Re: [google-appengine] Memory usage while parsing XML file into Google App Engine datastore

2013-08-01 Thread djidjadji
Have you looked into using the Remote API

You use your local machine to parse the file [no memory problems],
create the needed objects, and put them in the datastore in batches.

You can use a modified class Mapper to do the batch write as found in

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Re: [google-appengine] How to show key name from datamodel.all() on Django template

2013-08-01 Thread djidjadji
 lia href=/anime?key={{ myProject.key_name }}



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Re: [google-appengine] Stylesheet not being applied in Chome browser

2012-01-04 Thread djidjadji
I always use the following method when uploading new application code.

I have two versions of the code: dev and main

main is the default version.

I upload the new code to the dev version and test if the update is
working by using the url

Then temporarily make dev the default version.

Upload the code to main and make main the default.

This method never failed for static content (css,js). I need to force
reload shift-ctrl-R the page to ignore the browser cache content.

If you apply a cache buster to your css link your users will see the
updated css immediate.

link type=text/css rel=stylesheet href=/css/style.css?ver=20120104

You need to change the string anytime you upload a new version. If you
use source version control you can use the version number of the css

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Re: [google-appengine] Feature Request: In Dashboard Schedule a default version deployment when instances die down

2012-01-04 Thread djidjadji
Instances die down automatic when you upload a new version.

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Re: [google-appengine] Desired feature in dashboard data viewer entity list, show full owned entity ids.

2012-01-04 Thread djidjadji
You can write your own version of the datastore viewer that dumps the
objects of the Kind you want.

When you have the key of an entity ask for the parent key with the
Key.parent() method

Get the Key.kind() and Key.id_or_name()

Continue until you get None as return and then reverse the list and display

Op 2 januari 2012 18:09 heeft Brandon Donnelson het volgende geschreven:

 I'd like to see the possibility to show the entire full entity id. Or click
 on a checkbox for detailed view. [] all values| details

 My imagined full detailed view of id would be like:
 from: id=4126
 to: Decoded entity key: LearningPlanJdo: id=31096  CourseJdo:
 id=7150  CourseProgressJdo: id=4126

 I'm looking for a pattern and its slow to open up each entity details view.

 Brandon Donnelson

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Re: [google-appengine] How to Filter the logs based on instance or loading_request using Labels

2012-01-04 Thread djidjadji
If you download the logs you get these extra info labels, and then do
a grep or regex search

Op 24 november 2011 01:37 heeft Scott Murphy het
volgende geschreven:
 I would like to Filter all 500 requests for a specific instance.  Is this
 possible using labels?

 I don't know which label to use for instance and/or loading_request?

 The information I want is in the first line of the log - - [23/Nov/2011:16:05:58 -0800] GET /_ah/warmup HTTP/1.1 500 0 -
 - ms=68570 cpu_ms=31239
 api_cpu_ms=65 cpm_usd=0.867775 loading_request=1 exit_code=104

 So I want to do something like
 status:500, instance:00c61b117cde1998d024f2dbbd67e9f4d3dc1f

 but the valid labels are:

 Valid labels:

 status, bytes,

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Large difference between datastore quota detail and appstat.

2011-11-18 Thread djidjadji
Does ndb support lists in get_by_id()? This could then be executed in parallel.
You should then check with appstats on the GAE hardware if it works in parallel.

db_keys = EMail.query(EMail.Status != 'Complete').fetch(keys_only=True)
res = EMail.get_by_id( [ for k in db_keys] )
list comprehensions are faster then append() calls

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Re: [google-appengine] Datastore operations are seriously expensive

2011-11-14 Thread djidjadji
The links is a redirect to

But it should be (I think)

7 november 2011 17:48 Kenneth wrote:
 This may be old news to people but I just discovered it.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to determine datastore reads?

2011-10-16 Thread djidjadji
The RPC.Get and RPC.RunQuery can result in many Datastore Read Ops.
They can return more then one object and thus read multiple index
entries and multiple objects.

Google is able to tally the Datastore Read and Write Ops. Why is there
no API call that will return these numbers for the current request?

I have changed part of my application to construct and read an
aggregate object (containing the attributes of many small objects).
The result is that the number of Datastore Read Ops dropped
considerable. I'm still having a large number of Read Ops left and
have no idea which requests are responsible for the bulk of them.

It takes a long time to find the culprit because the billing stats
lags quit some time.

Op 15 oktober 2011 21:39 heeft Rishi Arora
het volgende geschreven:
 Actually, appstats is more consistent with the old pricing model, and so, it
 only shows up number of datastore queries executed, puts and gets, for each
 RPC.  Here's a screenshot from the link I posted earlier:
 The request history section shows recent requests, and if you expand a
 request, it'll show you datastore puts, gets, and queries. I believe gets
 translate to reads one-to-one, but puts depend on how many indexes get
 modified in the process.  One put will almost always translate to multiple
 data store writes (one of each index that gets updated, and one for the
 entity being modified)

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Re: [google-appengine] 6470ms for a memcache get and write out the result?

2011-10-15 Thread djidjadji
            page = CachedObject.all(keys_only=True).filter('appversion =', 
 appversion) \
                                                   .filter('uri =', uri).get()
            if page:
                p = db.get(str(page))
                memcache.set(cachekey, p.html, 

Why do you first check to see if the datastore object exist
(keys_only=True) and then fetch if key is found. This adds an extra
RPC roundtrip.
Just fetch the object and test page for None

           page = CachedObject.all().filter('appversion =', appversion) \
                                                 .filter('uri =', uri).get()
           if page:
               memcache.set(cachekey, p.html,

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to determine datastore reads?

2011-10-15 Thread djidjadji
Where in the Appstats result can I find the number of Datastore Read
Ops used in this request or in a certain RPC of the request?

Op 14 oktober 2011 06:43 heeft Rishi Arora
het volgende geschreven:

 On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 10:34 PM, J wrote:

 Anyone know a way I can profile my app to see where my datastore reads are
 coming from?

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: API call datastore_v3.Put() required more quota ?

2011-09-29 Thread djidjadji
If you delete many entities it's faster to use a cursor. An entity is
marked as deleted and will physically be removed in the datastore at a
later time. It takes time to skip the marked entities when executing a
The loop can be modified as such, no need to use count() as it uses
CPU and time also, if the result set is empty there are no entities.

cursor = None
while True:
q = Documents.all(keys_only=True)
if cursor:
result = q.fetch(200)
if not result:
cursor = q.cursor()
except Exception, e:

Op 16 september 2011 18:24 heeft sofia het
volgende geschreven:
 I have the same problem.. Datastore quota at 100% and unable to delete an
 entity either through admin or using map/reduce. What I did is set up a
 script to delete x records at a time. I've managed to decrease data by 45%
 in 2 days but I then hit cpu quota so I'm guessing it's gonna take a few
 more days until I'm able to delete all the data. What i did was set up this
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 import time
 from google.appengine.ext import webapp
 from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
 from google.appengine.ext import db
 from lib.model import Documents
 class BulkDelete(webapp.RequestHandler):
     def get(self):
         self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
         mod = self.request.get('m')
         if not mod:
             while True:
                 q = db.GqlQuery(SELECT __key__ FROM Documents ORDER BY date
                 assert q.count()
         except Exception, e:
 # init
 application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/bulkdelete',
 def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 and then call it each 5 min through cron.yaml.

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Re: [google-appengine] Datastore Read and Writes Statstics

2011-09-29 Thread djidjadji
It would be really nice if the WriteOps and ReadOps are logged for
each request. Like the loading_request and ms time that is added to a
line in the log.
That way you can download the logs and find out which request is
making the most Ops and perhaps needs a look at if it can be

Op 22 september 2011 14:29 heeft Vivek Puri het
volgende geschreven:
 For Estimated Charges Under New Pricing, my app is showing $40/per
 day for Writes and $13/day for Reads. $40 worth of writes is 40
 million write operations. Right now i have not idea which table is
 being written to most and contributing to that number. Can AppEngine
 team provide statistics on these write and read operations. I would
 hope this is something similar to existing Datastore Statistics

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Re: [google-appengine] Instance Hours, Python Concurrency, and Regret

2011-09-12 Thread djidjadji
What also could reduce the instance hours billed is a slider that
sets the instance idle time. The time an instance is kept alive idle
is at the moment 10min.
My loading request time is about 1.5 sec (webapp).

It would be very helpful to have a slider in the Application
Settings where I can adjust the idle time in increments of 5 or 10

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Re: [google-appengine] GAE is missing requests

2011-07-13 Thread djidjadji
If you use Python API do you have the correct

if __name__== 'main':

in your code

2011/7/12 Nikolay Sohryakov
 Sometimes GAE is missing my requests and instead of the requested page i get
 a clean page in my browser! Can you fix it please? I've tested it in
 different browsers on different computers.
 Thank you.

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Re: [google-appengine] disable, delete, remove ID/Name in a kind (table)

2011-05-30 Thread djidjadji
You can't. It's the primary key of the kind. The objects are fetched
using this key.

2011/5/30 David Stone

 I click on DataViewer to see my kinds (tables). No matter which kind
 (table) i look into and i always see the property (attribute) ID/
 Name. I have not found any use of this attribute and really want to
 disable or remove or delete it.

 Is there any way to do so?



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Re: [google-appengine] Violation of TOS?

2011-04-26 Thread djidjadji
It's a practice that more developers do.
Have a separate app that is used for development and testing of the
application without the risk of corrupting the main data.
Give it a name like myapp_dev and if it does not cooperate together
with the main app there is no problem with the TOS.

2011/4/24 David Hewitson
 Hi there,
 I'm developing an application which provides an API for other developers to
 use freely -- at least, it will when I finish writing it. I want to create a
 fairly advanced example application for the API which would need to be its
 own independent appengine app, mostly because I don't want to mess up my
 core application's datastore with example data.
 Is that a violation of the terms of service which forbids multiple
 applications to evade fees? I'm not trying to trick anyone, I just want to
 keep things tidy.
 Hope I managed to convey my point.


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Re: [google-appengine] Help a Newbie and earn Karma

2011-04-18 Thread djidjadji
The method dict.values() is the same as your mapToList(dictionary)
function, but a lot faster.

2011/4/14 Jeremy Foote
 I am new to App Engine, new to Python, and new to programming. :)
 Unfortunately, I don't know what I don't know, so this question will be more
 vague than I would like.

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Re: [google-appengine] Clarification on appengine-mapreduce

2011-04-13 Thread djidjadji
If you can filter the subset based on the key_name values (some kind
of prefix) you can use the method described in

It uses a custom _split_input_from_namespace() method in a
mapreduce.input_readers.DatastoreInputReader subclass

2011/4/8 Dan Dubois
 OK thanks for letting me know. I am certainly looking forward to being able
 to map over a subset of entities. It'll make my implementation of
 broadcasting using the Channel API much nicer!

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: What's the syntax of the cron job for the first day of every month?

2011-03-26 Thread djidjadji
In the dev server you can see at what time the cron job would be scheduled.

2011/3/25 王宇辉
 At least it can be parsed by google and uploaded to the backend :-)

 2011/3/25 nickmilon

 How do you know ?
 I guess you have to wait till the end of the month to see if it really
 just joking ;-)

 On Mar 24, 9:26 am, 王宇辉 wrote:
  Thanks, Bob,
  It seems runs well
  2011/3/22 Robert Kluin
Have you tried:
  - description: monthly summary job
url: /tasks/summary/monthly
schedule: 1 of month 00:00
   On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 04:12, 王宇辉 wrote:
Hey, I want to generate a monthly report on the first day of the
idea on doing this with cron jobs?
Best regards,

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Re: [google-appengine] About the usage of GAE

2011-03-14 Thread djidjadji
2011/3/14 Qiang Wang
 I am wandering about if GAE fits for me, since it seems that the gmail is
 necessary for user who want to use my service.

This is not TRUE. You can use many methods of login.
Build your own login page, use gmail accounts, use OpenID, use OAuth.
You can even use them all in the same app.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Deleting Data Really Expensive!

2011-03-11 Thread djidjadji
If would be better if the admin tool uses DatastoreKeyInputReader.
I think it will use it, and thus being the fastest way of deleting
large number of entities.

It would be more cost effective if we make every index needed explicit.
If for a single property you only need the ascending index you get a
descending index for penalty extra.

2011/3/10 David Mora
 why would it be cheaper if at the end, the datastore admin creates a map
 reduce that iterates thru the model via splitting the index and loading each
 entity per key name ? Each map is a task queue so it is exactly the same :)

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: standart libraries import errors

2011-03-08 Thread djidjadji
type 'exceptions.ImportError': No module named appstats
File /base/data/home/apps/xyz/abcdev/, line 3, in
from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording

and many other imports not found

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Re: [google-appengine] The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

2011-03-08 Thread djidjadji
Scan the group first before posting such a question.
Great change you are not the only one.
If there is an issue created for the problem star it.

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Re: [google-appengine] to: GM

2011-03-08 Thread djidjadji
Google Chrome was unable to translate this

2011/3/8 edz
 sir bat ang larong ito may bug?
 alwys disconnect and alwys error amft nmn...

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Re: [google-appengine] Confusion about key names

2011-03-05 Thread djidjadji
The Kind (db.Model) together with the key_id or key_name is the
address of the object to read or write.
Also the name space and app_id are part of this address (the db.Key)
The SQL equivalent is table_name-row_id.

2011/3/5 Ram Rachum
 I'm very confused about the whole key and key-name thing in GAE.
 What's the job of the key-name? Is this documented anywhere? I couldn't find
 it in the docs.
 For example, when I use `Model.get_or_insert`, why do I need to provide a
 `key_name`? I want to get an entity that matches the keywords I supply, or
 create one if one doesn't exist. Why do I need to put in a key name? What
 does it do? Is it stored on the object somehow? What will happen if I put in
 bla bla bla?

 Frustratedly yours,

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to fetch the parent and child data in one to many relation based on child properties

2011-03-04 Thread djidjadji
What is the problem of traversing the Leave objects, harvest all the
unique parent keys and retrieve them in a second query.

In Python:

leaves = someQuery.fetch(1000)
parentKeys=set( [ k.key() for k in leaves ] )
parents = db.get(list(parentKeys))

2011/3/3 andy
 I have Employee and Leave Transactions Details entities in one to many
 relation when i execute a query against Employee(parent) i am getting
 the result of employee and its responding leave transaction but if i
 need the information based on child properties (like 'Status' if
 Status is Applied ) then only retrieve the specific properties
 (rather than all details) of employee and leave transaction details.
    what you have suggested is right but using that i only get the
 child information but i want to include the parent also.
 one more can include more than one entity in query, like joining two

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Use Bottle Python framework with Google App Engine

2011-03-03 Thread djidjadji
In the HTML code the '' and ''  are not escaped when used in the
text with lt; and gt;
This happens on multiple pages on the site

2011/3/2 dartdog
 FWIW your page consistently crashes my chrome browser (dev chanel version 10
 on the cr48) waiting on pixel quantserve..have not tried looking at on other
 machines/browsers it also happens on your home page (same error)

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How do I sort based on the number of items on a list?

2011-03-02 Thread djidjadji
You can use the DerivedProperty from the aetycoon lib written by Nick
Johnson (search his blog).
During a put it will update the property no need to perform the count yourself.

2011/3/1 ogterran
 Thanks guys. I'll add another IntegerProperty to increment the count

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: choice internationalization

2011-02-23 Thread djidjadji
You must translate the value you received in the POST request to the
unicode value before you construct a form based on the POST/form

You can use the _CHOICES_FORMATION variable.

# these strings are in utf-8 - use it in the Model definition
'Design Gráfico',

class MyChoice(object):
 def __init__(self,val,usecode='latin_1'):
   self.val = unicode(val,usecode)
   self.valstr = self.val.encode('ascii','ignore')
 def __str__(self):
   return self.valstr
 def __unicode__(self):
   return self.val

# use these for the Django form
_CHOICES_FORMATION_FORM = tuple( [MyChoice(s,'utf-8') for s in

in your post handler

def post(self):
# translate the value for 'formation' to the right unicode string
s = self.request.POST['formation']
self.request.POST['formation'] = [unicode(i) for i in
_CHOICES_FORMATION_FORM if str(i)==s][0]

2011/2/18 Robert Kluin
 Looks like on your model definition you've specified 'choices' for
 formation, and 'Administrao' is not one of the choices.


 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 20:42, Josir wrote:
 I'm back on my choice internationalization problem.

 The solution given by djdjadji worked partially. Now the form is
 displayed but when I try to post data, I got a validation form error:

 Property formation is u'Administrao'; must be one of (, ,
 'Jornalismo', 'Marketing', 'Marketing', 'Psicologia', 'Publicidade',
 'Radialismo', 'Cinema', 'Outras')

 Is this a Django 0.96 form error ? Is this solved if I upgrade Django
 to 1.2 ?
 Or: does somebody have any tip ?

 Thanks in advance,
 Josir Gomes

 On 26 jan, 15:05, djidjadji wrote:
 Then you have to build a class with a __str__() and a __unicode__() method.
 The __unicode__() method should return the string that is displayed in
 the combobox and the __str__() returns the value that is put in the
 field of the form at the time of submit.

 class MyChoice(object):
   def __init__(self,val):
     self.val = unicode(val,'latin_1')
     self.valstr = self.val.encode('ascii','ignore')
   def __str__(self):
     return self.valstr
   def __unicode__(self):
     return self.val

      MyChoice('Design Gráfico'),

 2011/1/26 Josir

  I got an error:

   File /home/josir/sist/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/db/, line 170, in get_form_field
     choices.append((str(choice), unicode(choice)))
  UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position
  10-13: ordinal not in range(128)

  What I understand is function get_form_field try to convert choice to
  a python string str(choice), where choice is each item of

  Any ideas on how to fix it ?


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Re: [google-appengine] template inheritance while using django 1.2 via appengiene uselibrary in gae 1.4.2

2011-02-23 Thread djidjadji
Search for:  def webapp_django_setup():

You should change the setup.
Add your own file loader and config variable.
Because webapp changes TEMPLATE_DIRS for every template rendering.

2011/2/22 Robert Kluin
 There are several other similar discussions, here's a couple:

 I think there was something in the past week or two as well, but I
 couldn't find it quickly.  You might want to spend a few minutes
 searching the groups.

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Re: [google-appengine] Information about an app? Creation and contact info?

2011-02-23 Thread djidjadji
It could be that this name is a gmail acount.

It could be that it looks like nothing is being deployed. Maybe the
'/' URL is mapped to a not-implemented handler.
You have to touch the right URL or with the right google accounts to
get a responds.

2011/2/23 Kris Bravo
 I recently went to add a new app and found the name to be used already. When
 I looked at the existing app it doesn't appear to have anything deployed
 yet. The name is unique enough to make me wonder when it was created and
 whether the other owner needs it anymore.

 Is there a way to contact owners of other applications?
 Is there a way to know when an app was created?


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Need help with redirection

2011-02-22 Thread djidjadji
Are you sure your redirect request handler is being called?
Put some calls in your code.

Have you tried  http://localhost:8080/learn

Have you read and understand HTTP and HTML tutorials.

Why not put the external link directly in the a tag

a href=''Learn/a

or in Django templates

a href='{{teach_URL}}'Learn/a

And in your template render function add a

template_values['teach_URL'] = ''

2011/2/20 Rutwick
 Hi Robert,

 Thanks for the response!
 I have practiced the guestbook app 2 times for learning, and now the
 3rd time, as I'm following it for making my own app.

 My data comes from some API, where in I'm passing a keyword. My
 problem is, I want to use a set of template values commonly throughout
 the site, no matter to what URL I'm going to. For example, if I want a
 value 'site-header':'Hello!', I want it to be same on all the pages. I
 have to pass it every time template.render function renders a page! I
 want to do it so that I can have a templating sort of flow for the
 site. Like, any where I call {{site-header}}, it should get the same

 And one more doubt, how to redirect to a third party site from my app?
 I made a tutorial for the app I'm making, and I want to redirect
 people to it for learning it. I tried this:
 My div='nav' has a like to my site: a href='/learn'Learn/a

 My file:
 app = webapp.WSGIApplication([ ('/', Init),
                                                 ('/learn', Learn)]

 class Learn(webapp.RequestHandler):
      def get(self):

 This isn't working! When I click the link, I get 
 in the address bar (I'm working locally) and I tried hard coding the
 address, but it doesn't work either!

 Am I doing something wrong?


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[google-appengine] Cleanup All for GAE mapreduce

2011-02-15 Thread djidjadji
I have adapted the source code for mapreduce to add a Cleanup All
function to the UI.
I only modified the code for the python part of mapreduce.
You can find the code and a blog post at

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Re: [google-appengine] MapReduce as Cron jobs: How to specify the number of shards?

2011-02-14 Thread djidjadji
Today I updated the mapreduce library.
I see the same only 1 shard when I use the dev_server.
The dev_server does not have the __scatter__ property of objects.
The mapreduce library then falls back to a single shard.

And on the production it depends on how many objects have a
__scatter__ property.
If less then shard_count have __scatter__ you get less shards.

GAE Team: What determines if an object gets a __scatter__ property?

2011/2/11 djidjadji
 In your add these two lines


     { entity_kind: self.request.get(entity_kind, models.YourModel),
       processing_rate: int(self.request.get(processing_rate, 100)) },
    shard_count = shard_count,
   mapreduce_parameters={done_callback: self.request.get(done_callback,
                                                             None) } )

 2011/2/10 Andrin von Rechenberg
 Hey there
 Today I created a library to run MapReduces as cron jobs in python.
 However, I didn't figure out how to I'm able to set the
 shard_count programmatically.
 In mapreduce/ there is a function I call:

 def start_map(name,






 However, no matter what o I pass as the shard_count argument, it is ignored.

 Any ideas?



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Re: [google-appengine] Appengine scalability ~200 get/sec and about 50 put/sec

2011-02-11 Thread djidjadji
GAE is optimized for datastore read operations. No problem in scaling
for get operations.

The put scaling depends on if you are updating a particular entity
group more then 1 or 2 times a second.
If not then there is no problem in scaling put operations.

If updating one (1) entity group more then 1/sec but it happens in
bursts you can use the task queue to
perform the update, it will retry in case you have a transaction exception.

2011/2/10 Atif Gulzar
 I am estimating whether AppEngine is scalable for ~200 get/sec  and about 50
 put/sec RPC calls.
 I have ran the AppStat on my current app, which have currently very low
 traffic about ~20get and ~4put/sec. And the average time for my get rpc
 calls is about ~10ms while ~100ms for the put calls.
 Actually, I have a handler which calls a model on each call to get the user
 data. And I am expecting the load on this handler for about ~200hits/sec
 And some of these users may update some data. And I am expecting about
 ~50hits/sec on this update handler.
 I am just looking whether appengine will be scaleable for my above

 Best Regards,
 Atif Gulzar

 I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ

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Re: [google-appengine] MapReduce as Cron jobs: How to specify the number of shards?

2011-02-11 Thread djidjadji
In your add these two lines


 { entity_kind: self.request.get(entity_kind, models.YourModel),
   processing_rate: int(self.request.get(processing_rate, 100)) },
shard_count = shard_count,
   mapreduce_parameters={done_callback: self.request.get(done_callback,
 None) } )

2011/2/10 Andrin von Rechenberg
 Hey there
 Today I created a library to run MapReduces as cron jobs in python.
 However, I didn't figure out how to I'm able to set the
 shard_count programmatically.
 In mapreduce/ there is a function I call:

 def start_map(name,






 However, no matter what o I pass as the shard_count argument, it is ignored.

 Any ideas?



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Re: [google-appengine] Is it impossible to guarantee a put()

2011-02-11 Thread djidjadji
Have a look at the deferred API in the SDK. No limit on the payload of
a task, it is stored temporarily in the datastore.

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Re: [google-appengine] WTF... new SDK and new local datastore ???

2011-02-11 Thread djidjadji
I had a problem that the python 1.3.8 SDK was unable to write in a
1.3.7 SDK datastore.
They must have changed something because SDK 1.4.1 was able to
read/write a 1.3.7 SDK datastore.

2011/2/11 Matija Jerković
 I am using java version. I remember that python version didn't break
 datastore file on sdk change, but for java version I am not sure if this
 happened before.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Can't attach error messages to individual fields in clean()

2011-02-04 Thread djidjadji
I just found out that they had removed the 0.96 documentation.
The documentation can be found here*/

Instead you can redefine the full_clean() method of the Form and
return different data in the exception and set multiple error fields.
Or let the clean methods return a dictionary with clean data and
errors. Based on the return type do different things.
And in the errors part specify for which fields you want to set which errors.
You can use the original method as a template.

2011/2/3 Jachin Rupe
 It worked great with one caveat. When I raise an error I can only attach it
 to one form field.
 Say I wanted to attach the error message to both the start and end date
 field. Is there a way to do that?
 It looks like one of the fields gets cleaned before the other one, so what
 ever one gets cleaned second will have the error message attached to it,
 better then what I had before, but maybe that just doesn't work in 0.96.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Can't attach error messages to individual fields in clean()

2011-02-02 Thread djidjadji
You don't tell which version of the django forms you use. You link to
a django 1.0 form page but django 0.96 does it a bit different.

In your form subclass define the following functions and raise the same
raise forms.ValidationError(uYou need to pick a start date and time
in the future.)
if needed

class MyForm(Form):
  def clean_startdate(self):
# return cleaned version of start date or raise Validation error
  def clean_enddate(self):
# return cleaned version of end date or raise Validation error

2011/2/2 Jachin Rupe
 One more thing, if I just throw a validation error, that works fine, but it
 doesn't put the error message on both of the fields.
 raise forms.ValidationError(uYou need to pick a start date and time in the

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Re: [google-appengine] Large scale database

2011-01-27 Thread djidjadji
You can save yourself appending to the updated list.

updated = MyModel.all().filter(color =, old_favorite).fetch(100)
for entity in updated:
 entity.color = new_favorite

2011/1/27 Wim den Ouden
 Hi Michael,
 With small entities and without transactions, groups, high replication
 etc. you can save much more entities p/s
 from Nick Johnson (google)
 batch put, also delete

 updated = []
 for entity in MyModel.all().filter(color =,
  entity.color = new_favorite


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Cron job Failure

2011-01-27 Thread djidjadji
And you have the advantage of a retry in case of a failure, like no
writes during maintenance, task are suspended until the maintenance is
complete. You can add new tasks but they are put on hold for a while.

2011/1/26 Kaan Soral
 Add the job to a queue instead of running it directly in cron
 that way it can run for 10 minutes

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: choice internationalization

2011-01-26 Thread djidjadji
Then you have to build a class with a __str__() and a __unicode__() method.
The __unicode__() method should return the string that is displayed in
the combobox and the __str__() returns the value that is put in the
field of the form at the time of submit.

class MyChoice(object):
  def __init__(self,val):
self.val = unicode(val,'latin_1')
self.valstr = self.val.encode('ascii','ignore')
  def __str__(self):
return self.valstr
  def __unicode__(self):
return self.val

 MyChoice('Design Gráfico'),

2011/1/26 Josir
 I got an error:

  File /home/josir/sist/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/db/, line 170, in get_form_field
    choices.append((str(choice), unicode(choice)))
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position
 10-13: ordinal not in range(128)

 What I understand is function get_form_field try to convert choice to
 a python string str(choice), where choice is each item of

 Any ideas on how to fix it ?


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Re: [google-appengine] uppercase and lowercase url handler in app.yaml.

2011-01-24 Thread djidjadji
- url: /(?i)app


- url: (?i)/app

2011/1/24 Albert

 In my app.yaml, I have the following handler:

 - url: /app

 I also want /App and /ApP to resolve to my handler, and all other
 uppercase and lowercase variations of app to work. Any ideas?


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Re: [google-appengine] Appstats throws a warning during loading

2011-01-24 Thread djidjadji
Star this issue

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to use the same variable in two handlers?

2011-01-23 Thread djidjadji
With what you want to do there IS NO difference in doing it in Django
templates then in Mako templates.
That will result in a hatred awards Mako too.

2011/1/23 Zeynel
 Unfortunately, I have an irrational hatred for Django templates so I
 am trying to do this with Mako templates.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to handle form submit with 1 handler only?

2011-01-23 Thread djidjadji
This is not true.
They are equivalent. They modify the query IN-PLACE. They do not
return a new one.
All the db.Query methods return self. You can choose to chain them all
in one line or in separate lines.
No need to assign to the items variable after the create call [ Item.all() ].

2011/1/23 Claude Vedovini
 I also noticed that your code to retrieve the records from the DB is
 wrong, this won't work as you expect:

 items = Item.all()
 items.filter(type =, merchandise_type)

 because filter and order methods do not modify the query, they return
 a new one, so your code be:

 items = Item.all()
 items = items.filter(type =, merchandise_type)
 items = items.order(-points)

 or the shorter

 items = Item.all().filter(type =, merchandise_type).order(-points)

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Re: [google-appengine] How to use the same variable in two handlers?

2011-01-22 Thread djidjadji
Make merchandise_type a hidden input field of the form generated by
Directory() and get the value in the DirectorySubmitHandler().

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to use the same variable in two handlers?

2011-01-22 Thread djidjadji
input type=hidden name=dir_type value=###

instead of ### print the value of the variable merchandise_type

2011/1/22 Zeynel
 On Jan 22, 12:07 pm, djidjadji wrote:

 Make merchandise_type a hidden input field of the form generated by
 Directory() and get the value in the DirectorySubmitHandler().

 Ok. I have the hidden field in the form in Directory like this:

 input type=hidden name=dir_type value=merchandise_type

 but how do I get that

 the value of the merchandise_type in the DirectorySubmitHandler?

 self.request.get(dir_type) is merchandise_type not the url


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to use the same variable in two handlers?

2011-01-22 Thread djidjadji
urllib.urlencode() should be used to quote the parameter

If Directory() is processed after DirectorySubmitHandler() you can
NEVER get the merchandise_type variable.
And it is possibly handled in another app instance.

dir_type = merchandise_type # remove this line

dir_type is never used in DirectorySubmitHandler()

import urllib

self.redirect(/dir?%s % urllib.urlencode({ 'type' :
self.request.get(dir_type) } )

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How to use the same variable in two handlers?

2011-01-22 Thread djidjadji
'type' is between quotes == a string.
Has nothing to do with a variable or a function object.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: choice internationalization

2011-01-18 Thread djidjadji
In the unicode() call you must specify the encoding used, to decode
the string to a unicode one. Or pass it a unicode string.
example unicode(s,'utf-8')

The Django code uses the default encoding string ascii.

Or make a list of objects with a __unicode__() method that returns the
unicode version of the string.

You could build your choices list with unicode strings

     unicode('Design Gráfico','latin_1'),
Or use the encoding name that is used to edit the file.

2011/1/18 Josir
 Thanks for replying Zeynel.

 I've read this article before but I could not understand how can it
 help me because it does not have any citation on Django or GA.

 Usually, in pure Python/Django, I use the u' notation and forms and
 templates understand that the string is unicode.
 But on GA, it's not working.

 Do you have any specific suggestion/tip on the above code ?

 Josir Gomes

 On Jan 18, 2:23 am, Zeynel wrote:
 Can this be helpful to 

 On Jan 17, 10:53 pm, Josir wrote:

  Hi folks, I have the following code:

      'Design Gráfico',

  class Contact(db.Model):
      name = db.StringProperty(verbose_name='Nome', required=True)
      email = db.EmailProperty(verbose_name='E-mail', required=True)
      phone = db.StringProperty(verbose_name='Telefone')
      formation = db.StringProperty(

  When I try to run it, I got

    File /home/josir/sist/google_appengine/google/appengine/ext/db/, line 170, in get_form_field
      choices.append((str(choice), unicode(choice)))
  UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position
  10: ordinal not in range(128)

  To fix it, I tried:

  1)    u'Administração',

  2)   insert the header:

  #!/usr/bin/env python
  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  # coding=utf-8

  But both solution didn't work. How can I use latin (portuguese)
  characters on choice field ?

  Thanks in advance,

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Configuration webapp_add_wsgi_middleware not recognized error

2011-01-16 Thread djidjadji
does a HEAD request. If you don't implement that the site is reported
as down also.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Configuration webapp_add_wsgi_middleware not recognized error

2011-01-16 Thread djidjadji
A HEAD request is like a GET or POST request.
The request handler must have a def head(self) method. The responds
should be the result of a GET request but without the body.
I don't know how webapp or another framework handles it after the
return of the head() function.

2011/1/16 Tom Critchlow
 Hi djidjadji,
 I'm pretty now to coding and python - could you please give me a pointer as
 to how I add HEAD information? Is this something I need to do within
 Is this related to the missing middleware error or unrelated?

 On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 8:44 AM, djidjadji wrote:
 does a HEAD request. If you don't implement that the site is reported
 as down also.

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 Tom Critchlow

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: users.create_logout_url(/) not working

2011-01-16 Thread djidjadji
Try to find out why this is double in the URL

try this code snippet

url = users.create_logout_url(/)

2011/1/16 Zeynel
 On Jan 16, 1:11 am, Robert Kluin wrote:

   What kind of auth does your app use, Google, Apps Domain, Federated?
  You might also want to explain the actual problem in more detail.
 What are the links produced, etc...

 Hi Robert,

 The app is using Google Accounts API as Authentication Option; and I
 am testing this in Chrome. When I click on the sign out link created
 by the app I get broken link warning and this link:

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: users.create_logout_url(/) not working

2011-01-16 Thread djidjadji
According to the manual

2011/1/16 Zeynel
 Can you explain what users.create_login_url(/) does?

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Re: [google-appengine] How does get_by_key_name work?

2011-01-16 Thread djidjadji

2011/1/16 Zeynel

 I am reading this sample app called overheard to add
 ranking functionality to my app.

 His models.set_vote() function has a line

 vote = Vote.get_by_key_name(key_names =, parent = quote)

 and his Vote model is

 class Vote(db.Model):
    Storage for a single vote by a single user on a single quote.

      key_name: The email address of the user that voted.
      parent:   The quote this is a vote for.

      vote: The value of 1 for like, -1 for dislike.
    vote = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)

 Where does he get the key_names? They are not included in the Vote? is here:

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Re: [google-appengine] Entity groups - does work on a child lock the parent, and vice versa?

2011-01-15 Thread djidjadji
From the Python documentation:
When you use the App Engine datastore, every attempt to create,
update, or delete an entity happens in a transaction.

This means, I think, that GAE will perform/create a transaction for
you, in the API, if the put() code is not already inside a
So you don't need to code a transaction to create a child object, GAE
will do that for you.

# no need for a transaction here.
Grok(parent=myFoo).put()  # python syntax

Code the transaction yourself if you need to modify multiple objects
in the entity group.

2011/1/13 Stephen Johnson
 From the documentation:
 While an app is applying changes to entities in an entity group, all other
 attempts to update any entity in the group fail at commit time. Because of
 this design, using entity groups limits the number of concurrent writes you
 can do on any entity in that group. When a transaction starts, App Engine
 uses optimistic concurrency control by checking the last update time for the
 entity group. Upon commiting a transaction for an entity group, App Engine
 again checks the last update time for the entity group. If it has changed
 since our initial check, we throw an exception. For an explanation of entity
 groups, see Entity Groups.

 On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Mark wrote:


 Let's say we have an entity group hierarchy like this:

       --- Grok

 Foo is the entity parent. Any time I add a Grok instance to the
 datastore, does the parent Foo instance have to be locked? Example:

    Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
    try {

        Grok grok = new Grok();

        tx.commit(); // will a parent Foo get locked now?
    finally {
        if (tx.isActive()) {

 I guess the same question then - if I'm performing a transaction on
 the parent Foo, will all its Grok instances be locked?


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Forming url with id number

2011-01-15 Thread djidjadji
You could use the URL dispatcher to check for validity of the passed
id by making the id part of the URL

in the code

class ItemPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self, id):
id = int(id)
# rest of the handler

application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/item/(\d+)', ItemPage)],

def main():

Use some sort of template engine. Much easier if the site or pages gets bigger.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Forming url with id number

2011-01-15 Thread djidjadji
First you make an index page containing all the items you want to show
based on a filtering, maybe date.

class ItemIndexPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
items = Item.all().filter(...some filter...).fetch(1000)
for item in items:
self.response.out.write(lia href=%s%s/abr /
a href=/item/%scomments/a/li  %
cgi.escape(item.title), cgi.escape(item.key().id(

And deal with the individual item in the next handler

class ItemPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self, id):
id = int(id)
item = Item.get_by_id(id)
# rest of the handler

application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/items',
ItemIndexPage)],('/item/(\d+)', ItemPage)],

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Re: [google-appengine] How to launch 100K+ recurring task every 5 min

2011-01-15 Thread djidjadji
If you want to use GWT for the frontend you can use Python for the backend.

2011/1/14 supercobra
 Hi Eli,

 Thanks for the great feedback. If Task Queue Java is as evolved as
 Phyton that maybe the way to go.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Update about the App Engine issues tracker

2011-01-14 Thread djidjadji
I'm unable to add a label component-docs to a new issue, or add it
after submitting it, for

For a project on where i'm a developer I can
add the labels.

2011/1/13 Ikai Lan (Google)
 3. The goal is to improve our documentation. Working in the groups teaches
 us where our documentation is deficient. I agree that sometimes the articles
 are hard to find. If you have any documentation suggestions, feel free to
 open an issue with the label component-docs - though small fixes are much
 more likely to make it in than large or unspecific fixes.

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Re: [google-appengine] CSS

2011-01-14 Thread djidjadji
Run your page through

Add a DOCTYPE to your page.
Do you still use the font and center tags?
center is not allowed inside a a tag.
Why do you have a CSS file if you add style directly in the HTML?
You don't close the font and span tags?
The p that Fabrizio mentioned is a real beauty, ellipses (...)
instead of   : p style=cut ...

img src=/static/squadra.gif/ width=250px
What is the / doing inside the img tag? And the px is not allowed in
the with attribute, it is not a style specification.

Three div id=box tags? Looks more like a class.

In the CSS file all tags specify to use
font-family:Arial, Helvetica,'Liberation Sans', FreeSans, sans-serif;
Move this to the body CSS specification with a default size and
specify size differences at the other CSS specs.

If you have a group of CSS specs that show up multiple times group
them in a separate CSS class and use multiple css classes to a tag or
an id and class attribute.
.grey-border {
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 0px 6px #00;
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 0px 6px #00;
box-shadow: 1px 0px 6px #00;
background: #CC;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #CC 0%, #DD 4%,
#DD 96%, #CC 100%);
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top,
color-stop(0%,#CC), color-stop(4%,#DD),
color-stop(96%,#DD), color-stop(100%,#CC));
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(
startColorstr='#CC', endColorstr='#CC',GradientType=1 );
/* div#box is now class .box */
.box {
-moz-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;
font: 15px/1.5 Arial, Helvetica,'Liberation Sans', FreeSans, sans-serif;

div#img {
margin: 0;
font: 15px/1.5 Arial, Helvetica,'Liberation Sans', FreeSans, sans-serif;

In your HTML
div id=img class=grey-border
img src=static/squadra.gif width=250
div class=box grey-border
Prova br
klfjlkfjldfjglkdfnbn x.,nb,cbv,

2011/1/14 Fabrizio Accatino
 Your issue is not a GAE issue.  The CSS is the same.
 Check your HTML.  It's invalid. Look at the end of lorem ipsum block and
 the adv java-script block.


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Re: [google-appengine] Can i influence the number of instances?

2011-01-12 Thread djidjadji
They will be created automatic when the request counts goes up.

2011/1/12 willtenner

 can i increase the number of instances? The more the better :/

 At the moment my app uses no more than 9 instances.

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Re: [google-appengine] app.yaml differente handlers by subdomains...

2011-01-11 Thread djidjadji
If all versions have the SAME code why direct different host names to
different versions.
GAE will create multiple instances of the same code to service
simultaneous requests, up to hundreds of requests a second.

2011/1/11 Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui
 Hello All,
 I have a app with different versions.
 All versions use the same code but i would like configure my app.yaml to use
 differente script by versions.
 hum... i don't know if i'm understable :)
 An example (app.yaml):
 - url:*
 - script: servers/server1/
 - url:*
 - script: servers/server2/
 - url: /.*
 How do that? or something like...

 Thank a lot!

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Re: [google-appengine] Need help downloading java version from gae Newbie

2011-01-11 Thread djidjadji
To my knowledge there is no source code for Java apps on GAE servers.
Use some sort of Version Control software. CVS, SVN, GIT,...

2011/1/11 Dave Allen
 I cannot find anything on the net, so I am requesting assistance
 downloading a previous version of my gae, gwt app. I am using Ubuntu
 Linux. Also, if it does not come down to Eclipse directly, kindly
 instruct me how to unpack it, get it into eclipse. Thanks.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Taskqueue payload

2011-01-05 Thread djidjadji
If you use the deferred API

from google.appengine.ext import deferred

The storing of the task arguments in a datastore object is done by the API.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: This request used a high amount of CPU and may soon exceed its quota - 2010/2011

2010-12-23 Thread djidjadji
The text for this quota warning originated in 2008 or begin 2009. At
that time there was a more strict quota on CPU usage. Now you use the
warning to locate requests that might be up for an improvement.
Inspect the request with app-stat and rethink the code used.

2010/12/23 Matija
 I understand quota system, but I don't know exact parameters that trigger
 additional latency in statement: 'Applications that are heavily CPU-bound
 may also incur some additional latency in order to efficiently share
 resources with other applications on the same servers.'
 Also I don't know how this latency is imposed. I would like to know them
 before they are imposed or if they will be imposed.

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Re: [google-appengine] Enhancement/Concept for Foreign Property Synchronization within Models

2010-12-14 Thread djidjadji
What happens when a multiple put is performed?
The Sync must be done before constructing the protocol buffer. Are the
Author entities fetched in parallel or serial?
And how to deal with it if the multiple put contains different types
of objects where all or some have Sync properties?

Nick Johnson has coded a few extra Property classes in aetycoon module.

Maybe you can use the DerivedProperty or the TransformedProperty to
fill the Sync property.
They use (lambda) functions to construct the property content.
I don't know if these properties work when the field they depend on is
a class instance.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: What's the red and blue bars in AppStats?

2010-12-12 Thread djidjadji
The usage of Appstats on the development environment is to determine
if the request is not performing to many RPC calls.
Doing transactions in a loop is a nice example that might be optimized.

Don't compare the execution times of the development and production.
They have very different implementations of the Datastore, and
sometimes the production has to start a new app instance.

For some RPC calls on the production server the API time (red bar) is
larger then the wall-clock time (blue bar) because some
queries/puts/get/fetch calls can be parallelized. The red bar is the
sum of the processing cycles combined.

The gaps in between the blue bars is the time spend in the code you
have written that are not API calls. For example to construct a list
of db.Key's you want to get.
Those ms added together and converted to 1.2 GHz processor are the
CPUms in the result.

2010/12/7 Fredrik Bonander
 Thanks for your (both of you) info.
 In my mission to improve my application I'm on a constant hunt for
 milliseconds. But while improving on every request I find it kinda strange
 that the difference would be so huge from my development server.
 In appstats the trouble some request that show's 3275ms 9140cpu_ms
 7296api_cpu_ms is 1 memcache call, 4 db.RunQuery and 5 db.Get and in my
 development it's about 400ms. When thinking about it I would think that the
 red bar (the longest one) is time spent waiting on the request to return.
 Especially since the red bar is not present in appstats on my development
 I think it would make sense or that for some odd reason my code is so bad
 that would run that much slower on the production servers.
 Another thing that bugs me a bit is that this is my third time asking about
 how CPU/API time is calculated in different contexts but never any answers
 from Santa's Elves (in sprit of keeping to the metaphor).
 If I'm right (about the red bars) why the long waiting times for some
 requests ?
 It would be great to get some clarification in how this works so we as
 developers can know how to proceed. I don't want to spend x amount of hours
 optimizing my code if I can't to anything to help improve the CPU/API times.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Data inconsistency

2010-11-20 Thread djidjadji
What if you upload the same code to a different version and make that current?
That should kill all the instances running the old version.

2010/11/19 Sanjay
 I'm pretty sure the data consistency is not in our application because
 of the characteristics of the problem.  I do not use Memcache or a per-
 instance in-memory cache, and perform direct reads from the datastore
 as the application is high-write, low-read.

 I can reproduce this problem at will by just refreshing a page that
 reloads the data from the datastore.  About 20% of the time I get an
 incorrect value.  The data is being written using a cron that fires
 every 10 minutes, and there are no other writers to this entry.  Thus
 I'm pretty sure that it's not being performed by an incorrect write.
 From the characteristics, it seems to me like there's an instance
 serving the application that is stale and serving bad data.  Perhaps
 this instance is in a different datacenter than the main set of
 instances, and thus Megastore replication has fallen behind, or is in
 an inconsistent state?

 I've been working with AppEngine for nearly the last year, and haven't
 seen this bizarre behavior before.

 Is there a way to escalate such issues for someone in Google to have a


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Re: [google-appengine] Tasks and GAE Maintenance

2010-11-17 Thread djidjadji
To my knowledge: Yes.
The task queues execution is put on hold. When the read-only period is
over the task queue will processes tasks.

2010/11/17 Matt
 Hi there,
 Very quick question:
 During GAE maintenance will my code be able to add tasks to queues?

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [google-appengine] Can't move down then up the directory tree for inserting of html files with {% include %}

2010-11-16 Thread djidjadji
The template code between 0.96 and 1.1.2 is not changed (much).

The include template node is looking relative to the directories in


Find out what is in this list or tuple and write the include path
relative to one of the given directories.

2010/11/14 Brian
 Thanks for the help.

 I'm using Python 2.5 and Django Template 1.1 on app engine

 I can't seem to move down the dir tree for inserting of html files
 using  {% include file %} statement
 Works just fine to any where up the tree, i can go up 3,4 levels just
 fine, but can not go down even 1 {% include ../LOGO.html %}

 Sample dir structure:

 root/lib/LOGO.html  (1 level down then 1 level up )
 root/LOGO.html      (1 level down)
 root/main/home.html --tried: {% include ../LOGO.html %} ,{% include
 root/lib/LOGO.html %} , {% include /root/lib/logo.html %}

 I changed TEMPLATE_DIRS setting 20 ways.


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: How do you use the development server for testing

2010-11-14 Thread djidjadji
if you add a __str__() method to the class that returns a string you
want to print instead of the default handle number

class Rep(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sint = 5
# some other init stuff
def __str__(self):
return Rep: sint=%d % self.sint

Maybe adding a __repr__(self) method would be needed (if you use %r in
your print strings)

2010/11/14 Zeynel
 On Nov 13, 7:10 am, Wim den Ouden wrote:
 why not simple results_type = results

 Yes, thanks, this

    self.response.out.write(C_RESULT: %s  %


    C_RESULT: [__main__.Rep object at 0x044F0630]

 Is there a way to print the contents of this object without iterating?

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Body of a GET request

2010-11-12 Thread djidjadji
A GET request has NO body.
A POST request has a body.

2010/11/12 MasterGaurav
 Hi Anton,

 I do not see anything in the request that suggests it has a body!

 What makes you suspect that...

 Happy Hacking,
 Gaurav Vaish

 On Nov 12, 2:25 pm, anton.belyaev wrote:
 Hello all,

 Sometimes I see in the logs GET requests with body! Seems, certain
 browsers consider the url too long and put the parameters of GET
 request into body.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Body of a GET request

2010-11-12 Thread djidjadji
I don't think that '/' and ':' are allowed characters in a GET parameter.
You should try urllib.urlencode and see what it constructs and which
chars are excaped with the given set of parameters.
If this is an illegal GET request parameter list you might expect the
parser to bail out and repost: NO parameter.

api_url is not properly escaped, api_result has the chars '/:' escaped.

Maybe pars the request string yourself.

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Re: [google-appengine] Working with Query results

2010-11-10 Thread djidjadji
RESULTS = QUERY.fetch(10)
RESULTS.sort(key=lambda x: x.mDATE.toordinal() * x.mCOUNT)

What is a list of model instances?
You can start by learning some basic python. Read the tutorial on the website, or in the help file (on windows platform)

2010/11/10 Zeynel
 Can someone help me understand how to access the results of a query?

 This is my model:

 class Rep(db.Model):
    mAUTHOR = db.UserProperty(auto_current_user=True)
    mUNIQUE = db.StringProperty()
    mCOUNT = db.IntegerProperty()
    mDATE = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    mDATE0 = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    mWEIGHT = db.IntegerProperty()

 The app has a textarea form and user submits repetitions. mCOUNT is
 the number of repetitions. I use this query to display top ten reps:

 QUERY = Rep.all()
 QUERY.filter(mAUTHOR =, user)
 RESULTS = QUERY.fetch(10)

 I display the results with Mako template:

 % for result in RESULTS:
 p${result.mUNIQUE} (${result.mCOUNT})/p
 % endfor

 Instead of sorting by mCOUNT I want to sort by mWEIGHT so that an old
 item with high count should be lower than a new item with lower count.
 But the precise weighing formula is not important at this point. For
 instance, it may be


 What I do not understand is, how do I access mDATE and mCOUNT to put
 them in the formula? I am having difficulty, in general, visualizing
 the result of a query. The tutorial
 says that the query returns the requested results as a list of model
 instances. What is a list of model instances? And how to access
 them as a variables in this context. Thanks for your help.

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Re: [google-appengine] Keys only queries do not support IN filters?

2010-11-09 Thread djidjadji
A query with 'IN' is translated behind the scene as separate queries.
You can perform them yourself

result = []
for kw in keywords:
result.extend(Article.all(keys_only=True).filter('keywords =',
if len(result)=10: break
result = result[:10]

2010/11/9 风笑雪
 When I run this query:
 Article.all(keys_only=True).filter('keywords IN', keywords).fetch(10)

 It raise a BadQueryError: Keys only queries do not support IN filters.

 But I can't find this restriction in document:


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: balancing traffic between multiple versions of an appengine application

2010-11-05 Thread djidjadji
Why not run each version for a couple of hours/days as default.
Download the logs of both versions and perform your comparison statistics.

2010/11/4 Rohit
 A/B type testing. It'd be different versions/code. When I launch a new
 version, I want to be able to say 20% of traffic goes to this version

 On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Tim Hoffman wrote:

 Why would you do this ?

 There is no value from a load balancing point of view.

 The only possible reason is you actually want different people to
 access different versions/code
 (ie you have both python and java apps installed on the same
 datastore, or you have users who are
 going to do UAT on the new version)



 On Nov 5, 5:27 am, Rohit wrote:
  I have a version 1 and version 2 of an appengine application. I want
  1 to be the primary server that my end users visit but I'd like to
  direct n%
  to version 2. Has anyone come up with a relatively clean way to do this?

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Reset memcache immediately after deployment?

2010-11-03 Thread djidjadji
But the previous version instances can create new memcache entries
between the flush and the switching of default versions.
If the new version can't handle old memcache entries...

2010/11/3 Remigius
 If you use a deployment script (ant, shell, whatever), you could just
 add a call to a URL (pointing to your app) that is executed after
 deployment instead of using cron.
 If not, this may be one more reason to create one.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Reset memcache immediately after deployment?

2010-11-03 Thread djidjadji
This looks like you could use a template to construct the memcache content.
If gathering the time for the template data is very easy, using a memchached
version would slow you down.
If you use Django templates, they are cached in the server instance. No need
to read them again from file. You can even use the Django template cache to
cache static files (no field substitutions) in the server instance.

You can make a template loader that reads gzip files.

2010/11/3 pdknsk
 Sorry, I didn't mention that I also do a simple string replace where I
 insert time() and also two or three other string replacements based on
 user agent, so purely static files don't work.

 You're right, the performance difference is negligible, and reading
 from file might even be faster if I didn't use gzip to open them. I'll
 try with uncompressed files in the next update. I mostly used memcache
 because reading from memory should be more efficient and put less
 strain on the system than reading from disk. Is open() quota free? It
 seems to be.

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Re: [google-appengine] how to upload a csv file, parse it, and save in the data model

2010-11-01 Thread djidjadji
You forgot the enctype attribute of the form tag

form name=uploadform enctype=multipart/form-data

2010/10/31 He Jibo
 Hi, Can someone teach me how to parse a file uploaded to GAE?

 I am writing a feature that users can upload a .csv file, and save
 data into the data model. I have already implemented the uploading,
 see the link below:
 But I do not know how to parse it, and save in my data model. Below is
 my html and processing code. I can upload a csv file, but the data in
 the csv is not saved into the data model. Can someone teach me what's
 wrong with my code, and how should I do? Thanks!

 --html file code
 form name=uploadform
          /pCSV File(Comma Separated Value) File*: /p
          input type=file
      input type=submit value=Upload/div

 --processing code
 class TestUpload(webapp.RequestHandler):
    '''add item using .csv file'''
    def get(self):
        path =
        self.response.out.write(template.render(path, {}))
    def post(self):
        fileReader = open(self.request.get('uploadfilename'))
        fileReader = csv.reader(csv_file.split(\n))

        for row in fileReader:
            cell = row.split('\t')

            fourchoice = FourChoices()
            fourchoice.description = cell[0]
            fourchoice.choiceA = cell[1]
            fourchoice.choiceB = cell[2]
            fourchoice.choiceC = cell[3]
            fourchoice.choiceD = cell[4]
            fourchoice.a = cell[5]
            fourchoice.b = cell[6]
            fourchoice.c = cell[7]
            fourchoice.answer = cell[8]
        path =

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Development server hangs

2010-11-01 Thread djidjadji
Both sides of a TCP/IP connection can decide to close a connection.
The other side has to deal with it.
Or maybe an intermediate router decides to terminate it for some reason.

It should be possible to rewrite the dev-server to close the
connection once it has sent the responds.
Maybe the dev-server should do this if it can't serve a second request
on the same connection.

2010/11/1 Bemmu
 Thanks. Decided to move small images to another server, that seems to make
 it much less likely that Chrome would try to keep the connection open.

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Re: [google-appengine] Newbie-static files links

2010-11-01 Thread djidjadji
- url: /(.*\.html)
 static_files: \1
 upload: (.*\.html)

Ditch the '/' in the upload attribute

2010/11/1 Maria-Carey
 I have three static (html) files.

 Local links:

 Locally links of other static files, in these,  are working fine. But
 when I upload it on GAE, these links don't work.

 Remote link:

 My app.yaml is as follows:

 application: codeknock
 version: 1
 runtime: python
 api_version: 1

 - url: /stylesheets
  static_dir: stylesheets

 - url: /(.*\.html)
  static_files: \1
  upload: /(.*\.html)

 - url: /.*
 /***/ file is as follows:

 import cgi
 import os

 from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
 from google.appengine.ext import webapp
 from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
 from google.appengine.api import users

 class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        template_values = {
                            'greetings': 'Greetings Variables',
                            'url': 'Url Variables',
                            'url_linktext': 'Url_linktext Variables',
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html')

 def main():
    application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)],

 if __name__ == '__main__':

 Can some one guide me, where and what Iam doing wrong. And how to
 rectify it.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: [google-appengine] Daemon service

2010-10-31 Thread djidjadji
Every request should finish within 30 seconds.
You can setup a cron job and/or task queue chain to simulate a
continuous processing.
You have to keep state information in the datastore or part of the
task arguments.

2010/10/31 SombraX
 Hello everyone. I try to build a program that works non-stop, is an
 infinite while that collects information from different Web sites and
 record the information in the database. The problem is that at startup
 is interpreted as a request and get the timeout error.
 Is it possible to build a service daemon with python and boot from the
 console app enginne?

 (my english is terrible , sorrycago en die).

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Re: [google-appengine] GQL range query not working in production

2010-10-31 Thread djidjadji
Both your inequality long values are the same
timeRange = 1279593000

No timeRange value will ever match these two criteria

2010/10/31 johnterran


 I am using this GQL range query and it works for me in the
 But once i deployed it to production, the query is not working, even
 from the admin console.
 And i can see the data, and it is within range..
 SELECT * from Event WHERE timeRange  1279593000  AND timeRange = 1279593000

 class Event(db.Model):
    name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    timeRange = db.ListProperty(long)

 one sample data                Test
 Event.timeRange          [1279591200L, 1279594800L]

 Why does this work in development but not in production?
 I am running 1.3.7 in development due to datastore error in 1.3.8 on


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Re: [google-appengine] Re: datastore advice?

2010-10-29 Thread djidjadji
No. You just create 1 million Entity Groups. Resulting in 1 million
instances of customer records.
Reread the answer from Robert.
You can view the Bigtable DATASTORE (notice the absence of database,
usually associated with tables)
as one big hashtable. You have a key that designates an object
instance and the datastore retrieves
the object and uses the model definition to convert the stored data
(pbuffer) to an instance of the Model class.
Part of the datastore you have index lists that sort keys based on
some property of the object instances.

2010/10/29 sodso
 my apologies for the word typo, i meant the same

 but my question still remains - if we have to store 1 million customer
 records, do we create 100 different Kinds ~= Entity Groups ~=
 db.Model and distribute those 1 million records among those entity
 groups ?

 then what about scalability ?
 does this mean === more records = mroe entity groups to be created ?
 isnt this an awkward of doing simple things ?


 On Oct 28, 10:51 am, Robert Kluin wrote:
 There are no tables on App Engine, only Kinds which are arbitrary
 collections of properties.  In fact, all applications' entities are
 stored in a single bigtable table.

 Entity groups refers to a logical group of entities that are
 physically stored together; this allows that group of entities to be
 updated in a transaction.

 If you make entity groups with lots and lots of entities in them your
 data can not be sharded across bigtable tablets.  That means if you
 are try to write 5 entities in that group the writes are done
 serially.  Fetches will also be less efficient for the same reasons.

 You can read all about these 


 On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 21:40, sodso wrote:
  Hi Ikan Lan,

  I have seen this on so many discussions here in the forums -
  A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as

  As far as I understand it, one Model class should not have too many
  records i.e. one table should not have many records

  Isn't this strange ? When we talk of GAE, we talk of scalability but
  if the best practice says to limit ther records to only a few in a
  Model class, what use is the scalability for ? If we store millions fo
  records (for eg- customer records) in one db.Model table, are you
  saying it would really impact the performance.

  Please correct me if I am wrong. I am unclear if my app can survive on
  GAE if its working with millions of records in one db.Model table ??


  On Oct 27, 11:27 pm, Ikai Lan (Google)
  Generally speaking: no. Entity groups will guarantee a stronger chance of
  data locality, but this should not affect index traversal or batch reads.

  A best practice, however, is to keep entity groups as small as possible.
  There aren't many compelling reasons to not use root entities if you don't
  need transactions, as working with root entities is generally simpler.

  Ikai Lan
  Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

  On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:26 PM, djidjadji wrote:
   Parent and child objects are stored in the same Bigtable node. This is
   done for the transactions. A transaction works on a single
   If you perform a query you use an index to find the objects needed. At
   this point there is no performance penalty for parent or child objects
   that match the query. The query results in a number of keys of objects
   that need to be retrieved. The best query responds time is when the
   to fetch are stored in as many Bigtable nodes as possible (parallel 

   Why do you need so many child objects?
   Can you implement it with adding a Parent Reference Property to the
   child object and thus remove the need to store the entity group all in
   one Bigtable node?

   The parent-child objects are needed
   1) if you need transactions on them
   2) if you want to extract the parent key given a child key
      Perform a keys_only query on child objects and from these keys get
   the set of parent keys of objects that you need to fetch complete.
      Brett Slatkin uses this technique in a number of Google IO talks,
   the child object has a ListProperty that is used in the keys_only

   Most other applications can be implemented without the explicit parent

   2010/10/26 Charles
Hi all,

I'm wondering, since the datastore is hierarchical, does the number of
children an entity has affect the performance on querying on the 
themselves?  For example, if I have a set of parents, say...


...and I have

Re: [google-appengine] mapreduce and cron job

2010-10-26 Thread djidjadji
You must use the control module from the mapreduce module
One line in the doc tells you to chain MR tasks use a done callback
and start a new one with the control submodule.
Use this method to start a task from inside a cron handler
Have a look at mapreduce/ and the test code for

from mapreduce import control as mr_control

class MRCronHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
  Name of the task,
  {entity_kind: models.SomeModel,
  mapreduce_parameters={done_callback: /mr-end-task},
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
self.response.out.write('MR Cron Started')

2010/10/24 slash
 Hi, everybody

     I learned a lot from this group and Nick's blog. Thanks.

     I want to combine mapreduce and cron job in order to run mapping
 automatically. I did lots of search in this group and from other
 resource but I got nothing.

    I'm able to run cron job and mapreduce separately. But I really
 don't know how to combine them. Maybe I missed something really basic.

    Could anyone tell me how to run mapreduce with cron job? I didn't
 find the corresponding url to trigger mapreduce. Thank you.

    PS: I know that it's possible to do this and I subscribe issue 41
 in appengine-mapreduce project.

    Here is the link:

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Re: [google-appengine] datastore advice?

2010-10-26 Thread djidjadji
Parent and child objects are stored in the same Bigtable node. This is
done for the transactions. A transaction works on a single
If you perform a query you use an index to find the objects needed. At
this point there is no performance penalty for parent or child objects
that match the query. The query results in a number of keys of objects
that need to be retrieved. The best query responds time is when the
to fetch are stored in as many Bigtable nodes as possible (parallel fetch).

Why do you need so many child objects?
Can you implement it with adding a Parent Reference Property to the
child object and thus remove the need to store the entity group all in
one Bigtable node?

The parent-child objects are needed
1) if you need transactions on them
2) if you want to extract the parent key given a child key
Perform a keys_only query on child objects and from these keys get
the set of parent keys of objects that you need to fetch complete.
Brett Slatkin uses this technique in a number of Google IO talks,
the child object has a ListProperty that is used in the keys_only

Most other applications can be implemented without the explicit parent object.

2010/10/26 Charles
 Hi all,

 I'm wondering, since the datastore is hierarchical, does the number of
 children an entity has affect the performance on querying on the parents
 themselves?  For example, if I have a set of parents, say...


 ...and I have a set of children associated with those parents...


 ...will the number of children for each parent affect the performance of
 querying the parents themselves?  For instance, if I wanted to select all of
 the parents (SELECT * FROM parents), that would be easy with the data
 above.  But, since the datastore is hierarchical, does the performance get
 hampered if say the parents have many thousands or even millions of
 children?  Say, like...

   ...1 million more

 If so, I'm just wondering if it would make more sense to make the children
 root entities too, so as not to affect the performance of querying on the
 parents.  Anyways, hope I've explained my question well enough.

 Thanks in advance!


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Re: [google-appengine] app-id

2010-10-24 Thread djidjadji
You must use the specific email address to create the GAE app.
If you own the gmail address you can create an app with the same name.
If you delete the gmail account the name will be blocked forever.

After you create the app you can add new administrators and delete the
original one if you want.

2010/10/25 ach-nein

 i'd like to set up an appspot app with a specific app-id which is to be
 visible to end users.
 for that purpose i need to have a certain id but GAE is telling me it's not
 I own this app-id as an gmail address, is it possible to verify that it's
 mine, and be allowed to create such an app?
 if not, is it possible to delete the email address and free up the name for
 the app?

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Re: [google-appengine] Updating static files

2010-10-21 Thread djidjadji
I don't know if this is still sometimes happening with uploading, but
in the early days of GAE the new static files where always visible
when you upload to a
NON-default version. After uploading change the default version. I
still use this method.

2010/10/21 Rafael Sierra
 Hi, I made an update which changed only 1 static file (js), after 3
 updates, nothing had changed, then I tried change something in some
 python file, after that the static file was updated too.

 Is this a bug?

 Rafael Sierra

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Re: [google-appengine] Sending mail on DEV server - not working at all

2010-10-21 Thread djidjadji
Have you tried running sendmail with cygwin?
It might already be ported to cygwin.

2010/10/21 sodso
 i am using the following application settings for sending mail in local DEV

 --use_sqlite --smtp_port=465 --smtp_password=***
  --require_indexes --show_mail_body --debug

 the webpage gets stuck at Sending Mail Message and never stops and
 never sends the email

 i have checked the smtp settings, they look fine.

 is anyone sending mails on DEV local server using the above option ?? does
 it work on Windows ??

 i was trying to find the sendmail package for Windows but could not find it,
 its only available for linux unix as a tar.gz

 pls help !

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Memcache capacity

2010-10-20 Thread djidjadji
If you do this many request to memcache you have a couple of hot
instances of your app.
Maybe if your memory footprint will allow you can cache some of them
in memory first and use memcache as an L2 cache.
This will reduce the calls and data transfer.
Only cache stuff in memory that is somewhat 'static' in content.

2010/10/18 Felippe Bueno
 Hello All,
 I'd like to ask, what can I do if I reach the memcache quota limit?
 Specifically the Data Received from API and Memcache API Calls.
 Right now I have 57% used of Data Received from API. My next reset is 10h.

 I have about 500 req/sec, and I do intensive use of memcache.

 Also, is there any easy way to know how much memcache stored data my
 application is using ?


 On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Ikai Lan (Google) wrote:

 You can read our program policies here:
 There is a list of the type of content you can and cannot store on our 

 Ikai Lan
 Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

 On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 9:38 PM, SivaTumma wrote:


 Can We build applications those serve religions or Porn on appengine ?

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Re: [google-appengine] SDK 1.3.8 released!

2010-10-19 Thread djidjadji
When I want to delete the MapReduce objects from the *local* datastore
with the admin interface I get the following error
when I use v1.3.8 SDK.
Any datastore manipulation like adding a new object or running a
MapReduce Job fails with a similar error.

Using the same datastore with 1.3.7 enables me to delete or create
these objects.

I use Windows-XP-SP3 (NL)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\ext\webapp\,
line 513, in __call__*groups)
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\ext\admin\,
line 787, in post
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 395, in Delete
'datastore_v3', 'Delete', req, datastore_pb.DeleteResponse(), rpc)
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 195, in _MakeSyncCall
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 499, in check_success
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 149, in _WaitImpl
self.request, self.response)
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 863, in MakeSyncCall
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 80, in MakeSyncCall
method(request, response)
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 980, in _Dynamic_Delete
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 806, in __WriteDatastore
self.__WritePickled(encoded, self.__datastore_file)
  File C:\\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\,
line 852, in __WritePickled
os.rename(tmp_filename, filename)
WindowsError: [Error 32] The process has no access to the file because
the file is used by another process


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Re: [google-appengine] Cron and App Versions

2010-10-07 Thread djidjadji
The cron jobs are uploaded separate from the source code.
I think there is only one version of cron jobs, the last one uploaded.
If you switch default application you only switch source code.

2010/10/7 Remigius
 In the documentation of cron jobs (see
 it says that Cron requests are always sent to the default version of
 the application.

 This may be correct, but is a very short statement of what actually
 happens, leaving imho some questions unanswered. We have uploaded a
 new version of an app, which was the first version that contained a
 cron.xml. Therefore we saw only an error in the log saying No
 handlers matched this URL.. After some thinking, we came to the
 obvious conclusion that cron jobs go to the default version (see

 So far, so good. But what happens now of there are several versions of
 cron.xml deployed with different app versions? Is each of the cron
 jobs of possibly multiple versions executed? Or is cron.xml a
 singleton? Does it make sense to execute cron.xml from other versions
 than the default version (in our case it did not do any harm, as the
 handler was not present, but this may well happen in other cases)?

 At least I would appreciate to see some documentation about which
 cron.xml is/are active at a given time, to be able to exercise the
 necessary control over cron.xml deployment.

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Re: [google-appengine] Easy way to delete unowned (child) entities in same entity group ?

2010-10-06 Thread djidjadji

You need to do a (kindless) ancestor query and delete all entities
found before you delete the parent Test.
If you know the child is only of one type you can do a normal ancestor query.

You could subclass the delete() method of the Test class to do this,
but I don't know if it will work if you use

db.delete( list of keys or instances )

2010/10/6 Prashant
 Suppose, I have two types of Entities Test and TestChild. For all
 TestChild entities i have set key as child of some Test entity (because i
 want both entities in same entity group to support transaction) but i
 haven't mapped TestChild entity to any variable in Test entity.
 Now, i am wondering if there is any way, such that, if i delete Test entity
 then all corresponding child TestChild entitie(s) should also get deleted ?

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Prerelease SDK 1.3.8 is out!

2010-10-06 Thread djidjadji

2010/10/6 Greg
 On Oct 6, 1:28 pm, Ikai Lan (Google)
 - The developer who uploaded an app version can download that version's code
   using the download_app command.

 I'm not at all happy about this. I know how frequent plaintive I lost
 my code how can I get it back? messages are in this group, but the
 write-only nature of appengine gave me a lot of confidence that our
 source code is safe. Now a single password is all that stands between
 our competitors and our IP.

 Why expose ALL users to risk (and open Google to lawsuits) for the
 sake of a few inexperienced developers? Star this post if you agree.

 I guess one solution would be to make downloading optional. A setting
 to disable source downloading in app.yaml would be safe, because
 uploading a new version would destroy the existing code.


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Re: [google-appengine] Easy way to delete unowned (child) entities in same entity group ?

2010-10-06 Thread djidjadji

a normal ancestor query uses an ancestor() filter for GQL have a
look at its manual page

2010/10/6 Prashant
 Hi djidjadji,
 can you tell me, with an example, how to write a kind-less/normal ancestor
 thanks in advance :)

 On 6 October 2010 16:02, djidjadji wrote:


 You need to do a (kindless) ancestor query and delete all entities
 found before you delete the parent Test.
 If you know the child is only of one type you can do a normal ancestor

 You could subclass the delete() method of the Test class to do this,
 but I don't know if it will work if you use

 db.delete( list of keys or instances )

 2010/10/6 Prashant
  Suppose, I have two types of Entities Test and TestChild. For all
  TestChild entities i have set key as child of some Test entity (because
  want both entities in same entity group to support transaction) but i
  haven't mapped TestChild entity to any variable in Test entity.
  Now, i am wondering if there is any way, such that, if i delete Test
  then all corresponding child TestChild entitie(s) should also get
  deleted ?
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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Prerelease SDK 1.3.8 is out!

2010-10-06 Thread djidjadji
Not a good choice because the one that pays the bill is not the one
that writes the source code.
I'm not paying for the storage requirement and bandwidth of my client
who has bought a use right of my software.

I'm an advocate of NO Download allowed.

But in case it will be allowed make it OFF by default. You MUST turn
it ON in your app.yaml. This way the behavior is compatible with
previous versions. And there is no action needed by the people who
don't want it. There is always a gap between the time you roll it out
and you announce the availability of a new release on the production
servers. During this time it would be possible to download the source
code if you tried regularly.
And I could be away at the moment of the announcement and leave a door
wide open for quite some time.

2010/10/6 alf
 +1 only can download code administrator who pay bill

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