[fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread John Pratt
Basically, Alan Kay is too polite to say what
we all know to be the case, which is that things
are far inferior to where they could have been
if people had listened to what he was saying in the 1970's.

Inefficient chip architectures, bloated frameworks,
and people don't know at all.

It needs a reboot from the core, all of it, it's just that
people are too afraid to admit it.  New programming languages,
not aging things tied to the keyboard from the 1960's.

It took me 6 months to figure out how to write a drawing program
in cocoa, but a 16-year-old figured it out in the 1970's easily
with Smalltalk.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread Paul Homer
It always seems to be that each new generation of programmers goes straight for 
the low-hanging fruit, ignoring that most of it has already been solved many 
times over. Meanwhile the real problems remain. There has been progress, but 
over the couple of decades I've been working, I've always felt that it was '2 
steps forward, 1.99 steps back". 


> From: John Pratt 
>To: fonc@vpri.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:21:59 AM
>Subject: [fonc] How it is
>Basically, Alan Kay is too polite to say what
>we all know to be the case, which is that things
>are far inferior to where they could have been
>if people had listened to what he was saying in the 1970's.
>Inefficient chip architectures, bloated frameworks,
>and people don't know at all.
>It needs a reboot from the core, all of it, it's just that
>people are too afraid to admit it.  New programming languages,
>not aging things tied to the keyboard from the 1960's.
>It took me 6 months to figure out how to write a drawing program
>in cocoa, but a 16-year-old figured it out in the 1970's easily
>with Smalltalk.
>fonc mailing list
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread Reuben Thomas
On 2 October 2012 16:21, John Pratt  wrote:
> Basically, Alan Kay is too polite to say what
> we all know to be the case, which is that things
> are far inferior to where they could have been
> if people had listened to what he was saying in the 1970's.

He's also not very good at dissemination, or doesn't work at it
enough. It's all very well saying "I told you so" when, at least in
the internet age, he's done the equivalent of writing "I told you so"
on a disposable napkin which he then locked in the bottom drawer of a
filing cabinet in a basement room of a condemned building on a locked
site with a sign outside saying "BEWARE OF THE LEOPARD", when he
could've easily put it on an enormous poster on a main street.

I've said enough about that on this list in the past, but I am excited
that it's nearly the end of October and hence we should get the final
VPRI report and (according to past assertions from the crew) a code
drop shortly.

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread BGB

On 10/2/2012 12:19 PM, Paul Homer wrote:
It always seems to be that each new generation of programmers goes 
straight for the low-hanging fruit, ignoring that most of it has 
already been solved many times over. Meanwhile the real problems 
remain. There has been progress, but over the couple of decades I've 
been working, I've always felt that it was '2 steps forward, 1.99 
steps back".

it depends probably on how one measures things, but I don't think it is 
quite that bad.

more like, I suspect, a lot has to do with pain-threshold:
people will clean things up so long as they are sufficiently painful, 
but once this is achieved, people no longer care.

the rest is people mostly recreating the past, often poorly, usually 
under the idea "this time we will do it right!", often without looking 
into what the past technologies did or did not do well engineering-wise.

or, they end up trying for "something different", but usually this turns 
out to be recreating something which already exists and turns out to 
typically be a dead-end (IOW: where many have gone before, and failed). 
often the people will think "why has no one done it before this way?" 
but, usually they have, and usually it didn't turn out well.

so, a blind "rebuild starting from nothing" probably wont achieve much.
like, it requires taking account of history to improve on it 
(classifying various options and design choices, ...).

it is like trying to convince other language/VM designers/implementers 
that expecting the end programmer to have to write piles of boilerplate 
to interface with C is a problem which should be addressed, but people 
just go and use terrible APIs usually based on "registering" the C 
callbacks with the VM (or they devise something like JNI or JNA and 
congratulate themselves, rather than being like "this still kind of sucks").

though in a way it sort of makes sense:
many language designers end up thinking like "this language will replace 
C anyways, why bother to have a half-decent FFI?...". whereas it is 
probably a minority position to design a language and VM with the 
attitude "C and C++ aren't going away anytime soon".

but, at least I am aware that most of my stuff is poor imitations of 
other stuff, and doesn't really do much of anything actually original, 
or necessarily even all that well, but at least I can try to improve on 
things (like, rip-off and refine).

even, yes, as misguided and wasteful as it all may seem sometimes...

in a way it can be distressing though when one has created something 
that is lame and ugly, but at the same time is aware of the various 
design tradeoffs that has caused them to design it that way (like, a 
cleaner and more elegant design could have been created, but might have 
suffered in another way).

in a way, it is a slightly different experience I suspect...


    *From:* John Pratt 
*To:* fonc@vpri.org
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:21:59 AM
*Subject:* [fonc] How it is

Basically, Alan Kay is too polite to say what
we all know to be the case, which is that things
are far inferior to where they could have been
if people had listened to what he was saying in the 1970's.

Inefficient chip architectures, bloated frameworks,
and people don't know at all.

It needs a reboot from the core, all of it, it's just that
people are too afraid to admit it.  New programming languages,
not aging things tied to the keyboard from the 1960's.

It took me 6 months to figure out how to write a drawing program
in cocoa, but a 16-year-old figured it out in the 1970's easily
with Smalltalk.
fonc mailing list
fonc@vpri.org <mailto:fonc@vpri.org>

fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
Reuben Thomas  writes:

> On 2 October 2012 16:21, John Pratt  wrote:
>> Basically, Alan Kay is too polite to say what
>> we all know to be the case, which is that things
>> are far inferior to where they could have been
>> if people had listened to what he was saying in the 1970's.
> He's also not very good at dissemination, or doesn't work at it
> enough. It's all very well saying "I told you so" when, at least in
> the internet age, he's done the equivalent of writing "I told you so"
> on a disposable napkin which he then locked in the bottom drawer of a
> filing cabinet in a basement room of a condemned building on a locked
> site with a sign outside saying "BEWARE OF THE LEOPARD", when he
> could've easily put it on an enormous poster on a main street.

I don't think you can say that.  He has worked at Apple, where he has
done all the evangelizing he could.  The iPad is basically the hardware
outcome.  Hypercard, Dylan, etc as software outcome.

There are a lot of developments around Smalltalk and Squeak too.  
Alice http://www.alice.org/
Scratch   http://scratch.mit.edu/
Croquet   http://opencroquet.org/

The problem is not the sources of the message.  It's the receiptors.
Before 2000, one could give them the excuse that hardware was slow,
dynamic programming languages were not good enough to do fancy things.
But not since.  And indeed, there's more and more dynamic programming
languages available (Ruby, Python, etc).

Of course those new languages and systems are not refinements, they're just
yet another try at the same target, so they don't reach it or even aim
any better.  Again, the problem is more with the receiptors, who just
prefer to reinvent "new" stuff rather than learn history, read old
papers and use old programming languages and old systems and refine

Well, at least, in 2012, C and C++ have closures…  Perhaps in 35 years,
they'll be sexp-based too!

__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
BGB  writes:

> On 10/2/2012 12:19 PM, Paul Homer wrote:
> It always seems to be that each new generation of programmers goes
> straight for the low-hanging fruit, ignoring that most of it has
> already been solved many times over. Meanwhile the real problems
> remain. There has been progress, but over the couple of decades
> I've been working, I've always felt that it was '2 steps forward,
> 1.99 steps back".
> it depends probably on how one measures things, but I don't think it
> is quite that bad.
> more like, I suspect, a lot has to do with pain-threshold: people will
> clean things up so long as they are sufficiently painful, but once
> this is achieved, people no longer care.
> the rest is people mostly recreating the past, often poorly, usually
> under the idea "this time we will do it right!", often without looking
> into what the past technologies did or did not do well
> engineering-wise.
> or, they end up trying for "something different", but usually this
> turns out to be recreating something which already exists and turns
> out to typically be a dead-end (IOW: where many have gone before, and
> failed). often the people will think "why has no one done it before
> this way?" but, usually they have, and usually it didn't turn out
> well.

One excuse for this however, is that sources for old research projects
are not available generally, the more so for failed projects. At most,
there's a paper describing the project and some results, but no source,
much less machine readable sources.  (The fact is that those sources
were on punch cards or other unreadable media).

> so, a blind "rebuild starting from nothing" probably wont achieve
> much.  like, it requires taking account of history to improve on it
> (classifying various options and design choices, ...).

Sometimes while not making great scientific or technological advances,
it still improves things.  Linus wanted to learn unix and wrote Linux
and Richard wanted to have the sources and wrote GNU, and we get
GNU/Linux which is better than the other unices.

> it is like trying to convince other language/VM designers/implementers
> that expecting the end programmer to have to write piles of
> boilerplate to interface with C is a problem which should be
> addressed, but people just go and use terrible APIs usually based on
> "registering" the C callbacks with the VM (or they devise something
> like JNI or JNA and congratulate themselves, rather than being like
> "this still kind of sucks").
> though in a way it sort of makes sense: many language designers end up
> thinking like "this language will replace C anyways, why bother to
> have a half-decent FFI?...". whereas it is probably a minority
> position to design a language and VM with the attitude "C and C++
> aren't going away anytime soon".
> but, at least I am aware that most of my stuff is poor imitations of
> other stuff, and doesn't really do much of anything actually original,
> or necessarily even all that well, but at least I can try to improve
> on things (like, rip-off and refine).
> even, yes, as misguided and wasteful as it all may seem sometimes...
> in a way it can be distressing though when one has created something
> that is lame and ugly, but at the same time is aware of the various
> design tradeoffs that has caused them to design it that way (like, a
> cleaner and more elegant design could have been created, but might
> have suffered in another way).
> in a way, it is a slightly different experience I suspect...

I would say that for one thing the development of new ideas would have
to be done in autarcy: we don't want and can't support old OSes and old
languages, since the fundamental principles will be different.

But then I'd observe the fate of those different systems, even with a
corporation such as IBM backing them, such as OS/400, or BeOS.  Even if
some of them could find a niche, they remain quite confidential.

On the other hand, more or less relatively recently, companies have been
able to develop and sell new languages/systems: Sun did Java/JVM and
it's now developed by Google in Android systems;  Apple promoted
Objective-C on iOS, both with quite a commercial success, and
third-party developers.

So one could imagine than after having developped a good kind of
language and system, a corporation could embed them in a user plateform
with some commercial success, and the corresponding popularity amongst
third-party developers.

Then once you're a billionaire, you also have this opportunity, beside
backing Ubuntu or Mars colonization.

Let's keep our optimism!

__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-02 Thread BGB

On 10/2/2012 5:48 PM, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:

BGB  writes:

On 10/2/2012 12:19 PM, Paul Homer wrote:

 It always seems to be that each new generation of programmers goes
 straight for the low-hanging fruit, ignoring that most of it has
 already been solved many times over. Meanwhile the real problems
 remain. There has been progress, but over the couple of decades
 I've been working, I've always felt that it was '2 steps forward,
 1.99 steps back".

it depends probably on how one measures things, but I don't think it
is quite that bad.

more like, I suspect, a lot has to do with pain-threshold: people will
clean things up so long as they are sufficiently painful, but once
this is achieved, people no longer care.

the rest is people mostly recreating the past, often poorly, usually
under the idea "this time we will do it right!", often without looking
into what the past technologies did or did not do well

or, they end up trying for "something different", but usually this
turns out to be recreating something which already exists and turns
out to typically be a dead-end (IOW: where many have gone before, and
failed). often the people will think "why has no one done it before
this way?" but, usually they have, and usually it didn't turn out

One excuse for this however, is that sources for old research projects
are not available generally, the more so for failed projects. At most,
there's a paper describing the project and some results, but no source,
much less machine readable sources.  (The fact is that those sources
were on punch cards or other unreadable media).

a lot of things are for things which are much more recent as well.

so, a blind "rebuild starting from nothing" probably wont achieve
much.  like, it requires taking account of history to improve on it
(classifying various options and design choices, ...).

Sometimes while not making great scientific or technological advances,
it still improves things.  Linus wanted to learn unix and wrote Linux
and Richard wanted to have the sources and wrote GNU, and we get
GNU/Linux which is better than the other unices.

well, except, in both of these cases, they were taking account of things 
which happened before:

both of them knew about, and were basing their design efforts off of, Unix.

the bigger problem is not with people being like "I am going to write my 
own version of X", but, rather, a person running into the problem 
without really taking into account that "X" ever existed, or without 
putting any effort into understanding how it worked.

it is like trying to convince other language/VM designers/implementers
that expecting the end programmer to have to write piles of
boilerplate to interface with C is a problem which should be
addressed, but people just go and use terrible APIs usually based on
"registering" the C callbacks with the VM (or they devise something
like JNI or JNA and congratulate themselves, rather than being like
"this still kind of sucks").

though in a way it sort of makes sense: many language designers end up
thinking like "this language will replace C anyways, why bother to
have a half-decent FFI?...". whereas it is probably a minority
position to design a language and VM with the attitude "C and C++
aren't going away anytime soon".

but, at least I am aware that most of my stuff is poor imitations of
other stuff, and doesn't really do much of anything actually original,
or necessarily even all that well, but at least I can try to improve
on things (like, rip-off and refine).

even, yes, as misguided and wasteful as it all may seem sometimes...

in a way it can be distressing though when one has created something
that is lame and ugly, but at the same time is aware of the various
design tradeoffs that has caused them to design it that way (like, a
cleaner and more elegant design could have been created, but might
have suffered in another way).

in a way, it is a slightly different experience I suspect...

I would say that for one thing the development of new ideas would have
to be done in autarcy: we don't want and can't support old OSes and old
languages, since the fundamental principles will be different.

But then I'd observe the fate of those different systems, even with a
corporation such as IBM backing them, such as OS/400, or BeOS.  Even if
some of them could find a niche, they remain quite confidential.

yeah. the problem is, "a new thing" is hard.
it is one thing to sell, for example, an x86 chip with a few more 
features hacked on, and quite another to try to sell something like an 

people really like their old stuff to keep on working, and for better or 
worse, it makes sense to keep the new thing as a backwards-compatible 

On the other hand, more or less relatively recently, companies have been
able to develop and sell new languages/systems: Sun did Java/JVM and
it's now developed by Google in Android systems;  Apple prom

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Loup Vaillant

Pascal J. Bourguignon a écrit :

The problem is not the sources of the message.  It's the receiptors.

Even if it's true, it doesn't help.  Unless you see that as an advice
to just give up, that is.

Assuming we _don't_ give up, who can we reach even those that won't
listen?  I only have two answers: trick them, or force them.  Most
probably a killer-something, followed by the revelation that it uses
some alien technology.  Now the biggest roadblock is making the alien
tech not scary ("alien technology" is already bad in this respect).

An example of a killer-something might be a Raspberry-Pi shipped with a
self-documented Frank-like image.  By self-documented, I mean something
more than emacs.  I mean something filled with tutorials about how to
implement, re-implement, and customise every part of the system.

And it must be aimed at children.  Unlike most adults, they can get
past C-like syntax.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
Loup Vaillant  writes:

> Pascal J. Bourguignon a écrit :
>> The problem is not the sources of the message.  It's the receiptors.
> Even if it's true, it doesn't help.  Unless you see that as an advice
> to just give up, that is.
> Assuming we _don't_ give up, who can we reach even those that won't
> listen?  I only have two answers: trick them, or force them.  Most
> probably a killer-something, followed by the revelation that it uses
> some alien technology.  Now the biggest roadblock is making the alien
> tech not scary ("alien technology" is already bad in this respect).
> An example of a killer-something might be a Raspberry-Pi shipped with a
> self-documented Frank-like image.  By self-documented, I mean something
> more than emacs.  I mean something filled with tutorials about how to
> implement, re-implement, and customise every part of the system.
> And it must be aimed at children.  Unlike most adults, they can get
> past C-like syntax.


__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Ryan Mitchley

On 03/10/2012 10:39, Loup Vaillant wrote:

An example of a killer-something might be a Raspberry-Pi shipped with a
self-documented Frank-like image.  By self-documented, I mean something
more than emacs.  I mean something filled with tutorials about how to
implement, re-implement, and customise every part of the system.

And it must be aimed at children.  Unlike most adults, they can get
past C-like syntax.

Can I also add my vote for this idea?

Another comment - I have decided that I learned the most as a child by 
typing in program listings from books / magazines. I know this probably 
sounds ridiculous - especially given the attraction of a 
self-documenting, dynamic, inspectable system. However, I think the 
process and tedium gave a real "feeling" for syntax, allowing one's mind 
to work in the background and mull over the ideas being presented. I 
think the idea of a "build your own computer", magazine partwork style - 
with both hardware and software being built up piece by piece - is 
possibly the way to go.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Loup Vaillant

Ryan Mitchley a écrit :

On 03/10/2012 10:39, Loup Vaillant wrote:

An example of a killer-something might be a Raspberry-Pi shipped with a
self-documented Frank-like image.  By self-documented, I mean something
more than emacs.  I mean something filled with tutorials about how to
implement, re-implement, and customise every part of the system.

And it must be aimed at children.  Unlike most adults, they can get
past C-like syntax.

Can I also add my vote for this idea?

You can, thanks.  Though I recall it has already been mentioned here?

Another comment - I have decided that I learned the most as a child by
typing in program listings from books / magazines.
I think the idea of a "build your own computer", magazine partwork style
- with both hardware and software being built up piece by piece - is
possibly the way to go.

Possibly.  However, you still need a working computer to be able to
write such a system.  I see 2 obvious paths:

 1 Ship a full computer system, and the magazine will explain how to
   redo (a subset of) it piece by piece.
 2 Ship a bare-bones computer system (say, a Forth console), and the
   magazine will explain how to _bootstrap_ from there.

I think path 2 is best for curious hackers.  For children, path 1 is
probably better.  First, only path 1 can implement Bret Victor's ideas
about learn-able programming¹.  Second, it is probably best for the
child to be able to make something tangible right away, like a cat
chasing a mouse.

There's also a catch: device drivers.  Most computers have very
complicated hardware whose interfaces are not easy to program to.
The Raspberry-Pi itself has some proprietary parts.  Maybe a decent
kernel isn't that hard to write, but if it is, we may want to start
by sweeping a layer of virtualization under the rug.


[1]: http://worrydream.com/LearnableProgramming/
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Paul Homer
"people will clean things up so long as they are sufficiently painful, but once 
this is achieved, people no longer care."

The idea I've been itching to try is to go backwards. Right now we use 
programmers to assemble larger and larger pieces of software, but as time goes 
on they get inconsistent and the inconsistencies propagate upwards. The result 
is that each new enhancement adds something, but also degenerates the overall 
stability. Eventually it all hits a ceiling.

If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the computer 
itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into mega-systems, 
then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today. To do this of course, 
the pieces would have to be tightly organized. Contributors wouldn't have the 
freedom they do now, but that's a necessity to move from what is essentially a 
competitive environment to a cooperative one. Some very fixed rules become 

One question that arises from this type of idea is whether or not it is even 
possible for a computer to assemble a massive working system from say, a 
billion little code fragments. Would it run straight into NP? In the general 
case I don't think the door could be closed on this, but realistically the 
assembling doesn't have to happen in real-time, most of it can be cached and 
reused. Also, the final system would be composed of many major pieces, each 
with their own breakdown into sub-pieces and each of those being also 
decomposable. Thus getting to a super-system could take a tremendous amount of 
time, but that could be distributed over a wide and mostly independent set of 
work. As it is, we have 1M+ programmers right now, most of whom are essentially 
writing the same things (just slightly different). With that type of man-power 
directed, some pretty cool things could be created.


> From: BGB 
>To: fonc@vpri.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 5:48:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>On 10/2/2012 12:19 PM, Paul Homer wrote:
>It always seems to be that each new generation of programmers goes straight 
>for the low-hanging fruit, ignoring that most of it has already been solved 
>many times over. Meanwhile the real problems remain. There has been progress, 
>but over the couple of decades I've been working, I've always felt that it was 
>'2 steps forward, 1.99 steps back". 
>it depends probably on how one measures things, but I don't think it
is quite that bad.
>more like, I suspect, a lot has to do with pain-threshold:
>people will clean things up so long as they are sufficiently
painful, but once this is achieved, people no longer care.
>the rest is people mostly recreating the past, often poorly, usually
under the idea "this time we will do it right!", often without
looking into what the past technologies did or did not do well
>or, they end up trying for "something different", but usually this
turns out to be recreating something which already exists and turns
out to typically be a dead-end (IOW: where many have gone before,
and failed). often the people will think "why has no one done it
before this way?" but, usually they have, and usually it didn't turn
out well.
>so, a blind "rebuild starting from nothing" probably wont achieve
>like, it requires taking account of history to improve on it
(classifying various options and design choices, ...).
>it is like trying to convince other language/VM
designers/implementers that expecting the end programmer to have to
write piles of boilerplate to interface with C is a problem which
should be addressed, but people just go and use terrible APIs
usually based on "registering" the C callbacks with the VM (or they
devise something like JNI or JNA and congratulate themselves, rather
than being like "this still kind of sucks").
>though in a way it sort of makes sense:
>many language designers end up thinking like "this language will
replace C anyways, why bother to have a half-decent FFI?...".
whereas it is probably a minority position to design a language and
VM with the attitude "C and C++ aren't going away anytime soon".
>but, at least I am aware that most of my stuff is poor imitations of
other stuff, and doesn't really do much of anything actually
original, or necessarily even all that well, but at least I can try
to improve on things (like, rip-off and refine).
>even, yes, as misguided and wasteful as it all may seem sometimes...
>in a way it can be distressing though when one has created something
that is l

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Carl Gundel

Aiming the message at children means that we don't need to "trick them, or 
force them."

-Carl Gundel

-Original Message-
From: fonc-boun...@vpri.org [mailto:fonc-boun...@vpri.org] On Behalf Of Loup 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 4:40 AM
To: fonc@vpri.org
Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is

Pascal J. Bourguignon a écrit :
> The problem is not the sources of the message.  It's the receiptors.

Even if it's true, it doesn't help.  Unless you see that as an advice to just 
give up, that is.

Assuming we _don't_ give up, who can we reach even those that won't listen?  I 
only have two answers: trick them, or force them.  Most probably a 
killer-something, followed by the revelation that it uses some alien 
technology.  Now the biggest roadblock is making the alien tech not scary 
("alien technology" is already bad in this respect).

An example of a killer-something might be a Raspberry-Pi shipped with a 
self-documented Frank-like image.  By self-documented, I mean something more 
than emacs.  I mean something filled with tutorials about how to implement, 
re-implement, and customise every part of the system.

And it must be aimed at children.  Unlike most adults, they can get past C-like 


fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Loup Vaillant

De : Paul Homer 

If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.

Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
sketch a trivial example?


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Miles Fidelman

Loup Vaillant wrote:

De : Paul Homer 

If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.

Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this. Meaning,
I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
sketch a trivial example?

You're thinking too small!  The Internet (networks + computers + 
software + users), RESTful services, mashups, email discussion threads, 
 - great examples of emergent behavior.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread J. Andrew Rogers

On Oct 3, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:
> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the computer 
> itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into mega-systems, 
> then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today. To do this of course, 
> the pieces would have to be tightly organized.

The missing element is an algorithmic method for decomposing the representation 
of large, distributed systems that is general enough that it does not imply 
significant restrictions on operator implementation at the level of individual 
piece such that the programmer has to be aware of the whole system 
implementation. The details of the local implementation will matter much less 
but it will also be a very different type of interface than programmers are 
used to designing toward. 

Programming environments improperly conflate selecting data models and 
operators with selecting data structures and algorithms.  Reimplementation is 
common because I need sorting, maps, vectors, etc in the abstract to build the 
software but the algorithms someone else may use to optimally implement them 
for their data model is pathological for my data model. The algorithms used to 
operate on a data model are not separable from the data model but most 
programming environments treat them as though they are. Large systems are not 
nicely decomposable because they impose global implementation details beyond 
the interfaces of the pieces.

A canonical example is the decomposition of an ad hoc relational join 
operation. Common data model representations impose the use of algorithms that 
are pathological for this purpose. You can't get there, or even close, with the 
data structures commonly used to represent data models. At the root, it is a 
data structure problem.

J. Andrew Rogers

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Loup Vaillant

Miles Fidelman a écrit :

Loup Vaillant wrote:

De : Paul Homer 

If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.

Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this. Meaning,
I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
sketch a trivial example?

You're thinking too small!  The Internet (networks + computers +
software + users), RESTful services, mashups, email discussion threads,
 - great examples of emergent behavior.

"Emergent"?  Beware, this words often reads "Phlogiston". (It's often
used to "explain" phenomenons we just don't understand yet.)

The examples you provided are based on static standards (IP, HTTP, SMTP
—I don't know about mashups).  One characteristic of these standards
is, they are _dumb_.  Which is the point, as intelligence is supposed
to lie at the edge of the network (basic Internet principle that is at
risk these times).

Your idea seemed quite different.  I had the impression of something
_smart_, able to lift a significant part of the programming effort.  I
visualised some sort of self-assembling 'glue', whose purpose would be
to assemble various code snippets to do our bidding.

Note that we have already examples of such things.  Compilers, garbage
collectors, inferential engines… even game scripting engines. But those
are highly specialized. You seem to have in mind something more general.
But what, short of a full blown AI?

I see small because I see squat.  What kind of code fragments could be
involved? How the whole system may be specified? You do need to program
the system into doing what you want, eventually.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Miles Fidelman

Loup Vaillant wrote:

Miles Fidelman a écrit :

Loup Vaillant wrote:

De : Paul Homer 

If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together 

mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.

Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this. Meaning,
I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used. Could you
sketch a trivial example?

You're thinking too small!  The Internet (networks + computers +
software + users), RESTful services, mashups, email discussion threads,
 - great examples of emergent behavior.

"Emergent"?  Beware, this words often reads "Phlogiston". (It's often
used to "explain" phenomenons we just don't understand yet.)

I believe it was Ilya Prigogine who won the Nobel Prize for his work on 
"dissipative structures" - the gist of which is that if you pour energy 
into a system, order emerges - essentially the inverse of the 2nd law of 

I'd also observe that the nature of biological evolution is that various 
kinds of building blocks (e.g., proteins, DNA), and that new levels of 
order emerge from combinations of building blocks.

My observation is that today's large systems are not designed, they're 
"complex, adaptive systems" (to use the current jargon) - where a lot of 
the observed systemic behavior emerges from the interactions of users 
and technology, when focused on particular applications.  My favorite 
example: walk into an Air Force operations center, and the screens 
aren't covered with windows from fancy command and control systems, 
they're covered with chat windows.  When a new op center is stood up, 
specific collections of persistent chat sessions emerge, over a period 
of weeks, as relationships and information flows emerge in response to 
the specific operational and mission environment.  The result is a 
rather complex person-machine-information_flow system that has emerged, 
"on top of" a rather simple platform.

The examples you provided are based on static standards (IP, HTTP, SMTP
—I don't know about mashups).  One characteristic of these standards
is, they are _dumb_.  Which is the point, as intelligence is supposed
to lie at the edge of the network (basic Internet principle that is at
risk these times).

Your idea seemed quite different.  I had the impression of something
_smart_, able to lift a significant part of the programming effort.  I
visualised some sort of self-assembling 'glue', whose purpose would be
to assemble various code snippets to do our bidding.

I kind of think that, with the right building blocks (right = a 
combination of useful, and presenting simple, composable interfaces), 
users, environment, and application provide a framework for something 
that looks very close to biological self-assembly.

Note that we have already examples of such things.  Compilers, garbage
collectors, inferential engines… even game scripting engines. But those
are highly specialized. You seem to have in mind something more general.
But what, short of a full blown AI?

I see small because I see squat.  What kind of code fragments could be
involved? How the whole system may be specified? You do need to program
the system into doing what you want, eventually.

That's where we disagree.  Large, complex systems are, by definition, 
more complicated than their component parts - and systems that include 
multiple human beings are intrinsically beyond the comprehension of or 
design by humans (we're components, after all).  Maybe we can grasp 
architectural principles, but details are beyond are cognitive 
abilities.  These days, we build platforms, turn them loose, and things 
emerge on top of them - push information through them (and remember, 
information = energy), and order emerges.  (Another example: an email 
list - the useful aspect are the conversational threads that emerge from 
use, not from design.)

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread BGB
ly used 
in languages like Java and C#. in dynamically-typed languages, the 
object is often itself its own metadata.

meanwhile, in my case, I build and use reflective metadata for C.

the big part of the "power" of my VM project is not that I have such big 
fancy code, or fancy code generation, but rather in that my C code has 
reflection facilities. even for plain old C code, reflection can be 
pretty useful sometimes (allowing doing things that would otherwise be 
impossible, or at least, rather impractical).

so, in a way, reflection metadata is what makes my fancy C FFI possible.

this part was made to work fairly well, even if, admittedly, this is 
something of a fairly limited scope.

much larger "big concept" things though would likely require "big 
concept" metadata, and this is where the pain would begin.

with FFI gluing, the task is simpler, like:
"on one side, I have a 'string' or 'char[]' type, and on the other, a 
'char *' type, what do I do?...".

usually, the types are paired in a reasonably straightforward way, and 
the number of arguments match, ... so the code can either succeed (and 
generate the needed interface glue), or fail at doing so.

but, admittedly, figuring out something like "how do I make these two 
unrelated things interact?", where there is not a clear 1:1 mapping, is 
not such an easy task.

this is then where we get into APIs, ABIs, protocols, ... where each 
side defines a particular (and, usually narrow) set of defined 
interactions, and interacts in a particular way.

and this is, itself, ultimately limited.

for example, a person can plug all manner of filesystems into the Linux 
VFS subsystem, but ultimately there is a restriction here: it has to be 
able to present itself as a hierarchical filesystem.

more so, given the way it is implemented in Linux, it has to be possible 
to enumerate the files, so sad as it is, you can't really just implement 
"the internet" as a Linux VFS driver (say, 
"/mnt/http/www.google.com/#hl=en&..."), albeit some other VFS-style 
systems allow this.

so, in this sense, it still requires "intelligence" to put the pieces 
together, and design the various ways in which they may interoperate...

I really don't know if this helps, or is just me going off on a tangent.


*From:* BGB 
*To:* fonc@vpri.org
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 2, 2012 5:48:14 PM
*Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is

On 10/2/2012 12:19 PM, Paul Homer wrote:

It always seems to be that each new generation of programmers
goes straight for the low-hanging fruit, ignoring that most of it
has already been solved many times over. Meanwhile the real
problems remain. There has been progress, but over the couple of
decades I've been working, I've always felt that it was '2 steps
forward, 1.99 steps back".

it depends probably on how one measures things, but I don't think
it is quite that bad.

more like, I suspect, a lot has to do with pain-threshold:
people will clean things up so long as they are sufficiently
painful, but once this is achieved, people no longer care.

the rest is people mostly recreating the past, often poorly,
usually under the idea "this time we will do it right!", often
without looking into what the past technologies did or did not do
well engineering-wise.

or, they end up trying for "something different", but usually this
turns out to be recreating something which already exists and
turns out to typically be a dead-end (IOW: where many have gone
before, and failed). often the people will think "why has no one
done it before this way?" but, usually they have, and usually it
didn't turn out well.

so, a blind "rebuild starting from nothing" probably wont achieve
like, it requires taking account of history to improve on it
(classifying various options and design choices, ...).

it is like trying to convince other language/VM
designers/implementers that expecting the end programmer to have
to write piles of boilerplate to interface with C is a problem
which should be addressed, but people just go and use terrible
APIs usually based on "registering" the C callbacks with the VM
(or they devise something like JNI or JNA and congratulate
themselves, rather than being like "this still kind of sucks").

though in a way it sort of makes sense:
many language designers end up thinking like "this language will
replace C anyways, why bother to have a half-decent FFI?...".
whereas it is probably a minority position to design a language
and VM with the attitude "C and C++ aren'

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Paul Homer
ting transformations. In comparison to modern software development, these 
would be very little pieces, and if they were shared are intrinsically reusable 
(and recombination).

So I'd basically go backwards :-) No higher abstractions and bigger pieces, but 
rather a sea of very little ones. It would be fun to try :-)


> From: Loup Vaillant 
>To: Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 11:10:41 AM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>De : Paul Homer 
>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>> […]
>Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
>I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
>sketch a trivial example?
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread karl ramberg
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Loup Vaillant  wrote:
> Miles Fidelman a écrit :
>> Loup Vaillant wrote:
>>> De : Paul Homer 
 If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
 computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
 mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>>> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this. Meaning,
>>> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
>>> sketch a trivial example?
>> You're thinking too small!  The Internet (networks + computers +
>> software + users), RESTful services, mashups, email discussion threads,
>>  - great examples of emergent behavior.
> "Emergent"?  Beware, this words often reads "Phlogiston". (It's often
> used to "explain" phenomenons we just don't understand yet.)
> The examples you provided are based on static standards (IP, HTTP, SMTP
> —I don't know about mashups).  One characteristic of these standards
> is, they are _dumb_.  Which is the point, as intelligence is supposed
> to lie at the edge of the network (basic Internet principle that is at
> risk these times).
> Your idea seemed quite different.  I had the impression of something
> _smart_, able to lift a significant part of the programming effort.  I
> visualised some sort of self-assembling 'glue', whose purpose would be
> to assemble various code snippets to do our bidding.
> Note that we have already examples of such things.  Compilers, garbage
> collectors, inferential engines… even game scripting engines. But those
> are highly specialized. You seem to have in mind something more general.
> But what, short of a full blown AI?
> I see small because I see squat.  What kind of code fragments could be
> involved? How the whole system may be specified? You do need to program
> the system into doing what you want, eventually.
> Loup.
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc

Some kind of AI would be necessary to achieve a self organizing
growing and learning system.
And the system would need to be general enough to be used for a wide
variety of applications.

Geoffrey Hinton have shown some interesting results for image recognition:

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
Paul Homer  writes:

> The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of modeling data, 
> and creating
> transformations. In comparison to modern software development, these would be 
> very little
> pieces, and if they were shared are intrinsically reusable (and 
> recombination).

Yes, that gives L4Gs.  Eventually (when we'll have programmed
everything) all computing will be only done with L4Gs: managers
specifying their data flows.  

But strangely enough, users are always asking for new programs…  Is it
because we've not programmed every functions already, or because we will
never have them all programmed?

__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Paul Homer
I think it's because that's what we've told them to ask for :-) 

In truth we can't actually program 'everything', I think that's a side-effect 
of Godel's incompleteness theorem. But if you were to take 'everything' as 
being abstract quantity, the more we write, the closer our estimation comes to 
being 'everything'. That perspective lends itself to perhaps measuring the 
current state of our industry by how much code we are writing right now. In the 
early years, we should be writing more and more. In the later years, less and 
less (as we get closer to 'everything'). My sense of the industry right now is 
that pretty much every year (factoring in the economy and the waxing or waning 
of the popularity of programming) we write more code than the year before. Thus 
we are only starting :-)


> From: Pascal J. Bourguignon 
>To: Paul Homer  
>Cc: Fundamentals of New Computing  
>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3:32:34 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>Paul Homer  writes:
>> The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of modeling data, 
>> and creating
>> transformations. In comparison to modern software development, these would 
>> be very little
>> pieces, and if they were shared are intrinsically reusable (and 
>> recombination).
>Yes, that gives L4Gs.  Eventually (when we'll have programmed
>everything) all computing will be only done with L4Gs: managers
>specifying their data flows.  
>But strangely enough, users are always asking for new programs…  Is it
>because we've not programmed every functions already, or because we will
>never have them all programmed?
>__Pascal Bourguignon__                    http://www.informatimago.com/
>A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Alan Moore
 -- even little
> rounded corners, images and gadgets -- as just data that has flowed there
> from the disk somewhere (or network :-). The transformations behind
> something like a windowing system can appear daunting, but we know that
> they all started life as data somewhere that moved and bounced through a
> huge number of different data-structures, until finally ending up as a set
> of bits toggled in a screen buffer.
> The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of modeling data,
> and creating transformations. In comparison to modern software development,
> these would be very little pieces, and if they were shared are
> intrinsically reusable (and recombination).
> So I'd basically go backwards :-) No higher abstractions and bigger
> pieces, but rather a sea of very little ones. It would be fun to try :-)
> Paul.
>   --
> *From:* Loup Vaillant 
> *To:* Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing <
> fonc@vpri.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2012 11:10:41 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is
> De : Paul Homer 
> > If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
> > computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
> > mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
> > […]
> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
> sketch a trivial example?
> Loup.
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread BGB

On 10/3/2012 2:46 PM, Paul Homer wrote:

I think it's because that's what we've told them to ask for :-)

In truth we can't actually program 'everything', I think that's a 
side-effect of Godel's incompleteness theorem. But if you were to take 
'everything' as being abstract quantity, the more we write, the closer 
our estimation comes to being 'everything'. That perspective lends 
itself to perhaps measuring the current state of our industry by how 
much code we are writing right now. In the early years, we should be 
writing more and more. In the later years, less and less (as we get 
closer to 'everything'). My sense of the industry right now is that 
pretty much every year (factoring in the economy and the waxing or 
waning of the popularity of programming) we write more code than the 
year before. Thus we are only starting :-)

yeah, this seems about right.

from my own experience, new code being written in any given area tends 
to drop off once that part is reasonably stable or complete, apart from 
occasional tweaks/extensions, ...

but, there is always more to do somewhere else, so on average the code 
gradually gets bigger, as more functionality gets added in various areas.

and, I often have to decide where I will not invest time and effort.

so, yeah, this falls well short of "everything"...


*From:* Pascal J. Bourguignon 
*To:* Paul Homer 
*Cc:* Fundamentals of New Computing 
    *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3:32:34 PM
*Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is

Paul Homer mailto:paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>> writes:

> The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of
modeling data, and creating
> transformations. In comparison to modern software development,
these would be very little
> pieces, and if they were shared are intrinsically reusable (and

Yes, that gives L4Gs.  Eventually (when we'll have programmed
everything) all computing will be only done with L4Gs: managers
specifying their data flows.

But strangely enough, users are always asking for new programs... 
Is it

because we've not programmed every functions already, or because
we will
never have them all programmed?

__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/

A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

fonc mailing list

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Paul Homer
Sure, but isn't my wheel rounder :-)

Of course, from my quick peek Linda still seems somewhat code-oriented:

"Linda is a model of coordination and communication among several 
parallel processes operating upon objects stored in and retrieved from 
shared, virtual, associative memory." 

If I built the full-monty version of what I am thinking, the idea of 
'processes' would basically disappear. How the flow gets established, and how 
many computers are actually involved is really an implementation detail. The 
data would flow from context to context with essentially one 'thread of 
control' per flow, but that 'thread' could span many machines (or even break 
off into some horrific number of sub-threads if the kernel could establish that 
it was dealing with independent sub-flows). Because it all starts with a user I 
suspect that it should be a rather more tangible subset of a distributed system 
(for background work, one could just fake out a virtual user and then throw 
away the output).


> From: Alan Moore 
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing  
>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 4:01:36 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>This sounds a little like Linda and TupleSpaces... what was that you were 
>saying about re-inventing the wheel over and over?
>Alan Moore
>On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:
>A bit long, but ...
>>The way most people think about programming is that they are writing 'code'. 
>>As a lessor side-effect, that code is slinging 
around data. It grabs it from the user, throws it into memory and then 
if it is interesting data, it writes it to disk so that it can be looked at or 
edited later. The code is the primary thing they are creating, 
while the data is just a side-effect of using that code.
>>Way back I got introduced to seeing it the other way around. Data is 
everything. It's what the user types in, which is moved into some 
data-structures in memory and then is eventually restructured for 
persistence to be stored for later usage. Data sometimes contains 
'static linkages', that is one datam points to another explicitly. 
Sometimes the linkages are dynamic. A piece of code has to be run to 
make the connection between the data. In this perspective, code is 
nothing more than dynamic linkages or transformations between 
data-structures/formats (one could see the average of a bunch of floats 
for example as a transformation to a more simplified summation of the 
original data). The system is really just a massive flow of data, while 
the code is just what helps it get from place to place.
>>In the second perspective, an inventory system allows the data to flow 
from the users to the persistence medium. Sometimes the users need the 
data to flow back to them again, possibly summarized, or just for 
re-editing. The core of the system holds very simple data, basically a 
series of physical items, each with many associated properties and 
probably a bunch of cross-relationships. The underlying types, properties and 
relationships form a model of the data. For our modern systems that model might 
be implemented as a relational schema, but it could also be more exotic like 
>>In this sort of system, if the model where stored explicitly in the 
persistence and it is simple enough that the users could do data entry 
directly on a flat representation of it on the screen, then the whole 
system would be as simple as flinging the data back and forth between 
the disks and the screen. However as we all know, systems are never this 
trivial in the real world. 
>>Users need to navigate to specific data, and they often want the computer to 
fill in any 'global context information' for them as they move around. 
As well, they generally enter data in a simplified format, store the 
data in another, and then want a third way to view it. All of this 
amounts to a series of transformations happening to the data as it flows back 
and forth. Some transformations are simple, such as displaying a 
floating point number as a string truncated to some level of precision. 
Some are very complex, such as displaying a report that cross-checks the 
inventory to determine data or real-life problems. But all of the things on 
the screen are either directly data, or algorithmic transformations of 
the existing data.
>>As for programming, this type of system could be build by first specifying 
>>the model. To add to this would be a series of transformations, each 
basically a black box that specifies a set of input and a set of output. With 

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread David Barbour
I discuss a similar vision in:


My preferred glue is soft stable constraint logics and my reactive
paradigm, RDP. I discuss a particular application of this technique with
regards to game art development:




On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Loup Vaillant  wrote:

> De : Paul Homer 
>  If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>> […]
> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
> sketch a trivial example?
> Loup.
> __**_
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/**listinfo/fonc

bringing s-words to a pen fight
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread David Barbour
can be shared. The kernel (if it it possible to
> actually write one :-) only needs to exist once. Then all that remains is
> for people to toss screens together as they need them (this part of
> programming is likely to never be static). As for performance, once a flow
> has been established, it would be possible to store and reuse any static
> data or transformation sequences, and that auto-optimization would only
> exist in the kernel so it could focus precisely on what provides the best
> results.
> In a grand sense, you can see everything on the screen -- even little
> rounded corners, images and gadgets -- as just data that has flowed there
> from the disk somewhere (or network :-). The transformations behind
> something like a windowing system can appear daunting, but we know that
> they all started life as data somewhere that moved and bounced through a
> huge number of different data-structures, until finally ending up as a set
> of bits toggled in a screen buffer.
> The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of modeling data,
> and creating transformations. In comparison to modern software development,
> these would be very little pieces, and if they were shared are
> intrinsically reusable (and recombination).
> So I'd basically go backwards :-) No higher abstractions and bigger
> pieces, but rather a sea of very little ones. It would be fun to try :-)
> Paul.
>   --
> *From:* Loup Vaillant 
> *To:* Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing <
> fonc@vpri.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2012 11:10:41 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is
> De : Paul Homer 
> > If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
> > computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
> > mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
> > […]
> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
> sketch a trivial example?
> Loup.
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc

bringing s-words to a pen fight
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread David Barbour
AI is not necessary for self-organizing systems. You could use a lot of
independent, small constraint solvers to achieve equivalent effect. But
machine learning could make finding solutions very efficient and more
stable. I've been considering such techniques to help replace use of
stateful programming, since avoiding state where possible will result in
simpler systems. I discuss this here:

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:37 AM, karl ramberg  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Loup Vaillant  wrote:
> > Miles Fidelman a écrit :
> >
> >> Loup Vaillant wrote:
> >>>
> >>> De : Paul Homer 
> >>>
>  If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>  computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together
> into
>  mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>  […]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this. Meaning,
> >>> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
> >>> sketch a trivial example?
> >>>
> >> You're thinking too small!  The Internet (networks + computers +
> >> software + users), RESTful services, mashups, email discussion threads,
> >>  - great examples of emergent behavior.
> >
> >
> > "Emergent"?  Beware, this words often reads "Phlogiston". (It's often
> > used to "explain" phenomenons we just don't understand yet.)
> >
> > The examples you provided are based on static standards (IP, HTTP, SMTP
> > —I don't know about mashups).  One characteristic of these standards
> > is, they are _dumb_.  Which is the point, as intelligence is supposed
> > to lie at the edge of the network (basic Internet principle that is at
> > risk these times).
> >
> > Your idea seemed quite different.  I had the impression of something
> > _smart_, able to lift a significant part of the programming effort.  I
> > visualised some sort of self-assembling 'glue', whose purpose would be
> > to assemble various code snippets to do our bidding.
> >
> > Note that we have already examples of such things.  Compilers, garbage
> > collectors, inferential engines… even game scripting engines. But those
> > are highly specialized. You seem to have in mind something more general.
> > But what, short of a full blown AI?
> >
> > I see small because I see squat.  What kind of code fragments could be
> > involved? How the whole system may be specified? You do need to program
> > the system into doing what you want, eventually.
> >
> > Loup.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > fonc mailing list
> > fonc@vpri.org
> > http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
> Some kind of AI would be necessary to achieve a self organizing
> growing and learning system.
> And the system would need to be general enough to be used for a wide
> variety of applications.
> Geoffrey Hinton have shown some interesting results for image recognition:
> https://www.coursera.org/course/neuralnets
> Karl
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc

bringing s-words to a pen fight
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread John Nilsson
I read that post about constraints and kept thinking that it should be
the infrastructure for the next generation of systems development, not
art assets :)

In my mind it should be possible to input really fuzzy constraints
like "It should have a good looking, blog-like design"
A search engine would find a set of implications from that statement
created by designers and vetted by their peers. Some browsing and
light tweaking and there, I have a full front-end design provided for
the system.

Then I add further constraints. "Available via http://blahblah.com/
and be really cheap", again the search engine will find the implied
constrains and provide options among the cheaper cloud providers. I
pick one of them and there provisioning is taken care of.

I guess the problem is to come up with a way to formalize all this
knowledge experts are sitting on into a representation usable by that
search engine. But could this not be done implicitly from the act of
selecting a match after a search?

Say some solution S derived from constrains A,B,C is selected in my
search. I have constraint A,B and D as input. By implication the
system now knows that S is a solution to D.


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:09 PM, David Barbour  wrote:
> I discuss a similar vision in:
> http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/09/12/stone-soup-programming/
> My preferred glue is soft stable constraint logics and my reactive paradigm,
> RDP. I discuss a particular application of this technique with regards to
> game art development:
> http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/stateless-stable-arts-for-game-development/
> Regards,
> Dave
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Loup Vaillant  wrote:
>> De : Paul Homer 
>>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>>> […]
>> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
>> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
>> sketch a trivial example?
>> Loup.
>> ___
>> fonc mailing list
>> fonc@vpri.org
>> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
> --
> bringing s-words to a pen fight
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Paul Homer
I'm in a slightly different head-space with this idea. 

A URL for instance, is essentially an encoded set of instructions for 
navigating to somewhere and then if it is a GET, grabbing the associated data, 
lets say an image. If my theoretical user where to create a screen (or perhaps 
we could call it a visual context), they'd just drag-and-drop an image-type 
into the position they desired. They'd have to have some way of tying that to 
'which image', but for simplicity lets just say that they already created 
something that allows them to search, and then list all of the images from a 
known database context, so that the 'which image' is cascaded down from their 
earlier work. Once they 'made the screen live' and searched and selected, the 
underlying code would essentially get a request for a data flow that specified 
the context (location), some 'type' information (an image) and a 
context-specific instance id (as passed in from the search and list). The 
kernel would then arrange for that data to be moved from
 where-ever it is (local or remote, but lets go with remote) and converted (if 
its base format was something the user's screen couldn't handle, say a custom 
bitmap). So along the way there might be a translation from one image format to 
another, and perhaps a 'compress and decompress' if the source is remote. 

That whole flow wouldn't be constructed by a programmer, just the translations, 
say bitmap->png, bits->compressed and compressed->bits. The kernel would work 
backwards, knowing that it needed an image in png format, and knowing that 
there exists base data stored in another context as a bitmap, and knowing that 
for large data it is generally cheaper to compress/decompress if the network is 
involved. The kernel would essentially know the absolute minimum about the 
flow, and thus could algorithmically decide on the optimal amount of work.

For most basic systems, for most data, once the user navigated into something 
it's just a matter of shifting the data. I've done an end-run around any of the 
processing issues, by jumping dumping them into the kernel. From your list, 
scatter-gather, queries and views, etc. are all left up the the translations. 
Incremental is just having the model in the context handles updates. ACID is a 
property of the context.

I haven't given any real thought to issues like pulls or bi-directional but I 
think that the screen would just send a flow back to the original context in an 
observer style pattern associated with the raw pre-translated data. If any of 
that changed in the context, the screen would redo any 'dirty' flows, but that 
might not be a workable approach for millions of users watching the same data.

The crux of this (crazy) idea is really that the full intelligence necessary 
for moving the data about and playing with it is highly fragmented. Programmers 
don't have to write massive intelligent sets of instructions, they just have to 
know how data goes from one format to another. They can do their thing in small 
bits and pieces and be as organized or inconsistent as they like. The system 
comes together from the intelligence embedded in the kernel, but the kernel 
isn't concerned with what are essentially domain or data issues. It's all just 
bits that are on their way from one place to another, and translations that are 
required along the way. Most of the code-specific issues like security melt 
away (you have access to a context or you don't) mostly because the linkage 
between the user and data is under control of just one single (distributed) 


> From: David Barbour 
>To: Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 5:27:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>Your idea of "first specifying the model... then adding translations" can be 
>made simpler and more uniform, btw, if you treat acquiring initial data (the 
>model) as a "translation" between, say, a URL or query and the result. 
>If you're interested in modeling computation as continuous synchronization of 
>bidirectional views between data models, you would probably be interested in 
>RDP (https://github.com/dmbarbour/Sirea/blob/master/README.md). 
>Though, reuse of data models is necessarily more sophisticated than you are 
>imagining. There are many subtle and challenging issues in any conversion 
>between data models.  I discuss a few such issues here: 
>On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:
>A bit long, but ...
>>The way most people think about programming is that they are w

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread David Barbour
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 2:37 PM, John Nilsson  wrote:

> I read that post about constraints and kept thinking that it should be
> the infrastructure for the next generation of systems development, not
> art assets :)

Got to start somewhere. The constraint-logic technology could always be
shifted to systems programming after it matures in a low-risk, high-reward

> In my mind it should be possible to input really fuzzy constraints
> like "It should have a good looking, blog-like design"
> A search engine would find a set of implications from that statement
> created by designers and vetted by their peers. Some browsing and
> light tweaking and there, I have a full front-end design provided for
> the system.
> Then I add further constraints. "Available via http://blahblah.com/
> and be really cheap", again the search engine will find the implied
> constrains and provide options among the cheaper cloud providers. I
> pick one of them and there provisioning is taken care of.
> I guess the problem is to come up with a way to formalize all this
> knowledge experts are sitting on into a representation usable by that
> search engine. But could this not be done implicitly from the act of
> selecting a match after a search?
> Say some solution S derived from constrains A,B,C is selected in my
> search. I have constraint A,B and D as input. By implication the
> system now knows that S is a solution to D.
> BR,
> John
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:09 PM, David Barbour 
> wrote:
> > I discuss a similar vision in:
> >
> > http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/09/12/stone-soup-programming/
> >
> > My preferred glue is soft stable constraint logics and my reactive
> paradigm,
> > RDP. I discuss a particular application of this technique with regards to
> > game art development:
> >
> >
> http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/stateless-stable-arts-for-game-development/
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Loup Vaillant 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> De : Paul Homer 
> >>
> >>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
> >>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together
> into
> >>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
> >>> […]
> >>
> >>
> >> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
> >> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
> >> sketch a trivial example?
> >>
> >> Loup.
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> fonc mailing list
> >> fonc@vpri.org
> >> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > bringing s-words to a pen fight
> >
> > ___
> > fonc mailing list
> > fonc@vpri.org
> > http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
> >
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc

bringing s-words to a pen fight
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Miles Fidelman

Paul Homer wrote:

I'm in a slightly different head-space with this idea.

A URL for instance, is essentially an encoded set of instructions for 
navigating to somewhere and then if it is a GET, grabbing the 
associated data, lets say an image. If my theoretical user where to 
create a screen (or perhaps we could call it a visual context), they'd 
just drag-and-drop an image-type into the position they desired.

That whole flow wouldn't be constructed by a programmer, just the 
translations, say bitmap->png, bits->compressed and compressed->bits.

Again, not a new concept - c.f., Intel Mashup Maker, Yahoo Pipes, Deri 
Pipes, ...

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
John Nilsson  writes:

> I read that post about constraints and kept thinking that it should be
> the infrastructure for the next generation of systems development, not
> art assets :)
> In my mind it should be possible to input really fuzzy constraints
> like "It should have a good looking, blog-like design"
> A search engine would find a set of implications from that statement
> created by designers and vetted by their peers. Some browsing and
> light tweaking and there, I have a full front-end design provided for
> the system.
> Then I add further constraints. "Available via http://blahblah.com/
> and be really cheap", again the search engine will find the implied
> constrains and provide options among the cheaper cloud providers. I
> pick one of them and there provisioning is taken care of.
> I guess the problem is to come up with a way to formalize all this
> knowledge experts are sitting on into a representation usable by that
> search engine. But could this not be done implicitly from the act of
> selecting a match after a search?
> Say some solution S derived from constrains A,B,C is selected in my
> search. I have constraint A,B and D as input. By implication the
> system now knows that S is a solution to D.

Right.  Just a "simple" applicaition of AI and all the algorithms
developed so far.  You just need to integrate them in a working system.

And who has the resources to do this work: it seems to me to be a big
endeavour.  Collecting the research "prototype" developed during the
last 50 years, and develop a such a product.

Even Watson or Siri would only represent a small part of it.

__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread David Barbour
Distilling what you just said to its essence:

   - humans develop miniature dataflows
   - search algorithm automatically glues flows together
   - search goal is a data type

A potential issue is that humans - both engineers and end-users - will
often want a fair amount of control over which translations and data
sources are used, options for those translations, etc.. You need a good way
to handle preferences, policy, configurations.

I tend to favor soft constraints in those roles. I'm actually designing a
module systems around the idea, and an implementation in Haskell (for RDP)
using the plugins system and dynamic types. (Related:
http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2011/09/29/modularity-without-a-name/ ,



On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Paul Homer  wrote:

> I'm in a slightly different head-space with this idea.
> A URL for instance, is essentially an encoded set of instructions for
> navigating to somewhere and then if it is a GET, grabbing the associated
> data, lets say an image. If my theoretical user where to create a screen
> (or perhaps we could call it a visual context), they'd just drag-and-drop
> an image-type into the position they desired. They'd have to have some way
> of tying that to 'which image', but for simplicity lets just say that they
> already created something that allows them to search, and then list all of
> the images from a known database context, so that the 'which image' is
> cascaded down from their earlier work. Once they 'made the screen live' and
> searched and selected, the underlying code would essentially get a request
> for a data flow that specified the context (location), some 'type'
> information (an image) and a context-specific instance id (as passed in
> from the search and list). The kernel would then arrange for that data to
> be moved from where-ever it is (local or remote, but lets go with remote)
> and converted (if its base format was something the user's screen couldn't
> handle, say a custom bitmap). So along the way there might be a translation
> from one image format to another, and perhaps a 'compress and decompress'
> if the source is remote.
> That whole flow wouldn't be constructed by a programmer, just the
> translations, say bitmap->png, bits->compressed and compressed->bits. The
> kernel would work backwards, knowing that it needed an image in png format,
> and knowing that there exists base data stored in another context as a
> bitmap, and knowing that for large data it is generally cheaper to
> compress/decompress if the network is involved. The kernel would
> essentially know the absolute minimum about the flow, and thus could
> algorithmically decide on the optimal amount of work.
> For most basic systems, for most data, once the user navigated into
> something it's just a matter of shifting the data. I've done an end-run
> around any of the processing issues, by jumping dumping them into the
> kernel. From your list, scatter-gather, queries and views, etc. are all
> left up the the translations. Incremental is just having the model in the
> context handles updates. ACID is a property of the context.
> I haven't given any real thought to issues like pulls or bi-directional
> but I think that the screen would just send a flow back to the original
> context in an observer style pattern associated with the raw pre-translated
> data. If any of that changed in the context, the screen would redo any
> 'dirty' flows, but that might not be a workable approach for millions of
> users watching the same data.
> The crux of this (crazy) idea is really that the full intelligence
> necessary for moving the data about and playing with it is highly
> fragmented. Programmers don't have to write massive intelligent sets of
> instructions, they just have to know how data goes from one format to
> another. They can do their thing in small bits and pieces and be as
> organized or inconsistent as they like. The system comes together from the
> intelligence embedded in the kernel, but the kernel isn't concerned with
> what are essentially domain or data issues. It's all just bits that are on
> their way from one place to another, and translations that are required
> along the way. Most of the code-specific issues like security melt away
> (you have access to a context or you don't) mostly because the linkage
> between the user and data is under control of just one single (distributed)
> program.
> Paul.
>   --
> *From:* David Barbour 
> *To:* Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing <

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread John Nilsson
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Pascal J. Bourguignon
> And who has the resources to do this work: it seems to me to be a big
> endeavour.  Collecting the research "prototype" developed during the
> last 50 years, and develop a such a product.

I'm not sure it has to be that big of an effort. Most of the work is
already being performed. From my previous examples we have projects
like twitter bootstrap and htm5 boilerplate being created for the
infrastructure, and surrounding that people are creating templates for
various frameworks. In the middle we have organizations like google to
keep it all accessible to the people gluing it together. Provided even
a remote possibility of being indexed and somewhat intelligently
filtered I'm sure google will solve the search part. So what's needed
could be just the right type of glue for automating scaffolding and
bootstrap tasks in a more general sense and some software to take
advantage of it. Given that this software makes some step easier for
people it could be enough to direct efforts toward formalizing the
required meta data.
And then you iterate :)

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread Edward Wohlman
> they like. The system comes together from the intelligence embedded in the 
> kernel, but the kernel isn't concerned with what are essentially domain or 
> data issues. It's all just bits that are on their way from one place to 
> another, and translations that are required along the way. Most of the 
> code-specific issues like security melt away (you have access to a context or 
> you don't) mostly because the linkage between the user and data is under 
> control of just one single (distributed) program. 
> Paul.
> From: David Barbour 
> To: Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 5:27:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
> Your idea of "first specifying the model... then adding translations" can be 
> made simpler and more uniform, btw, if you treat acquiring initial data (the 
> model) as a "translation" between, say, a URL or query and the result. 
> If you're interested in modeling computation as continuous synchronization of 
> bidirectional views between data models, you would probably be interested in 
> RDP (https://github.com/dmbarbour/Sirea/blob/master/README.md). 
> Though, reuse of data models is necessarily more sophisticated than you are 
> imagining. There are many subtle and challenging issues in any conversion 
> between data models.  I discuss a few such issues here: 
> (http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/data-model-independence/)
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:
> A bit long, but ...
> The way most people think about programming is that they are writing 'code'. 
> As a lessor side-effect, that code is slinging around data. It grabs it from 
> the user, throws it into memory and then if it is interesting data, it writes 
> it to disk so that it can be looked at or edited later. The code is the 
> primary thing they are creating, while the data is just a side-effect of 
> using that code.
> Way back I got introduced to seeing it the other way around. Data is 
> everything. It's what the user types in, which is moved into some 
> data-structures in memory and then is eventually restructured for persistence 
> to be stored for later usage. Data sometimes contains 'static linkages', that 
> is one datam points to another explicitly. Sometimes the linkages are 
> dynamic. A piece of code has to be run to make the connection between the 
> data. In this perspective, code is nothing more than dynamic linkages or 
> transformations between data-structures/formats (one could see the average of 
> a bunch of floats for example as a transformation to a more simplified 
> summation of the original data). The system is really just a massive flow of 
> data, while the code is just what helps it get from place to place.
> In the second perspective, an inventory system allows the data to flow from 
> the users to the persistence medium. Sometimes the users need the data to 
> flow back to them again, possibly summarized, or just for re-editing. The 
> core of the system holds very simple data, basically a series of physical 
> items, each with many associated properties and probably a bunch of 
> cross-relationships. The underlying types, properties and relationships form 
> a model of the data. For our modern systems that model might be implemented 
> as a relational schema, but it could also be more exotic like NoSQL. 
> In this sort of system, if the model where stored explicitly in the 
> persistence and it is simple enough that the users could do data entry 
> directly on a flat representation of it on the screen, then the whole system 
> would be as simple as flinging the data back and forth between the disks and 
> the screen. However as we all know, systems are never this trivial in the 
> real world. 
> Users need to navigate to specific data, and they often want the computer to 
> fill in any 'global context information' for them as they move around. As 
> well, they generally enter data in a simplified format, store the data in 
> another, and then want a third way to view it. All of this amounts to a 
> series of transformations happening to the data as it flows back and forth. 
> Some transformations are simple, such as displaying a floating point number 
> as a string truncated to some level of precision. Some are very complex, such 
> as displaying a report that cross-checks the inventory to determine data or 
> real-life problems. But all of the things on the screen are either directly 
> data, or algorithmic transformations of the existing data.
> As for programming, this type of system could be build by first specifying  
> the mo

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-03 Thread David Barbour
; but I think that the screen would just send a flow back to the original
>> context in an observer style pattern associated with the raw pre-translated
>> data. If any of that changed in the context, the screen would redo any
>> 'dirty' flows, but that might not be a workable approach for millions of
>> users watching the same data.
>> The crux of this (crazy) idea is really that the full intelligence
>> necessary for moving the data about and playing with it is highly
>> fragmented. Programmers don't have to write massive intelligent sets of
>> instructions, they just have to know how data goes from one format to
>> another. They can do their thing in small bits and pieces and be as
>> organized or inconsistent as they like. The system comes together from the
>> intelligence embedded in the kernel, but the kernel isn't concerned with
>> what are essentially domain or data issues. It's all just bits that are on
>> their way from one place to another, and translations that are required
>> along the way. Most of the code-specific issues like security melt away
>> (you have access to a context or you don't) mostly because the linkage
>> between the user and data is under control of just one single (distributed)
>> program.
>> Paul.
>>   --
>> *From:* David Barbour 
>> *To:* Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing <
>> fonc@vpri.org>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2012 5:27:12 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is
>> Your idea of "first specifying the model... then adding translations" can
>> be made simpler and more uniform, btw, if you treat acquiring initial data
>> (the model) as a "translation" between, say, a URL or query and the result.
>> If you're interested in modeling computation as continuous
>> synchronization of bidirectional views between data models, you would
>> probably be interested in RDP (
>> https://github.com/dmbarbour/Sirea/blob/master/README.md).
>> Though, reuse of data models is necessarily more sophisticated than you
>> are imagining. There are many subtle and challenging issues in any
>> conversion between data models.  I discuss a few such issues here: (
>> http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/data-model-independence/)
>> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:
>> A bit long, but ...
>> The way most people think about programming is that they are writing
>> 'code'. As a lessor side-effect, that code is slinging around data. It
>> grabs it from the user, throws it into memory and then if it is interesting
>> data, it writes it to disk so that it can be looked at or edited later. The
>> code is the primary thing they are creating, while the data is just a
>> side-effect of using that code.
>> Way back I got introduced to seeing it the other way around. Data is
>> everything. It's what the user types in, which is moved into some
>> data-structures in memory and then is eventually restructured for
>> persistence to be stored for later usage. Data sometimes contains 'static
>> linkages', that is one datam points to another explicitly. Sometimes the
>> linkages are dynamic. A piece of code has to be run to make the connection
>> between the data. In this perspective, code is nothing more than dynamic
>> linkages or transformations between data-structures/formats (one could see
>> the average of a bunch of floats for example as a transformation to a more
>> simplified summation of the original data). The system is really just a
>> massive flow of data, while the code is just what helps it get from place
>> to place.
>> In the second perspective, an inventory system allows the data to flow
>> from the users to the persistence medium. Sometimes the users need the data
>> to flow back to them again, possibly summarized, or just for re-editing.
>> The core of the system holds very simple data, basically a series of
>> physical items, each with many associated properties and probably a bunch
>> of cross-relationships. The underlying types, properties and relationships
>> form a model of the data. For our modern systems that model might be
>> implemented as a relational schema, but it could also be more exotic like
>> NoSQL.
>> In this sort of system, if the model where stored explicitly in the
>> persistence and it is simple enough that the users could do data entry
>> directly on a flat representation of it on

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-04 Thread Paul Homer
That's a pretty good summary, but I'd avoid calling the 'glue' a search. If 
this were to work, it would be a deterministic algorithm that choose the best 
possible match given a set of input and output data-types (and avoided N^2 or 
higher processing). 

Given my user-screen based construction, it would be easy to do something like 
add a hook to display the full-set of transformations used to go from the 
persistent context to the user one. Click on any data and get the full list. I 
see the contexts as more or less containing the raw data*, and the 
transformations as sitting outside of that in the kernel (although they could 
be primed from a context, like any other data). I would expect the users might 
acquire many duplicate transformations that were only partially overlapping, so 
perhaps from any display, they could fiddle with the precedences. 

* Systems often need performance boosts at the cost of some other trade-off. 
For this, I could see specialized contexts that are basically per-calculated 
derived data or caches of other contexts. Basically any sort of memorization 
could be encapsulated into it's own context, leaving the original data in a raw 

Configuration would again be data, grabbed from a context somewhere, as well as 
all of the presentation and window-dressing. Given that the user starts in a 
context (basically their home screen), they would always be rooted in someway. 
Another logical extension would be for the data to be 'things' that references 
other data in other contexts (recursively), in the same way that the web-based 
technologies work.

Threeother points I think worth noting are:

- All of the data issues (like ACID) are encapsulated within the 'context'.
- All of the flow issues (like distributed and concurrency) are encapsulated 
within the kernel.
- All of the formatting and domain issues are encapsulated within the 

That would make it fairly easy to know where to place or find any of the 
technical or domain issues.


> From: David Barbour 
>To: Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 7:10:53 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>Distilling what you just said to its essence:
>   * humans develop miniature dataflows
>   * search algorithm automatically glues flows together
>   * search goal is a data type
>A potential issue is that humans - both engineers and end-users - will often 
>want a fair amount of control over which translations and data sources are 
>used, options for those translations, etc.. You need a good way to handle 
>preferences, policy, configurations. 
>I tend to favor soft constraints in those roles. I'm actually designing a 
>module systems around the idea, and an implementation in Haskell (for RDP) 
>using the plugins system and dynamic 
>types. (Related: http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2011/09/29/modularity-without-a-name/ , http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/make-for-haskell-values-part-alpha/). 
>On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Paul Homer  wrote:
>I'm in a slightly different head-space with this idea. 
>>A URL for instance, is essentially an encoded set of instructions for 
>>navigating to somewhere and then if it is a GET, grabbing the associated 
>>data, lets say an image. If my theoretical user where to create a screen (or 
>>perhaps we could call it a visual context), they'd just drag-and-drop an 
>>image-type into the position they desired. They'd have to have some way of 
>>tying that to 'which image', but for simplicity lets just say that they 
>>already created something that allows them to search, and then list all of 
>>the images from a known database context, so that the 'which image' is 
>>cascaded down from their earlier work. Once they 'made the screen live' and 
>>searched and selected, the underlying code would essentially get a request 
>>for a data flow that specified the context (location), some 'type' 
>>information (an image) and a context-specific instance id (as passed in from 
>>the search and list). The kernel would then arrange for that data to be moved 
 where-ever it is (local or remote, but lets go with remote) and converted (if 
its base format was something the user's screen couldn't handle, say a custom 
bitmap). So along the way there might be a translation from one image format to 
another, and perhaps a 'compress and decompress' if the source is remote. 
>>That whole flow wouldn't be constructed by a programmer, just the 
>>translations, say bitmap->p

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-04 Thread David Barbour
Don't get too handwavy about performance of the algorithm before you've
implemented it!  The technique I'm using is definitely a search. The search
is performed by the linker, which includes a constraint solver with
exponential-time worst-case performance. This works out in practice because:

   - I can memoize or learn (machine learning) working solutions or
   - I can favor stability and incrementally update a solution in the face
   of change

One concern I continuously return to is the apparent conflict of stability
vs. determinism.

Suppose the available components and the context can both vary over time.
Therefore, over time (e.g. minute to minute), the "best" configuration can
change. How do you propose to handle this? Do you select the best
configuration when the developer hits a button? Or when a user pushes a
button? Do you reactively adapt the configuration to the resources
available in the context? In the latter case, do you favor stability (which
resources are selected) or do you favor quality (the "best" result at a
given time)? How do you modulate between the two?

I've been exploring some of these issues with respect to stateless
stability (
http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/stability-without-state/) and
potential composition of state with stateless stability.

I agree that configuration should be represented as a resource, but often
the configuration problem is a configurations problem, i.e. plural, more
than one configuration. You'll need to modularize your contexts quite a
bit, which will return you to the issue of modeling access to contexts...
potentially as yet another dataflow.

Anyhow, your vision seems young. It isn't the same as mine, but I don't
want to discourage you. Start hammering it out and try a prototype



On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:

> That's a pretty good summary, but I'd avoid calling the 'glue' a search.
> If this were to work, it would be a deterministic algorithm that choose the
> best possible match given a set of input and output data-types (and avoided
> N^2 or higher processing).
> Given my user-screen based construction, it would be easy to do something
> like add a hook to display the full-set of transformations used to go from
> the persistent context to the user one. Click on any data and get the full
> list. I see the contexts as more or less containing the raw data*, and the
> transformations as sitting outside of that in the kernel (although they
> could be primed from a context, like any other data). I would expect the
> users might acquire many duplicate transformations that were only partially
> overlapping, so perhaps from any display, they could fiddle with the
> precedences.
> * Systems often need performance boosts at the cost of some other
> trade-off. For this, I could see specialized contexts that are basically
> per-calculated derived data or caches of other contexts. Basically any sort
> of memorization could be encapsulated into it's own context, leaving the
> original data in a raw state.
> Configuration would again be data, grabbed from a context somewhere, as
> well as all of the presentation and window-dressing. Given that the user
> starts in a context (basically their home screen), they would always be
> rooted in someway. Another logical extension would be for the data to be
> 'things' that references other data in other contexts (recursively), in the
> same way that the web-based technologies work.
> Three other points I think worth noting are:
> - All of the data issues (like ACID) are encapsulated within the 'context'.
> - All of the flow issues (like distributed and concurrency) are
> encapsulated within the kernel.
> - All of the formatting and domain issues are encapsulated within the
> transformations.
> That would make it fairly easy to know where to place or find any of the
> technical or domain issues.
> Paul.
>   --
> *From:* David Barbour 
> *To:* Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing <
> fonc@vpri.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2012 7:10:53 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is
> Distilling what you just said to its essence:
>- humans develop miniature dataflows
>- search algorithm automatically glues flows together
>- search goal is a data type
> A potential issue is that humans - both engineers and end-users - will
> often want a fair amount of control over which translations and data
> sources are used, options for those translations, etc.. You need a good way
> to handle preferences, policy, configurations.
> I tend to favor soft constraints in those roles. I'm actually d

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-04 Thread Paul Homer
"Anyhow, your vision seems young. It isn't the same as mine, but I don't 
want to discourage you."

Indeed. It's right out on the extreme edge; as data-centric as I can imagine. I 
wasn't really putting it out there with the intent to build it, but rather as 
just an example of heading away from the crowds. We often implicitly go towards 
finding higher and higher abstractions that can be used as a toolset for 
programmers building larger systems. This is the way I build commercial 
products right now, and it is also the way our languages and tools have 
evolved. But this always runs into at least two problems: a) higher 
abstractions are harder to learn, and b) abstractions can often be leaky. The 
first problem is exemplified by APL. In the hands of a master, I've seen 
amazing systems built rapidly. But it isn't the easiest language to learn, and 
some people never seem to get it. The second problem was described quite well 
by Joel Spolsky but I've never really been sure whether or not it is avoidable 
in some way. 

I don't really know if going this other way is workable, but sometimes it's 
just fun to explore the edges. These days I'm busy paying off the mortgage, 
writing, playing with math, traveling (not enough) and generally trying to keep 
my very old house (1904) from falling down, so it's unlikely that I'll get a 
chance to play around here in the near (<100 years) future.


> From: David Barbour 
>To: Paul Homer ; Fundamentals of New Computing 
>Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 4:12:34 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>Don't get too handwavy about performance of the algorithm before you've 
>implemented it!  The technique I'm using is definitely a search. The search is 
>performed by the linker, which includes a constraint solver with 
>exponential-time worst-case performance. This works out in practice because:
>   * I can memoize or learn (machine learning) working solutions or 
> sub-solutions
>   * I can favor stability and incrementally update a solution in the face 
> of changeOne concern I continuously return to is the apparent conflict of 
> stability vs. determinism. 
>Suppose the available components and the context can both vary over time. 
>Therefore, over time (e.g. minute to minute), the "best" configuration can 
>change. How do you propose to handle this? Do you select the best 
>configuration when the developer hits a button? Or when a user pushes a 
>button? Do you reactively adapt the configuration to the resources available 
>in the context? In the latter case, do you favor stability (which resources 
>are selected) or do you favor quality (the "best" result at a given time)? How 
>do you modulate between the two?
>I've been exploring some of these issues with respect to stateless stability 
>(http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/stability-without-state/) and 
>potential composition of state with stateless stability. 
>I agree that configuration should be represented as a resource, but often the 
>configuration problem is a configurations problem, i.e. plural, more than one 
>configuration. You'll need to modularize your contexts quite a bit, which will 
>return you to the issue of modeling access to contexts... potentially as yet 
>another dataflow. 
>Anyhow, your vision seems young. It isn't the same as mine, but I don't want 
>to discourage you. Start hammering it out and try a prototype implementation.
>On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Paul Homer  wrote:
>That's a pretty good summary, but I'd avoid calling the 'glue' a search. If 
>this were to work, it would be a deterministic algorithm that choose the best 
>possible match given a set of input and output data-types (and avoided N^2 or 
>higher processing). 
>>Given my user-screen based construction, it would be easy to do something 
>>like add a hook to display the full-set of transformations used to go from 
>>the persistent context to the user one. Click on any data and get the full 
>>list. I see the contexts as more or less containing the raw data*, and the 
>>transformations as sitting outside of that in the kernel (although they could 
>>be primed from a context, like any other data). I would expect the users 
>>might acquire many duplicate transformations that were only partially 
>>overlapping, so perhaps from any display, they could fiddle with the 
>>* Systems often need performance boosts at the cost of some other trade-off. 
>>For this, 

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-10-30 Thread Kurt Stephens
On 10/3/12 9:53 AM, Paul Homer wrote:

> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today. To
> do this of course, the pieces would have to be tightly organized.
Tightly organized != tightly coupled.

> Contributors wouldn't have the freedom they do now, but that's a
> necessity to move from what is essentially a competitive environment to
> a cooperative one. Some very fixed rules become necessary.
> One question that arises from this type of idea is whether or not it is
> even possible for a computer to assemble a massive working system from
> say, a billion little code fragments. 
Genetic Algorithms already do this if one discards the notion of
code/data duality.

> Paul.
-- KAS

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-11-01 Thread Ivan Zhao
H.G. Wells once wrote that an one-eyed man happens upon a blind society does 
not become its king, for he cannot even function and is thought to be insane.

To me, Mr. Alan Kay is the one-eyed man.


On 2012-10-30, at 11:03 AM, Kurt Stephens  wrote:

> On 10/3/12 9:53 AM, Paul Homer wrote:
>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today. To
>> do this of course, the pieces would have to be tightly organized.
> Tightly organized != tightly coupled.
>> Contributors wouldn't have the freedom they do now, but that's a
>> necessity to move from what is essentially a competitive environment to
>> a cooperative one. Some very fixed rules become necessary.
>> One question that arises from this type of idea is whether or not it is
>> even possible for a computer to assemble a massive working system from
>> say, a billion little code fragments.
> Genetic Algorithms already do this if one discards the notion of
> code/data duality.
>> Paul.
> -- KAS
> ___
> fonc mailing list
> fonc@vpri.org
> http://vpri.org/mailman/listinfo/fonc
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How it is

2012-11-04 Thread Paul Homer
There is a subtle difference between what I was proposing and Genetic 
Algorithms. With a Genetic Algorithm, there are a small number of authors that 
create it. In a sense, they are implicitly embedding their intelligence and 
understanding right into the code. They may not know what the best results will 
be, but by virtue of the construction they've constrained the search space. As 
time progresses, the algorithm should converge on an optimal solution.

If however, the system isn't authored by a small number of people, but rather a 
vast and essentially unlimited group, then the system isn't converging so much 
as it is just filling in all of the possibilities. Rather than the optimal 
solution to a fixed number of variables, the system becomes an expansive 
solution to an unlimited number of variables. That is, it grows beyond its 
boundaries (unevenly of course), and basically acts like a Brownian flood-fill 
of the knowledge space. 

Ultimately, for a given computation both systems might arrive at optimal or 
near-optimal behavior, but given that code is always constrained by its 
authors, consolidating a massive number of different works into some (sort of) 
coherent system is considerably more powerful. In a sense it's like comparing 
one highly well-written program to all of the code in the Internet. No doubt 
the program wins on elegance, but the Internet just covers so much more. If we 
could find a way to harness collective intelligence, but constrain all of that 
to work together nicely, then I think as the Internet has shown us, we can 
achieve wonderful things.

I wouldn't ignore the data/code duality, precisely because it shows up in some 
many interesting places. It dominates our view of the world as basically 
object/time (3D + a 4th D). It shows up in our languages as nouns/verbs. It 
even shows up in our our abstractions as static/dynamic. It shows up in so many 
places that I expect that it is really a fundamental physical property of our 
universe that just propagates outwards into our perceptions. And in most cases 
there are ways to migrate 'things' from one side to other (which no doubt has 
some deeper ramifications). 


> From: Kurt Stephens 
>To: fonc@vpri.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:03:23 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] How it is
>On 10/3/12 9:53 AM, Paul Homer wrote:
>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today. To
>> do this of course, the pieces would have to be tightly organized.
>Tightly organized != tightly coupled.
>> Contributors wouldn't have the freedom they do now, but that's a
>> necessity to move from what is essentially a competitive environment to
>> a cooperative one. Some very fixed rules become necessary.
>> One question that arises from this type of idea is whether or not it is
>> even possible for a computer to assemble a massive working system from
>> say, a billion little code fragments. 
>Genetic Algorithms already do this if one discards the notion of
>code/data duality.
>> Paul.
>-- KAS
>fonc mailing list
fonc mailing list