Re: expired user accounts between two dates

2010-05-27 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Le 27/05/2010 10:46, Marco Jaraiz a écrit :


i want to use expiration module to validate user account, but i need check
the expirtation between two dates, init and finish date.
somebody help me.

As you already may know the expiration module only works for expiration 

When I had this need (a long time ago and with FR1) I just did the 

* I added a new personnal/local attribute in /etc./raddb/dictionnary
ATTRIBUTE   My-Local-Date   3000string
* setup the hint module to add the Date for incomming requests:
My-Local-Date = `%D`

* Then I use the local attribute to check the date (for instance if you 
use the rlm_sql module):
mysql select UserName,Attribute,op,Value from radcheck where 

| UserName| Attribute  | op | Value  |
| myloginname | NAS-IP-Address | =~ | 192.168.1.[4]{1}   |
| myloginname | My-Local-Date  | = | 20090731   |
| myloginname | My-Local-Date  | = | 20090526   |
| myloginname | Login-Time | := | Wk0700-2200|
| myloginname | Cleartext-Password | := | THEPASS|
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

However, I think that FR now tags incoming access-request with an 
internal Date-like attribute (i don't know the attribute name) so it 
should be easy to add a test on this specific attribute.

The test could use unlang instead of users or rlm_sql check attributes.

Hope this helps,

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Re: The client does not connect _*_*_*_

2010-05-11 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Le 11/05/2010 10:09, htt thanh a écrit :
Hi, I don't know why the user-password id encrypted, how can I make a 
cleartext secret...;((

The pb is with your client shared secret: the secret you set in 
/etc/raddb/clients.conf and in your NAS configuration.

It seems that you haven't set the same secret in your FR configuration 
and in your NAS so that the password sent to FR is not correctly decrypted.


thank in advance

On 11 May 2010 14:23, Alan Buxey wrote:


 User-Password = -*\333\003D\215\345\\\302\036\251\320:\373ȇ

note the mess

..then note this warning:

   WARNING: Unprintable characters in the password.  
Double-check the shared secret on the server and the NAS!

not sure how much more help the server can give you. you have
incorrect shared secret. double check your values...trailing space?

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Re: PopTop

2010-04-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

- Message de -
Date : Mon, 19 Apr 2010 19:41:44 -0500
 De : Jonathan Hutchins
Répondre à : FreeRadius users mailing list

 Objet : Re: PopTop
  À : FreeRadius users mailing list

On Monday 19 April 2010 07:16:52 pm Thibault Le Meur wrote:

Please can you explain why you think it is obsolete ?

It addresses the configuration in single-file format rather than the
distributed file format that the current packaging (for Debian at least)

Yes it is true, but this part seems easy once you've understood how to  
migrate from FR1 to FR2 which is required anyway to do a proper  

In fact this would be only a 3 lines changes in the article, so this  
is easy to fix as most of this HowTo is related to setting other  
components that FR ;-)

By the way, since I wrote this page, I have switched to 2.1.8 without pb.

Arg!  Were you able to continue using the same configuration, or did it
require a full rebuild?

No of course, when I switched to FR2 I rewrite all my configuration  
because I wanted a clean setup. It was time for me to remove old  
tricks I used in FR1 and replace them by unlang.

FR2 is so much more powerful.

 I moved from a rather ancient Gentoo server that I believe was using an 1.x
version to Debian Lenny 2.0.4, then upgraded to the 2.1.8 backport, and I
can't get it to parse DOMAIN//user properly - it ignores the separator and
comes up with a null realm.  Curiously, it later displays the username as

I can't help here, because I'm not using realm for PopTop authentication.
However I would check you modules/realm file and the ntdomain realm  
Then I would double check that the ntodimain instance is enabled in  
your pre-acct and authorize section.

The current Debian packaging also requres that the mschap module file be
edited, and that a sites-available file be linked to sites-enabled.

Yes this is the new approach.

Thanks for the reply.  I think it's always harder to maintain/upgrade an
existing configuration moved to a new platform than to build one from

Yes, especially this FR1 to FR2 migration requires some time, but it's  
worth it ;-)


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Re: PopTop

2010-04-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Jonathan Hutchins a écrit :

On Tuesday 20 April 2010 01:00:42 pm John Dennis wrote:

[pap] WARNING! No known good password found for the user. Authentication
may fail because of this.
[mschap] No Cleartext-Password configured.  Cannot create LM-Password.

You have to either have a Cleartext password for the user or an ntlm
hash if you're going to use ntlm_auth, apparently you don't have either
defined for the user jonathan

According to though, I shouldn't need to 
define a user.  The 1.x configuration does not appear to have required this 
either.  Did it default to using local /etc/passwd or PAM?  Did the old 
mschap module know to use samba?
Oh, of course the PopTop howto supposes that you have a working FR 
setup, and that you're able to authenticate your user using MSCHAP !

Where ado you plan to manage your users account ?


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Re: PopTop

2010-04-19 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Is it possible to set up a new account on the wiki, or does that require an

I wanted to mark the page as obsolete and
applying only to the 1.x versions of freeradius.  These are the instructions
I was originally folowing, and they distinctly do not work with 2.1.8.

If anybody has a working 2.1.8 setup for PopTop I would greatly appreciate
your advice.

Humm, I'm the one who wrote this page. I must admit I've never updated  
it, but to be honest I don't see what is so wrong about it and FR 2.1.8.

Please can you explain why you think it is obsolete ?

By the way, since I wrote this page, I have switched to 2.1.8 without pb.


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Re: Multiple EAP-TLS modules with different certificates

2010-04-06 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Hi All,

I just wanted to mark this thread as resolved.

Alan DeKok a écrit :

  Yes.  Others use multiple certs  multiple EAP modules.

Thanks for this answer, this confirms that I'm on the right way.

Indeed it works now ;-)

I'll make more tests and will triple check my setup now I know that 
it's possible.

I had 2 issues:
* My Access point controler wasn't really affecting the per-SSID 
NAS-Identifier attribute. I had to fix the setup.
* My new certificate PEM file wasn't concatenated with the full 
certification path in correct order (moreover I was said the that 
respecting a bottom-up certification path order is sometimes important 
for the MSWindows supplicant).

Many thanks to Alan for his great help.

Best regards,

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Re: Multiple EAP-TLS modules with different certificates

2010-04-02 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Hi Alan,
Thank you for your prompt answer.

Alan DeKok a écrit :

  Yes.  Others use multiple certs  multiple EAP modules.

Thanks for this answer, this confirms that I'm on the right way.

A quick look at FR debug logs confirms, as far as I can read them, that
the client is refusing the radius server certificate.

  I don't think that's in the debug log.

You're right it's not clearly writtent in the FR logs, but the fact the 
TLS exchanges just stop at a given time help me suppose the origin of 
the problem (which is confirmed bu reconfiguring the supplicant).

Is there a client tool to check which certificate is used by FR ?

  wireshark might do it.

You're right, I'll do this.


Have I missed something in the setup ?

  Did you test each piece in isolation before putting it all together?
No because I'm working on my production radius server and I didn't want 
to break my old SSID (which I unintentionally did anyway for 5 minutes).

I'll make more tests and will triple check my setup now I know that it's 

Many thanks again for your answer.


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Multiple EAP-TLS modules with different certificates

2010-03-31 Thread Thibault Le Meur


I'm about to change the CA of my radius server certificate. At the same 
time I've installed a new wifi network and plan to change the SSID as 
well (authentication is EAP-TTLS or EAP-PEAP).

In order to avoid a complete breakout when I change the certificate of 
my radius server (because a manual operation is required on the 
supplicant side to select the new CA), I'd like to configure FR so that:
* when the WiFi client connects to the SSID1, the server uses the old 
certificate and key,
* and when the client uses the SSID2, the radius server uses the new 
certificate and key

Is this possible ?

I've already tried such a configuration by:
* defining 2 eap modules let's say eapOld and eapNew (each with its 
own key and cert)
* making sure that depending on the SSID, the access-point sets a 
different NAS-Identifier (let's say ID1 and ID2) in the Access-request

* in the virtual FR server, I've used unlang to run either eap module:
  in authorize:
  if (%{request:NAS-Identifier} == ID1) {
  eapOld {
  ok = return

  if (%{request:NAS-Identifier} == ID2) {
  eapNew {
  ok = return
in authenticate:
   Auth-Type eapNew {
   Auth-Type eapOld {
in eap.conf: the two eap modules only differ from their certificate/key, 
they redirect to the same inner-tunnel virtual server.

The result so far is that with such setup my wireless clients can't 
connect at all when they check the certificate, but can connect when 
they don't (no matter what setup is done on the client side). Of course 
I've installed the 2 certificates on the client to check this.

A quick look at FR debug logs confirms, as far as I can read them, that 
the client is refusing the radius server certificate.

Is there a client tool to check which certificate is used by FR ?
Have I missed something in the setup ?

I've tried to turn on Windows EAP log, but they aren't very easy to read 
as far as TLS/TTLS/PEAP authentication is concerned !

Environement: FR is 2.1.1, client used Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7.

Thanks a lot for your ideas, proposals, ...

Best regards,
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modules instance name restrictions

2009-03-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur


I recently came up with a small issue concerning modules instances name 
(especially when they set Auth-Type).

* I defined my own pap module with the name 'pap-myorg' and expected it 
to set Auth-Type to PAP-MYORG, but in fact it wasn't setting the 
Auth-Type at all (moreover I saw no notice in the log about not beeing 
able to set the Auth-Type).
* I changed the instance name to 'papmyorg' and now the module sets the 
Auth-Type to PAPMYORG.

I tried to find in the doc where the restrictions on module instances 
names were defined, but didn't found any reference to this. And given 
the fact that some standard modules have specific chars such as '_' or 
'-', I thought there was little constraints.

Is there any module instance naming convention written somewhere in the 
provided documentation (or online)?
Maybe be it could be interresting to have a warning in the radius debug 
log in order to notice the administrator that Auth-Type wasn't set due 
to module naming restrictions?

Best regards,

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Re: openvpn client ip attrib

2009-03-05 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Hegedus Gabor a écrit :


Can you help me,

I don't know how can i send back the client ip address to the openvpn 

The cisco vpn 3000 works correctly with cvpn3000 directory.

Are there any directory for openvpn?
or which return attrib name I can use?
This is a little off-topic for this list as this is related to your NAS 
(which is openvpn).

Basically I do this by returning the standard Framed-IP-Address 
attribute to the openvpn server.

This implies that your openvpn server is able to understand and process 
this attribute: I use the openvpn radius plugin for this 
( as the simple pam_radius option 
for openvpn doesn't handle Framed-IP-Addtributes.

For more information, I think the openvpn mailing list will be better 

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Re: Rejections

2009-03-04 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Jack D. Martin Jr. a écrit :

I wasn't questioning your skills - trust me.  I have read many of your
responses on the list, you helped me deploy my server without ever talking
to me.  I am just looking for a solution.  Basically what I have is a
billing solution that automatically suspends customers by scrambling their
passwords.  When that happens - I don't want the customers to be rejected,
but to be assigned to a different group.  Is that a better way of asking? 
What I am looking for is to not reject people with bad passwords, but to

assign them a particular IP pool.
Then why don't you simply make your billing solution to put your users 
exceeding their quota to an Exceeded_Quota group (either in sql DB or in 
LDAp, or any backend).

Don't scramble their password.

This way an authenticated use belonging to the Exceeded_Quota group 
would be assigned a given IP_Pool, and those not in this group would be 
assigned another IP_Pool.

Does my answer make sense? (i admit I've not read the preceeding posts).


Jack Martin
Magic Wireless Internet Service Providers LLC
P.O. Box 278
104 W. Main
Oilton, OK 74052


Jack D. Martin Jr. wrote:

What about using a fall through? Could it be that the last option to
auth, even if the password is incorrect - they get assigned to a
particular group?

  As I said:

  The server can't turn a reject into an accept.  Doing so will require
source code patches.

  I wrote much of the server.  I *think* I know how it works.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: authenticating to ldaps/tls

2009-02-12 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Peter Param a écrit :

Hi all,

I'm trying to authenticate to a LDAPS backend but failing.  Any suggestions?
Is it an LDAP server answering on LDAPS connections (LDAP+SSL on port 
636) or an LDAP server answering on LDAP connections that are then 
secured by Start-TLS  (LDAP on port 389 + Start-TLS)  ?

These are 2 different options.

ldap people_search {
server =
port = 636

== This implies an ldaps server

identity = cn=admin,o=org,c=au
password = ***
filter = (cn=%u)
basedn = ou=people,ou=darlinghurst,ou=nsw,o=schs,c=au
tls {
tls_mode = yes
# to the LDAP database by using the StartTLS extended
# operation.
# The StartTLS operation is supposed to be
# used with normal ldap connections instead of
# using ldaps (port 689) connections
start_tls = yes

== this is not compliant with and ldaps server
use start_tls=no

By the way, Alan and other Gurus, I think there is a small typo in the 

# using ldaps (port 689) connections

Should be

# using ldaps (port 636) connections

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Re: authenticating to ldaps/tls

2009-02-12 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Peter Param a écrit :

it is an LDAP server answering on LDAPS connections (LDAP+SSL on port 636)   
...but it also supports the latter even tho an acl is set to not allow port 389

use start_tls=no fails also,

Maybe but keep it to no

 it seems to have a problem with the cert and/or cert directory:

rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
rlm_ldap: (re)connect to, authentication 0
rlm_ldap: setting TLS mode to 1
rlm_ldap: could not set LDAP_OPT_X_TLS option Success
?? this is confusing... could that mean that your ldap library wasn't 
compiled with ssl support... I'm not sure
(but this is a rather old post)

rlm_ldap: setting TLS CACert Directory to /etc/openssl/certs/
rlm_ldap: could not set LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR option to /etc/openssl/certs/


cacertfile= /etc/openssl/certs/SVMHS_CA_SSL_Server.cer

The doc states that tls_cacertfile is a a PEM-encoded file: I think your 
CAcert is a DER encoded one (extension.cer usually is).


cacertdir = /etc/openssl/certs/


The doc states that  tls_cacertdir is in hash format (see openssl verify)

Also check that the directory and files are accessible/readable by the 
user running the radius server.

My 2 cents,...
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Re: XP SP3 an EAP-TLS partly solution

2009-01-26 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Alexandros Gougousoudis a écrit :

Hi Ivan,

Try signing client certificates with the ca certificate. I have included
modified Makefile for 2.1.3. I have added make caclient.pem to
produce client certificates and cleanca to remove them. Try
importing caclient.p12 created this way onto the user machine (along
with ca.der) and see if they will work with SP3. They should work with
SP2 as well.

Thanks for your reply, but that is already what I do. I have created a 
CA in TinyCA and the server has a signed server-cert and each client 
has a signed client-cert (both with the XP specific usage attributes).
I had an issue once when using client certs generated with TinyCA, this 
was due to the fact that, by default, TinyCA includes the emailAddress 
in the DN subject.

   Issuer: C=DE, ST=Berlin, L=Berlin, O=KHB HfM HfS, 
Your CA cert's DN includes the emailAddress, though this was not exactly 
the issue I had (mine was related to the client certs), I would 
recommend not adding this emailAddress to the DN and test again.

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Re: Authentication Problem with PEAP and openldap

2009-01-09 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Michael Poser a écrit :


native wired xp 802.1X client with PEAP (mschapv2) tries to authenticate via
freeradius against openldap with an md4 encoded utf-16e password hash.

This is just not possible.
PEAP (mschapv2) requires you can read the user password either as a 
cleartext password or as a NTLM-hashed password in your DB.


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Re: Issue with PAP/LDAP authentication after upgrade FR 2.0.5 to FR 2.1.1

2008-12-04 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Hi John,

Nice to meet you ;-)

John Dennis a écrit :

John Dennis wrote:

Thibault Le Meur wrote:

I've searched and finally found out what occured. I'm using Fedora 
Core 9 and after the FR package update here is what occured: a lot 
of files including module files from the new RPM package were added 
as /etc/raddb/modules/modulename.rpmnew

So at startup here is what is loaded:
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/pap.rpmnew
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/pap

I don't know if I should report this to the package maintainer or not.
What do you think ?

I'm here :-)

The files under /etc/raddb/modules are configuration files. 
Configuration files by definition are available for editing. It is 
usually considered bad practice for rpm during an upgrade to 
overwrite user modified configuration files.

I agree ;-)

If rpm thinks a configuration file has been modified instead of 
overwriting the configuration file with the version from the new 
package it instead lays a new copy of that file down with the .rpmnew 
I understand, and this runs great _for most other softwares because the 
xxx.rpmnew files are not read_ by the application at startup:

* the applications are correctly updated,
* the configuration files that were customized by the system 
administrator are not overwritten and are still read at the application 
* _usually_ the updated applications are working well, despite having 
old configuration files. This is because new configuration files usually 
have new optional parameters (for which a default value is assumed by 
the application).

However, as far as FR is concerned, all files in /etc/raddb/modules/ 
matching the regex /[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+/ are read, this includes any 
xxx.rpmnew file: In fact adding an xxx.rpmnew file in /etc/raddb/modules 
has the same effect as to modify the configuration files !
This will cause most Freeradius 2.x upgrades (using RPM) to end up with 
an updated server which is not working anymore

It's your job as a system administrator to pay attention to the 
presence of .rpmnew files, during installation it will warn you such 
files were created which is your signal to investigate.
This may mean that automatic updates of FR should be disabled by default 
in the OS, maybe in /etc/yum.conf for Fedora ?

If you miss the warnings you should still periodically check under 
/etc for the presence of .rpmnew files and .rpmsave by the same token.
No need to do this: I've been warned immediately by my users that the 
network access wasn't possible anymore ;-)

Now having said that, it's entirely possible there is a packaging 
problem and the .rpmnew files should not have been created, I'll go 
off and take a look at that issue. My recollection is that rpm is 
smart enough to detect the case where the old version of a config 
file differs from the new version but the old version was not locally 
edited. I believe this is case you're describing.
No, I've modified the old configuration file, the problem is that the 
.rpmnew files is read by the server at startup and thus this overwrites 
my old customizations.

I've looked at the packaging with respect to how the .rpmnew files are 
being handled and I believe everything is correct. What is probably 
missing is documentation on this so I've updated the FreeRADIUS Red 
Hat FAQ ( and added a section 
describing what happens to configuration files during a RPM upgrade 

Thanks this is very valuable.
Maybe 'we' should add a specific paragraph concerning /etc/raddb/modules 
configuration .rpmnew files as they are read by FR at startup?

Do you want me to do so?


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Issue with PAP/LDAP authentication after upgrade FR 2.0.5 to FR 2.1.1

2008-12-03 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Hi Gurus,

I've just (auto)updated my FR from 2.0.5 to 2.1.1 and some 
authentications stop working.
For these specific authentications the ldap module is used to retrieve 
the password from LDAP (hashed with MD5 or CRYPT, ...), and then PAP is 
used to compare the passwords (auto_header is turned on in the pap module).

Before 2.1.1 everything was working.
After 2.1.1, I get Authentication Failures because passwords don't match.
I've analysed the debug log and I wonder if the auto_header of the pap 
module is really working!

Here is an abstract of the radius debug logs (usernames,passwords, and 
IP address have been obfuscated):
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 54251, id=6, 

   User-Name = username
   User-Password = USERPASSWD
   NAS-IP-Address =
   NAS-Port = 6
   Service-Type = Dialout-Framed-User
   Calling-Station-Id =
   NAS-Identifier = OpenVpn
   NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
server mycompany-vpn-perso-ovpn {
+- entering group authorize {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok

[files_mycompany_vpn_perso_ovpn] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 2

++[files_mycompany_vpn_perso_ovpn] returns ok
++- entering policy redundant {...}
[ldap1] performing user authorization for username
[ldap1] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} -
[ldap1] expand: %{User-Name} - username
[ldap1] expand: 
- ((uid=username)(MyCompany-AccountStatus=active))

[ldap1] expand: dc=mycompany, dc=fr - dc=mycompany, dc=fr
rlm_ldap: extracted attribute Pool-Name from generic item 

[ldap1] Added User-Password = {MD5}/9sLgyXJRml0Lds4xd6rOg== in check items
[ldap1] looking for check items in directory...
rlm_ldap: mycompanyNTPassword - NT-Password == 

[ldap1] looking for reply items in directory...
[ldap1] user username authorized to use remote access
rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
+++[ldap1] returns ok
++- policy redundant returns ok

== Until this line everything is ok: the userPassword attribute is 
added to User-Password because I have the line password_attribute = 
userPassword uncommented in my ldap module setup. Note also that I have 
the password in NT-Hashed format as well, but I don't intend to use it 
in this particular authentication process.

++[pap] returns updated
Found Auth-Type = PAP
!!!Replacing User-Password in config items with 
Cleartext-Password. !!!

!!! Please update your configuration so that the known 
good   !!!
!!! clear text password is in Cleartext-Password, and not in 
User-Password. !!!

+- entering group PAP {...}
[pap] login attempt with password USERPASSWD
[pap] Using clear text password {MD5}/9sLgyXJRml0Lds4xd6rOg==
[pap] Passwords don't match
++[pap] returns reject
Failed to authenticate the user.
} # server mycompany-vpn-perso-ovpn
Using Post-Auth-Type Reject

== I have no reference to the User-Password attribute in my setup 
(either in the user file or in the radiusprofile taken from the ldap 
directory. It seems like the ldap module adds the User-Password 
attribute and then the PAP module decides to change it to 
Cleartext-Password instead of processing the auto_header feature and 
setting the MD5-Password.

What do you think ?
Is there somewhere in my setup where I could have broken the normal FR 
processing ?

Many thanks in advance,

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Re: Issue with PAP/LDAP authentication after upgrade FR 2.0.5 to FR 2.1.1

2008-12-03 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Thanks a lot for your answer,


I've just (auto)updated my FR from 2.0.5 to 2.1.1 and some
authentications stop working.
For these specific authentications the ldap module is used to retrieve
the password from LDAP (hashed with MD5 or CRYPT, ...), and then PAP is
used to compare the passwords (auto_header is turned on in the pap module).

It doesn't look on. Post the debug of the server startup.

You're quite right, the pap module isn't instantiated with the expected 

Here the abstract of the starting block of the debug log:
Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
Module: Linked to module rlm_pap
Module: Instantiating pap
 pap {
   encryption_scheme = auto
   auto_header = no

I've searched and finally found out what occured. I'm using Fedora Core 
9 and after the FR package update here is what occured: a lot of files 
including module files from the new RPM package were added as 

So at startup here is what is loaded:
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/pap.rpmnew
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/pap

Most of my setup was working because I use specific instance of the 
modules such as ldap-mycompany and not the default ldap name. 
However, I use the std name for the pap module... I may change this in 
the future to avoid such issues after upgrade.

I don't know if I should report this to the package maintainer or not.
What do you think ?

Again, thanks a lot for your help.
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Re: FreeRadius + VPN Clients

2008-06-05 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Sending Access-Accept of id 177 to
port 51289

Finished request 0

Going to the next request

Great, then you've been authenticated by the LDAP server and the RAdius 
server is sending an Access-Accept message to you VPN server.

As far as FreeRadius is concerned everything is ok.

it seems that your VPN server may be expecting more from the Radius 
server in order to establish the VPN connection, please check the 
documentation of this NAS. For instance, it may be expecting the Radius 
server to send the IP address of the client in a Framed-IP-Address 
attribute (if your NAS is setup to serve an IP pool).

Hope this helps,

PS: by the way your LDAP encrypted password has been sent to the 
mailinglist as an MD5 hash. If this is not a test paswword you should 
consider changing it. SAme for the password used to search entries in 
your LDAP direcotry (ldap: identity = 
cn=Manager,dc=iut-velizy,dc=uvsq,dc=fr), but I guess this one is 
really a test password.

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Re: Pptpd / MySql / MD5

2008-05-07 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Sascha Kiefer a écrit :


Thanks to i can authenticate my vpn 

using an remote radius server using MS-CHAPv2

You're welcome ;-)

Passwords are stored in clear in the mysql database.
PopTop is responsible for the remoteip.
Everything works.
Now, is it possible?
* to use md5 passwords in db; i had this in the first place but
authentication failed
No, with MS-CHAPv2 your radius server needs either to know the NTLM-Hash 
version of your password or the plaintext version of your password. MD5 
is not supported by design.


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Re: freeradius+pptpd+mysq - rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 6

2008-03-19 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Alan DeKok a écrit :

What am I doing wrong? Below I've copypasted config files of pptpd
radius and their debug logs.

  sigh  Do NOT post the FreeRADIUS dictionaries to this list.  There
is nothing wrong with the dictionaries.

  DO configure pptpd to point to the RADIUS dictionaries it needs.


I've written a little tuto on this, maybe it can help you:


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Re: ip assignment issue with poptop

2007-12-11 Thread Thibault Le Meur


hadi golestani a écrit :

I wana use freeradius to dynamically assign ip to my vpn clients.
so I defined an ip pool with the range of 
with the radtest command , I'm getting the the ip in answer but while 
trying to connect from vpn client and at the same time looking the 
debug mod output there's no ip returned in answer.

Look at the debug: below you can see:
rlm_ippool: Found Framed-IP-Address attribute in reply attribute list.
rlm_ippool: override is set to no. Return NOOP.

It seems that your user meet 2 lines of your user files:
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 173
   users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 185

Line 173 for instance may assign Framed-IP-Address and since your 
rlm_ippool module is set not to override the already assigned IP 
address, then it does nothing (NO OPeration).

See override = yes option in your ippool section.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Question regarding the Expiration attribute

2007-10-10 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Terry Pelley a écrit :

FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.7 on Novell SLES10

The question is simple but I can't seem to find the answer to it so I 
will apologize in advance.

Can some one tell me the format for entering the date in the 
Expiration attribute?

I'm using the users file to authenticate users on a small wireless 
network. ie.

testuserUser-Password == testpass
Expiration = ???  (lets use today 10 October 2007 as 
an example)

Expiration is not a reply attribute but a configuration one, so you have 
to put is on the first line:

testuser User-Password == testpass, Expiration := 30 Jun 2009


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RE : IP Reverse DNS Resolution

2007-09-13 Thread Thibault Le Meur
  I currently have a IPSEC/L2TP setup that uses FreeRadis (for 
 Active Directory auth).  Radius is handing out the IP 
 addresses to the clients. Is there a way to have it update my 
 DNS server so it can create reverse-dns entries for them? 

Yes it is.

In acct_users make a rule that run a custom program at Acct-Start and
Acct-Stop time:

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address == A.B.C.D, Acct-Status-Type == Start
Exec-Program = /path/to/dnsupdate/

Then your can use the nsupdate tool to update the DNS

Note these interresting parameters that are available in the environment:
# ACCT_STATUS_TYPE = Start | Stop
# FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS = attributed IP address
# ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE=User-Request (in normal case when Type=Stop)

These parameters can be used to build the $newhostname, $assignedipaddr and
$A, $B, $C, $D decimal octets of the assigne IP addr.

For instance adding an IP:
nsupdate -k $KEYFILE  /dev/null  EOF
server $SERVER
zone $ZONE
prereq yxdomain $ZONE
update delete $newhostname A
update add $newhostname $TTL A $assignedipaddr
(This is with secure update, and KEYFILE holds the TSIG key file (man

Then updating reverse DNS:
nsupdate -k $KEYFILE  /dev/null  EOF
server $SERVER
prereq yxdomain $ZONEREV
update delete $D.$C.$B.$ PTR
update add $D.$C.$B.$ $TTL PTR $newhostname


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RE : EAP/PEAP, LDAP and Dynamic VLAN Assignment HOW-TO

2007-07-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 i would make this architecture:
 - authentication EAP/PEAP with MS-CHAPv2 with users in LDAP 
 database. Better with encrypted password, but not necessary.

* use Clear-text passwords in the userpassword attribute
* OR add an Ldap attribute that will hold the NTML hash version of the user
password (with leading '0x'), then use ldap.attrmap to map NT-Password to
your LDAP ntlm password attribute

 - Every users have an attribute or something to assign it a 

You can use radiusReplyItem LDAP attribute
OR create several radius profiles (one for each VLAN) and assign the one
that corresponds to the user 
In the users file (for instance using LDAP-groups)

 I have OpenLDAP and Freeradius 1.1.3, the distributuion 
 presents in CentOS 5. Is it possible? Some suggestions?

Yes it is possible in several ways... Find your own...


   Vincenzo Agosti
   Università degli Studi di Salerno
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   Coordinamento Servizi Informatici
 Via Ponte don Melillo, s.n.c.
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RE : Ldap Group Membership Requirements

2007-06-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur
Basically trying to 
 figure out 
 what I need to add to these lines: groupname_attribute, 
 groupmembership_filter, and groupmembership_attribute. Also 
 not sure if 
 I need to add something to users file like: DEFAULT LDAP-Group == 
 wireless. Can anyone provide input on what I need to 
 configure, Thanks.
 wireless group in ldap, you can see cjarrett is a member:
 dn: cn=wireless,ou=Groups,dc=itfreedom,dc=com
 objectClass: posixGroup
 cn: wireless
 gidNumber: 1011
 memberUid: cjarrett

You're using POSIXGroups:
groupname_attribute = cn
Groupmembership_filter = ((objectclass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%u))

No groupmembership_attribute.

In you users file, for instance:
DEFAULT LDAP-Group ==  wireless ...

See /usr/share/doc/freeradius/rlm_ldap text file.


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RE: problem connecting from windows xp to pptp server

2007-05-31 Thread Thibault Le Meur
Hi Danny,

Let me correct just some things... can you confirm ?

 After a lot of help from Thibault I was able to connect from xp client.

 the causes for the problem was :

 1.missing raddattr plug-in to option.pptpd # after

 2.un update dictionary (Microsoft  merit) both in /etc/raddb 

I think you don't have to update your FreeRADIUS dictionary at all:  
_you_ had to because you did some tests and willingly modified them,  
but I'm quite sure the one provided by the FreeRADIUS project are good  
enough for this purpose ;-)

 3.include dictionary syntax ? should be :

 $INCLUDE /etc/raddb/

 $INCLUDE /etc/raddb/dictionary.merit

This is the standard syntax for FreeRADIUS, but INCLUDE syntax for  
radiusclient  /etc/radiusclient/dictionary file was (as you wrote me  
in a private email):
INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/
INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit

 4.need to config the following options in option.pptpd

Thanks Danny, for your summary to the list.

For everyone else:

I've begun a small tutorial on Poptop integration with FreeRADIUS:
It is currently linked to the page.

Feel free to update it and/or move it to a more appropriate page on  
the Wiki (maybe in howto) ?


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RE : No available IP Addresses in the pool ...

2007-04-30 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Hello everyone,
 FreeRadius 1.0.1 from RHEL 4.
 I get the following error (only shown in debug mode) after 
 1-2 weeks of 
 server working fine, without any issues:
 rlm_ippool: Searching for an entry for nas/port:
 rlm_ippool: No available ip addresses in pool.
modcall[post-auth]: module pool_name returns notfound 
 for request 0

 The only fix so far was to remove the pool files and recreate 
 them again.
 Any thoughts of what could be wrong ?

First check if your assigned IP addresses are released from the pool:

man rlm_ippool_tool

If not, confirm that the pool module name is defined in the acctounting{}
section of radiusd.conf and that your NAS sends accounting Stop messages.


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RE : There appears to be another RADIUS server runningon the authentication port 1812

2007-03-23 Thread Thibault Le Meur

# netstat -tunelup Aktive 
 Internetverbindungen (Nur Server) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local 
 Address               Foreign Address             
 State       Benutzer   Inode      PID/Program name   
 udp        0      0*     
 0          7223       2012/mp_kerneld.x   
 udp        0      0*     
 0          7224       2012/mp_kerneld.x   
 udp        0      0*     
 0          7225       2012/mp_kerneld.x   
 There you are. Some program named mp_kerneld.x is occupying 
 the port. That's 
 why freeradius won't start.

See this Thread:


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RE : RE : RE : IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-22 Thread Thibault Le Meur

  Thibault Le Meur wrote:
   I've patched the radiusplugin to add Framed-IP-Address to
  the re-auth
   request but rlm_ippool still allocates a new IP Address
  (I'm using FR
Ok.  It seems like rlm_ippool should be updated to look for
  Framed-IP-Address in the request.
That would be very useful, and would solve the problem
  you're seeing.
Alan DeKok.
 Do you mean updated (to 1.1.5) or patched ?

Never mind I found the answer by looking at the code from rlm_ippool.c.

Currently, when an Access-Request arrives, rlm_ippool:
* looks in the pool for an 'active' entry (flagged as active) with the
* If no entry is found
  == rlm_ippool allocates an @IP from the pool
* If an active entry is found
  == it is considered as a stale entry and is marked as not active
  == then a new IP is allocated

If rlm_ippool is 'updated' to take Framed-IP-Address into account what
shoudl be the behaviour ?

A simple patch would consist of doing nothing at Post-Auth time if the
request contains a Framed-IP-Address.

A more complex patch should handle several different cases and decide what
to do. For instance:
* when Access-Request is received, look for an active entry in the pool with
the search key NAS-IP/NAS-port
* If no entry is found
  * If there is No Framed-IP-Address attribute in the Request
== allocate a new @IP from the pool
  * If there is a Framed-IP-Address attribute in the Request
* If the Framed-IP-Address belongs to the IP-range of the pool (but it
is not assigned to this NAS-IP/NAS-port)
== then issue a warning log (especially if this IP is allocated to an
active entry for another NAS-IP/NAS-port)
== do not allocate a new @IP ??? (Or should we enforce a new IP,
without beeing sure the NAS will be able to use it ?)
* If the Framed-IP-Address doesn't belong to the IP-range of the pool
== do not allocate a new @IP
* If an entry is found (there is already an allocated @IP for this
  * If there is a Framed-IP-Address attribute in the Request
* If this Framed-IP-Address is the same as the allocated IP from the
entry found
  == then do nothing (no stale marking, no new @IP allocation)
* If this Framed-IP-Address is NOT the same as the allocated IP from the
entry found
  == then mark the current entry as staled (active=0)
  == report an error in the log because something went wrong
(especially if the Framed-IP-Address received is allocated to another
NAS-IP/NAS-port entry in the pool)
  == do not allocate a new @IP
  * If there is No Framed-IP-Address attribute in the Request
  == then mark the current entry as staled (active=0)
  == allocate a new @IP

What do you think ?

Is it already done in current developpement tree ?

Thibault Le Meur

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Solution: IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-22 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 Thibault Le Meur wrote:
  I've patched the radiusplugin to add Framed-IP-Address to 
 the re-auth 
  request but rlm_ippool still allocates a new IP Address 
 (I'm using FR 
   Ok.  It seems like rlm_ippool should be updated to look for 
 Framed-IP-Address in the request.
   That would be very useful, and would solve the problem 
 you're seeing.
   Alan DeKok.

For those interested in an interim solution, here is a workaround:

1- make sure your NAS sends a Framed-IP-Address attribute in the
Access-Request when a re-authentication is performed (that is to say for
openvpn, use a patched version of radiusplugin)

2- Setup 2 Post-Auth-Types in the post-auth section:

Post-Auth-Type postauth.ovpn {

Post-Auth-Type postauth.ovpn.reauth {

3- in the users file (for instance) dispatch incomming Access-Requests based
on the presence of the Framed-IP-Address attribute:

DEFAULT Framed-IP-Address !* Any, Huntgroup-Name == srvs-vpn-ovpn,
Post-Auth-type := postauth.ovpn
Fall-Through = no

DEFAULT Framed-IP-Address =* Any, Huntgroup-Name == srvs-vpn-ovpn,
Post-Auth-type := postauth.ovpn.reauth
Fall-Through = no

Thanks Alan for your help,


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RE : RE : Re: freeradius problem : need help

2007-03-22 Thread Thibault Le Meur

  Whats the output of 'ps auxf' on your box?
 Netstat will tell you what's using which port.
 Do instead:
 # netstat -tnp | grep 1812
 example output:
 tcp0  0
 ESTABLISHED 5938/gaim

And better if you have the lsof binary installed, try:

# lsof -iUDP -P | grep 1812

Example output:
radiusd   13804 radiusd3u  IPv4 1334215   UDP *:1812
Name of the binary having the port opened

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RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 But the output now is:
 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, 
 id=65, length=54
 Service-Type = Framed-User
 Framed-Protocol = PPP
 User-Name = peppeska
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port = 0
 - -Where is User-Password attribute?

A good question indeed, that one should be asked to your NAS ;-)

It's up to the NAS to send User-Password: unless it is setup to do something
else (for instance MSCHAP).

Have you setup ppp to use mschap (require-mschap-v2 option) ?
Are you using the radiusclient library ? 

If yes, could you check that you radiusclient dictionnary file includes
Microsoft attributes:
* check the dictionary  path-to-dict-file line of
/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf file (or
/etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf file)
* check that the file path-to-dict-file contains a reference to other
dictionnary files such as:
INCLUDE /usr/share/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.merit
INCLUDE /usr/share/radiusclient-ng/
* check that you have these 2 extra dictionnary files (especially the
microsoft one)
== I've attached the two files


   Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
 modcall: entering group authorize for request 0
   modcall[authorize]: module preprocess returns ok for request 0
   modcall[authorize]: module mschap returns noop for request 0
 rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = peppeska, looking up realm NULL
 rlm_realm: No such realm NULL
   modcall[authorize]: module suffix returns noop for request 0
   rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
   modcall[authorize]: module eap returns noop for request 0
 users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 155
 users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 173
 users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 185
   modcall[authorize]: module files returns ok for request 0
 rlm_ldap: - authorize
 rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for peppeska
 radius_xlat:  '(cn=peppeska)'
 radius_xlat:  'dc=example'
 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
 rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
 rlm_ldap: (re)connect to localhost:389, authentication 0
 rlm_ldap: bind as cn=admin,dc=example/root to localhost:389
 rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
 rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
 rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=example, with filter (cn=peppeska)
 rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
 rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...
 rlm_ldap: user peppeska authorized to use remote access
 rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
   modcall[authorize]: module ldap returns ok for request 0
 modcall: leaving group authorize (returns ok) for request 0
   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type LDAP
 auth: type LDAP
   Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
 modcall: entering group LDAP for request 0
 rlm_ldap: - authenticate
 rlm_ldap: Attribute User-Password is required for 
 - - m depend to ppp version? it's possible?
   modcall[authenticate]: module ldap returns invalid for request 0
 modcall: leaving group LDAP (returns invalid) for request 0
 auth: Failed to validate the user.
 Login incorrect: [peppeska/no User-Password attribute] 
 (from client localhost port 0) Delaying request 0 for 1 
 seconds Finished request 0 Going to the next request
 - --- Walking the entire request list ---
 Waking up in 1 seconds...
 - --- Walking the entire request list ---
 Sending Access-Reject of id 65 to port 1030
 Waking up in 2 seconds...
 - --- Walking the entire request list ---
 Cleaning up request 0 ID 65 with timestamp 4600fb5f
 Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
 ok.. I my ldap.attrmap contain:
 checkItem   User-Password   lmPassword
 checkItem   LM-Password lmPassword
 checkItem   NT-Password ntPassword
 And the ldap section in radiusd.conf contain:
 password_attribute = User-Password
 What's the problem?
 - --
   |Giuseppe Moscato aka peppeska - Linux User - no html messages---|
   |Fingerprint = 90DC 05A8 2D65 BC04 BD1B  4C07 C389 434B 3201 319D|
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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Description: Binary data

RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de peppeska
 Envoyé : mercredi 21 mars 2007 13:44
 À : FreeRadius users mailing list
 Objet : Re: freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!
 Hash: SHA1
 Michael Mitchell ha scritto:
  peppeska wrote:
  rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=65, 
  -Where is User-Password attribute?
   Ask the NAS.
  In this case I have a suspicion the NAS could be radclient...
  How are you sending requests to freeRADIUS?
 Freeradius recive request from pppoe-server, I try to connect 
 to pppoe-server from a linux box

Is your pppoe-server a linux server ?
Is your pppoe client or pppoe server configured to use ms-chap
authentication ?

If your pppoe server is a linux box, have you checked that the radiusclient
library contains the microsoft dictionnary as I described in my previous
email ?

Thibault Le Meur

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RE : RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Very strange I didn't get this email ?

See my comments below:

 Thibault Le Meur ha scritto:
   But the output now is:
   rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=65, 
   Service-Type = Framed-User
   Framed-Protocol = PPP
   User-Name = peppeska
   NAS-IP-Address =
   NAS-Port = 0
   - -Where is User-Password attribute?
   A good question indeed, that one should be asked to your NAS  ;-)
   It's up to the NAS to send User-Password: unless it is setup to do
   else (for instance MSCHAP).
   Have you setup ppp to use mschap (require-mschap-v2 option) ? Are 
   you using the radiusclient library ?

Ok so that your NAS don't have to send User-Password but a MS-CHAP challenge
instead: that's what I thought.

   If yes, could you check that you radiusclient dictionnary file 
   includes Microsoft attributes:
   * check the dictionary  path-to-dict-file line of
   /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf file (or 
   /etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf file)
   * check that the file path-to-dict-file contains a reference to 
   other dictionnary files such as: INCLUDE 
   INCLUDE /usr/share/radiusclient-ng/
   * check that you have these 2 extra dictionnary files (especially 
   the microsoft one) == I've attached the two files
 in my radiusclient.conf there is:
 # dictionary of allowed attributes and values
 # just like in the normal RADIUS distributions
 dictionary  /etc/radiusclient/dictionary
 and in the dictonary file:
 $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/
 $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.ascend
 $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.compat
 $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit
 $INCLUDE /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary

Don't write $INCLUDE but INCLUDE without the $: this is the syntax for

 But... whitout declaretion of Default Auth-Type in the users file:
 rlm_ldap: user peppeska authorized to use remote access
 rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
   modcall[authorize]: module ldap returns ok for request 0
 modcall: leaving group authorize (returns ok) for request 0
 auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the
 request: Rejecting the user
 auth: Failed to validate the user.
 Login incorrect: [peppeska/no User-Password attribute] 
 (from client localhost port 0) Delaying request 0 for 1 
 seconds Finished request 0

Sure, because Auth-Type must be set to MS-CHAP (automatically, don't use
Auth-Type:=): this will be the case if FR receives MS-CHAP challenge.

But this can work only if radiusclient knows the MS-CHAP Radius attributes,
which is not the case for the momenet (see above the INCLUDE issue).


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RE : IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur
Hi Alan,

   I'd like to patch the openvpn-radiusplugin so that an extra
   is sent in the Access-Accept packets so that FR will be able to
   differentiate Initial and Renegociation Access-Accept 
 requests and 
   only assign new IP address from the pool on Initial Access-Accept 
I think you mean Access-Request packet.
 Sorry for the mistake, I meant Access-Request of course
   If it doesn't have
  a Framed-IP-Address attribute, FreeRADIUS can allocate  send 
  one in an Access-Accept.
   If openvpn re-authenticates a 
  session with an existing IP address, it should send 
  Framed-IP-Address in the Access-Request.
 I get you right, my patch may be as easy as to make 
 radiusplugin add the Framed-IP-Address attribute in the 
 Access-Request packet with the already assigned IP Address 
 when it is a renegotiation.

I've patched the radiusplugin to add Framed-IP-Address to the re-auth
request but rlm_ippool still allocates a new IP Address (I'm using FR

I can see this in radiusd -X:
modcall: entering group postauth.ovpn for request 3
rlm_ippool: Searching for an entry for nas/port:
rlm_ippool: Found a stale entry for ip/port:
rlm_ippool: num: 0
rlm_ippool: Searching for an entry for nas/port:
rlm_ippool: Allocating ip to nas/port:
rlm_ippool: num: 1
rlm_ippool: Allocated ip to client on nas,port 1
  modcall[post-auth]: module Ovpn_Main_Pool returns ok for request 3

* is the NAS IP Address
* is the IP address allocated at connection time
* is the IP address allocated at re-authentication time

Maybe I didn't understand you well: 
* Is rlm_ippool supposed to return NOOP if a Framed-IP-Address attribute is
present in the Request ?
* is it up to me to bypass the rlm_ippool (by setting another
Post-Auth-Type) when a Re-Auth Request is performed (that is to say when a
Framed-IP-Address attribute is present in the Request) ?

Thanks in advance,

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RE : RE : RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

  and in the dictonary file:
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.ascend
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.compat
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit
  $INCLUDE /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary
  Don't write $INCLUDE but INCLUDE without the $: this is the 
  syntax for radiusclient.
 Now.. without $

 the /etc/freeradius/users file now contain:
 Fall-Through = yes

Not a good idea ;-)

  But this can work only if radiusclient knows the MS-CHAP Radius 
  attributes, which is not the case for the momenet (see above the 
  INCLUDE issue).
 Well.. I try now... and(roll of drumps):
 Listening on authentication *:1812
 Listening on accounting *:1813
 Ready to process requests.
 NOTHING the freeradius don't recive request (uff)

That's because the NAS doesn't send packets (or because you have firewall
rules droppig packets, but this shouldn't be the case since you got packets
in the past).

 debian:~# plog
 Mar 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x2] 
 Mar 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x2] 
 Mar 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]: Connection terminated. Mar 
 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
 Mar 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]:   script /usr/sbin/pppoe -n -I eth1
 - -e 2:32:c8:93:a2:15:29 -T 60 -S '', pid 3886
 Mar 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]: Script /usr/sbin/pppoe -n 
 -I eth1 -e 2:32:c8:93:a2:15:29 -T 60 -S '' finished (pid 
 3886), status = 0x1 Mar 21 16:13:52 debian pppd[3885]: Exit. debian:~#
 MMM damn! why freeradius don't want work with me?

It's not a Freeradius issue, but a ppp/radiusclient issue ;-)

 without the Deafult Auth-Type in the users's the 
 same... If I put $INCLUDE instead INCLUDE... work like before...

Very strange I've got several servers her using radiusclient with the
INCLUDE syntax !!

Or may it be an issue with the dictionnary files ?
  $INCLUDE /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary

Avoid this one, it shouldn't be necessary.

  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.ascend
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.compat
  $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit

Are these dictionaries from the radiusclient distro or did you copy the
dictionaries from freeradius ?
Please use only dictionaries from the radiusclient distributions.
(Or try the one I posted if you don't have them in the distro).

Let me know,

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RE : RE : IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Thibault Le Meur wrote:
  I've patched the radiusplugin to add Framed-IP-Address to 
 the re-auth 
  request but rlm_ippool still allocates a new IP Address 
 (I'm using FR 
   Ok.  It seems like rlm_ippool should be updated to look for 
 Framed-IP-Address in the request.
   That would be very useful, and would solve the problem 
 you're seeing.
   Alan DeKok.

Do you mean updated (to 1.1.5) or patched ?

I made a quick diff between rlm_ippool.c from 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 and I can't
see any difference so I think the problem I'm seeing is still present in


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RE : RE : RE : RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur
  MMM damn! why freeradius don't want work with me?
 It's not a Freeradius issue, but a ppp/radiusclient issue ;-)
  without the Deafult Auth-Type in the users's the
  same... If I put $INCLUDE instead INCLUDE... work like before...
 Very strange I've got several servers her using radiusclient 
 with the INCLUDE syntax !!

Very very curious, I've checked radiusclient's original code and it seems it
is $INCLUDE syntax that is the good one.
So keep with this one for now.
I just have no clue on why on my system only INCLUDE works !!

Sorry for this wrong information !

Had you got new results ?


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RE : IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

I've been using OpenVPN + Ralf's Radiusplugin for several months and
recently moved away from server-side IP assignment. However, while I did use
it, I found that in my configuration FreeRADIUS only assigned new IPs when
the accounting for that user had stopped (ie, if it recieved a STOP packet).

Curious this is not what I see here ??
What is/was your FR server version ?

Anyway, Alan said that a 'good nas' should send the Framed-IP-Address in the
Access-Request if it has been already assigned one: this wasn't done by
radiusplugin, thus I think I'll keep the pacth.

 This meant, that once I'd crashed the openvpn server 3 times with users on
it :-) there were many IP's who were 'lost' - their sessions had never
ended, hence the IP was never returned to the pool. 

Sure, this is also true for my others NAS (pppd based), but they are quite
robust (I hope openvpn is/will be as robust ;-)).

I was doing renegotiation every 20 minutes if I remember correctly, and the
freeradius replied with the same IP for the user time and time again.

Interesting, what could explain that mine allocate new IP addresses each
time ?

Should rlm_ippool allocate the same IP for a NAS-IP/NAS-port couple if the
entry isn't cleaned from the pool ?

(Anyway, I think it's better to have FR not re-send Framed-IP-Address since
it would cause an unsuseful write to the client-config file from the

 Hence, I'm beginning to wonder if it's configuration-specific, because I
didn't have any problems. 

I can trust you, but I don't know where to search for a setup mistake.

Does someone has an idea ?

Thanks in advance,

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RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de peppeska
 Envoyé : mercredi 21 mars 2007 18:36
 À : FreeRadius users mailing list
 Objet : Re: RE : RE : RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!
 Hash: SHA1
 Now I have this configuration
 INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/
 INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.ascend
 INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.compat
 INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/dictionary.merit
 $INCLUDE /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary

Very Very Very Weird  
I'm curious about one thing: when you remove the last $INCLUDE line, does
it work as described below ?

I'm also wondering why only INCLUDE statement work unless the radiusclient
code uses a hardoced $INCLUDE strncmp in dict.c 

Alan, I thought there was a plan to make the radiusclient hosted at so that It will benefit from Freeradius developpment: is it
always a plan ?

 And... (same roll of drumps)
 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, 
 id=40, length=136
 Service-Type = Framed-User
 Framed-Protocol = PPP
 User-Name = peppeska
 MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x2b05b4344fc7309510ee443fac5c90bf
 MS-CHAP2-Response = 
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port = 0


 Sending Access-Accept of id 40 to port 1028
 Framed-IP-Address =
 Framed-MTU = 576
 Service-Type = Framed-User
 Framed-Protocol = PPP
 Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
 MS-CHAP2-Success = 
 MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = 0xeb3b2b7a46dfff70bdee5eb89a755804
 MS-MPPE-Send-Key = 0xe0d003c9754115e0063f7f832015f1c6
 MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy = 0x0002
 MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types = 0x0004

Ok, you're done with Freeradius.

 Well! it work! or not?

As far as Freeradius is concerned yes.

 because.. this is the pppoe-server log
 debian:~# plog
 Mar 21 18:33:54 debian pppd[4306]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x2] 
 Mar 21 18:33:54 debian pppd[4306]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x2] 
 Mar 21 18:33:54 debian pppd[4306]: Connection terminated. Mar 
 21 18:33:54 debian pppd[4306]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
 Mar 21 18:33:54 debian pppd[4306]:   script /usr/sbin/pppoe -n -I eth1
 - -e 5:32:c8:93:a2:15:29 -T 60 -S '', pid 4307
 Mar 21 18:33:55 debian pppd[4306]: Script /usr/sbin/pppoe -n 
 -I eth1 -e 5:32:c8:93:a2:15:29 -T 60 -S '' finished (pid 
 4307), status = 0x1 Mar 21 18:33:55 debian pppd[4306]: Exit. debian:~#
 boh!! I realy don't now why...

Just a question: who is suposed to assign the IP address: Freeradius in
Framed-IP-Address Attribute or your pppoe server ?


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Re: RE : RE : RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 but plog:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/peppeska# plog
 Mar 21 19:21:18 applejack pppd[18527]: Plugin loaded.
 Mar 21 19:21:18 applejack pppd[18529]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
 Mar 21 19:21:19 applejack pppd[18529]: PPP session is 6
 Mar 21 19:21:19 applejack pppd[18529]: Using interface ppp0
 Mar 21 19:21:19 applejack pppd[18529]: Connect: ppp0 -- tap1
 Mar 21 19:21:41 applejack pppd[18529]: MS-CHAP authentication failed:
 Mar 21 19:21:41 applejack pppd[18529]: CHAP authentication failed
 Mar 21 19:21:41 applejack pppd[18529]: Connection terminated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/peppeska# poff

 UFFA!!! I promitt that I send a Cassata Siciliana to who resolv my

  plog may not be enough: could you check the /var/log/messages

Moreover, what file are you using ? Maybe it is  
lacking some attributes and radiusclient doesn't understand them.

If you're not using the one I posted today, could you test with this  
one instead ?


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RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de peppeska
 Envoyé : mardi 20 mars 2007 10:34
 À : FreeRadius users mailing list
 Objet : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!
 Hash: SHA1
 Please freeradius User... HELP ME!
 So, I use a pppoe-freeradius-ldap system for access and 
 autenticate user.. but some go wrong.. and when I try to 
 connect me appare this error... what's wrong in my configuration?
 look this! this is the freeradius output

 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
 rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
 rlm_ldap: (re)connect to localhost:389, authentication 0
 rlm_ldap: bind as cn=admin,dc=example/root to localhost:389
 rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
 rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
 rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=example, with filter (cn=peppeska)
 rlm_ldap: no dialupAccess attribute - access denied by default

Comment this line in your ldap section of radiusd.conf:
# access_attr = dialupAccess


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RE : RE : freeradius, ldap error - HELP ME!

2007-03-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

  rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
  rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
  rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
  rlm_ldap: (re)connect to localhost:389, authentication 0
  rlm_ldap: bind as cn=admin,dc=example/root to localhost:389
  rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
  rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
  rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=example, with filter (cn=peppeska)
  rlm_ldap: no dialupAccess attribute - access denied by default
 Comment this line in your ldap section of radiusd.conf:
 # access_attr = dialupAccess

And comment this one too, like this :
# access_attr_used_for_allow = yes

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IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

I'm using a system (openvpn) with 'radiusplugin' to let FR authenticate
users and manage IP Pools.

Openvpn sometimes needs to renegotiate the connections and thus sends
authentication requests while the connection is still active (with an
already assigned IP address): this causes FR to assign a new IP address from
the pool (which seems normal since FR has no way to know this is a

I'd like to patch the openvpn-radiusplugin so that an extra attribute is
sent in the Access-Accept packets so that FR will be able to differentiate
Initial and Renegociation Access-Accept requests and only assign new IP
address from the pool on Initial Access-Accept requests.

Do you know a standard Radius attribute that could be used for this ?
As far as you know, are there other NASes using such a quirk ? Does this
make sense ?

Thanks in advance,

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RE : IP Pool management and Re-authentication

2007-03-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur
Thanks for your reply,

 Thibault Le Meur wrote:
  Openvpn sometimes needs to renegotiate the connections and 
 thus sends 
  authentication requests while the connection is still 
 active (with an 
  already assigned IP address): this causes FR to assign a new IP 
  address from the pool (which seems normal since FR has no 
 way to know 
  this is a renegotiation).
   So why isn't the radiusplugin telling FreeRADIUS what the 
 old IP address was?

Because It's still beta ;-), I can fix this

  I'd like to patch the openvpn-radiusplugin so that an extra 
  is sent in the Access-Accept packets so that FR will be able to 
  differentiate Initial and Renegociation Access-Accept requests and 
  only assign new IP address from the pool on Initial Access-Accept 
   I think you mean Access-Request packet.

Sorry for the mistake, I meant Access-Request of course

  If it doesn't have 
 a Framed-IP-Address attribute, FreeRADIUS can allocate  send 
 one in an Access-Accept.
  If openvpn re-authenticates a 
 session with an existing IP address, it should send 
 Framed-IP-Address in the Access-Request.

I get you right, my patch may be as easy as to make radiusplugin add the
Framed-IP-Address attribute in the Access-Request packet with the already
assigned IP Address when it is a renegotiation.

Thanks a lot Alan.


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RE : EAP-TTLS outer identity accounting

2007-03-14 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Sam Schultz
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2007 17:13
 À :
 Objet : Re: EAP-TTLS outer identity  accounting
 On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 13:15:52 -0500 Alan DeKok 
 Sam Schultz wrote:
  This should be solvable by adding something like
  'User-Name = %{User-Name}' to the DEFAULT entries in the users 
 One of my users file DEFAULT entries look like this:
 DEFAULT Realm == test, Autz-Type := sql-test, User-Name = 
 However, FreeRADIUS tells me this:
 Error: Invalid operator for item User-Name: reverting to '=='
 I assume I'm not supposed to forcibly change User-Name, so what 
 attribute would I set to return the correct username to the NAS? 
 I know there is a run-time variable %(reply:User-Name}, would I 
 need to somehow update it with the correct value for User-Name 

Yes, by simply adding the User-Name = XXX to the reply items (that is to say
not on the first line). Try something like this:

DEFAULT Realm == test, Autz-Type := sql-test


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RE : ldap groups + freeradius

2007-03-13 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 I have 4 NAS-IP-Addresses.
 My users are split into 6 groups (some are in multiple 
 groups): public, faculty, staff, student, vpn, and admin.
 I would like the users to get access to the NAS by virtue of 
 being in a group.
   faculty, staff, student  public

To make group of NASes use the huntgroup file, for instance:

firstnas NAS-IP-Address ==

lastnasNAS-IP-Address ==
lastnasNAS-IP-Address ==

Then define your LDAP server in radiusd.conf

Then use the users file to make your rules such as:
DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == firstnas, Ldap-Group == admin
Reply-Message = XXX
Fall-Through = no

For more info see:


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RE : New to FreeRadius, having a small issue

2007-02-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

-Message d'origine-
De :
.org] De la part de Marc Hultquist
Envoyé : mardi 20 février 2007 10:38
À :
Objet : New to FreeRadius, having a small issue

Hey Everyone, I am new to freeradius, and when receiving a auth request to
the server, in the /var/log/radius/radiusd.log file, I get the following
line whenever the auth request comes though.

Mon Feb 19 12:29:46 2007 : Error: Invalid operator for item User-Password:
reverting to '=='  
You probably use User-Password = XXX  in you users file instead of
User-Password == XXX
By the way, have a look in /usr/(local)/share/doc/freeradius/, several files
are giving expainations: begin with aaa.txt and processing_users_file (if
using the files module)

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RE : Setting up a VPN server with pptp and RADIUS for all sorts ofclients

2007-02-08 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 I didn't meen a mistake, but was wondering if my radiusclient had a 
 wrong mapping, that requests NT-password instead of 
 User-password (as an 
 Here is the output from the radius server:
 Ready to process requests.
 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host,
 id=109, length=152
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
User-Name = test
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x68ac020b69febf7f1cf6338a1ed1c218
MS-CHAP2-Response =
Calling-Station-Id = yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 0
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
 modcall: entering group authorize for request 0
 radius_xlat:  '/var/log/radius/radacct//detail-07022007'
 /var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%d%m%Y expands
 to /var/log/radius/radacct//detail-07022007
  modcall[authorize]: module detail returns ok for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module attr_filter returns noop 
 for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module chap returns noop for request 0
  rlm_mschap: Found MS-CHAP attributes.  Setting 
 'Auth-Type  = mschap'
  modcall[authorize]: module mschap returns ok for request 0
rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = test, looking up realm NULL
rlm_realm: Found realm NULL
rlm_realm: Adding Stripped-User-Name = test
rlm_realm: Proxying request from user dupontd to realm NULL
rlm_realm: Adding Realm = NULL
rlm_realm: Authentication realm is LOCAL.
  modcall[authorize]: module suffix returns noop for request 0
  rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
  modcall[authorize]: module eap returns noop for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module files returns notfound for request 0
 rlm_ldap: - authorize
 rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for test
 radius_xlat:  'dc=univ-lehavre,dc=fr'
 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
 rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
 rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
 rlm_ldap: (re)connect to zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz:389, authentication 0
 rlm_ldap: setting TLS CACert File to /etc/ssl/certs/cachain.txt
 rlm_ldap: setting TLS CACert Directory to /etc/ssl/certs/
 rlm_ldap: setting TLS Require Cert to demand
 rlm_ldap: starting TLS
 rlm_ldap: bind as / to
 rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
 rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
 rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=univ-lehavre,dc=fr, with filter
 rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
 rlm_ldap: Adding macAddress as Mac-Addr, value 00:30:48:24:A9:C3 
 rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...
 rlm_ldap: Adding radiusTunnelType as Tunnel-Type, value 13  op=11
 rlm_ldap: Adding radiusTunnelMediumType as 
 Tunnel-Medium-Type, value
 6  op=11
 rlm_ldap: Adding radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId as
 Tunnel-Private-Group-Id, value 40  op=11
 rlm_ldap: Adding eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation as Class, 
 value member
 rlm_ldap: Adding ulhcharte as Filter-Id, value TRUE  op=11
 rlm_ldap: Adding macAddress as Mac-Addr, value 00:30:48:24:A9:C3 

You see nothing like Adding userPassword here.

For instance you could have something like:
rlm_ldap: Added password
rlm_ldap: Adding myldapNTPassword

Could the freeradius admin check:
* the ldap {} section: see the password_attribute = line (till FR 1.1.4)
* the mapping in ldap.attrmap

  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type MS-CHAP
 auth: type MS-CHAP
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
 modcall: entering group MS-CHAP for request 0
  rlm_mschap: No User-Password configured.  Cannot create 
  rlm_mschap: No User-Password configured.  Cannot create 
  rlm_mschap: Told to do MS-CHAPv2 for dupontd with NT-Password
  rlm_mschap: FAILED: No NT/LM-Password.  Cannot perform 
  rlm_mschap: FAILED: MS-CHAP2-Response is incorrect

How is/are your password(s) stored on the Ldap directory: in clear text,
MD5-hashed, SHA-Hased, NTLM-Hashed ?
What is/are the Ldap attribute(s) used to store your password(s) ?


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RE : 802.1x + freeradius authentication problem

2007-02-02 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Thanks for your response.
 We have tried to configure ttls as you suggested in your mail. 
 Unfortunately we have not succeeded.
 To make things easier, we have tried to set up a completely new 
 configuration, with just one local user called test. Our Windows XP 
 client is using now SecureW2 (with EAP-TTLS/PAP). We attach the 
 connection log.
 We see the 'negotiation' messages, but no sign of Success 
 at the end 
 (neither Wireless connection, of course).
 Any ideas?

I only gave a quick look at the debug log... As a SecureW2 user myslef I
would first check if this is not a certificate  verification issue on the
Client side (because I suspect the EAP-TLS connection to have been
interrupted by the client).

Can you:
* make a test with verify server certificate disabled on SecureW2
* If this changes the debug log: make sure you have corectly installed your
CA's certificate on the HOST certificate store on Windows XP, also check the
server name you gave to SecureW2 (it should match your radius' server CN).

Let me know,

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Re: freeradius, pap, and HP wireless edge services module

2007-01-20 Thread Thibault Le Meur

At this time, I did a radiusd -X and saw the debug information scroll across
the screen, sitting at ready to process requests...

However, no requests are coming in.  I am attempting this by connecting from

You say it yourself: no request reaches the Radius server.

I propose to check if the internal linux firewall isn't blocking  
incomming packets. First try to disable the firewall:

/etc/init.d/iptables stop

Then test again the authentication.

If it works, reconfigure your firewall: it must accept incoming  
requests to UDP ports 1812 and 1813.


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RE : A couple of questions PoPToP+FreeRadius+IAS

2007-01-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 2. Radius does not understand some attributes from client.
 a) Jan 14 12:37:14 shata pppd[25046]: rc_avpair_gen: received 
 unknown attribute 25 of length 30: 
 b) Jan 11 22:29:02 shata pppd[19185]: RADIUS: wrong service 
 type 4 for user21
 But I know that these are
 ATTRIBUTE  MS-CHAP2-Response   25  octets
 as they are written in the dictionary file.

There must be a mistake in your /etc/radiusclient/dictionary file.

Check that you use a 'INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/' line
and not a '$INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient/'
Check also the permissions ont he dictionary files.


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RE : RE : A couple of questions PoPToP+FreeRadius+IAS

2007-01-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 It seems no mistakes in dictionary file. It is standard one 
 from RH distribution. BTW, freeradius use $INCLUDE, not 
 INCLUDE as you advised. With INCLUDE you will see something like
 Wed Jan 17 14:48:41 2007 : Error: Errors reading dictionary: 
 dict_init: /etc/raddb/dictionary[14] invalid keyword INCLUDE

I'm talking about the radiusclient library's dictionaries, not the
Freeradius ones: the ones that can be found on your PopTop server, not the
Freeradius server.
Look at the path I worte: it's not /etc/raddb/dictionary, but

The issue here, is that the radiusclient package doesn't come with the
necessary dictionaries.

So check on you PopTop server that the /etc/radiusclient/dictionary contains
an 'INCLUDE' and not '$INCLUDE' for the file.


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RE : A couple of questions PoPToP+FreeRadius+IAS

2007-01-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Marxy
 Envoyé : mercredi 17 janvier 2007 14:39
 À :
 Objet : Re: A couple of questions PoPToP+FreeRadius+IAS
 Alan DeKok-4 wrote:
  Marxy wrote:
  1. Accounting of Calling-station-id returns only first 4 
  of user's IP address.
If that's what the RADIUS client is sending, then the 
 only solution 
  is to fix the client so it sends the correct information.
 My radius client is standard radiusclient software.
 But it seems no settings for that in its 
 Alan DeKok-4 wrote:
  2. Radius does not understand some attributes from client.
  a) Jan 14 12:37:14 shata pppd[25046]: rc_avpair_gen: 
 received unknown 
  attribute 25 of length 30:
The client doesn't understand the response of the server.  Again, 
  the only solution is to fix the client.
 Yes. You are quite right.
 I add missing attributes to radiusclient dictionary file.
 ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Response   25  string  
 ATTRIBUTE   Acct-Input-Packets  47  integer
 ATTRIBUTE   Acct-Output-Packets 48  integer

It might not be enough.

Could you check this post and give it a try ?


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RE : One question about Access-Request packet

2007-01-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Hi, i have one question:
 Why when i try auth. by laptop-wifi over linksys then it's send that
 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, 
 id=0, length=119
 User-Name = rka
 NAS-IP-Address =
 Called-Station-Id = 001217694588
 Calling-Station-Id = 0014a41e7112
 NAS-Identifier = 001217694588
 NAS-Port = 61
 Framed-MTU = 1400
 NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
 EAP-Message = 0x0201000801726b61
 Message-Authenticator = 0x794e9d729e673a6c41b875855ae5a464
 Request without User-Password - and that is problem with auth.

This is normal because it is an EAP authentication request: so this is not a
problem for authentication as long as you have enabled and configured EAP in
the freeradius configuration (see eap.conf).


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RE : RE : RE : Problem with Freeradius+LDAP+wifi

2007-01-16 Thread Thibault Le Meur

  Could you post this file ?
 I have only:
 eap {
 default_eap_type = tls
 tls {
 tls_cacertfile = /etc/freeradius/cert/ca.pem
 tls_certfile = /etc/freeradius/cert/radius.crt
  tls_keyfile = /etc/freeradius/cert/radius.key

You're lacking the peap sub part:
 peap {
#  The tunneled EAP session needs a default
#  EAP type which is separate from the one for
#  the non-tunneled EAP module.  Inside of the
#  PEAP tunnel, we recommend using MS-CHAPv2,
#  as that is the default type supported by
#  Windows clients.
default_eap_type = mschapv2

#  the PEAP module also has these configuration
#  items, which are the same as for TTLS.
copy_request_to_tunnel = yes
use_tunneled_reply = yes

#  When the tunneled session is proxied, the
#  home server may not understand EAP-MSCHAP-V2.
#  Set this entry to no to proxy the tunneled
#  EAP-MSCHAP-V2 as normal MSCHAPv2.
#   proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes

Why have you deleted this entry? When you don't want to use a feature, just
comment the section it'll make it easier to update the configuration in the

 Rafal Kaminski


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RE : New Thread: EAP for Cisco AP.

2007-01-15 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 But, I don't completely understand PEAP, and how it relates 
 to MS-CHAP v2.

PEAP first establish a TLS tunnel (and thus uses the freeradius eap 'tls'
Then a new Request is sent protected by this TLS tunnel. This inner request
can be based on ms-chapv2 or another EAP method).

 I want to try to use PEAP to secure my network.
 Here is my current eap.conf
 eap {
 default_eap_type = peap
 timer_expire = 60
 ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
 cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
 md5 {
 leap {
 gtc {
 auth_type = PAP
 tls {
 private_key_password = whatever
 private_key_file = ${raddbdir}/certs/cert-srv.pem
 certificate_file = ${raddbdir}/certs/cert-srv.pem
 CA_file = ${raddbdir}/certs/demoCA/cacert.pem
 dh_file = ${raddbdir}/certs/dh
 random_file = /dev/urandom

Take care to setup the freeradius certificate/private key cause it will be
used to establish the first TLS tunnel.

Also take care to install the cacert in the client certificate store.

 peap {
 default_eap_type = mschapv2
 mschapv2 {
 I have eap in authenticate and authorize. What else do I need 
 to do, and are there more dictionaries.

Should be enough for the Freeradius part (I suppose you have define your APs
in the clients.conf file).

Configure the radius parameters in your AP and setup the PEAP client to
check the freeradius server's name and certificate to be protected from Man
in the middle attacks.


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RE : Problem with Freeradius+LDAP+wifi

2007-01-15 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 authorize (returns ok) for request 2 Mon Jan 15 13:39:00 2007 
 : Debug: auth: No authenticate method
 (Auth-Type) configuration found for the request: Rejecting 

Is 'eap' listed in our authorize section. It should be since this is an EAP
request and Freeradius needs a way to set Auth-Type to EAP to proceed.


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RE: FreeRadius IRC...

2007-01-13 Thread Thibault Le Meur

The issue is, I've done everything, a semi-competent Linux user with
Critical thinking skills should do, I've been methodical. asnd
disciplined and persistent. Yet still, I cannot succeed at this. This
will make my University Career look bad. I just think I could use
another pair of eyes, maybe I missed something.

I feel like Edward Elric searching for the Philosopher's stone.

I posted an idea and you decided not to reply to my questions !

I suspect that your VPN server doesn't know Microsoft Radius  
attributes and refuses to send them to the radius server. I've tested  
a bad setup (lack of Microsoft radius dictionary), and I get the same  
radiusd -X debug log: no MS-CHAP Challenge in the request...

I asked have you checked possible error messages in /var/log/messages  
  on the vpn server ?

To be more specific, look for the following lines in you log file:
 rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute

If you see such lines it might be that your radiusclient library (used  
by the PPPd plugin on your VPN server) doesn't understand the  
Microsoft attributes (for instance the MS-CHAP Challenge). Thus, the  
PPPd radius plugin doesn't send these attributes that are required for  
Freeradius to do MS-CHAP authentication.

Could you really check that your dictionnary file on the VPN server  
side contains a line like:

INCLUDE /usr/share/radiusclient-ng/

and check the content of this file...


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Re: FreeRadius IRC...

2007-01-13 Thread Thibault Le Meur

- Message de [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Date : Sat, 13 Jan 2007 16:55:50 -0500
 De : Evan Vittitow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Répondre à : FreeRadius users mailing list

 Objet : Re: FreeRadius IRC...
  À : FreeRadius users mailing list

I posted an idea and you decided not to reply to my questions !

I suspect that your VPN server doesn't know Microsoft Radius
attributes and refuses to send them to the radius server. I've tested
a bad setup (lack of Microsoft radius dictionary), and I get the same
radiusd -X debug log: no MS-CHAP Challenge in the request...

I've ensured thet /etc/radiusclient/ and /etc/raddb have the same
dictionary. (dictionary and,.)

I asked have you checked possible error messages in /var/log/messages
  on the vpn server ?
To be more specific, look for the following lines in you log file:
 rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute

No such error messages appear on my Radius Server.

This error is to be seen on the PPPd server, not on the Freeradius  
server. It is an error from the PPPd radius plugin (in fact the  
radiusclient library).

I had them once when
I tried to change the dictionary to the one in /usr/share/freeradius,
but I imported the official one and they went away.

Curiuous, I never had to change the microsoft dictionary from the  
official Freeradius distribution !!!

If you see such lines it might be that your radiusclient library (used
by the PPPd plugin on your VPN server) doesn't understand the
Microsoft attributes (for instance the MS-CHAP Challenge). Thus, the
PPPd radius plugin doesn't send these attributes that are required for
Freeradius to do MS-CHAP authentication.

Could you really check that your dictionnary file on the VPN server
side contains a line like:
INCLUDE /usr/share/radiusclient-ng/

and check the content of this file...


I found A possible culprit.

Jan 13 16:54:41 kurama pppd[11364]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 11
Jan 13 16:54:41 kurama pppd[11364]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 25

This is not a possible culprit: This IS THE CULPRIT, and it confirms  
my diagnostic.

On your PPPd server, you have to update you:
* add a dictionary/microsoft file on the radiusclient dictionary  
directory (/etc/radiusclient or /usr/share/radiusclient-ng depending  
on your distro).
* modify the dictionary file in this directory to INCLUDE this file  
(see below).

Then your authentication should work fine.

Let me know...


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Re: My Dictionaries seem corrupted

2007-01-13 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Working Dictionaries requested. Anyone with known working dictioniaries?

Please stop changing the thread, it's hard to follow.

About your PPPd+Radius+MS-CHAP issue:
* On the freeradius server, get back to the standard dictionaries  
files (in case you have modified them).

*On the VPN (PopTop server):
  - create the and dictionary.merit file  
attached in your /etc/radiusclient directory

  - chmod them 644 so that any user can read them
  - check that you have 2 INCLUDE lines that point to these files at  
the end of the main /etc/radiusclien/dictionary file

#   Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
#   $Id:,v 1.1 2002/03/06 13:23:09 dfs Exp $

VENDOR  Microsoft   311 Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Response1   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Error   2   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-CPW-1   3   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-CPW-2   4   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-LM-Enc-PW   5   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-NT-Enc-PW   6   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7 string  Microsoft
# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
# Plural seems to make more sense.
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types  8 string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-RAS-Vendor   9   integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Domain  10  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Challenge   11  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys   12  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-BAP-Usage13  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integerMicrosoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Send-Key16  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Recv-Key17  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-RAS-Version  18  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Old-ARAP-Password19  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-New-ARAP-Password20  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21 integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-Filter   22  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   23  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Acct-EAP-Type24  integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Response   25  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Success26  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-CPW27  string  Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-Primary-DNS-Server   28  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Primary-NBNS-Server  30  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31 ipaddr  Microsoft

#ATTRIBUTE  MS-ARAP-Challenge   33  string  Microsoft

#   Integer Translations

#   MS-BAP-Usage Values

VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageNot-Allowed 0
VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageAllowed 1
VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageRequired2

#   MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values

VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonJust-Change-Password1
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonExpired-Password2
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonAdmin-Requires-Password-Change  3
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonPassword-Too-Short  4

#   MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values

VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   PAP 1
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   CHAP2
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   MS-CHAP-1   3
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   MS-CHAP-2   4
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   EAP 5

#   MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values

VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeMD5 4
VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeGeneric-Token-Card  6
VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeTLS 13

#   Experimental extensions, configuration only (for check-items)
#   Names/numbers as per the MERIT extensions (if possible).
ATTRIBUTE   NAS-Identifier  32  string
ATTRIBUTE   Proxy-State 33  string
ATTRIBUTE   Login-LAT-Service   34  string
ATTRIBUTE   Login-LAT-Node  35  string
ATTRIBUTE   Login-LAT-Group 36  string
ATTRIBUTE   Framed-AppleTalk-Link   37  integer
ATTRIBUTE   Framed-AppleTalk-Network 38 integer
ATTRIBUTE   Framed-AppleTalk-Zone   39  string
ATTRIBUTE   Acct-Input-Packets  47  integer
ATTRIBUTE   Acct-Output-Packets 48  integer
# 8 is a MERIT extension.
VALUE   Service-Type  

Re: My PPTP+802.1X+MS-CHAP+EAP+OpenLDAP+MySQL Project.

2007-01-11 Thread Thibault Le Meur


The issue with the VPNs is that even through Client Side PPP uses
MS-CHAP, FreeRadius is causing pppd to think its authenticating normal CHAP.

Jan  9 03:09:00 kurama pppd[12373]: Peer User failed CHAP authentication
rlm_mschap: Found LM-Password
rlm_mschap: Found NT-Password
rlm_mschap: No MS-CHAP-Challenge in the request

Now, The Server works fine when I turn off the Radius plugin and enter
the and enter stuff in the chap-secrets. This is the output of radisd -fX

Humm... have you checked possible error messages in /var/log/messages  
(where pppd and the radius plugin output by default) ?

I remember I had an equivalent problem once... could you check that  
your radiusclient on the VPN side has got the  
file in its dictionary directory ?

#   Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
#   $Id:,v 1.1 2002/03/06 13:23:09 dfs Exp $

VENDOR  Microsoft   311 Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Response1   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Error   2   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-CPW-1   3   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-CPW-2   4   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-LM-Enc-PW   5   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-NT-Enc-PW   6   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7 string  Microsoft
# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
# Plural seems to make more sense.
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types  8 string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-RAS-Vendor   9   integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Domain  10  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Challenge   11  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys   12  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-BAP-Usage13  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integerMicrosoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Send-Key16  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Recv-Key17  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-RAS-Version  18  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Old-ARAP-Password19  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-New-ARAP-Password20  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21 integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-Filter   22  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   23  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Acct-EAP-Type24  integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Response   25  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Success26  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-CPW27  string  Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-Primary-DNS-Server   28  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Primary-NBNS-Server  30  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31 ipaddr  Microsoft

#ATTRIBUTE  MS-ARAP-Challenge   33  string  Microsoft

#   Integer Translations

#   MS-BAP-Usage Values

VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageNot-Allowed 0
VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageAllowed 1
VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageRequired2

#   MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values

VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonJust-Change-Password1
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonExpired-Password2
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonAdmin-Requires-Password-Change  3
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonPassword-Too-Short  4

#   MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values

VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   PAP 1
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   CHAP2
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   MS-CHAP-1   3
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   MS-CHAP-2   4
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   EAP 5

#   MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values

VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeMD5 4
VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeGeneric-Token-Card  6
VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeTLS 13


List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: My PPTP+802.1X+MS-CHAP+EAP+OpenLDAP+MySQL Project.

2007-01-11 Thread Thibault Le Meur


The issue with the VPNs is that even through Client Side PPP uses
MS-CHAP, FreeRadius is causing pppd to think its authenticating normal CHAP.

Jan  9 03:09:00 kurama pppd[12373]: Peer User failed CHAP authentication
rlm_mschap: Found LM-Password
rlm_mschap: Found NT-Password
rlm_mschap: No MS-CHAP-Challenge in the request

Now, The Server works fine when I turn off the Radius plugin and enter
the and enter stuff in the chap-secrets. This is the output of radisd -fX

Humm... have you checked possible error messages in /var/log/messages  
(where pppd and the radius plugin output by default) ?

I remember I had an equivalent problem once... could you check that  
your radiusclient on the VPN side has got the  
file in its dictionary directory ?

#   Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
#   $Id:,v 1.1 2002/03/06 13:23:09 dfs Exp $

VENDOR  Microsoft   311 Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Response1   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Error   2   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-CPW-1   3   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-CPW-2   4   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-LM-Enc-PW   5   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-NT-Enc-PW   6   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7 string  Microsoft
# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
# Plural seems to make more sense.
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8   string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types  8 string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-RAS-Vendor   9   integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Domain  10  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-Challenge   11  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys   12  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-BAP-Usage13  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integerMicrosoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Send-Key16  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-MPPE-Recv-Key17  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-RAS-Version  18  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Old-ARAP-Password19  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-New-ARAP-Password20  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21 integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-Filter   22  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   23  integer Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Acct-EAP-Type24  integer Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Response   25  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-Success26  string  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-CHAP2-CPW27  string  Microsoft

ATTRIBUTE   MS-Primary-DNS-Server   28  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Primary-NBNS-Server  30  ipaddr  Microsoft
ATTRIBUTE   MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31 ipaddr  Microsoft

#ATTRIBUTE  MS-ARAP-Challenge   33  string  Microsoft

#   Integer Translations

#   MS-BAP-Usage Values

VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageNot-Allowed 0
VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageAllowed 1
VALUE   MS-BAP-UsageRequired2

#   MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values

VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonJust-Change-Password1
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonExpired-Password2
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonAdmin-Requires-Password-Change  3
VALUE   MS-ARAP-PW-Change-ReasonPassword-Too-Short  4

#   MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values

VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   PAP 1
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   CHAP2
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   MS-CHAP-1   3
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   MS-CHAP-2   4
VALUE   MS-Acct-Auth-Type   EAP 5

#   MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values

VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeMD5 4
VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeGeneric-Token-Card  6
VALUE   MS-Acct-EAP-TypeTLS 13


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RE : MySql and calling-station-id help please

2007-01-08 Thread Thibault Le Meur

-Message d'origine-
De :
.org] De la part de Ackbar Joolia
Envoyé : lundi 8 janvier 2007 14:07
À :
Objet : MySql and calling-station-id help please

Dear all,

I want to do authentication based on calling-station-id and then to assign a
static IP from my database to that requester. SO basically, all the requests
coming in will have the same username and password, and I will only identify
each of them through their calling-station-id, and then assign a
Framed-IP-Address to them. 


Have you tried the files module with a users file like:


MyUserUser-Password == MyPass, Calling-Station-Id==000




MyUserUser-Password == MyPass, Calling-Station-Id==001




When this setup is working, you''ll then be able to switch to a mysql
backend if you want this to be in a database.


I cannot get the above to work at all, can anyone please give me an idea of
how to do the above?




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RE : Authomated Access Accept/Deny

2007-01-08 Thread Thibault Le Meur

-Message d'origine-
De :
.org] De la part de Tamba Ben-Jusu
Envoyé : lundi 8 janvier 2007 15:01
À :
Objet : Authomated Access Accept/Deny

Hi All,


I am running the freeradius server on an ubuntu server platform and it is
running fine. 


However, I want to include a time factor in the operations:


Users to be set in the following groups


1. Grant Access-Accept only between 8am to 6pm every day

2. Grant Access-Accept only between 6pm to 8am every day

3. Grant Access-Accept only weekends etc


Please help me with information on how to set it up in the users file, other
means of achieving this.










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RE : rlm_sql: Password in Accounting Packet

2006-12-15 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Marco Stuhl


Is there a way to insert password in radacct table?
Changing SQL query to insert %{User-Password} has no effect.

I don't think your NAS sends a User-Password attribute in the Accounting
How do you want FR to know the User-Password attribute then ?


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RE : RE : rlm_sql: Password in Accounting Packet

2006-12-15 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Is there a way to insert password in radacct table?
Changing SQL query to insert %{User-Password} has no effect.

I don't think your NAS sends a User-Password attribute in the Accounting
Request. How do you want FR to know the User-Password attribute then ? 

I agree on that one; still no workaround?

I don't understand what you're trying to do.
* If you want to record the user-password, why don't you record it at
Authentication time (see the postauth section) ?
* If you want to do this at during the Accounting process, you'll have do
develop your own module to get the password that matches to the User-Login
from the Accounting request: you will have to query your internal backend to
get the user's password (if it is available in clear text, which is not

Can you be more specific as to why you are trying to do this... because
there might be workarounds for this.


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RE : RE : RE : rlm_sql: Password in Accounting Packet

2006-12-15 Thread Thibault Le Meur

-Message d'origine-
De :
.org] De la part de Marco Stuhl
Envoyé : vendredi 15 décembre 2006 13:47
À : FreeRadius users mailing list
Objet : Re: RE : RE : rlm_sql: Password in Accounting Packet

Here's the scenario.

I'd like to make one username for all users having/sharing same service
(e.g. users w/ service A all have username 'foo' with unique password for
every user). Now, the problem arises with accounting, or, to be more
precise, session reports that will be available for them to see and check
their past sessions.  
So the password can only be retreived for the Access-Request packet: use the
postauth query to record it, then use radacct to record accoutning

Since accounting (SQL schema) is based on unique username, I cannot make the
distinction between users. Also, I've noted (in past FR versions, though)
that it was possible for log files, since FR logged passwords there?  
Accounting is based on AcctSessionId (or AcctUniqueId, which can be computed
by a FR module). AFAIK, there is no assumption about the 'unique username'
thing: it is your session analyzer that makes such assumption.
If you want to differentiate users, you'll have to find rules that help map
attributes recorded in the radacct table with attributes recorded in the
postauth table: then a simple Join can help recover the true username. 

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RE : NotBefore and Epiration (was Temporary Accounts), Enhancement proposal

2006-12-12 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Alan DeKok
 Envoyé : lundi 11 décembre 2006 19:47
 À : FreeRadius users mailing list
 Objet : Re: NotBefore and Epiration (was Temporary Accounts), 
 Enhancement proposal
 Thibault Le Meur wrote:
  Enhancement proposal
  Why not implement the NotBefore part in the FR server code as it is 
  already done for Expiration ?
   Or, add a Date attribute, that will compare against the 
 current date.  You can then use configurations like:
   Date  January 12 2006 13:00
   And it should Just Work.

Sure, this is a simpler way to do so.

The only difference will be that the reply message will not say Password
has expired or Password not valid yet... which, as far as I am concerned
is not very important ;-)
   I'll see if I can get a patch into 1.1.4.

Thanks a lot...


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RE : MySQL: don't logging to radacct

2006-12-12 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Felipe Neuwald
 Envoyé : mardi 12 décembre 2006 18:06
 À :
 Objet : MySQL: don't logging to radacct
 Hi Folks,
 I'm using freeradius-1.1.3_1 on FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE and 
 My database connection is ok, and I'm sucessfully 
 authorizeing on MySQL 
 databse. After user connection, a entry is added on radpostauth table.
 My problem is cause there is no entry on radacct table. Here is an 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/etc/raddb]# radtest brt adsl 0 teste Sending Access-Request of id 206 to port 1812
 User-Name = brt
 User-Password = adsl
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port = 0
 rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, 
 id=206, length=20
 Does somebody knows why there is no entry on my radacct table?

Yes, look at your logs...
radtest sends only an Access Request packet not an Accounting packet: that's
why no accounting entry is added to raddact.

Try radclient in order to send an accounting packet


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NotBefore and Epiration (was Temporary Accounts), Enhancement proposal

2006-12-11 Thread Thibault Le Meur

I post here a cleaner solution to my need, and propose the opportunity to
have an even better way to code this (but requires a patch).

The Goal

I wanted to be able to manage temporary accounts for guests:
* these accounts are created in advance, but mustn't be valid before a given
* these account have an expiration date
* these account must be valid within a given time range

One current solution to achieve this

The current solution is to create a local String attribute (3000id4000) in
the dictionary file /etc/raddb/dictionary:
ATTRIBUTE   My-Local-NotBefore  3000string

Then in the hint file, I add the current date to the request (for my NAS
 My-Local-NotBefore = `%D`

In the users file, I add the 'Myuser' user, who can log in within the
following time range '12 Dec to 13 Dec 2006, from 8AM to 9 PM':
Myuser  NAS-IP-Address ==, Auth-Type = Local, User-Password ==
MyPass, My-Local-NotBefore = 20061212, Login-Time := 'Wk0800-2100',
Expiration := 14 Dec 2006
Fall-Through = no

It is working, but is just a pity that the NotBefore and Expiration part are
not handled the same way, though beeing quite similar.

Enhancement proposal

Why not implement the NotBefore part in the FR server code as it is already
done for Expiration ?

It would require (AFAIK):
* Adding an offical NotBefore internal freeradius dictionary
* Add a #define PW_NOTBEFORE definition in include/radius.h
* Add a time check to the check_expiration function in main/auth.c
* Optionnal ??? Add a notbeforecmp function and a  paircompare_register
call to main/valuepair.c 

However, I had no report so far that this could prove to be useful to
someone else, so I wonder if It is worth implementing.

If you think this could be useful, I'll try to propose a patch.


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RE : FreeRadius + Ldap + TLS/SSL

2006-12-04 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Rafa³ Kamiñski
 Envoyé : lundi 4 décembre 2006 13:28
 À :
 Objet : FreeRadius + Ldap + TLS/SSL
 When i saw that error, i check ldap logs. My ldap is configure with  
 SSL not a TLS. Now i have a problem with configure freeradius 
 to work  
 with SSL ldap not TLS ldap :(
 I have in radiusd.conf:
 server = ldap
 port = 636
 #port = 389
 filter = (uid=%u)
 base_filter = (objectclass=radiusprofile)
 start_tls = no

This last line is ok: it will ask not to try Start-TLS connection.

 # tls_cacertfile= /path/to/cacert.pem
 tls_cacertfile = /etc/freeradius/cert/ca.crt
 # tls_cacertdir = /path/to/ca/dir/
 tls_cacertdir = /etc/freeradius/cert/
 tls_cacertdir = /etc/freeradius/cert/

Why do you have both tls_cacertfile and tls_cacertdir ?

 # tls_certfile  = /path/to/radius.crt
 tls_certfile = /etc/freeradius/cert/radius.crt
 # tls_keyfile   = /path/to/radius.key
 tls_keyfile = /etc/freeradius/cert/radius.key

tls_certfile and tls_keyfile are used to make the radius server authenticate
itself to the ldap server.
This is not mandatory, if you're not willing to authenticate the radius
server to the ldap server, then you can ommit these two lines.

However, if you are trying to authenticate the radius server to the ldap
server with certificates, then check that the CA that has signed the radius'
certificate is known by the ldap server.

 #tls_mode = yes

Argh... I think you have to uncomment this line.


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RE : Problem cheking multivalued attributes in LDAP schemas.

2006-12-04 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Erling Paulsen
 Envoyé : lundi 4 décembre 2006 15:11
 À : FreeRadius users mailing list
 Objet : Problem cheking multivalued attributes in LDAP schemas.
 I try to make a decision based on checking for a value in a certain 
 attribute of a LDAP schema. The problem is that this is a multivalued 
 attribute, and it seems somewhat undefined when I try to 
 check against it!
 My exact problem is checking against a eduPerson schema for an 
 affiliation on an attribute called eduPersonAffiliation (which is 
 multivalued). I want to check if a certain user has the right 
 affiliation= before assigning a dynamic Vlan.
 I fetch the attribute in Authorization as LDAP-Affiliation 
 (mapped as 
 a checkItem in ldap.attrmap).

This LDAP-Affiliation is not a standard Radius attribute... Have you defined
it in freeradius dictionary files ?

 I've tried checking with the regular 
 expression operator (i.e. for staff affiliation), but it 
 seems to not 
 give a match. Ex. check-statement from users file:
   LDAP-Affiliation :~ .*staff.*

I do not know this :~ operator, have you tried =~ instead ?


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RE : RE : return user group information to radius client

2006-12-01 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : ganesh subramonian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : vendredi 1 décembre 2006 05:41
 À : FreeRadius users mailing list
 Objet : Re: RE : return user group information to radius client
 does that mean that sending/receiving of the group
 information would depend on the method used for auth
 at the radius server ?

It's up to you to define if you want to return a given reply attribute: you
can define different rules in order to select which reply attributes are
returned given the NAS-Ip-Address, or Service-Type or any other check

The issue here is to know what your NAS expects as the user Group

What is your NAS ? What does the doc say about its support for replied
radius attributes ?
Can you explain exactly what you are trying to do ?


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RE : FreeRadius and LDAP

2006-12-01 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Sundaram Divya-QDIVYA1
 Envoyé : jeudi 30 novembre 2006 23:51
 À :
 Objet : FreeRadius and LDAP

 We don't use openldap or eDirectory - which is what the docs 
 are Derived from.

This shouldn't be an issue if your directory is really Ldap compliant.

 The information for FreeRADIUS and LDAP seems to 
 suggest that I need to provide access to the LDAP server's 
 password to the service account that the FreeRADIUS Server uses.

This is often required, but not always: if you are using an authentication
protocol that transmits the password in cleatext to the radius server (such
as PAP), you can avoid this.

 What I need to understand is how to integrate FreeRADIUS with 
 an LDAP Server without exposing the (crypted) password 
 hashes. Any pointers on what I need to do for that?

* Enable the ldap module in the authorize section (so that Auth-Type is set
to LDAP [FR = 1.1.3])
  * if you are running FR = 1.1.3 then you'll have to set Auth-Type = LDAP
manually (see the users file from rlm_files  or the rlm_sql module)
* Enable the ldap module in the authenticate section as well (so that a
simple ldap bind authentication is performed)
* In the ldap configuration section, you can use an LDAP account that do not
have read access to the userPassword attribute

Remember that this is NOT compatible with a lot of authentication protocols
It is working for PAP and EAP-TTLS/PAP.


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RE : differentiating radius attribute

2006-12-01 Thread Thibault Le Meur

-Message d'origine-
De :
.org] De la part de [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : vendredi 1 décembre 2006 17:16
À :
Objet : differentiating radius attribute

Hi everybody,

I'm using freeradius to authenticate and authorize users to cisco
My issue is that i want to do aaa for 3 things on the same device: device
administrators login (telnet), for 802.1x EAP/MD5 (, and to manage firewall
FWSM ACLs (radius attribute in the response: filter-id=acl_name). 

My question is how to differentiate this 3 needs by a radius attribute in
the request, to be able to send in the response only the good radius
authorization attribute  depending on aaa type asking. 


Could you run the radius server in debug mode (radius -X), and check what
Attributes are present in the Request. May be something like Service-Type,
Framed-Protocol, and NAS-Port could be used.

For instance this is a request from a PPP server:

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host A.B.C.D:32776, id=171, length=136
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
User-Name = MyLogin
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0xXX
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x
NAS-IP-Address = X.Y.Z.T
NAS-Port = 0

And this is a request from a WiFi access (not on the same NAS though):

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host A.B.C.D:1030, id=1, length=213
Message-Authenticator = 0x
Service-Type = Framed-User
User-Name = anonymous
Framed-MTU = 1492
State = 0xX
Called-Station-Id = MACADDR:SSID
Calling-Station-Id = MACADDR
NAS-Identifier = AP_Name
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
Connect-Info = 802.11g
EAP-Message = 0x
NAS-IP-Address = X.Y.Z.T
NAS-Port = 1
NAS-Port-Id = STA port # 1

Check also in your NAS setup if you can add specific attributes to the
Request depending on the service used.




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RE : (no subject)

2006-12-01 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Also, I am under the understanding that EAP-TLS does NOT 
 require a client side cert, and EAP-TTLS DOES require a 

EAP-TLS requires both server-side and client-side certs.

EAP-TTLS requires only a server-side cert. The client-side authentication is
performed through an inner TLS tunnel and is usually PAP (but can be any EAP


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RE : return user group information to radius client

2006-11-30 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Is there some standard way of telling the 
 client that this user belongs to this group.If so how
 do i set this on the radius server.

Several NASes support the Login-LAT-Group reply attribute for this purpose:
check with your NAS doc.


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RE : Expiration

2006-11-28 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 -Message d'origine-
 De : 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Sean
 Envoyé : mardi 28 novembre 2006 13:22
 À :
 Objet : Expiration
 Just a quick question. Is expiration := Never valid in 
 radcheck? At the moment I set dates a few years into the 
 future for accounts that I don't want to expire, but I'm sure 
 that they'll come back to haunt me later.

Wouldn't it me easier just to not add an Expiration attribute to your
radcheck list ?
Indeed, AFAIK when no Expiration attribute is found in the list, there is no
check on the user account expiration.


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RE : RE : Expiration

2006-11-28 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 I have a question with regard to expiration. I'd like to update the 
 expiration to a new date once a user logs in for the first 
 time. I've tried to add a query to the sql conf file where 
 the radacct table 
 gets updated when a user logs in, but I can't seem to add a
 new query that is recognized, or append a query to one that 
 is there.

Here is how I would do this:

Define a new sql module in your sql.conf file:

sql sql-update-expiration {

Replace XXX with the SQL query you want.

Then in your post-auth section add something like:
Post-Auth-Type postauth.updateExpiration {

Then in your users file (or sql DB if your rules are handled by mysql):

DEFAULT Huntgroup == MyNASWithExpirationUpdate, Post-Auth-Type :=
+List of reply attrs

Replace the condition Huntgroup == MyNASWithExpirationUpdate with anything
that could match the Accesses for which you want to update the Expiration


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RE : RE : Temporary Accounts

2006-11-27 Thread Thibault Le Meur
I'm replying to myself because I found a very ugly solution to cope with my
needs: Have an account not available before a given date.

I post this here in case this could be useful to someone, and to get
feedback if others have found better way to achieve this.

  At least the following checks do not work:
  * Current-Time  19 Nov 2006
  * Current-Time  2006/11/19
The date format is the same as for Login-Time.
Alan DeKok.
 If this is the case, then I'm afraid I won't be able to get the full  
 date like 19 Nov 2006. Indeed, as far as I know (but I hope I'm  
 wrong),  the UUCP Time Strings doesn't contain the Month nor the Day  
 of month (I've read
 Is there another (Internal) Attribute, that could match these 
 of a login date ?

I eventually get it working by:
* using the hint file:

* Checking the MYSTRINGATTRIBUTE-NOTBEFORE in the users file
DEFAULT MYSQTRINGATTRIBUTE-NOTBEFORE = '20061128', Expiration := '29 Nov

I have then 2 questions:
* for the moment I use (or mis-use) an existing String-attribute from a
vendor dictionary: is there a way to define 'private Radius attributes' in
order to avoid this 'attribute usurpation' ?
* I've seen in the code that adding the Not-Before config attribute (similar
to Expiration) to Freeradius shouldn't be too tricky: is it something that
could prove to be useful for other users ?


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RE : EAP anonymous and inner User-name

2006-11-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 The inner request will magically show up after the tunnel has 
 been decoded. It 
 is a new request, and will have its own User-Name attribute.

Could you be mores specific as:
* when did this feature appear ?
* how does this differ from previous versions ?

Indeed, I found out that with the latest release of FR, the debug isn't the
same: previously (FR 1.0.1), I was able to read the Tunneled inner-request
and attributes (with inner user name and password...) and the complete
process of this 'new request' and now I don't this.

Thanks in advance for any pointer that could help me understand the


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RE : Is this hack possible?

2006-11-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 into an Access Accept reply? Why on earth would I want 
 this? Well, I 
 would like to i.e. give a guest-net Vlan back to users that actually 
 fail authentication, so that when they try to access the web 
 they will 
 instead get connected to a redirected guest-information webpage.

I haven't tested this, but maybe it could be possible with the following

* At the end of your 'users' file, define a DEFAULT rule that enforces
Auth-Type = Always-Ok
 - Check that this rule is only used for WiFi accesses
 - Enforce a Radius profile that apply the correct VLAN settings

* Then in your radiusd.conf define the Auth-Type Always-Ok section as to
reply always ok (it might be possible by having a look at the setups
described in configurable-failover doc)

There might be easier way to do so though, I let FR gurus comment.


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RE : RE : EAP anonymous and inner User-name

2006-11-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Thibault Le Meur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Indeed, I found out that with the latest release of FR, the debug 
  isn't the
  same: previously (FR 1.0.1), I was able to read the 
 Tunneled inner-request
  and attributes (with inner user name and password...) and 
 the complete
  process of this 'new request' and now I don't this.
   Read eap.conf, and look for copy_request_to_tunnel

Well... I already have this set to yes because I need to match outer
attributes while processing the tunneled-request.

My setup is working quite well, but I just think the radiusd -X debug log
has changed a bit since I am not seeing the decoded inner request packet in
it: I can only see a message Proceeding to decode tunneled attributes and
then the authorize section is run without printing the decoded attributes of
the tunneled request to the debug log.

I get this:
  rlm_eap_ttls: Session established.  Proceeding to decode tunneled
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 6
  modcall[authorize]: module preprocess returns ok for request 6
  modcall[authorize]: module mschap returns noop for request 6
  modcall[authorize]: module eap returns noop for request 6
users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 17
rlm_ldap: Entering ldap_groupcmp()

I might be wrong but I think older versions were printing the decoded inner
request with _something_like_ that:
  rlm_eap_ttls: Session established.  Proceeding to decode tunneled
Service-Type = Framed-User
User-Name = My-inner-Identity
  User-Password = My-PAP-Passwd
Framed-MTU = 1492
State = 0x50f69e12347f8a811f1334fa392048e
Called-Station-Id = 00-01-52-44-55-85:MySSID
Calling-Station-Id = 00-52-44-55-F7-38
NAS-Identifier = MyAP
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11


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RE : EAP anonymous and inner User-name

2006-11-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 And, lastly, did you set copy_request_to_tunnel in eap.conf? 
 Don't, because 
 then your real inner user name gets overwritten by the outer one.

Strange... I've set copy_request_to_tunnel and I haven't seen my inner
User-Name be overwritten !

Are you sure it would overwrite the inner User-Name attribute with the outer
one ?

Another question: if you don't set copy_request_to_tunnel, could you still
have a rule in the users file matching the user's ldap group (for the users
in the inner request) and the Called-Station-Id (from outer request) ?


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Re: RE : EAP anonymous and inner User-name

2006-11-17 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Thibault Le Meur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Strange... I've set copy_request_to_tunnel and I haven't seen my inner
User-Name be overwritten !

  Doing that would be wrong.  FreeRADIUS doesn't do that.

I know,  It would have broken my setup ;-)

 And, lastly, did you set copy_request_to_tunnel in eap.conf?
 Don't, because
 then your real inner user name gets overwritten by the outer one.

  No, absolutely not.  That DOES NOT HAPPEN.

Another question: if you don't set copy_request_to_tunnel, could you still
have a rule in the users file matching the user's ldap group (for the users
in the inner request) and the Called-Station-Id (from outer request) ?

  You could match LDAP group, because the username is in the inner
request.  You can't match Called-Station-Id, because it's in the outer

Ok, so I had correctly interpreted this copy_request_to_tunnel option.
Thus I thin the previous debug output showing th decoded inner request  
was better to troubleshoot tunneled authentication schemes.

Thanks again for this clarification,

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RE : Freeradius is mad ! Or me...

2006-10-27 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 Why the command radiusd -A work fine and not 
 /etc/init.d/raduisd start ???

When you run 'radiusd -A' (I suppose you're root), you are running the
radius Server as Root.

When you run /etc/init.d/radiusd start, it switches to the 'radiusd' user
identity (in FC5).

So it is possible that you have a permission issue on some config file.

Try to run:
# su - radiusd --shell /bin/bash
$ radiusd -X

You'll see if there is a permision issue.


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RE : Decreasing connection time (Session-Timeout)

2006-10-24 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 freeRadius than calls accounting_stop_query located in 
 sql.conf and UPDATES the radacct table and its attributes 
 with all these new values. 
 What I'd like to do now is to execute a personalised sql 
 query right after this default accounting_stop_query so that 
 I could save/modify all the info I want. 
 Or maybe is there another way to grab this Acct-Session-Time 
 and User-Name to update the correct user and modify his time left.
 Any ideas? 

I don't know if it's possible to add any number of SQL queries to the sql
module: I let freeradius gurus the responsability to say...

However you can instantiate a new sql module in sql.conf:
sql my-sql-acct {
 Accounting_stop_query = MY Customized SQL query


Then in you radiusd.conf accounting section:
accounting {

You may also want to enable the 'my-sql-acct' only for your ChilliSpot NAS.
You can do so by playing with Acct-Type (see doc/Acct-Type):
* use acct_users to set Acct-Type:=custom-sql for your NAS-IP-Address
* use an accounting section as below:
Accouning {
  Acct-Type custom-sql {


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RE: Decreasing connection time (Session-Timeout)

2006-10-24 Thread Thibault Le Meur

However you can instantiate a new sql module in sql.conf:
sql my-sql-acct {
 Accounting_stop_query = MY Customized SQL query


Then in you radiusd.conf accounting section:
accounting {

I tried this and freeRadius hangs at startup and says my-sql-acct: Unknown
Module. I added everything just like you said...

That's weird... It means that your my-sql-acct module definition wasn't 
read or accepted.

You should try to run radiusd with radiusd -X and carefully read the 
output: this will tell where the problem is.

If you can't find the issue, post the result of your radiusd -X (you 
could also add your radiusd.conf and sql.conf) and I'll have a look at 


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RE : Decisionmaking in FreeRADIUS Check/Reply Items

2006-10-11 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 My actual problem relates to the following errors, pulled 
 from radiusd -X:
 [/etc/raddb/users]:214 WARNING! Check item Pool-Name ?found 
 in reply item list for user DEFAULT. ?This attribute MUST 
 go on the first line with the other check items 
 The offending rules are in users:

As you can read in the logs, Pool-Name is a check Item and must go to the
first line of your users file.

 DEFAULT User-Bytes-Used  21474836480 , Group == 512k
 # user gets high speed service if under 20gb
 Pool-Name := 512k_high,
 Max-Download-Rate := 524288,
 Max-Upload-Rate := 262144

 But... but... the bottom 3 attributes *aren't* check 

Pool-Name IS a check Item even and Check Item can be set in your users'

 DEFAULT User-Bytes-Used  21474836480 , Group == 512k, Pool-Name :=
 Max-Download-Rate := 524288,
 Max-Upload-Rate := 262144


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RE : assigning vlan based on LDAP attribute

2006-09-27 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 I'm a bit confused on this one.
 I want my users vlan'd based on their affiliation (ie, staff, 
 student) In my radiusd.conf file, under ldap, I've put:
 groupmembership_attribute = eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation

That's a good start, but sending the whole ldap configuration section would

 Do I need to do more in my radiusd.conf file than that?

I think you hould check that you do not have groupname_attribute and
groupmembership_filter set.

 I assume this means assign them to a group based on the value 
 stored in the LDAP field eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation
 I then added to my users file:
 DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == myAP, Ldap-Group == staff
Fall-Through = no

There are several things to check here:
* is the NAS-IP-ADDRESS of the AccessPoint defined in the huntgroup myAP
in your huntgroups file ?
* is your AP accepting Tunnel-Private-Group-Id=2 (I've got AP which uses
other format).

The best way to check this is to stop your radius server and run it manually
with radiusd -X.

Then send the debug log to the list (take care passwords are written

 But this doesn't seem to work. My staff users do not get 
 assigned to vlan 2. Do I need to make a huntgroup for myAP? 

Of course... Unless you remove the Huntgroup-Name == myAP, check item


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RE : RE : assigning vlan based on LDAP attribute

2006-09-27 Thread Thibault Le Meur
 My ldap section from radiusd.conf looks like:
 ldap {
 server =
 identity = uid=name,dc=net,dc=org
 password = password
 basedn = ou=stuffdc=net,dc=org
 filter = (uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})
 start_tls = no
 dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
 ldap_connections_number = 5
 password_attribute = userPassword
 groupmembership_attribute = 
 timeout = 4
 timelimit = 3
 net_timeout = 1
It seems ok to me...

 My users file contains the following at the end:
 DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == myAP, Ldap-Group == staff
Fall-Through = no
 My huntgroups file has:
 myAPNAS-IP-Address == x.x.x.141
 In my Debug I noticed that although I have them commented out 
 of radiusd.conf, I still see:
 Debug:  ldap: groupname_attribute = cn
 Debug:  ldap: groupmembership_filter = 


 You asked:
 * is your AP accepting Tunnel-Private-Group-Id=2 (I've got AP 
 which uses other format). How do I check that?

Check in your AP documentation ?

But this format is the most commonly used, so I don't think this is the

Can you send a more complete debug.


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RE: RE : RE : assigning vlan based on LDAP attribute

2006-09-27 Thread Thibault Le Meur

I think part of my problem is that I do not have the vlans defined in the
Access Point. I incorrectly assumed that the AP would receive the vlan info
from the Radius server, and tag all outgoing packets from the wireless
client with that tag. However, I'm starting to think that that is completely
incorrect?! I should probably be creating all the vlans within the AP right?

It really depends on your Access Point.

I use a Strix access point on which you do not have to define the vlans 
on the AP: you only have to set the interface to trunk mode (Tagged) 
and the AP uses the vlan assigned by the radius server for the wireless 

= this is the most common scenario

However on my Proxim AP2000, I have to define some hidden SSIDs to the 
several vlans that can be affected by the radius server:
* the wireless client authenticates itself to the braodcasted SSID 
(statically assigned a wrong vlan)

* the radius server replies Access-Accept and assigns the vlan tag
* the AP transparently retries an authentication of the client on the 
hidden SSID that corresponds to this vlan

As you can see everything depends on your AP features.

If that's the case, it looks like I need a separate SSID per Vlan (using
Avaya gear here). I really hope that is not the case

First of all, you have to determin if the radius server is replying 
Access-Accept and assigning the vlan tag. See the radiusd -X log.


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RE : need help with error

2006-09-25 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 I have noticed in my log's this error and do not know what it 
 means, or 
 where to look to start fixing it..
  rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
 Mon Sep 25 08:58:16 2006 : Error: TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read 
 client cert ificate A

I suppose you are using the EAP-TLS module to proceed the first part of
another EAP protocol (such as EAP-TTLS or PEAP).

In this case the EAP-TLS module is used to established the TLS tunnel
without verifying the client certificate because in EAP-TTLS or PEAP there
is no certificate on the client side.
The EAP-TLS module is just reporting the lack of client certificate, which
can be considered as an error if used in a full EAP-TLS exchange, but not in


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Re: Default radiusd.conf and Auth-Type LDAP comment

2006-09-22 Thread Thibault Le Meur

Thibault Le Meur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* the inner PAP authentication is processed by the ldap module in
which I don't need to define which password hashing method is used (I
use at least CRYPT _and_ MD5 in the same directory for historical

 Version 2.0 has fixes that make it much easier to handle multiple
hashing types in the same LDAP database.

Yes, I remember having read something about this in the list... I'm 
longing to test this release ;-)

* I don't need to have freeradius _read_ the passwords from the
directory: the DN identity defined in the ldap module can only have
auth and read access to radius entries but not to the passwords (which
in my point of view is more secure)

 If all you're doing is PAP, sure.  Most wireless deployments use
PEAP, and then people wonder why bind as user doesn't work.  It's

I understand (It's true that this list is nearly 30% about this kind of 
issue despite the faqs on this) :-(

Again, I might not have caught your meaning: Are you saying that in the
future the standards ldap module will be only an authorization module,
and that a new ldap_bind module could be used in the authenticate
section ?

 I think it's a good idea.

Why not indeed ... (as long as there's a new ldap_bind module to 
replace the ldap 'authentication' part ;-) ).

Thanks for this reply and for this great opensource project.


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Re: Default radiusd.conf and Auth-Type LDAP comment

2006-09-22 Thread Thibault Le Meur

On Fri 22 Sep 2006 10:52, Thibault Le Meur wrote:

 Thibault Le Meur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * the inner PAP authentication is processed by the ldap module in
 which I don't need to define which password hashing method is used (I
 use at least CRYPT _and_ MD5 in the same directory for historical

  Version 2.0 has fixes that make it much easier to handle multiple
 hashing types in the same LDAP database.

Yes, I remember having read something about this in the list... I'm
longing to test this release ;-)

Thanks, in fact I know that by using the developpment version I could 
have a test at the 2.0 branch, but I'm a little frightened to test it 
in my production environment...

I think I'll use the CVS code on my backup server.

It gets better every day. :-)

I have no doubt about this ;-)


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RE : Default radiusd.conf and Auth-Type LDAP comment

2006-09-22 Thread Thibault Le Meur

 Thanks, in fact I know that by using the developpment version I could 
 have a test at the 2.0 branch, but I'm a little frightened 
 to test it 
 in my production environment...

I just want to correct my words because I don't want users on the list to
misunderstand my meaning: I think the CVS code is certainly enough stable
now to be used, but I need to install my new radius server quickly and I
don't currently have time to adapt my setup to the new 2.0 code.

 I think I'll use the CVS code on my backup server.

I'll really do, because testing and reporting is also a way to contribute.

Thanks to all developpers for this great work.


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Re: What kind of error in client-cert using EAP?

2006-09-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur

I don't know if my chiming in will make a difference or not.

But windows can authenticate with a machine certificate or a user 

If you're doing the machine certificates, please say so, I'm a little 
confused as to what exactly you are doing now.

I don't now if you're asking this to me or to Alexandros.

The setup I propose corresponds to a machine authentication (Windows XP 
authenticates automatically at startup time) and not to a user 

The complete setup is explained in this previous post

I thought this was Alexandros's case as well as he wrote:
I do only a machine-authentication, every machine which has a valid 
cert can connect to the network... I write the explicit hostname in the 
users file

Alexandros do you confirm that you are not trying to authenticate the 
user, but only the host at boot time ?


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Re: What kind of error in client-cert using EAP?

2006-09-21 Thread Thibault Le Meur


it works now. Thanks Thibault, you saved my day, again! :-)

You're welcome

- the extension SubjectAltName must contain the Netbios name of the 
PC (I think)

This had no meaning in my tests. Anyway, there must be chosen a type 
of that field. Did you take DNS-Name, Email or Raw?

I use DNS-Name

I took now DNS-Name, but in another case there was an email in that 
field and the systems authetifies without problems. So I think you 
can leave this field out.


I've seen that you integrate the emailaddress in the subject (an 
option in TinyCA): can you disable this ?

Yupp, this was the mistake. It is somehome on by default. I switched 
it off and created new certs as you wrote and the XP Machine works 
now too. Hell, I gonna print your mail and hang it in front of me.

The problem is that Microsoft doesn't describe exactly how certificates 
must be generated in order to have host authentication nor how the EAP 
request is made (using host/Netbios-name as the identity). This is 
because (I presume), they want us to use IAS and their certificate 
management software.

This is ok, but are the certificates _exactly_ generated in the same way ?

Obiously not. As I made the same mistake over and over again. I have 
now only the problem of one W2K Machine, not even asking the 

I'm not sure this will be an issue on the radius server.

I assume it's some kind of inkompatibilty of drivers or NIC.

I don't think so. I think it's Windows XP that doesn't recognize the 
host certificate as a valid one because its subject doesn't match 
exactly the netbios name of the host.

Thanks for your help:

Have that for your trouble:

Thanks, could you send me a fridge as well to keep them fresh... It's 
hot in my office today ;-).


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