Re: Huntgroups/preprocess issue 1.1.6

2007-04-25 Thread Craig Huckabee
Alan DeKok wrote:
 Craig Huckabee wrote:
That is sort of the question - what is there to port ?  I don't see 
 any documentation saying the format of the huntgroups file changed from 
 1.1.2 to 1.1.6.
   It didn't, but the parser got more careful.  It used to accept (and
 ignore) things that the server didn't support.  It now complains about them.

I've narrowed it down even more - only seems to choke on NAS-Port. 
NAS-Port-ID or any other attribute I've tried works fine.


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Huntgroups/preprocess issue 1.1.6

2007-04-24 Thread Craig Huckabee

   If this is already a known issue, forgive me - I did not find 
anything in the archives or bug database that appeared relevant.

   I'm trying to upgrade from FreeRADIUS 1.1.2 to 1.1.6 - building from 
source on Debian Linux (sarge).

   The build goes without a hitch, but when running the new version and 
using the existing configuration files I get the following (relevant 
output from 'radiusd -X'):

Module: Loaded preprocess
  preprocess: huntgroups = /s/freeradius-1.1/etc/raddb/huntgroups
  preprocess: hints = /s/freeradius-1.1/etc/raddb/hints
  preprocess: with_ascend_hack = no
  preprocess: ascend_channels_per_line = 23
  preprocess: with_ntdomain_hack = no
  preprocess: with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
  preprocess: with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
  preprocess: with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
/s/freeradius-1.1/etc/raddb/huntgroups[30]: Parse error (check) for 
entry snt-console: Unknown value 1-22 for attribute NAS-Port
rlm_preprocess: Error reading /s/freeradius-1.1/etc/raddb/huntgroups
radiusd.conf[249]: preprocess: Module instantiation failed.
radiusd.conf[341] Unknown module preprocess.
radiusd.conf[340] Failed to parse authorize section.

   The section in the huntgroups file it is choking on is this:

snt-console NAS-IP-Address == aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, NAS-Port == 1-22

   If I comment that line out, it also chokes on this entry with a 
slightly different error ( = expected):

nci-console NAS-IP-Address == aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, NAS-Port == 1,25-32

So - did the syntax for huntgroups change or is this a real bug ?  This 
config works fine with 1.1.2 - I have not tried any of the versions 
between 1.1.2 and 1.1.6 to narrow down the issue.

I can send the full debug output if needed but I didn't want to clobber 
the list unnecessarily.


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Re: Huntgroups/preprocess issue 1.1.6

2007-04-24 Thread Craig Huckabee
inverse wrote:
The build goes without a hitch, but when running the new version and
 using the existing configuration files I get the following (relevant
 output from 'radiusd -X'):
 the problem IMHO is in using the existing configuration: I had similar
 issues until I ported mine to the new configuration files, half an
 hour of work.

   That is sort of the question - what is there to port ?  I don't see 
any documentation saying the format of the huntgroups file changed from 
1.1.2 to 1.1.6.

   I can understand having to port config files when making a major 
version leap (e.g. 0.9.3 = 1.1.x), but for a minor version change ?

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CVS web interface down ?

2006-02-14 Thread Craig Huckabee

Has anyone reported that the FreeRADIUS cvs web interface is down ?  If 
this is a known issue I apologize, didn't find any posts on this list or 
the developers list.


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Re: MS SQL Schema File

2005-10-13 Thread Craig Huckabee

Daniel Corbe wrote:

The mssql.conf file is still there and says:

#  The database schema is available at:
#   src/radiusd/src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_freetds/db_mssql.sql



Get it from the CVS Attic:

Grab the 1.3 revision (last one before the file was removed).


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Re: ldap basedn assignment

2005-08-04 Thread Craig Huckabee


How do you have this setup?  Check out

doc/configurable_failover.  That

should show you how to do it.

I'm using configurable failover to get it to roll as it is.
From my radiusd.conf file: 

[ snip ]

The above problem line should be:
rlm_ldap: bind as uid=username, ou=People,
dc=university,dc=edu,c=us/test123 to 
However, it is taking the userdn from the ad server which

gave the first authorize ok. What I need is for it to
attempt to authenticate with the appropriate userdn
depending on which server it is authenticating to. So it
would use the userdn from AD authenticating to the AD server
and the openldap userdn when authenticating to the openldap

For what it is worth, we've seen the same problem here - we applied a 
local hack to rlm_ldap.c to work around the problem but it isn't a 
proper fix.


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Re: syslog

2005-06-09 Thread Craig Huckabee

Miguel Sennoun wrote:

Set log_destination = syslog and

log {
syslog_facility = daemon

I tried, but it seems not write radius logs in syslog

Just to be clear - which radius logs are you trying to redirect and 
did you make sure that syslog is running/configured correctly ?

in your radiusd.conf.  That will get your authentication/authorization
logs going to syslog under the daemon facility.  This is all in the
documentation, BTW.

There is nothing in my documentation (freeradius 1.0.2

Straight from the distributed radiusd.conf:

#  Destination for log messages.  This can be one of:
#   files - log to ${log_file}, as defined above.
#   syslog - to syslog (see also the log{} section, below)
#   stdout - standard output
#   stderr - standard error.
#  The command-line option -X over-rides this option, and forces
#  logging to go to stdout.

That last note is VERY important - if you are testing using -X, you 
won't see anything in syslog.

and further down:

#  Logging section.  The various log_* configuration items
#  will eventually be moved here.
log {
#  Which syslog facility to use, if ${log_destination} == syslog
#  The exact values permitted here are OS-dependent.  You probably
#  don't want to change this.
syslog_facility = daemon

/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /

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Re: syslog

2005-06-09 Thread Craig Huckabee

Miguel Sennoun wrote:

I would like to redirect all radius logs (even accounting).

Well, as I mentioned accounting isn't there yet unless someone else has 
done it.

[ SNIP ]

Thank you for the extract of the radiusd.conf but in mine this section is
not present. Even in the 1.0.3 conf files. So I added the section but I
don't know if it is supported by my server.

I went back and looked - it is in the main CVS line but those changes 
were not pulled up for the release versions.  Looks like Alan checked in 
the syslog bits ~11 months ago, but I don't see where they made it up 
into a release version.  Could be missing the merge, though.

We run a build made from the CVS sources, and it works, so if that is an 
option for you then I'd suggest that.


/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /

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Re: syslog

2005-06-08 Thread Craig Huckabee

Miguel Sennoun wrote:

I wonder if there is a way to treat freeradius logs with the syslog deamon
(or syslog-ng).

Yes, we do it here...syslog/syslog-ng either works fine.

I tried the option -l syslog but It appears it doesn't works fine.

Set log_destination = syslog and

log {
syslog_facility = daemon

in your radiusd.conf.  That will get your authentication/authorization 
logs going to syslog under the daemon facility.  This is all in the 
documentation, BTW.

If you search the list archives, you'll see where Alan kindly pointed 
out to me where to make some modifications so accounting info could be 
syslog'd as well - I have not had time to do it yet.


/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /

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Re: Cisco VPN3005 group auth

2005-05-18 Thread Craig Huckabee
John Sorel wrote:
I was able to get both the group and user authenticated on 
the Radius server now but there is no matching of the user
to the group.  

This user can login using any group, not just the one I want
them to use.
How does the radius server match / check the user to the
Sorry for jumping in late on this, but last information I have is that 
there is an open bug with Cisco for their VPN concentrators not obeying 
groups when RADIUS authentication is used.

I don't have a TAC case # for this - we got this information at a recent 
technical summit.

/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: Digest authentication over FreeRadius against an LDAP server

2005-04-01 Thread Craig Huckabee
Alan DeKok wrote:
A. Burak Gurdag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I can manage to do digest authentication (according to
sterman-draft-00) over FreeRadius against an LDAP server in which user
passwords are stored in cleartext. I would like to store passwords in
SSHA or MD5 encoded form in the LDAP server. But it does not seem
possible since FreeRadius has no way to know the password to calculate
the digest to authenticate. Am I wrong?

  You're right.  It's impossible.

Do I have to delegate the digest calculation and verification to the
LDAP server to achieve this (in this case I have to put my focus on
the LDAP server that I use)?

  You can't.  The LDAP server has no more information that FreeRADIUS
has, and therefore can't do anything different.
  And there are *no* LDAP servers that can do digest authentication.
That I can guarantee.

Is there another way that you can suggest?

  Store clear-text passwords in LDAP.
  Alan DeKok.
  Or use EAP-TTLS/PAP to get a clear text password from your clients 
and use encrypted passwords in LDAP.

/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: -i and -p commandline options

2005-03-01 Thread Craig Huckabee
Holger Steppke wrote:
in the man page i found the comment that this options are deprecated
and listen/bind should be used.
Just my sentence on this why to let them stay in the code :)
I found such options very usfully maintaining same configuration across
multiple redundand servers.
So eg. Radiusd.conf could be the same (pushed from a central storage) where
the commanline option
will be adjusted per server to the ip the servers has.

  We had this same problem - our fix was to dynamically generate the 
'listen' statements needed on each server during startup and put them in 
a file in /tmp.

  Then our central radiusd.conf uses the 'include' directive to pull in 
that file.

/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: DHCP and FreeRADIUS accounting

2005-02-16 Thread Craig Huckabee
David ROUMANET wrote:
in wireless network (EAP/TTLS), there is no way to use FreeRADIUS for 
dynamic IP affectation, so I use dhcpd. Unfortunely, I'm not able to 
have accounting with IP address == user.
I will write a script to scan dhcpd log and RADIUS accounting log but 
before I would to be sure nobody has already done this... I don't want 
to re-invent the wheel  ;)

Could anybody help me ? thanks a lot,
David ROUMANET   Tel : 04 76 51 46 08
Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul Grenoblois   Fax : 04 76 42 11 71

dhcpd is the right tool for that job - I've never understood why people 
think FreeRADIUS should hand out IPs.

What we do is have dhcpd syslog to a central syslog-ng server, which in 
turn filters the incoming data and inserts those logs into a MySQL 
server.  FreeRADIUS can log accounting packets to MySQL as well.

Works well - although I personally would rather have FreeRADIUS use 
'syslog' to log *everything* rather than have a build dependency for 
MySQL in my FreeRADIUS builds.

We log authentication packets via syslog, and I pray to the 'FreeRADIUS 
developer gods' that logging accounting via syslog may be added some day 
(or at least personal time to find to the correct place in the source 
code to add this myself). :)

/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: PEAP and fatal unknown_ca

2005-02-10 Thread Craig Huckabee
All of you that are having this problem - do you have a server 
certificate on your FreeRADIUS server that has the Microsoft specific 
OIDs and the CA for that certificate installed on the client ?

The built-in supplicant in XP will not validate that server certificate 
if it is missing that OID - as described in the EAP-TLS setup 
documentation.  I'm assuming the same applies to PEAP as well.


Dudley Atkinson wrote:
The problem I experienced was with both the XP built-in client and the Cisco
Aironet Utility.  I haven't tried others.  Maybe I will try the Secure2W.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Øystein Gåsdal
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 1:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: PEAP and fatal unknown_ca

I too has experienced problems when I use the built in 802.1x 
client in WinXP. If I try other clients, like Secure2W, it 
works fine. My guess is that it is a bug in the built-in client.

- Oystein

-Original Message-
From: Dan Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10. februar 2005 02:51
Subject: Re: PEAP and fatal unknown_ca

I've just subscribed to the list, so pardon me if this was 
covered... we 
are using FreeRadius to authenticate PEAP over Cisco Aironets with 
Windows XP.  We can only get it working if we tell XP to 
ignore the cert 
that comes from radius - ie uncheck that Validate Server Certifiate 
box.  Mac OS-X seems to work fine..

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/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: LDAP?? Why

2005-01-27 Thread Craig Huckabee
Chan Min Wai wrote:
Greeting all,
After sometime on this mailing list I found most of the problem for LDAP
is the EAP stuff.
And always the passwords in LDAP MUST be clear text.
I've one question here.
Is there anyway to put encrypted password in LDAP so free radius will
work with it? (Anyway that is in your mind e.g: mschap, chap ...)
And IF I really insane and want to put an MD5 encrypted password for eap
usage in the LDAP, what kind of modification I'll be looking into and
which program would it be?
Openldap? freeradius LDAP module?
I don't mind to pay for the contribution somehow.
Chan Min Wai
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EAP-TTLS  PAP.  You keep your LDAP passwords encrypted, 
username/password can be sent unencrypted via PAP inside EAP-TTLS 
encrypted tunnel.

Works great with OSX and Windows XP w/ SecureW2 client installed.

/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: Ippool Or DHCP Server.

2004-11-03 Thread Craig Huckabee
Paul Hampson wrote:
On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 07:04:09PM +0800, Chan Min Wai wrote:
I hope that radius server can talk to the DHCP server and tell the DHCP
server what ip address to be allocate...

Write a script in that adds the authenticated client's MAC address and
the IP Address you've assigned to the DHCP server's config and reloads
the DHCP server. It'll also have to get rid of other stanzas for that
MAC address/IP address (trusting rlm_ippool to know what IP addresses
are free, which means you need to be getting Accounting packets, I
This assumes rlm_ippool can even work with 802.1x... What does it use
for NAS-Port?
Put this in an rlm_exec with (wait=1) after your rlm_ippool module.
Again, this assumes 802.1x (did I call it 802.11x earlier???) happens
before DHCP does. ^_^
802.1x turns the physical port on in the case of a wired network, or 
completes the association of a client to a wireless AP in a wireless 
seetup.  The next step is usually your protocol level setup, i.e. 
getting an IP address.

The RADIUS server would normally be out of the loop at the protocol 
level.  You can write a script, or just let the DHCP server give out 
addresses out of a pool, etc.

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Re: Redhat 8.0 make errors

2004-10-07 Thread Craig Huckabee
RH9 is even worse - gcc is somewhat broken there too.
We just built a good gcc and use it on our RH8, Debian, Solaris, etc 
boxes.  Same for all of our other toolsets - helps reduce the number of 
issues that come about because the 'vendor' decided to go with the 
bleeding edge on something or came up with their own wacky 
build/numbering scheme (see RedHat kernel RPMs and libraries).

Debian 3.0 comes with some really old yet stable versions of things and 
required the least amount of tweaking IMHO - maybe load up that, perhaps 
even using the 'testing' branch ?

Matthew Western, IT Support, Lonsdale wrote:
Oh, that's a comfort then.  :)   can I compile it on a Redhat 9 and
chuck it on a redhat 8 box? 

Perhaps I'd better give up on that box and chuck in a new box to prove
my point   


-Original Message-
From: Craig Huckabee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 7 October 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Redhat 8.0 make errors

Matthew Western, IT Support, Lonsdale wrote:
Hi All,
I know this is a very bad but I'm trying to get FREERadius
working on Redhat 8.0 on a customers internal linux server.The
current build won't compile which doesn't really surprise me.  I was 
wondering if there are any old hands at freeradius that remembers 
which build would work with Redhat 8

I've got it running on a somewhat custom build of RedHat 8 right now. 
The install utility distributed with RH8 is horribly broken, you're
better off replacing it with a valid that works.

The gcc shipped is also somewhat broken.
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Re: Redhat 8.0 make errors

2004-10-06 Thread Craig Huckabee

Matthew Western, IT Support, Lonsdale wrote:
Hi All,
I know this is a very bad but I'm trying to get FREERadius
working on Redhat 8.0 on a customers internal linux server.The
current build won't compile which doesn't really surprise me.  I was
wondering if there are any old hands at freeradius that remembers which
build would work with Redhat 8
I've got it running on a somewhat custom build of RedHat 8 right now. 
The install utility distributed with RH8 is horribly broken, you're 
better off replacing it with a valid that works.

The gcc shipped is also somewhat broken.
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Re: Solaris 9 and pam_radius 1.3.16

2004-09-15 Thread Craig Huckabee
[ long gcc build errors removed ]
The behavior of labels and some other syntax changes happened around gcc 
3.4.0.  For example, for the rlm_x99_token module, in x99_rlm.c, a ';' 
is needed after the label at or around line 547.

The RedHat source RPM has this patch, I don't know how 'correct' gcc's 
behavior is but this fixes the compile issues I had with freeradius. The 
same sorts of changes may be needed for the pam_auth_radius sources.

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Re: EAP-TLS: machine authentication

2004-07-22 Thread Craig Huckabee

Joe Meslovich wrote:

I just wanted to add some information to this message. I turned on EAPOL
file tracing in the registery. When I look at the trace log that is
created on the client and error is occuring when the client should be
generating the response that contains its credentials. The error code in
the EAPOL log  is -2146893802. From what I've seen that error code has to
do with not finding a keyset pair.
When doing machine authentication do the certificates need to be installed
in a special manner? When I go into mmc I see the certificates that I
installed in the local computer store.
Joe Meslovich
  The advice given by others on using this document :

  is good advice.  I've made machine certificates with a private CA and 
bone stock OpenSSL 0.9.7d - I got the same error until I made sure that 
the certificate contained the oid given in that write up.

   If you look at the certificate with mmc and it is created correctly 
it should have just the one possible 'usage' - Proves your identity to 
a remote computer.

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Re: Machine certificate with XP and freeradius

2004-07-16 Thread Craig Huckabee
  I used the 'users' file and a regex to strip that out - it works with 

DEFAULT EAP-Message =* ANY,User-Name =~ ^([^/]+)/(.*)$,Autz-Type := 
FixedHost = `%{2}`,
Fall-Through = no

  This works for us, hope it helps you.
Joe Meslovich wrote:
Yeah I have just stumbled on that registry key. Thanks for the help though
I am now getting requests at the radius server that have host/computername
as the username. I am looking through the documentation for trying to make
that work. And just so everyone knows I am using freeradius 0.9.3. Some of
the examples of saw of stripping out the host/ part looked like they were
for older versions of freeradius.
Joe Meslovich.

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Michael Griego wrote:

Normal operation for that type of environment is to have a machine cert
so that the machine can authenticate to the network before a users logs
on to the machine itself, then to have a user cert for each user on the
machine so that once the user logs in, the authentication switches to
that user.
Now, that being said, I believe I remember reading that there is a
registry key you can change that will force the machine to *only* auth
as the machine.  I don't know which key it is off the top of my head,
but it would reside under the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\EAPOL branch of the registry.  You
can probably do some quick web searching and find it.  You have to set
this in the registry though, there is no corresponding GUI setting.  As
for the Authenticate as computer... setting in the Authentication tab,
that only controls the before the user logs in authentication to the
On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 06:57, Joe Meslovich wrote:
First off I would like to apologize if this is a frequently asked
question, but I am new to the list.
What I would like to do is authenticate a laptop running Windows XP using
a machine certificate versus a user certificate. So far I have created a
certificate on the freeradius server and made sure that the name in the CN
field is the name of the system. I placed that certificate and the
root.der in the local computer certificate store of the laptop.
From the freeradius side of things I never see a request to authenticate.
The laptop brings up the wireless interface and in the task bar it pops up
a warning stating that it cannot find a certificate with which to
authenticate the system. What do I need to do to make it see that computer
certificate. In the wireless configuration settings I have the thing to
Authenticate as computer when computer information is available.
Do I need to move that certificate to a different place or do I need to do
something to tell the system to look in the local computer store for it.
Joe Meslovich

Joe Meslovich   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Associate Network/Systems Engineer  IT Center
Tel: (540) 828 - 5343
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Joe Meslovich   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Associate Network/Systems Engineer  IT Center
Tel: (540) 828 - 5343
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/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Authorize Authenticate behavior, rlm_ldap

2004-06-03 Thread Craig Huckabee
Before I go off and start making code changes, I wanted to check if what 
I'm seeing is expected behavior.

First, some background information (this is with FreeRADIUS 1.0.0-pre0):
We have one FreeRADIUS server configured like this
In the modules section...
ldap local_user {
server =
basedn = ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com   ---  One basedn
filter = (uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})
ldap corporate_user {
server =
basedn = ou=People,dc=bar,dc=com   --- A different basedn
filter = (uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})
In the authorize section...
group {
local_user {
reject = reject
userlock = reject
ok = return
corporate_user {
reject = reject
userlock = reject
ok = return
notfound = return
In the authenticate section...
Auth-Type LDAP {
group {
local_user {
  reject = 1
Here is what I see - if a user is 'authorized' by the LDAP server from 
'local_user', then an attempt to authenticate that user against the LDAP 
server from 'local_user' is attempted, using uid=%{User-Name}, 
ou=People, dc=foo, dc=com as the Ldap-UserDN.

If that authentication fails, then it attempts to authenticate against 
the LDAP server from corporate_user, with *uid=%{User-Name}, 
ou=People, dc=foo, dc=com as the Ldap-UserDN* (the same as before) and 
NOT uid=%{User-Name}, ou=People, dc=bar, dc=com as the Ldap-UserDN - 
Note the different BaseDNs defined for both servers.

In a nutshell, rlm_ldap doesn't appear to get the right BaseDN or it 
just uses the BaseDN from whatever ldap instance 'authorized' the user. 
 Is that expected behavior ?  Or should it use the BaseDN from the ldap 
instance described in the 'authenticate' section ?

Long story about why we have two LDAP servers with different basedns and 
why a user would need to authenticate off of either one, I won't go into 
that here.  Suffice it to say we're in transition.

Any insight is appreciated,

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Re: Confused by doc/variables.txt

2004-05-10 Thread Craig Huckabee

Alan DeKok wrote:

Craig Huckabee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

However, if I use this:

DEFAULT User-Name =~  ^([^/]+)/(.*)
   Foo = `%{2}`
then attempt to look at Foo using %{reply:Foo}, I get the expected value 
and the filter works.

  Try the original, but look for foo in %{Foo}, or %{request:Foo}

  Alan DeKok.

Doesn't work - both %{Foo} and %{request:Foo} come back empty when 
setting Foo on the check line in users.


Anything else you can think of ?


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Re: Confused by doc/variables.txt

2004-05-10 Thread Craig Huckabee

Alan DeKok wrote:

Craig Huckabee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doesn't work - both %{Foo} and %{request:Foo} come back empty when 
setting Foo on the check line in users.


Anything else you can think of ?

  Try using another attribute.

  Or, follow the code execution in src/modules/rlm_files/rlm_files.c

  Alan DeKok.
I may try the latter later on today.  Thanks!


/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: Confused by doc/variables.txt

2004-05-07 Thread Craig Huckabee

Craig Huckabee wrote:

attr_rewrite works but breaks EAP for me :(

I've reattempted using the users file again, and double checked that 
files does indeed come before the ldap sections in the authorize 
section - still get a blank filter.

A debug run shows that files is indeed getting processed, somehow 
'Hint' is never getting set.  Could my regex be wrong ?

DEFAULT User-Name =~ ^([^/]+)/(.*), Hint := `%{2}`
Fall-Through = yes

Just to follow up to myself, here is the behavior I'm seeing (using 
FreeRADIUS built from CVS yesterday to include Alan's fix - thanks!)

If I use this in the users file:

DEFAULT User-Name =~  ^([^/]+)/(.*), Foo := `%{2}`
then attempt to look at Foo using %{check:Foo} (in radiusd.conf), I get 
nothing - Foo is empty.

However, if I use this:

DEFAULT User-Name =~  ^([^/]+)/(.*)
   Foo = `%{2}`
then attempt to look at Foo using %{reply:Foo}, I get the expected value 
and the filter works.

(note Foo is defined in the dictionary as a custom attribute, wasn't 
100% sure if that was required - using Hint yielded the same results)

So, should 'check:variable' work for the first case ?  Is this a bug 
or (more likely) something I'm missing from my configuration. 

Thanks in advance and also thanks for the patience while I learn the ins 
and outs of the configuration.


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Re: Confused by doc/variables.txt

2004-05-06 Thread Craig Huckabee

Kostas Kalevras wrote:

The other idea is to use attr_rewrite as already suggested. In any case, make
sure that the files module comes before ldap in the authorize section for the
above to work.
attr_rewrite works but breaks EAP for me :(

I've reattempted using the users file again, and double checked that 
files does indeed come before the ldap sections in the authorize section 
- still get a blank filter.

A debug run shows that files is indeed getting processed, somehow 'Hint' 
is never getting set.  Could my regex be wrong ?

DEFAULT User-Name =~ ^([^/]+)/(.*), Hint := `%{2}`
Fall-Through = yes
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Re: Confused by doc/variables.txt

2004-05-05 Thread Craig Huckabee

Kostas Kalevras wrote:

The above won't work. You can't just add the User-Name line in the rlm_ldap
configuration and expect it to work.
I didn't expect it to just work, but I wanted to at least try something 
before posting a question.  The documentation isn't as clear as your 
answer so I was grasping at straws.

You can either use rlm_attr_rewrite to strip the 'host/' part, or probably add
a Hint variable in the users file and use that as the filter:
DEFAULT User-Name =~ ^([^/]+)/(.*), Hint := `%{2}`
ldap {
filter = (cn=%{check:Hint})

I tried adding the expression to the users file as you suggest - that 
doesn't appear to work either.  I still end up with a cn='' filter.  Any 
other ideas are greatly appreciated.

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Re: Compiling with rlm_krb Possible BUG?

2004-04-07 Thread Craig Huckabee

 Don't do that.  com_err is a standard lib shipped with Kerberos 
because some vendors don't supply one.  If you've got MIT Kerberos 
installed, should be living in /usr/local/lib.  To insure 
everything works properly and that you don't have some conflicts between 
SEAM and MIT, make sure /usr/local/lib is first on your system library 
path (check with crle).

 What version of Kerberos are you using ?  I've got two Solaris 9 
installs (versions 1.2.8 and 1.3.1) and I've built freeradius on both - 
no issues.  Check your kerberos version by using the krb5-config script 
(also shipped with most recent versions of MIT Kerberos).


Gary McKinney wrote:


Did moving the the com_err from RLM_LIBS line to the HEADERS line correct the problem compiling??

( you know what they say: Just because it compiled does not mean it compiled!)...

If that corrected the compile problem and it works for you I suspect the changes would 
be of interest to
others wanting to use Kerboros as well...
Gary N. McKinney
 - Original Message - 
 From: Steve OBrien 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 6:33 PM
 Subject: Re: Compiling with rlm_krb Possible BUG?

 I edited the makefile and moved -lcom_err from the RLM_LIBS line to the HEADERS line and make seemed to work.  Not sure if that is a bug... 


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/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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Re: Compiling with rlm_krb

2004-04-07 Thread Craig Huckabee

Steve OBrien wrote:

To insure everything works properly and that you don't have some
conflicts between

Do you have the Solaris Kerberos packages installed?

I've used the MIT binary packages and built my own.  SEAM is almost 
usable by default, but it falls short in the GSSAPI implementation.

I've got two Solaris 9 
installs (versions 1.2.8 and 1.3.1) and I've built freeradius on both - 
no issues.

Are you using Kerberos for freeradius authentication?
If you are would you mind sharing you radiusd.conf Kerberos configuration, 
I have not been able to find much information about it.


We were using it during some tests - I'll see if I have some notes 
laying around and post them.


/ Craig Huckabee|  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
/ Code 715-CH   |   phone: (843) 218 5653   /
/ SPAWAR Systems Center | close proximity: Hey You!   /
/ Charleston, SC|ICBM:  32.78N, 79.93W  /
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