[Goanet] Press statement for kind favour of publication - Renaming of New Asilo Hospital-Mapusa

2010-03-30 Thread floriano

Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


The name 'Asilo Hospital' is synonymous with Bardez and Bardezkars for as 
long as we remember and beyond. The suggestion that the New Asilo Hospital 
Complex be named after the first CM of Goa Shri Dayanand Bandodkar by the 
Mapusa (BJP) MLA Shri. Francis D'Souza in the Legislative Assembly recently, 
borders on the absurd and something that we had not expected of thinking 
people's representatives. Shri. Francis D'Souza has shown his vote-bank 
politician's mentality by worst.

Asilo Hospital of  Mapusa must remain 'Asilo Hospital'. There are many 
personages of Goan origin who have slogged for this age old institution and 
as such, if this institution must be named after any one, it must be one of 
these personages and not Shri. Dayanand Bandodkar. Goa seems to have been 
afflicted by a naming sickness. It is either Dayanand Bandodkar or Shivaji 
Maharaj. Both these, one a community icon, and the other a respectable icon 
of Maharashtra, were hell bent on making Goa a part of Maharashtra, 
especially Dayanand Bandodkar vide the  vile merger issue.

One of the deserving  personages that come to mind is Dr. Pundalik Gaetonde. 
There could be many others more or less  deserving than Dr. Gaetonde.  But 
'Asilo Hospital' ,  if it must be named after any personage, it must be 
named, as an example,   'Dr. Pundalik Gaetonde - Asilo Hospital'  or  say 
'Dr. Kemani - Asilo Hospital' . The word 'Asilo' must be preserved by all 
means because this name is in the hearts of the people of Bardez. We are not 
certain of the origin of Dr. Kemani but he was in charge of the Asilo 
Hospital immediately after 1961 for many years.

If things had gone right, Dr. Pundalik Gaetonde would have been the first 
Chief Minister of Goa, had he accepted the condition from Dayanand Bandodar 
that he will work for the 'Merger' of Goa into Maharashtra. It will be 
written in golden letters in the history of Goa that Dr. Gaetonde spurned 
this offer point blank because he was the true son of Goa and the merger of 
Goa with Maharashtra could not have figured in his being.

It is unfortunate for Goa,  and a different matter altogether,  that the 
first Chief Minister of the so called 'Liberated Goa' was not the true son 
of Goa. This, the MLA of Mapusa, Shri. Francis D'Souza must know in the 
first place before venturing on a name suggestion spree for official 
institution of Goa.

In the eventuality that  the New Asilo Hospital Complex of Mapusa is named 
after Dayanand Bandokar or given any other insignificant political 
appeasement name, this Party will revert the name back to the original 
'Asilo Hospital' when it comes to power in Goa, just like the Chief 
Minister's Official Residence name plate has been reverted back to  the 
'Chief Minister's Residence' from 'LAXIMI', an equally absurd name, as 
absurd as the occupier of this august official residence at that time. And, 
Goans may rest assured that this will be done.

for Goa Su-Raj Party
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson

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[Goanet] Daily Grook #659

2010-03-30 Thread Francis Rodrigues
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


by Francis Rodrigues

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[Goanet] David Frum a Republican pariah in health-care debate in the US

2010-03-30 Thread Tim de Mello
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Posting this because of the current debate ensuing on Goa-Net.
Has nothing to do with Goa.
Some of you my know that Canadian (and now also American) David Frum was one of 
George W. Bush's speech writers.
A solid Republican. He was fired from his position of resident scholar at the 
AEI because of his criticism of the Republican Party over the Health Care 
debate - ironically losing all his health benefits.
You might be interested in this article from:
Note the last para.

The Canadian system is like the bumblebee – it shouldn't be able to fly when 
you look at the diagrams. But because everyone behaves better than the system 
invites them to behave, it works.

But that's also a reason why it is not a model for export – Americans might 
not behave that way, Frum says.

David Frum a Republican pariah in health-care debate
WASHINGTON–It wasn't the first time David Frum suggested his own kind have lost 
the plot.


But this week, when Frum branded America's health-care breakthrough a defeat 
for Republicans akin to Waterloo, the Toronto-born political commentator felt 
the fury of the far right as never before.

We went for all the marbles, we ended with none, Frum lamented in a blog 
posting that sparked a system-crashing torrent of traffic at his web portal, 

By obsessing on the humiliation of U.S. President Barack Obama above all else, 
Frum wrote, the Republican strategy of no negotiations, no compromise, 
nothing consigned American conservatives to their most crushing legislative 
defeat since the 1960s. And the wound was entirely self-inflicted.


Frum's solution: Republican leaders now must show the courage of their 
convictions, abandon the frothing yet futureless extremes of the right and 
instead stake out sober, reasoned middle-ground where most Americans live. 


On cue, many stateside conservatives went straight for the messenger, finding 
new ways to shred the former speech writer to George W. Bush. The cacophony of 
Frum-bashing appeared to reach a zenith on Thursday, when the conservative 
American Enterprise Institute confirmed it was terminating Frum's position as a 
resident scholar. Though AEI insists the dismissal was coincidental – relating 
to money rather than politics – it came with one especially stinging irony: 
Frum and family will lose their health-care benefits.

None of this is a laughing matter if you are David Frum. But when the Toronto 
Star caught up with him at his Washington home, Frum couldn't help but chuckle 
at some of the invective. Especially the attacks suggesting his greatest sin of 
all was to be Canadian. 


Calling someone a Canadian is not an insult that has a lot of bite in the 
United States, said Frum, who in fact added American citizenship to his 
repertoire in 2007.

What Frum wants to make abundantly clear at the outside is this: love it or 
hate it, he remains as conservative as ever. He opposed Obamacare. But unlike 
the Republican leadership, he saw it as inevitable. With control of both the 
House and Senate and a solid presidential mandate, Democrats were simply not 
going to miss the opportunity to pass the one thing they wanted for half a 

If the Democrats failed on heath-care reform, it would be like an Olympic 
athlete inadvertently tying his shoelaces together and losing the race because 
he fell face forward into the dirt, Frum said.

If they failed, the country would have turned on them, saying, `They can't 
govern.' Well, now they've governed. The country will decide if it likes it or 

That is the key mistake of the (Republican) obstructionists – they failed to 
accept this reality. And now the bill is forever. This is a generational 
change, like Medicare in the 1960s. Once you achieve these things they are 
permanent, he told the Star.


The 49-year-old son of late, great CBC broadcaster Barbara Frum and Toronto 
developer Murray Frum, says he's still proud to bear the Canadian insult.

His sister, Linda, is now a senator in Ottawa, his eldest daughter attends 
University of Toronto and his summertime centre of gravity remains Ontario's 
Prince Edward County – where he and his wife, journalist Danielle Crittenden, 
are finally getting around to building our own house after 20 years at the 
vacation retreat of his father-in-law, Toronto Sun columnist Peter Worthington.

Though he has spent much of his adult life stateside – first Yale, then 

[Goanet] FN's dream --- to go back to candle light ?

2010-03-30 Thread Samir Kelekar
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Currently there are about ten arbitrary power cuts in a day in Bangalore, 
India's so called Silicon Valley. Besides, there is a regular cut of one or two 
hours every day.

What work can one possibly do with such a situation ?  If this is Bangalore's 
one can only imagine how things are in other parts of the country.

For anyone to make a living in today's information age, power and bandwidth is 
as much
as a necessity as food and oxygen.

But FN would prefer to go back to the cave-age I suppose.



Re: [Goanet] Fw: Rosary in Konkani and Ladainha - Toronto

2010-03-30 Thread Sebastian Borges
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


It was precisely to avoid such time-wasting, puerile and pediatric diatribe 
that I had defined the terms.  Assuming that JC had honestly misunderstood my 
expression Ladainha which is familiar to Goan Catholics and anticipating 
that, as is his wont, he would twist and turn my statements, I had only 
clarified what I meant by the following paras in my original post:
The Goan Hindus have a rite called Satyanarayana Puja which is performed for 
almost all the reasons that the Catholics celebrate the Ladainha.  In this puja 
too the prayers are sung.  Therefore, as a substitute, we have a conglomeration 
of the Litany of Our Lady in Latin, Salve Rainha and Virgem Mae de Deus in 
Portuguese all set to music.  (Are the different music scores for these 
prevalent anywhere else? I doubt it.)  This is followed by the singing the 
hymns or 'orasanvam' in honour of the saints of the family (whose images are 
present in the oratory). I would be happy to learn of any parallels 
Have the definitions modified my original statement?  

My straight question to JC:  Do you still contest my surmise that the entire 
format of 'ladainha' (elaborated above) as sung in Goa was not brought by the 
Portuguese but was put together in Goa itself?

I have not requested him to fetch any U-tubes from the 15th century; just 
INFORM us that this format was prevalent in Portugal a couple of centuries ago 
so as to be available for export to Goa.  If possible, he could also inform us 
whether it was exported to some other colony as well.

Now that JC has claimed that he too was one of those who originally thought of 
of the project and was associated with some members of the Toronto group, I 
would be happy if someone directly connected with the Toronto recording would 
tell us whether they would restrict themselves to the recording of only the 
litany beginning with Kyrie eleison and ending with Agnus Dei or would 
they also include the SINGING of Salve Rainha and Virgem Mae de Deus as well.  
This will go a long way to clarify WHAT THEY MEAN by 'ladainha'.

Another suggestion / request to the Toronto group:
In years gone by, during the month of May, almost every ward in Goa used to 
celebrate the feast of the Holy Cross where the Latin litany was sung, but with 
some differences:  (1) the musical accompaniment also included the drums, (2) 
the Salve Rainha was replaced with 'Regina Coeli laetare' (upto the feast of 
Ascension of Our Lord),  (3) the whole rite ended with the singing of 
Exultemos com alegria to the accompaniment of drums.  Nowadays these feasts 
have become very rare.  Could these, if possible, be also recorded for 
posterity, especially when this rite has become almost extinct?

When I visited my original post, I was shocked at the very first sentence 
therein.  I am glad that JC did not pounce on that; he could have really made 
mincemeat of me.  When that sentence is read with the rest of the para, the 
reader would understand that I was referring to 'ters' as a purely Goan rite 
which it is not.  I was referring to the 'ladainha'; but, from the next 
sentence on, I digressed into the situation in Mumbai wrt the 'ters'.  My 
profound apologies to any reader who might have got this impression. 

Sebastian Borges

PS:  I do not know whether Girgolina Sattam were prepared at Sokoilo Vaddo but 
they were certainly sold at Shimoniposaro next door.  No re baba JC?  Lembra 

Sebastian Borges

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010  J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote:

re 1: please review the original sentence: Did it say entire ladainha
format? Did the Borges post say that? Why modify the statement which was
challenged without acknowledging the chip on one's shoulder?

re 3: so the ladainha sung by Goans ...was home grown? really? The next
thing I will hear is that the Gregorian chant was also home grown in
'Sokoilo Vaddo' in Velim!

What prejudicial nonsense is this?

ps: I am trying to locate Youtube recordings made before 1498 - to satisfy
the Borges question infra. I have been told that some antique recordings
exist. But what is the use if cybercafe's do not allow access to such media?

Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com wrote:

1:  I would request JC to inform us whether the entire 'ladainha' format, as
SUNG in Goa existed in Portugal or elsewhere at least a couple of centuries

2: If yes, then we can be certain that it was brought to Goa by the

3: Else, I shall have to stick to my original  statement, it would be a
fallacy to say that Ladainha which is familiar to 

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-30 Thread Jim Fernandes
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


-- Original message --
From: Gabe Menezes gabe.mene...@gmail.com

 On the cost being paid by Jim - it depends on how many people are covered
 and the ages therein. He has got children being dealt by paeditricians, as
 well as one who escaped the World Trade Centre inferno! Any aged parents to
 Gabe Menezes.

Hello Gabe,

I don't want to make my age public (unless you want to find that on your own), 
but I can state that I wasn't yet born, when the last major social benefits 
overhaul took place in the US. That overhaul took place when Medicare 
legislation was signed back in 1965. My young family and I, have zero medical 
issues - other than usual children's shots and annual physicals. In the US, it 
does not matter whether you have one child or 10 children, the cost of 
insurance for all kids is the same - meaning, someone like myself who has two 
kids pays the same as someone who has 10 kids. I could live without insurance 
and pocket the money, but that would mean, I'd become another of those nephews 
that Ms Viviana Coelho was talking about :(  .

The insurance cost that I stated previously, is a TYPICAL insurance cost for a 
family of four in the US. New York being a little more expensive, might have a 
small markup to cover the extra cost of living. Single persons pay the least 
for their coverage. If folks on GoaNet aren't accustomed to the kind of costs I 
am talking about, its because they are either single, have no kids whatsoever 
under their plan, or their employers absorb most of the cost. Alternatively, 
they may not be purchasing any coverage - I know many Goans who don't and are 
relying on a government bailout to pick up the tab, incase of a catastrophic 
event. Its a good thing that Mr Obama rounded up all these bums under his plan 
and would now be forced to comply or risk getting a visit from the tax man 

In the US, the older parents cannot be included in the medical coverage of 
their working children. That group is either covered under AARP, Medicare, 
employers (if they still have a job that provides medical benefits), self 
funded or a combination of these entities. In a worst case scenario, their cost 
is absorbed by Medicaid - which is another government funded program for the 
really poor. I am not 100% certain, but I believe, if you are a senior citizen, 
the insurance costs are probably subsidized through plans available through 
AARP or Medicare. 

I strongly believe everyone should pay their fair share for medical coverage - 
just like how we pay our taxes and just like how we purchase auto insurance. We 
should also curb the abuses by the insurance carriers - and chop their appetite 
for getting ultra rich on the backs of hard working families. 

This is what Obama care is all about.

Jim F
New York.

Re: [Goanet] Agony of God

2010-03-30 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Dear Fr. Ivo,
I have no intention in getting argumentative over scripture. My art
practice looks at religion, sexuality and consciousness; as such
certain things/ideas/notions interest me. I would like to point
something out in all humility. The example you chose to show Jesus not
resorting to violence against his fellowmenis perhaps not the most
appropriate considering that in Jn 8 10-11, Jesus was making it clear
to Peter, and making sure that prophecy would be fulfilled. That
could not be jeopardised at any cost.

10 Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high
priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was
11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the
cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

The words, the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink
it? suggest to put it mildly but unequivocally that nothing was
supposed to come in between his fate/deliverance and Peter acting on
his mind. Yet remember it was Jesus who drove the money changers out
of the temple. There must have been trepidation fear truly amongst the
traders at being chased out.

Luke 9:52-55 would be more appropriate to make your point: And he sent
messengers ahead of him, who went and entered a village of the
Samaritans, to make ready for him; but the people would not receive
him, because his face was set toward Jerusalem. And when his disciples
James and John saw it, they said, Lord, do you want us to bid fire
come down from heaven and consume them? But he turned and rebuked

As Shusaku Endo says in his Preface to the American Ed., of his book,
A Life of Jesus (written in 1973, Eng trans 1978 by Richard A
Schuhert), which I presume is what you are pointing towards---Jesus
as I depict him is a person who lived for love and still more love,
and yet he was put to death, for he chose to live without violent
resistance. My way of depicting Jesus is rooted in my being a Japanese
novelist. I wrote this book for the benefit of Japanese readers who
have no Christian tradition of their own and who know almost nothing
about Jesus. What is more, I was determined to highlight the
particular aspect of love in his personality precisely in order to
make Jesus understandable in terms of the religious psychology of my
non-Christian countrymen and thus to demonstrate that Jesus is not
alien to their religious sensibilities.

Others books by Endo are Silence; and The Final Martyrs (pub just
before his death in 1996)

If time permits something on the Zealots later. I am juggling a lot
but had to respond to this.

venantius j pinto

 Message: 9
 Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:07:33 -0800
 From: Ivo da C.Souza icso...@bsnl.in
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Agony of God


 *Dr.Ivo da Concei??o Souza

   Jesus of Nazareth was a revolutionary in the true sense of the word, as
 can be seen from his manifesto (cf.Lk  4:16-21).  Jesus came to the world to
 proclaim the good news to the poor, freedom to the oppressed, to announce
 the acceptable year of the Lord.  He was to usher in a new era of renewal,
 a new social order, God's Kingdom/Reign/Lordship on earth. Jesus sharply
 criticized the rich oppressors and political rulers of his day. But he never
 supported the use of physical violence against his fellowmen.  Rather, Jesus
 consistently rejected the urges of some of his followers to employ such
 methods of  violence (Jn 18:10-11).

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (30Mar10)

2010-03-30 Thread alexyz fernandes

Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


You've High Fever...Heading for a Nervous Breakdown...What's Troubling 

My son's SSC exams!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Goanet highlights: Hospitals in today's Goa ... book on priests of Salcete... Cocky talks... (by Selma Carvalho)

2010-03-30 Thread Frederick Noronha
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Dear Fr Velinkar, Thanks for your input! Where is this available? Can
I purchase a copy in Goa? Best wishes, FN

On 30 March 2010 07:41, frjoseph velinkar frjosephvelin...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Dear Frederick,

 Please include in your list of books The Patriarchate of the East Indies
 by Fr Venancio Fonseca. It throws a lot of light on Goa.
Frederick Noronha
Books from Goa ::  http://goa1556.goa-india.org

Re: [Goanet] Just curious

2010-03-30 Thread Sebastian Borges
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Dear Mr. Cabral,
Is it necessary that we must first think in English and then translate our 
thoughts into our mother-tongue?  Can we not think directly in the 
mother-tongue? For a fact, I did not translate.  But for your sake, I would 
translate my expression into English as Truth alone shall prevail.  The 
thought may not even be original; it might have been the result of what I had 
read and assimilated.
Coming to your Konkani expressions, I regret that they are not happy ones.  Why 
use the exclusivity particle '-ch' twice in the same sentence?  I would 
re-frame your sentences as Sot sodanch zoitivont zata and Sotakuch zoit 
melltta.  Or even Sotak zoit mellttach.

Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

--- On Mon, 29/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in wrote:

 From: rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Just curious
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Cc: Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
 Date: Monday, 29 March, 2010, 4:34 PM
 Mr. Borges,
 Thanks for the compliment. But can you tell me if by any
 cahnce you were trying to translate the English expression
 truth always prevails in which case the expression in
 Konkani would be Sotuch zoitivont sodanch or Sotakuch
 sodanch zoit melltta
 Richard Cabral
  Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
  Dear Richard,
 All three are synonymous just like he won, he was
 victorious, the victory was his, he gained victory are
 also synonymous.  I must congratulate you on your
 faultless orthography in Romi Konknni.
 Mog asum.
 Sebastian Borges
 --- On Fri, 26/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in
  From: rcab...@bsnl.in
  Subject: Just curious
  To: s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
  Cc: goa...@goanet.org
  Date: Friday, 26 March, 2010, 2:50 PM
  Dear Mr. Borges,
  Only out of curiosity I thought of asking this. You
  sign off by saying Sotachench zoit zatelem. Suppose
 I say
  Sotuch zoitivont zatelem or Sotakuch zoit
  will that have a different meaning?
  Deu borem korum!
  Richard Cabral
  Disclaimer: Mail from BSNL
       The INTERNET now has a personality.
 YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. http://in.yahoo.com/

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Early bird or night owl?

2010-03-30 Thread Con Menezes
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Learn about your circadian sleep balance.
Healthier Talk

Re: [Goanet] Just curious

2010-03-30 Thread rcabral
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Dear Mr. Borges,
The purpose of my asking was to point out to you that your expression in 
Konkani is in the future tense whereas the English one is in the present. Since 
universal truths like the sun rises in the East etc etc are expressed in the 
present tense the expression Truth alone prevails is also written thus. If in 
Konkani also you want to express an universal truth then your expression should 
also be in the present tense irrespective of whether you think in English or 
Konkani. Dont you think so?
Mog asum!
Richard Cabral
 Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com wrote: 
 Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
  and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
  environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa
 Dear Mr. Cabral,
 Is it necessary that we must first think in English and then translate our 
 thoughts into our mother-tongue?  Can we not think directly in the 
 mother-tongue? For a fact, I did not translate.  But for your sake, I would 
 translate my expression into English as Truth alone shall prevail.  The 
 thought may not even be original; it might have been the result of what I had 
 read and assimilated.
 Coming to your Konkani expressions, I regret that they are not happy ones.  
 Why use the exclusivity particle '-ch' twice in the same sentence?  I would 
 re-frame your sentences as Sot sodanch zoitivont zata and Sotakuch zoit 
 melltta.  Or even Sotak zoit mellttach.
 Mog asum.
 Sebastian Borges
 --- On Mon, 29/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in wrote:
  From: rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in
  Subject: Re: [Goanet] Just curious
  To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
  Cc: Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
  Date: Monday, 29 March, 2010, 4:34 PM
  Mr. Borges,
  Thanks for the compliment. But can you tell me if by any
  cahnce you were trying to translate the English expression
  truth always prevails in which case the expression in
  Konkani would be Sotuch zoitivont sodanch or Sotakuch
  sodanch zoit melltta
  Richard Cabral
   Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
   Dear Richard,
  All three are synonymous just like he won, he was
  victorious, the victory was his, he gained victory are
  also synonymous.  I must congratulate you on your
  faultless orthography in Romi Konknni.
  Mog asum.
  Sebastian Borges
  --- On Fri, 26/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in
   From: rcab...@bsnl.in
   Subject: Just curious
   To: s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
   Cc: goa...@goanet.org
   Date: Friday, 26 March, 2010, 2:50 PM
   Dear Mr. Borges,
   Only out of curiosity I thought of asking this. You
   sign off by saying Sotachench zoit zatelem. Suppose
  I say
   Sotuch zoitivont zatelem or Sotakuch zoit
   will that have a different meaning?
   Deu borem korum!
   Richard Cabral
   Disclaimer: Mail from BSNL
        The INTERNET now has a personality.
  YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. http://in.yahoo.com/
   The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Ladainha or Ladin or Baxa Ladin or Litany - Some clips

2010-03-30 Thread JoeGoaUk
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Ladainha or Ladin or Litany - Some clips

On the feast day (way side cross etc) there was a special singing of Litany 
called 'Baxa Ladin'. It's the same latin ladin but with diffeent or festive 

Baxa ladin usually longer than the usual ones.

Some clips 
Litany in Latin
At 3 kings chapel. Cuelim

 Local Village Cross
Feast day special- 1 (Baxa Ladin)

Feast day Special - 2
Regina/Alelluia / Exultemus coi alegria

Bambolim- Litany (Mostly Konkani and with common Holy Cross hymns)

 Laudate in Church



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Re: [Goanet] Fw: Rosary in Konkani and Ladainha - Toronto

2010-03-30 Thread J. Colaco jc
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


 Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com wrote:

[1] My straight question to JC:  Do you still contest my surmise that
the entire format of 'ladainha' (elaborated above) as sung in Goa was
not brought by the Portuguese but was put together in Goa itself?

[2] Now that JC has claimed that he too was one of those who
originally thought of of the project and was associated with some
members of the Toronto group,

Dear Prof Borges,

wrt # 1: Now that you have brought in the phrase entire format into
the sentence, my answer to that question is: I do not know.

Whenever something is brought from somewhere and transplanted
somewhere else, some 'local' flavouring does (is expected to) take
place. e.g. food. A classical example is the Mughlai and (Indian)
Chinese cooking.

It would be a fallacy for me to pronounce on Day 1 that It is a
fallacy to state that 'Chinese cooking' was brought to India by the
Chinese .and then argue with the additional phrase entire
format of Chinese cooking!

IF you have verifiable proof that some (expected) home-grown
ingredients entered into the Ladainha which was brought by the
Portuguese into Goa, please provide that proof. No 'invented' proof
just the facts, Sir!

wrt # 2: Please refrain from misrepresenting sentences written in
simple English. You are free to make your ghuspott in Konkani esp
Devanagri Konkani. But please do NOT reinvent my statements.

With specific reference to the Konkani Rosary / Ladainha project,
please advise me where I have claimed that I was  one of those who
originally thought of of the project and was associated with some
members of the Toronto group,

Once again: You may re-invent your own words to try win arguments, but
please - do not re-invent my words and in doing so, misrepresent what
I have stated.

Por favor, não esqueça.


[Goanet] Formula for happiness? - Videos - iVillage Health

2010-03-30 Thread Con Menezes
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Formula for Happiness??
Watch  Listen to the experts to know  From iVillage


[Goanet] Screening of The Sky Below: A Documentary on India-Pakistan Partition

2010-03-30 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


The Columbia University International Relations Forum presents:

*The Sky Below: A Documentary on India-Pakistan Partition, and Dinner
and Conversation with Filmmaker Sarah Singh*

When: Wednesday, March 31st;
Time: Panel and Dinner at 8pm, Film Screening at 9pm
Where: Lerner Hall, Roone Arledge Auditorium

Called The Slumdog Millionaire of documentaries, The Sky Below is a
documentary film exploring the creation of Pakistan and the 1947
Partition of the Indian Subcontinent, weaving together 5,000 years of
culture, while investigating the lingering after-effects of this
six-decade old political divide. It has been in over fifteen
international film festivals and has been the recipient of numerous
Best Documentary awards over the last year.

The film screening will be preceded by a a buffet-style Indian dinner
and panel discussion with filmmaker Sarah Singh, Professor of
International Relations Jack Snyder, and Quaid-i-Azam Professor of
Pakistani Politics Hassan Abbas. It is hosted by Columbia University
International Relations Forum, and co-sponsored by the Roosevelt

[Goanet] 12 companies bid to remove River Princess -- From the Herald online edition

2010-03-30 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


The following article made interesting reading

Here is a quote from the article --

“Three bidders are from Goa – Madgavkar Salvage, Salgaocar Mining Pvt Ltd and 
Sea Pleasure,”


Doesn't the River Princess belong to Salgaocar Mining Pvt. Ltd and Mr. Anil 


If Salgaocar Mining Pvt. Ltd, has the winning bid to remove the trans-shipper, 
the Goa Govt.

might end up paying the company crores of rupees to clean up its own mess!

I believe that elsewhere in the world, Mr. Salgaoclar would have been sued for 
creating an

ecological disaster.





12 companies bid to remove River Princess
Twelve companies including two from Singapore and three from Goa have sent 
their bids for removal of  River Princess, which has been grounded off the 
Candolim coast since 2001.
After several unsuccessful bids by Jaisu Shipping to tow away the ship, the 
Tourism Department took a decision recently to cut the ship and tow it away.
“Twelve parties have submitted their bids for cutting River Princess into 
pieces,” Director of Tourism Swapnil Naik told Herald.
He said that while 11 tenders were put in the tender box, one was sent by 
“Out of the 12, two are Singapore-based companies they are Smith International 
and Titan Salvagers,” he said.
“Three bidders are from Goa – Madgavkar Salvage, Salgaocar Mining Pvt Ltd and 
Sea Pleasure,” he stated. 
Naik said that today only the bids were opened and the technical committee 
would meet again on Wednesday or Thursday to scrutinise them,”he said.
The State Disaster Management Authority recently met under the chairmanship of 
Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat and decided to float new tenders to cut the 
ill-fated vessel and remove it by pieces.
The authority’s decision came in the wake of indications sent by the team of 
the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences, that came down to Goa recently, to 
inspect the condition of the vessel. The team found that it was impossible to 
tow away the vessel in view of its bad condition, especially the part not 
visible from the shore.
The team has also indicated that it was not possible to tow away the ship in 
view of its critical condition as it has developed cracks. 


[Goanet] Belgaum native murdered at Bicholim

2010-03-30 Thread samir umarye
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Samir Umarye

A 29-year-old mason from Ramdurg-Belgaum is suspected to have been murdered
in his rented room at Gaonkarwada-Bicholim.
According to Bicholim police, the decomposed body of one Verupaksha was
found under the bed in his rented room at Gaonkarwada late Monday evening.
Police further said the body was covered with an empty gunny bag and suspect
that the daily wage worker might have been murdered two days ago.
Earlier, the incident came to light late Monday evening, when people
residing in adjoining houses got a foul smell from the Verupaksha’s room.
The residents immediately alerted Bicholim police, who rushed to the site
and found the decomposed body.
Police also recovered deceased motorcycle (GA-01-B-9126), which was found
parked near his rented room, and recovered driving license and other
documents, from which police identified the deceased.
Bicholim police PI Harish Madkaikar, Bicholim Municipal Council Chairperson
Satish Gaonkar and Councillor Ajit Birge were at the site till late Monday
night. Bicholim police is investigating the case further.

Re: [Goanet] Just curious

2010-03-30 Thread MD
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


I feel :

soth kedins (kennans) budana, (budchem naa) = truth always prevails.
Here 'budana'
(does not sink) denotes prevail.
soth budana = truth prevails
what is opposite to truth (soth) - lie (phot?)
defeat = solvonn?  he lost = tho solvalo, tho harlo?
victory = jeek? zaith
winner =zaithevonth?

is he ilterate = thaka shikop asa?, tho vachunk, borounk zaNa?, thaka
vachunk, borounk yeta?
write =baraap?
author: boroupi, baraiNaar?
written contract=borpisinhim kharar?

Excuse the spellings

Message: 7
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 23:57:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
   goanet@lists.goanet.org,  rcab...@bsnl.in
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Just curious

Dear Mr. Cabral,
Is it necessary that we must first think in English and then translate
our thoughts into our mother-tongue?  Can we not think directly in the
mother-tongue? For a fact, I did not translate.  But for your sake, I
would translate my expression into English as Truth alone shall
prevail.  The thought may not even be original; it might have been
the result of what I had read and assimilated.
Coming to your Konkani expressions, I regret that they are not happy
ones.  Why use the exclusivity particle '-ch' twice in the same
sentence?  I would re-frame your sentences as Sot sodanch zoitivont
zata and Sotakuch zoit melltta.  Or even Sotak zoit mellttach.

Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

--- On Mon, 29/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in wrote:

From: rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Just curious

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Date: Monday, 29 March, 2010, 4:34 PM
Mr. Borges,
Thanks for the compliment. But can you tell me if by any
cahnce you were trying to translate the English expression
truth always prevails in which case the expression in
Konkani would be Sotuch zoitivont sodanch or Sotakuch
sodanch zoit melltta
Richard Cabral
Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
Dear Richard,
All three are synonymous just like he won, he was
victorious, the victory was his, he gained victory are
also synonymous.? I must congratulate you on your
faultless orthography in Romi Konknni.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

[Goanet] Kollywood (Konkani films): A rich history

2010-03-30 Thread George Pinto
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Konknni Cholchitram launch interview

Author Isidore Dantas speaks to Goa Sudharop's Shilla Almeida regarding the 
launch of his highly anticipated Konkani filmbook Konknni Cholchitram 
released in honour of Goa Sudharop's 10 year anniversary.

Shilla Almedia (SA): Please tell us a little about yourself.
Isidore Dantas (ID): I have been writing to Konkani magazines from the age of 
eleven. At present I am 62. I have contributed to Aitarachem Vachop, Udentechem 
Nekhetr, Vauraddeancho Ixtt, Sot, Divtti,. The Goan Sports Weekly, Gulab, 
Poddbimb. I now regularly write for Jivit in Roman script and for Uzvadd in 
Devnagri script. Whenever time permits I contribute to Goa Today, Gomantak 
Times and Sunaparant. My first book on Konkani proverbs was released in 
September 2007 entitled Vozram-a treasure trove of Konkani adages with English 
interpretation at the hands of the Goa Chief
Minister. In October 2008, I was awarded the Al Jerry Braganza Award for
the work on Konkani films again at the hands of Goa CM. Besides this, I 
regularly contribute to Akashwani, Mumbai. I have also written the sub-titles 
for the Konkani film DVD Bhuianrantlo Monis. I will be receiving the Fr Freddy 
da Costa Memorial award for Journalism instituted by Dalgado Konkani Akademi, 
Goa on 8th April 2010.

SA: What prompted you to write the book?
ID: Ten years ago, an editor friend of mine handed over me a daily newspaper 
from outside Goa which contained an article on Konkani films. When I browsed 
it, I found that it was incomplete. That is how I started to research on the 
subject. But it was not an easy task. I remembered that many films had been 
broadcast by Mumbai Doordarshan. When I enquired with them, I got a shock of my 
life. They informed me that since no one came to enquire about the films since 
last 15 years, they do not possess them any longer. Akashwani Mumbai and 
Akashwani Panaji do not have old records. National Film Archives of India, Pune 
has two Konkani films deposited with them but the whereabouts about the person 
depositing the same is not known. The task was completed with the assistance of 
Konkani enthusiasts all over the world.

SA: What does the title Konknni Cholchitram mean?
ID: The title represents Konkani films. Since films, cinema are English 
words I have used the Konkani word which means moving images = movies.

SA: What is the book about?
ID: The research work is on celluloid Konkani films which consists of 282 pages 
all in colour with about 269 photographs. It comprises information on all 31 
Konkani celluloid films produced. 23 films from Goa, 7 from Mangalore, 1 from 
Bangalore. It includes Black... produced in Kuwait and also the latest 
Poltoddcho Monis which won award at the Toronto Festival. The book contains 107 
songs out of which 85 are with music notes. The book also consists of a chapter 
on Konkani people who have contributed to Bollywood.

SA: How and where can people purchase copies of Konknni Cholchitram?
ID: The book will be available for purchase online and with other distributors 
in India and throughout the Goan diaspora. Details will follow.

SA: Why should people purchase the book?
ID: The book covers all the Konkani celluloid films so far and contains details 
such as the story, the producer’s profile, photographs, songs some of which are 
with music notes. I was looking for a reference book on Konkani films which I 
could not find and hence decided to fill in the gap.

SA: Do you have any other planned publications?
ID: My next book entitled “Utorsod” will be released on 1st May 2010 in Goa. It 
comprises of a quiz of almost thousand questions on matters relating to Goa 
which are hidden in a maze.

SA: Would you encourage other Goans to publish their work?
ID: Publishing is very difficult. It is generally not financially viable since 
the Goan market is small. Fortunately George Pinto personally funded my book 
and obtained sponsors too. This is an innovative model which should make it 
more attractive for Goan authors to publish their work. Otherwise a lot of good 
material will go unpublished.

SA: Thank you for your time and good luck.
ID: Thank you, much appreciated.

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-30 Thread J. Colaco jc
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Jim Fernandes amigo...@att.net wrote:

[1] I could live without insurance and pocket the money, but that
would mean, I'd become another of those nephews that Ms Viviana Coelho
was talking about :(  .
[2] The insurance cost that I stated previously, is a TYPICAL
insurance cost for a family of four in the US. New York being a little
more expensive, might have a small markup to cover the extra cost of
[3] I strongly believe everyone should pay their fair share for
medical coverage - just like how we pay our taxes and just like how we
purchase auto insurance.
[4] We should also curb the abuses by the insurance carriers - and
chop their appetite for getting ultra rich on the backs of hard
working families.


I re-posted the above to emphasise the points made (very correctly) by Jim.

Both Viviana and Vivian are probably unaware.

I agree with much of what Marlon has written on the subject - in his
latest post. Part of the problem is that Insurers' are actually
brokers who re and re and re-insure with Mega Insurers like (say)
Lloyds. It is a risk-spreading and money-creaming exercise.

If anything happens e.g. Hurricane, Earthquake All costs go up.
Every event is used by the 'greedy' (and the agents) to rake in some
more profits. These are the chaps that the Pubbies support.

On the Dem side is the huge bureaucracy, unions, trial lawyers who
also milk the system.

In the middle are the health-care professionals and patients.

Just in case there is a notion that only large families with many
medical problems have High Insurance premiums, here is an exchange
between a client (party of 2) who has never claimed (and hopes he
never has to) and the insurance representative:

Q: In a previous correspondence, I had asked about No Claim reductions
in premiums. You promised to check. Grateful for update

A:  I'm afraid that we do not give any reductions on renewal premiums
--sorry for any delay of the answer to your question.

good wishes


[Goanet] Neat Goa map, 1750

2010-03-30 Thread Frederick Noronha
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa



Frederick Noronha
Books from Goa ::  http://goa1556.goa-india.org

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, Mr Obama

2010-03-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


J. Colaco  wrote:
 1: That having been noted, would you say that the level of taxation in
 Canada is significantly higher than that in the USA.

Every year, I file a tax return in both Canada and the US. 
Every year, regardless of my income, I get a refund of a few dollars from
the US tax authority. In other words, the US tax rates are marginally
lower than that of Canada.

 4: I am surprised that in Canada, one can be fined for missing an
 annual check up. Is this true in the country of 'Malette v Shulman'?
 Does this mean that an individual is forced to provide consent to a
 doctor for an annual physical exam (or risk a fine)? 

To make this clear, the doctor is allowed to charge his patient
for missing the annual exam. The reasoning is that doctor was deprived of 
his income and thus s/he is now allowed to charge the patient in lieu of 
the fee the doctor would have got from the govt. If the patient does not 
want to pay, the patient is free to change doctors.

venantius j pinto wrote:
 Seriously---did you really not know the cost of insurance in the U.S., and
 the basic permutations of what one gets in the US for what one puts out in
 the US? Perhaps you were attempting to draw a composite picture, and
 hopefully did not really find what you Jim said---too funny. Its not funny
 and not a joke bro. Its very real. People we know are in trouble in various

When I was working in the US, 20 years ago, my health insurance premiums
were $150 per month. When I got laid off, the insurance company was kind
enough to inform me that they would now provide the same insurance for 
$300.00 a month. My health situation had not changed. All that had changed 
was that I had become jobless. The insurance company felt that it was a good
moment to er, capitalize on the situation. 

I understand that the US population has got bigger since I left and since there 
are more people buying health insurance, the premiums must go higher, but I 
was totally totally astounded when Jim F. pointed out that it now cost him  
$15,000 annually to insure his family. 

Another way to view this scenario, since the province provides our health 
I have an extra $15,000 a year to save or spend, just because I live in Canada 
not the US.

 I have a faint feeling that if all this info has just come to your notice,
 then you must be relieved that the cards life dealt you placed your being in
 Canada, or perhaps for good reason you made a decision not to come to the

I actually earned two degrees in the US before I moved to Canada. The reason I 
moved here is because there is a social life in Toronto. The additional 
bonus for 
me is that the people I grew up with in Tanzania, all live within 45 
minutes from 
where I do.

 Jim F and Dr. J Colaco to his superb credit as a doctor---both put it well.

Just in case you are not aware of it, Dr. J. Colaco is both a doctor and a 
Obama is only a lawyer but he gets the fact that you reduce medical expenses
by prevention of diseases, rather than by treatment. Those who do not 
this are the very people who are bitching about the new health bill.


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Re: [Goanet] wanted a female to share a 2-bedroom apt. with a single female in East York (Toronto )

2010-03-30 Thread Joe Lobo
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


[Goanet] Examining conscience: putting trust to test, who will be next? (Menin Rodrigues, Pakistan)

2010-03-30 Thread Goanet Reader
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa



By Menin Rodrigues

  Sex and child-abuse scandals first hit the Catholic
  Church in the United States of America in 2004
  followed by the Dutch and Swiss Churches; and then
  came the startling news of the priests' betrayal in
  Ireland. Now it has resurfaced in the archdiocese
  of Munich and Freising, Germany, the home grounds
  of former Archbishop Joseph Ratzinger.

Ironically, the past sins of the Catholic Church are being
resurrected, reaching millions of people in their homes,
through a series of shocking testimonials from victims,
thanks to the proliferation of advanced communication mediums
-- the Internet in particular. Will the Internet be
castigated as a devil's laboratory?

It is interesting to note how the spread of technology in
today's time and era has enabled many nations, organizations,
institutions, groups and individuals to accept their
shortcomings and make public apologies for the sake of
sanity. From Pope John Paul II's apology for the victims of
the holocaust to Tiger Woods' acceptance of his infidelity,
the world has come to believe that sins (with a pinch of
salt) can be forgiven if they are accepted as bitter truths
and not remain as dirt swept under the carpet.

Catholicism has been a global Faith for centuries and people
have believed and trusted in its doctrines since time
immemorial. The clergy has always been respected and honored
for all their works but in reality the strayed amongst them
now seem familiar to what Bill Clinton was to the people of
America and Tiger Woods to the world's sporting fraternity.
The latter sinned, accepted their human weaknesses and are
carrying on their lives -- but with a stigma. The President
was impeached and Tiger went into the woods! What will happen
to the likes of Fr. Peter Hullermann?

The Church's future is its people, and very especially the
youth and children. The future priests and religious will
come from this lot, and from this lot the history of the
Church's past will be re-examined. This group of future
Church leaders will learn and accept the transcendent reality
of technology in as much as the studies of Sacred Scripture,
Theology and Canon laws. The phase through which institutions
and sovereign states of the world, from the United Nations to
the Vatican, are going through will determine the outcome of
some critical decision-making in the new world.

If this then is the stark truth about what happened in
priests-administered Churches in the US, Ireland, Germany and
rest of Europe, will the Churches in the Eastern hemisphere
be any different from them? Churches in the Asia-Pacific and
South Asia have been key strongholds of the Catholic faith,
especially the Church in India which has no less than three
Cardinals, several archbishops and an assortment of bishops,
and believed to be very influential in matters of the State
and the Holy See.

Luckily, Churches in the other East, South and Middle Asian
countries, including Pakistan have been less in the
spotlight, and therefore, should be prudent in handling
issues facing them with courage, dignity and truth.

  Allegedly, there is a complex maze of unspeakable
  issues, from child-abuse, mental-torture,
  physical-abuse to illegitimacy, and from money
  matters to alcoholism. These are serious issues
  that need to be addressed, urgently. While
  technology will take its course and the truth will
  surface, if not today, tomorrow, it is our
  conscience that is being put to test.

Last week on March 20, 2010 the Pope apologized for the
sinful and criminal acts of the Catholic Church in Ireland.
He said to the people, You have suffered grievously and I am
truly sorry. I know that nothing can undo the wrong you have
endured. Your trust has been betrayed and your dignity has
been violated. To the priests, he said, You betrayed the
trust that was placed in you by innocent young people and
their parents, and you must answer for it before Almighty God
and before properly constituted tribunals. I urge you to
examine your conscience, take responsibility for the sins you
have committed, and humbly express your sorrow.

To his brother bishops, he wrote, It cannot be denied that
some of you and your predecessors failed, at times
grievously, to apply the long-established norms of canon law
to the crime of child abuse. Serious mistakes were made in
responding to allegations. I 

[Goanet] Goa news for March 31, 2010

2010-03-30 Thread Goanet News Service
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Court allows Adani to go to Goa for CBI questioning - Sify
HC allows Adani to leave Ahmedabad to appear before CBI

*** Trade association alleges scam in Goa's purchase of software
- Sify
hails scrapping of cyberage scheme

*** Administration flip-flops on raiding Goa nightclub - Sify
police confused over action against Club

*** Euro RSCG, Saatchi opt out - Economic Times
SN51gAoAHow Mad Men sold us politics

*** FESPA Americas to Launch February 2011 Alongside GOA - Quick
Printing (press release)
unveils US exhibition plans at Miami Global Summit

*** Goa's serial killer Mahanand Naik acquitted in third murder
case - Daily News  Analysis
serial killer acquitted in third murder case

*** 4 Latin American robbers held for Bangalore jewel heist -
Times of India
1.5 cr jewel theft case solved; 4 foreigners held

*** New pricing policy brings cheer to Indian iron ore companies
- Hindu Business Line
ndu Business LineThe stock price of Sesa Goa has shot up 5 per
cent in the last two weeks and that of NMDC, which was trading
at below its FPO price in the BSE on Monday, ...a class=

*** Padma winners in Goa unite against 'excessive' mining -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa's Padma award winners, including
cartoonist Mario Miranda and writer Ravindra Kelekar, have got
together to urge the Union ministry of ...a class=

*** ESG to draft entertainment policy for Goa - digITal Goa
Annual general body meeting of Goa entertainment society held
here today and decided to formulate Entertainment policy for the
State. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Symposium on Impressions of Goa: Mainstream, Margins and Media at GU

2010-03-30 Thread Goanet News Service

Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Symposium on Impressions of Goa: Mainstream, Margins and Media at GU

Goa Union of journalists and Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion 
and Inclusive Policy, Goa University are jointly organizing a Symposium 
on “Impressions of Goa: Mainstream, Margins and Media” on Wednesday, 31 
March, 2010. The distinguished speakers of the symposium include Shambhu 
Bhau Bandekar, writer and former deputy speaker, Goa Assembly; Dadu 
Mandrekar, writer, dalit activist and editor, Prajasttak; Prakash Kamat, 
special correspondent, the Hindu and president, GUJ; and Frederick 
Noronha, Independent journalist, writer and co-founder, Bytes for All. 
The session will be chaired by Prof. AV Afonso, coordinator, CSSEIP and 
dean, faculty of social sciences, GU. The event will take place at the 
University Conference Hall, Administrative Building, Goa University from 
3 to 5 p.m.

The one of the objectives of the symposium is to provide an interface 
between media, academics and civil society on questions related to 
social exclusion, democracy and media. This is also an attempt to 
analyse media discourse and its relation to social processes in Goa. 
Media with its many versions has become the main site for the production 
of images, impressions and information of our time. In a democracy, 
media also becomes an active site of contestation and negotiations 
between different social, political and economic interests, between the 
mainstream of the society and the voices from the margins. Media, as an 
institution of mediation, mirrors social and political reality and at 
the same time can filter, screen and manage images and reality.

The symposium will address the questions such as these: How mainstream 
and margins can be characterized in the context of Goa? What are the 
dominant images and stereotypes related to Goa? What are the main 
cultural frames of imaging Goa including tourism, development, history, 
otherness and nostalgia? How do media receive, endorse, amend and 
challenge mainstream images and impressions? What are the alternative 
channels of articulation of marginal voices and what is their 
relationship with mainstream in Goa?

Ishwar Singh,   Prakash Kamat,
Lecturer-cum-Assistant Director,President,
CSSEIP, Goa University, Goa.Goa Union of Journalists, Goa

[Goanet] Konkan Railway: New train scheduled - Hapa-Tirunelveli-Hapa Express

2010-03-30 Thread Goanet News Service

Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa




The inaugural run of Train No.2998/2997 Hapa-Tirunelveli-Hapa Express 
(Bi-weekly) via Alappuzha will be flagged off by Shri. E. Ahamed, 
Hon’ble MOSR (A) Ex Tirunelveli on 30/03/2010 (Tuesday) at 13.30 hrs. 
for its most valuable and esteemed passengers. The details of these 
train services are as under:

Train No.   FromTo  Departure / Arrival 
2998 DN	Hapa 	Tirunelveli	Every Friday  Saturday 21.15 hrs / 17.30 
hrs. on Sunday  Monday.	

2997 UP	Tirunelveli	Hapa	Every Monday  Tuesday 05.45 hrs / 02.00 hrs. 
on  Wednesday  Thursday.	

Note: Train No. 2998 / 2997) Hapa-Tirunelveli-Hapa) will run as weekly 
train instead of bi-weekly till receipt of Second rake.

Halts: The train will halt at Rajkot, Surendra Nagar Jn., Ahmedabad Jn., 
Vadodara, Ankleshwar Surat, Vapi, Vasai Road, Panvel, Ratnagiri, 
Madgaon, Karwar, Udupi, Thokur, Mangalore Jn., Kasargod, Kannur, 
Kozhikode, Shornur Jn., Thrisur, Aluwye, Ernakulam Jn., Alappuzha, 
Kayankulam Jn., Kollam Jn., Thiruvenanthapuram Central and Nagarcoil 
Town. The train will have 17 coaches. The composition of the train will 
be Eight Sleeper Coaches, One AC 3-Tier, Six General and Two SLR 
Coaches. Detailed time table can be viewed on www.konkanrailway.com

(B G Ghatge)
Sr. Manager Public Relations

[Goanet] Adlean Chalu........

2010-03-30 Thread lino dourado
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


G7 in Delhi for summit meet today

The Group of Seven MLAs (non-Congress) who are part of the ruling coalition, 
today rushed to New Delhi, on the eve of the crucial meeting tomorrow 
(Wednesday), to impress upon the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leadership 
that their demands should be taken to the logical conclusion.




[Goanet] INVITATION: 21 fragments: an exhibittion of photographs by Monica Bhasin

2010-03-30 Thread Monica Bhasin
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Hello Friends,

I would like to invite you to an exhibition of my photographs titled '21
fragments'. The exhibition will be open from 10:00am to 7:30pm at Kala
Academy from 4th (Sunday) to 8th (Thursday) April 2010.

I look forward to seeing you there along with friends and family. Please
forward this email to anyone that you think would be interested.

Monica Bhasin

Re: [Goanet] Just curious

2010-03-30 Thread Sebastian Borges
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Dear Mr. Cabral,
What you say is not entirely untrue. But there is some history behind my 
signing-off slogan. I do not know whether you have noticed; but I do not use 
this slogan in every post. (For instance, it has not appeared in my recent 
posts on Rosary and Ladainha or in Just curious.) It is reserved only to 
those posts which counter the false propaganda indulged in by self-seekers who 
masquerade as protectors and promoters of Romi Konknni. They (and their 
cronies) have been dinning the ears of innocent readers with lies and 
half-truths solely with the aim of filling their own pockets; and they have 
succeeded in this endeavour to a large extent. (You have, no doubt, noticed the 
recent post Wake up Mr. Borges. It was his first intervention; therefore I 
did not sign off as usual.) But I strive to nail their lies to the best of my 
ability.   My friend, Fausto da Costa the editor of 'Gulab' and 'The Goan 
Review', says I am wasting my time on this because,
 according to him, mhojea onnbhovan, sotachen bhov komi promannan zoit zata 
(in my experience, Truth seldom wins); to this I counter by saying 
Sorvxevttim, Sotachench zoit zatolem. (Ultimately, Truth alone shall 
prevail).  The same lies and half-truths keep cropping up intermittently again 
and again, and I reply with the same evidence; the struggle is not yet over.  
Hence the future tense. I am not expressing any 'universal truth'; it is just 
my firm belief.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

--- On Tue, 30/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in wrote:

 From: rcab...@bsnl.in rcab...@bsnl.in
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Just curious
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Cc: Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
 Date: Tuesday, 30 March, 2010, 3:04 PM
 Dear Mr. Borges,
 The purpose of my asking was to point out to you that your
 expression in Konkani is in the future tense whereas the
 English one is in the present. Since universal truths like
 the sun rises in the East etc etc are expressed in the
 present tense the expression Truth alone prevails is also
 written thus. If in Konkani also you want to express an
 universal truth then your expression should also be in the
 present tense irrespective of whether you think in English
 or Konkani. Dont you think so?
 Mog asum!
 Richard Cabral
  Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
  Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of
 State for Environment
       and Forests (I/C) to maintain the
 moratorium on issuing further
 clearances for mining activities in Goa
  Dear Mr. Cabral,
  Is it necessary that we must first think in English
 and then translate our thoughts into our
 mother-tongue?  Can we not think directly in the
 mother-tongue? For a fact, I did not translate.  But
 for your sake, I would translate my expression into English
 as Truth alone shall prevail.  The thought may not
 even be original; it might have been the result of what I
 had read and assimilated.
  Coming to your Konkani expressions, I regret that they
 are not happy ones.  Why use the exclusivity particle
 '-ch' twice in the same sentence?  I would re-frame
 your sentences as Sot sodanch zoitivont zata and Sotakuch
 zoit melltta.  Or even Sotak zoit mellttach.
  Mog asum.
  Sebastian Borges
  --- On Mon, 29/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in
   From: rcab...@bsnl.in
   Subject: Re: [Goanet] Just curious
   To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
   Cc: Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
   Date: Monday, 29 March, 2010, 4:34 PM
   Mr. Borges,
   Thanks for the compliment. But can you tell me if
 by any
   cahnce you were trying to translate the English
   truth always prevails in which case the
 expression in
   Konkani would be Sotuch zoitivont sodanch or
   sodanch zoit melltta
   Richard Cabral
    Sebastian Borges s_m_bor...@yahoo.com
Dear Richard,
   All three are synonymous just like he won, he
   victorious, the victory was his, he gained
 victory are
   also synonymous.  I must congratulate you on
   faultless orthography in Romi Konknni.
   Mog asum.
   Sebastian Borges
   --- On Fri, 26/3/10, rcab...@bsnl.in
From: rcab...@bsnl.in

[Goanet] Letters for Goa

2010-03-30 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


 *O Heraldo*
Tuesday, March 30, 2010


*A lesson for all MLAs
Orlando da Silva, Carmona*

*The Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco attending the gram sabha of his village
andsupporting the members to oppose the mega project in his village is a
lesson worth for all the other MLAs in Goa.

We all know that most the MLAs are co-partners of the builder lobby to usher
mega projects in their villages in the name of development against the
wishes of the people. They are not bothered whether these mega projects will
put pressure on the basic infrastructure like water, electricity, garbage,
sewerage etc in the village. Their only interest is how many flats/bungalows
he will get or how much money the builder will pay for his support.
Sarpanchas and panchas are also tamed by distributing loaves of bread to
silent and issue licenses violating all rules and norms in the name of
and foregoing local dissent. Mickky’s question on how the mega project will
benefit locals is most appropriate.
Top builders from outside state have managed to grab prime Goan land and in
turn the land rates have skyrocketed. The prevailing rate of Rs 7000-8000
per square meter in a village like Carmona is making it impossible for aam
aadmi to have a shelter for himself and his family. I wonder when Goans will
realise that their purchasing power has diminished to negative due to these
mega projects approved by their so called leaders and savers of Goa and
Goans in the guise of development. All I can confidently say is that this
type of lopsided development has only benefited the politicians and not the
aam aadmi.
Viva all miseries to the aam aadmi and all riches… to the people in power.


Industry and Jobs

THERE is a big hue and cry asking for more industrial units in Goa in order
to promise employment to the sons of the soil. Will the NGOs and the
government and the people at large write to each and every industry and
verify from them how many Goans have been given jobs? As far as my knowledge
goes, 80 per cent of the jobs are held by non-Goans. Will the government
please wake up?


Re: [Goanet] Kollywood (Konkani films): A rich history

2010-03-30 Thread Frederick Noronha
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Isidore is here:


On 30 March 2010 21:21, George Pinto georgejpi...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Konknni Cholchitram launch interview

 Author Isidore Dantas speaks to Goa Sudharop's Shilla Almeida regarding the 
 launch of his highly anticipated Konkani filmbook Konknni Cholchitram 
 released in honour of Goa Sudharop's 10 year anniversary
Frederick Noronha
Books from Goa ::  http://goa1556.goa-india.org

[Goanet] Mahanand Monis, nhoi Soitan ( Goa Police)

2010-03-30 Thread lino dourado
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa




The Nirmal Amolkar murder case involving alleged dupatta killer Mahanand Naik 
has also ended in an acquittal, taking the tally of murder cases ending in an 
acquittal involving Mahanand to three so far.
In yet another major embarrassment for the Goa Police, the South Goa Sessions 
Court on Tuesday acquitted Mahanand of the charges of murder and robbery  on 
grounds that the prosecution has failed to prove beyond  reasonable doubt that 
the body lying in the morgue was that  of Nirmal.
Given that Mahanand has been acquitted in the third murder case, his legal 
counsel, Joe Antao, has disclosed plans to send a notice to the director of a 
Konkani tiatr for virtually crucifying the accused without any evidence against 
While acquitting the accused, Additional Sessions Judge Desmond D’Costa 
observed that no DNA test was carried out to determine the identity of the dead 
body. “It cannot be held that it was the body of Nirmal just because her 
brother Pundalik had identified the body as that of his sister”, he said.
Saying that the prosecution had to prove that the death was homicidal and that 
it was caused by the accused, the judge said the post mortem report conducted 
by Dr Avinash Poojary had stated there was no evidence of any fresh ante mortem 
injuries on the dead body.
Moreover, the judge referred to the deposition of Dr Poojary stating that 
opinion as to the exact cause of death cannot be given in view of 
decompositional changes.
“There is absolutely no evidence brought on record by the prosecution to show 
that the death of the woman was a homicidal death. There is also no direct nor 
circumstantial evidence to link the accused Mahanand with the death”, the judge 
Nirmal Amolkar had gone missing from her house on February 2008 and her dead 
body was found at Verna. A complaint was later filed by her brother Pundalik.
The prosecution contended the body was identified by Pundalik on the basis of 
her clothes, glass bangles and the nail polish on her fingers. The judge, 
however, said that Pundalik had admitted that the when he saw the dead body, it 
was fully decomposed and that the face could not be recognized.
Referring to Pundalik’s statement hat he has identified the dead body as that 
of his sister based on the nail polish, the judge said that Pundalik has 
admitted that he could not remember the colour of the nail polish usually used 
by the deceased  and that he does not remember as to what was the colour of the 
nail on the nails of the deceased. “This shows that the second basis that he 
had identified the dead body as that of his sister, i.e. the nail polish on her 
fingers, also is not acceptable”, the judge added. The judge also did not 
accept Pundalik’s claim that he has identified the body based on the glass 
The prosecution has also failed to prove that any information has been given by 
the accused while in police custody on July 4, 2009 and that the information 
has led to the discovery of any facts. “The evidence also does not also help 
the prosecution in any way to establish the nexus of the accused with the 
missing of the gold chain of the deceased”, the judge observed.


Re: [Goanet] Fw: Rosary in Konkani and Ladainha - Toronto

2010-03-30 Thread Sebastian Borges
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


JC asks:
With specific reference to the Konkani Rosary / Ladainha project,
please advise me where I have claimed that I was  one of those who
originally thought of of the project and was associated with some
members of the Toronto group,

Will this quote from his post do?

Michael and I have been talking about this project for some time. The
initial plan was to get it videotaped in Goa ...but it was kind of
difficult to organise. So, it appears that the Canadian production
will go.

Did I misunderstand? Or, does he mean that he should be quoted VERBATIM every 

Sebastian Borges

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! 

[Goanet] Honour killing five sentenced to death (CASTEISM IN ACTION)

2010-03-30 Thread Ruby Goes
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa



As feral as the Caste/Sub-Caste System gets? Bizarre stuff!


[Goanet] OMG!

2010-03-30 Thread Frederick Noronha
Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
 and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
 environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


The OMG (Ontario-Maharashtra-Goa) Student Exchange Program
Frederick Noronha
Books from Goa ::  http://goa1556.goa-india.org