Re: z/VM 5.3 or z/VM 5.2

2007-07-26 Thread Tom Cluster
We're at z/VM 4.2.  I wasn't involved in the CP gen.  When I look at 
the Maint CF1 disk I see 31 bit and 64 bit verisons of CPLOAD 
MODULE, and then a single CPLOAD MODULE.  I presume one of the two 
versions was copied to CPLOAD MODULE.  Is there a CP command which 
shows whether z/VM 4.2 is running in 64-bit mode?

- Tom.

The first-level system must be running in 64-bit mode for both tape and DVD.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Dirmaint - any way to suppress the user notification message when a directory change is made?

2007-07-18 Thread Tom Cluster
If I issue a dirm for xxx replace command the user whose directory 
has been changed receives the following message:

DVHBIU3427I Changes made to directory entry TOMTEST by TCLUSTER at
DVHBIU3427I SONOMA have been placed online.

I've been trying to find a way to suppress this message but without 
success.  Does anyone know of a way to do this?

 - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: FTPing to z/VM

2007-06-20 Thread Tom Cluster
To use SFS with FTPSERVE I found that I had to alter CHKIPADR EXEC to 
specify a default working directory.

  - Tom.

At 01:21 PM 6/20/2007, you wrote:

SFS also does not have the multiple-writers problem.

You do have to make sure the FTPSERVE user is an administrator for
the filepool in question, though.


Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: RSCS: LPR page size

2007-03-26 Thread Tom Cluster
From what's been written, I presume that the carriage control that 
VSE uses would be preserved if it existed.   Using // STDOPT LINES= 
is a way to influence VSE's production of carriage control 
characters.  However, printouts can be produced in VSE in two 
different ways - via SYSLST (system logical unit) or a numbered SYS 
(e.g., SYS010 - program logical unit).  STDOPT affects only SYSLST 
output.  To complicate matters even further, if your program is a 
COBOL program and is using DISPLAY (UPON SYSLST) then there will be 
no page breaks, regardless of STDOPT LINES.  Ordinarily reports 
aren't written with DISPLAY, but it has been done.

To put it another way, if your program is using a program logical 
unit (a numbered SYS), STDOPT LINES= won't help.  The only way you 
can control the page breaks from the VSE side is from within your program.

  - Tom.

At 03:27 PM 3/26/2007, you wrote:

Hi Shimon,

You've tried using


in your job to change the default number of lines on the page for your job?

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 


2007-02-15 Thread Tom Cluster

Hello, Shimon,

Stephen's advice to put the query on the vse list probably makes 
sense.  If you're not currently subscribed, go 

I don't see where the ISEP operand will do what you want.  It makes 
the last separator page identical to the other separator pages 
(otherwise it has less information, but the job name is no different).

 - Tom.

At 07:58 AM 2/15/2007, you wrote:

Try the command: PSTART LST,uraddr,class,buf,ISEP
For sample: S LST,FEE,Q,,ISEP


Nelson Freitas

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: LPR printing problem

2007-02-02 Thread Tom Cluster
I've heard that the LPR/LPD RFC leaves a lot to be desired in terms 
of specificity on how things should work, so that different 
implementations often have inconsistencies.

  - Tom.

At 03:40 AM 2/2/2007, you wrote:

However, the REAL question is: why would LPR output from VSE act
differently than LPR output from VM? Aren't there supposed to be

David Wakser

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 


2007-01-20 Thread Tom Cluster

Hi, Ed,

Yes, as you already know, CPCMD only allows come CP commands.  (Who 
knows why...)

I know that some people have made the recommendation to zap the table 
in the phase to replace a command that it allows (but which you don't 
need to use) with one that you need.  I've never done it because I've 
always found another way to do it, but I imagine it would work.

 - Tom.

At 09:05 AM 1/19/2007, you wrote:

Hi Hans,

  I tried this:


  And it gave me Command not supported

  Is CPCMD only allowing a certain subset of CP commands by chance?

Ed Zell
(309) 674-8255 x-107

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels

2007-01-09 Thread Tom Cluster
I've been watching the various postings on the new IBMLink with 
interest and I feel that I've not been supportive by not having added 
my voice to the chorus of protest, but I've felt that we're fighting 
a losing battle.  I once had green screen IBMLink.  I could do 
wondrous things with it, more often in VSE than in VM.  Then I left 
that job and no longer had IBMLink until I went to work for an IBM 
business partner who had the new IBMLink.  I hated it for all the 
reasons that have been mentioned.  I no longer work for the business 
partner and at the moment I don't have IBMLink anywhere.  I've made 
use of some of the publicly available urls to answer some of my 
questions (Kris posted a url yesterday that typifies what nowadays 
seems to be available to everyone), and I've appreciated the fact 
that I can get to these tools with no special permissions.  But I 
feel that I can no longer do the kind of active support for my 
software that I was able to do with the old IBMLink.

Calling for support these days can be a really frustrating experience 
compared to the old days.  Luckily if I call for VSE or VM product 
defect support I usually am able to talk to someone who's helpful and 
knowledgeable.  I empathize with Alan when he tried to call about 
IBMLink 2000.  I can feel my blood pressure rise when I read the 
paragraph quoted below.  I've come to the conclusion that upper IBM 
management is trying to move all its customers to the PC/Microsoft 
model of software support:  apply the latest service level, cross 
your fingers, and be quiet if all hell breaks loose.  After all, you 
took the risk by applying the service, and aren't you able to back it 
out?  I'm not suggesting for one moment that this is the attitude of 
the VM or VSE labs (and it's probably not even the attitude of the 
OS/390 folks, but I never speak with them), but it's undoubtedly the 
attitude of people who populate the highest levels in IBM, who foist 
IBMLink 2000 on us as if it's an improvement, and who direct our 
concerns to someone in another country who has absolutely no 
experience doing the work we do and who, no matter how motivated he 
or she might be to provide excellent service, is absolutely incapable 
of understanding our problem.

Probably one of the things that's most irritating is the way advances 
like this are portrayed as if they're all in the service of progress, 
veritable gifts from the gods.  It's a newspeak that at times can 
become almost frightening (one thinks of Healthy Forests and Clear 
Skies, but here I'm afraid I'm veering off the subject into verboten 

This is why people of our age look toward retirement with renewed interest.

 - Tom.

At 03:54 PM 1/8/2007, you wrote:

How do I do this in IBMLink 2000?

I called their 800 number and spent 30 minutes trying to explain my
problem to someone in India who knew absolutely nothing about ESOs. He
said level 2 would call me back, but I am still waiting.

Is it any wopnder I hate IBMLink 2000?

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: Changing DOSRES SYSWK1 labels using ICKDSF under z/VM ?

2006-12-20 Thread Tom Cluster

I have always used DITTO in CMS to do this.

ICKDSF CPVOL has a clip function - I'm not sure if you can do it 
outside of CPVOL.  Maybe you could use CPVOL's LABEL function even 
though it's not a VM volume, but I've never tried it.

If you have DITTO in CMS, use it.  It works nicely.

 - Tom.

At 06:03 PM 12/20/2006, you wrote:

Can you change DOSRES  SYSWK1 labels using ICKDSF under z/VM ?

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: Sample to REPRO to SL tape

2006-11-22 Thread Tom Cluster

I assume he wanted to do it in CMS.

- Tom.

At 12:40 PM 11/22/2006, you wrote:

* * * Top of File * * *
* $$ LST HA
// ASSGN SYS005,TAPE  ---O/P TAPE---
// MTC REW,SYS005 ---O/P TAPE---
* $$ EOJ

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gonen Shoham
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:25 AM
Subject: Sample to REPRO to SL tape

Can someone provide a sample how to REPRO VSAM file to SL tape.

DLBL + FILEDEF's - thanks

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: High Level Assembler on VSE and VM

2006-11-09 Thread Tom Cluster
Ronald Campbell of IBM responded to a similar question recently on 
the VSE listserv.  Here's a copy of that response:

According to IBM Licensing rules, if you have BOTH VM and VSE, you will
ONLY pay for the higher of the 2. 5696-234 actually has 3 licenses, one for
VSE ONLY, one for VM ONLY and one for VM/VSE. If you have both VM and VSE
then you should only be paying for one.
If you have an issue, please contact me OFF LINE so I can helpRon

Ronald (Ron) Campbell
zSeries Techline - zVSE, Websphere for zSeries, Linux
Supporting   DOS - DOS/VS - VSE/SP - VSE/ESA - z/VSE since 1973
IBM Canada, Toronto, Ontario

At 06:43 AM 11/6/2006, you wrote:

Hello Everyone,

  We have High Level Assembler for z/VM and for VSE.  The 
product number is the same

for both 5696-234.

  Can some one explain the billing process?  We are being 
charged two times for this,

seemly, one product.

Ed Martin
Aultman Health Foundation
ext. 40441

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: Any way to stop PROP from logging 'select messages'?

2006-11-03 Thread Tom Cluster

I'm not aware of any method for preventing writing to the log file.

- Tom.

At 12:43 PM 11/3/2006, you wrote:

Does that stop PROP from writting to the log file?
My problem is that I have an application that does 10-15K DIAL/DROP a day.
That really is a waste.


Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

RMDIR when ftping to another VM system using SFS

2006-09-28 Thread Tom Cluster
If I ftp from my production machine to my DR machine, logging onto my 
own userid on the remote machine, I find that I can issue the rmdir 
command (remove directory) and that it will remove my remote SFS 
directory even if there are files in it.  Yet if I try to discard the 
directory from a dirlist, it will fail because of the presence of 
files.  Could be dangerous.

My FTP server is set up so that it automatically establishes a 
working directory in an SFS file space, using CHKIPADR EXEC.  And 
yes, it has SFS administrator authority - otherwise it wouldn't work.

- Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: Multiple HOSTS LOCAL files to match multiple TCPIP files?

2006-09-27 Thread Tom Cluster

Thank you, Miguel.

From the comments in the file, after the system ID, there are two 
tokens on each line:

the userid of the TCP/IP virtual machine (which apparently 
is automatically filled in if you put in TCPIPUSERID)

the default userid

I don't understand where these values are used.  Can you elaborate?

 - Tom.

At 08:55 AM 9/27/2006, you wrote:

 That also leaves the TCPIP DATA file, located on the TCPMAINT 592
 minidisk. This file contains the userid of your TCPIP stack, which
 actually could be different on different machines, and the host name,
 which is, hopefully, different on different machines. Without correcting
 this file to match the machine you're on, the various tcpip tools, such
 as the FTP client, won't work.

This can be handled in the TCPIP DATA file itself.  It has support 
for multiple system IDs (with some rather archaic syntax):

for example, if the System ID of your machine is SYSID1 and the 
System ID of your DR machine is DRSYS1 then the following would 
select the appropriate TCPIPUSERID based on the machine:


Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Multiple HOSTS LOCAL files to match multiple TCPIP files?

2006-09-26 Thread Tom Cluster
I'm trying to configure my TCP/IP virtual machines so that when 
they're restored to our DR environment they will work correctly 
without any changes.  I have multiple TCPIP files, one for each CPU, 
because the selection of the filename to be used is based on the 
nodeid from the SYSTEM NETID file, with PROFILE TCPIP being used if 
there is no match.  However, that leaves the HOSTS LOCAL file.  I 
can't find a similar way to automate the selection of this file (as 
well as its two generated files).

Perhaps a better question to ask is this:

Do I really need to worry about the HOSTS LOCAL file?  We only use VM 
TCP/IP for TN3270 and FTP, and both seem to work perfectly well even 
if the HOSTS LOCAL file is for the wrong IP stack.  Our HOSTS LOCAL 
files contain only a single HOST and a single GATEWAY 
statement.  When I restore my production system to my DR system, 
TN3270 and FTP work fine on the DR system even though the HOSTS LOCAL 
file contains entries for the production system.

  - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: z/vm 5.2 - new install - DIRMAINT not in CP directory

2006-09-15 Thread Tom Cluster
Regarding FTPSERVE.  It is in the directory, otherwise you wouldn't 
see it logging on and then logging off.  You need to look at the 
messages it puts out when it runs.  I believe by default its console 
goes to TCPMAINT, but you could always just log it on directly 
(rather than xautologging it) and watch what happens.  Are you sure 
that TCPIP is up and running?

- Tom.

At 06:38 PM 9/14/2006, you wrote:

Also I am not able to bring up the ftp server. Xautolog seems to 
have done it but looks like ftpserve logs off immediately.

xautolog ftpserve
Command accepted
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 18:37:45
HCPCLS6056I XAUTOLOG information for FTPSERVE: The IPL command is 
verified by th

e IPL command processor.

Perhaps FTPSERVE is not in the directory? My memory is rusty on what 
I did last time when we installed z/VM 5.1.

Ranga Nathan
Work: 714-442-7591

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: VM directory entry for shared DASD

2006-09-07 Thread Tom Cluster
I don't think you'd want to issue real R/R whenever the subject 
minidisk begins on real cylinder zero.  I say this because VM 
systems which host VSE typically have *many* mdisks which begin with 
real cylinder 0.  Do we really want real reserve/release to occur for 
such volumes, especially when you consider that VSE has implemented 
its own locking mechanism (the lock file)?

In VSE literature from the '80's, it was said that one should use MWV 
only for the lock file itself.  Nowadays VM literature says to use 
MWV for all shared VSE minidisks.  See the following excerpt, quoted 
in a posting in the vse listserv, from the z/VM 5.2 Migration Guide:

4.3.1 Reserve/Release Considerations for VSE

z/VM supports virtual reserve/release for minidisks that are not a 
full pack. Therefore, the cross-system communication (also called the 
lock file) volume does not have to be defined as a full pack.

MDISK statements for all DASD you want to mount to VSE as shared (in 
other words, you want to use the S operand of the IPL ADD statement) 
must include the V suffix on the link mode. That is, the link mode 
must be MWV. If this is not done, VSE issues MSG 0I23I for the 
minidisks that do not have link mode MWV on their MDISK statements.

At 09:02 AM 9/7/2006, you wrote:

I would contend that a REAL R/R should be issued whenever the virtual R/R
is honoured on ANY minidisk associated with a real volume (that supports
real R/R) that's under control of cross-system link (aka XLINK) or
whenever the subject minidisk begins on real cylinder zero.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

LCS link_number with FEA cards on 7060 - Interconnect Controller Program (ICP)

2006-08-28 Thread Tom Cluster

This is posted to both VM and VSE listservs.

We have a production 7060 with three FEA cards, and we are currently 
configuring a second 7060, which also has three FEA cards, to act as 
a DR machine.  We have two IP stacks in VM and one in VSE.  I've not 
yet had an opportunity to test the VSE connection - at this point I'm 
working just with the two VM connections - but the question I'm 
asking is hardware related (I believe), and so either VSE or VM users 
familiar with the 7060 FEA cards may be able to answer it.

I don't understand where the link_number parameter of the 
LINK  statement is assigned.  According to the TCP/IP Planning and 
Customization Manual, in the section for LCS devices, the link_number 
is the relative Ethernet adapter number within the LCS.  This number 
is assigned by the Interconnect Controller Program (ICP).  I assume 
the ICP is something that runs within OS/2.  Can anyone direct me to 
it?  I've done configuration work within the EMIO selection in the 
Support Element and also within MPTS, but I don't recall seeing any 
place where these numbers (which are within the range of 1 to 3) are assigned.

By trial and error I've got the two VM IP stacks to run, and although 
the configuration of the FEA cards in MPTS and in EMIO appear to be 
the same between the two 7060's, the link_numbers that the two 
machines are using for the same FEA cards are different.  I'm asking 
this question not because I can't get the IP stacks to run, but 
because I want to understand where the number is assigned.


- Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Problem activating FEA cards on MP3000

2006-08-17 Thread Tom Cluster

This is posted both in the vse and vm listservs.

We have a used 7060 for DR purposes.  It has 3 FEA cards for IP 
traffic, to be used by VM and VSE TCP/IP.  The IOCDS entries are 
copied from those for the FEA cards on our production 7060 and our 
TCP/IP for VM configurations are copied from our production system 
(with appropriate changes for different IP addresses).  My EMIO 
configuration shows them as CTC devices.  The EMIO channel is working 
because we're able to use the TN3270 session on the HMC.  I've gone 
into various support element functions that purport to show the 
status of components on the 7060 and they show the cards as being 
installed and idle.  The problem is that I cannot vary them online 
in VM - no channel path available.  The cards seem to be powered up 
because the red lights are blinking (actually, they're only blinking 
on two of the cards - on the third card there are no lights, which I 
find interesting - this is one of the things I intend to talk with 
our CE about).

I am trying to contact my IBM CE, and he may be able to figure out 
why I can't vary them online, but I was wondering if anyone has any tips.

The cards are plugged into our network, but I don't know that the 
network drops are active.  I wouldn't think, though, that an inactive 
network drop would prevent my varying them online in VM.

Is there a configuration function on the HMC that pertains solely to 
the FEA's?  You know, something that would configure them for IP 
traffic or SNA traffic, etc.?  I'm not talking about the EMIO 
configuration panels.

I appreciate any ideas you may have.  Thanks!

 - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: VM2.3 IN$FILE 3174

2006-08-14 Thread Tom Cluster


I thought there was a file transfer 
customization question on the 3174 that had no 
counterpart on the 3274.  I vaguely remember 
something new on the 3174 that we had to answer 
yes to in order to make IND$FILE work correctly 
when we switched from 3274's ro 
3174's.  Unfortunately I don't have a 3174 Customization Guide to double-check.

- Tom.

At 08:05 AM 8/14/2006, you wrote:

I had a very interesting day working with a 
3174.  The plan is to move from a 3274-41D to a 
3174-01L.  The first part of the plan of making 
a copy of the already working configuration, 
which went fine.  (By the way, I walked into 
this shop.  Everything was already there, they 
just wanted copies made and then decided to move 
to the 3174. They only had one terminal on the 3174.)

Then we moved a Terminal to the 3174, which I 
then found out had an emulation terminal board 
in it.  (AST-3270 Coax-II-CUT Control Program Version 2.01)

I found out the VM 2.3 IN$FILE file transfer no 
longer worked.  Plug it back into the 3274 and 
it worked fine.  The transfer screen just 
signals wait.  There no error log or error message on the VM screen.

Went back to the configuration and found 
question 125 digit 6 and changed it to zero.  No change.

Reset the error logs on the 3174 and redid the 
transfer.  No file transfer, but no error messages.

Checked out questions 222, and changed it to 
1.  Note that this is a Fundamental Software type processor.  No change.

No error messages, no error logs.  The file 
transfer program on the PC just flashes “wait” forever.

Anybody got any suggestions?  What am I overlooking?

Configuration support A vanilla…. the default optiions

Jan Canavan

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

IPLing DDR standalone on 7060

2006-08-08 Thread Tom Cluster

I'm posting this on vse-l also.

I have a tape with IPLable ICKDSF (r16) and DDR (from z/VM 4.2), in 
that sequence.  When I IPL the tape on a 7060, using TN3270 session B 
on the OS/2 support element, I'm unable to get a response.  No matter 
what attention key I press I get an X-System indication.  (The 
support element is green because ICKDSF has IPLed okay.  It's just 
that I'm unable to give it the interrupt it wants to find the console.)

But then if I ipl the tape again, I have no trouble getting DDR.

And then, if I rewind the tape, and IPL ICKDSF, I get the Press 
clear when ready prompt in the lower right-hand corner, and when I 
press CLEAR ICKDSF is up and running.

So why can't I get ICKDSF to work when it's the first guy who's IPL'ed?

 - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)  

HCPA2F2234E Message

2006-08-02 Thread Tom Cluster
We have a Shark, and we've been getting HCPA2F2234E LINK FAILURE 
messages with increasing frequency.  The messages point to the Shark 
by model and serial number.  The message text says:

 A link-maintenance information record has been written to 
LOGREC in response to the reporting of a serial incident.

VM EREP shows recoverable machine check records corresponding in 
date/time to these messages.

The CE finds no error records in the Shark and no ICF (interface 
control checks) in the 7060.  The information shown in the HCP2234E 
message is insufficient to point to any recognizable component of the 
Shark or its connection.

We are on z/VM 4.2.  Our Shark is used by the mainframe as well as 
the open systems side of the house.

Anyone have any idea what these messages are prompted by and what 
they're trying to tell us?

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-30 Thread Tom Cluster
I don't understand what you mean by anone with TCPIP access.  Are 
you talking about people who use TN3270 through this server?  You 
can't be seriously saying that because of TCPIP's having LNKNOPAS 
that they can link to all disks, are you?

Thanks for the information about journaling.  I'll look into 
it.  I've never ventured into that area, so I doubt that anything is 
set up in a non-default manner.

  - Tom.

I suppose one way to get around this would be to give TCPIP 
LNKNOPAS authority.

That would give anyone with TCPIP access also access to all disks in
the system. Depends on your installation whether that is a problem. I
used to have a separate disk for my obeyfile stuff and gave it read
password ALL.
Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software, Inc

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-28 Thread Tom Cluster
Well, I just did a test.  Remember, we have no ESM.  I logged on as a 
user who does not have LNKNOPAS.  I issued a LINK command to Maint's 
191 with the wrong pw 5 times, and I got this message.  But when I 
gave it the correct password on the 6th try it worked.

I suppose one way to get around this would be to give TCPIP LNKNOPAS authority.

 - Tom.

At 07:13 AM 7/28/2006, you wrote:

On 7/28/06, Tom Cluster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Ah, now that you have made CP angry it will not even let you link the
disk when you provide the right password. That will be reset when the
TCPIP server logs off (or when you dare to zap the field in the


Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-26 Thread Tom Cluster

Hello, Alan,

Taking your advice, I've spoken with the network guy about this.  (He 
didn't laugh at me.  He's an ex-mainframer and a good guy.)  They 
haven't put in any kind of filter or rule that would affect this one 
VSE guest, and they've verified that their arp cache on their Cisco 
router is being refreshed with information about the VSE guest 
(showing the MAC address for the VM TCPIP interface), which suggests 
that VM's proxyarp services are working on behalf of this guest.

(As a side issue, when we do trace routes to the VSE guests that do 
work, we get a timeout for the point where the packet is going 
through VM TCP/IP.  Is there something to turn on within VM TCP/IP to 
allow it to respond to trace route commands to those machines for 
which he provides proxy arp services?)

When I do NETSTAT GATE DEV HOME I see no difference between the 
guests that do work and the one that doesn't.  All of them have 
Flgs of UHS.  All the CTCAs are connected and the VSE IP stack is 
up and running.

You mention the OBEYFILE command, with MORETRACE IPDOWN.  Where do I 
do this?  From MAINT?  Is there something I must configure before i 
can issue this command?  Is it disruptive in any way to the users who 
are successfully using TCPIP?  (I've got CMS users and connections to 
VSE and Linux guests that are working.)

- Tom.

At 10:11 PM 7/11/2006, you wrote:

On Tuesday, 07/11/2006 at 02:33 MST, Tom Cluster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 We have three VSE virtual machines which use TCP/IP in VM as their
 gateway, connected via virtual ctca's.  The IP stacks are working
 correctly in two of the guests, but not in the third.  It previously
 worked and no changes have been made.

LOL!  *Something* changed!

 I can see nothing wrong from
 the guest's point-of-view.  It comes up as if full IP connectivity is
 there, but it's not reachable from the outside nor can it reach the
 outside.  This suggests to me that the connection between VSE and VM
 is working fine but that the gateway function in VM TCP/IP is down
 for this one IP address.  I can't easily bounce the VM TCP/IP machine
 because others are using it.

It suggests to me a routing problem, not a problem in VM TCP/IP.  If you
didn't change the host or the hardware, then the network has changed.  You
will have to ask the network techs to do their thing and find out for you
where the problem is.  Double check that NETSTAT GATE DEV HOME (or
ifconfig on newer systems) shows you what you expect to see (i.e. what it
showed when it worked correctly).

It is most likely that the packets for the 3rd guest are being routed
outbound, but the responses aren't coming back.

 There must be some diagnostic commands to help figure out what's
 going on, but when I look at the TCP/IP Planning and Customization
 Manual I'm not finding them.  How can I proceed?

The diagnostic commands are tracerte, ping, and netstat/ifconfig.  You can
OBEYFILE a MORETRACE IPDOWN to watch the stack in action for packet
transmission, but if NETSTAT GATE DEV HOME is good, call up the network
elves to have them do their magic.  Don't forget to tell them how you
didn't change anything.  They will laugh, of course, but let it pass and
stay the course.  ;-)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-26 Thread Tom Cluster
One (hopefully final) question.  I PROFILE TCPIP I see a series of 
START statements at the end, one of which is START CTC1, which is the 
connection under discussion here.  Is there a way to issue a 
statement like this once the stack is up and running?  Do I just log 
onto the service machine and type this command?  Is there a 
corresponding STOP command which I could issue first (you know, the 
old unplug it and plug it back in approach)?

 - Tom.

At 11:27 AM 7/26/2006, you wrote:

On Wednesday, 07/26/2006 at 11:09 MST, Tom Cluster
 Taking your advice, I've spoken with the network guy about this.  (He
 didn't laugh at me.  He's an ex-mainframer and a good guy.)

An excellent pedigree!  :-)

 (As a side issue, when we do trace routes to the VSE guests that do
 work, we get a timeout for the point where the packet is going
 through VM TCP/IP.  Is there something to turn on within VM TCP/IP to
 allow it to respond to trace route commands to those machines for
 which he provides proxy arp services?)

No.  Proxy ARP has limitations and that's one of them.  Enter, stage
right:  The Right Good Honorable VSWITCH.  Proxy ARP evil.  Hates it.
Htes it!

 When I do NETSTAT GATE DEV HOME I see no difference between the
 guests that do work and the one that doesn't.  All of them have
 Flgs of UHS.  All the CTCAs are connected and the VSE IP stack is
 up and running.

 You mention the OBEYFILE command, with MORETRACE IPDOWN.  Where do I
 do this?  From MAINT?  Is there something I must configure before i
 can issue this command?  Is it disruptive in any way to the users who
 are successfully using TCPIP?  (I've got CMS users and connections to
 VSE and Linux guests that are working.)

TRACE, MORETRACE, and NOTRACE are TCP/IP configuration statements. They
can be issued dynamically with OBEYFILE (as with most other config
statements).  Look in the Planning book for the discussion of both
OBEYFILE and the trace statements.  You can also do things like NETSTAT

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-26 Thread Tom Cluster
I'm sorry, Shimon.  I didn't see those postings.  Who knows what 
happened at this end.  Thank you for drawing my attention to it.

- Tom.

At 02:02 PM 7/26/2006, you wrote:

On 26 Jul 2006 at 13:38, Tom Cluster wrote:

 One (hopefully final) question.  I PROFILE TCPIP I see a series of
 START statements at the end, one of which is START CTC1, which is
 connection under discussion here.  Is there a way to issue a
 statement like this once the stack is up and running?  Do I just log
 onto the service machine and type this command?  Is there a
 corresponding STOP command which I could issue first (you know, the
 old unplug it and plug it back in approach)?

That was last week's discussion:

 Is there a command to stop a DEVICE so you can reissue a START again
 without restarting TCP/IP?  Z/OS TCP/IP has a VARY command for this
 sort of thing.

Alan suggested

I also mentioned
 IFCONFIG interface DOWN
 and IFCONFIG interface UP


Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: [Bulk] Re: How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-26 Thread Tom Cluster

I'm sorry, but I'm really sort of confused.

Shimon pointed out that I could use OBEYFILE, and I went to the 
section in the Planning and Customization Guide that he mentioned, 
with some trepidation, because I had vaguely remembered that there's 
a whole issue about getting TCPIP to see the minidisk where the file 
being obeyed is placed, and of course I've run right smack into it.

Can someone please remind me where I put the file?  The userids on my 
system who can issue the OBEYFILE command are TCPMAINT and MAINT.  I 
tried TCPMAINT's 191 but I got Unable to read file...  So I figure 
that's because TCPIP hadn't accessed this mindisk when he came 
up.  Fair enough.  But he DID access TCPMAINT's 198 as D, so I put 
the file on TCPMAINT's 198, and issued the following command from TCPMAINT:

 obeyfile stopit tcp d (rtcpip tcp tcpip

and I get a VM READ.  When I press ENTER I get Unable to read file...

The fact that I got a VM READ in the one situation and not in the 
other tells me that there's a difference between the two 
situations.  Like maybe I'm getting warmer.  What is TCPIP looking 
for in order to allow him to re-access a disk that he already has linked?

And I'm completely blown away by NETSTATE OBEY ... - how does this 
relate to OBEYFILE?

  - Tom.

At 02:40 PM 7/26/2006, you wrote:

The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU wrote on 
07/26/2006 02:16:19 PM:

 That's the whole point of NETSTAT OBEY and the OBEYFILE commands.  They
 allow you to dynamically change the stack configuration.  So my NETSTAT
 stops it.  Though I like OBEYFILE for traffic tracing since I want to use
 TRACEONLY to restrict the traced data.

 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

No reason you can't use NETSTAT OBEY in this case as well (unless 
your TRACEONLY statement is too large for the command line):



Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: Spool file from DIRMAINT

2006-07-22 Thread Tom Cluster
I know we don't have any spool files created by the REPLACE 
command.  I didn't set DIRMAINT up and don't know much about it, but 
this is our DIRMAINT DATADVH file on the 1DB disk:

==/==/== 00:00:05 07/21/06 CMS EXEC DVHNDAY
==/==/== 00:01:00 07/21/06 CMS EXEC DVHDAILY
==/==/== 00:03:00 07/21/06 ELINKCLEAN ALL
==/==/== 19:00:00 07/21/06 BACKUP   NOTAPE
==/==/== +00:58:0 18:23:03 CMS EXEC PURNOTIF
==/==/== +01:00:0 18:01:03 CMS EXEC DVHOURLY
12/31/94 +01:00:0 00/00/00 DIRECT
12/31/94 01:00:00 00/00/00 MDAUDIT  ALLCHECK AUTOMAIL
12/31/94 02:00:00 00/00/00 PWMONMONITOR
12/31/94 12:00:00 00/00/00 BACKUP   TAPE BOT DIRMTAPE  DVHBCK
==/==/== 23:59:00 07/20/06 CP SLEEP 2 MIN

I notice the AUTOMAIL token in the MDAUDIT line, with a date in 
1994.  Do you think this has turned this function off?

 - Tom.

At 02:25 PM 7/22/2006, you wrote:

Any easy bypass: make a DIRMAINT NAMES file in which you code
 :nick.VSExyz :userid.RUBBISH
and DIRMAINT will send the file to user RUBBISH

IBM Belgium, VM customer support


 For the longest time we have been getting a spool file sent from
 DIRMAINT sent to a user who has its directory entry changed (DIRM
 FOR userid REPLACE).

 For example :

 q rdr XX


 DIRMAINT 1813 A PUN 0006 001 NONE 2006-07-15 00:02:08  XXX


 This file once read in by CMS looks like:

 2006/07/14 14:51:35 DVHBIU3427I Changes made to directory entry
 xxx by DUMMY at DEVVM

 2006/07/14 14:51:35 DVHBIU3427I have been placed

 This presents a problem for a VSE guest or any service machine that
 may process files from its reader.

 Is there any way to prevent this file from being sent?



Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

How to diagnose a gateway problem in TCP/IP?

2006-07-11 Thread Tom Cluster
I find that I'm always stumbling around when it comes to 
understanding the configuration and use of TCP/IP in VM.

We have three VSE virtual machines which use TCP/IP in VM as their 
gateway, connected via virtual ctca's.  The IP stacks are working 
correctly in two of the guests, but not in the third.  It previously 
worked and no changes have been made.  I can see nothing wrong from 
the guest's point-of-view.  It comes up as if full IP connectivity is 
there, but it's not reachable from the outside nor can it reach the 
outside.  This suggests to me that the connection between VSE and VM 
is working fine but that the gateway function in VM TCP/IP is down 
for this one IP address.  I can't easily bounce the VM TCP/IP machine 
because others are using it.

There must be some diagnostic commands to help figure out what's 
going on, but when I look at the TCP/IP Planning and Customization 
Manual I'm not finding them.  How can I proceed?

We're on z/vm 4.2.

  - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

SEND in lower case

2006-06-27 Thread Tom Cluster
Is there a way to use the CP SEND command and yet have the message 
delivered to the remote machine in lower case?

 - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Volume with minidisks has no allocation information

2006-06-20 Thread Tom Cluster

Hello, VM experts,

I'm preparing myself for teaching the mysteries of VSE and VM systems 
work and I'm reminded that when one prepares to teach something one 
discovers many holes and uncertainties in one's own knowledge.  Today 
I thought I'd educate myself about IPL bootstrap records in case one 
of my students asks about them.  My theory, which I wanted to test, 
was that they're written by ICKDSF whenever an INIT is done (for MVS 
and VSE volumes) or a CPVOL FORMAT is done (for VM volumes).  Based 
on what I've seen today, this seems to be true.

But while looking around our system I discovered a volume that had 
originally been created for VSE use as a full-pack minidisk.  In 
other words, it had been prepared using ICKDSF INIT (which would have 
created a vtoc).  However, somewhere along the way it was decided 
that this volume would have several minidisks on it.  In other words, 
it was no longer to be a full-pack minidisk.  CPVOL FORMAT was never 
used on this volume, so cylinder 0 was left unchanged, with no 
allocation information.  (If it were to have allocation information, 
it would have been PERM for the whole volume.)  My initial reaction 
was surprise, but then I figured that possibly CP can tolerate a 
volume without allocation information as long as its sole use is 
PERM.  It sure seems to be true that such a volume needs only a VOL1 
label to make CP happy.

My question is this:  is there any reason to be concerned about such 
a volume not having an allocation map?

- Tom

P.S.  The IPL bootstrap records are different between VSE and VM, but 
since we're not IPLing using this volume, that isn't an issue.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Can I know how a PROFILE EXEC was invoked?

2006-06-13 Thread Tom Cluster
Is there a way for me to know, from within PROFILE EXEC, if I've been 
invoked by the logon process, as opposed to someone typing PROFILE?

 - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 


2006-06-13 Thread Tom Cluster

Today's the day for simple questions!

We have DIRMAINT, and I'm using it, but I'm relatively inexperienced with it.

If DIRMAINT couldn't run for some reason and I had to make a change 
(for example, at a DR site), is there any reason why I couldn't use 
the USER BACKUP file on DIRMAINT's 1DB as source for the change, and 
then use the DIRECTXA command?  I know I'd have to do the following:

 (1)  I'd have to assure myself that the USER BACKUP is current.
 (2)  I'd have to make the change later using DIRMAINT, so that 
DIRMAINT's up-to-date.

 - Tom.

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) 

Re: Can I know how a PROFILE EXEC was invoked?

2006-06-13 Thread Tom Cluster
Thank you all for your responses.  I got it working.  And I've 
learned something about rexxvars and runpipe in the bargain!

 - Tom

At 11:27 AM 6/13/2006, you wrote:

Something like:
Do l=1 by 1 Until (caller='SYSPROF' | RC0)   /* Look for SYSPROF*/
  pipe='rexxvars' l '| take 1 | spec w4 1 | var caller'
  'PIPE (sep ?) var pipe ? runpipe'
If RC=0 then say Called from SYSPROF

Also, the variable l will be set to how many levels back SYSPROF
EXEC was found.

On 6/13/06, Rob van der Heij [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/13/06, Tom Cluster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way for me to know, from within PROFILE EXEC, if I've been
 invoked by the logon process, as opposed to someone typing PROFILE?

You could use CMS Pipelines' rexxvars stage to step back through the
EXECCOMM environments and see whether SYSPROF is up there. The other
one that I had to debug was something looking inside NUCON at the CMS
initialization time and draw conclusions.

The smarter you do this, the harder it gets to debug ;-)
Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software, Inc

Bruce Hayden
IBM Global Technology Services, System z Linux
Endicott, NY

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)