Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-10 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 9. Februar 2004 23:54 schrieb Ciaran McCreesh:
 On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 23:10:09 +0100 Michael Schreckenbauer

 | Bugs? You as a developer of gentoo should know, that there is no
 | bugfree software out there. Why should this be any other with
 | nvidia-drivers? Report them, and maybe they get fixed.

 Yeah right. nVidia have consistently failed to fix reported bugs. 

That's not good. I never tried it.

 the source and the relevant documentation, I can pretty much guarantee
 that we could fix these in short order. However, nVidia are doing a
 Microsoft here -- being at the mercy of a single vendor with such a poor
 track record is not a sane solution.

I see. Can you name me only one really good working opensource 3D graphics 
driver? Why don't these work? You have the source and maybe some 
documentation. Why do you think, nvidias bugs are so much more easy to fix 
than the bugs in the open dri drivers? I agree with you in the point, that 
nvidia being the only vendor of working 3D cards for Linux is a poor 
situation. But why blame nvidia for this? Ati drivers are worse in my 
experience, others do not even offer drivers for Linux. Hell, nvidia even has 
drivers for FreeBSD.
Of course I would prefer a better opensource driver for my nvidia card. And of 
course I'd be happy, if nvidia decides to open their driver for just that 
reason. But it's their market. And as long as there is no better supported 3D 
card (with opensource) out there, I see no need for them to do this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-10 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 00:24 schrieb Spider:
 begin  quote
 On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 23:10:09 +0100

 Michael Schreckenbauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You're text terminals get corrupted due to a bug in the driver. If you
  stop  using framebuffer or add

 Too bad, I want my TV out. oops.  And I said text not framebuffer
 . Back to go.

Hmmm. Never heard of this one. In which way do your text terminals get 
corrupted? How does this look like? Only problem I have is, that consolefonts 
get lost, once X has started. Workaround: after console-login 
call /etc/init.d consolefont restart
My TV out is working as a second X server with a different layout. Before I 
changed from vga=791 to vga=normal in my grub.conf,  I got strange block 
artefacts on my consoles after X has started. Text mode is ok.

  Maybe a bug that should be reported?
 Done, no feedback. Gave up.

Yes, I already read in another mail, that nvidia is not good in fixing 
reported bugs. That's bad behaviour, of course.

 same goes along in the lower part of said email. See , you think it
 works for you, when developers have to hack around nvidia specific
 headaches (not using certain hardware scalers and so on) because the
 drivers don't get fixed.

Well, I am a developer. And nvidia cards are the only ones, I can use with 
linux for the kind of applications I am programming. Ati ones are an 
alternative. But I'd have to use the binary drivers there too, so where's the 
disadvantage of nvidia compared to ati? Which other card could I use for my 
purpose? I'm reader of the dri-devel mailing list, I'm waiting for the day, I 
can switch to opensource drivers. I know, there are great progresses in the 
ati-drivers atm. Once they are done, I will switch, if there is no comparable 
opensource nvidia driver. Others will do so too, I think. That's the day 
nvidia will have to re-think their policy.

 So, no. I'm not happy with the so called excellent nvidia drivers, and
 the drivers poor 2D performance we shouldn't even -talk- about.  (oh, I
 care about 2D. And quality there. oops )

2D performance is ok for me. Maybe true, others are better, _I_ don't care. 
What I care about, is performance, quality and reliability in 3D. And there 
is no opensource driver fitting my needs in all of these atm.

 So no, no points to nvidia from my behalf.

That's ok. It would be kind of strange, if nvidia cards were the best choice 
for everybody.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: any problems with gcc 3.3?

2004-02-10 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 10:31 schrieb Michael Wever:
 On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 00:53:54 +0100, Harald Arnesen wrote:
  Some programs won't compile, due to the stricter standards conformance in

 Tora (Toolkit for Oracle) for example.
 Any ideas on how to relax this restrictions? CCFLAG?

just informational: tora emerged on 3 machines here without any problem using 
I'm not shure, but I think you can add something like --disable-strict to 
myconf in some ebuilds. I don't know, if this is a general feature, or 
something special in some packages. 


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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-09 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Montag, 9. Februar 2004 19:27 schrieb Norbert Kamenicky:
 Grendel wrote:
  the reason they arent open sourcing is that they are (justifiably) afraid
  that ATI will have a look at their driver interface to the card, then
  they (ATI) can figure out the current wekneses of NVIDIA cards and
  improve there ATI's based on that. Its not that they dont like the linux
  community, if that is the case they wouldnt even bother about releasing
  even a closed source driver.

 Now I definitely know u are nvidia employee, but nevertheless
 did u hear about reverse engineering?

Yes, I did.

 It's not a problem to disassemble the super fantastic
 nvidia driver and spy the ultra top secret inside. And if some
 company is very interested, they does it already.
 But what for u need to plagiate driver if u have different HW ?

So it is that easy? Why isn't XFree going that way to enable DRI on nvidia 
cards then? 

 I would say nvidia is worry about the same thing as microshit.
 If they open the sources, a lot of programmers will die.
 50% will die on terrible smile disease reading it.
 50% will catch an infarct, if they recognize their Open source
 code, which was stolen and diletantly used.

Blah. Did you actually read their sources, or are you just flaming? I am 
happy, that nvidia releases imho good drivers for linux. Otherwise I had to 
use a card with worse 3D support. The 9800 Atis are not yet supported by 
GPL'ed drivers, are they? Btw: from where did you get the incredible wisdom, 
that only opensource developers can do clean codeing? 

  Just get realistic and tell me does nvidia make a profit by writing a
  driver for linux, no way at all, the windows market for nvidia cards is
  much greater than the linux desktop market which is very small. So they

 For sure they earn money from it, if not today, they are just looking
 forward. Who needs a card without driver ? Me sure not !

Exactly. So they release drivers for linux, that people like me can use. No 
need for open-source drivers, cause they work. The power of dri-developers 
should be aimed to get yet-unsupported cards working, not to add yet another 
flavour of an accelerated nvidia-driver.

  are doing a service and if you dont like what they are producing then
  instead of grumbling just use any other driver you like.
  Even if they open sourced it, it would probablky take years for people to
  figure out how the code works, remember that 3d cards are really rocket

 U must be very well informed, have u got actions of nvidia?
 Remember, intel declared 386 cpu so sophisticated, nobody in the
 world can clone it. Few months later it was cloned in East Germany.
 I am sure next cpus are clonable as well.

You are right here. Opensource developers would be able to program a working 
driver for nvidia cards given the original source and documentation. But why 
should they? There are cards out there not supported at all. Better do the 
work there.

 And if it is really true, than progress can be achieved only
 by opening the sources, 'cause no company has so big programmer's
 power as linux has.

My nvidia board works better with linux than any other grafics card I own 
(Ati, Sis, Savage). So my opinion is, that people at nvidia know, what they 
are doing. And as addition: No, I do not work there and no, I do not get 
money from nvidia for saying this.



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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-09 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Montag, 9. Februar 2004 20:26 schrieb Ciaran McCreesh:
 On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 20:18:15 +0100 Michael Schreckenbauer

 | Blah. Did you actually read their sources, or are you just flaming? I
 | am happy, that nvidia releases imho good drivers for linux.

 Please tell me where to find these good drivers. It'd be nice to get an
 ebuild made for them.

lol, shure I can:
But there are already ebuilds for them (as you already know, I'm shure). I 
wrote imho, because _I_ never had any big problems with them. They are not 
perfect, of course. But would you mind, naming a _perfect_ opensource 
software then? Or what unsolveable problems are you experiencing? Maybe I can 
help, all works for me (console, X on monitor, X on TV).
Btw: if you want to have real problems regarding X, try enabling dri on a 
sis630 based laptop ;-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-09 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 9. Februar 2004 22:06 schrieb Spider:
 begin  quote
 On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 20:35:43 +0100
 Michael Schreckenbauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Am Montag, 9. Februar 2004 20:26 schrieb Ciaran McCreesh:
   On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 20:18:15 +0100 Michael Schreckenbauer
   | Blah. Did you actually read their sources, or are you just
   | flaming? I
   | am happy, that nvidia releases imho good drivers for linux.
   Please tell me where to find these good drivers. It'd be nice to get
   ebuild made for them.
  Or what unsolveable problems are you experiencing?
  Maybe I can   help, all works for me (console, X on monitor, X on TV).
  Btw: if you want to have real problems regarding X, try enabling dri
  on a  sis630 based laptop ;-)

 Why is the kernel-driver larger than the binary image of my kernel?  Why
 does it corrupt all my -text- terminals once loaded? Why does it lock
 the machine hard if I start multiple X servers?

I don't know, why the kernel module is that big. Why should I? I'am using this 
thing, not developing it. I do have enough space for a 2,3MB module on my 
harddisc also, so this is no problem for me. The more ram the kernel might 
use is no problem for me, as I use kde anyway :-)
You're text terminals get corrupted due to a bug in the driver. If you stop 
using framebuffer or add
Option   IgnoreDisplayDevices TV
to your XF86Config things should be ok. At least this works here.
My X server does not lock hard, when started multiple times. I do this 
regularly, cause this is how I use my TV out. Maybe a bug that should be 

 Why doesn't it unload prettily?
 Why is the RENDER extention broken? (visible in nautilus
 mouse selection code fex. )

Bugs? You as a developer of gentoo should know, that there is no bugfree 
software out there. Why should this be any other with nvidia-drivers? Report 
them, and maybe they get fixed. As a developer of OpenGL apps, I need the 3D 
features of my grafics board. The opensource nv driver has no 3D support at 
all. The opensource Ati driver is under heavy construction and has lots of 
bugs (search dri-devel mailinglist archive for radeon). nvidia and their 
binary driver is my only choice so far. And they work perfect for me.


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Re: [gentoo-user] xine-lib twice...

2004-02-05 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hi Mark,

Am Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2004 03:11 schrieb Mark Knecht:
Does the following indicate a problem, possibly with the xine-dvdnav
 ebuild? I'm not clear how I can have two libraries with the same name
 and different revisions installed. (xine-lib) Why, if I already have
 1_rc3-r1 installed should I then build 0.9.13?

If this is a problem I'll report the bug this evening. I did a quick
 search in Bugzilla and didn't see anything quite like this, but I will
 look more before reporting it.


 Wizard root # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge -p xine-lib xine-dvdnav

 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

 Calculating dependencies ...done!
 [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/xine-lib-1_rc3-r1
 [ebuild  N] media-libs/xine-lib-0.9.13-r3
 [ebuild   R   ] media-plugins/xine-dvdnav-0.9.13
 [ebuild   R   ] media-video/xine-ui-0.9.23

 Wizard root #

afaik the problem is, that you are emerging xine-dvdnav aside with the latest 
xine-lib. xine-lib  1 doesn't need xine-dvdnav for navigating DVDs iirc. I 
believe, that xine-lib-0.9.13 is emerged as a dependancy from xine-dvdnav.
Try without it. Works for me.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xine-lib twice...

2004-02-05 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hi Mark,

Am Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2004 14:20 schrieb Mark Knecht:
 On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 00:47, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
   Wizard root # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge -p xine-lib xine-dvdnav
   These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
   Calculating dependencies ...done!
   [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/xine-lib-1_rc3-r1
   [ebuild  N] media-libs/xine-lib-0.9.13-r3
   [ebuild   R   ] media-plugins/xine-dvdnav-0.9.13
   [ebuild   R   ] media-video/xine-ui-0.9.23
   Wizard root #

  afaik the problem is, that you are emerging xine-dvdnav aside with the
  latest xine-lib. xine-lib  1 doesn't need xine-dvdnav for navigating
  DVDs iirc. I believe, that xine-lib-0.9.13 is emerged as a dependancy
  from xine-dvdnav. Try without it. Works for me.

Thanks for writing back. Yes, you are right about that, and I'm sorry
 I didn't communicate that earlier. However, my issue was that if I have
 xine-dvdnav installed for any reason (as I do) and portage tries to do
 an update, then isn't portage going to break my xine-lib installation?
 (Please note that dvdnav is causing a NEW xine-lib installation to
 happen over an existing one...)
 Wizard root # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge -p xine-lib xine-dvdnav
 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
 Calculating dependencies ...done!
 [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/xine-lib-1_rc3-r1
 [ebuild  N] media-libs/xine-lib-0.9.13-r3
 [ebuild   R   ] media-plugins/xine-dvdnav-0.9.13
 [ebuild   R   ] media-video/xine-ui-0.9.23

Ah, I overlooked the R with xine-dvdnav. It is already installed.

 Wizard root # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge -p xine-lib  xine-ui
 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
 Calculating dependencies ...done!
 [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/xine-lib-1_rc3-r1
 [ebuild   R   ] media-video/xine-ui-0.9.23
 Wizard root #
 In the example above, since I have xinedvdnav installed, isn't portage
 going to break my xine-lib-1_rc3 installation by writing over it, or
 changing links?

I'm pretty shure, things will break after emerging 
media-libs/xine-lib-0.9.13-r3 in your case...

 This all just looks like it's a problem waiting to happen.

You're right with that, I think.

 Is there an emerge or etcat command (or any othre program) that will
 tell me what packages I have installed that depend on xine-dvdnav, so I
 can safely uninstall it?

Yes, try etcat -d xine-dvdnav and/or qpkg -q -v -I xine-dvdnav.



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Re: [gentoo-user] grep rotated-log ?

2004-02-03 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Dienstag, 3. Februar 2004 17:08 schrieb raptor:
 is there a easy way to grep rotated logs... when they are gziped...
 I mean a quick way.. i.e. ready console tool..

I think you are looking for zgrep
(in app-arch/gzip)



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Re: [gentoo-user] Nvidia-kernel 5336-r1

2004-02-02 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 2. Februar 2004 20:38 schrieb Collins Richey:
 On Mon, 02 Feb 2004 08:09:20 -0600

 Kathy Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Collins Richey wrote:
  On my AthlonXP with VIA chipset, I cannot use AGP (either kernel or
  nvidia option) or nvidia (4496 or earlier levels) locks up tighter
  than a drum. I wish that nvidia knew what the [EMAIL PROTECTED] they were doing
  when it comes to coding.
  When I first switched to Gentoo, I tried using the ebuilds for the
  nvidia kernel and glx and couldn't get them to work right even with
  the command opengl-update nvidia. I use the Nvidia packages from and have never had any trouble with them
  I just this morning downloaded and installed from and it installed
  and is running without any problems. I have a Riva TNT2 card

 But do you have a VIA chipset?

Well, I have an athlon, a via-based-board and a nvidia GF3. Only problem is, 
that my consolefont changes after starting X. I do not use framebuffer, 
because when I do this, I cannot use TV out (vesafb and TV out was working 
with some older versions of the driver, something before 4496 iirc). No 
problems at all with 3D stuff (playing RtCW, UT2k3 and ssam12). I'm using 
agpgart. The ebuilds are working perfect for me since I installed gentoo the 
first time.


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[gentoo-user] consolefont and X

2004-01-31 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
I have a small problem with consolefont and X. Without starting X everything 
is ok. I have german umlauts and the eurosign on my console. As soon as I 
startx, my consolefont gets messed up. To be more precise: the umlauts and 
the eurosign are replaced by strange characters. Switching back to a console 
(ctrl-alt-F1-6) and restarting consolefont (/etc/init.d/consolefont 
restart) restores everything. Switching back to X (strg-alt-F7) removes 
this change. I have to restart consolefont again, to get umlauts etc on a 
console. In X everything works as wanted :-)
Anybody else here seeing this?
Kernel 2.6.2_rc2
nvidia-kernel 1.0.5328-r1
nvidia-glx 1.0.5328-r1


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Re: [gentoo-user] consolefont and X

2004-01-31 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Samstag, 31. Januar 2004 21:19 schrieb Ani Adarsh:
 Yes I am seeing this problem too once I upgraded to kernel 2.6.2_rc2
 Im not sure but i keep upgraded ~x86 all the time and I too got an
 NVIDIA card and might have upgraded something else too ...

 On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 16:04, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  I have a small problem with consolefont and X. Without starting X
  everything is ok. I have german umlauts and the eurosign on my console.
  As soon as I startx, my consolefont gets messed up. To be more precise:
  the umlauts and
  Kernel 2.6.2_rc2
  nvidia-kernel 1.0.5328-r1
  nvidia-glx 1.0.5328-r1

 My specs exactly 
 Maybe one of us should file a bug report ???

after some further investigation I don't think, this is gentoo related. It 
works perfekt on my notebook with sis-chipset and graphics. So I think it's a 
problem with nvidia-binary drivers and only nvidia has a chance to change 
this. Btw: Am I blind, or is it true, that nvidia has no official way to 
report bugs on its webpage? ;)


Thanks for your response,

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Re: [gentoo-user] SCSI emulation under Gentoo - MOSTLY SOLVED!

2004-01-22 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hello Mark,

Am Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2004 14:26 schrieb Mark Knecht:
 On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 04:39, Peter Ruskin wrote:
  On Thursday 22 Jan 2004 04:05, Mark Knecht wrote:
   QUESTION: how do I test these devices (cdrw and dvdr drives) to
   ensure DMA is still enabled? I cannot figure out yet what parameters
   to give hdparm -I /dev/WHAT?
   Wizard root # hdparm -I /dev/cdroms/cdrom0
   /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 not supported by hdparm
  If you're using ide-scsi those devices are not supported by hdparm.
  (Someone tell me if I'm wrong).

 Right. That's what I see. So my question is that we know the devices are
 attached to an IDE controller and we want to determine whether DMA is
 enabled for the IDE controller. How do we do it?

 1) Some different program *like* hdparm that tells us?

 2) Run some sort of benchmark that shows us?

 3) Something else?

 Of course, you've sort of shown me that I might not need SCSI emulation
 anyway, but I'm not sure which way to go and why just yet, so I'd like
 to know how to make DMA is enabled in the channel.

I didn't follow this thread from the beginning, but have you tried using the 
devfsd-names for your devices? eg:
hdparm -I /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
These should exist even with ide-scsi. I cannot check this, as I am burning 
CDs with atapi and a 2.6.1-kernel.

 - Mark


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Re: [gentoo-user] equivelant of Nero's Image Writer

2004-01-16 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2004 14:57 schrieb Andrew Gaffney:
 Is there a program/kernel module for Linux that emulates a CD burner for
 the purpose of generating ISOs?

not sure, if this is what you're looking for, but have a look at mkisofs 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] equivelant of Nero's Image Writer

2004-01-16 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2004 15:15 schrieb Andrew Gaffney:
 Barry Marler wrote:
  On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 07:57:38 -0600
  Andrew Gaffney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a program/kernel module for Linux that emulates a CD burner
 for the purpose of generating ISOs?

 Not what I'm looking for. Basically, it could be useful for converting one
 rip format (BIN/CUE or CCD/CUE/IMG/SUB) to another (ISO).

in this case perhaps one of those might help:

(found via esearch -S cue)


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Re: [gentoo-user] Printing troubles

2004-01-02 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Happy new year everybody,

Am Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2004 16:55 schrieb Nejko Zidarjev:
 Hi! I hoped that I've solved the printing issue in Gentoo but I was wrong.
 Here it goes: using the Gentoo printing guide I installed Cups and my
 printer (HP Deskjet 656c), including hpijs. The printer is not printing. If
 I try to print the Cups' test page I get this error:
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:41:01 +0100] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Adding start banner page none to job 3.
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Adding end banner page none to job 3.
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Job 3 queued on 'HP' by 'root'.
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops
 (PID 2046) for job 3.
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Started filter
 /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 2047) for job 3.
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb
 (PID 2048) for job 3.
 E [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] PID 2047 stopped with status 1!
 I [01/Jan/2004:16:47:05 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to debug to
 find out more.
 The modules that required are loaded (usbcore, printer). I noticed that the
 device URI in Cups points to: /dev/usb/lp0, which does not exist in the
 /dev/usb map.
 What's not working? Can you advise me please?
 Thanks for the help,

I'm not sure, but I think I had this problem, when foomatic-rip did not exist 
on my computer (which is the process failing here PID2047). It belongs to 
net-print/foomatic-filters. On my system it looks like this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sb $ ls -la /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   21 2003-10-21 
12:52 /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip - /usr/bin/foomatic-rip
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sb $ ls -la /usr/bin/foomatic-rip
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   190609 2003-10-21 
12:52 /usr/bin/foomatic-rip
Maybe (re-)emerging it helps.


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Re: [gentoo-user] alsa and jack-sensing ?!

2003-12-13 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2003 00:55 schrieb raptor:
 I have sound card - realtek ALC655  (working well with intel8x0 drivers).
 The problem is that it I dont know how to activate Mic-in and Line-In to
 work as outputs !?
 Under windows there is app that senses if u connect speakers to them and
 activates them as outputs...

 So I can't play 5+1 AC3 sounds... :(((

 Is there a way, config, application that can turn these inputs into outputs

I don't have this card, but I found:
Maybe you find something helpful there.



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Re: [gentoo-user] How to install new kernel kde3.2

2003-12-10 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2003 07:20 schrieb Vanh Phom:
 I don't have /etc/portage/package.unmask
 What to do?

just create it and add the entries below.



  For KDE:
  Put the following in /etc/portage/package.unmask:
  and then
  ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge (-pv) kde

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] CFLAGS

2003-11-30 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Samstag, 29. November 2003 16:31 schrieb Ulrich Rhein:
 Jason Stubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Saturday 29 November 2003 22:25, Ulrich Rhein wrote:
  Jason Stubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   The biggest improvement in performance will come by adding
   -fomit-frame-pointer to your flags.
  That won't actually change anything but remove three instructions from
  some function calls. The resulting performance improvement is
  practically insignificant.
  WTF? Have you tried it?


Shure? Compiling and timing one small program is no test.

  Benchmarks give a 30% improvement across the board and
  I must say there definately is a very noticable improvement to system

 Entirely unrealistic.

Arguments? 30% is very optimistic, but I notice speed improvements too.

  It may only remove three instructions from some function
  calls, but it frees up a register or two allowing for better optimisation
  in other ways.

 On x86, it's exactly one register (namely %ebp). I have tried it with
 gcc -S -O2 on a small project (~1.600 SLOC) of mine. In the functions in
 which %ebp is not used as frame pointer, it is not used at all.

So you tested it with one of your own programs and say we are telling shit? I 
had my whole system compiled without this flag, then the only change was 
adding it (and of course I recompiled my system). There was a noticable 
performance boost. The desktop is much more responsive, not only in my 

 Could you point out some pieces of code where gcc does such an

No need for this. Just use google to get the answer. 

 Gruß Uli

vom Michael

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] can't compile kdemultimedia

2003-11-26 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Mittwoch, 26. November 2003 00:27 schrieb Norberto Bensa:
 Jason Stubbs wrote:
  Check out the bug report like Mike Gardiner said. The problem is there -
  in extensive detail!
  Basically, for the time being, you'll have to either downgrade gcc to
  3.2.x or edit
  /usr/portage/kde-base/kdemultimedia/kdemultimedia-3.1.4.ebuild and

 Just edit the damn /usr/include/asm/byteorder.h header file!
 See my other post in this thread. Anyway, I'm attaching a patch

That works, but is that a proper solution to this problem? kdemultimedia tries 
to compile something using long long with strict ANSI-C checking. That 
_should_ not work. Imho the right way to fix this is to change the ebuild, 
like Jason Stubbs suggested (and what works perfectly here).



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] the problem with ping

2003-11-12 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Mittwoch, 12. November 2003 15:13 schrieb Hall Stevenson:
 At 02:29 AM 11/12/2003, you wrote:
 is that it never stops anymore with control-c ... I have to use the
  kill command to stop it. I'm using net-misc/iputils-020927.
 Is something wrong with my setup?

 Nope, unless you think the method that 'ping' on Windows works is
 correct. On Windows, it pings (4) times and stops. On *nix, I don't know
 how many times it will ping before it stops. If you want it to ping 'x'
 number of times, use 'ping -c X site', where 'X' is the number of times you
 want it to ping.

that's right, but was not the OPs problem ;-) control-c should work, and 
stop the pinging:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=15.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=15.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=15.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=53 time=15.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=15.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=53 time=15.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=53 time=15.7 ms

Here I pressed control-c

--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6032ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 15.550/15.763/15.963/0.200 ms

 You could also create an alias that makes ping only ping x number of
 times instead of having to specify it each time.


To the OP: Are you trying this in a xterm or something similar? Does it work 
in a text-console?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] nvidea emerge instructions?

2003-11-06 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Donnerstag, 6. November 2003 23:40 schrieb Matt Chorman:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Thursday 06 November 2003 02:00 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  you need to run opengl-update nvidia as well. This will change the
  symlinks and friends in /usr/lib to point to the nvidia-glx. I
  also have agpgart and dri enabled in my kernel. Don't know, if that is
  really needed, but it works here without problems (Geforce 3) :-) I have
  a file /etc/ modules.d/nvidia. Maybe you should run modules-update to get
  the entries in / etc/modules.conf. But I'm not shure, if I did that, so
  perhaps you try first without that.

 opengl-update is run by the nvidia-glx.ebuild, so it should not be

Is that new? I think that didn't happen, when I configured my video. As far as 
I remember, I had to call it manually.

 Agpgart is fine to enable, and is the default. The nvidia driver states
 that dri should be removed from XF86Config (see lines 357-375 of
 /usr/share/doc/ nvidia-glx-1.0.4496-r1/README.gz)
 You should also remove the following lines:
   Load dri
   Load GLcore

You are right. I don't have these lines in my XF86Config. But I have dri 
enabled in my kernel. Seems nvidia doesn't need that.

 I doubt it causes a fatal error, but if you check you XF86 log I'll bet it
 throws an error and does not load the dri module

 - --
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)



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Re: [gentoo-user] SiS 630 DRM

2003-11-02 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hello Phil,
I have a Sis630 in my laptop. To get dri running on it, you'll need the latest 
dri-cvs version ( The driver didn't compile for a long 
time, so it's building  was commented out by the dri-team. Now Eric Anholt 
fixed it and Sis-DRI is supported again, but cvs only afaik. I have a 
functional here, but its size is ~8MB, far to big for the list ;-) 
If you want, I can mail it to you directly.


Am Samstag, 1. November 2003 18:52 schrieb Philip Ward:
 Well that was a bit of a palaver. After following the instructions at and compiling XFree there is still no
 file. I unpacked the X430src-x.tgz files, copied Thomas's driver code
 into the correct place and rebuilt. Nothing.

 Anyone out there have a pre-compiled copy of I can leech?


 Donnie Berkholz wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 14:57, Philip Ward wrote:
 Donnie Berkholz wrote:
 Be sure you also have this:
   Ah, that's what's missing. Is part of a particular package
 or should I add sis_dri or dri to my USE flags and rebuild xfree?
  For whatever reason xfree-4.3 doesn't build it. That's why has them available for download.
  However, you'll find that 4.3.99.x will build it.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] RISC

2003-10-28 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hi Christian,

Am Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2003 12:19 schrieb Christian Herzyk:
 Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
 Am Montag, 27. Oktober 2003 20:15 schrieb Wojciech Potentas:
  Hej fellows! Do anybody use any RISC processors?
 Just curious :]
 I have one in a HP Apollo 715/50. It has a 50MHz Pa-Risc CPU, 64MB Ram and
 2*1GB Harddiscs. The (I think it is) network port looks a bit like a
 gameport. Unusable for me, I think. It was a present from a friend of
  mine, so I have not much information about this box. Actually it is
  running some ancient version of HP-UX. In some time I will try to install
  Gentoo or, at least, some other Linux on it. But no idea, where to start,
  as I have no piece of documentation for it :-(

 Hello Michael,

 a friend of mine installed Gentoo on a 715/75 and it is running quite
 well now. The main problem was diskspace when compiling X. Oh yes and it
 takes quite some time :-))

That's good news :-)) If someone else succeeded in installing Gentoo on it, I 
think, I have a chance doing so, too.

 The strange network port is called AUI and it will really be quite
 unusable unless you use a twisted pair network (for that you can get

Many thanks, now I have an idea what to google for :-) Nice to hear there are 

 The only alternative to Gentoo is Debian at the moment.
 You can find some docu about HPPA on the Gentoo website, but get the
 other RISC docus too because I think they relate to these someplace.


Thanks for the info,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] RISC

2003-10-27 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Montag, 27. Oktober 2003 20:15 schrieb Wojciech Potentas:
  Hej fellows! Do anybody use any RISC processors?
 Just curious :]

I have one in a HP Apollo 715/50. It has a 50MHz Pa-Risc CPU, 64MB Ram and 
2*1GB Harddiscs. The (I think it is) network port looks a bit like a 
gameport. Unusable for me, I think. It was a present from a friend of mine, 
so I have not much information about this box. Actually it is running some 
ancient version of HP-UX. In some time I will try to install Gentoo or, at 
least, some other Linux on it. But no idea, where to start, as I have no 
piece of documentation for it :-(

 best regards


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: How many of you are 100% Linux?

2003-10-21 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2003 13:47 schrieb Eric Livingston:
 I'm curious regarding the penetration of linux as a comprehensive solution
 for all computing tasks in a normal day. i.e. what percentage of Linux
 users are 100% linux, or even 100% Gentoo for that matter.

 I know a couple of folks who are 100% linux, but the circumstances seem
 rare - i.e. they are server admins in small shops that use Red Hat for
 server work, they don't have to deal with user desktops (which are windows,
 but handled by somebody else), and they use only linux at home (they aren't
 avid gamers, either, so the few linux titles available are sufficient). But
 that particular combination can't be that common, can it?

 I, for instance, run three Gentoo boxes at home, including my server and a
 desktop-configured play box. However, the vast majority of my time is
 spent on my XP-based company notebook computer (that also has Gentoo in a
 VMWare virtual machine). My work environment is a hodgepodge of stuff,
 including Windows, Solaris, Linux, and even a couple of Mac X's. We're a
 software development firm so we have to keep a lot of stuff kicking around
 to accomodate clients.

 Also, I'm an avid gamer, and thus at this point I must have Windows to play
 the various games I enjoy.

 So, I'm a long, long way from a day where I could get by touching nothing
 but Linux day in and day out. It would be fair to say, even, that my
 default environment is Windows. How about you all?


I'm 100% Linux (Gentoo) @work. There is a WinNT Box standing besides me, but 
it is turned off since at least 1 year. I will install Gentoo on it in the 
near future, as our hole company (the technical team) migrates to Linux (free 
choice of distribution :-) ). @home I am 80% Linux (Gentoo), 5% HPUX (on a HP 
Apollo) and 15% Windows. The later is for gaming stuff. I do not use wine. My 
wife is 100% Linux, because she doesn't like gaming on PCs, and she feels 
much more comfortable with KDE than with the windows gui and software.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] autoconf re-re-re-recompile how many quicktimes do you need? openoffice won't compile

2003-10-05 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2003 02:54 schrieb Jason Stubbs:
 On Sunday 05 October 2003 09:32, Patrick Börjesson wrote:
   lastly, open office won't compile with the gcc version i'm using
   (3.3.1-r1).  it says i need gcc-3.2.x but then it says i shouldn't
   emerge a different gcc:
  There seems to be alot of people who's got problems compiling packages
  with gcc-3.3.1-r[12] so it's probably recommended to upgrade gcc to
  the latest version available and try compiling openoffice again
  afterwards. Or you could do as the ebuild says and downgrade gcc to a
  3.2-version (which was what I did when I had problems with the
  3.3-versions of gcc). The downgrade can be accomplished by pinning the

 I'm currently attempting an install of oo11 with gcc33 at the moment. In
 the ebuild it's got code that quits on detection of gcc33 that is the same
 as oo10. However, further on it's got code that's been modified from the
 oo10 ebuild that implies that it should work with gcc33. Will let you know
 how it goes...

I already did that. Compiled without any problems and seems to work so far. 
But I did not much testing ;-)



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-24 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Mittwoch, 24. September 2003 14:51 schrieb Stroller:
  I think, this would work, but that's not what I really want to do:
  world files, copying them here over and there over, everytime I update
  desktop and/or the server.

 Well, of course you don't need to copy the files manually everytime.
 There are lots of ways to do this: at 4:30pm every machine runs
 something like:
   `cat /var/cache/edb/world 
   `qpkg -I -v  //somemachine/NFS/share/world.othermachines`
 To retain version information. The server can uniquely sort this file
 before running `emerge -Uf` for each line.

Of course you are right here. No need to copy manually. Your other response to 
me had some quite good tips, especially the suggestion to have a copy of each 
desktop's worldfile on the server, synced, when the desktop shuts down.

   Note I have some machines running ~x86, and I do
  updates quite often (every two days average on this computers). I also
  emerge packages only to have a look, how they work and if they fit my
  better than the program I actually use for this purpose. That's not my
  of comfort ;-)

 But as long as the automated sync  fetch process only takes place at
 midnight, you can quite happily emerge new packages during the day, to
 the same shared distfiles, without interfering with it.

Well, a pure cron job would not fit my needs. There is no particular time in a 
day, when it could do its job safely. I'm working all times a day and at 
night. It depends on my wife, me, moonphase and what not. I'm currently 
thinking of a script, running when the desktops start up, which tells the 
server here I am. When doing shutdown it will copy the worldfile to the 
server and logout from the server. When cron says Do the emerge, it will 
only be started, if no desktops are online, hopeing, no desktop is started 
and updating, while it is still syncing and fetching ;-)


Many thanks, did help a lot,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Dienstag, 23. September 2003 18:46 schrieb Stroller:
  I feel unhappy with automatic system updates. Should etc-update be
  automatically after the emerge or not? Should every operator check
  computer every morning to see if en etc-update gives something to do?

 The `emerge --update` is done separately - no-one sensible would advise
 system updates without manual intervention. However if all the files
 are stored on one machine  exported over NFS, then it is expedient to
 have that machine do the fetching of all files. A cron job to `emerge
 sync  emerge -fud world` does NO installation or upgrading of any
 systems - it only updates the local portage database  fetches the
 updates you require. It would, I would think, be quite easy to unshare
 the NFS export before getting the files, and reshare it afterwards, as
 part of the cron job. If this is done at 4am, then it is likely to
 cause little interruption to service in most environments.

Besides I share your opinion, that shell-scripting is an adequate way of 
cleaning distfiles, I must admit, that a cron-job, which calls emerge sync  
emerge -fud world only makes sense on a shared .../distfiles, if and only if 
all machines sharing this, have the same packages installed. Given I have a 
server w/o X and such and some desktop machines naturally with this things. 
The share resides on the server, because this is the only machine 24/7 up. 
How could an update of X, KDE etc happen and use already downloaded files? 
When the desktops call emerge -ud world parallel, wouldn't that cause 
problems? Am I missing something? I'd love to do it this way, but I found no 
workaround for this problem yet.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Cleaning up ../distfiles from make.conf

2003-09-23 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Dienstag, 23. September 2003 22:07 schrieb Paul Hannah:
 Hash: SHA1

 I have never tried something similar to this, but if you added any packages
 installed on the clients manually (or through some automated script) to the
 world file, after backing up the original and remembering to replace it
 when you want to do an update to the server.  Then the 'emerge sync 
 emerge - -fud' should retreive all the files needed by all clients, no?


 On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 7:18 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  Am Dienstag, 23. September 2003 18:46 schrieb Stroller:
I feel unhappy with automatic system updates. Should etc-update be


   systems - it only updates the local portage database  fetches the
   updates you require. It would, I would think, be quite easy to unshare
   the NFS export before getting the files, and reshare it afterwards, as
   part of the cron job. If this is done at 4am, then it is likely to
   cause little interruption to service in most environments.
  Besides I share your opinion, that shell-scripting is an adequate way of
  cleaning distfiles, I must admit, that a cron-job, which calls emerge
  sync  emerge -fud world only makes sense on a shared .../distfiles, if
  and only if all machines sharing this, have the same packages installed.
  Given I have a server w/o X and such and some desktop machines naturally
  with this things. The share resides on the server, because this is the
  only machine 24/7 up. How could an update of X, KDE etc happen and use
  already downloaded files? When the desktops call emerge -ud world
  parallel, wouldn't that cause problems? Am I missing something? I'd love
  to do it this way, but I found no workaround for this problem yet.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

I think, this would work, but that's not what I really want to do: editing 
world files, copying them here over and there over, everytime I update a 
desktop and/or the server. Note I have some machines running ~x86, and I do 
updates quite often (every two days average on this computers). I also often 
emerge packages only to have a look, how they work and if they fit my needs 
better than the program I actually use for this purpose. That's not my idea 
of comfort ;-)

Thanks anyway for your suggestion, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Nvidia/new kernel

2003-09-20 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Samstag, 20. September 2003 00:47 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
 On Friday 19 September 2003 06:21 pm, Ernie Schroder wrote:
  On Friday 19 September 2003 05:50 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
   Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 22:34 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
Interestingly, When the XF86Config contains nvidia
attempting to start X produces NO log output. The machine just
locks up hard. The nvidia module can be successfully loaded
prior to starting X but still, the damned thing locks solid.
This has got to be a kernel issue. I looked for the obvious by
diff'ing the old and new .configs and removed AGP and DRM and
rebuilt it but I'm still in the same spot. Next I'll rebuild
with the old config if I can.
In the mean time, I'm using the nv module which logs with no
errors and only one warning about APM.
On Friday 19 September 2003 02:36 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer
 Hi Ernie,

 Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 20:05 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
  H is right! yes, the module is loading in the r7 kernel
  but startx completely hangs the box. I'm going to rebuild
  the nvidia pkgs. on the r1 kernel and, if that works I;ll
  assume I've left something out of the kernel

 is it possible to post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log after
 trying to startx with the nvidia-driver? Maybe there are some
 useful hints in it.
   very weird :-( Perhaps you can get some information when running
   strace X 1out.txt 21. And then have a look into out.txt, at
   which point the server hangs.
  I'm not familiar with strace. I'm assuming I need to back out of X,
  reset the Xconfig to the nvidia driver and THEN run the command.

 I did as above and I got a zero bit file. I did:
 # emerge strace
 # strace X 1out.txt 21

your commands look ok. A zero bit file is very strange. strace traces system 
calls and signals. I cant imagine, how this could be empty and the kernel 
locks. Could you try this as root, and add -f  to strace? This allowes 
tracing forked processes.
#strace -f X 1out.txt 21


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Nvidia/new kernel

2003-09-20 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Samstag, 20. September 2003 15:57 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
 On Saturday 20 September 2003 06:08 am, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  Am Samstag, 20. September 2003 00:47 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
   On Friday 19 September 2003 06:21 pm, Ernie Schroder wrote:
On Friday 19 September 2003 05:50 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer


 Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 22:34 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
  Interestingly, When the XF86Config contains nvidia
  attempting to start X produces NO log output. The machine
  just locks up hard. The nvidia module can be successfully
  loaded prior to starting X but still, the damned thing
  locks solid. This has got to be a kernel issue. I looked
  for the obvious by diff'ing the old and new .configs and
  removed AGP and DRM and rebuilt it but I'm still in the
  same spot. Next I'll rebuild with the old config if I can.
  In the mean time, I'm using the nv module which logs
  with no errors and only one warning about APM.
  On Friday 19 September 2003 02:36 pm, Michael
   Hi Ernie,
   Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 20:05 schrieb Ernie

H is right! yes, the module is loading in the r7
kernel but startx completely hangs the box. I'm going
to rebuild the nvidia pkgs. on the r1 kernel and, if
that works I;ll assume I've left something out of the
   is it possible to post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log after
   trying to startx with the nvidia-driver? Maybe there are
   some useful hints in it.

 very weird :-( Perhaps you can get some information when
 running strace X 1out.txt 21. And then have a look into
 out.txt, at which point the server hangs.

I'm not familiar with strace. I'm assuming I need to back out
of X, reset the Xconfig to the nvidia driver and THEN run the
command. Right?
   I did as above and I got a zero bit file. I did:
   # emerge strace
   # strace X 1out.txt 21
  your commands look ok. A zero bit file is very strange. strace
  traces system calls and signals. I cant imagine, how this could be
  empty and the kernel locks. Could you try this as root, and add -f
  to strace? This allowes tracing forked processes.
  #strace -f X 1out.txt 21

 I ran strace with the f flag and do get some output (see below)
 At a quick glance, nothing jumps out at me. Perhaps you can make some
 sense of it.

 # cat out.txt
 snipped a lot of output
 geteuid32() = 0
 execve(/etc/X11/X, [/etc/X11/X], [/* 36 vars */]

 I really appreciate the help, Michael. Thanks

the last command executed (/etc/X11/X) does not return. This is a symlink to /
usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86. So maybe you can get further information by running:
#strace -f /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 1out.txt 21
On my laptop I see things like opening the config and loading the drivers 
specified there in the output.
I'm not very familiar with debugging such things, but I hope, we can get it 
running this way.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Nvidia/new kernel

2003-09-19 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hi Ernie,

Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 20:05 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
 H is right! yes, the module is loading in the r7 kernel but startx
 completely hangs the box. I'm going to rebuild the nvidia pkgs. on
 the r1 kernel and, if that works I;ll assume I've left something out
 of the kernel


 On Friday 19 September 2003 01:54 pm, brett holcomb wrote:
  Hmmm.  I haven't had any problems running Nvidia in X.  Is
  the module loading?  If not there was a version of the
  Nvidia ebuild that put the module in the wrong directory.
   It was in /lib/*/video if I remember instead of under the
  On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 13:03:50 -0400
Ernie Schroder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 19 September 2003 12:51 pm, brett holcomb
   This is a simple question - I assume you set up
   On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 12:12:57 -0400
 Ernie Schroder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've gotten my new kernel (gentoo-siurces-2.4.20-r7)
  I hadn't made any changes to the XF86Config Brett. This
  thing WAS
  running fine in Gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r1 until I had such
  a bear
  compiling Gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r7. I HAVE for now edited
  the config
  to use driver nv instead of nvidia just to get X
  I don't mind saying that I'm completely lost!
  Regards, Ernie
  100% Microsoft and Intel free

is it possible to post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log after trying to startx with 
the nvidia-driver? Maybe there are some useful hints in it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Nvidia/new kernel

2003-09-19 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 22:34 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
   Interestingly, When the XF86Config contains nvidia attempting to
 start X produces NO log output. The machine just locks up hard. The
 nvidia module can be successfully loaded prior to starting X but
 still, the damned thing locks solid. This has got to be a kernel
 issue. I looked for the obvious by diff'ing the old and new .configs
 and removed AGP and DRM and rebuilt it but I'm still in the same
 spot. Next I'll rebuild with the old config if I can.
   In the mean time, I'm using the nv module which logs with no errors
 and only one warning about APM.


 On Friday 19 September 2003 02:36 pm, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  Hi Ernie,
  Am Freitag, 19. September 2003 20:05 schrieb Ernie Schroder:
   H is right! yes, the module is loading in the r7 kernel but
   startx completely hangs the box. I'm going to rebuild the nvidia
   pkgs. on the r1 kernel and, if that works I;ll assume I've left
   something out of the kernel
   On Friday 19 September 2003 01:54 pm, brett holcomb wrote:
Hmmm.  I haven't had any problems running Nvidia in X.  Is
the module loading?  If not there was a version of the
Nvidia ebuild that put the module in the wrong directory.
 It was in /lib/*/video if I remember instead of under the
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 13:03:50 -0400
  Ernie Schroder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Friday 19 September 2003 12:51 pm, brett holcomb

 This is a simple question - I assume you set up

 On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 12:12:57 -0400

   Ernie Schroder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've gotten my new kernel (gentoo-siurces-2.4.20-r7)

I hadn't made any changes to the XF86Config Brett. This
thing WAS
running fine in Gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r1 until I had such
a bear
compiling Gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r7. I HAVE for now edited
the config
to use driver nv instead of nvidia just to get X
I don't mind saying that I'm completely lost!
Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free
  is it possible to post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log after trying to
  startx with the nvidia-driver? Maybe there are some useful hints in

very weird :-( Perhaps you can get some information when running strace X 
1out.txt 21. And then have a look into out.txt, at which point the server 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] What creates, config and vmlinuz?

2003-09-15 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hi Mark,
I'm, not an expert with this, but I'll try...

Am Montag, 15. September 2003 18:57 schrieb Mark Knecht:
I've never received an answer for these question in the Redhat
 reflectors, and never asked here. Please excuse my ignorance on this

I just did a kernel build of gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r7 by hand (make dep
 clean bzImage modules modules_install  then copy bzImage to /boot by hand)
 and I do not get the, config and vmlinuz files in /boot.
 However, I apparently did a build of 2.4.20-r5 some other way (possibly
 make install?) and these files, plus their links were created.

I think, there is a make bzlilo. Maybe you used this one?

 QUESTION 1: What do these files do, and are they necessary?

Afaik is created and needed by your bootmanager (lilo?). vmlinuz is 
your kernel or a symlink to it. I dont know what config could be. I don't 
have this file and my machine boots quite good. I use grub now, but I had 
lilo installed before.

 QUESTION 2: What is the process to create these files if I want them?

vmlinuz is created by you, when you copy your kernel after compiling with cp 
arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz. Maybe make bzlilo does that for you, I 
never used this. is created by your bootloader, when you install 
it (call /sbin/lilo, setup in grup?).

 QUESTION 3: What is the difference between booting from a vmlinuz file and
 a bzImage file?

There is none. It's just the name of your kernelimage.

 QUESTION 4: Does having these -r5 files impact running -r7 if the -r7
 versions don't exist and the links point to the -r5 versions?

No, if you have a section in the configfile of your bootloader, that starts 
the -r7 kernel. Don't forget to call /sbin/lilo, if you use lilo (/boot 
mounted). After that there should be a



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Re: [gentoo-user] Enabeling sse2 in MPlayer

2003-09-05 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Freitag, 5. September 2003 20:19 schrieb Michael Gruetzner:
 On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 12:54:22PM -0400, Jarrett Graham wrote:
  put sse in your make.conf and recompile

 I already have -msse2 in my make.conf(and compiled with it).

  On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 12:59, Michael Gruetzner wrote:
   whenever I start MPlayer it tells me 'sse2 supported but disabled'. Is
   there a way to enable it?

Hi Michael,
I think, Jarrett wanted to say you should add sse to your USE-Variable (not 
CFLAGS) and recompile then ;-)


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Re: [gentoo-user] multiple snd cards

2003-09-01 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 1. September 2003 10:52 schrieb Rick [Kitty5]:
 Simon Mushi wrote:
  I am pursuing a dual-sound card setup onmy linux box in hopes of
  turning it into a daytime dj practice station.

 Give it up, it will not work.

Ah yes, would you tell this my pc please? It refuses to stop working with my 
two soundcards (sb16 using ens1371 + EWS88MT using ice1712). Why shouldn't 
this work anyway?
I'd suggest to use the snd-ens1370-driver for the ens1370-card ;-) 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] multiple snd cards

2003-09-01 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 1. September 2003 14:07 schrieb Simon Mushi:
 On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  Am Montag, 1. September 2003 10:52 schrieb Rick [Kitty5]:
   Simon Mushi wrote:
I am pursuing a dual-sound card setup onmy linux box in hopes of
turning it into a daytime dj practice station.
   Give it up, it will not work.
  Ah yes, would you tell this my pc please? It refuses to stop working with
  my two soundcards (sb16 using ens1371 + EWS88MT using ice1712). Why
  shouldn't this work anyway?
  I'd suggest to use the snd-ens1370-driver for the ens1370-card ;-)


 Thanks for the encouragement!

just for interest: Is it working as expected now? Well, I think so, because of 
the sound of your post, but I'm not shure ;-)



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Re: [gentoo-user] net-mail/evolution-1.4.4

2003-08-29 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Freitag, 29. August 2003 21:42 schrieb Mark Knecht:
This has been going on for a few hours this morning. Has anyone else
 seen this?



  Updating Portage cache...  ...done!

 Wizard root # emerge --deep --update -p world

 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

 Calculating world dependencies /
 emerge: there are no masked or unmasked ebuilds to satisfy

 !!! Problem with ebuild net-mail/evolution-1.4.4
 !!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.

 !!! Depgraph creation failed.
 Wizard root #


emerge: there are no masked or unmasked ebuilds to satisfy dev-python/PyXML.

!!! Problem with ebuild app-editors/emacs-21.3-r1
!!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.

There is a topic in the forums about that:
No solution yet afaik.


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Re: [gentoo-user] NVidia Riva TNT32 x OpenGL

2003-08-29 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Freitag, 29. August 2003 22:45 schrieb Andrew Farmer:
 At 29 August, 2003 Fellipe Weno wrote:
  Hi all,
  I want configure my XFree to use glx support but it dont work i install
  nvidia-kernel and gl support but its dont work i run opengl config i
  change to nvidia gl and if a try run xfree its dont start. any idea is

 Did you install xfree-drm?

xfree-drm is not necessary, if you are using nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx ;-) 
Have you changed your /etc/X11/XF86Config to use the nvidia-driver? There's a 
section that should read similar to this:
Section Device
  Driver   nvidia  -- if you have nv or something diff here, change
  Identifier   Device[0]
  Option   dpms
  Option   HWCursor 1
  VendorName   AutoDetected

If this does not help, could you post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] NVidia Riva TNT32 x OpenGL

2003-08-29 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Freitag, 29. August 2003 23:26 schrieb Pupeno:
 Hash: SHA1

 El Viernes Agosto 29 2003 18:09, Michael Schreckenbauer escribió:
  Am Freitag, 29. August 2003 22:45 schrieb Andrew Farmer:
   At 29 August, 2003 Fellipe Weno wrote:
Hi all,
I want configure my XFree to use glx support but it dont work i
install nvidia-kernel and gl support but its dont work i run opengl
config i change to nvidia gl and if a try run xfree its dont start.
any idea is appreciated.
   Did you install xfree-drm?
  xfree-drm is not necessary, if you are using nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx
  ;-) Have you changed your /etc/X11/XF86Config to use the nvidia-driver?
  There's a section that should read similar to this:
  Section Device
Driver   nvidia  -- if you have nv or something diff here,
  change Identifier   Device[0]
Option   dpms
Option   HWCursor 1
VendorName   AutoDetected
  If this does not help, could you post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log?

 To use nvidia-glx, doen't you need to run
 opengl-update nvidia
 as well ?

 - --

yes, you are right, that's needed :-) I think, this was meant by 
...i run opengl config i change to nvidia gl..., but I could be wrong about 
that. Good point you mentioned this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] qpkg -q - am I interpreting it correctly?

2003-08-28 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Donnerstag, 28. August 2003 22:54 schrieb Mark Knecht:
Ok, so that limits the output a bit, but it still doesn't show me that
 Rosegarden (which installed kdemultimedia) actually depends on

Or can I infer that kdemultimedia is not needed by anything (except
 itself?) and remove it safely? Maybe the ebuild incorrectly installed it,
 but the program doesn't depend on it?


Hello Mark,
I don't know how to handle this with qpkg, I prefer etcat (in 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ etcat -d kdemultimedia | grep rosegarden
* media-sound/rosegarden-4.0.9
* media-sound/rosegarden-

So rosegarden seems to depend on kdemultimedia.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] qpkg -q - am I interpreting it correctly?

2003-08-28 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hello Mark,

Am Donnerstag, 28. August 2003 23:27 schrieb Mark Knecht:
  Hello Mark,
  I don't know how to handle this with qpkg, I prefer etcat (in
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ etcat -d kdemultimedia | grep rosegarden
  * media-sound/rosegarden-4.0.9
  * media-sound/rosegarden-
  So rosegarden seems to depend on kdemultimedia.

 Thanks Michael!

 I have no problems at all with using etcat. I didn't actually know about
 it. It seems to work nicely though.

Some nice tools are well hidden in gentoo ;-)

 I don't suppose you know how to go any further in terms of determining what
 portion of kdemultimedia Rosegarden is actually using do you? None of the
 options in the man page seem to suggest this tool can go that far.

I also don't think, that etcat can handle this.

 There must be some sort of tools for figuring out (maybe when a program is
 running) what it's calling and where it's getting it?

Guess: Maybe rosegarden is linked against a lib belonging to kdemultimedia. If 
this is the case ldd `which rosegarden` (or however the binary is called) 
shows the libs rosegarden is linked against. You can use etcat -b path to 
lib then to verify the suspicious libraries belong to kdemultimedia.
Example (may be clearer ;-) ):
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ldd `which kmail` = /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ (0x4000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4b09a000) = /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ (0x4030f000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4ae8f000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4ae79000) = /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ (0x40382000)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ etcat -b /usr/kde/3.1/lib/
Searching for /usr/kde/3.1/lib/ in * ...

Maybe this helps you any further.

 Anyway, thanks much for the new tool.

Nice to hear it helped :-)



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Re: [gentoo-user] Printing to CUPS from another linux computer

2003-08-27 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2003 20:19 schrieb Vincent van de Camp:
 OK, I've had partial success. As it turns out (after a four hour power
 outage due to some heavy storms in the area), the Location / was set
 to Deny all and then Allow all, in that order. After I'd changed that, I
 was able to print from one computer to the print server, but only using
 the kde-print manager, as was suggested.
 However, as said, I don't use kde, and I don't want to depend on that.
 There has to be a way to just foomatic my way to the other computer. But
 alas, I haven't found one yet. How would I set up the -c part of the
 foomatic statement? lpd? http? ipp? Now that I know my printserver is
 reachable, I know it can be done, just not exactly how...

Hmmm, just another thought. Have you browsing activated in cupsd.conf? I have 
this in my cupsd.conf on my printserver:
Browsing On
BrowseProtocols CUPS
BrowsePort 631
BrowseInterval 30
BrowseOrder allow,deny

On my remote machines there is:
Browsing On
BrowseProtocols CUPS
BrowsePort 631

No printersetup was necessary on any client. The server broadcasts his 
printers to the net, the clients autodetect them. Page setup is done on the 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Power off button

2003-08-25 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 25. August 2003 21:36 schrieb Dmitry Suzdalev:
 On Monday 25 August 2003 23:07, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
  Yes and yes ;-) acpid calls /etc/acpi/, where you can do
  everything you want to.Kde is controlable by dcop, for example:
  /usr/kde/3.1/bin/dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface logout
  gives the logout-dialog.

 Wow! I didn't even know this! Thaks! I've been searching for info on how to
 logout kde from command line for very long time :). For some I was
 searching that for my self w/o trying to ask community. My fault :).

I had a hard time to find this information some time ago. I wanted kde to show 
the logout-dialog, when I press the Power-Button ;)
Then I stumbled over kdcop, a comfortable Browser and client for dcop. Have a 
look at it, you will find a lot of interesting things there.

 WBW, Dmitry.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Help please! I screwed up!

2003-08-25 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Montag, 25. August 2003 21:56 schrieb Klaus Neumann:
 After compiling a new kernel (and exchanging my second HD) I got this while
 trying to boot:

 Mounting /proc ...
 Mounting devfs at /dev ...
 modprobe: modprobe: Can't open dependencies file
 (No such file or directory)
 The mount command failed with error:
 sf type devfs not supported by kernel ...
 ... startup cannot continue.

 What does this mean, and how can I fix it?

What kernel are you using? This looks like a SuSE-Kernel. The message says, 
that you compiled your kernel w/o support for devfs or you compiled it as a 
module. If the second is the case, the module needs to be loaded from a 
initrd afaik.

 I hope someone can tell me how to get out of this mess, without
 re-installing everything! TIA!

I would suggest to use one of the kernels gentoo provides and compile it with 
devfs enabled (and automount at boot) both in the menu File systems
[*] /dev file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*]   Automatically mount at boot



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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Fetching updates with cron

2003-08-14 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2003 18:57 schrieb Thorsten Kampe:
 * Michael Schreckenbauer (2003-08-07 16:37 +0200)

  Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2003 16:15 schrieb Thorsten Kampe:
  I have a vcron job[1] that syncs the portage tree und afterward
  fetches available updates - at least that's how it is supposed to
  work. The sync works fine and the fetch, too, at least according to
  But actually the never reaches /usr/portage/distfiles, so I
  have to execute emerge -fuD world manually. This happens with all
  I even tried to search for the files - with locate - but they're not
  on my harddisk.
  Does anyone have a hint or idea?!
  [1] 0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/;
  emerge -fuD world  /dev/null [2] Started emerge on: Aug 07, 2003
  Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the '' at the wrong position? Afaik the line
  should read:
  0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/;
  emerge -fuD world  /dev/null 

 Well  (background) doesn't make much sense in a cron job in my

Of course you are right here. I realized this, when I started to read your 

  I believe you are forcing your updates straight forward to /dev/null

 Well no and yes:

 man bash
 There are two formats for redirecting standard output and standard
 error: word and word. Of the two forms, the first is
 preferred. This is semantically equivalent to word 21.

Ah, interesting. Thanks for this.

 But the real culprit was *Prozilla*! I changed the $FETCHCOMMAND to
 [1] and when I get back to the default wget - it works...!


 [1] FETCHCOMMAND='/usr/bin/proz -r --no-netrc --no-getch --no-search -k=4
 --timeout=300 -t=5 --retry-delay=15 --max-bps=0 ${URI} -P ${DISTDIR}'

Nice to hear everything works again :-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Fetching updates with cron

2003-08-07 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hi Thorsten,

Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2003 16:15 schrieb Thorsten Kampe:

 I have a vcron job[1] that syncs the portage tree und afterward
 fetches available updates - at least that's how it is supposed to
 work. The sync works fine and the fetch, too, at least according to

 But actually the never reaches /usr/portage/distfiles, so I
 have to execute emerge -fuD world manually. This happens with all

 I even tried to search for the files - with locate - but they're not
 on my harddisk.

 Does anyone have a hint or idea?!


 [1] 0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/;
 emerge -fuD world  /dev/null [2] Started emerge on: Aug 07, 2003

Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the '' at the wrong position? Afaik the line 
should read:
0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/;
emerge -fuD world  /dev/null 
I believe you are forcing your updates straight forward to /dev/null


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Arts problem

2003-08-06 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hello Andrea,

Am Dienstag, 5. August 2003 13:25 schrieb Andrea Bergia:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi everyone. I've a problem with Arts.
 I installed Gentoo last week, and it works really well! Arts went installed
 with KDE 3.1.2, and it worked fine. Now, I've installed the KDE-Cvs
 version, but Arts works really bed. I hear a second sound every 2 / 3
 seconds, and it's not fine.

I believe that. But may I ask, why you changed from a stable KDE-Version to 
the CVS one? I think, it's normal, that versions coming from the CVS do not 
always work as they are supposed to do. Since a few days KDE 3.1.3 is in 
portage (at least ~x86), I use this since then and had yet no problems (even 
with arts).

 I'm asking here becase on my Slackware (which I
 used before Gentoo), Arts from KDE-Cvs worked fine.

Well, things in CVS change, perhaps some critical code changed from your 
slackware CVS snippet to the one you are using with Gentoo (just a guess).

 I've a Sound Blaster Live, and I use the driver emu10k1. The driver should
 works good, because with XMMS the sound is what it should be. So, the
 problem should be in Arts (or maybe in Noatun, since with KSCD the sound
 works nicely). Can someone help me?

I really cannot help you,  but might I suggest to change your KDE Version to 
3.1.3? You can use portage to do so, and, as I said, it works here on 3 
machines (2 Desktops, 1 Laptop) without any problems.
I personally never use CVS-Versions of any software on a machine I do every 
days work with.

 - --
 Andrea Bergia - studente  Linux Registered User #281550
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)



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Re: [gentoo-user] wish?

2003-08-05 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hello Mark,

Am Dienstag, 5. August 2003 17:57 schrieb Mark Knecht:
 What package do I emerge to get wish? make xconfig won't run without it.
 emerge -S wish didn't find it.

A qpkg -f `which wish` gives me dev-lang/tk. make xconfig works for me, so I 
think, this is the package you want to install.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Problems connecting to internet

2003-07-23 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2003 09:30 schrieb CrPy:
 Hi ml,

  cat /etc/resolve.conf

 Looks good. Maybe use a second one.

Sorry for jumping in, but shouldn't this one be /etc/resolv.conf (without the 



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] my first alsa install: segfault?

2003-07-17 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
I've got a similar Dell-PC (same Chipset and Soundcard listed by lspci). Mine 
is working just fine with Alsa. 
My wild guess:
- Perhaps aggressive CFLAGS (-mcpu=pentium4 or -march=pentium4, see 
- Do you have acpi enabled? I have. Afaik IRQ-Routing is handled different, 
when using it.


Am Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2003 15:54 schrieb daniel:
 On July 16, 2003 12:08 pm, Joe Stone wrote:
  hi !
  could you please send the output from lspci ?

 sure anything to get my tunes back:

 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL [Brookdale-G] Chipset Host
 Bridge (rev 03)
 00:02.0 Display controller: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL [Brookdale-G] Chipset
 Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)
 00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB USB (Hub #1) (rev 02)
 00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB USB (Hub #2) (rev 02)
 00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB USB (Hub #3) (rev 02)
 00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB USB2 (rev 02)
 00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82801BA/CA/DB/EB PCI Bridge (rev 82)
 00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82801DB LPC Interface Controller (rev 02)
 00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82801DB Ultra ATA Storage Controller
 (rev 02)
 00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corp. 82801DB/DBM SMBus Controller (rev 02)
 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801DB AC'97 Audio
 Controller (rev 02)
 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY
 [Radeon 7000/VE]
 01:09.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401 100Base-T (rev

  I think you have 4 devices on the same irq.
  And in the past this meant problems.
  It may be, that computers are smart enough today, but I don't think so.
  Can you check in the BIOS if resources are controlled by Auto (or
  similar) Do you have assigned IRQ's manually to ISA or can the be
  assigned with pnp ?

 i checked the bios, but these damn dells... everything is friendly. 
 there's no mention if irq's and only mention of the on board sound is

  During POST, my computers show a table named PCI device listing. There is
  each PCI-device with the used IRQ. could you check if this assignment is
  the same linux uses?

 again, this dell doesn't have such a thing.  it just goes right from the
 ram count to grub.  does the output of lspci help at all?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] alsa-driver 0.9.5 - any ebuild yet?

2003-07-15 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer

Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2003 19:59 schrieb Mark Knecht:
I don't know how to check things like masked packages yet, but there has
 been a new alsa-driver package on CVS for a few weeks now. Is there and
 ebuild for it? I'm not finding it yet.

Yes, there is a ebuild for alsa-0.9.5 in portage. I'm using it with success on 
a SoundblasterPCI, a Terratec EWS88MT, an Intel (i8x0) and on my Notebook 
with a Sis-Chipset (630, uses Trident-Module).
I have it, cause I'm ~x86 ;-)

If there is one, how would I get it? I'm using
 emerge -p --deep world to look right now.

I think a ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~86 emerge -p alsa-driver would do the trick.
You can always look in /usr/portage/category/package to see, if there are 
updates to packages you are interested in.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Can't boot after install L 02

2003-07-07 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Hello Robin,

Am Montag, 7. Juli 2003 15:45 schrieb Robin Rowe:
 Changing LILO root to /dev/hda3 made no difference. Other ideas?

Not yet ;-)

 How is lilo.conf supposed to work with the recommended partition layout? I
 haven't created a setup like this before where the boot image is on an
 optionally mounted separate partition. What does LILO do with
 /boot/bzImage? How does it know that refers to /dev/hda1? Since
 /boot/bzImage is a temporary mount/chroot during installation, and not
 really on /boot of /dev/hda3, why should 'image = /boot/bzImage' work?

Well, I do not know how lilo works exactly, but afaik it remembers where your 
kernel-image resides physically.  When you mount your /dev/hda1 to /boot, 
copy bzImage to it and call /sbin/lilo, lilo looks in lilo.conf, finds the 
line image = /boot/bzImage and remembers the position of it on your 
harddisk. That's why you have to call /sbin/lilo every time you installed a 
new kernel, even if the new one has the same name.

My setup looks like follows:
/dev/hda1   /boot
/dev/hda6   /

lilo.conf is:
image  = /boot/vmlinuz
root   = /dev/hda6
vga= 791
label  = Gentoo

It works perfectly.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hollywood, California   Free motion picture and still image editing software

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Schreckenbauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 1:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Can't boot after install L 02

  Am Montag, 7. Juli 2003 08:35 schrieb Robin Rowe:
   /dev/hda1  100MB boot
   /dev/hda2  512MB swap
   /dev/hda3  4GB root
   Relevant parts of lilo.conf:
   boot = /dev/hda
   image = /boot/bzImage
   root = /dev/hda1
  This one should be:
  root = /dev/hda3
  Dont forget to rerun lilo after changing this (also mount your


   I'm guessing I have LILO wrong. What should it be?
  See above ;-)
  HTH, Greets


   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hollywood, California   Free motion picture and still image editing

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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Re: [gentoo-user] lilo and 2 windows

2003-06-12 Thread Michael Schreckenbauer
Am Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2003 18:50 schrieb Kees Bergwerf:
 Op donderdag 12 juni 2003 11:22, schreef Zack Gilburd:
   How can I configure lilo so that I can choose between 2 windows
  I believe this is explained in the installation docs.  I know they
  explain how to set up dual booting between Gentoo and Win, so I would
  guess it's just a matter of repeating the Win entry again.

 With 2 windows, when starting the 2nd windows, the 1st windows partition
 must be made invisible or else the 2nd partition will not be C:
 So the trick is: how to hide a partition. Is that possible with lilo


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Hello Kees,
I have something like this in my lilo.conf:

# second DOS bootable partition config begins
other  = /dev/hdb1
label  = Windows2
table  = /dev/hdb

This makes /dev/hdb to drive C and /dev/hda to drive D in a windows 
installation. First DOS Sections reads as described in docs. It resides on 
/dev/hda. Second Windows installation is on /dev/hdb.


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