Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2017-06-01 Thread Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
Hi Max,

On 26 May 2017 at 18:13, Max  wrote:
> Hello all,
> First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
> Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.
> I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with
> GNOME, so I ask 1 question with Asia first.
> I have 3 questions to all candidates ( sorry for my poor English )
> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
> to working on the board on a regular basis?

It's my first time so I don't know how much would suffice but I'm
hopeful I'll be able to give at least 2-3 hours every week, sometimes

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
> about grow GNOME in Asia?

Although I have never been fortunate enough to attend GNOME Asia[1],
I've been informed by participants that GNOME is pretty big in Asia so
I think we should definitely continue to have a presence in that part
of the world. While I do not have any suggestion as to how we can grow
in Asia, I'll be very glad to listen to any suggestion/ideas on that
and try my best to execute them if they are worth pursuing.

> 3)  How do you make GNOME great again? ( Sorry for my poor English again )
>  Any idea about let everyone say " Wow!! it's GNOME " " I know GNOME :) "

I think GNOME is pretty great already but of course there is a long
way to perfection and we should strive for perfection but I believe
most of the work towards that is accomplished by awesome contributors
like yourself and a lot of it is through coding.

What foundation can do IMO is to (try to) ensure that conferences and
hackfests are sponsored and advertised. AFAIK foundation has already
been doing a great job at that so we just need to continue that. We
have GUADEC as our biggest event, then we have GNOME Asia and then
Boston summit too. We have plenty of hackfests too. We also try to
sponsor all our GSoC student to attend GUADEC. So again, I think we
just need to keep doing what we are already doing.

Of course if we realize that we have the budget to do more, we should
consider the possibility of arranging more events. Personally, I would
be more inclined to arrange more hackfests than conferences as you can
get a lot done in a few days than you'd get done in months with

Many folks have dayjobs that doesn't pay them to work on GNOME so
while they have a desire to contribute, they never managed to
contribute enough because it's difficult for them to focus on GNOME
work. Hackfests give these contributors the escape they need from
daily routine/work to contribute.

What I can do personally is to arrange hackfests where we feel there
is a need for focused hacking/work together in one room. As you might
know, I've arranged a hackfest in the past[2] and participated in a
few so I've some experience there that should help me.

> Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.

You're most welcome and thanks a lot for your contributions as well.


Zeeshan Ali

[1] Although I was born and raised in Pakistan, which is logically a
part of Asia, the software industry in there seems more connected with
Europe and US than rest of Asia.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2017-06-01 Thread Allan Day
Hey Max!

Max  wrote:
> I have 3 questions to all candidates ( sorry for my poor English )
> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
> to working on the board on a regular basis?
>  for 2nd or 3rd ( or more ) term candidacy:
>  last year,  every one plan 5-10 or 5-15 hours per week,
> what's average hours per week when you become board? do you think it's
> good hours for life and work balance with you?( I think it might be
> good reference for fist term candidacy and let us know your loading )(
> Thanks again work and make GNOME forward )

The number of hours that I've put into board work has fluctuated,
depending on what needs doing. At quiet times it's possible to just
spend a couple of hours a week. There are other times when it has
taken a lot more time, such as when we were hiring Neil, or preparing
for Advisory Board meetings. That works well for me, since my other
work also fluctuates in how much time it requires, and I'm generally
able to fit my different roles around each other.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
> about grow GNOME in Asia?

There are a lot of areas of the world where it would be good to grow
the GNOME community. One thing that I'd like to see the Foundation do
more is actively promote the use of funds for small local events, for
distributing GNOME merchandise, and to allow people to have GNOME
booths at conferences.

In terms of Asia specifically, GNOME.Asia is obviously a great thing,
and I'd like the Foundation to support that effort as much as
possible. That means helping to coordinate between the different
events, including GNOME.Asia in our sponsorship-raising efforts, and
having our staff do support work where possible.

The Foundation can only do so much to promote GNOME in Asia, of
course. The Engagement Team also has a crucial role to play, and is a
good place to discuss promotion.

> 3)  How do you make GNOME great again? ( Sorry for my poor English again )
>  Any idea about let everyone say " Wow!! it's GNOME " " I know GNOME :) "

That's a big question! In my view, the Foundation doesn't really do
things on its own. Instead, it's primary role is as an enabler for the
rest of the GNOME community, as well as a contact point for partners.
Regarding the former, it's important that, when opportunities come
along, the community has the resources to take advantage of them. One
critical thing is therefore that the community knows what support is
available, knows how to get it, and feels comfortable approaching the
Foundation for assistance. I think that's something we can improve and
is something I'd like to work on if I'm reelected.

The other thing that the Board of Directors can do is make more active
interventions in how the project is running, so that weaknesses are
addressed. This isn't something that the board has traditionally done,
and our capacity to act is often limited, but it is something that
we've started to try and do a bit in the past 12 months. It's still
not entirely clear what the outcome of these efforts will be, but I do
think that it's a worthwhile experiment. I'm particularly interested
to see how the board can help to plug any gaps around continuous
integration, QA, bug triage and translation.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2017-05-29 Thread Carlos Soriano via foundation-list
Hello Max,

1) How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
to working on the board on a regular basis?

I expect the board to take between 3-5h per week in a normal situation. Of 
course if some task requires it, dedicating more time is expected. I don't have 
an specific upper limit for that, as long as it's not something necessary to be 
done every week.
Fortunately I have support from my employer for the board work.

2) What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
about grow GNOME in Asia?

I didn't think about some specific plan for Asia, I think the same initiatives 
that could serve for any other continent would help. For example support local 
people for doing hackfest, conferences, etc. as it has been done on the past. 
Or do you have a specific idea?

3) How do you make GNOME great again? ( Sorry for my poor English again )
 Any idea about let everyone say " Wow!! it's GNOME " " I know GNOME :) "

Is not GNOME great already? :)
I'm not sure what you mean by "wow it's GNOME", you mean how to make people 
excited about the technologies GNOME delivers; or more about brand identity?
In the former, I think it's more like a technical discussion, and in my opinion 
our initiatives with gtk4, Flatpak, etc. are going in a more than good 
Of course we need more work on some places, but that would be more in the 
technical and community level. What the board can do is to support initiatives 
that comes from the community to improve those modules.

Carlos Soriano

 Original Message ----
Subject: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates
Local Time: May 26, 2017 6:13 PM
UTC Time: May 26, 2017 4:13 PM
To: foundation-list <>

Hello all,

First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with
GNOME, so I ask 1 question with Asia first.
I have 3 questions to all candidates ( sorry for my poor English )

1) How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
to working on the board on a regular basis?

 for 2nd or 3rd ( or more ) term candidacy:
 last year, every one plan 5-10 or 5-15 hours per week,
what's average hours per week when you become board? do you think it's
good hours for life and work balance with you?( I think it might be
good reference for fist term candidacy and let us know your loading )(
Thanks again work and make GNOME forward )

 for 1st term candidacy:
 Please let us know your plan :)

2) What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
about grow GNOME in Asia?

3) How do you make GNOME great again? ( Sorry for my poor English again )
 Any idea about let everyone say " Wow!! it's GNOME " " I know GNOME :) "

* We start to have sponsors from Asia with GUADEC.
* There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
Users Group or Members in Asia.
** Hong Kong Open Source Conference ( )
** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( )
** FUDCon ( )  We
held GNOME.AsiaSummit 2014 together with FUDCon.

Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.

Max Huang
foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2017-05-26 Thread Max
Hello all,

First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with
GNOME, so I ask 1 question with Asia first.
I have 3 questions to all candidates ( sorry for my poor English )

1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
to working on the board on a regular basis?

 for 2nd or 3rd ( or more ) term candidacy:
 last year,  every one plan 5-10 or 5-15 hours per week,
what's average hours per week when you become board? do you think it's
good hours for life and work balance with you?( I think it might be
good reference for fist term candidacy and let us know your loading )(
Thanks again work and make GNOME forward )

 for 1st term candidacy:
 Please let us know your plan :)

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
about grow GNOME in Asia?

3)  How do you make GNOME great again? ( Sorry for my poor English again )
 Any idea about let everyone say " Wow!! it's GNOME " " I know GNOME :) "

* We start to have sponsors from Asia with GUADEC.
* There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
Users Group or Members in Asia.
** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( )
** FUDCon ( )  We
held GNOME.AsiaSummit 2014 together with FUDCon.

Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.

Max Huang
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-27 Thread Alexandre Franke
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 8:38 PM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a response
> on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then there are
> few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other projects
> (including KDE).

First of all, as they say, "haters gonna hate". You can do all you
want, there will always be a vocal minority that is going to complain.
This interview is by the way an interesting read on the toxicity of

This is not really a job for the board. This is something every
community members should do, as individuals. This is something I do
when I man the booth at events such as FOSDEM. When people complain,
talk to them, try to make them say what the real issue is to have a
constructive debate, try to see how you can help them. File a bug for
them. Talk to the relevant developer about the issue. Teach them how
they can actually do what they are trying to achieve and show them how
beautiful GNOME is. If after all that they want to use something else,
I don't see a problem with that. If they keep complaining but don't
want to actually say what the issue is, too bad for them. "Help me
help you" has been a favorite phrase of mine in such circumstances.

> ** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be beneficied with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes and
> roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite Desktop
> Environment.

This is a technical matter and as such, not a job for the board.

> ** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

Now that's something the board can work on. It's a difficult topic
though, and I think a way to sum it up is that throwing money at a
problem doesn't necessarily fix it.

Even if an issue people complain about is technically fixable, that
doesn't mean you'll find enough users willing to spend money on it to
make it interesting to work on. Even if you manage to gather a pool of
users willing to spend enough to make solving a given problem
interesting, that doesn't mean you'll find someone who actually
qualifies, is available and wants to take on the task. Even if you
manage to find that person, that doesn't mean that the code they will
produce can actually get merged. These are just a few of the issues
that you'll face (and that others have face before).

To conclude while staying in the GNOME Board of Directors campaign
context, I'll say that this is definitely something I'm interested in
and I'll be happy to participate in discussions on this topic and push
the Foundation in the direction of "issues getting fixed, users
getting happier, and people getting paid to work on that".

Alexandre Franke
GNOME Hacker & Foundation Director
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-27 Thread Alexandre Franke
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 2:41 AM, Max  wrote:
> Hello all,


> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
> working on the board on a regular basis?

I don't really think that's something that can be quantified
effectively. My experience with the board this year tells me that it
doesn't really make sense to think you'll have a fixed amount of time
dedicated to board work in advance. Sometimes there's a lot of things
that need to be taken care of urgently, sometimes it's more quiet and
the board has time to sit back and pick up tasks that have been left
aside, like thinking about long term strategy. Sometimes you do work
as a board member, but that could be counted as part of your work in
another team, like coordinating with event organizers or the
engagement team.

That being said, being at the head of my own company allows me to be
quite flexible, and allocate time to GNOME work as needed.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I don't have a plan, apart from continuing to support events in Asia.

I don't think I'm close enough to witness the growth in Asia, but I
like to think it's been fruitful so far and it's an area that we need
to keep working on, as a community.

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think we really need an ED, sooner rather than later. It's
unfortunate that the search so far hasn't been succesful, but I hope
we'll see a positive outcome soon.

Alexandre Franke
GNOME Hacker & Foundation Director
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-27 Thread Richard Stallman
  > > So let's turn those attacks around!  Let's remind people that the
  > > distros' package systems are right way to distribute applications and
  > > GNOME works with those package systems.

  > Except the normal user gives shit about packaging systems.

Our mission includes teaching users that freedom is important, so that
they understand how GNOME is superior inherently to proprietary

If we accept the misguided "normal" ways of judging, trained on
proprietary software and disregarding its intrinsic faults, we also
put ourselves at a disadvantage: we have to compete on a field shaped
by the adversary.  In effect, we would be competing with one hand tied
behind our back.

Instead of that, we must do our best to shape the field to favor
our intrinsic advantage, respect for users' freedom -- what our
proprietary adversaries refuse to try to do.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation (,
Internet Hall-of-Famer (
Skype: No way! See

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-25 Thread Daniel Espinosa
You're right John, and some others have pointed out, that we should act by
offer blogs, news and any other difussion we have access too, to promote
GNOME, GTK+ apps and all its goodness; this is the right way.

I love, to see more actions from GNOME Foundation to support, by
contracting people making real interview to GNOME projects maintainers,
point out and highlight how their work will help GNOME to be better Desktop
for every one.

2016-05-25 17:22 GMT-05:00 John McHugh :

> I was involved somewhat with the discussions Daniel keeps referring to.
> The talk of lack of GNOME applications referred to applications targeting
> the gnome HIG. Nothing to do with being open or not.
> Part of wanting to create something like this week in GNOME is to help
> draw attention to efforts made by third parties to create applications
> which target GNOME platform(including HIG), rather than a component of
> This week in rust as an example has crate of the week along with
> information on new and updated crates published online. Hopefully something
> similar might be achievable with Flatpaks and this week in GNOME.
> The "GTK being c and ugly" and other comments mentioned here I have no
> idea about. I had mentioned that the bindings for other languages haven't
> really been in healthy shape for the 3.x release but that could be in my
> head.
> Like I said previously, I don't think its constructive to label those who
> offer criticism as attackers. Or to attempt to try and silence them through
> trademark law.
> On Wed, 25 May 2016 at 22:18 Richard Stallman  wrote:
>>   > * No apps for GNOME/GTK+
>> If that means that we don't offer a place to download nonfree
>> applications, that's not a flaw, that's a moral superiority!
>> It's part of respecting users' freedom.
>> Every GNU/Linux distro offers a system for installing packages.  And,
>> of course, you can install programs from elsewhere or build them from
>> source.  This way is the ethical way, because it gives users control
>> over what versions they run.
>> So let's turn those attacks around!  Let's remind people that the
>> distros' package systems are right way to distribute applications and
>> GNOME works with those package systems.
>> --
>> Dr Richard Stallman
>> President, Free Software Foundation (,
>> Internet Hall-of-Famer (
>> Skype: No way! See
>> ___
>> foundation-list mailing list

Trabajar, la mejor arma para tu superación
"de grano en grano, se hace la arena" (R) (en trámite, pero para los
cuates: LIBRE)
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-25 Thread John McHugh
I was involved somewhat with the discussions Daniel keeps referring to. The
talk of lack of GNOME applications referred to applications targeting the
gnome HIG. Nothing to do with being open or not.

Part of wanting to create something like this week in GNOME is to help draw
attention to efforts made by third parties to create applications which
target GNOME platform(including HIG), rather than a component of GNOME.

This week in rust as an example has crate of the week along with
information on new and updated crates published online. Hopefully something
similar might be achievable with Flatpaks and this week in GNOME.

The "GTK being c and ugly" and other comments mentioned here I have no idea
about. I had mentioned that the bindings for other languages haven't really
been in healthy shape for the 3.x release but that could be in my head.

Like I said previously, I don't think its constructive to label those who
offer criticism as attackers. Or to attempt to try and silence them through
trademark law.

On Wed, 25 May 2016 at 22:18 Richard Stallman  wrote:

>   > * No apps for GNOME/GTK+
> If that means that we don't offer a place to download nonfree
> applications, that's not a flaw, that's a moral superiority!
> It's part of respecting users' freedom.
> Every GNU/Linux distro offers a system for installing packages.  And,
> of course, you can install programs from elsewhere or build them from
> source.  This way is the ethical way, because it gives users control
> over what versions they run.
> So let's turn those attacks around!  Let's remind people that the
> distros' package systems are right way to distribute applications and
> GNOME works with those package systems.
> --
> Dr Richard Stallman
> President, Free Software Foundation (,
> Internet Hall-of-Famer (
> Skype: No way! See
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-25 Thread Jens Georg

>   > * No apps for GNOME/GTK+
> If that means that we don't offer a place to download nonfree
> applications, that's not a flaw, that's a moral superiority!
> It's part of respecting users' freedom.

I think "App" in this context means what flatpack (and all its
spiritual predecessors) is currently trying to address: No need to
wrangle with installing packages, no ending up in dependency hell, grab
latest version of something and just run it.

> So let's turn those attacks around!  Let's remind people that the
> distros' package systems are right way to distribute applications and
> GNOME works with those package systems.

Except the normal user gives shit about packaging systems. And why
things not work if he grabs some piece of software from some random
place. Things should just work. There should not be "I cannot run
Frobnicator 2k because my system has libfurb packaged in version 0.8,
but Frobnicator needs 0.9 so I also need to get that from somewhere"

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-25 Thread Richard Stallman
  > * No apps for GNOME/GTK+

If that means that we don't offer a place to download nonfree
applications, that's not a flaw, that's a moral superiority!
It's part of respecting users' freedom.

Every GNU/Linux distro offers a system for installing packages.  And,
of course, you can install programs from elsewhere or build them from
source.  This way is the ethical way, because it gives users control
over what versions they run.

So let's turn those attacks around!  Let's remind people that the
distros' package systems are right way to distribute applications and
GNOME works with those package systems.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation (,
Internet Hall-of-Famer (
Skype: No way! See

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Cosimo Cecchi  wrote:

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
>> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
>> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )
> I think finding an ED should still be one of the top priorities of the new
> board; it's unfortunate that the previous attempt did not go well. In the
> meantime, board members have been stepping up to fill some of the duties
> like liaising with the advisory board and participating in fundraising, and
> I expect the new board to keep going in that direction until another
> candidate is found. Something else that I would also consider is changing
> the job description/title if the search does not appear to be fruitful.

I just wanted to add to this point that the previous search committee did a
great job bringing a perspective candidate to the board, and I'm grateful
for their efforts!
I realized that my previous comment could have been interpreted as a
negative feeling towards the committee, but that is not at all the case.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread meg ford
Hi Max,

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 7:41 PM, Max  wrote:
> I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with GNOME,
> so I ask 1 question with Asia first.
> I have 3 questions to all candidates

Thanks for taking the time to send these questions!

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to 
> working
> on the board on a regular basis?

I expect to spend between 5-10 hours per week. My employer  has committed
to sponsoring ~2 hours per week for me to spend on board duties. The
remaining time will be my own volunteer time.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I would do my best to make sure that organizers and contributors in Asia
are given the resources they need to continue to foster growth. This could
be in the form of financial support (through funding conferences, travel,
etc); helping with planning, and ensuring that requests for marketing
resources are met.

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think the GNOME ED plays an important role in helping the community to
focus on the vision and goals of the project. The ED  sets the tone for the
public image of GNOME through engaging the larger community and our AD
Board. I hope that if I'm elected I can help to make sure that a new ED is
hired as soon as possible. In practice I hope that as a new member of the
board I can learn more about where I can be most effective in helping with
the search, and focus my efforts in making sure I do whatever I can to make
sure the search is fruitful.


> * We start to have sponsors from Asia with GUADEC.
> * There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME Users
> Group or Members in Asia.
> ** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
> ** openSUSE.Asia Summit (
> )
> ** FUDCon ( )  We
> held GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 together with FUDCon.
> ** FOSSASIA ( )
> )
> Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.
> Max Huang
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread meg ford
Hi Daniel,

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 1:38 PM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:

> Recently has been a campaign to expose GNOME weakness, like:
> * GTK+ is C and ugly
> * Bugzilla is old and user unfriendly
> * Developers don't here suggestions from users
> * No apps for GNOME/GTK+
> This is a short list of thinks I heart, no my opinions.
> As Foundation Bouard Member:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a
> response on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then
> there are few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other
> projects (including KDE).

I think that hiring a new ED would be helpful in this area, and the best
way for the board to help address this would be to fill that role as
quickly as possible. In the past the ED has engaged the larger community
through talks, interviews, etc. I think this provided a consistent source
of new and positive information about the project.

There have also been efforts in the past by the Engagement Team to address
concerns and engage in discussion where possible. as others have stated,  I
think the Board's role in that case would be to provide a supporting role.

> ** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be beneficied with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
> and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
> Desktop Environment.

 I do not personally have plans for this, and I don't think that I would
undertake this if I were elected. However, if this was undertaken by the
community while I am serving on the board, I would support it.

> ** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

In the past I believe there was discussion around spending funds raised
during the privacy campaign on bounties. I am not sure if that is still
under discussion, or if a decision was made to call for contract proposals.
I think that bounties are a good idea, because they may be a way to
encourage contributors (for example, former interns) to stay involved.
However, it's important that the amount of work and the cost of such an
initiative would not outweigh the benefits to the community. Therefore I
would proceed by carefully looking at the discussion and work that has been
done with regard to the privacy funds, and see if something like a bounty
program would be possible.

In terms of engaging with other organizations, I think Open Hatch does a
good job of connecting new contributors with mentors, and lists some GNOME
bugs. However, they don't have any infrastructure that I know of that would
help in setting up bounties. And of course, within GNOME there are already
initiatives such as GNOME Love which support developers who wish to start
contributing to the project.

I hope that answers your questions! Please feel free to follow up if you


> [1]
> --
> Trabajar, la mejor arma para tu superación
> "de grano en grano, se hace la arena" (R) (en trámite, pero para los
> cuates: LIBRE)
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Nuritzi Sanchez
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your questions! Please see my responses below.

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a
> response on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then
> there are few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other
> projects (including KDE).
I think this is a very interesting question and I would approach it in two

   1. What is the role of the Board in actively combating negative
   perceptions of the GNOME Project in the eyes of the community?

   2. How can the Board empower the community to be able to advocate on
   behalf of the GNOME Project and the Foundation?

I would love to explore the first, and learn from what has been done by the
Board in the past in such instances. I imagine we could potentially release
a statement publicly to defend the GNOME Project, if needed. That being
said, I would really like to understand where the negative remarks are
coming from and if there's a common theme. I'd ask questions like, are the
negative remarks coming from a single user or user group? What's at the
foundation of their attack? Do they have any valid point, or is their
campaign just based on hatred or misunderstanding? Once we better
understand the negative comments and campaigns, then we can decide if their
criticism is something that we want to take into account and change about
the Project, or not. There's often truth in criticism, and so my approach
would be to understand what's at the bottom of the campaigns first and
foremost in order to improve the Project, and in order to keep it safe.

The second point is important too — it would be great to empower the
Foundation members, and our larger community, to help us combat negative
campaigns. We can do that by increasing the communication flow and
educating the community on the criticism, on what we are doing to address
valid points in the criticism, and how we should handle any parts of the
negative campaign that are invalid or just hateful.

> ** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be beneficied with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
> and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
> Desktop Environment.

Since I'd be a new Board member, I haven't been planning anything like that
:) But, I'd love to hear suggestions like this surfaced to the Board! What
are your ideas to benefit the whole community? This User Experience Roadmap
idea sounds very interesting, and I'd love to hear more about the problem
you think it'd help solve. If it's not something that the Board should be
involved with directly, maybe we can point you out to the right team or
figure out the best way to address your concern.

I'd love to help promote a culture of listening in the Board and be
proactive in serving you guys. Because of my Engagement team hat, I'm
really interested in hearing more ideas for how to connect existing members
and draw in more users and contributors.

> ** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

I'm not quite sure about this one and would like to hear more about your
ideas. It looks like you've received quite a few votes on your initiative
and am interested in hearing more about what your findings are so far.

This seems like another initiative to bring up with the Engagement team. It
sounds like you have a lot of ideas for us — want to join? ;)


> --
> Trabajar, la mejor arma para tu superación
> "de grano en grano, se hace la arena" (R) (en trámite, pero para los
> cuates: LIBRE)
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list



*Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless 
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Allan Day
Hi Daniel!

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:38 PM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:

> Recently has been a campaign to expose GNOME weakness, like:
> * GTK+ is C and ugly
> * Bugzilla is old and user unfriendly
> * Developers don't here suggestions from users
> * No apps for GNOME/GTK+
> This is a short list of thinks I heart, no my opinions.
> As Foundation Bouard Member:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a
> response on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then
> there are few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other
> projects (including KDE).

This isn't something that the Board takes responsibility for itself -
really it's an area that the Engagement Team is involved with. That said,
if there are significant user concerns in a specific area the board can act
as a mediator and there might be some occasions where it is helpful to have
a board member in the mix.

Your question does raise the issue of how proactive the board is, and this
is something that I'm interested in and have done some work on in the past
I would like the board to be more proactive where possible, so that it is
makes regular positive interventions in critical aspects of the project. I
should stress that this isn't easy or straightforward (the board has
limited time and the Foundation has limited resources), and I'm not
entirely sure how feasible it is, but I do feel that it's important to try,
and this is something I would spend time on if I was reelected.

** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be benefit with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
> and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
> Desktop Environment.

I agree that talking about plans and having a forward looking vision is
important for the project (that's actually something I try to do in my
blog). Our users need to have a sense that we're going to exciting places,
and that they can come along for the ride. Again I think that the
Engagement Team has the main role to play here, and that the board's
responsibility should be to support it.

The one area that the board needs to focus on, in my opinion, is to
communicate the project's plans to our advisory board members (both current
and future). I've done a fair amount of work relating to the advisory board
recently and it would be great to be talking about our plans more there.

> ** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

The Engagement Team has run fundraising campaigns in the past, and some of
these funds have been used to contract out work. I've recently been
involved in helping to revitalise the Friends of GNOME scheme (I don't need
to be on the board to do this work, although it does help in some aspects
and has been inspired by my time on the board). Once this has progressed,
I'd like us to start running fundraisers again.

However, paying for development work is tricky. Contracting out work is
expensive, and I know that there are mixed feelings about bounties within
the community. My impression is that paying for hackfests and funding
internships is generally the way to go. I'm open to other approaches though
and would be interested to hear views from the community on this subject.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Allan Day
Hey Max,

Thanks for the questions!

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 1:41 AM, Max  wrote:

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to 
> working
> on the board on a regular basis?

Board work is quite fragmented in my experience, so it's hard to say
exactly how many hours I've spent on it each week. What I can say is that I
feel like I've been one of the more active board members for the past year.
This has enabled me to keep on top of a handful of ongoing issues, as well
as being able to take up new initiatives. If I'm reelected I would keep
going at the same level.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I'm supportive of GNOME.Asia and would like the Foundation to continue
supporting that event. I would also like us to be supporting other GNOME
events in Asia (and indeed, throughout the world). This isn't something
that the board itself can easily lead on, but it would be good for it to
advertise that support is available. It would be great if GNOME in general
could be encouraging local groups and events, and the board should
certainly be a part of that positive support and reinforcement.

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think that it's important that we have an Executive Director, and I'd
make the ED search a priority if I were elected. If the continue to
struggle to recruit someone, I'd be open to rethinking the ED role,
although I'm not sure what that would exactly mean in practice.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Daniel,

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:

> As Foundation Bouard Member:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a
> response on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then
> there are few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other
> projects (including KDE).

I don't think it should be the responsibility of the board of directors to
directly address negative users' comments; other teams (e.g. the Engagement
and Marketing teams) exist in the community to work on social media and the
promotion of positive messages around the GNOME technologies and brand.
The board can work to empower such teams with the resources they need to be
effective, or by bringing a specific campaign or comment to their attention
when needed.

** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be beneficied with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
> and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
> Desktop Environment.

Keep in mind that the board is not directly involved with the technical
planning or the design of the user experience for the project.
However, your idea sounds pretty nice, and if you or other people in the
community were to try to pursue it and needed support or coordination
across different teams, I think the board should be able to help you.

** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

I'm not sure I fully understand the idea and which other organizations
would be involved, but there is definitely precedent for bug bounty
initiatives in the free software and open source world.
I will always be supportive of initiatives like this, and will seek
involvement from the GNOME board if one emerges, but I don't think I will
have the bandwidth to start an initiative like that myself.

Thanks for your questions, let me know if you have more!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Max,

Thanks for your questions!

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Max  wrote:

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to 
> working
> on the board on a regular basis?

I've dedicated between 5-10 hours per week to board work in the past year,
and would expect a similar workload this year.

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I think there's a lot of potential to expand and grow the GNOME community
across the Asia region, and the initiatives organized by local communities
in the past couple of years go in the right direction. Promoting and
providing financial support for events and initiatives organized by the
community is a great use of the board's time and resources, and I will keep
working towards these goals should I be elected again.

Another way the board can help is by connecting local companies with the
larger international community through facilitating e.g. sponsorship
programs or workshops.

3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think finding an ED should still be one of the top priorities of the new
board; it's unfortunate that the previous attempt did not go well. In the
meantime, board members have been stepping up to fill some of the duties
like liaising with the advisory board and participating in fundraising, and
I expect the new board to keep going in that direction until another
candidate is found. Something else that I would also consider is changing
the job description/title if the search does not appear to be fruitful.

Let me know if you have other questions!

foundation-list mailing list

Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-23 Thread Daniel Espinosa
Recently has been a campaign to expose GNOME weakness, like:

* GTK+ is C and ugly
* Bugzilla is old and user unfriendly
* Developers don't here suggestions from users
* No apps for GNOME/GTK+

This is a short list of thinks I heart, no my opinions.

As Foundation Bouard Member:

** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a response
on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then there are
few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other projects
(including KDE).

** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
order to help users see how they will be beneficied with GNOME's
infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
Desktop Environment.

** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at


Trabajar, la mejor arma para tu superación
"de grano en grano, se hace la arena" (R) (en trámite, pero para los
cuates: LIBRE)
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-23 Thread Nuritzi Sanchez
Thanks for the questions, Max.

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Max  wrote:
> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to 
> working
> on the board on a regular basis?

I plan to dedicate around 5 - 15 hours a week for GNOME activities, and
know that some days the work will be lighter and sometimes it will be
heavier. My employer is understanding of my commitment to GNOME, so I would
be able to adjust my hours as needed.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I would approach this question from the Engagement team's perspective :) We
are working on things to empower local groups, not just in Asia, but all
over the world. The first thing is identifying our core local organizers in
Asia, talking with them to understand their needs, and then giving them
tools to empower them. We are creating more visible merchandise for GNOME
so that local organizers can easily buy things like stickers, t-shirts,
pens, etc. In order to make GNOME more accessible, we are also working on a
budget plan - and will try to create an easy process for local organizers
to ask for a budget for things like meetups, release parties, merchandise,
and potentially travel to conferences to represent GNOME. I also hope we
can start better documenting the success stories for starting and
maintaining new local groups so that we can replicate them in other areas.

I have a lot of other ideas, as does the Engagement team. If you're
interested in learning more about our work, and potentially contributing to
our local organization project... you should join us! ;) Our meetings are
at 17:00 UTC on Fridays via IRC (#engagement) and video calls. It'd be
great to have more members in Asia so we can start regular Engagement
meetings at another time and then sync the two Engagement teams via regular
email updates and IRC.

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I'm not sure that I fully understand this question, but I think you're
asking how an ED would function in relation to the Board. Please send a
follow-up question if that wasn't really your intended question.

Since I haven't been a Board member before, I don't have full visibility
into that relationship, however, one particularly interesting part of the
ED's job description is that he or she would be the main relationship
builder between the GNOME Foundation and the Advisory Board. I would love
to help the ED better leverage the Ad board ;) I really like the idea that
we can ask our Ad Board not only for monetary help, but for relationships
that can help the GNOME Foundation (like connecting us to speakers for our
conferences, or helping us post news items to the press wire when needed,

As part of the Board, I would be particularly interested in increasing
internal communication throughout the GNOME project and understanding the
pain points and wish lists of each team so that the Board can better serve
and connect them to resources. Until we find an ED, it would be great if
the Board can take a proactive stance towards leveraging the Advisory Board
to help the GNOME project in these ways, and when we find the ED, the Board
can still help the ED be the bridge between all teams.

I just want to emphasize the importance of listening and learning first. In
order to be truly effective, I want to first spend time learning more about
how everything functions, including the ED / Board relationship.

If you have any follow up questions, I'm happy to answer them.



*Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless 
foundation-list mailing list

Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-22 Thread Max
Hello all,

First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with GNOME,
so I ask 1 question with Asia first.
I have 3 questions to all candidates

1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
to working
on the board on a regular basis?

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

* We start to have sponsors from Asia with GUADEC.
* There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME Users
Group or Members in Asia.
** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( )
** FUDCon ( )  We held
GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 together with FUDCon.

Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.

Max Huang
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-30 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:41 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 On 19 May 2015 at 01:41, Max wrote:
 Hello all,

 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

 I have 2 questions to all candidates

 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

 Around 5 hours or so. I can spend more time on it when it is needed,
 but it would be unsustainable of me to commit more on a regular basis.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

 The ecosystem in Asia is very different from in Europe and North
 America. I think that the local community is much better placed at
 promoting and growing GNOME in that region than I am, so I would be
 most effective on the board at ensuring that any resources which are
 needed by people like you which the Foundation can provide are
 available for you to use. This can be everything from funding for
 events to putting you in touch with other people who can help.

I just want to tell you, that Ekaterina (and by extension Rosanna)
has spend an enormous time on the board working on financial matters
for the past year.
I have every confidence that she will put the time she needs to get
the job done right, as have the board members that have
 not been running for the board.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-29 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 19 May 2015 at 01:41, Max wrote:
 Hello all,

 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

 I have 2 questions to all candidates

 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

Around 5 hours or so. I can spend more time on it when it is needed,
but it would be unsustainable of me to commit more on a regular basis.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

The ecosystem in Asia is very different from in Europe and North
America. I think that the local community is much better placed at
promoting and growing GNOME in that region than I am, so I would be
most effective on the board at ensuring that any resources which are
needed by people like you which the Foundation can provide are
available for you to use. This can be everything from funding for
events to putting you in touch with other people who can help.

 * Maybe you already notice -- there start to have sponsors from Asia
 with GUADEC.( There are 2 in 2015 and 1 in 2014 )
 * There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
 Users Group or Members in Asia.
 For example
 ** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
  After GNOME.Asia Summit 2012, there are more GNOME and  open
 source related activities in Hong Kong. They start Hong Kong Open
 Source Conference at 2013.

 ** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( 

 ** FUDCon ( )
  We held GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 together with FUDCon.

 I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with
 GNOME, so I ask question with Asia first.

 Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 (_  _)

 Max Huaug
 foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-21 Thread Shaun McCance
On Tue, 2015-05-19 at 08:41 +0800, Max wrote:
 Hello all,
 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.
 I have 2 questions to all candidates
 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

Honestly, I don't think board members should have to spend more than 5
hours in a typical week. They all have jobs and families and lives and
all the other things they do for GNOME. Certainly there will be weeks
that are more demanding. Stuff comes up. But if people have to spend 10
or more hours each week, something is broken.

I say this as a former board member, and as somebody who spent the last
two years doing a *lot* of time as a board member in another volunteer
organization (not software-related). It's not sustainable, and you will
burn people out.

As it stands, though, without an Executive Director, one (or both) of
two things must be happening: (1) board members are spending more time
than they should doing things an ED should be doing, and/or (2) things
an ED should be doing just aren't being done.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

Asia is certainly a growing market, and that makes it a good opportunity
for GNOME and for free software. Historically, we haven't had a strong
contributor base in most of Asia, aside from India. I would like that to
change. But I don't have specific plans on how to make that change. The
best I can do is offer to support the work of people like you who are
aware of the issues and already working to address them.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-20 Thread Carlos Soriano Sanchez
Hi Max,

- Original Message -
| Hello all,
| First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
| Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.
| I have 2 questions to all candidates
| 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
| working on the board on a regular basis?

In my case I don't know how much time the board will require, and it's a little 
difficult to
say specific hours, since part of what I want to do is part of what I was 
already doing in
my free time.
On the other hand I'm flexible on time requirements, and I'm more the kind of 
person that spend
the necessary time to get the job done.

| 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
| about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
| volunteer ...  )

I think the market in Asia is the one that Linux fits more, and there Gnome can 
be the big
player to achieve the adoption by people in Asia.
Said that, it is a different culture than mine and what we need is people from 
to work with us to achieve more adoption. On the board side what we can do is
making sure those people are listen and we fulfill the needs of them (hackfest,
sponsorship, etc.)

Carlos Soriano
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
2015-05-19 2:41 GMT+02:00 Max
 Hello all,

Hey Max!

 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

I agree with Jeff when he says we have to make sure action items are
effectively taken into the next level, discussed deeply and acted upon
in a timely manner, which is what we did in a successful way this last
year. There shouldn't be any fixed time someone should spend doing
Board activities in my opinion, we have a series of action items
assigned at every meeting (with additional tasks like correcting,
modifying, preparing and publishing the meeting minutes like in the
case of the Secretary, position which I personally covered this year)
and our mission as Board members is to solve any possible problem that
might arise and provide a final and satisfying answer to our
Foundation membership and community. This worked great this year and
hopefully it will with the new Board as well.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

It's clear the Asia region is growing exponentially and the extremely
wide number of potential users (and possible consequential
contributors) presents us a great opportunity to expand our market and
spread the values and liberties we fight for to a larger audience.
I've been amazed by the amount of efforts the GNOME.Asia team have put
in organizing the various editions of the event and I'm delighted to
see Seafile and Gitcafe are sponsoring this year's GUADEC for the
second time. On the Membership Committee's side we've seen an
increment of membership applications coming from GNOME Asia community
members which is great as the GNOME Asia ecosystem is increasing its
importance within the global GNOME community and it deserves a space
on our Foundation membership for the electorate to properly represent
all the single communities around the world. I've been personally
following these applications and made sure they were processed in time
for the upcoming elections for this reason. That said the current
Board has been economically supporting GNOME.Asia this year [1] by
allocating funds for both travel reimbursements and subsidies and
local organization costs. What I aim if re-elected is keeping the new
Board on track with that and keep supporting you, Emily and any other
key organizer providing you with the tools (Press Releases, Social
media shares etc.) and the financial backing (travel reimbursements,
covering local organization costs) for the organization of the event
to be successful.

This wouldn't happen without your help, so thanks for your constancy,
passion and dedication.




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread Alexandre Franke
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 2:41 AM, Max wrote:
 Hello all,

Hi Max!

 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

It's always hard coming with an estimation for such a thing,
especially when you haven't been on the board before and don't know
for sure how it really works. That said, I think I should be able to
commit to something between 5 and 10 hours a week.

I should also be able to find more time if there's an issue that
requires more at a certain point in time. Working as an independant, I
am quite flexible with my time and I'm able to accommodate my schedule
to make room for things I care about in rush periods.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

Asia seems to me like a place where we have a huge opportunity:
there's a free software boom there and people are very enthusiastic.
GNOME should definitely push in that direction.

Our community members who live in Asia already do a great job by
organising events such as GNOME.Asia or release parties. It's
difficult for someone who's not there to help. The board can probably
do things to help, but they won't be the ones actually making things
happen in the first place. What I think the board can and should do is
for instance voting for budget allocation, and give advice on how to
use money the best way.

I'd also like to see more workshop-type events and if we have
volunteers willing to organize them, we should make sure they have the
means to do that.

 * Maybe you already notice -- there start to have sponsors from Asia
 with GUADEC.( There are 2 in 2015 and 1 in 2014 )

I know! I was really happy when I was told that the GNOME.Asia
organizers brought me a sponsor last year. I think there's room for
more of this in the future and we should indeed encourage sponsors of
one the events to sponsor the other one as well.

 * There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
 Users Group or Members in Asia.

Colocating events is a good idea too. It can help save money
(splitting some of the cost), get venues (only have to ask once
instead of twice) and more importantly it brings visibility to a
bigger audience. People interested in one of the two events would be
attending another one they might not know of otherwise.

So yes, that's something that we should encourage.

Alexandre Franke
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread Tobias Mueller
Heya! :-)

On Di, 2015-05-19 at 08:41 +0800, Max wrote:
 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
 to working on the board on a regular basis?
Difficult question as I have just started a new job which makes things a
bit more unpredictable.  It will be better than the last few weeks
though.  A conservative expectation ranges between four to eight hours.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia?
I have been on the organising committee for the last few years. I think
Asia provides vast amounts of potential Free Software and GNOME users
and it would be good if we can leverage that potential.  We can debate
whether the current GUADEC-esque format, by which I mean going to a
different country every year, is the best we can do, though.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread Allan Day
Max wrote:
 I have 2 questions to all candidates

Thanks for the questions, Max!

 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

I have the good fortune to work on GNOME as my full time job, and I'm
able to devote some of that time to Board work. I'm not going to give
a precise number of hours, but I can certainly free up a decent chunk
of my week, and I'm confident that I'll be able to find the time.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

Really good question, and there are a few different aspects to it.

First, we need to continue supporting the great work already being
done by the GNOME Asia team. Within that, we need to review how money
is currently being spent, and what the most effective way to spend our
resources is with regards to Asia.

Second, we can't advance in Asia unless we have a good understanding
of the opportunities. To do this, we need to talk to (existing and
potential) sponsors, supporters and contributors in Asia. Within this,
we need to get a grip on Asia's diversity, so that we can target
specific opportunities more effectively.

Third, the Board needs to marshal the resources we have. That might
require connecting contributors with contacts in Asia, pushing people
to have additional events, or supporting specific local or regional

A final meta point: I want us to have a board that is able to actively
pursue areas of potential growth, but that's a challenge in itself. We
need to look at the Board's workload and see if there are any possible
changes we can make, so that the Board has the time to develop its own
initiatives and agenda. Hiring a new executive director is likely to
be a key part of this, but whatever happens: I want to make sure that
we are actively reviewing the board's performance so that
opportunities don't slip by.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread Magdalen Berns
Hi Max,

Thanks for your questions. Responses inline:

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 1:41 AM, Max wrote:

 Hello all,

 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

 I have 2 questions to all candidates

The excitement mounts!

1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

My weeks look set to be fairly flexible throughout the year and my aim
would be to make best use of my free time to dedicate to board matters so
that I have some slack during periods where I may have less time to spare.
I anticipate spending an average of around 8-15 hours  of my time on board
matters per week and I would, of course, communicate with the board about
my outside commitments on an ongoing basis.

I am under no illusion that this is not going be a particularly tough year
for whoever gets elected onto the board. It is no secret that being without
an ED has put a tremendous strain on and we have all been very grateful for
the commitment the current board have shown in dealing with the challenges
that have arisen. I think that it is important for anyone who is elected
this year to be aware of the difficulties ahead and to come prepared with
strategy for making best use of time, from the outset. From my end, I
firmly believe that leaders are most effective when they stick within the
remit of their role and communicate well; tasks (e.g. treasurer) can and
should be delegated out to those with the right skills, so that the board
can best focus on those vital tasks which are not possible to delegate, in
a timely way. The added advantage of adopting that open and cooperative
approach to management, is that this can provide a necessary contingency
for dealing with unexpected surprises. I want to want to do my bit to
ensure that everyone who contributes to this organisation has the support
they need in carrying out their roles.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

Firstly, my plan would be to do my best to make sure I am able to attend
the next GNOME Asia Summit, since I have not yet had the opportunity ;-);
so it probably won't come as a surprise that I would have to defer to
members of the community for feedback about this matter, in the first
instance. Whilst I do not want to insult your intelligence by pretending
that I know an awful lot about a continent I have not yet even been to, I
will say that I have been very keen to see GNOME grow as a global
organisation and I think a very important aspect of that lies in having a
concrete shared vision for the future. Ideally, I would like to one day see
GNOME in a situation where we have an HQ in each continent and although
this certainly would not be possible for us to achieve that in the
foreseeable future, I absolutely believe that is what we should be aiming
for long term and what we are capable of achieving if we do aim for it.

In the short term, if Asian members (or any other group) felt that nobody
on the board had the right knowledge and skills to best represent them,
then I would have no issue with advocating we establish a dedicated role
(or committee) to address this. More generally, I would have a look at
where our members are located, with a view to identifying whether there is
more we need to do to engage and support contributors who come from
specific regions.

 * Maybe you already notice -- there start to have sponsors from Asia
 with GUADEC.( There are 2 in 2015 and 1 in 2014 )
 * There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
 Users Group or Members in Asia.
 For example
 ** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
  After GNOME.Asia Summit 2012, there are more GNOME and  open
 source related activities in Hong Kong. They start Hong Kong Open
 Source Conference at 2013.

 ** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( )

 ** FUDCon ( )
  We held GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 together with FUDCon.

 I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with
 GNOME, so I ask question with Asia first.

 Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 (_  _)

Thank you again for engaging with these elections! Please feel free to fire
away with any further questions you may have.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread josh
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 08:41:32AM +0800, Max wrote:
 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
 Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.
 I have 2 questions to all candidates
 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

As much as is needed.  I'm not limited to evenings and weekends; I can
work on the GNOME board during work, too.

Under normal circumstances, I'd expect to spend 5-10 hours or so a week
working on GNOME board activities.  However, if some major issue comes
up, like the Groupon issue (which I worked on with Sri and Andrea), I
will dedicate significantly more time to getting that issue taken care

At the moment, for instance, I'm working on the Executive Director
search committee, which will increase the amount of time I'm spending
per week.

 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )
 * Maybe you already notice -- there start to have sponsors from Asia
 with GUADEC.( There are 2 in 2015 and 1 in 2014 )
 * There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
 Users Group or Members in Asia.
 For example
 ** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
  After GNOME.Asia Summit 2012, there are more GNOME and  open
 source related activities in Hong Kong. They start Hong Kong Open
 Source Conference at 2013.
 ** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( 
 ** FUDCon ( )
  We held GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 together with FUDCon.

While I have a few ideas in this area, in large part I think the board
should be primarily focused on helping people in the GNOME community
enact their ideas and get support from the GNOME Foundation in doing so.
For most problems like this, the first resort should be talking to
involved community members and seeking a consensus solution (perhaps
with suggestions from the board), rather than having the board propose
and enact a solution.

So, first and foremost, I'd ask: what do you and GNOME Asia see as the
biggest barriers to adoption or improved community engagement within
Asia?  Events?  Contact within local developer communities?  Contact
with local industry, and local universities?  Are there any specific
areas you could use help with?

For my part, I would suggest that building a strong community in an area
needs more than just events and local developers.  Developers have to
come from somewhere, and events need a strong base of local support.

So, I'd suggest working with local universities to establish strong
support for GNOME and Open Source technologies, both within their
curriculum, and through projects/research/outreach/etc.  Universities
often foster a FOSS environment already for a variety of reasons; is
GNOME part of that environment?  What do classes or programs doing UI/UX
design use?  What technologies do students use when writing GUI
software?  What types of plumbing technologies do students hack on?

For that matter, do we have contacts with CS professors at various local
universities, through which we could promote programs like GSoC and
Outreachy, as well as partnering on research projects?  Can you or
others within GNOME Asia establish such contacts, and do you need help
from the board in doing so?

I'd also suggest working with local industry, especially companies
making significant use of GNOME and GNOME technologies, and building a
support base there.  That's in addition to existing efforts to establish
events and volunteer contributors.

- Josh Triplett
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Max,

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Max wrote:

 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

If I get elected it would be my first time on the Board, so it's hard to
estimate how much time exactly it will require.
Having said that, my expectation is to dedicate 5-10 hours per week to
Board work. I can use some work hours for this purpose as well, so I expect
to be able to scale up my commitment at times when needed.

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
 about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
 volunteer ...  )

I am very excited by the great work the GNOME Asia team has been doing in
recent years to grow local communities and attract new people to the
project! I think GNOME as a project should keep supporting and empowering
those initiatives in all the ways it can; conferences, hackfests and
outreach are a few ways to do that. I'm looking forward to more and I would
like to see the Board facilitating connections that make more of those

I also feel the question of how to grow visibility and participation in
geographical areas that are currently under-represented in our community
cannot be entirely separate from how those users consume the software we
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in how people experience computing; for
many people in developing countries (and many countries in Asia among them)
their first contact with a personal computer is very different than what it
has traditionally been for people in our community.
I would like to see GNOME be at the forefront of that; more concretely that
means ensuring our platform stays relevant on the new cheap hardware people
will buy in the next few years, and that our software caters to the
specific needs of the users in those communities.

These are not all tasks specifically or exclusively for the Board to
accomplish, but I do wish to see our leadership take a more proactive
approach towards areas with potential opportunities for growth, since it
has worked for us in the past (with e.g. our Outreach programs).

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread josh
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 10:23:57PM -0400, Jeff Fortin Tam wrote:
 The best metaphor I have for a healthy GNOME board is taken from
 role-playing games: a well-coordinated level 45-70 party that will not
 be afraid to crawl dungeons together for a year. You need polyvalent
 classes just like you need specialists (analytic mages, massive damage
 knights, resourceful healers, quick  agile rangers, etc.). So if this
 makes sense to anyone, I'm a hybrid mage-knight with a ton of HP/MP
 potions and phoenix feathers ;)

I love this metaphor.

You forgot the skilled bards/diplomancers, though.  Someone needs to
seek out quest information to solve ancient challenges, talk nobles and
businessfolk into offering high rewards, rally others to the cause, or
offer off-the-wall ideas and encouragement. :)

- Josh Triplett
foundation-list mailing list

Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-18 Thread Max
Hello all,

First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.
Max come from GNOME.Asia team and thanks GNOME and board support Asia.

I have 2 questions to all candidates

1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
working on the board on a regular basis?

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
volunteer ...  )

* Maybe you already notice -- there start to have sponsors from Asia
with GUADEC.( There are 2 in 2015 and 1 in 2014 )
* There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
Users Group or Members in Asia.
For example
** Hong Kong Open Source Conference  ( )
 After GNOME.Asia Summit 2012, there are more GNOME and  open
source related activities in Hong Kong. They start Hong Kong Open
Source Conference at 2013.

** openSUSE.Asia Summit ( )

** FUDCon ( )
 We held GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 together with FUDCon.

I know there will be more people ask questions about all domain with
GNOME, so I ask question with Asia first.

Thanks again for all candidates volunteering to the Foundation Board.
(_  _)

Max Huaug
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-25 Thread Germán Póo-Caamaño
On Fri, 2013-05-24 at 22:49 +0800, Max wrote:
 2013/5/22 上午3:17 於 Brian Cameron 寫道:
  My question to the candidates:
  For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
  facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?
 It might be enhance for GNOME.Asia organize,  cause we could get response
 more quickly and runing at the same time.

  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
  working on the board on a regular basis?
 I have no idea about that, cause I am not board member now.

I think this is about time management, not if you have been already in
the board.  Having been in the board could give some advantage for
planning, but you need to allocate time anyway, that is, stop doing
other things.

If you have planned to accomplish some goals in the board, then you
should have some idea of how much time you would need to do them.  That
is, besides other duties that you can find in as well as getting an idea from
the action items in the minutes.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-25 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Brian Cameron brian.came...@oracle.comwrote:

 For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
 facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?  How
 many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

Hi Brian,

I see board work as enhancing what I already do.  We have bi-weekly
meetings in marketing list and I primarily am the person who organizes and
runs the meetings.  We also have a off-week work time for items that needs
to be completed.  So right there that is about an hour or so a week already
spent on meetings.  Of course, there is mail and responding to things in
the google+ community and whatever else.  I've also volunteered to do some
bug squad work for gnome-music.

I can commit to about 5 hours a week additional to what I am doing in
marketing.  I do not plan on giving up marketing as we are doing fairly
well there and I want to keep things progressing.



 foundation-list mailing list**mailman/listinfo/foundation-**list

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Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-24 Thread Max
Thanks Brain

2013/5/22 上午3:17 於 Brian Cameron 寫道:

 My question to the candidates:

 For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
 facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?
It might be enhance for GNOME.Asia organize,  cause we could get response
more quickly and runing at the same time.

 many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

I have no idea about that, cause I am not board member now.


 foundation-list mailing list

Best regards

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-23 Thread Andreas Nilsson

On 2013-05-21 09:16, Brian Cameron wrote:

My question to the candidates:

For returning board members, what are 3 conrete accomplishments on the
board that you are most proud of?  How many action items did you accept
over your last term and what percentage were completed?  If things did
not get done or tended to get done very late, please explain why. If
you were to give your own performance a grade, what would it be?

I am mostly happy about:
* Keeping the meetings on time and on topic.
- In theory meetings could go on forever, but board members have other 
meetings to attend and one hour slots fits most schedules. Last period 
we were able to keep most meetings in one hour. On occasions spilling 
over 5 or 10 minutes.

* Creating the Annual Report.
It was really unfortunate that we had to create a 2010-2011 report 
instead of two single ones and it gives the impression of a sloppy 
Foundation to the foundation members, the advisory board and the wider 
community. While the 2012 report is late, it is in progress.

I also want to take the opportunity to highlight a accomplishment by 
Joanie, who came up with the very creative resolution to the fact that 
we had two really good GUADEC bids from teams that had applied several 
times before to accept both of them, but for different years (and at the 
same time solving the issue that teams have asked for more time to 
prepare the conferences). I like these kind of creative soultions from 
her a lot!

For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity? How
many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
working on the board on a regular basis?

It ties into it, and if I wasn't on the board, I would do about the same 
volunteer work anyway.

10 hours a week.
- Andreas
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-22 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 21 May 2013 13:16, Brian Cameron wrote:

 For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
 facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?

I do not think that there is much overlap between the work I already do in
the community[1] and the board, so it would be fair to say that I do not
think that being on the board would enhance it. The GNOME project has goals
that are common to all areas of the community, so I see the board work as
complementing my existing involvement.

How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

Based on my conversations with current and past board members, I anticipate
that I would need to dedicate a couple of hours per day to board work. I
expect the workload to vary somewhat throughout the year and, because I
have flexible working arrangements, I am able to spend considerably more
time than that on board work when it is needed.

[1] Documentation team, travel committee and Outreach Program for Women
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-22 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya
- Original Message -
 From: Brian Cameron
 To: GNOME Foundation
 Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:16:48 AM
 Subject: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates
 My question to the candidates:
 For returning board members, what are 3 conrete accomplishments on the
 board that you are most proud of?  How many action items did you accept
 over your last term and what percentage were completed?  If things did
 not get done or tended to get done very late, please explain why.  If
 you were to give your own performance a grade, what would it be?
 For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
 facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?  How
 many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
 working on the board on a regular basis?

Being on the board would help me identify and help establish more outreach and 
engagement efforts that are relevant to GNOME. I'm particularly interested in 
seeing us move ahead on Joanie's idea of the Outreach Program for Professors.

Beyond that, I'm interested in identifying some other way I can help the GNOME 
project and community thrive, which would inform my work outside the board.

I would have 5-10 hours a week for my work on the board.



 foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-21 Thread Dave Neary

On May 20, 2013 10:33 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
 I wasn't suggesting IRC meetings per se, but we need some kind of
mechanism to report to the broader foundation what we are up to on a
regular basis, similar to how we communicate with the Advisory board.

If only there were a way to communicate asynchronously with foundation
members - a mailing list or something - you could avoid an inconvenient
real-time meeting.

 If something like a e-mail with a status report from the board to
foundation-list would be a better mechanism, I would support that.

That sounds like an excellent idea, except calling it a status report is a
guarantee it won't happen regularly.

Suggestion: when you could use help with something, send an email asking.
When you finish a task, drop a quick email letting people know.

If you're announcing things to members, they're not involved. If you're
talking to them, they can be (see the difference?).

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME etherpad instance [WAS: Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates]

2013-05-21 Thread Andrea Veri
2013/5/20 Frederic Peters

 [ not related to the current election ]

 Emmanuele Bassi wrote:

  a month ago or so, we finally switched from gobby to an etherpad
  instance running on; this has facilitated immensely my work

 I found it at but it doesn't allow me to
 edit pads (You do not have permission to access this pad after it
 created a pad); we have been using various external etherpad for
 release team meeting, it would be nice if we could use the
 one; is it planned to open it?

As Emmanuele pointed out already, we don't plan to open the service to the
wide public, but any GNOME team can request access to it. Just get in touch
with me for having a pad created with a custom username and password to
access it in the case you want to keep the information on the pad private.



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-21 Thread Fabiana Simões
Thanks Max, Emmanuele and Andreas for the replies!

Having the minutes of the Board meetings is certainly helpful. Problem is,
IMO, that the granularity of the information there is way to high to inform
the broader progress and accomplishments of the Board.

On 21 May 2013 03:23, Dave Neary wrote:

 Suggestion: when you could use help with something, send an email asking.
 When you finish a task, drop a quick email letting people know.

That's a great idea as a way to keep an open communication channel with the
Foundation. However, I'm not opposed to the idea of the report as an
additional resource. With these reports every 2-3 months, one would only
need to check a couple of emails (wiki pages, blog posts or whatever form
they take) to be able to have an idea of what the Board is up to and, in
elections time, make an informed vote. Additionally, if the reports are
indeed desirable, it's the role of the Foundation Members to make sure the
Board make they happen.


On 21 May 2013 03:23, Dave Neary wrote:


 On May 20, 2013 10:33 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
  I wasn't suggesting IRC meetings per se, but we need some kind of
 mechanism to report to the broader foundation what we are up to on a
 regular basis, similar to how we communicate with the Advisory board.

 If only there were a way to communicate asynchronously with foundation
 members - a mailing list or something - you could avoid an inconvenient
 real-time meeting.

  If something like a e-mail with a status report from the board to
 foundation-list would be a better mechanism, I would support that.

 That sounds like an excellent idea, except calling it a status report is a
 guarantee it won't happen regularly.

 Suggestion: when you could use help with something, send an email asking.
 When you finish a task, drop a quick email letting people know.

 If you're announcing things to members, they're not involved. If you're
 talking to them, they can be (see the difference?).


 foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-21 Thread Brian Cameron

My question to the candidates:

For returning board members, what are 3 conrete accomplishments on the
board that you are most proud of?  How many action items did you accept
over your last term and what percentage were completed?  If things did
not get done or tended to get done very late, please explain why.  If
you were to give your own performance a grade, what would it be?

For all candidates, how do you see being on the board will enhance or
facilitate the volunteer work you already do in the commutity?  How
many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
working on the board on a regular basis?


foundation-list mailing list

Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Fabiana Simões
Hello all,

First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.

We have a number of candidates running for a second term, and knowing what
were these candidates' contributions to the Foundation in the past year is
quite important for me as a voter. However, as per Zeeshan's questions, I
find it hard to follow the Board's progress and accomplishments. I would
like to know what are your ideas on improving the visibility of the Board's
actions, and communication to Foundation members.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Max
Hello Fabiana

I am not the board member, but I just think about your suggestion.
Maybe we could have a blog which all board members co-write for that blog.
And for everything board did with the article, we cloud give it a tag, for
example GUADEC or GNOME.Asia.
Foudation members could sumbit the blog RSS to see what is happening, and
go to the blog website filter the tag to see what's happen recently.  Ask
some question in the blog.

I have no idea it's good or not.  Maybe wiki is a good choice too.

Max  :-)
 2013/5/20 下午10:23 於 Fabiana Simões 寫道:

 Hello all,

 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.

 We have a number of candidates running for a second term, and knowing what
 were these candidates' contributions to the Foundation in the past year is
 quite important for me as a voter. However, as per Zeeshan's questions, I
 find it hard to follow the Board's progress and accomplishments. I would
 like to know what are your ideas on improving the visibility of the Board's
 actions, and communication to Foundation members.


 foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Vincent Untz
Le lundi 20 mai 2013, à 22:39 +0800, Max a écrit :
 Hello Fabiana
 I am not the board member, but I just think about your suggestion.
 Maybe we could have a blog which all board members co-write for that blog.
 And for everything board did with the article, we cloud give it a tag, for
 example GUADEC or GNOME.Asia.
 Foudation members could sumbit the blog RSS to see what is happening, and
 go to the blog website filter the tag to see what's happen recently.  Ask
 some question in the blog.
 I have no idea it's good or not.  Maybe wiki is a good choice too.

(it's not really alive, though)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Emmanuele Bassi
hi Fabiana;

On 20 May 2013 15:22, Fabiana Simões wrote:

 We have a number of candidates running for a second term, and knowing what
 were these candidates' contributions to the Foundation in the past year is
 quite important for me as a voter. However, as per Zeeshan's questions, I
 find it hard to follow the Board's progress and accomplishments. I would
 like to know what are your ideas on improving the visibility of the Board's
 actions, and communication to Foundation members.

you have definitely a point, here.

during the last term, Andreas and I followed the suggestion from this
mailing list to send the agenda prior to the meeting. sadly, this has
fallen a bit on the wayside — but I think it's something that we
should strive for it this term.

another thing that we (and me personally, if I am re-elected) commit
to is the timely publication of the minutes; for every meeting there
are a certain number of items that are set to be private, and thus
have to be edited out of the minutes prior to publishing. this,
obviously, takes time, and it's a process that can have mistakes; you
may have noticed that I left a couple of private items in the public
minutes here and there. :-) nevertheless, whoever ends up as a
secretary needs to ensure that time to do editing and review of the
minutes is taken into account.

a month ago or so, we finally switched from gobby to an etherpad
instance running on; this has facilitated immensely my work
— the gobby server we had only allowed for limited editing
capabilities (no undo!) and it was a pretty high barrier to entry.
etherpad has other interesting issues, but it has proven to be much
more up to the task. thanks go to Andreas Nilsson and Andrea Veri for
setting it up.

obviously, the board should be open for suggestions, and I'd like to
hear what others think about this topic.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson

On 2013-05-20 11:22, Fabiana Simões wrote:

Hello all,

First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.

We have a number of candidates running for a second term, and knowing 
what were these candidates' contributions to the Foundation in the 
past year is quite important for me as a voter. However, as per 
Zeeshan's questions, I find it hard to follow the Board's progress and 
accomplishments. I would like to know what are your ideas on improving 
the visibility of the Board's actions, and communication to Foundation 

I agree that it's hard to keep track of what the board is up to, and I 
certainly got a feeling for this the year in between my 2 runs.
One simple thing, that I think we haven't been doing in a little while 
now, is to hold foundation-wide meetings more than once a year.
This have previously been done on IRC, and I think it would be 
beneficial to do a meeting like this at least every 3 months.
The agenda for these meetings could include the board presenting a recap 
of the last 3 months, 2-3 current topics and open floor for questions. 
This is more or less how the Adboard meetings are done and it's a good 
model for Foundation meetings I think.

- Andreas
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Emmanuele Bassi
hi Andreas;

On 20 May 2013 17:53, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

 First, thanks to all candidates for volunteering to the Foundation Board.

 We have a number of candidates running for a second term, and knowing what
 were these candidates' contributions to the Foundation in the past year is
 quite important for me as a voter. However, as per Zeeshan's questions, I
 find it hard to follow the Board's progress and accomplishments. I would
 like to know what are your ideas on improving the visibility of the Board's
 actions, and communication to Foundation members.

 I agree that it's hard to keep track of what the board is up to, and I
 certainly got a feeling for this the year in between my 2 runs.
 One simple thing, that I think we haven't been doing in a little while now,
 is to hold foundation-wide meetings more than once a year.
 This have previously been done on IRC, and I think it would be beneficial to
 do a meeting like this at least every 3 months.
 The agenda for these meetings could include the board presenting a recap of
 the last 3 months, 2-3 current topics and open floor for questions. This is
 more or less how the Adboard meetings are done and it's a good model for
 Foundation meetings I think.

we tried holding (semi-)regular IRC meetings over the last couple of
years; we never really had much turn-out, and even requesting agenda
points didn't yield many results.

we *did* have good IRC meetings, but that usually happens only when
there's a massive flame on desktop-devel, and foundation members want
to discuss project-wide efforts on a high-bandwidth channel (as
opposed to a mailing list). I'd rather have fewer flames on d-d-l and
foundation-list than more IRC meetings. ;-)


foundation-list mailing list

GNOME etherpad instance [WAS: Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates]

2013-05-20 Thread Frederic Peters
[ not related to the current election ]

Emmanuele Bassi wrote:

 a month ago or so, we finally switched from gobby to an etherpad
 instance running on; this has facilitated immensely my work

I found it at but it doesn't allow me to
edit pads (You do not have permission to access this pad after it
created a pad); we have been using various external etherpad for
release team meeting, it would be nice if we could use the
one; is it planned to open it?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2013-05-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson

On 2013-05-20 14:00, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
we tried holding (semi-)regular IRC meetings over the last couple of 
years; we never really had much turn-out, and even requesting agenda 
points didn't yield many results.

I wasn't suggesting IRC meetings per se, but we need some kind of 
mechanism to report to the broader foundation what we are up to on a 
regular basis, similar to how we communicate with the Advisory board. If 
something like a e-mail with a status report from the board to 
foundation-list would be a better mechanism, I would support that.

- Andreas
foundation-list mailing list