Re: [IceHorses] Saddles for Icelandic Horses

2008-06-02 Thread Judy Ryder
More about why we choose not to use "icelandic" saddles:

Jineta and brida style riding and saddles:

Jineta saddles and jineta style riding is balanced riding where the saddle 
has stirrups more centered, which allows for the rider to be balanced and in 
alignment from shoulder, hip, heel. "The jineta saddle promotes loin coiling 
in the horse, ensuring his comfort and mobility including that of his 
rider." (Quote from the Conquerors.)

Brida saddles and brida style riding is heavy to the rear, feet forward, 
riding the horse's face. "Brida" is short for "riding from the hand". "The 
rider's weight pressing down on the tabs crushed the horse's loins, ensuring 
that he maintain a hollow back, a high head position, and often, a forced 
ambling gait." (Quote from the Conquerors.)

Icelandic saddles are brida style. This is not necessarily a good thing for 
the horse. We should be looking to use balanced saddles on our Icelandic 


RE: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Robyn Hood

Hi Skye

>>That would be great as I would really like to learn what specifically
some peoples opinion about would be.  And how can you tell from a

Having ridden in and own(ed) a variety of saddles with a big interest in
saddle fit for over 20 years I would say that initially the saddle looks
like it might fit like a glove.  But while I would have once thought that
was a good thing (and lots of saddle fitters do think that), having met
Carol Brett about 8 years ago I started looking at saddle fit differently.  

Having a wide enough tree so that even when there is a rider on you can
easily (that being the key word) slide your hand down the front of the
saddle between the tree point and the horse with room.  The Balance idea is
that the tree should be wide enough and then you use padding to fill in
(obviously it can't be so wide that it sits on the withers without padding
but the saddle should not sit correctly without padding.  Their padding
system is really clever because you can layer the pads, with Velcro, and as
the horse builds muscle (and they can only build muscle if there is enough
room and are ridden correctly) you end up taking out padding.  

It doesn't make sense to me that when a saddle fitter comes out every six
months or whatever, that they should be adding padding.  If a horse is
building muscle they should be taking it out.

So I have ended up with 4 different models of Balance saddles - my most used
being the Zenith. Some people and horses really like these saddles and other
don't - just like any saddle. 

Before the Balance saddles I was also using and exploring treeless saddles
at the same time.  Christine has a leather bareback pad that Goertz used to
make and still uses quite a bit.  I don't like the stirrup placement but she
loves it.  

Starting in about 1998 I started trying the Diddi pads and other Icelander
variations of treeless saddles and used the Diddi pads for quite a few
years.  I then bought an Ansur and Torsion - which were okay.  I first saw
the Sensations, Dana's saddles in the early 2000's and bought my first one
about 5 years ago (can't really remember).  In between I tried various other
saddles including just one model of Duett - which I found too narrow and the
wrong shape (I think they have since added a different tree shape)

I have not used the Astund saddles and know that many people really like
them.  I do know that the Icelanders have been making saddles with
relatively wider trees and shorter saddles over the past years.  I used to
but Goertz saddles - first with the extended bars and then with no bars and
always in their x wide trees which at the time were much wider than any of
the Icelandic style saddles you could buy.

When I started using other treed and treeless saddles the biggest thing for
me was the change in the horses.  They had not been a problem in the Goertz
saddles but they were so much better in the wider or treeless saddles it was
very evident.  The one problem was that once they were accustomed to a
different fitting saddle they were no longer as happy in the other saddles.
Therefore, they sit in the back of my tack room.

I think people do the best they can and I think that saddle fit has always
been one of the biggest issues for horses (along with feet, teeth).  

I also think that some horses are less sensitive than others and they get
used to something and it works pretty well for them.  I really look for
behaviors such as how easy the horse is to catch, what is their response
when they see the saddle and are being saddled (do they stand quietly and
relaxed - and not when cross-tied; do they move around); what is their
response to the girth; do they stand quietly for mounting; can they stand
still after being mounted or do they need to move and can when they move can
they walk quietly or do they go off quickly?   How the rider sits in the
saddle and rides will also make a tremendous difference to how they feel
about the saddle - a great saddle with a rider who is unbalanced and hangs
on the reins can be worse than a less than ideal saddle with a balanced
rider - at least IME.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Janice McDonald
you just seem very similar to me, and I found the sensation hybrid
doesnt slip, feels secure etc.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Janice McDonald

> The  sensation is a cross between a treed and a treeless?  Do not
> know much about it

maggie posted a gorgeous hybrid she has on ebay, dont know if it sold
yet!!  It had the longer seat!  If it didnt sell maybe she would work
something out with you.  it was an awesome saddle, brand new, with
sorta mahogany brown on black.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

> OK, how about if some saddle-fit-knowledgeable people give some
> input on the saddle fit?
> I can send the picture to a couple of lists for their opinions.

That would be great as I would really like to learn what specifically
some peoples opinion about would be.  And how can you tell from a

Saddle makers need to come out or do a specific template to figure
this stuff out.

Of course you can tell some stuff with a picture, but really, this
saddle seems to fit him well, even with being worked.


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Judy Ryder

>> Of course I knew that it would be said that it did not fit him

OK, how about if some saddle-fit-knowledgeable people give some input on the 
saddle fit?

I can send the picture to a couple of lists for their opinions.


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Janice McDonald
skye, i dont know how big you are and I wouldnt ask you for details,
but I personally am huge :)  And my sensation hybrid fits great.  Now,
it doesnt fit like it probably SHOULD, but it fits fine.  My fat is
pretty squishy for lack of a better word.  When someone asked if I
felt a bigger one would be better i actually thought why?  my fat
would just spread out and fill it up again.  Its like wearing tight
jeans.  they sorta hold me in.  I am right at the weight limit they
suggest shouldnt ride a sensation and I do ok in it.  and I feel
secure in it.  I didnt in the G3 trail model, but I do in the hybrid.

I dont pretend to know whether this saddle in the pic fits your horse
but i will say this---  i think its kinda comical all these
discussions about how hard it is to saddle fit icelandics.  it aint
hard at all.  its hard to saddle fit a complicated horse like my
jaspar who needs a wide tree in front, a normal tree in the back, and
complete 100% spine clearance always even with a pad.  Now THATS a
saddle fit issue.  With an icelandic you shouldnt even have to
measure, you should be able just to go to a saddle place and say "I
want the widest saddle on the planet custom fitted even wider" because
honestly, how many icelandics can you say will take anywhere near a
standard tree.  How these horses have been ridden for centuries is
beyond me, in those little tiny narrow saddles that can in no way fit
one...  I bought an icelandic saddle even before I bought an icelandic
horse, and i put it on my Jaspar and I had to take him back to the
barn after twenty minutes cause he started acting like a head tossy
bratty dancy jerk and he is the most deadbroke horse on the planet.  I
have the wide tree thorowgood and it perches even on nasi, who is a 3
year old.

If i won the lotto and could buy any saddle i wanted I would have Dave
Grenadek at custom make me a treed saddle, or i
would find a treeless i felt ok in.

I think its only a matter of time before treeless makers catch on that
all americans are fat and happy and like to ride fat and happy horses
and they are gonna come up with a reasonable solution where a treeless
will have some sort of tree that will have weight carrying ability etc
and not slip with heavier people and not have a lot of excess saddle
stuff on so it will shorten the overall length of the saddle for the
horse's comfort.  also, like in your saddle, one problem is the girth
is too far back, would help if some saddle maker could make it
adjustable etc.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, this saddle is not a wide tree.  I would have to say that
> saddle does not fit him.
> There are a few things to look at; maybe we can toss this around,
> if it's OK with you; otherwise we can talk in generalities.

Of course I knew that it would be said that it did not fit him, but
would like to know why you think that from just a picture.  As we are
here and can feel if the saddle bridges across his back...if it digs
in the front or rear, if it has dry pressure points at any location
along his back after riding,, it does not slip forward or backwards,
rub him in any way.  The seat comes up in the front a little, but the
tree does not narrow to pinch him, and we check that while I am
sitting in itso what piece do you believe am I missing?

I could take off the saddle and take a pic of the underside to show
you the is pretty wide.


And no, I do not think a treeless or bareback is for me...

   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 1/1/2008 6:24:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> What size is the seat on that saddle you showed? Sylvia

I can measure it tomorrow...on the larger/longer side thats for sure.

If I ever sell trausti, I will have to sell the saddle with
even some of the dressage saddles did not fit him either...the ones
that did, well no support for meso this was the best fit...

Too late to go back out into the barn and find a tape measure


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 01/01/2008, Skye and Sally ~Fire Island
> He is big everywhere so we need a wide tree that would work for him.

If you want to see wide, you should see Elska's shoulders.  I'm not
sure there is any treed saddle in the world what would fit her
properly.  We did have a wintec with an extra wide gullet, but even
that made her pacey.

Cara now has a Sensation G3 endurance that Elska moves out very nicely in.

(Judy has pics of Elska's back somewhere on her website.)  I'll go see
if I can find it.


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Judy Ryder
>>> He is big everywhere so we need a wide tree that would work for him.

Yes, this saddle is not a wide tree.  I would have to say that saddle does not 
fit him.

There are a few things to look at; maybe we can toss this around, if it's OK 
with you; otherwise we can talk in generalities.

 I have though about a gaited western saddle for him,

No, don't even think about it.  There is no such thing.  Just think about a 
style and then try to find something that fits.


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread gemstonerotts
In a message dated 1/1/2008 6:24:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
What size is the seat on that saddle you showed? Sylvia

**See AOL's top rated recipes 

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

> Skye, can you ride with your fingers under the front of the saddle,
> where it 
> comes in contact with his skin (sort of near or below the button,
> in this case), and under the saddle in the back?

Yes I can or Sally will make me get off.we have tried so many
saddles on this guy, and all the other ones pinched in front, except
this one.  I have gotton a lot of practice getting on and off which
is not my strong suit, I am a much better rider than mounter or

He is big everywhere so we need a wide tree that would work for him. 
I have though about a gaited western saddle for him, but I need to
lose more weight before I could buy one short enough that wopuld work
for his back and my butt.

But I thought I might do parades with a western saddle with him, or
use him to push cattle on the ranch

When we give lessons we do an exercise where the kids have to ride
the horse in the front and in the back, if it hurts them we ask them
what do you think the horse feels?

Our lessons are not just about riding but about general horemanship,
and tack is a big part of it.


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Judy Ryder

> We really try hard to make sure our horses are comfy with the tack we
> use.

Skye, can you ride with your fingers under the front of the saddle, where it 
comes in contact with his skin (sort of near or below the button, in this 
case), and under the saddle in the back?


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Judy Ryder
>> Skye, can you get pictures of these saddles on the
>> horses, a few taken from the front, side, and rear so
>> that we can see how they fit?
> Yes Judy...mabye I can do it today, at least on my gelding
> Traustiand I can show a saddle fit on Baldur as well.  


Looking forward to seeing the pictures.


RE: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

> I'd really like to see them too, because I've never seen an Astund
> that
> wasn't pretty darned narrow - at least on the Icelandic scale of
> saddles.

Well the Astund is not ours, it is our friendsHers is pretty old,
she thinks it is the Astund Special, however the same model today is
not what hers isthe newer tree is more narrow than the one she
ownsIt seems that many saddle makers no matter what country they
are from change the design, the tree and yet keep it the same name. 
We have an old wintec aussie stock works well for many of
the Icelandicsbut the new design is just is terrible for
them...its a totally different saddle with the same name.  

Buyer beware I guess.


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

> Skye, can you get pictures of these saddles on the
> horses, a few taken from the front, side, and rear so
> that we can see how they fit?

Yes Judy...mabye I can do it today, at least on my gelding
Traustiand I can show a saddle fit on Baldur as well.  Sally has
been through many saddles with fitting her gelding Funi.the Benni
fits him but she is not in love with it, so we are not going to
purchase itso she is still looking for a good fit for him within
our budget.  He is a harder fit, as his back dips down right at the
base of the withers, so most saddles  'bridge' on him. Which is why
the Benni with the flexible tree seems to work well. She is thinking
about a treeless, but the thought of shipping back and forth during
the fitting process from Hawaii seems overwhelming.

I just got lucky with mine

I spent over 1 year trying to find a western saddle to fit my
Icelandics when I first purchased them years I have a
gelding that I could fit a western saddle in, but I no longer want
that horn in the wayif I ever use him for Ranch work I might
consider it.


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Raven
>> don't think anyone will demo a saddle for six months

hi...actually RP will give you a two week free demo trial. after that
you can lease the saddle if you need more time. i leased one for
almost 5 months...before ordering huginn's saddle. Carmi strongly
believes in the saddles that she sells. Glad the Sensation worked for
your horse.

Believe me I would have preferred to keep riding Huginn in my $300
Sensation Pad instead of buying a $4,000 RP. <;0]

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

RE: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Karen Thomas
 Most flex panels saddles have good demo trial periods.  i would
strongly recommend that when saddle shopping ...look at saddle that offer
demo trials. Hum...I don't think the popularity rush is over, they are good
saddle for horses that cannot be ridden in treed or treeless saddles. Like
Huginn.  I believe that RP is still going strong.

Skjoni did very well in the FnE for several months, but gradually got
pacey...then slow to move out...then hard to catch.  I don't think anyone
will demo a saddle for six months.  He's fine in his Sensation though, and
has been for almost two years.

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Raven
>> nearly demoed a reactor panel saddle (there was a dealer not too
far from me). I was looking for a good saddle for Gusti at the time,
and our dollar was worth only about .68 US, seems to me the saddle
would have cost me nearly $4,000

Yep...that's what mine was...after buying the booties, etc.  But, for was worth every pretty penny (or dollar) works for my

>>haven't heard such good reports about it since that initial honeymoon stage.

These saddles have a good reputation and a good following.   There is
no perfect saddle for all horses.
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Raven
>>  Didn't the FlexSaddles list basically die on the vine? may be quite...but there are 172 members on the list.

>> listed the FnE for sale there before I put it on ebay

The FnE worked great for Huginn, but boy oh boy...if left me raw.

>>  listing for about $3000, and I FINALLY sold it for about $800. It
was virtually new. Ouch.


>> Before I'd spend a ton on a FlexPanel saddle again, I'd check out
some other  options. It seems to me that their initial rush of
popularity might be past

Most flex panels saddles have good demo trial periods.  i would
strongly recommend that when saddle shopping ...look at saddle that
offer demo trials. Hum...I don't think the popularity rush is over,
they are good saddle for horses that cannot be ridden in treed or
treeless saddles. Like Huginn.  I believe that RP is still going
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 31/12/2007, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Before I'd spend a ton on a FlexPanel saddle again, I'd check out some other
> options.  It seems to me that their initial rush of popularity might be
> past.

I nearly demoed a reactor panel saddle (there was a dealer not too far
from me).  I was looking for a good saddle for Gusti at the time, and
our dollar was worth only about .68 US, seems to me the saddle would
have cost me nearly $4,000.  So I backed out.  But I'm glad I did.  I
haven't heard such good reports about it since that initial honeymoon


RE: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Karen Thomas
 You can post it on the Yahoo Groups  FlexSaddles Group. You can also
post it on the RP web site, they have a classified section. Good luck!

Didn't the FlexSaddles list basically die on the vine?  I joined when we
were thinking about buying the FnE for Cary.  There was some activity for a
while, then nothing.  I don't remember unsubscribing, but maybe I eventually
did.  I listed the FnE for sale there before I put it on ebay, and didn't
get any responses.  I had to advertise it three times on ebay to sell it,
and I really took a loss on it - the worst I ever took on any saddle.  I'm
just glad I bought it used.   At the time I sold it, I think they were
listing for about $3000, and I FINALLY sold it for about $800.  It was
virtually new.  Ouch.

Before I'd spend a ton on a FlexPanel saddle again, I'd check out some other
options.  It seems to me that their initial rush of popularity might be

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Raven
>>   Did you once tell me about a list that I might put my Reactor
panel saddle on to sell?

Hi Robyn,

You can post it on the Yahoo Groups  FlexSaddles Group. You can also
post it on the RP web site, they have a classified section. Good luck!
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

RE: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Raven,

Did you once tell me about a list that I might put my Reactor panel saddle
on to sell?

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread Raven
>>  Raven, please let me know how you like the saddle you ride Huggin
with, it looks and sounds great.

Hi Sylvia, I love my saddle~!   Here's a link  I have the endurance saddle.

>>The gullet on those saddles are???

The saddles are flex panel saddles, and there are different gullet
sized saddles. What size a horse will need depends on the horse's
back. RP recommends that you take measurements of your horse's back.
They also recommend that you make a mold of the horse's back. These
tools will help RP decide what gullet size a horse will need. I think
Huginn is a 12.5" ...I think.

The panels are attached the the saddle with velcor disks. These disks
allowed you to adjust the saddle to your horse's back.  For me...this
was a bit  intimating.

>>Did you special order this one or what?

Most of the RP saddles are custom order. They do keep some sizes in
stock, it will depend on what size your horse needs and what seat size
you need, leather color, etc.  I'm not sure where you are located,
maybe close enough to one of their saddle reps.

>> What do you think of  the one two pictures down the lite one?

On which site? <;]

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread gemstonerotts
In a message dated 12/30/2007 1:00:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Raven, please let me know how you like the saddle you ride Huggin with, it  
looks and sounds great. The gullet on those saddles are??? Did you special 
order  this one or what? I sure like the looks and the style. My Crates was 
this  only the quarter horse tree would not work. Great leather and good 
saddle. The  leather on the cheap saddles is like cardboard. What do you think 
the one two  pictures down the lite one? A little flatter seat is what they 
said. Sylvia

**See AOL's top rated recipes 

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread Raven
>> Astund is a very secure seat

I tried the Astund Special a few times and I agree it's a secure
beautiful saddle.  It was also a very comfy saddle for me. But...the
gullet was way too narrow and the panels were too long for Huginn. <;]
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread Janice McDonald
On Dec 29, 2007 10:25 PM, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't forget Flex Panel saddles. <;p] I ride in a Reactor Panel
> endurance saddle. For Huginn, it was one of two saddles that worked
> for him. And the RP saddle was the only one of the two that also
> worked for me.

If i was gonna go with a flex panel saddle i would go with orthoflex
and their new shorter, more flexible panels which were designed after
they realized traditional flex panels did not work well with many
gaited horses.  Also they can grind the back of the saddle off a
little which allows even more flex.  I tried my orthoflex stitchdown
on tivar tho and it looked like one of those elephant saddle
contraptions it was so perched.  I love my orthoflex stitchdown, but
Stonewall got stiff and weird in it til I had the new sys8X (extra
wide extra flex) panels put on.  If anyone has an older orthoflex with
the system II panels you can contact acie at orthoflex and i think you
will be surprised at how affordable it is to have these new panels put
on.  also if you buy a flex panel saddle used, any brand, be aware
that the bushings etc can get stiff and the panels if not used in a
long time can lose flexibility or they can be worn out.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread Judy Ryder
Input from SaddleRight:

Saddles are major problems for all horses. Here's why:

Saddles just can't fit horses correctly.

If you look closely at your horse's back, you will
see signs of atrophy in the back and hip muscles
(muscle shrinkage.) These muscles must build and
develop under saddles. Every time I examined horses, I
almost always found the trouble in withers and
surrounding areas. The low side must be allowed to
build up and even out the top line.

In human athletes, pelvic girdle and leg muscle
problems stem from neuro lymphatic reflex centers and
acupuncture meridian connectors. These centers are
located on our upper spine; on horses, these sensitive
spots lie exactly where saddle bars rest.

This constant pressure over-stimulates muscle
groups, reducing muscle efficiency, especially in
pelvic girdle muscles (rear end), forcing horses on
the forehand, favoring leads and diagonals, among
other things.

Decreased circulation is only one problem that can be
caused by using wrong saddle pads. Check your horse
using these simple tests:

* Look at your horse. Sit on him bareback and look
down at his upper shoulders (below hollow of withers).
You will see that one shoulder is more developed, with
larger muscles.

* Place your hands on his shoulder blades, (left
hand on left blade, right hand on right blade). Have
someone lead your horse off. You will feel one
shoulder dropping lower as your horse moves. Now get
off and have someone lead your horse away from you.

* Observe your horse's hip action. Do both hips
rise and fall equally? Does one side remain lower with
each step? (Unequal hip action gives you early warning
of Hock, Stifle, Leg problems.)

If your horse shows uneven conformation, as virtually
all horses do, you will see immediately why saddles
CAN'T fit horses on both sides. No "even" saddle, no
matter how well made, can properly fit an "uneven"

Even worse, with riders mounted, saddles ROLL, placing
more weight on lower shoulder muscles, which are very
large, important muscle groups. This constant stress
interferes with proper blood flow and blocks certain
reflex centers, causing impaired function.

Trying to escape this pressure, horses pull affected
shoulders further down. This unnatural motion not only
promotes muscle shrinkage, but causes mechanical
imbalance, stressing the entire equine body
(especially the rear -- again, Hocks, Stifle, and

A stressed, unbalanced horse can no longer be a free
flowing, supple mover. It might tire quickly, leads
may not come easily, and its attitude could
deteriorate. These effects are especially serious in
strenuous competitive conditions. Your horse can never
reach its full potential, and problems started when
that first saddle was cinched on.


Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread gemstonerotts
In a message dated 12/29/2007 10:02:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Thank you for your reply to my problem. The Astund is a size 18 and I am a  
size six jeans with very little padding in my rear end. I have no clue about 
the  sizing on these saddles. Of course they all say it will be fine for my  
size. The people have switched to Sensations saddles tells me something.  Sylvia

**See AOL's top rated recipes 

RE: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Skye, can you get pictures of these saddles on the horses, a few taken
from the front, side, and rear so that we can see how they fit?

I'd really like to see them too, because I've never seen an Astund that
wasn't pretty darned narrow - at least on the Icelandic scale of saddles.

Karen Thomas, NC

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1:27 PM

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-30 Thread Judy Ryder
> My good friend has an Astund, I have the
> other model, 

> Sally is using the Benni harmony with a flexible
> tree, 

Skye, can you get pictures of these saddles on the
horses, a few taken from the front, side, and rear so
that we can see how they fit?



Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-29 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island
I was looking at a Hnakkvirki
> and a Astund 
> Faxi  both very used but still pretty expensive. Has anyone ridden
> in this 
> type of  saddle, either one of them. I might want a saddle with a
> tree. I am in 
> a real  dilemma over this. Sylvia

My good friend has an Astund, it is VERY comfortable, and fits mosts
Icelandics that we have tried it on.I have the other model, and
it seems a bit long, but I have a BIG 14 hand gelding that it fits
like a glove, so you need a horse that does not have a short back to
use it IMO.  One thing I do not like about it is the flaps are long
and get in my way when I cinch the girth.but they provide a lot
of smooth protection as well

Sally is using the Benni harmony with a flexible tree, and the horses
really love seems designed well

The Astund is a very secure seat BTW, at least the model my friend
has, I could ask her which model.  It is a costly saddle, but hers is
in better condition very used than a lot of new saddles, very well


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

Re: [IceHorses] saddles

2007-12-29 Thread Raven
Don't forget Flex Panel saddles. <;p] I ride in a Reactor Panel
endurance saddle. For Huginn, it was one of two saddles that worked
for him. And the RP saddle was the only one of the two that also
worked for me.  Do you happen to have a saddle fitter in your area
that could help you? Have fun saddle shopping!

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze
Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread gemstonerotts
In a message dated 9/18/2007 3:05:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
There were some barefoot saddles and torsion also on ebay today. Might take  
a look. Sylvia

** See what's new at

RE: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Cherie Mascis
 After years of riding English, I actually feel very safe in the
leather-covered EZ Rides that came on the Tucker.  How weird do you suppose
it would look if I hung them on the dressage saddle?  I'd sure feel safer.

>>I have EZ-rides on my Sensation Dressage and I think it looks tres chic.
>>I'd say go for it!  (After all, how stylish would we look being dragged
>>a horse...?)

Definitely put them on the Dressage.  I saw someone get dragged with the
plain EZ rides last week (fortunately not hurt badly) but I lost 10 years
off my life watching it!.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread susan cooper

> On 18/09/2007, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>I actually feel very safe in the leather-covered EZ
Rides that came on the Tucker.  How weird do you
suppose it would look if I hung them on the dressage
saddle?  I'd sure feel safer.<<

I have a pair of EZ Rides with leather hoods that I
ride with my Sensation Saddle.  I swear, my stirrups
weigh more than the saddle, but I love them and feel
safe in them, and no sage of prickley desert brush get
on my socks!

Susan in NV   
  Nevermore Ranch


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.  

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Nancy Sturm
Surely you jest.  I LOVE my stirrups.

I had what was almost a very bad freak accident the other day on trail
involving a stirrup.  We were going through a very tight spot with thick
brush on each side and a stiff branch caught my stirrup and ripped it clear
off my foot and around behind my leg.  Hunter, the Magnificent, barely
slowed down, but I had images of very nasty wrecks swimming before my eyes.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Karen Thomas
  So yes...let's all be safe.  For those of you that ride western, you can 
 buy those breakaway stirrups.

Safety is the ultimate fashion accessory, don't you think?  

And speaking of being dragged, I wonder how many of us (including me) practice 
riding without stirrups often enough?  I know that my first instructor made me 
ride without stirrups all along and I try to do it for a few minutes each ride. 
 If I feel a horse getting boisterous if he's going to buck or spin - which 
hasn't happened in a long time, thankfully - I actually will drop my stirrups.  
I shouldn't NEED my stirrups to stay centered and balanced, and if I'm going to 
need to dismount quickly or heaven forbid, get bucked off, I don't want my feet 
getting stuck.  

Karen Thomas

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1:29 PM

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread IceDog
> She was knocked unconscious the moment she hit the ground, she was
> like a rag doll being dragged along.

Well won't help in that case, but still a tidbit of potentially useful info 
I like to share when the topic of being dragged comes up. Maybe one day it 
will help someone who isn't knocked out in the fall.


Sand Creek Icelandics
Icelandic Horses and Icelandic Sheepdogs

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Lorraine
> ridden in a treeless.  Am I right in remembering
> that Sensation has a demo
> period?

They have a demo period.  I saw on one of the sites
when I was looking.  



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Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 18/09/2007, IceDog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They say luckily I've never had to try it or see if it even came to me
> in a moment of need but if you're being dragged you're supposed to try
> to roll over on your belly giving your foot a chance to slip free from the
> stirrup.

She was knocked unconscious the moment she hit the ground, she was
like a rag doll being dragged along.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread IceDog
I like my caged easy EZ Ride Stirrups for saddles without a "release".

> BTW...speaking of dragging, my absolute favorite vet in the world was
> out riding a month ago, and her horse spooked and her foot slipped
> through her western stirrup and she was dragged for at least 10
> minutes before they were able to stop her horse.  She's staying at a
> friends house while she recuperates.  Both hands are broken, both
> legs...and almost everything else has a cut or a ding.  She's going
> into surgery again in a few weeks.

They say luckily I've never had to try it or see if it even came to me 
in a moment of need but if you're being dragged you're supposed to try 
to roll over on your belly giving your foot a chance to slip free from the 


Sand Creek Icelandics
Icelandic Horses and Icelandic Sheepdogs

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 18/09/2007, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I actually have a brand new pair of EZ rides with cages in my tackroom.  I
> bought them for Stephanie, but have never put them on a saddle.  After years
> of riding English, I actually feel very safe in the leather-covered EZ Rides
> that came on the Tucker.  How weird do you suppose it would look if I hung
> them on the dressage saddle?  I'd sure feel safer.

Nancy, I think we're all that the point where we just don't care what
we look like.  If you feel safer using them, then do it.  I have some
toe stoppers on my Icelandic "S" stirrups and I love them.  I always
worried that my foot would slip through and I'd be dragged for hours.

BTW...speaking of dragging, my absolute favorite vet in the world was
out riding a month ago, and her horse spooked and her foot slipped
through her western stirrup and she was dragged for at least 10
minutes before they were able to stop her horse.  She's staying at a
friends house while she recuperates.  Both hands are broken, both
legs...and almost everything else has a cut or a ding.  She's going
into surgery again in a few weeks.

So yes...let's all be safe.  For those of you that ride western, you
can buy those breakaway stirrups.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread pyramid
On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 04:11:58PM -0700, Nancy  Sturm wrote:
> I actually have a brand new pair of EZ rides with cages in my tackroom.  I
> bought them for Stephanie, but have never put them on a saddle.  After years
> of riding English, I actually feel very safe in the leather-covered EZ Rides
> that came on the Tucker.  How weird do you suppose it would look if I hung
> them on the dressage saddle?  I'd sure feel safer.

then do it!  i bought a pair for one of my students (who rides in an
australian stock saddle) for his birthday.  they're great :)


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread pyramid
i've been very happy with both my sensation dressage and my hrimnir
(treed) saddles.

in either case i think the important thing is to get a good dealer and/or
saddle fitter and a trial period is invaluable.  (though i think long
after my trial periods for both i'm going to want yet a *different*
saddle, now that we've taken up jumping of all thingssigh! :)


RE: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Karen Thomas
 After years of riding English, I actually feel very safe in the
leather-covered EZ Rides that came on the Tucker.  How weird do you suppose
it would look if I hung them on the dressage saddle?  I'd sure feel safer.

I have EZ-rides on my Sensation Dressage and I think it looks tres chic.
I'd say go for it!  (After all, how stylish would we look being dragged from
a horse...?)

But then, I rode in a western BMSS for a while, rigged with English peacock
irons for safety, so how stylish am I...?

Karen Thomas

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1:29 PM

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Nancy Sturm
I actually have a brand new pair of EZ rides with cages in my tackroom.  I
bought them for Stephanie, but have never put them on a saddle.  After years
of riding English, I actually feel very safe in the leather-covered EZ Rides
that came on the Tucker.  How weird do you suppose it would look if I hung
them on the dressage saddle?  I'd sure feel safer.

By the way, after a lifetime of riding 16 h horses and now having the 14.3 h
Hunter as a primary horse, I feel like Clinton Anderson or some other long
lean cowboy type when I step off Tosca and the ground is right there under
my left foot.  I always wondered what that would feel like.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Karen Thomas
 to me the hybrid is more secure feeling.

I think all Sensations are secure, but the Hybrid is probably the most.

Karen Thomas

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1:29 PM

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Janice McDonald
to me the hybrid is more secure feeling.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 9/18/07, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 And I'm a little
> worried about spooks in an unfamiliar saddle.

Orri has done some spooks and bolts while we rode with  the Sensation
Dressage--it hugs me and mades me feel safe.  I also have cages on my
EZ rides.

RE: [IceHorses] Saddles

2007-09-18 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I'm really nervous about buying a saddle that might not work and  I've
never ridden in a treeless.  Am I right in remembering that Sensation has a
demo period?

Yes, most of the treeless brands have demo periods.  I like the Sensations
best and find them VERY secure - more secure than any treed saddle I've ever
ridden in.  The Torsions and Barefoots aren't bad either.

Karen Thomas

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1:29 PM

RE: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-10 Thread Karen Thomas
Does she have a website? Which saddle are we talking about anyway?
Sylvia Janice was originally talking about a Hybrid Sensation,
but I like all of the Sensations.

Karen Thomas
(704) 516-3179

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-10 Thread gemstonerotts
Does she have a website? Which saddle are we talking about anyway?  Sylvia

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-10 Thread Janice McDonald
>  >>> I am told the pics don't do it justice, that it was  purchased in march
> and is like brand new.  So if you want to bypass the 6  week wait and want a
> cool color and you dont need the
> extended seat, this  one might interest you. <<<
> What size is this seat on the saddle for sale, I am a size six pants, my
> horse has a wide back. Sylvia in California

if you are a size six you can wear it :)  But seriously, It is
supposed to be a size 15 in seat but if you  would contact kaaren
Jordan at her Sensation saddle website she can tell you how the fit
would be for you.
yipie tie yie yo

RE: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-10 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> True confessions,  V

Ha!  Did you read what someone wrote recently on the treeless list?  She
said that a good saddle is the "cowboy savings account.  If you have a
saddle, you ain't broke!"  I loved that.  I've jokingly referred to my
"saddle equity," but I'd never heard of the cowboy savings account. Since
I've gotten pretty close to having the saddles I need, I haven't been hurt
by buying and selling a few as my needs change.  If you get good saddles,
which often aren't the priciest ones, they will hold their values pretty
well.  I like my last BMSS a lot, but it wasn't going to work for Sina,
Melnir or Eitill, and I really didn't need it for the bigger horses.  I was
lucky enough to sell it for ALMOST what I paid for it, and was able to find
a better-suited-for-us Torsion to be my designated non-Sensation saddle -
for a good bit less.

Another woman on the treeless list told a cute story.  She went through such
as phase of buying and selling saddles a few years ago, trying to find
something that would work.  She had figured out how to buy and sell pretty
much even regarding cost, without spending a lot, but she still didn't want
her husband hassling her.  Luckily UPS mostly delivered during the day,
while her husband was at work.  One day, her cover was blown though, when
she and her small child were driving with her husband.  The little boy
pointed to a UPS truck, and said, "Look mommy, there's the saddle truck."  I
love that story.  I have since called UPS trucks, "saddle trucks."

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-10 Thread gemstonerotts
 >>> I am told the pics don't do it justice, that it was  purchased in march 
and is like brand new.  So if you want to bypass the 6  week wait and want a 
cool color and you dont need the
extended seat, this  one might interest you. <<<

What size is this seat on the saddle for sale, I am a size six pants, my  
horse has a wide back. Sylvia in California

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-10 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 7/9/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh...they all say they'll have a fit.  Or "that's it".  Or "enough!"
> It's all just crazy talk.
> Believe me...after a while they just turn a blind eye when you come
> wrestling in the door with another box.  I must say I am happy with
> this new Sensation, and I thought Gusti liked his BMSS..  Who knew?

Well--I've been told that "I spend it faster than it comes in" and
that I'm going to "ruin him" and that things "come in by the
truckload" or "we must be opening a business" possibly a "purolator
depot"   etc, etc, etc,  so I've cut back on my eBay shopping and
other fun purchases...  although I will be buying a bit for Gat, and I
hope that doesn't cause a stir.

True confessions,

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-09 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 09/07/07, Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The babe maybe, but not so skinny compared to what I used to be!  I'd
> love to have the saddle but I know that hubby would have a hairy fit
> if I buy another saddle at this present time..
> :(
> V

Oh...they all say they'll have a fit.  Or "that's it".  Or "enough!"
It's all just crazy talk.

Believe me...after a while they just turn a blind eye when you come
wrestling in the door with another box.  I must say I am happy with
this new Sensation, and I thought Gusti liked his BMSS..  Who knew?

married for 28 years...

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-09 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 7/9/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>\ No, wait, skinny Virginia ("the babe") stands a better chance of
fitting in the standard seat than I do!

Oh yeah!

The babe maybe, but not so skinny compared to what I used to be!  I'd
love to have the saddle but I know that hubby would have a hairy fit
if I buy another saddle at this present time..

Re: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-09 Thread Lorraine

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I sold my Sensation G3 trail saddle.  I still have
> for sale the
> Trekker for 350, pic attached.  Also, my new used
> Sensation Hybrid
> should arrive tomorrow and if it is too small it
> will be for sale,

What a nice saddle.  I wish I could buy it.  My butt
head husband would kill me.  LOL

 Happy Trails from Lori


Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's 
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

RE: [IceHorses] saddles sold/for sale

2007-07-09 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I am told the pics dont do it justice, that it was purchased in march and 
>>> is like brand new.  So if you want to bypass the 6 week wait and want a 
>>> cool color and you dont need the
extended seat, this one might interest you. 

You know, that brown one is just screaming out for Orri...or for Melnir...?  
No, wait, skinny Virginia ("the babe") stands a better chance of fitting in the 
standard seat than I do!

Karen Thomas
Wingate, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] saddles/tack/weird stuff for sale

2007-06-06 Thread Janice McDonald
maybe I can come to the Liz clinic again in oct Annaleise and bring
you some ducks and chickens then.  If you want eggs you have to have
an incubator and turn them three times a day.  If you buy a nice
electric turner you dont get as high a hatch rate as when you turn
them yourself, guess thats natures way...

My Sensation is Karens older one I bought, very nice almost like new,
a custom color, canyon brown and black.  It is awesome and I cant ride
Tivar in anything else so I dont want to sell it unless I can sell
some other stuff and buy a new hybrid...  but I will let you know if
it looks like I will be able to sell it.
yipie tie yie yo

RE: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-18 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Janice,
In this photo it looks to me like you are sitting in a neutral pelvis and
not lifting through the sternum but I will have Peggy's x-ray eyes look at
it and see if she has some suggestions.  


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 5/17/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i will get up and
> have to hobble.  its pathetic :)

I'm like that too. :(

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Janice McDonald
On 5/17/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Janiceas much as you ride, if that's the ONLY place you're sore after a
> ride, I don't even want to hear about it!  My gosh, Cary and I swear
> everything hurts since we turned 50!

i meant unusually sore :)  Gosh I am so stiff after I ride!  not right
after but like that evening, after lazing around, i will get up and
have to hobble.  its pathetic :)
yipie tie yie yo

RE: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Karen Thomas
 lately there has been a change in the way I ride, i dont know what, but
I have an ache afterward in the middle of my back just below my shoulder
blades and after riding all weekend twice a day fri-sun last week I was sore
until yesterday.

Janiceas much as you ride, if that's the ONLY place you're sore after a
ride, I don't even want to hear about it!  My gosh, Cary and I swear
everything hurts since we turned 50!

Karen Thomas

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-17 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 5/16/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "IF" you have the ideal saddle *maybe* it would work.

According to my understanding of the article, you buy a larger saddle,
not one that fits, and then you shim with their shim system according
to the needs of the horses back.


RE: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Janice

>lately there has been a change in the way I ride, i dont know what,
>but I have an ache afterward in the middle of my back just below my
>shoulder blades

We are in the midst of a clinic with Peggy Cummings and I suspect that you
are lifting through your sternum and that will give a lot of discomfort
through the mid back.  If you have a photo of yourself riding from the side
I will ask Peggy to look at it and give you some suggestions if you like.

One thing is that if your saddle is sitting even slightly downhill in front
that can trigger a rider to hold in that part of the back.  That is where
slight shimming on either side in the front can really help.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Janice McDonald
lately there has been a change in the way I ride, i dont know what,
but I have an ache afterward in the middle of my back just below my
shoulder blades and after riding all weekend twice a day fri-sun last
week I was sore until yesterday.  Not a real problem, i just wonder
why.  Maybe I am slumping...  but it has happened at times in
different saddle with diff horses so must be something about me...  is
it slump you think??  When I ride stonewall on a slow ride he has a
very pronounced camel walk and I get a little lower back pain.  so
this feels completely different/
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Laree Shulman
> I never said that there was. I just said that no one can convince ME
> that a treed saddle is better for a horse's back than a treeless.  I
> rode in it for several hour rides, then on a 6 hr trail ride. Then I
> bought one.
> Robyn

Wow, Robyn, did my mail get screwed up? - I wasn't responding to you,
I was repsonding to Lorraine about the Sensatrion and her reaction to
it as far as comfort for her back


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Janice McDonald
On 5/16/07, Robyn Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> No one will ever convince me that a treed saddle is better for a
> horse's back than a treeless. There is a lot of truth to the theory
> that a treed saddle might fit a horse perfectly--until he moves.

there are some cases where a treeless is bad.  Like my jaspar has a
prominent spine even when very fat.  It sticks up, knobby all the way,
and when rubbed, he gets a fistula.  He had a bad one from a poor
saddle pad and a tucker saddle and it became chronic, and a treeless
aggravates it. (I ditched the Tucker).   Perhaps before he ever got
the fistula if I had him in a treeless with proper shims it wouldnt
have happened.  But as it is it is such that he can only be ridden in
a saddle with absolute spine clearance, and what works best for him
actually is my orthoflex because with the panels and booties theres
nothing on his spine whatsoever, not even a saddle pad.  Horses with
real real prominent withers also, you can't put a wide tree or
treeless where it will sit down and rub right on the withers.
Fistulous withers and spine is a very serious life threatening chronic

I think Liz said it best when she said you really shouldnt mix and
match.  You should either have a treed saddle that fits or a treeless
that is completely flexible with a good saddle pad that will have
shims or whatever to protect the spine.  I sent my orthoflex back and
had the new special short, extra flexible panels put on, and they
ground off some of the back of the saddle which allows even more flex
and fit for a shorter backed horse and so far it works good for two of
my horses.

I think we always need to NEVER forget that no one saddle fits every
horse and you have to have an open mind always with each horse and
their individual problems.  Like Tivar, I really much prefer a treed
saddle, my orthoflex, a Tucker even for ME but for my horses each one
has to have what he needs and Tivar MUST have a treeless.

yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Robyn Schulze
> There is no saddle, horse or anything else that works for everyone -
> thank goodness - what a boring world it would be.  Butt... did you
> just sit in it or ride in it?

I never said that there was. I just said that no one can convince ME
that a treed saddle is better for a horse's back than a treeless.  I
rode in it for several hour rides, then on a 6 hr trail ride. Then I
bought one.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-17 Thread Laree Shulman
> I know that the sensation is a great saddle but when I
> sat in one it didn't feel good for my bad lower back.

There is no saddle, horse or anything else that works for everyone -
thank goodness - what a boring world it would be.  Butt... did you
just sit in it or ride in it?

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-16 Thread Robyn Schulze
> That may be true with most treeless, but the Sensation
> has foam "panels" to help distribute the weight in
> addition to the proper "treeless" pad.  And, of
> course, she promotes their saddles and shims and their
> VERY expensive pad!!!

There are things about the Parellis that I like and others that I
don't.  The Buy-my-stuff-or-you-won't-succeed attitude falls in the
latter category.

No one will ever convince me that a treed saddle is better for a
horse's back than a treeless. There is a lot of truth to the theory
that a treed saddle might fit a horse perfectly--until he moves. Then
everything about the horse's back has just changed, and the saddle no
longer fits.  In my experience, however limited, the treeless saddles
can be a bit harder to sit b/c they require very good balance on the
part of the rider. For someone w/ poor balance, the saddle will not be

Treeless saddles, bitless bridles...I know, I'm a real granola-head.
But my goal is bareback/bridleless (that includes halterless too) and
I plan to NOT do it the Parelli-way.


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread susan cooper

--- Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just received my 'Savvy Times' and Linda Parelli
> wrote an article
> "Saddles, Pads, Shims" where she says that the
> concentrated weight of
> a rider in a treeless saddle can be
> problematic--that a horse will
> find it difficult to push up into the pressure. 
> That the ideal saddle
> invites a horse to lift his back and push upwards.
> Of course she
> promotes their saddles and shim system.<<

That may be true with most treeless, but the Sensation
has foam "panels" to help distribute the weight in
addition to the proper "treeless" pad.  And, of
course, she promotes their saddles and shims and their
VERY expensive pad!!!

Susan in NV

Happy High Desert Trails 

Susan in NV
Nevermore Ranch

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RE: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Karen Thomas
 I think the PP saddles are made by Balance International.

I'm pretty sure not.  Linda started working with Carol Brett of Balance, and
featured a lesson with Carol in her Fluidity video.  But I think they parted
ways at some point.   I took Sina to a saddle fit clinic and personal
fitting with Carol when she was in this area, and I have a lot of respect
for her, even though she didn't have a saddle that would work for Sina.  I
am quite skeptical about the Parelli saddles.

Karen Thomas, NC

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RE: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Karen Thomas
 I just received my 'Savvy Times' and Linda Parelli wrote an article
"Saddles, Pads, Shims" where she says that the concentrated weight of a
rider in a treeless saddle can be problematic--that a horse will find it
difficult to push up into the pressure.  That the ideal saddle invites a
horse to lift his back and push upwards. Of course she promotes their
saddles and shim system.

I like part of the Parelli system...but in all honesty, I think Linda
doesn't really "get" saddles and fit.  She started on her saddle-fit quest
by listening to Carol Brett of Balance Saddles, and I think Carol is
extremely innovative and knowledgeable.  I think Linda would have been
better served to have let others with more time and experience have the very
complicated world of saddle design.   I think their one-size-fits-all saddle
system is a joke and I hate the air-pads they sell - and none of this line
of theirs seems to be consistent at all with what I heard Carol Brett say
when I took Sina to her for a saddle-fitting.

But I like their seven games system... :)

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Judy Ryder

I just received my 'Savvy Times' and Linda Parelli wrote an article
> "Saddles, Pads, Shims" where she says that the concentrated weight of
> a rider in a treeless saddle can be problematic--that a horse will
> find it difficult to push up into the pressure.  That the ideal saddle
> invites a horse to lift his back and push upwards. Of course she
> promotes their saddles and shim system.<<<

Personally, I don't believe that is true.

"IF" you have the ideal saddle *maybe* it would work.

But I doubt that many horses have the ideal saddle.

I suspect more horses are hollowing out because of the saddles that their 
riders think "fit them perfectly".

In regard to the mechanics, with a treed saddle, if the horse rounds up, 
what happens to the tree?  At what points does it touch (or not touch) the 
horse's back?

Suppose you have a saddle that bridges what happens if the horse rounds 

In regard to distribution (or concentration) of weight, I did not write the 
following, but this is what I believe:

"One of the reasons I never considered going treeless before
this year was because I thought that I really needed a tree to
properly distribute my weight.  But after doing a lot of research
into saddle fit, I found that a good treeless saddle with a proper
pad underneath can actually be a BETTER option than a treed saddle.
And the horses I've been riding are certainly telling me this too.
They are moving out more freely and there are no signs of pressure
points or ill-fit with our Sensation Ride saddles.

The biggest issue is not necessarily weight, but balance and riding
with a centered seat.  A person who is 200 lbs and rides with a
centered, balanced seat is much easier on a horse than a 100 lb rider
who is un-balanced and/or bounces on the horses back.  Now,
it's still very important to make sure the horse's back is properly
protected - even more so with a heavier weight rider.

After doing some looking into treeless saddles, I found the Sensation
Ride saddle seemed to be the best option for us. We first ordered one
for my friend who had an Icelandic gelding with a lump on his back
just behind his wither.  We are fairly certain this was caused from
ill saddle fit (treed saddle).  We couldn't risk putting pressure on
that spot and any treed saddle would certainly have done that.

We ordered the Sensation Dressage saddle for him and his rider and it
is working out exceptionally well for them.  As a matter of fact, I
borrowed the saddle to use it on another horse and after only
one trail ride, I just couldn't go back to a treed saddle.  I ordered
the Sensation Dressage Trail saddle and just got it in yesterday.  I
love, love, love this saddle!

One of my biggest concerns with this saddle was stability on the
horse's back.  I just couldn't wrap my head around how a non-treed
saddle could be stabile on the horse's back.  But to my amazement,
these Sensation saddles we have are FAR more stabile on the horse's
back than the treed saddles we've ridden in.  We have put these
saddles to the test with steep hills, the horse "tipping over" in a
snow drift, horses taking off at a gallop, trotting, gaiting,
cantering, etc...  These saddles have not BUDGED on the horse's backs
in any situation so far.  I can't explain it, and I surely don't
understand it, but they really are far more stabile than any treed
saddle I've ridden in.

And don't get me started on comfort :-).  I could go on for days and
days about how so incredibly comfy the Sensation saddles are.  It's
like riding on a cloud.  I can also feel the horse moving under me
WAY more than in the Wintecs or any other treed saddle I've ridden
in.  My friend made the comment that "she doesn't want to get out of
the saddle ever again".

I think the Sensation saddle comes in a synthetic material.  I too
love synthetic, but after seeing the quality of the leather in the
Sensations, I am sold on the "grippy leather" offered on the
Sensations.  It seems to be water resistant, tough yet butter soft.

Though I love Wintecs and feel that they are an excellent option for
many horses, I doubt I'll ever go back to them after riding in the
Sensation.  It's hard for me to let go of my reasons for loving my
Wintec, but I have to say the fit of the Sensation to horse and rider
beats even my beloved Wintec Icelandic.  I want the horses I work
with to be as comfortable as possible, and the Sensation saddles seem
to be the most comfortable for them."


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Raven
>>'Savvy Times' and Linda Parelli wrote an article "Saddles, Pads, Shims"

I think the PP saddles are made by Balance International.

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn, the American Ice Pony
Dixie Chic, the Barn Goddess

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Icey

2007-05-16 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 5/16/07, Lorraine Voog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am very happy with the Barefoot saddles so far.  I
> love my new blue Cheyenne.  Lorraine

So cute!

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Virginia Tupper
I just received my 'Savvy Times' and Linda Parelli wrote an article
"Saddles, Pads, Shims" where she says that the concentrated weight of
a rider in a treeless saddle can be problematic--that a horse will
find it difficult to push up into the pressure.  That the ideal saddle
invites a horse to lift his back and push upwards. Of course she
promotes their saddles and shim system.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Raven
Hi Nancy.I use a Reactor Panel endurance saddle for Huginn. I also
have a Nickers Sensation Pad as a second saddle. The best saddle for
an IcePony is the one that fits both pony and rider. <:]

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn, the American Ice Pony
Dixie Chic, the Barn Goddess

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Lorraine Voog
> Nancy -
> I think you'll find that the favorite saddle of a
> majority on this
> list is the Sensation - it was developed by an
> endurance rider and
> seems to fit most of our wide backed ponies/horses.
> -- 
> Laree

I know that the sensation is a great saddle but when I
sat in one it didn't feel good for my bad lower back. 
I am probably the only one who feels this way.  oh
well.  Lorraine

 Happy Southwestern Trails

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Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Laree Shulman
On 5/16/07, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are your favorite saddles for Icey's?

Nancy -

I think you'll find that the favorite saddle of a majority on this
list is the Sensation - it was developed by an endurance rider and
seems to fit most of our wide backed ponies/horses.

Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread Robyn Schulze
> > What are your favorite saddles for Icey's?

IMHO, the Sensation, hands down. It fits my 13.1 Icelandic, my 15.2
TWH, and 5'3" me. It's comfy and perfect, wouldn't trade it for


Re: [IceHorses] Saddles & Iceys

2007-05-16 Thread pyramid
On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 07:52:12AM -0700, Nancy  Sturm wrote:
> What are your favorite saddles for Icey's?

i do love love love my hrimnir with the comfy quilted seat.  i'm no
endurance rider, but i do ten or twelve miles of trail without a second
thought, and have never had a moment's pain from it, no slipping, and it
fits my mack truck of a pony beautifully.  if only i were a little
bigger, it'd be perfect in every way but it is an icelandic saddle
and i gather icelanders are the tallest folk in the world, which i'm

--vicka, crossing threads :)