
 of FlowBox and one as shown in the following link:
 but my problem coems becasue user should be able to resize the images in
 the container. As I have mentioned this is the first project of this kind
 for me I am not sure which way to go. Anyway coming to your question 
 using FlexMDI) it can be the any way as long as it is solving the purpose
 of my requirement. Any detail and suggestions, please let me know

  On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can everything be a mini-window using FlexMDI?

 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj sharma
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:46 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

 Hi Guys

 So is there anyone in the list that can help me in achieving this? This
 problem is burning me out now and I need a good head start to achieve this.
 This is my first project of this kind. Earlier i developed simple prototypes
 using basic event programming. I need you genius guys's guidance to get me
 started and need that layout for my images. If there is any custom
 componenet available in the market then i am ready to buy that too. It is
 taking me little long to figure out this layout. I have reached at the last
 level of this project.
 Sorry for being pain but please help me out in generating this layout. Any
 guidance and any kind of help in this direction will be highyl appreciated.
 Thanks in advance guys

 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:51 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I forgot to mention that i am not sure if i can force the components into
 either rows or columns because I am allowing free flow of the image within
 the container too which means that the user should be able to resize the
 image and should be able to drag and drop the image too whereever he wants
 within the container. i used drag manager for that. i thought should made it
 Thanks for your time

 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh wow, that's actually a really flexible layout requirement that I
 don't think you can achieve with any of the components out there right now
 (ie TileList, Tile, combination of HBox and VBox, or even FlowBox). I think
 you may have to lose of of the desired functionality and allow the content
 to be binned into distinct rows or columns more tightly. The first image in
 your attachement is doable in the FlowBox I believe, but the second
 screenshot is much harder. Notice how box C extends down into a second row,
 and also how box E extends across multiple columns. That use of dual column
 and row spanning makes it difficult. If you allow the components to be
 forced into either rows or columns then it will be much easier.


 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All Attached is the rough sketch i am about the UI i have to implement.
 Right now they are just empty pictures, but the user can drag them on the
 stage and can resize the images placed on the main screen. My requirement if
 user drops a new image on the screen all the other images adjust themselves
 to accommodate the new image. Also if user enlarge or shrink one image (like
 in the sketch user is trying to shrink image B), all the other images adjust
 themselves on the main stage . Please let em know if you have any questions.
 Thanks a lot for your help

 On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:38 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 I will try to sketch my requirement and send it to you soon. That might
 help to find what i am looking for.
 Thanks for your suggestion.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-08-27 Thread anuj sharma
Thanks for the reply. if you find any resources that might help me, please
e-mail it to me.
I would appreciate any kind of help in achieving this target

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oh wow, that's actually a really flexible layout requirement that I
 don't think you can achieve with any of the components out there right now
 (ie TileList, Tile, combination of HBox and VBox, or even FlowBox). I think
 you may have to lose of of the desired functionality and allow the content
 to be binned into distinct rows or columns more tightly. The first image in
 your attachement is doable in the FlowBox I believe, but the second
 screenshot is much harder. Notice how box C extends down into a second row,
 and also how box E extends across multiple columns. That use of dual column
 and row spanning makes it difficult. If you allow the components to be
 forced into either rows or columns then it will be much easier.


 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All Attached is the rough sketch i am about the UI i have to
 implement. Right now they are just empty pictures, but the user can drag
 them on the stage and can resize the images placed on the main screen. My
 requirement if user drops a new image on the screen all the other images
 adjust themselves to accommodate the new image. Also if user enlarge or
 shrink one image (like in the sketch user is trying to shrink image B), all
 the other images adjust themselves on the main stage . Please let em know if
 you have any questions.
 Thanks a lot for your help

 On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:38 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 I will try to sketch my requirement and send it to you soon. That might
 help to find what i am looking for.
 Thanks for your suggestion.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

The seconds link was to a flow layout that would set you in the
 right direction... The other option was the first link which uses static
 positioning. Really, it depends on what you want the user experience to be
 like. If you could sketch out the solution – we could throw some code

 Rick Winscot

 On 8/25/08 10:24 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
 component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
 component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle that
 layout. Please help me out
 Again Thanks a lot.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using HBOX container to load images letting user drag image from
 one HBOX and dropping them in another (2nd)HBOX. I need to calculate
 the real estate of the HBOX in which the image has been dropped (i-e
 2nd HBOX). The reason is that because I need the dropped image to get
 placed in an empty space within the 2nd HBOX.
 Is there any way I can calculate which space is empty in the HBOX and
 let my objects (images) to be placed only in the empty spaces within
 the HBOX (not the sapce already occupied by the placed images).Once
 the HBOX is full then I need to code in a way that images starts
 shrinking(upto some level) to accommodate more images.
 Please help me out in figuring out this problem. Any type of
 help/documentation/links in this direction will be highly appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-08-27 Thread anuj sharma
I forgot to mention that i am not sure if i can force the components into
either rows or columns because I am allowing free flow of the image within
the container too which means that the user should be able to resize the
image and should be able to drag and drop the image too whereever he wants
within the container. i used drag manager for that. i thought should made it
Thanks for your time

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oh wow, that's actually a really flexible layout requirement that I
 don't think you can achieve with any of the components out there right now
 (ie TileList, Tile, combination of HBox and VBox, or even FlowBox). I think
 you may have to lose of of the desired functionality and allow the content
 to be binned into distinct rows or columns more tightly. The first image in
 your attachement is doable in the FlowBox I believe, but the second
 screenshot is much harder. Notice how box C extends down into a second row,
 and also how box E extends across multiple columns. That use of dual column
 and row spanning makes it difficult. If you allow the components to be
 forced into either rows or columns then it will be much easier.


 On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:05 AM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All Attached is the rough sketch i am about the UI i have to
 implement. Right now they are just empty pictures, but the user can drag
 them on the stage and can resize the images placed on the main screen. My
 requirement if user drops a new image on the screen all the other images
 adjust themselves to accommodate the new image. Also if user enlarge or
 shrink one image (like in the sketch user is trying to shrink image B), all
 the other images adjust themselves on the main stage . Please let em know if
 you have any questions.
 Thanks a lot for your help

 On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:38 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 I will try to sketch my requirement and send it to you soon. That might
 help to find what i am looking for.
 Thanks for your suggestion.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

The seconds link was to a flow layout that would set you in the
 right direction... The other option was the first link which uses static
 positioning. Really, it depends on what you want the user experience to be
 like. If you could sketch out the solution – we could throw some code

 Rick Winscot

 On 8/25/08 10:24 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
 component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
 component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle that
 layout. Please help me out
 Again Thanks a lot.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using HBOX container to load images letting user drag image from
 one HBOX and dropping them in another (2nd)HBOX. I need to calculate
 the real estate of the HBOX in which the image has been dropped (i-e
 2nd HBOX). The reason is that because I need the dropped image to get
 placed in an empty space within the 2nd HBOX.
 Is there any way I can calculate which space is empty in the HBOX and
 let my objects (images) to be placed only in the empty spaces within
 the HBOX (not the sapce already occupied by the placed images).Once
 the HBOX is full then I need to code in a way that images starts
 shrinking(upto some level) to accommodate more images.
 Please help me out in figuring out this problem. Any type of
 help/documentation/links in this direction will be highly appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-08-26 Thread anuj sharma
Hi All
Thanks for the reply. Here are couple of things i should have mentioned
earlier to you guys. I have to allow user to resize the images, that's where
complexity came. For resizing of images, I am using the following container
for holding the images

I am trying to achieve something like this
but letting user drag images from the bottom container (in this example's
case VBOX) to the main container and also allowing then to resize the images
in the main container. If i am not allowing user to resize the image in the
main container, then this project is already done but the real estate
occupied by the images vary with the resizing option. The user drag and drop
or can also double click on the image to open in the main container. In all
the cases the image should be dropped in the empty space of the main
container. The main container allows the user to grab the image from any of
the four corner(like the component in the first link) and resize up to some
size and the rest of the images adjust accordingly to let the resized image
get accommodated in the main container(something like in the second link
except in that link user can't resize the image).

Sorry for being so complex but that's the project's requirement. In short
this project is like image gallery,the user can drag and drop or double
click on images to open them in the main container . They can also resize
the images in the main container and the rest of the images should move
(with transition) to let resized or newly created images to get

Please let me know if that helps and I will appreciate any more help in this
Thanks a lot.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yup, there's a trade-off of how much work you'll need to do for
 variable sized items so if you can live with same size items, you can use
 TileList and write less code.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Amy
 *Sent:* Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:40 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Need Help and Guidance desperately

 --- In, Josh
 McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree, I'd use a couple of TileLists and a simple inline
  Shouldn't be too difficult really.

 I think the TileList has a number of flaws that make it problematic
 for this type of application For instance, it only measures the
 first item, then cuts off (or worse) any items that are larger. For
 another, you can't just let the TileList size and flow the things
 that are being dragged into it, since it has a default number of rows
 and columns, and without dipping your fingers into the layout code or
 knowing in advance the size and number of the items, you don't know
 how many rows and columns to even tell the TileList to use so as not
 to allocate too much vertical or horizontal space (not as much of a
 problem for this application, but a real pain for what I've used it

 I'm planning to finish my TileList_withStyle to overcome these
 limitations, but I just haven't gotten around to it. But MPO is that
 the TileList looks great on the surface, but it doesn't _quite_
 deliver on what it promises.



Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-08-26 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Doug
How would i embed that open source (FloxBox) container in my project.I could
not find the source code for that container.
Please let me know

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Doug McCune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I think you might be asking the wrong question. You asked how to know if
 the area that the user dropped an item was the empty space or the space
 taken up by other items in the container. But then you want all the items in
 the container to resize to become smaller to accomodate more items in the
 container if the user drops too many. Why not just let the user drop items
 anywhere in the container and just add them to the container? Then all you
 have to do is create a container that scales the children to make sure that
 they always fit within the bounds.

 If you force the children to always be the same width then this should be
 really easy to figure out what scaling you should apply to the children. If
 not then you'll have to do more complex measurement. I'd suggest starting
 with teh flowbox container in FlexLib (, and if that doesn't
 suit your needs then either extend that or try using the Tile container. It
 doesn't sound like you want to use a list control (ie TileList) because you
 always want all the children visible, so you never want the list to scroll,
 and therefore you don't benefit from itemrenderers, so using a list will
 just complicate things unneccesarily.


 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:42 PM, Josh McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I agree, I'd use a couple of TileLists and a simple inline
 itemrenderer. Shouldn't be too difficult really.


 On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Rick Winscot
 *Sent:* Monday, August 25, 2008 7:47 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

 The seconds link was to a flow layout that would set you in the right
 direction... The other option was the first link which uses static
 positioning. Really, it depends on what you want the user experience to be
 like. If you could sketch out the solution – we could throw some code

 Rick Winscot

 On 8/25/08 10:24 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
 component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
 component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle that
 layout. Please help me out
 Again Thanks a lot.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using HBOX container to load images letting user drag image from
 one HBOX and dropping them in another (2nd)HBOX. I need to calculate
 the real estate of the HBOX in which the image has been dropped (i-e
 2nd HBOX). The reason is that because I need the dropped image to get
 placed in an empty space within the 2nd HBOX.
 Is there any way I can calculate which space is empty in the HBOX and
 let my objects (images) to be placed only in the empty spaces within
 the HBOX (not the sapce already occupied by the placed images).Once
 the HBOX is full then I need to code in a way that images starts
 shrinking(upto some level) to accommodate more images.
 Please help me out in figuring out this problem. Any type of
 help/documentation/links in this direction will be highly appreciated.

 Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

 :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
 :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-08-26 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Rick
I will try to sketch my requirement and send it to you soon. That might help
to find what i am looking for.
Thanks for your suggestion.

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Rick Winscot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

The seconds link was to a flow layout that would set you in the right
 direction... The other option was the first link which uses static
 positioning. Really, it depends on what you want the user experience to be
 like. If you could sketch out the solution – we could throw some code

 Rick Winscot

 On 8/25/08 10:24 PM, anuj sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rick
 Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
 component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
 component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle that
 layout. Please help me out
 Again Thanks a lot.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using HBOX container to load images letting user drag image from
 one HBOX and dropping them in another (2nd)HBOX. I need to calculate
 the real estate of the HBOX in which the image has been dropped (i-e
 2nd HBOX). The reason is that because I need the dropped image to get
 placed in an empty space within the 2nd HBOX.
 Is there any way I can calculate which space is empty in the HBOX and
 let my objects (images) to be placed only in the empty spaces within
 the HBOX (not the sapce already occupied by the placed images).Once
 the HBOX is full then I need to code in a way that images starts
 shrinking(upto some level) to accommodate more images.
 Please help me out in figuring out this problem. Any type of
 help/documentation/links in this direction will be highly appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] Flash based flex component issue

2008-08-25 Thread anuj sharma
Once thing like this happened to me and I disabled mouseChildren, I am not
sure that will work here

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:30 AM, Clint Tredway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey all. We are working on a 'game' for kids using Flex and Flash
 together and have run into a random issue. We have some assets that flash
 made components that being referenced through a SWC. We are applying a glow
 filter to the objects and if the mouse movement is too quick, the components
 flicker. Is this an issue with the redrawing of the component due to the
 glow being added and then removed?


 When you choose hope, anything is possible.
 -Christopher Reeve


Re: [flexcoders] Need Help and Guidance desperately

2008-08-25 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Rick
Thanks for the reply. Are there any recommendations about which layout
component or container should i use or do i need to create my custom
component for achieving this target. I am not sure which way to handle that
layout. Please help me out
Again Thanks a lot.

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:18 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using HBOX container to load images letting user drag image from
 one HBOX and dropping them in another (2nd)HBOX. I need to calculate
 the real estate of the HBOX in which the image has been dropped (i-e
 2nd HBOX). The reason is that because I need the dropped image to get
 placed in an empty space within the 2nd HBOX.
 Is there any way I can calculate which space is empty in the HBOX and
 let my objects (images) to be placed only in the empty spaces within
 the HBOX (not the sapce already occupied by the placed images).Once
 the HBOX is full then I need to code in a way that images starts
 shrinking(upto some level) to accommodate more images.
 Please help me out in figuring out this problem. Any type of
 help/documentation/links in this direction will be highly appreciated.


Re: [flexcoders] Problems implementing tweening in FLEX

2008-08-21 Thread anuj sharma
Hi TIm  Alex
Thanks for your help.
I will look at the pop up manager  Tween in Flex.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Look at how Tweens are used in Flex source code.  ComboBox and Menu


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Wednesday, August 20, 2008 3:38 PM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Problems implementing tweening in FLEX

 Hi All
 I implemented transition with effects in Flash using the following
 code. My aim is as soon as user rolls over the arrow it brings up the
 menu.As long as the mouse remains on the menu, the menu stays else
 menu goes away. I am succesful in implmenting that in Flash.I used
 Tween and changes the y-coordinate through tweening. Now if I have to
 implement the same functionlaity in Flex and I am not sure how would
 to do that . I am trying to copy and paste same code but it is giving
 me errors as tweening does not working similarly in Flex as it does in
 Flash. It is asking me that i have to set the end time too which i am
 not sure how to do. Please help me out in implementing the same
 functionality in Flex.

 var startValue:Number;
 var finishValue:Number;
 var duration:Number;


 function showChapterMenu(event:MouseEvent):void
 duration= 1;
 var myTween:Tween = new Tween(mc_ChapterMenu, y, Regular.easeOut,
 mc_ChapterMenu.y, mc_ChapterMenu.y-230, duration, true);


 function hideChapterMenuFromChapter(event:MouseEvent):void
 var hideChapter:Tween = new Tween(mc_ChapterMenu,
 y,Regular.easeIn,mc_ChapterMenu.y,mc_ChapterMenu.y+230,duration, true);


Re: [flexcoders] Full Screen and Scaling in FLEX. Please help

2008-07-01 Thread anuj sharma
Thanks for the blog. The problem has been fixed. Appreciate ur help.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This might help.


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *anuj181
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 01, 2008 8:58 AM
 *Subject:* [flexcoders] Full Screen and Scaling in FLEX. Please help

 Hi Flexcoders
 I have a question. I made an application and I like to give user the
 option of clicking on full screen. I implemented the following code
 and full screen is working fine. When user clicks on Full screen the
 whole application takes place of the monitor but my problem is that
 the application does not scale, so it looks weird. Please help me out,
 I need full screen scaling of my whole application. However I
 implemented same thing in AS 3.0 uisng Flash IDE just by using
 function setStage(event:Event):void
 stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
 fscommand(fullscreen, true);
 fscommand(allowscale, true);
 But this techniques is not working in Flex. I am trying to run
 independent SWF file for full screen, With Browser definitely this
 thing is not going to work but i need full screen in SWF file.
 Please help
 //Code For Flex
 mx:Application width=1640
 viewSourceURL=srcview/index.html layout=absolute
 backgroundColor=#b7babc verticalScrollPolicy=off
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off height=100%
 applicationComplete=FS(event) xmlns:assets=assets.*
 enterFrame=GridCheck(event) creationComplete=init() xmlns:ns1=*
 xmlns:ns2=Renderers.* xmlns:myComps=*
 mx:Style source=resources/css/style.css/
 mx:Button id=FullScreenButton x=809 y=959 label=Fullscreen
 public function FS(evt:Event):void {
 dispState =stage.displayState;

 public function fullScreenHandler(evt:FullScreenEvent):void

 dispState = stage.displayState +  (fullScreen= +
 evt.fullScreen.toString() + );
 if (evt.fullScreen)
 FullScreenButton.label=Full Screen;

 public function toggleFullScreen():void
 case StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN:
 //If already in full screen mode, switch
 to normal mode.
 stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;

 // If not in full screen mode, switch to
 full screen mode.

 stage.displayState =
 //Setting Scale
 } catch (err:SecurityError)
 // ignore
 mx:Button id=FullScreenButton x=809 y=959
 label=Fullscreen click=toggleFullScreen()/


Re: [flexcoders] How would i layout different objects in grid form

2008-06-12 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Tom
Thanks for reply. I am kind of new to FLEX world. Can we put already existed
videos in Grid
And if we can the grid has to be dynamic depending upon the number of videos
in the container. For example for 1 1x1 , for 2-4 it has to be 2x2, for 5-9
it has to be 3x3. Can you help in giving me information about how would i
achieve this.
Thanks a lot

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 11 Jun 2008, anuj181 wrote:
  user selects that button then depending on the number of objects, the
  grid layout will be generated in HBOX (to arrange those objects). For

 Sounds like you could put your current HBox along with a Grid into a
 ViewStack, binding them both to the same data provider.
 Then change viewStack.selectedIndex from the click event of your radio

 Tom Chiverton


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Re: [flexcoders] Importing SWC Files in FLEX

2008-05-29 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Joseph
Thanks for links. I will follow those links and hopefully Flex/Flash start
making more sense to me. I appreciate your help and in future hopefully my
questions will make more sense :-).

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 6:43 PM, Joseph Balderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Typically the reason no one answers a post is because the answer is too
 self evident, can be arrived at with a little googling, and no one wants
 to see this degenerate into a newbie list. (Maybe there should be a
 FlexNewbies list?) Or it's not possible, which most also judge as self

 In answer to your question...

 You can either use the Flex Component Kit for Flash CS3, or you simply
 place the Flash component on the stage, export your SWC, place it in
 your /lib folder, and access the relevant fl.* classes in your flex

 Peter DeHaan has a good post on using the Flex Component Kit:

 If you're having problems getting SWC files to work at all, you should
 probably brush up library usage in Flex. If you're having problems using
 some of the SWC files that contain the core Flash classes in the
 application directory, they won't work, for various reasons. You have to
 use the Flash compiler to include what classes you need in your SWC, and
 then use that in Flex.

 You also could try some of the articles up on Adobe Dev Connection:

 I'm also writing a tutorial series on Community MX about integrating
 Flash and Flex together, some of which you
 may also find useful as the series unfolds.

 Hope that helps.

 Joseph Balderson |
 Flex  Flash Platform Developer | Abobe Certified Developer  Trainer
 Author, Professional Flex 3 (coming Winter 2008)
 Staff Writer, Community MX |

 anuj181 wrote:
  Does anyone know how to import SWC file created in CS3 into Flex
  Project. I googled it and found lot of samples but in my case whenever
  i gave Library path, the swc file is not showing in my project' lib
  directory and when i manually move swc file it shows unknown icon on
  the file. Does anyone has any idea what's going on.
  Please help me out. All i need is to create few symobls/movies in CS3
  and want to use them in my Flex Project
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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Importing SWC Files in FLEX

2008-05-28 Thread anuj sharma
Hi John  Danny
Thanks for your help.
Problem has been solved , there were some missing libraries in my Flex
compiler. I uninstalled the complete package and re-installed it, and I can
access SWC files using my code now.
Appreciate your help

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:19 AM, John McCormack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Anuj,

 //An internal build error has occurred. Right-click for more information.
 I had difficulty in understanding exactly what was needed to use Flash
 assets and had similar errors. It doesn't help when the documentation
 varies so much on what to do. Unfortunately the Adobe PDF's have no
 publishing date written inside and so you often get information
 from out-of-date ones.

 I am able to use Flash Assets but my projects are all ActionScript
 projects rather than Flex projects. As a result I do not have to turn the
 asset into a Flex component by making it an extension of the UIMovieClip
 class. For example, on the stage I have a red dot with a radial gradient. I
 make it into a symbol and it goes in the library. It has to be either a
 button or MovieClip. Say I call it RedDot. I can delete the one on the
 stage. When I publish I make sure the SWC box is ticked in the publish
 settings. In Flex Builder 3 I right click the project, go to build options
 and add the swc. If I then type var rd:, suddenly RedDot is on the list of
 types I select it and hit return. So I finish up with var rd:RedDot = new
 RedDot and I can addChild(rd) and that's it.

 With Flex projects the only difference is that Flex needs to give the mxml
 compiler access to RedDot. It does this by agreeing an interface to it -
 this is just a set of agreed functions/methods that both sides agree on.
 This is the UIMovieClip - UserInterfaceToMovieClip (probably). So in Flash
 my RedDot has to extend UIMovieClip. If you have already done this,
 right-click the symbol in the library and check the properties to see this.
 If not, select the symbol and go to the Commands menu in Flash and choose
 Convert symbol to Flex component. This has three consequences, which you can
 just do manually yourself:

 1. The fps is set to 24.
 2. The Base Class is set to mx.flash.UIMovieClip.
 3. The FlexComponentBase is added to the library.

 Note: I have just checked and found that the library symbol must have
 export for actionscript ticked *before* you Convert it, otherwise it
 doesn't do it. Now you can either right-click the symbol and export the swc,
 or publish and produce the swc. I have a swf with five symbols in it and
 when published my swc has five symbols in which I can use in Flex. I suggest
 you draw the simplest graphic, turn it into a MovieClip symbol for the
 library. Make sure export for actionscript is set in the library symbol.
 Select it and Convert to a Flex Component. Check the properties for the
 UIMovieClip class. Publish with SWC ticked. Import it, and it should be
 available. You don't need to write a class to go with it since Flash
 produces its own cutdown class for it when ti doesn't find one.

 I got the above error when I followed various guidelines and tried to do
 something more complicated.

 Fingers crossed for you!


Re: [flexcoders] Importing SWC Files in FLEX

2008-05-23 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Guys
I am just wondering if I am doing something wrong here. Iam a new member of
this list  and to the world of Flex and in the past i posted lots of
requests for helping me out but i did not get any reply at all. I am also
the member of Flash Coders list. I am just wondering if this list is
receiving my e-mails or not.
I would appreciate if someone will reply me, at least as a confirmation that
Flex coders are receiving my e-mails.
Thanks a lot for understanding this. i appreciate that.

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 2:53 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know how to import SWC file created in CS3 into Flex
 Project. I googled it and found lot of samples but in my case whenever
 i gave Library path, the swc file is not showing in my project' lib
 directory and when i manually move swc file it shows unknown icon on
 the file. Does anyone has any idea what's going on.
 Please help me out. All i need is to create few symobls/movies in CS3
 and want to use them in my Flex Project


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Importing SWC Files in FLEX

2008-05-23 Thread anuj sharma
Hi Danny
Thanks for the reply. That's the confirmation that the list is receiving my
emails :-). Danny I imported swc and I can see that component in the custom
component folder and I can drag to drop in the design view. However When i
compile my application that component is not visible in the browser and
sometimes it gives compiler error

An internal build error has occurred. Right-click for more information.

I am not sure what's going on . It should be very simple to import flash
shapes and components in Flex but I am new to Flex world which might be
causing such naive errors. Please let me know if you find the solution. I
need to look at SWC file in the Browser while executing the application. By
googling , some folks recommended to check the library path and some say try
to compile the application using command line. Few folks have just reinstall
the whole builder too.
Please let me know if you have found any missing link.
Again I appreciate your help

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Danny Venier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Anuj,

 You can try  Import/FlexBuilder/Artwork and point to a swf or swc?

 Or….you can add a swc to your project by adding the swc to your project
 properties build path. (use project/properties/FlexBuild Path and open the
 Library path tab, then add swc.)

 Not sure what environment you have set up or exactly what you're doing, or
 trying to do, but try that, or review the docs again…
