Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael,

While I take your point just keep in mind here Microsoft's aim of
Windows 7 was to make the operating system more stable, streamline the
install, and basically remove a bunch of extra apps and components
they felt were unecessary. That's why a lot of older apps were removed
from the install.

For example, take e-mail. When Windows XP was released in 2001 most
people used a dedicated e-mail client like Outlook Express to check
their e-mail. However, in 2011 the majority of internet service
providers offers webmail accounts, and there are a lot of people who
now use Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, etc and use the web interface to
check mail. Therefore the need for a dedicated e-mail client has
dramatically dropped and that's why something like Outlook Express and
Windows Mail don't ship with Windows 7 by default. The times have
changed where Outlook Express and Windows Mail aren't strictly
necessary applications for a lot of Windows users.

That said, there really isn't a good answer for installing the old
Windows Pinball game, Windows Movie Maker, or the Windows XP volume
control. The best answer I can give for a situation like that is if
you have a copy of Windows XP to make a backup of the programs and
icons you want to say and manually install them on Windows 7 by hand.
there really isn't any other way I know of to get some of those apps
and games Microsoft has dropped support for then to back them up


On 12/12/11, Michael Gauler wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 Yes, windows programs get new features and yes, it is up to you to decide if
 you want to use them or not...
 But let me ask you something just as an example.
 Do you know what the difference between Windows Movie Maker and Windows Live
 Movie Maker is?
 As far as I am informed the Windows Movie Maker of XP or Vista isn't
 included in Windows 7 anymore and the Windows Live product of the same name
 is not the same product with more features and just a new design.
 A blind person might not be interested in video editing, but a sighted
 person could be.
 Or another example is E-Mail programs.
 Windows XP had Outlook Express, Vista had Windows Mail and Windows 7 has the
 Windows Mail folder included, but the program cannot be run except you can
 replace the entire Windows Mail folder in your program files directory with
 the folder from a Vista installation...
 Or you use Windows Live products again...
 But the question remains what about things dropped out of an operating
 You are right in saying that Windows Explorer of Windows 7 has more features
 than the one of Windows 98 - no doubt there.
 But what about dropped features?
 While the system restore feature of Windows XP is good, it is not needed
 when you just want to repair your registry a bit for which Windows 98 had
 Now you are required to buy third party tools like Tune Up Utilities or
 other PC cleaning and tuning programs to get similar features.
 Or what about the Windows XP style volume control program or the XP style
 Audio Recorder?
 What do I do with Windows 7 and altered or missing programs (not limited to
 programs best accessible for blind people)?
 Or does Windows 7 still include the Pinball game from Windows ME or later
 from XP?
 You get what I mean.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

true jim.

I am not against change, but yeah it seems to happen all at once.
Access is behind and usually costly to upgrade, nvda can handle most 
things now but still you will need a real reader to actually do 
everything properly and that costs cash.

Its about the only thing I hate about being blind.
The standard hardware I don't care about.
After all that the interface we have been using for ages and ages has changed.
We have to learn it with bad to no support, either have to buy it, or 
get it in some other way.
It doesn't help when ms released bad software like me and vista or 
when avg stuffed its access up or in fact when any software suddenly 
is not accessable.

We have to use old versions which I don't like, upgrade, or use other software.
Its a good thing that a lot of opensource software exists because 
there was a stage where software I had to use but couldn't possibly 
afford I had to crack and thats not good.

We are pushed to use sertain software standards, office, windows, etc.
And unless you can just buy it yourself, or get it for a job there is 
almost no legal way to get it yet you need to use it because the world uses it.

Again thank god for opensource.
Another issue is that once we are just getting used to something its 
in the trash.
I am just getting the concept of the ribbon in office and the windows 
interface for win7.

Win8 and over will probably have it totally going out the window so to speak.
We always seem to get the pointed end of the umbrella.
Its not a gradual change we get.
A zombie decides to ripp out our guts and then make us eat it.
THen when we are getting settled, it happens again.
And for the most part we are still behind.
THough they try to change it.
And to be honest, if  I had known all about all the hastles I would 
have used a mac.

I however have invested to much in windows to go over now.
All the games and legal software and all that.
Its a real pain.
There are probably good points in upgrading but for us it doesn't 
happen straight away, maybe 6 months, maybe a year or 2 years or more.

At 05:58 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Yeah, you know allot of people just do not like change.  Routine is 
comfortable.  And learning a new way of doing things may not be easy 
for some.  And then there is that often our access is behind.  That 
is our screen reader of choice may not support the newest version of 
an operating system as it comes out.  And then I don't think that 
the graphical user interface is as intuitive for us as it is for 
sighted folks.  So when it totally changes it may be harder for us 
to get a grip on what is going on with it.  Heck it took allot of 
blind people a very long time to move on from the text based command 
line to the graphical user interface.



A long time ago I changed my name from Ron Moore.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

I am also affraid for the community at large.
We will be definately left in the dark after we go fully 64 and 
especially if and when ms stop 32 bit production.

Xp has always done things ok, and some still say its faster.
I have not found any advantage access wise in win7 or the latest 
office version.

However we still have a chance, all devs need to get off vb fully if they can.
Its a bit of a pitch but we can probably do it.
Bgt will probably be the next platform to write things in.
However, when windows stops vb support, the blind gamers community 
will probably die.

I still like the old games.
Saying that the dos stuff could probably be converted to windows and 
the vb6 stuff probably should be put into something that is supported.

Maybe as I say bgt or something.
but yeah, ms are the borg.
What I fear is no one will change or at  least change fast enough.
We still have a large ammount of games relying on old tech, dos 
games, vb games, free and payed for a like.

In the short term we can buy older systems with xp or buy xp.
However as it gets longer and longer we will find it harder and 
harder to get things.

At 12:04 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

I do generally appreciate the point that better applications for 
doing tasks like brousing the internet or text editing exist, - 
certainly I wouldn't go back to using the old word perfect 4 which i 
learnt typing on as a teenager.

However with microsoft it seems quite often they just dump things on 
people with no chance to change and expect the general public to 
just go along with it.

Take ribbon controls. Back after the change from 95 to xp there was 
a classic mode, which made elements of the xp ui resemble earlier 
versions of windows. Do we see this in windows 7 or 8? heck no!

Many fully sighted users hate ribbons and the windows arrow, finding 
them needlessly confusing, yet does microsoft care?  no!

As far as compatibility goes, the case for games seems very 
different from the case for other software. Each game is to a lesser 
or greater extent unique, indeed each game may be considdered an art 
form to the extent that it is! unique.

Companies like Nintendo have recognized this, which is why there is 
a wii virtual console etc. Microsoft however don't seem to give a 
dam, despite the fact that windows has probably the largest 
proportion of independent game developers for any operating system.

If including dependencies in windows isn't possible, why couldn't 
microsoft create a package, something like a windows orientated 
dosbox with 16 bit dependencies and vb registrations, expressly for 
running older games on newer windows.

microsoft however don't care about either the players of indi 
produced games, or the various indi developers who've worked on 
them, which is why an open source alternative like dosbox was 
needed. However this wouldn't be necessary if microsoft gave a dam, 
but just like with the ribbon controls, microsoft just seem to 
expect people to upgrade because something is newer.

i'm afraid for myself,  and indeed for probably a lot of other 
computer users, my Pc is of value only based upon what I can do with 
it, not based upon whether it has the latest technology or flashy 
displays, - indeed I've never bothered upgrading my microsoft 
word, sinse ms word 2007 which this machine comes with serves me 
perfectly well.

One of those things is play old games.

Were my snes to actually break, there would be an alternative, 
namely buying a wii (though sadly it wouldn't work well for me due 
to access to the silly wii mote menues), however were my xp machine 
to break, and were vb support dropped, i'd be saying goodbye to lots of games.

I suppose eventually some open source alternative to vb support will 
appear, maybe a virtual machine option, but how useable that would 
be for the average skilled user, and how accessible it would be I 
don't know. Dosbox is afterall completely inaccessible, and the only 
dosbox applications I have are ones that have been configured to run 
as windows programs like the Prince of persia totalpack.

Already the Eamon games are unplayable on windows 7 machines without 
running an apple emulator, which means they are inaccessible as 
well, I wonder how long it will be before all the games we have now 
that use vb will go the same way.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

I like bits and pieces of win7 menus.
1.  the search box.
I never need to interact with the menu again.
run, yes I can type music, downloads or whatever a registered program 
and up it come.
I like the office ribbon, everything is tidier, though it will be 
another learning curve.
What I really hate now are those program that want to use custom 
controls oh and the fact that some programes explorer, ie, and a few 
command line progs work differently or display to much info.
Sound recorder is also quite bad, some sort of progress bar is always 
doing bad things.

At 12:23 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

My problem with the start menue generally in 7, and indeed most of 
the interface, is that it all works contextually.

For the past 12 or so years, I've learnt my way around the insides 
of windows by looking at what things are where, and putting things 
in places that I can easily find myself again.

For instance, my documents I've always used for documents, and for 
music have a music folder instead. The idea of having music insides 
the documents folder is less than logical to me.

I then have start menue icons grouped by use and developer. I have 
one folder for audio games, with sub folders for gma, usa games, 
spoonbill etc, one for text games with if interpreters and the like, 
one for freeware graphical games, one for generally useful programs 
such as avg etc.

This way I can A, find stuff more easily, but also know exactly what 
I've got just as easily as if I were to read the braille lables on 
my snes cartridges.

This is why i don't like the context sensative stuff, especially 
sinse it's usually based on last used.

if I get a hankering to play shades of doom, it doesn't matter if 
I've not played it for a while, indeed say I've finished playing q9, 
I don't want that on the top of the menue.

i suppose I just like being in personal control of where things are 
rather than leaving it to a computer filing system which might not 
be as I like it, much less be reliant upon a search box and auto 
complete features.

As it turns out, you can create folders in the start menue of 
windows 7, so I'll probably just try and get as close to my current 
setup as humanly possible.

it's not really a case of liking the xp interface, for me, it's more 
a case of liking an interface that I can have some measure of 
control over. In windows 7, that control is reduced, hence my 
dislike for the system, 
indeed I'm not looking forward to having to cope with windows 
explorer in 7 at all, sinse once again that has far more options than I need.

Again, this seems a case where microsoft have unilaterally decided 
what is best for everyone to have without any considderation that 
people may want something different.

Beware the grue!

- O

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Because ms are the borg.
They just like chucking things round.
However that is only the main persons, some parts may not.
But you would have to push for it.
And since you can't really  damage it ms can just go ahead etc.
I have issue with their licencing system to, its so hard to get one, 
if you loose it you may as well buy another program and oh 1 system only?
It insures you have to get another coppy and end up with 3 hundred 
coppies of the same thing for that many systems.

At 12:24 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:
So if this is the reason we all love windows, why don't microsoft 
considder keeping it so?

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: Dallas O'Brien

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

yep, and its exactly because of the backwards compatibility that we 
all love windows. you can run anything, on nearly anything. yes, 
thats changing, but it has to, at some point.


On 12/12/2011 08:44, Alex Kenny wrote:

Actually, Microsoft goes to great lengths to ensure
backward-compatibility, much more than many other tech companies. If
Microsoft behaved like Apple, i can garuntee that you would not be
able to run VB games on modern machines, because MS would have removed
support from their OS as soon as they decided to stop supporting it.

Take the Windows API, for example. It's been around since 1985, and in
order to ensure compatibility, MS just continued to add functionality
and hacks. Because of this, the API has become extremely bloated with
some redundant functions and annoying limitations. In Windows 8,
they've created a whole new API, but are still supporting the old
Windows API, despite the fact that it probably adds incredible bloat
and increases the complexity of the OS.

Because of this, I have to disagree with you that MS doesn't care
about backward-compatibility. They have many, many faults, but that's
not one of them. There comes a time when backward-compatibility must
be broken to allow for improvement. We had to say goodbye to the DOS
command prompt, Windows 9X and 16-bit software. We will probably be
saying goodbye to VB support as well. Of course, if Windows 8 is the
last to support VB, you'll still have lots of time to upgrade, as
Microsoft supports its operating systems for quite a while.

On 12/11/11,  wrote:

Hi Alex.

As I said I'm not annoyed that  Microsoft update their os, they have to,
even if we don't like some of their decisions on interfaces etc.

it just seems though that they don't give a dam about running older
programs, games or anything else, they just claime newer = 
better it seems

without actually considdering what people want their computers for, namely
to run programs.

comador didn't do this with their os or machines, even with compltely new
hardware, going from amigar 500 to 1200.

Even the big console developers are realizing that people like 
running their

old games, hence the wii virtual consoles, virtual arcade and other such
software versions of older games stil available on modern machines.

Microsoft though just seem to expect everyone to update, buy their products
and cope, because newer is always better in their opinion.

for myself, if i could be certain all my games and other applications would
work under windows 7, I'd be much less wary about updating.

I just see this as a case of not listening to the customer and doing their
own dam thing and expecting everyone to cope simply because they are a big
fat company who just care about the prophit.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

thats true, its not all bad.
win7 is sertainly more stable on a more powerfull system.
Its just we don't move as fast as the world.
At 10:35 p.m. 12/12/2011 +1000, you wrote:
because holding backwards compatibilyt for to long makes things 
unstable. and besides, the newer codes can do more, and take less 
power out of the system anyway.


On 12/12/2011 22:24, dark wrote:
So if this is the reason we all love windows, why don't microsoft 
considder keeping it so?

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: Dallas O'Brien

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

yep, and its exactly because of the backwards compatibility that 
we all love windows. you can run anything, on nearly anything. 
yes, thats changing, but it has to, at some point.


On 12/12/2011 08:44, Alex Kenny wrote:

Actually, Microsoft goes to great lengths to ensure
backward-compatibility, much more than many other tech companies. If
Microsoft behaved like Apple, i can garuntee that you would not be
able to run VB games on modern machines, because MS would have removed
support from their OS as soon as they decided to stop supporting it.

Take the Windows API, for example. It's been around since 1985, and in
order to ensure compatibility, MS just continued to add functionality
and hacks. Because of this, the API has become extremely bloated with
some redundant functions and annoying limitations. In Windows 8,
they've created a whole new API, but are still supporting the old
Windows API, despite the fact that it probably adds incredible bloat
and increases the complexity of the OS.

Because of this, I have to disagree with you that MS doesn't care
about backward-compatibility. They have many, many faults, but that's
not one of them. There comes a time when backward-compatibility must
be broken to allow for improvement. We had to say goodbye to the DOS
command prompt, Windows 9X and 16-bit software. We will probably be
saying goodbye to VB support as well. Of course, if Windows 8 is the
last to support VB, you'll still have lots of time to upgrade, as
Microsoft supports its operating systems for quite a while.

On 12/11/11,  wrote:

Hi Alex.

As I said I'm not annoyed that  Microsoft update their os, they have to,
even if we don't like some of their decisions on interfaces etc.

it just seems though that they don't give a dam about running older
programs, games or anything else, they just claime newer = 
better it seems

without actually considdering what people want their computers for, namely
to run programs.

comador didn't do this with their os or machines, even with compltely new
hardware, going from amigar 500 to 1200.

Even the big console developers are realizing that people like 
running their

old games, hence the wii virtual consoles, virtual arcade and other such
software versions of older games stil available on modern machines.

Microsoft though just seem to expect everyone to update, buy 
their products

and cope, because newer is always better in their opinion.

for myself, if i could be certain all my games and other 
applications would

work under windows 7, I'd be much less wary about updating.

I just see this as a case of not listening to the customer and doing their
own dam thing and expecting everyone to cope simply because they are a big
fat company who just care about the prophit.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

where do you get your info is there a main blog or something for stuff
At 10:36 p.m. 12/12/2011 +1000, you wrote:
yeah, they are getting rid of them, cause people really don't like 
them. so yes, they do listen. but removing something sometimes is 
harder then putting it in, without messing something up.

so its taken them a bit.

On 12/12/2011 22:29, dark wrote:
hMMMHmmm dallas, that's more than I've heard as yet. I thought 
windows 8 stil had them, though I might be wrong.

If so, I'm glad and hope microsoft go back to something more logical.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
why would it kill the blind gaming community? it didn't kill the 
mainstream, and besides, i believe it would do use better to focus on 
helping mainstream games get access built in anyways.


On 13/12/2011 18:38, shaun everiss wrote:

I am also affraid for the community at large.
We will be definately left in the dark after we go fully 64 and 
especially if and when ms stop 32 bit production.

Xp has always done things ok, and some still say its faster.
I have not found any advantage access wise in win7 or the latest 
office version.
However we still have a chance, all devs need to get off vb fully if 
they can.

Its a bit of a pitch but we can probably do it.
Bgt will probably be the next platform to write things in.
However, when windows stops vb support, the blind gamers community 
will probably die.

I still like the old games.
Saying that the dos stuff could probably be converted to windows and 
the vb6 stuff probably should be put into something that is supported.

Maybe as I say bgt or something.
but yeah, ms are the borg.
What I fear is no one will change or at  least change fast enough.
We still have a large ammount of games relying on old tech, dos games, 
vb games, free and payed for a like.

In the short term we can buy older systems with xp or buy xp.
However as it gets longer and longer we will find it harder and harder 
to get things.

At 12:04 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

I do generally appreciate the point that better applications for 
doing tasks like brousing the internet or text editing exist, - 
certainly I wouldn't go back to using the old word perfect 4 which i 
learnt typing on as a teenager.

However with microsoft it seems quite often they just dump things on 
people with no chance to change and expect the general public to just 
go along with it.

Take ribbon controls. Back after the change from 95 to xp there was a 
classic mode, which made elements of the xp ui resemble earlier 
versions of windows. Do we see this in windows 7 or 8? heck no!

Many fully sighted users hate ribbons and the windows arrow, finding 
them needlessly confusing, yet does microsoft care?  no!

As far as compatibility goes, the case for games seems very different 
from the case for other software. Each game is to a lesser or greater 
extent unique, indeed each game may be considdered an art form to the 
extent that it is! unique.

Companies like Nintendo have recognized this, which is why there is a 
wii virtual console etc. Microsoft however don't seem to give a dam, 
despite the fact that windows has probably the largest proportion of 
independent game developers for any operating system.

If including dependencies in windows isn't possible, why couldn't 
microsoft create a package, something like a windows orientated 
dosbox with 16 bit dependencies and vb registrations, expressly for 
running older games on newer windows.

microsoft however don't care about either the players of indi 
produced games, or the various indi developers who've worked on them, 
which is why an open source alternative like dosbox was needed. 
However this wouldn't be necessary if microsoft gave a dam, but just 
like with the ribbon controls, microsoft just seem to expect people 
to upgrade because something is newer.

i'm afraid for myself,  and indeed for probably a lot of other 
computer users, my Pc is of value only based upon what I can do with 
it, not based upon whether it has the latest technology or flashy 
displays, - indeed I've never bothered upgrading my microsoft 
word, sinse ms word 2007 which this machine comes with serves me 
perfectly well.

One of those things is play old games.

Were my snes to actually break, there would be an alternative, namely 
buying a wii (though sadly it wouldn't work well for me due to access 
to the silly wii mote menues), however were my xp machine to break, 
and were vb support dropped, i'd be saying goodbye to lots of games.

I suppose eventually some open source alternative to vb support will 
appear, maybe a virtual machine option, but how useable that would be 
for the average skilled user, and how accessible it would be I don't 
know. Dosbox is afterall completely inaccessible, and the only dosbox 
applications I have are ones that have been configured to run as 
windows programs like the Prince of persia totalpack.

Already the Eamon games are unplayable on windows 7 machines without 
running an apple emulator, which means they are inaccessible as well, 
I wonder how long it will be before all the games we have now that 
use vb will go the same way.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Hi trouble.
True, by the end of it I was hating dos, 1 task at once.
And yes win 9x compaired to what we have is just as sucky now.
Its probably more the fact that we have been stagnating using windows 
and not having to work for access which is the problem.
Ms are actually trying to release development test systems to the 
reader previders.

And with nvda we are constantly going up and up.
So its not all bad, it is sertainly not as bad or expensive as it 
used to be but to some extent it still is.

We have however had the same stuff for to long, but cash is the thing.
I have seen win7 and live it a bit more than xp.
Though saying that I will stay 32 bit as long as I can really.
At 07:39 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
As far as change. You have to have it or stuff don't get done. 
People get lazy doing the same old stuff, and when something comes 
out that makes something better to use or at least lets us use it in 
a normal fashion. Progress moves even faster. We use to have to wait 
until the first or second upgrade to a op before we got to have speech on it.
The main reason it took a long time to get out of text is mainly the 
cost of computers and speech was not all that good.
Once more sighted people started buying computers the blind had it 
made, because that forced a push to make them useful. Now a big 
portion of the blind community has computers. More talk back and 
forth and no one has to wait for letters that never come or are out 
of date when gotten.
I remember when apple came out with the first talking computer. It 
was so basic, but didn't do a thing for the blind as much as it does 
now. If I had the computers I have had in the past when I was going 
to school. I might of not had as much time doing that work and 
learned even more. My girlfriend's niece is only 7 in third grade. 
That kid gets computer homework every night. By the time she hits 
high school. She will be able to run it without having to pay anyone 
to fix problems with it. computers have bridged the learning curve 
for schools that if the kids would just learn it instead of waste 
it. We might be doing the Buck Rogers thing buy now.
You find more things going forward then staying in the past and 
becoming outdated and useless! Just think about 8tracks. They came 
and gone like dust and about as useless. The same routine just gets 
borring, daul and mindless. If never progressed then nothing else 
gets made to work with those that are disabled.
The last example is windows and our games. No win95, no VB6 and all 
those games you like to play. Don't say text based was good. No one 
wanted to write commands for everything on the computer. i knew a 
secratary that used a computer every day at work. When I came up 
with my talking computer using the command line. She didn't even 
know how to do that. She was a spoon fed macro sighted world. I 
passed her college learned computer tasks in about 1 munth thanks to 
my talking computer and windows.
I will move right along with these computers, because each move is 
more i can do!

At 05:58 AM 12/12/2011, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Yeah, you know allot of people just do not like change.  Routine is 
comfortable.  And learning a new way of doing things may not be 
easy for some.  And then there is that often our access is 
behind.  That is our screen reader of choice may not support the 
newest version of an operating system as it comes out.  And then I 
don't think that the graphical user interface is as intuitive for 
us as it is for sighted folks.  So when it totally changes it may 
be harder for us to get a grip on what is going on with it.  Heck 
it took allot of blind people a very long time to move on from the 
text based command line to the graphical user interface.



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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Willem Venter
Hi. I only agree with one thing you said and that is the fact that VB6
is a sinking ship. We need a fail safe way to keep playing the VB6
games and insure we don't lose them. And I don't believe keeping a
virtual machine that takes up a few odd gigs and runs slowly is the
best answer.

As for being left in the dark, many of us already are and it hasn't
stopped us playing audio games. This community will be around as long
as there are people that want to play games.

Access is improving in many cases. Using an application and denying it
has accessibility because it doesn't work in the same way as the old
things does does not prove anything.

As for 64 bit windows and SAPI, we can use 32 bit voices, it just
takes a little work. Hopefully ms will pull their collective heads out
of the recess and allow 32 bit voices to be used without tricks  in
the new version of SAPI.

On 12/13/11, shaun everiss wrote:
 I am also affraid for the community at large.
 We will be definately left in the dark after we go fully 64 and
 especially if and when ms stop 32 bit production.
 Xp has always done things ok, and some still say its faster.
 I have not found any advantage access wise in win7 or the latest
 office version.
 However we still have a chance, all devs need to get off vb fully if they
 Its a bit of a pitch but we can probably do it.
 Bgt will probably be the next platform to write things in.
 However, when windows stops vb support, the blind gamers community
 will probably die.
 I still like the old games.
 Saying that the dos stuff could probably be converted to windows and
 the vb6 stuff probably should be put into something that is supported.
 Maybe as I say bgt or something.
 but yeah, ms are the borg.
 What I fear is no one will change or at  least change fast enough.
 We still have a large ammount of games relying on old tech, dos
 games, vb games, free and payed for a like.
 In the short term we can buy older systems with xp or buy xp.
 However as it gets longer and longer we will find it harder and
 harder to get things.
 At 12:04 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:
Hi Tom.

I do generally appreciate the point that better applications for
doing tasks like brousing the internet or text editing exist, -
certainly I wouldn't go back to using the old word perfect 4 which i
learnt typing on as a teenager.

However with microsoft it seems quite often they just dump things on
people with no chance to change and expect the general public to
just go along with it.

Take ribbon controls. Back after the change from 95 to xp there was
a classic mode, which made elements of the xp ui resemble earlier
versions of windows. Do we see this in windows 7 or 8? heck no!

Many fully sighted users hate ribbons and the windows arrow, finding
them needlessly confusing, yet does microsoft care?  no!

As far as compatibility goes, the case for games seems very
different from the case for other software. Each game is to a lesser
or greater extent unique, indeed each game may be considdered an art
form to the extent that it is! unique.

Companies like Nintendo have recognized this, which is why there is
a wii virtual console etc. Microsoft however don't seem to give a
dam, despite the fact that windows has probably the largest
proportion of independent game developers for any operating system.

If including dependencies in windows isn't possible, why couldn't
microsoft create a package, something like a windows orientated
dosbox with 16 bit dependencies and vb registrations, expressly for
running older games on newer windows.

microsoft however don't care about either the players of indi
produced games, or the various indi developers who've worked on
them, which is why an open source alternative like dosbox was
needed. However this wouldn't be necessary if microsoft gave a dam,
but just like with the ribbon controls, microsoft just seem to
expect people to upgrade because something is newer.

i'm afraid for myself,  and indeed for probably a lot of other
computer users, my Pc is of value only based upon what I can do with
it, not based upon whether it has the latest technology or flashy
displays, - indeed I've never bothered upgrading my microsoft
word, sinse ms word 2007 which this machine comes with serves me
perfectly well.

One of those things is play old games.

Were my snes to actually break, there would be an alternative,
namely buying a wii (though sadly it wouldn't work well for me due
to access to the silly wii mote menues), however were my xp machine
to break, and were vb support dropped, i'd be saying goodbye to lots of

I suppose eventually some open source alternative to vb support will
appear, maybe a virtual machine option, but how useable that would
be for the average skilled user, and how accessible it would be I
don't know. Dosbox is afterall completely inaccessible, and the only
dosbox applications I have are ones that have been configured to run
as windows programs 

Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
couldn't tell you. saw it in my many searches of the net, no dout in 
search of something totally different. ahaha.


On 13/12/2011 18:46, shaun everiss wrote:

where do you get your info is there a main blog or something for stuff
At 10:36 p.m. 12/12/2011 +1000, you wrote:
yeah, they are getting rid of them, cause people really don't like 
them. so yes, they do listen. but removing something sometimes is 
harder then putting it in, without messing something up.

so its taken them a bit.

On 12/12/2011 22:29, dark wrote:
hMMMHmmm dallas, that's more than I've heard as yet. I thought 
windows 8 stil had them, though I might be wrong.

If so, I'm glad and hope microsoft go back to something more logical.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
I have not heard about classic start menu, but there is classic shell 
to, which works to.

At 01:41 p.m. 12/12/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi dark,

For the problem you mention with windows 7 start menu, there is a 
good solution:
there is a small program called classic start menu. You will easily 
find it on google.
This program is very light, and replace the crappy mmixed up windows 
7 start menu with a classic start menu like W98 or XP. I use it 
allmost since I switched to W7, because original start menu of 
windows 7 annoyed me as well. In fact the only nice thing in the W7 
start menu is the search field, all the rest is crap.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Hi trouble.
Hmmm this is quite lively.
In responce to the touch issue, as long as we can get a keyboard of 
sorts on a system I am all for touch, maybe have speech rec to.
Ofcause the fact with apple that you have different chalenges is 
something to think about though I have heard users touch and go quite 
fast, faster than the board.

Windows being touch, hmmm.
Jaws etc will cost lots to upgrade, nvda is the only one that is 
thinking about developing touch as far as I know.

Ofcause we would have to make another touch system.
We must remember that all the interfaces, reader, etc are kernal 
based, no doubt we will have other issues with touch.
However that would solve a lot of the issues we are and could have in 
the future.

it would make us freer.
However I have people that still think the mouse and touch systems 
are not a good idea.

I have gotten used to swamp with the mouse and am about to upgrade.
Touch, hmmm maybe if I got a bigger pad, hmmm.
At 07:46 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
The next move for screen readers should be touch. Apple already 
makes use of this and I use it a lot. i go through twice as much 
email as i can with jaws and lets not forget moving around on the 
computer with just my finger and no spoken commands. The games that 
can be explored by touch are going to be interesting. Just look what 
the mouse has done. And that could of ben done sooner. The problem 
is those that write the screen readers didn't think blind people 
could use a mouse.

At 02:18 AM 12/12/2011, you wrote:

Hi ?Charles,

Well, let me answer your question with a question. How do you expect
them to make money if they don't continually release upgrades?

It sounds to me like your question is along the lines of if it ain't
broke don't fix it. While it might seem like you are paying money to
do the same old things with OS that takes more memory, more CPU power,
etc but I don't think you are paying attention to features or upgrades
that have been added to the operating system. Let's use Windows
Explorer as a simple example here.

Back in Windows 98 you could not burn cds or dvds through Windows
Explorer. Beginning with Windows XP you could burn data cds and music
cds directly from Windows Explorer. In Windows 7 you can burn data
cds, music cds, data dvds, and make video  dvds by burning avi and mpg
files  to dvd all through Windows Explorer. My point being that we can
clearly see new features like this being added to each successive
version of Windows Explorer. Its really not a case of the same thing
different version as a lot of other Windows programs have undergone a
similar evolution. Weather you use those new features or not is really
beside the point.

The way I read your message is Microsoft doesn't do anything new or
different from one version of Windows to the next accept make the OS
more bloated, more of a memory hog, and there is nothing to ever
recommend upgrading. I suppose some of what you say has some truth to
it, but as I said above I think its simply a case of not taking
advantage of the features and updates that are there.

For instance,in Windows 7 there are a number of gadgets, little
applets, you can dock to your desktop to monitor stocks and other real
time information. Well, obviously if you don't follow the stock market
and don't use the stock ticker gadget that would seem like a pretty
useless upgrade to you personally. However, I'm sure there are plenty
of people who buy and trade stocks online who happen to use that
little stock ticker gadget, and for them upgrading from Windows XP to
Windows 7 would have features they find useful in trading stocks.

My point being not everything Microsoft adds to the latest Windows
release will be important to you personally and it may even seem like
the same thing different version, but for someone like me its really
and truly not the same thing. There are a number of reasons a person
might choose to upgrade weather it is bug fixes, security fixes, a new
look and feel, more gadgets, additional features, whatever. It all
depends on how much or how little you get out of your computer to
begin with.


On 12/11/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Do they really have to continually upgrade the operating system and
 programs, making more power hogs, making us buy more powerful computers to
 do the same tasks we were previously doing but having to use more powerful
 processors and use more of the resources to do those tasks?  Why 
can't they
 just leave well enough alone once they get a system that 
actually does what

 it's supposed to do?

 Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Yeah, tom, change always seems to have us going backwards.
On the subject of readers though it depends, I put off upgrading as 
much as I could, to the point where if I didn't upgrade I'd miss 
major things so its worth it.

However its justifying it.
Right I am at home with my parents.
I can get anything I want.
Dad is not getting yunger, and in 3 or so years he will retire.
At which point, I really can't ask for 30 buck games or system upgrades.
Worse of all I am not really going anywhere to warrent an upgrade.
If push comes to shove, I may have to abandon the use of my pertable 
which will be a real pain.

I may have to be wedded to an old desktop.
Ofcause as long as this unit survives and it has not shown that it is 
dieing yet, I will have a system to use.

I have one comercial reader upgraded, so at least I won't be fully stuck.
Maybe if my life changes some I may ask for upgraded systems and software.
But for now no I can't see the justification.
In fact the only reason I upgraded to this current system was because 
of the fact xp was about to go when vista came and I wanted to stay 
with xp because software didn't match up to it yet.
But its not the issue of upgrading its just we move slower in that 
reguard like anything else we need to get round it slowly.

At 07:51 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Jim,

Sure. Access is always a serious consideration. For us upgrading an
operating system often requires purchasing one or more upgrades of our
screen reader in order to get equal access to what a sighted user has
access to just because he/she can see what's presented on the screen
without any access technology.

And I here you about some people not being comfortable with change.
For instance, the majority of Microsoft's new flagship products like
Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Windows Mail, the
Windows 8 beta, etc all now have ribbons instead of the classic menu
bars. It is  not so much they aren't accessible, which they are with
most modern screen readers,  but more it is harder to locate a
specific option on the ribbon since you have to move up/down or
left/right until you locate the option you want to use. I've used them
enough to remember where a specific option is and can locate it
quickly, but for a user just coming to the new ribbons they can be
confusing and a bit frustrating. I don't fault anyone for not exactly
jumping up and down with joy over that kind of change in user
interface as its something of a step backward for us.

However, I'm a realist about it. I realize that there are probably
plenty of mainstream users who find the ribbons easier to use because
they were designed with pointing and clicking with a mouse  in mind.
As we all know what might be simpler for a sighted user with a mouse
isn't necessarily going to be as accessible or as user friendly for
us.  My feeling here is that as a blind user I know Microsoft and
other companies aren't going to go out of there way to make their user
interfaces more accessible for us, and that we don't have much of a
choice but to adapt to the changes as they come.  I'm willing to
relearn the interface as long as its A, accessible to me, and B, there
is an advantage in upgrading to the new software.

However, as I said before a lot of what makes upgrading worth while
depends on what exactly you use your computer for and what you can get
out of the upgrade. On Windows 7 there is a program called Windows
Live Writer which I can use to compose and update my blogs. Oh, that's
all well and good for someone like me who has a blog, but someone who
doesn't do much blogging wouldn't find the application of any use to
them.  Thus how important or unimportant an upgrade is depends on if
those upgrades are personally useful or not.


On 12/12/11, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 Yeah, you know allot of people just do not like change.  Routine is
 comfortable.  And learning a new way of doing things may not be easy for
 some.  And then there is that often our access is behind.  That is our
 screen reader of choice may not support the newest version of an operating
 system as it comes out.  And then I don't think that the graphical user
 interface is as intuitive for us as it is for sighted folks.  So when it
 totally changes it may be harder for us to get a grip on what is going on
 with it.  Heck it took allot of blind people a very long time to move on
 from the text based command line to the graphical user interface.



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[Audyssey] To Darren.

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Darren.
How can I contact the developers of Inception and Dimensions?
If you could give me a contact for them I would love to send them an 
email about the accessibility for their apps.
I know from your podcast you had mention that you had already sent them 
a email but if more people send them a email that are blind then they 
can see that they have blind gamers that play their games.


Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Yeah they did the same with me and had a hybred os, that didn't go down well.
So I get your point troubl.
At 08:40 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
They did that option and called it vista! Now if you don't have max 
ram and high CPU it runs like a brick! Remove the old outdated junk 
and you got win7 or even 8.

At 08:13 AM 12/12/2011, you wrote:
Frankly dallas where games are concerned, I couldn't give a monkies 
how good the newer codes are.

As I said, I don't really care about how powerful or anything else 
a system is, I care about what I can do with it.

That's why i stil have a snes, sinse I can play all the game i 
rather like on it, despite it being no where near up to the 
standard of todays games' consoles.

As I said, I just would like microsoft to acknolidge this, perhaps 
with a compatibility pack option that could be downloaded for those 
who needed it.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Yeah its all about cash.
If only there was some sort of converter to convert things to what 
they need to be at, ie vb6 to, etc.
That would make it much easier and there probably is, we just have to 
look for it.

Or make it, it doesn't look like it would be that hard to do.
At 03:40 p.m. 12/12/2011 +0200, you wrote:

Hi dark.
Microsoft only invests development time where they stand to gain or
lose money. For the most part, even dropping support for vb was based
on the fact that they were forcing developers to switch to so
they could sell them a new set of development tools. The basic
programming syntax stayed the same, but they changed the developement
libraries to not be the same as those used with vb6. They did improve
the software with, but vb6 wasn't making them enough money to
justify fixing the security wholes and bugs for vb6.

Assisting developers or users of code to run a 10 year old program
does not gain them much sales, so they will invest the development
time somewhere else. This is also part of what drives the changes to
the user interfaces. They tell their customers see it looks
different, so it is new where as most of the code is reused over
windows versions.

I agree with those who said that for innovation to happen we need
change, but change does not always indicate something better.

On 12/12/11, Dallas O'Brien wrote:
 actually, the better codes, = better gaming possibilities. so yes, it
 makes a different.

 On 12/12/2011 23:13, dark wrote:
 Frankly dallas where games are concerned, I couldn't give a monkies
 how good the newer codes are.

 As I said, I don't really care about how powerful or anything else a
 system is, I care about what I can do with it.

 That's why i stil have a snes, sinse I can play all the game i rather
 like on it, despite it being no where near up to the standard of
 todays games' consoles.

 As I said, I just would like microsoft to acknolidge this, perhaps
 with a compatibility pack option that could be downloaded for those
 who needed it.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
I like the start menu in win7 to, I have got used to the columns and 
actually like it for the most part.

At 09:02 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

It's easy to turn off the most recently used programs from 
displaying in the start menu, just as it is easy to turn that off in 
windows xp without needing to switch it to the classic start menu 
which I don't like by the way. I like xp's default start menu with 
the most recent programs list turned off much more than the classic 
start menu that looks like windows 98. Also I like that win7's start 
menu is a tree view that's a little easier to find things in even 
without using the search box. If you want something in programs just 
go to the start menu, up arrow out of the edit box, right arrow to 
programs, up arrow again to get out of the search box that you'll 
land on in there, and type a few letter of what you want, like gm 
for GMA tank commander or you could type aud hit right arrow type gm 
right arrow type ta for tank commander right arrow type pl for play 
though I believe you'd already be on play so you might get 
unexpected results in that particular case. What I don't like about 
7's start menu is that once you open something, you can't close it 
without first arrowing up to the actual item you're inside, so if 
you're in the GMA folder you have to arrow up to where it says GMA 
expanded and then hit left arrow to close it. That's pretty annoying 
when you're used to hitting left arrow a bunch of times 
indiscriminately like I do in thunderbird to close what you've 
expanded your way out onto.

Sent with Thunderbird 3.1.16 portable.

On 12/12/2011 8:17 AM, dark wrote:

Thanks quentin,

It's good to know that someone! in the open source community has 
thought the same and won't accept what microsoft give out.

Certainly when I do have to get windows 7 I'll have a look for that program.

i've heard of classic shell before, but I don't think that covers 
the start menue.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: QuentinC
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi dark,

For the problem you mention with windows 7 start menu, there is a 
good solution:
there is a small program called classic start menu. You will 
easily find it on google.
This program is very light, and replace the crappy mmixed up 
windows 7 start menu with a classic start menu like W98 or XP. I 
use it allmost since I switched to W7, because original start menu 
of windows 7 annoyed me as well. In fact the only nice thing in 
the W7 start menu is the search field, all the rest is crap.

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Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

you mean something with the wie or the cinect units on xbox.
I guess if in some of the sports games menus, messages and 
instructions were spoken we would be able to play them.

But a game where you would have to physically interact would rock.
The only other thing I can think of off the  top of my head is the ios units.
At 09:37 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hey, All.
I was wondering what augmented games out there that are accessible 
for the blind?

You may ask what is a augmented game well here is what it is.
Games like Dimensions adventures in the multiverse, Inception, and 
of course the new game that will be out soon Zombies run.
These games are basically to me virtual audio games because they 
require the player to actually interact with the game like do things 
as talk run walk and other type of things to be able to unlock 
things in the game.
The other thing the game require you to do is to fully be involve 
with the game just like if you was really in the game.
If someone could point me in the direction to find more games just 
like the ones I name that would be awsome.

I am looking for games that are on the IOS device.

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
I do to, I like to be in control of everything, but It was mainly 
because windows didn't do a good job at it, win7 does to some extent, 
in fact thats one thing I like.
It moniters itself and maintains itself for the most part, making the 
interface easier to use.
Ofcause as it gets more and more inaccessable we will be relying on 
what the system can do for itself.

At 02:39 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:
As I said valliant, I just don't like relying on a search box, I 
prefer to physically go and put things in different places.

Also, the expanded thing was irritating in the explorer for windows 
7, I personally prefer just hitting enter on a folder to see what's 
inside it, though again this is just microsoft altering the Ui and 
telling people it's different.

I'll probably get that program quentin mentioned.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: Valiant8086
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

It's easy to turn off the most recently used programs from 
displaying in the start menu, just as it is easy to turn that off 
in windows xp without needing to switch it to the classic start 
menu which I don't like by the way. I like xp's default start menu 
with the most recent programs list turned off much more than the 
classic start menu that looks like windows 98. Also I like that 
win7's start menu is a tree view that's a little easier to find 
things in even without using the search box. If you want something 
in programs just go to the start menu, up arrow out of the edit 
box, right arrow to programs, up arrow again to get out of the 
search box that you'll land on in there, and type a few letter of 
what you want, like gm for GMA tank commander or you could type aud 
hit right arrow type gm right arrow type ta for tank commander 
right arrow type pl for play though I believe you'd already be on 
play so you might get unexpected results in that particular case. 
What I don't like about 7's start menu is that once you open 
something, you can't close it without first arrowing up to the 
actual item you're inside, so if you're in the GMA folder you have 
to arrow up to where it says GMA expanded and then hit left arrow 
to close it. That's pretty annoying when you're used to hitting 
left arrow a bunch of times indiscriminately like I do in 
thunderbird to close what you've expanded your way out onto.

Sent with Thunderbird 3.1.16 portable.

On 12/12/2011 8:17 AM, dark wrote:

Thanks quentin,

It's good to know that someone! in the open source community has 
thought the same and won't accept what microsoft give out.

Certainly when I do have to get windows 7 I'll have a look for that program.

i've heard of classic shell before, but I don't think that covers 
the start menue.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: QuentinC
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi dark,

For the problem you mention with windows 7 start menu, there is a 
good solution:
there is a small program called classic start menu. You will 
easily find it on google.
This program is very light, and replace the crappy mmixed up 
windows 7 start menu with a classic start menu like W98 or XP. I 
use it allmost since I switched to W7, because original start 
menu of windows 7 annoyed me as well. In fact the only nice thing 
in the W7 start menu is the search field, all the rest is crap.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
we never had to pay for service packs but oses 7 and vista, yeah we 
had to pay for both.

At 09:26 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:
Sort of like paying for a whole bunch of benefits that are provided 
by a hotel that you won't be using, in case you did want to use 
them.  That part I understand.  But building a new one every 2 years 
or so and, after a time, closing the older one that is more popular 
and that no longer has plumbing or electrical problems, so that the 
customer must use the one that still has the bugs in it?  That's 
what I don't like.  If I have something that is stable and basically 
reliably bug free, why should I have to get the new one that is 
not?  If they want to make more money, their product should be worth 
the cost we must pay.  Service packs for XP were free of charge, and 
they fixed what we had to pay for, that was broke, to begin 
with.  Windows 7 fixed the Vista bugs, and I think we had to pay for 
both?  I might be wrong in that one, though.

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

Hi ?Charles,

Well, let me answer your question with a question. How do you expect
them to make money if they don't continually release upgrades?

It sounds to me like your question is along the lines of if it ain't
broke don't fix it. While it might seem like you are paying money to
do the same old things with OS that takes more memory, more CPU power,
etc but I don't think you are paying attention to features or upgrades
that have been added to the operating system. Let's use Windows
Explorer as a simple example here.

Back in Windows 98 you could not burn cds or dvds through Windows
Explorer. Beginning with Windows XP you could burn data cds and music
cds directly from Windows Explorer. In Windows 7 you can burn data
cds, music cds, data dvds, and make video  dvds by burning avi and mpg
files  to dvd all through Windows Explorer. My point being that we can
clearly see new features like this being added to each successive
version of Windows Explorer. Its really not a case of the same thing
different version as a lot of other Windows programs have undergone a
similar evolution. Weather you use those new features or not is really
beside the point.

The way I read your message is Microsoft doesn't do anything new or
different from one version of Windows to the next accept make the OS
more bloated, more of a memory hog, and there is nothing to ever
recommend upgrading. I suppose some of what you say has some truth to
it, but as I said above I think its simply a case of not taking
advantage of the features and updates that are there.

For instance,in Windows 7 there are a number of gadgets, little
applets, you can dock to your desktop to monitor stocks and other real
time information. Well, obviously if you don't follow the stock market
and don't use the stock ticker gadget that would seem like a pretty
useless upgrade to you personally. However, I'm sure there are plenty
of people who buy and trade stocks online who happen to use that
little stock ticker gadget, and for them upgrading from Windows XP to
Windows 7 would have features they find useful in trading stocks.

My point being not everything Microsoft adds to the latest Windows
release will be important to you personally and it may even seem like
the same thing different version, but for someone like me its really
and truly not the same thing. There are a number of reasons a person
might choose to upgrade weather it is bug fixes, security fixes, a new
look and feel, more gadgets, additional features, whatever. It all
depends on how much or how little you get out of your computer to
begin with.


On 12/11/11, Charles Rivard wrote:

Do they really have to continually upgrade the operating system and
programs, making more power hogs, making us buy more powerful computers to
do the same tasks we were previously doing but having to use more powerful
processors and use more of the resources to do those tasks?  Why can't they
just leave well enough alone once they get a system that actually does what
it's supposed to do?

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

yeah, though ribbons are just menus on a big string.
At 09:30 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:

And now we have to use a system of ribbons instead of pulldown menus.

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

- Original Message - From: Jim Kitchen
To: Thomas Ward
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone Wolf

Hi Thomas,

Yeah, you know allot of people just do not like change.  Routine is 
comfortable.  And learning a new way of doing things may not be 
easy for some.  And then there is that often our access is 
behind.  That is our screen reader of choice may not support the 
newest version of an operating system as it comes out.  And then I 
don't think that the graphical user interface is as intuitive for 
us as it is for sighted folks.  So when it totally changes it may 
be harder for us to get a grip on what is going on with it.  Heck 
it took allot of blind people a very long time to move on from the 
text based command line to the graphical user interface.



A long time ago I changed my name from Ron Moore.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
on that note, if we knew what files and reg entries were used for 16 
bit and all the vb and other stuff that would go away we could 
probably make a package, install and register all that ourselves as 
long as they worked that is.

I wander if ms would release the stuff to users that are out of date.
You are right though the devs have to change with it hard that it is 
the users, hmmm.

we shouldn't have to put up with shorcoming if we could help it.
At 05:18 p.m. 12/12/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I don't want to judge anyone.
But there is a difference here.
Fine if MS wants to remove VB 6 support. It is a developer's job to 
do something about a programs compatibility.

But what should someone do as an end user?
It is not my fault if a program screams about missing DLLs...
OK, I can download the VB 6 runtime if I need to run a VB 6 file.
But isn't part of current  DirectX end user license specifically 
forbidding you to manually install DX7VB.DLL or DX8VB.DLL into your 
current operating systems and/or their DirectX (DX 10 or DX 11)?

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Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Shawn.
Yes, if you go and try dimensions you will see what I am talking about.
Games that require you to really be involve like Dimensions for 
exsample where your world is mix with the game world.
It would also be cool to find some games that you actually got to do 
stuff like interact with characters and objects in the game and go 
through different kinds of obstacles and actually fight different bad 
guys and bosses.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
sound, we need drivers with everything, though now ms have generic 
drivers you think they would have loaded those for the installs now.

At 05:01 p.m. 12/12/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I personally are also not against new technologies or new features 
in future Windows operating systems or other programs.

But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often 
good for all users and not because security might be better.
But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force 
design changes.

I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment on 
which screen reader can best handle it.

I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface 
and removed the old interface instead of having them both in the 
product for every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow 
skins or skin packs?
The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user 
created content.
Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had 
several sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office 
pre 2007 and when the new products came out they also had problems 
adapting and getting to figure out the new interface and they could 
see and use the mouse properly compared to us blind people.

And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included 
in an operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid during 
first installation (when you format your hard drive or when you use 
a blank one).
For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even 
if it became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a 
few older Windows versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
I have not tried this but ms search is loaded with7 I have not my own 
but I wander if I remove it what will happen.

At 05:34 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:

Hi Valiant.

In fairness I have only tried windows 7 on someone else's system not 
my own, so haven't had chance to deal with the search box.

As I said though, for me it's really because I'd rather see where 
things are and physically go and pick them up and put down, rather 
than trust an automated system.

Speed is less concern, though actually pressing p g g and down arrow 
is not that many less key presses than typing the word tank then 
arrowing through results either.

Then of course there are many times I want to choose. For example, 
last time I ws on the train, i wanted a relatively quick game to 
play, and one that didn't have overbearing sounds.

So I go into my audio games folder, look for a developer, and found 
spoonbill,  but which game do I feel like?

This is far nicer to do with a list rather than a search box.

It's certainly a feature I'll try out when I get windows 7, but 
currently with the setup I use and my preferences for doing things 
i'm not sure whether it'd sute me or not.

As to wifi networks, I'm slightly confused sinse the method you 
describe is exactly what I do on xp.

Network connections in start menue, wireless network connections, 
enter once then you've got the list of available networks in range 
that you can just hit enter and connect on.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Yeah I aggree, ms seems to do this a lot.
I always try to stay in the middle though I have only once pushed 
another system to a system that did not support it yet.

it was 95 to 98 and on another system 98 to xp.
I guess vista to 7 and maybe over, depending on what you have.
At 12:26 p.m. 12/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating 
system.  If I have to buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have 
enough CPU power, it can't be loaded with enough RAM, the hardware 
isn't supported by the new OS, and I need to move along with 
technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down the road, before 
the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC to be 
able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding 
OS.  Two years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years 
later, another one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks 
only to Microsoft, I have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy 
another one to handle the new technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

and aparently its a bit slow to.
Its a pitty you can't start in xp mode though.
At 01:31 p.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
Problem with xp mode is that it only works on win7 pro or ultimate, 
no home premium users, which is most of what (at least as far as I 
know) is being sold in computer shops, using Best BUy

Buy as my basis.

- Original Message -
From: Alex Kenny
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:31:44 -0330
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Dark,
Before you make that argument, you should probably do a bit of
research. Windows 7 includes Windows XP mode, which is a licensed,
virtual copy of Windows XP. This should solve any problems with
software compatibility that might exist between the two operating

To answer your second point, that's great that you have a SNES and can
play older games. However, I've never seen you post any messages to
the list accusing Nintendo of not caring about their customers because
you can't play GameCube or Wii games with your SNES.

On 12/12/11, dark wrote:
Hi Alex.

But if microsoft care so much about customers, why don't they have any
options to extend backwards compatibility of products? for instance a
licenced microsoft virtual machine?

Frankly, the reason they had to extend xp support is simply because vista
was buggy as heck for several years and thus new xp machines were being
bought as late as 2010. If microsoft had dropped support for what the
majority of users use, people would go over to mac or other os and they'd
lose sales.

I don't really understand this business about technology moves move with

I repeat, I have my snes, which is now close to 20 years old. I keep it
because I like the games on it.

The fact that something is new technology has no real applicability to
myself or probably to several other people as well if it doesn't actually
let us do the things we want.

A computer is afterall just a tool.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: Alex Kenny
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Dark,

Again, I really think you're misrepresenting Microsoft here. Microsoft
actually spends a huge amount of resources supporting older products.
For example, one of the reasons Windows Vista was delayed as much as
it was is because MS temporarily stopped its development in order to
fix major security problems with Windows XP. If MS really behaved as
you described, they would have just released Vista two years early and
dropped XP. Instead, they've actually extended XP's support to 2014,
ecause they understand that it's very popular. Of course, by then, XP
will be 13 years old. Imagine running Windows 98 today. It wouldn't be
a very pleasant experience. Technology moves on, and we need to at
some point move along with it.

If that's a problem, there are a few DOS operating systems that have
been in development for several decades. Since unlike Windows, DOS
operating systems are very simple, you shouldn't have too many bugs to
worry about...

I'm exaggerating here of course, but if that's the attitude most
people had, we'd still be using teletype machines and command prompts.

On 12/12/11, dark wrote:
Agreed William, this is just what I mean.

As far as I've ever found out microsoft is frankly just concerned with
bank balance and don't give a dam about their customers accept as a

And lets not get on to their production methods, what they pay the people
who actually assemmble! pc parts or the like.

The only reason I use windows is for convenience sinse most things run on
it, which is I suspect why ninety percent of people do, not necessarily
because I actually like microsoft at all.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: Willem Venter
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi dark.
Microsoft only invests development time where they stand to gain or
lose money. For the most part, even dropping support for vb was based
on the fact that they were forcing developers to switch to so
they could sell them a new set of development tools. The basic
programming syntax stayed the same, but they changed the developement
libraries to not be the same as those used with vb6. They did improve
the software with, but vb6 wasn't making them enough money to
justify fixing the security wholes and bugs for vb6.

Assisting developers or users of code to run a 10 year old program
does not gain them much sales, so they will invest the development
time somewhere else. This is also part of what drives the changes to
the user interfaces. They tell their customers see it looks
different, so it is new where as most of the code is 

Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

because most games are made with vb6 thats why.
Good by most old games.
and the dos stuff to.
unless we change that is.
At 06:49 p.m. 13/12/2011 +1000, you wrote:
why would it kill the blind gaming community? it didn't kill the 
mainstream, and besides, i believe it would do use better to focus 
on helping mainstream games get access built in anyways.


On 13/12/2011 18:38, shaun everiss wrote:

I am also affraid for the community at large.
We will be definately left in the dark after we go fully 64 and 
especially if and when ms stop 32 bit production.

Xp has always done things ok, and some still say its faster.
I have not found any advantage access wise in win7 or the latest 
office version.
However we still have a chance, all devs need to get off vb fully 
if they can.

Its a bit of a pitch but we can probably do it.
Bgt will probably be the next platform to write things in.
However, when windows stops vb support, the blind gamers community 
will probably die.

I still like the old games.
Saying that the dos stuff could probably be converted to windows 
and the vb6 stuff probably should be put into something that is supported.

Maybe as I say bgt or something.
but yeah, ms are the borg.
What I fear is no one will change or at  least change fast enough.
We still have a large ammount of games relying on old tech, dos 
games, vb games, free and payed for a like.

In the short term we can buy older systems with xp or buy xp.
However as it gets longer and longer we will find it harder and 
harder to get things.

At 12:04 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

I do generally appreciate the point that better applications for 
doing tasks like brousing the internet or text editing exist, 
- certainly I wouldn't go back to using the old word perfect 4 
which i learnt typing on as a teenager.

However with microsoft it seems quite often they just dump things 
on people with no chance to change and expect the general public 
to just go along with it.

Take ribbon controls. Back after the change from 95 to xp there 
was a classic mode, which made elements of the xp ui resemble 
earlier versions of windows. Do we see this in windows 7 or 8? heck no!

Many fully sighted users hate ribbons and the windows arrow, 
finding them needlessly confusing, yet does microsoft care?  no!

As far as compatibility goes, the case for games seems very 
different from the case for other software. Each game is to a 
lesser or greater extent unique, indeed each game may be 
considdered an art form to the extent that it is! unique.

Companies like Nintendo have recognized this, which is why there 
is a wii virtual console etc. Microsoft however don't seem to give 
a dam, despite the fact that windows has probably the largest 
proportion of independent game developers for any operating system.

If including dependencies in windows isn't possible, why couldn't 
microsoft create a package, something like a windows orientated 
dosbox with 16 bit dependencies and vb registrations, expressly 
for running older games on newer windows.

microsoft however don't care about either the players of indi 
produced games, or the various indi developers who've worked on 
them, which is why an open source alternative like dosbox was 
needed. However this wouldn't be necessary if microsoft gave a 
dam, but just like with the ribbon controls, microsoft just seem 
to expect people to upgrade because something is newer.

i'm afraid for myself,  and indeed for probably a lot of other 
computer users, my Pc is of value only based upon what I can do 
with it, not based upon whether it has the latest technology or 
flashy displays, - indeed I've never bothered upgrading my 
microsoft word, sinse ms word 2007 which this machine comes with 
serves me perfectly well.

One of those things is play old games.

Were my snes to actually break, there would be an alternative, 
namely buying a wii (though sadly it wouldn't work well for me due 
to access to the silly wii mote menues), however were my xp 
machine to break, and were vb support dropped, i'd be saying 
goodbye to lots of games.

I suppose eventually some open source alternative to vb support 
will appear, maybe a virtual machine option, but how useable that 
would be for the average skilled user, and how accessible it would 
be I don't know. Dosbox is afterall completely inaccessible, and 
the only dosbox applications I have are ones that have been 
configured to run as windows programs like the Prince of persia totalpack.

Already the Eamon games are unplayable on windows 7 machines 
without running an apple emulator, which means they are 
inaccessible as well, I wonder how long it will be before all the 
games we have now that use vb will go the same way.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
hi, uh, real reader? i only have nvda, and don't need nor want anything 
else. nvda is a full reader, and it can now do things better then other, 
1000 dollar screen readers can in a lot of cases.
as for waiting 6 months to a year or more to catch up? ... no no no, 
thats not the case any more. nvda usually has things solved in snapshot 
versions within a month or 2 at the very most. and sometimes, within weeks.


On 13/12/2011 18:29, shaun everiss wrote:

true jim.

I am not against change, but yeah it seems to happen all at once.
Access is behind and usually costly to upgrade, nvda can handle most 
things now but still you will need a real reader to actually do 
everything properly and that costs cash.

Its about the only thing I hate about being blind.
The standard hardware I don't care about.
After all that the interface we have been using for ages and ages has 
We have to learn it with bad to no support, either have to buy it, or 
get it in some other way.
It doesn't help when ms released bad software like me and vista or 
when avg stuffed its access up or in fact when any software suddenly 
is not accessable.
We have to use old versions which I don't like, upgrade, or use other 
Its a good thing that a lot of opensource software exists because 
there was a stage where software I had to use but couldn't possibly 
afford I had to crack and thats not good.

We are pushed to use sertain software standards, office, windows, etc.
And unless you can just buy it yourself, or get it for a job there is 
almost no legal way to get it yet you need to use it because the world 
uses it.

Again thank god for opensource.
Another issue is that once we are just getting used to something its 
in the trash.
I am just getting the concept of the ribbon in office and the windows 
interface for win7.
Win8 and over will probably have it totally going out the window so to 

We always seem to get the pointed end of the umbrella.
Its not a gradual change we get.
A zombie decides to ripp out our guts and then make us eat it.
THen when we are getting settled, it happens again.
And for the most part we are still behind.
THough they try to change it.
And to be honest, if  I had known all about all the hastles I would 
have used a mac.

I however have invested to much in windows to go over now.
All the games and legal software and all that.
Its a real pain.
There are probably good points in upgrading but for us it doesn't 
happen straight away, maybe 6 months, maybe a year or 2 years or more.

At 05:58 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Yeah, you know allot of people just do not like change.  Routine is 
comfortable.  And learning a new way of doing things may not be easy 
for some.  And then there is that often our access is behind.  That 
is our screen reader of choice may not support the newest version of 
an operating system as it comes out.  And then I don't think that the 
graphical user interface is as intuitive for us as it is for sighted 
folks.  So when it totally changes it may be harder for us to get a 
grip on what is going on with it.  Heck it took allot of blind people 
a very long time to move on from the text based command line to the 
graphical user interface.



A long time ago I changed my name from Ron Moore.
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Re: [Audyssey] To Darren.

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Duff
Hi Michael.

They are aware that blind people are playing there games, and they are
working on hopefully adding some more accessibility features.

You can find them on twitter @rjdj, or E-mail them at  

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of michael barnes
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:04 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] To Darren.

Hey, Darren.
How can I contact the developers of Inception and Dimensions?
If you could give me a contact for them I would love to send them an email
about the accessibility for their apps.
I know from your podcast you had mention that you had already sent them a
email but if more people send them a email that are blind then they can see
that they have blind gamers that play their games.

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Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Duff
Yes shawn.  Have a listen to the 2 podcasts I posted yesterday. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of shaun everiss
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:14 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

you mean something with the wie or the cinect units on xbox.
I guess if in some of the sports games menus, messages and instructions were
spoken we would be able to play them.
But a game where you would have to physically interact would rock.
The only other thing I can think of off the  top of my head is the ios
At 09:37 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
Hey, All.
I was wondering what augmented games out there that are accessible for 
the blind?
You may ask what is a augmented game well here is what it is.
Games like Dimensions adventures in the multiverse, Inception, and of 
course the new game that will be out soon Zombies run.
These games are basically to me virtual audio games because they 
require the player to actually interact with the game like do things as 
talk run walk and other type of things to be able to unlock things in 
the game.
The other thing the game require you to do is to fully be involve with 
the game just like if you was really in the game.
If someone could point me in the direction to find more games just like 
the ones I name that would be awsome.
I am looking for games that are on the IOS device.

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble
Sorry, but what you wrote made no sense at all. Want to rethink that 
thought so your understood?

At 04:31 AM 12/13/2011, you wrote:
I have not tried this but ms search is loaded with7 I have not my 
own but I wander if I remove it what will happen.

At 05:34 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:

Hi Valiant.

In fairness I have only tried windows 7 on someone else's system 
not my own, so haven't had chance to deal with the search box.

As I said though, for me it's really because I'd rather see where 
things are and physically go and pick them up and put down, rather 
than trust an automated system.

Speed is less concern, though actually pressing p g g and down 
arrow is not that many less key presses than typing the word tank 
then arrowing through results either.

Then of course there are many times I want to choose. For example, 
last time I ws on the train, i wanted a relatively quick game to 
play, and one that didn't have overbearing sounds.

So I go into my audio games folder, look for a developer, and found 
spoonbill,  but which game do I feel like?

This is far nicer to do with a list rather than a search box.

It's certainly a feature I'll try out when I get windows 7, but 
currently with the setup I use and my preferences for doing things 
i'm not sure whether it'd sute me or not.

As to wifi networks, I'm slightly confused sinse the method you 
describe is exactly what I do on xp.

Network connections in start menue, wireless network connections, 
enter once then you've got the list of available networks in range 
that you can just hit enter and connect on.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble
How do you expect to use the hardware, and incase you didn't know. 
All versions of ops need drivers to run the hardware.

At 04:25 AM 12/13/2011, you wrote:
sound, we need drivers with everything, though now ms have generic 
drivers you think they would have loaded those for the installs now.

At 05:01 p.m. 12/12/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I personally are also not against new technologies or new features 
in future Windows operating systems or other programs.

But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often 
good for all users and not because security might be better.
But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force 
design changes.

I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment 
on which screen reader can best handle it.

I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface 
and removed the old interface instead of having them both in the 
product for every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow 
skins or skin packs?
The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user 
created content.
Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had 
several sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office 
pre 2007 and when the new products came out they also had problems 
adapting and getting to figure out the new interface and they could 
see and use the mouse properly compared to us blind people.

And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included 
in an operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid 
during first installation (when you format your hard drive or when 
you use a blank one).
For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even 
if it became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a 
few older Windows versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble
And just what plan it you from? Because I run both of those ops and 
never paid for sp1 on any op.

At 04:18 AM 12/13/2011, you wrote:
we never had to pay for service packs but oses 7 and vista, yeah we 
had to pay for both.

At 09:26 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:
Sort of like paying for a whole bunch of benefits that are provided 
by a hotel that you won't be using, in case you did want to use 
them.  That part I understand.  But building a new one every 2 
years or so and, after a time, closing the older one that is more 
popular and that no longer has plumbing or electrical problems, so 
that the customer must use the one that still has the bugs in 
it?  That's what I don't like.  If I have something that is stable 
and basically reliably bug free, why should I have to get the new 
one that is not?  If they want to make more money, their product 
should be worth the cost we must pay.  Service packs for XP were 
free of charge, and they fixed what we had to pay for, that was 
broke, to begin with.  Windows 7 fixed the Vista bugs, and I think 
we had to pay for both?  I might be wrong in that one, though.

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

Hi ?Charles,

Well, let me answer your question with a question. How do you expect
them to make money if they don't continually release upgrades?

It sounds to me like your question is along the lines of if it ain't
broke don't fix it. While it might seem like you are paying money to
do the same old things with OS that takes more memory, more CPU power,
etc but I don't think you are paying attention to features or upgrades
that have been added to the operating system. Let's use Windows
Explorer as a simple example here.

Back in Windows 98 you could not burn cds or dvds through Windows
Explorer. Beginning with Windows XP you could burn data cds and music
cds directly from Windows Explorer. In Windows 7 you can burn data
cds, music cds, data dvds, and make video  dvds by burning avi and mpg
files  to dvd all through Windows Explorer. My point being that we can
clearly see new features like this being added to each successive
version of Windows Explorer. Its really not a case of the same thing
different version as a lot of other Windows programs have undergone a
similar evolution. Weather you use those new features or not is really
beside the point.

The way I read your message is Microsoft doesn't do anything new or
different from one version of Windows to the next accept make the OS
more bloated, more of a memory hog, and there is nothing to ever
recommend upgrading. I suppose some of what you say has some truth to
it, but as I said above I think its simply a case of not taking
advantage of the features and updates that are there.

For instance,in Windows 7 there are a number of gadgets, little
applets, you can dock to your desktop to monitor stocks and other real
time information. Well, obviously if you don't follow the stock market
and don't use the stock ticker gadget that would seem like a pretty
useless upgrade to you personally. However, I'm sure there are plenty
of people who buy and trade stocks online who happen to use that
little stock ticker gadget, and for them upgrading from Windows XP to
Windows 7 would have features they find useful in trading stocks.

My point being not everything Microsoft adds to the latest Windows
release will be important to you personally and it may even seem like
the same thing different version, but for someone like me its really
and truly not the same thing. There are a number of reasons a person
might choose to upgrade weather it is bug fixes, security fixes, a new
look and feel, more gadgets, additional features, whatever. It all
depends on how much or how little you get out of your computer to
begin with.


On 12/11/11, Charles Rivard wrote:

Do they really have to continually upgrade the operating system and
programs, making more power hogs, making us buy more powerful computers to
do the same tasks we were previously doing but having to use more powerful
processors and use more of the resources to do those tasks?  Why can't they
just leave well enough alone once they get a system that actually does what
it's supposed to do?

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Michael Gauler

Hi Thomas,
I am aware of this, but I am seriously questioning some of theese facts.
Why do I have to use my web browser for dealing with E-Mails, when I have 
any Mail application installed, whether it is from MS or someone else.
I know a friend and one of her mail accounts was with the German part of 
Windows Live.
She personally told me that the web interface to access and send mails via 
her live account was inaccessible.

Thus using Thunderbird for example was a good choice for her.
But this doesn't explain why they want to promote the Windows Live tools.
As I said, the feature set of Windows Live Mail is not the same as Windows 
Mail from Windows Vista...
And Movie Maker of XP might be old, but there is also a version of Movie 
Maker in Vista...
But Windows Live Movie Maker you are encouraged to use is not mainly a video 
recording and editing tool, but more like a content preparation tool for 
video sharing on platforms like Youtube.
It means pa program with a similar name, but an entire new program behind 
the name.
While I personally have no problems with a video sharing tool, I have a 
problem when MS says we dropped a video editing tool from Windows 7, but 
hey, there is a program with the same name, but totally different 

Same goes for Windows volume control.
I had the misfortune to atempt to assist my sighted mother with playback of 
some non standard Midi files on a Windows 7 laptop, where the installation 
medium (DVD) is altered by the manufacturer in a bad way...
The result of the atempted midi playback left much to be desired and because 
the volume control program of XP was missing  plus some more sound related 
settings, I quickly came to the end of my knowledge even with a totally 
sighted person next to me...
That's the thing I meant... 

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread dark
Well Chris, the second age might be rather difficult, being as we don't know 
much about the actual battles of that time. Indeed, that's the period often 
referd to as the dark years in Lotr and other material.
Even the last alliance betwene Gondor and the elve of Gilgalad was at the 
start of the third age, though certainly constructing campeigns for those 
battles would be good.

it'd also be fun to have the first age,  though how to represent in 
power some of the people who were around at that time would be difficult, 
heck it took several thousand orcs just to bring Hurin down, and never mind 
the war of wrath.

i'll be interested to see how flexible the game turns out to be.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher Bartlett

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

It's been my ambition to construct a set of campaigns for LotR.  With 
coming, I think it will now be possible to really bring the War of the 

not only from Gondor and Rohan, but the war in the north into being.  I
think it should also be possible to create campaigns for the First and
Second age battles.  The only remaining limitation that I see as a major
problem is map size.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 4:47 PM
To:; 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Very well said, che, as always.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Che
Sent: 12 December 2011 20:45
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

  yeah, TOC is already amazing as is, with more coming.
  It is going to not only be a great strategy game out of the box, but the
best thing in my opinion is it is going to be a killer game construction 

for those willing to take the time.
  I've already created a couple of custom setups with unique units, and I
think the community is going to go nuts with the potential to make star
wars, MECH Warrior, LORD of the Rings, whatever they want given enough 

and effort.
  Between TOC and SWAMP, looks like visual basic 6 is alive and kicking
gang, its all in the skills, not the tools baby.

On 12/12/2011 2:15 PM, pitermach wrote:

Guess I'll need to dust off my toc skills and ask for a key
replacement then... Wow. 2012 is looking to so totally be full of
releases like PH, zero sight, and now this thing.

On 12/12/2011 8:41 PM, dark wrote:

Wow John.

This is way more than I expected would be in the game, I knew he was
making more units and multiplayer, but the other stuff is amazing! it
sounds like time of conflict will end up as more than just a modern
warfare sim, it'll end up as a platform for all sorts of sim games
too, which would be fantastic!

Great news indeed, and this certainly explains what happened with
time of conflict and why we haven't seen the new release as yet.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - From: john

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread enes

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating system more 
useful for sited people

that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira dropped 
accessibility in 10.0

and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and engine 

i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of accessibility

From: Alex Kenny
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as PC's.

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to support
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or Google,
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and VB
support than we would if these products were in the hands of other
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you want
to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and XNA
will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the point
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM just
isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to enjoy
these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have 
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't 

loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down 
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC 
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, 
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the 

technology.  This! is! crap!

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If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work's begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself
before You can ever win a prize.
Life's battle doesn't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Willem Venter
Shaun, you said:
We must remember that all the interfaces, reader, etc are kernal
based, no doubt we will have other issues with touch.

What exactly do you mean by this statement? If I decode this
correctly, do you imply that all screen readers need to install hooks
into the windows kernel that might not work the same on each system?
This is not true by the way. NVDA and System access does not require
any hooks into the kernel of windows and as long as you use the
methods to access the touch pad or anything else, I can't see what the
problem might be. The method jfw, etc uses will need to be changed
anyway as windows 8 is very different in this regard to windows 7 and
these hooks into the kernel won't work as before.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Bologna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread enes

I totally agree
new apps are getting increasingly harder to use
I got this laptop a year ago
2 years later this pc will be obsolete

From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:49 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Bologna! - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone	Wolf

Hardly.  There are quite a few who agree.

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher Bartlett

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Bologna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

And certainly, yours is the only set of needs that matter.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:26 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 


Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have 
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't 

loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down 

road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC 

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, 
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the 

technology.  This! is! crap!

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If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work's begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself
before You can ever win a prize.
Life's battle doesn't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp map editor posted

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
Yes I do hope to eventually make the map editor accessible, though I still 
don't know how I will manage that.  There are a lot of things to do, and almost 
all of them are represented graphically at the moment.  I think releasing it 
even in its current version will only help motivate me to make it more 

 Are we also going to have an
 accessible map editor? I do think it'd be a 
 good idea, reminds me how I played around with Agrip's
 Quake map maker. 
 I even thought I lost my map which I made, only to discover
 circulating on a very busy server. Good times indeed.

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Re: [Audyssey] [audyssey] swamp-chainsaw suggestion

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
We honor the brave mp5.  It was willing to sacrifice it's reality for the 
enjoyment of everyone.  For that, we salute you Mister mp5!  *Aprone salutes*


 one thing i would also like to point
 out, is that the mp5, does not use 45 ammo. it uses 9 mill.
 put an 11.5 mill round in an mp5, and it would jam /
 thats if you could even squeeze one of that size in.
 all the other weapons are corect in the ammo types, just
 not the mp5.

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Re: [Audyssey] [audyssey] swamp-chainsaw suggestion

2011-12-13 Thread Dakotah Rickard
Actually, they did make .45 ACP mp5's.

Dakotah Rickard

On 12/13/11, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
 We honor the brave mp5.  It was willing to sacrifice it's reality for the
 enjoyment of everyone.  For that, we salute you Mister mp5!  *Aprone


 one thing i would also like to point
 out, is that the mp5, does not use 45 ammo. it uses 9 mill.
 put an 11.5 mill round in an mp5, and it would jam /
 thats if you could even squeeze one of that size in.
 all the other weapons are corect in the ammo types, just
 not the mp5.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Dakotah Rickard
I'm going to point this out, not because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played several
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help, there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a bit.

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin the
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a guarantee.

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty, running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even greater.

Dakotah Rickard

On 12/13/11, Steady Goh wrote:
 I don't quite like the idea of being able to give stuffs to people. I have
 more than 2 rep points and can easily use that to make 10 people strong,
 but it will spoil their gaming experience. and without going through the
 initial difficult stage of getting themselves up and master the skills, no
 matter how much they have, they will be killed and back to square1.
 锦发/Steady Goh
 - Original Message -
 From: Dakotah Rickard
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 11:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't think we should know what's in there. A much better, although
 perhaps overstated, solution to the friends trouble is to just enable
 giving stuff to people. That way if you're like my friend who has over
 1200 7.62 and over 2000 other ammo, he could share his wealth rather
 than only getting himself rep points he'll never really need because
 he hasn't bought anything at all from the safe zone for his entire
 playthrough of the game.
 Plus, giving stuff makes the game more cooperative.

 Dakotah Rickard

 On 12/12/11, john wrote:
 When I say move away, I mean to back up and make the zombies
 leave the loot so that you can here them better. I in no way
 meant to say that somebody should leave the loot.
  - Original Message -
 From: Steady Goh
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:58:04 +0800
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

 just move towards it and take whatever is in there. the sound
 will stop and
 you have more ammo or other items. if it is something you don't
 need, donate
 them and get reputation points. If you move away from the sound,
 i will
 thank you and happily go in there and help myself. but don't
 complain that
 there isn't enough ammo or health kit anymore.
 锦发/Steady Goh
 - Original Message -
 From: john
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

  That's a second from me, just move away from them if they're to
 noisy for

  - Original Message -
  From: Christopher Bartlett
  To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
  Date sent: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 16:30:30 -0500
  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions

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Re: [Audyssey] swamp: minor nit to pick

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
Whoops!  Nice catch Christopher.  I had changed those amounts and prices for 
shotgun shells but forgot to update the messages.

 In the get and donate items lists, 12
 shotgun shells are listed for 30 and I
 think 15 rep respectively.  However if you pay
 attention to your rep the
 cost and gain appear to be 24 and 12.
 Chris Bartlett

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[Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dakotah Rickard
Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how this
works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs
reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload that
thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you lose
your axe.

Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade and
Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that death, as
a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold to
that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I
think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment each
time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in your
pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't
much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get on
death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff and
go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and there's
technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a
little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that many
experience on death.

Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to allow
only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, as
you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. Now,
with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously common
that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets one
no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their respective
ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault
rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the safe
zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't get it.
Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but honestly
you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest
therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up
seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if your
primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, hitting
the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so say
you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to scattershot,
you could hit the three key three times and get to your scattershot
weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might be

Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be fully
loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the m60 or
minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's really
worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you find
in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing else.

Dakotah Rickard

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[Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events

2011-12-13 Thread Dennis Towne

We'd like to welcome you all to the year-end celebration at Alter Aeon!

Starting on the 21st of December and going through new years eve, we
plan to have a number of things going on:

- The release of a new low level area near Indira

As part of our ongoing efforts to give level 8-12 players more quests
and areas to explore, we'll be opening a brand new area north of the
Old Indira Forest on the island of Kordan.

- A major update to the troll caves on Archais

Originally created over 15 years ago, the troll caves were recently
taken offline and given a major makeover.  We'll be officially opening
the updated area, which should now be suitable for levels 24-30.

- The release of a new high level stone giant area west of Finspang

This area, created by the original builder of the Undead City of
Jo'Kerin, shows a different side of stone giants.  If you're only
familiar with the giants that reside in the Ash Mountains, you'll be

- An object creation contest, open to everyone (this is currently
running and submissions will close on Dec 23rd)

- Daily gifts will be given out to everyone who logs in!

- Several different minor contests and activities similar to the
famous Halloween Pumpkin Cannon

We'll also be running sales on various credit purchases in game if
you're into that sort of thing.

I'll mail out a more detailed schedule closer to the 21st.  We hope to
see you there!

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player tracking 
features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot steps.  These few 
changes will really make a huge difference when it comes to working as a group 
I think.  I'm also planning to add the ability to give people items, though the 
reason is actually centered more around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will need to have 
brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular map you can buy more 
gear or find loot, but in many of the instances this is not an option.  The one 
that's currently being coded is a fine example.  You and your team are sent to 
a warehouse to collect a certain number of supply crates which are desperately 
needed by the people at the Safe zone.  While at the warehouse you are totally 
separate from the normal map so there is no safe zone, plus you don't have 
weapon or ammo loot anywhere.  Everything your team will use must be brought 
with you when you enter the mission.  In the course of defending the warehouse 
from invading zombies, which shatter windows and break down doors to enter from 
more locations, it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo 
or lose a gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment will 
mean the difference between
 victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.  

 I'm going to point this out, not
 because I think anyone's dumb, but
 because I think people may not have had these experiences:
 It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
 MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
 there are two
 strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
 the very best
 they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
 gaming, or
 they help you get what's at your level, either because you
 broke or
 lost what you had or because they know of something right
 near what
 you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a
 I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
 you could
 make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
 master their
 skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
 your heart,
 choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
 thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a
 Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
 could be used
 for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
 consider people
 out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
 running out of
 medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
 with medkits,
 and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
 healer, would
 need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
 I think
 that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even
 Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] swamp suggestion- specialization?

2011-12-13 Thread john
Though these would still be the same as they are now with the 
other weapons, or are you thinking they should have a 
disadvantage with weapons that they're not specialized with? 
Personally, while I like the idea, I don't feel it practical to 
have a disadvantage, as you may not be able to get your hands on 
your weapon of choice for a long time, or may not have ammo for 
it. This goes particularly for the minigun.

- Original Message -
From: Johnny Tai
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 18:21:22 -0800
Subject: [Audyssey] swamp suggestion- specialization?

The current problem as I see it is, you can play a character up 
to lev10, start over, and do a second character up to lev10- and 
both will end up exact copies of each other.
What if when we create a character, we get to choose what 
jobs/specialty we have:

here's a few thoughts for example:
combat medic: heals more with each heal and has a longer range 
when healing.

civilian: more damage when using an axe.
Police: more damage when using a pistol.
gangster: more damage using shotgun.
hunter: more damage with hunting rifle- or hunching rifle lol.
army: more damage with mp5
marine: more damage with assault rifle
swat: more damage with auto shotgun
sniper: well this is obvious.
woodsman: more damage with chainsaw
machinegunner: more damage with m60
heavy weapon specialist: more damage with minigun- also runs a 
bit faster using minigun.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread john
Then don't give it to people, my thought was that the giving 
system would be to give some ammo to that guy with the sniper who 
just ran out, or to give the guy with a hunting rifle and no 5.56 
ammo enough to get back to the safe zone, not to just give them 
1000 shots of everything.

- Original Message -
From: Steady Goh
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:29:27 +0800
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't quite like the idea of being able to give stuffs to 
people. I have
more than 2 rep points and can easily use that to make 10 
people strong,
but it will spoil their gaming experience. and without going 
through the
initial difficult stage of getting themselves up and master the 
skills, no
matter how much they have, they will be killed and back to 

�뵧�룕/Steady Goh
- Original Message -
From: Dakotah Rickard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't think we should know what's in there. A much better, 
perhaps overstated, solution to the friends trouble is to just 
giving stuff to people. That way if you're like my friend who 
has over
1200 7.62 and over 2000 other ammo, he could share his wealth 
than only getting himself rep points he'll never really need 
he hasn't bought anything at all from the safe zone for his 

playthrough of the game.
Plus, giving stuff makes the game more cooperative.

Dakotah Rickard

On 12/12/11, john wrote:
When I say move away, I mean to back up and make the zombies
leave the loot so that you can here them better. I in no way
meant to say that somebody should leave the loot.
 - Original Message -
From: Steady Goh
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:58:04 +0800
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread john
Then don't give it to people, my thought was that the giving 
system would be to give some ammo to that guy with the sniper who 
just ran out, or to give the guy with a hunting rifle and no 5.56 
ammo enough to get back to the safe zone, not to just give them 
1000 shots of everything.

- Original Message -
From: Steady Goh
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:29:27 +0800
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't quite like the idea of being able to give stuffs to 
people. I have
more than 2 rep points and can easily use that to make 10 
people strong,
but it will spoil their gaming experience. and without going 
through the
initial difficult stage of getting themselves up and master the 
skills, no
matter how much they have, they will be killed and back to 

�뵧�룕/Steady Goh
- Original Message -
From: Dakotah Rickard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't think we should know what's in there. A much better, 
perhaps overstated, solution to the friends trouble is to just 
giving stuff to people. That way if you're like my friend who 
has over
1200 7.62 and over 2000 other ammo, he could share his wealth 
than only getting himself rep points he'll never really need 
he hasn't bought anything at all from the safe zone for his 

playthrough of the game.
Plus, giving stuff makes the game more cooperative.

Dakotah Rickard

On 12/12/11, john wrote:
When I say move away, I mean to back up and make the zombies
leave the loot so that you can here them better. I in no way
meant to say that somebody should leave the loot.
 - Original Message -
From: Steady Goh
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:58:04 +0800
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread john
Then don't give it to people, my thought was that the giving 
system would be to give some ammo to that guy with the sniper who 
just ran out, or to give the guy with a hunting rifle and no 5.56 
ammo enough to get back to the safe zone, not to just give them 
1000 shots of everything.

- Original Message -
From: Steady Goh
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:29:27 +0800
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't quite like the idea of being able to give stuffs to 
people. I have
more than 2 rep points and can easily use that to make 10 
people strong,
but it will spoil their gaming experience. and without going 
through the
initial difficult stage of getting themselves up and master the 
skills, no
matter how much they have, they will be killed and back to 

�뵧�룕/Steady Goh
- Original Message -
From: Dakotah Rickard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I don't think we should know what's in there. A much better, 
perhaps overstated, solution to the friends trouble is to just 
giving stuff to people. That way if you're like my friend who 
has over
1200 7.62 and over 2000 other ammo, he could share his wealth 
than only getting himself rep points he'll never really need 
he hasn't bought anything at all from the safe zone for his 

playthrough of the game.
Plus, giving stuff makes the game more cooperative.

Dakotah Rickard

On 12/12/11, john wrote:
When I say move away, I mean to back up and make the zombies
leave the loot so that you can here them better. I in no way
meant to say that somebody should leave the loot.
 - Original Message -
From: Steady Goh
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:58:04 +0800
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions
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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread john
Just as an FYI, the progress bar is actually your position in the 
audio file.

- Original Message -
From: shaun everiss
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 21:42:14 +1300
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

I like bits and pieces of win7 menus.
1.  the search box.
I never need to interact with the menu again.
run, yes I can type music, downloads or whatever a registered 

and up it come.
I like the office ribbon, everything is tidier, though it will be
another learning curve.
What I really hate now are those program that want to use custom
controls oh and the fact that some programes explorer, ie, and a 

command line progs work differently or display to much info.
Sound recorder is also quite bad, some sort of progress bar is 

doing bad things.
At 12:23 p.m. 12/12/2011 +, you wrote:
Hi Tom.

My problem with the start menue generally in 7, and indeed most 

the interface, is that it all works contextually.

For the past 12 or so years, I've learnt my way around the 
of windows by looking at what things are where, and putting 

in places that I can easily find myself again.

For instance, my documents I've always used for documents, and 
music have a music folder instead. The idea of having music 

the documents folder is less than logical to me.

I then have start menue icons grouped by use and developer. I 

one folder for audio games, with sub folders for gma, usa games,
spoonbill etc, one for text games with if interpreters and the 
one for freeware graphical games, one for generally useful 

such as avg etc.

This way I can A, find stuff more easily, but also know exactly 
I've got just as easily as if I were to read the braille lables 

my snes cartridges.

This is why i don't like the context sensative stuff, especially
sinse it's usually based on last used.

if I get a hankering to play shades of doom, it doesn't matter if
I've not played it for a while, indeed say I've finished playing 

I don't want that on the top of the menue.

i suppose I just like being in personal control of where things 
rather than leaving it to a computer filing system which might 

be as I like it, much less be reliant upon a search box and auto
complete features.

As it turns out, you can create folders in the start menue of
windows 7, so I'll probably just try and get as close to my 

setup as humanly possible.

it's not really a case of liking the xp interface, for me, it's 

a case of liking an interface that I can have some measure of
control over. In windows 7, that control is reduced, hence my
dislike for the system, 
indeed I'm not looking forward to having to cope with windows
explorer in 7 at all, sinse once again that has far more options 
than I need.

Again, this seems a case where microsoft have unilaterally 

what is best for everyone to have without any considderation that
people may want something different.

Beware the grue!

- O

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Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread john

All I can say to that is, do you write any code? Even being a
beginning programmer, I can tell you that succh a program is 
almost if not entirely impossible to right, just due to the 
massive amount of subtle differences between programming 

- Original Message -
From: shaun everiss
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:07:11 +1300
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Yeah its all about cash.
If only there was some sort of converter to convert things to 

they need to be at, ie vb6 to, etc.
That would make it much easier and there probably is, we just 
have to

look for it.
Or make it, it doesn't look like it would be that hard to do.
At 03:40 p.m. 12/12/2011 +0200, you wrote:
Hi dark.
Microsoft only invests development time where they stand to gain 
lose money. For the most part, even dropping support for vb was 
on the fact that they were forcing developers to switch to 

they could sell them a new set of development tools. The basic
programming syntax stayed the same, but they changed the 
libraries to not be the same as those used with vb6. They did 
the software with, but vb6 wasn't making them enough money 

justify fixing the security wholes and bugs for vb6.

Assisting developers or users of code to run a 10 year old 
does not gain them much sales, so they will invest the 
time somewhere else. This is also part of what drives the changes 

the user interfaces. They tell their customers see it looks
different, so it is new where as most of the code is reused over
windows versions.

I agree with those who said that for innovation to happen we need
change, but change does not always indicate something better.

On 12/12/11, Dallas O'Brien wrote:
actually, the better codes, = better gaming possibilities. so 
yes, it

makes a different.

On 12/12/2011 23:13, dark wrote:
Frankly dallas where games are concerned, I couldn't give a 

how good the newer codes are.

As I said, I don't really care about how powerful or anything 
else a

system is, I care about what I can do with it.

That's why i stil have a snes, sinse I can play all the game i 

like on it, despite it being no where near up to the standard of
todays games' consoles.

As I said, I just would like microsoft to acknolidge this, 
with a compatibility pack option that could be downloaded for 

who needed it.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread john
If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. 
Not only is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and 
far less entrucive than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, 
AVG, and Mcafee.

- Original Message -
From: enes
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:02:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating 
system more

useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira 

accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and 

i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of 

From: Alex Kenny
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updated

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as 
it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as 

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to 
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or 
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and 
support than we would if these products were in the hands of 
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you 

to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and 

will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the 
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM 

isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to 

these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If 
I have

buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, 
it can't

loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new 
OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 
years down

road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought 
the new PC

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more 
demanding OS.

years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years 

one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 

have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to 
handle the

technology.  This! is! crap!

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If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work's begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself
before You can ever 

Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread john
I agree with everything save your last point, when your fighting 
zombies, and you get a new weapon, that ammo really helps. Also, 
having a loaded weapon from the field gives people an insentive 
to actually go loot hunting.

- Original Message -
From: Dakotah Rickard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:10:24 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how 

works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs
reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload 
thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you 

your axe.

Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade 
Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that 
death, as
a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold 

that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I
think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment 
time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in 

pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't
much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get 
death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff 
go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and 

technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a
little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that 

experience on death.

Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to 
only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, 
you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. 
with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously 
that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets 
no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their 

ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault
rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the 
zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't 
get it.
Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but 

you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest
therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up
seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if 
primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, 
the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so 
you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to 
you could hit the three key three times and get to your 
weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might 


Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be 
loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the 
m60 or
minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's 
worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you 
in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing 

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] more SC vids!

2011-12-13 Thread Tom Randall
Hey thanks for these, had not found them myself yet.  I agree this is gonna be 
great cannot wait for this one to come out.

Game on.


On Dec 12, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Clement Chou wrote:

 Dang it, Namco needs to put up a demo. Sounds are awesome, music is above 
 amazing, and the gameplay looks great from what I've read and heard! Two 
 videos, almost 20 minutes of footage! Enjoy... discussion welcome as always. 
 I just love, and I mean love, this audio. I think the sword slashes 
 themselves could be slightly better, but I like the ones they have now. Jst 
 me being picky. Haha
 Hilde vs. Viola:
 Lexia vs. Zwei:
 Lexia is the daughter of Xianghua from the previous games, and her name is 
 pronounced lee shia. At least, if my guess is correct.
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Re: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events

2011-12-13 Thread john
All hale Dentin! How you manage to do all this and make a new 
class and keep up with life I have absolutely no idea. Keep it 
As far as the object creation contest goes, can you explain this 
a little more, or should I just check the boards when I get back 

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Towne
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:15:01 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events


We'd like to welcome you all to the year-end celebration at Alter 

Starting on the 21st of December and going through new years eve, 

plan to have a number of things going on:

- The release of a new low level area near Indira

As part of our ongoing efforts to give level 8-12 players more 
and areas to explore, we'll be opening a brand new area north of 

Old Indira Forest on the island of Kordan.

- A major update to the troll caves on Archais

Originally created over 15 years ago, the troll caves were 
taken offline and given a major makeover.  We'll be officially 

the updated area, which should now be suitable for levels 24-30.

- The release of a new high level stone giant area west of 

This area, created by the original builder of the Undead City of
Jo'Kerin, shows a different side of stone giants.  If you're only
familiar with the giants that reside in the Ash Mountains, you'll 


- An object creation contest, open to everyone (this is currently
running and submissions will close on Dec 23rd)

- Daily gifts will be given out to everyone who logs in!

- Several different minor contests and activities similar to the
famous Halloween Pumpkin Cannon

We'll also be running sales on various credit purchases in game 

you're into that sort of thing.

I'll mail out a more detailed schedule closer to the 21st.  We 
hope to

see you there!

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] a bit more soul calibur info

2011-12-13 Thread Tom Randall
Indeed this is good information.  I am assuming that this stuff applies only to 
SC4 and perhaps SC5?  

Game on.


On Dec 12, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Clement Chou wrote:

 No vids this time, just some facts that some people may not have about the 
 gameplay system. The three biggest things to point out are probably, the just 
 guard, brave edge, and critical edge. Just guard is basically a perry 
 maneuver. When you tap the guard button and let it go, you'll have a few 
 frames during which if an opponent hits you with an attack, you will 
 automatically perry their attack and will be able to punish them while 
 they're recoverying. Brave edge is basically a powered up version of a normal 
 move. If you compare the SF games with this, the SF games have special and 
 ex-specials. In SC, you don't really have special moves... instead you have a 
 series of normal attacks that can be increased in power and have certain 
 properties. A critical edge is the SC equivalent to a super move. The command 
 for the critical edge is the same for everyone, but unlike 2d games you can't 
 just throw them out and hope they connect... you have to combo into them. 
 Because if you perform one and miss, you're in big, big trouble. Aside from 
 these three things, the rest of the gameplay is more or less the same, just 
 without the critical finisher, and the speed is faster. Hope this little 
 snippet was somewhat informative!
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[Audyssey] Silversword is finally here!

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, All.
The rpg for the IOS devices is finally release in the apple app store.
The name of the game is Silversword.
And before I give a description on the game I would like to share some 
great news about the developer.
Mario the developer of Silversword added accessibility for the blind in 
the game and said that if myself or any other blind gamer find any 
issues with accessibility in the game and how to improve the game for 
the blind people who play the game to contact him to let him know.
He also said that if anyone I have any ideas for the game to please let 
him know.
Since I have heard about the game I have been in contact with him about 
accessibility for the blind and amazing enough he took interest in 
accessibility for the blind gamers.
Here is Mario the developer of Silversword contact email:
And now here is the app store description of Silversword which cost 
five dollars.

Silversword is a mobile fantasy role-playing game which will take you 
to the mysterious lands of Tarnak, a world far beyond reality. Gather a 
band of brave heroes and face the evil that is about to destroy mankind.
Silversword is a game in the style of The Bards Tale, Wizardry and 
Might  Magic - enjoy memories of old with new devices.

Main Features:
- 7 races to choose from, each with it's own special abilities
- 11 classes, each with it's own skills, virtues and flaws
- over 400 unique items
- 5 different magic runes to augment and enhance your items
- over 90 spells, songs and prayers
- over 100 unique monsters
- over 30 different maps with different styles (dungeon, overland, 
swamp, city etc.)
- guilds, shops, taverns, training halls, temples and many more 
interesting places to be

- integrated automap + quest log
- day / night cycle with different effects on your magic and the surroundings
- fast travelling services
- countless hours of interesting gameplay
- Game Center support with interesting and challenging achievements
- universal app, no need to push the 2x button on your iPad

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread enes

i'm not talking about accessibility
i'm talking about quality
so i'll be switching from a higher quality product to a lower quality 
product just because of accessibility

From: john
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:54 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone Wolf

If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. Not only 
is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and far less entrucive 
than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, AVG, and Mcafee.

- Original Message -
From: enes
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:02:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating system more
useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira dropped
accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and engine
i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of accessibility

From: Alex Kenny
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as PC's.

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to support
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or Google,
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and VB
support than we would if these products were in the hands of other
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you want
to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and XNA
will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the point
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM just
isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to enjoy
these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft,
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the
technology.  This! is! crap!

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If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will

Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Harris
The first age battles would be the most difficult to attempt because they're
between melcor aka morgoth, his balrogs vs the valar. To reduce beings of
such power to meer units is well a bit weird to me lol. 

The wars between Beleriand and angband could be interesting to do.
Concentrating on the Silmaril wars.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: 13 December 2011 14:25
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Well Chris, the second age might be rather difficult, being as we don't know
much about the actual battles of that time. Indeed, that's the period often
referd to as the dark years in Lotr and other material.
Even the last alliance betwene Gondor and the elve of Gilgalad was at the
start of the third age, though certainly constructing campeigns for those
battles would be good.

it'd also be fun to have the first age,  though how to represent in
power some of the people who were around at that time would be difficult,
heck it took several thousand orcs just to bring Hurin down, and never mind
the war of wrath.

i'll be interested to see how flexible the game turns out to be.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: Christopher Bartlett
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

 It's been my ambition to construct a set of campaigns for LotR.  With 
 coming, I think it will now be possible to really bring the War of the 
 not only from Gondor and Rohan, but the war in the north into being.  I
 think it should also be possible to create campaigns for the First and
 Second age battles.  The only remaining limitation that I see as a major
 problem is map size.

 Chris Bartlett

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Ben
 Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 4:47 PM
 To:; 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

 Very well said, che, as always.

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Che
 Sent: 12 December 2011 20:45
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

   yeah, TOC is already amazing as is, with more coming.
   It is going to not only be a great strategy game out of the box, but the
 best thing in my opinion is it is going to be a killer game construction 
 for those willing to take the time.
   I've already created a couple of custom setups with unique units, and I
 think the community is going to go nuts with the potential to make star
 wars, MECH Warrior, LORD of the Rings, whatever they want given enough 
 and effort.
   Between TOC and SWAMP, looks like visual basic 6 is alive and kicking
 gang, its all in the skills, not the tools baby.

 On 12/12/2011 2:15 PM, pitermach wrote:
 Guess I'll need to dust off my toc skills and ask for a key
 replacement then... Wow. 2012 is looking to so totally be full of
 releases like PH, zero sight, and now this thing.

 On 12/12/2011 8:41 PM, dark wrote:
 Wow John.

 This is way more than I expected would be in the game, I knew he was
 making more units and multiplayer, but the other stuff is amazing! it
 sounds like time of conflict will end up as more than just a modern
 warfare sim, it'll end up as a platform for all sorts of sim games
 too, which would be fantastic!

 Great news indeed, and this certainly explains what happened with
 time of conflict and why we haven't seen the new release as yet.

 Beware the Grue!

 - Original Message - From: john

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 list, send E-mail to
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 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.1873 / Virus Database: 2102/4676 - Release Date: 12/12/11


[Audyssey] Zero Sight release date annouced!

2011-12-13 Thread Mario

Go here and listen!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans foranupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread john
I'm not a user of avira, so I can't comment on how well or 
efficiently it works, but I would like to throw my support to MSE 
and Microsoft on this point. Beyond the already stated 
accessability, the quality is *much* better than mcafi, and I 
feel that it's more fluid than AVG.

- Original Message -
From: enes
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 19:11:22 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans 
foranupdatedLone Wolf

i'm not talking about accessibility
i'm talking about quality
so i'll be switching from a higher quality product to a lower 

product just because of accessibility

From: john
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:54 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for
anupdatedLone Wolf

If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. 
Not only
is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and far less 

than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, AVG, and Mcafee.

- Original Message -
From: enes
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:02:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 

updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating 
system more

useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira 

accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and 

i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of 

From: Alex Kenny
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as 
it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as 

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to 
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or 
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and 
support than we would if these products were in the hands of 
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you 

to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and 

will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the 
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM 

isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to 

these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If 
I have

buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, 
it can't

loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new 
OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 
years down

road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought 
the new PC

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more 
demanding OS.

years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years 

one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 

have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to 
handle the

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword is finally here!

2011-12-13 Thread Tom Randall
This looks very interesting.  I will have to check it out when I get my Ipad.

Thanks for the info.

Game on.


On Dec 13, 2011, at 9:06 AM, michael barnes wrote:

 Hey, All.
 The rpg for the IOS devices is finally release in the apple app store.
 The name of the game is Silversword.
 And before I give a description on the game I would like to share some great 
 news about the developer.
 Mario the developer of Silversword added accessibility for the blind in the 
 game and said that if myself or any other blind gamer find any issues with 
 accessibility in the game and how to improve the game for the blind people 
 who play the game to contact him to let him know.
 He also said that if anyone I have any ideas for the game to please let him 
 Since I have heard about the game I have been in contact with him about 
 accessibility for the blind and amazing enough he took interest in 
 accessibility for the blind gamers.
 Here is Mario the developer of Silversword contact email:
 And now here is the app store description of Silversword which cost five 
 Silversword is a mobile fantasy role-playing game which will take you to the 
 mysterious lands of Tarnak, a world far beyond reality. Gather a band of 
 brave heroes and face the evil that is about to destroy mankind.
 Silversword is a game in the style of The Bards Tale, Wizardry and Might  
 Magic - enjoy memories of old with new devices.
 Main Features:
 - 7 races to choose from, each with it's own special abilities
 - 11 classes, each with it's own skills, virtues and flaws
 - over 400 unique items
 - 5 different magic runes to augment and enhance your items
 - over 90 spells, songs and prayers
 - over 100 unique monsters
 - over 30 different maps with different styles (dungeon, overland, swamp, 
 city etc.)
 - guilds, shops, taverns, training halls, temples and many more interesting 
 places to be
 - integrated automap + quest log
 - day / night cycle with different effects on your magic and the surroundings
 - fast travelling services
 - countless hours of interesting gameplay
 - Game Center support with interesting and challenging achievements
 - universal app, no need to push the 2x button on your iPad
 Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Johnny Tai
Also, I've heard many complaints of shortage of this ammo or that ammo. Say 
that you can't find any ammo for that machinegun you love to use- all you 
find is .45s, and now, I don't use a machinegun, I prefer my silenced 
pistol, so I keep running out on .45s yet I'm loaded down on machinegun 
ammo. Instead of trading it all selfishly for reps, I can trade my 
machinegun ammo for your .45s- everyone's happier that way.

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword is finally here!

2011-12-13 Thread Bob Montowski

Hello there,
I have seen several messages on this list talking about games for the IPhone 
and the IPad...
I am a bit out of the loop on this.  Just how does a blind person use the 
IPhone and the IPad?

Isn't that all touch screen technology?
How do u learn where to touch?
I am asking this as a relative is a store manager in an Apple store and I 
might be able to get a deal on an IPhone or IPad if I thought I could use it 
for gaming as I am hering up here.

Are there any tutorials telling how to do this?

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword is finally here!

2011-12-13 Thread Mich
Hi you can use the iphone and i pad with voice over the screen reader that 
comes with the apple products. yes there are tutorials on how to use voice 
over. you can find them on hth. from Mich.
- Original Message - 
From: Bob Montowski

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword is finally here!

Hello there,
I have seen several messages on this list talking about games for the 
IPhone and the IPad...
I am a bit out of the loop on this.  Just how does a blind person use the 
IPhone and the IPad?

Isn't that all touch screen technology?
How do u learn where to touch?
I am asking this as a relative is a store manager in an Apple store and I 
might be able to get a deal on an IPhone or IPad if I thought I could use 
it for gaming as I am hering up here.

Are there any tutorials telling how to do this?

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread dark
Actually Darren, Melkor's initial defeat by the valar was before the first 
age, sinse the first age began at the rising of the sun which was after 
Melkor had fled back to middle earth and stolen the silmarils.

So when I said first age I was thinking exclusively of the battles betwene 
Melkor and the elves, noteably the those of the house of Faeanor and their 
allies to recover the Silmarils.

Just as Melkor came up with new devices such as the dragons and the ability 
to use fire in battle, so they could correspond to the levels of the game, 
though it would be quite a task to turn several thousand years of war 
history into a set of Toc missions.

Perhaps the war of wrath, when the valar came back to middle earth and did 
for Melkor could be put in at the end as a final bonus mission, where all 
your units are ultra powerful.

We'll have to see though how the creation process in the game goes and 
whether it would for instance be possible to distinguish the various sorts 
of dragons and orcs.

That's indeed one thing I really enjoy in the angband roguelike, they've got 
a really diverse mix of enemies for you to fight from middle earth all with 
different properties and attacks.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

The first age battles would be the most difficult to attempt because 

between melcor aka morgoth, his balrogs vs the valar. To reduce beings of
such power to meer units is well a bit weird to me lol.

The wars between Beleriand and angband could be interesting to do.
Concentrating on the Silmaril wars.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: 13 December 2011 14:25
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Well Chris, the second age might be rather difficult, being as we don't 
much about the actual battles of that time. Indeed, that's the period 

referd to as the dark years in Lotr and other material.
Even the last alliance betwene Gondor and the elve of Gilgalad was at the
start of the third age, though certainly constructing campeigns for those
battles would be good.

it'd also be fun to have the first age,  though how to represent in
power some of the people who were around at that time would be difficult,
heck it took several thousand orcs just to bring Hurin down, and never 

the war of wrath.

i'll be interested to see how flexible the game turns out to be.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: Christopher Bartlett
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

It's been my ambition to construct a set of campaigns for LotR.  With
coming, I think it will now be possible to really bring the War of the
not only from Gondor and Rohan, but the war in the north into being.  I
think it should also be possible to create campaigns for the First and
Second age battles.  The only remaining limitation that I see as a major
problem is map size.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 4:47 PM
To:; 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Very well said, che, as always.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Che
Sent: 12 December 2011 20:45
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

  yeah, TOC is already amazing as is, with more coming.
  It is going to not only be a great strategy game out of the box, but 

best thing in my opinion is it is going to be a killer game construction
for those willing to take the time.
  I've already created a couple of custom setups with unique units, and I
think the community is going to go nuts with the potential to make star
wars, MECH Warrior, LORD of the Rings, whatever they want given enough
and effort.
  Between TOC and SWAMP, looks like visual basic 6 is alive and kicking
gang, its all in the skills, not the tools baby.

On 12/12/2011 2:15 PM, pitermach wrote:

Guess I'll need to dust off my toc skills and ask for a key
replacement then... Wow. 2012 is looking to so totally be full of
releases like PH, zero sight, and now this thing.

On 12/12/2011 8:41 PM, dark wrote:

Wow John.

This is way more than I expected would be in the game, I knew he was
making more units and multiplayer, but the other stuff is amazing! it
sounds like time of conflict will end up as more than just a modern
warfare sim, it'll end up as a platform for all sorts of sim 

[Audyssey] Iphone using voice over was Silversword is finally here!

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Bob,
For the past three years there has been a built in screen reader for iPhones 
and iPads.
I list some of the sites that talk about this plus a list of accessible 
games at,

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Montowski

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword is finally here!

Hello there,
I have seen several messages on this list talking about games for the 
IPhone and the IPad...
I am a bit out of the loop on this.  Just how does a blind person use the 
IPhone and the IPad?

Isn't that all touch screen technology?
How do u learn where to touch?
I am asking this as a relative is a store manager in an Apple store and I 
might be able to get a deal on an IPhone or IPad if I thought I could use 
it for gaming as I am hering up here.

Are there any tutorials telling how to do this?

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Harris
Lol yes I forgot about that detail, I haven't read the middle earth books in
a while must be a little rusty lol. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: 13 December 2011 18:56
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Actually Darren, Melkor's initial defeat by the valar was before the first 
age, sinse the first age began at the rising of the sun which was after 
Melkor had fled back to middle earth and stolen the silmarils.

So when I said first age I was thinking exclusively of the battles betwene

Melkor and the elves, noteably the those of the house of Faeanor and their 
allies to recover the Silmarils.

Just as Melkor came up with new devices such as the dragons and the ability 
to use fire in battle, so they could correspond to the levels of the game, 
though it would be quite a task to turn several thousand years of war 
history into a set of Toc missions.

Perhaps the war of wrath, when the valar came back to middle earth and did 
for Melkor could be put in at the end as a final bonus mission, where all 
your units are ultra powerful.

We'll have to see though how the creation process in the game goes and 
whether it would for instance be possible to distinguish the various sorts 
of dragons and orcs.

That's indeed one thing I really enjoy in the angband roguelike, they've got

a really diverse mix of enemies for you to fight from middle earth all with 
different properties and attacks.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

 The first age battles would be the most difficult to attempt because 
 between melcor aka morgoth, his balrogs vs the valar. To reduce beings of
 such power to meer units is well a bit weird to me lol.

 The wars between Beleriand and angband could be interesting to do.
 Concentrating on the Silmaril wars.

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of dark
 Sent: 13 December 2011 14:25
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

 Well Chris, the second age might be rather difficult, being as we don't 
 much about the actual battles of that time. Indeed, that's the period 
 referd to as the dark years in Lotr and other material.
 Even the last alliance betwene Gondor and the elve of Gilgalad was at the
 start of the third age, though certainly constructing campeigns for those
 battles would be good.

 it'd also be fun to have the first age,  though how to represent in
 power some of the people who were around at that time would be difficult,
 heck it took several thousand orcs just to bring Hurin down, and never 
 the war of wrath.

 i'll be interested to see how flexible the game turns out to be.

 Beware the grue!

 - Original Message -
 From: Christopher Bartlett
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:43 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

 It's been my ambition to construct a set of campaigns for LotR.  With
 coming, I think it will now be possible to really bring the War of the
 not only from Gondor and Rohan, but the war in the north into being.  I
 think it should also be possible to create campaigns for the First and
 Second age battles.  The only remaining limitation that I see as a major
 problem is map size.

 Chris Bartlett

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Ben
 Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 4:47 PM
 To:; 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

 Very well said, che, as always.

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Che
 Sent: 12 December 2011 20:45
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

   yeah, TOC is already amazing as is, with more coming.
   It is going to not only be a great strategy game out of the box, but 
 best thing in my opinion is it is going to be a killer game construction
 for those willing to take the time.
   I've already created a couple of custom setups with unique units, and I
 think the community is going to go nuts with the potential to make star
 wars, MECH Warrior, LORD of the Rings, whatever they want given enough
 and effort.
   Between TOC and SWAMP, looks like visual basic 6 is alive and kicking
 gang, its all in the skills, not the tools baby.

 On 12/12/2011 2:15 PM, pitermach wrote:
 Guess I'll need to dust off my toc skills and ask for a key
 replacement then... Wow. 2012 is 

Re: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events

2011-12-13 Thread Dennis Towne

Sometimes I don't know how to manage it either :)

It's probably easiest to check the in-game boards, you can either
'board set 8' and then read shadowfax's post, or here's a direct link
to it on the web:

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:54 AM, john wrote:
 All hale Dentin! How you manage to do all this and make a new class and keep
 up with life I have absolutely no idea. Keep it up!
 As far as the object creation contest goes, can you explain this a little
 more, or should I just check the boards when I get back home?

 - Original Message -
 From: Dennis Towne
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:15:01 -0500
 Subject: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events


 We'd like to welcome you all to the year-end celebration at Alter Aeon!

 Starting on the 21st of December and going through new years eve, we
 plan to have a number of things going on:

 - The release of a new low level area near Indira

 As part of our ongoing efforts to give level 8-12 players more quests
 and areas to explore, we'll be opening a brand new area north of the
 Old Indira Forest on the island of Kordan.

 - A major update to the troll caves on Archais

 Originally created over 15 years ago, the troll caves were recently
 taken offline and given a major makeover.  We'll be officially opening
 the updated area, which should now be suitable for levels 24-30.

 - The release of a new high level stone giant area west of Finspang

 This area, created by the original builder of the Undead City of
 Jo'Kerin, shows a different side of stone giants.  If you're only
 familiar with the giants that reside in the Ash Mountains, you'll be

 - An object creation contest, open to everyone (this is currently
 running and submissions will close on Dec 23rd)

 - Daily gifts will be given out to everyone who logs in!

 - Several different minor contests and activities similar to the
 famous Halloween Pumpkin Cannon

 We'll also be running sales on various credit purchases in game if
 you're into that sort of thing.

 I'll mail out a more detailed schedule closer to the 21st.  We hope to
 see you there!

 Dennis Towne

 Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events

2011-12-13 Thread john
Thank you so much for that link! I personally find the boards 
rather confusing, so that was a big help. I'm going to type out 
my idea on my notetaker now, and send it as soon as I get back.

Once again, you rule!

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Towne
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:24:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events


Sometimes I don't know how to manage it either :)

It's probably easiest to check the in-game boards, you can either
'board set 8' and then read shadowfax's post, or here's a direct 

to it on the web:

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:54 AM, john 
All hale Dentin! How you manage to do all this and make a new 
class and keep

up with life I have absolutely no idea. Keep it up!
As far as the object creation contest goes, can you explain this 
a little

more, or should I just check the boards when I get back home?

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Towne
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:15:01 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events


We'd like to welcome you all to the year-end celebration at 
Alter Aeon!

Starting on the 21st of December and going through new years 
eve, we

plan to have a number of things going on:

- The release of a new low level area near Indira

As part of our ongoing efforts to give level 8-12 players more 
and areas to explore, we'll be opening a brand new area north of 

Old Indira Forest on the island of Kordan.

- A major update to the troll caves on Archais

Originally created over 15 years ago, the troll caves were 
taken offline and given a major makeover. 쟙e'll be officially 

the updated area, which should now be suitable for levels 24-30.

- The release of a new high level stone giant area west of 

This area, created by the original builder of the Undead City of
Jo'Kerin, shows a different side of stone giants. 쟅f you're 
familiar with the giants that reside in the Ash Mountains, 
you'll be


- An object creation contest, open to everyone (this is 

running and submissions will close on Dec 23rd)

- Daily gifts will be given out to everyone who logs in!

- Several different minor contests and activities similar to the
famous Halloween Pumpkin Cannon

We'll also be running sales on various credit purchases in game 

you're into that sort of thing.

I'll mail out a more detailed schedule closer to the 21st. 쟙e 
hope to

see you there!

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

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Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

2011-12-13 Thread william lomas
where can we get info on zombies run

On Dec 13, 2011, at 11:32 AM, Darren Duff wrote:

 Yes shawn.  Have a listen to the 2 podcasts I posted yesterday. 
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of shaun everiss
 Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:14 AM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.
 you mean something with the wie or the cinect units on xbox.
 I guess if in some of the sports games menus, messages and instructions were
 spoken we would be able to play them.
 But a game where you would have to physically interact would rock.
 The only other thing I can think of off the  top of my head is the ios
 At 09:37 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
 Hey, All.
 I was wondering what augmented games out there that are accessible for 
 the blind?
 You may ask what is a augmented game well here is what it is.
 Games like Dimensions adventures in the multiverse, Inception, and of 
 course the new game that will be out soon Zombies run.
 These games are basically to me virtual audio games because they 
 require the player to actually interact with the game like do things as 
 talk run walk and other type of things to be able to unlock things in 
 the game.
 The other thing the game require you to do is to fully be involve with 
 the game just like if you was really in the game.
 If someone could point me in the direction to find more games just like 
 the ones I name that would be awsome.
 I am looking for games that are on the IOS device.
 Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Duff
Kick start I think. Do a google search. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of william lomas
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 2:43 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.

where can we get info on zombies run

On Dec 13, 2011, at 11:32 AM, Darren Duff wrote:

 Yes shawn.  Have a listen to the 2 podcasts I posted yesterday. 
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of shaun everiss
 Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:14 AM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Augmented gaming for the blind.
 you mean something with the wie or the cinect units on xbox.
 I guess if in some of the sports games menus, messages and 
 instructions were spoken we would be able to play them.
 But a game where you would have to physically interact would rock.
 The only other thing I can think of off the  top of my head is the ios 
 At 09:37 a.m. 12/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
 Hey, All.
 I was wondering what augmented games out there that are accessible 
 for the blind?
 You may ask what is a augmented game well here is what it is.
 Games like Dimensions adventures in the multiverse, Inception, and of 
 course the new game that will be out soon Zombies run.
 These games are basically to me virtual audio games because they 
 require the player to actually interact with the game like do things 
 as talk run walk and other type of things to be able to unlock things 
 in the game.
 The other thing the game require you to do is to fully be involve 
 with the game just like if you was really in the game.
 If someone could point me in the direction to find more games just 
 like the ones I name that would be awsome.
 I am looking for games that are on the IOS device.
 Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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 list, send E-mail to
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[Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Sarah Haake


I just tried the Silversword game. It seems to be fairly accessible, but 
I can't read the manual. When I click on settings and then on help I 
only get a blank screen with three buttons. One of these buttons is for 
printing the manual and I don't really understand what the other two 
should do, but no matter which button I click I can't find any text 

Any help is appreciated, this actually looks like a great game, but I 
have to get some help on it first. :-)

Best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Bologna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
i don't understand why it seems harder to you? seems to me, everything 
is becoming much better.


On 14/12/2011 01:23, enes wrote:

I totally agree
new apps are getting increasingly harder to use
I got this laptop a year ago
2 years later this pc will be obsolete

From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:49 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Bologna! - Re: plans for 

Hardly.  There are quite a few who agree.

Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the 

- Original Message - From: Christopher Bartlett

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Bologna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

And certainly, yours is the only set of needs that matter.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
[] On

Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:26 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone


Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I 
have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it 
can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
down the

road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
new PC to

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding 
OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
the new

technology.  This! is! crap!

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If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work's begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself
before You can ever win a prize.
Life's battle doesn't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.

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Re: [Audyssey] [audyssey] swamp-chainsaw suggestion

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
as far as my research gos, and from info from a military guy i know, no 
they didn't.


On 14/12/2011 01:50, Dakotah Rickard wrote:

Actually, they did make .45 ACP mp5's.

Dakotah Rickard

On 12/13/11, Jeremy  wrote:

We honor the brave mp5.  It was willing to sacrifice it's reality for the
enjoyment of everyone.  For that, we salute you Mister mp5!  *Aprone


one thing i would also like to point
out, is that the mp5, does not use 45 ammo. it uses 9 mill.
put an 11.5 mill round in an mp5, and it would jam /
thats if you could even squeeze one of that size in.
all the other weapons are corect in the ammo types, just
not the mp5.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
but then, as it is, your able to carry all of the kinds of weapons. so 
in actual fact, in real life, you wouldn't be able to move, cause you 
couldn't possibly carry around an m60, a volcan, sniper, hunting, and 
all the others. not possible. so as it is, i think you have enough weapons.


On 14/12/2011 02:10, Dakotah Rickard wrote:

Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how this
works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs
reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload that
thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you lose
your axe.

Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade and
Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that death, as
a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold to
that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I
think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment each
time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in your
pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't
much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get on
death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff and
go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and there's
technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a
little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that many
experience on death.

Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to allow
only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, as
you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. Now,
with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously common
that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets one
no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their respective
ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault
rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the safe
zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't get it.
Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but honestly
you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest
therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up
seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if your
primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, hitting
the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so say
you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to scattershot,
you could hit the three key three times and get to your scattershot
weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might be

Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be fully
loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the m60 or
minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's really
worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you find
in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing else.

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
nice! and this sounds very good. might i also point out, it may, at some 
point, be a good idea to bring in the idea of wait capasity? as at the 
moment, i could bring in every weapon i can? and if i did that, i would 
need to be attached to a trailer, and dragged behind a tank?  ahahah
so, for example, you would have to decide, ok, i want my axe, my pistol, 
and an mp5, pluss the ammo to go with it. and this would make it very 
hard to, as your ammo supply would be limited to. not this hole thing of 
carrying 2000 rounds. that, would way loads!
so you would have to pick and choose what to take out in the field. 
perhaps, this is where having a locker or something back at the 
safehouse for your char would come in. or perhaps make selling and buy 
cost the same, or close to. so for example, selling a hunting rifle 
might get you 200 rep, and to buy it back, you might have to pay 
something like 220 or something.
just trying to come up with ways  to make it more realistic. and this 
would make you decide on what you want to carry out with you. and if you 
make a mistake and can't take down the enamy as well as you could have? 
... well, you know better for next time.


On 14/12/2011 02:24, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player tracking 
features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot steps.  These few 
changes will really make a huge difference when it comes to working as a group 
I think.  I'm also planning to add the ability to give people items, though the 
reason is actually centered more around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will need to have 
brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular map you can buy more 
gear or find loot, but in many of the instances this is not an option.  The one 
that's currently being coded is a fine example.  You and your team are sent to 
a warehouse to collect a certain number of supply crates which are desperately 
needed by the people at the Safe zone.  While at the warehouse you are totally 
separate from the normal map so there is no safe zone, plus you don't have 
weapon or ammo loot anywhere.  Everything your team will use must be brought 
with you when you enter the mission.  In the course of defending the warehouse 
from invading zombies, which shatter windows and break down doors to enter from 
more locations, it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo 
or lose a gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment will 
mean the difference between
  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.

I'm going to point this out, not
because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you
broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right
near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
uh, where did you get the idea its worse? in fact, it actually beets a 
lot of them when it comes to that. which is kinda surprising. but there 
you go.


On 14/12/2011 03:11, enes wrote:

i'm not talking about accessibility
i'm talking about quality
so i'll be switching from a higher quality product to a lower quality 
product just because of accessibility

From: john
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:54 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone Wolf

If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. Not 
only is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and far less 
entrucive than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, AVG, and 

- Original Message -
From: enes
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:02:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating system more
useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira dropped
accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and engine
i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of 

From: Alex Kenny
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as PC's.

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to support
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or Google,
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and VB
support than we would if these products were in the hands of other
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you want
to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and XNA
will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the point
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM just
isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to enjoy
these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I

buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
and I

need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
new PC

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft,
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the
technology.  This! is! crap!

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If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare 

Re: [Audyssey] Zero Sight release date annouced!

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien

nice one! looking forward to beeing in the air!

On 14/12/2011 03:16, Mario wrote:

Go here and listen!

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Trouble,

Yeah the only really good thing about dos text games was that the text got 
spoken automatically by every single dos screen reader.  Of course now people 
like Jeremy are coding directly to the API of all of the windows screen 
readers.  I never figured out how to do that, so only code to the sapi5 speech 
engine.  But it sure made all the difference in the world when windows gave me 
DirectX so that my games could asynchronously play wave files, multiple wave 
files, pan the wave files and adjust the volume and frequency of the wave 
files.  So yes, probably most of the change is good, some is not so much 
though.  At least in my opinion.  But I do still like to do allot of things the 
old fashion way.  Like I have made a short cut icon on the desk top for the 
programs that I run all the time.  One of those short cuts is just to the 
command prompt.  I spend allot of time at the command prompt.  And I have 
written many batch files for doing things like changing to folders that I go 
into all the time.  And batch files for listing folders in the old dos 8, 3, 
size and date format.  And the same format but by size or date.  And then my 
command prompt beeps to let me know when it is done so that I can start looking 
at the listing bottom up with the review cursor.  You know just like I used to 
on a dos computer.  Batch files are great for making backups as well.  I just 
find allot of things are still easier or quicker to do at the command prompt 
than they are in the windows interface.



The command prompt is our friend.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Duff
But we aren't talking about real life, or a simulation! We are talking about
a game. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

but then, as it is, your able to carry all of the kinds of weapons. so in
actual fact, in real life, you wouldn't be able to move, cause you couldn't
possibly carry around an m60, a volcan, sniper, hunting, and all the others.
not possible. so as it is, i think you have enough weapons.

On 14/12/2011 02:10, Dakotah Rickard wrote:
 Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how this 
 works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs 
 reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload that 
 thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you lose 
 your axe.

 Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade and 
 Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that death, as 
 a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold to 
 that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I 
 think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment each 
 time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in your 
 pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't 
 much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get on 
 death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff and 
 go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and there's 
 technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a 
 little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that many 
 experience on death.

 Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to allow 
 only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, as 
 you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. Now, 
 with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously common 
 that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets one 
 no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their respective 
 ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault 
 rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the safe 
 zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't get it.
 Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but honestly 
 you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest 
 therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up 
 seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if your 
 primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, hitting 
 the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so say 
 you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to scattershot, 
 you could hit the three key three times and get to your scattershot 
 weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might be 

 Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be fully 
 loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the m60 or 
 minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's really 
 worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you find 
 in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing else.

 Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Sara.
The only help that I can give is to please contact the developer and 
tell him about the accessibility issue you are having so he can fix that.

Here is his email
His name is Mario.
If you see anything else that needs some accessibility fixes let him know.

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread dark
Well Darren, it's been a while sinse I read them myself, which is why I'm 
currently rereading them at the moment.

I've finished the hobbit and am just at the start of return of the king, and 
will read the Silmarillion afterwards, so my mind is rather on middle earth 
anyway :D.

I freely admit though I'm a bit of a tolkien obsessive, I even have a copy 
of The Ring completely with engraving in the black speech of Mordor that I 
wear,  and no, this isn't one of the merchandizing ones made for the 
films, it's actually a wedding ring we got specially engraved several years 
before the first Peter Jaxon film.

it was our birthday! pressent! my precious! :D.

Beware the Grue!

- O 

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Johnny Tai
I believe a real minigun alone- the portable one, weighs about 90 LBs all on 
its lonesome heh- alot of weight even for a strong man. 

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[Audyssey] Interface or difficulty

2011-12-13 Thread dark
I've just finished Mega man x 2 for the Snes (though I played it on the mega 
man x collection for my gamecube).

this was the first ever mega man game I played and the one that got me into the 
series. my skills were a litle rusty, and even with most of the hidden items in 
the game i stil! had trouble with several bosses, indeed I spent half an hour 
just! on the final battles against Sigma's various forms. 

One interesting thought occurred to me though. 

in the Mega man x series, a gameplay addition were sub tanks. These are 
refillable stores of energy you keep in your inventory. Rather than being 
medkits, they are literally like an extra fuel tank. When you collect energy 
refill items from monsters and your already at full energy, that energy goes 
into your subtank until it is ful,  indeed there are a maximum of four to 
collect, and once ful will refill your energy back up when you use them from 
your inventory screen.

The kicker however is these subtanks (unlike the similar energy tanks in the 
Metroid series)are not used automatically. If your energy gets to zero you will 
die no matter how many ful subtanks you have left.

Thus, throughout those boss fights you need to keep track of your energy 
carefully, and judge when is best to use them. 

This is a contributing factor to the difficulty of the game. Certainly if 
Capcom had wanted the subtanks to automatically kick in when your initial 
energy ran out, as is the case in metroid, they'd have made the game that way, 
however as anyone who has played any of the mega man games will know, keeping 
track of your resources and weaponry is as much part of the game as the 

What occurred to me however, was that if this was done in an audio game, the 
first comment we would get is why aren't they used automatically? and yet, 
people stil wish for complex and difficult games, with different weapons and 
amo to keep track of and the like. 

My point is, when thinking about mechanics in games, the easy or most 
convenient way may not always be the one that is most fun. 

this might be true of saving, auto item management and various other mechanics.

Beware the grue! 

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble
Well how is this for quality. Most of the paid virus stuff is hardly 
accessible and feed back to help make it is non existent, and at 
least MSE don't state a system file is a virus like those others do.
Some times when something is free. That don't mean is junk. I have 
seen more junk cost a lot and still be junk.

At 12:11 PM 12/13/2011, you wrote:

i'm not talking about accessibility
i'm talking about quality
so i'll be switching from a higher quality product to a lower 
quality product just because of accessibility

From: john
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:54 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone Wolf

If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. 
Not only is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and 
far less entrucive than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, 
AVG, and Mcafee.

- Original Message -
From: enes
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:02:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating system more
useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira dropped
accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and engine
i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of accessibility

From: Alex Kenny
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as PC's.

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to support
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or Google,
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and VB
support than we would if these products were in the hands of other
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you want
to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and XNA
will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the point
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM just
isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to enjoy
these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft,
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the
technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread darren harris
Lol now you didn't say I do in his voice now did you? lol!

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: 13 December 2011 21:50
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Well Darren, it's been a while sinse I read them myself, which is why I'm 
currently rereading them at the moment.

I've finished the hobbit and am just at the start of return of the king, and

will read the Silmarillion afterwards, so my mind is rather on middle earth 
anyway :D.

I freely admit though I'm a bit of a tolkien obsessive, I even have a copy 
of The Ring completely with engraving in the black speech of Mordor that I 
wear,  and no, this isn't one of the merchandizing ones made for the 
films, it's actually a wedding ring we got specially engraved several years 
before the first Peter Jaxon film.

it was our birthday! pressent! my precious! :D.

Beware the Grue!

- O 

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
 buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have to
 buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't be
 loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
 need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down the
 road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC to
 be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.  Two
 years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, another
 one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, I
 have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the new
 technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
Isn't that kind of like playing the Eagles Best of my Love at a wedding?
One wife to rule them all. . .

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:50 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

I freely admit though I'm a bit of a tolkien obsessive, I even have a copy 
of The Ring completely with engraving in the black speech of Mordor that I 
wear,  and no, this isn't one of the merchandizing ones made for the 
films, it's actually a wedding ring we got specially engraved several years 
before the first Peter Jaxon film.

it was our birthday! pressent! my precious! :D.

Beware the Grue!

- O 

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Kai

I think this is one of those realism vs. playability concerns.

Jeremy initially implemented health-based movement modifiers, and while 
that's great for realism, it wasn't very good for practicality and 
playability's sake; it basically meant you were doomed to die once you were 

I think introducing these weight limitations would make the game too 
cumbersome in some regards. True it's not realistic, but it definitely makes 
the game a lot more enjoyable and playable.


- Original Message - 
From: Dallas O'Brien

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

nice! and this sounds very good. might i also point out, it may, at some 
point, be a good idea to bring in the idea of wait capasity? as at the 
moment, i could bring in every weapon i can? and if i did that, i would 
need to be attached to a trailer, and dragged behind a tank?  ahahah
so, for example, you would have to decide, ok, i want my axe, my pistol, 
and an mp5, pluss the ammo to go with it. and this would make it very hard 
to, as your ammo supply would be limited to. not this hole thing of 
carrying 2000 rounds. that, would way loads!
so you would have to pick and choose what to take out in the field. 
perhaps, this is where having a locker or something back at the safehouse 
for your char would come in. or perhaps make selling and buy cost the 
same, or close to. so for example, selling a hunting rifle might get you 
200 rep, and to buy it back, you might have to pay something like 220 or 
just trying to come up with ways  to make it more realistic. and this 
would make you decide on what you want to carry out with you. and if you 
make a mistake and can't take down the enamy as well as you could have? 
... well, you know better for next time.


On 14/12/2011 02:24, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player 
tracking features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot 
steps.  These few changes will really make a huge difference when it 
comes to working as a group I think.  I'm also planning to add the 
ability to give people items, though the reason is actually centered more 
around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will need to 
have brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular map you can 
buy more gear or find loot, but in many of the instances this is not an 
option.  The one that's currently being coded is a fine example.  You and 
your team are sent to a warehouse to collect a certain number of supply 
crates which are desperately needed by the people at the Safe zone. 
While at the warehouse you are totally separate from the normal map so 
there is no safe zone, plus you don't have weapon or ammo loot anywhere. 
Everything your team will use must be brought with you when you enter the 
mission.  In the course of defending the warehouse from invading zombies, 
which shatter windows and break down doors to enter from more locations, 
it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo or lose a 
gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment will mean 
the difference between

  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.

I'm going to point this out, not
because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you
broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right
near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread dan cook
i think i'll do the same, as i think the game looks brilliant, however
i have no idea what i'm supposed to do.

On 12/13/11, michael barnes wrote:
 Hey, Sara.
 The only help that I can give is to please contact the developer and
 tell him about the accessibility issue you are having so he can fix that.
 Here is his email
 His name is Mario.
 If you see anything else that needs some accessibility fixes let him know.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
yes, and you will tend to find, most games out there try to keep things 
as real as possible. thats why i bring it up.


On 14/12/2011 07:24, Darren Duff wrote:

But we aren't talking about real life, or a simulation! We are talking about
a game.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

but then, as it is, your able to carry all of the kinds of weapons. so in
actual fact, in real life, you wouldn't be able to move, cause you couldn't
possibly carry around an m60, a volcan, sniper, hunting, and all the others.
not possible. so as it is, i think you have enough weapons.

On 14/12/2011 02:10, Dakotah Rickard wrote:

Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how this
works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs
reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload that
thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you lose
your axe.

Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade and
Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that death, as
a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold to
that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I
think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment each
time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in your
pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't
much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get on
death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff and
go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and there's
technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a
little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that many
experience on death.

Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to allow
only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, as
you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. Now,
with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously common
that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets one
no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their respective
ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault
rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the safe
zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't get it.
Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but honestly
you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest
therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up
seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if your
primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, hitting
the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so say
you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to scattershot,
you could hit the three key three times and get to your scattershot
weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might be

Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be fully
loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the m60 or
minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's really
worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you find
in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing else.

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] more SC vids!

2011-12-13 Thread dan cook
this sounds fantastic, the announcer too sounds a lot better than in SC4. :D

On 12/13/11, Tom Randall wrote:
 Hey thanks for these, had not found them myself yet.  I agree this is gonna
 be great cannot wait for this one to come out.

 Game on.


 On Dec 12, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Clement Chou wrote:

 Dang it, Namco needs to put up a demo. Sounds are awesome, music is above
 amazing, and the gameplay looks great from what I've read and heard! Two
 videos, almost 20 minutes of footage! Enjoy... discussion welcome as
 always. I just love, and I mean love, this audio. I think the sword
 slashes themselves could be slightly better, but I like the ones they have
 now. Jst me being picky. Haha
 Hilde vs. Viola:
 Lexia vs. Zwei:
 Lexia is the daughter of Xianghua from the previous games, and her name is
 pronounced lee shia. At least, if my guess is correct.
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
ahah yeah. something like that. and the m60 is basicly a gpmg, if you 
know what that is. so again, even a strong man struggles to carry that, 
and 200 rouns for it.


On 14/12/2011 07:52, Johnny Tai wrote:
I believe a real minigun alone- the portable one, weighs about 90 LBs 
all on its lonesome heh- alot of weight even for a strong man.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
and even when they do change hardware requirement, its usually for the 
better, not worse. as has been said, 7 uses little more then xp, and 8 
uses less then 7!


On 14/12/2011 08:28, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles  wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.  Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, another
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the new
technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien

true. but its werth tossing out there to see what people think.

On 14/12/2011 08:40, Kai wrote:

I think this is one of those realism vs. playability concerns.

Jeremy initially implemented health-based movement modifiers, and 
while that's great for realism, it wasn't very good for practicality 
and playability's sake; it basically meant you were doomed to die once 
you were injurred.

I think introducing these weight limitations would make the game too 
cumbersome in some regards. True it's not realistic, but it definitely 
makes the game a lot more enjoyable and playable.


- Original Message - From: Dallas O'Brien

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

nice! and this sounds very good. might i also point out, it may, at 
some point, be a good idea to bring in the idea of wait capasity? as 
at the moment, i could bring in every weapon i can? and if i did 
that, i would need to be attached to a trailer, and dragged behind a 
tank?  ahahah
so, for example, you would have to decide, ok, i want my axe, my 
pistol, and an mp5, pluss the ammo to go with it. and this would make 
it very hard to, as your ammo supply would be limited to. not this 
hole thing of carrying 2000 rounds. that, would way loads!
so you would have to pick and choose what to take out in the field. 
perhaps, this is where having a locker or something back at the 
safehouse for your char would come in. or perhaps make selling and 
buy cost the same, or close to. so for example, selling a hunting 
rifle might get you 200 rep, and to buy it back, you might have to 
pay something like 220 or something.
just trying to come up with ways  to make it more realistic. and this 
would make you decide on what you want to carry out with you. and if 
you make a mistake and can't take down the enamy as well as you could 
have? ... well, you know better for next time.


On 14/12/2011 02:24, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player 
tracking features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot 
steps.  These few changes will really make a huge difference when it 
comes to working as a group I think.  I'm also planning to add the 
ability to give people items, though the reason is actually centered 
more around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will 
need to have brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular 
map you can buy more gear or find loot, but in many of the instances 
this is not an option.  The one that's currently being coded is a 
fine example.  You and your team are sent to a warehouse to collect 
a certain number of supply crates which are desperately needed by 
the people at the Safe zone. While at the warehouse you are totally 
separate from the normal map so there is no safe zone, plus you 
don't have weapon or ammo loot anywhere. Everything your team will 
use must be brought with you when you enter the mission.  In the 
course of defending the warehouse from invading zombies, which 
shatter windows and break down doors to enter from more locations, 
it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo or 
lose a gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment 
will mean the difference between

  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.

I'm going to point this out, not
because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you
broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right
near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even

Dakotah Rickard

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