RE: [ANNOUNCE] FreeAmp 2.1 beta 3

2000-06-01 Thread Michael Rich

 We have fixed a lot of the baddies in beta 1 but rumor has it
 there are
 still bugs lurking in our beloved product... please pound on this and
 let us know about them.

Does this mean I can't watch the thread count for freeamp.exe jump to over
100 anymore?  :)



RE: Modifying help files

2000-05-31 Thread Michael Rich

 For the Window's builds I use a software tool called
 RoboHelp. It's not
 "open source" program. However any help I build with it is
 licensed for

Couldn't she do an export to RTF or HTML from RoboHelp?  It has to support
that kind of stuff, and then maybe the files could be used in the regular
help compiler for windows?

just a thought...



RE: Again about NASM.BAT

2000-05-28 Thread Michael Rich

 I would just copy NASMW.exe to NASM.exe... it could be argues
 that I should make
 the change in the project to reference NASMW.exe instead.
 What do you guys
 think? It would make the setup for new users easier, right?

FWIW, i use nasmw myself, i just edited the project settings and added a w
to nasm and hit f7 to continue.

So i would agree to the change myself.



FreeAmp for AlphaNT

2000-05-07 Thread Michael Rich

Mark, did you get my message I sent you earlier last week about me uploading
the AlphaNT build of 2.0.7?  If you didn't, let me know and I'll email you
the url to the binaries again.

Michael Rich


RE: DiskOut Output Plugin v0.0.1

2000-03-17 Thread Michael Rich

 I'm returning the value of the pointer, not the pointer itself, so
 everything is ok.

Your right, i overlooked that.

 I changed the way the volume works -- I'm using the same code that the
 normal soundcard uses to control volume.

 Can both of you mess with the volume slider and see if adjusting it
 will help? Does the soundcard volume work ok?

I just loaded up the 2.0.5 release and select the DSound plugin.  I get no
sound whatsoever, the volume bar is locked at 100 and i can't move it at
all.  If I try to move the seek bar, it keeps resetting to the beginning and
starts playing again.  Never have I heard a single note from the sound.

Different system this time:

Dell Dimension XPS R400
256M RAM
400 P2
Windows NT 4.0 SP5
CrystalWare Built-in Audio (and the driver is from Dell website)
DirectX 3.0



RE: DiskOut Output Plugin v0.0.1

2000-03-17 Thread Michael Rich

More bad news.  FreeAmp did not close after I clicked the [x].  It
disappears, but it still shown as running in Task Manager, so I have to do
an End Task to get rid of it.

This was simular to what happened to me when I ran WinNT4.0  SB Live! at
home, so it maybe related to the drivers to, but I never have had a problem
with the regular audio plugin, so it really has to be related to the dsound



RE: DiskOut Output Plugin v0.0.1

2000-03-16 Thread Michael Rich

 I downloaded and massaged your code for a while. Its now
 checked in CVS.

Good deal Mr. Mayhem  Chaos Coord because I was sure running low on time
due to apartment searching and moving that I have coming up in a few weeks.

I'll pull down the cvs so I can take a peek at the updated code.



RE: DiskOut Output Plugin v0.0.1

2000-03-16 Thread Michael Rich

 Ok, I'm in the process of porting it to Linux, so expect more changes.

Speaking of Linux, I hope to get my a Alpha Personal Workstation after I get
moved into my new place, so my current AlphaStation will probably be a
fulltime AlphaLinux, or maybe AlphaFreeBSD once I can learn the systems.
I've managed to compile FreeAmp on AlphaLinux one time, but I didn't know
where it put all my files, and even worse I didn't know how to enable the
sound to actually test it with.  Hopefully in the future I can help on this
part more.

Just for a nitpick, my name is misspelled, the e and a are transposed.  :)



404 on website

2000-03-16 Thread Michael Rich

Down the the compilation section, the _development_ link leads to a 404

Michael Rich


RE: WavOut Plugin

2000-03-16 Thread Michael Rich

 Can I suggest that we rename it when we move to the new plugin
 architecture for 3.0? At that point we'll also have an
 improved options
 system that will allow for the things that you're planning for.

 Is that reasonable?

Quite reasonable because if I remember, the customize dialogs for output
plugins was due for 3.0 anyhow, so that'll match up fine.



RE: DiskOut Output Plugin v0.0.1

2000-03-16 Thread Michael Rich

 My last check in was at Fri Mar 17 4:22:41 2000 (GMT). Which is about
 40 minutes ago...

I updated my code and it still seems to be working just fine.  Both the
Amorphis and Arch Enemy MP3s decoded nicely into WAV files.  The
StuffFourChars function you added is exactly what I was thinking was needed
to replace that windows function, however is it really safe to return that
pointer to the local dest variable?

Bad news though, the DirectSound output plugin didn't work at all on my
system, all i got was silence.  Has anything changed with it to make it not
work any longer?

For reference, here's my system stats:

Windows 2000 Pro
2x450Mhz CPUs
dsound.dll reports version of 5.00.2165.0001 [final retail]
DirectX version is 7.0
RAM, 192M
Video: TNT2
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! Value
Sound Driver: Stock Windows 2000 driver off CD



Shoutcast streams / song names

2000-03-09 Thread Michael Rich

When using FreeAmp to play a Shoutcast stream, why does it not display the
name of the song that is currently playing?  Is it an option I have to
enable, or does it simply not support it?

Michael Rich


RE: Installation

2000-03-06 Thread Michael Rich

Using InstallerVise would basically terminate my ability to generate an
Alpha setup executable since they do not have an Alpha version of their
product.  I've asked them before about it, but they said it wasn't a high
priority item, and that was before the big crash last August where AlphaNT
was cancelled, so I'm sure its not even a task item for them now.

However It probably would be useful for Mac installs since that seems to be
what everyone uses on that platform.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joseph Blough
 Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 7:21 AM
 Subject: Installation

 To make the installation easier to manage, we might want to consider
 InstallerVise ( ) for
 the installation.  Three key reasons come to mind.

 1) Cross Platform - InstallerVise installations are designed
 to work on both
 the Windows and Mac platforms.

 2) Developer Price - InstallerVise is free for Shareware/Freeware use.

 3) UCITA - Read the Installshield EULA about "you grant to
 Installshield the
 right to , with or without notice, monitor your Internet accessible


RE: Installation

2000-03-06 Thread Michael Rich

 Great.  Now all we need is a Mac version.  ;)

huh?  There is a Mac version last time I knew.

Is this not available for shareware/freeware use also?


Found floating point problem

2000-03-02 Thread Michael Rich

Not sure about how to fix it just yet, so if anyone figures it out first,
let me know.  The problem is in:

downloadui.cpp on line 672:

percent = (uint32)recvd/total*100;

total = 0.00 in the situation, which is causing a divide by zero error which
the Alpha CPU is obviously pissed off at.  Guess some error checking needs
to be added to make sure the line is not executed (or percent just get set
to 0).

Anyone verify if this also happens on x86 CPUs and whether it ignores it or

Michael Rich


RE: Found floating point problem

2000-03-02 Thread Michael Rich

 i will make the change in our code base. for the alpha
 version of 2.0.4 just
 make this change:

 percent = (uint32)recvd/total*100;
 percent = 0;

Done, i'm rebuilding the binaries now and I'll upload the setup soon after
it finishes.



RE: Download Manager Exception

2000-03-01 Thread Michael Rich

 I haven't heard or seen anything about that. Please do build the debug
 version and let us know what you can dig up...

I'll try to look into it, but I have verified its at least been there seens
2.0.1, don't know how I managed to not find it until now though because all
you have to do is click the download button on the main window.



Download Manager Exception

2000-02-29 Thread Michael Rich

For some reason i'm getting a "Floating point invalid operation" when I try
to bring up the download manager on my Alpha.  Does anyone know what might
could be going wrong because the Alpha is very sensitive to that sort of
thing, and its possible that the x86 CPUs could just be ignoring it, or
maybe Windows is ignoring it.

Any ideas on what could be wrong before I got through the painful task of
building a debug version of the files?

FWIW, this is with the latest 2.0.4 version that was just released.

Michael Rich


RE: DiskOut Output Plugin v0.0.1

2000-02-26 Thread Michael Rich

 In each PMO, there is a function called:

 void  HandleTimeInfoEvent(PMOTimeInfoEvent *pEvent);

Hmm, it appears the function is still in the code left over from where i
based it on the DirectSound plugin.  Maybe I've not updated the variables
properly.  I'll do a check against the original code and see if I can patch
it to work correctly.

  i think saving the file to the same directory as the source
 file is the
  solution right now.

 Actually, we had decided that we wanted to save the wav files
 into a WAV
 subdirectory of the users' MyMusic directory. To do that, simply call

 Error GetSaveMusicDirectory(char* path, uint32* len);

This sounds fine, i'll see if I can modify the code to use this directory



Custom preferences dialog

2000-02-25 Thread Michael Rich

What is the recommended way to show a perference dialog for an output
plugin?  I need to ask for a directory to write the files to, and also
hopefully in the future to allow the user to select the type of output file
(WAV, AIFF, etc).  Can anyone give me any tips on this?


Michael Rich


RE: Wave output plugin

2000-02-24 Thread Michael Rich

 the direct sound plugin is not as efficient as the soundcard
 plugin. it
 invloves an extra memcpy. i would use the soundcard plugin as
 your model if i
 were you.

The structure is what I was really wanting the most because all i should be
doing is taking the output buffer data and writing it to disk, so would the
memcpy stuff really make a difference in this regard?  Is there some
complexity to it that i'm not aware of?



RE: Compile error in latest Win32 sources

2000-02-09 Thread Michael Rich

 The docs still say that MSVC 5.0 or higher is required. Has
 the requirement
 now moved to MSVC 6.0 for some modules?

Best bet is to just update your DirectX SDK files to 7.0a to be sure you
have the latest headers/libraries. But you are correct in that VC5 ships
with old headers/libs.



I'm having problems with 2.0.1

2000-01-21 Thread Michael Rich

I'm having some pretty serious problems with the Alpha version of 2.0.1.
Everything built just fine, and i've built the setup and it installs fine.
However when I run FreeAmp (or is it EMusic Player now?), i see absolutely
nothing.  I look in task manager and sure enough its running, but there is
no window to be found, no icon in the systray, and no entry in the task bar.

I've made sure I uninstalled the prior version before i installed the new
one, and I even uninstalled the new one, and cleaned out the registry and it
still doesn't come up properly.  One thing I can do however is when i run
it, some _does_ have the focus because no other windows show that they do,
so I hit Alt+Space to bring up the sys menu and sure enough, one pops up in
the middle of the desktop.  I tell it to maximize and lo and behold is the
My Music window.

Does anyone have any clue what could be going on, nothing like this has
happened before.  Another thing I've noticed is that the registry is
building two sets of keys now, one under EMuic, and another under FreeAmp.
Which one is for real now?

Michael Rich


RE: I'm having problems with 2.0.1

2000-01-21 Thread Michael Rich

 Second, the FreeAmp prefs should only be creating a FreeAmp
 registry entry.
 check your config.h to see if it says EMusic anywhere... I
 might have screwed up
 a checkin did you build from the zip file or cvs?

I just checked the config.h and its fine, it looks identical to

The source file i used was (which i downloaded at about 9pm EST):

i pulled down the tar because they are usually smaller than a zip and i'm on
a 56k modem and wanted a shorter wait.

 Third, look to see if your problem is related to the checking
 i did for RMPs and
 RealJukebox. In the main.cpp file you will see a call to
 SendCommandLineToRealJukebox()... comment that out and see if
 it causes your
 problem to go away.

The closest command I can find is:


I found no mention of the RealJukebox command.



RE: [ANNOUNCE] FreeAmp 2.0 For AlphaNT and Debian Linux Package

2000-01-03 Thread Michael Rich

 Thanks to the special efforts of Mike Rich and Brian M.
 Almeida we have
 new additions to the download page.

 Mike sent us the the latest version as an installer for AlphaNT while
 Brian put together a package for Debian users.


I don't see either the AlphaNT 2.0 or the Debian 2.0 release on the website.
The Beta5 installer is still there for AlphaNT.



Is the website down?

1999-12-23 Thread Michael Rich

I've been trying to connect to it to pull the 2.0 release code down and i
can't access it.  Is it just me, or is it really down?


Michael Rich


Beta 5 nit

1999-12-09 Thread Michael Rich

I don't know if its a bug, or just by design, but i find it annoying that
when i've got file manager (or explorer) open and i'm picking and choosing
tracks to play as I go, it only plays the first track that I select, and
then all successive ones are simply added to the playlist.  This is even
after the track has completed playing, though it does simular when its
playing also.

To see what i'm talking about do something like so:

1. open explorer up to a directory of MP3s
2. double click on one you want to listen to
3. listen and enjoy the track
4. now when its done, double click on another track in the explorer
5. wait and wait for it to start playing, then get frustrated and look in My
Music and see it listed directly after the one you've just finished
listening to, but end up having to manually tell it to play yourself
6. repeat step 5 for every track you want to listen to thereafter.

I do agree that it should append to the playlist if one is playing, but if
the track is stopped then it should play the new one added to the list.

Michael Rich


RE: freeamp port!

1999-12-06 Thread Michael Rich

 My CPU is MIPS RM5231,are there some codes implement xingmp3  LMC use
 MIPS assemble language(FPU)?

There is a regular C/C++ version of the decoder that I compile for the Alpha
CPU version of FreeAMP, so as long as you have a C++ compiler, it should
compile fine i'd think (minus any platform specific things that might be
lingering in there of course).




RE: freeamp port!

1999-12-06 Thread Michael Rich

 Can you mail to me? Thanks in advance.
 If just use c/c++ code, Do you think my MIPS CPU on STB  can
 afford the
 decoding task?


There isn't anything special really, all you need to do is grab the latest
(beta 4) source code (i used and then dig into
the directory:


and you should find the C/C++ code in there to do the job.  The hard part
from there would be to strip it out from the Linux/Win32 code that it may be
slightly tied to (not sure about this though), and then start trying to
recompile it on your MIPS processor.

I personally don't anything know about the MIPS CPU, but since its a RISC
processor like the Alpha (just not as good...  ;), it should be quite adept
as the floating point aspect of the decoding process.

FWIW, on my AlphaStation 200 4/233, with a 233Mhz 21064 CPU, it eats about
20% of the CPU to decode the MP3.  This is with no Alpha optimized ASM, only
the straight C routines.

I would think you would be OK as you have enough MHz, and especially if you
can come in and optimize the decoder with MIPS specific instructions.



RE: ANNOUNCE: New plugin available, and one left out

1999-11-10 Thread Michael Rich

 Unfortunately updateing is only supported under win32 right now. linux
 has too many flavors to make it practical.

Is it possible to get this update to work for the Alpha/NT version of
FreeAmp also?  Is the update smart enough to know not to download x86
binaries when running on the Alpha?


RE: ANNOUNCE: Win32 Beta of FreeAmp 2.0 available

1999-10-19 Thread Michael Rich

* The new UI looks cool, but right off i didn't find a clearly defined
option to open a MP3 file.  I had to open another window just to select a
file.  Couldn't this be simplied down to just let them select a single file
if they want to and auto add to the other dialog?

* how do I change the time display so that it counts down instead of up?

* buttons do not give feedback (e.g. a depressed state)

* when i first selected my MP3, it scroll the filename across the window,
subsequent times it actually displayed the correct title there.  Did it not
load the title on the initial load?

* Should display the little helptip for the volume  seek when your hover
over the image like the other things do

Just some quick thoughts on the UI.  The sound was quite good, my Cure song
sounded just like it did when it was on the CD.


RE: ANNOUNCE: Win32 Beta of FreeAmp 2.0 available

1999-10-19 Thread Michael Rich

 * when i first selected my MP3, it scroll the filename across the window,
 subsequent times it actually displayed the correct title there.  Did it
 load the title on the initial load?

Could you be more specific on this one? What steps did you take to make
this happen?

Here goes...  Try to be as specific as possible:

1. Open freeamp 2.0 beta
2. Click My music, dialog comes up
3. Get msg about I don't have any items in my database, click "no"
4. Click Add, then i select "Dan Swano - Uncreation.mp3", though i think any
with the ID3 tags will work
5. Selection is added, artis is shown as "Dan Swano", album "Moontower", but
the length is marked as "0", but actually the song is 05:41 in length
6. Click "Close" to close the dialog
7. Press play, let the song play all the way through
8. Notice while its playing its using the path to the MP3 (in my case,
"d:\music\mp3\metal\dan swano - uncreation.mp3"), not the ID3 name
9. Now press play again, its using the ID3 tag this time instead of the file



2.0 docs for UI Plugins?

1999-10-19 Thread Michael Rich

Has the documentation for UI Plugins been updated to show the new interfaces
that have been add/modified/etc?  I was working on a UI Plugin for 1.x, but
halted work on it because 1.5 seems to be imminant and there was talk that
the interfaces were going to change to make it easier to do the same work
(that and everytime i would press stop on my plugin, i could never get the
sound to ever work again from any app, i'd have to reboot :)

Michael Rich

RE: bug it seems

1999-09-08 Thread Michael Rich

If your having to use drivers directly from Creative then that's probably
your problem.  I had simular (other than NT didn't crash) with a SB16 a
while back where when you closed FA, it would disappear, but still show in
task manager.  I traced it down to somewhere in the sound card driver where
it basically hangs for life.

However, just for a note to prove the worth of Creative drivers, on my dual
celeron machine, i have a SB Live card, and anytime I would stop, rewind,
fastforward, or just about anything to change the current play location in
Winamp (sorry... :), i would Blue Screen with a BugCheck in the SBLive
driver (EMU10K.SYS).  Creative is a sorry company for drivers.  If you can
get one that is certified by M$, that would be the one to use, however i
don't think they ship one of the CD, unless it came with a Service Pack.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Timothy Ball
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 6:10 PM
To: freeamp-dev
Subject: bug it seems

I'm abt to add this one to bugzilla but was wondering where it went:

  In NT I play an mp3.
  Stop the mp3.
  Try to close freeamp w/ the little "x" button.

At this point the main freeamp thread stil persists on the system. If
you open taskmanager and kill it the computer crashes.

Terminating freeamp on failure to create UI

1999-08-25 Thread Michael Rich

How do I properly shut down FreeAmp if there is a failure to create the UI?

I'm using the SimpleUI as a base, so from SimpleUI::CreateUI, how would i
terminate freeamp is the window can't be opened?

I've tried the

m_target-AcceptEvent(new Event(CMD_QuitPlayer));

without much luck.  Any pointers?

Michael Rich