[Goanet News Bytes]Apr 23, 2005 * Could Goa have been warned about Apr 20 squall...

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet News Service
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
# Visit the archives http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet.   #


G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  APRIL 23, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||   || Carneiro
 '.  '|..|' '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|...'  '|.'   http://www.goanet.org
 To unsubscribe from this list, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you find this ezine useful, please recommend it to your
friends and others from Goa. To sign-up http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net


IN TODAY'S EZINE: Could Goa's squall (earlier described as cyclonic winds)
have been predicted and thus inconvenienced citizens less? Margao's bridges.
Plans for ex-CM Ravi Naik to become GPCC(I) chief? 

Neena Dayal reports from Vasco that while the rest of
Goa was unprepared for the severe weather, residents
of the Naval Base at Vasco were mentally prepared
for the squally. According to members of the Naval Base
at Vasco, the Indian Naval Meteorological Department at
Vasco had issued warnings to the air station for squally
weather, and the information had filtered down to the
residents for such strong weather. While the Indian Naval
Base did not issue an official warning, warning signs
were there fore everyone to see that a severe squall
was on the way. But what was shocking to the residents of
the naval base was to see the met officials in Panjim
on why the destructive squally winds of April 20 could
not be predicted. (Herald)

o MORE ON BRIDGES AROUND MARGAO: The Rawanfond bridge stands finally
  commissioned, but with just a month-and-half to go for the monsoons
  to set in, the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation
  has a task cut out to complete work on the Khareband and Mungul
  bridges across the River Sal -- linking the commercial capital 
  of Goa (Margao) to Salcete's coastal belt. (H)

o RAVI NAIK is expected to become Goa Pradesh Congress Committee's
  next president. (H)

o Governor S C Jamir visits devastated port town fishing jetty. (GT)

o Six persons hurt in Bicholim riot, between Sunni and Tabalic groups
  during two separate processions on Id-e-Milad, the birth anniversary
  of Prophet Mohammed. (NT)

after its owners, including a former minister (Parulekar)
defaulted on the payment of loans. (GT)

TUITIONS HAVE BECOME like tonics and vitamin supplements,
an essential part of the students' curriculum to either
make up for the deficiencies in the educational system
or compliment it. But though many frown upon tuitions
and coaching, as it ends up eating into the students'
leisure time, the students themselves and parents cannot
do without them, write journalist Preetu Nair of the
Gomantak Times.

SCHOOLS: The Education Department is undertaking, for the
first time, a house-to-house comprehensive educational
survey covering all the 2.9 lakh families in Goa, to commence
from April 25. Education director ND Agarwal said the
survey would provide inputs for improving the quality of
education. It would focus on whether people are in favour
of introducing English as a subject in Standard I. If a
majority of parents are in favour of having English as a
subject from Standard I, then we may introduce English
as a subject in Marathi and Konkani schools, officials said.GT
This is the first-ever educational survey to be held in Goa.(NT)


SALVADOR DO MUNDO: Anthony Paulo Cardozo. Husband of Piedade Cardozo, father
of Francisco Xavier Cardozo, father-in-law of Laurina. Grandfather of Lina,
Lily, Hilary and Charles. 

MARGAO: Ligorio Gladstone 'Glady' Andrade. Husband of Ligia, father/in-law
of Judith (St Joseph's Convent School Nagoa-Verna), Jose 

[Goanet News Bytes]Goanet Reader: Goan Summer Fruits - Zambllam, Kannt'tam, Churnam ani Poddkovam!

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet Reader
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
# Visit the archives http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet.   #

Goan Summer Fruits - Zambllam, Kannt'tam, Churnam ani Poddkovam!

By Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

The summer has already begun in Goa and it reminds me of my childhood days 
when we ate several delicious summer fruits without spending a single paisa.

Here are four of those fruits:


The jambolan is a native to India.  Seedlings grow slowly the first year,
rapidly thereafter, and may reach 12 ft. in 2 years, and begin bearing in 8
to 10 years.  Grafted trees bear in 4 to 7 years.  No particular cultural
attention is required.  Organic fertilizer is applied after harvest but
withheld in advance of flowering and fruiting to assure a good crop.  If a
tree does not bear heavily, it may be girdled or root-pruned to slow down
vegetative growth.

Jambolan is fast-growing, reaching full size in 40 years.  It ranges up to
100 ft. in India, and it may attain a spread of around 36 ft. and a trunk
diameter of 2 or 3 ft.  It usually forks into multiple trunks a short
distance from the ground.  Sometimes, the main trunk of a Beddos (tree
bearing small jambolan,) which is usually very tall and wide, has a cavity
created by detachment of a branch.  These cavities are used by gar
(monitor lizard) as their dwellings.  The pad'daii (woodpecker,) sanvor
(magpie) and kir (parrot) also use the cavities to make their nests

The tree is wind-resistant and sometimes is closely planted in rows along
roadsides as a windbreak.  If topped regularly, such plantings form a dense,
massive hedge.  In Chinvar, Anjuna, on the way to Siolim, we have around
300-meter stretch of road covered with jambolan hedge; hence, the stretch is
called Zambllinim.

The bark on the lower part of the tree is rough, cracked, flaking and
discolored; further up it is smooth and light-gray.  The turpentine-scented
evergreen leaves are opposite; oblong-oval or elliptic, blunt or tapering to
a point at the apex; pinkish when young; when mature, leathery, glossy,
dark-green above, lighter beneath, with conspicuous, yellowish midrib.  The
fruit, in clusters of just a few or 10 to 50, is oblong, often curved; ½ to
2 inches long, and usually turns from green to light-magenta, then
dark-purple or nearly black as it ripens.  The skin is thin, smooth, glossy,
and adherent.  The pulp is purple or white, very juicy, and normally
encloses a single, oblong, green or brown seed, up to 1 ½ inches in length,
though some fruits have 2 to 5 seeds tightly compressed within a leathery
coat, and some are seedless.  The fruit is usually astringent, sometimes
unpalatably so, and the flavor varies from acid to fairly sweet.

Zambllam is yet another Goan fruit delicacy which is abundantly available
in every village.  During the summer season, one can see scores of children
as well as adults zamblli pondak (under a jambolan tree) either picking up
fallen zambllam or using a manchi xintari with kelkem (bamboo stick with
a hook at its top end) to shake a branch and loosen zambllam to fall, or a
person climbs a tree and shakes a branch thus making ripe zambllam fall.
If you see a young lad in a tree, he is definitely one of the local Goan
boys, as Bomboikars or Goans living abroad mostly don't know how to climb a
tree because they don't get such opportunities in Bomboi or abroad.

Jambolan of good size and quality, having a sweet or sub-acid flavor and a
minimum of astringency, are eaten raw and may be made into tarts, sauces and
jam.  Astringent fruits are improved in palatability by soaking them in salt
water or pricking them, rubbing them with a little salt, and letting them
stand for an hour.  All but decidedly inferior fruits are utilized for juice
which is much like grape juice.  When extracting juice from cooked jambolan,
it is recommended that it be allowed to drain out without squeezing the
fruit and it will thus be less astringent.  The white-fleshed jambolan has
adequate pectin and makes a very stiff jelly unless cooking is brief.  The
more common purple-fleshed yields richly colored jelly but it is deficient
in pectin and requires the addition of a commercial jelling agent or must be
combined with pectin rich fruits such as unripe or sour guavas.  Good
quality jambolan juice is excellent for sherbet, syrup and squash.  The
latter is a bottled drink prepared by cooking the crushed fruits, pressing
out the juice, combining it with sugar and water and adding citric acid and
sodium benzoate as a 

[Goanet News Bytes]Apr 24, 2005 * How the state (doesn't) work... Ola, Brazilian films

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet News Service
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
# Visit the archives http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet.   #


G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  APRIL 24, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||   || Carneiro
 '.  '|..|' '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|...'  '|.'   http://www.goanet.org
 To unsubscribe from this list, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you find this ezine useful, please recommend it to your
friends and others from Goa. To sign-up http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net


IN TODAY'S EZINE: Is the state functioning? Reports from the police, and
Goa's hospitals. Facts from the courts, and more. Goa's second Brazilian
film festival concluds in Panjim later on Sunday; it was held across four
days at the Kala Academy's black box.

Crooks and criminals have redined their modus operandi.
They try to keep one step ahead of the long arm of the
law. Has the Goa police honed its detection skills to cope
with the new situation? Is it equipped to tackle the criminal?
Though a few police officers have done well in the past,
Weekender finds the picture not so rosy now. (Gomantak Times)

Police officials reveal that though crime kits such as gloves
have to be provided regularly to all police stations, in
most of the stations there has been no supply of kits
for over a year. (GT)

medical facilities have no denatured spirit to even
clean wounds. (H)

of the building of the Bombay High Court in Goa hanging on
a crumbling cliff? At a time when a matter on hill-slope
constructions is still pending before the bench, 
illegal excavations of hill slopes continue unabated, in fact
right under the nose of the high court. Herald stumbled on a
major hill-cutting at Cortim, which poses a severe threat
to those residing below, and the High Court itself. (H)

film-maker Shyam Bengal released the book 'Kaleidoscope
Goa -- A Cultural Atlas' by Dr Pandurang Phaldessai, and edited
by Dr Nandkumar Kumar at a function on Saturday. (NT)

BY-PASS PROJECT: The entire project was designed for an
agency called MV Rao, which is closely associated with the
former national president of the BJP. The contract was awarded
by completely by-passing the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, so that it could be assigned to the favoured agencies
of MV Rao and other BJP cronies on the pretest of the
Exposition, Deshprabhu charged. (H)

OLA! FILMS FROM BRAZIL: Goa's second Brazilian film festival
concludes on April 24 at the Black Box, with the screening
of three films -- 'Hans Staden', 'City of God' and 'Celest and
Estrela' at 11 am, 5 pm and 7.30 pm respectively. (NT)  

o Traffic cell to act tough against violators. (H)
o Six-year-old girl dies of snake-bite, at Valikini sColony, Sanguem.(H)
o Woman Parveen Md Adil (21) of New Vaddem commits suicide at Vasco. (NT)
o Woman Mahadevi Natekar (42) missing from Zorint, Zuarinagar. (NT)
o Disaster management plan mooted for South Goa. (NT)
o BJP trated Digambar Kamat very badly, says Uday Bhembre. (NT)
o Body of 25-year-old man found by Colva police on rail track. Suicide
  suspected. (NT)
o Vasco roads pose risk to motorists. City roads are becoming death
  traps, specially for two-wheller riders. Accident rates have
  skyrocketed, and most affected are two-wheelers. (NT)
o Garbage disposal raises a stink in Calangute. (NT)
o Post-dreding survey across the Aguada Sand Bar will be underway
  from April 25 onwards. Officials have cautioned mariners. (NT)
o Hanuman Jayanti to be celebrated in Goa today. (NT)
o Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) with regional HQ at
  Bangalore has announced admission to its management programmes. (NT)
o Weekender's Sunday Branch: Alex 

[Goanet]Impact of Open Skies on Goa?

2005-04-23 Thread Philip Thomas

Opening Indian skies slowly
A revolt of American cities that received no international flights made the
US move to open skies; now everyone is following its lead

ashok v. desai

.. ... ...
.. ... ...
India signed a memorandum of agreement with the United Kingdom which also
embodies fifth freedom. Indian and British airlines will be able to operate
56 flights a week to and from Heathrow in two years' time. Indian airlines
will be able to fly any number of flights to other British airports;
**British airlines will be allowed to operate seven flights a week to any
Indian airport **(except that to Madras and Bangalore the limit will be 14 a
week). Thus, India has got much more than the UK in this memorandum.

It is not an agreement, for British agreements must be compatible with EU
law which requires that rights given to British airlines must be extended to
other EU airlines. The **British also asked for other things - e.g., that
tourists should be allowed to stay for 45 days, not 28 as now, and to come
with one charter operator and leave with another. The Indians promised to
think about it.** The world is moving towards open skies while India ponders
.. ... ...
What, if anything, does the Goa govt have to say about these proposals?
There are practically NO international flights of the scheduled type out of
Dabolim (except perhaps once a week via Mumbai by AI/IA) currently.
Meanwhile, charter flights to Goa account for over 90% of this type of

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * Apr 24, 2005 * Official crisis, Brazilian films

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet News Service

G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  APRIL 24, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||   || Carneiro
 '.  '|..|' '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|...'  '|.'   http://www.goanet.org
 To unsubscribe from this list, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you find this ezine useful, please recommend it to your
friends and others from Goa. To sign-up http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net


IN TODAY'S EZINE: Is the state functioning? Reports from the police, and
Goa's hospitals. Facts from the courts, and more. Goa's second Brazilian
film festival concluds in Panjim later on Sunday; it was held across four
days at the Kala Academy's black box.

Crooks and criminals have redined their modus operandi.
They try to keep one step ahead of the long arm of the
law. Has the Goa police honed its detection skills to cope
with the new situation? Is it equipped to tackle the criminal?
Though a few police officers have done well in the past,
Weekender finds the picture not so rosy now. (Gomantak Times)

Police officials reveal that though crime kits such as gloves
have to be provided regularly to all police stations, in
most of the stations there has been no supply of kits
for over a year. (GT)

medical facilities have no denatured spirit to even
clean wounds. (H)

of the building of the Bombay High Court in Goa hanging on
a crumbling cliff? At a time when a matter on hill-slope
constructions is still pending before the bench, 
illegal excavations of hill slopes continue unabated, in fact
right under the nose of the high court. Herald stumbled on a
major hill-cutting at Cortim, which poses a severe threat
to those residing below, and the High Court itself. (H)

film-maker Shyam Bengal released the book 'Kaleidoscope
Goa -- A Cultural Atlas' by Dr Pandurang Phaldessai, and edited
by Dr Nandkumar Kumar at a function on Saturday. (NT)

BY-PASS PROJECT: The entire project was designed for an
agency called MV Rao, which is closely associated with the
former national president of the BJP. The contract was awarded
by completely by-passing the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, so that it could be assigned to the favoured agencies
of MV Rao and other BJP cronies on the pretest of the
Exposition, Deshprabhu charged. (H)

OLA! FILMS FROM BRAZIL: Goa's second Brazilian film festival
concludes on April 24 at the Black Box, with the screening
of three films -- 'Hans Staden', 'City of God' and 'Celest and
Estrela' at 11 am, 5 pm and 7.30 pm respectively. (NT)  

o Traffic cell to act tough against violators. (H)
o Six-year-old girl dies of snake-bite, at Valikini sColony, Sanguem.(H)
o Woman Parveen Md Adil (21) of New Vaddem commits suicide at Vasco. (NT)
o Woman Mahadevi Natekar (42) missing from Zorint, Zuarinagar. (NT)
o Disaster management plan mooted for South Goa. (NT)
o BJP trated Digambar Kamat very badly, says Uday Bhembre. (NT)
o Body of 25-year-old man found by Colva police on rail track. Suicide
  suspected. (NT)
o Vasco roads pose risk to motorists. City roads are becoming death
  traps, specially for two-wheller riders. Accident rates have
  skyrocketed, and most affected are two-wheelers. (NT)
o Garbage disposal raises a stink in Calangute. (NT)
o Post-dreding survey across the Aguada Sand Bar will be underway
  from April 25 onwards. Officials have cautioned mariners. (NT)
o Hanuman Jayanti to be celebrated in Goa today. (NT)
o Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) with regional HQ at
  Bangalore has announced admission to its management programmes. (NT)
o Weekender's Sunday Branch: Alex Braganza of Mapusa. Of the 
  Music Company. I started off with Sting, Symphony and many more.
  Music bands in those days were a crazy situation for us. Life used
  to get very hectic and the recognition we got at that time (20 years
  back) was phenomenal... (In the Music Company) you blend the old with
  the new and you get something completely different!... (GT)
o Magic classes for adults and children. Ph 9822 121420 or 227 9563.
o Arecanut leaf-plate manufacturing unit for Valpoi. (H)

Re: [Goanet]RE: Women Priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 Some men, in their disillusionment or through
 subjugation, play the devil's advocate.
 Admittedly women are much smarter than the male homo
 sapiens. They have and wisely use their innate 
 sixth sense :-)

This sixth sense, that you talk about, includes the
ability to belong to a group and not contribute
anything to it?

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[Goanet]AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - April 24, 2005!

2005-04-23 Thread domnic fernandes
“Bhurgim avoi-bapaik sokol ghaltat zorui visorlear konnem tankam voir 

(Children let their parents down if they forget who brought them up.)
Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet]Re: Goanet News Bytes * Apr 23, 2005 * Goa unwarned about squall

2005-04-23 Thread Philip Thomas
But what was shocking to the residents of  the naval base was to see the
[remarks of] met officials in Panjim  on why the destructive squally winds
of April 20 could not be predicted.

But what is even more strange is why the Navy met officer dutifully informed
the air station but did not bother to phone up his civilian counterpart in
Panjim to check out his findings. Obviously he was quite sure of what was
happening.  Then was he trying to get some sadistic pleasure out of  seeing
suffering inflicted unexpectedly on Panjimites? A government enquiry should
be initiated into this negligent situation urgently.

In the same vein, the HERALD reporter also goes on to state: The author of
this article [Neena Dayal] was warned three days in advance about the
plausible occurrence of some drastic disturbances in weather conditions.
Why did HERALD not publicise this information sufficiently as soon as it got
it?  WHY?

Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Helga do Rosario Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you accuse only the US of this? I am not seeing
 any ethics in the politics of any country lately!

Canada has just increased it's aid. The percentage 
increase in aid is higher than the percentage increase
in military spending. But then again, we have no
enemies. None. Zero. Zip. So we can afford to do so
(or in other words, we have more oil than we need.)

 How many women contribute to this forum anyway?

I can think of three only. Maybe the rest need their
husbands permission to post anything :-(


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]women priests

2005-04-23 Thread gilbertlaw
GL responds
Was it not your post Fred stating that an inquiry about one's village (commonly 
done in Goa) and a look about at one's birth certificate tells one about their 
caste. As you know both statements were wrong and they turned out to be a flame 
thrower, that we have yet to recover from - that of course is thanks to me.:=))

Is the statement/ comment/ question below along similar lines?

Are you a member of COW? (committee for the ordination of women) =:))

I have no strong feelings either way because women or no women would not come 
between me and my God and my church.  If it affects someone, they need to 
re-evaluate their reasons for being Catholic and the follower of Christ

Would ordination of women help more men and Goan men to go to church?:=))

Frederick Noronha 
Can someone donate a prize to the netter who comes up with the most 
convincing argument on why women shouldn't be allowed to become priests?

Also, were all you guys serious with the arguments you threw up? FN

[Goanet]RE: Women Priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread P D
Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
PS. Since no woman has spoken up for female catholic
priests, we can safely concur that they are quite
happy with the status quo :-)
Some men, in their disillusionment or through subjugation, play the devil's 

Admittedly women are much smarter than the male homo sapiens. They have and 
wisely use their innate sixth sense :-)

The article that follows sheds additional light.
VATICAN CITY, JAN 16, 2004 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received the
participants in the national congress of the Italian Women's Center as they
reflect on the theme Women as They Face the Expectations of the World.
He recalled that this Center, inspired by Christian principles, makes
every effort to help women in undertaking in an ever more responsible way
their own role in society. Mankind today feels with increasing intensity the
need to offer a sense and a scope to the world in which new problems which
generate insecurity and confusion present themselves every day.
The current era, he continued, marked by the rapid succession of
events, has seen the growing participation of women in every sector of
civil, economic and religious life, starting with the family, the first and
most vital cell of human society. This calls for, on your part, a constant
attention to emerging problems and a generous farsightedness in facing
It is important, the Pope told them, for women to keep alive the
awareness of this fundamental vocation: they fulfill themselves only in
giving love. . Their moral and spiritual strength comes from the awareness
that 'God entrusts to women in a special way man, human beings'.
John Paul II underscored that it is this which above all is the mission
of every women, even in the Third Millennium. Live it fully and do not allow
yourselves to be discouraged by difficulties and obstacles that you might
meet along the way. On the contrary, always trusting in divine help, bring
it to fulfillment with joy, expressing the female 'genius' that marks you.

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * Apr 23, 2005 * Goa unwarned about squall

2005-04-23 Thread Goanet News Service

G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s  APRIL 23, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...   .. ...   .||.Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  || by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||   || Carneiro
 '.  '|..|' '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|...'  '|.'   http://www.goanet.org
 To unsubscribe from this list, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you find this ezine useful, please recommend it to your
friends and others from Goa. To sign-up http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net


IN TODAY'S EZINE: Could Goa's squall (earlier described as cyclonic winds)
have been predicted and thus inconvenienced citizens less? Margao's bridges.
Plans for ex-CM Ravi Naik to become GPCC(I) chief? 

Neena Dayal reports from Vasco that while the rest of
Goa was unprepared for the severe weather, residents
of the Naval Base at Vasco were mentally prepared
for the squally. According to members of the Naval Base
at Vasco, the Indian Naval Meteorological Department at
Vasco had issued warnings to the air station for squally
weather, and the information had filtered down to the
residents for such strong weather. While the Indian Naval
Base did not issue an official warning, warning signs
were there fore everyone to see that a severe squall
was on the way. But what was shocking to the residents of
the naval base was to see the met officials in Panjim
on why the destructive squally winds of April 20 could
not be predicted. (Herald)

o MORE ON BRIDGES AROUND MARGAO: The Rawanfond bridge stands finally
  commissioned, but with just a month-and-half to go for the monsoons
  to set in, the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation
  has a task cut out to complete work on the Khareband and Mungul
  bridges across the River Sal -- linking the commercial capital 
  of Goa (Margao) to Salcete's coastal belt. (H)

o RAVI NAIK is expected to become Goa Pradesh Congress Committee's
  next president. (H)

o Governor S C Jamir visits devastated port town fishing jetty. (GT)

o Six persons hurt in Bicholim riot, between Sunni and Tabalic groups
  during two separate processions on Id-e-Milad, the birth anniversary
  of Prophet Mohammed. (NT)

after its owners, including a former minister (Parulekar)
defaulted on the payment of loans. (GT)

TUITIONS HAVE BECOME like tonics and vitamin supplements,
an essential part of the students' curriculum to either
make up for the deficiencies in the educational system
or compliment it. But though many frown upon tuitions
and coaching, as it ends up eating into the students'
leisure time, the students themselves and parents cannot
do without them, write journalist Preetu Nair of the
Gomantak Times.

SCHOOLS: The Education Department is undertaking, for the
first time, a house-to-house comprehensive educational
survey covering all the 2.9 lakh families in Goa, to commence
from April 25. Education director ND Agarwal said the
survey would provide inputs for improving the quality of
education. It would focus on whether people are in favour
of introducing English as a subject in Standard I. If a
majority of parents are in favour of having English as a
subject from Standard I, then we may introduce English
as a subject in Marathi and Konkani schools, officials said.GT
This is the first-ever educational survey to be held in Goa.(NT)


SALVADOR DO MUNDO: Anthony Paulo Cardozo. Husband of Piedade Cardozo, father
of Francisco Xavier Cardozo, father-in-law of Laurina. Grandfather of Lina,
Lily, Hilary and Charles. 

MARGAO: Ligorio Gladstone 'Glady' Andrade. Husband of Ligia, father/in-law
of Judith (St Joseph's Convent School Nagoa-Verna), Jose (Zito), grandfather
of Savio and Joslyn, brother of late Olga, Joaquim/Olga, Fr Wilfred Piedade,
Alvito/Irmina, Wilson, Gohen and late William/Ethel.

VELIM: Nobert Fernandes, b 1964. Son of late Francis/Rosita, brother of
Nora, Neville, Nellicia, brother-in-law of Savio, Ivor, Venicia, godchild of
Fr Johnsie (Ambaulim), uncle of Donna, Don Cyril, Nestor, Aston, Ivica and
Ivanna. Funeral to St Rock's on Apr 23.

Khushali Dessai, a freedom fighter died in the early hours of Friday
morning at his residence 

[Goanet]Need Congress to Power or President's Rule better for 5 years in Goa.

2005-04-23 Thread Stephen Fernandes
Dear Goan,
 How long this thing going on and other
State laugh for goan as we support BJP in Goa.As you
all learn lesson in Goa how Parrikar fooling with Goan
and we Goan must not fool with Parrikar or BJP we need
Remo fernandes to come in Congress and that end as he
is right person for CM in goa, we Prayer that our
Dream of Congress come true and Congress in
power,Bring back the Former Congress President Nirmala
Sawant she is right holy and Wise Lady of Congress our
leaders kept her out and think that their are very
important in Congress Party. NOt at all to become
congress Strong in Goa we need Nirmala sawant as CM in
Goa. she is Second Soina Gandhi of Goa i Beg to all my
Goan do right and SAy Congress SAVE Goa ! kill BJP in

yours Congress Lover

Stephen Fernandes

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[Goanet]Queen =?iso-8859-1?b?S2V0ZXZhbpJz?= remains are still elusive

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Queen’s remains are still elusive Devika Sequeira in Panaji 

The Archaeological Survey of India’s 20-year search for the relics of Queen 
Ketevan in Old Goa has ended in disappointment. But the excavations offer an 
intriguing and significant insight into 16th century Goa. 

Setting to rest a debate that has engaged historians and archaeologists for 
over 20 years, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) announced earlier this 
week that though it had managed to locate the “burial site” of Queen Ketevan 
of Georgia amidst the ruins of the St Augustine complex in Old Goa, the 
queen's remains were not at the site. 

Coping stone 

“We have conclusively identified the coping stone which, according to 
historical accounts, held the black box containing the queen’s remains. But 
the black box itself and the relics are not there,” N Taher, the ASI’s chief 
archaeologist in Goa told Deccan Herald. 

Some fragments of bone and stone inscriptions have been sent for scientific 
analysis. But archaeologists doubt these would be related to the Ketevan case. 

While Taher believes that the findings are conclusive enough to end the long-
drawn debate over the 16th century queen's relics, for the man who launched 
the search 20 years ago, the missing black box comes as a “huge 

“It leaves one with the nagging feeling that somehow the truth has not been 
found out,” says archaeologist S K Joshi, a fellow with the Indian Centre of 
Historical Research. Dr Joshi recalls how this intriguing archaeological 
search began when he headed the ASI in Goa in 1985 after a diplomatic request 
by the then Soviet Union. 

Elevated to sainthood, the martyred Queen Ketevan of Georgia is held in high 
regard in her country to this day, and teams of experts from Russia and 
Georgia have been dispatched to Old Goa in the past to help locate her mortal 

A prisoner 

Taken prisoner by emperor Shah Abbas of Persia in 1613, Queen Ketevan was held 
captive for 10 years in Shiraz. She was tortured and strangled to death on 
September 22, 1624 for refusing to convert to Islam, say historical accounts. 
Jesuit priest and history researcher Fr Moreno D'Souza who has spent years 
poring over historical records related to Old Goa, concludes that an arm and 
hand of the Georgian queen was brought to Goa by Augustinian friars in 1627 
and encased in a black box in the chapter chapel of the huge complex. So where 
did the relics go? 

“The ASI is on the right track and has all the circumstantial evidence to 
prove the location of the chapel and chamber. But with the relics missing, we 
can only conclude the obvious: that the Augustinians, who held the queen in 
such high reverence, took away the black box when they were expelled from Goa 
by the Portuguese government,” says conservationist Percival Noronha. 

Starting with the Our Lady of Grace Church in 1572, by 1602 the Augustinians 
had built an impressive complex on the Holy Hill at Old Goa with a seminary, 
convent, library, cloisters, dormitories, galleries and a number of cells, 
says the ASI. 

Seat of learning 

“It was one of the greatest seats of learning in Asia at the time, with 300 
teachers, 3,000 students and the biggest library on this side of the globe,” 
says Dr Joshi. 

After the Portuguese government expelled religious orders from Goa in 1832, 
the complex gave way to ruin, with the vault collapsing in 1842 and its towers 
and facade crumbling by 1938. 

The ASI’s 20 years excavation has painstakingly brought to light the ruins of 
what was once an architectural marvel. In the process of uncovering the truth 
about the 16th century queen, the ASI has also unearthed the ruins of five 
altars, eight side chapels, a cloister, six tombs and the interior of a church 
profusely decorated with glazed tiles. The excavation can only add to the 
significance of the world heritage site. 

“Now that we know that the relics are not there, we can move on with 
consolidating the archaeological sight,” says Taher. 

With excavation work still on, the ASI is uncertain that a tourist walk 
through will be permitted just yet. “We have still to decide how much of the 
site we can expose to the public.” Tourism, point out Taher, often destroys 
archaeological sites. 

(Deccan Herald)

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com


Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

[Goanet]Re: Reality check for superpower India

2005-04-23 Thread Philip Thomas
in a country with a population of
more than a billion, there remain a staggering 900
million-odd people untouched by the much-hyped
telecommunication revolution.[Mario Goveia, citing IHT, April 23]

Leave alone the claim about superpower status, this neglect of telecom may
even reflect on the nature of our vaunted democracy! The explosion of
satellite TV during the 90s and the attention to highways may however have
been a somewhat reassuring factor in this regard.  These of course are not
definitive measures one way or another but are perhaps indicative of the
real state of affairs which we otherwise take for granted.

[Goanet]Women priests!

2005-04-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
Quaint and archaic thoughts in the present day, but perhaps they were the
reason for not having women priests in the religions that centered around
Israel and Arabia: Judaism,Christianity and Islam. Women were possessions
like camels,cattle and goats in most parts of the world then, they are
commodities in some areas even now.Seems crazy to me that we suggest
menopausal woman priesthood or hysterectomy or ligation as solutions. It may
be a good idea to consider vasectomy for the priests, specially in the
scandal hit church in USAunless marriage is permitted.

 If a woman actually becomes unclean during the menses, it is rather
surprising that the Son of God should have been born to a woman. He could
have descended directly from heaven ...just like he ascended. Sorry folks,
those who do not subscribe to virgin birth have no right to discuss who
should become a priest in catholicism. Immaculate Conception and Mother of
God are integral to Catholicism. Communion is prohibited only if one is in a
state of sin, a highly subjective topic in today's world.
From: domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hindu girls from our ward sit in the  balcao and spend 3-5 days without
doing anything.  I thought they were
 punished by their parents and made to sit there.  As I grew up, I learned
 that they sat there because they were not allowed to touch anything in the
 house; they were declared unclean.  Hindu girls/women also do not go into
 temple when they have their menses.  To my knowledge, some Christian women
 in the 1950's and 1960's did not go to church when they were unclean; some
 would go to church but would not receive Holy Communion because they
 it was inappropriate of them to do so.
 Can women 'celebrate mass' when they are physically unclean?  If allowed
 become priests, will they stop celebrating mass for 3-5 days a month when
 they are unclean, or it does not matter?
  If it  matters, they could become priests after their menopause, or they
could have
 their uteruses removed just before the ordination - this step should not
 taken prior to ordination as there are some who change their mind at the
 last moment.
 Moi-mogan, Domnic Fernandes Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
In the present day unit families, if the wife does not cook during her
periods, will the hindu families survive on fruits and salads for 3 to 5
days? Do men work with the women through the month or not.  Affadd zalea
are words that I heard in my childhood. ONLY IN MY CHILDHOOD. It is not a
socially and economically viable statement today. If we can change in the
work place, we can change in the Church. The moot question is : DO WE NEED
TO CHANGE? This is better debated at the next Vatican Synod [that is the
forum for the change] than on Goanet.

Viva Goa.

[Goanet]Correcting Goa's politics

2005-04-23 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Cajetan,
It is important that we remain rooted in facts, always.
Goa SuRaj Party is yet to win a village Panchayat seat. I doubt if it will
ever win an Assembly seat. Four candidates that used the party could not
muster a thousand votes between them in the last election to the Assembly.
Elections to the assembly are not won through brownie points on Goanet, much
as Floriano Lobo[President for life of GSRP] would like to believe.
 From: Cajetan Rego [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Whether we should choose the Goa Suraj party:
 How can we be sure that the Goa Suraj Party will get
 rid of all Goa's problems? The people who actually do
 the work are the beaureucrats and Govt. servants. How
 will Goa Suraj change their lethargic attitude? Sack
 everyone who does not perform? If they do it,
 virtually all Govt servants will be sacked.

 Will Christians be disenfranchised?
 I think we are simply overreacting by saying that
 Christians will be disenfranchised by the BJP.
 Disenfranchising Christians is just not
 practical in a high-literacy state where the Christian
 population is significant.

 A few incidents here and
 there caused by overzealous people cannot be
 generalized as an assault on any religion. Not
 bringing Parrikar back to power, just because of this
 hypothetical fear, we will be depriving ourselves of
 an efficient Government. If we cannot appreciate the development Parrikar
 achieved for Goa, I think we don't deserve any
 development at all.

 I am not a BJP activist or party worker and had
 thought Goa would be ruined when Parrikar came to
 power 4 years ago. My attitude towards his rule has
 since changed after seeing his developmental efforts
 and efficiency. We need an educated and non-corrupt
 person as the CM. Rather than going with a general
 hate wave, I would request all readers to apply their
 mind and elect a progressive Government.

 Cajetan Rego
 Comprem, Tivim Goa

The literate people are more easily frightened than the illiterate ones. The
normal voting percentage of Catholic voters is low. Inject a little fear and
it will tend towards zero. If not try to get some witnesses to file
statements or affidavits about the Fontainhas name plaque smashing case of
18 June, 2004. It will soon be time to comemorate its anniversary with a
requiem mass at St.Sebastian or San Tome chapel. In Dharavi slums there
would have been a 'raasta roko' or 'chakka jamm'.

The VCD 'Goa Freedom Struggle' was produced by the Directorate of Education
and inspired by Manohar Parrikar[ according to the 'credits' on the film].
Was it a stray incident or was parrikar one of the few over-zealous persons?

Parrikar gave us an efficient Government which gave us completed bridges
[even across the Chapora river between Siolim and Chopdem] that one thought
would be forever under construction or ,worse , proposed. If you think
it was a non-corrupt government, please re-read Manohar Parrikar's own
statements on Mr. 10% Dhavlikar, Mr.Crorepati Monserate and Mr. Corrupt
Madkaikar . All the three worthies were part of his non-corrupt 
government till 28 January,2004.

 I  do not know what Parrikar would have said if his 'stone pelting'
Minister for Law and the 'rave king' Minister for Agriculture or 'Belgaum
professional' Minister for Forests had deserted him or if there was an
alternative to the Disneyland former Minister of Tourism or the latter day
ramponkar had a chance of shifting his nets to the otherside. It would be
interesting to know his mind.

Having said that, if there is a General Election tomorrow, the BJP would win
majority of the seats hands down. Its candidate would have my vote, too. We
only fool ourselves if we think that Congressmen in Goa will learn any
lesson from the past experience. They have no time to think. It would be
better for Ravi Naik to shift and lead the MGP to win 7 Assembly seats and
become a coalition CM with the support of Bhandaris across party lines, than
to be the GPCCI Chief and be a Congress MLA in the wilderness of the
opposition benches. Even the one-man-party of Dr.Willy is better of than the
Congress in Goa today. At least there is some credibility.

Viva Goa.

Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes


Can you accuse only the US of this? I am not seeing any ethics in the
politics of any country lately!

In fact, had your political leaders
practiced humanitarian ethics instead of religion in
the last few years, this world would have been a much
better place to live in.

How many women contribute to this forum anyway?

PS. Since no woman has spoken up for female catholic
priests, we can safely concur that they are quite
happy with the status quo :-)

Re: [Goanet] LINK: Another Goanetter makes the news: Joaquim Goes

2005-04-23 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: Helga do Rosario Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] LINK: Another Goanetter makes the news: Joaquim Goes
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 13:21:10 -0400
Thanks Santosh!
NASA has included our findings in a report that it has prepared for a
Congressional hearing and our paper is going to be distributed on Capitol
Hill - but as you say I doubt anyone  that matters is really listening.
Yes I would have had something to contribute to the polemic on global
warming in this forum but unfortunately I was in the Antarctica 
global warming first hand! Did you see the paper about the Antarctic
peninsula melting in the same issue of Science?

the Eurasian Landmass Is Making the Arabian Sea More
Productive, Joaquim I. Goes, Prasad G. Thoppil,
Helga do R Gomes, and John T. Fasullo. Science 22
April 2005: 545-547.

Congratulations on the SCIENCE paper!
I wish you were here during the crotchety global
warming debate on Goanet. We could certainly have used
some input from a real environmental scientist,
My dear Helga and Joaquim,
Ny heartiest congratulations on your meritorious work. Must
have been wonderfull uo there.
For a few days I was up on the other side of you: In the region of
Kiruna, Jokmokk and Galivare, off the Arctic, covering a military
exercise. I thought about you down deep under,
During an event one lady member of our group had to pee.
The champeroning military people had no alternative but to
helicopter her back to the hotel, ca 120 kms away, to perform the
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RE: [Goanet]Goan Musicians

2005-04-23 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: Fausto V. D'Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Goan Musicians
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 10:12:13 -0400
Anthony Gonsalves  Sebastian D'souza (Seby) made it very big in Bollywood
their names featured as assistant music directors and they commanded great
respect from film music directors. Seby helped many Goans to get jobs in
hindi film music industry. Another musician who contributed a great deal to
bollywood is Balthazar Fernandes who was the only  musician  sought after
for writing music to string instruments.
Sorry, Lawrence de Tiracol is not a musician, not to humilate him but to 
facts straight he will not know the ABCD of music, but may be composing 
naturally like our many tiatrists.

Leo fernandes writes:
GOANS, MUSIC, BOLLYWOOD; Leo Fernandes writes in from Chatam, New Jersey:
You have written Goan musicians have contributed to Bollywood films, but
have anyone become a music director in Indian films? With the exception of
Frank Fernand of Amchem Noxib. Are they currently in limelight or still in
the background. The success of Indian music directors owe a lot to our Goan
musicians -- but they were never brought to limelight or forge ahead like
Remo Fernandes. Upcoming is Lawrence de Tiracol with his own music
compositions has lifted up our Concanim songs.
You have overlooked the  veritable titans: Mangueshkar and Bhonsle.
Alfred de Tavares
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Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 00:28:06 -0700 (PDT)
--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may be right on this one.
However, the Vatican has a different view of how
women should be treated. So the choices I have are:
1) I toe the Vaticans line.
2) I search for another religion where women have
equal status.
3) I become a cafeteria Catholic. :-)

You know there is a fourth choice. Why keep up the
pretense when you have lost faith? Be honest with
yourself. Give up the whole charade. Liberate
yourself. Live a reason and evidence-based life.
Practice humanitarian ethics and rational morality.
Imbibe spirituality from the products of human
creativity such as music, art, poetry, literature,
dance and science. But don't throw out the goodies.
Celebrate all the religious festivals. Enjoy all the
fun rituals. Expand your cafetaria to include other
religions, because the only things that we know are
real, for sure, are the food, the song and dance, the
company and the fun.
And Santosh, when you are thru with song, dance ,,, all rioteous
ribaldry and hangover holds you in its vengeful wrath
the only words that your heart thru lips utter...
shall be: Saiba pau ... Saiba bogos...
By the way what may we -- Gabe with his enduring Stella, Cecil with
Caju, purportedly, from Siolim and I with crystal ABSOLUTE -- offer you?
Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet]Reality check for superpower India

2005-04-23 Thread Mario Goveia
India has a long way to go.

International Herald Tribune
News cuts both ways

This should make India sit up. While the Indian
government appears elated that the country now has 100
million phone connections, International Herald
Tribune points out, “in a country with a population of
more than a billion, there remain a staggering 900
million-odd people untouched by the much-hyped
telecommunication revolution”. 

There are just nine telephones (mobiles or fixed
lines) for every 100 people in India, and given that
most people with a cellphone also have a land line,
that means no more than around 6% of the population
has access to the phone, IHT argued. “As usual, these
technological advances have entirely sidestepped the
nation’s vast rural areas and just 1.7% of villagers
have their own phones,” it added. The newspaper says
that “India is trailing far behind its Asian rival
China, which has 600 million subscribers. 

Apart from Bangladesh and a few impoverished African
nations, there aren’t many countries that have a lower
proportion of the population on the phone.”

Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You know there is a fourth choice. Why keep up the
 pretense when you have lost faith? Be honest with
 yourself. Give up the whole charade. Liberate
 yourself. Live a reason and evidence-based life.

I have had two spiritual experiences in this life. One
experience had nothing to do with the catholic faith,
the other, could be seen by any non-believer as a mere
coincidence. Both experiences made me realize that
there is a spiritual world out there. 

 Practice humanitarian ethics and rational morality.
 Imbibe spirituality from the products of human
 creativity such as music, art, poetry, literature,
 dance and science. But don't throw out the goodies.
 Celebrate all the religious festivals. Enjoy all the
 fun rituals. Expand your cafeteria to include other
 religions, because the only things that we know are
 real, for sure, are the food, the song and dance,
 the company and the fun.

In Tanzania, where I grew up, one gets exposed to all
religions. You get invited to weddings of people of
other faith (and of no common faith). I also have been
to funerals where a Muslim priest will lead prayers
for the deceased at the graveyard, after the Catholic
priest has finished his say.

Weddings, baptisms, funerals are all ceremonial. They
are not going to get you anywhere in the spiritual
world. Whether you find the spiritual world or not
depends on your behavior, IMHO. 

My behavior, thanks to those convent nuns again, is
based on one sentence i.e. love your neighbor as you
love yourself. And my neighbor includes the eight year
old, with festering wounds, begging outside the State
Bank of India, Mapusa. It also includes all the eight
year olds and new orphans in Iraq. Protecting them, is
my idea of spirituality.

I will agree with you that practicing humanitarian
ethics and rational morality may be better than
religion, and especially so when one has not found the
spiritual world. In fact, had your political leaders
practiced humanitarian ethics instead of religion in
the last few years, this world would have been a much
better place to live in. 

Since I have no doubt that there is a spiritual world,
I am going to stick to the third choice. My  cafeteria
will include Marlon's sanaa's and feni, your
humanitarian ethics suggestion and even the lack of
women priests. 

PS. Since no woman has spoken up for female catholic
priests, we can safely concur that they are quite
happy with the status quo :-)

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Re: [Goanet]More democracy in the church - good or bad?

2005-04-23 Thread Marlon Menezes
Except for a few of my catholic friends who are out
there, very few of them believe in any or all of
these christian mythologies, or should I say myths.
If a person today were to claim virginal conception, a
simple genetic test would have settled the issue. If
the person still persisted such a ridiculous claim,
they would be locked up in a mental institution. 

I believe that most so called catholics would fail to
meet the test of their religion. This leads me to
believe that this religion is far less relevant to the
masses that it claims to be and is destined to head
towards the dustbin of history.


--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 While I think the Catholic Church will continue to
 grow but lose market share overall, many educated
 people and learned scholars see religion in a
 different light from other worldly matters.  For
 example, no one who demands scientific proof of
 everything, and bases all their opinions on normal
 facts and logic, would ever be a Catholic.  
 Once one accepts the whole list I gave of Catholic
 fundamentals that can only be taken as matters of
 faith, namely prophecies, miracles, the Holy
 virgin birth, resurrection, two bodily ascensions
 heaven, the body and blood of Christ in communion,
 life after death, etc. it is no longer inconsistent
 accept other things that do not fit within normal
 rational human concepts. 

[Goanet]Digital resources... there and here

2005-04-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
UCSB libraries, Stanford partner with Library of Congress to form 
(Santa Barbara, Calif.) -- Concerned that millions of nationally 
important digital information resources are in danger of being lost or 
corrupted, the Library of Congress has partnered with eight institutions 
-- including the University of California, Santa Barbara -- to begin a 
$15 million effort to build a nationwide digital collection and 
preservation system.
We need to be concerned about information reources in Goa too. Rochelle 
Pinto and others have already made the point. FN

 _/ \Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/\   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
  |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
  |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.bytesforall.org
\/   -
  Sign up for low-volume, high-quality news summaries and updates from
  Goa at http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net * It's free and volunteer-driven.

[Goanet]Correcting Goa politis

2005-04-23 Thread carlos6143
Let's keep in mind that all corrupt people are rejoicing these days 
because the Congress Govt may form the next Govt soon. Even the so 
called Parrikar friends or even some of his former MLA's are joining 
the Congress because they will be able to loot more money from Goa 
coffers with Congress at the helm. Opportunism has become the reality 
in Goa. Remember these corrupt people are only interested in themselves 
(me first and Goa afterwards). This type of Government usually do not 
last long because of competing self interests as being proven in Goa. 
Corrupt people elect corrupt governments because their self interests 
can be served. Self interest is another form corruption. Remember those 
days of mass corruption when Congress was in power. Remember those days 
when MLA's became rich overnight. Remember those days of instability -- 
who lost? It is the honest principled Goans who have lost, who do not 
have any self interests but for Goa, who at present may not have a 

Best regards,

Re: [Goanet]Re: The prize winning reason - Why should women not be ordained priests

2005-04-23 Thread Mario Goveia
The prize should go to the clear-thinking, realistic
entry, which is obviously mine, not the whimsical and
unrealistic wishing for something that cannot be, the
pontificating by those who will never be pontiffs or
the chauvinistic and sexist entries based irrelevently
on male and female characteristics which have nothing
to do with this situation.

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- ralph rau goanet@goanet.org wrote:
  I for one cannot imagine a female Pope. Can you ?
 Yes, very easily.  The Church will not collapse with
 women priests or Popes.  It will prosper,
 thrive, and grow.
 I am not sure if you are the winner in the
 Male-chauvinist, sexist category as a number of
 goanetters seem to give you a run for your money.

[Goanet]Goan Summer Fruits – Zambllam, Kannt’tam, Churnam ani Poddkovam!

2005-04-23 Thread domnic fernandes
The summer has already begun in Goa and it reminds me of my childhood days 
when we ate several delicious summer fruits without spending a single paisa. 
 Here are four of those fruits:

The jambolan is a native to India.  Seedlings grow slowly the first year, 
rapidly thereafter, and may reach 12 ft. in 2 years, and begin bearing in 8 
to 10 years.  Grafted trees bear in 4 to 7 years.  No particular cultural 
attention is required.  Organic fertilizer is applied after harvest but 
withheld in advance of flowering and fruiting to assure a good crop.  If a 
tree does not bear heavily, it may be girdled or root-pruned to slow down 
vegetative growth.

Jambolan is fast-growing, reaching full size in 40 years.  It ranges up to 
100 ft. in India, and it may attain a spread of around 36 ft. and a trunk 
diameter of 2 or 3 ft.  It usually forks into multiple trunks a short 
distance from the ground.  Sometimes, the main trunk of a “Beddos” (tree 
bearing small jambolan,) which is usually very tall and wide, has a cavity 
created by detachment of a branch.  These cavities are used by “gar” 
(monitor lizard) as their dwellings.  The “pad’daii” (woodpecker,) “sanvor” 
(magpie) and “kir” (parrot) also use the cavities to make their nests 

The tree is wind-resistant and sometimes is closely planted in rows along 
roadsides as a windbreak.  If topped regularly, such plantings form a dense, 
massive hedge.  In Chinvar, Anjuna, on the way to Siolim, we have around 
300-meter stretch of road covered with jambolan hedge; hence, the stretch is 
called “Zambllinim.”

The bark on the lower part of the tree is rough, cracked, flaking and 
discolored; further up it is smooth and light-gray.  The turpentine-scented 
evergreen leaves are opposite; oblong-oval or elliptic, blunt or tapering to 
a point at the apex; pinkish when young; when mature, leathery, glossy, 
dark-green above, lighter beneath, with conspicuous, yellowish midrib.  The 
fruit, in clusters of just a few or 10 to 50, is oblong, often curved; ½ to 
2 inches long, and usually turns from green to light-magenta, then 
dark-purple or nearly black as it ripens.  The skin is thin, smooth, glossy, 
and adherent.  The pulp is purple or white, very juicy, and normally 
encloses a single, oblong, green or brown seed, up to 1 ½ inches in length, 
though some fruits have 2 to 5 seeds tightly compressed within a leathery 
coat, and some are seedless.  The fruit is usually astringent, sometimes 
unpalatably so, and the flavor varies from acid to fairly sweet.

“Zambllam” is yet another Goan fruit delicacy which is abundantly available 
in every village.  During the summer season, one can see scores of children 
as well as adults “zamblli pondak” (under a jambolan tree) either picking up 
fallen “zambllam” or using a “manchi xintari with kelkem” (bamboo stick with 
a hook at its top end) to shake a branch and loosen zambllam to fall, or a 
person climbs a tree and shakes a branch thus making ripe “zambllam” fall.  
If you see a young lad in a tree, he is definitely one of the local Goan 
boys, as Bomboikars or Goans living abroad mostly don’t know how to climb a 
tree because they don’t get such opportunities in Bomboi or abroad.

Jambolan of good size and quality, having a sweet or sub-acid flavor and a 
minimum of astringency, are eaten raw and may be made into tarts, sauces and 
jam.  Astringent fruits are improved in palatability by soaking them in salt 
water or pricking them, rubbing them with a little salt, and letting them 
stand for an hour.  All but decidedly inferior fruits are utilized for juice 
which is much like grape juice.  When extracting juice from cooked jambolan, 
it is recommended that it be allowed to drain out without squeezing the 
fruit and it will thus be less astringent.  The white-fleshed jambolan has 
adequate pectin and makes a very stiff jelly unless cooking is brief.  The 
more common purple-fleshed yields richly colored jelly but it is deficient 
in pectin and requires the addition of a commercial jelling agent or must be 
combined with pectin rich fruits such as unripe or sour guavas.  Good 
quality jambolan juice is excellent for sherbet, syrup and squash.  The 
latter is a bottled drink prepared by cooking the crushed fruits, pressing 
out the juice, combining it with sugar and water and adding citric acid and 
sodium benzoate as a preservative.

The best way to eat “zambllam” is to pluck them from the tree, apply a 
little salt and keep them in the sun for at least an hour.  You then just 
place them in your mouth and suck them from within where they keep on 
‘melting.’  Before you know it they are empty!

I still can’t forget the incident that took place when I was about 8 years 
old.  One of my neighbors who was about 4 years older than I, was collecting 
“Beddsam” (small zambllam) by throwing stones at a tall “Beddos” but he 
wouldn’t give me any, and I couldn’t take them forcibly from him because he 

[Goanet]Wikipedia... in Marathi

2005-04-23 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Check out Wikipedia, the collaborative encyclopedia, in its Marathi version. if 
you cannot read contents in Devanagari Script [this article at the top of the 
page of Wikiepedia] may help you to enable support. Check the Marathi page:

 _/ \Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/\   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
  |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
  |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.bytesforall.org
\/   -
  If you are related to the field of IT (or even if not) please visit
  http://www.bytesforall.org, a network on how computers can help the
  commonman,  and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers

Re: [Goanet] LINK: Another Goanetter makes the news: Joaquim Goes

2005-04-23 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes

Thanks Santosh!
NASA has included our findings in a report that it has prepared for a
Congressional hearing and our paper is going to be distributed on Capitol
Hill - but as you say I doubt anyone  that matters is really listening.
Yes I would have had something to contribute to the polemic on global
warming in this forum but unfortunately I was in the Antarctica experiencing
global warming first hand! Did you see the paper about the Antarctic
peninsula melting in the same issue of Science?

the Eurasian Landmass Is Making the Arabian Sea More
Productive, Joaquim I. Goes, Prasad G. Thoppil,
Helga do R Gomes, and John T. Fasullo. Science 22
April 2005: 545-547.

Congratulations on the SCIENCE paper!
I wish you were here during the crotchety global
warming debate on Goanet. We could certainly have used
some input from a real environmental scientist,

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-23 Thread Viviana
I don't define equality as sameness - behaving just like a man is not 
my idea of being equal to him.  I know some women do, and they're 
entitled to their opinions, of course.  But dressing up in a suit like a 
man and carrying around a briefcase like a man and working at 
TRADITIONALLY men's jobs is not my idea of fun OR equality.  I'm secure 
enough as a woman to not have the need to define myself according to a 
male ruler. 

Sure, I'll never be Pope, but the Pope will never be Mom, either.  I 
wouldn't give up THAT title for the world.

George Pinto wrote:
Mario and Viviana:
I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in Afganistan and others to 
conclude that is ok to
discriminate against women in the manner they have: that's our religion, take 
it or leave it.  No
room for ratioanl thinking, just be obedient to the Dark Ages.
Here are some insights into the issue sent to me by a Goan woman by private email so I have not
included her name.  I am forwarding without comment.

Re: [Goanet]Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans

2005-04-23 Thread Mario Goveia
Is there anyone out there who is NOT a cafeteria
Catholic at some level?  Just curious.

--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23/04/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi Gabe
  Thoroughly enjoyed your post on Cafeteria
 Catholics. I normally shrink the post I respond to,
 but in this excellent post, I kept it intact for the
 cyber Goans to read it aniek time.
  Atan upkar kor (please do us a favor) can you
 write a post on Cafeteria Goans? :=))
  Regards, GL
 RESPONSE: It is not my handiwork and I sincerely
 apologise for not
 having given the URL, Here it is:-

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-23 Thread Mario Goveia
--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mario and Viviana:
 I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in
 Afganistan and others to conclude that is ok to
 discriminate against women in the manner they have:
 that's our religion, take it or leave it.  No
 room for rational thinking, just be obedient to the
 Dark Ages.
 Here are some insights into the issue sent to me by
a Goan woman by private email so I have not included
her name.  I am forwarding without comment.
Mario replies:
George, I wouldn't worry too much about the Taliban's
attitude towards women if I were you.  Firstly, they
were blatant misogynists, not just discriminatory. 
Secondly, they are currently in the process of
becoming obsolete.

You can question the Catholic religion all you want,
and make rational arguments till the cows come home,
and all you'll get in return is major angst.  I don't
think you can dispute the fact that the Catholic
Church is a take it or leave it proposition.  In
fact, Benedict XVI, who is now infallible in the
Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, and
also it's leading theologian, has written that he sees
no problem with a smaller church as an alternative to
compromising on core values.  So, there you have it.

The insights by the Goan woman are reflected and
duplicated by similar opinions all over the place,
including some leading nuns.  Makes no difference,
because the Church looks at these things through
different lenses.  The Church alleges that women are
no less than men, they just have a different role.

Whether you or me or Viviana like it or not, until the
Holy Ghost inspires Benedict XVI or one of his
successors that something should change, it ain't
gonna happen, as we say in the hood.

Finally, I wish you liberal thinkers would study how
democratically and well the distaff side of our Church
is run when compared to the top-down it's the Pope's
way or the highway governance of the priest side. 
Orders of nuns are largely autonomous and run from the
bottom up.  Every Mother Superior is elected by her
peers, ambition is a demerit, and perceived leadership
and personal example rules the day.  In addition to
studying the dabbawallahs in Mumbai, Harvard should
study the governance of any Order of Nuns, each of
which is a true major multi-national organization that
is organized and managed better than most
corporations.  The Mother Superior General is elected
by the regional Mother Superiors and functions like a
CEO, but serves only a maximum of two, six-year terms,
then goes back to the mailroom where she began.  I
have a cousin who is one of these amazing women and I
am in total awe of the management principles and

By the way, there are now fifteen, yes, I said
fifteen, orders of nuns that are headquartered in
Europe, whose Mother Superior Generals are from India.
 As one would expect they come from either Goa or
Mangalore or Kerala.  About eight of them are
headquartered in Rome, the others in various other
parts of Europe.

If one of our journalists are interested in
researching and writing about this, please let me know
and I'll hook you up.

[Goanet]Re: The prize winning reason - Why should women not be ordained priests

2005-04-23 Thread George Pinto
--- ralph rau goanet@goanet.org wrote:
 I for one cannot imagine a female Pope. Can you ?

Yes, very easily.  The Church will not collapse with women priests or Popes.  
It will prosper,
thrive, and grow.

I am not sure if you are the winner in the Male-chauvinist, sexist category 
as a number of
goanetters seem to give you a run for your money.


[Goanet]Re: Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans

2005-04-23 Thread George Pinto

Catholic practice and teaching has changed over times at the Papacy level.  
Does it mean the
present Pope is a cafeteria Catholic too?  

Some of his predecessors allowed married priests. Mass used to said in Latin, 
now Mass can be said
in other languages. Papal infallibility on certain doctrinal matters is only 
about 175 years old I
think.  The Pope as head of state including being a religious leader is also 
fairly new. 
Sainthood as an honor was also introduced much later after the Church's 
founding. There have been
many more changes in Church history over time. Popes have chosen to interpret 
Church teachings
over time and made changes.  

The right-wing fundamentalists would like us to believe that Church history is 
one unbroken chain
of constant practices. Baloney. They try and intimidate progressive reforms by 
using the word
'cafeteria Catholic' in a pejorative, derogatory way. 

So I ask again: isn't the present Pope a cafeteria Catholic too compared to 
some of his
predecessors who obviously had different ideas?  Gabe, Merwyn don't be 
intimidated by the
name-calling, stand your ground and fight for justice and reform.


Re: [Goanet]More democracy in the church - good or bad?

2005-04-23 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get the feeling that the catholic church and its
most ardent followers are not willing to compromise
on its core values, customs and beliefs, even if it
results in a gradual loss of its population base.
Mario responds:
Marlon, you don't have to rely simply on your
feelings.  No greater an authority than Papa Ratzi has
already opined in his writings that, rather than
compromise on core principles, he would have no
problems with a smaller church.  This from the
foremost theologian in the Catholic Church today, and
now the guy who is infallible in matters of faith
and morals.  No wonder the liberal wing is 
experiencing consternation and major heartburn.

While I think the Catholic Church will continue to
grow but lose market share overall, many educated
people and learned scholars see religion in a totally
different light from other worldly matters.  For
example, no one who demands scientific proof of
everything, and bases all their opinions on normal
facts and logic, would ever be a Catholic.  

Once one accepts the whole list I gave of Catholic
fundamentals that can only be taken as matters of
faith, namely prophecies, miracles, the Holy Trinity,
virgin birth, resurrection, two bodily ascensions into
heaven, the body and blood of Christ in communion,
life after death, etc. it is no longer inconsistent to
accept other things that do not fit within normal and
rational human concepts. 

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans

2005-04-23 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 22:55:14 -0700 (PDT)
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thoroughly enjoyed your post on Cafeteria Catholics.
 I normally shrink the post I respond to, but in this
 excellent post, I kept it intact for the cyber Goans
 to read it aniek time.

The implication of this thread, and presumably the
notion that Cafetaria Catholics are somehow bad or
impure, is thoroughly laughable from an objective
standpoint. It is self evident that the world would be
better off with less fundamentalists and more
cafeteria Catholics, more eclectic and ecumenical
Christians, more sarvadharmi and niradharmi Hindus,
more reformed and liberated Muslims, and more
secular-minded individuals of all creeds.
Fundamentalism and religious conservatism of any sort
are not consistent with the goals of a progressive,
enlightened and free society.
My dear Santosh, Samir and other naughty boys
that hounded him out of our sublime intellectual
The multi-proferred Nobel-laureate, Dr. et al Leo Rebello.
Sufferingly yours,
Alfred de T.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]Chruchill edge out Mahindra United

2005-04-23 Thread Eustaquio Santimano
Chruchill edge out Mahindra United
April 23, 2005 19:39 IST
Churchill Brothers survived anxious moments in the second half to edge  
past Mahindra United 2-1 and move to eighth place in the National Football  
League match played at Nehru stadium in Margao on Saturday.

Churchill started with a flourish and took the lead in the 10th minute  
through Yusuf Yakubu.

But the jeepmen fought back after the deficit and restored parity in the  
21st minute through their Brazilian recruit Marcos M R da Silva.

Dominating for most of the match, Churchill scored the winner through  
man-of-the-match Marcos Pereira who powerfully headed in substitute Roque  
Barreto' lob of free kick from the right.

Mahindras tried hard in the closing stage but could not find the equaliser  
as they failed to beat alert 'keeper Marc Mascarenhas.

Churchill, who are fighting to avoid relegation, now moved to eighth place  
with 20 points from 19 matches, putting pressure on Mohun Bagan who are  
two points behind them with one match less. Mahindras remained on fifth  
place with 29 points from 19 matches.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

[Goanet]“RINGE” (Inedible soap producing berries!)

2005-04-23 Thread domnic fernandes
Life in Goa in the 1950s and 1960s was not a piece of cake.  People in those 
days lived a tough life, but they neither had high aspirations nor killed 
themselves to amass wealth as is the case now; they lived for the day.  They 
depended solely on Mother Nature for their daily requirements.

They say: “Cleanliness is next to godliness” and man has always followed 
this rule right from the early days.  He always looked after his body and 
kept himself hygienically clean by bathing in natural water be it from a 
well, lake or a spring.  He did not own cupboards filled with clothes but 
had just enough to clad himself.  He washed his few clothes regularly.  
However, detergents were not as abundantly available then as they are today. 
 So, with what did he wash his clothes?  He made use of natural detergent 
“RINGE” (small, round, inedible soap producing berries.)  Every ward then 
had a few “Ringeachim zaddam” (inedible berry trees.)  Once “ringe” were 
ripe, they would fall to the ground just like “boram” (sweet-sour local 
berries.)  Every morning, people would gather under the trees and collect as 
many “ringe” as they needed for the day.  They would sometimes gather extra 
“ringe” and dry and store them in a “panttulo” (basket made of bamboo) as a 
contingency stock.

Here is how “ringe” were used.  Housewives would fill a bucket with water, 
place two handfuls of “ringe” in it and leave them to soak overnight for 
maximum extraction.  In the olden days, washing of clothes was one of the 
early morning chores so that they could put clothes out to dry as soon as 
the sun rose.  As soon as women woke up in the morning, they would stir the 
water in the bucket with their hands in order to check lather formation 
which was as good as any detergent today.  They would then place dirty 
clothes in the bucket and leave them to soak until they finished preparing 
breakfast for the family.  By that time, clothes would get well-soaked, thus 
making their washing job much easier for them.  Clothes were washed mostly 
on a large “rop duvpachi fatorn” (clothes washing stone) which was placed on 
a pedestal of stones.  Normal washing was done by pressing and rubbing 
clothes on a washing stone, but thick and heavily soiled clothes were either 
beaten with a solid, round “tonnko” (piece of wood) preferably of bamboo, or 
they would just swirl clothes on washing stone – every swirl was accompanied 
by a sound:  “Shh…S!  Shh…S!  Shh…S!”  In the case of dirty 
stains, they would pick some “ringe” from the bucket and rub them into the 
spots, and the stains would completely disappear.  We never used “ringe” at 
home to wash our clothes but I collected and passed them on to my friends 
who could not afford to buy washing soap.

Besides using “ringe” for washing clothes they were also used for catching 
fish in the summer, especially “thigur” (walking catfish) from shallow 
ponds.  Here again, the process was quite simple.  They collected “panttlo 
bhor” (a basketful) “ringe” and threw the whole lot in a pond of knee-deep 
water.  Usually, it is not very easy to catch “thigur” because they live in 
“chikol” (silt.)  As soon as the “ringe” gets soaked, the chemical in them 
is released in the water thus affecting the fish, especially their eyes.  It 
takes more than an hour for the effect to penetrate through the silt, and 
when it does, “thigur” come out of the silt and move about restlessly in the 
water.  This is when the catchers cast their “koblem” (a round bamboo ring 
fixed with net) and make their day with a sizeable catch.  I don’t think 
anyone today catches “thigur” this way.  Even if we wished, there are no 
more “ringeachim zaddam,” at least I don’t see any left in my ward.  I did 
join Gaumvaddy boys a few times in the late 1950’s in “thigur” catching 
adventures.  There is quite a big shallow pond in the late Dr. Floriano 
D’Souza’s plot just behind the present day ‘Go Carting Track,’ known as 
“Babuchem voll” (thick jungle strip belonging to Babu - a nickname then 
given to Dr. Floriano, the dentist.)  We discovered the pond through one of 
the boys from Dr. Floriano’s ward, “ximer” (Arpora border,) and we carried 
out our fishing raids in the pond with that boy’s assistance.  So, you see, 
“ghorcho bedi, bhailo chor mhunntat tem sarkem” (the saying “theft with the 
help of an insider” is true!)  Friends always offered me my share of 
“thigur” and other fishes like “khorvo,” “konkari, “denkle,” etc., but I 
gave it back to them because they needed it more than me - most of them 
could not afford to buy fish.   However, I was always there to help them in 
their struggle – be it in fishing or anything else.  I tasted “thigur” only 
once in my lifetime.

CLOTHES IRONING:  Unlike today, there was no electricity available during 
our childhood so that we could plug in an iron box and iron our clothes.  
Ironing clothes was quite a difficult task; we had to use “kott’tteanchem 
ferr” (coconut 

[Goanet]Goan Musicians

2005-04-23 Thread Fausto V. D'Costa
Anthony Gonsalves  Sebastian D'souza (Seby) made it very big in Bollywood
their names featured as assistant music directors and they commanded great
respect from film music directors. Seby helped many Goans to get jobs in
hindi film music industry. Another musician who contributed a great deal to
bollywood is Balthazar Fernandes who was the only  musician  sought after
for writing music to string instruments.
Sorry, Lawrence de Tiracol is not a musician, not to humilate him but to put
facts straight he will not know the ABCD of music, but may be composing tune
naturally like our many tiatrists.

Leo fernandes writes:
GOANS, MUSIC, BOLLYWOOD; Leo Fernandes writes in from Chatam, New Jersey:
You have written Goan musicians have contributed to Bollywood films, but
have anyone become a music director in Indian films? With the exception of
Frank Fernand of Amchem Noxib. Are they currently in limelight or still in
the background. The success of Indian music directors owe a lot to our Goan
musicians -- but they were never brought to limelight or forge ahead like
Remo Fernandes. Upcoming is Lawrence de Tiracol with his own music
compositions has lifted up our Concanim songs.

[Goanet]The prize winning reason - Why should women not be ordained priests

2005-04-23 Thread ralph rau
Every priest can eventually hope to become the Pope. I for one cannot imagine 
a female Pope. Can you ?

[Goanet]YGC Bahrain May Queen Ball on 05-05-05

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
YGC Bahrain May Queen Ball 
The Young Goans Club, Bahrain has announced their annual May Queen Ball. It 
will be held at the Palace Inn Hotel on May 5, (05.05.05) starting at 8.00 
p.m. The highlight of this annual event will be the YGC May Queen contest 
which is open to all nationalities. 

All those interested to compete are welcome to contact the co-ordinator 
Rosario Pereira on 39808508.  Entrance for the show is free for members and 
guests will be charged BD: 2.500 per head inclusive of a buffet. 

Members can collect their invitation cards on April 28 and April 29 from 
Konkan Singers Club between 8.00 to 9.30 p.m. Live band will be in attendance.

Meanwhile the Managing Committe in a circular has urged the members to update 
their subscription and has declared the plans of the club having its own 
premises very soon.

GR Crasto/Bahrain

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.goa-world.com 

Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com 

[Goanet]Correcting Goa's politics.....

2005-04-23 Thread Vivian D'Souza
Guys, Gals:

If you are pro-Congress, dont get too excited by
people abandoning the BJP party and joining the
Congress party.  That is human nature.  Get on the
winning bandwagon.  As soon as Congress is voted out
of power I predict that there will be en-masse
defections to the BJP accompanied by horror stories
about corruption in the Congress heirachy.  This is
politics in Goa.  

[Goanet]GOA SUICIDE WATCH:Couple mark wedding anniversary with suicide

2005-04-23 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Couple mark wedding anniversary with suicide
In a shocking incident, a man and his nine-month pregnant wife
committed suicide by allegedly electrocuting themselves at Sada
on Friday evening on their first wedding anniversary. The couple
had married a year ago.
Relatives informed that, the deceased Shravan Shambhu Gawas (36)
and wife Alka Gawas (25) committed suicide at their residence on
Friday evening, while police informed that the couple got themselves
It is learnt the couple opened the fan regulator and got themselves
entangled to a live wire which passed electricity through themselves.
Alka was reportedly nine months pregnant and was due to deliver a
baby later this month.
The incident came to light when the brother of the deceased Shravan
came home and failed to get any response after knocking the door.
After an anxious wait, he alerted Alka's parents who reside in the
adjoining house. Later, they managed to break open the door,
only to find the two bodies lying inside.
It is believed that the couple were staying by themselves, while
Shravan's parents lived in Pernem. Shravan was a taxi driver by
Meanwhile, residents, shocked with the incident, failed to explain
any motive behind the drastic step taken by the couple.
HERALD 16/04/05 page 1
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

Re: [Goanet]Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans

2005-04-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Hi Gabe
 Thoroughly enjoyed your post on Cafeteria Catholics. I normally shrink the 
 post I respond to, but in this excellent post, I kept it intact for the cyber 
 Goans to read it aniek time.
 Atan upkar kor (please do us a favor) can you write a post on Cafeteria 
 Goans? :=))
 Regards, GL

RESPONSE: It is not my handiwork and I sincerely apologise for not
having given the URL, Here it is:-


Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You may be right on this one. 
However, the Vatican has a different view of how
women should be treated. So the choices I have are:
1) I toe the Vaticans line.
2) I search for another religion where women have
equal status.
3) I become a cafeteria Catholic. :-)


You know there is a fourth choice. Why keep up the
pretense when you have lost faith? Be honest with
yourself. Give up the whole charade. Liberate
yourself. Live a reason and evidence-based life.
Practice humanitarian ethics and rational morality.
Imbibe spirituality from the products of human
creativity such as music, art, poetry, literature,
dance and science. But don't throw out the goodies.
Celebrate all the religious festivals. Enjoy all the
fun rituals. Expand your cafetaria to include other
religions, because the only things that we know are
real, for sure, are the food, the song and dance, the
company and the fun.



[Goanet]freedom figher dead at cuncolim

2005-04-23 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Khushali  Dessai a freedom fighter died yeaterday inthe early hours of Friday 
morning at his residence in cuncoloim.

He was 82 years and was ailing for some time.

He was an active member of the Azad gomantak dal and worked along with his 
cuncolim freedom fighter colleagues like like former ex MLAs late Dattaram 
Dessai from Sanvorcotto and late Shabu Dessai from Binusa.

He was honured for his services to the freedom struggle both by the state and 
the central government.

[Goanet]Bicholim city protests mining dust

2005-04-23 Thread sebastian Rodrigues
 Residents of Bicholim town in North Goa today evening organised road 
blokade at the Bicholim Bus stand. Some of them belonged to a group called 
MARG- Movement towards Amity to Roads in Goa. The demand was to stop dust 
dust pollution due to transportation of iron ore through trucks inside the 
city. 50 People from Bicholim grouped together at 4.pm at the bus stand and 
then started stopping the mining  trucks that were not covered properly by 
the tarpoline. Very soon the crowd gathered and the open confrontations 
began between the Protestors and the truck owners. In the ensuing 
confrontation that followed the leaders of the Protestors Ramesh Gauns and 
Mahesh Kadkade were threatened with harm to their bodies publicly.  The one 
to issue the threats was Mayor of Bicholim Municipality Satish Gaounker.

 My investigations revealed that ever since he has become the Municipal 
chief he has invested in 4 trucks.  At the street confrontations these 
biases were exhibited full blown.  Besides using filthy abusive language on 
the protestors, he challenged Goa Police to fine the trucks violating. The 
pidly amout of fines are taken as flowers by the truckers rather than 
giving clean air the the Bicholim Residents. Satish argued that covering 
the truck with tarpoline is uneconomical as the lifespan of the single 
tarpoline is only 10 days and the cost to buy the new one is Rs. 3000/-. It 
does not make bussiness sense at all.

 Then suddenly in the middle of commotion Mayor turned towards one of 
the protestors and asked, If you believe mining trucks are causing 
pollution then why have you financed 16 trucks yourself? My latter queries 
revealed that the man he was quetioning is an employee of transnational 
ICICI bank. And it is the bank that has been the financing mining trucks. 
Well, the Mayor has the point here, inspite of his arrogance
ICICI bank should refrain from financing mining trucks.

 Mining truck crossing Bicholim comes from places in Goa as well as 
Maharastra. Among the major companies that are carring on the trade 
includes, multinational Sesa Goa that is owned by Japanese Mitsui, Dempo 
Mining Corporation, Chowgules, Bandekars and others.  Dempos has the mining 
history of over half the century in Bicholim. The municipality had even 
symbolically handed over silver key to its proprietor late
Vasantrao Dempo on his 65th birthday in 1975. The company since then 
increasingly invaded new lands within the municipal limits, outside the 
limits and on the boundaries. The routine water shortages, loss of land 
under agriculture, dust pollution, tuberculosis and other lung deseases are 
sought to be compansated for by liberal donations to temples, cajoling to 
buy trucks, participation in mining the form of running of bulldozers and 
of course the employment argument.

 Mohan Naik, a retired headmaster told me when I spoke to him after the 
road blokade, says Mining has ruined Bichoilim.  And yes. Anyone with one 
visit to the city, on the first braeth inhaled will confirm what the 
retired headmaster has to say. I totally agree with him too. The voice of 
protest is finally on the streest of Bicholim; something to rejoice on 
Earth day.

Sebastian Rodrigues
NEST (Nature Environment Society and Transformations)

[Goanet]Eucharistic celebrations to inaugurate the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI on 24th April 2005

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
VATICAN CITY, APR 22, 2005 (VIS) - The Office for Liturgical Celebrations of 
the Supreme Pontiff announced in a communique published yesterday afternoon 
that the solemn Eucharistic celebration to inaugurate the pontificate of Pope 
Benedict XVI will take place in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, April 24 at 10 
a.m. All cardinals in Rome will concelebrate.
  The Church in Rome and in various parts of the world, adds the 
communique, is invited to give filial thanks and make a fervent supplication 
to God to obtain for the new Roman Pontiff, who will be given the Petrine 
pallium and the Ring of the Fisherman, copious graces for his ministry for the 
good of the entire Church.
  On Monday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m., the Holy Father will go to the tomb of 
the Apostle Paul in the basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls on the Via 
Ostiense to express the inseparable bond of the Church of Rome with the 
Apostle of the People together with  the Fisherman from Galilee.
   Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, in a statement 
released to journalists yesterday afternoon announced that on Monday morning, 
April 25, the Holy Father Benedict XVI will receive in the Paul VI Hall the 
pilgrims who have come from Germany for the solemn inauguration of his 
  Journalists will be welcomed by the Pope on Saturday, April 23 at 11 a.m. in 
the Paul VI Hall.
  A change in program was also announced yesterday. Pope Benedict XVI will 
receive the heads of the diplomatic missions accredited to the Holy See and 
the heads of delegations present for the Mass to inaugurate his pontificate 
following that celebration on Sunday, April 24, and not on Monday, April 25, 
as previously announced.
VATICAN CITY, APR 22, 2005 (VIS) - This morning, the Pope received the 
cardinals currently in Rome, telling them that to the intense emotions I 
experienced on the occasion of the death of my venerated predecessor John Paul 
II and then during the conclave, especially its outcome, can be added an 
intimate desire for silence and two complementary feelings: a deep and 
heartfelt gratitude and a sense of human impotence in the face of the exalted 
task that awaits me.
  In the first place, he affirmed, I feel the need to give thanks to God 
Who, despite my human frailty, elected me as Successor to the Apostle Peter 
and entrusted me with the task of supporting and guiding the Church, that in 
the world she may become a sacrament of unity for the entire human race.
  Benedict XVI emphasized how truly emotional the first meeting with the 
faithful two days ago in St Peter's Square had been. May my most heartfelt 
thanks reach everyone: bishops, priests, male and female religious, young and 
old alike, for their spiritual solidarity.
  The Pope thanked all members of the College of Cardinals, especially 
Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano and the camerlengo Cardinal Eduardo 
Martinez Somalo, for the active collaboration they gave to running the Church 
during the period of vacant see. With special affection, I would like to greet 
those cardinals who, for reasons of age or ill health, did not participate in 
the conclave.
  The Pope extended his personal thanks to the cardinals for the trust you 
have placed in me by electing me as bishop of Rome and pastor of the Universal 
Church. It was an act of faith that constitutes an encouragement to undertake 
this new mission with greater serenity, because I am convinced that I can 
count on both the indispensable help of God and your generous collaboration. I 
pray that your support for me may never fail!
  The Holy Father recalled his predecessors, Blessed John XXIII, Servants of 
God Paul VI and John Paul I, and especially John Paul II, whose witness over 
the last days supported us more than ever, and whose ever-living presence we 
continue to feel. He went on: The light and the strength of the Risen Christ 
radiated in the Church by that kind of 'last Mass' that (John Paul II) 
celebrated in his agony, culminating in the 'Amen' of a life entirely offered, 
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the salvation of the world.
  For me, your spiritual closeness, your enlightened counsel and your 
effective cooperation will be a gift for which I will be ever grateful and a 
stimulus to carry out the mandate entrusted to me with total faithfulness and 
- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com/

[Goanet]Pope Benedict XVI to visit India

2005-04-23 Thread http://www.goa-world.com/goa/
Pope Benedict XVI to visit India
NEW DELHI, April 23, 2005: 

Pope Benedict XVI has promised to visit India, Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil of 
Ernakulam said Friday. The new pontiff, who has special love for the Indian 
church, praised the country's culture and sent his blessings for the entire 
population, the Indian Catholic News Service (ICNS) quoted Vithayathil as 
saying. The new Pope has also promised that he would definitely visit India, 
Vithayathil said.

He (Benedict XVI) is a great admirer of Indian spirituality. He is impressed 
by India's unity in diversity, said the cardinal, who was among the 115 
cardinals who chose Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope.  I give my blessings and 
prayers to every Indian. India is a great country. I am happy at the growth of 
the church and the wonderful work that the church is doing in the country, 
the Pope told Vithayathil.

Vithayathil, also the Major Archbishop of the Syro Malabar Church, added that 
the Pope had sent special regards to everyone in the Syro Malabar church. 
The Indian church is divided into three rites - Syro Malabar, Malankara and 
Latin.  Apart from Vithayathil, Cardinals Ivan Dias (Mumbai) and Telesphore 
Placidus Toppo of Ranchi were in the cardinal college to elect Ratzinger as 
the 265th pontiff of the 1.1 billion Roman Catholics. 




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[Goanet]The Importance of the Catholic Church

2005-04-23 Thread michael iglesias
When He founded HIS Church. Jesus addressed Peter and told him: “…you are 
Peter, and upon this rock I will build MY church, and the gates of the 
netherworld shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16, 18). With these 
words, Jesus made it clear that the Church is HIS property. He only spoke of 
one Church, not of two or more.

In fact Church is, according to God’s Will, the very Own Body of the Lord. 
He wanted the Church to be His Mystical Body, constituted as the “universal 
Sacrament for the salvation of mankind” (LG, 48); as it is stated in the 
Vatican Council II; the Church is the means God chose to save everybody.

The Church is the extension of Jesus Incarnation among human beings, to 
create the great family of God’s Children inside Him. “The Church is the 
trajectory of the Christ through centuries.” Bossuet would rather say: The 
Church is Jesus Christ poured and communicated onto the whole earth.” All 
that can be said in brief with the words of a great priest of the first 
century, Saint Ignatius of Antioch BM (deceased on 107 AD): “Catholic Church 
lies at the place where Jesus Christ is.”

Sin has dispersed mankind since its origin, it broke the union and communion 
between human beings and God, interrupted the beautiful plan of love that 
earth paradise shows us.

God the Father created human beings for Himself, so that we could be His 
family; our destiny was to live in intimate communion with Him and enjoy His 
Blissful life. Sin – the saddest reality of all – broke up this beautiful 
Plan of love and “scattered” God’s children, torn His family apart and 
wounded God Himself.

The Father thus wanted to rebuild His creation through Jesus and the Church, 
bringing His children back to Communion with Him.

In this sense, the Official Catechism of Catholic Church estates: “The 
gathering together of the Church is, as it were, God’s reaction to the chaos 
provoked by sin” (CCC 761).

The Catholic Church is the only one founded by Jesus Christ two thousand 
years ago and She has never ceased to be. There is no other institution on 
earth so old and so new at the same time, capable of overcoming all the 
persecution She has been suffering since the times of the Roman Empire.

At present we have a Pope, who is the 264th Pope departing from Saint Peter.
Which Institution would be capable of that?
Only a divine Institution, founded by the Lord Himself.
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2005-04-23 Thread michael iglesias
Benedict, the name of the new pope, is one of the more frequent choices made 
by pontiffs. A look at the previous Benedicts:

575-579 - Benedict I: Italian. Died in a siege of Rome during the Lombard 

684-685- Benedict II: Italian. A scholar who worked to aid the poor. The 
patron saint of Europe.

855-858- Benedict III: Italian. Interceded in the conflicts between the sons 
of French leader Lothair I.

900-903 - Benedict IV: Italian. Crowned Emperor Louis III (the Blind) as 
Holy Roman Emperor.

964-965 - Benedict V: Italian. Abducted by Holy Roman Emperor Otto and taken 
to Germany, where he died.

973-974 -Benedict VI: Italian. Imprisoned and strangled by a faction of an 
opposing papal party.

974-983 -Benedict VII: Italian. Supported monasteries and higher learning.
1012-1024 - Benedict VIII: Italian. Faced an opposing candidate for pope and 
was enthroned by Henry II of Germany, whom he crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 
During his papacy, the Muslim Saracens attacked Europe and settled in 

1047-unknown- Benedict IX: Pope at 20 because of family connections. Was 
designated pope three times, forced from the papal throne twice and 
abdicated once. Finally deposed by Damasus II.

1058-1059 - Benedict X: Italian. Election deemed irregular because of 
vote-rigging, and his papacy was ruled illegitimate. Was deposed and 
excommunicated a year later.

1303-1304 - Benedict XI: Italian. Reigned for eight months and likely died 
of poison. His successor moved the papacy to Avignon, France, where it 
stayed for 72 years.

1334-1342 - Benedict XII: French. Before his election, he pursued heretics. 
As pope, he attempted to curb luxuries in monasteries and engaged in 
theological discussions.

1724-1730 - Benedict XIII: Italian. A strict disciplinarian who instituted 
reforms but was weak in international relations.

1740-1758 - Benedict XIV: Italian. Investigated the Jesuits, condemned the 
French playwright Voltaire and clarified rules on baptism, including 
forbidding forcible baptism of Jews.

1914-1922 - Benedict XV: Italian. Called for peace during World War I and 
canonized Joan of Arc. Emphasized training native priests instead of 
European missionaries.

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2005-04-23 Thread michael iglesias
Women priests: recent history...
In the Holy Sacrifice that I left with you, I did not ask for women to be 
upon the altar, nor try to be a high priestess. They carry this on in the 
churches of satan; therefore, it shall not be carried on in My Church.
When I had the Last Supper with the Apostles, My Mother was not 
present. If I had it in My power from the Eternal Father to make a 
priestess, I would surely have chosen My Mother; but, no, there were no 
women present at the first Dedication. - Jesus, October 2, 1987

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Re: [Goanet]Correcting Goa's politics

2005-04-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 22/04/05, Cajetan Rego [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to express my opinion on a few points
 people have raised on this topic.

 Will Christians be disenfranchised?
 I think we are simply overreacting by saying that
 Christians will be disenfranchised by the BJP. This is
 Goa as against Gujarat where explicit official orders
 were issued to burn houses. Just because such a thing
 happened there, it does not mean that it will happen
 here. Disenfranchising Christians is just not
 practical in a high-literacy state where the Christian
 population is significant. A few incidents here and
 there caused by overzealous people cannot be
 generalized as an assault on any religion. Not
 bringing Parrikar back to power, just because of this
 hypothetical fear, we will be depriving ourselves of
 an efficient Government.

RESPONSE: Respectfully I think your reasoning is clouded or blinkered.
Parrikar has filled all this faithfuls in Government positions,
Catholics were left out en masse. I also quote from today's ebytes:-

o Real estate developer, a close Parrikar aide, joins Congress:
 Prominent real estate developer and builder Dinar Tarcar who was
 known to be a close associate of the former chief minister Manohar
 Parrikar joined the Congress party, along with a large number of
 his supporters and friends Wednesday.  Tarcar is a partner of
 Landscape Developers. Tarcar said the last four-and-half years had
 been a bad experience in Goa, alleging that there was rampant
 corruption. Tarcar said the Congress party had a long, healthy and
 democratic tradition and does not involve in politics of
 vengeance, and had no dictators. (H)

So it seems people are now coming forward with their gripes. Perhaps
you are one of those quite happy to tolerate a dictator and someone
who will eventually kick your butt. As I have written before the true
extent of the corruption will only come to light when a full and
complete audit is undertaken by the Governer, hopefully.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Correcting Goa's politics

2005-04-23 Thread Seb dc
Mr. Rego,

Below is what Herald says. I'd like to know your views now
o Real estate developer, a close Parrikar aide, joins Congress:
  Prominent real estate developer and builder Dinar Tarcar who was
  known to be a close associate of the former chief minister Manohar
  Parrikar joined the Congress party, along with a large number of
  his supporters and friends Wednesday.  Tarcar is a partner of
  Landscape Developers. Tarcar said the last four-and-half years had
  been a bad experience in Goa, alleging that there was rampant
  corruption. Tarcar said the Congress party had a long, healthy and
  democratic tradition and does not involve in politics of
  vengeance, and had no dictators. (H)

 If we cannot appreciate the development Parrikar
 achieved for Goa, I think we don't deserve any
 development at all.
 I am not a BJP activist or party worker and had
 thought Goa would be ruined when Parrikar came to
 power 4 years ago. My attitude towards his rule has
 since changed after seeing his developmental efforts
 and efficiency. We need an educated and non-corrupt
 person as the CM. Rather than going with a general
 hate wave, I would request all readers to apply their
 mind and elect a progressive Government.
 Cajetan Rego
 Comprem, Tivim Goa

Re: [Goanet] LINK: Another Goanetter makes the news: Joaquim Goes

2005-04-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Helga do Rosario Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks a lot Fred for posting  the sites that
featured the news of our paper which appeared in the
journal Science today. The paper is titled Warming
the Eurasian Landmass Is Making the Arabian Sea More
Productive, Joaquim I. Goes, Prasad G. Thoppil,
Helga do R Gomes, and John T. Fasullo. Science 22
April 2005: 545-547.


Congratulations on the SCIENCE paper! Keep it up! 

I wish you were here during the crotchety global
warming debate on Goanet. We could certainly have used
some input from a real environmental scientist,
although a person who has published in Science rather
than in the Op-Ed columns of Washington Times, might
not have had much of an impact.



Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria Catholics and Cafeteria Goans

2005-04-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thoroughly enjoyed your post on Cafeteria Catholics.
 I normally shrink the post I respond to, but in this
 excellent post, I kept it intact for the cyber Goans
 to read it aniek time.

The implication of this thread, and presumably the
notion that Cafetaria Catholics are somehow bad or
impure, is thoroughly laughable from an objective
standpoint. It is self evident that the world would be
better off with less fundamentalists and more
cafeteria Catholics, more eclectic and ecumenical
Christians, more sarvadharmi and niradharmi Hindus,
more reformed and liberated Muslims, and more
secular-minded individuals of all creeds.
Fundamentalism and religious conservatism of any sort
are not consistent with the goals of a progressive,
enlightened and free society.

