Re: GTK+ 3.24?

2017-05-04 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2017-05-03 at 18:15 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Murray Cumming <>
> wrote:
> > Will there absolutely positively never be any GTK+ 3.23/24
> > releases?
> > 
> > After all these years of not adding API, or deprecating API, in
> > micro
> > releases, I feel very uneasy about doing that in gtkmm 3.22.* just
> > because GTK+ seems to be doing it.
> No plans for a 3.24, no. I don't think there is much of a problem
> with adding deprecations - they are really a tool to help people
> prepare for the jump to the next version. If you want to stick with
> 3.22.x, there is no reason to chase deprecations.

Yes, deprecations are indeed far less of an issue that API additions.
I'd still rather avoid them in a micro release, so it's clearer when
the API was deprecated.

> As for new API, we have been pretty careful so far, and only allowed
> some very minor additions in 3.22.x. Any examples you are thinking of
> ?

Sorry. Yes, you are right. I was sure we'd found some API additions,
but it was just deprecations.

> > But if there will never be a GTK+ 3.24, we could have a gtkmm 3.24
> > that
> > adds and deprecates API without causing too much confusion in the
> > future.
> I'm afraid that a gtkmm 3.24 that is based on gtk+ 3.22 would cause
> quite a bit of confusion.

We have at least one other API (but not ABI) change (to our
Gtk::Box::pack_start() that we'd like to make in a gtkmm 3.24 release,
regardless of any GTK+ API additions, to ease porting to gtkmm 4,
though we haven't decided that yet. We can't do that in a gtkmm 2.22.x
release without upsetting people because of breaking builds. I had
hoped that a GTK+ 3.24 might exist to solve that problem for us.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk4: gtk_box_pack_start()/end() porting

2017-05-03 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2017-05-03 at 14:22 +0200, Timm Bäder wrote:
> > Have some container widgets changed, or lost, some default
> > spacing/padding/margins too? For instance, it looks like
> > GtkActionBar
> > used to have some hard-coded spacing between its child widgets
> > (added
> > via gtk_action_bar_pack_start()), but not with gtk4.
> Yes, iirc GtkPopover with .menu and GtkFileChooserButton, etc. lost
> their
> spacing. Since GtkBox supports border-spacing via CSS now, I think
> themes should handle that instead, but Adwaita doesn't care yet.

So, applications shouldn't generally need to specify any spacing at all
between child widgets in containers? For instance
- Gtk::Box::spacing
- margin of child widgets in a Gtk::ActionBar
- Gtk::Grid column-spacing and row-spacing

GTK 3 and GTK 4 themes are separate, right?

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk4: gtk_box_pack_start()/end() porting

2017-05-03 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 17:50 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 17:20 +0200, Timm Bäder wrote:
> > I've added notes about the fill and expand child properties to the
> > migration guide:
> >
> > d5
> > fdab685218bbac29
> Thanks. I guess it's that last part about hexpand/vexpand affecting
> the
> parent widgets too that explains what I've seen so far. So there is
> really no simple mapping from the old API to the new API. Porting is
> going to be rather awkward.

Have some container widgets changed, or lost, some default
spacing/padding/margins too? For instance, it looks like GtkActionBar
used to have some hard-coded spacing between its child widgets (added
via gtk_action_bar_pack_start()), but not with gtk4.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk4: gtk_box_pack_start()/end() porting

2017-04-28 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 17:20 +0200, Timm Bäder wrote:
> I've added notes about the fill and expand child properties to the
> migration guide:
> fdab685218bbac29

Thanks. I guess it's that last part about hexpand/vexpand affecting the
parent widgets too that explains what I've seen so far. So there is
really no simple mapping from the old API to the new API. Porting is
going to be rather awkward.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

gtk4: gtk_box_pack_start()/end() porting

2017-04-28 Thread Murray Cumming
gtk4's gtk_box_pack_start() and gtk_box_pack_end() now no longer have
the expand and fill parameters that are in GTK+3:
these are the commits that removed them:

But, based on some experiments, it doesn't seem obvious to me exactly
how to replace these by setting halign, valign, hexpand or vexpand.
Could someone please add a mapping of the old fill/expand combinations
to the new halign/valign/hexpand/vexpand properties to the migrating

There are only 4 possible fill/expand combinations, only 3 of which
ever made sense, so this should be doable.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Help with modal dialog

2016-04-24 Thread Murray Cumming
On Do, 2016-04-21 at 20:52 -0400, Matthew A. Postiff wrote:
>     g_signal_connect((gpointer)(syslogdialog->getDialog()),
> "close",    G_CALLBACK (on_close_system_log_activate),
> gpointer(this));
>     g_signal_connect((gpointer)(syslogdialog->getDialog()),
> "delete-event", G_CALLBACK (on_close_system_log_activate),
> gpointer(this));
>     syslogdialog->run();

The delete-event signal handler needs to return a gboolean. The C API
doesn't do any checking of the signature of the signal handler's
function pointer. However, gtkmm does offer this compile-time type

Murray Cumming

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Gtk+3 application Internationalization

2016-04-14 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2016-04-14 at 16:27 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> > I don't know, if I understand it well, that I must translate all
> > strings in my application (copy from Stock Items) one more time to
> all
> > languages just like Gtk if I want to use them ?
> It's hardly going to be an issue.

There are some strings such as Cancel, Close, Quit, File, Edit, Cut,
Copy, Paste that really should be the same in each application.

The lack of (useful) stock items makes it harder to make them the same
in each application. It's a genuine concern.

I'm not bothered by the lack of things like OK, Yes, and No, which
shouldn't be used anyway.

Murray Cumming

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Announcement of Visual Studio 2015 projects and solutions for Gtkmm and GTK+

2015-11-27 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2015-11-27 at 09:55 +0100, codekiddy wrote:
> Sure, why not, Actually I used these as a starting point, I'll be
> glad to contribute!
> .
> Although instead of working on patches on existing solutions (and
> working on multiple versions for each VS), it should be easier to
> just push new "reworked" solutions somehow?

It's important that improvements can be tracked as distinct commits, so
we can see what has actually changed and why.

At first, you'd have to submit patches to bugzilla, but you can quickly
earn my trust so I just let you push directly. For instance, I'm happy
for Chun-wei Fan to just make the changes he thinks are necessary.
Hopefully you can work together on this, with others too. 

> Although I'm not sure how to make them work inside source tree
> (because project properties are one folder level outside of source
> tree), but it's worth discussing to see what changes can be done to
> make them work and incorporate into source tree.
> What say you?

Apparently the existing projects work so far at least for some people,
so please do try to work with the existing system.

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Announcement of Visual Studio 2015 projects and solutions for Gtkmm and GTK+

2015-11-27 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2015-11-27 at 07:59 +0100, codekiddy wrote:
> Hello there!
> I'm glad to be able to announce new release of Visual Studio 2015
> projects and solutions to compile GTK+, Gtkmm, all it's dependencies
> solely by using Visual Studio, as well as few other popular "hard to
> build" libraries.
> To best illustrate which packages you can build with these projects
> and solutions see this image
> Entry repository is available on GitHub Visual Studio gtkmm
> There is also an updated Visual Studio gtkmm wiki to help beginners
> building gtkmm from scratch.
> Any possible updates will be pushed to msvc-140 branch, up to next
> release of Visual Studio.

Well done.

We have MS Visual Studio project files in our regular *mm repositories.
Could you submit patches to those, if they are not complete, please?

For instance:

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Announcement of Visual Studio 2015 projects and solutions for Gtkmm and GTK+

2015-11-27 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2015-11-27 at 11:11 +0100, codekiddy wrote:
> >It's important that improvements can be tracked as distinct commits,
> so
> >we can see what has actually changed and why.
> I understand, and thank you for your trust. I'll give my best to take
> time when possible.
> Can't promise to much since I'm pushing most of free time into my own
> project designs.
> What can't be misdone for sure is to add test projects, to existing
> solutions, since almost every
> source tree has sources for test projects but no actual project files
> to perform tests against the
> library once build is done.

Great. Patches are very welcome. Thanks.

> There is nothing wrong with currently present projects in source
> tree, and they work fine, assuming
> one follows directions mentioned in readme files and additionally
> follows Fan's tutorial, of course to
> make things easy.
> problem is building dependencies, there is no single place on the
> internet where users could
> download VS projects for dependencies that will truly work without 
> build errors.

This will continue to be the case unless the build files are in the
upstream dependencies' repositories where people can maintain them
together over time.

All attempts to do this separately fail.

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

gtk+ 4 plan?

2015-06-29 Thread Murray Cumming
Is there still any particular plan to do a gtk+-4.0 parallel-install
(like gtk+-3.0) release any time in the next year or so?

For gtkmm, we would like to use C++11 features in the gtkmm API, but
that would probably need us to break ABI. That would be OK if we had to
do it for GTK+ 4 anyway.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Problem with 'gio/gwin32appinfo.c'

2015-06-24 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2015-06-22 at 16:29 +0100, John Emmas wrote:
 Hi LRN,
 Just flagging up that after updating today from glibmm master, some of 
 those functions are now coming up as missing symbols (when I try to 
 re-build glibmm with MSVC).  It looks like 'glibmm/gio/src/appinfo.hg' 
 might still be trying to wrap some of them - in particular:-

This is an old function. There's no way it would have been removed from
the API (It's still in the header):

However, it does indeed look like the win32 implementation was removed:

You might ask about that in the bug report:

 Just flagging this up in case you need to liaise with the glibmm devs.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Strategy for unit testing GTK+ applications in C

2015-05-18 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sun, 2015-05-17 at 07:04 -0500, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
 I think your idea of keep processes in a library and create unit tests
 to it and then link to your GUI app is the better approach.
 GDA[1] have a processes non-GUI library, a GUI library of widgets and
 a GUI app. You should check it.

Or don't even create a library if you don't need one. Just link your
tests to only the sources that the tests need to use. This works out
neatly when you can manage to keep some of your source code separate
from any UI or use of GTK+. To create unit tests the various parts of
your source code need to be loosely coupled anyway.

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Replacement for gtk_widget_override_background_color() with GtkTextView

2015-02-20 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sun, 2015-02-15 at 11:40 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 However, while getting these screenshots I noticed that the change is
 caused by different GTK+ versions, regardless of what API I use. I'll
 try to narrow down what caused the change and file a bug.

I was wrong again. The problem was in my application's code. While
porting from (deprecated) gtk_misc_set_alignment() to
gtk_widget_set_halign(), I ended up calling gtk_widget_set_halign() on a
GtkTextView that didn't (couldn't) previously have
gtk_misc_set_alignment() called on it.

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Replacement for gtk_widget_override_background_color() with GtkTextView

2015-02-15 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2015-02-13 at 14:50 +, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 On 11 February 2015 at 13:08, Murray Cumming wrote:
  The gtk_widget_override_*() functions were recently deprecated:
  (These had themselves replaced gtk_widget_modify_*(): )
  I'd like to improve the deprecation documentation to give more exact
  clues about what people should do.
 there are two ways to replace gtk_widget_modify_background_color() —
 though, obviously, the actual reply would be don't:

I too would discourage it in almost all cases but there are legitimate
uses in specialist applications.

  • you can either provide a fragment of CSS to style the widget yourself
  • you can override the GtkWidget::draw signal, and paint the color
 yourself using Cairo
  But I don't know what CSS would replace
  gtk_widget_override_background_color() for a GtkTextView. If I use
  background-color: #whatever then only the background of the content's
  text is colored, not the background of the whole area.
 what does the whole area mean, in this context? the text view may
 have some margin, which does not get painted with the background
 color, as per CSS spec.
 if you want to paint the area beneath the margin, you'll have to draw
 on the parent widget, not on the GtkTextView.

These screenshots show the difference. Additionally, on the
obviously-wrong one, the text wrapping also changes during every mouse

However, while getting these screenshots I noticed that the change is
caused by different GTK+ versions, regardless of what API I use. I'll
try to narrow down what caused the change and file a bug.


Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Replacement for gtk_widget_override_background_color() with GtkTextView

2015-02-11 Thread Murray Cumming
The gtk_widget_override_*() functions were recently deprecated:
(These had themselves replaced gtk_widget_modify_*(): )

I'd like to improve the deprecation documentation to give more exact
clues about what people should do.

But I don't know what CSS would replace
gtk_widget_override_background_color() for a GtkTextView. If I use
background-color: #whatever then only the background of the content's
text is colored, not the background of the whole area.

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Plotting Library for Gtkmm-3.0 - PlotMM

2015-02-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sun, 2015-02-08 at 09:08 -0800, Jim Charlton wrote:
 A recent post about charting and plotting software for gtk-3.0 
 encouraged me to share some modifications I have made to the PlotMM 
 library originally made available by Andy Thaller 
 I have made quite extensive modifications to the original library in 
 order to make it compatible with Gtkmm-3.0.  Most of the the original 
 functionality remains as described in the link above.
 The modified library, with a Makefile for Linux/Ubuntu 14.04.1, is 
 included in the package, as are notes on the modification I have made.  
 I have also verified that the code compiles on MAC OS X 10.10 with the 
 gtk/gtkmm osx libraries installed.
 To obtain the package, go to

Well done. However, this project would be healthier in the long term if
you put it somewhere like github.

Murray Cumming

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: recently-used.xbel

2015-01-23 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2015-01-23 at 11:55 +, John Emmas wrote:
 So what API calls do I need to eventually arrive at a pointer to the 
 RecentManager object?

If you just call Gtk::RecentManager::get_default() (or
gtk_recent_manager_get_default) instead of instantiating it yourself
then you can get it anywhere you like.

I don't know why gtk_recent_manager_new() even exists.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

GtkWidget:halign and GtkSizeGroup

2014-07-17 Thread Murray Cumming
I'm trying to replace a use of the deprecated GtkMisc:xalign property
with the newer GtkWidget:halign property with some labels that are in a
GtkSizeGroup. The (GTK_ALIGN_START) alignment doesn't seem to be having
any effect, though it does when work using the deprecated xalign

This screenshot shows the result in Glade with some GtkBoxes and a
GtkSizeGroup, and the correct behaviour in a GtkGrid. Should it work
with a GtkSizeGroup?

I can't just use a GtkGrid because I am actually using a custom
container in my application.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 Win32 Bundles : RFC

2014-03-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 12:41 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 On Wed, 2013-12-04 at 07:40 +0100, Tarnyko wrote:
  Hi folks, 
  Just some news on the Win32 - bundle distribution - side. 
   Main URL : 
   The continuous build environment now generates 64-bit bundles.
   The bundle for GTK+ 3.10.x has been generated. 
 Many thanks.
 I found your INSTRUCTIONS.txt file about this system:
 but it mentions some files, such as that do not exist. Maybe
 they've been renamed?
 I wondered what CentOS packages you installed as a prerequisite, so I
 could try to get this working on Ubuntu.
 By the way, why is that directory called z_INSTALL? Does it mean
 Would you like to set up a product so you could accept
 patches more easily? Or maybe we should use the Backend: Win32
 component of GTK+ in This should probably be mentioned
 in the .doap file.

I also noticed that your download/*.sh scripts assume that directories
already exist in libs/ before cding to them and git cloning into them.
But only some of the directories already exist, because only some of
them need to contain patches.

So errors like this occur, without a check for the error:
./ 2: cd: can't cd
to ../../libs/73_gnome-icon-theme
Cloning into 'gnome-icon-theme'...

which results in some git clones being put where they are probably not
expected to be.

I would prefer to put these git clones somewhere separate from the
associated patches, and I'd guess they can just go right into one
directory without the sub-directories with numerical prefixes.

So far I guess that jhbuild could do all this more robustly, but I
haven't explored everything yet.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+3 Win32 Bundles : RFC

2014-03-05 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2013-12-04 at 07:40 +0100, Tarnyko wrote:
 Hi folks, 
 Just some news on the Win32 - bundle distribution - side. 
  Main URL : 
  The continuous build environment now generates 64-bit bundles.
  The bundle for GTK+ 3.10.x has been generated. 

Many thanks.

I found your INSTRUCTIONS.txt file about this system:
but it mentions some files, such as that do not exist. Maybe
they've been renamed?

I wondered what CentOS packages you installed as a prerequisite, so I
could try to get this working on Ubuntu.

By the way, why is that directory called z_INSTALL? Does it mean

Would you like to set up a product so you could accept
patches more easily? Or maybe we should use the Backend: Win32
component of GTK+ in This should probably be mentioned
in the .doap file.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: glib vs. gdbus-codegen: file collision

2013-11-15 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 06:06 -0800, Grant wrote:
 The latest glib from git (glib- on Gentoo) wants to install 2
 files which are also installed by gdbus-codegen:
 glib- also has a failed patch which might be related:
 * Failed Patch: glib-2.35.x-external-gdbus-codegen.patch !
 * ( 
 Does anyone know what's happening with this?

Problems with Gentoo packages should be reported to Gentoo, please.

Murray Cumming

gtk-list mailing list

Re: tutorial on hiding a widget and showing another in it's place?

2013-10-27 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sun, 2013-10-27 at 09:28 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 On Sat, 2013-10-26 at 10:33 -0400, Patrick wrote:
  Hi Everyone
  I have a table of buttons. On clicking a button I would like a new table 
  of buttons to take the first tables place.
  I am assuming I do this by hiding the first table, and inserting another 
  in the callback function but I am not quite sure and it would be nice to 
  see the standard way of doing this before i reinvent the wheel.
  Could someone point me to a good tutorial on this or if you happen to 
  have a bit of code handy, to post it? I am okay with a variety languages 
  if it is not in C.
 The new GtkSwitch widget is useful for this.

I mean GtkStack. Sorry.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: tutorial on hiding a widget and showing another in it's place?

2013-10-27 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sat, 2013-10-26 at 10:33 -0400, Patrick wrote:
 Hi Everyone
 I have a table of buttons. On clicking a button I would like a new table 
 of buttons to take the first tables place.
 I am assuming I do this by hiding the first table, and inserting another 
 in the callback function but I am not quite sure and it would be nice to 
 see the standard way of doing this before i reinvent the wheel.
 Could someone point me to a good tutorial on this or if you happen to 
 have a bit of code handy, to post it? I am okay with a variety languages 
 if it is not in C.

The new GtkSwitch widget is useful for this.


gtk-list mailing list

GtkApplication actions: app and win prefixes/groups

2013-09-27 Thread Murray Cumming
When would someone want to use a GAction action prefix other than app.
or win.?

I'm creating my own GSimpleActionGroup, with it's own group name (the
prefix), as a way to have a set of menu items that's populated at
runtime. Is there a downside to not using app or win?


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-09-17 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2013-07-19 at 12:56 +0200, Krzysztof Kosiński wrote:
 2013/7/18 Emmanuele Bassi
  support for those features has already been developed and it is going
  to be added to GAction before we release GLib 2.38 and GTK 3.10, and
  improved in the future so that it matches with the overall spirit and
  design of the API. if you want to influence where the API is going,
  you can start looking at how to port your code, what you think it's
  missing, and file bugs. dropping on, in the #gtk+
  channel, is also a good idea.
 OK, I guess that answers my question.

This was about your comment:

GAction has no functionality for accelerators, icons, or automatically
creating widgets. These are very useful in applications which reuse
the same action in more than one place (e.g. in a menu and on a
toolbar). How are we supposed to replace it in new code?

I've noticed that there is support now in the GtkBuilder GMenu XML (and
probably therefore in GMenuModel) for:
* accelerators by using, for instance:
  attribute name='accel'lt;controlgt;F/attribute
* icons by using, for instance:
  attribute name=icon/usr/share/my-app/something.png/attribute

This seems to be (wiki) documentation for them:

I don't see a way to specify these for the action in general rather than
just for the particular use of the action in a menu item or tool

And I have not found a way to specify a tooltip for a menu item with
GMenu/GAction/GtkBuilder, as an equivalent for the tooltip parameter to

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-09-11 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 11:47 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 09:41 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
  As some of you may have noticed we have recently deprecated Stock
  Items in master.
  Some details on this change may be found here:
  Please let us know what you think.
 This deprecated several classes (GtkIconFactory, GtkIconSet,
 GtkIconSource, GtkImageMenuItem, GtkAction, GtkUIManager).

It also deprecated GtkRecentAction, because it deprecated the base
GtkAction. So far it has no replacement for use in the world of
GAction/GMenu/GtkBuilder instead of GtkAction/GtkMenu/GtkUIManager:

Isn't this reason enough to revert the deprecation of GtkAction and

Deprecation without replacement makes the deprecation less useful to
application code because it makes it impossible for me to achieve zero
use of deprecated API.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

GtkBuilder for a popup GMenu: items disabled

2013-07-23 Thread Murray Cumming
I'm trying to convert code from GtkUIManager+GtkMenu to GtkBuilder
+GMenu. Is there anything I'm doing wrong in the attached example? The
menu items are disabled.

Murray Cumming
#include gtk/gtk.h

const char* ui =
menu id='somemenu'
  attribute name='label' translatable='yes'SomeThing/attribute
  attribute name='action'something/attribute
  attribute name='label' translatable='yes'OtherThing/attribute
  attribute name='action'otherthing/attribute
static GtkWidget *menu = NULL;

static void
on_popup_item (GSimpleAction *action, GVariant* parameter, gpointer user_data)
  g_warning (%s called.\n, G_STRFUNC);

static GActionEntry action_entries[] = {
	{ something, on_popup_item },
	{ otherthing, on_popup_item }
static gboolean
on_window_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget,
  GdkEvent  *event,
  gpointer   data)
  return FALSE;
static void
on_window_destroy (GtkWidget *widget,
  gpointer data )
  gtk_main_quit ();
static gboolean
on_button_press_event (GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event, gpointer user_data)
  if( (event-type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)  (event-button == 3) )
gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (menu), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
  event-button, event-time);
return TRUE; /* Handled. */
  return FALSE; /* Not handled. */
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  gtk_init (argc, argv);
  GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  gtk_widget_show (window);
  g_signal_connect (window, delete-event,
G_CALLBACK (on_window_delete_event), NULL);
  g_signal_connect (window, destroy,
G_CALLBACK (on_window_destroy), NULL);
  GtkBuilder *builder = gtk_builder_new();
  GError* error = NULL;
  gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, ui, -1, error);
  g_assert_no_error (error);
  GMenu* gmenu = G_MENU (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, somemenu));
  g_assert (gmenu);
  menu = gtk_menu_new_from_model (G_MENU_MODEL (gmenu));
  g_assert (menu);
  /* This doesn't work, so we must use the SimpleActionGroup to specify a callback instead: */
  GMenuItem* menu_item = G_MENU_ITEM (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
  g_assert (menu_item);
  GSimpleActionGroup *action_group = g_simple_action_group_new ();

  g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (action_group),
	 G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries),
  gtk_widget_insert_action_group(GTK_WIDGET (window), somemenu, G_ACTION_GROUP (action_group));
  gtk_menu_attach_to_widget (GTK_MENU (menu), GTK_WIDGET (window), NULL);
  g_signal_connect (window, button-press-event,
G_CALLBACK (on_button_press_event), NULL);
  gtk_main ();
  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (builder));
  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (action_group));
  return 0;

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkBuilder for a popup GMenu: items disabled

2013-07-23 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 11:08 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 I'm trying to convert code from GtkUIManager+GtkMenu to GtkBuilder
 +GMenu. Is there anything I'm doing wrong in the attached example? The
 menu items are disabled.

Ah nevermind. I needed to use 'somemenu.something' rather than
'something' for the items in the 'somemenu' menu. Thanks to Ignacio
Casal for helping me with that.

I wonder if there could be any runtime warnings about such orphaned menu

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-07-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 10:56 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
 The problems of consistency between applications is a valid one and
 may be addressed the way we address other consistency issues, with
 documentation and clear guidelines . We already have the Stock Items
 Migration Guide

That's a Google Docs document, which is a little odd.

  and I expect some of this will migrate into the GTK+ documentation

Is anybody working on that. It seems to be an essential resource for
translators to ensure that we will in future have some consistency,
though I suspect that many translators will just not specify any
mnemonics at all.

I also doubt that most translators will take the time to consider the
mnemonics for the whole application to avoid clashes. I guess we would
need tools to help them with that.

  and platform HIG soon.

Surely you wouldn't want to duplicate that list.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-07-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 09:41 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
 As some of you may have noticed we have recently deprecated Stock
 Items in master.
 Some details on this change may be found here:

That links to this, which I find a little vague:

If we can't change the existing IDs such as
to use the standard icon names such as dialog-error,
wouldn't it still be useful to have some new macros for the standard
icon names, to avoid typos?

Otherwise, the compiler can't help us to know if a standard icon name is
really a standard icon name.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Getting a GMenuItem from GtkBuilder

2013-07-19 Thread Murray Cumming
Should the code below work, to get a menu item from a GtkBuilder using
the menu markup? It doesn't seem to. I'm guessing at the XML syntax
based on this:

I would use Glade to show me the correct syntax, but it doesn't use this
menu/section/item syntax yet.

#include gtk/gtk.h

const char* ui = 
menu id='somemenu'
  attribute name='label' translatable='yes'Some
  attribute name='id'something/attribute
  attribute name='label' translatable='yes'Other
  attribute name='id'otherthing/attribute

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GtkBuilder* builder = gtk_builder_new();

  GError* error = NULL;
  gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, ui, -1, error);
  g_assert_no_error (error);

  GMenu* menu = G_MENU (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, somemenu));
  g_assert (menu);

  GMenuItem* menu_item = G_MENU_ITEM (gtk_builder_get_object (builder,
  g_assert (menu_item);

  gtk_main ();

  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (builder));
  return 0;


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-07-18 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 13:52 -0300, Juan Pablo Ugarte wrote:
 On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 12:55 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 11:23 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
   in general, GtkUIManager should be replaced by GtkBuilder, so that
   could be added to the long description of the class instead of each
   public entry point in the API.
  Is there some way, as with GtkUIManager, to merge in, and later remove
  and replace, menu items? I used this with GtkUIManager to dynamically
  populate a menu with items not known at compile time.
 No there is not, but as with any dynamic UI you can always fallback to
 code. IIRC what I did with Glade was to use an action group for all the
 dynamic content (project's items) so it is easy to distinguish with one
 are autogenerated and need to be regenerated.
 You can also use a separator or hidden item as an insertion point.
 Of course all this needs some custom code and we should have a simple
 way to do this.
 Perhaps adding a simple api like this would let you easily know where to
 start deleting/adding dynamic items
 gtk_menu_shell_get_child_position (GtkMenuShell *menu_shell,
GtkWidget *child);
  I see gtk_builder_add_from_string(), but I don't see how to remove items
  without destroying the entire GtkBuilder structure.
 Anyway we need to improve menu building with GtkBuilder, we need to add
 support for GAction/GMenuModel and all those classes.

What kind of thing is missing? I mean, what kind of code can't be
written now?

Actually, I noticed that the bloatpad example already uses GtkBuilder
and the GMenuModel API to dynamically get a menu from the GtkBuilder and
then add menu items via code, so I guess I'll do that. It's actually far
nicer than building a new GtkUIManager UI string at runtime and merging
it in.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-07-17 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 09:41 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:
 As some of you may have noticed we have recently deprecated Stock
 Items in master.
 Some details on this change may be found here:
 Please let us know what you think.

This deprecated several classes (GtkIconFactory, GtkIconSet,
GtkIconSource, GtkImageMenuItem, GtkAction, GtkUIManager).

But their overview documentation does not mention that the whole API is
deprecated. And the deprecation comments for the individual methods just
say that they are deprecated without any further advice. For instance:

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Stock Items Deprecation

2013-07-17 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 11:23 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 in general, GtkUIManager should be replaced by GtkBuilder, so that
 could be added to the long description of the class instead of each
 public entry point in the API.

Is there some way, as with GtkUIManager, to merge in, and later remove
and replace, menu items? I used this with GtkUIManager to dynamically
populate a menu with items not known at compile time.

I see gtk_builder_add_from_string(), but I don't see how to remove items
without destroying the entire GtkBuilder structure.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Storage API

2013-05-02 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2013-05-01 at 16:31 +0200, Bastien Nocera wrote:
 I've started writing a simple database-like application in Javascript
 using GTK+, and I wondered about what to use for storage.
 gjs currently doesn't have bindings for SQLite, and using intermediate
 bindings like libgda I found too low-level (provider-specific SQL,

libgda's GdaSqlBuilder makes this a bit more pleasant and safer,
avoiding most provider-specific stuff. Of course, it doesn't hide SQL

 need to write SQL and highly manual schemas upgrade paths). Dumping
 serialised Javascript objects to the filesystem isn't really elegant
 I was wondering whether an API based on HTML5's IndexedDB[1] (and maybe
 a GtkTreeModel to display the database contents/filtered results) would
 be of interest in GLib.
 If it's of interest, I'd like to start discussing and designing the API
 with interested parties.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Is GTK+ a cross-platform toolkit ?

2013-03-05 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2013-03-05 at 11:20 +0100, wrote:
 Hi Andy, 
 I think it would be useful to continue to provide installers

I think that discussion is a distraction. We really really need official
binaries, and an official way to recreate them.

An installer would be nice to have, but is hardly the major problem.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: win32 installer?

2012-07-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 22:14 +0200, Dieter Verfaillie wrote:
 That leaves just a folder, which is exactly what the bundle is
 and always has been (for example:
 An SDK, in my mind, adds all the tools, sources, patches, scripts,
 etc used to build that bundle (or to be correct, the packages making
 up the bundle) and a way for application writers to integrate with
 that system (so they don't have to reinvent the wheel). Versions of
 tools would be set in stone for a given branch (let's say gcc 4.6 for
 whatever packages are considered part of GNOME 3.4 and it's
 releases, 4.7 for GNOME 3.6 etc). Not limited to gcc off course, but
 *everything*. Application writer integrating with this system would
 be able to generate their own bundle (think glade, gedit, whatever)
 which can then be used to build real installers (using WiX,
 NSIS, InnoSetup, whatever).
 Doing all this is the only way we can guarantee end users (of the
 SDK) in the distant future will be able to patch say a 3 year old
 GTK+ branch when nobody is left around to maintain it, provided said
 user can get at a sufficiently old windows version (let's not pretend
 current mingw build envs will just work on future windows versions,
 see what happened when vista got released for example)...

I suggest that this is an idea for later, after we have what we had for
GTK+ 2.

Thanks for your efforts.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: win32 installer?

2012-07-17 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2012-07-16 at 21:25 +0200, Dieter Verfaillie wrote:
 Installers are for end user product (GIMP, Gedit, Inkscape, etc)
 but not for libraries and components used to build such end user
 products. An installer for some sort of an SDK however would a
 different matter...

Yes, I just want the built libraries and bits, ideally put in the right
place automatically. I don't have the time or enthusiasm to build
everything on Windows myself. I can just about bear to build my
application on Windows if GTK+ is available.

I basically just need what we had for GTK+ 2 on Windows.

  Maybe someday I (or somebody else) will even
 find the time to get that done ;)

Here's hoping. Thanks.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

win32 installer?

2012-07-13 Thread Murray Cumming
Is anyone any closer to having a Windows installer for GTK+ 3 ready?

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdk threads ...

2012-04-12 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2012-04-11 at 11:28 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 7:26 AM, Paul Davis 
  Are there any plans for a gtkmm release based on gtk2 that will avoid
  the endless messages about using deprecated API, some related to
  thread stuff in gtk 2.24?
 these, specifically, are the messages i'm referring to:
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h: In function
 'void Glib::thread_init(GThreadFunctions*)':
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h:786: warning:
 'g_thread_init' is deprecated (declared at
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h:786: warning:
 'g_thread_init' is deprecated (declared at
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h: In member
 function 'T* Glib::StaticPrivateT::get()':
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h:1050: warning:
 'g_static_private_get' is deprecated (declared at
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h: In member
 function 'void Glib::StaticPrivateT::set(T*, void (*)(void*))':
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h:1056: warning:
 'g_static_private_set' is deprecated (declared at
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h: In constructor
 'Glib::PrivateT::Private(void (*)(void*))':
 /Users/paul/a3/inst/include/glibmm-2.4/glibmm/thread.h:1072: warning:
 'g_private_new' is deprecated (declared at

I would prefer to have this discussion on the gtkmm-list or in bugzilla.

Anyway, these look like a problem in glibmm, fixed in more recent glibmm
versions, rather than in gtkmm. I would consider a patch for gtkmm 2.4,
if there is something that helps.

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdk threads ...

2012-04-11 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2012-03-05 at 08:07 -0500, Ryan Lortie wrote:
 hi Michael,
 On Mon, 2012-03-05 at 12:11 +, Michael Meeks wrote:
  Does that mean you're removing gdk_threads_enter and leave and the
  semantics around that ? is there some cunning new scheme proposed to
  intercept the mainloop and ensure that events / idle / timeout emissions
  hooked in by the toolkit can have applications add lock/unlock pairs ?
 We're not removing -- only deprecating.

The deprecation does not seem to have happened in GTK+ 3.4:

Is it still planned?

 The removal will come in GTK4.  There will be no replacement
 functionality -- you will just be expected to do all your interaction
 with the toolkit from the main thread (ie: dispatching results via

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk_menu_popup vs language bindings

2012-03-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2012-03-19 at 05:55 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
 a while ago, we changed the annotations for gtk_menu_popup to skip
 that function and instead rename gtk_menu_popup_for_device to
 gtk_menu_popup. The reason for this change was that gtk_menu_popup
 doesn't have a destroy notify for its user_data, which is problematic
 for language bindings. Now, I am getting urgent requests to undo this
 and instead expose
 both functions to bindings as-is.
 I'd like to get some more opinions on this from language binding
 authors - will reverting this change cause more harm now, or is it the
 right thing to do ?

I am confused about what change you actually made. Did you change the C

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Signal emission changes

2012-03-06 Thread Murray Cumming
I don't know if these compiler warnings are new, and I have not looked
at the actual code, but maybe you want to know about them:

  CC libgobject_2_0_la-gsignal.lo
gsignal.c: In function 'g_signal_emit_valist':
gsignal.c:3163:7: warning: suggest parentheses around comparison in
operand of '' [-Wparentheses]
gsignal.c:3171:10: warning: variable 'signal_id' set but not used


Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Requesting enough size, but not too much

2012-02-10 Thread Murray Cumming
I would like my application window to be:
- At least as big as a certain minimum size.
- A little bigger if the screen is big enough for that.
- Not bigger than the screen.
- Not bigger than necessary.

I can control the size of my window by calling these functions on the
individual widgets:
  gtk_widget_set_size_request ()
but they only let me set a minimum size.

I can also call
but I consider that hacky compared to setting child widget sizes, and
it has the same problem anyway. 

Is there no way to specify both a minimum width and natural width (and
height) without deriving custom widgets, to override
GtkWidget::get_preferred_width() ?

I fear that I have to use 
gtk_window_set_geometry_hints(), but that would need me to hard-code
window sizes:

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: DTDs and other fun

2012-01-29 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2012-01-26 at 17:30 -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
 I mostly agree with that. It certainly means nobody is validating
 these files at build/install time.

I am, but not against any DTD:
though I would like to use a DTD.

  The question is, should they?

I would like to do any testing that I can, particularly if it's easy.

 People don't usually put that stuff in their Makefiles unless you
 make it easy for them. It comes down to whether there's a high rate
 of invalid .ui files being installed.

It happens sometimes, and it usually causes crashes. It's nice to avoid
it even if it's rare.

  I kind of suspect no, because
 they're almost always machine-generated. With menu files written
 (for now) by hand, that might be different.

Glade has been a little funky over the last few years, so hand-editing
has often been necessary.

 Of course, having an invalid DTD in the docs (and another one for
 GtkUIManager, incidentally) isn't good. If nobody cares about the
 DTD per se, maybe we should look at less 1980s ways of conveying
 the grammar.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk-2-24-win32 branch merged into gtk-2-24

2012-01-29 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2012-01-19 at 12:53 +0100, Dieter Verfaillie wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 12:44:53 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 15:19 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
  The -win32 branch is now in a pretty good state and seems to be the 
  Gtk 2.x version for win32 so far, so I just merged it into gtk-2-24, 
  I plan to do a release later this week.
  Many thanks for that.
  What's happening with win32 support in GTK+ 3? Do you have any idea 
  there will be binaries available, even for testing? I'd like to 
  Glom's Windows installer.
 I maintain
 which is built from ATK, Pango, GLib, GTK+, GObject-Introspection, etc
 master branches. For some modules with highly experimental patches that
 have not yet been accepted upstream even.

Thanks, but are people generally working on getting the GTK+ 2 Windows
improvements into GTK+ 3? I'd like a general sense of how it is going.

I want to use it, but I don't want to spend more time with Windows than
necessary if I can avoid it.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk-2-24-win32 branch merged into gtk-2-24

2012-01-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 15:19 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
 The -win32 branch is now in a pretty good state and seems to be the best
 Gtk 2.x version for win32 so far, so I just merged it into gtk-2-24, and
 I plan to do a release later this week.

Many thanks for that.

What's happening with win32 support in GTK+ 3? Do you have any idea when
there will be binaries available, even for testing? I'd like to update
Glom's Windows installer. 

Murray Cumming

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GThread struct now hidden

2011-11-23 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 13:26 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 By the way, I also noticed that g_thread_init() is deprecated,
 presumably because you must now used g_thread_new(), so you don't need
 it, but I don't see a deprecation comment on g_thread_init(). 

There are still no deprecation comments on the deprecate thread API:

The usual Please use X instead. comment is very useful to people who
just see the warning from the compiler about a specific function that is
used in their code.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gthread: G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT: Fix this for the non-win32 case.

2011-10-26 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2011-10-26 at 15:12 -0400, Ryan Lortie wrote:
 hi Murray,
 I reverted this commit for now.

 Can you please open a bug to discuss this?  I don't think your fix is
 correct since the extra field is never used anymore.

OK. It's here:


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: missing gdaui entrys functions in distribution

2011-10-21 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 20:05 -0200, Renato Merli wrote:
 Regarding last message... i am using 4.99 version of libgda, newer
 versions dont compile and are not the ones in use by c++ layer
 developers is the libgda mailing list.

 2011/10/20 Renato Merli
   I've found libgda-ui functions for specialized entrys on libgda
  source code that are not in the reference.
   The author of C++ wrappers also told that they are not in the
  package distribution also, but i didnt check it yet.
   Can anyone fix the configue scripts to install functions on
  libgda-ui/data-entries folder ? Theres a way to use entries without
  these functions, but it dont give the possibility to inherit from
  specialized entrys.
   It would be nice for libgda-uimm creators if someone could also
  write some references and a class diagram.
   Lets make current libgda usable with all its features.
  Renato Merli


gtk-devel-list mailing list

GThread struct now hidden

2011-10-13 Thread Murray Cumming
This change in glib master does indeed break glibmm:
Unless it's really really necessary, it would be great if you would not
do this, or if you could leave it until a glib ABI break. 

Glib::Thread has a static (but private) GThread member instance:
so obviously glibmm no longer builds.

We do this so you can cast a Glib::Thread* directly to a GThread*. We
probably did this (in 2002?) because we have no way to associate our C++
instance with the C instance, because GThread is not a GObject. I doubt
that we can find a way around that, though I have not tried.

We also access the struct fields (joinable, priority) directly in simple
getter methods, but I don't know if anybody really uses them. We might
get away with breaking their functionality if we can't find
At the least, we should probably deprecate those methods.

I have no objection to deprecating our entire Glib::Thread API, if we
can replace it with a more-correct Glib::Thread2 API, but we'll be in
trouble if user applications (built with glibmm = 2.30) start crashing
just because the user installed glibmm 2.32.
Murray Cumming
murrayc@murrayc com

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GThread struct now hidden

2011-10-13 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 12:48 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 This change in glib master does indeed break glibmm:
 Unless it's really really necessary, it would be great if you would not
 do this, or if you could leave it until a glib ABI break. 
 Glib::Thread has a static (but private) GThread member instance:
 so obviously glibmm no longer builds.
 We do this so you can cast a Glib::Thread* directly to a GThread*. We
 probably did this (in 2002?) because we have no way to associate our C++
 instance with the C instance, because GThread is not a GObject. I doubt
 that we can find a way around that, though I have not tried.
 We also access the struct fields (joinable, priority) directly in simple
 getter methods, but I don't know if anybody really uses them. We might
 get away with breaking their functionality if we can't find
 At the least, we should probably deprecate those methods.
 I have no objection to deprecating our entire Glib::Thread API, if we
 can replace it with a more-correct Glib::Thread2 API, but we'll be in
 trouble if user applications (built with glibmm = 2.30) start crashing
 just because the user installed glibmm 2.32.

By the way, I also noticed that g_thread_init() is deprecated,
presumably because you must now used g_thread_new(), so you don't need
it, but I don't see a deprecation comment on g_thread_init().

Murray Cumming
murrayc@murrayc com

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GThread struct now hidden

2011-10-13 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 08:58 -0400, Ryan Lortie wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 13:26 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  By the way, I also noticed that g_thread_init() is deprecated,
  presumably because you must now used g_thread_new(), so you don't need
  it, but I don't see a deprecation comment on g_thread_init().
 g_thread_init() is deprecated because you simply do not need to call it.
 g_thread_new() is rather a replacement for g_thread_create().

Yes. My point is just that all those deprecated functions should have
deprecation documentation.

Murray Cumming
murrayc@murrayc com

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GThread struct now hidden

2011-10-13 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 09:00 -0400, Ryan Lortie wrote:
 hi Murray,
 On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 12:48 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  This change in glib master does indeed break glibmm:
 I had a feeling it might break something or other, and I didn't think
 about bindings.  I'll back it out immediately.

Many thanks. Let's add it to the list of reasons to do an ABI break one
day, if hiding it would make something useful possible.

Murray Cumming
murrayc@murrayc com

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: [gnome-db] GVariant to replace GValue?

2011-09-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 18:51 -0500, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
 I'm reading about GVariant, still I don't understand all details, but
 found it equivalent to GValue and may be better on memory usage. 
 Are you considering to replace GValue by GVariant?

GVariant values are for constant values. You'll notice that there are no
g_variant_set_*() functions here:

But libgda is an API that lets you set values in a database as well as
read them out. So I don't think GVariant makes sense for libgda, just as
it doesn't make sense for GtkTreeView.


gtk-list mailing list

Re: gnulib, libegg, foo

2011-08-15 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sun, 2011-08-14 at 22:53 +0200, Andy Wingo wrote:
 At one point Johan Dahlin,
 who works with business applications, argued that GTK needed more
 businessy widgets -- reporting facilities, a spreadsheet-like table,

libgda-ui (in libgda), probably does most of this, or tries to. I don't
use it personally, but it's where I'd start if I wanted to spend time on


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: libegg: Removing old directories

2011-04-12 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 23:42 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 libegg has lots of directories that have just a README saying how the
 code has successfully moved into GTK+. But that's mostly old news now.
 If there's no objection then I'll remove the directories so it's easier
 to see at a glance what's still interesting.

David King has recently ported some of the code to GTK+ 3, and added an 
--enable-warnings=error configure option (via gnome-common) so we can
avoid some problems in the code in future.

However, some stuff still doesn't build, and porting it would be
awkward. Should it live?

background-monitor / EggBackgroundMonitor:
  I don't know what this was ever meant to do, but it's apparently now
hard to port because GTK+3 no longer allows us to paint on the root X
  It might be something to do with transparent windows, maybe a hack 
that's now unnecessary:

icon-chooser / EggIconChooser:
  Uses a custom GtkFileSystem, though I don't know why yet.

smclient / EggSMClient:
  Uses gdk_x11_set_sm_client_id() and should probably use GDBus instead
of libdbus-1.

  Uses gdk_keyboard_grab and gdk_keyboard_ungrab, which are generally 
awkward to port to GTK+ 3.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: libegg: Removing old directories

2011-04-02 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 23:42 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 libegg has lots of directories that have just a README saying how the
 code has successfully moved into GTK+. But that's mostly old news now.
 If there's no objection then I'll remove the directories so it's easier
 to see at a glance what's still interesting.

Maybe GDL (used in Anjuta)
is the more up-to-date equivalent for EggDock

If there's no objection, I'm likely to remove EggDock too.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-29 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 11:48 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 6:03 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:
  I very much like the re-show-instead-of-reopening idea, and miss it
  since I stopped using MacOS 7.3. However, I don't understand why this
  should require a single process.
 How do you recommend apps implement this then?

Via some interprocess communication, via a GtkApplication that makes
that easy? Obviously I can't recommend that apps do that now, hence this

Or maybe via some session-wide tracking of open files? I have no idea. I
haven't investigated how it's done elsewhere.

But my own idle speculation isn't helping me find a justification for
the current code.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: libegg: Removing old directories

2011-03-21 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sun, 2011-03-20 at 20:03 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Murray Cumming wrote:
  libegg has lots of directories that have just a README saying how the
  code has successfully moved into GTK+. But that's mostly old news now.
  If there's no objection then I'll remove the directories so it's easier
  to see at a glance what's still interesting.
 Sounds fine to me.


I wonder if anyone is using EggSidebar:

The code hasn't been touched for years, and it's rather tedious to port
it. I don't know what it's for.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-21 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sat, 2011-03-19 at 09:44 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
 Hi Murray,
 On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:
  For this and other unrelated reasons, I will remove Gtk::Application
  from gtkmm 3.0.0. I can't wrap an API that I don't understand
 It's not that you don't understand it exactly, it's that you don't
 agree, correct?

No. I mean what I said and I'm getting rather tired of saying it. I
doubt that others here welcome my persistence either. And really, it's
too late for gtkmm 3.0 at this point. 

   I stated reasons above.

I disagree that reasons have been stated properly.

I guess that answers to these questions might help me:

 I just looked through my entire application list; and have only 2 out
 of ~50 which I think would obviously be fine as multiprocess (namely
 file-roller, evince).  The rest are games (about 15), system tools
 (abrt, selinux, ~10), apps like gedit which i know are single process
 (~10), etc.

Why wouldn't gedit be fine as multiprocess? Why wouldn't most
document-based applications be fine as multiprocess? Why wouldn't
gnome-terminal be fine as multiprocess?

I'm repeating myself, and I don't plan to do it much more, but I still
see no reason to encourage applications to be multi-process where there
is no shared data that is not already handled by multi-process APIs such
as GSettings.

 Obviously - for any app that desires multiple windows (which is
 actually only ~15 of my apps) you can do both.

You can't apparently do both easily with GtkApplication. If both are
considered valid by GTK+ then GtkApplication should have some clear
warning that it pushes one model only and that it shouldn't be used if
that model is not wanted.

   But again - the point
 is that single process is more efficient.

Efficient in terms of memory? Does it all hinge on that?

 Also - the single process approach makes it trivial to avoid data loss
 in the scenario where you open a file twice (i.e. right click on
 my-notes.txt to open in Abiword from nautilus, later forget you had
 it open and do it again), which is definitely a very compelling
 argument to me.  If it's not for you, well I don't know what to say.

I very much like the re-show-instead-of-reopening idea, and miss it
since I stopped using MacOS 7.3. However, I don't understand why this
should require a single process.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: libegg: Removing old directories

2011-03-21 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 10:27 +, Bastien Nocera wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 10:51 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Sun, 2011-03-20 at 20:03 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
   On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Murray Cumming 
libegg has lots of directories that have just a README saying how the
code has successfully moved into GTK+. But that's mostly old news now.
If there's no objection then I'll remove the directories so it's easier
to see at a glance what's still interesting.
   Sounds fine to me.
  I wonder if anyone is using EggSidebar:
  The code hasn't been touched for years, and it's rather tedious to port
  it. I don't know what it's for.
 I believe it's a 10-year old Evolution sidebar look-alike that was used
 in Evolution, Rhythmbox and possibly Muine at different points in time.
 That'd be the one on the left here:

I think I'll remove it then.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 20:04 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 But for applications that actually have some reason to have multiple
 windows (typically document-based applications) I still know of no
 reason why we would want to suggest that they should have all windows
 one process. 

For this and other unrelated reasons, I will remove Gtk::Application
from gtkmm 3.0.0. I can't wrap an API that I don't understand and I
can't tell people to use that API if I can't say why they should. Things
are much better now thanks to Matthias' extra documentation, but
fundamental questions remain.

Hopefully we can figure things out and add it for gtkmm 3.2. This is the
gtkmm bug about it:


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: decrease widget show time

2011-03-18 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 14:13 +0800, czk wrote:
 hello everyone,
 I use gtk+-3.0 in a embedded device. If I create a window put 4
 buttons , 4 entrys  3 labels in it, from gtk_window_new to the window
 was showed spend 4 seconds totally. It a long time for me. Most time
 spend in gtk_widget_show_all.

Maybe other things are happening. You can generally make the final show
faster by not using gtk_widget_show_all(). I believe you should manually
show() or show_all() the child widgets, and then just do one show() of
the window itself at the end.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

libegg: Removing old directories

2011-03-18 Thread Murray Cumming
libegg has lots of directories that have just a README saying how the
code has successfully moved into GTK+. But that's mostly old news now.
If there's no objection then I'll remove the directories so it's easier
to see at a glance what's still interesting.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtkmm3?

2011-03-16 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 22:11 -0400, Josh Bialkowski wrote:
 I was reading the gtkmm book and when I hit the clock example for
 drawing widgets with cairo, I realized that this was exactly what I was
 looking for (i.e. wanting to draw widgets with cairo). It was only after
 I couldn't get the example to compile that I noticed the note that it
 was for gtkmm3 not gtkmm2 (after all, I guess gtk3 is where all the
 cairo drawing is at anyway).

Yes, you were probably looking at this, for gtkmm-3.0:

But maybe you want to look at this instead, for gtkmm-2.4:

  Anyway, so my question is, where is gtkmm3?
 I downloaded gtkmm-2.90.7, 2.91.7, and 2.99.5 guessing that these might
 be develoment snapshots and gtkmm3 doesn't actually exist yet.

These are unstable versions of the gtkmm-3.0 API, yes.

 promising because the configure script seems to require gtk3, but I
 can't seem to build any of them. 
 Anyway, so is gtkmm3 without a stable branch at this moment? If so, how
 stable are the unstable branches? Should I be able to build and use

No, gtkmm 3 is not stable yet. Hopefully it will be soon.

  Or is the book just ahead of the game?

We update the book as the gtkmm API changes. The stable versions still

There is a gtkmm-list mailing list, by the way. 


gtk-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 09:59 +, Chris Vine wrote:
 The case for having single-instance programs in most cases for
 programs with a GUI interface seems self-evident to me, since most
 GUI programs keep some running global state which would be extremely
 tedious to synchronise between different processes.

What global state, for instance?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 09:01 -0500, Morten Welinder wrote:
  What global state, for instance?
 As a reminder, setlocale is not thread-safe.

Sorry, I don't understand. Could you explain in more detail? Why would
two separate instances (separate processes) of the same app care if
setlocale is not thread safe?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 14:54 +, Chris Vine wrote:
 On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 14:48:12 +0100
 Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 09:59 +, Chris Vine wrote:
   The case for having single-instance programs in most cases for
   programs with a GUI interface seems self-evident to me, since most
   GUI programs keep some running global state which would be extremely
   tedious to synchronise between different processes.
  What global state, for instance?
 Most programs will keep application-related data relevant to all
 instances running which is not configuration data suitable for dconf nor
 something for which you want to set up a formal database to deal with
 change notification and resolution.

If it's most programs then surely you can give some example. I don't
think that most applications have to deal with caching, bookmarks, and
history like Firefox.

I accept that _some_ would have some shared data, and they might choose 
to go single-process to make that easier. But it doesn't seem common enough 
to recommend it generally.

 Apart from that, quite frankly it is I think what most users expect
 for programs having only one main window.

Hopefully we don't expect users to have any idea of whether multiple
document windows are really in the same process. The Quit menu item
leaks this low-level concept so I thought we were generally trying to
avoid it.

Or do you mean some other sign that users would have that an application
is single-process, that they would miss if it was multiple-process?

  The principal problem at the
 moment is gtk_window_present(): a user starts a program (she may have
 forgotten it is already running if it is minimised or on a different
 desktop) and gets presented with ... some odd blinking thing in the
 panel if she is attentive enough to spot it at all.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 10:54 -0500, Paul Davis wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:
  If it's most programs then surely you can give some example. I don't
  think that most applications have to deal with caching, bookmarks, and
  history like Firefox.
 i think that the kind of thing chris is referring to is something like
 a program setting. suppose you open app FooBar2000 twice. in one
 instance, you change the preference barffle to yesterday +
 sin(90). in the other, you change it to jan 1st 1911 + arctan
 (0.2291). what is the value of the app preference at that point in
 he might be referring to something else entirely, of course.

But that's configuration data that is handled by GSettings or GConf,


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-08 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 17:55 -0500, Colin Walters wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Morten Welinder wrote:
  What actual problem was solved by all this infrastructure to keep just
  one instance?
 Basically for any application which manipulates private files in any
 form (in Firefox' case, this is the history database), it avoids data
 corruption with uncontrolled access by multiple processes.

This doesn't seem likely to be interesting to most apps. GSettings (or
GConf) handles shared access to the configuration data.

   It also
 matches the GNOME 3 experience; for any apps that can have multiple
 windows, it's usually far saner (and more efficient) to implement it
 with one process.

Maybe I don't understand, but that sounds just like it's saner without
telling me why. Or are you talking about windows that are shared between
document windows, such as having 2 gimp images open with only one
toolbar window?

I would very much like some reasoning to point people at when I tell
them to use GtkApplication. I will not just hand-wave and say that
people say it's good.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 12:53 +0200, Claudio Saavedra wrote:
 On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 08:58 +0100, Carlos Garcia Campos wrote:
  Note that we moved from single process model to multiple process
  without changing the evince behaviour, it still behaves like a single
  instance app, opening an already opened document brings it to the
 As far as I understand, you can achieve this with
 GApplication/GtkApplication by a combination of G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE
 and G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER in both a service and a launcher process.

Is there any example of this in an application? It seems generally

I'd like to use GtkApplication for Glom but I don't want to make all
instances be in the same process, because:

1. It will crash.
2. I currently have a global object for application-wide stuff such as a
pointer to the main window. Being single-process lets me just use that
global instance from various parts of my code rather than passing it up
and down all the levels of code as an extra function parameter.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-02 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 23:41 +, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 On 2011-02-21 at 21:57, Murray Cumming wrote:
 I'll leave the other points, as they've received a reply already.
  How should we use GOptionContext to parse command line arguments from
  argc/argv when using GtkApplication. Is this the ideal way, using the
  command-line signal?
  It seems a little long-winded.
 Totem's usage is not entirely trivial: it requires argument parsing in
 the local (i.e. the just executed) and remote (i.e. the currently
 running) instances.
 simpler cases are:
   • you can just parse all arguments in the local instance, which means
 using g_option_context_parse() prior to creating the G(tk)Application
 instance; in this case, the command line arguments can be used to
 parametrize the Application instance, e.g via GObject properties,
 direct access to instance members, or even GApplication actions (as
 soon as they get more functionality).
   • you can defer all command line parsing to the remote instance, by
 constructor and by connecting to the ::command-line signal; and
 example is in the Dictionary:
 probably the latter case is a more direct map of what you'd have done
 with libunique or the Bacon copy-and-paste API.
 in general, and if at all possible, I'd strongly advise to use the first
 approach (local parsing), and keep an eye out as soon as the GAction API
 gets more love and functionality.

Thanks for the suggestion, but why wouldn't you use the
GApplication::local_command_line vfunc for local command-line parsing?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-03-02 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2011-03-02 at 10:07 +, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestion, but why wouldn't you use the
  GApplication::local_command_line vfunc for local command-line parsing?
 if I a) don't want to sub-class GApplication and b) want to do local
 command line parsing, it's pretty trivial to use a GOptionContext and
 parse the command line prior to creating the GApplication.

That would be nice for us to recommend here,
but wouldn't that require us to call gtk_init() before
g_option_context_parse(), to first remove the standard options? Or we
could just call gtk_init_with_args().

Then I guess we could pass NULL, NULL to g_application_run() for
argc/argv, but this is one of the things that needs to be documented:


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-02-25 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 17:51 -0500, Colin Walters wrote:
  Are we still meant to call gtk_init(argc, argv) when using
  GtkApplication, which takes argc/argv again via g_application_run(). Or
  is gtk_init() then superfluous?
 gtk_init is superfluous, yes;

I guess we should mention GtkApplication here then:

  it's handled in the startup phase of

Do you mean, during g_application_run(), or earlier?

  Mathias mentioned that gtk_init(NULL, NULL) is best anyway, though I
  don't understand why:
 It doesn't really do anything interesting or useful; you can achieve 
 with environment variables

But don't (bearded) people expect applications to take (GNU?) standard
command line options, such as --display=DISPLAY?

If we really think people should do this:
  gtk_init(NULL, NULL),
  g_application_run(NULL, NULL),
then surely we should say so in the documentation. I don't like the
vagueness right now.

The documentation currently doesn't even say that NULLs are valid


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-02-22 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2011-02-21 at 21:57 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
 I'm trying to wrap GtkApplication for gtkmm but I can't really do that
 until I understand how it's meant to be used.
 In general, I find the documentation lacks overview and advice, partly
 because it's spread between GApplication and GtkApplication and mentions
 some concepts without explaining them first. So I have some questions.
 Are we still meant to call gtk_init(argc, argv) when using
 GtkApplication, which takes argc/argv again via g_application_run(). Or
 is gtk_init() then superfluous?
 Mathias mentioned that gtk_init(NULL, NULL) is best anyway, though I
 don't understand why:
 How should we use GOptionContext to parse command line arguments from
 argc/argv when using GtkApplication. Is this the ideal way, using the
 command-line signal?
 It seems a little long-winded.

And more simply:

3. Will we recommend that all GTK+ applications generally use

4. Do we believe that all (GTK+) applications should be single-instance


gtk-devel-list mailing list

GtkApplication and argc/arv

2011-02-21 Thread Murray Cumming
I'm trying to wrap GtkApplication for gtkmm but I can't really do that
until I understand how it's meant to be used.

In general, I find the documentation lacks overview and advice, partly
because it's spread between GApplication and GtkApplication and mentions
some concepts without explaining them first. So I have some questions.

Are we still meant to call gtk_init(argc, argv) when using
GtkApplication, which takes argc/argv again via g_application_run(). Or
is gtk_init() then superfluous?

Mathias mentioned that gtk_init(NULL, NULL) is best anyway, though I
don't understand why:

How should we use GOptionContext to parse command line arguments from
argc/argv when using GtkApplication. Is this the ideal way, using the
command-line signal?
It seems a little long-winded.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Problem in gtk_combo_box_append_text()

2011-01-20 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 16:37 +0530, Karthikeyan Krishnamurthi wrote:
 Hi group,
I try to append text to combo box using gtk_combo_box_append_text () i
 got the following error...
 gtk_combo_box_append_text: assertion `GTK_IS_LIST_STORE
 (combo_box-priv-model)' failed
  how to solve this..
 I am using anjuta 2.32.0

Maybe you did not create the GtkComboBox with gtk_combo_box_new_text():

(This will be simpler in GTK+ 3.)


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Database view widget

2011-01-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 11:40 +0100, Edheldil wrote:
 Dear listmembers,
 I am writing an application in Python+libglade (*) which displays a long
 table of objects and their properties (geocaches, actually. Similar to
 GSAK or GeoGet). The problem is that with more than 15000 objects the
 TreeView starts to get rather unresponsive.
 Is there a better alternative?

libgdaui (in libgda) provides widgets to show data from databases,
though I don't use it personally yet. There might be python bindings.

 I guess it's probably possible to display only several pages of objects
 and handle ScrollBar manually, but that looks inelegant and tedious. Is
 there a better way? Some better suited widget, capable of displaying
 icons, simple markup and filtering/sorting? I remember there being some
 table widget, but it seemed to be limited back when I was looking at it.
 (*) will port it to Gtk Builder eventually
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK+ 2.99.0 announced

2011-01-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 11:57 -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
 GTK+ 2.99.0 is now available for download at:

If it's possible, please, it would be nice to have another release soon.
Tristan has just fixed something that was making GtkTreeView completely
broken with gtkmm, and probably with any other language bindings that
use gtkmm 3:

This has made the last two releases untestable for our developers.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the GTK+ Team Meeting - 2010-12-14

2010-12-15 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 22:53 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 There's one behavioural change, gtk_tree_view_set_cursor() when
 specifying start_editing = TRUE will no longer toggle the state
 of an activatable cell (this used to be the case, we thought it
 was an undesirable side effect since the api is more about bringing
 attention to a cell for the user to edit but not implicitly 
 modifying the data).

I don't understand. Do you mean that start_editing=TRUE won't start
editing? If so, can't we remove that parameter?

Or, if not, what state do you mean? How did this change the data

 Other than that is seals the whole GtkTreeViewColumn structure so
 if people are accessing some members of the column directly they
 will have to find other means to do this (I dont expect there
 to be any valid reason for accessing these members directly though,
 we did expose gtk_tree_view_column_get_button() for the sake
 of libgail and apps that set tooltips on the column headers).

And you've _added_ API, right? So we can now get a GtkCellArea, so we
can do slightly more complex layout of cells within a GtkTreeViewColumn.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk-style-context has landed

2010-12-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 15:42 +0100, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
 Hey :),
 I have just merged the gtk-style-context branch in master, here's the
 status of things:
   * The new API is fully functional, well documented, and used
 underneath GtkStyle, a few widgets are using it directly
   * GtkStyle and GtkRcStyle are deprecated, but more code can be
 surely removed, the most tricky bit might be
 GtkRcPropertyParser, which is used in GtkSettings, although we
 can likely just typedef it to GtkSettingsParser.
   * Widgets in gtk/ need to use GtkStyleContext directly shortly,
 during the transition there might be visual glitches as widgets
 expose further information themeable through CSS, the builtin
 one will be kept as sane as possible though.
   * Apps are encouraged to switch, I guess a GNOME goal should be
 set up to handle this, Javier? :)

I guess that the GtkWidget::style-set signal should also be deprecated,
removed or changed:

   * GtkWidget::style-set:
   * @widget: the object on which the signal is emitted
   * @previous_style: (allow-none): the previous style, or %NULL if the
   *   just got its initial style
   * The ::style-set signal is emitted when a new style has been set
   * on a widget. Note that style-modifying functions like
   * gtk_widget_modify_base() also cause this signal to be emitted.
  widget_signals[STYLE_SET] =
g_signal_new (I_(style-set),
  G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
  G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkWidgetClass, style_set),

I notice also that gtk_widget_reset_style() has no documentation.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk-style-context has landed

2010-12-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 15:42 +0100, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
 Hey :),
 I have just merged the gtk-style-context branch in master, here's the
 status of things:
   * The new API is fully functional, well documented, and used
 underneath GtkStyle, a few widgets are using it directly
   * GtkStyle and GtkRcStyle are deprecated, but more code can be
 surely removed, the most tricky bit might be
 GtkRcPropertyParser, which is used in GtkSettings, although we
 can likely just typedef it to GtkSettingsParser.
   * Widgets in gtk/ need to use GtkStyleContext directly shortly,
 during the transition there might be visual glitches as widgets
 expose further information themeable through CSS, the builtin
 one will be kept as sane as possible though.

I'm wondering how code such as this should be ported (I'm porting a
similar gtkmm example):

The old gtk_paint_*(GtkStyle*,) functions took a GtkStateType parameter,
which is presumably deprecated in favour of GtkStateFlags, though that's
not documented.

But the new gtk_render_*(GtkStyleContext*, ) functions don't have a
state parameter, because GtkStyleContext has a state instead. But then
what happens to the state logic in that code?

   * Apps are encouraged to switch, I guess a GNOME goal should be
 set up to handle this, Javier? :)
 I'll be handling these items during the next days, helping hands are of
 course welcome.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Incorporating changes from bindings [was: Add GtkRadioGroup?]

2010-11-10 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 17:16 +0100, Philip Chimento wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 11:28, Alexander Larsson wrote:
  By the way, are there any other places where the java or C++ bindings do
  cleanup changes like this? Some may be interesting to push into the
  core now that we have the chance.
 I'd propose adding gtk_builder_get_widget_derived(), based on a method
 in gtkmm [1]. This would make it much easier to use Glade when
 subclassing widgets.

Note that I don't like how it demands that the derived class has a
certain constructor (that takes a Builder instance as parameter), but
there might be a better way:
But that's probably all very C++.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: PyGtk and gtk-3.0 compatibility

2010-11-06 Thread Murray Cumming
On Sat, 2010-07-17 at 12:50 +1200, John Stowers wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 01:48 +1200, John Stowers wrote:
  First of all, PyGI and GObject introspection is the way forward.
  Now, that being said, it seems a little silly to spend all this effort
  porting C apps in GNOME to gtk-3.0 only to see the first PyGtk app drag
  back in the gtk-2.0 libraries with import gtk.
  So I spent a little time trying to get PyGtk to build with GSEAL. Turns
  out it wasn't that hard [1][2].
 This has reached a reasonable state of working, I have run the same
 python applications against a GSEALED G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED branch of
 2.21 and against master (although for that you will also need this
 branch [0])
 If you are interested in playing 
  * Check out the gtk-3.0 branches of PyGObject and PyGtk [1][2]
  * Build against a Gtk 2.21.x release with the appropriate GSEAL and
 The remaining work is 
  * When needed, fix the override files to not call deprecated functions
  * If an object has beer wrapped with the (fields (...)) attribute
then you need to either
1) Add a (getter-funcname foo) or (getter-propname bar)
   attribute to he appropriate defs file
2) Remove the field wrapping (or possible override), which
   will break compatibility
 Behind the scenes, a modified PyGObject codegen is needed because of how
 field access on GObjects (ie GtkWidget.window) is now handled. Access is
 now delegated to either a getter function (ie gtk_widget_get_window) or
 to a GObject property (ie g_object_get(widget, window, window))
 depending on whether you added the getter-funcname of getter-propname to
 the defs file. To see remaining fields that need to be emulated grep for
 FIXME-FIELD in the generated code, or watch for DepreciationError
 runtime warnings.
 So depending on how many fields can be annotated in this way, and how
 the GDK sealing / GDKDevice cleanup goes, I am confident that with a
 little luck and some work, that PyGtk apps should be able to run against
 gtk-3.0 with no code changes (providing you were not using very old
 deprecated stuff, and that fields are now accessible with accessor
 p.s. Branches will likely be rebased in future
  Only a few accessors were missing
* GtkWindow.has_user_ref_count
* GtkInvisible.has_user_ref_count
  These both are used in the sink funcs, and seem to be a synonym
  for checking the object has not been destroyed. 
* gtk_menu_get_position_func{,_data}
  So, what is the opinion on this? Is it worth me continuing? My idea
  would be to make *only one* PyGtk release that builds against gtk-3.0,
  it would see no new features.

What's the status of this now? Is there every likely to be a pygtk
release for GTK+ 3?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Language Bindings Update for Website

2010-10-25 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 09:36 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
 Hi all,
 While adding the FreeBASIC language bindings to our language-bindings 
 page¹, I noticed S-Lang and Harbour have not released for a while or 
 have denounced their support for language bindings. This is just to let 
 everyone know I have now removed them.
 For anyone else wanting to update their language binding support listed 
 on the site, please let me know so we can update them accordingly.

That shows vala and Javascript as an Official GNOME Binding,
presumably meaning an official GNOME Platform Binding. But they are not:


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-22 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 09:56 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 10:48 +0200, David King wrote:
  On 2010-10-14 11:52, Murray Cumming wrote:
  If nobody says they want this soon then I guess we'll just put it in
  I am ready to add this to libegg, but it seems to depend on GTK+ 2 only 
  right now, so do we want GTK+ 3 code there? If so, should I update 
  everything to use GTK+ 3, make GTK+ 2/3 support selectable at configure 
  time or simply dump the code in a subdirectory with a separate Makefile 
  (much like wrapbox is currently)?
 libegg components are meant to be copy and pasted into other projects;
 adding a dependency on gtk+-3 just for the spread-table is not a problem
 at all. just add a conditional like the ones currently there for
 different versions of gtk+-2.0, and recurse into the spread-table
 directory if gtk+-3.0 is available.

Wouldn't it be enough just to branch it and make master use only GTK+ 3?
Or is it used by so many projects that try to support both GTK+ 2 and 3
in the same branch (which seems increasingly painful)?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-22 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 12:01 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 12:53 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
I am ready to add this to libegg, but it seems to depend on GTK+ 2 only 
right now, so do we want GTK+ 3 code there? If so, should I update 
everything to use GTK+ 3, make GTK+ 2/3 support selectable at configure 
time or simply dump the code in a subdirectory with a separate Makefile 
(much like wrapbox is currently)?
   libegg components are meant to be copy and pasted into other projects;
   adding a dependency on gtk+-3 just for the spread-table is not a problem
   at all. just add a conditional like the ones currently there for
   different versions of gtk+-2.0, and recurse into the spread-table
   directory if gtk+-3.0 is available.
  Wouldn't it be enough just to branch it and make master use only GTK+ 3?
  Or is it used by so many projects that try to support both GTK+ 2 and 3
  in the same branch (which seems increasingly painful)?
 I think that the branch already happened - I see a gnome-2-32 branch in

Yes, that was me, not waiting before asking first. Bad me.

  but it would probably require to port all components to gtk+-3
 if we want to make libegg a gtk+-3.0-only copy-and-paste library.

Yes, I'm suggesting that David does that.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-14 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 17:18 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 08:54 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
  Oh, I see now it's a WrapBox replacement I guess (reading threads out of 
 Well, not quite. This one has a fixed number of columns (or rows,
 depending on the orientation). That makes its layout quite different
 than if the number of rows was variable. I think of this one as being
 like newspaper columns.
 Here are some screenshots of tests/testspreadtable from the spread-table
 It makes possible (dynamic) arrangements of widgets like this:
 Maybe it's not wanted by many people, but people ask for it every now
 and then. I want it myself, so I obviously have an incentive to have it
 maintained inside GTK+.

If nobody says they want this soon then I guess we'll just put it in


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-11 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 23:31 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 For what its worth I finally applied this algorithm
 to the 'spread-table' branch.
 In the case that the trailing columns get no
 widgets, one widget is placed in each of the trailing
 columns (again, only happens with lots of columns
 and not enough widgets... and seems to look good
 this way IMO) 

I think you have broken the single-line case. No child widgets seem to
appear for me now when lines=1.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: possible removal of GtkWrapBox

2010-10-11 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 12:36 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Furthermore, the gimp's newer versions is now using GtkToolPalette
 in place of the older wrap-box (the gimp had been using a similar
 wrap-box widget to wrap items around in one of it's toolbars).

Shouldn't GtkToolPalette (and maybe GtkToolbar) be using GtkWrapBox, or
some similar code?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-11 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 19:48 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 11:04 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 23:31 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
   For what its worth I finally applied this algorithm
   to the 'spread-table' branch.
   In the case that the trailing columns get no
   widgets, one widget is placed in each of the trailing
   columns (again, only happens with lots of columns
   and not enough widgets... and seems to look good
   this way IMO) 
  I think you have broken the single-line case. No child widgets seem to
  appear for me now when lines=1.
 Interesting I'll check that out, the current expected results is that
 it still lines up children on 2 lines (i.e. thats the current minimum
 for the lines property, so I would expect a warning message and
 a behaviour of 2 lines).

That seem rather arbitrary. Allowing lines=1 lets me use it more
generically and dynamically. Otherwise I need to switch to a GtkBox just
for that case.

 Since having a single-line spread table is desired, I'll go ahead
 and change that (I suppose 2 lines is still a good default though).


 fwiw, there's another unhandled case; currently when there are
 less widgets in the table than there are lines declared; space
 is still allocated for the extra missing lines.

That sounds OK to me, as long as it's documented. It's giving the coder
what he asked for. Otherwise, lines would be max-lines.

 Is it desirable to:
   a.) Only request and allocate space for columns we have enough
   widgets to fill ?
   b.) Request and allocate space for a third column if only 2 widgets
   are in the box (leaving the impression that there is actually
   a third column that is simply unpopulated) ?
 I'm pretty sure that 'a' is the reasonable choice but I was not 
 entirely sure.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: possible removal of GtkWrapBox

2010-10-11 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 19:54 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 11:06 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 12:36 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
   Furthermore, the gimp's newer versions is now using GtkToolPalette
   in place of the older wrap-box (the gimp had been using a similar
   wrap-box widget to wrap items around in one of it's toolbars).
  Shouldn't GtkToolPalette (and maybe GtkToolbar) be using GtkWrapBox, or
  some similar code?
 Unfortunately it cant be done that simply (actually; I initially
 wanted to implement GtkSpreadTable in terms of a GtkBox subclass 
 with 'n-lines' child GtkBoxes lined up in the opposite orientation,
 i.e. an hbox filled with vboxes... this idea would have presented some
 problems when it would come to requesting and testing different
 The main problem here is that the GtkToolPalette is expected to
 contain toolitems, and calling gtk_container_get_children on
 it should generally return the toolitems, anything that invokes
 the forall vfunc expects toolitems, not a wrapbox (also calling
 gtk_container_add/remove() on the toolpalette is not expected
 to add/remove the child wrap-box).

Can't some vfunc implementation make it return the indirect children,
instead, making GtkWrapBox purely implementation?

 So I would have to say only the latter is really possible, i.e.
 the toolpalette should use similar code as the wrapbox.
 (this case kindof shows one of the advantages that Clutter has
 in terms of layout managers being separated code from the
 actual containers).


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-08 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 20:36 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 12:13 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 12:37 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
   Hello list again,
  Now for the introduction of GtkSpreadTable (still open for
   a better name for this widget).
   What the spread table container does is takes a linear list
   of widgets, which can be of variable size and spread/distribute
   the widgets as evenly as possible according to their size
   across a fixed number of rows or columns. Thus requiring the
   smallest size possible while maintaining the fixed number
   of columns or rows.
   For instance when oriented vertically, widgets will be listed
   top-down with the first widget in the top-left corner and the 
   last widget on the bottom right; widgets will be lined up in 
   such a way to require the least height as possible.
   This widget is the one that actually meets the requirements 
   for Glom[0].
   To get a better idea of how this works you can checkout and 
   build the 'spread-table' branch I added to GTK+ yesterday... 
   fire up the ./tests/testspreadlayout demo.
  Some quick links might be helpful
  I have already wrapped this in a branch of gtkmm, and even used it in
  Glom instead of my custom code. It seems to work fine for me.
  Some small suggestions:
  I think lines should be lines_count.
  I'd like a get_widget_line(GtkWidget*) function so I can discover what
  line (column in my case) the widget is currently in. I'd like to query
  that whenever the allocation changes, so that I can align some child
  widgets (children of HBoxes in columns of the GtkSpreadTable) via a
  GtkSizeGroup. Obviously I only want widgets in a GtkSizeGroup (so they
  have the same width) that are in the same column.
 I suppose they could even be read-only child properties,
 in this way we could cache the current line number and 
 notify the changes when one widget gets placed on an new line
 (an unallocated widget would always be on line -1).
 Then you could just watch when the widget jumps from line to line.
 However I wonder if changing some if the internal widget's size
 groups may effect the overall requested width of that column...
 and in the worst case you end up with a situation where:
   - Allocation happens
   - Change size groups in consequence
   - Size group changes widget requests
   - Widget's get reorganized into different
 columns as a result of the new size-grouping. 
 Maybe it wont happen so long as you are playing with smaller
 sizes, but it may be recommendable to just size group widgets
 in all columns equally (I suppose experimentation will tell).

Yeah, I saw the risk of an endless loop, but maybe I can prevent that in
my code. Or maybe it will just be one extra relayout. My existing code
actually has a hard-coded concept of two horizontally-aligned items in
each column, so it knows about that constraint already. But that's very
specific behaviour.

Alternatively, is there just some way to find a child GtkWidget's
position in a GtkContainer? Then I wouldn't need extra API.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-08 Thread Murray Cumming
On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 21:23 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 14:08 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 20:36 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
   On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 12:13 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 12:37 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Hello list again,
Now for the introduction of GtkSpreadTable (still open for
 a better name for this widget).
 What the spread table container does is takes a linear list
 of widgets, which can be of variable size and spread/distribute
 the widgets as evenly as possible according to their size
 across a fixed number of rows or columns. Thus requiring the
 smallest size possible while maintaining the fixed number
 of columns or rows.
 For instance when oriented vertically, widgets will be listed
 top-down with the first widget in the top-left corner and the 
 last widget on the bottom right; widgets will be lined up in 
 such a way to require the least height as possible.
 This widget is the one that actually meets the requirements 
 for Glom[0].
 To get a better idea of how this works you can checkout and 
 build the 'spread-table' branch I added to GTK+ yesterday... 
 fire up the ./tests/testspreadlayout demo.

Some quick links might be helpful

I have already wrapped this in a branch of gtkmm, and even used it in
Glom instead of my custom code. It seems to work fine for me.

Some small suggestions:
I think lines should be lines_count.

I'd like a get_widget_line(GtkWidget*) function so I can discover what
line (column in my case) the widget is currently in. I'd like to query
that whenever the allocation changes, so that I can align some child
widgets (children of HBoxes in columns of the GtkSpreadTable) via a
GtkSizeGroup. Obviously I only want widgets in a GtkSizeGroup (so they
have the same width) that are in the same column.
   I suppose they could even be read-only child properties,
   in this way we could cache the current line number and 
   notify the changes when one widget gets placed on an new line
   (an unallocated widget would always be on line -1).
   Then you could just watch when the widget jumps from line to line.
   However I wonder if changing some if the internal widget's size
   groups may effect the overall requested width of that column...
   and in the worst case you end up with a situation where:
 - Allocation happens
 - Change size groups in consequence
 - Size group changes widget requests
 - Widget's get reorganized into different
   columns as a result of the new size-grouping. 
   Maybe it wont happen so long as you are playing with smaller
   sizes, but it may be recommendable to just size group widgets
   in all columns equally (I suppose experimentation will tell).
  Yeah, I saw the risk of an endless loop, but maybe I can prevent that in
  my code. Or maybe it will just be one extra relayout. My existing code
  actually has a hard-coded concept of two horizontally-aligned items in
  each column, so it knows about that constraint already. But that's very
  specific behaviour.
  Alternatively, is there just some way to find a child GtkWidget's
  position in a GtkContainer? Then I wouldn't need extra API.
 You can use gtk_widget_translate_coordinates() for that... but it 
 will leave you with alot of guessing (observing widget allocation
 sizes in the child list etc).
 I think an API will make your code much cleaner, maybe it would
 help if at least you got to step in /before/ the allocation
 actually happens.
 i.e. the same API could be:
 guint gtk_spread_table_get_child_line (table, child, size);
 where it would return: the column 'child' would fall into
 if 'table' were allocated 'size' width.
 This could potentially give you a chance to shift size groups, 
 run some tests with the above api and then actually allocate
 the table's size after you know it's safe.

So I'd start with the child's currently allocated-size?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-08 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 12:37 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Hello list again,
Now for the introduction of GtkSpreadTable (still open for
 a better name for this widget).
 What the spread table container does is takes a linear list
 of widgets, which can be of variable size and spread/distribute
 the widgets as evenly as possible according to their size
 across a fixed number of rows or columns. Thus requiring the
 smallest size possible while maintaining the fixed number
 of columns or rows.
 For instance when oriented vertically, widgets will be listed
 top-down with the first widget in the top-left corner and the 
 last widget on the bottom right; widgets will be lined up in 
 such a way to require the least height as possible.
 This widget is the one that actually meets the requirements 
 for Glom[0].
 To get a better idea of how this works you can checkout and 
 build the 'spread-table' branch I added to GTK+ yesterday... 
 fire up the ./tests/testspreadlayout demo.

Some quick links might be helpful

I have already wrapped this in a branch of gtkmm, and even used it in
Glom instead of my custom code. It seems to work fine for me.

Some small suggestions:
I think lines should be lines_count.

I'd like a get_widget_line(GtkWidget*) function so I can discover what
line (column in my case) the widget is currently in. I'd like to query
that whenever the allocation changes, so that I can align some child
widgets (children of HBoxes in columns of the GtkSpreadTable) via a
GtkSizeGroup. Obviously I only want widgets in a GtkSizeGroup (so they
have the same width) that are in the same column.

This is fairly unusual, but this is the first widget that has such
dynamic layout so you can't predict at compile time where the widgets
will appear in relation to each other.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkSpreadTable ('spread-table' branch)

2010-10-07 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 08:54 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Oh, I see now it's a WrapBox replacement I guess (reading threads out of 

Well, not quite. This one has a fixed number of columns (or rows,
depending on the orientation). That makes its layout quite different
than if the number of rows was variable. I think of this one as being
like newspaper columns.

Here are some screenshots of tests/testspreadtable from the spread-table

It makes possible (dynamic) arrangements of widgets like this:

Maybe it's not wanted by many people, but people ask for it every now
and then. I want it myself, so I obviously have an incentive to have it
maintained inside GTK+.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: Build and install a new input method?

2010-10-06 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 07:56 +0700, John Matthewman wrote:
 Thanks for that - though I was hoping to see a simple makefile so I
 could make a bit more sense of what's going on. (Not a fan of

Just watch the output when you do make install then.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkComboBox popup menu wider than the combobox

2010-10-06 Thread Murray Cumming
On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 09:16 +0200, Michael Natterer wrote:
 On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 20:46 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
  Is there any way to make a GtkComboBox's popup menu wider than the
  GtkComboBox itself, or to disable ellipsizing so that is possible?
 No, but the other way around. You initialize the combo with the
 large cells, and then hack around to set smaller cells once
 the widget is constructed.
 In GIMP, we do the hack in style_set() because we need a style
 property that scales down font size, but I'm sure you can do
 it in another place too:
   layout = GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (combo)));
   gtk_cell_layout_clear (layout);
 Then set something small.
 No a solution, but a hack that has worked for a long time now ;)

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who needs this. Would this patch
(from Tristan) help you too?


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