[gentoo-user] rsync mirror

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Cole
I'm trying to setup my own personal mirror so I can setup multiple
machines without busting my bandwidth.

The documentation has massive holes in it. For example it appears that
an http server is needed but the rsync mirror docs for gentoo say
nothing about that. 

I have rsyncd running and that appeared to work. I ran the
rsync-gentoo-portage.sh script and it did pull down the digests,
directories, etc.

I can't seem to figure out how to get all the actual source files
downloaded and mirrored. 

My setup is per the docs on the gentoo webpage with slight changes to
directory locations.

Anyone have any idea where there might be a better howto or some other
documentation I might look at? I've never mirrored a site before.

Thanks in advance for your help!


ps. I have checked the usual howtoo and doc sites and haven't come up
with anything specific so I'm sure I missied something.

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[gentoo-user] procmail lock failure

2003-02-15 Thread Mr R A Mercer

Whenever an email gets delivered to my inbox I get the following error in 
the procmail log

## procmail: Lock failure on /var/spool/mail/ram.lock

any ideas why procmail is having problems creating the lock file?



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[gentoo-user] Mounting Problems USB and Firewire External Drives

2003-02-15 Thread Kent Jantz
I have Gentoo 1.4 and KDE 3.1 installed. I have supermount compilied into my 
CK3-sources kernel. I have an external 80GB Firewire Drive and a 32MB USB Pen Drive, 
my problem isn't so much that I can't mount them but how they are ordered in /dev 
since they are both seen as SCSI devices. To fruther explain my problem here is my 

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/fstab,v 1.10 2002/11/18 19:39:22 
azarah Exp $
# noatime turns of atimes for increased performance (atimes normally aren't
# needed; notail increases performance of ReiserFS (at the expense of storage
# efficiency).  It's safe to drop the noatime options if you want and to
# switch between notail and tail freely.

# fs  mountpointtype  opts  

# NOTE: If your BOOT partition is ReiserFS, add the notail option to opts.
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part3/boot   ext3noauto,noatime 
 1 1
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part6/   ext3noatime
 0 0
 0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  user,ro,mode=444,noauto  0  0
proc/proc   procdefaults0 0

# glibc 2.2 and above expects tmpfs to be mounted at /dev/shm for
# POSIX shared memory (shm_open, shm_unlink). Adding the following
# line to /etc/fstab should take care of this:
# (tmpfs is a dynamically expandable/shrinkable ramdisk, and will use almost no
#  memory if not populated with files)

tmpfs   /dev/shmtmpfs   defaults0 0

/dev/ataraid/disc0/part1  /win-c  vfat  umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part2  /win-d  vfat  umask=707,gid=0  0  0
#/dev/sda1  /mnt/fw1  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
#/dev/sda2  /mnt/fw2  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
#/dev/sda3  /mnt/fw3  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
#/dev/sda4  /mnt/fw4  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part1  /mp3  vfat  umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/sdb1   /mnt/fw1supermount  
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb1,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/sdb2   /mnt/fw2supermount  
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb2,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/sdb3   /mnt/fw3supermount  
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb3,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/sdb4   /mnt/fw4supermount  
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb4,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/sda1   /mnt/usbsupermount  
rw,fs=msdos,dev=/dev/sda1,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0 0  0

 If I mount only the Firewire Drive or only the USB Pen Drive then I have no problems 
but when I use them together that' s when things get sticky. The problem involves the 
last 5 lines of my /etc/fstab. You'll see that 4 of the lines have sdb1 mounting to 
fw1(4 partitions in the firewire drive-fw1, fw2,..etc), sdb2 mounting to fw2,...etc. 
The last line is the USB drive sda1 mounting to /mnt/usb. If I mount the firewire 
drive first then it goes to sda NOT sdb, I wondered how to fix this and a 30 minute 
search thru the forums I saw that you could create dev entries for devices in 
/etc/devfsd.conf. So I modified mine and here is the relevant section of my modified 
/etc/devfsd.conf file: 

#Create sdb1 for 1st Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP  ^sdb1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 
REGISTER^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb1

#Create sdb2 for 2nd Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP  ^sdb2 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 
REGISTER^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb2

#Create sdb3 for 3rd Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP  ^sdb3 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 
REGISTER^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb3

#Create sdb4 for 4th Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP  ^sdb4 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 
REGISTER^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb4

#Create sda1 for USB Pen Drive
LOOKUP  ^sda1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 
REGISTER^scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sda1

# Support additional 

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge sync from a local computer ?

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Cole
On Friday 14 February 2003 02:12 pm, Anthony de Boer wrote:

 and now emerge sync there gets data from the first machine.  I'm not
 doing the every-30-minutes rsync that the document requires for official
 mirrors, because I'm simply doing emerge sync on the first machine
 before the second one.

I setup simular and do rsync ok but the files still end up being pulled off an 
http mirror.

I am still searching for a link that will show http mirroring. That seems the 
next step.

If you go by the gentoo docs you would think your all setup and mirroring. 
NOT! There still seems to be a ton of pieces missing from the puzzle. I'm 
still trying to piece it all together. 

Can someone here that has setup a full portage tree complete with ALL 
downloads (yes that's a ton of disk space) please step forward and point us 
in the correct direction on how to do this on gentoo? There are allot of 
mirrors out there so I know it's being done. :)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge sync from a local computer ?

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Cole
On Friday 14 February 2003 02:12 pm, Anthony de Boer wrote:
 I've done this.  I started with the rsync-mirror documentation at:


This is what I've found so far:


Still doesn't seem to copy the entire portage tree directory but I'm still 
working on it. I hope someone see's our problem that is currently an offical 
mirror and knows how to do this and will give us an example script to start 


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[gentoo-user] Gcc Myths and Facts

2003-02-15 Thread Joo Seabra
Hash: SHA1

Hi all

 I wrote a small and humble article about gcc - some myths and some facts.
 I hope it helps clarifying some misunderstandings around gcc and the 
optimizations.Could be useful for make.conf.


 Comments are welcome.

 Best Regards,

 João Seabra
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [gentoo-user] rsync mirror

2003-02-15 Thread Troy Dack
On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 19:46, Robert Cole wrote:
 I'm trying to setup my own personal mirror so I can setup multiple
 machines without busting my bandwidth.

 The documentation has massive holes in it. For example it appears that
 an http server is needed but the rsync mirror docs for gentoo say
 nothing about that. 

A http server is only needed if you want to be a mirror for distfiles as
well as the portage tree.

The easiest way to share your portage tree and source files across
multiple computers on a local network is with nfs.

Put something like this in /etc/exports:


Then on each of your client machines add the following to /etc/fstab:

  server:/path/to/portage  /usr/portage  nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192  0 0

On both server and client make sure that you have portmap and nfs added
to the boot runlevel (rc-update add portmap boot; rc-update add nfs

Now when you rsync from *any* machine the portage tree will be update. 
When you emerge a package from *any* machine the source files will be
saved in distfiles and be available to all machines.

Troy Dack   http://linux.tkdack.com
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://webportage.sf.net

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[gentoo-user] emerge python breakage

2003-02-15 Thread Alex Holden
Hi, I'm building a new system, and I've managed to break it just by
running emerge python. What happened was that I emerged fetchmail, and
it said that in order for fetchmailconf to work I would have to
re-emerge python with the tcltk USE flag set. Actually that flag was
already set, but I think python was built as part of system before I
emerged ufed and set up the flags. Anyway, I ran emerge python and it
seemed to build and install just fine, but afterwords, every time python
starts it prints 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback, and when
I try to run emerge it says:

'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/emerge, line 2, in ?
import os,sys,portage,xpak,string,re,commands,time,threading,shutil
ImportError: No module named portage

If I run python -v /usr/bin/emerge it says among other things:
'import site' failed; traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.2/site.py, line 84, in ?
if dir and not os.path.exists(dir):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'

Thinking maybe the portage python module had been deleted or corrupted
or something, I tried untarring the portage rescue tarball (I couldn't
emerge it of course because emerge is broken). It didn't make any
difference to the problem (but it did overwrite /etc/make.conf)

Any ideas why Python has broken (was it something I did wrong or a bug
in the ebuild?) and more importantly, how can I fix it without
reinstalling from scratch?

 Alex Holden - http://www.linuxhacker.org 
If it doesn't work, you're not hitting it with a big enough hammer

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with phoenix

2003-02-15 Thread Theofilos Intzoglou
  Phoenix and it's plugins go to /usr/lib/phoenix. I'm running phoenix-bin as a user 
and had no problems with the java and flash plugins.

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 06:37:17 -0800
Susie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering has anyone else had this problem with phoenix?  When I
 installed some plugins and a few of the themes it works just fine as
 root.  The moment I switch to user I get a blank grey phoenix with no
 menu bar or anything.  If I'm running a root instance of phoenix then
 launch a user one at the same time the user one behaves fine.  I'm
 wondering if somewhere a permission for a file or something is wrong but
 I'm not sure where to look.  Anyone have any ideas?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread keanu
On Saturday 15 February 2003 13:48, Ralf Kessler wrote:

 Duron 1200 MHz
 512 MB RAM
 fast HDD (DMA is on)
 Gentoo 1.4-rc2
 kde 3.1

 and kdm needs about 30 seconds to start... :-( Why? I can't find any Errors
 in /var/log...

i have the same problem, on both my machines, i've had it since i upgrade from 
kde 3.0.4 to kde 3.1

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Voicu Liviu
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 15 February 2003 14:57, keanu wrote:
 On Saturday 15 February 2003 13:48, Ralf Kessler wrote:
  Duron 1200 MHz
  512 MB RAM
  fast HDD (DMA is on)
  Gentoo 1.4-rc2
  kde 3.1
  and kdm needs about 30 seconds to start... :-( Why? I can't find any
  Errors in /var/log...

 i have the same problem, on both my machines, i've had it since i upgrade
 from kde 3.0.4 to kde 3.1

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Mine too but I have Pentium2 300 Mhz so doesn't count doest it? :-)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Jonathan Morton
and kdm needs about 30 seconds to start... :-(

It could be because KDE and QT are very big resource hogs.  :o)  To 
speed things up, you might try using pre-linking - but I haven't 
tried it.

Personally, I used XDM with KDE, and it worked just as well and 
reasonably quickly.  Loading KDE was what took longer after that. 
These days I use Blackbox as my desktop instead - it's impressively 

from: Jonathan Chromatix Morton
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/
tagline:  The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.

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Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Sundance
I heard Ralf Kessler said:

 and kdm needs about 30 seconds to start... :-( Why?

What version of XFree are you using? I used to have this problem with 
XFree prior to 4.2.1-r2. It was a problem with permissions in /tmp. The 
problem disappeared at once when I upgraded XFree -- now KDM loads up 
almost instantly.

Hope this helps!

-- S.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Voicu Liviu
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 15 February 2003 15:26, Sundance wrote:
 I heard Ralf Kessler said:
  and kdm needs about 30 seconds to start... :-( Why?

 What version of XFree are you using? I used to have this problem with
 XFree prior to 4.2.1-r2. It was a problem with permissions in /tmp. The

What problem in /tmp?

 problem disappeared at once when I upgraded XFree -- now KDM loads up
 almost instantly.

 Hope this helps!

 -- S.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Sundance
I heard Jorge Almeida said:

 I have that version of XFree and also no joy...

Okay, so it is weird. There has just been a power outage, and when it 
went back up, KDM took 30 seconds to load here too.

I'm now officially confused. :)

Hmm, after some experimentation, it would seem that wiping out /tmp 
prior to starting KDM solves the problem. Can anyone confirm this? 
Thanks. :)

-- S.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Ralf Kessler

Am 15.02.2003 um 14:26:20 schrieb Sundance:
 What version of XFree are you using? I used to have this problem with 
 XFree prior to 4.2.1-r2. It was a problem with permissions in /tmp. The 
 problem disappeared at once when I upgraded XFree -- now KDM loads up 
 almost instantly.

sorry, but i have XFree-4.2.1-r2...

Best Regards

  .-. Ralf Kessler * Freiburg/Germany * http://www.ralfkessler.de/  .-.
  oo|   Citizen of Ladonia*Mailadresse im Headeroo|
 /`'\   GnuPG 1.2.1  Key-ID: 0x9AB09860 (DSA/EG)   /`'\
(\_;/)  PGP-Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Autoresponder) (\_;/)

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Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Pat Double
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 15 February 2003 06:48 am, Ralf Kessler wrote:
 and kdm needs about 30 seconds to start... :-( Why? I can't find any Errors
 in /var/log...

I remember a message a while back saying after you upgrade XFree you need to 
remerge font-config. I think this applies to kde as well because when I 
merged one of the 3.1_rcX builds, it started up very slowly, after I merged 
font-config again, it went away.

- -- 
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [gentoo-user] procmail lock failure

2003-02-15 Thread mikepolniak
On 08:56 Sat 15 Feb , Mr R A Mercer wrote:
 Whenever an email gets delivered to my inbox I get the following error in 
 the procmail log
 ## procmail: Lock failure on /var/spool/mail/ram.lock
 any ideas why procmail is having problems creating the lock file?
Have not had this error myself but the man page says it...

Can  only  occur  if you specify some real weird (and illegal) lockfilenames 
or if  the lockfile could  not  be  created  because of
insufficient permissions or nonexistent subdirectories.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge python breakage

2003-02-15 Thread Collins
On Saturday 15 February 2003 04:41 am, Alex Holden wrote:
 Hi, I'm building a new system, and I've managed to break it just by
 running emerge python. What happened was that I emerged fetchmail, and
 it said that in order for fetchmailconf to work I would have to
 re-emerge python with the tcltk USE flag set. Actually that flag was
 already set, but I think python was built as part of system before I
 emerged ufed and set up the flags. Anyway, I ran emerge python and it
 seemed to build and install just fine, but afterwords, every time python
 starts it prints 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback, and when
 I try to run emerge it says:

 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/bin/emerge, line 2, in ?
 import os,sys,portage,xpak,string,re,commands,time,threading,shutil
 ImportError: No module named portage

 If I run python -v /usr/bin/emerge it says among other things:
 'import site' failed; traceback:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.2/site.py, line 84, in ?
 if dir and not os.path.exists(dir):
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'

 Thinking maybe the portage python module had been deleted or corrupted
 or something, I tried untarring the portage rescue tarball (I couldn't
 emerge it of course because emerge is broken). It didn't make any
 difference to the problem (but it did overwrite /etc/make.conf)

 Any ideas why Python has broken (was it something I did wrong or a bug
 in the ebuild?) and more importantly, how can I fix it without
 reinstalling from scratch?

This won't help you, but I always add tcltk to USE flags (you need it to get 
tkinter), and python always builds without any problems.  In your current 
situation, get one of the /usr/portage/sys-apps/files/portage-rescue... 

Collins - kmail 3.1 test

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Ralf Kessler

my KDM is now starting normally :-)))

Am 15.02.2003 um 07:55:02 schrieb Pat Double:
 I remember a message a while back saying after you upgrade XFree you need to 
 remerge font-config. I think this applies to kde as well because when I 
 merged one of the 3.1_rcX builds, it started up very slowly, after I merged 
 font-config again, it went away.

yes it seems ti be an 'font-problem'. I doesn't reemerge font-config, but i
start xfs now at startup and after an reboot, KDM is running fine :-)

THX to all

Best Regards

  .-. Ralf Kessler * Freiburg/Germany * http://www.ralfkessler.de/  .-.
  oo|   Citizen of Ladonia*Mailadresse im Headeroo|
 /`'\   GnuPG 1.2.1  Key-ID: 0x9AB09860 (DSA/EG)   /`'\
(\_;/)  PGP-Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Autoresponder) (\_;/)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM is starting veeery slowly...

2003-02-15 Thread Pat Double
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 15 February 2003 07:55 am, Pat Double wrote:
 I remember a message a while back saying after you upgrade XFree you need
 to remerge font-config. I think this applies to kde as well because when I
 merged one of the 3.1_rcX builds, it started up very slowly, after I merged
 font-config again, it went away.

Sorry, I meant fontconfig.

- -- 
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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[gentoo-user] problem with VTE (gnome2.2)

2003-02-15 Thread Marcos Garcia
I'm trying to upgrade my built-from-binary gnome2.0 to gnome2.2. It's the 
first time i have a big problem with emerge. When emerging gnome, the VTE 
package gives me a thousand error messages like
vte.c:15713: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
vte.c:15714: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
vte.c:15716: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
vte.c: In function `vte_terminal_get_status_line':
vte.c:15738: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
make[2]: *** [vte.lo] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

!!! ERROR: x11-libs/vte-0.10.19 failed.
!!! Function gnome2_src_compile, Line 41, Exitcode 2
!!! compile failure
I tried to compile it myself, but it crashes anyway. I tried also to use the 
flag ACCEPT_KEYWORD=^x86 (SORRY i dont know how to write ASCII symbols in 
linux. ALT+126 doesnt works!!).It only makes emerge to download Vte.0.10.19 
instead 0.10.17 .
I'm a bit annoyed, i can't upgrade gnome :( Any ideas??

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] add icons to a fluxbox desktop

2003-02-15 Thread Maximus
On Sat, 15 Feb 2003 06:18:18 -0800
Bobby R. Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Give this a try. By Fluxbox for Fluxbox...
 And there is also this ...
 On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 09:19:46PM +0800, William Kenworthy wrote:
  Besides idesk, are there any other ways to add icons to a fluxbox
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 Bobby R. Cox
 Saturday Feb 15 2003 06:05:01 PST
 Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Try emerge -s fbdesk. Then if you know how to emerge masked packages you'll find that 
it works, but some icons turn out square instead of nice and round.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge python breakage

2003-02-15 Thread Alex Holden
On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 14:21, Collins wrote:
 This won't help you, but I always add tcltk to USE flags (you need it to get 
 tkinter), and python always builds without any problems.  In your current 
 situation, get one of the /usr/portage/sys-apps/files/portage-rescue... 

As I mentioned earlier Python did appear to build without any problems
but it didn't work properly after installation, and the only significant
thing unpacking the Portage rescue tarball did was to overwrite my
make.conf and mess up some cache somewhere. After I'd fixed the Python
problem by copying /usr/lib/python2.2 from another machine I managed to
fix the corrupted portage cache problem by re-emerging portage.

 Alex Holden - http://www.linuxhacker.org 
If it doesn't work, you're not hitting it with a big enough hammer

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge sync from a local computer ?

2003-02-15 Thread William Kenworthy
Is that strictly needed?  Try using a common NFS mounted distfile
directory. The first machine to request a tarball will load it into the
common directory and the rest get it from there.  With a http server,
you will still have to get the tarballs in some way, and probably have a
lot of unwanted ones in the process if you grab the lot

*catch is you need to ensure that only one machine does the download at
a time as two or more downloading the same tarball makes a mess!  As I
control which machine is emergeing, this does not cause a problem for me
- there is probably some procedural or scriptable solution if one thinks
hard enuff!


On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 18:18, Robert Cole wrote:
 On Friday 14 February 2003 02:12 pm, Anthony de Boer wrote:
  and now emerge sync there gets data from the first machine.  I'm not
  doing the every-30-minutes rsync that the document requires for official
  mirrors, because I'm simply doing emerge sync on the first machine
  before the second one.
 I setup simular and do rsync ok but the files still end up being pulled off an 
 http mirror.
 I am still searching for a link that will show http mirroring. That seems the 
 next step.
 If you go by the gentoo docs you would think your all setup and mirroring. 
 NOT! There still seems to be a ton of pieces missing from the puzzle. I'm 
 still trying to piece it all together. 
 Can someone here that has setup a full portage tree complete with ALL 
 downloads (yes that's a ton of disk space) please step forward and point us 
 in the correct direction on how to do this on gentoo? There are allot of 
 mirrors out there so I know it's being done. :)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [gentoo-user] add icons to a fluxbox desktop

2003-02-15 Thread William Kenworthy
Not using gnome, but fluxbox.  Nautilus has lots of bad things that I am
trying to avoid on a low memory, slow processor machine.

idesk has some anoying problems ranging from reqiring *3* mouse click to
execute an icon (two machines) to segfaulting on another, so I am
looking for a lightweight alternative.


On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 21:22, Matthew Graybosch wrote:
 * William Kenworthy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  Besides idesk, are there any other ways to add icons to a fluxbox
 Wouldn't Nautilus do the job of set to draw the desktop?
 Matthew Graybosch
 Good men know their limits. Great men overcome them.
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] memtest86

2003-02-15 Thread Brett I . Holcomb
Go to the config options and you can select what or all the test you want 
run.  It takes a long time to do them all.

 On Saturday 15 February 2003 00:32, Shane Hickey wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 20:58, Dave Klipec wrote:
  psyched to try this out.  I'd never heard of this package before.

 Thanks for the help. Just for the record, I booted to memtest86 and it
 ran the default tests automaticly. I will have to explore the
 configuration options as the tests repeated after finishing the first 7
 tests in about 18 minutes on my Athlon 700 with 96 megs of pc-100 RAM


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge ports

2003-02-15 Thread Paul de Vrieze
On Saturday 15 February 2003 01:53, Carl Hudkins wrote:
 On Friday 14 February 2003 18:57, Eric Miller wrote:
  I am behind a firewall.  Exactly which ports do I need
  to have open to use emerge?

   It may depend on your firewall (such as whether it uses state tracking),
 but here I haven't done anything special.  AFAIK, allowing FTP and
 HTTP(S) should be enough.  The rsync protocol (according to the man page)
 uses port 873, so you may need to open that one as well.

Remember that are outward connections, so you must allow setting up 
connections to those ports (20/21, 80,873), not inward connections. 


Paul de Vrieze
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

Description: signature

Re: [gentoo-user] add icons to a fluxbox desktop

2003-02-15 Thread Voicu Liviu
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 15 February 2003 17:11, William Kenworthy wrote:
 Not using gnome, but fluxbox.  Nautilus has lots of bad things that I am
 trying to avoid on a low memory, slow processor machine.

 idesk has some anoying problems ranging from reqiring *3* mouse click to
 execute an icon (two machines) to segfaulting on another, so I am
 looking for a lightweight alternative.


 On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 21:22, Matthew Graybosch wrote:
  * William Kenworthy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   Besides idesk, are there any other ways to add icons to a fluxbox
  Wouldn't Nautilus do the job of set to draw the desktop?
  Matthew Graybosch
  Good men know their limits. Great men overcome them.

Try xfce4 available from cvs only, it has desktop support also BUT the most 
powerfull is the toolbar, it allows you to add shortcuts as many as you want 
and believe me, in this way you don't have to minimize your windows to be 
able to find the shortcuts from the descktop :-)
Here you may see my screenshots:
/url :-)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Apache, PHP and HTTPS issue

2003-02-15 Thread James Dennis
Hash: SHA1

It sounds like you didn't run the ebuild scripts after installing. Read 
the doc's on how to install things before expecting magic...
- -James

On Thursday 13 February 2003 04:17 pm, Balaji Srinivasan wrote:
 Hi Everyone
 i have installed apache, mod_ssl and php. I have set APACHE_OPTS in
 /etc/conf.d/apache to include -D SSL and -D PHP4
 Now when i run apache i cannot do a https to that box. Why is that?

 Also when i run a test.php script (containing ? phpinfo(); ?), it
 does not run the php script.
 Any ideas whats happening?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] rsync mirror

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Cole
On Saturday 15 February 2003 03:13 am, Troy Dack wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 19:46, Robert Cole wrote:
  I'm trying to setup my own personal mirror so I can setup multiple
  machines without busting my bandwidth.
  The documentation has massive holes in it. For example it appears that
  an http server is needed but the rsync mirror docs for gentoo say
  nothing about that.

 A http server is only needed if you want to be a mirror for distfiles as
 well as the portage tree.

That's exactly what I'm trying to do. :)

 The easiest way to share your portage tree and source files across
 multiple computers on a local network is with nfs.

This doesn't work for my purposes but I'll keep it in mind.

Do you know how to mirror the distfiles?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge sync from a local computer ?

2003-02-15 Thread Robert Cole
On Saturday 15 February 2003 07:08 am, William Kenworthy wrote:
 Is that strictly needed?  Try using a common NFS mounted distfile
 directory. The first machine to request a tarball will load it into the
 common directory and the rest get it from there.  With a http server,
 you will still have to get the tarballs in some way, and probably have a
 lot of unwanted ones in the process if you grab the lot

I have business reasons for wanting to do this. I'm looking at deploying 
gentoo in business environments and machines have different needs for 
different software. Yes an NFS mirror would probably work ok after I built 
the distfiles directory up but what of updates? It an update of say 
openoffice was put into the tree I would end up downloading that once while I 
sat there.

If I had a mirror going that wouldn't happen.

Plus I'm looking at having this server mirror other things as well so the best 
fit in this case is an http mirror. Finding a good howto for that is proving 
to be troublesome however.


p.s. in enviroments where bandwidth isn't an issue I would of course see about 
setting that site up as a public mirror. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Again: constant hangings

2003-02-15 Thread Brice B
On Saturday 15 February 2003 03:50 pm, Bruno Lustosa wrote:
 * Norberto Bensa [EMAIL PROTECTED] [14-02-2003 23:50]:
   What should I do?
  emerge memtest86

 Alright. Memtest86 tested for about 10 minutes, until it found an error
 in address 252.2mb (at the end of the testings), and then HUNG!!
 I believe now, that this is a bad hardware issue. Perhaps gentoo is
 stressing the hardware more than windows or debian, because of so much
 compiling (and compiling eats memory).
 I'll try to replace the DDR modules for a new one (perhaps 512mb), and
 then run memtest86 before anything.


  Compiling strains the CPU MUCH MORE ( 80+%) than normal use seen under 
windows  other binary based OSes. If you have the means to buy extra DDR 
that's surely worth a try. I'm still curios as to what Heatsink+Fan combo you 
have cooling your motherboard... and would recommend replacing it w/ a 
Coolermaster HAC-V81 ($15 w/ free shipping at newegg.com) if you're using the 
retail... the thing is very loud at full speed, but comes w/ a rheostat that 
allows you to adjust the voltage - RPM - noise of the fan to medium/low 
which is at a VERY tolerable level (quiter than an AMD 60mm retail fan).. 
also what is your case temperature?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Gentoo Linux Desktop Configuration Guide needs to be updated (or clarified)

2003-02-15 Thread Eric Miller
The Gentoo Linux Desktop Configuration Guide
(http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/desktop.xml) instructs
to edit the XF86Config for Nvidia cards as such:

Section Device
Identifier  NVIDIA GeForce
#Driver  nv
Driver  nvidia
# Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

I have attatched a nohup emerge nvidia-kernel 
emergenvkernel.log and one for the glx as well.  Here
are my questions:

- Is the module called nvidia or NVdriver?
- Why does the Gentoo Linux Desktop Configuration
Guide fail to mention the opengl-update nvidia, yes
it is mentioned in the emerge as it flies by on the
screen...but it deserves to be mentioned in the guide.

Even after all this digging (and posting, this is my
third!)I still cant get 3D support for my
GeForce2MX in Gentoo...

Any guidance?

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

Description: emergenvglx.log

Description: emergenvkernel.log
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] CUPS nightmares

2003-02-15 Thread Devi0s
So I checked my cups error log.  It kept giving me the error that I should check my 
cups configuration file because FileDevice was disabled (default configuration)...

# FileDevice: determines whether the scheduler will allow new printers
# to be added using device URIs of the form file:/foo/bar. [b]The default
# is not to allow file devices due to the potential security vulnerability
# and due to the fact that file devices do not support raw printing.[/b]

FileDevice Yes

By changing this option to 'YES', I was now able to issue the:

'foomatic-configure -s cups -p 75104 -c /dev/lp0 -n HP -d ljet4'

command without receiving any errors.  So then I had to go back into the cups web 
interface and reset the printer configuration, re-adding the location and everything 
as I had before:

Name: HP
Location: /dev/lp0
Description: HP LaserJet 4 Plus
Device: Parallel Port #1 (Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet 4 Plus)
Make: HP
Model: HP LaserJet Series CUPS v1.1 (en) 

Now when I print a test page, it works correctly.

During this process, at some point, I had emerged gimp-print.  I don't know if this 
had anything to do with the now working printer; Does anyone?

Also, is this the solution for other people experiencing these problems printing to a 
local parallel printer)?  (Changing FileDevice to Yes in cupsd.conf and disabling IEEE 
1284 Transfer mode in the kernel configuration?  Should the gentoo printing 
documentation be changed to reflect this?



On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:47:21 -0500
Felix Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had to place the modules in my modules.autoload file in order to load 
 them at boot time.
 At 05:19 AM 2/10/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 I followed the gentoo printing guide to no avail - still having problems.
 I have an HP LaserJet 4 Plus hooked up via the parallel port.  I have 
 parport, parport-pc, IEE 1284 Transfer mode, and lp configured correctly 
 in my kernel configuration.
 I did:
 emerge cups
 emerge foomatic
 Weird behavior:
 I (as root) cat test.txt (Hello World:)  /dev/lp0.  Though the command 
 returns no error, nothing happens.  I keep doing it:
 cat test.txt  /dev/lp0
 cat test.txt  /dev/lp0
 cat test.txt  /dev/lp0
 cat test.txt  /dev/lp0
 All of these return NO errors, but nothing happens.
 So I issue this command:
 foomatic-configure -s cups -p 75104 -c /dev/lp0 -n HP -d ljet4
 And get the following error message:
 lpadmin: add-printer (set device) failed: client-error-not-possible
 Could not set up/change the queue HP!
 Then I set up cupsd:
 rc-update add cupsd default
 So I use mozilla to go to, set up the printer with 
 the following settings:
 Name: HP
 Location: /dev/lp0
 Description: HP LaserJet 4 Plus
 Device: Parallel Port #1 (Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet 4 Plus)
 Make: HP
 Model: HP LaserJet Series CUPS v1.1 (en)
 So I print a test page and get:
 Hello World
 Hello World
Hello World
   Hello World
  Hello World
 So I print another test page.  This time, nothing happens.  I print 
 another test page... nothing happens. Etc...
 So I go and look at the 'completed' jobs:
 HP-11  Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job
 HP-12  Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job
 HP-13  (stdin) devios  93k   aborted   Restart Job
 HP-14  Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job
 HP-15  Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job
 HP-16  Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job
 I can't seem to find any help on this anywhere.  Any help would be greatly 
 appeciated.  Research I've done to this point seems to suggest this is a 
 gentoo problem - as if some dependencey or config file entry is missing 
 There are a lot of similar issues from gentoo users.
 In any case, I just would like a working printer so I don't have to 
 continue using Microsoft products.  I'd appreciate it if you could cc my 
 email address on all responses.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 Felix Rodriguez
 Programmer Analyst
 Phone: 860-685-3984

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[gentoo-user] Writing an Nvidia 3D Support how to- Need some help

2003-02-15 Thread Eric Miller
OK.  I'm going to try to write a step-by-step how to
for enabling the most current Nvidia modules and glx
on a gentoo system.  Bear in mind -I STILL DON'T HAVE
IT WORKING ON MY SYSTEM- so I need some help, esp with
the check if this step works parts.

Before I start the parts I know, I have two questions;

-Are there any kernel configs that need to be made
before this will work?  

-Are there any USE flags that need to be set or

This how-to assumes you have X properly configured and
functioning, with your XF86Config configured for you
mouse and monitor.  See the Gentoo Linux Desktop
Configuration Guide if you need to configure this.

Step One:  emerge nvidia-kernel
Check step one:  (dunno?  modprobe nvidia?)
Step Two: emerge nvidia-glx
Check step two: opengl-update nvidia (again, guessing
that this won't work if emerge nvidia-glx failed)
Step Three: edit XF6Config to load glx and use
driver nvidia
Check step three:  startx, you should get the Nvidia
splash screen if everything was done properly
Step Four:  Have NVdriver autoload at startup by
including it in /etc/modules.autoload.

What else?  I must be missing something...coz I can't
get mine to work.  What step is missing from the
above?  I'm *sure* others have had problems because of
old or incomplete docs, so please be as detailed as possible...

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] rsync mirror

2003-02-15 Thread Ben M. Thomas
I haven't tried this personally, but overall it looks like a simple
matter. I believe you will need to set up a machine on your lan with
rsync access to one of the public mirrors that offer rsync access such
as http://csociety-ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/ and with either ftp or http
server capabilities. Then on your local machines just change the
/etc/make.conf and set the local server as only your GENTOO_MIRROR.

You will need something to support the file transfers, such as ftp or
http, if that was your specific question. To be a mirror for the portage
tree you would only need rsynce, but distfiles require either ftp or

On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 12:14, Robert Cole wrote:
 On Saturday 15 February 2003 03:13 am, Troy Dack wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 19:46, Robert Cole wrote:
   I'm trying to setup my own personal mirror so I can setup multiple
   machines without busting my bandwidth.
   The documentation has massive holes in it. For example it appears that
   an http server is needed but the rsync mirror docs for gentoo say
   nothing about that.
  A http server is only needed if you want to be a mirror for distfiles as
  well as the portage tree.
 That's exactly what I'm trying to do. :)
  The easiest way to share your portage tree and source files across
  multiple computers on a local network is with nfs.
 This doesn't work for my purposes but I'll keep it in mind.
 Do you know how to mirror the distfiles?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] Writing an Nvidia 3D Support how to- Need some help

2003-02-15 Thread Brett I . Holcomb
The readme for 1.3.x says

1.  For XF86Config

Have Load GLX line
Remove/comment out dri, GLCore line

2.  What's the opengl-update?  I never ran it and OpenGL worked on my sysetm.

3.  The requirement to put nvidia driver in modules.autoload is a function of 
something gentoo did.  I did not have to originally - it would load when I 
did startx however in the last couple of weeks the same nvidia version had to 
go in autoload.  Then I found that for testing  I had to load the driver with 
modprobe to run startx or no driver was found and startx failed.  Put this 
step before running startx.

 OK.  I'm going to try to write a step-by-step how to
 for enabling the most current Nvidia modules and glx
 on a gentoo system.  Bear in mind -I STILL DON'T HAVE
 IT WORKING ON MY SYSTEM- so I need some help, esp with
 the check if this step works parts.

 Before I start the parts I know, I have two questions;

 -Are there any kernel configs that need to be made
 before this will work?

 -Are there any USE flags that need to be set or

 This how-to assumes you have X properly configured and
 functioning, with your XF86Config configured for you
 mouse and monitor.  See the Gentoo Linux Desktop
 Configuration Guide if you need to configure this.

 Step One:  emerge nvidia-kernel
 Check step one:  (dunno?  modprobe nvidia?)
 Step Two: emerge nvidia-glx
 Check step two: opengl-update nvidia (again, guessing
 that this won't work if emerge nvidia-glx failed)
 Step Three: edit XF6Config to load glx and use
 driver nvidia
 Check step three:  startx, you should get the Nvidia
 splash screen if everything was done properly
 Step Four:  Have NVdriver autoload at startup by
 including it in /etc/modules.autoload.

 What else?  I must be missing something...coz I can't
 get mine to work.  What step is missing from the
 above?  I'm *sure* others have had problems because of
 old or incomplete docs, so please be as detailed as possible...

 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Writing an Nvidia 3D Support how to- Need some help

2003-02-15 Thread Hemmann, Volker Armin

On Saturday 15 February 2003 21:20, Eric Miller wrote:
 OK.  I'm going to try to write a step-by-step how to
 for enabling the most current Nvidia modules and glx
 on a gentoo system.  Bear in mind -I STILL DON'T HAVE
 IT WORKING ON MY SYSTEM- so I need some help, esp with
 the check if this step works parts.

 Before I start the parts I know, I have two questions;

 -Are there any kernel configs that need to be made
 before this will work?

Maybe, someone should write down, that it is plain stupid to build kernels 
without mtrr support?

 Step Four:  Have NVdriver autoload at startup by
 including it in /etc/modules.autoload.

X is loading the nvidia modul itself.
Do not(!) put it into modules.autoload, letting X do it is the cleaner way.

 What else?  I must be missing something...coz I can't
 get mine to work.  What step is missing from the
 above?  I'm *sure* others have had problems because of
 old or incomplete docs, so please be as detailed as possible...

opengl-update nvidia

Glück Auf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] problem with VTE (gnome2.2)

2003-02-15 Thread Matthew Kennedy
Marcos Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 !!! ERROR: x11-libs/vte-0.10.19 failed.
 !!! Function gnome2_src_compile, Line 41, Exitcode 2
 !!! compile failure
 I tried to compile it myself, but it crashes anyway. I tried also to use the 
 flag ACCEPT_KEYWORD=^x86 (SORRY i dont know how to write ASCII symbols in 
 linux. ALT+126 doesnt works!!).It only makes emerge to download Vte.0.10.19 
 instead 0.10.17 .
 I'm a bit annoyed, i can't upgrade gnome :( Any ideas??

You should file a bug at the URL below. Give the full output of the

  emerge vte build.log
  emerge info build.log

Matthew Kennedy
Gentoo Linux Developer
Bugs go to http://bugs.gentoo.org!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xfree slowdowns... is that normal?

2003-02-15 Thread Mike Williams
On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 17:44, gabor wrote:
  Usually this behavior only occurs on a slower machine.  I used to encounter 
  that on my PIII-800MZ, but now that I'm using an Athlon-XP 1900, I don't see 
  that behavior.  You can overcome that by giving the X server a negative nice 
  value before starting something like a kernel compile or a lengthy emerge.
  If you would like, I can dig around and locate the script I used to run at 
  startup from local (requires sudo).
 ok, please locate that script.

Someone posted this attachment ages ago, works nicely for me, and
doesn't require sudo.


/* wrapper.c
 * This is a quick hack that starts X with a priority
 * of -10 for increased responsiveness. It should work
 * but it may not :)  There is no warranty or anything.
 * Although I can't see anything possibly going wrong as
 * there's only about 3 lines of code, worst case you
 * have to reinstall X. Basically, you should never run
 * code that you don't understand. That said:
 * To use this program, verify that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is
 * really a symlink to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 (the actual
 * server binary) If not, then change the *app to point to
 * the actual binary.
 * At the console (be careful..no typos):
 *   kill X and anything X-related (ie: xdm, kdm)
 * $  gcc wrapper.c -o XFree86.wrapper
 * $  su
 * $  cp XFree86.wrapper /usr/X11R6/bin
 * $  cd /usr/X11R6/bin
 * $  ls -alk X (make sure its a symlink..if not STOP)
 * $  rm X
 * $  chown root.root XFree86.wrapper
 * $  chmod u+s XFree86.wrapper
 * $  ln -s XFree86.wrapper X
 * $  exit
 * You should now be able to startx or xdm or whatever.
 * Open an xterm and run 'top'. The process XFree86
 * (which is the server) should be running at nice -10.
 * If not, then make sure the XFree86.wrapper is suid
 * root, executable by all, owned by root, and pointed
 * to by /usr/X11R6/bin/X.
 * To revert is easy.
 * $  su
 * $  cd /usr/X11R6/bin
 * $  rm X
 * $  ln -s XFree86 X
 * $  exit
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include unistd.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include sys/types.h

const char *app = /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86;   // the actual binary
const int root = 0;   // root's uid
const int n = -10;// desired nice priority valid range -20..20.

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  seteuid(root);// The X server must be started as root under any Linux
  nice(n);  // Makes it nice
  execv(app, argv); // This is it!
  /* Should never see this unless *app points to invalid binary */
  fprintf(stderr, Failed to execv %s with nice value of %d\n, app, n);

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-user] memtest86

2003-02-15 Thread Ernie Schroder
Memtest has found errors in test 6 on my 512 stick of pc133. I wasn't 
having any problems but thought I'd run the test from an iso image just 
for kicks. So I finish the test,(took about an hour for the default 
tests) and I rebooted then did startx. The nVidia splash screen 
stayed up for about one minute, then KDE started. This took somewhat 
longer than normal but I had no mouse. I exited X and looked at my 
XF86Config... No changes. I tried to reboot with the same results as 
before. Then, I shut it down and let it sit for 15 minutes. I fired it 
up and started X and all was back to normal.
What happened? Do you suppose that the memory or processor got too hot? 
I have no means of checking temps in bios. (no emerges or config 
changes since last reboot)

On Saturday 15 February 2003 10:17, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 Go to the config options and you can select what or all the test you
 want run.  It takes a long time to do them all.

  On Saturday 15 February 2003 00:32, Shane Hickey wrote:
   On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 20:58, Dave Klipec wrote:
   psyched to try this out.  I'd never heard of this package before.
  Thanks for the help. Just for the record, I booted to memtest86 and
  it ran the default tests automaticly. I will have to explore the
  configuration options as the tests repeated after finishing the
  first 7 tests in about 18 minutes on my Athlon 700 with 96 megs of
  pc-100 RAM

Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] memtest86

2003-02-15 Thread mikepolniak
On 19:11 Sat 15 Feb , Ernie Schroder wrote:
   Memtest has found errors in test 6 on my 512 stick of pc133. I wasn't 
 having any problems but thought I'd run the test from an iso image just 
 for kicks. So I finish the test,(took about an hour for the default 
 tests) and I rebooted then did startx. The nVidia splash screen 
 stayed up for about one minute, then KDE started. This took somewhat 
 longer than normal but I had no mouse. I exited X and looked at my 
 XF86Config... No changes. I tried to reboot with the same results as 
 before. Then, I shut it down and let it sit for 15 minutes. I fired it 
 up and started X and all was back to normal.
   What happened? Do you suppose that the memory or processor got too hot? 
 I have no means of checking temps in bios. (no emerges or config 
 changes since last reboot)
I think its a heat issue. I get similar results if i overclock too high.
Even if the cpu temp is ok, the memory or power supply are definitely 
stressed and letting them cool off solves the problem.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] memtest86

2003-02-15 Thread Ernie Schroder
On Saturday 15 February 2003 19:35, mikepolniak wrote:
 On 19:11 Sat 15 Feb , Ernie Schroder wrote:
  Memtest has found errors in test 6 on my 512 stick of pc133. I
  wasn't having any problems but thought I'd run the test from an iso
  image just for kicks. So I finish the test,(took about an hour for
  the default tests) and I rebooted then did startx. The nVidia
  splash screen stayed up for about one minute, then KDE started.
  This took somewhat longer than normal but I had no mouse. I exited
  X and looked at my XF86Config... No changes. I tried to reboot with
  the same results as before. Then, I shut it down and let it sit for
  15 minutes. I fired it up and started X and all was back to normal.
  What happened? Do you suppose that the memory or processor got too
  hot? I have no means of checking temps in bios. (no emerges or
  config changes since last reboot)

 I think its a heat issue. I get similar results if i overclock too
 high. Even if the cpu temp is ok, the memory or power supply are
 definitely stressed and letting them cool off solves the problem.

I tend to agree with you. Even though it's a 350 watt powersupply, and
there are 2 big case fans in the box, when I reached back there to
check the mouse plug there was a world of heat coming out from the PS I
am confused, though, by the fact that only test 6 showed errors. It
seems that test 7 is more rigerous but did not produce any new errors.
Can someone explain that?
Sorry for the double Mike. Still have trouble with the list
Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Arial doing italics not bold

2003-02-15 Thread Jay Goodman Tamboli
I have to admit little knowledge of X's font handling, so I
have no idea what would be causing this problem. In programs
using whatever X's default font rendering is, Arial's bold
style is instead rendered in italics. For example, Mozilla
(non-xft) render's the headline on CNN.com's front page in
italics. GIMP shows the same behavior when I tell it to use
Arial in bold. An Xft-enabled build of Mozilla works fine,
though. I have not noticed any other font problems. Any


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[gentoo-user] Please help me w/ overlay for xawtv

2003-02-15 Thread Christopher Charles Fullman Park
I can run xawtv (and zapping) grabber mode, but I would much prefer overlay 
(less overhead). When I try overlay I get a wierd cyan screen with some green 
square looking things - sometimes there is part of a scene, but nothing 
moving. I've tried two different cards (one ati tv wonder and an older 
hauppaugge card - both worked fine in overlay mode under Mandrake 9.0). I 
have a GeForce4 MX 440 card and I am using the nvidia-glx-1.0.4191-r1.ebuild 
 nvidia-kernel-1.0.4191-r1.ebuild versions of the nvidia driver - I have tried 
using the nv driver as well to no avail. 
 this is the Module section in my XF86Config 
 Section Module 
 # This loads the DBE extension module. 
 Load dbe # Double buffer extension 
 Load v4l 
 Load extmod 
 # This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules 
 Load type1 
 Load freetype 
 # This loads the GLX module 
 Load glx 
 Load dri 
 Section DRI 
 Mode 0666 
 this is the output of xawtv -hwscan 
 This is xawtv-3.83, running on Linux/i686 (2.4.20-win4lin-r1) 
 looking for available devices 
 port 103-103 [ -xvport 103 ] 
 type : Xvideo, video overlay 
 name : video4linux 
 port 104-104 
 type : Xvideo, image scaler 
 name : NV17 Video Overlay 
 port 105-136 
 type : Xvideo, image scaler 
 name : NV05 Video Blitter 
 /dev/v4l/video0: OK [ -device /dev/v4l/video0 ] 
 type : v4l 
 name : BT878(Hauppauge (bt878)) 
 flags: overlay capture tuner 
 and my xvinfo output 
 X-Video Extension version 2.2 
 screen #0 
 Adaptor #0: video4linux 
 number of ports: 1 
 port base: 103 
 operations supported: PutVideo 
 supported visuals: 
 depth 24, visualID 0x21 
 depth 24, visualID 0x23 
 depth 24, visualID 0x24 
 depth 24, visualID 0x25 
 depth 24, visualID 0x26 
 depth 24, visualID 0x27 
 depth 24, visualID 0x28 
 depth 24, visualID 0x29 
 depth 24, visualID 0x2a 
 depth 24, visualID 0x2b 
 depth 24, visualID 0x2c 
 depth 24, visualID 0x2d 
 number of attributes: 12 
 XV_ENCODING (range -1000 to 1000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 1) 
 XV_BRIGHTNESS (range -1000 to 1000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 0) 
 XV_CONTRAST (range -1000 to 1000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is -157) 
 XV_SATURATION (range -1000 to 1000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is -8) 
 XV_HUE (range -1000 to 1000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 0) 
 XV_VOLUME (range -1000 to 1000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 999) 
 XV_MUTE (range 0 to 1) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 1) 
 XV_FREQ (range 0 to 16000) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 3092) 
 XV_COLORKEY (range 0 to 16777215) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 66046) 
 XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY (range 0 to 1) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 1) 
 XV_SET_DEFAULTS (range 0 to 0) 
 client settable attribute 
 XV_ITURBT_709 (range 0 to 1) 
 client settable attribute 
 client gettable attribute (current value is 0) 
 number of encodings: 28 
 encoding ID #0: pal-television 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #1: ntsc-television 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #2: secam-television 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #3: palnc-television 
 size: 640 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #4: palm-television 
 size: 640 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #5: paln-television 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #6: ntscjp-television 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #7: pal-composite1 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #8: ntsc-composite1 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #9: secam-composite1 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #10: palnc-composite1 
 size: 640 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #11: palm-composite1 
 size: 640 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #12: paln-composite1 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #13: ntscjp-composite1 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #14: pal-svideo 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #15: ntsc-svideo 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #16: secam-svideo 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #17: palnc-svideo 
 size: 640 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #18: palm-svideo 
 size: 640 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #19: paln-svideo 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #20: ntscjp-svideo 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #21: pal-composite3 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #22: ntsc-composite3 
 size: 640 x 480 
 rate: 0.016683 
 encoding ID #23: secam-composite3 
 size: 768 x 576 
 rate: 0.02 
 encoding ID #24: palnc-composite3 
 size: 640 x 

Re: [gentoo-user] Writing an Nvidia 3D Support how to- Need some help

2003-02-15 Thread Daniel A. Segel

 Step Four:  Have NVdriver autoload at startup by
 including it in /etc/modules.autoload.
X is loading the nvidia modul itself.
Do not(!) put it into modules.autoload, letting X do it is the cleaner way.

Really? X won't even start up for me if I don't load either the nvidia or 
NVdriver module via /etc/modules.autoload.

Speaking of which, maybe you should explain that there are two sets of 
drivers for NVidia cards:

1. The gentoo-supplied versions are nvidia-glx-1.03123 and 
nvidia-kernel-1.0.3123 and use the NVdriver kernel module.

2. The NVidia-supplied drivers are nvidia-glx-1.0.4191 and 
nvidia-kernel-1.0.4191 and use the nvidia kernel module.

You can use either one. The NVidia versions have proved more stable in my 
environment, but others have had better luck with the earlier versions. 
Also, I believe if you run the 'opengl-update nvidia' command and you have 
the gentoo version on your system (i.e. you emerged them at some point) 
then it will make the gentoo glx drivers active, even if you previously 
installed the  NVidia version. If you have mixed versions (kernel and glx) 
then some programs (like glxgears) won't run. You have to reinstall the 
NVidia version of the glx drivers to correct this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Writing an Nvidia 3D Support how to- Need some help

2003-02-15 Thread Sami Näätänen
On Sunday 16 February 2003 03:25, Daniel A. Segel wrote:
   Step Four:  Have NVdriver autoload at startup by
   including it in /etc/modules.autoload.
 X is loading the nvidia modul itself.
 Do not(!) put it into modules.autoload, letting X do it is the
  cleaner way.

In fact it's devfs that loads the module.

 Really? X won't even start up for me if I don't load either the
 nvidia or NVdriver module via /etc/modules.autoload.

Then your module configs are not correct or your devfs configuration is 
some how screwed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Writing an Nvidia 3D Support how to- Need some help

2003-02-15 Thread Hemmann, Volker Armin
On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:25, Daniel A. Segel wrote:
   Step Four:  Have NVdriver autoload at startup by
   including it in /etc/modules.autoload.
 X is loading the nvidia modul itself.
 Do not(!) put it into modules.autoload, letting X do it is the cleaner

 Really? X won't even start up for me if I don't load either the nvidia or
 NVdriver module via /etc/modules.autoload.

Last time I had to think about that was sometime before christmas ;o)

 Speaking of which, maybe you should explain that there are two sets of
 drivers for NVidia cards:

 1. The gentoo-supplied versions are nvidia-glx-1.03123 and
 nvidia-kernel-1.0.3123 and use the NVdriver kernel module.

 2. The NVidia-supplied drivers are nvidia-glx-1.0.4191 and
 nvidia-kernel-1.0.4191 and use the nvidia kernel module.

 You can use either one. The NVidia versions have proved more stable in my
 environment, but others have had better luck with the earlier versions.
 Also, I believe if you run the 'opengl-update nvidia' command and you have
 the gentoo version on your system (i.e. you emerged them at some point)
 then it will make the gentoo glx drivers active, even if you previously
 installed the  NVidia version. If you have mixed versions (kernel and glx)
 then some programs (like glxgears) won't run. You have to reinstall the
 NVidia version of the glx drivers to correct this.

I reinstalled my hole system after an hd crash on thursday with the help of a 
live-cd with the GRP-Packages. I did an emerge -up world, installed the 3123 
-stuff, than changed to ~x86 because of Xfree
4191 was an absolut clean update.
4191 was installed, the 3121 files removed and X started fine.
I switch happy between console and X, are playing q2vegastrike and have no 
problems... instead  I am surprised that such a lot of people have problems.

Ok, most of them are 'hey, i don't read README, I want YOU to read it for ME' 
or 'I love this very high optimiziation options, even they are complete 
useless and make everything unstable', most of the rest are via-users..

Please people, don't be offend, but a lot of mails in this list is stuff that 
is greatly explained in the provided documentation or completly discussed in 
the nvidia-linux-forum.

Glück Auf,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Alsa, sound all problems solved!

2003-02-15 Thread Don Smith
Title: Alsa, sound all problems solved!

Some may remember my problems here getting sound to work. Right now I am listening to mp3s in XMMS using ALSA as a regular user. Since I last fought sound, I have upgraded my motherboard so I am using Alsa and snd-intel8x0 (Intel 82801BA/BAM /proc/pci says).

Here is how I got it going for those that may have problems:

1. Recompiled the kernel with no sound support.

2. Followed the instructions in the ALSA guide to the letter - with one exception:

It says to add sound card support as a module and no other drivers, I added support for Intel ICH as a module as well. Would not work without it.

3. Followed the rest of the steps to get Alsa going outside KDE. One exception:

In alsamixer, the command in code listing 3.5 'alsamixer set Master 100 unmute' and 'alsamixer set PCM 100 unmute' does not actually do either, you have to us the up arrow to increase the sound AND press 'm' to unmute. Amixer is the same (is amixer a link to alsamixer?)

4. In KDE I had to set arts to not start when KDE does. 

Aside from the above I followed the instructions to the letter. I do not feel so stupid now, I got so frustrated trying to make it work last time. I just wanted to pass this on in case it helps someone else.

Re: [gentoo-user] nVidia + GCC 3.2?

2003-02-15 Thread Viktor Lakics
VIA-KT-400, Mobo=Gigabyte GA-7vax

Hope this helps... -- Viktor 

On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 10:27:22PM -0300, Papo wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:18:58 +
 Viktor Lakics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have the same video card (GeForce4 MX440 TV out), I use nvidia
  1.0.3123-r2 and gcc 3.2.1 and EVERYThing is fine. Do not see
  anything what you experience...
  -- Viktor 
 What chipset does your motherboard have?
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Viktor Lakics

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